#instead of just texts let me sprinkle in some gifs
ugartecoco · 1 year
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Can I ask you to write a fanfic about Mikey (tmnt2012) in which he has Shellacne?how he would behave around reader
THank you
Shellacne (Fluff)
2012!Michelangelo x reader
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A/N: Yes you can🧡 I’ve decided to keep it light, focusing on the short time before they learned Mikey sprinkled himself with mutagen because, well… the big shell zits makes me uncomfortable😅 But we can still have some fun! Hope you enjoy!🧡
Mikey’s shellacne got him hiding in his room, so his brothers asks you to help them get him out.
Warnings: Spelling and a little shellacne.
“You have no idea how happy I am to see you”, Leo said in a sigh as you entered the lair, looking relieved just by being in your presents. During all the time you had known the turtles, it wasn’t uncommon to see Mikey’s oldest brother in a tired state. And after you started dating Mikey a few months ago, the sight became more and more common. “He has been in there all day and he won’t come out”.
“I came here as fast as I could when I saw your text”, you said, following him through the lair. “But I have to ask, what is shellacne?”, you asked, referencing the text Leo had sent you, rambling on about how Mikey had gotten this shellacne, whatever the hell that was.
“We’re still trying to figure that out”, Leo said, sounding a little unsure. He led the way to Mikey’s bedroom door, where you found Donnie and Raph waiting, both looking tired and frustrated, only to lighten up a little when they saw you walk in.
“Come on, Mikey!”, Donnie said, knocking on the door. “Raph has promised not to call anymore names!”
“You said the same thing last time, before he called me a pickle!”, Mikey yelled from the other side of the door.
“Hey, you have to admit, it was funny”, Raph said, causing his brothers to look at him in anger and frustration. “Or maybe not”.
“Mikey”, you said, knocking on the door. “What’s wrong?”
You heard an audible gasp from the inside of his room, followed by the sound of things crashing to the ground and Mikey yelping.
“(Y/N)!?”, he asked in panic, keeping the door firmly shut as he ran up to it. “What are you doing here?!”
“Your brothers texted me”.
Mikey gasped once more. “I can’t trust you guys at all, can I?!”, he yelled, directing his anger towards his brothers.
“Well, you can’t trust Raph”, Donnie said, feeling his hot tempered brother sending him foul looks.
“Mikey, sweetheart, please let me in”, you said softly, knowing that it usually helped in calming him down. But to your surprise it didn’t calm him down this time. Instead he continued to panic.
“No!”, he yelled. “You can’t see me! Not like this! I look like a monster! A gross, terrifying monster!”
“It’s really not that bad, Mikey”, Leo said.
“That may be easy for you to say!”, Mikey’s voice sounded. “But it isn’t your face that’s covered in zits!”
“Oh, is that what it’s about?”, you said, sounding more surprised than you meant to. “Acne?”
“Well, to be fair, it isn’t just acne. It’s shellacne”, Raph said, stretching his arms as if nothing was bothering him.
“You really aren’t helping”, you told him before turning back towards the door. “Mikey honey, it’s okay. Humans get acne too”.
“Yeah but humans don't look as horrifying with acne!”, Mikey exclaimed.
“I would disagree”, Donnie said deep in thought, making you question when he would have seen an acne prone human.
You sighed. “Mikey, will you let me in if the others left?”
It was quiet for a moment. You could hear Mikey shuffle around uncomfortably on the outside of the door, as he thought about your offer. As much as he feared how you would react to his pimple covered face, he also really wanted your comfort during that moment.
“Okay, but only if the others promise to leave first!”
And so they did. Although reluctantly, Raph, Leo and Donnie promised to leave and then they did, going to the main area to watch TV and read comic books. Once they were gone, you let Mikey know that the coast was clear, before he slowly cracked the door open for you to slip through. Mikey was timid to say the least, when you made your way into his room, fearing your reaction once you saw his face. And to be honest, you had expected worse. The top of Mikey’s head was covered in small pimple-like bumps. You could see how Raph would compare it to the skin of a pickle, as evil as that sounded.
Mikey looked away, expecting you to cry or scream, keeping his distance. But to his surprise, you closed the distance between you, placing your hands on his cheeks to make him look at you.
“You calling this looking like a monster?”, you asked him with a calm smile. Mikey had not expected you to smile at him, nor be this calm, and therefore your actions made his knees weak. Not that it was anything knew. You often had that effect on him.
“I look like a walking pus!”, Mikey cried out, like a toddler that just wanted to be comforted.
“Mikey, honey, it’s not that bad”, you smiled, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. “You look like a normal mutant turtle with shellacne”.
“You say it like you have seen a lot of mutant turtles with shellacne”, Mikey mumbled, crossing his arms.
You laughed, finding his grumpy face adorable. You couldn’t help it. I was just that adorable, even with his head covered like that. “Mikey, that is not what I meant”, you said, removing one of your hands from his face to take his hand. “What I’m trying to say is that I don’t think you look like a monster”.
Mikey’s big eyes scanned your face, looking for any hint that showed him you didn’t mean it. But you did. Your sweet smile and sincere eyes told him you spoke the truth. You would never lie, especially not to Mikey.
“Really?”, he asked, still feeling the insecurity in his guts.
“Really”, you answered him, placing your arms around his neck so you could pull him down to place a kiss on his beak. Mikey became a blushing mess by this action, melting into your arms, his head falling against your shoulder as he held you close in a hug.
“You’re really sweet, you know that?”, Mikey muttered against your shoulder, his blush still strong on his cheeks.
“You’ve told me a few times”, you chuckled, giving his shoulder a small squish. “Now come. Let’s see if Donnie has a way to get rid of those”, you said, nodding towards his pimples.
“But”, Mikey started pulling you close to him again. “What if they call me names again?”
“Then I will personally give them a beating worse than any training session they’ve ever had”, you said, causing Mikey to crack a smile. You took his hand in yours once again, giving it a small reassuring squish. “Now, let’s go”.
“Okay”, Mikey smiled, letting you lead him out of his room and into the main area. With your hand in his, shellacne suddenly didn’t seem as bad anymore.
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virgin-mojitos · 2 years
massage session ft steven grant (slighlty nsfw)
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heyyyy okay so we've established that im a liar and i do not keep my word but this idea came to me a while ago and i was like fuck it why not. but anywho, heres some fluffy steven (with a hint a sprinkle a dab of smut at the end) as an apology, enjoy!!
PS: reader and steven havent had sex yet but have done other things, so they might be in 2-3 month in
Definitely absolutely surely clearly DO NOT think about,  
Coming home extremely tired, you’ve been on your feet the whole day. Steven could tell from the moment you entered the flat, you had already texted him prior to order some takeout because you cant cook today. So he comes over kind of worried but also amused because you’ve never displayed any signs of fatigue .(usually you are very good at hiding them and steven does not know if they’re some trauma response, he does not ask either way.) he comes over and gives you a big hug, “you okay love?” so you hide your face in his chest and give a muffled “m okay” he laughs because you clearly do not look okay, “well I ordered takeout. Come lets eat and you can tell me about your day yeah?” “ cant, too tired to eat” and it was this moment that steven realizes hes nearly carrying all your weight because you can barely stand. He almost verbally ‘awww’s but he decides against it because if he did that you back away, knowing your ‘I gotta be strong and able 24/7 or else i deserve punishment’ tendencies. So he offers something else instead.
“would you like a massage?, I read a book about physiotherapy once” so you laugh of course, because who the hell casually reads a book about physiotherapy once? So you imitate him while giggling, making fun of his accent and all. “oi, I’m being serious it was just there and I decided to see what its all about that’s all” you laugh again and lay your chin on his chest and tell him that you would love a massage.
“turn away so i can take off my shirt and lay down on the towel” and he does turn away, knowing the gentleman he is. While laying down you take a minute to admire the scene that steven created for you in little time; scented candles, regular candles lit up and all the lights turned off. “you ready?” steven startles you but you answer him with a short “mmmhm”
 as soon he starts youre already making noises and shoving your face in shoulders in coyness. as steven gets more into it you stop covering my mouth and groans (mind u theyre both groans of pleasure and pain) ‘hes got very good hands’ you think. Your clutching the sheets and putting your face in the pillows and scrunching your nose, just a very pornographic image you think to yourself again, poor steven really.
and then when hes almost finished he starts kissing your neck and you laugh and say something like “was this in your book?” and he smiles and laughs and continues anyways.  And then when hes finished he turns your face slightly and kisses you for a bit until it gets uncomfortable for you, you’ve just had a massage for gods sake you don’t want your neck to hurt again.  so you decide to spin around and wrap the towel under around you when you do, any form of modesty
so now you are heavily making out, so drunk on the other that you dont notice his fingertips barely grazing your stomach under the towel so he stops kissing you and goes “is this okay?” and you nod and pull him by the hair to kiss him again, trying to show your gratitude through your kisses for the massage and asking for your consent. his hands starts gets cheeky rising up and hes just, he not touching you hes grabbing? Like squeezing in a way, squeezing anywhere hes touching. He reaches under your breasts and you gasp so he starts kissing your face and your neck and he asks again “is this okay?” and you gasp out a yes and he starts gently caressing yout breasts and at this point your a moaning mess right? hes still kissing your neck when he starts kneading them and murmers in your neck “you’re so fucking soft”
…yes definitely do not think about that
phewww *fans self* is it getting hot in here or is it just steven i mean what...
as always likes and reblogs help boost my ego!!!
my asks are always open if youd like me to write something!!
(steven’s SFW alphabet)
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ethannowo · 2 years
☆ Born of a Star ☆
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CHAPTER 1 ~ The Beginning
I have woken up quite early today, at exactly 4:44 AM. I don’t know what’s been happening with Star Scepter Galaxy lately, allem’ (All of the/All of them) Stars have been disappearing without a trace whatsoever. I have contacted Star Scepter Main Office about the disappearances, yet no answer. It’s not like I can go out and look for them myself, I’d fall into the galaxy itself, disappearing within, falling into the endless void, unable to shout for help. I think about this quite a lot, because they are my friends, allem’, but I feel horrible about it, because I am unable to do anything about the disappearance of Stars.
I could try praying to the Gods of Star Scepter for a pair of wings to fly, look for Stars, and never speak about this situation again, or I could do nothing and wait until the Main Office replies to at least one of my Starems. (Star Scepter Galaxy’s own type of letters, written on a dried sheet of Star essence, sprinkled with star dust to reveal the text hidden within the sheet.)
I’ll wait a couple of days, if at least one of them doesn’t come back, I will investigate this situation myself. As I walked into the main hall, It seemed I’m the only one there. When I looked around, I saw a tall figure, next to…Smith’s dead body!? (Smith Toscano, Main Office Director.) I ran up to him as fast as I can, jumping on him, making him hit the ground.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Oh, you’re a S.S.G*…How embarrassing. Let me go and let me handle the situation myself girl. - Said the red-skinned, unknown boy. He seemed to also work for the S.S.G, making me wonder why he said it’s embarrassing. (S.S.G = Star Scepter Galaxy) (Maya knew he was from the S.S.G due to the pink streak on his hair.)
Aren’t you also a part of the S.S.G? Okay, back to the point, why in the stars are you next to Smith’s dead body, and what have you done to him?! - I said, angrily.
Oh god, how do I explain this to you? Gosh, since you’re a part of the S.S.G, you can’t see death or blood that easily. Everything here seems normal to you, no? What you have been seeing is just an illusion. They do this to every S.S.G member, that’s why nobody ever knows when they’re in real danger, because everything seems so sweet and normal to them. I’m honestly jealous, I wish I didn’t have to see this room full of blood and dead bodies, probably most of them are your friends, unless you don’t have any, which I wouldn’t be surprised by, judging by the way that you talk and act.
Huh? What do you mean by… - I’ve looked around, I guess the spell stopped working. The walls were covered in blood, the whole floor was filled with dead bodies, some even torn apart, or split in half. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t. Emotions are…well.. forbidden for me. Even though the Main Office Staff are dead, the Gods aren’t. If they see me like this, I would vanish in a second.
Okay. Let me go. I’ll investigate the situation and dip. I’m not sure what happened here either, my sister..- I mean, helper, sent me here to check it out, then pretend like nothing happened. - He said, got up, checked some stuff out and almost left, before I stopped him..
Wait! You never told me your name…I’m Maya! - I said, expecting a response. Instead he turned around and left. I felt a weird aching in my heart, but I didn’t feel anything towards him. He really was a mystery…
After, I sat down on the stairs, and thought of what I’d do next, since the S.S.G is practically dead now. I got up and left. As I wandered the streets of Galaxytale, I noticed a red-ish boy standing in the distance. Was it the one in the S.S.G main hall? The one who refused to tell me his name? I walked up to him, and said hi…I realized how awkward it was after I said it.
What do you- Oh. It’s you. Are you following me? - He said. It was him, the same boy from before. My heart stopped, I honestly didn’t expect it to be him. I didn’t make a plan B for if it actually would be him, so I didn’t know what to say…
When I asked you for your name, you turned around and left. I’ll say it again. I’m Maya, a member of the S.S.G. You? - I tried to give him a handshake, but..
Is it really that important…? - He sighed.. - I go by Vixen. Is that good enough for you? Anything else you want? - He said in a tone that screamed ‘I don’t want to talk to you, leave me alone.’ type of stuff.
Yes! Thank you! Oh, there’s something else I’ve been meaning to ask you, why are you so sad and grumpy all the time? Try cheering up! - I said in a happy tone, even though I didn’t really know what happiness was. I only knew how to mimic it, but I’ve never felt it. I walked away, quietly and soft.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
fool for you
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bucky just wants to be with you forever
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u are all well <33 pls enjoy this v fluffy one shot inspired by own post :’ ) let me know what u all think !!
You were tired, your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to pay attention to the tv. Your head falling to the side as you drifted off, eyes shooting open when you realized you were falling asleep. You got up quickly, splashing your face with water and settling back on the couch, rubbing your eyes and focusing on the tv again.
1:57 a.m.
You checked your phone in hopes of a “five minutes away :)” text from bucky, but there was none. You yawned again and changed the channel, flipping through some channels to try to wake you up before deciding to just switch to netflix instead.
You smiled as your favorite show played, nuzzling into the blanket bucky had given you and focusing on the show. The sound of keys rattling woke you up, you hadn’t even realize you had fallen asleep.
“shit” bucky whispered as the door slammed into the wall. “sorry” bucky spoke, apologizing to the wall before dragging his suitcase as quietly as he could. He kicked off his boots and his eyes landed on you asleep on the couch.
“buck?” you mumbled, willing your eyes open. Your vision was fuzzy and you could hear the tv still playing, you moved a little, forgetting you were on the couch and slipped off the edge. You couldn’t even process that you had fallen by the time bucky caught you in his arms, smiling at you.
“hi doll” bucky smiled at you, kissing your forehead gently and easily lifting you in his arm. He turned the tv off and carried you into your shared room, gently placing you on the bed.
“what time ‘s it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning, finally waking up.
“almost 3” he smiled at you softly, rummaging through his drawer and taking out a change of clothes. You nodded as he pulled out a black t shirt and some boxers, walking towards you and kissing your temple.
“I’m gonna shower doll, you can go to sleep” he assured you and you nodded, knowing full well you’d end up waiting up for him anyway.
“don’t slip” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, waving you off with a small smile on his face.
“it was one time!” He groaned before closing the door to the restroom.
You smiled to yourself as you heard the shower turn on, rolling over to your side and closing your eyes. The sleep that had been taking over you earlier was nowhere to be found. You kicked the covers off you and groaned, frowning as you stared at the ceiling. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and scrolled through Twitter for a while, waiting for bucky to finish showering so you could cuddle up to him and fall asleep.
You could feel yourself growing hungry, glancing at the time on your phone you frowned a bit, it was already 3:07 am. you drank some water and tried to fall back asleep, cuddling into your pillow and letting out a soft sigh when you finally got comfortable. Right as you were finally going to sleep bucky opened the restroom door, the sound making your eyes shoot open and heart race. 
“did I wake you?” bucky whispered, a frown on his face as he heard your heart rate quicker than usual. You shook your head with a small smile. He knew you were lying but he didn't say anything, he just threw his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and settled next to you under the covers. He threw his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him and kissing the top of your head. 
“g’night doll” he mumbled and closed his eyes, already falling asleep from how exhausted he was. 
“goodnight buck” you replied softly, closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of his arm around you. It was silent, with only the sounds of the city flowing through the Brooklyn apartment. 
Then your stomach growled, causing bucky to looked at you with wide eyes and you stifled a giggle. You mumbled a ‘sorry’ before closing your eyes again, hoping it wouldn't keep growling. 
You were wrong. Your stomach was relentless, and finally you got up, slipping from Bucky grasp and scurrying into the kitchen to find something to eat. Bucky felt your absence almost immediately, he opened his eyes and frowned, getting up and making his way into the kitchen. 
“didnt mean to wake you angel” you apologized as he walked towards you. He shook his head and wrapping his arms around you, letting his chin rest onto of your head. His eyes fluttered closed as you relaxed into him, your arms snaking around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. The sound of the microwave made you pull away from him, grabbing the hot cup of Mac and cheese and setting it on the dining table, Bucky soon following you and sitting next to you. 
“now im hungry” he frowned and you laughed, giving him some of your Mac and cheese which he gratefully ate. Within minutes the small bowl of Mac and cheese was empty, the two of you still hungry.  You stared at bucky, a small smile creeping onto both of your faces. You were both thinking the same thing. 
“no we shouldn't” you shook your head and bucky agreed. 
“yeah no its almost 4 we should get to bed” he replied, you both got up, making eye contact before bursting into a fit of giggles and smiles, heading straight towards the kitchen and definitely not bed. You pulled your phone out and put on some music. 
“you were thinking about French toast right?” you asked and bucky smiled, already opening the fridge for the ingredients, you grinned and you opened the pantry to get the other things you needed. You both sang along to the music softly, swaying to the beat. 
As bucky made the mix you grabbed the bread and two plates, heating up the pan and putting some butter on it, letting it melt. You moved easily in the kitchen with bucky, ever since you had moved in together everything just seemed to work for you guys. 
As you dipped the bread into the batter before putting it in the pan. Turning to bucky and using the spatula as a microphone, singing along to some 40s song you had added for bucky. You smiled as he took the spatula from your hand, setting it down and grabbing your hands, dancing along to the song. 
Bucky had the brightest smile on his face as you followed his lead, letting him twirl you around as the song played. You looked up at him as he danced with you, meeting his light blue eyes. Your eyes met and bucky couldn't stop himself. 
“I can't wait any longer oh my god” he rushed out, letting go of you and rushing back into the bedroom, leaving you along in the kitchen. 
You frowned, did you do something wrong? You focused back on the French toast, flipping the slice so it wouldn't burn before placing it on Buckys plate. You frowned as you looked for the powdered sugar. Realizing you hadn't taken it out you turned around to get it, your back to the bedroom door. As you searched for it your mind raced, was he breaking up with you? Was he just really tired?
