#indirect formula in excel
c4tsc4pe · 1 year
Classpect Analysis Definitions Guide Combob
i read a Smashing aspect analysis by @/alicesonions (which this is very inspired by check it out right now the redesigned symbols are awesome) and wanted to revamp my own so here we go shaggy 2 dope classpect guide 2.0 (og draft here)
this is just a rundown on how i personally understand/use classpects even though i love talking my ass off and want to over explain all this i tried to write hopefully easily digestible and to the point definitions using key words and phrases bc thats how i personally learn things (i might make an extended version with further information and analysis later)
this can always be edited too i am So open to discussion criticism etc please tell me every single one of your thoughts about classpects in tags comments whatever I LOVE HEARING IT
anyway fat megapost ahead man the cannons
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A “Classpect” is a player’s title in Sburb, which uses the formula [Class] of [Aspect]. Not only does a Classpect dictate a player's reality-bending powers, but it defines a player’s place in their session, their place in reality, and their place within the narrative itself.
There are two components that make up a player's Classpect: their aspect and their class. There are 12 aspects and 14 classes in total. Hypothetically, ANY player could be ANY of the 168 total combos of these, no matter the person, but Sburb will narrow down the options and pick a player’s Classpect depending on how it thinks it can BEST use them in the game/their specific session.
A Classpect is chosen via a sort of “sorting hat” method. The person you are (struggles, goals, gaming strategies, how you interact with the world and others, etc.) inadvertently dictates your Classpect, but that is only BEFORE THE GAME STARTS. Once you’ve entered Sburb, Skaia will ultimately decide your role based on everything it gathered, and you are stuck with it whether you like it or not.
[In total: Classpects are a predetermined in-game role to fulfill as well as a narrative tool.]
Aspects are described as “the basic building blocks of everything that exists within paradox space”; a cosmic property that relates MOST to a player and that they have the potential to BEST excel at.
A player’s aspect is always something the player starts out STRUGGLING with in some way. No one ever has total control or knowledge of their aspect right off the bat. It is something that challenges the player and must be learned over time so the player can grow and reach their full potential as a Hero of their aspect.
Aspects are a neutral and nuanced concept- no aspect is inherently good nor bad.
The 12 aspects: Breath, Light, Time, Space, Life, Hope, Void, Heart, Blood, Mind, Doom, and Rage.
Breath: The aspect of freedom and detachment. Breath is impossible to hold down, easy breezy, head in the clouds, go with the flow. Breath is breeze, movement, flight, weightlessness, indirection, and independence. Breath blows whatever way it feels like, not caring about much else.
Narrative connection: Plot development.
Breath’s opposing aspect is Blood.
Light: The aspect of knowledge and illumination. Light exposes the hidden, brightens the dark corners, brings things into the spotlight. Light is relevance, illumination, luck, enlightenment, sight, visibility, definition, and attention. Light brings itself to what is hidden in the dark.
Narrative connection: Plot relevance.
Lights opposing aspect is Void.
Time: The aspect of rhythm and destruction. Time is connected to death, the past and future, taking action, small details, the destination over the journey. Time is repetition, iteration, cycles, pace, patterns, preservation, decay, continuity, and management. Time is the steady tick of a clock, the constant rotation of an ever-turning gear.
Narrative connection: Pacing.
Times opposing aspect is Space.
[Time is one of the fundamental fabrics making up paradox space and is therefore an aspect required to win Sburb. If your session does not have a Time player, your session is doomed to fail.]
Space: The aspect of creation and beginnings. Space is new things, focused on the wait-and-see, the big picture, the here-and-now, the journey over the destination. Space is destiny, matter, physics, making, innovation, and intuition. Space is a vast endless infinity of possibility.
Narrative connection: Setting.
Spaces opposing aspect is Time.
[Space is one of the fundamental fabrics making up paradox space and is therefore an aspect required to win Sburb. If your session does not have a Space player, your session is doomed to fail.]
Life: The aspect of agency and autonomy. Life is foraging your own path, own destiny, self-direction, growing and strengthening. Life is nature, health, resilience, energy, progress, healing, vitality, and nourishment. Life sees its route and fights to take it.
Narrative connection: Agency/action.
Life’s opposing aspect is Doom.
Hope: The aspect of belief. Hope is dreams and wishes, blind optimism, unstoppable force, the "there’s always a way, nothings impossible". Hope is faith, possibility, positivity, will, imagination, and determination. Hope is a clear, enthusiastic "YES!".
Narrative connection: Convenience.
Hopes opposing aspect is Rage.
Void: The aspect of nothingness and the unknown. Void is a blank canvas, an empty page, a dark corner, a shadow concealing darkness. Void is secrets, mystery, invisibility, unexplained, ignorance, irrelevance, and uncertainty. Void obscures what the light can't reach.
Narrative connection: Plot irrelevance.
Voids opposing aspect is Light.
Heart: The aspect of feeling and self. Heart is the core of a person, their identity, passions and interests, the soul, feelings instead of thoughts. Heart is motivation, love, emotions, uniqueness, personal, individualism, bias, and passion. Heart follows itself.
Narrative connection: Inner self.
Hearts opposing aspect is Mind.
Blood: The aspect of unity. Blood is down to earth, grounded and chained, has expectations, forms relationships. Blood is community, responsibility, care, effort, stability, obligation, and connection. Blood is running through everyone's veins and knows it.
Narrative connection: Character dynamics.
Blood’s opposing aspect is Breath.
Mind: The aspect of thought. Mind is unbiased decision making, apathy, black and white, blends in with the crowd. Mind is equality, ration, logic, reason, judgement, calculation, choice, balance, and justification. Mind pushes away feelings and thinks instead.
