#is there a tag just for Camila and Raine??
clown-milf · 1 year
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They’re all dating because I said so
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cobalt-canary · 2 years
Attention The Owl House Fandom:
We need to start pushing for a full physical release of the Owl House ASAP
Remember last year when multiple shows like Infinity Train got deleted with little warning?
Honestly, I'm concerned something like that could happen to The Owl House once the series is over. Obviously this isn't confirmation of any kind they will do something like that. But I think as a fandom we can all agree that Disney will try to screw this show over in anyway possible and we should try to get some kind of insurance like a physical copy so even if they do delete it off of Disney Plus in the future we will still have access to this amazing show we all love.
Please try to spread the word of this and get as many people as you can to start asking Disney for some kind of physical release. We need to be loud about this now before the show ends.
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i think its fun to think about different groups teaming up in the BI as the Collector is tearing it tf up! also gustholomule reunion, i am manifesting it for ep 2. pls just a snippet dana pls. also the last pic have the most handsome raine and darius drawing i've ever done in my LIFE. as always, captions below, sorry for my handwriting etc. etc. <3
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(Directed towards Eda and Raine) *Argument about wanting to keep each other safe* (Pointing to Lilith, and Darius & Hooty) ↓ Stuck in the same cave ↓ Hooty: *Sob* --- Perry: Ugh. Alador: Did you have to let Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb in with us? --- Collector: Hey. Uh. You Good? King: We should go... (↓ Belos returning to goop...) --- Collector: You seeing this King? They're all like little ants! King: Yeah... ants... --- Page 2
Matt: AUGUSTUS!! YOU'RE ALIVE!! Gus: Matt? Matt: YOU ARE IN SO MUCH FUCKING TROUBLE. I'D CLOBBER YOU IF I WASN'T SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU ALIVE!! Gus: O-OKAY?! Gus: It's so nice to see you too, Matty! Steve: We were looking for you for months! Matt: Actually, fuck you. Go back to wherever you fucked off to, Porter. Gus: Missed me that much? Dude. --- Page 3
Steve: Hi boss! Alador: Deamonne. Perry: THE OWL LADY?!
Hooty: Looks like the gangs back together! ♡ Harvey: Boss? Gilbert: Uh, has anyone seen our kids? Darius: Blight! Raine: EDA! Eda: LITTLE PERRY PORTER! IS THAT YOU? Lilith: Hi Steve! --- Vee: Miss Eda? Camila: ¡Ay, cálmate Rey! ¡No quiero dejarte a caer! King: Ha ha okay Camila! Luz: You know you guys look alike! Raine: Ha Ha Ha Hunter: Ugh. Let's just go!
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devastator1775 · 1 year
Some "Watching and Dreaming" Epilogue details I want to point out.
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Luz and Vee graduation: I'm so happy to see that Vee got officially adopted by the Noceda family.
Bi Heart Flag!
Luz got a writing scholarship. Look closely! Signed by Dana Terrace!
Barista feeding Hooty - probably ending up with major injuries.
Noceda family Zoo trip - WITH THE GIRAFFES! Plus: Vee close-up.
Eda giving Camila Apples Blood.
King and Eda playing catch + Hooty is there too.
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Hexsquad going to Prom! Or is it Grom? Anyway, LOOK AT VEE IN HER DRESS! SHE LOOKS SO CUTE!
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L+A in a heart carved in the desk!
Luz's acception letter
List of things Luz needs to buy + her dorm room number and move-in date.
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STRING BEAN CORNER: The little snake shifter got her own little nest!
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There's my girl! Timeskip Vee looks so good. Longer hair, piercings, that shirt!
Picture of Vee and Luz playing baseball (or something, I'm not good with American sports) (Edit: I have seen posts that say it could be Masha. It's too tiny to tell...)
Halloween String Bean!
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Flapjack. Thank you for finding me. -Hunter (Just make me cry already, Dana!)
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Note to self: write to flora to show off. :3
Hooty is the curator! (I think he wrote that himself...)
Something with Disco.
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Some pictures of Luz and King, and one of Raine
Some Basiliks! Just chilling, playing music. You think Vee has something to do with that?
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I just wanna point out Vee again! She looks so cute! I love how she keeps the piercings! And as I'm writing this, I've noticed that the tag on her tail is gone!
Garderer Bump!
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1 - 2 - 3 - BYEEEEE!
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chopper-base · 2 years
Get To Know Me
I was tagged by @shadestepping a bit ago but my dumbass forgot. Anyway, I'm here now😅😂
Rules:  Tag (10) people who you want to get to know better.
Relationship Status: Extremely fuckin single
Favorite Color: Crimson Red
Three Favorite Foods: Alfredo pasta, Pork chops & gravy, and Mac'n'cheese
Song Stuck in my Head: Shameless by Camila Cabello (blame tik tok)
Last Thing I Googled: "Frame Sliders"
Last Song I Listened To: Six Pills by Rosendale
Dream trip: I honestly just wanna travel overseas. Haven't gotten the chance so I've never even been out of the US. (And it fuckin sucks here)
Time: 21:23
Anything I Really Want Right Now: Cuddles and an 8 month nap
If you're tagged, I wanna get to know you better but I'm scared to reach out first so I just suffer in silence-
@writercels @rain-on-kamino @metalhusbands @amyroswell @zoeykallus @kaminocasey @soliloquy-of-nemo @maulslittlemeowmeow @madameminor
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ashcal99 · 1 year
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Collarbones : Jasper Whitlock Hale I
Chapter One
"I can see your collarbones and baby I'm scared, Never thought I'd be so unprepared"
Summary: Camila Johnson was only 16 when she was diagnosed with leukemia. By the time she had turned 17, the doctors had tried everything to save her. Her family is close to giving up hope when they hear of a doctor who may be able to help her. The only problem is, he lives on the opposite side of the country. The small family soon decides to move to the small town in Washington, in efforts to prolong her life. In doing so, her life changes forever.
Warnings: Eventual smut (18+ only), mentions of death, depression, descriptions of disease and weight loss, general angst, slow burn
Words: 5.1k
A/N: Please lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list, thx x
Previous Chapter
Series Masterlist
January 23rd, 2005
The cab of the minivan jostled as it drove over the speed bump, entering the small parking lot of Forks High School. Camila, of course, didn’t have her own car, and even if she did, she doubted that her mother would allow her drive herself to school. Simple things like this, that she had not so long ago enjoyed so much, were no longer possible for her frail body. So there she sat, being driven to school by her mother. As if being a new student in the middle of the year didn’t already attract enough attention as it was. Either way, she knew it wasn’t worth the argument to try and convince her mother to let her ride the bus to school.
The car slowed to a stop as it arrived at the front of the building. Camila turned to her mother, giving her a peck on the cheek as a goodbye. “Be careful today, Sweetie. Remember, we’re just a call away if you need us. Okay?” She said, eyebrows furrowed in worry. 
Camila gave her mother a reassuring smile. “Promise.” She said, slipping out of the van and shutting the door swiftly, before her mother changed her mind and made her stay home. She pulled the hood of her jacked over her head, trying to avoid the rain that was beginning to sprinkle down from the sky as she wrapped it tightly around her torso. She stared at her worn out doc martins as they thudded softly on the tiled floors of the small high school, trying to avoid the constant eye contact from students around her. Going from such a large high school in such a large city to this was going to be a big adjustment, but she was happy to at least have the opportunity to socialize. 
Her eyes searched the halls as she attempted to find the front office, needing to pick up her schedule. Finally she found her destination. As her sore muscles struggled to open the heavy door, a large pale hand came into view, as the weight of the door dissipated. She looked up to find a broad face with an angular jawline. His eyes shone bright amber, his whole face unnaturally perfect as he towered over her. “Thanks.” She muttered softly, walking over the woman at the front desk. 
