#in the library. and now the library is closed so kids cant even do that (would not recommend. eat lunch)
backseatloversz · 2 years
q for highschoolers. do u not feel gross sitting on the floor of a public bathroom and eating while someone uses the bathroom not 5 ft from you.
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bbrissonn · 5 months
can you please write something for ryan leonard? could literally be about anything i just feel like that boy deserves more attention <3
i love ryry, he deserves more love. cute little freckle man
in which ryan's teammates cant leave the two of you alone in the library
under the cut !
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"for fucks sake." ryan mumbled under his breath as he looked up from his book, only to be met with his friends sitting at the table of in front of yours.
"what's wrong, love?"
"they're here again. they're not even trying to be secretive anymore!" he scoffed as your eyes stayed glued to your work. you had a very important coming up, and you needed a good grade.
"just ignore them, babes. they're kids, let them be." you answered, leaning your head down on his shoulder as his eyes met with will's, who had wide smirk on his face.
"oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" gabe asked as they all got up and walked over to sit at your table. ryan let out a loud groan considering you were in a library as his friends made themselves comfortable.
"get out of here!" he spat at his teammates, making you chuckle a bit, but staying focused on your work.
"are we not allowed to study?" will asked, his smirk still present as ryan sent him a death glare.
"where're your books?"
"in my bag."
"take them out and study then. at another table." he said harshly, making all his friends laugh a bit.
"what if we want to sit at this table?" jacob asked, ryan rolling his eyes. your boyfriend looked over at you, begging you to tell the guys to leave, but you were too focused on your book to realize the look he was sending you.
"it's a library, be quiet." ryan warned the guys before looking back down at his work. your head was still leaning on his shoulder, making gabe snap a pic of the two of you. of course, the boy hadn't realized his flash was still on, making it blankly obvious what he was up to.
"get out!"
"what, why?"
"you're not here to study, you're here to bother us. so leave!"
"it was an accident!"
"can you guys go bicker somewhere else? i'm trying to study." you whispered harshly, making all the boys go quiet as they stared at you. you had finally looked up from your book, now sending ryan's friends a death glare that matched your boyfriend's. "all of you." you added, turning your head to look at ryan.
"me?" he gasped, his jaw dropping slightly.
"yes, you. you're the reason these ding dongs keep bothering me, so get out." you sassed, making ryan roll his eyes slightly before he started packing his bag.
"you guys are such assholes." your boyfriend mumbled as he got up from his seat, pressing a kiss to your forehead before making his way out. his friends followed closely, rambling about something that clearly wasn't making ryan happy.
lovey 🤍
give your side pieces some attention
i'll see you tonight loves <3
ryry 💗
i hate them, they're so mean
i miss you
come cuddle me
lovey 🤍
i'll be there in an hour max
love you
ryry 💗
love youuuu
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Bridge The Gap With Me
Noa x human reader
basically we wake up in their world and we are trying to survive it. I did not edit this at all so if there are mistakes I'm sorry
chapter 1: waking up in a new world
Running feeling the wind in my hair the cool air rushing by my face with each step the deep inhail every few seconds filling my lungs a wide smile spread across my face. I felt free like a bird in the sky no one to hold me back. It gave me pure joy the terrain was new exciting and I was in no way letting stop me. I jumped over rocks, dodged tree roots, and rounded trees.
I loved it here the world so untouched by human hands watching from a screen was so different I air felt so much fresher and when I finally slow in small meadow I lay in the grass. I remembered when I woke up here I was in an empty building a binker of some kind, I was cautious scared even I took careful steps when there was no one around almost like I was abandoned here.
I remembered panicking but a few hours later I got up and looked further in depth in what I had missed I saw notes in books and plans that was there. It was far from the year I was in 300 years farther. I looked for provisions and it was mostly rotten or old. I ate what was edible and started planning what I could do to servive I couldnt stay here I even if I wanted to I needs resources in order to live.
So I grabbed the best kept bag and filled it with what I could. 2 pairs of pants that fit me well enough 2 shirts one was one size larger the other fits rather snug and the one I currently wore which for the best a pair of sturdy gloves. I got a pair of steel toe boots half a size too big I grabbed what looked like soap hand made and as much medical supplies I could a tent and sleeping bag.
My best finds after that was a pair of hunting knives that needed a bit of sharpening two metal pots and a fire starter. with those tools and supplies I walked out into the world. What met me was a world that mother nature reclaimed. With a deep breath I stepped out and left my safety net and leapt into the fire and here I am now a few months later. It was was slap to the face the harshness of my new reality but I did it somehow. I swore I cant thank myself enough for watching those videos on survival and the notes from the bunker on what was safe and what to stay away from.
So here I am now in this small meadow the grass tickling me it was spring time early spring to me it seems. I was getting close to a few building that were in the distance I was hoping to find temporary shelter there.
With a sigh I got up and walked there keeping an eye out if there was one thing I learned while in the bunker was that the new world I found myself in was my favorite movie series. Apes have taken control of the world and because humanity had little to do with the world other than struggle to survive it became this new beautiful utopia.
After a few hours and my feet feeling like the were swollen from all my traveling I arrived to buildings covered in vines I made sure I was properly covered getting tetanus was not on my list today or any other day. It was like looking at ruins on the computer or TV so beautifully tragic. I found a library and I swore I felt tears filled my eyes something to pass time no longer would I be stuck with my thoughts.
I looked at survival books medical books and tentivly I made my way to the kids area and found books that brought me back to my childhood Dr Seuss, the hungry caterpillar, and the rainbow fish from there I went to fictional stories like the Percy Jackson books to romance books to thrillers I filled a backpack full of my finds. I then found paper and pencils and art books that were there whether I was a good artist or not I didn't care. Even if I was alone I felt atleast a little less so now. I chose a random book and began to read letting myself escape even for a little bit. once I finished a chapter I got up made sure I was safe and secure and got ready for bed.
I stayed the one week before deciding to leave but making sure to remeber where it was incase I wanted to return. ive been on the road for a few hours when I came across a tunnel and was deciding if I should chajnce it and step through, after a few seconds to considering it I walked through. It was damp and smelled weird but with a brisk walk I was finally on the other side.
"Hmm now which direction should I go?" I said to myself my voice a little hoarse from no use. Deciding to go straight I remebered to remain diligent and keep alook out just because i havent seen and ape or human doesnt mean theres not any out there and if there was either I had no way of knowing if they were friendly.
It was starting to get dark so i found a liitle space to pitch my tent and make a small fire nothing too big just enough to keep me warm. I pulled out some water and a few berries I found on the way safe to eat from what the guides I had said. I was exhuasted making sure the fire was secure and no way start a forest fire i gotinto my tent and into my sleeping bag and slowly drifted to sleep. ' I hope I can meet someone soon.. hopefully someone nice' was my final though before I slept the same thought after a few weeks after waking up here.
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saraakpotter · 6 months
Nothing will change (Loki x reader)
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summery: nothing will change between them, right?
warning: spoilers for Loki season 1
genre: fluff
y\n is a tva worker! when Loki arrived, y\n and Mobius had saved him from disappearing so they kinda have to deal with the god everyday! to be honest they both enjoy it, specially y\n. and he dose not seem to hate her either (yet).
Right now y\n and Mobius are having lunch and had sent Loki to make some research, suddenly Loki comes to y\n.
''y\n!'' he says happy and while coming to y\n
''look i found something'' Loki said looking at her and then Mobius sitting next to her.
y\n looks at him while he is explaining his theory about the apocalypses
'' so...whatever we do there it would NOT make a nexus event?'' y\n asked
'' nope!''
y\n made a ''are u sure'' look
'' well.... im 99% sure'' Loki said
mobius made another look
'' well maybe 90%''
they just remained silence
''augh! fine 80% but....''
''well....lets test it!'' said y\n with a little smile
''wha.... y\n! are you out of your mind?'' Mobius said with a worried face
''what? the theory seems right! why cant we try it?'' y\n said innocently
'' because we cant trust him!''
''why not?''
''are you kidding me?''
''a try wouldnt make any difference!''
''of course it would! plus HE.CANT.BE.TRUSTED''
''yes...but i love to be right!''Loki said winking at y\n
''fine''Mobius sighed ''but if anything happens....its your fault'' he pointed at y\n. she nodded and Loki smiled.
they now arrived at so called ''end of the world''.
