#is it that he can't really hate this body because it belonged to someone he cared for?
merge-conflict · 2 months
there is very obviously a horror element to johnny having to live in valentine's body after she's gone, but also the thought of him making changes slowly over time to make himself comfortable fills me with a sense of peace that I find hard to explain
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
OK GUYS I CAN'T DECIDE WHAT IS SEXIER!!! CW: non-com/dub-con, breeding, oviposition monster!Konig who kept you, a little human, as his breeding pet because he needs someone to dump his eggs, and you happened to be a civilian, dumb enough to get out of your apartment just when the colonel was on his patrol. It's completely your fault, all humans have to wear collars and be tagged by their respective monsters, but you tried to resist the regime((( now you will be a wife, congratulations. BUT. I can't decide what is sexier - Konig is keeping you naked, at all times, mostly to show off your belly bulge, filled with his eggs, so no one else would ever dare to lay their eyes on you. Would be cooler if he keeps you on his lap at all times, maybe pushing a finger or two in your pussy to play with it and plug any slime and cum that escapes your sloppy cunt? You are so embarrassed, literally every other monster in the room can see that you belong to the colonel, and you're just too weak and horny, you really can't do anything about it(( OR Konig keeping you on the floor, maybe chained to his chair every time he has a meeting with officers. You're kept here like a dog, he sometimes pats your head or pushes his dick in your mouth, but generally, you just sit here, trying to cover your belly because all the other monsters are looking at you with hungry and lustful gazes, and you just have to cling to Konig because of this!! You hate being with him, hate belonging to a monster, you swore you would never get caught!! But now he is using you as his precious incubator, laughing when your chest is involuntarily swelling with milk(your body can't distinguish between his eggs and normal kids((( ) and you just feel so horny and so tired all of the time, you eventually beg for him to just leave you in his quarters, all fight gone of your system.
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ghouljams · 3 days
Some very soft ghost!ghost, because he's always so rough with us
You're trying to fall asleep when you feel it. Your ghost's arm around your neck, the feeling of gentle pressure on your shoulder slowly slipping to press against your throat, not choking just holding you there, it's an affectionate embrace, one that your heavy body can't move against. It's like a trance, one you know you could break with the slightest twitch of movement and yet you make no move to. In fact you hold even stiller than you had been, hoping to feel the press of a body at your side, the loop of another arm around your waist. Your Ghost has never slept with you, not chastely at least, if he even can sleep.
There's a creaking from the stairs, the old house settling, it startles you and you flinch. Your muscles tighten and drag from the heavy press of sleep, the warmth of drowsiness gone in a moment. The arm disappears as well, and you mourn the loss of it.
You've had such a long day. The plumber canceled, the old fridge stopped working, your white sheets got died pink by one pair of underwear. You pout to yourself while scraping grout off your newly laid bathroom tile, and ignored the rasping breaths that couldn't lend a hand. You've never faulted your ghastly roommate his, uh, death, but he certainly isn't helpful around the house. The most you can count on is some impromptu sex and the occasional jumpscare. You don't expect comfort, but gently you feel his arm wrap around you again.
The soft pressure of another body cuddles close to you, the arm around your shoulders holding you tight as the impression of weight settles beside you. It's barely anything, but it lulls you all the same. Your body floats, limbs shutting off as you enjoy the cool comfort of company. Months ago you might have though it was your mind playing tricks on you, but today you thank your lucky stars that your ghost isn't looking for more. You really weren't up for another sleepless night.
You find dog tags burried in the dirt beneath the garden the next day. Bent and rusted, but the usual shape aside from that. You wonder if they belonged to a previous owner, or if someone really hated their ex's aesthetic. You run them under cold water, scrub them until you can make out the stamped letters.
"Simon Riley"
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alastorss · 14 days
I love your characterization of Alastor sm ❤️❤️❤️
Could I request reader dropping dead things (people/body parts, deer, etc.) at his door/radio tower? No note, just corpses. He’s gotta figure out who tf if dropping these for him.
a/n: thank you, it's so good to be back!! i really appreciate you and everyone for being so welcoming :')) <3
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
"You've been doing what?!"
"I didn't think it was so bad... You're the one who wanted me to make friends!"
Charlie only gawks at you, tugging at the ends of her hair in stress. The Princess of Hell paces back and forth across the room, slowly piecing together why Alastor has been in such a foul mood lately.
"So you thought the best way to make friends with the Radio Demon was to leave dead bodies at his doorstep?"
"He loves dead bodies."
"Yeah, to eat them! Oh god, what kind of message have you been sending to him?" She babbles on, exasperated and flinging her hands around in a panic. "He must think you're threatening him or something!"
"Well..." you make some sort of constipated expression and Charlie stops dead in her tracks. "He might not know they've been from me."
"You've been leaving them anonymously?" The Princess squeaks, unsure of whether that makes it infinitely better or infinitely worse. "What was even the point then?"
"I get nervous!" You argue, flopping back on the couch and laying an arm over your eyes. "I was going to tell him eventually."
Alastor was a different breed of terrifying. He could silence a room just by breathing in it. The wailing souls in his broadcast were enough to command that sort of attention.
When Charlie had given you the task of making friends as a part of her "redemption project" you had assumed he was exempt from the list. He was, after all, fairly secluded despite his cheery demeanour. Very few had ever managed to become his companions.
However, your hopes of avoiding him had been flushed down the drain when you accidentally bumped into each other on the way out on your very first day.
He gave you a look over, scrutinizing you from head to toe until your cheeks burned. Then, demanded something very simple of you:
"Welcome! Please, do entertain me."
His first and, as of today, last words he ever spoke to you. Sure, your methods were a little unorthodox, but you had asked Husk for advice and Alastor's cannibalistic tendencies were as much as the bartender was willing to spill.
When you don't receive any response, you peel your arm away to peer at your friend. She makes another two laps around the coffee table before her face lights up.
"I've got it!"
"I don't like that look on your face—"
"Come on," she laughs, pulling you by the wrists. "You just have to be honest. And make sure he knows you're not trying to kill him!"
"How am I supposed to do that?" You ask nervously. "You just told me he's been in a worse mood than usual."
A sinister smile that could only belong to the daughter of the devil creeps its way across her lips.
Dread. All you feel is terrible dread.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
As much as Alastor enjoys a good meal, this is becoming excessive.
It must be the seventh or eighth body this week. And, as usual, there is no note. No indication of why there's a corpse or a deer head or a rabbit's foot at his door. He can't even sniff out any traces of a soul being here.
He hates charity.
Not even because he does not need it, but because the anonymity is making him think they're gifts of pity. That, or it's a threat on his life. Either way, he loathes the idea that someone is looking down on him.
The demon needs to get to the bottom of this soon. Paranoia is not common for him, but the anxious bubbling in his chest is unmistakable. Whoever keeps leaving the bodies at his door is meticulously clean when they kill. He would hate to be on the receiving end of the blade.
Just as he's about to dump the body in his swamp for later, there's a knock on his bedroom door. He hesitates.
No, he isn't afraid of whoever is on the other side of the door. However, if there were a fight, he would need to get his suit tailored again and he simply doesn't have the time for that today.
He takes slightly too long to decide whether or not the person on the other side of the wall is a threat, because soon enough his ears pick up the sound of retreating footsteps.
Alastor swings the doors open so fast that you yelp.
At first he's confused why you refuse to turn around to look at him. Lacking common manners—he'll have to bring that up to you later. Then, he's confused on why you've shown up to his door at all.
"May I help you, dear?"
A chill creeps down your spine. Charlie and her ideas... they would be the death of you. Preferably today. Right now.
"I didn't mean to disturb you!" You stammer, still not looking at him.
Alastor raises a brow before popping up behind you from the shadows. You squeak, clutching somehing to your chest and shielding it from his gaze. He does a loop around your body and you spin around to keep the item hidden. The Radio Demon narrows his eyes.
"Are you hiding something?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
You do another spin as he tries to get a peek of what's in your hands.
"You wouldn't lie to me, would you?" He feigns offense. Again, another spin.
"Of course not!"
"You see, I very much don't enjoy being lied to. Last time I caught a scoundrel in my midst, I cracked them open like a—"
"Okay, okay!" You suddenly burst out. You turn so slow that Alastor feels himself holding his breath.
When he finally sees what you've been so insistent on hiding, he snickers. Impolitely, mind you.
"Don't laugh," you whine, squeezing the bouquet closer to your chest. Amongst the flowers are little pieces of death—fingers, eyes, ears.
Charlie had decided that one step back in your redemption by collecting body parts like this would result in three steps forward. She allowed it, just this once.
"Are these for me?" He purrs, leaning down until his face is in yours. You'd been warned before that Alastor had no concept of personal space, but you can't help the way it robs the air in your lungs.
"Please don't get the wrong idea," you strain in embarrassment. "I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. For leaving all those bodies here. I didn't mean for it to come across as insulting."
The demon blinks at you in stunned silence for a few moments before he cackles, standing back to let you breathe again. "Why, of course! No hard feelings, darling."
"Really?" You lighten up with a sigh of relief.
"Your little gifts have kept me on my toes," he assures. "Perhaps not my idea of entertainment, but the effort was there."
"I'm glad to hear that," you smile. "Charlie was worried you wouldn't accept my apology or want to be friends."
You seem to catch yourself, eyes going wide as you shake your head.
"N-Not that I'm assuming this means we can be friends!"
Alastor only laughs again, gentler this time. "No need to be so jumpy. I don't bite," he muses. "And tell the Princess she has nothing to worry about."
He takes the bouquet from you, hands lingering over yours for a fraction longer than he meant for them to.
"I would love to be your friend."
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc @th3-st4r-gur1 @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it @dilemmaiscool @concentratedconcrete @squiword7 @clarakainda @princekeerys @cedarrthefluffylee (send an ask to be added!)
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arminsumi · 8 months
💗 GOJO さとる
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warnings : angst, some fluff (?), satoru is such an asshole on the exterior 🥹, not proofread
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the strongest... falling in love with the weakest. he's bullied n teased u about being the weakest, a weakling; "how did they let someone like you into jujutsu tech?"
he's so mean and condescending. he trails alongside u on missions. he asks "hey, bet you missed me" when he intrudes on missions that you very nearly had under control. he watches you from the bleachers as you hopelessly practice martial arts with suguru. he steals your quiz papers when the teacher isn't looking.
but of course... he has ulterior motives. his exterior is just a big act, he's really just a teenager who belongs in the drama club.
he's sticking to ur side during missions to protect ur "stupid weak ass". he's always popping his face into a scene to make sure that curse doesn't escape, cuz otherwise he has to listen to you getting another reprimanding from yaga. satoru's the one who asked suguru to teach you martial arts every day, encouraging his best friend to grill the movements into your brain. and he steals your quiz papers to quickly rub out all the wrong answers you filled in, and correct them so that tomorrow you're met with a baffling A* grade.
he's doing everything he can to keep you from being expelled.
yet he stands in front of you, hands lazing in his pockets, taunting you about being a shorty who can't fight for shit. "you're one of those fucking weaklings i have to protect..." he says bitterly, through gritted teeth... but he doesn't mean it how you interpret it. he's so upset with the world, and how he has to work hard to protect someone who deserves to be born into an idyllic paradise.
when you're making that defeated frown, looking helpless on the floor after losing to a curse, he glares over and yells "what are you doing... get up." and he forces you to get on your feet.
he's confusing, isn't he? how he tells you in the school corridors on hot summer days, "you're too weak to fight for yourself." and then when you're unconscious after encountering a special-grade, he clutches your body protectively and sobs, "are you crazy? why wouldn't you call me... hey, keep your eyes open..." he's furrowing his brows at you, expression angry not because you're weak... but because this world treats frail people terribly and he hates it with all his soul. he doesn't want to see you fighting. he doesn't want to see you practicing jujutsu. he doesn't want you to ever see another curse's morbid face again.
he's determined to turn the world into a sanctuary for you. that's what he puts in his wedding vows to you, when the two of you reach the age of 25. and he doesn't break it, he doesn't falter, he always keeps good pace and drains and exhausts himself in order to mold the shape of the world to fit someone as soft as you.
