#in the outfit with the leather vest he’s wearing in the song
swugflower · 1 year
I almost feel bad for saying it, but I relate more to Ken than I did to Barbie.
I’m non binary and feel so far removed from what a woman should be. I’ve always been a tomboy and loud and opinionated, haven’t been shaving in years, my make up is weird, I have the body of a little boy, I don’t really care for what the world thinks of me.
Of course, anti women stuff still deeply harms me, as I’m perceived as a woman. But Barbie’s arc about learning that you’ll never be enough for patriarchy didn’t feel really relatable to me personally.
And I don’t wanna take away from anyone that felt seen and empowered from it. Like I still very much got the message and see avd still feel how it is important.
However, feeling like a accessory and being someone’s “and [swug]”, somehow made me feel very seen. Desperate for love and attention
(Until the point where he liked patriarchy and horses cause patriarchy sucks and I’m scared of horses)
Yea idk… Ken is just so GENDER
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itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
His Little Cowboy
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(College AU) Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: It turns out that beards aren't as bad as misinterpreting a text, especially when you want to introduce your lover to your friends. Or maybe don't plan on doing that in a themed college party?
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Word Count: 2.8K
Est. Read Time: 15 min
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Rating: PG-17
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @san-network
Linked With: 22.59
A/N: Shout out to @yessa-vie straight up digging up the cowboy pics for me. The number of times I listened to this song- @edenesth , is to be blamed.
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Moving past the sweaty bodies she groaned, inwardly grimacing at the stench of alcohol, cheap perfume and oh god please don't let that be puke. This is not how she wanted to spend her weekend, but ever since that dinner where the two had confessed to each other, San had been persistent about them making a public appearance together, slight problem though- he was popular, Mr. Charming, Mr. Optimism, Mr- WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!?
With a scoff she jumped over some knocked-out dude, really leave it to Choi San to call her to a party and then not answer his phone- even so, he had wanted her to meet his friends, a very...very intimidating group of loud, popular, good looking guys, truth be told most of them already were in a relationship, which would explain why San was more persistent in giving them an official label, not that she would mind that, she loved him unconditionally, a feeling that had blossomed ever so slowly but hit her like a truck once it began to flow over, which is why...she had agreed to this stupid idea...which is why she had agreed to this...to coming here...to wearing such an outfit. 
Standing on her toes she tried to spot her lover, who was supposed to be dressed as a cowboy in black; leave it to college parties to have the weirdest theme- it wasn't even Wild West, well, it was, but they called it 'Outlaw themed'. The theme itself was off-putting due to several historical events but who was she to say no when he had asked her so politely, so quietly, with his face buried in the crook of her neck in the late hours of the night as her fingers played with his short locks, humming when he mumbled against her skin, squeezing her closer as he asked her to attend this party with him, he'd even tell her what to wear, which was odd for when she had read the text the next morning really did confuse her, but agreed anyway- God her face was so itchy- OH SAN!
"SAN!" She called out, smiling when he turned around, eyes scanning the sea of bodies for her. Waving her arm in the air she walked closer to the man in the black cowboy hat, though his eyes never landed on her, instead, he was still looking around. With a huff she squeezed past a couple and almost tripped, only to collide with his chest- bare chest? Her eyes widened at the man, hands instinctively gripping onto the attire- a cropped leather waistcoat? Staring up at him she licked her chapped lips, tugging on the coat gently as he frowned down at her, why did he look...confused? Was he...upset she actually showed up? To be honest, she didn't have time to divulge her insecurities because the vest was distracting, the tussles were caressing her face and the bandana just made her Sannie look like-
"You lost there, buddy?"
"We thought you were dating someone? What are you collecting little boys for- oh wait the beard means you're a big boy right, partner?" Her head whipped in the direction of the voice, is that Wooyoung? Wait, little boy...my god.
"Sannie! It's me!" She squeaked cupping his face as he stiffened, before she felt him gently squeeze her waist, moving closer to her face before his expression morphed into pure disgust- "What the hell are you supposed to be!?" He whined, ignoring the way Wooyoung had burst out laughing, not stopping when his own partner slapped his shoulder, asking him not to embarrass San and his girlfriend even more.
"Like you said! A cowboy!"
They had moved to a quieter area of the house, one with proper lighting and- kitchen, all of them had crowded the kitchen, with her sitting on a counter as San glared at her, arms crossed over his chest.... how could someone look so nice in such poor lighting.
"What are you supposed to be?" He asked in a low tone, ignoring how his friends were still snickering behind him. It amazed her how he was still towering over her, like that, kind of making her feel smaller than usual, twiddling her thumbs she mumbled "A cowboy...Sannie...you said let's go as a cowboy couple."
A deep laugh resonated from behind the man as she peaked up to find one of them, Seonghwa, who chuckled when their eyes met, only for him to give her a gentle smile, though she could see the glint in his eyes, a little teasing swirling within his orbs, but the angel, his angel, sitting next to him squeezed his hand, begging him to not make it worse.
"What- I? What!?" He gasped, arms flailing around to emphasize whatever the hell he was trying to say as she shrugged, "I SAID A COWBOY COUPLE!?"
"Yeah, and I am one."
"That usually means a guy and his girl!"
 "You realise the actual number of cowgirls was less, if not nonexistent, and usually they did all the work but got little to no credit. This is exactly why these parties confuse me, are we glorifying misogyny?" She deadpanned, pointing to her fake beard causing him to facepalm, never had he met someone so smart yet so stupid- and to think he loved her? Who's the bigger fool here?
"I love how both of you are majoring in communication but aren't able to communicate with each other."
Her lips quirked downwards at that statement, feeling the weight of it hanging in the air- oh- so he wanted her to dress up like those sexy cowgirls...well he should've just said that! Even though she would want to say no, she would have done it anyway because it was for him. That's when it hit her, he wanted to introduce her to his friends too, and while all their significant others were dressed for the occasion, she looked like a hobo, with her baggy cowboy outfit, giant hat and well...the beard. Shit. This was not good, this was not good at all, she misread the situation again- what kind of girlfriend chooses to look unpresentable? What if he thinks she did this to embarrass him- hell he has every right to be upset with her-
The sharp tone of his caused her eyes to flicker up from her lap to his face, gut twisting at the way he had turned back to stare at Wooyoung, his cold glare making the other one let out a nervous chuckle, wait no, he shouldn’t take the anger out on his friend, especially when it is her fault for just assuming what he meant- man this beard was itchy.
“I’m just saying…” Wooyoung shrugged, before looking around at everyone, most of whom were now engaged in talking to each other or on their phones, then back at San, who was still glaring at him. Sure, he wanted them to meet his girlfriend, and sure he was upset that she chose the wrong time to misread the situation, but that did not give anyone the right to humiliate her more than she already had done to herself-
“San-ah…” she whispered, gently nudging his leg with her foot, trying to talk to him, whispering, “I can go back and change…” Nah, she was just gonna dip and not come back, probably telling him how she got abducted by aliens by leaving him a note and disappearing because this was a moment of peak embarrassment-
“Your beard’s really cool, what did you use?”
“Huh?” moving to the right her eyes met a certain blonde man’s- she’d never heard Hongjoong speak before, well that’s because in any class the two shared he’d be sitting quietly at the back, “Oh um…facial glue.”
“Woah, you glued it?” He asked, moving closer to inspect it then hummed, “Dedication.”
“I mean she did fool Sannie here,” Seonghwa added, his angel sitting next to him nodding as she hummed in agreement, “It's an A for effort, I kind of wished I went for something similar.”
“I know right!” the girl who had been glaring at her idiotic boyfriend- the idiot was Wooyoung- for upsetting San added, “I was impressed- we should’ve done this, would’ve been so cool.”
She only smiled at their kind words, a bit upset about how she let him down, but hey, at least they were enjoying it. That was all it took for the awkwardness to fade though, perhaps with the help of the other women involved, the conversation had begun to flow smoothly, each one slowly introducing themselves, most men did constantly talk about the beard, but when it came to Jongho, San’s gym buddy – who she wanted to thank because, lord bless, the way her man had beefed up, she’d make sure Jongho and San never quit being friends- he did point out how “They’re all jealous they can’t grow beards as thick as yours- you pulled it off better than most of them could too.”
The causal chatter thus turned into loud, yet fun banter, her laughter causing San, who had been quietly standing next to her, back leaning against the counter she was sitting on, to look at her, chatting with the rest of them like they had been friends for years. Truth be told he found it amusing, no he loved it, how even at this point, knowing she made a mistake she was honest enough to tell him her opinion, about how she felt about the whole theme parties- communication was never really the problem if you ask him, perhaps it was the intent to make the other happy, that would cause problems, the fear of disappointing the other. No one really said that the girls should come dressed as sexy cowgirls or cowgirls at all, and the effort she had put into the outfit made him realise how this was the first party she had ever attended. He remembers how in the earlier days of their relationship, she had mentioned how she’d never been invited to a party, themed or not, not that she would ever go to one- though he had shushed her and promised to take her to one, but for almost four years she had been avoiding it- well perhaps she said yes, this time because they were an official item now, and not just a fling. That made him feel worse, he had spent 20 minutes of her ‘partying time’, arguing with her over something so stupid. He could only sigh at the way he ended up with someone who was only book smart but an idiot otherwise, someone who was so stubborn yet so caring, someone who would try their best to meet his expectations- even if it meant glueing a beard-
“Ow! San!” she hissed, rubbing her cheek before slapping his hand away, causing everyone else to stop talking and look at their friend, who held a tuft of black synthetic hair pinched between his fingers.
“You okay, dude?” Wooyoung asked as San frowned at the hair and then back at her, mumbling, “My god, this really is glued isn’t it?”
“YAH THINK?” she yelled before snatching the torn piece from his hand as she pouted at it, “What is wrong with you~” she whined only to be cut off by Mingi, who she had learnt was one of the noisiest and nosiest friends, spoke up, “The real question is, is San going to kiss her with the beard on?”
She looked up at him eagerly, batting her eyelashes at him, his eyes widening at the realization of how she was still able to look so cute; this was the exact same look she’d give him every time she knew she was winning, when she knew he’d give into her every whim, the look that would make him feel like he was the most important thing to her in the entire universe- maybe he really was- and for this very reason his head jerked to the side as he broke eye contact, knowing if he kept looking at her for a second longer, maybe he would’ve kissed her right there and then, in front of everyone, even though he knew how public display of affection was not her cup of tea. Even if touch was his love language, he knew she’d bask in it and ask for it behind closed doors, so the kiss right now was more of a way of satisfying the people around them, a way of satisfying him, as if she were trying to make it up to him, for misinterpreting the situation, for which she would choose to come out of her comfort zone just for, just to let him know how much he meant to her- god, he really did love her. The group broke out in laughter, causing San’s face to turn red, almost the same colour as her shirt.
She reached for him, fingertips brushing against his arm, causing him to stand up straight clearing his throat as he mumbled, “I’m gonna get you something to drink, stay with them,” as he left the kitchen, ignoring the ‘boo’s’ he was receiving from his friends- he was desperate to introduce her to his circle of friends, but he also forgot how bloody annoying they could be, teasing him at any moment given, hell they had even made a big deal out of his outfit for today, claiming how he ‘was trying so hard to impress her’, adding the ‘Sannie, you know she likes smart guys- oh wait, no maybe that’s not true since you’re in the picture’.
Sighing he looked at himself in the mirror, why was his face so pink? He had been washing his face for God knows how long, trying to calm down, trying to not think about how now everyone knew about his secret little lover, how they’d steal her attention, how they’d make sure she’d be involved in every activity, which was a good thing, but he was her Sannie! How could be her Sannie with them always around- oh my god, get a grip-did he turn redder? All he did was drink apple juice- shit, he had to get her something to drink!
Slamming open the door he stumbled out only to halt at the sight of the bearded cowboy- oh his bearded cowboy who was frowning up at him, causing him to pout at her, somewhat guilty for leaving her hanging and-
“Is the beard really bothering you this much?”
“No, they’re bothering me.”
“Huh?” she looked up at him as if he had spoken French, “What do you mean? I thought they liked me?”
“They do like you.” He sighed, reaching for her hand as he began to walk towards the nearby terrace, knowing it would be empty since the party was downstairs, sliding open the door he slipped outside pulling her out with him as he made her sit on one of the outdoor chairs, kneeling in front of her on the ground as he held her hands, looking up at her, “I’m afraid they like you so much that I won’t get to be myself around you, you know?” he mumbled before placing her hands on his cheeks, causing her to giggle and squeeze his face.
“Aww, Sannie, you don’t have to worry about that, I’m just glad they don’t think I’m weird.”
“They definitely think you are weird.” He mumbled out, only for her to squish his cheeks harder, leaning down to peck his puckered lips before letting go, though he pulled her back, his hand resting at the back of her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze, holding her still as he brushed his lips against hers, “This beard is really annoying.”
“And here I thought you wouldn’t kiss me with it glued to my face.” She whispered, grateful to finally have a moment of peace with him, a moment where they could just be themselves, “Next time, just come over and tell me what to wear.”
“Nah, I think I like this look on you,” He perked up, pecking her lips once more, causing her to let out a giggle, arms wrapping around his neck, about to ask him about the reason behind his choice of clothes when she was cut off, by a very noisy Mingi who’s hollering could be heard as he ran away,
Shaking her head in disbelief, she stood up, helping him up as well as she squeezed his hand, causing him to look at her, a pout already present on his face, dreading what was to come next, “Ready for a shit ton of teasing?”
“Not really.” He mumbled as he sighed, causing her to let out a chuckle as she dragged him back downstairs to the noisy group who was oh so ready to tease the hell out of their ‘Sannie’ and his little cowboy.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp
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naturepointstheway · 2 months
2008 Wellington Non-Replica Cats here we go
Gather around, everyone, while I pull out my souvenir programme from 2008 Cats I still have from this production way back yonks ago. Feel free to partake in some snacks! There will be plenty of photos from the brochure, hence putting them under a "read more".
Okay, so looking through this production's cast list, I see that there were pretty much the whole cast you'd expect (we had a Plato rather than Admetus, for example), plus some OCs sprinkled in there as well, which I like! The Growltiger sequence was clearly still in there, as there's a Griddlebone for example. One thing I really love is that they cast a very old (I think retired, or close to) actor as Old Deuteronomy which makes sense to me, because he is supposed to be an old cat (I think the actor was in his mid-sixties at least). Ditto for Gus as well, also of a similar age to the actor who played Old Deut, which I love for this cast, and also it makes sense for them to be played by older people, considering they are supposed to be on the older side of life.
There was a separate Quaxo character from Mistoffelees as well, and also kept the Exotica character from the 1998 movie as well.
OCs created (names only, sadly) include Victor, Johnny, Isis, Savannah, Rocket, Anoushka, and Garbo.
Okay enough rambles, on to the photos I took on my phone from the brochure!
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Yes, that is Munkustrap, and honestly love his wig--very wild, very maine coon ears in there. Interesting they gave him leopard spots--maybe Jenny gave him those for him to wear for the night? I actually don't mind they gave him some leopard spots here, as it makes him look a lot more like Tugger as well, selling that whole Munk and Tugger are brothers thing even more.
Speaking of our favourite rock star cat...
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That leather costume. Umph. My poor bisexual heart. I love the extra floof at his ankles (I think those are leg warmers). This Tugger, from what I remember, gave me very John Partridge's Tugger vibes, which I wholly approve of. Victoria has called shotgun for the space between his legs, and an OC (I think) cat is clawing her way up his thigh which, mood. Yes. Electra is the one that did the screaming at the end of his song (the one stretching up to him, wearing that white-ish unitard.
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Griddlebone and Growltiger (I think)!
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This Macavity fucks, and I remember his costumed was sparkly as fuck. Practically was in a sparkle-off competition with Mistoffelees in terms of sparkly costumes. I can absolutely see why Bomba wanted this Macavity inside her NOW.
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Here's the one and only Grizabella; my favourite costume out of this non-replica Cats, I have to say.
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Found a Teazer lurking at the beginning of the brochure, and I love her makeup, which is definitely very much based on the 1998 film Teazer's makeup. I love it!
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I think this is supposed to be Misto, and they're adorable, especially with the makeup (which is why I'm pegging them as likely to be our favourite magical sparkly boy, as that looks very similar to Jacob's makeup in the 1998 movie.)
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A Mungo has been spotted, looking cute as all get out. He absolutely uses his cute face to fool people into thinking he would never, ever steal or cause a ruckus no way he absolutely knows nothing about that Ming vase or the winter vest he stole from the humans' drawers. That was definitely another cat that looked just like him and just happened (impossible as it seems) to have a name very similar to his.
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Old Deut looks very cuddly I want to snuggle him.
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Munkustrap would like to have the spotlight for a bit in the middle of Bustopher's song. For some reason I keep thinking the cat next to him over his right shoulder is wearing a superhero outfit, and now all I can think of is either Teazer or Jerrie (looks like one of them) trying to convince Munkustrap they cause ruckus because they're superheroes dammit! Munk is having the fucking time of his life and I'm here for it! Let the stressed out junkyard dad have some fun and this song absolutely Brings Joy for him. Bless this Munk.
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First page of a two-page spread from what seems to be The Naming of Cats. One of my favourite things is how some of the wigs are very based on the original Broadway wigs and I'm a thousand percent HERE for this. I LOVE wild wigs that you sometimes see in other productions too, especially in bootlegs from earlier productions from the eighties/early nineties. I see one of the psychic twins (Tanto I believe) with their unmistakeable wig, and a sparkly Misto behind whom I THINK is Jemima (1980s style wig), and Victoria is also very easy to recognise here too with her white wig and unitard.
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Second page of the two-page spread from what is likely Naming of Cats. I can very easily spot Tugger right at the back at top left corner, and there's a Jenny over near the right top corner too (very bright orange stripes. We're talking neon here!)
