#in reality this is not a big deal but i wanted to whine bc all ive written is setup and i want to get to the spooky
persimminwrites · 2 years
i wanna go back to the days where i wrote chapters and oneshots that were less than 1-2k words
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realcube · 4 years
saying things they don’t mean during an argument
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thank you to anon for this request <3
characters ♡ msby black jackals (hinata, sakusa, atsumu, bokuto)
content warning ♡ angst, hurt to comfort, fluff, swearing, crying, adoption  (sakusa’s) & suffocation (?)
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kōtarō bokuto 
♡ you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest - you knew he was a bit boyish sometimes but you never expected him to be so childish in regards to a simple request
♡ ‘bokuto, i have so much on my plate!’ you cried, tightly gripping the sheets underneath you, ‘planning the wedding, going to work, doing almost every chore in this damn house and filing all our fucking taxes!’
♡ you momentarily paused to look at him, expecting a look of sympathy but instead getting an eyeroll which prompted you to continue, ‘and all i am asking for is you to run a few errands! that’s it! why are you so opposed? i thought you enjoyed grocery shopping?!’
♡ bokuto pulled his night-shirt over his head as he stormed to his side of the bed, ‘it’s not fun without you!’  he whined childishly, plopping himself down next to you and gasping when you had the audacity to shuffle away from him
♡ ‘it’s not supposed to be fun, bokuto!’ you yelled, completely fed-up with him at this point, ‘a few errands, that’s all i ask of you!’
♡ bokuto notices how your voice shook and your lashline glistened; he didn’t want you to cry so he begrudgingly gave it, but with a strong comment to go along with it so you knew that he really didn’t want to 
♡ 'fine! i don't need you anyway!'
♡ then proceeded to dramatically pull the duvet over himself and pout, averting his gaze to the wall opposite 
♡ in this context, he hoped that you’d understand his comment and not take him too seriously but since you were already on the verge of tears, this simply pushed you over the edge
♡ you buried your face in your hands and hid under the blanket in hopes he didn’t realise you were crying but his senses are just different when it comes to you so try stifle that sob all you want, he’s still going to hear it and he’s still going to instantly pull you into his arms while frantically apologising 
♡ ‘please don’t cry, (y/n)! i really didn’t mean it- i do need you! i love you so much, my life wouldn’t be the same without you! you do so much for me and i am so sorry for not showing you how grateful i am! like you’re so pretty and kind and talented and smart - only geniuses can do taxes - so i’m just so lucky to be with you and i can’t wait until we’re married. please, don’t leave!’
♡ eventually his praise slowly became pleas as he begged for you not to leave/hate him
♡ he does not want to lose you bc of a silly comment he made-
♡ eventually his endless pleas started to become more than background noise to your sobs, so you finally hugged him back, whispering, ‘i can’t wait to marry you too, kō.’
♡ this action lifted a massive weight off his chest and he let out an audible sigh of relief, his grip on you loosening, ‘mhm, and of course, i’ll run the errands, babe. i suppose, it’s the least i could do.’
♡ you hummed in agreement, glad that a part of your mental stress had been relieved, allowing you to finally relax in his arms and perhaps doze off in his loving embrace 
♡ ...
♡ ‘mm, you smell like marshmallows, (y/n)- can i add marshmallows to the shopping list?’
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he spoke as if you were making some crazy, otherworldly request but in reality, all you were asking was for him to take paternity leave to help you care for the baby 
♡ you’re not really a baby-expert so you thought that sakusa would be happy to stay home and learn how to care for the child with you - as a couple, as a team 
♡ but he was extremely opposed to the idea, spewing out a much of nonsense as to why he needs to go to work, but a part of believed that he just didn’t want to deal with his child - or maybe, he didn’t want to deal with you
♡ ‘sakusa, how do you expect me to raise a whole baby on my own! they need a lot of attention - i don’t think you understand how big of a commitment this is, you can’t treat it like a hobby!’ you cried, having long before burst into tears because your mind told you the worse - that he didn’t actually love you, he lied about wanting a kid, he lied when he said ‘i do’.
♡ usually during arguments when he notices that you’ve started to cry, he’ll drop everything he was doing to shuffle over to you and wrap you in arms, then whisper sweet-nothings into your ear until you feel better but today, he showed little consideration to your emotions as he continued pacing through the living room while you bawled your eyes out on the couch
♡ ‘i thought you loved (c/n)! you were so gentle around them but it turns out you’re not even willing to take a paternity leave to help take care of them!’
♡ ‘what happened to the man i married?’
♡ ‘kiyoomi, you need to revaluate yourse--’
♡ you wouldn’t allow him to get a word in, which was probably for the best considering he had nothing good to say 
♡ but you were forced to cut yourself off when heard the sound of shattering so you immediately search for the source of the noise and there stood sakusa, his hand resting on the decorative table in the place your framed wedding photo once was - now, it was laying smashed on the ground surrounded by it’s own glass shards
♡ he pushed it off like the petty bastard he was
♡ while you sat stunned, staring the mess he just voluntarily made, he quickly turned on his heel and strolled away at a leisurely pace, 'my life was a lot easier before you entered it.'
♡ that was the last you heard of it for the next three days - you were giving each other the silent treatment 
♡ you couldn’t have any sort of grain for three whole days bc they are all on the top shelf and you usually make him grab it for you but you refused to talk to him- 
♡ you were the first one to break it though as you noticed that he hadn’t went to work for the last three days and curiosity got the better of you 
♡ ‘kiyoomi.’ you called out to him from the kitchen but he didn’t even look up from his book - ‘parenting for dummies’ - causing you to scoff, ‘why aren’t you going to work? did something happen?’
♡ finally, he sighed and shifted his gaze off his book but only to shoot you demeaning look, as if you were stupid, ‘paternity leave, duh.’
♡ the corners of your lips twitched into a smile, which you quickly forced away when you recalled the events that occurred three days ago and the hurtful things he said, instinctively looking over at the decorative table to remind yourself of what he did 
♡ but to your surprise, the picture was no longer laying on the ground, pooling in shards of glass but rather, it sit on the table with a brand new frame - which had both of your initials engraved onto it along with the date of the ceremony
♡ you didn’t need to choke out an inquiry as sakusa noticed your stunned expression and answered on his own, ‘i bought a new frame. i hope you like it.’
♡ of course you liked it; this one was a chic black with silver decals which matched your living room aesthetic way better than the other, tacky blue one did - plus, this one was customised which made you love it even more
♡ ‘i do. i really do. but i don’t like your attitude lately.’ you muttered, shaking your head as you waddled over to the couch 
♡ sakusa was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you down next to him, ‘i’m sorry, love.’ his voice cracked slightly as he whispered in your ear, ‘i cannot put into words how much harder my life would be without you. i just..hope you understand.’
♡ it’s not that sakusa was bad with words; he was just too emotional and overwhelmed to produce a long, coherent sentiment for you so he just prayed that you recognized that everything he said on that day was meaningless
♡ ‘i love you, (y/n).’
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atsumu miya
♡ you rolled your eyes, ignoring him and continuing to type your essay until atsumu slammed your laptop closed
♡ ‘please, (y/n)! you know how much this means to me! i’ve been waiting for this festival for years!’
♡ you scoffed, folding your arms and patiently waiting for him to move his filthy hand off your laptop, ‘i do and i’m proud of you. but i have a lecture that day and my exams are just around the corner - and you know how much my education means to me.’
♡ atsumu had to take a moment to suppress a gag at how sickening and condescending your tone was, ‘it’s just one lecture, (y/n)! you’re not going to fail your exams because you missed one lectu--’
♡ ‘you don’t know that.’
♡ atsumu blinked twice, a unimpressed expression painted on his face as he let out a sigh, realising there was no possible way he’s going to be able to get through to you - i mean, he’s been trying for the last 20 minutes to no avail
♡ he ran his hand through his hairs, turning on his heel, heading towards the door and left
♡ but not before peering over his shoulder to shoot you a nasty glare and spitting, ‘you’re so selfish. you can’t even do one thing that’d make me happy - you never can.’
♡ that was the final thing he said to you for the next....20 minutes 
♡ that’s actually a new record for him - usually he storms out of the room, sulks for a minute or two then renters to beg for your forgiveness 
♡ but not today. he was so mad that he needed 20 whole minutes to cool down and come to his senses
♡ but once he did, when he came back into the room, he expected to see you typing your essay or studying as usual since his words don’t usually effect you too much 
♡ so of course he was shocked when he slipped back into your shared bedroom to see you with the duvet tossed over your whole figure, faint sobs coming from underneath 
♡ his immediate reaction was to pull the blanket away and offer himself as your source of heat, so he wrapped you in his muscular embrace, ‘b-babe.’ he stuttered, eyes-wide as he never would’ve thought you’d take his words seriously, ‘are you okay?’
♡ he knew that was a stupid question but he simply asked it to determine how sad you were - and considering you weren’t able to babble out a reply, that wasn’t a good sign
♡ ‘you’re not selfish.’ he reassured you while rubbing circles on your back, ‘if anything, i was being selfish- and nothing makes me as happy as you do, (y/n). i- i really didn’t mean it.’
♡ he paused only to place a kiss on the top of your head, ‘i love you- and to show you how much i love you..i’ll drop you off at your lecture on that day, and take you to the festival afterwards; does that sound good?’
♡ you were finally able to choke out a response but only to explain how unachievable his idea was, ‘my lecture finishes at 5 and the festival ends at 7, and there is a 45 minute drive between the two- you’re only going to be able to spend a little over an hour there.’
♡ ‘and i’ll have a blast in that time!’
♡ you sighed, your lips twitching into a small smile as you buried your face into his chest as you really couldn’t look him in the eye, ‘and why can’t you just go without me again?’ 
♡ ‘who the fuck am i going to play dance dance revolution against if you don’t come?’
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shōyo hinata 
♡ you crossed your arms over your chest, internally regretting ever opening your mouth to try calm down fiancé as now, not only is he even more angry, but also most of his anger with now directed at you rather than manager, like it was previously 
♡ eventually, you started to develop a headache from all his screaming and shouting so you politely asked him to calm down, to which he replied, ‘calm down?! you’re the one who made me mad with your rude-ass comment and now you’re telling me to calm down?!’
♡ you preferred it when he was demanding for you to say ‘butt’ instead of ‘ass’ because now that’s he spent more time with bokuto, he’s started swearing more often and to be honest, it’s scary when a 5″4 ginger sunshine is yelling at you, calling you a ‘rude-ass’
♡ ‘shōyō, if i’m completely honest, i have no idea why what i said was so mean and i have no idea what’s going on- why are you so mad at your manager?’
♡ suddenly, he twisted his neck to look at you as if you had just been possessed, ‘what?’ he inquired in a hushed tone, his voice hoarse and oddly sinister  
♡ you quirked a brow, too tired of his constant bitching to pay attention to his tone of voice, ‘yeah, you speak too fast, shōyō.’ you said with a shrug, checking your nails to ensure that he knew that you truly did not care about how he scowled at you, ‘plus, i just don’t understand why this gets you so worked up - i try, i really do, but i guess your volleyball problems just go over my head.’
♡ hinata clenched his fist, realising that he wasn’t going to make any progress by complaining to you. he whipped his head away before storming off, not even sparing you a final glance, ‘you just don’t get it; you don’t understand anything i say and you don’t even make a fucking effort! you just think you are so much better than everyone - well, you’re not! try coming back down to reality with the rest of us, and then we can talk.’
♡ followed by a slam of the door which rattled through the whole apartment
♡ you really had never seen hinata so angry before in your 6 years of being together 
♡ the words he said were far from pleasant and a part of you wondered in he genuinely meant them, perhaps he had been supressing those thoughts for ages and now that he was finally mad, he could let it all out
♡ though you tried to reassure yourself that everyone says things they don’t mean when they are angry, but the tears started flowing on their own
♡ hinata didn’t plan on seeing you for another few hours as he had the idea of heading over to bokuto’s, have a drink and cool down but when he hopped out the shower, he realised he had left his phone in the bedroom - where he left you. 
♡ begrudgingly, he slid into the room with the intention of grabbing his phone then leaving but that went to shit when he noticed that you were bundled up under the blankets, and he could hear distant sniffles coming from underneath
♡ and hinata only has four moods: mad asf, happy asf, loving you & volleyball...asf
♡ so upon seeing you in such a state, presumably because of what he said, elicited his mood to change from ‘mad asf’ to ‘loving you’ 
♡ he pounced on you, causing you to fall sideways and squeal but he simply did not give a fuck
♡ ‘baby! i am so sorry! i didn’t think what i said would make you cry!’ he blubbered, or at least, that’s what it sounded like since you couldn’t actually see him due to the fact he had trapped you under the blankets, ‘i don’t know why i even said that! you’re not like that at all- i don’t think of you like that!’
♡ he paid little regard for your pleas of mercy as you squirmed frantically under the blanket, trying to escape his grip and body weight. he simply continued babbling on about how sorry he was and how amazing you are, ‘you are down here with the rest of us - i just said for no reason. please don’t be mad! you are - what does bokuto call it again? - oh! a humble--’
♡ ‘shōyō! i’ll forgive you if you get off me right now - i can hardly breathe!’
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leviiattacks · 4 years
Hi, you're a very talented writer and your works are very beautiful. Can I request one where Levi's fem s/o does the ignore your boyfriend prank? Thank you so much and take care of yourself ❤️
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author note :: thank youuu i’m glad you think that anon !! this isn’t good at all bc i’m just very sick and yeah,,, i’m sorry if this doesn’t live up to your expectations but i needed something to do and ended up finishing this. hmmm what is this is it fluff?? idk it’s captain levi and survey corps member reader though :-) requests are open so feel free to drop by if you’d like :D word count :: 3.4k 
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you should NOT be bothering levi as much as you are because he understands you need your own space to relax sometimes
but come on... you’ve been ignoring him for an unreasonable amount of time now??
and he’s not talking about groggy ignoring, it’s not the type you do when you’ve just awoken from a restless night’s sleep
no. you’re talking to everyone apart from him.
and it’s driving him up a literal wall
did he do something wrong???
has he made a mistake so large that you’re too scared to bring it up???
are you finally sick of him??
will you break up with him?
levi winces when thinking of that specific question
but he’s the type to silently keep his worries to himself as soon as he sees any indication of a bad omen
currently, he’s mentally preparing himself for you to break the news to him any day now
but little does he know you’ve just pulled a prank hoping for him to whine and complain a little
the point of this all is to elicit an out of character reaction
the idea came from historia at first
her playing such a foul trick on ymir didn’t go unnoticed and little by little ymir’s resolve crumbled away throughout the day
she went quite literally ballistic trying to get historia’s attention
and watching it all play out made you want to try it out with levi
you’d be a FOOL not to
WELL!!!! the fun part about this is that you’re a bit actually, no. a lot, more stubborn than historia!!!
and instead of committing to the prank for a day you’ve chosen to see how far you can stretch this out
if you have to drag it out for two days so be it
you have good reason to
levi isn’t the most affectionate man, your relationship is kept a total secret from all of the cadets
meaning pda never happens
and,,, listen you would love to kiss him before expeditions without having to drag him behind your horse for cover
to be frank the back of a horse does smell rather unpleasant and it’s not as romantic as you’d like for it to be
honestly you’d rather have everyone stare and gawk in awe watching the two of you make out
seeing them put two and two together realizing what it is that’s going on between you and the captain would be hilarious
especially since reiner said last week he could never picture levi dating anyone
AND!! he even had the audacity to say he thinks someone like him would never date someone on the team
is it really not that obvious to them?
do you and levi lack chemistry?
silently fuming you walk away and even then none of the cadets get the hint
but you do think mikasa has known for a while. her senses are sharp and whenever she sees you and levi together she makes a u-turn heading in the opposite direction away from the both of you
but even if she does she isn’t going to tell anyone about it unless she’s directly asked so it’s not like the cat will be out of the bag any time soon
it’s silly getting worked up over reiner’s comments but it’s kinda disheartening having the relationship be kept a secret
and you thought even if it was there would be at least a hint of a rumour, like it should be decently obvious it’s been months since the two of you began to see each other
ESSENTIALLY, this is your plan to “accidentally” let the cadets figure it out
eventually levi will have to get restless enough to do something bold
that’s what you think will happen
but then the reality of the situation hits you at the end of the first day
he seems to be dealing with it just fine ?????
after giving him the cold shoulder he shows no signs of returning at all
mayday mayday mayday....?!??
red alert....?!??
you are about to bang your head against a wall he’s the one who’s meant to be suffering over this not you
but again, you’re stubborn and won’t give in easily
by the end of day one levi has approached you two times
each time you’ve given him completely blunt responses
it’s frustrating you that he’s just dealing with it as it comes
and when he does speak to you it’s not to ask what’s wrong
the first time he approaches you is to ask if you’ve seen petra around which makes your blood boil a little because everyone knows petra has a big, fat, MASSIVE crush on him
you know he won’t ever reciprocate or anything for a number of reasons but you can’t help but feel annoyed
the second time he speaks to you is to ask if you’re willing to help hange out with some paperwork
he doesn’t even look interested in asking you what’s wrong
honestly you would drop this plan but you’re in too deep now
may as well keep it up.
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the second day rolls around and it’s not your best day
you burn breakfast
trip over a broom and hit your leg rather hard against the dining table
spill an ENTIRE cup of tea over hange’s important documents
and you haven’t slept a wink after overthinking your relationship status for hours on end
maybe this prank wasn’t a great idea
you’re hunched over the documents close to tears not knowing how you can save them now
there’s nothing you can do and even though you know hange will be okay with it, (they’ve never cared much for paperwork) you just don’t want to inconvenience them with this mess
looking up you see eren standing by the doorway of the kitchen watching with a humored expression as you place paper towels over the disaster you’ve created
“captain’s looking for you.”
perking up a little internally you make sure to remain as disinterested as possible on the surface
“what does he need?”
“i don’t know he didn’t say.”
“tell him i’m busy.”
and that’s all that occurs during day two
you pass by levi and occasionally his gaze flicks to you but he doesn’t take any action to address you in public or in private
you end up going to bed even more disappointed than you were the first night
the prank definitely isn’t going the way you want and instead of it leading to levi cornering you in front of everyone and dipping you into a dreamy swoon worthy kiss it’s led to you developing doubts.
many doubts.
but you aren’t giving up any time soon, now more than ever you want to be reassured levi even wants this relationship because he’s not acting like it
it’s admittedly a bitch move on your part for pulling this prank in the first place but you expected him to ask how you were doing it has been forty-eight hours after all
if the roles were reversed you’d force him into a room until he would tell you
so you can’t explain his weird behaviour at all
maybe he doesn’t like you as much as you think
that thought makes your eyes sting at the corners
he’s always been reserved and a little lost when it comes to opening up but you’re beginning to lose hope if he finds it this hard to ask if you’re okay
drifting off to sleep before you can wallow in your thoughts any more you wish tomorrow is better
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it’s the third day and to say you’re exhausted is an understatement
midday and you’re training in the sweltering heat
the lack of sleep you’ve had recently paired with your stress isn’t doing you any good
a little dizzy you attempt to hold onto a nearby tree for stability but end up somehow missing the mark by a MILE??
tumbling to the floor painfully you hiss at the collision and rub the back of your head which is now sore
footsteps approach you in a hurry and for the first time in days you’re face to face with levi
“you okay?” concern is very much evident in his voice and that eases your nerves
without you even responding he’s turning you around just to check in case
nodding wordlessly you try to get to your feet when you feel a shift.
your ankle without warning gives out on you and you’re sent crashing back down to the ground
closing your eyes and bracing for impact you’re pleasantly surprised when levi catches you by the waist
your weight is leaning onto him and you’re looking down to the floor
hange is yelling from across the courtyard telling levi to drop you off at the infirmary but he doesn’t need to be told that
his instincts do the talking for him and he’s already slung you over his shoulder and begins carrying you towards the base
“levi. put. me. down. this position’s embarrassing.”
he doesn’t respond and you can hear sasha and connie cackling at the compromising situation
swatting his back you’re huffing and puffing yet he’s still ignoring you
you’re being given the silent treatment but you suppose you do deserve it
sighing you deal with the stares you receive on the way there
this is levi and at this point nothing is seen as abnormal when he does it
you can’t really look behind you to see levi’s expression either but when a cadet walks past and mouths “y/n, what the hell did you do??” you know you’re in for it
eventually he reaches the infirmary and without even letting you get a word in he plops you onto the bed albeit a little rough
“what’s with the cold shoulder?” he places both his arms by your sides leaving you trapped
“if you want to break up you can just say that instead of beating around the bush.”
you’re stunned by the harsh tone of his voice, he doesn’t have his usual soft timbre and your eyes glaze over in defense
“you want to break up?” your question hangs in the air
chewing at your lip anxiously you know if you bite any harder you’ll draw blood
“i don’t care. if that’s what you want, sure.”
oh no.
this isn’t going how you planned
nails digging into the flesh of your palms you hang your head low
he doesn’t care at all
if that’s what you want????? really???? that’s his response??? he won’t even fight for you???
it’s silent as he bandages your ankle and you’re burning in a mix of embarrassment and fury.
“i was just pull-” choking up in the middle of your sentence you feel yourself automatically frown
“i was just pulling a prank on you. you know how historia did with ym-“
really you’ve always been terrible at holding back your tears and a few spill over the edge and you sob
why are you like this why why why why why?????
yeah,, you get why everyone calls you overly emotional from time to time but really you swear you feel your heart shatter a little at how levi’s acting
shielding your eyes with your sleeve you cower away from him
lord have mercy.
levi wants to curl up into a ball and die from the wave of embarrassment that hits him
a prank.
a trick.
and he didn’t catch on.
and now you’re crying.
because he thought acting tough and cold in case you wanted to break up with him made perfectly logical sense???
spoiler : it didn’t make any sense...
but now it’s made him look like he hates you??
but he doesn’t hate you
no, no, no. not at all.
he could never hate you.
you’re always willing to help anyone out, you’re genuine, always say sorry even when you don’t need to, unapologetically yourself at any moment, you’re fearful yet push it all aside to be courageous and most of all he loves your little hobbies because who in their right mind actually enjoys gardening??
he’s convinced people who say they like gardening are looking for something unique to make themselves stand out but really you enjoy it and it’s quite cute
ok, ok no more getting side tracked whilst talking about your love for plants
he could name so much more he admires about you but he’d be here all day
“i tried to talk to you yesterday but after you refused i thought you hated me and wanted to break up. that’s why i was acting like that just now.” he slowly tries to explain his point to you
“i know i’m hard to love so when you began to ignore me out of the blue i figured you didn’t want to-”
cutting him off without giving him the option of finishing his sentence you’re wide eyed in horror. he was NOT meant to interpret the prank this way.
