#innovative cooking tools
paarkitchensol · 1 year
Innovative Cooking Tools | Paar Kitchen
Paar Kitchen offers a range of innovative and top-rated kitchen gadgets and tools. Their products are among the top 10 kitchen gadgets in the market, providing customers with an extensive kitchen gadgets list to choose from. They are known for producing innovative cooking tools and kitchen accessories that make cooking easier and more enjoyable. Paar Kitchen's innovative kitchen tools in India are designed to cater to different cooking styles and preferences. With their focus on quality and innovation, they have become one of the most trusted names in the industry. Whether it's preparing meals or serving dishes, their innovative kitchen gadgets are a must-have for any home chef.
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storeshopping · 2 months
Discover Innovation with Chunmi Technology (Hong Kong) Limited
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Discover Innovation with Chunmi Technology (Hong Kong) Limited Description: Explore the cutting-edge solutions offered by Chunmi Technology (Hong Kong) Limited, a leader in the small kitchen appliance industry. Located in the heart of Hong Kong, we specialize in creating innovative and efficient products designed to enhance your culinary experience. From advanced rice cookers to versatile kitchen gadgets, our commitment to quality and technology ensures that you have the best tools at your fingertips. Join us on our journey to revolutionize home cooking and elevate your kitchen game!
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Apple fucked us on right to repair (again)
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Today (September 22), I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. Tonight, I'll be in person at LA's Book Soup for the launch of Justin C Key's "The World Wasn’t Ready for You." On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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Right to repair has no cannier, more dedicated adversary than Apple, a company whose most innovative work is dreaming up new ways to sneakily sabotage electronics repair while claiming to be a caring environmental steward, a lie that covers up the mountains of e-waste that Apple dooms our descendants to wade through.
Why does Apple hate repair so much? It's not that they want to poison our water and bodies with microplastics; it's not that they want to hasten the day our coastal cities drown; it's not that they relish the human misery that accompanies every gram of conflict mineral. They aren't sadists. They're merely sociopathically greedy.
Tim Cook laid it out for his investors: when people can repair their devices, they don't buy new ones. When people don't buy new devices, Apple doesn't sell them new devices. It's that's simple:
So Apple does everything it can to monopolize repair. Not just because this lets the company gouge you on routine service, but because it lets them decide when your phone is beyond repair, so they can offer you a trade-in, ensuring both that you buy a new device and that the device you buy is another Apple.
There are so many tactics Apple gets to use to sabotage repair. For example, Apple engraves microscopic Apple logos on the subassemblies in its devices. This allows the company to enlist US Customs to seize and destroy refurbished parts that are harvested from dead phones by workers in the Pacific Rim:
Of course, the easiest way to prevent harvested components from entering the parts stream is to destroy as many old devices as possible. That's why Apple's so-called "recycling" program shreds any devices you turn over to them. When you trade in your old iPhone at an Apple Store, it is converted into immortal e-waste (no other major recycling program does this). The logic is straightforward: no parts, no repairs:
Shredding parts and cooking up bogus trademark claims is just for starters, though. For Apple, the true anti-repair innovation comes from the most pernicious US tech law: Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
DMCA 1201 is an "anti-circumvention" law. It bans the distribution of any tool that bypasses "an effective means of access control." That's all very abstract, but here's what it means: if a manufacturer sticks some Digital Rights Management (DRM) in its device, then anything you want to do that involves removing that DRM is now illegal – even if the thing itself is perfectly legal.
When Congress passed this stupid law in 1998, it had a very limited blast radius. Computers were still pretty expensive and DRM use was limited to a few narrow categories. In 1998, DMCA 1201 was mostly used to prevent you from de-regionalizing your DVD player to watch discs that had been released overseas but not in your own country.
But as we warned back then, computers were only going to get smaller and cheaper, and eventually, it would only cost manufacturers pennies to wrap their products – or even subassemblies in their products – in DRM. Congress was putting a gun on the mantelpiece in Act I, and it was bound to go off in Act III.
Welcome to Act III.
Today, it costs about a quarter to add a system-on-a-chip to even the tiniest parts. These SOCs can run DRM. Here's how that DRM works: when you put a new part in a device, the SOC and the device's main controller communicate with one another. They perform a cryptographic protocol: the part says, "Here's my serial number," and then the main controller prompts the user to enter a manufacturer-supplied secret code, and the master controller sends a signed version of this to the part, and the part and the system then recognize each other.
This process has many names, but because it was first used in the automotive sector, it's widely known as VIN-Locking (VIN stands for "vehicle identification number," the unique number given to every car by its manufacturer). VIN-locking is used by automakers to block independent mechanics from repairing your car; even if they use the manufacturer's own parts, the parts and the engine will refuse to work together until the manufacturer's rep keys in the unlock code:
VIN locking is everywhere. It's how John Deere stops farmers from fixing their own tractors – something farmers have done literally since tractors were invented:
It's in ventilators. Like mobile phones, ventilators are a grotesquely monopolized sector, controlled by a single company Medtronic, whose biggest claim to fame is effecting the world's largest tax inversion in order to manufacture the appearance that it is an Irish company and therefore largely untaxable. Medtronic used the resulting windfall to gobble up most of its competitors.
During lockdown, as hospitals scrambled to keep their desperately needed supply of ventilators running, Medtronic's VIN-locking became a lethal impediment. Med-techs who used donor parts from one ventilator to keep another running – say, transplanting a screen – couldn't get the device to recognize the part because all the world's civilian aircraft were grounded, meaning Medtronic's technicians couldn't swan into their hospitals to type in the unlock code and charge them hundreds of dollars.
The saving grace was an anonymous, former Medtronic repair tech, who built pirate boxes to generate unlock codes, using any housing they could lay hands on to use as a case: guitar pedals, clock radios, etc. This tech shipped these gadgets around the world, observing strict anonymity, because Article 6 of the EUCD also bans circumvention:
Of course, Apple is a huge fan of VIN-locking. In phones, VIN-locking is usually called "serializing" or "parts-pairing," but it's the same thing: a tiny subassembly gets its own microcontroller whose sole purpose is to prevent independent repair technicians from fixing your gadget. Parts-pairing lets Apple block repairs even when the technician uses new, Apple parts – but it also lets Apple block refurb parts and third party parts.
For many years, Apple was the senior partner and leading voice in blocking state Right to Repair bills, which it killed by the dozen, leading a coalition of monopolists, from Wahl (who boobytrap their hair-clippers with springs that cause their heads irreversibly decompose if you try to sharpen them at home) to John Deere (who reinvented tenant farming by making farmers tenants of their tractors, rather than their land).