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First page of a two-page spread from the Jellicle Ball, everyone looking fab there; I believe I spotted a Tugger again (yep there he is at the far left), a Victoria, and what might be Quaxo right at the back there in the tuxedo costume.
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Second page of a two-page spread from the Jellicle Ball, and oh hi Misto there you are looking all cryptid and mysterious way up on your lonesome in the back. I think I finally spotted Alonzo at the bottom right corner (his patterns suggest he could be Alonzo) too.
Aaand that's all! Hope you enjoyed this little journey through my very old souvenir programme from a non-replica Cats performance in Wellington, NZ in 2008. May your conjuring turns never falter and may you always meditate on your secret third name.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The White Dragon (44)
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44. The Great Council
Summary: you gather a council to decide the fate of the Seven Kingdoms
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, death, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) 
Wordcount: 3.333 words like WHATTTT
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You let yourself move at the rhythm of the maid washing you with a rough sponge, the water of the tub had already had to be changes thrice for becoming black with the remains of the dragon blood in your body
The boiling dragon blood that bathed you as your dragon slayed Aegon
The maids took the good part of an hour and the help of members of Rhaenyra’s Queensguard to remove the melted armor from your body, and then the pieces of leather that melted into your skin
But you were unharmed and your skin untarnished
While you were inside the tub, your gaze was setted in some point on the wall, trying to fit into your head everything that went down in the last 12 hours…
You watching the capital being conquered by Aegon from above
“Please raise your arms your grace”, whispered the maid and you did, she scrapped the rests of melted fabrics from under them
The adrenaline that took a hold on your body when you fought for your life
You flinched when she pulled a piece of leather from your skin, the water again was black, dark black, the smell of smoke and sulfur almost making you dizzy
Finding soldiers and civilians alike dead in the steps to the Dragonpit
The maid signaled for you to reach with your leg out of the tub, your skin still smudged with dried dragon blood
Rhaenyra was dead, and Aegon was well
That made you stand up, and wait there for them to replace the filthy water for more clean one, they were quick in their labor and you didn’t have to wait more than five minutes, to sink again in the boiling water 
Finding out that Jacaerys and Joffrey were too
Another maid washed your hair, you watched as the dried blood melted back with the water, tainting it black once more
So much darkness
Oils with scents were placed in the waters this time, the last bath this was, after other four, finally you would get dress and abandon your chambers
The toll of all the deaths in your finally make you want to sink in the bathtub
As the sweet maids cleaned the last smudged from your body, you finally felt like you could breathe again, it hurt, but you could, and that was improvement, you believed, you wanted to believe 
You didn’t know what to do now, how to proceed, you had never taken a city before, you had never witnessed the death of two monarchs in front of your eyes, you had never witnessed the deaths of so many members of your family before
What now?
But for a second you forgot about all the people in the keep, in the capital, in the Realms, from the servants to the Heads of the most important families, everyone around you
They did now what to do
As you gazed upon the outfit the maids had chosen for you to wear
it was a dark black outfit, a loose skirt boots for underneath, and a leather vest over it, the sleeves seemed to be made of scales, and the details in black leather, and a red cape fixed to the suit in a silver chain with a head of the dragon to be placed in the right side of your chest 
An outfit to mourn, to rule, to conquer
They dressed you, they braided your hair in magnificent braids, and finally you were ready
And you were ready, as the sun fell over the horizon, also did the reigns of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and Aegon the Usurper
Steffon was right outside your chamber, guarding you like he always did
For a second you thought you were sixteen again…
Only for a second
He smiled softly at you, he found another white armor, that tricked you for a second
“Aren’t you tired?”, you asked him as you began your walk back to the throne room
“A bit”, he whispered, “I bet you are”, you barely smiled, “lord Cregan Stark had taken many prisoners, from the houses that supported Aegon”, he started filling you in, “the ones that won’t bend the knee to you”, you raised your eyes to his in concern
You stakes a claim to the throne, and you had won
“Where are my nephews?”, you asked, and he knew what you meant
He took you there, to the hall at the side of the throne room 
You didn’t notice when you stormed the city, but Aegon’s damage was worse than you thought
A tear fell from your eye as you saw the silent sisters preparing Jacaerys and Joffrey’s bodies
Jacaerys was slain by Aegon’s treacherous guards,as he tried to fight back to defend Rhaenyra, and Joffrey had tried to take flight on Syrax to save his mother, and the golden beast shook him off of her mid flight, he fell to his death in the streets of King’s Landing. And in another table, you didn’t even dare to look, were the remains of your sister, an arm and part of the chest… 
This was the consequences of war 
Harwin was already there, by Jace’s side, you didn’t say anything, neither did him, but you stood by his side guarding the princes’ bodies for an unknown amount of time. Until Cregan came 
“They are ready for you”, whispered Cregan sadly by your side, you turned to look at him and barely nodded, wiping the tears off your eyes
They were your nephews
Harwin stayed in the chamber, mourning the loss of his first born child, you touched his shoulder as you passed by him, he barely nodded
You are going to let him mourn, but you have a Kingdom to rule now, or rather, see who was left to rule it…
A great council has been assembled to put in order who was going to rule the Seven Kingdoms, although you had claimed it when you decided to take the city, you still did not want to impose your rule on reluctant subjects, that was going to lead to nothing
Representatives of the great families, (the ones who were not incarcerated for treason) gathered in a huge table in the throne room, as well as Rhaenyra’s acting council and those most loyal to yours
They all stood when you walked in, and you nodded acknowledging them all
“We have been discussing the line of succession, your grace”, muttered one, and his title to refer to you meant nothing, everyone in the royal House were regarded as such
“Please continue, I would like to hear what your thoughts are”, you muttered, they nodded and resumed their discussions, you took seat in the head of the table 
“Rhaenyra was the true heir”, he sentenced, you nodded, knowing this, “we, as Tyrells, the Tullys, Starks, and Arryns sentence the Rule of Aegon as null and void, and is to be known as the Usurper, your eyes went to the representatives of the Lannisters, Baratheon and Hightowers, their eyes were on the table, ashamed, but nodded nonetheless.
The representatives were now the new heads of their house, being third of fourth sons, or far off cousins from the main string of the family, but those were the ones who were going to bend the knee, and that is all that matters now 
“I’m glad to hear it”, you said firmly
“Now, we follow the line of the succession from there”, continued the same Lord, from the House Bar Emmon, from the crownlands, serving master of laws for your sister, “sadly, King consort Daemon had perished, as well as her true born heirs, Aegon and Viserys”, you nodded, “there is only Prince Lucerys left”
“We can say it freely, Rhaenyra’s three first children are bastards, her legitimate children are gone”, said another Lord, and they all hummed accordingly. Lucerys was no true son of the late Ser Laenor Velaryon, but Corlys considered him as much, and that must have counted for something 
And you voiced that outloud
“Lord Corlys had named Lucerys his heir”, you said
“The boy as well as lord Corlys are on their way here”, said Cregan
“I will offer Driftmark to him”, you whispered, “he will want to say a last goodbye to his family”
Difficult days were upon you, but they supported what you just said 
“So, Queen Rhaenyra had left this world without issue to succeed her, then, is you”, said Cregan, “you are the second born daughter of the King Viserys Taragryen and Queen Aemma Arryn”, he continued
“Hear hear!”, said a lord, and all followed
“through the line of succession, and the right of conquest, the throne is your your grace”, said the old maester
“Right of conquest? And what is that?”, you asked out loud
“You made alliances, you took the city under your yoke, it is yours, My Queen”, said the maester, and everyone again agreed
“There is one more thing left to discuss”, said Lord Lannister, always having to have some sort of control on the situation, it came with blood you thought 
“And what would that be?”, you asked, already tired of him
“When and where would you like the coronation to take place?”, he asked with a sardonic smile
And then it hit you
You were now Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
You dressed in black, with red capes all week
In mourning, and in representation of your house
Your children followed your lead, but as when they were children, Maekar dressed with a Green cape, Rhaegar with a blue one, and Aemma with a red, and walked together, signaling their father’s house
You buried your families under the stones of the great sept, one day, your sister Rhaenyra, and her sons Jace and Joffrey, and the next you held court for the first time
The first one brought to you was Queen Alicent
Aemond was standing by the foot of the throne with your children, but he walked towards her and held her while she presented herself in front of you
She asked for your forgiveness, for betraying your sister, and trying to put her son on the throne, even though Rhaenyra had forgiven her, you were the one that told Aemond to release her from her golden chains
“You were the love of my father that stood by his side trough his worst and his decease, and gave him sons and a beautiful daughter, you were my friend when we ruled together as protectors of the realm, and you gave me my half siblings, you are forgiven, and I will ask of you to remain in court, or go as you please, you are here free to do as you please”, she smiled, as she held onto Aemond, and Helaena that joined you when the city was secured
The next ones to appear where Corlys, Rhaenys and Lucerys, who had reached the capital for the funeral rites, but where now presenting his respects to you
They called you their Queen, and bowed, bending the knee to you, as Rhaenys smiled warmly at you 
Lord Corlys rejected your proposition, but Rhaenys didn’t, now she was the master of ships 
The next day, you let your family, Aemond, Helaena, her children, and Alicent, to have the funeral rites for Aegon, you did not participate, but send guard to held mourning and protect them, that mourn their son, brother and father, in the sept of the Red Keep, and later buried him under it
Like it or not he was your half brother.
Your daughter accompanied her husband, and brought them moral support
And you had decisions to make
You didn’t even wanted to decide where, when and how you were going to get crowned, but rather, you had to select your small council, you had to anoint your Queensguard
They were so many things yet to do
It was overwhelming
You constantly had supper with your family and lord who were still in the capital, and then sneaked into the library to read tomes about King Aegon and King Jahaerys, the decisions they made, the way they cared for their subjects…
It was too much
Harwin had come many times to collect you as you had fallen asleep in the library over the books
And carried you to your rooms
The rooms of a princess
The chambers of the King and Queen had been used by so many people in your family, that you felt strange sleeping in them.
But Steffon, besides finding men to be a part of the Queenguard, was organizing the redecoration of the chambers, to adapt them to you
it was going to be funny, but you were to take the chambers of the King and Harwin the ones of the Queen, or vice versa
But Harwin protested and said you had been sleeping together for 20 years and he was not going to start sleeping apart now, you had to agree
Now, the council
You named Cregan your hand, who promised who was going to stay in the capital for two years, as you named Sara, his bastard sister, legitimate and as so was acting as Lady of Winterfell.
Harwin was the commander of the city watch, as he was many years ago
Rhaenys was your master of ships
Tyland Lannister came back to court, and you named him master of coins
You named the maester from Dragonstone as Grand Maester Munkun
You named lord Bar Emmon as master of laws
Of course Lord Steffon was commander of the Queensguard 
You were lacking a master of whispers, but it was not mandatory to have one. But you thought it was necessary 
The first thing you had to do was unite back the Kingdoms, so you took the vows of all the Lords, and that took whole months
Lords of all the far corners of the Kingdom were to make the journey to the capital, and all of them, may of them
asked you the same question
Who was going to succeed you?
You had many children, but it was whispered in court that the next King or Queen had to be a full blooded Targaryen, to continue the stability to the realm.
Or that is what you thought 
Many advised you to name Maekar as your heir, so one day, after you were fairly settled, you called in your three eldest children
“I don’t want to be King”, Maekar said surely, “i want to be lord of Harrenhal… that was my fate”
“I’d argue that maybe fate is for you to be King one day”, you whispered, but he shook his head
“I’ll mary Helaena, her children are the ones of Aegon, I think is best for me to step down”, you then looked at Rhaegar, who shook his head
“my duty is to my wife, and winterfell now”, he said, taking her hand, they were soon to fly to Winterfell and wed under the eyes of the Old Gods, so then you looked at Aemond and Aemma, who had their hands intertwined, and looked at each other
It was settled 
Your children were Strong and even though they could change their name, there was someone else, a Targaryen, loyal to you, and worthy of the throne…
Aemond, and Aemma, they were going to rule together, they had the strength, you knew it. 
So you asked them to go and live in Dragonstone, as Prince and Princess of Dragonstone.
The coronation day was set, the day was approaching, you wanted to wait for the people to forget and for the capital to thrive after the horrible events that occurred, but it was necessary for you to make proclamations as Queen 
IN the meantime, it was Cregan who incarcerated all the traitors, and judged them accordingly, acting as your hand
Many called it “the hour of the wolf”
The first one to go, was the man from House Royce, who had rebelled against your cousin, the lady of the Vale
His head rolled first, and many followed, even Larys Strong
you Harwin dishonored him, didn’t even buried him with his family, he let them be buried in a common ditch
You understood him, he had murdered your father in law, and effectively helped the green took the throne
Even though Rhaenyra had cleaned the court of many of the traitors, happily for you who didn't want to bathe the Keep with blood
Even Tyland, acting master of coins, was put on trial, but was spared, as he had bent the knee to you. 
Lucerys was named heir to Driftmark, and future Lord of the tides and was set to marry the Lady Rhaena Targaryen, as accorded 
And it came, the day of the coronation was tomorrow, and you found yourself sipping wine in the balcony of the chambers of the King
Harwin hugged you, kissing your shoulder softly
“My Queen” 
“My King consort”, you giggled, “what have I done?”, you asked out loud, looking at the horizon
“You are to be Queen, it was your destiny”
“Perhaps I forced it, perhaps if I had made different decisions…”
“But you didn’t”, he said firmly, “it happened what it had to happen”, you only nodded, “you are tomorrow to be named Queen, and you succeeded, you won this war”
“Daeron is still at large”
“the war is over”, he whispered, “he is on his way, Stark told me this evening”, you barely nodded, “now let's get you crowned before our oldest children bare sons and daughters out of wedlock”, you giggled 
“That’s true”, you whispered
“Let’s name you Queen”, he whispered, “but first, let me have my wife”
You giggled as he grunted, grabbed you roughly and threw you to the bed. You giggled, enjoying this side of him, and he climbed up your body, discarding your night shirt and dropping kisses everywhere he could find.
it was good to know some things may ever stay the same 
. . .
You didn’t let anybody see you that morning, not your council, nor your children, nor your husband, only Aemma and serving girls were allowed in 
thye bathed you and prepared you, Aemond smiled dreamily as she helped you get dressed. It was the most magnificent dress you had ever seen, with a black background and intricate designs in rubies and gold designs over.
And you decided to wear your hair loose, for the crown to be placed over your head with only a single braid to hold it.
“You are ready mother”, Aemma whispered as she pinned the white dragon on your dress, the one you gifted your father after your travels, the sight made you smiled
“Let’s take my crown”
It was like a dream, the throne room was decorated in its entirety for white flowers, giving it a feeling like you were in the heavens 
“I present to you, Queen (y/n), of House Targaryen, the White dragon, Queen of the Andals, the Roynar and the First men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm”
Said Lord Steffon out loud, you walked slowly towards the throne as he claimed all your titles, and you said when he spoke the last one.
In the throne room you recognized all the members of your family, and all the most important lords of the realms
“I crown you with the crown of King Jahaerys the conciliator, hoping it will give you wisdom”, you looked ahead as he placed the golden crown in your head
“I give you the crown of the conqueror, to give you strength to unite back the seven Kingdoms under one rule”, he said then, placing the black, heavy crown on your lap, “and the Sword Blackfyre, to give you the power to protect the realm”, he said then, taking the sword front he maester and giving it to you, you placed it by your side
“HAIL THE QUEEN!”, they chanted all, and it ricocheted all over the room, and all over the capital. 
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Taglist! ❤️
@tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy @mikariell95 @genesisliveson @mendes-bae @caspianobsessed @notmundane3000 @kamisunshine @just-someone11 @ietss @joliettes @whodis-26
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blackberrywars · 4 months
🔀 Aiden/Lambert :)
Well. This song is basically begging for a blue-collar deep dive into Lambert's generational struggle with alcohol, as well as a sillier nod to the long-and-lean Aiden headcanon. She's a tall boy indeed. I'm also making it 70s americana because I personally deserve to imagine butch4butch laiden where Lambert wears nothing but a dirty boiler suit over a gray wifebeater and no bra, and Aiden is head to toe in disco menswear —burgundy flare pants and vest, with an outlandishly patterned green silk shirt unbuttoned to the navel.
Lambert is a mechanic, and has been since before she dropped out of high school, to the dismay of her chemistry teacher. She'd skipped town at 16 without a word to her or anyone else, taking nothing but her tools and her father's last 12-pack for the road —it was the only thing she couldn't leave behind. Everything and everyone else is gone, along with the hair clippings and bloodstains on the bathroom floor. She spends a few days sleeping in her shitbox rust bucket, making loops around the city before she moves on to the next. And the next. It's a good thing every gas station has a beer cooler, the way she drinks and drives her way to the east coast.
She makes it, though, and by the time some old bastard named Vesemir finally hires her after three shops turn her tits down, it's a habit. Ordering an irish coffee at 9am doesn't make the barista bat an eyelid in her neighborhood, and it tides her over until her break. A can there sits just right beside her coworkers', and really, they drink more than she does. No matter Vesemir's tuts, he never stops them, just scolds them for leaving the pop tabs everywhere. She's collected enough to make a curtain with them, hanging instead of her bedroom door.
It's a few years of this and Lambert is...... content. She's good at her job, and the only bruise on her body is from where she dropped a gasket scraper on her foot. If she drinks too much, then at least she has no one to take it out on, and really, she's just fine, really. Beer mellows her out, stops the lava under her skin, and the only drunken fights she's gotten in were well-deserved, in her opinion. She goes to sailor's bars with Eskel and Geralt, and goes to the dyke ones when she's not with them, but she never plays for keeps.