“levi?? for as long as i’m alive i’ll never get tired of you. i promise.” his heart rate shoots and the intense magnetism between the two of you becomes stronger by the second
you pause for a second gathering yourself.
“and i’m sorry i should’ve thought about how you’d feel. the reason i did it was stupid.”
levi kneels by the bed and takes your hand in his, he graciously lifts the sleeve of your uniform and ducks down to press a soft kiss onto your wrist.
your heart flutters seeing him be so careful and gentle with you and bashfully you look away
guilt overwhelms you at that moment because you really are horrible for putting him through all of that.
levi cares for you he does
he may be silent about it and not the best at being public with it but you know how he feels.
you feel it in the way he looks at you
you feel it when he helps you mount your horse
you feel it when he double checks your harnesses before expeditions
you feel it when he tends to your injuries
and, you definitely feel it right now when it sinks in that he was acting like he hated you just so you wouldn’t feel bad if you really did want to break up with him.
he’s always been bad at picking up on hints and cues so you now understand why he interpreted it as you wanting nothing to do with him
of course he wouldn’t ask how you were if it looked like you wanted to skin him alive
“what was the reason for the prank?” he inquisitively asks genuinely wanting to know what it is he can do for you
“i...” you’re wandering off and suddenly don’t want to tell him
“i wanted you to kiss me.” you whisper in a rush
he cocks an eyebrow up even more lost. “i kiss you all the time?”
“i mean, in front of everyone else.”
he blinks and his mouth forms into an “O” shape
it’s a little awkward now
he doesn’t bring it up again so you assume he doesn’t like the idea of letting everyone know just yet
and that’s okay!! you respect that!!
after all, you can’t get mad at him for it, it’s the best choice.
you don’t want people to accuse him of having bias towards you and it’ll probably upset petra and hinder her performance if her crush just suddenly starts dating out of nowhere
your gaze is back on levi and he’s now double checking the bandage on your ankle after tending to it
“you can’t walk for a few weeks.” he tsks
“be careful next time.” he’s always been blunt when he does show he cares and you warmly smile after not talking to him in days.
you feel the need to apologize again
“to make it clear i really am sorry, i should have thought more about you.”
he scoffs and rolls his eyes
“i’m overjoyed that my beautiful girlfriend doesn’t want to break up with me. now, stop moping around about it i’m over it.”
he scoops you up effortlessly and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“y/n, for the record, i’ll work on not jumping to the worst case scenario first.”
you love this aspect of your relationship
being able to understand how your flaws impact the other and choosing to make changes or adjustments
it’s sweet and you must be smiling like an idiot when thinking of it because levi blows a puff of air onto your forehead knocking you out of your daydream
feeling a little less light headed than before you notice he’s walking back out towards the courtyard
why is he doing that...?
“you’re walking in the wrong direction?”
“no i’m not.” he replies with a smug grin
oh my god
no he isn’t
oh my god
is he???
you’re bright pink in the face as you turn to look at him panicking when you hear hange’s group returning
eren can be heard arguing with jean as per usual and now you’re smacking levi’s chest even harder
“you don’t have to do this no, no, no. it’s okay really.” it’s funny how you’re begging him not to do what you’ve been waiting on for three days
but you really don’t want him to feel like he has to do this
as if he’s read your mind he replies. “i’m doing this with my own free will.”
he gives you one last grin and pushes you up against the wall, your back is against the cold yet solid surface and you tense up
oh god. it’s happening he’s diving down and it’s as if everything is moving in slow motion.
gradually you feel the familiar feeling of your heart jumping out of your chest
both of your lips mould together, he’s hoisting you up again preventing you from slipping away. hungry hands grip at your thighs and a knowing smile twitches across his mouth.
nipping at his bottom lip he groans and you nearly forget why it is he’s kissing you
that is until you hear a SCREAM from your right
“eren what the fuck are you yelling at?” jean’s voice can be heard scowling in the distance but you’re too distracted by levi’s mouth to care
eren must be speechless because nothing is heard until jean reaches the scene
“OH. MY. GOD.”
“you’re both overreacting.” mikasa makes her appearance and you’re not sure if she’s seen you and levi yet because your eyes fluttered shut long ago
“Y/N AND THE CAPTAIN????? WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE MIKASA??” eren’s voice sounds so distressed you guess you’re right for assuming he may have had a crush on you at some point
“it was obvious, i don’t know how no one else knew.”
finally levi pulls away and you’re panting practically gasping for any traces of air
“what you looking at brats?” levi snaps in their direction and mikasa nonchalantly shrugs and walks away
jean and eren however, dash away at LIGHTENING speed probably on their way to let everyone else know of the shocking new development
levi pecks your forehead and you nudge your nose against his.
since that day you and levi have been able to get away with a lot more pda
you can hold his hand and stare at how pretty your hands look laced together
you can nuzzle your face into his neck without any questions 
you can loop arms with him and even if he acts like he doesn’t enjoy it he genuinely does like walking around with you latching onto his bicep
although he still prefers the privacy of his office he’s more than happy to give in once in a while
and at the end of the day you’re ecstatic because there’s no more kissing behind your horse!!!
honestly, you’re over the moon about it 
and so is levi
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angellesword · 4 years
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Summary: You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It's simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if...Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
"A future without you is a world without color."
Genre: soulmate au, e2l, slow burn, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Note: OC is a lawyer but the author knows nothing about law except the three law subjects she took last semester. errors. ah. there will always be errors here bc english isn’t my first language. anyway!!! enjoy!
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Jimin wasn't lying when he said you were a mess. This was evident to Jeongguk the second he stepped inside your apartment.
Pile of cardboard boxes and papers were cluttered all over the floor, causing him to feel uneasy. The faint colors visible in his eyes didn't help to calm his nerves. It was as if he suddenly became hypersensitive to his surroundings.
He assumed that your house wasn't really that untidy, but as stated, the colors made it seem like it was untidier.
"Hi there, buddy." Jeongguk forced a smile at the cat glaring at him. He remembered Jimin telling him that your cat was a bitch. The fury pet was making this strange, scary sound. Jeongguk suddenly wished you were here to stop the cat from attacking him.
He wasn't expecting you to lock yourself inside your room the moment you realized that he was your soulmate.
He was so startled by your reaction that his first instinct was to run after you. The thing was, your cat was blocking your bedroom door—stopping him from intruding your personal space. It was obvious that the little animal didn't like the fact that Jeongguk invited himself inside your home.
Jeongguk didn't know why you were hiding from him. In your defense, you were embarrassed. What were you supposed to say to your soulmate? How were you going to explain to him that the reason why you looked like a mess was because of your demanding job?
Being a civil lawyer was exhausting. One second you're negotiating settlement with the other side's attorney, then you would just find yourself filing motions in court and of course, there were many instances where you're standing before the jury and judge to present a case.
Expertise wasn't the only thing necessary in law. You also needed a great amount of empathy so that you could understand your clients. You cared for them a lot; this was why it was such a big deal for you whenever they choose to omit facts.
You hated it when your clients were being dishonest, you didn't need them to be innocent. You only wanted them to tell you the absolute truth so that you could properly defend them. It wasn't like your job was easy. The fact that most people living in your world see in black and white was already a pain in the ass. Earlier this day, you had a client who was suing a businessperson for selling fake whitening products. She claimed that she spent a whopping two thousand dollars to get that fair skin tone. Sadly, it didn't work.
The opposing side asked your client this: how can you say that the products don’t work when you can’t even see colors?
You were shocked to learn this. Your client was subject to a color test for eyes. She said she could see colors when in fact, she couldn't. Actually, the only reason why the vendor sold your client the whitening products was because she also lied to the seller. The latter's rule was that she wouldn't allow people who see in black and white to purchase her products. This was so she could protect her business' image from fraudster like your client.
Things like this often happened in court. The one you encountered were usually easier to resolve, unlike what criminal lawyers face. This, however, didn't mean your job should be taken lightly.
What happened in court today actually took a toll on you. Your boss humiliated you in front of your colleagues, saying that he couldn't believe an experienced lawyer like you would make such rookie mistake. This made you feel like a loser that's why you decided to go home early to rest. You knew you couldn't work when your heart was this heavy.
You ran yourself a bath the moment you reached your apartment. Jimin was bombarding your phone with text messages to remind you that Jeongguk, a friend of his, was going to drop at your place later today since he was interested to be your roommate.
You simply replied 'Yes, I haven't forgotten. Stop pestering me,' to your best friend. Truthfully, Jimin hadn't shut up about this guy named Jeongguk since last week. He kept telling you that he was the perfect replacement for Seulgi, your former roommate.
You just shrugged it off. Honestly, you didn't care if Jeongguk was the perfect roommate or not. At this point, you would take anyone in. You seriously needed someone who could help you with the household chores.
The warm water grazing your skin made you feel sleepy. Before you knew it, you're off to dreamland; however, your little slumber was disrupted by loud knocks coming from your front door.
"Shit!" Your eyes went wide upon realizing that your supposed to be new roommate was already at the door. As if to confirm the horror, your phone rang.
Jimin was calling.
"Where the hell are you? Jeongguk is in front of your door!"
"I know. I'm so sorry! I fell asleep." You got out of the tub, hurriedly putting on your bathrobe.
"Talk to you later!" You ended the voice call, rushing towards the door. Unfortunately, you slipped on the wet floor.
You whined in pain. Luck was truly not on your side today, but instead of getting annoyed, you simply stood up and went your way to the door.
"I'm sorry, I was in the shower. I swear I heard you the first time you knocked, but I was panicking so I slipped down the floor and I..." You were already blabbering right after opening the door. You hadn't seen your future roommate's face because it was easier to lie without looking at someone in the eyes.
You didn't know why you told him you heard his first knock, when in reality, you didn't. You guessed you just hated disappointing people. What happened with your boss today was something you couldn't let to be repeated again. You couldn't bear to irritate another person.
You kept yourself busy as you reasoned out. You ran your hand through your wet hair, eyes widening when you saw your fingers covered in soap suds.
"Oh, my God!" You were panicking again. This time, you finally looked at Jeongguk to see his reaction.
It was like the world stopped.
No. You did not see colors instantly. What you felt was something strange—mystical perhaps. It was just like how they described it in books and movies.
You thought people were exaggerating about what they claimed they felt when they met their soulmates.
Apparently, they were not.
You know the feeling of finally seeing the rainbow after the strong storm? It was like that. Except this was way better. Your young self was probably rejoicing now. Being able to meet and look in your soulmate's eyes was dazzling.
The colors were becoming visible now, it was faint—this was in contrast to the embarrassment you were feeling.
You suddenly became very self-conscious with what you looked like. You were wrong. Your young self wasn't that happy because she wasn't expecting to meet her soulmate like this.
You were aware that you looked awful. The bags under your bloodshot eyes were probably so deep. The soap suds in your hair made you appear ridiculous. The most horrifying of all? You were wearing a bathrobe designed with the face of your favorite cartoon character.
You ran away, locking yourself in your room before Jeongguk could finish what he was about to say.
Your heart was beating so fast as you stared in the mirror. The disgust you felt intensified. God. You looked horrible. You mentally cursed the brand of the mascara you were wearing. So much for claiming to be smudge proof! Curse yourself too because this wouldn't happen in the first place if you only refrained from crying over your boss' mean words, but it seemed like you never learned. You just scolded yourself from crying easily, but here you were, tears were painting your cheeks once again.
"No..." Your lips quivered. You were stronger than this. You weren't going to ruin your chance with your soulmate.
Determined, you quickly changed into a sage dress. Your hands were trembling because of your new found excitement. You loved colors ever since you were a kid. The fact that you couldn't see them didn't stop you from learning its meaning. You studied good color combination before. You were aware how to aesthetically match the hues. For instance, you knew that you would look ridiculous if you wore a neon green shirt and bright pink jeans. You were always careful in choosing what to wear, so now that you could finally see colors without referring to your color palette generator, you were beyond happy.
When you looked decent enough, you decided to finally face your soulmate. The first thing you saw as you opened your bedroom door was Jeongguk sitting on your couch—this was a very shocking scene. No. You weren't surprised because he was casually plopped down on your sofa, what you didn't expect was to see Miri, your bitch of a cat, to be so comfortable on Jeongguk's lap. Your pet looked at peace; the usual hiss she was making was replaced by a silent purring. Her bambi eyes mirrored your soulmate's same big, doe eyes.
You cleared your throat to get Jeongguk's attention.
"I let myself in, I hope you don't mind." You couldn't decipher what he was feeling. Jeongguk's voice was soft, but there was no hint of emotion there. His expression was also unreadable.
Jeongguk tore his gaze away from you when he realized that you were staring. As if this wasn't already awkward for him, you went on to say something that made him more uncomfortable.
"I've been waiting so long to meet you! Are you going to move in with me now?" You plopped down beside Jeongguk, squeezing your body between him and the arm of your sofa. Miri hissed since she was astounded by your sudden action. Actually, Jeongguk was surprised too. Your couch was pretty spacious; he didn't understand why you had to press yourself beside him.
Jeongguk also didn't know why you sounded so hopeful. The sparks in your eyes caused him to scowl; however, this didn't stop you from speaking your hopeless thoughts.
"We could do a lot of things together! I had planned everything since I was young!" You giggled. You didn't know why you were so comfortable telling him things. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you two were soulmates.
However Jeongguk was confused with your weird idea of wanting to do all of this romantic stuff with him. The uneasiness he felt couldn't be contained anymore when you abruptly talked about dating—as in dating him.
"Whoa, whoa..." He cut you off, arching his brow and moving away from you. "Slow down, will you? I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh." You blushed, immediately realizing that you had gone too far. "I'm sorry I got carried away. I was just excited to meet you." You couldn't help but beam at him.
Jeongguk continued to raise his brow at you.
"Why? Are you really that desperate to find a roommate?"
It was your turn to raise a brow at him.
"N-No, I just..." You breathed in, unsure of what to say. "I'm just happy to finally meet my soulmate."
You flinched because of the bitterness in his voice. His innocent eyes turned dark, he was glaring at you. Miri was startled once more. She jumped on your lap because she was getting scared of Jeongguk.
"I'm sorry to break it to you, but I don't believe in soulmates." The word 'soulmate' sounded so rough coming from him, making you flinch again.
Many people had told you that you were good at gauging the feelings of other people, this was why your heart skipped a beat when you saw pain and anger crossed Jeongguk's feature. It was as if he was betrayed by someone.
"It's the most absurd thing I've heard in my entire life. Only stupid people believe in soulmates. I mean—" Jeongguk sucked in a breath. He was so annoyed that he didn't even know how to express his thoughts without breaking apart. "It's limiting the possibilities for people. Why am I required to fall in love with someone I barely know? Why should I leave the person I truly love just because a person meant to be the love of my life," he paused, quoting the words love of my life in the air. "Helped me see colors? It's like forcing me to do something I don't—no, I can't do. It's such a burden. Love can't be bought. I refuse to be with people just because they helped me."
There was silence after Jeongguk's long speech of the reasons why he didn't—or as what he claimed—couldn't love you.
Jeongguk wetted his bottom lip. The silence was making him hate himself. He hated himself because he saw the tears forming in your eyes, an obvious sign that you were hurt because of what he said. But most importantly, he hated you.
It was unlikely of him to hate someone he just met—or to simply hate anyone at all, but everything about you was making him mad as hell.
He hated your hopeful eyes, he hated your beliefs, he hated that you were the person hindering him from being with Red.
He knew it was unfair to blame you since Red chose to leave on her own, but he still couldn't help himself because the idea of soulmate was what urged her to leave.
You were Jeongguk's soulmate and for him, it meant nothing. So with a furrowed brow, he stared hard at you as he said this:
"I'm making you choose right now. Either accept me as Jeongguk, your tenant or Jeongguk, your soulmate. But just so you know, I will never stay with you if you treat me like a soulmate."
His word stung, though you were aware that the only way to make him stay was to choose the former option. At least this way, you got to be with your soulmate.
The colors you see were starting to fade away and it was okay...
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spencersawkward · 4 years
hi! today is my birthday (yeah, a day before his) and as a big fan of yours that i am, i know that you made a one-shot for his birthday, but could you do it like it would be if it was your first birthday with him? i reeeally appreciate and love your work! keep doing this, you're amazing! thank you!!
ok the daddy kink gotta go on pause bc we have an EMERGENCY called it's a baddie's birthday! 🥳 happy birthday babe i hope it's as special and lovely as can be! also thank you that made my day of course i'd be happy to write a one-shot like that :)
summary: reader reunites with Matthew for her birthday after his absence on a week-long trip. 
relationship: Fem!Reader/Matthew
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, fingering, oral (female receiving), dirty talk.
word count: 3.8k 
after lighting my favorite candles on the bedside table and smoothing out the wrinkles on the bed, I climb onto the mattress and fold my legs up beneath me, criss-cross applesauce. there's a warm, peachy light that falls onto the white comforter, aureate and gentle when I straighten my spine.
I have spent my birthday so far dealing with tired limbs and people I don't like; the only good part so far was getting lunch with a couple of my friends, but something still feels absent.
that something is Matthew.
he's been in Los Angeles for a week, and I miss him like crazy. the apartment is cold and hollow without him in it, despite the numerous objects of his that decorate every nook and cranny. a star and moon mobile hangs above our bed, which sounds childish but actually is fun for both of us to look at when we're lying together at night.
our eyes always follow as the crescent and circle shapes cross each other in a slow circle while we talk. and every time he's gone, his side of the bed gets cold. I miss his mouth and the shape of his arms when they enfold me. I've never been much for showing affection, but I would cover him in kisses if we had all day together.
absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess.
he's coming home tonight and I've been looking forward to it for days now. even our kitten, Clarisse, lifts her head every time someone in the hallway of the building passes. she likes to sit between us whenever she can.
I let my thoughts roam freely as I take deep breaths and center my mind. it's hard to reign in the joy I feel at the memory of him. I haven't had an orgasm since he left, not because I haven't had the motivation, but because Matthew has created a new rule.
neither of us can pleasure ourselves until we see each other again. technically, I suppose we could break the rule and there would be no ramifications-- but it's kinda fun, to be honest. every night he calls me, and every night he tiptoes around the things he wants to do when he gets home. he can always hear the shortness of my breath when he says anything erring on risqué, asking what I'm wearing or if I've been thinking of him. of course I've been thinking of him; my nights swell with apparitions of his touch, moving over my skin without any tangible reality.
it usually ends with him tsking and telling me to be patient while I dig my fingernails into the inside of my thighs, resisting every urge within me to get off to the sound of his voice. he does it so well, too. all deep and desirous when he tells me to be good.
even as I sit here on the bed, a tingling feeling starts in my stomach. I want him too badly, and waiting has been absolute torture. I remember two nights ago, when I was sitting in his favorite armchair with my knees tucked into my chest, speaking softly to him.
"what have you been up to?"
"nothing out of the ordinary: filming, drawing... thinking of you." he had said, the last three words igniting a flame in my stomach. I love to hear him say that.
"anything in particular?" I started to trace absent-mindedly over the skin of my calves.
"thinking about how good you'd look with your hands between your legs." his voice was somehow silky and raspy all at once, like the idea of it was arousing him. I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs together.
"stop tempting me."
"you know damn well why." I giggled. he sighed on the other end of the line.
"I'm starting to hate this rule."
"you made it!" I argued, practically able to hear the mischievous little smile on his face.
"I know, but I wanna hear your noises."
"Matthew..." I blushed, even though he wasn't right in front of me.
"I can't wait to hear you scream that." the drop in his tone made goosebumps rise over my skin.
"are you hard right now?"
"maybe." he hesitated. I felt every cell in my body begging me to cheat our rule-- maybe bend it slightly-- but I hold true.
"get home, then, and I'll suck the soul out of you." I laughed a bit and heard him move in his seat.
"stop teasing."
"you're one to talk," I glanced out the window at the city glittering, full of so many people and empty of him. "I should go before we fuck this up for ourselves."
"no..." he whined like a needy puppy for a moment. "just talk to me normally."  
"fine," I pretended to be disappointed. I didn't want to hang up, anyway. "do you wanna hear about my coworkers? that's guaranteed to eradicate all sexual thoughts."
he texts me half an hour later, as I blow out the wicks of my candles and watch the rest of the sun disappear. I love nighttime. he's on his way and I get butterflies, despite the fact that I already know what's coming.
instead of waiting giddily with Clarisse, I elect to take a hot shower and wash the day from my bones. I feel more at ease now that I've had some time to sit with my thoughts, although they've made me even more sexually frustrated.
it's only when I'm drying my hair and sitting in my new lingerie slip dress that relief walks through the door in the form of Matthew and a pizza from our favorite neighborhood place. I hear him come in, practically leap up and run into the living room.
"hi!" he greets, standing in the entryway with his suitcase and a scarf thrown casually around his neck. he shuts the door just in time for me to get to him.
"hi hi hi!" I attach myself like a parasite, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him tightly.  
"happy birthday, my sweet girl," he kisses the top of my head and lets out a chuckle at my affection. "can I set my stuff down, quick?" Clarisse brushes against his leg.
reluctantly, I disentangle myself and take the pizza box from his hands and carry it into the kitchen. he makes a high-pitched whistle noise as I walk away, bending over to greet our cat.
"liking the view." he jokes. I set down the box and return to him, removing his scarf and coat with something of an impatience.
"shut up," I laugh. he starts to kiss my cheekbone, smiles against my skin while I peel off the winter layers. he's got too many clothes on. "you didn't need to pick up a pizza."
"it's your special day-- I wanted to get you the finest cuisine in Manhattan." he replies sincerely. I bite back a grin and stare up at him, completely and utterly in love with his stupid turns of phrase.
