#in my mind she came back and they got married and are raising the cutest children
introvert--weeb · 3 years
Haikyuu!! Boys taking their children to work
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TW: mentions of fishing, friendly competition, not entirely proofread
A/N: I seem to really enjoy writing characters as parents. And people seem to enjoy imagining themselves with a family with characters. And so, this scenario came to existence while I was chatting with @ohnolily who encouraged I write it a while ago. So here is some Haikyuu!! on my blog! ❤️ I will also admit that it isn't like my usual scenarios/headcanons as it is quite short. But I hope you all enjoy it anyway 💕
Shoyo Hinata
You had been called into work at the last minute. Something about an emergency meeting that you couldn't miss, no matter how much you wanted to spend the day with your 3 year old daughter. So you only had one choice. Ask Shoyo to take Hana to practice with him.
Shoyo, your beloved husband, was excited over the idea of taking the little girl with him. Especially since he had been gushing about his beautiful baby girl to the other players at MSBY Black Jackals. So when you told him that he would have to look after Hana for the day, he agreed wholeheartedly.
After making sure he knew exactly what to take, you quickly left to your work. Not that you wanted to but the sooner you were there and had the meeting, the sooner you would be back to spoil your little girl. And so Hana's day with the Black Jackals began.
Everyone was surprised to see their short Outside Hitter enter the gym with a small child in his arms. It was undeniable that the child was his. Other than the eyes in which she had got from you, Hana was the perfect clone of her father. Something that had made you very happy, especially when your husband would be gone for away games. Even her bubbly personality was like her father's.
Sakusa kept at a distant, not wanting to get sick and since he was unable to wear his mask while on court, it would be likely. However, Atsumu and Bokuto didn't seem to have an issue cooing over the sweet girl. The other members of MSBY all cooed over how cute she was and awed when she took an instant interest in the volleyballs within the cart.
Atsumu and Bokuto would seem to be in competition with each other in terms of getting Hana's affections. It seemed that whoever won would officially be the best uncle, trying to impress the 3 year old with their spikes and sets. However, Hana seemed to gravitate more towards Sakusa much to everyone's dismay. However, deep down, Sakusa couldn't help but feel some pride in the knowledge that he was the little Hinata's favourite.
Hinata would just watch his daughter with a proud smile on his face. He had helped to make and raise this gorgeous little girl and nothing could make him happier than to see her laughing and smiling at his teammates. Maybe he would convince you to let him take her to practices more?
Tetsuro Kuroo
Tetsuro couldn't believe his ears when you told him that he would have to look after the boys today. Surely you knew he was in the office today? But the man knew better than to argue with you. And so, due to you having to go to work to sort some incident out, Kuroo was left with the twins.
He couldn't help but dread the rest of the day. Your boys were...well the best way to put it was a handful. They were at the age where they were getting inquisitive and asking questions about everything. Sometimes it was endearing, but after the 50th 'why' in a row, you couldn't help but want to shut them up.
So Kuroo entered the offices of the Japan National Volleyball Association with a 4 year old on each hand. Atsushi and Haru were identical, looking like a perfect mix between you and your beloved. Black hair and nose shape from your husband, and their eyes and lips from you. This made them the cutest children.
Thankfully, your children were behaving as good as gold while in the offices with their father. They were just happy to spend time with their dad since it had been a while since they were able to. Being a part of the JNVA really did leave Kuroo with little time to spend with his adorable sons.
The office workers couldn't help but coo over how cute the twins were. And the two boys ate it up! They could have gotten away with anything due to how cute they were. Tetsuro couldn't be happier that they were actually behaving though.
Once the work at the office was completed, Kuroo decided he would take Atsushi and Haru along to meet up with their uncle Kenma as the man had some business to go over with the blond. Upon hearing this, their little faces lit up like Christmas lights. The boys adored their uncle Kenma and would often ask their dad to take them to visit. So today was becoming the best day of their lives (so far). Maybe taking the boys to work wasn't so bad.
Tobio Kageyama
No-one knew about Tobio Kageyama having a child. It was only recent knowledge that he was married. Tobio just didn't feel the need to let everyone know about his personal life. It was personal for a reason after all. It would have stayed personal knowledge if it wasn't you having to travel to your parents' home due to an emergency. Something that required your beloved husband to look after your gorgeous son.
Schweiden Adlers were not prepared for their Setter to enter the gym for practice with a 2 year old resting on his hip. Tobio paid little mind to the shocked expressions of his teammates and instead went to get ready for practice. His bag was filled with milk cartons, for his son of course.
Hikaru looked a lot like his father in his facial structure but had been blessed with your eyes and hair colour. In basic terms, he looked constantly grumpy but wasn't a clone of his father. However, Hikaru had taken after his father in terms of his love for milk.
Ushijima was the first to bring the boy up, having gotten over the shock the quickest. This was the cue for Tobio to explain how you had to go to your parents' house as an emergency had come up. And due to that, Hikaru had to come along to practice.
Everyone would want to spend time with the 2 year old! Ushijima would happily tell the small toddler about volleyball and how he was going to end up like his father, Romero would throw the small Hikaru into the air and catch him again, causing the toddler to laugh happily. However, Hoshiumi was the most energetic in entertaining the youngest Kageyama. A full lap of the gym while playing airplane was definitely something Hikaru seemed to enjoy most.
Overall, Hikaru was welcomed warmly by the team, even seeming to like volleyball in Tobio's mind. However, this stemmed from Hikaru seeming to like drooling over one of the spare balls which one of the teammates had given him (Ushijima, I'm looking at you). Maybe bringing the small boy will solidify his love for the sport like it had for the setter?
Yuu Nishinoya
Travelling the world with his small family was an experience that Yuu seemed to really enjoy. After all, he had a gorgeous wife and two beautiful children that he loved with all his heart. So when you had fallen ill and couldn't look after the little ones, Nishi was the first to offer to take them with him.
That day, Yuu was planning on going fishing and so, the two children would also go fishing with him. A once in a lifetime experience! Well, that's what he had told the two that were accompanying him today.
Aiko was the youngest, a 3 year old girl who was the spitting image of Yuu, and yet had your personality so far. While Kano, a 6 year old boy, was the spitting image of you but had his father's personality. Both were the cutest children and lived a happy life travelling the globe with their parents.
Getting onto the boat, the day's events began. Aiko was enjoying the experience, especially seeing the fish that her father caught and showed her. Kano, however, started off being bored with how much patience it required. Although, as the day went on, both children were happily spending time with their father fishing.
Yuu enjoyed his time with his children but damn, was it stressful at times. Trying to make sure Aiko didn't get ahold of the sharp objects found on the boat was an all day activity. Kano did help look after his sister but a child's attention span was only so long.
Yuu noted how great it was to spend time with his children. It was unfortunate that you were ill but once you were better again, you could join them. However, maybe he would choose a more child-friendly and less stressful activity.
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Over The Moon
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Gif credit @jamespendricks.
Requested by anon. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the request.
Taglist @ackles-nhl. @cbouvier23.
Warning: pregnancy struggles, depression.
When you married Lee, you thought you would get pregnant and start a family right away. By now you thought you would have three or four kids but it's been five years and nothing. Boy, have you tried and tried. Ever chance you got to try, you took it. But it always came back negative. Doctors couldnt find anything wrong so you were to just wait it out and let it happen. But you just wanted a little bundle of joy in your arms, in your home, in your life.
"Babe? You alright"? Lee placed his hand on your knee as you stared out in space but what you were really doing was getting jealous over the family at the next table with a new baby boy.
"Yeah. Just thinking". You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder as you ate your ice cream.
"It'll happen. I promise. Just you wait, we'll have the most beautiful kids that ever walked the earth. They'll give Tate a run for his money". Lee laughed, licking his cone.
"Oh definitely. Kaceys cute and all but my husband has the most handsomest genes ever". You giggle when Lee slide his hand up your thigh and squeezed.
"So you think my baby brother is cute"?
"No". You giggled even louder when Lee squeezed your thigh and started tickling you. You tried getting his hand away, he was stronger and he was on a mission to get you happy and laugh.
"Uncle, uncle". You squealed, drawing attention of the couple next to you.
"You two are the cutest. Reminds me of us before the baby". The wife said with a sweet smile.
"We're actually trying for a baby". Lee told the wife.
"How long you two been married"? The husband asked.
"Five years. Going on six in May". You replied waving to the baby in his arms.
"We've been married for ten and this is our first. We've waited so long. Never thinking it will happen but then we just gave up trying and it happened. But you're both young, it'll happen". The wife smiled, wiping spit up from her shirt.
You looked at Lee and you both had it in your mind. TEN YEARS, waiting to have a baby. That's not going to happen.
"It was lovely meeting you guys but we better get this little guy home for a nap". The wife said as she gathered up hers and the baby's stuff.
"Nice meeting you as well. Have a great day". Lee smiled and waved. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest.
"That wont be us. We'll have a baby soon".
You nodded with a sniffle. All you wanted to do was go home and sleep. It was depressing not being about to have a baby right away.
Days had past since the couple threw water on your fire. Lee kept himself busy and you did the same. Maybe taking a break would be best. But you missed Lee so much.
One morning Lee was up before you so he decided that this break was enough. He cooked breakfast for you. All your favorites. He made a nice big pot of coffee and made you a cup to bring as he came into the bedroom to wake you.
"Good morning, baby". Lee sat on your side of the bed.
You yawned and stretched with a smile. "Good morning, my love". You pecked his lips and moaned into the kiss. "You taste really good. What did you eat"? You mumbled against his lip as you kissed him.
"Bacon". Lee raised a eyebrow with a chuckle.
"Mmm". You kissed his lips more, your hands going to his hair.
"I'm loving this right now but I made breakfast and it's going to get cold".
"Let's go. I'm starving. This for me"? You asked about the coffee.
"Yes. I made it just how you like it". Lee smiled and handed you the coffee cup.
"Thank you. I love you so much". You kissed his lips before drinking your coffee. "Ew. There isn't enough sugar". You gagged and suck out your tongue.
"I put like eight scoops of sugar. Enough to send a diabetic into shock". Lee chuckled as he went back into the kitchen.
"Still not enough". You say following him. Then you stopped in your tracks and dry heaved. "OH MY GOD, Lee. What is that smell"? You quickly covered your nose.
"Cinnamon French toast. Why"? Lee tilted his head.
"Its smells disgusting. Throw it out. Throw it out". You yelled. Lee grabbed the pan and put it on the front porch.
"What's going on"? Lee came back in and came over to you.
"I don't know. This coffee is bitter. The French toast smells horrible and my sexual appetite is up for your bacon covered lips. Oh my". You covered your mouth and held your stomach as you took off to the bathroom. You slammed the door in Lee's face and threw up in the toilet.
Lee cracked the door. "You okay, babe"? He poked his head in.
"I'm fine..blah". Another wave of nausea hit you. "Theres a smell in here making me sick". You fanned your nose.
Lee looked around and saw the scented plug in and took it out and threw it in the hallway.
"I need a minute". You waved Lee out and threw up again.
"I'll get you a Sprite". Lee thought that would settle your stomach.
As you sat down on the edge of the bath tub, you felt a wave of dizziness hit you and then came another wave of throwing up. Was it something you ate? Did you have the flu? Was it a stomach bug? Your mind was racing. Until you remembered in the baby book you read. You had some symptoms.
Crawling over to the sink you reached under the sink and pulled out a pregnancy test. You had about two dozen of them. So you peed on one, then another and another. Until you had littered the bathroom floor with wrappers.
"Y/N, I got you some sprite and I called the doctor. They'll see you this afternoon". Lee knocked on the door. When he didn't hear anything he slowly opened the door. There you sat on the toilet, tears running down your cheeks. You were sobbing uncontrollably. Lee sat the cup down and knelt beside you.
"What's wrong"? Lee looked at you confused as you tried to form words.
"Weree goina hve bby". You cried happily. Lee still didnt understand.
"What"? Lee laughed.
"We're going to have a baby"! You screamed with excitement, showing him the dozen of pregnancy tests all saying positive.
"No way. No way". Lee's jaw dropped his hand went to his mouth. He was shocked beyondbelief. "You're serious? What? Let me see"? Lee picked up one pregnancy test at a time checking them over.
"We're going to have a baby". He laughed, standing up with a test in his hand. His heart grew with love, he was finally going to have a baby of his own.
You got dressed and wrapped your arms around him. "We're going to be parents". You sob into his chest. Lee picked you up, his hands rested on your lower butt.
"You're going to be a mommy. I'm going to be a daddy". Lee sobbed into your shoulder.
"I love you so much". You kissed his wet lips.
"I love you so much more. Thank you". This was the happiest moment of your lives so far. A dream come true. And it was just going to get better.
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mrsseverussnape · 4 years
Could you write a HC or short writing about how Severus would react as he becomes a father ? Your writing is so great!
A/N: thank you so much anon!💖 Since you were the only one who sent me a request, i kinda kept it long + i adore Severus as father!😻 hope you like it!❤️
When Severus Snape found out you are pregnant + if he was a father would include:
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You and Severus were married for 2 years when you found out you were pregnant.
Your period was late and you were having morning sicknesses lately but you have thought it’s because of stress since it has same affects on you.
But this time you had a suspicion that you haven’t had before. So you went to see Madam Pomfrey in your free period to have it checked.
Minutes later you were rushing to your shared chambers, weren’t able to hold your tears back anymore.
You sat on the big bed and cried your eyes out at the fresh news you just found out; you were pregnant with your very first child!
After you calmed down a little bit, now another thing appeared in your mind; how would you tell it to your husband?
You and Severus haven’t talked about having a child at all to be honest, you were enjoying your family of 2. Because of that you weren’t sure how he would react and that scared you.
You didn’t have any more classes today so you decided to apparate to London to pick something up. You have decided you would break the news by giving him something rather than saying it to his face, this would be less intimidating for you.
At the dinner you tried to act as normal as possible but internally you were dying out of excitement and fear.
After the dinner you and Severus went to your shared chamber. He needed to mark some papers so he was in his study room while you were preparing yourself in the bedroom.
Sometime later you showed up at his study’s doorsill.
“I got something for you.”
“What for?” Severus questioned as his eyebrow raised.
You didn’t reply him but put the tiny box on his desk while biting down on your lip. He noticed your shakey hand and now he has started to worry. Severus untied the white ribbon that was around the box and lifted the lid. His eyes grew bigger when his gaze met the tiny pair of fluffy baby shoes which looked like bunnies.
Severus took them out carefully then his eyes met with yours, that was enough for you to breakdown and cry. He came by your side quickly and hugged you tight. You stayed like that for sometime until you heard him whisper:
“Am i going to be a father?”
You pulled away just look at him, his eyes were shining with tears like yours but you could tell he was trying to keep it together. You gave him a nod.
“I... i don’t know how... how to be a father...”
“I don’t know how to be a mother either, Sev. We will figure it out.”
“But you know me... I am not the best with children... And what if i turn out to be like him... my father...?”
You sushed him with a chaste kiss on his lips.
“You are not like him, not even a tiny bit. Also about the children, again me neither Sev.”
You chuckled and that made him crack a smile.
“Maybe we won’t be the world’s best parents but i am sure we will be the best ones for this little one, she is ours and we will love her dearly.”
“I felt like it...”
Your feelings were right, you had a baby girl and she was the cutest thing you two have ever seen. Severus fell in love with her the very first moment he saw her.
First few weeks were hard for both of you because you were trying to get used to live with a baby. But Severus was the greatest help you could ever ask for.