It's this Lambert that Aiden meets when her adorable yellow vespa calls it quits. Garage Morhen has a good word-of-mouth reputation with queers for never turning down a customer for the amount of glitter they put on their bodies. Rumor has it that the owner still vists the leather daddy clubs every now and again. Some other whispers say his second son's wife and boyfriend get along spectacularly. Even more say that the third son is the meanest dyke around.
So Aiden goes in all her glory, pushing her scooter in her five-inch boots, brown leather stained with grime. Looks up after five minutes to find Lambert leaned against her station, tall boy in hand and a scowl on her face. Her hands are dyed black up to the elbow, showing off her thick forearms, and her nipples poke through her wifebeater. Her eyes are a little yellow as they look up up up at Aiden, telling her it won't be a cheap or quick fix. And Aiden just smiles, because she's sure as hell not opposed to hanging around for a while.
EDIT: For anyone not aquainted with them, @whyzowl and @yolki-palki have drawn some GORGEOUS fem!laiden art, and the outfits described above are basically me using their designs like paper dolls. Art linked here, here, here, and here with my screeching commentary.
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periwinklemoonlight · 10 months
AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i have so many thoughts i dont know where to begin LMAO ill start with the outfit designs first!!
to start things off, every design has one specific colour in mind to represent that hermit! pearl - blue, gem - green, impulse - yellow, doc - black/gray, and grian - red! (everyone's nails are painted their colour) every design was deliberately punk-inspired, since during the king arc the soup group was a force of resistance against the monarchy's tyranny :P therefore, the soup group are the main focus of the art and their designs are intentionally made so that they stand out more from the other two, though i made sure they were all unique in one aspect or another :] let's go character by character now! (i'm including all my initial design sketches + some inspo photos too)
pearl - she's the lead singer of soup group, along with playing the electric guitar! her design features a double tank top + low rise big pant combo, moon motifs of course, and two distinct shades of blue! The darker one is seen throughout her hair and outfit, while the lighter one in her moth antenna is reflected in her guitar. the main inspiration for her look was avril lavigne, which is also what influenced me to add those fun blue hair streaks :D on her shirt i wanted to have a sort of skeletal moth/butterfly design!!
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gem - the keytar! i wanted to make sure that gem and pearl's designs looked very distinct from each other, so i went for a slightly different vibe with gem's! her design is based more off of the plaid skirts, big boots, and fishnet looks i found while looking through early 2000s lip service magazine scans (as well as some hayley williams looks!!) :D additionally, shes got vine tattoos over her body to call back to her nature elf vibe this season!
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impulse - the drummer of course!! for his look, i wanted to go a little more anarcho-punk (since its a much older punk style and hes the oldest member of soup group LOL), so his vest jacket has got a bunch of diy additions like patches, pins, paperclips, and chains, along with a bunch of spikes!! in my mind, the back of his jacket has probably got a whole lot more patches, spikes, and studs :] beyond that, i made sure to give him lots of piercings (though my options were limited since s9 impy has a beard lol), and stretched earlobes for fun!! ideally his pants would also have a lot more patches and fun bits, but since his legs would be entirely covered by his drums in the final piece i went for something simpler
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doc - an opener and feature on the song! since he's not part of the soup group, his design is quite a bit simpler than the others in terms of both look and concept :] his look is monochrome save for his robotic red parts and green skin, but still looks interesting thanks to that fun leather jacket :D his look is purposefully more reminiscent of a 50's style greaser, i wanted to go for an older fashion style to make him look more intimidating/mature, as well as set him apart from the look of soup group since the perimeter was an independent nation in the king arc!
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grian - another feature/opener! design wise? hes literally just green day i can't even lie like the pun was perfect and also the black shirt + red tie combo is iconic and also fits his look so effortlessly it had to be done LMAO also, if you look closely in the final piece you can see he's wearing eyeshadow! this of course is again because hes grian day /silly. but to be real, i think this style also fits him really well since the tie + spikes & studs combo gives the look that sorta rebellious vibe that was all over his videos during the king arc :]
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AND NOW FOR THE INSTRUMENTS!! this segment is thankfully much shorter
pearl's guitar is of course a nod to my design for her and her moth wings! butterfly guitars are harder to draw than you'd think LOL
gem's keytar has got a vine design all over it to match her tattoos
impulse's drum set has got the soup group punk band logo! the logo design may honestly be my favourite part of the piece, i feel like i really nailed what i was going for :D
and thats it! i'll edit this post or rb with any details i missed if they come to mind! thank u for reading anyone who has made it this far <3
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
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heyy yalll im backkk, took a little break for a bit but IM BACK BABYYYY, ive been getting into goth culture a lot as of recent and have been changing my style to fit around it more so this is js a silly little thing to fuel my brain ☺️☺️ enjoyyy
ok so really i think ryan would LOVEE a goth s/o
but it depends on the era of him
if we r talking BEGINNING of cky days i feel like he would be into it but NEVERRR let yk abt it
if we r taking 1999 ryan oh my god hed fall in love with u then and there
we all know back then he had a little thing for more hardcore women (COUGH COUGH YALL EVER SEEN GLOREN BRO, the leather jacket RYAN WE KNOW WHO U RR)
i feel like he would be curious about it
just with how intricate the style is
i feel like hed be into all the styles of goth ngl, hes js so curious on how it all works
the closet thing hes really seen of goth is bam fanboying over ville
soo not much to compare it too
i feel like he would ask so many questions
just like “where do u find clothes like that??” “how long does it take u to get ready?” js air headed questions
if u started dating him tho oh my god hes a sweetheart
anything halloween related that looks edgy in the slightest he will buy and say it reminded him of u
will help tie up corsets, clip on necklaces, and always have a spare pair of flat shoes on him just incase ur heels start to kill ur feet
obsessed with the make up, he thinks its so cool (and so hot)
oh bam is lowkey so jealous
especially if u are a fan of ville
ryan would try and color match his shirts to ur outfits
u wearing red? his shirt is gonna be red
purple? he has a purple button up somewhere
hes js so in love w u he doesnt care
will be the type of guy to run to the store last minute to get accessories for an outfit for u
also will buy u those overly expensive edgy ass heels from the store bc he know u will rock them
probably has tried on some of ur platformed shoes or heels and busted his ass
bam would probably be there dying laughing bc of it
or he would casually put on a hair piece or some necklaces and imitate you (he swears it out of love)
honestly would let u give him a gothic makeover, js dont show bam
he doesnt reallyy get whats going on but he loves it anyways bc he loves u
oh he thinks ur so cool
depending on what metal genre u prefer he would listen to so many songs from it
i feel like he’d be a little intimidated at first bc mf thinks HIM and CKY is hardcore
he will buy patches for ur battle vest
love hearing u go on about the bands
warning tho hes gonna try and fucking stage dive into the mosh pit
hes gonna get his ass KICKED
loves ur accessories
the gauntlet cuffs, the bullet belts he thinks its so edgy and cool
hes a little scared of the corpse paint tho
hes seen bam do it but never fully going out with it
when he walks into the room and see u just with two massive black holes for eyes a white face and a frown drawn on it kinda scares him for a second
but he thinks its so cool after he realized
wants u to do it on him
literally if u do he will js be staring in the mirror of a good 20 lins is awe
will go to bar shows with u
cant fight for shit tho so if someone starts shit goodluck LMAOOO
lowkey would grow his hair out bc one of ur fav bands fav members has long hair
hes wayy more into this probably then the gothic vibe but tbh ryans such a sweetheart if he liked u, HE LOVEDDD u
hey yall so hope u enjoyed, ive been really into both these scenes recently and broo the goth metal style is my favvv, its hella cool. i need to start writing on here again lmk if i should do other cky/jackass members with different styles and genre loving readers!! byeeee :))
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sheepkebby · 1 year
Louis called Francis gay (fucking canonically???)
So we all know the musical group Village People, right? If you don't, they're a very gay disco group known for dressing as their "macho gay-fantasy personas" and even their band name stems from a village that was very welcoming of gay people. Also they sang the Y.M.C.A. song.
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Notice the guy on the left? The leatherman character? Notice how he's wearing a vest, chaps, and has a pretty similar facial hair style to Francis. Keep that in mind.
Now, I also need to mention that plenty of people at pride parades and other events tend to wear leather outfits and accessories. There's many reasons for this; mainly leather representing safe sex and BDSM practices, but also leather is a staple in gay fashion and culture in general.
NOW we cut back to Left 4 Dead. By this time (2008-9) the Village People are already incredibly popular, and so are pride parades and the leather community. Keeping ALL THAT IN MIND, suddenly this interaction between Francis and Louis makes a LOT MORE SENSE.
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I even dug through the game files to fish out Louis' actual voiceline. LISTEN.
This might seem like a stretch but this is the only explanation that I can think of for this line. This line makes no sense without context because FRANCIS ISN'T WEARING CHAPS. Louis has to be REFERENCING something, and I would bet real cash money that he's referencing that specific Village Person™, calling Francis gay, and telling him to fuck off to a pride parade.
Louis called Francis gay, and he is.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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angy-robo-bot · 3 months
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Guys, Gals, and Non-Bianary pals! I like to introduce the powerful and strong raider, Shlakx! He'll raid your fridge and eat what he wants! He'll also rock out with you, using his trusty Melodica of he hears you playing music that he likes!
This guy was made for a worldbuilding project by @lilpaste
Shlakx is a Komodo Dragon like Alien that performs with an Animatronic band at a place called Crater Corner! Shlakx's main purpose is actually to be the mascot of a Laser tag attraction in Crater Corner. On a ledge inside of the arena is where there's an Animatronic of Shlakx that greets guests when they enter the arena, he delivers the rules of the attraction, and he plays his Melodica to signify the start and end of matches. When one team is losing, Shlakx will begin to rally the losing team with words of encouragement and songs to pump them up. When the game ends Shlakx will announce which team won the match and will say goodbye to the guests leaving his arena. When the laser tag arena is empty or when there's not enough people for a match to start in the arena Shlakx will begin to play Idle animations that range from leaning over the ledge and looking around to messing around with his Melodica. Sometimes when left idle for long enough, music will begin to play and Shlakx will dance to the music.
When Shlakx is performing on stage he has a separate animatronic that's behind a curtain, staying hidden when the showtape that's playing doesn't have a part for him to be in. If Shlakx is in the showtape but is t singing at the moment he dances along and Slaps his tail on the floor along to the beat of the music. For songs that Shlakx usually sings, it mostly consists of 80s new wave and glam metal. Sometimes he'll sing some songs from the 70s but that's rare.
Shlakx's main outfit is a light blue long sleeve crop top with some dark teal armor on top, for pants he wears dark teal and light blue long pants and white and light blue boots. In his left hand he carries his Melodica that he plays. He has a summer outfit that consists of him wearing white and light blue trunks and black flipflops, his right arm around a surfboard, moving it around while performing. He also has a country night outfit that consists of Cowboy boots, a leather vest, flannel button up shirt and denim jeans (with a cutout for his tail of course).
Trivia about Shlakx:
It is rumored that there is a showtape of Shlakx singing Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie that was never used due to the subject matter of the song. However there does exist a Showtape where Shlakx does The Chicken Dance.
Shlakx's canonical favorite food is Mozzarella cheese and his favorite drink is a tie between grape juice and marinara sauce.
Shlakx has a tongue that he can flick out like a real Komodo Dragon.
Shlakx's voice headcanon is Gary Numan.
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daeyeol4you · 1 year
The Chay Rewatch Ep 9
Ep 1 & 2, Ep 3, Ep 4, Ep 5, Ep 6, Ep 7, Ep 8
Ep 9 - Kim is so whipped while somehow still being emotionally constipated
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Time: 10:22 – 12:11 – songwriting boy
Kim’s Outfit: An olive-green jacket, a white shirt, and the return of the white pants
Why does no guitar in this show have a guitar strap?
Chay’s song breaks Kim’s writing block, Kim’s written tons of music before, but now Chay is becoming his muse, taking over the one outlet Kim allows himself
The emotional shutdown Kim forces himself through once he realizes how happy even the memory of Chay is making him. He can’t allow himself to be weak because any attachment to Chay is a weakness, but even that fails because immediately he’s back to smiling while he plays
Kim is so inspired to write even while he’s very clearing trying to cut Chay out of his brain, he’s trying to write his feelings out so he can go back to being cold, untouchable Kim
Korn really did screw up all of his sons emotionally – commitment issues to spare
Time: 29:46 – Macau Spotting
Macau scaring the absolute shit out of Pete, what a little shit
Macau’s Outfit: Another sweater vest with orange and blue stripes with tan pants and white shoes
Macau and Vegas definitely planned this, and Macau is so happy to be causing mischief
Wingman Macau you will always be famous
Macau going on and on about the sermon to tease Pete only to fall asleep immediately, what a mood
Time: 39:24 – 40:03 – the guitar pick!
Not me immediately trying to analyze all of the details of Chay’s room
There’s a bottle of milk on his desk – again I’m sorry I laughed this is a funny bit
The towers of CDs behind Chay speak to how Chay isn’t just into music because its fun, he’s put a lot of effort into appreciating music
The ukelele is cute
He has a jar of I think paper stars on his back shelf – I only mention this because there are a number of different meanings to lucky paper stars but the one I know best is that if you fold either 1,000 or 2,000 (depending on the tale) you can get a wish (you also can give the stars to someone you love) I also know some do it for luck – which Chay has interesting thoughts about luck as we know
Chay creating the guitar pick with his own two hands – my art kid Chay agenda is so real
Chay’s outfit: I’m 99% sure that Chay is wearing a Geto (from Jujutsu Kaisen) shirt. Chay anime fan confirmed
Geto is an antagonist from Jujutsu Kaisen, and I view him as a tragic figure who was once good but due to the evils of his job and the abuse he saw, turned evil. Later on, his body becomes a vessel for further evil
Chay’s friend is named Ohm! I so forgot about this bit I won’t lie
Chay really had been hoping it was Kim. He may have left the next step up to Kim, but he’s still so hopeful that Kim doesn’t leave him behind. He’s for sure getting impatient about it and is planning his next move on his target – sorry crush!
Chay ignoring Ohm draws up a lot of my ideas about how private Chay is about everything. He allows others to see just the surface of everything going on with him, but he tends to be very private about his thoughts and interests. Its not a lack of confidence. I just think he learned early on that sometimes speaking up about everything can be a burden (particularly in his relationship with Porsche) you have to work to get his more internal thoughts
And Chay chooses this! At any point he could put down the guitar pick and answer his friend’s invite, who probably knows something is up with Chay just not what. He’s very tunnel-visioned when he chooses a path, but he doesn’t feel the need to tell anyone else that
Chay doesn’t hide or lie about his emotions and thoughts usually. He just doesn’t always say them out loud. There’s a difference trust me
Time: 49:48 – 53:04 – Chay’s version of gift giving
Chay’s Outfit: a grey crewneck with white and blue paint splatters over a black shirt with the same pendant from the song scene
Kim’s outfit: a studded black leather jacket paired with a white shirt and blue jeans. His necklace this time is a blend of two different chain types (partly made of safety pins I think?) with his regular silver earrings and rings
Chay breaking into the rehearsal space – child I was just praising you for leaving the ball in Kim’s court, please stop waving red flags! You are such a concerning young man
Chay is so cute no wonder Kim is okay with the stalking, also who is this friend Chay keeps getting this info from (please just be stan twitter please that’d be so funny)
I love how this scene gets presented from behind the glass of the recording booth, the slow zoom-in on the two as the scene progresses
Kim’s calm responses to this are so dynamic when placed next to Chay’s which are full of excitement and nerves
Gosh the zoom-in when Chay presents the box – beautiful
“This is limited edition. You’ve got the only one piece in the world.” – how long do you think its been since Kim received a genuine, heartfelt gift like this?
Compare this gift to Kim and the guitar. Kim bought an incredibly expensive guitar for Chay, but it was to buy his way into the house. There was more manipulation than thought put into that gift
Whereas Chay made that pick himself adding even greater meaning to the gift. Chay isn’t trying to manipulate Kim, he’s genuinely just staying true to himself by confessing and giving Kim the pick as thanks. Chay’s always been upfront about his emotions and intentions with Kim which is very refreshing
of course Chay passed - he's very talented
“From now on I won’t have any excuse to see your face.” “Can I bother you one last time?” – that’s such a cute statement, plus it also goes to show that Chay gets that Kim is trying to cut him off and will accept it after he says his piece (Chay respects boundaries! I am ignoring his stalking for right now!)
I love Chay’s fidgeting here, very genuine and doesn’t feel forced
KIM’S FACE WHEN CHAY SAYS HE LIKES HIM! He knew but was not prepared for Chay to actually say it
Chay’s rambling about making an oath with himself – he is so good! He is so emotionally healthy & confident! (I am ignoring the red flags about his stalking right now!)
I know some people were disappointed about never getting a ‘real’ kiss, but I like this cheek kiss. Chay’s still young compared to Kim, and Kim holds a lot of power as his tutor as well as how many secrets he’s keeping from Chay. A kiss on the lips would have been marred by that and would have been uncomfortable when looked back on. This kiss works for them, it's sweet and it’s a foundation for the two of them to build on
During this scene, there’s this large empty space between Kim and Chay. Chay stays respectfully away until Kim breaks the divide and kisses him. It was always going to be up to Kim to choose what to do next
THE MUSIC!! THE HUGS!! – Kim is so not a hugger, but for Chay he lets it happen, twice! This is the same man we see bullying bodyguards and murdering people! The duality of man indeed
Shoutout to Tankhun for his open and honest defense of Porsche – truly a man who knows that open communication is necessary (unlike his brothers)
Overall Chay Rating (Chrating) – A
This ep definitely goes everywhere, but we get a good amount of KimChay development as well as a Macau appearance. I’m glad we got solo scenes from Kim & Chay before they saw each other as it laid the groundwork for the confession scene, very well plotted. Chay being so truthful to himself as well as Kim’s emotional breakthrough was very refreshing
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cybersteal · 6 months
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔸𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
I was tagged by @katsigian tysm 😍😘
Share five songs you associate with your OC, then share three outfits you think they'd wear.
