#inspired by OSD
nayladoodles · 1 year
Kid Nightmare AU (Not OSD or reset!mare)
full disclosure: this is inspired by @calcium-cat who created OSD (One Small Dream) 
My AU is similar but role reversed and the cause of the age reversal is a complete accident unrelated to Sci. I call it Bippity Boppity Baby Bones (cheesy I know).
Summary: Nightmare gets accidentally turned back into a child (8 years old) by a mystery potion and temporarily loses his memories before this point. Dream tries to give him what he never had as a kid (thank you abusive villagers). Nightmare starts to remember things via dreams and becomes distrustful of Dream. Cue angst. Nightmare ends up snapping at Dream (sad banana hours) who pulls away (they eventually figure it out). Sci makes an antidote but Nightmare after lots of talking with Dream doesn’t want it preferring to have a chance at growing back up with Dream at his side to guide him. Yes he still has black apple powers/privileges (angst for later). 
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sharpmarble76 · 2 years
OSDreamcember Day 25: Family
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@calcium-cat Turns out I did get it done in time! Just don't look too closely at anything and if you see any (of the many) mistakes, no you don't.
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warriorstale001 · 2 years
Day 1 of OneSmallDreamcember prompt list by @calcium-cat. December 3rd.
Prompt 1: Dejavu.
I realise this is a little late but originally I had no intention of writing anything for this particular prompt, but then late yesterday evening I suddenly got a huge amount of inspiration to write... Well the following idea :3.
Hope you all enjoy =D!
Dream giggles as he races away from the room where his brother is currently counting aloud, searching the hallway and adjacent rooms for a perfect place to hide.
He’d been waiting allllll day for Nighty to play hide-and-seek with him as his brother was ‘too busy’ before this, but thankfully now Nightmare has finally made time for him.
Dream runs into the nearby living room, diving behind Nightmare’s favorite armchair to hide there. He covers his mouth to stifle his giggles as he hears Nightmare finish counting in the distance.
“…49…50! Ready or not, here I come Dream!”
Dream listens carefully as his brother searches the nearby hallway for his presence, struggling not to laugh as Nightmare continually enters the wrong rooms to look for him.
“Hmm… he’s clearly not in here either.” Dream hears Nightmare exclaim rather loudly as he exits yet another room without finding him inside. “Just where has my brother gone this time…?”
Dream grins widely at his words, proud of himself for coming up with this particular hiding place. He really chose a good spot this time!
Finally after what feels like a few minutes of waiting, Dream hears Nightmare’s footsteps approach the living room. The young skeleton holds his breath as his brother comes to a stop at the doorway, forcing himself not to move even an inch in case that somehow gives him away. It’s so hard for him not to laugh right now!
“You can’t hide from me forever Dream!”
“You can’t hide from me forever Dream!”
Dream struggles to catch his breath, leaning heavily against the tree that he hopes is hiding him from view right now. N________’s mocking voice sounds much closer than it did before, but Dream is reluctant to move again just yet.
He holds his injured arm close yet gently to his chest, attempting to keep it as still as possible while magic leaks out from his newly received wound onto the snowy, forest floor below him. He’d been careless during his fight with N________ and now the humerus in his right arm is paying the price for it.
Worst of all, he’d gotten separated from B___ and I__ amidst the commotion, so he doesn’t have any backup now when he needs it the most.
He knows he can’t portal out of this AU in his current state and he doubts he’ll be able to fight very well if N________ finds him.
That’s why he’s trying to stay hidden from him until either B___or I__ can locate him and get him safely out of the AU.
And if N________ tracks him down first, well…
Dream doesn’t want to think about what he might do to him in his current state…
“I know you’re there, Dream.” N________’s voice taunts from somewhere behind him, much closer then it was before. “You were so eager to fight me just moments ago, so why stop and run away after one little injury? Come out… so we can finish what you started.”
Dream begins to sweat, his eye lights desperately scanning the trees in search of a better hiding place then the one he’s currently got. He knows moving away from the tree he’s leaned up against right now is probably a foolish idea, but it might be his only option if N_______ gets any closer.
“Dream! … Dream, are you there?!”
Dream perks up his skull hopefully at the sound of B___ calling him in the distance. He is close by the sound of it, perhaps if he runs forward now he’ll be able to reach him before N________ can catch him?
He’ll have to be very quick though.
Dream takes just a single step forward before a noise sounding from behind the tree he was just standing near makes him freeze in his tracks with fear.
He knows it’s a terrible idea and definitely the stupidest decision he can make in this situation, but Dream’s curiosity gets the better of him as he ever so slowly looks back and peers around the tree in order to locate the source of the noise.
A part of him is surprised when he doesn’t find N________ there, but the large broken stick on the ground is most definitely evidence that he was standing there just moments ago.
But if N________ isn’t there any longer, then where-
“Hello Dream~”
Dream has barely turned his skull in the direction of N________’s voice before suddenly a tentacle wraps around his waist and throws his body against the tree he’d been hiding behind all this time.
“Found you, brother~”
“Found you, brother!”
Dream struggles, trying to ignite his magic or slip out of N________’s grip, but the other skeleton just tightens his hold on him. It’s getting harder and harder to breathe as the other squeezes him so tightly he feels as though more of his bones might break.
Looking around N________’s malicious gaze, Dream sees B___ has finally found him and is running towards him in the distance.
He tries to yell out to him in a frantic call for help, but finds his voice just won’t work as he watches fearfully as N________ raises another tentacle in preparation to strike him.
“Dream!? What’s wrong!?”
Dream closes his eye sockets and braces for the strike, as B___ continues to urgently call his name, though he sounds much closer than before.
“Did you really think you could hide from me, Dream?” N________ mocks him, his face just inches from his own in this moment. ”No more running, this fight ends right here, r̵̦͊i̵̥͕̾g̸̡͒h̸͓̿t̸̠̾̉ ̸̪͒n̴͍͆o̵̧̙̎w̴̪̠͌͗!”
“Dream! Hold on, I̸͕̹͐̈́͘'̶̤͈͝m̶̝̺̖̒͠ ̶̰̗͗͌̕c̵̥͉͑ö̵̢́́m̶̨̠̩̃ȉ̴̝͑͛n̶̞̭̓̄̕g̶̳̬̓ ̸͈͋!”
Dream gasps loudly, scrambling away from the hand that just ever so gently touched his shoulder as he becomes aware of his surroundings once again.
He looks back fearfully to see Nightmare staring at him in obvious concern at his reaction to the contact, his hand still hovering where he tried to touch Dream a moment ago.
