#irys ching
writing-for-life · 6 months
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Morpheus—Irys Ching
Every so often, an artist captures his essence in a way that almost hurts physically. This, to me, is one of them…
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ball-of-butter · 7 months
maven playing fuck marry kill but his options are all three of his fiances
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medinainternational · 2 years
(Motif-Radio) Reggae Pon Top # 35 track listing below:
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judithdhondt · 2 months
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A LOVELY CONSTRUCTION SITE Pictures by Olympe Tits created by Urtė Groblytė & Judith Dhondt in collaboration with Eleni Roberts, Iris Donders performed by Urtė, Judith, Iris, Eleni mentors Dolores Hulan, Stefa Govaert music Lorenzo Higueras dramaturgy Antoine Dupuy Larbre assistance/scenography Vladimir Babinchuk Outerelo special thanks to Philomène Jander, Eva Galmel, Désirée Cerocién, Ching Shu Huang 
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circular-time · 2 years
Are you getting excited for the Sea Devils episode?
Desperately; Jodie's even been making cameos in my dreams the last few nights (not like that*; I dreamed of one of those cruises with Doctor Who stars along for the ride except it was just a tour bus around the UK. No Iris, unfortunately.)
I haven't played the spoiler yet, I mean teaser, because I like to experience new episodes with as few expectations as fossil, [Edit: I love voice dictation typos! 😅] possible, but I am very much here for whatever the heck is going on.
Also something that I haven't seen anyone comment on: one more historical episode, this time with BAMF Zheng Yi Sao, aka the fearsome pirate Ching Shih!!!!!!
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Hilary, I’m requesting 73. “You do have a stupid face” for Garcia and Wyatt because it’s perfect for them. :) Shippy or gen. But no pressure, and only if you have time and interest. 😘💙
Thank you for considering it—and thank you for your political posts, too.🤗
They've been drinking for a while, steadily, since Wyatt brought over the six-pack and they've sat in silent commiseration in Flynn's hotel room, staring over the San Francisco city lights. Normally, three beers are only enough to get Flynn to the edge of buzzed, but what with everything, his tolerance is shot and he’s approaching genuinely tipsy. They haven't said anything. There's nothing to say. Far away from the bright lights and breathless news about Connor's funeral, the question as to how Mason-Carlin Industries and Silicon Valley itself can stand to go on, all that Flynn can hear is the endless howl of rage and blame and grief in his head. He said, he swore, he was never going to let this happen again, and now it has. What the hell does that make him?
"So," Flynn says, startling both of them with the sound of his voice in the antiseptic rush of the air conditioner. He drains the last dregs of the bottle and sets it aside. "Rufus is never going to forgive me."
"Aw, come on, man." Wyatt sips meditatively, not looking around. "I don't think so. Rufus loves you, and it... it wasn't your fault."
"Valkyrie killed Connor. Iris -- " Flynn almost chokes with grief over his daughter's name, how little he has been able to utter it aloud, like something that's going to evaporate into mist and darkness yet again, and leave him to wake up with nothing. "Iris works for Valkyrie, and I didn't -- I didn't stop her, or it, or them. I just kept thinking that if -- "
"Hey, man. Hey." At that, Wyatt looks at him, his face slanted in strips of light and shadow from the venetian blinds. "You saw what was in front of you, you wanted to save your daughter, and you did whatever you had to do. I'm pretty damn sure that I'm the last, the last member of this fam -- this team -- who gets to tell you off for that. Connor knew the risks. We all did." He pauses, amends. "We all do."
"Maybe." This doesn't soothe the fevered part of Flynn that's still desperate to blame himself, to take away the pain from everyone else, to at least give them the satisfaction of throwing the guilt at a familiar enemy. He's not, not anymore, but sometimes he thinks that it would be easier for all of them if he was. "So what does that make us, then? A couple of total idiots who keep being selfishly willing to burn down the whole world, if it gets our dead kids back?"
"The idiot part definitely isn't in question, huh?" Wyatt's mouth quirks, very dry. "Look, I don't know what's going to happen with Iris, and I don't know what's going to happen with S-Sarah." He stumbles a little himself. "But at least we know that they're together, right? When we went to Macau and met Ching Shih, when Iris was trying to save her. So whatever we screwed up, at least they met each other in Valkyrie's future. Maybe that's worth something. They were there for each other, even if we couldn't be there for them."
"Yes, I suppose, but -- " At that, Flynn stops, looking at Wyatt in astonishment. "Wait a minute, did you just say something helpful?"
Wyatt shrugs. "It's been known to happen. But honestly, don't be too hard on yourself. Fatherhood is hard, man. Fatherhood with fuckin' time travel? Even worse."
"You're not wrong." Flynn is forced into a reluctant chuckle. "I -- thanks, Logan. Truly. For the beers, and your stupid face."
"Oh?" Wyatt arches an eyebrow. "That's the thanks I get?"
"Well, you do have a stupid face." Flynn feels a little better on this familiar territory of sharp-edged bickering, and knows that Wyatt has steered it here on purpose, to give that comfort and take his good-natured lumps, the way they don't actually want to hurt each other anymore, not really, not now. "But I appreciate it."
"You're welcome." Wyatt says it simply, without pretension, then gets to his feet. "I'm going to take off now. Don't get into too much trouble. I'll see you at work tomorrow."
Right, Flynn thinks. Work. As if anything can be the same without Connor, but they're going to have to carry on. See the fight through to the end. Stop Valkyrie, and save Iris and Sarah. If it's possible. If they still can. Garcia Flynn has never particularly been an optimist, or seen the best in people, or any of that cheery stuff, but the one thing he does know is how to fight past all human understanding, for what he believes to be good and right and true. He can't stop now. None of them can. In that, Wyatt's right. All of them, Connor included, knew what this was going to cost. The only way to honor him is to pay.
"Are you driving?" Flynn asks. "You've had three beers too, so -- "
"I'll get an Uber." Wyatt smiles crookedly. "Don't worry about me, buddy. Get some sleep."
