#iphone x specification
ghost-proofbaby · 11 months
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, smut (oral, f receiving), overload of cheesiness, upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ wc: 11.8k+
→ a/n: this might be the cheesiest, fluffiest thing i've ever written, and i can't even be bothered to care. it might be unrealistic. it might be too much. i do not care. this has been a long time coming and i think we all deserve all the cheese after this story.
i don't even know what to say besides thank you. thank you to everyone who followed along from the beginning, to those of you joined the journey along the way, to those of you who are reading as we finish it up. thank you for all the support and love you guys have shown this fic. i will always, always, appreciate it more than i know how to say. i love these idiots, and i love you all.
if you would like to see this story continued through small blurbs, my ask box is officially open to requests from this universe. i will also probably be posting some "beyond the hours" content over the next few weeks.
thank you. i love you.
without further ado...
spotify playlist.
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“Why are there so many fuckin’ options?” 
Eddie stares at the line up of smartphones before him, all different models and different physical sizes, different colors and different memory amounts. 
“There’s not that many,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around him from behind as you rest your chin on his shoulder. It’s a bit of a stretch, making you lean up onto your tippy toes, “Besides, isn’t having options a good thing?” 
He scoffs as he brings a hand up subconsciously to where your arms overlap on his torso, grip gentle as he runs a thumb over your skin and gives a squeeze, “Sure, options are great. But there’s at least twenty different iPhones on display here, sweetheart.” 
The last few months had been interesting, to say the least. A new and exciting journey initially, but also a fairly stressful ordeal given all the hoops you two had been jumping through. You’re both busy people, having to suddenly figure out how to carve out a specific space for each other amongst bustling lives. It wasn’t the same as making time for friends or a weekly night out; it was figuring out times for dates, times for lazy afternoons, times for just you and just Eddie.
And, occasionally, time to take Eddie shopping for a new phone. Finally.
“Well, better pick one fast,” your fingers dig into his side playful, and he blows out an annoyed breath as he side-eyes you. You only retaliate in a fast peck to his cheek before whispering in his ear, “We’re gonna be late if you keep taking all day.” 
It was Argyle’s birthday party tonight. His actual birthday wasn’t for another week, but he’d be venturing back home to California for that. And so the group elected to throw him a preemptive party at one of the group’s favorite bars. 
Which — fine. Awesome. You were excited, you really were: you loved Argyle, you loved your friends, you even found yourself warming back up to parties.
But your friends didn’t know. 
Two whole months, and neither you nor Eddie had told a single soul of what had become between you two. Not even Steve. Not even Nancy. 
At first the excuse was to give this time to grow, to find your footing before you brought your lovable yet rambunctious group of friends into the equation. But then you two had found your footing, and you’d worried what they would say. Eddie had nearly made himself sick with anxiety over Nancy finding out he’d kept this relationship from her. They’d support you two — that wasn’t a worry. They’d proven that since the first time the entire group had hung out after the bet.
“So,” Robin started, narrowing her eyes at you and Eddie sitting on opposite ends of her and Steve’s couch. Neither of you had said a word to each other yet (Plenty had already been said that morning as you’d snuck him out of your dorm), “You two really aren’t together?” 
“Why is everyone so adamant that the bet has to end with us getting together?” you jeered.
Eddie didn’t help the cause when he was quick to take your side, “Exactly! The bet’s over. We lasted twenty four hours. We’re friends now — isn’t that what you guys wanted?” 
“I actually wanted to help you dudes plan a winter wedding,” Argyle chimed from the kitchen where he was retrieving a coke, “So I’m gonna side with Birdie on this one.” 
“Of course you are,” you muttered beneath your breath. 
Everything in you ached to be sitting next to Eddie rather than so far. You ached for his arm around you, his lips pressed to your temple. Just to share body heat, even — innocent thighs brushing with layers of denim between would have been enough.  
“It’ll happen eventually,” Nancy mused from her seat on the kitchen counter, Jonathan beside her and matching her confident energy with a sly grin, “Just give them time.” 
What they hadn’t realized is that it already did happen. The moment Eddie showed up to your dorm and the two of you said to Hell with space, it was inevitable. 
Now, it was just the challenge of letting your friends in on the secret.
“What about the red one?” Eddie asks you as you finally unravel from him.
“Of course you’re choosing the red one.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he scowls, no malice behind it as you step up to occupy the space next to him, brushing shoulders for only a moment before his hand is grabbing yours, intertwining fingers like second nature. 
You recall that moment on his balcony, where he had once been so nervous and hesitant to hold your hand. 
“Nothing,” you shake your head, smiling to yourself as you look at the specific model he was talking about, “You’re just getting a little bit predictable, Munson.” 
He opens his mouth to argue, to nip back at what you always offer him, when one of the salesmen approach you two.
“Hi folks! Can I help you with anything today?”
Eddie squeezes your hand, no doubt in an effort to withhold his laughter at the man’s overly chirpy tone. You squeeze back, if for nothing more than to let him know you felt him.
Despite Eddie’s previous claim to a decision, he still chooses to entertain the man. Asking questions about different models, inquiring for recommendations as if they’d change his mind. They go back and forth, both polite enough, but the conversation easily bores you. In five seconds flat, your mind has officially wandered off.
You two hadn’t really discussed the specific details of the night to come. Whether you’d ride with Eddie there, how you’d navigate Eddie’s natural born clinginess once he got a few drinks in him, if tonight might be the night to finally tell your friends. 
The last one felt a bit obvious. It was Argyle’s night — you didn’t want to snatch the attention from him for even a second. 
But there were layers to your anxiety. Because it was more than just how to navigate how you two would display yourselves to your friends on nights out. 
It had been two months, and you still hadn’t said those three little words back to Eddie.
He didn’t pressure you. He never once brought it back up, never once pressured you. But just because he wasn’t constantly reminding you vocally that he loved you didn’t mean you didn’t feel it. You’d felt it, impossible to miss, when all those lazy morning fantasies became reality. You felt it during movie marathons and you felt it every time he’d worship your body. It was there — in the late nights, in the early mornings, in the dull afternoons. A wild thing unleashed in your gardens, all those vines you’d worked so hard to see flourish threatened to be torn up by impatient claws at the feeling growing rapidly in your chest every time you looked at him.
And slowly, surely, you knew that there was only so much longer that like could suffice in describing your feelings for Eddie. 
You were falling, whether he was aware or not. You just needed to figure out the right moment for those three little words to unstick, to go from hot honey on your tongue to easy breaths between you two. He’s given you time, he’d filled the months you’d awarded him with making up for every previously bitter exchange, and yet you still couldn’t give him this. And you’re starting to believe maybe that’s why you couldn’t imagine telling your friends yet. 
You sort of hated yourself for it.
You’re pulled back to reality once the salesman departs, no doubt into the back to grab Eddie’s choice of phone. You don’t even have to ask; you know he got the red one.
“Hey,” Eddie fully turns to you, bringing your knuckles to his lips in chaste kisses. Your stomach still kicks with flutters, your heart still warms at the gesture. Eddie’s affection has yet to lose novelty, “Where’d you go?”
“What do you mean?” you twist your face, “I was here the entire tim-“
“Not where’d you physically go,” he clarifies, letting your conjoined hands drop back to the sliver of space between your bodies, “Mentally. Where’d your mind just go?”
 You hadn’t thought he’d notice your drifting.
“Nowhere,” you shrug off.
“Nowhere? So you’re really just that interested in the newest iPhone model?” 
He pointedly looks up at the widescreen display you don’t doubt you’d been blankly staring at the entirety of his conversation with the man who had yet to return.
“Oh, absolutely. You know me so well.” 
All bark, no bite. These days, all the previous venom that had infected exchanges with Eddie prior to the bet had finally been sucked clean from the wound, long gone to make room for all the genuine affection to seep into its place. You still argued — or perhaps bantered was a better word for it — but you didn’t fight. You both still grated on one another’s nerves and managed to slither beneath the other’s skin, but not in an unwelcome way. 
It was a nice change.
It made you hate yourself even more for not saying those three little words. 
Eddie seemingly reads your mind, “Are you nervous for tonight?”
“I-“ you consider lying to him and saying it hadn’t even crossed your mind, but the look he gives you warns against it, “We just haven’t… discussed it.” 
“What’s there to discuss?” 
You hold up your interlocked hands for emphasis, raising your eyebrows at Eddie.
His mouth falls open softly, eyes widening, “Oh. Are you- Are you wanting to tell them tonight?” 
No, your gut screams, absolutely not tonight.
“Is Argyle’s birthday party really the best time to explode their minds?” 
You try to keep your tone teasing as you sense Eddie’s own nerves creeping up. Sometimes it was fun, standing in a room with everyone and pretending to be more akin to strangers than lovers. But sometimes, it was just plain painful. Sometimes, the entire group would be laughing at something, and you craved nothing more than to be pressed into Eddie’s side and feel the vibrations of his shared joy rather than just having to listen to it from across the room. 
It’s not that you wanted to tell your friends and cause a scene — you just didn’t want to have to hide anymore. And maybe you wouldn’t have to, if you’d just tell him how you felt.
“Probably not,” Eddie murmurs, “I mean, it’s his night. We can always tell them the next time we all get together.”
The issue is that’s what the two of you always say. You always brush it off for the next time. 
You can only sigh in defeat as you see the salesman finally bounding back out from the back room, a small box holding Eddie’s purchase in his grip, “Yeah. Next time.” 
You can’t even be mad at next time. It’s the same thing you tell yourself every time you felt those words on the tip of your tongue, so close yet so far from revealing the most terrifying truth you’d discovered yet to Eddie.
You let go of his hand long enough for him to check out, hardly overhearing when he questions how they can transfer all the data from his current flip phone. When he seems particularly worried about pictures transferring, you don’t think anything of it.
STEVE-O: do i need to pick you up tonight? 
You don’t see the text. You’re a bit busy with something when it comes through.
Something is currently still between your legs, curls threaded between your fingers as your back arches off his mattress and his name starts to come out as a desperate whimper rather than a chant. 
STEVE-O: ???
The initial buzz of your phone on his nightstand doesn’t phase either of you. Eddie’s tongue still works you eagerly, circling your clit as you tug particularly harshly at his roots. Each flick sends white hot pleasure through your bones, nearly making you see stars.
“Fuck,” you gasp out when he brings his fingers into the mix. You can feel his smile against you as he curls his fingers inside of you, mimicking a come hither motion and relishing in your little pants as your thighs tighten around his shoulders, “Oh, fuck. Right there, Eddie. I- Eddie.” 
The way you’re moaning his name only encourages him as he slips in a second finger, stretching you further. You feel cool metal bumping your entrance, sending shocks up your spine as his lips suction against you and he sucks hard.
He hadn’t even taken the time to remove his rings when the two of you had gotten home. He had been too eager, dragging you to his bedroom with his lips attached to your neck from the moment he’d shut the front door behind the two of you until he’d thrown you down on his bed.
“That’s right, baby,” his voice vibrates against your clit, “Say my name. Tell everyone who’s making you feel this goo-“
STEVE-O: helllooooo????
“Okay, who the fuck keeps texting you?” Eddie finally pulls back when he realizes you’re slipping out of that bubble he’d created, your head having turned towards the nightstand in curiosity, “Let me guess, it’s your other boyfriend?” 
Your head is still spinning and your chest continues to heave from that lingering pleasure he’d been offering so generously to you. He sounds annoyed, but you can guarantee you’re even more irked. 
“I don’t have another boyfriend,” you blandly reply, not taking his bait.
It only makes him wrap his hands around your thighs on his shoulder, giving a playful squeeze as you reach out for your phone. 
“You sure?” 
You squint at the notifications, but don’t properly read them, only rolling your eyes at both the fact that Steve’s the one interrupting this precious moment and at Eddie’s valiant teasing.
You slam the phone back down, eyes trailing down to his, “I am, but I can certainly find another boyfriend if you don’t get your mouth back on me in the next three seconds-“ 
He doesn’t need a second warning. In an instant, the warmth of his tongue is back on you, lapping at all the spots he’s come to memorize as of recently. That pleasure comes back into reach, edging your vision with feathery black as your eyes flutter shut and the coil in your stomach tightens.
You throw your head back into one of his pillows, one that has started to smell like your shampoo now rather than his, and let a drawn out whine escape your lips.
“You were saying?” he teases, grinning wickedly. He takes that brief moment to come up for air, turning and sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of your thigh beside his cheek. Not hard enough to draw blood, and probably not hard enough to leave indents. But it is enough to have you preening once more as your heels dig into his bare back and you try to lift your hips, desperate for his mouth again.
He was edging you. Without even meaning to, he was repeatedly bringing you to the edge only to leave you teetering. 
With your focus back on him, you can admire how pretty he looks. Mouth slick with you, pupils blown out, hair an absolute mess. You like him best this way, you think, when he looks so absolutely devoted to you. When he’s looking at you with a hunger you almost can’t place. It makes you want to scream from the rooftops about how you’ve fallen for him. How you feel so much more than like for your boy. 
STEVE-O: seriously. if you don’t respond, you can just walk. you have five minutes.
At the buzz of the phone, your hands leave Eddie’s hair to form fists, pounding them into the mattress at your side in a brief tantrum. He ceases all actions, pulling his lips away from you again, and it only makes you pout more. 
“Baby,” he coos, fingers trailing up the sides of your thighs before he reaches out to hold your fists down, “Maybe you should answer him. Tell him to fuck off-“
Eddie’s interrupted as your phone fully bursts to life with your ringtone.
You were going to kill Steve Harrington. 
“On second thought, let me answer it,” Eddie groans as you reach out and grab it once more, “Give the fucker a piece of my mind.”
“Shut up,” you hiss as you realize it’s Robin calling. You turn the screen so he can see, and his eyebrows lift in surprise.
He makes no move to remove himself from between your legs, though. He stays face to face with your aching core.
“Hello?” you snap after swiping to answer.
“Finally! My God, Steve’s been texting you-“
“I didn’t see the texts.”
“Do you need a ride?”
You’ve never been so short with your friends. 
But that pleasure is slipping from you, the flames of your impending orgasm dying down to nothing more than embers. It’s enough to piss anyone off. 
“Are you sure?” Robin asks, sounding genuinely concerned, “It’s kind of a far walk-“
“I’m running late,” you sigh, realizing that you were going to have to come up with a lie to get off the hook. Another thing you hated about the hiding — it led to your friendships being littered with dishonesty. Always a new excuse as to why you weren’t available, always feigning reasons as to why you didn’t reply to texts as timely as you used to. “With getting ready. I could- I don’t know, do you think Eddie might pick me up? Isn’t my dorm along the way to the bar from his place?” 
At the mention of his name, he perks up. His cheek settles against the exact spot he had bit just moments before, nearly nuzzling into you as your free hand comes down to gently push back his bangs. On instinct, you find yourself soothingly pressing your fingertips in slow circles against his scalp. You’re nearly melting beneath his soft gaze, those big and wide eyes locked on you with bated breath.
“You want Eddie to pick you up?” you suddenly hear Steve exclaim in the background.
Your face scrunches up, a wrinkle forming across the bridge of your nose and between your brows. It’s so damn cute to Eddie that he can’t help but press a quick kiss to the skin he continues to lay into, beginning to smile as your absent-minded head massage continues. 
So much more than like.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was on speaker.” 
“Why do you want Munson to pick you up?” Steve ignores your sarcasm, voice sounding closer to the phone now, “He drives a motorcycle, you know. That’s dangerous.” 
Eddie must be able to catch some of Steve’s shrill exclamation, his eyebrows raising ever so slightly. You feel his curious hum against your skin and you don’t hesitate putting your own pesky friends on speaker. 
“Motorcycles are not that dangerous,” you retort, and it makes Eddie have to hide a slight scoff into your thigh in an effort to stay silent. It was ironic that they cared about how safe it would be for you to ride with Eddie on his bike now, after that allegedly dangerous vehicle had been your main source of transportation for nearly two months now, “He has a helmet, right?” 
“Isn’t your dorm the opposite direction of the bar from his place?” Robin questions, “I mean, I’m all for you asking lover boy if he’ll give you a ride but-”
Steve interrupts her flatly, “It’s making him go out of his way. Besides, he might have already left for the bar by now.” 
You don’t know what to silently laugh at first. The assumption they were making that couldn’t be further from the truth, or Robin’s new nickname for Eddie. 
Lover boy is fitting for him in this current position. He’s still latching onto your leg, cuddling you in every way he could from where he laid, staring at you and hanging onto your every last word. The poster boy for pathetically in love, he gives your leg another kiss, starting a fiery trail with his lips until he reaches your knee. It pangs in your chest, wondering if he can see your feelings also painted so obviously across your face. 
“Steve,” you murmur, breath catching in your throat as Eddie’s lips linger in the ditch of your knee. It takes a second to remember you’re on the phone, “No offense, but Eddie hasn’t been on time to a single get together the entire time I’ve known him.” 
Eddie reacts in real time to your insult, forcing an over-exaggerated offended look before he bites you again. This time, his teeth do leave an imprint from his nip, and it makes you slap a hand over your mouth to avoid yelping. 
Don’t bite me, you mouth at him. 
Don’t be mean, he answers right back, silent as ever. 
“Technically we’re all already late,” Steve points out. It makes you sit up quickly, startling Eddie in the process. You squint at the clock across the room and- fuck. Steve was right, “Nancy just texted me that she and Jon are there, Argyle’s on his way. She said she tried texting Eddie but didn’t get any response,” there’s a long pause as you motion wildly for Eddie to get up with you, the boy watching as you fling yourself off his mattress and carry the phone with you to his dresser, “Have… you heard from him recently?” 
“Why are you saying it like that?” you jab, throwing open one of the drawers Eddie had cleared out for you to keep some clothes here in his apartment. At this point, a good chunk of the tuition you paid was going to waste considering the fact you rarely spent the night at your dorm. You were already half moved into Eddie’s space. 
You try not to think too hard about it, because just last week, you’d had a panic attack at the revelation. 
You were afraid of smothering him, even if he was the one always insisting you could leave more of your things here. He was always the one conning you into spending another night, promising soft murmurs of giving you a ride to class the next morning if you did. You rarely ever had much of the choice in the matter; once he’d wrap his arms around your waist, curl his body flush against yours, it was always game over.
Practically living together, and you still hadn’t said those words back to him. 
“I’m not saying it like anything!” Steve defends himself, “I’m just asking an innocent question!” Eddie’s snort this time is audible, and you freeze as Steve clearly mistakes it for your laughter, “Shut up. It’s a reasonable question. You guys are friends now, remember?” 
Friends. Of course, because all your friends jumped at the chance to bury their mouths against your cunt and make you cum repeatedly until you had tears streaming down your cheeks. Because you let all your friends sleep in the same bed as you, and wake you up by burying deep within you as they bite your shoulder with a moan. You and Eddie were friends. 
“Trust me,” you glance over your shoulder in your haste, looking at Eddie as he stretches out on his side and props himself up on his elbow, “I remember.” 
He gives you a knowing smile, squinting his eyes at you in entertainment. 
“Babe, it really would just be easier for you to ride with us,” Robin’s voice sounds again as you tug a shirt out of the drawer, something casual and comfortable that you could style for the night, “Unless you’re just hellbent on having alone time with Eddie for some reason-”
“I’m not hellbent on being alone with him, Robs.” 
Another lie. I definitely am. But not in the context you think. 
“You just sound like you are.”
“Well, I’m not,” you yank a pair of black jeans free from the drawer and slam it shut, standing and turning to Eddie. 
He hardly has time to react before you’re tossing your phone down on the mattress in front of him, the small device bouncing and hitting his chest. He winces and throws himself back dramatically, letting out a small oof that you pray neither Robin or Steve pick up on. 
As you dress, throwing on the random t-shirt and shimmying on your jeans, Robins laughs, “Denial isn’t a good look on you.” 
Eddie watches you, never moving to get ready himself. All he does is stare as you button up the pants. 
When you give him an expectant look, he merely mouths, bra? 
You shake your head. You don’t know where Eddie had flung your undergarment, and you’re not in the mood to frantically search for it. You’ve gone without a bra before – you can survive one night out without one. 
Eddie’s entire face and chest immediately flushes pink. Cute.  
“Now you guys are just being assholes,” you scowl despite the fact that only Eddie can see it, waving your hands to motion for him to get up and also get dressed, “I’m texting Eddie. If he has already left, I’ll just walk. Fuck you guys.” 
“Tell lover boy I said hi,” Robin teases. 
“Even if he’s already parked at the fucking bar at this point, we both know he’d jump right back on his bike and come pick you up,” Steve’s voice grumbles over the line. 
It almost makes you smile.  “Someone sounds jealous.” 
“Not jealous, just annoyed,” Steve corrects as Eddie finally stands from the bed, “When are you two going to get your shit together?”
“What do you mean?” you play dumb.
You’ve had this conversation with your friends multiple times. They were truly going to have your head once they realized what you’d been keeping from them for months now. 
“Don’t you have a 4.0 GPA?” Robin inserts herself back into the conversation, “You can’t possibly be this stupid.” 
Eddie pauses in his fumbling with pulling his jeans from the pile he’d left his clothes in at the end of the beg, face scrunching in silent laughter. You almost walk over and smack his bare back angled towards you. 
“First of all, no. I don’t have a 4.0 GPA. Thanks for the reminder,” you grab your phone back off of the bed and decide to leave Eddie behind in the room, heading into the bathroom to finish getting ready. You hate to admit it, but if you have to keep watching him giggle so cutely to himself, you’ll also probably break. And you aren’t in the mood for any further interrogation from Robin and Steve, “Second of all, I’m hanging up now. I’m going to call Eddie. At least he won’t be such a dick to me.” 
“Oh, you must see the irony there-” 
You cut Steve off, “Bye! See you in… like, ten minutes.” 
Once you’ve hung up, you put your phone down on the bathroom counter and look up into the mirror. Your hair is a mess, wild and tangled from all the writhing you had been doing before being so rudely interrupted. You give it your best effort, trying to tame it a little bit to look more presentable, but it’s a lost cause at this point. Fuck it. 
Eddie appears in the doorway behind you, fully dressed and his hair pulled back into a bun, leaning into the door frame with his arms crossed and an impish grin on display, “Oh, you’re going to call me now, sweetheart?” 
You glare at him in a jocosely manner through the reflection, “Don’t look so proud of yourself.” 
He pushes off the frame and comes up behind you, still locking his eyes only through the reflection as he leans his chin over your shoulder, “And what if I don’t want to give you a ride? You have been awfully mean – insulting my punctuality, throwing your phone at me, teasing me by going without a bra. The list goes on and on.” 
Something deep within you stirs, those embers that still ache to burst into a forest fire. You hate that you could easily spend the entire night here with him, letting him take you every which way between his sheets. And even without sinful actions involved, you would be plenty content with just his presence tonight. As a matter of fact, you might be more content with that outcome rather than heading out to see your friends.
Sorry Argyle, you think guiltily. 
“I’m teasing you?” you question just as his hands land on your hips, moving so that he was pressed firmly against the curve of your ass. Making sure you could feel how hard he was against the seam of his jeans’ zipper, “You didn’t even make me cum.” 
“Seems like we’ll both be spending the night frustrated, then,” he smiles, almost gleefully, almost devilishly, “Besides, that was technically Harrington’s fault, not mine. We both know I usually have no problems making you cum on my tongue – without interruptions, of course.”
He rolls his hips ever so slightly into you, and your mouth falls open, eyes going glossy as you continue to stare him down through the mirror.  The stirring in your abdomen is persistent now as your heart hammers against your ribs, mind melting and completely forgetting the obligation at hand. 