Meanwhile Bucky was rummaging through all his drawers, wondering where the hell he put the ring he picked out with Steve seven months ago. His heart was racing as he heard you cooking the french toast, confused as to why he left you. Finally he found the black velvet box in the back of his sock drawer, smiling as he ran back out to meet you in the kitchen. 
Bucky saw you facing the drawer, so he wasted no time sneaking up behind you and getting down on one knee silently, opening the small box to reveal the ring. 
You finally found the powdered sugar, opening it and turning around. You turned quickly, eyes immediately landing on bucky, right in front of you. 
On one knee. With a ring.
You dropped the powdered sugar, causing it to land all over you, bucky and the ring. Your hands flew to your mouth as he smiled at you brightly.
“are you joking? this is a joke right?” you questioned and bucky shook his head, still on one knee despite having powdered sugar all over his shirt. 
“y/n I love you so much, I wanna spend forever with you. Everything feels so right with you I just- its like we’re just meant to be, I can't imagine a life without you. I wanna make you happy, I wanna travel the world with you, I wanna dance in the kitchen at 3 am and make French toast at ungodly hours with you for the rest of my life” he rambled, you felt your ears burning as he continued, your mind still processing that he was actually proposing. 
“-I love how competitive you are and how excited you get over anything and everything, I just love you so much-” he cut himself off when he looked at you for the first time since he started rambling, smiling softly up at you as you looked at him, fondness in your eyes and a tear rolling down your cheek. 
“will you marry me?” he spoke, breathless. 
Never in your life have you nodded so quickly. 
“yes, of course yes” you whispered and bucky smiled, jumping to his feet as you cupped his face, crashing your lips onto his, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away with a sniffle, smiling as he took your hand and slid the ring on, he blushed at the sight of it. 
You looked at each other with a smile, kissing once more before you realizing the french toast was cold by now. You pulled away quickly, grabbing the powdered sugar bag from the floor and sprinkling some lightly on your plates. 
“sorry about all that” you laughed, motioning to the powdered sugar all over the two of you and the floor. Bucky just grinned, waving it off as the two of you ate the French toast, a smile never leaving either of your faces. Both pf you giggling as the sun came up and birds began to sing. 
Not long after you finished Bucky cleaned up your mess, you changed into one of his t shirts and slipped into bed, a smile on your face as he walked into the room, taking his shirt off and slipping out of his sweats before moving into bed next to you. 
You wasted no time as he laid on his back, moving his arm so you could rest your head on his chest. He cradled you gently as you got comfortable, kissing the top of your head once you settled in. 
“love you so much angel, can't wait until we get to spend forever together” you mumbled with a smile on your face, already drifting off to sleep. Bucky smiled at your words, letting his fingers run through your hair. 
“and I love you more than yesterday” he whispered, “but less than tomorrow.”
Bucky meant his words. He meant them with everything he was. He fell in love with you everyday. He always found himself falling deeper and deeper, but he never complained. Now could fall in love with you for the rest of his life.
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blindingdutchy · 3 years
lamentation | SIX
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{peter parker x fem!reader AU}
based on All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
word count: 3,804
warnings: fluff. lots of fluff. a sprinkle of angst but just a tiny bit.
18+!!! minors stay away!
The following morning at school you relieved to see Peter standing at your locker, appearing unscathed aside from the timid and fearful look in his eye as he watched you approach him. You knew that he was probably expecting you to shut him out again, though you were full of surprises that morning when you breathed a quiet sigh and felt all the remaining anger purge from your system entirely. In reality you had been planning to give him a piece of your mind, telling him just how much of an idiot you thought that he was for his stupid idea, but seeing him sent all those thoughts flying away in an instant.
Instead, all that you could think of was how happy you were to see that he was okay. He was tense as you opened your locker, but seemed to relax slightly when you gave him a fleeting once over and nodded to yourself in approval. Peter was standing and didn't look to be in any pain, and that was all you cared about in that moment.
Apparently Peter was full of surprises too, because the second that you closed your locker he pulled you into a bone crushing hug that quite literally knocked the wind out of you. You gasped quietly, freezing in place at the sudden contact, before you slowly melted into his grip and hugged him back. He somehow managed to squeeze you tighter at the return of the embrace.
"I'm sorry," he whispered into your hair, "I'm so, so, so sorry."
A part of you wondered if Peter even knew what exactly he was apologizing for, if he really understood just why you were upset. Did he know the sorts of things that had crossed your mind last night? Could he really fathom all the crazy emotions you had been feeling?
You didn't think he did. Really, how could he, when even you were still reeling and trying to pinpoint all the different reasons you had been so upset? There were the obvious reasons--like the horrible flashbacks to that fateful day when your sister had been tragically killed--but there were also more complex, subtle reasons that you weren't ready to admit out loud.
Things like the fact that you'd never been so enraged about anything as you had been at the thought of somebody hurting Peter Parker. Not even the animosity you felt toward the Avengers could compare to the fury you had felt while listening to him fight and be attacked by those men. It puzzled you; how could that affect you so much?
You knew why, despite your unwillingness to face the truth. You knew, deep down, that you had been so upset because the thought of Peter being hurt scared you nearly as much as you had been that day. It pained you to think of it, and that was a problem.
It was a problem because being friends with Peter, when he lived the life that he did, meant constantly living in that fear. He was a superhero, constantly putting his life on the line for all the innocent people of Queens and the world alike, and that was absolutely terrifying for you. And yet, for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to push him away like you felt you should.
He pulled away from you slowly, though he kept his hands firmly on your shoulders, and studied your face closely as he asked, "Are you okay? Are we okay?"
Hearing Peter say the word we in reference to himself and you gave you a funny feeling, but you ignored it. "Are you okay?" you parroted, instead, raising your eyebrows challengingly.
"Yes." he stated without hesitation, "I had some bruising, but it's mostly gone now. It wasn't as bad as it sounded, I swear."
You hummed quietly, leading the way to Calculus as he finally released his iron-like grip on your arms. "And was there a reason you didn't come to my window?" you questioned further, glancing back at the boy who chewed his lower lip anxiously.
Peter didn't answer until the two of you had sat in your seats, leaning close to speak in a hushed tone that no one else could hear, "I didn't want to scare you."
The sharp remark was instantly at the tip of your tongue, wanting to spit at him that he already had, repeatedly, but you held back at the sight of his big, brown, puppy eyes blinking at you shyly. He was fiddling with his fingers apprehensively, clearly waiting for some sort of remark, and it gave you pause. This was Peter, and Peter wouldn't hurt a fly intentionally.
You had to keep reminding yourself of that. Reminding yourself that he didn't mean to scare you like he had, and that he meant well even if his intentions didn't quite land right. So, you just whispered back, "It scared me when you didn't show up, and you didn't say anything."
"I--I didn't know if you wanted me to."
Catching one of his fretting hands in your own, you gave him a serious look as you replied, "I always want you to."
The teacher called the class to attention immediately after you closed your mouth, and you turned away with burning cheeks at the star-struck look on Peter's face. Perhaps that had been too bold of a statement, but it was the truth; you did always want to hear from Peter. You always wanted to know if he was okay, even if all he had to say to you was a bland text to let you know he'd survived another night of patrol.
Now, after all the things you had heard, you hoped he'd take your words seriously and let you in like you had for him. Could you go to sleep every night without knowing for sure he had made it through the night unscathed? Easily, the answer was no. You couldn't, and you really wanted him to put your mind at ease.
After gym class, which was spent with you panting whilst running sprints with Peter pretending to be just as winded, he held your bag for you beside your locker and waited patiently for you to exchange your books. You could tell that something was on his mind from the way he shifted from foot to foot nervously, and growing tired of having to chase your bag around, you asked, "What's your deal, Pete?"
He blinked at the nickname, but after a moment finally found his voice again, "Sit with me at lunch?"
"No, like, sit with Ned, MJ, and I." he reiterated, and you wrinkled your nose. "Come on, I promise they'll love you! There's really nothing to be scared of, (Y/N)."
You opened your mouth to argue, to tell him that there were in fact a million reasons for you to be scared, but he pouted his lips like a child and pleaded with you silently until you caved, "Fine, fuck, just stop making that face!"
And so, you found yourself trailing through the cafeteria awkwardly in Peter's shadow. You could feel the stares on your body even though you refused to look, the stares of all your fellow students watching the resident crazy girl make her way through the cafeteria all year. You usually sat at the table right by the doors and the garbage cans, the one place you could slip in and out without making a spectacle of yourself, but Peter's usual table was all the way in the back of the large room.
There sat Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones, both of whom were watching you curiously as you looked back at them in discomfort. You'd never known them to be mean--well, Michelle could mean in her blunt manner--but that didn't ease your nerves at all. The fear you felt wasn't because you were weary of their judgment.
You were scared of letting more people into your life. More attachments meant more for you to lose, and after all that you had lost, you were rather unwilling to put yourself out there. It was a surprise enough to yourself and probably everyone else that you'd made room in your caged heart for Peter. He was perhaps the most dangerous of all to let in, yet you had.
"Hey, (Y/N), right?" Ned greeted cheerfully, doing a weird handshake with Peter as the two of you sat down across from him and MJ. You just nodded, not trusting your voice to come out should you dare to speak. "How was the Stark Internship, dude?"
Your face pinched in puzzlement, and Peter chuckled at the way you glanced at him curiously. "She knows, Ned." he muttered, nudging your knee with his own as he pulled a smashed sandwich from his bag and unwrapped it. "It was... rough. I handled it, though."
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Stark Internship was a cover story for Peter's secret identity. "She knows? You told her, already?" MJ gaped, "No offense, but I had to figure that shit out for myself."
As Ned and MJ stared at Peter incredulously, the two of you shared a look as you begged him not to say anything and he scrambled to think of any sort of a cover story. "She--she helped me one night when I got hurt pretty bad. Had to take my mask off." he finally blurted, stumbling over his words, and you noticed how his eyes squeezed shut for a moment in frustration at his lame answer.
"Why didn't you call one of us?" Ned interrogated, eyes flickering between your own and Peter's as if he were trying to pick up on any dishonesty.
MJ, blunt as always, just asked, "Is that why you started following her around like a dog?"
You had to chuckle when Peter pouted, sticking his tongue out at Michelle's remark and whining, "I did not follow her around like a dog!"
"You kind of did." you mumbled quietly. All three of them stared at you in stunned silence for a few seconds, shocked by your sudden interjection, and you busied yourself with rearranging your carrot sticks.
Peter's knee bumped yours again, and you nudged his back. He shot you a little smile, pleased with you making an effort even if it was thoughtless, and you found yourself relaxing slightly under his gaze as MJ and Ned continued to joke about how much Peter had embarrassed himself following you around. "Remember when he threw all of his shit on the ground in Calculus?" Ned sputtered through laughter.
The brown-haired boy's cheeks blazed red at the story, and you found yourself laughing along with his two friends as you remembered it. At the time it had only embarrassed you, but now as you looked back on it, you couldn't help but to find it endearing. So, you nudged his knee again and bit back the grin fighting its way onto your face as you kept your eyes on your lunch.
Suddenly, he put his hand on your knee and squeezed it softly, and your entire body seemed to burst into flames. Before you could pull away, scared of the intense feeling it gave you, a voice cut above all the rest, "Penis Parker!"
His hand was gone in an instant, but you remained hot for an entirely different reason. Flash Thompson sauntered up to the table with his typical smug smirk, calling again, "Hey, Penis Parker! Finally find a girl miserable enough to settle for you?"
Peter's face turned red and pinched into a frown, but he just muttered quietly, "Go away, Flash."
"Figures you'd go for (Y/N). The whole dead family thing, right? Does she just get you?"
You tensed, turning your head slowly to glare up at Flash with a ferocity that seemed to even make him falter, though he hid it quickly behind his usual mask. "Go the fuck away, Eugene." you hissed, but he just laughed.
Seeing that he wasn't planning on going anywhere, punctuated by the way he propped his foot up on one of the seats and sneered down at you, you quickly grabbed all of your stuff and stood up. Peter, Ned, and MJ were quick to follow, and all four of you made your way out of the cafeteria as Flash shouted, "Aw, did I hurt your feelings, Penis Parker?"
"Peter?" you called after him, trailing behind as he walked at a brisk pace. Ned and MJ disappeared around a corner, heading off in a different direction, and you were trying to catch up with the boy who seemed eager to shake you off. "Pete?"
He slowed, sighing quietly, and turned to face you with still red cheeks and eyes swimming with anger. "What?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Briefly, you felt hurt at his attitude, but you brushed it off. You knew that he was just frustrated at Flash, and you were no stranger to misplaced anger. It would have been pretty hypocritical of you to be upset with him after how long he'd put up with you lashing out at him when he just wanted to be your friend.
You walked toward him hesitantly, almost reaching out to hug him, but you thought better of it in the end. You didn't want to push things too far, too fast, and one hug was more than enough for one day. Instead, you rocked back on your heels and asked, "Walk me to class?"
Peter blinked at the question, clearly expecting you to say something else, and after a moment nodded. "Yeah, yeah, let's go." He didn't relax at all as he walked beside you through the still empty halls, though his hand kept bumping yours every now and then, and for a fleeting second outside of your classroom he squeezed your hand before dropping it and walking away.
The rest of the day, Peter was stiff and aloof. He barely talked to you during Speech class, though that didn't really matter considering Ms. Lovell actually lectured that day, but you could tell he was upset. It felt a little strange to suddenly switch roles; he was now playing the part of the closed off one, and you were left trying to figure out how to get through to him.
Making people feel better wasn't exactly your strong suit anymore. Once upon a time it had been, but since your sister's death you'd seemingly lost the ability to even make yourself better. Yet, you wanted more than anything to get him back to the smiling, happy boy he'd been earlier that day.
As the two of you packed up your things after class to go home, you watched him anxiously to see if he'd finally say something, but he didn't. So, you cleared your throat and quietly asked, "Do you want to hang out?"
He paused for a moment, staring down at his bag in silence with tensed shoulders and creased brows, before finally looking up at you and giving the tiniest smile. "Come on." was all he said, zipping his bag and waiting expectantly for you to follow him out of the classroom.
You followed him out of the building, to the subway, onto the subway, and off of it again, all without a single clue as to where you were going. It wasn't until the he lead you into an apartment building that you realized he was taking you to his house, and suddenly you were extremely nervous. "Do you live here?" you asked, immediately cringing at the stupid question.
He just laughed, "Yeah. My Aunt May is home, she'll probably offer you food, but just say no. Trust me."
For a moment you wanted to ask why, but then you remembered how he'd told you when he'd first started following you around that his Aunt May was a truly atrocious cook. Except for cherry pie, it seemed, because he'd raved to you about that over the phone for what felt like hours the other day. Nodding affirmatively, you replied, "Right, just say no."
Peter's home life was far different from your own, even before the incident. His aunt was a bright, lively young woman who was very excited to meet you, and just as much of an affectionate person as you were finding Peter to be. She'd been overjoyed to meet you, letting slip that Peter had told her lots about you, but he'd cut her off before she could ramble about the things he'd said.
Part of you wondered if he'd told her how the two of you had met, but you knew better than to think Peter would do such a thing. He wasn't the type of person to spill others' secrets. How could he, when he had such a big secret of his own?
His room was everything you had expected it to be, though. A cramped little room with bunk beds adorning Star Wars sheets, LEGOs everywhere, and a plethora of computer parts littering every possible surface. He blushed a little as you took it all in, stammering when you smirked at the sheets in amusement, but overall he seemed relieved when you didn't mention the clutter.
It was very Peter Parker. Messy, slightly chaotic, and very nerdy. You sat on the bottom bunk, which you deciphered to be his by the rumpled sheets, and watched as he awkwardly tried to sort out the mess a little. "So," you started, "why don't you stand up to Flash at school?"
He sighed, giving up on his tidying and sitting beside you. "I knew you would ask that." he joked, though the humor didn't quite meet his eyes. "It's a long story."
"I have time, Pete." you spoke softly, and a little smile twitched at his lips.
He raked a hand through his messy hair, the combed style starting to curl from a long day, and you wondered what his hair looked like with nothing done to it. "Well, I guess it all goes back to when I first got... my abilities. You know, after the bite, I kinda went crazy for a bit. I was determined to prove myself, or something--I don't know. I just showed off a lot and got myself into a lot of trouble because of it."
Peter continued when you looked at him expectantly, "My Uncle Ben was going crazy too, trying to figure out what was going on with me. We got into a lot of fights before he--before he, um, died. We got into one the night he died."
"He tried to stop me from going out because he just knew I was going to do something I shouldn't, and we just got into this huge argument. It ended with me telling him he wasn't my dad and to stop pretending he was, and I ran off." He was getting choked up, stumbling over his words and gripping his knees with his hands as tears welled up in his eyes at the memories.
Hesitantly, you put your hand on top of his, and he was quick to flip his hand over and grip yours tightly as if he were afraid you'd pull away from him. As he spoke, it was starting to sink in just how much Peter truly could understand your anguish over your sister. He could understand why you blamed yourself, because he too had blamed himself, and your heart broke at the thought of Peter ever being in a position like the one you'd been in that night.
Had he ever tried to do what you had planned to do? Your own eyes burned at the thought, and you squeezed his hand back just as tightly. "He came looking for me, and happened to interrupt a robbery. Uncle Ben, he--he was a really good guy. He couldn't just let the guy get away. So, he uh, he tried to stop him... and the guy stabbed him."
"I'd seen the robbery before that, but I'd been so angry I just kept walking. I could have stopped it before Uncle Ben ever showed up, but I didn't, and he got stabbed because of it." Peter coughed to stop himself from really crying, "The last thing he said to me was that with great power comes great responsibility, and I just can't let him down."
You almost wished that you hadn't asked, because it hurt to see him in so much pain, but you felt good knowing that Peter really did understand you. You felt closer to him, and a little part of you felt a little less distaste for superheroes in that moment too. Did they all know such tragedy? Did they all suffer such pain, too?
Peter looked at you, blinking away tears as his voice steadied, "So, that's why I don't use Spiderman unless I have to. I didn't stand up for myself before, so I shouldn't now. I didn't play sports before, so I shouldn't now. It wouldn't be fair, and it wouldn't be right. I have this gift, and it's my responsibility to use it for good. I can deal with Flash's stupid taunting--I was so upset today because of what he said about you."
The fluttering was back, stronger than ever, and you couldn't shove it aside no matter how hard you tried. The moment was too serious--too heartfelt. It was too close.
Doing what you did best, you created a little more distance to keep your heart safe. You weren't ready to admit that maybe you liked Peter in a not-so-friendly sort of way. You weren't ready to let him into that last little bit of your heart.
So, you joked, "Well, he was right about one thing--I do get you." To your relief, he laughed, though he didn't let go of your hand. You didn't want him to, either.
"Seriously, though, you don't have to worry about me. Flash doesn't bother me, not really anyways." Peter continued, and the pair of you smiled at each other like a couple of love-struck fools for a long moment. Peter, unlike you, wasn't so keen on or capable of hiding his feelings. It was written all over his face for you to see that he liked you, and even if it made you feel good it still made you squirm with discomfort.
