#in other words how the FUCK does info-chan find out about these things
taeko-yamada · 5 months
hey . hey . what the hell do you mean sakyu regularly murders people to "prolong her existence" what do you mean by this .
(i mean of course the clues have been dropping since the basus were first implemented but tell me why we can jus t??? stab her and RUN???? as if she were a totally normal mortal human being and not, yknow someone whos going to bloodline curse us for a 1000 years-- oh wait what do you mean that happened already)
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skzhua · 8 months
We Going For the Win
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Female!Reader
Genre: Zombie Apocalypse!AU, fluff, bit of angst. (The Last of Us vibes)
Word Count: 9,982
Warnings: Violence, swearing, mentions of sex/death/killing, drinking. (Not proofread yet!)
Summary: While being in quest of finding your childhood friend you have lost contact with ever since the start of the infection, your ex fling and ex smuggling partner involves you in a difficult situation. New friends and difficulties are waiting for you.
A/N: Might do a part 2 or leave it as it is... I don't know yet.
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"Here." the man simply said while dropping the bag on the table in front of you.
He gestured at his men to open the door behind you as a way to inform you this little meeting was over. However, you didn't budge.
Instead, you took the bag to see the content of it, and frowned. "The deal was 10 silvers and a pack of cigarettes."
"No, no. The deal was 10 silvers and a pack of cigarette if you did the job correctly."
"Which I did."
He started to laugh before taking another shot of whiskey. "I asked you to steal the radio and get SKZ's location from them. You only got the radio. Therefore, you only get the cigarettes."
"You're kidding, right?"
He shrugged, fiddling around with his glass. Not answering your question, he poured himself another drink. Before he could bring it to his lips, you took his glass harshly from his grasp and threw it accross the room.
"What the fuck, woman!" he shouted angrily.
"You fucking asked me an impossible task, plus bringing you a most likely broken radio from the restricted area, made me infiltrate a fucking government base to steal infos and you're thanking me with fucking cigarettes." You slamed the bag in front of him, giving him a glare. "The deal included 10 silvers. I want them."
"Sweetheart, you know it doesn't work like this." he chuckled with a smug smile on his face.
You shut your eyes in disgust of the infamous nickname he gave you. "Don't fuck with me, give me the silvers."
He got up from his seat and signaled to his men to shut the door. The already stinky room was filled by the alcohol's odor, making you want to puke. How could this man drink so many shots without being dead already?
He paused a moment, looking at the ground, before he spoke again. "Do you want to find your little friend or not?"
"What does this have to do with this?"
"Y/N, I know you want the silvers to go across the country to find your friend. That is if he isn't infected yet, of course. What I'm saying is, there is a reason I'm not giving you those silvers."
"That's what this is about? About you not losing your best dealer?"
He laughed, again. "At least you know you're the best. Not only that but we have helped each other so much in the last six years. You're like a daughter to me, I'd hate to see something bad happen to you."
You smiled sarcastically. "And yet, you've sent me away to die thousands of times just so I could do the job for you."
"Because you are the best I have." he pointed out again.
You were getting tired of this. Frankly, you just wanted to get the damn silvers and go to bed. However, you knew the man and he wouldn't let you have what you wanted so easily. With that in mind, you seemed to have only but one option to get out of this.
"Alright then. I guess I'm not leaving today." you sighed, standing up from your chair. "I do want one thing if I don't get the money." He stepped closer with a curious look on his face. "I want to know if Changbin ever sends something on this radio."
He smiled. "Done deal." You nodded before heading towards the door. "And Y/N?"
You stopped on your tracks, rolling your eyes. "What?"
"I better see you tomorrow morning, I have another job for you."
Ignoring him, you resumed your way to the exit. Once outside, the sirens couldn't be any louder. In all of places, you had to be at the worst safe haven of the country where only dealers, smugglers, thiefs and many others lived. You were grateful your uncle was renowned enough for the other rebellious groups to leave you alone, but that also meant you had to do all of his work for him. If not, you were dead meat for sure.
When you arrived at your half torn down apartment, you jumped as soon as you walked in, as you were welcomed by an unannounced man sitting on your couch.
"Yeonjun, what the fuck?" you shouted, closing the door behind you. "I told you to not fucking burst into my place randomly like that."
"I know, but I kind of had nowhere else to go."
This was enough said for you to know he got in trouble, again. "Who was it this time? Beomgyu? Taehyun?" you asked while serving yourself a beer, offering one to your former partner.
He took the bottle and drank from it before talking. "Soobin."
You frowned. "I thought he was off to the west zone."
"So we thought, but turns out he had an encounter with SKZ, and he's been taken hostage. We tried to free him, but fucking stupid Beomgyu crashed into a pole and now all of them are taken away."
"And why are you here?"
He rolled his eyes. "To ask you for your help, obviously."
"No, I know that. But why are you not with them?"
"I jumped out of the car before it crashed. Hid until they all left and came here as soon as it was clear."
You shook your head in disbelief. "No matter how much I'm trying to cut you off from my life, you're still going to involve me in your stupid schemes."
"You're quite literally the best fighter, sniper, liar and also the prettiest I know."
You almost choked on your drink from his words. "We're not going to fuck again, Yeonjun. Stop with the flirting."
He held his hands up. "It was just a joke, relax. But for real, I really need your help."
"I don't deal with SKZ."
"They're just another gang, what's the big deal?"
"They're not feared by the whole country for no reason. I support their whole rebellion shit, but they're taking it a bit far."
SKZ were an anonymous group of rebels. When more people were starting to get infected, the government put the country in war mode. They established curfews, safe zones, duties, everything they could have control on anything that you could think of. As the years passed, they started to like this kind of power, meaning they did close to no research on a cure. Groups against the new regime started to form, but the most well-known of them was SKZ. Apparently, they were formed in the south part of the country, the area with the most infected. They ravaged headquarters, gathered information about the virus so their team could study them in order to find a cure. They had great intentions, but anyone on their way would be one of their victims. And that now included your ex-fling and smuggling partner's own gang.
"Y/N, please."
"No, I saved your butt enough times." You walked to your room and he followed you behind, still bombarding you with 'help me', 'this one time', 'please'... "I said no!" you grunted, closing the door on his face.
You dropped on your bed, sore from your morning task. As you were already starting to doze off, a creek from your door did not allow you to go to sleep just yet.
"Yeonjun, go away." you mumbled, eyes still closed.
The man didn't listen and sat next to your laid down body on the bed. "What if I say I can help you find Changbin?"
Your eyes shot open and you stared at Yeonjun. "Don't." you warned.
"Y/N, I swear I'm not kidding. I know where he is."
"How? You barely go outside of the limits."
"Just... Trust me on this one." he spoke softly. "Look, we've had our ups and downs and I understand how unreliable I am to you. There is one thing that I can assure you, and that is I never would mess with you with this. I know how much it means to you."
He took your hand in his and gave you one last pleading look. You were hesitant. You didn't know if you could trust him, but at this point, who could you really trust? Plus, Yeonjun has always been around. Even if he was a pain in the ass, he might be the only recurrent person in your life other than your uncle and his deals.
"If I learn this is a whole fucking joke-"
"I swear it's not!"
"But if it is... you owe me 1000 silvers, a car and your dead body." you smiled.
"So, you're going to help me?" he stared at you in shock.
"Yeah, sure. As if I have anything better to do."
As you were making your way up the ladder, you couldn't ignore the undistinguished noises Yeonjun was making as he was following you closely.
"Can you shut up?" you half-whispered.
"I didn't know you were thinking of leaving during the night. There is a fucking curfew, Y/N. You know what that means? Agents everywhere and going against the law!" he whispered back quite aggressively. "Also, how the fuck do you know the way to the other side from the sewers?"
"Okay, first of all, a curfew means no one's outside. Less chances of getting spotted. Second of all, we've gone against the law so many times, I don't get why you think it's a problem now. And third of all." you stopped climbing and stared down at him. "I've been outside the limits a few times. Now, are we done? Can we just move and get there before it's morning?"
Yeonjun's eyes went wide as he shook his head in yes. "My bad..."
Satisfied, you continued to climb up. When you finally reached the lid of the manhole, you pushed it up carefully, staying alert in case there would be agents on duty close by. Once you made sure it was clear, you pushed the lid so you could get out. You helped out Yeonjun and you both pushed the lid back into its place.
"Alright, so are you sure they went to District 9?" you whispered.
"For the nth time, yes." he said with annoyance.
"How are you so sure?"
"Dude, I heard them loud and clear."
"They might have said this to trick you?"
"Y/N, focus!"
You tried to remember the quickest way to the fences. Agents were everywhere, and what bothered you the most was Yeonjun not being the most careful, as he kept questioning you on why you knew how to get out.
Finally, you reached a part of the fences that surrounded the city. Yeonjun gasped in amazement, much to your discouragement. Sighing, you headed towards the underground tunner that some kids had dug a few days ago.
"Go first."
Nodding, Yeonjun followed your orders. Once he was on the other side, you copied his action and, soon enough, you both had crossed the limits. Once you got to the other side, you could already feel how different it was from the build closed community. The air was much heavier and actual forms of life were rare. There was already an infected who spotted you, who signaled to his other infect friend there was a meal for them.
"Shit." you muttered.
The monster was already running in your direction, and fast. You took a bar of metal that was randomly (and conveniently) lying at your feet, and you ran to it before swinging your weapon to his head, ripping it off its body. The second infected was next to head toward you and you instinctively pierced the bar through it, making it drop on the ground. When you turned back to check on Yeonjun, he could only stare at you with wide eyes and his breath unsteady.
"Now what?" he gulped.
"Follow me." you said, running towards an old building, visibly abandoned.
Only, it was just that. Visibly abandoned. As soon as you turned the corner, you were met with a bunch of men, four of them, masks hiding the bottom half of their faces while pointing guns at you.
"Fuck." Yeonjun said in a low tone while holding his hands up in the air.
"We were waiting for you." one of the men spoke.
"Oh, so them saying they would be in District 9 wasn't a trap?" you sarcastically asked Yeonjun, pettiness overflowing.
"I was convinced they didn't see me." he said in defense.
"We didn't." the man talked again. "But we knew you were there. Now, mind to follow us?"
"Okay, so now y'all are being polite?" Yeonjun scoffed and you kicked his leg. "Fine, let's follow them bluntly, I guess."
The men led you inside the building, holding onto your arms with guns still pointing at you. This was the exact reason you wanted nothing to do with SKZ, they could catch anyone and they were not afraid to use the weapons they had.
After walking endlessly in a hallway, you reached an elevator. You were surprised it was still functional, as most of the things in the infected zones were destroyed. Once the doors shut, one of the men pushed the button to the basement. Of course, it was the basement. You would've thought they'd be more original with where they kept their hostages.
"Are we meeting your big boss?" you asked in a joking tone.
"You're joining your friends." one responded.
When the doors opened, you didn't waste a second to take the gun from the man who was grabbing your arm, twisting it so he would let go. Hitting him on the head, he fell onto the ground. Meanwhile, Yeonjun copied you and also managed to disarm two other men. As for the last one, he held his gun to you.
"Don't waste my time, give me the gun." you said boringly.
He glanced at his friends on the ground, who were massaging their heads from the hits, and they all seemed to be in agreement to just let you be. They knew the others would take care of the both of you, anyway. You took the gun and didn't hesitate to give him a good punch in the face, making him fall next to his friends.
"Let's go." you nodded your head to Yeonjun.
As he was walking by your side, he started rambling again. "That, right there, was fucking awesome! There was a reason why I came to you for help. If it was someone else, I'm sure I'd probably be-"
"Dead? Yeah, well, you'll be if you don't shut up." you whispered loudly.
By the end of the hallway, you could see a large closed door that was seemingly locked. Pretty convinced it was where they detained the others, you made your way to it.
"I guess that's it." you mumbled.
When you reached it, you searched in your bag to see if you had anything that could help you open the door. Noticing you were short in terms of tools, you figured Yeonjun brought something that might be useful.
"Got something?" you asked, but when there was no response, you looked around and Yeonjun was nowhere to be found. "Jun?" you called out.
Just then you were suddenly tackled onto the ground. You met eyes with a young man with freckles.
"You don't look like an SKZ member to me. Who are you?" he asked, restraining you as you tried to push him off.
"Doesn't matter." you managed to breathe out.
"It does to us."
"I guess you'll have to find out another day."
Kicking him in his lower abdomen, you freed yourself and grabbed your knife from you bag. When you were about to throw it to the boy, a hand grabbed your arm, stopping your motion. The stranger twisted your wrist, loosening your grip on the knife. He took it from you and inspected it for a bit.
"Felix, go see if Minho, Jeongin, Hyunjin and Seungmin are fine." he said, his voice low.
The freckled boy, now up onto his feet, nodded and headed to the elevator you were previously coming down from.
"I didn't expect Yeonjun to bring a friend." he said, now talking to you.
He led you to the door you were trying to open not even 2 minutes ago. In contrary of what you thought, it was a simple empty room with a single lamp as its source of light. He threw you to the ground and closed the door behind him. He sighed loudly before walking to you, crouching down to be at your level.
"Now, as my friend asked. Who are you?" You only stared at him, not a sound slipping from your mouth. "Do you know why we took your friends?" No answer. "Why are you here?"
"For no reason, just to enjoy a different environment I guess, just like y'all do."
He didn't expect you to answer this time. "Looks like you don't know much about us, sweetheart."
You cringed at the nickname. Hearing it from someone other than your uncle was odd. Even just hearing it from your uncle was uncomfortable.
"Maybe I don't. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about who you are." You crossed your arms and gave him a bored look.
"Maybe you don't. Still, I think a little introduction can be helpful. I'm Christopher Bang, leader of SKZ." Unfazed, you were still staring at him. "And you are?"
"Tired and annoyed."
He chuckled at your answer. "I like you." He stood up and started to walk back and forth in the room. "I shall contimue then. SKZ is a group of rebels, as people call us, whose purpose is to take down the government's new policy in order to restore some sort of purpose among the population. We're also trying to find a cure for the infection and we, as you might have seen, have many people against us. Your friends were trying to get to our secret base to steal a drug we use during our experiments. They wanted to sell it to make profit off of it."
"Sounds like them." you huffed.
He smiled at your comment. "We've dealt with TXT before, but you're a new one. I've never seen you, I believe."
"Like I said, I literally don't give a fuck about y'all. I just do my thing on my side."
"Then, why are you here?"
"Ask Yeonjun."
Sighing at your lack of engagement in the conversation, he stopped walking around to turn his body to face you. "You took out half of my squad back in the elevator, I want to know who I'm dealing with."
Half? All this time, you thought SZK had hundreds of members around the country. There were eight of them? This new information was surprising, to say the least.
"Sweetheart?" he called out since you were not answering him.
You were interrupted when the door opened. When your gaze shifted towards the door to see who had joined, your met eyes with the person you least expected to see. For a moment, you felt as if time had stopped as you exchanged looks.
"Bin?" you breathed out, your heart pounding.
There stood, alive and well, Changbin. "Holy fuck! What are you doing here?" he exclaimed, running to hold you into his arms.
His embrace was warm and felt like home. After so many years, you felt at ease and tears were streaming down your face.
"Where the fuck were you? I searched for you everywhere." you cried out.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm here now, it's all good."
When you finally let go of him, he turned to Chris, who was clearly confused on what was happening. "Care to explain, Changbin?"
"She's her. She's Y/N."
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Holding the ice pack to his head, Minho was mumbling some curses, still sore from your attacks.
"I'm sorry." you said shyly and he nodded his head in acknowledgement.
"So, Y/N." Chris started. "Can we do this interrogation again, please?"
You had moved to a small office, Minho tagging along. With knowing that Changbin was there, you felt more relaxed. However, it didn't stop you from being on your guard. Changbin might be a friend you've been looking for in the past 6 years, but him being part of SKZ changed things a little. You couldn't fully trust those men.
"Good. Who are you?"
"I'm Y/N. Been pretty much alone since everything started. I was a neighbour of Changbin and we grew up together. He was my closest friend. I've been trying to find him ever since the walls have been put up." you said, keeping it honest, but short.
"What I'm getting from this is that you're against the government as well?" he asked and you nodded. "Why were you with TXT?"
"I'm only here because Yeonjun quite literally begged me to help him get his friends. I didn't ask questions, I just wanted the job done."
"There was something in exchange?"
You paused, hesitantly, but nodded. "He said he knew where Changbin was."
From your answer, he got up and walked out of the room, leaving you and Minho alone. You smiled awkwardly at the man, who gave you a glare, still pissed at your previous encounter.
Outside, Chris had joined Changbin and Felix to talk. He didn't know what to do with you, and something was stopping from either releasing you, or finishing you off.
"Changbin." he called out and the man immediately focused his attention on his leader. "You know her. So, what's her deal?"
"I can't know for sure, I haven't seen her in years. She is colder than before, for sure. I doubt she is lying, though, but I can't be certain."
"Okay. What do I do with her? She might be lying and has tried to steal something from us."
"Honestly, Chan, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt." Changbin said.
With that, he went back to the office, encountering a rather uncomfortable silence between you and Minho. He coughed a bit before sitting back in front of you.
"Do you have any reason we should believe you?" Chan asked, continuing the interrogation.
"I'm repeating myself, but I quite don't care about what y'all do, and I am not fond of the authorities either."
"A reason we shouldn't believe you?"
"There are many, but one is that you don't know me."
"Your relationship with Yeonjun?"
"He used to work with me... and sleep with me."
"Have you crossed roads with any infected?"
"Two on our way here. I killed both."
"Did you get bitten?"
"Do you see a mark?
"No..." he trailed off.
This kept going for while, and Chan was strarting to be very precise with his questions, as he was wondering why you were on your own and why were you looking so desperately for Changbin. Until then, you were short with your responses, much to Chan's dislike. After a while, Minho, who had been observing the interraction this whole time, stepped forward to take the seat next to you.
Interrupting the conversation, he grunted in annoyance. "Chan, she seems fine to me. Can you just let her go? We're wasting time here."
"No wait." Chan paused, inspecting your traits. "I have some questions, concerning your skills."
"My skills?" you said, confused. "I think you saw them."
"I just know you knocked out my members, killed two infected, do some stupid deals in the city and fucked Yeonjun." he summed up while giving you a blank stare.
"Fucking is a skill?" you scoffed.
"I'm just repeating what you said, sweetheart. Now, skills?"
"I fight, I kill, I spy, I steal, I negociate and I lie." you listed and your last point seemed to grab Chan's attention. "Also, I don't owe shit to anyone."
"Have you thought of joining a group?"
"I told you, I'm on my own."
"But do you like it this way?"
You thought for a moment. Did you? "Yes."
Chan laughed and shook his head. "You're not so much of a good liar there, sweetheart."
You rolled your eyes. "Let's say I do fine alone but being alone can be rough at times."
Minho whined loudly once more. Not only did he have to listen to this whole pointless conversation, but he had to suffer from the tension happening between you and Chris, and he had to see his leader ask a hundred questions before getting to the point. It was very unlikely him, who would usually not bother talk and kill those who are on his path. With you, however, it seemed more like a game. It might be a fun one when in it, but Minho was done observing.
"He's asking you to join SKZ." Minho spilled out, going straight to the point.
"Thank you, Minho." Chan said, giving his friend a death stare.
Thinking about it, being on SKZ's good sad wasn't too bad of an idea. They are great fighters and took care of their business quickly, from what you've heard. Nonetheless, you still had your friends in mind, who remained detained at the moment. If joining the infamous rebels meant you could get them out, you might be able to help them out, after all.
"What do I have in exchange?" you asked, which took Chan by surprise.
"You would join us?"
You shrugged. "Depends on the offer."
"Of course, you'd ask something in return." Chan shook his head. "What do you want?"
"Release my friends. And give Yeonjun 1k silvers, he needs it. Also, I want to choose my own weapons and I still want to be able to do my uncle's deals. Last thing, I want to talk with Changbin, alone."
Chan looked at you curiously. You didn't ask anything for yourself, except talking with Changbin. For a world nearing its end, you were surprisingly selfless.
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Yeonjun came to visit you a few days after. He thanked you a thousand times for what you had done for him but you weren't so happy with how things turned out. While you were close to punching Chan in the face, your friend had been nothing but grateful to the man.
"He really wanted to kill us, you know?"
You rolled your eyes while sharpening the knife you were gifted earlier that day. "I'm literally the one who saved you, but sure. Thank Chan for being such a good person."
Yeonjun frowned, hearing your tone. "You don't sound too fond of him."
"I asked for a moment with Changbin, and he still hasn't allowed me to stay in a room alone with him. It's almost been a week."
"You tend to be impatient-"
"I've waited for six years, Jun." you cut him off, pointing the knife at him. "I am patient, but I have limits."
He lifted his hands up in defense and sighed as you went back to sharpening. The building was so quiet, it was almost sickening. While you thought there would be more action in the group, there was almost nothing to do. Seungmin and Minho were in charge of looking into a cure and the remaining of them were mostly simply guarding the place. As for Chan, he and Changbin were nowhere to be seen.
"Do you know why he joined them?" Yeonjun asked.
"That's exactly what I'm wondering myself."
Just then, Felix walked in the room and took the seat next to Yeonjun, waving at you two. You nodded your head at him and focused back on the blade. Twirling it around, you sighed in boredom.
"Doing some training?" Felix asked.
"No, there's just nothing to do in this shithole." you deadpanned at him. "Weren't you on the lookout?"
"Changbin took over."
You huffed in disbelief. "It's as if Chris is doing everything in his power for me to not meet him."
"He will let you two talk eventually." he assured. "He's still on his guard with you, that's all."
"Sure." you spat out as you got up on your feet.
"What are you doing?" Yeonjun frowned, Felix having the same expression.
"I'm going to talk with Chan." you declared, walking towards the exit.
The boys didn't seem opposed to your idea, so they let you leave, although Felix did look more concerned. You had no idea where Chan could be. The building was so huge, you were barely starting familiarize yourself with the ground level. You soon spotted Hyunjin from afar and didn't waste a moment to run to him.
"Hey, Y/N." he smiled, his eyes almost closing.
"Do you know where Chan is?"
Startled by your lack of courtesy, he nodded his head nonetheless as he pointed to a door nearby.
"Thanks." you said as you left him there.
"He's with Seungmin, just saying." he yelled out but you ignored him.
You stormed into the room and the two men at your sudden entrance. While Seungmin got up with his gun pointing at you, Chan reached his hand out to him as a way to tell him to lower his weapon. You stared at him, unimpressed. He motioned for Seungmin to leave the two of you alone. As the door closed, he invited you to sit with him.
"What is it?"
You looked at him, baffled. "That's it? What is it? I know you know."
He nodded. "Changbin, isn't it?"
He shrugged. "What about him?"
"Stop messing with me, Chris." you warned, getting up to lean on the desk to get closer to him.
Sighing heavily, his shoulders dropped in defeat. Without adding another word, he stood up and gestured for you to follow him. You were skeptical of how easy it had been to convince him but didn't say anything about it. If you were just about to get what you wanted, there was no way you'd complain.
Chan made you follow for a good ten minutes. Turning left and right, going up and down the stairs... you were almost scared of getting lost. It was all worth it in the end, though. As soon as he opened the door to the rooftop, you spotted Changbin who wasn't doing much other than playing around with his gun.
"Bin." you called out and the man in question turned around, seemingly taken aback from your presence.
You mouthed a small "thank you" to Chris who answered with a quick nod before leaving, closing the door behind him. You let out a sigh of relief and went to go hug your old friend. As Changbin was still on duty, he returned the embrace coldly as he was watching around the building.
"What are you doing here? I thought Yeonjun was visiting you today." he asked.
"Fuck Yeonjun, I've seen enough of his face. What about you? I've nearly said a word to you since I arrived."
He chuckled, visibly still fond of you. "You haven't changed."
You shrugged, fully knowing you weren't the same person he once knew. "I guess I kept some of my old mannerisms."
He nodded slowly before looking to the view of the city you had. A moment of silence felt both good and torturous. He was right there, just next to you, and you weren't talking still.
"So? How did you get here?" you said, breaking the ice.
"Wow, going straight to the point." he laughed. "I don't know. After the evacuation, I was pretty much on my own. I still have no idea where my family is, if I'm being honest. About five years ago, I had a quibble with Han. It was over some food or whatever, I don't remember. Anyway, I beat him but it was cold that night so he offered to go back to his hideout. And that's when I met Chris. The guy saved our lives, I've never met someone quite like him."
You hummed as he finished. You were as much worried as he was about finding family and such. And that's what he was to you, family. The exact reason why you've been wanting to find him for so long. He was your comfort place, your home. Someone who had been there for you far more than your actual family.
"No." he spoke again. "He actually reminds me of you at times."
Seeing the knowing smile on his face, you cleared your throat as you grew uncomfortable. "So you thought of me..."
"Obviously. You were my closest friend."
Nostalgia hitting you right in the face, you smiled sadly to yourself. "These were the good days."
"They were. How did you even survive on your own, anyway? Six years alone, it must have been rough."
You could hear the worry in his voice which you almost took as an insult. You are small and lanky for sure, but you have always managed to do everything by yourself and with success.
"I was with my uncle for the first year before I ran away. I believe I was alone for about two years, which wasn't that hard. I made contacts everywhere and it became pretty handy. Then my uncle found me and we've been having this thing going on ever since. I do his deals and he pays me." you explained.
Changbin scoffed. "He's still around?"
You nodded. "After my dad got infected, he was pretty much all I had left. Except for you, who I have tried to contact for the past couple of years." you said, sending him a glare.
He held his hands up in defense. "It's not my fault SKZ is a secret organization. I would've put the whole team in danger if I answered your radio signals."
You crossed your arms on your chest. "A little sign of life would've been nice, though."
"Please, Y/N. I'm sorry, okay?"
A loud explosion nearby cut the conversation short. Looking to where it came from, you saw Felix and Jeongin hiding behind a wall while a crowd of infected people ran towards them. They had seemingly threw a bomb at them but it was clearly uneffective. Instinctively, you took Changbin's gun and went ahead with shooting the monsters who were the closest to the boys. Jeongin took a moment to spot you before nodding his head as a sign of thank you. While you continued to shoot, he grabbed Felix and rushed him to a building further away.
"Changbin, Y/N!" Yeonjun's voice said as it came from the door Chris had previously gone through. "The building's not safe anymore, come with me."
You rushed to follow him and walked down the stairs to get to a level where you could jump to the building beside. Changbin took his gun back and made sure to beat any infected with whom you'd come upon.
"Are Seungmin and Minho alright with the cure? And Chris-"
"They're all fine, now's not the time." Yeonjun shut you up.
A couple of levels later, you left the staircase to go find a window wide enough to go through. As it seemed to be a quieter place, you allowed yourself to calm down and take a look around. It resembled an old office room where workers would type all day about whatever.
"I never came here." Changbin informed.
"We didn't necessarily need this space anyway." Chris said as he walked in the room, limping slightly. "I've gotten everyone out, it's just us now."
"Where are the others?" you asked.
Chris let out a grunt from the pain his leg was causing but still took the time to answer you. "I don't know but we have a meeting point. We'll find each other again eventually. It is a shame, though, this place has been the longest settlement we've had so far."
"Oh, fuck." Yeonjun cursed before running to the doors, shutting them closed. "We don't have much time and the way to the next building isn't that simple."
"What do you mean?"
Changbin pointed to the hole in the wall. "It leads to a balcony. The plank of wood there can be our bridge."
You went ahead and helped him get the piece of wood, trying your best to get it out as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Yeonjun was trying his best to keep the door closed but as more infected came, it became harder. Chris wanted to help but his leg wasn't letting him. Helplessly, he watched Yeonjun struggle and you and Changbin doing everything to get out fast.
In his mind, he was already dead. He thought about Minho for a moment, hoping he had taught the younger man everything to take over his place as leader. He truly hoped he did. Because he wasn't going to make it. He would only slow everyone down.
"Man, come here." Changbin yelled at him.
"You'll have to go without me." he declared, feeling defeated.
This caught your attention and you went back to Chris. Seeing him so vulnerable, your heart sank. If he was like Changbin had described him, it would be a waste for him to die. With a determined walk, you went to his side and put his arm around your neck to be his support.
"What are you doing?"
"Saving your ass." you rolled your eyes before looking at Yeonjun. "Jun, we can go now."
