#is this a drabble if i wrote it in one sitting?
michael-aftonz · 2 days
what type of movies the sdv marriage candidates would watch:
so this is just for funsies, but i decided to brainstorm what types of movies/shows all 12 marriage candidates would watch. there will be a mini-drabble assigned to each one, as a treat. sorry i got a little carried away with some of these. i hope you guys enjoy <3
harvey: he loves romcoms. there is literally no denying it.
i picture him on the farmhouse couch, wrapped in his favorite blanket with a mountain of tissues next to him. you walk in and take "your spot" next to him (which is basically as close to him as humanly possible, your head resting on his shoulder). he leans into your body to acknowledge you're there, but he's too invested in his movie. DEFINITELY a movie crier. "why can't she see that he's the perfect guy for her!!!" absolutely inconsolable during the parts where the love interests are fighting, but then when they finally get together he's like "i knew it!!!" harvey would have a variety of snacks, though most of them are things like apple slices with peanut butter and some assorted nuts. happy to share his opinions about the movie and even ask your input on the love interest(s). for example, if the main love interest has a current partner who is definitely not right for them, he'd be like, "so, you see that persons TOTALLY the wrong one for them, right?" he'd also "take notes" and use what hes learned from these movies to plan romantic dates for the two of you.
elliott: let's all be honest here. he also loves romcoms.
he and harvey have a "book-club" style meeting where they watch a movie and discuss it over tea/coffee. of course, he'd invite you, too. being the romantic - and writer - he is, he spends the entire movie critiquing things and going "oh, well, if i wrote it i'd do it this way-" you love him, even if he does talk over the movie. i also think he'd be the one to bring the most AMAZING array of snacks to a movie night - like full on 3 course meal with dessert. a bit overkill, but what else would you expect? elliott probably gets too invested in the storylines and - if its an ending he doesnt like - will write his "own version" with tweaks. yes, elliott is a part of fandom, sue me! he'd definitely show you the finished script and ask for your input. who knows? maybe elliott will direct his own movie one day - with you as the star, of course.
alex: if you guessed sports movies and gridball games... you'd be completely wrong. i think alex enjoys animated movies - it doesn't really matter the genre. alternatively, i also think he would enjoy westerns.
here me out: everyone always assumes he's like.. sport obsessed, and he is, but thats SOOO boring. i think he does enjoy watching sports, yes, but his favorite movie type is animated. im talking studio ghibli animation. he loves howl's moving castle and makes you watch it with him several times a week. honestly, you aren't entirely sure he doesn't have a crush on christian bale, but like, who could blame him? now for the westerns. from my own personal experience of visiting my grandparents, they watch westerns exclusively. i think living with george and evelyn would have introduced him to the western cowboy film genre and he would have instantly loved it. it's mainly a nostalgia thing - when alex was younger, he'd always sit on george's lap and watch the western movies with his grandfather. evelyn would be making cookies in the kitchen and then bring kid alex a heaping portion. whenever he watches a western now, he feels warm and safe. it reminds him of his childhood. of home.
shane: action comedy
i don't really think this would needs much explanation.. shane just enjoys a good action comedy movie. i think he'd laugh way too loudly. personally, i think he enjoys animated action comedies much more than live action ones (though he'll still watch those). i think his favorite would be kung fu panda, just because he sees himself as po in a way. i think he would supply ample snacks - though most so unhealthy and sugary that they'll make your teeth fall out. he's definitely the type to fall asleep during a movie, cheesy dust coating his fingers and his hands still in the bowl you two were sharing. you just shake your head and place a blanket over him. maybe you even fall asleep, too. that's all fun and games until you somehow knock the bowl off in your sleep and cheese balls spill all over your carpet flooring. oops. it's okay tho! 5 second rule. i also think shane is the type to walk into a room where a movie is playing while he was doing something (ie bringing you something, cleaning, etc), stand at the edge of the room with his arms crossed like he's "not interested", and spend 20 minutes watching before finally sitting down next to you.
sam: thriller movies
oh, sam. sammy sam samson. he's another tough one. theres so many good genres that i think he'd like, so hes sort of a chameleon. he's open to watch any and everything, but he LOVES thriller movies. more specifically, dystopian future thriller movies. he loves anything that's exciting. sorry sam fans, but i think he'd be the type to watch movies EXCLUSIVELY on his busted android phone. he'd also laugh loudly at parts and rewind to show you, but it's not like you can see through all the cracks so you're just like "oh, that's hilarious". sam loves sending you youtube compilations of "funny movie clips" and will be like "yoo, did you see that clip i sent you?" even though sam will watch anything, i think he absolutely despises war movies. even though he knows its just a movie, he can't help himself from imagining his father in that situation. war movies are a definite DO NOT WATCH for him. i think he would buy an entire large pizza for the two of you to share but.. im sorry, but you do NOT get any pizza. boy just eats the whole thing in 2 bites.
sebastian: historical movies
controversial, i know. but i feel like sebastian would love historical movies. growing up with demetrius as a step-father, sebastian always loved learning new things. historical movies allow him to continue to learn new things. now, i don't mean that he loves documentaries, i mean he loves historical FICTION movies. specifically, pirate movies. sebastian definitely is a laptop-only movie watcher. it doesn't matter if the tv is three feet from him, he will not watch something unless its on his laptop. i imagine him sitting on your shared bed, leaning back against the headboard with the laptop on his legs. he'd absolutely lose his mind if you joined him - even letting you hold the laptop, if you want. i think he would melt if you laid your head down on his chest and asked him questions about what he was watching - which he'd be happy to answer. he would definitely start playing with your hair if he seemed to be getting bored of his movie, or maybe he'd just do it without realizing.
emily: musicals!!
again, no real explanation needed. girlie loves to sing along - maybe even dance along - to the musical numbers. i think she is a musical theatre fanatic, though she really loves movie musicals. because broadway tickets are like so expensive, she prefers to stay home and watch them with you. she knows all the lyrics and has definitely watched them multiple times. during her favorite numbers, she'd pull you up from the couch and convince you to dance with her. you'd be having the time of your life - even if you didn't really know the lyrics. if you did, the two of you would be singing (well, screaming, really) along to every word.
leah: this one was a bit tough, but i think leah would like fantasy movies.
i really think she would enjoy the movie scenery more than the actual plot, though. like the beauty of the nature, you know? you two would be watching a movie where someone is going on a big, exciting quest and leah would be like "oh, gosh, look at those trees. the coloring is just spectacular." you don't mind, though, because she's right: these fantasy worlds always look so breath-takingly beautiful and it's hard not be captivated by them. i think she'd prefer the artistic aspect to the movies, especially if it's an animated fantasy movie. if it was animated, she'd be absolutely speechless and just in awe of how the animators drew something/someone. what she doesn't realize, though, is that you're looking at her the way she looks at the movie. she just looks so breath-taking and you can't help but smile every time she makes a comment about it. "this movie is so gorgeous" and you would think "but not as gorgeous as you."
maru: mysteries!!!
specifically murder mysteries or whodunit's. while she does love scientific documentaries as well, she also enjoys a good mystery movie. and when she watches them, she gets INVESTED. im talking making her own predictions and even asking you who you think the killer is. of course, she's always right. maybe she has some sort of "detective intuition"? you think it's adorable how she clings to your arm and rambles about her guesses. "how could you think it was THAT person? it's obviously this one!" can and will provide evidence on how she's right. makes you think and really dive deep into the movies. it's fun to watch them with her because it lets you view things in a different light than normal.
abigail: i think abby loves comedies.
yeah, everyone thinks she would like horror movies - and she does - but her favorite? comedies all the way. she loves a good laugh. the two of you have a movie theater date, making sure to get the extra large popcorn to share (but you wouldn't be mad if abby ate it all, since she usually does. but she looks cute with her face full of popcorn.) she laughs super loud and everyone else in the theater is .. glaring at you two. i think she would also have "full body" laugh reactions like she would smack the seat, smack her legs, just anything. she's having a good time tho. by the end of the date she is completely covered in popcorn (yes, it even managed to get in her hair, somehow) and you spend a few minutes picking each piece out.
haley: honestly? i think she enjoys horror movies. not because she's overly interested in the horror aspect, but because it gets her closer to you.
she would invite you over for a movie. of course, she would probably be scared out of her mind (or not, depending on the severity of the movie). regardless of if she was actually scared or not, i think she'd still find a reason to cuddle up next to you "for comfort" or "because she was scared". you don't mind, though, and you're happy to have her feel safe in your arms. eventually, she'd just stop trying to watch the movie all together and just cuddle up next to you.
penny: i think she would like dramas or melodramas.
penny, being calm and quiet herself, probably likes these genres of movies because she doesn't express very strong emotions herself. not that she doesn't feel them, she does!, she's just very soft spoken and doesn't like to speak her mind for fear of upsetting someone. when she watches these movies, she can relate to the characters and their experiences. it makes her feel.. calmer? in a way. i think she is the type to watch movies while in pajamas, probably before bed or at a sleep over type setting. she will defend her movie choices (not that you'd insult them, anyway). i also think she would be the type to bring "easy" snacks - peanuts and saltine crackers are her best friends. penny seems like the type to have a movie on in the background while doing something else (cleaning, trying new recipes, etc). if you two had a sleepover, she would definitely try to get you interested in her movie choice and list any possible actors you may know. even if it wasn't really "your thing", you'd still watch the movie because it makes penny happy.