And Eddie knows this. He’s well aware of the effect he’s having on you, and it’s deliberate. 
Suddenly, his body completely pulls away from yours, “I’ll meet you downstairs. Don’t want to keep them waiting any longer, do we, sweetheart?” 
Damn him. Damn him, and damn his dimples, and damn how good his legs look in those jeans as he’s walking away from me right now.
You linger in the apartment, alone, for a few extra minutes to compose yourself. Trying to quelch the heat between your hips that had slowly spread across your entire body, threatening to consume you. You even go as far as to splash cool water across your cheeks, giving yourself a few smacks for good measure as you try to prepare yourself to go into public and put on the usual act. And beneath it all, you also hush the animal in your chest, the one that claws at you to tell him. The one that wails everytime you simply tell him you like him, the one that roars when you let another moment slip you by. It has to quiet, just as your flames need to settle, all for the sake of the act.
You deserve a goddamn Oscar at this point. 
After deciding that touching up your makeup would take up far too many precious seconds, you’re darting out of Eddie’s apartment, locking up behind yourself before you head down to where he’s waiting. He’s already straddling his parked bike, the engine roaring to life like the animal inside you as you exit the main doors of the building and his hands extend his only helmet. You don’t fight him on who’s going to wear it – that’s a battle, you’ve learned, you will always lose. 
We really need to just buy a second helmet. 
The thought makes you smile as you hold the clunky thing. Buying a second helmet. Something Eddie had never done before, because he had never had a regular passenger before. He had never had someone glued to his side as you had become, not even Nancy. It sounds terribly domestic; perusing aisles with him, debating which helmet fits your style best. He’d probably make a joke about your head being big. He’d probably tease you for looking at the ridiculously expensive ones and tell you to opt for a cheaper one. You’d probably end up with a pricier one in the cart regardless, and Eddie would probably refuse to let you pay for it. 
Domesticity. The image of it doesn’t ache like it had that night all those months ago. This isn’t something you yearn for hopelessly, smoke and mirrors that dissipate when you dare to reach out for it. It’s something finally in your grasp. Something tangible and something bound to happen, all you’d have to do is say the word and Eddie would comply eagerly. 
Anything to keep my girl safe, as he would tell you any time you pointed out how dangerous it was for him to go without a helmet. He’d gotten creative in saying his own version of those three little words. 
“M’lady,” he hums, nodding for you to put the helmet on before sweeping a hand over the empty space in the seat behind him, “Your chariot awaits.” 
You don’t have a snarky quip to throw back at him, only grinning at the ground as you flip the helmet around a few times to prepare to put it on. All those embers aren’t just desire for him – there’s a warmth there that always exists. A candle on the windowsill of the home you had finally found. 
You raise the clunky thing and tilt your head when Eddie suddenly says, “Oh, and babe?” 
Immediately, you lower it, eyes wide in curiosity, “What?” 
“That’s my shirt.” 
He motions to the t-shirt tucked carefully into your jeans, “That fine shirt you are currently wearing is mine.” 
You look down, and he’s right. It’s too late to go back inside to change, and you know he’s aware of this when you catch his amused smirk. He probably noticed the moment you had put it on, and had deliberately waited until it was too late for you to do anything about it to inform you. 
“I-” you pinch the fabric between your fingers, looking between it and Eddie wildly for a second before your shoulders slumped in defeat, “It’s fine. I doubt they’ll even notice.” 
You were wrong. They do notice. 
Everyone is already waiting inside for the two of you, nestled around a table in the bar in a similar arrangement to the very first night you’d been introduced to the group. There’s only two empty seats left conveniently, right next to each other. You don’t miss that mischievous look of success on Robin’s face as she looks overly proud of herself.
They’d set it up so we’d sit next to each other. 
You’re grateful for your friends’ antics until you go to take the empty seat next to Steve.
“Is that Eddie’s shirt?” 
Robin is leaning around Steve eagerly as she says it, ridiculing the shirt intensely. 
“What?” you laugh nervously, looking down and tugging at the fabric. 
Lie. Make up a lie. Make it good. 
“That is Eddie’s shirt,” Nancy looks surprised across the table, looking up at the two of you questioningly. 
“What?” you repeat yourself. Eddie has already taken his seat, and is avoiding the stares of everyone, “No, it’s not.” 
“He has one just like it,” Jonathan adds fuel to the fire, “He literally wore it - what? Two days ago?” 
In a pathetic attempt of an excuse, you plop down in your seat and force an offended look, “People can own the same shirt. He’s not the gatekeeper of-” you look down, and nearly erupt in embarrassment when you see what the shirt is. “Deftones.” 
Ah, fuck. 
It’s not just the embarrassment of being on the verge of getting caught in your lie – it’s the memories that flood back. You, on Eddie’s lap. Your mouth and his becoming one. Steve calling, and you sucking so innocently on Eddie’s neck. 
You really wish Steve and Robin hadn’t interrupted earlier. 
“It’s not like I got it at a show,” Eddie shrugs, and you wonder for a moment if he’s lying, “They’ve gotten more popular lately. I’ve seen their shit in Target.” 
“Exactly!” you exclaim a little too loudly, a little too quick to defend yourself, “Exactly. I just thought it looked cool at Target. Besides, tonight is about Argyle.”
You smile at the birthday boy, and he returns the joy as he waves a little at you. The reminder is all it takes for everyone’s attention to return to the focus of the night – everyone’s attention but Nancy’s. 
You can feel her eyes on you as conversation sparks up and debates of ordering shots begin. Everyone is busy asking Argyle what his plans for next weekend are – which are mostly composed of normal family gatherings, probably a homemade cake, etc. – but Nancy is watching you and Eddie like a hawk. In the peripheral of your eye, you watch the way she leans back so casually into Jonathan's around her shoulder, looking like she knows. You’re probably just being paranoid. You’re definitely just being paranoid. 
You try to ignore it, and instead let yourself just enjoy the moment. All your friends gathered, a group in which you finally feel like you belong to, jokes being made and laughter being exchanged that has you feeling a bit giddy. It’s nice. Even between the smoke of the room and the flickering lights overhead, murmuring chatter of nearby patrons mingling right in with your group’s noise, it’s homely. The smell of drunken cigars and fruity cocktails should be overwhelming, but you just let it wrap you up instead. 
And when you turn your head, inhaling deeply the smell of cinnamon and musk rather than all those other foreign anomalies, you find Eddie already looking at you. Soft eyes, bitten grin, a few loose curls framing his cheeks as his bangs curl up into his forehead. Even in the shoddy lighting, he takes your breath away. 
He’s looking at you. Just like that first night. Dozens of other people in this room at this moment, and he only has eyes for one – he only has eyes for you.
“So!” Argyle announces, “I think, my dudes, instead of doing what Birdie had so… excitedly suggested,” and oh, he was being generous and calling Robin suggesting he took twenty three shots for his twenty third birthday just her being excited rather than foolish, “We should just take the twenty three shots and split them up amongst the group.” 
Steve and Jonathan immediately groan, protesting how they’re driving, and Eddie only shakes his head with a chuckle. So far, he’d only ordered and been nursing on a plain coke, no whiskey. 
Somehow, sitting beside him with the group is worse than keeping distance. 
When he’d taken off his jacket, you’d silently begged for him to rest an arm across the back of your chair just as Jonathan was doing to Nancy. And he had, almost too naturally before he’d caught himself. It would have been easier to play off cooly, probably would have gone unnoticed, but your boy had practically jumped out of his bones as he’d flinched and tucked his arm back into himself suddenly. He’d even bumped his elbow against his own seat in his haste.
And Nancy had noticed. 
“That’s only three shots per person!” Argyle defends, “Four for me, since you know – birthday boy.” 
While Eddie may be avoiding alcohol tonight, you aren’t. Not unusual, but it had been odd when Eddie had told the waitress your order of an amaretto sour rather than you telling her yourself. 
Another strike. Another thing Nancy had noticed with her watchful eye.
“I’m down,” you shrug, “Hell, I’ll even take an extra shot if those two dumbasses won’t.” 
“Is that a good idea?” 
You wish Eddie had been drinking to excuse his idiocracy. Because all it takes is him saying that, not with malice but with concern, and the look on Nancy’s face told you she was officially catching on.
He hadn’t said it with the concern of a friend prepared to warn against drinking yourself sick. He’d said it with the concern of someone who would be taking care of you by the end of the night, of someone who would be dealing with the aftermath of that many shots. 
You two were bombing this whole secrecy, to put it lightly. 
You try to save the moment but laughing it off, turning to him slightly and teasing, “What, are you my keeper now?” 
Despite your best efforts, the statement doesn’t come across as friendly banter. It’s not quite fighting either. It’s a dare, you dangling something in Eddie’s face that no one else at this table quite sees. A stupid, idiotic continuation of your flirtatious game of cat and mouse from earlier in the apartment, when he’d deliberately gotten you hot and bothered. When he’d deliberately let you leave in his shirt. His palm is warm when he shifts ever so slightly, placing it on your thigh beneath the table. Out of sight from everyone else. Fueling and fanning all your growing flames. 
You two were toeing a very dangerous line tonight. 
His eyes darken a bit, and you pray no one else notices in the dim bar lighting, “I don’t know, am I?” 
Everyone is distracted enough with your idea. Steve and Jonathan were agreeing, saying they could take one shot and then others in the group could shoulder the extras. Robin was quick to also say she’ll take an extra one. But Nancy is silent, watching your quiet exchange with Eddie. 
“I don’t think you are, Munson.”
Except he is. Without a single doubt in your bones, you know that he is. 
Your playful smile betrays you. It tugs up the corners of your mouth and it’s clear to any outsider this wasn’t a brewing argument. The game was obvious if anyone was watching close enough. And Nancy, ever the smart one, was watching close enough. 
She’s playing her cards right, you realize, when she waits until the group has ordered the round of shots to say anything. 
“So, Eddie,” she begins, drawing the entire group’s attention to her best friend, “Do anything fun today?” 
He nearly chokes on his coke subtly. “I- Um-” 
“You just didn’t answer any of my texts today,” she continues on, “Must have been busy, yeah?” 
Eddie retracts his hand from your thigh, far more elusive in this action than he had been about removing his arm from your chair, before he fiddles with his hands in his lap. “Yeah – no, yeah. Sorry about that, Nance.” 
He pulls his phone from his pocket for no apparent reason. The shiny new smartphone, having not even bought a case or screen protector yet. You’d already yelled at him for that, claiming out of everyone, you trust him the least to not break the phone on the first day. He’d only laughed and shut you up with a kiss. 
His new phone is placed face down on the table, cherry red glinting, “I just had to go to the mall and-”
“Is that a new phone?” Argyle interrupts him, catching sight of the movement and the glinting, “Oh, holy shit, my dude! That’s a new phone! That is an iPhone if I’ve ever seen one!” 
Everyone – Robin, Steve, Jonathan – are rapidly leaning to catch sight of it as if they can’t believe it. Eddie continues to shrink at being the center of attention suddenly. 
“It is,” Steve laughs in disbelief, “Never thought I’d see the day, Munson.” 
Robin scrunches her face, “Does this mean we have to add him to the group chat?” 
You let out a giggle at that, lips pressed to try and contain some of that smile breaking through as you look at him and wiggle your brows. He immediately rolls his eyes, but picks up the phone regardless to give everyone a better look. 
“Yes, yes. I’ve finally joined the dark side,” he teases everyone just as the waitress returns with the tray of shots. Jonathan is the only one with enough sense to look away from Eddie’s spectacle, thanking her kindly, “Feast your eyes, my friends, for this is where my five hundred dollars went-” 
“Holy shit.” 
Nancy’s sudden whisper of an exclamation has everyone freezing. Eddie stops spinning and flipping the phone to show it off, staring at her with nothing but concerned, “What? What happen-” 
Nancy shares a look with Robin as they both grin.
Oh no. 
“Eddie,” Nancy says slowly, turning her head back his way slowly. 
“What?” Eddie frowns, eyes flitting back and forth between Nancy and Robin.
Robin is the one to ask the question rather than Nancy, “What exactly is your lockscreen?” 
Eddie goes pale. You’re confused, looking at the phone he’s currently cradling with the screen against his palm. 
Did he even change it? Wouldn’t it just be one of the default ones? 
“Guys,” you decide to come to his rescue, still impossibly confused, “It’s probably just some default screen, don’t tease him.” 
“That was not a default screen,” Nancy laughs out. 
Argyle looks around at everyone. Nancy and Robin, both with mischievous glints in their eyes. Eddie, still ghostly white as if he’s been caught red-handed. Steve and Jonathan, both just shrugging at each other. “Uh…. Why do I feel like I’m missing something here?”
“Show the class your lock screen, Eds.”
“Fuck off, Nancy.” 
“Oh my God,” Robin coos, leaning across Steve and pressing you back gently to catch sight of Eddie, who’s dipping his face down, “He’s blushing!” 
“Guys, leave him alone,” Steve insists, sharing a look with you now. But you have no clue what’s going on.
You have no clue what his lockscreen is. 
“Edward Munson, show us that lockscreen right now, or I’m Venmo-requesting five hundred dollars from you,” Robin continues to threaten. 
You look away from Steve and at Eddie immediately, leaning in closer to his space. He looks at you, clearly focusing on your presence more than everyone else’s, and smiles like a child trying to get out of trouble. 
“Eddie,” you say quietly, almost impossible for your friends to hear, “What the fuck is your lockscreen?” 
He slowly and carefully turns the screen towards you, making sure only your eyes can see it, and- oh.
It’s a low quality photo. Clearly taken on his flip phone. Details just a little fuzzy, and the darkness of the photo wasn’t helping. But you can see it clearly. You can make out exactly what it was that had Nancy and Robin losing their minds. 
It’s a picture of you and Eddie, with your head on Eddie’s chest.
For a moment, everyone else at the table doesn’t exist. You hadn’t been insane that night – he had taken a photo. A snapshot of the moment where everything had changed. The moment in which you had given up the fight and completely succumbed to just how much Eddie meant to you, how badly you pined for him and how deeply you liked him. 
“I was going to make it the one of you at Betty’s,” he whispers, “But, I just- I really liked this photo.” 
He’s still tense, as if he expects you to be upset with him. 
You’re the farthest thing from upset at him. 
“You made me your lockscreen?” you breathe out, a slow-growing smile beginning to stretch your lips. 
You’re not upset at him. As a matter of fact, you’re in love with him. You want to scream it from every rooftop, shout it to every stranger on the street – you are in love with Eddie Munson.
And you have been for a while. You just hadn’t found a way to tell him yet.
“Yeah,” he loosens up a little when he realizes you’re happy, enamored with the fact, “Yeah, of course I did. Who else am I going to make it besides my favorite…. Enemy?” 
He says it loud enough for everyone to hear clearly. All of Nancy’s teasing has come to a halt, Robin has settled back into her chair, and Steve is finally looking too curious for his own good. 
“As birthday boy,” Argyle breaks the moment, shatters away the bubble you and Eddie always seemed to end up in, “I am demanding I get to see this lockscreen.” 
Eddie doesn’t make any move to show the screen to any other person, only watching you for approval. 
Well, so much for next time. 
You give him a little nod. 
Eddie makes a dramatic show of it, sighing heavily before he very slowly turns his lockscreen to face everyone else. But even in his dramatics, you can see that weight lifting off his chest.
This, as a matter of fact, changes everything. 
No more hiding, no more lying. One simple flash of his phone screen, of a photo he had taken on a night that no one has even been gifted the details of yet, and all your friends suddenly know.
The reactions all vary. 
Argyle leans forward and squints before his face breaks out into pure joy for the two of you, “Oh, fuck yes! Best birthday gift ever. Pay up, my dudes!” 
Jonathan leans backward, digging out his wallet as he murmurs, “Son of a bitch.” 
Steve only smiles and shakes his head, also digging for his wallet as he seemingly chastizes himself, “I should have fucking known.” 
“Hold on,” you look between everyone as Jonathan digs out a couple twenties, “Wait, did you guys fucking bet on this?” 
“We did,” Robin answers you, holding up a hand to make Jonathan and Steve pause their retrieval of cash, “What do you take us for? Idiots? Now, gentlemen, before either of you payout, we’ve gotta ask the most important question,” she shoves a palm against Steve’s chest so that he’s out of line of sight, gaze set on you and Eddie, “When did this happen?” 
You don’t have any time to be mad at your friends. Because when Robin asks you this, suddenly you’re back to two months ago. You’re outside your dorm with Eddie, kissing him as if tomorrow would never be promised, and you’re home. 
You pulled back from Eddie finally, both of you gasping for breath as he held you steady. Your exchange from moments before still hung heavy in the air. 
You liked him, you liked him, you liked him. 
And the feeling was mutual. 
You’d already known, but it was nice to hear. It was nice to be reminded that this, what had happened between you two, was so very real. 
“I don’t wanna start over,” the words tumbled from your tongue before you could consider them, upheaving from your chest, desperate for Eddie to heard them, “I- I don’t need to start over. I like our story, okay? You had been right – it wasn’t all bad, and… and I don’t want to start over. I never want you to be a stranger again, and I know that sounds stupid-” 
“It’s not stupid,” he interrupted you, forehead meeting yours, “So very not stupid.” 
“I don’t care if you were a dick,” you continued on, carefully, “I was, too. We were both… shitty. I forgive you. I’ll forgive you a thousand times over, as long as you keep trying to make it up to me.” 
“Make it up to you?” he grinned playfully, “And just how do you suggest I start making it up to you?” 
“Ask me out,” his eyebrows raised in surprise, and you knew you must have looked like a wild idiot to everyone else, but you didn’t care, “To dinner, to a movie, to just hang around your apartment with you for another twenty four hours – I don’t care. Just… Just please, Munson, ask me out.” 
And so he had. A first date, a second date, a third. You two had gone through the entire ordeal of every cliche relationship despite the unconventional beginning. You’d gone to dinner, you’d gone to a movie, and you had done plenty of hanging out around his apartment and more. 
“The night of the bet,” Eddie answers as he finally brings an arm up around your shoulders, just as he had wanted to earlier. 
Immediately, both Robin and Argyle let out their own curses, pulling out their wallets just as Steve and Jonathan had. 
You look between them, all the annoyance you should feel just being run over with adoration for these idiots. Your eyes land on Nancy, and when you realize she’s the only one at the table not coughing up any cash, you ask her, “I’m assuming you guessed correctly?” 
“I did,” she nods, looking proud of herself. 
“How’d you know?” 
Nancy raises a threatening finger, before suddenly pointing it right in Eddie’s direction, “That idiot has always been down bad for you-”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie stops her, “I’ve already told her the nitty gritty details. No need to embarrass me.” 
“No need to embarrass you?” Nancy asks in disbelief, “Good God, just how many times did I have to sit and listen to you pine for her? No, no – I have earned this, Munson.” 
You look at Eddie, a glint in your eye, “You only told me about the first time.”
“I only remembered the first time,” he counters, blushing under yellow and faded lights, “I was usually dru-”
“Don’t lie,” Nancy stops him, “There were plenty of rants where you were dead sober.” 
Everyone only smiles at Eddie, a few teasing comments made his way, but none of them matter as you lean into his side, your shoulder bumping his to the best of your ability with his arm still around you.
“Aw, babe,” you coo, warm all over for the man beside you, “You had a crush on me? That’s cute.” 
His chin lowers, eyes boring into yours with unlimited affection. For a moment, it’s just you and Eddie. The guise of you two having your own bubble of a moment. 
His head tilts further, his ears brushing your ear as he whispers for just you to hear, “So did you, if I’m not mistaken.” 
“Not mistaken,” you whisper back. Money is now being exchanged, tossed across the table with grumbles that hold no heat. 
Yeah, you did have a crush on Eddie. You still do. You don’t think you’ll ever stop having a crush on him, even as he’s surrendered himself as yours. Especially not when his thumb is stroking your shoulder as it is now. 
Just like that very first night. The smoky bar fades to nothingness, your tunnel vision focused on Eddie. You know jokes are being made about the two of you by your friends, but it’s all white noise when he’s looking at you like this. Like you’re everything to him, like he’s just returned home after a long week. 
You’d really like to be his home to return to after every long week, for the rest of your lives, but there’ll be time to ponder on that later. For now, you two have time. 
The voice inside your head suddenly comes to life as it recognizes that this is your moment. You can tell him. Now that you’ve told everyone else, you can tell him those three words. Finally get them off your chest. Make it real. 
“Hey, Munson,” you say, still quiet enough for the words to only reach his ears. He perks up, eager to drink your next words. You have all his attention. You always have all his attention, “I-” and then you choke. He stares curiously for a few seconds, and the words just won’t come out. You want to scream – you wonder if it would work if you screeched the three words at the top of your lungs. Probably not, “I’m just really glad you didn’t really hate me,” a pathetic excuse at a coverup,  “And… I’m really glad they made that first bet.” 
He smiles so softly, it strikes you right in the center of your chest. Right amongst your garden that not only had you tended for him, but that he had also had a hand in watering these last few months. 
You should have told him. You love him, and you should have told him. 
“I’m really glad I didn’t hate you, too,” he remarks, squeezing your shoulder a little tighter, “Actually, I’m glad you don’t hate me. Not anymore, at least.” 
“I never really did.”
“You definitely sort of did. You tried to take me out with a glass, remember?” 
You burst into secluded laughter, hearing your friends beginning to pass around the shots but paying them no mind. 
Eddie can’t help it. He pulls you in close, placing an impulsive kiss to your temple and letting his lips linger there. Just pressed against you, breathing in the scent of you. 
That kiss sends shivers down your spine, warmth through the center of your bones. You love him. 
You love him, you love him, you love him. 
So why can’t you just tell him that?
“Aw!” Robin pulls the two out of your bubble, “Aren’t they just adorable?”
“Yes, yes,” Steve passes two shot glasses down to your end of the table, “Absolutely adorable. It’s nauseating. Also, I’d like to go on record – I totally knew the entire time. I was just giving them the benefit of the doubt.” 
“Playing the Devil’s advocate?” Argyle asks, lining up his multiple shots, “I dig it. Even though you’re totally lying right now.” 
“You’re so lucky it’s your birthday, dude,” Steve rolls his eyes, clearly holding back an insult. 
Eddie’s arm stays heavy on you, a welcome weight as you sit up straighter to take your own several shots. 
These were your friends. Somewhere you belonged, filled with people you loved and a boy you could come home to after all your long weeks. A certain happiness that is rare, and impossible to place, and can nearly bring you to tears overwhelms you as you grab that first shot. 
“Also-” Steve turns to you and Eddie, “I knew that was Munson’s shirt. The day he got it, all he did was brag about what a rare find it was. Fuck off with your Target bullshit.” 
Eddie’s hand leaves your shoulder long enough to reach out and thump Steve, laughter booming and vibrating against you, “Sure you did, Stevie.” 
“Target has some nice things,” Nancy offers with a shrug, now holding her own shot glass. 
The seven of you all hold up the first of what will probably be too many shots tonight, the beginning of a night that will probably be remembered through killer hangovers tomorrow and possibly even captured on camera by the likes of Jonathan, Steve, and Eddie. 
“To Argyle,” you take the lead on the cheers, jittery and anxious as all the love you continue to withhold buzzes in your chest, lifting your small glass in his direction, “The most lovable twenty three year old I know.” 
Everyone moves to drink, but Argyle immediately shakes his head, “Nah, fuck that. It’s not even my birthday yet – I demand a new toast.” 
He lifts his brows, staring you down and silently adding, you know what to do. 
And yeah, you did know what to do. 