Your friend's face was fully red, a result of his entire strength used to keep away the monsters. Even if he wanted to, he wasn't going to have the energy to join you and leave. And one glance at each other was everything it took for you to understand that.
"You've been great, Jun." you smiled sadly, not even feeling the single tear that left your eye.
He gave you a small smirk, the best he could give you given the circumstances.
With a heavy heart, you grabbed tightly onto Chris and dragged him all the way to the hole in the wall, and then to the improvised bridge you and Changbin made. The latter was already on the other side but he crossed back to give you a hand with Chan. You sat the man down so he could slide instead of walk. Once safely arrived, you hurried to join them and throw the plank down, preventing the zombie-like creatures to follow you.
Out of breath, the three of you dropped on the floor. You couldn't believe it, you had just lost Yeonjun. Sure, he wasn't your favourite person on Earth but he had never left your side for years. In a way, he was your safe space. An annoying one for sure but it hurt nonetheless. And without saying a thing, you let one more tear drop from your eye while being totally unaware of Chan's gaze on you.
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Normally, you would have left the neighborhood entirely. But because Christopher was having an issue with his right leg, this was not an option. Staying at the highest floor of the building next to the old SKZ headquarters, you were pleasantly surprised by the arrangement of the space. Someone had stayed there for a bit but left their bedding as well as their canned food and magazines. Maybe this person died but it didn't matter to you at that moment. You were just grateful to have access to such a luxury.
You all had a long day and deserved a rest, and Chan needed it the most. You had bickered beforehand about who was going to stay awake in case of anything but you inevitably won the argument.
With the light provided by the lamp in the middle of the small room, you read out loud the words written on the pages. Boring was one way to describe the texts but it was better than nothing.
"-the release of the movie had been much awaited by fans from all around the world. At its first screening in theaters-"
"What movie?" Chris cut you off.
"Avatar 2."
He chuckled. "It was a big thing, wasn't it?"
"Movie theaters..." Changbin said dreamily. "Will we ever be able to have this kind if experience again?"
You could only roll your eyes. "This is mothing compared to our movie nights."
"Gosh, I forgot about those!"
Chan frowned. "You two were pretty close, yeah?"
Changbin grinned. "My whole childhood was with her."
"At its first screening in theaters, many complained about-"
"Let's do something else." Chan cut you off, snatching the magazine out of your hands.
"What else do you suggest?" you sighed, knowing there wasn't much to do.
"We can chat a bit, learn about each other."
Changbin shook his head. "We already know each other."
"I don't know her, and you might not be aware of some things about her too."
"Fine. Y/N, how's your uncle doing?" he asked, not expecting much of it.
"Head of the bounty group in the city. He's enjoying power and abusing people but at least he gives me some money from time to time." you answered.
"Let me guess, when you do the job for him."
You nodded and that pretty much shut the whole conversation. Well, for the two of you. Chris' mind was going through a whirlwind of questions to ask. He was fascinated by your ability to remain calm and unfazed but it surely meant you had gone through something that made you this way. He wanted to know what happened. He wanted to dig into your mind to find the troubled girl. He wanted to help her.
"Your parents died, no? How did you deal with that?"
Your jaw clenched and you noticed Changbin was ready to throw some fists. Surprisingly, you weren't mad that he dared to mention your parents. In some way, you had beeb waiting for an opportunity to think of them. Ever since they died, you didn't let yourself take a moment for them.
"I coped the best way I could. I mainly tried to forget about it but I miss them still, you know? And my uncle has always been an ass so it didn't help much that he was still alive, let's say. He's family but I would've rather not if I'm being honest."
Chan chuckled. "He seems like one hell of a persona."
"Believe me, he is."
"It reminds me of my own parents."
You frowned, intrigued. "Are they..?"
"Dead, yes. My sister too. I don't know where my brother is but he most likely didn't make it. I miss them too but I made my own little family now. And I won't lose them."
Your gaze softened at his words. Scary is definitely a good word to describe Chris but deep down, he was a simple guy wanting to do good to protect his friends.
"You're part of it now, you know?"
You cleared your throat, uncertain on how to react. "Right... Uhm, it's getting late. You two can sleep, I'll be on the lookout."
Changbin took the gun from you before you could stand up, sending you a look that said plenty to you. He was going to watch first. You let him do and looked at his back while he went to sit next to the closed door.
"I get why you took Bin with you." you said in a low tone to Chris while settling down on the small blanket next to him.
He laid on the mattress himself as he replied. "Why?"
"He's built like a bodyguard, mentally and physically."
"He is, but he was so vulnerable when I met him. I was in a similar headspace and with Han being the anxious guy he is, we were a unique trio."
You didn't expect him to open up like this about the past, especially not the beginnings of SKZ. The organization might be small, as you know now, but the power they hold is something. Knowing the slightest information about them could ruin their doings. But since you were a member, you guessed it didn't matter now.
"We had a different name back then, 3Racha. We thought we were clever but when the other guys joined, it wasn't a good fit anymore."
You laughed. "Good call on changing the name. Why SKZ, though?"
"Stray Kids, a good representation of us I think. We're wandering around with a purpose but, in the end, we're all children still."
You liked that way of thinking. You were about to ask more in terms of the formation of the group but Chris' grunt took you off guard. Wincing more as he wiggles around more, you sat up and leaned towards his body to check where the pain was coming from. From the way he was holding onto his leg, you could tell this was the issue.
"Can I take a look?"
While panting heavily, he nodded in a hurry as if he was begging you to make the pain go away. Carefully, you pulled the blanket off him and went ahead with rolling his pants up to above his knee. That part of his body had clearly gone through a slight fracture.
"Gosh, what the hell did you do?" you mumbled more to yourself than to him.
"I was pushed down the stairs by an infected, no bites though."
You started to massage his knee a bit but the wince he let out was enough to make you stop. Instead, you ripped a piece of your shirt, one long enough so you could wrap it around his leg.
"I don't know if this will help for sure but it will keep it stable for a bit. The more you move, the more it'll hurt and worsen." you explain was tying it all up.
Chris watched you in admiration. There was something about you that he hadn't seen before, softness. There was worry and care in your touch.
"Thank you."
You gave him a small smile. "We don't want our leader to suffer now, do we?"
"Suffering is part of the equation, Y/N. The sacrifices I make are for the others."
"For tonight, it might be good for you to feel at peace. We don't know what will happen tomorrow."
You said this as if this had not been the case for the last six years. Every day was an adventure with risks. However, now that the team no longer had a safe space, it was much more dangerous to be out in the forbidden zones.
"Sleep well, Y/N." Chan finally spoke up, laying down again.
"You too."
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It took two weeks for Chris to be able to walk in some way. In that time, your trio grew to have a routine. You and Changbin would switch places every night for the lookout but he was most often out to get the food and such. That left you and Chan alone together for the majority of the time. You didn't mind, Chris was fun when he wanted to be.
You grew closer which made you both glad. You didn't feel like you were walking on eggshells every time you were around him anymore. Instead, you felt safe. He had the trick with words so he could tell you anything in the wisest way possible. That, or he was flirting.
Maybe it was due to his lack of action in the love department, but he would make flirty comments nonstop.
One time, Changbin left to see if he could get a hold of some medicine for Chan's leg. The moment he left, Chris was at it again.
"Now that he's gone, that leaves us alone again." he had said with an eyebrow raised.
This had to stop, now that you were on the move again. The sole focus had to be finding the other boys, and only Chris knew where to find them.
On the run again, you left your little temporary hideout that morning with only a couple of belongings with yourselves such as food and weapons. You were far away from the city now, leaving you wondering where the hell Chris had planned to go.
"Are we there yet?" you asked with a whine on purpose.
"No, I've told you." he answered calmly.
His patience was impressive but you were testing his limits. "How long do we have still?"
"More than expected if you continue complaining like this."
Changbin held back a laugh. For him, seeing the new dynamic his friends had was entertaining. The growth from being distant to joking around all the time was the last thing he would've expected from the two of you.
A couple of miles later, you settled down in an abandoned convenience store to take a small break. To your luck, some snacks were still intact as well as some beverages. This brought back memories from when you would demand sodas from your father and he would repeatedly tell you how bad it was for your health. Let's say it didn't matter anymore. Food was food.
"Look! They got ramen." Chris said, bringing a box full of them.
"Jackpot." you cheered, taking one pack for yourself.
"If only we have boiling water." Changbin pointed out but Chris coming from the back of the store with a boiler shut him off real quick. "Nevermind."
"It almost feels like we're robbing someone's safe place, this store has everything."
Chris shrugged. "We're not staying for long, just to refill our stomachs. We'll continue after."
Your eyes widened. "You mean we won't sleep?"
"Not tonight, we slept plenty last week. What, did you want to cuddle with me?" he winked at you.
"As if." you scoffed.
Changbin, feeling slightly uncomfortable by the tension, started to get the food ready. In the meantime, you and Chan kept an eye outside just in case. In no time, the three of you were on the ground, slurping on your noodles loudly. This might had been the first good meal you had in a long time. You really took instant noodles for granted back when you had easy access to it.
"Are you done?" Chris asked as he finished his bowl.
You and Changbin hurried to finish and you were back to walking again, not forgetting to pack a couple of items from the store.
It felt like you had been advancing for eternity without getting much closer. You were mostly silent, that didn't help. You were growing more and more bored by the minute and, visibly, both boys felt the same.
"Truth or dare?" you suddenly spoke, startling the guys.
"Uh, Y/N?" Changbin said, confused.
"Might as well make the most of this trip." you shrugged. "Truth or dare?"
Chan was the first to answer. "Truth."
"Do you really think we'll find a cure?"
He gave you a look, as if to tell you that you were being weird. "I think so, but it won't be a thing done by the snap of my fingers. Bin?"
"Hum the hapoy birthday song."
"Boring. Y/N?"
Changbin smirked at you, a sign he was uo to no good with his question. "Who's the most handsome in SKZ?"
You cleared your throat, keeping your eyes in front of you. From the side, you noticed Chan looking at you as he expected your answer more excitedly than he should.
"Uh, do I have to say?"
"Yes." both men answered.
You breathed out loudly and stopped on your tracks to look at them both. "You're all good-looking in your own ways but... uh... Chan is pretty nice to look at." you mumbled quickly before walking again.
Chan's smirk crept on his face before he jogged to catch up with your speed. Meanwhile, Changbin proudly tapped his own shoulder to congratulate himself.
"What did you say? I couldn't hear properly." Chris questioned, though you knew he had heard it perfectly.
"Don't make me repeat it."
"I'm pretty nice to look at? This might be the best compliment I have ever received." he snorted in a sarcastic way, earning a glare from you. "If it can help your case, you're pretty cute too, you know?"
If you could control it, you wouldn't blush. Never would you accept a compliment from Chris, even less after you were forced to give him one.
"Let's go back to walking in silence, shall we?" you suggested, ignoring the man completely. "Changbin, can I walk with you?"
He shrugged. "Nah, I'm good in my bubble."
You wanted to rip his head off at this instant but refrained yourself from doing so. Evidently, you had no choice but to continue to trip with Chan next to you.
"Ignoring people is rude."
"I'm not ignoring you." you defended, although it couldn't be any more false.
"It's not such a good look on you, baby."
Your eyes went wide immediately. In the spur of the moment, you shoved him to the side and fastened your speed of walk. You weren't even mad at the nickname. In fact, you kind of liked how bold Chris was. Anywho, you had no time to flirt, even less with the SKZ leader. Trying to recollect yourself, you focused on your breathing to being it back to a normal pace.
Only for Chan to show up again.
"It was a joke, I'm sorry."
"Uhm." you hummed, still not acknowledging him.
"It's fine, don't worry."
Feeling defeated, he didn't push it further. So you continued to walk, only hearing the wind and the sounds from your footsteps.
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The warehouse was most likely a place they had previously chosen as a base. The equipment was still functional and tons of weapons had been hidden in a safe place under the floor of the basement. Heavy barbed wire all around on top of high fences, you wondered why they even left this place to begin with.
"Not discreet enough." Minho answered your question, which you had seemingly said outloud. "With all the heavy security mesures here, we are easily spotted by enemies. Sure, it's safer but we prefer places where we can work hidden from anyone."
You were glad the whole group made it to the safe meeting point. Jisung immediately went about taking care of Chan's injury while everyone gathered to figure out what to do next.
"We can always travel to the east part of the country?" Hyunjin suggested.
Seungmin, however, disapproved. "With an injured leader and a newbie on the team, we might want to stay close to the city."
"There's always TXT's hiding place." Jeongin shrugged.
It pinched inside to hear that group. You missed Yeonjun, more than you would have imagined.
"It's too small for you all." you argued.
"Yeah, I need the equipment for the research." Minho added.
"We'll stay here." Chan announced as he came back with Jisung. "We are almost done with the formula, we need a couple more weeks and it should be ready to test. I doubt we'll have issues until then."
"I added traps all around the base while we were waiting for the threesome people, we should be safe." Jisung precised before slumping down on a couch.
"Threesome people?" Chris repeated in a mumble.
"Yeah, like how Changbin was surely going to sleep with Y/N and Y/N and Chris keep eye-fucking each other nonstop."
"We got the point, thanks Jisung." Jeongin stopped him, which you were grateful for.
"She's like a sister to me, that'd be so wrong." Changbin continued.
You sent him a glare but he ignored it. "No one's slept or will sleep with anyone."
"Hmm, you'd be surprised." Hyunjin argued.
"I don't want the details."
Chan clapped his hands together, shutting the conversation. "Can we get back to work?"
Everybody went to their position: Felix and Jeongin on the lookout on the roof, Changbin at the entrance, Jisung and Hyunjin in training, Minho and Seungmin on the cure...
You were left alone with Chris in his new office. With a radio at hand, you were trying to catch any signals of new research found about the virus of potential visits from enemies that you could prepare for. It wasn't that exciting other than hearing people talk.
"Y/N L/N... works for... reward of..." you heard while tuning in the radio.
You had completely forgotten about your uncle, even more the load of work you still had to execute for him. In a moment of panic, you stood uo and paced around the room, looking for your stuff.
"Woah, Y/N." Chris said, standing up as well.
"I have to go back." you announced, breath unsteady.
"My uncle, he's gonna kill me if I don't finish his deals."
He frowned. He had tried to understand why you were so insistent on continuing to work for that guy. From his point of view, nothing beneficial for you. You would receive much less than what you deserve, get treated like shit and live in a shitty torn down apartment.
"You don't have to-"
"You don't understand." you interrupted him. "That man is the reason why I'm still alive. I did all of his work and he allowed me to get by in exchange. I let him down, he can ruin my name. He has contacts, I know he will kot hesitate to-"
"You don't have to." Chan repeated. "You're not there anymore, you're not trapped. Look, I don't know what happened with the two of you but I think he might have manipulated you. Telling you that you owe him for what he did for you? You don't owe him anything, he's the one who owes you. You do all of his dirty work for a few silvers and do it all again the next day. And what if he ruins your name? You can't be found with us. Well, your chances are low let's say. You're safe."
You hadn't noticed he had taken your hands in reassurance until you felt his thumbs rubbing against your skin. This might had been the first time someone had touched you like this, so intimately. As much as it was a foreign sensation, you felt as if there was nothing else but you and him. As if a bubnle had created around you. As tears dropped from your eyes, you took in what he just said. For years, you believed you had no choice but to give back to your uncle for lpoking after you, when in reality, he had never done anything but use you. Chan was right.
You let out a chuckle. "In a way, you saved me. By recruiting me."
"In a way."
You stepped forward, getting closer to him. So close that you could smell him. He smelled fresh and new, nothing like someone who spent years being a rebel. Looking up to stare back at him, his gaze had moved down to your lips. So you looked at his lips too and, slowly, you moved closer to each other until you kissed.
It was nothing like you had experienced before. There wasn't just lust and want in the kiss, there was anger, sadness, relief.... It wasn't a clear mix but it felt good.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to seem to take advantage of the situation or-"
You shushed him with a small peck. "You're not, I swear. Look, I don't do great at relationship stuff but-"
It was his turn to cut you off as he let out a laugh. "There is no pressure."
For a moment, you could only smile and stare at one another. This was simple, easy. You loved it, actually.
"... vaccine in development..." the radip glitched, grabbing both your attention. "... no cure found... coming from yeast... mores tests..."
Chan took a deep breath. "I think the guys are going to like that information."
"What do you mean?"
His smile grew bigger. "We know the source of it now. If the guys can combine the source with the developped molecule, we might find a way to prevent it from evolving."
"So..?" you asked again, still not fully understanding.
"We're near the end of it all, Y/N."
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
104 notes · View notes
stayndays · 3 years
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𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 - 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧
my gift to @wingkkun for @kafenetwork‘s holiday treats event!
genres & tropes - fluff, minor angst, comedy, misunderstanding(!!!), magical boarding school au (hogwarts but not really), dorm neighbors au, best friends to lovers au, shy!chan, extroverted!reader, gender neutral reader, chan’s pov
disclaimer - the entire fic is based around the fact that the reader was kinda accidentally drugged with a potion, two swear words, chan likes an unnamed female character (but hey in this case he likes everybody!!)
word count - 5.1k (uhm?? what the fuck?? this is coming from the blurb writer guys what the hell happened)
summary - bang chan does not have a crush on you. actually, he has a crush on his partner in potions class, and decides to do something about it… until it goes all wrong, and the liquid of a love potion is running down your throat. now, chan has to deal with your lovesick antics for a week while trying not to become infatuated with you himself. spoiler alert: it’s a lot harder than it looks.
a/n - it is i, penguin anon, the dude who made that survey for stayblr writers, a friend of your own friends, yes hi lol KJFSKDF honestly, this could be a very confusing fic to some people, as some things don’t line up, i will admit that! that’s mainly because i frantically put this together in the last two weeks while preparing for midterm exams, so not all the ideas i had in mind lined up correctly. regardless, i hope you enjoy this, especially you kai ^^ 
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𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨, 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞
Bang Chan does not have a crush on you.
You’re his best friend, his next door dorm neighbor at the boarding school he goes to. He comes to you for one subject, while you come to him for another. You’re the person he sits next to at lunch, and the counterpart to his timid personality. You are anything but his crush.
He does, however, have a crush on the cute girl he’s partners with in potions class, aka, not you.
“So,” you start off, tapping your feet repetitively on the wooden floor of Chan’s dormitory, the chair you’re sitting on face away from the desk it accompanies. “Let me get this straight.”
Chan nods for you to continue, playing with the blanket threads on his bed to anxiously wait for your response.
“You’re going to make a love potion for your crush to drink?” you confirm with him, to which he nods, lips pressed together tightly. Chan can easily tell how flabbergasted you are at his simple, yet elaborate idea, wheels turning in your head. “But this could go wrong in so many ways! How are you going to get her to drink it anyways? How are you even going to get the ingredients to make the potion?”
Chan scratches the back of his ear, which is slowly growing red by the second. A nervous grin slowly growing on his face before he answers you. “You see... that’s where you come in.”
He notices the deadpan on his best friend’s face and winces.
“...You want me to steal the ingredients, don’t you?”
Chan nods timidly.
It’s not Chan’s fault really, Chan believes, as you’re known for being a master at being sneaky. Not only can his own clumsy hands barely lift up a pencil before dropping it onto the ground, he has to be a role model to the younger students! It’s only right for you to do the job instead.
“Fine!” you throw your hands up into the air in exaggeration. “What do I get in return, though?”
“Hmm...” Chan ponders on your question, tapping his chin in thought. “Banana milk for a week?”
“Pleasure doing business with you, sir.”
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 
Bang Chan has made a huge mistake. It’s the kind of mistake that’ll affect his entire school year, undoubtedly. The kind of mistake that he’ll scream out at 2 am into his pillow, not only because it’s highly embarrassing, but also because it could ruin everything.
It all starts with a carton of banana milk.
The plan, originally, was quite simple. Chan had seen his crush fold open a carton of banana milk in class and gulp it down right in front of his eyes. Well, while he pretended to be busy looking up something in his textbook, at least. By gifting her banana milk, that was actually drained out and replaced with the love potion he brewed, not only would he seem like a nice person to her, she would be infatuated with love for him. 
Two birds hit with one stone. Simple as that.
Until you came in, strolling down the hallway Chan was leaning his back on, eyeing the pastel yellow carton in his hands. He knows that his first period is potions class, he knows that you greet him every morning with that same smile on your face while he waits outside for the classroom doors to open. However, he should’ve known that openly holding a container of banana milk in his hands for everybody passing through the hallway to see was not a good idea.
And that’s how Chan ended up where he is right now.
“Hey, Chan!” You approach him with a grin, hair thrown back messily. “First of many banana milks you got for me there?”
Chan’s breath gets caught in your throat while you look up at him expectedly. His eyes continue to shift over from the paperboard box in his right hand to your bold eyes.
“Um- Er- I-” His fingers curl tighter around the drink, but his voice just so happens to fail him out of all the times in the world.
And then his head fails him, and he nods out of pressure.
He watches your eyes light up, and your hands lightly touching his own as you snatch the drink from his possession.
You rip open the opening to the carton. Pressing your lips against the entrance, you pour the drink into your mouth and down your throat, all in one go, right in front of Chan. His mouth is slightly agape at your bold actions, his head screaming at him to tell you what you just did in hopes that you’ll snap out of it before it’s too late, yet he stays silent.
“Hmm, the liquid is more like water than milk, but at least it still tastes like banana!” You gently crush the carton before patting Chan on the shoulder. His eyes widen when you pause, and then laugh in a dazed manner. It’s almost as if he can see the hearts forming in your eyes.
“Thank you, Channie. See you at lunch!” You wave him off in a flirtatious manner, something he’s never seen you do to anybody in all the years he’s known you, and his heart pounds faster with worry.
Soon enough, he falls out of his stunned trance and presses his back against the wall shamefully, slowly sliding down it. He’s too anxious to care about the weird stares he’s getting from other students going down the hallway, curling himself up into a ball.
Chan’s head shoots up from his position on the ground, only to lock eyes with his crush’s worried eyes. He gasps quietly before rocketing up from the floor, brushing himself off, startling his crush. “Y-Yes?”
“Why were you slumped down on the floor like that?” He watches her scanning his face while he bunches up the sweater he’s wearing with his hands. “Your face is really red too… should I take you to the nurse’s office?”
“Oh! Uhm, no, it’s okay. I feel fine. Class is starting in a minute, regardless,” Chan reassures her, and fortunately to him, she doesn’t question it any further and changes the subject of their conversation.
Yet, his back of his mind sends him flying back to what happened previously. The flashbacks of you drinking that love potion right in front of his eyes sends a pit down his stomach, churning it to make him feel sick and lightheaded. He ponders about how much he screwed up this time, thanks to his stupid brain and timid decisions.
That love potion you drank was not meant for you.
You are not his crush.
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨, 𝐭𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 
Bang Chan is a fool, a dunce, the embodiment of stupidity.
At least, according to his two closest friends besides you: Lee Minho and Seo Changbin.
“You’re such an idiot, Chan!” Minho cackles as he bangs his fist repeatedly on the wooden table of the school’s dining hall, accidentally sending his hot chocolate flying all over the place as he flinches.
“I have to agree with Minho on this one,” Changbin, who’s passive behavior is the opposite of Minho’s wild personality, tells the oldest boy. “You really messed up on this one.” He continues to flip through the pages of his textbook after cleaning up Minho’s mess with his wand.
Chan groans, letting himself fall onto the table pathetically, head first. He covers his eyes with his hands and shouts in agony, making Minho laugh even harder. Eventually, once the rowdy student calms down, he shakes Chan’s shoulder to get him to sit back up again. “No, but seriously, what are you gonna do now? They’ll be completely obsessed with you for the next couple of days.”
“A week, actually,” Changbin corrects, flipping to a specific page of his potions textbook and displaying it to the two. “A love potion's lasting effects depend on the amount you give the drinker.”
“And a milk carton holds like, a liter of liquid? So if you multiply those numbers, it’ll for sure last an entire week, which started yesterday,” Minho points out with his finger, directing Chan’s eyes to the info on the page. 
Chan lets out a deep exhale, scratching his scalp as he processed the information. “So, do any of you have advice for what I’m supposed to do?”
“Don’t look at me-”
“I know, Changbin, you’re too focused on your studies to find a partner. I’m mainly asking Minho, our designated player in our year.”
“Well,” Minho cracks his knuckles before answering. “I’ve never accidentally drugged somebody with a love potion before, so unfortunately you’re all on your own. Fortunately, however, Y/N’s coming right your way!” Minho points cheekily to behind Chan, making him whip his head around.
And there you are, walking right towards them.
“Channie!” you stroll on over to the trio of boys with a pep in your step and a grin on your face. “Let’s go to Insanis!”
Chan’s ears perk up at the name of his favorite cafe near campus, always serving the best scones and cinnamon rolls he’s ever had, and the fact that you know his love for the place. However, he comes back to the realization that you’re under the effects of a love potion, so he shakes off the blush that’s threatening to appear on his cheeks.
Slowly starting to feel under pressure at the fact that you’re waiting for his response, he nods his head repeatedly with a shrug, packing up his belongings spread out on the slightly dirty, wooden surface. Your face lights up at his agreement, and you eagerly wait for him to stand up. Chan waves off his two friends, ignoring Minho’s snarky smile and Changbin’s desire to laugh right then and there, and exits the dining hall with you holding his hand.
You’re going to be hard to deal with these next few days, he thinks.
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞, 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲
Chan thinks you’re going crazy.
You’re acting like a drunk person whenever you see him, completely helpless of your own mind. Then again, you’re the one who drank the love potion a couple days ago.
He just didn’t realize how strong of a potion it was.
“Channie!!” you holler out to him from behind, crunching snow beneath your feet as you try and keep up with his pace. “Let’s go into the snow! Come on!”
He turns around to your grinning face, eyes drifting over to the bobble on the beanie you’re wearing that’s covered in snow. You point excitedly to the thick snow next to the outdoor path you two were walking along. “But we have astronomy class in half an hour, and I have to meet up with my potions classmate during that time, remember?” Chan objects, giving you an uncertain look.
You whine dramatically with a pout, stomping to him and grabbing his wooly coat, yanking him with you. “It’ll just be for five minutes!” Leading him off the pathway, the two of you entered the snow covered grass field. Chan shakes his head at your childish, yet heartfelt actions, watching you turn back and fall onto the snow back first without hesitation. 
“You know I’ll get sick if I-”
“You’re underestimating my healing skills, Bang. Now get in the snow and freeze your ass off with me,” you point to the snow below you, slowly feelings your fingers become numb despite the knitted gloves you’re wearing.
Chan breathes out a laugh at your desperate attempt to get him to join you, shaking his head as he finally accepts your offer. Unlike you, he slowly sits on the ground at first and then lies down on his back hesitantly. The cold feeling of the ice on his back makes him shiver, and you giggle at his reaction while making a snow angel. 
The two of you stay like that for a few minutes, taking in the sudden silence of the campus grounds and the snow falling on each other’s faces. Chan’s body is as stiff as a board by now, but he endures it for the sake of your enjoyment. That is, until he finally decides to get up after checking the analog watch on his wrist.
“Hey! Do we really have to go now?” you yell at him with wide eyes, making Chan roll his own.
“Yes, Y/N,” he pulls you up from the snow, turning you around so he can brush off the snow sticking onto your back. “Now I have to meet my classmate in just a few minutes.” 
“Why her?” you whine once more. “Do you like her more than me?”
Your sudden question makes Chan pause for a few seconds, before shaking off the feeling of his heartbeat slowly gaining speed. “D- Don’t worry about it. Now let’s go.”
“Hey! Answer my question!” 
You realize that not even Chan knows the answer to your question.
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫, 𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲
Chan is a shy person when it comes to affection.
This day, however, he realizes that you are the exact opposite of him.
You and him have a routine every Thursday where you’d come into his dormitory at 7 O’ clock sharp to study until his brain was filled with herbs and spices he has to memorize for his gardening elective. It’s not his fault he didn’t get into the magical musics class like he wanted to, and got stuck with becoming a botanist instead. You, on the other hand, usually had trouble with your spells class, always pronouncing the Latin words slightly off. The two of you would study until it’s pitch dark outside, and then Chan would walk you back to your own room.
However, Chan already anticipated how this study session would be different.
He flinches slightly when he hears a set of knocks on his door already, checking the clock on his studying desk. Chan shakes his head out of disbelief, and opens the door without even checking the peephole.
