#insane jester dog
verykoolkat · 1 year
I started drawing the insane jester dog :>
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noose-lion · 9 months
I don't like this y'all.
Either we're about to get a major anime-manga split (better option) or this is some type of trick (okay option).
If this is the story, if this is what actually happens. Anyone else feel slighted?
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ajaxgb · 8 months
I spent way too much time analyzing different angles during the hallway scenes so I could build an almost complete map of the hallway in the TADC pilot:
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There are 28 doors in total.
1 is never visible (may or may not be important)
10 are "blank", showing a generic mannequin
10 are crossed out
6 are the characters we see in this episode
1 is Kaufmo
So that suggests that 17 humans have entered the circus and 11 of them have gone violently insane, assuming the doors are never reused. That's a 35% survival rate at best! Not looking good for our protagonists.
A closer look at the presumably abstracted characters:
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Some kind of purple jester? Kind of looks like Marx from Kirby.
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A furry pink cyclops?
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An orange dog.
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A green and orange worm-on-a-string (iconic).
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Queener??? Looks just like Kinger, but mauve, a queen chess piece instead of a king, and with cartoon "girl" eyelashes. This is almost certainly important.
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Only seen during the chase scene; too blurry to make out much other than the colors orange, green, and pink. The "X" is visible, though.
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A purple dragon/dinosaur with multicolored head plates.
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Also only seen during the chase scene. All that can be made out is a blue blur with something yellow around neck height.
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A sad yellow clown worm?
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A floppy-eared blue puppet with a red flower and cartoon "girl" eyelashes. Kind of looks like a rabbit, or like Tutter the mouse from Bear in the Big Blue House.
Interestingly, we can count at least four clown/jester characters, including Kaufmo and Pomni, making it the most common "archetype". May be significant.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
How would the TCE boys hold up in a zombie apocalypse?
Putting aside the fact that Krulu and Miara would never let that happen.
[A zombie apocalypse setting is very intriguing, because you have to ask yourself a series of questions here. Are there only human zombies or monster zombies too? What properties do monster zombies have in particular? What has started the apocalypse? How does it spread?? It'd take so incredibly long to piece this all together coherently. So I'm going to go with something quite generic.]
TW: Mild gore; Unsanitary acts; Mild angst.
Morell has a very unique skill in this bleak scenario. Provided the zombie isn't too old, Morell can probably cook it in a way that still provides some type of nourishment and doesn't infect you. Or maybe it does... Just a little bit at a time. Maybe that's why he's been a little more bloodthirsty and twitchy lately. Is that a dark patch spreading around his cap? Zombies have began to avoid him, perhaps because he's a freak even to them. A zombie that eats zombies...
Grimbly is not having fun. But for one reason only mostly. Undead blood doesn't taste good, and it hardly sustains him. Depending on the scope of the invasion, he may die of starvation, or simply have to target survivors. Otherwise, he'd likely have an easier time avoiding zombies due to his speed, and killing them likely isn't that big of a hassle either. Grimbly could make a living wiping out groups of zombies for people and getting paid in blood.
Gallon would move to water bodies and mostly remain there. Zombies are sluggish in water generally. Slimes can remove nutrients from a surprising amount of things, so his biggest fear Iis only getting distracted enough to get bitten, and that the infection starts rotting his slime too fast for him to regenerate in time. He's so alert he's going vastly insane and extremely murderous towards most.
Santi is... Existing. He fucked a few zombies, don't judge him! Some of them are entertaining and clean, others just kinda... Well. He doesn't really find them to be ideal meals. Especially when he has to crush their jaws and break limbs so they don't infect him during coitus. He doesn't exactly feel threatened, but he does feel lonely and always a tad hungry. He's waiting to attach himself to someone and gain a steady stream of food, preferably someone weaker so he can act as their guard dog. Please he's so tired of limp zombie dick and lumpy pussy. They can't even suck.
Vinnel is getting a little too silly with it. Zombies can't pierce his suit, it was made by a God, after all, no rotted teeth and claws can ruin it. So he just floats around, picks some of them up and performs for absolutely no one but himself. The jester has put clown makeup on at least five zombies. They have names and they're his best friends! Except Pogo, the little shit keeps tearing the tutu off. Ungrateful fuck. Not everyone has the privilege to look good during the apocalypse, Pogo. Vinnel is also always starving to a degree. He doesn't kill survivors anymore out of desperation for genuine conversation. Most people just run from him.