“Fine,” you sigh dramatically, leaning further forward, Eddie’s arm following. You relish in the tense silence as everyone waits for what you’re about to say instead. Even Eddie is waiting with bated breath, watching your every move, a contrasting yet easy smile on his face, “To bets.” 
A booming applause from your group. Glasses tapping against the wooden table before shots are downed. Groans of disgust as the tequila hits everyones’ tongues. 
Eddie hardly waits before you’ve both swallowed to remove his arm and grab your face, turning your cheek so that his lips can capture yours. Everyone only cheers louder, Steve letting out an obnoxious whistle as Argyle claps. You’re surely going to get kicked out of the bar at this rate. But you really don’t care as you kiss your boy back. 
Next time. You have to tell him next time. 
The night ends in more of a whisper than a bang, surprisingly. 
Everyone has suddenly become a happy drunk, probably from all the love and good news passed around throughout the night. It’s all warm feelings and warm hugs, tequila on the breath and love on the mind. 
You don’t even get kicked out of the bar. Your waitress only smiles at your rowdy table from time to time, and you figure that all the good vibes must be rubbing off on her. 
Steve is the first to call it quits. Robin has drank enough to give herself the hiccups, and he says that after that, she almost always gets viciously nauseous. He wants to get in the car and home before she gets to the point, for the sake of his car’s interior not getting covered in puke.
It’s a domino effect from there.
Argyle quickly agrees, Jonathan offers a guiding arm to Nancy, and Eddie’s arm only tightens around you. The group closes out the tab, putting off worries of everyone paying Jonathan back until tomorrow. Quick, simple, painless. 
Until you all get outside. And goodbyes are exchanged – that’s not the part that gets to you – with promises of seeing each other throughout the week. Everyone congratulates you and Eddie one more time for good measure, Nancy and Steve looking the most proud of you two as Argyle and Robin giggle like children about it. And it’s fine – you laugh along and it’s all good. You let them get in all their I told you so’s and know it’s all in good fun. 
It’s all fine. Until you two branch off from the group, Eddie’s bike across the lot from everyone else’s cars. 
The moment you two are alone, you can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or if it’s the levity of suddenly having a moment that only belongs to you. Your mind wastes no time of reminding you of your pathetic cop out: I’m just really glad you didn’t really hate me. None of those words even sound akin to the real ones you should have said.
I love you. 
It’s not because your friends have found out. You know it’s not that, because just last week, right after your breakdown about whether you were smothering Eddie by half-living in his apartment, you’d had a breakdown because you realized you wanted to fully live in his apartment. You’d had a breakdown because you hadn’t grown tired of him yet, hadn’t satisfied the need to see his face every morning when you first wake up yet. You hadn’t gotten bored with all his lingering affectionate touches. You hadn’t gotten used to the way he’d kiss you in the middle of sentences. He was still taking your breath away, two months later, and you had a breakdown because you realized it wasn’t novelty or a pathetic crush making you feel this way.
You had a breakdown because you love Eddie. 
You love him, ardently so, and you still can’t find the right moment to say those words to him. He deserves to know – the entire foundation of this relationship was honesty.
It’s all you can think about as his hand finds yours and he’s walking up to his bike, practically dragging you up to his bike as your legs forget how to work amongst nerves. 
“So, I was thinking,” he carries on conversation so casually, “You want to spend the night at my place? I know you said you don’t have any class-“ 
Now. Not later, not next time. Now. 
“Hey, Eddie?” you interrupt him, stopping the two of you a few paces away from his bike. 
His face is impossibly concerned as he looks down at you, clearly reading the worry on your face, “What’s up, babe?” 
Here goes nothing – be brave.
Why is this so hard? 
It shouldn’t be this hard, because loving Eddie is easy. 
It’s easy when he’s looking at you like this, like he always does. It’s easy when he wakes up after you, and he comes into the kitchen to just wrap himself around you as you make him coffee, no matter what time of day it might be. It’s easy when he catches your eye from across the room during outings, sometimes winking once he knows you’ve found his gaze, just to see you laugh. It’s easy when he tries to distract you from homework when you’ve been spending far too many hours hunched over your laptop on his couch, coming and bugging you, laying his head on your lap and insisting his girl needs a break. It’s easy when he kisses you and everything just feels right. 
It’s easy. He loves you – you love him.  It isn’t hard. You’re making this hard, when it never was. 
“I love you,” you admit quietly, voice shaking as the words leave you easily. 
Loving Eddie is easy. 
“I love you,” you say more surely, voice raising in volume as you find the willpower to look into his eyes, “I love you so fucking much, Eddie.” 
Each time you say it, you gain confidence in it. It’s true – you love him. You love him so much, it encompasses every inch of your being. It entirely consumes you. You love him. 
His face falls slowly, mouth agape and eyes boring into yours.
You don’t wait for his response. You already have it – in the way he’s still holding your hand, in the way he holds you at the end of each night, in the way he knows both your orders at bars and coffee shops. In the way he will always put himself between you and the street when walking down the sidewalk, in the way when he roughly stops his bike at stop lights that his hand always flies back to hold onto you. In every soft touch and every expression of devotion he has offered you for not just two months, but for over a year. 
“You love me?” he softly asks, finally beginning to come back to life. 
You nod without hesitation, “I love you, Eddie.” 
Now that you’ve started saying it, you can’t stop it. And each time, it’s still heavy and sweet like honey, even as the confession comes as easy as breathing. It’s pouring from every crevice, filling up the night air around you. 
He takes you off guard with a harsh kiss. His teeth colliding with yours, his breath stealing yours, his entire being molded with yours. 
“Say it again,” he begs in a murmur as he pulls you in even closer, desperate as you break into a smile, “God, please say it again, sweetheart.” 
“I love you,” your cheeks begin to ache, the kiss no longer even to be a considered a kiss as you two are just mindlessly pressing your smiles together, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” with each repeat of the sentiment, Eddie drinks it in, “I’m so fucking in love with you, Eddie Munson. You and your stupid lockscreen and-”
“You do not think my lockscreen is stupid,” he pulls away, raising his eyebrows as his palms squish your cheeks, “I saw the way you looked at me. You were eating that shit up.” 
You bite your lip, trying to pull further away from him, but he won’t let you, “I was not-”
“You were,” he cheekily teases, eyes bright as he looks at you, “You were, and it was the best thing ever. Totally worth stealing Argyle’s spotlight.” 
“We didn’t steal Argyle’s spotlight,” you try to defend yourself. 
“We so did.”
You shake your head to the best of your abilities, face still between his hands, “We… Okay, we sort of did.”
He grins like a young boy, all his youth and all his love on show for you as he leans down, pausing right before pressing another kiss to your lips, “We definitely did. And it’s fair, because they fucking bet on us.” 
“They did,” you agree, not even feeling guilty anymore, too consumed by the love for the man right in front of you, “They tend to do that a lot, don’t they?” 
“They do.” 
He finally surges forward, lips sealing against yours one last time. It’s less messy this time, more meaningful. A bit more patient as he takes the time to fit his lips into yours, just as they should be. 
You have an audience. You’re completely oblivious until you hear the cheering from across the parking lot, snapping apart to both glance at where Argyle and Robin are jumping up and down, screaming their heads off. 
“Hell yeah, my dudes!” Argyle’s voice booms as Robin only produces incoherent coos to echo. 
Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan are all just watching silently, shaking their heads, but you can also see their grins. Almost as radiant as you felt.
Steve finally cups his hands around his mouth, sending his voice to you over Argyle’s continuing whooping, “Get a room!” 
Perfectly in sync, you and Eddie both throw up a hand with your middle fingers raised in their direction, still half tangled in each other. 
Your eyes find Nancy. She’s looking at you two with overwhelming pride, a certain satisfaction that breathes out the relief of finally. This may be a weight off not only your chest but Eddie’s as well, yet you can’t help but imagine just how she feels. How many nights she had stomached Eddie’s rambles about you leading up to this very moment. The pay off must be unimaginable. 
“Congrats on finally getting the girl, Munson!” she calls out, but her eyes are on you, winking. 
You see it now. Why they’re best friends. How all her best parts and Eddie’s best parts overlap and compliment one another perfectly. 
Jonathan is the final one to yell across the parking lot at you two, one arm slung around Nancy as the other moves to unlock his car, even his usually grumpy face showing signs of elation in that timid smile, “Now take your girl, home, dude. Spare the rest of us the gory details.” 
Eddie’s laugh reverberates against you physically from how he holds you, also making its way to burrow deep within your chest where all that liquid bliss belongs, as he throws his entire head back and makes you finally focus on just him again. Home. Not just his apartment, but him. You realize now that it’s simply wherever he goes. Where he leads, you’ll follow. It could be a shitty dorm room with a mattress that leaves your back aching, it could be a comforting apartment that holds you ‘hostage’ for twenty four hours straight – it doesn’t really matter. Wherever he is, home is. He’s your home; you love him, he knows you love him, and he’s your home. 
When his laughter finally fades, and he’s looking at you again, his dimples are prominent as ever through his whisper, “Just in case you’ve forgotten – I’m very much in love with you, too, sweetheart.” 
His lips meet yours for good measure. 
It’s been the longest week of your life, the longest year, but you’re finally home.
taglist: @catherinnn @haylaansmi @gaysludge @paprikaquinn @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @blushingquincy @hellkaisersangel @eddieslittlewh0re @ajkamins @prettyboy200 @munsonzzgf @blue-eyed-lion @digwhatudug @madaboutjoe @wickedslashdivine @sweet-villain @somespicystuff @big-ope-vibes @jadequeen88 @sylviin @emma77645 @notbeforelong @lolalanaie @lo-siento-ama @happy-and-alone @micheledawn1975 @aysheashea @moon-huny @munsonswrld @bambipowerblueaddition @averagestudent03 @bakugouswh0r3 @mattefic @mxcheese @bietchz @nativity-in-black @stezzil @vngelis @coley0823 @folklorebau @luvmunson86 @theherothesavior @keene200213 @hargrovesswifee @m-chmcl-rmnc @cherrymedicine13 @iunaelumen777
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hiael · 9 months
Obey Me! Headcanons that the voices in my head created
The pact marks don't affect the MC in general, but when they are used, the color of the user's eyes tends to change to the color of sin (when Solomon sees the color of his eyes changing to the colors of his brothers, geez, jealousy boy), it happens more often than you think and in addition to the marks on the body, it's a reminder to everyone that you're connected with the lords of hell.
Human beings can speak very quickly and neither demons nor angels can keep up when this happens. Scientifically, we talk fast because of anxiety, nervousness, excitement or the communication conditions that the environment provides. Solomon and MC talking about something they thought was cool during the tea? For the others it becomes a RAP battle and all they can hear is "hum, nah, ha, hehe", the rest is indecipherable. More than once, during a presentation or debate in class, MC was told to shut the fuck up or slow down so that everyone could understand.
All material related to the history of the human world is more or less 100 to 200 years out of date in the library. Satan is slowly trying to update this, but they think that 200 years is almost nothing for humans to change, so unlike technology (which they think they created with magic) they just don't care. A new iPhone ok, now the human being landed on the moon during a bloodless war? Their lie, do you still believe what mortals say?
Humans sleep more than angels and demons, but even less than demons from the circle of laziness. MC, Solomon and Belphie (and sometimes Luke) usually sleep in some places at RAD during and between classes.
All exchange students have their own fan club. Luke's must be the quietest, everyone friendly and kind so as not to disappoint the little angel. Did you see him walking past you today, sad that he hadn't managed to buy a keyring at the RAD art fair? Bitch surprise, his fan club are still demons, the keyring will mysteriously appear on his desk in the classroom written "To Luke, a little big ray of sunshine in our lives" and the person who bought it has left the RAD, anyone know why?
Still on the subject of fan clubs, we're not talking about Solomon's. If the number of demons he has a pact with isn't enough of a warning, there are others walking around in capes and blouses as if they were cosplayers and sending letters to his house with phrases like 'roses are red, violets are blue, can we make a pact? Signed: Demon X' should be a better warning
And to end the fan clubs, MC's are trained in the art of being meticulous, a silent army that lives in the shadows - meaning they are in the devildom version of twitter. Lots of photos taken on the sly, fanart of all kinds, fanfics, merchandise and videos edits of (and when were they sheep? There are millions and millions of images circulating out there). Ever wondered why Miss Em sold so much? The MC fandom. They won't compete with anyone for their attention, the sweet human is simply appreciated the way they are (and they don't want to be on the brothers' list to "get away from the MC"). The Human Appreciation Club was not approved by the student council and they removed their devilpedia page, but that didn't erase these demons desire to idolize MCs. Live, love and laugh for MC, the way simps are.
At some point, the Real or Cake trend went crazy until Luke, who started making desserts that looked like everyday things, only stopped after surprising Simeon by cutting a cell phone-shaped cake (Simeon tried to break his with his hand after that, thinking it was cake. He spent 3 weeks without a phone)
Every time MC returns from a trip to the human world, they have to bring a suitcase just with souvenirs from there. Luckily, it can be anything they find fun, like a frog-shaped coaster, a jar of M&Ms with a pinwheel on top, a whole corn cake, a tie with a motivational quote, a children's book, or a coin of a specific year. Everyone just loves the fact that MC was thinking of them and they love using the gift they received. Barbatos's favorite tea set is now a completely transparent one with gold floral details.
Children's cartoons from 1940 still show on Devildom TV and Beel watches while eating or working out.
Lucifer has a family photo inside his wallet, Mammon once tried to steal his credit card, he was so shocked that he ended up screaming, he was caught and punish. Neither of them mention the photo.
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therealcocoshady · 2 months
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Ok sorry for blowing up your asks, but I have one that might be right up your angsty alley…
Marshall is having a particularly hard time on one of the anniversaries of Proof’s passing…🕊️ He’s super vulnerable with reader and she has to comfort him 😔🥺
Eminem x Assistant Reader
Synopsis : Em is nowhere to be found as you're waiting for him for an important meeting. Turns out... It's the anniversary of Proof's passing and he needs you.
Tags : Vulnerability - Grief - Angst - Comfort
Author's Note : Thank you for this Ask ! I low-key love that you thought of me when it comes to angsty requests 👀. I got inspired and ended up writing quite a bit but I'm afraid it's all over the place. I hope you like it nonetheless. ❤️
Do you know where he is ? Paul asked, visibly unnerved. He should already be here ! 
He’s coming, you assured the manager. I reminded him of this meeting on Friday, don’t worry, he’s going to show up. 
It’s your job to make sure he shows up on time, Y/N, Paul added sternly. That’s what personal assistants are for. 
He’s never late, you said. I’m sure there’s a good reason. Something must have come up… 
It was unlike Marshall to show up late to a work meeting, especially when it involved music. In the past year, since you had started working for him, he had never shown up late anywhere. If anything, he was a bit neurotic about punctuality. « Early is on time, on time is late » he always said. And when it came to anything regarding his latest album, he tended to show up extremely early, polishing details up until the last minute. Except that, today, he was almost thirty minutes late and you were facing Paul and Dre on your own, and there was only so much small talk you could make. 
Look, if the album’s not ready for me to listen to yet, you guys just have to say so, Dre said. 
No, it is, Paul assured him. I mean, you know Marshall, he’s always trying to polish and tweak little things, but we have a version that’s more than ready for you. We wouldn’t have you come from LA otherwise… 
I’ll try an call him, you said. 
You got up and went to your office. You were starting to be a little freaked out. You didn’t want to be dramatic, but you were starting to feel scared that something terrible had happened. One time, he got into a car crash and was not even that late. Thirty minutes late for Marshall was basically four hours late for anyone else. You got out of the room and tried to call him, but he didn’t pick up. Had he lost his phone ? You knew he hated the iPhone you had convinced him to buy - to replace his more than ancient Blackberry - and he used it as little as possible, but him losing anything was unlikely. And he knew about this meeting. You had specifically reminded him of it. He wouldn’t show up late to a meeting with Dre. He had way too much respect for the man. You nervously checked his iCloud calendar, thinking that maybe he was confused about the time. Unlikely but not impossible either. You remembered adding the event « Meeting with Dre - ALBUM VERSION 1 » for this Monday, 9:00 AM a while ago. But it was nowhere to be found. Had it been accidentally deleted ? Had you dropped the ball ? No. Impossible. Not to toot your own horn, but you wouldn’t screw up like that. It was probably a bug. You checked the week’s other events. Deleted too. You knew he had other meetings and studio sessions planned, but they did not appear on the calendar. Weird. Especially since last week’s event were still appearing, and the following week’s too. It looked like someone had cleared this week’s schedule and you knew it wasn’t you. It had to be Marshall, then, since he was the only other person to have access to his calendar. You were worried. He would not clear a whole week’s schedule, especially not when he was nearly done with his album. Something had to have happened. Something awful, by the looks of it. Your mind immediately went to his family. They were the only people he would clear his schedule for. You decided to call Hailie, hoping that nothing awful had happened to her or her sisters. 
Hey Y/N, you heard her soft voice say as she picked up the phone. How are you ? 
Hey Hailie, you said nervously. Are you alright ? 
All good, she said. Why ? Are you ok ? Is there anything wrong ? 
Um… I don’t know, you said. I'm trying to reach your Dad. Have you heard of him ? 
Not since Thursday, I think. He told me he was spending the weekend with you. What’s wrong ? 
He’s just a little late to a meeting, you said as you tried to sound casual. I was worried that something had happened to you, your sisters, Nate… 
No, we’re all good, she said reassuringly. Look, I’m in Chicago, but I can try and call him… 
Don’t worry about it, you said. Enjoy Chicago.
Thank you ! See you ! 
Hailie didn’t seem too worried, so there was at least that. However, you were a little bugged off. You absolutely had not spent the weekend with Marshall and, frankly, you were a bit shocked that he had lied to his daughter about it. Not that you never spent the weekend together - in the past six months, it had happened quite a bit - but he was not the type to lie to his daughter. It was odd that he would use you as a lie, especially since your relationship - if you could call it that - was still in the developing stage. As far as Hailie was concerned, you were the closest thing her Dad had to a girlfriend but, in actuality, it was a bit more complicated. It wasn’t necessarily serious or committed, and there most certainly wasn’t any label on it. You were his personal assistant, whom he occasionally fooled around with. The only reason Hailie saw you as his girlfriend was that she had walked in on the two of you making out with very, very few clothes on. Thank God, she was an adult and didn’t really want to know anything about it. No one ever mentioned the incident but she assumed there was something between you and Marshall. And there was. In a way. But he wasn’t really the kind of guy to put a label on it and you knew it. He was extremely guarded and, even though you knew you were one of the people closest to him, you didn’t expect much. He was a really great boss, amazing man and more than satisfactory lover, but you knew him enough to know it would never evolve into anything serious. « I don’t do relationships, you know » he had once told you. And you didn’t mind. You enjoyed things just the way they were. The way you saw it, the sex you sometimes had - usually on work trips or late nights - was a perk to your job, along with the generous salary and health benefits. But regardless of all that, him lying about spending the weekend with you was extremely odd. You tried calling him again, but were sent straight to voicemail. You sheepishly went back to the conference room. 
Did you talk to him ? Paul asked. 
No news, you said. That’s odd. I’ll go to his place and if he’s not there, I’ll try the hospitals. I’m sorry. 
I hope he’s ok, Dre said. Keep us posted ? 
Of course. 
You made your way to your car and drove to his place. Security knew your car and plates and saw you often enough to let you through the gates. You parked in front of Marshall’s house and immediately noticed that the car he used the most was parked out front. He was home. Thank God, you didn’t have to worry about a car crash. You rang the bell but no one came to open it. Maybe he had slipped in the shower and injured his head ? Or fallen down the stairs ? No. You often joked about him being older but he wasn’t geriatric either. Still, you were worried so you used your spare key and let yourself in. 
The house was unusually dark and messy. You checked downstairs, the living room, kitchen, office… It was messy, like someone had rummaged through things, but Marshall was nowhere to be found. You tried every room upstairs, every closet, every bedroom, but he wasn’t there either. You decided to try the only remaining space you hadn’t checked : the basement (you doubted he was in the garage - he liked his cars but not enough to cancel a meeting about music). That’s where you found him : in one of the dimly lit rooms he had converted into a home music studio, laying on the carpet, eyes closed, headphones on his head. You gasped and almost thought he was dead. You immediately rushed to his side and checked his breath. As soon as you approached, he slowly opened his eyes and groaned. 
Marshall, are you alright ? You asked. Are you hurt ? 
No, he said in a raspy voice before sitting up. 
You examined his face : he looked like a zombie, or at least like someone who had forgotten what sleep and food were. And judging by the smell, he had also forgotten about showers. You usually enjoyed his masculine scent but now he was smelling as rank as a teenage boy addicted to video games. 
What are you doing here ? He asked. 
I came to check you weren’t dead, you said. You missed the meeting with Dre. Paul is furious. 
Wait… What day is it ? He asked in confusion. 
Monday, you said. April 12th. 
He rubbed his eyes and scratched his beard, and you inspected him closer. His eyes were bloodshot, with huge dark circles. The beard he usually kept well-trimmed was all over the place, so was his short hair, and his breath smelled of energy drink. He had always had a penchant for soda and Redbull, but it usually wasn’t to the point of smelling like a candy factory. Well, if you added the smell of sweat, it was more like someone who ran a marathon in the Redbull factory. Marshall looked at you without saying a word. 
Are you alright ? You asked. 
Does it look like I’m alright ? He groaned. 
Not really, you admitted - not really knowing what to say. 
Why are you ask, then ?
If you hadn’t been so worried, you would have snapped at him for behaving like an ass, but it wasn’t him. You sighed and looked at the CDs he’d been listening to : « Searching for Jerry Garcia » and « I Miss the Hip Hop Shop » by Proof. That’s when it hit you : today was April 12th and April 11th was the anniversary of his best friend’s passing. The both of you were sitting on the carpet, not saying a word. He knew that you knew. 
Do you… Um… Want to talk about it ? You asked tentatively. 
I need a shower, he said. 
Yes he did. He definitely did. You got up and waited for him to do the same but he simply groaned as he tried to move. You gave him your hand and helped him up as he let out a moan and held his back. You wondered how long he’d been laying there, listening to music and losing track of time. He seemed to have trouble even standing up. « God, he must be exhausted », you thought. 
Need help ? You asked. 
Y-Yeah, he said. 
Shower ? 
Without a word, you helped him to the nearest bathroom where he started undressing without even waiting for you to leave. You could feel your cheeks burn. You’d seen him naked before, sure, but this different than the two of you shedding your clothes in a passionate moment. Now, you had the feeling of seeing something you weren’t supposed to. It felt a bit weird. You watched him step in the shower and went upstairs, to his closet, to pick some clothes for him to wear. You grabbed boxers, some sweatpants, a wife beater and a hoodie and put them in the bathroom, near the sink before opening the windows to let in some light and fresh air, as you tidied up a bit. You’d spent some time in his house before but you had never seen the place this messy. 
Thanks for the clothes, Marshall said as he emerged from the bathroom. 
Feeling better ? You asked. 
When was the last time you showered ? You asked. 
I don’t know, he shrugged. 
Last time you ate ? 
Fri…Sat… I don’t know, he replied. 
He seemed gaunt and, even if the shower seemed to have done some good, Marshall seemed like a corpse. He was standing there, staring at you, not extremely responsive. You had never seen him like this and it was definitely a far cry from his usual self. Ever since you had met him for the first time, you had found him to have an impressive presence. Whenever he walked into a room, he naturally drew attention to him and he had such charisma that he seemed bigger than he actually was. But for the first time, he looked weak and lost. 
Are you hungry ? You asked. 
A bit, he replied. 
Sit, you said. I’ll prepare something. What do you want ? Pasta ? 