“Y/N, you’re ten minutes early, why are you-“
“Chan!” Your face lights up and wraps your arms tightly around Chan’s torso, catching the boy off guard. “I missed you.”
“You- You saw me yesterday though,” Chan tries to tell you, checking the hallways just in case other students were around to possibly witness this. “and the day before, and the day after that, and-”
“Yeah, yeah, but even if I don’t see you for a couple hours, I still miss you,” you admit with a sudden, shy tone, burying your face into his chest. Chan feels himself flare up at your actions, catching him off guard. Not once have you ever expressed affection like this towards him, always settling for high fives and fist bumps, possibly even a side hug if you’re feeling nice. 
“Just uh, come in. I heard from my potions classmate that our upcoming quiz for spells is quite hard,” Chan makes you let go of the hug against your will, and awkwardly guides you inside of his dorm. 
“Ahh, why do you always mention her?” You question him with curiosity flowing through your voice, sitting down on his bed casually and tossing your schoolwork next to you. Meanwhile, Chan goes back to his spot on his desk chair. “It’s like you’re obsessed with her.”
Chan’s ears flare up at your remark, but at the same time, he fights the urge to call you out on your antics for the past few days. Thinking about it, it definitely wouldn’t do any good for you, and you needed his help for your upcoming quiz. “Nothing you need to worry about, Y/N.”
“Let’s get to studying,” he urges for you to start with him, to which you roll your eyes at, but place your textbook in your lap regardless. Chan smiles softly at your willingness, and gets to work as well.
Typically, the statement “study until it’s dark outside” applies for at least three fourths of the year, especially since you two tend to stay on campus for the summer simply because you both liked the area. However, once winter rolls around and the snow starts falling, the sun is up for a lot less time, sometimes even disappearing by dinner. Chan knows this well, so the two of you instead set a timer for two hours and pray that you won’t get distracted by each other’s antics.
What Chan did forget is how jumbled up you get once the sun goes down.
“I’m already sleepy...” you mumble out behind Chan’s back, rubbing your eyes with your index fingers. 
Chan scratches his head, contemplating his next move. To be fair, it’s quite difficult to get a love sick person to do what you want, even if you’re the person they’re in love with. “But Y/N, we’ve only been studying for an hour and a half.” He decides to move his stuff to his bed to join you, his joints already becoming stiff from sitting on such an uncomfortable chair.
“Yeah but I’ve had a long day-” you lean over so you can rest your head on Chan’s shoulder. “Even though I wanna spend more time with you, I kinda just wanna sleep...”
Chan freezes up, cursing you for being so sleepy at times like these, cursing you for being so affectionate towards him these past few days, cursing you for being so-
“Fine, you can sleep.”
You smile with a daze, closing your eyes. Mumbling a small thanks of gratitude, it’s the last words Chan hears you say before you drift off. Chan finds himself not being able to focus with the weight on his shoulder, twirling the pencil in his hand back and forth. He lets out a sigh, at last realizing how he’ll never get another word written down in his situation, and uses his wand to place his work away and close the light. Pulling up a spare blanket for the both of you to share, he finally closes his eyes as well.
Until Chan realizes that if his crush did the exact same gesture to him, he wouldn’t treat her nearly as well as he did for you.
You don’t know that, though.
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲
Bang Chan is not good with love. 
If it hasn’t already been clear enough. Although he’s had quite a few crushes in his teenage life, including the one he has right now, he’s never had the confidence to confess or god forbid ask somebody on a date.
So why not ask the person who’s under the spell of a love potion for advice?
Sure, it’s a far stretch, even Minho agrees, but maybe, just maybe, Chan could get something good out of this week.
He catches you off guard one day, bright and early before class, while the two of you were heading to your locker. 
“Hey Y/N,” Chan asks you out of the blue while waving through classmates left and right. Thinking about it, it was a miracle that nobody was talking about Chan’s mishap and spreading it around. “Would you consider yourself... good at love?”
He watches you almost choke on your own spit with a worried look. You turn to him after clearing your throat with an almost offended expression on your face. “Why are you asking?”
“Well, uh, I wanna try confess to somebody..”
“What?! Who? Tell me,” you blurt out without a second thought, staring at his side profile with wide eyes. “Is it your potions classmate?”
Chan is quick to notice the gazes of your fellow classmates after you raise your voice, motioning for you to keep it down. “It’s nothing for you to worry about! I just need some advice on how to do it, you know?”
“Hmm, well...” you take a pause to think, resisting the urge to pout. “You realize you’re asking somebody who’s never confessed either, right?”
“Still, you’re more.. extroverted? Than me, so you must know more than me,” Chan shrugs, feeling his neck grow hot while he tries to explain to you why he asking you, not anybody else, without telling you the actual reason.
Your shoulders slump down in defeat, “Fine. Just- uh- ask them on a date first? If you just confess straight away, you’re most likely to be rejected because they may not like you,” you explain to him, your voice getting shakier and more quiet as time goes on. “At least if you ask them out first, they can start to like you at the date.”
“Okay.. I can do that,” Chan scratches his red ears, already feeling the queasiness in his stomach just at the thought of being rejected. “Right? Hopefully? Probably?”
You simply hum in response, looking down when Chan turns his head to get a look at you. He holds his breath out of instinct, afraid of a sudden outburst coming from you, but nothing comes. Most likely, Chan thinks, you’re more than upset because you’re not the one he’s confessing to.
It’s a poor idea, and was a poor idea in the first place.
You’re jealous, and Chan can tell.
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱, 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲
Chan tends to forget instructions.
So when he’s left out in the snow after his crush rejects him, your words from the previous day only then come back to him.
“I’m sorry,” his crush frowns once the words leave her mouth. “I don’t see you the same way.” She shakes her head, and Chan’s shoulders slump down as she turns her heel to walk away.
The feeling Chan experiences is neither his heart shattering into a billion pieces, nor the emotion of relief. It’s in between those two, for a reason Chan can’t figure out straight away.
It’s somehow not heartbreak, yet Chan still wants answers.
“Oh, uhm, one last question,” Chan perks up at the last second, his crush whipping around at the last second. “Why? Why do you not like me?”
His crush stares at him for a few moments, lips slightly apart. Then she laughs.
“It’s because of Y/N.”
“I can tell you both like each other. This week, I’ve noticed that your friend has been acting different, and although I saw that you were kind of uncomfortable with it at first, I could see you warming up to it,” she smiles. “Chan, you and Y/N have something that I will never have with you, it’s a given. I hope you come to realize that, if you haven’t already.” She nods one last time, bidding farewell to Chan for the day, and drifts farther and farther until Chan can’t see her anymore.
Later that night, when Chan reflects on his crush’s explanations, staring at the ceiling, he wonders if it would’ve been different if he listened to you more carefully. Maybe he should’ve slowed down, and instead of practically shouting at his crush that he likes her, he should’ve spoken more properly and asked her out on a date like what you said. Maybe then, he’d take her to Insanis, which happens to be his cafe of choice that you and him go to almost every week. And maybe, him and his crush would play in the snow and make snow angels happily, like how you two did a couple days ago...
No. Chan’s crush is right.
His head’s thoughts are slowly being all about you.
You, on the other hand, believe that you’ve lost him.
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧, 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲
Chan loves you. 
No matter how hard he tries to diminish his feelings for you that has grown in the only the past few days, he can’t stop himself.
From your happiness when playing in the snow, to the way you become cuddly when the moon comes up, to the explanation his own crush gave him. 
It all lines up.
“Dumbass,” Changbin speaks up bluntly when Chan reveals his realization to his two guy friends while walking to the dining hall for breakfast. Minho laughs in response as Chan rolls his eyes.
“I gotta admit,” Minho swings his arms around the two, bringing them in closely. “You only just realize now? It’s impressive how dense you are.”
“Dense? Am I really?” 
“Yes,” Changbin and Minho both say at the same time, and for once, Chan can only laugh. The trio approaches the dining table, while Chan scans the room standing up for your familiar face.
Minho, takes notice of this fairly quickly, “So, what’s your next move? It’s still a gamble, though.”
“Hmm? How come?” Chan genuinely asks his friend.
“Did you fall in love with the Y/N you’ve known this entire time, or only the Y/N you’ve seen this past week?” 
Minho’s question makes Chan silent for quite some time, sitting down slowly on the dining benches. His two friends patiently wait for his answer, Changbin in particular already digging into his breakfast when Chan finally responds.
“I think I’ve always liked them, I just never realized it.”
To Chan’s utter surprise, they both nod their heads in agreement. Changbin swallows the food in his mouth before commenting. “I think you’re right. Maybe you just had that crush on your potions classmate to state that you and Y/N are  just friends to everybody, without even meaning it yourself.”
Minho elaborates further, “And she said that you and Y/N have something between the two of you that’s unique? Then she must’ve implied that you guys have this bond that makes you two inseparable.”
Chan simply hums, taking in the information. He’s glad to know that he’s right for once, finally having a plan on what to do next. He sighs in relief, grabbing the nearest plate of food and stacking it onto his own plate, digging in. Yet, Chan still wonders where you were that morning, and how he only saw you later in the day hanging out with your other group of friends. Not even talking to him once.
You simply weren’t sure anymore.
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 
Chan has not seen you for the entire day.
It’s supposed to be the day that the potion wears off from your body, and you can finally go back to your normal self (despite Chan’s wishes), but Chan has yet to see you. Not once at the dining hall, or the hallway potion’s class is in, or even with your other group of friends who join you in history class. 
Fortunately, though, he’s able to overhear your dorm roommate, who says that you’ve refused to go to class today for reasons they don’t know. So Chan takes matters into his own hands, considering that nothing eventful ever happens in herbology class on Mondays, he decides to skip the period to head to your dorm room and approach you, with the help of your roommate giving him a spare key to enter.
The moment Chan walks into your room, a sudden chill goes down his spine, most likely because of the cold air. The lights are closed, with only the morning sun’s brightness seeping through the cracks of the window. The curtains that hang over your bunk bed, as you sleep on the bottom, are blocking his view from where you are. He closes the door gently, but makes sure he’s loud enough to alert you that he’s there. Peeking through the curtains, he sees your body covered in heaps of blankets, smushing your face into your head pillow.
“Hey,” Chan takes a seat at the foot of your bed, taking in your mellow appearance. “Are you okay? Are you sick?”
It takes you a minute to answer, and Chan starts to wonder if you’re actually awake right now, until you speak up. 
“It’s not like you to skip class, Channie,” you choose to say instead of answering his questions. You appear from your spot in your pillow, gazing up at him with a tired look on your face. “What’s that in your hands?”
“Oh, it’s- uh- banana milk. It’s for you,” Chan extends the hand he’s holding the drink out for you to take, but you don’t budge. 
“Are you sure that one doesn’t have a love potion in it instead of milk?”
Chan gets taken aback at your sudden theory. “You knew it was a love potion?”
“I could tell, even through the effects of it,” you state, finally sitting up and gently taking the milk from his hands. “Don’t feel bad though, since you’re here, I might as well tell you something.”
“During that entire week of being under that spell, I learned that-” you pause briefly. “If you already love somebody, your love for them basically strengthens by ten. It becomes something unstoppable, and you start to unravel your feelings for that person instead of hiding them. Originally, I wanted to kept those feelings inside of me forever, but because I accidentally drank that potion, look where I am now. Have you caught on yet?”
Chan could only stare at you, even after putting the puzzle pieces together. You tense up at his reaction, only fearing the worst to come out of this.
His next words surprise the both of you, however.
“That’s the best side of you, though,” Chan admits without a second thought, and you have to do a double take to see if your best friend, known for being shy and timid, really said that.
“C-Care to elaborate?” you stutter out through your shock, a light tint of red spreading throughout Chan’s body.
“The best side of you is the one you showed me last week. The one where you let your guard down instead of keeping up your confident persona,” Chan explains hesitantly and slowly, gripping his fingers tightly with each sentence. Then, he suddenly smiles, then grins, something you rarely ever see coming from him. 
“That’s the side I fell in love with.”
“Really? You’re not playing with me right?”
You groan loudly once it finally hits you, pressing your forehead against his shoulder. Chan starts giggling at your reaction, the both of you finally feeling at peace with one another. It’s as if all the awkwardness and tension from the last week drifted away slowly, with Chan’s now ex-crush leaving his field of vision, only for you to come in at the right time. He wonders how Minho and Changbin will react once he reveals that he finally got into a relationship, and how the rest of the school year will pan out with you by his side.
“So,” Chan starts to snicker uncontrollably. “You really are infatuated with me, huh?”
“Ya, Bang Chan! That’s the first time you’ve ever teased me. Ever!” your eyes widen in utter surprise, punching his arm slightly as Chan laughs harder, you joining him soon after. You nudge him one last time, coming up with something to make him as equally flustered as you are right now.
“But doesn’t that mean you’re infatuated with me too?”
@skzwriternet​ @stayracha-net​ pls reblog my fic for once i beg u 
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toriliashine · 3 years
Fic concepts to remember writing:
Kazuichi spends some time lamenting over Sonia and slowly gets over her(?). Meanwhile, he's been getting a lot warmer and open to a certain team manager in the process. He doesn't notice it, but his other classmates do, how said team manager has been nicer to him too. Like really nice.
Ougoku (could be read as platonic for the first chapter ish?)
Kokichi wants to know more about the entomologist and spends some time with him. Painting his nails casual bonding stuff totally not a plan t get some of ur totes not important potentially dangerous secrets!
But tbh, he just wants to know if there's more to the sweet perfect bug scientist than he lets on to the rest of the group. And finds out a bit more than he thought. Gonta gets a bit distracted by his eyes when he asks something serious. Ha. Regardless, Ouma keeps coming back to meet said entomologist. To practice his people skills and be nice and learn more info! Totally not because he likes the feel of his hands on his, or how his eyes light up when he sees someone like him, or how nice his hair is to play with. No not that, not that at all.
Irouma: still getting their characterizations really right but its mostly gonna be a chill fic. Takes place in her lab, while.its getting darker and they just chill, and talk an it random stuff n snuggle mad go to sleep together ❤️. It's soft because they deserve to be soft together💞💞
Iroumafic 2: angsty ending :((. Miu realizes her feelings for the Ult. Leader and just how his words can make her melt in his hands. She decides the world's saviour doesn't need such weakness as she sets his avatar settings to become immobile on her touch. She is determined, she is sad, she's the fucking ultimate inventor whose gorgeous bod and golden brain will go down in history! And that... And that requires removing all, anything, anyone, that can make her so weak .
Oumaede! A ch1-ch2 fic. One thing that stich out to me in their FTEs and first meeting was her stating that his talent made no sense! I want Ouma to make her question what exactly defines her common sense, edging her to reconsider what she considers normal or not ad why she does so in the first place ~ in a dance. Bc I'm a weak bitch
He meets the pianist in her lab, a short convo later and suddenly their dancing to a quiet waltz, just talking about rules and schemas. He points out how he's been leading her all this time since he came in and how. The flustered pianists just asks - why?
'why an excuse to touch my beloved Akamatsu-chan of course!' . A blushing mess of a protag ushers him out as he mutters, arms comfortably behind his head - 'or maybe not, I am a liar after all! <3'
Yet for some reason, the seriousness in his tone as he told him about his own talent, the way he looked at her - something within her told her that that all wasn't a lie.
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marumafan · 4 years
A Guide For Yuuram Fans
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Hello fellow yuuram fan! Have you ever caught yourself thinking:
- Does Yuuri like Wolf? - No, but I mean like "Does he REALLY like Wolf?" - Am I getting invested just to find out it's clickbait? - Is Yuuri ever going to accept Wolf's feelings? - Does Yuuri like guys? - Will they get married or not?
You have questions? I have source material-backed answers!
The Basics
First, you need to understand that there's a variety of so-called canons. There's an anime canon, a manga canon, a drama cd canon, a musical canon, and then some other random things that you can't really call canon but exist: such as games, radio shows, tv stuff not written by the author, etc.
All of these canons and non-canon stuff are fine, and you can enjoy them as much as you want, but they're NOT the source material. Source material are only the novels and stories that have been written by Takabayashi-sensei (anything in written form and some dramas also written by her according to interviews).
Takabayashi-sensei is the author of the novels (the source material out of which everything else is derived), and her word is "god's word". By the way, she used this term to refer to herself in regards to the maruma series, I'm not fangirling, but using terminology she herself used.
Please understand that most of the material that isn't 'source material' has been altered in many ways to appeal to a 'larger audience' (manga and drama cds), or to make it palatable to the more homophobic society of the 2000s (in the case of the anime). When the anime began social media didn't exist. And when the anime ended (in 2009), social media was in its infancy. That's how long ago these media were adapted from source material.
The Fandom
The fandom has influenced the source material itself at times (such as Conrad fans throwing a hissy fit when he died in novel 5 to the point that Takabayashi-sensei had to resurrect him and change who the key was and many other plot points since then). Certain shippers still force sensei's hand to write fanservice here and there, and despite that, one thing has been clear from the beginning:
Takabayashi-sensei's 'main couple' is the one she got engaged back in novel 1: Yuuri and Wolf, the royal couple.
The Bias
Before we get into the thick of this, let's take a moment to understand bias. I'm sure that if you're reading this far into this you really like yuuram and don't have a problem with homosexuality, boys love, etc. (I use yuuram to mean the royal couple: Yuuri and Wolf, nothing to do with 'who's on top' or anything like that, just a name for the ship with these two characters).
Despite that, anyone reading this has been born and raised in a highly hetero-normative society where if a girl so much looks at a boy she must be into him, and vice-versa.
Who can forget the "He was a boy, She was a girl, Can I make it any more obvious" lyrics of the 2000s? Same applies to 'ships' all across the board.
If any, and I mean any 'boy-girl' relationship was 10% of what the yuuram relationship is, there wouldn't be a single doubt that those two are in love, dating, married, and living happily ever after.
But when it comes to Yuuri and Wolf it feels like pulling teeth to get people to accept that they’re in a relationship. I blame mostly the anime for including weird non-canon ideas into fans minds, as well as heteronormative societies.
Please don’t be this person:
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Finally, please take a moment to read THIS as an introduction to my next section.
The Royal Couple
Begin by forgetting everything you consumed from other canons (TV, manga, fanfics) if you truly want to appreciate the Royal Couple in its source material form.
1) Romantic interest
The source material has made Yuuri very interested in Wolfram since the very beginning. Of course, at first, he was only interested in Wolfram's physical appearance. But the more he got to know Wolfram the more he cared about him and the less he cared about his physical appearance.
To get a full picture of how madly he falls for Wolf, you need to read the novels, but here are some excerpts to illustrate my point:
How it started:
Source: Novel 1-Chapter 1
"Even if our bodies are evenly matched, when I just glanced up, I've already been defeated. How can he be this beautiful! (どうよ、この美しさ!) At the same time, his head is emitting an aura. Although it's likely that it seemed that way because of his dazzling blond hair. His looks and voice are like an older Vienna chorus boy. His white skin seems transparent, and his irises are an emerald green that make me think of the bottom of a lake, and furthermore he doesn't have a split chin. He's an angel, definitely an angry angel. However, because he's in this place, he's probably a beautiful demon."
-> Yuuri writes a fucking sonnet in his head about Wolf's beauty when they meet.
Source: Novel 1-Chapter 10
 From the far side of the corridor, the blond with wavy hair comes running. The intense navy blue uniform suits him; the mazoku Prince Wolfram. I muttered in a sigh 'Although he's a man, he's this beautiful, Günter'.
-> Yuuri complains to Gunter that Wolf is too beautiful.
How it's going:
Source: Novel 17, Chapter 7
"Those words hurt me deeply inside my heart, a pain as though I was burnt in an instant. Because I had an experience like that, in which I nearly lost the most important person to me, just because he was wearing someone else’s clothes."
-> Yuuri calling Wolfram his most important person, code in the maruma series for person you're in love with.
Source:  Do you want an exorcism? 2 (post novel 17)
"And because of that rich VARIETY in the configuration, mazoku is more an ethnicity than a race.
You have from kotsuhizoku, kotsuchizoku, and bone fish who are living creatures, even though they are just bones, to the seasonal migrating tribe of half-humanoid, half-fish maidmer princesses. As for the humanoid ones, there are regular looking ones like me or Conrad, but there are also some who are super beautiful like Günter or Wolfram............. as for the last one, this is just a little bit of my own personal bias, but it makes no difference if he's beautiful or not."
-> Yuuri saying that the beauty he went head over heals in novel 1 for, doesn't matter to him anymore because of his 'personal bias'
Source: Misepan 2: (post novel 17, arguably the last story written near the release of the novels)
"If I was in trouble, and I was missing something important. And you had one that was exactly the same ...."
"I'd lend it to you, of course"
I thought about this, literally with my hands on his chest. In fact, with my hand, that was pressed against his chest, I could feel that the speed of my partner's and my heartbeat was the same. Anyone would get blood rushing to their brains when they're seriously thinking about something. When I could calm down a little, I let out a small sigh.
"Or rather, when it comes to things that I can give you, I would give you anything, Wolf."
-> Yuuri tells Wolfram he would give him anything in the world.
2) Sexual interest:
-There are several times when the source material implies that Yuuri and Wolf don't just sleep at night.
Again, please remember that in the novels Greta does not sleep with Yuuri and Wolfram. This was a TV addition to appease homophobic minds. In fact, in the novels, Yuuri forbade Greta from sleeping with them because she's 'too old'. Also source material Greta is rarely in Shin Makoku as she's studying abroad half the time.
Source:  Novel 2- Chapter10
"If I leave it up to you, it will never get settled."
"So, what kind of settlement do you want...?" My voice trails off as he sways his hips closer.
The former mazoku prince's face brightens and he pulls me down by the arm.
"So you finally feel like settling things!?"
"I don't ~"
I'm scared to think about what sort of settlement this is. I'm not going to lose my life or anything, but I do feel like there's something else I'm going to lose. I desperately extract myself, fly into the bathroom and lock the door.
"Wait wait wait! I gotta take a bath first, okay!? You don't wanna do it with a sweaty guy, right!?"
Do it...? I blanch at my own words.
-> Yuuri's subconscious is clearly working against him.XD It looks like Yuuri doesn't want to lose the v-card yet (he barely knows Wolf at this point), but he still says  to Wolf he should take a bath before they do it. Gambare, Yu-chan
Source: Novel 4 - Chapter 1
-> Yuuri and Wolfram have been sleeping together for 3 months at the beginning of novel 4! Please! If this was a guy and girl you wouldn't be wondering what they're doing! He has a lock on the door! He can keep Wolf out , order him out, but he never does. Don’t be the gray haired lady!
Source: Never Ending Poison Lady 1
- "As a measure against Wolfram, who somehow even on our trips sleeps in the same bed as I do, I made a wall with three pillows which also had cute egg shaped buttons. I tucked my shirt into my pants, so that my stomach wouldn't get cold. After all, in the mornings when I woke up, both my clothes and my sleeping posture were always preposterous."
-> Yuuri says he puts some pillows to avoid getting into the weird sleeping postures and getting his clothes messed up and shirt untucked, but he never thinks of 'not sleeping with Wolf'~
Source: Never Ending Poison Lady 1 (same book as last)
- "While watching Wolfram's cheeks get red in excitement, a surprised Josak swallowed the question" You even sleep together when you're out on a trip?".
-> Even Jozak (the spy who's supposed to know everything) seems surprised that they're "sleeping together all the time". They're clearly hiding it from people.
Source: Maru maru maruMA-  (book with series info and interviews)
Takabayashi-sensei replied to a question about Yuuri and Wolfram and what would happen once they get married... and she said it clearly: They'll have sex.
("Please answer my maruma question", maru maru maruMA)
Source: SS: Murakenzu 2018-11-13 (Paper 1 accompanying cd72) "Yeah, my father was talking about it, and she's still being called 'Gokumi', huh? At any rate, even if he was smiling way too much, his footsteps started to sound louder and faster as he got farther away. In that moment we thought: Eh? Is it that bad? Maybe they saw something while we were sleeping, or rather, maybe they took peeping photographs and want to do something bad with them."
"Rather than while you were sleeping, before going to sleep?"
"You mean like, when I do practice baseball swings naked or something?"
"Yeah, naked practice."
"Or maybe like, a picture of Wolf's butt when he's wearing his sexy negligee or something?"
"Ah! If a picture of it peeking out is released it would be bad, huh?"
"Then, I suddenly realized that "secret" might just be a hook. In other words, those trick titles that often appear in sports newspapers."
"Yes, yes."
-> Yuuri talks about Wolfram's butt showing as a common place and about himself being completely naked doing 'baseball practice' in the room with Wolf, whatever that may mean.
3) Illustrations
The 4 wedding pictures. Yuuri and Wolfram have been illustrated as married four times by the series' illustrator:
1  | 2  | 3 |  4 
And I like to add this fifth one (used in There's Valentine's Day in Shin Makoku!? DVD special), since in the black and white version, there's a comment by Takabayashi-sensei that says: "With this we've finally won against the anime team! ", meaning they beat them to the wedding. 
4) Terminology
Yuuri and Wolf are referred to in tweets by Takabayashi-sensei, GEG-san and Temari-sensei as the Royal Couple (ロイカプ). The author, editor and illustrator all know already what they are and that's why they call them that.
More information:
Please, please read the source material. But if you won't, at least read some of the analyses I've made to find out more about yuuram. Yuuram is here, it’s canon, and their ship has sailed a long time ago, in novel 1. They were always meant to end up together and they have. (”The dream ending” was how the author wanted yuuram to end, happily married). This isn't clickbait, or fanwork. The author likes the Royal couple and will see that they end up together no matter what.
Additional information:
Yuuram in novel: 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17  
* Novel Analysis:  Crossheart and Love Letter
* Novel Analysis:  Misepan2
* Novel Analysis: Do you want an exorcism?
* Bias in KKM: English version of KKM
* Novel Analysis: Yuuri confessing to Wolf (w/quotes)
* Novel Analysis: Physical and mental development in mazoku
* Novel Analysis:  Yuuri and Wolfram’s daily routine (with quotes) 
* Novel facts: No mpreg in Shin Makoku (I get asked a lot)
238 notes · View notes
MC who’s panic response when in danger is to say kinky shit (eg: harder) and the brother’s reactions
Masterlist and requests info as well as the fandoms I write for is the pinned post on my page, so go check it out if you like this! Had some fun with the prompt because hey why not XP
WARNINGS: NSFW, SWEARING, KINKS, MINOR SPOILERS PRE EP.10, MAJOR SPOILERS for pre ep.20 for Belphie’s one, so avoid that one if you arent there yet. Lemme kno what you think and enjoy!
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-          This poor man
-          He thought he could handle the human exchange student
-          Honestly so far things have been going quite well
-          And then he gets angry and you step in between to stop him from hurting his brothers
-          Part of him is impressed you even have the guts
-          But he is Very Angry and you should move if you don’t want to get hurt
-          He takes a step closer and grasps your neck, about to make a warning threat
-          When suddenly you just scream at the top of your lungs, fear wide in your eyes
-          “HARDER DADDY”
-          *Lucifer.EXE has stopped working*
-          You broke the poor man
-          Gobsmacked is the only word to describe the expression on his face
-          He’s so shocked that his anger dissipates and he turns back into his regular form
-          At which point you collapse to your knees heavy breathing
-          “fuck, fuck, um sorry, uh when I panic I just blurt out anything to try and throw people off and uh, well normally kinky stuff seems to work”
-          Lucifer just blinks
-          Then smirks
-          “Come to my room later tonight, a punishment is in order for distracting me from disciplining my idiot brother”
-          Your heart is pounding a mile a minute, face flushed, and from the look on Lucifer’s face he knows it
-          Yeah good luck looking him in the eye for a while without immediately remembering and getting super flustered
-          You did this to yourself hun
-          When you do go to see him that night you expect something hot, but he just sits you down for a two hour long lecture on ‘appropriate use of language’
-          Of course once he has drained all the excitement from you, just as he dismisses you, he runs a gloved finger across your jaw, tilting your face up to his, standing a little too close for comfort
-          “What darling, were you expecting something else when you came here?”