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rinneverse · 5 months
cw a little suggestive towards the end, mdni please and ty :)
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alhaitham is the type to seethe quietly in his jealousy.
he’s not outwardly possessive—no, because he lets the stranger talk to you—his pretty girlfriend—about his thesis plans, about his academic feats, and you sit there with a smile plastered on your face, nodding your head as you listen to him prattle on and on and on.
alhaitham nearly bends the book in his hand into pieces with what he claims is annoyance. not possessiveness, no, that was out of character. he was just… annoyed, that this random man had the gall to interrupt his reading session with you.
that’s what he tells himself, at least.
of course, how was he supposed to know you were dating the akademiya scribe, when alhaitham was possibly the most low-key person ever? the two of you were quiet about your relationship, content to share it between yourselves. only your close friends really knew the extent of how deep your “friendship” with the scribe went.
as soon as the man leaves (not without leaving his number for you, of course), and the two of you are blanketed in the quiet murmurs of the akademiya library, alhaitham sets his book down. he turns to you.
he finds you staring at him, amusement flickering in your eyes. alhaitham tilts his head, all feline grace, his eyes narrowing into slits as he asks, “what?”
you shake your head mirthfully, crumpling up the slip of paper in your hand and tossing it into the nearest bin. alhaitham feels his shoulders un-tense just a fraction at the sight.
“nothing,” you say, but alhaitham knows you’re lying.
so he leans closer to you, grasping your chin in his hand as he tilts your head back and forces your gaze to meet his.
“liar. what is it?”
you smile. wide and wider it grows, and you reach a hand up to brush alhaitham’s cheek. he barely suppresses a shudder at the gentle touch.
“i didn’t think you to be the jealous type.”
“i’m not.”
“then what was that all about?” you hum. you’re… amused by this. amused by him grappling with his emotions. alhaitham feels his lips twitch downward.
if you didn’t know any better, he would appear to just be frowning. but you did… and it was like he was pouting. you giggle.
“i am annoyed,” alhaitham says, stressing the last word, “that we were interrupted by a stranger. nothing more.”
“nothing more?” you parrot, your eyes gleaming with amusement. “sure. and i’m the grand sage.”
alhaitham bites his tongue, pulling his hand away from your chin. his fingers flex—he has to stamp down on his self-control. being found in a compromising position in the library would surely wreck the both of your social statuses.
but the thrill of it… seeing you bent over the table, utterly wrecked under the careful ministrations of his hands—getting to mark his claim on you...
he quickly shakes the dangerous train of thought away.
“do you want to go home?” you suddenly ask, a coy smile dancing on your lips. he must have been obvious where his line of thinking was going, if you managed to catch on that quickly. the grin on your face tells him that you did.
alhaitham pretends to ponder it. grabs the book he set down, turns it over in his hands, then shrugs.
“sure. kaveh shouldn’t be home for another few hours.”
his voice was bedroom-soft, and the tone in which he said it—nearly purring—has heat pooling in your core.
“alright. let’s go?”
he wordlessly rises, holding out his hand for you. there’s a small part of him that feels a maddening satisfaction when you let out a pleased hum, followed by a surprised yelp as he gracefully slides an arm around you.
someone nearby makes a “shh” noise, and he completely ignores it. you giggle out an apology.
it was utterly unlike him, he thinks, as he guides you through the library with his arm wrapped around your waist, slowly moving to rest his hand on the small of your back when the two of you exit the library.
maybe he’ll try being more public in his attention to you. that would most certainly keep this from happening again.
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peachsayshi · 2 years
- minors and ageless blogs dni - 
thinking about…night owl sugu and his early riser gf …
he doesn’t know how he managed to freshen up and roll out of bed since he’s practically stumbling into the kitchen with his eyes half closed. he wanted to kick himself for promising that he would wake up for breakfast, but the moment the rays of daylight struck his pretty irises he immediately regretted his decision.
his head was pounding, his stomach gnawing at him in discomfort from being up during hours that he wasn’t used to. he really should go back to sleep, but it’s the start of your blossoming relationship and geto hasn’t figured out how to tell you that these morning activities you love so much just don’t work for him.
he sees you in his kitchen, slicing up fruit while nipping your bottom lip in concentration. he leans against the frame of the wall, and quirks his brow when he takes in the tee you were wearing. it occurs to him that this the first time he’s ever seen you in his clothes, and the black oversized fabric engulfs you, leaving only the stems of your legs and arms visible.
he’s already half hard, and when you turn over your shoulder to brightly smile in his direction it just makes it worse. you start chattering away while he approaches behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist and he rests his chin on your shoulder. you don’t catch his mood, and after letting you ramble for a few minutes longer he brushes his lips against your neck and whispers: “how about we just go back to sleep?” 
you pout with disappointment, before insisting that he just needs something delicious to eat to lift his spirits. he can only wonder how he wound with up with somebody who contrasted him in every single way and slumps his shoulders in defeat while the seconds tick away as he focuses on you slicing up the remaining strawberries. 
his hands begin to wander, slipping underneath the fabric of his tee as he molds his body against you. he kisses your shoulder as he kneads the flesh of your hips, pondering to himself if his little promise was worth keeping. he can tell you’re trying hard not to get distracted, but he wins the challenge when his hand makes it’s way underneath the waistband of your underwear to slowly rub your clit. 
it’s not long before you’re facing him, your back pressing up against the counter while his half lidded gaze focuses on the way his dick sinks in and out of your dripping cunt. your chirpy voice reduced to nothing but gentle pants, while your fists tightly grip onto his shoulders with every thrust he delivers. your thighs quiver when you orgasm, and you would have lost your balance if he wasn’t there holding you in place. with one last push he finally shakes, reaching his own climax and finding his release. 
he would have much rather woken up to this, fucked you sweetly in the comfort of his bed and fell asleep in your arms as he grows soft inside you. he pulls out and fixes himself up then uses two fingers to readjust your underwear before grabbing some tissues to quickly clean the mess. 
holding your face in the palms of his hands, he places a kiss on your cheek and another on your lips, ignoring your slightly dumbstruck expression before mumbling a quiet: “thanks for breakfast, I’m going back to bed.” 
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loserdiaz · 2 years
you'll be okay ( i'm on my way with some time to borrow )
been having kind of a bad day so decided to write some soft emotional hurt/comfort for myself.
Buck buries himself further in the blanket mound. It's not even cold but the weight and the warmth brings at least a little bit of comfort. All his blinds are closed, the loft dark and quiet. Buck doesn't feel like seeing the sun shine, doesn't want to be surrounded by happiness or anything really, he just can't feel it today.
He feels drained, even if he hasn't gotten out of bed since he woke up. Something aches deep inside of him, a strange feeling tightening around his heart and making it hard to breath, a pain he can't quite unfold.
His phone rings but Buck can't bring himself to reach out and answer it. It repeats a couple of times, the annoying song playing over and over again until it stops and then it starts all over again. Ten minutes later it stops all together, whoever was calling apparently giving up. He didn't have a shift so it probably wasn't urgent anyway, maybe Maddie needing a last minute babysitter or something— and while Buck adores his niece with his whole body, heart and soul, he just doesn't have it in him today.
Buck sighs and closes his eyes, a few tears slipping and sliding down his cheeks. Today is just— a bad day.
He's not sure how much time it passes with just him laying there, sometimes crying, sometimes slipping half into unconsciousness. Maybe it's a couple of hours later— or perhaps just minutes, he can't be sure— when he hears the door opening and closing. Seconds later, his boyfriend's familiar voice calling out for him.
