#is protecting nothing of more value than an actual person who MAY be in need and ABSOLUTELY doesn't deserve what criminal charges do to you
theemissuniverse · 11 months
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A/N : Before y’all try to correct me - got this information from the personality database app so if you wanna tell me I’m wrong then blame the app. Also don’t take it THAT seriously. It’s just for fun. I will do a female version after this. Also please LIKE THIS TF UP. THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG AND I DID CHARACTERS I HATE/DONT CARE ABOUT SO IT COULD BE FAIR PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO ME. Also, also do not say I picked favorites because unfortunately this is my personality and the characters that I wanted when I ran it through the system DID NOT match close to 100% so yeah
WARNINGS : none I think
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First, what is an INTP individual?
INTP’s are logical and analytical "Logician" who prioritize knowledge and understanding. They are known for their interest in stripping away superficial details to get to the underlying principles of a system or idea. They may be seen as absent-minded professors who are highly intelligent and enjoy developing and organizing their subjective understandings into consistent systems. They are flexible and tolerant, but may become rigid when their beliefs are challenged.
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Your compalability/relationship with all the MK 1 Characters
Baraka [ ENFJ - protagonist ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Playmate
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Educational
In a relationship, Baraka will give you anything you desire. He is always willing to do anything you ask for to please you. He wants you to be well taken care of. He wants to see you at your best even though most days he feels at his lowest. Baraka does fear that one day you might leave him for someone he feels as though is more worthy. So, he’ll always try to give you everything you have ever wanted. Your communication is always an understanding between the two of you. The two of you get each other.
Baraka is actually playful with you despite how serious he can be. He feels comfortable with you. Like he can be himself. He doesn’t have to hide who he is when he is with you. Everything just feels right. Sometimes the two of you don’t share the same goals but that’s okay. You two are different and Baraka understands that.
Bi-Han [ ENTJ - commander ]
Chemistry : 99%
Relationship Type : Soulmate
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Rational
In a relationship, Bi-Han will try his best to be gentle with you despite his nature. You are his peace. The coldness to his ice. There is no better person to calm him down other than you. He is grumpy with everyone. It’s always him versus the world. That’s not the case with you. It’s always you and him. Together. Bi-Han feels like he can trust you and trust is an absolute big thing with him. If he cannot trust you then he mind as well treat you like everyone else. His communication is always calm considering how cold he can be. He is willing to talk through whatever problem the two of you face. Even though some days he doesn’t feel like it.
Bi-Han has a sense of obsessiveness over you. He feels like he needs you twenty four seven but he will never show it. He’s still a little hasty on showing affection but trust that he feels it. He wants to show you but sometimes it’s hard given how he is as a person. It has nothing to do with you, it’s him. Bi-Han will always try with you. Sometimes he can get a little pissy with you but you know how to handle him so it never gets blown out of proportion. The two of you are the best when you are together.
General Shao [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Shao will lead, guide, and protect. He will make sure you are alright. Make sure that no obstacles stand in your way. He will always make sure you are making the right decisions. He wants what’s best for you. He will protect you with his life. Nobody will dare threaten his queen. Nobody. Shao feels that you are his very weakness. (And to him this man has no weaknesses.) Sometimes he hates it. He hates the way you make him feel.
Shao will make people bow to you. Will make people worship the ground you walk on. He will not stand for anyone to treat you horribly. Unfortunately, the communication in your relationship is undoubtedly horrid. Shao does not know how to speak to you or confess his feelings which leads into fights. At the end of the day, Shao will always make sure you are safe.
Geras [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Geras will show you nothing but kindness and compassion. You are not kind to yourself. He knows this. He will show you how to treat yourself. He will show you what you truly deserve. He will not back down even when it gets hard. He will stand by your side and help you experience the feeling.
It is not just yourself but to other people you have a hard time expressing your compassion to. Not to worry, Geras will help you. He will show you how to be kind, gentle, and caring to others. When you do, it makes you feel better about yourself. Geras will always be there for everything. Even if your communication can be a little off, he will still show you the way.
Johnny Cage [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Johnny’s ultimate goal is to make you laugh. He doesn’t care what the situation is. If you’re upset or if you’re happy as can be. He will always try to make you feel better. He can’t stand when you’re sad. He can’t stand when something bothers you so he likes to take away everything that makes you feel bad about yourself with laughter.
Unfortunately, sometimes Johnny claims you are too serious for him and you claim he is too childish for you. Sometimes the communication isn’t really there but Johnny is willing to put aside all that because he loves you. Johnny loves showering you with gifts and telling you how “hot” you are. You’re perfect to him. His little movie star.
Havik [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Havik’s more chaotic nature ceases when he is with you. It is always an interesting experience being with him but you don’t mind it. He gets to show you his way and you will show him yours. Two different worlds colliding may be overwhelming but Havik will be grateful for the experience.
Havik wants to show you what life is all about. He wants to show you adventure. He wants you to experience his world and his thinking. He wants you to understand him because he feels like nobody really does. As long as you let him, he will love you like he’s never loved anybody before.
Kenshi Takahashi [ INTJ - architect ]
Chemistry : 98%
Relationship Type : Twinflame
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Kenshi will always be there for you no matter what. Kenshi will be the one that will never go away. Even if you are at your lowest. Even when everything feels pointless. Even if you two fight. There is no driving Kenshi away. The two of you will figure it out. He’s determined on that. He will die on the hill every time. The two of you are so similar that you click every time you are around.
Every time he kisses you, it’s like fireworks. You are more to him than a girlfriend. You are his best friend. Someone that is deeply sewed into his soul. He will never run away from the feeling he has when he’s with you. Never will back down. He accepts who you are completely. With all your faults and all your hardships. You are a hard person to love but not to Kenshi. To Kenshi, you are the only one he can love.
Kuai Liang [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Kuai Liang always wants the best for you. He will do anything if it means it is for your best interest. Protecting you is something he does not take lightly. With everything in his being, Kuai Liang will protect you. He will make sure you are fine emotionally and physically.
It will always be you. Nobody else. Some people may find this rather annoying by Kuai Liang but he doesn’t care. Protecting you is all that matters to him. He can’t stand when he sees you upset. He’ll break down with you when he sees this. He’ll always try to comfort you as best as he can.
Kung Lao [ ENFP - campaigner ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Coach
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Kung Lao wants nothing more than to make you feel good about yourself. He knows it’s hard for you. You are not in tune with yourself but he will help with that. Kung Lao makes you feel beautiful every time he’s with you. He makes you feel special. He will make you feel like you are the only one that matters to him. Like you are the only one that is important.
The communication you two have is always filled with passion and great emotion. Kung Lao will never talk bad about you. Even if he is mad at you. He knows you. He knows you cannot handle the harsh words because he knows you believe all the negative things you think of yourself or other people have said about you. He will not stand for it.
Liu Kang [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Liu Kang will try to protect your peace. You are an over thinker and tend to always believe that everything will turn to worse. He’ll always try to take away any stress that is on your shoulders. One thing he does hate is your guy’s communication. Sometimes you are not comfortable with talking about your feelings and Liu Kang absolutely cannot stand it. He understands giving you your space but not speaking to him when you feel down or something is wrong drives him crazy. Liu Kang’s wit always charms you and makes you laugh because he’s not over the top with it.
Liu Kang is always patient with you. Especially with your strong emotions. You are emotionally reactive with everything but it is something he can handle. Sometimes when it become far too much, he’ll hold you in his arms and whisper how much he loves you. He’ll make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world. He truly wants you to feel loved with every fiber in his being. Because you don’t like to talk about your feelings, he is always analyzing your body language and your speech to see if you are alright. If he deems you are not, expect a long talk of how much he loves you.
Raiden [ INFJ - advocate ]
Chemistry : 91%
Relationship Type : Advisor
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Raiden will try and be the man you want him to be. He’ll be the man you always thought of in your head. He’ll make your dream man a reality. Raiden will always try to guide you to the right choices in life. He wants you to succeed. Your communication is always interesting. It is neither bad or good. Your goals are a little ways from each other but Raiden will always support you. No matter what.