Whatever, he said. 
He sat on the couch and you made your way to the kitchen. Being the one responsible for his shopping, you knew the pantry like the back of your hand and knew exactly what was in there. You decided to make some homemade spaghetti, using Mom’s Spaghetti sauce with homemade garlic toasts. His lazy comfort food. When you brought his plate to the living room, he was manspreading, looking at the ceiling. 
Thanks, he said as you handed him the food. Chips would have been enough, you know ? 
You need to eat a real meal, you simply said. 
He nodded and started to eat. You noticed he was avoiding your gaze. He usually didn’t have much trouble maintaining eye contact, except for when he was ashamed, or sad, or tired. In this case, you knew it was probably a mixture of everything. There was no doubt as to his exhaustion and sadness, and you knew he would feel ashamed for missing an important work meeting. You looked at him and left the room to go and call Paul. 
So ? He asked. How is he ? 
He’s… sick, you lied, knowing full well Marshall wouldn’t want you telling people how you had found him. 
Sick ? The managed asked. What does he have ? 
The flu, you said. It’s pretty nasty. I cleared up his schedule for the week. He needs rest. He’s really sorry about the meeting. 
Alright. I’ll call him later, he said. Dre has to leave today, we’ll have to set up another meeting. 
I’ll let him know. 
You also texted Hailie to let her know you had managed to get ahold of her Dad. When you got back to Marshall, he was looking at a picture frame of him and Proof. From the looks of it, you guessed it was from 2005-2006. You sat next to him in silence. 
The flu ? He asked in a raspy voice. 
Couldn’t come up with anything better on the spot, you said. At least, it buys you the rest of the week so you can rest. 
No need, he said. I can… I can work. 
Bullshit, you sighed. 
He stared in your eyes for the first time all day and sighed. His eyes went back to the picture frame and you could see hum swallow dryly. 
Went was this taken ? You asked. 
March 2006, he said in a breaking voice. It’s the last picture of him I have… 
His breath was shaky and you could tell he was on the verge if tears. You placed a hand over his and gently stroked his skin. 
It’s ok to cry, you know ? You said softly. 
You weren’t too sure why you said that. Of course it was ok to cry. A man in his fifties, especially your boss, did not need your permission to cry. Or so you thought. Because as soon as the words left your lips, the tears started to flow and he started sobbing. You put a hand on his back and tried to soothe him while you saw his face redden and scrunch up, his tears wetting his face. It was painful seeing him like this and you wished there was something you could do. If that were possible, you would gladly take his pain and make it yours. 
Fu-fuck, I-I’m sorry, he said after a while. 
You have nothing to apologize for, you said gently. It’s ok. He was your best friend. It’s ok to be sad. 
I-I fucked up…
It’s just a work meeting, you reminded him. We’ll set up another meeting with Dre, I’ll move a couple of appointments, it’s fine. 
No, not… I-I…
He was trying to speak but he wasn’t making much sense. He was stuttering, his voice cracking, changing pitch… You put your arms around him, half-expecting him to push you away but he didn’t. You kept running a hand up and down his back to soothe him a bit and it seemed effective. 
Thank you, Y/N, he said. 
Were you like this all weekend ? You asked. 
Is that why you told Hailie I was spending the weekend with you ? 
I… Yeah, he said sheepishly. I didn’t want the kids to see me like this. 
I see, you said. So… what ? You listened to his music, looked at pictures and lost track of time ? 
I guess, he shrugged. I… I tried to go to his grave yesterday but it was packed. 
I guess a lot of people miss him, you said. 
No, it was… I saw them and they were wearing… My tee-shirts. My merch. They were my fans. On his grave. And it drove me fucking mad. Because I couldn’t even get out of my car, and I had to see these people pay respect but they were fans. They didn’t know him. And I saw the posts on social media. And people keep on making it about me. 
His voice broke again. You had often had conversations with him about fame and how he was dealing with it. Most of the time, he was grateful for it, though he often gave the impression that he didn’t really get why he was famous and how people could look up to him so much. « It’s just me », he often said. Deep down, he only saw himself as a guy trying to make it in hip-hop, trying to be the best emcee. Fame was never really part of his plan, though he was grateful for the success and love of people granted him. But the way he was speaking, it seemed like less of a blessing and more of a curse. He explained to you that he felt guilty for people making Proof’s death about him. Sure, he was his best friend, but he was so much more, and he just wished people would respect his legacy and everything he meant to the hip-hop culture. He also felt guilty when he thought about Proof’s family, who didn’t only have to deal with a tragic loss but also his own fame, and always being asked questions about him. 
His wife… She always hated me, you know ? He said. She hated all of us. Proof was never home, always either getting in trouble with us or trying to keep us out of it. Now we don’t speak too much and… I mean, I get it, I was his friend, not hers, but… I don’t know. I was supposed to be an uncle to his kids, you know ? I’m supposed to be there for them, not make things difficult. I’m supposed to be the one sending flowers, not receiving them in their place. 
Do you keep in touch ? You asked. 
I try, he said. I mean, if the kids need something, they know they can call. Sharonda too. She never would, she’s too proud but… Yeah, I just wish I could do more, you know ? 
I know, you said. You shouldn’t feel guilty… 
No, I should, he shrugged. When he died, I was a massive asshole about it… I mean, I guess I made it a lot about me. But now it makes me so mad. And sad. And I miss him so much and I just wish I could apologize to him. 
For what ? You asked as you stroked his hand. 
Everything, he shrugged. For being ungrateful and not seeing everything he did to hold down the fort. Proof… He was strong when I was weak. And I never got to tell him how thankful I am. If it weren’t for him, I’d still be making burgers. 
I’m sure he knew how much you loved him, you said softly. 
I hope, he said. He was everything to me… Like… We didn’t love each other like that, you know. Like, no homo or whatever. But sometimes I think he was the love of my life. In a platonic way. Like, he was my other half, the one who made me a better person. And now that he’s gone… I’m just me. And it’s hard. 
You’re still pretty great, you said. And I know he would be proud of you. 
I… I don’t know, he said. 
He seemed lost in his thoughts. You realized you had been stroking his back the whole time and stopped. He turned to you with his eyebrows furrowed and he didn’t even have to ask for you to resume. It was the first time the two of you had such a prolonged physical contact without it being sexual and you wondered if he noticed, too. He closed his eyes and you looked at him some more. He was clearly exhausted and you weren’t too sure how long he would need to sleep. Probably a long time. 
You should go to bed, you said softly. 
I guess, he shrugged. 
You need rest, you insisted. I’ll do the dishes and go home, ok ? You can call me if you need anything. 
Can you stay ? He asked nervously. I… I don’t feel like being… alone. 
Sure, you said with a hint of surprise. 
He got up and headed upstairs. When he noticed you weren’t following him, he turned to you with a raised eyebrow. 
You don’t want to come ? 
Upstairs ? You asked with your eyebrows furrowed. To your… room ? 
You said I needed to sleep, he pointed out. I’m not sleeping on the damn couch. 
You shrugged and followed him. That was new. You had slept over a couple of times, but never in the same bed as him. The only circumstances in which you had seen his bedroom were strictly sexual. But as soon as the deed was done, he wouldn’t sleep in the same bed as you. And even when you had slept with him during work trips, you’d been back to your own room after. It was one of the many ways in which he could be guarded and you knew it had nothing to do with you. He just had his quirky, peculiar ways. He got in bed and looked at you intently. 
Come, he said. 
Ok, you said as you sat next to him. 
Remove your socks, he instructed. 
I’m not removing my socks, you said. My feet are cold. 
You’re not getting in my bed with your dirty socks, he pointed out. 
I just put them on this morning, you said. They’re not dirty. 
It’s a pet peeve, he said. Just… Socks off, ok ? And get under the covers. 
You scoffed. If he was in a good enough state to be oddly specific - as he often was about practically everything in his life - it was a good sign. You took your socks off and sat in bed, under the covers. It felt weird but Marshall didn’t seem to pick on it. He simply laid there and stared at you. 
You’re not laying down ? He finally asked. 
Um… Sitting is fine, you said. 
Can you lie down, please ? He asked. 
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow but still did as you were told. As soon as you laid down next to him, he closed his eyes. Given how exhausted he looked, you half-expected him to fall asleep right then and there but he didn’t. Instead, he kept on tossing and turning. 
What’s up ? You asked. Do you need anything ? 
I think it’s the Redbull, he said. I haven’t drank much else in days. It’s keeping me awake. 
Oh, you said. Let’s talk, then. 
About what ? He asked. 
I don’t know, you shrugged. We can talk about anything. What’s up with the cleared schedule on iCloud ? Did you do that ? 
Yeah… I don’t know, he said sheepishly. I… I went to the cemetery yesterday and when I couldn’t go and had to go home, I guess I lost it. There were these thoughts in my head and… I’m not sure I can do it anymore. Without Proof it’s… too hard. 
Tears were welling in his eyes again. It had been more than fifteen years since Proof’s passing and Marshall had put out quite a few albums in that time, but the wound still seemed fresh. It wasn’t a matter of his technical ability to do it without Proof - of course he could - it was about whether or not he wanted to. 
Ok, you said. 
Ok ? He asked. 
What do you want me to say ? You asked. Do you want me to plead for you to keep going ? I’m not going to. If you want to quit and retire, that’s ok, you’re allowed. 
Really ? 
I mean… Yeah, you said simply. It’s your decision. If you think you don’t have anything else to bring to the table, that’s fine. You’ve had a good run and a career people can only dream of having. If you decide to put an end to it, that’s fine. 
Wait… No, he said. I mean, your job is to talk me out of it. Is that some reverse psychology thing ? 
It’s Paul’s job to talk you out of it, you clarified. Me, I’m just a personal assistant. My job is to manage your schedule and make life easier for you. Whether or not you put out music, my job’s fine as long as you need me to do your shopping, come to football games with you and remind you of your dentist’s appointments. Next one is in two months by the way. 
He chuckled and you couldn’t help but smile. His face was still puffy and he still didn’t look his best, but hearing him laugh - however lightly - was good. He was a great person and you hated seeing him like this. Of all the people you had ever met, he was the one who had suffered the most, and deserved it the least. He was a good, hardworking, honest and generous man, on top of being one of the most talented people ever. His sadness was breaking your heart. If his career was making him sad, if keeping on going without Proof was too hard, he should be allowed to quit. He had earned it and, in your opinion, he didn’t have anything left to prove to anyone. 
So you don’t care whether I end my career or not ? He asked with an amused look. 
As a fan, I think it would be tragic, you said. Especially If you don’t put out that last album. It’s your best work so far. But as a person… What I care about is you, Marshall. I’m in the front row, seeing how hard you work every day. If you say that’s too hard, then that’s too hard and I trust you on that. If you think you’ll be happier doing something else, just enjoying life with your family and focusing on your charity, you should do that. 
Proof would kick my ass for thinking of quitting, he said pensively. 
I think Proof would want you to be happy, you pointed out. 
He hummed and looked at you. He brought a hand to your face and stroked your face as a single tear rolled on his cheek. You smiled and wiped the tear, letting your hand cup his face. You stared at each other in silence. It was unusual but, oddly enough, not uncomfortable. 
Thank you for staying, Y/N, he simply said before letting out a small yawn. 
You should really try and get some sleep, you replied softly. 
He nodded and closed his eyes as you heard him take deep breaths. A couple of minutes later, he was asleep. You could hear him snore lightly. You looked at your phone to check the time. It was only 1PM. You figured you’d stay there for a while and let him sleep while you answered a couple of e-mails. After a couple of hours, Marshall was still sleeping soundly. You thought you might as well do some tidying up in the house, but as soon as you tried to move, you felt his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him. You smiled to yourself as you realized it was the first time you actually cuddled with him - and you enjoyed it more than you probably should. Your back was against his chest and you could feel his heartbeat. This and the sensation of his arm around you were incredibly soothing and you allowed yourself to close your eyes for a minute.
Marshall groaned as you gently shook his shoulder to try and wake him up. He scrunched up his nose and let out a few obscenities. He looked pissed off as he opened his eyes. 
What time is it ? He groaned. 
About 7PM, you said. 
You better have a good reason to wake me up, he sighed. 
I think I do. You have clothes on your bed and ten minutes to get changed, ok ? 
I’m not getting dressed, and I’m not going out, he said with an eye roll. 
And I’m not giving you a choice, you said with a smile. Get up. Please. You won’t regret it. 
You made your way downstairs and prepared a bottle of water and a snack for Marshall as you waited for him. When he arrived, he looked a bit puzzled. He was still clearly tired but he looked a lot better. You made him get in your car and drove to the cemetery. You had called ahead of time and asked if they would do you a favor and keep the place open for a couple more hours. You used the « Marshall Mathers » card, which always worked when it came to getting a table at a fancy restaurant, borrowing a private jet or keeping a store open when Marshall needed to shop for his daughters’ birthday. 
What are we doing here ? He asked as you parked out front.
You know what we’re doing here, you said. It’s after hours and you get to pay your respects in peace. 
You… You arranged for this ?
I did, you said. They’ll be open until 8:30PM. I’m sorry, I didn’t find a florist open, though. 
He looked at you in shock and immediately engulfed you in a hug before whispering a « thank you » in your ear before getting out of the car. An hour later, you were leaning on the hood of your car, smoking a cigarette when Marshall came back. He seemed more at peace. You could tell he had cried - as people often do when they’re visiting someone’s grave - but he seemed alright nonetheless. He walked up to you and took you by surprise by kissing you. Contrary to all the kisses you’d shared until now, this one wasn’t greedy, hungry or passionate. It was tender and soft. Intimate and emotional. 
A-Are you alright ? You asked. 
Yeah, he hummed. Thank you for taking me. 
You’re welcome, you said with a smile. 
Ready to go ? He asked. 
Almost, you said as you pointed to your cigarette - knowing full well the hatred he had of your smoking habit. 
The drive home was a bit weird. You had kissed before but this felt different. You had always enjoyed his kisses but this one was, by far, your favorite. You felt a little guilty for enjoying it so much. If you were honest with yourself, it was a little scary, too. The only reason you had managed not to catch feelings for Marshall was because he was usually guarded and there were a lot of boundaries. But after today, after seeing him this open and vulnerable, you weren’t too sure you could go back to having casual sex with him. It would be too dangerous. 
Did you know Proof’s family would be there ? He asked as you parked in front of his place. 
Were they ? You asked in surprise. No, I didn’t. 
The cemetery must have called them, then, he shrugged. 
I’m sorry, you said. I insisted that you have your privacy… 
It’s fine, he said. I talked to Sharonda. Nasaan was here too. 
How did it go ? 
Pretty well, he said. I’m seeing them later this week. Over dinner. 
That’s great, you replied with a smile. I’m happy for you. 
Thank you Y/N, he said emotionally. For everything you always do for me. I mean, I wouldn’t be able to get through life without you. You put up with me, you make life bearable… And… Thank you for today, especially. 
You’re welcome, you said with a small smile. 
He cupped your face and kissed you again. You leaned into the kiss more than you should. A part of you knew that you should push him away… But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Not after he had such a hard day. So you kissed him back and enjoyed the sensation of his tongue caressing yours, of his fingers in your hair. 
Now, you should go and get some rest, you said softly. 
Are you coming ? He asked as he stroked your cheek. 
Do you need me ? 
Y/N… I always need you. 
And just like that… You knew you were screwed. You felt an army of butterflies in your stomach and your brain was nowhere to be found. It had left the chat as soon as you heard Marshall’s soft voice say he needed you. You were unable to think so your emotions took over as you exited the car and got inside the house, his hand in yours. 
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Had Enough
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Summary: Xavier starts to get overzealous with you. Wednesday puts him in his place.
Warnings: mild Xavier slander (sorry bud), possessive-ish wednesday
Word count: 1.1k
Notes: another request. hope you guys enjoy<3
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Despite Wednesday’s reputation, there were very few people she classified as true enemies.
Sure, she despised the general population of Nevermore, but since she and Bianca had cultivated something akin to a friendship, there wasn’t anyone specific that haunted her thoughts during the day. 
However, Xavier Thorpe was quickly shaping up to be the new target of her antagonism.
She and Xavier had a somewhat complicated relationship. Their issues from her first semester had been largely smoothed over since she took an arrow for him and he gifted her that dreaded iPhone in return. They weren’t exactly friends, but there was no animosity between them.
His feelings for her seemed to pass as well, something Wednesday was eternally grateful for. Unfortunately, it seemed that the new recipient of these romantic feelings was you. And that was completely unacceptable.
She despised the way he insisted on sitting near the both of you during classes to try and impress you with his abilities or tell you terrible jokes in the middle of lectures.
And there were few things that angered her more than seeing him put his arm around you during conversation or ghosting his hand on your back while walking in the hallways.
She wasn’t jealous. No, jealousy had nothing to do with it. In fact, she found the situation laughable, hilarious even. That Xavier, the blank canvas of a man that he was, thought he could take what was hers.
And sure, your relationship wasn’t exactly public. Neither of you was screaming from the rooftops about your feelings because you both preferred to keep your relations private, but it wasn’t as if you were actively hiding it either. Your immediate group of shared friends knew.
Enid, Wednesday had told personally. Only because she wanted the werewolf to know to give the two of you privacy whenever Wednesday brought you to her dorm.
Bianca pieced it together herself, a fact that irritated Wednesday almost as much as the smirk Bianca gave her whenever the two of you walked into fencing class together. Yoko and Divina figured your relationship out because they got, what Enid rather vaguely referred to as, a vibe. Ajax remained blissfully unaware but he was never a threat.
Even other students appeared to cautiously avoid flirting with you in any capacity once they noticed your closeness with Wednesday.
(This carefulness may have also been cultivated by the way Wednesday glared at anyone that got too close for her liking, but that was entirely beside the point.)
The entirety of Nevermore understood that you were spoken for, and she enjoyed that greatly.
But Xavier didn’t appear to comprehend that.
So she would have to take it upon herself to educate him.
The quad was quieter than usual.
It wasn’t completely silent. The chatter of a few dozen students melded together, casting a thin blanket of noise over the small space. But it was nowhere near as rambunctious as it normally was on a Friday afternoon. Which meant that it was easy for Wednesday to find you amongst the commotion.
You were sitting at one of the tables on the far side of the quad, pen in hand while you seemingly worked on homework. Your blazer was tied around your waist, fully exposing the vest underneath.
The sky had been covered by clouds all day, but the clouds were beginning to dissipate in places, allowing rays of light to shine through. One of these places happened to be right above your table, clouds parting to envelope you in a halo of light that could fool anyone into thinking you were an angel sent down from the heavens above.
You looked divine. And the only thing stopping Wednesday from stopping and fully appreciating the sight before her was the person seated beside you.
He looked to be helping you with your work. But Wednesday knew better. He was sitting close enough that your thighs were nearly touching, his lanky frame nearly swallowing you whole when he leaned over to look at your textbook. Every time you looked away to write something down, his eyes would trail down the side of your face in a way that absolutely enraged Wednesday.
What drove her over the edge was his decision to grab your hand.
She was marching over to your table within seconds, her gaze absolutely murderous. A few students in her path instantly fled when they saw her expression, but she paid them no mind, focusing solely on how Xavier’s face fell when you pulled your hand out of his grasp. The sight was just enough to stop her from attempting murder, but not enough to deter her entirely.
You were the first to notice her. The way your eyes lit up at the sight of her gave her an unpleasant fuzzy feeling that she loved despised.
“Hi, Wen,” you greeted, giving her one of the warm smiles reserved for her. Wednesday’s glare softened considerably as her eyes moved from Xavier to you.
“Hello, mon cher.”
“I wasn’t expecting to see you until later. Is everything ok?”
The concern in your voice was touching, a reminder of how sweet you were even in less-than-desirable circumstances. But she had other matters to attend to right now.
“Yes. What are you doing?” The question was directed towards you, but her eyes were on Xavier, her fiery gaze boring into him. He squirmed. You didn’t notice.
“Just English homework,” you sighed. Wednesday’s eyes flitted back to you, momentarily drifting to your lips before righting themselves.
“Bring it to my dorm. I can assist you with it myself.”
Xavier started to protest but another glare was enough to quiet him. You looked confused by the sudden change in plans but acquiesced.
“Oh, ok. Let me get my stuff.”
You stood and reached for your textbook only to be stopped by Wednesday.
“Allow me.”
Wednesday began gathering your things for you and in the process, she discreetly leaned over to Xavier and delivered her message, her voice a soft but petrifying whisper.
“Lay your hand on her again and I will remove it. Finger by finger.”
Xavier’s eyes widened with terror, his only response a harsh gulp. Wednesday nearly smiled.
Without another glance in his direction, she stood with your textbook and dragged you off to her dorm. You tried to ask what was going on several times, but she remained silent until she reached her destination.
Once inside her empty dorm, she dropped your things off on her desk and sauntered back to where you were, stopping just in front of you. Your faces were mere inches apart and her eyes wandered back downward against her will.
You began to ask her something, but she cut you off by leaning forward and connecting your lips. A noise of surprise escaped you before you reciprocated, hands instinctively cupping her cheeks. Wednesday tangled one hand into your vest and gripped your tie with the other, lightly tugging you closer. You stayed pressed against one another until you stepped back, slightly dazed.
“What about-“
“Your homework can wait,” Wednesday mumbled, silencing you with her lips once more. She kissed you once, feverish and rough, then again and again and again, until there wasn’t a coherent thought left in your head. Her movements were frenzied—desperate even, and you were helpless to do anything but follow her lead with the same fervor.
When you finally parted for air, she whispered something into the small space between you. Something you didn’t understand, but still wholeheartedly felt.
“Eres mia, mi amor.”
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halleyscomet14 · 1 day
Hey! I have a request. Would you be okay with writing a billie x fem reader fic about billie picking us up from a long day of work. We both walk home together in the dark and quiet street and share a pizza together. Just us being cute and clingy to billie, holding her hand on the way home. :)
-thank you x
relationship: billie eilish x female reader
warnings: none! just fluff.
word count: 1459
summary: when it’s crisis at work, billie is to the rescue…
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just like every other person who worked, you also had days were you’d be exhausted. the days where you just couldn’t get your head out of paperwork, couldn’t stop the phone ringing or couldn’t stop hopping in and out of meetings. those days felt like every human you talked to made your day even harder than it already was. it was just one of those days.
you sat on the metal desk in your office, mascara mushed as you were sweating rushing around the office. the under of your eyes were very dark and the button up shirt you were wearing was crumbled. your hair seemed to be messed up slightly. your lenses had fallen off somewhere, causing you to forcefully wear glasses.
your hands roamed around the desk looking for one specific piece of paper. that’s when you heard your phone ring. the high note made you shiver, you were sick of hearing that stupid ringtone. you fixated your eyes on the paper pile and got the phone, not even checking who it was. “what?” you asked harshly. well who could blame you? it was hell at work.
“hey babe!” a joyous voice rang though the phone. you immediately dropped everything you were doing. “fuck” you muttered under your breath. “is everything okay?” billie’s concerned, soft voice echoed through your ears. no, everything was not okay. but you were an adult. unfortunately, the reality was that you couldn’t rush off to your mommy’s arms and run away from everything.
“fuck, i’m so sorry billie.” you said, sighing. one of your hands went up to your forehead, supporting your head against the desk. “i got stuck at work. my stupid boss is asking me for this one thing. i swear i just need to find this one singular piece of information and-“ you got cut off by billie’s words. “babe, it’s okay. no need to explain yourself.” you sigh once more. you take the phone away from your ear to look at the time. “it’s midnight?” you whisper. you should have left the office at around five thirty… no way work had lasted this long.