How kangaroos carry their babies inside of their pouches, Severus was the human version of them. He would wrap his baby inside of his big cloak and continue with his day like that.
Well now you weren’t able to put her sleep unless you had Severus or his cloak, the cloak became your daughter’s safety blanket.
This was just the start tho, a few years later your daughter became a total daddy’s girl. But you weren’t complaining since they were the cutest duo you’ve ever seen.
The dark and scary professor was letting his only daughter to put makeup on him behind the closed doors and they were having tea parties with your daughter’s princess set, for your information he had to wear a tiara as well.
When she got older, Severus started to take her daddy & daughter dates just to show how she should be treated and shouldn’t accept anything less.
Their favourite hobby to do together was sitting by the Great Lake and drawing each other. This started when she was 6 and continue every now and then. Severus kept every drawing dearly.
When she became a teenager and started to go on dates, Severus became even more protective of her. He would threat the person if he didn’t like them in the slightest when your daughter wasn’t around. Usually there wasn’t a second date after they saw your daughter’s father.
But one particular person made it far and after years of dating, they proposed.
Severus felt like he’s gonna die after your daughter broke the news. For him, she was still his little baby girl.
At your daughter’s wedding, Severus seemed quite off and it became definite when he cried during their father & daughter dance. It was the first time for your daughter to see her dad cry. Well that made her cry as well, eventually you joined them too. It was a mess.
“You are still my baby...”
“Always, daddy.”
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Hi! Today I saw a newborn baby and it got me thinking so maybe a Ron and hermione’s POV of them watching Harry and Ginny interact with newborn James Sirius, like maybe a dinner at the burrow and James being a month old or something like that , if you don’t want to though it’s fine! Don’t worry, las ve your fics btw
thank you anon, really, I had a shitty day, and writing about James Sirius being pampered by his parents, made me smile again <3 
i hope you liked it :)
Harry looked happy, very happy, Ron thought. He thought he never saw him as happy as Harry seemed when he held little James in his arms, sleeping peacefully after being fed by Ginny, his small hands clinging to his father's shirt.
He looked tired too, very tired, and Ginny looked even more so, they both had dark circles under their eyes, messy hair like someone who hasn't taken a real shower in a few days, and wrinkled clothes. They looked exhausted.
But still, when Ginny passed James Sirius to Harry to lull and put him to sleep, he looked radiant.
James had been born less than a month ago, Ron and Hermione had taken turns to help the two manage the house, make food, and still take care of a baby, so they always stopped by twice a week, checking to see if friends didn't need anything. Also, to see their godson, who Ron thought was the cutest and most beautiful baby he had ever seen.
The boy had fluffy, pink cheeks, a tuft of brown hair that looked like a beautiful mix between Ginny and Harry's hair - but it was still quite dark and messy, and Molly said the boy would look like Harry when he grew up - and the most adorable hands and feet that Ron ever thought he saw. Chubby and cute, that smelled like a baby and made him embarrassingly in love, making him kiss the soles of his feet, or ''hide'' behind his little hands, just to make James let out that giggle that was also the most adorable thing.
And when Ron looked at Harry cradling James, he thought his friend felt everything he felt, but elevated to the tenth power.
The guy looked ridiculously in love with James, a twinkle in his eye that Ron had never seen Harry have, even when he married Ginny. It was different, a completely different joy that everyone seemed to notice when they went to visit the two.
Ginny also looked very happy, of course, but Ron was a little swayed by Harry's happiness.
Molly had said it was as if James was able to turn a key on Harry that would trigger a side of him that no one had ever seen. As if that little baby, less than a month old, was able to finally make Harry look like the 25-year-old man he was, and not that frowning man who always seemed to be waiting for the worst to happen. Harry even started crying and showing feelings in front of everyone, without even looking embarrassed.
He looked almost stupid, crying like an idiot after James was born, showing his son on his lap through the nursery glass. Everyone was there, watching Harry smile like a fool and wipe away the tears that never seemed to end, waiting to pick up his son again.
'How are you doing?' He asked, after storing the food he had brought in the fridge and cupboards, organizing the kitchen and living room a little, going back to their room soon after, finding Harry still cradling James and Ginny in a different outfit from the pajamas from before. A tired smile on her face.
'Good, thanks for helping us.' She hugged him. Ginny had also become much more loving, she was always giving hugs and saying 'I love you' to the brothers when they left. 'James has been sleeping more now, still with us, but it’s too cold and he is never covered at night and would probably freeze if he slept alone.'
‘Still waking up every hour?’ Ron accompanied her out of the room as Harry prepared to place his son in his crib.
'He's been taking a break, waking up every three hours.' Ginny laughed, sounding exhausted, but still looking happy. 'Yesterday was the first night that he woke up only twice, which I am very grateful for.'
'Mione and I can take care of him in the afternoon for you and Harry to sleep.' Ron offered, again.
‘You don’t really need to, we’re holding up well.’ And again, Ginny denied, sitting on the island stool and eating the chicken salad that Ron had brought her. ‘Thank you, again, for helping us.’
'I thought you would like to eat real food.' He smiled. 'Harry told me that you don't even have time to cook.'
'Yes, James likes attention.' Harry walked into the kitchen, his old shirt wrinkled and his son's cloth over his shoulder, sitting next to Ginny and attacking his chicken salad, looking almost as hungry as Ginny. ‘I left some ready-made frozen foods, but I’m still trying to understand how the microwave works.’
'You should just apply a heat spell to food,' Ron debated, pouring juice for both of them. 'Mione sent to ask if you need an ... uh... ointment for your breasts. She said that because of the winter, your skin may be very dry.' He tried not to blush, but Ginny didn't even seem to mind the question, denying it and filling her mouth with salad.
'Harry bought it for me, but tell her that I appreciate the concern.'
'How are things at the office?' Harry asked, looking genuinely curious. Ron wondered if, one day, he would quit work to stay home with his kids, or being active was something Harry needed to feel useful. While he seemed happy to have won that time to be with his son, he also seemed happy that Ron was there to talk about what was going on at work.
'Boring as always.' Ron shrugged, laughing with Harry. 'Robards are in a very bad mood without you there, I think he is a little lost. And Joe finally called that guy from the Department of Transportation.’
'Oooh! Finally! Nobody put up with that sexual tension that surrounded them whenever he came to our office.’ Ron agreed. 'I think that maybe I should come back next week, just part time.'
'I miss you there, it's kind of lonely without having my mate to pretend I'm working when we're actually doing anything but that.' The two laughed, but again, Ron saw that look on Harry's face where he seemed torn between go back to work or stay with his child at home. ‘When do you start training again?’
'Only two months from now.' Ginny sighed. 'Gwenog said she can't take me back until at least three months of recovery.' She smiled, looking a little sad. ‘But doesn’t it look too soon? James will only be three months old and he won't have his parents around… We are still deciding how we will do it.' Harry nodded, his mouth full of juice.
'You will know what to do,' Ron said, smiling at both of them. 'You two look happy, even with sleep deprivation.'
'James brought a life to the house, even Teddy felt it, he came here over the weekend and he looked a lot happier, even when Harry said they couldn't fly.' Ginny smiled.
A few years later, when Ron held Rose for the first time as well and also cried like a fool, he would understand what Ginny was trying to say. For now, he just thought it was adorable as his sister and his best friend looked happy.
The war was over a few years ago, Ron thought that if there was anyone who deserved to be happy, it was Harry. And it was even better that it made Ginny happy too.
'Let me know if you need help, or a moment alone.' Ron raised his eyebrows maliciously, smiling at the two who laughed and looked at each other, seeming to be talking silently.
'Thank you mate, but I think the thing I most want to do in bed now, is to sleep.' 
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: hi idk if ur requests are open but i saw ur post for bruce wayne! can you do a bruce wayne x reader where they take young damian to a school fair or event and they get to watch him be a kid and then bruce is like "fuck it let's have another kid" and it's all fluff and lovey idk it just seems so sweet ily.
Warning: fluff
A/N: This was just... the cutest fucking request... Thank you for sending it in I loved writing it 
GIF not mine
Word count: 1.9k
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Damian Wayne might not have been the best at people skills, but he sure as hell was one amazing soccer player. After you and Bruce had him enrolled in school, you thought it was a good idea for him to join a sports team as well. He was already so athletically built, it made sense for him to do something fun with it.
So, as much as he grumbled about having to join a stupid team to waste his time and lessen his activities as Robin, he found himself enjoying the sport. It was a good way for him to let out his frustration without someone getting maimed or injured (mostly). And even though he didn't like his teammates that much, he tolerated them enough that he could learn from them.
It was great to see him enjoy himself so much. Ever since he arrived at your home, you didn't see him have fun very often. He was always a serious boy and as much as you tried to make him feel welcomed, he was always so cold. Attending his soccer games would at least show him some support - he appreciated it even if he didn't show it.
It took a long time for Damian to finally warm up to you. Once he did though, there was no stopping his unconditional love for you. If anyone dared to insult you, or the press put a bad word towards you, he was there to make sure that they knew that they were wrong. He wanted everyone to think of you highly.
You and Bruce had gotten married not long after he told you that he was Batman. He knew that he didn't want to spend his life with anyone else other than you. You supported him in his decisions, cared for him when he needed you the most, and no matter what the city of Gotham or his own friends thought of him, you were there with him threw it all.
Bruce wasn't perfect, you knew this. He had made lots of mistakes in his life but if there was one thing that you admired most about him, it was that he always was ready to learn from them. Bruce was the love of your life and no matter the kind of mistakes he made, you loved all of his flaws.
On Saturday morning, you, Bruce, and Damian were all loaded up in one of your many cars to take him to his soccer game. While Damian sat quietly in the back, you could tell that he was buzzing with excitement. You never expected him to enjoy the sport so much, but you were glad that he did.
Bruce kept one hand on the wheel and reached over to intertwine you fingers with the other. He brought your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. After years of being together, he still craved to touch you in any way possible. In public, he was always grasping your hand or you would have your arm looped around his.
Never in your life would you have thought that the great Batman would have such a need to be close to the one he loved. You guessed that he had already had so many close calls with the people he cared about that he wasn't willing to risk you getting close to the same fate. Bruce loved you more than he had ever loved before.
You were the person that drove him to be better. You were the reason that he got up in the morning. You were the reason that he pushed himself so hard to keep this city safe.
As soon as the car was parked, Damian leaped out of it with his duffel bag over his shoulder and was already running towards the field. You couldn't help but giggle at his excitement.
"Did you ever think Damian would get so excited about something so... normal when he arrived to the Manor?" You asked Bruce as the two of you got out of the car. It was a beautiful sunny day out and you couldn't be more happy to be outside to enjoy it.
"Not even close," Bruce shook his head. He grasped your hand once more as the two of you walked over to the bleachers set up for all the other parents. "I think you changed him a lot. He's so much more easy going then he once was. He looks up to you in ways that he'll never look up to me."
"Guess that's the motherly instincts inside me," you beamed up at him. Bruce stopped walking to kiss you. The eyes of all the other parents were gazing at you and those of them that weren't, certainly were now. As much as you loved Bruce Wayne, you didn't love his publicity and fame. "Everyone's watching us."
"Good," Bruce smirked. He was never shy when it came to showing his love towards you. After being the billionaire playboy for so long, he was used to having people stare at him with girls on his arm. Now, he had his beautiful wife and the only person that he ever truly fell in love with to show off.
"Come on, my love," you tugged on his hand before he could make even more of a scene. The two of you sat right at the front and away from anyone else. Sunglasses rested over your eyes from the glare of the hot sun. "I sometimes miss being so normal like this," you admitted to him.
The life you lived before meeting Bruce was a humble one. He was never used to wondering if bills could be paid that month or having to take the bus to work. Living a life of lavish made you forget your roots sometimes. Being able to sit on the uncomfortable metal bleachers with all these other parents made you remember what it used to be like.
"You're free to leave me any day," Bruce joked. You smacked his chest lightly. He knew that there wasn't a chance that you would ever leave him. You loved him too much to even consider it.
The whistle from the ref blew and the game started. Damian was on the field, his jersey tucked into his shorts and his socks so high they nearly covered his knees. He looked like a regular kid out there. It was a small bit of life that you wished for him. The concentration on his face and the hint of a smile on his lips told you and Bruce that he was enjoying himself.
"We should take him out for ice cream after, it's hot out today," you offered. Gotham city was never kind with its weather, the days that it was truly nice out were the days that you would never be caught inside. Even when Bruce refused to leave his cave and enjoy the son.
"You mean, you want to go get ice cream later," Bruce raised an eyebrow at you. He knew you too well. You shrugged, pretending like you had no idea what he was talking about. Bruce only rolled his eyes at you, but agreed. "We can go, only if Damian wants to." You pouted at his response.
If there was one thing that Bruce Wayne couldn't resist, it was your pout. The second that your bottom lip stuck out, he swooped down to kiss you. "Fine, we'll go either way," he changed his mind. You grinned at him.
Bruce's eyes darted over to the field. Damian had gotten the ball and was darting down the field all while managing to dodge all the defense. He had been bumped up a league when he tried out for the team, it wasn't fair to the other kids with his skills. Even now, he was managing to dodge and weave with all kinds of miraculous tricks that he had never learned during practice.
Damian had passed all the defense and was closing in on the goalie. He was incredible, it was like nothing could stop him. Even the goalie looked nervous as he approached. With a final move, Damian kicked the soccer ball right in the net with it just barely missing the mitts of the goalie.
"Whoo!" You stood up and cheered, unable to contain yourself. "Go Damian! That's my son!" The words passed your lips before you could stop them. Damian wasn't your son, he never referred to you as his mother and you never called him your son before. Damian had a mother, even if she was a terrible one.
You expected Damian to look over at you with a scowl on his lips at your cheer. However, when he locked eyes on you, with his father looking up at you with pride, he couldn't help but beam a smile at you.
Damian ran back to his team, accepting the hi-gives that they were giving him. You might not have been his mother, but hearing you say that he was showed how much you cared about him. It didn't matter if you weren't related by blood, you cared more about him than his real mother did.
You sat back down in your seat with a sheepish look on your face. Bruce grabbed your hand once more, this time playing with your wedding ring. He was just as surprised as you were to call Damian your own child. It had a nice sound to it though, one that he could get used to hearing.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled.
"For what?" Bruce furrowed his eyebrows at your sudden apology.
"Damian isn't my son. Thalia is his mother, I know that," You sighed. Bruce threw his arm around you shoulder and kissed the top of your head. There was no reason for you to feel bad about this. Damian was obviously pleased by your affection, you had nothing to worry about. Yet, you did.
"Let's have our own baby," Bruce suddenly stated. He had adopted so many kids that he always just assumed that you were content with the family you had been given. However, the more he thought about it, the more he realized how much he would love to have a little kid with both your genes in their veins.
"What?" You asked, shocked by his offer. He never spoke of wanting his own kid to raise. Damian was unexpected, he didn't even know about him for over a decade. You always assumed Bruce was just too busy to have an infant to take care of as well.
"Let's have a baby," Bruce said once more. The biggest smile that he had ever seen lit up your face. Your hands grasped the side of his face and you pulled him in for a kiss, not caring that everyone was watching you once more. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Bruce," You grinned. The idea of having your own child with him excited you more than anything else. Taking care of Dick and the others was always something that you loved, but it wasn't the same as having your own child. You never got to see them born or their first steps.
There was no one else in the world that you wanted to have a kid with. Bruce was the love of your life, with his flaws, his crazy life, everything.
