#instead of just weak ass spandex
bodyswapmischief · 7 months
Glitch in the System: The Gif Prison
(This story is for @axeegliter. The plot was inspired by an idea he proposed to me. I hope you enjoy the story!)
Tyler looked down at his body. “Where ... I'm I.” He spoke as his mind felt cloudy. He saw that he was wearing a wrestler singlet. It looked funny on his body because he wasn't athletic enough to be wearing this, or so he thought. He wasn't scrawny or fat. He was just average; a little bloated from last night's big meal. And, he was perfectly fine with that. Even though he never worked out, he wasn't weak. He could see himself developing a dad bod as he got older, but he didn't mind. He loved doing other things with his time instead of spending his whole life at a gym to look like a Greek statue. So, as Tyler looked down, he couldn't help but be confused. “What the fuck am I wearing?” He snapped the straps of the spandex uniform. 
His father came walking in. His father was the opposite of him. He was a coach and personal trainer all of Tyler's life. “You really did no training? Tyler, this is the big match, and you look like this! No muscle! You are gonna get your ass kicked.” It was still hard to think for Tyler. The world around him was moving so fast, but his body and mind were moving so slow. “Dad? What are you doing here? Where am I? What match? ... I never joined the wrestling team.” Tyler thought back about his early high-school years and how his father was so disappointed that Tyler lied about trying out for any team. 
“It's too late to cry about this boy. Time to get your ass beat like a man of your word. You agreed to this fight ... time to see it through. Just walk to the ring.” His father spoke sternly. Before Tyler could speak, he was in a long hallway with a bright light at one end. With every step, he could hear the roaring cheer of an audience. An announcer began to introduce him, and the cheering grew louder. He felt a pit in his stomach as he got closer to the light. He knew thousands of eyes would be on him, but he didn't want that. He never wanted to be the center of attention. He took a step into the light, and a blast of loud music made him jump.
Tyler jumped out of bed. The hallway was gone. The bright light was gone. He looked down at his body and saw his shirtless torso. The wrestling singlet was nowhere to be seen. He was getting a bit sick and dizzy from the quick wake-up. But, he realized the loud music was pounding against his wall. Tyler groaned when an energetic person began to talk as the music started to wrap up. “Welcome, Bros! Today, I'm gonna run through a 2 hour workout that you can get done at home to keep you toned on days you can't get to the gym for that sweet pump!” 
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Tyler sat on his bed, his heart slowly calming down from the intense state of panic. He realized how hot he was and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Fuck, that was an intense nightmare.” He finally gained enough energy to get up and deal with reality. The loud noise of the TV was filling up his room. He got up and began to stretch and found a shirt to put on. He felt gross from the sweat that was on his body caused by the panicked state of the nightmare. He gathered some clothes to go take a shower and get changed. Doing one last yawn he walked out of his dorm room and got ready to face what he suspected would be on the other side of the door.
Tyler instantly rolled his eyes as he saw that he was right. He saw Ryan shirtless in a pair of workout shorts. The thuds of his heavy muscular body shook the room as he followed the exercises done on the online video. Ryan was a himbo jock that Tyler was, unfortunately, paired up with this year at the dorms. It wasn't that Ryan was a bad roommate for the most part. It was more that they had nothing in common. Even worse, Ryan just couldn't figure that out. Ryan would try to get Tyler to hang out with him. He invited him to come work out or join him at parties, but Tyler often rejected his offer. The main time they would hang out was when they had nothing better to do and a game was on. Although, Tyler saw some benefit of having a himbo for a friend. It was through him that he found his girlfriend, and he did help Tyler's social game.
Ryan muted the video. With his signature smile, the jock began to speak. “Yo! Ty, you up! Wanna join me on this workout!” Tyler looked at Ryan like a grumpy cat awoken from a deep slumber. “No Ryan ... Ideally, I'd like to still be asleep. Why are you blasting this video at 6:10 in the morning.” He spoke like a parent scolding a child. Ryan rubbed the back of his head. “It's a holiday and the gym was closed ... I need to get my morning work out in.” He blushed as he explained his thought process. 
“Yes, Ryan, it's a holiday ... and don't you think people would love some rest.” Ryan sighed as he pinched the top of his nose. “Look, just lower it! I don't want other people complaining about the noise. I'm gonna take a shower cause apparently I've done enough sweating in my sleep.” As Ryan spoke, he was caught off guard as it looked like the man in the video was looking at him. Even though it was muted, it felt like the man was listening to him and analyzing, as he continued to work out. 
“I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking ... I just need to get my workout in.” Ryan apologized. “Just keep down.” Tyler said, walking out to go to dorms shared restroom. Looking back at the screen, he watched as the man teasingly took off his shirt, almost mocking Tyler's lack of fitness.” 
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Tyler would come back to his dorm and see that his friend was still working out. He tried  to avoid looking at the video. He couldn't explain it, but it felt like some sort of survival instinct was telling him not to look. He went back onto his bed and scrolled a bit on his phone. Looking at the time, he knew that he had to meet Nora for lunch later that day. The best part of it being a holiday meant no classes and more time to spend with his girlfriend. But that was still hours away. He yawned from waking up so early. “I could still get an hour or two of sleep.” He thought to himself. 
He fell into the void until he jerked awake. “What time is it?” He groaned. His head felt strange. It was like he couldn't think. He swung his arms to grab his phone. His arms felt heavy. He brought the phone to his face and saw scribbles where the time would be. He looked out the window and saw that it's dark. He decided to speak to his phone instead. “Siri what time?” He struggles to think about what to say. “The time is 6:00 A.M” Siri responds. “Can't be right. Why me talk weird.” He worried, as his thoughts seemed to he filtered out to talk like some kind of cave man. 
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He gets up and tries to walk over to the restroom. But, his body moves to the dorm’s shared room. Tyler tries to fight, but his body is acting on its own. He turns on his phone and starts a video. And then he sees his body. He looks like a dumbed himbo version of himself. He screams in his head. His worst nightmare is happening. He tried to scream for help from Ryan, but he wondered if that idiot would even know what to do. His body starts talking by itself. “Hello! And welcome to me video ... we work out, and you get ripped like me!” He says as idiotically as possible. He starts to work out. He internally screams in pain as he feels his body working to the limit. But, after a while, it begins to feel good. He wanted to see how much more pain he could push through. And then the workout alarm echoed throughout the room. He tries to turn it off but can't. “Why no stop!” He panics.
Then he opened his eyes and shot out of bed. His heart was racing. He looked around his room and found his phone. He grabbed it and looked at the time. Heart still racing, he realized it was all a dream and he had 30 minutes before he was supposed to meet up with his girlfriend. He got up and looked at himself. He was in his normal body. He felt some relief. But, a part of him was also disappointed. He felt weak. “No ... stop that ... you are happy with your body ... you don't need to be a gym head. It was just a nightmare. You didn't like it. You don't like it.” He spoke to himself as he got up and put on some casual clothes and went to the cafeteria to meet up with Nora. 
Sitting at the table waiting for Nora, Tyler couldn't stop thinking about his nightmares. How easily he could have been a jock if he listened to his father. Sometimes, he was jealous of how simple-minded Ryan was. He'd admit that in those seconds, being buff wouldn't be the worst thing ever. But, then another thought entered his head. The images of the man from the workout video. He couldn't shake him out of his mind. A warning deep in his soul screamed out. “Damn, get a hold of yourself ... what is wrong with you?” He whispers to himself. 
Mid thought, Nora walked up on him. “What's on your mind?” She says as she wraps her arms around Tyler, from behind. He jumped from the surprise and turned around. He wrapped Nora in his arms and gave her a kiss. “Nothing ... Today has just been strange. How have you been?” He smiled, trying to stop his mind from racing. Nora talked about her morning. She was happy that she could sleep in and finish some homework. As she talked, she couldn't help but notice that Tyler kept slipping in and out of his own mind. “Are you sure you are okay?” She said with a tone of concern. 
“Um ... yeah ... sorry.” Tyler slowly swam back to reality. “It's just ... I don't know ... today has been weird. Like I've had two nightmares today, and they both kinda revolved around the same thing.” Tyler began to explain. He began to go into detail. As he talked, he tried to find any meaning. But, he was also a little bothered by the fact Nora was looking at her phone. “Are you even listening?” He sighed. “Yes? I can look at my phone and listen. Your first dream could be like some daddy issues.” She teased as she looked up from her phone. “And, maybe the second dream is you just being annoyed at Ryan for waking you up too early.” She tried to be helpful. Tyler sits in the following seconds of silence
“Damn!” Nora let out as she almost choked on her drink. “What is it?” Tyler looked up at her. “It's nothing...” Nora tried to move the conversation along. “Come on, just let me see.” Tyler begged. “Fine ...” Nora said a bit hesitantly. “It's just some fitness influencer ... a gif of him flexing. He's been all over social media. I just didn't expect to see him on my reel.” She explained. Tyler mind snapped as he watched the same man from the video Ryan was watching earlier today. He felt jealous ... an emotion he hardly felt.
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“Oh ... I see ... you think he's hot cause he's ripped ... not like me.” He pouted. “Come on, Tyler, don't make this something it's not. I like you and your body ... the gif just got me off guard.” Nora sighed. “Yeah but I'd bet you'd like me more if I was ripped ... If I had a body like Ryan. If I was the athlete my dad wanted to be.” Tyler got up and started speaking loudly, making a bit of a scene. “Tyler I don't know what's up with you today ... but knock it off. You know, none of that is true. You are good the way you are. Knock it off before you ruin the day.” Nora said, getting more annoyed at the situation. “Well Nora! Maybe I don't want to just be good. Maybe I want to be great.” He said as he stormed off. 
Tyler rushed back into his dorm. “Okay asshole. You want to mess with me. Well fuck you. I'll use you to get ripped ... see your stupid videos and show that it's nothing to fucking brag about. I'll show that you can be ripped and not be some fucking attention whore.” Tyler cussed as he started pulling up the same YouTube video that Ryan on. He stopped himself aa he realized how much his blood was boiling. “What the fuck is wrong with me ... this is not me. Why am I so mad? Why is this getting under my skin?” He said holding his head in his hands and trying to fight his thoughts.
The video began to play, and the man began to speak. “It's okay, Tyler ... I'm here to help.” Tyler was shocked as he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw that the world around him turned into a gym. The man from the video was there looking into his eyes. “What the fuck ... this is another dream ... I just gotta wake up.” Tyler panics. “Maybe it is ... maybe it isn't. But, either way this is your home now.” The man smirked. Tyler felt frozen in place.  “This ... it's not possible...” Tyler continues. 
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“Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, it's okay. Trust me ... I'm here to help. I was just like you. Just an average guy ... I got trapped in this same room. Now look at me ... online health influencer, a personal trainer, and more. People love me, and I love the attention they give me. I love that by watching me and my body, I give them hope. And, now I offer you the same experience.” The man smiles and flaunts his body.
“B...b...but I don't want this. I just want to get out of here.” Tyler stuttered. “I think I phrased something wrong. This is not your choice. The choice has been made for you. But to be honest, you wouldn't be here if this wasn't some you wanted. I've been watching you. What was it you said ... you'd use me to get ripped to show me up? And, what about your dream? Wouldn't life be easier if all you cared about was getting a good pump like your friend. And, you always looked up to your father ... don't you want to finally make him proud.”  The man smirked. The words stung Tyler's mind. The man was right. “No! You've done something to me! I didn't want this ... I like who I am. Why did you put these thoughts in my head.” Tyler yelled. The man lightly repetitively slapped Tyler's face. “You'll see in time ... this is what you wanted. This is what you were meant to become.” The man walked away and began to vanish.
As the man left, Tyler finally felt control of his body return as he fell to his knees. He looked around for an exit, but there were no doors or windows. He began to rush around the perimeter of the gym, but nothing showed itself to be a secert way out. He was trapped. He banged on the walls and cried out to be let out. The room let out a ringing sound, and his body froze up again. He was not in control as it moved towards a set of dumbells. He began to lift them. His arms worked out until he was sore. A line appeared on his chest, and he fell to the floor as he regained control of his body. Another ringing sound filled the room, and his body went on autopilot. Another set of reps was done. The pain increased as his arms still didn't have time to recover. Another line appeared on his chest. The process continued over and over. The lines on his chest were changing, becoming obvious that they were roman numerals. Tyler was trapped in his body internally, screaming for it to stop. He was fighting hard to gain some control. The number on his chest reached 72, and he fell to the floor. He tried to lift himself up, but the pain in his arms prevented him from doing so. 
He looked up as he heard footsteeps approaching him. “What the fuck did you do to me! Let me out! You sick bastard!” Tyler screamed through the pain and exhaustion. The man laughed. “And, why would I do that? I just came to say you are doing great! The audience loves you.” Tyler choked on his exhaustion. “Audience...” The man chuckled. “You still haven't pieced it together. You are stuck in a gif. That number is the view count. People are sharing you as we speak. You'll be on workout forums. You body will be blasted on thirst trap forums. I might even share your clip on my personal channel. And, everytime someone watches you ... this gif ... you will be compelled to do the same movement over and over again. “Fuck you! I'll find a way out of this ... I'll kill you.” Tyler growled. The man walk over and squated down. “Well good luck with that, soon to be big guy.” He patted Tyler's back.
His body froze up once again. He continued the process. But, it wouldn't stop. The number on his chest kept getting higher. He could feel the muscles in his arms and chest rip and heal. The tears of the pain were disgused by the sweat running down his face. He hated it. He could only stare at his reflection in the mirror. He didn't know how long he'd been here. But, he already saw changes in his body. His arms looked more toned. Hours ... days ... weeks passed. Tyler wasn't sure as keeping track of time was impossible. The number would finally reach over 1,000, and he stopped. He fell back onto the floor. His arms and chest burning in intense pain. “Nobody must be watching!” He coughed out after not talking for what felt like an eternity. 
He needed to get up. This was his time to find a way out. He couldn't take much more. He tried to lift himself up, but the pain was too great. His heart beat faster he used thst pain to fuel his rage. He needed to push. And, he did. He used all his strength to lift himself up. But, he was surprised. It didn't hurt. It felt good. A good sore feeling. As he stood still, the intense pain returned. He screamed out. He let the pain fuel him again and pick up the dumbell, and threw it against the wall, hoping it would crack and reveal an exit. But, the wall remained undamaged. Tyler winced in preparation to feel more pain from what he did. But, again, that good sore feeling filled his body. He lifted the other dumbell and did some reps. The intense stabbing pain decreased. “Fuck! It's like my body is addicted to working out. If I stop ... it's too painful.” He went to a leg press machine and started working put. He sat there and started thinking of a plan. But, before anything could be done ... a ringing sound filled the gym and he was back into the gif loop.
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The number kept rising. His body was becoming more addicted to lifting. Thinking became pointless. The sore feeling relaxed his mind. There was no point in thinking of friends, family, or a way out. He was trapped. It could have been years at this point. He didn't know if this was real. Maybe he was dead, and this was hell. The only thing he could do to keep himself sane was count every set and rep. Then the number would stop, and the pain would come back. He'd stuggle to the nearest machine to work out ... to relieve himself from the pain. Over this time, his body would transform. He had to assume it had been years as he looked older.  His arms began to curve into thick biceps and blouderish shoulders. His chest jutted out in a shelf of muscle. His torso chiseled itself as sweat washed down his body. His thighs thickened with hard muscle. And, his legs began to get well defined. The number on his chest just continued to rise.
Something finally snapped in Tyler's mind. As the number grew on his chest, he realized how many people watched him. How many people lusted over him. How many people saw his gif and got inspired to work out. He felt proud. The pain began to feel good. Working out felt as necessary as breathing did. He'd look in his reflection and loved the man he saw. After the last round of gif play throughs. He walked up to the mirror. The pain felt good. He flexed. The man from the video appeared behind him and rubbed his chest. “I think you are ready for the next step.” He smiled. 
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lavylu · 1 year
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Line Girl
Steve is a cocky performer who decides to help stretch out one of his line girls.
Warnings: literally just fingering
Steve watched as the girls warmed up around him. Several were chatting with each other and fixing their hair. A few were reapplying lipstick and mascara to their lashes. You on the other hand were stretching out your legs.
Every line girl needed to have high kicks and their splits. That’s what you were working on now. You were doing kicks on one side and made a quiet pout. Steve had no idea what for so he decided to wander on over.
He was wearing his spandex and if the sight didn���t make your mouth water you would be lying. The outfit hugged his pecs and you could still make out the lines of his abs.
And then the bulge.
The suit left nothing to the imagination.
His little guy (who wasn’t so little) constantly strained against the fabric and it made you wet. You had no idea how the other girls could focus when Steve was there.
A voice like butter hit your ears, “what’s wrong?”
Steve had snuck up on you when you were spaced out. He gave you a soft smile that made your stomach do flips.
“Nothing really, just I can’t get my hamstring to stretch out.”
Something ignited in his eyes and he gave you a devilish glare. “Can I help?”
You gently nodded your head causing Steve to smirk. He pulled you closer to him, by your hips. His huge hands nearly causing your skirt to ride up.
He lifted an eyebrow at you as he spun you around so your back would be to his chest. “Lift your leg up.”
You quickly obliged and Steve wrapped one of his huge hands around your ankle. He quickly pulled your leg up to your ear and held it there.
The sudden movement caused you to start to tumble. He quickly grabbed around your body and rested his hand on the thigh of your raised leg.
He essentially had you in a locked position where anyone walking by could see your underwear. He smirked as your face reddened.
“Do you like that? The fact that anyone can see how naughty your being.”
That’s when you felt it, his bulge. He pressed against your ass and you felt it press in between your cheeks.
You let out a whimper as his one hand let your leg drop. He firmly held your thigh in his hand and spinner you so your leg was pressed against his chest. He dropped one hand down to your ass and squeezed.
His other hand went in between the two of you and rested on your panties. He scoffed when he felt how wet you were.
“Such a little slut, I bet you’ll leave a mark on my suit.”
He hooked his finger in the loop and smirked.
“As much as I like the blue they need to go.”
In one quick motion he pulled away ripping the thin material from your body. You gasped as the cold air hit your core.
Slick started to drip down your leg but Steve sensually pushed his finger right into your hole. He circled it around, looking for that spongey spot, and when he found it he found it.
Your eyes started to role back as a pornographic moan left your pretty lips. Steve’s bulge only seemed to grow. He roughly kissed your neck as he added a second finger.
He used his thumb to draw circles on your clit. The sudden pleasure made your knee give out. Steve only laughed.
“Baby you got to stay standing.”
He didn’t slow his pace though. Instead he quickened his thrust and circling of that sensitive little bud. The bud that made you moan his name.
“Stevie—stevie, oh.”
“What is is baby?”
“I’m gonna— I’m gonna— oh.”
“Baby you got to use your words.”
Words seemed impossible in your state of mind. Every thought had disappeared besides Steve’s fingers. You gripped onto his neck and arched back as another moan left your mouth.
“Oh I’m gonna cum.”
Steve smirked down at you as he continued moving his fingers.
“Cum. Now.”
And you did. A wave of euphoria shot through your body as you felt your muscles go weak. You slumped into Steve’s chest and he slowly brought your leg down. You honestly had forgotten it was up the whole time.
Steve slowly removed his hand from under your skirt and brought it to his mouth. He licked it slowly as he made eye contact with you.
Your entire body was flushed as you felt a line of sweat forming on your collarbone.
Steve patted you on the butt and leaned into to whisper: “You’re all stretched out now.”
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crowned-ladybug · 7 years
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I’ve been meaning to give him a nicer, more detailed suit for a while now. I’m still going to adjust some stuff - make the bottom of the dark part on the tighs wider so that it doesn’t look so weird and make the hood red instead - but generally, I’m pretty happy with it.
More ramblings under the cut
Consciously designing costumes is hard, but fun. Also, I hate designing anything on paper, this is the curse of not having digital art at my disposal, why did I do this.
Anyway, some details:
The parts over the knees and elbows (the parts with the seams, except on the right elbow where I forgot them) are reinforced.
The gloves are modelled after parkour gloves, since Jackie gets around the more unreachable parts of the city mostly via parkour. There’s padding over the knuckles and on the palm (for better grip) and support for the wrists.
The pockets on the utility belt are enchanted to be bigger than they look. They have snacks (most of which are ganola bars), a bottle or two of water, a basic first aid kit and some miscellaneous but useful things in them. There’s also a grappling hook with rope, usually hung separately on the belt for easy access.
The boots have ridged soles split in the middle, once again for easier parkour, as well as ankle support.