Nebul, as an undead, has nothing to worry about. He will actually weaponize large hordes of them using his abilities as a wraith. Nebul is a creature to be feared during an apocalypse. He's likely the mastermind behind organized zombie attacks. His goal? To establish control of sizable portions of land and inflict total submission on those living he comes across. It may devolve into an apocalyptic cult. He's having a grand old time really! You may find him walking around with several bare humans in leashes crawling by his side. Somehow, someway, Purpur can eat zombies and be perfectly fine.
Patches, likewise, is not a target. Except he's less preoccupied with domination and more so trying to fight his instincts to put the living dead back into their graves. It's strange, his dullahan instincts don't usually react like this to other undead... He's holed up somewhere like a hermit, trying to study the source of the infection and keeping Stitches from exhausting himself in an effort to kill all zombies. Curiously, the sound of his yelling as a dullahan causes great confusion and fear in these particular types of undead. He has succeeded in controlling at least one zombie, but killed it shortly afterwards.
Belo is devastated, like any angel ought to be watching the Earth get populated by corruption that Dorem ought to have fixed. He kills most zombies he comes across and cannot be infected as far as he knows. Zombies avoid him, actually. Belo spends his time finding groups of survivors and attempting to help them fortify their bases. After all, they're all that's left... Even if they're demons, anything is better than those rotting husks. In a way, Belo feels as if he's been abandoned a second time, his existence is vastly miserable.
Sybastian is having a strange time. The zombies that have a fainter sense of smell don't pick up on him when he mimics them, the rest do, forcing him to be very careful. He's not having an easy time considering his method of dispatching zombies is very physical and he could get bitten in zones of his body that he fails to harden. Sybastian has lost many a mimicling to the apocalypse and lives mostly to protect the remaining ones, who have managed to survive alongside him. He too wants to find a group, in spite of adult mimics not being pack species.
Fank-e is having a... Boring time, mostly. He's not a target, in fact, he's loud and grating enough to drive zombies away. He doesn't need food or water. But he does need maintenance, so it's imperative he finds someone who can work in robotics minimally well or he'll perish eventually. Truth of the matter is he can't exactly die from battery loss, he may just lie dormant collecting moss and dust until someone with enough resources finds him. It's just as likely that he'll get torn into pieces and reused as armor or plating for other important machinery.
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xylomilo · 11 months
Karaoke Night with CoD characters
NSFW accounts, pls don’t interact :3 !!
Fan of the classics, he’ll probably sing the first song that comes to mind.
Goth. I just think it’d be silly.
Avid Insane Clown Posse fan. I won’t elaborate.
Not that good to be famous but good enough to make you go “DAMN”.
Definitely a troublemaker back in high school and went to clubs underaged, which is how he learned to sing.
Will start infodumping on bands in the middle of karaoke.
Big fan of old musicals (cats and phantom of the opera) and pop.
Gets really into the song and is actually good at singing.
Probably planned to be a theatre kid if the military didn’t work out (real)
Does the club penguin dance if he thinks he did good, otherwise he just stands there like a statue for a couple secs
Pop fan, listens to Marina and the Diamonds on repeat
Belting his heart out to Primadonna Girl
Is really good at singing but pretends to be bad because he thinks it’s funny (court jester shit)
Gets competitive during karaoke and will do singing battles with others (Gaz, Farah, and Alejandro are the only ones who accept)
Does a silly little dance during instrumental breaks in songs
Tequila song, Mitski, or pop. They don’t know what he’ll pick but they will hype him up.
California Girls is his favorite song.
I Bet On Losing Dogs is his second favorite.
Usually doesn’t try during karaoke unless he’s drunk, in which he’s singing his heart out.
“P-pwuyt ur hea,d on N my,:; sshwouUlderr…. h *sobs*:Fwy me to twe Moon... ...and wet me pway among the Staws...”
Doesn’t listen to a lot of music cuz she’s too busy beating the hell out of Russians so she choses the first song she recognizes.
Average singing but is really competitive so you bet your ass she’s singing her heart out.
