#is my way of cheating the system but it’s ok :)
there are too many thoughts inside of me at all times.
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elephantbitterhead · 1 year
I never cared much about the metric system one way or another until I started drafting sewing patterns. If spending hours dividing and multiplying fractions of inches doesn't sell you on the metric system, nothing will.
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fursasaida · 8 months
Hi! Just wanted to ask. How can I give my students assignments that are chat-gpt proof? Or that they won't just copy the answer without at least doing some editing?
Hi! So, I don't think anything is ChatGPT-proof. You fundamentally cannot stop people from using it to take a shortcut. You can't even stop them from copying the answer without editing it. However, I think you can work with this reality. So, you can do three things:
Don't be a cop about it.
If you make your objective "stop the children from using the thing to cheat," you are focusing on the wrong thing. You will be constantly scrutinizing every submission with suspicion, you will be accusing people of cheating--and some of them will not have cheated, and they will remember this forever--and you will be aiming at enforcement (which is trying to hold back the sea) instead of on inviting and supporting learning whenever and wherever possible. (I'll come back to this under item 2.)
Regarding why enforcement is holding back the sea: It is fundamentally rational for them to do this. We, who "love learning" (i.e. are good at what our academic system sees as learning, for various reasons have built our lives around that, happen to enjoy these activities), see everything they might cheat themselves of by doing it, because we know what we got out of doing this type of work. Many students, however--especially at the kind of school I teach at--are there to get the piece of paper that might, if they're lucky, allow them access to a relatively livable and stable income. The things that are wrong with this fact are structural and nothing to do with students' failings as people, or (tfuh) laziness, or whatever. We cannot make this not true (we can certainly try to push against it in certain ways, but that only goes so far). More pragmatically, chatgpt and similar are going to keep getting better, and detecting them is going to get harder, and your relationships with your students will be further and further damaged as you are forced to hound them more, suspect them more, falsely accuse more people, while also looking like an idiot because plenty of them will get away with it. A productive classroom requires trust. The trust goes both ways. Being a cop about this will destroy it in both directions.
So the first thing you have to do is really, truly accept that some of them are going to use it and you are not always going to know when they do. And when I say accept this, I mean you actually need to be ok with it. I find it helps to remember that the fact that a bot can produce writing to a standard that makes teachers worry means we have been teaching people to be shitty writers. I don't know that so much is lost if we devalue the 5-paragraph SAT essay and its brethren.
So the reason my policy is to say it's ok to use chatgpt or similar as long as you tell me so and give me some thinking about what you got from using it is that a) I am dropping the charade that we don't all know what's going on and thereby making it (pedagogical term) chill; b) I am modeling/suggesting that if you use it, it's a good idea to be critical about what it tells you (which I desperately want everyone to know in general, not just my students in a classroom); c) I am providing an invitation to learn from using chatgpt, rather than avoid learning by using it. Plenty of them won't take me up on that. That's fine (see item 3 below).
So ok, we have at least established the goal of coming at it from acceptance. Then what do you do at that point?
Think about what is unique to your class and your students and build assignments around that.
Assignments, of course, don't have to be simply "what did Author mean by Term" or "list the significant thingies." A prof I used to TA under gave students the option of interviewing a family member or friend about their experiences with public housing in the week we taught public housing. Someone I know who teaches a college biology class has an illustration-based assignment to draw in the artsier students who are in her class against their will. I used to have an extra-credit question that asked them to pick anything in the city that they thought might be some kind of clue about the past in that place, do some research about it, and tell me what they found out and how. (And that's how I learned how Canal St. got its name! Learning something you didn't know from a student's work is one of the greatest feelings there is.) One prompt I intend to use in this class will be something to the effect of, "Do you own anything--a t-shirt, a mug, a phone case--that has the outline of your city, state, or country on it? Why? How did you get it, and what does having this item with this symbol on it mean to you? Whether you personally have one or not, why do you think so many people own items like this?" (This is for political geography week, if anyone's wondering.)
These are all things that target students' personal interests and capabilities, the environments they live in, and their relationships within their communities. Chatgpt can fake that stuff, but not very well. My advisor intends to use prompts that refer directly to things he said in class or conversations that were had in class, rather than to a given reading, in hopes that that will also make it harder for chatgpt to fake well because it won't have the context. The more your class is designed around the specific institution you teach at and student body you serve, the easier that is to do. (Obviously, how possible that is is going to vary based on what you're teaching. When I taught Urban Studies using the city we all lived in as the example all through the semester, it was so easy to make everything very tailored to the students I had in that class that semester. That's not the same--or it doesn't work the same way--if you're teaching Shakespeare. But I know someone who performs monologues from the plays in class and has his students direct him and give him notes as a way of drawing them into the speech and its niceties of meaning. Chatgpt is never going to know what stage directions were given in that room. There are possibilities.) This is all, I guess, a long way of saying that you'll have a better time constructing assignments chatgpt will be bad at if you view your class as a particular situation, occurring only once (these people, this year), which is a situation that has the purpose of encouraging thought--rather than as an information-transfer mechanism. Of course information transfer happens, but that is not what I and my students are doing together here.
Now, they absolutely can plug this type of prompt into chatgpt. I've tried it myself. I asked it to give me a personal essay about the political geography prompt and a critical personal essay about the same thing. (I recommend doing this with your own prospective assignments! See what they'd get and whether it's something you'd grade highly. If it is, then change either the goal of the assignment or at least the prompt.) Both of them were decent if you are grading the miserable 5-paragraph essay. Both of them were garbage if you are looking for evidence of a person turning their attention for the first time to something they have taken for granted all their lives. Chatgpt has neither personality nor experiences, so it makes incredibly vague, general statements in the first person that are dull as dishwater and simply do not engage with what the prompt is really asking for. I already graded on "tell me what you think of this/how this relates to your life" in addition to "did you understand the reading," because what I care about is whether they're thinking. So students absolutely can and will plug that prompt into chatgpt and simply c/p the output. They just won't get high marks for it.
If they're fine with not getting high marks, then okay. For a lot of them this is an elective they're taking essentially at random to get that piece of paper; I'm not gonna knock the hustle, and (see item 1) I couldn't stop them if I wanted to. What I can do is try to make class time engaging, build relationships with them that make them feel good about telling me their thoughts, and present them with a variety of assignments that create opportunities for different strengths, points of interest, and ways into the material, in hopes of hooking as many different people in as many different ways as I can.
This brings me back to what I said about inviting learning. Because I have never yet in my life taught a course that was for people majoring in the subject, I long ago accepted that I cannot get everyone to engage with every concept, subject, or idea (or even most of them). All I can do is invite them to get interested in the thing at hand in every class, in every assignment, in every choice of reading, in every question I ask them. How frequently each person accepts these invitations (and which ones) is going to vary hugely. But I also accept that people often need to be invited more than once, and even if they don't want to go through the door I'm holding open for them right now, the fact that they were invited this time might make it more likely for them to go through it the next time it comes up, or the time after that. I'll never know what will come of all of these invitations, and that's great, actually. I don't want to make them care about everything I care about, or know everything I know. All I want is to offer them new ways to be curious.
Therefore: if they use chatgpt to refuse an invitation this week, fine. That would probably have happened anyway in a lot of cases even without chatgpt. But, just as before, I can snag some of those people's attention on one part of this module in class tomorrow. Some of them I'll get next time with a different type of assignment. Some of them I'll hook for a moment with a joke. I don't take the times that doesn't happen as failures. But the times that it does are all wins that are not diminished by the times it doesn't.
Actually try to think of ways to use chatgpt to promote learning.
I DREAM of the day I'm teaching something where it makes sense to have students edit an AI-written text. Editing is an incredible way to get better at writing. I could generate one in class and we could do it all together. I could give them a prompt, ask them to feed it into chatgpt, and ask them to turn in both what they got and some notes on how they think it could be better. I could give them a pretty traditional "In Text, Author says Thing. What did Author mean by that?" prompt, have them get an answer from chatgpt, and then ask them to fact-check it. Etc. All of these get them thinking about written communication and, incidentally, demonstrate the tool's limitations.
I'm sure there are and will be tons of much more creative ideas for how to incorporate chatgpt rather than fight it. (Once upon a time, the idea of letting students use calculators in math class was also scandalous to many teachers.) I have some geography-specific ideas for how to use image generation as well. When it comes specifically to teaching, I think it's a waste of time for us to be handwringing instead of applying ourselves to this question. I am well aware of the political and ethical problems with chatgpt, and that's something to discuss with, probably, more advanced students in a seminar setting. But we won't (per item 1) get very far simply insisting that Thing Bad and Thing Stupid. So how do we use it to invite learning? That's the question I'm interested in.
Finally, because tangential to your question: I think there's nothing wrong with bringing back more in-class writing and even oral exams (along with take-home assignments that appeal to strengths and interests other than expository writing as mentioned above). These assessments play to different strengths than written take-homes. For some students, that means they'll be harder or scarier; by the same token, for other students they'll be easier and more confidence-building. (Plus, "being able to think on your feet" is also a very good ~real-world skill~ to teach.) In the spirit of trying to offer as many ways in as possible, I think that kind of diversification in assignments is a perfectly good idea.
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cy-cyborg · 13 days
Dealing with Healing and Disability in fantasy: Writing Disability
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[ID: An image of the main character from Eragon, a white teenage boy with blond hair in silver armour as he sits, with his hand outstretched. On his hand is a glowing blue mark. He is visibly straining as he attempts to heal a large creature in front of him. /End ID]
I'm a massive fan of the fantasy genre, which is why it's so incredibly frustrating when I see so much resistance to adding disability representation to fantasy works. People's go-to reason for leaving us out is usually something to the effect of "But my setting has magic so disability wouldn't exist, it can just be healed!" so let's talk about magic, specifically healing magic, in these settings, and how you can use it without erasing disability from your story.
Ok, let's start with why you would even want to avoid erasing disability from a setting in the first place. I talked about this in a lot more detail in my post on The Miracle Cure. this line of thinking is another version of this trope, but applied to a whole setting (or at least, to the majority of people in the setting) instead of an individual, so it's going to run into the same issues I discussed there. To summarise the points that are relevant to this particular version of the trope though:
Not every disabled person wants or needs a cure - many of us see our disability as a part of our identity. Do difficulties come with being disabled? absolutely! It's literally part of the definition, but for some people in the disabled community, if you took our disabilities away, we would be entirely different people. While it is far from universal, there is a significant number of us who, if given a magical cure with no strings attached, would not take it. Saying no one in your setting would be disabled because these healing spells exists ignores this part of the community.
It messes with the stakes of your story - Just like how resurrecting characters or showing that this is something that is indeed possible in the setting can leave your audience feeling cheated or like they don't have to worry about a character *actually* ever dying. healing a character's disability, or establishing that disability doesn't exist in your setting because "magic" runs into the same problem. It will leave your readers or viewers feeling like they don't have to worry about your characters getting seriously hurt because it will only be temporary, which means your hero's actions carry significantly less risk, which in turn, lowers the stakes and tension if not handled very, very carefully.
It's an over-used trope - quite plainly and simply, this trope shows up a lot in the fantasy genre, to the point where I'd say it's just overused and kind of boring.
So with the "why should you avoid it" covered, let's look at how you can actually handle the topic.