"Let's get started on that tonight."
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
‘Anti Bully Buddy’
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You weren't someone who would take shit from others and a were naturally protective of the ones you loved, but the world just didn't work out in your favour and you always became the bad guy.
Enter Tall, Handsome new guy with too much free time and a goody two shoes complex who's forced to stick by you.
Huh, maybe the world was working in your favour this time...
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Pairings: Kun x fem!reader
Theme: Highschool, Bullying, Comical, humour, fluff.
Characters: Kun, Winwin, Ningning, Ten, oc «mentioned» Jisung.
Word Count: 3.7k
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It wasn't an uncommon phenomenon for you to find your wrists bruised and, yourself slightly wounded sitting outside the principal's office. There were three other kids sitting opposite you and they were all three years below.
The principal walked out, looked at you and sighed “Bullying these kids again y/n?”
Your head hung low as anger started to boil inside you and you clenched your fists that were on your lap.
“Sorry ma'am” you forced out through gritted teeth.
Here's the thing those three kids belonged to very influential parents in the school so no matter what you said you were always the bad guy. The bully. But you didn't mind it. That reputation helped keep a lot of unwanted people in your life away.
The three boys sat in front of you with smirks and bruises on their faces. You didn't mind the title of bully, but you didn't like when the three devil incarnates always got away with what they did because it was YOU who was deemed bully.
“And that to kids who are your juniors?” The principal scoffed “This is happening way to often, and I don't like it” she said sternly, but you couldn't bother it was the same every time. She'll scold you a bit more and then give you some sort of creative punishment she worked up, and then you go home.
“Well we'll sign you up for the anti bully program I guess” the principal looked at you and sighed while you looked at her, confused.
One of the demons sitting opposite you spoke up asking her your doubt “Anti bullying? Isn't it supposed to help the victim not the bully?”
The principal smiled slightly at the boy “It's a newer approach where we assign someone to keep an eye on the bully, so they don't cause trouble. We could protect one victim, but the bully will just bully someone else” the principle smiled, and you frowned. That means your privacy will be taken away. Not that you do anything secretive, but you just aren't that fond of people.
You groaned and the principal glared at you “We already have volunteers” the principal said sternly her glare still on you “I'll check through whose schedule matches yours the most and tomorrow you're getting your anti bully buddy” the principal said sternly “Or how I like to call it A.B.B” the principal said the last part turning to the three boys giving them a quick smile.
“I'll see you in my office first thing tomorrow y/n” the principal said to you while flashing you a rather strict looking smile. You gave a slight nod and left.
It might be surprising to many how you could take on three boys at once. It had to do with your dad. He was a great fighter and told you that if there ever was a day he couldn't protect you, you should know how to fight. And so you learned, you went for karate classes and learned hand-to-hand combat. But it wasn't something you took very seriously, but then your mom died giving birth and everything went downhill. Your dad wasn't the same anymore, but he had to push through to raise your baby brother, but he was mostly drunk and spiraling while your aunt swooped in and handled the baby, and you were left alone. You needed an escape from that, so you spent more time at your dojo practicing and practicing and using it as a way to let your anger out. Because you knew you would crumble too if your brain didn't focus on something. But slowly everything got better, and you were starting to function normally as a family again. Your dad could smile again. But things changed again and your dad met someone. She made him happy, so you approved of her, so they got married. But they forgot you and your baby brother. Don't get them wrong they were good to both of you providing you with everything you needed and were never harsh or mean but to them, it was as if you weren't part of the family. It was easy for them to forget you. The person who you loved the most forgot you and moved on. And so you did to. You moved on and learned to live with it. And did the best for your brother too. He was the last memory of your happy family with mom and dad. And well know your only family that actually felt like family.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't realise when you reached class and when it ended. But all you knew was that it was lunchtime now.
“So another fight I see” Ten, one of your closest friends said with a smirk. “They deserved it” you grunted as you sat down next to him.
“I don't doubt that” Ten hummed out and just then two trays were slammed down onto the table in between you and ten. “So another fight and what is your punishment this time?” Ningning who slammed your and Ten's tray of food asked as she grabbed her own tray from Winwin who was behind her and sat down next to you. Winwin took the last seat available on the small circular table, between Ten and Ningning.
“How is jisung?” Winwin asked concerned.
“I got there in time, but he was hurt so he's resting in the infirmary right now” you said grimly.
You the looked at Ningning “Ohhh my punishment might just be the worst one yet because there is going to be someone who will FOLLOW me wherever I go in school to make sure I'm not causing trouble.” she gave a small chuckle at your irritation.
“Not that bad your lonely ass will make one more new friend” Ten said cheekily with an awfully cheeky grin on his stupid face. You punched him lightly and he dramatically fell back and threw his hand over his head and gasped “You wound me y/n” you just rolled your eyes and smiled and then naturally your group fell into conversation.
After you returned home from school and once diner was done (it was just you and jisung for diner) you lay on bed smiling. The day wasn't that bad except for the incident in the morning. You then frowned remembering what was to happen tomorrow.
Tomorrow came in a blink of an eye, and you were now seated in the principal's office next to this...guy. He had blond hair that extended below his eyes, but his eyes weren't covered because his hair was neatly parted showing his dark chocolate brown eyes. He had given you a smile when you entered, and you also saw that he had dimples. The cutest dimples that you had ever seen. But in all fairness you hadn't seen that many dimples because you didn't know that many people- you've mainly just seen pictures of people with dimples. But still his were cuter than the pictures.
“So this is your A.B.B” the principal said pointing at the boy beside you and he gave a small smile, you noticed him slightly cringe at the name.
Your principal started to speak cheerily “His name is Kun! But then her cheer fades and she said darkly "If you attack him too you're getting expelled”
You turned towards Kun and forced a smile. Kun smiled at you, again. He genuinely smiled and his teeth might have actually sparkled by how bright the smile was.
“Now off to class you two have the same schedule except for one class at the end of the week” the principal said and got to the work that was on her desk as you and Kun left.
Your smile dropped, and you turned to Kun “Look” you started, and he looked at you expectantly “You don't have to take this seriously cus I'm not really a bully per se so just mind your own business, and I'll mind mine”
Kun frowned “That's not going to help you get away with it and plus it's my job to stick by you whether you like it or not. I cannot have you bully people. It's sad that you find the need to pick on people and I hope to help you stop”.
You narrowed your eyes “I don't pick on people. You don't even know me”.
Kun sighed “I was already filled in on how you bully the kids from a younger class by the principle. I know your probably going through those teenage angst phases and that's okay I'll help you through it” Kun said not noticing the change in mood and how you were about to snap. “And maybe that is because you don't get along with your brother but beating him and his friends up and sending him to the infirmary isn't goo-” “What would you know” you interrupted him in a low hiss.
“YOU” you yelled stabbing his chest with your finger “DON'T KNOW 𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮” you yelled emphasizing the anything as you continued stabbing him in his chest with your finger and then stormed off to your first class.
Kun stood there dumbfounded for a second but then immediately snapped out of his dazed state and realized that you had already left and began to run after you to your shared first class.
The entire day consisted of kun following you around and trying to start conversation with you and you trying to ditch him and ignoring him.
Lunch came and he followed you then too. You turned to him annoyed, but he smiled “Aren't you going to have lunch?” You asked clearly mad “Of course I'm going to have lunch” he said with his seemingly constant smile but didn't move.
“So why are you still here?”
“Like it or not” he said in a sing-song tone “I'm going to be having lunch with you”
“Ugh” you rolled your eyes and stomped towards the cafeteria. You soon saw Ten and Ningning already at the table conversing with each other.
You approached the table with Kun on your tail and Ningning and Ten looked at you confused but only for a few short seconds, soon Ten's eyes lit up knowingly “Oh A.B.B!” Ten exclaimed pointing at Kun who just awkwardly smiled.
“You can call me Kun" Kun smiled.
“But I like A.B.B.” Ten frowned.
“And I prefer Kun” Kun said a bit sternly.
“Kun works too I guess” Ten sighed.
You rolled your eyes at the exchange and sat down. A tray of food was already placed on the table for you and winwin, but you couldn't see your Jisungs tray.
“Oh ji took his tray and is sitting with his friends in the garden” Ningning said noticing you look for him.
“Kun if I knew you'd be joining us we would have got a tray for you too” Ningning smiled at him apologetically.
“Oh it's alright I'll get my own tray and sorry for just imposing in on you guys but I have to follow y/n around.” he apologized and left to get his tray.
Ningning smiled “He's sweet”
“Not when he's following you around 24/7” you groaned and Ten snickered. Just then Winwin arrived and sat down.
“What misery of y/n's are we laughing at today” Winwin asked, and you glared at him. Ningning just smiled but Ten spoke “oh her A.B.B is here and is going to be following her around throughout the day” Ten snickered.
“Ohh that's nice less trouble for our tiny bully” Winwin said patting your head, and you sneered at him.
“I'm not that short, and I can take you so don't test me”
Winwins eyes widened at the very real threat for a second before he flashed one of his adorable smiles, and you could no longer be mad at him. That's the thing. Everyone loved Winwin. And that's why the brat got away with everything he did.
“Sicheng?” someone called from behind you and everyone turned to see Kun standing there with his tray shocked.
“Kun ge?” Winwin asked his eyes scrunching in confusion before the widened, and he was smiling again.
“Kun ge! What are you doing here” Winwin said immediately getting up and hugging Kun.
“I just transferred to this school three days ago” Kun said one hand wrapped around Winwin and the other holding his tray.
“That's why I haven't seen you before” Ningning muttered under her breath but you and Ten heard it too.
“Oh, and I'm y/n's anti bully buddy to so” Kin said laughing nervously.
“Wait really” Winwin jumped up in happiness and turned towards you “Kun ge was from my old school, and he helped me a lot there” Winwin said beaming at your group. Winwinw was the latest addition to your friend group around two years ago.
Ten had made friends with him first and you and Ningning easily grew fond of him too.
“Yes sicheng and I were really close-”
“Sicheng? Who's that?” Ten asked and you, Winwin and Ningning gave him a deadpanned look.
“Umm Ten.. Winwin's real name?” Ningning said and Ten's jaw dropped and Winwin scoffed in disbelief and threw Ningning's banana at him earning a smal protest from her and a whine from Ten who was hit in the face.
“As Kun ge was saying we were close, but I lost contact when I changed my phone number.” Winwin changed the subject still glaring at Ten while taking a seat, Kun sat next to him. And soon enough your group fell into easy conversation with Kun.
You even decided to finally talk to him and Kun stopped to smile at you in shock, but continued the conversation immediately.
For the first time that day Kun was not unbearable. He was actually really cool guy and talking to him was so easy. You two then talked about everything and anything and suddenly you didn't hate him any more, couldn't hate him any more. You had a class after lunch and then a free period where you continued to talk. You even decided to take him to your favourite spot in the school: the garden.
“Y/n” he suddenly called out and you just hummed in response while continuing walking towards the garden.
“I-” he stared “I had my assumptions about you but their not true and your actually really nice and have friends who are a good influence for you too” Kun said but stopped. You stopped walking and looked at Kun, he wanted to ask you something but was waiting for your permission “go on” you said as you resumed walking.
“How come you're categorized as a bully by the principal and are always in trouble” he finally asked after a long pause.
“Because she doesn't know the truth” you sighed and muttered softly.
“What?” Kun asked not having heard you properly you were going to tell him when you heard a small bang coming from one of the inner school corridors.
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You and Kun looked at each other wide-eyed and both ran towards the sound. What you saw made your blood boil.
In front of you were the three boys that you beat up barely two days ago and on the floor agains the lockers was Jisung clutching his stomach. “Yah!” You screamed and that seemed to get their attention.
Kun who was looking at the scene unfolding wide-eyed had now come to his sense but Instead of his usually gental and calm eyes his eyes were in fierce glaring slits.
“Didn't I just teach you three a lesson yesterday” you snarled.
“Yes, and now we're teaching him a lesson. He was being pathetic and showing off in class” one of the three morons you were going to beat up spoke.
You began to charge in their direction only to be held back by a firm grip on your hand.
Kun shook his head, but you didn't care they deserved it, and you shoves his hands off you but he had other plans holding onto you tighter than before.
“Wait” he said struggling to hold you back but failing as you escaped out of his grip again, not that that was really hard to do with your training and skill, but you still waited, impatience clear on your face.
“Let me handle it” Kun said and you thought for a second about it. If anything went wrong you could still take all three of them, so you stood aside your guard up. In all honesty you wouldn't mind a different way to deal with those devils.
“So it's because he” Kun pointed at your brothers figure on the floor “is showing off? How?”
“He's getting all the answers right but refusing to help us.” One of them complained.
“Stuck up. That's what he is” the other added.
“And your solution was...?” Kun asked raising an eyebrow.
“Knock some sense into him” the third one smirked.
“So physically knock some sense into him? As in attack him... physically?” Kun asked the boys, and you were starting to get frustrated you were about to take a step ahead, but Kun held his hand out in front of you stopping you.
“Yes. You got a problem with that ha? What are you gonna do about it beat us up to?” They laughed.
“Oh yes I got a problem, but I won't beat you up. Instead,” Kun pulled his phone that out of his pocket and that's when you realised that he had been recording everything. You didn't know when he started recording or when he carefully placed the phone in his pocket with the back camera facing the boys. All you knew is that this time you got them. You couldn't before because of your school's crapy camera placement a.k.a. it being placed in only a few corridors that were close to important rooms where things could be stolen from and even those cameras were ancient.
“Instead I'll show this to the principle. And life will get easier” Kun said with a smirk on his face. It was kinda attractive but now was not the time to think about it.
Before you could register what was happening one of the boys lurched forward and tried to grab the phone but Kun simply stepped aside, and he went tripping ahead. The other two soon followed, but you had enough time to react and block them.
“So that's what..." Kun muttered still holding his phone in his hand watching you block but not attack the three. Suddenly it made sense to him, after all those conversations he realised you were very close to your brother, and he knew these three boys were also slightly influential in school. Good thing he was more influential than them Kun smirked to himself and made a run for it. He ran towards the principal's office and showed her everything.
What happened next, happened really quickly, the boys and their parents being called, acknowledgement of their bullying and your innocence, because you still used voilence, you were give a lighter and fairer punishment. All three of the boys, to their dismay had an A.B.B now, and you couldn't be happier. Oh and they also got suspended.
“Thank you” you said to Kun, and he smiled.
“Was glad I could help” his gaze then shifted to the floor “I guess I don't need to follow you any more” he said with a soft but dry chuckle.
“Yea…” you trailed off “but you could still join us?” You asked hopefully and Kun's eyes seemed to light up. “I'd like that” he smiled.
“Oh and you have to let me thank you properly” you beamed at Kun.
“You really don't need to”
“But I want to! So tell me how?”
Kun hummed in thought “Give me sometime to think about it, and I'll tell you later” he smiled and patted your head as both of you continued to make your way to class.
Time passed and things got better. You and Kun got closer than ever. You always hung out with him, either in a group or one on one. Furthermore, you found it easy and relaxing to be in his presence.
Maybe along the way you started liking his presence way more than you used to and felt for him in a more than Platonic way. But you kept it in- you aren't going to mistake his kindness for anything else.
One day when the both of you were walking to your house after you friend group parted ways after spending the entire morning and lunch together, with ice cream cones in each of your hands you remembered and asked “I never did get to repay you for how you helped tell me how can I return your favour”
“You know you don't really have to?” Kun smiled at you and immediately you felt your face go warm.