Fan of Hatsune Miku. Can’t speak Japanese so she’s mumbling lyrics until she finds a word she can say (same)
She has two hands, one for Alex and one for Hatsune Miku.
His music is all over the place so no one knows what the hell he’s going to sing.
The spectrum is Cupcakke to My Chemical Romance. Everyone is fearing for their life.
Average singing cuz he sings in the shower (same)
Sang Cupcakke once. Never again. (He got embarrassed when he found out he had to moan(idk how to explain it))
Does a small dance when he’s singing.
Traditional Spanish songs. Sometimes pop or rock.
Bro is singing his heart out and gets really into it.
Above average singing. (It’s because he serenades Rudy every night)
Sings El Tango de Roxanne and ends up getting on his knees during the chorus. 
“WHYYYYYYY DOES MY HEAARRTTTTT CRYYYYY????” “Ale, get the fuck up.” “Okay.”
People think he’s going to sing some pop song.
He sings rock and metal instead.
Specifically sings Kingslayer by Bring Me The Horizon ft Babymetal (Alejandro)
Death metal screams and then looks at the others like “did i do good? :3”
The others are shitting and crying and shaking (except for Alejandro and Soap; Soap knew that Rudy was a bit feral)
Extra: König
He will miss the cue because he’s so terrified.
Gets embarrassed when everyone laughs but he ends up getting food so it’s okay.
Usually spectating and making sure Horangi doesn’t get drunk.
Listens to Ayesha Erotica. I’m not elaborating.
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darkestprompts · 11 months
Anon, sorry for the accident with your ask, since you didn't send it again I just filled the prompt from memory.
For everyone else: heroes visit a really crappy carnival fair/amusement park.
Occultist: Caught in the most dangerous ride screaming in a guttural voice "HUMAN WHAT THE FUCK CEASE THIS IDIOCY"
Plague Doctor: At Alhazred's side, threw up inside her mask like a nerd.
Grave Robber: Convinced Paracelsus to get on the ride, laughed but still helped clean her up and carry her out.
Flagellant: Mistaken as an attraction, traumatizes children by accident.
Jester: Mistaken as an attraction, traumatizes children on purpose.
Antiquarian: Immediately recognizes the scam games and starts a fight. Gets paid off so she doesn't take legal action.
Hellion: Attacks the "evil spirits" at the ghost train. She knows they are fake, but what's the point of the ride if she's not to prove her mettle??
Bounty Hunter: Slowly sinking into his seat, trying to pretend he doesn't know Boudica. He just wanted an excuse to sit and do nothing, ffs.
Leper: Tries the rigged "test your strength" game, misses the target and hits the floor, breaking it and the mallet. That means he won, right?
Abomination: Had an existential crisis in the Hall of Mirrors and needed to be escorted out.
Vestal: Saw Amani struggling to balance and eat some messy carnival food, decided to help and is now extremely flustered because it feels like a date.
Shieldbreaker: Doesn't have the heart to tell Junia that it turns out the food is garbage, suffering stoically.
Man-at-Arms: Got stuck when the ferris wheel stopped working, starts yelling and trying to get out on his own.
Crusader: Wants to get a particular prize, but the game is rigged. Ends up stealing it later and feeling bad about it.
Highwayman: Steals a matching prize to make Reynauld feel better. Honor among thieves, right?
Houndmaster: Arguing with the ticket seller that Fergus should be allowed everywhere, YES, she counts as a therapy dog, she has kept all other heroes from going insane a billion times, YES, she is trained, better trained than YOU, certainly, you are an animal hater and also clearly breaking 87638 laws, he'd have them all ARRESTED back in the day.
Runaway: Makes the whole thing go up in flames by the end of the day.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Your writing packs a punch to it that is SO crazy good and great to read. It makes rereading even more fun because I find details that I missed before. So here’s my question for you that is kinda random but I hope that’s alright. IF bending (à la Avatar style) was possible in the sleuth jesters universe, what do you think each character’s type of bending would be based on their personalities? Do you think animatronics could bend? Or that it would be limited to humans and kept hush-hush?
Oh my, thank you so much!! ♥
Ohhh, this really got me thinking! For the sake of this question, animatronics can bend!