“Dream… what’s wrong?” Nightmare asks in a clearly worried tone, studying his young brother carefully as he speaks. “I’ve been trying to get a response from you for the past minute or so since I found you but… you weren’t responding… It… looked as though you were in a daze of some sort… Is everything alright? Did something startle you?” He pauses for a minute, looking thoughtful before adding. “Did… did something I said just now startle you Dream?”
Dream gazes at his brother in a mix of slight terror and confusion. He… he has absolutely no idea what just happened to him!
The last thing he remembers is hearing Nightmare calling out to him in their game of hide and seek and then suddenly… well something happened to make him feel really scared and it’s like he wasn’t even in the room anymore until Nightmare snapped him out of it.
Even now he’s a little shaky after that experience and it’s frustrating because he has no idea why!
And worst of all his skull hurts! It hurts so so much that it’s making him want to cry.
Dream slowly stands up, making his way over to where Nightmare is currently hunched over before he wraps his arms around his neck vertebrae in a gentle embrace, sniffling softly as he does so.
“N-Nighty... I d-don’t feel so good...” Dream admits sadly with a trembling voice as he hugs his brother. “...my skull h-hurts really badly... b-but I don’t know w-why ‘cause it was fine a minute ago... I... I’m sorry Nighty but I... I don’t y-think I wanna play hide-and-seek anymore.”
“Oh Dream... it’s alright, don’t worry about the game.” Nightmare attempts to reassure him as he hugs his brother back in a comforting manner. “It must be one pretty bad skull ache if it’s stopping you from playing though. ... Do you want to go to bed and rest for a while?”
Dream thinks about the option for just a moment before reluctantly nodding. “...Ok.”
Nightmare gives him a sympathetic smile. “Alright then. Let’s get you to bed.”
Dream grips tightly to Nightmare as he carries him back to his room, trying his hardest to remember what he was thinking about before his brother brought him back to reality.
This only seems to make his skull ache even worse however, so with a whine of resignation and defeat, Dream soon chooses to give up on remembering it as he closes his eye sockets and leans against Nightmare’s shoulder to rest his throbbing skull.
With his brother here to comfort him and snap him out of any other strange states he might find himself in, Dream lets out a huge yawn and decides it’s probably not worth thinking about too much anyway as he snuggles into his brother’s hold.
Maybe it’s a good thing his skull won’t let him remember what he was thinking about in that moment?
Perhaps… he wouldn’t even want to remember what it was about anyway…
So how was it?
Just couldn't help myself when this angsty idea came to me. It was a lot of fun to write :3.
Hopefully it's just the start of many more OSD related and inspired works from me to come hehehe~ =
Thanks for the inspo as always, bestie! Super excited for OnesmallDreamcember and everything that will come out of it. I'm sure it'll all be amazing ^^! So glad to see this community is showing so much support for your amazing work already Cal :3!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
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galaticrow546 · 2 years
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Ok so hear me out...OSD mlp version bc why not
Little Dream is very confused and I like to think that he wasnt really a reformed changeling before and only reformed when he got out of the stone and befriended Ink and Blue since changelings only reform when they give love instead of eating it or something I cant remember much hhswhjan- and also bc I love changeling Dream so much
He is just a little guy 💖 a little fella 💖💖
Unicorn Night and OSD belongs to @calcium-cat
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develation · 2 years
Mythical Dreamtale (OSD AU)!
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So! Chapter 17 had me really inspired by the whole story @calcium-cat had set up, so naturally, started forming another au. Here's what I came up with!
I haven't come up with separate names for them, but Nightmare is dark matter, the blackness that makes up the negative space in well, space. Dream is a star, and the gases that make one up. They're both quite wispy, and while Nightmare is smooth to the touch Dream is soft, almost fluffy. They can shapeshift, which is a lot easier to do when you have a form of reference, which is why they take the form of animals. They are also Dream Catchers, and will feed on their respective ones to survive. Though another thing they can do is collect Chimeras, lost dreams that have gained sentience. They are formless, though when there collected they tend to take the form that the collector envies or feels the most comfortable in. That's why Dream's and Nightmare's cloaks have deer or crows coming off of them ;3.
The twin's cloaks are purely made up of Chimeras and they usually only come out (shown in the second pick) like that when they and their barer feel content or are afraid and in need of protection. Nightmares are a lot more confident so they tend to show themselves more (the eyes on the cloak).
For the OSD scenario, I'm thinking about two ideas. One is that since dark matter is infinite and stars have an actual cycle, Dream has died of old age and was reborn from his own supernova.
Two is that there was a sort of "apple incident" (this one will be much, much different, it might not even be a tree with apples), and during the mess of feelings Nightmare accidentally killed Dream, who was reborn in the same fashion. Chimera get panicky when fearful so friendly fire isn't that slim of a possibility xD.
Oh and they both can float, Nightmare just doesn't like to go very far off the ground lol.
But yeah that's all I got for now! I might do some different designs for Horror, Cross, Killer, and Dust, and might even have Ink and Error be celestial forces to match the look. Oh my god, whelp I just accidentally made an Outtale Multiverse without even realizing it, whoops. Holy crap I can make Error and Ink soul/world eaters here.
Cal this is all your fault, I CAN'T STOP MAKING HUGE AUS!
Ugh, anyway, there are some crops under the cut lol
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Hello My Old Heart
Hello everyone!! I give you, as promised, Hello My Old Heart, the winner of the poll. This is based off that one ask Calcium_Cat got about what if OSD!Dream and OSDiff!Dream met. I was immediatly taken in my angst of it all and knew I had to write about it.
Now, it might not be entirely in character, as I did nothing more than skim the original sources to double check things, but I think it turned out well regardless. I did take some inspiration for Coraline and Alice Through the Looking Glass, which you will see. But that’s just more so as an explain for why these two are meeting in the first place.
I don’t really have much to say, really! So I guess this is it! Happy reading!!
Fandom: Undertale/UTMV
Characters: (One Small Dream) Dream (Who belongs to @calcium-cat), (One Small Difference) Dream, and background (One Small Difference) Nightmare and background (One Small Difference) Cross (Who belong to @warriorstale001)
Warnings: Very vague implied/referenced torture, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: “Based off of this post from Tumblr. Or: What happens when OSD!Dream and OSDiff!Dream meet? Let's find out. (UTMV, One Small Dream belongs to Calcium_Cat and One Small Difference belongs to Warriorstale001, Dream sans Centric)”
Word Count: 3382
Dream was playing hide and seek with Crossy and Kiki when he found the mirror.
