#in the mummies episode he talks about the fucking
nick-close · 1 year
Freddie Wong is the most fascinating person to me. King does escape rooms alone and that’s somehow completely unsurprising. He gets hiccups ‘as an adult’. He got a microscope to look at his baking. What the fuck is up with him.
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orionsangel86 · 6 months
Mary & George
So we finally have the show we have been asking for since 2016 (I went back and checked my old posts to make sure and it was indeed 2016 where the "British King Can't Stop Promoting His Boyfriend" post did the rounds).
How did it fair in reality? Well, its hardly Tumblr friendly fanfiction - though it was certainly raunchy - at least at the start. This show was scandalous, sexy, rather filthy at times (in a good way), and absolutely stunning in terms of its production and costume design for sure. It falls very much in line with the expectations of modern period dramas in a post Game of Thrones world where we have shows like The Great, and movies like The Favourite gracing our screens far more regularly than endless fucking retellings of Henry the Eighth which are so fucking common I have even been in one of them myself (sorry - my bitter hatred for stories about Henry VIII and his bloody wives is difficult to restrain).
So FINALLY getting a show set during the reign of James I and VI of England and Scotland and his love affair with the Duke of Buckingham is definitely a breath of fresh air.
But its definitely not the beautiful queer love story tumblr might have hoped for when we all first saw that post.
Nope. If you're looking for a happy tale of queer love overcoming adversity, stick with Red, White, and Royal Blue. Mary & George is not a love story. Its a story of scheming manipulative people who will do anything to get money and power. It's a story that uses sex as a weapon and a tool for personal gain. There is no fluffy romance to be found here, no sweet queer love story and no happy ever after.
I mean, this IS the British monarchy we're talking about, during an extremely dark and horrific period of our history only a short time before the country was plunged into Civil War and a King lost his head. But you've been warned anyway. All you'll find here is brutality, betrayal and eventual death.
Regardless of that, this show was fucking brilliant. The first three episodes in particular are quick witted and hilarious and refuse to shy away from treating queer sex scenes any differently to straight ones. The full frontal male nudity that crops up was also a pleasant surprise - I'm happy that cinema has generally accepted a more balanced approach to nudity nowadays - also a surprise was the lesbian romance which was probably the only genuine romance in the entire show. It leaves you wondering throughout but by the final few episodes its clear that if any love is "true" in this show, its the love between Mary and Sandie.
I absolutely adored Julianne Moore in this as Mary Villiers, who ruthlessly claws her way into power and money through schemes, seductions, betrayals, murders, and anything else you can think of. But even with all of this, I can't help but root for her. Who doesn't want to root for a scheming lesbian and her lover as they manipulate everyone around them and ensure they always get the better of the horrible men that make up King James' court? In this house we support Womens Wrongs.
As far as George goes, Nicholas Galitzine is brilliant as a beautiful but dim mummy's boy in the first few episodes, throwing tantrums and pouting with perfection. He shines in the later episodes as the arrogant and powerful Duke who believes he is practically untouchable due to his hold over the King, whilst still showing through the vulnerability underneath where that relationship remains precarious. The underlying joke of the show is that everyone wants George, and George wants everyone. He's a slutty slutty man.
You know how tumblr has a tendency to split queer stories into one of two camps - either pure sweet romantic love stories or very bad evil messy queer stories? (a gross simplification but you get what I mean) Well Mary and George falls firmly in the second camp. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I was a bit dissapointed that the general approach and belief of the storytellers here is that George used the King for personal gain, that the King was nothing more than a hedonistic fool who let his favourites manipulate him, and that any actual love between them was shallow and fleeting. Its all extremely cynical.
Especially since we know its not true. the surviving letters we have between King James and George paint a much more romantic picture, one where love was definitely a significant factor in their affair. Yes, historians love to play down queer history as best they can, but I don't believe that George Villiers was quite the manipulative little slut this show makes him out to be.
And yeah, sure, we can laugh and dismiss any true history involved. Its just a story after all? It was a bloody good story and one I enjoyed, but was it a fair portrayal of the actual men involved? Probably not - then again, the actual men involved weren't very nice anyway, and the show glossed over a lot of King James' more infamous sins. His obsession with witches and demons leading to the horrifying witch trials throughout the country were completely left out. There was also no mention of the famous King James Bible - the one that heavily emphasised any passages alluding to homosexuality being a sin which is used so frequently even today by religious zealots to persecute gay men. The Sodomy laws during King James' reign were enforced with such brutality that they brought us the slur "f*gg*t" (which I'm not explaining here). Yet the show displays acts of sodomy as such a normal part of court life that you'd almost think it wasn't totally punishable by death.
I shouldn't complain. Especially not about the lack of homophobia. Its a great show. You should watch it. But take it with a pinch of salt. The true story of James and George was probably one with a lot more secrecy involved, a lot more sneaking about in the night (after all, why build a secret passage between their bedrooms if they weren't trying to hide it?) and therefore a lot more hypocrisy on the part of the King.
There are some very touching scenes between King James and George, and I feel the show attempted to portray the relationship between them as complex and multilayered, but I'm not sure it succeeds as well as I would have hoped. But perhaps I am just a silly tumblr romantic who likes her queer love stories to actually include genuine love within them, and I always hoped that any story about King James and George would focus on how that love grew over time. Because whilst George obviously went along with things initially for personal gain, I think the evidence we have at least gives an indication that he did love the King, and the King clearly loved George, and I am interested in a story about how they navigated that love at a period of time where it did need to be kept secret, even if it was a fairly open secret, where things such as the King James Bible and the Witch Trials would have affected them, and where George's rise to power would have caused so much conflict and anger within the court.
But regardless of all that, I still loved the show. Its still worth the watch. The gays deserve more messy sexy dramas where they get to be ruthless and powerful and slutty and murderous. Its excellent viewing for all.
Ultimately though, I may have came for the gay duke and his love affair with the King, but I stayed for the lesbians. The lesbians were awesome.