She looked up from her paperwork, giving a polite smile. “Camila Johnson?” She asked expectantly. Camila nodded, figuring that they must not get new students very often if she already knew her name just by looking at her face. It made her a bit nervous as well, knowing that she would definitely stick out like a sore thumb. The woman sorted through the papers on her desk, trying to find the right ones, as Camila picked at the edge of her worn out baggy t-shirt. Finally, she handed her a crisp paper, covered in what classes she would have, what times she would have them, and where they would be. 
She thanked the woman, turning to leave. She glanced back as she pushed against the door with her back, trying to use her body weight to her advantage. The boy who had opened the door for her, was now talking to the woman, a bright pink blush covering her cheeks. “Emmett! Here to pick up more late work for Edward?.” She asked, giggling slightly as she flushed even brighter. Camila scoffed internally, slightly disgusted by the display. 
The door to the office closed with a soft thud behind her as she began walking down the hallway once more. She glanced at the classroom numbers on the walls, attempting to make sense of the system used so she could find her first period. Finally, she found the correct room, sauntering through the open doorway, earning the stares of the students that were already seated waiting for the bell to ring.
The first half of the day had flown by, anybody and everybody trying to have a conversation with her. A guy, Eric, who she had met in her English class earlier that day, was walking her to the cafeteria, promising to save her a seat with his friends. He was nice enough, although maybe a bit too flirtatious. He definitely wasn’t her type, usually leaning towards quieter guys as her preference, but he was nice enough. Although, dating was definitely not what she needed, and she had no intention of trying to find a boyfriend.
She had dated before, had even had a boyfriend when she had been diagnosed, but like most people, once the shock of the news had worn off, he had left her. Nobody really wanted to be with someone who didn’t even have the strength to do normal everyday tasks. As soon as she told him that she couldn’t have sex like they had before, he was gone. 
It was shitty, sure, but she couldn’t exactly blame him. He was a teenage boy and they all wanted the same thing in the end right? Whatever he wanted, sex, marriage, a family, a future in general, she knew she couldn’t give him. So what was the use in being angry? All it would do was tire her out by the end.
Eric rushed forward, pushing the cafeteria door open for Camila to walk through, giving her his best polite grin. She muttered a thanks as she stepped into the crowded large room. He led her to the line for food, yammering on and on about the school paper and some article that they would be running soon. She tried to pay attention to the words leaving his mouth, but he was talking so quick and she was beginning to get a headache.
She tried her best to look like she was interested as they made their way through the line and paid for their food. Finally, they made it to the table and she could sit. She was beginning to feel lightheaded and didn’t know how much more she could take, so she was grateful for the hard plastic seat that she was now perched on. 
Eric went around the table, introducing the new faces. Angela, she had seen in her history class, she noted, and Jessica, in her biology. Bella, another new girl, seemed distracted, staring at the opposite end of the cafeteria. Trying to follow her view, Camila’s eyes landed on a group of teens, one boy, two girls, all three shockingly attractive.
“Who are they?” She asked curiously. 
Angela turned her head to their direction. “The Cullens.” She said simply.
Jessica leaned forward, wanting in the gossip, clearly. “Doctor and Mrs. Cullen’s foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago.” She said. Camila instantly recognized the name. 
This was the Doctor that she would be seeing later that week. The very reason that she was there sitting in that cafeteria on the opposite side of the country then she had been a week previously. Doctor Carlisle Cullen. She wasn’t aware that the man had children, much less children that she would be attending school with, and she hoped that this fact wouldn’t make it that much more difficult to keep her sickness a secret.
“They kinda keep to themselves.” Angela explained.
“They’re all adopted. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they’re a thing. I’m not even sure that’s legal.” She said dramatically. 
“Jess, they’re not actually related.” Angela interjected, earning a scoff from Jessica and a snicker from Camila. The blonde in question was absolutely stunning, prettier than anyone Camila had ever seen before, and Emmett, the boy from the office earlier that morning, was definitely big. He towered over everyone else sitting with him, looking ridiculously out of place at the small round table.
Jessica continued. “But they live together.” She argued. “The little dark haired girl, Alice, she’s really weird.” Camila frowned hearing her description. The girl, Alice, was stunningly beautiful as well, although not as stunning as Rosalie. 
Camila never cared for the judgment of others, especially when Jessica herself clearly didn’t actually know the group of teens well enough to make those assumptions in the first place.
“Edward must be sick or taking some trip right now. He’s been absent for a week or so. He’s totally gorgeous, like the rest of them obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care.” She scoffed, making it blatantly obvious that she did in fact care, a lot. Bella shrunk in her seat at the mention of the teen. Maybe she had a thing for him or something. Camila couldn’t exactly blame her if he looked anything like his adopted siblings.
Suddenly, another figure joined the table, a mop of curly honey blonde hair covering his face as he sat his tray full of food down. “Who’s that?” Camila asked, drawn by curiosity. 
Jessica scoffed again. That was starting to get really annoying. “Jasper Hale. Rosalie is his sister. Like real sister. He like always looks like he’s in pain. He’s single as far as publicly, put a total weirdo too. Anyway, don’t waste your time.” She said, rolling her eyes.
As if he had heard his name being called, Jasper’s eyes shot over to their direction, amber eyes looking directly into Camila’s emerald eyes. Her heart had nearly stopped all together. She felt like a little kid that got caught with her hand in the cookie jar and she quickly averted her gaze to the food in front of her. From what she had briefly seen, he was absolutely breathtaking, like the rest of them. However, there was something different about him. Something that she recognized as sadness and pain in his eyes, and it intrigued her. She cleared her throat awkwardly as she attempted to wipe the image of his eyes from her head. “I wasn’t planning on it.” She said, poking her mashed potatoes with her plastic fork.
The rest of the day had flown by just as quickly as the first half, and before she realized, she was walking into her last class of the day, calculous. She had always been fairly decent when it came to math, that being the reason why she was in an advanced class. So she hoped, despite her fatigue, that the class would go by simply.
A balding man, standing next to the classes chalkboard looked toward her, smiling welcomely. “Welcome Ms. Johnson. Follow along as best you can until you get caught up.” He paused looking around to find a clear seat for her. “Ahh, Mr. Hale.” He called.
Jasper looked up from his place at his table in the back of the class. Camila’s breath hitched in her throat. Really? Of all people, him? She didn’t have anything against him, sure, but she also clearly would have issues acting normal around him. 
She really needed to pull herself together. He was just an unnaturally handsome guy, who she may or may not have been extremely attracted to. “Jasper will help you with notes, I’m sure. He’s the top of the class, so feel free to go to him for any help you need.” He offered up. She rose an eyebrow, wondering if Jasper felt as willing to help as the teacher was making it seem. 
She sauntered over to the empty seat next to the pale teen, dropping her bag at her feet as she scooted the chair towards the desk. The teacher, Mr. Grey, gave instructions on which pages of the textbook to work on before releasing the class to work with their partners. 
Jasper paused, sucking in a steady breath, trying to test the waters of her scent. He steeled himself, trying to keep the confusion from showing on his face. There was something different about her blood, and this took the edge off of his normal thirst. He couldn’t quite figure it out, but was thankful for the fact that his throat would burn much less than usual while next to her. 
