#in which Sally and Paul adopts him
Blofis-Jackson-Grace AU Where Percy introduces the traumatized, anxiety ridden, orphan, Roman Demigod Jason Grace to Paul and Sally, and they immediately sign mental adoption papers.
With a side of big brother Jason to baby Estelle. Jason gets all mushy and depressed, and heartbroken around her because how could his mom live him alone when he was that small and breakable
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lilislegacy · 5 months
Hey, I'm not sure if you talked about this but do you think Annabeth would take Percy's last name? I have seen plenty of people in the fandom believe she won't (for obvious reasons) but I actually believed she would. The reason is that her experience as a Chase was filled with a lot of ugly memories about her father and stepmother. As a contrast to when she starts dating Percy, the Jacksons not only support her with open arms but they treat her as their own daughter.
Fredrick and Mrs. Chase neglected her for years, let her get attacked by spiders, and resented her for the monster attacks (as if that was her fault). They made her feel so unwanted, she would rather run away and live in danger then go back to them. Annabeth's abandonment issues start with her family's treatment of her. Even if they reconciled in later years, it would never be the same. The damage was already done, it was irreparable. Family dinners with the Chases would probably be awkward and formal, and somewhere in the back of her mind, Annabeth might still feel she does not belong.
However, her experience with the Jacksons is the complete opposite. Percy was the first person in a long time who made her feel loved and didn't leave her, even at the depth of Tartarus. Annabeth, who never had a proper mother figure, because Athena didn't want her and Mrs. Chase saw her as a burden, and was immediately adopted and adored by Sally Jackson. We in COTG how close she is with them. She discusses Shakespeare with Paul. She happily helps Sally around the house. When Sally announces she's pregnant, Annabeth was invited and present because she's family too. Percy even jests in the narration sometimes he thinks Annabeth would agree to marry him just to get Sally as her mother in law. Annabeth's interaction with Sally and Paul were so wholesome and sweet, and she's just so happy around them (+ Percy). And even if we don't see it, I'm sure she would bond with Estelle the same way and become her older sister figure.
My point is the Jacksons become the family to her which her own family failed to give her. Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis' infinite support combined with Percy's love for her makes up for everything she went through because of Fredrick and Mrs. Chase.
And THIS is exactly why I believe she'd take Jackson as her surname.
Even if her relationship with her father got better afterwards but that could never make up for how much he failed her when she needed him the most. And then there's the Jacksons, where all her memories of them are positive, wholesome and filled with love.
The Chases failed her, the Jacksons didn't.
thanks for the ask @wisebeth!
i have talked about this before! i even made a poll lol. basically i go back and forth because she’s known in the demigod world as annabeth chase and is a legend, so she might believe that she brought pride to the name and wants to keep it. but on the other, i agree 1000% with everything you said and that is the reason why i’ve always leaned towards her wanting to take jackson. the jacksons are her real family and she wants to properly become one. i suppose she could hyphenate, that’s what the majority of poll voters said.
but honestly i think she would want to take jackson. even though the prideful and female empowered part of her might tell her to keep her name, i think her heart wants to take percy’s name. deep down she so badly wants to be a jackson
here’s the poll i did and what i said
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juniorig0327 · 5 days
RGS (Revamped God Swap) AU pt. idk
Okay I think I've finally settled on a heritage for Percy and pretty much most of the characters I've mentioned that aren't Thalia or Nico.
Percy - I've decided Percy is going to be the Son of Poseidon and Juno now before I get roasted hear me out lol.
Percy isn't Juno's child in a traditional sense but more like how Jason was Juno's champion but a bit more than that.
After Percy was born, Sally ended up praying for protection for him to basically any goddess that would listen as she sort of knew he'd lead a more tragic life than others and Juno ended up listening and embedded some of her essence in him, sort of like a blessing and Juno basically just adopted him (especially after Sally dies in this AU because I'm evil like that).
But similar to Jason in canon, Percy doesn't really meet Juno, but he does meet Hera which is a bit more prone to disliking him but doesn't like outright hate him. She's kinda just thinking "why embed my power in a son of POSEIDON?? What were you thinking Juno" but like by the end Hera definitely comes around.
He'd also be a legacy of Sol like in my original plans but he wouldn't really get any major insane abilities out of it, if he did maybe something to do with light but I'm not sure I could link light to his water, storm, and air (from Juno) related powers properly so I might not touch that...
Gabe Ugliano is still a thing. I say this because I feel like its a big part of his character because some big parts of his character is his low self esteem, his loyalty, his anger, and I feel like some of the bigger and even smaller parts about his character (possibly) stem from his circumstances and how he was raised, especially in TLT. So I'm opting to keep him in here.
Percy at the beginning would have twice the enemies. Not only is Hades after him, but Zeus is too (because of the Juno thing) so when Percy fights the minotaur even with Hades intentions to save Sally as a bargaining chip, Zeus intervenes and so Sally ends up dying against the Minotaur.
So Percy ends up with his only friend, Grover by his side. And in this timeline there's no Annabeth so while he's at camp and especially after his claiming he's alone. He still goes on the quest and doesn't save his mother but he does retrieve the helm and master bolt because it's what his mom would've wanted him to do- to help.
Percy does go back home (and he does kill Gabe Ugliano because he deserves way worse than being frozen as a statue). And from there he becomes a year round camper because he has nobody to go back to, he didn't really have any friends or family so he's all alone.
Eventually I'd say he does meet Paul through Rachel and finally deciding to go home after the labyrinth and a few mist trickery things later ends up going to Goode because of Rachel and meets Paul and Paul basically ends up adopting him at some point (and also Fredrick Chase after meeting Annabeth and then her dad).
Annabeth - Annabeth would be after thinking hard and long about it a Roman child of Apollo. She'd go a long time thinking that she just didn't have powers until she finally comes in contact with the Romans (yeah I read a Roman!Annabeth story and got this idea so yeah). I also don't think she'd run away in this timeline, especially because the baby was intentional (and also because she's a legacy of Athena.) Freddy would be a good parent in this timeline and take care of his daughter lol. So in this timeline she doesn't meet Thalia AND Luke but possibly one of them.
I think Freddy would be similar to Sally and just wanting to keep his daughter as long as possible, so he and her would make a lot of trips to camp half-blood when Annabeth was younger during the summers and weekends, sort of like trips for certain periods of time. Freddy being of demigod heritage himself wouldn't want Annabeth to be at camp half-blood, especially knowing that Chiron sends KIDS on quests (Fredrick might've been at CHB once, got sent on a quest when he was younger and he was the only one who survived and never went on one again and left it behind as soon as he turned 18) so his home would be equipped with Celestial Bronze weapons. Freddy sometimes would get too caught up in Annabeth's safety that Annabeth feels more so trapped and guarded from every little thing which would lead to Annabeth running away after an argument about a monster attack which would lead to Lupa finding her.
Freddy is eventually put in the loop about where Annabeth is: Camp Jupiter and despite everything, she becomes a child soldier anyways. But Annabeth being at CJ is the best thing ever. All of a sudden she has all these cool powers (which I want to go more in depth about in another post) and she's living her dream, she's always wanted to fight, always wanted a quest. But eventually she finds out it isn't as hyped as it's made out to be and decides to simply come back home because even though he handled it in a bad way, she finally understands why he kept her away from CHB and from fighting monsters.
Thalia - Thalia's backstory is pretty similar to canon. She's the daughter of Zeus, but the daughter of two different aspects, the chthonic earth Zeus (which was a version of Zeus in certain parts of Greece, and also plays a part in her fear of her air powers) and God of Storms and Lightning Zeus so she's way more dangerous. She comes from a pagan family and Beryl was a huge worshipper and legacy of Aphrodite.
Thalia runs away and meets Luke like in canon but doesn't meet Annabeth. They end up getting to camp but shit hits the fan when Luke is sent on a quest. Luke is excited, really excited he can finally prove his worth and get the campers to trust him but only Thalia comes back (with the apples) but no Luke, no other demigod comes back.
But Thalia is different now. Besides the scar etched on her face like a painful reminder somethings changed. She's much more volatile and dangerous to be around. She also doesn't seem to age much either, she doesn't really grow- not really. After she reaches 15 she sort of just stops, like she's stuck in time and nobody thinks about it- not really. Percy comes to camp and Thalia teaches him. She tutors him the best she can, along with trying to steer his way of thinking. She stays at camp until the end of summer, where at the end she tries to kill Percy (she's been trying to hold on as long as possible and convince him, she doesn't want to hurt Percy, not really but Kronos is offering her power and a world where kids don't have to go on quests ever again. And if Kronos has to coerce her into killing a kid so be it).
Luke - Luke, the son of Hades. Luke who's mother was driven insane when Hades offered her godhood, Luke's mother who couldn't handle the power of the underworld and is slowly withering away, so he ran away. Luke is similar to Nico (in TTC) when he finds out what he is though, he gets to have a purpose and life and he free from his mom, and Thalia is an added bonus he likes very much.
Luke is nearly 16 when he's offered his quest and readily accepts (I aged him down a bit to fit my insane story) but he dies- or he thinks so. He's swallowed by the Earth and next thing he knows he wakes up and everything's different.
Thalia is gone and there's this guy named Percy? And he comes back to camp and after finding out what happened suddenly everything's too much. The attention and expectations were easier because Thalia carried them with him. But now she's gone and suddenly everything's up to him. Percy tries to help and grows closer to him and Luke cant help himself, he reminds him too much of Thalia. But Thalia makes him an offer and Luke can't bring himself to refuse. Thalia was always Luke's everything and if he becomes the villain everyone at camp was expecting him to be then so be it, right?
Clarisse - Daughter of Nike (Legacy of Glaucus). Clarisse being raised in a militaristic home, being from a lineage which is basically all military soldiers and demigods, being pushed to be the best- to win. Clarisse had always known she was a demigod since like- forever and so ever since she could remember she's been molded, training, fighting even in the smallest of ways like withholding emotions and being trained in weaponry.
She's eventually found by Coach Hedge however and taken to CHB. She doesn't get claimed until after SOM where once she comes back with the fleece she's claimed by Nike and Glaucus (Glaucus would be the one who gave her the boat in this AU and the warriors are simply dead navy men.) Clarisse doesn't join the titan army even though she's tempted at times, because she knows Percy will lead CHB to victory.
Their relationship doesn't start as hostile but definitely slowly grows hostile overtime. Clarisse has been training her entire life for this life, but Percy gets most of the quests, he leads the quests and sometimes does stupid things that don't lead to victory. Clarisse's fatal flaw, hubris gets the better of her and eventually their conflict comes to a head and the camp becomes divided but eventually they talk and reconcile. She finds out they're more alike than they think, and that he's just a kid and she learns that she's just a kid too and she decides he'll bring this kid victory, that he'll rage and fight for him.
I've been writing this for like an hour but this is part one, not everyone's going to get a godly parent swap but I just wanted to go over some basic characters for this one so uh enjoy. Next post will prob be more god swap stuff, either other parentages or going into depth about these (five?) and their powers.
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 4 months
new campers have been showing up.
And before they know it cabin 3 is overflowing with kids. Maybe a few are twins and maybe 3 kids are even triplets.
And once percy and tyson show up the new kids all collective freak out.
Because you know 18 year old harley would hype tf out of the two older sons of poseidon.
imagine estelle reaction.
She'll either go
"OH THANK POSEIDON!" As she's a extremely sociable person and now she'll have even more of a excuse to actually head off to camp half blood herself during the summer.
even if she's completely mortal I feel like a exception would be made for her.
Of course she's allowed to stay in cabin 3! you really think poseidon would want to risk angering his sons if she was denied entry. Amphitrite would have his head if he did that!
Lol I can just imagine Paul and sally tagging along to since i think its canon(please correct me if im wrong) that once upon a time parents could go to camp for a day or so for parents day or something.
Or estelle could be like
Despite the age gap between percy, tyson and her I bet you estelle still got spoiled like crazy growing up.
Speaking from personally experience my older siblings are 15-17 years older then me but I still have memories and momentos of time spent together which was a heck of alot of time.