The whole suit has a weak, basic level of illusion magic. It makes Jackie look flat-chested without having to wear a binder (and thus risk health problems), as well as making him blend into the shadows easily despite the bright colours.
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heich0e · 2 years
homecoming kuroo tetsuro/f!reader (haikyuu!!) word count: 500 tags: en ess eff double yew, f!reader, eager horny bf!kuroo, reunion sex, biting, oral (f!receiving, over clothes)
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Kuroo's luggage barely has the chance to hit the floor before he's on you.
"Missed you," he murmurs against your lips, tender but needy--a contrast to the rough, uncoordinated way he gropes at you with his hands.
He's only been gone for a week, but he drinks you in--devours you--like it's been a lifetime.
"Tetsuro." You laugh against his mouth as he walks you backwards like he's leading you in a dance, guiding you further into your apartment one careful step at a time from where you'd been waiting to greet him in the entryway. "Slow down!"
He says nothing, and instead snakes a hand down the back of your leggings, gripping at the yielding swell of your ass so hard it almost hurts.
"Can't," is all he manages to mutter before he's pushing you back against the end of your couch, demonstrating enough dexterity to turn you as you fall so you land on your belly over the throw pillows neatly propped in the corner against the armrest. Your leggings are dragged down to mid-thigh before you can even regain your bearings.
"Tetsu!" you chastise him again, but it's breathless and unconvincing, squirming uselessly with your legs half-bound thanks to the cotton and spandex tethering your knees together.
Kuroo ignores your plea and drops to his knees behind you, a hand on either side of you ass to spread you apart for him to admire. He murmurs a curse that ripples like praise through your stomach at the sight.
Your panties are still on but you feel his nose nudging at your thigh as he drags his tongue flat against the heat of your cunt and the delicate floral lace that covers it. He groans brokenly as he tastes you even through the cotton.
"Missed you so much," he moans, sucking on the gusset of your panties to savour you, his spit soaking into the fabric along with your arousal until the material is wet and uncomfortable against your skin.
"Are you talking to me or my pussy?" you manage to ask him, a weak attempt at humour when you're so close to a moan, and Kuroo laughs with his face still pressed between your legs--his hot breath catching on the damp cotton and the wetness smearing across your skin.
He pulls away, his fingers digging into the fat at the tops of your thighs, pressing fleeting kisses as he climbs the curve of your ass to peek up at you. He bites down into your skin unexpectedly and you yelp, writhing underneath him though his firm grip keeps you in place.
"Depends," he murmurs against the bite mark he's just left in your skin, pressing a surprisingly chaste kiss to it to soothe the sting. His hazel eyes are heavy-lidded but alight with provocation as they meet yours. "Which one of my girls missed me more?"
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
What about doing the same thing to the reader like your last blurb but instead of push ups she's doing squats?
Mother Fucking Squats || T.H.
this is a sequel to Mouth Fucking Pushups(one of your guys' favorites it appears lmao)
Warnings: Smut 18+, mentions of fellatio, explicit descriptions of cunnilingus
Word Count: 1,641
You and Tom often worked out together, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence and in fact it was an activity that the both of you enjoyed greatly, loving pushing each other and encouraging each other to do one more rep. There were times that the company had its downfalls, it was when his muscles looked too good underneath his shirt, much like that night a couple weeks ago when you had ended up on the floor beneath him with his dick buried deep in your throat as he did push ups, really the devolution into sex was the only downfall(if you could even call it that).
It was a beautiful Sunday and you and Tom were in your home gym, both dressed in your workout clothing which was alway something so alluring, Tom’s shorts accentuating his thighs and his tight spandex shirt showing every ridge of muscle that you wanted nothing more than to drag your teeth over, to lick the sweet sweat from his body as held his body above yours. Your mind flicking back to that night a couple weeks ago, the thought tempting you to drop your kettle bell and slide beneath Tom once again but he looked so determined, watching himself in the mirrored wall to maintain his proper form, or at least that what you thought Tom was doing, that's what it looked like to you.
In reality, Tom was watching your reflection, the way that the fabric of your legging stretched around your body as you hinged downwards into a squat, drawing your kettle bell up to your chest and letting it strike softly at the valley of your sternum, the only thing that Tom would think about was being the weight against your chest, pressing heated kisses between the mounds of your breasts, your skin sweet under his mouth. He could feel himself getting hard, the temptation for your body to be flush with his overwhelming to a point of no longer being able to fight it, dropping the dumbbell softly on the padded floor and pushing himself up into a standing position, walking over to you on his toes, careful to not make a noise louder than the music that was ringing through the room. The rounds of your ass looked so alluring to his chocolate eyes, the temptation to sink his teeth into the tensed muscle something that he had to actively fight, instead he opted to get in a position much like the one that you had been in a couple weeks ago, placing himself between your spread legs, looking up at your crotch.
“Tom, what the fuck are you doing?” you asked, stopping your movements, bending over and resting your weight on the ground, looking him in the eye, noticing the devilish glint that danced in his tree ring colored irises.
“Watching the show” his voice was playful but it was clear he was dead serious and had no intention of moving, he was going to stay there and watch how your body moved over his face, the smell of your cunt reaching his nose, enhanced by your exercise heated state, he was loving it.
“You are such a fucking boy” you giggled, returning to your work out, dipping lower so your ass was closer to Tom’s face, temptation getting the better of him as his poked your cheek.
“Correction, I am a boy who fucks” his voice was sultry, the poke turning into a full as grab before you pushed back up to a standing position, your breath having left your chest when Tom grabbed your ass so harshly.
“Are you gonna let me work out or are you gonna distract me” his hand was still on your ass, dipping down with you, following your motions.
“Haven’t decided yet” you didn’t have to look at him to know that he was smiling at you cheekily, his signature smirk that made you weak in the knees, and if you became weak in the knees now you would collapse on his face, maybe that is what he wanted. You continued going along with your squats, thighs tiring slightly as you exerted yourself. It was only about a minute later that Tom gives in, his hand that had stayed on your ass for the past minute gripping in, tugging down at the fabric until your ass was on full show, your movements having ceased as he worked to make you bare.
“Tom” you whimpered as he blew cool air on your bare cunt, dripping already from having watched him work out.
“Mhm, baby” Tom sighed, his hand running up your thigh, the side of his hand nestled in the pit between your inner thigh and your cunt, thumb dipping between your wet folds and softly tracing them, running across the ridges. “So wet,” he stopped, retracting his hand from your pussy and bringing his thumb to his lips, pressing onto his tongue and smearing your arousal across his tongue. “So sweet”
“Fuck Tommy!” your knees were shaking and he hadn't even really touched you yet, his hand was coming back up your leg but it stopped at your knee, breaking the brace you had been held in and forcing you to fall onto your knees, your cunt now hovering directly above his face.
“Reminds me of a couple weeks ago” he spoke purposefully breathy, the air fanning lightly across your hyper sensitive cunt, drawing a long plantiful whimper from your throat, your hands falling between your spread legs and raking their way through Tom’s sweaty curls, tugging from the root. You pulled so harshly his head came off the floor, forcefully burying him in your cunt, a groan escaping from his chest and vibrating through your core, an inadvertent delivery of stimulation to your clit, your back arching and head throwing back in a moan.
“Fuck fuck fuck” the cries of pleasure left your lips rapidly as his tongue snaked past his pleasure coated lips and beginning to lap at your clit, flexing his tongue as it flicked underneath the hood of your clit, savoring the way your body jolted every time he did. His arms wrapped around your thighs, pulling your as close to his face as possible, your lips spreading on his cheeks as he started to rock his head into you. His tongue left your clit, licking a hot stripe from the bundle of nerves to your entrance were he began to circle the clenched hole with his talented muscle, dipping into you and lapping up into you, his head moving with every thrust of his tongue, nose rocking against your engorged clit. It felt like heaven, there was no other way to put the sensation into words, it felt amazing and like pure euphoria.
Tom groaned something into your cunt but he was so deep in you that you couldn’t make out what he was saying, not that you would have been able to fully comprehend it even if you had, you were too lost in the dizzying amounts of pleasure that was running up your spine and winding tight in your belly.
“Oh Tom, fuck oh fuck, Tommy” You cried, your body falling forward and forcing your hands from his hair, bracing yourself on the floor, finger nails leaving crescent in the padding as your gripped into it. Your hips began to inadvertently grind against his face, riding it like you would his cock. The added pressure of your new position shoved his nose harder against your clit, the notch of his incorrectly set bone burning with friction against you as his tongue curled into your g-spot. Your toes curled with pleasure as your head fell forward, looking down to where Tom was buried and the sight of him, he messy hair and the arousal slickening your thighs and his cheeks sent you, the coil in your stomach snapping as you came on Tom’s tongue, hips stuttering against his face as you ceased ability to move, your whole body tensing as a cry of ecstasy left your lips. Tom carried you through your high, not letting up on his movement until you were shaking above him, your thighs quaking around his head as your moans turned to soft whimpers. He raised his hands, gripping your hips gently and pulling you from his face and helping you lay down next to him, your eyes meeting his for the first time since you had been doing squats, his face glistening with your cum.
“That was a great post workout snack” Tom mumbled as his fingers dragged across your cheeks, gathering the rest of your cum and arousal on his fingers before pushing them between his lips and sucking them clean, not wanting any of your sweetness to go to waist.
“That was a great workout,” you sighed, your thighs shaking as you curled into his side.
“I'm sure it was, you were really working it against my face, my nose hurts” he joked, raising his hand up and playfully rubbing at it as if it was sore.
“Oh shut up” you groaned, swatting his chest as you buried your face in his neck, hiding from his teasing eyes.
“Hey hey, no none of that, I am just teasing” he mumbled, his fingers catching your chin and pulling your face from hiding, his eyes softened from their previous playful mirth. “I love you” the words came out as a whisper and your heart was pounding, it was not a new phrase to be exchanged between the two of you but it still made you glow to hear him say it.
“I love you too, Tommy” you pecked his lips, tasting hints of yourself in his mouth. You pulled back, your tone shifting to one similar to Tom’s previous teasing one “You give good head, how could I not love you”
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mega-bastard · 4 years
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Bitch in Heat Stuck Under Debris Gets WRECKED
a miki mouse whorehouse collab, the m.list you can find here 
cw: sexual harrassment, abo themes, dubcon kinda
as the poor quality picture can’t really show you, I got stuckage and I chose Bakugo with the finishing touch of making it ABO <3 It’s also two days late but shhhhh we don’t talk about it uwu also 2.7 words of pain enjoy 
katsuki bakugou is becoming a thorn in your side.
you’ve both been metaphorically and somewhat literally glued to each others sides since highschool. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, to be quite frank katsuki is something of a deterrent in a world of second genders and pheromones— something you capitalized on in high school.
being an omega hero isn’t something entirely world shattering, but it’s a position that comes with lots of stereotypes— stereotypes you fought tooth and nail to fight against in your younger years. being one of four omegas in your class was...irritating, to say the least. lots of preconceived notions that you needed to be helped with trivial things, and while your classmates intentions came from a good place it was maddening. save for katsuki, back when he had no restraint with his anger and aggression, he didn’t coddle you like your classmates did. Labeled a brute for his actions towards his omega classmates in trivial interaction or sparring, you thrived on the normality— katsuki was an ass to everyone. Your omega was placated, finally encountering an alpha who wasn’t belittling her with preconceived daintiness.
it was easy to hang near katsuki, ignoring the atrocity that was his vocabulary. eventually like the rest of the peanut gallery that was the bakusquad, you just existed alongside katsuki�� which meant that you grew on him. katsuki swears up and down that you’re all a nuisance but you’ve seen him go up to bat for all you at some point, you knew you’d all made some sort of ragtag pack with one another. this was rather amazing to you at the time, not to sell yourself short but you’d never really imagined belonging to a close knit group of friends— especially realizing that they understood when it was appropriate to step in for you. katsuki in particular had a knack for being at the right place at the right time.
During your second year you fumbled.
interning with miruko had its perks, a top 5 hero with raw strength, cunning, and the drive to just keep going— and an omega. landing and internship with her had been a dream, even more-so when you learned she’d been watching you since your first year because of the festival. bright eyed and eager, nothing could have dampened your spirits— neither katsuki and his usual moody behavior or the standoffish alpha from shiketsu. yes, you all had landed an internship with miruko and part of you was...worried? katsuki had never looked down on heroes based on their second genders but you couldn’t speak for the shiketsu alpha, both alphas interning under an established omega hero put your inner omega on edge— you didn’t quite know why though. but you chose to squash the feeling and enjoy your internship with who was essentially your idol and continue on.
then you started getting sexually harassed.
his name was omori kisai and he was the worst. hailing from shiketsu, known for their dignified schooling, he was far from it. salacious comments dropped when no one was listening, less that appropriate touching when passing by and just general ick that had your skin crawling and omega snarling. it was easy to brush it off as banter the first time, section off the awkward contact as an accident. The second time you made it clear the comments were not liked and the touches far from appropriate, after the third time you’d snap an insult or have to hold a trembling fish from making contact. but it was coming to a head and your suppressors could only do so much to hide your souring scent. looking back you should have said something, but your pride had told you that it was a necessary step to overcome and push through— that he wouldn’t be the last. it weighed you down, day by day, a heavy cloud that wouldn’t let up. one particular bad timed comment brought tears to eyes and shame to your entire being.
thankfully, as time would come to show, katsuki tended to nose into your dilemmas.
the day prior to the abrupt end of your harassment  you’d been tripped up by a villian and had fallen a sizeable distance into a pitiful excuse of pond. of course, omori had taken this as an open invitation to mock you and then offer you his shitty hero costume cloak— not without hinting at you returning the favor ‘somehow’. yeah right. you had stomped off, unaware of katsuki’s presence nearby. come next day, omori avoided you like the plague and katsuki not so subtly stuck to your side like an unwilling chowchow— all growly and temperamental. but his constant presence rubbed his scent off on you. despite his less than chummy attitude, you weren’t mad; katsuki smelled like cinnamon spice and whiskey with hints of burnt caramel— absolutely overpowering yet decadent all the same.
you tried not to think about just how much you enjoyed his smell. your omega was purring about it.
the omori incident was the beginning of katsuki’s subtle hovering. though you pried the truth of his involvement in omori leaving you alone after offhandedly bringing it up to mina and jirou one day, katsuki helped you out of situations as invasively as possible time and time again. by the end of third year it was no secret to you of your classmates teasing of your relationship with katsuki; an amiable and prideful omega and the irritable powerhouse of an alpha. you brushed it off because...well you didn’t know why, but katsuki’s seeming indifference to the teasing had you quelling every jittery happiness your inner omega expressed at the thought of katsuki being your alpha.
now, three years out of highschool and beginning to climb the ranks, katsuki was becoming testy— and for the life of you the reason couldn’t be more opaque.  you both work at the same agency, and due to the nature of your quirks you spend all your time together due to their compatibility. compatibility was a bitter word for you, katsuki and yours supposed compatibility had been talked about for some time now but the sobering reality is that perhaps you two were simply good friends— and now sharing your omegas endearment for the explosive alpha had reared its ugly head.
your heat was a week away and already you felt the familiar fatigue begin to lap at you alongside general moodiness. all that coupled with the annoying need to be around katsuki was maddening and sprinkling his own extra grouchy attitude on top and you were ready to snap. in hindsight, that should have been your cue to take an extra week off— instead you chose to once again to champion pride instead of your intellect.
you could have stayed home this morning, you should have.
patrol had been slow, not particularly unusual but favored nonetheless. face raised to the slowly dipping sun you couldn’t help but sigh, the warmth of the late afternoon sun was heaven sent-- you could sleep standing up with much issue. it remided you katsuki, strangely enough though most things did recently.
the sound of screaming and rushing feet shook you from your drowsy stupor. Set on alert, you spied the source of the sudden discordance and found several villains causing a commotion. quickly calling for backup for you before finding yourself facing a hulking mass of green charging you head on. tranquility gone, it was time to fight.
the ache in your body could not be more apparent but your humiliation ran more rampant in your system than any ache or pain could, your fatigue more than present as your body hummed with warmth. leave it to you to get stuck face down and ass up amongst the trashed ruins of what was an office building, weighed down between a broken desk and a collapsed bookshelf. the villain you had engaged with, some self-named idiot calling himself cruel croc, packed a punch and your bruised body and rendered office floor were a testament to that. of course, you’d done quite the bit of damage to him yourself before the entire floor collapsed underneath you both— rendering the meathead unconscious under a rather hefty pile of concrete and debris whereas you were pinned and to utterly weak to do much.
the thrum of your heat was beginning its path of vengeance through your body, feeling too pliant to get yourself out of what was otherwise easy to fix problem. you were feeling it, bad. the heat of your clothed cunt was beginning to become too apparent, unconsciously squeezing your thighs to provide relief to no avail. no, this could not be happening right now of all times. but as much as your inner monologue fought to try and will away your heat, the warmth was becoming too much and sudden breeze of wind had you trembling and whining. the feel of slick beginning to wet your hero costumes spandex set your hazing thoughts into sudden panic, if cruel croc woke up or if another villain came across you would they be above...the thought alone could’ve made you puke. flashbacks to second year had you bucking wildly for freedom, you wouldn’t let anyone have the opportunity for—
“ OI! Shitty ‘mega were are you? Are you—“
you stilled, biting hard to keep your mouth shut. your omega was whimpering, desperate for the alpha, HER alpha to relieve her from her heat. on a normal day she could melt into his scent, but right now? she could drown in it and die happy. with his scent getting stronger the closer katsuki clambered toward you, the more the head haze grew-- the slicker your thighs became. the whimper you let loose was pitiful, the need for some sort of stimulation to your cunt becoming near painful the longer you remained so close yet so far from katsuki. the pathetic little “alpha” you whined as you heard him quickly approach from behind would’ve been utterly embarrassing to you in any other situation.
but if you could have turned to see katsuki, you would’ve been met with the look of an unmistakably feral alpha-- pupils dilated to hell, fingernails blackened, and canines elongated and sharpened. but what you lacked in sight, you could hear and smell.
katsuki was the definition of an alpha as is, but the way he was pushing his scent out was like a big red sign that screamed ‘DANGER’. To you, it had you feeling utterly submissive-- if you weren’t already face down and ass up you certainly would’ve moved into position.  practically salivating at the thought of what katsuki could do--
the heated palm on the globe of your ass is thought pausing, the sudden heated touch coaxing a sugary sweet moan from deep in your throat-- the small touch quickly turning to rough palming at your moaning. tt feels so good, but you want more. need more. 
“Please, need more Alpha” it's breathy and whiny, something you're far from day to day but it feels too natural escaping you. mewling at the ghost of a touch over your clothed cunt, your blubbering when it presses harder-- escalating you to tears of frustration when it ceases. practically feeling katsuki’s harsh breathing near your cunt you begin to wiggle and wail with all manner of unrestrained vigor; chanting alpha and katsuki like a prayer and begging for relief like a sinner for forgiveness. it’s working, you know it is, if katsuki’s breathing is anything to go by but he refuses any further touching. you want katsuki everyday, but right now you need him. 
“Only want you Katsuki, please it’s only been you,” you hiccup your words through a shrill plea, but the tearing of your soaked spandex sends an excited chill down your spine. your legs tremble with excitement when katsuki grips the tops of your thighs and spreads them-- revealing your drooling cunt. it’s both too much and not enough all at once and you wiggle once more, yelping from a smack to your left ass cheek. it’s not particularly painful, not even as katsuki rubs over it right after the hit, but it quells your wiggling nonetheless. you open your mouth to urge him on but he beats you to it.
“No one else, you got that ‘mega? No one gets to see you like this, no gets to touch you like this-- your mine,” he punctuates his declaration with two of his deliciously thick fingers in your cunt and you squeal, “ you got that? I’m your alpha, always have been always will be.” nodding despite yourself, you struggle for words with his fingers pumping in and out alongside the ghost of pressure on your clit “Yes! Yes, I’m yours Katsuki!” you babble your words already teetering on the precipice of your first orgasm. it takes a pickup in pace and a rough rub along your clit and your wailing, slick streaming down your thighs as your first orgasm crashes into you.
despite the pleasant haze in your head, you faintly hear zippers being undone and the shuffling of clothes. licking your lips, you perk your ass up as much as the heavy bookcase allows, purring in excitement like a spoiled cat. The rough grab of your hips leaves you gasping, feeling the length of katsukis dick along your thigh-- long and heavy. you're salivating as he lines himself up with your weeping cunt, ramming his entire length in you with little regard. stars shoot across your vision and your ears deafen, crying out at being so full. it feels wonderful being stuffed this full and you babble it to katsuki. if you could see him, you would see just how prideful and smug he looked-- only he can take care of you like this, none of the other shitty alphas can take care of you this well.
katsuki sets a rough pace, drawing himself out slowly like he’s aiming for you to feel every vein of his dick before slamming back into you. your poor cunt clenches sporadically, drawing groans and growls from your alpha and all you can do is choke on broken moans because the way he feels churning your insides is downright sinful. you felt a band begin to tighten in your belly, your broken moans evolving into babbling-- how good katsuki was making you feel and how he was the only one who made you feel this good. it spurred him onward, fucking into you with more vigor alongside groans of your names and his own praise for you. “Good fuckin ‘mega”, “Takin’ me so well”, and “My perfect little mate” were some of the praise you could catch and had you preening. All of it combined you felt the band tighten and you couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing out. feeling the base of Katsuki’s length begin to swell, you could only salivate at the thought of being knotted.