But Apple's opposition to repair eventually became a problem for the company. It's bad optics, and both Apple customers and Apple employees are volubly displeased with the company's ecocidal conduct. But of course, Apple's management and shareholders hate repair and want to block it as much as possible.
But Apple knows how to Think Differently. It came up with a way to eat its cake and have it, too. The company embarked on a program of visibly support right to repair, while working behind the scenes to sabotage it.
Last year, Apple announced a repair program. It was hilarious. If you wanted to swap your phone's battery, all you had to do was let Apple put a $1200 hold on your credit card, and then wait while the company shipped you 80 pounds' worth of specialized tools, packed in two special Pelican cases:
Then, you swapped your battery, but you weren't done! After your battery was installed, you had to conference in an authorized Apple tech who would tell you what code to type into a laptop you tethered to the phone in order to pair it with your phone. Then all you had to do was lug those two 40-pound Pelican cases to a shipping depot and wait for Apple to take the hold off your card (less the $120 in parts and fees).
By contrast, independent repair outfits like iFixit will sell you all the tools you need to do your own battery swap – including the battery! for $32. The whole kit fits in a padded envelope:
But while Apple was able to make a showy announcement of its repair program and then hide the malicious compliance inside those giant Pelican cases, sabotaging right to repair legislation is a lot harder.
Not that they didn't try. When New York State passed the first general electronics right-to-repair bill in the country, someone convinced New York Governor Kathy Hochul to neuter it with last-minute modifications:
But that kind of trick only works once. When California's right to repair bill was introduced, it was clear that it was gonna pass. Rather than get run over by that train, Apple got on board, supporting the legislation, which passed unanimously:
But Apple got the last laugh. Because while California's bill contains many useful clauses for the independent repair shops that keep your gadgets out of a landfill, it's a state law, and DMCA 1201 is federal. A state law can't simply legalize the conduct federal law prohibits. California's right to repair bill is a banger, but it has a weak spot: parts-pairing, the scourge of repair techs:
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Every generation of Apple devices does more parts-pairing than the previous one, and the current models are so infested with paired parts as to be effectively unrepairable, except by Apple. It's so bad that iFixit has dropped its repairability score for the iPhone 14 from a 7 ("recommend") to a 4 (do not recommend):
Parts-pairing is bullshit, and Apple are scum for using it, but they're hardly unique. Parts-pairing is at the core of the fuckery of inkjet printer companies, who use it to fence out third-party ink, so they can charge $9,600/gallon for ink that pennies to make:
Parts-pairing is also rampant in powered wheelchairs, a heavily monopolized sector whose predatory conduct is jaw-droppingly depraved:
But if turning phones into e-waste to eke out another billion-dollar stock buyback is indefensible, stranding people with disabilities for months at a time while they await repairs is so obviously wicked that the conscience recoils. That's why it was so great when Colorado passed the nation's first wheelchair right to repair bill last year:
California actually just passed two right to repair bills; the other one was SB-271, which mirrors Colorado's HB22-1031:
This is big! It's momentum! It's a start!
But it can't be the end. When Bill Clinton signed DMCA 1201 into law 25 years ago, he loaded a gun and put it on the nation's mantlepiece and now it's Act III and we're all getting sprayed with bullets. Everything from ovens to insulin pumps, thermostats to lightbulbs, has used DMCA 1201 to limit repair, modification and improvement.
Congress needs to rid us of this scourge, to let us bring back all the benefits of interoperability. I explain how this all came to be – and what we should do about it – in my new Verso Books title, The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Mitch Barrie (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Daytona_Skeleton_AR-15_completed_rifle_%2817551907724%29.jpg
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
kambanji (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/kambanji/4135216486/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Rawpixel (modified) https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12438797/png-white-background
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najia-cooks · 11 months
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[ID: One puffy circle of bread, and three which have been halved to show an internal pocket, on a striped blue and white kitchen towel. End ID]
خبز الكماج / Khubiz al-kmaj (Palestinian flatbread)
Khubiz al-kmaj is a thin flatbread with an internal pocket. It is commonly eaten with breakfast to scoop up dips such as hummus, used to eat stews, served alongside main dishes, and used to make sandwiches and to wrap falafel. "خُبْز," pronounced "khubz" or (in Levantine varieties of Arabic) "khubiz," comes from the root خ ب ز (kh-b-z), which also produces the word "خَبَزَ" "khabaza" (Levantine: "خَبَز" "khabaz"), "to bake."‎
This bread is eaten across the Levant and in Greece, with slight differences in terminology and style. It is variously called "خُبْز العَرَبِيّ" (khubz al-'arabiyy; Arabian bread), "خُبْز "البَلَدِيّ (khubz al-baladiyy; bread from my country), or (occasionally) "خُبْز البيتة" or "البيتا" (khubz al-bita), a borrowing from "pita." ("Pita" itself is perhaps from Greek "πίτα" "pita," or the modern Hebrew "פיתה.") The bread is referred to as "khubiz al-kmaj" in Palestine, from the Turkic "kömeç" / كُمَجْ‎ ("bread baked in ashes"). The collective term for the bread in general is كماج (kmāj); each individual piece of bread is referred to with the singulative "كماجة‎" (kmāja).
Today, kmaj is frequently made with white flour; some people add olive oil or milk powder to ensure a very soft dough. Leila el-Haddad writes that a more traditional method omits milk and uses whole white spring wheat, a whiteish wheat grain harvested in late spring and ground without removing the bran.
Since the late 20th century, many Palestinian households have used an electric cooker (طنجرة الكهرباء; ṭanjara al-kahrabā') to cook kmaj, placing one kmaja inside of the chamber and one on top and allowing both to bake at the same time. These aluminum and tin cookers, which were invented in Gaza and became popular there during the first intifada in the late 1980s, are designed to route electricity through a metal pipe or spiral wire on the underside of their lids, heating both the top and the inside of the cooker simultaneously.
The cookers' popularity can be attributed in part to a curfew that Israel imposed on Gazan refugee camps during the intifada, supposedly in an attempt to restrict the movements of resistance fighters. Refugees in the Jabalia camp in the north, for example, unable to afford home stoves, and without the necessary outdoor space to make familial clay ovens, would have to wait in line for hours every day to get bread from shared ovens, risking curfew violations; household electric cookers were far more convenient. The success of local industry and innovation in the form of Gazan-manufactured technology was also symbolically and strategically important during the first intifada, in which Palestinians employed strikes and boycotts (largely organized by women) of Israeli companies and goods as a strategy of resistance to occupation.