''ok so we are going to make small distraction like......like a bird noise! can any of you make a bird noise?''
''bird noise?!'' Loki and y\n said trying to hold back their laughter
''just do something small ok?''
''yeah....small'' y\n said smirking while Loki went to the area and literally made a mess while Mobius was furious and y\n burst out a laugh.
Mobius looked at his smart watch. but with one look the worry on his face was gone.''it hadnt changed a bit!''
y\n went to Loki ''well guess you were right after all!''
Loki smiled '' so...in your opinion its alright because nothing will change in our timeline.right?''
''yeah....yeah i mean thats what the watch says' y\n said confused
"yes but i mean....do you believe in it?" he asked
"well yeah!" y\n said
he suddenly cupped her face and kissed her! a soft but not really short kiss. she kissed back Immediately.
when they pulled back the volcano was starting to turn on. Loki was blushing madly!
suddenly the volcano started to irrupt "right on cue!" y\n said smiling
Mobius smirked ''ok Romeo and Juliet, lets go before the tragedy part happens!''he teased and Loki rolled his eyes, now y\n was blushing.
that was 3 hours ago! y\n was now in tva library looking for some files. i heard someone entering the room. she didnt even need to look, it was Loki!
''ummm....hey.'' he said closing the door.
''well about earlier......you know nothing has to change....right? its...."
"why cant it though?" she interrupted smirking
''well" his face lit up "if you want to" he smiled
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marvelita85 · 2 years
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You were determinated to try and salvage some of your former relationship with prince Aemond, your uncle said hurtfull words at dinner but you were friends and because of Alicent and your mother's damaged relationship all their children suffered the consecuences
- can we talk?... - you were waiting for him later when he come out of the library
- is there anything left to say princess..
- a lot... Aemond you're my friend... we were best friends when we were kids and since i've arrived you have treated me as I am a stranger... a dangerous one... why?...
- you know very well why...
- I didnt take your eye... I wasnt even there that night
- would you have defended me or your b... brothers if you were - he stoped himself from saying the bastard word again
- we were all children Aemond... now you are an adult and Luke is still a boy... he is the same age you were at that time...
- and what do you expected of me princess...- you rise your eyebrows in a defeated way
- not this cold treatment... but I can see you dont concidered me your friend anymore... I'm so sorry I bother you my prince ... - you turn away but before you could walk away you froze by his word
- you meant the world to me... you left and my world shattered in pieces... all these years are the reminded of you leaving me alone
- are you aware I couldnt stay I was only 10, I had to go with my mother that didn't mean I didn't care, I wish I could stay with you and hold your hand... - you reatched for his hand waiting for him to reject you but he didn't... he hold it, you hold his gaze and you tried to not hold your breath
- your eyes were always the most beautiful, the green of your left eye is so clear like the ocean close to dragonstone shores... you look exactly like my gransmother Alissa, you are right you were always good with me... but what happend with your brothers is something I cant forgive
- then our future is not going to be posible
- what do you mean?
- our betrothal, I will ask for its anulment, I came to speak to you about it but now I know I wont be able to marry someone who hates me and my brothers
- I dont hate you... I cant.... please dont leave me again....
- we can live in Dragonstone when my mother is queen or leave my brothers there and I can live here with you... I'm just trying to make the best option for all of us... Aemond I want to marry you more than anything but I dont want you feel like this either
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- you are going to be princess Visenya Targaryen...
- and you are going to be my king consort after my mothers rule... you will rule with me...- Aemond looked at you surprised because he didnt believe you wanted him to be your king - our children are going to rule after us...
- I wish for that life beside you too... - he grab both your arms and got even closer to you...- I wish I could kiss you...
- we are betrothed, I think we can kiss before we get married...
- my mother would think is less than apropiated..
- the queen will survived... for I wish for you to kiss me - one of his hans hold your blush cheek and his lips touch yours, soft and sweet at girst but when you gasp he took advantage and let his tongue caress yours in a dance that both of you finished with your bodies heated and your cheeks blushed
- will I see you tomorrow...
- my mother has decided to stay and I will stay with her, with you...
- I will ask my mother tomorrow to prepared our wedding before Rhaenyra's assention... I cant wait any longer for you to be mine...- you smile and he kiss your hand goodnight before letting you go back to your chambers... you slep that night with hope everything will work for the best
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fecto-forgo · 9 months
Not sure if its a genuine question but if it is oh boy oh boy i get to be the one to tell you :D yeah american schools have been phasing out pencils since i was in high school (i graduated 10 years ago) in stores and stuff the stationary sections are just getting smaller to the point where if you want materials you almost have to go to a specialty store. even before covid it was causing problems where poor families who couldnt afford computers were struggling and its basically keeping some of our libraries afloat (im sure this has nothing at all to do with why rich folks in power want to destroy all libraries /sarcasm) but also because kids are assumed to have grown up with modern tech they also dont teach kids how to use them anymore. leading to slow typing speed and poor online safety skills among others. also because its all online schools and teachers feel justified to make more homework (busy work) because its not a tangible physical thing to keep them in check anymore, theres no "stacks" just digital "files" (although that part has always been not great anyway). i dont know HOW bad its gotten specifically (there arent any kids in my family that im close to) but even then the end results are pretty obvious
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what the fuck bc i literally found ppl talking abt this in that post abt linux everyones using to ego rub they know more than literal children.the fact ppls reactions to "kids now struggle with typing so much they cant write their papers fast enough" wasnt "why are computers mandatory if poor kids cant afford decent ones if any at all? why arent they being taught how to properly type by any adults in their lives? why has traditional writing been phased out?" but "oh my god these DUMB new children cant do anything 🙄 (unlike me)(im so smart)(i know more than a child does!)" is so.is actually very typical for this website actually that makes sense anyways WHAT THE FUCK
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impossiblefangirl0632 · 4 months
The Colombian Cryptid, Hallmark AU and Fairytail/arranged marriage AU sound very interesting, can you tell more about them please? 🥺
Okay let's do this. (It's going to be long)
(Spoilers for act I of TBTK) The Colombian Cryptid is a TBTK x Leverage crossover with the premise of: The Leverage crew gets called in to figure out how the tablet was stolen and get it back. Panadero told them it was probably Bruno. They can’t get into Bruno’s house so they decide to fake the original Lost People manuscript as a trap. Bruno does show up but ends up proving it’s a fake. The team slip a tracker on him but it just shows him going to wherever they set up shop in Bogota.
“I’m impressed, you figured out a lot more than most people but you missed something painfully obvious.” Bruno commented lightly, spinning around in Hardison’s chair to face them in front of the conspiracy board. “You found Mendez, Marcos and Mercedes but you missed the one staring you in the face.”
He lazily pointed over his shoulder at the print out of a modern copy of a lost people. Specifically at the author’s name.
Hardison’s eyes just about bugged out of his head. “What? Nah, man that’s— you can’t be…”
Bruno grinned a little “Your fake was a little too well done kid. I was a terrible book binder. You didn’t make it perfect but your intentional screw ups were a lot neater than my accidental ones.” He tucked his hands in his pockets. “Plus, you know, you don’t have the pages I never translated. I mean there are pages in the original Spanish that you don’t have, you just put the modern text through a translator. I am impressed with your translator by the way, very few grammatical mistakes.”
Parker added, “We tried to get the original Spanish from you but your house cheats.”
“I’m impressed you were able to get close enough to find that out. “Bruno responded with raised eyebrows.
Nate stepped forward, “So why are you here then? Why tell us you’re Bernardo?”
“Now that’s a good question.” Bruno began to pace. “See, usually, when someone starts poking around I just make them forget about me and we both go on our merry ways.
Bruno stopped pacing and raised a hooked finger to cover his lips. “But I recognize you,” he pointed at Eliot, “And it’s driving me nuts.”
Hallmark AU
This was an idea I was kicking around with @16magnolias. Basically it's a cheesy Hallmark modern AU where nothing hurts. Razili is a baker who just moved to a small town (the Encanto) and Bruno is a a famous author who has written a famous pirate romance under a pseudonym except he's stuck on the last book so he's come home hoping that will get rid of his writer's block. Problem is he hasn't actually told his family he's back yet. He hangs out in the bakery since that's one place not many of the Madrigal's are likely to visit (since they have Julieta). There's this whole thing with a baking competition and Razili volunteering at the library and befriending Oscar (After they get together they adopt him and Oscar actually gets both parents (and siblings) in this AU). Eventually Razili meets the Madrigals and she realizes who Bruno really is. I just have plotting for this one, nothing actually written.
