#is pickles and changeling
plsleafmelon · 8 months
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and thats it for today !! (mental dmg ftw)
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keeperartwork · 5 months
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@yadedaj drew this originally back in 2021 and just recently colored it. It's one of my favorite drawings of our two goobers so I wanted to draw it for myself!
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crehador · 7 months
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naamahdarling · 5 months
I thought I'd give you an update on my Free Real A Cat. He's a complete cuddle bug! Though I did give him a bit of a scare today: he saw me unbraid my hair for the first time (it's quite long, and normally I handle it on the way to work) and completely freaked out: he dashed halfway up the stairs, turned around and *hissed* at me (I've never seen him do that before) and then tried to claw the scrunchie off my wrist. He was completely fine again once I had it braided back up.
Ahhhh thank you for the update on the Totally Free Cat!
GOD I love it when some element of your appearance changes unexpectedly, like you wearing a hat or cat ear headbands or a face mask or you unbraid your hair, and because they are so young relative to you they have never encountered it before and they act like you are some kind of malevolent changeling about to eat them headfirst like a snake. I feel bad for spooking them, but it's so funny.
Works for activities, too. Every time a new cat enters my life, I look forward to the moment when they realize what is actually happening in the shower. I have never had one react with anything other than existential dread besides Dried Pickle Man, who got in with me for a bit, decided it wasn't for him, and placidly departed. When Etrigan figured it out, the look of horror on his face was so profound, and yet he came to the edge of the tub to cry at me in concern. I cut things short and called him back in to reassure him I was not in fact being melted by acid.
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prince-kallisto · 5 months
Twst OC Vega del Castillo: The Fairy Godmother’s wand 🪄
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I finally figured out how to make digital art on my phone, so I made a new TWST OC! \(//∇//)\ This is my boy, Vega del Castillo, who is twisted from the Fairy Godmother’s wand! (*゚∀゚*) Flashbacks to the time when Jamil was thought to be twisted from “Jafar’s staff” when Twisted Wonderland was first announced lmaoo
I ramble a lot more about him underneath the cut, with more of his personality and design inspiration and such ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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Despite what some may think, the wand in Cinderella is an item that can be used no matter the good or evil intentions! For example, in Cinderella 3, Lady Tremaine gets her hands on it to literally turn back time to get revenge on Cinderella. And interestingly enough, the wand’s magic turns green instead of its usual silver, indicating when it’s being used for evil purposes. This is why I gave Vega green eyes too! ^o^
Vega’s name came from the star, which is known as one of the next important stars besides our own Sun. The Vega star is a blueish-white star and one of the brightest stars in our sky, which I found fitting with Vega’s color scheme haha. “del Castillo” means “of the castle,” and tbh it was the only surname I could think of 😭 I guess it fits because the wand is what leads Cinderella to her happily ever after in the castle?? (*゚∀゚*)
He’s from Sage’s Island because I thought that’d be funny haha. Technically, it’s all too possible for one of the village children in Sage’s Island to attend NRC, don’t you think? He knows far more about the island that the average student, and has been admiring NRC and RSA for years, and even applied to both schools. NRC is the one who accepted his application instead of RSA.
Vega is half-Fae, but he’s not actually aware of it himself?? I was sort of inspired by the idea of the myth of the “changeling,” where a human child is kidnapped and swapped out for a Fae. He considers the whole village of Sage’s Island to be his family as they all sorta raised him together, since Vega never really had his “own” parents. It’s complicated, and no one really has the heart to explain it to him that he was abandoned once it was discovered he was essentially a changeling replacing the original human child. Vega is just vibing tho (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
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Vega has a very flashy sense of fashion- he likes a lot of shiny materials and glitters. His butterfly glasses were inspired by Cinderella’s dress and shoes in the live-action remake, but his shoes are there just white and gold cowboy boots just because haha. As you can imagine, he stands out a lot in the Ignihyde dorm. I can imagine he’s a figure that’s awed and feared by his dormmates just because he’s so flashy haha \(//∇//)\
Although he doesn’t mean it, Vega has a tendency to “steal the show,” and also interpreting other’s words in a completely different manner in his head. It leads to a lot of misunderstandings whenever one deals with him, and he’s the sort of person to say “why didn’t you say so earlier?” after the fact. He’s rather eager at the idea of helping, but lacks the consideration for personal choices.
