#in the show were people was passing exes around left & right Elena is NOT the reason bamon didn’t happen lmao
cancerian-woman · 7 months
I saw someone (not on here lol) claim Bonnie and Damon gave off sibling vibes…where? What siblings act like that? You know what siblings do act like a couple Klaus and Rebekah lol. It’s ironic how quick people are to pull the “siblings card!” with Bamon. Lastly when people realize Bamon not happening has nothing to do with Elena and a lot to do with the racism towards Bonnie then we can have a chat!
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
Maybe It’s Better This Way (Klaus x Reader)
Requested by anon. I love writing for Klaus but it can get very tricky since there are so many scenarios that have already been done and I try to do something that isn’t that much on the forefront if that makes sense. Enjoy!
P.S I suggest you read this while listening to George Michael- Careless Whisper cause it is based on the vibe of the song
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Klaus dreaded seeing (y/n), not because he hated her- quite the opposite actually- he loved her so dearly that when she got caught caught in the crossfire between him and his wonderful father Mikael, his father used her as a weapon to weaken him, luckily she survived but the only reason she got to live was because Stefan had turned her. (Y/n) was one of the few people that appreciated humanity, it gave her a sense of grounding, reminded her that she was this little thing on this huge earth. When she turned it was the new world of possibilities and Klaus felt responsible, it all became so much for him, he felt like he had to be around her 24/7 and (Y/n) saw how controlling he had gotten even though she was immortal. 
One night she left, in the middle of the night like a ghost and left the country, no one new her whereabouts for a few decades. Until she showed up to help the Salvatore brothers and defend Elena, she was informed about what Elena’s blood meant to Klaus and she owed Stefan so she braced herself for going against the man that she loved.
In classic Niklaus Mikaelson style him and his siblings had decided to throw a ball and what better way to see your ex lover than her attending your party with your new nemesis? She even went to buy a dress for the occasion, she wanted to make an entrance, it was the first time he would see her again and if he daggered her she need to go out in style. The dress was an Off the Shoulder 3D Lace Flower Sweetheart Bridal Ball Gown in pastel blue, Stefan had made fun of her for choosing an actual wedding gown nevertheless fashion is fashion and when she laid eyes on it she couldn’t find it in her heart to skip it.
She walked in the mansion she knew very well with the company of Damon, who was also dressed to impress, (Y/n) and Damon shared their love for fashion and the dry and dark humor so she needed him to keep her up and running with his clever remarks. 
“You are trembling”
“That’s because I’m scared”
She admitted right before she stepped foot on the main room, looking around and letting all the memories flood her mind, it was like no one else was in the room, as the memories took form and she saw them two running around and being a couple. A lump in her throat started to form, making it hard to breath as she tried to swallow it down, squeezing Damon’s arm as a way to signal him for her weird mix of emotions.
“You’ll be alright, if he wanted to hurt you he would have found you ages ago”
“I suppose you are right, I need alcohol”
Klaus had seen her walk in, he was on the top of the stairs, hanging in the shadows with his brother Elijah, both of them stunned by (y/n) walking in the room, arms linked with none other than Damon Salvatore and looking as stunning as always.
“After all this time”
Elijah spoke first, understanding that his little brother was still trying to comprehend the situation that was unravelling right in front of his eyes. Klaus felt like time froze, everything else leaving his sight and it was only (y/n), walking in his home in her dress, not even walking to him it seemed like she was floating around like a fairy princess  that came to bless everyone with her existence. Her ethereal presence, her untouchable beauty, the way she seized to exist brought him to this indescribable state of shock, he couldn’t even express what he was feeling when he saw her.
“Brother, are you alright?”
He finally managed to utter out. Of course he wasn’t, he had imagined this so many times yet he never thought it would happen, he had accepted it, shoved his feelings back and tried to understand why she left and now here she was, strolling in and bringing back everything he had hid for all those years.
“You don’t have to talk to her”
“I want to Elijah... I must”
His legs moved on their own, with their target being on (y/n). He had no idea what he was going to say or how he was going to react, it didn’t matter, he just needed to be next to her, to hear her voice. His mind was clouded by millions of thoughts and questions that he wanted her to answer, if he managed to get them out. 
He called for her as he stood behind her. She froze, thinking over her if it was too late to run or just pass out, her legs were already shaking so it wouldn’t be that hard to just collapse. The glass of champagne she had just grabbed reached her mouth for a big sip of encouragement before she slowly turned to face the man she had shared so much with. He looked as handsome as he had always been, yet the harsh stare brought her a wave of goosebumps.
“Hello Niklaus”
“Can you tell your friend to give us a minute?”
The word friend was filled with venom. He couldn’t understand why she had chosen him as a companion, another factor of his annoyance was that their appearance together meant they knew where she was and chose to not share that information with him. (Y/n) looked over at Damon and nodded, a sign that she felt confident enough to be alone with him, she wasn’t but she felt like she owed him that much. Damon excused himself and walked away to give them some privacy, he understood that the pressure that was put on (y/n) was a lot for one to handle, so if she needed a minute with the psychopath then he would gladly let her. 
“You’re here”
“Stefan asked me to come and... help him”
“Be honest with me love, he knows I would never hurt you so he wanted you as a secret weapon”
“You would never hurt me?”
It was a genuine question. He had every right to be mad at her, try to harm her and seek revenge in true Klaus style, everyday she wondered if it would be the day he came after her and tortured her or killed him. Now there they are, looking at one another and not knowing what to say 
“You think so low of me?”
“No, that’s not it”
“Dance with me”
He couldn’t take it any longer. This awkward conversation, her cold demeanor, his nervous side that was preventing him from grabbing her and kissing her in front of everyone. At least he would be able to touch her when they danced, He offered his hand and waited for a minute, (y/n) was caught off guard, the last thing in her mind was for Klaus to ask her to dance, she took two big gulps emptying the glass and left it to the side before she placed her hand in his and let him lead the way to the dancefloor.
As he brought her close to his chest he got a good whiff of her sour cherry perfume, it was so suiting, the only way he could describe it was like biting into a sweet juicy cherry your lover gave you and finding out it was poisonous. She smelled like a sweet death from your lovers hand, very fitting for the situation
“Your dress is exquisite”
“It’s a wedding gown”
“I always wondered what you would look like on our wedding day”
He said as he spun her around and brought her to him once more, leaving her speechless as her lips slightly parted in surprise. (Y/n) knew Klaus loved her dearly, still the subject of marriage had never been brought up, she didn’t blame him, the man was supposed to leave for all eternity, she worried more about him bringing up turning her to a vampire than a wedding ring. 
“Won’t you ask me why I left”
“No, I’d rather dance with you for a while, since I know I’m never going to dance like that again”
“Why not?”
“A dance is for the gentleman to show off his partner, make her feel special. No one is more special than you love”
“Stop please”
She felt tears cloud her eyes, tears that she refused to let them run down her cheek. As she rested her head on his shoulder and followed his lead, she let her love for him show for at least tonight. She had missed him so much, that his gentle nature felt like a drug that she would allow it to kill her. Klaus felt like he was in heaven, having her back in his arms was something he thought he would never experience ever again, this was a treat from above, even though she came in aid to something that did not work in his favor. 
“Maybe it’s better this way”
She whispered. She didn’t know if they would ever get back together, maybe in the future, she never thought he would take her back, so she held it together and did her best to enjoy her time. She looked up at him, her eyes making him feel like he was finally home, those sparkling eyes he had seen in his dreams, the eyes that every time they looked at him he felt weak.
“We could have been so good together”
“We’d hurt each other with the thing we want to say”
She replied back. Klaus was a man filled with pride, he loved her but he didn’t know how to love in a healthy way, at first she tried her best to understand and to help him, after the Mikael incident where he took all the blame things only got worst, he became vengeful, dark, his temper was extremely unstable and (y/n) was no angel. She winced at the memories of the things she had yelled in his face, she could be vicious and ruthless, her wicked tongue was her biggest weapon and the bullets wounded him deeply. 
“I should have know better than to hurt my only true friend, I wasted the chance that I was given”
“Please stay, for me”
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fieldsofmoonshine · 3 years
Remember Me
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Warning: funeral, cancer, death
Notes: this is kinda sad boi hour, elijah spends the day remembering you after you’ve died kinda thing
Word Count: 2064
Elijah leaned against the doorway, watching as you were listening to music loudly in your earphones while putting on makeup. Your mouth as slightly opened as you focused on applying your mascara, flinching every time you brought the tip closer to your eye.
The bright yellow sundress you had picked out for the day still hung on the wardrobe door as Elijah woke up, the suit he was wearing had for a second left red indentations on his skin which healed as he stood up. His eyes stopped at the dress, a sudden wave of feelings weighing down over his chest, knowing that you’d never get to wear it again.
Elijah walked over to the dress his hand bunching the fabric tightly in his hand while he smelled it, closing his eyes as he could recognize your perfume still present in the fabric.
You were sitting in a bench, leaning your head back to look at the sky, the sky was painted in a strong red burn mixed with the white and pink clouds it looked like a painting. Elijah was sitting beside you, one hand thrown around your neck like a pillow while he looked at you, smiling at your amazement at the sky.
“Don’t you two look disgustingly happy,” Klaus strolled into the courtyard with a grin as he watched you two. “Never seen a sky before Y/N?”
“Fuck off,” you answered, not even looking at him.
“I think you’re adorable,” Elijah stated and leaned down to place a kiss against your now blushing cheek.
“Fuck off,” you repeated, this time a mumble as you looked at Elijah.
“I’d prefer not,” he answered. “You could come with me.”
“As I said, disgusting,” Klaus muttered as he watched you blush deeper but answered with a yes, following him up to his room. “At least lock the door this time!”
“Elijah?” Freya knocked on his door, she sounded hesitant, saddened as she waited for a few seconds before opening the door. “Are you coming?”
“This is what she wanted,” Elijah told Freya absently while keeping his eyes on your dress. “The party, the people, down to every little pebble... I want to honor her wish— but all I truly want is to stay right here and bury myself in her dresses and shirts and every stupid little thing she left here.”
“We miss her too, and honestly I’m pretty sure none of us wants to celebrate her death,” Freya stepped inside and placed a arm around Elijah’s shoulder, which he didn’t even react to. “But she told us— very clearly— that we can cry and be miserable at any time but not today, she wanted us to remember her as she was—“
“Happy, fearless, smoking a cigarette while looking at the man she loved after a good round in the hay,” Elijah continued and chuckled slightly. “I don’t want to forget it, that feeling of being loved by her... it’s something extraordinary about it, like you’re drowning and she just pulls you up and you never want to be without her again, yet here I am.”
“Come on, if we leave now I won’t tell Nik you’re wearing the same suit as yesterday,” Freya teased him, noticing the small tug of his lips as he nodded wrapping an arm around Freya’s waist. “He’s been drinking, I never thought they were that close.”
“Niklaus has a funny way of showing he cares, with her I guess it was by endlessly mocking her,” Elijah looked down the hall with a frown. “You know, he fought harder about treatment with her than I did, he said something about making sure she’d be Izzie Stevens. How she’d managed to get him to watch Grey’s Anatomy I never understood.”
Freya chuckled lightly and stroked his arm as Elijah let go of her. “One day, Elijah, than we’ll mourn.”
Elijah sat beside you, looking at the wall above the doctors head, scanning some of the documents. You had been in for a regular check up and mentioned some recurring headaches after a fall down the stairs, (which was actually you ending up in the crossfire of some vampires arguing), and after some testing and scans you had been told to call someone, if you needed it. And you called Elijah, thinking it’d be something like a concussion and you’d need a ride, but no instead you two had been taken to meet an oncologist.
“How long do I have?” Elijah was torn from his focus on the wall. “It’s bad right? You have that look in your eye, like she’s only started her life and now she’ll die, so how long? Five years?” The doctor was about to answer but you cut her off again. “It’s shorter, right? Three? Two? Do I even have one?”
“With treatment, statistics give you a year, some live five but—“
“I am dying, anyways?” You filled in, getting a nod in response. “What’s the treatment?”
“We start with surgery, then chemotherapy and you’ll have to take medication,” you looked over at Elijah who had placed his hand on yours squeezing tightly, you imagined he wasn’t really listening anymore either. Vampires, werewolves, witches, hybrids, ex’s. Somehow you two had been through it all together yet neither of you had thought of this, a glioblastoma. A brain tumor.
“And this will give me, a year?” You asked.
“Some get more some less.”
“My grandmother died from cancer, when I was 15,” you leaned back slightly. “The last thing I told her was that she looked sick, and she answered that she was and that she’d wished she had rejected the treatment because she would die anyways. All she wanted was a little more time— I’ve had time and if I get a year where I can’t really live, I’d rather go sooner.”
“Perhaps you two should take some time to discuss—“
“No,” you answered, squeezing Elijah’s hand to get his attention back to where it belonged. “I’ve decided. Do I need to sign something?”
“Yes, a few papers...”
Klaus had saved seats for Elijah and Freya at the front, looking as miserable as Elijah felt even though Klaus had clearly attempted to clean up for the moment. People were chattering amongst themselves while waiting for the priest.
“I can’t believe she chose a service after all,” Klaus muttered and looked at Elijah who shrugged.
“It’s for appearances, she said something about wanting to be the talk of the town and all her friends and family who hadn’t spoken to her since she moved away from Mystic Falls,” Elijah told him and nodded towards the cluster of Mystic Falls residents sitting on the other side of the church. “She wanted to for once outshine Elena Gilbert and her main character aura.”
Klaus chuckled slightly and looked towards your coffin and shook his head. “I loved her, even though I never told her or you— she was the girl who always saw me as family and the only one I will ever approve for you.”
“She loved you too, that she did tell me,” Elijah informed him and a fond smile spread over his lips. “Sometimes she’d say that had you only been a brunette I’d have a run for my money.”
“I knew she had a thing for brunettes!” Klaus smiled as he looked over at his brother. “Brunettes, suits, and impeccable taste in wine...”
“The ideal man,” Elijah sighed. “I—“
The sound of people talking stopped as a priest walked up to the middle of the church and looked out over the people.
“Today, we have gathered here not to mourn, but to celebrate and honor the life of Y/N Y/L/N...”
You ran down the stairs while holding your hand over your mouth, Klaus and Freya both looked at you as you passed them before making it to the bathroom. The sound of you hulking over the toilet followed only seconds later.
“Y/N?” Freya came after you and gathered your hair in her hands, rubbing your back soothingly. “Should we call Elijah?”
“No, no,” you dismissed her and felt the tears gather in your eyes. “I sent him on Hope duty, he needed some distraction.”
“Do you need painkillers? It’s your cramps right?” Klaus asked from outside, already holding the pills in his hand.
“No, it’s not,” you answered and looked away from the toilet while flushing, the tears were starting to run down your face as you grabbed paper to wipe around your mouth. “I’m sick...” they both nodded, thinking you were getting the flu or a stomach virus. “Cancer, I’ve got cancer,” Klaus stared at you while Freya stopped moving, her hand slowly falling from your back. “Brain cancer actually, which is kinda ironic seeing as we always say I don’t have one.”
“How long?” Klaus asked as he lowered his hand to his side.
“Have I known or how long?” You asked but got no answer as he only looked at you. “Elijah and I were at the hospital two weeks ago, and three to twelve months. Maybe more maybe less...”
“And the treatment, how have you been hiding it?” Klaus asked as you stood up from the bathroom floor and sat down on the toilet with a hesitant frown. “You’re not? You’re not getting treatment?”
“No, it’d would give me a few months in best case but I’ve seen what happens when on chemo, I won’t live a few extra months only to be around,” you told him and felt your heart drop as Klaus only walked away, throwing the painkillers on the ground as he did so.
Damon Salvatore might be the most annoying person on this earth, Elijah thought as he sat in a corner of the room decorated for a party and some were enjoying it to the fullest, like Damon Salvatore. Why Elijah hadn’t killed him? No idea, he should’ve, Elijah thought, back when he had the chance and reason to. Elijah diverted his eyes to the scene where a band was playing as Caroline climbed onto the stage, holding a white letter in her hand.
“Hello, I know most of you don’t know me but my name’s Caroline, I grew up with Y/N and well she was an amazing person,” Caroline smiled nervously as she looked around. “We hadn’t talked in a while when she got sick but when she did she asked me to do something for her, so I am, she asked me to play a recording tonight, so yeah, here it is.”
A click came from the speakers as Caroline connected her phone to them before your voice started streaming from it.
“Hello? I think this is working, it should be. I just wanted to let you all know that I love you, even Klaus, and I want to take one last chance to remind myself,” you cleared your throat, and when you spoke again it was clear you were crying. “remind myself, and everyone else, that being loved in a way that I’ve been by all of you— and mostly Elijah, is something I will never be able to express how thankful I am... so yeah, that’s all, I love you.”
“Dance with me,” you grabbed Elijah’s hand and pulled him of the couch with a smile. Elijah didn’t want to, you knew he didn’t want to but you wanted to, you needed to. Somewhere in the back of your head you knew you wouldn’t get to dance with him next week at the anniversary party you had planned. “I love you.”
“Stop,” Elijah whispered against your ear. “You don’t get to say that yet.”
“I just want you to know that,” you answered, he and you both knew it was more than that. “And you need to know—“
“I don’t need to know anything,” Elijah cut you off. “Not yet, it’s been three months. Not a year.”
“I love you, and when I’m gone, you get to move on,” you stated and swallowed the tears from your voice. “Because you I love you, and you me. You get to move on.”
Elijah didn’t answer, he only stopped dancing and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. You felt the first tear drop from his eyes on your head and with a gentle smile you looked up at him, kissing his cheek.
“I love you.”
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 4)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2652 Warnings: none
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​ Feedback is always appreciated!
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The past few days have been exactly what you wanted a month ago, peacefully silent, yet somehow it doesn’t feel right. You were able to finish your paper in record time, fully concentrating on your work but part of you missed the incessant music from next door.
There was an odd comfort knowing Bucky was home playing, and with the knowledge of his musical talent you now wanted to hear what he would come up with. Getting to know him briefly was… well, it was something. It could have gone a lot better if you didn’t stick your foot in your mouth.
Bringing up the music related noise was one thing but how you ever managed to bring up the noise of his “nighttime activities” made you wish you could have vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. You had done your best to avoid Bucky ever since, rushing out of or into your apartment as quickly as possible. You weren’t sure how you could ever face him again but you couldn’t deny that a small part wanted to.
Facing your shared wall you imagined where Bucky might be, picturing him on his couch, lounging across the cushions of the soft leather as he leisurely plucks away at the guitar strings, sounding out a melody. Or was he more focused, sitting upright and gliding his dexterous fingers across his keyboard? Was he at his computer editing his melodies? Was he thinking of you?
The silence was deafening. With your palm pressed against the wall you began to lean in with your ear, hoping you could hear anything. With a slight gasp you jumped back, there was noise but not any coming from next door. Your phone buzzed against the coffee table, with Steve’s face illuminating the screen.
“Hey Steve!”
“Guess who I saw going into Sweetgreen?” The strain in his voice clued you in to the right guess, Lillian. “Yup, and she wasn’t alone … yeah she’s still with Jason, for now,” he muttered under his breath, expecting her to cheat again.