Fairy Tale / Arranged Marriage AU
There are two AUs in this doc:
Fairytale AU
Razili is a Princess who has run away from an arranged marriage to a humperdink esque prince. She stumbles upon a house in the middle of the forest but there’s no one there except for some rats  and she’s exhausted so she ends up falling asleep in the armchair. 
Bruno is a hermit magician who has been cursed to forget that he's the Encantan Prince. When he comes home he moves Razili to the bed and leaves a note saying he'll help anyway he can if she's still here when he comes back in the evening.
It's a sort of voluntary beauty and the beast type situation. Theres something familiar bout him that she cant quite put her finger on. She realizes after a while that he reminds her of the boy she'd been engaged to before he disappeared years ago. 
The people of the nearest village try to warn her away from him (similar to Canon reputation) she chews them out because she's already half in love with him.
One of the villagers figures out who she is and humperdink shows up amd threatens to kill Bruno unless she comes with him willingly. She kisses Bruno goodbye and it breaks his curse. 
Razili and Humperdink leave. Two of his cronies loop back around on orders to kill Bruno but Bruno reveals himself to be a lot more powerful than he’s let on. 
Cut to the wedding, Razili is arguing with her parents and she learns that her engagement to Bruno was meant to protect their kingdom from Humperdink’s by the alliance it would form with the Encanto. But when Bruno disappeared they had no choice it was either she marry Humperdink or their kingdom would be invaded.
Now that she knows what’s going on she agrees to marry Humperdink to save her people.
Bruno bursts in during the ceremony and says she can’t marry Humperdink because she was promised to him first. Alma, Julieta and Pepa are with him and back up his claim that he is the Encantan prince. HUmperdink gets mad and challenges Bruno to a duel during which he reveals that it was him that hired the people who kidnapped and cursed Bruno. Humperdink loses but when Bruno turns away he tries to kill him and Razili saves him. They all leave  (Humperdink in disgrace and Bruno and Razili get married back in the Encanto.
Swan Princess AU
They met several times while growing up and became good friends. When Razili was 14 she realized she loved him. She was going to tell him on his birthday (17) but someone crashed the party and abducted him before vanishing.
The witch who took him was hired to get rid of him which she is choosing to interpret as not killing him. Instead she curses him to be a rat by day and a human by night. He has to return to the little house in the middle of nowhere she left for him every morning or he'll be stuck as a rat forever. 
I'm on the fence whether he keeps his memories or not
Razili shows up when she runs away from her new engagement to Humperdink and I’m not sure if she’ll recognize him or not. I’m thinking he doesn’t let her see him for a while? In any case similar ending to the the first Fairytale au
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
Okay um👉👈 ive been thinking about tenet au. a lot. And apparently since tian vette's time travel fic sebchal time travel in my head == rbr seb?? So i was SORTA thinking charles seeing seb for the first time again, and its this bright-eyed prodigy that looks even younger than he is, a cheeky little bastard that is somehow still painfully endearing, or maybe its just charles's memories talking, and charles thinks: oh. is this how you felt when you saw me that first time in the library? You looked so sure then, how do i look sure now, with you? You didn't have the time to teach me that.
And how he doesn't know how this ends but he know that it does, because of course what's happened happened and they don't talk about it, but you can't share one skin every night and not hear the endless i lost you i lost you i lost you welcome back beating in another's heart
And how when he was younger he was so furious with seb for keeping his distance, for pushing him away for so long, and still on a bad day desperation and longing and tenderness pressed down so tightly its edges turn sharp make him curl his hands into fists, seb-shaped wound in his chest aching with why why why you knew we didnt have much time as is why did you have to but he gets it, now. Because stronger than the urge to grab this sunshine personified, still a little bit lanky where his seb was softer, shamelessly honest where his seb learned to tease and needle, grab him and hold him and breathe him in with his whole chest--stronger is only the terror of losing him again
So he teeters on the edge of too close-not close enough until seb has enough of this and walks him backwards into the wall of his hotel room somewhere in greece, all hot mouth and fiery eyes, surprising amount of skill, even more of sheer eagerness, and every touch throbs in charles' entire body so forcefully it's only later, with his forehead pressed to seb's back which looks broader when you get him out of those god-awful clothes, that he thinks: ah. so this is how you knew what i liked, you bastard
How when charles cant hide his knowledge of the temporal war from him anymore, when it's simply too dangerous to, the look of betrayal on his face hurts infinitely worse than he's ever imagined
How he lies awake at night before the operation, fiddling with his blue team tag, and flips through all the memories of all the mornings they've had, hoarded in his head because there is no safer way to store them, all those images of seb, yawning or laughing or flinging a pillow at him, sunlight playing on his golden lashes, and waits for dawn to add a new one to the collection. How he refuses to wander if its the last one he'll ever have.
How this was supposed to be a long goodbye, and how it feels barely long enough to take a breath.
How he leaves the tag be and slots his body against seb's unfamiliarly familiar sleeping frame, nosing at the soft line of his shoulder so that he can kiss him for just that little bit longer, his heart thumping, i lost you i lost you i lost you. welcome back.
lmao sorry im completely knackered is this anything
anon. knackered tenet anon. i'm. is this anything are you kidding me i'm. w h a t. i'm about to. what??? i'm about to hop off something. this. is the best thing ever? oh my god. oh my god.
i didn't even think about charles coming back to a much younger seb. like brilliant agent seb who's feisty and a genius and so eager to do the work and charles being older and who understands the mission and what he needs to do and oh. you! did! not! have! time! to teach me to be sure! oh. this is why seb tried to keep his distance. this is why his seb (his!) looked at him with grief locked behind his tongue. this is why seb held himself back like touching charles would destroy him.
because it would. how is he supposed to be able to survive having seb again and losing him once more? he wouldn't survive. he wouldn't. (he wouldn't need to.)
So he teeters on the edge of too close-not close enough until seb has enough of this and walks him backwards into the wall of his hotel room somewhere in greece, all hot mouth and fiery eyes, surprising amount of skill, even more of sheer eagerness, and every touch throbs in charles' entire body so forcefully it's only later, with his forehead pressed to seb's back which looks broader when you get him out of those god-awful clothes, that he thinks: ah. so this is how you knew what i liked, you bastard
knackered tenet anon i can't even speak. this is how you knew what i liked, you bastard. thought with so much resignation and so much fondness. he's thinking of his own seb from his own time. the older seb who had to deal with a younger, un-tempered charles. a stubborn charles. a charles who wouldn't take no for an answer. such that his seb finally gave in, as charles pressed his lips fiercely against his. how his seb handled him reverently as if charles were the most precious thing in the world.
they're a bunch of broken mirror shards endlessly reflecting the cycle.
how charles knows every moment with this younger seb is meant to prepare him for a goodbye. and yet he finds himself lingering under the covers, wrapped around seb's back. how he strokes the hairs at the back of seb's nape as the sunlight filters in. how he laughs as seb yawns sleepily and nestles back against him.
oh my god. how am i supposed to get on my with day? how am i supposed to continue? knackered tenet anon i hope you're happy with yourself you've destroyed me with the most amazing concept i'm charging you with emotional damages the length of a novel i’m about to
i'm about to!!!