"it's gonna get cold, though."
"why?" he frowns. I answer by pulling him in for a voracious kiss, cupping his face in my hands. after a moment of us pressing our torsos together, he grabs the backs of my thighs and I jump, letting him hold me up. one of his hands rests beneath my butt, squeezing the flesh while we embrace.
"you're gonna drop me if we don't get to the bedroom soon." I giggle into his mouth. he playfully smacks my ass and carries me into our favorite place, slamming the door shut with his foot and setting me down on the mattress. I smile at his perfect features, wanting to both tear into him and preserve this moment in time forever.
he climbs onto the bed, pushes my legs apart and runs his hands along the outside of my thighs to hitch up my slip. I raise my eyebrows but don't argue when he gathers the dress up around my waist and yanks my panties down.
"I've been thinking about your pussy all day." he kisses the skin above my knee, moving much too slowly up my legs while he holds them open. I feel my hips leave the bed in eagerness, and he glances at my core hungrily. "you're dripping, baby."
"don't make me wait any more." I roll my eyes and he places the flat of his hand over my center, barely stimulating me while pushing me down. he knows the effect it has from the tortured whine I release.
"the best things come with time." he winks and continues his open-mouthed kisses along my inner thighs. his head is between my legs, but not nearly in the way I'd like it to be. I crave more; he knows it. he licks over a spot near my pussy and I moan.
"sensitive, huh?" he raises an eyebrow. I run my fingers through those unruly curls, tug.
"don't act as if you aren't just as turned on right now."  
"delayed gratification is a skill, darling." he's smirking and it's driving me wild looking at him in this position, not doing anything. he peeks at my body again before meeting my eyes. "you're dragging this out by talking, by the way."
"oh my god." I throw my head back into the pillow, but go silent as he starts to resume his movements. finally, slowly, he licks up my entrance, pausing at my crest to flick his tongue. I gasp and look at him, his focus all on my face.
he rolls his mouth expertly over me, dipping between my folds to taste and releasing a greedy moan before starting to lap and play with it like he can't stop himself anymore. this time, when I grip his hair, I use it as leverage to grind against him. he feels so good, the sounds coming from my lips are truly unhinged.
"oh, shit, shit-- just like that." I choke out. every part of me clings to him. he wraps his hands around my thighs and yanks me down the bed so he can do more with me. every action with his tongue is like a delicious torture, him exploring all the parts of me as if he's never tasted them before. when he runs his teeth gently across my clit, I moan loudly.
"so hot, Matthew, god, please--"
he doesn't even stop to tease me at all. judging by the darkened irises and blown-out pupils, he's lost in his own world while he eats me out. I can feel the pads of his fingertips gripping onto my skin as if it's his only tether to reality. he behaves like someone inebriated, trying new tricks and thrusting his tongue into my entrance. I'm already close, and he can feel from the insistence of my sounds.
he pulls away for a second and I whine, but he puts two fingers over my clit and rubs me like crazy while he talks.
"is this what you wanted for your birthday, sweetheart? to cum?" his mouth is glistening with my essence, lips swollen, while he holds my gaze. I'm whimpering.
"we're gonna have dinner after this and then for dessert, I'm gonna give you what you want," he pants and I can see the erection straining against his clothes. "okay?"
"mhmm." I buck against his touch, which is bringing me closer with every passing second.
"I'm treating you until that little pussy can't take it anymore." he bites his lip and watches me squirm. I'm almost to the edge and I know what will finish me.
"I need your mouth." I beg him hopefully. Matthew grins.
"whatever you want, baby." and with that, he bends down again and replaces his talented fingers with his lips, flicking and running over my clit until I can feel my stomach tensing.
"fuck!" I cry out, rolling against his face and climaxing intensely. my eyes squeeze shut at the tightening of all my muscles. my skin is on fire as I clutch at my tits through the fabric of my dress and feel my back move off the bed. he's pulling my legs up so that he can work me through my orgasm at an angle, harshly sucking at it until I'm completely worn out.
he puts me down and I breathe deeply, try to settle the quickness of my pulse.
"how was that?" he asks, rubbing over my legs affectionately while I come down from my high.
"amazing." I sit up and start to tug at his belt in the hopes of undoing it, but Matthew removes my wrist and shakes his head. I peek up at him with a curious, disappointed expression.
"it's your day, remember?" he says it so lovingly with a slightly higher pitch than normal, soft and laced with kindness. I look at his erection, anyway, always wanting the sight of it.
"that can't be comfortable."
"oh, it's not." he laughs. I let him lift me off the bed and he guides me to the kitchen on my slightly weak legs. everything about him leaves me like that.
Matthew and I eat pizza and drink champagne while he tells me about his trip, about all the cool people he met and places he went to shoot. he shows pictures of the cast and him making silly faces, and a bakery he saw.
"all the pastries are named after amazing women," he grins and presents a photo of the interior, which is full of flowers and hues of rich blue. "so I obviously thought of you."
I smile through my bite of food, heart fluttering. he shows me a picture of a half-eaten cookie that has the silhouette of a woman on the front, sitting in a chair. it's very 1800's-looking.
"it's supposed to be Jane Austen."
"I'm jealous." I grin.
"I'll take you sometime." he puts his phone away and we go back to talking normally. I could watch his lips move forever, listen to his voice forever. there's a quality to his speech that is entirely unique, that draws me in and makes me want to claim him for life. I didn't know it was possible to want someone so completely.
I rant about the things I had to deal with today, and he chuckles at my naturally indignant tone. by the time I run out of steam, we're just sitting with pleased expressions on our faces. even when I'm angry about something that's happened earlier, he knows how to make me forget all about it.
"it would be fun for everyone to meet you." Matthew toys with the napkin in his lap. I sigh.
"as long as there's alcohol involved, sure."
"they make me nervous!"
"you have no reason to be nervous," he shakes his head slowly. "they'll love you."
"that's the thing-- I want them to like me so badly, I'll do something to mess it up."
"you couldn't. you're adorable when you're shy." he reaches under the table and squeezes my knee reassuringly. I try to smile, but my stomach twists up at the thought. it's easy for Matthew; he's so uninhibited.
"you say that now, but it'll be a different story when I've managed to fall on my face in front of everyone."
he snorts. "okay, that would be kind of funny."
"hey!" but I'm hiding a smile.
"they'll love you," he keeps his hand on my leg as he looks at me. "you wanna know how I know?"
"how?" I wait patiently for his reply. he leans forward in his seat and beckons me closer.
"because you are the sweetest--" he kisses me. "smartest--" another peck. "funniest girl I know."
"stop." I deadpan as I turn my face away just enough for him to nuzzle my cheek with his nose as I laugh.
"not to mention the sexiest one, too." he whispers in my ear. I put my hand on his shoulder, intending to push him away playfully but finding myself not wanting to.
"I knew that's where you were gonna take that." I roll my eyes. his other hand has been creeping progressively up my thigh until his fingers brush my core. I suck in a breath, remembering that my panties are still in the bedroom.
"you want me to prove it to you?" he starts to stroke over me, gathering the wetness on his fingers that already waits for him. I let out a slight moan as he dips inside and curls his digits.
he starts to finger me easily, adding a second and pumping them inside while I grip the edge of the table and watch his face concentrate on mine. he's rough and deep, the result of not having his own orgasm earlier. I can see the lust in his eyes like he can't wait to dive in. all that comes out of my mouth are chants of his name, begging for him as his thumb toys with my clit. my walls clench and his jaw hangs open with a slight smile.
"do that again." he says. I obey, squeezing my thighs around his wrist. he feels so good there, and he's not even doing that much. "god, I can't wait for you to do that on my cock."
"fuck me, then." I breathe.
"gladly," he removes his fingers so suddenly, I make a disappointed noise. "get on the table, sweetheart."
"the-- the table?" I glance down at the surface. he nods in complete seriousness. oh, wow.
we clear off the two plates and down the rest of our champagne, his lips capturing mine easily the second I turn around from putting them in the sink. he walks me back to the table, never breaking our contact, before I end up sitting on it. he's between my legs, pushing his hips to mine while he moves my dress up again.
I hum into his neck while he starts to grind against me, undoing his belt and breathing quickly in my ear. I can feel his length through the fabric, feel how desperate he is. I scoot closer to the edge and try to get more.
"are you sure you don't want me to suck your dick?" I peek at him. he tilts my face up and I feel myself sink into those dark circles around his eyes. my beautiful, haunted boy.
"I need to be inside you." he says it without an ounce of humor. every word weighted with desire as he holds me there. my insides feel like they've been electrified, nerves sparking. all I can do is nod fervidly and pull his shirt off.
he takes off his bottoms and stares back at me, stroking his cock while I trail my nails down his chest, abdomen, whatever I can find. he's so gorgeous, I want to leave marks just so I can make sure he's real. he rubs himself in my essence, then pushes the head inside.
"Matthew--" I bite down on his shoulder to silence myself as he stretches me out. it hasn't even been that long, but it feels like the first time. his head dropping down with a long, low groan of pleasure.
"I missed this." he sheathes himself inside, deep, and I feel my walls tightening around him. there's a pressure on my clit from the position we're in, too. I whine on it, letting myself wiggle impatiently.
"move." I whisper. he starts to withdraw, only about halfway, before going in again. I throw my head back at the force of his thrust, so greedy. he's groaning softly while he presses his mouth to my throat, the flutter of his breath over my skin causing shivers to run up and down my spine.
I wrap my legs around his waist and he starts to find a rhythm with my body. nails dig into his back as an anchor. the closeness of his chest to mine is comforting.
"do you know how hard it was not to get myself off, baby?" he says, the words threaded with a needy tone. I shake my head and pray he'll keep talking. "every night I'd think about you and I couldn't do anything about it."
"you could have." I taunt.
"this is better," he goes faster, clutching at my waist and legs to pull me closer. "so much better."
"yeah?" I giggle, although it's hard when he's pounding into me so hard. I cling tightly and try to meet his thrusts. he's hitting different angles within me that I didn't even know existed, tearing me apart in the absolute best way.
"I wanna be inside it all day." he moans. I'm scratching his back with the way we're working together, every word out of his mouth and the sounds he makes causing me to lose my mind. his fingers dig into my ass as he slams into me. the table shakes beneath.
"that feels so fucking good." I grab on and roll my hips against his. his hand moves to my shoulder to push the straps of my dress down.
"let me see you," he tugs them until my tits are out, at which point he grabs my waist and pulls me against him, moaning loudly at the feeling. "pretty girl."
I can feel the tidal wave building within me, the seconds that gather into one wild, exquisite torrent of pleasure. the knot in my stomach tightens as he fucks me.
"I'm gonna cum." tears prick the back of my eyes. he's working my figure so perfectly, I can barely see. my legs are shaking before I even reach the culmination.
"good." he gets erratic as he imagines how pleasurable it'll be to have me clenching around him, and I sink below the surface. my hips jerk and I cry out like it's my last time being with him, his name pouring from my mouth. Matthew speeds up.
"so... tight--" he shudders. "oh fuck-- that's it, baby, that's it."
he spills inside and it prolongs our orgasms, both of us breathing hard while I remove my arms from his shoulders and lean back on my hands against the table, him still thrusting gently into me while we hold eye contact.
when he's finished, he removes himself from me and then we're just there, looking at each other with love all over our faces.
"happy birthday, Y/N." he grins.
"can you give me one more gift?" I bite my lip. he frowns.
"oh, I have several gifts for you in my suitcase--" he starts to say with a laugh, then sees that I'm not referring to anything tangible. "yes, anything."
"can you Clorox this table, please?"
Matthew kisses my cheek. "of course."
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 4 years
˚ · . 𝘁𝘅𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻! — 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨/𝙤
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pairing: txt x fem!reader
genre: fluff!
word count: tbd
a/n: I took the longest time with this, I’m so sorry anon! I tried the best I can to make it good but it still doesn’t feel quite right. anyways, I hope you enjoy!
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᠃ ⚘ choi yeonjun:
this was a little tough for me to do, bc Yeonjun is the oldest member and I feel that even if they did do something that’d upset him he wouldn’t really go off? If you know what I mean
but at the same time, he is also your boyfriend and he loves you to bits and pieces
so when they were messing around this time and didn’t break just anything, but the gift that you had gotten him for his birthday
he’d try to keep his cool, but would be visibly distressed
“Ah, come on guys do you see what you’ve done?” he’d whine
Thinking about how you had saved up to get him this cologne (you loved nice smells, and nice smells + your boyfriend = yes pls), and the face you had made when you cutely insisted he only where it when he’s with you
it’d just hurt his heart so much
but at the same time Hyuka and Soobin were standing at the crime scene looking like they’d burst into tears at any given moment
he’d eventually just settle on telling them off in a serious-but-not-serious tone, and he’d make sure to remind them of this mistake every freaking day skks
he’d make them apologise to you as well, which resulted in you sucking in a sharp breath through your teeth before you hit the back of his head playfully
you’d asure them (and Yeonjun) that it was no big deal
“I’ll be buying you cologne for the rest of our lives anyway,” you’d whisper into his ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek – for effect, ofcourse.
And although he’s still pretty bummed about the broken gift, man’s would just get extremely smiley and giggly cause he WEAK for you
᠃ ⚘ choi soobin:
we all know this boy about to put himself through the most sksks
he’d wear the bracelet you got him for your 2 year anniversary EVERYWHERE and blush a little each time he looked at it
(the members would drag him so bad omg)
so when Beomgyu’s piercing got caught in it while he and Yeonjun were messing around in the van on the way to the next schedule, his heart started doing laps
he tried to gently move it away, but the van hit a pothole, and the next thing he knew, the beads were scattering everywhere
even though he’s clearly not to blame, he’d so blame himself for it
“I’m so sorry, Hyung” “No, it’s okay, I should have taken proper care of it”
he’d tell everyone it’s fine and it’s not that big of a deal, but there’d be a visible dark cloud hanging over his head 24/7 and he’d be completely despondent
he wouldn’t know how to tell you, so when Yeonjun and Beomgyu eventually apologized to you, you sighed, realizing that this was the reason he’d been avoiding your calls and texting back so dryly
“It’s okay, baby,” you’d coo, running your hands through his hair and giving his scalp gentle massages as he nuzzled his head into your chest.
᠃ ⚘ choi beomgyu: 
As I’m sure you can imagine, a large can of the Daegu satoori will be whipped out for this one
mans would be going through the five stages of grief as he watched Taehyun’s coffee seep into the handmade songbook that you had made for him last Christmas
they had been deciding on a title for a song that Beomgyu had initially written, but had now become a collaborative piece, when Huening had suggested that they just play rock-paper-scissors
them being them, they got way too into it, and Taehyun had accidentally knocked over his coffee onto the song in question
“H-hyung, I’m sorry...”
His heart would ache so bad omg, and he’d try and hurry and wipe the coffee off or something ugh this poor baby
I don’t feel like he’d be angry about it, but I do think that he’d be thinking about you and the amount of time and thought went into this gift and how much it meant to him to have received it from you
heck, the only reason he even used the book was because you had to convince him for weeks that it was meant to be used and not to gather dust
like Soobin, he’d also struggle to tell you about it, worried that it might hurt you which would hurt him – so he’d just resort to being playful about it and tell you in a roundabout way
“See, Y/n! This is why I didn’t wanna use it. I knew something like this would happen; I live with animals you know”
you’d just laugh it off and wrap your arms around him, knowing all too well that he more than likely cried about it before coming to tell you what had happened
he’ll NEVER let the members live it down lmaoo
“Remember that time you destroyed that gift from my girlfriend”
playfully obviously, ya know mans is a professional chain-tugger
expect that the next time you come over you’ll find that songbook framed and on a shelf in his room with a polaroid of you on the outside corner
᠃ ⚘ kang taehyun:
He really strikes me as the kind of person who wouldn’t normally get upset about something like this happening, but because it’s a gift from his s/o he’d be ticked off – at the very least
however, despite being ticked off, he wouldn’t let his emotions get the better of him.
You know our king of rationalism
He’d see the glass shatter as it hit the laminated floor of the dorm room, and he’d simply just stand there looking at it, absorbing the situation, trying the best he can to keep himself as calm as he possibly can
Yeonjun had came into the room to smother Huening with affection again, when he had accidentally knocked the watch off the dresser (it probably sent shivers down their spines as they imagines the many ways Taehyun could kill them in their sleep for this one)
“It’s okay, it’s not the end of the world,” he’d say, but really it felt like it was.  
Taehyun may come off as someone who is cold, but in reality he’s just such a soft boi who’d take care of and show affection to his s/o in his own ways
he hates to see you sad
it’d break his heart to know that the first gift he had ever gotten from you was in smithereens just bc yeonjun and hyuka couldn’t sit still for five minutes sksk
he’d want to tell you right away and he’d apologize in the sincerest way possible
“I’m really sorry about this, Y/n. I’m sure you spent a lot on this gift; I should have taken proper care of it,” he’d say, eyes literally begging you to forgive him
and you’d just slip your hand into his, giving it a squeeze, before snuggling into his figure and telling him that it was an accident, and how warm it wakes you feel knowing it meant that much to him
he’d gently push you aside and frown, before planting a kiss on your forehead, “Of course it means that much to me. It’s a gift from you.”
᠃ ⚘ huening kai:
you and I both know that we can hear that
Soobin and Taehyun had been teasing him about his plushies again – his collection was growing way too big for the space which he and Taehyun were supposed to share; and even he knew that
and as per usual, every time they picked a few to give away, Huening would get really sad and be unable to part with any of them – so they decided to tease him a little
they picked the plushie they knew you had given to him (the big, fluffy pink one with the floppy ears :((( )
he’d beg them to not tease him as they tossed it amongst themselves (THIS POOR BABY PLS)
“Please be careful! It’s going to break!” he’d whine
and it did :((((
one of the ears tore, and poor Huening just stood there with upset tears rimming his eyes, looking like his world just ended oml
Soobin and Taehyun would be extremely apologetic, and like Soobin, Huening would say that it’s okay even though it isn’t; he’d probably need like an hour to himself before being himself again
oh but he’d so rat them out though lmao
“Y/n! Look what they did! They hurt our Ae-Cha!” he’d say, playfully pouting as he showed you the tear on the plushie; to which they’d simply roll their eyes while Beomgyu and Yeonjun laughed
“Oh no! Our Ae-Cha!” you’d gasp in response, pouting just as much, before giggling and taking out the needle and thread from your bag
he’d wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder as you fixed the toy, telling you every other minute how lucky he is to have such a beautiful and talented girlfriend uwu ^.^
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alittlebitgoofy · 3 years
the only proof i need is you (taywhora)
it is finally done, i've been wokring on this since the ukd tour started but we don't need to talk about that, it's kind of a sequel to my older canon compliant fics but can be read sepereatly. love my dear mina for always betaing shit I send them, an actual icon
title from proof by Paramore bc that song got stuck in my head as I was tryna get a title, enjoy :)) ao3 link
Tayce relished in the energy she got from this, after so long away from gigs the euphoria wasn’t lost on her. They were lucky, finally able to experience the dizzying highs of such public notoriety.
The heat didn’t help things— of course, they’d get stuck in a heatwave during a cross country tour. The amount of sweat, makeup running by the end of the show, outfits sticking in places they shouldn’t. It was a nightmare, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything
Her attention was pulled back to reality by the laughter of her friends, using silly Instagram filters on each other to amuse them. They stumbled towards her in a flurry of giggles, knocking into her arms and almost sending her falling over into the crowd. A’whora raised her phone to Tayce, erupting into laughter at the way the screen contorted her face into something unrecognisable.
“Are you done with those?” Tayce asked, gesturing to A’whora’s fries while his attention was laser focused on his phone.
Before he could answer, Tayce plucked a chip anyway, putting it in his mouth much to A’whora’s chagrin. He huffed, eyes narrowing at such an act of treason.
“You hound!” He swatted at Tayce’s arm as he reached for another. “What happened to yours?”
Tayce lent in further, smiling fiendishly and chewing obnoxiously loud. “Ate them, like, ten minutes ago. You’ve been staring at your phone for the past hour and they’re gonna go cold, missy.”
“I’m eating at my own pace!”
“You eat slower than Lawrence picks up choreo.” Tayce grinned, his heart warming at the way his friend pouted, arms crossed — he was too cute when he got all riled up.
“Don’t involve me in your lovers' spats!” Lawrence hissed from across the table, laughing at the way Tayce’s eyes narrowed. He knew Lawrence was only having one of those stupid more-than-friends jokes, but any implications of their relationship being anything other than professional made the room seem a little too tense for his liking.
“She’s right, you two argue like an old married couple.” Bimini chimed in, resting their head on their hands like this was an everyday event.
“This isn’t an argument, a crime has been committed and you two are bystanders letting such an act go unpunished!”
“It’s a fucking chip.”
A’whora glared at Lawrence for such a comment. It was his chip. Tayce had his own, he could deal with himself. He had a bad habit of eating things that weren’t his and flirting his way out of any repercussions. He’d buy A’whora more of something most of the time but the annoyance was justified after a year of having his food stolen.
Bimini let out an exasperated laugh, the idiocy of the pair never failing to be both amusing and tiring. They bickered like children sometimes but there was a layer of deep connection under it, two people so strong in their unity that nothing could break them apart.
Except a chip apparently.
They slid their own half eaten pack over, not likely to eat the rest anyway. It would be worth the quiet of Tayce settling down with more food for a little while. They missed the peace of them all being passed out from a long night’s show.
“Tayce, you can have the rest of mine, just leave her alone.”
“Let the whore have her own food, you hound.” Lawrence huffed, Tayce snickering at the moniker. It made him raise an eyebrow, nodding before turning his attention back to his fries.
It was hilarious seeing him get so riled up but there was a small pang in Tayce’s chest, he genuinely was a bit upset about having his food taken, it was a constant that always riled him up no matter how much Tayce replaced. He slid a few fries over, secretly enjoying the bright smile that took over A’whora’s face, giving a thankful nod.
Tayce felt the repetitive movement of the car slowly lull him to sleep, they were all too tired to do much of anything, passing out in the back of the tour bus in full drag, not even the energy to take it off before going to their hotels. A’whora was next to him, head leant against his shoulder. He looked so peaceful, making it hard to believe he’d been performing in the horrid heatwave an hour ago.
