#underverse FanFiction
ceratatata · 1 year
One, Lonely Smile
(Inspired by OSD by Calcium-cat)
(Tags: hurt, hurt no comfort, Nightmare Sans, Dream Sans, slight appearance from Ink&Swap, Pain, Mind Injury Description, slight appearances from the Nightmare Gang, mentioned: Lust Sans, mentioned: UnderFell AU cast)
Never once did Nightmare think they would end up here.
Face to face, eyes to eyes, standing before his brother with a broken heart.
It was never supposed to end up like this. He had a second chance! A chance to make it right, but instead... it was as if the world hated him. Instead of having the happy life he's always wanted the universe turned Dream against him and made them enemies once more.
It was his own doing more than likely, Nightmare rages to himself. Giving Dream a reason to hate him once more. There's a twitch to his mouth as he tries not to outwardly snarl at his own weakness.
Dream stands shakily before him, meters away, looking determined, yet afraid. Something. The sheer sense of mourning radiating off of him... it worries Nightmare, more than he would like to admit. What was Dream missing? What was he wishing for? Nightmare made sure to give the young guardian everything the boy could ever want but it wasn't enough! What did Dream want from him, than he couldn't provide?
Ink and Swap stand behind Dream, weapons out, auras dark. Dream clings to Ink, trembling slightly but standing tall. The white stripes across the pale blue jacket he wears is wrinkled and stained now. Filled with dust and dirt. The stripes glare Nightmare's failure at him like a big red "You fucked up" sign written in LED-lettering.
Nightmare tried to get it right, oh how he tried.
He tried to give Dream the life he deserved. The life they deserved. But it wasn't enough.
Why wasn't it enough?
"Dream, come here." Nightmare tries to coax his brother, but he was met with eyes squeezed shut and a hard shake of the the small head.
"Dream," Again, Dream refuses. "Come, let's go home and we'll have dinner and we'll talk about it.. I'll even make you some of your favourite—"
"Don't talk to him." Swap growls, cyan bone-sickles poised before him that tells of training.
Nightmare nearly lashes out at him, before his eyes flicker back to Dream in a moment of hesitation. His brother is shrinking back, eyes wide as Nightmare's negativity batteres down on him. Instantly, Nightmare releases his hold of the resentment emanating through his soul, and the aura dissipates. With a painful twist squeezing his heart, Nightmare watches as Dream visibly relaxes in Ink's hold, the paint splattered skeleton returning his gaze to Nightmare pointedly, as if daring him try anything.
Nightmare grits his teeth, taking a step forward.
"Not. Another. Step."
Where had he gone wrong? At which point had the universe shifted enough to allow his hard work to fail, after all these years? He tried so incredibly hard to be a true, proper person for Dream—for this child, eyes which used to be filled with happiness and wonder, who no longer sees him as safe....
Nightmare locks eyes with Dream, and the other's once starry eye-lights have shrunk to near pinpricks of white, not a single hint of the sunshine-yellow that decorated Nightmare's happiest memories, as the child continues to shake minutely, despite the child having calmed slightly.
Nightmare takes a step backwards. Dream's shoulders lower a hint. Another step, and Dream's shaking is nearly gone, instead he tilts his head the smalles fraction as he watches Nightmare do the one thing he has never done since—well, since ever.
Nightmare turns away, and one step at a time, and gives up.
Not even a glance backwards at the trio is spared as Nightmare opens a portal, tentacles folding and disappearing into the sludge as it recedes off himself as he allows the goop to receeed away under his bones, showing a pale, half-cracked skull and a single black tear dripping down the unmarked side.
To understand the present or future, one must understand the past. Specifically, the beginning:
It had been a fluke.
A routine raid with his crew. An UnderFell, he believes, filled with smoke and ash. They had set the forests alight with a concoction their resident, mad-science inclined Lust Sans had cooked up. Nightmare hadn't even needed to persuade the skeleton, as Lust was uncharacteristically happy to help. He had said the targeted AU's Sans had been pretty sleazy during his visits to the maturely-inclined AU. While most visitors taking a poke around the AU were some of the not-so-kind crowd, they had never been as bad as the Fell Sans had been.
Nightmare remembers Killer laughing at the poor souls attempting to escape from the fires; from up as high as Nightmare has positioned his crew, the smoke meant nothing to them, and thus the screaming had become almost a movie to watch for Killer. Dust was cackling as well, though not as much, mostly at the local Fell Sans as he seemed to be arguing with Fell Papyrus in the middle of evacuating Snowdin.
Nightmare watched with distaste as the two forcefully wrangle Horror over to where they stand on Nightmare's magic—the edge of a simple platform, reinforced by the large volume of negativity Nightmare was draining from the AU—where Horror proceeded to look back at Nightmare before turning hsi gaze back, insulting the AU inhabitants with jus teammates.