-          He’s smirking, and you’re melting under his gaze
-          He knows what he’s doing and is relishing in your squirms
-          Sadistic bastard
-          (but you love it)
MAMMON (read lucifer’s first)
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-          By this point mammon has already sprinted off, half of him thanking his luck at getting away scot free, the other half completely bamboozled (and kinda turned on) at what you said to get Lucifer to stop
-          Of course the moment he sees you again he’ll burst out laughing
-          Now that his life isn’t in immediate danger he can process the humour and oh man
-          You really said THAT
-          To LUCIFER
-          And LIVED
-          Maybe he should try it next time he’s about to get strung up by his ankles
-          Nah it wouldn’t be worth the punishment plus his brothers would make sure he would never live it down
-          Would be hilarious though
-          But seriously, he’s pissing himself laughing
-          Internally though, he wants you to say that again, this time to him
-          And if you do?
-          Man oh man, he will melt into a pile of blushing spluttering mess
-          “H-Hey ya, ya can’t just go around sayin’ that stuff!”
-          *pause*
-          (under breath) “say it again, but louder”
-          “What was that mammon?”
-          “I-I said I GOTTA TAKE A SHOWER” *slams door as he runs away*
-          It won’t be long till he’s back beside you, honestly just use this method any time you want a 5 minute break
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-          Oh he was PISSED
-          You beat him at the *clearly RIGGED* quiz and he wasn’t having any of it
-          How could some measly normie possibly begin to understand the complexities of ‘The Tale Of The Seven Lords’ when you had only watched it for the first time last week and hadn’t even read the hundreds of manga that feed into the backstory!? What about the Extended Cut!? The Holiday Special!? The Japan Only Release of the secret episode where Henry gets possessed by an ancient cheese spirit and trapped in the fridge realm and the Lord of Corruption has to go and rescue him in a daring feat only ever seen by 17 pairs of eyes in stop-motion clay!?
-          Rage coursed through him, and now in his demon form he stepped closer, ready to strike
-          At least that was until…
-          *anime girl voice*
-          …
-          Cue silence
-          You could hear a pin drop
-          Levi is BEET RED
-          Drops out of demon form and stares open mouthed, wide eyed at you
-          Asmo’s the first one to let out a snicker
-          Then Satan
-          Then Mammon
-          Levi’s panic response is ‘Retreat to the bathtub-bed’ so that’s what he does
-          Because Hoooooo he’s suddenly got a bulge in his pants and he *DOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT*
-          HOW did this stupid normie human NAIL Ruri-Chan’s voice from that one tentacle hentai he watched, had they seen it!?!? Were they secretly an Otaku like him!? Were they real life Ruri-Chan dressed up in a human costume!?!?
-          And how did they know one of his kinks-
-          He will avoid you till the end of time until you go to him and explain and apologise
-          But he will never see you in the same way again
-          And if you two end up getting physical at any point in the future he will use this to your advantage
-          Knowing what you like makes him feel more comfortable
-          Poor baby needs reassurance though
-          And you bet he’ll blush the whole time
SATAN (read Levi’s first)
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-          He was actually snickering at Lucifer’s expression when you said …*that*… to Levi, because he has never seen the eldest look so shocked and appalled
-          Do it again human, keep going, drive Lucifer insane and let him watch
-          He was shocked initially of course, but quickly morphed it into pleasant surprise
-          And curiosity, if there’s one thing this man seeks out it’s knowledge
-          And in this case, knowledge of just how many things he can get you to say in Lucifer’s presence to infuriate and/or horrify him
-          He isn’t all that phased by what you said
-          But he will tease you about it
-          Only when Lucifer is around
-          He likes watching the irritation in his eyes as you stutter over your words
-          Or better yet when he Kabedons you to the wall and you yelp out an incoherently horny mish mash of words
-          That is until one day he does this and your words ignite something in him other than his usual supressed anger boiling deep beneath the surface
-          “M-MASTER MAKE ME BEG”
-          Well, if you didn’t know what he was into... you do now
-          His pupils immediately widen and there’s no missing it
-          Something about the way he moves closer to you screams predator cornering prey
-          He breathes and whispers softly against your neck
-          “Say that again”
-          You’re shell shocked
-          “u-um.. m-master-“
-          He nips at your earlobe he doesn’t care who’s watching
-          Of course Mammon walks in and screams as he throws himself between the two of you shrieking incoherently
-          But next time you’re alone, looking for a book in the library…
-          …
-          You and Satan may be a little, lets just say, preoccupied, with something other than books.
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-          Need I say anything here
-          The only one who is 100% down with this straight off the bat
-          Not even phased in the slightest
-          “Oh, so that’s what you’re into huh~ hmmmm you have good taste” he practically purrs into your ear
-          He’s running his hands over your hips, tracing your neck with his tongue
-          The others have to tear him off of you but when they do he simply smiles and winks at you
-          “You know where to find me if you want to play out your fantasies sweetie~!”
-          If he catches you alone you know he will take that opportunity to do what ever it is you yelped out
-          And of course he will pry to try and figure out more things you’re into
-          Purposely make situations where you are more likely to blurt out yet another kink
-          If you do go to him?
-          Well, he’s the avatar of Lust for a reason
-          And you will come to know just what that entails
-          He will ensure you are completely satisfied, no leaving you all fired up and no place to go
-          Good luck ever sleeping alone again
-          Or ever sleeping again without him occupying your time and your bed first
-          You will be busy every night, and will need to learn to avoid secluded closets and quiet rooms alone with him if you don’t want to get railed in public
-          If there’s one thing Asmo appreciates, it’s Voyeurism
-          And if you get caught, don’t think he’ll be stopping any time soon
-          More likely than anything he’ll ask them to join if you’re comfortable with that
-          But the pampering and aftercare he provides is second to none
-          This man practically worships your body through sex
-          If you didn’t know he was once an angel, well, you do now
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-          Big beefy teddybear boi just wanted a midnight snack
-          But he found a midnight snacc instead
-          So he is shoulders deep in the fridge hunting for goods
-          You come in to get a glass of water not noticing he is there
-          So when he leans back, lapping up a full tub of custard pudding and swings the door of the fridge closed with a loud *thunk*
-          You whip round in shock and your brain decides to betray you
-          Or perhaps bless you, it really depends how you see it
-          …
-          Wide eyes
-          Pupils dilated
-          A new hunger is present and the avatar of Gluttony won’t stop till he’s satisfied
-          He finished the pudding in a second flat and immediately made his way over to you, leaning close to your lips
-          But he hesitates
-          “Did you… mean that?”
-          He asks
-          He is hesitant but hopeful
-          Clearly trying very hard to resist the urge to not ask permission and just dig in
-          But he can see the blush on your face and tell that it was not something you meant to allow to slip out
-          And come on, who could resist his big round eyes gazing down at you
-          If you nod he’ll take it as enough of an answer
-          I hope you don’t mind some public action because this boy is far too focused to cart you back to his room
-          Up on the counter you go, legs spread, bottoms discarded
-          If you’re wearing a skirt it is pushed up
-          He licks up your thighs first before trying his meal
-          This… well, you will be there a good while, he just can’t seem to get enough
-          And once you have let him have a taste, the more he cannot have you, the more he will crave you till he’s begging you to let him try once again
-          The only way he’s stopping is if somebody interrupts you, and it will take a couple tries to actually pull him away
-          He’s a strong boy but he tries so hard to be gentle
-          And if you’re embarrassed he’ll take you to his room and tuck you in, taking the couch out of fear of crushing you unless you insist that it is absolutely, 100% ok to share
-          But if you do let him share…
-          Don’t be surprised if you wake up to him trying you for breakfast
-          It’ll be the only time he’s ever late to breakfast
-          Eventually somebody will come and find you two and once again, it will take a few tries to pull him away
-          But then he’ll give you a beaming smile like sunshine
-          “You’re delicious, let’s go get some more breakfast, huh?”
-          And lead you to the kitchen
-          Diavolo forbid you can ever again look at a kitchen counter without getting turned on
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-          So, it’s not like it was a normal day to start with
-          What with, ya kno
-          Belphie breaking out from the attic
-          And going ape shit
-          And trying to kill you
-          So of course, in what could have been your final moments, your last words, the thing they would read at your funeral or put on your gravestone
-          Your brain really said ‘hm, how do I want to be remembered, as this very angry, vengeful demon stands over me ready to slaughter me?’
-          …
-          Belphie doesn’t know if it’s the rush of emotions or the heat of the moment or the fact that those are the worst last words that have ever been conceived by a living being
-          But he just
-          BURSTS out laughing
-          Completely breaks
-          He’s on the floor
-          None of the brothers know what to do
-          One minute he’s about to kill you, the next you say… *THAT* and then his reaction is to start rolling around on the floor, tears streaming down his face, uncontrollably laughing so hard that he’s clutching his sides in pain
-          And what do you do?
-          What do you say?
-          “… wow I cant believe that worked”
-          Absolute fits
-          He can’t contain it
-          He manages to supress his laughter for a short while once he finds out about Lilith’s connection to you
-          But at this point he was already gunna keep you
-          He can’t bring himself to kill anyone who would voluntarily go out with those words, it would be WAY more fun to spectate such a lunatic, not to mention the abject horror across Lucifer’s face is more than enough to sate his hunger for revenge for enough time to process and calm himself down
-          But he’s not going to forget this, human
-          You just wait
-          …
-          3 days and you find out that he has teamed up with Mammon and made TSHIRTS
-          TSHIRTS that say what could have been your last words
-          Not only that, they’re selling them at Majolish and it’s a best seller
-          And he’s rubbing it in your face
-          Yeah
-          You will never live this down
-          At least he seems to be getting along with most of his brothers now
-          Who knew you being a horny idiot with no verbal filter would be the thing that saved your life?
-          Certainly not you
-          All of Devildom knows what you said
-          And you can bet Solomon bulk buys some t-shirts and sells them in the human world too
-          He’ll wear one until Simeon manages to pry it off of him, saying it’s inappropriate to wear around Luke
-          That won’t stop him from teasing you about it too though
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aestheticseungmean · 4 years
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My Heart Wanted You- Seo Changbin
Changbin was dating a girl who was using him but he just. couldn’t. see. it. Unfortunately for him, he found out the hard way.
Requested by @hwangscorpio
Warnings: Cussing
3.2K words
Angst but mainly fluff
“Okay gentlemen, I’ll be waiting on your responses to join this groundbreaking evolution of technology. Have a great day!” A sigh left your lips as you stretched your fingers. Writing notes and comments all while evaluating what each of the men will decide, really takes a toll on you. As the men from other companies left the room, your boss bid them a farewell at the door before slumping in the seat. “Sir, you’re not supposed to sit like that. What would the others think?” You were his assistant which was never good in stories. But, you were respected and depended upon a lot. “_________. I think they would think I am a lazy boss. This is why you are my favorite asset. This company would be underground if it was just me.” Your boss was a young guy, thrown into this work way too early. “It looks like Hex Co. is excited to be in on this. The rest are unknown.”
“I would kill for something alcoholic. Run the notes through the database.” He sighed out, running his fingers through his current blond, moppy locks. “Will do, sir!” “Oh, one more thing.” You turned to look at him expectantly. “Stop calling me sir when we are alone. Makes me sound old.” You replied, “As you wish, master.” Knowing that that wasn’t what he had meant. He wanted you to call him by name. “_____.” A teasing smile graced your lips. “Sorry, Chan.” With your messy notes in hand, you walked towards your desk to input the data. When you first applied for the position, you were only going to do it to pay off student debt. Now, you loved your job, despite the aches and pains. Your boss was friendly, your coworkers were nice, lunch was always delicious. There was always something new to find in the office. One day it’s a pink door and another it’s a drone delivering notes before crashing into a wall.
Everything was perfect. Well, except your best friend Changbin. The thing was, he had a girlfriend. Which isn’t the bad part. No, the bad part was, she was manipulative and a pathological liar. For some odd reason, Changbin just couldn’t see it. The thoughts raced in your head as you inserted the info. “Hey, _____? Can you help me with my computer?” You stifled a laugh towards the younger male who looked at you with wide, confused eyes. “Sure, Jeongin.” It simply started out as just a few minutes until he asked you more and more. Before you knew it, it was time for him to clock out. “You know, I think Jeongin likes you.” “Oh, yeah? How do you reckon that?” You turned to face your boss who eyed your computer only seeing half the work done. “You don’t see those heart eyes he gives you? They’re bigger than that apple on your desk.” Chan let out a chuckle. “And you’re the master of love?” “Absolutely.”
You finished up your work while Chan spun around in the office chair he found. Clicking save, you turned to see your childish boss giggling as he spun faster and faster. “Chan stop, you’re going to get sick.” Eventually, he came to a stop and held his head in his hands, complaining about the world spinning so fast. “Hey, I told you so.” He looked up to find your smug face staring back at him. “You’re mean.” “Whatever, boss.” Walking beside him to clock out, you sighed happily as you left the building. The cold autumn breeze nipped at your cheeks and you thanked the gods that Chan wasn’t one of those bosses that forced you to wear business attire. In fact, that’s a reason he was so popular, he let people wear what they wanted as long as it was appropriate. You buried your face in the sweatshirt you brought knowing that it was in fact a chilly season. “Your sweater is wearing out.” “I know. I’ve had it for years but I still haven’t been able to buy a new one.”
The cool metal of the car door made you recoil, shivering in the process. “There’s still some daylight, come on.” Chan grabbed your hand. “Where are we going?” “To get you a new hoodie. I don’t know how you stay warm with all those holes.” From a distance, it would look like you two were a couple and that is exactly what happened. “_______!” You gagged in disgust at the fake voice you knew oh so well. “Hello, Lila.” “I didn’t know you had such a handsome boyfriend.” A protest started to leave your lips but Chan stopped you. “Yeah, I didn’t know you had such a handsome boyfriend, _______.” You watched as Changbin’s girlfriend batted her mile long, fake eyelashes at Chan. “Where is Changbin?” “Oh he’s busy.” She replied, not even taking her eyes off of the blond. Does she really think you are stupid? Changbin had no plans today and he wanted to surprise Lila with some chocolates. When she thought you weren’t looking, her fingers trailed up Chan’s arms. You cleared your throat and she dropped her hands.
“Have a good night, Lila.” The words were cold and harsh as you pushed Chan away from the girl. He spoke up after you made your way into the store. “She seems um, nice?” “She’s a bitch.” Heat fought off the cold that lingered on your skin. “Colourful words there. Is she really that bad?” You scoffed while scanning through the hoodie section. “She’s always flirting with other guys while she’s dating my friend. He deserves more than that lying, scheming, conniving bitch.” Chan huffed at the new information. “Someone like you?” “Exactly- Wait? What?” You abruptly turned around only to be met by a broad chest. “I told you, I’m the love expert.” He teased. You watched as he reached behind you to pull out a large hoodie. The cloth was shoved towards you expectantly. “You’d look good in this. Plus, it’s soft inside.” A million thoughts pummeled through your mind but you played it off. “So we’re going to ignore the fact that you are my boss yet giving me love advice.”
Chan chuckled, his dimples prominent on his face. “Just think of it as a friend giving another friend love advice.” Breaking your gaze off of his, you looked towards the hoodie he had handed you. It was a maroon color and was definitely going to be big on you but you liked that. You liked getting swallowed up by your hoodies, coats, sweaters, and sweatshirts. It offered you a sense of comfort and warmth considering you were unreasonably cold 24/8. “So we’re friends?” Chan nodded. “I’d like to think so.” “I like that.” He smiled once again and led you to the cash register. “Just these items?” “Yes.” The cashier looked unamused at everything. It made you happy because you don’t think you could handle another person fawning over your boss. “Have a good night.” “You too, miss.” Chan handed the bag to you outside of the store. Respectfully, he looked away as you switched hoodies which you found cute because you had on a shirt underneath.
“Okay, I’m done.” “Do you want to keep this hoodie?” You shook your head. “Then can I do the honours of throwing it away?” “How about we do it together?” A gleam in his eyes signified that he agreed to that. When you reached the familiar, pristine parking lot, the two of you walked towards the dumpster and threw away the tattered fabric. “Thank you, but I must be going.” “Have a good night and see you tomorrow!” You wished him a good night as well and entered your car. The silent rumble of the engine coming to life sent a rush of excitement through you. “I’m going home to sleep!” Except, it wasn’t that easy. The lights were on which was unusual considering you don’t have a roommate. “Hello?” A blanket was sprawled out on the guest bed and all that peeked out was soft brown hair that belonged to your best friend. “Bin?” The blanket shuffled and warm yet tired eyes peeked up at you. “I went for a walk today but it got too cold. I hope you don’t mind that I crashed here.”
“Of course not. You are welcome here all the time.” Changbin smiled a little and sat up, the blanket falling to his lap. “Have you eaten yet?” “No, I was waiting on Lila but she never came.” The nerve of that bitch. Anyone could see how much Changbin was putting into this relationship and she was throwing it all away. “Are you okay?” A shiver ran down his spine at the motherly look he was receiving. “I’m okay, I promise.” “Let’s go make some food.” You took his hand and dragged him to the kitchen to make macaroni. Sure it was midnight but it doesn’t matter. When the light hit his face, you could see his tear stained cheeks. “Changbin-“ “I can’t help it. I know she’s not in the relationship anymore but I love her.” You rested your head against his and sighed. “I know. I just wish you could see the others who love you more.” Changbin pulled away first and directed his attention towards making the food.
The next day, Changbin was gone before you finished getting ready for work. It was disheartening but fair considering you pushed into his life. You topped off your outfit consisting of simple jeans, blouse and the sweatshirt Chan got you with a toboggan. The office was warm as you entered making you happy. “You look good today. Is that a new hoodie?” Unfortunately, you were not alone for long. “Yes it is, Jeongin. And thank you, you look good today as well.” The younger boy beamed with pride, ecstatic that you thought he looked good. “I brought a hot chocolate for my favorite assistant! Oh, Jeongin. You’re early. I’m afraid I didn’t get you one but if you want, I’ll give you five dollars so you can get one.” “It’s okay, hyung.” He went to work leaving you and Chan alone. “First of all, I am your only assistant. Second, give me the hot coco because I had a restless night.”
You took a sip of the steaming liquid and sighed. “What happened?” “Changbin crashed at my place because his fucking girlfriend stood him up. He cried. Cried. I hate that bitch.” The pencil in your other hand cracked under your anger. “Calm down. There’s only so much you can make someone see.” He shuffled a few things around on your desk to make room for him to sit. “I know.” “Here, let me take you to lunch today.” You nodded, allowing him to smile and tell you to make sure he has enough time to take you to get food. The hours leading up to lunch were monotone, filled with boringness except Chan occasionally pestering you. Your phone buzzed violently on the desk, you picked it up and answered the call without looking at the ID. “Hello?” “Can we go out to eat today? I want to be around someone.” It was Changbin. It hurt you hearing the amount of pain that was in his voice, signalling he was alone today as well. “My boss wants to take me to lunch but I’ll cancel so I can go with you.”
“It’s okay. I don’t want to impose.” “Changbin. Just come to my work and we will all three go. I want to be there for you. You know that.” A sniffle from the other side. “Okay. I’m heading that way now.” “I love you, Binnie.” A single sob let out before he hung up, getting ready to go see you. Banging your head against the desk sounded like an amazing option right now. Yet, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get away with it. “Hey, you're almost ready?” “I hope you don’t mind but Changbin’s in his way here and I invited him to tag along.” Chan giggled and ruffled your hair before motioning to stand up. “Of course I don’t mind. I feel like a proud dad watching their kid chase after someone. Don’t mind me.” Rolling your eyes playfully at his antics, you grabbed the hoodie that was discarded earlier and put off to the side. It was like you were two all of a sudden when you mixed up the holes. It was a sight to see when Changbin walked in. On one side, you had Jeongin trying to pull up the hoodie and on the other was Chan doing the same. “Put your hands up!” “I’m trying, Chan!” He scoffed and tugged at the material. “Try harder.”
Changbin laughed at the scene in front of him knowing that he’s been in the boys’ position. With Jeongin being able to free his side, Chan was able to slip his side off scrunching up the hoodie and put it over your head. “Arm.” You turned red as you saw Changbin watching you get babied by your boss. “I said arm. Are you not paying attention?” He turned to see what you were staring at and smiled. “Oh, your 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ is here.” You put your hand through the arm hole and shoved him. “Shut up.” Chan made a move to do the other side as well but you put your arm through it before he could. “No.” Changbin was taken by surprise when you hugged him tightly. “Please forget you ever saw that.” He smiled but shook his head. “No can do.” “Hey, go get your wallet and phone before we leave.” Your friend eyed your boss and felt you move away, immediately missing your warmth. “Okay, got it.” “HAVE FUN, _____!” Jeongin yelled at before you left and you waved at him and said “I will.”
The diner was a 60’s style diner with girls on skates. “I wanted to work here because they rode on roller skates.” The only catch though, you’d have to wear the outfits too. A tall waitress rolled up to you while pulling out her order sheet. “What can I get you guys to drink?” You looked at the drink names and snorted. “I’ll have the Groovy Ginger Ale.” The words were choked out as you continued to read the names. “I would like a Disco Dew.” Changbin recited, smiling at how easily amused you were. Chan was last. “I’ll take a Funky Fanta.” She clicked her pen and gave off the server’s anthem. “I’ll be back in a few minutes to get your order.” Chan nodded and thanked her. “Okay, I take it back. I wouldn’t be able to work here.” Changbin tilted his head confused. “Why?” “Imagine people saying Funky Fanta except it’s in different tones and voices.” Both of them shook their heads at the thought. Soon, the waitress came back to get the food order.
“I have to use the restroom real quick.” You and Chan nodded and watched Changbin walk away. The doorbell chimed and a familiar face walked in. Your eyes widened in surprise because she was with a boy. She noticed you right away. “Fancy seeing you guys here. Don’t you guys work or something?” “Yes, Lila. We are on a lunch break and who is he?” Lila flashed a smile over to Chan. “He’s my friend.” “Where’s Changbin?” You knew the answer but you wanted to know what stupid lie she was going to come up with. “I’m going to go find us a table.” The male placed a quick peck on her lips before she pulled him back in for a longer one. Behind them stood a crushed heart watching the whole thing. “L-Lila?” Her face dropped and she quickly turned around. “Binbin!” Changbin side stepped her attempt at a hug and a kiss. “Looks like he was a really good friend.” Lila pursed her thousand dollar lips which weren’t done well. “Bin don’t be this way, you haven’t returned my texts. I thought you didn’t love me anymore.”
The customers started to stare at the commotion, clearly feeling bad for the fake girl. “I didn’t return your texts?” You knew this was going to get ugly soon and clearly Chan did to. His body was tense next to yours. Changbin pulled out his phone and showed her the texts. “It was the other way around. I was the one texting you and you were off with other people. I should’ve listened to _____!” Lila’s face turned ugly as she became angry. “YOU MEAN THAT WHORE WHO’S CLEARLY FUCKING HER BOSS?” Changbin started to say something but you stood up. Her face smelled like cheap grandma perfume but you ignored it. “I AM NOT FUCKING MY BOSS. HE IS MY FRIEND OUTSIDE OF WORK. FURTHERMORE, IF I WERE TO FUCK ANYONE, IT’D BE WITH THE PERSON YOU FUCKED OVER.” Her mile long nails scraped your face as she slapped you. Seething, you punched her. Hard. You heard a crack and blood spilled from her nose. Still angry, you went back for more before Changbin carried you outside.
The cold air cooled you down and you focused on the male in front of you. “You told me you were okay! You promised!” He couldn’t keep eye contact, instead he cried. “I couldn’t force myself to do it.” “If you still love her, I can’t keep being the person you go to to cry. I love you but this whole hurting yourself is not okay.” You turned to walk back into the diner to get Chan only to see him walking out. “I paid and the lunch is here. We are not allowed back in there again.” “It’s okay.” The mood was tense as you guys ate in the meeting room. Changbin left only saying a small bye and thank you. “He likes you too.” “CHAN JUST STOP WITH THIS LOVE CRAP. I’M SICK OF IT ALREADY.” This time, you didn’t care if you hurt yourself. You slammed your head on the hard table and cried. Cried from the pain in your head, cried from anger, from your heart hurting. “I want you to go home early today. Finish what work you were doing and go home. Go to bed.” Chan’s voice wasn’t soft as usual. It was commanding. And, you complied.
The apartment was quiet save for the fish tank filter. You threw your stuff to the ground and noticed that Changbin’s shoes were set by the door. You walked towards the guest room to find him hunched on the floor crying. He was surrounded by ripped up photos of him and Lila. “Binnie?” Changbin looked up, the tears in his eyes making your heart ache. “If I asked you to stay, would you?” “Of course.” You sat down next to him and pulled him close before stroking his hair. “I’ve been fighting my feelings. I knew that deep down inside, she wasn’t right for me but I clinged onto her. But I realized today that she wasn’t the one my heart wanted.” He paused for a minute to wipe his nose with the sleeve of his coat. “My heart longed for the person who loved me even though I shut them out. I rejected their love because I was too scared to ruin the friendship.” “Changbin-“ Your fingers paused as you thought about what he was saying. “My heart wanted you.”
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moonlightchn · 4 years
𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘, 𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘
and basic shit you should know before interacting I guess~
*Disclaimer: all the information this post contains will be based on things I’ve learned over the years and my personal modifications are NOT to be taken as the general rule. This is MY abo concept for this bot in particular. Yall are free to agree, disagree, take ideas, adapt to your own bot, etcetcetc. Bye. Also sorry this doesn't have a read more;;;; I tried :(
Hello, this is (not) JYPe,
and welcome to the first episode of “Admin’s abo concept isn’t probably what you think so we gonna go in dept on this shit hehe ”. This was originally going to be a one part documentary but I realized I would probably keep coming up with or remembering stuff and these would be so LOOONG so I decided to just do it as I go and I’ll use the hashtag “admins abo tmi ” for this yeah. But also remember you can ask questions if you have any or if you don’t understand something because I usually ramble a lot.
Today we’ll be talking about 3 things that seem to be the most important since they’re the most brought up on my RP’s and they are:
Heat vs Rut.
So let’s begin!
🌙 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌/𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌…
There’s two meanings to this concept, one is the concept of turning from human form to wolf form, and the other one is being transformed into a wolf by different means (these usually depends on which story you’ve heard, it can be being the 7th boy child in a family, it can be a bite or a scratch, it can be eating raw meat, etcetcetc).
*This change has now also been added to the Chan’s pack introduction.
What are the definitions of this words? Cambridge Dictionary defines them as:
Turn: to (cause to) become, change into, or come to be something.
Example: “Chan turned into his wolf form”
Explanation: Chan, already a werewolf, turned and changed into his wolf form.
Transform: to change completely the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.
Example: “Changbin was transformed into a werewolf.”
Explanation: Changbin, a regular human, was transformed /by a wolf/ into a werewolf.
In the classic folklore, turning consists of 2 phases, human with NO wolf characteristics whatsoever, (which is what makes it so hard finding out who the werewolf in town is) and fluffy wolf with some human like characteristics (being biped, having arms instead of four legs, body structure humanlike. The best examples I can think of are the underworld lycans mmm tasteful). Another general rule for classic werewolves was that the person and wolf were two different minds, the person never remembered turning and had no idea they were the werewolf terrorizing town. While being human, the person didn’t even have the wolf skills like hearing or strength. They were just regular boring humans. Another thing was that they had no control whatsoever and ONLY turned during full moon, but I’m not getting into that yet.
Here are some examples (it’s basically furries oop).
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Moving on to my concept, I decided to have 3 phases of turning, consisting on:
Human: Basic, simple, boring human. No presence of wolf features whatsoever. YET they can still make use of their skills such as sensitive hearing, smell, extra strength among others.
Half-turn: Heavily inspired by Teen Wolf tbh, SOME features are present and can generally be controlled, such as eyes, ears, tail, fangs, claws. Can even be confused for hybrids. (sumn like this please appreciate my art)
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Full-turn: they become big scary fluffy puppies. Let’s remember how they look like.
Channie Chan Chris
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As mentioned before, transforming depends on which story you know and what you’re settling for. Generally we always talk about bites and deep scratches. Some of the most known stories about how to become a werewolf are being the 7th boy child born in a family on a full moon, or in Greek mythology, Zeus transformed some dudes into wolves after they tried to feed him human meat. There’s many different stories you can pick from, they’re just one Google away~
On my concept, though, the only way to transform is through a bite, even though I always keep options open.
I will probably be talking about the 3 types of wolves and deepening this a bit more later on.
🌙 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖛𝖘 𝕽𝖚𝖙.
Imma give you a wolf biology class because I know too much useless info and I WANT TO.