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tezzbot · 2 years
Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu (🏳️‍🌈💌💔🧸🪀💬🎃🔊)
not gonna do all of these for all 3 ive been trying since last night my brains gonna melt lmfao
🏳️‍🌈 lgbt hc
osomatsu thats a dyke
jyushimatsu i think w regards to gender probably doesnt give tht much of a fuck tbh. hes just jyushimatsu also woman liker
todomatsu uhhh . hm idk.. theres smth fruity going on there i mean look at it. not sure how id label him hes like a lgbt what all at once type u know HDHJDG
💌 fluff hc
osomatsu has always really loved horse racing even before he had a gambling addiction lol i think as a kid hed go to the library or smth and just Read n Learn about horses and races in general thats the tism baby he knows literally everything you ask him who won whatever race in like 1976 he Knows its like scary impressive (literally how else wld he remember horse racing results from Ten Years In The Past in the movie!!!!) if you gave him a horse he would fully know how to take care of it
jyushimatsu and homura, tho not dating cus i dont think theyre ldr kinda people, they do still stay in contact, they talk on the phone n write each other letters tgey r the world
some of the friends todomatsu has do legitimately enjoy hanging out with him like the barista girls what r their names. aida and s. saachi? they like him a lot! as a friend! he just is in the mindset of im bottom of the social barrel so he doesnt always see it lol
💔 angst hc
do i even need to do this these guys r miserable little freaks as is lmfao
osomatsu. cant think of anythin original just uknow usual. childhood trauma, dependency issues, oldest child 3rd parent syndrome, etcetc
jyushimatsu feels bad abt how he treated ppl in high school, despite the fact tht it was a defence mechanism he didnt Like being so angry all the time :( its why he tries so much to make people happy now. tht anger does still make its appearances but hes better with it now
🧸hurt/comfort hc
osomatsu when he feels like trashgarbage will go and find one of his brothers and if he finds one of them in the house he'll go n sit by them n try strike up a conversation but if hes feeling like considerably bad he'll just sit and maybe lean against them just for the pressure remind him that theyre there keep him grounded
💬 fav line
jyushimatsu - literally all of his big long stupid internal monologues are great but literally the best line in the show is "Samples, my guy" it legitimately made me laugh So loud when i first watched that episode by myself
🎃 sth i think theyre afraid of
osomatsu hemophobia not a fan of blood, why he freaked out so bad in the movie over a scuff
jyushimatsu probably claustrophobic n being restrained fr long not of his own accord, man needs to fidget
todomatsu literally so scared of seeing the hat man in the dark. he watched one five nights at freddys video in 2015 and now his brain thinks hes gonna see bonnie in the bathroom at night he closes the door facing into a room so he has a full view of the room w his back On the door to make sure he hasnt been followed despite the fact he Knows he hasnt. just in case lol (no i am not projecting [lying])
🔊song that reminds me of them
oso - get well city by felix hagan and the family (a lot of their songs make me think Matsus in general tbh lol)
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jyushi- dumb dumb by mazie
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todo is kinda hard to nail down but - secrets by p!nk
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benjaminjgbarnes · 1 year
Seecrit Power 1.
Me and nic and alex hang out all the time now.
When our class goze to the library we sit at the table in the corner.
When im looking for them at lunch sometimes I cant find them because there looking for me.
We stayed up almost all night at Alexes house and we played time crisis with the real gun I got from my cousin and then we snuck out the window and lit the speshal maches alexes big brother got from army cadets.
They bern bright for ages because they have the red stuff almost halfway down the mach except its brown which is probably for camo.
Nics house is big because it used to be a church and his dad takes us to the rugby in a limmo.
Nic knows the driver but his mum never comes with us.
At the stadium we can drink unlimited cokes.
Nic has something hes going to tell us that he has been keeping a seecrit.
We ask him and beg him to at least tell us at school.
He is going to tell us behind the greenhouse that is next to the sandpit.
The sandpit is where the little kids play so its sort of a seecrit place to meet.
Nic says close our eyes.
He asks if we can see the wite lights.
Alex says yes and Nic says that he thought he would.
I say I can see them too but i dont get it - what wite lights?.
Nic says Heres how you charge them up.
He rubs his eyes and his elbows do big chicken wings.
I can see them - The white lights are brighter now because I charged them up.
I do what he did and and I can see some stuff now.
I didnt know what he meant before but now I can see them and I saw them before too but I just didnt know what he meant.
Alex can see them even more now too.
We can all see them.
This means we have special powers.
Cool what are they says Alex.
Yeah cool what power is it I say.
You have to practise and some people cant even do it says nic.
You can move things.
Nic closes his eyes and charges up the lites then he shoots his hand out.
Here we go he says.
We look across the grass area to the bball court.
It looks windy.
Im making that happen says nic.
Woah your moving the ball says alex.
And your making it windy I say.
Yeah I knew you would be able to see says nic.
I think your powers will probably be pretty strong.
The bell goes.
Practiss at home and as much as you can says nic.
I dont tell Ed or luke about the power on the way home.
Its a seecrit and its better if they dont know.
I have to practiss so I say goodbye and dont hang around when we get to the parc.
At home I try to charge up my eyes and open the gate with my powers.
When i open my eyes I think it might have moved a tiny bit.
A gate is big and I still have to practiss a lot.
What are you doing says my sister.
Its a seecrit I say and smile.
She says its stupid and she already knows what it is.
No you dont I say you cant its a seecrit.
I run away but only because I have to practiss more.
I move almost everything in the house a tiny bit.
Things can move a really tiny amount.
If I can just get lots of things to move a little bit then my powers will be trained up.
Alex will be training too and nic already has strong powers.
I have been hiding from nic and alex at lunch because I cant move things far yet.
Luckily i am fast so I can always get away when i need to.
We still sit together at the back when our class goes to the library.
Im glad when nic says he had to start small when he was practissing.
He says try this and takes a pencil and makes it so it points at the roof.
No charge he says and he closes his eyes and puts his nose close to the pencil and the pencil falls over.
I say yeah I did that one when I was practising at home.
Alex says show.
I put the pencil up and i close my eyes to focus my power.
I hope that i can get one of my tiny movements to happen or nic and alex will think that my powers are weak.
It takes ages but i hear it fall over and it falls all the way off the desk.
Woah I did not think i could make it move that much.
I smile tho.
Alex looks at nic and smiles and grabs the pencil so he can try.
It falls over before he can start and Nic laughs because he knocked it over as a joke.
Alex looks at nic and grabs the pencil again and sets it up.
I will charge my eyes up a bit he says in a funny voice.
Good idea we can help you says nic.
He closes his eyes and I say yeah we will help.
I probably dont need it but ok says alex.
My eyes are itchy from rubbing and I open them for a second.
I see nic push the pencil over and he looks at me as he does it.
Alex hears the pencil fall and opens his eyes.
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selchwife · 1 year
cant at all get over like how eurydice and emet never even got together. it's so funny. i kept changing their dynamic but im Sure about it now.
like, they knew each other as little kids. eury was hyth's close friend and emet was hyth's other close friend so eventually they were going to have to meet. emet was kind of intimidated by him i think bc i imagine emet as the most painfully shy meek rules-following stern little kid in the world, like the kind of five year old who lies awake in bed at night worrying about his 401k. whereas eurydice is loud and gregarious and like "what if we snuck away during the school trip to the library to go get ice cream? lol" like he just doesn't care about getting into trouble and is doing it constantly. at one point i think he pulls emet's hair and makes him cry bc he's trying to tease him. that's the kind of childhood dynamic they have. this is when emet develops his big dumb crush and it all goes downhill from here
they are also constantly arguing once they hit teen years i think. like big fucking blowout fights about nothing at all. this is your brain on puberty! and all that. emet starts developing that layer of like prickly antisocial behavior and snappishness that characterizes him once he's older and is transitioning from "shy" to "curmudgeon." eurydice, similarly, is transitioning from "female" to "male." emet wants to be free of his stupid crush now that they're teenagers and was kind of hoping figuring out he was gay would free him but of course eurydice had to be a guy. rip
i think there's a decent period after like Amaurotine Equivalent Of High School where they just don't see each other and then in their like mid-late 20s equivalent they start working together in the convocation. eurydice is like ok lol clearly emet actually for real hates me given like all of amaurotine high school and also how he acts now so i'm going to be PROFESSIONAL AND NORMAL (<- is already falling in love now that emet is a hot tsundere adult man) and emet is like NOT YOU AGAIN. GO AWAY. (is saying this bc he STILL HAS A FUCKING CRUSH ON EURYDICE FOR SOME REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP HIM)
then they do have one final big blowout fight over zodiark and during the final days eury dies thinking emet hated him 👍 and all these out of context emotions live somewhere in pfeil's brainstem now
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Accidentally walking in on you doing it with someone else
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Scenario: you were doing the deed with your favorite boy, no need to beat the bush there. The one difference here is that one of the other brothers catches you two in the act.
⚠️🚫This post mentions NSFW content, please minors dont interact with this post🚫⚠️
- he was just looking for you to talk about a proyect Diavolo had proposed to him earlier. Failing to find you in your room he suspected you were at Mammon's, there was no need for him to think otherwise. You two always seemed closed, specially lately.
- its was when he walked into the room of his brother and saw said brother's car moving back and forth even though it was parked in place.