Narrative connection: Outer self.
Minds opposing aspect is Heart.
Doom: The aspect of fate and constraint. Doom works within the rules, within restriction, follows damands. Doom is burdens, prophecy, acceptance, necessity, limitation, punishment, and misfortune. Doom does not negotiate against the inevitable.
Narrative connection: Conflict.
Doom’s opposing aspect is Life.
Rage: The aspect of refusal and rebellion. Rage is the ugly truth, holding back, immovable object, being stuck, “it’s impossible, there’s no way out”. Rage is cynicism, defiance, fury, negativity, anger, riot and revenge. Rage is a loud, guttural “NO!”.
Narrative connection: Contrivance.
Rage’s opposing aspect is Hope.
Classes are the second ingredient of the Classpect formula. Since an aspect is a cosmic property that relates most to a player, a class is how that player USES/INTERACTS with that cosmic property & its powers. Classes are NOT something a player struggles with and are just dictated by how they approach/play the game.
Classes are a neutral and nuanced concept- no class is a “worse/better” or “evolved” version of another, no class is gender locked, and no class is inherently good nor bad.
There are six functions of classes: creation, destruction, exploitation, manipulation, knowledge, and relocation.
[Creation: Bringing something into existence.
Destruction: Taking something out of existence.
Exploitation: Having something and using it.
Manipulation: Changing or altering something.
Knowledge: Knowing all about something.
Relocation: Stealing and/or moving something.]
The 14 classes: Heir, Seer, Knight, Witch, Maid, Page, Rogue, Prince, Mage, Sylph, Thief, and Bard, and the two master classes: Lord and Muse.
Heir: One who changes with their aspect or is changed through their aspect. Heirs inherit their aspect and can greatly use it for their session and coplayers.
Class function: Manipulation.
Heirs' counterpart class is Witch.
Seer: One who knows their aspect or knows through their aspect. Seers are knowledge-seekers who obtain information by observing, and guide their coplayers using what they learn.
Class function: Knowledge.
Seer's counterpart class is Mage.
Knight: One who fights for/protects their aspect or fights/protects using their aspect. Knights are set on serving and defending their session and coplayers, using their persona as a shield and their aspect as a weapon.
Class function: Exploitation.
Knight's counterpart class is Page.
Witch: One who alters/bends their aspect or alters/bends using their aspect. Witches utilize their powers to bend the rules and test the limits of their aspect and session itself.
Class function: Manipulation.
Witch's counterpart class is Heir.
Maid: One who serves/repairs their aspect or serves/repairs with their aspect. Maids clean, preserve, and maintain their session with/and their aspect, just as a housekeeper would.
Class function: Creation.
Maid's counterpart class is Sylph.
Page: One who strengthens their aspect or finds themselves through their aspect. Pages start out as weaker underdogs, but once their potential is fully realized, they can use their power to an astounding degree.
Class function: Exploitation.
Page's counterpart class is Knight.
Rogue: One who steals their aspect or steals from their aspect to provide others with it. Rouges take from their aspect and redistribute what they steal to their coplayers Robin Hood style.
Class function: Relocation.
Rouge's counterpart class is Thief.
Prince: One who destroys their aspect or destroys with their aspect. Princes are powerful, blunt forces in their session who once fully realized, will stop at nothing until they reach their goal.
Class function: Destruction.
Prince's counterpart class is Bard.
Mage: One who understands their aspect or understands through their aspect. Mages are the experiencers of their aspect that utilize their experience with it to guide themselves.
Class function: Knowledge.
Mage's counterpart class is Seer.
Thief: One who steals their aspect or steals from their aspect to keep themselves. Thieves are focused on taking from their session and others in it, then keeping that power for their own benefit.
Class function: Relocation.
Thief's counterpart class is Rogue.
Sylph: One who heals/mends their aspect or heals/mends using their aspect. Sylphs are vastly supportive to their coplayers through both backstage influence and personal interference.
Class function: Creation.
Sylph's counterpart class is Maid.
Bard: One who allows the destruction of their aspect or invites destruction through their aspect. Bards can be kind of a wildcard for their session, possibly for the best (or the worst).
Class function: Destruction.
Bard's counterpart class is Prince.
Master Classes
Lord: One who rules their aspect or rules using their aspect. Lords are intensely powerful domineers who command their aspect, session, and everything in it to bow down to them.
Lord's counterpart class is Muse.
Muse: One who inspires their aspect or inspires through their aspect. Muses are completely in tune with their aspect and influence their session with it, leading it like a conductor with their baton.
Muse's counterpart class is Lord.
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msexcelfractal · 9 months
Here's real time unedited footage of Excel 2010 playing Conway's Game of Life. With sound! I'm tapping <Delete> repeatedly in an empty cell to force cell updates. The game runs one step at a time on a self-referential pair of formulas:
The latter formula plays the game according to the RULE sheet:
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Here the rules for Conway's classic game are soft-coded in column C. The ACTION sheet picks the appropriate cell value from column C with an INDIRECT reference to an ADDRESS determined by counting its neighbors. Numbering in column C allow me to distinguish by color whether cells on the ACTION field are survivors or newly born.
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I drew Gosper's Glider Gun on the ACTION sheet. IF A1 is not 0 the playing field will take its values from the initial conditions to the right. Otherwise it will take its values by computing the game rule self-referentially. I can set A1 to 1 to reset the playing field and halt the game, then tweak the game rule and initial conditions as desired before resuming play.
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thunderberryart · 10 months
I am a little sad Silent Hope didn't get as much attention from Rune Factory fans as I was expecting it to.
