#anyway why are public bathrooms designed like that. why are they so......public. give me a door that isnt a foot off the ground plz
backseatloversz · 2 years
q for highschoolers. do u not feel gross sitting on the floor of a public bathroom and eating while someone uses the bathroom not 5 ft from you.
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miralunawritez · 9 months
Here are some dating hcs for Velvet and Veneer yall can eat up while I work on requests
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Absolutely PRAISES you
You ate today? Praise. You picked out an outfit? Praise. Posted on social media? PRAISEEEE.
Spoils the FUCK out of you
You own items from every designer brand you can think of. New iPhone model? Consider it bought.
100% blows up your phone with tiktok videos of weird millennials, cat videos, and edits of him
"Veneer, its been 30 minutes and you already sent me 68 videos?"
Definitely looks at your face to see if you're watching the videos he sent you
"Did you see the one of the cat?" "Baby theres like 46 videos of cats in here"
He wants everyone to know your his so you guys match everytime y'all go out together
Writes songs with you (______ by Veneer (ft. Y/N) or vice versa)
You guys have about 5 songs with both of yall in it
Clingy as shit
Anytime he gets he will cling to you, hugging you from behind while you do your makeup, holding your hand while you get dressed, arm around your shoulders while y'all walk around in public, etc.
Listens to all of your songs and is the first to hear your new ones
"This is amazing (Y/N)!" immediately added to his playlist
Posts you all over his socials, this boy is so proud of himself for having the privilege of being your boyfriend
"Look (Y/N), this picture of us got 4 million likes!"
Uses pet names like my love, my angel, baby, sweetheart, darling
"I love you so much my angel"
Cant stand up for himself for shit but will fight a bitch for you
"Veneer..its okay, all they said was they dont like me" you say as he finishes flaming the person
Like I said before, he plays the piano for you while you sing
He cherishes moments like this, being able to listen to your voice while he plays the music for you
Velvet (fem reader):
Spoils you HARD
You glance at it for a second? You have 3 of the same item now
Acts like she gets annoyed when you cling to her but she secretly loves it
She scoffs as you hug her but immediately pulls you back in once you let go
Unlike Veneer, she likes to keep y'alls relationship on the low (the people find out anyways)
"Velvet why dont you ever post pictures of us?" "Theres some weird people out there (Y/N)"
Once the people find out she posts you nonstop
"Which picture should I post? This one...orrrr..this one? Fuck it, I'm posting both"
Like Veneer, she loves to match so you guys match all the time
The people eat it up, loving every outfit you guys put together
Makes sure you are safe when at her shows
"Velvet, is this necessary?" you say as 4 bodyguards surround you
Writes songs about you and plays them for you before performing them
"Do you like it?" "Velvet I-" "Of course you do"
Not big on PDA but will cling to you when you guys are alone or just around Veneer
She will hold your hand in public though to make sure you are safe and dont leave her side
Gets jealous really easily
She HATES it when you give Veneer any over your attention, even if its just you passing him a makeup brush. She also gets really jealous when you are featured in other peoples songs and when you perform with other people.
She hated you at first, absolutely despised you
"I actually hated you when I first met you so I wouldn't test your limits if I were you"
Does your makeup for you and you do hers (matching, duh)
"Dont we look so cute?" she says as she holds you face against hers while looking in the mirror
When you guys performed together she kissed you at the end of the show
The crowd went absolutely wild, so did the paparazzi <3
Bonus hcs that I thought of and thought they were funny and wanted to add
Sits outside the bathroom door while you use the bathroom
Like deadass sits on the floor outside of the bathroom door (occasionally shoving his fingers under the door)
Ticklish as fuck
Shows you the dances him and velvet made up as kids
Favorite show is Family Guy
Never learned how to swim
Poor baby still has to use a ring floatie
You guys die of laughter while going through each others tiktok drafts
He has a few videos of him using the bold glamour filter in there
Has the windex bottle laugh (contagious as fuck, has you rolling on his bed and kicking your feet while laughing)
Really good at character impressions and faking accents
Lowkey athletic, he's really good at baseball
Velvet (fem reader):
You guys play fight A LOT
She initiates its every single time
She can pinch with her toes
Pinches your legs with her toes every chance she gets (leading to play fighting and wrestling)
SUPER goofy when yall are alone
This girl has you cracking up
Likes to do funny challenges with you
Doing each others makeup blind folded, trying to guess what the other person is saying while having music blasted in their ears, etc.
Looks you right in the eyes with a very serious face before charging at you and pinching you (with her fingers)
Has that demonic wheeze laugh (the one that sound like goose and it's contagious as fuck)
Her laughs have both of yall rolling, like face turning red, eyes watering, cant breathe, and smacking the closest thing to yall
Smacks you repeatedly when you lay on her hair, not stopping until you get up
You guys cant take anything seriously when yall are alone and its past 10:30 at night
Seriously, just looking at each other has y'all pissing y'alls pants from laughter
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soup-du-silence · 3 months
For fanfic asks:
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Where do you get your fic ideas?
brainfarts, mostly. Annoying little stones in my shoe I can't ignore. Small "why is this"s or "what if"s that turn into 14k words over the course of three months. Why DOES Jamil, who is made to humble himself and underperform for the sake of Kalim's ego, have such long, meticulously styled and decorated hair when Kalim's is so short and choppy and plain? What does that say about these characters? What's the story there? I've never been much for prompt writing or challenges or AUs, most of my stuff spirals from something in canon that catches my interest and doesn't let go. I'll jot down a few thoughts in a fresh doc and then get too attached to do anything but suffer over it until I think it's presentable.
Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
I don't!! Not usually anyway. Usually I'm hammering out stuff on my phone while hiding in the bathroom or learning center at work, or sitting front of the TV during one of our frequent household rewatches of youtube video essays, or in bed after sleeping in on my day off. I wish I could say i had designated "writing time" and I sit down at my laptop with my headset on and listen to my carefully curated writing playlists, but I just dont. who has the time?
Last time I did, though, I had just ripped the TWST soundtrack off the CDs into itunes. If you're like me and you're always playing TWST in public with your phone volume all the way down, it turns out the soundtrack is very nice! Give it a listen!
How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Nnnnnnnnnot as conscious as I should be???? Sometimes it's the point, like the hair thing in unraveled, but also a lot of times when it happens its a happy accident. i got this comment on unraveled:
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and i was like....👁️👁️ oh. yeah that is a thing that keeps happening, huh. Obviously the hair throughline is deliberate but the rest of it....that wasnt intentional! not consciously anyway ahahaha. The talk of the tiger is specifically meant to be read as "I know now if i keep pushing you, you might snap and hurt me again and that's fine but I dont want to give anyone a reason to take you from me" but that in conjunction with the butterfly? uuhhhh i didn't plan that.
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poppyseedoncaffeine · 2 years
it... fits
Lunar: Would never stab anyone. Sun: Would stab someone in retaliation. Moon: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Monty: Would stab without warning. Eclipse: Would stab as a warning.
Sun: Where is Monty? moon: I'll do you one better, who is Monty?? Lunar: Here's a better question, why is Monty?
moon, in a horrible German accent: Bill Nye is on break, I'm Bill Nein. Monty: Can I go to the bathroom? moon, in the same horrible German accent: Nein!
Lunar: When I was a kid, Eclipse told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year. Monty: They are! Lunar: FOR REAL? Monty: No! Why did you fall for it again?
Monty: You call it "really bad at darts", I call it "freestyle acupuncture." Bartender: ...I'm going to have to ask you to leave the bar.
Eclipse: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Eclipse: I gave my Brother a collar. Eclipse: *dog                                                                                                      Moon:... this is a verbal conversation.
Eclipse: *sees someone doing something stupid* Eclipse: What an idiot. Eclipse: *realizes it's Lunar* Eclipse: Wait, that's MY idiot!
Sun: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces. Sun: *waves their finger and sings like they're in a Disney Channel intro*
Sun: Hey, Monty, have you thought about having children? Monty: ... Monty: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it. Sun: But we're not childr- Monty, already distracted: LUNAR, PUT THE FIRE DOWN!
Monty: *on the phone* Just snap his kneecaps and he’ll talk, I’m at a parent teacher conference. Monty: Anyways, you said Lunar is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
Monty: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep? Moon: Yes? Monty: We’re in too deep.
Sun: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Moon, Lunar, & Eclipse: Okay. Sun: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Moon: Bold of you to assume I have money. Lunar: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Eclipse: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Monty: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to an unsuspecting public. Moon: The whole “childhood wonder” stage just blew right past you, didn’t it?
Sun: Isn’t a bit dangerous? Lunar: Sun, please. We’ve in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt. Sun: ... Lunar: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt. Sun: ... Lunar: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves in the way home.
Monty & Lunar: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire* Monty: We need an adult! Lunar: Monty, you are an adult! Monty: We need an adultier adult! Get Moon!
Monty, texting Moon: Roses are red, Tony Hawk is a skater… Moon′s phone, auto-replying: I’m driving right now–I’ll get back to you later. *Later* Moon, texting back: Fuck you.
Eclipse: Dammit, you ruin everything! Lunar: You're welcome.
Sun: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses. Moon: This knife is actually a magic wand. Lunar: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel. Eclipse: *cocks gun* Magic missile. Earth: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Sun, lying on the floor, depressed: I'll never be a cop. I'm gonna have to be a robber.
Moon: Why were you up yesterday until 3am? Lunar: How did you know I was up until 3am? Monty: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.
Monty: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into- Sun: You sleep with a stuffie. Monty: He’s my sECOND IN COMMAND IN MY ARMY OF DARKNESS
Moon: I haven't slept in seventy-three hours. Sun: Eighty. Democratically elected leader of insomnia. Monty: Bitch, it's been ninety for me. I'm going for an even one hundred. Earth: You guys are fucking terrifying.
Monty: You might not know this, Lunar, but I am a flawed person. Moon: I do know that.
Sun: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry? Lunar: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread* Moon: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife. Eclipse: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful. Monty: if you want information it is Lunar/Sun: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Sun: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Moon: Killed without hesitation.
Monty: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. Moon: And you came to me?
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justablah56 · 1 year
TJ anon once again: this is great because it's like writing a multi chapter fic but there's no plot and it's made for a readership of one person
Cass "Hey, if there's no security footage, there's no proof" Swift-Close-Foster-Freeman-Stampler is definitely a bit of a chaos gremlin. She and Lark once almost got arrested for public indecency when she got him to unbutton her shirt in a nightclub. Why? No one really bothered to ask, they were too busy trying to bargain with the police. One of them turned out to be Jodie's old work mates, who let them off.
You know what, this is going to be a clubbing themed ask. Disclaimer: I have never been clubbing. Legally, I cannot
The kiddads, Rebecca, Marco, and Cassandra have gotten kicked out of multiple clubs. At some point, they developed a system to create the wildest night possible, involving when you can start dancing on tables, and the best place to make friends for the night. The answer to the latter is the girls' bathroom. There is always a crying drunk girl in a bathroom, and Cassandra and Rebecca are very skilled at comforting and befriending them. Your boyfriend broke up with you? And he's here with his new girlfriend? Girl, you're so much better than him, we will buy you drinks and hype you up. We have 6 hot men who will dance with you and treat you like a goddamn celebrity for the entire night, let's show that fucker how much you don't need him. And if you're worried about them being weird, two of them are gay and all of them are respectful. Have some discount coupons for Swallows Ice Cream and a random makeover. We will turn a terrible night into one of the best for you.
Certain members of the group have been mistaken for erotic dancers on multiple occasions. No comment as to who. It does mean that they have more money for drinks though.
Cassandra and Nicky will be the ultimate gnc couple. Cass goes in a suit, but one of those more casual ones that have lowcut shirts and a deliberately loose tie. Nicky goes in a crop top and mini skirt with fishnets. They have switched outfits part way through the night without people noticing at least 7 times, because honestly, they would both wear each outfit.
Terry and Lark are usually the sober ones, as Lark is often the designated driver, and Terry just assigns himself designated drunk people wrangler. Since they're also the two who (at the time) are not in a committed romantic relationship, they carefully accumulated embarrassing moments for everyone's weddings, knowing that there was no sufficient retribution.
(Side headcanon that Terry and Lark go on platonic Valentine's dates every year in college/uni. They take lots of photos of Terry being cutesy and couple-y and Lark just being grumpy. Terry Jr always buys him sunflowers for the date, and although he'd never admit it, he keeps them for as long as possible. One year, TJ actually had a girlfriend on Valentine's Day, but he told her he was busy and still went on the date with Lark. She broke up with him after seeing the pictures of them together on social media, which, in retrospect, Terry Jr admits was completely fair)
hello again tj anon !! <3 also , this is great bcs I get soso many hcs and fun storylines that are vaguely connected , all written specifically for me to read and it's absolutely lovely <3333
anyways , the kiddads and co just being the most chaotic clubbers to ever exist <333 they commit enough crimes when they're sober , so it only makes sense they'd commit even more when drunk LMAO but them also just being like . that one story that a bunch of random girls have . just some club cryptids that find random sad girls and then proceed to be the nicest people ever and give them the night of their lives dbnsnsmsm also multiple of them being mistaken for strippers 😭😭 love that for them honestly <3 also glad to see Nicky is continuing Glenn's legacy of having the most gnc "straight" relationship to ever exist <333 them sharing outfits is everything , actually <3333 but lark and terry collecting everyone's embarrassing moments for weddings dbjsnssksk they are so silly <33 it's just the Lark and Terry dynamic !!!! they are the qpps of all time !!!!! and Terry ditching his gf of valentine's for lark 🥺 like yes that sucks for the gf , but Terry and Lark !!!! I love them !!!!!
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Curious as to why you would love to live in the converted drs office if u dont mind sharing
hello! i don't mind sharing at all. (the converted dr.'s office in question, for those who haven't seen it)
firstly, i am just tickled by the novelty of living privately in a building that is so obviously designed "for the public".
but specifically, "public use" buildings like this one have features that genuinely appeal to me, because they're designed as working spaces. in my current bedroom (and the rest of my house), i often feel like i don't really have a great work space --a lot of my art supplies and things like that have to be stored in a way that makes them somewhat inaccessible or invisible, and i don't have a nice big table, workbench, or countertop to sprawl over. the converted doctor's office building has that lovely office space with an enormous desk and cabinets (that could easily have their doors removed to make their contents visible). this 'house' would be great for someone like me who hopes to build a career that primarily involves work-from-home. built-in cabinetry and counters in most rooms, including bedrooms, appeals to me for other storage and functionality as well. the reception window in the waiting room provides a compromise between the breeziness of an open floor plan and the guidance of a wall, which i think contributes to good furniture placement and a really cool vibe as a social space. the checkered linoleum and low/no-pile carpet are intended to be durable and easy to clean, even under lots of foot traffic, and the drop ceilings, as well, are designed for ease of maintenance.
certain features of the building are not for the employees, but for the customers: the hydraulic self-closing door, the lit exit sign, the bathroom handrails. those features wouldn't be bad to have in a private home, either! the building also has its own parking lot. as someone who loves hosting guests for parties, this would be really convenient for me and my friends.
i will acknowledge the obvious lack in the bathrooms and kitchen. however, i don't think it would be too unreasonable to have a shower or two installed to make (at least one of) the restrooms into full bathrooms, and the kitchen is even easier to rig up with appliances that you can just plug in and use, like a portable cooktop (or multiple) and a toaster oven (or multiple) --and, of course, a refrigerator, which you often have to provide when you buy a regular house anyway. the sinks in the breakroom, exam rooms, and lab area are not huge, but they're definitely big enough to wash dishes in --possibly even laundry, although i would probably just take my clothes to the laundromat if it were impossible to hook up a washer and dryer in the building.
so those are my thoughts on the clinic-turned-house! thank you for asking. i was really excited to give a thorough answer!
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Voyager - Eight
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) x Original Female Character Characters: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku), Eri Davidson (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting (so much flirting), Teasing, Oda Nobunaga is a huge flirt and a huge tease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Slight Timeskip Near the End
Previous Chapter (Seven): A Special Event | Next Chapter (Nine): Visits (Coming Soon)
Chapter Masterlist
"Hello," the young merchant in the red kimono greets them. There is slight surprise in his gaze when his eyes alight on Eri, but he quickly covers it up with a smile. "Are you ladies interested in anything in particular?"
Eri is grateful for Haru by her side; the young maid begins cooing excitedly over the pretty hairpins laid out on the cloth in front of them. The merchant in red begins to show her different designs, and Eri works on schooling her face back into a polite mask as she steps to the side of the booth.
Read on AO3
Chapter Eight: A Familiar Face
“Does it ever bother you?”
He asks the question so quietly that it takes Valerie a moment to hear what he’s said and make sense of the words. “Bother me?” She asks, her voice just as low as his. “Does what bother me?”
“The way people stare.” 
“Oh,” she chuckles softly. “That.” She purses her lips thoughtfully. “Well, I can’t say that I like it,” she tells him. “But I guess in a strange way, I’ve gotten used to it. And people here are a lot more polite with their curiosity than some of the other places in the world I’ve been to.” 
“Really?” Shinichi leans forward, setting his mug down. “How so?”
“Oh,” she laughs. “Well… here, the curiosity is just that - curiosity. There’s nothing intrusive or threatening about it. People stare, yes, but usually when they think I can’t see them or when I actually can’t see them. And if they ask questions, it’s usually framed in a way that doesn’t sound offensive. But… well, I’ve been to some other countries where the people who live there aren’t used to seeing people of color.” She shakes her head at a memory that she’s been reminded of. “I once went to a smaller country in Eastern Europe a couple years ago. I felt a little like a zoo animal there - people openly stared, and some pointed. One day, during a guided tour of the downtown area in the capital city, a group of teens walked up to me without saying anything and took a photo of me. That same day, while I was waiting in line at a public restroom, a woman walked up behind me and put her hands in my hair.” 
“No way.” His eyes are as wide as saucers. 
“Yeah,” Valerie laughs. “It scared me badly, because I couldn’t see her coming. I guess that was kind of the point,” she adds contemplatively. “She probably never would have done it if I’d been able to see her coming. Anyway, I rounded on her, ready to give her a piece of my mind. But when I turned around to face her, she had the biggest smile on her face. It shocked me, because I realized that she genuinely hadn’t thought there was anything wrong with what she’d done.” Valerie shakes her head. “So I was at a loss for what to do. Not only was it obvious that she might not have understood why I was upset, but how could I tell her what I was feeling? I’d only learned some of the basics of the language - things most people learn when they visit another country.”
“So what did you do?”
“I just walked away,” she shrugs. “What I really wanted to do was scream and curse and punch her lights out, but I knew that would just land me in trouble. I waited until I got back to my hotel to use the bathroom.”
“It’s weird,” her boyfriend muses. “The fact that she thought there was nothing wrong with what she did.”