- will just stand where he is at for thw next 5 seconds before slowly leaving the room with a very disturbed face
- lucifer has seen many things but this? This... he will take a good while to recover from. Just imagine being a dad and you walk into your kid doing it with their partner, it'd be gross! He has all the right to have that face right now
- goes from being the avatar of pride to the avatar of embarrasment, he is not ok after seeing that, not at all
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- searching for his partner in crime to test out a new plan of his, you werent in your room however so he had to start searching.
- after some walking around HoL he managed to hear your voice in the library, however it wasnt the typical tone he was used to hearing so much. In fact for a second he feared you were hurt, making him pick up his pace.
- he slammed open the doors only to find you and Satan... playing twister on one of the seats there.
- Satan and you were rightfully pissed yet embarrassed, however the individual who takes the trauma is Mammon! He, like the eldest, will just stand there, horrified for a few seconds, before finally reacting and getting mad at Satan for being this close to you
- watch as the siblings begin to argue over who should be with you and why, maybe while at it you and Satan should at least cover up (or at least you should cause i think Satan would br too pissed to bother)
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- a new episode of a show that he's been watching lately finally came out and he must rant his thoughts to you now
- its only when he is heading to your room that he notices something coming from the twin's room. But hey, a little quick peak wont do him harm right? Afterall, Beel and Belphie arent anything but a pair of chill boys :)
- boy was he wrong, in fact he was so wrong about what he thought he'd see that he lets out a short but hearable screech that you get to catch.
- will actually just dissapear into tin air when you and beel turn around to the door, worried about who could be dear anyways
- as Levi runs to hide in his room all kinds of thoughts pass by his mind, fear, embarrasment, jealousy, i think we all know he'd be upset that you didnt end up picking him as your partner but that isnt as important as the horrific view that he had access too
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- he was waiting for you at the main entrance so you two could head to the new cat cafe that was opened recently with Solomon
- seeing you not appearing in time like usual however made him concerned and a bit annoyed, there are cats to pet and live MC you cant juat waste his time like this!
- heading to checking at your room he heard your voice coming from Lucifer's office. Just what did you do to get in trouble? And why was it without him!?
- all previous thoughts are thrown at the window the moment he sees lucifer's naked butt with you going feral of his desk, he actually gags in disgust and runs out just as fast as he walked in
- its enough to catch yours and lucifer's attention to quickly stop and gets dressed.
- anyways, good luck with your cat adventure now cause the vibes wont be good between you and Satan
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- needed your help with a photoshoot of his later today, he just couldnt pick the outfits and if he took any longer then things would just get more complex later on. Come on MC he looks great in almost anything! He cant just choose by himself!!
- he was heading to your room when he sensed a familiar feeling coming from one of his older brother's room. Levi? Funny, he questions just what is he doing or watching and why is he having such a lovely time without him?! He wants to watch, even if its just some honry anime he's cool with it :))
- he opened the door with no shame and his jaw would dropped by what he saw, you on top of Levi in his bedtub following the fashion rules of nature... there being no rules of fashion because nature has no clothes
- being the avatar of lust he started teasing you both for doing the dirty together, he starts to also give critizism on what you two are doing leading to Levi getting angry and yelling at him to get out
- once kicked out of the room however Asmo starts to feel bad, not for pissing off Levi but because he jusy shouldnt have entered like that, to any room, that lustful feeling he felt left the moment you two noticed him enter the room, of course it would get akward
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-Was showering after quite the training session of today, he was also to busy thinking about what to eat to listen to the wild animal noises going on in his shared bedroom.
- funny enough he kind of just walks in but barely pays attention, like he knows its you two but also just doesnt care. As long as neither you or belphegor are hurt or such then he has no reason to worry.
- he'll say hi to you two and leave his stuff on his bed before leaving afterwards to get back on his own stuff. I know this is a repetive idea but it just makes sense that not a single thought goes through beel's head.
- he kind of works like a kid walking in such a scene thinking his parents are just playing twister only for years later realize the truth, but with the difference that, once again, we wont pay much attention to it anyways
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- oh the poor boy is about to see some things when planning to ask Asmo for some pillows for a prank him and Satan have been working on.
- instead he has caught you in the most bizarre of positions with the avatar of lust. Im sure we both know just how traumatized the cow boy might be by the sight.
- Asmo will notice, but not stop, instead he'll make you scream his name louder just for funsies and to make belphie more disturbed.
- sleep? Belphie needs no sleep? Avatar of sloth? Naaaaahhh he is the complete oposite now, he is doing just fine being awake and not sleeping. He is quite right now because he is planning on how not to sleep today, not because he is absolutely traumatized but because he just doesnt wanna sleep today🙂 he is good, stop asking and let him be🙂
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devilmayfamily · 2 years
School vs DMC Boys
Summary: Because the fall school season is closing in and some of you may have already moved into your college/university dorms, I present to you all, the DMC boys vs you having to leave for school
"You have to leave?!", Dante whines. "You leave all the time Dante", you reply. "For like, a few days", Dante counters.
He'd rather have you home and will fight with you about it until the day you go
Helps you pack even if it means your a step closer to going
"You can always come visit", you say. "Dont give me that kind of permission", Dante replies.
Actually. Dont. Mans will be there every day to check on you until someone or yourself tell him he has to stop and leave
Has tried to bargain with you
"How about we live together in (enter where your college is). We can get an apartment or do couples housing", Dante says. "Dante, you barely have enough money to pay rent here. Besides, couple housing is for married couples", you reply. Dante:*slowly gets on one knee* "DONT!"
Seeing you get into the van all packed up makes him proud and sad at the same time. He loves seeing you go after your dreams but hates he has to stay behind this time.
He pulls you in for one last hug. "Write me, call, anything", he says. "Was planning on it", you reply, hugging him just as tight as he was you. You give the devil hunter one last kiss before jumping into the van, Nico driving you off.
"You have to leave? Yes, I suppose that makes sense"
He keeps it in how much he's going to miss you
Helps you pack, always double checking things
"You're sure you have everything?", Vergil asks. "Im sure babe", you reply.
Has secretly packed you a William Blake book so you having something that reminds you of him
And some tea because he knows if he doesn't you'll waste so much money on coffee
"You could come visit", you tell him. "Visit? That does sound nice"
He visits once a month, taking you out for lunch or just sitting and reading with you in the surrounding parks or libraries
No one messed with you before, but now no one really messes with you after seeing that cold Vergil stare
Right before you have to leave, Vergil pulls you aside to say his own goodbye
"I will miss you my dear", Vergil says. “I’m going to miss you too Verg", you reply. You pull Vergil into a hug, tears brimming in his eyes. He clears his throat, trying to get rid of them. "I suppose you must start heading out", Vergil says. You sadly nod, looking back at the van. You give Vergil a kiss, running into the van before you cry in front of him.
"Crying Verg?", Dante asks. "No, just dust", Vergil replies, wiping at his eyes. Dante smiles, giving his brother a pat on the back. "You'll see them again"
He's like a kicked puppy like his uncle
Becomes super clingy in your last few days
"Nero, I have to pee" "But I only have these last few days to be by ur side!" "5 seconds Nero!!"
Sure it can be annoying but you wouldn't trade it for the world
He does come visit often but not as much as Dante would. Maybe once a week at least
Blue anthropomorphic wings has never scared college kids more in the their lives
"Nero you scared him", you chuckle. "He needed to get a run in today anyways"
On the day you have to leave, Nero is constantly going where you do; to the room, in the kitchen, on the couch, he's everywhere
After everyone has said goodbye to you, Nero pulls you in for a hug, blue wings also accounted for
"Im going to call every day", Nero says. "I know you will", you reply. "And we will have to talk for at least an hour", Nero adds. "And if we cant?", you ask. "We make up for it next time", he replied. You smile up at the goof. "I'll be back before you know it, dont worry", you say, ruffling Nero's hair. You both laugh as Nero attacks you in kisses before loading up into the van.
"Haha! You have to live in some crummy ol' dorm room!", Griffon squawked out. V held onto the birds beak, fighting the bird to shut up
Griffon is gonna make as many jokes as possible about you leaving. They wont cross any boundaries but they will make you roll your eyes at the bird
Shadow gives you extra loving on the coming days of you leaving
V is helping you pack (when you aren't laying under Shadow)
He packs you all kinds of tea when you're not looking
"Who's this in the picture y/n?", your roommate asks. "That's my boyfriend", you reply, smiling fondly at the photo sitting on your desk. You were able to get a photo of V just admiring the world around him.