When he's gone, and Flynn is alone again in the vastness of the silence, looking at his suitcases and his scattered things and everything else that he hasn't dared to unpack out of fear that he's just going to have to run again, he lets out a long breath, shucks off his crumpled funeral suit, puts on his pajamas, and settles on the bed. He didn't think he was going to sleep at all tonight, but maybe he will. And for that, he's grateful to, of all people, Wyatt Logan and his undoubtedly very stupid face. What was it he said, or started to say, before catching himself? This fam -- this team.
Well, Flynn thinks. Well then. How about that, indeed.
And at last, for now, he rests.
[fic prompts]
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aio-rya · 4 years
"Iris" — Malleus x f!Reader
「Requested by: Anon」
『This is the Iris version I used for this songifc, I felt it was perfect』
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And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
Once again, his path brought him to the human child's dorm. It looked so different by daylight, the view of the old building was not that bad but night in that place had another meaning: his encounters with his little mortal. He was unbelievable about his thoughts, flying around her, as if he could smell her sweet perfume and feeling the tip of her fingers grabbing his coat. A little laugh scaped through his lips as he turned around, taking his leave —unexpectedly, he spotted someone sleeping under a tree near the path that led to main street.
As he walked by, he realised it was his little human friend. She was so peaceful and quiet while sleeping, her pale eyelids and her pink lips made her look so innocent, like a porcelain doll. Avoiding any kind of noise, he sat down next to her, under the fresh shadow of the tree. He remained there the whole afternoon, watching over her sleep and even humming a lullaby he remembered Lilia used to sing for Silver.
Malleus was fighting with the impulse of caressing her soft skin, startled when she, still sleeping, moved her head near to his legs. Babbling quietly on her sleep.
As the sun was setting on the horizon, on the opposite side to where he and his beloved girl were facing, she woke up —even then, sleepy, she was beautiful.
"You look like an angel" he whispered, putting his book down on his legs while she sat down.
"How long have you been here?" she asked with drowsy voice, yawning.
He chuckled, "long enough to take care of you."
"Then, you are my guardian angel" she answered, getting nearer.
"I am no angel. I have lived in a cold, enormous and empty castle for centuries. But having a friend, loving someone like you... That is the nearest thing I have to heaven" he muttered, as if he was afraid of those words.
She smiled and his heart beat increased.
"Should we get inside?" she asked, standing up as he pulled her arm. Her tiny body landed over Malleus' legs.
"I'd rather stay here with you" he said, lifting her ching with a finger. "Do you feel it? The cold shiver running down your spine?"
She remained quiet as he started getting near, mixing their breathing. Is he going to...
"What are you thinking about?" he whispered almost against her lips.
She stared at his beautiful green dragon eyes, then at his lips, lightly blushed.
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
And sooner or later, it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight
They saw stars shining in the distance as night covered the sky, cold wind caressed their skin as moonlight witnessed their long unspoken love. Life was so different before, without him, and for the great prince, it was too without her. Everything he knew was loneliness as he only had Lilia by his side, for eternity, while the human lifes passed by in the blink of an eye. He never really cared about them, the sons of men, since there were millions and almost everyone of them were similar.
But she. She was an exception. He was condemned to the hell of a life that would last eons, such as Lilia, he will live as the people he loved died —and now, he was afraid of losing her, the young lady who laid down on his chest, the one who never feared him, the so daring and brave human he was holding between his arms.
"What is it, Tsunotaro?" she whispered, tightening her hold over his waist.
"You will never learn, won't you?" he laughed, kissing her forehead. "What should it be?" he answered, trying to keep the mysterious atmosphere.
"You hold your breath when you're worried" she stated, burying her nose on the collar of his shirt.
"How would you know that?" he asked, giggling. Oh, how happy she was, since no one but her coulg listen to him like that. So... Tender.
"I was told by a little bird~" she crooned, lifting her head.
"A silver one, pheraphs~?" he followed her tone, mischievously.
"Pheraphs not" she laughed, laying over him, looking straight into his beautiful emerald eyes, "What is worrying you, my king?"
My king, he taught. You only called him like that when you were serious.
"Human life is... Ephemeral. It has and end, sooner or later. That's why you live every moment with such intensity, so you can leave this life without regrets" Malleus started explaining, caressing her plum lips with his cold finger, "You treasure every important memory, every true love's kiss, every reward earned after taking a risk... And yet, we the faes live long enough to remember our humans with love and pain."
"Is... Is this some kind of... Farewell?" the young one asked, with some tears stuck on her throat.
"It is not. If fact... I want to do as you" he smiled, holding the back of her head, getting near to her face, "I want to engrave this moment with fire on my heart. Your smell, the smoothness of your skin, the taste of your lips..." his voice was deeper, not sad but nostalgic, his lips dangerously close to hers, "Breathing the same atmosphere as you."
He leaned forward to catch her between his lips, cold but sweet, tender but needy, fragile as strong. She was breathless, speechless —it was a feeling none of them had experienced ever before.
"I want to remember this night, so I won't ever miss you again. I want to remember every inch of you forever."
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know, you're alive
"If that is what makes her happy, I'm willing to sacrifice my own happiness" he stated with powerful but polite voice, staring blankly at the letter on the table aside him.
"You have surely grown up, Malleus" certain ancient fae answered with a gleam of proud on his voice, leaning forward, putting his hands over the prince's shoulders. "But you will not be happy with her choise, you can lie her. But you can't lie yourself."
"I know. Life is not as fairytales, you may feel you are near your 'happily ever after', but fate is unpredictable" Lilia spoke before his ward could, trying to understand how he must have been feeling about losing her, his beloved human child.
"I'm fine" Malleus stated once again. "I can't allow myself to break down, it is not proper of the Heir of the Valley of Thorns". He was lying to himself and he was clearly aware of that, not even his guardian, who knew him as the hilt of his very own sword, could be fooled by his unconcerned visage.
"Malleus... If you need to release those feelings, I--"
"It's fine, Lilia. I'll be fine. There's no need for crying nor overthinking the situation" he stood up from the chair at the Diasomnia's dinning room and made his way toward the door. "I'll take my leave. I need to prepare a farewell gift for the Child of Men. That is proper from a Prince."
I never mentioned crying, my dear. The short fae thought with a sigh , taking the letter between his fingers while walking towards the main door of the castle.
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
"What is this?" she asked, taking the black velvety box Malleus handled out to her.