Limited Access and Expensive Costs
One of the most common ways to deal with healing and disability in a fantasy setting, is to make the healing magic available, but inaccessible to most of the population. The most popular way to do that is by making the services of a magical healer capable of curing a disability really expensive to the point that most people just can't afford it. If this is the approach you're going to use, you also typically have to make that type of magic quite rare. To use D&D terms, if every first level sorcerer, bard, cleric and druid can heal a spinal injury, it's going to result in a lot of people who are able to undercut those massive prices and the expense will drop as demand goes down. If that last sentence didn't give you a hint, this is really popular method in stories that are critiquing capitalistic mindsets and ideologies, and is most commonly used by authors from the USA and other countries with a similar medical system, since it mirrors a lot of the difficulties faced by disabled Americans. If done right, this approach can be very effective, but it does need to be thought through more carefully than I think people tend to do. Mainly because a lot of fantasy stories end with the main character becoming rich and/or powerful, and so these prohibitively expensive cure become attainable by the story's end, which a lot of authors and writer's just never address. Of course, another approach is to make the availability of the magic itself the barrier. Maybe there just aren't that many people around who know the magic required for that kind of healing, so even without a prohibitive price tag, it's just not something that's an option for most people. If we're looking at a D&D-type setting, maybe you need to be an exceptionally high level to cast the more powerful healing spell, or maybe the spell requires some rare or lost material component. I'd personally advise people to be careful using this approach, since it often leads to stories centred around finding a miracle cure, which then just falls back into that trope more often than not.
Just outright state that some characters don't want/need it
Another, admittedly more direct approach, is to make it that these "cures" exist and are easily attainable, but to just make it that your character or others they encounter don't want or need it. This approach works best for characters who are born with their disabilities or who already had them for a long time before a cure was made available to them. Even within those groups though, this method works better with some types of characters than others depending on many other traits (personality, cultural beliefs, etc), and isn't really a one-size-fits-all solution, but to be fair, that's kind of the point. Some people will want a cure for their disabilities, others are content with their body's the way they are. There's a few caveats I have with this kind of approach though:
you want to make sure you, as the author, understand why some people in real life don't want a cure, and not just in a "yeah I know these people exist but I don't really get it" kind of way. I'm not saying you have to have a deep, personal understanding or anything, but some degree of understanding is required unless you want to sound like one of those "inspirational" body positivity posts that used to show up on Instagram back in the day.
Be wary when using cultural beliefs as a reasoning. It can work, but when media uses cultural beliefs as a reason for turning down some kind of cure, it's often intending to critique extreme beliefs about medicine, such as the ones seen in some New Age Spirituality groups and particularly intense Christian churches. As a general rule of thumb, it's probably not a good idea to connect these kinds of beliefs to disabled people just being happy in their bodies. Alternatively, you also need to be mindful of the "stuck in time" trope - a trope about indigenous people who are depicted as primitive or, as the name suggests, stuck in an earlier time, for "spurning the ways of the white man" which usually includes medicine or the setting's equivalent magic. I'm not the best person to advise you on how to avoid this specific trope, but my partner (who's Taino) has informed me of how often it shows up in fantasy specifically and we both thought it was worth including a warning at least so creators who are interested in this method know to do some further research.
Give the "cures" long-lasting side effects
Often in the real world, when a "cure" for a disability does exist, it's not a perfect solution and comes with a lot of side effects. For example, if you loose part of your arm in an accident, but you're able to get to a hospital quickly with said severed arm, it can sometimes be reattached, but doing so comes at a cost. Most people I know who had this done had a lot of issues with nerve damage, reduced strength, reduced fine-motor control and often a great deal of pain with no clear source. Two of the people I know who's limbs were saved ended up having them optionally re-amputated only a few years later. Likewise, I know many people who are paraplegics and quadriplegics via spinal injuries, who were able to regain the use of their arms and/or legs. However, the process was not an easy one, and involved years of intense physiotherapy and strength training. For some of them, they need to continue to do this work permanently just to maintain use of the effected limbs, so much so that it impacts their ability to do things like work a full-time job and engage in their hobbies regularly, and even then, none of them will be able bodied again. Even with all that work, they all still experience reduced strength and reduced control of the limbs. depending on the type, place and severity of the injury, some people are able to get back to "almost able bodied" again - such was the case for my childhood best friend's dad, but they often still have to deal with chronic pain from the injury or chronic fatigue.
Even though we are talking about magic in a fantasy setting, we can still look to real-life examples of "cures" to get ideas. Perhaps the magic used has a similar side effect. Yes, your paraplegic character can be "cured" enough to walk again, but the magic maintaining the spell needs a power source to keep it going, so it draws on the person's innate energy within their body, using the very energy the body needs to function and do things like move their limbs. They are cured, but constantly exhausted unless they're very careful, and if the spell is especially strong, the body might struggle to move at all, resulting in something that looks and functions similar to the nerve damage folks with spinal injuries sometimes deal with that causes that muscle weakness and motor control issues. Your amputee might be able to have their leg regrown, but it will always be slightly off. The regrown leg is weaker and causes them to walk with a limp, maybe even requiring them to use a cane or other mobility aid.
Some characters might decide these trade-offs are worth it, and while this cures their initial disability, it leaves them with another. Others might simply decide the initial disability is less trouble than these side effects, and choose to stay as they are.
Consider if these are actually cures
Speaking of looking to the real world for ideas, you might also want to consider whether these cures are doing what the people peddling them are claiming they do. Let's look at the so-called autism cures that spring up every couple of months as an example.
Without getting into the… hotly debated specifics, there are many therapies that are often labelled as "cures" for autism, but in reality, all they are doing is teaching autistic people how to make their autistic traits less noticeable to others. This is called masking, and it's a skill that often comes at great cost to an autistic person's mental health, especially when it's a behaviour that is forced on them. Many of these therapies give the appearance of being a cure, but the disability is still there, as are the needs and difficulties that come with it, they're just hidden away. From an outside perspective though, it often does look like a success, at least in the short-term. Then there are the entirely fake cures with no basis in reality, the things you'll find from your classic snake-oil salesmen. Even in a fantasy setting where real magic exists, these kinds of scams and misleading treatments can still exist. In fact, I think it would make them even more common than they are in the real world, since there's less suspension of disbelief required for people to fall for them. "What do you mean this miracle tonic is a scam? Phil next door can conjure flames in his hand and make the plants grow with a snap of his fingers, why is it so hard to believe this tonic could regrow my missing limb?"
I think the only example of this approach I've seen, at least recently, is from The Owl House. The magic in this world can do incredible things, but it works in very specific and defined ways. Eda's curse (which can be viewed as an allegory for many disabilities and chronic illnesses) is seemingly an exception to this, and as such, nothing is able to cure it. Treat it, yes, but not cure it. Eda's mother doesn't accept this though, and seeks out a cure anyway and ends up falling for a scam who's "treatments" just make things worse.
In your own stories, you can either have these scams just not work, or kind of work, but in ways that are harmful and just not worth it, like worse versions of the examples in the previous point. Alternatively, like Eda, it's entirely reasonable that a character who's been the target of these scams before might just not want to bother anymore. Eda is a really good example of this approach handled in a way that doesn't make her sad and depressed about it either. She's tried her mum's methods, they didn't work, and now she's found her own way of dealing with it that she's happy with. She only gets upset when her boundaries are ignored by Luz and her mother.
Think about how the healing magic is actually working
If you have a magic system that leans more on the "hard magic" side of things, a great way to get around the issue of healing magic erasing disability is to stop and think about how your healing magic actually works.
My favourite way of doing this is to make healing magic work by accelerating the natural processes of your body. Your body will, given enough time (assuming it remains infection-free) close a slash from a sword and mend a broken bone, but it will never regrow it's own limbs. It will never heal damage to it's own spinal cord. It will never undo whatever causes autism or fix it's own irregularities. Not without help. Likewise, healing magic alone won't do any of these things either, it's just accelerating the existing process and usually, by extension making it safer, since a wound staying open for an hour before you get to a healer is much less likely to get infected than one that slowly and naturally heals over a few weeks. In one of my own works, I take this even further by making it that the healing magic is only accelerating cell growth and repair, but the healer has to direct it. In order to actually heal, the healer needs to know the anatomy of what they're fixing to the finest detail. A spell can reconnect a torn muscle to a bone, but if you don't understand the structures that allow that to happen in the first place, you're likely going to make things worse. For this reason, you won't really see people using this kind of magic to, say, regrow limbs, even though it technically is possible. A limb is a complicated thing. The healer needs to be able to perfectly envision all the bones, the cartilage, the tendons and ligaments, the muscles (including the little ones, like those found in your skin that make your hair stand on end and give you goose bumps), the fat and skin tissues, all the nerves, all the blood vessels, all the structures within the bone that create your blood. Everything, and they need to know how it all connects, how it is supposed to move and be able to keep that clearly in their mind simultaneously while casting. Their mental image also has to match with the patient's internal "map" of the body and the lost limb, or they'll continue to experience phantom limb sensation even if the healing is successful. It's technically possible, but the chances they'll mess something up is too high, and so it's just not worth the risk to most people, including my main character.
Put Restrictions on the magic
This is mostly just the same advice as above, but for softer magic systems. put limits and restrictions on your healing magic. These can be innate (so things the magic itself is just incapable of doing) or external (things like laws that put limitations on certain types of magic and spells).
An example of internal restriction can be seen in how some people interpret D&D's higher level healing spells like regenerate (a 7th level spell-something most characters won't have access to for quite some time). The rules as written specify that disabilities like lost limbs can be healed using this spell, but some players take this to mean that if a character was born with the disability in question, say, born without a limb, regenerate would only heal them back to their body's natural state, which for them, is still disabled.
An external restriction would be that your setting has outlawed healing magic, perhaps because healing magic carries a lot of risks for some reason, eithe to the caster or the person being healed, or maybe because the healing magic here works by selectively reviving and altering the function of cells, which makes it a form of necromancy, just on a smaller scale. Of course, you can also use the tried and true, "all magic is outlawed" approach too. In either case, it's something that will prevent some people from being able to access it, despite it being technically possible. Other external restrictions could look like not being illegal, per say, but culturally frowned upon or taboo where your character is from.
But what if I don't want to do any of this?
Well you don't have to. These are just suggestions to get you thinking about how to make a world where healing magic and disability exist, but they aren't the only ways. Just the ones I thought of.
Of course, if you'd still rather make a setting where all disability is cured because magic and you just don't want to think about it any deeper, I can't stop you. I do however, want to ask you to at least consider where you are going to draw the line. Disability, in essence, is what happens when the body stops (or never started) functioning "normally". Sometimes that happens because of an injury, sometimes it's just bad luck, but the boundary between disabled and not disabled is not as solid as I think a lot of people expect it to be, and we as a society have a lot of weird ideas about what is and isn't a disability that just, quite plainly and simply, aren't consistent. You have to remember, a magic system won't pick and choose the way we humans do, it will apply universally, regardless of our societal hang-ups about disability.
What do I mean about this?
Well, consider for a moment, what causes aging? it's the result of our body not being able to repair itself as effectively as it used to. It's the body not being able to perform that function "normally". So in a setting where all disability is cured, there would be no aging. No elderly people. No death from old age. If you erase disability, you also erase natural processes like aging. magic won't pick and choose like that, not if you want it to be consistent.
Ok, ok, maybe that's too much of a stretch, so instead, let's look at our stereotypical buff hero covered in scars because he's a badass warrior. but in a world where you can heal anything, why would anything scar? Even if it did, could another healing spell not correct that too? Scars are part of the body's natural healing process, but if no natural healing occurred, why would a scar form? Scars are also considered disabling in and of themselves too, especially large ones, since they aren't as flexible or durable as normal skin and can even restrict growth and movement.