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 1 month
Jrwi “21 Ton Salute” episode 90 reaction/quotes WHOOPPEEEE
Kira;”I’m gonna have to arrest you now :((“
Chip;”hot mode”
Charlie;”Pull out game crazyyyy”
Chip;”Phew! Not a ghost, just a dickhead.”
Jay;”I see Gillion taking these hits without any armor, cus he doesn’t know how to dodge.”
Kira;”JAYYYY, please don’t make this difficult I don’t wanna hurt you :(((“ *rolls a natural 20*
Gillion;”This is the helm I put on, when I’m gonna cut off your fucking hands.”
Gillion;”Left right Left right- Eany, Meany, Miny FUCK YOU.”
Charlie;”So 64 dmg with these two attacks :))”
Grizzly;”what the fuck bro.”
Gillion;”I had some nightmares myself recently, and the crazy part was, you weren’t in them!”
Kira;”Jay are you in there.?? I don’t really want to- damage this business, so could you come out?” I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
Bizly;”I come back in like a pouting child, my two swords dragging behind me”
Grizzly;”Now it’s your turn Gillion what do you do?”
Charlie;”I pull out the anchor.” *Eyes turns white*
Charlie;”There’s nothing in the sky around us right?”
Bizly;”Just the moon”
Gillion;”MUMMY HELP.”
Gillion;”I wanna grab onto him, and say “NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE”
Bizly *giggling*;”you’re a fucking nutcase bro”
Your Kuba Kenta, 300 FT in the air, a fish in your mouth, he pulls out an anchor and says “10000 pounds.” You start falling. HE MAKES THE ANCHOR WEIGH **MORE**, (80000 POUNDS) HE BEGINS TO SCREAM “NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE.” As you both plummet, wyd?
Grizzly;”the crazy thing is he was just gonna drop you”
Grizzly;”You could have broken ribs, a horrible scar”
Charlie;”aghhh a horrible scar sounds super cool tho”
Condi;”Oh my gooooddd.”
Chip;”If it’s water I can jump in it’s like Minecraft.”
Chip to Jay;”Prisoner prisoner prisoner prisoner of war prisoner prisoner prisoner.”
Chip;”If we have Kuba Kenta we have leverage”
Chip;”Trauma bump :DD”
Chip;”I’m not the only one taken’ care of me anymore. They take care of me, and I gotta take care of them too.” CHIP CHIP CHIP CHIP. BIZLY. SHUT YO MOUTH. SHUSHSHUTUP
Gillion;”I didn’t know you had gills, that makes things a lot easier”
Jay;”Yeah, they hurt a lot when I put them in”
Gillion;”..when you what? 😟”
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kazz-brekker · 2 months
hotd episode 5 thoughts:
this was a pretty talk-heavy episode, which i guess is to be expected after all the action of rook's rest, but i am glad it seems like there will be more dragons and drama in the next episode
ooooh boy the greens parading the head of meleys through king's landing was NOT a good pr move, it is such a bad look to show that the creatures you based your entire reign around are fallible and can be killed
kind of thought aegon's burns might be even worse than they turned out to be, but the maesters having to cut that armor off his body because it had sealed to the wounds was pretty gross
i feel like rhaenyra and alicent need another secret meet-up to commiserate about workplace sexism because WOW those two councils were infuriating
jace flying off on his dragon to do some unsanctioned diplomacy just like rhaenyra did when she was a teenager…he really is his mother's son
i HAVE missed caraxes the noodle dragon, it is true, good to see him again <3
daemon's petulant little "i did not think they would be so eager to die" while sitting on a rock in his fancy dragon armor was really fucking funny
we got to see jeyne arryn and the eyrie, at last! and some of her dialogue was a direct quote from the books, which is fun
rhaenyra and mysaria's dynamic is one of my favorite surprises of the season so far, it's nice that rhaenyra has someone she can be honest about her frustrations with
man, daemon's harrenhal dreams are getting FREAKY. at first i thought that lady he was hallucinating was aemma but. uh. nope!
i continue to love how no-nonsense simon strong is and how done he is with daemon's dramatics
i'm continuing to appreciate how this show is giving screentime to the smallfolk and emphasizing how much an impact the war is having on them
need someone to adopt cheese's dog and give him some good pats please, he deserves better than this
alicent and criston really are never ever getting back together after this episode
it was fun to see the twins and that jace is pretty good at this whole diplomacy thing. i don't THINK the lady at the table was sabitha frey otherwise they would have mentioned her by name?
i really like how unimpressed alys is with daemon and her dragging him for his poor planning and tactics while also getting more hints of her magic
i feel like my stanning of house blackwood has perhaps reached a slight bump with this batch of war crimes. alas!
i liked when the laena hallucination turned up just to drag daemon for being an absent father
really pleased by the amount of baela and her characterization that we got in this episode, hope we'll see more of rhaena too
we can debate blacks vs greens as long as we want but everyone MUST acknowledge that rhaenyra has VASTLY better taste in who to appoint as her hand
you know, i think this is the first one-on-one scene aemond and helaena have ever had?
aegon waking up just long enough to say "mummy" after alicent has already left…kill me now
rhaenyra immediately knowing that jace had flown out and done diplomacy without her was such a mom move
not really sure what the errand elinda massey got sent on was???
i refuse to believe sunfyre is dead until i see the evidence with my own two eyes
in the book the new dragonriders is mostly jace's idea so i like the idea of it being a jace and rhaenyra collaboration, and i'm VERY excited to see vermithor and silverwing next week
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your-mums-nuts · 1 year
It’s so insane to me that everyone tries to justify roman being in love with Gerri with “mummy issues” or some other physco-sexual thing that completely dismisses Gerri as a person in favour of seeing her as an outlet for Roman’s sexual fantasies. Like, have we even been watching the same show?