"A gift. A farewell gift" he said bitterly, also tenderly as the eyes of her human watered.
"F-fare...wel..." she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. "So it is true? Are you willing to sacrifice your own happiness for letting me go, then? I... I can't. An eternity thinking about this moment, heavier than our memories together..."
"We have to fulfil our own duties. And you have a world waiting for you" he insisted, taking a few steps back.
"I have a world waiting for me, but it is not in the other side of the mirror. It is here, with you" her voice was shaking.
"You are a human. Your life is as fragile as a leaf... It is made to break, you are made to die."
"That's how life works."
He suddenly felt her hands trying to reach his face, tip toeing because of the height difference. She lifted a black hair strand from his forehead, revealing his birth marks and caressing them with her thumb; he was astonished.
"You truly are a fearless human" he said, recovering from the initial shock. Leaning forward for her to touch his whole skin.
"I don't have to fear you" her eyes were now closed, as he made possible to touch each other forehead, "I know you. I've walked with you... Even in my dreams."
Her arms surrounded Malleus as she held him tightly, burying her nose on his neck.
"Even if the world doesn't see what I do, I will still love you. And if you ask me, I will stay. I don't care if they never understand, I don't mean they do--"
She was silenced by a sudden kiss. Something she never expected to be so rough yet too careful.
"And this is my gift to you: I will always love you..."
"Until my last breath."
It has been a while since my last songifc. So... It's up to you guys, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years
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Volcanic Landscape, Irie Shikai, 1916, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
right; close-up view of a dramatic landscape formed by a lava flow; sweeping lines, jagged cliffs in greens and browns; leafy foliage along lower R; shrubs with small blue and gold leaves LR; gnarled tree at L near more leafy foliage, ferns, and another blue and gold plant Across the twelve panels of this pair of folding screens, a wide channel cuts through wavelike, emerald-green mountains brought to life through an abundance of expensive mineral and metallic pigments—malachite, azurite, gold. In the lengthy inscription—written in Chinese and brushed in distinctive ancient script—Irie Shikai cites the enigmatic opening lines of Chapter 28 (“Returning to Simplicity”) of the Dao De Ching, the ancient Chinese text, as the inspiration for this magical composition: Know manhood, maintain womanhood, become a ravine under heaven. As a ravine under heaven, from virtue never part, return again to infancy. Irie Shikai first studied painting with well-known local artists in his native Fukuoka before becoming involved briefly with an ultra-right-wing nationalist movement in midlife. During this time, he became familiar with that movement’s influential leader, Tōyama Mitsuru, and the likeminded coal barons from Fukuoka who supported Tōyama financially (the kind of wealthy patrons who might have commissioned a deluxe painting like this pair of screens). Shikai eventually drifted away from right-wing politics and devoted himself again to painting, finding inspiration particularly in the works of the earlier Japanese literati painter Tanomura Chikuden (1777–1835). Size: 67 3/8 × 147 × 3/4 in. (171.13 × 373.38 × 1.91 cm) (image) 68 7/8 × 148 1/2 × 3/4 in. (174.94 × 377.19 × 1.91 cm) (outer frame) Medium: Ink, color, gold, and gofun on silk
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Waiting for Godot - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Opening Night) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Aidan Gemme (The Boy), Billy Crudup (Lucky), Ian McKellen (Estragon), Patrick Stewart (Vladimir), Shuler Hensley (Pozzo)
War Horse - West End - February 27, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Sion Daniel Young (Albert Narracott), Josie Walker (Rose Narracott), Alistair Brammer (Billy Narracott), Alex Avery (Captain Nicholls), Steve North (Ted Narracott), Tom Hodgkins (Arthur Narracott) NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot broadcast live to cinemas as part of National Theatre Live, Includes interval interview and documentary. 
War Paint - Broadway - March 11, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Broadway transfer. Some changes for Broadway from the previous Goodman Theater production. Excellent performances from the entire cast with clear picture and great sound throughout; very good video. 2 DVDs. A War Paint - Broadway - April 29, 2017 (Matinee) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: The master gets caught during Face to Face. You can hear someone say “TURN IT OFF”. Blackout during that part. Wasted - Southwark Playhouse - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matthew Jacobs Morgan (Branwell Brontë), Molly Lynch (Anne Brontë), Natasha Barnes (Charlotte Brontë), Siobhan Athwal (Emily Brontë) We Are The Tigers - Off-Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Lauren Zakrin (Riley Williams), Wonu Ogunfowora (Cairo), Jenny Rose Baker (Kate Dalton), MiMi Scardulla (Reese), Kaitlyn Frank (Annleigh), Cathy Ang (Mattie Wheeler), Celeste Rose (Chess), Zoe Jensen (Farrah), Sydney Parra (Eva Sanchez), Louis Griffin (Clark) NOTES: Starts at the beginning of "I Just Wanna" and missing part of "Mattie's Lament." The theater was really full tonight so there are a good number of heads in this video, but they are worked around to the best of my ability. This is a super small theater (less than 160 seats) and at times the cast members were definitely singing to the camera and honestly giving their best performances because of it. All of the things on the upper level (the bathroom, the pathway, and the kitchen) are captured perfectly, and the zooms on the lower level (the living room and bench) look good as well. Obviously because this is a murder mystery kind of show the lighting can get a little bit dark, but my camera handles low lighting incredibly well. This is honestly the best video you could expect from this venue We Will Rock You - Germany (Cologne) - August, 2005 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Melcher (Galileo), Vera Bolten (Scaramouche), Brigitte Oelke (Killer Queen), Martin Berger (Khashoggi), Michaela Kovarikova (Meat/Oz), DMJ (Brit/J.B.), James Sbano (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Harald Tauber (Teacher), Willemijn Verkaik NOTES: Multicam proshot We Will Rock You - Utrecht (The Netherlands) - October, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Vooijs (Galileo), Marjolein