An electric cooker is still today considered a very important tool, as it spares families the need to purchase kmaj (the price of which was soaring compared to the cost of flour in the 2010s, and which was often of inferior quality compared to what could be made at home). They are frequently given as wedding or housewarming presents. Lack of access to electricity, though, imposes a limiting condition on the usage of these cookers, as Israel has for over a decade strangled the flow of power to Gaza: Abier Almasri wrote in 2017 that tasks such as cooking and laundry had to be rushed during the four or so hours a day when electricity was available. In this environment, electric cookers are useful in that they can prepare a lot of bread in a short period of time. Fathia Radwan said in 2022 that she would wake up early, after the nightly power outage, to prepare more than 100 loaves of bread at a time for her family of nine.
Today, the taxes that Israel levies on imports of raw materials into Gaza makes the cost of new electric cookers, which sometimes exceeds 120 shekels (37 USD), too expensive for some families to afford. The difficulty and expense of importing materials, and the impossibility of exporting goods to foreign markets with the advent of the 2007 siege, also limit the number of factories in Gaza that are able to manufacture these cooking pots. The aluminum industry, introduced to Gaza in the 1960s and once the basis of a manufacturing and economic renaissance in the region, deteriorated as a result of the siege, as factories were no longer able to export goods to the West Bank and were newly reliant on imports of raw materials from Egypt. Even parts to repair electric cookers are expensive, due to a tax levied on items judged by Israel to have a "dual," i.e. a possible civilian and military, use.
Still, repairman Iyad Faraj estimates that over half the homes in Gaza have and use an electric cooker, as maintaining, repairing, and operating one is cheaper than having a gas pipe installed (at 68 shekels, 20 USD) and purchasing gas. Electric pots thus stand in many homes as both a utilitarian item, and a symbol of Palestinian ingenuity and resistance to Israel's attempts at impoverishment and starvation.
Support Palestinian resistance by contributing to Palestine Action’s bail fund or to Palestine Legal’s defence fund, by attending court or making a sign to support the Elbit Eight, or by buying an e-sim for distribution in Gaza.
500g (4 cups + 3 Tbsp) white whole wheat (spring) flour
1/2 Tbsp (5g) active dry yeast
1/2 Tbsp (6.25g) vegetarian granulated sugar
1/2 Tbsp (7.25g) kosher salt
About 2 1/4 cups (530mL) room-temperature water, divided
Olive oil
White whole wheat flour is flour that has a white color once ground, despite the fact that it includes both the bran and the germ of the wheatberry. It is milled from white spring wheat (so named because it is harvested in late spring).
You may instead mix white all-purpose flour and brown whole wheat flour in your desired proportion. Keep in mind that whole wheat flour will need more water and more kneading than white flour. If you’re using all white flour, you will need about 1 1/4 cup (300mL) water.
1. Mix flour, yeast, sugar, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add water gradually until dry ingredients come together into a sticky dough.
2. Knead the dough on the countertop or in a wide, shallow bowl until smooth, about 5 minutes. (If using whole wheat or white whole wheat flour) continue incorporating water into the dough as you knead to maintain a tacky texture.
3. Fold the dough into a ball and return to the bowl, seam-side down. Pat the top of the dough with some olive oil, cover the bowl, and let rise for an hour.
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4. Pinch the dough into about 8 balls of equal size (about 110g each). Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.
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5. On a lightly floured surface, roll out each ball of dough into a circle about 1/4" (1/2cm) in thickness. Set dough circles on a surface prepared with parchment paper and cover closely with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Let rest and ferment for at least 1 and up to 10 hours.
An overnight rest is traditional in Palestine and will create a more complex flavor in the bread (see note below).
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6. Remove each circle of dough from its resting place with a metal spatula and roll it out to a 1/4” thickness again. Preheat a baking stone or sheet in the top third of an oven at 500 °F (260 °C), and then cook breads in the oven for three minutes, until large bubbles have begun to form.
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7. Flip bread over and cook for another 3 minutes on the other side, until golden brown and puffed up completely.
8. Wrap breads in a kitchen towel or tea towel and allow to steam for a few minutes while the others cook.
The climate where I live is dry enough that I have discovered a risk of my breads becoming crackers if I leave them out overnight. The dried-out flatbread does puff up in the oven, but the resulting product is not as nice and fluffy as it should be.
Through experimentation, I have found the best method of both preventing drying out and guaranteeing that the flatbreads will puff up during cooking the next day is:
1. Roll out the dough and place dough circles on a lightly oiled surface. Cover them closely with lightly oiled plastic wrap.
2. The next day, fold dough circles back into balls. Place seam-side down and roll out again on a lightly floured surface.
3. Bake as described above.
If you live in a humid environment, the first instructions given in the recipe above should work for you.
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amputeewomen · 7 months
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Hi, I made a new Instagram post:
https://www.instagram.com/p/C3uEd_DIaI7/ Would be great if you could like this post and the one on Instagram. Thanks so much Here is a story for the pic:
Isabel was always the kind of person who found a silver lining in the darkest of clouds. So, when an unfortunate accident at the local wood mill resulted in the loss of both her hands, Isabel didn't let despair take hold. Instead, she embraced her new reality with a spirit that was as unbreakable as the polished, shiny hooks that now replaced her hands.
At 22, Isabel was the epitome of resilience wrapped in a rather pretty package. Her coworkers at the mill, initially unsure how to react to her return, were soon won over by her unwavering positivity and, frankly, her uncanny ability to grab things with her prosthetic hooks. Isabel quickly became not just proficient but impressively dexterous with her new appendages, turning tasks that seemed daunting into feats of skill that left onlookers in awe—and often in stitches.
Isabel's adaptation to her hooks became the stuff of legend around the wood mill. She was known for her "hook hacks," innovative ways to manipulate her prosthetics to perform tasks ranging from the precise (sketching designs for the mill's custom woodwork orders) to the mundane (winning the annual chili cook-off).
Her fame as the mill's most adaptable employee was only surpassed by her sense of humor about her situation. Isabel often joked that she was now the most "metal" worker at the mill, both literally and figuratively. She'd make grand entrances into the workspace, proclaiming, "Make way for the Iron Lady!" Her colleagues couldn't help but laugh, their initial discomfort replaced by admiration and affection for Isabel's indomitable spirit.
The mill became known in the local community not just for its quality wood products but for Isabel's inspiring story. She became a bit of a local celebrity, with people from neighboring towns visiting just to see the "girl with the hooks" in action. Isabel welcomed them all with open arms—or hooks, rather—always ready with a quick joke or a demonstration of her latest hook-enabled skill.