"Buck? Baby?" Buck hears Eddie's climbing the stairs and soon enough there's hands running along his messy curls and his forehead. "Hey. You weren't answering your phone and I got worried." Eddie whispers, not judging or mad, just concerned. His tone so soft and loving that it makes Buck ache even more.
He doesn't deserve someone as understanding and as good as Eddie.
Buck wants to smile, to reassure his boyfriend. He wants to lean into Eddie's touch like he usually would do. But that strange ache burns in his chest like a wildfire destroying any sign of life in its wake, and he can't fake a smile. He's exhausted, even the smallest gesture feels like too much.
"'M 'orry." He whispers, practically slurring the words all together, after a few seconds. His voice raspy and low. "I just— you should go. 'M not feelin' good."
"You want me to go? You're not in pain, you don't have a fever, right?" Eddie keeps his tone soft, his hands keep caressing Buck's face, his cheeks..
"No. 'M just... dunno." Buck shrugs and buries himself more into the blankets. He can't describe the feeling, can't explain exactly why he suddenly feels so hollow inside, even though he has everything he could ever want or need.
Maybe it's the couple of rough calls they had last week catching up to him, maybe it's his parents' visit last month that left him so he incredibly drained and sad that it's coming back to bite him in the ass. Maybe it's a combination of those things or maybe it's none of those things at all. Buck really doesn't know, which only makes it worse.
Eddie should walk away. He should get up and leave. Because what would be the point in staying? Buck is broken, overdramatic and drenched in his pain. Eddie doesn't need that.
But it's like Eddie reads his mind, the man pulling away enough to take his shoes off and get back on bed, next to Buck. "I can stay here. I'm not going anywhere if you don't want me to." Eddie murmurs softly, lips brushing against Buck's temple. "We don't have to talk or do anything. We can just lie here. Yeah, baby?"
"'Kay." Buck answers, voice small and trembling.
"I love you." Eddie says after a beat, the gentleness and tenderness of the words wiggling their way into the blanket pile and twisting their way into Buck's heart, smoothing the jaded edges just a little bit.
It doesn’t make the heavy feeling in his chest go away. But it eases the ache into something dull, into something more manageable.
Eddie wraps his arms around Buck's waist, presses his lips to his cheeks, to the corner of his lips, to his forehead— to every inch of exposed skin that he can reach. As if he were trying to kiss all of Buck's pain and feelings of inadequacy away. "You'll be okay. We'll be okay."
Eddie whispers sweet nothings, his hands brushing through his curls and playing gently with his hair. It's comforting in a way Buck didn't know he needed— or more like, in a way he didn't know how to ask for.
"I love you. It'll be okay." Eddie says and Buck latches onto those words, holds tight. This feeling will go away, and Buck will be okay. The one thing that isn't going anywhere is Eddie, Buck knows that for sure. Even if he doesn't think he deserves it, even if he believes Eddie could do better— the man loves him anyway, and he chooses to stay.
Buck doesn't think he will ever understand why, but he won't ever take that for granted.
He holds on. Tomorrow will be better.
But for now, he lets himself drift away as Eddie quietly traces his fingertips over Buck's shoulders and back.
For now, Eddie soothes the ache inside of him enough to let him breathe.
They'll be okay. They have each other's backs.
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se-agapo-skywalker · 7 months
100-Word Drabble
CW: age gap (dilf!Luke), oral sex (f receiving)
You've never felt a beard between your thighs before--not like this. Never like this. Hell, you've never felt anything like it at all.
Luke, as your master, is obligated to share as much knowledge as he can... knowledge you wouldn't expect a Jedi to have in a million years. Yet, somehow, in typical Skywalker fashion, he does.
"Hold still, sweetheart," he had told you as he spread your legs apart, as far as they could go, while he drank in the sight of your pussy. The first one he'd seen in ages, his salvation, practically... and he's intent on worshiping it. Worshiping you.
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quinloki · 11 months
Birthday Request Event
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader: Dealer's Choice (afab!reader) Character: Thatch Kink: #2 Praise Kink Prompt: Dealer's Choice (I winged it and oh... oh my gods.) Gift Giver: @khadoxofthemlems
Summary: Is it possible to have a praise-war between you and your new beau? Most certainly.
Content Notes: I... I don't know. Incorrect use of icing. implied smut. It's really sweet and also like, WHEW.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
“Your icing work is so pretty!” You had beamed a few weeks ago, watching Thatch decorate the birthday cake for the month. He’d squeezed the tube too hard, red in the face and completely off-guard, and it had been how the two of you ended up getting closer together.
Thatch wooed you like an old man, and you teased him for it, but the intent was adorable. He’d bring you flowers from the islands, or make icing flowers around the edges of your food. You’d tug his scarf when no one else was nearby and steal a kiss, causing his face to go red again.
Everyone teased Thatch more than you, but the chef seemed to revel in it. The sea dog was a romantic at heart, and he loved all the praises you lavished on him.
After your first night together, a quiet evening of searching hands and soft kisses and hours of worship between the two of you, Thatch asked if he could do something self-indulgent. You agreed, and agreed a second time when he said it would have to happen in the galley.
Now you’re sitting on wax paper laid out over a table, naked and smiling as Thatch is making icing-flowers around you. His ears are red as you’ve already started praising his work.
“At least now I understand why your hands were so steady on our first night.” You muse softly as you watch him work. “And so… precise.” You say pointedly and watch Thatch’s fingers twitch.
This time he manages to keep his cool and not squeeze half the icing onto the flower, but you can see his ears flush red. He clears his throat a little, looking up at you with a smirk.
“What I would give, so that everything in my life was as sweet as you,” he replies, standing up enough to kiss you. You can feel the heat rush through you, your heart fluttering at the sweet words and warm kiss, struggling to keep your breath and yourself steady.
“How’re your legs?”
“Fine, nothing is uncomfortable.” You assure him. “I told you, I can sit like this for hours. My flexing hasn’t disrupted your flowers, I hope?”
Thatch looks around and then shakes his head. “Not even a little.” There’s a devious grin on his face as he nuzzles into your neck, goatee teasing your skin before his lips do. “I wonder if those little flexes will disrupt the decorations I put on you.”
“O-on me?”
Thatch smiles at you and you feel your heart thump heavy in your chest. He picks up a different piping bag and begins to wind thin green “vines” up from the flowers around you. The thin lines of frosting are a little cold, but they were very thin, and thus very light, sitting atop the fine hairs on your thighs and sending odd shivers into your skin from what was an impossibly light touch.
“Stay still, my sweet.” Thatch admonishes lightly, focused on his work. “I don’t want to make any mistakes.”
Something in his tone warms your core, and the confidence you had a few moments ago is slipping away. You were certain you had the chef wrapped around your finger – a little praise, a shy look, and Thatch melted to your will. You weren’t leading him on, it was pleasant for both of you, but now you felt a little like a thief caught by their own trap.
“Th-Thatch.” You whisper softly as the vine twists and turns up your thighs toward your hips.
“Yes, mein törtchen?” He answers, not looking up from his work.
“Y-You’re not… making any more… flowers?” You’re struggling to not shiver from the sound of his voice.
Thatch stops, swirling a vine just inside your thigh. So close, he’s so close and you’re so wet, he has to know, you’re certain of it. He straightens, hand gently caressing the side of your face as he gives you a soft smile.
“But you, are the flower.” He says softly, slowly closing the distance between your lips and his. “No baker would make a flower on top of one that’s already perfect.”
Thatch’s hand is on your thigh as his lips capture yours, devouring your surprised squeak as icing smears against your skin. A deep kiss and needy hands were the start of your evening, and hardly any of the flowers survived the night without some sign of the passion shared between the two of you.
Not even you.
Check out the event - requests are accepted until 7/31/2023 EST
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writingwitharlo · 2 years
For the ticklefic emoji ask meme, maybe Nick and Charlie with 💗 or 💘? :)
a/n: found a way to incorporate both! :)
💗 -Squeal
💘 -Plead
Emoji Drabble Prompts
A promise - 525 words
"Oh, come on, Char."
"Absolutely not."
"Just one time."
"No, go away."
"This is my bed."
"Shut up."
"No- Stop looking at me like that!"
"Pretty please? I promise I won't go near them for the rest of... today."
They were at a stalemate. Well, something like that. Sitting face-to-face between a tangle of sheets with Charlie holding Nick's hands at arm's length. They both knew Nick was strong enough to break free or simply push back, but he was being nice. He was always nice.
"It's embarrassing," Charlie huffed.
"No, it's cute."
A hot flash came over Charlie and he knew his ears must be glowing. If he would only stop using that stupid puppy face to his advantage.