"i can't believe something as soft as you was given to me from such a hard world."
i'm gonna make it better, baby. i'm gonna build a new world for you. one that doesn't try to hurt us. until i can achieve that goal, i hope my embrace can act as your sanctuary.
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noyasmashing · 1 month
hmm so like a doubting oikawa who thinks he’s not good for you or anything similar after when they lose against karasuno in that one match, and you just show him how much of a good boy he is and reader basically comforts him. can be fluff or smut
ughhh i need him so bad 😔😔
anyway no nsfw in this one! just lots of love!
Oikawa always projected an air of confidence, strength, and a touch of arrogance. It was one of the many reasons why you find yourself attracted to him. So when you first started dating, you never expected how much reassurance he required. But that was okay! you were much more than willing to provide it for your special lover.
However, walking into your bedroom to find him curled up sadly under the warm blanket broke your heart. Deep down, he was a sensitive man, and seeing you being hit on by someone else had shaken him deeply. He resented the way you smiled at the other guy, as if you didn't have someone you loved. His insecurities were running wild; maybe he was right, maybe you didn't love him after all.
As he lay there in that moment, lost in his thoughts, your warm hand gently slid across his waist, pulling him closer. You spooned him, feeling his tense body against yours, trying to offer comfort.
"Toru? Are you alright?" you asked softly against his exposed neck, genuinely worried. He turned to face you, surprised to see the concern in your eyes as you gazed at his sadness.
"I... you hate me," he stammered, his voice shaky with doubt.
"What? No, Toru, I could never hate you. I love you, really," you reassured him soothingly, causing the tips of his ears to turn red in a mix of flattery and relief.
Before he could respond with more of his insecurity, you intervened, saying, “Is this because of that guy I was talking to earlier?”
He nodded hesitantly, feeling a pang of shame for letting such a minor interaction affect him so deeply. "you were flirting," he mumbled, unable to meet your gaze.
Your hand reached up to gently caress his face. "Why would I flirt with anyone when I have you, my dear?" you cooed, your tone full of warmth and reassurance.
As you continued to stroke his face gently, Oikawa felt a rush of relief wash over him. Your words and touch melted away his insecurities, replacing them with a sense of comfort and belonging.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, finally meeting your eyes. "I just... I can't stand the thought of losing you."
You smiled tenderly, brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead. "You're not going to lose me, Toru. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
His tense shoulders began to relax as he took in your words. The weight of his fears seemed to lift, replaced by the warmth of your embrace.
"I love you so much," he confessed hiding his red face into the crook of your neck, his voice soft and vulnerable.
Your heart swelled with affection at his cuteness. "I love you too, Toru. More than anything."
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11rosebunny · 27 days
Their favourite body part (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
With how cautious he is around practically everyone, he doesn't really think about specific body parts he is attracted to. He has never been close to anyone as an adolescent, never used his phone for any social media platforms, and he sure as hell has never found someone he's liked in his life till he met you.
It took him awhile to even think that it was okay to physically be attracted to someone rather than their personality when his group of friends were talking about it on a random day. He didn't exactly say anything in that moment but when he heard the other guys talking about what they liked on a girl, he starting wondering what he even liked.
If he's being real, he never really pinpointed any body parts that he really liked, aside from your height but that is purely because he wants to make sure he's at least just a little bit taller than you.
No matter the way you looked, he still couldn't find a specific part on your body. He never really thought much into your looks, not to say he didn't find you pretty but he didn't come to a point where a singular look drove him insane. Insane?
Now he remembers. It's your eyes.
His mind came to halt when he started to vision the way your eyes would trail all over his face made him feel all jittery just by thinking about it. As much as he acts like he hates it whenever you stare at him, yelling out profanities and asking if there's something on his face in a panic, that day, he came to a conclusion that he likes your eyes the best.
Hajime Umemiya
Your waist.
He's not sure how he's even come to like this interest on your body, but here he is!
In his point of view, he thinks the reason why he likes your waist so much stems from the way he would protect. It's not like he's protecting your waist from God knows what, but it's more of a social cue of his to grasp you by your torso in the most nicest way possible to drag you away from anything he believes to be dangerous. But, at the same time, he can't deny he digs the way you feel in his hands, sometimes he may even give your waist a little squeeze, making you jump and ask what his problem is.
It's more of a sensory touch he likes more than the way it looks.
Toma Hiragi
Generally speaking, Hiragi isn't much of a person to focus on looks, aside from liking accessories, mainly glasses. Other than his belief that bad boys belong with good girls (wow what an opinion of his), he oddly likes it if you have an overly sensitive neck. It doesn't click to him for a while that it's his favourite part of your body till he blew cold breaths on the back of your neck and watched you quickly stumble from the ticklish feeling.
After seeing you jump nervously and gasp, he is immediately intrigued in the way you reacted and wanted to see more of it.
Ren Kaji
Even after having a wonky relationship with him, he can't deny he doesn't at least find you a little attractive, but he must keep up his reputation with you. He can't exactly eye you up and down otherwise you'd catch him in an instant, on the down side he can't even look at you without it seeming like he's picking for a fight.
So when you two are talking (arguing), something he notices on your face that he may have a small interest is, are your eyelashes. He's not very fond of those fake eyelashes but if you so happen to use mascara on one of those days, he finds it annoyingly pretty the way you bat your eyelashes at him, roll them ever so slowly and blink away. It's even worse if you look at him beneath your lashes, he may just crumble right then and there and grab you by the face to squish your cheeks because of the way you made him feel.
Taiga Tsugeura
Tsugeura has a very odd habit when talking to people. Whenever he's speaking to nearly anyone, his eye contact is off the roof in a good way. He always makes sure to look at the person he's talking to, to make them feel engaged and know that he's indeed listening, his odd habit of his only began to form when he started to talk to you.
That's when he found himself looking at your lips rather than your eyes. The first few times it was because of how much you squabbled around him, he had a hard time keeping up with the way you brought up 4 different topics in one conversation, so he began to focus on the movement of your lips whenever you spoke. But even so, it came to a point where he just began to stare at them by accident, even when your finished speaking.
Sometimes he forgets he's staring there and slowly lifts his eyes back up to your eyes. You had noticed him doing that once and caught him in the middle of it. He was wondering why you went quiet all of a sudden.
Mitsuki Kiryu
His favourite body part pretty much equals to his type of girls due to how oddly specific his favourite body part is.
Surprise surprise, it's your nose.
Typically speaking, he is more into longer noses rather than those button, or hooks noses, not to say anything bad about them, he finds them unique and interesting, but his number one all time favourite are long noses. He used to have an idol crush which he preferably chooses not to distinguish who it is... but because of where it stemmed from, he absolutely digs the shape of your nose. He likes flicking it or lightly tapping it with the tip of his finger.
Hayato Suo
He's not exactly sure why he's come to find this feature of yours the most attractive but he often finds himself staring at your hair. He's not even sure if that even counts as a body part.
He's not so hardcore when searching for something on to critique you on the way you look, generally speaking he thinks it comes from your early childhood days when you'd be so fussy whenever your Mom did your hair in braids and you would take them out the second you got into school.
He always used to laugh watching you struggle to get your hair undone, the way your hair flows in the air and during free time when you'd drag him to random places in the playground, your hair would always run wild against the wind. He's grown accustomed of watching you from behind, and whenever he was, he'd always look at your hair.
Jo Togame
This kind, respectable man loves your hips.
What a gentleman.
Jokes aside, he is still attracted to your face and the way you portray yourself through your personality, but he can not hide the fact that he more than enjoys it whenever he gets to touch your hips. It could be resting his hands against your skin in the area, moving you from side to side, or simply just touching it for no apparent reason.
Tomiyama Choji
He's not much of a person to go for any curves, he's more into the petite and shorter girls, because of that, he oddly really likes your collarbone or neck, leaning more towards your collarbone.
He's not a fan of a snatched waist, dewy hips, and a large chest, what he does like is a simple, smooth collarbone where he could see your bone stick out. He is aware it's a bit off putting for anyone, but to him he finds it extremely attractive, running his hands against the smooth skin and might even want to plaster kisses on to it, who knows!
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cozymoko · 1 year
what would the sakamakis+tsukanamis do when they realize their s/o is developing an eating disorder?
Note: I can only put a certain amount of pictures in per request so if you still want the Tsukinamis' please feel free to request again once my ask box is open!
Pairing: Sakamaki Brothers x gn! reader
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): eating disorder, force feeding, insensitive comments
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Though not the most well-informed, he's far from being an idiot. He was already suspicious when you either faked eating during dinner or attempted to force the food down your throat. It was painfully evident. And when he found you bent over a toilet, retching out the remains, that was all the proof he needed.
Shu can't force you to do anything and he's aware of that, but he will still encourage you to do so. Frankly, he'd rather not have you starve to death due to your own stubbornness. Shu will follow you to hell and then bring you right back. He'll even try to play therapist and listen to what kick-started your god-awful eating habits.
“Haah, what a piece of work. You must really want to give me a heart attack, hm? Learn to rely on me, don't make me worry so much next time.”
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Out of all his brothers, Reiji will be the most understanding. Most of the Sakamaki has very limited knowledge involving the human body but he does not. After plunging his head in many books on the matter, that much should be clear. Thus it's likely you won't have too much trouble confining in him because of that.
There's no need for you to go hungry in any way while living in the manor. Despite how annoyed he may come off, Reiji is willing to go through all the potential solutions to lessen this burden on you. However, he does still remain the same in some aspects, threatening to punish you if you don't put forth some effort to eat.
“I've noticed your eating habits have become rather strange. Very well, I will create a new diet for you to regain your strength. It would be best that you follow it.”
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Unfortunately, he's pretty insensitive to things like this. He has no knowledge of mental health (though having plenty of his own) so Ayato won't try to act as he does. He'll probably say something terribly ignorant or even try to shove food down your throat, then turn around and wonder why you're so pissed at him.
It will take someone to smack some sense into him so he understands the severity of it. Even then he lacks the sentiments to truly comprehend what you're going through. But realistically, he'll probably push it off onto Reiji in the end. Of course, he cares, but such a "detailed" condition isn't his forte.
“Geez, just how long were you planning on keeping this from me? You belong to 'yours truly', and it'd be such a pain if you get any weaker. So rely on me, got it!”
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This is the last person I'd want to be stuck with in a situation like this. He's an absolute idiot on things like this, hands down. (I hate Kanato) In his mind, dolls don't have to eat so you must be perfectly fine, right? Expect you aren't a doll, nor a vampire at that so, of course, you need to eat.
As the days go by you grow noticbly weaker with no desire to do anything but wallow in your despair. Only then did he begin to take things seriously. The triplet has the most insufficient approach ever, it's not even comforting. Kanato will attempt to feed you and then get mad when you reject it. Despite his apparent concern, I highly doubt it'd make up for his thoughtlessness.
“You've grown so weak...Uu...why won't you talk to me? Uu...Don't you care for my feelings? I won't allow you to die on me; you can't leave me! I'll make sure of it!”
