#insect alert
pestprosie · 11 months
Silverfish Alert: Why They Appear in Autumn in Ireland`
In this educational article, we will delve into a topic that concerns many homeowners and businesses in Ireland: silverfish infestations in autumn. We understand that you may have questions about these elusive pests and how to deal with them. Read on to find answers to your silverfish-related concerns.
Understanding Silverfish
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Silverfish are small, wingless insects known for their distinctive silver colour and tapered shape. They are usually 12-19 mm long and have a sleek, shiny appearance. These nocturnal creatures are often found in dark, damp areas of homes and commercial spaces. Silverfish are known for their unique, carrot-shaped bodies and three long antennae-like appendages on their rear end.
Common places where silverfish are typically found include basements, kitchens, bathrooms, and attics. They prefer environments with high humidity levels, often found near water sources like sinks and drains.
Why Silverfish Appear in Autumn in Ireland
Silverfish tend to become more prevalent during autumn in Ireland due to several factors. As temperatures drop and humidity levels rise during this season, it creates the perfect conditions for silverfish to thrive. They seek out indoor spaces to escape the cooler outdoor weather and are attracted to the warmth and moisture in our homes and buildings.
The climate in Ireland during autumn provides an ideal environment for silverfish to breed and multiply. They feed on various starchy materials such as paper, glue, and textiles, making our homes a suitable food source.
The Risks Involved with Silverfish in Your House
While silverfish may seem harmless, they can pose several risks. They are known for causing damage to personal belongings, including books, documents, clothing, and wallpaper. Silverfish can also contaminate food and are generally considered a nuisance in households.
Moreover, silverfish could potentially pose risks to human health. Although they do not directly harm humans, their shed scales and droppings can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, leading to respiratory problems and skin irritations.
How Pest Pros Can Help Eliminate Silverfish
At Pest Pros, we have extensive expertise in controlling silverfish infestations. Our experienced professionals use safe and effective techniques to eliminate silverfish from your home or business. We prioritize your safety and follow stringent measures when carrying out pest control procedures.
Our methods include using environmentally friendly solutions that are both pet and child-safe. We will inspect your property, identify the extent of the infestation, and tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs. With Pest Pros, you can trust that your silverfish problem will be efficiently resolved.
Preventive Measures against a Silverfish Infestation
Preventing a silverfish infestation is crucial to maintaining a pest-free environment. Here are some preventive measures you can take:
Reduce humidity levels in your home by using dehumidifiers.
Seal cracks and crevices where silverfish can enter.
Store food items in airtight containers.
Remove clutter that provides hiding places for silverfish.
While these measures can help, seeking professional assistance is essential for prevention and treatment.
In conclusion, silverfish infestations in autumn can be a common issue in Ireland. Understanding these pests, their risks, and the need for professional assistance is vital for effective pest control. Pest Pros is your expert partner in silverfish and other pest control services. We encourage you to reach out to us for any pest-related concerns you may have.
Don’t let silverfish take over your home or business. Contact Pest Pros today for more information or to schedule a consultation. We are here to help you maintain a pest-free environment and give you the peace of mind you deserve.
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onenicebugperday · 9 months
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Banana fly, Telostylinus lineolatus, Neriidae
Neriid larvae develop in rotting vegetable matter, including bark and fruit. Neriid adults tend to aggregate on rotting vegetable matter or damaged tree trunks, and are also attracted to flowers or other sources of sugar. T. lineolatus is distributed widely through Asia, Australia, and many Pacific islands.
Photos 1-2 by knicolson, 3 by thomasbarbin, 4-5 by rvp, 6 by franzanth, 7 by alisonpearson, 8 by bruce_c, 9 by rogstanden, and 10 (for scale) by mieri_24
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justablah56 · 9 months
oh to be some sort of an invertebrate creature and have not a spine
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fanciest-sauce · 4 months
look at the little guy I found
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any ideas of what he is???
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tide-draws-stuff · 2 months
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Throws silly mantis at you then runs away in fear
I have no idea on what to do with her now
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skrimbloskromby · 1 month
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Meet mr. bink bonk he is my prized possession based on a lil toy my gf gave me :3
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gay-artificer · 1 year
As soon as i saw you mention animal expresions and how we might not notice a flaring of nostrils or ears bending back or how much the head is raised i thought of using body odors as signals (i dont know if this would be relevant to the type of animal slugcats are). Like how animals can smell stress and all those sorts of stuff that it could be possibly that slugcat also used that to some extend?
The biggest conflict with scent based tells is that its kinda limited to a few communicating a few big things- and the fact that its rain world so its very wet and any scent based communication would probably be most effective peer-to-peer rather than long term due to things getting washed away. In the real world chemical communication is largely used by large animals in order to communicate things when youre not there, such as territory lines or what your current status is in terms of mate readiness so that things wandering your area don't have to encounter you directly to know things. I actually brought it up since the primary way a lot of slug-slugs communicate (although its basic things like sexual status) is actually via their slime trails containing cues that would be, effectively, unreadable to anything but other slugs. I also brought it up since you could interpret the 'ears' of slugcats as like rhinophores, a chemosensory organ in sea slugs. But you could absolutely have slugcats giving 'scared' smells off to their peers or communicating general emotional states easily. Personally I like to think slugcats do leave very strong chemical markers around their locations as they travel, so that nomadic traveling individuals can track each down and check up on each other! With their 'ears' actually being a very powerful sensory organ that lets them do this effectively despite the rain washing.