He admits to breaking the rule of hiding in the dungeons. But he really wanted to up the playing field. Crossy and Kiki always seemed to find the most wild places to hide and he wanted to be the one with the best hiding place for once. They already knew every spot on the main floor, though, and upstairs were their bedrooms and it was boring to hide in bedrooms. There were only so many places there.
So, while there was a rule they followed about not hiding in the dungeons, it wasn’t really enforced too much. And they wouldn’t think to check there until they’ve run out of places to check. It’ll be fun. He’s sure of it. They’ll enjoy the challenge.
And it’s not like they wouldn’t find him. They always found him. It’ll just take longer than it has before, that’s all. It’ll be fine.
Of course, this was all before he found the mirror.
In the dungeons, there was a row of cells. They never got used much. Past them, there were a few rooms they used as storage. It was out of the way. Nobody really went down there unless they really needed something. It was perfect. Dream slips inside and has to pause for a minute as he disrupted the dust and choked on it. Once his breathing was back to normal, he looks around.
Nothing too exciting. Boxes and shelves and cobwebs in the corner. And dust.
And the mirror in front of him.
This mirror didn’t belong here. He knows that much. It was easy to tell. It was a nice mirror, with engraved details along the top and sides. It looks new. But he knows none of the others had bought a mirror, and if they had, they wouldn’t immediately put it down here to get ruined. No, this mirror was not brought here by anyone in the castle. But if it wasn’t, how did it get here? Who brought it? Surely it didn’t just…appear all on its own. That was impossible.
Dream steps closer, peering at his reflection. It seems like a normal mirror. Nothing special to it, just odd that it was here instead of upstairs. Maybe he should go and get Crossy and Kiki and they could check it out with him. Maybe they knew where it came from. If not, maybe Nighty would. If not…then it was a mystery. And everyone loves a mystery now and then, right? It would be cool to try and solve this one.
He reaches out to touch it.
Something scurries over his foot, spooking him, making him yelp, and he falls forward, his other hand flying forward, hoping to catch himself on the mirror.
Only, his hand goes through the mirror and he tumbles onto the floor.
Dream lay there for a moment. “Ow…”
He feels more winded from the fact that he just fell through a mirror than he did from falling on the floor. You’re not supposed to go through mirrors. That’s not what mirrors are for. They’re not doors. Why was it, then, that he just did the impossible? Was he magic? Well, yes, he was, technically, but was he fairy-tale magic? Did his dream finally come true?
Picking himself up, he wipes off his pants. He blinks at the room. Everything seems off. Wasn’t that shelf on the opposite wall when he walked in? And that box, wasn’t it over there? And that one over here? “That’s odd.” He stands there. Why is everything backward? “Um…” Turning, he stares at the spot where the mirror should be. It’s empty. “Well, that can’t be good.”
Where did the mirror go? Mirrors don’t just walk away. Where did it go?
Thoroughly unsettled and a bit frightened, he backs up. “I should head back. Nighty’s probably worried.”
In the hallway, everything’s backward too. Frowning, he tries to go in the direction he thinks the stairs will be. If everything’s backward, they’ll be on the opposite side. But he pauses a few steps in. He looks back distracted.
There’s negativity in the air. And it’s not coming from Nighty or any of the others.
It’s someone else.
But the only rooms down here are storage rooms and cells. Nobody else is here. Unless…someone was? But why would Nighty capture someone?
The negativity is steady. It tugs at him, almost pulling him toward where it's coming from. Should he let it? But Crossy and Kiki and Nighty…he should get back to them. He should tell them what just happened. They’ll know better. They usually do. And they’ll get more worried the longer he doesn’t return.
But this negativity…it feels familiar, somehow, for someone he doesn’t know. He’s the guardian of positivity. Shouldn’t he help this person? Or try to? He can always go back and get the others. Always. It won’t take too long to go and check.
Glancing back, he slowly turns, heading down the hall. “Just a quick check, Dream,” he says to himself, saying it over and over again in his head to make sure it sticks.
Following the negativity, he goes further into the dungeons, passing empty cells. It’s dark and cold down here. It makes him shiver just a bit. He pulls his cape around him. Getting closer, he slows down, coming to a stop in front of what he expects to be another empty cell.
It’s not.
The person inside flinches as he gasps. They look up, and their eyes widen. Their mouth opens a bit. Their negativity doesn’t leave, but it does fade, replaced with confusion and surprise.
But it’s none of this that made him gasp. It’s not what he expected, yes, and it is surprising, but he’s more so concerned with the person and what they’re wearing than anything. Their clothes are ripped and dirty, yellow vest stained with blood. They seem to be chained up, too, arms spread across the wall. They shift and the chains clank against the wall, but they don’t seem to notice, their focus all on him.
And Dream’s focus is on the crown they wear.
The golden crown that was, if he was seeing things correctly, given to them as a gift from their brother, way back before the villagers really settled down.
The golden crown that looks exactly like his.
Eyes wide, Dream looks at Future Him.
How was he here? This shouldn’t be possible. One of them should be gone if the other is here. What’s going on? And were those bandages? Was Future Him injured? Why? How? Nighty would never allow him to be injured. And this looks like a bad injury. Maybe Nighty couldn’t stop in time, or wasn’t around? But then surely Future Him wouldn’t be in a cell if Nighty knew he was injured and needed to heal.
Then…Nighty must be gone. Or they must be captured. Or something like that. Nighty was probably on his way here to rescue them. Yeah. Then it was a good thing Dream was here. He can help Future Him escape before Nighty finds them, making it easier to get out of there. Then they can get home and deal with this situation without any trouble.
“Woah.” Dream breathes, stepping closer. “You look awful.” He grabs one of the bars. “Are you okay? Do you need help? Don’t worry, I can help. We’re in the dungeons, right? The keys should be around here somewhere. I’ll find them. Stay here.”
Without giving Future Him time to say anything back, he moves down the hall in search of the keys. Humming to himself as quietly as he can to make his own soundtrack for this important mission, he peeks around the corner and finds another hallway of cells. But at the end of that one, when he peeks around this corner, he finds Crossy asleep in a chair. His arms are across his chest, head hanging. He seems to be sound asleep. But still, Dream tip toes as he comes closer.
For a moment, he’s confused. How is Crossy here when they were just playing hide and seek together? He couldn’t have gotten here that fast. It’s just impossible. And he’s asleep, too. That’s even more impossible. He would’ve had to be gone for hours for this to happen. Was he? No, no. He can’t have been. Something else was going on here.
Something really, really weird and wrong.