As per the usual, this'll be for Vice. I spent a stupid amount of hours finding the songs. The outfits took me ten minutes.
'ꜱʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ʟɪᴠᴇ' ʙʏ ᴀᴜᴅɪᴏꜱʟᴀᴠᴇ
ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ʟᴀɴᴅ, ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏʟʟ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ꜱᴋɪɴ ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰɪɴᴀʟ ʜᴏᴜʀꜱ ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ
This is where Vice's journey starts, pissed off, irreverent, selfish and bitter about the Bakkers joining the Snake Nation. He's determined to make his own way, alone, just to spite them.
'ᴡᴇᴀʀ ᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ' ʙʏ ᴄᴀꜱʜꜰᴏʀɢᴏʟᴅ/ꜱɪᴅᴇᴡᴀʟᴋꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴋᴇʟᴇᴛᴏɴꜱ/ᴍᴀʀʏ ᴍᴏʀᴛᴇᴍ
ɪ ꜱᴀɪᴅ ɪ'ᴍ ꜱᴏʀʀʏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ɪ'ᴍ ꜱᴏʀʀʏ ɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʀɪɢʜᴛ
Night City offers opportunity and notoriety for those willing to shoulder the reputation and challenges. He's not wanting for anything - jobs, eddies, sex. It's a dream come true, and he's about to crash and burn.
'ᴀɴɢᴇʟ' ʙʏ ꜱʏᴄᴀᴍᴏᴜʀ
ɪ'ᴍ ʙᴜꜱʏ ᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɪʀ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʟᴜɴɢꜱ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴜʟʟ ᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴏɴɢᴜᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ᴛᴏɴɢᴜᴇ
Post-The Heist, he's been knocked off course in his rise to fame, he's lost a choom, thrown away his sobriety, and gained a radical rockerboy in his head. He learns to love the hopelessness of his situation.
'ᴅʀɪꜰᴛ' ʙʏ 3ᴛᴇᴇᴛʜ
ᴀʙᴀɴᴅᴏɴᴇᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ʙᴇɢɢɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏᴠᴇʀɴ ᴛʜᴇᴇ ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟ ᴠᴀɴɪᴛʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀᴍᴀᴡᴀʀ ꜰᴏʀ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛʏ
He's died - been killed - three times, he's seething, there is no cure, so he'll make damn sure Night City remembers him when he's gone - he has something to say and they'll listen, or they'll burn.
'ᴀʟᴋᴀʟɪɴᴇ' ʙʏ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴛᴏᴋᴇɴ
ɪ'ᴍ ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ᴅᴇꜱɪɢɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴍɪɴᴇ ɪ ꜱᴇᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʙᴊᴇᴄᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ
Then he's given another chance, he even falls in love, suddenly his whole outlook changes, but to save her he has to let her go, and so he does what he promised to do and condemns himself in the process. He refuses to regret it.
Three outfits Vice would wear
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Vice is a dusty Nomad at heart, he feels most at home in torn denim and worn leather because they're practical, but is just as comfortable wearing heavy cargo pants and jackets bristling with studs and safety pins.
On days where it's too hot to layer up but he doesn't want to walk around shirtless, crop tops are a nice compromise, and he wears shorts fairly often. He'll wear most of these fits while working a gig too, he doesn't care - he might put on a flak vest sometimes, but he feels pretty invincible and has cybernetics that mitigate most ballistic damage.
Tag list: @nightcityace @astarionhistears @alphanight1-vp @nightcxty @afterdark-vp @sammysilverdyne @vince-linder @chevvy-yates @valsilverhand @klept0kid @totentnz @cyberpunkaddict @wilxfyre
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ashtronomyys · 1 year
Birthday Boy
John "Soap" MacTavish/ Simon "Ghost" Riley //Suggestive Content Just a short, little thread of the two having fun, years later on.
"Ya still got enough energy for this after today?"
"For you, always," is muttered against the skin on Soap's neck.
Ghost presses his lips down on the man, peppering soft kisses up a line along his neck and jaw. Soap meets his lips halfway and they both melt into their embrace, Ghost holding him close by the waist and Soap pulling him down to meet him.
Relaxing ambiance music plays from the speakers overhead. Glasses of expensive champagne sit on the counter, having long since been abandoned as they both got up to rock back and forth to the music. The house was finally quiet enough to properly hear it now.
Every member of their old crew had finally gone home for the night. Price, Gaz, and company all filing into their cars to make it back to their respective hotel rooms or lodges. Despite all the noise and commotion, it had been a nice night. It wasn't every year that the whole lot of them could make it out to see each other. And each time they could all make the trip, every second spent reunited was deeply cherished. None of them took for granted how fortunate they had been to still have these connections now, especially with their line of work.
As the kiss between the two deepened, and Ghost's hands started to wander, Soap grumbled into his mouth and pulled them apart.
"Mm, wait- wait! What'd do ye say we move this to the bedroom, yeah?"
"Couldn't agree more," Ghost moved to carry Soap in his arms bridal style, but he slapped his hands away.
"Let me clean up in here first. Ya go on ahead, I'll be in after a minute."
Ghost chuckled at him. "If you insist. You know the dishes can wait until tomorrow, right?"
"Aye, I just want to tidy up a bit. Besides, I need to put away the glass Gaz got us, can't let tha' go to waste now, can we?" Soap is shouldering past him to grab empty cups and plates to throw into the sink water. "Go on ahead though, I'll be right behind you," Soap speaks over his shoulder.
After all these years of spending so much time together, Ghost can immediately tell that Soap is up to something, especially with that devilish grin he's failing to hide. He's learned though that the best thing to do is to just not question it, as he'll never get an answer out of him.
The pieces are starting to fall together anyhow when Ghost enters the upstairs bedroom. The room is rearranged with the love seat Ghost tends to nap in pushed into the middle of the room. The overhead lighting is dimmed down and as he steps up to the sofa, he notices a card sitting on the cushion. Ghost picks it up and reads it out loud.
It's a childish, flimsy card stock with graphics of horses and cowboys decorating the sides. 'Happy Birthday!' it reads in big, bubble letters at the top and Soap's handwriting below it simply says 'Have a seat and wait, Birthday Boy ;)'.
Christ, What the hell is he in for.
Ghost plops himself down onto the cushion and awaits his fate. There really is never a dull moment with Johnny, is there? Not that he'd have it any other way though. Ghost is fully relaxed into the seat, his arms spread out along its back and he's almost tempted to doze off when the stereo system behind him starts up.
The blaring sound of a cheesy remixed country song nearly causes him to jump out of his chair. His focus is pulled back to the door as the clanking of...boots(?) comes down the hallway. Soap steps into the doorway as the pre-chorus hits and Ghost's mouth drops.
Soap struts into the doorway wearing a cowboy outfit. Well, half a cowboy outfit. He dons a black vest that cinches in his waist, a red handkerchief loosely around his neck, and a cowboy hat tipped back on his head. The pair of leather chaps on his legs perfectly frames the small, obscenely bright, red shorts that he wears. The vest and the pants (or lack of pants, rather) help accentuate his body and movement, fringe dancing at his sides.
It's ridiculous how well the stupid outfit fits him. The vest and handkerchief draws attention to his chest and the assless chaps do wonders for him as he rocks his hips in a mock version of a square dance. And Soap must revel in the effect he's having on the man because his grin is practically radiating off the room. He rarely breaks eye contact from Ghost, wiggling his eyebrows and winking at him as Soap finger guns at him.
He should really be embarrassed by how easily the other man can get him flustered. But Ghost can't find it in him to care right now. Not with the way Soap's tan, built body is sending his blood flow racing down south.
Suddenly, Soap unwinds a rope from his side and begins to twirl it in the air. He swings it around a few times before slinging the hooped end towards Ghost, catching his neck and shoulder with it. Soap mimics wrangling him in, slowing making his way closer to the couch and undulating his hips with each pull of the lasso.
When he finally reaches his target, he straddles either side of Ghost's lap. Ghost is treated to the mouthwatering view of Soap's scar littered torso as he leaned back and slowly undid each button on the vest. He brushes back the lapels of the vest and starts moving his hips again, bucking his pelvis down on his lap hard enough to elicit a groan.
Satisfied with his work, Soap grabbed his hand to drag it up his body. He runs Ghost's hand up the hair on his stomach and along his chest, encouraging him to cup and grab at his body.
"Johnny.." The act sent shivers through both of them. Soap finally eased up and brought his hand to rest on the cowboy's shoulder as he tipped his hat back at him.
"Well hoowdy partner. Word in town is there's a naughty, little varmin' who needs some wrangling up. Think ye might know where to find him?"
Ghost snorts. "Little varmin'?"
"Aye, hear he's caused quite a storm. I think he could use a man who knows how to handle a stud to tame him," Soap's words are pushed out against Ghost's lips as he leans down to hover his face over him.
"You're ridiculous," Ghost huffs.
"Haven't had you tell me to stop yet."
No, he never would. But Ghost doesn't give him the satisfaction of saying it and instead he opts to close the distance between them. Soap surely knows of the hold he has on him though, evidenced by the smirk on his face and the satisfied hum he lets out when their lips meet. Ghost's hands move to hold the back of his neck, coming up and pushing the cowboy hat off his head so that he can card his hand through his hair. Said cowboy is hungrily biting at his bottom lip, his body firmly trapping Ghost against the love seat as the song crescendos and fades into the next one.
Soap pulls back for a moment, both of them a little breathless. Ghost watches as he leans back on his hands, bracing himself using Ghost's legs and looking back at him with a Cheshire grin.
"You knoow," he sings, "there's still one more present ya have yet to unwrap..." He punctuates it by bucking his hips, the bright, red bulge on full display right in front of Ghost. He moves to grope the man through his underwear but Soap's hand stops him and redirects it toward the side. "They're tearaway, why don't you try it out."
The groan that Ghost fails to suppress can be described as anything but dignified. He can't be serious. But sure enough, Ghost grabs a hold of the fabric and gives a tentative tug, pleased with the way the shorts started to loosen and Soap's bulge jumped at the action. With that it was official, Soap had officially outdone himself tonight. It would be hard to beat this for his own birthday later on, but Ghost'll find a way. Hell for this, he'll walk through Hell and back for the damn man. He'd spend every waking minute he can to show Soap just how much he appreciates this, all of this, for as long as he'll let him.
Ghost looks up at him then, and he's met with Soap staring fondly back at him. "Happy Birthday Simon," he says. Ghost smiles back at him.
"A happy birthday indeed," both hands come up to grip the sides of the shorts. "And here's to many more."
He yanks the shorts off in one swift motion and throws them to the side.
Inspired by my birthday just passing. I unfortunately did not have a hairy, muscled Scotsman giving me a lap dance, but hey, there's always next year!
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quadruple-whammy · 1 year
Notice: Thank you for noticing this notice…
Lately I have been noticing myself more often.
When I say that I guess I mean I’ve been more conscious of myself, but I’m not sure if that’s really the right word. It’s not really a “becoming aware” like being conscious is, it’s just a noticing like you notice your friend is wearing red shoes.
Not that you notice they’re wearing NEW red shoes, mind you. Just taking note of their outfit, is all.
I live in a smaller town area where Christianity is a big thing, mostly Baptist. You can imagine how conservative it is. We don’t get a lot of “alternative” kids, but when we find each other, we stick to each other. I didn’t grow up here. I grew up in a bigger city where you’d see alternative kids at least twice a day. But I was still in a very Christian and conservative environment, mostly at school (my parents were and still are very lax and not super conservative like some might think), so I got used to being the odd one out. The only one with leather jackets and battered Chucks and Docs in a sea of kids whose parents wouldn’t even let them get their ears pierced or read Harry Potter.
(And I understand “alternative” is a very broad term, I know it’s nuanced. But you get the point. Also, I don’t mean conservative in the political sense, not really; mostly just conservative values.)
Maybe two weeks ago I was walking across the street downtown, thinking about how cool I must look right now with my new leather overcoat and the platform Doctor Martens I bought off a coworker. I was on my way to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail with my cousin. Then I noticed that the people in their cars were probably watching me cross the street the way I watch pedestrians crossing the street when I’m first in the line of cars.
A couple days ago I went to Walmart. I don’t remember what I was there for, maybe some sort of office supply? Doesn’t matter. I got out of my car and saw two women leaving the store as I was walking through the parking lot. The two women didn’t say anything, I don’t even think they really looked at me, but it made me notice myself. I was wearing a new Metallica shirt, my work-in-progress patch pants, Doc Martens on my feet. I do remember that, what I was wearing. Because it made me think, “it must be so strange to these women to see a person dressed like this”.
Today I went to Target to buy Fall Out Boy’s new album and the same thing happened. Today I was wearing my jean vest (complete with pins and a mural on the back dedicated to Suicidal Tendencies’s song Institutionalized), my trusty loose black pants, two chains hanging from the belt loops, same black Doc Martens. As I passed a woman on the phone, I thought, “how often do these people see someone like myself?”
It’s not that I’m wondering if they’re judging me. I’m well past that. I got past that in 5th grade. In fact, I haven’t really gotten any nasty comments or judgmental stares thrown at me, mostly just my parents wanting me to show their friends my battle jacket.
But I’ve heard stories. The threat is always there. I just don’t care enough to heed the warning.
I’m just noticing how I look to other people. I’m the girl on the street that the older, more conservative generations (boomers) pray for, hoping I’ll find Jesus, when the reality is He found me and now we talk every night before bed.
I don’t want this to be a story about my experiences as the alt kid in a conservative circle, that’s for another post.
But I have been noticing myself lately.
0 notes
joshlane · 2 years
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How would you describe the sound of your muse’s voice? Josh has ben told many times that he has a soothing voice, the kind that’s easy to listen to, and people would gladly listen to, especially in times of trouble. It’s pretty deep and a little gravely at times.
What sorts of music do they like to listen to? His favorite music is the stuff that he grew up listening to, a lot of rock and grunge and things that were fun to sing along to when you were cruising down the road in a car that you could only dream of affording.
If they had to pick three songs to listen to for the rest of their life, what would those three songs be? One Headlight by The Wallflowers, Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters (Dave Grohl is a god at what he does) and Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
What’s their favorite sound? The rev of a bike engine.
Their least favorite sound? The squeal of bike tires.
What’s one of your muse’s favorite textures? It would absolutely have to be leather or smooth, brushed metal. The leather, he can find a little more commonly, whether talking about riding gloves, a vest, a jacket... anything of the sort. But there’s always the feeling of metal tools in his hands, just knowing that he’s getting something done.
What does their skin feel like? Smooth? Rough? Although he’s pretty good at taking care of himself and washes his hands frequently, Josh does have rough hands. He works with them a lot, and that means there are always cuts and bruises, and some grease that just won’t come out, no matter how clean he is.
Do they like maintaining a skincare routine? Not in particular; he really doesn’t do much past washing himself routinely and occasionally using moisturizer. He is very, very good at using sunblock, though.
Are there any textures that your muse doesn’t like? Why? Even if he uses it and finds himself surrounded by it all the time, grease is annoying. The way that it makes everything slippery and sticky and just never goes away is a total mood ruiner.
How often do they clip their nails? Do they bite them? Josh keeps his nails short; it’s either that or deal with a lot of dirt and grease under them, and that’s never fun. He doesn’t bite them for that reason, and keeps a set of nail clippers on him at all times.
Is their vision good, or do they need glasses or contacts? His vision is good, thankfully.
Do they like to use their glasses or contacts if they need them? He doesn’t need them and only wears sunglasses. Who doesn’t love sunglasses?
What is your muse’s visual aesthetic? (eg: outfits, colors, etc.) Crisp, cut, well-tailored clothing. Josh wears a lot of dark denim and button downs when he’s at work, sometimes with a jacket tossed over top. If he’s at the garage, then old jeans, sneakers, and white t-shirts (since they’re very easy to replace when they get disgustingly dirty). If he’s just hanging out at home, jeans and a t-shirt or a hoodie... or a nice sweater, he can rock cashmere pretty damn well.
What normal looking objects appear ugly to your muse? The newest, most modern bikes. Even if his own speed bike isn’t that old, he still thinks that vintage is best... and then has to call himself a hypocrite for his new car.
Are they good or bad at winking? Good!
What does your muse smell like? If he’s working: grease, a little bit of sweat, maybe some gasoline and motor oil. If he’s not working: soap, maybe a tad bit of lemon, fresh scents.
Favorite candle scent? Eucalyptus.
What sorts of shampoo / body wash scents do they like? He doesn’t tend to lean towards heavily scented shampoo and body wash, and instead goes with a lot of the more ‘natural, clean’ smelling scents.
What’s their favorite smell? The way that the earth smells after a rainy day, no doubt.
What’s their least favorite smell? He’s not super fond of perfumes. While he can appreciate one that’s worn the right way, if someone douses themselves in a scent, he is instantly turned off.
If your muse had a taste, how would you describe it? Salted caramel. He doesn’t really have an explanation for it, other than being sweet, but with that little bit of ocean air added to it.
Are they more of a sweet or salty person? He falls somewhere right in the middle; mostly because he’ll eat just about anything!
What flavor lip balm do they usually use? Medicated chap stick. So that minty fresh stuff!
Do they lick, or do they bite? Probably more of a biter than a licker, but it depends. Biting into ice cream is a mistake.
What’s their favorite meal to make / eat? Meal could be anything, Josh is not really picky about that at all, but he loves strawberry shortcake and makes an extremely good one, which he would share with just about anyone.