“Want your knot Katsuki! Alpha I need it”
 at your blubbering demand, katsuki faltered in pace for only a moment before a deep mix of a groan and growl ripped from his throat. grabbing and bending your leg upwards he fucked deeper and faster into your battered cunt, the new angle sending you hurtling into your orgasm. eyes rolled back and tongue, you felt utterly boneless-- momentarily brain dead before screaming out at Katsuki knotting you, his own groan of pleasure mixing with yours as he filled you impossibly full with his seed. 
 trembling underneath him, you were only a fraction aware of movement above you before the weight of the bookcase vanished from you. weakly you glance back up at your alpha. your surprised to see just how feral he looks, no doubt you’ve pushed him into his rut. whimpering as he moves down upon you, he nibbles and kisses along your jaw and neck before biting down on you scent gland. a flash a white hot pain curtailed by just as intense pleasure wracks your wrecked body but the dopy look of happiness pulls a low purr from katsuki.
you wanna say something, anything, but your too exhausted and as katsuki knot subsides you let another weak whimper as he removes himself-- feeling his seed spill from your battered cunt. he pulls a quiet moan from you as he gathers some of it a pushes back in-- and a glance at his smug face lets you know that he’s decidedly not done with you yet.
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 6- We’ll Stumble And Fall
Bucky Barnes x reader Series Rewrite (Civil War, Infinity War/Endgame, TFATWS)
Summary: Realizing Zemo was behind the bombing in Vienna all along, your growing team of four heads to the airport. But will you make it to Siberia in time?
Warning: fighting, oh boy some angst, some fluff for the soul, long chapter
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“I can’t believe you guys actually brought everyone a suit. How thoughtful.” You chuckle sarcastically while following the rest of the team over to the airport.
“Yeah. Well, wearing jeans and a t-shirt probably wouldn’t cut it.” Replies Clint as you continue onward, an amused smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
Soon Steve has the six of you positioned in various areas in the airport as you await the inevitable meeting with the one and only Tony Stark and whoever the fuck has decided to join him. At this point you’re only here for Bucky and to get your asses to Siberia to stop the sleeping Winter Soldiers from ever waking up again.
Although it appears that something else is afoot between Steve’s friends, knowing only that this disagreement has something to do with the Sokovian Accords and freedom to fight or something like that you’re honestly not one hundred percent sure. All that matters to you is the safety and freedom of Bucky, that’s all that you care to fight about.
Leaning against an airport window, you squint your eyes in search of the others outside to no avail, nothing very dramatic is going on, well at least what you can tell by.
“Anything?” Wonders Bucky as you turn away from the glass and walk over to him.
Giving him a casual once over, you simply shrug, “Not yet. Guess the shows not ready to start.”
“Hey guys over here!” Calls Sam from further down the airport terminal, “Hurry! I see them!” 
“As you were saying.” Smirks Bucky.
“Shut up.” You mutter before hastily jogging over to Sam as he looks out the window, “Jeesh alright man, we’re here.”
“Alright good. Look I found the Quinjet.” Replies Sam as your eyes trail across the large parking lot where the aircraft sits comfortably in one of the hangers.
Soon he touches his earpiece to alert Steve, “Their Quinjet’s in hanger five, north runway.” He says before turning to glance at the two of you on either side of him, “Alright let’s roll, come on!”
Rising to your feet, the three of you begin booking it down the giant airport interior when suddenly some strange red and blue blur swings past the large glass windows on your left. Then it begins hastily crawling across the see through exterior. Not having a real moment to press the matter, you keep hustling across the tiled flooring, just a few steps behind Bucky.
“What the hell is that?” Wonders Bucky aloud as you keep pace with him, you could honestly ask the same thing.
Sam turns to look, arms pumping fast as he tries his best to keep up with the two of you, “Everyone’s got a gimmick now.”
Letting out a breathy chuckle at his timely complaining, your legs pull you closer to the exit as you take notice of how the strange blur can swing from roof to roof.
Without warning, glass shatters from up above and a second later you hear the surprised grunt of Sam as this mystery person slams him into a wall. Immediately Bucky comes to an abrupt halt that causes you to almost smack right into him, instead do you swiftly shift to the side as he launches himself at the....whatever it is?
You stand back in curious uncertainty as Bucky throws his metal fist directly at the guy in spandex, though to yours and definitely Bucky’s great astonishment, this spider kid holds his fist like it’s nothing.
“Whoa!” Exclaims the excited childlike voice as he glances from the arm to Bucky’s wide eyed face, “You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude.”
A hot second later your boot comes into contact with his stomach, the kid goes flying across the tiled flooring, tumbling across the floor before quickly finding his footing once more.
You stand defiantly in front of Bucky and a slowly recovering Sam as the spider kid holds his stomach, pointing a shaky finger in your direction as he yells out a weak, “You have the right to remain silent!” Just as you smirk, before the shling sound of your claws emits into the tense atmosphere.
You can’t see it, but his eyes are as big as saucers, heart pounding a mile a minute from within his young chest as you suddenly step to the side for Sam to fly forward and swiftly pick him up. You snicker as they push and shove one another in midair while Bucky approach’s your side when you retract your claws once more.
“You’re good with kids I see.” He teases with a playful smirk as you gently shove him.
“What can I say Barnes, I just got that natural motherly instinct.” You sass back before jogging once again, Bucky hot on your heels as the two of you race after Sam.
You watch as he throws the kid off of him before turning mid air and blasting at one of the steel metal beams, the spider kid swings, just narrowly missing getting knocked the fuck out. He swings from one beam to the next before dodging a poster sized hunk of airport wall that was thrown by Bucky, stopping for a quick breather on one of the overhead beams just up ahead.
Bucky slides into a metal pillar for quick cover as you follow close behind, soon the two of you are hidden behind the pillar as the kid shouts, “Hey, buddy, I think you lost this!” In reply, Bucky peaks around the corner just as the spider kid slingshots it heading directly for his face.
Not waiting a precious second longer, you grab the back of his collar just as the hunk of steel wall clashes violently into the pillar, and presumably where Bucky’s handsome face would have been if but a second too late.
He falls into your arms, knocking the two of you to the ground with a thud as his body just about crushes your torso, “Thanks.” Mumbles Bucky as he quickly pulls himself off of you before turning around and offering his hand.
Clasping it tightly, you let him pull you to your feet as you give him an irritated look, “I’m gonna gut that little arachnid.” You growl angrily as his eyes crinkle in amusement.
Following the sounds of glass shattering and metal snapping in two, you and Bucky race around the pillar and across more of the airport as Sam gets his hand stuck to the side of a glass balcony banister.
The spider kid landing on the side of another pillar as you two stealthily wander closer, “Those wings carbon fiber?” He wonders as Sam gives him a dirty look.
“This stuff coming out of you?”
“That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that’s awesome, man.”
“I don’t know if you’ve been in a fight before but there’s usually not this much talking.” Sasses Sam in great irritation.
“All right, sorry. My bad.” Laughs the spider kid as he jumps from the pillar before swinging down heading for Sam, a moment later Bucky rushes past you and takes the full force of the blow. You watch as the three of them shatter the glass banister as both Sam and Bucky go flying downward onto the hard floor below.
That did not look graceful.
Stepping into the open you can’t do much but watch in annoyance as the little shit lands high up on a steel beam, “Guys, look, I’d love to keep this up, but I’ve only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, I’m really sorry.” Mutters the kid before reaching his arm out to web them again but is quickly interrupted when Redwing catches his webbing.
A second later he lets out a surprised yelp as he goes flying across the airport rafters before smacking into a steel beam and breaking glass as he makes a swift unwilling exit away from the three of you.
Smiling in deep satisfaction, your mind immediately remembers the two who are laying sprawled out across the grey stoned floor. Walking over to the broken and heavily bent metal beam of the destroyed railing, your ears quickly pick up the sound of your man, “You couldn’t have done that earlier.” Whines Bucky as you glance down at the two of them.
“I hate you.” Mutters a defeated Sam as you break out into a humored smile at their current states of dishevelment, Sam’s hands are stuck to his chest by the kids webbing while Bucky’s metal arm is held firmly against the ground.
Letting out a snort, they’re eyes instantly fly up to meet your smiling face, “You let that little shit kick your asses!” You cackle as Bucky rolls his eyes.
Sam gives you an annoyed glare, “Y/N you mind doing something productive and getting us the hell out of here?” He grumbles as you casually rest your hands on your hips.
“I don’t know? You two seem like a pair of big boys who can handle themselves.”
Closing his eyes, Bucky huffs at your sass, “Please Y/N.....I love you so much....like a lot.”
Biting your bottom lip you cave, “Yeah alright hot stuff I’ll be down.” The two of them watch patiently as you jump from the balcony before landing gracefully onto the floor below, you give them a wink as you move to crouch down next to Bucky’s left arm.
Summoning your claws to action, his eyes trail warily as you swiftly slice the webbing from the floor, a smirk upon your beautiful face as you look down at him, “Because you asked so nicely.” You muse before rising to your feet and freeing Sam from his sticky constraints.
Soon they’re set and ready to go, “Thanks Y/N.” Begrudgingly mutters Sam as you three run out the exit doors headed for the giant airport parking area.
In no time your little team of three reaches Steve and the rest of his crew, all of you running for the coming battle across the lot before a golden beam slams its might into the cement below, effectively blocking the seven of you from running any further.
The caped man known as Vision floats relatively unthreatening from above as be heeds a hefty warning, “Captain Rogers! I know you believe what you’re doing is right. But for the collective good...you must surrender.”
Though you’d like to believe that surrendering would prove an effective choice leading to an eventual freedom, that does not appear to be an option as the rest of Ironman’s team finds their places in his court. The six of them, verse the seven of you. Well now this is certainly going to be an interesting turn of events.
Watching them expectantly, you shift your gaze over to Bucky who keeps steely eyes glared at the foes ahead, “You know I think maybe in retrospect we should have just lived a nice quiet life in New Zealand. Instead of fighting off Steve’s work friends.” You mutter as he turns a humored glance your way.
He gives the tiniest of reassuring smiles, “I think you’re right.” Whispers Bucky before looking back at the other team, “Just don’t kill anyone alright.”
Now starting at a slow jog, you smirk, “Fine. But I’m going to beat that cats ass.”
Racing at a full sprint now, both sides interject with a hard clash as each person from their respective teams finds a target. Punches are thrown left and right as everyone does their best to beat one another into submission, or at least until they’re too exhausted to fight any longer.
After a couple minutes of tag teaming the panther around like a sack of angry potato’s, he successfully manages to punt your ass into one of the portable metal ladders placed randomly around the airport docks. Your mind goes fuzzy as you pick your body off of the blacktop, blinking wearily, your vision slowly rolls the fog away in your disoriented state.
You take a step to help Bucky but are rudely interrupted by your own body’s shaky gait pattern, you stumble forward, quickly catching yourself when Wanda blessedly throws the panther off of Bucky just as ten sharp claws reach for his exposed jugular.
Shaking the dancing butterflies out of your head, Bucky shuffles off the ground before racing protectively to your side, face a mask of worry as he clutches your shoulders, “Y/N are you with me?”
Giving him an almost drunken smile, you reach your hands up to squeeze his forearms reassuringly, “I am awesome thanks for asking.” You giggle before Scott says some nonsense about getting big in a lab once.
God this team is so weird.
Brows furrowing in confusion, you and Bucky jog over to Steve as he stands behind some wooden crates when out of nowhere Scott grows to the size of a small building. Giant arms and legs moving like a humongous lumbering tree come to life; your eyes large and full of great bewilderment at this abrupt change, and you thought the Vision was the weirdest thing here.
You take a cautious step back, lightly smacking Bucky on the arm to gain his attention as you continue to stare up at a giant Scott, “Bucky, please tell me you see that very large man too.”
“Uh, yeah.” He slowly replies, just as bewildered by the giant version of Scott as you are.
You nod, “Okay good. I was starting to think my brain hadn’t settled right.” You admit as he sends you a half worried frown.
“Guess that’s the signal.” Adds Steve while the three of you watch as War Machine tries to knock Scott down, immediately getting swatted in the direction of a plane before that spider kid helps to stop him.
Starting to walk backwards, you cough to gain the boys distracted attention, “Alright, let’s get the fuck out of here.” You urge as Steve nods before leading the way to the Quinjet that’s across a good portion of the airport parking strip.
Your jog is swiftly cut short when Vision manages to beam a huge watch tower, it crashes towards the ground when suddenly a great mass of red energy holds it in place before the building can hit the cement. Running faster now, the three of you race for the safety of the hanger, just barley dodging the heavy debris that comes crashing to the earth behind you.
Soon you’re met by Natasha who stands guarding the way to freedom, an apprehensive expression crossing her features, “You’re not gonna stop.”
“You know we can’t.” Answers Steve.
You raise a brow as she begins lifting her arm, “I’m gonna regret this.” She mutters unenthusiastically before shooting a blue bolt of electricity right into the body of the panther, your heads snap over to the sounds of his pained grunts.
“Thanks. I would have loved to do that.” You add before leading the way towards the Quinjet, Steve and Bucky close behind while Natasha shocks the panther once more.
The ride to Siberia was admittedly a somber one, no one really talked much for the duration of the lengthy trip except maybe a little at the beginning, along with some heartfelt words between you and Bucky as Steve piloted. Though a heavy dark atmosphere seemed to seep into the limited space as more time passed.
Soon enough, the Quinjet had reached its snowy destination in the mountainous cliffside edge of a previously unknown Hydra base. You stand on the edge of the opened aircraft as Steve stands by your side while Bucky finds a gun, “No weapons?” He wonders with a curious brow as you simply shrug. “I kind of got six retractable daggers in my fists already....so, I’ll be fine. They probably won’t.”
Steve hums in knowing answer as Bucky finally joins the two of you, and with that does everyone begin walking towards the opened metal doors stuck tightly within the protruding rock of the hidden base.
Humming in knowing answer, Bucky finally joins the two of you and with that does everyone begin walking towards the opened metal doors stuck tightly within the protruding rock of the hidden base.
“He can’t have been here more then a few hours.” You mutter while studying the snow covered tracks leading into the opened base door.
Bucky looks to you with a worried expression, “Long enough to wake them up.” And with that said, do the three of you enter.
The ride down the steel elevator is a somber and silent one, thankfully only lasting for a brief thirty seconds, soon the doors open and Steve lifts up the caged veil for the three of you to duck under.
Bucky takes the lead, gun drawn and ready as you walk silently behind him, preparing yourself if these other winter soldiers are awake and ready to kill. With nothing in close proximity or any sounds to be heard except for the movements of your companions, the three of you stealthily walk across the opening with your backs to the wall until you reach the short cement staircase.
Suddenly the door you came in from creaks and whines with the power of someone forcing the old rusted metal open, the three of you whip around in an alert flash. Bucky with his gun aimed at the mystery intruder from behind you and Steve with his shield held; blocking him, yourself, and Bucky’s lower half. Your claws obviously drawn.
“You ready?” Whispers Steve.
A moment later the two old grey doors are forced apart to reveal the glowing eyes of Ironman, Steve immediately lowers his guard as Tony dissembles his helmet back into his suit. Dark eyes appearing rather unthreatening as he nods to Steve, “You seem a little defensive.”
“It’s been a long day.” Mutters Steve solemnly.
Tony then looks up at Bucky, “At ease, Soldier. I’m not currently after you.” Before glancing down at you who’s guarding him, “And I don’t have a death wish to cross blades with you, I’m not here to brawl.”
“Then why are you here?” Asks Steve, voice with the tinge of uncertainty.
Tony shrugs while walking closer, “Could be your story’s not so crazy. Maybe.....Ross has no idea I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself.”
Steve almost smirks, “Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork.” Tony scoffs at the irony of it all before Steve finally lets down his full guard, bringing his shield back to his side, “It’s good to see you, Tony.”
Tony nods, “You too, Cap.” Head back up to find Bucky’s, “Manchurian Candidate, you’re killing me. There’s a truce here. You can drop it...”
Steve gives the two of you a reassuring nod, Bucky lowers the gun as you begrudgingly retract your claws. Soon after the four of you begin wandering the base until you all start walking down a small hallway leading into the main room where the soldiers are being kept.
Where they brainwashed Bucky and help him in cryo. Where they held you in the ice.
“I got heat signatures.” Announces Tony warily.
“How many?”
“Uh, one.”
The four of you walk into the large cavernous steel laced room, it’s dark and emits an almost bluish hue with the exception of the six holding chambers that give off a dull golden glow helping to light up the area ever so slightly.
This place really brings back memories you’d rather have seen buried and gone forever. Of course you’d get one last look.
“If it’s any comfort,” Speaks a familiar voice you’d loath to hear again, “they died in their sleep.” The four of you wander cautiously closer, observing the dead winter soldiers with a single bullet wound through their heads, “Did you really think I wanted more of you?”
Bucky shares a nervous glance with you, “What the hell?”
“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here.” Immediately the lights are called to life and in the far center wall appears the man from Berlin, Steve throws his shield but the man sits comfortably behind bulletproof glass, he smiles knowingly, “Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.”
“I’m betting I could beat that.” Asserts Tony while the four of you walk around the center area where they used to electrocute Bucky, and you when the manipulation and programming began to wear off.
“Oh, I’m sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you’d never know why you came.”
You scoff, “You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us all here?”
The man eyes you up as you approach the see through window, “I’ve thought about nothing else for a whole year.” He explains, “I studied what they did to you two, I followed the trail of dwindling breadcrumbs that you left behind.” Nods the man with a slight smile ghosting his lips as he studies your face, “Tampere. Brussels. Amsterdam. Venice. You’ve left quit the bloody trail in your wake, all those doctors and scientists who made you into Hydra’s best...”
“I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.” You whisper sharply, eyes glaring pure daggers into his soul.
He almost smiles, face leaning in closer now, “That is a fair statement. Nonetheless, it all eventually led me to you, and I am impressed with the work of those doctors. You are indeed a marvel to witness,” He smirks, dark obsidian irises studying your face as he raises a brow, “How’s your head?”
“Fuck you.”
The dark eyed man chuckles as Steve intervenes, “You’re Sokovian. Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I’m here because I made a promise.” Admits the man, of course, why else would this psycho go to such lengths to kill the winter soldiers.
“You lost someone?”
The mans face falls, eyes darkening in remorse and anger, “I lost everyone. And so will you.” He turns and presses a button before looking back up at the four of you. A small television turns on nearby that immediately calls your attentions, “An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead......Forever.”
You stand close to Bucky as Tony and Steve get closer to the glowing screen showing CCTV footage of a rural roadside at night.
“I know that road.” Points Tony in confusion as he looks up at the dark eyed man, “What is this?!” He shouts though nothing is given answer.
The video plays on as your heartbeat begins to rise, the bottom of the footage reads DEC. 16 1991, you know exactly what this is. And you’re terrified.
Soon a blurry car crashes into a telephone poll as the flash of a motorcycle rips by out of frame, soon it approaches once again, the rider parking it behind the damaged vehicle as he moves to the drivers side. A star on his left arm that flashes strangely in the light of the lamppost above; Tony’s face shifts to fear, anxiety, and anger in a multitude of seconds as the driver is pulled from his seat.
Soon the dark haired man slams his metal fist into the face of the helpless driver, ending his life right then and there. Deceased now, face bruised and bloody, the Winter Soldier drags the body back to the drivers seat before placing him there like he died from the impact of the crash.
Your eyes flicker towards the cement floor of the abandoned Hydra base as the video plays on, you know what happens next, and keep yourself from watching as the Winter Soldier kills Tony Starks mother before walking around the vehicle and putting a bullet into the security camera.
The film goes dark.