And now estelle has to share her big brothers with a group of other kids?? Litteral strangers at that!
Lol she would probably still be upset even after sally and Paul had a talk with her. Until she heads off to camp herself and sees these kids herself.
Imagine if one of the younger ones lost their mom or other dad right before they had a satyr take them to camp. Mirroring percy in a more tragic way.
*cue sally and Paul in instant adoption mode*
Or *cue percy and his significant other in instant adoption mode*
AND just imagine this kid is a head shorter then estelle and maybe a bit of a crybaby(who can blame them) and their probably 2 or 3 years younger then her making them 8/7. This litteral child would probably be ultra attached to percy and tyson because the centaur who is apparently their uncle says that's their big brothers who are heroes of olympus. The kid never had big brothers let alone siblings before and percy and tyson just let them cling for a bit.
At first estelle was upset
Imagine sally telling her daughter about what happened to her right before percy got to safety inside of the camp borders.
Imagine estelle trying to imagine life without her mom and dad and its just not computing for her.
Imagine percy sitting her down to talk. Big brother to little sister.
Imagine him reassuring her that she would always have a piece of his heart. Estelle was the one who got to know percy as she grew up. He's not just some stranger that popped up out of nowhere after she heard story after story about his adventures from a older camper. He's her big brother and has always been her big brother.
But now it was time for percy to put everything he learned about being a good big brother to use for the other demigod children of his father. His love for Estelle will never change nor will it ever diminish but his heart is still big enough to accept the other kids to.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
In New Rome, a strict selection of babies is carried out — only healthy and strong children who have inherited only the best from their parents.
And the rest of the children, who are sickly and have not received divine powers, are sent to a special adoption system in the mortal world…
And now, after three years of a happy marriage, Jason Alexander Grace and Penelope Amaryllis Jackson learn the good news — they are expecting their first child.
Nobody even remembers about the selection, but why? it is crystal clear that their child will be strong and healthy.
They had absolutely healthy and strong triplets — two beautiful boys and a wonderful girl, blessed with the golden curls of their proud father and the sea eyes of their happy mother.
Aurelius Elmo, Adrian Emilius and Ennia Amara.
But after giving birth, the nurse brings only Aurelia and Ennia to the mother and father.
Next, a disheveled and angry Reina flies into Penelope's room.
Oh no.
Adrian Emilius Grace-Jackson did not qualify.
They are trying to return the child with all their might, Frank, Hazel, Reina, Penelope and Jason themselves literally put pressure on the senators with their authority, but they are adamant — the ancient law issued by Jupiter himself, thanks to which Rome is still alive, is the same for everyone.
A tiny boy with blond hair and green eyes, nameless Adrian Emilius, is sent for adoption.
Sally and Paul are desperately trying to find their grandson, but the boy was adopted too quickly by a rich couple from another country.
After going through tears, tantrums and other severe torments, Jason and Penelope come to terms with the loss of Adrian ... they will love and remember him until the last day of their lives.
Time passes, the wound on the souls of Jason and Penelope does not heal, but becomes covered with a crust.
Aurie Elmy and Eni Ama grow up to be great children, then one by one they have three more children — two girls and a boy, now Penelope is pregnant, there will be two boys.
The Grace-Jackson family is beautiful, perfect and happy.
Until one day Ennia Amara finds a magazine with a photo of the French model Adrian Emilius Agrest, who is a spitting image of the girl herself and her brother, and Aurelius Elmo finds documents about the first pregnancy and childbirth of their mother Penelope ... she had not twins, but triplets ... there was another boy…
Ngl the first half sounds like the start of a dark deep humanity's-value-focus manga and if it was me I would have made Adrian an antagonist just for the family drama.
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter Fifteen: I Meet a Shadow (Read on AO3 here)
It took a little work to convince Paul that Poseidon had left via the fire escape, but since people can’t vanish into thin air, he had no choice but to believe it.
We ate blue cake and ice cream until we couldn't eat any more, then we played a bunch of party games like charades and monopoly. I won charades, which Tyson didn’t get, but it turned out he was really good at Monopoly. He knocked Percy out of the game in the first five rounds, me two rounds later, and then he started bankrupting mom and Paul. 
Percy disappeared into his room, but I stayed and watched for a while. I wanted to soak up all the information I could about my new family. I learned that Tyson had the biggest heart of anyone I’d ever met, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t ruthless when it came to board games. Paul was smart and calculated, but also easy-going and fun. Mom was…well…perfect. Watching her did make me miss my adopted mom, though, but having Sally there made me feel warm and protected, and most of all, loved. 
It was hard for me to believe I had just met them. 
After a while, I figured I should see where Percy went. I walked down the hall, hearing Paul protesting as Tyson took over another one of his properties, and took a turn into Percy’s bedroom. He didn’t notice me, since he was standing on the fire escape outside the window. His back was to me, and I watched as he planted a small seed in a planter box, the full moon shining down on him, casting a silver tint on the world outside. He poured something from his camp canteen on the dirt, and he waited.
Nothing happened at first, but then a tiny silver plant sprang out of the soil, shimmering in the dark night. It seemed to radiate its own silver glow, and something about it reminded me of the dreams of that beautiful island I had while Percy was missing. 
“Nice plant.” A voice said from outside, and I jumped at the same time my brother did. I couldn't see who was there, and my fingers made their way up to my new necklace all on their own, ready to strike. When you’re a halfblood, any unknown is potentially dangerous. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” I could barely make out the voice saying. 
“That’s—that’s okay. I mean…what are you doing here?” Percy responded. I relaxed a bit. If my brother wasn’t afraid of or threatened by the voice, then I figured I shouldn't be, either. 
“I’ve done some exploring. Thought you’d want to know–” he stopped short, and I was just starting to wonder why when he spoke again. “You’ve got a shadow.” 
I didn’t realize he was talking about me until Percy turned around, his face concerned and ready to fight. He relaxed immediately when he saw me, even smiling a little. 
“Come on out, Ange. I want you to meet someone.” 
I sheepishly made my way out onto the fire escape, feeling caught. Percy didn’t seem to care that I had been watching, though. He helped me out of the window and once I was standing next to him, he spoke. 
“Angie, this is Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. Nico, this is Angie. She’s my sister.” 
My eyes and Nico’s went wide at the same time. He spoke first. 
“Your sister? What do you mean?” 
“She’s my sister, like, my actual sister. Her dad is Poseidon and, uhh, we have the same mom.” I let Percy respond, and I stood staring at the boy in the shadows. 
“Huh. Why not?” Was all Nico said. If he had more questions, he didn’t ask them. 
“It’s, uhh, nice to meet you.” I said with a weak smile. “How did you get on the fire escape?” 
“Shadows are kinda my thing.” He said flatly. I nodded—that makes sense, I thought. He looked just like I would expect a child of Hades to look—dark messy hair, dark eyebags, black, tattered clothing, and eyes so brown they were almost, you guessed it, black. I realized he had been the emo kid in the battle, the one who opened a fissure in the earth. There was something unsettling about him, too, as if his very aura radiated death and decay. The shadows seemed to bend toward him, like they were trying to swallow him whole. Just being around him made me wanna turn and run, but I steeled my nerves. Percy didn’t seem scared by him, and I trusted my brother. 
“Like I was saying,” he started playing with the silver skull ring on his finger. “Thought you’d wanna know, Percy, Daedalus got his punishment.” 
“You saw him?” At the mention of the events of this summer, Percy seemed to forget that I was there. 
Nico nodded and filled Percy in on the details he saw down in the underworld. Just the thought of that place made me shiver. I knew that Percy had been down there before, and I didn’t know how he did it. Being surrounded with so much death and sadness would send me running. 
Nico tapped at his silver ring. “But that’s not the real reason I’ve come. I’ve found out some things. I want to make you an offer.” 
Percy perked up at this. “What?”
“The way to beat Luke,” he said. “If I’m right, it’s the only way you’ll stand a chance.” 
I saw the color drain out of Percy’s face, and in the moonlight he looked like a ghost. I could practically feel how much pain the mention of Luke caused him, but he took a deep breath and his eyes went steely. 
“Okay. I’m listening.” Percy said. 
Nico glanced inside the room, and his eyebrows furrowed. “Is that…is that blue birthday cake?”
He sounded hungry, maybe a little wistful. It sounded like he had never had birthday cake before, or even been to a birthday party. I knew what Percy was about to do before he opened his mouth. 
“Come inside for some cake and ice cream,” he said. “It sounds like we’ve got a lot to talk about.”
He looked uneasy, and he opened his mouth to (I assume) protest, but then his stomach growled. Percy cracked a smile and began to climb in through the window, so I followed. He offered nico his hand, who looked at it for a few seconds before taking it and climbing in the room after us. I handed Nico the slice of uneaten cake from the dresser, and he began eating it before we were even in the hallway. 
Percy and I walked into the living room as Paul flipped over the Monopoly board. Tyson sat there with all the colorful money, beaming. My mom was laughing as she turned to look at us, but her smile faltered when she saw the small, skinny boy behind us. 
“Mom, you remember our neighbor Nico who lives a few doors down and likes to climb the fire escapes, right?” Percy spoke in a way that made it clear to me that Sally had never met the son of Hades before. Luckily for Nico, she was a quick thinker. 
“Oh of course!” she said, putting on her smile again. “Percy mentioned you might stop by.” She was on her feet in moments, and Paul only looked mildly confused. 
“Hello, Ms. Jackson. Nice to, uhh, see you again.” He stuck out his hand for a handshake, which mom accepted. He may have been a son of the underworld, but he knew his manners. 
“Your fire escape seems to see a lot of action.” Paul said with a raised eyebrow. Percy just shrugged. 
“Keeps things interesting.” 
Paul left shortly after, so we didn’t have to keep the charade up for long. As soon as the door closed on him, the mood shifted and everyone dropped their smiles.
“Thanks for the cake and games, but we should probably go somewhere to talk.” Nico said to Percy, breaking the silence. He seemed to be having a genuinely good time, though, and it was nice to meet another child of the Big Three. 
He also seemed to carry a weight around with him, a burden that he shouldered all on his own. A burden that should've been too heavy. I recognized the sadness in his eyes—I had seen it in my brother. I had seen it in my own reflection. 
The two boys disappeared into Percy’s room for a long time. I helped mom and Tyson clean up, but soon my cyclops half-brother was asleep on the couch and I was laying on the floor reading my favorite book. Percy and Nico still hadn’t come out. 
Mom was starting to get worried, so I offered to go check on them. I could tell she wanted to, but didn’t want to interrupt whatever serious demigod business they were discussing. 
I had no problem interrupting. 
As I approached Percy’s closed door, I started to hear snippets of conversation. Percy sounded agitated, while Nico remained calm. I paused outside the door to listen. 
“No way, Nico. It’s too dangerous.” 
Nico’s voice was muffled, because his tone was lower, so I could only make out a few words. “...the only…explain…invincible.” 
“That’s just crazy!” 
“...done before.” 
“I can’t. I won’t.” 
“You don't have a…wait a minute.” The boys were quiet, and I heard footsteps approaching the door. I tried to turn and stealthily make my way down the hallway, but Nico was too quick. I was only a few steps away when he flung the door open. 
I turned, expecting to see the blazing eyes of the angry son of death, but instead I saw a lopsided smile and warm eyes. 
“I told you shadows were my thing.” Nico’s tone was playful.
“Our mom, umm, she was starting to worry. She wanted me too…” 
He chuckled and then sighed. “Come on in. You should probably hear this, too.” 
I walked in the room to see Percy sitting on his bed, his hands on both sides of his head, tangled in his hair. He looked extremely stressed out. 
As soon as Nico filled me in on his plan, I understood why. 
After a couple of minutes, there was a tentative knock on the door. I offered to get it, since Percy was still processing and this wasn’t Nico’s room. I opened it to see a very concerned Sally Jackson. 
“You didn’t come back. I was starting to wonder if you three had taken off.” By the worry in her voice, I could tell that sort of thing had happened before. 
“Sorry, mom.” Percy piped up. He tried to smooth his hair and make himself look like he wasn’t on the verge of a breakdown. “There’s just…a lot Nico had to fill us in on.” 