0 notes
sinnerlillith · 2 years
teenage dirtbag
Summary: “I got 2 tickets to Iron Maiden baby, come with me Friday, don’t say maybe.”~ you and your boyfriend finish your record store date late at night. The van doors are open, Iron Maiden is playing, and the empty schools parking lot is in view. and thank goodness it’s empty [10k words]
Includes: van sex, pervy eddie, masochist eddie, power sub eddie, (he’s in a submissive position, but he’s in charge sometimes. so semi-switch eddie too) eddie has scars from ST4, reader smokes a cig, finger sucking (reader), briefly choking eddie, praise kink, some nipple play, some dirty talk, safe sex, slight exhibitionism, eddie being a dorky metal head
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The proof that summer is ending in Hawkins shows in the cool night air. Tonight really is cooler than most nights, which is why Eddie made sure to bring an extra blanket for the van. You’re both sitting across from each other with the 2 large back doors swung wide open, letting in the crisp air and exposing the starry night sky with the yellow glow of street lamps. 
Your legs are straight, and slightly parted on top of his, one ankle on each side of his hips. His lean and black ripped jean covered legs are also parted, letting you sit between them as his back rests against the inside wall of the van. His scuffed white rebook shoes occasionally tap your sides as he rolls his ankles open and closed, side to side. He really can’t keep his whole body still at all.
The blanket stretches across both pairs of legs, while a picnic blanket is laid out underneath you both. The van smells of cigarettes and weed, and the sounds of metal guitar solos from Eddies portable radio, on his left side, fill the occasional short silence. You two have a lit up cigarette in-between your pointer and middle fingers, chipped with black nail polish.
And if you didn’t think Eddie could get any hotter while smoking something, you were very wrong. He’s even hotter when he can have a cig in his hand, paired with a well done outfit, his glittering accessories, and dark messy hair falling down his broad shoulders. 
He’s wearing a white diy cut tank top made from and old Megadeath graphic tee, underneath his leather jacket and battle vest. The neckline is cut so low that you can see all his chest tattoos clearly, and the deep line between his pectorals that his pick necklace dangles over. Every time he inhales the smoke from his cig, his chest expands into the cloth of his shirt, pressing up against it, making it look 10 times tighter than it really is.
Makes you want to drag your tongue over his chest, but instead, you just take a drag of your cig and exhale the smoke out your lips. You hear Eddie take out the new Iron Maiden cassette he just bought and flip it to the other side, closing the tape holder to his portable radio with a click.
A new tune fills the smoky night air of the van, and you listen to it closely.
“Alright, so which song is this one?” Eddie questions you, brown eyes watching your thinking face. He’s been quizzing you like some sort of gameshow host, asking you to name each song being played.
You sit and ponder, noticing the familiar lyrics and instrumental. Your face changes from thinking, to noticing, to realizing.
“Number something, uh... the beast? No- number of the... The Number of the Beast!” you finally say enthusiastically, eyes looking up to meet his with a big, confident smile on your face.
Eddie claps multiple times, flattening his lips into an excited smile and scrunching his eyebrows together. He’s careful not to drop his cigarette as he celebrates your mini victory.
“Yes- yes! Finally! You got it,” he says excitedly, but also exhaustedly because you finally guessed right after being wrong about some other songs. “took you long enough.”
You roll your eyes at him, “It’s not my fault you’re playing songs I’m not familiar with!”
He chuckles at your argument, shaking his head a few times, hair swaying side to side with each shake. “Yeah, whatever.” He brings his cigarette up to his pink lips, circling his flattened mouth around the butt taking another drag with a smile.
He talks with smoke coming out of his mouth, “Just wait, the guitar solo is gonna come up, it’s-” he mimics the noise of an explosion, both ring adorned hands coming to the side of his curly head, gesturing his mind blowing up. His chain bracelet falls down his wrist as he brings it up next to his face, and the smoke from his cig clouds around him. 
You sit and wait. About 2 minutes later, the familiar guitar solo comes up and he’s right, it’s as intense as you remember. It only got better and better.
“Damn.” you mutter appreciatively, barely audible over the music.
Eddie turns the volume up, music sounding even louder now, and he starts doing a cute air guitar solo with the cig dangling from his lips. His head bangs and shakes around, making that long hair of his move wildly and the smoke from his cig leaks all around him, and fuck does he look hot.
A little dorky, but very hot.
His chain bracelet dangles and glimmers with every flick of his wrist on his air guitar strings. His chipped, black, painted nails, finger the pretend neck of the guitar, dancing along the air frets. 
You laugh at him, but then realize its a little too loud, and its late at night. You don’t want to draw any attention to you guys this late. The wrong person could see you both, and then the police would soon show up.
You motion for him to turn it down, and he shakes his head, taking his cig out and mouthing the word “Nope!” to you, with a dimple showing grin. He returns to his solo, shaking his hair around with his cig now in his ‘strumming’ hand.
“Stop- you dork!” you shout and giggle, failing to be serious because he’s too cute. 
“Make me, sweetheart!” he yells over the music, lifting his pretty head up to you before turning away to finish his solo.
You snuff out your cig and pull your legs off him, moving the blanket off you both. You crawl up on your hands and knees, getting to the side of him that the radio is on, bending to the right and turning the volume of his radio down. You can still hear the music, it just plays much quieter.
“Aww babe, c’mon-” he fake whines, turning his head to you and ceasing his strumming. His hands drop, falling to rest on the curve of your knees. You ignore his whine, smiling as you move your legs to the sides of his hips, spreading your thighs to straddle his knees. You sit on his lower thighs, far back from the crotch seam of his black jeans and lift your head to look at him.
“Not trying to have the police called on us, Ed.”
He shrugs a ‘fair enough’ type of shrug, and brings the hand with his cig off your knee and up to his lips, taking another drag. You watch the lit end of it burn brighter with his inhale, and die down when it’s pulled from his lips. He holds the smoke in his mouth, not letting it into his lungs yet.
His other hand lifts off your other knee, gently bringing your chin towards him as he leans his torso forward so your lips are less than centimeters away. He then blows the smoke into your parted mouth, and you start to inhale what he gives you. Your lips barely touch, ghosting over each other, but it still gives you a flutter in your stomach at the intimacy.
Your hands slide onto either side of his neck, and one sneaks to the back of his skull, resting in his frizzy hair as you finish inhaling. Then, you lift your chin to blow the smoke out above his his head, making sure his face doesn't get a load of your puff.
He looks up at you licking his lips at the sight, finding you incredibly attractive when you smoke for some reason. Bringing his head forward, his hot lips meet the warm skin of your exposed neck under your lifted chin, planting a kiss. He pulls back and your head turns down to look at him with a smile, which he silently returns.
You feel his large palm of his empty hand now grip your clothed waist. The heat from his hand is felt through your shirt.
“Come closer,” Eddie mutters, “you’re so far away.” he whines, referring to you straddling his lower thighs, rather than his hips.
You smile, deciding to tease him a bit. “But Eddie, I’m right here-”
“Oh c’mon, princess,” he tugs at your waist, attempting to pull you closer. He brings his voice down to a cliche flirty tone, “I don’t bite...” You raise an eyebrow at him. “I mean, not unless you want me to.” he corrects himself.
You scoff playfully, “Oh my god, Eddie. Whatever.”
“Ok ok, no biting.” he raises both hands in a surrender, and you slide forward. You sit on his crotch area and place your hands on his broad shoulders, over his vest and jacket. 
“I lied.” he says, and you can hear the smile in his voice. He giggles cute boyish giggles as he leans in and playfully bites your shoulders and neck, grabbing your waist tightly with both hands, not letting you escape. He’s still holding the cig between his fingers, careful not to burn anything as he holds your squirming body firmly in place. 
His head tosses around your frame, feeling his teeth gently nibble at you over and over. You can’t help but giggle and snort at his ridiculous way of flirting. You feel his shoulders shake, and his chest vibrates with laughter. 
But then, you feel a particular bite that has your breath hitching. He bites at the spot under your jaw and just above the column of your neck- the soft spot that always makes you react when his mouth shows it any bit of attention.
You try to bring yourself together before he can notice.
“Ok- ok! Eddie-” you say between airy laughs. You lean back, pushing his denim and leather covers shoulders forward. This stops his biting, and he licks his lips to re-moisten them after moving all over your skin. His hands still rest over your shirt, gripping your waist.
You grab both sides of his face and squish them, making his lips puff out and the eyelids of his dark brown eyes wrinkle closer together. He looks weirdly cute like this.
“Stay still.” you tell him, no hint of seriousness found in your voice at all, hands still squeezing his heated cheeks. 
He tries to speak to you, but with his mouth and cheeks all forced together, his words come out funny.
“yesh ma’am.” he says, lips unable to actually touch- earning a chuckle from you and a muffled one from him.
You release his face, smoothing your hands back to his ears, both thumbs in-front of them, while the rest of your fingers are resting on his scalp. You rub the pads of your thumbs back and forth on his face as he brings his cig up to his mouth for one last drag.
He’s careful when he exhales, not wanting to blow smoke into your face. His head turns away from to blow the smoke out, and you notice how his pale neck is now exposed to you. 
You lean in to place your lips on the thin pulsing skin, giving him a gentle kiss. You pull back, hands still cupping his warm face while he turns his head and looks into your eyes. A smile slowly creeps onto his face while he stares at you, looking as if his eyes are thanking you for your sweet gesture.
Eddie puts out his cigarette, tossing the butt across the van and bringing his hand back to your waist. He looks at your lips, and then back to your eyes.
“So, uhh...” he says, and you can feel his breath hit your face at your close proximity. It smells like cigarettes and his all-too-familiar toothpaste. “..how about a kiss here, huh?” he smiles, and brings his hand off your waist to point a ringed finger at his mouth.
You smirk, “Real smooth, Ed.” 
“What? Did it work?”
You ponder. “Close your eyes and find out, charmer.”
He immediately closes his brown eyes, patiently waiting for your lips, cutely trying to hold back his smile. The corners of his lips have faint wrinkles as he attempts to not let them curl up into a grin.
You lower your eyelids half way as you lean into his mouth. The moment your lips touch, you close your eyes completely, slowly kissing him. Feeling his warm lips layer onto your own- which his are just barely chapped, but still as pillowy and welcoming as ever- draws a silent hum from you.
Your lips move slowly against his, setting a gentle and intimate pace, which he follows. Your body feels Eddies hands glide down your clothed torso slowly, inching more and more after every heart beat. Automatically, your heads tilt to give eachother more access to your mouths, both equally thirsting for one another. 
Eddies hands have now moved down to the bottom hem of your shirt, slipping his fingers under the edge of the fabric, and placing them on your bare waist. You feel his warm thumbs brush over your skin in a back and forth motion, while the hot air from his nose exhales over your joined lips.
When his tongue slips out to glide over the tip of your own, you lean into his body more. Instantly, your hands become desperate, wildly smoothing around his scalp and accidentally tugging his knots in his wavy hair. He silently chuckles against your mouth at your sudden passion.
Your wet tongues slip over each other even more, opening and closing your mouths but never breaking the kiss. You feel him match your sudden greed by biting your lower lip and tugging it back before immediately putting your lips together again. Your hands push back further into his hair, pulling his body closer to your own, making your chests flushed against each other, and his large warm hands move up from your waist to your back, brushing over your bra strap. They rest somewhere near your shoulder blades.
Your body reacts to his roaming hands and needy kissing by sliding your hips forward, gently grinding on Eddie. With your breasts pressing up to his chest, your hips rolling on his semi under his black denim jeans, and hands smoothing all over his hair and face, he groans into your mouth. 
Anytime your breasts press into him, it makes his head spin, even if they’re covered. His perverted thoughts run rampant, picturing how they bounce when you ride him, or how they squish and mold into his hands when he palms them. He remembers the noises you make when he puts his wet lips around your nipples, or the way your hands tug at his hair while you whimper from the harsh hickeys he gives to the swell of your breasts. 
All of those thoughts make his face heat up as he kisses you, all just from your covered chest pressing into his barely clothed one.
Another roll of your hips, another second of your chest against his body, and he’s groaning again. He has to pull back and break the kiss, catching his breath and trying to collect himself. Your hips stop moving in response, and you feel his hands come down your back to your butt, resting over the back pockets of your shorts.
“Aw. Can’t handle it, Ed?” you tease, even though you’re equally as out of breath as he is.
His dark eyes peer up challengingly at you, lifting an eyebrow under his messy curls for bangs. His open mouth twists into a teeth showing half-smile.
“And if I can?” he asks with sudden confidence.
“So what? You want a medal, big boy?” you mock him, smiling at his pretty face.
“No, you’ll do.” he says sweetly, leaning in to peck your lips. When he pulls back, he looks at your face and just wants to kiss you again. 
“You’re sweet, Ed.” You lean in to plant kisses on his forehead, cheek, nose, and finally mouth. His heart flutters from the affection.
Soon enough, sounds of wet lips moving against each other fill the van again, and you’re both making out. The feeling of his affectionate hands roaming under your shirt, and on the heated skin of your torso is enough to make you forget all about the wholesome moment you had a little while ago. Your own hands roam around his neck and hair. You’re both just lost in the warmth, smell, and feel of each other in his cozy, familiar van.
His hands come up to where your bra hooks together, and he struggles to unclip it, making you giggle against his smiling mouth. Mixed saliva lightly coats your lips when you pull away, lifting your hands under your shirt to unhook your bra. You keep your shirt on as you slide the straps over your shoulders, and slip it under your clothing until the warm fabric is exposed to the cool night air, and Eddies lustful gaze. He watches you like it’s a peep show, and you’re surprised he didn’t jokingly whistle at you. 
You toss your bra away, returning back to Eddies mouth, and his greedy hands go under your shirt again. Your tongues roll over each other, heads tilting, and lips entwine together lustfully. Eddies heated palms finally go to your breasts, cupping the undersides of them. 
He starts gentle, but that doesn’t last long at all. You quietly moan against his mouth as he squeezes and gropes your chest with determination. His blunt flinger tips graze up your flesh, making it to your nipples and he rolls his thumb over them. They rub side to side, before pinching them between his thumb and pointer fingers, causing you to make a pitchy sound.
You retaliate by biting down on his lower lip and tugging it out, making him groan deeply before rejoining your lips. Your hips grind on him, wanting more stimulation to your aroused body. He continues to desperately palm your chest, large hands never ceasing.
There is a pattern of groping and grinding that’s warming up your bodies quickly, making you forget all about the occasional breeze that comes into the van to lift the corners of the blankets and carry Eddies curls to your face before they fall back down. All of your joined rushed movements and kisses brings you both to a state of sexual need that you can’t turn back from.
Eddie pulls away from the kiss, just for him to put his pink lips elsewhere. His head tilts to the side, leaning into your neck and placing his wet and warm lips there, passionately. Like, really passionately. His kisses to your neck are saying ‘I love you, but I really need to fuck you. I really need to feel you cum on me, beg for me, cry for me, and to just need me back.’ 
He starts licking small lines and punctuating them with kisses or bites, making your neck crane back and drawing pleasured sighs from you. His tongue is warm and wet on your pulse, his lips are pillowy on your now shiny skin, and his teeth are strong on the skin he sucks. 
He finally reaches that sweet spot on your neck, the one that has you gripping his hair and making you groan and whimper. He gives it even more attention, smiling on your skin at your reactions. The sounds of his layered clothes shuffling as he switches over to the other side of your neck, trying to find your sweet spot there, fill your heated ears. 
Your head turns to give him access, eyes shutting close as he uses his mouth to further ignite your skin. Your stomach bubbles with lust, feeling those flutters of passion around your core, sinking down to your clothed entrance. You’re getting wet, slicking up your underwear, soon to drip to the fabric of your shorts, sitting right above Eddies hard on. 
His neck kisses feel so fucking good, but when you open your eyes and turn your head, you’re brought to the sight of the high school behind the open van doors.
His head is still in your neck, shuffling around to stimulate your saliva covered skin while you stare out the doors, not too excited about them being open. You’re not sure of you want someone to wander and see you on Eddie’s lap, his hands under your shirt and face in your neck.
“Eddie,” you whine, “the van doors..” your voice is quiet, but still loud enough to be heard over the quiet Iron Maiden music, and Eddies kissing sounds.
You feel his lips detach, and head turn up to look at your eyes locking with his.
“Aw babe, what are you worried about?” his eyes look at your face, slightly worried, slightly aroused. His hands under your shirt have moved down to your rib cage, resting there for now. He tries to reassure your nerves. “Look-” he turns his head and gestures to the empty high school. Your eyes follow, once again. “The school’s closed, and the back of the van is facing it too, so no one’s gonna see us.”
His head turns back to you, but yours is still, yet again, focused on the empty building. Your eyes dart over the windows and doors, but while you’re distracted, Eddie leans his lips towards your ear, since it’s easily accessible now that your head is turned. He gives it a sweet kiss.
Then, you feel his breath when he speaks into it, “Plus,” he gently bites your ear lobe, making you no longer pay attention to the empty school. “If some lucky soul did happen to see us- or me fucking the shit out of you-” his voice rasps,  lips moving to your jaw to plant a kiss there, “-I think it would be kinda hot.” he moves his smiling mouth down to the column of your throat, kissing you, “Don’t you think?”
You quietly moan at his perverted confession and his warm, skillful mouth.
“They’d see you moaning my name,” he speaks lowly, sucking gently on your neck, “and riding my dick...” he gently bites, hands now squeezing your waist. “...won’t they, dollface?”
He pulls back to look at you, trying to sense any reassurance in your face to let him keep going.
Your eyes are half lidded, unable to keep them fully open, now too heavy with lust. You look at his pink lips, then back to hit deep brown eyes. You’d be lying if you said what his words didn’t get your mind racing. If the images he put in your head didn’t get your face hot.
"Yeah, you would be into that, Eddie." You taunt, trying to keep your composure.
He laughs through his nose, smiling, "And you wouldn't?" He challenges.
You start to lean into his neck as you speak to him, “Let’s find out then, huh?”