Vigilante!Y/N: Water bender. The element of change is a good theme for them, as well as the fact that they could have used blood bending to an insane degree in their Afton's loyal dog phase. Not to mention *cough cough* a certain animatronic would appreciate their talent with blood blending.
Detective Sun: Fire bender. The energy and drive to achieve want he wants is all him, not to mention drawing power from what he's named after.
Detective Moon: Water bender. He's adaptable and carries a strong although subtle love for the community and his loved ones. Plus, drawing power from the moon!
Eclipse: Fire bender. Power and desire and well are all Eclipse. He already loves fire. It's a bit too fitting to let him wield it in his very palms.
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omiteo777 · 5 months
My Own Headcanons On The Abstracted Characters
Rett - A calm, kind and helpful orange dog who likes to keep in touch with others and tries to cheer them up and help them out whenever they feel down or have the urge to find the exit. Unfortunately, due to his insanity from trying to find the exit himself later on, he ends up abstracting…
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Wriggle - A worm on a string who remains neutral towards others. He has mixed feelings towards Caine and prefers to examine him at all costs, in case the AI is actually trying to hide the exit from them and just keeps them in the circus on purpose. Sadly, he ended up abstracting a little before Rett did, thanks to the thought of trying to find an exit, which drew him to pure insanity…
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Moppsy - A very sweet and gentle sock puppet. She has a sweet side when it comes to the rest of the characters trapped in the circus with her. However, she can have a dark side whenever something or someone makes her upset. Trust me, it ain’t pleasant. She can be cute, but deadly, not in a literal way, but in a way where she shouldn’t be messed with. Like the others who abstracted, she had the goal of finding the exit, but the more she thought about it, the more it drove her crazy. Only a while later would she fall victim to abstraction…
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Yucko - A yellow clown who feels very upset and hopeless due to realizing that there’s no exit out of the circus. He doesn’t talk much around the others and prefers to be alone in his own room. The others do try to cheer him up once in a while, but he would only go back to a sad state not long after. He would be one of the first to abstract after not being able to take it anymore and make the mistake of trying to find the exit, despite knowing that there isn’t one…
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Bizz - A jester who can be gullible and foolish. He has an attitude that speaks concern, but that’s only when he tries to entertain the others, where he can go crazy at times. Whenever he doesn’t though, he can have a caring side to him, where he tries to comfort those in need of help from sadness and finding the exit. Although he’s more likely to try to avoid thinking about finding an exit, he started to get sick of staying in the circus and wanted to go back to his old human life soon enough. With the goal of finding the exit, he would abstract some time before Yucko would…
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Doz - A purple dinosaur who can be hyperactive at times. She likes to make adventures more fun and entertaining by having an adventurous tone in her personality. She really wants the others to have a more pleasant experience in the circus as she knows that they’ll be there for a long time without an exit being possible to find. Despite all the love and care she gave for the others to enjoy the circus and feel better, she would end up abstracting after hiding her thoughts on finding an exit, a secret she kept since she first entered the digital circus…
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Blonk - A curious and shy pink cyclops who was one of the first to enter the digital circus. He doesn’t like to say much and prefers to stay by someone’s side. He can have the fear of being alone as it can drive him mad from the unnerving things that could be hiding beneath the digital circus. He feels as though there could be a hidden exit somewhere, but he doesn’t have much hope in that. He tries his best to feel safe from the very activities that Caine gives out to give entertainment to the circus as he finds them to be fun to do. Of course, he would succumb to abstraction after gaining too much hope in finding an exit, where he would go wild trying to accomplish his goal of getting out of the circus…