Hearing him say us made me happy in spite of the tense mood. 
“It’s okay.” Mom replied, sounding relieved. “I understand. Things are happening in your world that I can’t help with, even though I wish I could.” Her eyes were kind and sad, and for the first time I thought how hard it must be to be the mortal parent of a halfblood. To have your children be a part of a world you never could enter, to fight battles you didn’t understand and carry burdens you didn’t know about. No wonder she sounded so scared. 
“I should go.” Nico said, shifting awkwardly. “There’s more work to do. I’ll stay in touch, Percy. Think about what I said.” He started to walk towards the fire escape before turning back around. “Nice to meet you, Angie.” He then turned toward my mom. “Thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Jackson. The cake was delicious.” And with a small smile, the boy climbed out the window and disappeared into the shadows.
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Varric: Hey Fido! I think Munch (Grover) and Dagna are making you a new ball.
Solas: *sighs*
Percy: Wanna play fetch?
Solas: *walks away*
Vivienne: What is that outfit? For a god? Really?
Solas: *contemplates murder*
Annabeth and Dorian, the nerds: WE NEED TO KNOW MORE!
Solas: *also a nerd* lets talk.
Dorian: Just don’t drool on my books.
Solas: *knows its a dog joke and glares but knowledge*
Just everyone bullying Solas as the dead wolf.
Also I realized right now that Percy and the others are freaking kids and thrust into this. Bet someone tries to adopt them. (Varric would to he hides his mother henning well)
I was imagining them a little older (like early twenties) but them as like late teens is also great because you know they would be more than a little baffled by the adults all trying to adopt them. (Out of all of them the only one with decent parents is Percy and even then Sally and Paul are the only ones who had ever tried to protect Percy.)
As annoyed as he is about the dog jokes Solas would also try to adopt them because they are the closest to what elves used to be and are all like beacons in the fade that would draw a lot more demons because of their power levels if not for Solas’ own presence scaring them off.
Speaking of the fade I feel like Nico would react the worst to it because of his own power set and with the breach it is so damn loud with all the dead and spirits that it knocks him out. Which is partially why it takes the others a few days to find Percy after the conclave letting him trip into the role of Herald.
(Also Cole and Nico would get along so fucking well I’m screaming about them.)
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mrs-dr-reid · 2 years
My Personal Evan Buckley Headcanons
Part 1/?
Tumblr media
He’s a public menace to society when showing how much he loves you. He will grab your face and kiss the life out of you when you’re in the middle of a conversation with Hen at the firehouse, he’ll scoop you up and carry you bridal style when you’re just trying to find almond milk at the grocery store, and if the opportunity presents itself, he will 100% be grabbing your ass in plain view of everybody when you’re out on the town together
Buys duplicates of his favorite hoodies but still in the same size so you can still steal them without leaving him without one. Sometimes you’ll both wear the same hoodie accidentally, and the entire Fire Fam pretends to vomit at the domesticity
He loves dancing in the kitchen with you to “Put Your Head On My Shoulder” by Paul Anka at 2 in the morning when he can’t sleep, because holding you as close to him as possible and swaying back and forth helps him calm his crazy trains of thought enough to go to sleep
He buys little cheap trinkets when he’s out because he thinks you’ll like them. You have an entire memento box full of the little doodads he brings you, from mini slinkies to tiny snow globes to tiny stuffed animals that are meant to be hooked on a backpack
You convince him to start journaling to get all of his thoughts out of his head and onto paper, and whenever you see him scribbling away in the little journal you got him, you can’t help but smile to yourself
He tries to take you roller skating for a date exactly once because he almost ends up in the emergency room with a concussion. The poor man is absolutely terrible on skates, and he ate it multiple times until you finally put him out of his misery and made him take you to get milkshakes
He’s just the teensiest bit touch-starved, so if there is an opportunity to put his hands on you (in both everyday and nsfw scenarios), he’s going to take it. Hugs from behind, putting an arm around your shoulder or waist, peppering kisses all over your face, trapping you in a cuddle session on the couch, all the physical affection
He’s allergic to llama wool, but he didn’t know that until the first time he went to a petting zoo in LA that had llamas and he broke out in a rash after petting one. He can do alpacas though, which he thought was weird because he thought they were basically the same animal until he googled the difference between them
He loves doing matching couples costumes on Halloween with you. One year you guys went as Jack Skellington and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and it was a big hit (the amount of time you guys spent doing and then taking off your makeup should be a world record)
He’d never admit it, but he loves a good session of “hate-watching”, where you two sit and find the worst show you can think of to just sit and talk shit about the entire time you’re watching. The most recent victim was Dawson’s Creek because he can’t stand how annoying all the characters are. He does love the memes though, and uses the GIF of Dawson's ugly crying face all the time
He desperately wants a dog, but his apartment complex doesn’t allow them. Once you two get married and move to the suburbs (Hen and Karen are your two-doors-down neighbors), he finally gets his dog. You guys adopt a little golden retriever puppy from a nearby shelter and name him Doug, and that dog becomes the goofiest guard dog to your future kids you could ever ask for
He throws things at people when he's bored, but they're usually very harmless things that are more annoying than anything else. TicTacs, chips, pens, socks, balled-up straw wrappers, popcorn, stuff like that. One time he absolutely beaned you with a boba pearl, and it very nearly exploded all over your face. He slept on the couch that night
Everytime he sees you interact with a kid, he gets INTENSE Baby Fever. The younger the kid, the more intense it is. Like, if you guys are watching Christopher for Eddie, and Buck looks over from the kitchen to see you and Chris doing a puzzle or something, his heart swells a little and he gets that fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach. When you guys are on a call and he sees you holding a baby while the mom is getting examined by Hen and Chim, it takes every ounce of self-control he has to not whisk you back to your place away from prying eyes, if ya know what I mean *wink wonk*
He is a firm believer in Lazy Sundays, so when the both of you have Sunday off, it takes no convincing from him to stay in bed until noon snuggling (or doing something else *cough cough*). When you eventually drag yourselves out of bed, you don’t bother getting dressed and just veg out on the couch the rest of the day
He knows how to play the guitar, but the only songs he can play are “Wonderwall” by Oasis and “Good Riddance” by Green Day. He’s working on learning other songs, but right now that’s it
Sometimes he accidentally uses your hair products in the shower when he’s still half-asleep and not paying any attention, and then you tease him all day because “I’m the one with the good hair in this relationship, Buckley, quit trying to steal my thunder”. You play with his hair all day though, so he considers it a win
He knows he messed up when you call him by his real first name, because like everybody else you always call him Buck, Buckley, or some goofy variation on “Buck”. But when you call him “Evan”, he knows he’s in for it
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laurolive · 9 months
Revisiting the “Junior’s Farm/Sally G” Photo Shoot 1974
In 1974 photographer Clive Arrowsmith took the photos for the cover sleeves of the Wings’ songs “Junior’s Farm” and “Sally G.” The photo shoot took place at Cromwell Mint Casino in London.
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I’ve read that each band member is supposed to be a character from the “Junior’s Farm” song.
Paul, in his coveralls and hillbilly hat, is supposed to be a farmer, probably Junior, owner of the titular farm, who sings about everyone wanting to come to his place to lay low. Denny Laine is the Eskimo, bundled up in a parka. Jimmy McCulloch, seated in front of Denny the Eskimo, is presumably Ollie Hardy, the gambler who bought a gee-gee (a horse, particularly a race horse), while Geoff Britton, in visor and bow tie, completes the gambling theme as the poker dealer.
But who is Linda supposed to be?
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There is the line “I had a honey and I bet a grand,” which can lead one to surmise that Linda is this “honey,” the girlfriend or sweetheart of the farmer, who makes him feel lucky enough to place large bets. If so, (1) that honey sure gets glammed up when she goes to the casino, 😂 and (2) she’s way above the farmer’s league. 😆 Then again, maybe a “honey” is just a good hand. 🤷‍♀️
She could be Lady Luck, a symbol of the temptation of gambling. This temptress dressed in black and holding a hand of cards may lead players to lose their money until they can barely afford groceries, and proceed to blame the government for their plight; and the next thing you know they’re conspiring to put the president in cement booties. 😳 (I don’t know how the Eskimo and his sea lion fit into this, though.)
Another possibility is that Linda is Sally G., transported to the milieu of Junior’s Farm. However, I pictured Sally as more the gingham dress type, a country girl blithely breaking guys’ hearts instead of the femme fatale she seems to be here. Then again, Sally could probably reinvent herself if she moved to the big city. She’s wearing heavy makeup as if to be seen from a distance, so I could see her being a singer in a Vegas-style casino.
Anyone have a different theory of Linda’s role? Feel free to share by leaving a comment.
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What’s Your Cover Sleeve?
I’ve read that the casino-themed cover sleeve (1st picture in this blog post) was only used in Spain and that the other casino photos were used in advertisements elsewhere (though I don’t know in which countries).
In the UK and the US, the single was released in an Apple Records company sleeve. In some other countries in Europe, a black-and-white band photo was used instead. I’m guessing it was this one:
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Source: Paul McCartney Project: Junior’s Farm.
Does anyone who bought the single in the 70s remember what was on the cover sleeve?
Does anyone recall when he/she first saw the casino photo(s)? Feel free to share by leaving a comment.
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Linda’s Image Transformation
It’s interesting that the guys are all dressed to the neck and clad in long sleeves, but it’s the opposite for Linda. The marketing ploy of the time was to make the only girl in the band the eye candy.
By playing up her femininity and beauty she becomes a focal point to draw interest in the record.
So did the art dept. succumb to this rather sexist marketing trope? I don’t know if they did so consciously. The goal could have been fun and creativity, but Linda still got a complete makeover nonetheless.
So was Linda a bit exploited in this photo shoot?
She ended up answering her critics who complained she was too “plain Jane.” Good for her. I say THANK GOODNESS we have these photos so that superficial critics could see that Linda had beauty to spare.
I mean who knew that Linda had an hourglass figure? And such flawless skin? Or that she would look so good in makeup? Or that she could look as statuesque as a model?
I hope Linda had fun adopting a persona and upending expectations about her looks. She could certainly go “movie star” if she wanted to, but it wasn’t her style.
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How did Linda acquit herself as the alluring beauty?
She was more convincing at acting the stunner than Paul was at acting poor. 😆 (LOL, but to be fair maybe Junior wasn’t a “poor” farmer; he might have done quite well for himself). 👨‍🌾
Let’s give Linda her due. For being a non-celebrity, she was a natural in front of the camera, especially as time progressed. She was adept at creating facial expressions, as seen in these pics from 1984:
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Well, Paul did say she was an artist. 💕
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Let’s Get Paul in Here
Yes, he’s the star playing a farmer blah, blah, blah…
But what everyone REALLY wants to know is HOW is Paul not STARING at Linda throughout the photo shoot?
After all, they’re practically newly weds (barely 5 years) and he’s always been besotted with her, and… well, it’s a figure hugging dress with a plunging neckline and spaghetti straps for goodness sake. What more reason does he need to gaze at her? That could have been a shot right out of a romance movie if only we had a pic.
Unfortunately, I can’t find any “behind-the-scenes” pics of this session online. 😩 😭 These may in fact be the only photos ever where the two of them aren’t touching. 🥺 Moreover — gasp! — they’re not even standing next to each other. 😱😳 Unnatural!
If anyone has more info about this photo shoot, your comments are welcome.