“I’m sorry Steve. You know you deserve better than her, right? I know you know this.”
Steve sighed heavily. Even though he knew what you were saying was right, seeing his ex still hurt a lot.
“Thanks Y/N, I do know that, doesn’t mean I’m going to torture myself though and go in there so is it cool if I pick us up something else? I’m in the mood for carbs.”
Chuckling at Steve’s admission you couldn’t help but agree, salads were great and all but all this Bucky stress you’ve put on yourself definitely makes you crave heavier foods.
“Mmmm, yes tacos! Extra guac please Rogers!”
You set your table in preparation for Steve to come over with food, remembering to throw your wallet on the table to give him money. The last time he came over you had forgotten, being so caught up in reliving the terrible memory of your interaction with Bucky. Steve might have been right, if he handled talking to Bucky maybe you wouldn’t be so worried about running into him.
“Sam tells me you guys spoke,” Steve said, digging a tortilla chip into the container of guacamole.
You chewed quickly to swallow the bite you had taken. “Why do you always ask me a question mid-chew?” you joked. “But yes, we did speak and…” your voice lifted with anticipation as Steve’s eyes widened, waiting for you to continue. “He gave me the number for Elena Rodriguez. She’s head of the social work department and…”
“Oh my god Y/N please just tell me!” Steve begged.
“I set up an interview with her next week!”
Steve’s eyes crinkled with his excited smile though it faded shortly after as you nervously mused about fitting the internship into your schedule.
“One step at a time,” Steve offered with a small laugh.
He’s right. One step at a time. You didn’t even go on the interview yet, you might not even be hired for it; the thought of which worries you even more, but you remind yourself to breathe and take things as they come.
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The elevator ascends slowly, filled with your eager coworkers looking to join the rush home. As it lets off on the ground floor, everyone dashes to the heavy glass doors as you leisurely stroll to the security desk.
Mr. Lee had a big smile on his face as he seemed to be in the middle of telling Steve a story. Slowly you approached the desk, seeing Steve smiling down at something in his hands.
“That’s what I said but Howard was ahead of his time. A comic book movie…” Mr. Lee chuckled. “It didn’t work in ’47 but it sure would be a hit now.”
“Oh, what’s this?” you asked.
Steve held up a sealed copy of a comic book, Kid Colt, which you were unfamiliar with.
Leaning over the desk towards you Mr. Lee spoke, “Tony found that for me in his father’s things. That’s how Howard and I met. He wanted to make a movie outta this. Stark Pictures. He never did though, the whole thing became a big tax write off.”
“I didn’t know you knew Howard Stark.”
“Oh yeah,” Mr. Lee boasted humbly, “Since I was seventeen. He was a good man. You know he was so proud to finally be a father. He worked a lot, probably more than he should have but he had Maria and the nannies bring little Tony over to the office. Tony Stank I’d call him. Oh boy, you could smell those diapers from a mile away it was so bad.”
Hearing Mr. Lee talk about the head of your company so freely like this made you laugh. It also made Tony Stark seem a bit more human. As far as you knew he was a workaholic who may or may not be seeing Pepper Potts. You’ve caught the way she looks at him though, with an extra twinkle in her eye or how she hesitates for the smallest moment to gather herself before going into his office.
“Tony Stank, that’s amazing,” you laughed, wondering if Pepper has ever heard this story before. “Well, have a good night Mr. Lee!”
Steve came around to the front of the desk standing tall, filling out his blue uniform with his broad stature. It was unfair how he could pig out on food with you and not show any sign of it. Meanwhile, your stomach has been rumbling all day from last night’s dinner.
“I’m on the late shift today,” he frowned.
“Poor Stevie,” you joked, wiping an imaginary tear from your eye. “Not that my night will be any better, I’ve got a shit ton of laundry to do.”
“Enjoy the sweaty laundromat then.”
“Oh I will,” you said sarcastically.
The steady hum of the running washing machines drowned out the sound of the newscast coming from a small TV mounted on the wall. It’s muggier inside than out, and even with the door open you can’t escape the permeating smell of cheap soap and mildew.
The wash cycle is nearly over so you move from the metal chair you had been uncomfortably sitting on, listening to music to pass the time, and lazily stroll over to the machine that is spinning your clothes. Quarters jingle in your pocket as you walk, ready to be placed in the dryer as you wait some more. You hate laundry day.
It’s crowded too, with all the chairs taken and other people leaning against the wall. A few kids were running around screaming, not helping their tired mother who looked too exhausted to even reprimand them as she folded all their clothes.
No one looked happy to be there, not even the attendants who had to apologize to the screaming man who didn’t understand why he couldn’t use one of their reserved machines. It was a cut throat world on laundry night, with other patrons fighting to stake claim for the next free machine.
A loud buzz lets you know your clothes are done, you wheel a basket over and open the door. The shadow of the clearly impatient person waiting for your machine blocks the dull light from the fluorescents above so you hope to grab everything quickly without dropping anything on the dirty linoleum floor.
“It’s all yours– oh.” Your mouth hung open, not expecting to see Bucky standing beside you. “H-hey.”
“Hey Y/N. Didn’t want to startle you,” he sheepishly said. “Uhmmm, is this free?” Bucky gestured to the obviously open machine.
You nodded quickly. Not knowing what else to say you stared awkwardly at the basket of damp clothes and said, “I’m gonna dry these.” Smooth.
Turning around you let out a deep breath and worried over what would happen next. It would be extremely rude to ignore Bucky and continue to listen to music. He hasn’t done anything wrong to you, not this week at least, but you were too scared to risk saying something stupid, again.
It would take at least a half hour for your clothes to dry so you put on a brave face and decided to walk back towards Bucky. Dressed in casual black shorts and a white t-shirt, his smooth, toned arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a support column, squinting to read the poorly transcribed closed captioning on the TV.
“Hey neighbor,” you said, offering a small friendly wave as he turned his head.
Bucky smiled, standing upright as he turned to face you completely to greet you back. He looked genuinely happy to see you, which made you feel even worse for how you left things.
“I’m sorry if I made things weird the other day. I didn’t mean to,” you blurted out before your brain gave any thought to see if this was a good idea.
Bucky chewed on his bottom lip, the gaze of his ocean blue eyes staring right through you. “Don’t worry about it,” he said with a cavalier air.
“So how’s the music coming along?” You were truly curious, having not heard any sound.
“It’s not bothering you, right?” Bucky winked.
“No, not at all,” you smiled softly. “Are you still working on that one piece?”
Bucky asked which one and you hummed the tune. Closing your eyes you missed the way his own lit up in delight hearing you repeat his melody.
“I know I complained about the noise but honestly it was so beautiful,” your voice lightened and he felt the weight of emotion even through the simple way you described it. “Maybe that’s why I couldn’t focus.”
Bucky adjusted his weight, needing to ground himself after your words made him feel as light as air. His music meant so much to him, working tirelessly to bring to life the sound he envisioned in his mind, to know that the unfinished piece had such an effect already made his heart swell with pride.
He developed his music like a chef crafting a recipe. Each instrument was a different ingredient, carefully selected notes were gathered on the counter, waiting to come together in a symphonic skillet. The flavors of music combine, heating up together the piano is covered in the spice of an electric guitar, with the drumming rhythm simmering beneath the surface as the sound of strings are poured generously over the top.
In the end the dish is a delicious feast for the ears but here you were, happily devouring the unfinished ingredient in its raw form.
“Yeah…” his voice came out breathless. Catching himself Bucky cleared his throat. “It’s actually for an upcoming video game. I can’t say which, but it’s part of an emotional scene when the main character finds his family is gone.”
“I can sense the depth of it.”
“That’s not even the best part,” he explained as his face grew with a wide smile. Bucky became lost in describing the emotion of the violins that would come in. “They’re the voice of the character and when he’s lost everything I have them coming in, crying out in pain. It’s sharp and strong, and beautifully tragic.”
Listening to Bucky describe his music resonated in your soul. You saw the complete love and passion he had for it and once again you felt terrible about asking him to stop.
“I’d love to hear it, if that’s okay.”
You looked at him with hopeful eyes, and Bucky smiled, nodding before he spoke his answer. He couldn’t wait for you to hear everything together.
You passed the time by getting to know each other a little more. Bucky has a younger sibling named Rebecca who moved west to work as an avian veterinarian in a bird sanctuary.
“My parents are lost without them around,” Bucky joked. “Do you know how hard it is to try to explain how to use Skype to them over the phone?”
“Oh believe me, I know. Somehow my mom always calls at the worst time to have me explain the most basic function on her phone that she already knows because we’ve gone over it a million times but…” You threw your hands up as Bucky joined in with your laughter.
When your clothes were dry Bucky gave you some space to fold them alone which you appreciated, not wanting to showcase your intimate items in front of him. He was still a stranger, sort of, but you were glad you were getting to know him.
Checking the time you realized it was on the late side and you still needed to shower before bed. Your clothes were packed neatly into a laundry bag, well most of them were at least. One sock managed to get eaten by the dryer to your dismay, and you hoped its pair was somewhere on your floor having fallen out as you prepped the laundry.
Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you gripped the bottle of detergent with your other hand and walked towards Bucky.
“Hey,” you called out to Bucky who lifted his head from his phone. “I’ve got a few things to do tonight still so can I take a rain check on hearing your music?”
“Yeah, of course.” Bucky did his best to mask his disappointment but he understood. He noticed the slump of your shoulders, balancing the laundry bag high on one side and letting your other limb hang low with the weight of the heavy bottle.
“Do you want me to carry that back?” he asked.
“Oh, no it’s okay, I can manage.”
The apartment was only two blocks away, two long blocks but still, you didn’t want to inconvenience Bucky even though judging by the curve of his biceps it wouldn’t be a problem.
Bucky walked with you to the front of the laundromat as you smiled and said goodnight.
“Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered, watching as you walked down the sidewalk until he could no longer see you in the crowd.
The words stayed on his lips like they were always meant to be there and Bucky has a brief flash of a life he’s never thought about.
A warm bed, made even warmer by the figure curled against him. His breath syncs with theirs and he’s at peace. His heart beats to the rhythm of love and his lips purse together to plant a soft lingering kiss on their forehead. A smile secures itself on his face because he’s truly happy; surrounded by the comforting feeling knowing that when he wakes up that person, his love, will be by his side.
The machine buzzes at the end of its cycle dragging Bucky back to a reality that has him gasping for breath. He steps outside for a minute for air, needing to clear his mind of the vision that seemed so real it scared him; for better or worse he can’t quite say.
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lady-salvatore · 4 years
Beauty and the Beast
pairing: klaus mikaelson x reader
desc.: you’re in need of a place to stay, just for a few weeks until you can get an apartment. klaus is happy to provide... but a few weeks can change a lot of things.
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You were in your car, trying your best to curl up in the backseat.
Your friends were traitors. Your boyfriend— ex-boyfriend— Damon was cheating on you behind your back, with your best friend Elena, no less. If that wasn’t bad enough, the rest of your friends knew, but didn’t have the heart to tell you.
So here you were, alone in a parking lot in Mystic Falls at night. You let the tears fall down your face. You’d probably get killed before the night was over.
A tapping sounded on your window. You shot up, alarmed.
Klaus Mikaelson stood outside with a smirk on his face, waving.
You rolled down your window. “If you’re going to kill me, at least make it quick.”
“Tempting offer, but I think you’re more useful alive, love,” he purred. “Just in case those pesky Salvatores are up to no good.”
“Yeah, well, I’m done with the Salvatores. So, kill me or leave me to die.”
Klaus pouted. “This is disappointing. Where’s your fire?”
“Got blown out. Long story,” you replied.
He furrowed his eyebrows in what seemed to be genuine concern. “It’s always a pleasure, (Y/N), but these circumstances seem a bit grim. Do tell, why are you in your car at midnight?”
“Would you believe me if I said it was to get a midnight snack?”
Klaus’s eyes burned into yours seriously. “I would not.”
You sighed deeply, realizing that he wasn’t going to leave you alone. “Fine. I’m kind of homeless right now.”
“Come stay with me,” he blurted out.
You were stunned when you turned to him. “What?”
Klaus’s eyes darted around your car. “What kind of man would I be if I left you out here alone? Elijah would kill me.”
“What do you want?” you asked suspiciously.
“Can’t I do something nice without wanting something in return?” Klaus pouted at you. “No strings attached, love.”
You thought about it. On one hand, Klaus was evil, and had killed a lot of people you cared about.
On the other, your car was cold and you didn’t have anywhere else to go.
“Okay,” you said cautiously. “Just until I’ve got an apartment.”
Klaus smiled. “Fantastic.”
You were brought to Klaus’s Mystic Falls mansion. You had to admit— there were worse places to be, even if your temporary roommate was a murderer.
As the two of you went through the doors, Klaus breathed in deeply.
“There’s a room for you upstairs,” Klaus said. “Follow me.”
Then, he quickly sped off to the second floor.
“Um, human!” you called up the staircase. You felt wind sweep around you, and suddenly you were in a large bedroom.
“Sorry, love,” Klaus said.
You looked around the room. It was beautiful and luxurious, with a ridiculous king-sized bed against the far wall.
“Wow,” you whispered. “You live like this?”
Klaus chuckled. “I figure you’re tired. Goodnight, (Y/N).”
Klaus went to leave.
“That’s it? No innuendos, no passes at me?”
“Why, did you want any?”
“No,” you mumbled. “I just thought it was a given with you.”
He laughed, his dimples showing. He shook his head and closed the door behind him.
Alone, you curled up in your bed and tried to sleep.
The next morning, you were ushered to breakfast by some compelled human.
“What? Where are we going?” you asked as you helplessly went down the stairs.
“Klaus wants breakfast with you,” she replied mindlessly.
“Does he even eat breakfast?” you yelled.
“It’s the most important meal of the day!” you heard Klaus call from the dining room. “Even for pure evil!”
You rolled your eyes as you went through the doors to the dining room. Then, you froze.
Laid in front of you was a huge buffet— waffles, pancakes, eggs, fresh fruit, and everything else. It was like Christmas.
At the head of the table, Klaus grinned. “Hungry?”
You nodded and sat in a chair, never one to refuse a good breakfast.
“Why all this?” you asked as you took a bite of a waffle.
Klaus shrugged. “I like to entertain.”
You laughed softly. “Well, call me amused.”
“You were right last night, you know,” Klaus said.
You raised an eyebrow. “About what?”
“I do want something.” He took a sip from a glass in front of him that you guessed was blood. “I want to know what happened between you and the Salvatore brother.”
You took a deep breath, a knot forming in your throat. “Damon cheated on me. All my friends knew about it and didn’t tell me, so... I left.”
Klaus furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I didn’t realize he was that stupid,” Klaus muttered, seemingly to himself.
You smiled a little. “Apparently he is.”
“When you have someone like you, you shouldn’t let them go.” Klaus’s eyes pierced yours in a way that made you blush. “Why ruin something so perfect?”
You looked down at your plate. “It’s kind of you to say that.”
Klaus laughed softly. “Kind. I don’t get that often.”
“You don’t act it often,” you replied. “But you’ve been on your best behavior since you found me last night.”
He smiled, and said nothing else.
That day, you wandered the mansion. It was bigger than it looked. Klaus may have been evil, but he had taste when it came to decor.
Soon, you found yourself outside a drawing room. Klaus was inside, staring at a blank canvas.
“What are you painting?” you asked, going to sit near him.
“Nothing, currently,” he replied, not bothering to look at you. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t have much to do,” you admitted. “So I figured I’d annoy you.”
Klaus smirked. “You’re only an annoyance when allied against me.”
You laughed, and he looked at you.
“Do me a favor,” he said. “Sit over there.”
You moved your stool across from him, barely able to see him behind his canvas.
He narrowed his eyes and went over to you. He gently grabbed your face and moved it around until he was satisfied with the angle.
“What are you doing?” you asked as he went back over to his easel.
“I like the way the light catches your eyes,” he muttered, moving his brush against the canvas. “The colors are just...”
“You’re painting me?”
“You’re the finest piece of art in this house at the moment,” he replied, distracted.
You felt your face heat up. “Didn’t peg you for a liar, Mikaelson.”
Klaus looked at you seriously, like he was studying you. “That’s because I’m not.”
“I wish Damon felt the same way,” you mumbled.
Klaus sighed and continued painting.
“How about you?” you asked. “Any tragic love stories?”
He laughed without humor. “I’ve lived a thousand years, (Y/N). There are too many tragedies to count.”
You smiled, and he painted in silence.
“Where are you?”
It was a week later, and you’d finally answered one of Caroline’s calls.
“It doesn’t matter,” you replied. “I’m okay. How are you doing?”
“Missing you,” Caroline said. You could practically hear her pouting through the phone. “Please just come stay with me.”
“I just need a while, Care,” you whispered into the phone, reclining on your bed. “I still love you, and Stefan, and Bonnie... I just can’t risk seeing Damon or Elena right now.”
Suddenly, Klaus came through the door. “What would you like for dinner, love?”
Your eyes widened.
“Seriously?” Caroline screeched. “You’re with Klaus?”
You glared at Klaus. “Care-“
“We are coming to get you, first thing in the morning.” She hung up the phone abruptly.
You sighed. “I know you heard her on the phone.”
Klaus smiled. “They were concerned, (Y/N).”
“So let them be concerned!” you threw your hands up in annoyance. “I can’t go back.”
“I’m sorry,” Klaus said, furrowing his eyebrows. “I’m sorry you’re ashamed to be seen with me.”
“It’s not that,” you said. “I just know what they think. I like you, Klaus, as much as I hate to admit it. You’re a good friend.”
His eyes brightened ever so slightly.
“But they don’t know you like I do,” you explained. “They think that all you are is evil. A week ago, I thought the same... but you’re more than that.”
You walked over to him, and softly put your arms around him in a hug. He tensed up before slowly returning the gesture.
After a moment, you pulled back and looked up into his blue eyes.
You pinched his cheeks. “How could I be ashamed of such a pretty face?”
Klaus laughed. “Alright, alright.”
The next morning, as promised, Caroline and Stefan showed up at Klaus’s door, Caroline practically beating it down.
“(Y/F/N)! Get out here right now!” she called between knocks.
You opened the door to see them, Klaus standing beside you.
Caroline and Stefan rushed in, Caroline cradling you protectively and Stefan threatening Klaus.
“Guys!” you yelled, making them look at you. “I’m fine!”
Caroline frowned. “We’re so sorry we didn’t tell you about Damon and Elena. We’re awful friends.”
“We feel horrible,” Stefan mumbled, keeping an eye on Klaus.
“I... forgive you,” you said softly, letting out a breath. “You two didn’t cheat on me.”
Caroline’s eyes welled up with tears as she hugged you. Stefan only smiled.
“But I’m not coming back,” you replied.
Caroline smiled. “Of course not, you wouldn’t want to go back to the Boarding House. You’re coming to stay with me.”
“No, Care,” you said, shaking your head. “I’m staying here.”
Stefan turned on Klaus. “Did you compel her?”
“No, Stef, I’m not compelled,” you told him, pointing to a purple vervain ring on your finger.