You were just thankful that he hadn't tried to take things further, though the subtle touches were probably his timid way of doing just that. The touches you could handle. It was what came after--the truly taking things to that next level part--that scared you. If you told him how you thought you were feeling, and he told you the same, then that just made the possibility of losing him that much worse.
SERIES TAGLIST {ask to be added}:
@msmimimerton @zendayasfwb @sweet-symphony
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Nine Little Letters
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Genre: College AU, Fake Dating AU, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before AU
Inspired By: This graphic made by @rcse-tvler​
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: Just when you thought life was done shoving you down, it got much, much worse. After finding out that your latest crush was already in a relationship, you did what you always did when emotions ran high: you wrote a letter. Signed and sealed, you put it away with the eight other letters you’d written to past one-sided loves, never to be seen again. That is, until a mix up accidentally sends those letters out to their respective recipients and you find yourself in the middle of one confusing web of love. With fake relationships, insecurities, and revelations swirling around, things are bound to get a little messy.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11
This was the worst kind of humiliation. Standing there on the sidewalk staring open-mouthed at the one person you were excited to see today, you were crumbling into a million pieces. And no one even noticed. That was what made this humiliation so bad; there was no one to witness it. You were breaking and no one cared.
You should have known better, really. This morning was going too well. You had woken up on time, had a delicious, filling breakfast, and had managed to put an outfit together worthy of any Pinterest board. Your confidence was through the roof and you were going to do the one thing in your life you swore you would never do.
You were going to confess to your crush.
Signing up for math tutoring was the last thing you wanted to do. Who in the world wanted to spend their valuable free time learning more about equations and algorithms? But you needed to pass this class. It was the second time you’d taken college algebra and the thought of taking it a third time made you want to crawl under your bed. So, you buckled down and took the walk of shame into the math lab. (Yes, that was an exaggeration. Everyone knows there is no shame in getting help. Didn’t mean you had to like it.) When you got the call from your assigned tutor, you ignored it. You didn’t like talking on the phone to anyone let alone a number you didn’t recognize. No voicemail was left. Then a text came through.
Hi, (y/n)! This Kim Junmyeon! I’ve been assigned as your math tutor. When you get a chance, let me know when you’re free so we can create a schedule that works for you. Have a great day!
You waited an appropriate amount of time before replying. So, an hour and half later, you texted him your schedule and made a plan to meet up in the library the following Thursday. You marked that day on your calendar with exactly zero enthusiasm. In your head, this Kim Junmyeon was the cliché nerd from movies: dorky glasses, snort-like laugh, and clothes that looked better on a grandfather. Oh, boy were you so happy to be wrong.
Sitting down at one of the tables by the large, ceiling high windows, Junmyeon was nothing like you’d imagined. He had a sophisticated aura about him. He dressed nicely, a thin long-sleeved shirt over a patterned button down, the collar laid nicely over the top of the shirt, and was blessed with sharp, handsome features. You knew you were in trouble. But you didn’t care. You sat down at that table eagerly, ready to… learn.
For the past month and a half, you’d met Junmyeon twice a week to go over the lessons and work on the assignments. By some miracle, your grade was actually going up in the class. Somehow you were able to better comprehend the material and secretly fawn over your tutor simultaneously. At this point, you were sort of feigning how much you weren’t understanding to keep the tutoring sessions going. The nice thing about algebra, once you understood the basics, everything else built on top of it.
But today – today you had decided that you were going to step over the line from tutor and student into the realm of perhaps something more.
You liked Junmyeon. You liked his math puns and the way he scrunched his face when he thought hard about something. His lips would pucker whenever he lifted the sheet of paper to check over your work. Each time you met up with him your heart acted like it was in the middle of a NASCAR race and it was determined to win. You had it bad. This wasn’t the first time you’d had a crush like this, but you had set your mind on making this one different. This time, you wouldn’t hold it inside. You were going to be the brave one, the bold one. The fact that birds were tweeting as you rode your bike onto campus should have been a sign that things would only be downhill from there. Unfortunately, like the optimistic idiot, you took it as a positive instead.
After locking your bike up, you headed straight for the courtyard near the pond. Junmyeon had told you that he often spent his mornings there to finish up homework or to read a book (the fact that he read so much was another factor in your liking of him). In your head, he was all alone, flipping through a novel as he leaned against the trunk of a tree, looking like a prince taking a rest in the shade on a warm summer’s day. The water would be glistening in the background as a lovely, lighthearted melody played softly through the air. He would see you approach and smile that wide, brilliant smile. Your heart would skip as you sat down in the grass next to him and poured out your feelings. The daydream turned into a nightmare the second he came into view.
Junmyeon was not alone nor was he sitting under a tree with a book. He was on one of the benches, splayed out on the wooden beams with his head resting in the lap of a very pretty, more his league type of girl. She laughed as Junmyeon told a story. A delicate hand ran through his soft brown hair. Your heart fell to the ground, forming a crater at your feet.
Shoulders slumped and day ruined, you turned and headed for the student union. If today was going to suck like this, then you were going to sprinkle it with an overly sugary coffee drink. Preferably with extra chocolate drizzle. It helped - a little bit.
Your morning classes went by in a blur. You were certain you took notes, but none of the information sank in. Later you would have to transcribe your quick scribbles to a word document to help you study. You would learn the information then. By lunch, you were starting to peel yourself off the sidewalk of humiliation. Especially when the one person you could always rely on joined you for lunch.
“How did it go?”
You remained silent, continuously munching on the sandwich in your hands as your best friend sat down across from you at the small, two-person table near the middle of the cafeteria.
Baekhyun laughed his signature, SpongeBob-like laugh. “That bad, huh? I told you not to do it.”
“Technically, I didn’t do it,” you corrected. “He already has a girlfriend.”
You nodded. How could you not see this before? Did he mention having a girlfriend and you just blocked it out? Junmyeon and you talked casually between math problems, about your friends and fun things you liked to do on the weekends. He’d failed to mention one very important detail.
“Well,” Baekhyun reached over and plucked a potato chip off your plate and plopped it in his mouth, “at least you found out before you said something. I told you he wasn’t worth it.”
“Just because he has a girlfriend doesn’t mean he isn’t worth crushing on.”
“Okay. Whatever you say.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “You’re so much help.”
Ignoring your quip, Baekhyun snatched another chip. You smacked his hand, but all that managed to do was break off a few pieces, the crumbs falling to the table. Smiling proudly, Baekhyun popped the half-chip into his mouth. “So, are you just going to go home and write a letter?”
“Are you just going to go home and write a letter?” you mocked with a scrunched face.
Byun Baekhyun had been your best friend since the two of you had met in the first grade. He’d stolen your popsicle that your mother had packed as a special treat for your first full day of school. When he saw you start to cry, he broke off the piece he’d been sucking on and handed the rest back to you. There was a bit of a disagreement on the level of nice-ness that act achieved since it was your popsicle to begin with, but somehow it caused the two of you to be inseparable ever since. Being your best friend meant that he was privy to the more private parts of your life.
Like the letters.
Starting as young as ten years old, you’d developed a bit of a tradition when it came to your crushes. Emotions were hard to process, but you found them easier to work through if you thought about them and translated them into words. Those words would fly across the paper, transferring the feelings that made you both laugh and cry into the graphite that formed them. Not to mention, the act made you feel like the heroine in a rom-com. Certainly it was something that Meg Ryan or Rachel McAdams would do once they realized how they felt about the male lead.
The first letter you ever wrote was during your final year of ballet class. Dancing had been a part of your life since you were three, but a new passion had been discovered so you’d decided to quit after this last cluster of classes. A terrible decision, really. Because right after your mind was already made up, a new boy had joined the class.
Kim Jongin.
He had just moved into town after his father was promoted to a new position and had to transfer to headquarters. You’d never seen him at the park or the grocery store before. He was completely new. And beautiful.
He was blessed golden skin that glistened, shining brighter the longer he danced. And, oh, the way he danced. It was well beyond what anyone else could do. His movements were fluid, water-like, as if the very beat of the music were pulling and manipulating his limbs to convey what the notes had to say. Each move was a word and when he formed them together, they could make you smile or cry. And when he smiled… oh, his smile was like starlight. The kind of brightness that stayed in the sky even as the city lights flickered on. To this day, you’d never found one that could rival it. He was a dream that every composer coveted. So, what was your young heart to do?
Well, the movies told you to confess. But there was no way you could find the courage to do so, especially since you only saw him in class and you couldn’t confess in front of everyone. The only other option was to write it out; to write it out like Jane Austen pouring her heart out for Tom Lefroy.
 Dear Jongin,
I’m not sure how to start this. Do I compliment you on your dancing? It’s nothing like I’ve seen before. Prima Donnas in the Russian Ballet would be jealous of you! But you probably hear that all the time. And about how handsome you are, even under all that hair. I can’t help but watch when you pull it back for class so you can see yourself in the mirror. Why can’t I look like that? I somehow ended up looking like a frizzy wet cat that just climbed out of the tub.
I guess what I’m trying to avoid saying is that… I like you. A lot. I like your laugh and your wide smile. I like how much you love music and how you interpret the melody with your moves. No one can freestyle like you! My heart does a dance of its own whenever I see you. I hope you don’t have anyone that you like, just so I can stand a chance. Would you ever think of me like that? If not, it’s okay. I just needed to tell you. Someday, you’ll be on stage dancing to an audience of thousands and I’ll be right there in the front row, cheering you on! Until then, I hope you always find happiness in what you love.
 That sentence about watching him on stage made you cringe in hindsight. Cute for a ten-year-old, but a bit stalkerish. Luckily, though, you never gave it to him. You chickened out every time up until the last class. The idea of him opening it and reading right there in front of you was mortifying. So, then, you decided to mail it. The teacher gave you his address after you told her you wanted to invite him to your birthday party (it should be a little worrisome that a teacher was willing to pass on private information like that… perhaps it was because you were a kid). Three times you went to the mailbox to send the letter out and three times you ran back inside to hide it under your mattress.
That was the beginning of your weird little tradition. Though you never sent the letter to Jongin, you felt better having somewhat confessed your feelings and worked through them without the humiliation of actually… doing it. So, the next time you had a crush so overwhelming that you needed to get the feelings out, you wrote a letter. You even went all the way each time to address the envelope, giving the confession a sense of finality. There was no fear in them ever going out. Baekhyun was the only other one in the world who knew of their existence. At the current moment, eight were hidden in a drawer in your vanity. The way your fingers were itching, a ninth one was on the way.
“I might,” you finally replied.
Baekhyun leaned forward eagerly. “Can I read it when you’re done?”
He snapped his fingers as he sat back in his chair. “Darn.”
“Why am I even friends with you?”
“Because I’m charming.”
There was no question in his voice. He one-hundred percent believed it. And… to be honest, he did have his moments. But that was all in the past. “Like a plank of wood.”
Shaking his head, Baekhyun rapped his hands on the table before standing up. “Alright, I’m going to class. Have fun with your pencil and imagination.” For emphasis on his stupid remark, he stole one last chip before walking off.
You finished off your sandwich in a bit of a rage. By the time you were finished, your mouth muscles were aching as if you’d spent several hours at the gym and it was jaw day.
You only had one class left for the afternoon. But it was algebra. How were you supposed to concentrate on functions when your sad attempt at getting into a relationship with your tutor failed so epically? Somehow you managed, though, and you packed up at the end of class with a new sort of determination. As you hopped on your bike and rode home, you thought over what you were going to write. You were so lost in your head that you hadn’t notice the car pulling out of your neighbor’s driveway, nearly hitting you before the driver hit their brakes.
You back peddled to break. Your heart thumped in your chest. No life memories flashed before your eyes, but you were sure you almost died. Slowly, you moved forward to get out of the way of the car. 
“I’m sorry!” you yelled over your shoulder.
The driver leaned out the window.
Oh, great.
It was your neighbor. Or, at least, your neighbor’s son. Do Kyungsoo. He stared at you with an expression that could be blank but could also be a glare. It was hard to tell with him. Shaking his head, he pulled back inside the car and drove away.
Fighting off embarrassment for the second time this day - albeit this situation was much lower on the scale and it happened a bit more often than you’d like to admit - you put your bike up in the backyard and headed up to your room. Your mother, a literary history professor, and your father, a doctor at the local hospital, were both at work and wouldn’t be home until well after dinner. You were used to it. Besides, you were an adult and you liked being able to decide to have pizza for dinner and not worry about what other people wanted for toppings. Once you put your order in, you sat down at your vanity and got to work.
 Dear Junmyeon,
Has anyone told you how your hair looks in the sunlight? The dark brown hues seem so warm and inviting, like an ebony chair that was warmed by the unfiltered rays. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to run my finger through it. Would the strands be as soft as they look? Would you wear the same smile on your face that you do during our sessions? But I guess I might not be meant to feel them. Today, I intended to tell you how I felt. I woke up with a determination, a goal to say how much I like you to your face. I was so nervous riding my bike to the university, but it was the good kind of nervous; the kind that makes you keep going. It seemed, however, that I was too late. Or maybe I simply never had a chance at all. I’d missed any signs that said you were already someone else’s.
I hope she knows how lucky she is. I hope she makes you laugh and listens to you when you’re having a bad day. Your laugh is like a symphony. Does she tell you how light and lovely it is? Or how infectious it is? When you laugh, I can’t help but laugh along. It’ll be sad not to hear it anymore. Or have our talks filled with random subject changes. But I think I’ll miss your smile most of all. The way it crinkles your eyes yet still lets them shine. The way it spreads across your face and the way your cheeks grow. It is truly a sight to behold. I hope wherever you go, you are always smiling. You always let your light shine even on the cloudiest of days. That’s what’s so special about you and what made me fall for you. Even when I was frustrated or couldn’t understand, you were patient, taking my mind off of the negative and turning me so I could face the positive. That’s a rare kind of person. You are a rare kind of person. Please always be happy, Kim Junmyeon.
 With a sigh you sat back in your chair. The letter had done its job. Though you were still sad about the way things turned out, you no longer felt defeated. The words you needed to say were now out there without being “out there”. Okay, so he had a girlfriend. Big deal. It wasn’t the end of the world. There were more potential love interests out there that you could find. He was only one and obviously wasn’t the one.
Beginning to smile again, you folded the letter and put it in an envelope. You didn’t have Junmyeon’s address, so you wrote out the address for the math lab. Opening the top drawer of the vanity, you placed the latest addition to your collection under the first envelope. The doorbell rang right as you closed it up again. Oh, thank goodness. Food.
Practically skipping down the steps, you hurried to the front door.
“Hi-” You stopped as soon as you’d opened it. The person waiting on the other side was not the pizza delivery guy - it was Baekhyun. The boxes holding the pizza and cheese sticks you’d order for no one but yourself were in his hands. Over his shoulder, you barely caught sight of the delivery man driving away. “Really?”
“What? I was bored. And hungry.” He flipped open the lid to show you the hot, melted cheese of the appetizer. “Cheese stick?”
Rolling your eyes, you stepped aside so he could come inside.
Baekhyun had been to your home plenty of times in the past so it was easy for him to make himself at home. He didn’t wait for you before pulling plates out of the cabinet and pouring a drink. He even went as far as getting you glass as well. “Thirsty?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
The two of you ate at the kitchen table as your mother had a “no meals in the living room” policy. Small snacks like nuts and popcorn were okay, as long as you didn’t spill any on the couches.
“So… how did the writing go?” Baekhyun asked cheekily between bites.
You shrugged. “Fine. I’m deciding that I’m getting over it.”
Now it was Baekhyun’s turn to roll his eyes. “You always get over them fast.”
“What’s the point of dwelling on the things you can’t change?”
That was always your answer. Yes, the hurt was immediate and painful, but Baekhyun was right, you tended to push it aside rather quickly. That was the whole point of your letters, anyway. Get the feelings out of the way so you could move on. What was the point of clinging on to something like that? You would only end up worse if you stayed in that spot. So, you pushed yourself to move on. And eight times out of nine, it had worked. There was only that one nagging letter that failed to do its job. That particular set of feelings refused to go away even as you looked to other crushes, as you found other boys to like. It was the one you would always wonder about, the one that was completely off limits. The dull ache still crept up every once in a while. If moving on was what you had to do, you would do it. Because you would prefer if you never had to go through something like that ever again.
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
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summary: You spend the fall season falling in love with Frankie.
series parts: summer, fall, winter
pairing: frankie “catfish” morales x f!reader
warnings: loads of fluff, mentions of death if you squint
rating: R
word count: 6.165k
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The day you meet Frankie Morales, you fall for him—literally.
It happens at the local orchard when you’re picking apples like you always do when the season comes around. You usually stop by a few times to collect a large share of apples, cooking them into any recipes you can—apple pie, apple crisp, apple cake, literally anything. It’s one of your favorite parts of the fall, along with the changing colors of the leaves and the cool breeze that forces you to wear just one more layer than you’re used to after the summertime.
This time, however, you’re climbing one of the wooden ladders to reach the good apples near the top of a tree when its leg falls into a dip in the ground, causing it to sway and you to go with it. You let out a gasp and try to grip onto something, but it’s all out of your reach. You brace yourself for an embarrassing moment when you hit the ground and the other onlookers have to stare at you uncomfortably, but instead, you’re secured by a gentle grip on your waist. When you turn your head to observe your savior, you almost want to fall again.
Warm, charcoal eyes peek out from under a baseball cap, wide and expressive enough to reveal his concern for your well-being yet his amusement at what could’ve happened. There’s a smile that tugs at the corners of his lips, the hint of a dimple appearing within his scruff. “I guess that’s why they call the season ‘fall,’ huh?” the man jokes, his voice slightly raspy as he chuckles softly. He doesn’t release his hold on you until you’re safe on the ground again, tipping his cap and then stuffing his hands into his pockets afterwards. “You alright?” His brow is knitted in concern still.
You laugh and nod, cheeks growing hot as you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “Yeah, just wasn’t expecting that,” you admit. You then raise an eyebrow at him. “Not sure I’ve recovered from that dad joke of yours, though.”
The man laughs heartily, the sound of it warming your chest as you laugh with him. “That’s why my buddies call me the dad friend, I guess.”
You smile at him. “Well, what do I get to call you?”
He smiles wider, reaching out one of his hands for you to shake. “Frankie—Frankie Morales.”
You introduce yourself as you shake his hand, relishing in how warm it feels as it grips yours securely yet gently in his. He pulls away and you oddly find yourself missing the touch, watching as it retreats back into the pocket of his jeans. You further observe the green flannel he’s got on with the sleeves pushed past his elbows and the boots on his feet, admiring the way he dresses for the season. “Thanks for saving my ass, Frankie.”
Frankie’s eyes widen a bit at you. “Of course. I wouldn’t trust those little wooden shits for my life, and I’ve had to do a lot of crazy things.”
You raise an eyebrow yet again in curiosity. “A lot of crazy things, huh? Well, now I’ve got to hear about them.”