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And Finally, the Sea Lion
We can see that they used two different sea lions. I wonder which one got fired for vomiting and voiding on the poker table (so I read somewhere).🤮
I don’t know the identity of the person giving the pinniped’s whiskers a pat. The animal’s minder from the zoo, I would guess. Maybe a gee-gee (horse) would have been less trouble. 😉 🐴
American Songwriter: Junior’s Farm, Nashville Scene: Down on Junior’s Farm, Clive Arrowsmith: Photos of Paul, Linda, and their band, Paul McCartney Project: Junior’s Farm
©️ laurolive, laurolive.tumblr.com, www.tumblr.com/laurolive, www.tumblr.com/blog/laurolive, 2024
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novumtimes · 2 months
Vile deepfake abuser Stefan lines up Coronation Street icon as victim | Soaps
Debbie has had a run-in with Stefan (Picture: ITV) Dastardly Stefan Brent (Paul Opacic) has come to blows with the iconic Debbie Webster (Sue Devaney) in Coronation Street – and it could have devastating consequences. As viewers of ITV soap know, Debbie’s sister-in-law Abi (Sally Carman) became victim to some cruel deepfake porn attacks after challenging the broadcast of a documentary based on her son’s killer’s football team. Corey Brent, the killer in question, has been locked up since murdering Seb in 2021. After finding out that Corey’s dad Stefan owned the production company responsible for the documentary, she became convinced that he was the one who had created the vile videos and reported him to DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers), who informed her there was little the police could do. Clearly startled that the truth may come to light, Stefan agreed to agreed to pay to take down the videos, but after learning it would cost £60k annually, he backed out.  Abi reported Stefan to the police (Picture: ITV) To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Abi couldn’t believe that Kevin (Michael Le Vell) went behind her back to make the deal, and Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) urged him to apologise – but it was too late. Overwhelmed, she decided she needed a break and told Kevin she was planning to stay with her other children and their adoptive mother in Essex.  Now back on the cobbles, it seems the woes haven’t quite finished for our Abi as the videos have now spread around Weatherfield High. Jack found out the truth (Picture: ITV) Jack asked Debbie not to tell Kevin and Abi (Picture: ITV) In tonight’s (24th July) episode, her step-son Jack (Kyran Bowes) – who was unaware that they were circulating – was being ripped to shreds by his mates over the clips. Hope Dobbs (Isabella Flanagan) rushed to his defence, but it took his aunt Debbie to get them to clear off and she invited him for a cuppa. More Trending Read More Stories In the café, she came clean about what had gone on and he urged her not to tell Kevin and Abi that he knew. Follow Metro Soaps on WhatsApp and get all the latest spoilers first! Want to be the first to hear shocking EastEnders spoilers? Who’s leaving Coronation Street? The latest gossip from Emmerdale? Join 10,000 soaps fans on Metro’s WhatsApp Soaps community and get access to spoiler galleries, must-watch videos, and exclusive interviews. Simply click on this link, select ‘Join Chat’ and you’re in! Don’t forget to turn on notifications so you can see when we’ve just dropped the latest spoilers! Later, at the Chariot Square Hotel, Debbie was shocked to see Stefan arrive for a business meeting. Charging over to his table, she demanded he left or she’d ring the police. As he stood up, he warned her that she’d regret it. Could Debbie be the next to fall victim to the deepfake videos? If you’ve got a soap or TV story, video or pictures get in touch by emailing us [email protected] – we’d love to hear from you. Join the community by leaving a comment below and stay updated on all things soaps on our homepage. MORE : Dee-Dee catches Joel out as a shocking and deliberate blaze rocks Coronation Street MORE : ITV disputes Michael Barrymore’s claims he ‘witnessed abuse’ on Dancing on Ice which was ‘worse than Strictly’ MORE : Coronation Street’s Kevin and Abi Webster torn apart by devastating fire The Soaps Newsletter Sign up for daily Soaps updates and our weekly Editor’s special for juicy exclusives and interviews. Privacy Policy This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Source link via The Novum Times
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get-back-homeward · 3 years
Let’s go back to the start...
The first frame of Get Back suggests the editorial decisions within maintain historical accuracy.
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So have we talked about the choices for the next three frames?
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This sequence implies John and Paul first meet in 1956, when John is 16 and Paul is 14. However, the publicly provided story of their first meeting is the July 6, 1957 Woolton fete, where John is still 16 (his Oct 9 birthday is 3 months away) but Paul is 15 (having just had a birthday June 18). The picture of the Quarrymen is taken at the 1957 fete.
Bob Harris on BBC Radio 2 reconstructs this day on its 50th anniversary: The Day John Met Paul. It’s an hour-long show of recollections of family and friends who were there at the time. A really great listen.
The story goes that Ivan, their mutual friend, invites Paul to listen to the Quarrymen at the fete and meet John. They meet in the church hall after the band’s first set, Paul helping to tune John’s guitar and then playing a few numbers that impress everyone. John asks about some chords and Paul writes them out for him.
Afterward, John asks Pete Shotten about inviting Paul and enlists him to pass on the invite. This is Pete’s personal recollection, btw. In 1980, John recalls asking Paul directly, right after he finished playing (RKO, Dec 8 interview). One of many conflicts that result in the day being recalled several decades later by different people who were present. Do you believe the recollections of friends and observers? Or John and Paul themselves?
You could may be argue that the 1956 frame is meant to be linked with the second John-as-16 frame to describe when John started the Quarrymen (about November 1956). But then the third frame is still a problem.
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By describing Paul as a “14 year old” when John invites him to join the band, Get Back suggests that they not only met before the fete but had already spoken and shared enough about music for John to invite Paul directly, unbeknownst to his bandmates. How can that be right?
But the flip side, with all living participants as producers, how could it possible be wrong? Surely such a blatant error in the first few seconds would be caught by one of them. Right? Someone should know how old Paul was when he met John, especially Paul himself. Right? Not to mention the hundreds of people credited to have been involved in the making of this from Apple archivists to film QCers.
In Tune In, Lewisohn includes Paul’s publicly shared recollection of seeing John around town before the fete:
Paul also realized he’d seen John Lennon before. “I saw him a few times before I met him—‘Oh he’s that feller, the Ted who gets on the bus.’ You notice who’s hip … I wouldn’t look at him too hard [on the bus] in case he hit me.”
The implication being that John was too intimidating for Paul to have ever attempted to talk with before Ivan introduced them. For all the rough and tumble talk about Liverpool at this point, this note hits a bit strange to me. Especially considering how brash Paul is by most accounts in showing off in the church hall at the fete: he launches into Cochran’s Twenty Flight Rock upside down on someone else’s guitar, then moves onto piano for some other numbers, something by Elvis and Be-Bop-A-Lula, before finishing with his full-out Little Richard impression (Long Tall Sally). Sure, he had one friend in the room. But even still, it’s brash.
The anniversary radio show includes a clip from Mike talking about how firm the age lines were for kids in Liverpool at the time. I guess that could have played a factor, though Paul already broke that by befriending George.
It’s worth noting that there’s a history of John and Paul retroactively pushing the idea that John had this intimidating Ted identity at this time instead of one adopted later. John later recalls that the fete was the day he fought with Aunt Mimi over wearing his Ted clothes for the first time, which the fete pictures seem to dispute outright. Just an example of the problem with applying stories decades after fame without assuming a filter.
I also wonder about how Paul first sees John on the bus. Paul meets George on the bus too and the two strike up a conversation about music and guitars. John has no case for his guitar when he first starts playing, just slinging it around his neck on the bus. Meaning Paul easily may have seen him on the bus with a guitar in his hand and known they shared a common interest. John’s friends also mention his prank antics on the bus at this time that disrupted all riders, so he might have just been hard to miss because he’s loud and annoying. 🤷‍♀️Regardless, once Paul moves to Forthlin Road, they don’t live all that far apart (~1 mile). So despite the story creating this myth of ~fate, it’s rather inevitable that they meet at some point.
Buried in the Tune In footnotes is this addition:
In certain private company, Paul sometimes reveals that he hadn’t only seen John on buses before the Woolton fete, but they’d also exchanged a few words. Paul says he was working as a paper-boy (on his bike, delivering the Echo to local houses in the evenings) when he once talked to John outside the newsagent’s shop. John never mentioned it, and Paul has chosen, consistently for decades, never to say it publicly. He was a paperboy after the McCartneys relocated to Forthlin Road in summer 1956, when he turned 14.
Paul is shy about giving away the shop’s identity to anyone who’d print it, but one local family who knew him think it was “Abbas.” At 166 Aigburth Road, close to the Cast Iron Shore, W. W. Abba would have been an oddly distant place of employment for a lad living and delivering three miles away in Allerton, and—as it was a mile farther still from John’s house—it’s far from being a cast-iron certainty. For now, there’s merely the possibility to digest that McCartney first met Lennon outside a shop called Abba.
It’s not unsurprising that there would be a public and a private story. The fete meeting is a contained story involving their brand: the music. It’s one of those stories that can be easy to cobble together after the fact, a compelling story to sell to biographers. Like a scientist’s Eureka story, condensing more mundane details down to one day, one event.
Even so, Lewisohn leaves a heck of a lot of implication between the lines here. Is there a need for a private story and a public story if the difference is that they only exchanged a few words before? Why would Paul be shy about giving away a shop identity? (I know, the wording is all on Lewisohn.) Why was John at the shop at all?
So, going back to Get Back, we’re left with this frame:
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Is it a major editorial oversight in sorry need of basic factchecking? Or is it sly confirmation that there’s more to these private stories?
Regardless, by all math I know, this is most definitely wrong:
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The exact date George officially joins is unclear, but all accounts from Quarrymen bandmates agree it is early 1958. George’s birth date is February 25, 1943. At earliest (if he joined before his birthday), he’s 14. To be 13, he’d have to join the Quarrymen a whole year earlier, months before anyone knew John and Paul had met.
So I’m leaning on the side of Jackson needing a factchecker. What a shame.
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phykios · 3 years
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The Adoption of Paul Blofis Paul has been waiting for the other shoe to drop at Montauk for years. When it finally does, at Percy and Annabeth's birthday party, it does so in the best way possible. [read on ao3]
3rd birthday fic for @perseannabeth​!!! 😽😽😽😽😽 hbd mari!!
It was no longer a big deal that Paul got to go to the cabin on Montauk. 
It had been a huge deal, the first time. Fresh off a prophetic summer, her little boy now sixteen and impervious to all danger, Sally had practically dragged him out of bed the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, bundling him into the car with a sweet, apologetic smile, and a jumbo homemade latte, in the biggest mug she owned, a pastel pink monstrosity with “Yoga Girl” splashed across in dainty, black calligraphy. So entranced by the smell of beans from the Colombian grocery down the street, he honestly hadn’t even noticed that they had crossed the LIR until they were well into their trip. 
Which was probably for the best, because if she had told him where they were going, he undoubtedly would have spent the whole drive panicking. 
Of course he knew the significance of Montauk Beach. They didn’t speak of it often, Sally and Percy, but when they did, it was obvious that it was only for the two of them. And that was okay. Being a step-parent, even one well-liked by his stepson, didn’t automatically grant him access to every part of their lives. There was a Before- and After- Paul Blofis, and if they wished to keep the Before to themselves, then he would respect that wish. 
But, flushed and happy, she had driven him out to the cabin. Bare feet in the surf, softly smiling, her eyes lined with fondness, she had told him all about that special summer, sixteen years ago, when she had caught the gaze of a god. And afterwards, she and Paul had stayed there the whole weekend, holding hands as they walked along the beach, eating fish and chips from the restaurant down by the lighthouse, making love on the blue, lumpy couch, the upholstery soaked with the smell of saltwater. 
Over breakfast, the morning after, Sally smirked at him from across the table. He swallowed his eggs. “What?”
“Just thinking,” she hummed, taking a sip of orange juice. 
She shrugged. “Oh, you know.” Her eyes flicked to the couch, and she smiled again. 
But Paul was too old to blush at such implications. “What, that that was the first time that couch had seen any action in years?”
She leveled him with her gaze, eyes sparkling. “I never slept with him on the couch.”
Well. Maybe he wasn’t too old. 
It was intoxicating, in a primal, caveman-y sort of way. He’d process the feeling and put it to rest later, he decided, allowing himself a brief moment to enjoy it. 
What a woman, he thought as he kissed her. He hoped Poseidon was seething. 