Immediately Tony tears his eyes away from the blacked screen and takes a threatening step towards Bucky, Steve places a hand on his arm as you place yourself between Stark and Bucky. Who’s absolutely hating himself right now.
“No, Tony.”
Tony stops and purses his lips at the ground, face shifting from frustration, pain, and anger as he turns to lock eyes with Steve, “Did you know?” He whispers softly, dreading the answer.
Steve pauses for a moment, “I didn’t know it was him.”
Tony’s face darkens with rage as he tightens his grip on Steve’s arm, “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?”
Tony awaits the inevitable as Steve gives him the honest answer, “Yes.” Tony reals back in shock, face flashing with disappointment and growing fury as he slowly nods, gathering his spinning thoughts at this heavy bout of deeply personal information.
A second later an iron fist flies up to send Steve sprawling across the cement flooring, instantly Bucky draws his gun but is quickly disabled when Tony shoots it out of his hands. You step into action but are rudely thrusted back by the force of a heated blast of energy that sends you crashing into a sleeping chambers metal side.
Your head cracks against the steel, leaving you gasping for breath on the hard cold ground as Bucky and Tony clash fists, Steve soon joining them as they brawl. Goddamn that hurt, fuck I can’t see straight, you mutter to yourself as a wet sticky substance slithers down the side of your neck as you pull yourself to a seated position.
Hands against the floor, the world feels like it’s swaying on a rocker as your visual field darts with blurry black dots; a small dark splotch patters to the floor as you stare at it in confusion. Balance somewhat stabilizing, you reach over to touch it, blood smears across the grey floor as you realize how heavy a hit you just took.
Good thing you heal quickly, or you might have just died.
Crash! Your head snaps up to witness as one of the holding chambers top portion falls to the ground in a massive heap of dust and debris, then out of nowhere Bucky races to your side, hands instantly lifting you to your feet, face dirt smudged and filled with uncertainty, “Y/N we gotta leave....oh fuck you’re bleeding. Come on, come on....come back to me please. You’re alright....you’re okay.....can you see straight?” He rambles in worry.
Pulling his hands from your irritated face, you shake your head to rid the ringing in your ears, “I’m fine, Buck. Let’s go before he kills one of us.” You urge.
The two of you make haste as you struggle your way up to the opened giant port hole, jumping from steel caged banister to the next on your way out to freedom as Steve fights to keep Tony from attacking either of you from down below.
Once Bucky reaches the edge where he’s able to see snow, you right behind him, a small missile from Tony’s suit crashes into the giant doors hinge. Causing you and Bucky to fall backwards into separate steel landing pads. Out of breath from the force of impact, you watch helplessly as Tony flies up to greet Bucky.
In any way but friendly. They clash and punch at each other until Tony gains the upper hand by wrapping an arm around Bucky’s throat, you stumble to your feet as Bucky quickly forces himself out and soon they both go tumbling downwards.
“Bucky!” You shout desperately, terrified that his landing could have cost him his life, fortunately when you scout over the edge, he’s laying on his side. In pain but alive.
Struggling to his feet he gives you a nod of acknowledgment before slipping out of view, almost immediately you hear the sounds of a struggle from the ground floor and with that do you jump downwards from landing pad to landing pad on your way to the bottom.
Boots smacking hard against the cement floor, you follow the pained grunts of the three men as they fight each other with everything that they have. Soon you turn a corner and are welcomed to sunlight and snowy mountains in the far distance from the old bases giant missile launcher air shaft.
By now Steve and Bucky are tag teaming Tony as the Ironman does his best to fight them off at once. Soon he gets a solid blast to Steve’s shield that sends him into the far wall, leaving him out of breath. Bucky takes a crack to the head that sends him to the floor. So much for holding their ground.
When Tony raises his arm for the final blow against Bucky, you’re right behind him; shoving his weaponized arm towards the opened cement pillars, the blast misses Bucky as it breaks a small part in the ceiling. Granted, you could end this all here and now by sinking your claws through Tony’s suit and ending the Stark line, but that would be an awful way to end things. And you’re done with the killing, even if he wants to kill Bucky.
Hydra won’t be the end to the last Stark. Not if you can help it.
Gripping onto his left arm and right shoulder, the Ironman quickly elbows you in the jugular; immediately a choked type of intense pain fills your body as the hit causes you to gasp and sputter while falling to your knees. Tears whell up in your eyes from the natural reaction as your hands rub frantically around your exposed skin.
Fuck that hurt like a bitch.
Unknowingly to you, Tony would have shot you again if not for Bucky who immediately gains the Ironman’s attention once more. Shoving him against the wall as his metal hand reaches to crush Tony’s suit reactor. They struggle against the strength of one another before a blinding light of orange sparks against Bucky, hitting the far wall while Bucky falls to the ground.
Throat healed, your eyes are wide in shock at the sight of Bucky, his metal arm is gone, the metal and wires still glowing a fiery orange and red from the heat of Tony’s blaster as a second later, Tony uses a lesser blast to knock Bucky forwards and across the floor he tumbles.
Steve is on Tony in an instant, the two of them beginning an intense battle of hand to hand combat while you crawl over to a bleeding Bucky who’s laying on his back, eyes closed though his chest rises and falls with heavy breaths.
Reaching his face, you shuffle to sit by his right arm, a frown adorning your features at the dark crimson that’s smudged against his sweaty face. Your hands shake with adrenaline as you touch the side of his stubbled cheek, “Buck, come back to me......Please.” You rasp weakly in between the strained grunts from Steve and Tony.
Ignoring them, you move a piece of blood soaked hair from Bucky’s face, tears threatening to spill if he doesn’t move, “Come on....open your damn eyes you beautiful bastard...” You urge, rubbing a comforting thumb against his jaw, “If you leave me here with these idiots I’ll fucking cut you...got it....” Your voice a shaky whisper, “..Bucky, please wake up...”
You give him a dismal look as he says nothing for a moment until his ocean blues open as you reveal the tiniest of relieved grins, “I’m not going anywhere.” He mumbles out, “Not without you.”
You smile weakly, “Good.” Suddenly you hear a crash like a shattering sound of glass and breaking metal, eyes darting upward, you instinctively unsheathe your right claws ready to protect Bucky with your life only to pause once you realize they stopped fighting.
Tony’s laying on his side as Steve sits nearby breathing just as heavily, faces both noticeable bloody. Tony throws him a wicked glare as Steve looks down in reluctant shame, soon he pulls himself to his feet, shield in one hand as he glances from Tony to the cold climate of Siberia.
Taking this as your cue, you look back down at Bucky, “Time to get the fuck out of here.” Before moving to help him to his feet, he clings onto your shoulder as you wrap an arm around his waist. He’s awkward and off centered from the recent loss of his appendage, but does what he can to keep upright with your aid.
Steve limps towards the two of you, shield still in hand as he slowly follows until Tony speaks, “That shield doesn’t belong to you.” He bitterly mutters, “You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield!” Steve pauses for a moment, nodding in understanding before dropping the shield onto the hard ground with a loud clang.
Coming to your aid to help Bucky up the ladder.
Not long after the intensive personal battle between Steve and Tony, plus the revelation that Bucky was the one this whole time who actually killed Tony’s parents and Steve knew about it. T’Challa soon found the three of you bloodied and exhausted in the snow.
Steve left the jet for Tony, while the prince of Wakanda, with a new perspective on the situation, allowed the three of you to join him in his own jet, while Baron Zemo sat silently in the corner. Handcuffed and fuming.
A jet ride later after dropping Zemo in a secured facility to rot for his crimes, T’Challa had brought you all into his home willingly. Soon his expert doctors had gotten things ready to place Bucky back under until they could figure out how to free his troubled mind of all the shit Hydra had forced in there.
Your eyes are trained on Bucky’s vitals when you sense him staring at you, god you feel so nervous for some reason. Blinking slowly, you draw your wandering attention over to him, “Y/N.” He mutters softly with the most adorable of smiles to bless his handsome face.
You give him a faint grin back, “Bucky.”
He slightly frowns at your disheartened expression, “Come here.” He beckons with a small wave of his hand that’s bound with an IV, “Please.”
Breathing slow, your body feels like it’s shaking with adrenaline, he can sense how anxious you feel. Walking closer now, Bucky reaches out his hand for you to take, “I won’t be gone forever, okay. Just for a little bit.”
Squeezing his hand, you reveal a weak half smile, “I know Buck, it just feels like they’re taking you away from me all over again. And I won’t know for how long.”
He looks down at your intertwined fingers, eyes trailing over the dark faded 00X13 permanently tattooed to your left wrist, “Yeah....I’m sorry it’s just.” He purses his lips together in thought, brows furrowing as his eyes catch yours, “I can’t trust my own mind. So, until they find out how to get this stuff out of my head....I think going under is the best thing. For everybody.”
Nodding, you frown, “I know, I don’t care how long they take to heal you alright. I’ll wait forever if I have to, I promise.”
Bucky reveals a beautiful smile of hope and pure love for you, one that is greatly returned, “What did I do to deserve you?” He whispers.
Smiling, you reply, “Get thrown around by the universe a bit first.” You chuckle lightly as your face slowly falls again, “Don’t worry, I’ll still be here when you wake up alright. Then I can really show you how much of this you really deserve.” Bucky laughs as you throw him a suggestive wink.
Suddenly Steve wanders into the room, drawing the both of yours distracted attention as he smiles half awkwardly, “You two gonna be alright?” He asks, eyes trailing from you to his best friend, genuinely happy that Bucky has found love in this messy world.
Bucky squeezes your hand as he gives Steve a reassuring nod, “Yeah. I think so.” He replies, blue eyes turning to you.
“I’ve been alone most of my life already, what’s another however long?” You shrug with a sad smile, eyes focused on Bucky, “I can handle it.”
He smiles back, “I know you can.”
“Mr. Barnes, are you ready?” States one of the Wakandian doctors, “The chamber is prepared.”
He nods, “Yeah. I’m ready.”
Soon Bucky slips off of the metal table and walks over to the glass Cryo chamber, pausing a moment to turn around and face you. He looks conflicted at the ground before bringing his gaze back up to you, a second later he steps forward to gently touch his hand against your cheek before pressing his lips to yours.
Steve and the rest of the doctors avert their gaze while Bucky holds you close, lips taking all they can get as he mentally memorizes everything about you. From your soft lips flush against his, to the curves and feel of your skin against his palm that he’s touched a thousand times before.
He wants so badly to stay with you and live in peace by your side, but he’s too afraid of his own mind and absolutely terrified of ever being forced to hurt you again. He’s lucky you were able to get past what he did to you in Berlin when Zemo was in control, but of course you are, you love him more then you’ve ever loved anyone. It wasn’t his fault, and you know that.
Breaking from the kiss, Bucky presses his forehead against yours as his thumb rubs reassuringly along your cheek. “Ya lyublyu vas.” Whispers your lover in Russian before tasting you one last time, slowly pulling away, he nods before turning to walk into the chamber.
He’s strapped in and then the long glass door ascends to close him in, a moment later you watch as he closes his eyes before the chamber is activated. Ice dances up the walls while below freezing fog seeps into the container, sending Bucky into a deep sleep for however long it takes.
Biting your bottom lip, you hold back the annoying lump forming in the back of your throat as Steve sets a hand on your shoulder, “He’s safe here. Don’t worry Y/N, he’ll be with us soon enough.”
You nod, eyes never leaving Bucky’s as you study his sleeping face behind the frosted glass, “I know, Steve. It’s just waiting is the hard part.”
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
don’t feed it - it will come back
Pairing: Dabi x f!reader, Shoto Todoroki x reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, semi-public sex, quickie, tw:cheating, dabi identity spoilers, slight yandere!dabi?, AU where all events are the same except they happen when class 1A are Pros already so all characters are 21+, Dabi is not a villain yet.
A/N: title and lyrics by Hozier. Minors DNI.
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Don't let it in with no intention to keep it, Jesus Christ, don't be kind to it, Honey, don't feed it, it will come back.
You smelled him before you saw him, seared flesh and ashes, expensive cologne to make up for the stench, the same perfume your boyfriend wore, and that you’d bought for Dabi so that Shoto couldn’t smell another man on you.
Dabi. Your addiction, your escape.
His mismatched lips were rough on yours. The staples that patched him together scratched your cheeks, grounding you to reality before you could get lost in your own head, too deep in that special space you shared with him.
“The hell you think you’re doing?”, you hissed, “I‘m on patrol. What if Deku saw?”
You looked around the dingy alley frantically, hoping that your colleague would be busy poking his nose somewhere else. Unfazed as usual, Dabi offered you a lopsided smile, pressing his body against yours, marred forearms resting at the sides of your head, trapping you between him and the wall.
“If he saw,” he hummed, “he’d go tell his little friend how much of a slut his girlfriend is.”
You considered unleashing your quirk and blasting him into the opposite wall just to wipe that smirk off his scarecrow face. Dabi saw it in your eyes, and offered you a more gentle smile, mellow words to placate the fire in you.
“You’ve been mean,” he whispered, something resembling a pout twisting his disfigured face, “Avoiding me and all.”
You snorted at his antics, shaking your head. “I’ve been busy, ‘s all. Hero work. Patrolling, y’know, what I should be doing now.”
He didn’t relent, unbothered by your reluctance. “I waited for you the other night. Two whole hours and you didn’t show up. Didn’t even warn me that you wouldn’t come.”
“Shoto surprised me with a date.”
“Well, I’m surprising you now.”
He sounded like a child throwing a tantrum while looking like a devil himself, a dangerous glint in his turquoise eyes, skin stretched thin over his teeth, staples barely holding him in one piece.
He leaned over you, slow and tantalizing, hot breath fanning over your face.
Seeing him like this never failed to make your brain go haywire, duties forgotten, loyalty buried too deep to even feel guilty anymore.
Just like that first night together, when all the expectations burdening your shoulders had seemed too heavy to carry. When the shoes you’d have to fill had looked too big for you. Daughter of heroes, strong quirk, the public’s favor, a loving boyfriend.
People would have killed to be in your place, and all you’d wanted to do that night was to be someone else, someone whose life was not set in stone the moment they were born.
It had felt like such a dirty secret, blending in with the crowds of civilians on a Friday night, in need to experience all the things that you’d missed on. Clubs and alcohol, dancing with every man or woman that would grind onto you, it had all seemed so bright and liberating.
Then you’d met Dabi, and a drunken conversation on something you couldn’t recall on the cramped dancefloor had ended up in a hook up in the restrooms.
You’d silently cried yourself to sleep that night while Shoto slept peacefully beside you, red and white hair tickling you as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
Your mistakes had only escalated from there, something like an avalanche waiting to crush you, and the man you’d sworn you’d never seen again was the one holding you in his arms in this very moment.
You knew better than to give in, but you still did despite it, parting your lips while boring your half lidded eyes in his, letting him swirl his tongue around yours, toying with the metal bar on it.
You felt your body flush while his hands roamed over you, groping and kneading your ass, your hips, your tits through the elastic material of your flashy Hero suit.
“I bet you missed me too,” he chuckled, palming you between your legs, the heel of his hand pressing against your clothed lips.
Heat pooling in your belly, you ground your pussy on him, trying to relieve some of the tension in your fluttering cunt.
“Eager, are you? Todoroki Shoto doesn’t fuck you like you need?”
You rolled your eyes, catching yourself before you could moan in his ear.
“He fucks me just fine,” you groaned, fisting his stained white t-shirt, “Just make this quick, I got places to be,” you snapped, slotting your hand between your bodies, palming his bulge through his slacks.
“Brat,” he huffed, stifling a laugh, “and if he did you wouldn’t be humping my hand like a bitch in heat.”
Another warning glare and Dabi rolled his eyes, mumbling something about your over sensitive ass. You pulled him in a kiss to shut him up before your temper got the best of you.
He felt so different from athletic, sturdy Shoto. Slouched shoulders, thin arms, ribs dangerously poking through his emaciated skin. So frail and weak that he couldn’t even lift you in his arms to fuck you against the wall.
Maybe spending your formative years around men like Kirishima and Bakugou, and dating Endeavor’s son himself, had fucked up your standards beyond repair, and maybe Dabi was just a normal civilian with a regular body.
Whatever the case, the thought of your boyfriend was gone as soon as it flashed through your mind, and you hastily began fumbling with the buckle of Dabi’s belt. With a click it snapped open, and you undid his fly, reaching under his boxers. You pumped his hard cock, twisting the velvety skin up and down, thumb teasing his slit. You knew how feral he got when your promise ring rattled with his piercings, so you made a show of it, feeling him throb in your grasp.
“Fuck,” he grunted, hips snapping to fuck himself with your fist.
Teeth clattering, rough hands, his breathy panting in your ear, the arousal pouring out of you. Even the fear of Midoriya catching you drove you more insane than it should have, your walls pulsing in anticipation.
Scarred hands undid your own utility belt, shoving your spandex leggings down your thighs, sliding in your cotton panties.
“So wet for me already, and I barely even touched you?” he gloated, bony fingers spreading your arousal around your folds before dipping in, knuckles deep in your warm cunt, “Sucking me in, hm? You like being touched like this, fucked like a whore, don’t you?”
His thumb roughly toyed with your clit while the rest of his fingers flexed inside you, stretching you out, preparing you for his cock.
“Fuck- God, fuck me already, I don’t have all day,” you grunted, biting his upper lip.
He rolled his eyes then, glaring at you. “You sure know how to set the mood right, koneko-chan.”
He twirled you around then, pushing you flush against the wall, a hand on your shoulder, the other pumping his cock.
Your eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when you felt his tip prod at your entrance.
“You’re not fucking me without a condom,” you hissed, wiggling in his hold, angling your hips away from his.
“Please, just this time, I promise I’ll make it good for you,” he pleaded, shamelessly rutting against your ass.
“No fucking way, get a condom or you’re not getting any.”
“C’mon, just this once, I missed you so much, I wanna feel you all, feel your pretty pussy on my cock, please,” he whined, his hard on between your spread cheeks, “You should make it up to me anyways, y’know, for ghosting me, leaving me alone all night, waitin’ on ya. Wasn’t nice of you.”
You knew that when the blood drained from his brain and travelled to his cock, Dabi wasn’t his smartest. And you had to admit that you were curious to feel the piercings scattered on his dick pressing inside your cunt, eager to know if they really felt as good as he claimed they would.
But you knew better than to give in. Some risks just weren’t worth taking, and some things were better reserved in the intimacy between you and Shoto in some twisted, sick loyalty that you couldn’t bring yourself to breach.
“You’re not getting inside me without a condom, God only knows where you’ve been before,” you scoffed, tugging his hair to unlatch his leathery lips from your neck before he could leave a mark of his existence on you.
The smell of smoke, ash, and seared flesh you could explain. You made that work, somehow. You doubted that your boyfriend, as oblivious, trusting and lovestruck as he was, would mistake love bites for anything else, though.
“Less places than you have for sure, koneko-chan,” he snickered, trailing open mouthed kisses below your jaw, nipping your soft skin between his teeth, “The ladies aren’t lining up to get a taste of me, believe it or not.”
“Jee, I wonder why,” you deadpanned.
“You talk a lot of shit for someone who hops on my dick like it’s her job.”
“Shut the fuck up, Dabi-chan,” you laughed, no bite to your bark.
You were getting antsy with his insistence and with the prospect of Midoriya walking in on you getting railed like a cock drunk whore behind a dumpster by a sketchy guy while you should have been patrolling instead.
Not very heroic of you.
He relented then, and you heard the distinct crunching sound of foil being ripped open.
He rolled the condom down his length, and you bent over, forearms against the rough surface of the wall while he angled your ass and kicked your legs open wider.
“Just sayin’, you’re missing out on me.”
You couldn’t hold the moan that erupted out of you when he snapped his hips, slanting his cock inside your soaked cunt. Your walls sucked him in, stretching around his girth.
You were so pent up and aroused that you almost came at the feeling of him sheathing himself in you, filling you up to the brim. He gave a few tentative thrusts before setting a faster pace, sliding his cock in and out of you.
Your mewls and whimpers and the sound of his balls slapping your ass reverberated in the alley.
You knew that if anyone saw you, your career would be over. The media would have a field trip, and Endeavor would lay down his life to make sure you’d be shunned from society.
And fuck, if the risk didn’t make you clench on Dabi’s dick.
You could feel a bruise form on your tailbone where he gripped you, and a few scratches and shallow cuts on the back of your thighs where his belt dug into your soft flesh.
“Fuck, your pussy is so good, you fuckin’ slut,” he moaned, hand reaching between your legs to play with your swollen clit, “You love my cock, don’t you? You whore, you love being fucked like the bitch you are, hm?”
