#incest shipper? unfollowing
mafuyumagnet · 10 months
hello everyone. i hate this fandom every artist with a style or concepts i like are proshippers
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altschmerzes · 6 months
getting real tired of people who are shitting on “found family” more generally as a narrative concept and specifically named familial dynamics in fan interpretation of characters in particular because it all seems to be getting painted with a really wide and really homogenous brush. “we need to take found family away from people because they think it all has to be In Nuclear Family Terms and do you know friendship exists and you don’t have to call these characters siblings to legitimize their relationship while making it clear you Don’t Ship Them Ew Gross and THEN you sneer at people who Do ship them” cool cool that is a lot of really intense characterization and assigning of motive to other people en bloc!
like sure there’s some meaningful critique to be found in a broad trend to label every single relationship directly and specifically with terms that have very specific contexts and roles but im waiting to be told when anyone IS by the standards of people making and reblogging these very sweepingly generalized posts allowed to call a relationship parental or whatever. is that Ever allowed. who is handing out the permits. sometimes a specific term for a relationship isn’t actually about wanting an excuse to sneer about your ship (and frankly there’s a lot of projection going on there imo from people who are actively sneering about other people’s interpretation of a relationship!) and it’s because there are very specific contexts and details about a dynamic that makes exploring it from the lens of siblings or whatever very rich and compelling and interesting because words mean things and assuming everyone is just being reductive and demanding conformity to a nuclear family is, ironically, really reductive.
so like. cool it. stop being really fucking mean about people having an interpretation of a dynamic you personally don’t like or makes you feel a little weird or uncomfy because you ship them.
#gav gab#im so tired of seeing people do this lmao#is someone actually being reductive and trying to get your ship labeled ‘basically incest’#or did they just express on their own blog that they don’t ship something bc they see those characters as siblings#so it feels weird to them#you know#the exact personal preference and interpretation you’re expressing in the opposite#it’s all ‘UGH not every relationship NEEDS A SPECIFIC LABEL’ as soon as the label isn’t romantic lmao#like amazing of you to start caring about how friendship matters as is legitimate without anything else#as soon as it’s not about your fucking ship anymore :)#be real you do not care about friendship lmao you can just dismiss it more easily and comfortably#when people aren’t using terms that are more loaded to your ship#are the big meanie found family enjoyers actually harassing you for shipping fake incest#or are you just uncomfortable when it is not about you#and chronically unwilling to curate your experience the way you demand other people to#because fandom has always catered to shipping and why should it ever Not be expected to do that#bc I sure see a lot of shit talking of familial dynamic labels based on people who use those labels being weird to other people#and not a lot if any of those people actually being weird to shippers#and one or two isolated incidents is not indicative of a widespread problem#do what everyone who doesn’t like a popular ship does and unfollow and block lmfao grow up
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feyburner · 1 year
why'd you have to ruin it and be an incest shipper lmao
I wasn’t aware the fictional characters involved were biologically related. If you’re referring to non-biological relations as “incest” I would suggest not doing that.
I would also suggest venturing into media of non-Western origins, where romance between characters who share a mentor figure & home base is quite common (see: martial sect romance).
In general, stories often feature romance between characters in the same “found family.” One example of this is Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown from the Batman universe. Another example of this is Tim Drake and Cassandra Cain from the Batman universe.
If my art is causing you undue distress, please unfollow/block to protect your peace. If you fail to do so, that is not my problem.
This is the only response I will be giving on this topic. I have no interest in arguing, debating, or otherwise engaging. Thank you.
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callmegaith · 5 months
CW; incest, rape, and underage NSFW content.
I'm not gonna tag this in main cuz I don't wanna stir shit up but this sorta behavior can't be left to thrive in the fanbase and if you gotta problem with it, talk to the fucking wall.
Sometime ago an anon Tumblr user told me about someone I was moots with that was an incest shipper, turns out they're into some ugly terrible ships and it's not just "problematic" it's borderline illegal
These two are incest proshippers who are into minor/adult porn
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It should be noted the characters are not aged up and David Is like 15 in paradise! 15!! OBVIOUSLY THEY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY FUCKIN TAG IT AS UNDERAGED
If you follow them I highly recommend reconsidering. If you're okay with this behavior unfollow me please. I don't support or stand for this shit.