The power settled into his bones— it kept settling, and while it was nowhere near too much, the content feeling of being properly charged had been a slight bit too comforting.
Nightmare.. doesn't remember what happened, but one moment he was twisting aorund, tentacles armed and ready with adrenaline coursing through his veins at power rocketing towards him and his gang, and the next he was hit. He was thrown far, so far in fact, he had hit something and felt it shatter after minutes in the air.
When he managed to get to his feet, he had barely enough negativity in his system to glue back the pieces of bone broke by the impact. A large chunk of bone from the left side of his jaw around to the base of his skull behind his head, right where the spine joined with the fragmented bone, had completely broken off. It hurt, so incredibly bad, but he bore the agony. He couldn't do much else. His power reserves were empty, dry as a bone, and the only way he could heal is of he found somewhere to feed from and that had been the only proper chance he had gotten for months.
The goop that flowed around him, protected him, was gone, and only crack-riddled bone remained. His only cover being the deep indigo, embroidered waistcoat he wore, the black dress pants he chose that morning and the thin, sheer black gloves he donned at all times, that were now torn and ragged, black blood leaking and staining them. With the sludge gone, and his cloak absent, Nightmare felt more exposed than he has since—
—No! He's not thinking about that.
Never about that.
Nightmare had stumbled to his feet, weak and injured, searching for any ounce of negativity to help him, to mend him—but he found nothing. And so, he stumbled along the cliff by his side, limping aimlessly. As his power slowly replenished, he attempted reconnection with his hand, tried to spark the portal links with each of his underlings, to no avail. Tried to create new links with the remains of broken towns he passed through, with the dusty remains of thing that used to live there but that, too, failed.
Nightmare wandered aimlessly, with only his exhaustion and dissipating anger as company until eventually, he collapsed against the side of a a piece of rubble on the outskirts of one of the devastated villages.
He was dying, he knew. Nothing could stop it, nothing could slow it. This place was a purgatory, nothing alive, but nothing dead either. There was no emotion; no joy, no dispair. No hatred or love.
There was just him.
Just Nightmare.
Until eventually, there wasn't just Nightmare.
When his breath was weak, his eyes lacking the strength to simply open, a presence had appeared.
It was making its way slowly towards him, hesitant and wary. He began hearing fooorsteps, boots pressing down over vines and brush as the presence came closer, until there was a hand over his own where it lied limply at his side. The feeling of bone encapsulated it, warm and tight.
Through the hand came energy.
A painful, incredibly hot energy, but it was energy all the same. It pushed with way through to his black heart with liquid fire but for the first time in how doesn't know how long, Nightmare found himself with the strength to slowly feed off of the worry and panic of his saviour.
Over what felt like days, with that energy steadily burning its way into his soul, Nightmare managed to open a single eyes, a violet eye-light flickering to life. Weakly.
Wide, golden eyes filled with unsteady, unshead molten yellow tears met his own, along with a small, white skull with small golden markings around the corners of the eye-sockets. It acted almost liek eyeliner, as it rimmed around the smooth bone, tapering off in a hooking swirl towards the inner corner of the eye-socket.
The markings weren't known to Nightmare, but those worried eyes, were.
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A/N: aaaaaa finally Ive gotten the guts to post this! It's been in drafts for a while hehe
Welcome to OLS! It's an au I've had cooking for a while, and I'm very excited to share it! This'll be a multiple-part fic, tho it won't be too long (I hope). It's meant to be the first hurah into it :P
Basically, Nightmare is yote into another (spoilers!) and ends up in a mysterious place where Dream(????) findss him practically half-dead :D
(((Hey! This was inspired by One Small Dream by Calcium-cat! Go check them out!!!!!)))
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Parts: [1] <- you're here! [2] [3]
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ayan0thegl1tch · 3 months
[4]: Quiet Nights
There will be two versions of this, one with Killer and one with Dust, due to request. I hope you are satisfied with this, Holly! If not, you can ask for a rewrite, though please give me specific details on what you would like if you want one.
WARNING: A bit of suggestive content, could also be seen as just intimate cuddling.
Context for this: The reader is half moth, per request.
[Open Info Blog?]
Yes ❤️ No
[Understood. Opening Info Blog…]
[Info Blog successfully opened. Welcome, REDACTED.]
[Type: Lots of fluff]
[Date finished: 6/14/2024]
[Total time(for both versions): 1 hour and 15 minutes]
[Is this a request?: Yes!^^]
[By whom?: HollyOtterTheUNholly]
[Thank you, Holly!]
[Words: 878]
[Closing Info Blog…]
Killer’s version:
The soft patting of rain against the window was drowned out by the sounds of the TV and the faint rumble coming from Cross. (I adore the headcanon that they’re able to purrTvT)
Your hums were drowsing him to sleep, finally relaxing for once in his life. You don’t remember when he was ever like this.
Well, you saw it now.