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He knows what an eating disorder is as Laito's been with his fair share of women. But that doesn't mean he's educated on the matter. Laito notices your standoffish demeanor right away, carefully eyeing you as he immediately puts two and two together. Yet, he won't act on it until he can find the root of your eating disorder. After all, we must start from the source~!
It'd be a shame if his favorite toy grew terribly ill so he offers to help you. Spending several hours arranging a new diet for you, feeding you small portions, and certainly boosting your confidence in the late hours of the night. Though he doesn't show it, Laito truly cares for your well-being and will do just about anything to ensure your recovery.
“You've been looking at your reflection for quite some time, little bitch. Have I not been tending to you enough~? Fufu, that won't do! Shall I fix that for you~?”
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Once he found out about your eating disorder, Subaru loses it. His anger is in some way directed at you for not telling him; but also at himself for being so clueless about it. As you'd expect, his first course of action is intimidating you into eating, but a quiet whimper will stop him dead in his tracks. This calls for a different approach.
Subaru looks to Reiji for guidance, which comes as no shock. The vampire is in no place to be taking care of a human in any mental aspect, regardless of them being his lover. Even with this newfound information, it will do very little to decrease his snappiness towards you. But he's just worried and sure as hell doesn't wanna lose you!
“Don't push yourself too much, alright? Tch, 'worried?', it's not like that so shut up, damnit! I just...don't want you to leave me in the dark anymore...”
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yandere-wishes · 5 months
♡⠀🦢⠀♡⠀♡⠀🦢⠀♡⠀♡⠀🦢⠀♡⠀♡⠀🦢 ♡⠀
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Hot Take: Swan Lake (But make it Yancore)
Act 1 Scene 1
But has anyone ever thought about the misery that lies concealed beneath the waves of Swan Lake? A love that's molded over tenfold, yet still continues to rot?
Has anyone ever thought about how in love Baron von Rothbart must have been? How desperate he was to gain Odette's adoration that he sentenced her to his own prison? None shall have her, should he be unable to possess her. It's a promise he makes in a kiss of smoke and stardust. 
Rothbart is a creature sewn of flames and feathers. Carved from abomination and power. Strong and weak all in the same breath. Yet ultimately a prisoner too, just like his dear Odette. Rothbart's bones are his glided cage, his own powers his jailer. He knows banishment and imprisonment as if they were his architects. He recognizes isolation like the kiss of a lost lover. He's lord of the swans, the owls, the crows, the birds, he's the lord of everything except Odette's heart. 
So he curses her. Not out of malice, never malice, but out of love, devotion. Maybe, just maybe if she could bear his burden. she too would come to understand. He curses her with his likeness. Curses her with a lore and a crown and everything he has always had. He turns her into something only he could love. 
And at the end of the day, it works too...
Act 1 Scene 2
Poor Odette, poor sweet Odette. Everyone knows of her tragedy, her curse, her death. Yet has anyone ever seen the sorrow that resides within her brittle bones? 
Half swan, Half human. Yet never belonging to either world.
No one's ever thought of how she's felt throughout these years. The way the feathers stick out of her flesh even when she's human again. The way her voice imitates the call of a swan, every second syllable emphasized.
Even the full moon can not fully return that which Rothbart stole. 
Oh, Rothbart. Even his name sends waves of hate throughout her body. 
There's resentment in her bones. Hate too deep and passionate for words
What is this called again? Obsession, abhorrence, loathing?
Yet even with this spirited hate, all she can do is wait, wither away until imposible love finds her. 
But when Siegfried finds her that's when the world really starts to fall apart. Because he's a prince, cold yet lovable. Soft like dandelions and as precious as the lilypads that infest the pond. 
He's everything she's ever wanted.
And yet...
There's this leap in logic whenever he's concerned. He can't understand the pain she's been through. He'll never truly comprehend the weight of the curse. How suffocating its invisible shackles are, how deteriorated her mind has become. 
Siegfried is a prince in every definition of the word... 
But Siegfried can't understand the horrors she bears in her heart. The nightmares that never seize and the burden of living between worlds.
So maybe, just maybe that's why she throws herself into Rothbart's arms one dreadful night. Because for all his countless flaws Rothbart can -at the very least- comprehend her anguish. Who better to understand the burden of a curse than its caster? Then the one born with the same spell in his veins. 
The curse is straightforward "a spell broken only once you are loved by someone who has never loved before." 
Has Rothbart ever truly loved someone? Should she try to gain his love? maybe she's had it this whole time...Maybe she's also loved him this whole time...
Or maybe she's grown addicted to the sting of his teeth along her jugular and his bruising grip on her hips when they pirouette. Maybe there's a form of deification in the burn marks his feathers leave across her skin. A silent "I Love You" too fragile to be spoken. 
There's something wrong with his kisses - they burn like a thousand hells and leave an aftertaste akin to poison- there's something wrong with the way her name falls from his lips. 
There's something wrong with him...
So why is she starting to want him?
Maybe it's the trauma he's spilled into her lungs. Or how easily he makes the nightmares go away. Maybe it's the palliative sensation as he caresses all her flaws, kissing them as if they were holy. Maybe it's because whether swan or human she knows he'll love her. He'll understand. 
How she wishes sweet Siegfried could do the same...
Act 2 scene 1 
Odile chokes on night air and stardust. Bursting at the seams to be seen. She can't remember a time when she's been anything but darkness. Anything but a second thought. 
She was born with feathers and a body meant to endure. Her mother, the dark arts. Her father, the lord of all who fly. She is more creature than human. A testament to the dark. 
So what if she grew up spoiled? With every luxury thrown at her feet. It all means very little when you've never known the touch of another soul. When isolation has been your sole companion from the moment you emerged from your egg. 
There's darkness within her that her father nourishes. Yet not even he can provide her with mitigation, camaraderie, happiness. 
So maybe, just maybe that's why when she sees the prince for the first time. The world illuminates. She's sent to seduce him. To claim another victory for her father. But she positively melts when she feels his warm hands on her skin. The smile aimed at her is brighter than every ray of the sun.
If it's merely a deceit, then why does her heart pound like a caged bird among her ribs? Why does her blood flow to her cheeks upon seeing his smile? Why oh why does she feel this way, this need? To make him hers.
The black swan falls for the prince even if it's only meant to be a ploy, a ruse, another cruel game orchestrated by the wicked baron. How painful it must be to love for the first time and know it can only end in woe. How painful it must be to rot in endless heartache. 
How she wishes to kiss him, just once. As he holds her hand and dances with her in front of a royal crowd. His eyes shine with an adoration she's never seen before. Is this love? Is this what she's been robbed of her whole life?
How she dies a thousand deaths when Siegfried utters Odette's name. 
What she wouldn't sacrifice to hear him call her name instead...
Act 2 Scene 2
Imagine the black swan and the white swan actually get a chance to meet away from preying eyes and endless expectations. Imagine they understand each other's pain like two dying stars. 
There's a lake in a forest where dreams go to die. A sparkling oasis where curses run ramped. In the glow of a lonely moon, Odette sits by the lake. Watching her fellow prisoners dance the night away. 
Her heartache is unbearable tonight, she'll deem it a miracle should she see sunrise. Odile collapses next to her, bathing in her loneliness. A shade of grey encompasses the two of them, 
They're too tired to hate. Too tired to fight. For tonight they are both just lost souls looking for the light.  
Imagine the white swan and the black swan actually understand each other. 
One cursed to be a swan. The other born into its likeness. 
"I want to die," Odette mutters her tone is all burdon and pain. 
"Death would be too easy, dear princess. We were both made to suffer" Odile replies, stating the only fact she's still sure of. 
Odette stands, a queen with no crown. Her eyes staring at her flock of swans. She outstretches her hand and beckons Odile for a dance. Just two birds trapped within the same aviary.
Odile's hand fits perfectly in Odette's. Fingers entwined as if slipping into each other's souls. Two juxtapositions, dancing as if they were one. Each step mirroring the other. 
Every jete, every arabesque, every graceful move, further entwines their fate. Guiding them to an answer, a clarification neither knew existed. 
The younger swans gather around them. Embracing them. Odette and Odile were created for this world. Both doomed by Rothbart and revered by Siegfried. Stronger together.
Two birds of a feather, who must die together... 
Final Act
Imagine the black swan and the white swan decide to die together. Standing at the edge of the lake. Hands crossed, holding each other. Legs moving in a thousand tiny Bourrees. Siegfried and Rothbart cry out, trying to reach them. It's futile, the two swans have made their choice. The waves below beckon. 
Odette and Odile, know that together no one will ever hurt them again. 
Imagine sacrificing love in its entirety to ensure the safety of the other swans, of each other. Imagine accepting the curse, believing that one must embrace it to be able to live a prosperous life. The two swans fall together, a double suicide, an act of devotion. 
Maybe just maybe the world will finally learn how devoted and mercurial a maiden's heart truly is. 
Before the Prince and Baron can shed their tears, a creature emerges from the lake. A single swan made up of halves. A testament to both princesses. A queen in its entirety. Two wings of black and white hang from her shoulder blades. A crown of white and black adorned her head. There is no longer an Odette, a cursed girl awaiting love. There is no longer an Odile a baroness of evil. There is only the swan queen. 
And she will make the world bow. 
tags: @average-yandere-enjoyer @vereya @coral-relevium @overthinkingit56
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tomumess · 5 months
My "realistic" (totally not biased) Shigaraki HC's
has extreme touch aversion, but craves it at the same time. it's a never ending cycle of wanting to fuck someone's brains out, but then getting disgusted at someone brushing up against him.
decent hygiene... most of the time. if he's really busy, chances are he probably won't even change his clothes. good luck with handling the dick cheese.
his voice breaks during sex, quite a lot. it makes dirty talk sound silly at first, but he gets the hang of it. if he's receiving head, he won't stop blabbering. he'd say the most vile shit, while his voice would be switching from raspy to comically high-pitched.
pre-experimentation Tomura doesn't have an impressive cock. it's probably average by all means, maybe even thinner than the norm. but post-experimentation though... all of that shit Dr. Garaki did definitely had an effect on his entire body, dick included.
high sex drive, but lazy. he probably wants you to do the work most of the time, unless he has some pent up emotions to release. get ready for the entire LoV to hear your screams by the time Tomura is done with you. he wouldn't even bother undressing you fully, as long as he has a hole to fuck, he doesn't care.
disgustingly perverted without realizing it. if you leave dirty clothes on the bed, he'll sniff them until his dick gets painfully hard. if you're not there to help him out, he'll grab a pair of your used panties to jack off with. never question him about the cum stains, it makes him annoyed.
never. submissive. i can't imagine a single scenario where Tomura would willing give up control and let another person hold all the power over him.
not that kinky. The dom-sub dynamics would always be at play, but bondage and anything else that takes more time and effort, would rarely happen.
hates you touching him randomly, but always has his hands on you in some way. whether it be an innocent pat on the shoulder, or full on groping you when he feels like it, he has to do something with his hands. you're like his fidget toy.
but you cannot do the same. maybe he'll let you get away with it once in a while, but Tomura will shamelessly move your head away if you try to rest it on his shoulder. god forbid that you try to do it while someone else is around.
extremely possessive. he doesn't get jealous, because he believes that everyone is beneath him. you're more like a possession that only belongs to him. and no one is stupid enough to try anything with you. most of the time. if someone gathers the courage to try and flirt with you, Tomura would kill the person on the spot, regardless of their importance. what's his shall never be taken away, and he makes it very clear.