If you know someone who is moots with them, please share this info with them
And lastly don't harass them or bully them :/ this is not the point of this. This is is just to raise awareness BLOCK THEM AND MOVE ON
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Just got into a new thing and it is just wild how the shippers are. Many are so nice and great and I love them. But my god.
I’m normally an OTP kinda guy, one and done, that is my obsession; but I have two ships in this new fandom, and love them in equal measures. But the problem is, these shippers fucking hate each other. Which is WILD because they in no way contradict each other we are talking four whole separate characters in two different relationships. But I make art for both so some people on both sides will just not interact or block on sight ect. Plus even a lot of the chill ones will vaguepost or outright shit talk so I have to unfollow because my god I do not care, talk about a buzzkill.
Sorry just venting it’s just so fucking stupid why war when they don’t even contradict? (Not that that is justified, but ya know) One side says the other ship is somehow incest (it literally and definitely is not) and the other side says the other ship is Abusive (it’s a crack ship and they never even meet)
I’m so tired lol why does one have to “win” can’t we just be gay together in peace?
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satirn · 9 months
sigh. oh boy
if you ship incest or support incest shippers in your blog, please unfollow and/or block me 🙏🙏. it makes me very uncomfortable.
these kind of shippers are not allowed within 100 feet of my blog. i apologize if this may seem harsh to you (being mean to people for the things they ship is the one thing ill never do), but please respect my wishes
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wulfhalls · 3 months
theres rly NOTHING a mutual could do that would make u unfollow??? not even if they were THE most batshit rhaenicent shipper who would call ppl who ship daemyra/incest the tru scourge of the earth????
if they wanna end the mutualship they have to kill me first
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voidchillz · 7 months
My thoughts on pro shippers (Important Post)
TW: mild swearing
I thought I’d make a post on this just to clarify my opinion so people can unfollow or block to their leisure, this is not a post inviting negative people into my comments or asks. This is also not a post advocating real world abuse, illegal activity, or inappropriate behaviour.
I won’t say I’ve had perfect opinions that everyone should listen to my entire life, because that’s blatantly not true, people change. And I obviously wish people on the internet were not as vindictive and cruel. For starters, during my first years in the undertale fandom, I of course had strong opinions encouraged by others to hate frans, and fontcest, and any denomination of pro ships. But that has clearly changed over time.
I’d like to make it clear there is a line as to which I enjoy problematic ships. I do not like non-consensual, I do not like underage, I do not like incest, I do not like abusive relationships, whether that is in fiction or reality. And I refuse to skirt lines and insist ‘oh I only like the design not the character’, or ‘oh I hate the creator I just enjoy the concept’, or make up some other bullshit excuse to fail to convince people that I deserve to be alive. Because ✨miraculously✨, what fictional characters and ships you enjoy DOES NOT REFLECT WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE.
It’s in the same vein as, if Person A likes the most depraved physical painful filthy fetishes, if at the same time they are a genuinely kind Human being that helps where they can and respects others without condition, it does not fucking matter✨💕 Person B is allowed to disagree and not have the same interests as Person A, but Person B does not then get to decide whether or not Person A deserves respect. Just the same way that Person A should not try to force Person B into liking what they like.
I’m not saying that people should be ashamed of what makes them uncomfortable because they’re insulting other people. This is not a post trying to coerce others into liking proships. You have complete freedom to disagree with others and avoid certain parts of your respective fandoms, just like I am by avoiding underage, non-con, or abuse. What I’m saying is that it is childish and ignorant to be outright threatening and disrespectful to people online for liking something you don’t.
There is no excuse for being a dick.
Now of course, if these people are actually harming others in real life, for example grooming or manipulating or any other form of abuse, by all means, tear their metaphorical testicles off and do whatever you can to ban their accounts and keep people safe from them. Because that is who they are as a person, harmful and dangerous to those around them.
Regarding children/minors/under 18s on the internet
Kids are being exposed to the internet way earlier than they probably should, likely because all the people that first started being exposed to it were already teenagers when it was invented. Keep in mind it was made public in the early 90s, meaning every adult using it now since the early days is in their thirties or twenties at the youngest, others currently growing into it.