Rut: The rut is the mating season of certain mammals. The rut is characterized in males by an increase in testosterone, exaggerated sexual dimorphisms and increased aggression and interest in females.
Heat: The estrous cycle or oestrous cycle is the set of recurring physiological changes that are induced by reproductive hormones in most mammalian therian females. Estrous cycles start after sexual maturity in females and are interrupted by anestrous phases or by pregnancies. This cycle presents four phases, the one known as “heat” being the second one, estrus or oestrus, that refers to the phase when the female is sexually receptive.
What are seasonal breeders and what is mating season?
The breeding season is when seasonal breeders reproduce. Seasonal breeders are animal species that successfully mate only during certain times of the year. These times of year allow for the optimization of survival of young due to factors such as ambient temperature, food and water availability etcetc. Male seasonal breeders may exhibit changes in testosterone levels, weight, and fertility depending on the time of year. Female seasonal breeders will have one or more estrus cycles only when she is “in season” or fertile and receptive to mating.
Wolves fall in all of these descriptions.
What does all of this shit mean and why do I care lmao?
This means that if this was a logical bot I should only be doing NSFW like one week during 4 months a year LMAO no frfr
This basically means that RUT and HEAT are the seasons when the MALE and FEMALE respectively are ready to mate with each other to reproduce.
I’ve seen many male idol hybrids having heats instead of ruts, which I have no problem at all with and am sure no one else does really, but I think you should KNOW that a heat would not make them want to fuck, but get fucked. Heat would be the need to be filled and not fill others. A heat and a rut does NOT have to equal dominance or submissiveness in bots, anyway, that would be like saying being top or bottom determines who is dom/sub and that’s wrong, so just a PSA I guess.
Now, how does this affect my CB and ABO concept?
I’ve never, anyway, read anywhere of classic werewolves reproduction, which leads me to believe that they’re probably sterile. So I will stick to real life wolves rules but on my own way. Wolves are even monogamous and I dont go by that one lmao.
Reproduction rules on my ABO are really simple, ruts are once a month, around 5 days, and each of the guys have different characteristics for them. They’re only capable of getting someone pregnant during ruts, too. I just generally believe all girls are on the pill tbh and I never really use condoms but guys irl please practice safe sex wrap your or your partners willy before going freaky and stay safe.
Not sure if there’s something else to mention here? Let me know.
🌙 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘…
Mates are the wolf equivalent of soulmates, but that’s bullshit. I mean, I’m not gonna say they’re not real, I just mean that the general idea of only one person for the rest of your life and if it’s not them you’re miserable is dumb when we’re talking about beings with feelings. Did you know wolves irl are monogamous and mate but if their mate dies they just look for another one and move on? Now you know.
The thing with mates and marks, in my humble opinion, is that they don’t mean anything. Peoples hearts change, feelings come and go, and my wolves are NOT about to drop everything they have for some person they don’t know who happened to be their true mate. In fact, Channie is the only one who believes in them. The mates issue is a bit complex if we think about it over each of the Chan’s, but on a general idea, the mates are not exclusive for the guys, and I’ll probably make a tmi on the boys at some point, but Chan met his mate and it didn’t work out, for example. Mates go further than the marking, btw, mates are a special, cosmic bond. Marks are just that, marks.
And talking about that, we do not vibe with marks. The original folklore states marks as the way a wolf has to claim their partner as theirs and keep away others, especially from an alpha, and they’re supposed to go both ways, so marks between human/wolf, for example wouldn’t be possible. There’s also two marks.
The first bonding mark is generally given during sex between mates and heals, and the second one in front of the pack (there’s a whole social status thing involved here but were not touching that yet) and its permanent. Also marks are literal WOLF BITES so no, they’re neither small nor cute. Just look at these teethies and picture the scar in a neck-shoulder. That’s your bonding mark.
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(they're cute tho I uwuuu)
What I’ve been reading around in fanfics and seeing around is that bots have been mated and claimed with marks, which is ok if you’re into that. My chan’s, though, find physical marks archaic, possessive and toxic. And honestly I personally do too.
You may have noticed by now that even though the boys are quite possessive, they’re never trying to scare away others and their sole way of marking is love marks that heal eventually and scenting. Permanent marks are a nono.
They will NOT mark anyone as their mate. Especially Channie plz he’s baby.
This is a personal decision and it does not mean that marking is RIGHT or WRONG. I just personally see marking bites as marking your partner with fire or something and I dislike the idea a lot.
ALRIGHT I THINK THAT’S ABOUT IT FOR TODAY I FEEL LIKE I WROTE TOO MUCH ALREADY??? Feel free to ask questions or request certain topics! I think next topics will be Social Structure, Skills and maybe Self control or Moon Cycles.
If you read all of this WOW CONGRATS??? I LOVE YOU EXTRA MUAH
One question I got on the asks was “since their fur color seems to correspond with their hair color, what happens if they dye their hair?”
Nothing happens babe! When they’re half turned they will have really funny colorful hair, but when they fully turn their fur stays the same! hehe Don’t worry, Chan won’t be a clown red wolf heh
Tags (hmu for removal:] if you don’t care about this hehe)
@yandereminholee @bunjihyo @shinhaneul-oc @sub-chungha @song-mingi-cb @grungeyuta @yourhwaa @bunny-woong @princess-yeji @xash-axx @7deadlysins-chan @camgirl-jihyeon @hybrid-wooyoung @vampirehhj @ghoulxbaekhyun @mafiaxnct127 @deadly-skz-gods-cb @mafia-chaeyoung @vampiresanha @sub-minho @starsirah-oc @femboy-minho @subbyhyunjinchatbot @weeb-wonwoo @yandere-wendy @musiclovermino @galaxy-ateez @chanlix-koalas @vampirechangbinnie @mafiafelixlee @madmanwoodam @sweetandsleepyjamie @yanderedahyun @hunter-chaeyoung @hwangyeji-cb @artsydahyun @gamer-yeji @yourminju @seulgi-foxy @kittensua-cb @softbabieinnie @softboyfriend-cb @iceskater-sana @irregularchatbot @yandere-miya @doll-seungmin @skz-cb @subbylino @babie-sanie
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Dreams of Indigo (C.2)
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinso x Non Binary Reader (can be read as Male Reader)
Word Count: 
Warnings: Use of He/They pronouns, lots of swearing, mentions of bully, angst? edginess (i hope not)  self mutilation/injury (not cutting) hurtful words, revenge.
If you'd like to avoid the self inflicted injury it comes after the huge space at the end of this chapter. Leave a comment and let me know if you'd like me to do a recap without the injury at the beginning of the next Chapter
Storyline: Reader is a teenage vigilante basically. Unlike the main characters Y/N doesn’t attend UA and somehow seems to keep finding themself in the company of the LOV but they’re not a villain. Call him a vigilante or an anti-hero whatever, just don’t call them a villain.
A/N: This is Chapter Two of the series. I know not many on tumblr are reading but I like this story and want to update. Sorry if anyone was actually waiting for me to update. I got caught up and forgot to finish the chapter. Shoot me any questions, my inbox is open to anything but requests as of now. This is cross posted on wattpad (@that-bi-bitch-writes) and Quotev (@DumbEnbyJuice)
Teaser  Character Info  Prologue  Ch.1  Ch.2 Ch.3
It started with an interruption of what can be argued as the greatest dream of the century. There you were contently snuggling up to one of your MANY pillows with your cat curled up on the edge of the bed. The only thing that could cause you any sort of stress is if you were to 
“WAKE UP!!!” 
“I’m not gonna say it again Y/n, I know you heard me calling you?? WAKE UP! It’s your birthday”
‘I heard you calling’ you thought ‘but I don’t see the point in waking up early, it's my birthday. Why would I be excited to go to that hellhole on the one day that’s supposed to be all about me?’
“Yeah yeah I heard you, I’ll be out in a minute” you called back
Your birthday wasn’t exactly always a bad thing. Up until you were five you really liked celebrating your bday. But you didn’t get a quirk. Now you’re in the fourth grade with no definitive friend group, no quirk and what feels like nothing to celebrate. But your mom still enjoys your birthday. 
SO you have to put on a smile, do a little twirl, sit there through the embarrassing rendition of happy birthday from your family members. And then it’s back to being alone. You have to go back to school where you’re not celebrated and you have to cope with the fact that another year has gone by with no signs of a quirk and an even slimmer chance that the bullying will end. But things will change. You’re gonna change them. First you have to make it through the day alive
Okay, so maybe making it through most of the day wasn’t as hard as you thought. Your teacher quietly wished you a happy birthday before class started, so the class wouldn’t descend into chaos. It’s very hard to keep 9 and 10 year olds focused on someone’s birthday. But whatever, the day seemed like it was gonna go smoothly
Despite the chaos of this morning your mom actually didn’t make too much of a big deal about your birthday and the celebrations were postponed for afterschool. The fake smiles and twirling and off key singing weren’t for another 6 hours, so you got to be a cynical 10 year old for just a little longer. 
‘This bento is a little fancier today’ you thought ‘maybe i should appreciate mom more and she’d do this more often.’ 
For the first time in what felt like forever, you got to enjoy a nice lunch, by yourself, on the roof because for some reason, loners tend to spend their lunches on the roof, even if they are 10 year olds who should be showing off a birthday cupcake, or celebratory mochi or some other sweet. Everything was fine.
The keyword is WAS. Before you could leave school, a certain orange haired bully decided your day was going a little TOO well and it was his job to correct the universe’s error. 
“Hey L/N I heard it was your birthday today. I hope you got to spend the day with your many friends.” he taunted. 
And of course, all bullies have to have a posse so after every “biting” comment he looked to them to make sure they were laughing. For some kind of reassurance and camaraderie that you’d never really had. 
‘That’s really weird but I’m oddly jealous’
“My friends are waiting for me with my family back at home. I’ve gotta go, see you tomorrow bully-chan” you bit back.  Which was probably a huge mistake. The teasing chan mayhaps have set him off. Although none of his comments usually phased you, he took his time to think about the next one as you tried to scurry out of the classroom
“What family L/N? Your mother is always busy at work isn’t she? And I heard that your dad ran away when you were like 3 or something because you hadn’t gotten your quirk.” 
You thought the torment would end there. Forget just thinking, you prayed to whatever god there was that it’d all end with him poking fun at the one weak spot everyone knew you had. Your parents. But he kept going after he saw you subtly tense at the mention of your father. 
Nakamuro Keitaro is not just an everyday bully. He is the son of your mother’s ex best friend who resented your mother for having everything she wanted. A stable career, beauty, a child that seemed to be worth something, and a handsome successful husband. So she poisoned Keitaro against you. It was oddly really effective on her part. She might be an evil genius.
Anyway it wasn’t exactly hard to convince him to hate you especially once it was revealed that you were quirkless. All she had to do was convince him she was the victim in your moms’ fight and give him a little ammo against you. And like the dutiful son he is, he became her attack dog on a very loose leash. 
“Is he ashamed of you?” Keitaro continued  “Was he worried about the rumors people would spread if they found out that a pro hero produced a dud with no quirk and no shot at carrying on his family’s legacy”
Keitaro really knew how to get on your last fucking nerve, and the comments began to hurt. And like hurt does sometimes, it turned to anger. It was your 10th birthday. You were supposed to be stuffing your face with ice cream surrounded by your closest friends. And your father. It wasn’t your fault you were quirkless. It really wasn’t. But it was their fault you were miserable. 
Misery loves company. 
You didn’t know why you said it, and you wish you never did. Because the next words to come out of your mouth revealed something you’d wanted for so long. You had a quirk. But it was the last time you’d ever want to use it again. Well at least not for another three years.
“I heard a rumor you were so insecure not even bullying me could make you happy.” Power thronged off of the words you spat. “So you jumped out of this window and crippled yourself”
If your dad couldn’t love his quirkless child, lets see how Keitaro’s mom loves her crippled one.
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suupernovalight · 3 years
Addictive Drug
Ushijima W. x Reader
Masterlist || Previous || Next
11) Another Ally Link
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The Bosses Office
You’ve spent your whole morning thinking about what you and Ushijima did. It was like engraved into your mind. No matter what you did, he would always come up.
“That’s embarrassing...” you mumbled to yourself while walking to the bosses office.
The boss told you that there is something that will be happening and he needs you and the boys to go check it out. Currently you were standing right next to the boys, waiting for what the boss had to say.
“Alright... now that you guys are here” the boss started. “I talked with other... agency’s around in Japan. After doing some snooping, I found that one of the agency’s I looked into has a bit of info about the man behind the drugs”
You visibly gulped and looked down at your shoes.
“The Agency has a team that actually found out about the info. I need you three to meet them up at the located bar to get that info so we can use it for future missions. Dismissed.”
When you and the boys left the office, you checked the location where the other team was at.
“Ace Bounce?” You said looking at the location given. “It’s 2 hours away from here” you said showing the boys.
“Oh great, a bar?” Tendō sighed.
You titled your head with a smirk. “Oh yeah? Why so stressed about it? Light drinker?”
Tendō raised his eyebrows and looked at Ushijima. “I’m not but this guy is...”
You looked at Ushijima and watched as he ignored Tendō’s remark.
“Oh, uh cool” you awkwardly coughed. “Shall we leave now?” You asked the boys.
Tendō nodded. “I’ll warm up the car Wakatoshi”
“Alright, thanks Satori” Ushijima said as he watched his friend walk away.
The awkward tension between you and Ushijima grew as Tendō walked away. You were awkwardly looking at your phone while Ushijima looked down at his shoes.
“So...” you started. “I guess I’ll warm up my bike...?” You said getting out your keys and starting to walk away.
“Wait Y/n” Ushijima said grabbing your hand.
You flipped your head around with a blush.
“About last night. It seems like we have some awkward tension” Ushijima said letting go of you.
“No shit sherlock” you mumbled.
Ushijima frowned a bit then rubbed his nape. “Listen, forget what happened last night. Whatever I said and whatever we did is in the past.” He then walked past you. “It was for the mission... right?”
You felt your heart shatter into tiny pieces very slowly. Like a slow burn. You were stuck on why he said he loved you while you guys did it but I guess that answered your question. He was just in the heat of the moment.
“Oh, alright Ushijima” you fake smiled. “Let’s go”
You didn’t know why you were sad on the inside. It isn’t like you two are dating. So why are you so heartbroken?
When warming up your bike, you hid the fact that you were sad. It wasn’t noticeable you thought but secretly, Ushijima knew you were feeling down for some reason.
While driving on the road, your mind would constantly go to another place. You would find yourself daydreaming in the middle of the road. Sometimes Ushijima would have to honk for you to come back to reality.
“Damn I’m slipping” you sighed driving faster. The flashback of Ushijima saying he loved you replayed in your head. You lost track of time and soon arrived to the bar.
“So this is the place huh?” Tendō asked you.
“Yup, let’s walk inside” you said walking towards the bar.
As soon as you got inside, you saw a table with the men. One of them glanced at you then at Ushijima who was behind you.
“Ah? Ushiwaka?” The man said getting up from sitting and walking towards Ushijima. “Who’s this? You’re lady?” The man then looked at you. “Pleasure to meet you, I’m Oikawa Tōru” he winked.
“Back at you...” you said backing up a little. “L/n F/n.”
Ushijima squinted his eyes then walked in front of you. “Get away from her”
“Ehhh? Why should I? That lady can’t be your girl huh, she’s to beautiful for you” Oikawa said crossing his arms.
“She isn’t mine. She’s just working with me and Satori” Ushijima said.
As the boys faught, Tendō walked you towards the table where another man, who probably associate with Oikawa sat.
“Sorry about him ma’am” the man said. “Please, sit down and order yourself a drink”
“Thank you very much. The name’s L/n F/n” you smiled while sitting down.
“Such a pleasure” he said drinking his drink. “I’m Iwaizumi Hajime, Detective Agent along with Oikawa”
You looked at Satori and nudged his arm to tell Ushijima and Oikawa to stop fighting. Tendō nodded and snapped his fingers.
Immediately both boys looked at Tendō then sat at their respective spots. As they sat down, they both death glared at each other.
“Y’know miss L/n...” Oikawa said while fixing his hair.
“You can just call me y/n. I like it more” you said looking at the drink menu.
Oikawa smiled. “Of course y/n~ anyways as I was saying...”
Before Oikawa could finish, he was cut off by you ordering your drinks. Ushijima silently laughed at Oikawa’s failure.
“Yes may I have a Jägerbomb?” You asked while digging into your purse and putting a lollipop in your mouth.
“Of course ma’am, it will be here soon” the bartender said walking away.
You waved bye then looked back at Oikawa who was laying his head down in shame.
“Oikawa? Anything wrong?” You asked him.
Immediately he lifted his head and looked at you with the softest eyes he had. “Oh well I was just wondering if me and you wanted to maybe exchange numbers...?”
You watched as his partner, Iwaizumi visibly scowled at his friend. Ushijima and Tendō sighed and waited for your answer.
“I... uh...” before you could answer, Ushijima stood up from his seat and glared at Oikawa.
“She isn’t interested.” Ushijima said
“How would you know that Ushiwaka” Oikawa squinted standing up as well.
“I know more about her than you that’s for sure” Ushijima spat.
“How could you be so sure. She probably doesn’t even like you.” Oikawa spat back.
“Oh yeah? Because last time I checked we both-“
Suddenly you stood up from your seat, making the boys stop fighting. As they looked at you, you bit your lollipop cracking it into pieces and chewing it.
“You guys are acting very unprofessional here. Right boys.” You said looking at Tendō and Iwaizumi. They awkwardly looked away acting like you didn’t say a word.
“Now before I blow up, how bout we set some boundaries. I am here to know some info about the man behind the drugs. Where’s the information boys” you said looking at Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
Oikawa and Ushijima both gulped and sat down. You did the same and waited for Oikawa to speak.
“There’s been rumors circulating around about a mafia party. It’s seems like the man behind the spread of the arousal drugs is going to be attending too”
Your eyes widened. You nodded and hid your face behind your hands. Right next to you was the bartender giving you your drink. You thanked him and waited for Oikawa to continue.
“Iwaizumi, being the man he is, he found out where the party will be located and what will be happening”
You drank your shot quickly and slammed your glass on the table. All the boys looked at your face.
“Where is the party happening and how can I get in.”
Iwaizumi coughed. “Well the party is at a casino not to far from here actually. I’m sure you will be able to get in without a problem. Just don’t act suspicious and act like them”
You nodded and asked the bartender for one more shot. The boys also ordered.
“Y/n-chan, why are you so eager?” Oikawa asked you. “I like that in a woman”
“Save it Oikawa” you said putting your palm up. “I just have the info I need. This should wrap up our conversation.”
“I’m going to have to agree with Oikawa” Ushijima mumbled to himself. He then looked at you. “Y/n, don’t be drinking to much, we have to drive back remember?”
“Awhh driving back home? How bout y/n comes visit my house, it’s very welcoming” he winked at you.
“Oikawa... your flirty attitude is making me feel pretty” you said drinking another shot.
Oikawa gasped. “Really?”
“Pretty fucking grossed out” you laughed. Tendō also laughed as Ushijima smirked at Oikawa’s sad face. Iwaizumi was also laughing but hid it behind his hand.
“How bout we all take some shots Eh?” You said raising your filled glass. Seriously the workers here should get paid at how fast they refill your drinks.
The boys nodded and raised their shot glasses.
“To defeating the diggers!” You smiled.
The boys laughed and clinked their glasses. “Defeating the druggies!”
About an hour and a half of drinking and talking, you, Tendō, and Ushijima had to go back to the agency to report back. Bad thing is, Ushijima was kinda wasted.
“Damn it Wakatoshi” Tendō sighed. “Y/n I told you he’s a light drinker”
“I didn’t give him the drinks though!” You then looked away. “I only encouraged him...”
Tendō raised his eyebrows then walked towards you. His face went close to yours to see if you were blushing or not. Turns out you were.
“Does y/n have a little crush on Wakatoshi?” Tendō smirked.
The flashbacks of you and Ushijima came flooding at you. “Of course not.” You said walking past him to assist Ushijima who was trying his best to walk straight.
Drunk Ushijima, imagine that😂
“C’mon Ushijima, I’ll bring you to your car.” You said putting his arm around your shoulder and dragging him to his car.
Ushijima hiccuped then smiled. “Thanks y/n... I owe you...”
“Don’t mention it” you smiled back opening the car door and helping him sit down.
Before you could leave however, he stopped you by grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him.
“Y/n... “ Ushijima hiccuped.
“Ushijima you’re drunk, get some rest.” You said pushing him away.
“No wait” Ushijima whispered. “I just wanted to say that... that... Oikawa made me jealous.”
“Oh yeah?” You said completely interested now. “How so?”
Ushijima blushed a bit and looked into your eyes. “He was flirting with you and... I didn’t like it.”
“That was obvious” you smiled. “Anything else before I leave?”
Ushijima laid back in his seat and sighed. “You make me feel... weird” he said closing his eyes. “Thank you”
You watched as he drifted to sleep. After that confession he told you, you quietly cheered in your mind and closed the car door.
“Tendō, you can drive him back. I’ll be safe to drive” you said getting out your keys.
“Are you sure y/n? You kind of went crazy too” Tendō said worridly.
You got on your bike and started it up. “Don’t worry, I’ll be safe. See you back at the agency” before you left, you said one last thing.
“Make sure Ushijima gets his sleep for me, mkay?” You smiled.
Tendō smiled back and nodded. “I’ll make sure, bye y/n”
And just like that, you both drove off to return back to the agency.
“Iwachan” Oikawa whined. “She didn’t let me get her number”
Iwaizumi scoffed and hit Oikawa with his head. “She clearly didn’t want you to have it”
Oikawa rubbed where he got hit and started to walk away. “Geez, Ushiwaka is one lucky guy.”
@toaster-stick @ashydoesdumbstuff
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kewltie · 4 years
"Isn't he, like, thirty-something years old?" Eri says, voice pitched high in a scandalized tone. "That's half of his foot in the grave already! Why is he even dating a college student if this isn't some midlife crisis?!"
Izuku groans out loud. "Eri-chan, please have mercy." For someone who is describe as the takane no hana of their campus, Eri’s tongue can cut deeper than the sharp edge of a blade.
She shoots him a knowing glare. "He just wants a pretty young thing on his arms to compensate for his wrinkle old balls so don't you fall for it, Izuku-kun!"
Truly, the sharpest tongue.
Izuku's face gets so hot that he thinks he's going to combust at any moment from the embarrassment of this entire exchange. "T-that's not—" he starts, gearing up for a defense, but Eri's eyes suddenly widen in front of him and her jaw drops in shock as a hand covers Izuku's mouth to silence his next words.
"Care to repeat that to my face, shitty brat," a familiar voice growls behind him.
Even without looking back, Izuku knows just by the cadence of his voice. The way it dips low and get throaty when he’s annoyed; the curt infliction of his vowels as he drags his consonant around. Izuku knows him by heartbeat. Intimately and surely as the ground under his feet.
His lips brush against a callus palm as he covers the hand over his mouth with his own. Fingers sweeping against the coarse skin that had seen it fair share of battles; losses and victories were tied up in these extraordinary hands. It's the source of his power and strength. Even knowing the danger that can be these familiar hands can impose, Izuku never feels safer than when he is within its cradle. Izuku drags the hand down from his mouth, but doesn't let it go from his grip. Instead, he wraps his fingers around it and holds tight.
It squeezes back.
Izuku’s entire body lets out a small tremor before he can get his voice to work. “K-Katsuki-san,” he murmurs. “What are you doing here?"
The chair besides him scrapes across the floor and Katsuki drops down in the empty seat. "I'm picking you up for lunch," he grunts out.
Eri, who had grown up under strict tutelage of her yakuza grandfather, is no wilting flower. "Hey, wrinkle old man balls," she states flatly, narrowing her eyes at him in contempt. "Aren't you supposed to patrolling and not hang around a college campus, harassing its students?"
Katsuki grits his teeth. "I'm visiting my boyfriend, brat," he retorts sharply. "And I just got out of a twelve hours shift saving annoying people like your ungrateful and mouthy's ass who is reminding me clearly I took up the fucking wrong profession because you're all shit." Izuku casts a furtive glance at Katsuki and sees that he is out of his uniform. Dressed in a casual black dresshirt that is, uh, Izuku breath hitches as he notices the upper two most buttons are left open to reveal tantalizing defined collarbones underneath. He desperately wants to run a careful hand over them, to feel Katsuki's skin pressed against his palm and to know the weight of touching the current number one hero in Japan, who had remained untouchable to the mass, but he’s here right now beside Izuku, holding his hands like it’s not blowing his mind.
Izuku wants to climb inside of him, burrow deep, and not let go. His eyes widen suddenly and he muffles a squeak, hoping nobody notice his strange behavior as he flexes the free hand on his lap while the other hand twitches under Katsuki's grip under the table. His cheeks redden at such strange and lewd thoughts that plague him, but the two in front of him hadn't notice at all.
They're still locked in a heated contention and looks about to leap out of their respective seat and duke out right here, right now. The crowd be damn.
Unimpressed, Eri huffs and crosses her arm imperiously. "I don't trust you or your intention with Izuku-sempai.”  
Katsuki leans back into his seat and raises a brow as casual as you please. "Not that I give a rat's ass about your opinion, but thanks for the info." He turns to Izuku. "What you feel like eating?"
Eri, for the first time in a while is completely disarmed by Katsuki’s provocation, sputters, "Hey, you can't just take him away like that! I was here first and we're not done talking!"
"Yea?" Katsuki muses, brushing his thumb against Izuku's knuckles in deliberate circles that sends spark up Izuku's spine. "So you don't want grab lunch with me, Deku?"
Izuku quickly looks away, chest heaving and breath short as though his lungs don’t quite work. "I—" he flushes, "y-yes, I would very much like to eat lunch with you," he finally squeaks out. He can already feel Eri's outrage, realizing at that moment she got horribly outplayed by Katsuki. Eri makes a wounded noise. “Izuku-sempai! How could you?! You said we were going to hang out today,” she cries out. If it wasn’t for the fact that he knows her like the back of his own hand, he would be scrambling over to her side to grovel for being a horrible friend right then. Izuku winces. "What if I'll buy you dinner and help you with that term paper in our Hero Theory class to make up for it?" he offers.
Her eyes snap to him. "Two dinners, a term paper, and also you're not allow to cancel our plan for next Friday," she counters. "And no stupid boyfriend third wheeling us."
Izuku quickly nods his head. If she had wanted his spleen too he would have readily agree to it, because Eri is unrightfully too good for him. All his friends are really. He's lucky he got them to keep him from falling on his face everytime he does something remotely stupid. Always too caught up with chasing after a good story that he ignored all the danger around him, he'd put himself in harm ways enough times to give Eri greying hair and to be rescued by a grumpy hero who found his fumbling criminal investigation annoying if not a little endearing.
Izuku never could figure out how he of all people managed to snare the Ground Zero, when the first time they'd met Izuku was hanging off a ledge sixty feet off the ground and Katsuki was about to drop him flat onto the concrete slab because he thought Izuku was a part of the League of Villains and the reason why sixteen young girls were missing.
It was beyond a memorable first meeting for them both, and fortunately it wasn't to be their last either.
Katsuki snorts, scooting his chair back. "You're schoolmates," he grumbles, and there's a note of derision in his voice. "You see him even when you don't want to see him." With their joint hands, he tugs Izuku upward and out of his seat with him.
"At least Izuku doesn't have to schedule an appointment with the front office just to see me," she rebukes, eyes flashing. "I mean, wow, must be so hard for you to make time for your own boyfriend."
Katsuki freezes, his hand tightening around Izuku's own. He can feel heat emanating from Katsuki's palm, pressing up against his bare skin danger close but Izuku doesn't break their hold.
"Eri!" Izuku scolds, frowning and Eri has grace to look chastised for a second.
He turns back to Katsuki and gives a comforting squeeze. "I understand," he is quick to assure him. "Your work is much more important." Izuku gets it, because Katsuki is out there putting bad guys in jail and saving people's lives. It's crucial work that keeps this city on track even if these days he can only seem to catch glimpses of Katsuki in the news because he’d slow down on hounding the streets for new lead of criminal activities and updating his crime blog.
Izuku may pretend like he's doing some kind good work out there but he doesn't forget. His investigations can only get him so far when he has no quirk or strength to back it up. The one actually doing the heavy lifting out there are heroes like Katsuki, who’d personally fight all of Izuku's demons and keep Izuku alive and breathing so he can hunt the next big bad menacing the city.