You could feel the tension in the room however, coming from his displeased ally, something Cross was happy to ignore. He didn’t give a damn about feelings right now, unless they were yours.
It seemed that the more upset he got, the more liquid spilled down his cheeks, soiling his clothes and narrowly missing the remote he was almost breaking with his tight grip.
You let out a faint sound as your antenna flicked, lifting one eye to him, a frown making its way to you at his facial expression.
Killer’s emotions tended to be…aggressive. It wasn’t a surprise, oh no, you just never expected it to be directed towards Cross due to you.
They were all extremely touch-starved, especially the two with you right now, due to not having people that cared for them, but that’s where you came in.
Cooking their meals, cleaning things, staying up comforting them when they were upset…you were basically like a mom to them.
Well, if people were…that passionate towards their mom. You doubted it.
It was a strange relationship, but you didn’t mind. You were all strange anyways.
You could feel the negative emotions surrounding him, you would’ve suffocated from that by now. Of course, all of them were much more used to things like that because of Nightmare’s aura and their backstories, you being the exception.
You purse your lips, brows furrowing together with sympathy. You simply put a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of the hard glaring he was giving the monster behind you.
His expression softened and the darkness disappeared as you patted your leg.
He eagerly took the invitation, laying his head on your lap and squeezing your thigh with a smile, a slight red blush tinted across his cheeks.
A huff from Cross, squeezing you was all you needed to know the jealousy was spreading. You let out a soft chuckle at their rivalry, both aiming to get more attention from you. Even before you came along, the two were never on the greatest terms with each other, usually being the ones to fight the most.
Of course, Killer was the one that usually tried to irritate Cross, and in return Cross would usually bite back with a stunt of his own. They were like wasps constantly stinging each other, one thing after another.
Whether it was just an opinion, to a serious group meeting, it was always something.
You patted Killer’s head as your wings wrapped around Cross, trying to balance out the love that enveloped the three of you like a cozy blanket in your little cuddle session.
You were starting to get tired yourself, the body heat from all three of you mixing to be a calming feeling. It was relaxing…
A flinch from the one behind you jostled you awake again, only to realize that it was just a reflex from your patterns. When your wings stretched out, the spots would expand to look like eyes of a sort, and it would always freak at least one of them out.
They’d never get used to it, would they?
Burying his head into your neck with an angry mumble was confirmation of this. A small nip made your lips part in surprise at the bold actions of the monochrome skeleton.
Your mouth curved upwards as you turned your head the tiniest bit to give him a kiss on the forehead.
You were smiling a lot ever since you met them, weren’t you?
…Maybe that was a good thing.
When you came to your senses again, drowsily lifting your eyes, the first thing you noticed was a lot more weight on the bed, and constant breathing in different paces.
Of course.
The others had decided to join you, it seemed.
Nightmare was sitting behind you and Cross, at least one tentacle wrapped snugly around each of them, Dust was facing your right, leaning into you against your side, Horror was to your left, facing you all while laying down…even Error was sitting on a make-shift hammock above you, a string tied to your finger for some sort of contact.
A happy sigh escaped you as you slowly drifted back into the dream world, the feeling of your skeletons surrounding you lulling you to sleep.
Dust’s version:
The soft patting of rain against the window was drowned out by the sounds of the TV and the faint rumble coming from Cross. (I adore the headcanon that they’re able to purrTvT)
Your hums were drowsing him to sleep, finally relaxing for once in his life. You don’t remember when he was ever like this.
Well, you saw it now.
You could feel the tension in the room however, coming from his displeased ally, something Cross was happy to ignore. He didn’t give a damn about feelings right now, unless they were yours.
It seemed that the more upset he got, the brighter his eyelight would glow and the more his scarf would fly around, like it was restless.
You let out a faint sound as your antenna flicked, lifting one eye to him, a frown making its way to you at his facial expression.
They were all extremely touch-starved, especially Killer and Cross, due to not having people that cared for them, but that’s where you came in.
Cooking their meals, cleaning things, staying up comforting them when they were upset…you were basically like a mom to them.
Well, if people were…that passionate towards their mom. You doubted it.
It was a strange relationship, but you didn’t mind. You were all strange anyways.
You could feel the negative emotions surrounding him, you would’ve suffocated from that by now. Of course, all of them were much more used to things like that because of Nightmare’s aura and their backstories, you being the exception.
You purse your lips, brows furrowing together with sympathy. You simply placed a hand on him, snapping him out of the stone-cold look he was giving the monster behind you.
His face grew darker as the light ceased and a nervous look took the place of the once-fuming one when you patted the sheets next to you.
He hesitated, but eventually gave in and leaned against you, not without some silent asking for confirmation.
A huff from Cross, squeezing you was all you needed to know the jealousy was spreading. You gently rubbed Dust’s back as your wings wrapped around Cross, trying to balance out the love that enveloped the three of you like a cozy blanket in your little cuddle session.