You gritted your teeth, nails digging into his scalp as you held onto his head, arching your back so his cock could hit deeper inside you, onto that spongy crevice that made pressure built fast and steady in your core.
“And you like being my toy, my pathetic little plaything at my beck and call, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer, clenching his jaw as he kept pounding into you, lips enveloping yours in a bruising kiss.
Sticky webs of drool covered your faces, mixing in with the blood that streamed down his face where the staples couldn’t hold him in place.
“I’m close, I’m so close, fuck-, go faster, yes, right there,” you moaned, feeling the knot in your lower belly get tighter with each drag of his cock against your walls.
“I-, I’m right here with you, babe, just let go, come on my cock, show me how good I make you feel. Fuck, show me he doesn’t fuck this pussy as good as I do, you were-, God, you were made for me-“
His rambling turned into low static to you while jolts of electricity travelled through your body, jerking your limbs as he continued fucking you through your high until he too came, chanting your name like a prayer.
You were the first to move away, wincing as his cock slipped out of your cunt.
Mind buzzing, you barely looked at him, hurriedly pulling your suit back on, adjusting the belt on your waist while Dabi tucked himself in, the small, blissed out smile gracing his handsome face soon twisting in something pained and darker when you scurried away without sparing him a second glance.
The low buzz of ambient music filled your apartment as you stepped in, and a pang of guilt stabbed your heart when you noticed the candles scattered around.
Shoto was on you as soon as you shut the door, a rare, gentle smile on his pretty round face, telling you about the improvised self care night he’d put together for the both of you.
He pressed a kiss to your lips, grimacing at the lingering taste of smoke on you.
“I know smoking helps you decompress, love. But maybe you could switch to electronic?” he asked, hopeful. You knew he hated the idea of you damaging your health as much as he despised the taste and smell of cigarettes.
The concern made your heart jump in your stomach, and when you grazed into his eyes, his turquoise eye, you almost startled yourself at the similarity of someone else’s.
Guilt was really playing tricks on your mind.
You pecked his cheek, reciprocating his smile.
“You’re right,” you sighed, hoping he wouldn’t notice the bitterness in your words, “Know what? I’ll try stopping smoking altogether for you, hm?”
Perched on the fire escape of the building facing yours, Dabi watched his little brother hold you tenderly, swaying you around in a clumsy dance.
He crushed the cigarette under his shoe, and rose to his feet, bile rising in his throat.
He willed himself to be patient, knowing that one day, when he’d burn down the world, he’ll be the one you’ll be dancing with through the flames.
Omg, this is my first time writing for a bnha character and I hope I did okay! Please let me know what you think of this! Your comments are what keeps me alive ❤️🥺
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rocorambles · 3 years
Training Camp ft. Ikkei: Part 1 - Know Your Place
Pairing: Yandere Nekomata x Kuroo ft. Ikkei
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Sex Toys, Chastity Cage, Exhibitionism, Voyerism, Humiliation, Degradation, Objectification, Cock Warming, Sweat Kink, Overstimulation, Gangbang
Summary: Nekomata has special plans for Kuroo’s first New Year’s trip. 
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A/N: Of course I need to dedicate this to @sawamooora #1 Ikkei stan. 
Kuroo impatiently waits, brimming with excitement as he searches for the familiar sight of Nekomata’s car approaching, suitcase packed and ready to go besides him. It’s been months since their little relationship began and the pink cage around his cock and the plug nestled in his ass feel like second skin, bringing a sense of comfort to the younger man as he’s reminded of just who belongs to with every shift he feels against his sensitive cock and insides. 
He’s always hated New Year’s, dreaded being forced to spend more time than he wanted to at home, in an empty house devoid of any real familial love other than a fond smile here or there from his grandparents. He doesn’t want to be ungrateful and he loves his grandparents, he really does, but the loneliness is tormenting, the emptiness and silence clawing and digging its way under his skin as the clock ticks down to midnight every year, with only him there to greet the new year, his grandparents already long fast asleep and his father nowhere to be found. 
But this year...this year’s going to be different and he can’t help the grin that spreads across his face when a car honks at him from the street, practically skipping and almost tripping over his long legs as he shoves his suitcase into the trunk of his coach’s car and hops in the passenger seat. 
Kuroo’s always been envious hearing his friends tell him about the fun celebrations their family did over the holiday, something green and ugly churning in his guts whenever someone rambled on and on about the amazing family trip they went on during the time off. But over time, as he got older, he had grudgingly come to terms that it’s just never something he’d ever experience, settling for the quiet dragging days he spent idling away in his bedroom instead. 
So when Nekomata had asked him if he wanted to go away to the countryside with him over the New Years holiday during one of their post-coital cuddle session, he could hardly believe his ears, almost smacking the old man in the face with how quickly he turned to stare at him with wide hazel eyes before grinning and enthusiastically nodding his head. His body suddenly regained all of its energy despite how many orgasms had been coaxed out of him and he noisily pestered the older man with all types of questions about what they’d be doing and exactly where they were going, only shutting up with a gasp when a wrinkled hand reached down to circle his cum-filled hole, amused eyes staring at him as a finger slipped inside the loosened entrance. 
“Well if you’ve recovered enough to make so much noise, let’s put that newfound energy and loud mouth to use.” 
Needless to say, Kuroo didn’t get any answers that night. 
And even now as they begin their long road trip, he still has no clue or hint of what’s in store for him. 
Nekomata fondly smiles as Kuroo inquisitively looks around, pretty eyes sparkling with excitement and awe as he scurries around like a kitten exploring new territory, examining every inch of Ukai Ikkei’s peaceful training camp nestled among the woods of Miyagi. It’s a beautiful location, so different from the bustling city of Tokyo, hidden from prying eyes, only snow and barren trees visible for miles and miles. Perfect for what he has planned for his adorable pet and he laughs when Kuroo lays beside him that first night, pouting and whining about Nekomata not telling him that there were indoor volleyball courts here so he could pack accordingly. 
He had wondered when Kuroo would bring it up and despite creaking bones, he eagerly makes his way to his own suitcase, pulling out a package he had purposefully kept hidden for this very moment, gleefully watching as the taller man curiously opened the bag. Not many things catch Kuroo off guard, so Nekomata watches in pride as the athlete’s jaw drops, almost reaching the ground as he realizes exactly what he’s staring down at. 
The Nekoma captain knows it’s going to be a long weekend when he sees the vibrating butt plug innocently laying on top of a bundle of fabric, throat dry as he sets the toy aside and examines the soft bundle still inside, cock twitching in interest in its prison, a little whine stuck in his chest. 
“Shouldn’t you thank me? Now you’ll be able to play all the volleyball you want this weekend. I even have some old friends visiting tomorrow who can join us.” 
“It’s- That’s way too small! You want me to wear just this in front of other people?” 
Hazel eyes pleadingly stare at the older man, but it’s no use and Kuroo pouts as Nekomata sternly stands his ground, reluctantly nodding his head and cuddling into his cushy chest when the coach uses his weakness against him, softly murmuring little praises about how good he’ll look, how he just wants to show off his handsome boy to everyone. 
Doesn’t Kuroo want to make him happy? 
He does! He does! 
And despite how embarrassing it is, lean toned torso on display, cute nipples pebbled in arousal as Nekomata teasingly sucks the two peaks to attention, tiny bulge and ass cheeks practically hanging out of the skimpy black spandex shorts (really just glorified panties), Kuroo can’t help the pleased flush he feels spreading inside of him at how proud and hungrily Nekomata looks at him, whispering how gorgeous he is as he playfully prods and pushes the vibrating plug inside of Kuroo’s tight hole. 
But it’s time to play a different game and Nekomata pulls the dazed boy after him, pretending nothing’s unusual about how he introduces the almost naked youngster to the rest of the senior citizens gathered on the indoor court, ignoring the leering looks they give the flustered athlete, biting back a smile at how veiny wrinkled hands roam and linger inappropriately across Kuroo’s body as they introduce themselves and greet the frazzled man. 
He’s proud of how well Kuroo takes all the attention and the wandering touches, something akin to jealousy curling inside of him at how the messy haired man unconsciously leans into fingers that run along his nipples and sticks his ass out just a bit more when someone presses up behind him. Maybe he had trained his toy too well, but there’s no time to linger on it, not when everyone’s lining up on either side of the net and getting in game position. 
Adrenaline pumps through Kuroo and he feels at home, almost forgetting the embarrassing outfit he has on as he gets ready to play like he always does, thinking to himself if maybe he should take it down a few notches, not wanting to hurt any of the frailer men around him. He sees a spiker jump in front of him and he leaps in the air, toned arms reaching up, ready to block the ball, but he yelps, mind going white as the vibrator inside of him is suddenly turned on, pressing relentlessly against his prostate and he falls on the ground in surprise. 
Old faces crowd around him, rough hands helping him up, voices asking him if he’s okay, but it’s all background noise as he stares wide-eyed at Nekomata, heart racing at the smirk he receives in response, the flash of a remote peeking from his coach’s shorts solidifying his worst fears. But there’s nothing he can do, nothing he can say without letting everyone else around him know exactly what’s happening, that he’s traipsing around in public with a toy shoved inside of his ass like a slut. So he stays silent, plastering on a forced smile on his face as he reassures everyone he’s fine, unaware of the shared smirks behind his back, all of them in on Nekomata’s naughty little secret. 
It only gets worse after that, the vibrations becoming unpredictable in timing and intensity, sometimes hitting him at the peak of his jumps, sometimes starting up in between plays, sometimes not moving at all, only making it so much worse when it does begin again after a longer pause than normal. His anticipation and anxiety only makes things worse and he knows he’s a mess, sluggish, sweating far too much for a simple game with old men, sloppy. But he grits his teeth, determined to make it through at least the first set before making up some excuse to leave and relieve himself. 
Unfortunately Nekomata and company have different plans for him and when he once again jumps to block another spike, he can’t hold back the scream as the vibrations hit him full blast, not stopping even when he collapses on the ground, writhing and grabbing his ass, begging Nekomata to turn it off, uncaring of how everyone is watching the lewd spectacle he’s making of himself. 
But it’s not Nekomata who hauls him up and he sobs as Ikkei snarls at him to stop whining, sneering at him for being a fucking whore who can’t live without a toy inside of him. 
“How dare you waste all of our time by pulling shit like this? We’re here to play volleyball, not babysit a horny slut. So go make yourself useful, get off the fucking court, and be our little bench cock warmer since you clearly need something to always fill that slutty hole of yours.” 
Kuroo can hardly register what’s happening, incoherently blabbering and drooling as the intense vibrations still relentlessly assault him, mindlessly following as Ikkei continues to drag him over to the metal bench, moaning as his pre-cum soaked shorts are pulled off of him. He petulantly whines when the plug is pulled out of him, immediately changing his tune and apologizing when Ikkei’s hands swat at his ass, rough palms humiliatingly spreading his ass cheeks apart, leaving his gaping fluttering hole on full view for everyone. 
But when he’s positioned over Nekomata’s sitting form, trembling thighs bending as he’s shoved down on the cock he’s grown so familiar with, it feels like everything’s right in the world and a dopey smile spreads across his face when he bottoms out, the familiar weight and heat inside of him soothing his highstrung body. And suddenly he can care less about how the rest of the men are crowding around Nekomata and him on the excuse of being on a “water break”, greedy eyes taking in how Kuroo’s long legs splay wide open, pretty pink chastity cage out in the open, tight hole stuffed full of old man cock. 
He doesn’t know how long he stays like that, body drunk on pleasure, jolted back to attention here and there by fingers that teasingly tweak and brush his nipples, a wrinkled hand easily fondling his cute little caged cock in one hand, a raspy voice mockingly tsking him for dripping so much sticky pre-cum everywhere. 
The first set finishes and then there’s bickering as the other old men complain about how it’s unfair that only Nekomata gets a cock warmer when he sits out, demanding that Kuroo be passed around as a communal object. Nekomata is hesitant, surprisingly fierce possessiveness keeping him from readily agreeing. But when Ikkei urges him on, encouragingly asking his long-time friend things like “don’t you ever want to just sit back and watch?”, “don’t you want to see what your little pet looks like being split on multiple cocks?”, he can’t help the voyeuristic curiosity inside of him that ultimately has him acquiescing.
Kuroo doesn’t know how many times he’s passed around, doesn’t care, mind only able to think of being full, uncaring of how or by who. 
Sometimes he’s made to face the game, fingers prodding his face, palms gently slapping his cheeks until he’s paying attention, forced to keep track of points, punished by vicious pulling and twisting of his aching nipples and smacks to his pathetically imprisoned cock when he says the wrong numbers or forgets to say anything at all after a point is scored. 
Sometimes he’s made to face the player whose cock is splitting him apart, coaxed into sloppily making out with chapped lips, the scent of elderly bodies filling his nostrils, the wet sound of tongues and mouths tangling together echoing in his ears, bony hands digging into his bare ass. 
He thinks he may have passed out once or twice, maybe even a few times, only to wake up moaning, tears in his eyes as arousal and denial mix and meld in a painfully intoxicating cocktail inside of him. All he needs, all he wants is to bounce on the cocks shoved inside of him to his heart’s content, desperate even for the lackluster untouched prostate orgasms he’s limited to with his chastity cage still firmly locked. But anytime he tries to even shift his hips, every time he even breathes louder than normal, he’s scolded and vulnerable inner thighs are meanly pinched until he stays still like a good toy. 
It’s all a frustratingly dizzying experience, time and space blurring in Kuroo’s mind, brain turning off as he allows himself to just submerge in the feeling of being passed around and used, allowing himself to just let go and be the mindless sex toy they want him to be. But he’s snapped back to reality by a sudden inability to breathe and piercing coldness across his entire torso, muffled squealing filling the air as he’s laid face down on the cold metal bench, Ikkei’s cock breaching his mouth further and further, Nekomata sinking balls deep inside of his loose ass, both men surrounding him, their legs spread on either side of the bench, caging him in between them. 
As his mouth is stretched painfully wide, nose brushing against Ikkei’s lower stomach, gray scratchy hairs tickling his face, ass full, Nekomata’s hands playfully kneading and groping his toned buttcheeks, any humane part left in his sex-crazed mind shatters. All he knows is serving and pleasure and he happily moans as his bare flat back is used as a table for sweaty towels, soaked fabric carelessly tossed on top of him. An especially drenched towel is thrown over his head and he deeply inhales, the salty heavy smell of sweat intermingling with the musk of Ikkei’s groin only dragging him further down a path he’ll never be able to recover from.
He could live happily just like that for the rest of his life, filled on both ends, white cotton fabric acting as a blindfold, encasing him in the pungent scent of his tormentors, reminding him just how far he’s fallen. But his owners have different plans, ignoring his little complaining mewls from being left empty and unfulfilled as Ikkei and Nekomata pull out of him. The towel still around his face prevents him from seeing anything, but a delighted smile slips on his face at the feeling of something prodding at his entrance, a content sigh escaping him when the familiar vibrating plug is pushed back into him, eyes closing and focusing on the soothing feeling of being filled once again. 
But that comfort is short lived and he screams, a panicked overwhelmed keen that makes the men around him laugh as the vibrator is suddenly turned onto its highest setting, the borderline unbearable intensity against his relentlessly stimulated prostate driving him crazy, body writhing and convulsing in agonized bliss, fat tears and drool making a mess of his face. Yet that doesn’t stop his audience from meticulously pulling back up his ridiculously tiny booty shorts, pulling the material snugly high up on Kuroo’s hips, locking the plug even more firmly in place, slapping the captain’s perky ass for good measure and prodding at the toy inside of him through the stretchy fabric as he continues shaking and trembling, eyes rolling back, tongue lolling out. 
The towels that had been strewn about his body and head all lie rumpled and discarded on the ground, thrown off by the younger man’s chaotic movements, and the group of men watch in awe and lust, veiny wrinkled hands pumping their useless old cocks at how broken their little toy looks. He barely looks human. He definitely doesn’t sound human. And it only makes the desire in their aged bodies grow that much more, pride and power swelling inside of them at how much control they still have, despite their numbered days, over a bright and powerful young thing like Kuroo Tetsurou. 
Gangbangs? They’re a young men’s game. But as they stare at the now cum covered man still sobbing and wailing as the vibrator inside of him continues its relentless assault, slobbering all over their cocks and fingers as they make sure not to let a drop of their sticky liquid go to waste. They can’t help but give themselves a pat on the back for their successful attempt, yawning and slowly walking away on aching legs and hips, bones creaking and cocks exhausted from being used so thoroughly after almost decades of no action.  
Kuroo makes to get up, confusion in dazed hazel eyes as he tries to follow the pack, whimpering as every move he makes only makes the vibrations inside of him hit different angles. But he’s gently shoved back down by two pairs of hands and he bewilderedly pants, turning his attention towards Nekomata and Ikkei, gasping when they each toy with one perky nipple as they amusedly observe him. 
“And where do you think you’re going, Tetsurou? There’s water bottles, towels, and all this equipment that still needs to be packed up and stored away. I’m not turning off your little toy until everything is cleaned up, understand? So better get to it.”
Tears stream down his face at the stern words, dismayed eyes taking in just how much of a mess there’s left for him to clean, realization that his torment has hardly begun sinking in. But he shakily nods and two pairs of eyes watch in sick fascination as their little slut begins to move around, breathy gasps and lewd moans interspersed with his actions, stumbling and panting like a cat in heat. 
It’s going to be a great training camp.  
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
hi! i hope this isn't too demanding but when is it okay if request a yandere todoroki/bakugo/deku (or just one of them. whatever works for you) x villain! darling? thank you so much!
It’s been a while since I wrote for all three of them, but it’s nice to see them bicker, every so often. Especially with a Villain!Darling that so /clearly/ needs their help with every little thing, now that you’ve caught their eye.
Title: Weak. 
TW: Kidnapping and Delusional Mindsets. 
You really weren’t weak.
You were scrappy. With a quirk like yours, a relatively simple alternation power that let you slip through inanimate surfaces to your heart’s content, you had to be. Sure, villains and criminals were stereotyped as dull and devious, the oh-so-cowardly evil-doers Heroes just had to protect the general public from, but the odds were stacked against you. You didn’t have fancy tools or decades of training, but you made due. You memorized the terrain and you stayed in your group, and when things got ugly, you ran. If that made you pathetic, you could live with it. You weren’t dead and you weren’t in jail, so you could live with it.
You weren’t weak. Even if you had to convince yourself of that, you weren’t weak.
Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Izuku was, either.  
He couldn’t have been chasing you for more than a few minutes, and yet, your feet were already throbbing in your shoes, your legs pulsing every time you took a step and your lungs begging you to stop and breath, an urge you swiftly suppressed in favor of putting distance between you and that raging monster. The rest of your group had already been neutralized, your more offensive companions arrested or forced to retreat, leaving you alone and desperately in need of a route of escape. He’d cornered you in the warehouse district, keeping you trapped in a dirty, grimy building so deprived of light, you could only hope you were running in the right direction. It helped that Izuku made no attempt to be quiet, his footsteps audible from the other side of the city, aiding in your singular goal of avoiding him until he lost interest.
You couldn’t afford to worry about anything else, right now.
Stumbling forward, you tripped down an ancient, degrading flight of stairs, taking a moment to regain your footing when you reached the bottom. Thankfully, this floor was much more hospitable than the last, glowing red with sparsely-distributed emergency lights, although you only had a second or two to appreciate the difference before breaking into a sprint, pushing your fatigue to the back of your mind as you ran towards the far wall, praying that you still had enough energy to faze through it. You reached out, but before you could make contact your target, the air around you turned cold, frigid, and suddenly, you were unable to lift your feet, everything below your ankle caught in a thin layer of ice and sleet. You didn’t have time to catch yourself, crashing to the floor and accepting the uncushioned blow. You had a feeling it wouldn’t be the worst pain you experienced, tonight.
You didn’t think, barely starting to push yourself up as you spoke. “Let me go--”
“Shoto!” Izuku's voice quickly overpowered your own, silencing you with little more than a name. You could hear him running, and when you twisted around enough to see him, you could make out his figure through the dim lighting, approaching a man you hadn’t noticed before and pulling him into an abrupt, fleeting hug. Another man - another Hero, one with heterochromatic eyes and bicolored hair. The reason for your current entrapment, you guessed. Izuku didn’t bother to release him before going on, speaking too hastily for his own good. Too breathlessly. “The coast’s all clear. I told my sidekicks I could handle the rest, and the police should be gone, by now.”
Shoto’s response was delayed, but clear. “And Katsuki?”