Roman has been on Gerri’s side from season 1 episode 2- this guy saw her on screen in season 4 and had to immediately sit down, this man has been following her around every single season with no agenda other then to talk to her, to listen to her opinion on things!! My man literally trips over himself trying to get her to laugh!!! she’s the quasi-love of his life!! His final scene was him ordering her favourite drink!! Neither the actors or writers have ever said anything like “she likes him because of the power it gives her” or, “he likes her cause he wants a mummy”, you could say a million things about tomshiv, tomgreg or kenstewy- (hell, I don’t see anyone putting a magnifying glass over Marcia’s love and devotion for Logan) but with Roman and Gerri, it seriously just boils down to, they like eachother. Why do you have to justify it? Because she’s an older woman? As if Toms hair isn’t already grey but nooo, millions of people are still shipping tomgreg and tomshiv.
Anyway, Gerri Kellman is fucking funny and intelligent and hot and Roman Roy loves her and not enough people talk about it.
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taylorkellyreporting · 8 months
i hope no one minds if i inconsistently liveblog this bitch: doctor who season one from 1x04
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“you’re 900 years old?” “yeah.” “my mum was right, that is one hell of an age gap.” lmfaooo
“i’m the only person who knows it exists.” spoke too soon
damn, he left her. i wonder if the key he gave her was even real.
it was a pig 😭
every time they get separated, shit goes off the rails
girl, FUCK the emergency protocols
“sorry.” 😭
that shit was intense
“my mother’s cooking.” “good, put her on a slow heat and let her simmer.” CACKLING
i feel so bad for her mom :(
this episode really is…something.
why the fuck is the doctor just offering up all of this information???
he really should have seen this coming
*pretends to be shocked*
their cockiness is gonna get them killed
i never want rose and the doctor to be separated EVER again
“what use are emotions if you won’t save the woman that you love?” damn
don’t know how i feel about this dude joining them
“he’s your boyfriend.” “not anymore.” did i miss something???
something’s wrong…
is that guy dead?
i don’t trust adam at all
rose is so stupid. i could understand if it was mickey she was trusting but she doesn’t even know this man
huh, that was unexpected.
what the actual fuck
this ep’s gonna be so sad
the doctor never should’ve taken her to that day
“alright, i’ll tell him you’re not my boyfriend.” obsessed with her thinking that was the issue 😭
not important but jackie looks really good with her hair like that
well. that was heartbreaking.
sorry, but if a kid wearing a fucking plague mask was repeatedly saying “mummy” in an eerie voice, i would have turned and walked the other way. r.i.p. to rose but i’m different
what part of “don’t answer it.” is hard to understand? lmao
“excellent bottom.” gross.
i know i sound like a broken record but what the fuck?!
this is one creepy ass episode
this dude is coming on so strong dkgjgks
“finally, a professional.” rose, be serious.
“they’re not dead.” okay.
girl, what the fuck?
i can’t believe that worked lmfaooo
“those would’ve been terrible last words.” 😭
“half this street thinks your missus must be messing about with mr haverstock, the butcher. but she’s not, is she? you are.” SCREAMING
“i sent it to its room. this is its room.”
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that’s fucking terrifying
“the first day i met him, he blew my job up. that’s practically how he communicates.” pls
“okay, so he’s vanished into thin air. why is it always the great- looking ones who do that?” “i’m making an effort to not be insulted.” “i mean…men.” “okay, thanks, that really helped.” fkfhhgdj
i hate jack for interrupting their dance. IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD.
“carry on with whatever you were…doing.” “we were talking about dancing.” “it didn’t look like talking.” “didn’t feel like dancing.” 😭
these episodes are so fucking creepy but they’re definitely the best of the season
oh my God, he’s her son
i can’t wait for mickey’s reaction to jack
“trust me, safest place in the universe.” famous last words
i hope the doctor doesn’t trust her
poor mickey
“it’s always the doctor, it’s never me.” buddy you should’ve known you weren’t first choice when she left you in the beginning
she’s an egg 😭
i almost don’t want to press play.
lmao, what the hell
it always comes back to floor 500
oh shit, the doctor cause all of that?
rose can’t be dead
i can’t believe the daleks actually survived
i’m not ready to say goodbye to nine
rose is getting a taste of her own medicine with the doctor and lynda djfjgjs
i can feel my heart breaking
who the fuck is bad wolf if it isn’t the daleks???
mickey’s really getting on my nerves this ep
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“there’s nothing left for me here.” ‘nothing?” “no.” she’s RUTHLESS 😭 but honestly he shouldn’t be surprised at this point
“i am the bad wolf.” BITCH???? WHAT????
i got my kiss but at what cost
all i feel is pain
that’s it??? how am i ever going to move on from eccleston? how the hell are you guys strong enough do this every season? cause i’ll tell you how i’m doing: not well, bitch!!
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
pinnie mummy thank you for feeding us on the daily mwah. feel free to ignore this as it's very self indulgent but I've just finished work at 2 am again and I can't stop thinking about sth. Who do you think would like (or at the very least be able to handle) a workaholic partner - and who'd absolutely loathe it? Workaholic as in - 'I need to finish this I can't talk to anyone or get distracted by anything till I get stuff done'.
Would enjoy/get along with a workaholic:
Pinter thinks that's the fucking spirit right there! A good worker is a good partner! Your sheer determination to get things done quickly and to never leave loose ends makes him value you immensely as a person and partner. He'll be right beside you pulling 2 to 3am work shifts.
Patches feels a bit more at home with someone who understands what it's like to have a lot of work in their hands. Whether or not you're passionate about said work is a whole other story, but he's the type of guy that will pull all-nighters without hesitation. The dullahan does worry for your health though, he's undead -It can't get much worse- You're alive.
Morell is a hard worker as well. He gets into he hum drum of routine very easily and he's not fond of distractions, to the point where he might tell others to shut the fuck up while he works. This means that he'll understand when you need focus and won't push much, though there comes a time where he forcibly makes you stop.