Despite the accident, Isabel's love for the wood mill never waned. She saw her work there not just as a job but as a part of her identity. Her hooks, polished and shiny, were not symbols of loss but of adaptation and resilience. Isabel's story wasn't just about overcoming adversity; it was a testament to living life on one's own terms, finding humor in the face of hardship, and inspiring others to see the beauty in what makes us different.
In the end, Isabel's legacy at the wood mill was not defined by the work she did with wood but by the impact she had on the people around her. She showed them that life, much like wood, could be shaped into something beautiful, no matter what tools you have to work with. And that, perhaps, was the funniest twist of all: the girl who lost her hands but found a way to hold the hearts of everyone she touched.
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postitforward · 2 years
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Mental Health Spotlight: Jasmine Marie, Founder of black girls breathing®
Jasmine Marie is a speaker, breathwork practitioner, and the founder of black girls breathing®. Her work is innovating the wellness, healthcare, and research industry by making mental health services accessible to Black women while filling in the gaps of data and research available on this underserved and underrepresented demographic. Marie plans to impact one million Black women and girls with her work by 2025. She is a serial founder with a past life in global haircare brand marketing and an alum of NYU Stern. The impact and range of her work to date is expansive—ranging from underserved minority communities to stressed-out college students and executives. She’s brought her expertise to elite colleges such as Harvard Business School, Columbia University, and Cornell University, and her client list includes corporations such as Estée Lauder Companies, Under Armour, Capital One, Ford Motor Company, Facebook, and Twitter. Marie has been featured in Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America, VOGUE, Forbes, Harper’s Baazar, Marie Claire, Glamour, Nylon Mag, Wall Street Journal, and Black Enterprise, to name a few.
What is black girls breathing®? And why was it created? black girls breathing® is a safe space for Black women to manage their mental and emotional health and heal trauma in their bodies with breathwork and community.
I created black girls breathing® after finishing my breathwork training and seeing so few facilitators that looked like me yet knowing how much chronic stress and trauma (generational, societal, etc.) and decided to create it. I used my background in business to help me develop a model where we could provide this work accessibly.
Do you have any secret hobbies, skills, or interests?
I don’t think I have any secret hobbies but for a while, I would always feel embarrassed whenever anyone asked that question, as a lot of my hobbies can maybe seem boring to others lol. But I love to read. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I love having quiet time…any activity that allows me to feel refreshed, sit with my own thoughts and enjoy my solitude. I think because I deal with so many people’s energy that in my spare time, I just like to spend time with self. I love to cook though…it’s a very meditative activity for me that allows me to unwind from my day.
How did you get started in this work? And why is it important to you?
As mentioned above, after my breathwork training, I realized there were so few Black breathworkers. But before that, I found breathwork while being stressed out after graduating from business school at NYU and working in beauty in NYC. My nervous system was so fried I began having physical symptoms…rashes and an inability to sleep. The doctor would see me and always say, “This is stress. How can you reduce your stress?” Fast forward to me finding my first breathwork class and falling in love with the way it allowed me to just feel more space in my mind and body.
WOW — ONE MILLION Black women and girls breathing by 2025 what an ambitious goal! What impact do you see this having?
It is an ambitious goal, but in 2020, we fundraised $55k to make our work accessible for one year. After the year was done, it was so clear that we couldn’t stop there. So many Black women needed this work, and we would hear that over and over again. So I decided if I was going to do this work, I was only interested in creating real impact and a goal that would signify that. Imagining 1 Million Black women using breathwork as a tool to regulate their nervous systems, heal from compounded trauma and reduce the effect that chronic stress has in our community (health challenges linked to chronic stress: heart disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, fertility issues, and the list goes on) will not only affect them but our community as a whole. Ending the passing down of generational trauma and normalizing healing.
What would you suggest to people who feel like they cannot find the time to breathe or practice mindfulness?
I would first affirm that it’s okay they feel that way. Western society has done a great job of making us feel that anything outside of productivity is not only a waste of time but the least important thing we should make space for. Making time for yourself for any mindful activity can be eased into and it can start with being more aware of the present moment and practicing that action on a daily. Maybe you create a routine where every morning for 3 minutes right when you get up, you take a moment to be still, notice your breathing pattern and focus on each and every inhale and exhale.
Why is Black representation important in this industry?
The wellness industry isn’t unlike other industries where Black representation is lacking. I think it’s important to see other Black women caring for themselves because, historically, we’ve been taught to do the opposite for oh so long.
Where do you find joy?
I find joy with my family and my loved ones, in intimate moments with friends, in good food and conversation, and in being able to create something and see it grow, shift, and evolve.
Want to learn more about black girls @blackgirlsbreathing?
Check out their website!
Breathe with us on March 27th @12pm EDT during their Mindful Monday Breathwork for Anxiety session on Tumblr Live
Ask black girls breathing all the questions on your mind for IssueTime on Navigating Anxiety in an increasingly digital, lonely world
Take the pledge with black girls breathing®
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rippleclan · 2 months
What are all you're custom traits? Sorry if you don't want to share I'm just curious!
I occasionally add more to my list when I have a good idea, but here are all the ones I occasionally supplement into the game!
stares at fire
starts fires quickly
talented fire-starter
fire master
loves to eat
novice cook
good cook
incredible cook
bats at string
good weaver
talented weaver
master weaver
plays in mud
good potter
excellent potter
makes the best pottery
has lots of ideas
constantly fiddling with tools
skilled toolsmith
inventor and innovator
loves nature
understands nature
cares for nature
maintains the territory
plays with prey
prey cleaner
leather worker
leather artist
loves to sing
good singer
great singer
songbird-like singer
eye for details
clue finder
star detective
always asking questions
question seeker
student of science
lover of art
student of art
masterful artist
always wandering
loves to explore
skilled explorer
curious about humans
watches humans
loves humans
human expert
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blackbacchus999 · 2 months
🍷 🍇 "Let Dionysus guide your hand, whether holding a brush or a keyboard, for he knows no fear. Through him, your creations will transcend the mundane and touch the infinite." 🍷 🍇
- John Karneios Auletta
Consider the myth of Dionysus and the invention of theater: in ancient Greece, Dionysus inspired the creation of drama and theater, a revolutionary form of storytelling that combined music, performance, and narrative in ways never seen before. This innovation transformed how stories were told and experienced, much like how modern technology can revolutionize our creative expressions. Just as Dionysus inspired the ancient Greeks to invent new forms of art, he can inspire your technological creations to transcend the ordinary and reach new heights of creativity and impact. Dionysus not once was worried about how humans would misuse theater. He didn't think about how people would steal old scripts from others original, no He created and appreciated theater no matter how others planned on using it!! We have to stop placing our own fears and limiting things all because we fear that someone else will steal it. The gods never fretted over how humans might misuse their newfound tools; they knew that human nature was beyond anyone's control. So, if the gods weren't concerned back then, why would they be worried about it now?