Bimini was on the other side of them, by the window. They’d curled in on themself, contorted in a way that couldn’t have been comfortable. She’d have to laugh when they complained of back pain the next morning. Lawrence was beside them, stretched across the seat between him and bimini. It was strange to see everyone so low energy, though Tayce himself felt it. So many shows in such quick succession, his body wasn’t ready no matter how much preparation went into it.
A bump in the road jolted him back to attention, though the rest of them were long gone from consciousness. At least he thought. His attention turned back to A’whora, taking in all of his features without the prying eyes of anyone. Something about the sight of him, head reclined on Tayce’s shoulder looking like it was the most comfortable thing in the world, it made his heart warm.
Those feelings still went unsaid, he wasn’t ready for a lot of things, A’whora knew that. He knew with time he would open up, it just took patience and love.
Tayce’s energy was electric, his constant bouncing and talking leaving the others in the tour bus in a similar state.
Long drives were boring, he had to make it more interesting somehow. A’whora and Lawrence exchanged a look as Tayce set up an Instagram live, mentally preparing for the chaos that would surely follow.
Lawrence was half amused and half mortified at the act that followed, A’whora cheekily shaking her ass on the camera, much to the amusement of the viewers, Tayce slapping it as if it was no big deal. He’d probably come to regret that later but the moment buzzed with the excitement for their next show, the tour in general, and the euphoria of touring with some of his best friends.
The rowdy energy kept up for the rest of the day, Tayce rarely lost his buzz as A’whora had come to learn, it was a blessing until it was late and she was ready to go out when all he could do was pass out in the hotel room.
They had to share this time due to availability, acting like it was a minor inconvenience when it was all they wanted now, to feel the comfort of someone going through the same grueling thing as you, waking up next to Tayce was euphoric. Something about him took the best, happiest feelings out of A’whora and left him a gooey mess of love and laughs.
Though Lawrence was catching on, or so Tayce claimed he thought, confiding in A’whora knowing even he could keep this secret. He knew better than to say something like that, Tayce’s vulnerability was difficult to keep, any sign of trouble and he’d close right back up for a long time to come.
“Oh, there are the lovers.” He boldly prodded the pair, erupting into a laugh as Tayce scowled. The atmosphere was too tense for 9 am, the previous night out leaving him in a precarious state of trying to balance a normal act and a vicious headache that only a kiss from A’whora had managed to vanquish.
“Well what crawled up your ass and died?” He followed up, Tayce’s glare frosting over in a way that truly worried A’whora. He was not happy and he didn’t want to sit in a car all day full of tension. Where was Bimini in this mess?
“It’s too early for this shit, settle down.”
His voice seemed to reason more with Tayce as he got into the car, quickly pulling a’whora beside him. Bimini came out a while later, apologising for the wait. None of them ever seemed to be on time, it was almost as if they took it in turns this tour.
Their presence brought some much needed peace as Tayce started perking up through the journey, still oddly quiet but much better than wanting to bite Lawrence’s head off this morning.
“A’whora! God, hurry up!” A shout came from Bimini as they prodded her to change faster. Damn costumes, never easy to get off in a hurry.
Tayce watched it with muffled laughter, the misfortune not enough to need intervention but much too amusing to leave alone.
Lawrence shared in her amusement, though had no problem commenting on her time wasting.
“I thought I was the slow one, the whore’s got us all beat.” She commented, the room erupting in laughter much to A’whora’s annoyance.
“Stupid fucking outfit! Tayce?” The complaint was followed by a pleading whine, her eyes starting to tear up with sheer frustration.
Tayce obliged, walking over and unzipping the outfit to let A’whora out, grabbing her new one and sliding it up her body, slowly as to allow her to get in without rushing.
A’whora felt herself almost quiver, the feeling of Tayce’s hands running down her back taking her back to—
Nope. She couldn’t do this, not during a show. Keeping this secret would eat her alive by the time they got finished with this tour but she could enjoy the little moments they had, as inconspicuous as possible.
“Talk about sexual tension.”
“Oh fuck off Lawrence.” Tayce shot back. Before any more words could be exchanged they were rushed back on stage for a group number.
Thank god for Tayce.
Tayce let himself fall onto the bed with a loud groan. It was incredible being able to perform for huge crowds and meet their fans but this was a new kind of exhaustion. He felt the need to hibernate for the next week. Beside him, A’whora flopped down, a similar sigh leaving his lips.
“I can’t wait to get home, I’ve got a face mask and a few packs of percy pigs waiting for me.”
“Is that all you ever think about? You better share, missy.” Tayce teased, a tired grin spreading across his face, elating his boyfriend who rolled over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Only if you ask politely, or maybe you do something nice for me.” The last part came out in a purr, their faces so close Tayce swore A’whora could feel the heat rising off his face at the insinuation.
It wasn’t like he couldn’t play along, flirting and calling his bluffs. But this was more intimate, the two of them, together. No one else, no need to worry about keeping it down so their roommates wouldn’t find out. It was a flash of a possible future. The pair of them working, joking, and loving together.
It dawned on him then, cuddled together without a care in the world after the most exhausting two weeks of his life. This was what he wanted, he didn’t care what other people thought. Something melted away without him realising, leaving his heart bare and ready for the taking though A’whora always let him set the pace.
“I love you, George.”
He froze. Did he hear that right? Did Tayce just say he loved him? Tayce, the one who could never let himself be vulnerable, much less admit his deepest feelings.
“I love you too.” He choked out, sounding more shocked than he knew possible. Tayce couldn’t help but laugh, he wasn’t expecting it but that reaction was nothing less than adorable. He pulled him into a soft kiss, enjoying their closeness before they both drifted off, hardly ready for the travel and fatigue of tomorrow but safe and cosy in the presence of each other.
He could get used to this.
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surfalldaybaby · 4 years
”A Very Long and Comprehensive Analysis of Feyre’s Experience w/ Trauma and Abuse
- This is not a kind analysis of Nesta but please still read it if you want. It’s not in the wrong tags tho so please don’t rant about how much you love Nesta. I love that for you. Personally, I hate her. :)
Also- I use many of the quotes that @feysandlover and @dont-rattle-aelin used to prove her point that Nesta is abusive because she pulled many of the really jarring ones. 
I was looking through the Rhysand tag and for some reason someone posted something comparing Nesta and Feyre in terms of their trauma, and they said that Nesta had experienced way more trauma than Feyre and I-
That’s disgusting.
First - don’t compare trauma
Second- they were wrong and lacked critical thinking skills that left out Feyre’s full experience with abuse
Nesta was sexually assaulted ( which nobody talks about enough) and her family’s fortune flipped making them poor overnight. Because of this she fostered anger towards her father. I get that. I sympathize with that. She is then taken away from her life and forcefully changed into fae. I cannot imagine what that felt like for her. It must have been devastating. Her whole identity was shifted in one day and she went from hating fae to being fae. Confusing and overwhelming. She then goes into war and develops PTSD and depression from her experiences. She sees her father die and is unable to reconcile her anger and his death. It’s horrible and I cannot even begin to understand the depth of her emotions here. I have zero issue saying that about Nesta because it’s true she has gone through extaordinary trauma and I cannot imagine how she fully feels. She deals with this trauma in unhealthy ways because they only exacerbate her feelings of worthlessness. Not her fault. However, she also treats Mor and Feyre and Rhys in disrespectful ways and Cassian and her have an unhealthy dynamic where they insult each other. Her and Amren have a shaky and partner like relationship but it is by no means a sturdy one. Az and Nesta don’t seem to have a relationship at all. She has no true healthy relationship with anyone but Elain, and you could argue even that is not truly healthy.
Much of Nesta’s trauma is due to extraneous factors and a multitude or variables. It’s valid and it matters just as much as Feyres. They are both real. However the amount of traumatic experiences she has gone through does not come close to rivaling that of Feyre’s and to even try and compare them is disgusting. Trauma should never be compared but I want to show Feyre’s experience in a broader light to show her development from a scared girl to high lady
Feyre was never an active abuser in any relationship she was always the one being abused. Nesta was abused and she was also the abuser. It is important to point that out because it heavily impacts Feyre’s story.
Also, I believe the reason Feyre became so accustomed and slipped so easily into being a victim to Tamlins abuse is because Feyre was already the victim of emotional abuse from her sisters. We see this everyday, research shows that victims of abuse go back to abusive relationship and form new relationships that center around abuse because they are used to it and find it comforting. This is an extraneous point that you can agree with or can argue against it’s just a personal connection I made. However, it is very evident how Nesta and Elains treatment of Feyre affects her. She has no self confidence, she remains illiterate and with no real knowledge of polite manners ( something important in the real world, something that holds her back from being able to assimilate into the real world), her spirit is broken down at home because she knows  that verbal attacks are going to come and Nesta is going to lash out and say horrible disgusting things to her if she asks her to do something or holds her accountable for her lack of work. She is constantly degraded for everything that she does and it has a pronoucned effect on her psyche throughout the trilogy and novella. 
Like Nesta, Feyre also had to go through her family losing their fortune, she also had to bear the weight of her promise to her mother, she had to support her sisters financially going into the forest alone to hunt animals just as big as herself at 14. She never had money for herself because her sisters took it from her. Like they literally took all her money to buy things they did not need, leaving Feyre with basically nothing.
“I’d love a new cloak,” Elain said at last with a sigh, at the same moment Nesta rose and declared: “I need a new pair of boots.””“I kept quiet, knowing better than to get in the middle of one of their arguments, but I glanced at Nesta’s still-shiny pair by the door. Beside hers, my too-small boots were falling apart at the seams, held together only by fraying laces... I drowned them out as they began quarreling over who would get the money the hide would fetch tomorrow…”
 And Nesta complains and whines and doesn’t stop gaslighting Feyre because of her lack of hard work. But, she doesn’t want to do work herself because she thinks it’s beneath her. 
“I thought you were going to chop wood today. Nesta picked at her long, neat nails. “I hate chopping wood. I always get splinters. She glanced up from beneath her dark lashes. Of all of us, Nesta looked the most like our mother—especially when she wanted something. “Besides, Feyre,” she said with a pout, “you’re so much better at it! It takes you half the time it takes me. Your hands are suited for it—they’re already so rough.” My jaw clenched. “Please,” I asked, calming my breathing, knowing an argument was the last thing I needed or wanted. “Please get up at dawn to chop that wood.” I unbuttoned the top of my tunic. “Or we’ll be eating a cold breakfast.” Her brows narrowed. “I will do no such thing!”
She doesn’t care about Feyre or the fact that starving is their new reality. Poverty is what they live in. We all know if Feyre didn’t go hunting Nesta would be furious at Feyre and belittle her and make her feel small and responsible for their hunger.
“Take those disgusting clothes off.” 
“Any bit of praise for anyone—me, Elain, other villagers—usually resulted in her dismissal.”
“Is there a problem, Feyre?” She flung my name like an insult, and my jaw ached from clenching it so hard.”
“You stink like a pig covered in its own filth. Can’t you at least try to pretend that you’re not an ignorant peasant?”c“Take those disgusting clothes off.” 
“What do you know?” Nesta breathed. “You’re just a half-wild beast with the nerve to bark orders at all hours of the day and night. Keep it up, and someday—someday, Feyre, you’ll have no one left to remember you, or to care that you ever existed.” She stormed off, Elain darting after her, cooing her sympathy. 
Then Tamlim comes and kidnaps her. More trauma. She falls in love with him, I think partly because of Stockholm Syndrome and also because he shows her a level of kindness that she was not given at home, and then he disappears so she has to go back to her life with her sisters. Her sisters have all the benefits of her being stolen away bcs Feyre was able to provide their old house and wealth back through Tamlin’s gift. Her sisters literally never did anything to provide for themselves or help their father or sister. If you really think about that situation as a whole it’s devastating. Then she goes to save Tamlin and finds that her home and her loved one was basically destroyed. She goes to save him.
While under the mountain Amarantha humiliates and tortures her for fun. She makes her run around trying to get away from a monster, her illiteracy is exploited for amusement while she is under pressure of death by fire, she is forced to kill fae in order to save her love, and she has to suffer with her injuries in a basement where everyone is rooting against her.
Then she fucking dies. And like Nesta she is forced to become fae in order to survive. Like she can’t catch a break. Her whole life has really just been horrible and so traumatic. A series of abuses.
That’s not even all! She goes home and is deeply depressed and struggling with PTSD and Tamlin, who she literally was tortured and died to save, takes advantage of her sexually because he is too scared to acknowledge that she is struggling. He uses her body for his pleasure while she throws up every night after he leaves her bedroom due to the nightmares she gets from saving hundreds of fae. She is also forced to fit into a box that she doesn’t want- wearing dresses, pretending to be happy, becoming a figurehead as Tamlins bride knowing that it means she will have to be submissive and have children. Lucien emotionally abused her and ignores her obvious depression because of his own fear of what Tamlin would say. He is a bystander. She is so broken that she stops caring about everything, even painting, the one thing she always loved. Then he traps her in his house which is traumatizing again because she was just trapped under the mountain! Even the people she loved, the people she trusted, continually can’t stop abusing her.
She finds happiness and stability later on after intensive work on herself, and months of building healthy relationships, but she is still troubled because of the guilt she feels from the townsfolks anger and their sense of righteousness for her actions even though she did the best she could in every circumstance. When she goes to try and save those townspeople it becomes clear that Nesta still hates her. She shows Feyre no kindness. The only reason she is allowed to use the house, the one that Feyre got for them, was because of Elain. Even after that Nesta insults her repeatedly for being fae. Those statments from the first book that I quoted higher up in this post are just a small part of how she speaks to Feyre in the following three books after she finds out that she is fae. Even after Feyre saves her and supports her she continues abusing and blaming Feyre. She continues to insult. degrade, shame, and humiliate her to uplift her own lack of self worth. Its a technique to stop her own insecurity and depression but it is in no way excusable. It’s no wonder Rhysand hates her. She abused his mate for years- something that he experienced under the mountain (shame, gaslighting, and humiliation). That is her life. She goes on to see her father murdered. She suffered so much in such a short amount of time is a wonder she wasn’t more broken.
Don’t come to me saying Nesta experienced more trauma to prove your point that Nesta is a good person and not responsible for her actions because she “feels to much” and is a woman that is cruel, and prideful, and unapologetic “bcs that’s who she is.” She has to be held accountable for her actions, her attitude, and her lack of words and apologies to everyone she wronged- especially her sister.
Feyre sacrifices her childhood, her body, her mental health, and her life in order to provide the stability that her sisters felt was their norm. They are inherently priviledged because of that sacrifice. They felt and still feel entitled to her money, and her loyalty, and that of her friends and mate. They survive because of Feyre. And Feyre never once called them out on their behavior, not even when they continually disrespected her after she provided them with a place to live and money to live off of. This was due to her feelings of guilt and the trauma that she had continually been victim to as a child and in Tamlins court.
Some of y’all use the excuse that they never asked Feyre to do any of that and I’m genuinely appalled that that is even a response to her genuine sacrifice. Her mother asked her to take care of them. Nobody was stepping up. Nesta was not going to go into the forest and neither was Elain, both for different but equally disappointing reasons. They both would have let the family starve. Also, Nesta and Elain were both older than her. Elain and Nesta as Feyre’s old sisters should have, and had a responsibility, to ensure that Feyre didn’t have to do what she did. Their apathy and ungrateful attitude is disgusting. Disgusting and unforgivable. Sure, Feyre may have been able to do it but she never should have had to. The three of them should have figured out a plan of equal work to give and take and survive. Y’all saying that Feyre never had to do that I- ... do you not have a family? Do you not have loved ones? You don’t have to do something to help your family, but you do it anyway because you love them and you hate to see them suffer. It’s just that usually you aren’t being exploited and taken advantage of at 14, for years on end, because the sentiment is usually reciprocated.
Perhaps if they had taken better care of their younger sister she would not have been in the woods and killed the fae. Perhaps all three of them would have bore the brunt of their fathers injury together and made a family. Perhaps if she hadn’t killed the fae in the forest when she was starving due to her sisters laziness, Elain and Nesta would never have been forced into being fae.
They neglected Feyre. They aren’t as responsible for her as their father ofc but they actively neglected her and Nesta even slut shamed her for her consensual sexual relationship with Isaac. The one thing she had that her sisters couldn’t take and Nesta called her filthy and disgusting for it.
“At least I don’t have to resort to rutting in the hay with Isaac Hale like an animal.” 
Nesta remains unapologetic and to me she is not a feminist character. Sarah J Mass tried to use her as that trope to fulfill her idea of a “powerful woman” icon but she’s just a cruel and traumatized woman who people let off the hook. She gets away with it because she gaslights other characters while taking no responsibility for herself. She was abused and traumatized herself but that’s never an excuse for her in turn abusing someone else.
Now I don’t mean to say that Nesta or Elain are irredeemable. Frankly I think they both have potential to be good characters if they just apologized to Feyre in the next book, and really put those sentiments into actions. I do think Nesta is a bad person right now, I think she’s an abuser. And I think it’s hard for abusers to change their pattern of abuse. Elain is less of an outright abuser and more complicit in the abuse. I don’t know if either of them can change, but they definitely won’t if people keep letting them off the hook for their disgusting behavior. I am not impressed or charmed by either of them. Until they show a hint of gratitude and remorse to their sister because as y’all can tell she went through hell to make sure they were taken care of. Not to say that they didn’t do anything for Feyre. They both  had important roles to play in the war, and they do have their moments of kindness and bravery and showed they cared for Feyre but abusers can be kind and considerate and brave one minute and then switch up just as fast. It’s about showing a consistent pattern of respect and love. 
Just because Feyre took care of Elain and Nesta their whole damn life does not mean she has to be responsible for them as high lady. Also she is not responsible for knowing how to deal with their trauma. Her own abuse, and lack of real world experience- because Nesta and Elain never taught her to read, and Nesta continually degraded and made cruel remarks to Feyre about her lack of manners “ disgusting pig, take off your clothes didn’t anyone teach you ...” (manners she didn’t develop because she was in the forest)- means she is not perfect at confronting Nestas PTSD or depression. Feyre’s intention was always good, whereas you can’t tell me that Nestas was good and pure. She is not exempt from being respectful and kind because she is hurt and has mental illnesses. She is not exempt from apologizing because she “feels to much.”
This applies to all of the IC as well. They are all healing. They all experienced trauma that rivals what Feyre went through. It’s no wonder they built a family from that shared bond. They are healing together- not healed. Nesta is not entitled to Feyre’s care or her friends kindness. She is not entitled to be added into the group painting or their secret jokes or parties because she continues to push them all away. Then she insults them and disrespects them. The inner circle has already suffered so much they are not exactly going to be open to accepting Nesta knowing her history and her current actions and remarks, and the history of the IC. Do y’all not remember Mors family nailing a stake into her body for losing her virginity? Or Cassian, Az, and Rhys being forced to bond together to survive, being called bastards, and being ganged up on by all their peers? Rhys being sexually abused for 50 years and seeing his parents murdered? Az being stuck in a basement so long he became the shadows and his hands being burned so badly they were hard to look at? Or Amren being in the wrong body for centuries and still she and all of the IC remain a family because they try to understand each other and their experiences. Nesta was not only rude to them she was cruel and spiteful, especially to their high lady, and they don’t need an excuse, but especially as victims of abuse, they are not perfect, and they sure as hell are not obligated to embrace Nesta into their family. The IC and Feyre deserve better.
A lot of people have posed the argument that if Nesta was male everyone would love her but I disagree. If an older brother let his sister go hunting alone in the woods for years while sitting on his ass, slut shamed her and called her dirty and disgusting, blamed her for her family’s poverty and spoke to her like she was trash for years and years, verbally and emotionally belittled her, felt entitled to her possessions and her kindness while they were both struggling to heal from abuse, predisposes his sister to accepting abuse as a form of relationship, and then rather than apologize “steels [her] back” and says nothing-not even an apology or a thank you for saving their life tenfold- he would never even have gotten a redemption story, or a mate, let alone a 700 page book. He would be the most hated character in the series but because it’s Nesta and she’s a woman and y’all pose her as this feminist it’s okay that shes abusive all throughout the series.
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akaashiclub · 4 years
girls chase boys ☇ t.k.
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☇ pairing: tsukishima kei x fem!reader
☇ genre: fluff, oc is an absolute babie who has no shame, tsukishima goes from ‘she’s annoying’ to ‘she’s aight’ to ‘i may be lowkey in love w her it’s nbd tho’, oc will literally not give up, tsukishima is still a first year (word count: 4.1k)
☇ synopsis: usually when experiencing such a soul-crushing rejection, one would give up on their feelings, right? right?
☇ a/n: i binge-read some haikyuu fanmanga and i was ~inspired~ plus like... this trope?? persistant bubbly x uninterested cold is?? literally everything?? (playlist link: here)
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“i like you!!!”
you kind of felt like the main character of a shoujo, with the wind making your hair dance in the air
standing face to face with your longtime crush
(and by longtime, you mean about two months)
that’s when it all started
no— it was earlier
the orientation ceremony
all the first years standing in neat, organized rows, listening to the principal give a welcoming speech
at least, that’s what you were supposed to be doing
in reality, your eyes were trained on the 188cm tall blonde in the row in front of you
you couldn’t see the stage— also, you didn’t care
bc ~he~ was in front of you
tsukishima kei
you learned his name later when you discovered you were in the same class
and he sat in the adjacent row, one seat forward
the absolutely perfect position to stare at his side profile the entire class
and that is exactly what you did for two months
that and gathering info on him
tsukishima kei, 188.3cm (now 190.1), born on september 27th, best friends with yamaguchi tadashi, #11 on the karasuno volleyball team
and then there you were, confessing your undying love to him
...or something like that
“no thanks. not interested.”
usually, that would soul-crushing enough to make them leave him alone
not you <3
the giggle that escapes your lips makes his eyebrow twitch on confusion for a second
“that’s okay~” you respond. 
(that’s okay ?)
(what the fuck kind of response is that being rejected ???)
you’re exhaustingly persistent, as tsukishima comes to find out
or should i say—
the hair on his neck rises when you flounce into homeroom with that sing-song tone
you plop down into the seat in front of him (key note: not yours) and rest your elbows on his desk with a little grin
“don’t call me that,” (he doesn’t look up from his book)
“what~! why not?”
