#intrinsically bad
jup1tersparx · 9 months
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glittergoats · 2 months
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And mother looks away—
father looks away—
for a second.
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chipchopclipclop · 10 months
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just a guy. a little kitty cat. meow meow even.
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Whenever I think about it in a generalized way, I think I hate almost every single trope in a way, but when it is served to me beautiful without seeing it coming or even sometimes when I do? DELICIOUS.
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beeistrying · 2 years
s&b kaz ( and even some fanon kaz ) will never hit as hard as book kaz because he’s putting way too much effort into being an asshole. book kaz’s bastardry is so intrinsic he doesn’t have to try at all
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paperglader · 6 months
in this episode Imogen:
Took off her circlet. You know, that one that finally gave her peace and quiet, that soothed her constant pain and anxiety, and that gave her the confidence and energy to get back to fully feeling comfortable on her own skin after years. That’s the one. She just took it off.
Told laudna that she was disgusted by the fact that delilah was always watching them. You know, something that laudna fully has no control over whatsoever.
Admitted that she felt like she’s “tainted” and that the gods have been ignoring her for her entire life, in spite of her trying over and over to reach them. So she doesn’t really want to save them.
Mentioned being genuinely scared of meeting Liliana again. Totally not a problem, I’m sure nothing bad will happen there. Specially not in the next couple of episodes.
Said some unfair stuff to fearne, that I genuinely think is coming from somewhere else entirely, and I hope we circle back to eventually.
It’s safe to say that I am officially ✨worried✨ about the farmgirl
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caeslxys · 1 year
I just know that when Imogen finds out that Laudna, Ashton, and Orym were all in Issylra after Chetney suggested they all teleport there to begin with she's gonna start mentally biting and screaming and throwing up
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mechieonu · 7 months
y'all i mean this w love but mha from the start has been a story examining how villains are also victims of the circumstances their world has imposed on them. why would afo be any different
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natjennie · 2 months
ever since I was a little girl I knew I would be ostracized from my peers and, by accident and without knowing why, cultivate a life for myself in which I don't know how to interact with other people in any capacity without being supremely uncomfortable and self-conscious.
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chickenstrangers · 10 months
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pran and bread 🍞 pilot trailer vs show
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thedreadvampy · 8 months
legitimately insane how to some people, "we should wipe out this ethnic group that we've violently constrained to a ghetto because they're just genetically more violent and dangerous" is a reasonable and justifiable statement but it's Nazi Rhetoric to say something like, "it's bad that Israeli civilians are being killed but acknowledging that as tragic includes acknowledging that the almost daily state-sanctioned murder of civilians by the Israeli government is also tragic and unacceptable"
btw guys speaking of Nazi shit - can we check in, alongside what's been done to Palestinians in the last 75 years, what's the Israeli government's take on the Azerbaijani government's newest round of ethnic cleansing of Armenians? oh are the Israeli government's actions maybe not determined by Jewish identity, but by a commitment to colonial supremacy which puts them on the same page as other violently genocidal states like Azerbaijan, the US, and the UK? god can you Even Imagine?
(framing speaking against Israeli war crimes as inherently antisemitic requires understanding the Israeli state as representing all Jewish people, when it doesn't even represent all Israelis.
framing Israeli war crimes as synonymous with Jewish identity is pretty fucked up if we're being honest. I don't think that controlling water and power and movement for a captive population and shooting children dead for throwing stones is an inherent value of Judaism, any more than I think the torture carried out at Guantanamo Bay is an inherent value of Christianity - in both cases they're atrocities carried out by a far right genocidal government using religious identity as a shield.
Calling statements like "Israel is committing genocide against the people it's displaced" inherently antisemitic is doing more to further the idea that all Jewish people are associated with Israel than saying "the Israeli government is doing war crimes," which is a statement of fact about a country that exists and does war crimes. Is criticism of Israel as a nation often used as cover for antisemitism? Absolutely. Does that mean the Israeli government isn't doing literal war crimes repeatedly, on record, while talking publicly about scrubbing an ethnic group off the map? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well in the last 48 hours they've definitely cut off water and power to almost 600,000 civilians and allegedly used white phosphorus against civilians so in an extremely factual and unambiguous way yeah man those are Literal War Crimes whoever does them.)