You brought a few photos of V and you to have as decor. It didn't help that V was the first to sneak a photo in your suitcase
V comes by once a month to take you out and away from studying all the time. He understands it's important but so is your mental health (get some rest guys)
Everyone on campus is curious about your mysterious boyfriend but Griffon is good at keeping them in line
Speaking of Griffon, the bird can't not visit you
He jokes about you being away but he secretly misses you a lot too
He visits almost as much as Dante would
"Griffon, you can't be here", you scolded the bird. "Who said so? I'm just checking on you", he replied. "That's what you said yesterday", you reminded him. Griffon didn't answer, just snuggled up next to you.
Your poor roommate had to get accustomed to a giant bird coming in through the window almost every day very quickly.
On the day you had to go, all the familiars were out, hugging you and saying goodbye
Nightmare doesnt want to let you go but knows he has to
"Alright you three, they got to go", V says to his familiars. They whine but return to their master nonetheless. "We will miss you", V says, finally able to say his own goodbye. "I know you will", you reply. V pulls you in for a hug, one you know you'll miss. Reluctantly you let go of the man, getting one more kiss from him before jumping into the van. Griffon flies along side the van just to make sure you get there safe.
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
~ Stray Kids reaction to you moaning loudly ~
Warnings: SMUT, fem!reader, penetrative sex (stay safe~), sliiight exhibionism, riding, choking, nicknames(slut, princess, kitten...), other shit that i cant think of
Requested: ye boi, thank uuu 🧃 anon <3
Note: hahshahsh im laughing my ass off by seungmin doing the woah but also waving OW MY BELLY ALSO wtf this sucks aaaaa sowwyyy
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Sex in the studio was something new. You were riding Bangchan in the small studio. Papers, microphones and cords cluttered the space. When you bottomed out a loud moan escape your lips that caught Bangchan off guard. You were usually quiet in bed, only whimpering slightly but there was something extra thrilling about the possibility of getting caught by the staff that  made you almost yell when you came. Bangchan loooved this, your moans being music to his ears. He thought that someday he had to record it to use in a song  (or when he jerks off who am i fooling) 
“Such dirty noises from that pretty little mouth of yours.”
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Minho loved being friends with benefits with you but there was one slight thing that annoyed him and that was your silence. He was out on a mission called “make y/n scream in bed” and one day that actually happened. Your legs were on his broad shoulders as he railed into you, making you grip onto the sheets and moan loudly, borderline screaming. I just know that he’s hella cocky. Smirking and going even faster because he wants the whole neighbourhood to know how good he fucks you. 
“Louder you slut”
this gif is illegal istg
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This boy crazy when it comes to eating you out. Lying on your back with your legs spread, Changbin was sucking and nibbling on your clit making you moan loud. It wasn’t until he added two fingers into you as he kissed and twirled his tongue against your wet folds that you started screaming his name. His other hand was roaming on your thigh hightening the sensation. You grabbed his hair as you arched your back. He smiled briefly and proceeded to finger you faster bringing out a wild side in you. 
“You were never as innocent as I thought babygirl”
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Everything was peace and quiet before an erotic scene popped up on the TV. You awkwardly looked at Hyunjin who looked back at you just as awkwardly. Before you knew it you were being pounded by the cute boy, the sex almost resembling the one from the movie where the female charactar was moaning loudly, something you rarely did. Your legs were spread wide as Hyunjins dick entered into you at an immense pace, making you shake uncontrollably. It almost felt as if you lost control of your body and that ment loosing control of your moans as well. There no doubt in my mind that Hyunjin himself is a pretty loud boy in bed so the mix of your voices made everything better. After you both came you fell asleep in the living room, the TV still on. The next morning the both of you greeted the other boys that lived in the dorm. As you and Hyunjin walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast there was a moment of silence and then Bangchan started with “We’ve gotten a few noise complaints” 
“Guys must have heard wrong, right baby?”
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Currently adding reversed cowgirl to his library off things that get y/n off. He wouldn’t admit it but hearing and seeing you almost lose it because of how good you rode him made him even hornier. He held you by the waist and rubbed you up and down earning a shiver that descended down your spine. When you announced that you were close he wouldn’t let you cum since he wanted to hear more of those lewd noises, sending you into overdrive as you shook on top of him. 
“Who told you to stop?” 
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Startled as fuck. Since you were typically quiet in bed he though that he hurt you at first. He immediately stopped and asked you hurriedly “y/n! are you good baby?”. You furrowed your brows in desperation. “Why did you stooop?~” you whined back and then it made sense Felix that you were thoroughly enjoying it. He kept on fucking you into the matress, cupping and massaging your boobs whilst his the cold metal rings on his fingers were still on. 
“Alright, since you asked for it kitten”
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Your ass was on display for the handsome boy as he pounded into you from behind, grabbing and controlling your body by your hair. Your back arched as the bed squeaked. The feeling of being streched out by his thick cock as he treated you like nothing more than a toy made you unravel at his touch, moaning louder than ever. The louder you got, the quicker his thrusts were. You tried to muffle the moans by biting your swollen lips but to no avail.
“Don’t try to be quiet now y/n”
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CONFIDENCE BOOSTER for this pretty boy! He felt accomplished when he finally managed to get you to scream out his name in pleasure. You were lying on your side, on leg on his shoulder as Jeongin held onto it. When the moans got too loud he lightly wrapped a hand around your throat, pressing on the sides with his fingers to make you choke on your moans. After all, he didn’t want to get teased by the other members.
“Don’t get too loud princess”
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taegyuun · 4 years
biology class
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genre: fluff, acquaintances to lovers, highschool au
word count: 2.5k
pairing: jungwon x reader
requested? yes
notes: i hope you like this i really love college/school concepts and i was super excited to write this, also i had to search up topics for biology in highschool so if this seems too easy/hard for a bunch of 16 year olds y’know why. also yes i know in korea they have uniforms but for the sake of this they can wear their own clothes. I've been writing this all day, literally since the second i woke up until now which is 19:05 pm. I'm extremely proud of this so i hope you enjoy! texting is in bold.
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yang jungwon.
the campus’ ‘it boy’. everyone knew, loved, hated, or couldn’t decide whether they wanted to be him or with him. people definitely had mixed opinions on him but it was mainly the boys who gave him the glances of evil.
they were jealous.
the kid was known for being easy going, naturally sweet to everyone and academically smart. but one thing that did tick the boys off though, were his talents. sure, there were many boys and girls in school that were nice and pretty and smart but somehow, yang jungwon just had to have it all.
not only could he sing, he could dance too.
not only could he be sweet, he could turn and give the cold glare too.
he was the definition of a perfect boy... and that’s exactly how you got involved with him. let’s just say you were at the brink of being infatuated with him.
but how could you not be? even though you two barely spoke together, when you did - even if it was only about the topic of your class - you felt like he was genuinely interested in what you had to say and it never felt forced. you always felt like he cared; no matter how boring the subject you were talking about was. it had you hooked in a second.
unfortunately, jungwon was popular. infuriatingly popular. and with popularity, the swarm of love letters and beautiful fangirls and fanboys also showed up in the picture. the thoughts of dating him disappeared quicker than you could say, “hello!” to him. it disappointed you, yes. however, who were you to dwell on some highschool boy? sure, he's not exactly the type that you’d quickly forget about the second you graduate but he also never made a real impact on your life other than some minor crush.
well that was up until your biology class.
“y/n and... jungwon.” the sound of mrs. lim’s voice boomed through the filled classroom and knocked you back into reality at the sound of your name. you look up from your hands in confusion and then rendered what she said - you were paired with jungwon for your biology project... that was worth 65% of your grade.
you weren’t exactly worried about getting everything done on time - you knew he would definitely cooperate and do what he was meant to do, but what you were worried about was messing up in front of him. i mean, messing up in front of your crush is the worst second hand embarrassment, no matter how nice they are. you put your thoughts aside and looked around the classroom, trying to find the boy, only to find him already looking at you with a smile and a small wave. you wave back before looking down at your fingers, picking at the skin near your nails. oh boy, you were in for a ride.
as the bell rings, you start to pack your things away, only to be stopped by a finger tapping on your shoulder.
“hey!” you almost feel like you’re in one of the cheesy romcoms, feeling like you had to cover your eyes from how bright his smile was.
“hi jungwon, what’s up?”