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melminli · 5 months
A Pretty Boy Is Still A Boy II
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - it was time for coriolanus to admit to himself that he wanted you for himself, because he too was a slave to his own needs.
word count: 2k+
contains: slight misogyny/slutshaming, mention of masturbation, suggestive themes, simp/sassy coriolanus who is down bad, enemies to lovers vibes, jealousy, toxic masculinity
inspo for this
part I
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Coriolanus never thought of himself as someone pathetic. Of course, he had enough situations he found himself in that made him seem like he was, such as his slightly insane grandma, the rats that were lurking inside their apartment, or the times when his stomach growled too loudly at the wrong moments and his own body decided to betray him.
It was things that were out of his control that made him miserable and he was fully aware of that, which is why he did everything in his power to get the control he lost with the death of his parents back into his own hands, where it belonged. It was his right as a member of the Snow family.
However, his body betrayed him in more than one way, and this time, it took more than just a dainty dish to satisfy his hunger. He hasn't been able to admit it to himself yet, but he's getting to the point where he can no longer deny it. Whose fault was it this time that made him seem so pathetic for being horny almost every day? That he couldn't stop thinking about dirty things while doing dirty things - so much so that he was even more sensitive than usual because he couldn't stop jerking off for god's sake.
This is so embarrassing, I want to die. He thought to himself every time after he finished, leaning back on his bed with his free arm covering his vision. Maybe this was his karma for all the times he judged random guys for being stupid horny teenage boys, because as it turned out, he wasn't one bit better than them. Eating cabbage every day didn't kill me, but this certainly will. I can live with a rotten stomach but not without my pride, that's for sure.
Maybe Coriolanus can still fall back on not being pathetic if he would simply make you his scapegoat. Of course, it was your fault. You were the one who started this all in the first place. You with your funny sparkling eyes, your stupid seductive grin, and...
He rolled over onto his stomach and screamed into his pillow in frustration. This can't be happening to me, I can't just be like those fucking pigs! Why are you doing this to me!
He didn't know whether he meant you or himself by the latter. He only knew one thing, and that was that he couldn't take this anymore. It had to stop. He straightened up and took a deep breath to collect himself before looking down at his pants. He was still hard, and he didn't have the privilege of simply taking a cold shower in situations like this if he didn't want to pay the water bill at the end of the month.
"Just one last time..." He whispered to himself and reached into his pants, since he always seemed to forget how long he would hate himself afterward when he thought of the pleasure waiting for him, as short-lived as it may be in comparison.
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"I mean, I just can't believe he said that. To be honest, I just want him to leave me alone, you know what I mean?" Sejanus said, having barely touched his food since he was too busy telling his best friend about his worries.
Coriolanus just hummed as he ate his food in silence, listening with only half an ear. He would have preferred to not listen at all, but he didn't want Sejanus to start telling the story all over again by misinterpreting his lack of interest as him not understanding what he was talking about. You're living the life, man. I really don't understand what you're complaining about. And what if your father wished you were a little less whiny? It would do you more good than harm, to be honest. "He should be more considerate of your feelings." said Coriolanus monotonously, taking another bite out of his potatoes, only for it to stick in his throat when he saw your figure approach their table as he happened to look around the area.
You sat down across from the two of them and placed your tray on the table while your signature grin adorned your face. "Hello, boys. I hope you don't mind if I join you today."
Actually, I do. I do mind. but you didn't really seem to be asking for an answer since you'd already made yourself comfortable anyway. Why do you even ask if you're going to do what you want anyway. Coriolanus just kept looking at his food as he listened to the conversation between you and Sejanus. At least I get something out of it.
"Of course not. You're always welcome here." Sejanus assured you with a nice smile. "Still, I hope you're not here because you fell out with the other girls or something?"
You shook your head. "No, everything is the same as always. Besides, I spend so little time with you guys. I thought I'd change that." You said and picked up your cutlery. "And well, Claudia's getting on my nerves a bit. Did you know that she has a crush on Mr. Augustus? He's such an ugly old man, I really don't know how it could have come to this." You said a little disturbed and didn't mention that she had severe father problems.
Both boys grimaced at what you said, one more than the other. Augustus was known for smelling like bacon, and he also had more than one gray hair on his head. On top of that, he always wore funny shoes that made his feet look weirdly long. "I really don't want to judge anyone, but that's really kind of weird. like Mrs. Nerva is right there. Why are you looking at old Augustus?" He asked, mentioning the pretty physics teacher.
You nodded vigorously. "That's exactly what I said too, but yeah, I don't want to elaborate on that." You tried to change the subject. "You've let your hair grow out quite a bit, haven't you, Sejanus? I didn't know you had such cute curls. They totally suit you. I love it." You gave him the compliment.
Coriolanus looked up for the first time, to the right, where he saw Sejanus smiling a little shyly from ear to ear. He couldn't help but bite the inside of his cheek in annoyance. I have curls, too. He thought somewhat bitterly but was too self-confident in his appearance to think that you preferred Sejanus over him. And they suit me way better than him.
"No, they make you look cute. Don't worry about it." You assured the Sejanus after he said that he was worried that his slightly longer hair might make him look a little unkempt. "More than usual, actually."
He couldn't believe it. Were you just flirting with that stupid district boy while he was sitting right in front of you? You've got to be joking. And what was even worse than that was that Sejanus was eating your words out of your hand like a tranated dog. Calm down. She's just calling you cute. Girls pay the same compliment to a handbag. If anything, she doesn't see you as a man. I mean, cute? Come on.
You never called him any endearing names other than that stupid Snowy and it wasn't like he minded or anything - he didn't care - but you always seemed to do it to everyone else and never him, which is just unfair. Doesn't matter. Didn't want some whore flirting with me anyway.
"Is something wrong, Snowy? You're so quiet." He finally heard your voice say and only now realized that Sejanus had left. You noticed his slight confusion. "Oh, he had to leave already. He said he didn't want to be late for his literature class. You don't have any classes now, do you?"
He couldn't look you in the eye. "No, I don't."
You smiled. "Me too. If you don't mind, maybe we could - "
" - do you not find me attractive?" Coriolanus interrupted you, finding his own statement very uncharacteristic of him. He shouldn't care, but he just had to know. He wanted an answer so he would stop thinking about a reason - thinking about you.
His sudden statement had thrown you off a bit. It took you a second, but the look in his eyes told you that he was completely serious. That's a bit unexpected, but I'm not complaining. "Well, of course I find you attractive. Isn't that obvious? Kids are annoying, Festus is into Aurora and has no chance, trust me I know and Coriolanus is..." You searched for the right words. "...a pretty boy."
He raised an eyebrow. He didn't have the information he wanted yet. "So?" He asked, trying not to think about how you said his name. Now, he felt like it was rather counterproductive to even bring this whole thing up in the first place.
Your eyes looked a little confused around the area. "So what?" You asked him and saw in his face an answer like, don't make me say it out loud, which led you to only be able to speculate about it. He seems a little insecure, and it seems like it has something to do with me, so.... "Why am I not trying to get into your pants?" You tried to read his mind.
He abruptly leaned in front of you. That wouldn't exactly have been his choice of words. "Don't say it so loudly." He whispered somewhat aggressively. There weren't that many people in the canteen anymore, but better safe than sorry. "...but I mean, yeah."
You just laughed, very amused. "Well, I'm not going to confirm or deny that I usually do this sort of thing, even if you think you've totally figured me out." You started and grinned. "And what? Do you want me to do it?"
Well, now he felt kinda very exposed, and you even teased him a little further when he didn't answer you directly. "I mean, to get into your - "
He interrupted you before you could repeat it again. "I know what you meant! And no of course I don't!" He exclaimed in a loud whisper, aware of how emotional he sounded. "What I'm saying is, no. I was just curious since you seem to be flirting with everything that breathes." He accused you. Just not with me.
Your mouth formed an O when you finally understood what he was getting at. He felt excluded. "So that's what this is about. Well, I don't know, I suppose you're just too pretty for me to just hit on you like everyone else." You said very obviously flirting with him right now. "Aren't you too good for that? The way I would flirt with you would be to take you out to dinner and then run my fingers through your pretty hair. Something more special."
So, she does like my curls. Knew it. The way you put it sounded just right, but he couldn't help but feel that it sounded a bit like... "I'm not a petite girl." He said offended. Somehow, your answer confused him even more than before, as he assumed it was just lust that attracted him to you. Stop thinking about going on a date with her. Are you out of your mind?
"So you wouldn't like it? That's too bad." You said, a little disappointed. You were really glad that Claudia was getting on your nerves today. Otherwise, you would never have found out how much fun it is to talk to Snowy. You had a little inkling that he wasn't quite as stoic as he always presented himself, but you didn't suspect that your behavior would be his downfall. You shouldn't have neglected him like that, but you were happy that you did.
Coriolanus wanted to deny it. He didn't want to admit it under any circumstances, but that would mean that he had to carry on as before. You seem to be attracted to him, too, and the fact that he knew that made it clear that he would not stop imagining what could be. Unless he confessed, of course. "I never said that." He replied.
"I'm happy to hear that." You said grinning brightly. "I take it you're free this weekend?" You asked him, aware that he would cancel everything else for you. You could see it in his eyes - he was yearning.
"I am." He replied, ready to plunge into new waters. Maybe that could satisfy his longing and everything could go back to normal like it was before. Where no single person had this much influence over him as you did now.
He tried telling himself that he wasn't like other men who wanted the whole cake, after one bite. Though, deep inside he knew that he was indeed just that. You already proved that to him.
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tomssexdoll · 1 month
alrigh hear me out so Tom and reader are enemies like reader is popular girl in school and Tom is outcast but they are in love and at some point when reader gets super drunk she comes to his and confesses her feelings but in a dumb way like she says stuff like “you belong in art museum” and Tom finds it funny and cute but he don’t believe her but it ends up being smut so basically fluff+smut with bits of angst (sorry if it’s long and i really love your fics)
Drunk in love
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2007 x Female reader CONTENT: SMUT + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Y/N is super popular in school and is secretly in love with her outcast enemy Tom, at a party Y/N gets super drunk and confesses to him but in a silly way which he loves. A/N: hi WARNINGS: teasing and clothing action, dom!tom, sub!reader, fingering, p in v (riding)
Me and Tom kaulitz, the schools outcast, have been enemies for years. I never knew why, I guess it was because everyone disliked him so I picked it up too. I never really hated him though, I was always secretly in love with him.
Sneaking him winks and blowing kisses when no one was around. I knew he felt the same, doing it back and even kissing me on the bus once.
But that was years ago, now he was even more quiet, barely spoke to anyone or even looked at anyone.
One day I went up to him after school, I invited him to the party I had been invited to since I needed someone as weird as him there, my friends didn't understand him but I did, I liked his quirky personality and stupid jokes.
"Ew, why were you talking to him Y/N" my friend snickered as I came back to her, I rolled my eyes "shut up, you guys are so rude" I grunted and walked off, leaving them super confused.
The time of the party came, I put on a slutty dress and did my makeup and hair just how he liked it, I overheard him talking about his type to other people and knew I needed to impress him.
I showed up, searching everywhere for him and avoiding my friends. I gave up and sighed, getting a few shots and downing them slowly, the clear liquid burning my throat as it went down.
A few hours later, I was super drunk, stumbling and giggling everywhere. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Tom, I looked up at him and my face turned red, "Oh T-tom! You..came!" I slurred my words, handing him a drink. He gladly took it and started to drink with me, eventually getting as drunk as me.
We sat down on a nearby couch, talking about everything and nothing. It came to a point where I was just listening to him yap, admiring his beautiful features. He took account of this and chuckled, "gonna keep staring at me like that", I was shaken out of my trance and looked away, super embarrassed "sorry..I can't help it" I giggled nervously.
He grabbed my chin with his hand and turned my face to look at him again, "it's alright princess" he smiled, his smile and the words that came out of his mouth made me super wet.