(Let’s be real—I'll give you a rundown of gifts the gods handed to humanity, gifts they bestowed without a second thought about how we'd misuse them. These divine blessings were celebrated, no matter how we twisted their purposes down the line. Think about it: almost every boon from the gods has been twisted and abused by us. Did that ever stop the gods from sharing their gifts? Did it ever hinder those gifts from propelling our society forward? Absolutely not. You believe Prometheus gave us fire, right? Then why doubt that Hephaestus didn’t spark the inspiration for tech advancements like AI?)
Fire: Prometheus gifted humanity fire, enabling cooking, warmth, and metalworking, without divine concern over its potential for destruction.
Agriculture: Demeter taught humans how to cultivate crops and harvest food, which revolutionized human society.
Medicine and Healing: Asclepius, the god of medicine, bestowed knowledge of healing and medicine to humans, improving their health and longevity.
Navigation and Astronomy: Poseidon and Urania, the muse of astronomy, provided humans with knowledge of the seas and the stars, enabling exploration and trade.
Music and Arts: Apollo and the Muses granted humans the arts of music, poetry, and dance, enriching human culture and expression.
Architecture, Technology and Building: Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and craftsmen, gifted humans with the knowledge of building and construction, leading to the creation of temples, cities, and infrastructure.
Metalworking: The Cyclopes and Hephaestus provided the skill of metalworking, enabling the creation of tools, weapons, and art.
Mathematics and Geometry: Athena, known for wisdom, imparted knowledge of mathematics and geometry, crucial for science and engineering.
Writing and Literature: Hermes, the messenger god, introduced the art of writing and communication, preserving knowledge and facilitating learning.
Weaving and Textiles: Athena also taught humans the craft of weaving, leading to the production of clothes and fabrics.
Agricultural Tools: Demeter provided tools like the plow, revolutionizing farming and food production.
Domestication of Animals: Various gods, including Artemis and Pan, facilitated the domestication of animals, aiding in farming, transportation, and companionship.
Pottery and Ceramics: Athena also gave humans the skill of pottery, essential for storage, cooking, and art.
Law and Justice: Themis and Dike, goddesses of justice, provided the concepts of law and order, crucial for societal structure.
Alchemy and Early Chemistry: Hermes Trismegistus, associated with Hermes, shared esoteric knowledge of alchemy, leading to early chemical practices.
Drama and Theater: Dionysus, god of theater, inspired the creation of drama, enhancing cultural and spiritual life.
Philosophy and Reasoning: Athena fostered the development of philosophy, encouraging critical thinking and ethical reasoning.
Calendar and Timekeeping: Urania and Chronos provided humans with methods to measure time, essential for agriculture, rituals, and navigation.
Medicine and Surgery: Asclepius and Apollo imparted advanced medical techniques, improving surgical practices and treatments.
Herbal Knowledge: Gaia and other nature deities shared knowledge of herbs and plants for medicinal and culinary uses.Music Instruments: Apollo and the Muses gave humans musical instruments like the lyre and flute, enriching their cultural life.
Sculpture and Statues: Hephaestus and Athena inspired the art of sculpture, leading to the creation of beautiful statues and monuments.
Language and Rhetoric: Hermes and Apollo contributed to the development of language and persuasive speaking, vital for communication and governance.
Maps and Cartography: Poseidon and the Muses provided knowledge of map-making, aiding in exploration and navigation.
Perfumes and Incense: Aphrodite and other deities shared the art of making perfumes and incense, enhancing rituals and personal adornment.
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lorimay2862 · 8 days
Twin-Cuisine Technology: Mastering the Art of Dual-Basket Air Frying
In the realm of modern kitchen appliances, the dual air fryer stands out as a revolutionary tool. With its unique twin-basket design, this appliance offers unparalleled convenience and versatility, making it a must-have for any home chef.
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What is a Dual Air Fryer?
A dual air fryer is an advanced version of the traditional air fryer, featuring two separate cooking baskets. This allows users to cook two different dishes simultaneously, saving time and energy. Imagine preparing crispy chicken wings in one basket while roasting vegetables in the other—without any flavor crossover.
Key Features of Dual Air Fryers
"The dual air fryer is designed to enhance your cooking experience by providing flexibility and efficiency."
Separate Cooking Zones: Each basket operates independently, allowing for different cooking times and temperatures.
Large Capacity: Ideal for families, dual air fryers can handle larger quantities of food.
Energy Efficiency: Cook multiple dishes at once, reducing overall cooking time and energy consumption.
Versatility: From frying and roasting to baking and grilling, the dual air fryer can do it all.
Benefits of Using a Dual Air Fryer
Why should you consider adding a dual air fryer to your kitchen arsenal? Here are some compelling reasons:
Time-Saving: Cook two dishes simultaneously, cutting your meal preparation time in half.Healthier Meals: Enjoy your favorite fried foods with up to 75% less fat.
Convenience: With pre-set cooking functions, making a variety of dishes is a breeze.
Easy Cleanup: Most dual air fryers come with dishwasher-safe baskets and accessories.
Popular Dual Air Fryer Models
Several brands offer high-quality dual air fryers. One notable example is the Toshiba Small Rice Cooker, known for its versatility and user-friendly features.
How to Use a Dual Air Fryer
Using a dual air fryer is straightforward, but here are some tips to get the most out of your appliance:
Preheat: Preheating ensures even cooking and optimal results.
Use the Right Temperature: Different foods require different temperatures. Refer to the user manual for guidelines.
Shake the Basket: For even cooking, shake the basket halfway through the cooking process.
Experiment: Don't be afraid to try new recipes and cooking techniques.
Maintaining Your Dual Air Fryer
Proper maintenance can extend the life of your dual air fryer. Here are some tips:
Regular Cleaning: Clean the baskets and accessories after each use to prevent buildup.
Check for Wear and Tear: Inspect the appliance regularly for any signs of damage.
Store Properly: When not in use, store your dual air fryer in a cool, dry place.
The dual air fryer is more than just a kitchen gadget; it's a game-changer. Whether you're a busy parent, a health-conscious individual, or someone who loves to cook, this appliance offers something for everyone. With its twin-basket design, versatile cooking options, and user-friendly features, the dual air fryer is set to become a staple in modern kitchens worldwide.
For more information on dual air fryers, check out this highly-rated model.
