#insert epic drop here
guys its Saturday the fourteenth oh my god its so spooky oooo
oh yeah also something something geometry dash
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opal-owl-flight · 14 days
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Youve been stealing back millions of eggs from Grizzco for years. And in a single night, they took it all back.
How does it feel to face a possible extinction?
Uhh lore abt Grizzco and the salmonids below!
So in my interp, Grizzco started somewhat small, bc back then Grizz and...an associate... were doing everything by themselves. When his associate went nuts, and almost ended the world by driving the nearby salmonid nations nuts as well, Inkadia launched Project Piranesi. (More on that another time.) Grizz had to think of another way to get those eggs..
…how perfect was it then, that Inkopolis, a fairly new city, was having a bit of a salmonid problem?
Grizz inserted his corporation as part of the damage control along the run routes. it only grew from there.
he expanded to the Splatlands later, though admittedly the folks there were more adapted to the salmonids compared to Inkadia. Its not as strong a hold but Splatsville and its surrounding establishments appreciated the extra precautions Grizzco provided.
Neos born fighting for her life and for her clans. Its why shes so aggressive and finds it difficult to be anything but. If shes not angry, fighting for her clans to have a life of peace…for a present and future where she can live -- what is she?
she and 3 arent so different, in that regard.
Grizzco says that the last 7 big run locales had "unusual magnetic readings" and in my world that just means THEY DAMN PUT IT THERE!!!!
They intentionally put something there to confuse the migrators and to steal the next generation -- and the Inkfish? Ofc theyd fight for their homes.
The Splatlandians TRIED to avoid the routes when they built the city after thousands of years of observation. Sorta like the dykes and canals some cities build next to swelling rivers.
Another comparison is that the big runs are just like other natural calamities in the eyes of the nations. Its like a flood, an earthquake, a typhoon. Hell its somewhat announced that way too. The infrastructure is built with the runs in mind. The powers that be have built countermeasures.
*I say try bc some sleazy/unaware corporations still built along those routes bc of the cheaper land/other "economical reasons."
And then Inkadia just wasnt aware at all, being a newer city compared to the ancient splatlands.
Grizzco intentionally causes property damage for bigger gains. Theyve been suffering a "shortage" thanks to Neo3 and the platoon's banditry. In a bid to take everything back and more, they decided to make the biggest event in the Splatlands the salmonid's next target.
They know that EVERYONE will show up to it.
I think seeing that counter keep ticking up gives Neo3 a sense of creeping dread. Thats the number of eggs she put back in the sea. And more. All done in a single night. All her work, down the drain.
The platoon does manage to get a LOT of it back but god. What about the fallen runners, who were supposed to get to the actual spawning grounds?
Those lives disrespected and their bodies unable to feed the spawn. (Theres only so much the survivors can drag back.)
I wonder too, how many of those runners arent there for the runs at this point. They are there to kill.
Ticked off by the persistent attacks and the misdirection. As Polyphemus says in Epic, "Take from you what you take from me."
After multi-magnetic field disruptors in the biggest run, these salmonid have had enough and want to hit back. I wouldnt blame them...god, I wouldnt blame them
The salmonids have never resorted to kidnapping any inkfish. Theyve killed. Yeah. Part of the whole running ceremony. But it was always just a part of that.
To actually go out of their way to fight instead of spawn? Thats different. In the grand run, inkfish may notice that some bosses arent dropping golden eggs. Bc they were never here to spawn. Theyre here to drag every inkfish they find into hell.
Subsequent big runs may end up with more and more of those eggless bosses.
Happy 700 mil!! I HAD MANY NEO3 AND SALMONID THOUGHTS. THINGS ARE GETTING SO FUCKED UP IN SPLOONWORLD. The platoon as a whole is trying to restore peace between the Splatlands, Inkadia, Octaria AND the Salmonid nations, but unless Inkadia and the Splatlands change (COUGHS mostly Inkadia), nothing can really be done.
This is the shit 3 fights for. That harmony is what they dream of. The whole world rests on their shoulders and they press on, ever forward.
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scarletsaphire · 10 months
It's @ecto-implosion posting time folks! This is my fic for @pokkeshii, whose (incredible fantastic epic cool) art can be found here. And thank you to @pricklenettle for betaing, I really appreciate it!
This fic is 5 chapters, and will be posted every other day. The images are inserted during the fic, but PLEASE go show keshii the love and admiration she deserves for making this MASTERPIECE IT IS SO COOL!!!
Summary: Danny’s been doing fine. Sure, he has to focus on keeping himself from shaking, and the voice in his head goading him to hurt has been getting louder, but its fine. He’s got it under control. He’s human more than he is ghost, and he has things to fight for. He can’t afford to give in. He won’t give in. He won't.
Danny let his backpack fall to the ground beside him with a thud as he took his seat in the back of the classroom. His shoulders were tensed, his jaw was clenched, and his leg tapped a fast, anxious rhythm, causing his knees to bang against the bottom of the desk hard enough to hurt. Anything to help ease the vibration settled under his skin. It did help. Just a little.
He only had to make it through this class. One more class, and he’d be done with school today. One more class, and he’d be able to do something that actually helped. 
Danny raised his hand to his mouth on instinct, coughing the icy exhale of his ghost sense into his fist and suppressing a groan. He stood up and walked to the door, not bothering to get permission to leave or let the teacher know where he was going. All of the teachers at Casper High had long since given up on keeping Danny in class. Most of them had given up on Danny completely. He didn’t blame them.
The closest room was the janitor's closet, which was locked. That was annoying. He reached his hand through the door. The tingling in his hand got worse as it went intangible, nearly causing his whole arm to vibrate. He grit his teeth harder, and focused on unlocking the door from the inside. That's all he had to do. Unlock the door.
He heard the soft click of lock, and pulled his hand back quickly, dropping his intangibility. He shook it, trying to get the residual tingles out. He kept trying even as he slipped into the dark, musty confines of the janitor's closet, pushing the mop that probably hadn't been used in months out of his way. He stopped shaking his wrist, and braced himself. 
His transformation washed over him quietly. Danny kept his eyes shut tight, his fingers digging into the side of the splintered shelving unit. As he shifted the vibration only got worse, more severe, and his grip tightened until the wood started to crack under his grip. Finally, his transformation finished and the sensation faded away into the normal vibration of his core and a persistent voice in the back of his head. A voice that he would not acknowledge.
Danny still didn't let go of the shelves. He focused on taking breaths he didn't need, pushing that voice further and further back. For a moment, his entire purpose narrowed down to suppressing it. One deep breath in, one deep breath out, and a futile attempt to quiet his mind. 
It took the scream of someone out in the parking lot for him to snap out of his haze. Not a scream of pain, thankfully, but one of joy, calling out Ember’s name. Now that he was focusing, he could hear Ember singing from somewhere outside the school. 
Just because they weren’t hurt yet didn’t mean he could waste time. Every second he waited was another that someone could be in danger. But he couldn't just throw himself into a fight anymore. He needed to prepare himself, or else that voice in his head might get what it wanted. If that started, it wouldn't be a fight Danny could win.
With one last exhale he let go of the cabinet and let his body relax. He couldn't waste any more time. 
Ember was about where he expected to find her; crowd surfing on a small hoard of teenagers and shredding her guitar all the while. 
"You know, for someone who can fly, you'd think you'd be able to stay in tune while crowd surfing."
Ember floated up off the crowd, much to the mind controlled masses disappointment. "There you are baby pop," she said. "Always fashionably late these days. Might as well try not showing up next time."