There is not a single person on this planet who hasn’t experimented or tried to find communities to help them find safe places to learn about sexuality or adult concepts before they were 18. The reason 18+ accounts ask that minors do not interact is for a multitude of reasons, one being that if they are seen interacting with someone younger than them, even if it was an innocent interaction or someone in their late teens, they are liable to a heavy accusation of grooming. Another being they could likely be uncomfortable knowing minors see their content and feel like they have to censor themselves for this. Another is that it is very frustrating to try to block every single minor they see on their platform if they are an account with a high following. The point is, the internet has very easily accessible fucked up shit, and it is your own and your own responsibility only to avoid it.
Stop dehumanising kids. Stop dehumanising people you don’t know.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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deep-sea-anemone · 3 months
I don't know you, I don't know who or what you ship, but my understanding of anti vs. pro means being anti vs. pro-shipping children with adults and if you think the majority opinion is that that is perfectly fine and normal, you need to go outside and touch grass.
I assume you're referring to my addition on that poll post. I'm happy to clear a few things up.
Firstly, Proship IS the default opinion and only in recent years has this anti-ship ideology come about (I have my own theories as to why that is, but that's its own can of worms and I specifically just want to adress this ask).
Any Pro vs Anti definitions were made up and forced on proshippers (again, because pro is the default and Antis are new). As such, Antis have skewed the meaning of proship into basically stating that "all proshippers like and endorse this content, and do not discriminate between content or judge the individuals who make it". This actually goes against what proshippers believe. The entire pro-ship philosophy can essentially be boiled down to "don't like, don't read".
There is a whole hoard of fiction that grosses me out. For instance I hate yandere and non-con, and find incest and minor/adult relationships incredibly gross. I even block the "age-gap" tag because even if they are both consenting, having that much of a power imbalance wiggs me out. I've unfollowed some of my favorite artists because they've posted dynamics and scenes that I don't like (Most recently I unfollowed a very popular artist because I found out they ship Sukufushi: a ship between a 16 year old and an ancient demon possessing another 16 year old. Since it's fiction and not reality, you get these wierd nuances that could never happen in the real world and it is up to the individual to decide what they are comfortable with).
A lot of proshippers actually WILL tell you that people who like pedophilic ships or other dark content (such as rape and snuff fics) ARE gross and sick in the head and that the people who think otherwise are delusional. That doesn't mean that I don't believe that they don't have a right to create that content. I just want them to keep it away from me. Hence why I have those tags blocked on tumblr and why I filter them out when I search for fics.
The proshipper philosophy isn't that problematic ideas/ships are good and should be celebrated, and everyone certaintly doesn't believe that it is "perfectly normal", we just think that if you don't like it then, rather than berating the "freaks" who do, simply block and move on and do your best to keep them out of your thoughts, because ultimately, as disgusting as it is, there is no actual harm in it.
Secondly, Antis seem to believe that we proshippers endorse gross/dark content in real life. I assure you that that is NOT the case. And if an individual does, in fact enact their ficticious-but-irl-illegal fantasies, then that is not an example of the pro-shipper caving in and acting out their sick desires in the real world. It is the case of a REAL LIFE pedophile (or whatever) coming into fandom spaces and then interacting with or creating dark content. Is it possible that this happens? Sure. That doesn't mean that it is the default or even common, and basically every proshipper is in agreement that they are disgusting individuals. Again, this is because proshippers believe that fiction should remain fiction. Any time that make-believe turns into real-world actions, it is no longer make-believe and is now a real danger. Antis refuse to see the difference between the two.
You also mentioned touching grass which I think is a little ironic. The proshipper philosophy is that as long as fiction remains fiction, it has no bearing on the real world. It is Antis that have a hard time recognizing that playing pretend isn't the same as physical wrongdoing. Hence, why proshippers use the term "touch grass": it's meant to remind people that there is more to life than fantasy and online discourse, That it's important to log off and go "touch grass" to remind yourself that there is a difference between the tangible real-world and the imaginary scenarios that people create in their heads.
If you (and others! This isn't meant to be a callout, just informative) have difficulty comprehending this, I encourage you to consider the following scenarios:
1) Murder Mysteries: just because someone writes someone getting murdered, does not mean that they would want to see it happen,and certainly not commit it in real life.