“But you know I want to”
Kun stopped in his tracks and pretend to think, you rolled your eyes at his acting but smiled nonetheless.
He then smiled and bent down leaning in, he was so close that you could see every detail on his face, even the little scar on the right side of his face “How about you take me out?” your breath hitched.
If your face felt warm earlier it was hot now. “O-out? Where do you want to go?” You bit your lip nervously as you kept reciting to your self in your head 'it isn't what you think it is. It isn't what you think it is.'
“I don't know depends on you really” Kun shrugged and then smiled again (it was as if he was trying to kill you with the number of time he gave that smile that caused you to stop breathing) “Which are your favourite dating hotspots?” and whatever defence you built up against him came crumbling down, and your jaw dropped, and you just stood there staring at him.
For a long while- like really long while because now his features fell “I mean y-you don't have to go on a date with me if you don't want to you know...” He trailed off taking a step away.
“YES! YES I'D LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU” you yelled and then your eyes widened, and you settled down into a more relaxed position and cleared your throat “yea sure I don't mind” you said making your voice lower and puting on a facade that Kun saw right through (obviously) because he was smiling, and you couldn't help it you smiled too.
“So Saturday's at four?” Kun asked smile still visible, but he was really nervous and you didn't need to know that.
“Yes” you said giving him a big smile.
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A/n: To the people that made it to the end....I'm sorry you read that. This is my least favorite fic among all my stuff and I honestly just posted it because I wrote this for a friend who I care for too much to have her idea hidden in my drafts forever. Well more of a demon child but yea she specifically asked for this and my conscience can't keep this hidden.
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She’s Mine Part 2
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Jon Moxley X Reader
Rated M 
Warnings: I don’t think theres any for this chapter
Chapter Summary: After breaking it off with Jon, she reflects on her relationship with Kenny and how it all  started  with Jon that fateful night. 
Tags: @abadamn​ @hotyeehawman​​
The next night was the show. I always got their early and ended up staying late most show nights. I would be on my feet endlessly trying to help people and making sure that no last minute changes needed to be mad. I worked very hard at my job especially seeing how I was lucky to even have a job here. I needed to keep that job here. I had been worried about losing it ever since the affair started with Jon especially since Kenny was the one that got me the job in the first place. 
Kenny and I met while he was in Japan wrestling and I was in school on a forgein exchange program in Japan and my roommates had talked me into going with them to one of the wrestling matches. I had very little interest back then in wrestling. My roommate told me that Japanese wrestling was nothing like American wrestling and she thinks I would love it if I gave it a chance. She was right. I adored wrestling as soon as I saw it the first time. After I came home from the first time seeing it, I began to do tons of research on the different types. I had become obsessed going to a match every night that they had one. 
That was how I met Kenny. Kenny was wrestling one night when I was in the front row. He had done a high dive onto the person outside of the ring. Only, he missed his mark and went flying into me. He knocked me off my feet in more ways than one.
Medics took me behind the scenes to get checked up on as the matches resumed. They were going to take me to the ER, because it looked like I had gotten a concussion. I had no friends with me because for some dumb reason I went by myself tonight. Everyone else was busy with school work, but I had made sure my schoolwork was done before I came here tonight. 
Kenny had heard that I was back here and came rushing back there to make sure I was okay. He said he felt horrible for the botched move he did. I am not exactly sure what I told him, but my memory is hazy from that night, but I remember him there. I remember him deciding to come with me because I had no one else to go with me. He waited in the waiting room while they looked at my head and made sure I got home okay. 
“You know, a girl like you shouldn’t be out here alone.” He had told me while we were outside my dorm room. 
I shook my head, “I should know better, but I really wanted to see the matches tonight. I didn’t think I would actually be in the matches.” 
He smiled and chuckled softly at my joke. “You are really a dedicated fan.” 
“Yes, I guess I didn’t grow up with wrestling like my roommates. I want to see what I missed all these years. I really love it.” 
He nodded and leaned in, “You know, I have to say, you are the cutest girl I have ever fallen on while doing that move.” My cheeks darkened as the blood rushed to them. Was he actually saying this to me? I couldn’t believe my ears. 
He slipped me a number into my hands before kissing my cheek. “I hope your boyfriend doesn’t mind me doing that.” 
“I don’t have one.”
“All the better.” He said with a sweet smile before he left me standing there. 
I texted him the next day, not even waiting as long as everyone told me to. He asked me out to dinner to make up for the concussion and I agreed. Just like that the rest was history. 
Kenny and I were really happy together. The hardest part used to be the long distance we had while I finished school and he traveled. He wouldn’t let me quit though. He said it would all be worth it some day. He made that promise to me and it seemed like it was fulfilled when he was able to get me a writing job with absolutely no experience in writing. He made sure that we would never spend days apart like we used and everything was perfect or so I thought. It wasn’t until the night that he won the belt from Jon Moxley. 
I was running to go congratulate Kenny on winning the belt when someone stopped me in my tracks. It was Don. He was part of Kenny’s new gimmick to help merge some people with impact into AEW. I had met him once before and he rubbed me the wrong way. He really did now with his hand in the air stopping me. “Kenny is busy right now.” “He can’t be too busy for his girlfriend,” I said crossing my arms. Kenny was never too busy for me. He always made time for me. Don scoffed and rolled his eyes, but let me pass through anyway. I smiled as I passed through and saw Kenny sitting there. “Kenny,” I said, opening my arms with a hug, but he didn’t hug back. “What’s wrong?” 
He didn’t look at me. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong, she asks. Like you don’t know what’s wrong. You have still been helping Jon write promos.” 
“He just asks me to go over a few things with me. Just like some of the other guys do. Adam still does at times. Jon basically writes his own and just asks me how it sounds. I don’t see the problem.” 
“The problem is, girl,” Don interjected. “Where do your loyalties lie?” 
“Excuse me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at Don. “I am doing my job. It is the one that you wanted me hired on for, Kenny,” I pointed out. “I don’t get what the big deal is about me working with Jon or how it is any different from any other guy on the roster.” 
“Little girl,” Don started, but Kenny stopped him. 
“Let me talk with her about it alone.” He said as he took my hand and led me to the corner. I bit my lip. I didn’t like where this was going. Kenny never had a problem with me working around other men before, so why now? Why Jon? It couldn’t be just because they had a rivalry on the show. That was planned to be over soon.  
“I don’t want you helping Jon anymore. He can do great promos on his own. We are supposed to be against each other. It looks bad with you helping him if others see that they might think something of us up. Besides, he might be using you. You know, as a way to get into my head. He is just using you to get to me. He might think that he can use you as a way to get me jealous or something stupid like that.” My mouth dropped at his words, “What, you don’t think he would actually ask for my help otherwise?” I couldn’t help the small tinge that his words made me feel. Kenny shook his head, “You're a great writer in all, but he has said a million times he doesn’t want writers' help with his promos. Why would he pick you out of all the writers to help?  I think it’s better if you stay away before you end up getting hurt in this mess.” 
I shook my head. I didn’t want to believe the words he was saying. Jon treated me like a friend. It was no lie, I had been a huge fan of his when I found him during my research of the WWE. I might have developed a small crush on him. The fact remained he was married and I was with Kenny. It was nothing more than a harmless friendship where we help each other. “I don’t think Jon is using me to get to you. Maybe he is actually genuine. Maybe he actually likes my writing.” 
“That man doesn’t have a genuine bone in his body.” Kenny sneered. “Whatever he made you think is a lie.” “Why are you acting so jealous, Kenny?” This wasn’t like Kenny at all. I didn’t know what was going on here, but whoever this man was it wasn’t Kenny.
Kenny cocks his head to the side, “Is there something I need to be jealous of? I am just trying to protect your feelings here. I know what a big fan of his you were and it's easy to get caught up in, but is there something I need to be jealous of now?” His eyes darkened a bit as he looked at me. “
“Of course not. He’s married.” I snapped. “Why do I need protecting? I can take care of myself.” “I don’t care if he’s married or  not. If there is something I need to concern myself with tell me!” Kenny hissed. 
“No, Kenny, you are acting ridiculous.” This was so out of character of him to be like this. He never cared who I was around before. I could be around tons of different guys and he never cared. Why now? And why with Jon?
“I gotta have you on my side, (Y/N),” Kenny told me. “You’re my number one girl and I want to show you off. I have plans of you coming out with me on stage.” He wrapped his arm around me. 
“Why?” I asked. He had never wanted me part of his act before. Why would having the belt make any different. I looked down at my outfit. I wasn’t exactly wearing something you could go out on stage with. It was office casual at best. “What would I wear?” 
“Don,” He called Don back. “Show her the outfit.” He said snapping his fingers. Don nodded as he pulled out the outfit. My mouth dropped. It wasn’t a bad outfit by any means. It just wasn’t..something I would wear. It was a tight black dress that was very short with black sparkly pumps.
“Uh, babe, I like it, but it’s not something I would wear.” I said biting my lip. Heels and me had never done good together and that dress was so short. I was nervous that I was going to embarrass myself on national tv. 
“Come on, you will look great in it.” He said with a smile. “Go try it on for me.” 
I sighed and did that to make him happy even though I was not in this dress at all. I did my best to walk in the heels but my ankles bent all around in them. It was not comfortable at all. 
Did I wear it for Kenny that Wednesday night? Yes, of course I did. I allowed him to show me off as well like I was some trophy wife with his new belt. I didn’t know who I hated more, the belt or Don for changing Kenny. Kenny never cared what I wore. He never wanted me to dress up so he could show me off. He was proud of who I was and wouldn’t have ever made me wear that dress. 
I left Kenny in catering to go get some air after his bit with the belt. I leaned against the wall and slid my way down to the ground, kicking off my shoes as I did. I didn’t mean to start crying. It kind of just happened. Kenny was acting like an asshole and I just wanted the Kenny I loved back. I would have been fine if this was just an act on stage, but he was changing off stage too. 
“Hey,” came a voice. I looked up to see Jon come out of a puff of smoke. “You know crying in the alleyway isn’t the best idea.” He said sitting down next to me. He let out a slight groan as he got down. I rolled my eyes at him. “I would hate to see what would have happened if it wasn’t me that stumbled onto you. Now, what's wrong, kitten?” He asked me. I don’t understand why, but anytime he called me kitten butterflies flew around in my stomach and a small smile came on my face. 
“Nothing, it’s just Kenny is being...an asshole.” I sighed. “He doesn’t want me working with you anymore.” Jon raised an eyebrow at me. “Why not?” He asked. 
I shrugged, “You are using me as a way to get in his head to make him jealous.” 
Jon let out a low chuckle. “Oh, wow.” He shook his head before taking another puff of his cigarette. “I didn’t know he thought that little of me. I don’t use people. I work with you, because you actually have good ideas unlike some of the other crap writers they got around here.” I let out a small giggle. “So, you aren’t using me?” I asked him. 
“No! I would never use someone just to make someone jealous and if I wanted to make Kenny jealous.” He looked over at me, but his eyes didn’t meet mine. They were looking down at me in the dress. “It wouldn’t have gone like that.” His eyes met back up to mine. “Besides, I think you need to reevaluate who is using who here. That’s a nice dress, but it doesn’t seem like you.” 
I shook my head. “No, I hate it. I don’t mind skirts or dresses, but I can’t wear heels and it felt like he was showing me off like a trophy. Like look guys, I have a hot young girlfriend you wish you had. I don’t like that side of him. He used to like me for who I was not because he could show me off.” I said letting another tear fall. Jon reached up with his rough and calloused thumb and wiped it away. “Thank you, Jon.” I said resting my head on his hard shoulder.
“For what?” He asked. 
“For being my friend and not using me.” I said. We sat there in silence for a bit before Jon spoke again. 
Well, he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Before I knew it his lips were crashing onto mine. I couldn’t believe it. My heart did somersaults as his scent hit my nose. Cigarettes and mint. A spark hit me as we kissed. Something I never felt kissing anyone before. That was how my affair with Jon Moxley all began. He kissed me in a dirty alley and after that we couldn’t get enough.
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iloveseung-gi · 3 years
Guardian: The Lonely and Great God:
07/02/2021: So months back someone had mentioned that “Goblin” was a fantastic series. So while trying to find “Goblin” I found “Kiss Goblin”, the web series and it was cute, but I knew it wasn’t the series the person had suggested. So later on I tried to find “Goblin” again, and this time came back with “Guardian: the Lonely and Great God”. Not knowing if this was the series they were referring to and with so many awesome new series being shown, I still put off seeing this series. Now when I start watching a new series, I like to look up the cast because I’m keeping a list of the actors and actresses that I really like (being American, Korean names are very confusing because they’re so similar). Finally, I found the title of the series to be “Goblin: The Lonely and Great God” and then I saw the title “Goblin” and I realized that these three names are all referring to the same series. So today I have finally started “Goblin” and it is phenomenal!
Goblin the Lonely and GREAT GOD
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The cast alone is unbelievable. Lee Dong-Wook (Tale of the Nine-Tailed) is the cutest Grim Reaper ever 💋! Even Kim Go-Eun (The King: Eternal Monarch), Yoo In-Na (Secret Garden), Kim Byung-Chul (Sisyphus: The Myth), Park Bo-Gum (Itaewon Class), Nam Da-Reum (Boys Over Flowers; While You Were Sleeping; Sweet Home; Start Up, the series; Doom at Your Service) and one of my all time favorites, Jung (Jeong) Hae-In (Something in the Rain; One Spring Night; While You Were Sleeping; Start Up, the movie) are in this. I have finally seen enough series that I actually know who the actors are!!…lol.
Goblin (2016)
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I’m not even through episode one and I absolutely love the Goblin and the Grim Reaper characters! They are too funny when they are together. Gong Yoo and Lee Dong-Wook play off each other really well; great chemistry. Park They are inadvertently thrown together as roommates. The Goblin loves to tease and irritate the Grim Reaper. After all the bickering that they do, they still worked together to save the “Goblin Bride” who is a 19-yr. old high school student who can see ghosts and the Goblin and the Grim Reaper. She is that way because the Goblin saved her mother from death while she was still pregnant. They were gone when the Grim Reaper came to collect their souls. Her mother is killed later on her ninth birthday, and because she can see ghosts, her mother was able to go to her and say goodbye.
Guardian: The Lonely and Great God
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It is the ghosts that tell her she is the Goblin Bride, but the Goblin, whom she finally meets, is telling her that she is not. (Kim Go-Eun is wonderful as this character!) Now in episode 3, she proves she is his bride by pointing out the sword still through his body.
The Grim Reaper and the Goblin fighting over the salt grinder while making dinner together.
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Just to take a step back for a moment, the Goblin had been a great General killing thousands over the years, but his King was jealous of the fact that the people loved the General more, so the King had the General killed with his own sword and thus he was punished by the Gods for his sins to live an eternal life remembering everything. He has been looking for his bride because she is the only one that can see and pull out the sword and then he will die and be at peace. After 900+ years he was yearning for death. But now he is falling for the bride and his emotions are conflicted. He wants the peace he has longed for all these years, but now he has a reason to live.
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Although the Goblin has special powers, as the episodes continue, he shows more and more of his natural human self; jealousy, teasing, even getting drunk. He didn’t want the bride to know that when she pulls out the sword he will die but after getting drunk from just two beers he told her that she was the only one that could remove the sword, luckily he did not tell her that he would die. (I pray and I pray that when the sword is actually pulled out, he doesn’t just die instantaneously, but that he becomes human so that he is able to die a normal death. He didn’t do anything wrong to deserve the death that he got, so I’m hoping that he will be able to live a normal human life and to live and to love and to have children, etc. etc.)