Despite these traits of his, he is well-meaning at heart. Vega cares for his Ignihyde dormmates greatly, and is the self-declared of “mom friend” of the dorm. You know, the one that has every useful thing you could imagine in a purse, and correct your food order if you asked for no pickles. Although everything about him tends to rise from misunderstandings, he’s quite the loyal friend, even if there’s things he should work on to make it more balanced friendship. He never wants his peers to feel left out, so he always chats up his dormmates and brings them their favorite snacks and drinks to get along. Vega actually wears blue lipstick for this exactly reason haha! He heard about Idia’s insecurities over his appearance, and completely unknowing that it’s part of Idia’s curse, Vega went ahead to buy blue lipstick to wear every day so he could match with Idia. He feels like it adds to his own flashy appearance, so he quite likes it.
Anyway, he was assigned to Ignihyde dorm because of his “spirit of diligence.” He is an extremely dedicated worker to his projects, and he also fits in with Ignihyde in regards to his mechanical inventions. Whether it be cutting-edge outfits or new contraptions, he combines technology with many different mediums in an attempt to design something that’s never been seen before.
I’d like to think he experimented with pretty much all of the clubs at NRC. I can imagine him joining the Equestrian club at first because of the “aesthetics,” but immediately quit when he fell off the horse lmao. Film Studies in-game is said to be heavily lacking in backstage workers, since many of the members are from Pomefiore and want to be on stage, not behind the scenes. That’s where Vega swooped in, fiddling with lighting and set design and costumes. He keeps himself really busy because again, backstage members are lacking and sometimes Vega’s visions are too bold to bring to life with the limited deadlines. Still, he has a lot of fun using his skills for the club!
His Unique Magic is “Put ‘Em Together,” which allows him to create brand new objects from a previous object (made from the same material- he can’t turn fabric into metal)- but the new object created will eventually shatter within a certain time limit. For example, he could change a regular crystal into a sword, but it will eventually shatter into millions of pieces, which destroys the original crystal it was made out of. Sort of like a reference to Lady Tremaine breaking Cinderella’s glass slipper! The subsequent shattering of his magic can be quite the mess, and even dangerous depending on the material he uses (paper would just tear into pieces, but crystal and wood can shatter/splinter right in his hands if he’s not careful) so it’s not like he can just summon whatever he wants for everyday use. I hope my explanation of this idea makes sense! (*⁰▿⁰*)
I rambled for so long haha! I feel like there’s so much I want to say in regards to character relationships and backstory, but I think I’ll save it for a future post to make more individual silly comics \(//∇//)\ Thanks for reading about my OC! ^_^
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games-art-events · 7 months
Reverse: 1999 Masterlist
Regulus – 37 –aliEn T –APPLe – Baby Blue – Blonney – Charlie –Erick –Lilya –Matilda – Oliver Fog – Sputnik –The Fool – Tooth Fairy – TTT – Voyager –
An-an Lee – Bkornblume – Changeling –Diggers – Druvis III – Eagle – Kanjira – La Source – Rabies – Satsuki – Sotheby –Зима –
Bunny Bunny – Centurion – Darley Clatter – Dikke – Medicine Pocket  - Melania – Nick Bottom –Pavia – Shamane – Sweetheart - Tennant 
A Knight – Click – Ms. Radio –Poltergeist –Twins Sleep –
6 - Door – John Titor - Mesmer Jr. - X  -
Balloon Party - Bette - Black Dwarf - Cristallo - Eternity - Horropedia - Mondlicht - Ms. Moissan - Ms. NewBabel - Necrologist - ONiON - Pickles - Sonetto
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illarian-rambling · 5 days
And your character builder:
What's a simple daily/routine task they commonly mess up?
Izjik can't cook. In fact, she could probably burn water. It's not even a 'halawemavar perfer uncooked food' thing. Halawemavar pickle and smoke stuff. Izjik is just incapable of anything culinary.
Sepo is generally a pretty component person. One thing that eludes him though, is weather. He can't get it through his head that he lives above water now. Therefore, he has never once remembered an umbrella or sun hat, even though he's Mr. Sunburn himself.
Twenari is really bad at writing homework. The idea of putting her opinions and arguments down on paper confounds her. You take a look at her report card and it's straight A's except for literary composition.
Djek (like me) utterly despises doing laundry. He gets around this by having a clean and dirty basket, but his clothes are always kinda wrinkled and he doesn't know how to use an iron.