“Then why?” Caroline asked, sneering at Klaus.
You sighed, looking at Klaus yourself. “I like it here.”
Caroline turned back to you, a desperate look in her eyes.
“I’ll call you later,” you whispered. “I’ll explain.”
Caroline sighed and smiled. “Okay. Be safe. I’ll beat down this door again if I have to.”
You smiled, and hugged her again. “Thank you, Care. You too, Stef.”
Stefan nodded tensely, and he and Caroline left.
Once you heard Caroline’s car engine fire up, Klaus turned to you.
“Why are you staying?” he asked, eyes dark.
“Like I said, I like it here, Klaus,” you replied, your heart thumping in your chest. “I like you.”
Klaus’s mouth was set in a straight line. “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” you whispered. “I like you, unfortunately, in every way possible.”
Klaus smiled warily. “How do I know this isn’t just another Salvatore ploy?”
“Compel me,” you said, pulling off your ring.
He grinned, looking deep into your eyes. “How do you feel about me?”
The words fell out of your mouth. “I’m falling for you. I want to stay here with you, because of you.”
You slipped your ring back on your hand. “The way I feel for you is a way I never felt about anyone else, including Damon Salvatore.”
Klaus smiled, and then pressed his lips to yours. You kissed back roughly. After a moment, the two of you pulled away.
“True love,” he murmured sarcastically.
“Tale as old as time,” you replied, a wicked grin on your face.
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the-blackest-spider · 3 years
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Send 🔪 and I’ll write a drabble where my muse kills yours |  No Longer Accepting
@myuuzupunk​ left a message: 🔪 (Aerith)
Working with Avalanche was something Natasha wasn’t certain she’d ever wrap her head around fully. She didn’t always agree with Shinra’s methods, but she didn’t agree with Avalanche’s either. Now they shared a common enemy however, a specter of the not so distant past. Natasha had her opinions about that too, she wisely kept them to herself.
She knew Aerith was not pleased to be kept away from the action, to be guarded like a defenseless princess. But that ex-SOLDIER turned Mercenary had been insistent, and something in those mako blue eyes made it clear to the Turk that he knew something and it was bad and it had to do with Aerith.
“Look just keep her safe alright? We’ll find Sephiroth and take care of him,” Cloud insisted.
Natasha was silent as she stood on Tseng’s left, back just slightly while Reno and Rude were at his right and Elena next to her. It felt weird not having Clint there, but he was one of the few of their ranks that had a family, and it was better he stayed out of this.
“We will do our best,” Tseng nodded, leaning on the cane that helped keep him up right.
“You better fucking kill that bastard,” Reno growled, only Rude’s hand on his shoulder kept him grounded.
They were all pissed, Sephiroth had almost killed their leader, how he was standing right now, Natasha wasn’t certain. Healing materia, a lot of it she’d imagine.
“Nat should do it.”
The smaller redhead blinked at Elena’s suggestion, glancing to the other woman curiously.
“That asshole knows shit about her, she’s a shadow, the rest of us he’s seen a lot, Nat’s better at hiding than any of us.”
“Elena isn’t wrong,” Tseng nodded and looked to the other red haired Turk, he wondered about one thing however, but it was just slightly different wasn’t it? Still Natasha was shadows and secrets, “Natasha, you have free rein. Do not make any contact unless something goes wrong.”
“Yes, sir.”
It was a bit of a risk taking Aerith to her cabin in Icicle Inn, but no one else knew about it. It was close to the Northern Crater, but that she felt was a good ruse, because why hide Aerith so close to somewhere they knew Sephiroth had been seen?
It was absurdly quiet, it made Natasha nervous as she sat there, watching the flower girl who was as far as she could tell mediating. It was rare for Natasha to want to talk, but right now, any sort of idle chit chat she’d welcome while they waited for who knew how long.
“You look tired, I can keep watch for a bit.”
Natasha blinked and shook her head, “I’m fine, and I’m guarding you, remember?”
“Yeah but…” Aerith huffed.
Several minutes passed before Aerith spoke again.
“Natasha, can I show you something?”
Her full name, she had never heard her full name from Aerith, it was always Nat, occasionally Tasha because she heard Clint call her that once, whatever it was, it was serious, “sure.” Natasha blinked as the younger woman produced a materia, it looked like any materia at first glance, but then the Widow noticed it was void of color. White materia?
“This is a special materia and if something happens to me, I need you to give it to Cloud and the others, okay?”
There was something in Aerith’s tone Natasha didn’t like and it was the lack of speculation, as though she believed something would happen to her.
“Nothing’s going to happen to you Aerith, I won’t let it. I promise.”
“Don’t, don’t make a promise I know you can’t keep, I know you don’t say that word unless you mean it, Natasha. Please,” tucking the materia away, Aerith moved in front of the other woman and grasped her hands, “only promise you’ll do what I ask.”
Aerith’s eyes were intense sometimes, and Natasha felt she could see into her very soul and possibly beyond that. The girl was a strange one, she knew things and Natasha had a twisting feeling in her gut she knew something now. “Okay.”
“Good,” Aerith gave a nod, her hair bouncing with it and a smile taking over her features, chasing away the seriousness.
It was hard to say no to Aerith too, even Tseng struggled with it at times. Something in her peripheral caught Natasha’s attention in that movement, a shape, a shadow passing by a window. Instantly one of her guns was out and she backed up to cover her charge, “Aerith, stay behind me and do what I ---” The weight of a large hand on her shoulder cut her sentence off, muscles in her throat contracted as her gaze moved, widening as she beheld the hand encased in a black glove. Somehow she moved away, turning and aiming at the tall dangerous figure and no sight of Aerith. “Where is she?”
He said nothing and simply smiled and stared.
“Answer me.” Natasha’s focus began to narrow to her target, the legendary SOLDIER that had fallen so far and her mind began to empty and fill with white noise, feeling her finger tense against the trigger, she knew she was going to shoot him and she had to make it count. Aim for the heart.
The looming figure took a step forward and the cabin echoed with the shot.
“No… he was… nonono...fuck,” dropping her weapon Natasha moved to Aerith, trying to staunch the blood flow, but it was no use, the shot had pierced one of the arteries in her neck, “I’m sorry I… I thought I saw him. I saw him. Aerith I didn’t mean to…”
Unable to speak, Aerith managed with what strength she had left to reach up and touch Natasha’s cheek and met her gaze before taking a final breath.
Natasha has killed people, but she’s never held one of them as they died. She’s never felt anger over killing them and definitely not sorrow. She had failed and she never fails. But she would keep her promise and get the strange white materia to Cloud no matter what it took.
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Jose Ramos → Theo Rossi  → Hunter
→ Basic Information 
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: October 30th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Religion: Atheist
→ His Personality
Jose is his own second priority, though people who don’t know him might just see his stubbornness and his bossiness and assume otherwise. He’s a tough cookie, and admittedly likes to do things his own way, but isn’t against learning new tricks - Jose doesn’t consider himself an ‘old dog’ yet, so to speak. He can be pessimistic sometimes, but surround him with his family, those he loves, and he comes out of that shell a little more. Part of him can get a little lonely sometimes but his next chance to see his daughter will be something that will always keep him pushing forward. Jose is proud of his family, but sometimes he gets a little paranoid, especially watching his siblings, nieces and nephews be involved with hunting; because he knows that he can’t save everyone, and another death could break them all apart.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Senior Hunter and Trainer
Scars: Numerous scars from various hunting accidents
Tattoos: Camille’s birthday on his arm. 
Two Likes: Watches and Peter Gabriel
Two Dislikes: People arguing with him and the Miami Heat
Two Fears: Wildfires and Illness
Two Hobbies: Jiu Jitsu and Playing cards
Three Positive Traits: Protective, Loyal, Nurturing
Three Negative Traits: Bullheaded, Domineering, Selfish
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Manuel Ramos (Father): Jose has mixed feelings about Manuel. He learned much of his knowledge of hunting from him, but he was often cold and would shut his children out. 
Juana Ramos (Mother): Jose grew apart from his mother. They were once close, but she was disappointed when he moved away, and when he chose a life of almost constant travel. Their relationship got better after Hector passed, but it’s not back to what it was before. 
Sibling Names:
Hector Ramos (Brother): Hector and Jose were inseparable growing up. They made a pact that they would keep each other’s families safe. Both lost their dad at such a young age and they never wanted their family to feel that imbalance and pain. So Hector made the choice to focus on protection, not true hunting, in an effort to stay safe. Which it did until two bastards strolled into their town. Jose will avenge his brother and keep his family safe if it’s the last thing he does. 
Ximena Ramos (Sister): Ximena is tough and she can handle what life throws at her. He hasn’t had to worry about how she’ll get by if something happened to him. Ximena understands the danger in the world, and knows that if they take a little risk, the reward is families being safe from the supernatural world. Jose has been giving her time off since Hector’s death, but Chicago has a massive population and it’s time for her to help him protect the city. 
Gloria Ramos (Sister): Gloria is the baby of the family and he feels it’s his job to protect her. She’s been researching and finding information for the family to chase after for years, and recently took over as the Organizer. He is concerned that she’ll begin to take on more duties and may make herself a target without enough experience in defense. He saw how broken she was over Hector’s death and doesn’t want to see that ever again. 
Children Names:
Camilla Garcia (Daughter): His daughter lives with her mother in Miami. She is becoming a hunter in her own right, and he is very proud of her. He is hoping to have Camilla come and visit him in Chicago over Christmas so he can show her around. 
Romantic Connections:
Elena Garcia (Ex-Wife): He and Elena met when they were young and got married before really testing out the relationship. They bounced between the Garcia and Ramos family for years before calling it quits. Hector still loves her, and she’s back on the market again. He is considering asking Elena to join him and Camilla at Christmas to see if they could give it another try. 
Platonic Connections:
Guadalupe Ramos (Sister-In-Law): Jose has been trying to become head of the family, because he’s concerned that Guadalupe will get herself killed over Hector and the kids would be left without any parents. She won’t listen to him and thinks he’s just trying to be an asshole. The leader of a family should be able to be dispensable, Lupe is not.
Yolanda Ramos (Niece): Yolanda has been doing incredibly well with her training. She has the same innate ability as Ximena and Guadalupe, but she seems like her heart isn’t in it. When he’s asked however, she’s blown off his concerns. 
Mateo Ramos (Nephew): Mateo is making his father proud. He is doing what it takes to protect and advance his family’s position. It’s the most amount of passion he’s seen his nephew show and he’s excited about it. 
Rafael Sanchez (Friend): Rafael was initially a serious guy, but once he became comfortable with the family his personality began to show. Jose thinks Raf is alright, and they grab dinner often. 
Lucas Garcia (Trainee): He has been training Lucas to keep up with the Garcia family’s hunting regimen. Jose helped establish and expand it and is making sure that Lucas will be ready when he returns to the Garcias. 
Hostile Connections:
Helena Stone (Wary of): He’s run across Helena’s path a few times on the road. She is a cold and proficient killer and not at all what he expected from her last name.
Alexus Anderson (Dislike): Alexus runs Chicago as a tight ship, and had him followed the first time he stepped into the city to scout out locations. She has a nice way of talking, but he knows a threat when he hears it. 
→ History Jose is driven by pride, courage and the loss of his brother. Ensuring that nobody else meets the same fate as Hector is by far one of his top priorities, and if protecting his loved ones means putting himself at risk, so be it. He doesn’t want to feel like he did when he lost Hector ever again, and there are very few people who he’d wish that feeling upon.As proven by how he dived into marriage with Elena, Jose has always been very good at making quick decisions; which over the years, has been proven to be both a blessing and a curse. His marriage is not something he’s ever regretted - after all, he still harbors feelings for Elena, and the marriage gave him the gift of fatherhood in the form of Camilla - but other times, his decision-making has led to arguments, sometimes worse, but he’s never let the consequences of his actions hurt anybody other than himself. Guadalupe can think he’s an asshole all she wants, but as long as she’s not actively in harms way, he can live with that.
→ The Present He’s well integrated into the world of hunting and has the stories - and the battle scars - to prove it. Jose feels like it’s his duty to stay at the forefront of his family because he thinks that if anybody has to end up getting hurt, it should be him. Call it a mixture of bravado and self deprecation. As long as there are still threats out there, Jose won’t be retiring any time soon, least of all if Hector’s killers are still out there.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Theo Rossi   [1][2][3]
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Jose Ramos → Theo Rossi  → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: October 30th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Religion: Atheist
Like Jose? Consider taking him in our Hunter Giveaway Event! We will be waiving applications para samples, personalities and histories requirements for all canon hunters. Just send in the first and last name of the hunter(s) you would like to the main.
→ His Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Senior Hunter and Trainer
Scars: Numerous scars from various hunting accidents
Tattoos: Camille’s birthday on his arm.
Two Likes: Watches and Peter Gabriel
Two Dislikes: People arguing with him and the Miami Heat
Two Fears: Wildfires and Illness
Two Hobbies: Jiu Jitsu and Playing cards
Three Positive Traits: Protective, Loyal, Nurturing
Three Negative Traits: Bullheaded, Domineering, Selfish
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Manuel Ramos (Father): Jose has mixed feelings about Manuel. He learned much of his knowledge of hunting from him, but he was often cold and would shut his children out.
Juana Ramos (Mother): Jose grew apart from his mother. They were once close, but she was disappointed when he moved away, and when he chose a life of almost constant travel. Their relationship got better after Hector passed, but it’s not back to what it was before.
Sibling Names:
Hector Ramos (Brother): Hector and Jose were inseparable growing up. They made a pact that they would keep each other’s families safe. Both lost their dad at such a young age and they never wanted their family to feel that imbalance and pain. So Hector made the choice to focus on protection, not true hunting, in an effort to stay safe. Which it did until two bastards strolled into their town. Jose will avenge his brother and keep his family safe if it’s the last thing he does.
Ximena Ramos (Sister): Ximena is tough and she can handle what life throws at her. He hasn’t had to worry about how she’ll get by if something happened to him. Ximena understands the danger in the world, and knows that if they take a little risk, the reward is families being safe from the supernatural world. Jose has been giving her time off since Hector’s death, but Chicago has a massive population and it’s time for her to help him protect the city.
Gloria Ramos (Sister): Gloria is the baby of the family and he feels it’s his job to protect her. She’s been researching and finding information for the family to chase after for years, and recently took over as the Organizer. He is concerned that she’ll begin to take on more duties and may make herself a target without enough experience in defense. He saw how broken she was over Hector’s death and doesn’t want to see that ever again.
Children Names:
Camilla Garcia (Daughter): His daughter lives with her mother in Miami. She is becoming a hunter in her own right, and he is very proud of her. He is hoping to have Camilla come and visit him in Chicago over Christmas so he can show her around.
Romantic Connections:
Elena Garcia (Ex-Wife): He and Elena met when they were young and got married before really testing out the relationship. They bounced between the Garcia and Ramos family for years before calling it quits. Hector still loves her, and she’s back on the market again. He is considering asking Elena to join him and Camilla at Christmas to see if they could give it another try.
Platonic Connections:
Guadalupe Ramos (Sister-In-Law): Jose has been trying to become head of the family, because he’s concerned that Guadalupe will get herself killed over Hector and the kids would be left without any parents. She won’t listen to him and thinks he’s just trying to be an asshole. The leader of a family should be able to be dispensable, Lupe is not.
Yolanda Ramos (Niece): Yolanda has been doing incredibly well with her training. She has the same innate ability as Ximena and Guadalupe, but she seems like her heart isn’t in it. When he’s asked however, she’s blown off his concerns.
Mateo Ramos (Nephew): Mateo is making his father proud. He is doing what it takes to protect and advance his family’s position. It’s the most amount of passion he’s seen his nephew show and he’s excited about it.
Rafael Sanchez (Friend): Rafael was initially a serious guy, but once he became comfortable with the family his personality began to show. Jose thinks Raf is alright, and they grab dinner often.
Lucas Garcia (Trainee): He has been training Lucas to keep up with the Garcia family’s hunting regimen. Jose helped establish and expand it and is making sure that Lucas will be ready when he returns to the Garcias.
Hostile Connections:
Helena Stone (Wary of): He’s run across Helena’s path a few times on the road. She is a cold and proficient killer and not at all what he expected from her last name.
Alexus Anderson (Dislike): Alexus runs Chicago as a tight ship, and had him followed the first time he stepped into the city to scout out locations. She has a nice way of talking, but he knows a threat when he hears it.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Theo Rossi   [1][2][3]
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lynyrdwrites · 5 years
I managed to get it done!  Here is my contribution for Day 1 of the AU week put on by @klaroline-events. I did the Fae. Because. Cross posted to AO3.
She was running about five minutes late for class, and it was irritating.  Not because she worried it might affect her mark; this professor didn’t care about attendance, but even if he had, Caroline had learned how to use her particular brand of charm to get around things like attendance grades.
              She just didn’t like to run late.
              Sort of like how she didn’t like clutter.  Or poorly planned events.  Or anything that required her having to work with other people as equals.
              She had an ex boyfriend who had once called her a neurotic control freak.  Caroline preferred natural leader, but Tyler hadn’t been entirely wrong. She just liked to make sure things were done right.  And that everything was in its proper place.
              And today, she was late.  It made her grate her teeth as she slid into the lecture hall. She took a seat in the back, a row she never liked.  She was always in the center, where the view was the best, but she didn’t come across a teacher’s pet.  No one, including teachers, liked the teacher’s pet.
              But the back?  That was reserved for the slackers or the late ones.  Sitting there made her skin itch, and she gritted her teeth. Caroline had never liked interruptions to her routine, and this interruption was going to throw her whole day off.  She found herself scowling at the front of the class and not hearing anything the professor said.  Everything felt wrong, and it had since her alarm had failed to go off that morning, forcing her to cut her morning routine short.
              And someone was watching her.
              She ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth, over her teeth.  It slipped over a sharpened canine, the sharp tang of bloody metal hitting her tongue, while her fingernails – painted a metallic pink that didn’t detract at all from their abnormal sharpness – tapped out a staccato on the desk next to her laptop. Her gaze darted to each side, but the others in the class were all focused ahead on what the professor was saying, or not focused on anything at all.  
              None of them paid attention to Caroline, except for the girl in the seat right next to her, who glared when Caroline’s unrest disturbed her from staring blankly at the YouTube video she was watching. Caroline gave a sugary sweet smile in return, one that showed just a few too many teeth… and how abnormally sharp they were.
              The girl paled and turned by to her screen. Caroline continued to shift, even as she tried to pay attention to the professor.  
              The feeling of being watched persisted throughout the whole class, and when it ended, she was on her feet, whip fast, looking at the back wall of the class, certain she would come face to face with her observer.  
              There was no one there.  No matter how long Caroline continued to stare, ignoring classmates as they moved around her, heading for the door, no one looked back at her.
              Yet the back of her neck continued to itch.
              Caroline could not recall a time when she wasn’t aware she was different.  Her teeth just a bit too sharp, her nails dark and even sharper.  The only one that hadn’t been at least a little afraid of her had been Bonnie Bennet.  That had made her Caroline’s best friend, even though others assumed it was the town sweetheart, Elena Gilbert.  