“you should come home.” you heard billie distantly saying from the phone. you grabbed the iphone closer to your ear. “i know you didn’t sleep yesterday too.” billie kept on. “ugh… i just have to finish this bils.” you said. billie sighed through the phone “okay…” you closed the call without even saying goodbye. you just had to finish this so you’d go home to your loved one.
time went on as your eyes drifted document over document. as you were writing a mail to a coworker, you heard a knock on your door. you didn’t look up from your computer, yet you heard small footsteps into your office. you got your head up from the screen. there she was.
billie stood in front of your office door with a bouquet of dark pink roses. it was a small, skinny batch wrapped in newspaper. she wore comfortable clothing, and had her black hat matching her black clothes. her was in two cute braids, parted to the side. she held the roses in her ringed hands, and glared at you with a smile. that smile was all you needed to already make your day better.
you smiled in return as billie walked towards your desk. “billie…” you said as you pulled her into a hug from your seat. billie leaned down into the hug, as she placed the roses onto the desk. “you’re so sweet” you said smiling. the dimples on your face shone against your desk lamp. pulling away from the hug, you turned to grab the flowers on your desk and pulled them closer to your body. billie leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead, then let her chin rest on the top of your head. “i got worried” she muttered. you softly smiled at her words.
billie then reached down to your cheek, placing a kiss on it. “if you have work to do i can wait.” she whispered into your ear.. you looked at the floor then back up to billie. “i do actually… but i’m exhausted.” you said whilst turning against your monitor to press the off button. billie watched your actions as she pulled away from your skin. she grinned slightly, “you hungry?” she asked calmly. “starving would be the right word.” you said.
you were walking towards the door as you had billie hand in hand. your fingers intertwined each other, feeling billie’s warmth felt so nice after a long day. not a single soul was left in the office, no surprise though. it was midnight after all. billie pushed the entrance door open and you squeezed through. you followed billie into the streets. in one hand you had billie’s soft hand, on the other you had her beautiful bouquet gifted to you. you cherished her like no other.
billie lead you into the dark street, still holding onto you. you could feel her eyes on you, glazing over your gaze. then, she randomly stopped. you turned back at her, cocking an eyebrow. before you could say anything, in one movement billie latched hee lips onto yours. both of her hands rested on your cheeks as she held you close into a kiss. you responded as you made your hands meet behind her back. she pulled you even closer into the kiss as she caressed your cheek. billie let go of the kiss whilst both hands rested on your cheek. her thumb traced your sensitive skin. “what was that for?” you said in a cute, soft voice as you smiled. “nothin’” billie said smiling back. “just missed ya’” she continued. gosh you loved that girl so much.
later on you started walking once more, hand in hand. you held her dear hand close. “well we don’t have anything to eat at home.” she said but cut off by you, “i though you could eat that girl for lunch” you said, smirking. billie chuckled, “well this isn’t lunch, and this is the first time i’m refusing to eat you out, y/n. you’re tired, let’s eat and get some rest.” you frowned at her words. she was right, you were on the verge of sleep. and this really is the first time billie had turned down the offer to eat you out. she must really be concerned.
“so then? where are we going?” you asked her as you glazed around the sky, hunting for stars. “i saw a 24 hour open pizza place close to here. it seems they have vegan options so looks good to me. is that cool?” she asked. “mhm, yeah” you approve as you grasped her hand even more.
billie interlaced her fingers with yours as you both walked into the pizza place. you sat down at the bar like table facing the outside of the restaurant. the front of the parlor was built off of glass, making everything visible from where you sat. red bar stools were used as seating. you got out your phone as you waited for billie to order. she knew that you both like basically the same things, so ordering wasn’t a hard task.
you saw that you had four missed calls from a certain coworker. they were probably looking around for you. yet you didn’t care. you had your girl with you at the most peaceful place at that moment. the restaurant was fully empty with the only customers being you and billie. you turned around to see billie was walking towards you with a large pizza and a slight smile. you savored the food as you chatted.
“can’t you carry meee?” you whined as you lengthened the e. it had been a long, exhausting day. so was your body. billie and you were walking home hand in hand from the pizza parlor. “i’m not your mommy, babe. c’mon, it’s close anyway.” billie said as she kept walking. you pulled on her arm, “i thought you were strong?” you said squeezing her muscles. billie sighed and stopped walking. she turned towards you. “fine.” she said. “anything for you, love” she said as she picked you up in her arms. she kept walking, sometimes grunting in between steps. you smiled at her manner.
billie laid you on the bed carefully before turning off the lights in the room. you had very clearly passed out or fallen asleep in her sweet arms. billie had carried you the way home. she was very gentle with you. “g’night sweetheart.” she whispered into your ear as she placed a kiss on your forehead. she covered you in your blanket as she laid next to you, also drifting off to sleep.
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lynxiesblog · 11 months
It’s been almost a year since my last upload, so here’s a list of things I manifested since then 💖
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Hii my luvs <3 here’s a list of things I manifested in the past 11 months ! Hopefully this helps you stay motivated about your desires because everything will work out .
This is also inspired by @youalreadyhavefullresults
・an iPhone 13
・money being given to me just because — literally got 160$ last week in CASH 🥰
・straight A’s in all my classes
・people complimenting me a LOT more — like every time I go out someone is either complimenting : my scent (my perfume), my makeup, my face, body (in a good way and non-creepy way), etc.
・braces — I had my braces at the time when I posted my 3dolc X Roe challenge but I’m still going to say I manifested them 🙄
・more friends — so many people that were in my grade and class last year that I didn’t talk to became my friends. My overall friend circle grew bigger
・more guy friends — most of my friends were girls which I love but I wanted to have some guy friends too and I got some 🤭 many of them added me to their close friends on Instagram and we hung out a lot during school (low key miss them)
・multiple people having a crush on me — I don’t know how to word this without it sounding weird but yeah😭. I had 4 dudes tell me they had a crush on me and they were low key attractive but my parents are kinda strict so no boyfriend for me (yet)
・my teachers liking me / being one of their favourite student — one of my teacher boosted my grade on my final report card, I didn’t even do any work that could give me extra credit.
(Pro tip : always be nice to your teachers like it’s so beneficial on the long run. Even when they’re low key assholes don’t hold a grudge)
・my anxiety whenever I have to present a presentation or speak out loud — I used to be so scared whenever I had to make a speech or just talk in front of people at school but I my fear went down. I’m still kinda nervous but so many subliminals helped me get over it.
・HUGE GLOW UP - OH MY GAWD, you guys I became so much prettier since I was last year no joke. I’ve had so many people stare at me in awe and compliment me. Like two weeks ago I was going grocery shopping alone since I have a store really close to me and I had to take the bus (I don’t have my drivers license yet 😔) and this lady that I sat next to full on turned and kept staring at me. When I looked at her she just smiled like kanaosj’akah!/&/$/78[•\*£\’s pls 💞
・acrylics — my mom wouldn’t let me get acrylic nails unless it was for a special event but she’s been letting me get one every month and I’m so so grateful
・a better relationship between my mom and dad — they have gotten so much nicer to one an other like my dad started buying gifts for my mom. It doesn’t happen very often but it’s a start
・my mom’s health
・a fun summer — compared to last year this summer has been way more exciting, even though I took summer classes for the month of June I still had so much fun and I still have a whole month to go
・finding lost items — you have no idea how many times I lost my AirPods because I sleep with them on overnight and whenever I wake up they are no where to be found 😭😭.
・getting a second ear piercing on each ear — my mom told me I could only get a 2nd piercing when I’d be 18 but I didn’t feel like waiting that long so I manifested she let me get them and she did 🙈. I got them last year during the time I posted my last post
・getting a KITTENN and a CATT — I’ve been wanting one so so badly and I’m finally getting one
・getting more clothes — I already have so many clothes and my mom said she would stop buying me some for a while , but she still bought me some and they are on the way 💞
・my parents finally getting their dream house 😩
・cute moments between me & my crush 🤭🤭
・greener eyes — my eyes have been getting lighter and look more green
・prettier 😽 (iykyk 😭😭)
・toxic people out of my life — specifically my old “friends”
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hansooyung · 27 days
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hansooyung's coloring tutorial & ctiys: alma time! 🍒
hello everyone! though i've been meaning to for a while, i've finally gotten around to making my first manga coloring tutorial! i'll be going over cleaning panels and screentones, choosing base colors, and finally shading and lighting.
this will also be a color this in your style challenge, so if you're willing, feel free to post your colored panel and tag me in it!! i'd love to see all the results :)
find details under the cut! 🦋
this is just how i personally color! i know for a fact that some of my other friends follow other methods and have such beautiful colorings <33
for colors specifically, i play around a LOT. if you don't like your color scheme for the time being, mess around with it! i don't use psds since i like to mess around by hand with color palettes, but maybe i'll look into it for the future.
i explain a lot just bear with me gang 🙏
software: ibis paint x (on iphone). i use ibis since it is FREE for all phones and it worked on my chromebook as well.
while this tutorial is made for ibis paint x, everything works on other softwares except the brushes, which i've provided alternatives for below.
brushes: i will be using dip pen (hard) which is automatically included with ibis, and two other brushes i made myself which you can find here and here. for more brushes, @/bkdkdh was incredibly helpful and posted her awesome set here!
for other softwares, you can use similar brushes. dip pen (hard) can just be the default brush, while wet edges is just the default brush on lowered opacity (and more of a rectangle/marker shape?). watercolor pencil is a watercolor brush in the rectangle/marker shape as well. if you can't get the shape, you can always smudge your lines into shape as well, so don't fret too much! a bunch of people only use one brush for coloring everything (which is insane to me, personally, they are so talented!)
fun fact: the first brush listed that i made was originally called "aki tao watercolor smooth" 👍
ok here we go guys!!
i think of this part as setting up the panel for coloring! usually it's pretty exhausting cuz it's all b&w but it's all worth it i swear. the panel i'll be coloring is this beautiful one of alma from chapter 2:
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imgur link here (x)
a lot of people redraw their lines to avoid screentones, which is extremely helpful. however, i work on a phone and my fingers are not steady even with the stabilizer turned all the way up T~T. i do it this way, but a different (possibly easier) way may work for you!!!
your first step will be to remove all the white, giving us a transparent background to work with. THIS IS THE NUMBER ONE REASON WHY I USE IBIS PAINT X.
when you upload the image to ibis, a popup comes asking if you would like to "extract line drawing". this creates a lineart of your image. click yes, and your work is like 90% done.
if you're not on ibis, you can redraw your panel, put lineart layer on screen, etc. or you can just extract line drawing from ibis and upload to software of your choice
for those of you not on ibis, i've included the line drawing here (x) if it looks black, don't worry and set your background to white.
omg i was not kidding when i said i explained a lot. ok now onto the three main steps of cleaning the panel:
cleaning background
removing screentones
repainting black lines
for cleaning the background, we're going to clear off all the extraneous stuff. this includes the text in the speech bubble, the gradient screentones behind alma, and the panel line on the left side. just use your eraser tool and go crazy! (i forgot to save the panel at this point of the coloring OTL)
for removing screentones, we're going to remove all those "dots" that mangakas use for shading. these are used to show value for b&w art, but since we're coloring we don't need them—a lot of people have really cool ways of incorporating screentones in their colorings though, and it looks amazing! i used it on nana's hand in my bnha coloring.
remove the screentones from alma's hair and jacket with your eraser tool. this will take time, but it's worth it in the end!
for portions with a bunch of lines, you can create A NEW LAYER and redraw some of the lines. that way, you can erase indiscriminately from the original layer but the lines you drew are still there. again, like i said, my hand is really shaky so i don't do it a lot, but it's extremely helpful for smaller parts where i have control! i used this on alma's jacket, and here's a screenshot of the process:
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(i made his jacket purple so i could distinguish between layers easily).
it should look like this when you're done:
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for the final step of cleaning, i like to erase all the things colored black (the collar and strings of the jacket, along with the back part of his hair). that way, i can color them in with dark colors and it adds to the whole look of the coloring.
i've circled the parts i'm going to erase below:
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and it should look like this when you're done!
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ok everyone cheer we're ready to color now!!!!
CROWD CHEERS ok lets go!
this part is the most important to me, because it sets the tone for the whole coloring. i like to use three-four main colors in my colorings, and it's usually background, skintone, hair, and the secret fourth color. the secret fourth color is usually whatever color fits the character's vibe, or if the character's color is the bg, it'll be an accent color.
for example, with my nagi coloring, i used white for the hair, i had my skintone, i had blue as the main coloring vibe (as nagi's color), and black as the accent color.
for alma, i chose his main color to be red! it's the color of his hair and his jacket, so i wanted it to be vibrant and stand out. since blue contrasts red, i went for a greyish-blue shade for the background. (i went for grey rather than solely blue because then it would clash rather than complement).
disclaimer please please please take your device off night mode warm mode f.lux whatever you have. this has screwed me over more times than you may think :(
i like to make my vibrant colors closer to the right end of the color square. for alma's hair, i chose this color:
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i dragged it down from the corner a bit but kept the saturation since his hair is kind of dark. we can use vibrant colors to shade it though, so don't worry!
here's his hair and the background together:
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now from here, play around with skintones until you find one that matches the hair!
i usually drag around the wheel to the orange-red intersection, and have it on the lighter, more saturated side. here's the color i chose for alma's skintone.
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i thought his original skintone looked a bit too orange, so i pulled the saturation back a little bit (moved closer to the left side of the square).
after that, color in his jacket with a bit darker red than hair, choose a gold color for the accents on his jacket, and color in the black parts with a grey-ish color (we will change that later).
here's the base colors!
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if it looks a bit bright, don't worry! we can change that with shading. or you might just have to. accept the light.
wooo we made it!!!!!!! ok now i lied, we have a bit more of base colors to go. on a layer above the skin, color in your teeth and tongue. for pieces that have a more red feel (like this one), i like to make the teeth and the shading a more vibrant blue color. (for blue pieces, i make it a purple!).
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i'll then go in and do some light shading with my wet edges brush. i'll use a darker color for hard shadows and then a lighter, more vibrant color to accentuate it.
next up we have blush! a lot of people do this in very different ways but i like to do it directly under the eyes, in a vibrant red shade. make a new layer above the skin and clip it on. color pick alma's hair and drag it to the most saturated shade (red corner). then using the watercolor pencil brush, lower the opacity of the brush and drag a line under the eyes on both sides.
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make sure to erase the portion of blush that goes above the eyeline. i also added some lips for alma as you can see, and then added a red line under the eyes! this was back to the regular dip pen (hard) brush on 100% opacity. it may take a few tries to get your blush to the way you want it, so don't worry too much.
now we can start our actual shading!
i break this part up into three steps: skin shading, blue shading, and light shading (highlights?)
for all of them, think about where the light is falling and how it will look on alma.
quick interlude about brushes: i use the watercolor pencil brush for softer, bouncy looks (like blush and noses) and i use the wet edges brush for more hard lines in shading.
again, make a new layer above the skin and clip it on. (i like to have it below the blush, so it doesn't cover it). for skin shading, i take the vibrant red and lower the opacity of the wet edges brush by a significant amount (specifics don't really matter, as long as you're happy with it). i'll trace his neck, from the shadow of his face, shadows of his hair falling on his face, ears, and nose. (for the nose i used the watercolor pencil brush for a softer look).
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this is what i have once i'm done!
next we have skin shading part two, where we basically make a new layer on top of our first shading, lower the opacity further, and trace outside whatever we just did to blend it in more.
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i used the watercolor pencil brush since it's more softer shading meant for blending! i also added it around the eyebrows for depth.
next up we have our blue shading! this is a technique that i learned from @/bkdkdh's colorings, but adding blue as a shadow really adds to the whole coloring. using the watercolor pencil brush, select a light-ish blue shade (a bit more saturated than background color) and use it to shadow a few more areas than your skin shading. i always make sure to hit the underside of the nose, cuz i think it adds depth!
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finally, to wrap up our skin shading we have our lights. i use an orange-ish yellow color, which i set pretty light to not blend into the skin. using the watercolor pencil brush, i'll basically highlight any areas opposite to where the blue was, and highlight different parts. i always highlight one side of the nose as well.
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i erased the line around the nose since we now have shading there, and added a darker shade to the teeth since i felt it wasn't shaded enough.
now onto the hair!!! (guys we're almost done bear with me, skin and hair are the two main things and then you can half-ass the clothes)
color pick alma's hair color, then drag the red a bit further down to get a darker yet still saturated color. here's mine:
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then, using the wet edges brush, draw lines of shadow wherever clumps of his hair fall or overlap with each other. you can have the opacity set to whatever level you want, i just went with around 90. just try to follow the natural lines and patterns of the original line drawing, and everything should work out fine.
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here's how mine looks! then, just like we did for skin shading, place a layer on top and lower the opacity to around 50%. place some more shading to blend it in. you can also shade more parts with this shade for some softer shading. i actually forgot to take a screenshot of this step but you'll see it in the next one!
for our (almost) last part of hair shading, take a layer and place it below both of your shading layers. this is going to be our highlight layer! you can see it below, labeled 49%.
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remember how we set alma's hair a bit darker from the corner color? now select that corner color and draw highlights in the center of each hair clump.
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lightly visible but it's there!
now here i skipped around a bit bc i was having fun and forgot i was doing a tutorial, but repeat the shading (not highlighting) steps with darker colors for alma's jacket. you should have your base layer, a dark shading, and a softer shading for blending.
we're almost there guys!!!
for the pretty much final step of shading, select a light blue color and do some blue shading with the watercolor pencil brush opposite to wherever your darker shading falls (just like we did on the face). make sure to do it to both your hair and your jacket! here's mine:
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now for the black portions, we're going to color the whole thing in a dark blue color. just alpha lock your layer and make a big stroke of dark blue, almost black. for our black shading, we're actually going to go lighter.
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select a lighter (but still dark) color and place highlights on the base layer, then take an even more vibrant, lighter blue and place it on the very outside for highlights. a better example of this would be nagi's legs in his blue lock uniform here. then, choose a shade to apply shading to the gold accents on alma's jacket and we're done!
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we made it guys!!!! for finishing touches, i'll usually do background effects or text or that kind of stuff.
step one is coloring your lines. you can add a new layer and clip it to your lineart, or simply alpha lock your lineart and color directly on top. for hair i like to add vibrant blue/purple lines, along with a few red ones. for skin lines i try to do dark brownish purples, but leaving some black is good too bc it adds flavor!
i colored in the text boxes and added shadows using the wet edge feature, then added some text. for the glitch effect, i duplicated the lineart, dragged the layer below all of my colors (including speech bubbles) and then used the glitch effect with height full from ibis. if you don't have ibis, you can look into features on your software, or you can also just drag your lineart layer a bit to either side and color it in. i also applied just the tiniest bit of noise on top of everything
and there we go!!!!! we made it to the end :)
if you've read all the way til here, thank you so much! if you decide to color this panel of alma (or any other panels!) don't be afraid to post them and tag me for a color this in your style type of thing! (you can also put it in my tracked tag, #user.roy) i'd love to see everyone's works :)
here's the full timelapse: (it stalls for a bit at some times but hey we can't have everything)
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startaee · 8 months
unbelievable. rin x fem! reader
mdni, reblogs appreciated.
tws: mentions of smoking, drinking, OCD tendencies, lmk if i missed smthg!
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usually he’d tell isagi and bachira to stop embarrassing him by commenting ‘cringe’ or ‘lukewarm’ till they get the idea, however, right now, he had his own troubles. 
rin couldn’t find his phone. 
he was the most responsible person he knew. now, of course he didn’t know too many people, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was extremely cautious when it came to his belongings.
hands patting his pockets. his frown deepened. 
now he wasn’t upset because of a phone. sure it was the brand new iphone that just hit the markets yesterday and it did contain really valuable information to him, like…his practice schedule and…horror movies to watch…
anyway! the real reason he was standing in the middle of the road with a look that scared off the tourist that was about to ask him for directions is the fact that, he; the rin itoshi forgot.
because itoshi rin never forgets. well until now. 
he walked back to the signal as a confused bachira and worried isagi followed him. 
was it a prank? was it a pickpocket? was it-
no, rin. you just, forgot.
letting out an annoying groan he stomped back to the building of the party he was forced to attend. this was all isagi’s fault! if he hadn’t forced him to come to this stupid party- 
groaning loudly again, rin snapped his head to isagi and wordlessly glared at him. 
“w-what rin..? do you wanna go back to the party or somethin’?” isagi gulped, not understanding why rin was still having mood swings in his twenties, ‘did he have a late puberty?’
rolling his eyes, rin continued his journey, leaving the two boys staring at each other in confusion. if someone came from the opposite direction, they would think that a fight was about to occur.
the door of the penthouse was open as guys smoked close to the elevator. rin cringed at the ‘lukewarm’ song playing but didn’t waste any time making his way into the apartment. 
scanning the room, he remembered sitting on the couch in the living room and immediately made his way to it. 
thankfully, no one was sitting on the couch so he was able to lift up the cushions, and check thoroughly…to no avail… 
this was about pride and his slight ocd tendencies. he felt like he would lose his mind if he didn’t- 
eyes widened as the familiar phone case across the couch on the table entered his vision.
he didn’t even think twice before leaping towards it. 
yes! the same stupid space wallpaper, yes! the same password, yes! the same apps he didn’t close- wait a minute, whats this?
why was his camera opened? scrolling through his gallery, he swiped through the pictures he’d never seen before, and stopped at a video. as soon as it ended, he felt heat rush to the tip of his ears and a blush appear on his face. looking around frantically as he hoped to find- 
“there you are!” isagi panted, hands on his knees. “we’ve been looking for you everywhere.” bachira complained, jumping on isagi’s back. that was his subtlest way of letting his best friend know that he was getting a piggy back ride. 
rin just hoped they didn’t notice his flustered self and coughed up an excuse to leave. 
“don’t be late for practice tomorrow..” though his words were supposed to sound threatening, they sounded sweet and nice and shaky. isagi and bachira once again shared a look of confusion but this time, just decided to go with it.
rin scanned every room for something specific…hanging his head low in disappointment, he left the apartment, this time with his phone in his hand. 
as he stepped inside the elevator alone, he unlocked his phone to watch the video again.
“hey…hehehe-ya left yer phone here.
too bad, haha.
well, it’s good for me though, cause i get to tell you how cute i thought you were, without having to see you while saying it! 
wait this camera is good, which iphone is this oh my god.
okay no, we’re getting off topic. i’m a little drunk, ya know?
but i did write my number in ya phone case, hehe~
oh, shoot im sorry for ruining yer phone case- oh nooooo im sorryyyyy~
hey but, maybe we can, go sometime together to get you another phonecase?
maybe? huh, this is so easy. is this how the future generation will ask people out?
damn. anyway,
lemme know, alright? call me tomorr-” 
he shut his eyes as the video cut off. stepping out of the elevator, he bites his lip to hide the smile forming.
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bagopucks · 1 year
Jamie Drysdale x Reader
It’s 3:30 am. I woke up in the midst of a storm. So I figured I’d post a storm request I finished.
“She‘s right here, mom.” I peeked up from my phone to see Jamie turning his own in my direction. I waved at his mother on the face time call.
“Oh, hi, honey! I was just asking to make sure you were okay. I know Anaheim’s under a tornado watch right now.”
I frowned at the reminder, and slowly looked back down at my book.
“Mom.” Jamie scolded quietly, as if I wouldn’t be able to hear him from across the couch.
“Right, sorry. I forgot.”
“Do you mind if I hang up? I can’t stay on the phone with you all night.” Jamie spoke in a joking tone, but I knew he was antsy to get off the phone so he could charge it in the case that the power went out. And anybody with an iPhone knows how hot they get when on a call and charging at the same time.