You were starting to get tired yourself, the body heat from the two on either side of you, pinning you between them calming your mind. It was relaxing…
A flinch from the one behind you jostled you awake again, only to realize that it was just a reflex from your patterns. When your wings stretched out, the spots would expand to look like eyes of a sort, and it would always freak at least one of them out.
They’d never get used to it, would they?
Burying his head into your neck with an angry mumble was confirmation of this. A small nip made your lips part in surprise at the bold actions of the monochrome skeleton.
Your mouth curved upwards as you turned your head the tiniest bit to give him a kiss on the forehead.
You were smiling a lot ever since you met them, weren’t you?
…Maybe that was a good thing.
When you came to your senses again, drowsily lifting your eyes, the first thing you noticed was a lot more weight on the bed, and constant breathing in different paces.
Of course.
The others had decided to join you, it seemed.
Nightmare was sitting behind you and Cross, at least one tentacle wrapped snugly around each of them, Killer was laying his head in your lap, snuggling into your stomach, Horror was to your left, facing you all while laying down…even Error was sitting on a make-shift hammock above you, a string tied to your finger for some sort of contact.
A happy sigh escaped you as you slowly drifted back into the dream world, the feeling of your skeletons surrounding you lulling you to sleep.
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Fanart for @/Im_Sorry_Buddy's For The Forgotten Ones (FTFO) on AO3.
The mask is heavily inspired by Ekko's mask from Arcane on Netflix.
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To everyone who loves Kustard ❤️💙
Their first date (*≧∀≦*)
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
I'll Make You Mine Masterlist
Read on Wattpad and AO3
NIGHTMARE is a sadistic bastard, that's just a fact. His goal is to corrupt Dream's soul and prevent the Doodlesphere from feeling positive emotions ever again. He has a new plan to do it. His brother is smart enough to know his games, but one of his friends isn't.
INK doesn't know what to think of the letter on his nightstand. It only added onto the strange missing things and nightmares he's been having. Was Nightmare asking him on a date? Pfft, that was ridiculous, there was no way- wait. When did he get so pretty? When did Nightmare get so perfect?
DREAM has the hope of the entire multiverse in his hands. With their best friend and Protector of the Doodlesphere missing, they have to do both Ink's job and their own, along with making sure no one else goes missing. He's stressed and exhausted, but he can't rest now. Come on Dream, stay . . . awake . . .
Content warnings:
- Abusive Inkmare
- Gore
- Graphic body horror
- Medical experimentation without anesthesia; we die like half the characters in this story.
- Physical and psychological torture
- Traumatic events
- HEAVY brainwashing/conditioning
- Stockholm Syndrome/Lima Syndrome
- Dehumanization/objectification
- Major character deaths
- Specific warnings I will put on the chapters that need them.
1. Sadistic Experiment: Nightmare
2. High on Sweetness: Ink
3. The Puppeteer's Warning: Nightmare
4. Nightmares Don't Mean Anything: Ink
5. Last Minute Preparations: Nightmare
6. Let's Get This Over With: Ink
7. Should've Could've Would've: Dream
8. Lure into the Darkness: Nightmare
9. True Colors . . . Or Lack Of: Ink
10. Every Action has Consequence: Dream
11. Perfect Backup: Nightmare
12. Make Me Your Masterpiece: Ink
13. Killer's Twisted Surprise: Dream
14. Behavior Modification: Nightmare
15. Toys Don't Talk: Ink
16. Candy Corruption: Dream
17. The Battle for Birdtale: Nightmare
18. Guardian of Nothing: Ribbon
19. Rainbows Over Shadows: Dream
20. Stitch by Stitch: Nightmare
21. Welcome to the Show: Ribbon
22. Mind Sickness: Dream
23. No More Denial: Nightmare
24. A Night to Remember: Ribbon
25. The Final Star Sans Standing: Dream
26. Backstabbing Crash: Nightmare
27. I Can Fix Him: Ribbon
28. New Ally New Plan: Dream
29. For Our Future: Nightmare
30. Captive to Queen: Ribbon
31. Into the Castle of Night: Dream
32. Restore the Balance: Nightmare
33. Better Late than Never: Ribbon
34. A Darker Lie: Dream
35. Heart Made of Lead: Nightmare
36. Pastel Redesign: Ribbon
37. Nightmare's Labyrinth: Dream?
38: Final note
Ribbon's (Doll!Ink) Reference Sheet
Human Ribbon Reference Sketch
Ribbon Apology Doodles
Azurem's Ribbon Art
Shadorio's Ribbon Art
Azurem's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Azurem's Chapter 20 Ribbon Art
Depravitycorner's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Shadorio's "Nightmare Throwing Error off a Balcony in Chapter 24" Art
Azurem's Human Ribbon Art
Artisticauras' Ribbon Art
Artisticauras' Ribbon Profile Pic
Inkedartdragons' Ribbon and FTFO Ink Art
KK_TheAnimator's Ribbon and Nightmare Art on Twitter
Shipanhookq's 'Better than This' Oneshot
Related Asks:
Prompt: Killer wants to hang out with Cross (canon, takes place between chapters 31 and 33)
Prompt: Nightmare is a racist
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Electric Boogaloo
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: The Empire Strikes Back
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Ribbon officially becomes goth
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Separate the Star Sanses
Prompt: Nightmare tortures Ink and becomes ableist
Prompt: What if Ink asked for help with the letter back in Chapter 4?