She considers his words. “I know,” she agrees. “It didn’t help that no one else around seemed willing to do anything. And maybe if it happened now, I would handle it differently. But my first instinct was to leave so I wouldn’t do something I’d regret, something that would land me in hot water in a foreign country.” 
Shinichi is looking at her contemplatively. 
“What?” She asks, suddenly self-conscious. 
“Nothing,” he smiles at her. “I was just thinking to myself how happy I am that I met you, and got to know you. It’s been enlightening, learning about your experience - not just here, but in other places. It makes me love you even more, knowing that you deal with these things and still manage to keep from being bitter or constantly negative about the people you meet.”
Eri can feel the eyes on her as she walks. Her basket is hanging over her forearm, heavy with the goods that she’s purchased. The stares are benign, much like the ones she’s used to from her time, but she can tell that the young handmaid walking beside her is  uncomfortable. 
Some things never change, Shinichi, she thinks with a smile. The people in the Sengoku period are also very polite about their curiosity. 
“Haru,” she starts, glancing down at the scrap of paper in her hand, “it looks like I’ve got everything on my list, and we’re ahead of schedule. Would you like to try and find that vendor you wanted to visit?” 
“That would be lovely,” Haru says, her eyes lighting up. “One of the other maids told me that I’d find it next to a stall with a yellow awning selling sweet buns.” 
“Hmm… I think we actually passed it some time ago, then,” Eri muses. “I remember seeing a yellow awning. Let’s backtrack and see if we can locate it again.”
Backtrack they do, and eventually they find the vendor Haruka is looking for. Eri stops in front of the stall, her mouth open and her eyes wide. 
“Hello,” the young merchant in the red kimono greets them. There is slight surprise in his gaze when his eyes alight on Eri, but he quickly covers it up with a smile. “Are you ladies interested in anything in particular?”
Eri is grateful for Haru by her side; the young maid begins cooing excitedly over the pretty hairpins laid out on the cloth in front of them. The merchant in red begins to show her different designs, and Eri works on schooling her face back into a polite mask as she steps to the side of the booth. 
“It’s you,” she says softly, loudly enough for only the man in front of her to hear. 
The bespectacled man in the green kimono looks at her for a moment. “The fabric stall?” He says loudly. “Ah, yes, I can show you where that is.” He turns to his partner. “Yuki, I’ll be back. I’m going to escort this lady to the fabric stall.”
“I’ll just be a few moments,” Eri addresses Haru, offering what she hopes is a reassuring smile. “Take as long as you like.”
The girl nods in excitement, and Eri and the young man walk away. When he’s sure that they are out of earshot of their companions, he speaks again. “I’m glad to see you’re safe.” 
“Same here,” Eri breathes. “I’ve been wondering what happened to you.” She looks over at him. “Are you alright?” 
“Yes,” he assures her. “And you? Where are you staying?” 
“You won’t believe this,” Eri laughs, with little humor. “The night I got here, I landed in the Honno-ji temple as it was going up in flames. Who should be there but the one and only Oda Nobunaga. He was lying on the floor unconscious, and I woke him up and helped him escape the fire.”
He’s looking at her, eyes wide. “You saved his life.”
She nods. “And for that, he’s given me the honor of being his ‘lucky charm.’ Which means he’s taken it upon himself to ensure my safety.” 
“So you’re living in Azuchi castle.” 
“Yeah,” she nods again. “The official title that I hold there is chatelaine,” she explains. “But truth be told, a chatelaine doesn’t actually do much. So I’ve been filling my days with reading, practicing writing with a brush and ink, horseback riding lessons, learning to sew, and other time-killing activities.”
“Sounds like fun,” he laughs. “I’m Sasuke, by the way.”
“Davidson Valerie. But you can call me Eri.” She raises her eyebrow. “Sasuke...” She repeats his name. “Just Sasuke?”
“Sarutobi Sasuke, but my surname really doesn’t matter much.” He shrugs. “The people here that know me - including my employer - know me only as Sasuke. It’s a way to keep myself shrouded in mystery, as Uesugi Kenshin’s most skilled ninja.” 
She stares at him. “You’re kidding.”
Sasuke shakes his head. “If only I were.” His serious eyes search her face. “So you landed here the night that Nobunaga was supposed to die at Honno-ji,” he muses. “I wonder why there was such a huge gap in between when I arrived and when you did. Four years is a long time.”
“Four years?” Eri feels like her brain is going to explode. “Please tell me you haven’t been here that long.”
Even if he didn’t shake his head solemnly, the look on his face tells Eri that he’s not lying to her. “That’s awful,” she breathes. “How have you survived here for that long? How’d you become a ninja? Do you have any idea what happened?”
Sasuke hesitates before answering, casually casting a glance around them as though checking out the stalls nearby. “We have an audience,” he says quietly. 
Eri realizes that he means there are a few people staring. “That’s okay,” she laughs lightly. “I’m kind of used to that.”
“And that makes me kind of sad. Nevertheless,” Sasuke says thoughtfully, “we should end this conversation here. I’ll tell you what I know,” he goes on, “but it will have to wait until later.” He pauses. “You’re staying inside of Azuchi castle, right?”
She nods in the affirmative. 
“Which way does your window face?”
“Umm…” Eri isn’t the best with directions, so she has to stop and think for a moment. “East, I think. If it helps, I can see a river from the window. And the sun is often shining directly into my room when I wake up. So… yeah. East.”
Sasuke nods. “I’ll come and find you tonight.” 
“How will you get into the castle?” 
He flashes her a smile. “I’m a ninja, remember?”
“Lady Eri,” Haru beams, as they approach the castle gates. “I got this for you.” She turns to Eri, holding a piece of tissue paper in her hand. There appears to be something wrapped in the paper. 
Eri accepts it, questions in her eyes. “For me?”
The young maid nods enthusiastically. “I hope you like it,” she says, as Eri unwraps the parcel. Inside is a gorgeous hairpin, stunning silver encrusted with emerald jewels. 
“It’s beautiful,” Eri breathes sincerely. “But Haru, I feel awful that you’ve spent your money on this. It can’t have been cheap.”
“Don’t worry,” Haru laughs sheepishly. “The stones aren’t real emeralds, they only look like them. Besides, I was planning on getting you one anyway. And then the nice vendor told me that he would give me two for the price of one, since I couldn’t make up my mind which one I wanted. So I got one for you, and I got a matching one for me. Only the stones in mine are blue,” she adds. 
“That was very kind of you,” Eri manages, touched by the girl’s gesture. “I love it. In fact,” she adds with a smile, “I think I’ll pin my hair up for tea at Yasuke-San’s and put this in it.” 
This seems to please the young lady, and she beams back at Eri. “I bet it will be really pretty!”
She is on her way out to meet Yasuke-San’s servant at the castle gates when she almost runs head first - literally - into Nobunaga as she’s rounding a corner. 
“Oda-Sama,” she says, bowing slightly when she has regained her balance. 
“Valerie.” He pauses for a moment, eyeing her thoughtfully. “What a beautiful hairpin.”
“Thank you.” She feels her face flush slightly. “I usually don’t wear decorative pieces like this,” she says. She isn’t sure why she feels the need to explain herself to him. “But Haruka - my handmaid - was kind enough to buy it for me without my knowledge when we went to the stalls in town today. I thought it might be a nice touch for tea with Yasuke-San and his family.” 
“Ah.” Nobunaga nods in understanding. “So that is where you’re going.” He pauses. “What a pity. I was coming to see perhaps if you wanted to entertain me with a game of Go.” His face clouds over briefly. “I’ve just come from a war council, and I could use a good distraction.” 
The words surprise her. “You were coming to summon me yourself? Don’t you usually send one of the servants to do that?”
“Occasionally, I do come and find what - and who - I’m looking for myself.” He seems amused. 
“My apologies,” she says. “As I’ve said, I’ve accepted an invitation to tea at Yasuke-San’s estate.”
“So you have.” 
They stand there for a moment, and Eri gets the strange feeling that there is something else Nobunaga wants to say. 
“Well, then,” she finally says, offering him another slight bow. “I should be going - Yasuke-San’s steward is waiting outside for me.” 
Nobunaga steps aside to let her pass. She is halfway down the hallway when he speaks again. “Perhaps,” he says, his voice uncharacteristically quiet, “if you aren’t too tired when you return, you might be inclined to join me then.” 
He doesn’t wait for her to answer before he walks on. 
“What?” She asks, suddenly self-conscious. 
"Nothing,” he smiles at her. “I was just thinking to myself how happy I am that I met you, and got to know you. It’s been enlightening, learning about your experience - not just here, but in other places. It makes me love you even more, knowing that you deal with these things and still manage to keep from being bitter or constantly negative about the people you meet.” He flashes her a teasing smile. “If I want to know something about you, all I have to do is ask, and not resort to rude, socially inappropriate measures.”
This makes her giggle. “You wouldn’t anyway. You’re too nice for that.”
“You never know,” he laughs. “I mean, you did catch me staring at you the first time we met.”
“I just figured you couldn’t take your eyes off this radiance,” she teases. It makes them both laugh.
“But… I’m glad I met you, too, Shinichi,” Valerie tells him earnestly, her mouth turning up into a soft smile. 
“Even though I’m painfully ordinary?” He laughs. 
“Hmm.” She taps a finger on her chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “If, by ‘painfully ordinary’, you mean kind, gentle, extremely intelligent, hard-working, adventurous, and completely and utterly lovable, then… yes, I suppose you are.” 
Her words seem to leave him speechless. 
“Shinichi,” she starts, reaching across the table to hold his hand in hers. “You fill my heart to the brim. I think you underestimate just how appealing life with you is.”
Having regained his voice, he laughs. “Well, I don’t know. Don’t people usually like excitement in their love lives?” 
“What’s exciting,” Valerie counters, “is the fact that I get to be with you. I don’t need a turbulent romance to appreciate what I’ve got. These simple things—” she motions to the cafe around him, “—these are what I want. Time spent with you, each little moment like a brick that’s building a solid foundation for our future together. If you’re thinking that excitement means you have to change who you are or that we have to have drama in our relationship,” she continues, “then I would rather not have any excitement at all.” 
“You mean that,” he says. 
It’s not a question, but Valerie answers it anyway. 
“Of course I mean it.” 
Previous Chapter (Seven): A Special Event | Next Chapter (Nine): Visits (Coming Soon)
Chapter Masterlist
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cosmic-jet · 1 year
So today at work, one of our mechanical design engineers (age 25) came back from her concussion leave. She said that she had no furniture after moving, that her and her partner had bought a condo and moved out of her partner's parents' place. She seemed really happy. They had been saving for a down payment while living there, and now they had their own place.
I remember thinking how nice that sounded. To be lucky enough to 1) have family that you can live with rent-free and be able to purchase property without the 20% surcharge that comes with being a non-resident. 2) To have been able to establish something long-term with someone and be able to live alongside someone. I assume she feels supported in a lot of ways. I assume she also has her own struggles. We'll call her Mary - her name is much cooler than that.
This week, I found out that I have potholes in my knee cartilage - that's why I've been in pain for the last 2 years and had severely limited mobility and constant pain for the last year. I found out I would never be able to do the things that bring me the most joy (dancing) or try things I've always had an interest in - volleyball. I'll never know if i could've been a great runner, or how much weight I can squat, or hike long distances, or anything really. We rely on our knees for so much. Hell, I can't even clean my own bathroom or take the stairs. I said a few okays to the doctor, and that was it. I was left to think about it but otherwise return to my workday like all was normal - when in reality, I had just been told that I would be living in chronic, degenerative pain that would continue to progress until I die.
I don't know if I've publicly posted anything about him, but I recently met this guy named Eli. Most people don't know, but I've had to put myself in uncomfortable, embarrassing situations in an effort to find someone. I've worked really hard on myself, but I still deal with so much rejection, being stood up, being lied to, being treated as less than, and barely getting any matches on dating apps even though technically speaking, a 23 y/o woman should have no issues landing someone (I know it's because I'm black, but that doesn't make it suck any less). I had to turn to dating apps because I don't get anywhere with it otherwise. I'm never ever approached in public. (Actually that's a lie, 2 months ago a 55+ y/o heavily drunk black man tried to harrass me into going to his house with him at 11 p.m on the skytrain platform - I guess thats the only person the universe thinks I'm good enough for?)
Anyway, I met Eli. He's kind and reassuring, he gives me the best cuddles and he brings me flowers, he tells me how much he likes me and he always wants to see me and go on dates with me. He's kind, and he's driven. And he quite literally felt like my prince charming. I thought, "wow, I never thought something so romantically positive would happen to me" and I've been on cloud 9 since late February. Today, he told me that he's been forced to go to Virginia for work (6 months). I don't know whether this is true or not, but he seemed distraught telling me about it, so I'm inclined to believe that it is.
So I guess for some 25 y/o, they just closed on a place with their partner and successfully recovered from their concussion after doing something sporty. For others, they're on a work visa, have arthritis, and still haven't been able to find their first boyfriend.
0 notes
sukirichi · 4 years
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request: SWIMSUIT SHOPPING WITH JJK CHARACTERS — (yuuji, megumi, and gojo satoru ver!)
notes: i’ve reached a point in hell of no return, help 😩 anon knows exactly what she’s talking about and i’d be more than honoured to add on to this concept
warnings: nsfw content such as public sex, overstimulation, degradation, manhandling, oral sex (f and m receiving), road head, and slight cumplay (nsfw under the cut!) + this is unedited/not proofread,
(all minor characters are aged up)
masterlist ! requests are open
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he’s a pretty innocent boy
in a way that he’s not always dirty minded instead of him totally being...well, inexperienced
so when you ask him if he can come with you pick a swimsuit, he happily agrees
he loves going shopping with you and is extremely patient even if you take half an hour in just one shop
he’d happily carry your bags for you
seriously, this man is so low maintenance, he’s not going to ask for anything else or whine that you’re taking too long or that he’s hungry
he’s REALLY really patient and supportive of you
and even though he’s not an expert in women’s fashion, he’ll honestly give his opinions if he thinks a dress or shoe looks good on you or no
he might also remind you just how convenient your outfit would be on the event you plan to use it t
but this time, it’s a different case because you’re buying a swimsuit
now, yuuji’s seen you naked before so it’s nothing new to him anymore, but the moment he walks inside the swimsuit shop with all types of frilly bras and colorful pieces, he’ll immediately duck his head down in respect
he’s pretty fidgety the whole time
if you bring up a certain red polka dot bikini in front of your clothed body, tilting your head to the side innocently to ask, “how about this?”
yuuji’s brain will fry right then and there
he can imagine just how great you’d look in it, but he doesn’t want to be rude or too obvious so he’ll just nod and go,
“yeah, babe, that’d look great on you!”
he’s pretty silent the whole time, but really, all the blood’s rushed to his cock already
the whole drive back, yuuji is already so sensitive and clenching his jaw with his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel while you sit next to him, hiding your smirk
you almost want to laugh at how flustered he is, but he’s trying his best not to show it
but you’re not that bad, and so you ask him to pull over because the tent in his pants looks so uncomfortable and you doubt he’ll be patient enough to jack off in the bathroom when you both go back home
he’s confused at first, glancing over you with worry
“why, what’s wrong? did you want to go somewhere else?”
“no,” you laugh, pushing your hair back into a makeshift ponytail
and THAT has yuuji driving recklessly and swerving real fast and furious style because he knows what’s about to happen next
despite his eagerness, he’s still concerned about you, breathing heavily as you lean over your seats and start to unzip his pants
“a-are you sure about this? you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,”
poor baby is already shaking the moment your nails rake over his thigh, your breath just ghosting over his clothed erection which is already damp with pre-cum
this makes you hum in agreement because yes of course you’re sure
you had a feeling yuuji would be turned on with this little escapade anyway, but you didn’t think he’d be this needy already
now it’s time for you to relax your throat and prepare yourself because yuuji is THICK
safe to say, all your arrogance is gone the moment you choke on his length, his big hands helping you keep the hair away from your face
meanwhile, yuuji is messily thrusting his hips up to your mouth, enjoying the way you just feel so warm around him
“f-fuck, baby, feels so good. i can imagine you already in that flimsy material, you’d be so pe-perfect, fuuckk.”
your chest swells with pride, always having been weak when it comes to his praising
once he reaches his high and paints your face white, yuuji lazily pulls you closer to him to kiss you, moaning when he tastes himself on your lips
you only giggle at how romantic he is even when your hands are still stroking his softening cock, and yuuji shudders a bit at the gesture
because he’s been such a great and supportive boyfriend today, you swipe at the cum near your lips, which makes yuuji’s eyes darken when you collect it with the tip of your tongue
then, as innocently as you could bat your eyelashes at him, you grin,
“would you like to see me wear it tonight? just for you?”