About Toshiba
Toshiba is a well-known brand in the home appliances industry, offering innovative and versatile products designed to make your life easier. One of their popular products is the Toshiba Small Rice Cooker, which features 8 cooking functions, Fuzzy Logic Technology, and a 24-hour delay timer.
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For more information on Toshiba's range of products, visit their official website.
Additional Resources
Understanding Air Fryers
Toshiba Small Rice Cooker
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paarkitchensol · 1 year
latest kitchenware | Paar Kitchen
Paar Kitchen is a leading manufacturer of plastic and stainless steel kitchenware manufacturer in India. As one of the best kitchenware manufacturers in India, they provide the latest kitchenware and best kitchen gadgets to their customers. They are also among the top stainless steel kitchenware manufacturing companies in Mumbai and India, offering top-quality products that are both durable and stylish. Paar Kitchen is known for producing a wide range of kitchen accessories that cater to different needs and preferences. As a trusted name in the industry, they are also one of the best kitchenware manufacturers in Mumbai. Their products are among the top-rated in the market, making them a go-to choice for customers looking for high-quality kitchenware companies in India.
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driedpeanuts69 · 1 month
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pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: spidey has been struggling to get into certain buildings when on the hunt for criminals, so you cook something up for him
(inspired by the spider-man games!)
warnings: fluff, cute, sweet, i imagine it as andrew garfield but you can imagine it as any spiderman you want, also set in the mcu world (you work in a lab with stark and banner)
“What’chu up to?”
You looked over your shoulder with a small smile. You dealt with authority fine, but when the authority is a man with 7 PhD’s and another who is a world renowned billionaire, authority gets a bit overwhelming.
“I’m making something.”
Tony puffed out his cheeks with a roll of his eyes. “Yeah, what?”
You spun in your chair to show off your workbench, a small bundle of red and black with eight metal legs. “Is that a spider?” Bruce asked. His glasses were pushed onto his head with a pen levelled on his ear.
“Mhm. It’s- It’s a prototype that you control through a mask, oh! Like Iron Man’s mask—“
“Thanks, kid.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes and carried on. “Automated by electroactive polymer and equipped with plasma deconstruction and reconstruction tools.” You grinned like a madman. “There’s four eyes with infrared lasers designed to create 3D scans of the environment, which will be super helpful detecting heat signals from people—“
“Y’know, this sounds perfect for a certain friendly neighbourhood Spider-man.”
You chuckled and nodded along with Tony’s word. You thought it would be a nice surprise for Peter since you knew it was hard for him sometimes. The worry and panic of not being able to save someone in time, or even find them — it was heartbreaking.
“Why do you think it’s a spider?”
“I don’t know,” Bruce said. “Wouldn’t it be better as a… uh…”
“Mini Iron Man figurine floating about?”
You snorted as a half-assed laugh and went back to tinkering with the Spider-Bot. “No. It has jets on the belly so it can hover certain heights, and it has legs… so it sticks. Like a spider.”
“It’s very innovative,” Bruce admitted while he lingered around you. His eyes were stuck on the small spider — fully electronic and metal.
“Mhm, it’s great. Can you do Iron Man next?” Tony crossed his arms with a teasing grin on his face. “Pep would love one of these.”
“No, you’d love to have it to annoy her.” You chuckled. “I’m not putting her through that.”
“Fine, I’ll just steal the blueprints when you’re sleeping.”
“Woah, you’re gonna rob a high school student?” You faked a frown. “I can’t believe Mr. Multi-Billionaire would do that to an innocent child!”
“Oh, save it.”
Bruce was just laughing through it all as his finger dragged along the bony metal exterior. “How strong are the plasma shots?”
“Strong enough to knock someone unconscious, not strong enough to severely maim or kill. Just like Spidey’s motto.”
“Pretty sure that’s not his motto—“
“Do you ever stop?”
Bruce huffed dramatically before checking the intricate designs along the back. “Is it to match his suit?”
You shrugged. At first, you tried to, until you realised bright red spiders aren’t exactly a norm. “I’ve made it mostly black and then red… maybe it’ll pass as a black widow.”
“Don’t tell Nat about that—“
“I obviously meant the spider!” You groaned. “God, you’re infuriating.”
“You love me really.” Tony said with a grin.
“Yeah, only ‘cause you’re paying me.”
“I love you too, kid.”
You blinked hard and prayed maybe that would get him to shut up, but then the best thing ever happened and Pepper called him through FRIDAY. He rambled something about how his lady wants him, and left with a stupid goodbye (he flicked your forehead and took Bruce’s pen).
“When is Pete coming?” Bruce asked. “Don’t you guys go to the same school? You finish together—“
“He’s on the maths team, remember? You came in on us doing flashcards in here.”
“Right, when he was using his webs to cover his own eyes—“
“And then you had to make the serum to melt it. Yup, he sure learnt his lesson from that.”
Bruce chuckled before stretching his back, a low groan spilling from his lips before he pressed a hand to your shoulder. “He’ll love it, kiddo.”
“You think?”
He hummed. “Definitely. I’m sure he’ll be jealous.”
“Oh, Peters not really the jealous kind—“
“God, you two…” He drawled on before leaving the lab, the doors closing automatically once he was gone.
With Bruce and Tony leaving the lab to yourself (which was only allowed to happen after Tony removed the temporary ban after you and Peter created a cocktail molotov because you ‘didn’t believe it actually worked’) you spun back around to focus on your workbench.
You’ve only created one Spider-Bot, a carved initial on its stomach that belonged to you. It was perfect. You tested out previous prototypes and they all had one missing factor — the shape. A smaller spider that had a high boiling and melting point metal was amazing.
You jumped a mile, eyes bulging in your skull as you lifted your head to stare at the new figure. Stupid Peter. “Pete!” You groaned. “You scared the shit out of me!”
His eyes widened and he dropped his skateboard on the floor before rushing over. “I’m sorry- really sorry—“ You just blinked, and he sheepishly smiled. “Sorry…”
You brushed him off with a short sweet smile and stood up from your chair. He rushed over and took your spot before placing his long fingers on your hips. He gave a slight squeeze and you sat down on his lap.
“I got you a present,” you said as you brushed away any remaining parts or tools so it at least looked nice. “Y’know how you’ve always said there’s certain places you can’t get into?”
He hummed and rested his chin on your shoulder, eyes closed as he swayed to himself. You just chuckled and took his hand into yours before laying it over your stomach.
“Well, Ive found a solution.”
He opened his eyes. “You have?” He quickly looked down at your workbench and although you couldn’t see him, you could feel his jaw stretch and a smile to take place on his lips. “Holy shit.”
“Do you like it?”