"And leave you to inflict mediocre half finished songs on these poor people?" Danny crossed his arms and bared his teeth in an almost smile. "Not a chance."
Ember scowled at him, and his smiled widened. Ember was always easy to goad. "Why you little-" she cut herself off by flying up to him,  her hands fluttering over the strings. Danny dodged to the left of the sonic blast she sent his way. He let his body settle into the routine of the fight, and let his mind clear. Even the voice that normally pounded against his skull went quiet. It was satiated. At least for now.
Danny switched his momentum on a dime, twisting back to charge at Ember. She could throw a punch if she needed to, but she always preferred distance. That meant that if Danny wanted to end this fight quickly, he should take advantage of that. " But why would you want it to end early?" The voice whispered. It sounded like him, blending in with the rest of his thoughts. "You always have such a good time. Why cut it short?"  
Ember twisted her guitar around to block Danny's approach, sending out another sonic blast at him. He tried to maneuver out of the way but was pushed back. He managed to stay on his feet- or at least stayed oriented the way he wanted to be. Danny his ectoblasts in his hands, continuing the charge. He launched them both at Ember, but she deflected the first one into a nearby car, the other one whizzing just by her ear. 
Danny was almost close enough to grab her, but she let herself fall back into the crowd still gathered below. Danny cursed, hovering above the heads of the people, glaring down at Ember. "Aw, what's wrong? Still struggle with crowd control?" She strummed her guitar again, and the star struck crowd went from hovering around her to trying to climb on top of each other. She’d used this trick before; they were trying to grab Danny and pull him down.
He needed to separate Ember from her groupies. Even if she hadn't decided to weaponize them, just their presence was boosting her power. Now that she was in the center of them, she was even more of a threat. Getting her out without hurting any of the people was going to be a problem. The one good thing about this situation was that Ember wouldn't hurt the humans herself; injured fans didn't cheer as loud.
"Why worry about it? They're the ones in your way. It would be so simple if you just stopped worrying about them."
Danny let himself float further away, and the crowd stumbled on top of one another as they all tried to follow after him.  Ember stayed behind the group, strumming a cord on her guitar and a wave of sonic energy at him. He dodged it without a thought. Interesting. Just as his plan started formulating, he started talking. "And here I thought you liked being center stage. Just letting all these folks steal your spotlight?" 
"Every good musician has background dancers," Ember said. Another ectoblast was fired Danny's way, and he flew further backwards to avoid it. The crowd continued stumbling after him reaching over each other and trying to grab his boots. 
"They don't seem very background to me," Danny shouted. Another ectoblast, and another few feet backwards. 
"Then we'll call it my opening act. Once they're done with you, I'll be sure to put on a real show. " She laughed and sent a volley of attacks at Danny, pushing him further back. 
As soon as there was a break in the attacks Danny leapt off the ground, flying forward as fast as he could. His legs shifted into a tail behind him, letting him fly even faster. He zoomed over the heads of the crowd, their reaction speed too slow to grab him. The group had been following him as he led them away, creating a nice space between them and Ember. Enough space for him to do what he needed to do.
"Enough space for you to do what you want to do. Stop being such a stick in the mud. Let yourself go a little, let yourself tear her apart, just-"
Ember had enough time to dodge to the side, but he'd expected that. A blast of pure cold left his hands directly towards Ember. The already icy ground was coated in a layer of frost, and Ember hissed as her flame hair flickered from the change in temperature. Danny used the opportunity to skirt around her, transferring his momentum onto the ice. By the time she turned around, Danny had his hand pressed to her side, an ectoblast charged against it.
"Bye." Danny waved, and Ember was sent flying into the side of the school. 
Danny turned towards the school. Ember was sitting in a pile of what used to have been the wall, the foundation of the school visible through the bricks. She was clearly dazed, as she hadn’t bother to try and phase out of the pile yet. This was the perfect chance to end the fight. His hand went to the Fenton Thermos on his belt
"Keep fighting. Prove that you're stronger, prove that you're the best. Show her what happens when someone messes with you, with your territory. She's vulnerable. She's weak. Make her never able to show her face again. Or even better, take her face."
Danny shook his head and uncapped the thermos. Ember was sucked inside, leaving claw marks on the ground as she went. Danny twisted the cap back on. He let himself just one moment to exhale, just one second. He just needed one second. And one second turned to two, and then three.
Unfortunately for Danny, that was too long. Three seconds was enough time for the mind controlled humans to snap out of it, gather their bearings, and see him standing there. As much as he loathed it, Phantom was a celebrity. Now the crowd of people were trying to grab at him of their own volition. All he had to do was turn intangible. All he had to do was fly away. The fight was over, they weren't trying to hurt him. He didn't want to hurt them.
The voice in his head didn't care.
You can stop them with nothing more than a thought. They’re too weak, a threat to what’s yours. You can fix it, get rid of the problem in the blink of an eye.
Danny tightened his fists further. He heard the creaking of metal; he was still holding the Fenton thermos. That wasn't good. He couldn't deal with another fight. Not right now. But you want to. Let her back out. Finish this, properly. Not when he was like this.
It took more effort than he'd care to admit to let his intangibility wash back over him. The act itself was just as easy as ever. The problem was convincing as much of himself as he could that he didn't want to touch these people, let alone hurt them, that he wanted to get away, not hurt attack fight -
Danny flew away, soaring up into the sky and blinking out of vision. Here, floating high enough that he couldn't hear their voices, couldn't feel their grabbing hands, the voice in his head was...manageable. Only a bit more annoying than the buzzing he'd grown so used to. He'd been dealing with it long enough to know that the second he got back near the crowd, or anyone else, it would only get worse. He needed a good place to cool down. He just needed time.
He wanted to go to the school’s roof. That had always been his go to spot, back before the voice got so loud. No one was ever up there, no one could see him, and it had a fantastic view of Amity Park. But he needed to go ghost to get down, and that wouldn’t help him. The bell still hadn't rung for the school yet, but it would soon. Even if the group of people had dispersed, the parking lots were out. So were the bleachers, the soccer field, anywhere inside the school, the front steps...
Danny started flying towards the woods. It was cold out, cold enough that most everyone was wearing winter coats, even if the trees still clung stubbornly to nearly dead leaves. No one would be in the woods in this type of weather. As long as the animals stayed far away from him it would be fine. They probably would. Most animals had been scared of him since the accident. At least now they had good reason to be.
The moment Danny was certain that the trees would cover him, he transformed back. The voice was fainter like that, but still there, whispering in Danny’s head. All that really changed was that  the vibration under his skin had returned, stronger than it had been at any other point today. It shook Danny hard enough for his teeth to start chattering, for his legs to give out underneath him. He didn’t quite enter the fetal position- the voice in his head wouldn’t let him give up that last scrap of his dignity. But he did dig his fingers into the ground until they were nearly completely submerged, and heaved heavy breaths into the earth. His labored breathing wasn’t because of the earlier fight, or the effort of holding back the trembling, or even trying to resist the temptation of the voice. His breathing was labored because he was forcing air into lungs that didn’t need it anymore, forcing organs that had started to forget how to work to remember again. 
Danny choked on every breath, but he didn’t stop. Humans needed to breathe, and Danny was still human. He had to be. 
With no targets around, the voice in his head faded away to a faint whisper, drowned out by the vibrations still rattling his bones. After a few more minutes, that too subsided to a now familiar hum. It was still uncomfortable; Danny refused to ever find it comfortable. But it was manageable. 