He was using that stupid sing-song voice that always left Charlie with a hint of anticipatory giddiness. 
"You promise to leave them alone after that?"
"Nicholas, I swear to-"
"Alright, alright. I promise."
Their eyes locked for about five seconds, which felt a lot longer to both of them, with Charlie glaring suspiciously and Nick barely able to contain the growing smirk.
"I promise on all the jumpers currently in my wardrobe."
There was another beat as Charlie considered the offer. In that case, he almost wanted Nick to break his promise. 
"Fine," he huffed finally, but still gripping Nick's hands tightly. "But if you don't, not only do I get all of your jumpers, but I will destroy your neck for... at least an hour."
Nick's eyes widened and he resisted the urge to scrunch his shoulders up at the mere thought of the possible revenge. But he nodded, his tongue running over his bottom lip briefly. 
"I promise."
With one last steely look, Charlie slowly loosened his grip, lowering their hands before finally releasing Nick's. He did not even have time to let out a surprised yelp, so fast were Nick's hands glued to his knees. 
It only took a couple of precise clawed pinches to the muscle just above the kneecap and there it was. Mixed with the frantic giggles and words of protest, a squeal. And there was no way to disguise it as anything else. 
Charlie threw his arms over his face, which was not only to hide his burning face but also muffle any more potential squeals that were threatening to burst out. 
Nick couldn't help but laugh along, his face beaming at this new discovery. He held on for a few more of Charlie's kicks, successfully eliciting one more of that adorable sound before finally keeping to his promise. 
He reached up to flutter his fingers over the exposed strip of stomach Charlie had left so readily available, only to get him to bring his arms down and, to no surprise, it worked wonderfully. 
Charlie was breathless, but even more so when he saw the look on Nick's face, his head tilted to the side as if admiring a piece of art. 
"See, was it so bad?"
"Yes, it was."
"You're so dramatic."
"Oh, I'm dramatic?"
Nick should have expected that his neck wouldn't get away unscathed as it was rarely the case.
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soundwavemain · 2 years
Could you do one about the Disaster Twins sneaking out of the lair (when they're 10 or smt)? (You can have Leo convincing Donnie to sneak out with him or have them be on the surface already)
Thank you for sending in a request! Hope you enjoy it :]
Nighttime in New York City was something to behold. People still milled through, stores stayed open late, and cars blared their horns at arrogant drivers cutting off them off. Donnie took a big, deep breath and grinned. His large purple hoodie obscured his body well enough now that it was dark out. He stepped forward but stopped, someone tugging at his arm.
Leo stood behind him, shrunken in on himself. He held onto Donnie’s hand like a lifeline. His gaze darted back and forth, reflecting the bright lights Donnie cherished.
Donnie used his free hand to pull Leo’s hood over his head. Then he turned around and crouched.
“Up, up. We don’t have all night.”
Leo hesitated. But Donnie felt his younger brother scramble onto his back after a moment. He hooked his arms under Leo’s legs and Leo wrapped his arms loosely around his neck. He walked down the street, Leo’s face pressed against his shoulder.
Donnie had made the trek through New York City plenty of times. He was the first of his brothers that their father trusted to do anything outside the sewers. He also accompanied Raph on grocery runs so he had become quite familiar with the bright, loud, flashy nightlife. He never stopped to consider how his younger brothers would fare.
Sure, the lair was well-lit but, compared to anything above ground, it might as well have been a dark pit. However, Leo insisted on coming with him this time. Donnie knew there was no turning Leo away once he set his sights on something.
So Donnie bobbed and weaved through crowds until he came to an alley he grew fond of. A fire escape ladder dangled above them. Donnie tapped Leo’s legs–“Hold on tight.”–and waited for Leo’s grip to change before crouching. The added weight of his younger brother changed things, but Donnie could reach the actual fire escape on a normal day. Still, he bit his lip to not laugh at Leo’s squeak when they landed and the ladder rattled.
From there, Donnie climbed up and up until he reached a window. He knocked on the frame. They only waited a few minutes before the curtains fell open and a round face appeared in front of them.
Leo gasped. “A human. Donnie, why is a human staring at us?” He shook Donnie’s shoulders, leaning back to put some distance between him and the window.
The girl inside opened her window. “You’re late, Dee.”
“Sorry. My brother wanted to come.” Donnie squeezed Leo’s hand. “April, this is Leo. Leo, meet April.”
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queenharumiura · 7 months
((Neo prioritizing working on things for NPC build up? Yes. I don’t know how relevant this would be to others as I’m not sure how often I’d end up utilizing them for whatever reason but hm. I’m just here to set the scene for things so- kekw don’t mind me just having my own fun))
Word count: 4,235
Trigger warnings: Blood tw, and injuries tw
Humming down the street, Haru was listening to music as she was studying. She had just finished shopping for some fabric, and she was on her way back home so she could get started. While getting some light exercise by walking home, she had brought out her notebook that she jotted notes into to study from. It was a good use of her time if you were to ask her. She stops in her tracks when a cat zooms past her foot from an alleyway. It looked like it had been frightened off. Pausing her music and popping an earbud out of her ear, she looks in the direction the cat ran from. There wasn’t a sound of another cat hissing or a dog snarling from the dark alley. She couldn’t hear anything amiss at first, so she was about to pop the earbud back into her ear, chalking it up to ‘silly cat behavior’ before she heard a suspicious sound in the alleyway followed by what she could perceive to be quiet curses.
Stowing her items away into her bag, she walks into the alleyway. Perhaps not the smartest idea from yours truly, but Haru was curious as much as she is concerned. “Hello? Is anyone here?” She calls out hesitantly. The sound of something sliding and falling to the ground could be heard. Squinting, she finally notices a slumped figure behind a stack of boxes. It looked like one of the other stacked boxes had fallen over and that’s what she heard earlier. Inspecting one of the boxes to her right, she notices a crimson smear, and she finally notices the smell of blood.
Someone was injured. Her heart skips a beat and she rushes to check on the fallen person. She’s taken aback momentarily to realize she doesn’t recognize the person, but in retrospect, it was a good thing that she didn’t know who he was. He looked to be a number of years older than her at most, and he was clutching at his side. Her breath hitches at the sight of a knife lodged in his side and she feels dizzy for a brief moment, but she keeps her wits about her. Before she could say anything else, she flinches-
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“Ah, here to finish off the job?”
Haru goes cross-eyed at the barrel of a gun that she’s staring down. ‘Oh--- this is… something more serious than I thought it was going to be…’ Heart raced wildly in her chest and her fight or flight instincts were screaming at her to run, but she couldn’t move. She was scared that any sudden movement would result in her probably dying because she chose to be a curious cat. What did they say again? Curiosity killed the cat? The second part of that is satisfaction brought it back, but if she’s shot, she’s just dead! This is a TRAVESTY that her desire to be helpful to someone in need of help would result in dying!
She hears the sound of birds chirping overhead, and she recognized the sound of that chirp anywhere. Somehow, a wave of relief washes over her. Morbid as it may be, there is some comfort in knowing if she were to die here, she’d be found pretty swiftly. Justice for an innocent Haru would be served.
Releasing the breath she’d been keeping captive, she looks the man dead in the eyes. “If by job you mean trying to get you the help you need, then sure. Pull the trigger, and see how far you get before the police come because of multiple reports of people hearing gunfire.” Eyes pan to the knife lodged in his side, “I don’t think you’d get very far.” She assumes it may have been her voice that prompts him to lower his gun. If he were to have any pursuers, they certainly weren’t female. “True, I wouldn’t get far. You shouldn’t be here, it’s unsafe, little lady.”
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She knelt down slowly next to the man, squinting her eyes to see that he also had an injured… shoulder? An arm? It was dark in the alleyway, so it wasn’t that easy to tell rightaway. “Hahi… it’s worse than Haru thought.” She shines the light from her phone over him and guesses that the injury was a bullet wound. It was clear that he’d been ambushed or something and he’d had tried to get away and chose a dark alleyway to hide to recuperate. “Little lady-“ “Haru has a name, and it’s not ‘little lady,’ it’s Miura Haru. Haru’s already here so let her help.” She starts rummaging through her bag and fishes out a pair of scissors. What kind of crafting person wouldn’t carry a pair around for emergencies? What a shame for the suit, but what can you do? “Excuse me,” she starts working on cutting off the sleeves, because she certainly wasn’t going to have him strip himself topless with a knife still lodged in his side. She needed to properly assess his injured arm and she can’t do that while he’s still clothed.