“It’s a spider.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and twisted your torso to look at him. “It’s not just a spider, Pete. Did you bring your suit?” Before he could answer, you pulled down the neckline of his shirt and saw the familiar red hue. “You wear it to maths club?”
“I’m Spider-Man.”
You giggle. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“You’re pretty?”
“I don’t think my boyfriend will appreciate that,” You teased.
“Yeah, but I’m Spider-Man.”
You laughed and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before pulling back with excitement. “Okay, okay, back on track. Inspect it.”
“Inspect it? Like- like I’m a doctor?”
“Sure. Just have a look please!”
He chuckled at your impatience before moving his hands from your hips to hold the spider in his palms. It stretched alive, the metal legs strangely silent as it moved in circles around his hands.
“Is that electroactive polymer?”
You hummed excitedly.
“And are those— are those jets?”
“It can fly!”
“It has its own webshooters—and plasma! Holy… wow.” The spider stopped moving as its head twisted up to look at Peter. “What can it do?”
“Get into vents, or cracks in the walls, or even doors. Stuff like that. Basically anything a Spider-Man can’t get through.” You say. “It sends location alerts to the EMT’s, destroy walls, and scans the environment to help you find people. Or find entryways.”
“This is… you’re so cool.” He mumbled sweetly, starstruck and probably a bit excited. “How long did this take?”
“I’m not telling you, but now I have the blueprints for it, if one ever gets destroyed then give me a call and I’ll fix you up a new one in seconds.”
Peter dragged the tip of his finger along the spine of the spider before looking into your eyes. He was blushing violently, maybe because you knew him so well or maybe because you was just so fucking smart, before his large hands took you captive.
“I love you,” He mumbled before smashing his lips to yours, a sweet yet passionate kiss where his hold on your jaw tightened and his other rolled down to the side of your neck. “You’re so hot.”
“‘cause I created a Spider-Bot?”
“Because you’re so smart.” He answered back truthfully, pressing another kiss to your lips. “I would’ve just suffered… but you-“
“I didn’t want you to suffer.”
“Exactly!” He pressed one more kiss to your lips before pulling back. “I love you.”
Relishing in his happiness, you raked your fingers through his hair and smiled. “I love you too.”
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cognitivejustice · 5 months
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Food as a catalyst to rebuild a community
Ecuador’s Project Iche houses a culinary school, restaurant and food lab that aims for social good
The initiative aims to impart ancient culinary traditions to a new generation of Ecuadorian chefs and curious diners, while also empowering the local community and creating a stronger economy.
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Ask any Ecuadorian about their country's favorite local cuisine, and the answer is almost always the same without exception: Manabí, a coastal area known for its traditional cuisine. In 2016 the Manabí region was devastated by an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale. More than 650 people were killed, over 16,000 injured and more than 35,000 homes were leveled.
Project Iche began as a response to rebuild Manabí by using food as a catalyst for growth. If there is one thing that brings together the Manabitan people, it’s food. And at Iche, they are bringing together tradition and innovation. The project touches on food in a myriad of ways: from growing vegetables and fresh herbs in the garden, to serving dishes in the restaurant. From product development in the laboratory, to teaching young chefs new skills and ancient cooking techniques, the project captures ancestral knowledge and recipes that until now, have primarily been conveyed by oral tradition. At Iche, students are taught the fundamentals of sustainable food production, and how to acknowledge their responsibility in upholding patrimonial food traditions. Lessons focus on how food provides a means to develop a strong economy that is built around ecotourism and gastronomy.
“Food can be a powerful tool to reactivate the economy, increase people’s self-esteem and unleash hope and creativity.”
Iche was founded in 2021 by Orazio Bellettini, a Manabí native. Bellettini was the executive director of Quito-based Grupo FARO, a think tank conducting research on how to build a more inclusive society. When the 2016 earthquake struck “the local economy was completely destroyed, and people were left without homes or hope. I felt a strong responsibility to help” Bellettini explains in an interview for National Geographic. He invested heavily into Project Iche, a one-stop-shop for developing and preserving Manabí cuisine. 
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Say Goodbye to Hassle and Hello to Efficiency: The Incredible Cutter That's Changing the Game for Women in the Kitchen!
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webcomicreads · 10 months
The Issue with "Foefic"
For as long as humans have created things, others have looked at the fruits of their labour and thought, "I can do that better." Drawing inspiration from something you see and think you could improve upon is not wrong, it is how innovation works when it comes to creating tools, art, cooking. However, some people mean it in a malicious way. A way that teeters on jealousy and, if I may, clout-thirsty.
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Lore Rekindled is a "retelling" of the (unfortunately) Eisner award winning webcomic Lore Olympus. From what I saw on the post introducing it, it is "better drawn and better written." I, like many, have issue with Lore Olympus. The writing is lacking and absolutely not award-worthy, and it even misses the mark as a cheesy harlequin romance. Persephone's characterization has no consistency. The art, while striking and easily recognizable, leaves a lot to be desired, especially when it comes to backgrounds. I don't consider it noteworthy, but it is heavily pushed by Naver's Webtoon, and that is probably why it keeps winning awards. With how low my opinion of Lore Olympus was, I dived into Lore Rekindled hoping to find something with more substance.
I did not find that substance.
LR suffers in different ways than LO. It assumes that you have read or are at least familiar with the major characters of Lore Olympus, which is understandable. The characters are re-written and interact strangely. Many of the characters in LO are meant to come off as "old money," and this shows in their lifestyles, fashion, and way they speak. The characters in LR all appear to have the same voice. If I were to print out a transcript of this comic and read it out loud, they would all be indistinguishable. LR is "better drawn," but what I think they meant is it is less toony. The backgrounds are better most of the time, but the panelling is boring and lacks the dynamicism seen in the original work. The plot is, if I'm being honest, just AU fanfiction (derogatory).
When I also learned that this creator had an original comic, I was very interested to see what it brought to the table. As I understood it, LR was a side project. So you can imagine my surprise when I looked at both the old and the new Project Reaper and it is just objectively a worse comic. The the majority of the cast has same-face syndrome, and seem to live in a cool-tone hell with no furniture most of the time. The concept of how to dress and style characters seems to be locked into what a 15 year old thinks is badass, but that fits for the story. The plot and dialogue reads like something a middle-schooler would make as an RP scenario with friends. The colouring is lazy dodge and burn, which just emphasizes that the author does not care about cultivating a space or atmosphere or world for these characters to live in. They are just toys to mash together to make your angsty super cool comic that you're going to pitch to Dark Horse for REAL, GUYS. And the first comic for this series is written right to left. In the author's defense, they were a teen when they started the original comic.