Another smile appears on Frankie’s lips as he gestures towards the basket hanging from your arm. “Mind if I join you, then?”
You happily accept, and for the rest of your time at the orchard, you walk along with Frankie and get to know him better. You learn that most of the “crazy things” he’d mentioned were due to his time spent in the Delta Force along with the aforementioned buddies he’d met while serving. He tells you a few brief stories of things that went down, either on the job or with his friends. You confess that you’ve never been the perfectly innocent type, either, recounting some of your wild stories that have Frankie admitting he feels a little better about things he’s either done or had to witness.
You’re actually saddened by the time you wrap up your apple-picking, and you can tell Frankie feels the same way. He carries your bags to your car for you, saying that he knows you’re more than capable of taking them yourself but insisting that it’s how he was raised and that he really doesn’t mind. You exchange numbers and invite him over to your apartment later in the week to enjoy something baked with these apples. Frankie eagerly accepts and assures you that he’ll keep in touch. He stays true to his word, shooting you a text as soon as he gets home.
For the next few days, you talk nonstop, even going to the point where you’re texting more at your work desk than you probably should. When the night of Frankie’s visit comes, you’ve completely decked out your apartment, getting your best dish sets clean as you finish setting up the white fairy lights around your cabinets. The apple crisp you’ve decided to bake is already in the oven and making the apartment smell of cinnamon and nutmeg when you hear Frankie buzz up. You call him in and open the door when he arrives, unable to keep yourself from smiling as you let him in. He’s wearing that same baseball hat and you wonder if it’s a signature part of his look. There’s dark hair that curls out from under it and it reminds you of the cinnamon you’ve sprinkled on the dessert.
“Whatever you’re making smells heavenly,” Frankie confesses when he seats himself at your kitchen island.
You thank him as you stand across from him, leaning your elbows against the counter and meeting his warm and easygoing gaze. “It’s my mom’s famous apple crisp.”
Frankie’s eyes brighten at that. “Pardon my French, but I fuckin’ love apple crisp.”
You laugh a bit. “That’s good, then, because there’s a lot of it.”
“That’s incredible. You’re incredible. I can’t remember the last time I got to have a homemade dessert like this.”
You frown a bit upon hearing that. “Really?”
Frankie shrugs nonchalantly. “I mean, my parents don’t live in the area, and none of the guys are really star bakers, so…”
You raise an eyebrow. “And you don’t bake? At all?” When Frankie shakes his head, you gasp dramatically. “Oh, there’s so many simple recipes you could make—like this!”
Frankie smiles at your enthusiasm. “I guess you’ll just have to show me a few of them sometime.”
You return his smile. “I guess so.” You’re just about lost in his eyes when the timer on your oven goes off, making you jump as your hand flies up to press against your chest. You let out an embarrassed giggle as you head over to the oven, slipping on your mit and pulling out the dessert. “Jesus, that scared me.”
“Sorry,” Frankie apologizes with a chuckle. “I can be a little… distracting.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” There’s a hint of amusement in your voice as you look at Frankie over your shoulder. He’s observing your movements with such warmth and admiration that you’re sure the oven-heated pan wouldn’t feel as warm as your chest does now. You hear a shuffle of footsteps and look again to see Frankie walking over to where you’ve set the pan down onto the counter, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you as he observes your creation.
“So, what’d you do to make this masterpiece?” Frankie questions, his tone full of honest curiosity as his gaze shifts from the dessert to you.
“Real simple,” you assure him, your hand floating over the dessert as you point out the different ingredients. “Butter, brown sugar, flour, old-fashioned oats, cinnamon, and nutmeg, all mixed together in a bowl. You crumble that topping over some sliced apples and voila!” You gesture to the pan, making Frankie chuckle with a nod of understanding. “If you really wanna be fancy and add some extra flavor, you can also soak the apple slices in cinnamon and nutmeg before adding the topping.”
Frankie raises a curious eyebrow as he nods. “Wow. That does seem pretty simple.”
You reach for the plates you’d already set out and start to dish out the servings. “Yeah—it’s quick and easy, and I’m sure your friends would go wild for it.”
Frankie scoffs. “Oh, yeah, they’d eat anything.” You laugh as Frankie gestures towards the dishes. “How can I help you?”
“There’s no need, Frankie,” you assure him as you shake your head.
“Please,” Frankie insists, his dark eyes pleading for you to let him do something.
You sigh yet smile at his sheer kindness, gesturing towards your fridge and freezer. “If you want to top it with some vanilla ice cream, I’ve got some in the freezer.”
“Perfect.” Frankie sets off in that direction without hesitation, reaching inside and pulling out the carton of ice cream for you. He sets it down on the counter next to the pan, gesturing to your small drawers to wordlessly question where he can find the scooper. You point to one just below where he’s placed the carton, and he retrieves it easily as he takes the plates from you and adds a generous scoop onto each one. You set forks on each plate, smiling in satisfaction once you’ve finished. You both navigate your ways back to the counter, you continuing to stand across from Frankie as you dig in with caution thanks to its temperature. When Frankie gets his first bite in, he closes his eyes for a moment, as if absorbing the taste while the hand not holding his fork dances in the air. “Wow.” Frankie reopens his eyes and you laugh at how much they’re sparkling. “This is… I don’t even know how to describe it other than magical.”
Your cheeks heat up as you laugh again. “Oh please,” you demur, picking at your next scoop as you try to bite back your smile. “It’s not me, just the apples.” Your gaze lifts back up to him as you finally let your smile give way. “Your company while picking probably made them taste a lot sweeter.”
It’s Frankie’s turn to blush at that, and he tries to hide it by taking another bite. You watch his hand readjust the cap on his head. “Almost as sweet as you.” Frankie smiles in victory when he notices your shy demeanor in response. After a few moments of comfortable silence while you eat, Frankie clears his throat, pushing his plate away a bit once he finishes. “Listen,” he begins, his voice soft. “I really liked this dessert and I really like you.” His gaze looks into yours hopefully. “Can I take you on a proper date soon?”
You smile warmly as you nod in response. “I’d love that, Frankie.” You take his plate for him and earn a genuine thank-you, carrying the plates to the sink and washing them off. Not surprisingly, you hear Frankie’s footsteps soon following after you, and he picks up your drying rag to dry the dishes after you clean them. “Though… I am a little offended that you wouldn’t consider this a ‘proper date.’” Your tone makes it clear that you’re kidding, but a look of fear still crosses over Frankie’s features as he looks down at you.
“No! I just—you know, I’d like to treat you. To something really nice. Not that this isn’t really nice, but I—.”
“Frankie, it’s alright,” you cut him off with a laugh, handing him the last dish to be dried as you look up at him with a bright smile. “I was joking. I know what you meant. And this has been very nice.” A look of slight embarrassment now covers Frankie’s face, and you release a chuckle as you reach up to leave a quick kiss on his cheek. It flushes red not long after, and you bite back a smile at his adorably shy behavior.
Frankie stays for another hour or so as you make easy conversation, planning for him to come pick you up this weekend to take you on his “proper date” to the local pumpkin patch. It’s an adorable selection and you find yourself gleeful at the thought of him embracing the season so openly. You’ve always loved the season and to see Frankie share that same passion for it with you makes you more joyful than you could’ve thought. You anticipate the date for the rest of the week—and, judging by the frequent and enthusiastic texts you share with Frankie, so does he. You practically skip out the door when Frankie finally texts you he’s arrived, your oversized sweater bouncing as you make your way to his truck. He gets out to open the door for you and you shake your head at his never-ending, gentleman-like behavior.
“Chivalry isn’t dead,” you joke once Frankie gets back into his side of the truck. He chuckles as he starts down the road.
“I just can’t help treating a woman like you with the utmost respect,” Frankie retorts, his honesty evident in his tone. “Well, and any woman. But you especially.”
You smile as you never look away from him. “I see you drank your respect women juice this morning.”
Frankie laughs, giving you a quick look full of amusement and admiration. “Every day. It’s the most important meal of the day.”
You make more playful banter and fun conversation as you soon arrive at the pumpkin patch. Frankie helps you down from the truck and leads you to the wooden box that serves as an entry point, paying for both your fees no matter how many times you try to force the cash into his hands. Once your hands are stamped and you’re inside, you stay close alongside him, your arm brushing against his with every movement. You hope he gets the hint and he does, entwining his hand with yours in a way that makes your entire body go warm.
“So, what do you wanna do first?” Frankie asks, looking down at you with a soft smile.
You shrug and look around. “I’ll do anything,” you confess. “What’s your favorite thing to do?”
Frankie chuckles. “Everything.”
You shake your head at him. “C’mon, Frankie. There’s gotta be something you like the most out of it all.”
It’s Frankie’s turn to shrug as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. “I swear, I love everything.”
You laugh. “Alright. Then I’m making the executive decision to get cider donuts.”
Frankie laughs with you. “I support that.”
After having to fight Frankie to pay once again—and failing—and finding a seat at one of the wooden picnic benches, you both enjoy your donuts as you keep your hands folded together underneath the table. You sit in comfortable silence while you eat, looking out and watching the parents who try to keep their kids under control and the teenagers who try to pretend they’re not on a date but obviously are. You chuckle as you finish and point out a nearby duo who’s standing awkwardly far apart to Frankie. “How much do you wanna bet those two are gonna end up dating by the end of the night?”
Frankie raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know, they look pretty awkward. But I feel like I know better than to try to make a bet with you. You’re too smart.” Your cheeks grow warm, especially as Frankie looks over at you and furrows his brow. He lifts his free hand but hesitates. “You have, uh—” he gestures to your mouth before adding, “—do you mind if I…?” He reaches his free hand further again, and you nod once as he brushes his thumb along the corner of your mouth, no doubt wiping away a few pieces of sugar that lingered there. Your face gets even hotter, now, your gaze watching his own observe you with such admiration that you can practically feel your heart flying out of your chest. He lets his thumb fall to your chin as he looks all over your face, a smile growing on his lips. “You’re really beautiful, you know.”
Your gaze falls to your entwined hands as you try to bite back a smile. “Thank you,” you reply honestly, only looking back up once his hand leaves your face. You see his dark eyes glittering in a way that makes your smile impossible to hide any longer. “You should know that the day we met, I almost fell again when I saw you.”
Frankie blushes and shakes his head at you. “Oh, please.”
“I’m serious!” You laugh as you and Frankie stand up from the bench, throwing out your garbage and walking leisurely through the patch hand-in-hand. “If I had, it would’ve been a much better cause than that hunk of wood.”
“That’s true,” Frankie agrees, a playful smile on his lips. “But without that ‘hunk of wood,’ we wouldn’t have met.”
“Fair point.” You give his hand a squeeze as you smile to yourself. “Guess I’m gonna have to thank that thing one day.” You stop when you realize you’re a few paces away from the corn maze, and you look up at Frankie excitedly as you gesture to it. “Wanna go through the maze?”
Frankie watches your excitement with pure admiration as he nods. “Let’s go for it.”
He walks with you inside the entrance, his hand never leaving yours as you walk around together. Turns out that he’s quite the guide as you go around, and you figure that it probably has something to do with his military training. You’re sure that you’re bound to get out fast, but after ten more minutes of turning and walking, you realize you’re further in and not even that close to the exit. You can’t help giggling as you stand on your tiptoes in a lame attempt to look over the corn. “I think we’re lost, Frankie.”
Frankie shrugs nonchalantly. “Maybe I wasn’t trying to get us out.”
You scoff, turning to give him an incredulous look that makes him laugh. “Wow, I didn’t think you’d lead me into a cornfield to murder me on our first date. I thought we’d at least make it to the second one before that happened.”
Frankie laughs harder and shakes his head. “I won’t hurt you,” he assures you, giving your hand a squeeze. “It’s just… a little more private out here.”
You raise an eyebrow, ready to question him as to why he wants privacy when you hear a sudden rustling in some of the nearby stalks. You nearly jump into Frankie’s arms, bracing your free hand against his chest as you watch the stalks shake—convinced that someone’s about to jump out of them. Your moment of panic subsides when a squirrel trots out from the stalks, moving quickly across to the group of stalks that are facing your back. You let out a sigh of relief as you laugh, shaking your head at yourself. “I’m so sorry. I guess I’m just easy to scare.”
“That’s fine. I’m quick to protect.” You look up at Frankie upon hearing his sweet words, watching as his dark gaze observes you affectionately from under his hat. His gaze falls to your lips for a quick moment, returning to your eyes soon after. Your fingers drum against his chest as you raise an eyebrow up at him.
“So, about that privacy…” you trail off as you bite back a smile, looking to his lips as he’d done to you before.
You watch Frankie smile wide enough to reveal his dimple before his free hand cups your cheek, easing his face closer to yours until his lips touch yours. The kiss is gentle and sweet, just like the Frankie you’ve come to know, and you can still taste the faint remnants of apple cider and cinnamon and sugar on his mouth as it moves softly with your own. Frankie pulls away for a moment but stays close, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he observes your gaze closely. When he sees it glowing just as much as his own, he goes in for another, this time letting it deepen as he gently eases your body against his. You part your lips to let him in more, craving the sweet taste of him. Your fingers pick lightly at the curls peeking out from under his hat, wishing they could thread fully through his hair but knowing that time will come eventually. Your stomach is fluttering practically as much as the tops of the corn stalks in the wind when you pull away, your smiles wide and full of nothing but pure joy and affection for each other.
“It was a good choice to get lost,” you say in a hushed voice, running one of your hands along the scruff on his jaw. Frankie chuckles softly at you. “But I think we should get out before we get reported like two horny teenagers.”
Frankie laughs harder at that, nodding to agree as he lets you separate yourself from him. He holds tight to your hand again, and you let your free arm wrap around his as he leads you out of the maze for good this time. You finish the evening at the patch by selecting two pumpkins that you can each carve on a different night, and Frankie carries them to the truck for you as he helps you up. He takes you home and makes sure to walk you up and give you a goodnight kiss along with a promise to come the next evening to carve the pumpkins.
He, of course, follows up on that promise, and your time spent together becomes more and more frequent as the season progresses. Soon, you’re seeing him almost every evening, whether it’s him coming over to your place, you going to his, or him taking you somewhere for dinner or just to look out at the beautiful, changing nature. The more you get to know Frankie, the sweeter you find him to be, fully learning just how selfless he is and how eager he is to lavish you with affection. If you show any evidence of you being cold, he’ll either wrap his arm around you or give you his jacket right away. If you seem tired, he’ll offer his shoulder for you to rest upon. If you’re upset, he’ll let you talk for hours, even offering to bake you something you’ve taught him to make. Frankie’s mastered your apple crisp recipe to become even better than yours, and you can’t complain about it. He’ll never admit it, but you know it’s true.
One of your favorite nights is when Frankie takes you on a haunted hayride. You’re not a huge fan of them, but remembering his words about protecting you, you decide it’ll be fine and he won’t let anything happen to you. Thankfully, this isn’t the type of haunted hayride where they can reach out and grab you, so you don’t have to worry about that. It’s the jump scares that get you most of the time, and while you hold Frankie’s hand and arm the whole time, you often find yourself hiding your face in his shoulder while he assures you he’s got you and you’re okay. It’s usually uttered between laughs and you don’t mind—especially when Frankie accidentally gets scared so bad by one masked man who jumps out of a tree that he yelps like a surprised child. You laugh so hard your stomach hurts, and Frankie just shakes his head as he chuckles along with you. By the end of the night, you’re still buzzing with anticipation and fearing a random thing jumping out at you, so Frankie agrees to stay the night with you at your apartment just so you can feel secure enough in his arms to sleep.
When Halloween rolls around, Frankie tells you that you’ve been invited to go with him to a party hosted by his best friends. You’ve heard so much about them and this will be your first time meeting them. Thankfully, Frankie tells you it’s not a costume party, so you don’t have to worry about being dressed up as someone else when you meet them. You find yourself feeling a bit nervous as you get ready for the occasion, though, wanting to impress the guys who Frankie has repeatedly told you are like family to him. You dress as nice as you can without looking as if you’re going overboard, wrapping up your light application of makeup as soon as you get the text that Frankie’s arrived. You meet him outside to see him already leaning against the truck with his arms crossed over his chest, and they unfold slowly as he stands up straight to meet you. Frankie’s hands wrap around your waist as his widened gaze observes you fondly.
“You look gorgeous,” Frankie tells you, his voice soft as he places a kiss in greeting against your lips. “I mean, you always do, but tonight you look especially incredible.” You thank him quietly, giving him another kiss before pulling away to let him open the door for you. You hop inside and wrap your hand in his as soon as he joins you again, your entwined hands resting on your thigh as he starts off towards Santiago’s house. Frankie takes a quick look over at you, long enough for you to clearly see the way he’s reading you so easily—as always. “You nervous?”
You shrug, trying to play it off but knowing better thanks to Frankie’s keen way of knowing you. “A little,” you confess with a light sigh. “I just—I know how much they mean to you and I want them to approve of me.”
“Approve of you?” Frankie scoffs lightly, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “Baby, they already adore you. When they actually see you in person, they’ll just go crazier over you.” He gives you another look of reassurance. “And even if, in some weird alternate universe, they didn’t ‘approve’ of you, I wouldn’t give a shit.”
You can’t help smiling at that, and you squeeze his hand in thanks. You remain in comfortable silence for the rest of the drive, taking a deep breath once Frankie pulls into the driveway. He carries the drinks he’s contributing in one hand and keeps your hand tight in his with the other, not even bothering to knock on the door as he pushes your way inside. Almost as soon as you walk in the house, you’re met with cheers of delight and excitement as the guys come up one-by-one. They greet Frankie first and then you, and by the time you’ve sifted through all four of them, you already feel much more at ease. Santiago even invites you into the kitchen with him, and Frankie urges you to go on as you follow him away from the rest of the guys.
“You know, you’re pretty much a legend around here already,” Santiago tells you, a smile tugging at his lips as he invites you to sit at his counter while he finishes cooking up dinner. You laugh and shake your head, watching as he works skillfully. “I just thought I’d get you in here because, well, as I’m sure Frankie’s already warned you, the guys can be pretty… overbearing at first.”
“Yeah, I did get that warning,” you reply, chuckling more as you sip at a glass of water Santiago had offered you before. “But they all seem very sweet, too.”
“And fucking loud.” Santiago’s words are followed by a string of random exclamations from the dining room where the guys are gathered, and he looks at you with a raised brow that practically says See what I mean?
You snicker. “I’m surprised—Frankie’s pretty quiet himself.”
Santiago hums in agreement. “He keeps us all in check. That’s why he’s the dad friend.”
“Oh, right. He’s told me all about that.”
You nod, watching as Santiago views you with an amused eye. “It was one of the first things he told me.”
Santiago stops what he’s doing to look up at you again. “Really?”
You nod again, this time with a light laugh. “I mean, his first words to me were a total dad joke, so…”
Santiago laughs, giving his head a shake as he looks back to what he’s cooking. “Bless your heart for letting him continue, then.”
You smile as you reflect on the moment when it all began. “I couldn’t resist. It was actually really charming to me.”