He looked over to her finally, smiling awkwardly as his golden waves hung in front of his face. He had seen her earlier in the cafeteria during lunch, but now he had a better view. Her hair was pulled away from her face now, and he could fully assess her beauty. It wasn’t often that he was pleasantly surprised by someones appearance, much less a human’s, but she was absolutely breathtaking. Along with the beauty however, was something else. She looked… tired. She had light purple bags under her eyes that made it look like she hadn’t slept in days.
“Hi, I’m Jasper.” He greeted, finally speaking up, a slight southern twang to his voice. 
She looked up to his face, smiling back politely. “I’m Camila.” She said gently.
He laughed lightly. “Oh I know.” He said, gaining a raised eyebrow in return. “Not very often we get new students here, let alone two in the same month. Word travels fast.” He joked.
Camila snickered in response. “I guess that’s fair.” She said, looking down at her work as she calculated the first equation. “You don’t need to help me if you don’t want to. We were further along at my last school.” She said, leaving out the fact that her ‘last school’ was really just her mother teaching her in their living room back at their old home in Orlando. 
He hummed lightly, nodding as he began to work on his own worksheet. “So what brought you to Forks?” He asked curiously, trying his best to create casual conversation. It had been so long since he had even attempted having a conversation with a human that wasn’t prompted by something that he needed in return, but there was something about her that drew him in. That made him want to know her. To understand her.
Quickly trying to come up with a reason, she spoke. “I guess my parents just wanted a change of scenery.” She stated simply. It was a stupid reason, not very concrete at all, but it was all that she could come up with at that time. 
“Well, you can’t get much different from Florida than here, huh?” He joked, laughing softly. His laugh sounded like bells ringing in her ears, a surprisingly beautiful sound. She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts from her mind. 
“Guess not.” She smiled back, letting silence overtake them as they continued scrolling down answers on their loose leaf paper. As she worked through textbook, going from number to number on the page, fatigue began to attack her body, the ache of her bones and muscles from the day beginning to catch up to her. It had been such a long time since she had been forced to be alert for such an extended period of time, that being one of the reasons that it had taken so much convincing for her parents to allow her to attend the public school. Her eyebrows pinched together in pain, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. It was her last class of the day, and soon she would be free. It would be over soon, and she would go home. Easy enough, right?
Jasper looked towards her, feeling the shift in her mood. He was confused, not quite sure of the feelings that she was projecting. Earlier he had been able to decipher her emotions. Nervousness, apprehension, humored, but now he couldn’t completely tell. He was about to ask her if she was feeling okay when the bell rang, signaling the end of the day and dismissing the students. Camila let out a small sigh of relief, grabbing her bag from the ground and stuffing her work inside before pulling herself up from the chair with some difficulty, wincing slightly. The movement wasn’t lost on Jasper, but only confused him more. 
“See you tomorrow.” She said softly, giving a small wave before walking out of the classroom. Jasper was frozen in place as students moved around him. He was still trying to place the strong emotions that had been radiating from her. Sadness? Maybe. Pain? Yes. Determination? Definitely. Some mixture of the three that only made confused and left him wondering.
Camila let out a sigh of relief as she saw her mother’s car finally enter the parking lot. She hadn’t been waiting long, but she was so ready to go home and rest that she was becoming wildly impatient. Pulling the door open, she plopped herself down onto the worn seat and closed it behind herself. “How was your first day, sweetie?” Her mother asked cheerily.
Giving the best smile she could muster with how fatigued her mind had become, she gave a small thumbs up. “Just ready to nap.” She said.
Her mother gave sympathetic smile. “I’m sure you’re just exhausted. Lay back. I’ll wake you when we get home.” She reassured. 
January 24th, 2005
Camila’s second day of school was somehow even rainier than the first, and by the time she had made it to the front door of the school, her jacket had become completely soaked. She reluctantly pulled the wet fabric from her body, knowing that it would no longer help keep her warm. Spinning the dial of her locker, she entered the combination and swung the door open. Tossing the wet fabric into the locker, she grabbed her textbooks and closed it back up. 
She looked down to her bare arms, seeing the slight bruises left along the skin. Another side effect of her sickness. She hoped no one would pay to close attention to the discoloration, not wanting to have to make excuses for the marks. Making a mental note to bring an extra jacket to keep in her locker for future instances, she made her way to her first class of the day.
By the time her calculus class had arrived, she had hoped her jacket would be dry. However, when she pulled it from the metal confines of her locker, she was disappointed to find it was still damp. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to wear it, already being cold as it was. If she became anymore cold she was sure that she would be shivering and it would add to the likelihood of getting a cold. 
Jasper sat in his usual seat, waiting for Camila to enter through the door at the front of the classroom. He had found himself looking forward to seeing her all day. Ever since he had met her the day before, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. It had been the first time since turning that he had really missed sleep, knowing that it would’ve made the time pass by quicker. 
Finally, he saw her thin frame enter the classroom, followed by a tall darker skinned teen. Tyler Crowley. He had seen the boy sitting next to her early that day in the cafeteria, and thought nothing of it. Now seeing Camila laugh at something the teen had said as he carried her textbooks for her, he wasn’t so sure. 
Jealously sparked in his chest, and at first he thought that it had come from somebody else around him, but slowly he realized it was coming from himself. He scolded himself, knowing there was no logical reason he should be jealous since she was human and he all he could do was hurt her in the end.
He averted his gaze, trying his best to act nonchalant and as if he hadn’t been waiting all day to see her. She slowly made her way to their shared desk, draping her jacket across the back of her chair before taking a seat. She let out an exasperated sigh, sinking into the cool plastic as she relaxed her shoulders.
The second day had been much more difficult to get through than the first. Luckily, nobody had mentioned the light bruises littering her arms, and she was relieved that she had successfully evaded the topic. However, if she thought yesterday was exhausting, she was about to drop dead then. Camila had begun to wonder why exactly she had put up such a fight to get to go to school like normal kids, but in the end, she knew it would be worth it. She would make friends and try her best to fit in as long as her body would allow. 
After deciding that he had waited the appropriate amount of time, his eyes flickered over to her, as he soaked in her appearance. He could feel the exhaustion radiating off of her and wished that he could’ve done something to help, but knew he couldn’t without seeming wildly out of place. He could sense that if he were to shift her mood in that moment that it would be very far from natural.
His eyes landed on her arms. Thin with her bones sticking out prominently. Light purple splotches littering her skin. Worst case scenarios entered his mind as the concern for her safety grew. He tried to shake the feeling from his head, knowing that he shouldn’t jump to any conclusions. Maybe she was just insanely clumsy? He sat there, attempting to convince himself of that as she turned to him, giving him a small bashful smile. “Hi.” She said softly. 
He forced a smile onto his face. “Hi, darlin’.” He said, southern accent seeping through, causing a blush to creep up her neck. She looked down at her hands, nervously spinning the rings that sat loosely on her thin fingers, while she tried to tame her heart inside of her chest. His grin only grew as he heard her accelerating heart rate. 
He wasn’t sure what exactly had gotten into him. Typically he tried to stay far away from any human that he came into contact with, but he couldn’t really help himself. There was no harm in a friendship with her, right? Edward was doing the same thing with Bella, so it’s not like he could give him shit about it.
He knew that feelings for him were amplified, that being the natural occurrence for his kind, and he couldn’t help but feel attached to her already in a strange way. Surely he could blame it on being intrigued by her, but in truth, he wasn’t quite sure if that was the whole story. He was confused by her scent and her emotions, but deep down, he knew that wasn’t the only thing drawing him to her. But he also knew that he needed to slow down because he had barely just met the girl.