He climbed back onto still shaking feet, and started to walk back towards the school. He'd lost track of time, but he was almost certain that the bell had rung by now. Sam and Tucker would have heard the fight and would be looking for him. Danny couldn't afford to be late. Not again.
He took a seat on the half wall that lined the teacher's parking lot. No students would be coming that way, and the teachers wouldn't be out for another thirty minutes or so. Danny shot a quick text off to Sam, nothing more than his location. He didn't bother going back for his backpack. One of his friends would grab it; it was routine at this point.
In the few minutes it took for Sam and Tucker to round the corner of the school, the vibration had faded to its normal level. Bothersome, distracting, and just shy of painful, but manageable, and more importantly, something Danny was able to hide.
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Sam tossed the backpack at Danny's feet at the same time he hopped off the small wall. "Thanks for letting us know how it went," she said, crossing her arms.
"It was just Ember," Danny said dismissively. "It's not like it's something we haven't seen before."
"You could at least let us know!" she snapped. "Or come back to class after? I know you had time, but no. You have to ditch us, and everyone else, just like you're always doing lately."
"I am not ditching you," Danny lied. It came out far sharper than he intended. "Tucker, back me up."
Tucker pulled a face. "You know I've always got your back, dude, but... well, Sam is right. You have been disappearing after fights. Even when its just us. We've talked about it before."
"Oh, so what, I'm not allowed to take some time to recover?" Danny said.
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Sam took a deep breath, exhaling in a puff of cold air. "You can recover with us. Do you have any idea how hard it is to deal with everything when you just take off and leave? We're worried-"
Danny cut her off. "Oh, it's hard for you? Newsflash, I'm the one who takes the hits. I'm the one who gets thrown into walls. I'm the one who has to fight-" Danny cut himself off. He couldn't mention the voice, couldn't mention any of it. "If its so hard for you, than maybe you should just quit."
"Danny, that's not what we-" Tucker started, but Sam talked over him.
"Quit? You're asking us to quit because we're worried about you?" Sam said. "Do you even hear yourself right now?"
"Yeah, I do," Danny retorted. "I know what I'm saying, just like I know what I'm doing. Or are you going to try and say that I'm doing that wrong too?"
"I'm not saying that you don't know what you're doing!" Sam shouted. "I'm saying that you should at least tell us! We're your friends, Danny!"
"I don't need to tell you shit," Danny spat back. "If you were my friends, you'd understand that."
"Danny, Sam, please-" Tucker tried again.
"Oh, so we're not your friends now?" Sam pressed forward, crowding Danny’s vision. "Fine then! You clearly don't want us around anymore, so we will quit. When you realize just how shit you do without us, let us know." She grabbed Tucker by the arm, walking back to the school. "Come on, Tuck. We're going home."
Tucker looked between Sam and Danny rapidly, clearly conflicted. Danny waited for him to do something, anything, but by the time they reached the walkway at the end of the parking lot, Tucker was walking of his own accord. All Danny got was an apologetic look.
Danny bent down and swung his backpack over his shoulder with a thud. He didn't know why he expected anything. It was a miracle they'd stuck with him as long as they had. But it was fine. Danny was fine.
He couldn't afford not to be.
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mafiasliege · 5 months
I dare you to let me go
(this is part 2 of my fic. Enjoy reading!)
Part 1 ↓
Jameson was standing in a maze. Green bushes everywhere. And whichever way he went, the end was green too. Except now. Now, a 5"6' hazel-eyed brunette was standing there.
"Heiress." He tried taking a step toward her, but the distence seemed to stay the same, maybe it was getting bigger. "Where are we?"
"Not we. You. You seem… stuck."
"I'm not stuck. I'm-"
"-fine? Is that your latest lie? Then why am I here, Jameson? again?"
Where was he? And why did Avery seem younger?
"It's not a lie, heiress." Jameson was starting to get angry now, he turned around and started walking away. Avery- or the girl who at least looked like her- spoke louder.
"I'm not her, you know. Maybe the real one doesn't even exist anymore."
"Shut up."
"Maybe she just-"
"Shut up!-"
"Jamie, I'm gonna start yoddling loudly until you get your ass out here!" That was Xander, but Jameson had no regard for a yoddling threat between his gasping for air like a drowning man. Apparently, the things that plagued him during the day had started following him into his sleep now.
He pushed away the sheets and picked up his shirt from the night before. Under it was that box. They same green box. How long had he had it now? An year? Two? And did it matter, really?
You're fine. Just get this done.
Jameson got dressed and got to the room. He was surprisingly on time, the only reason being Xander making good on his threat to yoddle. He was actually decent at it, but annoying, nonetheless.
"Do you believe you're being paid to arrange a funeral?" Grayson's tone walked the line between a question and an accusation.
"I need this entire-"
"That's enough! Thank you" Lyra inserted herself in the conversation and dragged Grayson away by his arm from the event planners, who went back to doing their thing.
The dinner last night may have been non-existent the last straw a disaster, but this party's going to be epic. Besides, Avery would at least be home for at least a while on her own birthday, right? She'd promised.
Jameson helped himself to one of the appetizers on the long table covered in platinum and shades of violet. He hadn't had breakfast. After everything was set, he excused himself to the garage and tried calling Avery.
"Your call has been-"
"You're call has-"
"You're ca-"
He plunked his phone down with force. Luckily, it landed on the soft leather of the Valkyrie's seat.
"You alright there?" Nash. It was Nash. Why was everyone so concerned all of a sudden? Avery had just missed her own birthday that he'd planned for days. Not a big deal. At all. Janeson rolled down the car's window glass.
"I am fine."
"You're staying to sound more like Gray than Gray used to himself," Nash took that as his cue to get in the passanger seat.
"Whatever you and Avery have going on, just talk to-"
"Do you think I haven't tried?" It came out slow with a hint of frustration. They were face to face now. "There's always another call, there's always another problem, there's always another person expecting the most from her and she's trying to live up to them more and more."
To that, Nash had no answer. They just say like that for a while.
"Try talking to her today. She might just listen." He patted Jamie on the shoulder and got out.
"I can't feel my faxing legs," Max whispered, sitting in a crouch. After a long day of planning Avery's party, everyone was sitting in a crouch waiting for her to come and surprise her.
"Sit on me, then," Xander whispered back to her.
"Oh, get a room you two!" Libby whisper-yelled at them, just as the door rattled.
"Oh, my God!" Said… Mrs. Laughlin, who almost dropped the tray of crab cakes in her hands.
"Ugh. I can't crouch for much longer! Where is this beach?" Max whimpered, kicking her feet.
After two hours, all the dishes were half-empty, the wine half-drunk, and half the people previously in the room had dispersed.
"Before you say what your about to say, Gray, just like everyone else in this house, I'm okay, and so is Avery."
Grayson frowned. "I've been where you are, Jamie. If you have to keep telling yourself you're okay, you definitely aren't."
Jameson felt Grayson call out to him as he stormed out walked away.
He was done. He was so done. With his brothers' concern, with Lyra's unnecessary inputs.
With Avery.
The floodgates were open now, just like the door of his bathroom as he slammed it back shut. He was angry, no, frustrated. He was frustrated at the dinner, he was frustrated as he threw the green box from his pocket at the sink, he was frustrated as he felt the mirror shatter beneath his knuckles. He could suddenly see a thousand reflections of himself. But every reflection in every piece of the shattered mirror was a shell of what Jameson Hawthorne used to be. How he used to be.