While the stab injury is concerning, with the knife still lodged in his side, the knife was serving as a plug to prevent more blood loss. He was lucky that the assailant hadn’t pulled the knife out or he may have started bleeding out already.
“Have you… called anyone? Should Haru call the emergency services for you…?” She hesitates to ask the question as she finishes cutting through the sleeves of the jacket and the dress shirt underneath to see the bullet wound. She feels a small wave of dizziness at the injury, but she shakes her head to refocus her attention. “Do you think Yakuza go to hospitals?” The man scoffs at her question, “I can’t trust anyone right now. There is a rat.” Earlier today, he’d escorted the Kumicho to a meeting with the neighboring Gumi. All was business as usual, until on their way back, they were attacked. In the chaos he’d gotten separated from the Kumicho and he’d gotten injured.
Unsure of who was friend or foe, he had to get in contact with the Gumi to inform the 2nd young master of their being a rat within their ranks and they had it out for the Kumicho. There was no telling if he was next. Was it a spy from an enemy faction? Revenge? He didn’t know, but he needed a way to contact the Gumi. Looking at the young woman rummaging through her bag to fish out a small first aid kit, his suspicions raise once again. Why was she so calm in this situation? She wasn’t asking questions about how he’d gotten shot and stabbed. She wasn’t nearly as panicked as he expected her to be in this situation. “A rat… that’s dangerous. Have you tried contacting anyone, is someone coming to find you? To be safe, Haru thinks it’d be best to make a tourniquet for your arm so you don’t lose too much blood while waiting for someone.” If he loses lucidity from blood loss, she wouldn’t know where to begin with helping him.
“Why are you asking so many questions? Who sent you?” The sound of a gun being cocked once more and Haru sighs. ‘He’s losing his lucidity or he’s overthinking things because of the situation. Be patient, Haru.’ She had pressed a gauze over the bullet wound, trying to apply enough pressure to help stop the bleeding. “If you don’t want to risk losing too much blood, Haru is going to need-”
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Seeing the gun pointed at her again fills her with rage. Rolling her eyes with annoyance, she pinches his arm, “is NOW really the time to be so suspicious of a good Samaritan? Focus, and be suspicious about Haru later! You can take her pinkies or her life if you deem her an enemy later! Stop being so annoying and answer me!”
This girl was unpredictable and odd. It was common sense to assume she would’ve been scared silly right now? In a normal situation, she would’ve been very scared, but after realizing that he was in need of help, Haru deemed giving him aid to be more important than any pain that she could theoretically find herself in. Not only that, he was starting to remind her of some people she knew in the Vongola. Fussing over useless things, being too paranoid, and opting for violence first over words.
She stares down at the man, not backing down even though he was glaring at her. ‘I’ve been having glaring matches with Gokudera for years, you don’t scare me.’ How scary is a dog that was unable to run away, anyways? Again, if something were to happen to her, it wouldn’t take long for the Vongola to find out and act. Haru’s going to get the last laugh, you rude goon! She snorts when she sees him lower the gun again. “Need Haru to remind you of her questions?”
It wasn’t that Haru couldn’t sympathize with him being so paranoid after being ambushed. If there is a rat, you’re going to be wary of everything and everyone. He was in pain and his mind was probably running in every direction. This is this and that is that. She can understand why he’s so tense, but that doesn’t mean she has to accept it with a smile. She rummages through her bag and pulls out the fabric she’d bought moments ago. A shame that the fabric was going to end up being ruined, but it was being used for a worthy cause. She uses the scissors from before to cut along the edge of her roll of fabric to cut a strip of manageable length and width. “I’m going to make a makeshift tourniquet with this, so it won’t feel very comfortable, but it’ll be better than you passing out from blood loss.”
The man watches as Haru is doing her best to administer first aid. He was still suspicious about who she was and why she seemed to have some idea of what to do in this situation, but he could tell that she was sincere about helping him. “My phone got misplaced during the altercation, so I’ve been out of contact with everyone.”
Haru hums in response, relieved that they were finally getting somewhere with this conversation. “Would you like to borrow Haru’s phone to make a call? She’d only ask to not get any blood on it.” Priorities, she has them. Ignore the fact that she already has blood on her from trying to administer first aid.
“In our line of business, we hardly pick up if we don’t recognize the number.” It would be useless to make a call from her cellphone, and there was no telling if the rats had tapped any of their lines for espionage purposes. The best course of action was for someone to go in person.
“Ah…” she slowly nods her head, “that makes sense. Haru can tell you right now you’re in no position to be moving from this spot unless you want to get stopped by the police.” There was no way he could travel avoid getting reported by any locals. Don’t forget the reason why she’s found you slumped over in the alley by yourself. “This isn’t going to feel comfortable, but bear with it.” She was using her scissors from earlier as a windlass for the tourniquet, twisting until she felt it was enough to prevent him from bleeding out. It was a good thing that she’d done a bit of research into different first aid skills for just in case. The knowledge came in handy, but she didn’t think she’d be using it like this.
No complaints from her though.
“I have to go. They may go after my friend next. If I won’t bleed out, that’s all I need.” The man puts a hand against the wall he was leaning against to unsteadily get onto his feet.
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Unimpressed, Haru grabbed him by the front of his suit and pulled him back down with a small jerking motion. With how unsteady he was to begin with, it didn’t take much effort to bring him back down. “If there are rats like you suspect, they’re probably out there looking for you. Barely being able to move as it is, you’re just going to hand over your life on a silver platter.” Men who are a part of the underground, going to such lengths and for what? To die? She’s seen it one too many times where they’re in no condition to continue but they insist on getting back onto their feet. She didn’t even know this man’s name, but she gave up on any pretenses.
He struggles against her continued interference, growling under his breath at her insolence.
Does she look perturbed by this? Not at all. “Don’t you think it’d be wiser to send someone else to relay a message for you? You’re sure to die if you go, but I could probably get to the front gates unimpeded at least.” At this suggestion, the man stops struggling, finding himself questioning once more what her identity was. She was bold to suggest so nonchalantly to visit a Yakuza-gumi’s homebase in his stead. He had to admit that she had a point. “Haru will take your silence as agreement.”
Going through her bag again, she pulls out a notepad and a pen. “Write the address down for me and write a message that I should hand off to someone you trust. It’ll help collaborate the reason why I’m there.”
As he was jotting things down on the notepad, Haru had opened another alcohol wipe packet to wipe off as much of a blood as she could off her hands. She did make sure to wipe her hands before she started treating him and now she was trying to clean her hands the best she could so she couldn’t alarm anyone when walking through the streets later. “Here.” The man hands her back her items. There were two notes, one with the address written on it, and another folded piece of paper that was clearly meant for the eyes of whoever he deemed was trustworthy. Haru glances over the address and draws a mental map in her head. It was a little bit aways, but it was close enough that getting there by foot would be fine.
It would probably be best for her to get there on foot if she wanted to be somewhat natural about it.
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“Thank you for this, Miss Haru. The Shiroiyuri-gumi will be in your debt for this.” The man bows his head in due respect, which bothered his side injury and Haru rushes to lean him back against the wall.
“Please, stop. You’re injured, just relax for now. Unfortunately, I don’t have any water on me, but, I do have some cookies that I baked. I read that it’s good to have some sugar after you’ve lost blood.” Being the foodie that she was, she usually had some kind of snack in her bag. She brings out a bag of cookies and she sets them down on his lap. “Who should I hand this note to? What do they look like?”
The man looks down at the cookies, and sees that they were shortbread cookies that were cut into the shapes of cats. They were cute. “There are two women of power within our Gumi, the old matriarch and our Anee-san. If they’re not around, there is a tall, grumpy man around my age. He’ll look twice as likely to shoot you for simply existing, but that’s just his face. He’s usually wearing shades.” He won’t admit that it’s because Shohei thinks it makes him look cooler. He won’t embarrass his friend like that.
“Haru doesn’t suppose they’ll be answering the gates. How am I going to call them out? What excuse am I going to give that people will believe?” It’s not like Haru should go to the gates and start screaming that there is an injured person waiting in an alley. If any traitors are mixed in with the crowd, they could easily phone contact their comrades to find him and ‘deal with him.’