2) BDSM: no party that willingly engages in bdsm is truly getting hurt (except to the extent that they want to be). Smacking someone during sessions does not mean that that person would ever do it in real life, and certainly wouldn't support others doing it
3) rape fantasies: this sort of goes along with bdsm, but there is a large difference between having faith that your trusted partner would never hurt you and only acts out a scenario because you ask them to, and being forced against your will to engage in harmful and/degrading sex acts.
4) Shooter Games: For a long time, people believed that playing violent video games corrupted children's moral and made them crave violence and increased the likelihood that they would want to renact that violence and turn into school shooters. There was actually a study done a while ago examining the link between video game violence and real life consequences....and they found nothing. There was no correlation between committing fictional violence and real world impact.
Fiction =/= real life.
Secondly, Antis have a tendency to invade people's inboxes and leave hate comments everywhere. Sometimes this is just saying "this is gross", but often Antis start harassment campaigns, recruiting multiple individuals to scare and intimidate people whose content they don't like (One tactic is to dump hundreds of graphic, gory images into peoples inboxes. I'm sure you can see how that would be traumatizing). Antis also have a history of doxxing people and causing this ficticious content to cause real-life harm to come to people. This is especially concerning since one of the most common things Antis like to parrot is some variation of "kill yourself".
A lot of Antis actually ARE proshippers, they just don't realize it because they get so caught up with the Anti's hate philosophy that they believe that willingly not engaging with content that they don't like (rather than harassing and condemning people who do) is what proshippers stand against. This is why some proshippers use the terms "anti-harrasment" and "pro-censorship" rather than proshippers and antishippers because it helps to clarify what the pro-shipper philosophy ACTUALLY is.
*phew* that was a long post, wasn't it? Let's both go touch grass together 🤝
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televisionenjoyer · 7 months
Haven't unfollowed you yet, but I'm still debating bc you said catradora was like rey/Kyle Ren. That may have been the line for me
screaming. THAT'S what's drawing the line for you??? It's not the fact that I said that the united states needs to be destroyed or that ethel cain doesn't get a pass at being an incest shipper or like. the fact that I want Neil gaiman dead. It was me saying reylo is catradora for straight people. I think I'm in love with you
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emlan · 1 year
🚨🚨🚨  I got a lot of new followers from my FF16 art, please note that this blog is an incest-shipper zone and I'll be posting less savory content of the game soon. 🚨🚨🚨
I rec unfollowing/blocking right away to keep a clean dash, but if you want to stick around for more gen uploads (it's the majority of what I draw after all) here is a list of some dubious tags that you can add to your filters, sorry for the hassle!
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just-antithings · 1 year
Got a question for y'all, cause I sometimes just don't understand internet etiquette unless it's spelled out for me.
A blog I've followed for over a year suddenly posted a DNI for a couple of incest ships in my fandom and then continued on to call the shippers disgusting and v___t-inducing. This was apparently prompted by one of the said shippers reblogging their art. I don't write or post about the ships in question, but I have a lot of love for them. They aren't canon, the characters are 100% fictional, and after spending over nine years in a fandom where one of the biggest appeals was "anything can happen in the multiverse, no holds barred, canon is only one reality" I find it strange that these pseudo-incest ships in particular are singled out as "obviously" bad and morally-reprehensible.
But regardless, is it in good practice to always observe the DNI even if you aren't an active participant in whatever the banned material is? Part of me wants to unfollow to respect the user's wishes and boundaries as I had a lot of respect for them and enjoyed their work in the past, but another part of me thinks it's none of their damn business what I like. I've seen these shippers get a lot of undeserved hate over the years, and it's part of the reason I've never written for these ships despite enjoying them so much.