Santiago lets out a dramatic aww, causing you to giggle and shake your head as you take another sip of your water. As Santiago starts to finish up the meal, you move to rise from your seat, wanting to help him.
“What can I do to help?” you ask.
Almost immediately, you’re shot down as Santiago shakes his head and gestures for you to sit back down. “I really appreciate it, but don’t worry, you’re alright. I never make my guests work. Only those little shits.” He gestures with the utensil in his hand towards the boisterous dining room that’s hidden by a wall. You chuckle and nod in understanding, letting yourself relax back into your seat as he continues to work. “Actually, your boyfriend should be coming to ask me for help any minute now.”
As if on cue, Frankie pops out from around the corner of the wall, his hand resting on it as he looks to his friend with a lifted brow. “Need some help, Pope?” Santiago nods and gestures towards a platter that’s already been put together on the countertop you’re sitting at. Frankie smiles warmly at you as he walks over, pausing before picking up the platter to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Having fun so far, babe?” You nod, and Frankie jerks his head in Santiago’s direction. “He’s not annoying you too much yet, is he?”
“Oh, fuck you, Fish,” Santiago scoffs, causing Frankie to laugh as he starts to pick up the platter. “She’s great company.”
“You’re tellin’ me,” Frankie agrees, throwing you a sly wink before he heads off to the dining room. You shake your head and follow, taking your seat beside Frankie as the dinner commences.
Frankie keeps a hand on your thigh to settle you as the guys begin to pester you with questions, but you don’t mind. You entertain them well and they seem to really enjoy your company, which you know brings a wide smile to Frankie’s face as he listens in. By the end of the night, you’re sharing drinks and laughing so hard you have to double over a few times, already being asked when Frankie will bring you by again. You promise them that there’s plenty of time left, and when Frankie announces that he’s taking you home, they all take the time to say a warm goodbye along with a reinforced statement to Frankie that you better be in for the long run. You already feel like a part of their little family as you leave, and Frankie shares his joy with you over this on the drive back.
“I’ve never seen them so excited over one of our girlfriends before,” Frankie confesses excitedly, his hand giving yours a squeeze. “I mean, I knew they were gonna love you, but they’ve practically adopted you into the family already.”
You smile warmly as you return his squeeze. “I feel honored. They’re great, Frankie, really. I can see why you love them so much.”
Frankie looks at you jokingly, a playful smile on his lips. “Oh boy, should I be worried, babe? Am I gonna have to compete?”
You laugh heartily. “No, Frankie, you won’t. They’re all great, but—” you pause as you lean over to kiss his cheek, “—you’ll win me over time and time again.”
Frankie blushes a bit as he smiles wider, his dimple popping out and making your heart soar as you finish the drive to your apartment.
When the season starts coming to a close, Frankie takes you out for a weekend camping trip, wanting to use as much of the lasting relatively-warm weather as he can. You hike around the scenery during the day and sit by the fire at night. Frankie always makes sure you have as many layers as you need to stay warm, and during those cold nights, he always keeps an arm around your shoulders and—inside your tent—he holds you as close to him as possible. It’s the last night now, and you’ve been sitting at the fire reflecting on your pasts and how they’ve led you to this very moment, to each other.
“Fall was always my favorite season,” you tell Frankie, head leaning against his shoulder as he keeps an arm around you.
“Really?” Frankie remarks, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your shoulder as you nod at him. “I’ve always been more of a summer guy.”
You look up at him with a small smile. “I can see that.”
Frankie laughs, kissing your head before he continues. “The fall has always been a favorite of mine, though. I guess I just never got to experience it the right way with someone I loved—until now.”
Your heart nearly flies out of your chest at his words, and you look back up at Frankie again to meet his warm and affectionate gaze. It practically melts you into a puddle as your jaw drops at him. “Is that your way of telling me you’re in love with me, Frankie?”
Frankie shrugs, his thumb now running down the length of your arm as he searches your eyes almost anxiously. You smile and reach a hand up to grab one of his cheeks, pulling his face to yours in a slow yet passionate kiss. You try to show him all the things you want to say in the kiss, proving to him that you feel the same way as your mouth moves with his in such a sweet and familiar manner. When you pull away, your gaze never leaves his as you brush your nose against his.
“I love you, too.”
Frankie smiles wide and releases a soft chuckle, placing another quick kiss upon your lips as he stays close. “I kinda figured.” You laugh as his free hand runs over the side of your face. His dark eyes sparkle with a new light, now, half-mischievous and half-desiring. He waits a few beats before he voices his thoughts. “Listen, remember when I told you about all the crazy things I had to do and would rather do than climb a flimsy wooden ladder?” You giggle at him and nod. “Well, how would you feel about adding to that crazy list?”
You raise your brow at him. “Depends. What do I have to do?”
Frankie breaks his gaze with you briefly to look up at the dark sky, and you follow to see a clearing in the surrounding trees that puts the autumn stars on full display. He then meets your eyes again with his usual warmth. “How would you feel about making love with me under these stars tonight?”
You try to bite back a smile at his proposition, lips brushing over his as you give your answer. “I think the only crazy thing about that is you thinking there would be a possibility of me saying no.”
Frankie chuckles softly as he fully places his mouth against yours, and in the sweetest and most passionate of ways, you add an item to his list of crazy things that night, but not without Frankie making sure you’re tucked in the warmth of his body and at least three layers of blankets when you finally drift off to sleep.
You realize the fall’s truly coming to a close the day you and Frankie start moving into your new apartment together. Frankie’s just reached for the last box in his truck when you realize snow’s starting to fall from the sky, and you look at him in disbelief. “The fall’s really over already, huh?” you ask him, watching as he smiles at you from behind the box he’s carrying.
Frankie nods, stopping beside you to plant a kiss on your forehead. “The winter’s here,” he reinforces your statement. “Good thing you’ll have me here to keep you warm. I know you’ll miss the fall, though.”
You shrug and smile up at him. “It won’t really be over when I’m falling for you basically everyday.”
Frankie rolls his eyes playfully as he chuckles. “Who’s the one with the dad jokes, now?”
You laugh and reach up to kiss him softly. “I learned from the best.”
When you look into Frankie’s dark and loving gaze, you realize that this is the exact moment where you’re finally feeling grateful for almost falling off that wooden ladder—and right into Frankie’s arms.
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series parts: summer, fall, winter
permanent tag list: @mikahid @bestintheparsec @stilllivindue2spite @givemethatgold @xbrujita @mandalorianspace @blushingwueen @sevvysaurus @myakai13 @thisis-theway @beskars @rachelloveseveryone @theindiealto @hiscyarika @burningsoulbloodyheart @wickedfrsgrl @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @bookwafflefangirl @charliepeaceout @cable-kenobi @ezraslittleblondestreak @hdlynn @your-pixels-are-showing @b0n-chann @nettyklecan @javier-djarin
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katiea03 · 4 years
☔︎︎*~Thunder And Lightning~*☔︎︎
(Kageyama x Reader)
❣︎Warnings❣︎: None :) just a lil sprinkle of sadness for yall
❣︎Genre❣︎: A bit of angst, hurt/comfort, highschool au
❣︎Word Count❣︎: 1.2K
❣︎Genre❣︎: This one is dedicated to one of my best friends. She has been waiting MONTHS for this and I finally felt ready to make a kageyama fic. Now no one come at me but I’m not the biggest Kags simp but I actually really did enjoy writing this. I was really inspired by some of the toxic trait hc people have made. Its really ndifferent for me and is probably the realest fic I’ve written thus far who hurt you girl. Anywhooooo, this one for you girl ♡´・ᴗ・`♡!!
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April was by far the prettiest time of year in Japan for you, the blooming cherry blossom trees and all the cute animals coming back made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That’s how you would usually feel, but as of right now you are far from that. You are cold, wet, and tired.
But most of all you were fucking pissed. He said he would be here and once again, he didn’t show up. You have been waiting out in the rain for over 20 minutes for him and he couldn’t even text you! The sad part about it all was that you knew exactly where he was. He had once again picked volleyball over you and it made you wanna cry. You loved him, a lot. And he says he loves you too, but he had a bad way of showing it. Him blowing you off once again made you just wanna go home without looking for him but you couldn’t help it.
Soaking wet from head to toe you march your way over to the school gym. A million things you want to say to him rush through your head. You were going to give him a piece of your mind. The sound of the ball hitting the floor and shoes squeaking against the shiny floor become louder as you get closer to the gym. You open the sliding door and suddenly all your thoughts stop. You wanted to cry so bad, to make him hurt just as much as he had hurt you; but you couldn’t. It just wasn’t in you, so you continued to stare.
Kageyama eventually noticed you, his face dropped. He knew he fucked up- big time. He didn’t know what to say, he just held the ball and waited for you to say something. All that is heard is the hard downpour of the rain hitting the roof as puddles formed at your feet. You were hoping he’d say something this time, anything. A single “I’m sorry” would do but to no avail, he’s mute.
“So you stand me up once again and can’t even say your sorry.” Your tears lightly sting your eyes as you try your best to hold them in. You grip your wet skirt; knuckles quickly turning white.
“I- I’m really sorry Y/n… I just lost track of time.” Kageyama couldn’t bother to look you in the eyes. Instead, he stares down at the ball in his hands.
“Am I really that insignificant to you! You can’t even think about me enough to walk me home?” That’s when the tears started, you couldn’t help it anymore. You felt a little pathetic as you tried to wipe them away but you didn’t know what else to do. You loved him so much it hurt, and you knew deep down he loved you too. Your mind and heart were scattered. Was this worth it anymore? How much longer can you put up with this absentee relationship? You just wanted him to put you first, just once!
Kagayama drops the ball and makes his way towards you, he didn’t know if you wanted to be touched but he felt it was what you truly wanted. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. He holds you there and you try your best to not cry even harder. Your arms snake around his waist as your face is in his chest. You are engulfed by the familiar and not so familiar sent and in that moment it finally hits Kagayama. This is all you’ve ever wanted. To be with him, to wrap your arms around him and tell him you love him. The ultimate guilt that rushes through his body is immeasurable. His mind is filled with all the times he neglected you and he wished he could take it all back. Hurting you was something he never wanted to do, but he did. There was no taking that back, all he could do is be better for you. To be the guy that you deserved.
He held onto you a little tighter and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“Let’s get you home before you get sick.” He hesitantly pulls away and quickly locks up the gym before handing you his jacket. It isn’t much against the hard rain but without an umbrella, this is the best he could do.
You guys make a run for it, Kagayama’s team jacket gets drenched instantly but you keep running. Luckily your house isn’t too far but as soon as you pass the corner store, thunder crackles. You jump and the rain begins to pour even harder. The pellets of rain begin to hurt against your skin and Kagayama quickly pulls you under the hood of one of the passing stores.
The white starchy school shirts you guys wore clung to each part of your body and were almost see-through. That with the mix of deep breathes in an attempt of catching your breath adds to the thick tension that had developed. Kageyama drops the bag he was holding and just looks at you. He didn’t know if he had the right to kiss you but in that moment he never wanted to kiss you more. The droplets that hung from your eyelashes, to your wet glossy lips. He couldn’t help himself. He was selfish and he knew it.
You anticipate the kiss, and as mad as you are, you want it too. He closes the distance and kisses you delicately. Just as he is about to go back for another kiss you put a hand on his chest, stopping him for a moment.
“I hope you know this doesn’t mean I’m not still mad at you?” You give him a wary look and he holds onto you a little harder.
“I know, and I’m gonna do everything I can to make this right.” His big calloused hand grazes your cheek before capturing your lips once more. You cling to him as you run your fingers through is wet hair, pushing it out of his face. You are both freezing but it doesn’t matter. The kiss is messy but so are you guys. The two of you collide in a way that sends sparks flying. As he has your face in his hands, each kiss is a promise you could only hope he will fulfill. You want this moment to last forever, you wish your relationship could be as easy as a romantic kiss in the rain. But could it ever really be that simple? As you kiss, your mind can’t help but wander. Will you two ever share a kiss like this again? You could only hope Kageyama is as serious as you are. You have faith that you two can make this work. He leaves a hot kiss on your jaw and your mind stops wandering.
You both get caught up in the moment, taking everything you have ever wanted from him. Maybe you both are selfish. Both of you wanting and taking, but could never truly give back. To make the sacrifices needed may just be too hard. But at this moment it didn’t matter. All that matters is his lips on yours, and that is enough for you.
The rain wasn’t stopping anytime soon, but you were too engrossed within each other to notice or to care. The thunder roared and it was almost symbolic. Like thunder and lightning, you both crashed against each other in a beautiful and almost harmonic way. It is messy and loud, but it belongs together. You couldn’t have one without the other. You couldn’t live without Kageyama and he couldn’t live without you. So maybe just this once, it is okay to be a little selfish.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids: Celebrating Their S/o's Birthday
A/n: this was requested by @9staytiny8-allie-5moarmy7​ this was such a cute idea! I hope you like it! I got a little carried away with jinnie’s and chan’s lol
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The ringing of your phone brought your attention away from your schoolwork. The familiar sound of your boyfriend’s verse in ‘WOW’ filled the room making you laugh. “Hey! Are you home?” Chan said as you enabled video chat. 
“Yeah, I got home about an hour ago. Are you in the car?” 
He nodded and adjusted his phone. “So, I know we couldn’t be together for your birthday because I’m on tour and I’m really sorry.” He sighed, a frown on his face. It was a little disappointing Chan wasn’t here, but you had finally accepted the fact that he wasn’t going to be home. “Chan, don’t apologize! It’s fine! We’ve only been going out a couple months. It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. I’m going to call you when I get back to the hotel in about thirty minutes. Put on something nice!” 
Confused you nodded and smiled at him before he hung up. Following your boyfriend’s direction you put on some makeup and put on a nice dress. Just as he said Chan called you back, this time on your laptop. When you answered you laughed seeing Chan in a nice suit. “Happy Birthday, baby girl!” 
“Chan! What are you doing?” 
“You and I are going to have a special birthday dinner to celebrate.” 
“But how-” Suddenly your doorbell rang. Chan smiled and pulled a plate in front of him, probably from room service. “You better get that, baby.” Standing, you answered the door to see a man holding takeout from your favorite restaurant. He told you someone had already paid for the meal. Quickly, you ran back to Chan on your laptop.
“Chan you are the best. This is the best gift ever!”
“Oh, your gift is still in the mail. Don’t worry.”
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“Y/n! Hey, honey, open the door!” Your brows furrowed hearing your boyfriend's voice from outside your apartment. Getting off the couch, you walked over and opened the door. There stood Minho carrying one very large birthday bag and a cat carrier. He also had a cat strapped to his chest in one of those baby slings and another peeking over his shoulder
“You brought the cats?” You said with a laugh.
“This is a family affair. Of course, I brought our children.”
You laughed as he walked into your apartment and started to let his cats down. You thought it was cute that you had only been dating for six months yet he considered you a second parent to Soongi, Doongi, and Doori. 
Minho watched his little cats explore your apartment before turning to you. “Am I cooking or ordering, because your cute little butt is not lifting a finger tonight.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around you.
“Will you order in? I want cuddles.”
“Of course!” 
“Can it be pizza and sides?” 
You laughed as he pulled out his phone and ordered the pizza. He followed you as you plopped down on the couch, pulling him down with you. A cat soon followed jumping up on your stomach.  Happily, the two of you sat on your couch with your kitty children and snacking on pizza. 
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You checked yourself in the mirror one last time. Changbin would be here any minute to pick you up. You had been together for almost a year now, but you still got nervous before going out with him. “I should change my lipstick. This is way too dark.” 
Before you could return to your makeup to change, someone knocked on the door. With a nervous smile, you opened the door to see Changbin dressed in a nice suit. “Wow, you look...incredible. Happy Birthday, gorgeous.” He handed you the prettiest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen.
“You ready to go?” He asked with a bright smile, looking you up and down. You watched him nervously wring his hands together with a cute smile. After nodding, he offered you his arm and escorted you to his car. On the way to the restaurant, you were surprised with a playlist filled with all of your favorite songs made by him. 
“My lady,” Changbin said opening your door. “Thank you, my good sir.” Looping your arm through his, he led you into the very nice restaurant. Your eyes widened, when you saw the expensive decor and the trays of fancy appetizers 
“Bin, you didn’t have to do this!” You said as the waiter led the two of you to a secluded booth. He shrugged and sat down pulling out the menu.
“It’s your birthday, gorgeous. Order anything you want. Also little heads up, I told them to sing when they bring the champagne.”
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“Okay, get dressed. We are going out,” Hyunjin said walking into your bedroom. “Umm excuse you? When did you even get here?” Hyunjin being the dramatic ass he was slammed your bedroom door letting his jaw drop.
“No, no, no, no, no. You aren’t turning this on me. I’m the one who just found out through Snapchat that it’s your birthday today!”
You laughed as he walked over to your closet and started searching through your clothes. You had only been dating for a couple of weeks so you didn’t really think Hyunjin would care so much if you just let the day slip by. You certainly hadn’t expected him to barge into your apartment unannounced.“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But, I don’t want you to spend money on me, okay? You worked really hard. Don’t spend it on me.”
You laughed as he tossed a dress at you. “Hyunjin, I don’t really want to go out.” He sighed and reluctantly put the dress back in your closet when you threw it back to him. You watched your boyfriend fall back onto your bed, clearly exasperated. 
“Y/n if you don’t let me do something for your birthday I’ll jump off your balcony.” Instead of responding you just turned back to your homework. Your eyes widened hearing your sliding door open. “I’m not kidding, I’ll do it.” Hyunjin stood facing you on the ledge of your balcony, a completely serious look on his handsome face. “Fine. Do it.” Without questioning it, Hyunjin fell backward off the balcony. “OW!” He yelped. Quickly you rushed over to the balcony to see Hyunjin lying on the grass about four feet below. “Did you forget I live on the first floor?” 
“Why don’t you come back in and I’ll let you buy me a pizza?”
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Today had not been the best of days. Your professor gave you a four-page paper due in two days and your landlord just told you he was increasing your rent next month. On top of that, it seems your parents had forgotten your birthday. And much to your disappointment, it seems your boyfriend had too. The two of you had exchanged numerous texts today despite his busy schedule, and yet he didn’t even say ‘Happy Birthday’.
You really just wanted to heat up some leftovers and go to bed early. Finally, the key turned in your lock to reveal your dark apartment. That’s funny. You were almost certain you left a light on in the living room. Then you noticed the extra pair of shoes by the door.  “Jisung? Are you here?” Then you heard footsteps shuffle in from the kitchen.
“Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Y/n! Happy Birthday to you!” 
You almost cried seeing Jisung carrying in a lit birthday cake from your kitchen. You never should have doubted him. You knew he wouldn’t forget the first birthday you spent together. “Happy birthday, baby.” He said standing in front of you with the cake, his cute smile lighting the room up brighter than the candles. Wiping away a tear, you blew out the candles and set the cake down on the table wrapping him up in a hug.
“I thought you forgot.”
“Never, baby. I’m gonna be here for so many birthdays that you’ll get sick of me.”