"You know.." I slurred "you belong in an art museum, you're so handsome" I giggled, going closer to him and looking deeply into his eyes, "oh really?" he chuckled, "is that your silly way of confessing your feelings to me" he said jokingly, I nodded, surprising him.
"Yeah, I've liked you for 5 years.." I bit my lip, his eyes widened "we need to talk about this in private" he sighed and grabbed my arm, dragging me into an empty bedroom and locking it behind him, setting me down on the bed.
"It can't be possible..I mean..you're you..gorgeous and popular and I'm this, an outcast" he frowned "why would you like me?" I scoffed at his question, "why? because you're different, you care about me, you're not an asshole who just wants me for my body or popularity, I love your silly jokes and weird humor, I can never be like that around my friends" I sighed, resting my head on his arm softly.
He smiled and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer and kissing the top of my head, "the time you kissed me on the bus years ago made me fall for you even more, it was like reassurance, like you were saying 'dont worry i feel the same', it made me have hope" I grabbed one of his hands and intertwined my fingers in his.
He lifted my chin once again to face him, leaning in closer and pressing his plush lips against mine, his hands snaking to the back of my head, holding it softly as he deepened the kiss.
He pulled back softly, a small string of saliva following, "are you not worried about your reputation, being seen with me with your popularity will be scandalous" he chuckled, caressing the back of my head softly, "I don't care Tom, i'd rather spend the rest of my life with you than worry about what some idiots in high school think" I sighed "i'm sick and tired of worrying about what my friends think, they are irrelevant anyways, they all talk shit about each other, including me" I rolled my eyes.
He smiled softly, pecking my lips again, "how can you kiss so well anyways, thought you were an outcast" I giggled, teasing him.
He chuckled "everyone at school thinks I have no friends at all but that's not the case, i've been with a few girls before" "well, i'll be your girl from now on" I pushed him onto the bed softly, climbing on top of him.
His hands rested on my ass, cupping them gently, I kissed him passionately, grinding softly on his clothed cock. I felt it press against his pants, hardening slowly.
"I've imagined this moment so many times.." he whispered, kissing my neck softly, I giggled and slowly zipped my dress off, chucking it somewhere in the room.
"Holy fuck you're gorgeous.." his breath hitched, hands roaming over my body, tracing my curves. "Well I dressed up for you and you didn't even notice" I grunted, he scoffed "didn't notice? trust me i did, I was trying to hide my boner when approaching you" he said shyly, turning his face away.
I smiled, "fine, i'll take it" I started to take his top off, revealing his toned body, I bit my lip and felt myself get ever wetter. I slowly trailed my hands down to his pants, unbuckling his belt and dragging them off. His cock was pressed against his boxers, leaking precum and staining them.
"Someones excited" I smirked, pulling his cock out slowly. It sprang out, hitting his abdomen. My eyes widened at the size, mouth slightly agape.
"Jesus christ...I always knew you gave off big dick energy" he chuckled "it's probably cause i'm so quiet, isn't that what they say, quiet guys give off big dick energy" I nodded and giggled, slowly taking my panties off.
He bit his lip at the sight of my pussy, wet and aching for him. I poitioned myself and slowly sat down, his cock engulfing my pussy. It stopped at one point, not going any further, I was only a quarter down.
"Shit..it's too big Tom.." I looked down at him, panicked. He grunted and pulled me off him, flipping us over and hovering over me. "I'll make it fit baby" he kissed my neck, his fingers slowly entering me.
"Ah!" I moaned, his fingers ramming into my pussy, stretching it out, "just tell me if you want to stop, ok?" he smiled, I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to forget the pain.
His fingers curled at my g spot, warming up my hole for his big cock. Once he figured it was stretched out enough he retracted his fingers, slowly pushing his cock in again.
It finally fit this time, resisting a bit halfway but he made it fit, just like he said. He held me gently and thrusted in and out, careful not to hurt me.
I grunted in frustration, "faster!" I whined, he chuckled "okay..so impatient" he grabbed my hips, pulling me closer and started to pound into me, his tip hitting my sweet spot perfectly.
"Fuck..so tight" he groaned, rolling his head back. I held onto him, my arms wrapping around his back and scratching at it tightly, intense pleasure waves coursing throughout my body.
"Fuckk!" I moaned loudly, kissing his neck and sucking on it harshly, leaving dark purple marks everywhere. He continued to slam his cock into me, his thrusts getting harsher by the second.
Even though his thrusts were harsh and rough, his touch on me wasn't. It was like I was a delicate flower, meant to be handled gently. The way he held me close, occasionally caressed my thigh, he was my dream guy.
Like I had told him before, the guys I had been with were assholes. They'd just fuck me and finish, not even caring about my pleasure, I was just another hole to them.
I threw my head back, arching my back as he kept hitting my g spot. His head lowered, hands removing themselves from my hips and coming to my bra, pulling it down slightly, revealing my hard nipples.
He smirked and latched his lips onto one, sucking softly, the other hand teasing my other boob. I moaned loudly, legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him in closer, deepening the connection.
"You're so sexy...so beautiful" he murmered on my tits, kissing the skin around my nipples, sucking gently and leaving marks on me too.
His tip kissed my cervix, hips slamming into mine with such force that the sound of skin slapping filled the air. I felt tension build in my tummy, signalling my awaiting orgasm.
"Gonna cum soon.." I whimpered, he smirked and picked up his pace, brutally pounding his cock into my cunt, making me scream in pleasure.
I felt the tension tighten even more, my orgasm washing over me, my pussy clenching on his cock tightly. He groaned and came in me, shooting his thick call all over my walls and coating it completely.
He collaped on top of me, trying to regain his breath. "Fuck...that was amazing y/n" he chuckled softly, kissing me gently. I nodded in response, wrapping my arms around him and holding him tightly.
After a few minutes he slowly pulled out, careful not to overstimulate me. Our shared juices softly dripped out of my hole, seeping onto the bed.
"Lord have mercy for who's going to clean this house" Tom smirked, I giggled "yeah, especially this room" I winked. He grabbed a tissue and cleaned me up, helping me put my clothes back on and kissing me lovingly.
"You know, I've never had a guy help me put my clothes back on after sex" I sighed, turning to him. Guilt washed over his eyes, his smile turning into a frown "you deserve better Y/N, i'm willing to give it to you, just give me a chance.." he caressed my cheek, pressing his forehead against mine.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" my eyes widened, pulling back. He nodded "please, I'll give you the world" he smiled softly, I looked deeply into his eyes, all that was staring back at me was sincerity, he was telling the truth.
"Oh my god Tom yes!" I squealed and pounced on him, hugging him tightly. He laughed, pulling me off and carrying me outside. All my friends stared in shock seeing us together, kissing and cuddling.
I glared back at them, enjoying my time with Tom. They came up to me, scoffing and crossing their arms, "what are you doing with this loser? I thought you hated him" I rolled my eyes "shut up chloe, you are so insufferable, I hate all of you and how mean you guys are, don't speak to me again we aren't friends anymore" I hissed at them "at least Tom treats me like the queen I am, you guys are miserable" I laughed at them, turning back to Tom and kissing him passionately, I felt him smile against my lips.
E/N: i can't lie i forgot the angst im sorry ily
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tags: @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @tomscumdoll @tomkaulitzloverr @ge-billsgf @estxkios @ballhair @charliesgoodboy @syylss
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eggtartz · 7 months
✧ 25th October ✧
Shanks // Nanny (f! nanny reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : can you tell i haven't watched or read one piece before, dilf shanks, riding, creampie
his precious uta always had to be left behind during his adventures, fearing he'll be in her way of her singing career. shanks was aware of her passion and taking her with him would only prevent that which he would hate to do. so what he has resolved to is leaving her with a trusted nanny. he was away for longs terms but dear it knew, one day, she'll see her beloved father and captain's crew sailing back home again. but until then, she will wait patiently.
you were her nanny and basically treated her like a little sister. "uta, are you composing more songs again?" you tilted your head, frowning as the adorable child is not resting from creatung her masterpiece "no y/n! i gotta finish this before shanks come home! i want him to be the first one to listen!" her circular braids shoot up like bunny ears. "well, okay but make sure to have your lunch and your nap okay?" you said gently as she yelled an 'okay'.
as you were folding the clothes you could hear a commotion from the shorelines and watched as a big ship, the flag soaring in the wind. "shanks!" you smiled at the sight of the captain, his smile as sweet as you remember, the scar along his eyes just adds to his attractiveness. "uta! come, the captain is back!" you yelled as she shrieked "he is?! shanks!" the excited child spent no time to lunge at him to hug him, a quite bizarre display of affection in public but shanks warmly held her in one hand. "looks like someone missed me, huh?" he teased, bopping her nose that made her giggle.
he walked back to home while you chatted with the red hat crew "party?" you recalled that made shanks turned "yup! we're gonna have party tonight because why not?" his cheekily smiled as uta forced him to bring her as well. settling down at the humbled abode, you bought on shanks belongings and placed them in his room as you could hear laughter and giggles of his daughter from the other side of the room. "captain, would you want something to drink?" you said as you headed to the kitchen. the man followed behind you as he went closer and took a sniff of your neck "you smell a little too good" he commented as you swatted him away.
"oh please, stop the teases" you smiled as you poured him a drink "how are you, y/n? she hasn't been causing too much trouble, has she?" he raised a brow as you shook your head. "she's a sweetheart, actually. currently composing a song for you" you smiled "for me? oh i'm flattered" he moved from his chair and moved to your back, latching himself close to your body "i miss both of you too much" his hand grabbed your waist as you made a small squeak. "you wanna help me with some stuff later on, pretty girl?" he used that tone again, that slutry tone you know you can't escape.
"uta is still here, shanks. she'll-"
"later on, at the party. deal?" he quickly cut you off. you turned around as he squeezed your butt with one hand and spanked it once before walking away. "be there, doll."
that night, the crews were rowding the bar as you sat with uta who was standing on the table while singing. you looked up at her, the juice you had in your hand sipped slowly. "hey, y/n. mind if i steal you for a bit?" you turned around to see rogers as you nodded. he bought you outside where shanks was waiting, his clothes getting blown away by the gentle breeze.
"i was summoned?" you mischievously asked, knowing what the older man wants. he smiles "is it too forward to say i really miss you?"
"me or something else, captain?"
"cheeky, huh? sit down doll, help your old man out" he said as you giggled. he man spread his legs as you situated yourself perfectly on his lap, always fitting there. always has and always will. "skirt up" he said, one hand caressing your hip as you lifted your skirt, revealing your white panties. "oh, have i missed this sight" he groaned, bringing yourself to rub on him as you whimpered. "oh.. can we just put it in? i stretched myself real good, i promise"
"you already have? what a good girl you are" he said giddily as you lowered yourself around him. the first stretch was intense as you frowned. he buried his nails around your waist as your warms insides wrapped around his length for the first time in so long. shanks can't even phantom how many times he has jerked himself to the memories of you and now that he's back, he isn't going to waste another minute.
"bounce harder, girl. yeah, you're doing good" he groaned as your hands rested in his shoulders. the outline of your bra was see through the white dress you're wearing and shanks ripped the fabric with his teeth. he engulfed one nipple into his mouth, swirling it with his tongue. "oh! shanks.. so rough.." you whined as his teeth grazed through the bud. he took the other one in his mouth, repeating the cycle.
"you look so pretty impaled to my dick. you're gonna make me cum, doll" he smiled tenderly as you squeeze your eyes shut, breathing hitched. "oh! shanks!" you rubbed your clit while bouncing on his cock, leaving the man a mess as his dick is getting clenched and he's going to cum any second now.