He staggered back, still staring at his reflections until his back hit the door as he slowly sunk to the floor. And just like that, the tears and the memories came rushing out to the surface.
"Maybe the real one doesn't even exist anymore."
"She told me she's going to make it up to you"
"If you have to keep telling yourself you're okay, you definitely aren't."
"How many times have you had your heart broken over the last five years?"
And with the painful memories and the exploding bottled up feelings came crystal clarity, for the first time in a long time.
I can't do this anymore.
Loving Avery had made him love himself too, it made him realise his self-worth. He got to see what he deserved. But this, right now? He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to pretend to be happy. He didn't deserve to settle for a shell of what him and Avery used to be. He always says he can't imagine a life without Avery, maybe that was never a good thing. He had to start living for himself.
And there was only one way to do that.
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
while I love me some Vash and ww I wanna go with Knives rn 🥴 what do you think his kinks would be? and/or favorite positions 🤤
Authors note: My first NSFW request? so swag...also u!!! ur so epic I love when you interact fr *inserts that puppy dog eye emoji* Here's some Knives content for you Knive kissers tho!
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Knives X Reader NSFW HC's
I think Knives likes any position that allows him to be over you. He likes feeling like he's in charge in pretty much anything he does, and I mean anything.
Mating Press: One of his favorites. He has a thing about cumming inside every time and he'll get a bit irritated if you clean up too quickly because it seems like a waste. This is the perfect position to make sure every drop is fucked as deep into you as he can get it. Plus It makes him feel in control, he likes using his body weight to pin you down. He likes having you caged under him, letting your scratch along his shoulders as he pumps himself deeper into you.
G-Whiz: Lmao! ignore the name...He likes to over stimulate you. (mostly because as a plant he can go multiple rounds without getting tired) This just gets the job done a bit faster. Having your legs slung up over his shoulders does something to him too, the way he can hold your hips up at the perfect angle, drilling into your g-spot every time...He can't get enough of watching your fucked out face as you roll your eyes back from the fourth orgasm of the night. He also likes being a bit rough with you, proving to you how fragile you are compared to him not that'd he'd ever hurt you. He just enjoys the way you fold so nicely under him.
Cowgirl: Now I know I said he likes being on top but this is the one position where you can get him under you if you catch him in the right mood. He likes watching the way you bounce as you attempt to keep your composure despite falling apart even on top of him. More than that he likes having a view of every time his dick sinks into you, watching as you lift yourself up until it's nearly just the tip then sink yourself back down to the hilt. He'll grunt as you put your hands on his chest trying to chase your high. (he's not completely fair though, even here he likes to be a brat. He'll grab your hips if you slow down too much and fuck up into you using you for his own pleasure. He's a bit selfish in that aspect but don't worry he won't stop until you've cum at least twice.)
Breeding Kink: Maybe this is too obvious but...I mean c'mon. Knives has this whole fantasy about getting you pregnant, about making sure your constantly full with his child. He'll go multiple rounds to the point his cum is spilling out of you coating your thighs. He doesn't care, he'll go one more round just to make sure it takes, just to make sure there's no room for anything else but him. He constantly has you bending over things trying to breed you, and don't you want to carry his children? Don't you want to be good and let him fill you up?
"N-nai" you groan feeling warmth drip out of you, coating both you and Nai in his cum.
"Please, I cant do another round, s'too much" you whine too cock drunk to really think of anything but the man between your thighs. He has your hips propped up on pillows so that your hips are angled up towards him, refusing to let any of of his cum go to waste.
"You can go one more round can't you? Your doing so well..." his hand moves to press down against your womb trying to feel himself from the tin layer of fat that separate him from it. You whine and throw your head back but nod giving into him.
"Good. I'm going fill you again and then in return....you can have my child." he muses already beginning to rock his hips into you again. It's was going to be a long night.
Knife Play: Again...too obvious? Still! He has his blades you better believe he's going to use them. Knives getting to show off he's not human is something of a source of pride to him so he'll remind you of this fact in the bed room too. He likes the way the metal looks against your skin anyways.
Your body tenses as the cool silver of Nai's blade gently run against your skin. It's the dull edge, the side that won't cut, but if either of you move in the slightest that won't last.
Nai watches you like a predator about to strike, artic blue eyes reflecting in the dark as he lets the vines wrap around your body. They snake up your legs pulling you further apart for his view, and before you can protest there one wrapping around your throat forcing you to bear your neck lest you slice your throat open.
"Carful...their quite sharp" he muses. He finds this funny, the prick. Still, it's hard to be mad when there's ever pooling warmth building in your stomach. You jerk slightly when of of the blades climbs up your waist and hiss when the blade around your thighs cuts in slightly. Nai tsk at you and drags his thumb over where the small cut is and brings it to his lips, licking the blood off it.
"and you were doing so good..." he uses his vines to once again spread your legs apart so he can look at you, you feel his fingers ghost over where you want him most and you feel tears prick at your eyes wishing he's get on with it already when he finally begins to line himself up with your entrance, "now remember...don't move."
Predator/Prey: Sue me but tell me this man doesn't like a chase. Maybe it appeals to his plant instincts or that's his excuse anyways. In all honesty I think he likes to show off how much stronger, how much faster he is than a human like you. These little bouts of power send an extra thrill to his head, luckily Knives wing is very large so you can play into it.
You pant letting your feet carry you as fast as you can across the cool floor of the Arc. Were you fast enough? The answer is almost always a resounding "No" but when you don't hear foot steps behind you decide to take your luck at face value.
You look around for a hiding spot, adrenaline spiking though your body as you go into overdrive. You spot a small crawl space, just big enough for you to wiggle into if you're quick. Without a second thought you dive for it, scrambling to hide yourself away, knowing there's no way you can out run him for long. As if he can hear your thoughts the second you pull your feet in you hear the tell tale sound of his feet and the drag of a blade against the wall. You put your hands over your mouth to stifle any noises.
"I know you're in here" Nai coos, icy voice bouncing off the walls of the cold room. The echo makes it hard to tell where exactly his is, which only causes your heart to thud faster against your ribs.
"Be good and come out here for me, maybe I'll even reward you" It's a bluff and you know it. He didn't want you to give up, not now. It'd ruin the hunt, make it less fun.
Silence falls over the room and you close your eyes to listen for any movement, there's none but you know better than to take the chance. After what seems like forever you hear the slow clicks of foot steps retreating. You stay in your spot for a second regaining your breath before you steel yourself and take off again.
You run. You run faster than you ever have before but as you move down the hall...you hear the sound of something- no someone turning the corner. Shit. You turn and sprint down the hall way, you need a hiding place, you need to run faster you need-You feel your body suddenly pushed to the ground an you know, like always, you've lost.
"You lasted much longer this time" Nai muses in your ear, body still trapping you between him and the floor.
"Such a shame, but you didn't really think a human could get away from me did you?" you feel his hands glide down your body already tugging down the hem of your pants. Maybe losing wasn't so bad...not if this was the punishment.
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anthurak · 6 months
So here’s a fun thought: Yang and Qrow (and Cinder) are probably still the only other people who actually KNOW that Raven is the Spring Maiden.
Which means I’d say we have the setup for some VERY interesting scenarios where most people not knowing about the maiden hanging around Vacuo could come into play. And of course some AWESOME potential big, dramatic reveals from Raven.