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Also, in the past his sister married the King, but she was put to death at the same time her brother was killed.
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Now back to the present: the Goblin Bride works at a small cafe and the Grim Reaper has fallen for Sunny, the owner. With a kiss from the Grim Reaper Sunny remembers her past life and she turns out to be the Goblin’s reincarnated sister. Now Grim Reapers have no memories of their pasts, their memories are erased. To become a Grim Reaper, the human did some mortal sin, such as murder or suicide. Now on episode nine it is discovered that the Grim Reaper is the reincarnation of the King that had put the General and his sister to death despite loving her.
The Goblin Bride walks in to see the Goblin and the Grim Reaper trying to stab each other with butter knives….. both using their telekinesis powers… LOL.  This is just one of their many squabbles. 
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Back to the past: a teacher who practically raised the King was corrupting the King’s mind. As soon as the Goblin rose from the grave, he went straight to this evil man and killed him. Somehow this vicious, evil spirit has been able to hide from the Grim Reapers over 900 years. He appears before the Goblin, but the Goblin cannot kill him with his water sword. Then this evil spirit tells the Goblin that the Grim Reaper is the reincarnation of the King and disappears. The Goblin is furious now, trying to find the Grim Reaper. 
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babiemingoo · 4 years
fantasy faire || yoon jeonghan
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summary: [apart of the seventeen stars to the right series] jeonghan figures babysitting his niece at disneyland can’t be that bad, but it definitely gets better when he finds out you’re the cast member assisting his niece’s favorite princess, cinderella.
genre: fluff, cutie uncle!jeonghan || wc: 2.3k
a/n: yes I did take too long to post this and yes I did go overboard... i’m sorry
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I’m definitely the only college kid that has to spend their Saturdays like this, Jeonghan thinks to himself for the second time that month. When he had spent all those nights in high school imagining the crazy parties and wild events he’d attend on his Saturdays in college, there was never any 4 year old niece involved, and definitely no Disneyland either. Yet here he was, his right pointer and middle fingers wrapped tightly around his niece’s hand as she tugs him towards the opening gates of the amusement park. Despite the fact that he did want to go out day drinking with his friends like normal college students did, he also couldn’t complain too much. A free year pass to Disneyland and getting paid just to spend the day with his niece every week? There’s worse things to do on a Saturday.
Still, Jeonghan curses his need for money in the back of his head when a mere 15 seconds after stepping into the park his niece won’t stop begging him to go to the Royal Hall, of all places. “Uncle Hannie pleaseee you told me last time that you’d let me meet Cinderella!” He tries not to groan at the way his niece looks up at him, eyes pleading and much too big for his dwindling resolve.
“Why do you want to go there?! Don’t you want to, like, ride Space Mountain or something?” Jeonghan complains to her as they walk down Main Street, wearing matching Mickey and Minnie Disney ears while weaving through the overwhelming crowds of families and couples.
His niece lets out a whine just as they pass some teenager asking her parents for pictures in front of the castle, “I want to meet Cinderella! She’s my favorite! Uncle Hannie pleaseee!” Her walking halts and she begins to stomp her feet in protest. “You’re such a meanie, you told me last time we came that we would see Cinderella and the time before that and the first time and-”
“Fine!” Jeonghan thought he was first at a lot of things in life, but his niece definitely has him beat in the whining and persistence departments, “We can go see Cinderella at the Royal Hall, but only once today okay? We’re not going over and over again.”
His niece pouts, but doesn’t complain further as she makes her way to the left where the hall was located. Disneyland was always fun - it was Disneyland - but Jeonghan wishes he could enjoy it to it’s full potential rather than being dragged around to visit people in costumes and watching the same shows over and over again.
The boy watches as his niece makes small conversation with the cast member dressed as Ariel. They had to wait in line for 45 minutes to get into the meet and greet and his niece only looks half amused when the princess asks her if she’s met any new fish friends lately. Jeonghan doesn’t say much during their interaction aside from taking a few pictures to show his aunt later and thanking the cast members for their time. 
Almost immediately after Ariel bids her goodbyes, the little girl goes taking off around the corner, calling out a, “Cinderelly Cinderelly!” in excitement. Jeonghan rushes to keep up, and right as he rounds the corner himself he sees his niece happily jumping into the arms of the woman dressed in blue. 
He already knows this is going to take twice as long as Ariel’s meet and greet did; his niece is already spewing off about how she wants her own castle with a mouse named Gus Gus and a carriage shaped like a pumpkin. With a slight puff Jeonghan makes his way to stand next to the cast attendant with Cinderella and for the first time today it’s his heart that goes pumping with excitement.
You stand next to the pillar with a smile watching the interaction between the princess and Jeonghan’s niece. You loved your job of attending to the princesses at the Royal Hall - the way a few magical minutes in someone’s day always makes the tiring hours more than worth it. You beam as Jeonghan’s niece claps her hands while speaking to Cinderella, questioning her on whether or not the King and Queen of the kingdom forced her to eat broccoli, too.
Since starting your job at Disneyland, there were many days where you and your favorite coworker would talk after a shift to discuss the cute guys that would funnel in and out of the parks. Turning to look at the man who came into your area with the little girl, you knew today would be one of those days. “Is she your sister?” You decide to ask, you know, for good measure. He technically looked old enough to have a child around the girl’s age, but you learned the hard way it’s better not to assume.
“Niece,” He answers with a small smile once he settles next to you. Jeonghan lets a few moments pass as he watches his niece happily bounce next to the princess, but in the corner of his eye he’s watching you. You were probably one of the cutest people he’s ever seen - if not the cutest. Knowing he only has a limited amount of time before the family on the other side of the wall moves on to get their meeting with Cinderella, the man attempts to strike up a conversation, “My sister makes me bring her to Disneyland every Saturday.”
“Every Saturday?!” Your eyes get wide, turning to fully face the man, “Did you have to buy an annual pass for that?”
“Nah, they pay for it.” The boy decides to face you completely in response while rubbing his fingers together, “My sister married well.” For a split second he wonders if he should’ve lied and said he did pay for it all himself - to impress you or something.
Your mouth opens to reply, but you’re quickly distracted when you catch the two girls posing for a picture. Despite your desire to talk to the cute guy, you know you’re technically still on the clock, so you cut the conversation in favor of taking pictures of his niece with her favorite princess. Jeonghan decides to do the same and pulls out his phone for pictures, but really, his attention is on you the entire time.
When his niece first begged to meet Cinderella, Jeonghan fully prepared to tell her every week following that they can’t go the Royal Hall for whatever made up reason and somehow convince her to go on a ride instead.
However, with the thought of you, the cute cast member replaying on his mind like a loop, he doesn’t complain for a second when his niece asks to see the princess in blue. In fact, it’s become a habit to head straight to the left whenever they enter the parks. Sometimes Jeonghan even takes his niece through the meet and greet twice if she behaves well (but she doesn’t really have to do anything. He just wants an excuse to see you again).
With their new routine in play, you and Jeonghan become more and more familiar with each other. You learn each other’s names, where the two of you go to school, and even things as in depth as Jeonghan’s love for basketball and the story of how you came to work for Disney. He figures out that your shift ends at 3pm every Saturday and he always seems to make it at least once before you’re off. Coming to Disneyland goes from babysitting his niece to borderline using the little girl as an excuse to talk to you. The bond you two create is simple, and definitely unexpected from your job of working with families and couples more often than not, but it’s special; even magical in a way.
So when Jeonghan’s niece makes a move to go right instead of left one Spring Saturday, Jeonghan nearly gets whiplash, “What are you doing? Don’t you want to go to the Royal Hall?”
To his surprise, the little girl shakes her head and points towards Tomorrowland, “Can we try Space Mountain instead?”
For once in his life, Jeonghan is rendered speechless. His niece never turned down an opportunity to go see her favorite princess. He does nothing but blink at her for a bit, trying to understand her sudden fixation with the opposite end of the park, until he’s pulled back to reality by her tugging on his hand again, “Do you want to see Cinderella later, then?”
Jeonghan’s okay with going on the ride first - as long as they get into the Royal Hall by 3pm. “No,” His niece suddenly answers and the boy can only imagine how high his eyebrows raise, “I don’t really like Cinderella anymore.”
“You what?!” Jeonghan drops down to the girl’s eye level to shake her shoulders dramatically, “What do you mean you don’t like Cinderella?! She’s your favorite!”
“Not anymore, I watched Frozen yesterday and Elsa’s dress is prettier. She’s my favorite now!” He’s sure this could go in a Youtube compilation of Top 10 Anime Betrayals, “I wanna go see Elsa today instead!”
“Screw Elsa!” Jeonghan forgets for a second just where he is, catching a middle aged mom in the corner of his eye covering her daughter’s ears. Clearing his throat and bringing his tone down, he continues, “You like Cinderella, okay? When we get back to your house later tonight we can watch all the Cinderella movies and I’ll even buy you a doll today! But we're not going to see Elsa! We’re seeing Cinderella!”
The small girl, as expected, isn’t very happy with his demands. She begins to stomp and whine like that first day he took her to meet the princess, and although she got the best of him that time, it’s not happening today. “Why can’t we see Elsa?!”
“Because-” Jeonghan pauses to bring his voice down once again, “Cinderella’s friend is really, really cute, okay? And Uncle Hannie really wants to get their phone number. So, we’re going to see Cinderella and later on when Cinderella’s cute friend doesn’t have to work anymore we can go see Elsa, I promise.” With his pinky stretched out, he’s hoping his explanation suffices. His niece was young and maybe she won’t understand just how desperately he wants those two or three minutes with you every week; but it’s worth a shot. 
For a second, she does nothing but stare at his outstretched hand, almost as if she’s weighing her options. Then, with a small smile, she lifts her small hand to meet his and hooks their pinkies together, “Okay.”
Today, Cinderella is placed at the end of the Royal Hall, and Jeonghan’s sure that his niece knows exactly what she’s doing when she nearly flies through the first two princesses with little to no conversation. He decides not to point it out though, and just goes through the routine of taking a picture and thanking the workers.
Jeonghan wonders how the interaction between his niece and Cinderella will go; will she pretend to be interested? Will she tell Cinderella that she’s found a new favorite? Or, worst of all: will she take nearly no time with the princess, and Jeonghan will be forced to talk to you for less than a second before having to leave?
Surprisingly, his niece does none of the three. Without even sparing Cinderella a glance, she immediately marches over to you standing in your usual spot against the pillar and says, “My Uncle thinks you’re cute.”
Silence. Jeonghan, despite being a naturally confident guy, doesn’t know what to do when you look up from his niece with an amused smile. Even Cinderella seems to lose character for a few moments when she slaps her hand over her mouth to conceal her laugh. Before Jeonghan can open his mouth to redeem himself, you look back down at his niece, “Oh? Does he?”
“Yes! I told Uncle Hannie I wanted to meet Elsa today but he made me come here because he said you’re really cute and he wants your phone number,” The girl replies and Jeonghan wonders where kids learn this stuff. “Can you give him your phone number so I can see Elsa now?”
 Jeonghan sighs. This would happen to him. It’s probably karma for using his innocent niece as a way to talk to you. What is he even supposed to say now? Breaking into an awkward smile, he grabs his niece by the shoulder and shrugs, “Uh, kids, right?” Damn kids.
You laugh for a few seconds before lowering down to his niece’s level and grinning at the girl, “Tell your Uncle, that I think he’s really, really cute,” You spare a glance at the man briefly, “And that I’m flattered he’d like to get my phone number. But it’s against the Disneyland rules for me to give it to him.”
Of course it is, he thinks to himself. Leave it to the happiest place on Earth to ruin his chances with you. Jeonghan’s about to nod in understanding and motion for his niece to (very quickly) finish her meet and greet and he can stuff his face with churros for the rest of the day. But before he can make any sort of moves you continue, “However… If you and your Uncle were to see me at the castle around 3:30 after my shift today… I’m sure Mickey wouldn’t mind, right?”
“He wouldn’t!” His niece answers happily before jumping up and down, facing Jeonghan to say, “Can we see Elsa before then?!”
Chuckling (mostly to mask his sigh of relief and excitement), Jeonghan nods and points to Cinderella across the room, “Finish saying hi to Cinderella and I’ll take you to meet Elsa right after this.”
The little girl squeals in happiness before running over to the woman in blue, who he knows is giving him a knowing look. Jeonghan fits into his spot next to you, whispering through a smile, “So… churros at 3:30 then?”
You beam at him, nodding, “It’s a date.”
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Sabo x Reader | College AU | Long Distance Love (?) | Chapter 2
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Your mother was excited and soon approached you to ask if you got approved. But when she paid attention to what she was seeing, you hugging Sabo and his sad face while trying to comfort you, she knew the answer.
ꟷ Oh, sweetie… ꟷ she whispered, playing with your hair. ꟷ You can always try again. Meanwhile, you can go to a college near were the boys are going, right? ꟷ she looked at your friend, who nodded.
ꟷ Yes. I mean, I know it’s not what you wanted, but it’s an option, at least for a while. ꟷ he completed.
ꟷ But I don’t want somewhere near… I want that specific university. ꟷ you replied.
ꟷ And you will study there. You just need patience and wait about six months. And remember, you did your best, and you’re great. ꟷ your mom said. ꟷ I’ll go order some pizza and hope that might cheer you both up.
Sabo stayed until you got calm. You two ate pizza while watching some movie that could distract you and make you laugh. But you kept thinking that it would be hard to do this all the time after summer.
ꟷ I can always drive to wherever you are, especially during weekends and if you live near me. Also, you can always visit me. We’ll set a room just for you, with all those posters and action figures of yours. ꟷ he laughed. ꟷ So next semester, when you finally move, it’ll be all set.
ꟷ Hm… ꟷ you murmured, while opening your arms and throwing yourself at him, who was sitting right next to you on the couch. ꟷ Nah, you’ll find another friend and forget about me. ꟷ of course you were just joking, but he thought it was the cutest thing when you were all dramatic.
ꟷ You know I would never. You're so dramatic, you know?
In fact, he could never replace you. No one else would ever compare to you. He could never love someone like he loves you.
And all this made him wonder if it was the right moment to confess. Maybe it would be a chance to spend time with his love. Touching you, loving you and kissing you before having to be apart for at least six months.
But what if he confessed to you and it ruined everything? What if you refused? He’d have to spend the summer alone without you. Yes, it would be better if he didn’t say anything and just enjoyed your friendship.
Ace was always making subtle hints disguised as jokes, asking when you two were gonna go out on a date, that he sees you and Sabo getting married someday, saying how he wanted to be an uncle someday… Even Luffy, who was usually clueless, noticed that your feelings were more than just friendship.
ꟷ I know Ace is here and all… But can you stay here for the night? ꟷ you asked. ꟷ We’ll be apart for a while, so…
ꟷ Yes, of course. I’m gonna live with him again soon, so I guess some time away from him will be good. ꟷ he giggled. ꟷ And how can I say no to you?
Right away you both blushed.
ꟷ Thank you, Sabo.
The day after, you two decided you were gonna enjoy the summer as much as you can, spending time together. Camping in the backyard, binge watching movies, going to the beach, parks or playing video games with Luffy.
You were at his house one night, sitting on his bed as usual, waiting for him to bring something to eat. Ace was walking to his own room, but when he saw you, he just had to stop by the door and tease you a little.