The man awkwardly coughs, somehow feeling a little embarrassed. It was a bit shameful to admit this to the person who had been gracious enough to help him but, there was one thing that came to mind. “If you ask for Toshiro-san and demand to know why he didn’t show up to your date, they’d more than likely believe you…”
Ah… so he’s the kind of person who likes to flirt around with women, is he? He’s telling her to go to a Yakuza and act like a girl who just got stood up on a date and was bold enough to come demanding for answers? It’s clear he felt ashamed of it with the way he couldn’t look her in the eye. Well, someone’s life could be at stake here, so there’s no sense in arguing over this. She can make a small sacrifice for the ‘bigger picture’.
“Got it. Please, stay here and wait for help to arrive,” Haru shoved everything back into her bag haphazardly. “Haru doesn’t know what’s going on… but she hopes everything is going to be okay.” She bids him farewell with a quick bow of the head and she darts out of the alley.
[[Neo is tired, time skipping the travelling bit]]
Haru hadn’t gotten stopped by anyone on her way here, but she also wasn’t expecting to be hassled. She looked every bit the part of a regular civilian, and if anyone were to bother her, she could garner the attention of any locals nearby to pressure any shady person to leave her be.
Standing in front of the gates, she takes a deep breath before she knocks on the gates. “Excuse me!”
The heavy wooden doors open and two men look her down, “What’ya want, lil missy? This isn’t a place for a little thing like you.”
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It’s now or never. “BRING HIM OUT. Toshiro-san, you promised you’d come and you didn’t! Come before me and give me your excuses!”
The two men exchange looks, understanding now what she was here for. It seemed that this wasn’t such an uncommon occurrence with how quickly they accepted her presence. “Look lil missy, Aniki isn’t in right now. It’s not a good time, so how about you come another time?”
“You’re lying to me. HE set you up to this, didn’t he? Come out and explain yourself, you coward!” Oh—the humiliation. This is just like in the Dramas she used to watch with her mother. The overly dramatic jilted woman who has come to settle a score with her ex-boyfriend or something. How embarrassing. She can only hope that the yellow-feathered avian she sees perched atop the gates isn’t recording her right now. She’d die of embarrassment if anyone were to watch this farce.
“Look, missy! You gotta go!” “Yeah, don’t make us force you away.”
“Touch me and see what happens. I could make you rue the day you lay your hands on me.” That one came from the heart. That wasn’t a warning, but a threat. You will rue the day you chose to manhandle her the moment the others find out. Haru could tell that they weren’t lying when they said that now wasn’t a good time. A lot of people were running around in the inner courtyard, so something big was going on… whatever it was.
Though, that was probably why luck was on her side.
“What’s going on here?”
“A-Anee-san! Y-you see… it seems… that… Aniki has once again… you know.” One of the guards at the gate respectfully bows to the lady of the Gumi and starts awkwardly explaining Haru’s presence.
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“What a cute doll she is, wasted on the likes of Toshiro, that fickle man.” The woman looks Haru over and she reaches a hand to pat Haru’s cheek gently, “My dear, I apologize for the offense one of our members. I’ll be sure to have a stern word with him when he returns. Will that do?”
Haru is stun locked at the entrance of the beautiful woman. This was the Anee-san of the Gumi? She seemed like she would be the perfect Yamato Nadeshiko. Haru was in awe, but she snapped out of it when a look of confusion crosses her beautiful features. Putting her hand over the other woman’s, she slips the piece of paper between her fingers. Haru sniffs, playing up the dramatics as she normally would. “I had waited for hours for him to show, but he never did. It was humiliating. He promised to show up this time, but he didn’t.” Unless someone was scrutinizing her every move, that note hand off was A+, surely.
The woman hides the note in her hand and brings it up to her face, faking a gasp. “Oh my, had Toshiro had already stood you up before?” She fluidly unfolds the note and reads it. Her eyes dilate after reading the note, but she kept her calm and poised demeanor. She smiles at Haru and quietly mouths ‘thank you.’ “That won’t do.”
“What’s going on here?” A grumpy voice juts in.
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‘Tall, angry, and looks like he’s twice and likely to shoot me than Toshiro-san. That must be him.’ What an accurate description.
“Shohei, I was just consoling this doll here who got stood up by Toshiro twice.” The woman takes Haru’s hands in her own, slipping the note back into Haru’s hands, “Toshiro isn’t in right now, but I promise to speak to him about this. Please allow this scary man to walk you home for now, okay?” For someone so gentle and polite, there was something in her tone that was so authoritative that Haru couldn’t help but nod instinctively. The woman regards the grumpy man, “For now, why don’t you take her home? I’ll hold the fort here until you return. Take responsibility for your friend.” The woman’s tone was stern and finite.
She walks away without another word and the two guards at the gate follow behind her, “Anee-san, it’s dangerous to walk on your own!” “We’ll escort you back inside.”
The man stood there flabbergasted that his sister-in-law would assign him such a task when the entire Gumi was being turned upside down because they couldn’t get in contact with the Kumicho and any of his escort guards. Of course, she of all people knew the gravity of the situation, as it was the safety of her husband that was at stake, so he didn’t argue against her right away.
Now it was just Haru and Shohei. “This note is for you.” She quickly hands the note to him before she pulls out her phone and starts tapping away at the screen. She didn’t know if they were still being watched or not, so she was keeping up the act for now. If all parties acted none the wiser about the treachery that has transpired, the enemy were sure to let their guard down slightly.
Her ringtone goes off and she goes through the motions of picking up a call. “Moshi mosh? Eh? I’ll be right there!” Haru ‘hangs up’ and she looks at Shohei, “I need to go now, you don’t need to walk me home, good day!” She quickly bows her head before darting off.
“Wha- hey! Hold on!” Haru doesn’t stop and runs for it, recalling in her mind the path she needs to take to get to the alley that she’d left Toshiro-san in. Hopefully… he was still there—and still alive. It would be awful if the enemy had found him and dealt with him. She’s actively ignoring Shohei calling for her to stop so that they could talk.
‘Is there a point to me keeping up an act if he’s clearly not on the same wavelength?’ Whatever, she’s not wasting time by stopping to explain anything to him. Every minute wasted is another minute gained by the enemy to find the hiding Toshiro.
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When they approach the alley she’d left him in, she suddenly stops and turns around, “excuse me mister, are you following me? Haru has mace and she’s not afraid to use it.” She makes repeated movements with her eyes towards the alley. “Stop following me and you can have a nice day.” She makes a jerking head movement towards the alley.
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“Sorry miss, this was just a misunderstanding. I’ll leave you alone.”
“Good. Have a nice day, sir.” Haru huffs and she walks off. She can hear the man walk into the alley and that’s a mission complete. She didn’t plan on sticking around, because the more she knew, the more danger she put herself in. She looks overhead and watches as small yellow birds were circling her.
“It’s fine now, tell him not to worry, okay?”
The birds can go back to their regular patrolling schedule. What a day it’s been. “Haru needs to buy more fabric…” she sighs. That’s a task to postpone until next week.
She hopes that she doesn't have to run into any of them ever again. One interaction was tiring enough.
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themagical1sa · 2 years
hi! random any blorbo fic prompted by my refusal to sleep in two nights in a row. academic stress do be like that word count: 420 words
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"Hey," that isolated voice in your head that isn't yours called to you. "Sleep."
It's already 11:44 pm — you had just spent the day juggling homework and classes at the same time while cram-preparing for an important project that was due tomorrow afternoon. You were tired, sure, but you still felt the need to consume something from fandom before going to sleep. You've been scrolling online for a while now, but despite your growing tiredness, you still don't feel satisfied.
"You need the rest," said that estranged voice once more. Since when did you have a sensible enough brain cell that reminded you to care for yourself?
You're too tired to try to answer the question. You only retort to that voice by mentally replying, "No. I don't want to."
If this voice had a face, you're sure it would be frowning at your response. "But you need to."
"I said," you inhale a breath briefly before exhaling, "no."
With that said, you turn to a new position on your bed, phone still in your hand as you keep scrolling through your fandom's tag on the website you've been scrolling through. You're definitely stubborn, but your determination is misplaced — surely this kind of energy would be better spent the next day when you're working on that important project.
Hm. You are still going through that tag featuring that favorite character of yours...
You don't notice it yet, but your subconscious is just as stubborn as you are. It dawns unto your subconscious being that maybe what you need is to hear that same advice from a different and perhaps more encouraging voice.
Perhaps a voice like your favorite character's.
"Hey," that voice tries again, but you're half-surprised that it's taken the voice of your favorite character. "It's about time you went to sleep, yeah?"
You sigh childishly. "But I don't want to right now..."
You can imagine your favorite character shake their head at your childish stubbornness. "You always were a stubborn one, weren't you?"