When you feel like a mess, Raiden is there whispering in your ear how much he loves you. How important you are. He will make you feel like you are the most important person in the world. He wants you to see yourself how he sees you. He looks to you like you are his prize possession. Like you are his world. There’s no amount of anything that can change the way Raiden feels about you. Nothing in the world.
Rain [ INFP - mediator ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Supporter
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Rain shows you nothing but respect and support. He is your number one support system. In everything, he will help you succeed. Respect is another thing he does not take lightly. You are his goddess, his queen. He will treat you like he needs to worship the ground you walk on.
He’ll always support your ideas and beliefs. Even though most of the time he does not agree with them. In the slightest. He knows that supporting you is more important than him trying to push his ideas and or beliefs onto you. Your needs matter and he understands this. Rain will also allow you to call him by his first name. You are one of the only people to have this privilege so know that Rain means well.
Reiko [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Reiko sees that there is more to life than himself when he is with you. He is a very selfish individual. Not when it comes to you though. He’s learning to put his significant other before him. He has to in order for the relationship to work. Otherwise the relationship is doomed as you can also be quite a selfish individual.
Reiko will try to give you gifts because he is not familiar with any other way of showing his affection. The two of you will have to teach each other how to love one another. It’s a rocky start but Reiko will get the hang of it. The relationship means so much more to him than you could ever realize.
Shang Tsung [ ENTP - debater ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Preceptor
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Shang Tsung will put your needs above all. This is strange for the sorcerer as he is used to being selfish. It is not something he is familiar with but he can’t help himself. The more you’re around him the more he has this sense of urgency to try and give you the world.
Shang Tsung will always make sure you are well taken care of before going off doing his business. One thing about him is you will need to support his plans. Whatever they be, he needs someone by his side. Your goals usually align with each other and are smart. Your conversations are usually filled with great emotion and it’s something he can’t pull away from.
Syzoth [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Syzoth wants you to feel like he is your home. He knows how it feels to be unwanted. He wants to shield you from that feeling. Nothing in the world matters more to him than you feeling safe. He cannot have you feeling down or feeling unsure. You need to be indefinitely secured.
He does not play any games. Syzoth will always try to advise you on what to do but will make it very clear that he is not trying to control the shape of your destiny. Whatever you desire, he is pleased with. He just doesn’t want you to regret anything or live in the past. Syzoth will make sure you feel safe in the beauty that is you.
Tomas [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Tomas will always be there when you break. He will always be there when you cry. He will always be there when you can’t find it in yourself to stand on your two feet. He is the glue to your soul. Tomas believes you are capable of doing anything but he knows that’s just something that’s hard for you to believe.
He’ll try to comfort you. To hold you. To kiss you. Sometimes it may not be something that’s physical that you need. Maybe it’s something that’s mental and Tomas will try his best to help you in that department. Seeing you break makes him break and he cannot live with himself knowing that if he didn’t try to help you, you would get worse.
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if you’re an INTP then your soulmate is ENTJ
That means your perfect match for a soulmate is
Your perfect match for a best friend is
Here are runner ups that you could end up with (romantically)
(in order of best all the way down)
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INTPs are typically non smokers.
INTPs typically use dark humor.
INTPs usually are atheists.
INTPs are usually emotionally reactive people.
INTPs typically don’t consider themselves smart.
INTPs typically wear glasses.
INTPs usually don’t fear death.
INTPs usually watch horror movies.
INTPs typically have low self-worth.
INTPs are usually short tempered.
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We're going into Cove being Warm, Moderate, or Cold again, now for Step 4 Cove! Heads up, because the list this time is going to be the longest one!
Here's a little recap of past posts for anyone who might need it:
Depending on certain choices you make around Cove, the game will give you either cold points, warm points, or none at all. The points themselves are taken into account when the step is over to figure out if your Cove in the following step is warm, moderate, or cold. If you received more cold than warm points, the game won't look at your warm points, and vice versa with having more warm than cold.
A "warm" Cove will be more teasing and generally friendly to others, a moderate Cove will act closest to his Step 1 self, and a "cold" Cove is more quiet and direct. No matter what, his interactions with the MC will be similar, though a warm Cove will crack more jokes with them while a cold Cove will be more clingy. His relationship with others won't necessarily change regardless of being warm/moderate/cold - his specific feelings won't - but how he expresses himself to them may change.
There's actually a variable for "moderate" points in the game's code, but it's not used, thus making a Moderate Cove the default. It's also more difficult to get the more moments you play for that reason, as a Moderate Cove is more of a lacking of warm/cold points than something equal to a Warm or Cold Cove and there are choices in the game where any option you pick will lead to a warm/cold point.
There are certain rules/suggestions for getting a particular Cove, though they're loose. To get a warm Cove, an MC should lean towards messing with or calling him out, prompt him to be more outgoing and include others when possible, and encourage him to do new things/activities. On the reverse, getting a cold Cove will likely involve an MC who's protective of Cove, tries to keep things one-on-one between them, and doesn't push him to speak or go out of his comfort zone. It's not applicable in every situation, as a shy MC could still make Cove warm since he feels the need to defend them whereas an MC that leaves Cove alone completely could still make him cold.
No matter if he's Warm, Moderate, or Cold, Cove will always and continue to be an introverted and sentimental sap who gets easily flustered when it comes to romance.
Cove's appearance has nothing to do with his personality except in cases where a choice might happen to overlap with an appearance change, but it's not likely and mostly coincidental.
And now for the unfortunate letdown. Starting in Step 3, the amount of warm/cold points needed to get the Cove you wanted changed and this broke the Cove Creator, as it still followed the point system from Step 2 Cove. The "in-between" types of Cove (Warm-Moderate, Cold-Moderate, Moderate-Warm, and Moderate-Cold; the latter two were terms I used for an extra check in Step 3 that ultimately doesn't mean anything) also cease to exist, so your Cove will only have the variations of Warm, Moderate, or Cold.
These things (as well as the game favoring cold points over warm in case of a tie) carry over to Step 4 as well, and the point system is still confusingly like this:
0-4 Warm/Cold points - Moderate Cove
5-9 Warm/Cold points - Moderate-Warm (actually just Warm)/Moderate-Cold (actually just Cold) Cove
10-19 Warm/Cold points - Warm-Moderate (actually just Warm)/Cold-Moderate (actually just Cold) Cove
20+ Warm/Cold points - Warm/Cold Cove
The Cove Creator will set your point values to 6 warm points and 6 cold points before you start Step 4 if you hit the middle/Moderate option, meaning it's too much to actually give you a Moderate Cove. You'll instead be told by the narration that your Cove is a "gentle, loyal, and considerate man," which is a Cold Cove (Moderate Cove is polite, engaging, and considerate).
Unlike Step 3 Cove though, it is technically (emphasis on "technically") possible to get a Moderate Step 4 Cove naturally. While in Step 3 there were so many mandatory warm/cold points you couldn't avoid even in the intro and ending alone - yes, even on Indifferent and even if you try to perfectly balance your warm/cold points to make them as low as possible - that you could not conceivably get a Moderate Step 3 Cove, Step 4 has more opportunities to avoid it.
So yes, Moderate Cove is now possible again with a bit of precision, though don't count on it if you don't know what you're looking for.
Speaking of which, while I could normally list out the choices below in all of my other posts without making extra, the actual list of things that lead to either cold or warm points was so long this time around that Tumblr struggled with it, so I'll instead have to link you all to private posts I made that are separated into the intro+ending, the base game moments, and the DLC moments.
Hope it helps~!
Step 3->4 - (Intro) (Ending)
Step 3->4 - Base Game Moments (Hang) (Errands) (Talks) (Charity) (Drive)
Step 3->4 - DLC Moments (Reflection) (Late Shift) (Serendipity) (Boating) (Happiness)
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
Headcanon: Type of Uncle They Are
note: Happy Autism Awareness Month! To anyone who is on the spectrum, I see you. You are valued, you are smart, and you are worthy. Your Autism does not define you. A healthy reminder to those who are not on the spectrum, they call it a spectrum for a reason because it presents differently in everyone.