ꟷ I know you love him! ꟷ he said, trying to keep a serious look.
ꟷ What? I don’t love Sabo! ꟷ you replied, raising your voice. Then you just realized that other people in the house might’ve heard you.
ꟷ Do you realize I never even said his name though? ꟷ he started giggling.
Well, shit, he didn't. I guess Sabo was just the first person you thought of when the word love came into your mind.
ꟷ Anyway, doesn’t matter if I love him or not. ꟷ you shrugged. ꟷ I don’t even know if we’re gonna live near each other for now.
ꟷ And?
ꟷ And he doesn’t even like me back.
ꟷ How can you possibly know that?
ꟷ I just know. He’s my best friend, so he treats me like a best friend. That’s all.
ꟷ Well, I think he… ꟷ Ace got interrupted by Sabo himself, who just came back from the kitchen holding a bag of Doritos and two cans of soda. ꟷ Well, think about it. ꟷ he said, right before heading back to his room.
ꟷ Think about what? ꟷ the blonde asked, smiling.
ꟷ Nothing important. It’s just Ace being Ace. ꟷ hopefully Sabo would change the subject and wouldn’t ask more questions.
Thank god he accepted this answer and just went back to watching whatever movie you two were watching before.
tag list: @flowersgirl02 - @pure-kirarin
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Never Have I Ever-Chapter ONE
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Summary: When the Winchester family gets together to commemorate a milestone, the celebration takes a turn no one expected. How will they continue to be a family afterwards? CAN they?!
Or did they cross a line of no return?
Takes place in 2005. Dean is 26, Sam is 22 and Y/N is 19. An AU of sorts as there are no monsters, no talk of the Supernatural.  John and Mary are both alive and had another kid after Sam. Y/N is the baby of the family and their only daughter. 
A/N: This is an Alternate Universe where Mary didn’t die on the ceiling of Sam’s nursery; John didn’t go out seeking revenge on the monster that killed in wife, thus raising his sons like soldiers. No Mary and John is a married couple who have had their bumps and through their 30 years of marriage. 
This first chapter is just an introduction, if you will, of the characters in my story. 
Also a huge thank you to @firefly-graphics​ for providing me with the awesome divider!! 
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California, 2005
"Yes Dean," Sam says into the phone, annoyed.  "My flight gets in on the 17th at 4. It'll give me plenty of time to get to the house and settle in before the party."
Not only has his older brother called to confirm he was going to make it home for their parents' anniversary party, but so had Mary and his younger sister, Y/N.
His girlfriend, Jessica-Jess for short- giggles beside him in the bed. He glances down at her and rolls his eyes. 
When Jess' hand makes its way under the sheet and her fingers wrap around his limp cock, Sam hurriedly gets off the phone with his brother.
Rolling to hover her equally naked body, Sam quirks an eyebrow. "Did you have to do that while I was talking to Dean?"
"I want you Sam," Jess says. "Make love to me."
Grabbing his now engorged member,  Sam threads it through her slick folds and pushes in, groaning at the snug fit. "Fuck Jess, you're so damn tight."
Hours later, while sitting through another lecture on the basics of criminal justice, Sam can't take his mind off the fact that he is going to be flying home to his family while his girlfriend stays back in their apartment. 
He had wished to take her home to meet his parents and siblings but she had a big test to study for in one of her classes and couldn't get away. He just hoped he didn't miss her too much. 
Little did he know, missing Jessica would be the least of his worries while he was home.
Meanwhile in Kansas 
Dean hangs up the phone in his office at the garage and sits back. It's all coming together.  In a couple of weeks, his parents, Mary and John Winchester, will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary with a huge party at their house.
At 26, even Dean knows in this day and age a marriage lasting that long was uncommon and a feat worth celebrating. 
Sure, Mary and John hadn't had bliss the whole 30 years but they worked through it and came out barely scathed. 
One bump in the road that Dean could remember was when Mary had become pregnant with Y/N, his baby sister. After she had given birth to Sam, the doctors advised Mary not to have any more children due to a blood disorder they had found during her second pregnancy.
For almost 3 years it had been just Sam and Dean then suddenly, Mary had gotten pregnant and in 8 months brought home the cutest little girl either boy had ever laid eyes on. They vowed to be her protectors, her guardians. No one would mess with Y/N without feeling the wrath of the Winchester brothers. 
Her early teens years had been difficult as Y/N went through a rebellious stage but once again, after some time it had all worked out and now the three siblings were best friends and confidants. 
Dean would soon discover just how close the three of them could be.
Across town, Y/N bounced down the stairs of her childhood home; her y/h/c hair flowing down her back.
Nineteen years old and still living at home, but she didn't mind one bit. Y/N had yet to figure out what she wanted to do since graduating high school earlier in the year. She was free from books and studying and boring old teachers who droned on all day.
"Mornin' Mom," she says as she makes her way into the kitchen and to the fridge to grab the orange juice. "You look lovely today."
"Thanks sweetie," Mary smiles at her daughter. "Your dad and I are meeting the party planner this afternoon to put the finishing touches on the party."
"Ok. I called Sam. He promises he'll be here. I warned him if he misses it, I will come to Cali and kick his ass."
Mary laughs. "I called him too. He told me the same thing."
"Oops!" Y/N giggles as she sips her juice. "Ok, well I got to meet up with Katie and Bekka so I will see you later. Love you," she says, kissing her mom on the cheek.
"Love you too. Don't misbehave."
Y/N turns as she goes to walk out of the room. "Who me? Pssh!" 
Her smile matches the one on her mother's face. Y/N heads out the door and off to her 'date' with her friends.
Y/N had no idea that soon she'd not be able to look her friends in the face without feeling shame and humiliation.
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @atc74​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @hoboal87​ @mogaruke​ 
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Week Year 3 Day One
Another year, another of @gojira007 and their blog @boundforfreedomsonsal hosting another week of one of the best OTP’s of fiction. Here’s my entry for Day One: Dawn.
Foreward: Another year; another Sonally Week! Here’s my entry for Day One, and hope ya’all enjoy. This one is a sequel of sorts to my “Surprise” Day entry last year, where after some heckling over certain aspects of his romance with Sally; Sonic gets the news he’s gonna be a big brother! Instead of a literally dawn I decided to do a more thematic ‘dawn of a new part of life’ aspect than the actual time of day.
The blue furred Hedgehog in question continued to pace the floor, seeming to either not hear, or simply not regard the call of his name. He stopped, but not to reply, and began to tap his foot repeatedly as he often did in a show of impatience. Soon he was pacing yet again, causing the one trying to get his attention to sigh in exasperation, again.
“Sonic!” Raising her voice, just-oh-so-slightly, Sally again, attempted to get the attention of her fiancé’ this time reaching out and managing to grasp his tail and give it a small yank. Probably not the best thing for Sonic’s pride as he let out the cutest squeak in response, but Sally didn’t mind. Smiling coyly yet with a hint of apology in her eyes as he turned to face her, she reached for his arm, softly rubbing it. “Calm down a bit hun, you’re going to wear the floor out.” Rubbing his slightly sore posterior, Sonic gave his beloved a mild glare that softened almost as soon as it appeared; agitation giving way to the concern plaguing him. “Sorry Sal, it’s just, well it’s been over an hour since the expected due date. What’s the hold up?”
A voice quips from a chair along the opposite side of the waiting room from Sonic and Sally. “Well that’s how labor sometimes goes Sonny-boy. I mean you didn’t exactly pop out as soon as your Ma’s water broke. Slow-going was the name of the game.” Chuckled Charles Hedgehog, finding much amusement in his nephew’s impatience. An impatience he very much empathized with, but knew better than to get too riled up at this point. “So an hour past when the doctor expects the babies to come is small change, especially compared to how you made everyone wait a whole ten hours and ninety-one minutes before you finally graced us with your presence.”
Sitting besides Charles, Rosie Woodchuck let out her own dainty but hearty giggle as she reached to give the silver-furred Hedgehog a gentle squeeze of his hand. “Oh the language coming out of that room. We both feared for your brother’s manlihood if not his existence.”
“I wasn’t that hard on Mom was I?” Inquired Sonic with genuine curiosity mixed with a mild hint of indignity. His gaze only half-way went to his Uncle and Rosie; mainly because he still found it weird they were dating. Correction had been dating on the down-low since, well, a long time with the two only having a ‘break’ when he’d been roboticized all those years. He was genuinely happy for them, but it was still just plain weird to him.
“I think pregnancy is hard for any woman the first time around, or so I read and was told.” Mused Sally as she gently pulled Sonic to sit beside her, rubbing his quills to both straighten them out, and to soothe his nerves. Not unlike Sonic she was still processing the semi-recent revelation that her beloved former Nanny and Sir Charles had been dating under everyone’s noses for so long. Then again should she be surprised? Both were rather private people about their personal lives outside of whatever they did with friends and family. Not to mention the true reason they kept it quiet back in the day had more to do with concerns their positions in the Royal Court would cause unrest for some if their more intimate relationship came to light.
Looking toward Rosie, Sally was now curious about her own birth given the topic. “Were Elias or I rough on Mother?”
Rosie shook her head, “Not really, Elias took some time, but your dear Mother thankfully did not have too rough a time of it. Her calm demeanor kept up even dealing with labor pains, and the end result more than made up for it. You were much easier, as she knew what to navigate and you only took so many hours after the labor contractions began to grace us with your presence.” She smiled fondly, thinking about the two occasions, then giggled. “That said she wasn’t above occasionally reminding your Father it was his fault she was in that state, and well, that’s her story to tell more than mine.”
Snickering, Sally looked at Sonic with a very straight face, barely keeping a grin from forming. “I promise if we have kids, not to threaten your masculinity. That said, I will probably get my vengeance some other way.”
Lifting an eyebrow, Sonic elbowed his girlfriend-now-fiance’ gently in the arm. “Oh reeeeeeeally? Well you gotta catch me first Sal.”
“I already did.” She murmured, leaning in to kiss his cheek as she laced her fingers with his.
“Got me there,” Relenting, Sonic returned the smile, as well as the kiss, planting it on her fluffy cheek before leaning back in his seat. His concern for his Mother and his impending siblings, slightly alleviated for the time being.
The elder couple shared a look, one they had often shared when they were witness to the dear love and devotion between Sally and Sonic. From children to adults, the two always seemed to be a pair they fit so well, it was clear as day even when they were in diapers or arguing up a storm as toddlers, to their teen years. The small things in life that made all the gloom and doom of the past decade and some odd-change worth living for. Soon everyone’s heard turns as the double-door leading to the maternity ward opened and Doctor Quack limped out, leaning on his cane carefully, but with a confident stride; showcasing he’d come to master the walking tool quite well.
Holding up his free hand, both to interrupt as well as allow Quack to pull down his mask, his bill forming into a smile. “Your newborn sister and brother are here, healthy and loud, and your Mother is doing very well herself.”
The four cheer as they stand up, mindful this was still a hospital and kept it down, but their jubilation was completely understood.
“Can we see them?” Asked Sonic, already antsy and looking ready to speed down the corridor.
“Yes, we’ve already handled all the post-birth clean up, and checked their vitals as well as Bernie’s, who herself wishes to see you all as well. So I see no issue with allowing visitation right away, but do keep it brief, they do need their rest.” Advised the water-foul doctor as he kept himself straight, if just to fight off his own fatigue which was now creeping up after the long labor. “Just NO running Sonic, got it?”
At the mild admonishment, the Hedgehog simply grinned. “Me? Run through a hospital? Would I do thaaaaaaaaaaaat?”
“Yes, you would.” Everyone else remarked with amazing timing and matching deadpan. To which Sonic rolled his eyes.
“Sheesh, talk about a crowd! Anyway let’s go, let’s go!” Sonic urged, already half-dragging Sally along, forcing his beloved to keep in rapid pace close to him as they held hands still. Sally simply went with it, laughing softly at Sonic’s outright adorable impulsive need to see his new siblings. Chuck and Rosie merely followed at their pace, but there was certainly a spring in their step as well.
Eventually the group, along with Doctor Quack, reach the room designated for Bernie and her newborns. Managing to keep Sonic at bay enough, Quack pushed the door open for them and cleared his throat. “Jules, Bernie, your guests have arrived.”
Like an impatient puppy, Sonic squeezed past Quack, Sally trailing hand-in-hand still from behind. His emerald-green eyes, zeroing-in on the target, even as his breath hitched softly as a wave of emotion floored Sonic as he finally gazed upon his Mother and new siblings. As tired as Bernie Hedgehog looked, nothing could dull the intense love and adoration in her eyes and face as she held two swaddled bundles in her arms. Her husband Jules’ own expression was a mirror of his wife’s, only tinged with the pride only a Father can know. Each look up their expressions beaming more at the sight of their eldest child, with Jules instantly waving him over.
“Hey there son, come say hi to your baby brother and sister!”
Noticing that Sally seemed a bit frozen, Sally found back a ‘snerk’ that wanted to come out, and simply pulled him along. Upon seeing the two infants, mewling and cooing, her own eyes mist. “Awww, they’re adorable!”
“Y-yeah they are…” Sonic managed a dry chuckle,  why did his throat feel so dry? He’d been psyched for this ever since his Mom laid the bombshell she was pregnant nine months ago! Of all the times for Sonic the Hedgehog to choke and lose his cool, it’s this? He didn’t lose his cool this much, asking Sally to marry him for Almighty’s sake! Leaning over he got a much better look at the two.
One of the two clearly favored their Mother’s more light-purple coat, another had the milder-blue of his Father. Both were cute as a button, and just, the sounds they made! Sonic usually wasn’t one to obsess over cute things, but he was entranced. “So we got names for these two? Or do I call em’ Li’ Sib one, and two?”
“We were thinking of Sonia, for this little angel.” Explained Bernie as she gently pet the back of her daughter’s head. The newborn curled against the warm hand that carried the scent of her Mother. “As for this handsome young man, I was thinking of something with M, like Manwell or Manny.”
“If he’s anything like Sonny-boy he’ll be one manic child.” Chuckled Charles as he and Rosie moved closer taking the end of the bed so as to not crowd anyone.
Something about that line struck a chord with Jules, who instantly adopted a thoughtful look as he rubbed his chin. “Manic, manic, why not Manic?” He grinned even as his wife looked at him rather funny. “Face it hun, if Sonic’s any indication, these two are going to be spirited, and it kind of goes well don’t you think?”
After a moment, Bernie tired rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she however smiled, “Manic it is. However if that name causes him woe, I’ll be sure he knows he has you to blame.”
“Anybody gives him or Sonia woe I’mma deck em’.” Sonic proclaimed, pounding his fists together.
“Nor alone,” Agreed Sally as she leaned against him. They weren’t her siblings biologically, but already she had decided she would help protect them at all cost.
“Triple, and quadruple so.” Added Rosie, who nodded along with Charles. The family was united on this front.
“Fantastic.” Giggling, Bernie kissed the heads of her newborns. “Hear that, your family is ready to murder for you.”
“You all can plot future murder later, as much as I hate to spoil the moment, Mother and both newborns need rest.” Spoke up Quack as he stood at the door, keeping silent until now.
Yawning, Bernie nodded in agreement, she was drained. Her gaze lifted to her husband. “You get some rest too, you’ve been up with me through all this.”
“I didn’t do even a fraction of the work; but, rest sounds good.” He yawned, quickly covering his mouth. “Mind if I just crash here Doc?”