His lips faintly curl at your boldness, and once your lips touch his neck, he’s tilting out to the side to let your mouth roam around his skin more. Eddie takes so much pleasure in the feeling of your mouth kissing his skin, and he sighs gently when your tongue runs a stripe from the base of his neck, up to his sharp jaw. 
Fuck, why does he feel so warm on your tongue?
You bring your hands to his broad shoulders, tugging at his jacket and vest as you suck a hickey onto his pulse point. He brings his own hands up to peel his layers off, shuffling his arms and torso around to slide his leather and denim off effectively. You feel his body torque and twist, but he tries to keep his neck as straight as he can for you. 
Your mouth continues to wetly dote on his skin, making his eyes squint shut and re-open from pleasure. His hands, which you didn’t even notice return to your body, are resting on your hips, starting to squeeze roughly every now and then in reaction to your teeth sinking down on his thin warm skin of his neck. Your love bites make a trail from his neck, to the base of it, then to the skin between his shoulders and collar bones. 
His immensely tight grip on you just edges you on even more, beginning to semi-roughly grind onto his sideways erection. You’re in desperate need to get any sort of stimulation to your soaking entrance. You’re pulsing down there, practically feeling your heart beat in your pussy just from making out and being touched improperly all over your tense body -- except where you need it most.
Eddie catches onto your fervor, moving his rough hands to the front on your shorts, letting his thumb rub over the chilled metal-like button of them, basically his way to letting you know he wants to take your shorts off. Your mouth moves from off his neck to look at his face, and before he can say anything, you’re kissing him roughly, and rolling your hips towards his hands, begging him to touch your center. 
He uses both his hands to multitask and unbutton your shorts while kissing you back. His black nail polished thumb and pointer finger pull your zipper down. Once the front flaps of your shorts are open, he impatiently tucks his heated right hand into them, sliding over your panties, not bothering to take your shorts off at all. His warm palm cups your mound over the damp fabric, giving it a loving and gentle squeeze. It makes his ringed fingers apply more pressure to your wetness, causing you to moan into his mouth. 
You grind into his soft grip, body still greedy for more. His thick middle finger begins to rub the fabric over your slit. Eddie massages it with a gentle pace, simultaneously spreading your wetness underneath. His touch sends heat up your spine and to your face, making your eyes clench tightly. Each stroke of his fingers draws moan after moan from you against his pink lips, and he’s not even making proper contact with your skin. 
You continue to kiss Eddie harder, hands gripping at his dark hair, wide neck, and broad shoulders. Anything you can grab onto as you rock your core against his fingers, huffing out through your nose. 
Eddie eventually just lets his fingers stay still, allowing you to set your own pace, rubbing yourself against him, whining into his mouth. He’s enjoying your erotic display of neediness. He loves the way you show how much you crave his touch, how much he can turn you on with just his mouth and fingers, how good any part of his body feels against you, even if you’re clothed. 
“Eddie...” you whine, tucking your head into the right side of his neck, “fingers...” your words come out as a weak plea.
He lightly chuckles. “What about ‘em?” his gentle voice travels to your right ear.
You rub your clothed entrance once more on his blunt finger. “Inside,” you speak quietly, down to his chest, too embarrassed to use your words. “want them inside me...”
He sucks his teeth, patronizingly. “Aw...” he mutters, head turning to your hair, “Can’t do that too well with these shorts on, though, huh?” He’s talking as if he isn’t the one who kept them on you. 
You raise your head slowly, soon to have your eyes meeting his sly face. Any other time, you would make a witty remark to your smug bastard of a boyfriend, but this time, you’re just beyond sexually frustrated. You’re a heated, aroused, aching mess that just seriously needs to be touched, with underwear that gets wetter and slicker with every second.
You lift off your legs to slide down your unzipped shorts, and his doe eyes watch your every move. Eddie watches the denim brushing down your thighs that he loves so much, sliding over your calves, kicking them off your feet. Your underwear follows shortly after, and you slightly cringe at the stringy globs of wetness attached, connecting your cunt to the fabric. He’s practically eye fucking you the whole time. His cute tongue pokes out to lustfully lick his lips while you crawl back onto his lap.
You straddle him once again, this time having a completely bare lower body. He wastes no time in having his hands move to squeeze your bare upper thighs, moulding them under his grip. His curly head tucks into your neck, like second nature, and he places the most passionate, wet, open mouthed kisses all over your skin. 
His hands slide from your upper thighs, to your hips, then to the bare globes of your ass. Eddie squeezes them with an aggressive fervor, then adding his teeth to your neck. He sucks a harsh hickey onto your neck, while his warm palms grope at your curves, pulling them apart and squeezing them back together, making you roll forward into his lower body.
“Eddie...” you whine and warn at the same time, but before you can get anymore words out, his ringed pointer and middle finger lift to your mouth, slowly slipping them inside until his rings touch your lips. 
“Quiet, please sweetheart.” He says against your neck, causing you to feel his hot breath meet your wet skin, sending a chill to your face. “I’m gettin’ there, I promise.” he reassures you.
His fingers stay in your mouth and you grip his wrist, twirling your tongue around them while you suck, wallowing in how thick they are - wishing they were in you somewhere else. His other hand is still on your ass, continuing to grope you as Eddie’s fingers pacify you. His mouth still roams on your jaw, neck, and collar bone, leaving marks that you’ll wear for the next few days. 
All of his attention on you makes you moan against his fingers. Your entrance is still bare and soaked, impatiently waiting for attention, grinding yourself on nothing. He notices your needy muffled moans and rolling hips. It makes him grin a self satisfying grin into your neck, feeling cocky from the way your body craves for him.
“Oh baby, you need something?” he teases, knowing well that you can’t respond with his fingers shoved into your mouth, pushing down on your tongue. You try to tell him you want him to finger you already, but your voice is muffled with the first syllable. 
“Why aren’t you using your words?” he looks at you, smiling before he turns his face into a fake sentimental one ,“What’s wrong? Don’t you need something?” he cocks his head to the side, fake worrying and driving you insane. 
Little shit.
You impatiently pout against his fingers, moving your hands into the back of his hair and gripping it pleadingly. His head jerks slightly, letting his jaw fall down to chuckle at you- and if your underwear wasn't already all off, it would be even more soaked from that damn chuckle of his. 
“Ok, ok!” he says between raspy giggles, “so damn- it’s so damn cute when you pout with my fingers in your mouth...” his fingers slide out before he finishes his sentence, “...and, I’m gonna need you to hold these for me.” he says, slipping his rings off his 2 fingers and lifting your palm. His lips feel hot as he kisses your inner wrist before sliding his 2 rings on.
“Aw.” you speak sarcastically, “Eddie baby, how roma- mmf” 
His lips are on yours before you can get all your sarcasm out, but you feel him smile against your mouth. And finally, his thick fingers - wet with your own saliva - slide through your slick folds, sending heat up your body all the way to your face. Your arms cross around his neck and shoulders, wildly griping onto his dark hair and melting into his body.
His wet pointer and middle finger tips slowly rub up and down your slit while his mouth silences any of your moans you want to let out. You grow impatient at his pace, starting to roll your hips into his moving fingers. The night air is cool but your body feels so damn warm, even when you’re practically half naked in just your shirt. You’re so wet that the noises of Eddie’s fingers moving through your folds can be heard through the van, unable to be drowned out by the quiet radio at all. 
Every time his finger tips graze over your clit, your body tenses, making your thighs clench and your kiss deepen. His other hand that was once on your ass is now moving up your body, seeking out your tits. His rough finger tips pinch at your nipple while his other finger tips rub at your entrance, stimulating your body’s most sensitive points in the way he knows drives you crazy. 
You cant hold your moans back so you tear your lips away from his, head immediately falling onto his warm shoulder. You pant and whimper into his upper body, bawling your fists into his cut up tank top while his finger tips continue to play with you. His head turns to the side to kiss your hair, muttering about how cute you are when you get overwhelmed. 
Your hips start rolling even faster, body getting warmer and needier. He eats it up, the way your body begs for him without ever having to use your words. You tug the strap of his tank top down his shoulder, bringing you trembling lips to his skin.
You feel Eddie easily sliding one of his thick fingers into your heat, walls forming around it like memory foam while your lips move over his skin. Your tongue licks up his shoulder, and your teeth mark up his flesh, pulling little groans from him with your harsh mouth while he draws moans from you with his single finger. He feels so good, you cant believe its just a single finger thats getting you this hot and heavy.
But you can believe that your body is still thirsty for-
“More..” you whine, “need more fingers, Eddie...” you finish your begging with kisses to the base of his neck. You then start to suck over the spot you kissed, letting your teeth join in.
“Only if you, shit- yeah keep biting me babe,” he huffs, rewarding you with 2 fingers now to pump you faster “fuck, you better mark me up.” Eddies demand sounded much more desperate than controlling- like he was begging for you to mark him as if he was all yours, like he belonged to you only. 
His request, along with his skillful fingers, brings you to a new type of arousal. Your body reacts by roughly gripping the back of his head and taking advantage of his exposed neck, leaving a few small bruises. His hand that was on your breast now grips your ribcage for support from your unforgiving mouth.
You can feel his throat vibrate under your lips as he groans. “ah, fuck-” he hisses when he inhales, “s-shit, there it is...”
His hand on your rib moves down in-between your thighs, letting his thumb circle your clit while 2 thick fingers move in and out of you, making you gush around them. 
“Fuck, Eddie! Oh my god..” You moan into his wavy hair.
Your palm comes down to cup his very evident erection, squeezing at his firm shaft under his denim. You want to tease him as much as he’s been teasing you. The noise he lets out is soft, but it still drives you crazy. You can hear and feel how turned on he is, it makes you moan right back.
Your ears begin to heat up from the noises your pussy makes, thinking it sounds obnoxiously wet. But, like the pervert Eddie is, he grins at it while you feel almost embarrassed by it. 
“You hear that, huh y/n?” he teases, and you can really hear the shit eating grin in his voice, “Fuckin’ love the sounds you make.” Eddie groans, getting off to his fingers in you, your hand on his jean covered dick, and your mouth leaving dark hickeys on his upper body. He is especially getting off to the wet sounds of your begging pussy.
“I lay awake at night trying to remember this exact sound.” he confesses, lips leaning towards your ear. “Wanna know how many times I fuck myself to it?”
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
“How many times I made myself cum from it?” his raspy voice continues, giving you butterflies as you feel his breath on the shell of your ear. “How badly I want to make it leak on me? I mean, shit- it drives me fuckin’ crazy.”
You can barely handle his fingers stimulating both your clit and your entrance, and now you have to hear his incredibly hot perverted thoughts too?
You whimper, starting to feel deliciously overwhelmed. “hnng, Eddie...”
“And that too,” he rambles, arm still pistoning between your legs “the way you say my name, like it’s all you know how to do,” he pants out a curse under his breath, letting his head fall back, sticking his chin up. “It’s enough to make me blow, like right now.” 
You head tilts up, smiling before tugging on his earlobe. “Don’t tease.”
He scoffs.
One hand of yours tugs at his scalp while the other still palms his jeans. Your back begins to arch from his fingers working your clit and walls. Your voice trembles when you moan, telling Eddie how good it feels, begging for him to keep going.
You feel heat pool in your stomach, muscles contracting all over your body. You turn your head to Eddie’s lips, kissing him and pathetically moaning into his mouth. Both your hands slide under the hem of his tank top, fingers gliding over the textured groves and marks of his healed skin.
Scar tissue. 
Your hands move over them, rising up to seek out his already hard nipples. Your eager finger tips graze them and roll them under your thumbs. You feel him exhale shakily through his nose at your teasing to his sensitive pink buds. You then put them between your pointer and thumb fingers, slowly squeezing more pressure, bit by bit, waiting until he makes a noise against your mouth. Once he makes a small, high pitched noise, you know you’ve struck gold.
You roll your finger tips together at that pressure, beginning to make him squirm into your kiss, lighting his body into a fire of arousal. You bite at his lower lip, just to drive him more crazy until you decide to continue kissing him again. You feel his plush pink lips vibrate against yours from his whimpers, and his hands between your legs stiffen every now and then from the pleasure he’s feeling, before getting himself back on track.
He tears his lips away, and they now appear to glisten with your combined spit in the van light. His fingers halt on you, thumb leaving your clit while his 2 fingers stay still inside your walls.
“Keep doing that n’ I’m gonna fuck you.” He warns, even though he’s smiling.
“Maybe that’s the point, smart guy.” You smile too.
His eyebrow raises and the corner of his lip follows.
You begin to lift his tank top over his head, dark curls poofing out once the fabric lifts over his face. They fall back onto his neck and wide shoulders, brown hair contrasting with his pale skin covered in faded black tattoos. Your eyes travel down to where the red pick necklace points to, practically guiding your sight down his lean body.
You see his healed scars, starting with small, yet deep scratches, then increasing to violent looking, wide spread marks. The scar tissue is a fleshy white color. Your finger tips slide over the bumps of tissue, and Eddie just stares at your focused face the whole time.
You hear him inhale - just a tiny bit, before he speaks. 
“Yeah.. they’re pretty gnarly huh?” he says awkwardly, trying to take your mind off of wherever it’s wandering to. His giggle is forced, but you don’t mind.
Your giggle, however, is real in response to his light hearted remark. “Yes,” you smile, “very metal.” Your eyes break away, looking up into his brown doe eyes, glinting with the lighting from inside and outside the van.
Both your hands rise up, now sitting on the sides of his defined face. Your hand with his 2 rings on your fingers cools his cheek, and you can feel the large ring bands push out, exposing the gap between the steel and your skin.
Before you can lean in to kiss him, your eyes twitch and flutter as you feel his fingers enter you again, and then wiggle in you. Your breath hitches at his naughty way of teasing, not moving them in or out, just keeping them pushed inside you and wiggling them around your stimulated walls.
“Your turn, princess.” he remarks, rasp in his voice. “Take your shirt off for me, huh?”
You scoff playfully before bringing your hands down to your shirt, careful to not let Eddies rings fall off your fingers. You raise it off your torso, exposing your naked breasts first. Your body is now completely bare while you straddle Eddie’s shirtless figure. 
Eddie eyes your chest, dark pupils switching side to side between both of your erect nipples. Before you can cover yourself, bashful from his admiring, he leans in to your chest. 
“You’re an angel,” he speaks dreamily into your skin, “so beautiful.” His lips place passionate adoring kisses all over your chest, purposefully avoiding your nipples. 
Your hands are in his thick waves of hair, resting on his scalp, while you continue to feel his hair brush over your bare skin paired with his warm lips edging closer to where you want them most. Your back arches into his affection, trying to get him to finally suck your nipples.
His face sinks lower, lips moving closer and closer to your bud. His tongue comes out first, teasingly licking it. He swirls around it a few times, adding pressure until he finally wraps his lips and sucks harshly. 
Sucking sounds fill between you both, and your whimpers come out every time he uses his teeth. He switches between nipples, and you’re left to grind onto his fingers that slowly return to pumping in and out of you, prepping you for something bigger.
His lips feel so warm, and the attention he’s giving your chest is worth praising. 
“mmm- good boy, Eddie...” The way you moan, the praise, and the sound of his name from your pleasured voice pushes him so far. He fingers you faster and sucks harder, the erection in his pants is now insufferable. 
With some final licks, sucks, and bites, he pulls away, looking at you while faintly panting. 
“Does this mean you’re gonna ride me now?” he asks hopefully. 
You grin, looking down at his jeans, hand coming back to his bulge to give it a firm squeeze. “You’re asking me like I could ever refuse.” Your eyes flicker back up to his own, maintaining eye contact as you unbutton his jeans and pull his zipper down. 
His fingers pull out of you to rushingly do the rest. He looks down, pulling his dick out and dragging his boxers and pants down to just above his knees. You watch him move quickly, showing a silent display of desperateness to be inside you.
His shaft sits up on his lower scared stomach, towering over his dark happy trail that makes you bite your lip every time you see it. His pink tip is shining in small bits of pre cum, squeezed out from your groping. 
While your eyes look at his shaft, his eyes look at your body. He grips his dick, loosely pumping it at the sight of you sitting on him. He looks at your bare thighs, admiring the way they squish out because of the way you’re sitting on him. He’s reminded of they squish and tremble at the sides of his face when he’s tucked between them, mouth about to make you cum. His eyes trail up to your exposed pussy that he loves so much, then up your stomach to your breasts that he was just giving affection to. 
“Condom, Eddie?” you ask gently. 
“Uhh, yeah- front jean pocket.” he directs you towards his pocket that has the condom in it. Once you grab it, he takes it out of your hand, even though you didn’t actually give it to him, but you don’t mind.
He eyes the square package before bringing the corner of it to his mouth, ripping it down the edge to tear it off in one swift motion. He puffs the teared side of the package between his lips away from you both, pulls the lubed ring out, and disposed the rest of the package somewhere next to him. 
He rolls the condom onto his incredibly firm shaft, making sure it’s secured all the way to the bottom. He wastes no time in grabbing your hips, aiding you to hover over his tip. 
Your hands grip the warm skin of his broad shoulders, letting your forehead rest on his. Your entrance hangs over him, wet and gaping, and you inhale as you lower yourself, connecting to his tip and slowly sinking down an inch, then 2, then 3. 
Your eyelashes flutter and your hole takes more of him in, and Eddie exhales a shaky breath of relief, finally being able to be inside you. The stretch of his dick and the tightness of your walls makes both your mouths hang open.
Eddie hums a deep noise when you rise up slowly, and then sink back down with a forward curl of your hips, repeating the process at your own gentle pace. With every new lift, sink, and roll of your hips, your breath speeds faster and Eddie gets more restless. 