Looking around, he doesn’t see any keys. But remembering stories where the characters found keys on the guards and used them to escape, he eyes Crossy again. He feels guilty for having to do it, but it’s better he tries than gives up. And if the keys aren’t there, he’ll just have to keep searching.
He rummages through Crossy’s pockets and much to his surprise and delight, finds a ring of keys. He takes them out as silently as he can, barely keeping from saying anything in celebration. Somehow, he succeeds.
Smiling to himself, he rushes back. He’s a little out of breath by the time he arrives.
“I’m back!” Dream says, making Future Him look up in surprise. That’s a little hurtful. Of course he would come back! Why would Future Him think otherwise? “Let’s see…not that one…no, no—here!” The cell clicks and he slips inside, barely holding in a cheer—that would definitely wake Crossy up. He stands by Future Him, eyeing the chains. “Um, I don’t know if the key to the chains will be on this ring. There were two there. We’ll just have to try them all and see.”
Luckily, it was on there, and the chains around Future Him’s wrists click open. Dream quickly does the same with the ankles. Stepping back, he waits. Future Him doesn’t move. Concerned, he shifts in place, unsure what to do. Should he…help? But what would he be helping with? Before he needs to decide, though, Future Him’s legs buckle and he crashes to his knees, catching himself with his arm before he can fall on his face.
Yelping, Dream crouches beside him, hands hovering. What should he do? What should he do? Future Him blinks, slowly, and stares at him. His eyes are wide. Disbelieving. Slowly, he reaches up a hand—which is shaking, by the way, they should really find out how to stop that, it can’t be healthy—and rests it on Dream’s cheek.
Blinking, he lets Future Him do what he wants. Maybe it’ll make him feel better.
The other hand joins, resting on his other cheek, and Future Him’s expression breaks into one he can’t pin down. Swallowing, he speaks, voice raspy, as if he’s used it too long, or maybe not enough. “You’re…real?”
Dream blinks again, concern increasing. “Yeah.” Tilting his head, he frowns. “Did you think I wasn’t?”
Future Him doesn’t respond, still staring. Though his hands do drop, clasping together in his lap.
“Um.” Dream sits, crossing his legs like how he’s been taught. In any other situation, he might be getting a story read to him by one of Nighty’s boys. “So…what happened?”
Future Him looks confused. “What do you mean?”
Isn’t it obvious? Dream gestures around the cell. “Why were you chained up? How did you get here? How are you here in the first place? Because I’m here and you’re here and I’m pretty sure we’re the same person and I’m also pretty sure we’re not supposed to exist together.” Or at least, that’s what the movies always said. “And who wounded you? Why?”
The last question makes something in Future Him shudder, face darkening. Then, he shakes his head, a faint smile taking over. “I feel as though I should be asking you the questions.” Future Him turns his head, coughing into his shoulder. “Why are you here? How did you get here?”
“Well…” Dream says, “I was playing hide and seek with Crossy and Kiki. The bedrooms were off limits, of course, but they didn’t say the basement was off limits, so I decided to hide in one of the storage rooms—the ones past the dungeons, that way.” He points, knowing Future Him would get the idea.
Leaning back, he thinks, at the point where he’s not sure of the details. “And then I saw a mirror, which was odd because everything else was dusty and the mirror wasn’t. I tried to touch it because it must be magical if it wasn’t dusty like everything else. Only my hand went through the glass, which was weird, and then something—I think it was a rat—ran over my foot and I fell. When I got up, the whole room was, like, swapped around. If that makes sense? And when I looked back, the mirror was gone.” He is quiet for a moment as he remembers. Then he brightens. “And then I found you.”
Future Him’s brow furrows. He seems to be struggling to keep up. Dream doesn’t blame him. It does sound a little weird said out loud. “…Crossy and Kiki?” he says after some time, saying the names slowly. “Do you mean…Cross and Killer?”
Dream nods, happy that Future Him recognized them. “Yeah. Who else? There’s also Dusty, who was busy experimenting in his room, and Rory, who went out with Nighty for groceries—and you already know who Nighty is.” As he lists them, he gets to his feet in excitement. “Oh! There’s also Roro, but he’s not around as often as the others.”
Seeing that Future Him was still worried, Dream smiles, trying to reassure him. “They take really good care of me, don’t worry.”
Future Him just looks at him for a moment before looking away, rubbing his wrists again.
If Dream thought he looked horrible from outside the cell, he’s even worse close up. Bandages wrap around him everywhere, even covering one of his eyes. His brow is still furrowed, heavy lines etched on his face. He seems to be lost somewhere, no longer in the present. Does he need help getting back? He’s not sure if he’ll be able to help. Future Him doesn’t seem to be in much harm, though, so it’s probably fine.
But his one eyelight is dim, and he seems to be weighed down by something. He looks exhausted. He looks sick, actually, with a faint seen of sweat on his forehead. They should really get back upstairs and get him to a bed. Of course, they might run into the others, but maybe they can get lucky and avoid them until Future Him is asleep and he’s sneaking out of the room to go and inform the others of what happened.
From the far end of the hall, a door thuds shut.
Dream freezes in place, feeling much like he’s about to be in trouble. But then he recognizes the aura that seems to be walking toward them. He relaxes. It’s just Nighty. That’s good. He might be worried he was away for so long and scold him for being down here without permission, but once he sees Future Him, they’ll have bigger things to worry about.
That’s if it even is his Nighty. He realizes it might not be. This might not even be his world—he remembers watching a few movies where the main characters went to an alternate world with different versions of themselves or their friends. This could be the same thing. Would answer a few questions. But that shouldn’t matter. It’s Nighty. It’s still his brother. He’s still the same person. Nighty will want to help, of course, because no matter his version or another one, Nighty is a big worrywart and Future Him needs someone to worry over him.
His brother is the perfect person for the job.
Beaming, he steps forward, already calling out “Nighty!” when he gets pulled from behind and tugged close to Future Him’s chest.
Blinking, it takes him a moment to catch up. He tries to wiggle out of his hold, but Future Him is apparently really strong and doesn’t budge an inch, tightening his grip and pulling him even closer. He’s facing his chest, nothing but his shirt and bandages in his vision, which is terrible because Nighty will need someone to explain to him what’s going on and Future Him is in no state to do that and he can’t explain tucked away like this.
Physically moving doesn’t seem to be getting him anywhere, so he tries to talk to Future Him. “Um, future me?” he says, turning his head. “It’s okay, it’s just Nighty—”
Above him, Future Him shushes him, repeating the motion more times than is necessary. “Just stay quiet.”