Teepen (Scaramouche), Pia Douwes (Killer Queen), Paul Donkers (Khashoggi), Floortje Smit (Meat/Oz), Ruud van Overdijk (Brit/J.B.), Rutger le Poole (Pop/Buddy/Bap) NOTES: Good capture. Heads in the way, but also a lot of good close-ups. Dubble DVD! We Will Rock You - West End - February 11, 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tony Vincent (Galileo), Hannah Jane Fox (Scaramouche), Sharon D Clarke (Killer Queen), Alexander Hanson (Khashoggi), Kerry Ellis (Meat/Oz), Nigel Clauzner (Brit/J.B.), Nigel Planer (Pop/Buddy/Bap) The Wedding Singer - Broadway - April 1, 2006 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephen Lynch (Robbie Hart), Laura Benanti (Julia), Matthew Saldivar (Sammy), Kevin Cahoon (George), Rita Gardner (Rosie), Amy Spanger (Holly), Richard H Blake (Glen), Felicia Finley (Linda) NOTES: Includes pictures of outside of the theatre and playbill. This was before the changes were made to the production. Blackouts throughout the show. The Wedding Singer - Off-West End - March 1, 2020 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kevin Clifton (Robbie Hart), Rhiannon Chesterman (Julia), Ashley Emmerson (Sammy), Andrew Carthy (George), Sandra Dickinson (Rosie), Tara Verloop (Holly), Jonny Fines (Glen), Erin Bell (Linda), Lori Haley Fox (Angie), Andy Brady (David Fonda), Nathan Ryles (Harold Fonda), Jordan Crouch (Donnie), Aimee Moore (Tiffany), Simon Anthony (Shane McDonough), Paris Green (Donatella), Vanessa Grace Lee (Donatella’s Mother), Morgan Jackson (Mookie), Ellie Seaton (Crystal) NOTES: 38 minutes of act 1 of the closing performance, unobstructed. Welcome To The Club - Broadway - April 8, 1989 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Avery Schreiber (Milton), Bill Buell (Gus), Jodi Benson (Betty), Marcia Mitzman (Carol), Marilyn Sokol (Arlene), Sally Mayes (Winona), Samuel E Wright (Bruce), Scott Waara (Kevin), Scott Wentworth (Aaron), Terri White (Eve) NOTES: Filmed during previews. Well filmed from the balcony. Mostly a full stage shot. Some generational loss. Wenn Rosenblätter Fallen - Oberhausen - June 13, 2016 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Rose), Anton Zetterholm (Till), Annemieke van Dam (Iris)  
West Side Story - Hollywood Bowl - July 19, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jeremy Jordan (Tony), Solea Pfeiffer (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Matthew James Thomas (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Drew Foster (Action), Jose Moreno Brooks (Chino), Anthony C Chatmon II (A-Rab), Kyle Selig (Baby John), Mike Schwitter (Big Deal), Jeff Smith (Diesel), Kevin Chamberlin (Krupke), Jennifer Sanchez (Rosalia), Erica Dorfler (Consuela) NOTES: This concert version of the show is abridged with shortened scenes, simple costumes, and no sets or choreography, but Jeremy, Solea, and Karen are absolutely phenomenal with soaring vocals and emotional performances. Very well captured with no dropouts, no obstruction, and no washout. The stage is filmed directly most of the time; the screens are occasionally filmed, usually when the actors are not onstage. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. West Side Story - Leicester Curve - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jamie Muscato (Tony), Adriana Ivelisse (Maria), Carly Mercedes Dyer (Anita), Ronan Burns (Riff), Jonathan Hermosa-Lopez (Bernardo), Isaac Gryn (Action), Damian Buhagiar (Chino), Ryan Anderson (A-Rab), Alex Christian (Baby John), Dale White (Big Deal), Michael O’Reilly (Diesel), Beth Hinton-Lever (Anybodys), Darren Bennett (Lt. Schrank), Christopher Wright (Krupke), Christopher Wright (Doc), Darren Bennett (Glad Hand), Mireia Mambo (Rosalia), Abigail Climer (Consuela), Thea Bunting (Graziella), Katie Lee (Velma), Richard Appiah-Sarpong (Pepe), Dominic Sibanda (Indio) NOTES: Missing 7 minutes at the beginning. No dropouts and no obstruction. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - February 23, 2009 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Cody Green (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Curtis Holbrook (Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Ryan Steele (Baby John), Tro Shaw (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Greg Vinkler (Doc) NOTES: Stunning production of this revival. Josefina and Karen still steal the show. The cast was on fire and there was a lot of energy in the audience as it was the first performance on Broadway. There are some changes from the DC run, which work better. Beautiful production and capture with no obstructions. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - November 16, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Wes Hart (u/s Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Eric Hatch (u/s Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Brendon Stimson (u/s Baby John), Joshua Buscher (Diesel), Mike Cannon (Snowboy), Kaitlin Mesh (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Mark Zimmerman (s/b Doc), Lindsay Estelle Dunn (Velma), Michael Williams (u/s Pepe), Kaitlin Mesh (Zaza) West Side Story - Third Broadway Revival - January 6, 2020 (Preview) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Jordan Dobson (u/s Tony), Mia Pinero (u/s Maria), Yesenia Ayala (Anita), Corey John Snide (u/s Riff), Amar Ramasar (Bernardo), Dharon E Jones (Action), Jacob Guzman (Chino), Kevin Csolak (A-Rab), Matthew Johnson (Baby John), Tyler Eisenreich (Big Deal), Ahmad Simmons (Diesel), Daniel Ching (Snowboy), Zuri Noelle Ford (Anybodys), Thomas Jay Ryan (Lt. Schrank), Danny Wolohan (Krupke), Daniel Oreskes (Doc), Pippa Pearthree (Glad Hand), Lorna Courtney (Rosalia), Gabi Campo (Consuela), Marissa Brown (Francisca), Alexa de Barr (Graziella), Madison Vomastek (Velma), Gus Reed (Gee-tar), John Snide (Tiger), Carlos Gonzales (Pepe), Ricky Ubeda (Indio), Roman Cruz (Luis), Israel del Rosario (Anxious), Michaela Marfori (Nibbles), Marc Crousillat (Juano), Sheldon True (Toro), Stephanie Crousillat (Teresita), Marlon Geliz (Estella), Satori Folkes-Stone (Margarita), Uni-Seng Francois (Minnie), Jennifer Gruener (Pauline) NOTES: Wideshot. Stage right is slightly obstructed due to where the master was sitting. Good audio. SD M4V (567.0 MB) West Side Story - UK Tour - May 23, 2009 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Daniel Koek (Tony), Hazel Gardner (u/s Maria), Jayde Westaby (Anita), Edd Post (u/s Riff), Dan Burton (Bernardo), Aki Omoshaybi (Chino), Ged Simmons (Lt. Schrank), Martin Chaimberain (Krupke) When We're Gone - Joe's Pub (2014) - March 12, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gerard Canonico (Todd), Jeremy Kushnier (John), Luke Wygodny (Ashton), Hannah Whitney (Rosie), Eric William Morris (Colin), Bradley Dean (William) NOTES: Concert performance.   
