#internet friends!
Are you taking requests luv? 😿 we miss you
okay but no really, hi!!! ive missed you all so much!!
this semester of uni was wild, i was taking classes, working three jobs, AND had an internship, so busy busy busy! BUT, yesterday was the last day of classes so i just have to take some tests and then i’m done! and then I’M BACK BABY
i know, i haven’t been in ANY of the conversations about the season (bad time for me to be missing, sorry babes) but y’all i’m so so so in love. just, ugh, so amazing.
should i do a little blurb/random question night? just get me back in the spirit of writing and we can all fangirl over the new season together? idk, i don’t want to do it if no one’s up to it, so let me know.
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believemetheodore · 1 year
The longer I work on this fic the more afraid I am to post it. It's going to be, by far, the longest fic I've published to date. So long, in fact, that I am considering posting it in three parts so it's easier to read. It's an AU that I've had in my head for so long, even before joining the Ted Lasso hype. It feels like my baby in a lot of ways and I'm finding myself feeling super protective of it the more I write. I'm just a little under half way done and I'm so excited to share it.
That being said, I'd love to do a little wip game for it if y'all are interested. Send me words, and I will share a snippet that includes that phrase!
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veryluckyclovers · 1 year
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taffywabbit · 1 year
reminding myself there are no truly "bad days", because every single day, someone somewhere in the world has taken a photo of an extremely tiny animal and shown it to someone else, and that's very good actually
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bixels · 2 months
Wish regular folks on the internet would stop towing the line and continuing to act like furries are some weird, deviant thing nowadays. I’ll be watching Vinny Vinesauce and a hot male furry design will show up in a game and he’ll go ‘oh. Oh god. Oh god chat no. OH GODD WHY. EUGH CHAT STOP. (makes an inhuman noise) WHY ARE HIS TITS SO.’ Like, man, relax. His tits are so because it’s hot, get horny like the rest of us, next question.
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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rhysiana · 11 months
Here's the truth: if this website collapses too, I will never know when a show has finally come out, because I won't suddenly see new gifs from it.
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owlpellet · 1 year
doctors are so fucking funny; if you go in like "based on my extensive research and corroborations i think i have this Disease" they will immediately go on the defensive and ask you demeaning shit like "how do you even know this Disease exists?" but if you go in and play stupid and say "gee whiz i'm just a silly little bimbo who doesn't know a thing but i have symptom, symptom, symptom, and symptom" they will very eagerly be like "oh wow, that sounds like Disease!"
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xagave · 2 months
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Mmmmm candy [muffled crunching as I eat these] I made some tiny 1 inch acrylic pins
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strawlessandbraless · 2 years
Giant Siphonophores really out here doing the most, and somehow also the least
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Love to sea it
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miss-bibbles · 2 years
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friendship lives in little things and little things make up love. and what is love if not knowing everything about them before you know their name?
just something i made for school on the prompt internet. to my best friends and to my amazing online friends <3
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believemetheodore · 1 year
I was thinking about this when they cast Ted's mom... But do you think Mae reminds him of her?
Ooh, good question. I feel like Ted is a guy who has deep family ties, and I think he also looks for the best in everyone he meets.
Flying across the ocean to take a job, and cope with the growing distance in his marriage, I think it makes sense that Ted would draw comparisons between his new friends, and the people back home in Kansas. I have always thought that Mae has a kind of maternal energy to her, without it being really explicit that that's meant to be her role in any capacity.
I think there's a reason Ted continues to go back to the pub, obviously Ted is a creature of habit, but I think it's also because he finds comfort in forming relationships with people. Mae is tough on him, but never in a way that's condescending, she's supportive when he needs it too. She's honest, and I think Ted values that relationship.
Obviously, we've only seen photos, we haven't gotten to know Ted's mum's personality. I don't think Ted is subconsciously looking for a mother figure in his life, so I don't think Mae's role in his life is a cut and dry comparison to his mum. But, I'm sure he can't help but draw some similarities, and appreciate the little reminders of the people he misses.
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morganbritton132 · 4 months
Eddie’s immediate response to finding out that the guy in their living room was Tommy was to say, “Let’s have sex.”
Steve: Right now? We have a guest!
Eddie: No, we have the guy that beat me up in high school in our living room and I am married to the guy that he had a massive crush on. Tell me that wouldn’t make you a little horny.
Steve: Tommy did not have a crush on me
Eddie: He did. He convinced you that it was totally heteo to make out with your male friends when you were alone
Steve: I mean, Carol was there sometimes
Eddie: That’s - fascinating, I did not know that and we’ll circle back to it but right now… let’s get naked.
Tommy, from the bottom of the stairs: You do know that you’re still live-streaming, right?
Eddie, looking down at the phone in his hand like he’s seeing it for the first time: Yes
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trungles · 5 months
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I can’t tell if I’m kidding, really.
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yeehawpim · 24 days
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sometimes caring feels like a contradiction but let's wake up tomorrow to unread messages together
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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