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P.S. Here are my own Headcanons of the abstracted characters, at least the ones who don’t have any background at the moment unlike Kaufmo and Queenie. I know it’s not much, but I gave out my best thoughts based on their photos on the doors along with my thoughts on them. I will not include the blurred characters yet as they have no resembling features to figure out what they look like in appearance. I took some inspiration from certain users as they gave me some ideas on my Headcanons. Overall, I do like the ending result. 👍
*I do not own the show or the names of the abstracted characters (really like these names). They both belong to their rightful owners, consisting of GLITCH, Gooseworx, and Sunnie_Daies (the names).*
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pruechaosbracket · 1 year
Pure Chaos Bracket Links/Guide
Submissions and Rules (Closed)
Preliminary Rounds (4/15 - 4/22)
Kokichi (Danganronpa) VS Junko (Danganronpa)
Amethyst (Steven Universe) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Jenkins (Red vs Blue) VS Team Red (Red vs Blue)
Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) VS Bart Curlish(Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency)
Glenn Close (Dungeons and Daddies) VS Lark and Sparrow (Dungeons and Daddies) VS Scam Likely (Dungeons and Daddies)
Eda Clawthorne and King (The Owl House) VS The Collector (The Owl House)
Round 1-A (4/23 - 4/30)
Henry Stickmin (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Damien LaVey (Monster Prom)
Pearl (Splatoon) VS Mei (Lego Monkie Kid)
Deadpool (Marvel) VS Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics) VS Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Marx (Kirby) VS Nikolai Gogol (Bungo Stary Dogs)
Grian and Scar (3rd Life) VS Jevil (Deltarune)
Luffy (One Piece) VS Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Team Red (Red vs Blue) VS Alina Gray (Magia Record)
Round 1-B (4/25 - 5/2)
Mort (All Hail King Julian) VS Loki (Norse Mythology)
Benrey (Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware) VS BOb (Slime Rancher)
Yin-Yang (Inanimate Insanity) VS Remus (Sanders Sides)
Slimecicle (QSMP) VS Happy Chaos (Guilty Gear)
Junko (Danganronpa) VS The Collector (The Owl House)
Discord (MLP: Friendship is Magic) VS Chili Pepper Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) *Please note that I forgot to change the names in the header*
Chungledown Bim (Fantasy High) VS Bart Curlish (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency)
Eris (Greek Mythology) VS Phonegingi (Dialtown)
Round 1-C (4/27 - 5/4)
• Dewey (Ducktales) VS The Goose (Untitled Goose Game) • Klaus (Umbrella Academy) VS Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) • Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park) VS Dakota Cole (Just Roll With It) • Krampy (Cattails) VS The Lamb (Cult of the Lamb) • Kairos Theodosian (A Practical Guide to Evil) VS Taako, Magnus, and Merle (The Adventure Zone) • Wei Wuxian (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) VS Tiny Tina (Borderlands) • Blitzo (Helluva Boss) VS Jester (Critical Role)
Barry Swift (Team StarKid) VS Giovanni Pottage (Epithet Erased)
Round 1-D (4/29 - 5/6)
Wataru Hibiki (Ensemble Stars) VS Lyer (Mia’s World)
Oli (Empires SMP) VS Dr Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Scam Likely (Dungeons and Daddies)
Gregory (FNAF) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Max, Niki, and Neil (Camp Camp) VS Four (BFB)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) VS Docm77 (Hermitcraft)
Rocky (Lackadaisy) VS The User (There Is No Game)
Donnie (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
ROUND 2-A 5/14 - 5/21
Henry Stickmin (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Pearl (Splatoon)
Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics)
Marx (Kirby) VS Jevil (Deltarune)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario) VS Team Red (Red VS Blue)
Mort (All Hail King Julien) VS Benrey (Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware)
Yin-Yang (Inanimate Insanity) VS Charlie Slimecicle (QSMP)
The Collector (The Owl House) VS Discord (MLP: Friendship is Magic)
Chungledown Bim (Fantasy High) VS Phonegingi (Dialtown)
ROUND 2-B 7/21 - 7/28
The Goose (Untitled Goose Game) VS Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Acadamy)
Dakota Cole (Just Roll With It) VS The Lamb (Cult of the Lamb)
Takoo, Magnus, and Merle (The Adventure Zone) VS Tiny Tina (Bordar Lands)
Jester (Critical Roll) VS Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased)
Wataru Hibiki (Ensemble Stars) and Lyer (Mia's World) VS Oli (Empires SMP) and Dr. Doofensmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Four (Battle For Dream Island) VS Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Rocky (Lackadaisy) VS Donnatello (Rise of the TMNT) and Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
ROUND 3 9/23 - 9/30
Henry Stickmin (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics)
Marx (Kirby) VS Team Red (Red Vs Blue)
Mort (All Hail King Julien) VS Charlie Slimecicle (QSMP)
Chungledown Bim (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) VS Discord (MLP: Friendship is Magic)