              No, Elena had been too nervous around Caroline. Always wary of those sharp nails. But Bonnie had shoved Caroline down for not sharing her ball on their first day at pre-school, not caring that all the other children kept a wary distance, and that had earned Bonnie her eternal loyalty.
              She had become ever increasingly aware of the fact that she was different and her parents didn’t like it as she grew older. As Bill Forbes began to spend less time at home, until he disappeared entirely, and Liz put in longer hours at the station, and when she did come home, it was reeking of cheap whiskey.  Maybe Caroline should have felt guilt over it, but she’d never been inclined towards self-loathing.  Instead, she had simply felt distaste.  
              Bonnie Bennet could accept that Caroline was a little… weird.  But the people meant to parent her couldn’t.  Caroline decided at the age of fourteen – when she found out her dad wanted to marry another man and had e-mailed Liz the divorce papers instead of calling either of them – that their weakness was on them, not her.
              She was meant to be spectacular.  She wouldn’t force herself into some narrow hole just because they didn’t like that her teeth and nails and entire character were too sharp for Mystic Falls.
(If part of her, the part that was a lost girl, cried over this… well, no one but Caroline and her pillow needed to know.  The world had no right to know her heart’s secrets)
              She had survived Mystic Falls.  She had graduated.  She had left her father with his new family, and her mother in the bottom of a bottle.  She had hugged Bonnie.
              And then she had left.
              She had a whole, huge world to explore after all.
              And it all started with college, and a journalism degree.  Because journalists got to see things and people in a way no one else did.  It was their job to truly understand, and Caroline wanted to understand everything.
              But now she had an itch on the back of her neck, and a feeling in the pit of her stomach that said a storm was coming. Caroline’s instincts had always been right.
              And now they were screaming that something – someone – wanted to ruin her dreams, and that couldn’t be allowed.
              Yet for all her instincts and careful attention to the world around her, a week passed after that first class, the one where she was late, without Caroline identifying who it was that was stalking her.  She knew they were there, but couldn’t see them.
              It might drive her mad.
              It might drive her into a bottle, just like Liz.  
              That one was particularly annoying.  Caroline had never wanted to be her mother, not even before she had realized how much the woman feared and disliked her own daughter.
              “You seem out of it.”
              April’s voice interrupted Caroline’s rattled thoughts, and she almost snarled at the other woman.  But April didn’t deserve that.  She was a bit boring, and probably didn’t deserve much thought at all… but she definitely didn’t deserve one of Caroline’s snarls.  Not when she put on a brave face and pretended not to notice the fangs or the nails, even if she was terrible at pretending anything.  
              At least she had invited Caroline to the study group for their shared English course.  It had taken several sessions before the other members of the group became as adept at hiding their fear of Caroline’s abnormalities as even April was.
              But since her studies were important, Caroline kept her smiles that bared her teeth to a minimum, and made sure she painted her nails in bright, cheerful colors, to ease the way.  Now they hardly ever shivered in fear, unless Caroline wanted them to.
              Her paranoia made her want to make them shiver. Those that feared her wouldn’t dare to mess with her.  
              “I’m not in the mood for studying,” Caroline said shortly, pushing herself back from the table they had claimed in the library.  Her chair screeched across the floor loudly, and for a single second, paranoia was forgotten when Matt Donovan winced and hunched his shoulders, and Caroline allowed herself a pleased grin that showed off her fangs.
              Matt whimpered, and Caroline chuckled, even as her neck itched again and she stalked away, swinging her bag over her shoulder.
              As she headed for the exit, a shadow detached itself from the shadows of a nearby book shelf.  She continued to walk, but breathing was suddenly easier.  
              She hadn’t just been paranoid.
              The shadow followed her, as she weaved across campus. Other students moved out of her way, instinctually sensing that she was not one with whom they should mess.  She travelled quickly between two buildings, taking shortcuts that only a well-established student would know.  The shadow followed the whole time.
              It was finally in the agricultural sciences building that she led it into an empty room.  She had taken a communications course in that room, and had learned that it was always empty on Tuesdays and Thursdays from one until three.  She had often used it to study.  The agricultural science building tended to be relatively quiet. Theirs wasn’t an agriculture school, so the students and faculty that frequented the building were relatively low in company.  
              “What do you want?” she asked, moving to the front of the classroom, so that the professor’s desk was between her and the shadow, and one of the exits was to her left.  
              “I am here to take you home.”
              The shadow was a man.  Dressed entirely in black, which made Caroline want to roll her eyes.  Apparently her stalker was a drama queen, when he wasn’t getting her paranoia ramped up to extreme levels.  
              “I don’t need someone to take me home.  I know where my home is.  I even have the keys.” She considered tugging them out of the pocket of her jacket, but then decided against it.  This mean, this shadow, there was something off about him.  
              Caroline recognized it, because it was the same off people sensed about her.  
              He eyed her curiously, and cocked his head to the side. After a moment, a slow smile curved his lips, cutting dimples into his cheeks.
              He had fangs.
              They weren’t like hers – dainty points on her canines. No, these were larger, twinned fangs that turned that smile, that should have been charming, into something monstrous.
              His eyes glowed amber.  They hadn’t been before.  Just a second ago, they had been blue; but now they were amber surrounded by black.  Caroline should likely be terrified, but she had never meant someone else that was so clearly other.
              Despite her better judgment, she found herself curious.  
              “Who are you?”
              The man stepped towards her, and it took all of Caroline’s considerable stubborn nature not to take a step back.  Even before the fangs and the eyes, something about the man had screamed predator.  Now that she could see it as well, all of her instincts screamed at her to run.
              But those were the instincts that had been created before her parents had begun to loathe her.  The one formed on hunting trips with Bill.  Those were the instincts of a human.
              The Other in Caroline was fascinated.  She want to run a claw down the man’s neck, and see what color his blood was.  
              Caroline’s was red, but not the usual red.  It was a red so dark it almost appeared black. She still remembered the way here parents had turned so pale, when they had seen that blood.  More than her fangs or her claws, it had been that blood that had made them hate her.  
              She wanted to know if the man’s blood was almost black as well.
              He stopped on the other side of the desk, just inches away from it, so the wooden surface was all that separated them.  He still watched her, and Caroline tensed. Her fascination wouldn’t get her killed. If he made a move, she would go for the door.  If he tried to get in her way, there were chairs she could use as weapons.  
              Instead of attacking, he suddenly gave a flourished bow, as though he had stepped out of one of the stupid fairy tales Caroline had once sighed over, before she’d realized the Other was always the villain and always lost.
              She had lost her taste for princesses and castles and happily ever afters after that.
              “They call me Klaus,” he said, glancing up at her with that wicked grin and those inhuman eyes.  
              “Okay,” Caroline replied slowly, contemplating him with narrowed eyes.  “And who are they?”
              “The Fae, of course.  My people.  And yours.”
              When Klaus had come to the Realm of Humans to find the Lady Caroline – the real Lady Caroline, not the fool of a child that had been brought to replace her – he had imagined it would go rather simply. The humans were weak, simplistic creatures.  What Fae would toss aside the promise of Faerie to stay amongst those that would shun them?
              No one.
              So he would find her, swoop her back to their home, and the plans he had been putting into play would allow him to claim the power of the Fire Fae, just as he had already claimed that of the Shadow Fae.  
              And all seemed to be going perfectly.
              “The Fae, of course.  My people.  And yours.”
              And here was where she would fall into his arms, believing him the savior, and he would gain all he wanted.
              And then she laughed.
              Right in his face.
              Not a little chuckle, or the delicate titter of the ladies of the Courts.  No, this was a belly laugh, one that made Caroline bend in half, tears leaking out of the corner of her eyes.  She stumbled back two steps, until she could let the wall at her back take on her weight as she continued to laugh.  
              “You… my… oh my God.”
              Klaus failed to see what she found so humorous.
              “Surely,” he said, his voice taking on a cold undercurrent, one that made everyone within Faerie shiver and fear his wrath, “you didn’t believe you belonged here.  You, who are so clearly inhuman?  I had thought you an intelligent woman after observing you this past week.  Perhaps I was mistaken.”
              Caroline was still chuckling, even hiccupping a little, but her laughter had calmed somewhat as she wiped tears from her eyes, careful not to smear the kohl that she had lined them with.  She wore it daily, that dark kohl; in their Realm, such things were usually only worn for special occasions.  
              “I mean, no.  It’s pretty clear I’m not exactly normal by the standards of this place,” Caroline stated once she’d wiped the tears away.  “But why the hell would I go anywhere with you?  Much less to a place that didn’t want me.”
              “Didn’t want you?” Klaus asked, puzzled by this new roadblock in his way.  
              “I mean, obviously.  Liz and Bill believed I was theirs.  You’re telling me I’m a Fae.  I can put two and two together pretty easily, Klaus.”
              She sauntered out the door to the room, and Klaus had to follow her, feeling as though his world had tilted.  This wasn’t at all how this was supposed to go.  He had thought there might be some confusion, that would quickly give way to relief, when she realized she would get to leave this wretched place.  But instead of being adrift, Caroline seemed entirely too comfortable in this place, even with the knowledge that it wasn’t hers.  
              “And what is it that you’ve put together?”
              “I’m a Changeling.  A Faerie child left in place of a human one.  What happened?  Did my counterpart die, and now my birth parents want a replacement?” Her smile was nearly as sharp as Klaus’ own, her fangs bared in a way that made him feel near instant lust.
              There was nothing so attractive as a woman that knew how to use her fangs.  
              “Your parents were unable to conceive again after you,” Klaus said after a moment, still trailing after her.  She paused, her eyes glancing over a board that had papers attached to it, but he had the distinct feeling that she wasn’t really seeing what they said.  “Some say it was because the Gods turned their backs on them, for discarding their heir so easily.”
              “A bunch of superstitious religious quacks,” Caroline murmured darkly.  “Because that’s totally what I’m into.”
              “I doubt the Gods would bother themselves with such things,” Klaus continued, ignoring her mutters.  “More likely they were just unlikely.  But the human child, even if humans were allowed to inherit, is foolish and selfish.  She can’t rule her own emotions, much less a kingdom.”
              “Well,” Caroline tapped a finger on a paper, her expression contemplative.  Finally, she shrugged and turned to him with a bright smile.  “Sucks to be them.”
              Then she turned and all but bounced out the exit of the building.  Klaus remained in her wake, wondering if this was what it meant, to feel flabbergasted. It felt as thought someone had planted a fist in his stomach.  
              He rather didn’t like it.
              He stood there for what must have only been a handful of seconds before charging after her, determined to explain to her that this was her chance to return home.  To be welcomed into the loving arms of her family.  
(To win him a kingdom)
              Outside, there were several students walking along the sidewalks, but none of them was blonde, dressed in a cheerful dress.  
              He had lost her, and it made him snarl.  
              Then it made him smile.
              It had been… far too long, before he actually had to work to get what he wanted.  Perhaps it would be a novelty.
              She considered ditching Klaus in the Agricultural Science building to be a win.  Of course, she hadn’t expected it to last long, so when that persistent itch at the back of her neck began again in her Rhetorical Criticism course, she wasn’t really surprised.  
              What did surprise her was when Klaus slid into the seat next to her, lounging and looking around the room with distaste, as though he were some sort of prince.
              Perhaps he was.  Apparently that was a thing among the Faeries.
              “If you’re going to take up journalism, we should likely discuss internship options,” she murmured as she added a notation to her online notes.  “I’d rather you not try to compete with me for any.  Losing might destroy your ego.”
              “You underestimate the size of my ego, Love,” Klaus murmured in reply.  He glanced at her laptop screen, and sneered.  “The people of this realm are far too reliant on their technology.”
              “Parents that abandoned me and no wifi… wow, you’re doing such a good job of making me think I really want to be a Fae.”
              “You’re a Fae whether you live in Faerie or not. There you would simply be amongst your own kind.”
              Did he know? She had to wonder for a moment. Did he know about those nights, when she had cried into her pillow.  Before she had decided her fangs and sharp nails would become her armour.  Back when her parents’ distaste and her classmates’ fear made her desperate for just one person who understood her.  
              She had given up that dream so long ago, yet his words still managed to make something in her chest pang.  And it made her grit her teeth and flash a fang at him.
              “I prefer being one of a kind,” she said, expression sweet and completely fake.  “But please tell mommy and daddy that their little girl is doing well.”
              Klaus chuckled low, the sound making her shiver, just a bit.  Caroline had messed around with a few boys, in high school and in college.  The brave ones, who would dare her inhumanities because she was otherwise beautiful.  But none of them had made her shiver, or feel any real desire.  They had reeked of fear, and while the hunt could be fun, it tended to ruin bedroom games.
              But that chuckle made her shiver, and so did the finger he ran up her arm.  He didn’t have claws, and with his lips closed and his eyes blue again, he could almost pass for human.
              Except there was no fear.  There was only lust and the wild glint of a challenge accepted.
              “I’m not a messenger, Caroline.  I’m afraid if you wish your parents to receive that message, you’ll have to pass it on yourself.”
              Caroline paused in her typing, as though contemplating the thought.  Next to her, she felt Klaus’ gaze on her.  Disappointing him, she decided, was going to become a delight for her.  She gave him another bright grin and shrugged.
              “Then I guess they’ll never know.”
              He let out another low chuckle as Caroline turned back to her laptop, fingers flying across the keys. He leaned in close, and Caroline’s fingers stopped, and her breath caught in the back of her throat. He was far too close.
              He wasn’t nearly close enough.
              She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, gaze catching with his, and those dimples made another appearance.  A monster shouldn’t look so cute, yet somehow Klaus did.  
              Monstrously cute.
              “You’re a challenge, Caroline,” he murmured, her name rolling off his tongue.  She wondered if everyone in Faerie had an accent like his.  Would she have, if she hadn’t been abandoned in favor of that bright, but useless, human?  “I like a challenge.”
              It sounded like a warning.  
              But Caroline had always liked a challenge, too.
              She was clever, his little Fire Princess.  Clever and wicked and not at all afraid of him. That was a unique experience for Klaus. The King of Shadows was feared across Faerie.  Caroline’s own parents were terrified of him.  The little human that she had been exchanged for?  She couldn’t even speak to Klaus, much less meet his eyes.
              Yet Caroline grinned at him to show of sharp fang and refused to even hear him out.  Since he had started to claim whatever seat was next to her in her classes, she had even begun to type him sweet nothings on the screen on which she took notes.
              If I told you to go to hell, how long would it take you to get there?
              “I was under the impression I was already there,” Klaus muttered, because while Caroline might be charming, the rest of these humans weren’t.  One had tried to touch him, with what he supposed she had believed was a seductive smile.  She had been blond haired and blue eyed like Caroline… like the human that had replaced her.
              The scent of her fear had been thick when she had fled, when he had bared his fangs, let his eyes go amber.  
              “God, you are such a drama queen,” Caroline muttered in reply, erasing her comment and replacing it with whatever nonsense the man at the front of the room was lecturing about.  They all spoke too much, these people at the front of the room.  It irritated Klaus.  
              “I’m a drama king, if you must use a title,” Klaus replied, giving the slightest of sneers, which made Caroline’s lips quirk rather than making her fear.  
              He was… okay with that.  If she had been anyone else, he would have torn out their liver to make them see that he was a thing to be feared, not mocked.  Only Caroline was allowed such freedom.  It made her unique, even amongst the Fae.  
              “Really?” she had done such a good job of keeping any curiosity about Faerie under wraps that the glint of interest in her eye actually caught him by surprise.  “That’s the closest thing to something personal you’ve told me.”
              It was, Klaus realized with some surprise.  He didn’t tend to tell others anything about himself, if he could get away with it.  His siblings knew far too much, and liked to use it against him whenever they could, and at least they shared ties of blood with him.  Sharing with outsiders was dangerous.
              And it also might be the way to getting to Caroline. He could keep it surface level. Make her believe he was baring his soul, when really he was simply telling her what would be common fact about him.  
              “I got the throne by killing the man I had believed to be my father.  Everyone believed it because I am hungry for power; truly, I just didn’t want to fear him anymore.”
              Caroline blinked at him, her lips pursed in surprise.
              Klaus blinked back.
              Well… that wasn’t at all what he had meant to say.
              “Okay, so your mother had an affair with, like, a werewolf?”
              Caroline was perched on a bench next to Klaus, actually finding herself fascinated by the whole thing.  It was way more interesting when she was learning all the gossip about other people’s dramas.  Then it was just learning about Faerie, instead of hearing about the people that had decided she wouldn’t be nearly as fun as a random human kid.
              “A Moon Fae,” Klaus corrected.  
              “Yeah, but they can shape shift into wolves.  So werewolf.”
              Klaus rolled his eyes, but his lips kicked up, just a bit, at the edges, and Caroline grinned back widely.  She knew it left her fangs bared, and Klaus’ eyes darkened at the sight.  He reached out, and it should have been weird, to have someone stroke her tooth like that.  But it wasn’t.  
              Instead, it made her breath catch.  
              “What kind of Fae am I?” she found herself asking.
              Shit.  She didn’t want to ask that.  She didn’t want to know.  It didn’t matter.
              “A Fire Fae,” he said before she could take her words back. “A creature of heat and flame, who thrives in the sun and has an… admirable temper.”
              Caroline didn’t say anything.  Instead, she looked past his shoulder, trying not to listen. Not to think about parents that had left her with humans that had… stopped caring.  Because Caroline wasn’t what they wanted.  They wanted a human.  Just like her parents had wanted a human.  
              “Why do you even care?” she finally asked, looking at Klaus, who seemed to be the only one that actually wanted her, and even then, it wasn’t actually her.  It was the throne that should apparently be hers.  “If I’m here or there.  You said you’re a king, so my parents couldn’t have hired you.”
              Klaus considered her thoughtfully, twirling a twig he had picked up at some point between his fingers.  
              “I had intended to use you,” he said at last.  “To gain access to the powers of the Fire Fae. I would take you home, and you would be so thankful you would give me access to the sanctum of your kingdom, and I would take it for my own.”
              “What?  World domination?” she asked, giving a bitter chuckle.  “I guess I ruined all those plans.”
              “You did,” Klaus agreed, still twirling the twig. “Although I find myself surprisingly blasé about it.  You should know I’m rarely blasé about anything.  My siblings wouldn’t recognize me.”
              “You mean the crazy, murderous siblings you mentioned?” Caroline tugged her knees up to her chest, rested her chin on them.  “So, my parents don’t really care that you’re here?”
              “They need you,” Klaus replied after a beat.  “They’d send someone.”
              Eventually went unsaid, because they hadn’t, not yet. Or maybe they had, and that someone wasn’t as good at finding her as Klaus.  
              “You should go home,” Caroline said at last, dropping her legs and getting to her feet.  “Return to your kingdom.  I can’t give you that power, because I don’t want to go there.” They don’t want me? Well I don’t want them.  “I’m happy here.”
              A lie, bitter on her tongue.  At least those old stories weren’t true, the ones that said Fae had to be honest.  Caroline’s life would suck if that were the case.  She made it through far too many days by lying to herself.
              “No,” Klaus said.  “You’re not.”