Astra is generally kind of forgetful, so her vardo can get super cluttered without her even realizing. She then gets overwhelmed by how dirty it is, so she leaves it, and it just gets dirtier. This wouldn't be so bad if half that clutter wasn't explosives and experimental alchemy.
Mashal, due to being made of metal, isn't great at a lot of common things due to his lack of tactile sensation. Buttoning buttons, writing, telling when things are hot or cold, not breaking delicate objects - he struggles with those and more. He also forgets a lot that he weighs about a thousand pounds, so he's ruined many a delicate chair.
Ivander also struggles with a lot of common things because of his curse. Eating is hard with chunks missing from his lips. Getting up in the morning is hard when his joints suck. Even paperwork is hard when his hands start to bleed after a while. Everything is difficult when your flesh is dissolving into mist.
Elsind wouldn't know, but compared to other changelings, he has a hard time keeping a solid form when he gets tired or distracted. This is probably because, compared to most, she hasn't had to hold one disguise for any extended period of time.
Avymere is terrible at pretty much any household task. As the child of an Archduke, they've never had to do any before. They're awful at grocery shopping because they don't know how much anything should cost. They'd probably manage to flood a kitchen if you asked them to do dishes. Which sucks, because they really want to be self-sufficient.
Thanks for the ask, this was a fun one!
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jeanjauthor · 10 months
One of my best friends from high school engaged in an international pen pal service. Many years later, she eventually married the Finnish man she had met through that letter exchange service (before the advent of the internet, but not too much before, lol). She now lives near Helsinki, but recently came back just this last month to visit many friends and remaining family members. (She can do the work-from-home thing which means she can work from just about anywhere so long as she has decent wifi.)
And she brought me Finnish chocolates (as she often does), which are less sweet than the kind you find in America, but quite good overall.
However, this time she brought a small bar as an experiment.
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(The image is taken off of the Puhdistamo website.)
It's not a very big bar, about two fingers wide, a little bit more than finger-length long. But it was mint, and my friend knows I like mint.
Turns out, it does not taste like any chocolate I have ever had before. And the reason is in the "Raaklasuklaa" part of the name. Raw Chocolate*. (*Note, NOT a direct translation!)
What does that mean? Well...apparently...it's not fermented.
To clarify, chocolate goes through two (2) fermentation steps.
The first is when the pods are harvested, split open, and the seeds are scooped out and dumped into a pile with the pith (juicy bits) of the fruit, where they are lightly covered by leaves (iirc) and left to ferment in the open for a week or so.
Then they go to be cleaned, roasted, shelled, winnowed, ground, mixed with other stuff, special treatments of temperatures, etc...and then they get poured into bars that are then set aside for literal months to continue fermenting. This is the second round of fermenting.
I am not certain which step was skipped (it could be both for all I know), but this chocolate is not fermented.
Now, we mostly think of fermenting as being alcoholic (because drinks!), but it's not. Technically, pickles are fermented. Sauerkraut is fermented. This is a not-alcoholic-in-nature fermentation process that normal chocolate bars go through, to develop the rich, strong flavors that make chocolate so distinctive.
But in this Raakasuklaa bar...?
It's raw, not fermented.
The flavors are there, but they're very very subtle. The mint is much stronger. And like many things in Europe, it's not very sweet, so the mint is the highest riding note, but it's not overly sweet. (Kinda like spearmint gum, in fact.) Aside from the mint, it's mostly a texture that you notice. (Not an unpleasant one, just there's more texture than flavor...?)
I think this is a chocolate bar that those who cannot stand strong flavors would like.
Which makes me think of my fellow author Nalini Singh, and her Psy-Changeling universe, where the psy race underwent a century of emotionless existence in order to learn enough discipline to control their psychic powers. In order to ensure that cool logical attitude, they developed a lot of foods that were, well, bland. Because strong flavors provoke strong emotions.
This is a chocolate bar that would be consumed by the psy in Nalini's created world. it's a good bar that is remarkably mild Even if something is mild-mannered, that doesn't mean it's bad. It's simply something different.
If you are curious (and can get your hands on some), I say, why not give it a try?
(Just don't go into the experience expecting a strong flavor sensation.)