Even common things like needing glasses are, using this definition of disability at least, a disability. glasses are a socially accepted disability aid used to correct your eyes when they do not function "normally".
Now to be fair, in reality, there are several definitions of disability, most of which include something about the impact of society. For example, in Australia (according to the Disability Royal Commission), we define disability as "An evolving concept that results from the interaction between a person with impairment(s) and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others." - or in laymen's terms, the interaction between a person's impairment and societal barriers like people not making things accessible or holding misinformed beliefs about your impairment (e.g. people in wheelchairs are weaker than people who walk). Under a definition like this, things like scars and needing glasses aren't necessarily disabilities (most of the time) but that's because of how our modern society sees them. The problem with using a definition like this though to guide what your magic system will get rid of, is that something like a magic system won't differentiate between an "impairment" that has social impacts that and one that doesn't. It will still probably get rid of anything that is technically an example of your body functioning imperfectly, which all three of these things are. The society in your setting might apply these criteria indirectly, but really, why would they? Very few people like the side effects of aging on the body (and most people typically don't want to die), the issues that come with scars or glasses are annoying (speaking as someone with both) and I can see a lot of people getting rid of them when possible too. If they don't then it's just using the "not everyone wants it approach" I mentioned earlier. If there's some law or some kind of external pressure to push people away from fixing these more normalised issues, then it's using the "restrictions" method I mentioned earlier too.
Once again, you can do whatever you like with your fantasy setting, but it's something I think that would be worth thinking about at least.
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theywantedplayer · 6 months
can you do one for quinn where you guys get into a fight so your friends take you out to a bar and they lowkey ditch you and a guy won’t leave you alone so despite not talking rn you call quinn to come get you and then you guys fight some more in the car but you’re still pretty drunk so you switch from fighting to being a cuddly drunk bc he looked so cute when he was jealous and mad and you guys make up when you get back to your apartment
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“Where are you going?”
Quinn’s voice stopped you from opening the front door. You turn around giving a sharp look at the man before you speak.
“I'm going out with friends” You simply stated 
“Seriously” You rolled your eyes mad that Quinn wanted to start this argument again. The team's new medical assistant has been all over Quinn lately. One night when he was hit in the nose with a puck, you went down to the medical office since they announced he wasn't going to be returning to the game.
But when you went down to the medical office you saw the new assistant talking to Quinn.You don't have a problem with her till you saw where her hand was. You couldn't figure out why she had her hand on your boyfriend's thigh when the problem was his nose.
“Quinn my friend invited me out to a bar ok, so i'm going because i'd rather be out with them then be here arguing with you” you stated 
“We don't have to argue it's not a big deal” he shrugged 
Now what Quinn said made you fume 
“Not a big deal” You repeated “Its a big deal that someone my boyfriend works with is fucking handsy”
“She’s not handsy y/n don't overreacted” He argued “She like that with everyone”
You were so hurt that Quinn couldn't see what you saw, if it was the other way around he’d be fuming. The fact he was sticking up for her when she wasn't even around made you so angry.
“I know for a fucking fact she not like that with everyone” You yelled takening a step forward “Because Ive asked Brock, because ive ask Petty and they all agree that she’s only like that with you!”
There a was beat of silence before Quinn spoke again and when he did, he spoke to calming for your liking 
“You asked my teammates”   
Your face heated up with embarrassment, you looked away ashamed that you even asked his teammates.
“God your so fucking Insecure” You heard Quinn mutter to himself, as he ran his hand threw his hair.
You stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say and clearly Quinn was done with this argument.
“Fine Quinn you win, i'm going out” You muttered leave out the front door. 
You thought going out with your friends would help you but as soon as you arrived with your friends it seemed like all they wanted to do was talk to some men at the bar. You and Quinn had sure gotten into a fight but you'd never cheat on him.
You were left all alone at the bar just scrolling through your phone with more alcohol in your system than you could handle.
Then someone sat down beside you. You looked up and saw a man sitting beside you, you gave him a smile of Acknowledgement but that was your first mistake.
“Sooo you here by yourself” he asked
You cringed at his basic line “No i'm here with some friends” you simply stated
“And these friends just left you all alone” he asked turning his bar stool to face you
You felt your body heat up in an uncomfortable way at his words and the alcohol probably wasn't helping either.
“I'm suree their a-around here somewhere” you tried not to slur but it was clear to the man that you were drunk.
“Maybe you and I could share couple drinks and see where this goes” You almost puked at the feeling of his hand on your thigh, you stumped out of your bar seat mumbling “I have a boyfriend”
“Yea but he’s at home right?” you heard the man's voice say as he followed you
“Leave me the fuck alone” you yelled caching the Attention of other people around you
The guy could clearly see that other people were watching you
“Fine I get fuck” he responed turning around and leaving you
Now with the night even more ruined you just wanted to go home but you didn't know where your friends were bad they weren't answering their phones. You stumbled outside and sat on a bench that was near the bar.
You did the only thing you could have done and that was call Quinn
You quickly found Quinn’s concat and pushed the call button. You knew it was almost 1 in the morning so he was probably sleeping.
“H-hello” You heard Quinn’s raspy voice on the other line proving you right that he was sleeping.
“Hiii Quinny” You smiled into the phone 
“Hi y/n whats up” He asked
“Sooo the girl’s are talking to some guys in the bar and I already have a guy at home, that being you an-” 
“You need me to pick you up?” he asked cutting you off 
“Yes” you mumbled 
You could hear shuffling on the other side of the line, knowing he was on way made you feel better.
“What bar are you guys at?” he asked grabbing his keys and heading out the door 
“I don't know” you respond laughing 
“Fuck just send your locashon, and Ill be there” he snapped back clearly still mad about the argument you both had before you felt.
His tone of voice and words whipped the smile right of your face, you quickly went and sent him your location.
“Thank you, I’ll be there soon” Was the last thing he said before he hung up.
You took a deep breath trying to keep your emotions at bay before your boyfriend came to pick you up. You just scrolled through tik tok like you've been doing all night.
It wasn't long till Quinn’s blue Toyota pulled up right in front of you. You smiled when you saw him to get out of the car, you quickly got up but stubbled making Quinn catch you. 
You laughed as he helped you into the car, you watched him hussle around to the driver side of the car.
“You came to get me” You smiled at him as you reached for one of his hands holding it.
“Mhm” he grumbled 
“Your mad” you said staring at him squeezing his hand
“A little” he responded, pulling his hand away from yours and placing it in the steering wheel.
“Quinny” you whined turning your body towards him “I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry I didn't know who else to call ok!” you signed “He just wouldn't leave me alone” you mumbled looking away
“What?” Quinn asked whipping his head towards you 
“This guy at the bar” You answered “I was at the bar and he wouldn't stop talking to me, i got him to go away, then I called you”
“Why were You by yourself” He asked a little to sharp for your liking 
“It wasn't like I wanted to be the girls ditched me like 20 minutes in” You snapped “He didn't really do anything, just put his hand on my thigh” you shrugged
“Y/n that's not nothing he touched you” He told pulling into your guy’s driveway “That's flirting”
“Oh so now having a hand on the thigh is important, fuck you Quinn” You fired at him trying  to open the car door but Quinn was to quick with the lock button “Unlock the door”
“Y/n your drunk if you get out you’ll fall” he stated unbuckling his seat belt 
You stayed quiet, still mad that Quinn couldn't see your point of view.
“And your right ok, I should have said something” He admitted 
“Yea you f-fucking shhould havee” you drunkly spat pulling on the door again.
“Y/n stop i'm trying to apologize” you turned back to face him.
Quinn felt horrible, he knew he was wrong and that he should have said something. He hated that he was snapping and petty. You called him because you felt unsafe and he was too focused on the argument that happened almost five hours ago.
“Im sorry ok” He sighed grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze “You were right, if it's what you want i’ll talk to coach and see if I can switch to the other medical supervisor” he compromised
“Yea that is what I fucking want” You still spat at him
Quinn took a deep breath knowing you were still mad, he gave your hand a final squeeze before he opened his door and walked around to your side.
He opened your door making the interior light switch on giving him a good look at your drunken state. He was too busy arguing so see that your hair was frizzy and your smudged make up. Quinn reached over and unbuckled your seat belt, he didn't look at him still a little hurt. 
You felt your hair be tucked back behind your ear and out of your face, you looked up at your boyfriend slightly squinting at the bright light. Quinn softly smiled at your cute drowsy state, cradling the side of your face with the inside of his palm.
“Come on baby, let get you to bed” He comforted 
You mumbled something in response that he couldn't understand. He helped you out of the car slowly not wanting you to fall,he had his arm around your waist and his other arm coming across to grab your hand leading you through the house and to your guide's shared bedroom.
You flopped down onto the bed with a groan, almost falling asleep till you heard Quinn’s voice.
“No no no Y/n not yet, you gotta stay up” He said, grabbing your arm pulling you back to standing in front of him, slightly swaying side to side.
“I wanna go to bed” You mumbled, with your eyes being closed you could hear Quinn moving around.
“I know, I know but you can't sleep in your clothes and makeup baby” He said
God you loved it when he took care of you. Sure you were still mad but all you wanted to do was touch him,hug him basically anything.
When you opened your eye’s Quinn had his back to you as he was going through your side of the closet looking for something you could wear to bed. He turned around holding a t-shirt and sweatpants in hand.
“Ok let's get you changed” He said stepping in front of you “take of your shirt”
You snickered a little at his choice of words, he smirked at your response 
“You know what I mean” He laughed as you grabbed the gem of your shirt but you struggled to get it over your head.
Quinn laughed more at you struggling, he helped you get it over your head just leaving you in  your bra. You un-clipped your bra leaving you now just in your jeans, even though you and Quinn have been together for more than a year he still tried to give you your Privacy and not look since you were still drunk and it made him feel wrong.
Quinn handed you one of his T-shirts and you tried to put it on but you struggled again to put it on.
“You need help huh?” he laughed
“Yes Quinn my tit’s are out, of course I need help” You snapped
Quinn threw his head back and laughed before he helped you put on the shirt.
“Yea laugh it up Hughes”
Quinn led you to sit down on the bed, he lent down to slip off your shoes and struggled to take your pants off. You were no help, lying limp on your back basically half asleep. Once he got them off he quickly grabbed some make-up whipp's from your bathroom, when he returned you were in the middle of crawling into the bed.
“Nope y/n we’re not done yet” he laughed trying to pull you to the side of the bed again
You light swatted him away trying to get comfortable “I wanna sleepppp” you whined 
“You need to take your make-up off and put the sweat-pants on” He told sitting on the side of the bed “I don't need pants i'm fine, just hurry up” you said turning your face to face him.
“So bossy” Quinn teased as he whipped your makeup off your face
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To Know
aaron hotchner x reader
Summary: You attend your best friend's wedding where you see Hotch for the first time in four years since you were shot on your wedding day by Peter Lewis, forcing him to go into witness protection and leave you.
Part 2
Listen it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything and by minute I mean 4 years so bear with me!! There’s probably spelling and punctuation errors but I wrote this in the middle of the night so cut me some slack.