              Caroline shrugged uneasily, and began to walk away. Then, her hand was in his, and he was twirling her around, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his chest.  Her hands rested against it – warm and solid beneath her hands – and she stared up at him in surprise.  
              “Marry me.”
              “Marry me.”
              Saying things he hadn’t intended to seemed to be becoming a habit around the Lady Caroline.  But though it had been a sudden demand, Klaus realized he didn’t regret it.
              Some events were meant to be.  Fae were raised on fate and destiny, and Klaus was no different. And he fully believed he and Caroline were destiny.  It would gain him the power of the Fire Fae, but more importantly?
              It would gain him that clever, clever mind as his partner.
              “You’re insane,” Caroline said after a beat of silence. “We don’t know each other.  I don’t even want to go to Faerie.”
              “No,” Klaus corrected, “you don’t want to go to being that don’t want you.  That’s not what you would be doing.  I want you. And I want to tear power from your parents’ hands, and take it for our own. Don’t you want the same?”
              “No,” Caroline denied immediately, but he knew it was a lie.  She knew it was a lie, too, and her gaze didn’t meet his.
              “Really?” Klaus purred, leaning down towards her. She looked up at him, and he brushed his lips over her own.  Once, twice, thrice.  And then he kept a careful distance between them.
              Her move.
              “No,” she said again, and he wasn’t sure if it was an answer, or a repeat of her previous denial.  But she followed his lips, claiming them for her own.
              Claiming him for her own.  
              “No?” he asked when they finally broke apart.   She pulled him in for another kiss, fierce and hungry and commanding.
              Only by Caroline, would Klaus allow himself to be commanded.  
              “Yes,” she said this time, when they broke apart. And at first, Klaus dazed and confused, and didn’t quite understand.  But then he met her gaze, which was fierce and direct.
              “Yes,” she said again, with a sharp nod, and yes, he knew they were fated.  Because he could hear the rest of her words.
              Yes, I will marry you.
              Yes, I will take power away from my parents.
              He kissed her again, already plotting the wedding they would have, once they destroyed the entirety of the Fire Court.
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No Mass ✰
y/n’s POV
"I'm going to the Alvarez's!" I yelled
"Did you eat breakfast?" Schneider asked
"Yes." I groaned, knocking my shoes on the ground as I was anxious to get over there
"Obviously, you didn't brush your hair." Schneider said, gently patting my head
"What? Yes, I did." I gasped, pushing down my hair
"My bad. I know you didn't take your medicine." He said, shaking the orange bottle he took out of his pocket
"Come on, I'm fine. I promise." I said
"Nope. Come here." He ordered, putting one in my hand
I glared at the little white pill in my hand, wanting to put it in the trash
"Promise me you'll take it." Schneider begged
"I promise." I sighed, walking out the apartment door
I shut the door and crushed the little pill with my foot. I used my heel to push the dust under the welcome mat. 3
Once I got to the Alvarez apartment, I walked right in as if I lived there. I practically did.
"What's going on today Alvarez family?" I asked, shutting the door gently behind me
"We're just moving the Pope." Penelope said as if it was a normal thing
"Do I want to know? Actually, don't answer that. I don't." I said, sitting at the kitchen table next to Alex.
"Did you take your medicine?" Alex asked, raising his eyebrows in question
"Yes." I lied, patting his shoulder
I turned to find Lydia putting up a picture of the Pope on their counter. We laughed at her as she continued to dance her way to her room.
Later, I was back at the Alvarez's house. Lydia invited me and Schneider over to eat dinner with them.
"You can probably dump that whole thing on there." Schneider said, referring to the food Lydia was passing out
"Next time." Lydia, lovingly, laughed
"Hi!" We all said, as the door slammed following Penelope's entrance into the apartment
"Welcome home, Lupita. We are almost done, but there is plenty left." Lydia said, pointing to the dinner on the table
"Aw. Dinner with my entire family... and the whitest people I know." Penelope said, gesturing to me and Schneider
"We're not that white." I said, unconvincingly
"Honey, you're as white as your converse..and those are really white." Penelope joked, making everyone laugh
"Yes, I invited them, again. They're orphans." Lydia said
"Do orphans always have rich dads who buy them buildings?" Alex asked
I tensed at the mention of a dad, but shook it off with a smile. I wasn't going to cause drama in a situation that didn't really involve me.
"Hey, I may have money in the bank and two living parents, and four living stepmothers...but there is a hole in here. We never had family meals. I ate alone in front of the TV. At least now, I have this one." Schneider argued, ruffling my hair
I instantly felt guilty about not taking my medicine. I knew he wanted what was best for me, but I just couldn't bring my self to do it.
"Ay, pobrecito Schneider." Lydia said
"Oh, don't get me wrong. It was a massive TV. Sometimes my nanny would join me, but only if I agreed to watch telenovelas." Schneider said
"Ooh, those are so over the top." Elena groaned
"Right? This one time, Rosa got jealous of the housekeeper cause she was makin a move on her man, so she threatened to throw live scorpions on her while she slept." Schneider said
"Sounds good. Which one was that?" Lydia asked
"Oh, no. Rosa was my nanny. Ex nanny. Now, stepmother. I'm so glad to be here." Schneider sighed, rubbing the table
"I'm just glad to be home with everyone." Penelope said, smiling at her family
As if on cue, Elena's goth friend walked out of the bathroom and sat in Penelope's chair.
"Who the hell are you?" Penelope asked
"This is Carmen, my best friend. I'm doing my history project with her." Elena said, introducing the stranger
"These all sound like things I should know. Hi, Carmen." Penelope smiled, introducing herself
"Hi." Carmen sighed, dramatically
"I'm Penelope. Kind of a big deal around here. So, uh, what's this history project you're working on? And then maybe later you can show me how you turn into a bat." Penelope asked, teasing Elena's friend
"Well, we just got done explaining the whole thing." Elena said
"Oh, come on, mija, I missed it." Penelope begged
"Oh, wait. Alex, y/n, tell Penelope that funny story that happened in chemistry class." Lydia laughed
"Again?" Alex asked
"Okay, I'll tell it. So, there is the floor and... slip. Oh, that Dylan." Lydia laughed as she barley got through any of the story
"Oh, That story never gets old." Schneider said, laughing at Lydia's incoherent story
"I've been working so much. I've been missing all the scoops plus Latina Twilight over here. Careful. There's a lot of garlic in that chicken." Penelope said, continuing to tease Carmen
"Your mom's kinda mean. I'm obsessed with her." Carmen, oddly, smiled
"Who would like a pastelito?" Lydia asked
We all eagerly took one, ignoring the pizzas Penelope had brought home
"Mm! You know what? How about we go on a hike this Saturday like we used to?" Penelope asked her kids
"Mom, Uh, Carmen and I need all Saturday for our history thing." Elena said
"Yeah, and Abuelita, y/n, and I have tickets to wrestling." Alex cheered
"I don't understand why you waste good money on that." Penelope sighed
"It's educational." I said, attempting to convince her
Penelope stared at me with a "we both know that's bullshit" look.
"Eh, I don't know." I shrugged
"Okay, Saturday's out. How about we go on a hike Sunday morning before it gets hot?" Penelope asked
"You seem to have forgot. Sunday morning is for church." Lydia said
"So, we skip church." Penelope suggested
"You seem to have forgot. We don't skip church." Lydia said, shaking her head at her only daughter
"Mami, it's okay if we miss it one time. It's not gonna kill us." Penelope insisted
"Oh, really? My great uncle Luisito skipped church, and on the same day, he was crushed by a runaway tractor." Lydia said
"Why don't you just go to church and then go hikin' after?" Schneider asked, solving their obvious problem
"We're Latinos, Church takes all day. By the time you're done with mass and you've said hello to fulano y fulana, it's five o'clock." Penelope said
"Oh, you exaggerate. 4:30." Lydia insisted
"I wanna see these guys this weekend. Come on. Cause I like them." Penelope said, pulling her kids close to her
"I have to put my foot down. Sundays we go to church, and then sometimes we go to Applebee's." Lydia said
"Well, I have a foot, too, and I'm gonna put my foot down and say this Sunday we're not going to church." Penelope argued
"Well, I am putting both of my feet down. We are going and that is the end of it. Ya!" Lydia said, shushing Penelope
"That's not your decision to make." Penelope said, beginning to get angry
"It's starting to feel kinda like home in here." Schneider smiled, making me shake my head
"I'm with Mom. We don't need to go to church. After all, Abuelita, you don't believe half that stuff." Elena said
"I believe everything." Lydia argued
"Really? When you take the communion you believe you're eating the actual blood and flesh of Jesus?" Elena asked
"Ay, no, it's a symbol. Don't be gross." Lydia said
"Okay. So, if you believe that then you're Protestant." Penelope said
"There is no need for name calling. All I know is that a good Catholic does not skip church. Right, papito?" Lydia asked, looking towards Alex for support
"I like church. I see my friends and I eat some donuts." Alex said
"Now, this one gets it. We're going." Lydia said, patting him on the back
"No, we are not! I work hard all week. When I get home, there's barely enough time to have a meal with the kids. Weekends are my only chance. So, this Sunday, no church. End of discussion." Penelope said
Lydia stood up and said something in Spanish, confusing me and Schneider.
"Ooh." Alex and Carmen said
"What? What'd she say?" Elena asked, who was also confused
"I am raising my voice, because I cannot believe we're having this discussion! I'm their mother! I don't need permission! I decide." Penelope fought
"And I am your mother, and I decide what you decide." Lydia said
"We are a family, damn it! Don't make me choose between you." Schneider said, "Okay, I'd choose Lydia because of her warm food and even warmer hugs. But I'd feel really bad about it."
"All right, everybody, go do your homework. Schneider, take y/n and go call one of your moms." Penelope said
"Fine. Guess we'll just eat this all alone in front of my massive TV." Schneider said, storming out
"Thought that was at his dad's house-" Penelope started
"He has one too!" I yelled as we stormed out 2
The next morning, I was sitting on the couch before school when someone knocked on the apartment door. Schneider went to open it to reveal the whole Alvarez family.
"Hello, Schneider. Listen have you—" Penelope started
"Wow! I always forget how huge your apartment is." Alex said, barging into the apartment
I waved from the couch before going back to my TV show, trying to ignore the chaos around me.
"Nah, come on, it's not that big. But let's talk in the parlor." Schneider said
"Schneider, have you seen my mom?" Penelope asked
"Gosh, no." Him and I, suspiciously, said
"Then why do I smell fried plantains and Cuban coffee?" Elena asked, glancing around the apartment
"Fine! She spent the night. But I want you to know, nothing happened." He promised
"Ew." I said, shaking my head at the older man
"What were you thinking chasing that women away? She's funny, charming, and when she gets angry, she cleans." He said
"Where is she?" Penelope asked, ignoring most of what he said
"I don't know. After last nights ugliness, she spent the night and left without saying goodbye. So, she already knows the drill." He said, referring to the previous women that had been in the apartment
"Again, Gross." I groaned
Then, a girl walked out a Schneider's room wearing just a shirt. Alex stared at her, making me laugh at his immaturity.
"Unlike some people." He said, glaring at the girl
The girl walked into a different room, and everyone turned their attention back towards Schneider
"What was that? And why was she drinking my coffee?" Penelope asked
"Well, when my family oasis blew up last night, I had to seek solace in the arms of.. I don't know her name. Your mom called her the stick girl and made her eat plato de huevos." He said
"Did Abuelita forget to give her her pants, too?" Alex asked, making me laugh
Later, Schneider and I were still at the Alvarez's because Lydia wasn't there when Alex and Elena got home from school.
Penelope walked in and we all greeted her with smiles and waves, still worried about Lydia.
"Welcome home, Lupita! We already started, but I insisted nobody say anything interesting till you got here." Schneider said
"Aw, that's so sweet." Penelope smiled, looking at all of us sitting at the dinner table
"It's been weird." Elena sighed
"Did you find Abuelita?" Alex asked, desperate to see his grandma again
"Yeah, she's with Jesus now." Penelope said2
"What?" We all screamed, thinking she meant Lydia had died
"No, no. Sorry. She's at church. Poor choice of words. Uh, whoa! What do we have here?" Penelope asked, looking at everything Schneider had set up
"Oh, Nothing special. Just some nutted quinoa, wilted broccoli with radish micro greens, and venison carpaccio on a bed of nettles. Grab a cedar plank and dig in." Schneider said
"Big change from Abuelita's cooking, huh? You like it?" Penelope asked all of us
"I can't wait to have eaten it." Elena said, as Schneider stared at her waiting for an answer
"I didn't think I would like nettles, and I was right." Alex said, setting down the fork he was using to eat
"Well, I'm competing with perfection here." Schneider sighed
"It's okay, Schneider. We all thank you for this very Caucasian meal. Good to see you again, Elena's best friend, Carmen, you beautiful weirdo." Penelope smiled
Carmen stared at her, uninterested in what Penelope was talking about.
"I'm sorry things got crazy the other night. That's- that's not us." Penelope insisted
"Seems like us." Alex disagreed
"We have all kinds of arguments in my family. I have two brothers. Ones a priest, ones a witch, so..." Carmen said, making us look at her oddly
"I'm really glad I'm getting to know you better, Carmen." Penelope
"Hello!" Lydia said, dramatically making her reappearance through the front door
"Oh, Thank God!" Schneider said, running ahead of everyone and hugging her
"I am so glad you're home. I was wilting under pressure to be you." He groaned
"Oh, hello, babies." Lydia said, hugging Elena and Alex, then me
"I'm sure you did fine. Who threw up in the table?" Lydia said, approaching the table and judging Schneider's cooking
"What were you doing all day?" I asked
"Oh, you know, saying my Rosary, praying for the departed souls...Asking forgiveness for your mother." Lydia said
"Why?" Elena asked
"Oh, She didn't tell you? She's no longer going to church. Ever." Lydia said
"We can do that?" Alex asked
"You can't. We will all go together. Us. Your mother will go hiking with Satan." Lydia sassed
"Yeah, and then we'll go to Applebee's. Cause Satan loves the Fiesta Lime Chicken!" Penelope sassed right back
"So, I guess you want to take my grandchildren to hell with you." Lydia asked, furthering the argument between her and Penelope
"I don't wanna go to hell." Alex cried, making me pat his shoulder
"There is no hell." Penelope said
"Don't worry, papito, there is." Lydia said, not making Alex feel any better
"Okay! You- you really wanna do this? All right, let's do this. I am not even sure I even believe in God, Okay?" Penelope said
"Hardcore." Carmen said, as the Alvarez's gasped
"Oye, you're so smart. If God doesn't exist, who made all of this?" Lydia asked, gesturing around the apartment
"Target." Penelope said2
"Okay, can we agree that if there is a God, it's gender neutral and not a He or she?" Elena asked
"No! God is a man. If he were a woman, there would be less problems. Pobrecito God. He tries so hard." Lydia said5
"Look, Mami, I get it. You like going to church. It's habit. You go out in lipstick, get dressed up, see your friends, gossip. It's your little social club, Mami, and that's fine." Penelope said
"It is more than that. I pray. I seek forgiveness." Lydia said
"And I am so glad that that gives you comfort. But that doesn't mean that God exists, okay? I'm sorry." Penelope said
"He kept you safe. Every day that you were gone, he kept you safe. My little girl says she wants to go in the Army, and then the army sends her to Afghanistan where she is getting shot at and I don't even know what else. Do you have you any idea... how much I worried? When you were deployed, I went to church everyday and I prayed that he would keep you safe. And he did. So don't you tell me about God. I know that God exists, and he is great." Lydia said, crying as she finished her story
"Mami, I'm sorry. I had no idea. You know, you went missing for one day and I was worried sick. I can't imagine what it must feel like to worry all those years." Penelope said
"All those years putting up with Birdie, with her terrible hairdos and her smelly breath." Lydia said
"Look. I still wear the cross you gave me." Penelope said, showing her the dainty cross necklace
"So you do believe!" Lydia exclaimed
"No, I don't wear it because it's a cross. I wear it because you gave it to me." Penelope said
"I don't understand the difference, so please just let me have this." Lydia said
They both sobbed and hugged each other, as everyone else looked on with a smile.
"So, are we going to church or not?" Elena asked
"Yes. Wait, no. Wait.. Sometimes, okay?" Penelope asked
"At least at Christmas and Easter. And one other time, so we are not those people." Lydia said
"And I'm not saying God doesn't exist. In fact, I check in with him constantly, you know, like, 'please God don't let Elena come home with a face tattoo.' And Mami, I am glad that you find comfort in church. I just find it in different places." Penelope said
"That's how I feel when I watch John Cena." Alex said, making everyone laugh
"Exactly, or Sonia Sotomayor... or Death. Everyone has something that inspires them." Penelope said
The next morning, I was sat on the couch with Alex watching the News. All of a sudden, a story about a car swerving off a bridge, into a lake, came on.
I stopped focusing on what Alex was talking about and stayed glued to the TV. As the story went on it started getting harder to breath, and I was shaking, and my eyes were tearing up.
"y/n? y/n! What's wrong?" Alex asked,  grabbing my hand when he heard my labored breaths
"I... can't... breath." I said, shaking my head and crying
"Mom!" Alex screamed, calling out for an adult to come help
"What?" She asked running in, quickly rushing to the couch
"Something's wrong with y/n." He said, tearing up as I continued to shake and attempt to catch my breath.
"I'll go get Schneider. Wait here." She said, running out the apartment door
Elena, Alex, and Lydia tried to get me to calm down, but I just couldn't.
"Where is she?" Schneider asked, running in with Penelope.
When he saw me on the couch, he sat down and placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at him.
"Okay, okay. Remember your breathing. Breath in, 1,2,3,4,5. Breath out, 6,7,8,9,10." He said
We did that couple times, and I calmed down to the point where I could at least talk.
"What happened, kid?" He asked, rubbing my back in comfort
"The news. And the story, the car, bridge, lake." I said, beginning to tear up again
"y/n. Why didn't you take your medicine?" Schneider asked, realizing what had happened
"I did." I lied
"No, it wouldn't have been this bad if you had." He insisted
"I can't, okay? Every time I take those pills, I feel numb. And as crazy as it sounds, I want to feel the pain. I need to realize that what happened to my parents is real, not some horrible nightmare that I can just forget. I need to remember, and I need to heal on my own. I know I'll never have a mom who cares for me, or siblings to comfort me, or a dad to hang out with. I miss that, but pretending it's not real is worse." I said crying
Everyone stared at me either with teary eyes or sympathy, making me want to sink into the couch.
"Hey, I may not be your mom or your dad, but I'll always be there for you. I didn't think I'd enjoy taking in someone else's child, but since you've been with me I couldn't imagine life without you. You're my family." Schneider said, hugging me, "You can't hide these kind of thing from me, though. You have to try and be honest about it."
"We'll always be here too. For anything." Alex said, coming in to wrap me in hug
The rest of the family joined in one big hug, making me realize that Schneider was right. I may have lost my biological family, but family isn't just about DNA. It's about surrounding yourself with the people who will love and care for you through everything, and that's what Schneider and the Alvarez's are to me.
Alright, I hope this chapter provides an idea of what happened to her parents. Thank you guys for the reads!! And please, any feedback is welcomed.