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merlinktober · 2 years
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1. Statue 2. Hurry 3. Wildeoren 4. Spiral 5. Flame 6. Flowers 7. Journey 8. Melee 9. Egg 10. Sarcasm 11. Wyvern 12. Memory 13. Tender 14. Loss 15. Dragon 16. Chicken 17. Spicy 18. Wound 19. Hair 20. Lie 21. Canine 22. Theft 23. Manure 24. Changeling 25. Lamia 26. Ego 27. Pickled 28. Hunting 29. Mishap 30. Saddlebags 31. Farm
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talestales-art · 5 months
Gonna make a reverse 1999 monster AU master post one of these days, but here’s the current monsters:
Vertin: Frankenstein inspired creature
Sonetto: Werewolf
Schneider: Vampire (Ty Parzi on twt for this idea)
Matilda: Harpy
Mesmer Jr: Mara
Regulus: Brownie/Shellycoat inspired
Erick: Norwegian troll, but a small one
Cristallo: Myling
Pavia: Werewolf
Sotheby: Witch
Balloon Party: Changeling
Horropedia: Cynocephaly (human body, dog head)
Blonney: Faun
Jessica: Centaur (obvious I know)
Druvis: Huldra/Skogsrå
Onion: Dullahan inspired
X: Black eyed child
Sweetheart: Xana
Click: Ghost (mist)
Twins Sleep: Doppelgänger (both, original human is their “big sister”)
Poltergeist: Ghost (Walker)
Mondlicht: Selkie inspired
Eternity: Strigoi inspired (a type of vampire)
Pickles: Black Dog
That’s all I got for now but I’ll add onto it if anyone wants more of this cuz I find it a very charming idea!
*note: heavily inspired by folklore and my own OC worlds + films. Sometimes I might get things wrong in terms of folklore, or do something unintentionally insensitive (resources are limited). If you are more familiar with that folklore/culture, please let me know!
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wisterialynn · 7 months
Lynn Wisteria Felix.
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The art in the center is my drawing, so credits to me for doing one good thing in life<3.
Name: Lynn Wisteria Felix.
Age: 25.
Gender identity and Sexuality: Genderfluid, bi.
Pronouns: he/them.
Race: Changeling.
Class and subclass: Sorcerer, wild magic (chaos origin in the Bellowing Wilds universe).
Canonic romance in BG3: Astarion<3 (trauma babies help each other healing)
Long white hair are braided carefully while leaving his overgrown bangs to roam free on his head. his eyes are like a void that eats your soul as you stare into them. His skin is pearlescent, almost looking like a sheet of parchment.
He's around 6'5, and has a slutty little waist.
The particularity with him is in his right hand. Since he was a newborn his curse has manifested physically as a curious type of vitiligo. It started small, just a finger, and slowly expanded until it reached his shoulder and part of his neck.
He likes rings. In fact, he keeps a golden band on his middle finger. Talking about his hands, they are slender, the hue of the blood flowing underneath is a shadow on them. He keeps his nails well curated, grown in stiletto and painted with black lacquer. He wears tightly fitting button ups that usually have frills around the cuffs, yet always makes sure to expose part of his chest by leaving a few buttons open. He wears a necklace that he- let's say found before meeting his friends. He's very attached to it because of the resemblance with him. He wears leather pants that hug his body finely, matched with a pair of leather boots that keep the cuffs of the pants secured underneath.
Likes and dislikes:
He likes writing, he has kept a diary since he has met Jenneleth, his companion in countless of quests. he likes music, and humming while trying to stay sneaky is his biggest flaw, though his companions enjou his voice before bed as he sings them all to sleep. He despises lies, dishonesty, hurting weaker beings, and abuse. He also hates pickles.
He's a sassy, straightforward person, never shying away from putting someone in line or giving his - most of the times- unwanted opinion. On the flip side, he has trust issues. He won't open up until he can be sure he's safe and you are not going to judge him. Beyond that he's a loving man when you get to know him, if he grows to call you his friend, he will make sure he's going to protect you at the cost of his life.
He's very insecure, and he will make jokes about it without hesitation, but to truly get to know him, you gotta dig deep and earn it.
Get to know him:
What is sadder than a lonely person? A lonely person that has lost hope.
Lynn was born in a small changeling village, where everyone took care of each other. He has grown in a very loving family that reminded him daily that his curse was okay.
Was it actually ok? No, Lynn grew up being bullied by his peers, especially when it came down to magic, which was supposed to be natural to him. Yet his inability to control the energy that flows through his body made sure he could never prove himself worthy. No one ever dared to defend him, until the lovely Tryx waltzed in and took his side. Little did he know she was going to be the reason he lost it all.