Izuku is no hero. He isn't out there saving people from rampaging villains or protect the country from being run amok by the League. His world is much smaller. He just wants keep Eri from people trying to abuse her quirk or save a kid from being another Kouta out there.
"It's not," Katsuki asserts, pulling Izuku in till he's nearly stumbling into his side. He scowls down at Izuku. "Stop fucking putting yourself down, shitty nerd."
"You're giving him mixed signals here," Eri says dryly. "You can't say something nice and then call him names. You're not very good for Izuku's self esteem, Zero-san."
Even the way she'd tacked on that honorific at the end, it was layered with doubt. Eri is always polite and respectful up until the point she isn't and even then she keeps her guard up. Maybe it’s because of her yakuza backgound and how people had used her for her quirk in the past, but she didn't have a lot of friends to begin with and those whom she do consider friends, she's extremely protective of. Izuku is lucky she's even consider he’s worthy enough remain by her side.
  Katsuki's eyes flash to her in a hard glare as Eri meets it dead on unrepentantly. "Shut the fuck up," he hisses, carding his free hand through his hair in frustration. Eri's words seem to have hit its mark.
"Eri," Izuku pleads, turning to her with desperation, "don't."
Eri sighs and waves them off. "Fine, fine, I won't harassed you anymore," she says with an easy shrug. "You may take Izuku-sempai and go, but do bring him back in one piece or I'll have to call upon my grandfather." It's not an idle provocation. They all know who her grandfather is. Katsuki, who always buttheads with Eri, may find her grating at times but never scary. Not of her quirk or her grandfather. Not then, and certainly not now either. It's an admirable quality of Katsuki that Eri had admitted to liking one night in the hush of his dorm room. He bares his teeth at her, sharp edges and full of bites. "Oh, don't bother, I'll be happy to meet your dear old man later when he's behind bars with the rest of his yakuza cohorts," he says, cut for cut. Vicious barb for vicious barb. He's merciless.
Eri stands up abruptly. "Hey, you—!" But the rest of her sentence is cut off when Katsuki drags Izuku away.
"Don't worry, I'm only half fucking with you, brat," he throws over his shoulder, voice alight in laughter as Eri makes a muffled scream of frustration.
"That's mean," Izuku murmurs, bumping Katsuki's shoulder meaningfully.
"And she isn't?" he counters, raising his brow at Izuku. "I'm not going to be nice to her just because you adopted her like a damn stray. If she wants to pick a fight with me that badly, I'm going to give it my all."
"She's just protective, you know," Izuku says, strolling hand in hand with Katsuki through the quad area of the campus. Trying not to pay attention to several people stopping midtrack and nearly breaking their neck as they realize who's walking beside him. Katsuki makes a grunt of acknowledgment. "Good. She should be if she got a trouble magnet like you as friend."
Izuku's feet skid to a halt, pulling Katsuki to a stop with him. Katsuki turns to him with a befuddled expression. "You like her!" he accuses, absolutely delighted.
Katsuki's face flash in horror. "No!" he yells, flustered. "Fuck no! I don't like that little witch."
"It's okay, I'll keep your secret," Izuku teases.
Katskuki scowls as he leans closer in. "Shut your dirty mouth or I'll do it," he says, and kisses Izuku to that effect before he can say anything about it.
Izuku’s knees doesn’t buckle under the careful attention Katsuki’s mouth gave him; his tongue teases and prods at Izuku until Izuku is completely compliant in his hands. How unfair, he think, face flushed and lips throbbing from the bruises of Katsuki’s kiss as Katsuki draws back with a smirk on his face.
Izuku clears his throat and looks away for a second as he regains his bearings. “D-do you need me for something?” he asks. Surely, Katsuki isn’t here on his campus just to take him out to eat right? “Is there a case you want me to look into?”
Katsuki frowns, brows pinching as annoyance flickers pass his face. “No. I want to grab lunch with you because I fucking miss you,” he grumbles a surly as always, but his words punch leaves him breathless.
“Oh,” he says, eyes rounded with surprise.
He thinks of all the time Katsuki seems larger than life, this great and famed hero who save the world again and again, this unattainable man is more like a figment of Izuku’s dreams than anything, so how could he ever be with someone so boring and ordinary like Izuku? But, when Katsuki say something like this and Izuku hopes, oh, how hope burns with him, because slowly but surely, Katsuki would come to love him just as much as Izuku does one day. One day that will come.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
nxt 2 u: mornings with stray kids ↠ all members
genre: imagine/reaction, fluff, domestic bliss, established relationship au word count: 3k warnings: highly suggestive, 18+ themes, swearing request: yes but also no? a/n: femme-leaning reader~
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
you roll over at the sound of chan mumbling in his sleep
he kinda wakes up
just a little blearily
and gives you this huge smile (♡‿♡)
bc you're actually there, the love of his life
and he still can't believe he's lucky enough to wake up beside you every day
so you snuggle closer and kiss his nose
then his eyelids
and finally his mouth so gently
channie just curls more tightly to you and pulls you to his chest
his hair is all tousled in the cutest way
like one part of it is sticking up like a lil cat ear (or wolf ear, since it's chan)
and you kinda just melt when you notice it
you can’t resist combing your fingers through his hair
when he finally wakes up
chan peppers your face with kisses, 
carefully sliding on top of you
to then slowly, so slowly kiss you
his hands travel all over you, slipping under the old t-shirt of his you’re wearing
and soon you’re wriggling under him, wanting more (*/ω\)
so chan works what seems like magic with his hands and/or mouth
until your toes are curl and you feel like you’re going to burst
but chan just grins and rolls off the bed
leaving you gasping and mildly grumpy ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
but you still get up to make blueberry pancakes
bc it’s saturday and that means blueberry pancakes  ( `^´ )ノ*:・゚✧
so you’re standing at the counter, combining the ingredients and waiting for the griddle to heat up
chan comes in after taking a shower
and is so overcome with tenderness at how sweet you look
just standing there in the kitchen,
still in his t-shirt and your underpants
so he wraps his arms around you from behind
and presses himself against you, teasing again a little
he nuzzles your neck, just begging for kisses
so soon, the stove is turned off and breakfast almost forgotten
as you stumble, giggling, back into the bedroom to cuddle and kiss more
and when you’re just about falling asleep
bc who needs to be awake on a saturday morning?! ┐(︶▽︶)┌
chan looks just as adorable and soft as he did earlier in the day
and you let him curl into your arms again
as you hold him and kiss the top of his head
adfghakldfhg he's just the sweetest floofkins (*´▽`*)
lee minho
i know i’ve compared minho to a cat before
but hear me out
minho in the mornings is mildly hilarious
bc even if he’s completely curled into a ball when he falls asleep
or spooning you sweetly
or whatever other fascinating position you fall asleep in together
he ends up stretched out
with at least one arm and one leg thrown over you
snoring softly
just. like. a. cat.
and you often find yourself unable to move
bc minho’s surprisingly heavy when he’s asleep
complete deadweight (╥ᆺ╥;)
but as soon as you brush the little stray hairs from his forehead
and kiss his shoulder
he stirs and groans a little, just settling deeper into the mattress
….which means more snugly onto you
heCk (¬_¬;)
so you wriggle around a little more
and finally manage to get your leg free from underneath of minho’s
as usual, you climb on top of minho and sit squarely on top of him
and start tickling him (≧◡≦)
THAT definitely wakes minho up
his lips poke out a little in a pout, all of their own accord
but he can’t really do anything about the fact that you’re tickling him
bc you’re sitting right on his hips, pinning him to the bed
the ~intimacy~ of the position, despite the fact that you’re tickling him, is not lost on either of you
and, being the little shit that he is, minho bucks his hips up once or twice
you just give him a mock glare and say “bad kitty”
before tickling him with renewed enthusiasm
(not to mention giving him little kisses on the neck and teasing ones on the ear)
once his ribs start to hurt from laughing,
minho just pulls you into a deep kiss
and you both relax
you love how sweet he is in the morning
nothing is hurried nor desperate
bc all minho wants to do is softly show you how much he loves you
you share little, soft touches that nonetheless feel like the most important things in the world
seo changbin
changbin’s arms around you is the best thing in the world
you’re barely awake and everything is blissful softness
if your feelings and the atmosphere could be described as a color,
it would be peach~
golden and warm, with just a hint of sweetness ;)
you snuggle into changbin’s chest, nestling your hips more closely with his
and you get a little kiss on the head
changbin is calm and cuddly in the mornings
and all he wants to do is hold you
sometimes you’ll end up with him closer than skin-to-skin
but it’s honestly more for comfort than anything else
how can he resist yet another way to be closer to you and cozy?
after awhile, you turn over slightly and kiss the underside of his chin
he giggle softly
……he’s a bit like totoro:
definitely a little magical
((yes, i’m still on my “changbin is a shapeshifting crow” agenda))
and just A Good BeanTM
(♡‿♡) (♡‿♡) (♡‿♡)
you scoot up onto the pillow a bit so you’re face-to-face
changbin just murmurs “hey baby” and gives you a lil kiss on the lips
his lips are so soft you feel like you’re going to melt
he makes sure to pull the blankets back over your shoulders so you aren’t cold
and he rubs your back in slow circles
tension you didn’t even know you were holding releases under his touch
and changbin’s hand drifts to your hip to hold you to him
you tangle your legs together
and he somehow pulls you closer
you’re really not sure how he manages it
but changbin can hold you and cuddle you so closely that you feel like you’re going to merge into one person
there’s nothing sexy about it or anything
it’s just that the warm, safe feeling you get is so amazing
neither of you are anywhere near fully awake
and drift in and out of sleep, sometimes shifting to a more comfortable position
when you finally wake, changbin is still sleeping soundly
you take the opportunity to stare at him
his hair is mussed (a bit wildly)
and he has the first little bits of stubble coming down from his sideburns
a little smile adorns his mouth, as if he’s dreaming about something lovely
((you. he’s dreaming about you :3 ))
you slip your arm up to stroke changbin’s face
your thumb passes over the rounded plane of his cheekbone
and, even in sleep, he leans into your touch
after a few more moments, you lightly kiss him awake
hwang hyunjin
you’d expect hyunjin to be a complete mess in the mornings
but he’s not
he’s actually organized
oh and since his hair can get aaaaaall over the place
he always makes sure to braid it out of the way at night
so in the mornings, little wisps of hair stick out from their appointed places
one of your morning habits is to delicately tuck those wisps of hair back into place
on the weekends, hyunjin is
so! excited!! to!!! cuddle!!!! you!!!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
and loves kinda pouncing on you as soon as your eyes open
kisses you all over
and rolls the two of you around on the bed
and he’s just holding your hips the entire time, rubbing small circles into them
as he kisses you so damn sweetly
and if you playfully nip at his bottom lip?
he’ll just do it right back
your rolling around has turned into more too many times for you to count
and honestly, it’s kinda the best
so sweet and slow
like you’re the most precious jewel in the world
he  t a k e s  h i s  s w e e t  t i m e ( ̄~ ̄ )
and sometimes all you can do is hold on to the sheets for dear life
unless you’re supposed to meet your parents at 11 a.m.
in which case, you’d better be ready
gotta go fast, as they say~ (⊙‿⊙✿)  
but even then, mornings with hyunjin are still sweeter than caramel
his normally plump lips are even more so when he’s just woken up
and the way he squints his eyes against the sun?
that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
sometimes he’s just calm in the mornings
and you lay your head on his chest
and listen to his heartbeat
as hyunjin strokes your hair and gives you a little neck massage
it’s so peaceful and you wouldn’t trade snuggling with hyunjin for the world
han jisung
does not want to get out of bed
no fucking thank you \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
there really should be a sign on his door or bed like
WARNING: Do Not Try to Remove Squirrel from Natural Habitat!!!!!
secondary warning: squirrel may bite if forcibly removed from natural habitat
he will cling to you better than an octopus
jisung nuzzles into your neck like there’s no tomorrow
and the loose strands of hair falling around his face tickle your skin a little
instead of kissing your neck over and over,
jisung just kinda pouts and keeps his lips lightly against your skin
it’s really sweet hhhhhh (o´▽`o)
if he’s ~ in the mood ~ be prepared for WhiningTM
and for your pajamas to disappear faster than chan’s ears turn red when he’s embarrassed
is it gonna be fast? slow? who knows! (・_・ )
let the fates decide and just go with it
bc either way, you’re going to need to change the sheets and take a shower
you may also find yourself turned into a burrito one morning
bc jisung loves all the blankets
and thinks you’re cute as hell all rolled up in them
…..like a burrito 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
and he will immediately lay down on top of you, the burrito, and begin to munch
and by munch i mean kiss you so thoroughly you’ll barely remember your name
he only gets like that if he’s been awake for at least an hour
so when he first opens his eyes, rubbing his face a little and yawning
his first inclination is to make sure you’re still there
and then he just snuggles closer, kinda tucking his head under your chin or on your shoulder
as you also wake up, you make sure to kiss his forehead and tell him you love him
it’s a little ritual almost~
you’d both miss it if you didn’t do that
and you just shift a bit so you can hold jisung even tighter,
threading your fingers through his hair
and kissing the tips of his ears, as if they have little points
you lay there together, just enjoying the warmth of not one, not two, not three, but four comfy blankets and each other
until jisung’s a bit more awake
his hair is so messy when he finally sits up
and his lips are a little dry and swollen from sleep
when he finally speaks, his voice is super husky and deeper than usual
and, frankly, you think it’s the hottest thing ever
when you’re together, he usually doesn’t wear a shirt to sleep, either
so in the morning you’re just blessed with the sight of a shirtless jisung
whose voice is at least half an octave lower and slightly gravelly
it’s just;;;
invariably, you end up pulling him right back down next to you and booping his nose
then kissing him
a lot
and, sometimes, you don’t get out of bed until noon
because why would you when it’s safe inside the blankets? (⌒▽⌒)♡
lee felix
wraps arms and legs (anything else he can manage but idk what) around you
bc damn it you’re there with him and you’re gonna be close!!!!
the cuddliest in the morning
but then again….will gladly wriggle down to the foot of the bed
and make you a scream
felix: softly, y/n!! don’t wake the neighbors!
y/n: how am i… supposed to- Fuck! stay quiet when you- damn it, ’lix… keep doing that!!?
*giggles from felix* (≧◡≦)
but most importantly
he literally just wants to hold you
and enjoys making you laugh by rumbling his voice in his chest
after all, it’s considerably easier to do first thing in the morning
and is quite proud of the fact that his voice is deeper in the mornings
yawns kinda loudly????
but does that slow eye and nose scrunch he does
to clear the sleep from his eyes a little
it’s the cutest thing ever
also learned the “make my significant other into a burrito” trick from jisung (-_-;)
so now you’re a burrito practically every single morning
there’s actually something comforting about being swaddled
and also like jisung
(((dear god they must share notes akhfskdhj)))
he flops down on top of you to cuddle the living daylights out of you
felix will give you all the gentle kisses in the world
definitely sings that frank sinatra song “fly me to the moon” to wake you up
before kissing each of your fingers, your palm, your wrist, and all the way up your arm before finally
reaching your lips
and he just murmurs sweet nothings to you
as he kisses you every way and everywhere he knows how
felix likes to lay beside with you, hands laced together
and talk about what you’ll do together that day
bc there’s so much he wants to do with you (*¯ ³¯*)♡
and show you and cook for you
and he’s just so full of love
that he ends up bounding out of bed
and pulling you with him, even if you’re both still half-asleep
just so you can start your day together
although, you usually have to stop him from running out the door still in his pajamas
with the cutest bedhead ever
a small part of you wants to see what would happen if he went out like that
but then again…
you also want to be the only one who sees felix in such an utterly free state of being
kim seungmin
seungmin is extremely soft in the mornings
he really likes to just hold you to his chest with his cheek pressed against the top of your head
kisses your temple from time to time
and just holds you on top of him, hand pressed to the small of your back
he likes to tell you about the previous day when you’re just laying there together
and sometimes doesn’t mind if you fall back asleep while he’s talking
he actually finds it rather cute
seungmin likes to spoil you in the mornings
whatever that means to you
either food
(he’ll make you an amazing breakfast
like absolutely everything you could ever want
and probably more)
or ~ love ~
(…maybe, if you make a good case for it
does not take these things lightly ( ̄ヘ ̄) )
or giving you a massage
you do like massages tho
and seungmin’s particularly good at them
he makes sure to get lotion or body oil
and that his hands are warm
bc no one likes a massage from someone with cold hands
then just methodically massages your back
he secretly likes the little noises you make when the tension releases from your muscles (✿´ ꒳ ` )
sometimes massages turn into making love
but usually not~
mornings are for slow relaxation
no raising of heartbeats or anything else
seungmin also likes to plan out days while still cuddling in bed
and grudgingly allows you to tease him
about his bedhead
or his bleary-eyed looks at you before he’s fully awake ╥﹏╥
or how he just wouldn’t move no matter what you did during the night
it was really quite amazing
seungmin tends to mumble a lot in the mornings
it’s one of the few times he’ll snuggle into you
instead of holding you
he’ll just mumble incoherently
and you’ll be just falling asleep again
when he starts talking perfectly clearly about how much he loves you
you listen, trying to memorize exactly what he says
bc there’s absolutely nothing to distract him or filter the words
and he’s just…. talking
seungmin’s voice first thing in the morning is, of course, a bit lower from sleep
and you find it unbearably attractive
especially when he’s telling you he loves you (*/ω\)。o♡
yang jeongin
kinda just slips his arm around your shoulder
kisses the top of your head
and murmurs “good morning sweetie”
before getting up quickly to brush his teeth
bc dear gods he just wants to feel clean;;;;
once he’s back, it’s time for sooooo many cuddles ( ◡‿◡ ♡)
you hadn’t necessarily fully enjoyed the experience of breakfast in bed
until you met jeongin
then, breakfast in bed on the weekends became normal!
and sometimes you’d even watch a show together
and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle
when he started working out more, you were really excited
bc it meant more squish for you to cuddle on
he’s very playful in the mornings
and, like with minho, there ends up being lots of tickling
although, with jeongin, he’s doing the tickling
he’s in love with your giggle(*♡∀♡)(*♡∀♡)
and takes every opportunity to make you laugh just so he can hear it
jeongin is the poutiest in the mornings
like if you thought jisung can pout?
well, no. jisung still wins the pouting contest
but jeongin comes in a close second!!!
but not even pouting to get something or get his way
just cutely pouting for the sake of looking cute (◕‿◕✿)
and he just squishes you so tightly to his chest
you sometimes have to remind him that
in a perfect world
you’d like to breathe
one morning when you were being squeezed
so affectionately you didn’t even know what to do
you decided to kiss his collarbones
and it was all over from there
jeongin  m e l t s  if you kiss his collarbones
and if you kiss along them,
everything in his world is even better
but then if you decide to get inventive
and maybe take a lil soft nibble or lick?
it’s all over (⌒_⌒;)
he just gets so overwhelmed with love
and tenderness hhhhh
and sighs like a dramatic Victorian lady
the moment you start
you are so not leaving that bed for at least another two hours
jeongin likes to make sure you’re nice and comfy
at all times
when in bed bc, just like his friends have taught him:
he will treat you like an angel.。o♡
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cupidhaos · 5 years
(2nd attempt lol) So I went through Newsflash! and Move! with a fine-toothed comb...
This is structured into 4 parts to make it a bit easier to read. The first part is interesting information I 'found' again after reading through everything with watchful eyes again. The second part is a listing of everyone who could've done it, and what reasons they may have. The third part is not necessarily informative, but still interesting stuff I 'found' while reading through it again. And last are questions I had or things which didn't add up for me. This is extremely long (the Word document I have is 6 pages long RIP), so grab a drink and get comfy. Also, this is mostly just based on what is in Newsflash! and Move! itself. Hope you'll enjoy!
Interesting information:
“It’s crucial to the plot that you know” (DK in Newsflash! 5) implies there’s a hidden plot, one we don’t see
“You’re going to make plenty of friends soon enough y/n” (DK in Newsflash! 5) Did DK orchestrate Y/N becoming friends with SVT? Why? Does he want to tear SVT down? But why through Y/N?
Oh, remember that girl who told the schoolboard about Jeonghan and Chaeyoung, angry Jeonghan planned on resigning from SVT for Chaeyoung? The one who essentially was the cause for Jeonghan & SVT ghosting Chaeyoung in the beginning of Newsflash! because she got word to Chaeyoung’s father and he threatened to take away their scholarships? Maybe it has something to do with her… (Newsflash! 10)
Joshua said himself that the others give up easily (Newsflash! 10) as soon as the situation becomes a bit dire
Newsflash! 11 “I know what it feels like to just have someone slip away from you when you could’ve done more” (Y/N texting w/ Mingyu) Who?? Is she talking about?? COULD IT BE A REASON FOR SOMEONE TO BE A BITCH TO Y/N???? Adding to that the next text: “You have the chance to fix things before it’s too late” WHEN WAS Y/N TOO LATE?? FOR WHOM??
The Barista from Newsflash! 13 (I FORGOT HER NAME I’M NOT IN THE LOOP WITH GIRLGROUPS) could’ve heard everything SVT+Chaeyoung talked about when they were locked in that back room… maybe that started something? (Edit: okay in Newsflash! 22 several girls comment on Y/N’s tweet and one has the same profile picture as the Barista… so her name is something along the lines of Hyunie?)
Newsflash! 17 DK texting “He’s not the one for you trust me Y/N” makes DK all the more suspicious. How do you know that? Who are you trying to set us up with?
Newsflash! 21 DK knew before Y/N said anything at all that Y/N was out with Jeonghan and that Jeonghan had kissed her. How did he know?
Newsflash! 23 DK texting “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see” makes me think he didn’t actually plan all this… but the use of the emoji makes him still suspicious. But if he didn’t plan this – why does he know so much?! Is he stalking Y/N? Why? For what reason?
Newsflash! 29 Name of one of Jeonghan’s clients was dropped – Eunha. Was she the one who bitched to the schoolboard? Wonwoo calls her ‘VIP client ;)’, which Jeonghan doesn’t really appreciate (“how about u shut the fuck up :)” Has all the passive aggressive energy in the world)
Newsflash! 31 Okay, so Yuta: ex-bf from Japan; Y/N’s first love (what was Joshua then? Didn’t Y/N leave Korea because Joshua didn’t return her feelings in Senior year Highschool?); cheated on her (did he really?); showed her pictures/nudes to his friends;
Newsflash! 31 Am I… the only one who is kind of suspicious of Wonwoo? Like, why was he there? I don’t believe he was there by chance. And even if he was, why would he help Y/N? What does he gain from this? Yeah, SVT’s motto is ‘respect women and make them feel happy’, but… it still seems suspicious to me.
Newsflash! 33 DK texting “that?? wasn’t??? supposed to happen????” “where did he even COME FROM” confirms a suspicion of mine – it wasn’t an accident that Wonwoo was there. Or maybe it was? Ugh, I don’t know. All I know is that Wonwoo and DK are both suspicious as hell.
Newsflash! 37 Jeonghan chewing Y/N out… and showing a possible motive.
Also Y/N is a dumbass for believing you can’t get phones in Thailand. HOW DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE??? Honestly. I mean, I get it if they were like, in a really rural part of Thailand, but somehow I doubt that
Move! 3 DK not be cryptic for 1 minute challenge: failed. BOI- “oh y/n this is where the story starts my dear friend” ???? Dear friend sounds so threatening. Like, what did Y/N do to you?
Move! 4 Why does Seungkwan want to keep Y/N away from SVT so desperately? Like, if Y/N can prove to them that the whole thread is a lie, she has 6 more people on her side. That would give her a lot more credibility, to be honest. Does Seungkwan have a reason for keeping Y/N away from SVT?
Move! 4 Chaeyoung is… surprisingly good… and QUICK… at getting Jimin’s and Seokjin’s number… even after they changed it… That’s suspicious. How good is Chaeyoung with tech?
Move! 4 Someone wanted Y/N info. And they were willing to pay for it. (This is before Y/N left, right after Jihoon posted the picture of being on the train to Busan with Y/N. So someone planned all this before Y/N even left.)
Move! 4 Jimin’s and Seokjin’s education and jobs have been threatened. (By whom exactly? Schoolboard? Or just a ‘random’ person? An anonymous person? They don’t know either – anonymous.) They were forbidden from talking to SVT (someone wants to prevent SVT from finding out the truth…) or explaining themselves.
Move! 5 Y/N mentions deleting all the photos she had of Yuta from her phone. But maybe Yuta still had some? Also (that happened to me) if you have a Google account and don’t adjust your setting, pictures taken on your phone will be saved on your Google Drive. As a backup. (I once deadass couldn’t get rid of 3 GB WORTH OF PICTURES BECAUSE OF THIS). Maybe that’s how someone got the pictures? Hacked Y/N’s email?
Move! 5 Soonyoung is very quick to point to Yuta. Then again, Yuta looks very suspicious. So… a ruse, probably.
Move! 5 DK “I trust no one and you shouldnt either” just… why should we trust YOU telling us not to trust anyone? Hm?
Move! 5 Vernon still hanging out with SVT (when did he even become friends with them? Nothing of that was mentioned during Newsflash! ? How did that happen??) is very suspicious. Like, isn’t there a conflict of interest? Or is he just stringing along either side? Making SVT believe he is on their side, or making Y/N believe he is on her side. Also, has Vernon met Sohee?? Or did he only hang out with SVT before the thread was posted? (But if that were the case… Minghao wouldn’t retweet it and Wonwoo wouldn’t say ‘we should do that again’.) Vernon, you’re very suspicious now.
Move! 5 Also interesting to note: Vernon practically pushes Y/N into Wonwoo’s direction. First saying that Mingaho isn’t a fan of Y/N anymore (true, I guess), but then leading her to Wonwoo? Did he know Wonwoo was the weakest link/the one who had doubts? Does he know Wonwoo still has feelings for Y/N, and is trying to push them together? Is Vernon playing something???
Move! 6 One of Wonwoo’s answers indicated that he didn’t text Seungkwan or Chaeyoung and never asked for clarification, but just believed Sohee. He also never asked Vernon or Chan (again, why Vernon? And why is DK and Hoshi missing here??)
Move! 7 Jihoon mentions Y/N being pulled into things she didn’t do since Sohee appeared – is he talking about the thread saying Y/N manipulated Wonwoo (a whole lie, and SVT KNOWS THAT), or is there something more? Wasn’t there once the talk of rumors? What kind of rumors? More than what is written in the thread??? Ouf…
Move! 7 Mingyu outright says "Wonwoo I thought you liked Sohee…" Makes me suspicious. Did Sohee specifically target Wonwoo? Or is Wonwoo just pretending to be on Y/N's side? Hm...
Move! 8 DK clearly hinting towards Yuta being behind it all… but can we trust DK.
Suspects and why they would do it:
Might still hold a massive grudge against SVT, and doesn’t want Y/N associate with them (Not logical – why would Jihoon and Wonwoo be okay? Why would she keep them around? They’re SVT too, and they ghosted her too, unlike Joshua.)
Might still hold a massive grudge against SVT and wants to get revenge (Once again – why are Jihoon and Wonwoo fine? They are/were SVT too.) (Thread/Rumors mainly hurt Y/N, not SVT.)
Holds a massive grudge against a specific member (don’t know who – maybe Jeonghan? Maybe one of the guys who overran Y/N?) and wants to ruin them. Orchestrated this whole thing and ‘leads’ the ‘investigation’ so it’ll lead to (a) certain member(s), in order to ruin them or keep them away from Y/N.
Got extremely jealous with how popular Y/N became with SVT. SVT is neglecting her once again, and Y/N is neglecting her as well, hanging out with her new friends instead. So, she wants to keep Y/N away from them, and hopes that this break of trust will cause Y/N to not be friends with SVT anymore, even if the situation gets cleared. She can be friends with Y/N again, Y/N will spend a lot of time with her again, and Chaeyoung’s happy again. (Might be psycho, but who knows…? Some people are crazy. And Chaeyoung seems very bossy with Y/N. (Granted Y/N needs it because DEAR LORD but still…))
General Reason for SVT members:
They feel betrayed and used by Y/N. She just left them, without even saying goodbye to them (she only texted Joshua before she left, as far as we know). They feel manipulated by her, and want to get revenge on her.