“But it’s Nighty.”
“Nightmare.” Future Him says, though it sounds like he’s talking more to himself than anything. Shuffling, he slowly moves back into a corner, bringing Dream with him. “You mean Nightmare.”
Dream frowns. What’s the difference? “I think I mean Nighty.”
“Just—” Voice breaking, Future Him seems to stop breathing for a moment, before remembering he has to breathe to stay alive. His breathing gets all funny, coming out fast and short. “Just trust me, okay? Stay silent, stay hidden.”
“But why?” He feels bad for whining like this, but what else can he do? This isn’t how it was supposed to go. They shouldn’t be hiding like something’s coming to get them.
It’s just Nighty.
Future Him still seems to be talking to himself, distant answers as he watches the door like it might spring to life and attack them. “He won’t be able to hurt you like this.”
“Why would he hurt me? It’s Nighty…” Dream gives one last struggle, Future Him’s arms tightening around him even more—honestly, how tight can he go? It feels unnatural. Safe, yes, very, but uncomfortable.
Glaring at the bandages in front of him, he huffs. He is so confused. And concerned. Who wouldn’t be? This was nothing like how his Nighty explained things. Nothing at all. Future Him wasn’t supposed to be injured and chained up. Future Him wasn’t supposed to be hiding him from their brother. Even with all of these pieces in front of him, this puzzle was so difficult to put together. He hated it. He wanted to go home. His home, not this weird backward place where Future Him was behind a cell and their brother seemed to have something to do with that.
It…was their brother, right? What is he even saying, of course it is! Future Him was just…he doesn’t know. Mistaken, maybe. Yeah. Mistaken. But Nighty would never imprison him, he knows Nighty, he would never do that. Maybe he was reading things wrong. Maybe Nighty didn’t do all of this, maybe he was here to rescue them! That would make more sense. That would be more like Nighty.
But if that was true… then why was Future Him acting like this? Why was his breath hitching, why was there the slightest tremor in his arms? Why was he hiding Dream? What was going on here?
As Nighty’s aura enclosed on them, the comforting feeling of safety and reassurance and everything his brother was, he leans forward, focusing. It’s easier to do this in such a close proximity. He focuses on Future Him and gently reaches out, trying to feel for his emotions and soul. It’s harder to hide that way. Maybe he can get some answers, at least something to go off of.
Immediately, he regrets it.
And surrounding both is a vicious mix of heartbreak and betrayal.
Bitterness pools in his mouth and he gasps in surprise. From Future Him, the emotions crowd around him, blocking out Nighty’s aura entirely. They’re rapidly switching, hovering in the air, going back and forth and back and forth between desperation, need to protect him, can’t let him be seen, need to protect him, and fear, why is he here, why is he here, it hasn’t been that long, please go away, I can’t handle any more pain.
…what? What?
That’s not right. This can’t be right.
Swallowing the bitterness, Dream automatically grips the back of Future Him’s shirt and he shifts, trying to look up at him as he whispers, “Why are you so afraid of him…?”
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digitaldamian · 9 months
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Happy belated birthday to @calcium-cat !
I hope your special day was as fantastic as the joy and inspiration your content brings. Wishing you continued success and creativity in the coming year. Keep shining bright, and thank you for bringing OSD to us!
((I wanted to post this a while back, but the shadowban said no. So, I hope you can pardon that. :'D))
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moonstonediamond · 2 years
@calcium-cat OSD Advent December 15
I made multiple sketches for this one trying to figure out the best way to portray this.
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Dream is grumpy because he can't stay up to see Santa.
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This is my facial expression reference/inspiration. The link to it is below.
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lunacrescentmoon · 2 years
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Ok, I know I keep doing OSD stuff... I CAN NOT HELP THE INSPIRATION!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA-
Cal what have you done to me- XD
I swear I get inspiration from other places, I've just been in one of those "must draw or write everything I can for this franchise/AU I enjoy" phases lol.
Anyway, have some of Duckling Dream (or Dreamling) having a snooze in one of the hoodies. Either Cross or Horror's since floof-
OSD and Cursed Slippers belong to @calcium-cat
Art belongs to me, lunacrescentmoon. Putting my name here so if it's reblogged, you know who to tag if you use it for smth like a YouTube video.
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I haven't spoken up about the Calcium Cat stuff yet, mainly cause I wanted to get more facts, and also didn't want to risk accidentally writing anything wrong or, well too emotional (I've written stuff meant to be encouraging while enraged/taking in the news before, never ends well).
Cal has confirmed that she is transphobic, and the way she phrases it is sickening. The people she liked posts about are, in general shit people (I sure as hell ain't talking about that shit hole of political madness though-)
I didn't answer yet about it though, as I still wanted to... Really think it through what I would say.
The main reason I was unsure how to go with this is one, the fact I have a book for Calcium Cat, and two, I am not one of the ones affected by this. I'm cis so, I can't begin to imagine how those who loved her, only to find out how she thinks about their existence must be feeling. I decided to wait, and seeing the fandom's reaction is, strangely heartwarming. The (although passive aggressive towards Cal) support for those in the community is inspiring, and helped me come to terms about what to do.
So, I've finally made up my mind about my book, and how to go about this in the future.
I am still going to continue Two Small Dreams. But since I changed a lot of Daze's (very dark) backstory to adhere to her rules, no shipping (abusive relationship for anyone wondering) and also, well dark adult topics, I am thinking about redoing the story to include those topics. It is no longer a gift for Calcium Cat, it'll be a gift for all of the supporters of the fandom, and for those who are affected by this news but still loves OSD.
At the end of the day, One Small Dream isn't Cal. I will not support her, but I support the fandom of little Dream and big brother Nightmare.
I'm thinking of even changing the Nightmare and Dream of OSD in the story to be more canonically correct backstory wise (and some HCs of course). (Maybe even add some trans Nightmare for spite-)
If anyone who once read cannot read anymore, I completely understand. Do what's best for your health.
I'll probably make a poll at some point to ask if I should continue the story or redo it.
But for now, happy new year!
Don't let the news ruin the last of 2023, take a breath and look around, see what you've accomplished. Be proud of yourself, and remember that she doesn't deserve to feel your sorrow.
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ceratatata · 1 year
One, Lonely Smile
(Inspired by OSD by Calcium-cat)
(Tags: hurt, hurt no comfort, Nightmare Sans, Dream Sans, slight appearance from Ink&Swap, Pain, Mind Injury Description, slight appearances from the Nightmare Gang, mentioned: Lust Sans, mentioned: UnderFell AU cast)
Never once did Nightmare think they would end up here.