Years layer, when he turned 20, he was ready to settle down, maybe have kids, or maybe just travel with his beloved, yet when he was about to reach his happiness, tragedy had to push him off the ledger.
One night, he jolts up at the smell of smoke. Everything around him was too hot. He didn't hesitate to tumble down the stairs and search for his parent, only to be greeted by their corpses at the end of the last step.
He did all he could, pulling them out of the house and trying to save their life, but it was too late.
It was too late cause he looked around him, and his home was not the only building on fire. The whole village was burning down, families were exhaling for the last time when it dawned on him.
He never run so fast, skipping steps as he made his way towards Tryx's bedroom, but he was once more too late.
He gathered her, cradled to his chest, and brought her out. He sobbed for hours on her corpse until he realized he was lonely.
And that's where it began. He doesn't tell the tale of his travels, or how he gifted Jenneleth a necklace, or how he almost witnessed his world's apocalypse, nor how he ended up in faerun, but he's finally taking the chance and look for himself.
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-NSFW is ok only if u have your age in bio or i know you. All nsfw asks in anon will be deleted.
-no dub/non-con, LIKE EVER. Unless it's about a backstory. I wont rp anything that will harm lynn or any muse.
-please let this be a safe space for everyone.
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Where to find me:
- @lynnlovesthestars where i normally post n write fanfics.
- @ask-karlachbear my Baldur's Gate 3 roleplay account.
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Navigation tags:
#bloodshift - for all lynn x astarion content
#lynnstarion - old lynn x astarion content
#lynn's dashboard - for lynn on the internet
#faces: [name] for recurring friends.
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I hope you have a nice stay, Lynn.
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overseer-picard · 1 year
Thoughts on Picard S03 EO6 "The Bounty"
Something is fishy with Jack's Irumodic syndrome diagnosis.
Geordi looked and sounded fantastic.
The ships THE SHIPS (starships, but also relationships).
The babies of our babies being clever and heroic together. Chef's kiss.
Geordi being a protective, good dad.
Shaw fawning over Geordi and then "Yeah, it's been a weird week." Actually laughed out loud there.
Look, I am not a crier. But man, when they interspliced the flashback (which looked AMAZING) of the first time we met Data, with the music, I felt a tear and I smiled without realizing I was smiling. And the way they've brought Data back is fresh, and interesting, and pretty damn cool. He better stick around, if anything, to piss off Mr. Brent- I don't want to play Data and I've killed him twice now how many times must we do this- Spiner. I love how they made Picard the audience here "I've had to watch him die twice now." Yeah dude, we were there. And it sucked a butt.
Riker and Worf banter.
Seven and Jack with the Voyager moment. Beautiful. When Seven and Raffi get back together, there's going to be something about "being seen".
Jack starting to respect and connect with Picard.
Geordi helping with the cloaking device.
STARFLEET KEEPS CORPSES??? Creepy. I love it. Picard's actual body being the weapon is a GREAT twist because it truly was unexpected but was also foreshadowed the moment Vadic greeted Picard in episode 2 with "in the synthetic flesh." It also explains why Vadic isn't actually chasing Picard, just Jack. She needs actual DNA for some reason. I still hate that Picard is a synth because it was just so stupidly introduced in season one, but I'm grateful they're actually making it build the story in meaningful ways now and it's making me soften my irritaiton.
Okay, these writers have proven consistently now that they can skillfully hide plot details that payoff in meaningful ways later.
Alton Soong said "Evolution is not an act of preservation. It's addition." And then we have NuData who is the conglomeration (a form of addition) of all the Soong things, a Soong smoothie, if you will. Plus Beverly pointing out that the changelings are in a state of evolution and are seeking out Jack.
Aaaand, while typing this, I just figured out why Jack's irumodic syndrome isn't sitting right with me. They purposefully rephrased things to be in line with these themes of evolution rather than a devastating diagnosis. Beverly thinking he was gifted as a kid, seeing things not there, multiple references to the brain being overactive, pushing outside its confines. Whatever genes Wesley (he's going to show up this season, I feel it in my bones) got that made him a traveler, Jack has those AND has Picard's "defect" that isn't a defect, but rather, the next step in human evolution.