You laughed as he kissed the top of your head. This was one of the best birthdays ever thanks to Jisung. “Thank you, Sungie. I’ve got a present for you in return.” He smiled when you leaned up and pressed your lips to his.
“Hey! It’s your birthday! Leave the present giving to me!” He said as he attacked your lips and face with kisses, making you laugh.
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“DON’T COME IN THE KITCHEN!” Your boyfriend, Felix, shouted at you in your bedroom. He had locked you in there claiming to ‘need time to prepare your birthday surprise’. While you and Felix had only been dating about three months, you had been friends much longer. And it genuinely scared you that Felix was alone in your kitchen with knives, and potential fire, and.....well that was about it. You were okay if he made your food taste bad.
Several nerve-wracking sounds came from your kitchen and all you could do was nervously sit on your bed. “Felix are you done yet?” You called checking the time. He had been at this close to two hours now. 
“Almost! I’m plating!”
“You know what plating is?” 
“Yeah, I saw it on CHOPPED.”
After a few more minutes, Felix called out again. “Okay, you can come out now, Y/n!” Smiling, you opened your door and walked into your relatively small kitchen. When you walked in you were greeted with your boyfriend doing a silly little dance as he sprinkled cheese on top of the plates.
“Felix, oh my god! This is incredible!” The plates were gorgeously plated with your absolute favorite meal. And when you looked around your kitchen was perfectly intact. Felix wrapped you up in a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Happy birthday, love.”
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Come outside. 
You shrugged looking at the text from your boyfriend. It wasn’t unusual for him to text you this late, but it was weird for Seungmin to send you something like this. Throwing on a sweater and slipping on some shoes you headed outside your dorm. Seungmin’s ringtone startled you as you stood alone in the dark outside.
“Minnie, what’s going on?”
“Hey, you see the JYP van?” He asked. You could hear the smile in his voice. A smile slipped onto your face when you spotted the gray van Stray Kids ride around in parked under a streetlight. 
“Well, hurry up, dummy.”
Jogging over you were greeted by one of the JYP security guys getting out of the driver’s side door. He smiled and opened up the sliding door revealing your smiling boyfriend in the back. When the door opened he started to sing happy birthday to you, his amazing voice floating out into the empty college dorm parking lot.
When he was finished he joyfully pulled you in to sit with him in the back of the van. You laughed when the security closed the door giving you two some privacy. “So, on the way home, I picked up takeout and told the driver to drop the guys off and then bring me here.” He was too cute. He smiled when you cupped his cheeks and kissed him. 
“Thank you, Seungmin. This is the best birthday present ever.” 
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Hey, baby! Can you pick up some drinks for me and the boys on your way back from class? 
You smiled seeing the text from your boyfriend. Both of you had a busy schedule, him with his schedules and you with class. He had often sent you this kind of message as an excuse to see you. You thought it was really cute.
Yeah! I’ll be there in 20!
Twenty minutes later you were carrying eight drinks in two carriers up to the JYP practice room. When you entered the room was dark and you heard whispers in the back. “Um......guys? Are you in here?” Feeling around for the table near the door you set the drinks down. And there was a light switch around here somewhere.
You jumped hearing the eight boys scream when you turned on the lights. Turning around you saw your boyfriend’s dark hair running towards you, a big bright happy smile on his face. “Happy birthday, Y/n!” He cheered wrapping you up in a big hug.
“Jeongin, you did this all for me?” He smiled and nodded, laughing when you started peppering kisses all over his face. When you had finished he led you over to the other boys who each gave you their own version of a happy birthday wish. Jeongin got a little worried you had stopped breathing during Changbin’s bone-crushing hug. 
“Jeongin this is the best surprise party ever! Thank you so much for doing this for me!” 
Requests are open my lovelies! ALSO IM SIX DAYS FROM GRADUATING OMG
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candycorncarl · 4 years
Right Here, Right Now
Part 3! Sorry it took me so long to get this part out! I wanted to make sure I had a good idea of where this story should go. I hope u all enjoy :)
Warnings: annngstt, mentions of anxiety, alcohol  Word Count: 4.1k
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Part 3
Your eyes flutter open, quickly squinting at the sliver of sunshine peeking through the curtains. Taking a moment to gather your surroundings, you sink back to real life. Last night wasn't just a dream. Turning over you see Spencer sprawled out next to you. His chest slowly falling up and down as he lays on his back. His hands that were so hungry for your touch last night are now gently resting over his abdomen. A small smile tugs at the corner of your mouth as you take him in. You've never seen Spencer look so relaxed. Not wanting to wake him from his well deserved rest you turn over to search for your phone, luckily it's within reach on the floor. Noticing you had a few texts you started to feel worried that your lie to leave early last night didn't work.
Prentiss: I hope you're feeling better this morning! JJ has some exciting news to share with you ;)
Garcia: You didn't hear it from me but JJ was on a whole other level of wing woman for you last night. She got you a date without you even being there!! Also I hope you're feeling better, I'm sending over a thousand smooches! MUAH! xoxo
JJ: So... I might have set you up on a blind double date with Will and I?
"What?!" You accidentally blurted out. Spencer started to stir and you put your phone down trying to shake the surprise off your face. Turning over to face him you started brushing his hair out of his face. He stretched out letting his arm drape over your back.
"Good morning." You whisper moving to become eye level with him.
"Morning," Spencer grumbled, his morning voice is even better than you thought it would be. He frowns, barely able to keep his eyes open. Still playing with his hair, you try to hide the smile returning to your face. "Did you sleep okay?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." You say softly. His eyes close again as he grins, he scoots himself closer to you.
"It's probably time to get up anyway." He mumbles, his face halfway smushed into the pillow.
"Unfortunately... and I still have to go back home." You say under your breath, groaning. You wiggle closer to Spencer and he hugs you tighter. His face now resting on top of your head. The warmth of his body melts your worries away. He gives the top of your head a gentle kiss and starts brushing his fingers over your back.
"We should probably get up." You start to pull your head back. He holds you a little tighter in protest. You sprinkle a few kisses in the dip of his neck. His hand moves to your hip and he squeezes it.
"Spence- I have to go back home to get ready." You stop yourself, pulling yourself away again. Rolling out of bed you pick your discarded clothes up. Walking over to his side of the bed you kiss his forehead. He mimics you from last night and pretends to take a picture. He watches you bounce your way over to the bathroom as you giggle. The only thoughts in his mind are trying to piece out how you're actually real.
After freshening up you step out of the bathroom and the smell of coffee fills the bedroom. Following the scent you find Spencer in the kitchen yawing over the coffee maker.
"Don't worry, I'm making you a to-go cup." A small smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth as he points at his sparkly tumbler. It was part of a matching set Penelope gifted to all of you. His voice is still sleepy. You chuckle and walk over to him, slightly hesitant you play with your thumbs watching the coffee brew. Knowing he feels the same way about you now makes you feel more nervous, more vulnerable. You trust Spencer but you're still scared of getting hurt.
Spencer watches you twiddle your thumbs, clearly deep in thought. Wanting to reassure you, and himself he pours the coffee in the cup for you.
"I'm really happy you decided to come here last night." He says quietly, sliding the cup over to you.
"Me too." You peek up at him. Something about his messy hair and thrown on pajamas made you feel shy, like you were in a teenage romance again. You feel his fingers start to run over your back but suddenly your phone dings. Closing your eyes you feel his fingers disappear from your waist.
"I'm guessing that's your ride home." He says as he brushes your hair over your shoulder.
"Yeah..." You sigh but before you can move he grabs the small of your back, kissing you with a gentle force. Your hands trail over his chest. The grip he has on your hair sends your butterflies soaring. He pulls away resting his forehead on yours.
"I'll see you at work." He whispers letting you go. You take each other in one more time and before you slip out the door you yell "thanks for the coffee!"
Spencer watches you leave and tries to convince himself that he is actually awake. A small spark of nerves ignites in his stomach. Before it was all just passing glances, the closest he ever got to touching you was a brush of a shirt sleeve. It was easy to hide before, and now he felt exposed. It's Y/n though. Getting to feel your touch, being able to kiss you, and spend moments in the morning like that with you made breaking his rules worth it. He was really getting tired of hiding his feelings, especially from you. He makes his way back into his room to make his bed and get ready for work. As he's straightening his pillows he smells the lingering scent of your perfume. He stops messing with the sheets almost as if he's afraid of erasing away a piece of last night.
Spencer sits at his desk anxiously waiting for you to arrive. He stopped at his favorite bakery on the way to work to grab a coffee for himself, a donut, and a muffin for you. Unsure of which one you would prefer, he ended up getting both. He quickly hid the box walking into work so no one else would notice. As he glances at the doors for the hundredth time, you finally walk in. He perks up from his crossword puzzle, pulling the pastry box out. When you glance over at him his heart is racing. Especially when he notices the smallest smirk on your face. He sits up a little straighter the closer you get to him, but when you drop off your things and head to the kitchen he tries to brush it off. It would be too obvious for her to talk to me anyway.
Rushing into the bullpen you take a quick peek over at Spencer, his eyes already on you. You can feel yourself starting to blush noticing the small smirk on his face. Breaking the split second of eye contact you drop your stuff at your desk you search the room for JJ, finding her over at the kitchen talking to Emily and Penelope. Penelope notices you subtly storming over and her smile drops.
"She's coming... she's getting closer... she's right behind you." Penelope narrates as you reach the group, eyes locked on JJ. Emily and JJ silently smile at you, guilt ridden smiles to say the least.
"Alright, spill. How did this even happen?" You ask, crossing your arms. Emily and Penelope stay silent as JJ clears her throat.
"Well, he was at the bar last night. Derek introduced us to him and when we got to talking we learned that he was single, he's cute... and you're single and cute so I thought why not? To be fair it is a double date so it won't be that bad." She continues forcing a smile hoping you'll open up to the idea.
"Just show her that picture we took. She won't be mad once you show her what he looks like." Emily nudges JJ's arm and shakes her head yes at you. The worry reads over your face as you wait for JJ to pull her phone out.
"He's in the FBI so he's not just some random stranger." JJ says trying to defend her choice of actions, she turns her phone to you showing you a selfie they took last night. You grab her phone and frown.
"I can't even tell what he looks like! It's dark and blurry." You zoom in on the mystery man hoping to see anything.
"Ok, ok stop. I'm not letting you say no to this date. It's been forever and you're too hot to not be cashing in on free dinners. I'll enhance the photo and you will say yes." Penelope says in all seriousness, ready to get to work. You can feel Spencer glaring over, trying to read your lips. When your eyes meet him he returns to his work. You can't help yourself from smirking.
"Let me think about it?" You give JJ her phone back.
"I mean once we get a good picture of him, you're going to say yes." Emily shrugs. You roll your eyes.
"Just let me know by the end of the day. He's waiting to hear from me." JJ says, giving Emily a look as they walk back to their desks.
You sit down at your desk biting the inside of your cheek. Pulling up your work for the day on your computer you try to work, but you can't focus. You're not mad at JJ, she's just being a good friend. Knowing you need to talk to Spencer you try to figure out what to do. The way you felt last night was something special, but you weren't sure where that left you two. Trying to look busy for a minute you finally pull your phone out. You text Spencer and quickly put your phone down. You're much more nervous than you want to be. You wipe your sweating palms over your pants and begin working.
Spencer tries to shake off the disappointed feeling he got from you not walking over to talk to him. Instead he tries to figure out what you were talking about. The sound of his phone vibrating in his bag cuts off his train of thought and he turns to pull it out. He smirks slightly seeing your name flash on the screen. The smile quickly disappears when he reads the text.
Y/l/n: Well I just found out JJ set me up on a blind date.
His stomach drops and he turns back to his desk still staring at his phone. Almost unable to process what he just read, his nerves grow from a spark to a flame quickly growing. He glances up at you, seeing you typing away on your assignments. Your calm demeanor throws him off even more. His fingers hover over the keys as his tongue pokes out from the corner of his mouth.
Spencer: Do you want to go?
Picking his pen back up he glares at his case files, dreading that the answer could be yes. He feels a slight headache forming as his thoughts consume his concentration. He just got you and now you're being whisked away?
"You okay kid?" Derek asks, walking up to Spencer. Spencer frowns and clears his throat before replying.
"Yeah, just a small headache." He says quietly, shooting a glare over at JJ and back to Derek.
"Hmm- so what happened to you last night? You left without saying goodbye to anyone." Derek taps his pen on the edge of Spencer's desk. His eyes shoot to the pen causing his annoyance to grow.
"I had a headache just like I do right now. When I get a headache I like peace and quiet." Spencer continues staring at the pen, his lips turning into a thin lipped smile. Derek frowns at the annoyance in Spencer's tone before taking the hint.
"Alright, alright I'll leave you alone." He holds his arms up defensively.
As you read his text you want to yell 'No, obviously not!' at him. You try to figure out what to say, but before you can think of a more eloquent response you hear Hotch call your name. You spin in your chair to see him watching you before turning back into his room. You make a face at Emily and she returns the 'oh shit' look you just gave her. You quickly type out a response to Spencer and hit send. It's not what you wanted to say, but you could have sent a whole paragraph if you had the time. Making your way up to his office you tap your knuckles lightly on the door.
Spencer hears his phone vibrate again and quickly picks it up.
Y/l/n: I think it'll look weird if I say no.
He stares at the phone slightly confused, his insecurities start to rise. Does she want to go? Did she realize that after last night she didn't really like me? He shoves his phone in his pocket and grabs the pastry box, leaving them at the kitchen. He pushes the door open and feels his insecurities brewing. Rushing into the bathroom he steps into the small stall. How could I let this happen? He rubs his forehead to try ease the headache growing by the second. Everything he was scared of begins to wash over him. His worst fear being that you didn't feel the same way about him, hits him like a wave crashing down. The restroom door slamming shakes him from his thoughts.
"Come in." Hotch says keeping his eyes on the papers he's reading over.
"Is everything okay, sir?" You ask walking in and taking a seat across from him. Crossing your leg you rest your hands on your knee. Hoping the position wouldn't show your slight anxiousness towards his authority, you stared at him with wide eyes waiting for him to speak.
"You were late today." He finally looks up at you, frowning. You can feel your cheeks turning red as you begin to answer him.
"I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling well last night and it carried over into this morning." You try to sit straight, not wanting to show off any of your tells. His seriousness didn't help calm your nerves. He stares at you for a moment trying to pick up on anything you might be giving away.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You're never late so I found it a little unusual when you weren't here on time." He says, still frowning. His tone is more relaxed now, and you slowly let out a breath of relief.
"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. I think it was just one too many drinks last night." You look down, letting out a small chuckle. "Thank you though, for checking..." You grin back up at him. He actually returns the grin.
"Alright, make sure you get your case report done by the end of the day." He raises his eyebrows dismissing you. Walking back out to your desk you over exaggerate your breath of relief looking at Emily. She smiles in return. You notice Spencer isn't at his desk. You casually walk over to the glass doors to go look for him. Reaching them he walks back in, trying to quickly move past you. You reach out to touch his hand, but miss it.
Spencer could smell the same perfume from last night as he brushed past you through the doors. He stops for a split second, but continues to his desk. His frustration and anxiety stirring in his head and stomach.
You walk into the hallway stopping as you hear your phone ding. You hold your breath in hopes that it's Spencer.
Garcia: I enhanced the image for you, so now you're out of excuses!! Come to my lair, muahaha!
Spencer reads over your text a million more times biting the inside of his lip. He begins to type out a reply.
Can we talk at lunch?
The anxious feeling of paranoia keeps him from pressing send. What if she tells me last night was a mistake? Too afraid to face rejection he erases his text and frowns at his phone a little while longer.
"Oh good you're here! Come, come." Penelope waves you in. You can't help but smile at her.
"Alright, this better be good since you guys keep talking about how cute he is." You say with a slight annoyance in your tone.
"Just be thankful I worked my magic on fixing this picture, and I never said he was cute." Penelope uses her fluffy pen to point at the stranger on the screen. Leaning closer to the screen you scan over the now sharpened image, biting the inside of your cheek. You can see Penelope peering at you in the corner of your eye. He is handsome, but you try to keep a poker face.
"How tall is he? And really, how much did you guys really get to know him? You were drinking all night!" You scramble to find something to pick on.
"Um, did you forget who I am? After JJ brought up going on a date with you I turned into the profiler. He was in my interview chair, and I don't leave any stone unturned." She starts off almost as if you offended her. "He's number one on my most wanted list if he even looks at you the wrong way." She uses her fluffy pen to mimic a knife over her throat. "And he's tall." she whispers, scrunching her nose.
"I don't know... I still need some more time to think about it, but duly noted." You give Penelope a wink as you turn around to leave. Your thoughts immediately shift back to Spencer and you pull your phone out to see if he's replied, nothing. Walking back down the hallway you hear your phone ding and eagerly pull it out of your pocket.
Reid: You should go on the date.
Confused, you try to make sense of his response. Frozen in the hallway you feel yourself overthinking. What? Why does he want me to go? He seemed happy this morning, what happened? You don't reply and walk back into the bullpen, eyes watching Spencer the whole time. He's focused on his work, eyes never meeting yours. Trying to get your work done you can't help but watch Spencer more than normal throughout the day. You can't seem to catch his eye, but you're scared if you did they would tell you something you didn't want to see. Unable to figure out why he suddenly shut himself off from you, you pull your phone out. The one reason you had to say no just told you to say yes, so you let out a deep sigh and text JJ.
You: I guess I'll go.
You see JJ perk her head up and smile at you.
JJ: Great! I've already got everything set up so I'm glad you said yes :)
You: Of course you do. What's the plan?
JJ: I made reservations at that amazing place Rossi always takes us to.
You: Damn, you know me so well. Reservations for when?
JJ: I didn't want you to change your mind so I made them for tonight.
Your eyes widen, what does she mean tonight?! You put your phone down and start your work again, this time a little annoyed. Now you have to rush so you can leave early enough to get ready. Typing away at your computer you try not to think about the date, or Spencer.
"Alright y/n I will see you at 9! Don't be late!" JJ says pointing at you making her way out of the bullpen. You grin and nod at her.
"See you later." You try not to sound too frustrated.
You walk your papers up to Hotch's office, thankful that you got your work done in time. Spencer finishes packing his stuff into his bag and heads for the elevator. As you make your way back down you see him leaving. Quickly grabbing your things you try to catch him before he disappears in the elevator. All you want is for him to tell you not to go, and if you can catch him he might just say it. As you push through the glass doors you see him stepping into the elevator. Rushing over you slip inside right before the doors close. Your heart is beating harder and you stare at him begging him to even look at you at this point. You can see him tense up when you move closer to him. The heat pinging between the two of you, you move your hand to brush against his. At the same time the doors open and he urgently steps out.
"Spencer..." You try to find a way to articulate your thoughts before he walks outside.
"Y/n, it's fine, seriously. Have fun on your date." He says, the tight lipped smile returning. He finally looks at you before stepping outside. A sadness in his eyes contradicts the clearly forced grin on his face.