Prompt: Dream is 110% Done with Nightmare's Shenanigans.
Prompt: Nightmare Surrenders for Ribbon
Prompt: Possible Cross x Killer x Dream
Prompt: Possible Cross x Killer x Dream 2: Dream is Pissed off
Splatoon Classes
Ribbon's Favorite Song
Headcanon: Ribbon's Seasonal Outfits
Ribbon + Blossom take over Wattpad
Nightmare's Villain Song
No Hope for Ink
Ribbon's Birthday
Chapter 37's Inspiration
Clarification on Ribbon's Happiness
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salamiimommy · 2 years
I think if you’ve ever been into the Undertale AUs at any point you are morally obligated to read For The Forgotten Ones by Im_Sorry_Buddy on AO3 mhm mhm
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wrongroadbuddy · 2 months
Tbh, I really wanted to make a fan animation for the idea in my head, I really loved undertale fandom, the fandom was really kind and guiding the parts I was in, and the game literally saved my life. I really wanted it to reach more people, for who those were in my state. But I guess I was naive.
It is sad how this undertale is treating fan animation series and animators cause they didn't put the characters as they wanted, which is literally the fanon versions.
I'm talking about uwu and soft swap sans who, I don't know how, got called blueberry.
I'm talking about soft ink sans who is in love with error, while in canon those two haven't even met once!
I'm talking about the sans aus who gets corrupted cause some fans couldn't accept them as they were. As they were who the creators made them as.
It's sad how some fans let one of our greatest animations end early cause of the hate.
I hope for the best for all creators who got affected by this hate. I hope you guys find the right path that is the best for you.
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moonsporemoth · 11 months
Ok hear me out on this, but Cain gives off such Spamton vibes and I'm currently obsessed with both of them omg. Like the crazy, short, business-like man vibe is addictive idk.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 year
Fanfic/AU idea where everyone in Undertale: Something New’s Underground somehow regain all their memories of the all the timelines before.
Maybe they regain them because of something Flowey, being the only one who remembered everything now that Chara/Frisk/Sans/Killer are gone, did or said.
They remember everything slowly, bits and pieces. But enough to remember what Sans and the Human did (who they believe is Frisk). And nothing but Flowey’s word that “Sans” was somehow taken, and the Multiverse exists.
And basically the main idea is that the rest of the Underground comes to an agreement.
They want to know why Sans did what he did, and potentially rescue him from whoever took him.
Some people (Papyrus) believes Sans needs to be saved, others believe he deserves to face justice for his crimes (Undyne).
So Asgore decides to send Undyne and Papyrus off into the wide Multiverse with Flowey, since he remembers everything clearly.
I don’t know how exactly they’ll manage get access to and travel in the Multiverse, though. Maybe a magical doohickey or something.
Or with a Player’s help, possibly.
And the whole adventure to find and track down “Sans” is basically Paps and Undyne slowly regaining memories, remembering more and more about how Sans appeared to betray, kill, harass, and torture them for no obvious reasons.
Besides the human being the only factor.
Them struggling with their sadness, betrayal, confusion, anger, and fear. Doubt. Still missing Sans. Hating Sans. Loving Sans.
How Sans appeared to have changed drastically at some point, how his soul was always different shapes and colors. His eye-lights always missing, or only having one.
The various bruises, injuries, and cuts across his malnourished and beaten body that was obviously never given proper care or time to heal. How, in some timelines, he was even missing limbs and fighting without them still.
How, in some timelines, he’d kill them without a second thought. And in other timelines, he’d break down sobbing and apologizing.
How he sometimes didn’t seem to know who they were, in various SOUL shapes. And how he’d sometimes start attacking them as if he was an animal. On sight, without any of the usual patience, thought, or learned experience.
How he was rarely ever far from the human in most timelines, but in others he’d run and hide from them. And how, no matter timelines, how fiercely protective he was of the Human in battle.
How sometimes he’d have back and forth banter with the human freely, and other times he would never speak or look at them unless given permission to.
And the Hunts, and games of hide and seek. How the Human seemed to be able to control the shape of his SOUL and behaviors based on certain words, sounds, and gestures.
Just Undyne and Paps having two different ideas of what happened to Sans, and what should be done on the off chance that they find him.
Flowey struggling with years worth of trauma and memories, and just really, really, really, not wanting to be anywhere near Sans or the Human again.