“only my friends call me 'tsukki’”
you snort, scooting a little closer
“that’s mean. how many times have we walked home together, and we still aren’t friends?”
“you followed me home, i didn’t consent.”
“‘followed you’?” you pout. “we live on the same road, naturally we’d walk home together,”
he doesn’t respond, just flips to the next page in his book
“do you have volleyball club today~?”
she stays strong!! she doesn’t give up in the face of adversity!!!
“you don’t have to answer, i already know you do.” you chirp. “it’s boring walking home without you... maybe i’ll come with you today~!”
it’s like talking to a wall
(a very cute, 190cm, blonde, glasses-wearing wall.)
instead of responding, he puts his headphones on and keeps reading 
a small exhale escapes your lips, and one of the girls in the next row over leans towards you
“y/n... i think it’s a lost cause...”
“he’ll come around eventually,” you shoot her a smile, and then turn back to tsukki
you lean forward, reaching towards his head and tugging the headphones down around his neck
and when he looks up (he does within an instant), you shoot him a sly smile
several students around you gasp
after all, who would dare bother tsukishima with his headphones on??? that’s some instant death shit
“i like being this close to you though,” you tease
and he rolls his eyes, standing up and heading for the exit of the classroom
the shock in the classroom — that you’re still ALIVE — is clear
your friend from before gapes 
“y-y/n what are you playing at??”
“courtship,” you sigh dramatically, and hop to your feet to chase after the blonde monster
“tsukki~!! are you getting lunch?? wait for me~!!”
everyone on the first floor knows: it’s become the norm to see tsukishima, book in hand, headphones around neck, and followed by a chirpy pipsqueak 
even yamaguchi doesn’t stick as closely to him as ‘tsukishima’s lapdog’ (as you’ve started being called by the fellow first years) does
the nickname doesn’t really bother you
after all, it’s just a reminder of your determination and refusal to give up
which is a virtue, in your mind!!
some people feel bad for tsukishima, constantly being bothered by you for weeks on end
others admire your stubbornness
and one group of people you can always count on supporting you are the karasuno volleyball club <3
ever since you started showing up to their practices 
and all their practice matches and official games too
they all befriended you
but you grew tired of just sitting and watching tsukki on the sidelines, so you asked coach ukai if you could help out during practices!!!
there can’t rly be ... three managers... so you suggested retrieving balls or being tsukki’s personal assistant
he saw right through you <3 
but it’s ok bc he thought it would be entertaining and agreed
tsukki: angy
even when he’s annoyed he’s cute tho <33 and you make sure to tell him that <333
and so! you get tsukki’s water, towels, etc etc (ofc u help other ppl too when they need it but tht’s what the two managers r for... tsukki is ur #1)
the other players are like 0.0 she’s kinda scary... but cute at the same time doe... 
one day you’re in a particularly good mood (aka: a bad day for tsukki lol)
“don’t call me that.”
“i want to tell you something,”
the whole gym is kinda just 👁️👄👁️ waiting to see what happens
“what? i need to change, hurry it up.”
ur inner monologue: kdNNN even when he’s mean he’s cute!!!!
but anyways:
“i like you,”
hinata, kageyama, tanaka, noya, literally everyone: 😳😨 mf what—
sugawara’s like “oh god he’s just reject her and crush her heart... right in front of EVERYONE—”
“not interested.” tsukki says, and his tone isn’t any less cold than usual
u kno that anime lightning effect when the character’s body is joLtED...
tht’s everyone else in the gym
tanaka and nishinoya are highkey ready to let you cry into their jerseys when—
you laugh
you right after being mercilessly rejected: 🥰
you can’t help it !!!!! it’s not discouraging you ok??? you alr knew what he’d say!!! but you had to tell him <3 can’t let him forget tht he’s the ✨love of your life✨
entire gym: s h o o k
“did she just  l a u g h??”
“is she okay?? no srsly”
“what... just happened”
tsukki walks off, water bottle in hand
you follow after him, bouncing on the soles of your feet 
“don’t forget your towel~! want me to wipe off your sweat~?”
“no thanks.”
cue fading banter between you two as he goes to change his clothes
he has to be like hOe GeT oUT for you to not go into the locker room lmfao damn... thirsty bitch... same tho
later tanaka and noya (feat. hinata who just wants to be included) jump tsukki
“she confesses to me every week. she’ll do it again. it’s not that big of a deal.”
“not thAT BIG— can u imagine if kiyoko liked us that much.... ”
(cue tanaka sobbing)
tsukki was right tho
after the third time you randomly confessed to him in front of them they were just like
same shit different day, anyways rolling thunder
but they still highkey adopted you
so they go grr grr when tsukki rejects you all cold and shit
shockingly tho??? the more you confess the less it’s “not interested” and more just “*sigh*”
is this... PROGRESS???
but the zero braincell triad cornered him again in the locker room one day 
(it’s their trademark)
(nishinoya) “so why do you keep rejecting her??”
(hinata popping in) “yea she’s super dedicated and helpful!!!”
(tanaka lowkey shuddering) “she’d probably let herself get hit in the face w a volleyball if u asked”
(and tanaka would be: correct)
(but anyway)
“she was annoying,”
“she... ‘was’ annoying???”
“... she IS annoying”
“tsukki... do you possibly like her??? but you’ve gotten so used to rejecting her that it’s automatic now??”
tsukki’s like V.V
“you’re reading too much into it,”
sage!nishinoya is about to probe deeper but at that moment you pop your head around the corner of the locker room and shout
and they all scatter to hide themselves while shrieking
except tsukki, who is already clothed and gives zero fucks lmao
but anyways!!! a couple weeks pass and takeda got y’all set up with a practice match !!
with who?? nekoma!!!
hinata is like 🤩🤩 kENMA!!
only players and members of the club are supposed to go rly....
but you’re like “??? i’m tsukki’s personal assistant are you trying to take away my rights??? i’ll sue you” and coach ukai gives in sdjfkf
“tsukki can i sit with you~?”
yamaguchi about to sit there: 👁️👄👁️ bruh
tsukki doesn’t say yes but he also doesn’t say no :D
 “what’re you reading?”
“english book,”
you’re like: wait— mf hold up... did he actually just answer ??
tsukki simp mode: ACTIVATED
“can i see??”
“you’re failing english, you won’t be able to read it.”
“ouch,” you pout, but there’s a small smile on your lips. “but how’d you know i was failing english?”
he doesn’t respond
“i guess it is unfair that i know everything about you and you don’t know anything about me...” you sigh
“you don’t know everything about me,” he retorts, still not looking up from his book
hehe~ gotcha
“oh? test me,” you grin, scooting closer to him
“don’t wanna.”
“you’re just scared i do know everything,” you say smugly, trying to bait him
“bet you don’t know everything about me!!!” hinata pops up from the seat in front of you
“you’re right, i don’t,” 
(he pouts and disappears again)
“tsukki~” you whine. “tsukkiiiii~ i’m bored.”
“can i wear your headphones?”
“no thanks. i don’t wanna get headlice.”
you scowl. “mean,”
you bite your cheek, staring a hole in the side of his head but he doesn’t even blink
if tsukki could major in ignoring you people, he’d have straight A’s
fortunately, you have ways to counter this
“kei~~” you whisper a little too close to his ear, and he jolts up
you try not to let the amusement show on your face, but you can’t help it
glaring at you, he pulls his headphones off his head and puts them on yours
“now be quiet,”
“mm~” you chuckle
a couple hours later, you pull into the parking lot of nekoma
the friend groups pair off, and kuroo makes a beeline for tsukki, only to catch sight of you
“hey four-eyes— who’s this?”
tsukki glances down at you, to which you shoot him a sugary smile
“dunno,” he says, and walks off
you wave to kuroo with a sunny grin
“i’m y/n~! i’m tsukki’s personal assistant and future wife~”
his eyebrows rise, and with a quick bow, you bounce after the blonde
once the group is all in the gym, practice jerseys are handed out and you help yachi and shimizu prepare the water and towels
you’re about to make a beeline for tsukki, when someone calling your name stops you
“y/n! wanna get me some water?” kuroo calls
you only blink for a moment before hopping to it, darting across the gym
for the rest of the day, kuroo is constantly calling for you—
“y/n! can you wipe the sweat off my neck?”
“hey, y/n, get me some water~”
“y/n, over here!”
and by the time the several hours is over, you haven’t gotten to speak to tsukki once 🥺 snnff :(
when you finally get a free moment, you look around for him, but he’s nowhere to be found
sad face :(
and then !!!! turns out nekoma paid for bbq for everyone 🤩🤩 cats are so generous
and somehow??? you find yourself surrounded by nekoma players???
“here y/n, want some of my bbq?”
“no, take mine!!!”
“do you want any fruit?? i have some!!”
“you were so helpful today!! how’d you stay so energetic the whole time??”
you flash a smile, ready to charm the shit out of them, when a voice interrupts:
"hey, personal assistant.”
your eyes light up, bc you’d recognize that salty ass voice anywhere!!!
the guys around you part to reveal—
“tsukki!!!” you squeal, maybe a little too excitedly
“aren’t you supposed to be assisting me?? get me some food.”
you shove your plate into the free hand of one of the nekoma players (his name was... liam? lief... lev?) and dart to get tsukki something to eat
when you hand it to him, you flash him your most dazzling smile
“eat up! you worked hard today~”
he eyes you silently before digging in, and you smile absentmindedly while watching him
“why are you staring at me like that?”
“because i like you,” you respond without hesitation
he averts his eyes, but doesn’t say anything mean 
your stomach flips a little 
i’m coming for you, tsukishima kei.
on the ride home, you’re once again sitting next to him, and he gives up his headphones without a fight this time
you’re so tired from running around helping kuroo all day that you find your eyelids getting heavy as tsukki’s music plays in your ears
you try to subtly lean on his shoulder but he pokes you away 
you glare at him, pouting, but settle for leaning against the headrest
and then, you’re drifting off
and you’re having a strange dream
a pleasant dream, with fuzzy corners and honey-colored light streaming across the scene, but still strange
in this dream, he’s kissing you
it’s not like you haven’t had dreams like this before, it’s just that this one feels so much more vivid
and yet blurry at the same time
even when the dream ends and you blink back into consciousness you can still distinctly feel his lips against yours
his glasses brushing against your cheek
his fingers interlacing with your hair
a warm smile curls up your lips as you grasp lingering wisps of the dream, when—
“you’re drooling.”
your eyes snap open and you jolt up, furiously wiping the side of your mouth
“am not!!”
tsukishima blinks uninterestedly from the empty bus aisle, arms crossed
“dreaming about something vulgar?”
you grin, resting your chin on your palm
“would you like to hear ab—?”
he’s just “nope,” and turns towards the exit
hopping out of the seat, you follow him
“it was such a nice dream,” you sigh
“must’ve been, if you were drooling that much.”
“i was not—”
and then you notice something
everyone else is already gone from the bus
“wait a minute... did you wait for me?”
you hear a scoff
bUt hE dOEsNt DeNy iT
“you WAITED for me!!!!” you exclaim, happiness radiating off you in waves
“if i’d left you on the bus, nishinoya and tanaka would’ve killed me if i didn’t,” he says curtly
but you are, after all, the human equivalent of ‘this sign can’t stop me because i can’t read’
or that tiktok trend 
tsukishima: i don’t like you, i only waited for you because i was literally forced at gunpoint 
y/n: 🎶i waited for you🎶
the next day, it’s practice as usual at the karasuno gym
but?? sniff sniff someone is here that shouldn’t be
this rando first year has been pacing around right outside the gym entrance
and all the vbc members are like 👁️ whomst?
and when you finally arrive (right along behind tsukki)
he yells out your name
and holds out a bouquet of flowers <3 how cute
“y/n, um— i, i know you don’t know me but i’ve liked you since the orientation ceremony!!! i think you’re really pretty and cute and smart—”
cue a quiet scoff from tsukki, “if she’s his definition of smart, then how dumb is he?”
cue sugawara jabbing his side (sugamama is protective of his child y/n)   
“—and i know you like tsukishima, but i hope you’ll give me a chance!! i can make you happier than him!!”
at this point, everyone in the gym is watching like 👁️ oh?? TEA?? 
and is that... is that an aura of raging irritation coming from tsukishima?? 
you open your mouth to politely reject the guy, when
literally out of nowhere tsukki just  a p p e a r s
“hey, idiot. aren’t you supposed to be my personal assistant?? go set out the volleyballs instead of flirting,”
you dip your head and smile apologetically at the guy before heading towards the store room
and after that, you notice tsukki is a bit harsher, a bit more off his game, a little more easily irritated than usual
during a free moment, you nudge tanaka
“doesn’t he seem like he’s in a bad mood??”
zero braincell tanaka is like “??? isn’t he always like that??”
“no... something is definitely off today...”
what . could it be . i wonder .
every time you try to do your usual “tsukki~!!” he just turns away and ignores you
doesn’t sound too out of the ordinary, but you can just tell something is wrong
you still have no idea why he’s acting like this by the time practice ends
and when you go to the locker room to find him (so y’all can walk home together), he’s already gone :(
so, a little more droopy than usual, you head out
only to be surprised by a voice when you step outside
“took you long enough,”
you whip around to see tsukki leaning against the wall with crossed arms
he clicks his tongue and then sets off
and when you don’t immediately follow him, he glances over his shoulder
“are you coming or not?”
sdjfksjsdkjfsdjf smmpdfhsdf !!!!!!!
it’s just one sentence, and it doesn’t really mean anything
but hearing the words makes something incredibly warm bloom in your chest
you grin
“of course i am,”
that feeling lasts well into the next morning, but is replaced by a nauseating knot in your stomach when you arrive at school
because everyone’s whispering about one thing:
“tsukishima got called to the principal’s office!!!”
“whaaat ! why??”
“i heard he was caught with the answers for the upcoming exam!!”
your stomach . clenches
and before anybody can say another word, you’re sweeping out the door and down the hall
and in less than 30 seconds, you’re slamming open the door to the principal’s office
the principal and tsukki both look up, equally shocked at your sudden appearance
“y/n, what—”
you ignore him for the first time in your life
“sir, i need to tell you something.”
the principal is just like “... ?? can it wait??”
“no, it can’t.” you take several steps forward “the test answers, they—”
“y/n, don’t—”
you ignore him for the second time in your life again
“they’re mine,”
the principal blinks 
“then why was tsukishima found holding them before class??”
“yesterday, they must’ve fallen out of my backpack. he probably picked them up without knowing what they were, so please don’t punish him,” you bow. “punish me instead,”
.. y/n dumb bitch
yea, you’re suspended for two weeks
and ofc there’ll be a mark on your record
plus you’re automatically given a fail for the upcoming exam so you’ll have to retake it later oof....
but as much as all that sucks, you don’t regret it bc you’d rather take the fall than let tsukki be wrongly accused and suffer for it
but honestly the break from school is kinda vibes 🥴
don’t even think about the homework you’ll have to make up
your phone is blowing up with texts from your friends
including your surrogate dads and moms from the karasuno vbc 🤧 they’re so worried about you
you’re sad you have to miss practice for such a long time but... you don’t regret your decision
“y/n!!” your little sister knocks on your door “one of your classmates is here for you,”
“‘kay!!” you call back, checking the time
shidt bitch time flies when you’re watching anime alone in your bedroom
you hop up and open your bedroom door to come face to face with the one. the only. tsukishima kei
your eyes are like O.O 
“tsukki??? what are you doing here??” you grin “are you here because you’re worr—”
“no,” he cuts you off “i’m here to deliver your homework,”
“you could’ve given it to my sister, y’know,” you tease. “why’d you come all the way to my bedroom?? you missed me, hm?”
he doesn’t answer, instead surveying the room before sitting down on the edge of your bed
you blink, surprised he didn’t comeback with a cold retort
“tsukki?” you ask quietly, sliding into your desk chair
after a moment of silence, he fixes you with a stoic gaze
“why’d you lie?”
“because... because i couldn’t let you take the blame for that. i don’t know what happened, but i know you weren’t cheating. i know it.”
“neither were you. what’s the difference?”
you press your lips together in a frustrated pout
“the difference is that it’s you!!! i’m mediocre. i’m not outstanding. i’ll go to an average college either way, and it’ll be fine. but you..! you’re so smart!! and talented!!! you could do anything you want!!! you could get into an elite college!! the last thing you need is for some stupid misunderstanding to sully your transcript—”
“y/n—” he tries to cut in, but you bulldoze right over him
“— and i know you probably think what i did was useless and unhelpful, but i don’t care!!! i don’t care about a mark on my transcript, or being suspended, or failing all my exams, or even being expelled—”
“— but i absolutely refuse to let that happen to you!! you’re too special for—”
this time, it’s not him speaking that interrupts you
this time, it’s him kissing you
you nearly combust on the spot
tsukki— tsukishima kei is kissing you
he’s leaning over you, with one hand on the chair’s armrest and the other steadying your head with his fingertips
your stomach does several full somersaults 
and then, all too quickly, he pulls away and returns to his spot on your bed
you stare, eyes wide as saucers, mouth slightly agape
“w— what was— why did—”
“you wouldn’t stop talking,” he mutters, eyes focused a little too hard on the wall
for a moment, you’re too shocked to move
and then your 🥰tsukki🥰 mode activates
and you just fuckin LUNGE at him
“y/n??? what—!”
kisses!!! kisses on his cheeks!! his nose!!! his forehead!!!
and shockingly he doesn’t?? push you off??
me heart just skipped a beat wjdkfjs
he’s just like “y/n, you’re fogging up my glasses, please stop,”
“i refuse!!!! i’ve been waiting months to do this!!!!!”
once he manages to de-suction you from him, you fix him with doe eyes and a cheeky grin
“hey, tsukki??”
“.. what?”
“i like you,”
he blinks
adjusts his glasses
“make sure to finish that homework. i’m bringing tomorrow’s homework too,”
as he’s leaving, you hope he can feel your glowing smile on his back
the next day, you get a message from the school letting you know that your suspension and other punishments have been retracted
as the real culprit of the cheating was found
an unannounced locker-search discovered several exam cheatsheets almost exactly like the one tsukki found in the locker of a student, and the school realized their mistake <3 how nice of them
and that meant you were free to return to school, name cleared!!!
the volleyball club was eagerly awaiting your return
so when they saw tsukki arrive for practice, they expected you’d be following right along behind him
but instead???
you were koala-ing on his abdomen
“bro... did you carry her all the way here like that??”
“the real question is why he allowed it,”
you shoot a blinding grin at the guys 
“he can at least do this much for his girlfriend~!”
the entire gym is like WhA T !!!!! 
“hE SAID YES???”
“he... asked you out?? then??”
“also no...” 
“did he at least tell you he liked you...?”
“NISHINOYA STOP SHE’S TEARING UP,” sugamama to the rescue
you let go of tsukki and half the team goes IN on him
“dude wtf!!! she got suspended for you and you didn’t even at least tell her you like her???”
“not just suspended, almost expelled!!!”
“yeah that!!!”
“i say we kill tsukki,”
“tanaka no,”
“GUYS!!” angry!daichi makes an appearance “it’s time for practice!!!”
grumbling, the team disperses
you’re about to head to the store room to help get out the practice equipment, when—
you turn “hm?”
he’s silent for a moment
“i wouldn’t have kissed you if i didn’t like you.”
your face flushes a deep red
but then he adds, “either time.”
either...? time...?
your eyes POP OUT
“that— that wasn’t a DREAM???”
he doesn’t answer, just heads onto the court
but you think you see a slight smirk
and maybe... just maybe?? 
his ears are a little more red than usual.
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lesbian-dp · 4 years
A Shocking Turn Of Events
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 1,878
Warnings: A/B/O/, strap on sex, breeding kink, I think that may be it... other than idk what I’m doing with this stuff lol.
Request: Yee.
Summary: Your first rut in ten months goes better than you could have hoped for.
A/N: I’ve changed it up some. Bc I don’t feel comfortable writing a smaller reader and stuff. Hope you don’t mind! Also. I have done research for this... but I’m still rlly new to all of this stuff. So, just keep that in mind.
18+ ONLY.
Sometimes she didn't understand you. Well... in reality, she didn't understand how you were an Alpha. More so, how you were her Alpha.
With how stead-fast and hard she was.
And how goofy and the ball of light you were.
It's not as if Natasha was the only one who thought that. Anyone who knew of you thought the very same. It was all over the tabloids the day the media found out you were an Alpha.
It was even worse when Steve had accidentally let it slip that Natasha was an Omega. And that you two were newly dating.
Man, he was a blabber-mouth that day.
That was seven months ago and you and Natasha were still going strong. Stronger than ever actually.
Even with the playful discussion you and she were having right now.
"I'm just saying," Natasha spoke with a smile, "You don't seem like the type to be an Alpha."
"Do you know how many Alphas are like me?"
"Well, stereotypically then."
You threw your head back, laughing.
"I mean, come on!" she continued, moving her hands to gesture to herself, "I should have been the Alpha out of us two."
"Well, considering we're going off of stereotypes here. Little you, being an Alpha? I can't see it," you chuckled.
"Oh, shut up."
"Not to mention you're a bottom."
"I said "shut up"!" Natasha yelled, playfully throwing a cushion at you.
You caught the fluffy pillow easily, with one hand, just before it collided against your face. Her outburst causing you to boom out with laughter.
"You may be the top. But you're not dominant like most Alphas are."
"I thought you liked that about me," you said from your spot laying almost haphazardly on your bed, watching as Natasha slowly started to make her way out of the room.
"I love that about you," Natasha turned to say, "But once in a while, I wouldn't mind being fucked within an inch of my life."
Your jaw dropped as she left your room. Leaving you, and the pang in between your legs, to deal with her words, smirk, and swaying hips.
You were sure she was going to be the death of you.
It had been almost ten months since your last rut. Those higher dosage pills Dr Cho had given you, really worked the trick. It's not that you didn't want your rut, but you had a job to do. A very important job to do. And you thought it would be best if your rut wasn't there every three months.