It's definitely a flawed game due to how repetitive the gameplay is and that the later floors of the Abyss do very little to change the overall formula outside being larger and having different area-specific traps, but the graphics are lovely, it has a very likable and interesting cast of characters, and the story, while simple, conveys such an important message about the very nature of human language itself; the same words people use to harass and hurt each other are the same words we use to help others and tell them that we love them, and saying nothing can be just as hurtful as saying the wrong thing. Hell, the lead singer of Kami Wa Saikoro Wo Furanai, the band who performed the game's opening theme, described the game's plot and themes as feeling like an antithesis to social media.
Honestly, the thing that excites me the most with Silent Hope is the potential lore implications for the Rune Factory series, as the game was originally conceived as a title to expand the universe. I mean we now know regular animals in the Rune Factory universe look like those from Story of Seasons games that use the bubble cow design, and the whole "monsters are the reincarnated souls of the dead" thing I highlighted in a previous post potentially provides insight into just how monsters are created within the Forest of Beginnings.
If Silent Hope gets a sequel in some form, I'm excited to see where it goes in terms of plot and setting; Rune Factory has so much potential due to its fantasy setting, but has always been somewhat limited in terms of greater world building due to how the games are structured. The protagonists are almost always confined to the region where the town they wake up in is located and while certain recurring elements ensure that the games are connected, they never get expanded on beyond what necessary for the current plot; for instance, the capital of Norad, Palermo, has been brought up multiple times throughout the series, but there's never been a game where you actually get to go to it. A sister series would be an excellent opportunity to expand on such elements, how ever indirect.
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honourablejester · 2 years
Today on ‘ridiculous projects done for spurious reasons’:
Okay, so in work I got asked if I knew how to work with drop down lists in excel. I did not, so I learned. And then promptly, for no reason at all, decided that the best use for this knowledge was to make an excel document that would auto-calculate caster stats and fill out spells from the appropriate spell list:
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You fill your Caster Class, Level, and Ability Scores from the drop down menus:
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The spreadsheet uses those to auto-calculate your casting stat (vlookup), Prof Bonus and Ability Modifer (nested ifs, and let me tell you, ability modifier was not fun, that’s 16 ‘ifs’ in there, and I’m sure there’s a cleaner way of doing it, but this did work, so we’re going with it), and Spell Attack Mod & Spell Save DC (basic formulae).
Then, once all that’s selected, you can head down to the orange spells section and start selecting spells, which will be from the correct spell list for your class and the spell’s level (via dependent drop down lists):
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You can pick up to 9 spells of each level, which I’m imagining as known/prepared for the day. It’s easy to add more if needed, but I’m thinking only wizards and possibly druids/clerics are going to need more than that.
At the end, I added the blue section for people to manually type in spells that aren’t from your class list that you have for whatever reasons.
And it all looks pretty and lovely on the Caster Worksheet. Hop on over to the Lists Worksheet, however:
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Absolute horror. I had to do an individual named range for every caster-and-spell level. The Caster Sheet has another drop down menu on each of the spell level cells, because you need the extra match so that all the drop downs can depend on the single cell for caster class using indirect substitute formulae in the data validation screen. That took me an annoying amount of time to work out, and then to type out all the separate lists.
This took me … roughly 6 hours? Did I have a reason for doing it? Not really. Was it fun? Not really. But it was oddly satisfying. I’m one of those people who finds poking around in excel soothing.
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And, hey. Now I have a spreadsheet that will auto-calculate caster stats and let me autofill spells?
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tparadox · 1 year
While I was able to use the holiday Monday at work to catch up on stuff I haven't been able to do in the last six weeks I've been doing my job alone, I spent way more of that time than I wanted to in trying to find a way around Excel breaking my labor saving spreadsheet by refusing to follow its own rules.
I help out my supervisor by turning the reports our phone system generates into a chart of call times she can analyze for coverage purposes. There are two hurdles the way it generates the reports creates. One of them is that the date, beginning time, and ending time, are all in the same cell of its line, and the other is that if there's no active call time in that span, it will more likely than not skip that span.
The easiest way I've come up with to find those times it skipped is to break up the time stamps into separate date, start, and stop cells, and then use conditional formatting to highlight the start times that are different from the end time of the line above. Originally I was using text to columns to do this, but then I decided I wanted to automate that. I set up a spreadsheet that would take the file name of the report and fetch the date and time cell from it, then an array of cells using the MID function to pull out the individual pieces of it.
It worked great! I could just tell it the file to look at and it got the data I needed. And then I'd go to add a line for a skipped time span and all of the formulas would break, because they were referenced based on the line number, and Excel ever so helpfully updates those references when your data moves. But it's okay because if you don't want the reference to be updated, there's a character for that. To keep the same line number, use B$2 instead of B2.
I worked out a fancy formula with INDIRECT, LEFT, and the new to me FORMULATEXT function to automatically assemble a new version of the formula with the crucial absolute reference for each row, since the absolute meant it wouldn't update by line if I just filled down and I was not going into over 300 cells to add one character by hand.
EXCEPT! Marking the reference as absolute only freezes the reference for pasting and directional filling! It turns out it totally ignores the $ if you're shifting and inserting! Excel broke my plans because it doesn't follow its own rules!