They’d gone back the next summer, too, after Percy had come back from his, uh, study abroad, with Annabeth in tow. The kids actually met them there, deposited on the beach by an abnormally tall wave. Paul hadn’t batted an eye at it, by now too used to the weird stuff which existed just barely at the edges of his perception. But he did spend the entire weekend waiting for… something. Not a monster, no--he kind of got the impression that if a monster even tried to approach the demigods, a sudden storm surge might pop up out of nowhere and vaporize the thing--but some kind of comment from Percy. Some sort of observation regarding Mr. Blofis, his English teacher turned stepfather, trespassing on his sacred space. 
No observation ever came. Percy never said anything. Not one surly, teenage typical comment. 
Maybe he had been too preoccupied with his camp stuff, Paul thought. Percy had mentioned a few losses, some friends who had gone to war and never come back. Maybe Paul Blofis at Montauk was just not something even pinging his radar at the moment. He wouldn’t blame him.
Maybe the third year in a row it would finally register. 
“Hey, kiddo,” he calls to Percy as he and Annabeth pour out of the white Delphi Strawberries van, loaded down with paper bags. “What’s this?”
“Gift from camp,” Annabeth says. “Miranda heard about our berry problem and was able to swap out one of the strawberry rows with blueberries for the weekend.”
“Well that was nice of her,” Paul says, taken aback. Sally had bought up their local grocer’s supply of blueberries for the cake, of course, but they had gone bad earlier than anticipated, and she had tasked Paul with running down to the supermarket today as soon as they had settled in. But--that had been the day before yesterday. How… were they able to grow them so fast? “I hope that didn’t put you guys out too much.”
Percy winces, shrugging a shoulder. “You would not believe the amount of favors I had to trade in for this. I’m going to be mucking pegasus crap out of the stables for the next month.”
Taking a bag out of his hands, he peeks in, swiping a picture perfect blueberry from the top of the pile, and pops it in his mouth. 
Oh. Oh dear lord in heaven. He actually moans, out loud. 
Percy laughs. “Good?”
Good? Good?! It’s more than good. It’s--it’s like a blueberry exemplar. It’s the platonic ideal of a blueberry, perfectly sweet and juicy with just a dash of tartness, sun-ripened to the very point of bursting. It melts in his mouth, skin and flesh and juice dissolving on his tongue, transcendent. He might actually be seeing stars. 
Snatching up a few more, he stuffs them in his mouth, just to check if the first berry was a fluke.
“I will pay you,” he groans, mouth full. “I will pay you whatever it takes for more blueberries. Oh my goodness.”
“You’re going to be paying a lot,” Percy says. “I don’t think I’ve ever smelled anything as bad as pegasus sh--”
“Hi, sweetheart!” Sally pops up out of nowhere, swooping in to give her little boy a hug. “Are these from camp?” 
“Present from Cabin Four,” he says, brandishing a bag. 
Sally smiles, as blinding and brilliant as ever. “That was so thoughtful of them. Remind me to send you back with some cookies for them.” 
“Where’s Estelle?” Annabeth asks, as the van reverses and pulls out of the dirt drive up. Now, Paul hadn’t exactly been looking too closely, but he’s pretty sure he saw the driver wink at him as he left--only, he didn’t wink with his eyes, he thinks. The driver had winked with his… pectoral? 
Don’t think about it too closely, he chides himself. Just let it go. 
“I put her down for a nap just before you got here.” Sally cards her hand through Percy’s hair, taking a moment to just look at him. To confirm that he was indeed here, real and solid. It was a habit she had picked up ever since last summer, and Percy, being a good son, hadn’t protested much. Or at all, really. “I know she’ll be happy to see you. You too, Percy.” 
“Can’t wait.” 
“Yeah,” Annabeth says, bumping his shoulder. “She needs the Diaper Master 3000.”
They all laugh, even Percy, grumbling good-naturedly. Percy, being a very good son, had offered to babysit Estelle for a long weekend while Paul and Sally went down to New Jersey for a conference. Sunday night, they returned to a spotless apartment, a meticulously restocked spice cabinet, approximately six stuffed trash bags, and one very sleep deprived high school senior who, upon seeing his mom, had handed off his little sister in a freshly changed diaper, whispered, “I am the Diaper Master 3000,” and then promptly fell asleep on the couch for fourteen hours. They had never learned what happened that weekend, not even from Annabeth--not even whether or not there had been a monster attack which had forced Percy to clean the place from top to bottom.
“Not my fault I’m so good at changing diapers,” Percy shrugs, hoisting a paper bag. “I bet I’m even better than mom, now.”
“You better watch it, mister,” Sally singsongs, kissing her boy on the cheek. “I’d say Estelle is a walk in the park compared to you.”
Paul takes another bag of blueberries from Annabeth--not to swipe a few more from the top, no--bringing up the rear as they all head inside the cabin.
“I don’t know about that--some of her diapers should be classified as toxic substances.”
“Oh, Percy,” Sally says with a twinkle in her eye, leaning in close to her son, but not so close that he can’t hear what she’s saying, “there were definitely a few of your dirty diapers that smelled worse than pegasus shit.”
Annabeth cackles, her head thrown back. “Mom!” Percy cries, flushing.
“Yen,” Annabeth corrects.
“Almost,” she says. “A little more--” And then she makes a noise that Paul has never heard in his life, a cross between a hiss and a guttural… sigh, maybe. 
“Gen,” he says, exactly the same way he said it the first time. 
What on Earth? “Yen--Genethlios… emera?”
Percy pipes in, licking frosting off his fork. “Imera. Long ‘ee.’”
“Longer ‘ey.’”
“I… mey-ra.”
“Γενέθλιος ἡμέρα,” Annabeth repeats. 
How are two words so difficult? “Genethlios,” he says. “Imera.”
“Good!” Annabeth flashes him a thumbs up.
Okay. He doesn’t think that was all that better, but maybe they’re taking pity on him. Sure. “Genethlios imera, you two.” 
Paul would never consider himself an expert in foreign language, by any stretch of the imagination. He had a brief stint with German, years ago, and that had gone down as well as a lead balloon. Or maybe a red balloon. But he wanted to at least make an effort for the kids. 
“Thank you, Paul.”
“Yeah, thanks Paul,” Percy says, a grin on his face that usually spelled trouble. 
Paul narrows his eyes. “What is it?”
Oh no. Did they just spend five minutes teaching him an insult instead of how to wish them a happy birthday?
“Birthdays weren’t really a thing in ancient Greece,” Annabeth says, Percy’s troublemaking smile gracing her face. “So we just usually say ‘Χρόνια πολλ��.’”
Paul blinks. He had had a colleague at his previous school who was Greek, who apparently had ten thousand cousins, all named Nick, who she had called to wish a happy birthday every other weekend. And he had heard those words a lot. Meaning he could have been spared five minutes of agonizing language instruction in favor of a simple Google search. “Thanks, guys.” 
Fighting off a troublemaking smile of her own, Sally slides him another slice of blueberry cake. 
It is neither Percy’s nor Annabeth’s birthday today. Paul, unfortunately, has a pre-school teacher’s workshop on Percy’s birthday, and Sally had had a meeting with her publisher on Annabeth’s birthday which had been canceled and rescheduled twice already. To compromise, they’re having a get together at the cabin on August 1st, smack dab in the middle. 
He’s not going to lie--he’s a little nervous. Hopefully the kids haven’t picked up on it. Sally absolutely has; she presses her foot against his under the table, a warm, grounding presence against him. “Shall we move onto presents?” she asks. 
Both Percy and Annabeth perk up, straightening. Even baby Estelle has picked up on the atmosphere, gurgling as she rouses herself from her post-dinnertime semi-nap. “Let me,” Paul says, standing up. “Back in a minute.”
“Do you need help?” Percy asks, blinking… owlishly, ironically. 
“No peeking,” he says. In his peripheral vision, as he leaves the kitchen, Percy slumps.
In truth, Paul needs this minute, just to settle his stomach. Stepping into his and Sally’s room, he retrieves the pile of gifts from the closet. Percy’s sits on top, a small, unobtrusive box, wrapped in blue. 
He and Sally had talked about this for months. She’d signed off on it, and he trusts her word on this certainly more than his own feelings. 
Percy is a good kid. He’s been dealt a rough hand and he’s come out the other end shining. And he doesn’t need a fuddy duddy like Paul to come in and muscle in on his territory, telling him he’s done a good job in a world he knows nothing about. 
Before he can chicken out, he turns around and heads back into the kitchen. “Alright,” he says, interrupting as Percy makes silly faces at his little sister. “Who’s first?”
“Me!” says Annabeth, her hand literally raised in the air. “I am the older one, after all.”
Percy rolls his eyes, but doesn’t fight it. 
She is delighted by Sally’s gift, of course, because Sally may just be one of the best gift-givers Paul has ever known. “I know your classes will have you working at all hours of the night, so I wanted to help make sure you’re still taking care of yourself.”
“This is amazing, Sally,” Annabeth says, running her fingers over the packaging of the ergonomic folding laptop tray. “Thank you so much!”
“It’s very comfortable--I used this desk all the time when I was working on my book, even when I was pregnant. But as comfortable as it is, don’t forget that you still need to take a break every once in a while.”
She nods. “Absolutely. I will.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll help, too.”
Sally raises an eyebrow at her boy, and he blushes. 
“Not like that!”
But Annabeth is already moving on to Paul’s gift. She flips the card, squinting at the small letters, lips moving as she sounds out the words. “An… audiobook?”
“I know reading is… harder for you.” An English teacher and a lifelong book lover, Paul had been slightly scandalized at the fact that Annabeth, as smart as she was, hadn’t read many books. Some of that, he supposed, could be chalked up to her childhood at magic summer camp; some of it couldn’t. The shock had haunted him for weeks until he sat with Percy, helping him write an essay, and the realization hit him like a ton of bricks--they were both dyslexic. Of course reading was hard. Paul had felt like a right piece of garbage for assuming that they weren’t interested. He was a teacher, wasn’t he? It was his job to meet kids halfway, and provide them the tools they needed. “And unfortunately, I couldn’t find a copy of The Hobbit in ancient Greek, so, I figured this was the next best thing.”
She blinks, uncomprehendingly. “The Hobbit?”
“You know, the prequel to Lord of the Rings.”
“Lord of the Rings?”
“You don’t know it?” he asks, shocked.
She shakes her head.
A part of him dies inside before he can quash the feeling. Differently abled, he reminds himself. A childhood chock full of Greek tragedy. “Oh, you’ll love it. Tolkien was essentially the grandfather of all modern fantasy novels. It’s about a hobbit named Bilbo who goes on a quest with the wizard Gandalf and Thorin Oakenshield to reclaim their treasure from Smaug, and so they have to travel across Middle Earth, from the Shire to Rivendell and then to the Lonely Mountain, and then after they got lost in the Misty Mountains, Bilbo finds a magic ring which actually turns out to be--”
Annabeth, wide-eyed, stares at him a little. 
Paul stops himself, clearing his throat. Best not to show his supremely nerdy hand. Or spoil that particular plot point for her. “Well, The Hobbit was one of my favorite books as a child. I think you’ll really enjoy it.”
A grin creeps across her face. “Thank you, Mr. Blofis,” she says, sincerely. “I can’t wait to hear it.”
Percy doesn’t have a gift for Annabeth, and neither does she for him, though Paul figures that the kids probably exchange their gifts on their own time, especially if they were gifts of a particular… physical nature. Likewise, Sally doesn’t have anything for Percy today, as she had gifted him a laptop for his graduation, with the understanding that that would represent his birthday gift this year. He doesn’t seem too put out on losing to his girlfriend in the number of birthday presents, at least. 
Unfortunately, that just means it’s Paul’s turn again. 
He gulps. 
“You okay?” Percy asks. 
“‘Course I am,” he says. “Here. This one is from me.”
He hands Percy a small box, wrapped in blue, who brings it to his ear, shaking it a little, face screwed up in concentration. After getting a snort out of Annabeth, he finally unwraps it, ripping the paper off with abandon, just like any other teenage boy. 
Percy opens the box, and his brow furrows… but he doesn’t look angry, or upset. Deft fingers lift the watch up from its cushion, raising the blue face up to the light. The band is silver, interlocking links that don’t pull too tight on the skin that make for a decent makeshift fidget toy in case Percy needs to concentrate. The numbers even have Latin numerals, instead of Arabic, to make it easier on his divinely-induced dyslexia. “Is this your way of telling me to be on time in college?” he asks, maybe with a hint of a confused smile on his face. 