You inhale and sigh again, defeated, and finally put down your phone. "Whatever," you reply nonchalantly, a yawn escaping your lips. "I'm already tired, anyway."
You imagine a chuckle from them, and then a kiss on your forehead. Your favorite character strokes your hair gently, as if comforting you and lulling you to sleep. "Good night, love."
You sleepily hum. "Good night."
Then, before you know it, the world around you has become beyond you, and you are immersed into a dream with your fictional beloved.
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gazelessmenagerie · 2 years
If you don't control yourself & continue with your unbridled rampages, you will destroy & devour everything around you, everyone who somehow managed to love you, & anything that can ever matter to you until there is nothing left.
What will happen once everything is gone? What will happen to you?
I hope even the ghosts of those you destroyed abandon you in that void.
Rip out my muse's heart in 1 ask.
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“ What makes you think I’d be inclined to listen to your worthless Preaching?! ”
More of this inane Earth rubbish. They were weak.. Every last one of them! Vying for their pathetic little lives like the rest of those vermin he erased off the face of existence! He didn’t need anyone. Not a single damn ONE!
“ I’ll survive because I am Strong! These hands have ended entire civilizations across an entire galaxy and your miserable planet will be nothing more when I decide it’s time to destroy it! ”
What’s one more? One more planet to destroy. One more life to take between his jaws and tear it apart to bloodied chunks of visceral meat? Ashes to dust, flame to the fuel, blood to the ground. It didn’t matter to him. He was bred for this, raised for this. It was what a Saiyan DOES! He’ll conquer anything he wants and take it for himself to chew on until he grows bored of it and moves on to the next. This power he had needed to be expelled one way or another, it simply couldn’t be contained once it was called upon and if the entire world had to burn to achieve that; what did it matter?
What did it all MATTER to HIM?!
“ This planet, these miserable creatures.. they mean nothing to me. I could eat every last one of them and I’ll still crave more as any other apex. I’ll move on to the next and the next.. I’ll destroy this galaxy if I so wish it like the Southern and there will be NOTHING you or ANYONE can do to stop me. ”
Devouring is what he did.. its what any creature does that was born with flat or sharp teeth. A constant cycle of violence, eating, consuming. Everything needed to eat off another or be created using violence. The Stars in all their unbridled Fury tore into themselves each and every second, constant eating until they used up every ounce of that gaseous element lodged within their core; shifting from one element to the next until they became swollen with their dying gasps and eventually collapse onto themselves to become nothing more than a black void. The energy they expelled was what created life on these far reaching rocks, each day that passed as evolution took its place. Creatures birthing and dying, consuming one another as was only the natural order. It’s only that SOME of them were born for Greatness. They were the chosen ones to have everything they could desire and shape their surroundings with their overwhelming power.
What use is there for lower creatures in the shadows of their Superiors?
The idea of being loved only served to sicken him with how weak-minded such a concept is. It was beneath him. Unneeded! Nothing but a worthless waste of space meant only to lower his guard and allow someone to steal control away from him again! He didn’t even want to think on that as loathing vices welled at the core of a wrathful heart. They only schemed and waited for him to sleep, insist they are trustworthy before the plunge that knife back into him again. It’s why they all deserved to die. They deserve to feel his hate and wrath. Their little homes and planets, having their own lives and living among their own peers.. how it grated on his nerves every time he saw it.
Wouldn’t it just be wonderful to Kill them all...?
                                       Destroy their planet as they gaze up at it after being stolen away to work as slaves...
Those wretched hopeful eyes.. oh the despair they had when he tore apart their dreams was something he’ll never forget. 
                                                                                             It’s only Fair.
“ I can destroy anything that thinks it can pose a threat to me.. I have all the Control I need and I’ll be sure to take my time killing you when the day arrives. ”
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serostuffsmh · 2 years
How would you feel about some bite sized writing?
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exghul · 2 years
kisses u right on the cheek
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to be incapacitated, to be knocked out of a fight, is the ultimate embarrassment for a GLADIATOR, a warrior child ( but you are not a warrior, no. you are a killer's boy, you walk an unforgivable path ). to be enveloped in ultimate power, to witness the world itself tearing down around MOB: it is breathtaking ( terrifying, this is supernatural power? ). as robin scrapes his broken body forward, he drags over the shattering of glass, concrete, & wood: the remainder of a building that had once stood a century's abuse in gotham.
like everything else in the city, it can be rebuilt ( has anyone but him noticed how many buildings have been rebuilt in the past decade? how many historic landmarks are still standing with their original cobbling? ).
he lets out a rasping breath ( he counts three sensitive ribs ) & a cough dribbles blood from his lungs into his mouth. he pushes himself off the ground, hands singing with pain anew as shards dig into his bare palms --- where are his gloves? it offers him an opportunity to stare down at trembling fingers --- they are blackened, as if the gloves had been seared off his very fingertips. blood mixes with soot as gravity pulls blood droplets from his lips.
arms wobble, chest screaming with the movement. he submits to it, sets himself back down.
he can barely hold his head up as silence overwhelms the cityscape. is it his turn to be swallowed? will mob, in all his power, turn on his ally? he can barely hold consciousness, a thrumming in his head begs him to close his eyes ( to come home: don't you want to come home? )
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no sirens blare, no familiar crunch of batman's boots near his head ( has mob obliterated the city? has he slaughtered damian's family? ).
reality begins to slip as seconds pass ( or he simply deaf from the blast? ) and the world becomes dimmer. as he lulls forward, his body is lifted from the ashes.
eyes roll back in his skull. HE DOES NOT CARE! he just wishes to sleep.
blackness pulls at him as a fire ignites on his cheek: one familiar, but unknown. soft lips press to his skin ( alight with the boy's self hatred ) as he allows it to take hold.
mob offers him a single peace: he alone holds the blame for this mess ( for once, not damian himself ).
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cuteteacakes · 2 years
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{🧁} - Caleb woke up in a cold sweat. Something was very, very wrong. He didn’t know what. He suddenly panicked, thinking he went to sleep with the oven on from all his baking last night, but he didn’t smell gas. The cinnamon apple bake was safely seran wrapped and ready to be delivered. Anders said he would be returning that day. It was amazing... Caleb didn’t know how the agent worked, but he must be very good to state that he could capture and bring in the head of a kidnapping ring in one night. Maybe Caleb would actually dress up this time...
He glanced at the clock. It was half past seven. He slept in on his day off! He better get ready, Anders was probably waiting for him by now! 
His forehead tingled, still feeling the kiss Anders gave him. It was so chaste, so pure and innocent... and it made Caleb’s heart flutter the more he thought about it. What was wrong with him?? Was he really this lovesick?? 
He took his time getting ready. He wanted to look his best for when he brought the apple bake. Cinnamon... A man like Anders would like the cinnamon flavor... Aaah if only Caleb had a cinnamon scent... or is that moving too fast??
He finally decided on one of his cute cardigans and leggings to wear, and some light makeup and a cream colored beret. Nothing too fancy. He didn’t want to outshine the hero, after all~! 
Caleb grabbed the bake and hurried out. He breathed a little easier as well, knowing that the leader of the kidnapping ring was under lock and key. Without them, the ring was probably falling apart. 
When he entered the building, he greeted the receptionist, practically skipped to the elevator, and went up to the third floor. He knew where he was going~ Once the doors opened, Caleb waved to Summers. 
“I have a cinnamon apple bake today~!” he chimed. “Is Anders in his office~?”
Summers waved back a little more subdued than Caleb remembered him being. “He’s not back yet.”
Caleb’s heart sank. “W-what do you mean?”
“He means Anders went out last night, and is still out,” another one of Anders’ team said. Caleb thinks his name was Vaughn. “We’re on standby, ready to assist if and when he gives the word.”
The apple bake suddenly felt very heavy in Caleb’s hands. “He.. he never came back?”
“I wouldn’t worry though,” Summers said quickly. “If he was in trouble, he’d let us know, right guys?” The rest of the room nodded. “When we hear something, you’ll be the first to know. He probably had to stake out longer than he planned.”
Despite Summers’ reassurances, the sinking feeling remained in Caleb’s gut. “O-okay. Can... can I leave this here..?”
Summers got up and took the apple bake from Caleb. “He’ll get the first bite,” he said. “It’ll be fine. Anders always gets the guy.”
But what if the guy gets Anders..? Caleb thought. He suddenly didn’t feel safe anymore. “Is it okay if I get a ride from one of you? I mean, you don’t have to, I live a few blocks from here, I just-”
“I’m on it,” Summers said after putting the bake in the fridge. “Vaughn, Lawson, keep me posted if Anders makes contact.”