Cero works harder than you'd expect. Sure, he's an arrogant cunt, but some of his genuine and well-earned pride comes from the fact that he's a diligent worker. He silently admires your dedication, even if all you hear is an insult about not being able to find a balance.
Rieba and Jayde are hard working imps, they see a lot of themselves in you. And while one is more visibly stressed than the other, both are kind of hot messes and appreciate someone who can empathize with their 2am struggles.
**Hudsyn hopes your all-nighters are born of feverish mania and energetic episodes like his, but that might not be the case, it usually isn't. Still, he's there to make sure you don't pass out. And, if you choose to, he's there to pick you up.
Can "handle it":
Zizz can handle a workaholic, in the sense that he'll set a timer for how long into the night you're allowed to stay awake, then will make his way over to you, put a hand on your head and swiftly make you conk the fuck out for as long as he deems necessary.
Belo and Jonesy love your sense of duty! It's truly a beautiful thing to see in a lesser. You're exemplary and so very determined, they swoon at the sight alone. However, Jonesy is quick to dictate that you can no longer keep working after a set amount of time, and Belo will join in on your task when he notices it's getting too late for a human to be up.
Nebul likes discipline. It's nice to know that you don't have trouble focusing on a specific task for long periods of time, that you don't complain about it. He's filing that way for later, when it's time to train you. That being said, the wraith is very much willing to use his authoritative presence to intimidate you out of exhausting yourself.
Flints, much like Nebul, enjoys someone who can focus easily and isn't so easily swayed out of their responsibilities. But he's going to stand next to you silently at some point, tapping a bat on his palm. It's only a matter of time until he starts heading your way with that bat if you don't go the fuck to sleep.
Hates it:
Roch doesn't like seeing you work that much, it genuinely makes him stress out over you. It's bad, like at least take some naps! He'll go out of his way to get on your lap or fall asleep on your work like a house cat. That's enough for a day, stop it.
Fank-e can't stand seeing you so focused for so long at a time. He gets antsy over not having enough interaction with you and can't stay quiet for too long, so your annoyed outbursts will hurt him. He just doesn't know what to do aside from sit there and fidget, forcing himself to be quiet, or just leave.
Fasma won't quit chastising you over how destructive those habits are for your health. Like, you might as well start smoking kid, the way you want to get a burnout, back problems or a depressive episode- You're too young to be doing that shit to your body, take a fucking breather...
Obie likewise doesn't enjoy seeing you stay up so late over things that, to him, seem trivial. Stuff you could finish later or tomorrow. It reminds him of his mom, how she sometimes had to work much more than most sloth demons tolerate, and it would occasionally show in the way her mood would plummet.
Grimbly will perceive this as being ignored and will immediately hate it. There'll be many petty comments about how you don't even really need to work that specific job anyway. Sure, he likes to be spoiled, but working at The Clergy's Eye means he probably makes a lot more money than you, you know?
**[The ending of our little game with Hudsyn will alter him permanently as a character, meaning that depending on how things go, he'll behave very differently in many scenarios. So, in case things sour and you're reading this in the future thinking "That's not the Hudd I know", just know that we're still mid-game here :7]
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Mom City or, as I like to call it, the OT3 goes to town.
Roy asking for Keeley’s help because he tried to help Jamie on his own, but couldn’t manage. The lack of jeaoulsy here is both fantastic and such a relief – Roy wants to get back with Keeley but still doesn’t hesitate to enlist her in comforting her ex, even though he’s been uncomfortable with their continued bond in the past, because a, he’s finally learning to trust Jamie, and b, he just cares too much about Jamie not to do whatever it takes to help him and everything else be damned.
The way Keeley smiles when she realizes that Roy wants her help with Jamie, and then that look of utter delight on her face when she sees them after the game.
“How did it go with Jamie?”
Roy and Keeley chasing after Jamie while it seems so real I can feel it plays and I mean really.
“I don’t believe you’ve lost Jamie Tartt!” – “You can’t lose Jamie Tartt!” 
Jamie really did bring Roy and Keeley home to meet his mum (and Simon!), huh.
“It’s lovely to finally meet you both,” says Jamie’s mum to Roy and Keeley and that’s some small justice for Roy, surely, the fact that Jamie apparently talks about him (and Keeley) quite a bit too?
That shared look and smile between Roy and Keeley as Jamie carries his mum away, like oh, and he’s been so loved, fuck yeah.
Posters of Roy and Keeley on his childhood bedroom wall. (And shout out to the nonny who called this last week; I did not expect this! Still processing!) Let’s take a moment to appreciate what this must look like to Georgie and Simon? There’s Jamie at the door and oh, he’s bringing along these two people he’s had posters of since he was a kid. Can’t be a total surprise since he, you know, talks about them (probably a lot!), but even so!
But given what we’ve seen of mummy Georgie, I doubt she finds this strange at all? Of course her boy should go out there and date and be best friends and really complicated relationship shapes with that footballer and that model he’s always kept pictures of on his wall, whatever makes you happy, Jamie, her boy is a golden boy and deserves the best.
“You and me… sitting on Jamie Tartt’s childhood bed… being all fucking concerned about him and shit.” And it is weird, maybe, but Roy doesn’t look upset about it? He looks pleased! Pleased that he’s there with Keeley and that they’re doing this! This episode really is just Roy trying to lowkey woo Keeley while also being hellbent on taking care of Jamie and and and
Jamie’s little smile after he catches Roy and Keeley holding hands and they’re walking out the door.
Roy and Keeley meeting up and getting booze and then going to find Jamie to celebrate with him. (And you could have this forever, you know? It doesn’t have to be just tonight. And it won’t be.)
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mad-aims · 3 months
So Legend of Ruby Sunday!
Warning here be spoilers, read at your own peril! ⚠️
Wow! Got to say great episode this time! Now this is what we’re talking about! Lots of mystery, intrigue, drama!