“He's on his way.” Izuku paused, glancing in your direction out of the corner of his eye. Letting go of Shoto, he stepped towards you, approaching slowly, holding his hands open in a show of tranquility. It was hard to believe he didn’t have poor intentions, though, especially when his smile broadened every time he grew closer. “Kacchan just needs to--”
“Kacchan needs to know where we’re taking the brat.” The owner of this new voice didn’t enter nearly as smoothly as either man you’d already been acquainted with, drawing your focus away from Izuku and towards the unfamiliar face now towering over you, ‘Katsuki’ glowering and glaring with all the volatile ferocity you’d come to expect from someone who chose to fight in skin-tight spandex and sculpted body armor. Without warning, he took Izuku by the collar, demanding his attention with a low, throaty growl. As if his coworkers were more of a threat than you were. “You stuck me with a dozen pathetic nobodies so Burn-Ward could give (Y/n) frostbite? You’re lucky I don’t scrap the plan right now so I can beat your ass--”
“I’m sorry about him,” Izuku apologized, still in Katsuki’s grip but clearly paying him no mind, facing you as he spoke. “He gets riled up so easily, doesn’t he? Don’t worry, Kacchan’s just protective! Once we take you home, I’m sure he’ll calm down.”
Home. Home wasn’t jail, and for whatever reason, you doubted he was talking about the shitty apartment you’d been saving the money to move out of for half a year, now. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” You spat, gritting your teeth, subtly trying to pry your feet out of their icy-prison. “I don’t care what you do to me. I’m not leaving, not unless I get to do it alone.”
Izuku sighed, shaking his head before he pulled himself from Katsuki’s grip. His grin softened, and swiftly, he dropped to his knee at your side, taking your balled hand and encasing it in his. You weren’t dumb enough to pull away, even if you kept your nails embedded in your palm, refusing to return the gesture of affection. “That’s why we have to do this, sweetheart. You’re so stubborn, I know you wouldn’t come along if we asked you, as you’ve gotten yourself into so much trouble… It’s for your own good. We’re really just trying to keep you safe.”
“I’m trying to keep you safe,” Katuski cut in, crossing his arms but making no attempt to intervene. “Todoroki wants a new basement-warmer, and Deku got tired of jerking off to his All Might figurines. Don’t trust a damn thing either of ‘em say.”
“That’s not true,” Shoto interjected, joining the conversation and resting a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder. “You know it’s not. You helped me get my guest room ready.”
There was a scoff, a shove from one party to the other, and Izuku rose to play peace-keeper before their minor, petty shows of violence could escalate. In the muted chaos, you pried yourself out of Shoto’s make-shift trap, breaking apart the thin ice with the bottom of your first, freeing yourself just as the soles of your feet began to go numb. Still, you didn’t dare try to run, nor did you make an effort to fight. Instead, you shifted backward, moving silently and gracelessly but eventually reaching the closest wall, only stopping when your back hit cement. Slowly, you reached back, pushing the palm of your hand against the rough surface and willing it to give, to disappear and allow you access, but the tips of your fingers were barely able to pass through before you were pushed out, the wall too thick or too hard or too something to faze out.
The reason for your failure occurred to you far too late. A basement. You were in a basement. You couldn’t get out, not when there was nothing to get out to.
You were trapped.
Izuku was the first to notice your distress, but if he cared, he didn’t bother to comfort you. He just laughed as he took you by the hand, jerking you to your feet before pulling you off of them completely, pinning you to his chest with little more than an arm under your thighs and a stern squeeze to your side, willing you into submission with the threat alone. “Someone’s getting impatient,” He chuckled, already starting towards the staircase. “I’d hate for you to see something ugly this early on. Let’s get you out of here, alright?”
It was all you could do to nod, his declaration leaving you too stunned to do much else.
You weren’t weak, after all.
But, you were smart enough to know you were nothing compared to the three of them.
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moonstruckbucky · 5 years
The Recruit (5/?)
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Summary: Becoming a SHIELD agent had been your dream and finally, you’ve achieved it. You’re at the top of your class in every field except one—hand to hand combat, and it doesn’t impress Captain Rogers in the slightest. Instead, it seems to convince him you’re useless, setting off a tense relationship between the two of you. In an effort to bridge the gap, Bucky offers to help you train to earn your way back into Steve’s good graces. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader x Bucky Barnes (not Stucky)
Warnings: Probably some incorrect fight-speak.
Notes: Yikes, I’m sorry for the wait on this. The holidays thoroughly kicked by ass, but now that they’re over, I should be back to regularly updating! Enjoy. x
Series Masterlist //  Main Masterlist
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Training begins the day the cast comes off your wrist. An exact two weeks later, and Bucky’s pounding on your door at four AM, hair tied back and biceps - both flesh and gleaming black metal - on full display in his compression tank. Coupled with your sleepiness and just how unfairly attractive he is, your brain short-circuits for a minute when you first open the door.
“Up and at ‘em,” he orders, every bit the Sergeant you’d read about.
“Huh?” you reply dumbly, wiping the sleep from your eyes.
“Time for training, rookie.” The gleam in his eye lets you know he’s teasing, but still his face remains stoic. You glance over your shoulder.
“Bucky, it’s four AM.” Your voice is a little rough, still riddled by sleep, but Bucky pays it no mind.
“You wanted me to train you, so I am.” He pushes into your room, tamps down a flush at being in your personal space, and waits with his hands behind his back.
You stare for a few moments, realize he isn’t going anywhere, so you sigh, scuttle slowly to your dresser to pull out a sports bra, some leggings and a tank top. You step into the en suite bathroom and change quickly. A glance at Julie’s closed door confirms she hasn’t been woken by Bucky’s early visit, and you breathe a quick sigh of relief.
The gym is empty, lighting kept low. It smells clean, despite its purpose, and Bucky begins your training with warm-ups: a few laps, some crunches, a few rounds on the punching bag to get your blood flowing.
Then, the real work begins.
Bucky doesn’t go easy - he comes at you like an enemy would, throwing his weight into each kick and punch. Each move calculated and thought out before the previous one is even finished. You can’t keep up, block his attacks as best as you can, but he barely lets you get an attack of your own in. He never tires - damn super serum.
He downs you embarrassingly fast, knee pressed into your chest. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to get his point across. He holds out his left hand, metal warm against your palm, and hoists you to your feet, but in the next second, he’s at you again.
You’re a little more ready this time - only just - and manage to parry more of his attacks. Even get in a kick that he blocks, but it’s the first time he’s given you an opening. He throws his metal fist and the whirring is loud next to your ear as you just barely dodge it. You’re a little surprised Bucky would even go for your face with the metal appendage, and it’s that shock that is your downfall.
Your split-second falter results in you face-down on the mat, feet swept out from under you with your arms pinned behind your back. Wind knocked out of you, nose throbbing where it’s hit the mat. You groan a little, grunting when his weight disappears from you, and you roll onto your back.
“Sheesh, you don’t fuck around, do you?” you ask, coughing as you catch your breath. He’s barely sweating above you, feet planted on either side of your hips. The only sign he’s exerted himself - a few strands of dark hair have fallen out of the bun at the back of his head.
“Not fair,” you mumble low under your breath, reminded only after a moment of his super soldier hearing. Face warming, you avert your eyes up and back as a smirk curls his mouth.
“Just needed to get a feel for you, sweetheart.” The pet name rolls over you like a warm bath, makes your skin prickle with goosebumps as he extends a hand and hauls you to your feet with all the effort it takes to lift a feather. Damn that super serum.
“Okay, first of all,” he starts once you’re back on your feet, steps forward and presses down on your shoulders, “you are way too tense. You’re going to hurt yourself, and you’re going to tire yourself out. So relax.”
You take a deep breath in and let it out slowly, try to push the tension coiled tight in your body away. It works, kind of, until a different kind of tension arises when Bucky circles you, brings his hands to your shoulders and digs his thumbs in.
“Relax,” he orders softly. “More.”
As his thumbs rub hard circles into the muscles of your shoulders, you feel your body melting against his touch, lower regions clenching. Jesus, what he does to you.
“Better.” His voice slides over you like a warm bath, soothing and comforting, until he lowers his hands and steps away. You almost lean back, chasing his touch. A low chuckle, and then he stands before you again. “Let’s try this again. Remember, keep yourself loose.”
It’s difficult to do what he says, to keep your body pliant and flexible when every time he swings for you, you yearn to tense up. You have to train your body, he says, train it to fight for you, not against you.
“You hesitate too much,” he says next. “You give your opponent too much time to suss out a weak spot. Don’t hesitate. Think. Stay a step ahead. When you make one move you should immediately be thinking of the next.”
You grit your teeth, quicken your movements and try to use the size difference against him. He grins, a little proudly, when he catches on, seems to struggle in keeping track of your hits.
“Good,” he encourages, following it up with a grunt as your elbow meets his lower belly.
You barely give him a second to recover, and then you move again, turning your moves into a game - a deception. Make him watch your right side as you attack from the left. It takes him minutes to recover, to figure out your game, and he’s grinning again. It both makes you preen and makes you push harder until you finally, finally pin him to the mat.
Sweat pours down your face, soaking your hair and your tank top, drips off your chin onto his chest where you sit, knees on his shoulders. He could easily toss you off, yet he remains where he is - again, barely panting though his skin glimmers with sweat.
He’s solid beneath you, hot like a furnace, wide barrel chest lightly heaving, mouth parted. You swallow thickly, all too warm now and not from the exertion. His eyes have gone dark, crystalline blue almost completely swallowed by black. Abdominal muscles clenching under you, he sits up, slow, almost hesitant. Hands, one metal and the other flesh, both molten as they glide up your spandex-clad legs, raising shivers as he goes.
Heat pools in your lower belly, breath laboring as his hands anchor on your hips, thumbs brushing circles. They’re distracting - his hands, his eyes as they peer up at yours under dark curtain lashes. You’ve never seen them so close, glittering silver under the fluorescent lighting. Breath hot against your cheeks. Everything so warm.
“Good,” he murmurs, low and smooth like honey, hands drifting higher. Yours settle on his biceps, flexing and twitching under your touch. Both unyielding.
Unsure who moves first, you’re surrounded by his scent as his lips touch yours, a tentative caress that steals your breath. You gasp, and Bucky presses forward, kisses you harder and slides his hands up to your face, holding you to him.
A whimper in the back of your throat, fingertips buzzing, mind cloudy as he kisses the breath out of your lungs. Your fingers curl into his hair, loosen it from the bun he’s tied it into. It’s silky soft as you rake your fingers through it, shudder as Bucky sighs into your mouth.
Then, like a cold bucket of ice, your eyes fly open and you jerk away from him, scramble out of his lap onto the mat. Hand over your mouth, you watch wide-eyed as his gently flutter open, lips red and kiss-swollen.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” you gasp, and before you can rethink it, or ponder the confusion-hurt on his face, you flee the gym.
Face burning, you rub your cheeks, try to quell the heat - both from shame and from the effect of Bucky’s kiss. How could you let that happen? Exuded such a loss of control? What would Hill say if she found out? Your comrades? Taking advantage of an Avenger - that, or using him to boost yourself to the top. The rumors would fly, twist, convolute into things so far from the actual truth.
Which was that you’d taken advantage of a goddamn Avenger. Your reputation would be ruined, all the hard work you’ve put in - gone, hidden, erased by horrible rumors that you were nothing but a promiscuous ladder-climber.
Grumbling under your breath at your stupidity, you lean back against the elevator wall, give FRIDAY your floor number. The metal wall is cool against your flushed skin, helps to ground you and bring your mind back. Heaving a deep breath, you straighten as the elevator slides gracefully to a stop.
The doors slide open and you make to step out until you catch sight of an all-too-familiar figure leaning against the wall across from your door.
Chapter Six
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
Ode to Yoga Pants
OR the continued terrible mating dance of Bucky and Tony
AKA when betting on your friends stops being fun
Title: Ode to Yoga Pants Collaborator Name: Riot Bucky Barnes Bingo Square Filled: K5, Team Dynamics StarkBucks Bingo Square Filled: O5, “I’d like it if you stayed.” Ship/Main Pairing: WinterIron Rating: M Major Tags & Triggers: Mutually pining morons, humor Summary: OR the continued terrible mating dance of Bucky and Tony, AKA when betting on your friends stops being fun Word Count: 2,282
Here on AO3!
Tony is heading to the gym for Steve’s newly mandated team training time and yeah, he’s late, but he does have coffee. So at least he’s on brand.
It looks like everyone else has beat him here, which isn’t really surprising, and Tony tosses out a grin and wave in response to the unimpressed look Steve shoots him.
Then his eyes land on Bucky. Who is doing one armed pushups. Completely vertically, pointed toes up in the air and strands of hair falling loose around his face where it’s come loose from the hair tie. And he is in yoga pants.
They hug his calves, his ass, his thighs, tight black spandex with gray piping up sides and Tony is weak.
Forget team bonding, Tony needs to get out of here right now, before he makes a fool of himself. Except he spins too quickly, hot coffee sloshing over the rim of his mug and onto his fingers, and he’s so busy hissing over the sharp burst of pain that he walks straight into the door as it swings shut.
“Ack, fuck,” Tony gasps, more hot coffee splashing out across his hand, rubbing at his forehead and apparently he’s a little dizzy because he goes to take a step back and tilts to the side instead, bouncing off the wall.
He’s almost caught his balance, and then he trips over Sam’s stupid jump rope, and then his thighs hit the weight bench and he tumbles backwards over it, the last dregs of his coffee somehow ending up entirely on his chest.
“Damnit Wilson,” Tony grumbles, “I knew you were out to get me!”
There’s a soft chuckle from somewhere above him, and Tony pries his eyes open. He’s half expecting to see Sam, ready to defend himself and deny that he’s trying to kill Tony with workout equipment even though he very clearly is.
Instead it’s Bucky, leaning over him all shirtless and sweaty and concerned.
“You okay, doll?”
When Tony tries to speak all that comes out is a strangled gurgling sound, and Bucky’s concerned look gets deeper.
“Gross, they’re doing it again,” Sam complains, pausing mid situp to shoot a glare across the gym.
When Steve glances away from sparring with Natasha she takes the opportunity to pop him in the throat.
“This isn’t even funny anymore,” Natasha says while Steve coughs and hacks and gives her a dirty look.
“It stopped being funny weeks ago,” Rhodey says as he leans against the ropes of the boxing ring and shakes his head in disappointment.
“You’re just saying that because that’s when you were officially out of the betting pool,” Clint says with a snort.
“I really didn’t think it would take them this long,” he says with a morose sigh, “I’m ashamed.”
Steve makes a sound that might be agreement.
“New bet, how much worse can it possibly get?” Sam tries to joke, but he has a terrible feeling that it’s not a joke at all.
“I think we’re all the losers in that bet,” Natasha says as they all watch Bucky help a still clearly-swooning Tony out of the gym.
The poor pining morons don’t even notice they have an audience. Just like Bucky somehow doesn’t notice that Tony is literal putty in his hands, and Tony mysteriously doesn’t notice Bucky giving him the sappiest heart eyes ever.
It’s shameful, is what it is.
Tony lets Bucky drag him into the kitchen, sinks onto one of the stools when gently pushed in that direction, and he’s becoming uncomfortably aware that his shirt is still splattered with cooling coffee and probably clinging to his chest.
He should probably go change, and then maybe go hide out somewhere until he figures out how to deal with Bucky in yoga pants.
But before Tony can figure out how to convince his legs to actually move, Bucky is done digging around in the freezer and by his side again.
“Ow,” Tony says with an exaggerated wince as Bucky presses a bag of ice to the back of his head, and then nearly melts out of his seat when Bucky shushes him with a wide palm running down the back of his neck.
He’s not actually as rattled as Bucky seems to think he is, but Tony certainly isn’t going to correct him. It’s a much safer excuse than admitting his brain went to mush the second he saw Bucky’s thighs, all wrapped up and accentuated in tight black spandex, and it still hasn’t quite come back online.
From here, with Bucky standing beside him and gently holding his head still while Tony stares studiously at the floor, all Tony can see of Bucky is his foot. The tight black fabric ends just above the delicate bones of his ankle, his bare toes wiggling against the tile floor as he pulls the ice away and inspects Tony’s head.
Forget getting his brain working again, Tony is just trying to keep his stupid heart from crawling its way up his throat over ankles. Like some kind of repressed Puritan, Jesus.
Which means he can’t at all stop himself from nervously stuttering out “Those-those are uh, nice... you like yoga pants huh?”
There’s a vague sense of motion beside him, like Bucky is shrugging, as he says “They’re comfortable.”
“Uh huh, they-“ Tony starts to say, and then nearly swallows his tongue when Bucky steps around in front of him again.
His eyes automatically drag upwards, and it takes everything Tony has not to let himself linger, not to get caught staring at the frankly mouthwatering bulge of Bucky’s cock that his skin tight leggings are not doing a very good job of hiding.
He jerks his gaze up higher and it doesn’t help because oh god there’s Bucky’s chest, still bare and so close and by the time he finally manages to make himself look up at Bucky’s face he can’t breathe.
“They- uh, s-sure look it,” Tony stutters out, and furious blushing is totally a symptom of a concussion, right?!
Bucky’s smile stays warm and friendly, so he’s probably alright.
And all Bucky says is “You should try them! I can send you the site I got ‘em from, Nat recommended it to me.”
“Okay,” Tony squeaks and damnit he’s actually going to have to buy some yoga pants now. There’s no other way to play off his sudden fascination with them.
A week later, everyone has lost the bet.
They find the two morons asleep together on the couch, legs tangled and blankets wrapped around them both.
The entire team agrees it’s the most disgusting thing they’ve ever seen.
Steve is taking his frustrations out on a punching bag when Bucky suddenly ducks behind the bag, grabbing it and holding it still so he can hide behind it.
“What is this, why are you doing this?” Steve demands, rhythm thrown and half-debating just punching the bag anyways in the hopes that it’ll shake Bucky loose.
“Steve,” Bucky hisses, like he somehow hasn’t noticed that he already has Steve’s full attention, “Steve, I’ve made a terrible mistake.”
“What are you talking about?”
Bucky’s head pops out from around the punching bag, eyes fixed on something across the gym as he hisses “Tony bought yoga pants.”
Steve turns and sure enough, Tony and Natasha are standing near the sparring mats in matching black and gray patterned spandex.
“Does Nat get money every time she talks someone into buying those?” Steve has to wonder, because she has been relentlessly texting him the link too.
“Steve,” Bucky hisses again, “Steven. I can’t- how do I even- Steve-“
“What?!” Steve demands impatiently, because he really wants to go back to punching things, and not thinking about the awkward mating dance of his best friends.
“Look at his ass!”
Steve huffs and resists the urge to gag at the open reverence in Bucky’s tone. He does turn though, just in time to watch Tony bend over in a low stretch.
“Perfect little bubble, I just wanna bury my face in it and live there,” Bucky sighs.
“Huh,” Steve says, tilting his head a little to get a better view because damn, Bucky is not exactly wrong- “Ow!” He squawks when Bucky swings the punching bag into him, “you’re the one who told me to look!”
“Not like that!” Bucky snaps back. It looks like he’s considering hitting Steve with the punching bag again, and Steve holds up a single finger in warning.
“Do not,” he says sternly.
Bucky settles for just hugging the bag instead, gaze already drifting across the gym again. Steve has a terrible feeling he’s not going to get back to his workout.
“Please just ask him out,” Steve says plaintively, “pretend to act like a functional person.”
“How am I supposed to function when faced with The Most Amazing Ass Ever™️?!” Bucky demands, and then makes a weird whimpering sound as Tony no doubt does something. Like existing.
Steve refuses to look over, instead just sighing out “Get off my punching bag, you’re making this so weird.”
“I’m filin’ a complaint,” Bucky says, clearly not listening to him anymore and still staring with rapt attention at where Tony is apparently doing something fascinating. “These pants are supposed to be ‘super stretchy’ but they clearly did not count on boners cuz my dick is strangled.”
“Excuse me,” Steve says, already walking away, “I need to go vomit.”
Hell, next week he might skip mandatory team training.
Tony is laying on his stomach on the common room floor, propped up on his elbows as he pokes at his phone and kicks his feet lazily in the air.
He’s wearing bright red yoga pants today, and even Clint is not immune.
He catches himself after a couple seconds of staring at the swell and bounce of Tony’s ass, and gives himself a vigorous shake. That’s a good way to earn the Winter Soldier Death Glare.
Even if said Winter Soldier is too much of a disaster to actually do anything about his super obvious crush.