“i was wondering how we’re gonna do the project?” you thought about all the possibilities and topics. you could do it at his house, your house, the library and you couldn’t wait to decide on the subject. a small smile appeared on your lips at the thought of working with him.
“uh, what about i’ll give you my number and then we can decide after school?” you words were slightly rushed, as you tried to escape his presence as quickly as possible and get to your next lesson - wanting to hide away from the chilling glares his fangirls were giving you - which you were soon to be late to. he then pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to you before pulling his bag over his shoulder and sending you a pretty smile,
“remember to text me.”
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you look at the piece of paper, a few numbers written on it in black ink. you dwell over the thought of having to text him first, but you knew if you didn’t, the project wasn’t going to get done. you thought over it a bit more and realised that your grades were far more important than some stupid crush. you pull out your phone and text a simple,
you: hi it y/n!
you put your phone down, expecting to have to wait a while for a reply and got back to picking at your food with your fork. instead, you're surprised to hear your phone vibrating on the wooden table, a notification with his name already on screen. you place down your utensil and look at the text.
jungwon: hey! so what do u want to do for the project? i think we should decide the topic first before figuring out where we want to do it 
you were glad that he was pretty straightforward and didn't beat around the bush, also that he genuinely wanted to get the project done and that it wasn't you doing all the work like the previous times you were partnered up with someone. 
you: what do u think about the musculoskeletal system 
jungwon: omg i was gonna say lets do smth to do with the skeletal system
jungwon: ok well then the topic is settled where do u wanna do it
you smile brightly at the easy agreement instead of having to scratch at your head for hours to get the other person to agree upon a topic.
you: i mean we can do it at mine if youre ok with that but the library is also an option
jungwon: yours it is then ;)
you look down at your phone in surprise at the “;)”, not expecting him to be so bold.
you: great! tmr after school?
jungwon: cant wait :)
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throughout the whole day at school, you kept glancing at the clock, anticipating the final bell to ring so you could meet your project partner at the school entrance and walk home with him. you shake your head at the thought, trying to remind yourself that it was just a project - nothing else. the loud sound of a bell ringing brings you out of your trance, as you excitedly hop out of your seat. “woah, y/n... what's got you in such a good mood? its only lunch, are you that hungry?” you turn around and see jungwon standing with a hand on his bag strap and a few other boys behind him. you lightly laugh and say, “oh I'm just excited to get started on the project... hi guys.” you wave slightly at the boys stood behind him and hear a chorus of “hi y/n!!” following and excited waves. 
“ill see you later, alright?” you slightly smile as you start to walk away. your eyes widen at the yelling and hooting behind you as you look over your shoulder and see the rest of the boys shouting and punching jungwon’s arms, one of them yelling out a, “you scored! she's a cute one!” 
you smile slightly to yourself and lift your head higher, walking towards the cafeteria.
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the final bell rings and you pack your things into your bag, sighing in delight at the thought of finally being able to leave the building. you walk out the class and instead of being able to walk straight out like usual, you see jungwon standing off to the side and gently waving at you. you raise a brow at him, but continuing to walk over anyway. “what are you doing here? i thought we were meeting at the entrance?” 
“i- um, i don't know i thought it be better if i waited for you here, you don't mind right?” he smirks knowingly, already aware of your small crush on him. he didn't find out through you, of course not. you were good at acting neutral around him - not even showing an ounce of adoration. however, one thing you weren't good at hiding, were your thoughts during your sleep. you two shared a free class together, and most of the time you spent it studying or sleeping. you didn't exactly say your thoughts loudly, but jungwon sat close enough to hear some of the things you had to say - him being a common topic of your dreams. he wasn't dumb, he could figure out that you liked him. but he also was a tad stupid - still not acting upon his already existing feelings and asking you out.
thankfully, you being his partner in the project boosted his confidence and had allowed him to create the ‘perfect’ plan of asking him to be your boyfriend. 
“i-uh, yeah! i don't mind. shall we go?” you say, slightly flustered. he nods in responses and mulls over what he was going to do. screw it. he grabs your hand and interlaces your fingers together, “so which way to yours?” your eyes widen at his action, looking at him with your mouth dropped open, before getting out a chocked, “uh, t-to the left.”
“lets get going then?” he starts walking and softly smiles down at you. you subconsciously squeeze his hand and smile back, walking hand in hand with him, steps oddly in sync. you hear a “hell yeah jungwon! get it!” and a loud, “ow!” followed after. you turn around and see jay holding his head in pain and sunghoon stood behind him with a smug smile on his face, throwing a thumbs up to both of you. you turn back around and look up at jungwon, seeing his cheeks tinted a light pink and a shy smile residing on his lips. you feel a soft tug at your hand followed by a clearing of his throat.
“come on, lets go.” you follow his step, hands still interlaced as you two walk in a comfortable silence, once in a while telling him which direction to go. 
“so what do you think we should start with?” you look up from the ground and see him looking at you, awaiting your response. “oh uhm, i think we should just start with getting all the info into notes and from that start making the project. i think we should leave the creative aspects like making it look nice and what not till the end because that doesn't really impact our grades so it isn't that important.” you feel his thumb rubbing you hand in soft circles and feel yourself getting warmer, completely forgetting his hand holding yours - it just felt so natural. he hums in agreement before speaking up once again. 
“I'm honestly so glad i got partnered with you, especially with this being such an important project. every time i had to work with other people who weren't my friends it felt like i either had to do all the work or scratch to the depths of my brain to get them to agree on a topic and on how we should make it work.”
“i totally get that!” your voice slightly raises in happiness at his words, “i feel the exact same way. every time i get partnered with someone, i always have to do all the work and it got so infuriating always having to credit them for something they never did or the bare minimum.” you take out the key from your pocket and twist it into the keyhole, opening the door and hearing the pat of your cats paws coming closer to the door. you both take your shoes off and walk to the kitchen, your cat following behind and waking in between your legs. 
“i didn't know you had a cat?” jungwon's voice forces you to look behind and find him to be crouching down and petting howl. “well, mr. yang, there's a lot you don't know about me, he's called howl by the way,”
“like howl from ‘howls moving castle’?” you smile brightly, happy that he got the refence. “yeah! i love that movie, its my comfort film,” you bring two glasses of water with you as you start to walk upstairs, jungwon following your steps. you both get to your room, opening the door wider to let him inside too. 
“huh? oh uh, ignore everything - its not the prettiest room,” you say, slightly embarrassed at all the posters and random clutters on your shelves, “no, no! i love it, it reminds me a lot of my own room. its very fitting to you, y/n.” he smiles at you and you simply smile back, handing him the glass of water and hearing a quiet, “thanks,” in response. 
“well, should we start?”
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“god! finally!” you both groan, falling back onto your soft bed, sighing at the ceiling. you two had been working since the second you got inside your room until the sun had set; your parents even managed to get back from work by the time you were only one third through your note gathering. you spread your arms on the bed, stretching as you did so. your hand then hits something soft and silky. you look to your left and see jungwon smiling brightly as your hand rests on top of is head. 
the whole time you two were working on the project, you both subconsciously stayed close to one another, as if you were just drawn to the other with an invisible force. even when you took a food break for 20 minutes and were sat opposite one another, your feet kept kicking the other, smiling and laughing quietly with warm cheeks. 
now you laid on your bed, your hand resting on top of his head and staying there with no complaints from the boy.
“i like your outfit,” you observed the comfortable fit he was wearing, oversized black hoodie with some blue text in the corner and loose fitting black trousers. jungwon looks down at what he was wearing before looking back up and smiling, eyes slowly opening and closing, “youre tired, aren't you?” he then opens his mouth, trying to deny your statement but gets cut off by a yawn. he blushes before softly nodding his head and getting more comfortable on your bed, unknowingly bringing you closer to him, eyes already closed. 
“take a nap, ill wake you up when it gets late.” he nods once again, barely conscious as he already falls into dreamland, arms wrapped tightly around you. you feel yourself heating up, both from his body heat and at his actions. you try hard as you possibly can to not squeal too loudly as you brush his hair away from his forehead and press a soft kiss in place. 
a tiny smile forms on his lips as you get more comfortable and start to drift away yourself. right before being sent away to your dreams, you felt a gentle kiss being pressed to your forehead in return. 
he may have not followed his ‘perfect plan’ of becoming your boyfriend but you both got 100% on the project... and a new found love.