So I’m guessing Ruby’s mum has something to do with Sutekh? And Mrs Flood too? Are they also harbingers?
I’m liking the whole god stuff with the villains, but how is the Doctor meant to win against gods?
Also I love the dog Sutekh thing! He’s Set right? The Egyptian god? He looks so cool! So Sutekh is a classic Doctor Who villain. I guess Russell T. Davies is bringing back the old school villains. Instead of Sutekh looking like an ancient Egyptian reject, now they’ve given him turn to sand powers like in the Mummy and he’s the god of death?
Rose is back! Yays! And her Uncle is fine. I wonder if he’s out there watching the TV like “What the fuck is going on with that Susan Triad woman?” He’d no doubt make the connection of her possibly being Susan too. I’d love for the show to show us what he’s up to right now. I’m guessing they won’t, it’s 15’s show now. I do think it would boost the ratings though. If in doubt, send David Tennant out! 🤣🤣🤣
So we’re still no closer to knowing who Ruby’s mum is….
Poor Cheetham Hill guy, RIP. Another fellow Manc, and they killed him off in the first part. Very sad. 😢
Ruby is from Tameside? Why are they never from my neck of the woods? I’d be amazed if they got someone from my part of Manchester honestly.
So yeah “To be continued” I guess as is this review. Till next week!
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mores0 · 11 months
Okay, so there’s a scene in the Psych mummy episode- Shawn (And Gus) of the dead that I really want to talk about for a moment, because, like, we as an audience don’t really see Shawn and Gus’s cases outside of the SBPD or hear much about them, but we caught a glimpse in this episode. And like— Shawn literally drove to some hotel, parked his motorcycle in the front before hiding behind trees and a slide?? With a whole ass camera to take photos on some guy who was most likely cheating. And to clarify, this was at like, 3 in the fucking morning by the way. And it made me come up with so many questions, like- what the fuck is his sleep schedule lmao?? Does he do this all the time? With Gus? How many cases does he do outside of the SBPD? And like, it’s already confirmed that he multitasks personal cases to the cases he does for the SBPD, and that’s just crazy honestly. Man’s a workaholic honestly. Take a nap, lmao.
And- okay, this post really got off topic haha, but still! Thanks for reading, have a nice day. :)
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witchinatree · 4 months
magnus protocol episode 19 ramble
next week's episode is gonna be halfway through season 1.. wonder if it'll be special at all..
ALCHEMY LIKE THE!! THE PROTOCOLS!!! oh i'm so intrigued why would she be researching alchemy..
oh and the magnus institute was researching alchemy
PROTOCOL? also damn it's one of those old statements, always had a hard time connecting to those in tma
who's gonna tell them the name of the podcast
they could literally be dangling the names of all those old people jonah magnus associated with in front of my face and i'd have no clue
opened one eye... like The Eye...
"it saw me and it knew me" oh we're so fucking ba.... don't kill the dog pls
wait something that reverted the affects? like some chemical? something something alchemy something something celia
"you only do that when something's up" alice knows him so well
alice has the right approach but also sam is right in general
poor gwen
very interesting that lena directly tells gwen she could leave.. strikingly different from another business i know..
COLIN OH MY GOD!!!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG MAN!!!! i wonder why alice is there
"you're looking.. here.."
now he's talking about chemistry stuff and oh my god!! oh my god.
what did he mean by "mummy and daddy stasi" ?? his last names becher right??
maybe alice is not right for this actually, she IS being listened to
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devouringyourson · 1 year
anyway now I'm going to talk about doctor who for a few hours: single episodes people should watch if they only watched 10 and wanna try some newnewwho
5x7 Amy's Choice: standalone where the doctor and his companions have to choose between reality and a dream world but which is which? peak whimsical 11 era if you like this give the 11th doctor a go
5x10 Vincent and the Doctor: everyone everywhere has suggested this and im sure you've already seen it beautiful beautiful standalone
5x14 (Christmas Special) sci-fi version of A Christmas Carol with flying sharks and opera
6x4 The Doctor's Wife: weird, dark and wonderful standalone penned by Neil Gaiman where the tardis get sucked into a junkyard outside of the universe and weird gaimany shit ensues
6x11 The God Complex: doctor who does the shining with a big religious metaphor and a space minotaur. low budget underrated ep which delves into the flaws of 11th doctor and his choice of a young facade
Series 7 is honestly a bit messy and all requires pre knowledge to understand wtf is going on but 7x12 The Crimson Horror is a campy mark gatiss penned horror romp if you fancy some silly victorian gothic
8x4 Listen: doctor who's most philosophical ep with very few answers, don't watch for the plot watch for the tension and metaphors on fear itself. Odd, ambitious and strange. 12 is abrasive and flawed but if you dig the darker tone s8 is a go to
8x8 The Mummy on the Orient Express. literally an egyptian mummy haunting the orient express IN SPACE. Oddly despite the fantasical premise it's also a great episode to get to grips with this harsher, darker doctor and the complicated relationship he has with Clara. The most 12 of episodes
8x13 Christmas Special: Last Christmas. Great big sci-fi christmas mind fuck that's weirdly emotional and stars nick frost as seemingly... actual santa??
Series 9 is a heavily interlinked series with mainly all double parters so hard to recommend a standalon but...
9x11 Heaven Sent is a masterpiece a single ep starring only Peter Capaldi in mainly monologue as we explore an existential eternal prison. Experimental and strange and deeply rewarding.
10x11 World Enough and Time: The Tardis lands on a huge ship with hundreds of floors. A nearby black hole distorts time so that the lower levels are experiencing centuries of civilisation while the upper floors pass mere seconds. You may struggle to understand what's going on in the wider series plot but this one is gloriously bleak body horror and industrial sci-fi. If you enjoy this go back and watch the season
11x6 Demons of the Punjab: the era of 13 has its issues but god did they go hard on the historicals and politics. A beautiful story about family, identity, loss and the horrors of the partition of India during colonial rule
12x8 The Haunting of Villa Diodati. Again with the historicals. So what really went down during that dreadful summer of 1816 where Mary Shelly writes Frankenstein
The 13th season I.... ??? yeah so anyway
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duchess-of-oldtown · 3 months
House of the Dragon, Season 2, Episode 3 thoughts
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
I like the Bracken-Blackwood thing. I like the injection of a little bit of history but also like pettiness.