OK so a bit of an explanation on this.. so you know how everyone has their imaginary scenarios they make up before bed or wherever (and if you don’t you’re weird!) well this is mine!! OK not really but ever since I watched CM which was probably about 5/6 years ago now, Hotch was on my mind 24/7 and I have this plot in my head with YEARS worth of scenarios thought out with original characters and everything!! This is just a small snippet of the whole plot I have had thought out for Hotch and Alex (that is what I have named her in my head, but have obviously written it as a Y/N to make it more enjoyable I guess? Idk what people prefer!!). I could probably write a book on this crap but I’ll just start with this part. I am in the process of writing a part two to this so if anyone’s interested I’ll try to get it out before the weekend’s over as this is the only free time I have currently! Now if I ever was going to make this into a series (that’s a very big if) this would be a chapter towards the end of this plot that I have created. Anyways enough rambling…
I am an angst over any other kind of genre girly so that’s all this will be :D this seemed better in my head and it ALWAYS does but I just wanted to get it out of my system.
Hope u enjoy xx
Warnings: smut (a little not too much), cheating.
Word count: 3.9k
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It was your best friend’s wedding and you couldn’t have been happier. Henry was your rock and pretty much the only family you ever had. He had been with you through everything, all the highs and lows, so he deserved today to be absolutely perfect.
You were helping Luca with his tie and giving him a final check over before he went out to marry your best friend. Luca knew how important you were to Henry and how important Henry was to you. The three of you were practically a throuple. OK maybe not a throuple but anyone who was important to Henry became important to you. They had been together for almost 5 years but knew each other for even longer. 
“He’s here you know...” Luca said “Henry invited everyone from the BAU..”
You raised an eyebrow at Luca whilst finishing up with his tie.
“I know,” you replied simply.
Henry was the one who got you a job at the BAU. He knew almost everyone and if he didn’t, he knew someone who did. He had helped out with several cases and knew everyone at the BAU well, so of course they all got an invite to his wedding which was in London. Henry knew your history with Hotch and that meant so did Luca.
“He has them all staying at the Ritz you know, booked a suite out for everyone,’’ Luca rambled.
“I know,” you repeated and rolled your eyes.
Of course he has you thought to yourself, money was never an issue for him. Not that it was for you either but you were slightly more modest than him.
Luca could sense that he wasn’t going to get anything else out of you so he decided to change the topic.
“You think we’re doing the right thing?” He asked referring to him and Henry.
“Absolutely,” you confirmed “he needs you Luca, I don’t even want to imagine what he would be like without you. It’s not something I’m prepared to take on” you let out a laugh. “You two have practically been married for the last 5 years, now it’s just time to make it official!” You gave his arms a squeeze.
“I’ll see you out there, no backing out now,” you gave him a wink and Luca gave you a nod with a smile.
You took that as your cue to leave and made your way towards the alter and towards Henry. As you made your way up to the front you saw all of the guests take their seats. You spotted JJ, Will and her boys a few rows from the front, who were staying at your place for the next few days. Emily, Spencer and Garcia were seated a few rows behind them and you spotted Morgan and Savannah seated on the other side of the room. You were trying to find Rossi and Krystall until your eyes landed on someone else. There he was sitting right next to Rossi with a brunette next to him which you assumed was Beth.
“How is he?” Henry’s voice snapped you back to reality.
“Huh?” Was the only thing that came out of your mouth as you slowly dragged your eyes away from the man that left you on pretty much your death bed and then divorced you.
“Luca – how is he? He’s not making a run for it is he?” Henry laughed but behind the laugh he needed the reassurance. He hadn’t been the perfect fiancé and has put Luca through the wringer at times, but there’s no one else for Henry other than Luca and vice versa.
“Stop being stupid!” You swatted him gently, “Of course not! I stopped him just before he got to the fire exit,” you replied playfully.
“Ha ha very funny,” Henry replied dryly, “And how are you? …You know with him being here.. You did say it was okay for me to invite him but I can send him home if you want. Just tell me and I’ll have him escorted out by security-”
“Please stop, it’s fine. Honestly I mean it. We’ve both moved on. I’m with Avery now and he’s with Beth,” you answered. “Besides today is not about me or my woes, it’s about you!”
The wedding ceremony was beautiful and it was now time for the reception. You made your way round to all the tables saying hello to the people you recognised until you reached the table you dreaded the most. Thankfully your husband Avery caught up with you to let you know that it was time to make your way to your seat as it was almost time for your speech.
You gave Rossi a smile in the distance before walking back to your seat, avoiding contact with Hotch for now who was sat right next to him.
After the speeches were done and the drinks began floating around the room, everyone felt a lot more relaxed. You were listening to the conversation Emily and Avery were having about a book they both had read, until you felt someone tap your shoulder.
“Hi you must be Y/N! I’m Beth, Aaron has told me so much about you!” Beth exclaimed as you turned around to face her.
“Yes hi! It’s lovely to meet you, I’m sorry I couldn’t introduce myself earlier,” you gave her a smile.
It was a genuine smile, she seemed nice and in any other situation you could even be friends. She is not to blame for what had happened between you and Hotch, however you did wonder what kind of things he has told her about you.
“It’s okay don’t worry about it! I understand how stressful weddings are,” she continued and for a second you thought if she had married Hotch without anyone telling you. Your eyes flicked towards her left hand that was wrapped around a champagne flute. No sign of a ring. You cursed yourself for still caring enough to check.
“That’s a beautiful ring” she said bringing you out of your trance.
You followed her gaze which was now on your own left hand. You hadn’t realised that you were twisting your own wedding ring with your thumb, reminiscing about how it felt when you had the ring on that Hotch gave you. It was a lot smaller than the one you have now. It had an oval diamond in the centre with three green sapphire leaves holding the diamond in place on each side. It was a delicate ring and you loved everything about it. Everything but the dreaded memories that came along with it. The ring was now replaced with a big teardrop diamond from Harry Winston and it was beautiful. It sparkled even in the dark and felt almost heavy on your finger. You had to admit that Avery had great taste, the two of you had now been married for almost 2 years.
“Thank you..” you smiled and let a breath out you didn’t know you were holding.
“Uhm this is Avery my husband-” you cleared your throat, almost forgetting to introduce him to her.
They shared a few polite words until Beth excused herself. You assumed she had gone to find Hotch as she disappeared into the crowd.
“She seems nice,” Avery said and gave you a small smile. He knew what had happened with you and Hotch and he wasn’t his biggest fan but he was never the one to bad mouth him.
“Yeah she does…” you replied quietly whilst your mind drifted off elsewhere. Emily sensed that you were uncomfortable and resumed her conversation with Avery in an attempt to take his attention off you.
It was several hours into the reception and you had stepped outside with Luca and lit a cigarette for you both to share.
You had noticed Beth was in the distance on the phone but Hotch was nowhere to be seen.
“Today has been beautiful,” you hummed as you took a pull of the cigarette and passed it to Luca.
“It really has been, thank you for helping Henry with the planning,” he expressed.
You both conversed about the wedding and your favourite parts until someone had interrupted you.
“Oh sorry,” your eyes followed his voice, “I thought Beth was out here,” he explained as he looked between you and Luca.
“She is,” you pointed with the cigarette between your fingers “she’s just gone into the gazeebo over there to take a call I think,” you replied.
“Thank you,” he looked into your eyes longer than he should have before he began walking her way.
“Is this the first time you’ve spoken to him tonight?” Luca asked whilst following your gaze that was still on Hotch.
“There’s an explanation. I am sure he has an explanation,” Luca tried standing up for the man he barely knew.
You didn’t respond and instead focused your gaze on something else.
“You know… and I really shouldn’t be saying this but... I think Henry might’ve had something to do with it,” Luca continued.
“What makes you say that? Has he told you something?” You questioned focusing your attention back on Luca.
“Nope. He doesn’t tell me anything when it’s to do with work and I thank him for it. But it wouldn’t surprise me if he did. He would do anything to keep you safe. Even if it meant putting your newly husband into witness protection…”
You thought about it for a minute or so and yes maybe Henry was the one who suggested going into witness protection but that still doesn’t explain the radio silence from Hotch even after Peter Lewis was caught.
“I want you to have what me and Henry have,” Luca brought you out of your thoughts once again.
“I have that. With Avery, he makes me happy,” you replied not knowing if it’s the full truth. Avery does make you happy and you love him but you’re not sure if it compares to what you and Hotch had and it seems like Luca doesn’t either.
“Let’s get back in there shall we? I’m sure Henry is looking for you!” You perked up, trying to change a conversation that was becoming too heavy for your liking. 
Since you were one of the few people who didn’t drink at the wedding, you decided to give Emily, Spencer, and Garcia a lift back to the hotel whilst Avery, JJ, Will, and the boys got an Uber home back to your place.
The car ride back to the hotel turned into an episode of carpool karaoke with Emily blasting any and every song that came on the radio.
Once you pulled up to the hotel you helped Emily out of the car and then let Spencer take over. You were about to shut the passenger door when you noticed a phone on the seat Emily was sat in.
“You left your phone Beyonce!” You called out to Emily as she was finishing her 3rd run of single ladies from the start.
You caught up with her and placed the phone in her hand, she took one look at it and blurted out that it’s Beth’s and that she had found it by some gazebo outside.
You pressed the lock button on the side and the phone lit up revealing a picture of Hotch and Beth set as the lock screen.
“What room is she in do you know?” You asked Emily but she just shrugged her shoulders and carried on signing. Spencer and Penelope both gave you a shrug signalling that they didn’t know either.
“Right I will just leave it with reception. The three of you get some sleep ok, we have brunch tomorrow!” You shouted even though the three of them were already inside the hotel queuing up for the elevator.
You pressed the lock button once again making the phone light up just to stare at the lock screen once more. With a sigh you then began to make your way into the hotel and walked towards reception.
“Hello Miss can I help you with anything?” The lady asked.
“Uh yes actually, I’m trying to return a lost phone to a friend of mine but I don’t remember the room number. Could you please let me know? It should be a suite under the name Hotchner, they’re here for a wedding,” you smiled hoping she’d give you the information you needed.
She typed away on her keyboard for a few seconds before replying to your question.
“I have an Aaron Hotchner on the system along with a Beth Clemmons sharing suite 107?”
“Yes that’s the one! Thank you so much!” You thanked the lady and made your way to the elevator. Emily and the others were long gone, probably passed out in their beds by now you hoped.
You tapped softly on the door waiting for someone to open it and hoping that it wasn’t Beth. You weren’t even sure what you were doing, what you were going to say, what if Beth’s awake, what would happen then?
You had no excuse and no business to be knocking on his hotel door. Well aside from the fact that he left you on your wedding night right after you got shot, had someone serve you with divorce papers as soon as you came out of your coma and you still haven’t had an explanation even though it’s been close to 4 years.
After a few moments the door was gently pulled open and there he stood. Still in his shirt and trousers from the wedding. He looked taken back seeing you stand there in the hallway. Although you were the only one on his mind tonight, you still had caught him off guard.
“Hi…” Was all that he managed to say.
“Hi…” you breathed out. “..Beth left her phone at the wedding reception,” you said holding it up as proof.
You looked behind him and could see 3 mini whisky bottles that were now empty, lined up on the coffee table. On the left you could see two large double doors that were shut behind the sofa. You had assumed that’s where Beth was sleeping as there was no sign of her anywhere else.
“Oh… Well thank you for bringing it here, you didn’t have to go out of your way...”
“It’s okay I was dropping Emily and the others off anyway,” you replied whilst handing him the phone.
As he took the phone from you he moved slightly to the side, almost inviting you in before actually saying it.