And oh, God. It had been a while since your last one. So, when you woke up this morning and felt how that "weird feeling" you had throughout the whole previous day, was suddenly stronger, and more recognizable as to what it truly was.
Your rut was well on its way.
And right now. It was annoying you. To. No. End.
"Why do you have a cushion on your lap?" Bucky asked amused, pulling your attention away from the TV, "It's not like you're gonna hide anything anyway."
"How about you shut the fuck up, Barnes?"
Natasha squeezed and rubbed at your shoulder, from where she sat next to you on the arm of the sofa, hoping that her mannerisms would get you to calm down somewhat.
"Oo-oo-oh. Someones testy." You snapped your head around to glare at Tony. But before you could say any remark to the billionaire, he continued to speak, "But I do agree with Y/N, here. Just because she can't hide anything with that cushion, doesn't mean it's not comforting for her."
"Wow, Tony... I think that may be the most caring sentence I've ever heard you say," Steve said.
"Yeah, thanks, Tony."
"No problem, Y/N/N. Anything I can do to keep the big bad Winter Soldier off your ass."
The proffered man laughed sarcastically, before ripping off his Wakandan made metal arm, without even flinching. And flinging it at Tony, successfully hitting him in the face with it.
"Okay!" Natasha called out, raising her hand, that was not upon your shoulder, to stop the bickering men-children. "Knock it off, boys. You're not helping the situation right now."
"Fight me, Barnes!"
"Come at me, Tin-Man!"
"Right! That's not happening!" Natasha yelled out, jumping up, grabbing your arm, and tugging you with her.
You listened to the semi-playful squabble play out behind you, as your girlfriend dragged you towards the elevator, and undoubtedly to your room.
Four hours later, and you were still in the same place as when Natasha had pushed you into your room, laying on your bed, all sprawled out, staring at the ceiling, and groaning lowly. The red-head watching you from the chair by your desk, with a small smile on her face at your childish response to your incoming rut.
"You know you're not the only one going through this stuff, you know?" Natasha points out, " Because of you going through your rut, it's triggered my heat."
"Yeah, but your suppressants are different from mine. You don't have all of your pre-heat bullshit," you whined.
"I'm just licky, I guess." She smirked.
"'I'm just licky, I guess'," you mimicked Natasha's words, making your voice an octave or two higher. Which was counterproductive, considering her voice was husky.
"I do not sound like that!"
"'I do not sound like that'."
That still didn't stop you though, did it?
"You're an asshole."
"'You're an asshole'."
"I will kill you," Natasha grit out.
"'I will-"
That might not be the best thing for you to do.
At least you caught yourself before you finished your sentence. Glancing at Natasha, then instantly directing your eyes away from her.
Before she actually killed you.
Natasha watched you for a few silent moments. Her lips up turning in a small smile when you suddenly groaned again.
"Okay you, big baby." The red-head moved around the bed to lay by your side, on the small amount of space you had left from being sprawled out on the bed. "It will hit soon."
You let out a concealed grumble at her words, closing your eyes just as Natasha began rubbing your shoulder and upper chest.
"Do we have everything we need?"
"Yeah." She nodded, lovingly kissing your cheek. "We have some water and snacks in here. And Thor said that he will leave some more outside the door whenever we need." She pats at your chest. "And the strap is ready-and-roaring to go. All we need is for your rut and my heat to hit."
"Yeah," you said hotly under your breath.
Natasha noticed the light sheen to your skin. That, paired with your heated breath, sounding like you had just finished a heavy workout. And the tingle that ran up her spine, her body starting to rock up against yours, breathing picking up mimicking yours.
"It's not gonna be long now," you continued. Turning your head, eyes locking onto Natasha's lustful ones. Yours, assuredly, the exact same watching the Russian nod lightly, "A few minutes at most."
You closed your eyes inhaling deeply, basking in the feeling of Natasha's soft lips against the side of your neck.
The next time you opened your eyes, they were fully blown with lust. So black that you could barely see the small ring of your eye colour around them.
Your rut had finally hit.
Turning to face Natasha once again, to make sure that she was in the same state as you, and by the way her eyes mirrored yours, you knew she was. You glanced down to her lips, then back up to her eyes. Asking for permission, even if you already knew the answer. You got it anyway. And you sealed the deal to your next few days, with a passionate kiss.
Natasha was moaning underneath you. Sounding like a wanton whore with all the cries she was letting out.
And you were only just starting to fuck her with your knotted strap.
"My God, I don't think I've ever seen you this wet before."
You could feel every rock you made, thanks to the toy curving inside of you.
The red-head panted below you, her hips gyrating against yours chasing her fast-approaching release.
"Fuck," you hissed into Natasha's ear, causing a shiver to travel down her spine, "Are you close already? It hasn't even been five minutes yet."
She moaned. "I just can't help it. You feel so good inside of me. I don't think I'll ever be able to get enough of you."
"Well, that's a good thing," you stated in a growl, as you kept pushing Natasha towards her first release, "Because I'm not stopping any time soon."
Hours later, dawn was just beginning to break, and Natasha was on the brink of her umpteenth orgasm. You didn't know how many she had already experienced. It could have been five, ten- God damnit, it could have been twenty-five. But that wasn't what mattered right at this moment. What truly mattered was the girl riding you like she would die if she didn't.
“Aww, baby, look at you," you cooed, passing your thumb over her puffy kiss swollen lips, rubbing the tears streaming down her cheeks into the parched, tender skin. "You're crying and still riding me just like I told you to do. I bet you’re tired, aren't you? All worn out from cumming over and over. But you’re still a good girl. You’ll give me one last orgasm, won't you?"
"Yes. Yes, Alpha, I will."
"That's my good girl."
“Oh, Y/N. I’m gonna come!”
“Do it,” you husked, “Do it. Come on my cock.”
Natasha screamed at your words, but you could tell she was close, but just couldn’t slip off the edge. Grabbing her hips, you pushed forward, so that Natasha’s head lay on the end of the bed. You started fucking into her, cocking your hip, to hit a pleasurable spot inside of her.
Natasha grabbed the sides of your jaw, pulling you down to her level. Wrapping her arms around your neck kissing you passionately.
"Fuck. I'm gonna breed you. Gonna fill that tight little pussy up to the hilt with my come, you want that don't you? You little slut?"
Even though that wasn't possible, you sure liked to talk like it was. And, so it seemed, Natasha did too.
"Yes! Please give it to me!"
You were so lucky that your bed had yet to break under the pressure of your thrusts. Even now, as you worked harder into your girlfriend, the bed took the pounding like a champ. And so did Natasha. It was almost like she was made for this.
For you to be able to hold.
To fuck.
To love.
You came a few seconds before she did, as you rode out your high, you brought Natasha to hers. Yet you still had enough mind to push further into her. So that the knot was buried deep within her, giving in to her craving that she had since her heat broke.
The red-head chuckled lightly while you peppered kisses across her neck, chest, and shoulders, a few minutes later.
"What's so funny?"
"You really did fuck me within an inch of my life then."
Perminant Tag List:
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95
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moeruhoshi · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well. Idk if you're taking requests but I had this cute idea where little dragon Natsu ends up really liking his teacher Anna (lucy's aunt) bc he smells Lucy on her but Natsu's not able to really understand that so he just knows he likes this teacher (this is based off of that one scene at the end in the anime). And then Anna brings Lucy to school with her bc no one can watch over her. Then Natsu sees Lucy and it all just clicks 👀🥰🥰
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“Natsu,” Anna laughed as her little student smothered his face against the legs of her long skirt. “You have to go home, no more clinging to me, okay?”
“But Miss Anna smells really good,” The fledgling whined, using the little bit of strength in his hands to try and stay attached. His father sighed and pulled him by his waist, rolling his eyes when his son began to glare at him.
“Come on, Natsu,” Igneel grumbled and crouched down to his level. “Miss Anna has to go home too, and you’ll see her in the morning,”
“Okay...” He huffed, letting his weirdly strong grip on her go. His eyes glazed up at the smiling woman, his heart not so subtly skipping a beat. “G-Goodnight, Miss Anna!”
“Goodnight, Natsu,” She giggled and waved off the small boy who kept his eyes glued to her form as his father carried him away. He sighed lovingly, resting his head on Igneel’s shoulder. His tail had come out on its own, wagging behind him and slightly smacking his dad in the face.
“N-Natsu!” He sputtered, holding the appendage down. “You do this everyday, can’t you calm down already?”
“Nope!” He grinned as his tired father rolled his eyes, taking off into the air with his miniature prodigy.
Grandine greeted them at the door with a finger to her lips, holding Natsu’s younger sister in her arms.
“I just got Wendy to fall asleep so please be quiet,” She glared, bouncing the baby gently before going back into the house.
“But I wanted to tell mama about school today,” Their son pouted as he pulled off his shoes.
“You can at dinner, alright? But for now, you can sit and watch television.” Igneel ushered the little fire dragon into the living room, making sure the volume was just above two as he left Natsu by his lonesome.
He wandered upstairs to find his wife, Grandine gently putting Wendy to rest in her crib.
He carefully wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek, chuckling lowly as she melted into his hold.
“I love having babies, but I swear, no more,” She shook her head furiously. “Wendy’s sensitivity to sound is...ugh, I just forgot that this is something we’d have to deal with while she’s still so young,”
“Me too,” Igneel sighed, the both of them carefully exiting the room as Wendy cooed in her sleep. “But that might not be the worst of our problems,”
“What do you mean? Natsu’s not fighting at school again, is he?” She groaned, following her husband down the stairs.
“No, hes just very attatched to his teacher. It’s the way she smells, he wouldn’t let her go when I went to pick him up,”
“Oh gosh, that doesn’t sound good,” She pursed her lips and turned to face him. “But there’s nothing else weird about the way he’s acting, is there? I don’t think we need to be worried unless he starts getting possessive or antsy without her around.”
“You’re right, but I swear I’m going to lose it if his instincts wake up early while we’re dealing with Wendy’s hearing,”
“Worst case scenario, we can just send her to stay with my mother for a little while.”
The worst case scenario would prove to be a reality for the Dragneel family as the years went on, but the next day of school was the beginning of the worst of it.
It wasn’t until a dragon reached their adolescence that their instincts woke within them, making it much easier for the parent to walk their child through the understanding of their own body.
And it wasn’t completely unheard of for a dragon to meet his mate early on in life. The only worry that came along with said encounter was a possible, accidental marking. It was hard to tell a child to fight off that kind of urge, especially when it was such an overpowering voice in their mind telling them to do so. And without proper supervision, there was no telling what might happen. It was only when the aftermath occurred, that things went haywire.
Sure, an older dragon could stand being away from their mate for however long they needed to be, were mature enough to understand that it was just a part of life. But for someone so young, they’d whine and cry like you had just taken their favorite bear away. And a baby dragon would have no issue with destroying everything around them in efforts to get what was theirs back at their side.
When Natsu walked through the doors of his preschool, he was quick to run from his father's side and into the open arms of his teacher waiting to greet him.
Igneel watched with a steady smile, but took it as a good sign when all Natsu did was take in a big whiff of her skirt before skipping off to find his friends.
He left for work feeling relatively secure with his assumptions, not knowing the madness he’d soon be faced with that evening.
When everyone had arrived, Anna clapped her hands and had all the students gather on a large and colorful carpet.
“Alright, so today is going to be a little different,” The teacher started, staring into the excited and few wandering eyes. “We have someone joining us today! I want you to make her feel super welcome, because she’s my niece! Everyone, I’d like you to meet Lucy!”
A little blonde girl, not much taller than the rest of them, appeared as if out of nowhere from behind Miss Anna’s skirt.
She waved her small hand and blushed in embarrassment, not used to so many people looking at her all at once.
Natsu, who always sat at the front of the carpet, felt his heart begin to pound. He stared at Lucy with wide eyes and felt a grin split before he knew it.
She was the source of Miss Anna’s hypnotic smell, why hadn’t he met her until now? If Miss Anna knew that she smelled so good, wouldn’t she have brought her here sooner?!
He wanted to stand up and tackle her in a hug, but he knew Miss Anna wouldn’t like it if he interrupted her outside of recess time.
“Lucy lives in Acalypha, but she’ll be here in Magnolia this week while her parents are out of town,” Their teacher said, everyone excitedly waving and saying hi. Though Gray tried not to look too excited about a new friend when he saw Juvia staring relentlessly at him.
“We’ll start this morning with arts and crafts, okay? So go sit at your usual tables,” She said, allowing the bunch of toddlers to stand and find their way to their seat. “Natsu, could I ask you to do a very special thing for me?”
“Uh huh! I can do anything, Miss Anna!” He chirped, practically bouncing as he stood in place.
“Could I ask you to look after Lucy while she’s here?” She asked, crouching down to push her little niece a little closer to the dragon. “She’ll need a good friend to show her the ropes, don’t you think so?”
“Mhm! Just trust me, Luce! I’ll be your bestest friend ever!” Natsu said excitedly, reaching out to grab her by the hand.
“O-Okay,” Lucy squeaked a bit as he pulled her along with him, showing her to his table and the others that sat with him. 
It would have been more obvious as to what was going on if Natsu was more rambunctious, but he was the epitome of calm. Though that really should have set off at least one alarm. Since when was that fire dragon ever this well behaved?
He was kind and didn’t come on too strongly, in the way that he would have towards Gray or Erza. Instead, he was clear and coherent in his usage of words, or as clear as a six year old was able to get.
When Lucy looked like she was confused, he helped her out with instructions or ran off to collect the materials she really wanted to use. Miss Anna would have paid more mind to this if she hadn’t had to focus her attention on one of the more upset students. It was Millianna, as usual, crying over her inability to be at home with her pet cat.
Natsu made sure she got to know his friends too once it was time for recess, the little blonde hitting it off right away with Levy and Cana. Erza was a bit embarrassed to meet someone knew, but warmed up to Lucy’s sweet smile in no time. Juvia...well Juvia was alright the rest of the day since Gray agreed to hold her hand. And Gajeel was always nonchalant, not caring about what was going on...unless Levy was scolding him.
At lunch, if anyone had the ability to notice, would have seen Natsu absolutely swooning from his seat across from Lucy.
He sighed lovingly and pushed his round cheeks up with his hands, leaning forward on them to admire her. She was in the middle of talking about her favorite book to the pixie beside her, Erza and Cana both fumbling to tie her hair in loose braids. They swore they could do it as good as Miss Anna could. 
Once she looked his way, his heart began skipping, his cheeks became flushed, and his adrenaline; well Natsu didn’t really understand that feeling. He really liked the way she looked at him though. 
Lucy laughed and picked a grain of rice that rested on his cheek, popping it between her lips as she stole it from him. 
During nap time, he couldn’t help himself anymore. Lucy absolutely, one hundred percent, needed to sleep by his side. 
Not that she complained. Rather, she was excited that someone else was just as excited to be her friend. 
Natsu smothered his nose against her cheek and fell asleep, holding her like he did his dragon-bear at home. Lucy liked that he was warm and snuggly, like her doggy, Plue. 
That was the first memory of the best sleep he’d ever gotten in his life. And any nap he had at her side in the future would count as well.
When his dad came by at the end of the day...it’s a good thing that everything indoors was magic-proofed. 
Lucy had been in a separate room at the time so she was spared the sight of a mad-raving, fire-spewing and burning, fledgling have to be dragged out of the school.
There was something inside of him that screamed, felt pain beyond what pain had meant. 
No no no no no no no no!
It drove him practically literally insane. It pounded in his brain, in every nerve end and even more so. It was as if he left his heart behind and all that could replace it was rage. 
Needless to say that Wendy and Grandine were out of the house before Igneel got anywhere near them.
Sleeping spells worked, if only for the night. It was spine-chilling to see him so catatonic in the morning. Like all that fire from the night before was all he had, that the flame that rested at the pit of his stomach couldn’t be lit again. 
But when Natsu came back to school and saw Lucy standing there, waving with the cutest grin ever on her face, well...Igneel probably the only one who got upset.
“Anna,” He sighed and wiped a tired hand over his face. “We need to talk, if you have the time right now,”
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ohpretty-baby · 4 years
midnight cereal
⇥pairing: jeon jungkook x reader ; established relationship
⇥synopsis: “it’s a little too late for breakfast” ; aka jungkook realizes that it’s the little things that makes him fall deeper for you
⇥genre: f l u f f
⇥warnings: cursing
⇥word count: 3.5k
i promise i’m not dead haha online schooling is just a pain
i’m working on some more fics i promise !! anyway here’s a gguk oneshot bc i thought abt it randomly when i was watching tv and eating cereal as a late night snack (creative, right?)
if you’re reading this, i love you! stay safe, healthy, and happy always <3
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It’s wasn’t your looks that attracted Jungkook. It wasn’t the way your hair framed your face perfectly, or the way your smile made his world turn into deep shades of pink. Nor was it the way your eyes always seemed to twinkle when you looked at him, or how your body fit perfectly in his embrace.
In fact, none of your physical characteristics really mattered to Jungkook. He loved them all, inside and out, with his whole heart, but they weren’t even his favorite parts about you.
When asked: “What do you love most about your partner?” by his fans or the MC host on the show his band was guest starring on, he would find himself drawing a blank. Although he could list almost everything about you (he knew you like the back of his hand, and vice versa), he wasn’t entirely sure what he loved most about you.
In response, he’d just give a big grin and say that he just loved you for you. Everyone would coo at his answer, and the even bigger grin he flashed showed to the audience that he was satisfied with his own words.
But, in reality, he’d often spend the rest of the day figuring out how to answer the question. He’d stare at whatever his eyes could land on and just list every single thing about you in order to figure out what was his favorite.
He’d think about how you’d always subconsciously snuggle into him while you were sleeping, or how you’d always look so focused and adamant on beating him in Mario Kart, even though you both know that he would win at the very last minute.
He always got the blue shell, after all.
He thought about how you always looked amazing in whatever you wore, whether it be a velvet cocktail dress that emphasized your body perfectly or just his hoodie and that old pair of sweatpants you always wore even though there were a few holes here and there.
He’d remember all the times you surprised him by taking him out on a date, even though he knows that he’s supposed to do that for you. He’d also remember you always telling him not to worry about such things and that you should be allowed to spoil him sometimes too.
Then he’d reminisce on how ecstatic you’d look when he bought you anything. Whether it was a simple keychain from a tourist attraction or an elegant necklace from a designer brand neither of you could pronounce, he’d always be showered in your kisses of gratitude when he gave you gifts.
The first time he gave you a gift, it wasn’t anything special.
Well, to him, it wasn’t.
In fact, he was quite disappointed in himself for his poor choosing and his procrastination. He was about to come home from a world tour, and he wanted to get you souvenirs from almost every single country they went to. Unfortunately, they were so busy that he couldn’t get you all the things he wanted to. Even in the airports, he couldn’t go to the gift shops because he might be tackled by a fan. And when they were able to rest for a few days, Jungkook found himself passing out right after their concerts.
He eventually realized the error of his ways, and tried his best to get gifts in the last countries they were performing in.
As a result, he settled for a nice pen from Japan, a tacky white shirt with the classic slogan “I Love New York”, and matching bracelets from a tourist shop that was from somewhere. To this day he still couldn’t remember what country or state he got those bracelets in.
On the last day, the plane ride home was quite a sad scene. Jungkook’s eyes welled up with tears as his nose, cheeks and the tips of his ears were stained with blotchy tints of red. He rubbed his eyes profusely, trying not to sniffle or sob too loud.
“Shit, Kook, you okay?”
Jimin, who was sitting next to him, had taken out his earbuds and was now patting away Jungkook’s tears with his sleeve. This caught the attention of all the other boys, and soon enough Jungkook was being bombarded with questions. Namjoon gave him a consolatory mint, while Seokjin asked the flight attendant for a glass of water. Yoongi and Hoseok jokingly scolded Jungkook, telling him that he shouldn’t cry because it’ll ruin his image.
They stared at him, necks uncomfortably craning around to get a good look at the boy who was still crying.
“Sorry...” Jungkook mumbled, plopping the mint into his mouth.
They all shushed him, Taehyung reaching over from his seat in front of them to pat and ruffle Jungkook’s hair.
“I didn’t get her the gifts I wanted to,” He sobbed, his head dropping in his hands. More tears flowed out of his eyes. He’d never felt more disappointed in himself ever in his life.
Jimin let out a small chuckle before pinching his cheek.
“He’s all grown up now,” Jimin said to Taehyung in a teasing lilt. Taehyung snickered, shaking his head.
“Stop,” Jungkook whined, looking up and glaring at him.
“Don’t worry, Kook,” Jimin put an earbud in one of his ears before speaking, “She looks at you like you’re her entire world.”
Jungkook felt himself blush at Jimin’s statement.
“I’m sure just seeing you would be enough for her.”
Jimin was right that day.
Your reaction to Jungkook returning was overwhelming enough.
That day you broke out in tears of joy upon seeing him in the airport. You ran into his arms, snuggling deeply into his chest.
The car ride home, you were still emotional, driving down the highways teary-eyed. He laughed at your pout you had while he teased you, his eyes slightly droopy as the flight was tiring.
Soon, he fell asleep and woke up already in the house, a smile creeping up on his face when he realized that he finally was able to rest.
He’d have to deal with the sadness of being done with a world tour later. He had bigger problems to deal with at the moment.
After his shower, he cautiously crept into your shared bedroom, droplets of water falling from his hair and onto his face.
“Baby, I know it’s not a lot...” He frowned as you unpacked his luggage and sorted out his dirty and clean clothes, “But I got you something-“
You stared at him with wide, puffy eyes.
It was safe to say that you started crying even greater than before.
Jungkook still remembered how cute you looked when you had the “I Love New York” t-shirt while you were sobbing profusely.
It was an image that he always looked back on when he felt like he wasn’t enough for you, or when he felt like you two were growing distant. It reminded him that you loved him so much that even a cheap t-shirt from him would make you happy. It also reminded him that you deserved the not only the world, but the whole universe.
He planned to give that to you.
Eventually, time would pass by so long that he’d realize that he was sitting by himself for about an hour just thinking. He would lose the tension in his eyebrows since they were furrowed from mentally creating a list of just you. Then, he’d rub his eyes and try to catch up and find wherever his bandmates were.