The Wild Party (Lippa) - Encores! Off-Center - July 17, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sutton Foster (Queenie), Steven Pasquale (Burrs), Brandon Victor Dixon (Black), Joaquina Kalukango (Kate), Miriam Shor (Madeline True), Talene Monahon (Mae), Ryan Andes (Eddie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture from the Encores Summer Series! The cast was terrific and full of energy giving everything they had. Great to see these songs performed again by this caliber of talent! A The Wild Party (Lippa) - Off-Broadway - 2000 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Murney (Queenie), Brian d'Arcy James (Burrs), Taye Diggs (Black), Idina Menzel (Kate), Alix Korey (Madeline True), Charles Dillon (Oscar d'Armano), Kevin Cahoon (Phil d'Armano), James Delisco Beeks (Max), Todd Anderson (Reno), Jennifer Cody (Mae), Kena Tangi Dorsey (Dolores), Felicia Finley (Rose Himmelsteen), Peter Kapetan (Sam Himmelsteen), Lawrence Keigwin (Jackie), Charlie Marcus (The Neighbor), Kristin McDonald (Nadine), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Eddie), Steven Pasquale (Cop), Megan Sikora (Peggy), Ron Todorowski (Kegs), Amanda Watkins (Ellie) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Witches of Eastwick - UK Tour - April 4, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: James Graeme (Clyde), Marti Pellow (Darryl), Poppy Tierney (Jane), Rachel Izen (Felicia), Rebecca Thornhill (Sukie), Ria Jones (Alex) NOTES: Beautifully filmed from the balcony, with a great mix of close-ups and full stage shots. Crystal clear. Widescreen. The Wiz - NBC Live! - December 3, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Shanice Williams (Dorothy), David Alan Grier (Lion), Ne-Yo (Tinman), Elijah Kelley (Scarecrow), Uzo Aduba (Glinda), Queen Latifah (The Wiz), Mary J Blige (Evillene), Stephanie Mills (Aunt Em), Amber Riley (Addaperle) NOTES: A live production of the 1975 musical The Wiz produced for television; excellent video. A+ The Wizard of Oz (Webber) - First National Tour - September 28, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Danielle Wade (Dorothy Gale), Jamie McKnight (Scarecrow/Hunk), Mike Jackson (Tin Man/Hickory), Lee MacDougall (Cowardly Lion/Zeke), Jacquelyn Piro Donovan (The Wicked Witch of the West/Miss Gulch), Cedric Smith (The Wizard of Oz/Professor Marvel), Robin Evan Willis (Glinda the Good Witch), Charlotte Moore (Aunt Em/Munchkin Barrister), Larry Mannell (Uncle Henry/Philippe/Head Guard) NOTES: Nice capture of Andrew Lloyd Webber's re-imagined classic; no obstruction and very little washout; a few quick dropouts in act one and a couple in act two, only last about three minutes all together; filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums,and close-ups. The Woman in Black - West End - July 8, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christopher Ravenscroft (Arthur Kipps), Sebastian Harcombe (The Actor) The Woman in White - Broadway - November 30, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Brazier (Walter Hartwright), Angela Christian (Anne Catherick), Jill Paice (Laura Fairlie), Lisa Brescia (Marian Halcombe), Michael Ball (Count Fosco), Ron Bohmer (Sir Percival Glyde)  
The Woman in White - West End - February 25, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Maria Friedman, Michael Ball, Adrian der Gregorian (u/s), Oliver Darley, Jill Paice, Elinor Collett (u/s) NOTES: Nice video with good closeups and zooms and great sound. Woman of the Year - Broadway - March 27, 1982 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lauren Bacall (Tess Harding), Harry Guardino (Sam Craig), Eivind Harum (Alexi Petrikov), Roderick Cook (Gerald), Grace Keagy (Helga), Jamie Ross (Larry Donovan), Marilyn Cooper (Jan Donovan), Rex Everhart (Maury) NOTES: Good color video with clear sound with some generation loss, but a nice video. B+ Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - December 29, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show.
  Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - January 2, 2011 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP3 (tracked) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show. Wonderful Town - Television Production - November 30, 1958 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rosalind Russell (Ruth Sherwood), Sydney Chaplin (Robert Baker), Jacquelyn McKeever (Eileen Sherwood), Joseph Buloff (Mr. Appopolous), Dort Clark (Chick Clark), Jordan Bentley (Wreck), Cris Alexander (Frank Lippencott), Jack Fletcher (Night Club Patron), Michele Burke (Helen Wade), Ted Beniades (“Speedy” Valenti), Isabella Hoopes (Mrs. Wade), Ray Weaver (Shore Patrolman), Gene Carrons (Violet), John Wheeler (Officer Lonigan), Don Grusso (Fireman) Wonderland - Broadway - March 23, 2011 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Very limited trade 3:1 at the master's request. Wonderland - Broadway - April 2, 2011 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Beautiful bright capture of this short lived show that only played 31 previews and 33 performances. I thought this show was very enjoyable and fun with great music. Great performances and voices from the cast! A+ Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - UK Tour - June 10, 2017 (Matinee) (bestworstcase's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rachael Wooding (Alice), Francesca Lara Gordon (u/s Mad Hatter), Naomi Morris (Chloe/Ellie), Dave Willetts (The White Rabbit), Wendi Peters (Queen of Hearts), Stephen Webb (Jack the White Knight), Kayi Ushe (Caterpillar), Dominic Owen (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Ben Kerr (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: DVD menu states June 6 2017 matinee, but all other evidence, even the master's weebly claim it's June 10 2017. Good video! Wonderland (Beth Steel Play) - Hampstead Theatre - July 14, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Unknown NOTES: Livestreamed April 2020. The Worst Witch - West End - August 22, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Danielle Bird (Mildred Hubble), Rosie Abraham (Ethel Hallow), Molly-Grace Cutler (Miss Bat/Piano/Guitar/Cello/Dulcimer), Meg Forgan (Fenella Feverfew/Bass Guitar), Rachel Heaton (Miss Hardbroom), Rebecca Killick (Maud Spellbody), Emma Lau (Drusilla Paddock), Megan Leigh Mason (Miss Drill/Guitar/Drums/Percussion/Clarinet/Bass Guitar), Polly Lister (Agatha/Miss Cackle), Consuela Rolle (Enid Nightshade), Lauryn Redding (Griselda Blackwood/Sax) NOTES: A very good show! It’s a show aimed more toward kids so there was a lot of kids in the audience. An amazing performance by Polly Lister as Agatha/Miss Cackle in particular. The Wrong Man - Off-Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP3 (untracked) CAST: Joshua Henry (Duran), Ciara Renée (Mariana), Ryan Vasquez (Man in Black), Amber Pickens, Anoop Desai, Debbie Christine Tjong, Julius Williams, Libby Lloyd, Malik Shabazz Kitchen, Tilly Evans-Krueger NOTES: Near perfect HD capture of this new Off-Broadway show with fabulous performances by the whole cast. There is some wandering throughout but overall a very centered orchestra video with extremely vivid colors. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows. Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 6, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ruben (Matthias Lubanski), Vera Bolten (Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt. Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), Patrick A. Stamme (alt. Bruno Lubanski), Elisabeth Hübert (Anette Ackermann), Florian Soyka (alt. Paul Ackermann), Robin Brosch (Sepp Herberger(Bohse), Jogi Kaiser (Tiburski/Putzfrau/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic/Franziska Trunte/Esther Mink (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Mark Weigel (Fritz Walter), Dennis Henschel (Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Hendrik Schall (Toni Turek), Matt Cox (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Giuliano Mercoli (Josef Posipal), Fabian Kaiser (u/s Karl mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: This video was recorded right after some changes on the show were made (doesn't include the new song which will be published on 11th July, 2015). Full show; beautiful picture quality and nice close-ups but rather shaky in the beginning/end of both acts Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 23, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tanja Schön (u/s Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), David Jakobs (Bruno Lubanski), Shari Lynn Stewen (alt Anette Ackermann), Patrick A Stamme (alt Paul Ackermann), Mark Weigel (Sepp Herberger/Bohse), Michael Ophelders (alt Tiburski/Putzfrau im Hotel/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic (Wunderfräulein), Amaya Keller (Wunderfräulein), Franziska Trunte (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Florian Soyka (alt Fritz Walter), Hendrik Schall (alt Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Fabian Kaiser (Toni Turek), James Cook (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Pasha Antonov (Josef Posipal), Adrian Fogel (Kar Mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: "Julius" as Matthias Lubanski. Full show. Great picture quality and beautiful close-ups, though some little obstruction due a railing. The last few minutes of both acts are shot blind without zooms but still capturing the action on stage
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Timeless 4x05: Madame Ching
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Shocked from the events of 1944, and beginning to question everything she has learned about Valkyrie’s version of history, Iris travels to 1809 Macau, China and forms a risky plan to rob the most successful pirate of all time, the legendary Chinese pirate queen, Ching Shih. As Lucy, Flynn, Rufus, and Wyatt chase her across high seas, back alleys, and hidden islands, Iris’s companion proves particularly startling to Wyatt, which plunges the team into a perilous situation and pushes everyone to the brink of the unthinkable truth, in the all-new “MADAME CHING.”
Written by @qqueenofhades​.
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Plain Text Episode / Press Release / Advance Review / Guest Stars / Historical Handout
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objecteiespai · 4 years
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New Directions in Jewellery -black-dog-publishing
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Iris van Herpen ~ Sensory Seas
Iris van Herpen
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multimetaverse · 5 years
Is Disney+ going to upload all the episodes of Andi Mack? I just checked this morning and they only have some episodes. (unless its due to that incident but even that the last few episodes of the series aren't there either)
They had said that all of seasons 1-3 would be on Disney + but I don’t think we’ll be seeing any of the Ham eps for a long time, if ever. But not all of the missing eps were Ham eps which makes this whole mess pretty confusing. Disney + is missing: eps 1x01-1x10, 2x01, 2x03, 2x04, 2x07, 2x08, 2x10, 2x12, 2x13/14, 2x20, 2x21, 2x23, 2x26, 3x01, 3x02, and 3x07. Out of those eps, Ham was never in: 1x03, 1x06, 1x09, 2x03, 2x07, 2x20, and 2x26. Unfortunately with these 26 missing eps the series has been gutted and is basically unwatchable especially for any potential new viewers.
There were only 5 out of 57 aired eps that had textual gay moments and 3 of those are gone: Cyrus coming out to Buffy in 2x01, Cyrus coming out to Andi in 2x13, and Cyrus telling Buffy his crush on Jonah was gone in 2x23. Most of the Chinese cultural rep is gone with the Lunar New Year in 2x02, Celia’s use of the I Ching in 2x12, and The Mid Autumn Festival in 3x02 being cut. A big chunk of the Jewish rep is also gone with Cyrus’ Bash Mitzvah being cut. Andi learning the truth about why Bex left home 13 years ago is gone, the start of Jonah’s panic attack story line is gone, much of TJ’s dyscalculia story line is gone, the setup for Jonah’s wish is gone, Buffy’s mom coming home is gone, most of the sign language plot is gone, the resolution to the gun plot is gone, Bex graduating as a cosmetician and Celia finally saying she’s proud of her is gone, Andi learning that Bex is actually her mom is gone, Bex and Andi moving out is gone, the first house party is gone, both disastrous double dates are gone, the Ciris and Jandi breakups are gone, Jonah singing Being Around You is gone, Buffy moving is gone, Marty leaving is gone, Bowie’s backstory with his dad is gone, TJ’s apology to Buffy is gone, the Bexie proposal and the Bexie engagement are gone. Amber, Gus, Marty, Iris, Bowie, TJ, and Walkers first appearances are all gone.