“I’ve already asked an orderly to bring a rollaway for you. I know better.” Smiled the duck-doctor in a knowing fashion. “Now come now everyone, time to go.”
Looking at his parents, Sonic instantly stated. “We’ll visit tomorrow, promise.”
“Looking forward to it son, looking forward to it.”
Giving his siblings one last look, Sonic smiled and winked at the two infants. “Welcome to the world you two, hopefully by the time you can talk and explore the world there’ll be one last fat-man to worry about. That’s a big-bro promise!”  
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devendrasbeard · 3 years
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The Goat Is Part Of The Family
Prompt: Meet The Family Relationships: Ciri/Cahir Rating: T Content warnings: Just a slice of life, oh and Lambert being Lambert Summary: Ciri and Cahir are newly engaged, so it's time for the guy to meet her family. He quickly learns Ciri's family is unlike any other. And there's also a goat.
Also on ao3! 
My final prompt! I DID IT FOLKS!
"Hey mom," Ciri put her phone on speaker as they drove through the interstate.
"Hey daughter, grandpa wants to know how far away you are - he and Eskel are too eager to start grilling but they don't want the food to grow cold before you arrive." 
Ciri shot Cahir a questioning look and he quickly checked his watch. "Thirty minutes," he whispered.
"Yeah, we should arrive within half an hour," Ciri smiled at her phone, even though Yennefer couldn't see her. She listened for a moment to the background noises coming through the speaker. "Is there... Did you really invite the whole family over?" she huffed.
"You know that if it were for me, I wouldn't even invite your father," Ciri could exactly imagine that evil grin and raised eyebrow on her mom's face and she was damn sure she's heard Geralt's groan in the background. "Your family has invited themselves over, as soon as they've heard the big news. You better prepare your lover for the goat." With that she hung up.
Cahir gave Ciri a suspicious and only slightly scared look. "Is 'the goat' like your family's code for something?"
"No, unfortunately," Ciri laughed. "It's a literal goat. My uncle owns it."
"I'm both intrigued and scared," Cahir admitted. "I thought I was only going to meet your parents first... As in mom and dad."
"Yeah, I thought so too," Ciri looked out the window. "But alas! You're gonna meet everyone," she slapped her knees, her palms tightening around her thighs for just a second.
"Then walk me through it, is there anything I need to know about anybody before we arrive?"
Ciri looked out the window, worrying her lip between her teeth. A smirk was dancing at the corner of her lips and Cahir noticed that little spark in her eye that always showed up when she was deeply amused but didn't want to admit it. She turned to him after a while and exhaled.
"The only thing you really need to know is that my mom hates hugs and kisses, so don't try that with her. My uncles on the other hand are extremely huggable people, so expect to become a part of a hugging pile as soon as they feel comfortable around you."
Cahir hummed. "I think I can work with this," he smiled.
"Oh, and of course don't put any valuables on the floor or the goat will eat it," Ciri said with an absolutely serious expression. "Last time I was home and Eskel brought her over, she ate my brand new pair of Converse, and I've only put the box on the stairs for a moment to hug Dad!"
Cahir couldn't help but laugh, which earned him a smack on the shoulder. "Okay, It seems that we're here!"
They parked the car and got out, Ciri leading the way to the house. A white haired man, clearly Ciri's dad, leaned out of the kitchen window and waved at them with a slight smile on his lips. "Get in the backyard, everyone's waiting for you there!" he shouted at them.
"Ready?" Ciri asked, grabbing Cahir's hand reassuringly.
"I guess I never will be, so let's just do it."
Ciri opened the little gate to the backyard and they stepped into the garden.
"I swear to god, I'm gonna kill that fucking goat!" A red-haired man, equally red in the face was screaming at a taller, bulkier man. 
"That goat is part of the family, so watch your tongue, you bastard!"
"I'm gonna kill it and I'm gonna cook it! Next week we're gonna eat goat shish-kebabs!"
"Don't you fucking dare!"
Ciri and Cahir stopped in their way and stood dumbfounded in the middle of the garden, watching the two men, Ciri's uncles, fight. The goat's bleating was heard above the men's raised voices. Cahir squeezed Ciri's hand just a little bit tighter.
A man materialised suddenly at Cahir's side, moving smoothly and quietly like a cat, and patted his shoulder. "Welcome to the family, boy. I hope you don't mind people being loud." 
Ciri rolled her eyes and turned to the man, hugging him. Cahir watched him discreetly, noticing his tall muscular physique and the long dark hair and beard, and the tattoos.
"I was hoping that Mom and Dad would be the first ones to introduce themselves to you, but as you have probably noticed, my family is unlike any other," Ciri smiled and introduced the man to Cahir. "This is Aiden. He's married to my uncle - the shorter but definitely louder one."
Aiden shook Cahir's hand and raised a brow at Ciri. "Since I'm married to Lambert, your uncle, this makes me your uncle too, kiddo. Time to call me that too," he pointed finger guns at her and started walking backwards to the garden table. "C'mon kids, let's get you something to drink, you must be thirsty after the trip, and then we can introduce Cahir to the rest of the family." 
As they took the first sips of their cider, a man, seemingly in his late twenties, came out of the house, carrying a big plate of various cakes. His jeans were ridiculously tight and he wore a flowery shirt that had already half of the buttons open.
"Ah kids, finally! I couldn't wait to meet you, Cahir!" the man stretched out his arms to hug both Ciri and Cahir and then he placed kisses on both their foreheads.
"That's uncle Jaskier - definitely the most affectionate one," Ciri winked at Cahir.
"Hey! I hear you call him 'uncle' and he's also only married to your dad's brother," Aiden shouted at them from the snacks table and frowned theatrically.
"Ugh, that's because uncle Jaskier has been around since I was a child," Ciri replied sheepishly. "And you're," she gestured towards Aiden. "Well, you're pretty fresh!"
"He's fresh meat!" The shorter of the quarrelling men shouted to their group, loudly. "As in his meat is-" he got cut off by the other man's big hand on his lips.
"Jaskier, can you please tell your idiot husband to stop fighting with my idiot husband while we're having guests over?" Aiden sighed.
"Excuse me, but in my marriage, I am the idiot husband," Jaskier flicked his hand. "And also, what is today's fight about?"
"Lambert wants to grill Lil' Bleater again," Aiden replied deadpan.
"Same shit different day," Jaskier sighed and turned to Cahir. "Okay, since you've already met the cutest members of the family, besides Ciri of course. Are we doing mom and dad, or dad's crazy brothers?"
Cahir looked even more dumbfounded than in the moment they'd arrived, so he gave Ciri a questioning look. Or maybe a desperate plea for help, since his pupils were unnaturally wide and his eyebrows were almost at his hairline.
Ciri grabbed his hand and moved her lips in a silent "I'm sorry" and then dragged him into the house.
They made their way straight into the kitchen, lured in by delicious smells and the sounds of quiet chatter. The first people Cahir noticed were the two completely different women, who were chopping vegetables for some salads. One of them had deep black hair and was wearing black skinny jeans and a simple white t-shirt, her only jewelry being a thin choker with a purple stone. The other woman had fiery red hair, freckled skin and was wearing a maxi dress with a flowery print and a lot of bracelets.
"Hi everyone!" Ciri shouted, pulling Cahir to her side.
The woman in black nodded at them with a delicate smile from her spot over the kitchen counter. The other one left her stuff immediately and approached them, pulling Cahir into another hug this afternoon. "Ciri has probably told you that her mom hates hugging, but luckily I'm quite the opposite," she laughed.
Ciri rubbed the back of her neck, sending her mom a faint smile and getting a nod of approval in return. "So, this is my mom, Yennefer, and her wife, Triss, and these two grumpy snowmen in the back, these are my Dad and Gramps."
"Hey, I might be old, but I can still hear ya," the older white-haired man pointed his fork at Ciri. "Hello, boy."
The younger of the men stepped closer to them, wiping his hands in a towel. "Hi, Cahir, I'm Geralt. Nice meeting you in person and not seeing you sneak out of Ciri's room while we Face Time," he laughed, stretching his hand out to shake Cahir's.
Ciri suppressed a groan. "For gods' sake, Dad, just once could you not embarrass me on the spot?"
"Not possible." Geralt replied with a grin and returned to his station at the kitchen counter. "Cahir, care to help me and Vesemir with the steaks?"
Cahir felt his cheeks turning redd and he smiled sheepishly at the men. "Guess it's not the right time to tell you I'm a vegetarian?" he said quietly.
"There's room for everyone in the family," he heard a low, rumbling voice coming from the back door. One of the men who were quarreling earlier entered the kitchen, taking up almost all the free space. He was tall, bulky and would've looked threatening if it wasn't for the soft eyes and the baby goat cradled in his arms. "I hope you like goat cheese, though, 'cause we have a lot of that," he laughed.
Ciri gave up on trying to pretend that any of her family members were normal, letting her arms drop to the sides. She motioned towards the man with a smile and he approached her and hugged her awkwardly while also trying not to drop the goat. "Yes, this is my uncle Eskel and his baby goat, Lil' Bleater. He, obviously, owns a goat farm and is married to Jaskier."
"Hi," Cahir waved at him, laughing at the way the goat stayed cradled in Eskel's arms like a baby, but also silently admiring the man's strength and posture. "I love the goat," he added.
"Great, you're already one of my favourite family members." Eskel smiled.
"Okay, get that dirty baby out of the kitchen," Yennefer let out an annoyed huff and ushered them all out into the backyard. "I don't want her eating up all the apple pie again."
"Yeah, bring her back here, you fucking coward!" the red-haired man shouted at Eskel, clicking theatrically with the grilling pliers. "Asshole ate up all my bacon and broke half a dozen of my beer bottles," he complained while approaching Ciri and Cahir. "And this bastard still keeps defending her, can you believe?"
Ciri threw her head back in laughter and turned to Cahir with a theatrical whisper, "Final family member to introduce - uncle Lambert. He taught me all the cuss words I know," she added with a grin.
"And did a fucking good job while at it," Lambert laughed, shaking Cahir's hand firmly. "Alright, let's start eating, before the fucking omnivore wreaks even more havoc. C'mon, kids!"
Later that evening, with their bellies full of delicious food and eyes still prickling from tears of mirth, Ciri and Cahir snuck out to her room upstairs. They sat on her bed - or rather Cahir did, while Ciri plopped on her back with a resigned huff. 
"Okay, so this is my crazy family. You sure you still wanna marry me?" she asked with a cocky smile. She tried to play it cool, but a flicker of doubt was seen in her eyes.
Cahir cradled her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. "Of course, stupid. What you have is so different from what I had, being just me and my mom for the most of our lives... So this is totally new but so exciting. I can see your family loves you and they all have each other's backs. Even the uncles that have different views on the goat issue."
Ciri laughed and sat up. "So we're doing this?"
"We're definitely doing this. But I will have to think of a way to keep the goat out of our house. Don't tell Eskel."
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Ocean Eyes - Part 9
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A/N: Finally another chapter is done! 😂
Please like/share/comment, It makes me write more when i know you’re all enjoying it 💕💕
Chris opened up the back door and Dodger jumped out making a run for the house while i unstrapped Mason from his car seat. When i turned Lisa was already walking towards us with a huge smile on her face, Scott walking beside her.
"Hey Ma" Chris called out greeting his mom with a quick wave.
"Hey baby" she smiled coming to a stop in front of us "Y/N.....its so good to see you sweetheart!" She pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tight, i couldnt help but smile and return her hug.
"Hey Lisa, its good to see you too"
"Okay okay, enough! Where's my hug?" Scott asked pouting at me, i laughed and gave him a quick hug.
"Oh my god, you must be Mason" i heard Lisa say "he's a spitting image of you Chris.... i mean wow"
"Mason say hi, this is your Nana Lisa"
"Hi" he said quietly clinging to my leg.
"Oh you're gonna act all shy now bud? You were so excited to meet Nana Lisa before" i stroked his hair smiling down at him "Give him 5 minutes he'll soon be talking your ear off"
"Its fine hun, come on inside i've made some lunch for us all" Lisa said happily and turned to head inside.
"Mace, baby you're gonna have to let go of my leg"
"Come on pal lets go eat" Chris picked Mason up putting him up on his shoulders causing Mason to laugh loudly.
"Oh god be careful...."
"He does this with my sisters kids don't worry he's a pro" Scott laughed throwing an arm around my shoulders and leading me towards the house.
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After lunch i was left with Lisa, we were laughing as we watched Chris, Scott and Mason running around playing some kind of ball game, Scott and Mason were apparently ganging up on Chris.
"I haven't seen him this happy in so long" Lisa suddenly said with a huge smile on her face.
"You haven't?"
"Nope, he's not been the same since you left. He puts on this front of being happy but i know its bullshit"
"He's the one who left" i mumbled quietly.
"Oh i know sweetie, he told me everything, i just mean he's been different since he's not had you in his life".
"When you say everything....."
"I know about the vegas wedding" she smiled "and how you're still married"
"Not for long, i signed the papers again..."
"Are you sure that was the right thing to do?"
"I thought it was done years ago" i shrugged "besides he asked me to sign them because things are getting serious with Lindsey"
"Ugh" Lisa mumbled under her breath but i caught it.
"Not a fan of Lindsey's then?" I chuckled.
"No, not at all! That girl gets on my last nerve"
Mason suddenly run over to us but his attention was on Lisa.
"Nana can i have a drink please?"
"Of course sweetheart" Lisa offered her hand to Mason and he happily accepted following her inside.
"Y/N your kid has worn me out!" Scott said dramatically collapsing on the grass beside me.
"You getting too old Scotty?" i laughed
"He'll crash out soon don't you worry"
"Oh thank god" Scott laughed "i might crash first just a word of warning"
"Come on Uncle Scott!" Mason called loudly running back out and diving on Scott.
"You okay?" Chris asked me quietly, i nodded yes with a smile.
Lisa came back out holding up a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses.
"Oh god, my mom's trying to get you drunk" Chris shook his head and laughed.
"I am not! A few glasses of wine with lunch is fine. Besides, you're the one driving not Y/N"
"She's got a point there" i smiled up at Chris wiggling my eyebrows.
"Fine, you ladies have fun" he rolled his eyes looking amused.
"Dad come on!" Mason called from across the yard.
"Okay i'm coming pal" he called back with a smile, every time Mason called him dad he'd light up.... it was the cutest thing i had to admit. Chris's cell phone started ringing and he pulled it out checking who it was, he sighed before answering it and walking away for some privacy. His phone had been ringing all afternoon but he hadn't taken any of the calls until now.
"Lindsey...." i heard him say as he answered the call, i couldn't hear any more than that though. I took a mouthful of my wine trying to act as if i didn't hear who had called Chris, that it didn't effect me.
"You wanna know something?" Lisa suddenly said making me raise my eyebrows at her.
"You and Mason are all that boy of mine talks about, i've not heard him even mention Lindsey"
"I don't know what to do with that information Lisa...."
"Just keep it in mind" she smiled lovingly "its so nice having you back sweetheart, i've missed you"
"I missed you too".
"So tell me, any guys on the scene?"
I laughed and shook my head.
"Honestly? No, well not really"
"So there is someone?"
"No, there's a guy i meet who has asked me out a couple times but...."
"You not interested?"
"If i had met him before Chris showed up  again, i would have accepted in a heart beat. He's so sweet and hot! But its not fair to start something with him while i'm trying to navigate things with Chris and Mason.... i just don't have the time"
"You know it might be what you need..."
"You think i should accept a date with him?"