Sure, he was usually much more apprehensive with being around humans too much, due to the fact that he was still relatively new to the whole ‘vegetarian’ life style and had the most trouble out of his siblings when it came to controlling his hunger, but in reality, he felt more confident in his self control around her than any other human ever. Of course her blood still appealed to him, but not as intensely as he was used to feeling, and that was incredibly refreshing. To not feel like he would lose control at any moment for once.
Camila cleared her throat, trying to force the blush from her cheeks. “How are you liking the rain?” Jasper asked casually, gesturing towards the damp jacket.
She let out a small laugh. “It’s great, very refreshing.” She joked, earning a chuckle from the immortal teen. 
Jasper looked to her, unable to wipe his face clear of the wide grin. It was odd, the feeling in his stomach, and he couldn’t exactly place what it was. For fuck sake, they had barely spoken to each other and he already felt as if he would melt into a puddle on the floor. 
The tardy bell rang shrilly throughout the room, causing Camila to flinch back in irritation, the noise not helping her already persistent headache. Mr. Grey stood at the front of the class, clapping his hand together to gain their attention. “Okay, class. We will be continuing the pages we worked on yesterday, so I want you to work with your desk partners on that. Whatever you do not finish, you with need to do for homework tonight. Got it? Good.” He said, turning back to sit at his desk. 
Jasper peered over to her once more. “I’ll do the first half, you the second and we can swap answers?” He suggested, figuring it would help ease her exhaustion somewhat.
Camila raised an eyebrow. “You trust me to get them all right?” She asked teasingly.
He snickered, nodding lightly. “You’re smart. You’ve got this.” he said simply. So they turned to do their work separately, carrying on with mundane conversation. Camila worked through the problems one by one, a dull ache growing behind her brow as her concentration began weaning.
Then, suddenly, Jasper could feel the same feeling from the previous day immolating from her. He peered over to her to see her leaned over the worksheet, head in hands, rubbing her temples. “Are you okay?” He asked, concern etched in his voice. 
Her eyes flickered over to him, clearing her throat. “Just a headache.” She muttered. 
“I can finish the work, if you want.” He offered, wanting to try and help in anyway that he could. 
She gave him a small smile. “Thanks, but I got it.” She reassured. Sure, she was fatigued and  both physically and mentally exhausted from the day, but she was determined to make it through without any help from others. She was determined to prove to both herself and her parents that going back to public school was not the wrong decision and that she could handle it. She only had a half an hour left, she could do this.
January 25th, 2005
Wednesday had arrived, and Camila already knew she would be missing the last half of her classes, having had an appointment scheduled at the hospital with Dr. Cullen. She had made sure to tell her group of friends in preparation that she had a dentist appointment, trying to come up with a believable excuse for missing half a day. She knew she would miss her time with Jasper for the day, having only the last class of the day with him, and it surprised her to realize that she was sad about this. They didn’t know each other very well, but she had constantly found her mind wandering back to him at random times.
So, much to her dismay, there she sat, with her parents, in Dr. Cullen’s office, going over possible treatments in hopes to prolong her life. He, like his children, was extremely attractive. Camila wondered how they all had that remarkable beauty alike when they were not even blood related in the first place. He was currently on the topic of chemo, something that she was well aware was painful and very expensive as well as had a very low chance of actually helping. Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted as his office door swung open harshly. 
There stood, a tall brunette teen, face just as perfect as the doctor sitting in front of her. To her horror, she realized that it must be Edward Cullen. She had heard murmurs of his return around the school that day, but had yet to come in contact with him since she had left just before lunch. 
He had a panicked expression gracing his face as he hurried over to his father. She hoped that miraculously somehow he wouldn’t notice her sitting there, or else her secret would definitely not stay hidden long. It wouldn’t take a genius to unravel the truth, once he saw her here and then at school the next day, and that would be the end. If everyone knew she was the little girl who had gotten cancer then all the sympathy would start flooding in. It would be pointless then, hoping for normalcy. 
As these thoughts raced through her mind, his eyes flickered over to her, eyes taking in her features quickly. He had seen her face before, he realized that those same emerald irises that had been burned into Jasper’s mind when he had finally returned from his trip to Alaska.
He turned, shaking the realization from his mind as he leaned down to whisper into his father’s ear, lips moving too quickly to read and speaking too low to understand for any of the humans in the room. Dr. Cullen stood abruptly. “I’m so sorry, I’m needed in the emergency department quickly. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.” He apologized sweetly. 
He walked swiftly, Edward following, to his office door, swinging it open on its hinges. Camila stood, sighing softly as she turned to address her parents. “I’m going to go find the restroom.” She said, not wanting to stay there with anxiety eating her alive. Worrying about what Edward would figure out, and who he would tell. 
Her mother stood quickly. “Do you want me to go with you?” She asked. Camila shook her head, offering a light smile as she followed the path to the office door. Once outside of the room, she looked up from her shoes only to find the whole group of Cullens huddled across the hall, all muttering in deep conversation. And, of course, just because she had terrible luck, as the door clicked shut, Jasper’s eyes shot up to find her own. 
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she turned away, hiding behind her curtain of hair as she swiftly made her way down the hall to the restroom. Her heart pounded in her ears as she panicked. It hadn’t even been a week and now everybody was going to find out. So much for a fresh start. Sure, they had only seen her leave the office, but they would know something was up, and she knew it wouldn’t take them long to figure it out. And that’s if the didn’t figure out from Carlisle first.
It was one thing when it was just Edward who had seen her, but now the whole family had, and worst of all, Jasper. He would definitely be bringing it up next time that she saw him in class, if she was lucky enough to not run into him again sooner. She had to think of an excuse before then, or at lease a reason to convince him to keep her secret to himself and his family. But her mind was completely void of any ideas and all she could do was hope that she could find one before school tomorrow. 
Next Chapter
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Intermission: Yesterday's Lie
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous Part [Agony of a Witch + Young Blood, Old Souls]
Next Part [Separate Tides]
HOOOOOO alright. Welcome to Yesterday’s Lie, 10 episodes early. I’m a little nervous about this one, for reasons that might be obvious. Just bear with me.
We open on a storming lake in a Boiling Isles forest, when suddenly a 7 year old Luz pops out of the water, gasping. She crawls onto shore and looks around at this seemingly normal forest – except the leaves are red and the rain hurts.She runs under a tree and huddles there. 
Timelapse as the storm ends, Luz is asleep under the tree, looking slightly more ragged and holding a stick. She wakes up from some rustling coming from some bushes and she hefts her stick, saying she’s not afraid to use it. 
A coven scout comes out of the bushes with his hands up, saying he’s not going to hurt her, and he takes off his mask revealing Hunter. They look at each other for a moment in silence.
We cut to the abandoned shack in the human realm. Luz emerges from the portal into the human realm, dressed in her Golden Guard outfit. It’s dusk. She walks through the trees, eventually coming across a street, and she finds herself in front of her house. 
She takes a deep breath, and knocks on the door.
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(stuff in brackets was meant to be in spanish)
Camila lets her into the house. Luz looks around, seeing Hexus Holdem cards on the counter. Eventually they get to the sitting room and they’re on the couch. Camila asks what happened when Luz disappeared, and she says that she remembers wandering off and falling into water before she came to the Demon Realm. Camila explains that she never accepted her disappearance, and when Eda came by they managed to help each other. 
Luz asks what Eda needed help with in return for looking for Luz, when Vee walks in. 
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(Side note: Vee is in her Thanks To Them appearance, not her Luz appearance).
Camila explains that Eda asked her to take in Vee in return for looking for Luz, since it was too dangerous for her to be in the Boiling Isles with the Emperor looking for her. She introduces the two, Vee understandably concerned since Luz is wearing a Coven uniform. There’s some… very intense things unsaid as Luz looks at Camila’s newer daughter.