This is a safe space. 💙
Leo: Third Parent
It's in Leo's nature to be a more authoritative and more strict. Doesn't mean he isn't fun, he just prefers order over chaos. This also applies to any nieces or nephews he may end up with. That being said, even if he's more authoritative and strict, the children trust him wholeheartedly.
If it's his turn to babysit, yes there's a bed time, but there's always a story. He will read or tell any story the kids want to hear and he even does different voices for each character. He also will sit with them until they fall asleep. One has a nightmare? Yes, you can sleep in his bed (just this once....for the 10th time).
Homework is always the first thing done at his place if he's babysitting. The kids don't feel like it? He'll find something to do at the table with them so they feel more motivated to get it done. He's also very patient, so if it's frustrating to the kids, he'll even learn it with them to make them feel better.
He's also the one the kids know they can go to for guidance. He remains unbiased so if one of them needs an honest opinion, he's willing to give it. While emotions aren't necessarily his thing, nothing cheers the kids up more than a hug from their uncle Leo.
Even if the kids trust him wholeheartedly, they don't always like him. They don't like that he gives stricter punishments or is a harder teacher than their actual parents. Don't be fooled by the pressure he gives, the first sight of the children crying and he's off putting on cartoons.
Raph: The Protector
You know those mafia uncles, the ones with the thick accents? That's him. Raph is, by default, the family bodyguard. When he has nieces and nephews, he keeps a very close eye on them. Where they're at, who they're with, and when they're supposed to return. It's not to be controlling, the kids know he means it kindly.
That being said, he's also the most interesting. He's been through a lot, he's got a lot of stories, and he loves to boast. The kids find him cool and are always eager to hear about his life. He also hides hidden messages in his stories about being a good person and watching out for others (mostly because 5 years olds shouldn't be hearing about murder), he has good intentions.
He's also very good at comforting the kids. Usually it's Mikey's job to be the family sounding board, but Raph is a very good listener. The kids know they can vent to him about anything with no judgement. He'll even make them a late night snack if they can't sleep because they're upset.
Babysitting usually consists of him putting the TV on and letting the kids do whatever, within reason, of course. He lets the kids pick what they want to do and is known to join them. He's usually the referee if the kids are wrestling or the supervisor when playing board games. He's a master at uno.
His protectiveness can be overbearing but he backs off if he knows he's in the wrong. The kids know he just wants them safe and they love him for it, but they're comfortable enough to speak their mind. The first sign of danger, Raph's usually one of the first to jump in.
Donnie: Teacher Friend
While he loves to educate and spread his knowledge, Donnie also enjoys bonding. He doesn't impose his knowledge on his nieces and nephews, but he teaches them enough for them to be dangerous. This is also the time he takes to create connections with them without them really knowing. He's very sneaky about what he does.
He's always the one to help with homework but he won't do it for them. Instead, he pays close attention to learning styles and teach accordingly. More patience than Leo ever thought of having when the kids get frustrated. He's always calm and willing to explain a million ways until the kids pick up what he's putting down.
His babysitting is the best (i don't make the rules) because he can multitask like it's no one's business. He can be doing a project, help with homework, and discipline all at the same time. He's also always doing something and if the kids want to help, great! If not, he'll find something he knows they'll like and they'll do it together.
He also just always knows when something isn't right. The kids don't even have to tell him if they're sad or angry, he just knows. He doesn't push but instead, he offers them to come sit while he does work or invites them to join him. He knows they'll open up to him if they want.
Sometimes his knowledge clouds his brain so the kids have to remind him they aren't as smart as him at times. They also have to remind him that they're children and no kid needs to know how to blow up mount everest in one big boom for a 5th grade science fair project.
Mikey: Comforting Therapist
Where the others lack, Mikey brings to the table. He's always been the most emotionally intelligent and level headed of all his brothers in that department. Even with his ADHD, his observance is through the roof when he has nieces and nephews. He takes interest in every aspect he can of their lives. He just likes to be involved and listen to whatever it is they're up to these days.
His babysitting is chaotic but also very practical. He's strict and fun all at the same time. The kids are definitely a wake up call on his maturity. He makes up games for them and does activities with them. He also caters to each of their likes and they all take turns picking the activity or game. It teaches them patience and sharing, as well as having fun, it's a win win!
The kids know education is not his strongest suite by default, however he's always the first to know their grades. He never gets mad if it's not good, instead he assures them it's just a grade and not the end of the world. If the grade is good, then he gets very loud and overly excited over it. He just wants the kids to feel good about themselves.
Speaking of feeling good about themselves, the kids trust only him to help with big events where they need to dress up. He has the best fashion taste and makes sure the clothes are just right and flatter what should be flattered. He's also the kids' number one hype man and if they go clothes shopping, he very much would like a fashion show.
Mikey's ADHD can be overbearing to the kids at times, but they feel comfortable enough to tell him he's pushing boundaries. He always apologizes and listens when this happens. The kids know he means well, but sometimes it does get a bit too overstimulating, so boundaries are pre-established.
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booasaur · 1 year
Can you imagine the horror Cruz felt the past few days, every day, unexpectedly falling deeply in love with this beautiful, lovely and kind woman and then the knowledge that she has to kill her father, actually take the life from someone this kind girl who loves her cares about. And having this conflict, this horror eating at her, corrupting her love for Aaliyah until she couldn't touch her without feeling all the guilt and disgust at herself. Now she also has regret to live with.
Oh, anon, I've been thinking of nothing else!
I was actually afraid after we left Cruz watching Joe's supercut of Amrohi's biggest hits, ep 8 would have her buying into the mission so it'd be more of an action oriented spy thing with Aaliyah only eventually adding a last minute conflict, but that wasn't the case at all! My girl remained cold to it and it stayed only a mission she had to carry out, nothing she believed in.
What's really struck me is that despite Joe and Kaitlyn's years more of experience and close dealings with the politicians and businessmen who showed this was all a game, Cruz saw the truth of the situation more clearly than they ever did, just by listening to Aaliyah. She was able to contrast both versions she was hearing and extract the reality in a way they never could because they never cared about the other side.
Cruz is terrible for undercover work because she treats her target like a human. That's really what it comes down to, right. She saw Aaliyah as a person and valued what she thought and felt and now here we are. And the worst thing for her is that Aaliyah didn't get through to her by being a funny, charming smokeshow (or not JUST that, lol), she was kind and vulnerable. Cruz may be bad at being a spy but she's a great soldier (as we saw in that kitchen, whew) and Aaliyah's exactly the kind of person she wants to protect. Credit to the show for letting us see how agonizing it was for Cruz to go against all her morals and instincts and everything in her to do this mission. The fact that she fell in love, needed and was needed by this one person, the tragedy of it all.
And actually, credit to Laysla De Oliveira as well! I've been praising Stephanie Nur a lot so far and as I mentioned, no shade to Laysla, but Cruz has been quite opaque and hard to read, as intended, I'm sure, she's supposed to be this tough marine AND is playing an undercover role, she mostly just reflected what Aaliyah threw at her. But these last two eps, gosh, she really brought ALL these additional layers. It really sold the romance, like, first, she was NOT faking in those last two eps, but just how guilty and anxious she was, and the anger and self-loathing at the end? Even that moment on the balcony looking out where she was all rueful, it was more subtle but still so expressive:
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Honestly, I've actually really loved Aaliyah's character and was waiting for the finale to see if she lived so I could add her to my fave characters list, because I'm not gonna add a character who's built up just for an extra tragic death, but I've ended up adding BOTH. The strength of character Cruz showed in the end to realize and accept what's she'd done, and the kindness in believing both Aaliyah and even her dad deserved more grace, I found myself genuinely loving her by the end.
I really can't tell if she's going to return, but I hope so, she deserves more closure than that, they both do.