Jace, get out of your mother's ear. Can you even tell which one is Arryk or Erryk?
Rhaenys giving us slay as usual. Eve Best really gets the greatest lines.
I really like Criston Cole's squire. I don't know, he reminds me of Pod.
Criston pulling that managers face right there. We've all been on both sides of that.
Ironrod, they could never make me hate you. Master of Shade
Tyland stop bullying the Grand Master.
Harrenhal is giving all these guys a hard on. It's not even that nice a castle (before yall come for me, I know it's importance)
Aemond teasing Aegon at the Council, that younger sibling grin
Mysaria's gown looks so comfy. Her scenes are alright, better than before
Rhaenyra vs Mysaria has to get away from the whole Daemon thing. That vibe is still there and it gives me two exes sniping at one another.
I get Rhaena's annoyance but it's also an opportunity.
The Harrenhal scenes were perfect. The ambience, the setting it's all *chef kiss*.
I hate the whole Prince Consort vs King thing. For one, it's completely against etiquette and the rules but also in the book, Daemon never needed to be King, he was supporting his Queen.
There's Alys.
Daemon "I'm claiming harrenhal". Yes, girl we see
Simon I give you this castle, also dinner is on the table, it's not great but it's good" Strong, you were the best thing in this episide. " Also, this exchange feels written by George RR Martin.
Grover Tully is getting it tonight
Daemon defending an ill lord paramount's abilities, he's thinking of Viserys
Gwayne Hightower, you're giving me Harry Hardying had a baby with Alfie Allen vibes
Cole's hair... I don't know how to feel.
Alicole doing the whole courtly love shit, as if Cole wasn't on his knees that morning. She pegs him, Your Honour
I need whiter Kingsguard Cloaks.
If they fucking mansplain, ridicule or correct Rhaenyra one more time, I fucking Harrenhal them. Who the fuck are these men?
Rhaenys, eating as usual, mic drop
Rhaenys and Corlys, I know they're setting us up for what happens, but *mournful screaming*. She's standing on a little crate 😭 Corlys beefing with baby Joffrey. Corlys grabbing his lady's hips while talking about heirs is my new roman empire
Let me see Stormcloud and Tyraxes
I wanted a little more conflict with Baela and Rhaena. But Baela assuring her is top tier.
Joffrey with his mummy 😭😭😭 Jace too. It's the last time Rhaenyra will see Viserys.
Helaena's speech, I think I know what's about to happen there. The families of the rat catchers + that riot. Also Helaena isn't forgiving Alicent for Cole, she's forgiving her for the war
Aegon looks so lil in his armour.
Kingslanders partying as only Kingslanders can
Ulf the White's scenes are good but Baelon the Brave? You want me to believe that Baelon the Brave cheated on Alyssa?
I did not need to see Aemond's dick. Aemond you should be out committing atrocities not getting it wet
Also Baela the trees are flammable.
Daemon take Dark Sister out of there it's too damp for her
YOUNG RHAENYRA - this is how guest stars should appear, with no warning and with the actors swearing they aren't ever coming back.
Also, Alys is American?
Rhaenyra slaying in her Septa Unella cos play. I wonder whether that's the same wimple
I loved the Rhaenyra and Alicent exchange but it was still such a dumb idea. This exchange is heartbreaking, there are parts that feel sitcomy and I love it.
Rhaenyra's lil face when she thought Viserys changed his mind
Alicent's lil... "oh Aegon the Conqueror... '
Over all 9/10
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tokuvivor · 4 months
Hello, my duck-loving friends. In lieu of @violetganache42 providing highlights from last night’s Movie Night (Duckburg Adventures edition), I’ll actually be taking a crack at it.
Chef Donald
Ass shot opening
@shewhowantsmouseears: “This is one of those ‘Donald is trying to live his life and god said fuck you’ shorts, I can tell already”
Trans Donald talk (egg laying)
Waffle misadventures ensue when Donald pours rubber cement into the batter
He’s gonna get his waffles or die trying
Donald’s angry squawk
Taking his anger out on Old Mother Mallard
Seriously, what did she do?
Send in the Clones
@writebackatya comparing the ‘87 theme to Hall and Oates
Breaking the rules of strictly Duckburgian adventures
Beagle Boys sounding like Meowth
Magica’s voice sounding more Slavic than Italian
Mel and I making references to Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle
Dewey’s voice changing?
The Beagle Boys (as the triplets) not wanting to wear their suit jackets
OG Webby!
Webra Walters with the Baba Wawa voice (shoutout early SNL)
Everyone is confused by the clones
“I haven’t eaten in minutes.”
Theme song moment!
Scrooge racism moment
Huey as Chicken Little
Splatter Phoenix is art lesbian Jesus
Another theme song moment!
“Banned!” “That’s my joke!”
Daytrip of Doom!
Missy wanting to smash Scrooge
Webby is scary (and adorable)
Beakley being mad about Scrooge reconnecting with his family
“Ow, my tailbone!”
“Uh…ocupado.” “House meeting. NOW.”
@alex31624 singing the Spanish DuckTales theme
Louie sitting away from the other kids
Dana Terrace!
Beakley’s rules
“Wait, are they gonna kiss?”
Funso’s Fun Zone (“Where fun is in the zone!”)
Dewey definitely taught his brothers to harmonize
Webby autism moments (there are many in this episode, believe me)
Will talking about the parallels between Daytrip of Doom! and Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!
“Unrealistic for children to act like that.” Bitch what
Webby’s first time on a bus
Beagle Boys!