Paul laughs. Monsters only made Percy late to class a few times last year. “Not quite. It’s… something of a tradition in my family. When I was just about your age, my father took me out to the local shop so he could buy me my first watch.” He had passed before Paul had met Sally, which was probably for the best, as he might not necessarily have approved of the Jacksons all that much. Paul had had more than a few issues with the man, but this had always been a cherished memory. With any luck, it would be for Percy, too. “I know you kids don’t really use them anymore, and you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to, but I thought…” 
He trails off, unsure how to verbalize what he’s feeling. Maybe he should have written all this out beforehand. How do you tell a hero that you want to be his father? How does any step-parent tell a step-child you think of them as your own?
But Percy’s eyes are shining. Paul thinks he understands. 
“...Anyway, it’s--it’s waterproof up to 200 meters. So don’t worry if you have to take an impromptu dive with it on, okay? It should still function just fine.”
No one makes a move, save for Annabeth putting a hand on Percy’s shoulder. 
“Happy birthday, Percy,” says Paul. “Chronia polla.” 
Percy snorts. Paul is aware his accent is awful. 
“Thank you,” Percy says, voice thick. “This is--thank you.” 
“It’s my pleasure.” And it is. This kid is a gift--first to Sally, and then to him. 
At age eighteen, like many of his peers, Paul Blofis had not known what he wanted to do with his life. Headed off to college, away from home for the first time in his life, all he really knew about himself was that he liked Tolkien, and that he preferred essays to public speaking because at least a word processor wouldn’t be able to pick up on all his “ums” and “uhs.” He didn’t know what the future would hold for him, whether or not he’d ever have a real job, or a family of his own, or whether he even wanted one. 
Certainly he’d had a boring, uneventful childhood. College had not been much more exciting, what few relationships he did have fizzling out in favor of studying for midterms. And one day, he had looked up at his calendar on the wall, and, realizing that it had been well over ten years since he’d so much as gone out on a date, resigned himself to a life of bachelorhood. 
Of course, that was the day the most beautiful woman in the world decided to sit down next to him in his writing class. A kind of tempting of fate that only the ancient Greeks would have appreciated, maybe. 
His blessings had come at him fast: a wife, a stepson, a daughter. A daughter-in-law as well, in all likelihood. Wherever he stands with Percy, that’s fine, but he just wants him to know how thankful Paul is for these blessings. How much Percy is appreciated. How much he is loved. 
Percy sniffs, smiling. “That makes this so much easier,” he says. Twisting around, he grabs his backpack, pulling out a thin, manila envelope, and handing it to him. 
Paul cocks his head, taking it. “What’s this?”
“My birthday gift to me,” says Percy, eyes still glassy, as Paul opens the envelope, slipping out a piece of paper that says… 
Oh goodness. 
“Wanna be my dad?” Percy asks. “Like, officially?”
He is stunned. Speechless. For a moment, he can’t move, the weight of this request almost too heavy to bear. He turns to his wife, her face shining like the moon reflecting off the surface of the water. “Did you know about this?” he asks, but of course she knew. 
No wonder she was so excited for this weekend. 
Paul is crying, too, now. He can feel it, tears falling down his face and under his chin, hitting his shirt. “Yes,” he manages to get out, “yes, of course. It’d be my honor.” 
Percy exhales, shakily, and Sally presses a pen into his hand. He grips it tight as he signs his name on the adoption form with a shaking flourish. 
And as Paul stands up, he finds that Percy is already there behind his chair, his arms open, unprotesting as Paul pulls him into a hug. He tucks his head against Paul’s shoulder, squeezing tight. 
A wife, a daughter, a likely daughter-in-law--and now a son. A family. 
And as a family, they all have an extra slice of cake to celebrate. 
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anachronisticcrab · 4 years
Percy Being Good To Nico
I love Percy and Nico friendship, but in canon, Percy was such an ass to Nico. So here are some ideas of how that could have been changed in a canon divergent fic
After the Battle of the Labyrinth, when Nico was trying to leave CHB and Percy stopped him, Percy gave Nico his phone number and home address in case of emergency (that’s how he knew where Percy lived)
After Percy’s birthday party that Nico crashed, Sally started getting Nico to come for dinner once a month, which caused Nico and Percy to become a lot closer
This seriously cut back on Percy’s stress because he wasn’t constantly worrying about Nico (like where he was, if he was okay, how many monsters was he fighting now, how much is he eating, where is he sleeping, when was the last time he actually performed any sort of self care, etc)
Pretty quickly once a month dinners became once a week dinners, which usually ended in Nico staying overnight
When Sally and Paul got married, they moved into Paul’s apartment, and Sally gave Nico the address. When he showed up the first Friday for dinner, he almost cried of joy (they had added an extra bed in Percy’s room for Nico to stay in)
Percy throws Nico a surprise party for his birthday every year, and Nico tried baking Percy a cake for his birthday one year. Suffice to say, it didn’t end well, but Percy still ate it with a smile on his face because his little brother made it for him
After that though, Percy and Nico agreed that Percy and Sally would stick to the baking, and Nico could stick to making meals
They had a two hour conversation after the Battle of Manhattan to talk about the Styx thing. It ended with a tearful apology from Nico, and a tearful hug from Percy. Now the two of them have a conversation twice a month about their feelings and bullshit that’s happened
Percy making Nico watch an endless stream of Disney movies (Finding Nemo, Moana, The Little Mermaid, basically anything that goes along with the sea)
When Percy finds out about Nico’s love of pirates, he gets Nico to watch all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies with him
Percy feeds Nico bullshit facts about the modern century (ie. the Soviet Union renamed themselves the Cotton Candy Brigade and then disbanded, but citizens of former soviet countries are still called Munchkins)
Nico feeds Percy bullshit facts about both the 30’s and Italy (ie. Italy is known to its citizens as the Peninsula of Cazzo, and that they didn’t have cutlery or plates in the 30’s)
Sometime between botl and tlo, Nico’s feelings for Percy morphed from romantic to brotherly
When Nico had to lie to Percy about who he was in SoN, it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Percy knew that he knew Nico, and it crushed Nico that Percy couldn’t remember him, and that he couldn’t tell Percy anything. He hadn’t seen his big brother in almost a year, and now Percy didn’t remember him, and he couldn’t remind him
When they saw each other again on the Argo 2 before Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus, you cannot convince me that Percy didn’t give Nico a hug
Nico genuinely didn’t have a crush on Percy by HoO, he thought of Percy as a brother. He was still really ashamed of being gay, and he loved Percy (just in a very different way). That’s why Jason wasn’t sure if Nico still liked Percy or not after the Cupid thing. He could tell that Nico was ashamed and loved Percy, but he didn’t know that Nico just loved Percy in a different way
Nico got super ticked off at Percy when he said ‘are you sure you can do this’ to the shadow travel thing at the end of HoH mostly because Percy has a bad habit of treating Nico like he’s still that ten year old geek from Westover Hall
Like really. Everyone else around Nico sees a terrifying teenager who’s summoned army’s of the undead and destroys his enemies in ten seconds flat, but Percy just sees a kid with big eyes infodumping about his favourite card game wearing armour that’s three sizes too big telling him that he’s scared
It pisses Nico off because he’s not a little kid anymore, Percy! he can take care of himself! he isn’t gonna break the second he goes to fight!
Also, by extension, Nico and Tyson are siblings and Hazel and Percy are siblings (which adds Frank into their family, cause he’s Nico’s age and dating Hazel). So when Reyna, Nico, and Hedge were caught by Leah and Dakota on the boat, Nico was super excited to see his little brother again. He wasn’t even that upset when Tyson pulled him into a hug (even though he hates hugs)
When they see each other again at CHB after the Battle, they give each other a big hug. Percy tells Nico’s that he was so worried he’d never see his baby brother again, and Nico proceeds to make fun of Percy for waking up Gaia with a nosebleed
Also, after Reyna and Nico’s hug, Percy pulls Nico aside and is like ‘what’s the deal with you and Reyna’ and Nico’s like ‘she’s my sister now’ and Percy goes ‘oh, okay, cool. bring her around for family dinner next weekend’
Same with Jason, Rachel, and Meg, too. Percy’s always down for more adoptive family being around
After Nico came out to Percy and Annabeth, and told Percy that he’s gay, Percy went to the infirmary to talk to Nico. He wasn’t allowed in at first, but he waited outside for three hours so he could speak with Nico
Of course, this led to a three hour discussion, which involved a lot of apologies from both of them, and a lot of shared stories, and laughs, and a few tears. Percy told Nico he shouldn’t be ashamed of who he is, and he should’ve told Percy sooner
When Percy went home for the school year, and to see his parents again, Nico joined him. There were lots of tears, hugging and blue cookies. Then Sally grounded them both for staying away for so long and worrying the hell out of her and Paul
When Percy sees Nico and Will interact, he makes it his goal to make them a couple. He and Jason spend hours plotting ways to get them together
Whenever Nico’s away from home for any amount of time, Percy gives Nico a big hug, ruffles his hair, and complains that he stayed away
When Nico first moves to New Rome for university, Will’s living in Massachusetts for Harvard Med School, so he moves in with Jason and Percy for a few years while he gets a degree in linguistics and anthropology
Btw, Annabeth thought Percy would distract her when she was trying to study, so she moved in with Piper and Reyna, and Percy moved in with Jason. It should’ve only taken her 4 years to get her masters in architecture, but the university offers a bunch of history, math, and design classes that she took because they were really interesting (it ended up taking her 6 years)
That’s all for now. I might make another post about this cause I live for Percy and Nico friendship. Btw,, DO NOT tag as P*rcico. This is purely familial and platonic headcanons
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Involves following Fandoms
1. Miraculous Ladybug
2. Percy Jackson
3. Harry Potter
4. Batman/Justice/DC
• Percy, Harry, and Marinette have been internet friends since Mari first received her miraculous.
• The boys are one year older than Mari. So they were 14 and she was 13. So start of Titans Curse, and the Goblet of Fire. This is set during the summer. Before Percy heads for camp, he convinced one of the Hephaestus kids to make him a phone to keep in contact. When Harry returns to school he finds the room of requirements amd finds out his laptop works in there.
• They meet on Mari's vlog where she is complaining about how the adults in her life always let her down.
• Harry agrees whole heartedly Percy says the only person that doesnt let him down is his mom.
• Soon they are best friends and always in contact with they others, Sally and Paul meet them after summer is over and gain two more kids.
• They all tell each other their secrets and try to help each other the best they can.
• They become Instagram famous together and are seen as a trio always posting screen shots of them video chatting.
• Percy and Mari are helping and supporting Harry through everything that happens while he is at Hogwarts.
• Around this time Lila comes into the picture, at first the boys encourage her to fight back. However after she sends them screenshots from her 'friends' they encourage her to drop them all together.
• Mari distances herself from the class and focuses on learning more from Master Fu, while also growing her clientele. She goes from Jagged and Clara, to multiple celebrities from all over. She even designs for some youtubers. She meets the Wayne's when they commission her for one of their galas. She hits it off with Tim when she chugs a pot of coffee infront of him before doing his final fitting.
• Percy takes a quick trip to Gotham once the Wayne's return and interrogates/threatens Tim about Mari.
• Mari and Tim's friendship continues to grow as they text and call all the time.
• Harry and Percy support Marinette when she becomes the Grand Guardian. Percy asks Chiron about the Miraculous and discovers multiple books on them. He convinces Annabeth to copy them and has Hermes send them to Mari. While Harry finds a former Guardian in Knockturn Alley and informs her of the new Grand Guardian he gets Mari the potions she needs for the Kwami.
• Percy and Mari in courage Harry to discover more about his family and to start at Gringotts. Harry discovers his families position in the wizarding word, and how much has been kept from him.
• Harry and Mari encourage Percy to learn even more about his powers. Soon he has control of small storms and has learned how to travel in an instant through mist.