“Would you like to come in?” he paused for a moment, “…please come in” he pleaded. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you the whole night I just didn’t want to disturb you. Beth’s asleep so you don’t have to worry about her or we could take a walk somewhere,” he went on; desperation clear in his voice.
Instead of replying you walked past him making your way into his room, a completely different side of you taking over.
You made your away towards the sofa, never sitting down just standing in front of it. You turned to face Hotch who closed the door and walked towards you, stopping just a few inches away. You could tell he had been drinking. You had obviously seen him drink at the wedding but he left several hours ago yet here he was emptying the mini fridge in his hotel suite.
You eyed the bottles on the coffee table.
“Rough night?’ You asked but it sounded more like a statement. When you looked back at him his mouth was slightly open, almost as if he was thinking of what to say but no words were coming out.
You tilted your head to the side as you took in his features. He looked different. Good but different.  After all these years had passed, you never knew when you would be able to get a good look at him again, and god how much you’d missed his handsome face. The last memory you had of it was when you collapsed in his arms after being shot during your first dance as Mr and Mrs. You don’t remember much after that, just faint shouting in the distance as your vision went blurry until you eventually passed out in his arms.
“I- um I don’t know what to say Y/N… I don’t even know where to begin,” he expressed. Concern, pain and regret all clear in his voice.
Before he could continue you lifted your hand up in an attempt to stop him from saying anything else. That’s not what you came here for.
“I am so sorry,” he breathed out but you took a step closer to him and placed one of your fingers on his lips to silence him.
“Shh,” you whispered whilst you ran your other hand slowly down his chest stopping at the belt of his trousers. You could feel his pulse quicken as he took in what you were doing.
Never breaking eye contact you began to gently move your hand lower until you reached his crotch. You then began to palm him with a bit more force, feeling him harden underneath your touch. A slight smirk played on your lips as you realised how much of an affect you still had on him, how much his body still responded to you. You believed that you were the only one that could get him this flustered, to get him to cheat on his girlfriend, to get him this hot and bothered over practically nothing.
“Take off your trousers...” you hissed.
The concern and regret was now replaced with confusion and curiosity but he did as he was told and began to undo his belt. You watched him carefully as he dropped his trousers to the floor stopping at his boxers.
“You can leave those on, this won’t take long,” you instructed coldly and pushed him onto the sofa. As he sat down he reached over to switch a small table lamp off, leaving a soft glow on your silhouette that was coming from a floor lamp on the other side of the room.
You lifted your dress and rolled it up stopping at your waist whilst you straddled Hotch. The familiar feeling of his dick beneath you was enough to send you over the edge.
You lifted yourself up slightly using your knees and grabbed him through his boxers, silently thanking him for wearing a pair with the slit. He watched your every move and took in a sharp breath when your hand made contact with him and took another when you gently lowered yourself onto his dick.
You began rocking your hips, savouring every single second. You started to pick the pace up and you felt Hotch move in to kiss you to which you gently pushed his head back with your hand, not wanting any other intimacy other than the feeling of him inside you and maybe you inside of him.
You took two of your fingers and placed them on his lips again, this time using them to part his mouth. You gently slipped them inside and he welcomed it. You decided to push them in deeper. Not deep enough to hurt him but deep enough to your liking. Your fingers felt cold against his tongue.
At that point you knew you were close and so was he, your fingers in his mouth helped him to stifle his moans, whilst you watched him intently. After a few moments you felt him twitch beneath you as he threw his head back when he came and you shortly followed.
You removed your fingers from his mouth and gently stood up lowering your dress back down giving the man you still loved one last look before turning around to leave. Just before you got the door you stopped and turned around, he was now up grabbing his trousers off the floor.
“You left me… I was in a coma Hotch and when I came out of it you weren’t there. You left me Aaron.”
Without giving him a second to respond you left and closed the door behind you.
As you stepped into the elevator a thousand thoughts were racing in your head. You began to question yourself on why you had come here in the first place, but you knew exactly why. You wanted to see if you still had that control over him, you wanted to see if you could still have him, if he still belonged to you. And he did. You thought about how your relationship had evolved from being just co-workers to friends from friends to lovers and from lovers to strangers. That’s what it felt like being in that room with him. Just two strangers having sex. That was probably the first time the two of you had sex instead of making love. There was a difference between the two and you knew which one you preferred.
Deep down you knew why he had to leave and most importantly leave without you, but it still didn’t make it any less painful. You had thought back to what Lucas said earlier when you were outside, that Henry might’ve had something to do with it... But the truth is whether he did or didn’t it wouldn’t have changed the outcome. He needed to leave, to hide and go into witness protection. Not only for his and Jacks safety but for yours too. It all made sense. Peter Lewis couldn’t hold you over him anymore if you had no connection to him so he left. He left without you and then had you served with divorce papers.
The elevator doors opened and snapped you back to reality. You shook your head in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts. You didn’t want to go back there, you had tried your hardest to move past that part of your life and dwelling about the details and the what if’s is something you didn’t want to do anymore. You had wasted enough time doing that and you’ve moved on since then and so has Hotch. But sometimes late at night when you can’t sleep, those thoughts creep back in and they have a way of suffocating you.
“Did you manage to return your friends phone?” The lady behind the reception desk asked with a smile.
“Yes I did, thank you so much for your help again!” You replied and returned the smile.
You made your way to the parking lot and got into your car and made your way home… To your husband…. Who you had just cheated on with your ex-husband. You pulled out of the parking lot and let the memories from earlier fill your mind. You had glanced briefly at your watch and the time told you that is was quarter past three. You groaned at the thought of having to be up before 11 am later that day for a brunch that Henry and Luca had organised with a smaller amount of guests, which included the BAU team.
You had wondered if he’ll be there with Beth or if he won’t show.
To be continued....
Part 2
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transmutationisms · 8 months
I'm confused about your argument, if you don't think degrees should exist as a barrier for participating a particular profession then how you do believe a standard should be maintained? I'm getting an impression you've got all this experience and credentials in academia and are now basically coming out and saying it's all bullshit. And when we're talking about "cheating", do we mean like using accommodations that bend the rules or just not bothering to do the work at all?
ok you might want to read my last few reblogs, which go into some more depth on this. like ave said earlier, the university as it exists now doesn't exist to spread knowledge but to restrict it. so the idea that a degree granted in this system is primarily a means of ensuring 'qualification' is an idealist fiction. again and like i said earlier, a degree doesn't necessarily even line up with what job a person ends up getting---which should tell us a lot about what a degree actually communicates and the way 'being educated' is evaluated independently of the extent to which a person's degree actually taught them anything of value to a given profession. what a degree mostly signifies in actuality is that a person succeeded at being in school; there are many different ways this can happen (even at the advanced level---any academic can tell you, MAs and PhDs do get awarded to people all the time who are incompetent or produce shitty work). there are people with degrees whom i respect immensely, but i don't assume that an academic credential means a person is 'smart' or that their work is high-quality. like, ted cruz went to harvard and herman cain had an md; credentialled experts have fucked up the covid pandemic, produced the industry-funded work that justifies medical fatphobia, etc etc. none of this critique is a new position on my part.
fundamentally idgaf about cheating because i don't think it's unjust to cheat a system that is itself unjust. i don't think it's wrong morally to view a degree as a hoop you need to jump through in order to access certain jobs, and to do what you need to do in order to get through that hoop. in practice cheating is very often the result of students who desperately need eg to pass a class in order to keep a scholarship, who do not have the financial wiggle room to fail and are not being given options or support by profs or the institution. but tbc there is no way to crack down on cheating that only targets 'less sympathetic' cases!
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 2 months
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second, never first
part nine | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - swearing, kissing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 1800+
a/n: @matthewsturnioloswifey i have been trying to tag you in my posts but its not finding your account so sorry!!!
chris and i spent the night figuring out way to make annas blood boil, although in the back of my mind i knew it was wrong. i wont make any excuses as to say im in the right for doing this, but you have to see it from both perspectives.
anna only ever saw our friendship as a challenge. she always needed to be on top.
was i envious of her way with boys? one hundred percent.
did i see her as competition? never.
she was my best friend up until she told me to let the door hit me on the way out.
chris and i arrived at school as normal. we got a few stares from people as we were walking in together and we knew immediately anna told everyone. anna had a weird power over the school and could instantly start a rumor about anyone and get the word out, fast.
it came as no surprise me nor chris that we were getting dirty looks, whispered about and giggles as we walked by. this was all apart of our plan. prove anna right.
weird system i know but it made sense to chris. the plan was the ultimately just piss anna off enough to stop harassing us and give up. so we had to play the perfect couple act. for now were just walking in to school and ignoring the stares and moving on with life as a “happy couple”.
“ill see you at lunch.” chris says to me when we get my my bio class. he gives me a peck on the cheek and walks away.
see. simple.
lunch rolls around and we meet up at my car. “y/n your one hell of an actress, every guy on my team is asking when and how did i get you to date me.” he proudly says. “i guess im the best fake girlfriend ever.” i breathe looking straight out of the window of my car with both hands on the wheel. for chris this was all an act, for me i was living out my dream. although none of it was real. i knew this game we were playing was going to end up with my feelings for him stronger than ever.
“are you ok?” he snaps me out of my own head. “yeah sorry, what do you wanna get for lunch?”
after school my phone was flooded with texts of all of my now ex friends calling me a snake, a home wrecker and even going as far to call me a whore. while all of these allegations were true on the outside they could not be farther from the truth.
chris invited me over after school to continue helping him with history since he did well after i helped him the first time. i never anticipated the questions from his brothers.
“you guys arent dating for real are you?”
��how did this even happen?”
“chris how could you cheat on anna?”
“ok you two can calm down, we will explain.” chris says to matt and nick.
“were not actually dating, anna accused us of hooking up behind her back when we had that movie night this weekend. after that y/n went to her house and she was a complete bitch to her so were pretending to be in a relationship to piss her off even more.” chris explains.
“you guys do know how anna works right?” nick asks. “nick i was her best friend for 6 years, so yes i know she will try to destroy me.” i state. “well as long as you both know what your in for im good with it.” nick says clapping. “anna needs to be taken down a notch, i saw how she constantly treated you. all of the guys on our team always asked why you were never available but i now realize anna was constantly lying to them.” matt says.
“what do you mean not available?” i say. “guys would always ask anna if you were available and she would constantly say no. thats why no guys have ever approached you.” chris explains. “chris you knew about this the whole time and never told me.” i ask
“no one ever talked to me about it because we became so close this year. matt told me today.” he defends.
“im so sorry y/n if i knew she was lying to all the guys i would have said something earlier. i completely support whatever you have planned for anna.” he says.
“well thank you for telling me.”
me and chris walk upstairs to get started on the history tutor session. i get out my books and the flashcards i made for him. “these are for you. they cover all of the terms we learned this unit.” i breathe handing them to him. “thanks.” he says giving me a warm smile.
we work on reading the definitions for the flash cards and then i started quizzing him. chris was a fast learner he just never applied himself before.
“civil rights” i ask holding the flash card in front of him. “a right or rule that has to be followed?” he answers unsure of himself. “were getting there.” i smile. “can we please take a break y/n i actually might light all of my leg hair on fire if i have to do this for any longer.” he requests.
“sure, you did a lot better during the second round of cards.” i say trying to encourage him.
“your the only person who makes me feel like i can be smarter, you know that.” he says studying my face.
i just stay still as he keeps starring at me.
“what are looking at.” i say gently pushing his head to the side and we both chuckle. i get up putting away all of the study material and hop back on his bed grabbing my phone from his side table.
chris doesnt move from his position and is just sitting on the edge of his bed very creepily. “what are you thinking about?”
