#irregular cycle
existennialmemes · 3 months
How most folks track their hormone cycle: How many days has it been since my last cycle?
How I track my hormone cycle: Am I baking a pie at midnight?
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awetistic-things · 1 year
awetistic things {951}
having extra painful periods
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pussyonpussyaction · 1 year
i wish there was a period tracking app that lets u track multiple period cycles so u know when ur friends/sexual partners start without having to ask or do the math in your head
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ugh my period STILL HASN'T come and now i have to do HIIT day with PMS boobies and the attendant sleepiness :( and caroline's wearing BRAIDS in this video.... pray 4 me......
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sunsunbauds · 22 days
i've been so fatigued the past week or so :( i want to get stuff done and stream and play games and draw but i'm just so tired
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yukipri · 1 year
I feel like over the month+, I have like 1-2 hours a day max where I feel relatively awake, and every other hour I'm fighting bone-deep exhaustion. I'll bring it up with my doc at my check up on monday, but tbh i know the solution so idk if she can help
And I can work-work when I feel half-dead, or rather I force myself to because I don't want my cats to starve, but when it comes to creative stuff, it's like my mind is slippery sludge dribbling out my eyes...
The Solution, of course: just stop working 3~10 AM every day (and then taking a short nap, working during the day, and then taking another short nap, hours vary but repeat), and maybe get at least 6, ideally 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep at least every other day, ideally every day.
But do I see that happening? No.
Like rn I know I desperately need to edit fic and reply to comments and do several arts but I'm nodding off at my desk after boss DMing me work at 5 AM and dealing with repair people since 8:30 AM...
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souvlakicocaine · 6 months
I always go so nuts the week b4 my period Im like cutting myself listening 2 paramore thrusting up into my jeans thinking abt being hit blasting my clit til it falls off
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me trying to figure out if it's just my cycle being irregular (happens often) or if it's bc thr condom broke.
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trans-cuchulainn · 6 months
i wonder if i'll start being able to sense the full moon again now
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
So it’s not the same thing at all but I am also currently dealing with a ridiculous medicine-and-bureaucracy problem and I have no idea what I’m gonna do about it, so I feel your pain.
I got laid off in May and I just started a new job, but the benefits haven’t kicked in yet and won’t for a few weeks. I’m not clear on the exact date because I technically didn’t work full-time hours for the first two weeks during training and the offer letter has kind of vague wording about that. Meanwhile, my prescription for birth control needs to be renewed and I can’t go to my doctor because I’m currently on Medicaid, the awful government insurance that covers nothing, and fsr my doctor’s office doesn’t take it even though just last year their website specifically said they DO and I picked them out specifically because it said that (my bf has had Medicaid for years and I wanted us to have the option to go to the same place, that’s why I know this even though I had better insurance at the time). But I couldn’t find that page and I messaged her office to confirm and they basically admitted it had been a lie.
Anyway I really really like my new doctor and I don’t want to make my appt anywhere else. I spent so long picking out a doctor last year and it was the first time I was actually able to do that myself instead of one being assigned to me in one way or another.
But I only have enough pills for the next three weeks and I just KNOW even if I do get onto the new insurance before I run out, there’s no way it will be processed in time for me to actually make an appt and then pick up the prescription. (I can’t even BOOK the appt without proof of insurance.)
(I think I recently heard something or other about a new OTC birth control pill, and I haven’t looked into it yet but I’m not sure if it’s even available yet or sold near me if so. But even if it is, idk how to tell if it’s similar enough to mine that I can just switch over to it for a month with no problems. I would just ASK MY DOCTOR, but this is America and I can’t even do THAT without the right insurance.)
In THEORY I could go a month without and just be super careful, but I have no idea if that’s safe or what effects it could have or if I’d need to time it a certain way when I started up again.
Universal health care NOW.
girl i have universal healthcare and bureaucracy still finds a way to fuck with me none of us are safe
but if you're wondering it's perfectly fine to start and stop the birth control pill whenever you like. you just won't be protected from pregnancy until you take it for 7 consecutive days again
if you start it right at the beginning of your cycle it's 5 days but any other time it's 7 so really it doesn't matter just start it whenever and give it a week
(if you just happen to randomly miss a day then you should equally be careful for the next 2-3 days just like in general. psa for anyone who didn't know)
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koheletgirl · 10 months
i maintain that there's no need to talk about ways in which israel is evil to its jewish citizens in order to talk about palestine. like it has nothing to do with it it's literally not what this is about. and i maintain that the ways in which people insist on doing this sometimes border on antisemitism. all that being said you don't know the half of it
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cerealandchoccymilk · 7 months
if im gonna have to have a menstrual cycle can it be at least like. a normal one????please??????????
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ohumokay · 3 months
I gotta start tracking my period bcuz wtf is homegirl doing 😭😭
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omegatual · 4 months
god yesterday i was wishing for some greasy fried meat (vegetarian who is also scared of oil) and today my period started. one week early
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pessimisticprincess · 10 months
so i have been obsessively thinking and daydreaming about intimacy being wanted being loved getting pregnant etc for the past day like plaguing my entire mind which bums me out a lot because none of that is happening any time soon so like why is my brain doing that to me
wake up to this notification
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oh right yeah makes sense 🥲
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moonlightpirate · 5 months
Okay so this is for the girlies especially those with pcos but not limited to. I have some questions that I was wondering about. So any thoughts would be helpful
So has anyone on birth control all of a sudden had very long periods? My periods have been 4 days long ever since being on birth control with the occasional 7 day one. But legit my last period was 12 days. This one is going on 2 weeks long now. And it doesn't feel normal 😅
Has anyone had like a major cyst burst and know what that feels like? The one night I was feeling some pain and then just I felt so nauseous like I was going to puke I got overheated and beyond sweaty like I had a fever and after several minutes that all went away minus maybe the pain. It seems from Google that could be what happened but like I'm not sure 😅
Yes I plan to call my doctor Monday especially if I keep bleeding but any final thoughts? This whole thing is odd but I guess just has anyone else with pcos had abnormally long periods? I've never had one for 2 weeks straight! It's so weird and I guess just looking for anything at this point
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