Just a Multiversal traveling, justice seeking, traumatized little gang trying to find answers and clues.
And how they would react to Killer. And how Killer would react to them. And them learning that Sans is gone, has been for a very long time, and they won’t get most of the answers they’re looking for from Killer.
Papyrus struggling to realize and accept that Killer isn’t his brother. His brother is gone, and he never noticed or knew.
Maybe Undyne believes that it’s a trick to dodge responsibility for his actions.
Or maybe she doesn’t accept Killer as his own person, but rather something that only exists because of the Human or Nightmare, thinking they did something to Sans to make him forget who he is.
(She isn’t too far off, but the conflict it could cause in Killer’s attempts to come to terms with his existence and identity would be interesting.)
Maybe them realizing the one who would have the most answers about what happened in their shared timeline being STAGE 1 Killer, and them trying to intentionally but stealthily trigger him to get answers.
But the more they force switches, the more they cause memory loss and distribution amongst the STAGES.
To the point Killer keeps having panic attacks anytime he’s in ST1, and ST3 starts confusing them for Chara or Nightmare and starts trying to attack them, run, or act submissive if all other options are out.
The risk of triggering ST4 gets higher and higher, who absolutely WILL kill them on sight. Because Chara gets more and more active the more memories are revealed.
And eventually the stress and fear starts getting to him, to the point that ST1 starts hiding behind ST2’s emotionlessness and apathy in an attempt to remain stable and secure.
And, of course, ST1’s fear starts influencing ST2 and he immediately starts distancing himself from and avoiding Paps, Undyne, and Flowey.
Like, to the point it escalates to physical fights like it did between Swap and Killer. And they keep going until ST2 is forced to retreat whenever his SOUL starts morphing into ST1 and they can’t keep fighting their ex-brother and ex-friend anymore.
And it eventually starts effecting their work performance. Which angers Nightmare. So for his own well being and safety, ST2 rather violently pushes them away. Forces them away.
Until Flowey, Undyne, and Papyrus have run into Core Frisk. Who introduces them to Color, Dream, and Swap. Everyone who has also tried to save Killer.
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pillowdrawz · 2 years
My Info sans Comic Redraw..
New V 2022 Old V 2020
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I love my improvements
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pestozsauce · 1 year
Malevmay prompt 1 - leviathan
“His Leviathan”
As much as Geno liked to deny it, he truly did love Reaper. When Reaper had first begun to court Geno it had been surprising, and terrifying. For starters, when Geno was younger and his mother was alive, all the way back before he had his own coat and there was no evidence of his true species except for his webbed fingers hidden by gloves, he was told the story of the harbinger of death. Well, he was told the story of the seven leviathans, but the tale of the harbinger of death always stuck out to him.
The harbinger of death, otherwise known as Reaper, is the fourth oldest leviathan according to the legends. In his leviathan he’s described as a huge terrifying being, appearing ghostly to some, and maddening to others, though in his mer form he was a skeleton with the tail of an orca mer cloaked in a black cloak. Geno was told that if he had ever encountered him, especially while in the form of a seal, he would be dead as fast as he could blink. He supposes that was one of the things to keep him out of the sea for so long.
Though years later, when any family or friends Geno would’ve cared about were gone, he turned to the sea, and that’s when he first met Reaper. The Antarctic, the place his mother was from, had been a cold and harsh place to adjust to, but he was getting on well enough, he had even found himself a nice cave that was halfway in the water he could stay. So over all, things were going fine, and this was coming from someone who tended to be pessimistic.
He had met Reaper while he was out hunting, it wasn’t a very good hunting session, he hadn’t managed to catch a single thing, most likely having something to do with the herd of seals that had recently traveled and settled nearby. Anyway, he had just chased some type of fish into a small cave, but the slippery little bastard had escaped right as they both reached the end of the cave, there wasn’t enough room for geno to turn around swiftly and chase after it, so he had paused and groaned for a moment before deciding he would just go back home for the night and try again with hunting tomorrow.
He hadn’t expected much else out of the night, in fact he hoped that no other events would occur through the rest night, but no, when he had shimmied around in the crevice, he saw no one other than the harbinger of death peering at him with a hungry look in his eyes. At first glance he didn’t recognize him, he looked like a regular orca mer at first. The first warning sign had been the fact that the other had been a skeleton, skeletons were rare, very rare, he still remembers how shocked his mother had been that both himself and his brother had been born as healthy skeletons.
The next warning sign had been the mer’s empty sockets, and then his black cloak that stuck close to his body. The harbinger slowly turned his head to the side, peering at geno as if he was planning out his death, and perhaps he was. That thought caused Geno to press himself close to the back of the crevice, getting as far away from the harbinger as he could, even if he knew it was useless. The harbinger opened his mouth, presumably to speak, but Geno cut him off with a deep, guttural growl. The harbinger froze, and then he began to laugh as what appeared to be a blue blush spread across his face.