After like two hours of beating my head against it and reading a bunch of forum help threads where the answer was "just use INDIRECT" when I was already using INDIRECT, using COUNTIF to count only the cells above that had data in them seemed promising, but it kept giving reference errors as part of the INDIRECT, probably because the COUNTIF syntax needs you to tell it what to look for, and I think the quotation marks around the asterisk weren't playing nicely with the quotation marks of the INDIRECT even though I was using " for the latter and ' for the former. Finally I started looking into other COUNT_____ functions and it turns out that plan old COUNT does exactly what I was looking for. Where "count cells that have data" with COUNTIF needs you to specify cells containing "*", COUNT just does it. By some miracle, I found the right syntax to have the INDIRECT assemble the COUNT with a range from B1 to (current cell) in only one or two tries, and now I finally have a formula that doesn't care if I add lines which are empty in the column it's looking at.
Now I just need to automate adding the missing rows and filling in the zero values in the column I'm doing this all for, but that seems beyond what I can do with just Excel on its own. Seems like something that would be simple to execute in Python if I export a CSV, and if I could get anything to work in VBasic I could probably do a macro, but I'd prefer not to step it out of Excel and back in, and I don't think our workstations have Python, and if they don't have it, I can't add it...
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artificial-father · 1 year
=IFERROR(INDIRECT(“Products! A”&MATCH(VALUE(LEFT(B2,4)),Products!B:B,0)), “No Product”
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table22456[Product], MODE(MATCH(Table22456[Product], Table22456[Product],0))), “NA”)
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veryplants · 1 month
Discover the Best Pot Mix for Orchids: Elevate Your Orchid Care with Mollys Orchid Mix 🌸🌿
Orchids are renowned for their stunning beauty and unique charm. To keep these elegant plants thriving, it's essential to provide them with the right care, starting with the perfect pot mix. Enter pot mix for orchids – a premium pot mix designed to support healthy orchid growth and flowering. In this guide, we'll explore why Molly's Orchid Mix is the ideal choice for your orchids and how it can make a significant difference in your plant care routine.
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Why Choose the Right Pot Mix? 🌟
Choosing the right pot mix is crucial for the health and longevity of your orchids. Unlike typical houseplants, orchids have specific needs that must be met to ensure they flourish. Here's why selecting an appropriate pot mix matters:
Drainage: Orchids require excellent drainage to prevent root rot. A mix that drains well helps avoid waterlogged conditions, which can be detrimental to the roots.
Aeration: Good air circulation around the roots is vital for orchid health. A mix that allows air to reach the roots supports robust growth and prevents fungal issues.
Nutrient Support: An effective pot mix provides essential nutrients and supports the overall well-being of the plant, helping it to thrive and produce beautiful blooms.
Introducing Molly's Orchid Mix 🌺
Molly's Orchid Mix is specially formulated to meet the unique needs of orchids, ensuring they receive the perfect balance of drainage, aeration, and nutrients. Here’s why it stands out as the best pot mix for orchids:
1. Optimal Drainage and Aeration 🌬️💧
One of the key features of Molly's Orchid Mix is its excellent drainage and aeration properties. The mix includes a blend of high-quality materials like bark, perlite, and charcoal, which promote superior airflow to the roots and prevent water from accumulating. This helps keep the roots healthy and prevents issues like root rot and mold.
Bark: Provides structural support and aeration.
Perlite: Enhances drainage and prevents soil compaction.
Charcoal: Absorbs impurities and improves air circulation.
2. Nutrient-Rich Formula 🌿💪
Molly's Orchid Mix is enriched with nutrients essential for orchid growth. It contains a balanced blend of organic materials that provide the necessary nutrients to support robust root development and vibrant blooms. This mix ensures your orchids receive the nutrition they need to thrive.
3. pH Balanced ⚖️
The mix is pH balanced to suit the needs of orchids. Maintaining the right pH level is crucial for nutrient uptake and overall plant health. Molly's Orchid Mix ensures that your orchids are growing in an environment that supports their natural preferences, leading to healthier plants and more beautiful flowers.
How to Use Molly's Orchid Mix 🌱🛠️
Using Molly's Orchid Mix is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure your orchids receive the best care:
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1. Prepare Your Pots 🪴
Choose pots with drainage holes to complement the mix’s excellent drainage properties. Remove any old potting medium from your orchid and inspect the roots. Trim any damaged or dead roots before repotting.
2. Add the Pot Mix 🌿
Fill the pot with Molly's Orchid Mix, leaving enough space for the orchid's roots. Gently place the orchid in the pot and distribute the mix around the roots, ensuring that the plant is stable and upright. Avoid packing the mix too tightly, as good aeration is essential.
3. Watering 💦
Water your orchid thoroughly after repotting to help settle the mix around the roots. Allow the excess water to drain completely. Orchids generally prefer to dry out slightly between waterings, so monitor the moisture level of the potting mix and adjust your watering routine accordingly.
4. Maintain Proper Light and Temperature ☀️🌡️
Orchids thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer a temperature range of 65-75°F (18-24°C). Ensure your orchids receive adequate light and maintain a stable temperature to complement the benefits of Molly's Orchid Mix.
Tips for Orchid Care 🌸🌟
Regular Fertilization: Use a balanced orchid fertilizer to supplement the nutrients in Molly's Orchid Mix and support ongoing growth.
Humidity: Orchids appreciate higher humidity levels. Consider using a humidity tray or a room humidifier to create a favorable environment.
Pest Control: Regularly inspect your orchids for pests and diseases. Prompt treatment can prevent damage and keep your plants healthy.
Why Molly's Orchid Mix Stands Out 🌟
Molly's Orchid Mix is not just a potting medium; it's a comprehensive solution for orchid care. Here's a quick summary of why it’s the top choice for orchid enthusiasts:
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Superior Drainage and Aeration: Prevents root rot and supports healthy growth.
Nutrient-Rich: Provides essential nutrients for vibrant blooms.
pH Balanced: Maintains the ideal environment for orchids.