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At some point Luz is in the bathroom, looking at her eyebags. Vee comes in and Luz apologizes to her for freaking out before. Vee says it’s okay, and asks where she stands with the EC now. Luz explains she’s not sure, given her brother was planning to defect and she had no idea. 
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They sleep in the bunkbed, Luz on the top. She takes the portal key out and looks at it for a second, before going to sleep.
Breakfast in the morning! Luz is LIVING. She can eat things!!! Vee says she wants to show Luz around, acclimate her to the Human Realm a bit. LUZ GETS HER CANON OUTFIT (it reveals more scars than her golden guard uniform does). There’s some cute-if-awkward dialogue between Luz and Camila. And then.
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So then Luz and Vee go out. Vee points out different stuff through town, acting as her guide. Eventually, they run into Masha and the other camp kids from canon. Vee mingles for a bit before introducing Luz, who looks incredibly uncomfortable. 
They all talk for a bit, Luz kind of being on the edge of conversation, when one of the others asks about her scars. Luz, relieved to be involved in a conversation, starts explaining where some of them come from. It gets… awkward when she mentions how her Uncle was responsible for most of them, and the rest were almost fatal. Everyone is quiet and awkward, and Vee takes Luz aside to explain that humans don’t really like it when you dump your trauma the first time you meet them.
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They return back to the group, and Luz is a lot quieter. At some point, she sees the Whittebane statues in the square. Masha notices her interest, and gives her a general overview of the Brothers Whittebane story. Luz expresses surprise that she wasn’t the only human to go to the Boiling Isles, and then realizes she said too much. Masha just winks, implying that they already know the gist – they’re dating Vee, after all. 
There’s a slow zoom in on a camera blinking on a tree before we cut to night again. Everyone eats dinner. Camila asks what they got up to, and Vee says they met up with some of her friends. She also mentions Luz got along with Masha really well, despite some awkwardness at first, and Luz agrees. Luz asks how many other people know about the demon realm or that Vee is a demon, and the table gets quiet.
Apparently, Vee didn’t tell Camila that Masha knew. It gets awkward as Vee and Camila have a tense back and forth about keeping safe and staying under the radar, and Vee goes to her room upset. 
Camila apologizes for that, and explains that they’ve been trying to keep a low profile since being a demon is pretty dangerous in the human realm. There’s also some subtext about Camila being slightly traumatized about losing both Vee and Luz. 
The night passes, tense. Luz looks at the key again before going to sleep.
In the morning, Vee apologizes to Luz about how she acted. There’s a throwaway line about how she shouldn’t blame Luz for not knowing how stuff works here, which affects Luz a bit more than it should. Luz says she’s going to explore Gravesfield on her own, and assures Vee that she’ll be okay – she just wants some time alone. 
So she goes out, having mixed feelings on the Vee situation. She passes by the statues again, and at some point she makes it to the Historical Society building where she meets Jacob.
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She heads around, coming to the display areas and recognizing the Golden Guard sigil. She questions why the sigil is here, when she decides to check the back room. 
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Then she sees the screen with the camera footage, focusing on the Noceda house. She’s unnerved, and she looks at a covered pinboard.
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Jacob calls Luz a demon, assuming “the changeling” (Vee) has started to gather reinforcements to attack earth.
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Cut to Vee, who is hanging out with Masha. She’s talking about how she feels bad for Luz, since she was in her position when she first came to the human realm, and how Vee isn’t really making a great first impression. At some point, the other two friends run up, panicked, and say that they saw Luz going into the Historical Society building. 
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Cut to Vee kicking down the doors of the building with her bat, and then running into the back room.
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(Luz is supposed to look legitimately intimidating here, eyebags and dead expression. She’s tired.)
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They get out of there.
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And they go home.
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Cut to that night. Luz is in the bunkbed, eyes open. She checks to see if Vee is asleep, and jumps down to the ground silently. She starts packing her things, and takes out the portal key.
Vee interrupts, having been awake and watching, and asks what Luz is doing.
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(For reference, Luz is on the Boiling Isles side with the training wand. Vee is on the human realm side with the portal key.)
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Luz slams the door closed with Vee holding the key, and uses the training wand to send a fireball directly at the door, destroying it. 
After staring at it for a few moments, she gathers the remaining pieces of the portal and runs off. 
Cut to the Emperor’s Castle, in the throne room. Kiki is speaking to Belos about how he should probably appoint a new head of the Emperor’s Coven, since both Golden Guards are unaccounted for. Before he can respond to that, Luz runs in (in her human realm outfit, cat-hood up) and kneels. 
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Zoom out to where Kiki is standing, looking PISSED.
Previous Part [Agony of a Witch + Young Blood, Old Souls]
Next Part [Separate Tides]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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candyskiez · 1 year
fuck it. my probably bad toh au ideas that are probably not very original. free to use with credit, also maybe tag me so I can see what you do with them. these are mostly just prompts so have fun my dudes.
lilith and luz go through the wrong timepool, just a few years earlier. they end up meeting caleb wittebane and evelyn, and they ask if they know a man named philip wittebane. this changes everything. (how it changes is up to you! lilith and luz going through a wrong timepool in general could be a great prompt. back to beginning of belos' reign, in the middle of it, etc etc. lot of potential.)
an au where belos possessed caleb somehow (dunno how Plausible this would be but fun to think abt)
an au where camila had never seen vee as luz (and thus has No Idea where luz is after the portal is cut off, oops), and vee instead was found a while later in a different form. maybe even in her basilisk form by a kid who just got back from that stupid "stop being neurodivergent" camp. their names masha, and this girls running away from home and REALLY cagey about the details. obviously veesha but also masha's garbage homelife, vee terrified of being caught and hated, camila terrified and having no clue where her daughter is, luz trauma,,, just a lot of ouch
luz comes to the boiling isles much younger, gets lost and has no clue how to get home she ends up meeting a musician named raine.
eda somehow gets trapped in the human realm.
have fun! again sorry I know these aren't great kdhfjf
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eepersdoesthings · 1 year
owl house empires au masterpost - this will be edited and updated with new ideas!
hello! i am currently in progress of writing an empires owl house au fic, and i am currently in the planning stage! ive decided to show this off to the hellsite because why not
spoilers to the owl house under the cut so dont read this if u havent finished
the plot will be similar to the main series, with some tweaks and extra adventures to add something to it and not just make it a nameswap fic
the characters!
shelby - luz - 15, lives with her gran (camila noceda character)
katherine - amity - 15 and in the plant track at hexside,
gem - eda - the deer lady
sausage - basically just king but he can speak spanish because gem has some spanish books from the human realm
jimmy - willow - healing track, younger but more mature brother to lizzie, romantic interest is scott
lizzie - gus - oracle (and later potions) track, jimmy's older yet less mature sister, tries scamming people occasionally
mattholomule - joel - construction, rivals with jimmy, tries to help with new hexside during the collector's reign, but joey shuts him down.
emperor xornoth - belos - formerly a full human, now half demonic with the palisman curse, who was transported to the boiling isles with his older twin brother, scott. scott found love in a witch in the isles and xornoth murdered scott after finding out
the golden guard, scott - a grimwalker of the original older twin of xornoth, about the age of 16
fwhip - lilith - the older twin brother to gem, cursed her when they were children so he could enter the emperors coven. is the head of the emperors coven. attains half of gem's curse at the end of arc 1, where he becomes a
pearl - raine - beastkeeping coven head, gem's (former) best friend
joey - boscha - oracle (and later beastkeeping) track, katherine's friend(?)
pix - oracle coven head - a part of the rebellion
false - construction coven head - a part of the rebellion
(false and pix take the place of darius and eber, but would have vastly different personalities and motives from the original characters)
oli - steve - bard oriented emperors coven member who doesnt care anymore, is tasked with scott a lot on missions
i have another post in which i am asking for some help on the cast, but if any of yall have ideas, i will gladly take suggestions for chapters in this series! hopefully i can fully flesh out the story, otherwise i might just do one shots, but nonetheless i hope you enjoyed the idea!