Face to face, eyes to eyes, standing before his brother with a broken heart.
It was never supposed to end up like this. He had a second chance! A chance to make it right, but instead... it was as if the world hated him. Instead of having the happy life he's always wanted the universe turned Dream against him and made them enemies once more.
It was his own doing more than likely, Nightmare rages to himself. Giving Dream a reason to hate him once more. There's a twitch to his mouth as he tries not to outwardly snarl at his own weakness.
Dream stands shakily before him, meters away, looking determined, yet afraid. Something. The sheer sense of mourning radiating off of him... it worries Nightmare, more than he would like to admit. What was Dream missing? What was he wishing for? Nightmare made sure to give the young guardian everything the boy could ever want but it wasn't enough! What did Dream want from him, than he couldn't provide?
Ink and Swap stand behind Dream, weapons out, auras dark. Dream clings to Ink, trembling slightly but standing tall. The white stripes across the pale blue jacket he wears is wrinkled and stained now. Filled with dust and dirt. The stripes glare Nightmare's failure at him like a big red "You fucked up" sign written in LED-lettering.
Nightmare tried to get it right, oh how he tried.
He tried to give Dream the life he deserved. The life they deserved. But it wasn't enough.
Why wasn't it enough?
"Dream, come here." Nightmare tries to coax his brother, but he was met with eyes squeezed shut and a hard shake of the the small head.
"Dream," Again, Dream refuses. "Come, let's go home and we'll have dinner and we'll talk about it.. I'll even make you some of your favourite—"
"Don't talk to him." Swap growls, cyan bone-sickles poised before him that tells of training.
Nightmare nearly lashes out at him, before his eyes flicker back to Dream in a moment of hesitation. His brother is shrinking back, eyes wide as Nightmare's negativity batteres down on him. Instantly, Nightmare releases his hold of the resentment emanating through his soul, and the aura dissipates. With a painful twist squeezing his heart, Nightmare watches as Dream visibly relaxes in Ink's hold, the paint splattered skeleton returning his gaze to Nightmare pointedly, as if daring him try anything.
Nightmare grits his teeth, taking a step forward.
"Not. Another. Step."
Where had he gone wrong? At which point had the universe shifted enough to allow his hard work to fail, after all these years? He tried so incredibly hard to be a true, proper person for Dream—for this child, eyes which used to be filled with happiness and wonder, who no longer sees him as safe....
Nightmare locks eyes with Dream, and the other's once starry eye-lights have shrunk to near pinpricks of white, not a single hint of the sunshine-yellow that decorated Nightmare's happiest memories, as the child continues to shake minutely, despite the child having calmed slightly.
Nightmare takes a step backwards. Dream's shoulders lower a hint. Another step, and Dream's shaking is nearly gone, instead he tilts his head the smalles fraction as he watches Nightmare do the one thing he has never done since—well, since ever.
Nightmare turns away, and one step at a time, and gives up.
Not even a glance backwards at the trio is spared as Nightmare opens a portal, tentacles folding and disappearing into the sludge as it recedes off himself as he allows the goop to receeed away under his bones, showing a pale, half-cracked skull and a single black tear dripping down the unmarked side.
To understand the present or future, one must understand the past. Specifically, the beginning:
It had been a fluke.
A routine raid with his crew. An UnderFell, he believes, filled with smoke and ash. They had set the forests alight with a concoction their resident, mad-science inclined Lust Sans had cooked up. Nightmare hadn't even needed to persuade the skeleton, as Lust was uncharacteristically happy to help. He had said the targeted AU's Sans had been pretty sleazy during his visits to the maturely-inclined AU. While most visitors taking a poke around the AU were some of the not-so-kind crowd, they had never been as bad as the Fell Sans had been.
Nightmare remembers Killer laughing at the poor souls attempting to escape from the fires; from up as high as Nightmare has positioned his crew, the smoke meant nothing to them, and thus the screaming had become almost a movie to watch for Killer. Dust was cackling as well, though not as much, mostly at the local Fell Sans as he seemed to be arguing with Fell Papyrus in the middle of evacuating Snowdin.
Nightmare watched with distaste as the two forcefully wrangle Horror over to where they stand on Nightmare's magic—the edge of a simple platform, reinforced by the large volume of negativity Nightmare was draining from the AU—where Horror proceeded to look back at Nightmare before turning hsi gaze back, insulting the AU inhabitants with jus teammates.
The power settled into his bones— it kept settling, and while it was nowhere near too much, the content feeling of being properly charged had been a slight bit too comforting.
Nightmare.. doesn't remember what happened, but one moment he was twisting aorund, tentacles armed and ready with adrenaline coursing through his veins at power rocketing towards him and his gang, and the next he was hit. He was thrown far, so far in fact, he had hit something and felt it shatter after minutes in the air.
When he managed to get to his feet, he had barely enough negativity in his system to glue back the pieces of bone broke by the impact. A large chunk of bone from the left side of his jaw around to the base of his skull behind his head, right where the spine joined with the fragmented bone, had completely broken off. It hurt, so incredibly bad, but he bore the agony. He couldn't do much else. His power reserves were empty, dry as a bone, and the only way he could heal is of he found somewhere to feed from and that had been the only proper chance he had gotten for months.
The goop that flowed around him, protected him, was gone, and only crack-riddled bone remained. His only cover being the deep indigo, embroidered waistcoat he wore, the black dress pants he chose that morning and the thin, sheer black gloves he donned at all times, that were now torn and ragged, black blood leaking and staining them. With the sludge gone, and his cloak absent, Nightmare felt more exposed than he has since—
—No! He's not thinking about that.
Never about that.
Nightmare had stumbled to his feet, weak and injured, searching for any ounce of negativity to help him, to mend him—but he found nothing. And so, he stumbled along the cliff by his side, limping aimlessly. As his power slowly replenished, he attempted reconnection with his hand, tried to spark the portal links with each of his underlings, to no avail. Tried to create new links with the remains of broken towns he passed through, with the dusty remains of thing that used to live there but that, too, failed.
Nightmare wandered aimlessly, with only his exhaustion and dissipating anger as company until eventually, he collapsed against the side of a a piece of rubble on the outskirts of one of the devastated villages.
He was dying, he knew. Nothing could stop it, nothing could slow it. This place was a purgatory, nothing alive, but nothing dead either. There was no emotion; no joy, no dispair. No hatred or love.
There was just him.
Just Nightmare.
Until eventually, there wasn't just Nightmare.
When his breath was weak, his eyes lacking the strength to simply open, a presence had appeared.