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“gumi, can you come shopping with me tonight? there’s a pool party this weekend with my friends and i need a new swimsuit.”
he wants to say yes because duh
but he also wants to say no because he’d rather not walk around in public with a raging erection
and we all know megumi is big, like come on, he’s toji’s son
like yuuji, i don’t think megumi is that perverted either, but he’s still a teenage boy with raging hormones
he may have more control over himself than yuuji, but he knows his limits
a swimsuit is honestly so innocent — it’s not even half as tempting as when you surprised him with a white lingerie set (which resulted you two in not getting out of bed the whole weekend lmao) so he wonders why the hell he’s so nervous
eventually he convinces himself that going with your girlfriend while she shops for a swimsuit isn’t anything new and it’s just a “normal couple thing” so bedgrudingly, he sighs and agrees
which he immediately regrets the moment you head straight for the skirtinis
there’s so much to choose from, and his eyes widen at the absurdity of how there’s so many designs and patterns
i feel leki megumi is a cheapskate, so he’ll be more focused first on criticizing the price tags before looking at you
“25 dollars for this...thing?”
he’ll shake his head in disapproval, but then straighten up when he sees you frown
“i think it looks cute. don’t you like it?”
you push up a frilly pink skirtini, the shade a soft pastel one that just looks so innocent and cute on you
it doesn’t help that you’re gazing up at him under your lashes either, a small pout on those kissable lips
he admits it does look cute, even cuter because you’re the one wearing it, but he still doesn’t like the price lmao
or at least...not until he’s seen you wearing it
once you’ve both gotten home, megumi heads straight to the kitchen because he’s been so parched (he won’t tell you that he’s been subconsciously swallowing his saliva the whole time, showing him material by material until it all gets suspiciously thinner and more revealing)
he doesn’t like limiting you or telling you what to wear, either, so he just follows you like a lost puppy, careful to note stare too much at anything to not make anyone uncomfortable
but then he goes back to your shared room, just about ready to call it a day since you sure did take your sweet time, and he sees you strutting in your underwear in front of the mirror
megumi freezes at the door like a lagging npc LMAO
you smile, turning to him as if he hadn’t just caught you checking yourself out, which he doesn’t blame you for because you look absolutely stunning in it
the skirt just hides the supple flesh of your thighs, but really, he’s more stunned at how your ass looks so perky in that skintight material
megumi looks away, flushed, running a hand through his hair because he’s too much of a gentleman to outright say he finds you so sexy in fear it would sound weird
but you take his sudden aversion something else, and you wrap your arms around yourself a little consciously, voice turning small
“does it look bad on me?”
he immediately picks up on how small you’ve made yourself, his eyes snapping to yours
“no, you look amazing! why would you think that?”
you pout, “you suddenly looked away. it felt like you don’t really like it.”
at this point, megumi is such a blushing, stuttering mess, approaching you carefully with his words stll stumbling over one another
“that’s not true,” he sighs, rubbing his hands on your bare arms, finally letting himself loose and shamelessly staring at how your breasts are just right under him, waiting to be touched
the tension in the room begins to thicken, and you shiver when his hands trail down your hip before squeezing the flesh almost possessively
“beautiful,” he’d murmur almost absentmindedly, and by the time you’re practically melting in the heat of his gaze, megumi just goes ‘fuck it’ and straight out kisses you
he’s gentle though
he knows you felt insecure and so he wants to take his time with you, touching you in places he knows you liked, curling his fingers in just the right spot that has you seeing stars
he doesn’t do anything that would make your body shake, but it still feels good — a lot more like lovemaking
and it is
he wants you to know he loves you and that you’re the most beautiful being ever in his eyes
megumi will kiss you starting from your calves and up to your belly, where he hovers for a minute before changing his mind and diving back down to where you want him the most
small, kitten licks in your core that has you dripping in his tongue, your hands fisting his hair
megumi doesn’t stop telling you how pretty you look just like that, loosing yourself in the pleasure he’s giving you
he doesn’t neglect your breasts; one of his hands reaching up to softly pinch the beaded nipples which has you riding and humping his face even more
megumi buries his face in your heat in that moment, his nose bumping your clit every now and then, and you feel so beautiful with how he can’t seem to get enough of you
he knows this just by the way you clamp down on his tongue, sweet juices coating his lips and he drinks it all like a starved man
“cum for me, sweet girl,” he coaxes, his thumb pushing your lips open as he watches you come undone for him
“that’s right — fuck — you’re so gorgeous, so perfect, just mine.”
and just when you think he’s had enough, megumi only flips you until your core is right on top of his face, his large hands merciless as he pushes your hips forward and backward on his tongue
similar to before, you and megumi stay in bed all day long with him going round per round, never getting tired of making you feel good until you’re just laying spent on your bed, juices flowing out of your abused core
you push megumi away when his fingers slide in your inner thigh
but no he’s not quite done with you yet
“no,” he growls softly, pushing your hands away and pinning you under his weight. “i’m not stopping until you finally see yourself the way i see you. so divine, so ethereal.”
your body is something he’ll never get tired of worshipping
you’re hella tired
but hey who are you to complain
you only wish megumi hadn’t ruined your swimsuit with your cum, but after a promise that he’ll jsut get you another one, you lose yourself to another mind blowing orgasm
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let’s be real here
you know EXACTLY what you’re asking for the moment you dragged him into a swimsuit shop
you don’t even bother asking him if he wants to go anymore because gojo being gojo, he’ll be whiny about it, saying you could just surprise him the moment you get home
to which you roll your eyes and say, “this isn’t for you, gojo.”
hah, but anything that is yours is his, and your body is definitely his
gojo is nothing but bored
he wants to go home already and just fuck you already, and he’s getting on your nerves so you threaten that you’re not letting him touch you for a whole week if he doesn’t shut up and accompany you for once
it’s not that gojo is mean and unsupportive of you, he’s just so horny in that moment he can’t think straight
but he also really, really likes touching you so the big man just pouts and crosses his arms
sighing loudly and rather dramatically
it only takes a few seconds before gojo straightens up, peeking under his blindfold when you pick up a plain black bikini with the top knotted behind your neck
it’s not really your style though, so you’re about to move to another design when gojo whines
“wait, why not that one? it would look great on you.”
ofc you know i’ll look great on you, but it’s not your favorite, and it’s fun to tease gojo so you shrug nonchalantly, picking up a dark blue legsuit instead
gojo absolutely LOSES it
man takes off his blindfold just to glare at the material as if it offended him
“babe, what the fuck is that?”
“it’s a legsuit, perfect for scuba diving. plus, it protects my skin from the sun. i wouldn’t want a sunburn.”
the way gojo laughs is so cocky you consider choking him with the suit
“that’s what you have me for?” he points to himself incredulously, “i’ll put the sunblock all over your body babe, you don��t even have to worry about that.”
“please. i’d already be stripped down to my birthday suit before you even get to open the bottle,” you scoff, muttering under your breath, “damn fucking horny guy can’t keep his thing inside his pants.”
however, this doesn’t faze gojo
“and what’s so wrong with finding my girlfriend so sexy and hot i want to fuck her all the time?”
honestly what the hell were you thinking, assuming that you’d one-up gojo when this man would always be superior when it comes to being dirty LMAO he is just so shameless
but whatever, you ignore him, heading to the checkout with a self-assured smile
gojo trails behind you, his anger radiating off of him so strongly you can feel it
“y/n, you can’t even swim. don’t fuck with me and say you’re buying that to ‘scuba dive.’”
“what, so i can’t learn now?”
“just buy the black bikini. it looks great on you.”
“i told you already, i’m not buying that and wearing it for you. i only dragged you here because i need someone to carry my bags.”
you know what happens to brats?
they get punished.
and that’s exactly what happens
gojo grabs your wrist rather roughly back to where you’ve left the black bikini, and not only does he shove it to your chest, commanding you to wear it, but he also shoves you in the nearest dressing cubicle
next thing you know, gojo has his palm over your mouth as he pounds into you from behind, absolutely railing you to the point tears are flowing down your cheeks
“look at you — not so bratty now, are we? you’re just a slut for my cock, aren’t you, sweet girl?”
gojo lifts one of your legs up in the crook of his arm, forcing you to look at the way your pussy greedily sucks him in in front of the mirror
you’re so wet that the squelching of your pussy, along with the slapping of skin, resonates in the cramped space
you reach behind gojo and move away from his hand, gasping breathily while your breasts bounce
“gojo, ah, shit — we might get caught.”
“do i look like i give a fuck, baby?”
no, he doesn’t. and he proves this by pushing you down by the back until your cheek is squished against the mirror, your ass pressed against his pubic bone
with the way gojo’s hips are angled and his long cock is hitting places only he can reach, you no longer care about people finding you in this position
your mouth is open, eyes rolling at the back of your head and drool even begins to slide from your lips
this makes gojo laugh, two of his fingers rubbing against where you two are connected to gather your wetness before shoving it into your mouth
“shut the fuck up, you slut.”
gojo’s large hands then comes up to grab and squeeze your hips roughly; you think he’ll leave bruises there or marks in the shape of fingers
he’s basically using you as his fucktoy now, paying no mind to how you’re crying from how he’s hitting in so deep and fast
your body just transcends into a different dimension
you’re fucked out, crying and begging for him to go slower
“gojo — baby — p-please, a little more gentle, ah, fuck.”
“what was that?” he teases, bending forwards to nip at your ear. the sudden shift in angles has the tip of his cock kissing your cervix, and you immediately clench around his cock.
gojo taps your lips when your eyes shut close from the exhaustion, barely able to comprehend anything else other than the familiar coil deep in your belly
“i couldn’t hear you, princess. speak louder.”
“slower, please,” you beg, placing your sweaty palms flat on the mirror in an attempt to hold onto something. “too much, satoru, t’much.”
poor you, his baby looks so tired and fucked out
with a sarcastic sigh, he kisses the pads of your shoulders, then bites the knot of your black bikini until the material falls to the ground
your breasts are now free from its confines, and his rough hands reach to fondle them
you expect him to grip it possessively like how he always does, but instead, he massages them with tender care, whispering sweet nothings in your ear
one of his hands reach over to where your hands are, looping it through your fingers while his thrust slows down
he forms a tantalizing pace of hitting deep before pulling out in a such slow, torturous fashion then slamming back in until he bottoms out in one thrust
it’s dirty, lewd, and still very much wrong — but it feels so right and it’s rare that gojo ever listens to you so you find it romantic
gojo isn’t the least bit apologetic when you’re both kicked out from the shop
because in the end, he won, and he holds your shopping bag with the cum-stained black bikini proudly all the way back to his car
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starryhyuck · 4 years
just like magic. (m)
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pairing: fuckboy!jaehyun x fuckgirl!reader
words: 4k+
summary: jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: multiple sex partners, public sex, sex on the roof, multiple orgasms, degradation, wall sex, creampie
Your head rests on the bathroom mirror, inhaling and exhaling loudly as Mingyu finds a wipe to clean you up.
“Ugh. I can’t believe we did it in Bambam’s gross bathroom.”
Mingyu chuckles, the deep sound echoing in the small space. “Please. Don’t act like you’re so disgusted now.” You roll your eyes at his comment while he cleans the cum smeared on the inside of your thighs. “Besides, it’s not like you were having fun at the party anyways.”
You shrug and jump down from the sink, straightening out your skirt and trying to look somewhat presentable.
“True,” you murmur, fixing your hair in the mirror. “Jungkook couldn’t come tonight so it was way easier to find you.”
He scoffs. “As if Jungkook could fuck you better than me.”
You laugh and find the lipgloss sitting at the bottom of your bag. “Oh, he can. He’s not a little gym rat for nothing, you know.”
Mingyu huffs, leaning down to pull your panties back up and straightening your skirt. This scene isn’t unfamiliar to the both of you, although doing it in Bambam’s bathroom certainly was. You’re pretty sure Bambam smoked a shit ton of weed before his party started, and Mingyu opens the bathroom window to release some of the odor.
“See you in 104. Did you finish the extra credit paper already?”
You shook your head, opening the bathroom door and hearing the lively party continue downstairs.
“Nope, not planning to,” you give him one last kiss on the cheek. “Nice fuck, Gyu. Tell Jungkook to show up next time.”
He rolls his eyes again and you two depart, almost toppling over as you bump into Jung Jaehyun on the stairs. His arm quickly slides around your waist to prevent you from falling. He smiles at you.
“How was Mingyu?”
“How was Jennie?”
He chuckles. “Good. As always. You really have to start expanding your little black book. Mingyu and Jungkook aren’t always going to be around, you know.”
You raise an eyebrow and step away from him, shooing his arm away from you. “You don’t think I have backups, silly? Doyoung is at my beck and call, I assure you.”
He smirks, raising his red solo cup to you. “If you ever need me.”
You dismiss him, walking down the stairway of Bambam and Yugyeom’s place. You and Jaehyun had always been similar in many ways, especially in the way you ‘connect’ with other people. If you two ever had a body count competition, it would surely have Johnny’s head spinning all night at the numbers. You never fucked Jaehyun, however, simply because you had no desire to. You’ve known Jaehyun for as long as you’ve known Mingyu, but the only personality trait you’ve ever deducted from Jaehyun was that he’s excellent in bed.
That, and the fact that during your first year of college, Yuta spread some rumor that Jaehyun masturbates to the thought of you.
No big deal.
You find Minghao and Sicheng speaking in the kitchen, and you whine when you clutch Minghao’s arm.
“I’m tired, Hao.”
“You leave us to go fuck Mingyu for a hour and now you want to go home?”
You can hear the condescending tone in Minghao’s voice and you do your best to ignore it. You offer him your best toothy grin. “Come on, designated driver. You’re not even doing anything remotely fun!”
“Hey!” Sicheng interjects. “We were actually just talking.”
You lean over to pinch his cheeks and Sicheng nearly growls at you.
“You’re cute, but you and Minghao talk all the time. Nothing new. Plus, all of us are roommates, dumbass! We could talk at home any time we want to.”
“Fine, fine,” Minghao concedes, laying his cup down on the kitchen counter. You ignore the fact that Yugyeom’s tongue is shoved down some girl’s throat only five feet away from all of you. “Did you already clean yourself up? I don’t want any of Mingyu’s germs in my car.”
“Are we sure it was Mingyu?” Sicheng counters. “It could’ve been Jungkook or Doyoung or Wonwoo or Jinyoung or-“
“Alright, alright,” you glare at him. “And yes, it was Mingyu. He already cleaned me up so you won’t get any Gyu germs.”
Minghao still has trouble trusting you after that one time you wore a skirt with no panties and let Kun’s cum spill all over Minghao’s front seat. Sicheng is still extremely traumatized from the situation.
You exit the house party with your roommates, almost stopping at the sight of Kunhang looking like a fucking dream near the speakers-
“Come on, you horny asshole,” Sicheng grunts, pushing you out the door.
“Did you hear the news?”
Your eyes flutter at the sight of Nakamoto Yuta, who is leaning over your desk, smiling. You sigh and decide to entertain him.
“What is it now, Yuta?”
“A little birdy told me that a certain Jung Jaehyun has fallen for Mingyu’s girl,” Yuta’s smirk widens when you furrow your eyebrows.
“Mingyu has a girlfriend?”
He huffs. “You, dumbass.”
You giggle at the thought of dating Mingyu and roll your eyes. “You’re full of shit, Nakamoto.”
He stands straight, his figure towering over you. You peek your head out to see if the lecture has started yet so Yuta can get the fuck away from you.
“Then why did I hear Jaehyun calling your name when he was getting his dick wet this morning?”
The accusation has your eyebrows raising. You barely know Jaehyun, only from fleeting stories from Mingyu and Jungkook. You also know that Yuta’s always full of shit, spreading rumors about various people just because he can.
“Get your head out of your ass, Yuta.”
He laughs at your dismissive nature, leaning in again. There’s a troublesome glint in his eyes.
“And what if I told you Mingyu said Jaehyun’s loved you since you were five?”
You challenge him. “I would say that the cum in Miyeon’s panties say otherwise.”
He smiles and steps back when the professor finally enters the room.
“Whatever you want to believe.”
That conversation with Yuta was three years ago. He’s graduated long since, but the rumor about Jaehyun still pops up here and there. Jaehyun never addressed it with you, and when you asked Mingyu about it once, he just laughed.
“A lot of guys on campus jack off to the thought of you. Are you surprised?”
You think about the memory as you watch Soojin straddle Jaehyun, her hair falling over the side of her face as she leans in to kiss him. The rest of the party ignores them, mainly focused on how Bambam is nearly toppling over trying to do a keg stand.
A hand slides around your waist and you feel someone’s lips attach to your neck.
“Gyu told me you were looking for me the other day,” Jungkook murmurs lowly in your ear. “Did you miss me?”
You smile when you feel his fingers inch closer to your breast, hands roaming all over your body.
“Yes. Your absence made me fuck Mingyu in Bambam’s germ-covered bathroom.”
He chuckles lowly, and the sound shoots straight to your core.
“I’m here now, baby. I’ll take care of you.”
Your eyes drift upwards again, startled to find Jaehyun already gazing at you. Soojin’s sucking at his neck, but his eyes are locked on you, watching the way Jungkook paws at your breast.
Yuta’s voice rings in your ears. Jaehyun’s loved you since you were five.
You push the thought away as Jungkook’s mouth envelops yours. Jaehyun couldn’t love you, Yuta was just full of shit.
“You’re late.”
You narrow your eyes at Mingyu, who brushes off the time. He promised to meet up with you yesterday to finish your project for 104 and give you a quick lunch time fuck. You’re a little disheartened to see he’s tugged Doyoung and Jaehyun along.
“Don’t be so upset, frowning doesn’t look good on you,” Mingyu teases, sliding in the chair across from you. Doyoung sits next to him, and Jaehyun awkwardly takes the spot next to you. “We were just playing a little basketball outside. The time slipped my mind.”
“Well, I guess it slips my mind that I’m supposed to fuck you before your next class.”
Doyoung laughs and seizes the opportunity. “I, on the other hand, never promised anything and my schedule is conveniently free for the whole day.” He winks at you, his gums showing brightly as he smiles.
You smirk when Mingyu elbows him in the side. Jaehyun is oddly quiet and you turn to face him while Mingyu hisses at Doyoung.
“I saw you and Soojin getting it on last weekend. How was it?”
He smiles tightly. “Good, as always. Jungkook per usual?”
You nod. “The little gym rat won’t stop exercising. He was talking to me about his routine all night. I almost just got myself off instead.”
Something flickers in Jaehyun’s gaze, and it’s gone so quickly that you might’ve missed it.
“I can’t imagine why that would be preferred, especially when you have most of the male population lining up to get a taste of you.”
There’s a hidden implication in his words, and you take the chance.
“Are you part of that male population?”
He smirks at your question. Before he has a chance to answer, Mingyu’s voice fills your ears again.
“Anyways, my dorm is free and I can afford to miss my next class. Wanna head up? Promise I’ll go down on you as an apology.”
You scoff at Mingyu’s half-assed proposal, and stand to leave. “I’ll pass. Get a watch next time if you want your dick wet. I’m assuming you’re going to finish most of our project since I was waiting here for over a hour.”
Mingyu frowns. “But-“
“But?” You say, raising an eyebrow.
His shoulders slump. “Fine. I’ll finish the damn project.”
You lean over to pinch his cheeks. “Good Mingyu. I’ll see all of you at Minghao’s birthday bash.”
You depart without another word, ignoring the burn of Jaehyun’s stare. When you arrive back to your apartment, Minghao is organizing his wine cabinet while Sicheng talks to Tzuyu at the kitchen counter. You sigh and throw your bag across the island.
“Boys are dumb.”
Tzuyu laughs. “Did Mingyu forget what time it is again?”
“As always,” you confirm, searching for anything consumable in your fridge. As expected, no one’s gone grocery shopping in a week. Guess you’ll have to raid Wonwoo’s apartment tonight.
Sicheng huffs. “Good. I don’t need you getting any more Mingyu germs before Minghao’s party tomorrow.”
“And what does Hao’s party have anything to do with me getting laid?” Sicheng rolls his eyes at your question, and you smile sweetly at him. You decide to favor the leftover pieces of ham sitting at the back of the fridge. “Tzuyu, back me up here. Didn’t you have a good time with Jaehyun two weeks ago?”
Tzuyu’s cheeks flush as she recalls what you’re referring to. At Jungwoo’s party, she and Jaehyun were practically fucking each other in the middle of the living room.
“I guess. He was weird about some things.”
You frown, removing the lid off of the container and shoving a piece of ham in your mouth. “Like what?”
She looks embarrassed to be talking about such intimate things in front of Sicheng, but your roommate is unbothered. He’s heard enough of your escapades to be unfazed by any mentions of sex.
“He didn’t want to look at me when we did it. He told me I had to face the pillow or else he couldn’t cum that way.”