If they were on a music video set, he’d continue with the filming and act like nothing happened. If they were taking a break from learning a new dance for their comeback, he’d do a few stretches and immediately get back into perfecting the steps of the choreography. At first his friends would ask him if was okay, but later on they became accustomed to this weird habit of his.
The day would pass by normally, them getting praised for a job well done, Jungkook packing all his things, and him excitedly making his way back to his and your home. He was ready to see you after a long day, even though he knew that it would already be way too late for you to be awake and have a conversation with him. He didn’t mind.
Just being around you was enough for him.
He’d spend the late night continuing his list, remembering how when you first met him, you didn’t even know what to say and ended up just staring at him, frozen. He’d chuckle to himself, thinking about how awkward the two of you were prior to when he finally mustered the courage to ask you out.
Jungkook would listen to the music playing in his car, his head bopping up and down to the beat. He’d then smile to himself at the cheesy love songs that he was grooving along to.
You had given him a playlist with all the songs that reminded you of him, and he hasn’t listened to anything else since.
The rest of the car ride would consist of him chuckling at the greasy lyrics of certain songs, telling him that he’d never be alone and that you’d spend the rest of your life with him. He always wondered where you found all of these tunes.
When you guys first met, you only mentioned to him that you like to listen to rap music. He figured you just wanted to look cool in front of him.
Eventually he would finally reach his home and after taking a quick shower and brushing his teeth, he’d find you snuggled up on the bed, your body peacefully rising up and down. He’d quickly lay in bed with you, wrapping his arms tightly around your body and taking in your sweet scent. Eyelids getting heavy, he’d snuggle into the back of your neck, placing a soft kiss on your hair and drifting off to sleep.
He always hoped to have a sweet dream about you. Something that could be about the family you two would have, or what your wedding would be like.
In the strange limbo of being half asleep and awake, Jungkook would realize exactly how tired he was from the day’s work. Then, snores would emit from him, his arms holding your body close to his own and locking you down in place. You’d still be in deep sleep, subconsciously grabbing one of Jungkook’s hands and placing it in yours.
He always hoped that things could stay like this forever. He wished he could pause time and just lay with you like that for as long as he wanted to, where neither you or him could be worried about anything. Nothing else mattered except for each other. The nights always gave him the best comfort, as he could honestly say that they were the most peaceful moments of his day.
Well, until he gets interrupted from his sleep.
The only thing he could feel was the cold air from the slightly opened window from your bedroom. His eyes would shoot open, stinging slightly as they were blinded by the moonlight.
The first thing he would notice was the absence of you, bedsheet wrinkles formed on your spot of the bed. He’d rub the sleep away from his eyes and feel the panic and dread seep into his heart. Tossing the covers to the side, Jungkook almost jumped out of the bed and went on a journey to look for you.
He couldn’t find you in the bathroom.
He always worried that one day you’d just leave him out of nowhere, and he could openly admit that that was one of his biggest fears.
However, Jungkook would find your blue toothbrush resting next to his in the black mug you had bought one time from a flea market.
He chuckled at the sight of the mug, flashbacks appearing in his mind.
You came home from work one day, later than usual. Jungkook had the day off, and was sitting on the couch playing video games.
You marched up to him rather triumphantly, kissing him proudly on the lips before showing off a plastic bag to him.
“What’s that, darling?” He asked, still breathless from the kiss you had given him. He bit his lip, cheeks warm and tinted pink. You beamed at him.
“I bargained for the first time today!”
Jungkook had never been more proud.
Tuning his attention to the situation at hand, Jungkook felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders, because if you were ever going to leave him he knew that you’d never even think about leaving that precious mug behind.
Taking a sigh of relief, he’d deduct that you must be in the kitchen or the living room.
The kitchen would be absent of you, but he’d notice that the pantry door was open. He’d peer into it and notice that your favorite cereal, Lucky Charms, was gone. Then, he would smile, knowing exactly what you were up to. Jungkook would grab a small bag of chips for himself and eat them before making a beeline to the living room, where he would now realize that the soft sounds of a show would be coming from there.
There he’d see the tv playing and you covered with a blanket, laying on the couch comfortably as you ate a spoonful of Lucky Charms. However, you never ate the cereal first. No. You ate the weird light brown parts that were only created in order to deem it somewhat “healthy” and a reasonable breakfast for kids. Jungkook would hear the soft crunch of the cereal and laugh softly to himself.
“Isn’t it a little too late for breakfast?” He’d tease, taking a seat next to you and crawling under the covers as well.
“Jungkook!” You’d say in surprise, mouth full of chewed up cereal. He’d scrunch his nose at the sight and place a soft kiss on your cheek, wrapping an arm around you. You’d lean into the touch almost immediately, giggling and shoving another spoonful into your mouth.
“You shouldn’t be up, y’know,” you mumbled, eyes focused on the action anime playing on the tv. Jungkook would be watching as well, eyes following the movements of the main character before actually responding to you.
“I could say the same for you.”
“Well, you have to wake up earlier!” You retorted, another soft crunch coming from your mouth, “I don’t have to wake up as early as you.”
“You still need sleep,” Jungkook rested his head on yours, still groggy, “Still need to sleep with me.”
“Can’t sleep without me?” You giggled, teasing him. He whined in response and you placed the cereal on the coffee table before cuddling with him. He flashed a lazy smile at you and you gave him a kiss before smiling back.
“That’s much better,” he sighed, having you back in his arms again.
“Hold on, hold on...” You placed another kiss on his lips, sitting up in his lap instead of laying with him. He frowned, feeling cold once more. You laughed and grabbed the bowl of cereal and placed it on his stomach, using it as a makeshift table.
“I still need to finish my marshmallows,” You mumbled, more to yourself rather than him, “And I need to finish this episode.”
Jungkook groaned, resting his head on the armrest and rolling his eyes dramatically.
“Oh, suck it up,” You stuck your tongue out at him.
“I deserve an apology.”
“I’m sorry these marshmallows are sweeter than you?”
He immediately looked up to see you about to burst in laughter. His frown tilted downwards even more, and you pinched his cheek in response.
“I love you!”
“Yeah, right.”
“You love me too,” You nodded in satisfaction, flashing a smug smile that showed off your lips that were slightly stained blue.
“You’re lucky you’re super cute.”
“Thank you!” You plopped another marshmallow into your mouth, letting the sugar cover your tongue.
As you watched the show, still straddled on his lap, Jungkook stared at you endearingly. Even though it was usual for you to eat cereal such late at night, he still never got tired of seeing you like this.
He’d take in how you’d carefully examine the marshmallow before eating it, trying to determine what kind of shape it was. Then, you’d place it in your mouth, letting it dissolve before actually eating it. Jungkook always felt that you should chew the marshmallow right away since it was kind of on the crunchier side instead of the fluffier side, but you always reasoned that it was the best way to eat them and savor them.
He’d notice when an fight scene would pop up and you’d chew a little faster in anticipation of what would happen next. He’d also notice how you’d lick the sugar that had melted on your fingers while your eyes were fixed on the screen in front of the two of you.
“You want one?” You’d ask, and he’d nod, opening his mouth so you can feed him. He’d lightly chew on the marshmallow, feeling the sugar become compacted with his teeth.
It was then and there that he realized that his favorite thing about you was being able to share midnight cereal. He loved how comfortable these nights were, how the two of you didn’t need to do much to realize how much you loved each other. He just needed to watch you eat cereal and you just needed to share your marshmallows with him. He just needed you with his t-shirt and some shorts on as you sat comfortably in his lap.
He just needed the tv playing in the background while the two of you ate cereal in silence.
“You know I was lying, right?” You’d quietly say out of the blue, dragging him abruptly out of his trance.
“About the marshmallows being sweeter than you,” Your eyes met him and he sat up slightly to give you a kiss.
You tasted like sugar and worn down mint toothpaste. You smelled of roses with a slight hint of sweat from being covered in blankets. You were warm and comforting on top of him. Jungkook thought he was floating.
He felt himself smile against your lips.
“I know.”
hope you liked it! it was really simple but i had a lot of fun writing it :) i have longer fics coming i promise ;) 
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realcube · 4 years
how haikyuu!! characters confess to you on valentine’s day💘
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characters: kyōtani, tsukishima, sugawara & akaashi 
tw// none 
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kentarō kyōtani
♡ writes you letter and puts you it in your locker 🥺
♡ but you catch him in the act FDGHJGFD
♡ he memorised that you usually arrive at school at around half passed eight so he made it a point to get to school extra early so nobody would see him
♡ but little did he know, you had the exact same plan in mind 🤦‍♂️
♡ so when you walked into school and noticed kyōtani aggressively pounding on your locked bc his chucky letter wouldn’t fit through the slot, you both froze in your tracks
♡ he realised how shady it looked that he was trying to get into your locker — plus, he was aware that he already had the appearance and the reputation of a delinquent, so he immediately thought that you would assume he was trying to rob your locker
♡ but in reality, not even for a second did you think that he was trying to steal anything
♡ but either way, mans took off 🏃‍♂️
♡ cut to you chasing him through the hallways, yelling for him to come back so you could confess to him
♡ but he thought you were chasing him bc you were angry 
♡ eventually he reached a dead-end so he had no choice but to face your wrath
♡ so imagine his surprise when - instead of screaming at him - you handed him a box of chocolates in a heart-shaped box, with a little sticky note on top with ‘be my valentine?’ written on it
♡ he was speechless so he just kinda looked up and stared at you with a blank expression
♡ ‘i know it’s cheesy but it was the best i could come up with.’ you stuttered, desperately trying to break the awkward silence kyōtani had left you in
♡ he was finally able to process what you had just given him and subtly shoved his love letter into his pocket now that you had confessed to him, ‘uh, thanks, i guess.’ 
♡ your lips instinctively fell into a frown, assuming that was a ‘no’. but to hide your disappointment, you forced a smile back on before turning your heels and hastily rushing away - planning to go cry in the bathroom now ✌ ‘okay, erm, bye, kyōtnani!’
♡ kyōtani’s eyes widened at how shaky your voice was all of a sudden and why you seemed to desperate to get away from him. had he said something to upset you?
♡ ‘uh, bye. meet me by the gates after school today.’
♡ you paused in your tracks, almost tripping over by doing so, ‘why?’ you choked, peering over you shoulder to look at him with hopeful, wide-eyes which caught him off-guard
♡ like jesus christ you looked cute-
♡ he felt his cheeks heat up at the sight so he quickly turned his head to the side and barked, ‘don’t be an idiot! obviously i’m gonna take you to the shop and buy you some chocolates - it’s only fair.’
♡ ‘like..a date?!’ you squealed, twirling around and clasping your hands together in delight 
♡ ‘no.’
♡ ‘i’ll take you on a date in the park afterwards.’  
♡ you bounced excitedly, unable to resist the urge to throw yourself into his arms and hold him in a tight embrace, ‘i can’t wait!’ 
♡ kyōtani let out a light sigh of relief as he felt your chest press tightly against his own, ‘yeah, same’
♡ although he didn’t sound too enthusiastic, he showed that he was looking forward to the date by skipping practise so you didn’t have to wait for him :))
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kei tsukishima 
♡ he does not ask you to be his valentine’s at the start of the day
♡ he just waits - not so patiently - for you to ask him 
♡ but you didn’t >:(
♡ he was livid
♡ oh and during lunch you got him so hopeful bc you were like ‘oh, tsukki! i almost forgot. i’ve got something for you!’
♡ and he was like 90% sure it was a box of chocolates to accompany your confession but it was hIS FKN CHARGER THAT HE ACCIDENTALLY LEFT AT YOUR HOUSE A FEW DAYS AGO AAAAAA
♡ grrr so since the whole day passed and you didn’t confess to him, he figured that he had to do everything himself 🙄
♡ last period, he texted you, asking for you to meet him at his house after your club
♡ (he wanted to confess in a location where there was no one around to make fun of him if he got rejected and if he was accepted, then he could take you on a date to the café near his house) 
♡ so begrudgingly, you did - but after your club 
♡ and you were under the impression that he went to volleyball club that day so he wouldn’t have to wait by his house for too long but rather, he skipped that day so he could first pop to the shops to buy a bouquet 
♡ when you arrived at his house, you were greeted by him holding at bouquet of flowers and forcefully shaking them, indicating that he wanted you to take them
♡ ‘what are these for, tsukki?’ you hummed, grasping the stems of the flowers and slowly pulling them towards you, taking a long whiff of their sweet scent
♡ tsukishima looked away shyly, unable to make eye-contact with you without blushing. damn, this was harder than he thought. 
♡ ‘for valentine’s day, duh.’ 
♡ you smirked, hugging the bouquet to your chest as you gazed up at him longingly, ‘so are you asking me to be your valentine or are these sympathy flowers?’ 
♡ tsukishima rolled his eyes, ‘asking you to be my valentine. but you’re so oblivious, i’m starting to regret it now.’
♡ that was a lie
♡ tsukishima mentally scolded himself; he was literally trying to get you to go out with him? why was he insulting you?
♡ ‘well, i’d love to be your valentine, kei.’ you cooed, your arms full with the flowers so instead of hugging him, you pressed your face in his chest and steadily, his large hand found it‘s way to your back, rubbing up and down your spine
♡ although on the outside he acted all nonchalant about it, on the inside he was setting off fireworks and celebrating 
♡ there was a long while of silence between the two of you, until he broke it by inquiring, ‘wanna go get something to eat?’ 
♡ ‘yessss!’
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kōshi sugawara
♡ probably planned for weeks beforehand
♡ makin sure he was extra fanon suga around you 
♡ so when valentine’s day rolls around, he gives you a box of homemade cookies with barely any explanation 
♡ then you noticed a lil’ sticky note on it, telling you to meet him at his house at 7PM 
♡ you acted accordingly and once you arrived at his house, you were greeted by more homemade cookies and sugawara in a tuxedo 
♡ ofc he led you to his back garden, gesturing for you to take a seat at the table he had set out under his small gazebo 
♡ the table was all set for a hot date; which you could tell by the pale tablecloth, expensive-looking ivory plates, sparkling clean cutlery and the cherry on top was the candle he had lit which sat in the middle of the table 
♡ then he came out with cloche, rushing up to you before lifting the lid - and once the clouds of steam subsided, you realised it was your favourite food- 
♡ ‘you’re so extra, kōshi.’ you whined, hiding your blushing face with your hands 
♡ he chuckled at your flustered reaction, taking a seat on the chair across from you only to lean across the table slightly to get a better view of you, ‘i just wanted this to be perfect for you, (y/n).’ he shrugged, not sure whether to take your statement as a compliment or insult
♡ ‘it is. thank you!’ you finally removed your hands from your face for him to see your grateful expression
♡ anyway, he probably makes a big deal out of feeding you the first few bites of your food bc he thought it’d be romantic but he accidently dropped some on your school bottoms smh 
♡ also, at some point in the night, he makes sure to do that thing where he leans across the table and eyes your lips while wiping some food off the corner of them 
♡ oh and knuckle kisses 🥰
♡ he genuinely didn’t want the night to end so his heart sunk when he had to escort you back to your house
♡ but at least he got to hold your hand :))
♡ you were both staring up at the gorgeous night sky that was decorated by stars in comfortable silence, until sugawara realised something, ‘oh, i didn’t even ask you to be my valentine- my bad!’
♡ before you could coo an ‘it’s okay’, suga had already skipped in front of you and fell to one knee, taking you hand in his own and bringing it to his lips
♡ ‘kōshi’ you squealed, trying to cover your face with your spare hand - your heart skipped a beat at how similar sugawara’s actions were to a proposal 
♡ suga thought you were so cute when you were shy aaaa (❤´艸`❤)
♡ ‘(y/n), will you do me the honour of being my valentine?’
♡ ‘you’re such a prince!’ you gasped upon making a connection between sugawara’s signature beam and that of a charming prince from movies
♡ suga faltered at how off-topic your comment was, ‘thank you- but is that a no?’
♡ your eyes widened, rapidly shaking your head and dropping to your knees to place a lil’ peck on his forehead, ‘nonono! it’s a yes!’
♡ suga couldn’t help but snort at your adorable actions, mimicking them and pecking the tip of your nose
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keiji akaashi 
♡ definitely a secret admirer thing leading up to valentine’s day
♡ he’s been leaving notes in your locker for months tho
♡ he just loved seeing the wide grin spread across your face while you read the letter he wrote  
♡ then he realised that valentine’s day was approaching so that gave him an excuse to confess 
♡ one day he somehow mustered up the courage to write ‘meet me by the forest at 5′ on it and as soon as he slipped it into your locker, he was panicking
♡ like he was so anxious; the biggest fear on his mind being that, what if you didn’t like him?
♡ he was even considering not showing up bc he was too nervous
♡ but the last thing he wanted to do was ghost you and potentially hurt your feelings so he turned up 
♡ when you saw him, he was acting so odd - hardly even acknowledging your presence -  that you weren’t sure if he was the one writing the letters or if it’s just a coincidence 
♡ ‘hi..’ he finally murmured, gently tapping your shoulder to grab your attention
♡ you smiled, clutching the letter to your chest as you twitched with excitement, ‘hi! are you, erm..the person who’s been writing these letters?’
♡ akaashi nodded, keeping his gaze glued to the ground while awkwardly fidgeting with his fingers
♡ ‘oh- well, they’re so beautiful! you have such a way with words and you make my day ten times brighter. thank you so much, akaashi.’
♡ he perked up upon hearing you say his name, he didn’t think you knew it-
♡ i mean, yeah, you were in the same biology and maths class but in the past, you’ve never even spared him a glance
♡ ‘it’s no problem. and seeing you smile makes my day brighter so..’ akaashi instantly cringed at how stalkerish and pathetic that must’ve sounded 
♡ so needless to say, he was pleasantly surprised when you simply giggled in response, ‘you’re sweet- anyway, i was wondering you’d like to come with me to get tea or someth--’
♡‘sure.’ he was sold at ‘tea’. 
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@the-astrumnauta @scftfairyking​ 
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mangomingi · 5 years
ateez’s reaction to reader wearing their stolen clothes
a/n; i am VERY soft for ateez rn and i struggled to keep them in character im sorry
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you stole one of his sweaters right
he asks you out on a date to the movies with him,, and you most definitely want to wear his shirt because it’s just so comfortable
when you meet up with him and when his eyes land on you,, he’d just go ô_ô
he’d ask why you have it and when you tell him you stole it when you were "doing laundry for him”
highly unlikely to fall for it because you know how hwa is, almost literally a neat freak
but he doesn’t mind because he thinks you’re the cutest little angel on earth ;w;
somehow one of his bright-colored hoodies came to your possession mysteriously (you totally didn’t steal it you swear)
he’s at the dorms n about to customize some of his clothes when he notices one of his hoodies missing
you come to visit the boys with hongie’s hoodie on
he’d come into the lounge room (like where they all hang out and play games and stuff) and when he sees you, he can’t help it but to smile goofily at you
“you look so cute, baby,” he’d say and give you a small kith on the cheek aaAA
he’d abandon his plans on diy’ing any clothes just to admire you and your cuteness
you snatched one of his button-up shirts
he invites you to one of their concerts in your town and gives you a pass to the backstage
after the concert, you’d go backstage to meet up with yunho (and the other boys as well)
he’d notice it from a few meters away
he’d run to you with the widest puppy smile ever and scoop you into his arms to twirl you around
”next time you steal my clothes inform me so i don’t freak out pls”
his cuddly flannel shirt had made its way to your wardrobe
he sends you a text to come to the skate park asap so he could teach you how to skate
you’d show up in the shirt and when he sees you, it’s over for you
“why do you always have to steal my things, y/n? you’re honestly lucky you’re cute and my gf/bf” he’d whine about it but tbh he’s dying inside bc wow
just can’t concentrate on teaching you so you’d just go to the dorms to cuddle
“how did i ever get so lucky with you” omgUHH
you had robbed him of his thickest & warmest winter jacket
he’d wonder where it went so he calls you “hey babe, you got any idea where i could have put my jacket??”
you’re playing innocent,, “idk but can we go grab a coffee??”
he can’t just say no to seeing his soulmate so he accepts & y’all meet up at the local café which happens to be the place you two first met & went onto your first date at
he sees you entering the café with his jacket on and he’d be like (*/ω\)
he’s 100% ok with you wearing his clothes and offers to lend you every piece of clothing he can think of (except underwear tho-)
you stole one of his t-shirts !! it’s v big
he asks you to come over to the dorms to ‘play games’
so you go, wearing his shirt that he probably hasn’t noticed to go missing because he just has enough t-shirts to wear so losing one isn’t a big deal
when you arrived, he opened the door for you and saw you wearing his shirt and he’d just (´♡ ‿ ♡`)
the games can wait, he has to drown you in his love for u rn!!
”we could match someday, right,  honey??” (´,,•ω•,,)♡
you had taken his fav beanie & he has no idea
you had planned a date at the ice rink to go skating and to get hot chocolate with him
you were the first one to arrive,, and when he walked toward you with a grin
“so you stole my beanie!” he accuses and attacks you with a kiss, taking off the beanie from your head and ruffling your hair,,
you feel like teasing him, “i had to, it looks way better on me than you”
you swear you’ve never seen anyone so happy lol
you had stolen his fuzzy knit sweater because it’s so warm
he asks you to come over to cook for him & the boys because they miss your cooking
you arrive at the dorms but san opens the door because you asked him to not let jongho do it so it would be a surprise to him
jongho still makes his way to greet you at the door and when he helps you take off your coat, he pretends to be shocked
“how dare you make my heart flutter like this, y/n!” he’d playfully whine when in reality he’s just really happy that you decided to wear it today so he gets to not only cuddle you but to feel the warmth of his own shirt ?? if that makes sense
jongho being the big babie he is he’s just soft for u (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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hazymultiverse · 5 years
So, in my defense, I was enabled. You can blame/Thank @e-lectroma and @butter3drainbows for this thirst extravaganza. I hope you like reading as much as I liked writing/fantasizing it into reality.
I’ve managed to combine Lala’s Risotto piercing headcanons with my own kinks, and the result? This absolute wet dream of a fic. Please check out her Risotto art btw, it’s delicious and soul fulfilling.