Fuckin’ Timmy Jenkins
Louie showing Webby the ropes
Jane! (Will, you’ve convinced me on just how great she is)
Not water
Jane tries to help Webby
Fruity water
Jane and Gandra are definitely friends
Uke or Puke!
Beakley basically watching a Donald Duck cartoon
HDLW siblings real
Ma Beagle in the house!
Margo Martindale is a legend
Comparison to Mama Fratelli from The Goonies
Episode with ‘87 vibes (this and The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!)
Webby wants to be normal
“Normal’s overrated.” “We need you to be Webby normal.”
Discussing autistic episodes
Webby getting the best of Ma
Donald hug
“I’m on Webby’s team!” -HDL
How did Donald not know Beakley was a spy?
Dough Ray Me
White Fenton jumpscare
@godfrey-the-chaos-duck and Will: “You know what else has an arcade?” “My mom!” “…the server.”
Fenton taller than Scrooge
Ghostbusters reference!
Fenton being voiced by a guy named Hamilton and Hamilton himself
OG Gyro
Lin-Manuel Miranda being a legend for saying this
Tumblr media
Godfrey putting the do-re-mi pun together
Gyro being an ass to Fenton in ‘17 is karma for ‘87
Fenton’s vampire look
Minor Fenro discourse
Economics lesson!
HSM reference (status quo)
Nice jail cell
German inflation after WWI
Club Penguin reference (there were a few mentions of Club Penguin last night)
Gosalyn would take advantage of fraudulent allowance
Scrooge is pissed
To the moon (like Della)
Going full Peter Griffin
Beakley needs booze (also, Lady Olivia reference)
Reference to a fic about Scrooge having a mental breakdown regarding his riches (Cape Town, 1913)
Swimmin’ Hole
Pete Hate Club is back
He took the swimming hole!
Electric fence
“We killed Holey!”
@violetganache42 and I referencing the Suite Life PRNDL scene
Bambi reference
Mickey is too nice
Who is Gizmoduck?!
Spam’s love for Mark Beaks
Huey helping Donald at the bank
Everyone is threatening Huey tonight
Huey’s big eyes when Roxanne Featherly interviews him
Goldie O’Gilt as a Christ figure
Incompetently dangerous or dangerously incompetent?
Mark and his ship names
The Gearloose Hay Wire
Huey climbing up Gizmoduck
Mark is Jasmine from Aladdin
Fenton’s destiny
“You will be mine.”
Gyro firing Fenton
Huey being extra
“In the recycling, you monster!”
Mark being racist
That’s not Gizmoduck!
“I am not your amigo.”
More Huey climbing
Fenton sacrifices himself…but he’s alive!
He still can’t get his damn respect from Gyro, though
Waddleduck song in the ending credits!
The Good Muddahs
Webby episode!
No one wants to play with her
Someone please give this child a hug
Beagle Babes!
Why do they have globes on their chests?
Pink gun
They got Webby!
Beakley said “hussies” holy shit
Thugs and kisses…
The cops in this episode are immensely fucking stupid and useless
Beagle Babes with Webby
They’re trying, and so far, they’re failing
That’s not Cinderella
Okay they’re bonding with her good
Shoplifting list!
Pulling a gun on your sister
@hueberryshortcake: “She has two ladylike charms. Sorry.”
Beakley is pissed
Bubba nose
They found Webby! She doesn’t want to leave, though. But what if…
Webby with a gun help
Bagel Beebs
The boys driving the car
Beagle Babes reformed…wait, they want to go back to jail
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!
Team Magic!
Tempest in a teapot
Missy’s love for Della
Legends of Legendquest!
“Scariest bunny in the pet shop”
Scheme Team ready to go
Huey farming
Della’s snatched waist
Beagle Boys sweep!
“Hellowyn, Llewellyn.”
Honey Bin
Percival P. Peppington (knockoff Willy Wonka)
The child! (Boyd)
Glomgold and Sharkbomb!
“Grandma…OW!…super young aunt”
“Hi, I’m BOYD!”
Lester’s Possum Park
The Duke
A wild Launchpad appears!
Goldie’s legs
Glomgold-Sharkbomb fight!
“Don’t tell me what to DOOOOO!”
Boyd and Gumball sharing a VA
Not the farm!
Goku Huey!
Beaks Optimistic Youth Droid
Boyd goes berserk!
“I swore after last year no one’s eyes would melt out of their heads!”
Goldie betraying Louie
Fucked-up Boyd moment, continued
“It’s over 9,000!”
“This is worse.”
Boyd is Doofus’ new brother
Mr. and Mrs. Drake growing spines and punishing Doofus
Accidental Timephoon! reference?
Huey’s in too deep
Louie’s picture in Goldie’s wallet!
And there you go! Better late than never, I guess. I tried to get in as much as I could. If I missed anything, feel free to add.
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risetherivermoon · 9 months
here have a sparrow related rant :D (dndads ep 48 spoilers!!)