You shrug. “So he likes it from behind. Nothing too weird about that. Which way do you prefer, Sicheng?”
He glares at you. “None of your business.”
You giggle at how cute he is before Tzuyu continues. “I mean, it wasn’t just that. He didn’t really like it when I made noises. I had to be as quiet as possible.”
“Ugh, that’s fucked. Guys can grunt in the nastiest ways possible but they hate it when we make an ounce of noise. I hope you’re not that way, Sicheng.”
His glare burns. “None. Of. Your. Business.”
“Yeah, it was weird. He’s really good in bed though.”
You chuckle. “I would hope so. Anyways, who’s on the guest list for tomorrow night?”
Sicheng sighs, and you wonder if he thinks about moving out and living with a less horny roommate.
“Basically anyone you’ve fucked before since you’ve slept with all of Hao’s friends.”
You frown. “That’s not fun. I like someone new once in a while.”
“No funny business at Minghao’s party, I mean it. We can’t be cutting his cake while you’re getting railed in your room.”
You boop his nose. “No promises.”
Sicheng’s done this on purpose.
All of the men at Minghao’s party have flocked away from you, like Sicheng sent them all a mass text before the party started or something. You tried to slide up to Mingyu but then he was quickly taking the offer to do body shots with someone else. It’s as if you would bite all their dicks off with the way they’re running from you.
It’s the middle of the party when you grow tired of hearing Jieqiong’s banter with Jun.
You step out of the apartment for a few minutes and head up to the roof, arms wrapping around yourself to shield from the cold. You know you should’ve went to Wonwoo yesterday, especially since Sicheng has apparently made it a no fuck zone for tonight.
You jump when you feel a jacket moving over your shoulders. You’re even more startled to see Jaehyun next to you.
“Oh, hey. When did you get here?”
He smiles, and it hurts your eyes a little by how pretty he is.
“About a hour ago. I’m not surprised you didn’t notice, considering I could feel your rage from five feet away.”
You laugh dryly. “Did Sicheng send you a text too?”
“No, but Mingyu told me about it. I assume he only sent it to the guys you’ve slept with before.”
You nod. “Yeah, probably. I’m off limits to all males tonight.”
The two of you stand together in silence, gazing out at the view of your city. You’ve never felt an urge to get an answer from Jaehyun before about Yuta’s rumor, but now that he’s here, it’s all you can think about.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Why didn’t you say anything about the rumor Yuta spread around in freshman year?”
His back stiffens. The seconds pass in a deafening thump, and you’re starting to feel like you shouldn’t have brought it up.
He finally sighs. “How long have we known each other?”
You blink. Did he really have to respond to a question with another question?
You think back to when you first met Jaehyun and Mingyu. You were only five then, and you screamed in the middle of the classroom because Mingyu had spilled paint all over the front of your shirt. You remember Jaehyun handing you a wipe to clean yourself up, ears bright red.
You grin at the memory. “Since I found out Mingyu was the clumsiest kid on earth.”
He chuckles. “You never really saw it, did you?”
“Saw what?”
You’re even more confused by Jaehyun’s vague ass answers. He averts his gaze from you, and you suddenly feel a lot colder on this rooftop.
“How much I liked you.”
The statement causes you to freeze. So Yuta was right - Jung Jaehyun has loved you since you were five. Still, it doesn’t make any sense. You’ve been fucking Mingyu since high school and Jaehyun never seemed bothered by it, considering he and Mingyu were still best friends. In fact, you’ve been in bed with most of his friend group and he’s never said a word about it. His friends never even mention his liking for you, so you have to assume that they don’t know of it either.
As if he could sense your rampant thoughts running wild, he squashes them.
“I thought you loved Mingyu. I thought that when the two of you first started sleeping together, it would develop into something more. It’s why I never said anything to him. He knew, but I’m sure he thought I didn’t mind.”
You’re baffled. You don’t even know how to respond to this newfound information. Maybe you should’ve stayed downstairs at the party.
“Mingyu is an asshole,” you finally conclude. Jaehyun’s shoulders relax when you speak. “And so am I. I swear, I didn’t know, Jaehyun. I would’ve-“
“You would’ve stopped seeing Mingyu? And Jungkook? And Doyoung, and Wonwoo, and-“
“Okay, okay,” you raise a hand up to stop him before glaring. “You’re not entirely innocent either. I’m friends with most of the girls you’ve slept with too.”
His eyes darken. “And have you asked them what it’s like to be with me? How I have to turn them over and imagine it’s you before I can get hard? How I have to keep them quiet because their moans are too loud or simply because it doesn’t sound like you?” How-“
“Jaehyun,” you whisper, feeling like the wind has gotten knocked out of your chest. You’re also trying to ignore the wetness that’s pooled in your underwear. “Are you saying-“
“I’m saying that I’ve been running circles around you since we were five and you’ve never noticed. I’ve had to hear countless nights of Mingyu and Jungkook talking about how sweet your pussy is when they slide into you. How pretty you are when you’re stuffing their cocks far down your throat. How you let them take you anywhere, any time, because you enjoy it as much as they do.”
You swallow. He’s inches away from you now, hands dancing around your waist carefully. You quickly check the time.
One hour before Minghao cuts his cake. That should be enough.
You grab the fabric of Jaehyun’s shirt, pulling him to you as his lips crash into yours. He grunts, gripping your sides and pressing you against the railing. Your eyes glance down briefly to see how high up you two are.
“Drop me and I’ll kill you.”
He laughs, chasing you again and quickly moving to undress you. You ignore the goosebumps rising on your arms when Jaehyun nips at your neck, fingers dipping into your panties. “So pretty,” he murmurs, licking a stripe across your collarbones. You moan when he slides a finger into your heat. “That’s it, baby. Sound so fucking good.”
He slips another finger in, basking in the glory of your moans. “We have to hurry,” you mumble breathily. “Sicheng will come looking if he knows I’m gone for too long. It’s like he can sense when I’m fucking someone.”
Jaehyun laughs, moving back up to kiss you. “He can watch if he wants to then.”
“I wanna-“ you gasp when he curls his fingers. “I wanna suck you off.”
“Fuck,” he hisses. He’s fingering you faster now, and you can hear the squelch of your wetness fill the air. You gasp, desperately holding onto his forearm. “I’ll fuck your mouth next time, I promise. I need to see you cum now.”
You unravel in no time, moaning loudly as you fall apart on Jaehyun’s fingers. He coaxes you through your orgasm, murmuring praises in your ear. You whimper when he pulls away from you, licking up the remaining essence on his fingers.
“Jaehyun,” you say frantically, pawing at him. “I need you inside me.”
You turn over so that your back is facing him, and you think he’s about to slide your underwear down but instead, he swivels you around.
“Need to see you,” he whispers. “Jump.”
You do as he says, wrapping your legs around his waist and kissing him with much more fervor. You moan when his hands grip your sides roughly, pressing you against the concrete. You sit on the ledge of the rooftop, trying to ignore the genuine fear of falling.
He’s quickly shoving his jeans down his thighs and you whimper.
“Hurry, Jae.”
“Fuck, baby. I’m here, I’m right here,” he hisses, pulling out his cock and giving it a few strokes. Your eyes widen at the size — he was surely bigger and thicker than Mingyu or Jungkook. He chuckles at your stare, as if he knows exactly what you’re thinking. “Bigger than what you normally have?”
You narrow your eyes. “Don’t tell me you idiots had a dick measuring contest.”
He shrugs. “Maybe.”
Then, he’s pushing your panties to the side and sliding into you. You gasp, his fingers roughly gripping you in place to make sure you don’t fall. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust, thrusting rapidly as soon as he feels you.
“Good little slut,” he grunts. “So pretty and pliant for me. Is my cock too big for you to take, baby?”
“You’re gonna fucking,” you pant, whining when his cock hits you deeper. “You’re gonna fucking split me in half, asshole.”
He grins mischievously. “That’s the goal.”
You’re so lost in the feeling of him that the both of you fail to hear the door to the rooftop open. You’re startled when Sicheng’s voice booms in the air.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! We haven’t even cut the cake yet!”
“Sicheng, I-“ you shamelessly whimper when Jaehyun hits your sweet spot, not slowing down in the slightest despite Sicheng watching. “W-We’ll be d-down before Hao c-cuts the cake.”
“Horny assholes,” you hear your roommate mutter before the door to the rooftop is closing again.
Jaehyun chortles. “He should’ve sent that text to me too if he was so concerned.”
“Fuck him,” you groan. “And fuck me harder.”
He listens to your command, pushing into you so deep that you almost fall off the ledge. You scream as your upper body dangles off the rooftop, but you can hear Jaehyun’s giggle. Your fear is overtaken by arousal when you realize his cock is hitting you deeper in this position.
“Cum, cum,” you whisper. “I’m cumming.”
He groans when you tighten around him, convulsing around his cock. When you recover, he’s hoisting you back up, bringing your chest to his as he carries you. You have no idea where he’s going, but with every step, his cock slides deeper into your soaking cunt.
The door to the rooftop is opening again and you realize you’re in the stairwell.
“Get down, hands on the railing.”
You shakily follow his command, ignoring the wobble of your legs as you grip the metal bars. He’s pushing into you again before you can take a breath.
“I-I thought you needed to see me,” you say, your back turned to him.
“You’re right.”
Then, he’s pushing you against the wall with force and abusing your pussy. You practically scream, clawing at his back while he pounds you into the wall.
“Do you want to know exactly what Yuta heard three years ago?” He groans against your neck. You can barely form coherent sentences, and you’re pretty sure you had another orgasm that you haven’t even revived from. “He heard me desperately fucking my cock into my hand, whimpering your name. All I could imagine that day was the little short dress you wore to Yugyeom’s party, and how Jungkook’s hands were all over you as soon as you stepped through the door. I fucking came so hard that I had to wash my sheets before Mingyu came back to the dorm.”
“Jaehyun, Jaehyun,” you whisper frantically. You’re unraveling again — cumming around his cock while he fucks you hard. “Cum with me. Inside, cum inside. Please, please.”
He grunts lowly. “Yeah? You want my cum? What about the rest of them — how many of them have spilled inside you?”
“I’ll keep it in,” you promise him, just wanting your hole to be filled. “I’ll walk around Hao’s party with your cum dripping down my thighs. How does that sound?”
And he’s groaning, giving one final thrust before he empties inside of you. You gasp at how much cum he has to give you, some of it spilling down your lips and onto the floor.
The both of you are panting lowly, trying to recover from your orgasms. You faintly hear a chorus of people singing Happy Birthday two floors down.
“Fuck, Sicheng’s gonna kill us.”
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years
Jaehyun; Lunch Break
Tumblr media
Genre: Angst, Smut
Pairing: Jaehyun x M!Reader
Requested: no
Warning(s): mentions of homophobia, handjobs, fingering, degradation, rim job, eating out, cum eating, semi-public sex, mentions of exhibitionism, implied penetrative sex
Summary: On your dad's birthday, he decides to have a family dinner. Little do you know, he chose the restaurant your boyfriend works at.
"Hide everyone!" My oldest brother yelled as he saw our dad return from work.
All six of us hid behind couches, doors, and tables as we awaited Dad walking through the door.
Thick, heavy footsteps stopped outside the door as the knob began to turn with a small squeak.
"SURPRISE!" We all yelled as dad smiled.
"Thank you kids." He said and invited all of us into a hug.
"Don't forget me!" Mom complained as she pecked him on the cheek.
We each took our turns handing him out gifts as he took his time appreciating each one.
As we cleaned up the mess of discarded present wrappers and neglected price tags, the topic of dinner was brought up by our youngest sister.
"I'm hungry!" Whined Naeun as she plopped on the floor.
"Speaking of it, I am too." My youngest brother, Minhyeon, said.
"I could go for dinner." My oldest brother, Juyeon, chimed in.
Thus started the arguing of which restaurant to go to as your parents rolled their eyes at our pointless fighting.
"QUIET!" Bellowed our mother.
"It's your dad's birthday, so he gets to choose where we eat." She said and looked up to our dad.
We stood around as we awaited our dad's final verdict.
"Alright! I've decided." He said and stood up.
"Where are we going?" My older sister, Songyee, asked.
"That's a surprise." He said and grabbed his keys.
I knew dad would say something along those lines, considering he never gives a straight answer. We all hopped into the car and waited to see which restaurant dad chose as our destination.
Along the way I decided to text my boyfriend, Jaehyun, out of boredom.
Jae :(
Yes baby?
I'm bored and wanna talk
Why are you bored?
It's my dad's birthday, and he's taking us to some 'mystery' restaurant to celebrate.
Well I'd love to keep my babyboy company, but I've got to get back to work.
I'll be on lunch break soon, then we can talk. Okay babe?
Yeah, talk to you later. I love you.
I love you too<3
"We're here!" Dad yelled out as he parked the car.
We each hopped out and entered the restaurant.
It was on the fancier side with many intricate designs on the walls and decor.
We waited to be seated as the place seemed to be packed.
"I'm so sorry about the wait. How many to be seated?" Asked the lady at the counter.
"Seven." Dad answered.
The lady gathered the menus and led us to our table.
"We'll have a waiter with you shortly." She said and left shortly after.
"I see someone wanted somewhere 'high-up' for his birthday." Juyeon joked.
"This is a nice restaurant, Dad!" Cheered Naeun.
"Well I wanted somewhere nice to celebrate with my wonderful family." Dad smiled.
"Hi! I'm Jaehyun and I'll be your wai- (M/n! You didn't tell me you were gonna be here." Jaehyun said.
"(M/n), do you know him?" Mom asked me.
"Yeah, he's a friend." I lied.
I could see the smile on his face fade into one of defeat.
"Anyways, I'll be getting your drinks before I go on my lunch break." Jaehyun said and pulled out his notepad.
We each ordered our drinks and I couldn't even look Jaehyun in the eyes.
"I'll get your drinks out as soon as possible." He said before turning around.
"Wait, Jaehyun was it?" Dad called him down.
"Yes sir?" He responded.
"You said you were going on your lunch break soon. So why not join us?" Dad told Jaehyun.
"Are you sure?" Jae asked with a dumbfounded expression.
"Of course! Any friend of my kids is welcome." Dad cheered.
"Well thank you. I'll get your drinks and be right back." He said and hurriedly ran into the kitchen.
"Hey (M/n). Your friend's cute." Songyee whispered.
"Well he's off-limits." I whispered back.
She sat back and pouted and then continued to look over the menu.
Jaehyun came back with our drinks and was out of his uniform in favor of a loose black shirt.
"Thank you again for welcoming me." He said as he took his seat next to me.
"Anytime Jaehyun." Mom said with a smile.
I felt Jaehyun's hand slowly attempt to intertwine our fingers underneath the table, but I swatted him away. He responded by looking at me with puppy eyes as I ignored him to straighten my posture.
"(M/n), why don't you ever invite Jaehyun over?" Mom asked me.
"I wonder the same thing." Jaehyun said under his breath.
I elbowed him in the ribs and then turned my attention back to my parents.
"He's usually busy with school or work, so there's never been a good time." I said.
My mom nodded as her attention was taken by the new waiter.
"Is everyone ready to order?" He asked.
The dinner was fun and lighthearted, except for me and Jaehyun.
He would try to make conversation with me, but I would simply ignore him or give simple answers.
I could tell he was getting frustrated by the way his grip on his cup was getting tighter, to the point where his knuckles were beginning to turn pale. The tip of his ears turned bright red, and for a second I thought I could see steam coming from his ears.
But somehow, he was still able to keep a smile and make conversation with my family.
I'm pretty sure they began to sense the tension as they would give us these looks of concern.
"I need to use the restroom." I said and left the table in a hurry. I knew he was following me based off the frustrated, heavy footsteps trailing behind me.
As soon as I entered the bathroom I was pinned against the wall.
"Jae! What are yo-!" I couldn't even finish my sentence before Jaehyun's lips met mine. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and tangled my hands into his hair as he forced his tongue into my mouth.
"Why have you been ignoring me (M/n)?" He asked in a deep, husky tone.
I didn't answer him and instead tried to grind into him to give friction to my aching cock.
"Answer me." He growled and gripped my hips.
"Because I don't know what my dad would do if he knew I was with a guy!" I exclaimed.
He slowly trailed his hand to toy with my cock through my jeans.
"You could've just told me that instead of ignoring me. I felt hurt (M/n)." Jaehyun said as he moved his hand up and down in a slow rhythm.
"I'm sorry Jae-!" I whined when he slipped his hand inside of my pants.
We both kept quiet as Jaehyun continued to work on giving me a handjob. His movements getting progressively louder as more pre-cum leaked from my slit.
Without warning, he turned me around and pinned me against the wall.
"Such a bad boy for ignoring me. You deserve to be punished." Jaehyun whispered which sent chills down my spine.
He gave my ass a hard slap which caused me to yelp in pain.
"Shh! We're still in a public bathroom, remember? Unless you wanna be seen getting absolutely wrecked." He smirked as he lowered my pants and boxers to my knees.
"But you'd probably love that you fucking slut." He growled and spit on my hole.
"J-jae, isn't this your l-lunchbreak?" I asked.
"Don't worry baby. I already found what I want to eat." He inserted a finger into me as he continued to give me a handjob.
"Does that feel good?" Jaehyun asked after he inserted another finger.
I nodded furiously as I whined out an incoherent answer.
"Use words whore." He demanded.
"Y-you're so fu-fucking good, Jae." I moaned as he added a third finger.
"Good boy." He complemented and pulled out his fingers.
I whined in frustration to being empty and Jaehyun smirked at this.
"Calm down sweetheart. I'll get to the main course." He immeadiatly began to lick and kiss around and on my hole.
Jaehyun then slowly began to lick and bite before savagely eating me out my hole as if he had been starved for years.
I digged my fingers into the palm of my hand due to being overwhelmed by the pure ecstasy that is Jaehyun's tongue.
All throughout this, he never stopped giving me a handjob, and I could feel myself reaching my climax.
"Jaehyun~, I'm gon-na bust!" I moaned out.
"Cum baby." He said and then continued to ravage my hole with his tongue.
After a few seconds I came all over his hand and some even managed to land on the wall.
Jaehyun brought his hand to his mouth before licking up my cum.
He smeared the leftovers on my hole before licking it up.
He grabbed a few paper towels and cleaned up his hand, my dick, and the cum that landed on the wall. He pulled up my pants before I collapsed into his arms.
"We should get back to dinner." I said, but Jaehyun instead roughly placed me on the counter.
"We're not done here yet baby. We're not leaving until I cum. So be prepared to ride this dick like a pretty slut." He whispered into my ear.
"They've been gone for a while don't you think?" (M/n)'s mom commented.
Their food had arrived 30 minutes and they were prepared for dessert.