"you miss me that much?" he still cheekily asked. "yes i did.. fuck! i missed you so much" your bouncing was getting sloppier as shanks thrusted upwards "how much?" he started his rough pace "a.. a lot.." your brain was foggy, his cock thundering in and out left you mewling and wanting more. your eager cunt was milking him as he felt the pressure building, his hands were on your waist still as he frowned. his gorgeous red hair was blowing in the air, the scar adorning his eyes was wrinkling when he frowned.
you looked at him with awe as you slumped againts him, your pussy twitching as he came inside. he moved your face to kiss him, a soft yet passionate kiss with impaling his tongue inside yours. he looked at you while he panted, hands soothingly rubbed your back. "let's go back, hm?"
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justwonder113 · 1 month
Head over heels - Lee Know pt2
First part here (Can be read as a standalone)
Warning: Cursing(I can't help it). mentions of drinking. The reader is overthinking in the beginning but the end is fluffy. Minho is a menace and I love him for it. I can't think of anything else please tell me if I missed anything. Reader is gender neutral.
A/N- Hey lovelies, I'm back with the continuation of the previous Minho drabble. I wasn't thinking of writing the second part but I got inspired so here we are. I really hope you'll like it. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Thank you for all the love and support you give me, it really means so much to me. Please take care of yourselves, love you all so much!! <3 <3
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The one and only sun, the sourse of light and basically all life on earth was sometimes a huge dick. Like what do you mean you're brutally waking someone up from their sweet slumber on 8 am on sunday? That's just evil. Do you know what they were up to all night? Maybe they need their much needed rest. Talk about inconsiderate.
Grumbling curses at the bright rays of sunshine which felt like you were being poked in your eyeballs you turned to your side, trying to escape them. You furrowed your face into your pillow hoping to fall back asleep. But you couldn't. Because you realized couple of things. First of all your so called pillow was clearly breathing. Second of all the familiar comforting smell clearly belonged to your best friend. Third, how the fuck was Minho's chest so firm yet so soft?
Hold on, hold on. Why were you sharing a bed with Minho? Normally whenever he slept over he opted for using the guest bedroom or the couch if he was too lazy to get up. It was rare of you to share a bed. Wait did you do something?
You tried to recall the events of the last night. You were at the club. Minho got a bit drunk, you went to get him some water. Some deuchbag tried to hit on you but Minho scared him off. You got to your apartment. You asked him to help with detangling your Chains and you two made out for hours, you talked in between and some time into talking about some random stuff Minho fell asleep.
You made out wit your best friend! What were you thinking?! You're clearly into him, you have been for a while, but what about him? Okay you knew Minho wouldn't just kiss you out of nowhere but still! You have been extra flirty lately but he hasn't given you a hint or a clue that he romantically likes you like that. Maybe it was just a spur of moment thing. Let's say he wanted to test things out. Maybe he wanted to test if he liked you like that? Oh god, what if he regreted it? What if you ruined everything. Oh God, what if this messed up your friendship. You couldn't live without him in your life. Maybe it was an overdramtic announcement but he was too dear for you. He was the reason you believed in suolmated be it platonic or romantic. God you shouldn't have indulged in kissing him when you knew he was still a bit tipsy. But he was so close tho and his lips looked so pretty and kissable... Oh what the hell?
The hands tightening around you stopped your train of thoughts. Great you woke him up now. You were mad at the damn sun for waking you up and now you were the one to wake him up? Great job.
Minho's groggy yet soft morning voice startled you. "I can physically feel you overthinking. It's too early, go to sleep."
"But Minho." You cringed at yourself at how whiny your voice sounded. Minho opened his eyes to give you an unimpressed look. He wrapped his hands more tightly and brought you even closer. You both loved and hated how at peace you felt whenever you were around him. Being between his harm made every cell in your body relax, except your heart, which felt like it would burst any second. When did you even manage to fall so hard for him?
"Do you like me?" The suddenness of his question startled you. You couldn't with him sometimes.
Unimpressed with the lack of answer Minho opened his eyes and full on glared at you. Normally you would laugh it off or try to make him well not upset but now all you could think about was how could a human look so breathtaking first thing in the morning. With messy hair and slightly dark circles from the few hours of sleep he got. He was like a walking renaissance painting what the hell? Minho was about to let go of you when you started talking. Well you had to say something.
"It pisses me off how pretty you look first thing in the morning."
You blinked at you once, then twice then rolled his eyes. His hand came up to your cheek and you thought that maybe it was one of those rare moments when he was sweet and affectionate, but no, you were proven wrong when he slightly pulled on the skin of your cheek.
"First of all, I'm always pretty. Second of all I could say the same to you." He let go of your skin and now slightly grazed your soft skin. "Third of all you're getting distracted sweetheart." This smooth fucker. You could feel your face start to heat up.
"You have never called me sweetheart."
"Hm, do you not like it?" Minho mused and looked at you with eyes full of mischief. The fucker knew he was getting you all flustered up.
"I didn't say I didn't like it."
"You're cute." Why was he so keen on teasing you today?
"Shut up!" - You couldn't help but groan. You didn't fully appreciate how flustered he made you feel.
The smirk on his face grew even wider if that was possible."Make me!"
If he thought that you wouldn't retaliate! You looked at him with challenging eyes. "I just might!"
"So you do like me." He said so casually while playing with strand of your hair you were taken aback for a second. God you hated how your heart basically did a backflip at his soft voice.
"You're infurating." You wanted to hide your face now, you knew this little asshole was having the time of his life watching you get this flustered.
"And you're not denying." Why would you? He knew you liked him.
"One fact doesn't exclude the other smartass!"
"So you're admitting it." How was he so casual about it?
"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?" You challenged him. Proud of yourself when you saw that your comment got to him and suprised him for a second.
"Then, I am going to kiss you senseless like you're pretty butt deserves to. And I'm going to take you some place fancy for our first date." To make his point across he even took your hand and softly kissed it.
"Partner?" You couldn't hide your surprise as well as your hopefulness.
"Aww you think my butt is pretty." This was the only response you could muster up. At this point you were amazed how was your heart still working.
"Well of course I think my partner's butt is pretty." Did he just say what you thought he did?
"Bold of you to assume You have any way out of this relationship." What a romantic. Why was he so him?
You decided to tease him a little, after all that's all he did all morning. "What if I'm tired of you?"
"You can always sit the fuck down." Again, so romantic.
"What if there's no chair?" Based on the smirk on Minho's face you knew he was going to make it dirty. "Okay never mind, I got it. Okay, what if we lose chemistry?"
"I have seen breaking bad, we will cook something up."
"Okay you're clearly quoting that one tiktok I sent you."
Minho glared at you for a second. "Doesn't mean I'm not being genuine."
"What if your cats hate me?" Minho rolled his eyes at you.
"They love you and you know it."
"Yeah, I'm way too adorable for them to not love me. Okay what if..." Minho didn't let you finish.
"No what if's. I love you and it's clear you feel the same. I knew what I was doing when I kissed you last night and I know what I'm doing right now. You're mine and I'm going to treat you like a royalty until you let me. Don't overthink your pretty mind now. Let's just cuddle for a while and then I will take you out for the fanciest breakfast ever." Again not really romantic but the butterflies in your stomach still decided to have a French revolution in your tummy.
"I still hate you"
"Whatever you say sunshine." He leaned in and sealed his lips with yours.
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broken-spirit101 · 2 months
Kamaboko Squad Yandere Headcanons
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A/N: Reposting this from my Wattpad book because I don't have any ideas for anything new 🤩
Warnings: Nezuko is platonic, mentions of kidnapping, mild language, and of course, yandere themes
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Tanjiro: ➼ If he's the one who loves you as a yandere, you wouldn't even have to lay a finger if you don't want to.
➼ He's the kind who would definitely spoil you. Want some chocolate? You're getting your favorite kind of chocolates, homemade. Too tired to clean up after a long day? He'll help you bathe. He's super respectful, his eyes never wandering to where they don't belong, making you always feel safe within his company. He's definitely househusband material.
➼ He absolutely loves it when he's in both you and Nezuko's company. He adores the fact that you love his sister (probably even more than you love him, but he doesn't need to know that). You being Nezuko's sister-in-law would be his ultimate dream.
➼ He hates the fact that you're also a demon slayer. After almost losing his entire family, his biggest nightmare would be losing you or Nezuko. If he could, he would resign you from the corps immediately.
➼ Tanjiro is more of a protective yandere. Red flag? If you're talking to anyone he doesn't fully trust, you bet your butt he's lurking in the shadows watching you interact with them. If he gets too concerned for your safety, there's a very small chance that he'll kidnap you (it needs to be a very serious concern if he does that). However, he would make sure you'll be comfortable in your room where you're kidnapped, even if you're tied by chains. 
➼ He can't imagine himself being with anyone else. You're his and only his, and he's going to make you see that too. No matter what it takes.
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Zenitsu: ➼ Oh god. He would be a handful to deal with.
➼ Hearing "Marry me!!!" would be a common occurrence for you to deal with every day. Your mans would do anything to please you. If you asked him to, he would probably climb Mount. Everest for you. Around you, he would almost always be blushing and giving you compliments. He would make sure you hear that he loves you every single day, which annoys others to no limits.
➼ Zenitsu would do anything to get alone time with you, which rarely happens as he's always surrounded by Inosuke and Tanjiro. When he does get alone time with you though, he would be over the moon. He likes to make you sweets sometimes when he's free, as he's surprisingly good at baking.                              
➼ He thinks absolutely about you is perfect. Fighting demons? You look so awesome. Drinking water? You're pretty as hell. Talking? His full attention is on your pretty face. Showering? He thinks your body looks- erm, never mind. 
➼ The only thing he dislikes regarding you is how Tanjiro and Inosuke are always around you. If they aren't, you're around Nezuko. Sure, he loves them too, but he loves you the most. Probably more than anything in the entire world.
➼ He would be more of a delusional yandere. Red flag? He gets jealous very often. Really often. If he thinks you're not giving enough attention to him, he'll probably go sulk somewhere till you grow worried and come to find him. Or maybe he'll try to make you jealous instead, by clinging to someone else, probably Nezuko (earning bonus glares by Tanjiro).
➼ In his mind, both of you are meant to be with each other. Maybe he's too scared to actually make a move on you for now, but he'll do it. Eventually. 
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Inosuke: ➼ The only thing I can say is, SAYONARA.
➼ God, it would take him decades to realize his feelings for you. He often mistakes his feelings for competitiveness, so he would demand fights from you at least twice a day at minimum. He gets very reckless with you during fights to calm down his energy from simply seeing you. He would act the same around you as he does with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, but still somewhat calmer and more protectively.
➼ He's happy as long as he's around you, although he would never admit it. You taught him to read and write basic Japanese, so he even writes you letters when you're away on solo missions in distant places, although they usually look like "If you get injured by those bastard demons, I'll kill you." Yeah, Zenitsu taught him to write swear words.
➼ He craves physical touch, whether it's romantic or in a fight. He doesn't care as long as his skin is in contact with yours. It could be simply holding hands, but knowing that you're with him at the moment is very comforting for him. You probably don't mind holding hands with him either.
➼ He hates how you could be reckless and jump in to save someone if needed. Sure, he's even more reckless, but he can't understand why you would risk yourself in order to protect a random stranger. He would much rather sacrifice himself over you.
➼ In a fight, you both are a very good duo. Your abilities are very similar (the only thing is that Inosuke can't detect auras, but he's much better at things like spatial awareness), and his recklessness is often balanced by your strategic approach to battles. However, whenever you tell him strategies to continue a fight, he wouldn't listen nine out of ten times. But when he does get too injured to continue fighting Inosuke style, he puts your strategies into practice.