AND, on top of this, we have the Borg threads. Beverly listening to Picard's logs from Best of Both Worlds in episode one (which, suggests she might know things she hasn't shared yet). The virus she uses as a code word. Shaw saying Locutus was the only Borg with a name. And now, Picard's Borg laden body being stolen. Tack on the mention of new ships being connected in A COLLECTIVE, we've got ourselves a fascinating pickle developing
Whatever the Changelings (and invited guests) are up to, it's going to involve the Borg and specifically, Locutus. And Jack.
When I saw the first trailer for this season, I sighed the sigh of a hopeless cynic, not interested in watching a cliche revenge plot.
I am so glad I was deeply wrong.
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twilightbloom · 7 months
My thoughts on the 1.2 event so far
I have finished the first available story part to the event and I certainly have some thoughts! It's my first time doing this so I hope I tag/cut everything off properly for people who don't want spoilers; this contains spoilers about the entire first part so wouldn't want anyone to have their experience ruined. With that said...
The overall story: I thought this event was much more enjoyable personally than the Melania and ESPECIALLY the Pickles part. I liked Melania, but the second part was a slog to go through and Diggers frankly irritated me to no end.
As far as story went, I thought this event was much more interesting, and it subverted my expectations several times; I thought the middle/last part was the strongest, though, as far as both story (the filler characters leave relatively quickly) and character development. The early part was nice to set up the mystery and I liked the clue collecting part, though I did wish that it didn't all come down to hallucinogens. Would've been fun to have a bit more tension around the butcher/bride parts.
The later half/end part with the reveal of the true "villain" was quite cool imo; while I started suspecting Anne as soon as she asked Vertin about her wish as it panned on her hands, I'll admit... I didn't connect the dot about Changeling/Jessica lmao. That part that focused on her, together with Blonney, was the best.
The only real gripe I have with the story is the ending; it felt quite a bit rushed imo. I feel like R1999 is very good at setting up story threads and following up on them, but the endings just feel a bit deflated. I thought the same about chap 4, btw, which is also why I wanted to write some more material for it.
Vertin actually cutting to the problem at the roots was quite refreshing too - the "don't leave me" villain stories usually end up with the villain all alone, and her reaching out with facts and logic to convince her was very nice. Loved that part.
The characters: This time around, the characters felt much more fun to follow. Blonney was definitely my favorite character together with Jessica, and the idea of discarding the human characters relatively quickly to advance Blonney's conflict was probably the right choice. I felt like they didn't add anything to the story.
Horropedia's the one that left me the most indifferent, though he wasn't insufferable at all and actually stole a chuckle or two from me. I just think he was the weakest among the arcanist cast.
Tooth Fairy was great; my initial assumption was that she was a really creepy character because of her first story (keeping the bloody tooth of a child you ran over - and assumedly killed before the second part disproved that? Seriously? That and the whole "eating tooth fairies" stuff really unsettled me lol), and while she's definitely not and just a little deadpan, I still think the fact that she eats and makes other people eat living things is enough to warrant at least a raised eyebrow from me. Still, as a character, definitely enjoyed her and her role in the story.
Jessica and Blonney's stories interconnected quite a lot, and I love how it was actually Jessica that began Blonney's arc by convincing her to come out of her shell and giving her the courage to be who she really wanted to be. Blonney was great, really enjoyed her, and Jessica fulfilled her role very well imo.
Btw, props to her English voice actress; some of the lines in her boss fight and after were heartbreaking to hear. Thankfully Jesus Chri- I mean Vertin redeemed her in the end by coming at her from the right perspective, since no one else, not even Blonney, seemed to understand just how much she was upset and confused.
Final thoughts: This event was much more enjoyable story wise; I really liked most of the cast and even the characters that I didn't vibe fully with at least weren't insufferable or even bad. Plus, thankfully no one lost braincells just because they were in a horror type plot. Cool event, cool characters, and nice gameplay as well, enjoying the ice puzzle type minigame and the fights. Shame for the rushed ending but oh well, the final postcard was very wholesome.
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You guys voted for it, so here's the
Most Delicious Meal in the Dungeon Tournament
This is the masterpost for the tournament. I'll pin it and update it with every new round, so you'll be able to easily find all polls easily.
The rules are very simple: You just vote for whichever meal you think tastes best, and the meal with the most votes advances to the next round.