Conclusion 🌸🌿
When it comes to orchid care, choosing the right pot mix can make all the difference. Molly's Orchid Mix offers an exceptional blend of materials that support excellent drainage, aeration, and nutrient availability, ensuring your orchids thrive and bloom beautifully. Whether you're a seasoned orchid grower or just starting, Molly's Orchid Mix is the perfect choice for achieving stunning results.
Enhance your orchid care routine with Molly's Orchid Mix and experience the joy of growing healthy, vibrant orchids. 🌺🪴🌟
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How to Tackle the Most Challenging CA Final Subjects
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The CA Final exams are the last hurdle in the journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant. These exams test a candidate's knowledge, analytical skills, and practical application of various accounting principles. However, some subjects pose more challenges than others. This blog will guide you on how to tackle the most challenging CA Final subjects effectively.
1. Financial Reporting (FR)
Financial Reporting is often considered one of the most challenging subjects due to its vast syllabus and the complexity of accounting standards. Here's how to tackle it:
Conceptual Clarity: Ensure that you have a strong grasp of accounting standards and concepts. Refer to Scanner CA Final Books for a comprehensive understanding.
Practice Problems: Regular practice is crucial. Solve questions from past exam papers and CA Final Scanner to familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked.
Revision Notes: Create concise notes for each standard. These notes will be handy during the revision period.
2. Strategic Financial Management (SFM)
Strategic Financial Management involves complex calculations and strategic decision-making. To master this subject:
Understand Concepts: Before jumping into problem-solving, ensure you understand the underlying financial concepts.
Formula Memorization: Create a formula sheet and revise it regularly.
Use Scanners: Utilize CA Final Books to practice a variety of problems. This will help you identify patterns and frequently asked questions.
3. Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics (Auditing)
Auditing is another tough subject due to its theoretical nature and the need for critical thinking. To excel in Auditing:
Reading and Writing: Regularly read the study material and practice writing answers to improve retention.
Case Studies: Focus on case studies and practical questions. The CA Intermediate Scanner can be particularly helpful for this.
Ethics and Standards: Pay special attention to professional ethics and auditing standards, as these are crucial for scoring well.
4. Corporate and Economic Laws
Corporate and Economic Laws is a subject that requires detailed reading and understanding of various laws and regulations. Here’s how to handle it:
Regular Reading: Make it a habit to read the law regularly. Summarize key points in your own words.
Refer to Scanners: Use CA Entrance Exam Books to practice questions and understand the pattern of questions asked in exams.
Flowcharts and Diagrams: Create flowcharts and diagrams to remember complex legal provisions and their applications.
5. Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation
Direct Tax Laws is a vast and dynamic subject with frequent updates. To manage this subject:
Stay Updated: Regularly update yourself with the latest amendments and notifications.
Conceptual Understanding: Focus on understanding the concepts rather than rote learning.
Practice with Scanners: Use books for CA Exam to practice a wide range of questions and enhance your problem-solving skills.
6. Indirect Tax Laws
Indirect Tax Laws, including GST, can be quite challenging due to its practical application and frequent changes. To tackle this subject:
Detailed Study: Study each section of GST in detail to cover the foundational aspects.
Practical Problems: Solve practical problems from CA Foundation Scanner to build a strong base.
Regular Revision: Regularly revise the key provisions and practice writing answers to practical questions.
Tackling the most challenging CA Final subjects requires a strategic approach combining thorough understanding, effective time management, and consistent practice. Focus on conceptual clarity and utilize a mix of study materials, including ICAI modules, reference books, and practice manuals. Regularly solve past exam papers and take mock tests to gauge your preparation. Seek guidance from mentors and join study groups for collaborative learning. Stay organized with a well-structured study plan, prioritize difficult topics, and allocate sufficient time for revision. Maintaining a balanced routine with breaks and stress management techniques is crucial for optimal performance.
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meds4youuk · 3 months
Golden Eye Antibiotic 1% w/w Chloramphenicol Eye Ointment 4g
Goldeneye Antibiotic Ointment: Your Solution for Bacterial Conjunctivitis
If you're suffering from bacterial conjunctivitis, finding an effective treatment is crucial to alleviating symptoms and preventing the spread of the infection. Goldeneye antibiotic ointment offers a reliable and efficient solution for bacterial conjunctivitis.
This blog will explore bacterial conjunctivitis, how Goldeneye antibiotic ointment works, and tips for using it effectively.
Understanding Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs when bacteria infect the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent layer covering the eye's white part and the inside of the eyelids.
Common symptoms include:
• Redness.
• A gritty feeling in the eye.
• A thick yellow or green discharge.
• Crusting around the eyelids, especially after sleep.
This condition is highly contagious and can spread through direct or indirect contact with the infected individual's eye secretions.
How Goldeneye Antibiotic Ointment Works
Goldeneye antibiotic ointment contains chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against a wide range of bacteria. This makes it an excellent choice for treating bacterial conjunctivitis.
The ointment works by inhibiting the production of proteins essential for bacterial growth, thereby stopping the infection and allowing the body's immune system to eliminate the remaining bacteria.
When applied correctly, Goldeneye antibiotic ointment can significantly reduce the duration of bacterial conjunctivitis, alleviate symptoms, and prevent the spread of the infection to others.
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Benefits of Using Goldeneye Antibiotic Ointment
Some of the benefits of using Golden eye antibiotic ointment are:
Rapid Relief: Goldeneye antibiotic ointment provides quick relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis, such as redness, irritation, and discharge.
Easy to Use: The ointment is easy to apply and has clear instructions, making it a convenient option for adults and children.
Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic: The active ingredient, chloramphenicol, targets a wide range of bacteria, ensuring effective treatment for most cases of bacterial conjunctivitis.