He utters an occasional curse, making your ears go hot. Every time you pull your hips forward, he squeezes your hips tighter. His head falls back, gently hitting the van wall as his chest rises steadily, eyes of his closing shut from pleasure. His hands now understand your pace and pattern of movement, so he guides you firmly, and you feel the force of his hands moving you in your set direction. It feels really good, giving you more butterflies. 
Your hand with his rings on it move to the back of his neck, pulling him forward to bring your bare chests close together. You kiss him aggressively, using your teeth to bite as his lip, and your tongue to swirl over his own in his hot mouth. Your hands grip his curls at his scalp, further expressing your aroused aggression, letting your pussy clamp onto his shaft with a vice grip every now and then. 
Eddie whines into your mouth, squeezing your hips as he forces them to move faster. Your kiss takes both your breaths away, making you both pull back and catch your breath while your hips continue to fuck him in and out of your hole. You’re both panting, hair still in your grip making him shiver from the way the pain turns him on. 
You feel him buck up into you, impatiently slamming himself into you, matching the pace he set for you both. You moan over and over again, head tilting back rasing your chin up. Your hand slips out of his hair to cover your loud mouth while his half lidded eyes watch your every move, red ears hearing your every muffled noise, and hard dick feeling the pressure of your walls surround him. 
“God d-damn it,” he groans, staring at you, “let me hear you, p-please princess... let me, fuck-!” he’s begging you. How can you refuse such a good boy begging for you?
You reluctantly move your hand away from your mouth, placing both your hands back on his shoulders. Some of your fingers are touching his hair that’s sticking to the skin of his shoulder, nails digging into him while your eyes squeeze shut, overwhelmed from pleasure of being fucked so well at the right spot. 
Eddie bites his lip at the noises you make, now sounding much clearer and louder. He watches your mouth hang open, and the way you tuck your lip behind your teeth when you say “Fuck”. The way your eyebrows furrow when his name leaves your lips. They way your eyes open to stare at his inked body between your legs. The way your breasts move with your body. The way you tuck your head into his neck, panting and huffing into his hair.
“hnnn, Eddie... feels s’good-” you moan, “Don’t stop” you say, referring to the way he’s holding onto your rising and falling hips while thrusting himself into you.
You tuck his hair away from his neck, then bite into his pulse point again, just the way he loves. You lick the tip of your tongue over the divots forming into his skin, before sucking harshly. He groans loudly, head falling back once more while his eyes clench shut harshly. 
“Shiiiit-” he whimpers, keeping one hand on your hip while the other pushes your head further into his neck, his way of telling you he wants you to keep going.
You smile into his neck, “Good boy, keep making noises.” You praise him, making his abdomen clench and dick twitch in you. Each roll of your hips has him squeezing more onto the back of the part between your skull and neck. You lick and bite all the way up to his ear lobe, pulling and tugging it between your teeth, making Eddie sigh a shakey breath into your own ear. 
Your head comes back to admire your work on his pale skin, new red marks next to your older ones from minutes ago, sure to feel incredibly sore for the next few days. But Eddie being the freak he is, is going to welcome the side effects of the sadistic pain you inflict on him. 
His hand that was on the base of your skull slides to the side of your face. His thick thumb presses on your lower lip, and your tongue comes out to lick the pad of it. The look on your face is teasing.
He stares at you, his thick eyelashes blink once before he lifts his pointer and middle finger up to your mouth. You automatically open it so he can slide them in, welcoming them once again. Your tongue tastes them, swirling around his digits as you continue to fuck yourself on his dick.
Your eyes literally roll back, and you moan a relaxed moan, feeling a sense of relief from his fingers in your mouth. You feel your eyebrows slant down, sounds vibrating around his thick fingers, so turned on by his hands giving you all this attention. It makes you bounce on his dick with more motivation.
Your vision flickers down to his doe eyes, already staring at you with drool coming out of the corners of your completely stuffed mouth. You both can now feel the van slightly recoil, gently and faintly shaking back and forth on its wheels from your rough, fast paced, fucking.
His other hand that was on your hip comes down to the front of your body, sinking to where you’re both connected. His thumb finds your clit making you jolt, and he rubs weak circles on it. His tongue comes out to lick his pink smiling lips - watching you squirm on him with a cocky look on his pretty face. You’re overwhelmed from pleasure, but unable to make much noise about it due to his fingers filling your mouth to the brim.
“Aw. Can’t handle it, baby?” head tilting to the side a little, mocking your own comment from earlier.
Bold coming from someone who’s equally drunk off pleasure. You groan on his fingers, and the vibrations from your mouth, as well as the heat and wetness of your tongue and lips sends a shiver up him. Your hips shift from bouncing to gently grinding, sliding back and forth on his shaft and into his thumb tracing your clit.
You can’t stop whining, and Eddie can’t stop panting. You’re both so turned on by how good you’re making each other feel. His pleasure from your pussy and your noises drives you crazy, and your pleasure, including your muffled sounds from the way he makes you feel, makes his head spin. 
He notices how your body is reacting to him. He wants to be a little bit of a tease, he can’t help it. "Feels that good huh, sweetheart?" he taunts. “You like my fingers in your mouth, huh?” he asks, knowing you can’t speak.
You nod, eyes barely able to stay open.
“Such a good girl...” he praises, finger on your clit suddenly moving faster, making your shoulders tremble, “So responsive... it’s s’fuckin’ hot,” he groans, “I love it, give me more baby.”
Your body continues to jolt and shiver at his pressure on your clit and his dick stretching you out, filling you up. Your hips are grinding faster, rolling with a new speed and fervor. Your hand comes up to his neck, lightly wrapping your fingers around the front of it, thumb and finger tips touching your marks on his skin.
Your walls are clenching him, riding him aggressively while lightly choking him as he practically gags you. You’re huffing through your nostrils, thighs slightly burning but your pleasure motivates you to power through.
“Jesus- fuck,” he hisses, "g-good girl, ride it like it's yours."  
You moan at his erotic words. He’s so good at talking to you in the heat of the moment. Especially when his words come out shakey and weak from his arousal, it gets you going. You love how he looks like he’s about to fall apart under you. 
His fingers slip out of your mouth, heading to your hips, gripping them for support. You exhale heavily through your now free mouth. Your hand leaves off his throat and dig your nails into him elsewhere, near his shoulders.
You now switch between bounding to grinding on him, noises of both your moans drowning out his low volume radio, the sounds of your wetness around his shaft, and even the faint noises of the few cars that drive past the roads in the front part of the van. Your head falls to his shoulder. 
“hnngg, Eddie... you feel s’good...” your voice is music to his ears. He needs to hear more of it, more of your praise, curses, moans, all of it. Your voice laced with pleasure that he brings you, it turns him on much more than it should.  
“Fuck- say you love me,” Eddie groans, begging you.
Your face heats up at his sudden intimate request, stomach flipping now that you’re suddenly flustered.
Your voice is breathy and light, “I love you, Ed.” you say next to his ear.
He feels like he’s gonna explode right there. “Look at me... please,” his voice sounds soft. Your eyes meet his, trying to prevent them from closing from all the pleasure he’s bringing you. “Say it again, pretty girl” he pleads for you, out of breath. His thumb on your clit slows down, and it wont speed back up until you say it again. 
You whine once more, eyes staring into his brown, chocolate colored ones while you ride him, “Fuck... I love you,” and you really mean it. He brings your head close to his face, pulling you in for a very deep kiss, keeping his wide hand on the back of your skull.
Your try to gyrate your hips and make out with him at the same time, finding it difficult to keep your breath steady from doing 2 breath taking things at once. You feel the fat of your ass slapping against his thighs, with his fingers curling around the back of your skull, forcing your face to stay connected to his. His thumb rubs your slippery clit, bringing you more vibrations of pleasure up and down your body.
Your pussy continues to leak and squelch around him, while your tongues stay circling around each other, drawing mewls from you both. Your stomach feels seething heat, making you realize you’re not far from a climax.
Your walls pulsate with heavy arousal, and Eddie feels this through the condom. The way you won’t stop clenching around him, sucking him in, moaning on his lips, even the way you smell, it’s taking over all his senses. He’s worried now because he knows he’s going to finish before you.
You pull off his mouth to catch your breath, but when you see his face, you have to bite your lip to hold yourself back. His eyes are barely open, brows creasing above them as they slant. His mouth can’t close, lips hanging open, exhaling heavily. His bangs are messy, some of the ends attach to his shining forehead. His neck is absolutely covered in bite marks and hickeys, adams apple bobbing in the center.
His tongue comes out to lick the upper corner of his lips, following with a deep breath - at least, as deep as he can get from his overwhelmed state. 
“Please,” he half whines, half begs, “if you keep, fuck- if you k-keep going, ‘m gonna c-cum..” he says in the most pathetic way. His voice is pitchy, sounding like a sad whiny mess. 
“So tell me to stop.” you pant, testing him. His begging only turns you on more, starting to get you closer to finishing. “I know you wanna cum, pretty boy,” you say to his sweaty, pleasured face, “so let me see it.” Your head comes to his ear, letting you hear how good he’s making you feel, knowing how much that makes him squirm. He still lets you ride him anyway, circling his finger around your bud, eager to make you cum first. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” Eddie hisses. “Shit-! mm- like that, j-just like that baby,” he can’t help but be vocal when you’re making him feel so good. 
His hand on your clit starts to weaken, halting sometimes too. You bring your hand down to guide his. 
“No, no, Eddie- need you to keep touching me,” you breathe out, getting closer to cumming. His thumb circles back on track. “Good boy, j-just like that, there you go...” 
He whines from the sound of you praising him, calling him a good boy right in his ear. He ruts into you sloppily, making all kinds of erotic noises with his perfect mouth. Your legs tremble on top of his own, not too far away from your release. 
Your head falls back, shoulders shaking and contracting. 
“’m close, Eddie..” you whine his name. 
His hand that’s holding your hip squeezes very tightly, fingers creasing into your hip, making his nails press little divots into your flesh. Your walls grip his shaft, tighter than ever, this time not relaxing at all. 
“You’re fuckin’ clenching.. too damn tight,” Eddie complains with a pleasured noise, “Oh jesus chr- fuck! gonna cum, gonna cu- ah-!” 
He’s spilling into the condom before he can get all his words out, and you continues to chase your very close climax with the sounds of his moans pushing you further. 
You keep his hand on your clit, letting all the muscles in your body contract one last time for you finally cream all over his dick, listening to him praise you and tell you how beautiful you look when you cum. Your hips still pulse up and down, slowing with every lift. You feel him lean forward to your rising and falling body, placing kisses to your breasts and neck.
His eyes are taking in your whole face and figure. He watched you reach your high and come back down from it, worshiping your trembling body with his lips and words, while his shaft still rests inside you.
You finally come to a halt, still sitting on his dick as you catch your breath. Your bare naked bodies grow still, with the only movement coming from your rising chests- rest of your bodies too tired to do anything else. 
Eddie realizes first before you do, that you’re very naked; more naked than he is, given the fact that his pants weren’t fully taken off. They were only pushed down to his knees. He reaches over to grab his battle vest, swinging it over your shoulders and tucking it close to your chest.
“For your modesty, sweetheart.” He smiles.
Your eyebrow raises. “Yeah, because fucking while the van doors are wide open shows how much you care about ‘modesty’.” you smile as you tease him. Your hands grab the sides of his vest, bringing the flaps closer to each other to cover your tits.
He leans in to peck your nose, then your lips, and pulls back to admire how cute you look in his vest.
“And what about your modesty?” Your eyes trail down his torso.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fully clothed soon. Did you at least have fun?” His hands come up to your side, rubbing his palms up and down you, soothingly.
“Yes,” you peck his lips, “this was a fun date.” you peck him again.
He brings his fist up, scrunching his face and shaking his closed hand in a little ‘hell yeah’ type of motion. His clenched eyes glance out the van, then open wide. “Woah- is that a person?”
Your head whips so fast towards the open doors, but you see nothing. Confused, you realized he’s messing with you. You look back at your trickster boyfriend and shove him. “Eddie!” Your little laugh has your walls semi vibrate around his semi soft erection that’s still in you. He smiles at you, trying to hold back his giggles.
“Sorry, sorry!” he jokes. “Too easy.”
                                                                                                                people who wanted to be tagged @elshifts​
taglist:  @cringerat @cyberfaii @dickfacemcshitboner @cringerat @eddiemvnsongf @julietsecretdiary @iveseenstrangerthings50  @sansthelonelypunster @leslieelainetrask @rafecameronswhore @foggyloverpeanuthairdo-blog @eddiescorrodedcoffin86  @wojciechovsk @blossoming-cee @marlrocks @wojciechovsk @eddiescorrodedcoffin86 @theloser007 @cherrycoke-mp3​  @zdarie​ @thatsonezesty13 
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moonlightsolo · 3 years
Hi so I'm hoping you get this request I'm obsessed with harry fanfics lately so I was wonder about a soulmate AU where u have the same tattoo mark as your soulmate and if u make eye contact with your soulmate it lights up and at a harry concert when you are dancing and he turns to you to make fun of you (in his way) it lights up that everyone can see in the stadium?
wc: 5k
warnings: smooching, mild language, and it will pull at your heartstrings
pairing: harry styles x female reader
a/n: i took this idea and rode into the sunset. also when you see * play the song!!
read part two here
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harry styles, also known as the man of your dreams.
if someone would ask you what your type is in men, you’ll just show a picture of him.
the british man lives in your head rent-free.
as long as you could remember, you’ve had a birthmark on the inside of your arm. once you’ve gotten old enough, your parents explained to you that your soulmate shares the same mark in the same place. you remember looking at your parents shared mark, longing for the same experience.
as you continuously stared at your skin over the years, the mark slowly formed into a skin colored shape that almost resembles a pumpkin.
every date you’ve been on slowly turned into a boring task of only showing it off. once you realized they didn’t match, you’d be on your way.
you’re convinced that you’ll never meet your soulmate, or maybe you just don’t have one.
but harry styles, he’s your rock. the one you turn to when you’re feeling hopeless. his music keeps you company as you swipe absentmindedly through tinder.
in all seriousness though, you’ve followed harry since his younger days. now that he is a successful solo artist it’s become a goal to attend one of his concerts.
so when his live on tour dates dropped, you jumped on it so quickly. unfortunately, you could only afford nosebleeds but it was so much fun to experience.
then his next album fine line came out in twenty-nineteen, and you just about died. it was amazing. the most ethereal and brilliant album. it’s heaven to your ears.
love on tour dates dropped next, and you thankfully signed up for pre-sale, and bought face value lane one pit tickets for you and your friend. you may or may have not screamed when the order was finalized.
sooner than later, the day has come. after being rescheduled for a year later because of covid, the concert date is finally here.
you and your friend wear coordinating outfits dedicated to songs on the album. you wore a black silk dress with red cherries printed on it, platform boots, a leather jacket, and numerous cherry accessories. your friend had on brighter pink outfit with a strawberry sweater vest and a pink leather skirt.
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the excitement bubbling through your body as you both get barricade makes you want to cry, but you couldn’t mess up your makeup.
“is this for real?” your friend asks with a shaky voice.
“he’s going to be so close to us.” you mumble in shock.
when jenny lewis performs you can’t help but scream as she comes to your side. she’s gorgeous and dressed in an amazing outfit. when she’s done, your nerves are buzzing and your mark is itching under your jacket.
you sip at your water here and there in attempt to calm your anxiety.
“oh my god my arm is so itchy.” you whine in annoyance as you reach under your jacket to scratch your mark.
“isn’t that where your mark is?” she whispers that specific word into your ear and raises her eyebrows provocatively.
you roll your eyes are her no so subtle hints, “no it’s just itchy. it’s always itchy.” you lie through your teeth as you drop your hand back down to your side.
“yeah… okay.” she giggles, obviously seeing right through you.
as the whole arena sings through the playlist playing on the loud speakers, the thought sits heavy in the back of your head. why is your mark itchy, almost burning?
your heart is beating faster than ever, maybe you’re having a heart attack?
you didn’t even realize the room has dimmed and the intro song has begun. you can feel your friends hand on your back, “y/n, are you okay?”
you nod to tell her yes as your eyes look up to watch the stage. the band is already on there. how did you miss this?
oh my god. harry styles. he’s rising out of the stage like a god.
“oh my god. look! it’s him! y/n! it’s him!” your friend is jumping and screaming as she pounds her hands on your arm.
suddenly, you feel like your breathing has returned to normal. as if an obstruction in your lungs has cleared.
it’s really him. harry fucking styles.
“golden, golden, golden as i open my eyes. hold it, focus, hoping- take my back to the light…”
his infamous smirk sends shivers down your spine. you can tell that performing makes him so ecstatic.
his fingers expertly move on the guitar as he sways to the loud music.
you can’t help but gawk at him in awe. looking over his exposed tattoos, his pink lips, the slight stubble on face. he looks so different than his previous tour. more mature, but still the harry you’ve known and grown up with. he’s singing the song so beautifully.
“i know that you’re scared because hearts get broken.”
you didn’t even realize he sang through the whole song already.
“hello everyone!” he yells into the mic, a giant smile on his face. he gives his thanks to everyone before starting carolina.
you watch as he dances and sings, but his eyebrows knit together almost in pain.
“she’s a good girl, oh such a good girl.”
“what was that about?” your friend says to you and you shrug, also confused.
“yeah, she’s a good girl. she’s feels so good.”
he drops his guitar for a second to itch the inside of his arm then picks up along with his band. all six of them are looking amongst themselves with confusion written on their faces.
some of the fans in the stadium are talking amongst themselves during the music and screaming.
you watch him closely throughout the song. he seems a little unfocused but other than that he’s fine.
he goes through adore you like a breeze.
he finishes the song with a smile and wave. he blows kisses to countless fans and reads a few signs.
he finally comes around to your side of the stage, you scream, wave and jump like a lunatic.
he runs across the edge of the stage hunched down to blow kisses repeatedly to everyone. he grabs his mic off the stand, pulling it along with him.