Imagine if the Crown (actually Tyrian really) plans weaken/neutralize Vacuo’s defenses by orchestrating several continuous large Grimm attacks in order to leave Winter exhausted. Then perhaps ambushing the Summer Maiden and controlling her with Jax’s semblance. Which in turn leads to Jax and Gillian strolling up to Vacuo with their army of followers and mind-controlled maiden and making a big ultimatum to surrender, as with Winter exhausted and possibly even incapacitated, our heroes have no hope of stopping them!
Cue Raven strolling up/dropping in for an epic reveal of the third maiden who’s been hanging around all this time and proceeding to WRECK the Crown’s shit.
Alternatively, perhaps Raven simply makes a big, awesome reveal saving Yang and Ruby from an army of Grimm.
Any way you slice it, I think Yang and Qrow keeping that info to themselves is going to end up having some VERY fun ramifications.
Also, if Maiden!Raven’s kicking-ass theme/insert song isn’t at least partially an homage to Bury the Light, I will be VERY disappointed.
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mochaaaaaaaa · 7 months
Hello! Hope you're having a wonderful [Insert time of day here]!
I was just wondering if you could draw Epic Hoola (If you can, maybe when she drops her hula hoop)?
Tsym if you do, its fine if you don't, have a good day!
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Here you go!!!! Sorry this took so long 😞💔
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sardonic-sprite · 8 months
Since EPIC has been taking up 90% real estate in my head without paying rent, here goes a series of me ranting about each song <3
The Horse and the Infant
*Entire opening*
I absolutely adore how it starts so quiet, like they're in the horse's belly planning. In my head, that initial rushing sound is a single candle being lit. As Odysseus names people and gets louder, there's more and more light, until on ATTAAAACK!!! the whole Ithacan army comes BURSTING out and it's glorious
Backtracking though,
What do you live for?/What do you try for?/What do you wish for?/What do you FIGHT for?
I used to goof and end on *what do you DIE for* because that's intuitive, but Odysseus directly contradicts that intuition! You can debate or have it coexist whether he's changing the line in that vision of kindness he clings to during the first act or whether he's in denial over the real damage he's causing, but the fact that the line IS this way gives me Feels
And then--
Pe-ne-lo-pe! Pe-ne-lo-pe! And Te-le-ma-cu-us!
The way everything cuts out but but the light strings and ODYSSEUS' OWN FUCKING HEARTBEAT LIKE COME ON! He loves them so much I'm willing to let him commit atrocities.
*insert EPIC battle music*
You can feel the chaos of battle and I don't know how Jay did it but he did and I love it so much
AHHH! *screech*
The sudden shift. Is a new challenger approaching? Sorta. Again, though, almost everything has cut out, but instead of sweet strings and a heartbeat, there's this droning bass like some inexorable, heavy doom approaching, and then there's Zeus, who sounds so imperial and *unfeeling.*
A mission/To kill someone's son/A foe who won't run/Unlike anyone/You have faced before/Say no more!
The clever phrasing is on point, because it tricks us all. And then Odysseus' reply -- he's already so confident, even cocky. He thinks this is some superpowered champ and he's like HELL YEAH ZEUS MA DUDE LEMME AT IM!
*the fucking piano*
It's a lullaby. It's the sound of ice dropping down Odysseus' spine. It's a million memories spinning in his head.
It's just an infant... What sort of imminent threat does he pose...?
The shock, horror, and disbelief... Ow. Odysseus is completely in denial. And then there's almost a scoff to "imminent threat," like he's trying to make Zeus feel like an idiot for fearing a baby, like he'll change his mind.
If you don't end him now, you'll have no one left to save! You can say good bye to -- Penelope -- You can say goodbye to -- Penelope--
DAMN Zeus pulls the Penelope card. AND YET. They say Penelope twice, just like Odysseus did in the beginning... but it feels so intentional that Telemacus is left out. The gods don't dare put the image of Odysseus' baby boy in his head, or this child will have Telemacus' face and Odysseus will fail.
I COULD RAISE HIM AS MY OWN! he will burn your house and throne OR SEND HIM FAR AWAY FROM HOME! find you wherever you roam MAKE SURE HIS PAST IS NEVER KNOWN-- the gods will make him know
Odysseus offering all these TOTALLY REASONABLE AND WORKABLE suggestions because what the fuck is this command, it's a BABY there are so many other ways-- And every sentence, Zeus and the gods are shooting the idea down with increasingly ridiculous excuses. Ok sure, maybe adopting the kid would end in tragedy when the truth comes out. Ok I guess maybe he'd find out elsewhere and track Odysseus down, but like. BUT THE GODS WILL MAKE HIM KNOW? My dude, WHICH GODS? You want the kid to Not Do A Thing? Right? That's why you want Odysseus to kill him? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU "MAKE HIM KNOW" IF HE'S ABLE TO LIVE IN BLISSFUL IGNORANCE IT WOULD SAVE ALL OF FUCKING GREECE A GOOD DEAL OF AGONY!
I'm on my knees for ya! I'm begging please! ... *thunder* *rain* PLEASE don't make me do this, don't make me do this!
He's so desperate. I want to cry. I am also on my knees begging. I just picture Odysseus shaking his head, tears falling, clinging to hope or delusion that Zeus will change his mind. And the rain... even the sky is crying
The blood on your hands is something you won't lose/All you can choose is whose...
This is. A statement of truth? A prophecy? A curse? It gives me chills, though, especially at the end when there's nothing but the last hiss... It feels *unfinished* like there's more to say, and part of it is how the grammar got rearranged to make the rhyme, leaving out a word or two, but since the meaning is still clear, it throws everything else into doubt. There's also the subtle emphasis Zeus puts on *won't*. What the fuck does that mean? Won't as opposed to can't? As though Odysseus could choose to wash his hands but ultimately chooses more bloodshed? Won't as in it's forbidden? Why? Won't as the future tense of don't? Does that mean it's a prophecy, that Zeus is telling Odysseus a neutral fact? WHAT IS THE EMPHASIS FOR?
Final remarks:
Never read the source material, so it was hard for me at first to get invested when there's all these names, but the pure energy and emotion draws you in no matter what, and in the end everything but Odysseus *literally* fades away.
The first MANY times.I listened, up until I watched this one animatic, I was convinced Odysseus turned away and spared the baby. Or better yet, adopted him (bc Im a Bat girlie first lmao). In my head there's a happy AU where Telemacus gets a new baby brother and meets his uncle Polites and everything is beautiful and shut up don't shatter my illusions I KNOW it has to happen bc *theme*
Is it my favorite song in the musical, no, but do I always sing/mouth along once the energy picks up? Absolutely. Overall, Imma go with 6/10
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akkivee · 3 months
When you get the chance:
Top 5 Sonic songs? 💙🦔
foul work asking a sonic fan to rank music LOL so imma go all out and list top 5 albums, vocal themes, and stage songs so i can list as many as possible, but in no particular order lmao
theme tracks
live and learn (well yeah lol) (there’s the original sonic symphony on youtube still and i watched the livestream when it premiered and was vibing enjoying myself, like sonic music orchestrated this is peak but then we got to this song and i was fcking sobbing lmao)
knight of the wind (i like rock to orchestra instruments and this song made me realise that lol. banger theme to a banger game btw lol like i think every sonic fan once they join the online community has a game they’re shocked to hear the general consensus is that it sucked and this was mine lol. i’m glad everyone has come around to it lol)
my sweet passion (IM AN AMY STAN also!!!! her song is the vocal theme you actually have to sit down with to understand and that in itself shows how much depth her character has and i’m not joking when i say she’s the blueprint to all my favourite characters lol)
his world (i like different versions for different reasons but i listen to the og version the most. it really gets the epic vibe sonic 06 was going for and merges sonic’s rap/hiphop influences he was lowkey founded on and the rock music he was known for at the time. i digress but the music direction has shifted to edm so i’d be very curious if a sonic theme in the current era would also have edm 🤔)
i’m here (and like i already loved the og version but then they got kellin quinn to revamp the theme of the dlc that saved sonic frontiers’ ending and it’s just peak all around lmao)
sonic adventure (my go to album when i’m drawing actually lol. i wasn’t around for the og dreamcast drop so idk what marketing was like but since it’s the game that defined sonic’s transition into 3d (sorry if that phrasing activated a fight response lol) i like to think the snazzy jazzy sound the entire album has, which carries forward sonic’s 90s vibes he’s had in 2d as well, is like sonic team saying ‘welcome to sonic’s snazzy jazzy world like you’ve never seen before!!!’ and it’s nice lol)
sonic adventure 2 (i……… am an adventure era girlie lmao but like do you know how formative this soundtrack is for me lol???? sa2 took what sa1 had going for it and ramped it tf 🆙 like defined music genres for their characters and it reflects the music of stages they’re in too!!! i love the vocal stage songs!!!!! supporting me is THE boss fight song of all time!!!! rouge with the sexy spy music bc that’s her schtick!!!! knuckles was an og with character raps showing his thoughts and feelings lmao!!!!)