Or stereotypical ‘If I cannot have her, no one can have her’ or ‘If he cannot have her, no one can have her’. Y/N doesn’t want to be her girlfriend? (Or the girlfriend of one of their friends – JH and SC, for example.) Then you’ll be no one’s girlfriend. And I’ll drag you down.
Angry and hurt that Y/N immediately ran away after he got injured (for her, might I add), so he might feel like he was manipulated 
Angered at how Y/N treated Seungcheol and the rest of SVT, unknowingly strumming everyone along. Literally blamed Y/N for ‘everything going to shit’ into her face. Could be prone to enlisting the help of someone to tear Y/N down.
Extremely frustrated with Y/N. Feels betrayed by her and wants revenge. Finally snapped.
(Feels like he doesn’t know his friend anymore, which is why he believes so easily.)
Deeply hurt that Y/N just went away without even saying anything. Wants to get revenge on her. Feels like she didn’t give him a chance, and now wants her to pay for it.
Frustrated that Y/N is only spending time with SVT now, wants to bring her back to her old circle of friends
Fell in love with Y/N, realized there’s too much competition and decided to get rid of them. (But why would he be hesitant when Y/N contacts him? Wouldn’t he want to be immediately on her side, to get into her good graces? But that could make him suspicious again… Hm…)
Fell in love with Y/N before the others did, before Jeonghan ever saw her in Communications class. Knows the others are competition, and wants to separate Y/N from them, hoping the break of trust will prevent Y/N from getting close to them.
Knows all of the members. Knows they’re not good for Y/N. Wants to keep them away from Y/N. Hopes the massive break of trust will prevent Y/N from becoming friends with them again, even after the situation is cleared up. ’Leads’ the ‘investigation’ with Chaeyoung to lead it away from himself.
Homeboy knows too much. He said ‘and this is where the plot begins’ when Jeonghan sat next to Y/N at the beginning of Newsflash!. Always knew what was going on, even if it were unlikely for him to know. Could there be a reason for him orchestrating everything? Did Y/N wrong him at some point?
I feel like we all forget that in the first profile post, it’s stated that Mingyu and DK are close friends. Maybe he got über salty at Y/N not getting together with Mingyu, like he wanted to (?)?
Feels abandoned by Y/N. Wants her to feel the same abandonment.
In the same class as Y/N – maybe a petty ass reason but she could’ve been too much competition? So he wanted to get rid of her? Essentially make her so disliked she’s forced to leave for her own sake.
Frustrated that Y/N spent so much time with her new friends, barely finding time for her old friends.
Maybe wanted to get into SVT, but got rejected. Tries to shake them up (Wonwoo and Jihoon left SVT already) so he maybe gets a chance to join SVT.
Seems to know an awful lot; pointed Y/N into Wonwoo’s direction. If not the culprit, then someone who helped? But why would he betray his friend? Well… has Y/N been a good friend?
Same as Vernon possibly.
Mad that Y/N doesn’t hang out with him and the others as much anymore, and wants to bring her away from SVT.
Angry that Y/N won’t take him back, and that she humiliated him in public (she hit him and called him a dick)
First plan (just outright ask Y/N to come back to him) didn’t work. Now, next plan is set in motion.
(Most likely to be a red herring. He’s a bit too obvious.)
Y/N ‘stole’ Jun from her for a moment. He’s back with her now (both of them are Clownsssss), but still – hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. It could be a reason why she would want to harm Y/N, and make her stay away from Jun.
Clingy client of Wonwoo. Is not happy AT ALL that her favorite SVT member is spending so much time with another girl, someone who is not a client. Maybe wants to get rid of Y/N and keep Wonwoo to herself?
Sohee: Popular Theories:
Ex of Yuta who’s angry at Y/N because Yuta dumped her to get Y/N back. Wants to ruin her to get back at her.
Related to Seungcheol/Chaeyoung/Seungkwan/Anyone and either isn’t happy with how Y/N treated her (relative is not a dick in this route) or is the henchman of her relative, who holds a serious grudge against Y/N and wants to see her go down.
Ex-friend of Y/N who is angry that Y/N abandoned and forgot about her. (Maybe she was mentioned in Newsflash! 11?)
My theory:
Sister/Cousin/Very close friend of Sohye (clingy client of Wonwoo). Angered to see her sister/cousin/close friend being ignored by Wonwoo and not have his full attention anymore. Also think Wonwoo might be falling for Y/N, and doesn’t want her sister/cousin/close friend to experience heartbreak.
Chaeyoung’s Father:
Already has a history of being controlling over who interacts with his daughter
(Is he still part of the Schoolboard? And does the School still restrict SVT, or is that no more?)
What does he see: His daughter in distress, talking to SVT again, leaving for an entire summer… all because of who? Y/N.
Knows he can’t separate Chaeyoung from Y/N – childhood friends after all – but he can separate Y/N and Chaeyoung from SVT. Then he can start working on separating them.
‘Bitchy’ Client of Jeonghan (Eunha?):
Could be the one who bitched to the schoolboard when Jeonghan wanted to resign from SVT for Chaeyoung – or not.
Could be jealous of Y/N taking Jeonghan away from her, and wants to keep him away from Y/N
That one dude Chaeyoung dated for a hot second (were they really together??), best friends with Yuta (makes him suspicious!)
Could be in on the whole plot, planned to get to Y/N through Chaeyoung, but after that failed, they’re now doing Plan B
In Newsflash! 11 Y/N mentioned she once was too late in mending her relationship with someone. (She let someone slip away, as she said it.) Who was it? And could it be that the person is back, angry at Y/N for letting her slip away and wanting to get revenge?
Funny-informative things:
Seungcheol considered Joshua still a brother, even after Joshua left SVT and basically told them to get lost. So it’s extra ironic that he told Jihoon to leave because of a girl he just met ~2 months ago (Newsflash! 4)
You know, it’s really ironic – in Newsflash! 10 Joshua cites the fact that SVT just left Chaeyoung behind as his reason as to why he doesn’t tell Chaeyoung the truth. It’s very obvious he’s angry about them just leaving her. But look at what he’s doing now, leaving his friend of YEARS for… well, poor reasons. At least poorer reasons than SVT had to avoid Chaeyoung. Their education was at stake, while for him… what is at stake?
I like Jun calling Mingaho out on his bullshit in Newsflash! 22. First telling Jun that Y/N doesn’t like him that way and that he should go on a date with Yiren but then later on turn around and tell him ‘omg it was obvious she had feelings for you why did you play with her!!!’ Hao you just sank.
Newsflash! 26 Joshua’s whole tirade about “You should come to me when you need something, I should walk you home at night, it should be me, not Jun or Mingyu or Jeonghan” just rubs me in the wrong way. Like, dude – you weren’t there for her, but others were. So Y/N learned ‘oh, ok, can’t go to Joshua, I’ll go to someone else’. You can’t blame her for that. She went and found a different support system because you weren’t there for her. Stop being so controlling and demanding – even if you’re her friend since childhood, she doesn’t owe you shit. She doesn’t have to rely just on you, and doesn’t owe you a relationship. (Gosh, sorry went off on a tangent.)
Newsflash! 28 Jeonghan saying he’ll wait for Y/N until she’s ready (a whOLE LIE)
Newsflash! 36 Y/N doing the right thing and PUNCHING YUTA LIKE HE DESERVES GOODBYE HOE
THE MF IRONY OF JUN TEXTING “you don’t have any rights rn ur a dick” TO JEONGHAN IN Newsflash! 38 I’M DIEING XD HONEY, YOU ARE DICK YOURSELF. AND YOU’LL CONTINUE TO BE A DICK. GOSH YOU’RE MY BIAS WRECKER BUT HONESTLY SCREW Newsflash!/Move!Jun (Can we please get a moment where Jeonghan is convinced of Y/N's innocence but Jun doesn't believe her stubbornly, making Y/N cry, and then later when he sees he was wrong and tries to apologize Jeonghan pulls a "you don't have any right rn ur a dick" PLEASE???)
Also thank you Lee Jihoon for telling the guys they need to freaking CHILL. “throwing yourselves at her like DOGS” is exactly the phrase I would’ve used. 10/10 (Newsflash! 38)
Newsflash! 40 Joshua being a whole clown and texting “ill wait an eternity for you even if I get heartbroken in the end” like yeah, look at where you are now
Okay so to get this right: Y/N, Chaeyoung and Seungkwan have left for 1 week; Y/N drops her phone into a river in Thailand; that same week the thread was posted (but not on the exact same day?); very soon after that Sohee shows up and lies. That's… quick. How did no one of SVT think "wait, how come she showed up so soon after the thread was posted??" They really have -5 braincells, huh.
Questions I have/Things which don't add up for me:
Why was Chae’s Dad okay with Joshua still being friends with Chaeyoung? Is it because they didn’t have a thing for each other? Also, Chaeyoung's father still could've threatened Joshua. Either by threatening to take away his scholarship (if he has one) or by threatening to kick him out of university. Why was Joshua fine?
Why was it only Joshua who held to Chaeyoung when shit went down back then? I can understand Jeonghan, since his education was threatened, and Seungcheol, since he seems to be close with Jeonghan. But all the others? Did none of them, of all 12 (10) of them, care enough for Chaeyoung to say ‘I am resigning from SVT, I want to keep being friends with you’? My point is: it seems that SVT has a history of dropping people quite easily. Especially girls. Which is ironic, since SVT’s motto/theme is about respecting women and making them feel happy.
Then again - for how long have Joshua and Chaeyoung been friends? For how long have Chaeyoung and Y/N been friends? We know Joshua and Y/N are childhood friends (as far as I remember), but since Joshua said he met Chaeyoung during his time in SVT and only got close to her at that point, I don't think Y/N and Chaeyoung were childhood friends. But we also know Chaeyoung and Y/N were friends in Highschool, or else Chaeyoung wouldn't know about the reason why Y/N left for Japan. So... was Joshua just not aware of Chaeyoung, the best friend of his childhood friend? (How would that work??)
How did Y/N not know of SVT at the beginning of Newsflash! ? Like, she has to ask Chaeyoung who they are, even though Y/N has already been there for 2 Quarters. I get being a reclusive, I am too, but even I know about the very popular stuff going on around me. And SVT has to be popular. A host club/frat like theirs, not popular? They wouldn't bring in money if they weren't. And they do, as far as we know. So... is Y/N so unaware of her surroundings?
What also confuses me – we know Chaeyoung and Y/N have history. We know Y/N and Joshua have history. But Seungkwan and Y/N? We don’t know about them. We’re told he’s close friends with Y/N (Mingyu asking Seungkwan for help for getting Y/N and Seungcheol together, Seungkwan being the one to travel along Chaeyoung and Y/N), but we don’t see it. We see as much of their friendship – even less – than of Y/N’s friendship with Vernon, Dino, Hoshi and DK. I’m just- what’s their history? Why was he the one to travel alongside Chaeyoung and Y/N? Yeah, Chaeyoung said it’s because he’s not trying to get into Y/N’s pants, but… neither is Vernon or Dino. Or Seokmin. Hoshi is on shaky grounds, but I don’t think he wants to either. So, why Seungkwan?
Did DK and Y/N ever actually meet? Either during Newsflash! or Move! ? Because we know Y/N spent time with Vernon, Chan, Seungkwan, Soonyoung, Joshua and Chaeyoung on different occasions, but never was there any talk of DK. Speaking of which - how did DK and Y/N become friends? Was DK just an 'add-on' when Y/N started tutoring Chan and became friends with him? Does that really make them friends?
And... that's all I have. Sorry if I lost some things when I re-submitted them! And let's hope it'll work now!!
I really love what you do. Keep up the amazing work!!! 💕💕
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chanbangblog · 5 years
ive only felt religion when ive lied with you- 2
A/N: (smut, Chan x reader, Canon compliant, fan/idol)
You choked. Your breath hitched in your throat and your eyes raced over the notification over and over again. You walked on auto-pilot into the bedroom, wearing your towel only. Gaze blank as you met eyes with Robyn.
“What is it now?” she groaned. Clearly done with your shit today.
Your words died in your throat and a choked grunt came out instead. You tried again and failed to make sounds that formed words. At this point Robyn was sitting up in bed, clearly becoming alarmed.
“Y/n, what is it? Is everything ok?” she asked, voice becoming alarmed.
Words, come on. You can do this.
“Chris,” was all you could muster and started pointing at your phone, still searching for words.
“What…” Robyn started, when suddenly realization hit her. She remembered what you had done at the last minute in line.
She started squealing at a pitch that was surely to wake the poor people in the room next to you and finally you joined in. She ran over to you and grabbed your phone to look and her eyes widened at the confirmation.
“Well open it!! We have to see what he said! Oh my god, y/n, do you know how lucky you are? I knew he was staring at you, I knew it!” she squeaked.
You opened your message from him finally and all it said was “got any plans tonight?”
What kind of question was that? Of course not. Not now that he had shown interest in what you were doing.
 “What do I say? I can’t seem desperate like I was sitting here waiting.” You managed to say.
“Y/n, I’m all about playing hard to get, but this is not the time. He’s only going to be in the city for another day probably and if you have a chance to see him, you need to go for it!” Robyn exclaimed.
“Alright, alright. I’ll just say something that sounds cool but available,” you decided out loud.
You typed out ‘hey! Nothing much, just hanging with my friend in the hotel room. What about you?” You let Robyn proofread it and when you got her approval you turned your head away, squinting like you were in the sun being blinded and pressed send.
What if he wants to see me. I just got out of the shower. I look like hell and I wore my best outfit already. How should I do my hair? How fast can I get ready.
These thoughts brought you back to the reality of the situation. You had to get moving. You darted into the bathroom and began drying your hair as your towel fell to the floor. Robyn followed you in there only to be graced by your naked form. She put her hands over her eyes.
 “Oh god, do you want me to get your clothes…or at least some underwear, or something?” she asked, only to drop her hands down and come closer when a notification on your phone dinged. You couldn’t look. You handed it to Robyn and she read it for you.
“He wants to know if you want to come to his hotel! Oh, and he also wants to know your name. You know, I just realized he didn’t even know that. This man is bold, asking you over for a booty call without even knowing your name first. I like it, this is how all men should be, just straight forward with what they want that way we know….” Robyn droned on and your mind started to take off again. Thoughts racing at lightning speed.
 Okay he wants you to come to his room, this could be just to talk. What if he just wants to meet one of his fans for a longer period of time. That’s normal right? This doesn’t have to be sexual. Stop making it sexual.
 “Maybe he just wants to talk.” You said, almost sounding crestfallen.
“Yeah, he took your contact info, risking serious public backlash to sneak you into his hotel room late at night in a foreign country, just to…talk.” Robyn mocked.
 “Okay help me get ready, and I’m not going without you.” You said determinedly. That would be rude to just leave your friend at the hotel for the night alone.
 “Y/n, I know we’re close but I do not want to be in the room for whatever is gonna go down. Also, don’t worry about me. My best friend just got an invite from one of her favorite CELEBRITIES to hang out, I think I can manage without you.” She said, grabbing your shoulders in the process.
 “Okay, help me get ready.” You said.
You replied to Chris ‘My name is y/n. I’m staying at the Hilton, where are you staying? I could come by if you wanted.’
Robyn was drying your hair as you applied your make up. She’s best friend goals, honestly, you would owe her big time for this. Your phone dinged again, another message from Chris.
‘Wow, we are at the same hotel! Does your friend want to come up too? Jisung said he wouldn’t mind hanging out for a bit. We’re on the top floor, can you come soon?’
“RobyndoyouwannahangoutwithJisung?” your words came out in one syllable. Robyn dropped the brush she was using on your hair and started to pant and breathe heavily.
“Robyn? Robyn?! Yes or no?! You don’t have to do this!” you said turning to face her, worry masking your face.
“I’m going I’m going! Yeah I’m totally going, I’m going…” she stopped and stared at the floor for a moment, just when you were about to speak again she bolted into the other room and you heard crashing, which was surely her dumping her suitcase over. You knew she could handle herself at this point and looked back to your phone.
‘Yeah, we’ll be up in a few minutes. What room number?’ you typed and then aggressively started brushing your hair. It sounded like someone was trashing the room in the bedroom but you just ignored it, letting Robyn do her own thing. You went to get dressed, to only to find what you could only describe as a clothes explosion and a half naked Robyn at the epicenter.
‘Just come to the top floor and I’ll be there to meet you.’ Chris had responded.
It took about 20 minutes but finally you and Robyn had by some miracle pulled yourselves together and were ready to go. You left your room and started walking down the hall to the elevator.
“You ready?” you asked.
“As ready as we’ll ever be,” Robyn responded sounding surprisingly calm.
You felt calm as well. Trying to soak up every feeling and memory. This wasn’t a dream, you had to keep reminding yourself. You hit the top floor and gave Robyn a reassuring squeeze of the hand and waited for the elevator to move.
The elevator stopped with a gentle thud on the top floor and seconds felt like years as you waited for the doors to open. When they did you were greeted by two very scary looking middle aged men dressed in black, clearly security. Your eyes went wide and you stuck your hand out over the door so it wouldn’t clothes and tried to figure out what to say.
“Ummm…we’re-“ you were cut off by someone else speaking from down the hall speaking in Korean. You knew immediately it was Chris. You knew you needed to get out of the elevator but your feet wouldn’t move. Robyn looked over at you expectantly and motioned you to move. You willed yourself to move as you finally stepped out of the elevator.
Chris was speaking to the security guards in Korean, you weren’t sure what he was saying but the security guards were smiling at him as he turned to look at you and Robyn. His hair was still wet from a shower, he was wearing black joggers with white stripes down the side and a baggy black tshirt.
“Hey y/n!” he smiled walking towards you, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
So this is what heaven is like. If I don’t walk into heaven and see this when I die, I’m gonna be so disappointed. How is this man real? And how is he interested in me?
You stuttered at first, wondering how he could be so cool.
“H-h-hey Chris, aren’t you tired?” you stammered, not sounding smooth or the least bit calm.
Are you fucking kidding me? Did you really just ask him that? Of all things? That makes it sound like you want to cut things short.
“I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t tired,” he laughed.
Robyn saw you were grappling and chimed in, “Duh y/n, he’s a kpop idol, you know these boys don’t sleep. Great show tonight by the way, it was amazing”
You laughed it off. If you survived tonight without having a coronary, you’d never be able to thank Robyn enough for being the calm one.
“Wow, thank you! Sorry, I don’t think y/n told me your name?” Chris questioned looking at Robyn.
“It’s Robyn, it’s so nice to meet you…again.” Robyn smirked.
“I like your name! Anyway, I told Jisung you’d be coming if you all want to go…?” he looked at you expectantly. You hadn’t realized how awkward you must look. You had barely moved a muscle since you stepped off the elevator.
“Right! Yeah, awesome, let’s go.” You smiled, trying your best to seem confident, or calm, or any emotion besides the chaos that was currently raging in your mind at the moment.
You followed Chris down the hall and looked at Robyn who’s mask of emotions had come off and looked at you with wide eyes. You tried to smile back at her, but it probably came out as a grimace.
Chris knocked on the door to one of the rooms and you heard someone yell something that sounded Korean. Then the door opened and the smell of garlic and something fried smacked you in the face. Food was the last thing you wanted to be near right now. The smell alone was enough to send waves of nausea over you.
Jisung stood in the door way, he also looked like he had freshly showered. He was wearing a white tshirt and grey sweatpants. His adorable hamstercheeks were prominent and he was beautifully bare faced.
Okay, it’s your turn to be cool. You can do this.
“J.Oneeeeeee! How’s it goinnnnnn?!” you drawled, as his face turned into one of surprise at your sudden outburst.
Nailed it. Someone just kill me now.
“Hi, you must be y/n. And you are?” he looked at Robyn expectantly.
“I’m Robyn, it’s nice to see you again.” She said cooly, smirking at him.
“Ah, Robyn, Chris told me you would be coming, I didn’t know what you would like so I ordered you the same thing as me, I hope you like steak?” he smiled, looking so pure.
“I’m American, of course I love steak!” Robyn laughed, earning a laugh from Chris and Jisung as well.
“Just as I suspected! Please come in,” he said after he was finished laughing.
Robyn walked past you and you were about to follow her when Chris put his hand on your arm to guide you further down the hall way.
“See you all later!” Chris said, waving bye at Jisung as the door shut.
This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not happening.
You kept chanting in your head but the situation was way too real. You looked over at Chris and he smiled back at you and you realized you had to stop living in your head and enjoy this time for what it was.
“So what did you think of the show?” Chris asked as you all stopped in front of a door and he slid his key card in.
“Oh, I loved it. I’ve been to several kpop concerts but I was really impressed with the stage presence from you all. But honestly, I expected nothing less.” You smirked at him as you followed him into his room. Suddenly that confidence you had when you first caught his gaze was back. You prayed that it stayed.
His room looked like your average hotel room, his laptop was sitting on one of the beds and his bags sat at the foot. He went and sat down on one of the beds and you briefly thought about sitting on the bed opposite him to face him. But you decided to sit next to him instead.
“Thank you, y/n. I’m so glad you liked it.” He said as you settled in next to him, thighs barely touching.
“No problem, I happen to be the kpop expert,” you teased, “maybe even more than the leader of a kpop group himself.”
“Oh, you really think so? I think my seven years as a trainee might have you beat in the knowledge department.” He teased back.
“Ya know what, you might be right,” you giggled, covering your mouth with your hand.
“Where are you from? Your accent doesn’t sound like New York.” He asked curiously.
“Oh, I have a country accent, I’m from Kentucky.” You shyly said.
“Kentucky! Like Kentucky Fried Chicken?!” Chan laughed, his eyes squinted up and you recalled all the times you had seen girls gush over his sweet laugh.
“Yes, exactly like that,” you laughed back.
“Whoa wait, how far is that from here?” he asked, suddenly serious.
“Oh about an eight or nine hour drive,” you replied, trying to seem nonchalant. Nonchalant, meaning not like you had put your life on hold and drove a whole day to see a boy group that were never supposed to know you exist.
“Wow! You came all this way to see us?” he asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, I guess you could say it was worth it.” You winked, and continued laughing.
“Well I’m glad you decided to come. It’s so nice to meet you, you’re absolutely gorgeous.” He said, fingers brushing your arm.
Okay. This is it. There’s no way I’m surviving this.
“Oh my gosh, thank you, you’re gorgeous too! I mean, handsome, I mean..” you stammered, he just looked at you as if expecting you to go on.
“I’m not going to lie, I’m really nervous to be here, I’ve been a fan for a long time and honestly it feels like this is a hidden camera or something. I’ve always thought about what it would be like to meet you, is all.” You finished confidently.
“Oh, so I’m your bias?” he grinned.
Your face immediately flushed, you could feel your cheeks burning. How could you tell him your bias was actually Changbin and Felix.
“Uh-uh yeah-“ you stuttered but he totally caught on.
“What! I’m not your bias! Who is it then? Tell me! I have to know now!” He yelled, pretending to be outraged.
“Ah, I can’t say” you said, mortified, trying to find the humor, “By the way, I like the fan terms you’re using, I figured you all didn’t use the word bias.”
“Oh I have my own twitter and I lurk stan tweet, I know all about the crazy stuff that goes on in your minds.” He said confidently.
“Stan tweet? Okay now I’m impressed.” You said shocked.
“Yeah, now tell me your bias, and maybe I’ll let you follow me.” he said jokingly but you felt he was serious.
“Okay,” you took a breath, “I’m double biased, Changbin and Felix” you said, bracing for his reaction.
He erupted into laughter “Changlix! No way! I never could have predicted this!”
“Hey!” you exclaimed, “I started biasing them before I realized they were one of the biggest ships in Stray Kids!”
‘’Oh I’m sure, everyone loves Changlix, you all post some crazy stuff, some I honestly wish I could unsee” He said, eyes suddenly going vacant, and then shaking his head like he got a cold chill. “So I’m not your bias, wow my feelings are hurt.” He said sadly, with terrible acting skills.
You touched his arm and hugged it, wondering where this confidence came from.
“Well people’s bias is always subject to change…” You almost purred, looking up at him smirking as he put his hand on the small of your back.
“Hmm, I’ll have to see what I can do then.” He grinned.
You sat up and faced him, letting go of his arm. You suddenly had a moment of clarity. This was it. This was something you had always dreamed about. Being this close to someone so talented, so charismatic, so beautiful. How many hours had you listened to his beautiful voice through your headphones? How many times had he made you laugh just by being himself on vlive? How many times did his lyrics bring you comfort? How many times had you woken up from dreams of this very situation? Without thinking, you moved your hand up to his chiseled jaw and ran your hand down the length of it.
“I’m sorry, I’m just really happy to be here with you.” You said, “I don’t mean to make you feel weird.”
“There’s slim chance of that happening, babygirl.” He said in reply.
You just then noted how dark his eyes were, it was almost as if they could swallow you up. You noticed them getting bigger and then realized it’s because he was moving closer to you. You felt every cell, every molecule of your being suddenly being drawn in, like all the force in the universe was pushing you all together. You didn’t want to close your eyes. You didn’t want to even miss a millisecond of his moment. But your eyes fell closed and your lips met, his lips brushed yours and suddenly you saw all the stars in existence exploding behind your eyelids.
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Rating: E Pairings: Madara/Tobirama, one-sided Madara/Hashirama, implied Hashirama/Mito Word Count: 2732 Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Physical Abuse, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dark Hashirama, seriously he's a bastard in this Summary: A deal with the devil was the only way to save Madara from Hashirama, now Tobirama just has to play his part.
For @a-kid-named-hiro because Name is fucking amazing and inspired this!
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Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Tobirama leaves Madara unconscious and half naked in the archives, cleaning himself off with the Uchiha’s shirt, something he knows Hashirama has done before, unable to stand being with him a second longer. He felt bad about treating Madara so coldly, usually Tobirama would pick up the pieces but he couldn’t do that this time. As much as Tobirama wanted Madara, and he’d never desired anyone or anything as much as he did the Uchiha, he needed Madara to wake up and see what a bastard Hashirama is so they can be happy together.
“You better not have hurt him.” The words are growled in his own voice and Tobirama can’t help but smirk as he finishes descending the stairs into the basement of his personal lab.
“I don’t know what you could possibly mean Anija, “I’ve” been down here the whole time,” Tobirama drawls, easily mimicking his brother’s speech pattern, “you on the other hand…”
“If you hurt him I swear to god I’ll-!”
“You’ll what?!” Tobirama interrupts, his too dark hands slamming into the metal bars separating the brothers, “just what can you do in this cage?”
“Why are you doing this Tobira?” Hashirama asks, his pout a strange sight on Tobirama’s face, “why must you hurt us?”
“Because you don’t deserve him!” Tobirama growls, his borrowed face contorting into an ugly rage rarely seen on either brother. “You toyed with Madara’s feelings for years and left me to pick up the pieces! Then, when it was finally going to pay off you swooped in and stole him from me!”
“Otouto...I had no idea…”
“Bullshit!” Tobirama snarls, “I know you knew about my feelings.”
“How could you possibly know that?” Hashirama mutters, his eyes impossibly wide in shock. It was true he knew about Tobirama’s little crush, it was hard to draw any other conclusion from hearing his little brother moaning his best friend’s name while masturbating, but he was sure he’d never made it known to Tobirama he’d heard him that day.
“You were kind enough to mock my feelings last time you got drunk,” Tobirama states, hurt and anger warring for a spot in his too dark gaze. “In between throwing up on my textbooks and passing out in the bathroom you very graphically described how you’d fucked Madara, how I’d never get to feel that same joy, and how you’d left him passed out in some bedroom at the party you forced him to go to. Tell me Anija,” Tobirama snarls the word like it causes him physical pain, “did you even care if he was raped?”
“What…?” Hashirama mutters, his voice small in a way Tobirama’s never is.
“Who do you think had to call Izuna and tell him his big brother was so drunk he was unconscious and alone at a stranger’s house?” Tobirama continues, anger finally winning the battle in his eyes, “who do you think had to go get Madara because Izuna has a fucking broken leg and can’t leave the house for another week? Who do you think found Madara being taken advantage of because his fucking boyfriend abandoned him!?”
“I had no idea…”
“Of course you didn’t,” Tobirama sneers, his grin sharp and dangerous in a way that has Hashirama shrinking back, “because you don’t give a flying fuck about him! You're just fucking because he’s attractive and all you have to do is ask and he’ll do anything for you! You are nothing but scum, though I suppose I should thank you.”