NSFW UNDER THE CUT! Also, warnings for: Pierced goth dick, afab reader, rough sex, and reader getting put in a full Nelson during sex bc whoops there’s my kink. Also cursing but I don’t think that’s the real sin here.
You were used to getting dropped onto the bed, and rather enjoyed it at this point.
Reaching up eagerly as Risotto leaned down, you wrapped your arms around his neck, hand slipping under his hat to play with his hair. He wasted no time in continuing the kiss that had been interrupted only to carry you to your bedroom, not wanting to deal with the limited space of your couch. The two of you quickly tangling yourselves with each other in a make out session that was rapidly approaching something more.
Breaking away with heaving breaths, he began to kiss and bite at your neck, relishing in how your grip tightened on his back, “I have a surprise for you.”
“Oh?” You asked, “is the big bad capo gonna give me something real nice?”
Your teasing was met with a playful growl, and a light swat on the thigh, which did nothing to discourage your giggling. It quickly turned to a whine of protest however, as he stood up, discarding his coat and hat, your hands grabbing for him to come back, to keep touching you.
“Why don’t you see for yourself?”
His slacks were off now, leaving him only in his briefs, hard bulge straining against his thigh, making your mouth water. It wasn’t your first time, but there was always a rush when you saw him, a worrying voice in the back on your mind in sheer panic of whether that thing would break you if you tried to make it fit. Determination quickly won through however, and you’d managed just fine.
Sitting up, you traced the outline of his cock, looking up at him with a coy grin, faltering as your finger ran into some obvious, unfamiliar shapes.
“See for yourself, baby.” His hand caressed your head softly, like he was comforting a frightened kitten, and you worked up the courage to hook your fingers into the elastic, pulling them down.
There was absolute silence, then you finally managed to choke out a single word.
Metal decorated his cock, from a Prince Albert at the tip, a set of Jacobs ladder studs,and then finally one ring on the underside, just before his balls.
Your eyes were wide, mind frozen up on the sight, he’d never had them before, and while sure, you hadn’t had sex a ton of times, you’re sure this is something you’d remember.
“Fuck.” You whimpered again, the hand in your hair stilling, and beginning to pull away.
“We don’t have to-“
“Yes we do.” You clutched at his hip, other hand running up his abs as you looked up at him, desperately, “Fuck, I need this inside of me, baby.”
He laughed, a low rumble in his chest, and his dick bounced lightly with the motion, hypnotizing you as the piercings caught the light, “That won’t be an issue.”
You nearly pounced on him, both of you working to rid you of your clothes, his hand slid down, rubbing at your pussy, nearly groaning aloud at how wet you already were.
“This excited already?” He murmured in your ear, two fingers sliding inside you, slowly curling and stretching.
“Can you- hah! Blame me?” You whined, “Where were these before? You didn’t just get them, did you?”
“I took them out,” He admitted, “I’ve been told that the full package can be rather... intimidating.”
Thinking of your sheer disbelief at his size the first time, you reluctantly agreed, it definitely would have terrified you. But seeing them now? It just made you regret never making their acquaintance -a mistake you never hoped to make again-
His fingers left you with a wet pull, and you laid back on the bed, stroking yourself as you watched him slick his cock with your juices, finally rubbing the head on your pussy, cool ball of the jewelry making you shiver.
“Please,” You whispered, “Oh please baby, oh capo, I need it.”
“So needy.” He mused, but relented all the same, lining himself up and beginning to push in. You bit your lip at the familiar stretch, eyes rolling back at the new foreign feeling of his piercings. He drew back, giving a short shallow thrust, pressing in farther each time, lips twitching into a smirk at every noise it drew from you.
Once he finally bottomed out, he stilled for a moment, allowing you to catch your breath, it was an odd feeling, but not too different so far, the last ring at the base of his cock pressed right at the edge of your hole, smooth, just another layer to all the new sensations.
In your deliberations, you hadn’t noticed him pulling back until he had slammed back in, jostling your entire body with the force of his thrust. He repeated the motion and you yelped, each deep thrust rubbing against your walls in a new way, making you quiver. But just as you began to roll your hips into the motion, he pulled out completely.
You climbed into his lap eagerly as he sat at the headboard, spun around with ease as he pulled your back to his chest. Guiding his cock back inside you, you heard his breath stutter, grinding your hips down earned you a hard sigh, his hand reaching around to paw at your chest, face tucked into the crook of your neck.
You rode him, feeling how his legs tensed under you with every minuscule buck of his hips, leaning back enough to meet in an open mouthed kiss for just a moment.
“I know you can go harder than this, come on baby, I won’t break.”
He grunted, arm holding you tighter as you rolled your hips teasingly.
“Please capo?” You moaned softly.
His grip changed, hooking around your thighs, just behind your knees, and locking his fingers firmly behind your head, holding you firmly in place.
You gasped, both in surprise and amusement at how you could wrap him around your finger with just a few words. His hips slammed up into yours once, twice, then picked up the pace, pounding into you desperately.
Your entire body bounced with each thrust, your voice steadily getting louder as his thick cock thoroughly wrecked you. The piercings down his shaft rubbing against your sweet spot with every thrust, making you nearly scream out his name.
Your head spun, looking down and watching every inch slide in and out, metal catching the light and leaving starry spots in your eyes, or it may have been the way the very tip of his cock, and the silver ball attached, was brushing against your cervix.
“Don’t stop- please don’t stop-“ You begged, clutching at the sheets under you.
“Come on kitten, take it, fucking take it.” He growled against your skin, his breath heavy, he swallowed hard at the feeling of your tight pussy squeezing around him.
Eyes fluttering shut, your body tensed and spasmed, built up pleasure hitting you like a wave,  wet juices soaking his cock. Your voice came out as a weak and broken sob, calling his name one last time as you went limp, walls tightening around his dick as he kept going, drawing out your orgasm and sending a tingling feeling through your spine.
The slap of his hips against yours was wet, and utterly sinful to listen to, loud and rapid as he chased his peak, body jewelry making your blood run hot as it continued its drag against your overstimulated g spot, making your vision go white.
He pulled out, releasing one of your legs to clutch his cock, stroking himself for just moments before letting out a barked curse between gritted teeth, cum releasing in strands over your stomach.
You both sat, panting and covered in sweat,rolling off his stomach, you let out a short breathy laugh.
“I like them.”
“Your piercings, I really like them.”
He chuckled, sitting up and stretching, standing up from the bed to make his way to the bathroom.
A loud pounding on the ceiling came from the apartment above you.
“I think we bothered my neighbors.”
“Too bad, gimme ten minutes, I’ll piss em off again.”
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mainly-kpop · 5 years
Viagra Series
Word count: 3298
Warnings: smut obviously, pill taking, public sex, dickhead!Jimin, praise kink bc it's Jimin duh. Public humiliation
Somethings he said were just too far. So slipping him a pill found in a bathroom, with a little help from a friend, seems like the best bet. What could go wrong?
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90% of his personality was his dick, there was no doubt about that. The way he walked and talked, the way he carried himself. Dick. God knows how people were friends with him, how people hung about him like he wasn’t insufferable. If you cut his dick off, would he be nicer? She wondered what cutting 7 inches off someone’s personality would be like.
‘Can you stop glaring at him across the table, you look fucking crazy.’ Jungkook whispered, tearing her ice cold stare away. She felt Jungkook ease the fork out her hand, placing it down gently on the table. She sighed smiling at the boy beside her. They were the same age, clicking almost instantly. You could find them running about doing, admittedly, the most questionable shit. The older boys probably wished they were more mature together, but everyone knew that wasn’t going to happen.
‘I just fucking hate his face dude, he’s infuriating.’ She spoke uncandidly, not worrying about anyone over hearing. Everyone seemed to be wrapped in their own conversations to even pay attention. Or so she thought.
‘Who’s face do you hate?’ He spoke, attention turning to her. Everyone’s conversations dropped, just to hear this drama. Her icy look returned to Jimin, nails going for the fork before Jungkook whipped it away from her.
‘Yours, obviously.’ She replied, as if she cared what he thought. She hated him and it was known to everyone, they didn’t quite understand why. However, they made effort to keep them apart at all times.
‘Baby, you should put that fork down. It already looks like you’re getting a bit big for that dress.’ He replied, just as bluntly as she had. Returning back to his conversation like the last minute or so never happened. She could feel her blood boiling, the rage burning inside her. The whole table looked at him bewildered, yes they hated each other, but never had he taken it that far. She slid the seat out painfully slow, the tables in the near vicinity turning to look at her. Taking a breath, she let a stiff smile pass across her lips before stomping off to the bathroom. This stupid fucking party wasn’t worth this shit. Why did she have to get dressed up for some stupid Big (s)Hit party, when she wasn’t even part of the business. All busy and important people, crowded around cramped tables, making polite small talk. She sighed, slamming and locking the door behind her, throwing her bag onto the sink. She let a frustrated groan slip past her gritted teeth. He was a dick, a massive fucking insufferable dick.
‘That was fucking out of order Jimin.’ Jungkook lectured, standing up too, ready to follow his best friend.
‘I don’t know why you stand up for her so much, she’s not that special. Her pussy must be top class I guess.’ He shrugged, not caring who of these classy business men heard. Jungkooks eyes narrowed, hoping to god his band mate could feel the pain he was inflicting on him with his mind.
‘For your fucking information, we aren’t fucking. We never have been, she’s just a really fucking good person. You would know that if you weren’t such a cunt.’ Jimin stood up defensively on the other side, Jin standing quickly slamming a hand down on the table.
‘Jungkook go after her, and watch your fucking language. Jimin sit the fuck down, you don’t have a leg to stand on here.’ Jimin threw himself back down in his seat, foot colliding with the table leg. Jungkook gave him one more glare before storming off to the bathroom.
‘Y/N, it’s me let me in.’ The door opened, he pushed his body through the little gap she made. He placed his ass on the counter, sighing.
‘What the fuck does he think he’s about, I mean- wait, you don’t look mad.’ She smiled, lifting herself up onto the counter beside him. A little packet resting between her fingers, tapping lightly against the tip of her middle finger.
‘What are those?’ Jungkook asked, only ever so slightly terrified of the response. She snorted, handing him the little slither of plastic. Reading the name he snorted, passing them back to her.
‘I found them on the counter. Clearly one of these business men were expecting to get lucky.’ She whispered, popping one of them out and looking at it, throwing it in the air and catching it swiftly.
‘But that doesn’t explain why you’re not pissed about Jimin anymore. I mean what he said was out of order, everyone is mad at him.’
‘So do you want to help me get revenge? If he can embarrass me so candidly in public, let’s do the same to him.’ She spoke, thrusting the little pill into his hand. He took a second to look between her and the pill, she couldn’t be serious. Then he thought about it properly, in reality it was only a boner, he was only going to be publicly embarrassed. Its nothing he hasn’t done to her. He smirked, devious smile painting his lips gripping the pill in the palm of his hand. They left at the same time, getting weird looks from old men and posh women. Jungkook placed his hand on her lower back, leading her to her seat. She sat down fixing her dress, Namjoon apologising for Jimin.
‘You owe her an apology, dick head.’ Jungkook whispered in his ear, using it as a distraction to drop the pill in his drink, it fizzed quicker than he thought, stepping away to sit in his own seat.
Jimin looked at her across the table, her death glare still set on him. Fuck he felt like an asshole, there’s things you don’t say to people, no matter how much you’re trying to hurt them. He tipped his drink back, giving himself whatever liquid courage he could find.
‘Can I speak to you for a second, alone?’ He whispered, bending down to her level making sure to keep eye contact. She sighed, rolling her eyes. Giving Jungkook one last look, she stood from her chair following him out the room.
‘Listen I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-‘
‘It doesn’t matter whether you meant it or not. You said it, think of something better than “I didn’t mean it”. That’s a bullshit apology.’ She quipped quickly, not letting him spout off the usual rehearsed one. He sighed running his hand through his hair in frustration, he didn’t know what to say now. He felt a stir in his stomach, causing him to roll his neck, letting his eyes flutter closed. Why now? He tried to focus, to direct his attention to anything but his growing erection. It proved futile however, the tent in his pants becoming more and more obvious. He growled deep in his throat, turning on his heel and heading for the bathroom. He didn’t lock the door behind him, too bothered about getting rid of this stupid fucking boner.
She stood baffled for a moment. Why the fuck did he just storm off like that? Why would he try to apologise then storm off, what was his game? She huffed rolling her eyes and storming towards the closed door, yanking the handle harshly before letting herself in the room. He wasn’t against the sinks so she assumed he was in the stall.
‘Why the fuck would you storm off like that? Like what the hell is your problem with me Jimin? I tried so hard for so long, your harmless pranks and witty remarks became too much, you’re such an asshole you know that?’ She ranted openly, she heard nothing coming from the stall bar some heavy breaths and whimpering, was he crying? She pushed at the stall door, locked, of course.
‘Jimin let me in for fuck sake, or at least come out. We need to deal with this properly.’ He rolled his eyes, letting his dick go, sighing loudly. He slipped the lock open, letting the door slowly swing open. She gasped at the sight before her. His skin that was on show glistened with a light sheen of sweat, trousers and boxers draped messily around his ankles. His head was thrown back, lips parted, eyes half closed, hand wrapped tightly around his dick.
‘You just gonna stand there opening and closing your mouth like a fish? Do me a favour sweetheart, lock the fucking door and help me out here.’ Her mouth clamped shut, her fingers quickly but shakily locking the door. What was she supposed to do now, it’s not like she could just get on her knees in the stall. Realising slightly too late, she should have left. Let him lock the door himself.
‘You’re a lot bigger than I thought Jimin, you know with your height and all...’ She spoke, brash words cutting the air. It was only fair after what he said to her. A dark chuckle sounded behind her, his fingers sliding along her shoulder.
‘How about we get you out of that dress, show you exactly what I can do, hmm?’ He questioned, lust dripping from every word. He stood behind her trousers forgotten in the stall, boxers now covering himself. She shrugged, pulling down the zipper with ease.
‘Sure why not, since you don’t like me in it anyway.’ The words stinging his ears, grabbing her shoulders he turned her to look at him. His thumb grazed her cheek, her eyes shifting up to look at him.
‘I only said that to annoy you. In reality, you look so fucking good I can’t resist any longer. I can’t focus on conversations, all I can focus on is your laugh. I can’t deal with Jungkook being so close to you, because I want it to be me. I want you so fucking bad.’ He whispered, the softness in his voice in deep contrast to the words he spouted. She searched his eyes for a lie, he was a liar, he had to be. He furrowed his eyebrows, giving up on waiting for an answer, instead slamming his lips to hers. If she wouldn’t vocalise it she would show it. She stood stunned for a minute, the softness of his lips on hers, man they were so soft. He bit down on her bottom lip bringing her back to reality, she kissed back returning all the hunger he was dishing out.
‘Fuck.’ He muttered against her lips, a little whine bubbling in her throat. His hands trailed over the silk fabric of her dress, enjoying the sensation under his fingertips. She moaned against his lips as his hands rested on her ass, squeezing gently.
‘Take it off baby.’ He whispered, kissing softly down her jawline, nibbling when he reached her earlobe. The fabric slipped past her shoulders, tickling the skin on her arms as it slid so effortlessly down her body. He stood back admiring her body, the only underwear she had was a pair of lace panties. He smirked, tugging one of her nipples between his fingers. Her head rolled back, a breathy moan slipping between her lips.
‘No bra, and look at those panties. We’re you expecting something tonight?’ She groaned, yes. That was the simple answer she was expecting to get lucky. Jungkook promised there was going to be lots of successful and attractive men here. He failed to mention the successful were old, and the attractive were married.
‘Jungkook promised me successful men, he failed to mention ages.’ She replied, breathing laboured due to his roaming hands, and the way he was still playing with her nipple. She heard a genuine laugh escape Jimin’s lips, the smile lasting long after the giggle died.
‘Typical Kookie, but hey, not to toot my own horn but I think I’m pretty successful. I guess I’m not so bad in the looks department either.’ He commented, taking his fingers off her nipple. He lifted her with ease onto the counter, replacing his fingers with his lips, making her push her chest into him.
‘I think you’ll do.’ She mumbled, his lips detaching with a pop. He raised an eyebrow, tutting at her. His fingers trailed up her inner thigh, resting quickly on the wet spot of her panties.
‘You’ll have to do better praise wise baby. Or all you’ll get is punishments.’ He growled, suddenly very serious. ‘So will you make me feel as good as I can make you? Or...’ He trailed off, slipping her panties to the side rubbing his finger through her arousal. Gathering enough on his finger, he slipped it between her lips. ‘Am I going to have to punish you?`
‘No punishments, I’ll be so good for you I promise.’ She whimpered, his finger dripping in her arousal, now perched between her lips. She gave it a suck, cleaning it for him. He hummed in approval, slipping her panties down her hips, letting her flick them off. Their lips connected in a messy kiss, both nipping at each others lips any chance they got.
‘Jimin, fuck me please. I need it so bad.’ She whimpered, deciding they didn’t have time for foreplay, someone was probably already looking for them. He groaned into her mouth, slipping his boxers easily down his ass, kicking them in the same direction of her panties.
‘Fuck, Jimin its so big, please.’ She whined, letting every shred of self control go. He smirked, enjoying the begging and the praise. Sucking air through her teeth to suppress a moan, he rubbed the tip across her clit. He relished in the sound of her gasps, every time he so much as grazed her she whimpered. He took pleasure in the wet sounds between her thighs, the sound of his dick moving against her. It had him twitching to enter, so he did.
The moans she released were porn worthy. He slapped a hand over her mouth, muting her for any passers by, his own grunt as he bottomed out filtering through her ears. She adjusted to the stretch, walls tightening to urge him into moving. He groaned forehead falling forward into her chest, breath fanning against her nipple.
He pulled out slightly, snapping his hips back into her. Her eyes rolled back, a lewd moan slipping out her mouth past his fingers. He halted his hips, grabbing her chin forcing her eyes to his.
‘Baby, unless you got something filthy to whisper to me, keep it down. Don’t want us getting caught now do you?’ She shook her head, truthfully she really didn’t want to get caught. How was she supposed to keep quiet though with his hips snapping like that. Jimin groaned, finger tracing between their bodies, paying attention to her nipples before finding its rightful place. His thumb grazed against her clit, a muffled whimper escaping through her lips.
‘Fuck Jimin, it feels so good. So big, fuck I’m so close.’ She keened, melting her body into his as much as she could. His thumb rubbed rougher and faster circles into her clit. His lips sat close to her ear, whispering praises into her ear as she whispered them back.
‘Jimin I’m cumming, fuck yes right there!’ She screamed, a little bit louder than Jimin needed from her right now. His free hand clamped over her mouth once more, dick thrusting into her at the same speed his thumb moved over her clit. She came with a rather loud scream, back arching towards his body. Jimin let out a moan, thrusting as much as he could into her. He let his eyes trail to where their bodies connected. Watching himself disappear inside of her, her arousal dripping off his dick quickly became his undoing. She felt him twitch inside her, he came inside with a whimper.
‘Fuck you did so well.’ She praised, running her fingers through his hair. He chuckled, pulling out slowly, the sensitivity making him wince.
‘You didn’t do so bad yourself sweetheart.’ He spoke helping her off the counter, onto bambi legs. He giggled, doubling over at her attempt to walk.
‘Shut up idiot this is your doing!’ She complained, walking to the toilet stall to clean herself up.
‘I mean, if you hadn’t slipped me a mystery pill, I wouldn’t have needed you for this.’ He replied cockily. He knew, of course he fucking knew. She asked Jungkook for fucking help.
‘You, uh, you knew about that?’ She questioned, there was no point in hiding it now.
‘Honey, it was good in theory, horrible in practice. In other words little Kookie isn’t as discreet as he thinks.’ She sucked her teeth, stepping out the stall. Stepping into the dress she shimmied it up her body, Jimin already standing fully dressed. She casted a glance back to Jimin, waiting for him to zip her back up.
‘So if you saw him put the pill in your drink why did you drink it?’ He pondered the question for a second, kissing her shoulder as the zip reached the top.
‘As much as you hate me, I know you wouldn’t try and hurt me. You wouldn’t risk the other guys friendships. Also sorry, for um, everything.’ He mumbled. It was true, no matter how much she seemed to hate him she wouldn’t risk losing the other guys just for revenge. The sorry is what caught her off guard however, making her halt putting her shoe on.
‘Hold on what?’ she stood, flabbergasted. He scratched the back of his neck, running a hand nervously through his hair.
‘I’m uh, I’m sorry. I know I took it too far way back then. I just I liked you a lot, but you were always so quick witted and sassy. I thought the best way to get to you was through pranks and comments. Turns out it only drove you further away from me.’ His confession took her completely by surprise. True the syrup in her shampoo AND conditioner bottles was maybe a step too far. Just before a date no less. She shuddered thinking back to it, it took her 4 hours to stop feeling sticky.
‘It’s okay, I realise I’m not the most fun person to be around sometimes. Especially after, well you know.’ He knew, he knew all too well. That girl still doesn’t look his way. Ever.
‘I didn’t mind you cock blocking me, but did you really have to say “jimineee your mummy is outside to pick you up” like that?’ He cringed reliving the whole moment.
‘I was so drunk! Shut up!` She groaned, putting her shoe on after slapping his chest.
‘Okay, let’s move past it shall we?’ He proposed opening his arm for a cuddle, she rolled her eyes settling into them. She cleared her throat stepping back, straightening out her dress.
‘Okay, how do I look?’ She questioned, looking him up and down.
‘You don’t look like you just had your brains fucked out, if that’s what you’re asking of course.’ She sighed muttering “you never change” under her breath before slipping out before him.
‘Where the hell have you been?’ Jungkook asked as she re-joined the table, watching Jimin walk back over too.
‘Oh just uh, talking to Jimin.’ She replied casually, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Doing her best to busy her hands.
‘Talking or fucking.’ He muttered in her ear. ‘Because I see no boner on him, and a nice little mark on your neck.’ She blushed crimson, Jimin staring her down like he was ready for round two. Meanwhile she had Jungkook in her ear tutting. ‘Naughty girl y/n, and in public too, I hope he punished you.’ She didn’t need to look to know he was smirking, the heat between her thighs budding again. Fuck, what was happening here
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