"Ju, go check on your younger brother." His dad said as Juyeon headed towards the bathroom.
He walked into the bathroom and was met with...
"Jae, faster, faster, fuck-!" (M/n) moaned.
"(M/n), you're so fucking tight! Take this cock like a good little slut!" Jaehyun growled to the boy pinned underneath him.
"Ahem!" Juyeon coughed.
Both boys looked in shock at the person standing in front of them.
"Am I interrupting something?"
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jlalafics · 3 years
"Photograph"-a Royal!Everlark story
This was inspired by this prompt from @writing-prompt-s:
When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at the park. You never saw your childhood “spouse” again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country… where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid.
This is totally unedited. Thank you to @sparklingdust4612 for bringing this prompt to my attention. Looking forward to everyone else's interpretations along with this one and the story by @jhsgf82!
I actually have more of this but I thought I'd show y'all a little bit of my interpretation of the above prompt.
We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen, still…
-Ed Sheeran
Katniss Everdeen loved building castles.
In the massive sandbox, she packed another bunch of sand into her bucket before placing it upside down to set. While waiting, Katniss imagined how she would decorate the inside of her palace, a delighted smile growing on her face as she thought of the possibilities.
First, the walls would all be yellow. Not the ugly yellow that looked like snot—but yellow like Prim’s, her baby sister, golden locks.
Yellow meant hope: that’s what Daddy always said.
Knocking on the sides of the bucket to loosen the sand like Mommy showed her, Katniss slowly lifted it revealing a perfect tower for her castle.
“Yes!” she hollered, jumping up in excitement.
Her eyes went to Mommy who was sitting on the bench across the way. She was talking to a pretty, yellow-haired woman with a big tummy. Prim was asleep in her stroller, her binky hanging from her mouth.
“Mommy!” Katniss rushed over, stopping just a scant from toppling over on the concrete. “Look! I’ve made the perfect tower!”
Her mother smiled proudly.
“That’s wonderful, Katniss.” She turned to the woman next to her. “My Katniss is always building and dreaming on how to make her perfect home. Her teachers tell me that she has such a creative mind for a seven-year-old.”
“How absolutely charming,” the woman responded kindly, a smile on her pink lips.
Katniss tilted her head at the sound of her voice. There was something different about the way the lady talked—the dips of it sounded strange—but still nice.
“Why do you sound like that?” she asked bluntly.
Her Mommy frowned. “Katniss Everdeen! Please apologize!” She looked to the woman once more. “I’m so sorry—”
“That’s perfectly alright,” the lady assured her. The pretty woman turned to Katniss. “I have a little bit of an accent because of where I’m from, that’s why my voice sounds different.”
Katniss nodded. “Okay, but it does sound nice…like a song!” She smiled. “What’s your name?”
The woman glowed like an angel. “My name is Marguerite.”
“Hello Miss Marguerite.” Katniss looked to where her sandcastle waited. “I better go before someone takes my stuff! Bye!”
Throwing a wave at the woman, she plopped back down onto her space in the sandbox ready to add some detailing to her newest tower—
The foot crushing her tower landed straight in the middle of it creating a space between each side.
Katniss fumed and her eyes went up to the blond-haired boy with the snooty face.
She stood, her hand slamming into his chest. “Hey! You destroyed my castle!”
The boy stared at her in shock. “No one ever touches me!”
“Until now—”
Katniss was suddenly blocked by another boy, tall and dark-skinned.
“No one touches his royal highness,” he declared, and the blond boy stuck his tongue at her.
Another boy, this one dark-haired and sharp-eyed, approached.
“Prince Peeta has decided that you will be his bride,” he stated with a scowl.
Katniss made a face, crossing her arms to show them how disgusting that sounded. “Gross.”
The so-called Prince Peeta walked over to her.
“As my bride, you can make as many sandcastles as you want,” he explained. “I’ll build a bigger sandbox than this for you!”
Something inside zinged at the thought. “Really?”
The boy shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”
Katniss eyed him suspiciously. “Why would you want to marry me anyway?”
Peeta shifted in his stance, the confidence in his blue eyes suddenly wavering. “I like your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
A rise of pink colored his cheeks. “They’re soft…and pretty.”
That had been it for her.
On that warm afternoon, by the swings of District 12’s only playground, Katniss Everdeen married the so-called Prince Peeta.
“You may now kiss the bride,” Gale, the dark-haired boy, said. He looked at Peeta, a teasing smile on his face. “Go on—kiss her!”
“Close your eyes,” Peeta told her.
Katniss, wearing her paper towel veil courtesy of the park’s public bathroom, did what he said and closed her eyes.
She barely registered being shoved down into the muddy puddle.
Katniss looked up at the sneering boy, feeling the rise of anger in her body.
“That’s what you get for pushing me.”
Twenty years later…
“Katniss.” She looked up from laptop to find Prim at her open doorway. Her sister held out a Fed-Ex envelope. “This just came for you.”
Without even glancing at it, Katniss tossed the envelope on her bed, going back to the open page on her screen.
“Don’t you want to open it?” Prim stepped into the room and plopped onto the bed, picking the post up to examine it. “It looks important.”
“Probably one of those things saying that I’m eligible for another credit card.” Katniss frowned, sitting back, and staring at the blinking cursor. “I’m so stuck on this blog post!”
“Is this the one about kitchen flowers?” her sister asked, and she nodded. “You got some great pictures from Madge’s shop.”
“I know but my writing inspiration is zilch,” Katniss explained. “I need to get this done if I want to post by Mother’s Day.”
“Speaking of Mother’s Day, mom is wondering if you’re bringing anyone to Sunday dinner,” Prim informed her.
“I love our mother but lately every conversation we’ve had is either about my lack of a dating life or my withering eggs,” Katniss said. “Right now, I need to focus on getting more attention on the blog. It’s just gaining momentum!” She rested back and turned to her sister. “This is important to me.”
“I know,” Prim replied. “And you are good at it. I mean, look at what you’ve done to our apartment! To this room!”
Her sister’s bright blue eyes looked around the buttercream room, beautifully decorated with white-washed furniture. The console that her television sat atop was bought at a nearby thrift shop and refurbished by her. Katniss had sanded it down before putting a whitewash over it and adding lacquer to give it a more modern look.
In fact, most of the furniture in her and Prim’s apartment was completely refurbished by her. She had always had an eye for decorating and instead of going to a four-year college, Katniss had opted to go to design school.
Creating something new from what people considered junk gave her a special kind of thrill—almost akin to being in love.
At least that’s what she thought it might feel like.
Katniss whipped over to her sister—who was holding an unfolded paper in her hands.
She stood from her seat and went to Prim. “What?”
Wordlessly, Prim handed the piece to her—it was a letter.
The letter was on marbled paper, an elegant insignia atop it, and she could see that the elegant calligraphy was done by hand:
Dear Miss Everdeen,
You are hereby summoned to the kingdom of Panem to present yourself to His Royal Highness, King Peeta.
Photo documentation has validified that you are the Queen Consort to His Royal Highness.
Attached is my business card, please contact me to arrange your travel to Panem.
The Rt. Hon. Effie Trinket
Private Secretary to His Royal Highness
“This is a joke!” Katniss tossed the letter onto her desk and laughed. “Photo documentation? There is no such thing—”
The laugh fell from her lips as Prim turned the FedEx envelope upside down and a single photo fell onto her bedspread.
“There’s a business card in here, too,” Prim told her carefully.
Walking over, Katniss could see that the photo was facedown.
Trembling, she picked the print up and read the elegant cursive atop it:
‘Peeta and his new bride, Katniss Everdeen!’
Next to the caption was a happy face; it was obvious that this statement was made in jest.
Turning the photograph, a wave of nausea hit seeing the image of her seven-year-old self, a paper towel veil atop her head, joining hands with a blond boy—
Prince Peeta.
Or to be more precise, His Royal Highness King Peeta of Panem.
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Graveyard Siblings (5)
[Masterlink] (PART 1) (PART 4)
Mari and Cass sometimes switch their suits as they have the same body type. Cass would sometimes go out in full Hellbat gear and give the appearance that Hellbat is out more often than she actually is.
So Orphan/Black Bat also sometimes uses guns.
This also helps with concealing secret identities. Maria was rescued by Hellbat from Joker’s Henchmen. (Vicki Vale was getting sus of the new Wayne and Hellbat.)
Unfortunately since Hellbat rarely comes out and she had already made all of her appearance for the month and it wasn’t a busy weekend, the public had come to the conclusion that Hellbat has a crush on the newest Wayne.
Basically everyone thought that Mari has a crush on herself. Which led to some teasing and escalated to Mari announcing that Jason had a crush on Red Hood on live TV.
It didn’t help that a video of Red Hood and Jason re-enacting Romeo and Juliet with Jason on his apartment balcony and Red Hood on the roof was posted on the internet a few days later. (Thank you, Trixx and Tim’s awesome video editing skills)
Sadly, it was taken down 24 hours later. (Tim and the others have multiple copies of it, on the cloud or hardware, hidden around in the manor and their respective safehouses in the US.)
Some people kidnapped Jason to hopefully gain leverage over the Red Hood and to their dismay and nightmares for years to come, Hellbat came instead.
One lucky and incredibly brave reporter asked why she was there instead of her brother.
Mari being a little shit, “Red Hood may be a tough and scary guy but when it comes to his feelings, my brother is a chicken.”
Pictures of Jason tackling Hellbat somehow never made it into any papers.
The criminal underworld hasn’t taken a hint and Jason has been kidnapped a few more times.
Other times Jason was kidnapped:
Robin: Red Hood made a fool of himself in front of Todd recently and he doesn’t dare to show his face.
Spoiler: He was taking too damn long checking his hair even though I told him that no one was going to see it under his helmet and he was so offended that he is currently sulking in the bathroom.
Red Robin: Red Hood can’t think straight when he is around Jason. I mean have you seen the dude.
Arsenal*during a rare visit to Gotham*: Red Hood owes me one now.
Dick finally ends it by going out as Red Hood and rescuing Jason. Gotham is happy that Redson (Red Hood x Jason) ship has finally sailed.
Kate, Babs, Cass, Steph and Mari were out on Mari’s first girls’ night since her move to the manor.
This is set a little after she came back from Paris with Jason.
They watched rom-com movies, did hair and nails, gossip about the superhero community and bitch and vent to each other.
Marinette off-handedly mentioned the crazy shits she had done during her stint as Ladybug. It started with asking about the T-rex in the Batcave and she mentions jumping into the mouth of a live one before.
Everyone in the room was shocked and after a few more questions, it was obvious that she was very reckless and self-sacrificing. Yep, she was going to fit into this crazy family just fine.
And Holy Shit. There is so much trauma packed into this kid. She needs lots of therapy.
Babs finally decided that they all needed to get out and have some fun. All in their respective suits and they went out.
Joined by Harley, Ivy and Selina.
Plagg came along because I want Plagg to meet Selina.
It was a chaotic night and it was a miracle that Bruce didn’t find out about what the girls did.
Batman and Red Hood were on patrol together when Selina jumped in front of them.
“Hello, Boys”
“What do you want, Catwoman?”
“I want to meet my new prodigy, Kitty Noire.”
Cue Marinette jumping down from her hiding spot, transformed with the Black Cat Miraculous. “Hiya.”
Red Hood carries her like a potato sack and points his gun at the other two.
“Nope, she’s my sister and I called dibs. I adopted her. She’s off limits.”
“Legally, she’s mine.” Batman coughed out.
“I did it first. Emotionally. She’s my emotional support sister. You have plenty kids already, B and Selina, get your own.”
“Hey, I am still here and can hear you.”- Maria
Alya was worried for Lila. She had been acting weirdly for the past month.
She looked very out of sorts. Her clothes weren’t in order and her hair was in disarray. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes looked wild. Lila didn’t look like herself at all.
She jumped at any sound and flinched at really sudden movements.
Alya tried to find out what was wrong with Lila and received vague answers.
One time Lila said that Marinette is to blame.
Alya reaches the somewhat right conclusion that Marinette was haunting Lila and hurting her because Lila used to come to school with bruises and claims that Marinette did it.
Alya goes to Marinette’s grave to desecrate it. (Yeah, go anger the ghost that is haunting someone.)
Unfortunately, the moment she tries to do something, the sky turns dark, clouds appear and the wind begins whipping. A Lightning strike near her and there was a cloaked figure beside her with a scythe.
All Alya saw from the figure was the blood-red lips in a very sharp grin and glowing blue eyes, raising the scythe high before she ran away. The scythe swiped the air where her head once was.
Alya didn’t get far before she tripped and blacked out.
When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital with no idea how she got there.
She was told that somebody found her with a concussion in the park and took her to the hospital.
The next one on Mari’s hit list was Natalie.
She wasn’t as involved in the whole thing like Lila, Adrien or Gabriel but she still did it anyways.
Her punishment is a little mild compared to the others and was more of a warning to Gabriel.
Natalie woke up in the middle of the night to see a not-so-dead Ladybug sitting on her vanity chair with the moonlight from the windows illuminating her body and her neck. Her suit was torn exactly like the day of that battle with blood dripping down her arms and from her open wounds. The shadows kept her face hidden but glowing blue eyes stared at her.
Natalie was scared at first. But she regained her normal cool composure.
“I assume you are here to extract your revenge for aiding in your unfortunate demise. But before you kill me, I regret my part in my entire thing and I apologize for everything I have done against you even though I knew it was wrong.”
“At least you show remorse over what you have done. Visiting my grave when even my parents didn’t and leaving flowers. I love those purple hyacinths by the way. Did you know that they mean sorry in the language of the flowers?”
“Why are you stalling my death? Just kill me already.”
“Madam Sancouer. You just played a minor role in my downfall compared to what Adrien and Lila Rossi did to me. And you showed more guilt over your actions than they ever did and Adrien claimed to have loved me. And like I have told the Bats, Death is too swift of a punishment.”
“Who are the bats?”
“None of your concern. You should be more concerned about yourself.”
“Lila sees the ghosts of her past and they haunt her. Adrien is in a living nightmare and has no control over his actions and is despised by everyone. What are you going to do to me?”
“Well, since you show some guilt over your actions, let me tell you a little secret. I am not dead. Not really. I mean I did die. But there was a spell in the grimoire that revived me. It took a few days to work.”
Marinette changed to her normal form. It was a little jarring to see an older Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting on her vanity chair like it was a throne. The Ladybug suit and the wounds were gone. She looked a little familiar.
“Why are you telling me this? What was the point?” Natalie faltered as she wondered why the girl looked familiar. Marinette moved closer and her face was fully illuminated by the moonlight.
“I intend to take everything by which I mean everything from Gabriel Agreste for what he did.”
“M. Agreste just wanted his wife back. You just gave him your Miraculous, you would still have everything.”
“What difference would it make? Sure I had friends and family before but they turned out to be disappointing. I might have become a famous designer like I dreamed of and can't achieve because I died. Besides, he never said about wanting his wife to come back in his tedious monologues. For all we knew back then, he wanted them for world domination. He showed that he would end the world for them. For kwamis’ sake, he nearly started World War III, just for a pair of earring and a ring. He was willing to kill me to have her back. No wait, he did that too. If he actually read the translated grimoire or asked the Guardian or at least someone with magic for help instead or maybe used his head and made some who can heal as his champion using the Butterfly, we wouldn’t even be in this mess. Face it, Mme Sancour, your boss is a power-hungry and very controlling maniac who is also thankfully an idiot.”
“But- he- he just-. You are just a child, what do you know? M. Agreste knew what he was doing.”
“A child who had a normal life up until he tried to ruin it with his idiotic schemes and hiring Lila to do it. A child who had to fight a war on her own.”
“I am sorry you had to go through that but I doubt you and your little revenge rampage is going to solve anything.”
Ghostly Chains wrapped around Natalie’s body, squeezing tight like it was squeezing the life out of her.
“I was all for sparing you, you know. If you had actually listened to my side of the story, you would have spared from my ‘little revenge rampage’. This is going to be a little painful. Sorry about that.” In a tone that was definitely not sorry.
Pain coursed through Natalie’s body. Her skin crawled and itched as pitch back feathers grew out of it. Her bones turned to dust and reformed.
Where Natalie Sancour once was, there was a raven.
An omen of death and destruction for one Gabriel Agreste.
Marinette leaned down towards the raven. Natalie tried to peck her eye out but Marinette held the beak in a firm grip.
“Ah. ah ah. Luckily for you this is temporary. Mostly. Every night, you will assume this shape and each night the longer you will stay in this form. Slowly counting down the days until Gabriel’s downfall. Since you love helping him so much, you are going to help him know how long he has to live. The night you are a raven from sunset to sunrise, that sunrise starts the day Gabriel Agreste will be utterly destroyed.”
She released the beak and headed towards the window.
"Send him my regards."
With that, she was gone.
(Part 6)
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
How about "admit it, you had fun today" mingcheng?
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This does not only fill the ask prompt, but also the Ikea prompt on the MDZS Bingo.
Nie Mingjue pinches the bridge of his nose. He feels like at this point succumbing to a fit of rage would be the easiest, but he doesn’t want to yell. Not yet, anyway.
“Absolutely not,” he says, his voice tightly controlled, not for the first time and Jiang Cheng hums.
“Mingjue,” he says and Nie Mingjue has to take a deep breath so that he doesn’t lose it right then and there.
“Wanyin,” he gives back, because two can play that game.
“It fits perfectly,” Jiang Cheng tells him for at least the third time in the last five minutes and that’s it.
Nie Mingjue has had enough.
“Just fitting is not enough!” he says, and when a few heads turn their direction, he realizes that he’s speaking way too loudly, but he doesn’t care. He will not allow this. “There is no way in hell we are going to put this monstrosity into our bedroom! Do you even know how much dust there is in the bedroom? This has open shelves, which are bound to gather all the dust! Plus, it’s shiny white, that thing is not coming within ten miles of our bedroom!” he rages, feeling better now that he finally says what he really thinks.
He only realizes belatedly that Jiang Cheng is smiling at him.
“What?” Nie Mingjue snaps out and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“You said ‘our’ and ‘we’,” Jiang Cheng says with a dopey smile on his face and Nie Mingjue immediately deflates, his anger absolutely useless when faced with Jiang Cheng’s happiness.
“Of course I did,” Nie Mingjue gives back, still trying to maintain his frown, because his point stands. “It’s our apartment.”
“It is,” Jiang Cheng softly says and takes a tiny step closer to Nie Mingjue.
He doesn’t outright demand a hug or any physical contact, because he never does, despite Nie Mingjue telling him again and again that it’s okay, and so Nie Mingjue takes the hint and pulls Jiang Cheng into his side. Jiang Cheng perfectly fits under his arm and Nie Mingjue wants to do this forever.
“So, the closet?” Jiang Cheng asks after a minute and Nie Mingjue fights the urge to retreat his arm.