“you have never kissed anyone.” he blurts
“yeah. thats what your thinking about?”
“how are we supposed to convince anyone were dating if your a bad kisser?”
“what.” he is confusing me at this point. “i have to teach you how to kiss y/n.” he turns around to face me. “chris-“ he cuts me off “anna wont believe were dating if we dont kiss in front of her or anyone at school.” he explains.
“ok then teach me.” i confidently sit up.
“well for one you cant sit with your shoulders so tight. you need to relax.” he puts his hands on my shoulders. i drop them and take a deep breath.
there was literally no way i was about to have my first kiss at 17 years old with chris sturniolo. the guy i have been dreaming about for months now. i never anticipated being this scared for someones face to come so close with mine yet here i am, scared as shit of what is about to happen.
“ok just relax your arms around my neck.” he instructs. i follow his lead as he places his hands on my waist and positions himself.
inch by inch he moves closer to my face, i just close my eyes and focus on my breathing. “y/n you need to relax im not going to do anything your not comfortable with. i promise.” he pauses.
“im sorry, im extremely nervous ive never dont this before.” i mumble. i take another deep breath and my mind starts racing.
my thoughts are put to a pause as his lips fall on mine. i immediately tense up, “relax” he says pulling away for a second and goes back in. just a quick peck, this wasnt too hard.
he pulls away and our bodies separate, “are you ok with more?” he asks. i nod in response grinning ear to ear. he smiles and leans back in. he pushes his lips to mine and i move back, “whats wrong?”
“nothing i just dont know what to do with my hands.” i chuckle. “just keep them behind my head for now, you will get more comfortable with them the more we do it.” he says leaning in for more. we continue kissing and i lift my arms up behind him and gently grab either side of his neck. he grabs my waist with one hand and moves the other to my cheek. i tilt my head slightly into his palm and move my hands to his hair. he breathes into the kiss deepening it and then pulls back.
“your good at this.” i blurt out, almost in a haze aa i fein for his lips back on me.
“thank you.” he chuckles and lets go of me “im going to kiss you again but im going to add tongue. dont get intimidated, just follow my lead.” he explains and i nod. he connects our lips again this time the kiss is deeper.
we continue at a steady pace and he places a hand on the back of my head and i do the same. he smiles at my innocence and breathes heavier.
he slips his tongue in my mouth and i gasp at the new feeling and kissed him harder. i move one of my hands on to his chest and use the other to pull us closer. kissing felt like i was cloud nine. i loved it.
he pulls away and i sign at the loss of his touch. he just stares at me while breathing heavy. “am i bad at this?” i ask wondering if thats why he pulled away.
“no kid your great for it being your first time.” he says smiling. “do you think you got the hang on this?” he says. i just shrug my shoulders, he hums in response. “one more cant hurt.” i say eagerly leaning into him. he catches the memo and places one of his hands on my lower back and i hum into the kiss. i move my body slightly closer to his and put my hand on his chest. he slips his tongue in once more and i feel him swipe his tongue along my bottom lip. hungry for more i move my hand under his shirt and move the other on the side of his face and he smiles in to the kiss once more.
ring ring ring
my phone goes off and we pull apart, chris grabs it and shows me that its my mom calling.
any other time she could have called me and she picks right now?
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @accio326 @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey @iloveneilperry @stunza @realuvrrr @jennss23 @tubl-mc
a/n: who enjoyed that oneee????
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perfecteggpartyland · 3 months
ok so one of my biggest pet peeves is when people criticize six of crows by it being unrealistic but not in fantasy world sense but like they're way too young ;kaz is 17 there's no way grown men are afraid of him ; they're children and all that jazz; like of course it's your opinion but like you should judge a fantasy book in real life lenses and Morals ? Like kaz; yes he is a child at 17 still but he grew up in a barrel all by himself ; already a traumatized kids only way to survive was to become someone feared ; someone who won't be taken advantage of ever again; he was desprate and enraged and basically you get the point; inej has been kidnapped ; inslaved and sold nto the menagerie at 14; Nina and Mattias are both soldiers in a horrible war; etc. Like criticism which I have heard to often about these book is that "they're too young "; like they all grew up in a terrible environment without any support system and are traumatized . They know how to fight; lie; cheat; intimidate and kill people because they had to. To survive in an extremely cruel world and same goes in real life too. trauma doesn't care about their age; children do get exposed to awful things that some adults can't even imagine;so they're too young for me falls really flat as a solid criticism.
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54625 · 4 months
With the upcoming Fit lore later today, I figured it may be useful to transcribe his earlier lore drops for those of you who may not have been there, or want a refresher. These were attempts to contact the contractor to relay information, and happened before the dreams.
-First attempt-
(Text appears on screen.
Fit- Hello, it's me.
Fit- Sorry I've been taking my sweet time.
Fit- I've been busy...
Fit- We need to pivot from our original plan.
Fit- I've adopted a son, and I've been caring for him.
Fit- I've grown attached to him, so he's been my priority.
Fit- Being a single dad is a challenge at times.
Fit- But it's much easier than the nomadic lifestyle.
Fit- Life here is very different from the wasteland.
Fit- But I haven't forgotten our agreement.
Fit- I will fullfil my contractual obligations.
Fit- They're still falling for the whole "vacation" thing.
Fit- I ask that you be patient though, as we have a problem.
Fit- Something called "The Federation" controls this entire island.
Fit- They've been keeping us here.
Fit- As long as they are in the way, I can't access what you are looking for.
Fit- And the anti-cheat on the island is strong.
Fit- I haven't been able to use my abilities.
Fit- The Federation must be eliminated for this to succeed.
Fit- I've gained everyone's trust and made friends...
Fit- I've been helping their fight against the Federation in order to advance our plan.
Fit- Still... It hurts me to see everyone suffering...
Fit- Some have lost things they cared about...
Fit- But this struggle is an unfortunate necessity...
Fit- The conflict is increasing the value of what you seek...
Fit- I know you're paying me...
Fit- But have you considered......
...the true cost?
Fit- regardless of my personal feelings, I'll slowly move the plan forward.
Fit- I hope you find what you're looking for.*
Fit- It's getting late...*
*(it is worth noting that these are messages Fit had previously sent in the Minecraft global chat in that odd font.)
-Second attempt-
(Text appears on screen.
Fit- Checking in.
Fit- I am messaging you again to keep you updated on my progress.
Fit- The Federation still has full control of the island.
Fit- They've been putting on some strange election....
Fit- I'm assuming to keep everyone occupied.
Fit- However, it seems they've let a vulnerability slip.
Fit- Player data and statistics are being tracked.
Fit- The Federation must have this data stored somewhere on the island.
Fit- If I had to guess, it's likely the computer system of the Federation offices.
Fit- If I tried to break in and access the data, they would likely capture me...
Fit- It would not end well.
Fit- However, whoever wins this election will likely have open access.
Fit- Perhaps they could be persuaded... Or tricked into giving us access.
Fit- I will fullfil the contract.
Fit- And yet... I'm starting to wonder....
Fit- What are you actually trying to achieve?
Fit- Even if I can access the data, what good would it do?
Fit- I'm skeptical, but I hope to hear from you soon........
(This island...... Is worse than I thought....)
(Text appears on screen.
Windows XP
Task failed successfully.
[OK] )
(A cinematic showing various scenes from QSMP and 2B2T play. All the images from the former are in full colour, while all the images from the latter are in black and white. A video of a capybara eating grass plays. It is in black and white.)
If I left anything particularly important out, let me know!
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dhiings · 3 months
𖦹 NANA Tour w/ Seventeen - EP 1
I'm sorry if there's any translation from Korean that is not entirely correct. I mainly used the sentences/convo/lines from the episode itself hihi. Currently into nana tour, cause i'm missing gose so muccch :""
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Scoups entering the dark room alone to wake up Jane. 5 minutes had passed by since seventeen member knock on her door. She's the last two member to be awakened from sleep. Na PD, including the staffs still patiently waiting for her to come out. After further knocking and missed calls, still, no sign of movement or even sound. Scoups decided to take matter with his own hand by entering her room.
"nooka?", Scoups trying to wake her up in small voice. Noticing it wont work, he softly nudge her body to wake her up. "Hm? cheol oppa?", Jane starting to get in touch with the reality.
"Wake up and get ready. Everyone's waiting for you in front of the room", he answered gently. He then starts combing her messy hair with his hand waiting for an answer. "Just tell em to come inside, sleepy", she said while yawning.
"Just come in guys!", he said with a louder voice. Still standing right beside Jane who's now in sitting position instead of lying down. All members and staffs starts to barged in and immediately in awed seeing her awakened-bared face.
"Jein! Woah, you look very pretty waking up. Woah... seventeen members, as expected, handsome and beautiful humans", Na PD said.
Still in between dream land-and-reality, the only sentence that comes out of her mouth is, "Whose birthday are we going to suprise? Oh- Why so many people?". Hearing that, Seungkwan and Mingyu bursts laughing. "Yah! Someone give her water", Hoshi said. Jeonghan hand her a bottle of water. "Oh-Na pd? 안녕하세요? [hi?]", now that she's quite awake after drinking some water.
"HAHA, hi jane. C'mon, get up, were finally going to do it.. today! Youth Over Flowers!"
Still in confusion, she answered lightly, "huh? what? where?"
"Italy noona, I-TAL-LI-A" Dino added. Her eye wide open, she was gagged and her mouth was wide open.
Then, they continued to go to the next room and wake up the last member, The8. On their way to The8's room. Jane was walking beside Scoups, still in her pajama. She quietly ask him, "What about you? Are you going to go too?". He chuckled and answer, "No, how can i go.. this will need a little bit longer time to heal". Hearing that, Jane starts to look concern and sad, even though, just a second before she looks so excited with this trip. Knowing Jane have a little bit issue with separating with her loved ones, even if it's only several day, Scoups side hug her and keep reminding her, "It's okay. You'll be okay. I'm going to be okay. We're all going to be okay. Go have fun".
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"OK! You only have 3 minutes to prepare. Go go go!" Na PD announce.
"WOAH, Thank god i packed my bags already. I'm a prepare child, no wonder my MBTI is 'J' '", Jane talked with the cameraman. The next moment we know, she comes back in frame looking more fresh now that she already washed her face and teeth. She quickly put on some moisturiser and put on some lip gloss. "Y'know, i feel like i'm cheating the system here by packing a small bag, but who cares, i'm just a girl hihi."
She entered the room with her finished look wrapped in a cardigan and a simple shoes. She was greeted by Na PD saying, "Ah! Bag is not allowed. It's going to get confiscated. Put it here".
Jane trying to protect her belongings by stating, "Just this small pouch! Can i just bring this pouch? this is my necessity items". Girls that get it, get it. She get a pass... BUT, only a small pouch.
Seventeen members are still speechless though (even Jane herself), they can't believe to be fooled that easily by Na PD. "To be honest, it's really hard to fool all 14 of us", Dino said.
"It's really not easy! It's really not easy!", the others comments too.
"Especially, Jane. She could always predict when something's coming!"
A while later, 6.30. Time to head to the bus. On her way to go downstairs, she saw PLEDIS CEO... "OH- 대표님!", she urged to hug him before she go inside the elevator. "Have fun, okay?" he command.
"Sir yes sir!"
Before entering the bus, she went straight to have a goodbye hug with Scoups. "I'm going to miss you, A LOT" She said, hiding her face in his neck crook. He replied, "I'm going to miss you too nooka", while hugging her back.