The Goose (Untitled Goose Game) VS The Lamb (Cult of the Lamb)
Takoo, Magnus, and Merrle (The Adventure Zone) VS Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Oli {Empires SMP} and Dr. Doofensmirtz {Phineas and Ferb}
Donatello {Rise of the TMNT} and Dr. Eggman {Sonic the Hedgehog} VS Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
ROUND 4 10/21 - 10/28
Chungledown Bim (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) VS Charlie Slimecicle (QSMP)
Takoo, Magnus, and Merrle (The Adventure Zone) VS The Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics) VS Team Red (Red Vs Blue)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
SEMI-FINALS 12/12 - 12/18
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot VS Charlie Slimecicle
Sam and Max VS The Goose
FINALS 12/21 - 28
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot VS Sam and Max
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verykoolkat · 1 year
Look who's alive :D I am so sorry for not being active I've had to choose my options for school and practice for my drama assessment 😭 but the jester boi is done at long last! It might look shit cuz I was trying a new style that's slightly messier lol
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midnightwind · 4 months
alright sorry it's 4am and the games I'm watching aren't good so have the little nuggets bopping around my head about Mira that got long
(potentially) lost her arm either in the event that cost her and her partner their bounty hunter job or to a volatile kick back from her sniper having an energy ammo issue (the first one is tasty angst; her partner catches hyper space cancer and she loses her arm failing to save him)
she is so, so bad at socializing and gets too focused on training to the point where she will wake up, eat a meal, train, eat a meal, and then sleep to repeat the next day; she needs someone to bodily drag her out and about
in the same vein, she's painfully awkward about her crushes and instead of like talking about it or addressing it she simply Happens to be in the same place as the other person A Lot; never makes the first move but will basically stalk someone hoping they notice her and figure it out via her nervous vibes alone
she is fairly casual about sleeping around tho and is pretty open to friends with benefits situations, or more like "friends who somehow survived a job they shouldn't have and need the reminder they are alive" with benefits
might have a slightly unhealthy obsession with firearms and specifically her sniper rifle, may or may not consider one of her hobbies cleaning and maintaining her guns
some of her nervous energy is due to her being cooped up and unable to simply Climb and Be Somewhere High, she needs to see the whole picture and find her target; you may sometimes find her laid out on top of a cabinet or such on the ship
sleeps like a corpse, but if you wake her up you may get bodily tackled and find a knife at your throat; girlie is jumpy and sleep does not turn that wiring off
she cannot handle her liquor and it really annoys her, so she tries to play it off as her being "the responsible one" but if you catch her out on it she gets very flustered; she's kind of a sobbing drunk and just assumes no one actually likes her or that she's the team's jester (in a not good way)
which ties into her self esteem being Not Good and heavily tied to her combat capabilities; while she was super angry that her previous job dropped her and her partner after a failed assignment (and not wanting to pay medical bills for them) she was hit harder by the feeling that she wasn't worth enough to force the company to honor the contract
she's a decent singer, but never had many reasons or opportunities to do so and feels a bit embarrassed when asked to sing; gets a little too into karaoke night, but it's endearing
her hand-eye coordination is insane, but it has the delay caused by her usually shooting at targets far off so she has a weird disconnect at times thanks to that
she's a dog person with cat tendencies, but tbf her dog is a cosmic god that really likes belly rubs so can you blame her?
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delusional-mishaps · 2 days
I AGREE SO MUCH WITH WANTING TO PUNCH EPIC AND LOVE HIM AT THE SAME TIME… Auugahuaghauh the relatability hurts I feel called out 😖
Like, look at him. HE IS SO STUPID AND CRINGE, BUT ALSO COOL AND SMART??? TBH I do not get it how can he be so 🥺💖💞💥🔥
i genuinely forget sometimes that he's like. a literal doctor. a LITERAL DOCTOR.. he's so cringe and stupid (affectionate) to be a dr WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES A DR !!!!!
but i adore him with my whole heart even if he makes me want to best him up when he speaks ❤️❤️
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the-fools-hat · 1 month
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Audrey! Or Max, depending who you ask.
I’m currently 15, but I’ve been mistaken for an adult more times than I can count.