“It’s not even a closet,” he hotly says. “It doesn’t even have doors!”
He only realizes that Jiang Cheng is teasing him when he chuckles lowly and Nie Mingjue loves him so much, it threatens to swallow him whole sometimes.
“Can we please just move on and choose something sensible for the bedroom?” Nie Mingjue asks with a sigh and fights his knee-jerk reaction when Jiang Cheng looks at another totally impractical piece of furniture.
“You’re better doing this on purpose,” Nie Mingjue grumbles and pulls Jiang Cheng along, away from the way too stylish and way too impractical pieces.
“And what if I’m not?” Jiang Cheng asks, following obediently along and Nie Mingjue can see the glint in his eyes, so he knows that Jiang Cheng is just playing with him.
“Because your own apartment is furnished in very sturdy, very sensible, very useful pieces. None of this nonsense you would find here.”
“My mother’s interior designer chose my furniture.”
“Then maybe I should go shopping with him,” Nie Mingjue sighs out and then scrubs a hand down his face. “Tell me again why we can’t just take your closet with us?”
They are moving together into a new apartment at the end of the month, and Nie Mingjue would love to do nothing more than skip all of this. They should just take whatever they like from their own apartments and make it fit somehow. Hell, Nie Mingjue has spent so little time in his own apartment in the last half year that he doesn’t even remember how his bedroom looks. He’s perfectly happy with Jiang Cheng’s furniture.
“Because we want to start building our life together and taking old pieces with us would just ruin the whole fun of that,” Jiang Cheng gives back, with the patience of a saint, because Nie Mingjue has asked this question a lot in the past three hours.
“We can take some old pieces? I mean we already have a completely new kitchen, and most of the living-room, so why not bring something familiar with us for the bedroom?”
“Because you’re just trying to get out of this and I am not having it,” Jiang Cheng shoots back, clearly enjoying this much more than he should and Nie Mingjue knows that he has already lost.
“I want something warm, something sturdy and big. None of this,” he waves a hand at the furniture around him.
“So you just want to go somewhere else,” Jiang Cheng says, trying to hide the fact that he’s laughing at Nie Mingjue.
“I hate Ikea,” Nie Mingjue agrees with feeling and Jiang Cheng bursts out laughing.
He has to laugh so hard that he bends over, trying to steady himself on Nie Mingjue’s arm, and Nie Mingjue would be annoyed, if he wasn’t so happy to see Jiang Cheng like this.
It had taken him a while to be this free around Nie Mingjue when they first got together.
“I love you,” Nie Mingjue says, meaning it with every fibre of his being and Jiang Cheng rights himself to narrow his eyes at Nie Mingjue.
“You better not be proposing in a goddamn fucking Ikea of all places,” he hisses and not for the first time Nie Mingjue wonders if Jiang Cheng did find the ring he’s hiding at home.
“Please,” Nie Mingjue huffs out. “I would rather propose to you in a bathroom than this hellhole.”
“Please don’t do that either,” Jiang Cheng says and pats Nie Mingjue’s arm.
“The bathroom or the proposing?” Nie Mingjue asks, because he can’t help himself.
They did not have a serious talk about marriage yet, after all, and while Nie Mingjue is reasonably sure that Jiang Cheng would say yes to him, there’s always a little bit of doubt.
“The bathroom, you idiot,” Jiang Cheng immediately says and moves in for a short kiss. “I’d love to get proposed to.”
“Hopefully not by some stranger,” Nie Mingjue grumbles, but he slides his hand in Jiang Cheng’s back pocket and keeps him close, brushing his lips over the faint blush on his cheeks.
“You’re a complete moron if you believe there ever could be anyone for me but you, my soul,” Jiang Cheng gives back and leans against Nie Mingjue.
Instead of answering Nie Mingjue only presses a lingering kiss to Jiang Cheng’s hair and then they stand like complete idiots around for a minute or maybe even three.
“Wanna go somewhere else?” Jiang Cheng asks after a while.
“Gods, yes,” Nie Mingjue wholeheartedly agrees and Jiang Cheng chuckles.
“I mean another store, not home,” he teases him and Nie Mingjue rolls his eyes.
“We’re not going home before we have decided on a stupid closet. We’re also not going to have sex until our bedroom is complete,” he adds as an afterthought, whispering the words into Jiang Cheng’s ears and he can feel him shudder.
“That’s so mean, we have a perfectly functioning bedroom in my apartment,” Jiang Cheng whines and Nie Mingjue shrugs.
“No closet, no sex,” he decides and then walks away from Jiang Cheng, leaving him to scramble after him.
“You’re so mean to me.”
“And you like it that way.”
Jiang Cheng’s telling silence is answer enough for Nie Mingjue, who smiles as he makes his way out of Ikea as fast as he can.
They do end up at another store where they find a closet exactly as Nie Mingjue likes it, and even though Jiang Cheng puts up a token protest simply to be difficult, they end up buying it. Jiang Cheng is glowing with happiness when they leave the store.
“Can we please go home now?” Jiang Cheng asks after they paid and Nie Mingjue raises an eyebrow at him.
“If you think we’re having sex tonight you’re mistaken, your Ikea trip sucked all the energy out of me,” he says and while it’s meant as a joke, it’s not completely wrong.
Today has been exhausting and Nie Mingjue is honestly not in the mood for anything more than cuddling.
Jiang Cheng flushes a bit, like he always does when Nie Mingjue speaks so bluntly about sex in public, but he doesn’t complain as he laces their fingers together.
“Honestly, I just want to cuddle on the couch,” Jiang Cheng says, sounding drained himself.
“I can get behind that,” Nie Mingjue agrees and drags Jiang Cheng off to their car.
The ride home is silent and they don’t exchange any words when they change out of their street clothes either and it’s only when they are cuddled up on the couch, Jiang Cheng in Nie Mingjue’s arms and his head on his chest that Jiang Cheng speaks again.
“Admit it, you had fun today,” he says and Nie Mingjue hums in consideration. “Don’t even pretend,” Jiang Cheng says with a light slap to Nie Mingjue’s stomach and Nie Mingjue sighs.
“I hated every second I spent in Ikea,” Nie Mingjue starts, “but I had fun today because we were shopping for our apartment.”
“You’re such a sap,” Jiang Cheng sighs, but he also snuggles closer to Nie Mingjue, so he knows he’s happy about it.
“I would go to Ikea a thousand times if it would make you happy,” Nie Mingjue tells him and it’s not even a lie.
He can endure white and horribly impractical furniture as long as it makes Jiang Cheng laugh like today.
“Mh, it only makes fun if I go with you,” Jiang Cheng mumbles, clearly already sleepy and Nie Mingjue slides them deeper on the couch.
They are just a little bit too old to spend an entire night on the couch like this, but for now that’s okay.
He’ll make sure they get to bed eventually.
“I love you,” Jiang Cheng whispers, apparently his last conscious thought and Nie Mingjue wonders if proposing at breakfast the next day would be too soon.
He figures there’s only one way to find out.
“I love you, too.”
Link to my ko-fi on the sidebar!
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ihearthes · 4 years
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Golden Rod
(inspired by Golden MV)
Author: @ihearthes Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (2nd person) Rating: Smut (18+ only) Word Count: 2829
“Thanks for the ride, Ryan!” you call, waving at Lambert’s assistant as he drives away to the garages on the Vesta. “Ciao!” 
Excited to show Harry your new lingerie, you enter the villa where the team has been staying. “Is he done for the day, Ben?” The words are muffled behind the cloth mask you’ve insisted is essential despite the drop in Italy’s coronavirus cases. 
The Fulwell 73 producer points upstairs without a word before bending over the video footage he’s scouring with the director. The opulent surroundings have been modernized, and you grin while mounting the stairs to the top floor where the master suite consumes the entire space. From the expansive open windows, you view the Tyrrhenian Sea, causing you to literally pinch yourself. How had life blessed you in such a way? Giddy, you continue up the stone steps.
Kicking off your sandals, you curl your toes into the cool, smooth tile. Fuck. This had been the perfect day. Swimming in the infinity pool during the morning with endless fresh fruits at your fingertips whenever you stepped out of the water to feel the warm sun on your skin. A socially distanced lunch of Insalata Di Mare Campanese (Seafood Salad) with Molly in a local restaurant. A trip to the stores with the adorable stylist Ryan -- where he’d introduced you to a new designer of gloriously sexy lingerie! 
You’d bought four pieces. 
Harry was going to love all of them, and you couldn’t wait to showcase them in your own private fashion show on the secure top floor of the Italian villa. 
Stopping in the marbled bathroom, you draw in a deep breath at the chill on your heated feet. Quickly, you wash your hands, singing “Happy Birthday” twice like you’d been taught to ensure 20 seconds has elapsed. No way were you going to be responsible for inadvertently passing along the virus to your boyfriend during the Golden music video shoot. He’d end up missing out on filming the music video and the upcoming Don’t Worry Darling if he tested positive. Carefully removing your mask, you toss it into the laundry hamper before washing your hands a second time. 
Tiptoeing out of the bath, you wonder where the man of the hour might be. Napping? Nope. Not in the bed. On the loggia, you spy Harry settled in a chair, staring into space. 
“Can’t blame you, Styles. That’s one hell of a view.” Gazing over the colorful boats moored in the sea near the coast, your eyes feast on the sky with its tints of reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges as the sun begins to sink into the water. Honestly, you expect to hear a sizzle as the bright ball of gases descends into the blue serenity of the sea. 
“Indeed.” His quiet voice doesn’t sound normal for Harry, and you approach slowly, like one might a wounded deer. Wouldn’t want to frighten him away. 
“Harry!” The gasp leaves your throat, and you press your hand to your mouth to capture the sound too late as it has already escaped. “What the hell happened to your knee?”
He shrugs, finally glancing in your direction. “Skinned it. Hi, love. Did you have a good day?”
“I had a beautiful day, but what the fuck did you do to your knee?” Crouching down, you examine the spot where blood is flowing. It’s not an overwhelming amount, but enough that you want to clean it. “My poor baby,” you coo, “Let me clean that for you.”
Rising, you glide to the bathroom again. 
“Bring some ice too, love,” he requests, tacking on a “please” at the last minute. 
Stopping in the suite’s tiny kitchen, you search the small freezer for ice as requested. Ransacking the cabinets in the bathroom, you manage to locate cotton balls, an antiseptic, and a bandage. Returning to Harry, you kneel at his feet. “This might sting a bit.” Cautiously, you cover the cotton ball with the antiseptic and press it to his wound. 
He winces, but the only sound he releases is a mild hiss. 
“Sorry, baby.”
“It’s not a big deal, love.”
As the blood vanishes with its absorption into the cotton ball, you agree with him. The wound is relatively minor. Should form a scab in the next day or so. Carefully, you remove the adhesive from the bandage and press it over the small scratch. 
“Don’t worry, darling,” you tease, “you’ll heal soon enough.”
“Gonna run that one into the ground, aren’t you?” he jokes. 
“Might as well,” your shrug, grinning. “Don’t worry, H. You’re so golden.” His smile gives away his mirth at the pun. “Soon enough, you’ll be done filming, and moving on to something else. And I’ll give you hell about whatever the next thing is too.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he confesses with intense eye contact, and your insides start to flutter. 
As an afterthought, you hold up a bag of frozen peas. “No ice, H. I’m so American that I forgot Europeans don’t do much ice. Will this do?”
“Sure.” Grabbing the bag of peas, he smirks before placing it on his crotch. 
You raise an eyebrow. “Your dick needs ice?”
His eyes rake over you. “Kind of went running without an athletic supporter today.” 
Planting your hands on your hips, you glare at him. “Why would you damage the goods like that?”
Raising his shoulders, he grins, “The fans will love it.”
Your lower lip juts out as you pout at him. “Does that mean it’s off limits to me?”
“It’s sore, love. Not broken.” Harry emphasizes, but that doesn’t make you feel any better. 
“But I’ve got lingerie,” you state clearly. 
He sits up quickly, shifting the bag of frozen peas on his crotch. “You do?”
“Yep.” You allow the ‘P’ to pop. “Ryan introduced me to a new designer. I bought four sets.”
“Fuck,” he breathes. 
“Not with your dick wounded,” you remind him with a tiny hitch in your breathy voice. 
“Fuck,” he repeats. 
“Should I model the first one or wait until tomorrow?” You’re definitely pushing the envelope here, yet how dare he give fans priority to his most precious bits?!
Eyes darkening, he sweeps his gaze over your light trousers and loose shirt. “Ummmm...now please.”
“Are you sure? Wouldn’t want you to hurt your dick more.”
The exasperated roll of his eyes makes you smile. “I wanna see, love.” 
Examining him, you come to the conclusion that he’s an adult and knows what he wants. With a nod, you grasp the handle of the bag from the designer. “Be right back!” Hurrying to the bedroom, you set the bag down before rummaging in it for the most sedate look: a white lacy baby doll bit that hits mid-thigh and comes with a long peignoir. Putting on frilly high heeled slipper with it, you strut in front of him with the robe tightly covering your body, watching as his eyes darken. 
“Like this one?”
“Shit, love. It’s…” 
When you part the edges to reveal the concoction underneath, Harry has to catch his breath, shifting in the seat as he adjusts the frozen peas. 
“Hot?” you taunt.
“Mhm. Come here, and check my temperature.” His voice is throaty, and you recognize the signs quite easily. 
“Nope. Three more to go before I get within touching distance, H. Sorry.”
“Dammit,” He mockingly shakes his head. “You know I could easily see all of them on separate nights. Let’s just start with this one.”
Purposely, you push your lip out in a pout. “But then the other lingerie would get jealous, and Ryan went to a lot of effort to get me a private viewing. After all, this stuff isn’t available to the general public.”
“No?” He sighs, and you catch the hitch in his comment. “Bring on the second one then.”
Confidently, you swagger from the room. With shaky hands, you withdraw the bright red lace camisole and boy short. Is this the appropriate one to wear next? The red might just push him over the edge. Best to stay out of his reach then. Smirking, you pull the outfit on and waltz onto the balcony with a twirl, your hair on pointe as its curls bounced with you. 
“Holy fuck. That’s the second one?” His strangled cry makes you laugh in joy. 
“How’s that cock feeling now?” you gesture in the direction of his crotch. 
“The peas have melted I believe.”
“Mhm. Maybe you should go get something else from the freezer then.”
“Nah. I’d rather you come get this bag for me. I might be too injured to walk inside.”
“Oh, you’re so funny. I know this game. I get close to you, and the other two lingerie outfits never see the light of day. Nope. You want more frozen food for your genitals, you can get it yourself.” Laughing, you smack your rounded ass as you amble into the bedroom again. 
“Fuck!” Harry yells behind you. 
The dialogue combined with the strutting has your pussy feeling damp as the waves of arousal rush over you. Sure you’d fucked last night, but today was a new day, and you wanted to feel that dick inside you -- regardless of the damage he did by jogging in the city for the video. 
The third one is pink -- and you’re well aware from experience how much Harry loves pink. The baby doll dress is silk and lands just at the top of your thighs with a black lace bodice that laces in the middle. Kind of laces anyway. Plenty of boob still visible. Or barely hidden. Whichever you prefer.
“Oh my god. You’re killing me!” Harry whines as you parade just out of his reach. When he starts to rise, you shake a finger at him. 
“No, no, H. You need to recuperate from running today. Better stay seated.”
He chokes as you twist around to show him all sides, including the g-string with its bare backside. 
“You’re evil!” he calls as you dance back into the bedroom. 
This is the final one, and you prepare carefully. It takes extra time to put on, and you smile as you observe your image in the room’s mirror. Deftly, you slip a couple of condoms in the bodice of the bralette. 
You find a playlist of romantic Italian music and set it to play on the Bluetooth speaker in the bedroom, ensuring the volume is high enough to be heard on the loggia. 
Harry gasps the moment he sees you. “You’re not wearing anything under that!”
Playfully you glance down at the last lingerie set. “Oh, damn. I guess when I put the garter skirt and stockings on, I must have forgotten the panties. Forgive me?”
His head bobs up and down as he gulps. 
“Now,” you murmur, approaching him. Grasping a pillow from a nearby chair, you plop it on the floor in front of him, settling on your knees there. “I think the best thing is if I take a look at this dick to make sure you didn’t do too much damage.”
Removing the no-longer-frozen peas, you toss the bag to the side. No one will be eating those. Ever. Silently, Harry waits while you carefully peel down the top of his elasticized shorts and remove his cock. You have to catch your breath every time you get to glimpse it, and today is no exception. 
Your mouth waters, and you lick your lips as you hold his rigid length in your hand, your eyes flickering up to his where he’s staring intently at you. Maintaining eye contact, you run your tongue over the tip of his cock, paying extra attention to the slit there. 
“Mmmm,” you murmur. “The tip seems to be okay. Let me check the length.”
Using your saliva as lubrication, you run your hands down his shaft to his balls. “Doesn’t appear to be broken,” you smirk, “In fact, seems pretty solid and firm to me.”
Harry raises an eyebrow, “Might want to apply some suction there, love, just in case.”
You don’t really care what he means by that last phrase. You’re more than happy to test out the equipment to ensure that it’s in full working order. Spreading his legs more firmly, you lean in, sliding his entire dick into your mouth until the tip hits the back of your throat. Harry grasps the hair at the back of your hand, bunching it in his hand as he guides you along his length. You hear him sigh, and you’re confident he’s tilted his head back and closed his eyes, but when you glance at him, you find that his eyes are still on your lips. 
Fuck. It turns you on even more, and you can feel your pussy dripping onto the pillow. You make a mental note to remove the cover and wash it before leaving the villa. 
As your lips glide along him, you’re frustrated at not having full access to him. As you apply suction to his tip, you pop off him with an audible sound. Both of your hands reach for the waistband of his shorts, and you gently encourage him -- “Lift your bum, H” -- so you can fully remove the garment, throwing it over your shoulder and hoping it doesn’t sail into the pool below. Harry smiles, adjusting his stance into the biggest man spread you’ve ever seen. 
Before you return to your ministrations on his cock, you grasps your chin, drawing your face forward and upwards until he can lock lips with you. 
“Not much longer, love, or I’ll explode.”
“I don’t mind,” you purr. 
“Mhm. But if we’re fully going to test the equipment, then that should include more than a bj.”
“Ah, I see,” you grin. “But of course. We want to be thorough.” 
First, though, you are compelled to play with his balls, so you take him into your mouth again, adding one hand to his length while the fingers on the other play with the balls underneath. Fuck. You could do this all day. Breathing through your nose, you deepthroat him and suck for a solid ten seconds before you release him completely. 
With a grin, you stand, kicking aside the pillow. “Hmmmmm...trying to decide the best way to do this.” Your voice has a catch in it, and you wipe your mouth before bending over and capturing his lips in a searing kiss. Tongue darting forward, you taste him, allowing him to suckle your tongue briefly. 