sonic frontiers (i’m pretty sure the final horizon soundtrack is the reason why sega was my most listened to artist and was my most listened to album last year lol. i made a playlist of those songs and inserted the vocal themes of the og game where the boss rush started iykyk lol. i don’t listen to the og soundtrack much but it’s incredible that each island has a theme they created 6-7 distinct versions of in the form of movements like what a masterpiece of an album)
sonic generations (THE REMIXES SLAP LOL)
sonic forces (idk it’s also an album i put on when i’m drawing. a lot of the songs are repetitive but it’s an easy listen and the vocal tracks are cool lol and fun fact if you search up ‘the edgiest song ever’ on youtube you get a song from this album and they’re right, it is edgy but you don’t understand if you’re messing with me i am a dangerous weapon i am the sharpest of blades i'll cut you down in a second ‘cause i was born in this pain it only hurts if you let it—)
stage songs
aquarium park act 1 (i never played colors actually i just watched a friend of a friend play it but this stage’s song stuck to soul lol)
night palace (this song is too good for that game lmao)
eggman’s facility (i listen to this remix so much the vanilla version of white jungle actually sounds weird whenever i listen to it lmao)
mystic mansion (this song and its in game mechanic is too good for that fcking stage lmao)
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chiropteracupola · 8 months
2/3 of the way through sharpe's escape; here's some thoughts:
my amusement at the telegraph tower shenaniganery is absurd
the sheer amount of cats in this book delights me
slingsby saying 'no! drop it!' at perkins dragging a corpse around like a cat that's brought in a dead bird... sharpe ordering him to loot the bodies More Thoroughly... o the sillies...
bernard cornwell's thoughts on gender are perplexational
I feel as if I am pondering the historical-archaeological implications of [Insert Event Here] a great deal more than cornwell is doing
the repeated insistence on Quite How Much Masséna Fucks is baffling to me.
the entire cellar-full-of-corpses sewer-tunnel-escape episode is epic and cool. However. mr sharpe do not kiss that woman in that sewer why are you doing that.
sharpe calling harper 'loverboy'... eheheee
COOL GUYS DON'T LOOK AT EXPLOSIONS [electric guitar riff]
I like johanna, I wish she got A Single Line :/
What If I tried to draw my own version of the sketch-portrait of sharpe while he's asleep on watch... I'm sure I have charcoals somewhere around leftover from field drawing...
I zoned out for about three minutes and romance happened?
jorge vincente is incredibly powerful for voluntarily putting up with the sharpe-and-harper double act for this long. he did also get shot, even more powerful for dealing with Both of these things simultaneously.
richard sharpe for the love of god will you put your shirt back on
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
That last anon is cooking something. The book does have a second account of daemon being a father figure to nettles. A maester swears by it in fact. The salacious rumors about bathing were told by maids and we know which rumors not to trust (some of mushroom's, singers, maids, etc).
It makes sense if nettles' arc is split between rhaena and addam actually. Rhaena joining daemon at the riverlands fulfills the father-daughter arc that is in need of confrontration and closure since s1. It wouldn't make sense if you have rhaena, addam, and nettles as dragonriders. There'd be too many of them. Someone has to go and rhaena is already a poc. The only answer here is nettles. Addam aIready exists and is non-valyrian looking.
Tbh your self-insert fantasies are getting in the way of you seeing this in an objective light. They're clearly not following the books so why are you expecting a throuple or an incestuous dad-daughter one is to one comparison from the book? Clearly nonny was pertaining to the second account being fulfilled, which would be much better than a contrived alleged cheating plot.
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The only thing you and the other anon are cooking is some meth in a basement to feed the voices in your heads🤣
For those that don't know this is a link to the ask that this Dumbnyra stan is talking about.
You must think I’m as stupid as your cult of delusional morons if you expect me to believe that they had someone come in to play Nettles, dressed her up and everything, but only as an easter egg🙃:
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You and the other anon need to come up with a better excuse for why they’ll cut Nettles and replace her with Rhaena than the toilet water your spilling.
Shipping nonsense aside, Rhaena is a highborn girl who comes from a dragon-riding family. She may be neglected by her father, but she’s undoubtedly privileged and she does have family who do care about her.
Nettles is the complete opposite of that. She comes from literally nothing. She has no one. The odds are stacked against her and yet this little brown-skinned bastard girl claims a dragon that killed others who had the “right blood.”
She’s supposed to show us that it’s more than blood that makes us. No other dragonseed or dragonrider has gone through what she has and none of them will. She’s a survivor in every sense of the word.
You are literally missing the point of her arc if you think they can just copy and paste it onto Rhaena(or Addam or whoever) cause they are all POC(don't hide behind that word because it doesn't make you look less racist when we know you mean Black) now.
Learn how to read first before you come for me with the self-insert bull crap(rich coming from the likes of you considering that’s the only reason why you care about Dumbnyra and why you refuse to see Nettles as an actual important character):
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Maester Norren’s Testimony is supposed to support not dispute the assertion that Daemon and Nettles are lovers (see the “and in this case”).
You can't cherry-pick what you want from a source(which is what you’re trying to do because you know it makes no sense that a man bathes naked alone with their grown daughter). Maester Norren believes what the maids say. He never questions it so you either drop his account entirely or you accept the whole of it.
The maids were there. They weren’t just gossiping for the sake of gossiping or making sh*t up because everyone at Maidenpool from Lord Mooton’s brother to those lowly maids could see how fond Daemon was of Netty:
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As far as the show goes, despite what you guys try to claim, your ship has hit dead water:
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This show was never centered around Dumbnyra’s “epic love story.” Nettles and the “contrived cheating plot” was always going to come along (and you can cry about it till the cows come home):
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As I asked the other anon, if you truly believe that Rhaena will replace Nettles what will be the new cause of Daemon abandoning Rhaenyra?
Does Mysaria still accuse him of sleeping with his own daughter and Rhaenyra believes her and orders Rhaena’s death or does Daemon just decide to abandon her and end it all for sh*ts and giggles?