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nahalism · 2 months
when you are groomed by a society that calls leveraging people influence, or power, the commodification of self and other becomes the standard. people know what it is to win or acquire, but forget what it is to grieve. as such, they never learn that it is knowledge of death that teaches them how to live, until it is too late. — if, as implied, a person must die to grow, and do so many times before their physical death, we can perceive man made society for the pose holding contest it actually is. unconcerned with growth, and ever outrunning its own end, those who successfully function within it strive to imitate the curated parameters of personhood before them. aka. they perform their humanity, rather than living it — the mechanism of leverage, influence, and power that society uses to protect and self proliferate, becomes the only tool at its peoples disposal. as such people mirror the machine they operate within, learning to protect themselves, not knowing that without their humanity intact, there is nothing to protect. those who are committed yet unsuccessful, waste their life and waste the fruit that momentary encounters with the chance to change brought them. those who are successful, protect themselves so well they buy into their delusion. unlearning and unchanging, the substance of their life is diluted (legacy), and like all living things, they die. however unlike all living things not all get to truly live. this is what it means to lose.
its easy to blame or be mad at people who move in this way. its natural to be frustrated in the face of someone protecting themselves at the cost of you or others. but love is the only solution because its the only emotion strong enough and true enough to transcend the grasp of the illusion such individuals function under. as such, lovers must always love more. this is not a curse, but a gift, for we get what we give. more people dedicated to love over self gain need to stand in conviction of this and take pride in the purity of the love they give. realise you have been sold a lie. love is not a labour, but an honour to enact. each time you stand firm in your capacity to love, you do more than express your internal affections. you shift reality, and those who function in it, closer to toward fundamental nature. do not succumb to the idea that having the love you give be mistreated, or go unreciprocated, is be a source of embarrassment or a reason to love less. no love is wasted and nothing is given in vain. this is bigger than you, and bigger than the person(s) you may have allowed to misuse your love. take ownership, be self aware, and replace shame with pride. know the great value and rarity of not only what is it you have to give, but your willingness and capacity to actually give it.
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Day 11: Surrogate no warnings. spoilers for Pandaemonium raids. word count 637
Father is a word I would spit out. Father is the moniker for those I’ve known the longest and those I’d kill without hesitation. 
Father, the one that graced me with golden hair and blue eyes, the one that was part of my creation. A man that should have fostered the power I had, rather than leave at the first failure of their true application.
Father, who took me under his wing and did what he couldn’t. A man who graced me with the knowledge of forethought and disconnection from the world, things that were lies when put to the proof.
Father, the one that performed an act of non-manipulative compassion when I was young, a savior when my power first manifested. A man that I yearned and begged for when I knew nothing of the world, and never became my savior again while I became a faded and eventually forgotten memory until we met again years later.
Men that were still there in the back of my mind surrounding a child that wants nothing but their approval. Caged and harbored in the abyss I dare not touch. The abyss where she attempts to free them, or at the very least bring them forth to show me the failures they are. How little they cared. How unworthy they were of my power. 
Things I already know.
Ideas that she attempted to recreate with selective memories while in the domain my mentor was once entrusted to watch over. Laughable really. More so when she’s also attempting to sway the warrior using her need to protect those she cares about with the same exact pathetic facsimiles.
I should tell her as such now that she has me isolated, smiling at me with welcoming arms. “We are the same, you and I,” she says, “I understand you in a way only a mother can. You may not have come from me, but I can be the one thing you never had in your life.”
How bold of an assumption.
How ridiculous of her to think so highly as to become a surrogate mother. If only the daft cunt knew Lahabrea had a type. Saying yes to her was simply admitting my actual mother had any value of claiming such a title. I have nothing in common with this madwoman.
The only person I had anything in common with that I have some care for in this circus of family therapy is the man she is using to keep herself tangible. And he is the only reason I cannot burn our strings of fate to these adults who were supposed to take care of us. These “parents” that used us for their own ambitions. “Parents” that once tried to strip my brother of his humanity had it not been for me, the warrior, and a savior of days long passed intervention in preserving the one person in this family line who’s soul hadn’t turned black. 
Her face falls into neutrality, with only the slight tightening of her jaw. “A change of heart. How disappointing.”
“Ha! There’s no changing of my heart, people more capable than you have tried and failed. I’m just not stupid.” Her eyes narrow as her body readies to strike like the snake she is. “And I’ve had enough of your sad excuses of mind games. So either face me like the woman you claim to be or let your charade of the Emissary lift your wards so I can leave.” She straightens out and looks at him with a single nod. In an instant the air grows lighter and I can let a void appear behind me. “Another confrontation is inevitable, so I hope you bring your all.” I turn on my heel, waving as I step through the door, “But until then Athena, fuck off.”
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
While I agree that liddol Toshi wasn't saying that there was no other role for him in the society, even with your interpretation he still gives himself less value as the others. 'Nothing is expected from me and I have no family, so I can freely go and put my life on the line to protect everyone else'. And it's not just that he was brushing off other people's kindness, it's also the fact that he saw All Might as more needed and important than Yagi Toshinori. He felt useless and helpless once he lost OFA, and had troubles with seeing how he can still be needed and usefull. Horikoshi even brought up the moment Toshi told Izuku that he can't be a hero without a quirk in this fight.
I definitely agree that Toshi felt useless and helpless without OFA. But I’ve come around to the idea that there’s not really a duality between All Might and Toshinori Yagi. OFA or not, they are the same person. It’s what Toshi tells Shoto in Ch. 386 — the body and mind are two halves of a whole. And I think Toshi’s need to feel useful arises from the person he is. It’s not that Toshi values himself “less” as much as his heart beats for others. His soul and his consciousness are at peace when they serve others. It may sound “crazy,” but young Toshi originally intended to become the Symbol of Peace without a quirk. As a teenager, he thought of his quirklessness and orphan status as assets — it meant he had nothing to lose. Why not try to change the world without a quirk? Like Izuku, Toshi just doesn’t care what happens to himself. Toshi is glad to try saving someone with his metal pipe, even if it’s a dumb idea that probably couldn’t succeed (like Izuku charging at the slime villain). Toshi thinks saving is “the coolest thing someone can do,” so he thinks nothing of putting himself in danger. Toshi’s fantasy was never having a quirk or being a superhero; it was stopping the cycle of grief and hatred so everyone could live with a smile.
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Once he had OFA, and became All Might (which was before Nana died, as she calls him by his hero name in All Might Rising), things got muddy. Actually, I dare say it’s Nana’s presence in his life that changed things — she cared about Toshi, and was like a mother to him. That screws up his entire reason for himself being the ideal symbol that had nothing to lose. And then he DID lose Nana, so he doubled down on keeping others at arm’s length. I don’t think it’s possible to separate young Toshi’s understanding of himself as “All Might” from his need to be isolated. He successfully pitched the idea of becoming “All Might” because he was alone, and then his life experiences proved to him that, yes, All Might needed to remain alone. Then, the more successful All Might became, and the more people forgot about the man behind the hero, the more Toshi got lost in All Might.
Over time, Toshi distanced himself from his original idea to be the Symbol without a quirk. He became less “human.” In his 50s, having survived a gruesome injury, he saw that idea as youthful folly. So when Izuku asks in Chapter 1 if he can be a hero without a quirk, well, we get Toshi answering “no.” Just like Nana, Izuku’s young enthusiasm and selfless spirit wins the hero over, but Toshi still thinks Izuku needs a quirk. It’s only after Ch.326 and the Stain pep talk that Toshi understands the real “All Might” was his heart and soul all along, not OFA. Toshi realizes his original teenage ideals were right. It’s why Ch. 398 shows us these 3 panels together:
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Toshinori Yagi cannot live his life in any way except for the sake of others. That means accepting he will put himself in danger in order to save. As he told Nighteye after his initial injury, he won’t stop helping until he’s dead. The difference is that now the risk of his death is far less because he’s accepting his humanity and accepting the help of others. Toshi is understanding that he’s not the only one who lives for others — people are willing to die to save HIM.
That’s why I struggle with the argument that Toshi and Izuku see themselves at this point in the story as having “less worth” than the people they save. We’re now seeing other characters like Stain laying down their lives (or close to it) to save Toshi and Izuku, as well as other heroes, villains, and civilians. The story has been clear that true heroism inherently involves risk, and frequently some kind of sacrifice. The key is knowing the difference between needlessly rushing towards death and living on to save another day. Right now, Toshi has to keep living to distract AFO, as he’s the only one who can. Beyond that, I’d say he has to keep living to see AFO eradicated, and Izuku and 1A rising to take up the mantle of the Symbol along with citizens. Creating a bigger network of hope and light is how Toshi’s fantasy becomes reality.