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14th February , 2017
I know by now I should be 'old enough' to talk about my worries or feelings in general with my friends but I just can´t. So here I am sitting on my bed with the journal in my hands. Today is Valentine's Day aka one of my most hated days (besides Mondays obviously) of the year. Two years ago I would have never thought that I'd feel this way but if your ex-boyfriend doesn't show up for your Valentines date a year later and breaks up with you over the phone like a freaking coward. A day like this leaves a scar inside of you and a sour taste in your mouth. I still know how my tears tasted on my lips after I allowed myself to cry in the arms of my best friends.
Dear diary,
It's just so hard to deal with after every memory we shared together. I gave him my heart, my soul and my body and he just threw it threw me away like some trash he found on the street.
I know I sound bitter and mad but the anger I felt that day is gone but what's left now is disappointment and the lack of knowledge why he ended things like this. I can't even say that I hate him or that I never want to see his face again because it would be a goddamn lie.
My friends always tell me that I´m too good to be true but I believe nobody , you´ve once loved dearly , deserves to be hated.
I actually wish him -
'knock knock'
“Areum !!!” Jackson yelled from the other side of my door while knocking so hard that I thought the door will collapse. “I really hope you are ready by now or otherwise we will miss the beginning of the movie. “
“Yes, I am ready Jackson so you can stop knocking. Just let me put on my jacket and we can go.” I screamed back at him while swinging my ass off my bed to grab the jacket I´ve thrown on my chair.
“Oh you finally made it. That´s a really damn miracle. Now we have to hurry. Elena is already waiting for us at the cinema.”Jackson said while sending a quick message to her that we were on the way.
Only music filled the silence in the car. Jackson tried to talk to me the whole time but my answers were short and void of any emotion. He stopped trying to talk to me so my mind could drift of to a pretty dark place in my heart which was way too familiar. I felt suffocated. Tears were dwelling in my eyes while they scanned the cars and people who were passing by.
I know I shouldn't be like this. Especially since Elena and Jackson tried so hard to replace this twisted and fucked up memory with a good one. I´m really grateful to call those two my friends I really appreciate their patience with me but as simple as it sounds to replace the bad memory of a day with a good one. As hard it is to actually let it happen.
As soon as we went into the cinema we were greeted with the familiar smell of buttery popcorn and nacho cheese. My stomach growled loudly enough so that Jackson heard it. He put his arms around my shoulders while he laughed and guided me to the corner Elena was waiting for us. My eyes already drifting to the counter which held all the delicious treasures.
“Hey guys.” Elena greeted us with a bright smile and pulled us into a hug. “You´ve made it just on time. I already bought our tickets. Now let's get some snacks before Areum drowns us in a sea of her saliva.”, she said in a joking manner.
“ HEY ! I´m so not going to drown you in my saliva but this smell guys. This is the best.”
“ We know Areum. “, they both answered with a chuckle. “Let's fill your little tummy with all of this tasty goodness.”  
The movie my friends invited me to was about a former couple in their early twenties. At first they were best friends in high school but they eventually fell in love with each other but on one particular date night the guy never showed up. He just left her a voicemail to tell her that he can´t be with her. Some years passed by and the scars the man left on the heart of the woman healed slowly. So she and a friend of hers planned a holiday trip to the Maldives. She went on a boat trip all alone to give her friend some time for herself and she knew that she gets seasick easily. But life sucks sometimes so as soon as she went onto the boat she looked into the eyes of the guy who ripped her heart out years ago. Funny how life can be this cruel. The boat belonged to him. She tried to ignore him for the most time but everytime he moved in a particular way her eyes glanced his way. While her eyes were roaming over the expanse of the sea he walked over to stand beside her. He cleared his throat and began to explain why he behaved like this years ago. The guy knew his actions hurt her deeply but just didn't see any other way. They both talked about all the mistakes they’ve made in their relationship.
While the movie on the screen in front of me came to an end my thoughts were going into overdrive. ‘What if I’ll meet him again someday ? Will he also explain his actions to me like the guy in the movie did ? How would I react ? Will I be as calm as the movie or is my heart going to shatter even more ? I wonder if he changed or would he still recognize me ? ‘
“Yo Areum ! Are you still with us or are you already in a food coma ?” Elena and Jackson joked while they packed our things together.
I was still stuck in my head so I only mumbled “Before we go I have to go to the toilet. Will you wait in the car for me ?”
“Sure thing hurry up and don’t get lost on your way there.”
“Hahaha you are so funny Jackson.”
“I know Areum that’s why you love me so dearly.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I rolled my eyes before I turned around to go to find the restroom. Jokes on me. I got lost. Sometimes I’m just so dumb I can’t even believe it myself.
“Goddamn were is this fucking restroom ? It must be somewhere around here.” I whispered to myself and turned around to go back to my starting point. But while doing so my face met the hard chest of a man. I quickly mumbled an apology while stepping back. The man in front of me didn’t except my apology or even moved. I asked myself if he even breathed but what I was well aware of was the fact that I could feel his eyes on me. Just as I wanted to pass him the stranger grabbed my wrist which made me look up at him. My eyes looked into a familiar pair I only knew to well.
“Hey Areum, long time no see.” My eyes widened. ‘This can’t be possible.’  
This voice which made me feel calm and safe a long time ago and these eyes I could have drowned myself in. This must be a bad dream. Kim Namjoon can’t be here after he left me a year ago.
“Fuck.” I said under my breath.
“What did you say ? “ Namjoon bowed his head so that we were on eye level while scanning my face. “Won’t you greet me princess ? “ He said while a smile graced his handsome face. His absolutely adoring dimples appeared. My eyes scanned over his face first after I let them wander over his whole body. He looked good way to good. His hair was black and a few strands fell in his face. He wore a pair of jeans paired with a black sweater and a huge cardigan or was it a jacket. I’m not quite sure.
After I was done checking him out I looked back up into his face. I took a deep breath and wetted my lips before I answered, “No you don’t deserve to be greeted by me after you teared my heart apart like this.” I tried to stay as calm as possible even if my heart sounded like it will jump out of my chest. “You just left me without any explanation and you expect me to greet you with open arms. Namjoon am I a fucking joke to you ?” His eyes widened and he gulped. “Areum…..I’m --”
“Don’t say that you are fucking sorry.” I screamed at him. “You can shove your damn apology up your ass. I really would appreciate if you can let go of me.” I tried to free my wrist out of his grap but he only fastened it.
“Listen Areum, I know that I deserve that you treat me like this but please..I beg you give me one chance to explain why I acted the way I did.” I could see that he meant what he was saying. His brown eyes were filled with regret and sadness but also disappointment.
“Areum don’t -” Namjoons voice broke and he took a shaking breath. “- please don’t look at me like this.”
“How do I look at you, hm ?”
“Like you want me to disappear forever. No this is not right. You look at me like you wished you would have never met me.”
“Maybe that’s exactly what I want.”
“Liar.” I lowered my lids to shield my eyes from him and to not let him see the tears who were beginning to form. I don’t want to cry. I don’t want to feel anything right now. I just want to go home and to wholeheartedly embrace the warmth of my bed. Why did I have to get lost ? Why did I have to run into him ? My mind was a mess. My heart was racing. It was hard for me to get even air in my lungs. The tears were prickling behind my closed eyes. The only thing I could hear was the thrumming of my heart and Namjoons deep breaths. 
“NAMJOON !” Someone seemed to look for him. I didn’t recognize the voice at first but it seemed like the person was nearby. 
“I think…” I took a shuddering breath and opened my eyes again blinking the tears away. “...I think one of your friends is looking for you.”
“Areum..” He looked like he was in physical pain. “They can -”
“Oh there you are Namjoon. We looked everywhere for you. “ Now that the voice was right behind him. I recognized it. It was Hoseok one of his best friends. 
“What are you doing here in this corridor. Didn’t you want to go to the restroom ?” Hoseok asked before putting a hand on one of his shoulders His eyes wandered from Namjoon to me and I could see how realization bloomed in his look.
“Oh..I didn’t want to..” Hoseok scratched the back of his neck. “...disturb you. I’m sorry. I will go to the others again.”
“You don’t have to. I was about to go anyway Hoseok but Namjoon won’t let me go.” I said with a forced smile.
“Oh..I thought..”
“It doesn’t matter what you thought. So Namjoon will you kindly let go of my hand or what ?” He let go and his eyes fixed on the ground.
“Thank you.” I whispered while I passed the both of them. “Bye have a good night.”
I heard how Hobi whispered something to his friend.
“Areum..please one last chance and after this you can go back to hating me. That’s what I deserve but please.” I turned around and what I saw shocked me more than anything. Namjoon was kneeling on the ground. Eyes fixed on his hands and his head was bowed. 
“Please.” He begged. His voice was filled with regret and pain. He slowly looked up again and our eyes connected. Now his were filled with tears which looked ready to flow. It hurt me so much to see him like this. I probably looked the same last year. My mind was telling me that I should turn around again and leave him there but my heart whispered ‘Give him the chance. You still have some love for him in you.’ 
My heart won so I slowly nodded and said, “Okay..I will just tell Jackson and Elena that they can go home without me.”
“Really ? You will give me this opportunity ?” Namjoons eyes widened. It looked kinda cute.
“Seems like it. Please don’t let me regret this.”
“You won’t.” He jumped up and a shy smile was forming on his lips.
“Where shall we meet ?” I asked
“At the park nearby ? It’s just around the corner so you  should definitely find it.”
“Okay..See you then.”
I don’t believe that I’m doing this. Why do I always have to listen to my heart instead of my heart. ‘That’s easy girl because you still love him and you always wanted an explanation for his behaviour.’
“YOU WHAT ?” Jackson yelled while I told them about the situation and that I’m going to meet Namjoon. “This freaking asshole..How dare he shows up here and expects you to accept his stupid apology. I always thought he is smart but it seems like he lost some brain cells.”  
"Jackson shut up." Elena said. "I bet Areum has her reasons and thought this through."
I could only nod because in my head I was already in the park. I really hope this won't be a disaster. 
"Guys.." I whispered. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you. Thank you for everything. But I have…" I was on the verge of tears again "..I have to meet Namjoon. I need an explanation and answers to my questions and this is probably my only chance." 
"I understand you Areum. I hope you won't regret this decision and I'm kinda proud of you that you listened to your heart instead of your mind." Elena said and when I looked at her a proud smile was plastered on her face. 
"I don't think it's a good idea because I don't want to see you so devastated again but you won't listen to me." Jackson complained.
"I won't." 
"See so why am I even trying to hold you back."
"Because you are a great friend Jackson." I smiled and went to him to pull him into a hug. 
"I already know this but shouldn't you listen to me if I'm this great of a friend." I chuckled.
"Probably but you know the more you tell me I shall not do certain things the more I want to do it. So please bring Elena home and I will text you as soon as I'm home after the talk."
After I let Jackson go I got pulled into a hug by Elena.
"You can do this and I'm pretty sure you both need this talk." She whispered into my ear.
"I know.." She squeezed my shoulders before I took a step back and waved at them when they drove off the parking lot.
'I can do this. Areum don't be a coward. You've wanted an explanation. Now you will get it.’
I walked to the park while my mind felt like a prison. I wasn’t so sure anymore if I made the right decision but I can’t and won’t turn back now. I was a coward for way too long.
As soon as I entered the park my eyes drifted to the spot Namjonn was waiting for me. He was sitting on a bench. His eyes closed and he faced the sky as if he was tanning. He looked like he wanted to calm down. It was quite a sight to behold. I could have stared at this handsome man for eternity. He looked like a bittersweet dream.
I stepped closer and cleared my throat. This made him lower his head and open the eyes.
“You really came.” He sounded a bit surprised and a shy smile lighted up his face but it didn’t reach his eyes nor his dimples appeared which was quite a shame but made things a bit easier.
“Yes. I kind of promised you to give you an opportunity to explain yourself. So here I am or did you really think I wouldn’t come ?” 
“Areum...I really don’t know what I think right now or what I thought when I’ve spotted you in this corridor.”
“Aha...so if you don’t know what to think. I can also go again.”
“NO !” Namjoon grabbed my hand and pulled me on the bench he sat on. For a few minutes we were quiet. I think we tried to untangle our thoughts.
“Areum before I begin to explain everything to you..I want to say..Thank you for giving me this chance. I know it’s not a matter of course.” He took a deep breath and then took both of my hands in his while our eyes found each other. I saw the honesty, regret, hope and pure adoration in his brown orbs.
He took a stuttering breath before he began to speak.
“So the reason why I left you like this was…”
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sunshineandfangs · 5 years
Klarosummer - Charity Car Wash || Berdinak Gara
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Brief mention of Damon’s abuse of Caroline (Yes, I will hold that against him for all eternity.) But it ends on a pretty shameless fluffy note for Klaroline.
Caroline grinned, feeling much more like herself than she had in a long time, shoving flyers into people’s hands with aggressive politeness. Chirping that she expected to see them all at the Sexier Suds Car Wash! (Sue her, she was re-branding an old name. She had been at the head of both versions and thus had full authority to allow it.)
Not too long ago it would have been unthinkable that she could find her happiness in NOLA.
And yet...
Six Months Ago
Caroline could feel hot pressure burning behind her eyes, bit her lip, hard, to stem the release of any tears. For all that she had sensed the distance growing between she and her friends, never did she think it would come to this. But without her even really noticing the bonds between them had torn and worn away.
She smiled bitterly to herself. Fighting one Big Bad after another, always seemingly scrambling for survival. She guessed that didn’t leave much time to actually work on relationships. 
Bonnie who was a friend, but not her best friend. Tyler now just another mark on a long-list of ex-boyfriends who found more important things than her. Matt, human Matt, that pulled away from everyone, just wanting a normal, peaceful life. And Elena...
Elena and her Salvatore drama, who sneered at and guilted her for her confused feelings for Klaus yet turned around and slept with Caroline’s rapist without batting an eye.
Her once iron clad plan to attend Whitmore with Elena and Bonnie at her side was in tatters. Weakened bonds she could have handled, she would have smiled and borne it, no matter how it might have hurt her. Because she was loyal. And they were her friends.
She hadn’t considered how little regard they had for her. Concocting yet another “Subdue Klaus” plan (nevermind that he had left the friggin’ state) a plan with even less forethought than usual and endangered not only her own life, but her mother’s.
That crossed so many lines, she had no words. So, they were done. And she was lost. Unsure what she was supposed to do now.
She shook her head, banishing her depressing recollections. Obviously, some part of her had known what to do. As almost without conscious thought she had pulled a certain voicemail from her archive, held the phone to her ear and listened to his voice.
Caroline. I'm standing in one of my favorite places in the world, surrounded by food, music, art, culture, and all I can think about is how much I want to show it to you. Maybe one day you'll let me.
Surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for her to make up her mind, settle on an entirely new course. And seemingly in an instant she had researched universities near New Orleans and applied. A Tulane acceptance in the mail and her things in the car, she finally got out of Mystic Falls, the warmth of her mother’s support carried with her.
And it quickly became obvious she had made the right choice, considering...
“Hello, sweetheart. Why am I not surprised to see you spearheading yet another enterprise?”
A small smile pulled at her lips, reminded of another time he had said much the same thing. She whirled, teasing him about just that.
“Recycling lines now, Klaus? I suppose at your advanced age some senility is expected.”
He just smirked, looking unfairly attractive in his normal Henley and jeans combo, the dimples on his face marking an appearance.
“I rather prefer the term “experienced” myself.” He stepped closer, snagging the belt loops of her Daisy Dukes and pulled her against his chest.
It was a struggle to maintain her scowl, though she refused to let him win that easily.
“Klaus,” she admonished him, “don’t make me drop these.” She waved her flyers around, their edges now slightly crinkled.
He leaned back a little to pluck one from her, the fingers of his other hand idly tracing a pattern on the little strip of skin her shirt had revealed. She withheld a shiver, watching him absorb the details of the paper.
His eyes slightly darker, he returned his gaze to her. “Sexier suds?” He carefully pronounced. “Now why am I simultaneously delighted and irritated by this?”
Caroline scoffed, snatching the paper back from him. “Um, because you’re a caveman and love the idea of me in a teeny bikini. Hate the idea of anyone else seeing me in it.”
He hummed. “Yes, I suppose that is rather accurate.” His brow then furrowed slightly. “And uh, what precisely makes this a “sexier” suds?”
She grinned evilly, restrained her giggle at the dread that crossed Klaus’ expression. She knew he expected that he wouldn’t like whatever she had to say, but knew that he couldn’t stop her either.
Caroline leaned a bit closer, gleefully noting how he gulped, and purred, subtly rubbing her chest against his (thankful that her bra hid the way her nipples tightened). 
“Well, you see, Klaus, pretty girls in skimpy outfits, all that skin wet and glistening... it attracts men like nobody’s business, probably some women too. But I’m an equal opportunity kind of gal, so there will be some hunky male volunteers too, clad in itsy-bitsy speedos.” She winked, pulling away from Klaus’ suddenly loosened grip. “Hence, ‘sexier’.”
“I see,” he said, voice noticeably raspier. “When did you say this was?”
“July 1st, should I expect to see one of your ridiculous sports cars?”
Klaus’ eyes glimmered, a hint of something she couldn’t catch flashing in his expression.
“Perhaps,” he offered noncommittally, walking back to her side to press a hand to the small of her back. “Enough of that though, love. Tell me about your day.”
Caroline allowed him to linger for several hours, offered up only a few token protests. Rolled her eyes at his utterly unsubtle glowers when she handed the pamphlets out to boys.
She had been washing cars and directing the others for a couple hours now, and was honestly surprised that she’d seen neither hide nor hair of Klaus or even any of his minions (the ones he thought he managed to conceal from her. Pft, please.)
Then she caught a flashy red sports car driving toward her. Speak of the devil.
Though she blinked in shock when Kol shot out of the passenger seat, swaggering up to her and kissing her hand. “Fancy seeing you here, darlin.’”
“Kol,” Klaus growled, emerging from the driver’s side, slamming the door a bit too hard as he passed the keys to one the volunteers.
His brother grinned up at her, slowly straightening as he peered over his shoulder at Klaus.
“What, Nik?” He drawled. “I’m simply giving the lovely lady a proper greeting.”
Caroline snorted. Kol may have only been resurrected for a few months, but even she knew that was a shameless lie. She directed her gaze at Klaus, deciding to ignore the pest.
“Why did you even bring him?”
Now, Caroline was expecting some mock offense from Kol and grumbling from Klaus. Instead, she was greeted with the astonishing sight of Klaus actually looking a tad embarrassed, Kol’s grin grown to truly shit-eating proportions.
Her eyebrows rose, darting her gaze back and forth between the two brothers.
“Well, Nik? Go on, tell the girl.”
Klaus glared, a much more familiar expression, as he reluctantly explained. “I figured you might want some help, sweetheart. There’s an awful lot of cars after all.”
“I caught him trying on speedos!” Kol burst out, unable to contain himself.
Caroline couldn’t contain her laughter, watching Klaus shuffle a bit awkwardly before death-staring at his brother again.