Art, evidently, writing poems or small blurbs, and I enjoy reading and baking as well.
Aside from my mom, dad, and stepdad, I’m the oldest of four kids.
Current shows/Fandoms?
Smiling Friends
Cookie Run Kingdom
Derry Girls
My best and favourite subjects are Art, English, Social Studies, Biology, and Ancient History.
I’ll listen to basically anything, but my favourite songs right now are
Glitterati (Kid Kapichi)
Wrote Down (Feyde)
Dog Nightmare (Jack Stauber)
Milk and Honey (Rare Americans)
Are ‘Friends’ Electric? (Gary Numan, Tubeway Army)
I’m a chaotic mix of grunge and weirdcore. Evidently
My favourite symbols are skeletons, owls, and jesters
Specifically blue and black jesters (explained in different post)
I’m a 5 foot 8’ realist (not optimistic nor pessimistic, thank you)
My favourite short story is “Diary of a Madman” by Nikolai Gogol
My favourite novel is literally anything by Neil Gaiman (though I have a specific soft spot for The Graveyard Book)
I’m a creepy ass motherfucker and have been referred to as “Teen Wolf if it was one person”
My friends think I’m clinically insane
They might be correct.
My favourite art exhibit is “Strange Birds” by Graeme Patterson, currently located in the Beaverbrook Museum of Art
My favourite colour is green!
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catamaurrr-star · 1 month
okay. so. the amazing digital circus
tadc follows a woman who put on a VR headset and ended up as a cartoon jester with no memory of her life (even her name!) except for the knowledge that she was Someone before this. she found herself in The Amazing Digital Circus, a wacky cartoon circus filled with other cartoon people: a ragdoll named Ragatha, a pile of ribbons with a comedy/tragedy mask named Gangle, a perfectionist based off of building blocks called Zooble, a neurotic chess piece called Kinger, an inscrutable purple asshole rabbit named Jax, and a pair of talking dentures named Caine. Caine is the AI who runs and controls the digital circus. the jester is renamed Pomni, and she spends the entire episode 1 freaking out and trying to get back home, wherever that is.
the whole setting is based off of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, so the inhabitants of the digital circus have no way to exit, and instead go on wacky adventures caine prepares for them just so they don't go insane from boredom. eventually, these characters will undergo a total breakdown and lose themselves to something called Abstraction, which turns them into a mindless monster and is something even caine can't fix. episode 1 has them dealing with an abstracted kaufmo (a clown who we never get to meet as himself, but do hear about) on pomni's first day in the circus.
now, out of these characters, jax ended up standing out. he's skinny, has a relatively simple design, is a smug bastard, and he's a huge dick to everyone with tiny hints at a deeper character or care for others. so people went wild for him, obviously. gooseworx (the show's creator) told everyone that he is in fact an irredeemable asshole, but that never stopped anyone lol
and then episode 2 came out, and jax turned out to be- surprise, surprise- an huge asshole. they were in a video game-type quest, and the ai was so advanced as to be nearly human and able to undergo things like existential crises. however, jax spent the whole time treating not only their lives, but also the lives of the other circus members, as disposable out of boredom, while Still being a smug asshole about it the entire time. so now people are 180-ing on him lmao
there's a lot more im not going into (don't have the time or energy), but it's a fun show.
OOOHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unfortunately tadc is not my type of show but jax seems so very interesting....... we should bite him like a dog chew toy
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lionews · 2 months
I think the Tumblr gods ate my last ask LMAO
The lame chat drama and insane accusations being thrown around makes me kinda miss the simple stupid drama of Jester and his two friends being ridiculous and annoying in main chat. At least then it was consistant and people weren't scrounging to dog on random people being childish or throwing huge accusations just to have something to talk about. Not that I want them back, but good lord.
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triangularitydubs · 2 months
Digital Hearts
Episode 2: Hollow Chesstion 
(Open right where the previous Episode left off)
What the f[×%÷]
That thing looks INSANE…(he paused) Let's go kick its butt!
Jax, are you insane we can't just go and attack things. We don't even know how to use our magic and weapons yet.
Surprisingly enough Rags, I don't think I need help using a sword and shield. 
That..may be the case. But um.. you can't defeat that thing on its own…so.. maybe that Bubble thing can help?