Prevents Spread:
By effectively treating the infection, Goldeneye antibiotic ointment helps prevent the spread of bacterial conjunctivitis to others.
How to Use Goldeneye Antibiotic Ointment:
To use Golden Eye Antibiotic 1% w/w Chloramphenicol Eye Ointment 4g tube, follow these steps:
Wash Your Hands: Always wash your hands thoroughly before applying the ointment to prevent further contamination.
Prepare the Ointment: Remove the cap from the tube and hold it carefully.
Apply the Ointment: Pull the lower eyelid to create a small pocket. Squeeze a small amount (about 1 cm) of ointment into the pocket without touching the tube to your eye.
Close Your Eye: Close your eye for a few moments to help spread the ointment across the eye's surface.
Repeat as Needed: Follow the recommended dosage, typically three to four times daily or as your healthcare provider advises.
Precautions and Considerations
• Do Not Share: Avoid sharing your ointment with others to prevent spreading the infection.
• Complete the Course: Even if symptoms improve, complete the full course of treatment to ensure the infection is entirely eradicated.
• Consult a Doctor: If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical advice promptly.
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skills-course · 11 months
Microsoft Excel – Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions LINK DOWNLOAD: https://skillscourse.net/microsoft-excel-advanced-excel-formulas-functions/?feed_id=1911&_unique_id=6544bd765a910 Microsoft Excel – Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions Description of Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions By the end of the course you’ll be writing robust, elegant formulas and functions from scratch, allowing you to: Easily build dynamic tools & Excel dashboards to filter, display and analyze your data Go rogue and design your own formula-based formatting rules Join datasets from multiple sources in seconds with lookup, index & match functions Pull real-time data from APIs directly into Excel (weather, stock quotes, directions, etc.) Manipulate dates, times, text, and arrays Automate tedious and time-consuming analytics tasks using cell formulas and functions in Excel (no VBA required!) We’ll dive into a broad range of Excel formulas & functions, including: Lookup/Reference functions Statistical functions Formula based formatting Date & Time functions Logical operators Array formulas Text functions Powerful analytics tools and formulas like INDIRECT, HYPERLINK, WEBSERVICE & FILTERXML What You'll Learn In Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions? Learn how to THINK like Excel, and write powerful and dynamic Excel formulas from scratch Automate, streamline, and completely revolutionize your workflow with Excel Master unique tips & techniques that you won't find in ANY other course, guaranteed Explore fun, interactive, and highly effective demos from a best-selling Excel instructor Get LIFETIME access to project files, quizzes, homework exercises, and 1-on-1 expert support Write advanced conditional, text, date and lookup functions, including XLOOKUP & Dynamic Arrays Find out more Office Skills courses
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Reliable and Effective RelyX Unicem 2 Automix: The Ultimate Dental Adhesive for Long-Lasting Results
Unicem RelyX 2 Automix is dental cement used for the permanent bonding of indirect restorations such as crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays. It offers a convenient Automix delivery system, ensuring consistent and reliable results. With excellent bond strength and aesthetics, RelyX 2 Automix provides long-lasting adhesion and natural-looking outcomes for dental patients.
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Are you in search of a reliable and effective dental adhesive? Look no further than Prestige Dental Products' RelyX Unicem 2 Automix. This cutting-edge formula is designed to deliver strong and long-lasting bonds, ensuring exceptional results for all your dental procedures. Its advanced automix delivery system guarantees consistent and convenient application, saving you time and effort during your dental treatments.
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When it comes to dental adhesives, RelyX Unicem 2 Automix is the name you can count on. Invest in this outstanding product for your dental practice and experience the difference it makes in the success and longevity of your restorations. Not only does RelyX Unicem 2 Automix excel in functionality, but it also prioritizes aesthetics. Its natural-looking results blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, ensuring a beautiful and natural smile for your patients.
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msexcelfractal · 1 year
All of my work is inspired first by the work of John Conway. He pioneered the study of cellular automata, which are the tools I use to draw my fractals. A cellular automaton is a network of cells in which each cell processes its own output, so all computation is done locally. The global properties of a cellular automaton are all emergent properties.
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Conway's game of life is played on a 2D grid that iterates in discrete steps. At each step each cell decides its new value by considering its previous value and the previous values of the 8 cells immediately adjacent. If exactly 3 adjacent cells had value 1, the cell's new value becomes 1. If 2 adjacent cells had value 1 and the cell's old value is 1, it stays 1. Otherwise the cell's value becomes 0.
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It's something of a rite of passage for me to code Conway's game of life in each new programming language learned - like an intermediate level "hello world". So this was spreadsheet was overdue! I implemented it in two formulas:
to play the game on sequential 63x64 grids and
to wrap the output to my window.
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The game of life is Turing-Complete. (You can run Doom on it.) How wonderful that simple rules can produce such complex behavior!
[Image ID: Four images. Each image shows Conway's game of life being played in an excel window. The background of the window is black. Small patterns of living cells are lit up in white. There are 84 iterations visible in a 12 by 7 grid.
The first image shows iterations of an initial condition called "r-pentomino". In the seventh row of frames a glider forms and flies away.
The second image shows an oscillating configuration with period 15 called pentadecathlon.