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So how does someone whose average panel looks like the example above come to the conclusion that they can make a better comic? It's simple: Project Reaper is original, but LR has base material you can go off of. Anyone can read a comic and think "I would do THIS for this panel, and I would do THAT for this character introduction." I did it reading both of these comics. But if I were handed only the script for either of these projects, it would not come as easily. Lore Rekindled only looks "better" because it has Rachel's work to build off of. This goes back to what I was saying at the beginning, that the "I could do that but GOOD" view isn't doing you any favours, especially when you aren't doing your own IP well.
I think writing a little hate piece once in a while is good. Draw a hate piece if you really need to (though I would just show it to friends, personally.) Consuming a little media you hate is also good. As a creator, it is important to see and understand why you hate something, what you would change, and what little glimmers of good are in an otherwise pile of garbage. It helps you grow, to realize your tastes, and what not to do in your own work. Critically acclaimed writer Alan Moore agrees! But to have a whole comic with a regular update schedule redrawing something you hate is... It's giving "look at my sonichu comic redraw!" It is loser behavior.
Plenty of people create media out of spite, and I encourage it. I do it too. But the work should be your own. You need to put this energy into your IP. If you keep being a "hater," you'll never guess what you attract. Other haters! And those haters will like you, for now. But one of these days, someone will go through your list of essays and think, "oh, but I don't see any fat people in YOUR work that aren't plus-size model attractive." All it takes is one comment or take that a similarly-minded reader doesn't like and there could be a master list about you!
I am, of course, not saying you can't make derivative works at all. The doujinshi market is full of fan creations, and every art site you go to will be full of fanart. But the difference between LR and these works (generic sexy flavour of the month artists aside,) is that they are made with love. With passion for the original work. I think back to Homestuck AUs because, while I may not have liked them, these creators were doing it out of love for the characters. I follow a few guys on twitter who have been drawing a picture of their anime wife every day for over 10 years. That's love! Then you have more transformative works like Hello from Halo Head, of which some of it's characters are off-brand animal crossing characters. I love that. I think it's neat that the creator loved that little cat twink enough to bring him into their comic in a new form.
I think the point of this post is that you can use spite as a motivator, but it should be for your own creations. We have a limited time on this planet, and even less time where our hands are still able to pick up a pen. Put this towards your passion for the medium, for the stories in your heart. It's rough out there for creators, and it can be hard to find an audience in the ever-churning seas of the internet. But, please, don't put all your effort into "foefiction." That is cringe. And, if you're going to anyways, it'd better actually be good.
PS B^u
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smute · 7 months
nothing like being asked to take my hat off indoors. listen, buddy. the earth is a rock orbiting the sun. it's one of many rocks and assorted non-rocky planets orbiting the sun in something called the solar system. the sun with its solar system is one of several hundred billion stars in the milky way galaxy. the milky way, the andromeda galaxy, and the triangulum galaxy together form the local group (along with their many satellite galaxies). the exact number of galaxies in the local group beyond the 3 largest is unknown, but estimates range from 50 to 80. the local group is part of the virgo supercluster, a concentration of at least 100 galaxy groups. the virgo supercluster, however, is actually just a subpart of the laniakea supercluster, as defined in 2014. the laniakea supercluster is home to approximately 100,000 - 150,000 galaxies, each containing billions of stars with their own planetary systems. the laniakea supercluster spans 160 megaparsecs, or 520,000,000 light years. (one light year equals 9,460,730,472,580.8 km, or 5.88 trillion miles.) the laniakea supercluster is located in the pisces–cetus supercluster complex, a galaxy filament measuring roughly 1,000,000,000 (yes, one billion) light years in length. the number of superclusters in the observable universe is estimated to be 10 million, each home to its own galaxy groups and galaxies and stars and planets and rocks. but the earth is not just a rock within an inconceivably large universe. it is a rock that happens to be very wet. and the reason why the rock is wet, is that it happens to orbit its star, the sun, at the perfect distance for peak wetness.
one unfortunate day between 4.3 and 3.7 billion years ago, this very wet rock spawned microbial life. until the cambrian explosion 538,800,000 years ago, most living things were very simple organisms, but during this period, life diversified rapidly and complex organisms eventually ventured beyond the oceans. the first known footprints on land date to 530,000,000 years ago, and the earliest dinosaurs appeared 225,000,000 years ago, along with the first mammals. the last common ancestor shared by the genera homo (humans) and pan (chimpanzee and bonobo) is estimated to have lived anywhere between 13,000,000 and 5,000,000 years ago.
the earliest appearance of members of the genus homo dates back to about 2,600,000 years ago. fire was discovered 2,000,000 years ago and has been in habitual use for at least 400,000 years, although it may have begun as early as 1,000,000 years ago. the control of fire had a lasting effect on the human diet and, according to the cooking hypothesis, it was an essential element in our evolution as it led to a large increase in energy acquisition while reducing the physical challenges of eating and the amount of energy that had to be spent on digestion. it also allowed innovations in tool making and the creation of art and pottery. it even helped develop early societies. fires required organized cooperation as they had to be maintained, and they offered gathering places for increased social interaction. the use of fire extended the waking day into the evening hours and changed humans' circadian rhythms. in addition to cooked food and artificial light, fire offered protection from predatory animals and cold temperatures, allowing humans to survive in temperate regions.
neanderthals and anatomically modern humans first appeared between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago - the former in europe, and the latter in africa. about 50,000 years ago, modern humans started colonizing the other continents, eventually replacing the neanderthals and all other hominins. the domestication of dogs began around 35,000 years ago. at the end of the last ice age, around 12,000 years ago, modern humans (and their dogs) had populated nearly the entire planet. the agricultural revolution began soon after in west asia and resulted in more and more humans adopting a sedentary lifestyle in permanent settlements with increasingly complex societies. the gradual accumulation of knowledge and technology eventually culminated in the industrial revolution, which began about 250 years ago and resulted in an unprecedented rise in population growth.
between 200 and 100 years ago, the global population of humans nearly doubled – from 1,000,000,000 to 2,000,000,000. within the next 50 years it doubled again, and then again in the 50 years following that. half of the 117,000,000,000 modern humans that have ever lived, lived in the past 2,000 years. only about 9,000,000,000 people, or less than 8%, lived in the 200,000 years before the agricultural revolution – about the same number as the current living human population. 7% of all humans that have ever existed are alive today, still sharing that same rock that happens to be very wet, in that same inconceivably large universe. billions of years spent developing sentience and sapience, on a very wet rock in a very large universe, and you're worried about the fabric covering my skull? take a step back and reassess the situation maybe
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