You feel a lump in your throat form as you try to process what he just said. Does he really not care if I go? Does he think I don't care? He can barely even look at me. You try to shake off the feeling of crying as you step out of the elevator to leave.
You're not even sure how you managed to get home, you don't even remember any of the drive. Your thoughts are too consumed with replaying each moment of today. Letting out a long deep breath you kick your shoes off stepping inside your apartment. You drop your stuff on the counter and shuffle to the bathroom to turn your shower on. Now you were determined to look as good as you could for tonight. If you were going to walk into this date feeling doubtful you at least wanted to know you looked hot. You turned your speaker on and blasted your favorite playlist for getting ready. You did not want your shower thoughts to be consumed over how Spencer made you feel today.
Stepping out of the shower you wrapped your hair up and dried off. After moisturizing and throwing on some clothes, you pulled your makeup out and got to work. Finishing the look off with some lashes you unwrapped your hair and began to blow dry it. You decided on soft curls and made your way over to your closet. You already had an idea of what you wanted to wear. Knowing this restaurant was more upscale you were able to dress up a little bit more than usual. You pulled out your favorite black dress. It stopped just below the knee but hugged all your curves. The neckline was just revealing enough. Zipping up the low cut back you looked at yourself in the mirror, smiling a little. You slipped on your strappy heels and your favorite necklace. The final touch of perfume was all you needed. Spritzing some on you checked your phone, 8:42. Luckily the restaurant was just a 15 minute drive away. You locked the door behind you and got into your car. You texted JJ to let her know you were on the way. First date nerves started to take over you, but you were still having trouble getting your mind to switch gears from Spencer. Shaking the thoughts of him away with some music you began to drive.
Pulling up to the restaurant the valet took your keys to park your car. Stepping in you held onto your clutch a little tighter looking around for JJ and Will. Luckily Wills' accent stood out from the crowd at the bar, and you made your way over to them.
"Hey! Oh my god you look good." JJ raises an eyebrow at you as she scans your outfit. She hands you a glass of your favorite drink.
"Thanks, so do you. Is he here yet?" You smile at JJ as a thank you for the drink. You take a sip, praying that it'll calm your nerves.
"No, but he should be here any minute." Will replies and JJ searches around for him before her face lights up. You feel your heart rate start to build as she waves at the stranger. "There he is." She nods towards him approaching behind you.
"Hey, nice to see you again." He greets JJ and Will with handshakes and turns his attention towards you. JJ begins to introduce the two of you.
"Y/n this is Luke, Luke this is Y/n!" She raises a brow at you, the look in her eye saying 'told you so'.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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ohsh-arat · 4 years
Domestic (Head)canons
Note: ahhhh very first post headcanons/canon post of my ocs because I love them! Lowkey this helps me remember little things about them since my brain is rusty as hell (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) also there’s a lot of silly canons and some involve with reader <3
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— Kunio Omezo —
☀︎︎ As an assassin, he’s been going through missions to missions nonstop; but the thing is with him, if you text him ‘there’s no food at home’; straight up Door Dash to your front door all bloody,,, while holding bag of fast foods in hand. A mission wouldn’t stop him from bringing you food.
☀︎︎ Kunio has the habit to switch from English to Japanese when he’s frustrated. But when he’s really pissed off he would really bring out his native language and sprinkle in English in the most aggressive way (But he mostly a cool head man so no need to worry about him).
☀︎ ︎But if he ends up being frustrations or depress, he would workout or bake right at home. He tried drawing and painting but that ended horribly for him since he can’t do artsy stuff (just for experience yknow?).
☀︎ He has this habit where he would fiddle his thumbs together when he’s excited. It’s honestly cute because a cold and deadly assassin with a stoic demeanor, fiddling his thumbs just out of excitement.
☀︎︎ Highkey enjoys his hair getting all ruffled up. Just the feeling of someone just semi aggressive rubbing his head makes him oddly relax in a way. But also slow head strokes would make him melt even more (bonus if he ‘purrs’).
☀︎︎ Kunio… Oh Kunio… he has a thing for fluffy things (but in secret). Wondering where he went? Just check the bedroom and congratulation! You found him in a cocoon of extra fluffy blankets. But once he walks up seeing you stand there in amaze and awe, he would be very embarrassed.
☀︎︎ “you better not tell anyone about this...”
☀︎︎ He got himself the best voice when it comes to singing, I mean he loves to sing though he’s a little embarrassed to do it in front of others. But he’s 100% down to sing you to sleep!
☀︎︎ His skin care routine is unbeatable, he spends more time in the bathroom way more than probably any guys. He likes to make himself look presentable and just having the slightest bump would irritate the crap out of him. So if you or anyone walk into the living room seeing Kunio on the couch just sitting there his hair slicked back with those headbands and clay mask on his face; he would look honestly unfazed for someone walking in.
☀︎︎ Kunio was thinking about owning a pet but… it was proven difficult because of his job as an assassin so he subsitute that idea with a house plant instead! He owns a aloe vera plant and monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant). He named them Alen (Aloe) and Wendy (Swiss) for fun.
☀︎︎ He has a very strong sweet tooth, his favorite sweets are mochi! (A bonus if they’re animal shaped mochi because it’s a very special memory connected to his mom). He could go on for days eating sweets after sweets but he rather avoid diabetes.
☀︎︎ But hey, it you like sweets as well then say less, Kunio would drop some store bought sweets from your favorite local shop or even homemade sweets from him!
☀︎︎ Kunio wouldn’t consider himself the best cook but just hanging out and cook together would make him happy. But when it comes to baking, oh man you summoned the baking god. Seriouly though, he grew up baking sweets and treats with his mom so don’t be surprised to see some cute bakery sweets come out all great looking!
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— Owen Fitzgerald —
☀︎︎ Owen a big ass cuddle bug, I mean he loves hugging people in general but just cuddling— it makes him so giddy inside (imagine a dog wagging its tail)
☀︎︎ He own one of those soft LED animal night light as a source of light for reading and having a friend as well! (His little friend is a LED Dino that can changes colors)
☀︎︎ When he was introduce to snacks like gold fish, pringles, pocky, gummy bears, etc. he became addicted; just discover a stash of snacks under his coat or even hoodies (if he switch to casual attire) and he’ll start sprinting to his room.
☀︎︎ “No! You are not taking my mini meals” *sprints off*
☀︎︎ Tech stuff obviously wasn’t a thing back in the 19th century, when he was introduced to futuristic, cutting edge technologies; it literally blew his brain into pieces (also fried some of his brain cells since explaining was covered under seconds). Couple months back when he discover Tik Tok, he can’t stop himself from being on that app and…. he accidentally got himself famous :)
☀︎︎ trashbin8 baby~ *wink wink*
☀︎︎ “🎤sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no✨böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🤴BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû🚣Dà🎉YO💦”
☀︎ ︎Someone take Tik Tok away from him and don’t let him search up what the lyric mean ;nervous;
☀︎︎ No doubt Owen would be super invested in memes and will probably send either extremely wholesome or extremely curse memes at 3am because he loves you <3 (there’s no between).
☀︎︎ After spending weeks and weeks with his phone, he might have develop some a taste for lofi music. He couldn’t help himself but it really helped him read, write, or even just chilling.
☀︎︎ Talk about chilling, you would find him sitting outside on top of a roof and just soaking up the sunlight as the sun sets. Sometimes he’ll ask to join him and hey guess what, he bring snacks and drinks as well.
☀︎︎ Honestly loves tackling people for some reason (as a playful thing ofc) but he’s also ticklish as well ;eyes; if you get yourself in that situation, just tickle his waist and he’ll become a tea kettle. The more you tickle him the more he’ll laugh but also plea for mercy (and a bit of sobbing action).
☀︎︎ Tbh if you spare him... Owen would really say ’Peace was never an option’ and straight up tackle you again as a payback
☀︎︎ Owen reads old literature like A Study in Scarlet, Atlanta in Calydon, and The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. But he grew invested into reading manga, then later into watching Anime.
☀︎︎ ”This is way more entertaining than all the books i’ve been reading my entire life!?” *display the book as he flip through all the pages*
☀︎︎ what a chaotic man he is
Note: I think I could do better but I’m too tired to think at the moment🏃🏻‍♀️💨
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denqis · 5 years
sunshine ㅡ terushima yuuji x reader
summary: yuuji has been ignoring you for weeks and you finally snap at his game against karasuno.
warning: tiny sprinkle of angst ; fluff ; use of curse words (like twice or sumn)
word count: 1300
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"he's so hot, don't you think? i'd love to date him.."
he sent her a wink while walking past, high-fiving his friend after.
"that's number 12 today. you're really the shooting star of our team."
he shrugged and stepped onto the property surrounding the venue.
"i just wish she was here to see me play."
"aren't you going to see terushima today, y/n? they're playing karasuno, right? he might need your support."
your best friend quizzed, trying to analyze your dull expression.
"he'll get enough support from his fangirls... he doesn't need me."
you mumbled, taking a sip of boba.
"come on, don't be like that. are you still mad?"
of course you were.
he hadn't been at school for weeks and once he returned he treated you like air. he just hung out with his teammates and joked around with everyone but you. it seemed to you that you were just a fling, despite him and everyone around you assuring you he was being serious about your relationship.
he wasn't. you were sure of that now.
"i'll take that as a yes. come on, i'll treat you to your favorite. it won't fix your heart but it may help."
she grinned, looking at the directions to the venue where your boyfriend was playing today.
"don't try and trick me into going to see yuuji. i'm not ready to see him. especially in his jersey and shorts, sweat running down his face, anyways..."
you interrupted yourself, embarrassed at your slip-up. you really were still crushing on him, no matter how hard you tried to deny it.
"aw, you're blushing. come on, let's go."
you only noticed she had tricked you once at the venue.
"fuck you.."
you grumbled, ready to turn on your heel, when you spotted his frosted tips in the crowd.
your heart skipped a beat, blush rising once again.
your friend yelled out and took your hand before running towards him.
he turned around, spotted the two of you and froze. you really were here.
he exclaimed giddily and waved.
once you came to a halt in front of him, he wrapped his arms around you, burying your face in his chest.
oh how you had missed his warmth and scent.
but you still weren't ready to forgive him and so you pushed him away, staring right into his eyes.
"now you care?"
"sunshine listen. i'm sorry."
he lifted your chin and leaned in, ready to kiss his guilt and your jealousy away.
"you have a girlfriend? then why did you ask for shimizu's number yesterday?"
a small, orange-haired boy halted and turned his head to the left, visibly confused.
that was the last straw for you. you had enough.
"wow, just wow yuuji. i'm done playing your little game. don't text or call anymore. i hope you choke on your ego. i-i.."
your throat tightened up and you couldn't hold back anymore. all the frustration, jealousy and pain pent up from the past weeks spilled out all at once.
tears streamed down your cheeks as you struggled to breathe.
"i hate you, i hate myself, i hate that i like you."
you choked out and walked off, until his strong hand got a grip around your wrist.
"y/n. let's talk."
you didn't want to talk, you couldn't talk. you were too busy crying in public and embarrassing yourself.
but yuji simply pulled you into the venue, through corridors and into the changing room, locking the door behind you, before starting.
"it's true i asked for her number. it's true that i ignored you at school, but that's all just because i was so nervous and didn't know what to do. you make my brain foggy, i can't think straight when i'm around you. she reminded me so much of you, i couldn't help it. i know that's a sucky excuse, but i just don't know how to explain myself. i just want to ask you for a second chance. please forgive me. i really like you."
"you should focus on volleyball, apparently it's the only thing you care about anyways."
you shot, tears slowing down.
"i care about you! volleyball is my hobby but you.. you're more than that. you make me happier than volleyball ever could. please y/n, i'm begging you to forgive me."
his lower lip quivered as he took one step closer to you.
you kept quiet, nibbling at your lower lip, you were torn. but when he took another step towards you and you could see his thick lashes surrounding his glistening eyes, tears threatening to fall from them, it suddenly became clear.
"fuck, yuuji.."
you whimpered, a blush present on your cheeks and a blush quickly spreading on his face as well.
"you better kiss me like no one's watching right now or i'll leave for good."
he suddenly perked up, hands caressing your face and pulling you into a kiss, lips fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.
"do your best."
you whispered breathlessly in between kisses, before his hands wandered your body and settled on your butt.
you shrieked, as he just giggled and pulled you closer.
"you said like no one's watching."
you felt his tongue piercing press against your slightly parted lips and let out a sigh, granting him entry.
"terushima! the game's about to start!"
a male voice called, causing the two of you to fly apart, with racing hearts and swollen lips.
"i'll be right there!"
he yelled and pecked your lips one last time.
"i'll do my best for you. cheer me on."
"so, we lost."
he stood in front of you, hair still wet from the shower, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
"but we had fun and put up a good fight."
he continued, ruffling his hair with the towel dangling over his shoulders.
"i guess i wasn't really a good luck charm.."
you admitted, astonished by the radiating happiness and positive vibes coming from yuuji.
"are you kidding? my girlfriend is the best good luck charm of all!"
he beamed and embraced you tightly, before pecking your forehead.
"don't doubt yourself too much. i hate seeing you taking yourself down all the time. you're amazing."
your face turned crimson in no time, causing you to turn away quickly.
"let's go grab some food, i'm starving."
he chirped, taking your hand and walking out of the venue.
"thank you for coming today, sunshine."
you looked up at his sparkling eyes and bright smile, catching a slight pink blush on his cheeks.
suddenly, you halted and stared at your crush.
"yuuji, what exactly are we?"
you quizzed, expecting a characteristic dumb or non-telling answer, but what you got instead left you shaken.
"we're a couple, dumb dumb. i thought i had made myself clear? i like you, hell, i love you."
he laughed, while you just stood there, heart pounding relentlessly fast and limbs trembling.
"you.. you never asked me out properly, though."
you had a tiny pout on your lips, you had always dreamed of a romantic date, him asking you to be his girlfriend at a candle lit dinner at a fancy restaurant, but then again it's terushima yuuji you were talking about. he considered mcdonalds to be a five-star restaurant.
a smirk suddenly adorned his lips as he leaned in.
a kiss landed on your forehead.
another peck fluttered onto your left cheek.
another followed shortly on your right cheek.
finally, he locked his lips with yours and pulled you into a tight, loving embrace.
was all you could reply, as his lips recaptured yours again after seconds apart. you melted into his arms, hands caressing his face.
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wocfics · 5 years
A Little Caught Up (Part 1)
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Namjoon x POC Reader
Idol!Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 1k+
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Fluff in this part.
  Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V
Summary: Y/N is on vacation in California with her friends, hotel parties and checking out what California has to offer before she makes the decision to move there. She loves BTS so she’s in shock that they are in the same hotel building together but of course on different floors. He’s the floor above her. They meet at the bar in the late night hours and one drink leads to many which then leads to other things. With him being an Idol and her being a regular girl, they don’t think about the consequences that night and how much their lives will change afterwards.
“So we moved your hotel room to the 4th floor instead of the 5th since that entire floor will be occupied for the remainder of the week…” The front desk receptionist continued to explain as Y/N and her friends checked in. It was better for all of them to have separate rooms but remain on the same floor but now they would be doors apart instead right next to each other as planned. Y/N was finally doing it, finally traveling like she planned on. Yeah she was 24 and to most people, she started a little late but it was better than never. She had no kids, a good paying job and was single for the last five years so it was perfect. She had also decided that if California was worth it, she’d move out there, permanently. Now at first her parents weren't very supportive about her moving so far away. California was too far from New Jersey, pretty much on the other side of the country but she didn’t care. She was the type of person that knew what she wanted and went for it, no matter the consequences, she’d deal with that later.
California was the place where people make dreams happen and that’s exactly why she chose there. Yeah, cliche, but it didn’t hurt to try especially for a makeup artist. Leaning on the receptionist desk while digging through her small wallet with freshly white polished manicured fingernails, she pulled out her credit card and handed it to the woman behind the desk. Once her new room key was in her hand, she chewed on her plump bottom lip and cleared her throat. “Who exactly is on the 5th floor now?” She asked, tucking back a curl that tickled her forehead. The woman glanced around and leaned forward, a smile growing on her lips as she whispered. “BTS, you know the Kpop boy group from South Korea? They’re here for a concert but don’t tell anyone else. I could get into trouble.” Y/N could tell she was a major fan just by the way she talked about them. Nodding, she took her card back and made her way back over to her two friends where they waited by the elevators with her bags. Taking her two suitcases from them, they boarded the elevator to their new designated floors and rooms.
Y/N was a BTS fan as well, but she didn’t let people see it. Of course she loved them after she had gotten into them 2 years ago thanks to her best friend, so hell yeah she was more than shook that she was sharing a hotel with them? Of course, Y/N being Y/N spilled the secret to her two friends when they asked what she was smiling about. “Guess who’s on the floor above us? BTS..” She whispered the last part and both of their eyes went wide before she put a finger to her mouth, telling them to be quiet. “Are you serious? Look at the luck we have! This never leaves this hotel room.” Y/F/N responded. They swore on it and with that, descended to their rooms.
A few hours later and a shower later, Y/N got ready to go to the hotel’s bar/casino. Her medium brown skin was sprinkled with a little golden glitter, a little black dress that was form fitting, the sleeves were long and  the neckline was straight across, showing off her shoulders. Her curls sat on top of her head in a neat but messy bun with a few coils loose and she paired her outfit with a pair of black booties. She never dressed like this, she was more of a shirt and jeans kind of girl and when it came to shoes? She never reached for heels, barely able to walk in them but if she was going somewhere that required them, she wasn’t about to let herself fall. Applying a deep red liquid lipstick to her full lips, she looked over herself in the mirror for a quick glance before the body dysmorphia set in and sent a quick text to her friends that she was on her way out of her room and towards the elevator.
Waiting in the elevator, she watched the numbers go down and then stop at her floor...what she didn’t realize was that there were a group of boys on the elevator. BTS to be exact and she just stared as they looked back at her. Holy shit. She felt naked all of a sudden by the way some of them visibly gulped while quickly scanning over her dress. “Um...sorry I’ll take the next one-” One of them cut her off. “It’s okay, you can come in, we’re heading downstairs too.” Namjoon spoke and smiled a cute dimpled smile. Nodding, she finally moved onto the elevator and pressed the button to close the door, keeping her eyes down at the floor. “You look pretty.” Jin spoke up and Jungkook elbowed him. Glancing up at him, she gave him a small smile and nodded, quickly replying with a “Thank you.” Before looking back down at the floor. Of course she could feel their eyes on her, watching her and it felt like the elevator was moving extremely slow at that point. Once the doors opened, she let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding and quickly made her way out of there before she could do something embarrassing and walked relatively fast towards the lobby until she met up with her friends, not saying a single word of what just happened, or rather what didn’t happen in the elevator.