I tried to input a configuration called die hard that lasts an optimum 130 stages. But I misplaced one of the seven cells. The third and fourth images show the 128 stages my input survived before going extinct. The bottom half of the second image is empty. /.End ID]
read about r-pentomino et al on wikipedia
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brainmassfinance · 2 years
4 MS Excel functions you can use to manage your personal finances
Various mathematical formulas are used to chart out investment plans that would help meet distinct financial requirements of individuals, families or households. A combination of factors like income, expenditure, savings, interest rate, tenure and inflation rate are used as inputs in most of the formulas. The formulas are generally assumed to be complex and most individuals refrain from doing their own calculations. However, most of the formulas that are employed in money management are based on the concepts of compounding and the time value of money, which are not difficult to comprehend. Moreover, the direct application of the formulas is relatively easy.
For example, determining the maturity value of Rs.100 after 5 years at an interest rate of 6% per annum compounded annually can be easily worked out by using the simple compound interest formula: FV=P(1+r)^n
Here, P or principal is Rs.100, r or interest rate is 6% and n or tenure is 5 years. Applying these inputs in the above formula gives Rs.133.8 as FV or the maturity value. The complexity arises when a formula needs to be applied indirectly. In the above example, if one wants to know how much time the amount will get doubled in or at what interest rate the amount will double in 5 years, the indirect application of the above formula is needed.
The complexity becomes cumbersome when periodic investments are involved. For example, if one is investing a certain amount monthly, quarterly or annually, the maturity value of such investments is worked out using annuity formulas. The direct and indirect applications of annuity formulas are relatively more intricate compared to simple compound interest formula. However, both direct and indirect applications of compound interest and annuities can be easily managed using MS Excel spreadsheets.
For our anniversary special issue, we explain four in built MS Excel formulas that are meant for personal finance management. These formulas can help you do your own calculations and take control of your short-term and long-term financial plans. Before delving into the formulas, be aware that Excel expects the expenditures, payments or investments to be entered with a negative sign. The resultant output will be delivered with a positive sign. Such conventions are critical for some functions (like the RATE function). Ignoring these could result in no output or error.
FV Function
Determining the maturity value of investments
What would be the maturity value at the end of 15 years, if Rs.1 lakh is invested at the end of every year at 7% per annum compounded annually? Only three inputs are needed as shown here and provide the maturity value of Rs.25.12 lakh. Readers can play with the numbers by changing any of the inputs and observe the results. For example, if Rs.2 lakh is invested at the end of each year for 10 years at 7% interest rate, the maturity value at the end of 10 years will be Rs.27.63 lakh.
Inflation adjusted value of assets or expenses
What would be the inflation-adjusted value of annual tuition fees of Rs.2 lakh after 10 years, if inflation is expected to average at 5% per annum during that period? Three inputs are required (as shown in visual), but for determining the inflationadjusted value, the current fees need to be the input in ‘Pv’ box. It provides the output as Rs.3.25 lakh, which means that if inflation averages at 5% every year then the tuition fees that cost Rs.2 lakh per year at present will cost Rs.3.25 lakh a year after 10 years. Readers can change the inflation rate or time period or the amount and can see the impact of inflation on expenses. If the rate is raised to 6%, the inflation-adjusted value escalates to Rs.3.58 lakh after 10 years.
Rate FunctionEstimating CAGR returns
CAGR or annualised return is widely used in investment management as it enables performance comparison across investment alternatives. The CAGR return of BSE Sensex in the last 3 years between 2 December 2019 and 2 December 2022 is worked out to 15.5% as shown. The Pv is the value of BSE Sensex on 2 December 2019 and Fv is the value on 2 December 2022.
Calculating SIP returns
Mutual fund SIP is a favoured investment route for investors to gain exposure to equities and debt. The SIP returns for an investment of Rs.1,000 every month in the largest equity diversified fund- Kotak Flexicap Fund from 2 January 2020 to 2 December 2022 is 18.61% (1.5% monthly). The investment is a period of 36 months and Rs.47,321 is the value of investments on 2 December 2022. Apart from the RATE function, SIP returns can also be worked out using another Excel function called IRR.
Determining interest rate at which investment value will double in specified time
The interest rate at which the value of investments will double at a specified time period requires inputs like Pv which is the current value or principal amount, Fv or the required maturity value and tenure. It can be seen that a 14.89% annualized interest rate is needed for an investment to double in a period of 5 years. One can observe by changing the tenure or Nper in the formula to see how the required interest rate changes for investments to double. At 10 years, the required annualized rate drops to 7.17%. You can also see the impact on returns if you want investments to triple or quadruple by making Fv thrice or four times the Pv with a definite time period.
PV Function
Purchasing power of the rupee
Rising inflation erodes the purchasing power of a currency and decreases people’s ability to pay for goods and services. In the past 10 years, the cost inflation index has increased at an annualized rate of 4.2%. This has impacted the purchasing value of the rupee as the value of Rs.100 in 2013-14 has declined to Rs.66.3 in 2022-23. You can modify the numbers to see the impact of inflation on the rupee’s purchasing power. Both rate and Nper can be modified to understand the inflation impact. If the inflation rate is changed to 6%, there will be a bigger erosion of purchasing value of Rs.100 to Rs.55.8 in the past 10 years.
Loan/EMI affordability
Home loan calculators are easily accessible on bank websites which allows users to determine the EMI amount on loan amount. However, what if you wish to determine the loan amount for a chosen EMI (given loan tenure and interest rate)? For example, at 9% interest rate, the EMI for a Rs.30 lakh home loan for 20 years works out to Rs.26,992. If you can afford an EMI of Rs.25,000 per month, the eligible loan amount can be worked out using the PV function. Then the eligible loan amount will be Rs.27.78 lakh. The rate and Nper are adjusted for the monthly frequency of EMI payments. One can change any of the inputs and observe the impact.