As you come up for air, Harry moves his legs together while slipping his hand between yours and nudging your legs apart. With one finger he teases your clit, flicking it from side to side as he watches your face and eases another digit inside you. Oh hell. This feels…
“Fuck, H.”
“You’re so tight, baby. Come sit here. Let’s test out the equipment. Make sure everything works properly.”
At his invitation, you step forward as he shifts his bum down on the chair a bit. 
“Shit. I forgot…”
With his words, you remove the first condom from your bralette where it has conveniently been nuzzling your nipple, the hard corner of the foil packet hardening your nip. 
Grasping his dick, he uses the tip to slap at your pussy a few times before using your internal juices to lubricate himself. Your eyes roll back into your head as the two of you work together so you can slide onto him without any additional moments wasted. 
When you’re fully seated on his dick, you grind just for a moment. 
“Hmmmm...seems sturdy enough,” you pant. 
“Oh, you’re so funny,” he drawls, but his eyes roll back in his head when you glide along his length, your stockinged thighs surrounded by his large hands. “Fuck, love.”
“Working on it,” you laugh breathlessly as the rhythm becomes easier. His hands move to your arse as he assists you in riding him. 
Draping your arms over his shoulders, you shake your tits in his face, and he grins as he bends his head to press a kiss at the juncture of your boobs. 
As your climax begins to arrive, your movements become less steady and more sporadic. Harry, knowing you as he does, reaches between your bodies to tease your clit as you throw your head back and cry out two thrusts before his seed spurts into the condom and his eyes roll back into his head. Spent, you collapse on his chest, still joined. 
“I think,” you whisper as you kiss his neck while playing with the curls at the nape of your neck, “we can agree that the equipment still works just fine. No damage here.” Picking up your head, you glare at him. “But no more, H! What’s mine is mine. The fans get enough of you.”
He laughs as his arms surround you, and he buries his head in your shoulder. 
“Of course, love. Whatever you say.”
A/N:  Reblogs are love, my readers.  If you liked this even just a little tiny bit, please take a second to reblog so that others might find it.  Getting likes is nice, but it doesn’t help me grow my readership.  Thanks for your consideration!
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wooyunhwa · 4 years
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Genre: smut, fluff, humorous undertones
Pairing: barista!san & barista!wooyoung x fem!reader
Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: idk just a lot of smut scenes, semi-public sex (in a bathroom), minor pet play (san discovers he’s furry trash), threesome with san and wooyoung but they’re not gay for each other, mild food play (whipped cream) 
Synopsis: How do you choose between two cute baristas competing for your attention? The short answer: you don’t. 
A/N: This one starts wholesome and gets wild. I have a problem with writing San with a furry kink oops,, anyway there’s three separate smut scenes in this so strap in and enjoy the ride~ this was so much fun to write and I hope it’s just as fun to read! Comments are appreciated as always <3 
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You paid for your coffee, taking your debit card back from the cashier with a polite nod and a “thank you.” He smiled warmly, flashing his brilliant teeth as he tore off the little piece of paper from the printer. 
“Receipt?” he asked. 
“Sure,” you replied. 
His name was San, which you knew from his nametag. You had come to that particular cafe enough that you were pretty familiar with everyone. You took it, smiling back at him. It could have been your imagination, but lately it seemed like his gaze had been lingering on you. He would make eye contact for a little longer than necessary when you ordered, or smile a little too much when handing you your coffee, or maybe not, and it was all just in your head. You kinda hoped it wasn’t, because he was really, really cute. 
You’d been coming to that coffee shop since earlier in the summer, sporadically at first, but midterms coming up meant you really had to buckle down on trying to tame your workload. You kinda regretted taking summer classes at first, but it was nice to have the coffee shop all to yourself in the evenings, unlike in the fall when it was packed with students. It was so quiet, in fact, that the employees had shut the lights off and almost closed up once when they hadn’t noticed you were still inside. It wasn’t strange for you to be the last customer left in the cafe, especially since you’d been staying late to study more often.
You set your laptop up in your usual spot—the corner seat with the outlet. It was cozy and out of the way, and relatively free of distractions. Well, relatively meaning there was still a very cute barista shooting glances your way, and you tried your best to keep your eyes glued to your screen as you typed out your essay for your literature class. But you couldn’t help but peek in his direction every now and then.
“Y/N?” a voice called. It was Wooyoung’s voice, not San’s. Wooyoung was the other cute barista who worked there, and honestly, you’d kinda had your eye on both of them for a while. It wasn’t unusual for them to be working at the same time, but most nights it was either one or the other. He gave you a sweet smile as you thanked him and took the cup back to your seat. 
Next to your name was a smiley face and some cute flower doodles, and you grinned at the fact that he’d gone out of his way to make your coffee cup look special. Wooyoung always drew a cute little design next to your name, sometimes including phrases like “have a good day!” or “you rock!” or even a short little joke. You often wondered if he did that for other customers, or if he was doing it to flirt with you. Which you kinda hoped was the case, to be honest. He had a playful, sexy charm about him, and you often wondered how a person could make an apron look so hot. 
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The next day, you were working diligently when you noticed San slide into the empty seat across from you as you worked. You looked up from your coffee, startled, but moved your laptop out of the way to give him some room. 
“What’cha studying?” he asked, grinning as he leaned over to peek at your screen. 
“Oh—uh, just studying for midterms, nothing too exciting,” you said, taking a shy sip of your coffee. He was even more beautiful up close, his smile almost too dazzling for words. He ran a hand through his pale blonde hair, turning his head to glance out the window, and you marvelled at the cut of his jawline as he tipped his chin up slightly. He turned back, meeting your stare warmly. 
“Is it ok if I sit here? I can move, I don’t wanna bother you—“
“No, not at all!” you said a little too quickly. “Actually, I was just about to take a break from studying.”
“Oh, nice! I’m on break, too,” he said, a warm smile still plastered across his face. You tried your best not to stare, but it was futile. 
“I’m Y/N,” you said instinctively. 
He laughed. “Yeah, I know. I take your coffee order every day!” 
Your face felt red hot. Something about looking at how gorgeous he was made your brain short-circuit. 
“But while we’re introducing ourselves, I’m San,” he said seriously before breaking into a smile. He extended his hand for a cheesy handshake.Your heart fluttered a bit at how charming he was.
 “I know, I order coffee from you every day,” you teased back. 
You chatted for a while, exchanging flirtatious quips with each other. The time seemed to fly by and you noticed him glancing at the clock nervously. 
“Shit, I gotta get back to work,” he sighed, lifting himself up from the table, his toned arms flexing beneath the rolled sleeves of his button up. “But hey, here’s my number,” he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket smoothly and slid it across the table. “We should do something this weekend.”
You knew he was being flirtatious, but you didn’t expect him to actually make a move. You wouldn’t say you were unattractive, but this guy felt way out of your league.
You nodded a bit too enthusiastically, flashing a smile. “I’ll call you,” you said, holding the piece of paper up between your fingers. 
He winked, and nodded towards the bar. “You know where to find me.”
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You found yourself at the cafe again the following night, as your workload never seemed to end. Last night, San had given you his number on his break, and you smiled as you got a text from him asking if you were free that weekend. You messaged back and forth for a bit, eventually settling on a plan to meet at a cat cafe on Saturday. 
San wasn’t working that night, but Wooyoung was, and you felt a little strange flirting with him after you’d already given San your number. But he probably didn’t know that, and it’s not like you were dating either of them, so why not? 
Wooyoung called your name when your coffee was ready, and you hopped out of your seat to grab it from the bar. To your surprise, there was no cup to be seen, and you looked up to see Wooyoung holding your drink in his hand with a mischievous smile. 
“Question,” he said. “Why did the coffee file a police report?” 
You looked at him in confusion, trying to come up with a response. 
“Because it was mugged!” he said, grinning at his joke. 
“Ha-ha,” you said sarcastically, but you couldn’t help the smile spreading across your face. “Are you holding my drink hostage?”
“Yes, would you like to hear the conditions?”
“Conditions?” you laughed, raising your eyebrows. 
“Mhm. One: I have another joke, and this time you have to laugh.” Wooyoung dangled the cup of coffee in his fingers, taunting you with it. 
“Ok, I’ll do my best. What’s the second condition?”
“Second condition: you have to text me,” he said, and he turned the cup to show you he’d written his number on one side, surrounded by hearts and winky faces. 
“Ok, deal,” you said, cheeks heating up as you saw the smile spread across his face. He was gorgeous, and undoubtedly charming, how could you say no?
“Alright, why did the hipster burn his tongue?” 
“He drank it before it was cool.” He pushed the cup across the bar to you, and you forced a laugh, taking it from his hand as he stuck his tongue out cheekily. 
You put his number in your phone, sending him a text with an equally cheesy joke you found off google. You heard him laugh when he read it, and you smiled as you continued to type out your essay. 
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[Saturday, 4pm]
It was finally time for your first date, and you arrived at the cat cafe a few minutes early, eager in anticipation. You couldn’t help but think about how cute he was as you waited—you couldn’t believe he’d even asked you out in the first place. Let alone both of them. 
You heard him calling to you and you turned in the direction of his voice as he walked up to meet you by the entrance. “Hey, Y/N! I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.” You shook your head reassuringly. “Shall we go inside? Pretty ladies first,” he said, opening the door for you and flashing you a flirtatious smile. 
You two were seated at your table, and immediately the cats took interest in you, rubbing on your legs and mewing. You admired him as he pet them lovingly. There was nothing more attractive than a man who loved animals. 
He ordered coffee and you opted for tea, and you both split a blueberry scone. The waitress came over with a small basket full of cat toys and accessories to play with, and you grabbed a handful, including a cute little headband with cat ears, which you slid on your head. You started playing with the cat toys when you noticed San’s eyes trained to you—specifically to the cheap cat ears on your head. 
He tipped his head to the side in thought. “Wow, you look really nice in those ears.” 
“Huh, these?” you said, gesturing to the cat ears. “I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing,” you teased jokingly. You noticed his face go red suddenly, and you couldn’t help but blush back. He was looking at you like you were the only other person in existence. 
“You never know,” he joked back, letting out a soft laugh and raising his eyebrow. He was so damn charming.
You spent the rest of the time playing with the kitties at the cafe, and you couldn’t help but marvel at how cute he was. He was the poster child for duality—his good looks were intimidating, and every time you saw him standing there with a straight face, he looked kind of scary, the kind of man you wouldn’t ever have the courage to approach. That is, until he flashed his intoxicating, dimpled smile of his, which immediately put you at ease, his eyes forming into cute crescents as he laughed. 
“Do you have any pets?” He asked, making light conversation as he dangled a toy in front of one of the kittens. 
“Not right now, my apartment doesn’t allow them,” you said dejectedly. “But I really want a dog when I move out.”
“Hey, I have a dog! He’s a Shiba, he’s super sweet. Everyone who meets him falls in love instantly,” he smiled, twirling the cat toy between his fingers. “You could come meet him if you want?” 
You blushed, flustered a bit at the idea of going to his place. But you two were really hitting it off, and you definitely didn’t want the day to end. You nodded eagerly. “I’d really like that.”
He flashed you another big smile, and you were entranced. How could he be so charming?
When you got to his apartment, he immediately introduced you to his dog, Shiber. You laughed at the unexpectedly literal name choice. 
“Shiber the Shiba?” you teased, and he laughed with you about it. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a date go so well, and your cheeks hurt from the constant smiling. 
You ended up settling on the couch to watch a movie, but neither of you were paying attention. Your movie plans had devolved into you talking and laughing with the TV only acting as background noise for your conversation. At one point, your conversation reached its natural conclusion, and you had your eyes trained to his lips, signaling that you wanted him to make a move. He noticed immediately, and scooted himself as close as possible to you, pushing your hair behind your ear. “Can I kiss you?” he asked softly, like you hadn't just been begging him to with your eyes seconds before. You answered by pressing your lips to his softly, and he reciprocated fervently. You immediately tasted the faint lingering of coffee, and you smiled against his lips. What could be more fitting for a man you’d met at the coffee shop? 
As the kisses began to escalate in intensity, you swung your leg over his and planted yourself firmly in his lap. He pulled you in by the waist, his hands grasping at your shirt eagerly, and you pressed your hips down against his crotch. The sudden pressure caused his breath to hitch in his throat. 
“That feels so good,” he moaned against your lips. 
You took his words as motivation to grind yourself faster and harder against the hard mound growing underneath you, taking pleasure in the moans and grunts escaping him. He grasped hungrily at the fabric of your shirt, practically tearing it off of your body. You were taken aback by his sudden aggression, but welcomed his forwardness as he began kissing and sucking down your neck. 
You pulled back, slipping off of his lap, and planted your knees in the carpet. You began unzipping his pants, and he ran his fingers through your hair in anticipation. 
“Wait,” he said suddenly. You looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. “I keep thinking about something… those cat ears from earlier looked so sexy on you.” 
“I told you you had a cat kink,” you said with a chuckle. 
“I can’t stop thinking about making you my pet. You’d just look so good in ears and a collar,” he said, eyes darkening as he marveled at the sight of you kneeling before him. The way he said it sent shivers down your spine. His voice was so much deeper now, dripping with lust.
“Well you do have a dog,” you joked lightly.
A lightbulb seemed to go off in his head, and he quickly got up and rustled around in the other room for something. When he came back you were still in the same position, and he knelt behind you, leaning in close. 
“Wanna be my pet?” he whispered in your ear, and you giggled, thinking he was still joking. 
“Sounds fun,” you responded.
You were met with the feeling of a vice being tightened around your neck. He was serious? “I’ve always wanted to try something like this,” he mused in your ear, clicking the collar together. “Turn around,” he demanded, and his sudden commanding tone had you melting at his feet. You liked when he was cute, but you might have liked this side of him even more. 
You wasted no time getting your lips around his cock. It was picturesque in every way, and you wanted to savor it. His hands tangled in your hair as he held back from thrusting himself into you, and you took him as deeply as you could into your mouth. You took his dick enthusiastically, pressing your tongue firmly against it as you hollowed your cheeks to suck. You hummed against him, and you felt his fingers tense in your hair as he bucked his hips up needily. You glanced up at him, hoping to catch a glimpse of his pleasured expression. The view from beneath him was incredible, and it gave you a chance to marvel at the curve of his jaw from below. “Fuck...” he moaned. You pulled back for a moment to take a breath, your saliva connecting at the tip of his cock, and he let out a pleased sigh at the lewd display. “Good girl,” he praised, patting the top of your head softly. It was cute and hot at the same time, and you didn’t know how that was even possible, but he pulled it off effortlessly.
You resisted the urge to joke around with him—you weren’t in a position to kink shame. 
As he patted your head, you noticed something glistening on the floor next to you. A leash?
“What, are you gonna leash me up now?” you asked playfully, glancing up at him from your submissive position. 
“Well, yeah. I am.” His lips drew up into a devilish smirk as he retrieved the leash from beside you and hooked it on the collar around your neck. You had never done anything like this before, and you couldn’t deny it was kinda hot. You let out a small whimper as he tugged at the chain, testing your reaction. He wrapped his hand around the end of the leash a few times before yanking it gently, drawing you up to your feet. Even though it started as a joke, he was really getting into it, and you couldn’t lie, you were too. 
His finger dragged along the edge of the collar. “God, you look so good in this thing. Come to bed with me.” You wanted to, not that you really had a choice in the matter as he led you by the chain to his bed. 
He shoved you down forcefully onto your stomach, but you bounced back gently against the soft mattress. He slipped off your panties, bringing a finger down between your legs to sample your wetness. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one with a cat kink here,” he teased, pushing one finger inside. It slipped in effortlessly, and you let out a whine at the stimulation. He teased in and out with his finger torturously, twisting it inside you, every so often pushing against your clit to watch you squirm. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. “San, Jesus Christ, just fuck me.”
That was all he needed to hear. He pushed in slowly at first before bottoming out inside of you. He tugged your collar as he pulsed his dick inside you, tugging at your collar, causing you to let out a soft choked moan against the pressure. He grabbed your hips hungrily, pulling your hips back against him impatiently. 
He started to pick up the pace, thrusting rhythmically, one hand holding the leash and the other fisted in your hair. You were entirely overwhelmed in the best way possible. “Harder,” you urged, and his thrusts followed your orders. Your eyes rolled back in your head at the sensation of him inside you, and of course, the high you got from the collar choking around your neck. He pulled out of you and released himself on your lower back with heavy labored breaths. Your body gave out beneath you, causing you to collapse on the bed, waiting for him to bring back a cool cloth to clean you up with. 
After you both had collected yourselves, you flopped into the soft sheets of San’s bed. He sunk into the sheets next to you, and you rolled over to swing a tired arm around his chest.
“Well that was… memorable,” you giggled, and he laughed with you, still riding a high from your orgasm. 
“So I made a good impression?” he joked. 
You melted into his touch as he traced his fingers down your back. You nuzzled your head into the warm crook of his neck, finally starting to feel a bit drowsy from your wild night. 
“Yeah, you made a great one.”
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[Sunday, 9pm]
The buzzer went off in the laser tag arena, signaling the start of the game. Everyone scattered, artificial gun sounds filling the room as you ducked for cover. Glowing barrels leaking “toxic waste” littered the dark room, and you dove behind one, dodging enemy fire with a nimble slide. 
Wooyoung spotted you as you poked your head over the top of the barrel, and he pursued you with a grin, weapon poised to shoot. Lasers discharged from his gun, aiming for the target at the center of your chest, and you squealed and scrambled away.
He chased you, running a full circle around the barricade, and you turned on your heels, shooting him square in the chest. Wooyoung gasped in mock-offense, and you ran away as he raised his gun again. He had insisted on playing for the opposing team so he could whoop your ass, but so far you were winning. 
You chased each other around like that for a while, giggling and shooting lasers at each other, ignoring the other players in favor of your own flirty warfare. He landed a particularly well-placed shot at your gun, and it made a sad little noise and died, lights flickering as it disabled. 
Wooyoung smirked, backing you into a corner, cut off from all the other players by an artificially dilapidated wall. 
“You’re weaponless,” he laughed, nodding his head toward your defunct toy gun. He pressed closer, causing your back to hit the wall, and he brought a hand up to it to cage you there. 
“Please, spare me!” you giggled, your faces just inches apart. Your heart began to beat faster as he leaned in, sliding his arm around your waist, pulling your body against his. 
“Not this time,” he said, and pressed your lips together. You dropped your gun, letting it fall to the carpet as you wrapped your hands around his shoulders, reciprocating the kiss. 
Wooyoung pressed you firmly against the wall, his tongue sliding against yours with a soft sigh. You got way too into it, completely forgetting where you were as the kiss grew more and more heated. His hands came down to squeeze your ass, pulling you even closer against his body, and you were about ready to fuck him right then and there before the buzzer went off once more, snapping you back to reality. 