It was making its way slowly towards him, hesitant and wary. He began hearing fooorsteps, boots pressing down over vines and brush as the presence came closer, until there was a hand over his own where it lied limply at his side. The feeling of bone encapsulated it, warm and tight.
Through the hand came energy.
A painful, incredibly hot energy, but it was energy all the same. It pushed with way through to his black heart with liquid fire but for the first time in how doesn't know how long, Nightmare found himself with the strength to slowly feed off of the worry and panic of his saviour.
Over what felt like days, with that energy steadily burning its way into his soul, Nightmare managed to open a single eyes, a violet eye-light flickering to life. Weakly.
Wide, golden eyes filled with unsteady, unshead molten yellow tears met his own, along with a small, white skull with small golden markings around the corners of the eye-sockets. It acted almost liek eyeliner, as it rimmed around the smooth bone, tapering off in a hooking swirl towards the inner corner of the eye-socket.
The markings weren't known to Nightmare, but those worried eyes, were.
--—-- --—-- --—-- --—-- --—-- --—--
A/N: aaaaaa finally Ive gotten the guts to post this! It's been in drafts for a while hehe
Welcome to OLS! It's an au I've had cooking for a while, and I'm very excited to share it! This'll be a multiple-part fic, tho it won't be too long (I hope). It's meant to be the first hurah into it :P
Basically, Nightmare is yote into another (spoilers!) and ends up in a mysterious place where Dream(????) findss him practically half-dead :D
(((Hey! This was inspired by One Small Dream by Calcium-cat! Go check them out!!!!!)))
--—-- --—-- --—-- --—-- --—-- --—--
Parts: [1] <- you're here! [2] [3]
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nayladoodles · 1 year
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W h a t...?
A comic from my "Bippity Boppity Baby Bones" AU after the brothers argue and Nightmare snaps at Dream. (Comic about that coming soon-ish)
Dream did have meltdowns in a hidden clearing after spending hours with the villagers pushing him around.
@calcium-cat since you mentioned enjoying seeing other aus inspired by OSD.
@zu-is-here bc apple Brothers angst
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yourfavmother · 2 years
Welcome to the Blog!
Hullo and welcome to my blog! This is my main blog for fanfics and stuff like that, so feel free to ask any questions you'd like. Currently, I'm focused on writing fics about fandoms I like such as: HxH, KNY, and Undertale! Most of my Undertale fics will be about Nightmare, the Bad Sanses, and the Star Sanses cause I just love them they're so cute! Most of my works will be on here because I've been using Tumblr the longest and am new to other platforms such as ao3, Quotive, etc.. I don't have an update schedule because of my personal life, but I write as much as I can and try to not make you all wait months for my next post. This blog is really anything you want to talk about related to any of my books, which will usually be SFW and maybe a little bit angsty. A few of my older works have a lot of swearing and such as my current book "Stupid Ass Mf" which is about HxH. I will be focusing on that one, as well as a not currently posted but in the works Undertale fic inspired by @calcium-cat and their fic OSD (One Small Dream) and @warriorstale001 and their fic Xtra Small! As soon as this is up like in a day I will post my first actual idea on my blog so stay tuned!
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warriorstale001 · 2 years
One Small Difference Fic Summary
Inspired by and based on Calcium-Cat's fic One Small Dream, but with one small key difference:
What if the potion that turned Dream into a babybones actually worked the way it was intended and simply suppressed Dream's magic instead?
What if Nightmare got to exact the revenge he'd been planning to take on his brother and really made Dream pay for what he did to him all those centuries ago?
Will doing so finally bring him happiness?
And if not… will it be too late to fix what he's broken…?
So yep, in case it wasn't clear by yesterday, this new fanfic of mine has been inspired by and is indeed an AU of @calcium-cat's One Small Dream :3.
I came up with the idea for this fic quite a few months ago, when after reading/enjoying the art of so many AUs with Baby Dream in it, I wondered what exactly could've happened in canon OSD if the magic suppressor worked the way it was meant to and Dream never actually became a babybones. I was feeling pretty angsty at the time ^^'.
So I asked Cal (privately) how she thought that kind of story would go and after receiving quite a few angsty ideas in return (thanks bestie :3), I just knew I was going to have to write my own version of this AU.
One Small Difference's Prologue is titled An Eye for An Eye and was actually originally an extra chapter I had no intention of putting in the fic at all... Until I decided I really liked the writing in it and so put it as the fic's very angsty new beginning =3.
The Prologue for One Small Difference shall finally be out tomorrow.
Hope you're all looking forward to it ^^
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govindhtech · 3 months
MSI MAG 321UPX QD OLED: The Next-Gen QD-OLED Gaming
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MSI, the top gaming gear maker. Users requested firmware updates for the MAG 321UPX and MAG 271QPX QD-OLED gaming monitors. MSI added firmware update facilities to these models.
Models that support the update follow. OSD can tell you if you need MSI’s latest firmware version service. Updateable firmware will be on all future MAG QD-OLED versions.
MAG 321UPX QD-OLED MAG 271QPX QD-OLED MAG 321UPX QD-OLED With the MAG 321UPX QD OLED gaming monitor, you can see yourself winning. It has an impressive 240Hz refresh rate, a fast 0.03ms (GtG) reaction time, and a next-generation 3840×2160 (UHD) QD-OLED screen. VESA certification for DisplayHDR True Black 400 and ClearMR 13000 guarantees remarkably bright images and reduces motion blur. OLED burn-in concerns are decreased by OLED Care 2.0. The MAG 321UPX QD OLED supports 120Hz, VRR, and ALLM for console players via HDMI 2.1 and 48Gbps.
MSI ARSENAL GAMING (MAG) helps players win virtual battles. Military-grade equipment’s resilience and dependability inspire the MAG series’ unflinching defence in every game situation.
But MAG is more than simply performance; it’s a design language that exudes toughness and grit, capturing the spirit of the MAG aesthetic. The MAG series is here to stand with you and build the strongest defence for gamers who are determined to rule their virtual battlefields.
ARSENAL CAMING MAG MSI QUAD-OLED PANEL 3RD GEN Outstanding 32-inch panel with 240Hz and 0.03ms GTG Clarity for MR 13000 AMAZING COLOUR DisplayHDR True Black 400 DCI-P3 99% Delta E ≤ 2 OLED PROTECTION FROM MSI
Graphene film featuring a customised heatsink Fan-less design MSI OLED Care 2.0 Assistance with MSI Gaming The Smart Crosshair AI Vision MSI OLED WARRANTY Burn-In Warranty for Three Year 3-YEAR WARRANTY ON OLEDS MSI understands how important it is to offer comprehensive assistance so that MSI customers may play games without worrying. For OLED panels, provide a 3-year guarantee that goes above and beyond conventional coverage by incorporating protections against OLED burn-in.