➼ He's a total possessive yandere. Red flag? He doesn't know how to express his feelings very well. Even if he wants to do something as wholesome as hugging, he's gonna ask for it in a very aggressive way like "OI (Y/N), HUG ME OR ELSE 🔪". Red flag #2? His possessiveness can get out of control. He dislikes it whenever you make independent decisions and/or tell him to do something. He wants you to be fully dependent on him.
➼ If it were up to him, he would kidnap you and never let you out of his sight. You were his, no matter what.
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Nezuko:  ➼ She absolutely adores you, just as much as she adores Tanjiro. She could never choose between the two of you, though. To her, you're both irreplaceable. 
➼ Nezuko. Absolutely. Loves. Cuddles. She wouldn't be able to function normally if she didn't get her daily dose of cuddles and head pats. She hates how she's unable to talk to you normally because of her muzzle. If she could talk normally though, she would spend the entire day chatting with you. Not a single moment of boredom would exist.
➼ She can easily understand you most of the time, and you can understand her too eight out of ten times. In her perfect version of life, Tanjiro and you would be married and all three of you would live in the same home (maybe even along with Urokodaki). She tends to see the three of you and Urokodaki as a family.
➼ Like Tanjiro, she hates the fact that you have to put yourself in danger along with Tanjiro. What if something happened to you while she was peacefully sleeping? Just thinking about that makes her extremely paranoid.
➼ A high-pitched "mhm-hmm" means she's happy. If it's a low-pitched one, that means that she is determined to complete the task that she's been assigned. A single quiet "hmm" means that she's sad and/or craving your attention.
➼ She's a clingy yandere. Red flag? It's easy for her to manipulate you into doing something she wants. She's aware of her cuteness and she's not afraid to use it as a weapon. Nevertheless, she would never manipulate you into doing something that she knows would upset you too much.
➼ I would be willing to place my bets that the Kamado siblings are secretly conspiring with each other to make you know that you belong with them, and ONLY them.
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trumpkinhotboy · 7 months
Lean on me
Pairing: Twin Brother!Nick Nelson x Twin sister!Reader
Type: Request (thank you so much!!)
Genre: Angst that ends with a lot of fluff
Warnings: Sexual Assault situation. Although the details aren't of extreme nature, it can still be a hard thing to read for some people, so be careful <33
Rating: 13+ (because of SA)
Word count: ~ 4600
Requests: Open! For Heartstopper, twilight wolfpack, chronicles of narnia and harry potter
A/n: I was really inspired for this fic and it took me quite some time to write it. I hope you will enjoy protective brother nick nelson and the fluff with the Paris gang as much as I do. If you have any requests feel free to message me !!
A/n pt.2: Please don't come for me for my summary, I fucking hate writing those xoxo
*gif is not mine!!
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Summary: The reader goes to a party without her twin brother, Nick. Through different circonstances, she ends up dancing with someone who might have not rightfully earned her trust. The situation quickly escalates to horrible heights. She will have no other choice, but to learn how to defend herself, and how to lean on the people who matters for her.
Your heart is racing, your eyes are burning, and silent tears stream down your face. You rest on the threshold of the door you've just exited from. You can't grasp and even begin to process what just happened. You look up, hearing your name being called from afar. It feels like you're in a different dimension. Everywhere you look, reality seems distorted by some filter. Finally, you focus on your mother's face. She's sitting in her little car, window down, waving at you. Automatically, your body starts walking toward the car, but mentally you are elsewhere. In a dark corridor up in this horrible mansion. Trapped.
Your heart beats in a thumping rhythm as you cross the threshold of the mansion. Music is blasting out at an alarmingly loud volume with the place already packed. 
You try to calm your breathing and to remember you were invited and belong here as much as anybody else. The few people you cross paths with wave at you. You smile back, trying to look confident and relaxed. The image of collected cool. 
Even though there's actually a weight dropping in your stomach. 
You are, after all, Nick Nelson's twin sister. He has a certain 'popular kid' reputation that was mostly passed on to you by association. You are both known for being nice and popular kids. Although you definitely are more lowkey than your 'rugby king' brother. So, even if you aren't sure these people are your crowd, you couldn't refuse when you had been invited to some guy's end-of-exams party. 
It wasn't rare for you to be invited to events like this. Although, it was one of the few times your brother didn't join you. Ever since he started dating Charlie and got closer with the Paris gang, you could see less and less of him at these kinds of gatherings. That's why tonight, instead of being here with you, drinking lukewarm punch and listening to questionable music as some alcoholized teens were being unleashed in a mansion worth ten times your house, he was hanging out at home with his friends. You would much rather be with them, but they were Nick's friends, and even though they were nice to you, you always felt like the annoying sister trying to tag along in her brother's friend group.
That's why even when 95% of you wanted to turn back around and escape that terrible party, you took a deep breath in and let yourself be swallowed by the crowd of people.
10:15pm. You had been here for an hour, and it did not get better. The cup of punch in your hands was sticky and smelled incredibly weird. No doubt because someone had dumped in a bunch of mixed liquors. Your friends were all hanging around. Either dancing or flirting with some questionable-behaving young men. You couldn't help but look at your phone about a thousand times in the last twenty minutes. You thought about calling your mother. You knew she'd come to fetch you, but then what? You'd go back home? Seeing Nick and all of his friends having a jolly old time while you had failed to have a good night on your own? No, thank you.
You loved Nick to death, but sometimes, seeing how liked he was proved to be incredibly difficult for you. You always felt like an impostor. He dared to be himself, and people liked him anyway. You weren't so sure you'd be met with the same welcome if you dared step away from the facade you had carefully built all these years. 
Maybe that's why you accepted to dance with someone you didn't even know. You did see each other around a few times but never actually spoke. He seemed nice enough, so when he reached out a hand and offered you to dance, you drank a sip of your horrible drink and joined him on the crowded dancefloor without question.
He was entertaining and invented goofy dance moves to make you laugh, but all the while, something felt off. You felt like you were being watched. Sometimes, you'd see his gaze over you as if he was looking at someone else. Each time you'd try to look in that direction to see who he might be looking at, he'd find some clever way to focus your attention elsewhere. After a few songs, you were both out of breath, sweaty, and hoping for a break. You were about to invent a creative excuse to get away when he offered to get some water. You hesitated, trying to look around for a friend, but none were in sight. 
"Come on, we'll get some water and air if you want to. I know a spot." His expression was kind and seemed genuine. That's why, again, you followed him even though some small part of you screamed that you shouldn't.
The feeling in your gut turned queasy as he led you through dark corridors. The once kind smile that graced his features seemed to turn smug as you headed deeper into the house. You finally reached a little room far away from the agitated crowd. He opened the door, inviting you inside. "Are you coming?"
Your feet were rooted to the ground, the feeling in your stomach spreading to your entire body. This felt wrong. 
"Uhm, no. I think my mom will be here soon. I should go." You took a step backward, trying to put some distance between the two of you. Trying to calm the instinct that screamed at you to run.
"Oh, come on. Don't you want a glass of water?" 
You only stared at him, not daring to respond, too scared to fall into this trap he layed in front of you. You knew water would not be involved if you entered that room, and he seemed to get that too, "We had fun, didn't we?" the change in his tone made shivers creep up your arms. Gone was his facade of the innocent boy. He now looked like a snake trying to lure in his prey.
"Yeah, but now it's time for me to go. Thanks." 
He stepped towards you, making you fully back into the wall. "Please stay. It's my party, you know. The least you could do is stay a little longer with me."
You looked around, noticing his arms had crept on the wall on either side of you. 
"Please get your arms off," you demanded. You tried to make your voice sound assured but failed to hide the quiver in it. He noticed it, and the glim of rotten confidence in his eyes shone brighter. He had you exactly where he wanted you.
He trailed one finger up your arm, your stomach tying in knots at the touch. "You know, I've seen you around a lot. You're Nick Nelson's sister. People talk about you. They say you're stuck up. You've never had a boyfriend or anything, am I right? I like girls like that, so nice, so pure."
You almost threw up on him, the allusions making you feel nauseous. You couldn't, and wouldn't, hide the disgust filling your eyes. You looked around, hoping to see someone turn up. Praying for someone to come, but it seemed you were out of luck as the corridor stayed empty.
His hand went up in your hair, and you held your breath. Terror like you had never felt before paralyzed your body. "The guys bet you wouldn't get with me, but I think we have potential together. Am I right? We could head in that little room together and see what happens." 
You felt the hand on your waist slowly slide down your hip, tugging you closer. 
"Get off of me!" you exploded as you pushed him back as hard as you could. He hit the door behind him quite hard, the doorknob digging in his back. You made a headstart to get away, but before you could get further, his hand grabbed your wrist, tightening his grip until he had you wincing in pain.
He gritted his teeth, ambers of rage dancing in his eyes. "Oh, come on, don't be like this. Stay here with me, and we'll have fun." He pulled you backward by the collar of your shirt, and you heard the fabric rip with a distinct sound. He pressed you tight on his chest. You could feel every part of him pushing hard against your back. He gripped your hips while his other hand fumbled with your chest. His foul mouth on your neck. 
Refusing to give up, you gathered all the self-defense knowledge you had and stepped on his foot as hard as you could, hitting him with your elbow in the stomach at the same time. You put all your strength in the blow as if you were trying to pierce him through. You knew you cut the air from his body with the sound he made. His arms loosened up for a second, and this time, when you started running in the opposite direction, nothing stopped you. 
Running as fast as you could, you looked back for a second. Unable to resist the reflex to confirm you weren't being followed. Whipping your head to the front, you couldn't dodge when someone suddenly exited a door on the side. You crushed into them with blunt strength, almost sending you two toppling down. 
"Oi! Watch where you're going- Oh, Y/n. Are you okay?" 
The voice sounded incredibly familiar, and your gaze focused for a second. Sai, one of Nick's good mates, was staring at you, worry digging down the corners of his mouth. 
"Uhm, I- I'm sorry. I have to go." You couldn't stop and risk getting caught again, so you started running, leaving Sai looking at your disappearing form.
You fled outside, already texting your mother. You hid until you saw the familiar form of the family car. Sprinting towards it, you climbed in as fast as you could. 
"Well, someone's in a hurry to come home." chuckled your mother as she headed towards the exit. "The party wasn't fun?"
Forehead resting on the cold window, you couldn't say a word. If you were honest, you could barely register what your mother said. All you could feel was his hands on you. His lips on your neck. The phantom sensations gave you the horrible feeling that he was still grabbing you. That you were still trapped up there. 
Your mother's touch on your arm brought you back to reality. "Are you okay, darling?" Even the soft touch on your arm was enough to make you shudder. "Y/n, did something happen?"
Your gaze connected with hers for a split second, but you willed the fear in your eyes to disappear. To go back to a dissociated gaze. Allowing nothing to show.
"I don't want to talk about it now," you mumbled while covering the tear in your shirt with your hoodie. You needed to comprehend what had happened before you could say something. Even if you wanted to, the words were stuck in your throat.
Your mother stayed silent for the rest of the ride, although you could feel her gaze on you a few times. You felt like she'd say something until she faced the road again without adding a word. 
When you finally pulled into the driveway, you made for the door. You wanted nothing else but to disappear into your room. Your escape was halted when your mom grabbed your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. You winced at the pain it inflicted and the reminder it brought. The look in your eyes was one of undiluted terror.
Her face turned white as a ghost's. "Y/n, I will give you your space for now, but I want you to know and understand that we will discuss this."
Your house was filled with music and happy voices. You could hear through cotton-filled ears someone call your name but didn't stop. When you slipped into your room, you stood in the dark and looked at your wrist. The red mark on it was already turning to a soft purple. A whimper escaped your mouth as you sunk to the floor.