• Harry becomes emancipated at 15 and takes over Lordship of Potter and Ravenclaw. He was surprised to find out his mother was actually adopted into the Evan's family after her parents were killed. Petunia didnt know she was adopted.
• After Kronos is defeated they make plans to finally meet up, boys are 16, Mari 15, they agree on Paris because Mari doesn't feel comfortable leaving her city in case of attack. They meet up a few weeks before school is set to start for Percy and Mari.
• Harry floos to his family home in Paris and opens the wards before messaging Percy saying it safe. Percy mist travels in to his house and immediately drops his bags hugging Harry tightly. Before they both hurry off to the Bakery.
• Mari's parents are very nice and loving but they expect their daughter to be an adult and handle things without them.
• They are surprised when two boys rush into the bakery and their daughter squeals throwing herself at them in a hug. Completely ignoring Alya, Adrien, and Nino.
• Mari completely ignores her old friends refusing to even let go of her boys. She quickly introduces them to her parents before dragging them up to her room.
• For a short while they just pile on to her bed cuddling together happy to be with each other in person than through a video call. After half an hour they finally get up and let Mari pack a small bag.
• She says goodbye to her parents telling them shes going to be spending the night at a friends before they all hurry to Harry's house. Once Mari puts her bag in the living room they change into fancy clothes and head off for dinner reservations at Le Grand Paris.
• They enjoy a quiet dinner together and while they're eating dessert Chloe comes to their table to say hello to Mari. She warns Mari that their class plans on ambushing her at her parents bakery to guilt her into catering their end of summer party, because Lila's baker fell through.
• All four of them laugh at it and Mari pulls out her phone sending her mother a quick message. Telling her to not give her class a thing unless they pay.
• After Harry pays much to Mari and Percy's annoyance they say goodbye to Chloe and leave the restaurant. While walking back to Harry's they are all hugging each other. Mari is in the middle and Percy and Harry's arms are around her wasit and she has hers around them. Lila sees them passing and is quick to take multiple pictures.
• The next day she has the entire class convinced that the three are in a relationship. Lila also convinces them that Mari pushed her down and the boys threatened her.
• Alya is akumatized through her anger, Paris is surprised when two new heros join Ladybug.
• The two new heros are Anaklusmos, Percy using Kaalki because once Kaalki saw Percy he knew that he was the son of his favorite God, and Chimaera. Harry using Ziggy.
• Percy's hero outfit consisted of tight black pants and a long sleeve black shirt. Underneath a dark brown breastplate and greaves. His hair was slightly longer and even wilder than usual and sunglasses hid his eyes from the world. His weapon is a sword.
• Harry's hero outfit was black and white. He wore a white sweater with black assents, black jeans, and the outer coat to battle robes that was black on the outside and white on the inside. He has a mask in which one side is black and the other white. His miraculous transform into small goat horns when in use. His weapon is a staff, because he is a wizard he is able to use the staff as a wand, and it is untraceable.
• Ziggys transformation phrase Ziggy lets climb. Ziggy lets rest.
• Kaalkis transformation phrase Kaalki lets gallop. Kaalki halt.
• Ziggy will be the miraculous of terrian. Harry will be able to use unbreakable vines to either hold akuma or stop larging things from falling.
• They are quick to defeat Alya taking her down before Chat even finds a place to transform.
• Once defeated the trio returns to where they were relaxing along the Seine. Both Mari and Percy giggle at Harry who readjusts his new hair clips blushing slightly. While Percy simply pushes the glasses up to rest on the top of his head.
• They get lunch before Percy mist travels all three of them to Disneyland, where Mari pays for them all to get in.
• There first picture together at Disney is post on each of their Instagrams and their fans go wild after realizing the trio finally met in person. Soon their Instas are filled with different pictures of all of them.
• Meanwhile Alya is blowing up Mari's Insta demanding answers as the class is on the way to the bakery. They try to convince Tom and Sabine to cater but are brushed off by them. The class is upset and demands answers and are not happy to be told that they wont cater because Marinette isn't going to the party and asked them not to.
• The trio finish the night with a picture of them hugging with fireworks in the back. Percy is wearing little mermaid ears, Mari is wearing Ladybug ears, and Harry is wearing sorcerer mickey ears.
• They spend the entire week together and Mari introduces them to her friends in Paris with a promise of coming to their home countries to meet their friends and family next time.
• When Percy and Harry are set to leave they have a long conversation with Kaalki and Ziggy and decide to allow the two Kwamis to stay with their holders. Kaalki is very attached to his new foal and wishes to remain with his chosen. Ziggy is also attached to her kid and wishes to help Harry in anyway possible. Percy and Harry not just swear to protect their Kwamis, they agree to start a new Order of the Guardians. Mari agrees and soon they are planning lessons so she can teach them the language of the Guardians.
• When Harry returns to England he seeks out the former Guardian and infroms her they are starting a new order. The former Guardian takes Harry under her wing and teaches him things, which he teqches Percy and Mari inturn.
• The trio is happy until one day when instead of Percy answering the call its a crying Sally. Sally explains that Percy went missing and no one was able to find him. On top of that Olympus is on lock down.
• Mari and Harry go months without a word from Percy and everyone around them notices their drop. Tim flies out to Paris more often just to keep Mari company when he can. While Harry closes himself off from everyone but Mari.
• A full year passes and in that time Mari has stripped Chat of his miraculous and found a temporary holder in her friend Marc. Harry watched Dumbledore die and is getting ready to fall into hiding, when they finally hear from Percy who had just won his second war.
• The entire time Percy is asleep Kaalki is protecting him and when he wakes up Kaalki informs him of his name and tells him some of his past. Kaalki doesnt have to stay hidden around the demigods because Kaalki is a god himself and the demigods know this. Many Romans are surprised to see Kaalki never leaves Percy's side.
• At first Percy wants to immediately alert his friends but he can barelt find the time and o ly managers to tell his mother that he is alright.
• When the war is over he wastes no time traveling to England and tackling Harry in a hug before taking both of them to Paris. He leaves so fast her doesnt even return to Olympus for the rewards. So in the middle of their hugs and tears Zues/Jupiter transports them to Olympus. Right after he has to deal with a very pissed of Kwami of creation. Everyone watches Tikki tear into Zues while Mari Harry and Percy simply sit in front of Posiden's throne hugging each other tightly.
• For Percy's wish he once again turns down godhood and requests that the roman and greek camps to work together, and makes a personal request to Hecate for both he and Mari to be given Magic. Hecate agrees under the condition that Percy helps Harry take down Tom Riddle and that Mari helps once she is done with Hawkmoth. Posiden pulls them aside and informs Mari that Gabriel is Hawkmoth Nathalie is Mayrua. Once they are done Percy introduces Mari and Harry to the 7 and his cousins before they head off to meet Sally and Paul in person.
• After meeting Sally all three head to Gotham and meet with the Waynes and Mari and the boys find it funny that the only people that knew of Mari and Tim were Bruce and Alfred.
• Mari tells Tim the complete truth and how within the next few months she may die. Tim takes it and in turn tells her about him being Red Robin, then asks her to marry him. She agrees and they have a wedding at Wayne manor the next day.
• Harry meets Kara and his attention is stolen by the blonde. They gets along amazingly and exchange phone numbers. Harry even introduces her to Ziggy who also likes Kara. What really causes Harry to fall for her is when she wraps her arms around his waist and flies up into the air. Both of them bonding over their love of flying while Harry tries to stop out his blush over he lifting him like it was nothing.
• Percy returns to England with Harry and they go in the hunt together while Mari takes a final stance against Hawkmoth.
• Mari defeats Hawkmoth and Mayura unmasking them on national tv right before the battle of hogwarts happens. Once she is done she infroms her parents that she finished her last year of Lycée online and was traveling to England.
• Mari arrives in England after Percy and Harry sneak into Hogwarts. With the help of Tikki she finds her way to Hogwarts and finds her boys.
• Mari is heartbroken when Harry says goodbye to Ziggy and places one hair clip in Maris hair and the other in Percys. He tells them how much he loved them and asked them to say goodbye to Kara for him.
• Percy forces himself to stay strong but breaks when he sees Hagrid carrying Harry's body. While Harry jumps up both Mari and Percy are crying as they fight harder.
• The next day on the front page of the Prophet theres a picture of the three of them in the great hall after the battle curled together and hugging each other.
• After the war the trio goes to Gringotts and Harry has Percy and Mari officially adopted into the potter family before they return to Gotham. Mari and Tim had a bigger wedding for the public announcing to Gotham that they were married. It became known as the wedding of the century because both of them wanted to keep the Wayne families persona. Marinette drops Dupain-Cheng and becomes Marinette Potter-Drake-Wayne.
• Percy walks her down the aisle before sitting down and Harry is standing as her 'maid of honor' Percy takes Annabeth as his date and Harry takes Kara.
• After their honeymoon traveling the world Percy and Harry reveal that they both moved to Gotham. Both are going to catch up on their school work and then go to college. Meanwhile Percy begins campaigning for a cleaner Gotham. He uses a Sanddollar to clean the waters and instructed the Water nymphs to immediately alert him if someone attempts to dump. That when Gotham gains a new hero Anaklusmos. A few months later Chimaera and Ladybird join the scene as well. They focus more on the petty crimes and keeping the city cleaner while the Bat fam focus on the really bad guys.
• Mari joins with Wayne Enterprises and grows her own Fashion empire, while Percy gets his degree in marine biology and Harry in teaching.
• A few years later Mari has all but forgotten about her old class until she takes a trip to Pairs with time to visit her parents and Chloe and they find a class reunion at Le Grand Paris. Lila and Alya try and put Mari down, and are surprised when she laughs. She kisses Tim cheek softly before turning to them, and introduces herself and Tim. Leaving the entire class in shock. They watch Mari walking away with Tim as Chloe walks through the doors to them a bounce in her step.
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
Thalia grace and paul blofis for the character ask thing, if you feel like it?
First impression - I honestly didn’t really care for her, I mean she was introduced as a tree so I found her a bit difficult to get emotionally attached to Impression now - She’s an interesting and complex character less so because she is her, but more because of how she affects the journeys of those around her. For example imagine the angst of Luke and Annabeth living at camp all those years knowing most of their safety was a result of their best friend basically dying... Or imagine Jason growing up all alone not knowing what became of his sister who likely raised him... I feel for her as well because she’s often forced into motherly roles and I think Annabeth definitley reminded her of Jason and now I’m sad... Favorite moment - Idk probably “yeah he’s the sun god” “not what I meant” Idea for a story - Either her growing up raising Jason as a memoir for childhood neglect or maybe the time she spent going towards camp with Luke and Annabeth Unpopular opinion - I would agree that she probably is an “ew Barbie” type of feminist but other than that I think she is cool and underappreciated and under analyzed.  Favorite relationship - Relationship... Ship? Probably her and Luke, I could see it happening, a weird sort of codependency forming while on the run // If not ship and just general interactions with any character than Annabeth because I can only imagine how much she was always reminding her of Jason and that hurts Favorite headcanon - She’s scared of heights because of her mom or something she used to do to her
First impression - “Oh no teacher self-insert” Impression now - I think he’s actually a really good father figure ngl... Like he’s soft spoken but could probably be a little stern without coming off angry, he’s a good stepdad Favorite moment - Either when he asked Percy is he could marry his mom or when him and Lester/Apollo were talking in their apartment during ToA Idea for a story -  I just really want an AU where Sally adopts Nico and Jason as kids and raises them with Percy and her and Paul get married... Just sort of casual fluff family dynamics, they’ve all been through enough they should have normal highschool and stuff Unpopular opinion - He’s obviously a Rick self insert, and I just think that’s weird to think about idk, no deeply held feelings about him which are negative. I feel like he could be a bit flighty sometimes characteristically and that would bother me a little bit personally. Favorite relationship - Him and Sally, but if not a ship then him and Percy  Favorite headcanon - I was recently introduced to the idea that Estelle is Paul and Posiedon’s daughter and I have so many feelings on that 
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter Fourteen: Happy Birthday to Me (And Percy)
(Read on AO3 here)
Two days after the reunion, it was Percy and I’s birthday. He said he never advertised the date much, since it fell right after Camp and he didn’t have many mortal friends, but he said mom had planned a small party to celebrate. As far as I was concerned, that sounded perfect. My adopted mom would be flying into the city in a few days, and Sally was making a blue, two-tiered cake with blue frosting. I was the happiest girl alive. 