#red said#sorry man saying 'it's bad to do genocide and war crimes' doesn't actually mean 'I'm happy when Jewish people die'#it means 'there is a context to Palestinian militants attacking Israelis which involves Palestinians being killed wounded or imprisoned#very nearly every day by the Israeli state and settlers. so no you can't treat a Palestinian attack on Israel as an unprecedented tragedy#without also recognising that Israeli forces have repeatedly visited attacks of similar magnitude on Palestine which is ALSO tragic#as well as the regular state-sanctioned murder of over 200 Palestinians in the 9 months BEFORE the Palestinian attack on Saturday#It means 'Palestinian lives don't matter less than Israeli lives' not 'Israeli lives don't matter'#this week is literally the FIRST TIME SINCE RECORDS BEGAN that more Israeli lives have been lost than Palestinian#bc for every year since 2000 orders of magnitude more palestinians than Israelis have been killed in this war#you don't get to say 'it's only bad when X ethnic group is killed it's GOOD to kill Y ethnic group' then accuse OTHERS of genocide apologis#it is legitimately a tragedy for Israeli civilians to be killed and wounded en masse. the people are not the nation.#but it's not less of a tragedy for Palestinians to have been killed and wounded en masse week after week for decades.#and when peaceful protest gets you shot and bombed and acting against the military gets you shot and bombed#and just existing doing nothing at all gets you shot and bombed. living near someone accused of terrorism. looking for your fucking cat.#when you're getting shot and bombed daily whatever you do. it's not surprising that sometimes people move to violence against civilians.#because as people from Gaza have said. better to die fighting for survival than die on your knees waiting.#which like. I'm not making a moral judgement one way or the other bc i am intrinsically disgusted by mass killing. as we all should be.#and this might be the movement which liberates Palestine and it might be the excuse which allows Israel to finish Palestine#and either way hundreds of people are dead on both sides and however you slice it that's a fucking tragedy#but we cannot. treat it as if Hamas' strike began the violence. and ignore the 200+ Palestinians killed by the IDF this year beforehand#Palestinian lives matter as much as Israeli lives. 700 Israeli citizens dead is a tragedy. 600 Palestinians dead is a tragedy.#and if you lay out the numbers from this weekend alone you can pretend that Israelis are getting decimated by Palestine.#but to do that you have to ignore the facts that for every 1 Israeli killed in the past decade 3 Palestinians die.#and that Israeli deaths happen in occasional outbursts of violence while Palestinian deaths happen every week#whether or not Hamas or any other Palestinian faction initiates violence
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magebird · 8 months
Sometimes I feel like the discourse about AI art misses the actual point of why it’s not a good tool to use.
“AI art isn’t ‘real’ art.” —> opinion-based, echoes the same false commentary about digital art in general, just ends up in a ‘if you can’t make your own store-bought is fine’ conversation, implies that if art isn’t done a certain way it lacks some moral/ethical value, relies on the emotional component of what art is considered “real” or not which is wildly subjective
“AI art steals from existing artists without credit.” —> fact-based, highlights the actual damage of the tool, isn’t relying on an emotional plea, can actually lead to legally stopping overuse of AI tools and/or the development of AI tools that don’t have this problem, doesn’t get bogged down in the ‘but what if they caaaaan’t make art some other way’ argument
Like I get that people who don’t give a shit about plagiarism aren’t going to be swayed, but they weren’t going to be swayed by the first argument either. And the argument of “oh well AI art can’t do hands/isn’t as good/can’t do this thing I have decided indicates True Human Creativity” will eventually erode since… the AI tools are getting better and will be able to emulate that in time. It just gets me annoyed when the argument is trying to base itself on “oh this isn’t GOOD art” when AI does produce interesting and appealing images and the argument worth having is much more about the intrinsic value of artists than the perceived value of the works that are produced.