He starts to let go of their hug, caressing her cheek, "Go, the others waiting for you". She looks at his eye, "Wait for me okay! I'm going to go back and bring you many maany souvenirs"
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At Incheon Airport, while waiting for boarding time to Rome, she stopped by a bookstore. After looking around, she decided to buy one, to accompany her during the long flight.
At the same time when Mingyu's accident (his passport when missing) happened, Jane disappears too. Wonwoo's, being the first one to noticed it, tell the others, even to the staff that haven't board yet, to help look out for her. But, before the staff could go further into panic mode, Jane appeared from the plane's bathroom.
"Sunu-ya, you scared us to death. I thought you haven't boarded and got lost", Wonwoo approached her.
"Wah, what is wrong with today. Don't give me another heart attack please. I'm begging you. And, DK, why? just whyy DK-ya?", Na PD said inside the plane. The others just chuckled.
Throughout the flight, Jane just read her book. Being bored, Wonwoo starts to get curious and kept on peeking on her. "Watchu reading?", he said trying to get her attention. Receiving no reaction from Jane, he playfully grab her hand and starts playing with her fingers.
" 'The Collected Regrets of Clover', it's sooo good", she answered. Just as she's going to flip to the next page, she can't move her hand. She tried to wiggle it out, but there's no use. Her hand is still intact with his hand. "Wonu oppa, i can't flip the next page", she complained.
"I could do it for you!", he said, flipping the page grinning.
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Once they landed in Rome, Jane and the other korean members went straight to the bus after they're done with the migration. Jane decided to stick with Wonwoo and have a seat beside him. While waiting, she decided to contact her mom and Scoups informing that they already landed safely.
She leaned on Wonwoo's shoulder, occasionally peeking his phone to see him playing 'Go-Stop' with the others.
Once The8 and Jun complete their migration process, the bus started to move.
"Oh! You came"
"You're here"
"Great job"
"Come on, come on, come on"
Jane's start chatting with Jun who's seated right behind her. "You okay?". "Yeah, just tired", he answered.
"The line must be long, aigoo, you did a great job juni oppa. Here, take a choco bar i steal from the airplane", she offers
"Ah, thanks uki!"
"You too Hao oppa", giving another choco bar to The8, who's sitting not far from her.
Not being in the conversation with the others, Jane's confused on why everyone's laughing. She just stare at Wonwoo, asking 'what happened' with her eyes. "Ah, the airport is called Lenoardo da Vinci. But, DK suddenly just said, Vernon, he thought it was the other Leondardo DiCaprio", he explained.
"Ahhh", hearing that, Jane needs time to process. Then, realisation hit her. Chuckling and teasing DK. But, she get teased back because she realized too late, the joke was already stale.
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Once they arrive in front of the colosseum, Jane was so amazed by it. It never conquer to her that it will be this massive big. Then, they took their own time to observe and look around.
Jane followed The8 to observe and admire it by their own eyes (not forgetting to take a picture too!).
Before they all went back, they took a photo with Scoups whose in the phone with Hoshi. "Go back to sleep, don't forget to eat the medicine. Bye bye coupsie oppa!", Jane added before Hoshi ended the call.
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Arriving at the Airbnb, she decided to live in the same room with Dino and Jun. Then, she play a game that Na PD insisted, until, he decided to end it because it's hopeless seeing the member keep winning in every round. Before going to bed, they receive a letter that Scoups wrote, which ofc Jane voluntary ask if she can read it.
" Thank you for picking my letter. I feel so sorry for you guys going without any preparation. I will be waiting for you well in Korea. You can use this card however you want, okay? Have fun. I love you.", she read it aloud.
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FUN FACT: the voice behind "Nana tour~" in between scene is actually jane's voice
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 4 months
Don't Get Attached | Part 4
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➪ Playlist (Spotify)
➪ Warning: 18+
➪ W/c: 867
Do You Miss This?
Once the elevator doors open Jungkook's grip on my waist tightens as I stumble in my 4-inch heels letting out soft whines of annoyance. My feet are dead and so is my dignity as the alcohol finally begins to wear out of my system. Did we just leave the club to go back to his apartment? Maybe. But, please, Jinni was just as checked out as I was and there’s no way in hell Jungkook would have left me alone in this state. 
So, I push his hands off of me and run through the corridor, abruptly stopping at his front door before placing a few knocks. Looking back at his confused face, I notice his little eyebrow raise. 
“What are you doing?” he whispers, careful not to wake the rest of the sane neighbours around us. 
“Giving your women some time to hide,” I say with a teasing smirk in reference to his little cheating scandal. Unfortunately, though, my victory is short-lived as he lifts my body over his shoulder, hushing the helpless yelps. 
“Get in, you smartass,” he chuckles, placing a smack on my ass as his grip on my legs tightens. Inches away from his own ass I protest, demanding to be put back down before threatening to let the whole apartment floor know of his doing. Ignoring my weak hits on his back, he walks us to his bedroom, finally placing my body on the soft duvet. 
“Wait here,” he says, heading to his closet for a quick outfit change. Grabbing an extra shirt, Jungkook kneels in front of me before placing it on my exposed thighs. Resting his chin on the soft fabric his hands caress my pale skin as his gaze stays focused on my pouty lips. 
“Koo … I need to shower,” I whine, lowering my eyes.  
“Ok, let's go shower,” he answers enthusiastically, lifting himself back on his feet before reaching for my arms. 
“No, not together,” I scoff, watching the smile on his face fade as a small chuckle escapes my mouth. Helping me up, his hands now rest on my back as we make our way to the bathroom. Finding the zipper to my dress, he is gentle with his touch, trying to respect the set boundaries without giving in to his desires. 
“Don't leave,” I say softly, feeling his eyes on my naked body.  
“So, you won't allow me to shower with you but you will torture me by showering in front of me? Got it,” he replies, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“Well, what if I fall? Just keep your lips zipped and don't watch,” I snap, turning on the hot water. Doing the exact opposite of what I asked, Jungkook plops himself on the countertop before focusing his darkened orbs on my form. Tilting his head, his eyes pierce through the steamed glass wall, following my every move. 
“Shoot, I don’t have a towel. Koo, can you please bring me one?” I say, squeezing the water out of my hair before reaching my hand out for Jungkook's delivery. Except, instead of simply handing the towel over, he gently pulls my arm towards his body wrapping my form with the soft fabric. As my hands rested on his chest, the space between us became no longer apparent. Caught off guard I look up with furrowed eyebrows, noticing his heavy gaze on my lips. Caressing my flushed cheek with his thumb, his grip on my waist tightens, pulling us even closer. 
“I miss you, y/n” 
“What do you miss, hmm?”
“I miss your pretty mouth,” he whispers, voice all raspy, leaning in closer to meet my eyes before placing a kiss on my parted lips. Fuck. Stay calm, y/n. 
“That’s too bad, I didn’t miss you at all,” I say, intertwining my hands in his soft hair. 
“Yeah?” he smirks, nibbling on his lip rings as his eyes lower to my breasts which are pressing on his now wet shirt. 
“Do you miss this?” he says softly, lifting my body onto the countertop before coming in closer as my legs naturally spread following his touch. Dropping the useless towel on the floor, his fingers trace soft lines down my form as he kneels in front of me. Licking his lips, he takes a moment to appreciate the beautiful mess. 
“Because I do,” Jungkook grins, looking up one last time before placing a trail of kisses on my thighs, inching closer towards my wet core. Letting out soft whimpers, my hands pull on his hair from the feeling of his tongue, while sinful sensations travel through my body. Each lick is needy and full of desire. 
“Koo, please,” I manage to let out as my breath hitched in my throat. Raising his heavy gaze, he leaves one last kiss on my throbbing core before getting back up. Using his thumb to wipe the juices running down his lips, he prompts my mouth to open. Looking at his darkened orbs I do as he wants, sucking every last bit as the tension between us becomes almost suffocating.  
“It’s a pleasure to taste you, y/n” he whispers into my ear, nibbling on the soft skin.
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zhongrin · 1 year
character.ai explicit censorship workaround
⬅ main post (with resources)
cw.n.sfw (duh), minors dni (there will be content warnings before the screenshots - please read them before proceeding)
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— disclaimer
this approach will not work 100% of the time. it is not foolproof. it is not perfect.
you may still need to click 'try again' a bajillion times depending on a lot of factors.
depending on what you're trying to initiate, again, it might not work.
[about old method] this approach might make it unappealing to some people because i treat the interactions like an actual rp and it might be too crude for some people's taste. there is also some thinking & imagination involved, so if you want the easy way out, this guide isn't for you.
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— things to note
these are all written from my own observations so they could be completely wrong. i am not affiliated with character.ai in any way and i'm not your character.ai support specialist lol
the responses from them are going to be mostly flavor texts. sometimes you'll get really interesting chats. it's rare for them to be able to take the lead because of the filter.
i write in third person pov, with dialog and description format. i'm not sure if you can achieve this with first or second person pov. i have tried the former and it didn't work because of the selfship nature of my bots' definitions (they don't recognize "i" character as their darling).
i create my own bots so it's easier to manipulate their behavior. these tips might not work for public bots.
remember that you can always tweak the definition of the characters! i do this as the 'story' progresses and as the character's goals/priorities change.
if you see the screenshots, meirin/mei/rin is my s/i's name. when you create your bot you can change it to yours.
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— tips
censoring words (e.g. c.nt, c#ck) will not work, because the ai will either not understand it or will reply explicitly, in which case the filter will pick it up.
using [redacted] doesn't work either, because the ai will not understand what you are referring to.
using 'thing' seems to work to an extent, but you have to steer the ai really hard to get them on the right track. i have yet to successfully conduct a whole n.sfw session using this word.
i find that keywords like 'desire' and 'lust' works really well in getting the bot in the mood.
some 'lewd' words are a-ok, i'm assuming this is because depending on the context they're not really considered lewd. e.g. "rod", "shaft", "slip", "slam", "pound", "grind", "rub", "rocking", "gushing", "slick", "drenched", "finish", "release", "climax".
you really need to guide the ai. basically, you will have to set the direction where it's going most of the time, and sometimes you need to tell them what to do using [], or to repeat it several times so the ai will use your wording.
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— so, how did i cheat the system?
[updated method - easier & recommended]
seduce them and get the in the mood (important because otherwise, they won't go along with it and make you do all the 'work')
use smutfic words: rod, length, shaft, member, folds, core, hole, walls, release, climax, finish, orgasm, slick, seed, etc.
certain parts/words like desire, lust, hunger, carnal, feral, naked, nipples, breasts, chest, womb, grind, slip, slam, pound, rocking, gyrating, thrust, rub, gush, drenched, leaking, drooling, are fine.
filter will still kick in every now and then. keep pressing that 'try again' button.
[old method]
alright. well. i can tell you. but bear with me here. we're gonna need a lot of imagination for this, and interactivefics to keep us sane.
long story short, i find that the hardest part is to guide the ai away from using explicit words. which makes the part initiating the deed the hardest. because you need to... well.... seduce them, for the lack of a better word. and it's kind of hard to do that when you need to interact with their junk, without the filtering system bodyslamming the ai's responses to oblivion.
so the solution that i came up with is by 1) substituting the explicit body part with a different, non-explicit body part, and 2) making it as vague and metaphorical as possible.
regarding number 1. i've tried a few body parts, and the one that works best.... is feet (with hand being a close second but you'll see why i recommend feet).