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sketch-guardian · 2 months
Is it okay to ask if you would ever make a post about your obey me ocs personalities and what they like, they look so cool!!
Hi! I'm sorry for the late reply😖also please don't worry, it's perfectly okay to ask questions and I'm glad that you like my OCs☺that makes me very happy💕especially considering that only a few people are interested in them🙈so feel free to send asks about my OCs, I don't mind and would try to respond as soon as possible✨
In any case, I also read the second ask, so considering that I haven't written anything yet about the personality and likes of my angel OCs, this post will be about them😇I hope that's okay🙈:
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Remiel is an angel of death, and her true form is as the Archangel of Hope. She's the daughter of Death and Azrael, so she is half angel-half nephilim. Remiel always seems somber, gloomy, quiet, but very caring and cautious, especially with the souls she helps reach the afterlife. She has a very soft voice and rarely gets angry, at most she can get disappointed and she's the type to offer second chances, because she believes in redemption if repentance is genuine. Remiel doesn't know human customs well and is rather dense when it comes to feelings or jokes. She's very literal-minded and straightforward, although gentle, so she often needs help to fill her knowledge gaps and satisfy her curiosity. Remiel likes to learn new things, both through books and experiences, the sky, nature and observing the world she isn't used to, since she deals with the dead
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Nathaniel is a quite high rank angel, like a seraph, and embodies the virtue of Patience. He has a rather serious, ethereal and calm aura, it seems like nothing can shake his stoic attitude, however he's chiller than he seems and willing to lend a hand and offer important lessons/advice to those who need it. One of Nathaniel's traits is that he almost never speaks, he expresses himself mostly with gestures or nods, however he's able to communicate eloquently. To compare Nathaniel to a character, he might resemble Kris from Deltarune, although more graceful. Nathaniel appreciates quiet places, helping others, butterflies, comfortable clothes and exploring
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Uriel is a warrior angel and embodies courage and justice, she lives to fight and defend and takes her duty very seriously, she rarely breaks rules and under that armor, there is a soul unsure of her own value. Uriel cares about discipline and is quite serious, stubborn, too proud (tsundere-) to let herself go, even if she can be persuaded. Uriel's a very protective angel and unfortunately she still has prejudices towards demons due to the celestial war, so she needs help to overcome her resentment. Uriel enjoys training with her sword of holy light, feeling useful and appreciated, exercising, and flying. She doesn't have much free time, so she may be pushed to actually find new hobbies
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sonicasura · 3 months
Not sure if the Kaiju number 8 world is escapism for the characters, or me. Probably both. Somehow I always bring KNACK around to sad/weird.
Lucas looks up to Reno, who is older than him but has similar traits. Lucas is too young to join the Defense Force, but in the meantime, he's likely to hang out more and more in that universe and hear the stories. Reno is kind of like an older brother, which is a role Knack can occupy only sometimes.
Once Reno impresses on Lucas how dangerous Kaiju are and why Kafka's secret is so important to keep, poor Kafka feels teamed on when he gets two earfuls about being reckless instead of one.
Knack gets chewed out, too, because Lucas wants to keep him safe. Though Knack may at some point tell him to 'zip it!' When priorities change.
The safety of his friends and family is more important than Knack's own protection. In that respect, him and Kafka's tendencies align.
He burns through Sunstone energy like fire through gasoline, however, those times he gets involved in battle. Kaiju are *nothing* like humans and goblins. I wonder how he might mess with Kaiju sensors, if at all.
Kafka's fatherly tendencies have interesting effects on the KNACK boys. Lucas finally feels listened-to and valued by an adult, and after the boys figure out how Knack's portals work, Lucas feels less and less inclined to return home every visit. Especially after getting into arguments with the Doctor. I think Kafka recognizes this as a problem, but I'm not sure how he approaches it.
The weirder part might be Knack's temperament. Knack's been alive for less than a few years, and I headcanon that this is his only go around with the whole existing thing. So Knack has always been as he is. Kafka has only been half-kaiju for less than a year, but is in his thirties, as we know.
Knack asks Kafka how he handles being different, mistreated for his looks even though he's human. Knack probably made an assumption that Kafka has had his kaiju powers for longer than he really did. Lucas points out that Knack seemingly implied that Knack is human when he isn't. And Knack shuts down after that, only giving one-word answers or silence for the rest of the talk. That's why it's kinda weird and I'm not sure how to explain Knack's feelings. He likes how he is and the way he looks, so he's not ashamed of himself in that way. But he called himself human for some reason.
This just makes me think back to Knack 1 where the Doctor says that Charlotte was his better half alongside Lucas genuinely being an orphan(lost his mother and no father in the picture). He genuinely cares for the two but sometimes his interests get the better of him. I think that's why Knack alongside Lucas have been exploring on their own while Doctor and Charlotte were at the Monk Temple in Knack 2.
A massive argument which makes the older man realize both his assistants need time to grow as their own individuals while he needs to reflect on himself. They do separate on better terms though when Lucas' group ends up seeking the Doctor for help in Knack 2. Both our younger heroes definitely flourished during their personal journey.
It also makes senses why Lucas ends up losing it later on in Knack 2, he doesn't want to be pushed to the wayside and ignored again especially for his blocky brother figure. An irrational fear as Knack would never dare replace Lucas something reaffirmed once the two are stranded on that island together.
Reno and Kafka sorta just speed up the process of the eventual separation. Both give the younger boys that needed reassurance but also validation. Kafka and Knack cope with not being human alongside learning about themselves better. Lucas gets to really show off his ideas but actually feels seen due to Reno than just our favorite himbo. Both people allow our boys to truly grow into their own individuals.
You can say exploring the world of Kaiju No. 8 is like finally being able to leave the nest in my opinion.
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onceuponaneverafter · 8 months
It's hard to get through Ouabh series when Jacks is focused on another girl. And the whole series is kinda about that. Also In Caraval, Jacks seems more caring and affectionate towards Tella than Evangeline. He's rude to Evangeline and yeah he may protect her but doesn’t he protect her because he needs her as a key to go back to Tella. And With the ending of Tbona, using the stones to save Evangeline, wasn't he already going to rewrite history by going back to Tella? I see people say that he went back in time to save Evangeline knowing the consequences but wasn’t he already going to do that for Tella?
hi anon! thank you for sending your thoughts! you make good points, and i agree, it does get frustrating to read about how focused he is on tella.
i personally look at his actions through the lens of his story, his feelings, and his beliefs - it isn’t a flawless perspective to the story and i’m not saying he’s always in the right, he certainly does make flawed decisions and downright terrible ones too, but i’ve found it interesting to try to understand what’s going on in his head even if it makes him do stupid things and clouds his reason.
basically since he kissed tella and she didn’t die, he’s been convinced that she’s the only chance he will ever have at love - he doesn’t genuinely love her at any point, but for the entirety of the series (except for the very very end) he thinks he could only ever be a danger to any other girl and it would be better to stay away from anyone else for their safety, no matter what. thanks to his curse, tella becomes his obsession.
after tella makes it clear she wants nothing to do with him (which she has every right to do), he believes he will never have another chance at love and is ready to go to unreasonable lengths - going back in time - to get one. i think that once he grows to care about evangeline, he still isn’t particularly nice to her and wants to only care about her as a key because he thinks that if he actually let her close, he would just be a danger to her, and he thinks she’s better off not knowing him, and he thinks he’s better off trying again with the one girl who didn’t die.
you make a good point of jacks being willing to go back in time for tella no matter the consequences! i think the difference is that he’d be originally going back in time for the idea of love instead of tella herself, to get something he wants instead of for her happiness, but he’s grown to value evangeline over all of his previous plans and something he desperately wants. this is why people (including me) talk about it! him having grown to really care for evangeline and put her first is highlighted a lot in ACFTL (though he doesn’t always go about it in the best way there, still making some stupid decisions, but that’s another conversation for another day haha).
sorry the post ended up so long! this is just my thoughts on the topic and some thoughts on why the fandom talks about him as we do - his thought process doesn’t necessarily justify how he acts sometimes, but this way it makes more sense to me, making the story about him growing to genuinely care for someone else and realizing the difference between obsession and love.
thank you again for your thoughts, i hope you have a good day! 💗
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
I gotta be honest, I haven't played Ishin yet but I've seen some things about it and I'm absolutely in LOVE with the whole concept.