"I do, Y/N you deserve it"
"Maybe i'll go on one date.... see how it goes" i shrugged "i haven't been on a date in years, i'm so bad at dating"
"You'll do fine sweetie, text him"
"I'll think about it" i chuckled shaking my head, maybe Lisa had a point though....
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Mason was asleep the minute we started the drive back to Chris's, he had done well staying awake as long as he had.
Chris carried him in from the car and put him to bed while i made tea and fed Dodger.
I was sat reading a news report on my phone when Chris came back and sat on the opposite end of the sofa.
"These COVID reports are scary, have you read the latest? They're talking about a lockdown...."
"What?? Are you serious?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah look" i passed him my phone to read it for himself.
"Wow this is crazy....."
"Do you think it will happen?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if it did" he shook his head as he continued to read "If it does, i think you and Mason should stay here"
"Yeah, i mean... i think it would be best. I can help out with Mason and id know you were both safe"
"Oh... okay" i nodded, i guess it made sense....Besides, Chris wouldn't want to be apart from Mason.
"You'd be okay with that?" He asked me looking a little nervous
"Yeah sure, it makes sense" i shrugged.
"Cool, then thats settled. If this lockdown happens you guys will stay here with me"
"If it happens yeah" i nodded giving him a quick smile. Chris suddenly cleared his throat passing me my phone back.
"You've got a message" he said before getting up and storming off into the kitchen. When i looked at the screen there was a message from Derek.
Derek: Hey, i was so happy to hear from you.
I would still like to take you on that date.
When’s a good time for you?
Oh shit.... Chris just had to see that!
But why did he react like that?? He was with Lindsey! And why did i feel so guilty about it??
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@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
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phoenixhalliwell · 4 years
Well Helloooo Nurse
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Pairings: Will Miller  X Gender Neutral Reader ( Nurse Lark but goes by the name of Birdie) 
Word count: 1887
Author's Note: Good Evening all, welcome to the Will Miller show. Please be gentle as it’s my first time writing for him. I also have no idea how the inside of an ER works, i’m just winging this whole thing lmao  I hope whoever stumbles on this enjoys it :) 
Hope you don’t mind the tags: @lilacyennefer​ @cinewhore​ @dignityneeded
Thanks to his idiotic brother, Will ends up in the ER. Benny in an attempt to make amends, tries to be his wingman. 
Throwing yourself down into your chair, you let out a small cry at the relief at finally being off your feet. To say it's been a long week is an understatement. Your back is in agony, your stomach won't stop growling  and there's a throbbing pain behind your eyes . The ER has finally quietened down after a disastrous morning and you're counting down the minutes until it's home time.  
'Is it just me or is time moving slower?'
You glance at the clock. Another 20 minutes  and you are free for the next two days to do absolutely nothing. Closing your eyes you smile at the thought of the large glass of wine, warm bath and take out that awaits you when you get home. Your happiness is short lived though when you hear your name being called out.
'Urghhh, just leave me alone'
"Birdie, my good friend. How are you? You are looking fiiinnneee today, is that a new pair of scrubs."
Opening your eyes, you glare at your friend Letti who is currently batting her eyes at you. You scoff. You  know for a fact you look like shit. Your hair looks like a bird's nest ( no pun intended) and you're pretty sure that your scrubs have seen better days.
"What do you want?" you narrow your eyes at her.
"You know how you're my absolute best friend and you love me so much? Could you find it in that golden heart of yours to stay on just a little longer and cover the end of my shift. It's only a couple extra hours. I wouldn't normally ask but Scott has managed to ship the kids off to his mum's tonight and it's been so long since we've had adult time, if you catch my drift. Please. Help me out here Birdie I am dying" She begs.
'Pfft least you're getting the option for adult time' you think to yourself.  You watch as she clasps her hands to her chest and starts to give you the sad puppy dog eyes .You can feel your resolve start to crumble. Groaning, you throw your head back in defeat.
"Fine, but you owe me one and you better believe I will collect" you sigh. Letti fist pumps the air before grabbing your face and giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I fucking love you Birdie. I will name my next child in your honour"  she promises.
"Yeah like I haven't heard that before" you snort, wiping your cheek. Letti suddenly thrusts a clipboard into your hand before rushing  you through your next patient, eager to get home to her husband. You're not really listening to her, nodding along  every so often as you try to decipher the chicken scratches on the paper in front of you.  
' Did a child fill in this form?'  
You hear snippets of what she is saying: "Hotter than sin..... If I wasn't married...  wouldn't be able to walk straight"
You are finally able to pick out the important information:  
Exam Room 3 - William Miller, 40, laceration to left arm.
'Ok I can work with that'
Calling out your goodbyes to Letti  and telling her to have a good time, you make your way to exam room 3 to get started. Drawing back the curtain, you step into the room and  call out
'Mr Miller?'
"Yes?" two voices answer at the same time.  
" They are talking about me Dumbass, I'm the one that's currently bleeding no thanks to you. Please excuse my brother, he was dropped on his head a lot as a child"  your patient apologises to you. You let out a snort at the quip.  It's not until you get a proper look at his face that  your laughter is quickly cut off.
'Oh' is all you can think before your mind goes blank. Sitting in front of you is a man you can only describe as an Adonis.  Even though his face is twisted slightly in pain, you would gladly stare at him  for the rest of eternity. Beautiful  blue eyes, soft blond hair, a well groomed beard. Your mind  takes you to some bad places when you think about that beard.
'Hotter than sin indeed...."  
A choked out laugh causes you to tear gaze away from William and over to the other man in the room who waves at you looking far too amused.
'Oh god, he knows I was checking out his brother' You cringe internally.
"Hi I'm Benny in case you were interested" the other man jokes. He is also a fairly attractive man  -you can see some similarities between the two. However, Benny has nothing on his brother. You shyly nod your head in greeting before making your way to Will's bedside.
"Ok Mr Miller, I am Nurse Lark. From what I could make out from your form, it says that you have a laceration on your left arm. Is this correct?"  you ask the older Miller.
"Yes that's right. Sorry about the scrawl, Benny didn't make it past the 3rd grade."  Will  teases.
"Fuck you dickhead" Benny hisses back.
"Boys, settle down, this is an ER  not a playground " you interject. Both men mumble their apologise and you try not to laugh. Gently picking up Will's arm, you turn his arm left to right to get an idea of  the extent of his injury. He's lucky in the fact it's not too deep. Unfortunately it cuts directly through the tattoo on his lower arm. Potentially a future scar but that was out with your control. Raising your head, you notice how close you are to each other's faces. Will stares back at you and you lose yourself for a minute.
"For fuck sake, get a room" You hear Benny mutter behind you. You cough and busy yourself getting the equipment you need to start patching Will up.
"I'm sorry but this might hurt a little"  you warn him in advance.
" Don't worry about me, I'm tough as nails " He smiles reassuring you.
You nod before getting started. So focused on your work, you didn't notice Will admiring you from where he sat. He liked the way  your eyes never wavered from your task despite Benny blabbering on in the background. How your nimble fingers made quick work of his wound. He thought the way you stuck your tongue out slightly in concentration was the cutest thing.
Benny was quick to notice his brother's heart eyes and started snickering.
" You know what Will? Maybe if you're a good boy the nice nurse will kiss it better once they are done"
You glance up in time to see Will's face turn scarlet. 
'Just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter'
"That's it, Benny get out now!" Will  growled.
Benny sighs dramatically and sulks out the room but not without muttering "just trying to help you get laid dickhead". You glance back at Will who is now staring up at the ceiling, looking as though he wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
"It's days like these I really wish my parents had got me a puppy instead of a little brother"
"Well from what I've seen of him so far, the man is basically a gold retriever in human form" you joke back. The laugh he lets out catches you off guard.
'I  could get used to that sound.'
You had to stop yourself from sighing and scolded yourself for acting like a love sick fool instead of the professional you are.
The conversation came easy for you both after that.  You started by telling him your name before the both of you shared little tidbits about each other. Will seemed like an interesting man from what information he gave. He was funny and incredibly smart.
'He's perfect'  is all you could think. However, it didn't take long after Benny got asked to leave to finish patching the rest of Will's arm up.  
"Well Mr Miller, I guess that's you done. Please make sure to keep the area as clean as possible and have someone help you change your bandages"
You feel sad at the idea of him leaving. It is evident that he feels the same by the way he stalls collecting his things. He looks like he's debating with himself before he finally turns to you looking determined.
" Would you maybe like to go to dinner with me sometime? I know we haven't met under the best circumstances but I had a really great time talking with you. I'd end up hating myself if I didn't at least ask"
Your heart races at the question and you don't hesitate to tell him yes. His face lights up and you find yourself falling a little more for Will Miller. Grabbing a pen from your top pocket, you hastily write down your phone number and hand it to Will. You both wish each other goodnight before parting ways. You find yourself grinning and bite your lip to try and contain your glee.
" Guess  I will be naming my first child Letti"
 Outside the hospital
Benny leans against the wall (pouting like a child) and waits for his brother . He still can't believe he got thrown out of the room. It feels like forever and a day before Will finally makes his appearance with a smug grin on his face.
'He looks like the cat that got the cream'
' What's with the grin man? Did they give you the good shit for the pain or something?"
Will shakes his head before showing Benny the piece of paper in his hand. A set of digits.
"William, you sly dog" Benny laughs in delight before he slaps Will's arm. He's quick to realise his mistake when his brother grunts in pain clutching his bad arm. Benny panics and makes to touch him but is stopped in his tracks.
"Don't . Fucking . Touch me.  Just get in the fucking car. " Will hisses. He marches off to the car park, swearing under his breath.
'Well that victory was short lived' Benny thinks, following his brother.
Bonus Scene - Date night
'Is it just me or is time moving slower?'
You glance at the clock for what feels like the millionth time. Another 10 minutes before Will is suppose to arrive. It's been so long since you were last on a date and you can't remember being this nervous. You look down at your outfit and run a hand over it to make sure there wasn't any creases. Will had text earlier to let you know to dress casual for your evening out but wouldn't give you any more information. The sound of the doorbell interrupts your thoughts and you let out a nervous giggle.  Trying not to seem too eager, you give yourself a beat before  opening the door. You feel yourself go weak in the knees. Will is dressed to impress - A black leather jacket over a soft grey t-shirt with a nice pair of black jeans that does wonders for him. He lets out a soft laugh at the way you are blatantly eyeing him up before doing the same to you. He lets out a low whistle.
"Well hellooo nurse"
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Hiya could you please do a one shot where Levi and reader have a couple of kids under 5, all of them are born with blonde hair and a rumour spreads that the reader is cheating on him with Armin (who is actually the readers nephew who they treat as if he was their little brother). Levi knows this isn’t true but no one listens. Jokes on them cus years later the kids look exactly like him. Thank you!😊😁
Aayyy some comedy, even though I’m not good at writing it!
Please enjoy~🍰
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You and Levi were almost the perfect couple. Both were captains who had fallen for each other during their cadet years. Gotten married and even had children. If it wasn’t for the bloodthirsty beasts you had to battle, this would have been a fairy tale. Either way you couldn’t ask for a different life. 
You both had two beautiful boys, Eli and Liam. Eli was 4 and Liam was 2, and what do you know, you were expecting your third child. He was secretly hoping for a baby girl this time around.You never took Levi for having a big family, maybe a single child but not three. Yet he was a wonderful father and husband.  
Despite being together for 7 years there were still rumors considering your boys. Both boys were born with blonde hair. Eli had Levi’s eyes, but Liam had blue eyes. People had thought you cheated on him, or that you were having an affair with someone in the military.
A joke had even come from it claiming Armin was the father of you kids. Which always made you laugh because he was your nephew. It was kind of funny but a bit awkward at the same time.
“Damn brats have nothing better to do“ Levi complained as he watched cadets whisper as they walk by. Currently, you were sat in the courtyard with him watching the boys play.  As much as he could tolerate it, he still was annoyed by it. Although it was disrespectful and straight up rude you knew your place and who you are with 
“It’ll pass Levi and if it gets worse you already have a plan don’t you” you smile add him while you absent-minded rub your protruding belly. You were already at you 7 month mark but you were ready to be done with it.
“How’s baby?“ he turned slightly to you, his hand over yours. 
“Fine, they’ve been stretching a lot today“ you sigh resting a hand on your lower back. Before Levi speaks again he hears some talking involving your name. He stand and walks around the corner into the stables where a few cadets surrounded Armin
“Come on Armin just admit it! You had a one night stand with her and got her pregnant.“
“Even after having the first kid she still looked great, I wouldn’t blame ya, even I would have gone for that“ another drooled. Levi felt rage take over his entire body hearing them speak of you in such a way. 
“I would never, first off she’s married and she’s more of a sister to me“ Armin tried to defend your name 
“Yeah right, if she was mine I’d make sure she screams every night“ the same snobby mouth was then punched by Levi. Falling to the ground Levi takes one of his arms and twists it behind his back. 
“If any of you try and leave you’ll all end up like your friend here“ he said coldly making everyone freeze
 “You’re all worthless scum speaking of my wife in such  manner. I’ll have you know she’s laid with no one but me, I’m the only one to hear her voice and feel her skin. If I see any of you bastards near my kids or my wife, start praying for your lives“ he said coldly as  very faint crack could be heard form the boy’s arm. 
Letting it go the boy stands up quickly whimpering as he held his arm “100 laps around now, and stable duty for the next 6 months” and they ran off.
“I’m sorry sir” Armin apologized but Levi raised a hand 
“Don’t, it’s not your fault it’ll hit them sooner or later, or something else will” 
That something may be his fist or his shoe-
The next few months pass and there were many punishments to be given out. Not only that but the explanation of Armin being your cousin was announced for the sake of both your sakes. Some believed it and others did not. 
It had more of an effect when your daughter was born. Yes, Levi had gotten his baby girl in the end. She was born with your skin tone but his raven hair. She was the cutest thing and everyone was head over heals for her.
As predicted before, Levi was right. A few years pass and now the boys were Levi’s exact copy! Now at ages 13 and 15 they were top of their class. Not to mention with the young girls as well.
Eli’s hair had gone from blonde to a very dark dusty brown. Liam kept his blonde hair with blue eyes but looked just like Levi. They both even inherited his great skill and strength.
Speaking of girls, your little girl was a little flower. She was blossoming into a magnificent young lady who took nothing from no one!
At only age 12, she had shown her skills, and intelligence. Not to mention she had Levi’s attitude. Quick wit, and doesn’t joke around. Of course she likes to have fun and enjoy herself, but she also gets annoyed like him. Her first words were actaully “brat”.
It was at this age many people had come forward and apologized for spreading rumors. Even the ones who started it came to apologize. Levi only gave them half punishment which in his opinion, is fair. You explained how some genetics such as the blonde hair and eyes skip a generation. Instead of you receiving them from your mother, your children did.
All five of you were one happy family, and a strong one at that. You could never feel more joy than to see your children become strong individuals. Having Armin was also great, extended family wasn’t common as it was before.
Although there were times Levi had thought about your daughter with striking blue eyes. There would be many bones to break....
After dinner was done and you were washing up, Levi comes behind you end hugs you. He gives you a gentle squeeze as he took in your scent. His lips graze your neck and leaves gentle kisses
“How about another?” He said in a husky tone
“We have 3 kids Levi, all of them in their teens. And do you really want another feud as to who the father is?” You chuckle
“Mmm don’t care.” He picks you up bridal style “I haven’t had you for a while” and there you two went to the privacy of your bedroom.
I hope this was okay❤️
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