“let’s see…” he mumbles into the mic as his eyes rake the crowd. you scream and wave your hands to get his attention. he smiles in your direction, “you’re dressed as the saddest song on my album, you know that right?”
his green eyes finally land upon yours as he stops in front of you.
a searing pain burns into your arm, making you hiss and instinctively you open your jacket to look at your mark. a soft golden glow is emitting from your arm.
you quickly close your jacket over your body again to hide the light. your eyes widen as you look back up to harry who is staring at you with the same look in his eyes.
you squint to see a soft golden color also coming through the fabric of his thin shirt. the crowd begins to scream as they all start to notice.
it’s obviously much harder to hide in a stadium with cameras on him from every angle. his head repeatedly turns. he hooks the mic back up to the stand closest to him as his bandmates leave their instruments to walk up to him.
you can’t make out what he’s saying but he then he presses against his ear piece to hear something. his shoulders drop in defeat as he jogs up to his microphone again, “i’m so so sorry everyone, but i have to go. please keep an eye out for a rescheduled date. i love you all.” he presses a kiss to his fingertips and raises his hand in the air to wave. his eyes are glassy, he’s definitely emotional. he instantly begins to sprint across the stage and down the catwalk to his bodyguards.
the whole stadium screams in anguish, people are crying, some are cursing him out. the large screens hanging above you cut to black and the house lights turn back on.
the band seems so stressed as they put their instruments in place and begin to walk off the stage calmly. pauli picks up all the random items people are throwing onto the stage, his arms and body are covered in various things.
“y/n?! what are we going to do?” your friend screams at you, but you completely ignore her as you push your way through the crowd. “y/n! what are you doing? wait!!!”
your phone notifications continuously go off as your twitter app is blowing up with numerous tweets from other harries.
@stylesiscool338 harry literally just stopped mid concert bc his soulmate mark started to glow. lmao wtf. i am so jealous.
@_harryswife no way harry’s SOULMATE MARK IS GLOWING AND ITS NOT BC OF ME!!!! crying rn. don’t text or call 😭😭😭😭😭
you lock your phone and put it on silent as you sprint to where the barricade stops closest to the backstage area. you force yourself through the growing crowd, not paying attention to the people cursing at you for pushing them. “i’m sorry.” you say with a strained voice.
your hand reaches the metal barrier, your eyes searching for the band. there’s so many people claiming that they’re his soulmate. “take me back! it was me! it was me!” a girl screams next to you, “no it was me!” someone screams from behind you.
pure terror runs through you as you rip your jacket off to throw it at them, but it lands on the concrete floor beside them as they walk by.
sarah looks over at who did that, and your arm extends to show the bright glow emitting from your arm. her eyes widen and she instantly gets mitch’s attention and stops him from walking.
your eyes silently plead them to believe you. your heart is pounding and as harry grows farther away from you it burns more and more.
mitch grabs one of the bodyguards and points at you. please, oh my god you’re going to get beat up if they don’t take you back with them.
the girl next to you gasps as they start walking up to the barricade. the bodyguard scoops up your jacket and motions for you to come here with his hand. relief washes over you, but is soon replaced with anxiety.
are you going to meet harry? are you going to meet the band? what's going to happen?
the girl next to you laughs, “finally. see? i told you! i’m his soulmate! i can show you my mark it’s just under my clothes!” then she realizes the guard is helping you climb over the barricade.
she watches how the man places your leather jacket on your shoulders to help cover the light coming from you. “oh my god it’s her!” people begin screaming so loudly that you can’t hear anything the guard is saying to you.
flashes of light startle you as people begin to take pictures. the band ushers you toward them, “come on.” sarah should as she pulls you in middle of the band in attempt to protect you from everyone around you.
“y/n!” your friend screams with confusion on her face then she notices the light coming from under the jacket. her face drops with sadness and almost betrayal.
soon the group is surrounded by bodyguards and you are forced to move quickly away from everyone. the screams become quieter as you move deeper backstage. tears start welling in your eyes and a lump grows in your throat.
you’re trying your hardest to stay calm but this is all so much at once. you haven’t even come to terms that harry is your soulmate.
the guards guide you all into a large break room filled with food and drinks. soon the band breaks away from around you.
pauli drops everything in his hands onto a table, niji following after him, while elin and ny-oh walk over to the water bottle stand to get a drink.
you’re left by yourself as mitch and sarah begin whispering amongst each other in the corner near the door with a phone in their hand.
you push your arms back into the sleeves of your jacket to cross them over your chest. you feel extremely vulnerable and guarded.
you shuffle over to an empty table, plopping into a seat. you take a deep breath and shove your face into your hands.
you feel someone’s presence and hear something scuff across the table as it’s pushed toward you. “here you go, love.”
you look up to see elin standing beside you and a water bottle in front of you, “do you mind if i sit?” you shake your head no as you reach for the water to unscrew it and sip at it.
“you must’ve be so overwhelmed right now.” she gives you a sad smile which you return.
you clear your throat before you dare to speak, “yeah, um, just a little bit.” you dryly chuckle at your own sarcasm.
“quite a turn of events, don’t you think?” pauli walks up to the table with a wide smile. “yeah, i know right?” niji comments.
you nod in agreement, unable to really talk without wanting to completely breakdown. you take a gulp of water to aid in your silence.
“i bet h will be happy to meet you.” ny-oh adds as she walks up behind elin.
the comment just makes your blood freeze, “you think?” you whisper softly, afraid your voice will crack and send you into a downward spiral.
“oh yeah. you should hear how much he complains about his dating life. he never really thought he’d have a soulmate. poor bloke was a bit helpless- honestly it's tragic.” ny-oh says with a laugh. the rest of the band around you barks out laughter at her comment. you couldn’t help but let yourself laugh too.
sarah and mitch are the last two to walk over, the parents, so to speak.
“so we talked to harry, he’s currently hiding in his dressing room as we speak. he’s waiting for things to cool down outside before he tries to go back to the hotel.” sarah explains. “there’s a bit of an uproar. some people don’t want to leave, some are completely losing their minds. it’s a bit of a mess actually.” mitch adds.
you nod slowly as everything sinks in. you caused this mess. you should’ve just stayed home. you wouldn’t be dealing with the burning sensation on your arm, and you could be warm in your bed.
“can i see him?” you blurt out. sarah looks at you with a small smile.
“yeah of course. um, you do have a bit of makeup under your eyes.” she whispers to you.
“oh no. is there a bathroom i can use?” you laugh as you stand up. sarah laughs with you and points to the other door in the room. you thank her and walk into the bathroom.
she was right. your mascara and eyeliner was bleeding under your eyes. you quickly grab some toilet paper and wipe underneath to clean yourself up. you grab some chapstick to put on your lips since they’re feeling a bit dry under your mask.
“okay… you’re going to be fine. you’re fine. it’ll be okay.” you finally check your phone again, seeing that you’ve been blown up with text messages and calls.
8 missed calls from my girly pop 💕✨
my girly pop 💕✨: are you serious right now?
my girly pop 💕✨: you’re not going to answer me?
my girly pop 💕✨: wow. i thought we were closer than this.
my girly pop 💕✨: fine. don’t answer me. i’m leaving now. have fun with harry.
you can’t lose your best friend over this.
you: i’m so so so sorry i haven’t answered you. this is so much for me to handle. please understand. i love you and i’ll see you back at our hotel okay?
you take a deep breath and walk back out into the room with everyone. their conversation cuts short as you awkwardly interrupt by grabbing your water bottle.
“ready?” sarah asks with a smile and you nod.
“ready as i’ll ever be.”
sarah guides you away from the group after you say bye’s and see you later’s. you’re welcomed by silence as you both walk down the hallway away from the rest of the band.
“it’ll be okay. i promise he’s incredibly nice and i bet he’s just as nervous as you.” sarah attempts to calm your nerves. there’s no way he is as nervous as you.
sarah stops at a door with a guard standing outside of it and then she knocks. the door swings open, revealing harry. his hair is damp and combed back, just one little piece hanging in front of his eyes. he’s wearing a black pleasing hoodie with some comfy shorts on and ankle socks with slippers covering his feet. “hi, come in. thanks sarah.” he smiles as she leaves you with him.
you take a step into the room that has a comforting aroma of someone who has just showered and cologne. he shuts the door behind you and clears his throat as he walks in front.
you can’t move, you’re completely frozen. he holds his hands behind his back as he taps his heel with the tip of his shoe. “um…” he gulps before speaking again, “thank you for coming. i’m glad the band could help you get back here.”
you also gulp down the lump in your throat, “you’re welcome.” you nod softly. his eyes look around the room and you decide to finally take in your surroundings.
there’s a black velour couch pressed against the heavily decorated wall. amongst the surface are multiple framed pictures of classic rock bands like the rolling stones, queen and the beatles. there’s also a mirror with lights adorning the frame and a vanity with various amount of products laid on the surface.
there’s an open door with the light on and steam is gently escaping from it. then you realize there’s a stand with a vinyl player sitting on top spinning a record. joni mitchell’s ‘blue’ album. the music almost calms you down.
“california?” you mumble. his head perks up, “what?” he asks as he looks directly at you, his gaze burns a hole right into your skin.
“the song.” you mumble, “do you mind?” you reach to take off the mask on your face and he shakes his head, “no, go ahead.”
you stuff the mask into your pocket and you give him a genuine closed-mouth smile, which he returns.
“you listen to joni mitchell?” he asks as he walks over to the record. “yeah, i’ve heard a few of her songs.” you follow him over, his height is a bit intimidating but you stand your ground.
“but i’d say your my favorite artist.” you let out a soft laugh. “why thank you. i appreciate it.” his smile beams which makes your heart flutter. it could light up a whole room.
you’re so close to him you can smell the remnants of soap and laundry detergent lingering on his clothes.
“i was really surprised when i saw you tonight.” he mumbled as he turns toward you, taking his attention off the spinning record. “you were?”
“yeah, i- just didn’t expect this to happen. i’ve never really thought i’d actually find the person who matches me… i guess.” he sheepishly looks down at his feet.
“i felt the same way before tonight. i thought i was meant to be single for the rest of my life.”
his green eyes peeked up at you through his lashes and he bit his lip nervously. oh wow, that shouldn’t have been that hot.
“wanna sit?” he gestures toward the couch and you nod. he lets you go first, so you plop down on the soft fabric and he sits next to you arms length apart.
“i guess i should ask what your name is?” he chuckles, his dimples showing perfectly.
“oh yeah, sorry… it’s y/n.” you tuck a stray hair behind your ear with a smile. “very pretty name.” he compliments, which makes your cheeks flush with heat. “thanks, harry.” you emphasized his name so he knew that you knew his.
so you two get to talking, and you talk and talk and talk and talk. you talk about your family, he talks about his. he talks about england and you talk about your hometown. sooner than later it’s almost midnight.
“do you mind if i see your mark?” you ask him hesitantly. “i’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” he jokes as he pulls his arm out of his sleeve, his comment makes you giggle. you catch a glimpse of his abdomen, and the large butterfly painting upon his muscles. the ferns just barely peeking over his waistband.
unwillingly, you tear your eyes away from the tattoos and pull your arm out of your jacket to compare yours to his which is practically covered with tattoos. they’re almost pulsating, the golden hue barely there. “wow, they’re almost not glowing anymore…” you say almost in shock.
“i guess our bodies know that we’ve finally met then, hm?”
“i guess so.” you reply breathlessly. when you look back up at him he has a soft smile on his face. “you’re very pretty, ya know?” his voice lowers deeply.
“oh stop.” you laugh and gently hit him on the arm. “ow, that hurt.” he plays around as he puts his arm back into his sleeve.
“i think this is a good time to exchange numbers don’t you think?” he pulls out his phone, and you take notice of the messages he ignored for you.
you pull your phone out as well to see some missed calls from your mom, and a missed call from your friend.
my girly pop 💕✨: please lmk you’re safe. i’m at the hotel and i can’t wait to hear about what’s going on!!
you send her a quick thumbs up and a heart before harry asks for your number. you tell him and he sends you a ‘Hi’ so you could save his number.
“do you have a ride back home?”
you shake your head no, “my friend left to go back to our hotel, so i’ll probably just uber back.” you laugh, but his eyebrows furrow with concern.
“i can take you? i’m going back to my hotel soon anyway.” your face must’ve completely dropped because he sits up and puts his hands on your knees in comfort, his face contorts with concern and embarrassment. “hey… if you don’t want me to it’s okay. i can get you a driver.”
you shake your head back and forth a few times silently, “no no. i want you to- you can- i mean- if you want to still- bring me back to my hotel?” you struggle to get the right words to come out.
his face lights up with happiness, “yes of course. i’d want you to get back safe.”
harry styles is driving you home. well, not really home but back to your hotel. he turns his hands over so his palms are facing up, urging you grab his hands.
you let your smaller hands slide into his as he helps you up from the couch. he drops one but keeps the other clasped within his other one, “let’s go.”
he guides you back out into the empty hallway with only some crew members walking around. the guard stationed outside of the door escorts you both into the garage area.
harry opens the passenger door to his car, letting you climb in before he shuts it behind you. what a gentleman.
his phone connects to the car so he could play some music. he hands over his phone, “you pick whatever you like.” he buckles himself in before backing out of the parking space and up the ramp. the night sky twinkles above you both as you scroll through his music.
you can still see some fans walking around with boas around their necks looking very sad.
“i feel terrible for cancelling the show in the middle of it. my manager was talking to me through my ear piece, he said it was the best thing to do at that moment. i was overwhelmed and i just feel so terrible doing that to my fans. i hope everybody forgives me…” you stare at him in awe, he really does care about his fans so much.
“what?” he chuckles as he glances at you instead of the road. “nothing, sorry.” you mumble as you continue scrolling. “i think everyone will understand.” you nod with a smile as you click on a song.
breathe (in the air) by pink floyd* (skip to 1:00)
“ah. very good choice.” he smirks as he drives with one hand on the wheel, the other one sits in his lap. he continues to drive for a minute before he pulls up to the front of your hotel, putting the car in park.
“well, this is you.” he turns his body toward you and you do the same to him. your heart feels like it’s in your throat and your whole body is tingling.
“make sure to text me, okay?” you smile at him and go to reach for the door handle. he unbuckles himself and leans across to grab your hand before the door could open. when you turn your head to face him, he’s so close. you can smell the mint toothpaste on his breath, “can i kiss you before you go?“ his voice is raspy and the question almost makes you whimper.
“please…” you breathe out, nodding your head as he leans in. fireworks ignite throughout your whole body, every touch makes you want to melt into a puddle. his hand cups your cheek gently, his thumb caressing your skin.
all the breath is snatched right from your lungs as you pour yourself into the kiss. his lips move expertly against yours, his stubble scratches you in the best way. your hands cup his jaw and neck, feeling how his muscles move under your fingers.
he slowly pulls back, his lips raw from kissing you. “that was…” he lets out a breathy chuckle, “bloody amazing.”
you nod in agreement, unable to contain the giant smile on your face. “we need to do that again sometime.” you say as you lean in for another kiss. you give him a soft peck, not ever wanting his lips to leave yours.
his grip tightens on you, his other hand disappear under your jacket to grip your side through the silk fabric of your dress. “god…” he moans into the kiss, “you’re so beautiful.”
the words make you head spin. the ringing of your phone makes you pull away slightly to grab it from your pocket. “shit, it’s my friend.” you laugh as you lean into his collarbone. his arms embrace you, “you can go. i promise this won’t be the last time you see me.” he presses a kiss to the top of your head for extra reassurance.
you lift your head up to peck his lips once more, “good. i’m glad.” you gently pull him into a hug, “thank you again, mr. styles.” you smirk at him before involuntarily pulling away.
“bye, y/n.” he mumbles as you hop out of his car, “text me when you’re back to your room safe.” he says before you close the door. you nod, “i will, you do too.” you say with a soft smile, and he nods with a thumbs up.
“bye.” you shut the door with a sigh and turn around to walk into the grand entrance of the hotel. you look back once more to see him staring at you with the cutest smile on his face.
you wiggle your fingers to wave bye one more time, he returns the wave then dramatically sighs with a shake of his head. he puts his car into drive and slowly pulls forward, then he waves one last time before sadly pulling away.
you take this opportunity to sprint down the foyer and to the elevator. the doors open after you click the up button, and then you click on your floor number.
“oh my god hurry up.” you impatiently rock back and forth on your heels.
once the doors open, you jump into the hallway and sprint down toward your room. you fumble for your hotel key, clicking it onto the pad and sliding into the room. you pull your phone out to send a quick text to harry before looking up.
your friend is sitting on the bed in her love on tour hoodie with a movie playing on the tv.
“oh my god. you’re back.” she sits straight up with wide eyes and pats the bed, “sit down and tell me everything. now.” so you do… you start from when you ditched her in the pit, and how the band protected you from the cameras. you described how harry smelt and felt like under your fingers. how he drove you and kissed you like no one has before.
“so… the whole soulmate thing? it’s true like with the fireworks and stuff?” she asks.
“it is. we have matching marks.” you say in disbelief, “but i really want to say sorry about ditching you and not explaining myself. i just had no time, but you should’ve been the one i told first.” you say with a sad smile. she returns the same look and leans forward to hug you, “it’s okay. you got to make out with harry styles. that’s all that counts right now.”
you laugh from her comment and hug her back. your phone dings from a text notification,
h: Thanks for letting me know. I got to my hotel safe too. Can’t wait to see you again.
you both let out a little squeal at the text before responding.
you: me too :) i’m looking forward to it. goodnight harry sleep tight <3
after you click send, you plop backward on the bed to stare at the ceiling. this morning, you would’ve never thought that you’d go to harry’s concert and become his soulmate. that he’d start as the one you'd never have and will now hopefully be yours for the rest of time.
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