So! Since most of the asks are about the modern day characters, would you be willing to make some general dating headcanons for the Ishin babes? <3
OMG HI yes sorry this took so long, I am finally back in town so posting is resuming as normal. If you get a chance to play Ishin, I would recommend it! I had a lot of fun. I'll be covering my typical boys for this one but if there are other Ishin characters you'd like to see, just shoot me another ask. Anyways, thanks again for your patience and headcanons are below da cut!
MINOR SPOILERS, mostly for alternate names used in Ishin. I'll note which character is which so those who haven't played Ishin can still read this.
Sakamoto Ryoma (Kazuma Kiryu)
Ryoma grew up extremely poor so don't expect particularly lavish dates. It's also very typical of him to value quality time with you over anything else. His dating go-to is getting something to eat with you. He relishes enjoying a good meal with someone he cares about.
The most protective boy. Would shield you from any and everything and is extremely stoic. Not much of a conversationalist but a great listener. Wants nothing more than to be able to provide for a spouse and have his own family someday.
If the relationship is particularly serious, he would eventually ask you to move into his house with Haruka. Should you accept, you'd end up living a very comfortable life. Ryoma would have you taste test everything he makes.
Okada Izo (Nishikiyama Akira)
His menacing demeanor means he doesn't have a lot of close friends, let alone lovers, so it actually softens him a lot to have a romantic partner. He's much more chivalrous in your presence and tries to avoid engaging in any type of business-related if he knows he's going to spend time with you. Very much a home-life and work-life are separated type of man.
Surprisingly fashion conscious despite the era. Would love to pick out some matching yukatas for the two of you or gift you a luxurious kimono.
Okada can be a little clingy, almost obsessive. He doesn't have a whole lot and lives pretty plainly, with the exception of his clothes, so he places a lot of value on your relationship. Tries to hide his clinginess but is very bad at masking it.
Niibori Matsusuke (Akiyama Shun)
It takes a while to get to know him but he's actually a warm and generous person. He tends to be extremely secretive so if you're in a romantic relationship with him, he must trust you a LOT.
Spends most of his time at work or at home, so he doesn't go out for dates much. Most likely to take you out for drinks than anything. It's not that he's lazy necessarily, he's just usually too exhausted to do much else. Would rather you just come over and hang out, although many others consider that a little taboo for the time period.
Expect some pushback from Ikumatsu, as she's known Niibori for a long time and has her own personal feelings and attachments to the man. You may find it difficult to actively pursue a relationship with Niibori because of how busy he is and because of Ikumatsu. However, if you're as go-with-the-flow as Niibori is, things will work out just fine.
Saigo Kichinosuke (Ryuji Goda)
As a military commander, he holds a lot of power and is not afraid to show it. He's the most likely to lavish you with gifts or expensive meals. Loves dogs, so hopefully you do too as he does own one.
One of the most appealing things to him when looking for a romantic partner is someone who is not intimidated by his appearance or interested solely in his power or wealth. He's actually very down to earth on the inside and quite smart, so don't try to fool him.
Would take care of your every need and whim. He tries to keep you isolated from all his work as he doesn't want the bustle of it to put any strain on you. However, he's pretty liberal for his time and wouldn't tell you no if you expressed interest in helping or participating in his business.
Hijikata Toshizo (Mine Yoshitaka)
As the second highest ranking member of the Shinsengumi, he is a VERY busy man. He is calculating and objective, rarely showing emotion, so most people won't believe he is even capable of romance. However, in total privacy with you, he's actually extremely caring and doting.
Type of guy to give you a kiss and leave out some tea for you before he goes out to take care of business. Comes home very late at night and just wants to rest his head in your lap while listening to you talk about your day as he falls asleep.
Shockingly domestic and likes to keep a clean household. Good at decorating and will ask for your opinions on things, like what wood looks best for a new desk or what color fabric looks best for a new pillow, things like that.
Nagakura Shinpachi (Saejima Taiga)
Easily the most approachable of all the boys. He's always virtuous, kind, and fair and that carries over into his relationships. Will always look out for you, make sure you're doing well, and the like. Despite being quite busy working with the Shinsengumi, he will go out of his way to try to see you once a day, even if only briefly.
Loves things like festivals and holidays and will always ask you rather shyly if you'd like to go to a festival with him. Even if you have been in a long term relationship with him, he likes the formality of asking you on a date.
Gets super excited to go on walks with you, as he finds it relaxing and he loves the way the town looks at sunset, with the lanterns slowly coming to light. The type of guy to walk around with his arm gently around your shoulder or to carry and umbrella over you when it rains.
Okita Soji (Majima Goro)
As the wild card of the Shinsengumi, he's really not predictable when it comes to love. He can be very closed off at first, although really he craves affection more than anyone. He's very nontraditional in general, which can actually be of great benefit if you're a spontaneous person. Loves to surprise you with dates and gifts and is known to pop by your place just to say hi briefly while he's out on his patrols.
Would totally sneak you into the barracks on nights when he's busy so he can cuddle with or get frisky with you. He doesn't care if people find out or start rumors, as he would always value his romantic life over his work life.
Likes to go singing or dancing on his days off and will totally invite you. If that's not your thing though, he'd like to just sit on one of the docks or bridges and share some food with you, all while swinging his legs back in forth over the water.
Tokugawa Yoshinobu (Daigo Dojima)
As the last shogun, he's very stressed and preoccupied with work. His family has likely tried at some point to arrange romantic relationships with him so choosing a romantic partner is actually very important to him as it's one of the few choices he's made in his life solely for himself and not for the country. If he's picked you as a romantic partner, you are very special to him indeed.
Very courageous and would defend you with his life. Whether it's an actual physical threat or just some gossip from politicians about him choosing you, he will always put you on a pedestal. The only thing he values more than his country is you.
What he needs most is a person to support him. You don't have to politically skilled, he just needs someone in his corner. He's good at standing strong on his own but behind closed doors he's quite drained from his job so be sure to give him a good hug or wash his back for him every now and then.
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houseoffourcats · 1 year
What Do You Need to Know Right Now? Pick a Pile & Find Out!
22 July 2023
CW: Illustrated nudity
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If you like this reading, please leave feedback! Also, if you’d like your own personalized reading, check out my Etsy page. Thanks for your support!
Pile One:
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The Chariot - II of Cups (Reversed) - VII of Wands (Reversed)
This reading went in an unexpected direction, with the powerful indication of movement toward victory depicted in the Chariot paired with two Minor Arcana cards that seem to contradict its positive connotations. With both Minor Arcana cards reversed, though, it seems to me that they’re linked in such a way that their upright meanings should also be considered.
The Chariot indicates that you will be finding a strong sense of purpose (if you haven’t already), and will be going at full speed toward this goal. It’ll be at a pace that works for you, though; not careless, but focused and exhilarating. There’s a problem, though: in the way of your charge forward will be one of your closest relationships. This is someone you’ve been inseparable from for a long time, with whom you’re on the same wavelength. Maybe it’s that you will have been neglecting a friendship in favor of pursuing a romantic partner, or putting aside a relationship in favor of working all the time toward a work-related or creative goal. If your focus were to be directed toward a cause, it may be something that alienates the other person, making them feel like they don’t even know you anymore.
The presence of the reversed VII of Wands next to the reversed II of Cups strongly suggests that you will need to step back from pursuing your goal to protect this relationship. You’ll have to back down on something important in this. Either way it will leave a bad taste in your mouth, but you’ll regret losing the close connection you have more in the end. If nothing else, when you do inevitably encounter a major hurdle in reaching whatever you’re trying to accomplish, you don’t want to be alone in facing it. This could very well be a “lose the battle to win the war” type situation, where backing down on some part of your goal or the specific plan to reach it will allow you to take some time to repair the relationship while finding another way forward. If the other person doesn’t like a potential partner of yours or strongly object on a political issue, you may have to agree to disagree and put that particular topic to the side for at least a while. In any case, make time for them, and let them take the lead for a while in deciding what to do and talk about so they know how much you value them.