You cried and cried and cried. The adrenaline had left your body, and the walls you had built around you to survive had been torn down. With a hand on your mouth, you tried to maintain your sobs to a minimum volume. 
What the actual fuck was all you could manage to think. 
Catching a glance of yourself in the mirror hanging on your wall, a wave of disgust ravaged you. In the darkness, like glow-in-the-dark marks, you could see the print of his hands on you, the sloppy marks he left on your neck. You felt disgusting. You needed to wash this off now. 
You headed for the bathroom, trying not to attract anyone's attention. You were about to grab the doorknob when the door opened on a surprised Tara.
"Oh my god, Y/n, you scared me! I didn't know you were here," she exclaimed with her usual cheerfulness. 
You stayed silent, feeling like you had been caught red-handed. Shame crept on your cheeks.
In a second, she analyzed the state you were in. The tear on the collar of your shirt. Your puffy eyes, your red cheeks. "What happened to you? What happened to your shirt? Are you okay?" 
Her sweet concern was all it took for you to tumble into tears again. She helped you back to your room, supporting and hugging you tight. You babbled incoherently about what had happened. You just needed these horrible words to be out of your system. You needed this unbearable reality out of your head, needed the constant litany of words to stop. 
Tara listened to your whole story and managed to understand through your sobs. As you finished, out of breath, she convinced you to let her get Nick. You dreaded it at first, so scared to see his reaction, but the once-in-a-while seriousness in Tara's tone managed to persuade you.
You heard her going down the stairs and waited in silence. You held your breath. The house was utterly silent as if it was also holding its breath. Then, it erupted, and all you could hear was someone climbing up the stairs at an alarming pace. Your door opened on a whim, almost digging a hole in your wall with how strongly it went flying back.
Your twin brother was standing on your doorstep, his chest going up and down quickly. He didn't say anything. He just scanned you from head to toe before reaching out his arms. Engulfing you in a tight embrace, he rocked you back and forth.
"Tell me," was all he said, his tone hoarse and hard.
"I was anxious and bored, and this guy asked me to dance. We did, and then he offered to get some water and air. I followed him but felt this grip in my gut. Felt like something was off. He led me to a dark room. I refused to go in and said I had to go, but then he backed me into this wall. Saying stuff about what other people thought about me and about some bet he'd made with his friends. I- I tried escaping Nick, I really did, I promise. I kept my distance, I told him to go away, but he wouldn't. I pushed him and tried to make a run for it, but he grabbed my wrist and started touching me. I managed to defend myself and get away. I ran into someone. I think it was Sai. I stopped for a second but couldn't tell him anything, so I ran again and hid until Mum came to pick me up."
The silence in your room was deafening. His whole being was at a standstill. Nick wasn't known to be a violent person. Quite the opposite, but you felt like that was about to change.
"Show me where he hurt you." 
You extended your wrist, the mark gone even darker than before. 
"Anywhere else?" he reluctantly asked.
You couldn't, and wouldn't, show him where precisely but managed to wave your hand towards your neck and upper body. Shame once again invaded your cells. His eyes filled with despair and so much rage. He hugged you tight again. "I'm going to kill him."
You whipped your head up. The look in your brother's eyes was one you had never seen before. Immediately, guilt flooded your thoughts.
"Nick, you can't get involved in this. I'm so sorry I got into all this trouble. I don't want it to affect you at school. I shouldn't have followed him. This is my fault."
He looked at you incredulously. As if you had just said the dumbest thing he had ever heard. 
"Y/n, you didn't get in trouble. Someone assaulted you. You are not at fault here. Do you understand? Because I really need you to." He tightened his grip on you, his cheek on the crown of your head. "I don't need you to pull some Charlie number on me."
"A Charlie number, uh?" you heard a familiar voice speak up. 
Charlie's head peeked from your door. The face of comfort and reassurance. "Can I come in?" You nodded as he made his way to the bed. "Although I'm not sure what exactly he's referring to, I'm pretty sure he's right. You shouldn't feel guilty for something someone did to you, okay? Especially for something like this."
You saw the hint of pain flashing in his eyes and remembered he had experienced something similar. 
He reached a hand you immediately grabbed. You had loved Charlie since that first day he came to your house to meet Nellie. There was something about him that always made you feel safe and comfortable. His presence here meant a lot to you. "You okay?" 
You still weren't precisely grabbing the heaviness of what had happened. But the support you were shown helped you manage the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling. You nodded feebly.
"What do you want to do?" finally asked Nick. "Can we do anything for you right now?"
You confessed you did not want to be alone tonight. You dreaded being left with your thoughts, scared they would swallow you whole. "I just want to feel safe," you whispered.
The words were like a dagger to Nick and Charlie's hearts. They both felt so guilty about not being there to protect you. What happened tonight brought them back to the beginning of their relationship. When Charlie had been through the same thing you just did. It awakened so many unpleasant and painful memories in their hearts.
"Of course. We can stay with you all night," said Nick with a kind smile, and you knew he meant it.
He offered to watch a movie, knowing that was your thing when you needed comfort. He felt that nothing he could do would help you heal from the experience you just had, but he'd do anything in his power to make you feel better. Your eyes light up at the suggestion, and he couldn't help a loving smile from lighting up his face. 
"The gang is still down there. If you want, I can ask them to leave?" suggested Charlie. "Even I can go home if you would rather be alone with your family. That'd be totally understandable."
If you were being honest, you would love for them to stay. The more, the merrier, and Nick's friends were such a cheerful and caring group. You knew they would be supportive. You hesitated, on the edge of saying yes. 
Nick felt your hesitation and put a hand atop Charlie and yours. "We can ask everyone to leave if you want to, no problem. But if you feel comfortable and want them here, I know they'd love to." 
You finally admitted you'd love for them to stay. Charlie went downstairs to fill them in. Leaving you in the room, still wrapped in your brother's arms. Both of you weren't ready to move just yet.
"If you want them to leave or need anything at any moment, I want you to come straight to me. Is that clear?" You nodded. "And while they set everything up, I have to tell Mum. She's worried sick, and rightfully so." 
You nodded once again, knowing she deserved to know. Still, you couldn't help your stomach from twisting in knots at the thought of this thing spreading out. 
Always so observant, Nick noticed how scared you looked. "Please, trust me, let me handle this. You don't have to worry about a thing. Just let me deal with it. You can lean on me." You mumbled an 'okay' as he kissed the top of your hair. 
An invisible promise to protect you forever.
The gang all split up to help make you feel better. Elle, Tara, and Darcy helped you clean up. You didn't want to be alone. So when you looked anxious to step in the bathroom, they all suggested they'd sit down in there, waiting for you. They were incredibly caring and supportive. Acting like this wasn't out of the blue and odd. You knew Nick and Charlie had filled them in, but none dared to say a thing. Their respect for your privacy and light chatting were both things you were incredibly grateful for. In the meantime, Tao and Isaac prepared the living room for the movie. They went all out and built a fort of pillows and blankets with snacks, ready to welcome you when you were done.
As for Nick and Charlie, they were dealing with the situation. They told everything to your mum and contacted Sai to find out what he'd seen. He immediately admitted seeing you running away from a corridor, shirt torn up, with tears running down your face. He found the guy in question, still catching his breath, and pieced two and two together. He even got him to admit the whole thing. He questioned some guys and even confirmed the horrible rumor of the bet. It had taken everything, and encouragement from Charlie, for Nick to stay put and not rush back there to beat his ass. Even your 'anti-violence' mother kept her mouth shut while Nick uttered threats, each worse than the other. The next day would already be horrible enough for the guy without Nick having to get in trouble had reassured his boyfriend.
Forty-five minutes later, you were all covered in blankets, resting on pillows, cuddled up together. Nick and Charlie were sitting on either side of you. Your brother's arm reached around you and his boyfriend. 
The rest of the gang was scattered around the floor and the couch, but you were still all touching. Forming an unbreakable chain of support and love. 
You looked around and felt so grateful as you looked at the people present. Nick squeezed your hand with a kind smile, a quick check-up to confirm you were still okay. You cleared your throat, gathering everyone's attention. The movie softly played in the background while you started, "I wanted to thank you for this. You have all been incredible. Thank you for helping me, and I hope you can forgive me for interrupting your end-of-exams party." 
"Hush with that. As if we'd ever be mad for something like this." intervened Elle. She put a comforting hand on your shin, her features so open and caring. You couldn't help but give her an answering smile.
"Did you really think we'd resent you for what happened tonight?" inquired Charlie. Once again, a light of understanding sparkled in his blue eyes.
"No, but it's just... This was your thing. Your party, and once again, I'm intruding in and forcing you guys to hang out with me."
"Forcing us?!" cut Tara. "Y/n, I don't think anyone here would feel forced to hang out with you. We like hanging out with you!"
Your eyes shone with surprise and something like relief. They all looked at each other incredulously. Not quite believing that you didn't know how much they liked you. "What?! Did you think we only thought of you as Nick's little sister?"
You turned your head towards a disbelieving Tao. Your shy silence was an answer in itself.
"You have great taste in movies. Plus, you have a lot of knowledge about the cinematic universe. I like hanging out with you because you're the only one in this group with decent expertise of the culture." He added enthusiastically. Pronouncing that last word with his usual mediocre impression of a Scottish accent, he extorted a laugh from your chest.
"And you like to dance, and for some reason, you get Darcy's poor sense of humor," added Tara with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. To which her girlfriend lightly tapped her leg in protest.
"And you're into art, and you're actually the only one in this group who can give me constructive criticism about my work." Your gaze dropped back to Elle, giving an accusatory look at the rest of the group.
"And you're the only one willing to have a book club with me. Don't think I can talk and have actual discussions with this lot about all the books I read," finished Isaac with a shy smile. He was the first in the gang, after Charlie, with whom you felt really close. You squeezed his hand as a silent thanks.
"We're trying to tell you how you mean so much more to us. You're Y/n Nelson. We like hanging out with you because you're a great person with great interests. Not because we have to. Not because you're Nick's sister." explained Charlie. He knew how it felt when you thought people didn't honestly like you. Or when you thought they'd be better off without you. He saw so much of himself inside of you. It made his heart tighten with sadness and love.
You stared at them all, a few tears burning in the corners of your eyes. You coughed, trying to hide the emotion flaring up in you.
"You are part of this group if you want to Y/n." Charlie nudged you with his shoulder as if he had read your thoughts. You lifted hopeful eyes towards him. You felt as if your heart might burst with joy.
"I'm not giving you any choice." cut Darcy out of the blue."You are part of the gang. Nothing you can do about it." she declared. As always, her unexpected comment had everyone laughing. You looked at her triumphant face, euphoria spreading in your chest.
You looked at your brother, who was already beaming at you, pride and joy mixed in that sweet expression. The tears in your eyes welled up and, against the better of you, softly dropped on your cheeks. 
"Are these tears of joy...?" asked Isaac, speaking for the whole group. You had been through a lot tonight, and they had hoped their intervention would have made you happy. But they questioned if it had been too much, too soon.
You let out a soft chuckle. "Yes."
In a team effort, the whole gang jumped on you. Engulfing your body in an embrace of warmth, love, and laughter, a lot of laughter. 
"I'm so sorry for being such a..." 
You stopped mid-sentence when you felt a pinch on your arm, only to hear Nick whisper, "From now on, you are also banned from saying the 's' word. So shut it and enjoy." The whole group, including yourself, erupted in laughter. 
There would be a lot of hardships coming in the next few days, but knowing you had them all made you feel like maybe, just maybe, you'd be able to weather it.
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