They decided on catching an Uber to a night club and Y/N knew that meant her friends would be completely wasted and she had to make sure they got back to the hotel good which meant she couldn’t really drink. The night went on pretty late, they club hopped and Y/N had a few drinks but not enough to make herself intoxicated like her friends. She danced all night until 3 am and until Y/F/N was in the bathroom with her head in the toilet. After helping her with her other friend’s help of course, they all managed to make it back to the hotel and they went up to their room, while Y/N dug around in her small clutch for her room key. Looking up, she noticed they got on the elevator without waiting for her and she rolled her eyes, and made her way to the bar of the hotel in the back. There were a few people in there, mostly older people and that’s when she saw them. BTS, once again. They looked like they just finished practice from the way they were dressed and sitting at a table, eating. Quickly making her way over to the bar, she ordered a vodka and cranberry, sitting down on the bar stool and rolled her ankles from how sore they were from wearing the heels. Her phone was on red, so she sent her friends a quick message, letting them know she was going to be up soon and flipped her phone over on the bar and began sipping away at her drink, finally able to relax.
“Hi.” Came a deep voice and she nearly jumped out of her skin before looking to the right of her and seeing...Namjoon. She blinked a few times and looked around before looking at him. DO NOT FANGIRL Y/N. “Oh...hello.” She whispered and went back to drinking her drink, waving at the bartender for another one. There was no way he was talking to her. Her heart beat 10 times faster than normal. “Here, I’ll buy your drinks for you.” He sat down at the bar. So this was really happening. She looked over at him and smiled. “Thank you...I-I appreciate it. Thank you.” She repeated and closed her eyes before turning back to the bar. He gave her that smile again. Those fucking dimples were killing her, even in person. “I never got your name on the elevator earlier. Sorry if you scared you.” His English was so perfect and that voice! “It’s okay, you didn’t scare me I just didn’t want you guys to be uncomfortable and think I was some crazy fangirl or something. I’m Y/N.” She looked down at his outstretched hand and quickly grabbed it, his hand was soft. Strong but soft. “Y/N. That’s a pretty name or a pretty girl.” Oh shit he was doing it, he was flirting. She blinked a few times before pulling her hand away and chewing on her bottom lip.
She could see his eyes flicker down to her lips before meeting her eyes again. He ordered two drinks for them and that’s when the conversation started. Anyone could feel the chemistry between them, it was obvious but Kim Namjoon? She never thought in her entire life that he would talk to a regular girl like her. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening but what was more surprising was how easily she was talking to him. It had to be at least 4:30 a.m when they were both a little tipsy and taking another shot. “So I’m your bias and Yoongi is your...wrecker? He’s gonna love hearing that. He’s gonna be jealous.” He kept that smile on his face. 50% of it was definitely from the alcohol and she could tell from how flushed he is now. Her phone long died but she didn’t care, they were just staring at each other every now and then and lightly touching hands before he bit down on his lip and glanced around before looking at her. “What’s your room number? I’ll sneak by a little later if you want. Just to talk…” Yeah fucing right. She knew he wanted to do more than just talk but why not? She had been paying babysitter all night anyways and this is the most she’s let loose in a long time. Holding her hand out for his phone, she quickly put in her number and sent a text to her phone with her room number and floor and handed it back to him. “I should get going. It was nice talking to you. I’m gonna go shower now..” She stood up, taking off her heeld and holding them in her hand and waved at him before moving towards the elevator, stumbling a little and making her way up to her room. This is really fucking happening!
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veronicamarsbars · 5 years
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kiss me goodbye Part Two
Click here for part one
You were sitting in Jesse’s parked car, shotgun, fiddling with one of the random novels you picked out to keep from the last time you helped the old guy with his bookshop – Mr Roberts, while polishing off another donut. The sun was setting in the distance, a golden glow filled the car and reflected in the mirror. It had been a long week of mediocrity and work but at least you had the evenings with Jesse to look forward to.
Jesse sat in the driver's seat next to you, he had his window rolled down, the cool, dusk air creeping up on the pair of you. His stern, concentrated face seemed indifferent, as did his unusual silence. It was a recent development, this silence. He was blowing the occasional puff of smoke out the window from his lit cigarette, deep in thought, it seemed. Sometimes you wished you could get him high enough to spill everything that went on in his mind but most of the time, it just resulted in this unwavering silence.
You glanced down at the pink box sitting in your lap, having just finished off your last donut. But Jesse still had his to eat and even though you were tempted to sneak in one of his, you held onto your willpower. “Donut?” you asked, offering him the box.
His lips parted slightly as he blew out more smoke, his eyes tore away from the street view you both had from where the car was parked. He eyed the box. He tried not to smile and shook his head at you, “You ate your half already?”
You grinned, a little embarrassed, and replied, “Can’t help it, they’re so good!” Suddenly, your stomach rumbled with satisfaction and you laughed, pointing at your gut, “See? Even my tum thinks so.”
Jesse grabbed the box from your hand, “Guess I should eat my share…” he carefully chose one, a nice, brightly coloured one with pink sprinkles, and bit into it, “especially if they’re that good.” He pressed his cigarette into the ashtray while he finished chewing his mouthful. He liked the tradition you had started, donuts and coffee after working hard all day. It was something he looked forward to in between working with Walt and then Mike later on in the night. Not to mention, he couldn't feel at peace anywhere else, not even at his now junkie flooded house where he would drown out thoughts of murder with a nice shard of blue glass. But since you came into the picture, there was nowhere else better.
You stretched out a little and the car seat groaned with your movement, your book now sitting over one leg to hold the page you’re up to. You peered up at the sky through the window beside you and watched the splash of warm colours. The clouds littered the oranges and blues and pinks that the sunset brought, it almost looked like a painting. You remembered back to the art gallery and Jesse's awkward first visit. Now he came by so often that he could pick out when a new piece had arrived and you'd just hung it up with the others. You smiled to yourself.
You suddenly remembered a time when you didn’t know him at all. Now, it would be weird, to live this life without him smoking his cigarettes with you at sunset, the smell of sweet icing and jelly.
Jesse turned to look at you instead of gazing out the windshield, “Why do you even like donuts so much?” he pondered out loud, his words fumbling through the mouthful of donut.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You gestured to the box in his lap, “They’re sugary goodness. Just the right amount of light, fluffiness to them, and they can be served super sweet with icing and sprinkles, or jelly, or you could just have plain old cinnamon. Isn’t that fantastic?” you babbled.
He slowly blinked and kept his stare on you, mouth closed and still full, an eyebrow raised.
You laughed at his expression and shook your head.
He finally swallowed, “You’ve really uh… thought about this a lot, haven’t you?” he teased. You could see amusement behind his eyes.
You pushed your hair out of your eyes, and sunk further into the car seat, deciding on a serious answer. “I don’t know…” you started, quiet, “I guess it’s a nostalgia thing. My brothers and I would always get donuts after school on our way home.”
His face softened at the thought of a little you walking home from school, pig-tails and a too-big backpack sitting on your shoulders, grinning from ear-to-ear, alongside your brothers. He chuckled at the thought and then chimed in, “Brothers are good for something, then.” In that moment, he half-wished he had memories like that with his own brother. But most of Jake's upbringing was spent being separated from him by his parents, in fear that he would turn out a loser just like Jesse was.
You peered over at him, his eyes were clouded with deep-thinking yet again. “You got a brother?”
Jesse paused, picking at another donut absent-mindedly. He suddenly seemed very quiet. “Yeah, yeah…”
You watched him, waiting for him to continue, but he didn’t. You shifted your position slightly, so that you faced him better, the book that was on your leg now lying on the car’s dashboard, “Has he got a name?” you asked.
He jolted and looked up at you suddenly, as if he was lost in his own little world not a moment ago. He discarded the half-eaten donut into the box, uninterested in finishing it, “Yeah, uh... Jake.” His eyes darted from yours to the car radio.
“Younger or older?”
Jesse reached for the back of his neck nervously and stared out through the windshield. A moment passed as he shifted uncomfortably, “Younger, he finally replied. He scratched at his hair near his hairline, it had been such a long time since he thought of his little brother. Since he thought of his own family. So much had happened.
You thought about asking him something more about his family, conversation rarely ever went there and you wanted to take the opportunity to get to know his life a little better but he interrupted your thoughts by turning the radio on to some of his hip-hop rap music. It blasted through the speakers at high volume, since the last time he listened was while you both shouted the lyrics together while driving through the neighbourhood.
He ditched the box of donuts back onto your lap.
You sat up in your seat in response, steadying the box, “You okay?”
He sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand, “Yeah,” he started rolling up his window, “just got shit to do, you know?” Jesse straightened himself up in his seat, the usual cheeky expression no longer visible.  
“Okay,” you mumbled quietly and buckled your seatbelt.
You weren’t fond of these moments, nor were you new to them. Whenever things got a little too real, a little too deep or close to home, Jesse had an escape plan. You weren’t sure how to feel about it, if there should be anything to feel at all, but it did frustrate you sometimes because all you wanted was to get to know him.
He started the car up and put it into drive. You passed by houses you didn’t recognize.
His eyes darted to the book still sitting on the dashboard, it was a blue, little thing that looked old and worn. He already felt the guilt from cutting off conversation before but it was something he had to do. He couldn't just tell you these things, he couldn't open up about his life to you. You weren't ready for it, or maybe he wasn't. He didn't know. But ever since Jane, ever since what he did to Gale...
“What’cha reading?” Jesse spat out, rather than calmly asked, he was eager to escape his thought patterns. They always ended up in the same dark places. Besides, he liked to ask you about the things you read, because you read so often. Your mind, to him, was a ball of knowledge and the things you thought about always intrigued him.
You swallowed before responding, not so sure you felt like talking to him anymore, “Just a book. Collection of short stories.”
“About?” he prodded, glancing at you briefly before he rounded the next corner by turning the steering wheel.
“Death, love, betrayal, the usual.”
He was amused by your sudden attitude, usually when he asked you questions like that, you would talk on for hours about every detail of the story and the characters. He wouldn't have to push you to talk. He swallowed and made another attempt at conversation, “Maybe you can read it to me sometime… when I’m not being as much of an asshole.”
“Like how you’re being one now?”
“Yep,” he admitted, and looked at you with those charming blue eyes. You didn't respond so he suggested, “Or maybe we can get high together and figure out the real meaning behind them. Authors always have like... hidden meanings, right? Things you gotta work out yourself, like cracking a code or something?”
You laughed at this and rolled your eyes, “Sure.”
You saw him smile, out from the corner of your eye. His eyes were on the road ahead of him but he didn't seem to be as distracted as before, or nervous. This was how it was sometimes, depending on the day, he would change moods often. You knew it was because of deeper reasons than just working at a laundromat but you accepted his secrecy. Other times, you were too concerned to be patient with him. But for now, as the sun set behind you, you just enjoyed riding along with him listening to his crappy music.
He knew you were concerned, he didn't want you to be but he always saw your worried looks. Even when you thought he didn't notice. He reached for your hand and you were surprised when he touched it lightly.
For a moment, his hand was there, on yours. He squeezed it and then let go, both hands back on the steering wheel.
It wasn’t a good day.
Jesse hadn’t swung by in a little while but he blamed it on the laundromat and his "bitch of a boss" giving him extra shifts. He spent most of his time recently doing these odd jobs, sometimes, well into the night. You knew that because he'd send you a text at 2 in the morning in response to one you sent much earlier in the day. Though you were lucky if he even responded, most days.
But this particular night, he called you.
“Y/N?” he pleaded on the other side, a crackle of static sounded as he shifted his mobile from one ear to the other, “Y/N, are you home?”
You frowned at the sound of his voice, the obvious state that he was in, some kind of distress. You stood up from your couch, “Jesse? Yeah, I am," your eyes darted to your car keys, "I’m home. Where are you, are you alright?”
“No, I… I – fuck.” It sounded as if he took in a deep breath and then sighed. He finally continued, “I just… I’m outside. I didn't... I didn't know where else to go.”
“What-” You heard a knock on your door as you replied. You paused, staring at your front door from your couch. The porch light was on and you could see through a slit in the curtains, a figure much like Jesse's. You hurried to the front door and unlocked it, he swung toward the door when he heard the click. You opened the door, the phone still pressed against your ear. Jesse stared at you from the entrance, his shoulders slumped and his eyes grey with exhaustion.
You dropped your hand from the side of your face, still holding the phone, “What’s wrong?” you asked, when he walked past you into your home. He was wearing his usual dark clothing but one of his cheekbones was obviously red and bruised.
He swallowed, his eyes darted from yours, “Nothing.” He glanced at you but couldn’t keep your stare, “I just… wanted to be somewhere else.”
“Your cheek—”
“It’s nothing," he warned.
You eyed him as he wandered over to your couch and sat down in a heap. Something was wrong, of course, but again, of course, he wouldn’t let up. He never did. He never told you anything.
You slipped your phone into your pocket and followed him to the couch. You sat down beside him and hesitated, “Can I get you anything?” He rested his head against the cushion and shut his eyes. “Jesse?”
“Huh?” he said softly, confused. He opened his eyes and looked at you a moment. The moment seemed too long. “No, I’m okay.”
You weren’t sure what you were supposed to do. You sat in silence as the light from the television spilled over into the room, washing out your skin with an electric blue. You wanted to know what happened, you wanted to know what the hell was going on with him lately, but he wouldn’t say a single word. You stared at the bruise on his face and felt something close to anger well up inside you. You turned away from him and stared at your hands in your lap.
Only the laugh-track of whatever sitcom was on echoed between you. You felt his eyes on you, but you weren’t going to be the one to start questioning him. You were sick of it. If he wanted to talk about what happened, he needed to do it himself, right then and there.
"Are you mad?" he suddenly asked, his voice wavered.
You pouted your lips, thinking hard on what to respond with. You knew Jesse needed patience but it was difficult sometimes, especially when he rocks up out of nowhere with a wounded cheek. "I don't know, maybe."
"I'm sorry."
"You don't need to be," you mumbled, softly. You sighed and caught his stare, "I just wish you would tell me what the hell happened. I know you don't like to talk about... some stuff, but you can't just show up, injured, at my door-step and expect me to be okay with not knowing why."
He looked down at his hands. They were bruised and cut too. You could see them bleeding from where you sat.
He shook his head, "It doesn't matter."
You closed your eyes, briefly, and tried to not let the anger upset you to tears.
All Jesse could think about was the shit he did. All of it. The drugs, the murder, getting high -- all of it. He didn't understand why you could be so upset, he didn't understand why you could even care this much. It was foreign to him, someone like you. Maybe he shouldn't have come here after all, but if he didn't, he might have wandered off into the middle of traffic on a highway somewhere.
He swallowed, “Do... do you... like me?” he asked, quietly. A commercial for dish-washing liquid was on. He was staring at the TV as he said it and continued to do so. He didn't know what made him ask you so suddenly. Maybe he just wanted to know if he was really a good person, even after everything that he's done.
You looked at him. You were a little taken aback by his question but answered him truthfully anyway, “I... Yeah.”
He blinked, as if surprised, “Why?”
You were staring at the commercial too when you continued, “You…” you paused, wanting to be honest. You sighed, “You have nice eyes.” You felt as if you were treading onto something unknown, neither of you spoke about each other in this way. It was something you avoided, maybe, or it was something you both weren’t sure about just yet. Nevertheless, it was there, it always was there, it just hadn’t been said. “You know how to make me laugh and… and I feel comfortable around you, I feel like I can trust you.” You finally looked at him, “I want… to know you.”
He swallowed, his blue eyes alight, an expression you weren’t sure if you’d seen before.
You licked your lips nervously, “But Jesse, you won’t let me know you.”
He felt his heart sink at your words because he knew you were right. There was so much he wanted to say, so much he just wanted to tell you. If only you knew these things, he could be himself, completely and freely, without a worry. But he couldn’t tell you. He couldn’t tell you how he felt because he was afraid, he couldn’t let you know him because he hated who he was. He couldn’t let you see the real him because he was scared that you’d hate him too.
Instead of arguing or defending himself, he just turned back to face the television again, and you had enough.
You suggested he should leave, and though he wanted anything but, he couldn’t argue. If he were to argue, he’d tell you the truth, but he didn’t want that because it might just hurt you more.
He got up and said that he needed a ride. Apparently, he had walked to your house. You didn’t believe him, but you gave him a lift anyway.
You could hear music on his street, loud, and when you pulled up to the house he lived in, he got out on the passenger side and didn’t even say goodbye when he left.
click here for part three
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ashitomarisu · 2 years
2022 Anime Watch: Anime-Gataris (Final Thoughts)
What started as just my excuse to watch something that had Anchan in it turned into an unexpected clusterfuck.
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(...and yet Kaede Hondo tried to win me over in the first episode).
Let-Let's actually talk about this anime for a while, because I'm still trying to wrap my head on the final two episodes. The comments on Crunchyroll and ANN aren't helping form a conclusion.
Instead, I'm breaking it down myself.
From episode 1-6, the episodes play out like a slice-of-life, sprinkling in some pretty informative references and nods to the animation industry in general. Hell, Erika....
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[Note: This is where you need to keep scrolling if you wish to avoid OP's sudden Anchan appreciation monologue. Otherwise, suffer the many Anchan caps coming your way.]
First off, it makes so much damn sense for Erika, AN OTAKU, to have such a pleasant, dynamic voice coming from Anchan, A LITERAL OTAKU IRL. Every moment involving her was enjoyable and entertaining; while at the same time, I get to see a side of Inami who is having fun with this role.
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(and no, the staff did not hold back on Love Live references...)
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(In fact, Precure and Love Live, alongside Re:ZERO, were mentioned so many times in the show I started questioning if this was the director's intent).
Other anime titles referenced include the following:
Neon Genesis Evangelion (not surprised)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Kuroko no Basket
Dragon Ball Z
Sally the Witch
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Sakura Wars
Girls Und Panzer
[OP, we need to move on now and get to the clusterfucking].
Right....other than the Comiket ordeal; I mean, about the second half of the series. Episodes 7-8 start the whole "let's make an anime" phase, and I almost wanted to quit halfway when they actually did complete it (sans ending).
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In fact, Episode 11 literally did it for me, from the Osomatsu style, to the text hitting Minoa in the face, to the dreaded 800x600 screen ratio (letterbox effect that was used in SO MANY FANSUBS AND DVD RIPS), and did I forget to mention...
Episode 12 got even more fucked up...with the climax taking way too many plot twists to the point someone got ki--fourth wall broke the fourth wall broken by another fourth wall and everything collapses.
Even with a solid casting, decent comedy, and bold concept tackling the anime industry and everything that goes on, the final two episodes broke me. It was hilarious at times, but as soon as the main plot twist was revealed, I couldn't handle the pretzel that was forming in front of me.
Overall, I did enjoy it for the most part for being an ambitious project, albeit some of the characters felt a bit flat. YES GO WATCH IT IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN THE CLUSTERFUCK FOR YOURSELF.
That, my folks, concludes this month's anime watch. Next month will be packed with not only more Love Live Superstar, but the only Toei anime I will allow this year after the December 2021 incident. Continuing the Precure tradition as usual, join me next month as I dive into a "tropical" kind of time. Break out the makeup and--WAIT...MAKEUP!?
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Until next time, here's...you know what? Have some Soramaru while I go research some meditation techniques.
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