Clearly defined text and intricately detailed images The newest QD-OLED panel generation is included in the gaming monitor from the QD-OLED series. Your viewing experience is enhanced by the sub-pixel layout, which produces crisper text, finer details, and images.
MAG 321UPX QD OLED Panel 240 Hz refresh rate REACTION TIME OF 0.03 MS With a 240Hz refresh rate QD-OLED Panel, the MAG 321UPX QD OLED can achieve a quick 0.03ms GtG response time. This is most advantageous in action-packed game genres like sports, racing simulators, first-person shooters, and fighters. Playing these games calls for incredibly quick and accurate movements. Having a very high refresh rate and a quick response time monitor will give you an advantage over your rivals.
A new benchmark for display motion performance is ClearMR from VESA. After passing rigorous testing, MAG 321UPX QD OLED was able to obtain the ClearMR 13000 certification. Based on the percentage difference between clear and fuzzy pixels, the CMR range denotes a range of blur performance.
THE ACTUAL BLACK In contrast to traditional LCD displays, QD-OLED can adjust the pixel-dimming level and provide pure black scenes devoid of the backlight leakage that frequently occurs in LCD monitors. MAG 321UPX QD OLED is certified VESA DisplayHDR True Black 400 and offers exceptionally high contrast. The pixel level dimming enables the MAG 321UPX QD OLED to display higher colour performance and better contrast. Precise, vibrant, and lifelike.
SLIGHTEN UP YOUR PLAYING Adaptive Sync technology is included into the MAG 321UPX QD-OLED to provide fluid graphics for your gameplay. To reduce screen tearing and stuttering, Adaptive Sync syncs your GPU and monitor refresh rate. Adaptive Sync’s smooth, lag-free graphics allow you play the game as intended.
LIGHT BLUE REDUCTION The hardware solution found in the MAG 321UPX QD OLED feature allows for a reduction in HEV without sacrificing picture quality in the absence of a yellow tone screen display. Because this technology is integrated into the panel layer, users do not need to manually turn it on or off because it is always on.
END OF DISTRACTIONS The degree of glare reflection can be successfully decreased by the special panel surface coating design. With MAG 321UPX QD-OLED, you can concentrate on the game without being bothered by glare. You will love the mood the game gives you even more when there are fewer glares and less colour loss.
Performance by Colour THE WORLD, SITTING RIGHT BEFORE YOU With the help of sophisticated CPU and Quantum Dot technology, you can view captivating images that explode with a stunning range of over one billion colours, each upscaled to extraordinary clarity.
Play with unending colour The QD Premium Colour series monitor is pre-calibrated in the factory and has an industry-leading colour fidelity of delta-E (AE) ≤ 2. You get the impression that you are actually in the picture thanks to the 10-bit RGB panel’s perfect colour accuracy and fluid colour transitions.
THE HIGHEST QUALITY DISPLAY When compared to other monitors, the gamut coverage of the MAG 321UPX QD OLED is greater. To maximise immersion, colours and features in the gameplay will appear more sophisticated and realistic.With the use of a dynamically designed layer of Quantum Dot technology, it might achieve 99 percent coverage of the DCI-P3 colour space.
OLED CARE 2.0 Because MSI is aware of your worries, they provide MSI OLED Care. This three-part solution (Pixel Shift, Panel Protect, Static Screen Detection) offers a variety of screen protection optimisation strategies. Currently, MSI has created a more sophisticated model to offer a number of maintenance services and considerably lower the likelihood of OLED screen burn-in.
GRPHENE FILM FITTED WITH PERSONAL HEATSINK All of the new QD-OLED panels have graphene film installed, which is renowned for having outstanding thermal conductivity for heat dissipation. It also has bespoke heatsink designs, and the combination of these two features allows the monitor as a whole to function without the need for an active cooling fan a feature known as fanless design. This prolongs the life of the panel by ensuring effective and quiet heat dispersion.
DETECTION OF BOUNDARIES The boundary protection modifies the luminance of the border between two images or the image and backdrop after a predetermined amount of time.
MANY-LOGO IDENTIFICATION In order to avoid burn-in problems, the system automatically scans the shape and colour of any multiple static and noticeably contrasting logos that are presented on the screen. Once this is done, it immediately lowers the luminance.
UI-FRIENDLY The 5-way Joystick Navigator has been moved to the bottom centre of the rear of the screen by MAG 321UPX QD OLED, a device designed with a user-centric approach and a dedication to ergonomics, giving users a more pleasant and ergonomic experience.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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marwahstudios · 10 months
Renowned Media Personality Dr. Sandeep Marwah Inspires Outgoing Students of the 118th Batch at AAFT Convocation
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Noida,4th Dec. 2023: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Chancellor of AAFT University, delivered a motivational address to the outgoing students of the 118th batch at the convocation ceremony held in Noida. Emphasizing the importance of determination and hard work, Dr. Marwah urged the graduates to strive for success and make a mark in their respective fields.
In a historic moment, Dr. Marwah highlighted that AAFT University has achieved a milestone by conducting its 118th convocation, setting a record as the first creative institute worldwide to reach such a landmark. He commended the students for their sincere efforts and belief, stating that India is on the rise, offering tremendous opportunities for everyone to excel in the market.
During the event, renowned actor Rishabh Sinha shared his experiences with the aspiring creative minds, while popular actor and singer Shikha Malhotra narrated the story of her life, providing inspiration to the students. Arzad Naaz expressed gratitude to AAFT for delivering world-class education in a cost-effective manner and contributing to nation-building through various initiatives. Tushar Kumar, the youngest Councillor from London also spoke about his achievements.
Executive Directors of AAFT, Ajay Kumar and OSD AAFT, Manoj Agarwal, along with Yogesh Mishra, Dean of AAFT, also addressed the gathering. The ceremony included the presentation of AAFT Mementos to the toppers and the conferral of prestigious AAFT diplomas to the graduating students.
In recognition of their contributions, Dr. Sandeep Marwah honored dignitaries present at the event with life membership of the International Film and Television Club of AAFT.
The convocation ceremony marked a significant milestone in the journey of AAFT- Asian Academy of Film and Television, celebrating the accomplishments of its students and reinforcing the institution’s commitment to fostering excellence in the field of media and entertainment.
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