(also all of my posts will have the "owl house empires au" tag so hopefully you can find them easily)
edit: new idea from @litteralflower17: gonna have the original xornoth and scott go by cohnal and alinar when they originally come to the boiling isles (like how philip went by belos and named caleb's clones hunter) so the original brothers would be cohnal major (sounds silly but whatever) and alinar major
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sepublic · 2 years
         Luz just wanted to be understood… SHE WANTED TO BE UNDERSTOOD!!!!!!! That’s all she wanted and it’s so SIMPLE, it’s not about a specific life goal or agenda, just something you genuinely want! Everything she did, the antics, her weirdness, was just an attempt to show herself so people could see and UNDERSTAND!
         And Camila! The way she told Luz that life is about mess-ups. A-And she told Luz that she’s also messed up, and messed up when she didn’t stand up for Luz… And LUZ REALIZED!!! I CAN’T THIS WRITING AND ARC IS TOO DAMN GOOD!!!
         Willow my babey girl this was lowkey YOUR episode too, I’d honestly tag her as the deuteragonist of For the Future! The way she tries and carries so much, has an enormous burden on what she can do, about showing weakness, about denial! THE CALLBACKS TO BOSCHA! THE PARALLELS! The way they ended off! Willow’s biggest threat being herself, this was a WILLOW episode! And how she’s allowed to show weakness because yes, her dream of wanting to protect others, and needing to be flawed, are not mutually exclusive!
         And like damn. This episode was about, for Luz and Willow, coming to terms with their flaws. Their mistakes. Their imperfections. And ultimately idealizing and accepting those parts of themselves!
         And Hunter can now teleport… Does he have all magic or just his teleportation? Or does he have other magic and only uses teleportation lol? The way he’s so deadset on trying to get back at Belos…
         He’s SO twisted, literally melting and falling apart and OH GOD NOT RAINE WHYYYY!!!! The fact that the crew actually played around with Belos trying to possess a grimwalker, only for it to not be ready… Dear god, that poor kid that could’ve been! Could’ve been a twin brother for Hunter to bond with… AND CALEB AND THE GRIMWALKER GHOSTS!!! The one Golden Guard with BIG poofy hair!
         AND KING!!! AND EDA AND LILITH!!! He saved them, he managed to make it work, he’s so clever! And his character development, the recognition that he and the Collector are the same. The Collector afraid of being judged for what his people did, but King doesn’t! But…
         WHO WAS THE WINGED PERSON IN THE VOID?!?! The Collector’s dad?! The voice we heard when Luz last visited?
         And Belos… GOD, it’s twisted seeing Belos still managing to manipulate, KNOW this kid, recoup and turn his thoughts against himself! I was afraid it’d happen and it did! Say what you will but this man may fail but he TRIES and he’s competent, terrifyingly so! Also dammit was imagining he’d possess Odalia… Imagine Amity just nuking two enemies in one blow! Willow and Amity’s friendship too…
         AND BOSCHA BOSCHA BOSCHA!!! BOSCHA ARC!!! It’s everything I’ve read and wanted, her being so desperate to be back with Amity again, needing people, so obsessed with not showing weakness and being at the top and having control! And in the end, Amity confronts that past version of herself, and also the joke about her wanting a student council but being ‘obsessed’! I loved seeing all these kids and it’s neat that Mary’s name was mentioned in the subtitles! The way they acknowledged the Eyeball girl’s past with Gus too, MWAH! And how he knew about Hunter being a Grimwalker, but wanted to give him space!
         And Hunter AND Luz recognizing the nerdery of Camila, and geeking out over it! Luz realizing her mom DOES understand…
         EDA PLAYING WITH RAINE BECAUSE SHE LIKES TO SEE THEM! God she’s so cheeky, Raine leaves her hanging at the Coven Day Parade but that doesn’t stop Eda from pestering them over Penstagram. She’s so great y’all.
         And the Collector, god I saw it coming. The fact that they’d misunderstand and realize King DID lie to them, and wants to go against them! King realizing they don’t deserve it, the fact they were so CERTAIN and trusting! And they keep being lied to and manipulated, this poor kid… God, and the setup for Belos to possess him! To take his power in a vulnerable moment and kill all witches with it!
         Belos also canonically is haunted by visions of the past… That knife had BLOOD, y’all!
         Willow worrying about her parents, and Odalia… That was surprisingly brief, but I feel that’s gonna come back to play next episode! And Kikimora and ‘Roka’, which is what I’ll call it now lol. So desperate for power she’s lording over literal children and able to hide herself as one, that’s hilarious. And the Mat Tholomule twist… But also ambiguity. And also Matt is canonically into robots.
         AND THE TWINS REUNITING!!! Edric in a full-body cast was hilarious. Also I saw Amelia and Cat and that was very deliberate as part of Boscha’s arc, I’m so happy!!!
         This was… what an AMAZING episode, it felt LONG but right! I love the focus on resolving and bringing back characters! Love Kikimora was remembered and the end credits of Boscha being lonely… She’s so messed up I love her!!! What happened to Kikimora’s dragon Princess, anyhow? At this point I’m genuinely starting to think Terra killed her as punishment for attempted defection. And RIP Terra… lol.
         STILL NO EDA KING LUZ REUNION!!! But we’re getting there, we are!!! Soon…
        Damn. Only one episode left. The LAST episode. I’m… I’m gonna miss this guys. But it’s been one hell of a ride and I don’t regret a second of it! Thanks, and see you for the finale…! Peace out!
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Now, when it comes to Hunter’s parental figure, I love the idea of Dadrius as much as anyone else. I also love Mama Eda, Raven Mom Lilith, Politely Confused Stepdad Alador, Exasperated Parental Unit Raine, and of course, Mamì Camila.
So like….why can’t we have them all?
No, I’m not talking about some weird mega-ship. I’m talking the most chaotic coparenting anyone’s ever seen. Hunter went from no parents to too many parents. And as to what that looks like…
- Post-DOU, once everything worked out and all the families were reunited, there were at least a few sets of custody battles. Alador and Odalia had a huge, drawn-out fight involving multiple sets of lawyers from both the Human and Demon Realms, Eda and Camila went through a very awkward phase of deciding where Luz would live (they settled on sharing a house with a door installed to the human realm so Vee could come and go as she pleased) and Amber’s aunt and uncle appeared out of the woodworks briefly to cause issues for Raine*. However, the biggest argument ended up being over Hunter. After a lot of bickering, some name-calling, and one impromptu sparring match, they settled on a split custody schedule where Hunter would go back and forth between Alador and Darius’s apartment and the Owl House with Eda, Raine and Camila (Lilith gets every other weekend). Hunter was incredibly confused as to what all the fuss was about.
- Hunter wasn’t sure who exactly he was supposed to call Mom and Dad at first. In fact, he was actually really nervous about it. Of course, when he came clean about it, everyone was incredibly supportive. One of the few things all of the adults actually agreed on was that they’d love him no matter what. Eventually, he settled on calling Camila ‘Mom’ or ‘Mamí’ (Luz taught him some Spanish) and Darius various versions of ‘Dad’. Eda and Raine he addresses by their first names (though he had to be talked out of calling them ‘Ms’ or ‘Mx’ Clawthorne-Whispers in the beginning) and he eventually started calling Lilith ‘Auntie’ like Luz and King. He insists on calling Alador ‘Stepfather’. No one can convince him otherwise. 