“As it turns out Tajima doesn’t like you either, and with the lovely sacrificial offering you provided me with, he was willing to see things my way.” The chuckle that escapes Tobirama’s lips isn’t human and Hashirama presses himself as close to the brick wall as he can. “You’ll find your answer on my chest.” With that Tobirama leaves the basement, the door clicking behind him with a certain finality.
It takes Hashirama several moments to gather the courage to pull off Tobirama’s shirt, but when he does his heart nearly stops. Branded over Tobirama’s heart is an all too familiar pentagram, one he’s traced on Madara’s chest many times. It all made sense now, Madara had always joked it was a family symbol, but it seems he was serious; Tobirama had made a deal with the devil.
“What the hell Hashirama!?” Madara demands the next day as he corners Tobirama in Hashirama’s office, “that is the second time this week you’ve ditched me!”
“Sorry about that,” Tobirama says in Hashirama’s usual insincere voice, “something came up and I had to leave.”
“You said that last time,” Madara huffs, but Tobirama notices the hurt deep in his love’s obsidian eyes, “don’t do it again.”
“Of course not dear,” Tobirama lies, he hated hurting Madara but if he didn’t uphold his end of the bargain and crush Madara’s love for Hashirama, then Tajima got his soul. “I really didn’t mean to leave you at the party, I swear, but I’m sure Obito and the others took good care of you, right?”
Madara goes stiff, only noticeable because Tobirama is watching for it and that answers his question about how much Madara remembered from that night. “Where’s Tobirama?” Madara asks, his voice breathless in a way Hashirama wouldn’t normally notice.
“Tobi is indisposed right now,” Tobirama grins, his eyes cold in a way that usually reflects Hashirama’s anger, “why? Is he more fun to talk to than me?”
“Huh?” Madara blinks in confusion, seeming to pull out of his panic enough to pay attention to the current conversation, “no, we were just working on something together.”
“What kind of something?” Tobirama asks innocently as he stands up, though Madara is too distracted to notice.
“None of your business,” Madara snaps automatically and Tobirama can’t help but grin as he backhands the Uchiha hard enough to spend him sprawling to the floor.
“Do you take me for an idiot Madara?” Tobirama asks, crouching beside the prone form and grabbing a fistful of surprisingly soft black hair, “did you really think I had no idea?”
“W-what?” Madara spits, wiping blood off his chin as he struggles to get away from Hashirama’s hand.
“I know you’re cheating on me Dara-chan,” Tobirama coos, barely resisting the urge to gag at the stupid nickname Hashirama insisted on using as he yanks on the other’s hair, “with my baby brother no less.”
“I am not!” Madara instantly denies, a whimper slipping free as he is roughly flipped and his face is shoved into the ground. “Hashirama!”
“Shut up,” Tobirama growls, draping his larger frame over Madara, pressing him more firmly into the ground. He knew Madara was strong enough to get free, knew Madara had a well of inhuman power he refused to touch, just as he knew Madara would never raise a hand against Hashirama, still too desperate for his love. “I saw the text messages! You were flirting with my brother behind my back you bastard!”
Madara goes absolutely rigid, because he had been flirting with Tobirama, but only in a playful manner that the two often did when they just needed a good laugh. “It’s not like that Hashirama, I swear on my life I’m not cheating on you!”
“I don’t believe you,” Tobirama says, flipping Madara over and pinning his smaller frame underneath Hashirama’s tree trunk of a body, “but I know how you’re going to make it up to me; since you want to act like a whore I’m going to treat you like one.”
“I’m not a whore!” Madara exclaims, struggling to get free until his boyfriend’s free hand squeezes his throat hard enough to silence his protests.
“Our client has expressed how much he’d love to fuck you,” Tobirama explains, hating that he's just going with Hashirama’s original plan, “and you’re going to let him.”
“N-no-!” Madara manages to gasp, trying to kick Tobirama off him.
Tobirama presses down harder until Madara goes still under him. “You’re just a whore Dara-chan, you don’t get to tell your pimp no.” It breaks Tobirama’s heart to see the tears welling up in Madara’s eyes, but he ignores the guilt as he stands up straight. “We have a meeting, clean yourself up.”
“Please don’t do this to me Hashirama,” Madara begs, slowly picking himself up off the ground. “If you feel anything for me, don’t do this.”
“All right,” Tobirama agrees with an easy grin, knowing it’s going to happen during their meeting but this should be the last push he���d need to break Madara.
“Thank you,” Madara mutters, his spiriting lifting when his boyfriend gently kisses his bruised cheek.
“Clean up, I’ll see you in the meeting.” Tobirama doesn’t look back as he leaves, knowing that if he sees the soft smile he’s sure is on Madara’s face his resolve will break and that will just hurt them both.
Once Tobirama gets to the meeting, he goes over Hashirama’s plans with the clients, feeling like the worst kind of scum for letting this happen to Madara again. Madara shows up just after his water has been spiked and the meeting starts. It’s painfully easy for Tobirama to pretend to be his brother, he had helped the buffoon get this far in the corporate world and it seems Hashirama hadn’t changed much after he’d decided he no longer needed Tobirama’s help. About halfway through the meeting Hashirama’s secretary pokes her head in to let Tobirama know he has an urgent phone call. It turns out to be Mito, something about their daughter being really sick and if Hashirama wanted any chance of getting back together he’d better get their as soon as he could. Tobirama had explained he was nearly done with a very important meeting and then he’d be there. By the time he and Mito have come to an agreement and Tobirama gets back to the meeting the clients are finishing up with Madara. They sign the lucrative contract without complaint and leave.
“Good work Madara,” Tobirama chuckles as he crouches beside the naked body, “you just got us the deal of the century.”
“Why did you do this?” Madara mutters, barely more than a whisper as his tears fall freely, “I thought you loved me.”
“Loved you?” Tobirama snorts, because he knows that Hashirama has never loved Madara, “why would I love a whore like you?”
“You did this to me…”
“You don’t mind finishing up the paperwork, do you?” Tobirama asks, completely ignoring the quiet words, “Mito called and wants me to come over and it is your contract after all.”
“I hate you.”
Tobirama just smirks as he stands up, because he can tell Madara means those words for the first time in his life. “This room is empty for another hour, I suggest you clean up your mess before then.” Tobirama leaves the room without sparing the Uchiha a glance. He had just enough time to finish up his master plan before his 24 hours are up.
“You have no idea what you’ve done,” Hashirama growls when Tobirama returns to his basement, “I had the most important meeting of my life today.”
“I know, it went off without a hitch,” Tobirama states boredly, examining the dirt under his fingernails as he leans against the bars, “your plan was flawless.”
“You...allowed it to happen?” Hashirama asks in disbelief, hating the smirk that stretches across his own face.
“Of course, I just made sure Madara knew it was your doing. He hates you now.”
“You will pay for this.”
“I highly doubt it.” Tobirama mutters as he unlocks the door, seconds before he feels the pins and needles sensation of his soul being tugged back to the right body. Glancing down at familiar pale hands, he can’t help but grin as he looks at his brother still standing by the bars. “I suppose I should tell you; Tsunade is sick and Mito is expecting you soon.”
“You spoke to Mito?” Hashirama mutters, disbelief winning over his current anger, “and she wants me back?”
“I believe it’s provisional, but yes she wants you.” Rolling his eyes at the eagerness on Hashirama’s face, Tobirama can’t even pretend to be surprised when the cell door is slammed open and his brother steps in.
“Knowing you I have just enough time for this then,” Hashirama says, punching Tobirama squarely in the mouth and knocking his younger brother to the ground. “Since you got me the deal I won’t kill you, but you need to be punished.”
“Do your worst,” Tobirama chuckles, zoning out as blow after blow rains down on him. He feels his nose break first, followed by several ribs as Hashirama focuses on his torso, only stopping after half his rib cage is deformed. If Tobirama hadn’t made the deal with Tajima he’d be concerned, but as it stood all Hashirama was doing was hurting his own case.
“I’ll let you out later,” Hashirama decides as he steps out of the cell and locks the door behind him, shoving the key in his pocket as he leaves. He had more important things to worry about than his baby brother and his best friend.
Tobirama waits until he hears the basement door shut before he slowly props himself up against the wall; inhuman healing rate or not this is going to hurt for a while. Tearing his shirt into strips, Tobirama carefully mops up the blood on his face as best he can before he gently wraps his forearms; they may not have been broken in Hashirama’s assault but they were tender enough that he suspected they were fractured in a few places. Once he runs out of shirt, Tobirama leans back and lets his eyes slipped closed, waiting for Madara to show up like he knows the Uchiha will.
“T-Tobirama?” Madara’s voice wakes him some time later and Tobirama knows his relieved grin splits his busted lip.
“Madara, thank god!” Tobirama exclaims, forcing his battered body to move to the cell door, “you have to get away from Hashirama, he’s going to drug you!”
“It...already happened…” Madara mutters, hanging his head just enough so his bangs hide his face.
“Oh god, I’m too late…” Tobirama mutters, letting his earlier hurt and guilt come to the surface as he collapses to his knees, wincing as he does. “I’m so sorry Madara, I saw his plans and tried to warn you but…”
“He found out?” Madara guesses, glancing from Tobirama’s battered frame and the cell.
“Yeah,” Tobirama agrees, wrapping his arms around his bare torso, knowing it will draw Madara’s eyes to his brand, “it was bad.”
“Tobirama! That mark!” Madara gasps, grabbing the spare key and rushing to the door. Once he’s got the door open Madara storms in, unable to stop himself from hauling Tobirama to his feet and tracing the familiar mark. “Tell me you didn’t!”
“I did,” Tobirama mumbles, unable to make eye contact. Unlike Hashirama, Tobirama had figured out the truth about Madara’s father early on and Madara had made him swear to never make a deal the second he'd found out.
“Hashirama was mad, I think he wanted to kill me,” Tobirama admits because he knew that’s what Hashirama would have done if he hadn’t needed to rush off to meet Mito, “I couldn’t leave you alone to deal my brother.”
“Tobirama…” Madara sighs, pulling the younger man into a hug, both of them suppressing a wince, “you’ll never escape my family now.”
“Madara, as long as you’re safe, I don’t care what happens to me,” Tobirama states, staring deep into Madara’s eyes.
“But why? I’m just a whore according to your brother.”
“My brother is a fool,” Tobirama states, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Madara’s ear, “as for why, I love you, you insufferable Uchiha, I have for a long time.”
“I think I might love you too,” Madara mumbles, surprised to find he actually means the words.
“Well we have an eternity to find out,” Tobirama chuckles, placing his hand over the matching brand on Madara.
“Best news I’ve heard all day,” Madara can’t help but grin, pulling Tobirama in for a quick kiss. It felt right in a way nothing ever hand, but it was clear they both had some healing to do before anything else happened between them. “Let’s go home.”
“I’ll follow you anywhere.”
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todomomofluff · 5 years
One for all Ch 3, A BNHA future fanfic
Chapter 3: Kikyo Bakugo
"That kid...is a damn monster."
Kirishima frowned heavily to himself as he observed the unusually quiet figure of Bakugo sitting at his old desk. The last thing the redhead's friend had spoken to him left a very unnerving feeling deep inside himself, and it only continued to fester in him like a burning flame.
"For Bakugo's daughter, you sure are a quiet one, Kikyo-chan!"
Kirishima was brought back to realty at the sound of his wife Mina's voice who was with the rest of their class as they all greeted the girl known as Kikyo, Bakugo's newly introduced daughter. Said child hadn't even uttered a sound since her father had introduced her. From the moment her identity was revealed, the entire former class 1-A made it their mission to welcome the young one in an attempt to make her more comfortable and come out of the shell she'd been hiding in since she'd entered the classroom. However, not even Mina's bright and welcoming personality was enough to spark so much as a response from Kikyo.
"She's probably uncomfortable around all these strangers," Todoroki chimed in as he and Momo joined their group with their sons in tow, "Maybe we should let those her own age try instead."
At that, the Todoroki twins Rei and Hino walked up to the blond child, both with friendly smiles upon their faces.
"Hi! I'm Rei. What's your name?" Asked the white haired boy as he extended a hand towards Kikyo.
The young blond girl stared at the boys with emotionless crimson orbs before taking a quiet step away from both of them. Hino and Rei's faces both fell and they looked back to their parents in disappointment.
"Don't worry about it, boys. I'm sure she'll come around." Momo smiled and bent down as much as she could manage despite her pregnant body so she could also speak directly to Kikyo, "At any rate, it's wonderful to meet you, Kikyo-chan. We're all so happy to have you here."
Back over at his desk, Bakugo glanced at his child among his fellow heroes. Kikyo was looking away from everyone, almost as if she were ignoring everyone's voices as they were launched at her. Bakugo snorted to himself and turned his gaze away as if annoyed.
"...Hey man. Can we talk?"
Bakugo looked to the source of the voice that now stood beside him. Kirishima still held a very upset look on his face, only causing Katsuki's annoyance to increase.
"Tch." Bakugo clicked his tongue and turned his face away so he could avoid eye contact. Kirishima, unbothered by it, decided to take a seat in a chair next to the desk.
"Look, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I know this whole reunion really isn't your thing, and I'm sure a lot's happened- given all the time you just kinda disappeared from everyone. But..." Kirishima's voice trailed off into a disturbing silence as he thought carefully on how to continue.
Bakugo slightly turned his head back to the only classmate that he had ever been able to stand being around. The blond male could see small beads of sweat streaming down the redhead's face as he pondered to himself. Kirishima didn't need to say anything else. Bakugo already knew why Kirishima had come over.
"Look, I ain't gonna tell you every little goddamn thing that's happened over these last few months, so don't even ask me." Bakugo's voice, still as threatening as always, was barely even a whisper as started before Kirishima could find his own words. Katsuki leaned back in his chair and turned his eyes upward towards the ceiling, "...But I also know you ain't gonna go away until I tell you about Kikyo."
"Just tell me a couple things, dude." Kirishima started again, his face clouding over with anticipation as he moved his chair just a little closer towards Bakugo, "...Is she the reason you disappeared? Also, who's-"
"One fucking question at a time, dammit." Bakugo growled like a wolf before reaching into his jacket pocket for something. After digging around for a minute, he pulled out his wallet. The hot-tempered male then began digging around in that before whipping out a photograph. Without so much as a word, he tossed the photo on the desk Kirishima sat at.
Reluctantly, Eijiro leaned towards the photo slowly. His red eyes slowly widened as he took in what was on the picture.
"...That was how she looked, when she suddenly showed up at my doorstep a few months ago." Bakugo stated calmly, still refusing to look in his friend's direction.
In the photo appeared to be Kikyo. However, while her appearance now still looked quite ragged for a young child- her looks in the photo were far worst. She appeared to be laying in what looked like a hospital bed. The clothes covering her were torn, messy and stained with various colors of unknown origin. To add to it, the young child's hair was extremely long and flowed in all directions. But that wasn't even the most disturbing part. For some reason, what appeared to be test tubes were hooked up to various parts of Kikyo's body.
"...Where...was this taken?" Kirishima asked, picking up the photo to get a closer look at it.
"Even if I don't have a damn clue. To be perfectly straight with you..." Bakugo shot another glance at Kikyo across the room, "Even though she's my brat, I don't know hardly anything about her. Other than her quirk and the fact that wherever she was before she showed up at my place was a living fucking nightmare."
"Bakugo, I don't..." Kirishima shook his head, even more confused than before, "What the hell does this even mean?"
"Like I just said..." Bakugo's tone grew impatient as he reached out and snatched the photo back, "Long story short- a few months ago I was coming home after work. When I reached my apartment, there was this filthy looking brat literally on my doorstep...unconscious. Originally, I was just gonna call the cops but than she came to when I gave her a few shakes. And she handed me this shit, along with that photo I just showed you."
Again, Katsuki dug around in his pocket for something. He then showed what appeared to be a birth certificate of some kind. On it was Kikyo's name, her time of birth, and the name of her father...but no mother was listed. And it certainly wasn't any official document. Simply a data sheet with very little info about the child.
"What the hell even..." Kirishima looked up and down the page, desperately trying to make some sense out of what he was being told, "So she just...showed up one day and this is all you've got that tells you she's your kid? I mean, did someone dump her there or..."
"She won't tell me anything." Bakugo spoke, his eyes falling downward, "I've tried a million times to get her to tell me something about where she was before, who her mom is, and the whole rest of that shit...but she won't say anything. She just looks at me with those dead fish eyes of hers. All I could get her to tell me is she came to me because I was her dad and a hero."
"Let me get this straight- She randomly appeared on to you, unconscious and with a picture of herself and this poor excuse of a form of ID and that's all? Why didn't you...like, take her to child services or something?"
"Ever since she showed up, Kikyo's clung to me every single frickin' second of every day. Hell, I can't even leave the house to do my job anymore. No matter what I do, she sticks to me like glue." Bakugo rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue again.
Kirishima slowly nodded, his face more baffled than ever, "Okay...cute. But...agh, dammit! This doesn't make any damn sense!" Eijiro threw his arms in the air and scratched at his head furiously.
"You're telling me. Also, you noticed right? Those bruises on her arms and body."
Kirisihima stopped clawing at his scalp to recall back to when he spotted Kikyo scratching her arm and how it was covered in horrible looking marks. The rockhard quirk-user nodded at Bakugo.
"Those marks. Yeah, before you go and think I did something fucked up-"
Kirishima suddenly jumped from his seat, panic written on his face, "N-No way, man! I didn't think-" But Bakugo clamped a hand over his mouth, shutting him up.
"Listen, dammit! Her entire body's been fucked up like that since I got her. I took her to a doctor after a week of staying with me. According to him, those marks come from years of abuse and shit. I mean, no fucking shit, right. However, that ain't the main issue. Those bruises on her, they...didn't come from another person."
"What...do you mean?" Kirishima felt a lump form in his throat as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Bakugo pursed his lips tightly together for what seemed like hours before he finally choked out what he'd been hiding, "...Her quirk. Every one of those marks on her is a result of her power."
Kirishima's pupils grew small in fright.
Bakugo lifted a hand and looked at his palm, as if envisioning something, "When the doc looked at her, he didn't just check out her injuries...he had her show her quirk. That's...part of how I know...she's my kid, all right."
"So her quirk is explosions, like yours?"
"Yeah...only, more..." Bakugo's blood red eyes peered back at Kikyo who was now rubbing at her arms again, "...powerful. Wild. Look, as much as I absolutely hate to compare it to this, it's the only example I got. Remember how Deku destroyed his body because All Might's quirk was too strong for him back in the day?"
Kirishima nodded.
"It's...something like that. Kikyo can't use her quirk and NOT badly fuck herself up in the process. Whenever she sets it off, it's like a bomb explodes from within her body and outward. And unlike with mine, it's power isn't as controlled. It's literally straight up like she uses her own body parts like the bomb. Her body basically destroys itself every time her quirk is used. The power her quirk outputs just is too damn much for her stupid tiny ass self to handle. However, that ain't even half of it. Being as young as Kikyo is, the doc thought it really unusual for her quirk to be so...damn powerful and developed as it is. So, after some tests, the hospital concluded a reason for that."
Kirishima let his gaze drift back over to Kikyo who was attempting to break free of the crowd, "...And what reason is that?"
Bakugo bit his lip tightly before finally answering, " The doc said...that there was probably some tampering done to her quirk when she was still an infant. She was probably put through some effed up quirk experiments or given quirk-enhancing drugs whenever she had been before. And a lot of it too. Until her body grows bigger, Kikyo literally can't use her quirk. Like I said, if she does, it'll just destroy her. The proof is written all over her. That's why I got her wearing those long clothes. It'll at least hide those ugly bruises."
"Wait, you said...quirk experiments? Come to think of it, that sounds familiar..." Kirishima thought back to recent villain activity that had been occurring in the city lately. After a moment, it hit him. Kirishima snapped his fingers in conclusion, "Wait, there was that incident last month where a few pro heroes found a gang holed up in an abandoned warehouse. They were arrested under suspect of a possession of drugs to improve one's quirk full potential. Is that connected to Kikyo then?"
"Fuck if I know. But I've been trying to dig up some stuff on whatever facility she was in before, but haven't found a damn thing yet. So anyways, that's the story."
"So when you called her a monster..."
"She's a damn monster to HERSELF, dumbass. With her quirk as whacked out as it is, she's a menace." Bakugo ran a hand over his face as if trying to wipe away the exhaustion her felt from explaining Kikyo.
Kirishima shook his head, taken utterly aback. To think a small child as young as Kikyo could have been subjected to such horrendous things. At first glance, Kikyo even reminded Kirishima a bit of Eri back during the Overhaul incident years ago.
"Thanks for telling me, Bakugo." The redhead started, trying to flash a smile at his best friend, "I won't spread this around, don't worry."
"Better fucking not. Especially not to Deku. I know that bastard's gonna show up at some point today. Man, he's the last punk I wanna see at this crappy thing, tch." Bakugo stood up suddenly and started towards the room's exit. Without warning, he pushed through the crowd of his former classmates. Kikyo almost immediately followed after her father as he walked out.
"Eh? Bakugo, where you going?" Mina shouted.
"Yeah, you just got here!" Sero chimed.
"SHUT UP! I gotta go to the bathroom." Was all the angry blond growled as he exited the room with Kikyo in tow.
"Wow...there are so many things surprising about this, I can't even." Mina noted, looking between Hagakure, Momo, and Tsuyu who all nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, Kirishima still sat back at his desk, his hand placed over his mouth as he was lost deep in thought over the things Bakugo had just told him.
"...Why the hell you following me? If you gotta go too, go on your own." Bakugo could feel his right eye beginning to twitch out of annoyance as he listened to the sound of tiny footsteps echoing directly behind him.
"...I'm sorry." Was all Kikyo replied in yet another quiet tone.
"Tch..." Bakugo continued walking in silence until finally, they reached a bathroom. He looked over his shoulder at his daughter and pointed at the girl's bathroom, "Go in that one. You're fricking old enough that you should at least be able to go to the bathroom by yours-" Suddenly, Katsuki felt the words catch in his throat at the sight reflected in his blood-colored eyes.
Kikyo had one of her long sleeves rolled up, revealing battered, purple and blue skin. She used her other hand to rub her arm up and down as if she had an incurable itch. The little girl's expression was empty as could be but the beads of sweat that were formed on her face indicted she was feeling some discomfort.
Bakugo held his silence for a moment before he slowly shut his mouth. The man slowly turned his eyes away from his daughter, his face becoming completed hidden to her. After yet another minute, Bakugo swallowed and parted his lips,
"...On second thought, just...follow me all right. Don't you dare give me shit or you'll know what black and blue really looks like, ya get me?"
Kikyo stopped rubbing her arm and nodded rapidly before what almost seemed like excitingly following her father as they entered the restroom together.
Once in, it was decided Kikyo would go first, while Bakugo waited (in the event she needed any help).
"Just hurry up, dammit. I ain't got all day, brat."
"Yes, Pa-"
"NOPE! Don't you fucking dare, kid. You remember what I said about not calling me Dad, Papa or any of that nasty shit, right?"
Kikyo nodded inside the stall as she peered at her father between the gaps of the stall door, "...Yes, sir."
Bakugo rolled his eyes.
After a few minutes, the sound of a flushing toilet echoed the bathroom soon followed by the opening of the stall door.
"...All done." Kikyo mumbled in a tiny voice as she waddled up to Bakugo and grabbed part of his jacket.
Bakugo responded by pulling away from her and walking into the next stall, "Dammit, wash you filthy hands before you touch shit, kid. Learn some manners, for fuck's sake."
"Ok." She mumbled as she went to do as she was told.
Bakugo sat in the stall silently, also peering at his daughter's back through the gaps. He thought back to the things he told Kirishima about her, and also the pitiful look he noticed his friend wear as he had listened about Kikyo.
"...Hey." Bakugo's threatening voice echoed a bit too loud throughout the small bathroom.
Kikyo jumped a little in surprise but turned in the direction the voice came from, "Yes?"
"...You...uh..." Bakugo felt a feeling of unbearable irritation creeping up on him as he tried to talk to Kikyo. This happened literally anytime he tried to deal with her, and it disgusted Katsuki to no end. Still, he ignored it this time and pressed on, "...Your, uh, bruises and shit. They...hurt like a bitch, yeah?"
Kikyo rubbed her other arm and glanced at the marks scattered all over her skin, "...No."
"Don't lie to me, brat."
"I'm sorry..."
"For fuck's sake..." Bakugo scratched his head rapidly before sighing heavily, "Look, if it hurts than say something! Maybe the nurse's office has some crap that they can put on your arms or..."
"No, I'm really fine." Kikyo shook her head and held two clenched fists against her chest. Just as Bakugo was about to yell out again, the next thing his daughter spoke out was enough to immediately quiet him, "It doesn't hurt when I'm near you, Papa-I mean, Ba...Bakugo-san."
Though no one could see it at that moment, for the first time in his life, a curious expression had painted itself on the hot-temped male's face. A hint of red was dusted just on the edges of Bakugo's cheeks as he took in what was said. After a moment, however, the man's expression returned to the normal gruff one before he snarled in response,
"...Dumb kid."
Somewhere else, a few miles away from U.A. was what appeared to be an abandoned building located in the back alleys of the city. A common place for villains to gather and trade information.
"This is the only information I could get on her, sir. My apologies." Spoke a man as he handed a photograph over to a taller male standing in front of him.
The second man took the photo in hand. The corners of his lips curled upward in a disturbing manner as he looked at the little girl in the photo. Her hair was a dirty blond and her eyes were bloody red. Two traits that were all too familiar to the man now holding the image.
"Well, isn't that interesting. Looks like the rumors were true. All Might would be absolutely in tears if he could see this now." The man tucked the photo into his jacket pocket. "Well, I guess of Todoroki can have a child by this point, so can Kacchan. Time certaintly changes things, now doesn't it." He let out a chuckle than ran his gloved fingers through his curly dark green hair.
"U-um, sir. If I could ask a question..." Asked the first man as he watched his boss turn and start away from him.
The boss responded in a kind tone, "Of course. What is it?"
"We, uh...We're really gonna do it? Attack U.A.?" The lackey's voice was filled with anxiety as he feared angering his boss with his question.
The boss stopped walking and looked over his shoulder so he could flash a twisted smile, "Why, yes. That is the plan. And today's the only day we can do it. Do you know why, Rijin-san?"
The man named Rijin swallowed hard and nervously shook his head.
The boss turned back around and ran his thumb across one of his freckled cheek, wiping what seemed like red paint off his skin. As he looked down at the red droplet now on the back of his thumb, his smile widened and his eyes glimmered, "...Because today is a much anticipated reunion for some of the best students to have ever attended the pro-hero academy known as U.A.. Some of the best top pro heroes will be in attendance; such as Icy-Blaze, Dark Shadow...even Ground Zero." Upon mention of the last name, the twinkle in the speaking male's eyes seemed to intensify for a moment.
"Y-Yes, but...isn't that exactly why this mission is too dangerous to-"
"It is exactly BECAUSE those heroes will be there, that we must attack today." The boss turned around and began walking towards Rijin. In response, Rijin began backing away in fear until his back hit a wall. The boss's steps echoed on the concrete below him in a spine-chilling sound. With each footstep, Rijin's heart skipped every other beat.
"U.A. had dealt with plenty of villain attacks in the past, and each one ended in failure. However, this time...it will be different." The boss now stood a mere few inches away from Rijin who had sunk down onto the ground in paralyzed terror.
"I-I...h-how will it...be different, s-sir...?" Rijin managed to ask.
Suddenly, a street light that hung overhead of the two men sparked on, revealing the smiling face of the boss peering down at his underling.
"...How...you ask?"
Teeth clenched in utter delight as the boss grinned from ear to ear.
"Because I...am here."
Author's comments: Well, it certainly took long enough to update this and for those who actually liked my crappy writing from the last 2 chapters, I'm soooo sorry D:
But better late than never. Actually, thanks to some very nice reviews I recently got from last chapter, I suddenly got inspiration to finish this chapter so THANK YOU.
I'm so sorry if this one is...all over the place or confusing. I tried to throw out a little info about Kikyo but I know it's probably really confusing. I always get really good ideas for characters in my head but when I try to put them into proper words, it comes out a hot mess lol I will be going into more detail about Kikyo and her past later though. For now, please bare with me .
Please leave a review and let me know what you guys thought! Next chapter may feature some others that haven't rly popped up yet, such as Kaminari or someone. I'll figure it out once I get there.
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