“Yes, Jamie. Be safe, okay? And make sure you have a lot of blankets, and flashlights around. Does your apartment complex have a place to go to at times like these?”
“I think so. People have already visited and let us know where to go if the sirens go off.” Jamie stood up, and my eyes trailed him as he left the living room and walked into the dark kitchen.
I hated thunder storms. What I hated more was tornadoes. I hadn’t lived through one and I didn’t want to. But the threat of one in an area where they weren’t uncommon made me incredibly nervous. Every flash of lighting and loud crack of thunder woke a new wave of nerves. I hated it, but what I hated even more was how calm Jamie seemed.
“Right.. I love you mom.” Jamie returned with a bottle of water in his hand.
“Tell my sweet future daughter in law that I love her too!”
I smiled to myself, and I spared a moment to look up from my phone again, specifically to catch the blush on Jamie’s cheeks before it disappeared.
“I love you too Mrs. Drysdale!” I shouted across the room, and Jamie ended the call quickly after.
“She is so set on you being the girl I marry.”
“And you’re not?” I teased as I looked back down. Jamie quickly got settled on the opposite end of the couch again.
“I am, but she’s been like that since day one.” He shook his head in disbelief, reaching up to push back the dark hair that fell over his eyes.
The light flickered, and for a moment neither Jamie nor I said a word. We both looked up at the ceiling, as if somebody was messing with the lights there. Perhaps we jinxed our own power, because the next thing I knew, there was a loud rumble of thunder and the power completely cut out.
“Great,” I heard Jamie mumble out.
“Jam.” I stretched my legs out across the couch, the tip of my toes just barely grazing his thigh.
“You good?”
“Should we go downstairs?”
“Babe, we’re fine. There’s no siren or anything. Just a loss of power.”
I turned my phone off and set it down. Jamie’s flashlight turned on, and he set his phone down with the light facing upwards. I could see him. It made me feel safer. A flash of lightning lit up the room, far brighter than Jamie’s light. I tensed in anticipation of the thunder, but the loud boom still caught me off guard. My entire body jolted, and the only sound to soothe me had been the sound of Jamie’s laughter.
“What’s so funny?” I asked, pulling my blanket up over my shoulders.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Jamie brought his hand down to rest on my ankle.
Another rumble of thunder made me gasp.
“Babe, really.” Jamie insisted. “Come here.” His smile slowly faded into a look of determination. I crawled out from beneath my blanket and moved over to Jamie’s side of the couch, curling into his side. “I’ve got you, alright?” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulder.
“You’re safe with me. I’ll never let anything happen to you.” I closed my eyes and nodded slowly. When I opened them, I looked back to the window, wincing at another flash of lightning. I felt Jamie pull me into his chest more, both of us anticipating the thunder, but he was more so worried about me jumping again.
When the thunder did rumble, I pressed deeper into his side. Jamie kissed my head and rubbed his hand up and down my arm in a soothing manner.
“Babe.” Jamie spoke sternly. “Stop thinkin’ about it.” He moved his free hand forward to rest beneath my chin, tilting my head in his direction. I sighed softly. “Don’t think about it.” Jamie leaned forward to press his lips against my own. He put up a good argument. He made for a great distraction. As he pulled away, my I allowed my body to relax against his side. The lightning flashed, but I tried to remain focused on Jamie. He’d get me through this.
“See? That’s not so bad. Gimme another.” Jamie pressed his lips to my own once again, earning a quiet laugh from me before the thunder rumbled. My body tensed, but I didn’t jump.
“You’ll be okay.” Jamie reminded gently against my lips.
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prettyinpink350 · 7 months
❄️Candy cane lane❄️
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(iPhones don’t have the candy cane emoji I swear they used too but whatever)
☃️⛄️Holiday fic!!!! Happy holidays everyone!🩵
Alpha Steve!rogers x omega!reader, CEO!Steve rogers x secretary!reader, Boss!steve rogers x employee!reader.
Some warnings will not be listed because the fic is not finished yet and I don’t know if there are any specific ones that I will need to add so be aware! (This list will be most of the warnings but just in case I’m letting you know because there might be one or two warnings that might pop up in the fic or in the real fics warnings but it might not be in this list)
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Warnings: (minor spoilers, lighter topics/warnings are listed at the top and the father down the more graphic or sexual) readers body type or any physical characteristics/ features (like race) are not included or mentioned! This fic is for everyone except minors!!!!!!!!!! Fluff, Cuss words, boss employee relationship, hugging, holding hands, yelling, reader and Steve celebrate Christmas but no talks of religion!Steve gets angry at one point, other male attention that is not from Steve! Possessive behavior, slight obsession towards reader, Smut!: male masturbation, slight daddy kink, alpha x omega, biting (claiming), breeding, talk of having children! spanking, reader takes on a more submissive role, rough sex, p in v sex, condom is not used, reader is not on birth control, pussy slapping, breast play, oral sex (female receiving) ball play (reader plays with Steve balls) , more to be added I believe 🫣😬
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The sings that got me in the holiday mood to write this 🤲💁‍♀️
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pinkglacierz · 3 months
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Aura Bunny Iphone x Charms 🌈♡🫧
3 Individual Phones + Diff. Color Schemes 🫧
Blender Vers. ONLY
Made In Blender 3.6
 Textures Included In Blend File
Public Release : 04.19.24
Download Here -> 🫧
 Do NOT Put Behind Paywalls
Do NOT Claim My Meshes Or Creations As Your Own
 Feel Free To Tag Me, If You Use My Blender Scene 🤎
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 months
Rose Gold
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Hana Lee x Kiara Theron
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4, 304 words
Content Warning: Mention of Gun Violence, Character Injury.
Summary: Six months after King Liam and Queen Esther's wedding, Hana and Kiara take their next big step as a couple.
A/N: Set in the P&Tverse. Since P&T spans the timelines of Books 2 and 3 (the Engagement Tour and the Unity Tour + Liam & Esther's wedding), most of this fic takes place after the series is meant to end, and there are references to things that happen there that aren't canon.
The first half of the fic, however, takes place just before the group reunites with the MC and Drake at the safe house (TRR3, Ch 1).
I've borrowed a few elements from Hana's own engagement to the MC in the books: the rose gold ring, the coin throwing ritual at the foundation and the proposal at the lake.
Tagging @hanaleeappreciationweek for Day 5: Romance, @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW and LGBTQ Archive, and @choicesmaychallenge24 for Hera: Marriage
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October 14th, 2017. Half past Midnight.
Foolishness. Sheer foolishness.
The voice inwardly chiding her right now sounded suspiciously like her mother; for that reason alone she was desperate to ignore it.
But what else would one call an impulse to jump out of a car that could take her in complete secrecy to the city's best safe house, only to race to Argyros and Sons - Cordonia's premier jewellery store - for a gift she wasn't even sure would be accepted...a promise she wasn't even sure its intended recipient would want?
"Looking for something specific, Your Grace?"
Surprised, Hana looked up from the case displaying an assortment of glittering diamond rings. The eyes that met hers in a speculative survey were ocean-blue, marked by wizened crow's feet. It was at the tip of her tongue to correct him (Lady Hana, sir!) when she spotted the Twitter feed on the iPhone in his hand.
News sure does travel fast around the Capitol!
But no sooner had that thought left her head, than the riptide of memories began to flood her.
The Homecoming Ball. Hors d'oeuvres. Speeches. Fireworks. Announcements. Please welcome Esther DuPont, Duchess of Valtoria, and Hana Lee, Duchess of Krysanthe. Cheers. Expectant Gazes. And then...
Darkness. Gunshots. The acrid taste of fear.
Hana bit back a grimace. How long would memories of tonight haunt her? How long would it be before she heard people address her by her new title, without memories of the violence that followed?
She held her handbag with a sudden death-grip, forcing herself to breathe. To push forth happier, sweeter memories.
Unbidden, comes the one memory that had managed to keep her sane this night.
Her laughter.
Sharp. Raucous. Loud. Jarring against the tinkling sounds of cutlery and glassware, as far away as one could get from the soft, windchime quality of delicate laughter, that every female courtier was taught to emulate.
She thought she'd known love until that moment, fool that she was. Thought that no matter who she dated, no matter how distant she'd be from those memories of the social season - Esther would somehow remain her first and forever love.
Until she had taken that one fateful look at Kiara's wildly joyous face, heard her cackle - the kind one would never normally dare to do at court - and realized with piercing clarity that if she were to compare her feelings for these two women, they would be nowhere close.
Her love for Esther had all the subdued warmth of a crackling bonfire. But these newfound feelings for Kiara?? They made her feel like she was plunging herself headfirst into a raging volcano.
Something within Hana had trembled violently in that moment; some premonition that felt searing in its finality.
Kiara was the one. She was all Hana had ever wanted, without knowing it; all that Hana would ever want, from now till eternity. The one in whose arms she would want to stir awake, every day for the rest of her life.
Kiara Thorne, or no one. Kiara Thorne, or lifelong loneliness.
The phrase rang in her ears like a verdict: final, eternal, unchangeable.
When Hana opened her eyes, she found to her consternation that they were blurry from unshed tears. Quickly blinking them away, she noted dully how different the rings on the display now looked.
Certainly she must have moved to another part of the store without knowing. Where before she'd seen glittering, brilliant, ostentatious diamonds, set in white gold and platinum...now she saw stones nestled in the embrace of a warmer, almost blush-toned metal.
Rose gold.
The metal that was all the rage in her mother's birthplace Bethulia, for its delicate shimmer and soft pink hue. Mama had told her often enough in her childhood that their barony's love for it went far beyond just the colour...that her mother - Hana's Nanimaa - loved it for being such a perfect union of gold, silver and copper...
A whisper of a memory of Nanimaa, the one time she'd ever seen her. At a fountain, glowing from the glimmer of abandoned coins.
It took her less than a minute to find exactly what she didn't know she'd been looking for. Had you asked the jeweller about her, he would have told you that the newly appointed Duchess of Krysanthe had chosen her ring with the greatest confidence. The confidence of a woman who had probably wooed her beloved, confessed her love, basked in the joy of being loved back.
A confidence Hana didn't feel.
When she returned to the limo, she was greeted with the sight of a pensive Liam, rubbing the frown between his brows absently with his fingers. A telltale muscle jumped inside his jaw.
"Any news?" Hana whispered, almost dreading the answer.
"Yes," his voice was grainy from exhaustion and guilt. "Three people injured. Bastien, Esther's press secretary, and...."
"And?" Her voice had gone small and high, that a fearful child's.
"And Lady Kiara. She was..."
Hana blinked once, then blinked again. Liam's mouth was moving, yet no sound seemed to come out. All that she could hear was a low, keening noise, like a muffled siren...or like the moan of a woman in terrible pain.
Kiara. Kiara. Kiara.
May 12th, 2018. Afternoon.
"How far from the palace are you taking us?" Kiara asks, her voice alight with laughter.
"Not even outside its gates," Hana replies, grinning. Kiara looks down at their fingers laced together, palms almost touching.
They've been together for just six months, and still somehow, the lines on Hana's palm feel as familiar to her now as her own. Without even looking she can conjure up the memory of the heartline on Hana's left palm at a moment's notice - long and deep, starting from her index finger, suggesting she would be a wonderful lover with a very fruitful love experience - and her marriage line, stretching from one end of her palm all the way to her ring finger...suggesting friendly in-laws.
(The thought of luring Hana to marry her under the premise of palmistry is sounding more and more tempting by the minute)
Involuntarily - perhaps to stop herself from checking her trouser pockets once again for that tiny box she took from her vault today - Kiara's hand tightens around Hana's.
Can she dare to hope that fortunate beloved could be her?
She steals a glance in Hana's direction, noting with alarm that her fingers are trembling in Kiara's hand.
"We're here," she says, her voice suddenly small and quivering against the gurgle of water in the courtyard fountain. It's been a palace fixture for several decades now - ornate and imposing - a legacy from King Liam's formidable grandmother, the late Queen Mother Cassandra. According to Kiara's father, the woman had married into the family as a young princess from Monterisso, and for her foreignness alone was expected to be crushed by the strictures of the palace and the expectations of her people - yet in a decade's time she had somehow became the most imposing figure there! There was very little in the palace that didn't have her stamp of approval first.
As they come closer, Kiara sees the one thing Queen Mother Cassandra may not have predicted when this fountain was built - the glimmer of coins, all gleaming in the sunlight like they were minted just yesterday.
Her own smile begins to tremble on her lips, even as she notices Hana swallow a telltale nervous lump in her throat. For the first time since they have gotten here, Kiara notices that Hana's other hand is fisted around something. Something that could very likely be the same coins they just saw in the fountain.
She takes that hand gently in hers, knowing now how nervous Hana must feel; knowing that if they complete the ancient lover's ritual that she so hoped to do today, there will be no going back. She uncoils Hana's fisted hand, finger by quivering finger, watching her face as her breathing quickens. She smiles again - a smile more aimed at reassurance than amusement.
"Are we going to do what I think we're going to do today, ma moité?"
For several seconds, Hana doesn't respond. The three coins in her hand (Heavy. Ornate. Engraved with apples. Ancient) are proof enough. The answer, when it finally comes - almost like it is torn out of her throat for fear that Kiara's feelings may not match her own - is barely audible.
"Only if this is what you want too."
Gold. Silver. Copper. Tossed in one after the other in an ancient lover's ritual - one that Kiara knows only because she'd learned about it from her mother, who'd had friends in Bethulia where this ritual was most popular. Maman and Baba themselves had done it on a trip there when she was a teenager, still squirming over her parents' ability to still act like swoony romantics in their (and this would be said well out of their earshot) "fucking forties!".
Wiser now, Kiara feels the same anticipatory tingles that her parents must have felt back then.
This ritual wasn't for the faint of heart in ancient days. You did it only when you were certain. When you looked at your lover and knew that a life without them wasn't a life worth living.
Well, Kiara muses as she watches a hundred emotions flit in a second over Hana's face, I think I've known that long enough. I've known ever since I saw you fight your father in Shanghai, even when you knew it would cost you everything. Since that one moment, I've been yours.
Planting a tender kiss on the corner of Hana's mouth, she takes the coins. "Ready when you are," she whispers softly.
Hana swallows again, her eyes glistening and moist and relieved all at once. In a silk pouch that dangles from her wrist, she fishes for three coins identical to the ones on Kiara's palm. She breathes deep once, twice, three times.
Kiara links their free hands, grips them tight as they turn their backs to the fountain. Hana looks up, a question in her eyes.
"For friendship!" Kiara says, tossing the copper coin into the fountain. Faint memories of something that almost feels like another lifetime glimmer and fade in her memory. Applewood, sipping water, giggling over their favourite fruits and flowers. The Beaumont Bash. Watching from the sidelines as Hana did the verbel equivalent of ripping out Olivia Nevrakis' spine at the Coronation Ball.
Hana takes out the silver coin, and waits for Kiara to holds up hers'. "For love?"
Engagement tour. Fearing Hana would hate her in Fydelia, but never understanding why that should suddenly matter. Standing with her against a bridge in Paris, each mourning their lost loves.
Finally learning what love really was, when she opened her eyes and truly saw Hana for the very first time.
Kiara nods, touching her forehead to Hana's. "Par amour." Their coins splash in unison in the water.
Her girlfriend lets out a watery giggle as she takes out the final coin, glittering and golden on her palm. Her voice breaks a little as she tosses it behind her. "For...bel- belonging".
Kiara's own sigh releases in a shudder as she lets the final pledge sink in.
There were very few places in the world that truly felt like home to Hana. Not the place where she was born, not the barony that could have been her legacy. It took her months to even find comfort or security in her future in Cordonia - much less belonging.
Without a moment's thought, and without releasing the golden coin in her hand, she cups Hana's face and kisses her. Hana shudders and buries her hands in Kiara's hair, her lips trembling against the unspoken promises in her lover's.
"For belonging," Kiara says it like it is a vow. "And I don't care how long it takes - I give my word right now. I'll never let you feel like you have lost your home. Ever." Another kiss - this time on Hana's temple. "I hope you will always find one. In me."
Hana's smile is warm and dreamlike, her eyes closed as if to savour this moment, her fingers playing with Kiara's curls. She barely notices the sound of Kiara's gold coin landing in the fountain. "I love you, Kiki."
Kiara chuckles at her teasing use of the nickname, brushing Hana's nose with her own. "Together forever?"
Their hands, now free, close around each other. "Together forever."
It's quiet now, except for the sound of collard doves, the rustle of leaves and branches in a light breeze, and their breathing. The air smells of wildflowers, citrus and a subtle floral scent that Kiara knows to be the perfume Hana has been using for months. Orange Blossom. She grins as she remembers. It's a scent Hana has often loved to wear, just for her.
Hana's thumb feathers lightly over the ring finger on Kiara's left hand, almost as if to commit the bare space on it to her memory. Kiara doesn't miss that gaze - bright-eyed and soaked in longing - and how it mirrors a need she has felt ever since they landed at the Capitol last week.
Kiara swallows. She had wanted to take things slow, she really did. Woo her, bathe her in every luxury possible, make this trip even more unforgettable than Hana could ever imagine, and then spring this surprise on her - like a kirsch-soaked cherry topping on an already very tempting Black Forest Cake.
But...but that gaze of Hana's has always been Kiara's undoing.
Simply, she says, "come with me."
Puzzled, Hana looks up. "Where?"
"To Lake Sôse," Kiara whispers, wasting not one more moment and grabbing her hand. Hana lets out a nervous, slightly incredulous laugh as she allows herself to be pulled along.
Kiara isn't sure why she's suddenly rushing this. When she thinks of the elaborate plans she'd been constructing all week - chocolate-dipped strawberries and champagne at one of the Capital's premier restaurants, flowers everywhere, a proposal at the hedge maze with a picture together by the swing to commemorate the occasion - she wants to laugh. She isn't even sure why Lake Sôse was the first place she'd thought of just now.
She takes a deep breath, and grounds herself. Uncommonly impulsive though it may be, her decision has been made. There is even a part of her that seems to prefer it to happen this way!Kiara has never been one for last minute changes of plan...but ever since she fell in love with Hana, she's learned to expect - and enjoy - the unexpected.
It's only when she sees the shine in Hana's eyes that she realises why her mind took the turn it did.
Lake Sôse. The one place Hana Lee has always chosen for solace and comfort. The one place in the Capitol where she felt the most at home. It had been here, Hana told Kiara once, that King Liam had told her his plans to appoint her Duchess of Krysanthe. It was here, hours later, that she'd shared that momentous news with her best friend Esther; where Esther - herself aglow with love and a newfound purpose - hugged Hana and told her that the world would now be Hana's oyster.
She'd brought Kiara to this lake for the first time the day after King Liam and Queen Esther's wedding, following a night when the queen herself had been kidnapped, and Hana had joined the king's entourage to rescue her.
A night that Kiara - in constant fear of losing her forever - had recklessly kissed Hana. In public. In front of the entire court. Braving gazes of teasing approval from Kiara's parents, and near-murderous glares from Hana's. The night everyone outside of Hana's friend circle finally realized the two were a couple.
Kiara remembers the day after that like it was yesterday. Something must have changed fundamentally in Hana that night, because the fear seemed to have gone, and with it the compulsive need for hiding and subterfuge and constantly looking over her shoulder. It was as if Hana had faced what she'd thought was the worst thing that could happen to her, and realized she really was strong enough to face that fear.
You're my safe place among people, Hana told her that morning, her fingers lacing through Kiara's. The one I feel most at home with. I want to bring my safe space..to the place in Cordonia I've always felt safest in.
It is afternoon, and the yellow crocuses behind them exude a warm, buttery golden glow in the sunlight. Hana lets out a breathless, incredulous laugh. "You seem like a woman in a very huge rush today, Lady Thorne."
Kiara's own laughter in response is high-pitched and halting. She tries to hide the moistness of her palms as she makes a blind grab for the small velvet box in her purse. "Believe me, this wasn't the way I'd planned this to go at all."
Intrigued, Hana's eyes follow Kiara's hands, and her eyes widen as she recognises the familiar deep blue velvet, the embossed silver lettering on top. Argyros and Sons.
"Is that --"
"Yes," Kiara says, clearing her throat, "I'd been planning this. All week. It was going to be romantic, elaborate, I was going to sweep you off your feet. Just like I'd planned to ask you out seven months ago."
Hana lets out a watery giggle. We all know how that turned out, don't we, qīn'ài de? Kiara can almost hear her saying.
But the humour stops almost immediately when she looks at the box again, and suddenly Hana seems too still, too shocked...too far off from how Kiara hoped she would react.
Kiara lets out a deep breath, then lets the words gush out of her. She's too scared to stop, too terrified to think - the fear that she may be doing too much too soon is so overwhelming that she knows if she stops she won't be able to bring herself to do this for a long, long time to come. The humiliation would be too strong.
"I'm not one for impulse. I never have been. I've never felt comfortable with anything if I didn't have a plan for it first."
Kiara gives herself a moment to half-smile at the irony of it all. Approaching Hana Lee with a smile and a bottle of water, after that first eventful bite of a Cordonian Ruby was definitely an impulse. So were half the things she had done with Hana since. So will many, many, many of the things they may wind up doing together, if (if!) this leap of faith works in her favour.
She looks up at Hana to see if she's laughing at the memory too. She isn't. In fact, Kiara isn't even sure Hana's reacting yet to what she's saying. Perfectly still, her eyes never moving from the box, so wide that they would go bloodshot if they were widened any further. Kiara swallows, and finds that her throat feels suddenly, inexplicably sore.
"I could never tell what it was about you that changed all that. I still don't. All I know is that...around you, Hana, I feel so much more brave. To let go of the need to plan and organize. To not be too afraid of what will follow - whether it goes in my favour or not. I find myself not just willing, but eager, to trust my gut."
Kiara's eyes search every inch of Hana's face as she opens the box, revealing the ring inside. It's a gorgeous piece, all platinum and sparkling diamonds. The smaller stones form a cluster around a massive one, leading the viewer to believe they are seeing a glittering snowflake, fallen fresh from the heavens.
Kiara had known the minute she saw the ring that it was the one. That it would remind them of the first time they confessed their love. Of their very first date, of the first time they shared Hana's cup of homemade hot chocolate. Of why the two of them will always love winters.
Hana's fingers move, trembling, towards her mouth, her face suddenly flushed. She remembers it too.
"Hana Lee," A frisson of fear slithers down Kiara's spine. "Will you marry me?"
When Hana finally opens her mouth, several seconds later, Kiara has to strain to hear her voice.
"I - I -" her eyes dart away from Kiara as if she's just remembered something important - her beautiful bronzed skin suddenly a little drained of colour. The next few words, she says in a "I.... I'll be back. Give me five minutes? I...just remembered something."
She leaves without waiting for an answer.
Kiara sinks into the grass, covering her face in her hands.
What have I just done?
All the way back from her room in the palace to the lake, the pouch hanging from her wrist feeling only a slight bit heavier, Hana cannot stop mentally kicking herself.
"You fool! You imbecile! Bèn dàn!!" Hana curses herself as she speeds up her sprint into a run, "What happened to your tongue? What kind of reaction was that?? What will Kiara think?"
Her mind now sprints miles ahead of her feet, racing in panicked ferocity over the possibilities.
With any luck, Kiara could still be waiting - puzzled and perhaps a little worried. Or she could be actively panicking, the way she does (on very rare occasions) when a plan goes terribly wrong.
Hana holds the silk pouch from her wrist in a deathlike grip as she speeds up towards Lake Sôse. Or.