-Camila is the BIGGEST soccer mom when it comes to her babies having sports games (though she isn’t exactly the biggest fan of the Gland Prix- racing is just such a dangerous sport even when it’s not a hundred feet in the air). Hunter has a whole cheering section at his flyer derby games, and Camila is always the loudest. She and Eda also always help each other put on Emerald Entrails facepaint. 
- The parents have unspoken designations for who helps Hunter with what. Darius is the one to take him shopping and help him with his clothes and possessions. Camila is there for friendship drama and girl troubles (cough cough, Captain, cough). Raine takes him to therapy and sometimes sits through it with him, Eda is in charge of checking on him when he has nightmares, and Alador and Lilith tag-team homework duties. Lilith has also made it a personal goal to make sure Hunter doesn’t grow up to be like her. 
- Hunter has SO MANY STEP/ADOPTED SIBLINGS. So, so many. Siblings list includes
Amity (stepsister)
The twins (stepsiblings)
Gus (unofficial little brother)
Luz (adopted sister)
King (adopted step(?)brother)
Vee (adopted stepsister...half sister? I dunno?) 
The baby BATTs- Derwin, Amber and Katya- (yeah no I’m done doing this)
Steve (Steve doesn’t belong to any of the parents, Steve’s just everyone’s big brother)
Hunter has mastered the art of being a big brother. Being a little brother, on the other hand? That’s new, and he’s not really sure how to feel about it. Steve and the older two BATTs are very persistent, however, and he grows to like it- especially the part where they gang up on the younger ones a bit. Luz, Amber, King, Amity and Vee don’t like that part as much (they’re still grumpy about the last family pillow war). 
- Hunter goes through his teen rebel stage a bit late. Glasses of apple blood are often shared between parents over the exasperated exchanging of stories about loud music, ripped clothes and dyed hair. No one will admit to having taken him to get his ears pierced, though they all have their suspicions (and they’re so busy shooting looks in Eda’s direction that they don’t notice how red her spouse’s ears have turned). 
- Gwendolyn and Dell ADORE their scraggly teenage grandson. Gwendolyn often fusses over him, asking if he’s eating enough or tutting over the bags under his eyes. Dell is thrilled when Hunter expresses an interest in learning about Palismen and his own origins, and immediately offered to take him with him on his trips into the Palistrom groves. They now go every Friday night together. 
In conclusion...I dunno, found families make the brain go brrrrrr. 
*Amber, Katya and Derwin are Raine’s kids and I won’t be taking criticism. Also, I’ve made up a lot of head canons about Amber and that’s one of them. It’s not super important. 
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numericalbridge · 23 days
Darius meta masterpost (wip)
#darius rewatch meta - rewatch tag
Top 5 Darius moments | 5 least favourite Darius moments
Darius rewatch - episode exploration:
season 1 + Hunting Palisman | Eda's Requiem
General Darius Meta:
Post - Why I disagree with the common interpretation of Darius surrendering for Eberwolf at DoU
Post - Why I disagree with the notion that Darius was against helping Luz in HM (to be reworked)
Post - About Darius being the most excited about the coven sigil removal (headcanon)
Post - Why i don't agree with the headcanon that Darius would/should just stay at home post canon and care only about Hunter and Eber (+ general musings on the theme of the importance of the community in toh)
Post - Darius, abomination form and anger (unpopular opinion/meta; to be expanded into a full meta)
Post - about Darius's public persona
Post - headcanon about Darius having trouble adjusting to the life where he doesn’t need to constantly be on edge
Post - my favourite Darius moment in ASIAS
Post - Darius and Willow parallels
ASIAS meta:
Post - About Darius taking responsibility for the Emerald Entrails in ASIAS (headcanon reading)
Post - Was Darius really angry at the children when they crashed his Blimp?
Post - about Darius looking serious and upset when he collects the Emerald Entrails
Post - Did Hunter really have to prove himself for Darius to start to care about him? (first draft, to be expanded)
Post - What was Darius's usual attitude towards Hunter pre-ASIAS
Post - Why i find the conclusion of ASIAS unsatisfying for Darius's character
Oh, Titan, King's Tide and Hollow Mind and other s2b episodes
Post - Darius and Raine in Oh, Titan
Post - a hint that there might have been a rebellion that was going on for a longer time? (Oh, Titan)
Post - observation about Darius's magic transforming his body (HM)
Post - about the rebels using their magic together (HM, headcanon + observations)
Post - Team RED's cloaks (HM, silly)
Post - are Team RED's disguises meant to be so obvious in-universe? (HM, semi-silly observations)
Post - Darius's funny face during the Eber vs Mason fight (KT, silly)
Post - about the Draining Spell diagram
Eda's Requiem:
Post - the way Darius's behavior would be off if he was meant to be a villain in ER (to be expanded)
Post - all the hints that Darius is not a villain in s2a+ASIAS
Post - about Darius's behavior if he was a villain
Post - funny out of context screenshots
Post - why i don't like ER as an introduction to Darius and Eber (might add a bit to it)
Hunting Palisman + season 1:
Post - is the viewer’s attention meant to be drawn to Darius during the Coven Heads introduction?
Post - observation about Coven Head banners in season 1
Post - Speculation about Darius's role before the shortening
Team RED:
Post - Raine, Darius and the specific word choice of 'protecting'
Post - about Eber and Raine being annoying to Darius (headcanon)
Post - some headcanons about Darius’s and Eber’s relationship and Eber's character
Post - about Raine's and Darius's acting
Post - what the other Coven Heads thought about Darius' and Eber's relationship
Post - mini post - hints of team RED snooping around in s2b (headcanon, silly)
Post - working title: Dariraine Labyrinth Runners
Post- silly post about Raine’s penstagram secret code
Post - silly post, Raine and Eber give shovel talk
Post - Eber staying behind during HM (AU/headcanon)
Ask game reply - about Darius' and Raine's friendship and when it had started
Fandom rant:
Post - about the notion that Darius being a rebel came out of nowhere and its framing (rant, i plan to write an actual meta about the hints in s2a later)
Post - If Eda was treated liked Darius (parody)
Post - fandom making a big deal out of Darius’ “only the small ones will get eaten” moment (rant/silly)
Post - about the way the fandom pits Camila and Darius against each other
Post - Eber's presence/absence of it in Darius's life in fanon
Headcanons and very small posts:
Post - about Darius's textbook
Post - my favourite profession for human!Darius
Post - Darius meeting Luz
Post - how Darius was navigating the Coven Head intrigues + about his acting
Post - Darius annoying Lilith with saying Titan's name in vain
Post - separate rebel groups 'what if'
Post - Darius likes cute things
Post - Darius and his mentor meeting for the first time
Post - Darius + glasses
Post - Darius & spa
Post - Darius calling King 'little king', silly
Post - Belos buying abomonatons because he didn’t trust Darius + the Blights role
Post - about Darius and Alador&Odalia friendship break up (speculation/headcanon, needs rewording)
Post - my cringey wishfull thinking for Darius and Raine interactions
Post - Willow and Darius having a similar type of humour
Post - potential for Luz, Hunter + Darius and Raine interactions
Ask game reply - opinion on Darius (+Luz and Scara)
Ask game reply - opinion on dariraine (+Lilith)
Fic and AU ideas:
Post - AU where instead of puppets Collector turns the Coven Heads back into children
Post - team RED goes into Belos's mind, but there is a trap
Post - Darius gets a cat AU
Post - Human!Willow + Darius as her mentor
Post - Darius and King interactions AU (writing this as a fic)
Post - previous Golden Guard’s ghost
Post - about Darius and magic
Post - team RED story ideas
Post - AU where Eber dies during the ER
Post - AU where Darius isn’t a rebel and Hunter is a beloved nephew of the Emperor
Post - Perrius Aus
Post - about abomination matter in the dariraine AU
#toh rewatch numericalbridge - general thoughts while rewatching | #toh rewatch liveblog - general semi-liveblog
general meta and headcanon masterpost | fic Masterpost + fic tag is #numericalbridge fic
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hsavinien · 1 month
Writing Patterns tag game
Rules: post the last sentence from your 10 most recently posted fics (less if you don't have 10 is also fine).