The big question mark is why the 7 non Ham eps have also been cut. It’s not like 2x07 had anything going on other than the Jandi and Muffy double date, the Muffy ‘breakup’ and Cyrus off with his silly film plot; there’s nothing edgy or controversial about that ep at all, it’s very much focused on the straight ships and Cyrus’ sexuality isn’t touched on at all. 2x20 was Andi’s Choice and again there’s nothing controversial at all in that ep, it’s largely focused on Andi having to decide between Jonah and Walker and Jonah singing Being Around You to win her over; you’d think it would be an ep that Disney would be happy to have on Disney +. Even 2x26 doesn’t have anything Disney might be spooked by since they already edited TJ’s lookback to make him look straight. And of course, they already aired all those eps on Disney Channel.
I know there have also been issues with the S3 lineup with It’s a Dilemna which was 3x03 being mistakenly labelled as 3x04 which affected the rest of the lineup until Mt. Rushmore or Less which was labelled as 3x14 rather than 3x13 but then Hammer Time which was 3x14 was labelled as 3x16 which affected the rest of the eps so We Were Here ended up being labelled as 3x22 which is just shoddy work, all they had to do was copy and paste from imdb or wikipedia. 
I know some people still have hope that Disney + might save the series somehow but this should be a wake up call. Disney clearly does not care about the show and with a huge chunk of the eps being cut the series is useless for Disney as it can’t attract new viewers and will struggle to keep all but the most dedicated fans. I wonder if Disney was ever serious about actually airing all of seasons 1-3 or if that was just a lie they put out to avoid any reminder of Stoney’s arrest. His trial is scheduled for December and his conviction is all but assured so hopefully his sentencing is soon after and this sordid affair can finally end. There’s no reason why Disney can’t add those 7 Ham free eps and fix the listings for S3 but who knows if they care enough to do so. As for the 19 Ham eps it seems like Disney is very afraid of a backlash from customers if they air eps with a soon to be convicted pedophile in them so I wouldn’t hold out hope for those eps being available on Disney + anytime soon which is a real shame as Andi Mack really did deserve better.
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cocoandduckie · 7 years
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Bad Girls Throughout History Notecards at Coco and Duckie
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The Core Value of Modern Mass Transit Systems-Iris Publishers
Authored by  Ching‐Lung LIAO*
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The mass transit system is a behemoth in a metropolis. It requires a lot of investment, human and material resources, but there is no way to try samples. Once the construction of the hardware facilities is completed, it will be difficult to modify them in the future. Rarely two lines are the same. It is not possible to fully replicate the specifications and meet the needs of the line. Therefore, the core value base strategy is very important. As long as the core values are correct, the system established will meet the needs of local society and industry.
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zamgoods · 4 years
Homo and Syncretism of Money, Religion, $ocial Media, Witchcraft, Wordcraft: $peak and Spell$
May 28, 2020     Going deeper in the investigation in my streaming thoughts of religion, money, and witchcraft consciousness you will find Homo all over the place. Homo means the same.  Same Similar Familiar what? Same sounding words. Words that are spelled the same. Homophones and Homonyms.  Always loved this topic in the 3rd grade.  It was fun.  Like a code of spelling words and speech.  A riddle to tickle and annoy.  There is a level of psychological control of the soul. It seems to be sacrilegious! or blasphemous! to have such clear subliminal similarities between money matters like business, finances, economics, witchcraft, religion, crown/rulership.  
Throw in a little Politics/policy/police/ poles/pillars you get Justice.  Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddism, Ancient Egyptian, Alchemy, Sorcery, Kabalah, Goetia, Grimmoire, Gematria, belief blended languages, tongues, all boil down to one thing. Religion will tell you telling the future is an abomination yet the prophets and kings divined and chanted their way to the temple and sacrificed first son’s to El as well (homo). they followed the stars and raised up the dead (homo).  I call Homo and rainbows from the house of worship to the house of cards.  To be a bad person and sinner in one house, is to be righteous and blessed in the other one.  The more money you have the more you live like a king in heaven.  Dig in the pits of the Earth (hell) like a mole to find precious metals and gemstones.  While the good, pious ones look upwards to the sky and heavens, yet not reaping any valuable material gains.  The rich rulers govern over the poor servants who look to the afterlife for their paradise. They are told that money is the root of all sin and not to worship Mammon in Bible Book of Timothy 6:10.
New Homos in the social media religion continue to mind screw us to gain more blessings called likes and followers.  Thumbs up and down are like good deeds and bad deeds.  You are a messenger trying to acquire followers or subscribers of your belief system.  3 Strikes will strike you to hell.  You can’t get monetized, you go to hellfire and channel/handle erased. Like, alike means the same or to be similar to something, as well as affection for something or some one.  How many likes did you get on your selfie for today’s post?  God is pleased with you and likes you if you are good and got the goods.
Before Babel, when there was one language spoken. It was all about the Benjamins baby. Trade/Exchange/money matters really seriously.  It’s life or Death. True religion is survival revival.  Time to decode. 