The thought of that lovely, open space completely devoid of Kiara, of that beguiling combination of rose and jasmine emanating from her favourite Dior J'adore perfume, makes Hana's stomach drop to her feet.
It isn't until she sees that that heartbreakingly familiar figure of Kiara's, hunched over the grass, that Hana allows herself to breathe.
Kiara is there. Shoulders bent, head buried in her hands, almost stumbling as she tries to get up when she sees Hana.
Morose. Defeated. But still there.
Without another thought, Hana rushes into Kiara's arms, almost knocking her off her feet.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Hana whispers against her hair. "I wasn't trying to run away. I really had to get something. For you."
Kiara pulls back to look into her eyes, and when she does Hana's heart twists at the sight of unshed tears. "I thought I'd scared you off."
Hana's own laughter quavers, pitched high in disbelief. "I've just pledged myself to you this afternoon, body and soul, at the palace fountain. This -" she lifts Kiara's left hand to her chest, her thumb caressing the empty space on her beloved's ring finger " - just makes it so much more real."
Kiara's arms wrap around her, pulling Hana flush to her. Hana can feel Kiara shake as she giggles in response. "...you mean to say that I'd have saved myself so much stress if I'd just remembered those coins."
"Yes, qīn'ài de, a thousand times yes." She cups Kiara's face, pressing their foreheads together. "Place that ring where it belongs, Kiki. I can't wait to see it on my finger."
Hana holds her tight until Kiara's breathing becomes slower, calmer. She raises her newly-adorned hand for Kiara to see - marvelling at how the ring really mimics the glow of a snow crystal in the winter sun.
When they part, shyly, reluctantly, Hana begins to fiddle with the silk pouch.
"Here's what I'd gone to bring."
Kiara's eyes brighten at the sight of the box in her hand; a wave of warmth floods through Hana in anticipation of her response. Kiara gasps the minute she opens the box, revealing a delicate, intricately carved rose gold ring, flanked by small diamonds on all four corners, cradling a bigger one at the center.
"Rose gold," Kiara murmurs in wonder.
"Yes," Hana brushes her fingers over Kiara's knuckles. She'd told her once, long ago, how revered that metal was in her home province Bethulia. How Bethulian jewellers and goldsmiths and young women swore by the rosy hue it exuded. How it was a perfect amalgamation of three precious metals - all highly valued in the province. How tied it was to their folktales and bridal rituals.
"Copper..silver...gold." Kiara's tears glitter like diamonds before she lets them fall. "For friendship. For love. For belonging."
Hana smiles, her hand still stroking Kiara's cheek. "You remembered."
Kiara rolls her still-moist eyes, trying hard not to sniff - it would take out all the humour in this situation. "It's hard to forget a ritual we'd performed just ten minutes ago, ma moité."
"I'd planned to give you this ring a week from now," Hana says, shaking her head at her own impulsiveness as the ring she'd chosen on a fanciful whim so long ago, now finds its home. "I've been holding onto it for far too long."
Kiara caresses the stone on her own finger lovingly, admiring the way the rose gold glows on her skin. When she speaks, her voice is breathless in anticipation. "How long?"
For several minutes, Hana's only response is to pull Kiara back in her arms again. Her hand slides slowly, almost with a tinge of regret, down the dip of Kiara's waist on her left side. The wound that had once served as a constant, searing reminder of so much (of her vulnerability, of her inability to run from pain, of what she'd once considered her failures), has healed in more ways than one - only a faded scar that Hana never fails to kiss, now remains.
"For seven months," Hana's voice shakes at the memory, "Since the night after Homecoming Ball."
With a choked sob, Kiara enfolds Hana into her arms, almost as if she'd want to absorb her into every cell of her body. Fervently, reverently, she presses her lips all over Hana's face - her eyelids, her cheeks, the bridge of her nose, all the little-known, barely-noticed parts of her. It takes her a while - perhaps too long, in Hana's opinion - for Kiara's lips to meet hers, but she welcomes the sweet torture of waiting.
"Mon cœur," Kiara says between kisses, "ma raison de vivre."
When they part, the two women keep each other's hands interlinked, one left hand over the other. Neither of them will remember how long they stay at the lake; only that they never want this joy, this warm afterglow of seeing their dreams come true...to end.
The empty spaces on their ring fingers, over which they'd each stolen such secret, hungry glances today, now bear the mark of their lovers. Now bear the most tangible signs of their love, their memories, their promises, their commitment.
Together forever.
Ma moité - a romantic endearment in French, meaning "my other half"
Qīn'ài de - Mandarin Chinese for "my dear"/"darling"
Bèn dàn - Mandarin Chinese cuss word that means "stupid egg!"
Mon cœur - French endearment, meaning "my heart"
Ma raison de vivre - French for "my reason to live"
References for Hana and Kiara's engagement rings:
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(Source: Maxine Jewellery)
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(Source: This article on engagement rings, but the actual pic itself came from Blue Rose Photography)
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lssugaluv · 3 months
Q & A ft. The MSBY Jackals. (Haikyuu)
Haikyuu characters x TikTok video trend.
Synopsis: Hinata comes up with a great idea to make a Q & A with the members of the MSBY Jackals. Those guys are always trending on the internet and what best way to post at what time they like to have the deed. ;)
Q: “Sex in the morning, afternoon, or night.?”
MDNI 18 +
Contains; Sex talk, comedy, “TikTok trend”, a bit of cursing, pet names, mentions of sex.
Characters; Atsumu, Bokuto, Sakusa, & Hinata.
Tokyo Revengers version: Q&A FT. Tokyo Rev.
Hinata is pointing his iPhone at Bokuto who is shirtless in the locker room. He knew they will get views if he gets at least one teammate shirtless.
“Bo, I got a question for you. “Sex in the morning, afternoon or at night?”
Bokuto: “what do you mean?” He knocks his head to the side confused.
Hinata: “when do you like to have sex the most?.”
Bokuto: “Ah Ah!” Scratches his head and has a little nervous giggle. “I like it mainly at night before I go to sleep. In the mornings and afternoons I’m here but at night it’s a stress reliever.” And he ends it with a wink.
As soon as Sakusa sees Hinata walking towards him, he runs away and hides.
Hinata: *Speaking to the camera* “it seems like Sakusa ran away, but I will get him soon ladies don’t worry.” He flashes his big bright smile to the camera.
And yes, he recorded Sakusa running away and Hinata screaming his name out.
Atsumu: “just the guy I was waiting for.” He smiles brightly at Hinata.
Hinata: laughs and then asks him the famous question. “sex in the morning, afternoon or at night?”
Atsumu: “That’s an easy question.”
Hinata: “okay, then answer it.”
Atsumu: “All day everyday baby!” he winks at the camera and laughs. “Mornings are a great way to warm up before I come here to train.”
* winks at the camera again. *
He continues, “my baby gives it to me whenever I want it sooo, yeah we usually do it three times a day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at night before we go to sleep.” ;)
Hinata: “wait… in the afternoon?? Even when we’re at practice?”
Atsumu: “ya really think she just comes to drop off my lunch?” *winks again* “she also comes to get some lunch from me… if ya know what I mean.”
Sakusa (part 2)
* Sakusa was sitting outside by the garden when Hinata sneaks up to him. With the help of Atsumu and Bokuto, they trap him forcing him to answer the question.
Hinata: *facing the camera towards himself*
“Okay guys, we finally got him!
* turns the camera back around showing Sakusa trapped by both tall men trying his best to escape.
Hinata: “okay, now Sakusa, do you like se-“
Sakusa “I told you I’m not answering your dumbass question.”
Bokuto: “I will sneeze on ya if ya don’t answer it.”
Sakusa: “there’s no way you can sneeze yourself.”
Bokuto: *showing signs that he’s about to sneeze on the germ freak.*
Sakusa: “fine! fine!” He sighs and looks down to the ground.
“ I am not currently dating anyone as of now- “
Atsumu: “Damn it! Just answer the question!!”
Sakusa: “I’m a night type of guy. I like to shower first of course and then hit a round. After, shower with my partner and do another round there. Then go to sleep.”
Bokuto: “ah , you’re a shower sex type of guy then.”
Atsumu: “didn’t know you had it in ya. We thought you were a virgin knowing you hate sweat and germs.”
Hinata: “all right ladies, this ends the first Q & A for the MSBY Jackals. Let me know in the comments if you want me to ask the other members! Or anyone else in specific.” *winks to the camera.*
He uploaded the non-edited video onto TikTok and YouTube. Of course fans did their thing and re-posted it on all other platforms.
They got 1.3 million likes on TikTok btw. And yes, part 2 is coming up.
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Author’s note:
Thank you for reading 🫶🏽
• Please like, reblog, but do not copy my work! 🫶🏽
• Let me know if you’ll like a part 2!
• Bokuto was a bit shy in this Q&A.
• don’t know who the picture belongs too! But credits to them <3 found it on Pinterest.
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gloryofroses19 · 2 years
FaceTime Follies
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Pairing: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x girlfriend!reader
If being in the Navy had taught Lieutenant Bradley Bradhsaw anything, it’s that waking up early is a pain. Despite a full 8 hours of sleep, because what else is he supposed to do stuck on a naval ship in the middle of the Pacific, Bradley nursed a warm cup of coffee as he prepared.
Grabbing his watch from his nightstand, Bradley moved himself in front of the small, mounted mirror. With motoric precision, Bradley ran a handful of pomade through his hair and the remnants over his mustache. With the final adjustment to the well-worn white t-shirt that adorned his body, he unlocked his phone and hit the contact titled “Chicken ❤️”. 
Rooster smiled to himself as he waited for her to pick up, recalling the fateful date that had him changing her contact to match his callsign. But his reminiscing was cut short as her image filled his iPhone screen. 
“Well hello sailor!”
Chucking to himself, Bradley moved to correct her. “Dalin’, I’m a pilot.” 
“In the Navy!” [y/n] responded in a matter-of-fact tone. “Also ‘well hello pilot’, just doesn’t have as nice of a ring to it.” 
“True but it is more accurate.” Pausing to enjoy the giggle that followed, Rooster continued. “Anyway, good morning pretty girl, how was your day?” And Bradley Bradshaw meant every word of the term of endearment. Despite the late night hour in San Diego, she looked as beautiful as ever freshly showered with wet hair and outfitted in a gray hoodie. 
“Oh so it’s morning where you are…” Moving out of frame for a fraction of a second, Rooster was met with the sight of his girlfriend returning with her iPad. “If you'd just excuse me while I look up places in the Pacific where it’s currently 4:14AM.”
“How do you know it’s 4:14AM?” 
[y/n] often joked to her friends that despite his callsign, Rooster reminded her of a golden retriever. Especially now with his head tilted to the side in confusion. “The clock behind you, Bradshaw.”  
“Hey Sherlock, cool it or I’m going to lose my phone privileges when you figure out classified information.” 
“You’re right, ending up in jail on espionage charges does sound terrible doesn’t it?” 
“Who cares about the espionage charges? The bigger problem would be the week and half we’d not be able to talk to each other!” 
If dating a Top Gun aviator taught her anything, it was to accept the small miracles that happen everyday. Like for example, her boyfriend looking ruggedly handsome and healthy despite the poor lighting and spotty internet connection. [y/n] bit her lip as she watched him adjust his t-shirt across his broad chest and wished so desperately that she was cuddled up against him.  
“I had a dream last night and it got me thinking, did I leave my light blue Hawaiian shirt at your place?” 
“You’ve got a bunch that could be described like that, Rooster. I'm going to need some more specifics.” 
“So bossy…” Rooster joked knowing that if they’d have been together, she would have poked him. “The light blue with little scenes of a guy surfing and palm trees. Oh, and there’s turtles!”
“Oh, that one! Yes, you did. It’s sitting freshly cleaned and ironed in my closet awaiting your return.”
“Thanks, baby.” 
“Of course, but I have to ask. Do you normally dream about your wardrobe? Don’t get me wrong, kudos for rocking the Hawaiian shirts before they came back in style but you’ve been gone for two weeks so dreaming about it seems like a serious commitment.” 
“Ha ha very fun.” He grinned at her, before shyly moving his gaze off screen. “It belonged to my dad, it actually was the last shirt he wore before his final flight.” 
Being with Bradley had taught [y/n] when to push for more information and when to accept what is being given to her. “Oh, well like I said it’s waiting for you.” 
“I’m in no rush, I know it’s in good hands.” Bradley paused, looking at her through the screen and wishing that his career didn’t take him away from the person he loved most in this world. When he lost his parents and Maverick betrayed him, Rooster thought he could never trust, let alone love someone wholeheartedly. The heartbreak was too much for him…or so he thought until he met [y/n].  
A knock on his door followed by a low murmur of conversation drew Rooster’s attention and body away from the phone. [y/n] accepted the gift being given to her and shamelessly observed her boyfriend’s profile. However, the wording on Bradley’s shirt caught her attention. 
“Sorry baby, we got 5 minutes left. I should have called earlier.” Returning to his phone, Bradley did not miss the Chesire grin that his girlfriend was sporting. 
“It’s okay, you should get as much sleep as you can.” With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, Rooster excitedly braced for whatever was to come. “But I do have a question of my own. Nice university shirt, remind me when exactly did you attend?” 
“I’m sorry but where’s the question?” Rooster asked in an attempt to stall for time. He never intended to take [y/n]’s old, oversized college t-shirt. He just had seen it sitting atop her pile of clean laundry and thought of the night she first told him she loved him while wearing it as they sat on his apartment floor looking at pictures of his parents at 12AM. 
“The question is that you're a thief Bradley Bradhsaw! I wonder how the Navy would feel knowing that one of their star pilots is a robber!” But the effectiveness of her statement decreased as her phone began to tumble. Bradley began to laugh as he heard her curse and scramble to catch her phone. Her rush, however, allowed Rooster to catch sight of the words adorning her sweatshirt. “Oh and when exactly did you attend Top Gun Academy [full name]?” 
With an exaggerated gasp, [y/n] threw her hands over the front of his sweatshirt before joining Bradley in laughing. “God, we’re hopeless.”
“Hopelessly in love, baby girl.” Bradley corrected her. He knew he idolized his parents' relationship despite his limited memory of them together. He also knew that memory was fickle and biased. But he had never heard anyone deny that Goose Bradshaw loved his wife with every ounce of his being. How Goose felt like the luckiest man in the world to be able to have his wife by his side who loved him. And the way Bradley Bradshaw felt when [full name] looked at him, even through a phone, struck him that maybe all his memories and people’s stories about his parents were right. 
“And I wouldn’t want it any other way.” [y/n] confirmed. As if on cue, Rooster’s alarm sounded informing the pair that their time was up. 
“I love you, be safe.” 
“I’ll try my best, ma’am. I love you.”
A/N: Thank you to everyone for reading! As always, I'd love any feedback!
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miel-ji · 1 year
Something Changed
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Genre: fluff, a bit of angst, happy ending
Paring: Jisung x fem!reader, barista!Jisung, bestie!felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin are also there
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: partying, drinking, drunk people, mentions of smoking, implied hookups, some language, kiss scene
Summary: You’re going to your first ever party in university (partly because a certain barista invited you). You swear he’s been flirting with you, but maybe he’s just really friendly with everyone?
A/N: This is my very first writing ever. I have no previous experience and tbh my grammar probably isn’t the best but yeah, I just had the urge to create something. I was feeling kind of down today so I used this as an outlet. Bc of that some of the lines might be cringy and it may be just a bit over dramatic but I still think it’s fun. Plus, it was on an iPhone so I have no idea how the formatting will come out lmao If you did read and enjoy it, thank you so much!
You’ve finally done it. You’ve finally gone to a party where the parents have been replaced with alcohol, and you have to admit that you’re a little terrified. Especially since you knew that Jisung was there which was a common factor as to why you’re at the party in the first place and feeling how you are.
Over the course of a couple months, you’d developed a crush on the barista at the local coffee shop who’d specifically invited you to this party. Of course you had to come, not only for Jisung, but it excited you to be able to have one of those classic youthful experiences like going to university parties.
You knew how to have fun, but you also knew your friends would rely on you to be the sober one and keep them out of trouble. Being the only one sober at one of these parties definitely was not going to happen. You also struggled with getting out of your comfort zone evident with the twinges of anxiety stabbing in your gut as you stared at the frat house overflowing with lights, music, and people from your friend, Felix’s car.
Your breathing started to get heavier as you clutched the edges of your seat at the thought of joining the noise, but Felix put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay,” his soothing deep voice ceased the buzzing in your ears, and he offered you a comforting smile. “You can do this. And I’ll stay by you for as long as you need.”
“I know,” you groaned and leaned your head back against the headrest. “Thank you, Lix. I’ll try not to keep you from having too much fun.”
“We’re going to have fun no matter what we do. If we join in with the people, or find our own space to party.” Felix laughed a little and wiggled in his seat to mimic the dancing he would do at your mini party.
You laughed along with him feeling a little more relaxed before another voice piped up, “Is Jisung invited to this space?” Seungmin asked, smirking a little and leaning in from the middle backseat to properly insert himself in the conversation.
Your ears started to heat up once Seungmin mentioned his name, and you could feel the butterflies building in your stomach. Felix shot him a playful look before turning back to you, “I’m sure he’d say yes.”
“Oh my god,” you laughed and your hands flew to cover your face. “How about we just go to the party first and then worry about Jisung?”
“Sounds good to me, let’s go!” Seungmin answered before enthusiastically climbing out of the back seat.
Felix started working at the coffee shop a couple months ago which is how he met Jisung. They became quick friends, and Felix wanted to introduce you, joking that he’d found your ideal type. One day when you were ordering your coffee, Felix was already bringing you up to Jisung in the corner of the shop while cleaning.
Before you knew it, Jisung was calling you over to chat, and you couldn’t help but feel a slight blush creep up on you when you realized Felix was right. He was your ideal type. He had a brilliant smile that left you a bit dazed and unaware of the matching one you now wore. It lit up his whole face, and he radiated a certain charming quality that made you feel like you’ve already been friends for years. He had fluffy black hair that fell over his beautiful deep brown eyes that focused on you like you were the only person present.
“Hey, I’m Jisung. Felix was just telling me about you. You must be… y/n.”
Oh, the way he said your name. Say it again. “Yeah, hi. Felix has told me a bit about you too.” Your face felt warm. Please don’t be blushing.
“Oh, really?” He quirked an eyebrow and looked back at Felix who was already slipping away to the back. “Yo, Felix! Where’re you going?” Felix pretended not to hear as the door swung closed behind him, and Jisung turned back to you laughing. His whole face scrunched up as he laughed which caused his cheeks to look even puffier. “Well if it was in the same way he was talking about you, then I’m sure it was all good things.”
“Felix is such a sweetheart. He just likes to talk a lot apparently. But yes, all good things. I think he really likes working with you.”
He propped his elbows on the high table beside him, and leaned closer to you. “He’s a pretty cool guy. Have you been friends for long?”
You found yourself moving forward a little towards Jisung on the other side of the table. “Yeah, all through university actually.”
“Ah, so you go to the university here? What’s your major?”
“I major in biology. What about you? Do you go there?”
“Yeah, I’m a music major,” he dropped his gaze for a second looking a little shy before asking more about you. “What do you want to do after uni?”
“I wish I was talented enough to be a music major. I was thinking-“ you were cut off before you could finish by Jisung’s boss calling him over to talk.
He gave you an apologetic smile before starting to move away, “it was nice to meet you, y/n.” You really like how he said your name. He walked off to his boss while you said goodbye and waved a little.
After that first encounter with Jisung, Felix picked up on the fact that you were attracted to him. Each time you came to the coffee shop, Felix immediately asked if you wanted to speak with Jisung before leaving to fetch him for you. You weren’t the best at picking up signs, but was Jisung flirting with you? He was always smiling at you, and he seemed interested in asking you questions about yourself. And the way he spoke kind of low and casual seemed… different.
But he was probably used to charming people in order to get tips when making coffee. Why were you any different? That was until Felix mentioned one day that Jisung had called you pretty. You were having a studying session in your dorm with each of you studying your own subjects separately since Felix was a different major too. He had gotten tired of the textbooks and decided to start talking about things that happened at work when he so casually mentioned it. You were so flattered and giddy in that moment that you maybe had a chance.
As Felix and Jisung became closer, Jisung started to hang out with him outside of class. Felix decided not to tell you this when he invited you to karaoke night at the apartment he was sharing with your other friends Seungmin and Hyunjin. Even though you felt like the only one out of the group who wasn’t gifted musically, they still made it fun. Often they opted to sing in a silly manner anyway, but Seungmin did occasionally belt out a ballad that left you all in awe.
You arrived at the apartment when Jisung was the first to notice waving at you from the couch, “Y/n! How are you?”
You tried to laugh a little to hide your nervousness as you weren’t expecting to see him there. “Jisung, hey! I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Hope you don’t mind,” a slight smirk was present as he gazed up at you. You wish you knew him a little more to tell if these flirtatious mannerisms were special or not.
Staying in your comfort zone entailed that you shied away from people and kept to yourself, but you got sick of always having missed opportunities. You’d promised to yourself to take those chances even when anxiety latched onto your shoulders and tried to drag you back into yourself. With Jisung it felt even easier to keep that promise.
So without thinking, you plopped down on the couch next to him, “not at all.” You replied.
He once again leaned in closer to you as he did when you spoke like he was hanging onto every word. That was when the other boys walked in to greet you.
“Y/n, when did you get here?” Felix asked, giving you a smile that said he already knew why you hadn’t tried to find him first like normally. Seungmin and Hyunjin shuffled in the room soon after, both taking seats in front of the couch by your feet.
“Just walked in, actually. Jisung surprised me.”
“Yeah, I invited him because I found out that he can rap,” Jisung’s eyes widened, but the smile never left his face. “He can freestyle too.” Now Jisung’s smile faltered slightly.
“Uh, I think I’ll just stick to the karaoke for now. I’m not that great at freestyle.” He was shaking his head, but his eyes shifted to you once he heard you giggling.
“Aw, but you have to, please?” You asked, amused at the thought.
“Maybe, maybe.”
Felix clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention again, and you saw Hyunjin jump, startled at your feet. “Felix,” He gasped, clutching his heart.
“Sorry, I need everyone to focus to choose a song.” He said while lifting his eyebrows at you.
“No need. I already know,” Seungmin chimed in. He got up from his spot and pulled up the song before handing a microphone to you. “This was the song you were listening to the other day right, y/n?”
“Uh, yeah… why?”
“Because, you’re going to sing it. With Jisung.” He handed another microphone to Jisung.
“Wait, why only us?” You rushed out to ask once the realization set in.
“Because you’re the only one who knows this song, and it’s a faster song. I’m sure Jisung would be the only one able to still keep up without knowing the song since he’s a rapper.” Seungmin shrugged like he didn’t just make up the lamest, most see- through excuse to push you and Jisung together.
Jisung laughed a little, “sounds like a challenge. I like it.”
“But!” Seungmin said, still not finished, “it’s actually a competition, go!”
Without any time to reject what he said, he played the song and the opening was playing through the sound bar. From the many times you’d sang this song, your body instantly reacted and you started. You could hear Jisung struggling to pick up on the rhythm of the song, but once he did, he managed to sing along like he’d heard it as many times as you. The rapping part came up and you stumbled over the words a little bit while Jisung really was in his element. He not only rapped along to the song, but he added his own flavor to the lyrics as well.
Once the song had wrapped up, you had doubled over in laughter from amusement and embarrassment while Felix, Seungmin, and Hyunjin applauded. You turned to look at Jisung who was already looking at you and clapping for you.
“Stop, you clearly won.” You said playfully.