You both pulled back, startled, then burst into laughter. As you caught your breath, you couldn’t help but stare. He had a beautiful smile, and a contagious laugh that had you doubled over for a second time. 
“We should probably go before they kick us out,” you said breathlessly, picking your gun up from the floor. 
“It was just getting good, too,” he pouted, pulling you in for another quick kiss before leading the way back to the gear room. 
You hung up your vests and put yours guns back, and you were grabbing your purse from the locker when you felt Wooyoung come up behind you. He slid his hands over your waist and leaned in close to your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck. You quickly looked around to see if anyone was around, but you were the last two there, since it had taken you the longest to return. 
“What’s my prize for winning?” he asked, his lips just barely brushing against your neck. 
“Oh, there was a prize?” you teased, and turned around to face him. He had mischief all over his face, and you kinda just wanted to pull him in and pick up where you left off in the arena. 
As if thinking the same thing, he leaned in, pressing your back against the lockers as he sealed your lips together.  The kiss was even more heated than before, and you let your hands wander over his shirt, across the plane of his chest, moving downward to give him a teasing squeeze to the front of his jeans. He groaned against your lips, pulling back just enough to give you a sly smile. 
“Just can’t wait, huh?”
“So what if I can’t?” you said against his lips, and he pressed you harder against the lockers. 
“Dirty, I like it. You want my dick that bad?” 
“Mm, maybe,” you laughed, and he captured your lips again, sliding his hands down to your hips. 
“Why does home have to be so far away,” he whined playfully. 
“I mean… they have a bathroom.” You were joking, but then again, were you?
“A bathroom?” he raised his eyebrows, surprised and also quite impressed at your suggestion. “What goes on in that little head of yours?”
“I guess you’ll see,” you said, grabbing his wrist, sliding out from underneath him to lead him into the single occupant bathroom down the hall. It was pretty late, and most of the employees were up front, so you were able to slip into the bathroom together without being seen. You flipped the lock, pushing Wooyoung against the heavy door as it slammed shut. 
You kissed him hard, palming the bulge forming in his jeans, reveling in the way he moaned against your lips. You were on a roll—two hot baristas in one weekend? You felt a little guilty agreeing to both dates at first, but who could blame you? 
The heart wanted what the heart wanted. Well, maybe not your heart so much...
You sank to your knees, maintaining eye contact as you worked his belt open and pulled down the zipper on his jeans, and he helped you slide his boxers down enough to let his dick spring free. 
You wrapped your hand around his length, jerking it a few times until he bit his lip and tipped his head back against the door. You were in the mood to tease him, for some reason, and it was working. You planted a tiny kiss to the head of his cock, and you heard him sigh above you. 
“Stop torturing me.” 
You giggled, giving the tip of his dick another small peck. Slowly, you wrapped your lips around it, giving the slit a little flick with your tongue, and he groaned in the back of his throat. You took more of it, letting it sink deeper into your mouth, curling your hand around what you couldn’t fit. 
You sucked hard, cheeks hollowing out as you bobbed your head, forming a steady rhythm as you began jerking him off as well. A particularly well-executed twisting motion had him cursing aloud, and you pulled back, a thin string of saliva connected to your lip. 
“Shh, quiet!” you stage-whispered up at him, grinning at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
“C’mere,” Woouoing said as he pulled you up, giving you a quick kiss before spinning you around. “Hands on the counter.” 
“But it’s wet,” you whined, grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser to mop up the water. 
“Don’t be such a baby,” Wooyoung teased, flipping your skirt up to give you a sudden smack on the ass. You yelped, partially because of the smack, partially because your elbows were resting in a puddle of cold water. 
You watched him in the mirror as he massaged your ass, momentarily in his own world as he admired it. You wiggled your hips to pull him back to reality. 
He slid a hand between your legs, rubbing over the crotch of your panties, watching your face in the mirror as he added more pressure and started teasing circles over your clit with his fingers. You whined, breathy and needy, and you watched his face light up into a smirk in the mirror.
He slid your panties down, the thin fabric falling around your ankles. He pulled his wallet out of his jeans, retrieving a condom from between the bills. He ripped it open with his teeth, spitting the torn plastic onto the floor as he rolled the condom onto his cock. 
Wooyoung lined his cock up with your pussy, dragging it along your wet folds, and it slid in easily. You bit your lip as he slipped it in, pushing in slowly with a groan. He started off slow at first, then quickly picked up the pace, falling into a fast rhythm as he fucked you. 
You didn’t even care that the counter was wet anymore. You clawed at it with your fingernails, scratching against the sink as he fucked you harder, and it was becoming difficult to silence the cries that spilled from your mouth. 
“Fuck, harder,” you whined, and he obliged. The wet sound of his cock fucking into you echoed in the small, single-person bathroom, and you wondered if people could hear from outside. Not that you really cared at that moment. 
You were in heaven, not in a grimy public bathroom. At least, that’s what it felt like. His thrusts grew faster, and he slid a hand around your front to stroke his fingers over your clit. You had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from crying out, and your other hand slipped forward and accidentally set off the automatic soap dispenser, depositing foam all over the back of your hand. 
“Fuck, shit,” you said, and you both started cracking up as you shook your hand, splattering foamy soap all over the mirror. 
Tears welled up in your eyes from laughing so hard, but it wasn’t long before your laughter turned to moans again as fucked you faster, giving a few broken thrusts as he finished, groaning as he buried his cock to the hilt. 
Wooyoung let his sweaty forehead fall against your back, panting out laughter as you wiped your soapy hand against his arm. 
“Someone definitely heard us,” he said, and you hummed in agreement. 
He pulled out, snapping the condom off and tying it up before slingshotting it into the trash can with impressive accuracy. You were busy using toilet paper to wipe down your crotch when a sudden knock on the door made you both freeze. 
Wooyoung mouthed oh shit! as you clamped a hand around your mouth to muffle your laughter. 
“Just a minute!” he called at the door, and you both cleaned up as fast as you could, bursting into a new round of laughter every time you made eye contact. 
Good thing you’d chosen to go with the adults only time slot for your laser tag date. 
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In the days following your two dates, you still attended the coffee shop as regularly as you had before. You couldn’t seem to focus anywhere else. Things were relatively normal, but any time Wooyoung and San happened to be working together on the same day, you didn’t know how to speak to one without exposing yourself to the other, so you opted for no flirting at all, pretending instead to be too preoccupied with your studies. It was probably suspicious, how cold you acted to them when they were working together, but you didn’t want to seem like you were flirting with one and not the other.
It was Friday, and you were engaged in a particularly intense study session, and in your focused state, the time seemed to slip away without warning. You glanced up to realize the sun had set completely, meaning it’d soon be time for the cafe to close. It was just you, Wooyoung and San left in the cafe now, who were the only ones working the evening closing shift that night. You gathered up your things quickly, trying to leave without making much of a scene. You still felt awkward around the both of them when they were together, not knowing how to approach the delicate situation. 
As you were walking out the door, an arm came down and blocked your exit. 
“Don’t leave just yet.” It was San’s voice, and you turned to see him looking at you with a strange expression. You were the last one left in the store, so he was obviously addressing you. He kept his arm out to block your path. You looked at him in confusion. 
“So I was talking with Wooyoung, and both of us happened to hook up with a cute regular over the weekend. Turns out, it was the same one.”  
You shifted uncomfortably under his intense gaze, not knowing what to make of the awkward situation. Was he mad? You peeked up at him to gauge his expression, but to your surprise, he was smiling. “Oh, uh…” was all you could say. 
You glanced over your shoulder, and Wooyoung had sat down at one of the tables in the middle of the cafe, leaning nonchalantly back into his seat. 
“Come on, let’s have a chat,” San said, and for some reason his tone sent shivers down your spine. You swallowed, San’s hands on your shoulders spinning you around and guiding you to the table where Wooyoung was sitting. Neither of them seemed particularly upset, which made you even more confused on why they were confronting you about it in the first place. 
You sat down at one side of the table, and San joined, both of them facing you. You set your bag on the floor and placed your hands in your lap, feeling like you were in trouble. 
“Alright, spill. Who was better?” Wooyoung said bluntly. 
“Who was—huh?” you said, gaping at the unexpected question. 
Wooyoung threw San a glance, like there was an inside joke you were missing. “C’mon, we just wanna know. We have a bet going, so who was better?” 
“No way, I’m not answering that!” you laughed indignantly. San made a pouty face at you. 
“I think it was me,” Wooyoung said, crossing his arms. “I kicked your ass at laser tag and you loved it.”
“Hell no! Cat cafe totally wins,” San whined. 
“C’mon, you wish you’d thought of laser tag. Just admit it.” 
“Ok, fine, laser tag is pretty cool,” San sighed. “But you don’t have a cute dog like I do.” 
“I don’t need a cute dog, I’m already cute enough as it is,” Wooyoung said, making a cutesy gesture with his hands around his face at you. You and San both rolled your eyes. 
“Whatever you wanna tell yourself,” San said dryly, and Wooyoung gave him a playful shove. “Ok, laser tag or cat cafe?” he asked you seriously. 
“I can’t pick,” you said, which was the truth. They were both fun, how could you possibly pick the superior date?
“Making out in a laser tag arena or… cat hair up your nose. Tough choice.” Wooyoung pretended to seriously mull over the question. 
“Uh, how ‘bout… sexy kittycat with a leash, or disgusting public bathroom?” San shot back at him. 
“I’m not saying public bathrooms aren’t gross, but that’s why it’s hot,” Wooyoung shrugged, confident with his answer. 
You covered your face with your hands, mortified to be having this conversation. “Do we have to be having this discussion?” you groaned. 
“Yes!” they said in unison, like cartoon characters. 
“Which of us was the better lay?” Wooyoung demanded.
“Not telling!” you hmph’d, crossing your arms petulantly. 
“I put a dog collar on you, so obviously me,” San said, hitting the table like a lawyer who’d just won his case. 
“You did help San discover his furry kink—,” 
“I’ll kill you.”
“—But my dick is bigger.”
“No it isn’t!” 
They both looked at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to settle it. You made a gesture indicating that your lips were sealed. You wondered how long they planned on arguing for. 
“I think there’s only one way to settle this,” Wooyoung said matter-of-factly. 
What, were they about to whip their dicks out and measure them? 
“You fuck both of us.” Didn’t you do that already? “...Right now.” Oh. 
“Deal,” you said a little too quickly. You couldn’t choose anyway, so wasn’t it the perfect solution?
“Wow, fast answer,” San commented, and you blushed a little at his call-out. “Don’t forget, the bet is still on,” he called over his shoulder as he got up to lock the door and draw the blinds over the windows. 
“And I’m so winning it,” Wooyoung said as he scooped you up from your chair, carrying you honeymoon-style to the bar and depositing you onto the counter. San flipped a few of the lights off as he came back, keeping just enough of them on so that it wasn't completely dark. 
Wooyoung disappeared for a second, ducking down to retrieve something from the fridge underneath the counter. He popped back up with a canister of whipped cream, then threw his shirt over his head, tossing it behind him. He sprayed a line of whipped cream along his neck, tipping his chin up to give you the most access. He leaned in, caging you against the counter with his arms. He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for your move. 
You kissed along his neck, scooping up the whipped cream with your tongue and tasting the sugar on his skin. You licked it clean, and glanced up at San, who rolled his eyes and grabbed the can from Wooyoung’s hand. Not to be bested, he sprayed some directly into his mouth, maintaining eye contact with you as he did so. 
He leaned on the counter next to you, and you hooked a finger in the collar of his shirt and pulled him in, leaning over Wooyoung’s shoulder to kiss him. You slid your tongue into his mouth, lapping up the whipped cream as he smirked against your lips. 
Wooyoung scoffed as he kissed along your neck, pulling back to utter a brief but sarcastic “wooow.” His hands came up to feel underneath your shirt, pushing it up to your shoulders, ducking his head to pull your bra down with his teeth. He brought his mouth to your nipple, licking and sucking on it, and you moaned against San’s lips. His thumb traced circles along your skin, and you wanted more. 
San moved a hand between your legs, giving your thigh a quick squeeze before dipping under your skirt and brushing his fingers over the crotch of your panties. He used just enough pressure to have you squirming, determined to be the one to make you moan. You felt like the luckiest girl alive, having these two hot baristas competing over you. 
San slid your panties off, dropping them to the floor. He teased his thumb over your clit, and you arched your back, threading your fingers into Wooyoung’s hair. He gave a soft moan against your breast, then raised his head, stealing you from San as he locked you in a heated kiss. 
You felt the press of San’s fingers as he slipped them inside you, dragging them in and out as you moaned into Wooyoung’s mouth. You raised your arms so Wooyoung could take your shirt off, and he worked on your bra next. San’s fingers moved faster as Wooyoung brushed your nipples with his thumbs, and you had no idea who was winning at this point. 
You tipped your head back, moaning loudly as San fucked you with his fingers, and Wooyoung sucked along the curve of your neck, teeth scraping along the sensitive skin. Suddenly, Wooyoung brought a hand up to your face, brushing his fingers along your lips, and you opened them, letting him dip two fingers into your mouth. You sucked, letting your tongue drag between them, and both of them watched you hungrily, eyes full of desire. 
“Alright, how ‘bout this?” Wooyoung said, pulling back. You looked at him in confusion, and San slipped his fingers out to see what he was about to do. Wooyoung worked his belt open, sliding his pants down enough to free his dick. It sprang free, and he grabbed the canister again, spraying whipped cream in a line along his cock. 
“Gross,” San muttered to himself as you hopped off the counter, getting on your knees in front of Wooyoung. 
You gave the tip of his dick a tiny lick, laughing as a little puff of whipped cream stuck to your nose. He wiped it off with his finger, then licked it off with a smirk. You dragged your tongue along his cock, kissing and sucking off the whipped cream as you worked your way down the shaft. He gave a satisfied moan, petting your hair as you licked it clean. 
"Let's take this to the couch," Wooyoung said, and San agreed with a nod. 
San guided you to a small carpeted area with a couch and a few chairs, draping you over the arm of the couch as he slid beneath you, grabbing your hips and lining you up with his mouth. He took a few tentative licks. “Mm, you taste so good,” he moaned against you. 
Wooyoung moved in front of you, and you took him in your mouth eagerly, twisting the base of his dick with your hands as you sucked. He let out a few pleasured groans, signaling that he wanted more. 
Pleasure swelled inside of you as San began circling your clit with his tongue. You moaned around Wooyoung’s cock, sending vibrations up the shaft that had him biting his lip. You let your tongue circle the head of his cock, distracted by San as he upped the intensity. 
Soon enough you were grinding against his face, leaning your head against Wooyoung’s hip as you jerked him off, moaning as San slid his fingers into you once again. 
You brought the tip of Wooyoung’s cock back into your mouth, bobbing your head over his length. You pulled off as you felt your climax growing, Wooyoung’s hand stroking your hair as you rode San’s face. San sucked hard on your clit as he fucked you with his fingers, and you cried out as you came, bucking your hips against his face involuntarily. 
San kissed all the way down your inner thigh as he slid out from under you, a subtle smirk on his face that indicated he thought he was winning so far. You caught your breath, moving to the center of the couch to make room for the guys. San swiveled to face you, his cock in front of your face as Wooyoung’s hands found their way to your ass. 
You repositioned yourself to all fours, waiting expectantly to feel Wooyoung’s cock push into you. In front of you, San tipped your chin up to meet his gaze, his lips pulling into a sinister smirk. He pushed his thumb against your lip, dragging it down slightly, then hooked two fingers in your mouth, pulling it open to accept his eager cock. 
As if they had conspired, Wooyoung slid the tip of his dick inside of you at the same time that San pushed his against your lips. Your head rushed with bliss at the sudden overwhelming sensation of being taken from both ends. You moaned deeply, sending vibrations against San’s dick as Wooyoung pushed fully into you.
“Look at me,” San cooed, resting one hand under your chin, the other wrapped tightly in your hair. You lifted your gaze up, maintaining eye contact with him as he gently rocked against the roof of your mouth. “Good girl.” You heard Wooyoung scoff as San sang your praises. They fought for your attention as San maintained eye contact, but Wooyoung’s thrusts behind you had you seeing stars. Wooyoung’s hands clamped your ass, digging his nails in as he squeezed, delivering a harsh slap to your ass. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as you were—you could tell from their moans harmonizing beautifully as they shared you, and your mind short-circuited trying to focus just on one or the other. 
“That’s a good girl… just like that, princess,” San purred, holding your chin as you sucked and licked at his dick enthusiastically.
“Can you shut up,” Wooyoung groaned, making a fake gagging noise. “I don’t wanna hear your voice right now.”
San smirked in amusement as he continued sliding in and out of your mouth. You wondered how much fun he must be having making Wooyoung gag like that. 
You pressed your tongue firmly on San’s shaft as you sucked, and he bit his lip, holding back stifled moans. Behind you, Wooyoung’s thrusts grew more aggressive as he sunk his nails into your ass. “Fuck,” Wooyoung grunted, giving one final thrust before pulling out hastily, cursing as he finished. Warm liquid dripped slowly down the curve of your back as you turned your attention back to San, who was nearing his tipping point. You focused all your efforts on his dick, sucking mercilessly until he couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled out, painting your face with hot streaks of cum. You stuck your tongue out to catch some, and the rest dribbled down your cheeks and chin. He smiled, petting your hair softly. 
“What a good kitty, lapping up my milk,” he said, making direct eye-contact with Wooyoung, who immediately gagged. 
“Are you trying to make me sick right now? If I hadn’t cum already my boner would be dead.” San laughed, cherishing Wooyoung’s disgust. “Just having a little fun. I know how to show my girl a good time.”
“My girl,” Wooyoung corrected.
You took pleasure in listening to them fight over you. You knew they were going to ask you who was better, but you really couldn’t decide in this moment. You honestly kind of wanted both. But right now you were more worried about the sticky liquid threatening to drip on the cafe’s couch.
“Guys, stop. Can someone get me a towel or something?” you asked. Hearing your voice, they both stopped bickering and trained their eyes on you, eyes growing wide as they realized you were still draped over the arm of the couch, cum dripping slowly down your sides. 
“Shit! Sorry,” Wooyoung said as he scrambled to locate the nearest towel. Wooyoung got you cleaned up, and you all searched for your haphazardly discarded clothing scattered around the cafe.
“Pretty sure that violated like, every food safety rule,” San joked as he buttoned his shirt back up. 
“Yikes, you’re right. Maybe we should throw that whipped cream away,” Wooyoung said, pretending to cringe. You laughed, shuddering at the idea of them using it for people’s drinks after such… unprofessional activities.  Wooyoung came and stood next to you, crossing his arms. “So, who won?”
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