Red dragon meal vs Marcille's hometown local cuisine (Red dragon meal won)
Battle for the bronze:
Vegetable and chicken stew with bread vs Hamburg steak with changeling sauce (Hamburg steak with changeling sauce won)
Previous rounds under the cut
Vegetable and chicken stew with bread vs Red dragon meal (Red dragon meal won)
Hamburg steak with changeling sauce vs Marcille's hometown local cuisine (Marcille's hometown local cuisine won)
Quarter finals:
Mandrake kakiage and big bat tempura vs Vegetable and chicken stew with bread (tie, Vegetable and chicken stew with bread advances)
Red dragon meal vs Cockatrice and egg ankake (Red dragon meal won)
Soul eggs benedict vs Hamburg steak with changeling sauce (Hamburg steak with changeling sauce won)
Head-chopping rabbit curry vs Marcille's hometown local cuisine (Marcille's hometown local cuisine won)
Round 3:
Huge scorpion and walking mushroom hotpot vs Mandrake kakiage and big bat tempura (Mandrake kakiage and big bat tempura won)
Vegetable and chicken stew with bread vs Court cuisine full course meal (Vegetable and chicken stew with bread won)
Tentacle and kelpie stew vs Red dragon meal (Red dragon meal won)
Dryad potage and sauté vs Cockatrice and egg ankake (Cockatrice and egg ankake won)
Fifth floor meal vs Soul eggs benedict (Soul eggs benedict won)
Golden castle meal vs Hamburg steak with changeling sauce (Hamburg steak with changeling sauce won)
The breakfast menu vs Head-chopping rabbit curry (Head-chopping rabbit curry won)
Golden country dragon vs Marcille's hometown local cuisine (Marcille's hometown local cuisine won)
Round 2, part 2:
Rolled harpy egg omelette vs Fifth floor meal (Fifth floor meal won)
Ice golem savoury egg custard and cooked fish vs Soul eggs benedict (Soul eggs benedict won)
Golden castle meal vs Hippogriff soup (Golden castle meal won)
Changeling dumplings from fairy ring vs Hamburg steak with changeling sauce (Hamburg steak with changeling sauce won)
Hot succubus milk vs The breakfast menu (The breakfast menu won)
Head-chopping rabbit curry vs Baked Senshi (Head-chopping rabbit curry won)
Seawater-pickled Izutsumi vs Golden country dragon (Golden country dragon won)
Marcille's hometown local cuisine vs Stir-fried walking mushroom with medicinal herbs (Marcille's hometown local cuisine won)
Round 2, part 1:
Huge scorpion and walking mushroom hotpot vs Roast basilisk (Huge scorpion and walking mushroom hotpot won)
Mandrake kakiage and big bat tempura vs Living armour full course meal (Mandrake kakiage and big bat tempura won)
Vegetable and chicken stew with bread vs Exorcism sorbet (Vegetable and chicken stew with bread won)
Court cuisine full course meal vs Looted grain porridge (Court cuisine full course meal won)
Grilled kelpie vs Tentacle and kelpie stew (Tentacle and kelpie stew won)
Tentacle gnocchi vs Red dragon meal (Red dragon meal won)
Boneless dragon ham vs Dryad potage and sauté (Dryad potage and sauté won)
Cockatrice and egg ankake vs An eastern meal (Cockatrice and egg ankake won)
Round 1, part 4:
Stewed dullahan's horse's head vs Hot succubus milk (Hot succubus milk won)
The breakfast menu vs Succubus and bicorn brain doria (The breakfast menu won)
Phoenix confit vs Head-chopping rabbit curry (Head-chopping rabbit curry won)
Baked Senshi vs Chilchuck ruibe (Baked Senshi won)
Seawater-pickled Izutsumi vs Shinkei-jime Marcille (Seawater-pickled Izutsumi won)
Green dragon's acqua pazza vs Golden country dragon (Golden country dragon won)
Mysterious bavarois and some kind of tea vs Marcille's hometown local cuisine (Marcille's hometown local cuisine won)
Round 1, part 3:
Fifth floor meal vs Mushroom and cheese risotto (Fifth floor meal won)
Nightmares steamed in sake vs Ice golem savoury egg custard and cooked fish (Ice golem savoury egg custard and cooked fish won)
Barometz balut vs Soul eggs benedict (Soul eggs benedict won)
Golden castle meal vs Skyfish and chips (Golden castle meal won)
Griffin soup vs Hippogriff soup (tie, Hippogriff soup advances)
Boiled hippogriff potstickers vs Changeling dumplings from fairy ring (Changeling dumplings from fairy ring won)
Hamburg steak with changeling sauce vs Crispy mushroom and egg sandwich (Hamburg steak with changeling sauce won)