Pile Two:
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Knight of Cups - The Emperor - VIII of Swords
This reading reminds me of nothing so much as a classic fairy tale narrative - the knight in shining armor gets handed a quest by the king (or in this case the Emperor) to rescue a damsel in distress. This adventure-based reading is backed up by the fact that both Knights and VIII’s are cards of action. But it can’t be that simple, right? After all, the Emperor is both literally and figuratively (as a Major Arcana card) the central figure here. Still, court cards generally influence, rather than be influenced by, the cards around them.
In any case, you’re the Knight of Cups here, the main character of this particular adventure. You’re kind and idealistic, and likely have been waiting for a “quest” in life for a long time. That being said, you can be a bit flighty, and haven’t faced and overcome the sort of challenges that you’ll meet along the way yet. The Emperor, therefore, is not just there to give you a sense of purpose in this case, but help you fulfill it. He represents discipline - firm but not harsh. Whether he’s an actual person who inspires you to take action or a discipline in and of himself (such as a course of study), he’ll help you develop the perseverance you’ll need when things get tough. In particular, he’ll help you learn to use your head as well as your heart in the face of difficulty - you’ll need it!
The “damsel” is probably not an actual, single person. Likely it will be a group of people (or animals) that you want to fight for in one way or another who are trapped in overwhelmingly terrible situations. Maybe working on behalf of survivors of domestic violence, for instance, or becoming a cancer researcher to develop better treatments. However, you’ll find that the situation is more complicated than you thought; it’s a multifaceted issue that will require many different, careful, and informed approaches. There will be elements of it that even your preparation with the Emperor won’t have touched on. Figuring it out will allow you to better help more people, though, and maybe teach others to do the same. You might not be able to save or protect everyone, but every single person matters, and your efforts will matter greatly to them.
Pile Three:
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X of Cups - IX of Swords - The Star (Reversed)
Oof, this one is pretty rough-looking one, save for the X of Cups there at the beginning. The contrast between the X of Cups and the IX of Swords suggests a conflict between your actual situation and your framework for understanding it. The reversed Star as I see it here is more of an explanation than anything, which can be used to better understand and shift that framework.
The good news is that everything’s going to work out for you! You have great friends and family - birth and found - who make you feel loved and seen. Your work and hobbies will inspire and fulfill you. You’ve come through a lot, but it’s all worked out. Except, it seems too good to be true. When you’re on your own and not doing anything to keep your mind occupied, you start thinking about how easy it would be for all of it to fall apart. Maybe you’ve had nightmares or even flashbacks about what came before and how it could happen again. Whatever it was, it was incredibly traumatic, and it shattered your trust in the world. You want to move on, but you don’t know how without letting your guard down… and that, you figure, is when the shoe will finally drop.
The framework you developed in response is there to protect you from ending up in the same situation you were in, or help you brace from the full effects of doing so. You can’t really think your way out of this, or just decide to believe something different when it flies in the face of your experience. Having faith and letting things go are made to sound much easier than they are. You may want to seek outside help. I can’t give medical advice, but I would strongly suggest doing some research on some of the newer interventions for trauma survivors. If an approach shames you, though, or doesn’t work for you, don’t try to force yourself to fit into that framework. In any case, it’s okay to take time to recover, and the people around you will stay by your side to support you.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! If so, please reblog or comment with feedback, and check out my Etsy page for personalized readings. Thank you!
Oh, and here’s a picture of Sam doing a blep:
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femmesandhoney · 7 months
How trustworthy are women with male bestfriends? I recently became friends with one but she wants the guy around everytime and it's becoming super annoying.
firstly, you just basically asked me "how trustworthy are women" the modifier doesn't really matter, do you like the woman, is she nice, is she someone you want to be friends with? what does her best friend matter in this equation for that particular point. you can just ask her to hang out without her best friend. one of my best friends growing up had a male best friend and the only time it was obnoxious in the way you might be seeing is she had a crush on him lmao. so i wouldn't necessarily dock her if that's the case, maybe just ask her if that's why she keeps wanting to always invite him to your hangouts, crushes can fade away. or if anything, if you're both really new to the other, she may just want her friend around for comfort reasons if she has anxiety or something? like i can think of those two main reasons she might want him around, but again i don't think it's a fair question to ask if she's trustworthy because of having a friend. not all women are like radfems in that we often prioritize our female friendships, many of our female friends might have male friends, and that's okay, that's not necessarily a flaw of the average woman even if as a radfem or rad-aligned woman you try to curate your life to your feminist values. i would argue you're still gonna get more out of befriending women with male friends than letting them fizzle out bc you'd be in a position to aid your friend no matter what. i don't care who my friends are friends with as long as they're not harming my friend in some way that needs to be addressed.
if we all stopped trying to be friends with women around us just because they happen to have male friends, well that would be a very difficult position to take lmao. like i do not go around berating my friend's boyfriend just because i think men as a class are harmful, that would push her away from me and would not actually benefit me or her for me to strain our friendship off of really nothing that is my business at the end of the day, especially as i've seen no reason to advise her. that's really my general outlook on discussing men with the women around me if they're not radfems: i look out for anything troubling, make sure they know i'm always a support for them, and make sure they're aware of ways to protect themselves in their relationships (romantic or platonic) with men. that's really what you should be doing for your friends in general anyways, but i think it bears reminding not all women are gonna be receptive to hardcore radfem talk and that's alright there's a million other ways to uphold your personal feminist values in your friendships and relationships with the women around you. female community and friendship will always be more important than anything else in my opinion.
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sapionic · 1 year
Capricorns are so Aquarius ♒
So, I did a reading for Capricorn and Aquarius and Saturn both came out which I love because in derivative astrology, Capricorns place value in Aquarian things. We know that Aquarius is independence and freedom with minimal limitations. If you're curious to the message I got:
📰Capricorns are on a mission to have freedom in an aspect of their life, but they are facing some challenges with certain goals. They're not as free as they truly want to be or things just aren't going according to their plan, but they are protected. If you guys are facing any irritation behind things not going as fast or exact as you want, know it's for your own good and that it's better late than never. There's always something explanatory when everything does fall into place.
I have personally met many Capricorn individuals who are so fun and their spirit is so free although they are the sign of work and business when it comes to stereotyping. They're actually very easy going unless there's more earth or Capricorn placements to harden then, but I've had the blessings of meeting multiple Capricorn placements and the patterns as well.
Capricorn moons seems to be the most intimidating Capricorn placement to be honest or maybe that's my water ♋ ♓ talking 🤷🏾‍♀️
Capricorn suns are fun and exciting. I used to be friends with a Capricorn sun Aries moon and she is a jolly person overall. Always a sisterly remembrance when we run into each other.
Capricorn Mars: Mind you, I'm Taurus Mars. My most notable Capricorn Mars experience was in the bedroom with my first love. The hours behind that "deed" is nonstop. I love that for us. I could use that as a workout regimen 😅😁 But seriously, aside from that, Capricorn Mars are just naturally tenacious and focused. They know how to put themselves aside when needed. It's beautiful, actually. They will place importance on practical proof 🧾. Their work ethic is impeccable and they know how to focus solely on their task at hand. Nothing have to matter while they are focusing on what's important.
Capricorn Rising happens to be the placement of my child's Father and I seen people talk about possible balding and certain things with this placement. It's true. They are very initiating for sure. They have a direct approach when they have their decision made. It's notable, but it may change because that's the initial approach, but with a Cancer 7th house, things will definitely feel different for them eventually. They can learn to make less mistakes by using logic from the get go and thinking long-term as in how something will impact them in the long haul. They should go after things that is aligned with their genuine goals.
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fourtyfourcatss · 11 months
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୨⎯ "for @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms " ⎯୧
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ PAUL VERLAINE !
❆ i am not sure whether or not you have read the novels, but i think paul verlaine is the perfect bsd matchup for you in many ways, the way your traits and values mash with one another, the lessons you could learn from one another, etc. in all honesty, i do not enjoy mbtis, but from how you have describe yourself, i can tell you are someone who can benefit from his practicality and logic, since it is so ingrained within his being to an almost inspiring level. the two of you can balance each other out greatly!