“There were almost pictures before the prat crushed my phone.” Kol shrugged. “But I got this venture out of it. I keep quiet and he takes me to see the sexy co-eds!” Work apparently done, the brunet took off, flirting outrageously with the first girl he saw.
Caroline just sighed turning to face Klaus, amusement reigniting at his expression. “Speedos, huh?”
Klaus huffed. “They’re ridiculous contraptions! I’d wear nothing before I inflict one of those on myself again.”
Her eyes widened, unconsciously glancing down at the bulge in his jeans, before she rallied and jabbed a finger at him. “Don’t even think about it, Klaus!” She yelped, face warm.
He smirked, prowling toward her, definitely able to hear the way her heartbeat accelerated. “I know you just pictured it, love,” he murmured, face unnecessarily close to hers. She sucked in a breath, their surroundings fading from her mind.
But then his expression softened, shifting from predatory to earnest. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and pressed a quick peck to her forehead. “I’m not here to make trouble for you, Caroline. I wouldn’t cause an incident at an event you worked so hard on.”
She felt a little flutter in her chest, warmth filling her at his words. Knowing he meant them. The old her would have said something scathing, tried to deflect from the intensity of his affection. But now she just offered him a little smile, tugging his hand away from her hair and pressing her own light kiss to his skin.
“I know.”
And somehow it was Klaus who could read her the best, as after a moment of weighted silence he pulled his hand free, whipping his shirt off with an easy flex of muscle.
“I do still intend to help though, Caroline. I heard there was a dress code?” He smirked, un-buttoning his jeans to reveal boxer briefs. “I’m afraid I’ve never been much for rules. Apologies, love.”
She couldn’t help but laugh again, warmth still curling in her stomach. Stooping to pick up his clothes - intending to bundle them away with everyone else’s - she snagged his hand with her free one and dragged him toward the long line of waiting car.
“Better put your back into it then, Klaus. I demand perfection.”
He just smiled.
“Anything for you, Caroline.”
Author’s Note: Title is “We Are The Same” in Basque. France is obviously tied to NOLA and the the man Tulane University was named after was born from a French immigrant. I already used French so I went with Basque, a recognized minority language in a specific region of France: Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Also, yes this lovely little title quotes Klaus, references the equal opportunity options of eye-candy, plus nods at the fact Klaus goes to a ridiculous event to flex for Caroline (and scare off all her fanboys).
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AU where Eva finds Essam and Edriss's human kids Darwin and Madra after the war and decides she's going to raise 'em up proper.
Eva tries, even not knowing how, to explain who she is.  After all, she’s seen through Allison Kim’s eyes, remembered her life, lived in her skin.  It’s not as though she is nothing to these two ancient-eyed children, just barely nine years old and yet so much older.
“I knew your mother,” she says at last, because it’s the best she can do.
Darwin exchanges a glance with his sister.  “Which one?”
Taken aback — they know more than she expected — Eva doesn’t answer at first.  “I knew them both,” she says.  “I can’t say that I was friends with either one… But what from what I know of Allison Kim, I think I would’ve liked her.”
Another glance passes between the twins.  They don’t know each other, not really, not given how young they were separated.  But they only have each other, and so there’s a moment of silent consultation before Madra finally nods.  “We want to go with you.”
Marco finds the whole thing exasperating, because his mom already took in Elena during the war and low-key adopted every ex-host on the planet, and now this?
Which is to say, he pretends to find the whole thing exasperating.  
In reality, it’s cooler than he expected to have stepsiblings.  Madra follows him around and asks him endless questions about how things like morphing work.  Darwin’s a lot shyer, which is why Marco absolutely loves any time he can get that kid to laugh — the extra effort makes every smile or giggle more rewarding.
He introduces them both to Hillary Clinton and Carrie Fisher, Serena Williams and J.K. Rowling.  He spends way too much money on showering them constantly with presents: Lego spaceships and children’s Dian Fossey biographies for Madra, 140 packs of gel pens and light-up sneakers for Darwin, hundreds of video games for them both.
It feels good, to be able to make them smile.  To feel like maybe, just maybe, he can let some other munchkins have all the dumb stuff — lightsabers and action figures, enough to eat and a safe place to sleep at night — that he didn’t really get to have as a kid.  It feels like he can do something worthwhile that doesn’t involve violence, like he can be right and yet still live with himself at the end of the day.
“Did she love me?” Madra asks.
Eva doesn’t look up from the school enrollment forms she’s filling out.  “What’s that, sweetie?”
Madra sits down next to her at the kitchen table.  “Visser One.  Did she love me?”
Letting the pen drop, Eva lifts her head.
There’s a version of this conversation that will have to wait a few years.  One in which the full truth is made plain for their consideration.  The twins will learn eventually of the exact circumstances of their birth.  She’ll tell them about Allison’s love for them that ran deep enough to throw her in front of an oncoming truck and burned bright enough to keep them alive through all those years of fleeing the Empire.
For now… “Edriss loved you, yes,” Eva tells Madra.  “And she loved your mother and father as well.  But it wasn’t the kind of love that knows how to let go.”
Madra’s mouth pinches together in a pout, the way it always does when she doesn’t understand something.  “Let go?”
“There’s selfless love, and…”  And there’s addiction.  The kind of love that chains the object of its infatuation to a radiator any time she’s not actively enslaved.
“There’s selfless love,” Eva starts again, “and there’s possessive love.  And the danger is, they can feel the same for the person giving the love.  For the person receiving, however… It’s different.”
She never had these conversations with Marco, not really.  She just let him go on believing the world was a good place full of decent people… and then a parasite crawled into their lives, one that whispered poison in his ear and left bruises on his arms and told him it loved him in a voice so flat he could plainly hear the lie.  Some part of Eva will never quite forgive herself for how unprepared he was for the sheer cruelty of real life.
“I don’t get it,” Madra complains, bringing her back to the present.
“I love daffodils,” Eva says.  “How they look, how they smell.  So I could stop and appreciate them when I find them growing wild, maybe even try and plant a few along the way.  Or I could just pick some daffodils instead, which would be easier.  I could break off their stems and kill entire plants, at which point I’d be able to see them and smell them every day until they started to rot.  One way I’d get to see and smell them a little less, one way a little more… but those two choices would feel very different to a daffodil, yes?”
“Yeah.”  Madra’s expression is solemn, her eyebrows drawn together.  “It would.”
“Edriss… she didn’t know how to love through looking and scenting and then moving on, because no one ever taught her to wonder what’s best for the flower.  She only knew how to love things by chopping them up and bringing them home to wilt in jars, so that she could keep only the parts she liked and cut off the dirt and roots.  Sometimes love is not enough to keep you from hurting someone, if it’s a possessive love.  Does that make sense, mija?”
Madra considers for a while, chewing her lower lip.  “How do I know?” she asks.
“What do you mean?”
She shrugs.  “I’ve never loved anyone before—” and Eva’s heart hurts at that. “So when I do.  How do I know if I’m being poss… possess…?”
“You ask the one you love.”  It’s an oversimplified answer, but it’ll do for now.  “You ask often what the person wants or needs.  You ask if you can help.  And if the person says no, or asks for something difficult, you have to live with that through, sometimes, letting them go.”
“Edriss wanted to keep us,” Madra says slowly.  “Because she loved us.  Even though it hurt us.”
“Yes.”  Good enough, anyway.  “She didn’t know how to love humans.  Didn’t really know that we were people and not decorations.”
Madra looks down at the tabletop, picking at a stain.  “Did she love you?”
Eva inhales sharply.  “I… I don’t know, actually.”  She thinks it through, because Madra deserves an answer.  But there’s too much fear, too much pain and isolation.  No objective answer is going to come, no matter how much she considers.  She wasn’t capable of knowing her captor like that; Edriss never allowed it.  “I can tell you what it was like when she same into my life.  It was like I’d been cut in half at the waist, dragged away from part of myself, brought far from my home to look pretty in a vase while I slowly rotted away.”
Madra doesn’t look up from the stain.  That was probably a bridge too far.  Eva should’ve been gentler, kinder.
“Eva?” Madra says at last.
She takes a breath, mouth pinched again.  “Do yeerks have ears?”
Bless, Eva thinks.  Bless.  “No, sweetie.  I don’t think they do.”
Madra giggles, kicking her legs in the air.  “That’d be silly, if they did.  Then there’d be yeerks crawling inside other yeerks.”
Eva opens her mouth to explain — that ears are for much more than admitting yeerks, that they’re for hearing and hanging earrings and holding back one’s hair — and shuts it again.  “Yes,” she says instead.  “That would be silly indeed.”
His mom would probably kill him if she knew, Marco considers.  After all, thirteen is maybe just a little bit young to be learning how to operate heavy machinery.  But...
But he flew the first time when he was thirteen.  But Darwin’s only thirteen in that he’s been alive for that long, not in any of the other ways that thirteen-year-olds are thirteen.  But Marco’s right here, ready to take back the fighter’s helm if anything starts to go wrong.
But it felt like freedom, the first time Marco flew.  And that’s something that this kid hasn’t known nearly enough, even in the past few years of relative safety under Eva’s wing.  For fuck’s sake, someone stuck a yeerk in this kid’s brain when he was six years old, and left it there for the better part of the next three years.  He’s entitled to be a little quiet, a little weird, a little slower than the other kids his age…
And he’s entitled to fly.  Because Marco said so.
“It runs on verbal commands,” Marco tells him.  “So just put your palm on the scanner here…”  He shows Darwin, but knows better than to grab the kid’s hand and move it himself.  “And think engines on.”
Darwin doesn’t move.  Instead he frowns at the scanner.  “It can read my mind?”
Immediately Marco spots his error.  “No!  No, not really.  Not like a ye —”  He laughs nervously.  “It just does what you tell it to.  So if you don’t tell it anything, it doesn’t do anything.”
Licking his lips, Darwin steps forward.  Gingerly he places the tips of three fingers on the scanner.  “Engines on,” he says aloud.
With a fsshooom of turbines, the ship whirrs to life.
Half-turning, palm flat on the scanner now, Darwin grins up at Marco.  “I did it, I did it, I did it.”
“All right!”  Marco offers a high-five, knows better than to be offended when it gets refused.  “Now we’re gonna lift off the ground reeeeal slow so we don’t offend the stiff-butts over at the Air Force base.  You ready for it?”
Darwin’s smile hasn’t faded.  “Yeah!”
They’re an odder blended family than she ever could’ve predicted, Eva thinks, looking around the table.  Three veterans, five war-children, half a dozen ex-hosts, one alien, two children who are neither entirely human nor entirely not.
Marco and Madra sit leaning conspiratorially close.  They’re whispering over something on Marco’s phone, giggling to each other.  Doubtless another of their trolling campaigns for a corrupt politician.  Elena’s to their left, smiling every time Madra turns to whisper something to her.  Darwin sits in silence, sneaking glances at Jake.  As usual, Jake has no idea that he’s being hero-worshipped.
Jake only started joining them for Sunday dinners a few months ago, finally caving under the joint pressure from Eva and Marco.  She hasn’t forgotten all that Marco has told her without telling her (such is the way it’s always been in this family; too late to regret it) about all that Jake’s family did for him when she was dead and Peter was lost inside himself.  Things with Jake’s family have been… complicated, ever since Tom’s death, and so Eva’s happy to repay the favor.
Peter and Nora have been coming from upstate to visit this entire time.  Of course Eva still loves him, of course she does.  But if she is to live with herself, then she has to love him and yet leave him in the ground to continue to blossom.
Alloran’s been stopping by almost since the end of the war.  Since Eva found him stranded on Earth, unable to belong and unwelcome at home.  Since she discovered that he’s ridiculously enthusiastic about learning to cook, if not particularly skilled at first.  He’s a good influence on the twins, she’s always thought, if somewhat uncertain about what does and does not constitute an appropriate level of gore when telling young children about their history.
They’re an odd group.  Darwin and Jake will spend entire meals not saying a word.  Eva and Nora are still learning how to be around each other, even after all this time.  Marco’s frizzling with manic energy after yet another week of not enough sleep.
Alloran is currently telling Peter, in enormous detail, how a human radio telescope is supposed to work according to the andalite theory he’s certain will apply here.  Peter catches Eva’s eye, across the table, and for a second their smiles go soft and easy in silent communication.
The moment breaks, painless and silent.  Marco’s the one flicking mashed potatoes across the table, but Madra is the one providing enough of a distraction in the hope that they’ll land in Alloran’s hair, and of course Jake and Elena are being no help at all.  There are roast vegetables to serve and dishes to clean.  English essays to finish, hair to braid, and weeks ahead in need of planning.
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 1
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairing: DamonxOc. TylerxOc in future chapters, ElijahxOc, KlausxOc is endgame. She’s never sleeping with more than one guy at a time. This is just a long story with 25 chapters so far that I’m also posting on FanFiction.net. Warnings: She does however cheat on someone in future chapters if that counts as a warning.
Keeping Secrets 
Katie Finnegan’s house sat on a beautiful street lined with beautiful houses. It was actually right down the street from her best friend Elena’s. Elena had recently lost her parents and was now under the guardianship of her aunt Jenna. It was a bleak situation, but one that Elena and her brother Jeremy could with time bounce back from with the loving support of their aunt. Katie on the other hand had long been plagued by the loss of her parents who died from a cause unknown to her when she was just ten years old.
Unlike Elena and Jeremy, Katie didn’t have any loving aunts or uncles to take her in. All she had was the abusive grandfather who she had never even met despite the fact that he lived in the same town that she did. She didn’t even know what he looked like until he showed up on the doorsteps of her parents house with a suitcase and two moving trucks. One was for her parents stuff to be packed up and auctioned off and the other was full of his.
Only after he showed up did she realize that she had seen him around town, but her parents never acknowledged him. At first she couldn’t understand it. For the first few months he was okay. He didn’t talk to her or play with her much but that was fine with her since she was always good at playing by herself, but once the social workers stopped coming by to make sure she was settling in okay, things started taking a turn for the worse. If she accidentally spilled her drink or dropped even a crumb he would lash out at her. Then she started understanding why her mother ran away with her father at the age of seventeen.
As she got older she got to know how to stay out of his way when he was sober, but when he was drunk there was no avoiding him. By the time she was seventeen she was sneaking out of the house on weekly biases just to get away from him. She thought over the years that her friends, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie would have figured out what was happening to her at home, but they never did. She became too good at hiding it and brushing off the bruises and cuts as her being clumsy. So they never asked more and she never told. She put on a good face and acted like every other sporty teen age girl looking forward to getting into college on a scholarship. She dreamed of the day she could leave Mystic Falls in her rear view and never look back.
Chapter 1
Katie Finnegan sat at the dimly lit roll top desk, in her bedroom writing in a spiral notebook that had the word journal written on the front cover in black ink. Her auburn waves, tamed with just the right amount of styling product, hung around her face and she tucked one tendril behind her ear then pushed her glasses up her nose and continued writing. "Today was the second day of school. Summer is officially over, no more avoiding my friends as much as possible. I saw Caroline and Bonnie at cheer camp, but Elena didn’t make it this year. So it's back to the real world. And the real world has given us high school girls some new eye candy. His name is Stefan and he already has eyes only for Elena. Although, it seems like Caroline is going to give her a run for her money. She's already practically stalking the guy. I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to the stupid back to school bonfire tonight, but I don't really want to go. Why would I? It's just going to be a bunch of people getting drunk and hooking up and that will just remind me that no one wants to be with me. I'm invisible. Sometimes I think I'm just a ghost that only my friends can see and sometimes even they don't see me. I'm not looking forward to sneaking out tonight. Last time I got caught Grandpa nearly beat me to death. But I have to go tonight otherwise I will never hear the end of it from Caroline in the morning. So I’ll talk to you later, Journal."
Katie tucked the pen inside, closed the book and pushed it away from her. With a sigh she pulled on a pair of dark wash distressed jeans, a black ac dc tank top and her favorite black leather jacket that she'd found for a good price at the local resale shop. She finished the look off with red converse and touch of tastefully smudged eyeliner.
With tentative steps she pushed open her bedroom window and eased herself out onto the roof. After glancing over the edge to make sure her grandpa wasn't waiting for her at the bottom like the last time, she started climbing down the surprisingly strong rose trellis. Now that she was safely out of the house she put her car into neutral and pushed it a few blocks away then started it and headed to the party.
The party was what she expected it to be and after drinking a few cups of beer and having a few laughs with Bonnie, she decided to stop, otherwise she wouldn't be able to climb back up to her room. She was tossing her empty cup into the trash when she spotted Stefan, who had taken up most of Elena's time, near the treeline watching her talk to her ex boyfriend Matt. Excusing herself from Bonnie who was telling her how she saw a crow when she touched Elena's hand she headed over to Stefan. "Hey." She greeted him with a small smile that he returned with his own greeting as if he didn't want to talk to her. "Don't worry unlike every other girl at this party I'm not going to throw myself at you." She laughed as she moved to stand a few feet beside him, making Stefan surprisingly give her a laugh and a genuine smile. "I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Katie, Elena's friend." She informed him. "I saw you over here looking all jealous and I figured I'd let you know that you don't need to be."
"Yeah, why's that?" He asked turning toward her without moving his feet as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"I know it's not my place to say and I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but...she's over Matt. Has been for a long time now. She just couldn't make herself hurt him." She answered. "She's sweet like that."
"Well, you're..."
"Weird." She finished since it seemed like he was looking for the right word to describe her.
"I was going to say forward, but weird works." He laughed. "You know, you're the first girl that hasn't tried to hit on me since I got to this school. It's kinda refreshing, but I don't get it." He looked at her with pursed lips and puzzled eyes. "Why are you trying to help me get the girl?" Stefan asked.
"Because I’m weird.” Katie answered as if she were trying to sound mysterious then laughed. “Na, it’s really because I knew I didn't stand a chance." She answered as she dropped her eyes to the ground then got quiet for a second. "And also because she's one of my best friends and she's had a hard year. She could use a little happiness."
"How do you know I'll make her happy?" He asked with a tight lipped smile.
Katie glanced up at where Matt and Elena had been to see that Matt was gone and Elena was looking at the two of them. "Because," she started then turned to look at Stefan across her shoulder, "now she's the one looking jealous."
She was pretty sure that once Stefan looked at Elena he forgot all about her. So she went back to the party, meeting Bonnie at the top of the small hill. "Hey, where you goin'?" Bonnie asked when Katie walked past her.
"The grill. I need coffee if I'm going to sober up enough to get home before Grandpa leaves for work and realizes my car isn't there." She replied and kept walking.
"Okay, we’ll meet you there later." Bonnie called after her and Katie waved over her shoulder letting her friend know she heard her.
After getting a hot coffee Katie chose a table outside and pulled the book they had been assigned for English out of her bag. She was half way through the assigned chapters when sirens started blaring and cop cars sped past the grill toward the party. After they passed out of sight her phone vibrated and she looked at the screen to see a text from Bonnie that said, "Vicki was attacked by an animal."
She didn't have enough minutes left on her phone to text Bonnie back, so she called her since it was free. "Hey, what do you mean she was attacked by an animal? Is everyone okay?"
"I don't know, Elena and Jeremy found her in the woods with some kind of bite on her neck. No one else seems to be hurt, but they’re putting Vicki in an ambulance right now." Bonnie answered, sounding worried and tense.