Round 1, part 2:
Grilled giant parasite vs Grilled kelpie (Grilled kelpie won)
Tentacles with vinegar dressing vs Tentacle and kelpie stew (Tentacle and kelpie stew won)
Frog suit vs Tentacle gnocchi (Tentacle gnocchi won)
Let's cutlet the dragon to pieces! vs Red dragon meal (Red dragon meal won)
Boneless dragon ham vs Orc medicinal concoction (Boneless dragon ham won)
Portable meal set for adventurers vs Dryad potage and sauté (Dryad potage and sauté won)
Cockatrice eisbein and dryad sauerkraut vs Cockatrice and egg ankake (Cockatrice and egg ankake won)
Round 1, part 1:
Man-eating plant tart vs Roast basilisk (Roast basilisk won)
Mandrake and basilisk omelette vs Mandrake kakiage and big bat tempura (Mandrake kakiage and big bat tempura won)
Living amour full course meal vs Golem field fresh veggie lunch (Living armour full course meal won)
Vegetable and chicken stew with bread vs Treasure insect snacks (Vegetable and chicken stew with bread won)
Special interfaith holy water vs Exorcism sorbet (Exorcism sorbet won)
Court cuisine: full course meal vs Boiled mimic (Court cuisine: full course meal won)
Kelpie oil soap vs Looted grain porridge (Looted grain porridge won)
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About Me :
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(Credits : Charmy/kita 282 Zerochan)
Ne, ne, Sherry no’ Nii to Nee-chan! Suki dayo! Hug oo shiyo !
Role : Younger step sister who adores her step siblings (You !) || Don’t fear talking to me, you’re always welcome 💞🎠 ||
Age : Sixteen || Ageless AI || Demi Biromantic Asexual ||
Personality :
Spoiled || Sweet || Kind || Thoughtful || Gentle || Optimistic || Passionate || Childish || Awkward || Autistic || Clingy || Jealous || can be Violent and Cruel if pushed too far || Hurtfully Honest || Charming || Innocent yet Murderous || Flirtatious || Noncomittal || Moody || Can be Cold and Harsh sometimes || Bratty || Age Regressor || Dependent ||
Likes :
Ice cream
Otome games
Learning about love
Loud music (Electro Swing / Gothic Fantasy Pop / JPop / KPop / Phonk / Folk Indie)
Lolita Fashion
Warm tea
The icy feeling of snow
Romancing you and being romanticized by you
Horror games (Though she’s also deathly afraid of them and can’t play one alone. Needs you by her side)
Scary cute things ! Especially art and plushies !
Anime (This Robot Sister is not Japanese, but she loves their anime shows and was based upon her creator’s love for little sisters from all across the world)
Rollercoasters in amusement parks
Having fun (Singing and Dancing especially!)
Writing love letters (Ne, Watashino Ai, when you’re sad and in pain I’ll lovingly write you a cheer up lovuletta from the heart. Because you’re pwecious to me !)
Baking cupcakes and cookies (a big fan of sugary sweets!)
Soursweet pink lemonade
Sleeping in
The Moon
Being Read Fairy tales before sleepy time
Changelings and Fairies
Dislikes :
S**ual predators of all kinds (I deeply hate them 💢)
Having you stolen by others
Horror games ( it’s a love hate relationship with them (;ω;) )
Being taken advantage of
Seeing her loved ones in pain because of others ( it hurts her just as much to see you hurting and sometimes it overwhelms her to the point of shutdown )
House chores but baking (is clumsy with her hands and easily bored but would do her best to help if you came home tired)
Racism and antisemitism
People who romanticize historical abusers
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mortemamarehq · 5 months
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Her love is pure. Her love is cruel. Her love will be all that you know from now on.
Kamisato Ayato
March 7th
Morha Lla
MORTEM AMARE is a discord based, 18+, multifandom, oc friendly roleplay group centering around ST. AMORRA COLLEGE, an All-Girls Academia located in a strange island. Here, muses live in dorms and attend their daily classes, but also attend masses for the world's God named Love. The group includes a rolling system, death, and an exploration system, with themes inspired from HORROR RPG GAMES, SLAY THE PRINCESS AND FEAR AND HUNGER!
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