❆ now here’s the thing: he might actually be a little bit of a turn off for you at first. not only is he an assassin, he’s a deeply troubled individual who takes to his trusted people as support, heavily leaning on them emotionally (but subtly). i see the two of you meeting in some sort of garden, perhaps near your university, that he stumbled upon by accident. your friends perhaps, invited you out and ended up getting drinks, and you needed some time to yourself. cue the man himself entering. the atmosphere is languid and comfortable, enough that it cites him to make a remark, and you to follow along. many of these meetings occur, and develop. he’s a gentleman too, so count on him on treating you right!
❆ as for your hobbies, he would love to be able to talk with you about what you have read or read your writing! you can trust him for his honest opinion!
❆ he deeply appreciates your consideration for others, and i think he’s just the tad bit scared of what you’d think about him, since he has such a past and such a mindset. the guy doesnt even think of himself as a human being and started spiraling after that incident, and he finds it refreshing having you as a listener. i think you’ll make him start actually feeling better about himself and aid him in starting to curb those horrid thoughts he has had. he would most definitely get to know you at your most vulnerable and still embrace everything you have shown him. someone like him has a deeper appreciation and perspective to flaws, and he can really make you feel more secure about them. you do say you have high self worth though, but he is a very worried individual! but he gets it with time, and finds your jokes funny. he would most definitely admire your diligence and discipline, and being an observant person, would see the small signs of your overworking and stop you. not only that, you seem like a very indulgent person, so he’ll definitely be taking advantage of this to get a bit spoiled by you in some way (and then feeling a bit guilty afterwards).
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ ARTEM WING !
❆ a man who’s honest… caring, treats you like you deserve from the beginning… thats artem right there 💯
❆ the two of you are super cute together! artem is very awkward with his feelings, and you being an introvert means that he usually approaches you first, and then you attempt to make conversation with him too, and then he just freezes up. i think he’s the type to be very deeply in adoration of all your features and characteristics, especially your upright morals and values! but, he really doesn’t like how others sometimes would step out of boundaries and make you uncomfortable. he’s gonna be a bit protective of you, but nothing that’s very extreme or bad! and your organization is a boon for him, since being with someone who’s clumsy like himself would make it more burdensome than anything.
❆ absolutely indulges with you in your hobbies, even if he isnt a big fan of video games, but he still plays them if it is multiplayer! he probably practices in secret in order to get better but you didnt hear this from me. artem definitely is interested in the anime and other films you may watch, and will get very excited when you watch the war and art films he likes!
❆ i think he’d really like cuddling up with you! many date nights are half torn between casual like going to your place or his, or very fancy dinners. let this man spoil you‼️
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ LING YAO !
❆ finally… the resident funnyman is here! (most fma characters are pretty funny though but you get what i mean!) he will your days filled with laughter and happiness! i think he’d take a lot of inspiration and motivation from how you are as a person— especially your ambition! you are someone he can always rest with in times of turmoil and trust their words. the palace is filled with those of unorthodox and vile characters, and your judgement and advice is something he is counting on! your values align superbly with his too!
❆ you definitely attracted him with your pokerface and your sense of humor! not only that, placing him in modern times, he would enjoy all of your hobbies; even writing with you! if we go by actual historical accuracy like how arakawa intended, chinese gentlemen, especially of someone of ling’s standing, is expected to be able to write poems, play instruments, in short terms. he’s definitely able to play music for you to set some background music for your writings, and he’ll definitely be curious about your writings! he definitely gives some very good insight onto your works
❆ well read, harmonious, organized, can take care of yourself and others, having filial piety….this is good makings for an empress, no? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he’s definitely roping you back to his country after you’ve finished all your businesses here. maybe your family members too. lavish gifts and a heavy dowry will be given! you seem like the type to not be easily impressed, and he will spend days thinking of ways to impress and have your favor on his side! this is the most wholesome matchup here, you two would be so cute together :D
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[a/n] enjoy my cooking!! i hope my assumptions about you based on your ask were all correct, and that you like your matchups! if you want, i can definitely state out runner ups. for bsd, i also considered ranpo for you. for tears of themis, it was marius, and for fma, i actually didnt have anyone else. hope you enjoyed!!
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I based him off ORAS persona not RSE Maxie for those with preference!
someone request Maxie with a grunt s/o which I'll do eventually, but I misread it (sorry about that) and wrote all of this and went "well, might as not let this go to waste"
☀️Magma Leader Maxie General Romance HCs🌋
🪨 He's distant. He doesn't mean to, but he struggles at times. His mind wants to solely focus on his goals and research, so he often finds himself busy with plans and leading an entire organisation. It's obvious when he's aware that he's given you none of his time. Suddenly, you're in his office with a Numel curled up in your lap, chatting with the Magma Leader about various things. Tabitha likely reminded, admittedly, but he still acted accordingly nonetheless.
🪨 PDA is something he struggled with. His standoffish demeanour and need to seem respectable keep him from doing little more than a secretive hand-hold. The small affections comfort him more than you'll ever know. If you're more affectionate than him, you get to give a hug and kiss when you greet him. He becomes deeply flustered by this and doesn't reciprocate. (Don't be fooled. He liked it.)
🪨 In private, he's a lot more lenient. He's a cuddly guy, as his main hobby is stealing body heat. (He definitely screams blanket hog in bed.) You'll find him leaning on you quite often. In a more daring mood, you may even find him with an arm around you. You'll get a polite kiss, but nothing more. If you want to cover him in them, however, he'll secretly adore it. Maxie is just odd about intimacy. Clearly craves it, yet no idea how to initiate it. Help him, please.
🪨 Maxie varies on a Jealousy scale. With Courtney and Tabitha, he's calm and full accepting. They're his trusted admins and friends, they'll never do anything with you. With, say, Archie, he's suddenly wedging himself between you both and clearly not happy with the interaction. He overall leans more neutral, but has his moments in certain situations. He's definitely been a bit upset when he felt a Kalosian was being too affectionate. He's mostly going to complain aloud about the other person needing to learn manners. You find it just a bit funny to see his composure break about it.
🪨 He does want you to support him in his endeavours of awakening Groudon. You must understand that he's doing this for the good of humanity. The redhead is completely driven by this goal, so its quite an inevitability that it gets brought up. Should you disagree, he will try to convince you of his side. He's a bit callous and demanding, with a bit of mania. Your rejection of it stings, especially so since he values your opinions above others. If you agree, he will try to convince you to join his team. Though, he does accept is you truly don't want to.
🪨 When his plans fail, he needs much support. It haunts him terribly that not only was Archie right, but also that he almost destroyed his beloved Hoenn and the entire world with his foolishness. He takes to trying to properly help Hoenn, since Steven inexplicably got him out of any actual charges. You should just remind him that he was thankfully stopped before causing any true harm, and now he has grown as a person. He thinks on this for a while. It's a group effort between you, the Magma Admins, and most of Team Magma to reassure the man. The false confidence suddenly being gone is admittedly a bit disturbing.
🪨 If you're a trainer, he's mildly interested in seeing what you battle. It's not necessarily his forte, but he can recognise skill and talent. He may even ask you to help him become better at battling. Maxie is relatively decent in his own, but other input certainly helps. If you aren't, he still prefers you have a pokemon (Numel) for protection. Who knows what those Aqua brutes will do to you if they catch you alone. That's why you should at least have a pokemon to defend yourself.
🪨 His idea of dates are a bit strange. He'll do normal things like dinner or walking somewhere scenic (so long as it doesn't involve a large body of water). These are always pleasant and sweet, but other times his idea of a date is walking through Mt. Chimney examining rock structures or staring at the lava pool within the volcano. He's so deeply fascinated with it all that you just let him have it. (He seems like the type to enjoy a geode as a gift.) He also tends to watch all the Numels you pass with intrigue.
🪨 In case it isn't obvious, he's quite a big fan of Numel and Camerupt. They're the main star of his team and his megaevolution partner. Receiving one as a gift from him means completely trust. If you're a Numel breeder… he may propose to you after a single date. Your power is something he nearly respects as much as Groudon's own.
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