“So are yoga pants just the new thing?” Clint asks, climbing over the back of the couch and keeping his eyes safely on Tony’s face, because he does not want to be assassined to death today. “You’re just gonna wear them all the time?”
“They’re comfortable,” Tony says with an absent shrug, then grins up at Clint and wiggles his eyebrows as he adds “Plus, they make my ass look great.”
And Clint can’t exactly argue that, so instead he just flatly says “You’re going to give Barnes a heart attack.”
Tony looks confused for a split second, and then smiles widely.
“Because I pull them off so much better than he does?” he asks, striking a pose, and Clint seriously considers running away to join the circus. Again.
He’s not even sure if things will actually be better if they eventually get together at this point.
He should make that the new bet.
“I’m just saying,” Tony insists, and then raises his voice when Steve put his head down on the table and starts humming under his breath, “If I thought Bucky was actually interested, I would 100% be here for him. With open arms-“
“Well that’s actually kind of-“
“And open legs-“
“And an open mouth,” Tony finishes, grinning and winking when Steve looks up at him with a glare.
“Tony, please, I don’t want to hear this,” Steve says, hands over his ears and he does actually look a little green.
“This is nothing,” Tony says with a scoff, giving Steve an unimpressed look, because he is weak. “You should hear the shit I say to Rhodey.”
“I would like to hear those things,” says a voice directly behind him.
Tony freezes, his entire body going cold, because he knows that low, warm, rumbling voice. He hears it in his dreams, and oh no oh no oh no, now Bucky knows.
So much for his plausible deniability.
His brain kind of goes staticy with panic for a second, and he’s only dimly aware of Steve rolling his eyes.
“Yeah my part in this conversation is done,” Steve says, and promptly bails.
When Tony’s brain finally reboots he finds that Bucky has taken Steve’s seat across the kitchen table.
Bucky is also just grinning at him, like he doesn’t find Tony’s borderline-obsessive crush at all creepy.
All Tony can think to say is “What.”
And then he realizes he doesn’t actually want an answer, doesn’t want to find out if Bucky is going to make fun of him, or if he thinks it’s all a joke. He can’t decide if that would actually be better or worse than being turned down gently, and he doesn’t intend to stay and find out.
“I’m just...” Tony sputters, face burning as he flails his way out of his chair, “Gonna- gonna go. Run away. Yep.”
“Wait,” Bucky says, eyes wide and halfway out of his own chair.
Tony freezes, because Bucky looks a lot like he feels. Thrown, surprised, confused and so hopeful that it’s terrifying.
“I-I’d like it if you stayed,” Bucky says slowly, then smiles crooked and nervous as he adds “Not that I don’t like watchin’ you walk away.”
It startles a laugh out of Tony, face flushing as he sinks back into his chair. “Okay,” he says, heart racing and smile almost painfully wide, “um, what?”
Bucky laughs, soft and low and warm, and finally finishes reaching across the table to take Tony’s hand in his own.
Clint wins the bet on how much worse their lives get once the love-struck morons start making out all over the place.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Sucrose "accidently" added aphrodisiacs into a potion that her crush, Albedo, was about to test on himself. Unfortunately, Sucrose miscalculated the dosage and instead of making Albedo more susceptible to Sucrose's flirting, it made him push Sucrose down on the table and fuck her pussy with no regard for how Sucrose feels.
This turned into a fullish fic!
"If everything goes well, then I should be able to get a better idea on how to move forward with our experiment."
"Of course."
Sucrose was nervous... more so than she normally was and considering she was nervous all the time, well that just meant she was trying her best not to sweat bullets. "E...Everything should go fine." Despite her words being directed at Albedo, she really meant them for herself.
She had a plan you see, one that was very unlike her but one that she wanted no one that she HAD to do. For the longest time, she'd had feelings for Sir Albedo for quite some time now, what originally started as simple admiration for his talents in Alchemy and his over all demeanor had simply blossomed. And yet, she'd made no headway.
But with Lisa's help she knew just what needed to be done! The Librarian was well versed in all bouts of life including the romantic side of things! So when Sucrose came to her for advise, she had given her just the thing she needed. A love potion... now, Sucrose under most circumstances would have never resorted to using such... method!
But, according to Lisa it wasn't anything like she had heard about in fairy tales and other stories. It was much simpler than that, it would help loosen Albedo's natural guard, allow him to be a bit more susceptible to flirting. And well... Sucrose was getting desperate. Like, really desperate. So... so she needed to take extra measures. She knew the dangers, and knew things COULD go wrong, but she'd planned everything to the T.
"The vial please."
"O...of course Master Albedo."
Albedo let out a non-committal mummer as he took the strangely heavy vial from Sucrose. Before he started the procedures, he made sure to give his assistant one last side glance. He dearly wished she'd be less formal with him. In the years he'd gotten to known her, she'd taken a rather dear place in his heart. And, while things had gone well as far as their relationship had gone.
They hadn't gotten as close as he would have wished. Of course, he was never good at uttering his feelings, he always felt... somewhat stunted in his responses. Even if it wasn't intentional. Nonetheless he still dearly wished they would grow just a tad closer.
And yet despite her normally bashful and shy nature, he could pick up on something... she was acting differently. He was sure that if it had been anyone else she'd spoken with, they would surely have not noticed the subtle changes. But he knew her almost as well as he knew himself, or Klee for that matter.
And, as he weighed the vial in his hands he realized something. It was heavier than it should have been. He chose not to say anything, not wanting to give up the goose as the saying goes. Besides, he figured there would be little harm of her trying to harm him. So he downed it. And the first thing he noticed upon the concoction touching his tongue?
The chemical compounds were off. "Hmm... there was not supposed to be any Calla Lily in this..." For a brief moment he let his glance fall back onto Sucrose, and only for a split second did he notice just how interested in the results she was. It wasn't the usual flavor of interest either... no something was off here. As he let the fluid swish within his tongue he came to a conclusion. "This has the makings of a love potion... though the dosage is incorrect."
He had heard the tales of this set up before. However, after various forms of research he had long concluded that it was nothing but a folks tale. Though, that did bring up the question... why had Sucrose brought this to him?
Bringing his attention back to the drink he decided on something then and there. Allowing the cool liquid to slowly ride down his throat he swallowed. If she wanted to use a love potion on him, he would have to teach her a lesson… and well… he WAS always afraid of losing control of himself. Perhaps this would be a good time to experiment on just how loose he could get.
“M...Master Albedo?”
He stopped moving, something that Sucrose had caught note of almost instantly. That's when the worry settled in. Had she messed up? She was sure that she had done everything according to the instructions provided. Perhaps Lisa had given her the wrong ingredients? Mayhaps she had provided an incorrect dosage?
Regardless, Sucrose was starting to worry as Master Albedo simply… stopped. And not in the way that someone just stopped when they wanted to catch a break… no he was perfectly still. His eyes were open, if not a little glazed, and his focus was completely in front of him. The worry didn’t get any better as she drew closer, slowly she rose her hand to touch his face, hoping to get his attention.
His hand shot out, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her towards him. Before she had the chance to even begin to struggle his lips met hers. Surprise and shock took over, putting her into a moment of weakness, one he made sure to take advantage of.
Albedo figured he may as well make the best of this moment, so the moment their lips met, something he’d found oddly surprising of himself. He’d pushed his tongue in, her resistance was futile as he parted her mouth and then he pushed.
Sucrose stilled, any attempt at push back halting the moment she FELT the warm liquid enter her mouth. The flavors were instantly noticeable, it was the concoction she’d put together! Her eyes began to glaze and her focus became unsteady. And yet, even as she started to fall into a strange lull, Master Albedo refused to pull away.
His free hand reached behind her, pressing itself against the small of her back and holding her close. An intense heat formed inside of her as her body began to betray her. Her legs grew weak and her core began to BURN, heat! She felt so HOT! Like the Pyro Archon had suddenly bestowed upon her a second vision.
Her mind began to spiral out of control as her thoughts shifted into disarray. She could hardly remember what happened in the following minutes. But… by the time she had come back to consciousness she’d found herself bent over Albedo’s desk, his paperwork and notes all hastily scattered on the flower below.
It took a cool breeze, and a hot touch later to realize that she no longer wore clothing. Her outfit, turn from her body lay in shambles not too far from her. Her eyes bobbled wide as she felt something burning hot touchdown against her bottom.
And yet she couldn’t turn around to see what it was, her body refusing to listen to her instead reacting completely on instinct. Her legs slowly parted forth, allowing whatever it was touching against her bare skin to wedge in between her thighs. It was nearly impossible to distinguish between the heat of her slippery wet sex, and the throbbing inferno radiating off of the thick and meaty object pressing against her soft lips.
“Wh...what’s going on?”
She received no response, instead only pain ran through her body as something LARGE shoved itself inside of her. She felt her secret little passage pry open as a thick, hot, pulsing rod plunged itself within her depths. The table shaking violently as the battering Ram only stopped upon making contact with her cervix.
She barely had the time to cry out in pain as her hymen was ripped to shreds. Then she felt a hand grasp onto her head winding itself between her blonde locks and tightening its hold on her.
Her body moved back by its will, pulled by the unknown assailant. She found herself unable, or perhaps unwilling to close her eyes as they began to shift inside of her. Their hips rolled against her bottom, shifting what she now understood as the assailant's penis, inside of her. “MmMNnn~” She bit her lip, unwilling to give her assaulter the pleasure that they must have wished for. But, as her eyes came across a mirror in the distance she soon realized who it was.
Behind her, in the bare, was Master Albedo, his eyes foggy and his body dripping with sweat. She realized, perhaps a little too late, that she had given him too much. And now her body which refused to listen to her, was also under the influence of the so called love potion.
What should have been a terrifying moment suddenly became so much more pleasurable. His hips moved back and then with a powerful THUD he slammed himself back into her. “Ah!” She let out a soft moan as he pushed against her cervix again.
The crooked slightly uptilted shape of his DICK caused him to scrape against her, giving her a surprisingly pleasant sensation. SMACK “Ah!” She gasped as his free hand met her creamy white bottom. SMACK And again it struck, and then again SMACK and SMACK again! Over and over, with each passing second he would strike her ass while holding her head back. Everytime he did so she could feel her buttox bruise, a burning heat rising off of it as he struck her over and over.
And yet, she could barely concentrate on the pain, instead being overcome by the pleasurable strikes against her insides. She wasn’t sure if he’d been experienced up till now, but he never went at her the same way. Oftentimes he would shift his position so that he would strike against a different part of her insides.
Albedo let lose another powerful SMACK against Sucrose’s now red ass. He couldn’t help himself, as he allowed himself to let loose just a bit more with each passing moment, he found himself completely entranced with the bouncing bottom. He’d LONGED to smack that ass, as they say nowadays. But he’d always held back, and now that he didn’t have to? Well he couldn’t help himself, Sucrose had such a wonderfully round bottom, and seeing as how she always wore tight spandex shorts… she’d always given him quite the view.
He wondered now, if that was all intentional? Perhaps, but for now it didn’t matter, instead he would simply concentrate as he PLOWED his seed inside of her. SQUELCH Her insides tightened as she came back into consciousness, her young ripe body wrapping itself around him. When he tried to pull out, her pussy would wind itself smothering his dick with her soft velvety folds. He could practically feel himself pulling her inside out as he tried to pull back. She, like him, found it hard to say their minds… but as it would seem their bodies were FAR more honest with one another.
Though he couldn’t see her face, he could tell she was burning red at this point, her ears suddenly perking up as she stilled. “You’re a bad girl.”
She didn’t say anything, “I could tell what you were trying to do.”
Once more she didn’t say anything. “You wanted this didn’t you?” SMACK Her small form shook as he struck her ass once more. “You wanted this treatment, correct?”
And still she didn’t speak, “You wanted my… my cock inside of you. You wanted nothing more than to be my breeding sow, isn’t that right?” These words were very unlike him, but the more he let loose the more he found himself enticed to say them.
Her cute adorable voice finally squeaked out.
“Good. You’re mine after all.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes Master Albedo.”
He’d never been so PLEASED to hear her call him master before.
“Good girl. You’re a good girl after all.”
“Y… Ye...yes Master!” She cried out as he pulled on her hair forcing her head to lunge backwards as he held her close to him. Letting her locks of hair go he wrapped his fingers around her throat, tilting her chin upwards to force her to look up upon him. He took the moment to let a trail of spit run down his tongue, and without having to say anything the docile beauty simply responded by parting her lips and taking his saliva in.
“Good girls get rewards.”
And so he rewarded her, forcing himself down he pulled her into a kiss. Her tongue latched out first to meet his, their pink muscles began to wrestle with one another as they shared the heat radiating between their bodies. His desk quaked while they continued to rutt, her tight hole convulsing as he relentlessly pushed inside of her.
Their bodies refused to stop, Sucrose herself giving into the desires of temptation as she allowed her MASTER to have his way with her. Her nubile body proved to be just what he needed to relieve stress. Her mind, no longer capable of forming clear thoughts, allowed him to release and unleash wave after torrent of his much desired seed. She could feel her body begin to ovulate. She could feel her womb started to prepare. And as he relentlessly filled her with what she so very desired. She couldn’t help but feel she should thank Lisa. After all, today had turned out to be far more splendid that she had originally hoped.
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wanyinchen · 4 years
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(I may have accidentally deleted the ask and the post whoops sorry, anon!)  HOLY CRAP YES PLS OMG TALK TO ME MORE They literally are the best team ever? Like I am such a sucker for found family tropes you have no idea. The idea of these four people, so different from one another and are, in varying degrees, considered as outsiders found a bond with each other so strong  and I- AHHHH I CAN’T NOT LOVE THEM. I’ve always imagined them to be all orphans and then finally, they found these people who could and would always be their home, and where they could feel safe, loved and cared for, a family. I-I’m weak-*chokes back the tears* I have always had a hard time making friends in my younger years and I was a bit of a loner at childhood, and now as I am older and found friends who I could laugh with and keep secrets with, who I could be myself with and who I could always be with, I FELT THAT WITH TEAM GAI, OK? THEIR TEAMWORK AND CLOSENESS?? YEAH BABY! Sure I could relate on Nart or some other character but something clicked in me with Rock Lee and Gai. Like holy crap these are not the type of characters I usually love but there’s something about these two adorable bowl-cut, spandex wearing angels that compel me to them so much. Hardwork, effort, and dedication is something I very much value but not always “do”, they’ve become one of my inspirations to do better and be better and all around help me make good decisions with the question “would Lee and Gai be proud of me if I do this?” fuck I am such a loser but I just hecking love them so much. Rock Lee is the love of my life and I love him to bits, this kid is super precious and so sweet and so polite, like omg I want him, he literally is boyfriend material and I just super love him and whoever ended up with this sweetheart, I congratulate you, you have eyes more powerful than all the ‘-gans’ in the world and you have caught the greatest treasure. Neji is a complex character, a true genius but always considered to be inferior from the main Hyuuga family just because he was from the branch family, he was this happy kid and then was so jaded by his dad’s death, like I just want to hug him. He had such a compelling character arc and development, evolving from this bitter (and with reason!) and angry kid to this mature teen who empathizes and loves his team and cousin very much. He became somewhat more mellow, gentle, and approachable now that he found a true family with team gai. HE SHOULDN’T HAVE DIED, IT WAS A BS PLOT DESICION AND I WAS LIKE CRYING AND WHAT???? FOR WHAT?? IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE, HIASHI SHOULD’VE DIED INSTEAD FFS. And then there’s my queen Tenten, the one who aspired to be like Tsunade, the greatest medical nin and the strongest kunoichi, but along the way, with her DAD’S (Gai’s) help, she discovered that she just wanted to be a great and strong kunoichi at her own right and at her abilities(!!!). Despite her clear insecurities, hotheadedness, and not getting what she wanted at first, she still strived to be better, and perseveres to keep up with her team mates. And hello? Space time ninjutsu is super cool? Like summon a shit ton of weapons all at once out of mid air and heck?? How was this not exploited and utilized by Kishi?? Give me a solo Tenten sword fight with a powerful enemy?? She’s a weapon’s mistress FFS, how come Sasuke and Orochimaru gets sword fights when SHE, the thing she specialized on, didn’t get to have one?? Fuck what this is BS I swear AND HOLY ROCK LEE I need all of my kids to be legit taijutsu masters and is actually shown to be unparalleled at it compared to other nins and kids since its KING MAITO GAI himself teaching them taijutsu holy ass is that too much to ask for??? Wait, let me gush about Gai, he’s literally my favorite character. He’s the best dad, I want him to be my dad. I really love my father but I want Gai (and Dai) to be my dad, ya know what I mean?? He’s so supportive, loving, and he really just gives his all in caring for you. He’s forgiving and firm and crap I want a mentor like that. He’s such a excellent sensei and are one of the best adults in Naruto. He’s so unconventionally handsome and attractive?? He’s so confident?? He’s so amazing?? He’s so emotionally intelligent?? He defies the unjust expectations set by others and said “fuck you” to it?? And he’s super crazy strong? Like literally feared and famed, I bet enemy and rogue nin just tremble at the mention of his name, a peep about “The Noble Blue Beast of Konoha” would have enemies wetting their pants. He’s one of the elites and is one of the strongest in the Konoha? Heck the world?? He went from this below mediocre adorable runt to this feared and very powerful jonin?? And he did this without ninjutsu, hacks, and any kekei genkai?? Only through pure hardwork and dedication?? He developed the Strong Fist style?? Yeah break dem bones, my king!! I only stan legends. He is literally the light of my and Kakashi’s life. Whether you ship kakagai platonically or romantically, dude you better believe that Gai is one of the most precious people of Kakashi. Kakashi literally trusts no one more implicitly than Gai. Like this hella paranoid and self-sacrificing silver haired dog boi trusted Gai to watch his ex-anbu traumatized ass and be there for him at all times of trouble??? And Gai being there for Kakashi so unfailingly for all of their lives??? For all the dark times in their lives, they'll always have each other no questions?? They're each other's constant?? They love each other so much?? No one knows them like the other??? Uhh hello?? Like why do some writers write Gai as this weird ass buffoon idiot who goddamn annoys Kakashi 24/7? And then Kakashi doesn't even like him and pushes him away, super annoyed?? What. Are we talking about the same characters?? They are each other's best friend. Goddamned soulmates. Eternal rivals. They all have such untapped potential that I am breathing hard in frustration. I still stand by my claim that we should’ve had Team Gai as protagonists like fuck. This is the hill I will die on, I want them, I want to see their bond, I want their stories, I want to witness their development?? Like why nerf these beautiful characters I hate it here WHOOPS, HAHAHAHAA! That was rather ineloquent and vulgar, uuhh forgive me! I hope I could talk to you again, anon! Thank you for enabling me and helping me warm up my brain in answering my summative essays, I feel like writing again! And pls send asks, i wanna make new friends
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 3 』
· Sept. 27th → Irresistible Force ·
Characters: Karasuno team
Prompts: A. favourite team + B. crossover/AU
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, crack, a teensy bit of angst (because who doesn't love a sad superhero backstory), headcanons, AU, superheroes, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: Again, I love all the teams and didn't want to pick, but life is cruel, so here I am. This is headcanons about my fav team (Karasuno) in an AU (superheroes). I was thinking of a Hero Association, kind of like in 'The Boys'? But less corrupt... Maybe more like in 'One Punch'? I think you get me.
All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have NFSW content on my blog if that butters your biscuit. Feel free to check it out! Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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Karasuno / Superhero Association AU
☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Powers: nigh invulnerability, super strength, enhanced healing
If he's not the ordinary cop that somehow befriends the heroes I was tempted then he's definitely the leader of the superhero group
Kind of like Superman in the old-school Justice League, just not as OP lol
Looks damn good is spandex those thighs *sweats*
Cape!! so ✨majestic✨
Probably wears dark-ish, neutral colours with a dash of blue
A bit serious. Not the kind of hero to go around making quips all the time, but will make light of his own suffering like Captain America
Takes younger heroes under his wing like the true Dadchi he is
Strong moral compass. Unbreakable
Won't hesitate to lay down his life for others
Who am I kidding. He's basically Captain America with a cape
Poster-boy for the Hero Association
☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
Powers: telekinesis
A soft, pearly aesthetic with his suit, hair and skin. Lots of white and silver
A favourite among the ladies he's just too pretty, damm it T T
Very plucky and adorable
People in the vicinity will literally faint when he goes all serious to concentrate and use his powers
Has a duo move with Daichi where he literally throws him like a missle YEET
Has the most followers on Twitter and TikTok and his fans can be pretty nuts
Has a perfume line named after him and models for the adverts
Will smile like an angel right before bringing a building down on top of you fuck, I find this one really funny
☆ Azumane Asahi ☆
Powers: regeneration, enhanced stength
Kind of like Wolverine or Deapool but, like, much, much softer on the inside uwu
Wears green and black
Messed up big time back in the day and dropped off the grid out of guilt some people died :(
Was convinced to come back when his old teammates finally found him again because they needed his help in a crisis
Literally shed tears of relief when heroes and citizens alike welcomed him back instead of hating him mah heart *sniffs*
Can withstand seemingly anything and fully heal within a matter of days
Doesn't know the full extent of his powers himself. How exactly do one test it? 🤔
Still has to psych himself up for a fight, though big softy, really
☆ Shimizu Kiyoko ☆
Powers: electrokinesis, flight
Powers like Storm from X-Men, and kicks ass like Wonder Woman
Refuses to wear a revealing suit, but looks bomb af anyway
Kiyoko = absolute queen
One of the most powerful heroes, but doesn't throw her weight around unless she's kicking bady-guy booty
Stella gynamast, and has mastered several martial arts
Can literally throw a guy three times her size, all without any strength powers Tanaka: 👁👄👁
Somehow has perfect hair all the time secret superpower??