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artnerd1123 · 7 months
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Woe, insect I found in my art class this morning be upon ye
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Why is Wyrm-Type a thing. What even is a wyrm.
See when i hear "wyrm" the first and only thing i think of is the pale king from hollow knight
ok so apparently it's some kinda special dragon. cool! also Metaphys is a pure Wyrm-Type Archetype, which is...a fact.
you know, i don't think i should choose a representative card for each Type, as cool as that would be. Because like, what if i choose a Metaphys card for Wyrm-Type and someone's like "i f🐉cking hate Metaphys so i'm gonna vote for Insect-Type instead, even though Yang Zing is my favorite archetype!" that sort of thing will probably happen no matter what card i choose, so it's better not to choose anything and leave the results a bit less biased. (credit to @musiclover2732 for bringing this up earlier)
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baldo-art · 8 months
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On dévoile un premier élément des visuels que j’ai créé pour le nouvel album de Frustration
Album "OUR DECISIONS" / 29th march
Streams : https://idol-io.ffm.to/stateofalert
Art work by Baldo 2023
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bo-and-zig · 9 months
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cicadash3ll · 1 year
Weird bug alert! Weird bug alert!
A bumblebee and some grasshoppers (not that weird but it seems to have become a thing to say that now teehee)
🪲 @willyeeton 🪲
Felt like a kid again trying to catch the grasshoppers in the tall grass :3
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giffypudding · 1 year
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bug-6yte · 1 year
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This communication is to inform all personnel that TEST SUBJECT GNAT879 or "Aloise" is cleared for asset termination.
"Aloise" is the first successful merge between an S type implant and a Lulliean host. The experiment was a smashing success, but unfortunately GNAT879 has breached containment due to security error.
The experiments original goal was to merge a Lulliean test subject with the newly developed S type implant that would then enhance the hosts physiology, granting them super-lilliean strength. The S type seems to have deviated from a goal of strength to survival and has allowed GNAT879 to escape STEELWELL STATION on a stolen STROFT CO. executive jumpship.
GNAT879 is considered HIGHLY LETHAL, and as such a generous payout of 1,000,000 ZET has been offered as a bonus to any employee who manages to bring Chairman Zeietta's jumpship, and the head of the escaped company property.
Communication Ended.
-STROFT CO. Head of Asset Recovery and Neutralization,
Naiessa Keed.
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Nature Memo #1
I decided to go on a little adventure over the weekend since I had three days off (I generally work on the weekends and am almost always on-call for crisis situations). I picked up a new journal so that I could collect plant samples and press them. I've been intending to do this for way too long (2011) but have not gotten around to doing it until now.
I find nature to be mesmerizing and way too often taken for granted. Parks are great, and those with unpaved nature trails are even better. But even then, they are taken for granted.
In any event, below are the list of observations that I made. This is incomplete because I did not include the trees and shrubs that were observed. Of the 29 listed items below, 10 were ones that I had not previously recorded, so I'm pretty excited about that. The total number of living species (plants, insects, birds, reptiles, fungi, arachnids, mammals, fish, mollusks, amphibians, and other species) that I have recorded (as in, photographed, dated, and confirmed the species of) is now 276.
Plants observed (all pressed!)
Oxalis triangularis, False Shamrock
Narcissus poeticus, Poet’s Narcissus
Achillea millefolium, Common Yarrow
Muscari neglectum, Grape Hyacinth
Galium aparine, Catchweed Bedstraw
Stellaria media, Common Chickweed
Oxalis violacea, Violet Woodsorrel
Vinca minor, Lesser Periwinkle
Bowlesia incana, Hoary Bowlesia
Narcissus tazetta, Bunch-flowered Daffodil
Veronica persica, Bird’s-eye Speedwell
Valerianella locusta, Common Cornsalad
Allium vineale, Wild Garlic
Cardamine hirsuta, Hairy Bittercress
Ranunculus hispidus, Bristly Buttercup
Ornithogalum umbellatum, Common Star-of-Bethlehem
Houstonia pusilla, Tiny Bluet
Viola bicolor, American Field Pansy
Claytonia virginica, Virginia Spring Beauty
Insects observed
Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Black Carpenter Ant
Papilio rutulus, Western Tiger Swallowtail (Butterfly)
Coleomegilla maculata, Spotted Pink Ladybeetle
Polistes Carolina, Red Wasp
Eurema lisa, Little Yellow (Butterfly)
Celastrina ladon, Spring Azure (Butterfly)
Amphibians observed
Pseudacris crucifer, Spring Pepper (Frog)
Fungi observed
Trametes versicolor, Turkey-tail
Cladonia evansii, Evan’s Deer Moss
Arachnids observed
Oxyopes salticus, Striped Lynx Spider
Next step is to let the pressed plans dry, followed by labeling, dating, notes on GPS coordinates for each sample, as well as information on whether it it is edible, seasonal growth, and if I am feeling particularly brave I will attempt to draw them.
All of these samples were taken in Arkansas between Siloam Springs, Pea Ridge National Battlefield, and Bella Vista.
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graveyardrabbit · 4 months
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