It's worth a shot.
(Despite her best attempts, Pomni struggled to get Bubble summoned.)
(After a few moments she..got it. Bubble popped into existence)
HELLO! Who are you people?
Um… well I'm Pomni and these are my friends Ragatha and Jax…
Wow! Well I'm Bubble! What am I doing outside?
Well, Caine said you can help us on an adventure.
I can help with that! Just reach inside my mouth!
(Pomni and Ragatha look at each other in confusion while Bubble is floating with her mouth wide open)
Relax girls, it can't be that bad. (Jax stuck his hand into bubbles mouth.)
(After a bit Jax pulled out a potion)
Alright this doesn't help us right now but that's handy.
Bubble, it's awful nice of you to help us, but…isn't there some other way we can…get items and request from you?
OH YEAH!! You can tell me what you want and um, I'll listen!
Alright, let's start with that thing.(She points to the massive glitch mess down the way.)
That thing is scary! It's a creation of The Dark One! It's called an Abstraction. You guys have to defeat it! 
Well we're dead.
Nonsense. With your combined power you'll definitely defeat it!
Can… you help us defeat it?
I suppose I can, but just this once cuz it's your first time! Otherwise, I'll only be available out of battle or IN battle for items!
Fair enough. Let's go!
(Throughout the town Bubble gives them a tutorial on fighting gloinks and small abstracted creatures such as a small sock puppet, a dog, a jester/clown and a giant bulky one with a big eye. During that time, The Squad leveled up a bit and Bubble explained that to them.)
(They finally came to a boss that was a giant worm[Gloink Queen] and Bubble helped them there too)
Oooh, Bosses are tougher luckily this is a mini boss. I bet if you defeat The Gloink Queen, you'll get a bunch of EXP!!
Heck yeah! Let's kick this Worms a[$%]
Yes, but please do not curse you're not on that level yet.
(They had all approached the Gloink Queen and she started some speech)
I mean yeah, you're kinda in the way. 
Don't be mean, Jax. Miss, if you'd kindly not give us any trouble, we'll be on our way.
NONSENSE, you measly peasants! Defeat me then you shall pass!
Bow before me!
Uhh Bubble? Is this any different than a normal fight?
Nope! Just more health and deals more damage! Don't die, call me when you need it okay?
Gee thanks. (Pomni ran up and hit Gloink Queen with The Keyblade) 
(After an immense battle and Pomni near death, they defeated the Gloink Queen)
Wow! That's a lotta XP! You can also upgrade yourself or another party member!
Ooh ohh! Pom, pick me.
Oh hush Jax. Pomni, you should see if you can upgrade your health or damage. 
Y-yeah.. I'll do that.
Works out you have two skill points!(Bubble pops a few bubbles that she summoned around her.)
And done! Pomni now has 500 HP AND 210 DAMAGE POINTS!
Good on ya I guess…(Jax glanced over to where The Gloink Queen was. There was a chest with a keyhole) Hey look! Treasure!(He rushed over to it trying to open it)
It's got a lock, genius. Why don't you let Pomni try?
(After Jax moved Pomni unlocked it with the Keyblade)
What's inside??
OOH gross!! You got Gloink Guts! You can sell that to my shop or any marketplace in any world!
(There was also some gold in the chest and a charm for the keyblade of a Gloink)
(The Squad begins to fight their way to The Town Square finding hidden treasures, till they finally make it, Pomni unlocked a big padlock blocking the Town Square.)
(Before them stood a massive towering abstracted blob)
Isn't…Isn't this like THE FIRST BOSS?! 
Don't worry you guys got this!
(They didn't. In fact the squad died multiple times. They went back to grind levels and exp to gain more HP, MP And DP)
(When they finally did they got even more XP and a surprise visit from Caine.)
Great job! You've actually saved Hollow Chesstion-
Wait, if it's called Hollow Chesstion, shouldn't you be like.. a chess piece or-
That's not relevant to the plot yet! Anywho, The Dark One isn't here so that can only mean one thing. 
The Dark One must've planted that abstracted mess and left! I've given Bubble a plethora of worlds he may have gone to! Post haste though, the fate of the Digitalverse is in your very capable hands, Pomni, Jax and Ragatha! (He disappeared)
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