Prophet/ Profit, Future/Futures, Fortune/Fortune,  Lord/Lord, God/ GOD, Good/Goods and Service/Services, Savings/Savior, Safe/Safe, Death/Debt, Mortgage/Mortuary, Metlife/Deathlife, Tithes/Tides,   Bet/Bat/Bets, Bad, Deed/Deeds, AParadise/ Pair of Dice, Die/ Die, FED/Fed, Books/Bible/ Booker, One/Won, Ominous, Omnipresent/Omen, Ayin/Eye, Security/Securities, commonwealth, Share/Shares, Equality/Equity/Equities, Value/Values, Sovereign/Sovereignty, Capital/Capitol, Cap/Cap, Bread/Breed, Pan/panning for gold, Life Savings/Life, Death Benefit/Death, Underworld/Underworld, Creed/Cred, Faith/Fates, Father God/ God Father, Father Time/ Time is Money, MeOnemin/Money, Ishtar/Ishtara, Benefits/Benefit, Asset/Ass/Aset, Money Changers/money changers, Securities/Secure, Easing/Ease, Eagle=$10, Bull/Bull Market, Man, Lion-Gold/Lion of Judah: same as horoscope Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo), Ruler/Rules, The Book of the Law/ Lawbook, Like/Alike, Follower/ Followers, Subscribers/Subscibe to a religion, Religion/Regulation, Strike/Strikes/Stricken, Booked/Booker, Good Book/Good Books, Crown/Crown/Krone,  Shekel/ Shakal (witchcraft), Mark/Mark/Marquis, Reali/Real, House/House, Glory/Glory, Luck/Lucifer/Luke, Ray of Light/ Roy, Omen/Amen, Vatican/Vataca Master/Master(s), Rain/Reign, Fortuna/Fortune, Domino/dominate, Father/father, Coven/Covenant, Rich/Ric/Rice, Scales/Scales, Weights/weight, Measure/Measure, Miser/Miserly/Misery, Balances/balance, Grains/gains, bond/bond, sale/Saleh/Salah, Free/Free, Majesty/Magistrate, Forecast  futures/ Forecast future, broadcast/ cast a spell, Wealth/Health, Fidelity/infidel, trust/trust, Savings/Savior, deliver/deliver, king/king,  Bar(law)/Bar(pious)/beer, Tavern/ Tabernacle, Debir(Oracle)/Debirs(Diamond), Bee/Be, kingdom/kingdom, domain/domain, realm/realm, Cash/Caishen, Cassiopea I-ching/ching ching ching, Nechash/Nachash (copper/reptile/enchant), Gold/Guilden, money Mark/mark, Kron/Krone/Crown, sign/warning sign, kashap/Cashapp/kashef (silver/sorcery), sliver/silver, snake charmer, Lein/layn, offering/offering, dollar/ dahl, penalty/penalty, Debt/Debir/Debit/doubt, Hell Hole/ Whole life, Credit/Credential, Fiat/Fiat, poor/Standard&Poors, Idol/Idle,  Brand/brand,  Mammon/Ammon/AmonRa/Roman, Crooked/Crook, Madeoff, Bill/Bull (Papal Bull), IRS/Iris (goddess), EyeAreess, FederalReServe/Fed and Served.  
You get the idea.  Add to the list.
Is a prophet who tells a divine message about the future of things  the same as gaining a positive net unit of currency?    
Is Lord of the Universe the same as the Land Lord?  Are Owners equal to God? The Lord’s Prayer seems to be all about money and poverty.  Even leeches into politics.  Own is the sound “one” should make, like bone, stone, and lone. The Bible Says, Deut 6:4 “ Our God, Lord is O-N-E.”  Qur’an says the same thing, “God is O-N-E” The Lone Dollar Bill $1bill.  These both are translations of Hebrew and Arabic, which basically have the same exact sounds  Allah(en)u (YHWH) EHAD/AHAD.
So this homophone thing even crosses languages.
Bread you eat and Bread money.  Give us Lord our daily bread. Lord is a ruler, regulator of the land and its people.  
Bread you eat and Bread money.  Give us Lord our daily bread. Lord is a ruler, regulator of the land and its people.  
Is Lord of the Universe the same as the Land Lord?  Are Owners equal to God? The Lord’s Prayer seems to be all about money and poverty.  Even leeches into politics.  Own is the sound “one” should make, like bone, stone, and lone. The Bible Says, Deut 6:4 “ Our God, Lord is O-N-E.”  Qur’an says the same thing, “God is O-N-E”   These both are translations of Hebrew and Arabic, which basically have the same exact sounds  Allah(en)u (YHWH) EHAD/AHAD.
So this homophone thing even crosses languages. 
 Cash in sounds like God of Wealth Caishen.   Traditional Chinese 財神 Simplified Chinese 财神 Literal meaning "God of Wealth" show Transcriptions Caishen (simplified Chinese: 财神; traditional Chinese: 財神; lit.: 'God of Wealth'
In the Hebrew Bible Deut18:10, Judges 9:37, a soothsayer/enchantress is the word Meoninim.  Looks like money to me.  And we know money is derived from the word monere= advise, warn which is what a soothsayer does tells the future.  
 $1bill and One dollar bill SIBILL The OWN network dollar bill.  The Lone Star Dollar Bill Lone Ranger $1bill. The Solo Dollar Bill.  Stop playing, Oprah Winfrey and Han Solo of Star Wars franchise fits into this too.  Well we know people worship Oprah as the richest black woman in America. We can decode her name as her anagram Harpo​ to Harpocrates who is Horus child and Win-Free.  Oprah Winfrey is a ray of hope and Victory.
Frank L Baum had it right in his writings, The Wonderfu Wizard of Oz, in which the Wizard really being the phony bologna fortune teller as the Wizard of Finance, Wicked Witch melting in liquidity, Dorothy Gail’s Ruby slippers in the film, actually being silver in the book that if clicked 3 times would take her back home over the rainbow of homo words.  
Economics/ Business, Money Superstitions/ Gambling, Religion, Witchcraft, royal/ Rulership/government have sum things in common.  They all take blood sacrifices as payment. ObligateTaxes, Tributes.  Build temples for worship.  
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island6artscenter · 4 years
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"Taoist Temple Gate" *Available* Contact [email protected] for inquiries. "Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity." – Khalil Gibran What Khalil Gibran calls “the hidden gate to eternity”, Sigmund Freud calls the “royal road to the unconscious”. What we’re really talking about here is somewhere between a royal road and a hidden gate. It’s below the unconscious but above eternity. The Tao Te Ching says “Where the Mystery is the deepest is the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful.” What is more mysterious than leaving for a new land? The opportunities, hopes, and (yes) dreams one has for his children far outweigh anything else in life. Chinese immigrants landing in Thailand in the 19th century had to be tough and resourceful. By avoiding certain death at home they had entered dark and mysterious waters. Only the strongest and most clever survived, moving up the social ladder: rickshaw puller, then cutting wood at the saw mill, then a vegetable gardener. Up, up, up…Those who failed died without much, but not without nothing: Freud said “Nothing that is mentally our own can ever be lost”. What you hold in your head is forever yours: your wishes, dreams, and memories belong to no one else. 51.5×51.5cm
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