Chiron had manipulated the mist enough so that Paul would think I had always been around, so he would never remember a time when Percy didn’t have a twin sister. He was a nice guy, and treated me kindly, so I approved of him right away. I also got to meet Tyson, our half-brother Cyclops, so that was extra-special. When he found out that I was his sister, he lifted me up in the air and spun me around, nearly crushing me with his excitement. 
“Now I have brother and sister?! This is the best day!” Percy laughed at the scene, and I couldn’t help but join in. 
I walked into the kitchen to move the cakes (mom had baked extra for Tyson) to the living room table only to see Paul and Percy in the middle of what seemed to be a serious conversation. 
“Oh, sorry, I was just coming for the cakes.” 
Paul was startled for a second, then relaxed when he saw it was me. “No no, stay! I was just about to ask Percy something important, and you should be here, too.” He shuffled where he stood and wrung his hands, like he was nervous, before taking a deep breath. “Your mom,” he said, looking between Percy and I, “I’m thinking about proposing to her.” 
Percy almost dropped his cup. 
“You mean…marrying her? You and her?” 
“Well that was the general idea. Would that be okay with you?” I realized he was asking me and Percy, of course he was, but a part of me felt that wasn't my place. I looked to my brother. 
“You’re asking my permission?” I almost rolled my eyes at him. 
Paul scratched his beard. “I don’t know if it's permission, so much, but she’s your mother. And I know you’re going through a lot. I wouldn't feel right if I didn’t talk to you about it first.” 
Percy was silent for a minute, and then he smiled. “I think that’s a great idea, Paul. Go for it.” 
Paul looked at me, and I nodded in agreement. “What Percy said.” 
He smiled really wide then. “Cheers, Percy, Angie. Let’s join the party.” 
We were just getting ready to blow out the candles when the doorbell rang.
My mom frowned. “Who could that be?” 
I looked at Percy, but he just shrugged. Mom opened the door and gasped. Standing in the door was a man I’d never seen before wearing Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, and Birkenstocks. His black beard was neatly trimmed and his sea-green eyes twinkled, eyes that looked exactly like Percy’s. And mine. He wore a battered cap decorated with fishing lures. It said NEPTUNE’S LUCKY FISHING HAT, which was a dead give-away. I sat there frozen, not sure what to do. 
“Pos—” My mother stopped herself. She was blushing right to the roots of her hair. “Um, hello.”
“Hello, Sally,” Poseidon said. “You look as beautiful as ever. May I come in?”
My mother made a squeaking sound that might’ve been either a “Yes” or “Help.” Poseidon took it as a yes and came in.
Paul was looking back and forth between all of us, trying to read our expressions. Finally he stepped forward. “Hi, I’m Paul Blofis.”
Poseidon raised his eyebrows as they shook hands. “Blowfish, did you say?” Under other circumstances, I might've laughed. But then, I felt like I was about to black out. Paul and Poseidon exchanged a few more words, but I couldn't hear them. My brain was racing a million miles a minute—I was about to talk to my dad, the god of the sea, for the first time. I felt at a total disadvantage, knowing Percy had seen him at least a few times before. I wondered if he was this nervous the first time they met, too. 
“Well!” My mom interrupted. “Um, we’re so glad you could drop by. Paul, this is Percy and Angie’s father.”
“Ah.” Paul nodded, though he didn’t look real pleased. “I see.” 
Poseidon smiled at Percy. “There you are, my boy. And Tyson, hello, son!”
“Daddy!” Tyson bounded across the room and gave Poseidon a big hug, which almost knocked off his fishing hat. He hadn’t even looked my way yet. My hands started shaking, and I was a little jealous of how free Tyson felt around him. 
“I couldn’t miss Percy’s fifteenth birthday,” Poseidon said. “Why, if this were Sparta, Percy would be a man today!”
“That’s true,” Paul said. “I used to teach ancient history.” 
Poseidon’s eyes twinkled. “That’s me. Ancient history.” He then turned his gaze to me, and when his green eyes met mine, I felt like I was going to melt. “And there was someone very special I had to meet.” He smiled kindly at me, and took a few steps forward. “Sally, Paul, Tyson, Angie…would you mind if I borrowed Percy for a moment?” He put his arm around Percy and steered him into the kitchen, and I stood there with tears in my eyes. 
Sally was by my side in an instant, rubbing my back lightly. “Just give them a minute, sweetie. I’m sure your father wants to have his own time with you.” I could see Paul making a point to not look at the scene I was causing, and I could only imagine what he was thinking at the time. 
All three of Poseidon's children were here. One of them nearly knocked him over with a hug, one was spending one-on-one time with him in the kitchen, and the other was in the living room, crying. 
The party took a turn really fast. 
Seeing my father for the first time brought old emotions back to the surface. 
I had spent years feeling the sting of my father’s abandonment. It always hurt worse than my birth mother’s, because at least I still had someone to call mom. And then I learned the truth, and I got to camp, and I realized I never really had been abandoned by my mom. 
The same couldn’t be said for my father. 
Months, years, of resentment started bubbling inside me and I felt hot jealousy rise in my chest at the way Percy’s eyes lit up when he saw him. 
After about ten minutes, Percy walked out of the kitchen, and I couldn’t tell how he felt. He seemed happier, but also like he had a new weight on his shoulders, and he was holding something white in his hand. He walked straight to me. 
“Dad wants to see you.” 
My mouth went dry as the desert. “Okay.” I got out, but I didn’t move. I couldn’t. 
Percy smiled at me and patted my shoulder. “You’ll be alright, I think he’s nervous, too.” Then he shot a quick Look to Paul and leaned in closer. “When it comes to gods, he’s one of the chill ones.” 
That made me feel a little better, but my hands were still shaking as I walked into the kitchen. 
Poseidon was sitting at the kitchen counter, but he stood up as soon as I walked in. Percy had been right—he did seem nervous. 
“Andromeda, I mean, Angie. You don’t know how happy I am to finally meet you.” His eyes sparkled kindly, and I felt a thousand emotions at once. 
“Umm, hi.” I didn’t know any other words. 
“I know you must have a lot of questions. Come, sit.” He sat back down and motioned to the stool across from him. I sat down numbly. 
“I don’t have much time, and I’m sorry for that.” He continued. “I wish I could spend the whole night with you, and that still wouldn’t be enough to make up for the time, I know. But there are battles raging below with the old sea gods, and I must defend my palace.” 
You know, super normal things to hear from your dad. 
I nodded. 
“I was so happy that you finally made it to camp, I had been eagerly waiting for that day.” 
“Why did you abandon me?” The words tumbled out of my mouth, my confused tears turning to anger. All those years alone and confused while Percy got to train and find purpose at camp—some nights it ate me alive. 
My dad sighed. “It was not an easy decision, my daughter.” I got defensive hearing him call me that—what right did he have to use that word? “I didn’t want to split you up at all, but I knew it was the only way to keep you both safe. I knew you would be protected by my sister, Hestia, and she far exceeded my expectations.” 
I looked down, suddenly embarrassed by my outburst. 
“But ultimately,” Poseidon continued, “I knew you would fare better on your own. Don't tell your brother I said this, but he needed his mother in a way that you didn't. Knowing the trials you both would face,” his face darkened, and I wondered what he knew, “I knew it would be harsh, but in the end, you didn’t need anyone but yourself.”
I let his words wash over me, mixing with the realities I had told myself for so long that were coming crashing down. He had chosen to send me away, but because he knew I was strong. He did choose Percy over me, but because it was preparing me for something greater? 
My head felt like it was spinning. 
“But I don't want you to think you were ever alone,” He continued, “I was always watching.” His eyes were genuine and kind, and mine were filled with tears. “Every science fair project, swim meet, and dance recital—which, by the way, you should've gotten that solo in sixth grade, not Mckenna Bree—I was there. Always keeping an eye on my little girl.” 
The tears were falling down my face now, and I wasn’t trying to stop them. His words didn’t take away all the pain growing up so lonely caused, but it definitely healed some of the wounds. Just knowing he knew I was there was more than I ever thought I would get. 
He reached out his hand like he wanted to wipe my tears away, and then faltered. I didn’t know what I would have done if he did. 
“One more thing before I forget.” He said as he pulled something out of his pocket. I looked down in his hand and had to try not to frown. Sitting there was a puka shell necklace, like they wore in the 90s. 
“Oh, wow…thanks.” 
Poseidon laughed lightly. “Things are often more than they seem.” His eyes were gleaming. “May I?” I turned around and let him clip it around my neck. It was tighter than my camp necklace, which now had one bead painted with a small labyrinth on it. “Percy has his special weapon, Riptide, I believe he calls it, so I thought my daughter needed something equally special, all of her own.” I furrowed my brow at him, confused. I trailed my finger along the shells, and Poseidon smiled. “You’ve got the idea. Now pull.” 
I looked at him like he was crazy. 
He nodded, and I figured why not. I ripped at the necklace, careful to avoid the leather rope of my other one, expecting for the shells to fly all over the kitchen floor. But they didn’t. And when I looked in my hand, I wasn’t holding the necklace. 
I was holding a beautiful, perfectly balanced, gleaming celestial bronze sword with a small trident inlaid on the hilt right above the blade. 
“Whoa!” I turned it over in my hands, not believing what just happened. “This is amazing!” 
My father was smiling widely. “Now you’ll never be without a way to defend yourself. But that’s not all.” 
My eyes got wider with excitement. 
“There’s more?” 
He nodded. “To return the weapon back to its resting form, simply say ‘nostos’” 
“Nostos.” I repeated, and in moments I was wearing a necklace again, perfectly undamaged. “Returning.” I said, not knowing how I knew the translation. 
Poseidon nodded, pleased. “To remind you that you always have a home to return to. What belongs to the sea can always return to the sea.” 
Then I did something I never thought I would ever do—I hugged my dad. 
He seemed surprised at first, but then he let his arms close around me and he gave me a squeeze. He smelled like the freshest ocean breeze, and a warmth spread through me. At that moment, he wasn’t the god of the oceans, he was just my dad. And maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t the worst father out there. 
“I said there’s more!” He said with a laugh. “This time, tap the necklace twice and then pull.” I did as he said, and instead of a sword, a five-foot trident appeared in my hands, also gleaming celestial bronze and decorated with sparkling pearls, seashells, and seaglass. My mouth fell open. 
“A daughter of the sea deserves a weapon worthy of the title.” Poseidon was beaming even wider than before, and I could hardly form words. It was the most beautiful weapon I had ever seen, and I felt power surge through my fingertips. 
“I don’t even know how to use a trident…” 
“Chiron will train you, don’t worry about that. Plus,” he got a glint in his eye, “something tells me it’ll come naturally to you.” 
“Thank you,” I couldn't think of any words to express how happy I felt. “This is the best gift ever!” 
Poseidon's smile fell slightly. “I know it doesn’t make up for all the years, but I hope it’s acceptable as a token of my care for you.” He smiled sadly and cupped my face in his hands. To my surprise, I let him. “My love for you.” 
He was right, but at least he was trying. The trident in my hand was proof of that. 
“Thanks, Dad.” His eyes seemed to glow brighter hearing me call him that, and a part of me started to believe he actually did mean what he said. 
“Well, I should go.” He shifted, and if a god could look nervous, he did. “I’ve been away too long already. But it was worth it to finally meet you.” He put a hand on my shoulder, and I swear I’d never felt stronger in my life. “Tell Percy goodbye for me.” He started to turn, and then faltered before turning back to me. “Hold fast, Angie. Your time will come, and I’ll be with you when it does. So will your brother. Until then, enjoy your birthday cake.” 
And just like that he turned to mist and was swept out the window on a warm ocean breeze. 
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