btw, my entire perception (or all together understanding) of sparrow oak has shifted after this episode-
i think unconsciously i saw the twins as completely different people, like wildly different from eachother, after season 1 and in season 2
but honestly- after we find out that sparrow is the one who enacted code purple, the conversation with henry and mercedes? i still see them as different characters, but i feel like they are actually way more similar than i initially thought
they're just both two guilt ridden idiots, and at first i was really confused why it seemed like sparrow would always group himself with lark when talking about who "ended the world" or whatever (i thought it was probably him saying it in solidarity or whatever, which i think is still partially the reason) but now he also basically did what lark did
i think thats whats heartbreaking to me, because henry immediately forgives lark after he releases the doodler, but sparrow is immediately told he will never be forgiven, and where lark has the motive of wanting to defeat the doodler and become stronger, sparrow has the motive of just wanting to protect his family-
im not saying this is out of character of henry, i definitely think this is how he'd react since he has the knowledge of exactly what code purple will do, and we also know that sparrow tried to lie to him to enact it as well, but its just- fuck
personally i think because of how lark and henrys relationship is in late s1 (and afterwards) henry probably was unconsciously more attentive to lark afterwards, trying to repair that broken relationship- and so his perspective of sparrow is different, sparrow usually goes along with lark and backs him up but he never actually argues with henry or whatever,
so when sparrow does something that he does himself, it seems so off and random to henry, personally i think if he had to think about it that lark would be the twin that what would be most likely to be the one to do it, a lot of it is sparrow acting on his own principle and we really don't see that often, (blah blah, its lark and sparrow not sparrow and lark, blah blah)
basically i think that it was so unexpected of sparrow that henry immediately freaks out and is more aware of the betrayal than he was back when the doodler was released,
im relistening to the mummy issues arc in s1, and was listening to scene of henry and darryl arguing about the pyramid, and i think that's really the thing yk? because henry's moral compass is more pointed towards being selfless, where sparrow seems to be on the opposite side of that in this situation
for example, henry wants to go and get arrested by neverwinter because they had let the pyramid fall instead of trying to save lark and sparrow from the omegadads, which makes sense that he doesn't approve of code purple because it would put faerun in danger, even though it would mean his family would be safe,
and then sparrow, who enacts code purple because even though it would destroy faerun, he and his family would be safe,
ive seen people compare code purple to the trolley problem- and honestly, i agree so much, its similar, where if the same amount of people are on both tracks but one has your friends and family/people you love on one side as well,
really sparrow was put into such a huge position of either way he will end up hurting someone, his 6-year-old son is attacked by a flesh hoard that he can get rid off by flicking a single switch, and of course he's going to do it, even if that means his parents never want to speak to him again and that he dooms another plain of existence to destruction
im just in love with how much this podcast spins morality around, it can be so incredibly philosophical for being a dungeons and dragons podcast about a bunch of stupid dads, it really makes you realize how complicated humans are
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
Ange dearest, here for my post-show thoughts; this really is the literal first thing I do after every episode. Kinda like last week I'll try to start with some positives:
Aemond looked cunty asf
Sowing the seeds of Alys and Aemond, I really am just dying to see this
Jeyne Arryn sighting
The performances were amazing as usual, but particularly the grief from Lord Corlys, I really felt for him, honestly
Baela, that's it.
Now for my not necessarily negative but other thoughts-
Daemon. Daemon. Daemon. Fucking his mother? Eating her out? Um....what??????? Sir.....SIR- also side not she kinda hot but NOT THE POINT UM WHAT. Also, what are they doing to Daddy Uncle, talking about Rhaenyra can't succeed- where is the loyalty that I've been yearning for, URGH
The Helaena and Aemond scene was literally a fragment pls- that wasn't even a full conversation. I suppose it was profound in a way, yes, but still. Also am I the only one hearing a child laughing before he turned to see Helaena? Is that some of his guilt over Jaehaerys? Idk, just thoughts
The lack of balance between showing the greens and blacks was blatant in this episode, it felt like for every thirty minutes on Dragonstone we got 2 minutes in King's Landing.
Lastly, what the FUCK is Aemond doing to Aegon in the trailer. Please, Please, Please, tell me that's him feeling a sliver of remorse, and that he's not going to try and KILL HIM FUCKING JEEZ MAN
That last part of Aegon wheezing, 'Mummy' just broke my heart.
Let's hope that that scene of Alicent and Cole means an official Alicole breakup, yes I'm still annoyed by how much we were waterboarded with them in the first two episodes.
Overall, despite the general grievances that we've reiterated from the beginning, I enjoyed the episode, I giggled every time Aemond came on screen and I screamed when Daemon fucked his mom- because frankly, if we don't just focus on the things we enjoy, we'll end up storming HBO and demanding Ryan Condal's head.
Look forward to your thoughts too <3
-🦋 anon
I live for your weekly thought dumps! What am I going to do without them once season two ends?! :( Here are mine:
This, to me, felt like a filler episode. We have a shorter season this season, THERE ISN'T ROOM FOR THAT. I just felt like nothing noteworthy really happened? I thought Aemond becoming Prince Regent would be made a bigger deal of, but once again it's overshadowed by Alicent's negative reaction to it. Uuuggghhhh.
I adore Alys, I cannot get enough of her, and I squealed and kicked my feet at the hint of Alysmond. Give them to meeee. I am chomping at the bit for season three.
We have had two episodes of Daemon tripping off his nut though, so I am over it at this point, we didn't need a third. ADVANCE THE PLOT. I feel like it's character assassination from the writers that they are pitting Daemon against Rhaenyra - another effort to villainise him and make his character two dimensional. This could not be further from Daemon in the book, it's sad to see.
The hallucination of him fucking his mother was wild. I get that it's meant to symbolise his desire to be loved by a woman who holds power over him (i.e. he feels spurned by his queen, Rhaenyra), but it was weird! That being said, I enjoyed the visuals because Daemon is insanely hot.
I would, however, have gladly swapped that hallucination for a more meaningful interaction between Helaena and Aemond, because what the hell was that? The first time they have spoken the entire series and it's five fucking words from Helaena that Aemond doesn't even respond to?!?!
I loved Corlys, Baela and Jace in this episode. Jace and Baela's on screen interactions are always great to watch, they have such natural chemistry, and Corlys being angry with Rhaenyra felt very realistic.
Once more, I am left feeling as though Team Green is being given the shitty end of the stick, while Team Black are stealing the spotlight. I don't like having to flesh out the characters through guess work, SHOW ME SOME DEVELOPMENT.
Wondering if we will get Aemond in the Conqueror's crown at any point this season?
I don't think Aemond is doing anything sinister to Aegon in the trailer for episode six, but I do think it's been deliberately cut to appear that way. When he initially arrives at the foot of the bed, and looks at Aegon, you can see in his face that he feels awful about the state he's in. There is guilt lurking beneath the surface, I know there is!!
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