I mean, it’s really up to you. It’s polite to follow dnis, but it’s not a requirement, and you can choose to avoid things in solidarity even if you’re not specifically on a dni
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nnq · 1 month
Tf did the name ‘luckae’ even come from Oh you think youre being sooo cute putting the word ‘luck’ in an incest ship name… because di luc and kae ya… How about you stop romanticizing a literal sibling relationship You stupid unloved single child proshipper Nobody will ever care if you die in a violent car crash Btw this is your monthly reminder i hate proshippers i hate incest shippers if you think its ‘whatever’ you can unfollow and block me
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doyouknowthisgame · 5 months
What do you mean by "pro-shippers"? I feel like everybody uses that term differently and I can never tell which one it is
This is a genuine question by the way, I really do struggle to find a universal definition for that word since the ones I see range from like "anyone who ships anything other than canon pairings" to "someone who actively romanticises CSA" and basically everything in-between because different people draw the line at different points, like some people apparently count the enemies-to-lovers trope as going too far? Not to mention all the discourse over kink and RPF
I mean I assume that people who have it in their DNIs probably aren't using the "any non-canon ship" definition but how do I know? I've met some people who are really passionate about messing with the canon ships and consider it to be an insult to the author
I never know how to react when I see "pro-shipper" so I tend to just avoid anyone who has it in their DNI just in case, because that's easier than asking every single person individually to define it, but I already submitted a game months ago so I kinda wanted to follow at least until that poll came up so idk
Sorry if this is too much of a bother, if you don't wanna respond I can just wait a couple of days and then unfollow by default, or you can just block me (I think you can block anons, I'm not sure)
I mean I guess it's one of those "if you have to ask, the answer is no" cases, and like I said usually I would just assume the worst and leave, but.. idk, I guess I'm just being selfish because I want to keep following
do people really say that? I haven't heard of anyone using it in that way
Anyway by "pro-shippers" I specifically mean people who get their rocks off on CSA/abuse/incest/otherwise nasty shit. Specifically people who ship characters that depict those things, but it could go for anyone who uses it for wank material.
There is a massive difference between using heavy material in a story to explore those topics and using them as some kind of sick fantasy. The intent is pretty easy to suss out when you're looking at it.
I'm not going to delve very deep into my opinion on this since this blog is meant to be E for Everyone but basically, nobody wants to read that shit, keep it to yourself.
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shan-nanigans · 11 months
I haven't rly posted abt it too much on here but something to know about me is that I am absolutely a dirty nasty incest shipper lol you give me 2 siblings that are Very Close and maybe also Trauma Bonded and I will rub my grubby little hands all over them and make them fuck in weird ways that they feel REAL guilty about. I will tag it but like. If that bothers you then pls steer clear, even if we are mutuals I will harbor no ill will if you gotta unfollow or block, you do you
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electricea · 3 months
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Anonymous sent - 6, 18, and 25, please. ( Send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics - Accepting! )
6. Excessive OOC.
Look, it's your blog and you can do as you like it but for me, sometimes it does reach a point where I have to quietly unfollow, for varying reasons - like I enjoy a good shitpost as much as the next person but if day after day, a blog is nothing but shitposting or inside jokes then in that case, I probably would quietly unfollow - I like to have fun and I like to shitpost but I do also like to delve into more than just that.
Same goes for excessive negative or venting posts - this is your blog and you've every right to post whatever you please but if I see just see negative posts day after day, especially ones that are passive aggressive or guilt trippy - not just 'oh i had a bad day today' or 'things haven't been the best mentally for me' but posts in the vein of 'nobody here cares about me' or 'i should just deactivate my blog because nobody would miss me'. Everyone is entitled to a good vent but if I see the same thing day after day after day, that to me feels like an indication that things aren't going to change and not really being in the best place emotionally myself right now, sometimes I just reach a point where I have to disengage and unfollow.
18. Shipping.
My policy to shipping is short and simple - 'ship and let ship'. So long as a ship isn't problematic - like abusive, or between an adult and a minor or involves situations like noncon or incest - I generally will be willing to ship almost anything - I'm willing to give almost any ship a shot and as far as other people's ships - like I said above, so long as it isn't anything problematic, I'm generally happy for most other shippers - happy that they've got a good ship going for them and I mostly just try to mind my own business and do my due diligence when it comes to shipping - like not shipping Ryuji with muses significantly younger, not putting him as a minor in any uncomfortable or sexual situations and above all else, writing a ship in which he (as well as the other muse in question) is treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve.
25. Your character.
I love my boy to death - he's got a heart of gold and he means the world to me.
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