Tagged by @wheremermaidsdwell, thanks!
Consequences of Ambition: Raine clutches as much of her as they can reach and basks in the comfortable ache of the consequences of their ambition.
Unlicensed: "Once again..."
Happy Mother's Day: Camila laughs and follows.
The Pack: Hunter whispers a thank you when he goes off to bed that night. 
Paying in Sleep: She'll do what she can.
Cribbing for the Parenting Test is Fine: “Mooooommmm…”
Just a Little Treat: Luz groans. 
Changeling: No wonder she can’t trust me.
Foundlings: Camila hugs them fiercely and gently, as often as they let her.
Connections: How could Raine not love them when they're reminded so much of the best parts of their friendship with Eda every time they look at this crew of goofballs?
Tag @ whoever wants to.
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meganwasbored · 2 years
Songs that scream Varian
Most of these were inspired by a single scene or episode or simply Vibes and probably don’t make any sense but they make sense to me
I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift
Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift
Bad Blood by Taylor Swift
Mastermind by Taylor Swift (specifically the bridge)
Could Have Been Me by The Struts
Waving Through A Window from Dear Even Hansen
Aimed to Kill by Jade LeMac
You’re On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift
Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
Something That I Want by Grace Potter (Tangled credits song)
Are You Satisfied? by MARINA
Oh No! by MARINA
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Stronger by The Score
Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
Burned by Grace VanderWaal
Don’t ask me why but My Ordinary Life and Discord by The Living Tombstone just give me Varian vibes
No Friends by Cadmium, Rosendale
Strange by The Score
Never Going Back by The Score
Where Do You Run by The Score
Don’t Wanna Be by The Score
Something New by The Score
Revolution by The Score
You’d Never Know by BLÜ EYES
Million To One by Camila Cabello
Headspace by Riley Clemmons
Dead Mom from Beetlejuice
Mean by Taylor Swift
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things by Taylor Swift
The Archer by Taylor Swift
I Forgot That You Existed by Taylor Swift
This Is Me Trying by Taylor Swift
Mirrorball by Taylor Swift
Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift (just a little bit, like you’ll notice how if you’re really listening)
Karma by Taylor Swift
Fifteen by Taylor Swift (you know, if he had a normal childhood)
Weird Science by Oingo Boingo
Alchemist by Good Kid
Good Kid from The Lightning Thief (the Percy Jackson musical)
My Grand Plan from The Lightning Thief (the Percy Jackson musical)
If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin
Enough For You by Olivia Rodrigo
Freaks by Jordan Clarke
Alone Sometimes by The Mowgli’s
Ready To Go (Get Me Out Of My Mind) by Panic! At The Disco
Mr. Brightside by The Killers
Raise A Little Hell from Bonnie and Clyde
Literally the entire Newsies soundtrack
My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift
The Last Great American Dynasty by Taylor Swift (pretty much only the bridge tho)
Tolerate It by Taylor Swift
Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift
Memories by Panic! At The Disco
House Of Memories by Panic! At The Disco
Top Of My School by Katherine Lynn-Rose
Average by Sushi Soucy
Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo
Look Who’s Inside Again by Bo Burnham
I Can’t Fix You by The Living Tombstone
Little Dark Age by MGMT
Maniac by Conan Gray
Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez
Cake by Melanie Martinez
Tag, You’re It by Melanie Martinez
Castle by Halsey
Control by Halsey
Just Like Fire by P!nk
From Now On from The Greatest Showman
She Used To Be Mine from waitress
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rocksandmirrors · 2 years
I’m so confused about apple blood tbh-
Like ??? It’s implied that it’s alc0h0l and that Eda gets dr^nk off it-
But also ????
Kid Raine gives kid Eda a box of Apple Blood at hexside??????
Gus tells Camila you can get apple blood at the apple butcher which implies gus or one for the others asked for it
Eda calls it “mama’s night juice”
So I’m just ????? I’m so confused bout what it is and what the boiling isles dr!nking age is…… but also Emperor Belos is a human from the 1600’s so I mean that could answer the second part
ahjsfajs yeah i thought about it too. when we first got told Eda got drunk with it i was like "ah, so it's the equivalent of wine on the BI i guess. got it" but then kids are given AB as well??
there are two explanations for me: one, you might be onto something with the drinking age, maybe it works differently in the demon realm. like the kids are under the adults' supervision and as long as they don't drink too much of it, they don't have any of the side effects
two, maybe it's just like good old wine/grapejuice!! when it's made straight from apples, it tastes just like regular juice, but when it's prepared in a specific way, then it becomes alcohol. i'm not an expert on how wine is made, but that could be it lol (it just doesn't help that, if my theory is correct, they don't make a distinction between the two types of drink and just label it as apple blood)
(also dw there's no need to censor any mention to alcohol, i tag this kind of stuff accordingly and can add tags if so desired)
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puckishpal · 1 year
It's supposed to hurt, that's how you know it's working || A new one-shot has just been posted!
Here’s the link to the story!
Here’s the link to my Human AU!
Total word count: 14,219
Darius decided to take pity on the child and help with the distractions as he threw away the bloodied cotton ball and took out a fresh one to continue cleaning, “What have we learned about running in the garden?”
Hunter looked at himself in the mirror and rubbed at the stains that littered his cheeks. A dirt mark was darkly applied to his forehead. Darius watched in horror as Hunter licked the tip of his thumb and tried to scrub the dirt off. He squinted at himself, and Darius was genuinely surprised that a child could express something so adult like, “Don’t.” he said, as if answering a math question.
The older man hated how this child spoke. He's come to realize that he hated a lot about how this child acted. “No,” he countered, “outside is for running, Hunter. Try again.”
|| An outsider's story on how Hunter grew up with Philip Wittebane before his death, and how Darius Deamonne, Raine Whispers, and Eberwolf were the ones who killed him. ||
Please see story tags and character list below before reading!
Darius Deamonne & Hunter | The Golden Guard
Darius Deamonne & Eberwolf & Raine Whispers
Eda Clawthorne & Lilith Clawthorne & Darius Deamonne
Darius Deamonne & Previous Golden Guard | Darius Deamonne's Mentor
Mentioned Hunter | The Golden Guard & Steve (The Owl House)
Hunter | The Golden Guard & Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos
Darius Deamonne
Previous Golden Guard | Darius Deamonne's Mentor (The Owl House)
Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos
Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House)
Raine Whispers
Eberwolf (The Owl House)
Eda Clawthorne
Lilith Clawthorne
Mentioned Steve (The Owl House) - Character
Mentioned Camila Noceda - Character
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Human
Ch*ld *buse
Foster Care
Family Dynamics
POV Multiple
Evil Corporations
pinky promises
Found Family
He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Eberwolf (The Owl House)
Mute Eberwolf (The Owl House)
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