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estrel · 4 years
Christmas, Early Mornings, and How to be Free
destiel december 2020 prompt: decorating | wc: ~1.3k
Dean often forgets that angels don’t sleep.
The soft knock at his door at—he checks his clock—four in the morning, however, serves as a gentle reminder.
He sits up, brushing off popcorn crumbs from his shirt, and blearily rubs his eyes. Dean hadn’t been sleeping, per se, but he was drunk and dog tired, eyes burning from staring at his TV for what must have been hours on end.
His door opens and light from the hallway streams in, bright like the white-hot burn of an angel being killed. Dean blinks once, twice, and there stands his own angel, a hand on the door knob.
“Sorry to wake you,” Cas mutters. “Ah, Jack and I were wondering if you were—if you wanted to help us with something.”
Dean looks at the clock again, more for show than to actually read the time, before redirecting his gaze back to Cas.
“It’s four in the morning, Cas.”
Cas shifts his weight. “I don’t—”
“You don’t sleep,” Dean finishes for him, already throwing the blanket off of himself. The wave of cool air over his calves where his sweats ride up make him shiver. He pulls the fabric down back over them and stands.
“Yeah, I know. And lucky for you, I barely do.” Dean comes to a stop in front of Cas. “What’s up?”
Cas pushes the door open and turns, leading the way for Dean to follow.
“Jack and I—we were discussing the bible,” Cas starts.
“As you do.”
“—And Jack was curious about how humans celebrate the birth of Christ.”
“Uh-huh.” They step through the kitchen and Dean eyes a half-eaten snack on the table. He quickly nicks it, gives it a once-over, and takes a bite. The taste of chocolate caramel nougat makes him let out a low groan of satisfaction.
Cas shoots him a glare over his shoulder. Dean shrugs.
“He told me you all celebrated it once,” Cas continues, “Along with some other holidays, though I can’t imagine how I managed to miss that. Anyway, he has friends in town that celebrate the christian Christmas, and now he’s got…um, ideas.”
Dean frowns. “What ideas?”
They round the corner into the library, where Dean’s confronted with several large boxes that are set on the nearest table. Scattered around them are various decorations like ornaments, tinsel, and what look to be Santa hats in a few different colors and patterns. Dean’s gaze pulls away from the mess to look at Jack, who has his arms elbow-deep into the box nearest to him. He smiles wide at Dean.
“You’re awake! Hey—is-is that…my candy bar?”
Dean looks down at the bar and stuffs what’s left of it in his mouth. He holds a finger up when Jack pouts, chewing until he can form words.
“Finders keepers, kid,” he swallows, “It’s a lesson you gotta learn while you’re still young. What are you doin’, anyway? What’s all this crap you’ve got out?”
Jack’s smile is back as he pulls out an ornament. “Christmas! I thought we’d decorate.”
Dean blinks at him. “Dude. Four in the morning.”
He hears Cas sigh and turns his attention to him instead. “I’m serious! You couldn’t have waited a couple more hours? And hey, wait a second—how come I’m up and Sam’s nowhere to be seen? This is, like, his usual wake up time.”
“It is,” Cas says, “He’s actually out on a jog right now, he said he’d be back to help with the baking.”
“The—” Dean runs a hand over his face, pressing briefly over his eyes to wake himself better. They’d already done Christmas this year, and all the other holidays, for that matter. Of course…
He opens his eyes.
Not with Cas.
Dean lets his arm drop back to his side and strides the few steps over to Jack, picking his favorite ornaments out of the box from when Mrs. Butters had first showed them to him. He hands a blue one over to Jack.
“Besides,” Jack studies the bulb, “We’re starting late. Christmas is only a week away, and I know people who start decorating in November!”
“We don’t even have the tree up yet,” Dean grumbles in feigned annoyance. “Hell, we don’t even have a tree.”
“Sure we do,” Jack says. He turns and points over at the table behind them. A small tree no more than 16 inches tall stands bare in the middle of the table.
Dean stares at it, eyes wandering over to Cas after a beat for an explanation. He’s standing on the other side of Jack, now, and catches Dean’s gaze.
“It’s fake,” Cas says, “We found it with the decorations. It’s…a substitute—at most—for now.”
Dean nods slowly. “Okay,” he accepts.
After that he finds the smallest bulbs that won’t take up too much space on the little thing, passing them to Cas who hands them to Jack to put on the tree. Working like clockwork, the tree is decorated sooner rather than later, and Dean straightens up in time to hear the front door open with a metal squeal.
Sam steps inside, closing the door behind him, and looks down at the three of them with a smile. He pulls an earbud out.
“Nice tree,” he says, clamoring down the stairs.
Dean, feeling strangely defensive, mutters, “Up yours,” and rifles through the box for something to fling at him. He comes up short, but Jack rids them of Sam as he bounds off to meet him in the kitchen, giddy to start on their baking as soon as possible.
Dean pulls out a Santa hat in the wake of it just being him and Cas in the room and, holding his breath, turns to place it on Cas’ head.
Cas stares as Dean slips it on, adjusting it here and there so it sits right, pulling away lest it becomes too...
Cas catches his arm before Dean can withdraw it.
“How...How come I get to wear the hat and you don’t?”
Dean chuckles, pulling lightly in an attempt to get out of Cas’ grip. Cas tightens his hold by a fraction.
“’Cause you look better in hats? I dunno,” Dean mumbles. He feels his heart racing, chances a glance over to the kitchen where he can hear Sam and Jack clanging baking supplies around while they set up to make the cookies. 
His eyes meet Cas’ again, dropping momentarily to look at his lips before Dean forces them to stay on Cas’ baby blues. 
“That’s not true,” Cas frowns, “You are very attractive for someone of your gender and age.”
Dean swallows hard, face warm. “Yeah?” His voice comes out higher than intended, so he clears his throat before speaking again. “Thanks.”
Cas lets go of his wrist, backing away a little. “You are welcome.”
They stare at each other, transfixed, and Dean thinks Cas looks more innocent with this hat on, more so than, say, that cowboy hat Dean had made him wear once. Almost silly enough for Dean to let his guard down, to lean forward, and—
Cas' breath ghosts over his cheek and chin in their newfound proximity, faces just a few inches apart.
Dean licks his lips, once, and closes the space between them. He presses his lips softly to Cas', trembling a little due to the action. It's chaste, and feels simultaneously like it lasts an eternity and only a few seconds—something Dean thinks only Cas is capable of doing.
And he knows, dazedly, that it's likely the latter, even if a lifetime was lived in this moment alone. Dean pulls back to stare at Cas like he just hung the stars rather than some simple plastic ornaments on a dingy fake Christmas tree, holding his breath as he gages Cas' reaction.
This close, Dean can see Cas' pupils blown wide. The angel has that look about him that Dean remembers seeing a long time ago, like a soldier with newfound freedom—unsure where to go or how to use it.
Dean licks his lips again, and though his hands are still shaking when he lifts them to cup Cas' face, he feels his mouth smooth into a smile.
He ducks his head to kiss Cas again. And again. And again, until they hear the shout that the cookies are ready, and Dean takes Cas' hand in his.
Freedom isn’t a length of rope, Dean thinks, but rather a red string, tying them together and guiding them home every time without fail. Maybe they could teach each other, this time—about Christmas, early mornings, and how to be free.
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@castiels-a-lamp @jellydeans @writtenmemxries @cestladean @randomblabbling @fluffiestlou @dreamnovak @weird-dorky-little-d @depressivedemonnightmaredean @jackleslongcon @friedchickenangelwings @galaxycastiel @destielle @dickspeightjrs @on-a-bender @organicpurplepants @casbelieves @samuelswinchester @spacegirlstuff @seffersonjtarship @winchester-novak @professorerudite @squintingg @holmesemrys @imnotrevealingmyname @festivemish @good-things-do-happen-dean@angxlsgrxce @casandeans @castielscrookedtrenchcoat @destiel-in-its-natural-habitat @gracelesschoice @superduckbatrebel @iheardyourprayer @top13zepptraxx @that-one-fandom-chick @scoobydean @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh @maxguevra @cursed-or-not @i-think-im-humanbut-cant-besure @fitinmypoems @madilineskingdom @awolfnamedaliac @castee-yel @tearsofgrace @credentiast @fivefeetfangirl @my-favourite-hellatus @gray-is-neutral @sunflower-vol-28 @ensignabby @ar-bi-trary
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