PMT Function
Target based investment planning or retirement planning
The function helps determine the amount one needs to invest to achieve the desired target in a defined time period at an assumed average interest rate. For example, to accumulate Rs.50 lakh in 20 years at an assumed annualized rate of 8%, the required investment would be Rs.1.09 lakh a year. One can observe the importance of tenure and interest rates in goal planning. If the same amount has to be accumulated over 25 years (change Nper to 25), the annual investment requirement falls to Rs.68,393, which depicts the importance of early investment planning. Also, if the interest rate is assumed to be 12% per annum, keeping tenure at 25 years, the annual investment requirements work out to Rs.69,393, which shows the importance of equities in the investment portfolio.
‘Rate’ is the interest rate or inflation rate, ‘Nper’ is the time period or tenure, ‘Pv’ is the principal or initial value of investment or current expenses, ‘Pmt’ is the periodic investment or periodic expenditure, ‘Fv’ is the future value or maturity value.
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bloginfotech9 · 2 years
Excel Online Help using Microsoft Office 365
Whether you are a new or experienced user of Microsoft Excel, you can use the Excel Online Help to quickly get answers to your questions. Excel Online features a variety of tools and features that can help you solve your problems. These tools allow you to customize your Excel files so that you can view your data in the way you want.
Using the Excel Online Help, you can find out how to use advanced math formulas. You can also learn about the probability density functions, confidence intervals, and linear programming. You can also search for information about Excel's OFFSET and INDIRECT commands. You can also use the Excel Online Help to find out how to perform descriptive statistics.
The Excel Online Help is available for Microsoft Office 365. In order to access the Excel Online Help, you must first sign in to your Microsoft Office 365 custom account. Once you have signed in, you must complete a search query. Then, you will be redirected to the Excel Online Help online page.
The Excel Online Help online page is broken into clickable tabs. Each tab contains a group of related commands. You can add, remove, or hide tabs to customize the quick access toolbar. You can also add or delete worksheets, move them, and rename them.
You can also create a new workbook. When you create a new workbook, you can add or delete rows, rename the file, or change its format. You can also rename, print, and close the workbook. You can also change the layout of the file, hide or show workbooks, or import or export Excel spreadsheets.
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trustclouds · 2 years
Contractor expenses for building a new home list
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Contractor expenses for building a new home list how to#
Contractor expenses for building a new home list software#
You will likely pay less if you live near a city with soft soil than if your home is in a rural area. Compact excavators won’t work in areas with rocky soil. The cost of excavation also depends on the type of soil you live in. Once you have an idea of the cost of excavation, you can start to estimate your construction budget. To get an accurate estimate of the exact costs, consult a licensed excavation contractor. In some cases, you may have to rent the equipment to complete the job. This is necessary for a solid foundation and can present drainage issues under the foundation of a house. You can also depreciate excavation expenses.īefore getting started on the construction project, you must determine the required equipment and labor hours for the excavating process. The cost of excavation can range from a few thousand to ten thousand dollars. After inspecting the lot and analyzing the house foundation plan, the contractor will estimate the total excavation cost, taking into consideration the complexity of the job. These factors include the type of soil, slope, and cubic yards of soil removed. There are many factors that will affect the total cost of excavation for building a new house. Below are the main expenses: Excavation and Materials, General Contractor, Inspections and Interior Finishes. Below, we’ll discuss the costs for the various areas of the house. The costs can be high, regardless of whether you want to go for simple, elegant, or bougie finishing. Double-check all figures to be sure you have entered them correctly.The most expensive aspect of building a house is its interior, which makes sense given that the home is the place you make most of your memories. Verify that all formulas are working and that all the required amounts are included before submitting your budget. There’s nothing worse than turning in a budget to a client and realizing one of the spreadsheet formulas didn’t calculate. Check out the exclusions on each bid to be sure that you know what work is included and what is not before you make your selection. Not all subs bid the same scope of work, and taking a low bid that’s missing part of the project won’t give you an accurate number. Review subcontractor quotes carefullyīefore you automatically choose the lowest subcontractor bid, make sure you are reviewing them carefully.
Contractor expenses for building a new home list software#
Tools like construction estimating and electronic take-off software can make quantifying the work easier and more exact. Having accurate takeoffs for the amount of work required for a project is key to providing an accurate budget. PDF Tips for creating an accurate construction budget Accurate take-off If you are using the Google Sheets or Excel versions of the template, the calculation formulas are already included. Tailor the items listed in these budgets to your specific project. We’ve also included a template to track budgeted expenses with actual job costs on any job. Below are budget templates for two main groups of construction projects: residential and commercial. Free Construction Budget TemplatesĮvery construction job is unique, but a project budget can be organized using common categories of expenses. These fees are based on the scope of work and size of the project. Permits and feesĪll projects, except minor repairs, are subject to review and permitting by the local jurisdiction. They include utilities, project supervision, dumpsters, printing, trailer rental, project management, and administrative costs. In construction, general conditions refers to the temporary facilities and necessities that are required to support the project and its workers.
Contractor expenses for building a new home list how to#
Learn more: How to assess & manage indirect costs 3. Architectural and engineering costs, insurance and bonds, and legal and accounting fees are included here. Soft costs, also called indirect costs, include design and other services that might be needed for a project, but aren’t directly tied to the building or materials. A contractor determines these costs based on pricing they receive from subcontractors and suppliers, as well as the costs to employ their own workers. Hard costs are for the actual construction of the building, including materials, labor, and equipment costs. Learn how to create a construction budget (and stick to it) 1. There are four main parts of a construction budget when you’re breaking down income and expenses for any project, whether residential or commercial. The four key parts of a construction budget
Tips for creating an accurate construction budget.
Commercial construction budget template.
Residential construction budget template.
The four key parts of a construction budget.
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