What makes him confront Aemond now knowing that Rhaenyra needs him, Rhaena’s life doesn’t hang in the balance, and he doesn’t have to make a choice? What’s the reason? What’s the motivation? Don’t leave us in suspense 🙃
And before another Dumbnyra stan sends me another anonymous message talking about how mean I am or how I’m just a biased self-inserter, let me go quote myself from yesterday because you are proving my point:
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This is why I responded to the first anon and yourself the way I did. Your side of the fandom is riddled with misogynoir and anti-Blackness all under the guise feminism(while disrespecting every female character who isn't Rhaenyra).
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In your bigoted minds, you all think there can only be one or two Black people around, or else there are too many in a sea of white characters you can root for. The presence of a whopping six Black(ish) characters is just so distressing for you.
You all think it’s fine to cut the only in-canon Black character and insert her arc onto race-bent characters because you don’t want her there.
You refuse to see her importance because she’s Black. You refuse to relate to her because she’s Black. You refuse to see her as an actual character with a story worthy of being told because she’s Black.
A story that is unique among the dragonseeds(yes even with Addam having dark hair because he’s still being claimed by Corlys and he has a family) but you ignore it all in favor of she should be cut because there are just too many Black characters.
Let's call a spade a spade and say the main reason you want her cut and replaced with Rhaena is because you know that if Nettles is there she will be Daemon’s lover and due to the color of her skin you refuse to self-insert into a Negro like you do Rhaenyra. Rhaena is the safe option because you know Daemon can't f*ck his own daughter. Don’t insult my intelligence and say that you are doing this because you people actually want to make her more of a key player during the Dance or want daddy to pay attention to her.
I’ve already laid out how they can make Rhaena more actively involved so if you really cared about her you’d root for a story line like this:
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You don’t care about Nettles, Rhaena, or Addam who all have their respective plot lines and roles to play. This is all being done to keep your sinking ship afloat(too late for that because it’s already struck the iceberg and it’s going down faster than the Titanic).
You know who can be cut/combined considering they have basically the same role (betraying Rhaenyra)? Ulf and Hugh. Oh, but that’s right, they are both white so you’d never suggest that. They are just too important to the plot for one to be cut.
Your all Negros are the same to me, they’ll have five Negros on the show and that’s five too many even though this show is majority white, I’ll lose what’s left of my sanity if they add one more so they’ve had to have reached their Black quota behind can go somewhere else and spout that bull crap to your fellow Nazi wannabes.
If people can not see how racist this cult of a fandom is I don’t know what to tell you, but I won’t be entertaining your unserious bs about Nettles on my blog when you come out the gate with racially charged language.
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sailtomarina · 1 year
I think about you all the time
He cornered her in the stairwell, the stairwell Hermione took specifically to avoid the Ministry lifts, the lifts she avoided so she wouldn’t bump into him.
It was as if he had anticipated her, popping out the first door she passed in her descent, hand catching her arm and swinging her into his warm embrace. One moment she was poised to take a step down to the next level, and the next she was pressed against the wall by Draco Malfoy and the full length of his impeccably fit body.
“Malfoy, we’re at work, we can’t—”
“Oh it’s ‘Malfoy’ again, is it? What happened to ‘Draco, oh, Draco, please Draco’?” He breathed into her ear, thigh pressing between her legs, driving up into her heat in just the right spot.
She couldn’t hold back the whimper that escaped, nor could she stop herself from grasping onto his shirt, fingers curling wrinkles into the expensive fabric, as she ground down onto him. His mouth slid the course of her neck, sucking bruises into the tender skin as if to claim her as his own for all to see.
“Please…Draco…” she mewled, already craving more of the touch she’d endeavored to forget. Last weekend had been a mistake of epic proportions, one fueled by loneliness and frustration and willful ignorance. If this was going to happen again, here of all places, then she might as well savor the temporary loss of sanity while it lasted.
He huffed his amusement, “There’s my girl.”
His choice of words drew her out of the cloud of lust just long enough to voice a weak protest, “I’m not your girl. Oh, fuck!”
He pinched her nipple and nipped her ear in warning.
“Tell me stop then, Granger.”
“Just because—” she groaned as he continued to drive his thigh into her clit, “—we had sex one time, doesn’t mean we’re a thing now. Don’t. Stop.”
Maybe if she just closed her eyes, she could ignore the devastatingly attractive way his platinum locks fell across his forehead, or how his light eyes pierced through her like a direct shot of adrenaline to her libido.
Of course he wouldn’t let her escape like that.
Ripping her hand off his shirt, he pressed it against his prominent bulge. “Look at me, Granger.”
Her eyes popped open, unwillingly gravitating towards his own.
“This,” he continued, squeezing his hand over hers, “is because of you. I am going out of my mind for you. I think about you all the time. I refuse for that night to be our last. I refuse to not have you every moment of every day in every single way possible.”
His hand slid to where his leg pressed against her and he pinched again hard. Hermione’s mouth dropped open as she was shoved off her reluctant perch, and he captured her cry with an open-mouthed kiss that claimed her as readily as any public declaration of love.
Once she sagged against him in defeat, he pulled back and spun her around.
“Hands up. Brace yourself.”
She scrambled to do as he ordered, pulse racing as he kicked her legs apart and pulled her skirt up to discover black lace knickers underneath.
“Oh, Granger. Not so good after all, are you?” The joy in his voice vied with the dark chuckle that followed.
She jolted as he ran a finger underneath the fabric to test her readiness. The squelch that followed told him everything he needed to know, and he swiftly tugged open his trousers to take himself in hand.
As she felt him press the head of his cock against the sodden gusset, Hermione couldn’t help but wonder again what had possessed her to sleep with him in the first place, to allow herself to be taken like this where anyone could find them. Would Draco even pause, or would he keep fucking her to completion while they watched? Why did the idea of that send another pulse of need throughout her body?
He continued to tease her entrance and leaned down over her to insert filth into her ear. “You want this, don’t you? My cock in you, taking you so hard against this wall that you forget everything but my name?”
She shook her head in a stubborn attempt to ignore the truth of the words, but she couldn’t help the way her hips swayed as he severed her knickers and tucked them into his pocket. She couldn’t help her hands fisting against the wall in preparation as he slipped just the tip inside.
His hands grasped her hips in a vice, preventing her from rocking back onto him.
“Answer me, Granger.”
She couldn’t see his smirk as she growled in frustration and tried to fight his hold.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“I couldn’t be more serious, love.”
She stamped her heel, still refusing to give in. “Just fuck me already, Malfoy!”
At her demand, he immediately let go, but rather than press into her, he stepped away. She was left bending over alone, bare arsed and needy.
“Not until you answer me, and call me by my first name.” The tone of his voice no longer held its confident swagger. He spoke quietly in a way that had her glancing over her shoulder at him.
Even with his pants open and the instrument of his desire swollen in need, there was a tension in his body and expression that betrayed a degree of vulnerability. It was as if everything that might follow depended on her.
Hermione stood back up and faced him, ignoring the way her skirt still bunched at her waist and the open breeze between her legs. All of her focus was on the man who stood before her, cock at the ready and heart bare to her mercies.
She tilted her head in careful consideration, savoring the way his gaze stayed fixed on her own.
“What if I do want this…you? Not just now, but for real?”
How could she deny the hope that lit up his face? How could she pretend to not crave him, body and mind?
“Then I’d say, what are we waiting for?” He grinned, holding his hand out towards her in a clear request for her acceptance. 
Obviously, she took it, and everything that followed after.
WC 1054 Can you believe this is what happens when I try to be BRIEF? I'm hopeless! Twitter prompt from DramionePrompts
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caeruleophile · 1 year
i was making self-insert characters for fun, shits and giggles, BUT there's one character i want to make a real fan-character....