“Wh-what the fuck are you laughing for?” Geno had hissed out, trying not to sound scared in the face of what's rumored to be death.
The harbinger did not answer, continuing to laugh at his scared form. Geno could feel the anger begin to well, after his mom died he had been told he had begun to gain a short temper.
“Stop laughing or- or I’ll bite you,” Geno had stumbled over his words in an attempt at figuring out what to say.
His threat had the opposite effect as the harbinger had begun to laugh harder, and when he finally did stop laughing, he winked at him slyly and said, “well I wouldn't mind that,”
Geno huffed, and decided that if he was going to die here, he might as well go down fighting. While the harbinger was busy drooling over his body, Geno shot forward, wincing as his bones scraped against the sides of the crevice walls and drawing red bone marrow. He opened his extendible jaw wide and went in for his target, he would’ve reached the harbingers neck had he not had his hand up. But Geno had at least managed to clamp his jaw around the harbingers wrist, he bit down as hard as he could, not stopping even as the others marrow filled his mouth and he felt bone crunch beneath his teeth.
“Woah,” The harbinger spoke, oddly enough, there wasn’t much surprise in his voice, more so amusement, “Didn’t think you’d take me seriously there,”
Geno growled at him once more, mind racing at what to do next, of course he had soon decided on booking it out of there since the harbinger seemed more content to awkwardly stare at him then actually fight back. After he had let go of the harbinger he had pushed him back the turned around and swam for dear life in a random direction. It had taken hours to get home after, fear of encountering the harbinger and the fact that he had gotten lost both coming into play.
But, when he had gotten home, there was a carcass in the middle of his home, an Antarctic fur seal which stunk of the harbinger. That wasn’t the last of the harbingers' gifts either, no matter how many times Geno tried finding new places to move, he always came home to a gift from the harbinger. It took him awhile to figure out he was being courted, and even longer to begin accepting the gifts and start talking to the harbinger. Reaper was much different from what Geno though he would be like, he was flirty and mischievous and liked to sneak touches or small kisses at Geno, but all it took was one flirty remark or heartfelt gift from Geno and Reaper was like putty in the selkies arms.
Though Geno had been getting used to ignoring his instincts telling him that Reaper would kill him, he almost ran and hid when he first saw Reaper's leviathan form. He had grown 10 times his size, making Geno barely the size of his hand. The white’s of his tail had turned a see-through teal, allowing him to see the skeleton inside, and his cloak hood seemed to completely hide his head from view, making his eyes glow white. But even as Geno shook as he stared up at his lover, the other simply scooped him up and laughed in that fond way that made Geno’s face red. And though Geno hadn’t, and would never, admit it to Reaper, it felt nice being cradled in his large hands, even if the other could crush him at any moment.
And that’s where he was now, cradled in his lover's hands. Reaper's body was halfway above the water so he could hold Geno up as they both gazed at the stars. He turned around and gazed behind him to where Reaper's head was resting on the ice below. He never could’ve expected to fall in love with a leviathan, and he never expected that same leviathan to fall in love back. In all honesty he had expected to be forcefully married by some sailor after getting his coat stolen, like his mother and most other selkies in tales he’s heard.
“You ok Gen?” Reapers asked in a whisper as his natural tone of voice was louder in his current form.
“Yeah Reaps, I’m just fine,” A soft smile came to his face, he truly did love the leviathan, his leviathan.
Undertale - Toby fox
Leviathantale - Skumhu
Genos sans - LoverofPiggies (aka CrayonQueen)
Reaper sans - I couldn't find his creator :(
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rain1n · 5 months
Ink's New Plushie!