"Oh my god, do I need to come back?" Katie pressed her fingertips to her lips not knowing what else she could say.
"No, me and Caroline are about to head your way. We’re gonna sober up while we wait for news." Bonnie told her.
"Okay, just...stay safe okay?" She got a positive answer from Bonnie then hung up the phone. Not being able to read anymore she tucked the book into her bag and focused on sipping the still hot coffee. Ten minutes later Bonnie pulled up and parked in front of the grill. They got a table inside and the other two girls ordered coffee.
"Why didn't he go for me?" Caroline asked sounding whinier than usual, clearly talking about Stefan. "How come the guys that I want never want me?"
"I'm not gonna touch that one." Bonnie answered.
Caroline looked to Katie for answers. "Yeah, I'm not answering that either."
"I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing..." She started listing off the things wrong with herself. Katie pulled a I'm gonna keep my mouth shut look and took a sip of lukewarm coffee. "And Elena always says the right thing. God, she doesn't even try and he just picks her. She's the one that everyone picks for everything. I try... SO hard and I'm never the one."
"It's not a competition." Bonnie said, looking at Katie for back up.
"Sorry, Bon, but sometimes it kinda feels like one." Katie said with a shrug.
"See." Caroline said with a motion to Katie. "Thank you."
After things calmed down and Caroline sobered up a little, Bonnie left the table to go pay the bill. Katie looked up from her empty cup and noticed Caroline smiling at someone and followed her gaze to a dark haired, ice blue eyed, gorgeous guy who was smiling back at her. "Looks like you found someone to like you back." Katie told Caroline with a grunt as she slid out of the chair and grabbed her bag. "Tell Bonnie I said good night."
"I will." Caroline replied not breaking eye contact with the guy. Katie just rolled her eyes and walked away.
She managed to sneak successfully back into her room and sat down at her desk, pulling her journal out and flipping to a fresh page. "Well the party was as I predicted it would be, except Vicki Donovan got attacked by some kind of animal. I wasn't there to see it, but it was apparently pretty bad. After the party Caroline, Bonnie and I met up at the grill to sober up. I got to listen to Caroline complain about how she never gets the guy and Elena gets everything. Of course right after this conversation she catches some super hot, blue eyed guy’s attention. Like, I can't stress enough how hot this guy was. The contrast of his dark hair and ice blue eyes was enough to make a girl's heart melt, not to mention the cute smirk he was giving Caroline. I hate to sound like Caroline, but why don't guys ever look at me? I mean I may not be crazy beautiful like Elena, Bonnie and Caroline, but I don't think I'm ugly either. Maybe that's why, because no one notices the average girl. And that's exactly how I would categorize myself. Whatever, who needs a guy anyway? All they bring is trouble. I need sleep. Ttyl Journal."
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 5 years
Love Potion Extravaganza Ch. 8
Note: Songs featured is just the first line of Gratuitous Karaoke Moment” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lQnkKxRfoWg, “The Group Mind has Decided You’re in Love” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=24eVmr9b5kM, and “Without Love You Can Save the World” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bc8R7fgXDN8. This is one of my favorite chapters😋
Damnit!” Gabe growled seeing that she had escaped for the third time this day.
“She didn’t love me?” Alonso said brokenly.
Gabe looked at the saddened prince and nodded somberly, but Naomi grabbed both of the boy’s hands and led them to the fountain.
“Don’t worry, Alonso. You’ll be back to your old satisfied self in no time. Just wait here and a antidote will hit you momentarily, we just need to get everyone else to gather..”
“There you are!” Valentina jumped up behind them with such stealthiness that Naomi almost punched her out of reflex.
Around the three of them, Elena, Mateo and Valentina’s eager faces leered with a way too determined look in their eyes.
“Why do you want us?” Gabe asked nervously.
“We have decided that you need to get together.” Mateo answered.
“We don’t need to be together just because everyone else is.” Naomi protested despite their puppy-dog face pleas, “The only romance Gabe and I will do for you is a cheesy romantic duet. You know like all of these songs you’ve been doing all day. A gratuitous karaoke moment. Somehow we both-”
“No no no. We’ve heard enough songs already. What you two need to do is kiss. For your own good so you won’t die alone.” Valentina cried.
With that declaration, Manuel unceremoniously shoved Alonso to the side and Valentina pushed herself between the two so she could put them in a strange chokehold/side hug.
“You say that you're not together. Yes, you've both been 'bout as stubborn as can be!”
“You tell 'em, Val!” Manuel hooted.
Valentina grabbed them into a group hug, “But we see from afar
Just how cute you are
And the thought of it makes everyone all squee!”
Naomi swore that she would hear that oddly piglike squee in her nightmares tonight. Also why everyone was sounding decidedly country?
“Squee! Squee! Squee!”
Mateo took Val’s place in the middle of the two and forcibly pressed their cheeks into kissy faces. “We don't know why you're fighting' the inevitable.”
“With ya, Mateo!” Elena whooped and blew him a kiss which he pretended to catch and place on his cheek.
“It's clear to us that you are both soulmates
Plus you’re the only two
Not in couple
People I know, so to me, it’s clearly fate!”
Valentina, Manuel and Elena chanted, “Fate, fate, fate!”
Elena picked up the next lyric, the others following her lead as if they were doing rounds around a campfire, “It's confirmed!”
“It's confirmed!”
“It's official!”
“It's official!”
“The group mind has decided you're in love!”
“Court adjourned!”
Elena grabbed their hands, “Now kiss a little!”
“The mass mob has declared that you're in love
Love, love, love!”
Gabe shook his head. Out of all the crowds of people he had faced this was surely one of the most scary. It was deeply unsettling to see everyone so crazed with love and now they were trying to force him together with Naomi against their wills.
Naomi pointed out, “Elena, don't you have a trade alliance to do about right now?
Elena merely smiled and booped them on the nose, “Yes, and this is a welcome distraction.”
Now, you might say we just need a distraction..
“You just said that!” Gabe interrupted and Elena waved off his point.
From the stress and drama of our lives
But I go "la la la la" when you swear
That there's nothing there..”
Manuel clapped a hand against his back, “You're love's the only reason I survive.”
“We’re not even together!” Naomi protested. All she wanted was for them to stop moving so Olivia and Isabel could hit them with the antidote and stop this nonsense once and for all.
“It's confirméd
It's confirméd
It's ah-fficial
It's ah-fficial
The group mind has decided you're in love!
Say "yes" to long term!
Say "yes!"
Mateo pointed his tamborita to the sky showing a sparkly image of Naomi and Gabe kissing, “Look what I magicked!”
Everyone else cheered, “Hot dang!
The mass mob has decided you're in love,
Love, love, love!”
“Everybody stretch, time to dance!” Manuel called out. Valentina and Elena lifted their skirts and began high-kicking and do-se-doe-ing as if their lives depended on it with Manuel and Mateo executing some rather impressive bell-kicks that Naomi hadn’t even known they were capable of.
And as if by magic, the music attracted people to come out of their homes to watch and Julio Guzman and Marlena started to join Mateo, Elena, Valentina, and Manuel’s movements in perfect sync. Naomi even spotted Ex-Captain Sandoval with Professor Mendoza, Rico and Tomiko, some of Isabel’s classmates like Amara and Quique and even Professor Ochoa joined in.
Gabe grabbed Marlena by the arm, “What are you guys doing here?”
Julio shook his head, “We all want you to get together, too. Let’s get everyone falling in love today!”
“Ay Dios Mío.” Naomi groaned. She looked up at the bell tower rooftop to see Isabel and Olivia waiting expectantly at her. Well Olivia was looking expectantly at her, Isabel seemed to be trying to construct something out of wood
Alonso came up into the middle of the hoedown crowd and yelled, “Stop it! Leave these guys alone! For the record, it is possible to be platonically friends with the opposite sex.”
Elena crossed her arms and gave him a look, “Do you really believe that?”
Alonso rubbed his neck and sheepishly replied, “No, I just wanted to be in the number.”
The crowd didn’t start up dancing right away, expect they all leaned forward to chant, “Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!
Dance, dance, dance, dance!
Kiss, dance, kiss, dance!
Kiss, dance, kiss, dance, kiss, dance,”
“Fine!” Naomi gave Gabe a glancing kiss on the cheek which was met by such a round of applause and cheers that the crowd started their square dance with even more enthusiasm than before.
“Yay! It's confirmed! (Wee-ha!)
It's official! (Yee-hoo!)
The group mind has decided you're in love!”
Naomi spotted Isabel holding up what looked like a mini catapult with three levers, each with three water balloons in place and ready to launch. Naomi grabbed Gabe’s hand and maneuvered themselves out of the dancing crowd.
They vaguely heard Mateo call out, “Hey, where'd they go?”
Elena yelled back, “Who cares?”
“Splat! Splat!” Splat!” Splat! Splat! Splat!” Water balloons hit the Avalorans in rapid succession.
“My hair!” Valentina screeched and Gabe couldn’t help but laugh at the first non-lovey sentence she had uttered all day.
Naomi threw out her arms and started dancing among the flying water balloons and soaked people while Gabe went up to the rooftop of Doña Angelica to rid that tank of it’s antidote. He poured it out and he flowed down to the street like a waterfall, dousing people to the skin and causing some school children to lose their footing and float off from their crushes and friends.
“10,000 hours in anything makes you an expert
And you all have spent way more time than that frettin' over guys
You've got a B.F.A., an M.F.A., a Ph.D. in obsession
And now you find yourself wondering why”
She passed Elena who was looking at Mateo with a red blush on her face and Mateo shaking his wet curls as a way to not have to look at Elena. Naomi continued with her song, pointing out all the time they had wasted.
“You could have used that time to cure leukemia
You could have used that time to clean the seas
You could have taught some teens awareness of bulimia
You could have saved the pandas, whales, and bees!”
All around her couples were starting to move away from each other or just look plain confused of what had possessed them to act so weird before.
“Without love, you can save the world!
Put those hours to good use instead.
Without love, you can save the world!
Sing out, branch out, get out of your own head.”
Valentina and Manuel had left in a huff to Cafe Angelica’s bathroom to fix their dripping hair while Alonso and Gabe strode up next to her. “Hey, guys!”
Alonso took her hand, “Peace!”
Gabe joked, “Peace and love!”
Naomi rolled her eyes, “But not love!”
The three of them joined hands and melodramatically held each other in a classic romance novel poses.
“Love's a real time suck, it really gets your mind stuck
On things that later on, you'll be like, "why?"
Like when's he gonna call or when will I see him next?
Then suddenly, all the lakes have gone dry
And it’s all your fault!”
Naomi looked to Elena and Mateo who were sitting on the fountain’s side staring around them in wonder, but Elena’s shoulders were silently shaking at the ridiculousness of it all. It was sort of funny to think about how oblivious and foolish they acted. As if gazing into each other’s eyes was all that matter. Naomi was right, there were other important things in life besides your crushes. Even a crush as cute as Mateo.
“Without love, you can save the world!
Save the world!
Clear space in your brain for better things!
Better things!
Without love, you can save the world (save the world!)
Not being tied to a bed can really give you wings!”
Mateo looked at the giggling Elena beside him and when she smiled at him, he understood that she didn’t seem to have been freaked out by the memory of their kiss. Well multiple kisses. He was also immensely relieved. He enjoyed that time together, a world where he and Elena were a couple. But he was also glad that Elena was still willing to be his friend foremost. His heart still pinched though. With the love potion gone, he would never have that chance again. But right now, he decided to put aside his feelings and join his friends in their upbeat number.
“Conserve your mental energy...” he sang
“To research conserving energy” Elena finished, taking his hands to join the conga line of Naomi, Alonso, and Gabe.
“Don't raise hell.” Valentina joined in, holding hands with Manuel and smiling up at him.
“Raise money for local schools. Now that you've got time.” Manuel gave her a quick kiss on the nose signalling that the love potion may be gone but their connection wasn’t.
“Take the leash off your hog” Alonso proclaimed.
“And use that leash to walk rescue dogs” Gabe added
“Love is blind,” Olivia sang from the rooftop, throwing the remaining water balloons uselessly on the street.
“But without love. You can actually help the blind!” Isabel came running down to the ground floor.
“It's asexual utopia!” Professor Ochoa cheered.
“Without love, you can save the world (save the world!)
Forget who you did, think about what you can do (what you can do!)
Without love, you can save the world (save the world!)
Change doesn't start with him, change starts with you!”
Everyone was hugging and solemnly shaking hands as they danced around the conga line, some even slipping over the wet surface but laughing as they fell down. There was no kissing, everyone seemed to be making a point to stay a respectful, platonic distance from one another. Yes, the love potion seemed to have ceased its hold on Avalor.
“It starts with you!
Not who you screw (not who you screw!)
It starts with you!
Without love.”
Elena grabbed her three friends plus sister into a group hug, “As much as I’d love to stay and dance the day away,” They groaned at her word choice, “We have a trade alliance to broker. Let’s go back to the palace.” 
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ruined-rp · 5 years
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Hello Luna and welcome to New Orleans, the city of The Damned. Thank you so much for applying, you have been successful for the role of Elena Gilbert. Welcome to the family, but for now it’s time to get down to business…
Head on over to the New Member Checklist, careful not to go down any dark alleys, it’s not safe here.
Name: Luna
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 22
Timezone/Country: EST/USA
Triggers: RFP
Activity Level: 8 I would count my activity level at a high 8 because I am currently on my summer break and classes do not begin for me until late August. Even though I know I would be able to continue my activity because I am not currently taking a job between classes this semester. I’ve been a rp’er for around +11 years now so I have a pretty good handle on how to balance RP and IRL.
How Did You Hear About Us: I was just searching through the TVD RP + TO RP tags and found an ad for this RPG. I really liked the layout and the combo of three big tv shows. I’ve never been in a RPG where it also featured TW RP and wanted to try it.
Anything Else?: I’m excited to start writing if I’m accepted!
Desired Character: Elena Gilbert
Why This Character?: I chose to RP as Elena because I always admired her spunk and dedication to her family. I adored watching through the series, through the smiles and tears and frustrating character twists. She’s so human. So naive and young and unsure in a world where someone could kill her in a blink. She takes it head on for her friends, for her brother, and in the memory of the parents she lost. And even the changes she goes through, i.e. turning into a vampire, she learns to live with the best of it and work on the worst of it.
Any FC Changes?: Nope!
Ships/Anti-ships: Here’s the age old question: Stelena or Delena? I’d definitely say throughout the series I was 80% Stelena shipper. During certain points I began to find myself leaning towards Delena a bit more, but that was very much towards the end. Each ship had their ups and downs but I’ll always love that ‘epic love’ the two had. When it comes to a character that isn’t named Salvatore, Elena would definitely fall for the kindhearted do gooder. She wants and needs more light in her world so someone who can be a positive influence would definitely be the path she walks down.
Headcanons: W: There was a time that simply writing the letter W felt like it knocked the air out of Elena’s chest. W, w, w. ‘Say it,’ she’d force herself. ‘Wickery Bridge.’ A girl who lived and breathed every moment of her life in her journal was defeated by the letter W. It began a word that never meant anything more than a way in and out of town, but now was like a brand on her heart. There were pages of just the letter following the crash and funeral. W.. W.. Wick. No, scratched out. Slowly but surely, the word Wickery Bridge was written down. “My parents died on Wickery Bridge.” BREAKUP: Following the days Elena broke up with her high school sweetheart, Love Song by Sara Bareilles played on the radio nonstop. At first, it absolutely annoyed her. How upbeat it was while she was nothing but bummed out. Every station played it eventually, she couldn’t run and walking was getting annoying when she had to carry so much biology homework home. Eventually, she gave in one night on the way home from cheer practice and gave the song a listen. She thought about seeing her ex-sweetheart on the field catching passes while Caroline barked out orders in her peppy voice. After awhile she stopped changing it. Fingers slowly started tapping on the wheel, her head followed suit. Humming turned into full blown rocking out with her hair going everywhere and a huge smile on her face. One night her and Bonnie were dancing and singing in Elena’s car when she took the next line. “I’m not gonna write you to stay. If your heart is nowhere in it, I don’t want it for a minute!” Unfortunately, he and some friends were walking to their cars. Ouch. ICE CREAM: As little girls, Caroline coordinated the flavors the three of them would eat. Strawberry for Bonnie, Vanilla for Caroline, and Chocolate for Elena. The three would have Neapolitan ice cream for every single birthday from ages 5 to 15. Luckily, it was their favorites already but Caroline liked to take the credit for it. In secret though, Elena would get a mint chocolate chip. She never got it in front of the other girls, not even wanting the smallest little thing to disappoint Caroline and their familiar dynamic.
Please Provide At Least One: Moodboard & Playlist
How Does Your Character Feel About The Peace Treaty?: Elena is entirely for the treaty. Her life has been thrown upside down ever since she found out that those she loves most are Supernatural; Bonnie and Caroline, Witch and Vampire, respectively. If there are rules set in place, that she may or may not be very naive about, she believes it can help protect them. She also thinks it might help her friends in more ways than just protecting them. Perhaps it will help them with control and staying out of bad situations brought on by their new nature.
Slice of Life: ‘Dear Diary..’ Elena’s day must always start with a journal entry unless she’s overslept and is running late to classes at NOU. She always sits to the left of Bonnie with Caroline on the right in class, listening to what gossip Caroline has at the time trickle down to her. Pay attention, absorb information, hold back the occasional giggle as Bonnie makes a comment at their professors horrible toupee. Elena always makes sure to enjoy every laugh, breath, smile given and received. Life is difference once you’ve lost people, you appreciate it more. And she very much appreciates the mundane even more now that it’s less and less prevalent in her life. Following classes is a bit of relaxing in the grass on campus, either alone or with her two best friends as usual. Work comes at night in the form of a waitress at Rousseau’s, walking there with fellow employee Cami O’Connell. She helps keep the weird ones at bay while Elena gets her footing there. She tries with all her might to close her eyes and picture the Grill back in Mystic Falls but she knows there’s far worse here than just the regular drinkers back in Virginia.  
What is Your Character’s Greatest Fear? How Does This Affect Your Character?: What’s a greatest fear that’s already come true? The life of Elena Gilbert. Fear never goes away– it grows, transforms. First it was her parents, extensions of her heart ripped away. That was a living nightmare. Once grieving packed up and left ( or does it? do we ever stop grieving or does it go away for awhile? ) she latched onto the last extension of her heart, Jeremy. She began to have nightmares of losing him as well, wishing more than nothing to crawl into bed and hold her little brother tight and never let go. Elena often wonders if this is what it’s like to be a parent, often seeing Jeremy as a mixture of her little brother and someone who she needs to protect and take care of as a parent would do. Thus, her new greatest fear is losing him. But just beneath the surface, just barely hiding, is a fear that is so buried it’s almost forgotten about. Almost. Elena fears losing herself along the way. Who will care for Jeremy? Who will take care of Caroline while she’s transitioning and adjusting? Who will bring Bonnie down to earth when she gets too carried away with spells? She anchors herself to who she is by holding onto those around her so tightly that she might be suffocating them as well.
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