“Yep, Jisung won!” Seungmin declared while Felix and Hyunjin tried to defend you.
“No way, it was all y/n!” Jisung argued.
No one came to an agreement on who actually won, but you continued on with karaoke. Each taking turns or sometimes there’d be a duet or another competition. Seungmin especially loved putting people against each other. You ended the karaoke night by having ditched the microphone to everyone just belting out the lyrics instead. Everyone’s voices were a little raspy and worn out from prior singing, but no one cared. You danced around the living room with your friends and sang along while sounding like a cacophony.
Eventually, the karaoke night shifted into dancing lessons from Felix. He was doing a tiktok dance that caught your attention, so you asked him to teach you. He tried teaching everyone, but Hyunjin groaned and said he’d rather do a real dance. In his dance class, they had been learning Latin dances, specifically cumbia, so he decided to teach that with Felix instead. You were always enthusiastic to learn new things, and while you weren’t a particularly skilled dancer, that didn’t stop you from doing it for fun.
Felix taught Jisung the dance first explaining that he’d be the lead first before showing Jisung to be the lead. Hyunjin did the same with Seungmin which meant you were standing to the side recording each pair trying not to laugh. “Hey, don’t laugh. This is going to be you in a second,” Jisung teased you while trying to get the footwork of the dance. He picked it up relatively quickly, not even needing Felix to teach him the lead before asking to try himself. He wasn’t a dancer like how clearly Felix and Hyunjin were, but he still moved fluidly and light on his feet.
“Very good, now show y/n. I need some water.” Felix panted before walking off. Jisung carded his fingers through his messy hair which just fell back into his eyes as he approached you.
He held out both of his hands for you to take, “I told you. Are you ready?” He asked, lowering his voice. You tried to shake off your nerves as you took his hands and allowed him to lead you through the dance.
He showed you the basic steps before you actually started the dance, but soon you were able to just give in to the music and let him lead you. He’d pull you close into him and then spin you around. You felt more dizzy from being so close to him and holding his hands than you did from the actual spinning. Him engulfing you was intoxicating. Every touch lingered on your skin. The dance was quite fun, and you hadn’t even noticed when the music stopped. He spun you one last time before the dance came to a stop. You gazed into his sparkling eyes and felt everything else had come to a stop as well. There was no denying it now. You had feelings for Han Jisung.
At the realization, you could feel your pulse speed up. You stepped away from Jisung and looked around the room to find your other two friends had left as well. “Wow, did they really just ditch us?” You attempted humor after feeling the shift in the room hoping he didn’t notice the shake in your voice.
“Maybe they went to get water too? Come on, do you want some?” You could swear you saw his hand lift like he was going to reach for you again before he just smiled and headed for the kitchen.
The next time you saw Jisung would be when he had personally invited you to the party. It was a bit late at night, but Felix and Hyunjin were in desperate need of some coffee. They were working on a routine together and needed to have it perfected for the evaluation in a couple of days, so they turned to you to save them with caffeine. You’d promised to go on a coffee run only if they promised to actually get some rest some time later tonight (more likely early morning). You really didn’t mind since the barista was pretty cute anyway.
As soon as you stepped through the door and the little bell attached to the top rang, Jisung’s head snapped up to see you. Excitement took over his features as he waved you over. “What brings you here at ten o’clock at night?” He asked, leaning across the counter slightly.
“I know how it looks,” you laughed, “but it’s not for me. Felix and Hyunjin have to stay up late tonight and need a little help.”
“Likely excuse…” he gave you a fake suspicious look before his thoughts seemed to shift elsewhere. “Why do you never stay when you get coffee?”
“Jisung, really, it’s not for me-“
“No, I mean like the other times. You always get it to- go… I don’t get to see you much,” he bit his lip slightly. The mood changed faster than you could blink. You hoped that Jisung could feel the tension as well, but he walked away for a moment to start making the coffee. You were a little relieved since it gave you time to process what exactly he meant.
When he came back, he handed you the coffee and rang them up not caring to finish the previous topic. You took your receipt and were reaching for the coffee when he spoke up again, “hey, there’s this party next Friday that you should go to. I mean, Felix was already going, so I’m not sure if you were. But you should. Maybe we can dance again.”
“Sure,” you answered without hesitation. Without remembering why you didn’t go to parties in the first place. Without caring about any of that at the moment since it was Jisung who was asking.
“Okay,” the smile he usually wore around you expanded, and you felt like you just did something right. “It was good to see you, y/n.” He spoke softer.
“I’ll see you soon, Jisung.” You turned on your heel and left the coffee shop excited to tell Felix what had just happened.
Felix linked his arm with yours once you all filed out of his car. Hyunjin was already inside somewhere since he felt he owed something to the frat. Something about one of the boys complimenting a drawing he was doing by the quad one day, and it lifted his spirits so much he vowed to return the favor. Seungmin, who everyone assumed didn’t like parties, was already many steps in front of you eager to join the crowd. God bless Felix for staying with you because you were already feeling a little shaky.
You crossed into the threshold of the house, and the house was brimming with activity. Drinks, cups, snacks were scattered all along the house, and even though you couldn’t see anyone smoking, the air was hazy with it. There were people dancing on tables, tucked into corners making out, drunkenly yelling at each other, but you couldn’t spot your barista among these people. Seungmin was already headed for the kitchen, and Felix pulled you along which was fine because you definitely were going to need a drink.
“Oh my god! Y/n! You actually came!” Hyunjin slightly pushed Felix off of you to shake your shoulders. “I’m just so happy you’re actually at a party with us.” You laughed as you thought actual tears were pricking up in his eyes. He was clearly already drunk with a light flush across his cheeks.
“Yes, I’m here. I’m here,” you coaxed his hands off of you while you looked around him for a drink.
“Y/n, please do a shot with me. It’ll be sooo fun. Pleaseee,” he turned around and poured four shots of tequila without waiting for you to answer. He thrust the shot into your hand, slightly spilling some of the alcohol on your hand before passing out the rest to Felix and Seungmin. You each clinked your plastic shot glasses and said cheers (Hyunjin being the loudest of all) before dumping the tequila down your throat. You usually took shots well, so you let the alcohol coat your throat before going for another one, “damnnn, y/n isn’t playing tonight!”
You downed the next shot before speaking, “have you seen Jisung?”
“Jisung… Jisung… Jisunggg,” Hyunjin repeated like the name was foreign on his tongue. “Oh, yeah, I think he’s… upstairs… with… some girl,” he said the last part a little quieter as the realization struck him a little too late.
“Oh… well, that’s fine. Just thought he wanted to hang out,” you tried to mask your disappointment as you poured yourself a proper drink this time.
“Y/n, Im sorry, i know-“ Felix placed a hand on your back seeing right through your reaction.
“No, it’s okay. Really. It was just a fun little crush anyway. I didn’t have any real expectations.” You gave them a little smile to really sell the performance and sipped on your drink to avoid their sympathetic looks.
The alcohol finally started taking an effect, warming your body. You could feel your muscles relaxing and your heart get a little lighter from the bombshell dropped on you. This encouraged you to drink a little more before Felix asked you to slow down. “We have all night, y/n. No need to do all the drinking right now. So what do you feel like doing?”
You were really looking forward to dancing with Jisung. You had even continued practicing the dance that Felix had taught you to be able to keep it up longer the next time with him. But maybe it meant more to you than it did to him. You were tired of reading too much into things and decided that you wanted to dance anyway. With or without Jisung. “Let’s dance!”
This earned a whoop from Hyunjin before he eagerly pulled you into the living room where everyone was dancing. Felix and Seungmin followed along, and the next moment, you were all dancing together. Well, Felix was dancing. You and Hyunjin were holding hands, jumping around and shaking your hips while Seungmin had left. Probably embarrassed to be seen with you guys and wanted to find a lay himself.
The dancing continued until you absolutely couldn’t anymore. Hyunjin's hair was drenched in sweat like he had just taken a shower, and the curls from your hair had started to fall. You and Hyunjin leaned against each other giggling and breathing heavily while Felix left to get everyone water. “Hyunjinnie, wait here, please. I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Ew, gross. Go. I’ll tell Felix where you went.”
“Thanks,” you giggled while stumbling your way through the crowd to find the bathroom. You couldn’t find anything not locked downstairs, so you approached the stairs to continue your search on the second floor. You placed your foot on the first step, feeling yourself sober up a little as you remembered what might be occurring up there. You repeated your words from earlier about it being just a fun crush before forcing yourself to continue climbing up the stairs.
Thankfully, the first person you ran into at the top of the stairs was able to direct you to the bathroom at the end of the hall that managed to be unoccupied. Once you finished and were leaving the bathroom, a couple of doors down a girl with a tense face left one of the bedrooms. You didn’t think much of it before you started back for the stairs and heard a familiar voice call out for you, “y/n?” Jisung. Your name sounded like you were hearing it for the first time when he said it. Your first reaction was to turn to greet him before you realized that girl was probably the same one he had disappeared with. You continued walking like you didn’t hear him.
You found Seungmin near the stairs and slung yourself over his shoulder even though you knew he’d be mad. You needed to act like you were busy in a conversation to avoid Jisung. Poor Seungmin had been talking to some girl when you came over, and he turned his head to glare at you. “Y/n, what are you doing?”
“Minnie, you disappeared on us. I thought you wanted to dance?” You moved so you now stood beside him and the girl to be able to face him.
“What are you talking about? I always-“ he didn’t finish when he noticed the figure approaching you out of the corner of his eye. “Of course, I wanted to dance. You just looked like you were having fun with Hyunjin.” He took the hint and engaged in the conversation.
“Hey, Jisung,” the girl Seungmin was talking to acknowledged him, and Seungmin cringed that your plan to ignore him failed.
“Hey, y/n, I’m glad you actually came.” Jisung was only looking at you. You didn’t want to look. You didn’t want to fall for him again. “I hope you saved a dance for me.” He continued once it seemed like you weren’t going to speak up.
“Actually, it was my turn to dance with her,” Seungmin said, noticing how uncomfortable you were next to him.
“Oh… um, actually I wanted to talk to you, y/n… please,” you couldn’t help yourself from glancing at him as he said please, and of course, his doe eyes won.
“Sure, but we need to hurry because I don’t want to keep Seungmin waiting for too long,” You sighed and let Jisung take your wrist. You didn’t want to feel as happy as you did when his fingers brushed your skin.
You didn’t have any right to feel jealous or hurt that Jisung wanted to have a casual hookup at the party. He was a grown up, and he could do what he wanted. You just had to accept the fact that you really were just friends, and all the little flirtations were just innocent. You should’ve known better than to look any further into something when you’d both explicitly called each other friends. It was just a silly little hope that his lingering gazes meant more, that your banter meant more, that you meant more.
Still, your heart leapt into your throat as you let Jisung take you somewhere more private to talk. That was until he led you into the bedroom that he was just in with that other girl. You frustratedly sighed before you noticed that the bed was made up, in fact it looked untouched.
“Are you okay?” Jisung asked as he closed the door. “If you’re uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else. I know how it looks bringing you to the bedroom, but I just wanted somewhere a little quieter to talk.” He moved a little closer to you, but his hands stayed by his side as if to prove that he really meant no funny business.
“Y-yeah, this is okay…” you suddenly felt very nervous, but you wanted to know what Jisung was so eager to tell you. Has he noticed your crush, and he’s here to reject you softly? Or maybe…? But then what was he doing with the other girl?
Jisung’s smile was soft and gentle like he really wanted you to feel at ease. He took a few more steps closer until only a couple of inches separated your bodies. This is when you really took in his appearance. He was wearing a black sleeveless tank top that showed off his arms. He looked strong, and your hands itched to reach out and feel the smooth curves of the muscles. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black leather pants with a belt that showed off his lean body. His hair was no longer in his eyes, but his bangs were swept up in a side part that framed his angelic face. He looked dangerous but safe all at the same time. Tonight he had siren eyes that were locked onto you like he wanted to consume you. He gazed down at you with heavy- lids, but you could see vulnerability in his black eyes. His soft lips parted with the words that were stuck on his tongue.
He leaned a little towards you as he got ready to speak, and you dared to close the space just a little more. You could almost feel his breath ghost across your cheek and his body heat radiate onto you. You felt completely sober now; your head was clear as you were trying to memorize every moment of this. “Y/n, I meant what I said at the coffee shop. I don’t get to see you much, but I want to.”
Your breath hitched, and your eyes widened slightly. Was he really confessing? “Jisung…”
“Y/n, I know you feel something here… I hope you want to see me too.” You felt his hand slide against yours, and your whole body felt like it was on fire. But you needed answers. You jerked your hand away, and Jisung’s face fell a bit, his brow slightly furrowed.
“I- I know you were in here with another girl before me…” you said quietly. You were too scared to shatter the illusion of this moment, but you had to look away. You look down at your shoes that we’re almost touching Jisung’s. That didn’t help in reminding how close you were to having him.
You could see Jisung tense. “I can explain… I- it’s true that I slept with her. But I promise, I didn’t tonight, and I haven’t in a while. Not since that night we danced together. Something changed. I couldn’t sleep with her anymore, and tonight I officially broke it off… It was just casual. I thought I’d always want just casual, but… something changed.”
You finally look up again, and Jisung was dangerous only by name now. He looked addicting, he acted care- free, but now he was completely exposed to you. You knew this must all be new to him and admitting these things to you must have taken a lot of effort. This time you reached out to take his hand. Your palm sliding across his warm skin until you laced your fingers together. He chewed on his bottom lip anxiously as he waited for you to say something. “I do feel it too… something changed for me that night too.”
You breathed out and finally closed the distance between you two. He released his bottom lip that was now plump from how he’d been working at it, and he licked his lips. His eyes flicked down to your lips, and you could feel your body coil in excitement. Please kiss me, you hope your eyes said it all for you. His other hand snaked up your back and left a trail of sparks all the way up to where it came to rest on the nape of your neck. You could feel his touch still on you even after it was long gone. His thumb softly stroked the back of your neck before he pulled you into him. Your lips parted, and he stopped when his lips were just hovering over yours. “Can I…?” He almost whispered. His deep voice caused your eyes to flutter shut as you shook your head yes.
His lips gently pressed against yours as he slowly savored the kiss. Your knees almost buckled underneath you as this is what you’ve wanted to happen for so long. But you willed yourself to keep standing as the kiss grew in intensity. You gently caressed his jaw with your free hand as he started to kiss you harder. You didn’t care if you ran out of breath. You didn’t need air. You needed him. His tongue flicked over your bottom lip, and you slightly whimpered. You cringed in your head, but quickly forgot about it as he sucked on your bottom lip. The fingers in your hair gripped your head just a little as he also quietly groaned. He gently bit your bottom lip and slipped his tongue into your mouth. His tongue slid over yours as he wanted to taste all of you. He continued exploring your mouth until you both absolutely needed to gasp for air.
You stared back at him again as both of your chests heaved. His lips were slick and swollen from your kiss, and it looked as if a slight blush had sprinkled across his cheeks. Your heart warmed at the sight before you leaned up to kiss him again. And again. And again. Never getting over the feeling of his soft lips on yours, and how you could feel how much he wanted you. From the way your lips moved against each other to the hands that remained intertwined at your side to his other hand that didn’t stop exploring over your body.
As you kissed, his hand brushed through your hair, across your jaw, down your shoulder, up your side, over your spine, gripped your hip. He was restless in touching you, and you relished in the feeling of being wanted. Being wanted by him. You weren’t sure how long you had stayed in that moment, kissing, but eventually you came back to your senses. Seungmin was probably wondering why you hadn’t come back, and so was Hyunjin who thought that you were just going to the bathroom. You felt bad since you knew that they were worried about you, but they would understand once you told them why, right?
You looped your arms around Jisung’s neck while both of his hands rested on your hips, “I have to go now…” you pouted.
“Please don’t.” He rested his forehead against yours and mirrored your pout.
“My friends are probably looking for me. But this isn’t over, okay?”
Jisung smirked, “you still want more?”
“Don’t act like you don’t.” You teased and pulled away from him.
He caught your wrist and pulled you back to him, “of course I do, baby.”
Your stomach knotted at the new pet name. You weren’t expecting it so fast, and you had to fight back a smile. “I'm serious, baby. I have to go.”
You giggled when Jisung gaped at you using the pet name back like he didn’t even notice that he had said it first. Taking your opportunity, you pecked his lips and walked to the door. “I’ll… see you at the coffee shop?”
“What? You’re not even going to call or something?” he all but whined.
You giggled and winked, “okay, I’ll call you.” You slipped out of the room to go find your friends
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secretgamergirl · 2 months
"They Don't Teach Kids About Computers These Days!"
I see variations on this a LOT these days. Sometimes it's people in their teens/early 20s being frustrated at how they're expected to know everything about computers, sometimes it's college professors straight up HORRIFIED when they realize they have students who don't have any understanding that their hard drive, a school's internal network, and on a public website are completely distinct places for a file to be located, and I kinda figure the weird stress a lot of people seem to have about the concept of getting a game and not having it just go into their Steam library specifically is a related issue.
Now on the one hand, obviously, I sympathize with this. I have a series of posts on this blog called How A Computer Works, because... I want to teach people about this stuff. (That's still ongoing by the way, I've just got a lot else going on and need to settle on the scope of the next lesson.) On the other hand, uh... I'm from the generation before the one that apparently has all the computer literacy problems, and nobody taught us this stuff in school... and the next generation up wouldn't possibly have had access. So was anyone taught how to use them?
Now I say "they didn't teach my generation how to use computers in school" but that isn't technically true. I see a lot of people call people my age "the Oregon Trail generation" when this topic comes up. Sort of on the edge of Gen X and Millennials, going through school in that window where Apple had really really pushed the Apple ][ on schools with big discounts. And they did have "computer classes" to learn how to do some things on those, but... that isn't really a transferable or relevant skill set.
Like, yeah, if you're below the age of let's say 30 or so as of when I'm writing this, the idea of what "a computer" is has been pretty stable for your whole life. You've got some sort of tower case, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and in that tower there's a bunch of RAM, a processor, video and sound cards of some sort, and a big ol' hard drive, and it's running Windows, MacOS, or some flavor of Unix going for the same basic look and functionality of those. It's generally assumed (more than it should be, some of us our poor) that a given person is going to have one in their home, any school is going to have a whole room full of them, libraries will have some too, and they are generally a part of your life. We can probably make the same sort of general assumption about IPhone/Android cellphones for the past what, 15 years or so too, while we're at it. They're ubiquitous enough that, especially in academic circles where they're kind of required professionally, people are going to assume you know them inside and out.
Prior to the mid-90s though? It was kind of a lawless frontier. Let's say you have a real young cool teacher who got way into computers at like 5 years old, and now they're 25 and they're your computer class teacher in the mid-90s. The computer they got way into as a kid? It would have been this.
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That's not a component of it, that's the whole thing. A bank of switches for directly inputting binary values into memory addresses and some more switches for opcodes basically, and then some LEDs as your only output. Nothing about this is other than the benefits of fundamentally understanding some low level stuff is going to be useful at all in any sort of practical sense if you sit down a decade later with one of these.
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This at least looks a bit more like a computer you'd see today, but to be clear, this has no mouse, no way to connect to the internet, which wasn't really a thing yet to begin with, and no hard drive, even. You did not install things on an Apple ][. You had every program on a big ol' floppy disk (the sort that were just a circle of magnetic film in a thick paper envelope basically and were, in fact, floppy), you would shove that in the disk drive before turning the machine on, it'd make a horrible stuttering knocking sound resetting the drive head, and just read whatever was on that right into memory and jump right on in to running Oregon Trail or a non-wysiwyg text editor (i.e. there's no making bold text appear on screen, you'd just have a big ugly tag on either side of your [BOLD>bold text<BOLD] like that). It was not unlike popping a cartridge or disc into an older video game console, except for the bit where if you wanted to save something you'd have to take the disk out while it was running and pop a blank one into the drive to save to.
So when I was a kid and I'd have my "computer class" it'd be walking into a room, sitting down with one of these, and having a teacher just as new to it as I was just reading out a list of instructions off a sheet like, "flip open the lock on the disk drive, take the disk out of the sleeve, make sure it says Logo Writer on it, slide it in with the label up and facing you, flip the lock back down, hit the power switch in the back of the machine..." We didn't learn anything about file management beyond "don't touch anything until the screen says it's done saving to the disk" because again, no hard drives. I guess there was a typing class? That's something, but really there's nothing to learn about typing that isn't where every key is and you only (but inevitably) learn that through practice.
Now, overlapping with this, I eventually got myself a used computer in the early 90s, very old at the time, but not as old as the ones at school. I had a proper black and white OG Mac. With a hard drive and a window-based operating system and everything. And... nobody taught me a damn thing about how that one worked. My mother just straight up did not touch a computer until something like 2001. I didn't really have any techie mentors. I just plugged it in and messed around and worked everything out. Same way I worked out what I was doing with older computers, mostly on my own at the local library, because that computer class wasn't much, and how I was totally left on my own to work out how to hook up every console I ever owned, which was slightly more involved at the time.
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That forky bit in the middle was held in place with a pair of phillips headscrews. Had to keep the VCR and cable box in the right daisy chain order too.
Enough rambling about how old I am though. What's the actual disconnect here? How did my generation work out everything about computers without help but the next one down allegedly goes dear in the headlights if someone asks them to send them a file?
Well first off I'm not at all willing to believe this isn't at least largely a sampling bias issue. Teachers see all the clueless kids, people asking online for help with things is more common than people spontaneously mentioning how everything is second-nature to them, etc. Two things stick out to me though as potential sources of the issue though:
First, holy crap are modern computers ever frail, sickly little things! I'm not even talking about unreliable hardware, but yeah, there's some shoddy builds out there. I mean there's so many software dependencies and auto-updating system files and stuff that looks for specific files in one and only one location, just crashing if they aren't there. Right now on this Windows 10 machine I've got this little outdoor temperature tracker down in the task bar which will frequently start rapidly fluttering between normal and a 50% offset every frame, and the whole bar becomes unresponsive, until I open the task manager (don't even have to do anything, just open it). No clue what's up with that. It was some system update. It also tries to serve me ads. Don't know if it's load-bearing. Roughly every other day I have to force-quit Steam webhelper. Not really sure what that's even for. Loading user reviews? Part of me wants to dig in and yank out all this buggy bloatware, but I genuinely don't know what files are loadbearing. This wasn't an issue on older computers. Again, screwing around with an old Apple ][, and old consoles and such, there wasn't anything I could really break experimenting around. It was all firmware ROM chips, RAM that cleared on power cycling, and disks which were mostly copy-protected or contained my own stuff. No way to cause any problem not fixed by power cycling.
Next, everything runs pretty smoothly and seemlessly these days (when working properly anyway). Files autosave every few seconds, never asking you where you actually want to save them to, things quietly connect to the internet in the background, accessing servers, harvesting your info. Resolutions change on their own. Hell emulators of older systems load themselves up when needed without asking. There's a bunch of stuff that used to be really involved that's basically invisible today. The joke about this being "a 3D print of the save icon" already doesn't work because how often do you even see a UI element for saving? When we still used disks regularly, they held next to nothing and would take like half a minute to read and write.
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And don't even get me started on launchers and start menus and all that.
So... basically what I'm getting at here is if you feel like you never learned how to properly use a computer, go get your hands on an old computer and mess around. There's yard sales, there's nice safe runs in a browser emulators, hell there's kits to build your own. That or just look for someone wearing like a Mega Man T-shirt or playing a Madonna CD (hell maybe just any CD these days) and start politely asking questions, because again just because everyone who knows this stuff just had to work it out on our own doesn't mean you should have to.
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