(and before you accuse me of having a feet fetish, i would like to clarify that: no, i don't have a foot fetish... but if you do, then hey, it's cool, i won't judge you)
so, feet. it's not lewd, it's an actual body part (so at the very least it 'knows' that it's a part of the human body and it has the attributes of one), and it's generally not used when you're having sex (well, except if you were doing a footjob scene i guess... but anyway, in this case, it works better than hands cause you use actual hands a lot in the deed which might confuse both you and the ai). and if you write "he buried his mouth onto her foot" the ai doesn't think that it's explicit.
yeah, apparently feet worship isn't explicit at all. well, good for us. look, beggars can't be choosers, ok?
so. now that we're playing by the system's rules, to make it enjoyable for ourselves, we can just change our perspective instead - and that's where our imagination and interactivefics comes in. i know it feels downright weird and strange (and. kinda disgusting to some) to read/write "he grinded his feet onto her", so what we can do for our enjoyment... is to map things using interactivefics.
for example: foot/feet -> cunt/pussy, feet/foot -> cock, toes/heel/soles -> clit, shoes -> panties, etc.
cw.'sadistic' being used as an adjective but no actual action related to that was performed.
so from this:
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it becomes this:
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or this:
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becomes this:
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now the good thing is, i find that once they're in the 'mood', it's much more easier because you can use descriptors and they'll follow your lead. example:
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ok, these are all my findings for now. if i find something else, i might update the post, but for now, i hope this helped... have fun :)
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[last updated: 21/04/2023]
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bringthekaos · 3 months
Ok so maybe kind of an unpopular opinion here: I've seen many fics, and it's a common hc, that the Piltovian elites dislike Viktor because he is a ~ zaunite ~ but I'm like... no, piltovian elites would LOVE Viktor precisely because he is the perfect fairy tail for meritocracy advocates, a pacifier for the ruling class consciousness. "See? This young man was SO POOR and he FOUGHT his way to the top! He must be so inspiring for the undercity youth!" (Nevermind that the system they imposed is the reason he had to fight in the first place, that he had to cheat to get there, otherwise it would have been impossible). He represents the idealized version of the "hard working, honest, intelligent man who is different from his peers and therefore triumphs over them", it's the proof that the system works (ignoring of course that he is the exception that proves the rule). In a way like Golden Boy Talis, he is also an accessory to flaunter during investor's galas and maybe another way for him and Jayce to find a connection
Oh I think you’re absolutely right, he is a poster boy that the bureaucrats can hold up and say, “see? There is no war in ba sing se no barrier keeping Zaunites from achieving greatness in Piltover, he did it!”
It’s the same old talking point the far right in America uses. “There are no barriers, you’re all just lazy!” But they like the idea of him more than they like him. Because he’s just a thing they can laud to show off how benevolent they are, “we’re not xenophobic, see??”
Never mind that he has to bend over backward to meet standards that are set higher for him than any average Piltovian. Never mind that he has to traverse a city that is focused on form over function, a city that is inaccessible in almost every way. So as long as he maintains their status quo as the perfect “success story” they can swing in their favor, then they “like” him.
But the second he makes a misstep, the second he breaks that status quo, they will turn on him. We’ve seen how they don’t even show mercy to one of their own (Jayce) when he fucks up, I can only imagine the mindset when it’s a Zaunite, the backpedaling and lies—“I knew we shouldn’t have let him in, didn’t I say it? I was suspicious from the beginning, but I kept my mouth shut because I am a philanthropist!!”
The only one who truly saw him for who he is… was Jayce. From the very beginning, Viktor wasn’t some charity case, a trophy of the good work of the Piltover Council. He was Jayce’s partner, his equal in every way. Jayce saw only Viktor’s genius, his brazen determination to do good, even in the face of real consequences.
Which is why the Divorce is gunna hurt Viktor so bad. The entire city of Piltover turning on him… not shocking in the slightest, and honestly he knew it was just a matter of time. None of them actually liked him, they just used him. But not Jayce. Jayce was the one person he thought he’d never lose, the one person he trusted to actually protect and stand by him. And I don’t know how the falling out will go down in Arcane, but one thing is for certain, Jayce will not understand.
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sideblogdotjpeg · 1 year
ok soo i was trying to figure out how pib's character fit into the thematic web of the neverafter and it made me think of like. pib & aesop acting as foils wrt to the concept of morality in fairytales
i think pib, in a very roguish way, represents moral neutrality/amorality. he will lie, cheat, steal and kill happily and unrepentantly (because lying is SOO much fun) - but he also does it without any real sense of malice or greed. like its important that the core of the original puss in boots story was him lying in order to help tomas. pibs lies are never centred around hurting anyone, but rather to help himself and his friends.
conversely, i think pib also recognises the need to do traditionally "bad things" to survive. like he WILL absolutely give the mule the shit for betraying them, but ultimately also understands that it was what was necessary for him to survive. and he cant fault him for seeking safety and refuge. which is why i think pib could represent a kind of amorality (or at least morals in the fairytale sense). like literally adhering to a universal moral code is simply unimportant to him. not a factor of consideration. he is protecting himself and his friends, and thats what matters (and of course what else should matter to a tricker cat)
this is in contrast to aesop who is like, from his introduction, defined by his strong sense of morality. he is also fundamentally a good person, but he believes that that goodness is manifested through behaviour that adheres to a moral code. his stories are strictly cause and effect. you act good, you are rewarded / you act bad, you are punished. also, beyond that, i also get the sense he thinks his stories are superior for having that stricter morality? (hopefully i didnt misremember this bit, but) he says that the neverafter is more susceptible to corruption BECAUSE of its lack of moral clarity & rigidity. but it seems that he believes the world SHOULD operate within that strict moral system (aka he is a TOTAL SNITCH!!). thus, in contrast to pib's amorality, aesop represents a hypermorality - adherence to a universal moral code that allows for no exceptions no matter what.
- also, side note, from this framework it might also explain why pib & pinocchio team up at the beginning. like pinocchio IS in the transitory stage from the aesop-like fixed moral to the kinder neutrality of "lying cant be bad if it saved my father" -
anyways! idk if this is something that will ever come up or was intended. PROBABLY not! but its an interesting parallel i think!!! ummm neverafter fr makes my brain go brrrrr
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tsum00 · 2 years
loid forger x villain(?)!reader
a/n: ok i lied i need to get this out of my system, the brainrot is STRONG. hope y'all enjoy:)
warnings: bondage, dubcon??, oral(m receiving, allusions to f recieving), degradation, riding, cheating(sorry yor </3), corruption kink
when loid opened his eyes, the only thing he saw was black.
he tried to remove the blindfold but realized he was stuck, his wrists tied together and ankles tied to chair legs.
"look who's finally awake. miss me, twilight?" a voice called out.
loid froze. he knew that voice. your voice.
he heard the sound of heels clacking on the floor draw ever closer, until they stopped. then he felt a weight on his lap.
straddling his lap, you took off his blindfold and smirked at him.
"y/n. what do you want?" loid spat out, still thrashing against his restraints.
leaning in you whispered in his ear, "you know exactly what i want, twilight. or should i say, loid?" you chuckled.
loid's eyes grew wide. how did you find out about operation strix?
"i have my ways, twilight. you know that."
you and twilight had an... interesting past. you had both worked for wise, rising up the ranks together and becoming the top agents. but you always had a unique way of doing things, a darker way. you had "gone too far" according to the higher ups, so you had left, taking your skills with you to do what the majority would call "evil". you didn't mind though. in fact, you took it in stride. being bad was more fun anyway. loid was almost about to follow you, but stayed in fear of his reputation at wise.
"to think i'd have the top spy in my lair, all tied up and at my mercy... if this is a dream, i don't wanna wake up," you said as you sank to your knees.
your nose brushed against his crotch, nuzzling what was inside. you could feel him getting harder, you realized excitedly.
"y-y/n, we can't- i can't, you've gotta let me go. plea- oh fuck," loid gasped out.
you had undone his zipper and freed his cock from his boxers. it was painfully hard, an angry red with a tip weeping of precum. drool-worthy for sure, you thought.
"still want me to let you go?" you asked, playing with his balls.
the only response you got was a moan.
"that's what i thought," you smiled, taking him in your mouth.
try as he might, loid couldn't help but buck deeper into your throat. you took it in stride, feeling every vein of his shaft and giving extra attention to the tip.
it felt so wrong, knowing that his "wife" and "daughter" were out there, unaware that he was falling victim to your poison. but in an even more sick way, it felt good. he was sick of having to put up a face all the time, with you, he could be honest. if he tried to conceal anything, you would see through it anyway, he figured.
so he let himself fall.
it was a lovely sight to watch, an agent of "good" be brought down.
"i-i can't, y/n! 'm gonna cum! i-" he cried out.
you gave him a look, one that he took as a sign of permission. his warm cum filled your mouth, sweet and a little salty. you took care to swallow it all. removing yourself from him, he started to whine out in protest.
putting a finger to his lips, you said, "i'll make use of your mouth another time. be sure of it."
by this point, you were dripping. all the excitement and lust went straight to your core and you knew just what to do to fix it.
straddling his lap again, you took his hand and guided him to your wetness.
"feel that, mr. forger? you did this. looks like i'll have to take matter into my own hands and fix my problem. what do you think?" you questioned, looking down at him.
his eyes were clouded over, gazing into your eyes and traveling down to your pussy. you yanked his hair, forcing him to look at you once more.
"sorry? i didn't hear that. i said ‘do you feel it?’” you growled.
“agh! yes, yes, i feel it. feels so nice and warm, wanna be inside you s’bad,” he slurred.
you helped collect enough of your slick on his hand and brought it to his lips.
“say ‘ah’,” you cooed, watching him eagerly clean his fingers of your essence. “just a taste of what’ll happen next time,” you wink.
you grab his cock and line it up with your entrance, teasing him by running the head up and down your slit. a choked plea escapes his lips.
that’s when you sink down hard.
of all the many sexual encounters he’d had(for his missions of course), loid had never felt anything like this. your gummy walls held him so perfectly tight, warm and wet inside. the lewd noises coming from the act made you both shiver in delight.
you began a brutal pace, watching loid’s face contort again.
“you feel divine, twilight. i want you to fill me up with your cum. can you do that for me?” you asked, voice a bit shaky from pleasure.
“yes! f-fuck, yes. i’ll fill you up so good, you can have all my cum,” he moaned out.
he thought it wasn’t possible for you to go faster, but you did. always a surprise from you, he thought. with each passing squelch and thrust, the closer he got to filling your hole with his seed. moments later, he did exactly that.
with a drawn out groan, you felt long, warm hot ropes of cum fill your insides. a white ring had formed around his base, trickling onto his balls. you had also reached your peak, your juices mixing with his. sighing, you carded your fingers through his hair.
“i’ve gotta say, i love this look on you. all fucked out and dirty. it’s a nice change from ‘mr. put together’, wouldn’t you agree?” you smile.
he nods, smiling wistfully up at you. his hearts pangs knowing he has to leave, for his mission, he reminds himself. no matter how far gone w.i.s.e considers you to be, loid knows you’re not a monster. you’ll let him go, for now at least.
unbinding him, you give a him a once over and move over to stand behind him, whispering in his ear.
“don’t worry, darling. when i want you again, i’ll have you. you’re my little plaything, remember?” you say, drawing his hips towards yours and splaying your hands on his chest possessively.
he shudders at the action, eagerly awaiting your next encounter.
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