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scintillyyy · 5 months
there is probably an entire essay i could write about how 'chuck dixon hates poor people' is very true but is a lot more nuanced in that 'chuck dixon hates poor people, but no, not those type of poor people, he thinks they deserve a helping hand actually' and 'don't mistake what's actually racism & sexism for what seems to be classism, because again, he doesn't hate that type of poor person, actually' & 'in order to understand this mindset of his you also need to understand 90s conservativism & how he can support some poor people and not others and how he can be inherently contradictory like that, the eras in which he grew up and shaped his worldview' & 'this mindset of his is so baked into the characters of tim and steph in different ways & while tim's is more overt and easy to see, it's also a little easier to divorce from his character because it's so overt and in your face, but steph's story is a lot more insidiously conservative and everything about his conservative mindset & conservativeness of her story is far more inherent and so baked into every formative and key aspect of her character it's actually harder to do with steph without completely changing her as a character'
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timeisacephalopod · 7 months
The type of Christian who asks atheists how they don't like, murder people on the reg are so funny to me because they seem to think their religion makes them the Peak of Morality when statements like "if you don't believe in God how comes you don't do X thing" all but outright state they have no idea why shit like murder and rape is bad except that God doesn't like it lmao. Like way to admit you have no intrinsic sense of morality and need to be afraid of a higher power to be a decent person, but I promise if you're not a piece of shit it's actually very natural not to want to do heinous evil shit all the time potential punishment from a higher power or not 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
#winters ramblings#seriously its SO funny when that happens because every time its like ??? the FUCK kind of thoughts do you have#to ask HOW i resist doing evil shit all the time because i dont fear god because i dont believe in God??#what kind of fucked up person do you haveto be to only resist killing people because of fear of a higher power??#these are people to avoid because typically they also come with the issue of using their religion to make any action they want#perfectly Good and Moral because GOD said it its in the BIBLE whether thats true or not and like bible or no#if you have no intrinsic sense of morality i dont want to hear about atheist morality from you lmao#not that athiests lack issues i swear to god white dudes who evangelize atheism like its their new religion#have WILDLY missed the point and often suffer the same problem as the aforementioned Christians#wherein the onky thing thats ever given them any kind of pushback is the church so they decide RELIGION is horrible and bad as a whole#which isnt true religion can be a perfectly lovely amazing thing for people but that brand of atheist#doesnt seem to understand that people turned away from the church because of wide spread abuse and discrimination not because#believing in god makes you literally mentally ill like some of these fuckos act like. abelist AND shite to religious folks in one fowl swoop#so you know atheists have problems too but like they arent making laws in their beliefs images across the world so you know#temper the criticism with how influential the group actually is although richard dawkins types DID get a lot of space to spew their idiocy#like dawkims if you think youre SOOOO much smarter than christians how come you have ALL the same misogyny problems??#youre not that smart and logical if youve decided a whole kind of person is inherently less than you buddy. in fact thats very Christian#of him actually. funny when that happens but again if you dont actually know WHY something is a problem#its very easy to say Thats Bad and then literally do the exact same thing you just condemned because when YOU do it its no longer bad#because its got YOUR flavor of fucked up morality on it now instead of being like hmm maybe Christianity isnt a problem#because it EXISTS but because a lot of people use their religion as a pointed barb to discriminate against huge swaths of people#and often the intolerance becomes a legal issue when Christians and other religious majorities shove through laws based on EXCLUSIVELY their#religions and opinions and that doesnt mean religion should be dismantled it means we ahould tell religious folk who would know what#morality was if it fucked them up the ass to shut up and figure out what morality is outside of rekigion before they start legislating about#it and whatnot. also i wish extreme opinions werent ALL the news focused on exclusively on the political right#can we platform some NORMAL well adjusted christians who are god loving AND not a bunch of wingnuts#who are two steps away from arguing thou shall not kill only applies to people they LIKE because they dont seem to understand#maybe murder is bad when EVERYONE does it not just The Bad People??!?!
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aiura-stan · 19 days
I have so many thoughts about saiteru but they like all cancel each other out
does saiteru is canon? the answer is more complicated than you think!
…in all seriousness id love to see a really long thought out essay on the topic of Teruhashi & Saiki’s relationship and how it changes over the course of the series. And whether or not the romantic coding was intentional, or if it was an extension of the romance trope gag. Also, how they are supposed to foil each other, but also how many similarities they share in circumstance and how goshdarn differently they tend to handle said circumstances (of always being the object of attention regardless of whether or not they want it) and how similar their internal attitudes are towards interacting with people, and how this this tends to affect their actions towards others.
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zzzugzwanggg · 5 months
Effie Trinket self destructing by sleeping with Haymitch
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