• - - - - • _ _ _ _ • - - - - •
Ink ask error to make
A Among us Plushie but they refuse the offer
And say it better be something of error choice too
They agree to make a rainbow dash plushie which was
Bigger than expected but ink still love it anyways
• - - - - • _ _ _ _ • - - - - •
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• - - - - • ` ` ` ` • - - - - •
It was an peacefull day .. error vacation at home was just started but it was amazi-
I : " ERROR!!! CAN U DO ME SOMETHINGGG? " *he said while Jumping off his portal*
E : " WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAN- ... " *error hold see inks shirt, an red 3D among us shirt with shoes*
I : " ah Ye do you like my shirt?? " *he say while looking at him with an troll face*
E : " its um... "
I : " SUS-SY! XD " *he jumps one time and then jumps into error to hugs him*
E : " UGH JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT ALREADY! " *he said after tied up ink while ink jumped on him not touching him*
I : " Someone told me that you make plushies and - "
E : " IM NOT MAKING AN AMONG US PLUSHIE.. AND WHO TOLD YOU THAT??? " *he shout pretty louds and glitchs embarrassed*
I : " hmm... "
E : " OK!.. Forget it! If you want ME to make a plushie we have to both agree in what plushie will be!. "
I : " mky! What you like? "
E : " how about an creeper plushie? "
I : " no.. its scary! And i dont even like minecraft! " *he said while moving his hand up and down with an sad face*
E : " YOU DONT?? how do you find a creeper scary its like an amongus with face and extra limbs.. "
I : " but amongus have floating hands!! " *he said like a damn child almost sobbing*
E : " shut up.. We both have to agree im something fast. "
I : " why.. "
E : " my novela mf "
I : " OK OK!! i uh.. ponys do you like ponys??? " *he said agitatedly*
E : " . . . " *He's standing there trying not to react*
I : " YOU DONT? :'( " *said sobbing*
E : " i-i do.. like uh.. mlp " *said embarrased glitching*
I : " Noice, which pony tho.. " *he Comes back to normal like and blink*
E : " whats your mane six favorite? "
I : " AHBXBAJSN RAINBOW DASH!!! " *he moves so agitated that he breaks the lines and falls to the ground *
I : " ouchie! "
E : " gosh.. ok!! Uh.. i will give your plushie at the end of the day "
I : " OK.. and hey!! " *he was walking and stop to look back at error*
E : " ?.. "
I : " you should open a store "
E : " .. shut up!!. " *said embarrased and glitching*
At the end of the day ink Comes to take his plushie
I : " ERROR :)) IS MY PLUSHIEHZ DONE?? " *said while jumping and walking*
E : " uh yes but.. " *hed grab the flutershy plushie of the inks size from his lines*
E : " i think i got too excited.. " *he said while putting it on the ground*
I : *GAASP* " OMGGB!!!? " *vomits*
E : " uh.. Just try to not vomit in it i dont want to wash it everyday. "
I : " mkay!! "
I : " wait how do i gonna grab this? Its too big! "
E : *grabs ink and put it on the pony* " well ur riding it now "
I : " IM RIDING RAIMBOWN DA- " *almost vomits on the pony*
E : " HEY " *grabs ink and put ink alway from the plushie&
E : " ugh.. did you even listen what i said? "
I : " yeh " *says while noding*
E : " OK nvm Just take this with you " *grabs ink and the plushie and trowns both on a portal*
Ink would play with rainbow dash since then.
The end ?..
Me : ya can ask for part 2!!
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ayan0thegl1tch · 3 months
Random Cross headcanons I thought of:^
KEEP IN MIND: This is what I think of Cross. These are not canon.
• Cross’s favorite chocolate is regular. No caramel, no nuts, or anything, just regular plain chocolate. Classic is best, he says.
• My version of Cross hates the Star Sans’. He works with the gang and has never changed.
• Cross and Epic would absolutely be the type to share dumbass shower thoughts with each other, just saying. Like “If you wash your body off, then how does your towel get dirty?” or “If a student is expected to learn all subjects, why does no teacher know them all?”
• Cross is horrible at skating. He’s the one guy who lands face-first on the ice. Ouch.
• Cross actually likes to sing! It helps him get his emotions out, but he only does it when he’s sure he’s completely alone, or with someone he really trusts.
• Get him chocolate milk if you need something to be quick, he’ll destroy an entire AU in 10 seconds.
• Cross’s ghost enemy friend, XChara, actually hates having the X in his name. They both do. It reminds them of Gaster, and so everyone who knows that just calls him Chara. Do NOT say that if you don’t want to get on either of their bad sides.
• Cross steals most of his chocolate from Fell, and it’s where a lot of the latter’s anger comes from actually.
• Cross is really reserved, but once you break him out of his shell, he becomes extremely clingy around you in private, like when you want to get up he might pull you back down to cuddle more. In public he’ll just do hand holding, he’s not comfortable with showing off like that. Killer on the other hand...
• When Cross starts to like you, Chara will as well, so it would actually be really rare to only be in a relationship with one of them, and not a poly. Because they share a soul, they share emotions and so will have the same love for you.
• Cross’ love for chocolate was influenced by Chara first eating a huge pile of it. When he offered Cross some, the skeleton fell in love with the sweet treat and they bonded over their love for it, if not sometimes stealing some from each other.
• Cross ended up getting his turtleneck fixed after the X-event, so no more holes! He appreciates that there aren’t as many stares as usual now, it makes him feel exposed
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chasthewriter · 5 months
Erm my self-Insert fic
Just showing it cuz i’d like oneish reader to see it
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concretesweetner · 8 months
And won’t you please call it if our time is trough?
ROTTEN APPLE chapter 0 is out :P
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artofloof · 1 year
If you guys really like horribly written fics like My Immortal you should read this series a friend and I wrote where Cross is yandere for a spork
CW: bad writing and formatting, poor descriptions of blood/violence, heavy profanity (worst it gets is "whore"/"hoe"), NSFW content in the second chapter of book 2 (this chapter is easily skippable and there is a warning)
Sorry in advance.
The second book is really funny i promise its worth reading both of them
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