Is active on the political stage as a human rights activist, headlining women's rights yes, yes yes
Will strike you with lightning for sexual harassment
Comes up with really good mission plans
Is a soothing balm for Tanaka when he loses it
Black and gold aesthetic✨
Asymmetrical cape! super fashionable
Poster-girl for the Hero Association
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☆ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ☆
Powers: fire generation and manipulation
Tanaka brings the heat literally
A bit of a chaotic-good, but what's new there?
Can get out of control if he loses his focus, so his friends have to keep him grounded Kiyoko is a literal angel when that happens
Kiyoko: Sun's getting real low...
Bonus points if you get the reference
Is terrified of hurting innocents if he gets out of control
It rarely happens, but if he loses his self confidence, his powers don't seem to work
Shouts cringy lines at the villains before roasting their asses lmfao
Wears a black and orange flame-retardant suit, and actually looks pretty fine in it 😌👌
Literally head over heels for Kiyoko just imagine it. Biggest hype man
☆ Nishinoya Yuu ☆
Powers: animal metamorphosis, enhanced speed
Think Beast Boy from 'Teen Titans', but less green he's more likely to be yellow or orange, lmao
Handy in lots of different situations. Very versatile
Incredibly cheeky and joins in with Tanaka's cheesy jokes and one-liners
Absolute maniac, but the people love him, especially schoolkids lmao
Has his own energy drink flavour, and he's STOKED about it
Yellow and black suit, kind of like his hair
Has a surprisingly large following of fans
Laps up the attention, but it doesn't really go to his head
Quiet and serious when he's on a mission/fighting
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Powers: self replication, super speed, levitation
His powers took a while to properly manifest, which left him feeling isolated as a teen
Was pretty lost until Ukai helped train him
Got into a fight with Kageyama in an alleyway when he first met him MET HIM IN THE STREET, LMAO
Argues with Kageyama a lot at headquarters, but they work together like a dream when taking down bad guys
Has a heart of literal gold precious baby
Is contantly amazed when he helps significantly
Was inspired to become a hero by his idol, the Little Giant and it's his dream to inspire someone else 😭😭
Uses his replication ability to confuse the bad guys ULTIMATE DECOY
Levitates around the room when he's excited like Aang from ATLA, hahaha
Wears an orange, white and yellow suit with little wings on his heels cuuuute
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Powers: water/ice generation and manipulation, breathing underwater, superhuman reflexes
I was tempted to give him fire/ice powers like Todoroki, but I didn't want to detract from Tanaka
Has problems focusing his powers, and can be quite turbulent in the heat of battle
Finds it hard to work well with others initially, but really makes an effort
Has hurt people close to him by accident before and never wants to do it again it would tear him apart
Becomes a power duo with Hinata when Ukai helps train them, even though they don't seem to get on well at first
Broody boi on the surface, but a cinnamon roll deep down
Wears a dark blue and deep purple suit that has fins to assist in underwater escapades which are his forte
Freezes Hinata's feet to the floor when he pisses him off or anybody's feet, tbh
Can dodge almost anything because of his reflexes don't ever try to punch him. You'll look stupid
Is surprised by the number of people in his fan club especially the number of women asking to marry him??
☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Powers: telepathy, superhuman intellect, mind control on weak-willed individuals
Prefers to outwit his enemies rather than getting into a brawl
But his self-designed gadgets and tech help him out if he has to a bit like Tony Stark, wink wonk
Sometimes makes you question if he's really a hero or not Tsukki, please
Doesn't take orders well
Baits villains by insulting them and getting the better of them with his words it's hilarious
Comes up with good plans, but improvises well with whatever he's got
Probably wears suits over his spandex most of the time fancy shmancy
Is prepared to die to protect Yamaguchi waahhh
☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Powers: invisibility, force fields, teleportation
Susan Storm with added teleportation, lol
Often finds it hard to value his powers because they're not as visually strong and impressive as other people's
Rather than squaring up to a battle, he often has to 'hide' from it by literally going invisible
But he gradually becomes aware of how vital his powers can be, and learns to control them and make them as advantageous as possible
Is a highly important and valued member of the team
Soft bean that gets nervous and throws up before a fight
But he's hella determined and won't back down
Honestly, just wants to protect Tsukki and make him proud PROTECT HIM
☆ Yachi Hitoka ☆
Powers: size manipulation
She can shrink and enlarge herself and objects she touches at will, including other people
Sometimes shrinks really small to avoid social situations she doesn't want to be in samez, honey
The clumsiest and least experienced on the team
But she tries her best, gradually getting to grips with her powers
Sometimes uses her powers by accident, like when she's nervous
Once touched a watermelon slice on the refreshment table and accidentally blew it up to the size of a car Hinata, Kageyama and Noya fully dug in with their faces 😭😭
Nearly passed out when Daichi, the literal god of the Hero Association, told her she had great potential
Don't worry, Yams teleported and caught her
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☆ Ukai Keishin ☆
Powers: laser vision, metal mimicry
The has-been hero who lost his enthusiasm for hero-ing and retired some years ago
Was really cool back in his hayday. Big hot-shot with a fan club
Has been working as a convenience store attendant to pay the bills and is bored out of his mind but refuses to admit it
Was convinced to get back in the game when he found Hinata and Kageyama fighting, both struggling with their abilities. He broke up the fight and agreed to coach them
Doesn't do much of the flashy hero stuff anymore, but will occasionally get stuck in when he's needed must protecc his children
Is only, like, ten years older than the other heroes, but they treat him like some fossilised sensei out of Natuto, or some shit
Tbf, he has the back problems of one 😭😭
☆ Takeda Ittetsu ☆
Powers: power absorption
Transferred from being a hero to hero management after having having issues with the effects of his powers he has a conscience :(
He felt guilty and responsible for permanently taking the powers of others, even if they were criminals
It was like removing a piece of their souls it kind of broke him
These days, he makes sure nobody knows about his powers, so it can't be used against him
He helps in any other way possible
He would only use his powers again in dire circumstances he knows he'll eventually have to
Is generally chipper and good natured, though
If he was ever captured by a villain, they'd probably send him back because he talks too much omg, hahaha
Helps gather info for the team and direct them on missions and in fights
Gives bomb inspirational speeches ✊
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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desiraypark · 4 years
To Feel Something
Characters: Charlie Barber x Black Female Reader  Content: A little world and story building/back story; N*FW - smut in your classy LA home; new lovers; secret lovers. Word Count: 2,883
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All clear. Read at 10:48pm. You’d been in a good mood. In fact, the last few months were amazing. You were riding the wave of your first movie in four years. There was Image Award buzz, Oscar buzz, Globe buzz - all kinds of buzz. The director was getting high praise, too. It was Charlie Barber’s call to cast you as the love interest in his debut film. You, a 35-year old Black woman you’d thought the world had forgotten about. He said he’d loved you in Whiskey and Herbs (the movie that immortalized you as a “star” almost fifteen years ago) and felt that you were perfect for his new project. 
You’d been in a handful of movies and television shows before that, but your role as Torey, the sexy-but-flighty Blockbuster employee in Whiskey and Herbs is what catapulted you to so-called superstardom. And it wasn’t even because the role was actually good (it was). All the world got to see your tits, and next thing you knew, you were on every red carpet and posing for magazines like King and Playboy. Famous designers were practically throwing their clothes and accessories at you, and you were on yachts, popping champagne with the best of them. 
Then, you’d married at 24, had a kid at 26, and were divorced at 29. By 30, you were being pushed out of the way to make room for the new “it” girl. Because in those days, there was always only room for just one. The phone had stopped ringing, and soon, your movies were going straight to DVD, instead of to the big screen. 
Now, you make most of your money doing stage plays, television guest spots, and even blogging from time to time. And you can’t leave out the conventions! Your role as Karla Rollins (aka Dragonfly), Hurricane Man’s “sassy” sidekick in the box office bomb, Hurricane Man, had a cult following. You’d need all the fingers in the world to count all of the photos of you in a blank spandex suit and creepy ass wings you’d signed. 
But even after all of that, someone remembered you and thought you were great. Most of the fans never left your side, but something about being sought out by a director gave your confidence a major boost. The Divorce was an indie-film set to go straight to LuHu. Of course, you were super excited to co-star in a movie that would end up on such a big platform, but life so far had taught you not get your hopes up. So, when the film premiered to rave reviews--especially for your performance--you felt the need to throw a little get-together. You invited close friends and industry friends--old and new. But no one who’d dropped you like a bad habit when your career went in decline. 
On the set of The Divorce, Charlie treated you like an A-list star. Not in a way like he gave you special treatment--but he asked for you and your co-star’s opinion. He made sure you were comfortable. It was the bare minimum, but it was more than any other director had done when you were actually at the top of the food chain. You and Charlie talked early in the gathering. Then, throughout the evening, you’d sneak glances at him, and he’d catch them. He’d sneak some at you, and you’d catch them. Caught glances turned into smiles--even when you were in your kitchen, telling your daughter “goodnight” over the phone. She was spending the night at her best friend’s house. Just as the night was winding down, you found that you didn’t want Charlie to leave. You wanted to be held, tonight. You wanted to feel something. So, you walked over to him while he was pouring himself some punch and asked if he could step out on the patio. He did, with his punch. As balmy as the air was, you still shuddered. You took your time.  “Charlie...would you like to spend the night?” is what you asked. And he said “yes”. He left the party when everyone else started to leave and parked somewhere, waiting for your text that everyone was gone. When he got it, he made his way back to the house...
____________________ You opened the door and he stood on the other side--a full moon behind him, his eyes patient. He slowly stepped inside, and you closed the door. When you turned around, he was looking you over with narrowed eyes. Then, he stepped in close and pressed his lips to yours. You fell weak to his touch and wrapped your arms around his neck. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, and he greeted it with his own, and let his hands fall to your waist. 
Charlie began to step forward, and you responded by stepping backward. You pulled your lips away, took his hand, and led him up your staircase. Your vintage Tiffany lamp was the only light on in your room. It filled the space with a warm, amber glow. Charlie pulled you in an embrace again and kissed you--drinking you in with passion and a hint of desperation. You stepped backward--pulling him with you by his shirt--until you fell on your mattress with him on top of you. 
You kicked off your pumps and wrapped your legs around his waist, and he created a trail of kisses along your jawline and onto your neck. Kisses turned into sucks that made you moan and sent heat between your thighs. Soon, you felt a hand slither up your thigh and under your dress. He rubbed his fingers against your right inner thigh and against the crotch of your G-string. Aroused by your arousal, he quickly stood up--taking his body heat and the scent of cologne with him.
He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and retrieved a small gold square, then put his wallet back. As he unbutton his shirt, you reached for his belt and unbuckled it. You looked up at him, and he was smiling down at you. You blushed and removed the belt, unfastened the button, and as you tugged on his zipper, he’d dropped his shirt on the floor, revealing a black undershirt. You pulled down his pants and he stepped out of them. His dick was pressed against his boxer briefs, and you relieved it--peeling the briefs down just enough to make it pop out like a spring.
You grabbed the shaft and looked up. Charlie’s eyes met yours--his chest moving up and down. Air audibly left his nostrils. Without taking your eyes off him, you flicked your tongue against the head, then you wrapped your lips around it. Charlie let out a breath that almost sounded like a sigh of relief. You took more of him in your mouth every time you went down, until you had enough of him in to gag yourself. At the gagging, you pulled your lips away and watched the strings of saliva that clung to your lips and the head. You stroked the length, shining it up with your spit, then sucked him slow and tenderly. What your mouth didn’t cover, you stroked with your hand, and your eyes fell down to watch your own moves.
“Look back up at me. I want to see those pretty eyes,” Charlie said. His request turned you on and made you hum on over his length. You looked back up at him and he rubbed the palm of his hand against your cheek. Then, you picked up the pace. Charlie’s hand left your face and he threw his head back. “Fuck...” he mumbled. He looked back down and you were still gazing at him with suctioned cheeks and his stiff flesh disappearing and reappearing between your red lips. “Fuck...you’re amazing.” Charlie praised your skills as you exercise your jaws for a few more moments. You thought he would come right in your mouth when you began to squeeze and massage his balls. He moaned to the ceiling and held your face again. You realized that he really wanted to grab your hair--your perfect curls. So, you grabbed both of his hands and placed them on the sides of your head, and without hesitation, he held on tight and began to fuck your mouth.
“Tap my thigh if it’s too much, baby,” he said. He took his time at first--merely stroking your wet tongue with himself. Then, slow strokes turned into hard thrusts that made you gag and grip his thighs for supports. Your throat and your spit seemed to be in competition for who could make the most noise. When your eyes started to tear up, you tapped Charlie’s thighs, and he quickly pulled himself away. He stroked his dick and watched your chest move up and down as you caught your breath.
“I’m dying to taste that pussy, baby. Lie back for me,” he said. You scooted back some and fell against the mattress. Charlie got on his knees, grabbed your legs and pulled you back to the edge. He placed your legs over his shoulders, and lifted your dress some more. Cool air hit the puddle that lubricated every part of your pussy--the lips, the clit, the vagina. You were a leaking mess and Charlie was admiring it. He spread your lips apart with both hands, stared, and took in a deep breath. Then, he removed a hand, spread the lips with his thumb and index finger, and dipped his head inside. He licked a long, stripe over your folds with his flat tongue, then he flicked the pointed tip of it against your clit. “Uhhh...” you moaned, closing your eyes.  
Charlie licked and even took little nips at your folds. He savored your clit like it was apart of the evening’s dinner spread. Any juice that leaked out of you, he licked it up and let his tongue absorb it. You were a moaning and screeching mess--your thighs kept closing on his head and the soft fabric of your blanket melted in your palms. You lifted your head a little, and Charlie’s eyes met yours. Your head fell back against the mattress as shock-waves rippled through your body at the sight of his face in your pussy. Charlie wrapped his arms around your thighs, and you could feel his tresses brushing against them as he rotated his chin over your folds.
“Fuck...fuck...fuck...” you whimpered. 
Suddenly, you felt warm fingers slide into you. “Shit...” As he kept his mouth over you, Charlie stretched you open with his index and middle fingers. You lifted your body at the waist, took hold of his hair, and began to hump his face. As you smeared your wetness over his mouth, he made firm eye contact with you--the brown irises seeming to dare you to come in his mouth. He turned the pads of his fingers upward and rubbed “come hither” motions along the ridges at the top of your pussy.  “Ahh!” you squealed, trying to squirm away. He pressed his free hand against your waist and relentlessly attacked your soaking pussy. “I’m coming...” you whimpered. Charlie closed his eyes and didn’t skip a beat. He maintained the steady, fervent rhythm over and in your pussy until you fell apart over his mouth--rasping out a scream that you were sure the neighbors could hear. Your legs fell limp on his shoulders and Charlie ate you through the fall of your orgasm. 
He pulled his mouth away and while still knelt between your legs, he pulled off his undershirt. You sat up and pulled your black dress up and over your head, revealing a solid black bra - no lace or frills, just your pillowy bosom entangled in the smooth fabric. As you were pulling the dress off, Charlie had rose to his feet and pulled his boxer-briefs completely off. You unsnapped your bra and watched him pull off his dress socks, then reach on the bed for the condom. He opened the wrapper, pull out the rubber, and slid it onto his throbbing dick. Then, you scooted far back on the bed and opened your legs, impatiently waiting for Charlie to enter you. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled. “You look so fucking good...”
You blushed and bit your bottom lip. Then, he climbed on the bed, hovered on top of you, and peppered your face with kisses. You ran your fingers through his hair and felt the absence of his right arm beside you. Something smooth and stiff rubbed against your slit, then pushed through your core--stretching you open with a sting that burned so good. He withdrew some, then slipped back in, and with every forward movement, he pressed more of his length into you. “Just ram it into me, Charlie,” you said breathlessly. He smiled and heeded your command. 
He slammed all of his inches into your hungry pussy, making you moan loudly. Then, he picked up a steady rhythm and massaged your warm walls with his pulsing dick. He pressed his knees into your mattress and held your arms back over your head--digging into you just like you wanted. Like you needed.
“Yes, baby, yes...” you moaned in ecstasy.  “Does it feel good?” he asked. “Yes, baby...” you echoed, head in the clouds.
“Tell me how it feels...” “It feels good...it feels so fucking good...don’t stop..please, don’t stop.” Charlie whimpered and moaned just as much as you did, if not louder. He let go of your hands and held your left leg back, giving him room to dig deeper into you. You cursed and moaned and screamed under the weight of him, and pressed your fingers into the flesh of his back. 
“I want to ride you,” you blurted out. 
“You think you can handle it?” Charlie asked, still drilling into you.
“Yes, I can handle it,” you said through clenched teeth. You bit down on your bottom lip.
Charlie pulled out of you and mumbled a lusty “Fuck”. 
Then, he lied down beside you. You sat up, threw your leg over him and lifted your lower body. You lined him up at your entrance and sat down. With your hands resting against his torso, you bounced up and down--feeling every vein and every ridge of his dick gliding against your velvety insides. When you got a good motion, you were able to rotate your hips, and slide up to the tip--and crash back down. 
“Fuck, you’re making me feel so good, baby,” Charlie groaned. He grabbed your breasts and massaged them.
“You feel so good in me,” you moaned back. Charlie released your breasts, and with his thumb, he rubbed soft strokes against your exposed clit. The sensation made you throw your head back and bounce on him harder.
“That’s right,” he said. He smacked your ass. “Bounce on that shit. Just like that...” “Yes, baby. Smack my ass again...”
Charlie gave your cheek a hard smack in the same spot, making you groan. He rubbed the stinging flesh and held on to it.
“Does my pussy feel good?” you asked.
“Your pussy feels fucking amazing...”
“I think I’m gonna come again...” you said with a squeal.
Charlie groaned and rubbed deep, hard circles around your clit. You bounced a little faster and took him deeper as he rubbed your hot, throbbing bud. Then, you felt the rush over your body. You lowered yourself to take all of him in and maneuvered just enough to hit the spot.  “Fucckkkkk!” you cried out, as you gushed and squirted on over Charlie’s fingers and crotch. 
“Shit!” he shouted. You felt him thrust up into you a couple of times, but he stopped so you could rest your knees at his sides. Then he pulled you down flush with his chest. As you rested over him, he wrapped his arms around your waist and dipped into you with slow strokes. 
Charlie looked up at your sweaty face and its dazed expression.
“You okay?” he asked. You dropped your face onto his shoulder. 
“Yes...” you whimpered.
“I’m about to fuck you hard, baby. You ready for that?” he asked.
You reached up and rested your hands on Charlie’s shoulders, and he tightened his embrace around your waist. Then, he picked up the pace and pummeled your sweet, dripping core--making you squeal, groan, and slobber into his shoulder. He was thrusting so deep and fast, that you could feel and hear his balls slapping against your ass. Eventually, he slowed his pace, but kept fucking up into you with deep, shallow strokes. 
Charlie held you tight and sat up with you in his arms. Just when you lifted your head to see what he was doing, he’d placed you back on your back with your head at the foot of the bed. Next, he lifted your legs, crossed them at the ankles, and held them up. After he gave one of your Achilles tendons a kiss, he fucked into you again. The two of you moaned at the sensations of the angle. 
Soon, the position morphed into him resting between your legs once more and thrusting into you until you felt him tense up. The unmistakable heat filled your core. Charlie moaned and stroked his climax to its end. He stared into your eyes and initiated the evening’s final kiss.
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