Ok meet Princess Tear, the ruler of the cloud kingdom. Since clouds play major (i think) role in many mario games (like, cloud levels, smiling clouds, even the cloud flower from MG2 gives you some epic abilities... don't forget our beloved lakitu!!) i decided to give our fluffy friends a whole kingdom with it's ruler and it's treasures.
I'LL REDESIGN HER A LITTLE TO GET RID OF SOME OF MY FEATURES.......... but here's my first self-insert princess ok....
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I'll be so glad to drop some lore about her, but later...
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peligrosapop · 1 year
if madrid drops point on saturday we’re champions before espanyol NOOO
I’m not sure that if Atletico or RM tie we will be champs or they have to lose but regardless I would rather have Barça beat them at home and win La Liga, much more sweeter. Although coming in to their stadium as Champions would be great too.
“Espayol, cabrón, saluda al campeón” is almost as great as saying “Madrid, cabrón, saluda al campeón” (that translate to <insert team/person> , fucker, salute the champion).
Here is Eto’ doing that chant at the Camp Nou in the 2004-2005 season. Best thing of all? Samuel Eto’o is an ex Madrid player that turned culer. Epic
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lilylovesundertale · 2 years
Finale part 2
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Aziza: you have no idea what it's like to be betrayed destroyed
Crystal: I'm not-
Azusa: don't you understand the feeling Galaxa oh wait you're the one that betrayed me
Crystal: I understand that you're mad but-
Azusa: let's settle this
Undertale battle begin*
*. . .
*Fight act items Mercy
*Check *talk *comfort
Azusa attack 690 defense 59 no idea why she's mad at you but she is
Crystal: I understand that you're mad but I am not Galaxa my name is Crystal
Azusa: don't lie to me
She pulls out her chainsaw and cuts the battle box in half along with the item menu well that's going to be a problem*
Crystal: I'm not lying to you I would never lie to anyone
Azusa: oh really then why are you doing it right now *use psy blast Crystal moved her so out of the way*
Delto: sis what on Earth is happening over here-*gets garbed by a black vine* OW
Crystal: BRO
Delto:*eye patch falls off* I'll be fine sis
Azusa: how cute you truly care-oh dear God what happened to your eye
Delto: long story
Azusa: anyways you totally care about your brother don't you I have a special ability that will absorb the light from this universe and everyone's forms
Aquo: well jokes on you I don't have a form*get garbed to* uh oh
Azusa: I have other plans for you
Aquo:*begins crying due to fear*
Crystal: BESTIE
Azusa: let's continue shall we?
*she has your friend and brother
*you don't think talking will get you out of the situation
Azusa:*pulls out her chainsaw and begins cutting up the battle box*
Azusa: how cute you're sparing me time for my revenge
Everything began turning teal blue*
Drago: why am I feeling like someone's in trouble
He froze when it happened*
Drago:*looking around confused* what the hell?
Lily: babe I'm fine so is tulip azaza and blaze
Nora: I cannot stop worrying about you
*everything goes teal blue making the government and the top hat clan stop fighting*
Charles: what in the name of-?
Ellie: this is not .. normal at all
Echo: this is probably a problem
Regldold: oh dear I hope something's not wrong with the Sun
Meanwhile again*
Tsc:*talking with his friends before everything goes teal blue*
Blue:*confused screaming*
Green:*stop playing music on his headphones*
Red:*drop carrot*
🟡: *stop practicing restone*
Meanwhile with mango and purple*
🟠: *looking up very confused*
Purple:*goes behind mango afraid*
Meanwhile with the main stick figure team*
Tsc: I just want to have a normal week for once is it so hard to ask for
Back with Crystal*
Azusa: I made myself stronger you could no longer hurt me*destroys the Mercy menu*
Insert epic final Boss music*
*the real battle begins
*Act *check *talk *insult
Azusa: no*begins using blue and orange attacks*
Delto: blue means don't move and Orange means move
Crystal listened to the advice*
*You don't know what to do here because no matter what you do you cannot seem to do damage to her
*You do nothing
Azusa: ... What are you doing
Crystal: well I don't know what else to do here you won't talk things out and you destroyed my Mercy menu what else is there to do
Azusa: DIE*began attacking with blue attacks*
Act turned into save*
To be continued*
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ring-rong-rang-rung · 2 years
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I posted 1,774 times in 2022
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1,761 posts reblogged (99%)
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I tagged 1,757 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#starscream - 236 posts
#megatron - 235 posts
#soundwave - 182 posts
#prowl - 179 posts
#rodimus - 160 posts
#optimus prime - 129 posts
#ratchet - 110 posts
#jazz - 107 posts
#drift - 104 posts
#wheeljack - 90 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#today i discovered 'sleeping in the cold below' which also slaps but i have no idea how to even begin to insert it into a fic
My Top Posts in 2022:
Every time a new chapter drops on this fic (Reforged by Heliopauseentertainments), my sibling, whose not reading it, loses his mind over the fact that we don’t yet have a for certain answer on the potential reincarnation plotline.
To be clear, it’s currently 93 chapters, and I think I found it when there were 16 chapters.
2 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
making a playlist for my NaNoWriMo wip, and wondering if any of y’all have any song recommendations for Jazz, Prowl, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, and Ironhide
preferred vibes being sad, serious, and/or epic?
6 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Snippet from new WIP
Context: Prowl and Smokescreen the morning after the destruction of Praxus, feat. my OC Hipshot, Jazz’s predecessor as the head of the Autobot’s Special Operations
“Bluestreak is alive. We are going to Praxus to find him.” Prowl took Smokescreen’s hand. “Are you stable?”
They continued down the hall, towards the shuttle launch. Prowl opened an incoming comm from Hipshot.
::You didn’t hear this from me, but Spec Ops has two extra seats on their shuttle. Find Bumblebee. It’ll head straight for Enforcer HQ, or at least, the coordinates of where it used to be. If Smokescreen can’t handle it, Bee will stay with him.::
Prowl didn’t believe he’d ever found himself thanking Hipshot, but today was full of awful firsts. Hipshot brushed the thanks off easily.
::Just make sure if you see your ex to doubletap him through the spark, as a little gift to me.::
::Will do.::
13 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Ah, finally! Here’s my work for 2022′s @tf-bigbang. It’s been a wonderful time, and I was paired with the lovely @sxpaiscia, who provided me with three gorgeous illustrations. So sit back and please enjoy all the work we’ve put into this.
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types
Relationships: Skywarp/Thundercracker (ThunderWarp), Megatron/Starscream (MegaStar)
Characters: Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Megatron, Soundwave, The Constructicons, Flatline, Original Cybertronian Characters, Sparklings
Additional tags: Mild Child Endangerment, Listen one of the sparklings can float phase shift and teleport, everyone is doing the best that they can
Summary: Skywarp and Thundercracker were keeping secrets from  Starscream. Right up until those secrets raised the number in their  trine from three to five. Now, in the middle of the war, the three seekers are struggling to  keep the crew of the Nemesis from discovering the two sparklings. But it  won't be long before Megatron and Soundwave get suspicious about how  much "trine time" Starscream's been taking lately and try to discover  the cause. And when one of those sparklings develops Skywarp's outlier  abilities, it'll only be a matter of time before they're all discovered.
Work Status: Complete (3/3)
31 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hasbro making a potentially bold choice in Transformers: Earthspark to have Megatron and Soundwave be divorced instead of Megatron and Optimus.
372 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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