“Alright, I’m not Anders so you’ll have to direct me to your place,” Summers said with a smile. He was just trying to lighten the mood. Caleb returned the smile half-heartedly. It was hard when his mind was elsewhere. 
“Okay. Thank you.”
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kudamono94 · 2 years
Thinking about a modern AU where CEO Ningguang sees the director of the funeral home (Hu Tao) a few addresses down from her office building try a ‘company bonding day’ with a picnic in the park while playing laser tag or smth.  Seeing how dull the her own office is in comparison, Ningguang gets to thinking about doing something nice for all the hard workers on her director’s board, and finally decides to invite Keqing, Ganyu, Yaoyao, Yelan, and a few select others to Dave & Buster's for a mandatory ‘day of fun’ to boost company morale
You know, like how offices do on sitcoms and stuff
It goes...about as well as you expect it to...
Yelan and Yaoyao seem to be the only ones having a great time there period, although given how easily tired Yelan gets, she ends up taping out an hour into the ‘event’ and ends up driving home so as to avoid potential embarrassment from said condition.  Meanwhile, Yaoyao ends up getting into occasional heated debates with the staff every time she tries to go to the bar for another beer OR whenever she tries to play a seemingly age inappropriate game, and after this happens one too many times, also decides to tap out after calling a taxi.  She is oddly satisfied that her car is still parked on the premises if only because she thinks that it is a minor inconvenience to the establishment.  (It’s really not as Ganyu will just end up driving her assistant’s car back to the latter’s house later so that Yaoyao can still show up for work tomorrow on time)
Although she insists on remaining sober the entire duration of the event so as to play the role of the designated driver should any of them need a ride home, Keqing is left oddly defeated once Yaoyao and Yelan dip, and spends the rest of the time there just...hanging around Ganyu as the former has absolutely no idea what she should be doing.  Thankfully, the blue haired woman doesn’t mind her company, and aside from playing a few rounds of bowling with their boss, both girls spend the majority of their time there catching up on their personal lives
Given that Ganyu is also just as sober, the two end up having some meaningful conversations with one another, and aside from giving a few of the easy looking games a try, decide to more or less just sit and eat some pizza in a corner booth where they aren’t bothered by anyone else while enjoying each other’s company.  That said, by the time it starts getting dark outside, and they along with Ningguang seem to be the only people left, they (especially Ganyu) try to get Ningguang to leave with them and, although the girls are reluctant to leave without their boss in tow, they eventually leave to mill around in the bookstore next door for a few hours in the event said boss wants to change her mind about leaving with them. 
However, when it quickly becomes apparent that this isn’t happening as the sun begins setting in the evening sky, Keqing and Ganyu end up parting ways before heading home, happy that at least the day they spent with one another wasn’t a total waste of time they could have spent working
At least until Ganyu comes back later around 9 for Yaoyao’s car anyway XD
Lastly, Ningguang, the one who booked a time there and set up everything to begin with, doesn’t mind the screaming children or the large crowds there, but she deeply ends up regretting insisting they all eat there... 
She honestly spends a good portion of the ‘event’ either trying to balance the company’s budget so that her employees can have a good time without worrying about work (she didn’t think everything would end up being so expensive and had thought using the company’s credit card would work as far as paying for everything was concerned) OR tries to get into playing smth like bowling and getting distracted by trying to make sure that this event is a success, that everyone is a having a wonderful time~  Despite all this, she is still the last to leave and refuses to let anyone pay for either their game tickets, food, beer, etc., and even ends up bribing the guy at the prize counter to let her get some work appropriate souvenirs so as to commemorate the occasion (which she will distribute at the morning meeting the following day, as well as some aspirin should there be any potential hangovers)
Overall, while the entire ordeal isn’t the huge success her employees would be talking about for decades like Ningguang had hoped, everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves to a certain degree in the end, and as far as she’s concerned, this particular endeavor is a win in Ningguang’s eyes...
Just...maybe next time they could do something much less loud and a lot cheaper lol
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simpjaes · 1 month
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Sunghoon, a keen and professional man between the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM. ServiceKing, a faceless and proud man between the hours of 9 PM to 12 AM. Sunghoon’s secret night-life has nothing to do with the faces he sees day after day...until it does. or the one where you pay for a one on one call with a faceless cam guy you’ve been watching for a little while, and the next day your boss is avoiding you like the plague. 
minors dni 
PAIRING ― boss / cam boy!sunghoon x afab reader  
WARNINGS―  dub-con since reader doesn’t know it’s him. 
CONTENT― office setting, sunghoon is a service top/soft-dom/whatever his clients need lol
 NOTE ― this was supposed to be a drabble, but i just....it needed a little more plot sorry. it's not very good, like fr this is not up to par with what I wanted... but i wrote it so im gonna post it.
nsfw tags under cut
nsfw tags― dubious consent, cam sex/virtual sex, dirty talk, masturbation instructions, umm…finger fucking, jerking off, fantasies, role-play type stuff
What are the chances? Honestly, what are the fucking chances?
Sunghoon sits up quickly from his relaxed position upon hearing a voice far too familiar on the other end of this call. He’s lucky he doesn’t have his camera on just yet, you’d have seen the embarrassing reaction to…well…hearing you of all people.
He knows the world can be small sometimes, but this is too small for comfort as he hears your muttered voice through the microphone again.
“So, what am I supposed to do?” You say. 
“Ah, uh–” Sunghoon pauses. There’s no way it’s actually you. Can you not recognize his voice too? “What type of call did you request again?” 
“Full service.” You remind him. 
Oh. You’re into this kind of thing? That pretty, well-mannered employee of his? The one who sips coffee quietly at her desk while actually responding to her emails? The one who never shows up to co-ed parties? The one who always dresses appropriately and addresses him in a timid way?
You…just paid a cam-boy to get you off in full? Not just any cam-boy either, you paid him?
God, his cheeks are so heated at the arousing thought. Never once has he ever imagined you in any scenario that doesn’t involve excel spreadsheets and finances. Arguably, you’ve probably never thought of him all spread out fucking his fist either but…you’ve blatantly seen him do it already.
He wonders how long you’ve been seeing this part of him, how long you’ve been getting yourself off all alone while he puts on a show for hundreds, and sometimes, thousands of people. 
As detrimental as this is, it’s his job to do this. You paid him to do it, just like how he pays you to do your job. He can’t be letting this hold him back. No, in fact, he needs to get this hour long session over with as quickly as fucking possible. 
“Right,” Sunghoon lends a chuckle, nervous sounding on his end but to you it just sounds cheeky. “Can I get your name, babe?” 
You’re quiet at first, never having done this before and absolutely not wanting this random horny guy to know who you are. Honestly, you already requested that only he turns his camera on during this call as well. As if you’d give out your real name. You give him a name that rhymes with your own instead, and there’s another chuckle after. 
He knows you’re lying. Out of all the employees that are under him, you’re the one he has to correspond with the most. After all, you’ve been up for the promotion to being his assistant for the past three months. He knows that isn’t your name. 
 Smart girl, just like he knew you were. 
“Is that so?” He tilts his head at his blank screen in amusement, watching the microphones light up with each breath. “Alright, and you’ll do everything I say, yes?” 
You nod to no one, realizing he can’t see you and instead giving him a hum and gentle words of “of course.”
His image flashes across your screen just moments later. The same as his usual streams. Face out of frame, hand strong and willing, his cock out and on display– only half hard. 
“Listen to me very carefully,” Sunghoon calls out now, as if to show you that it’s time to begin, your almost-name falling from his lips shortly after. “Don’t hold your breath, you paid good money for this, and I want to hear you.”
Oh man, this is embarrassing for you to be doing this. But truly, anything at this point is better than another night all alone. 
And he does hear you. Relishing in that voice he hears day to day reciting memos and budgets, only this time, you’re calling out pleasurable reactions to how he tells you to fuck yourself. 
He’s good at it too. You can’t help but listen to every word, touching and massaging when he instructs you to, stopping just short of orgasm for him to ask, “That feels good, doesn’t it? Wish you had me doing it for you, isn’t that right?” 
Always using the fake name. Giving you full-service by the end of the call. 
Safe to say, you’re feeling refreshed by the next morning as you ready yourself for work, wanting very much to book the infamous ServiceKing again. 
Fuck, he can’t even look at you. Not after the way he got off last night. 
Not after hearing you moan out the way you did while he simultaneously imagined you all spread out on his desk for him. Not after hearing the fucking wet between your legs as you frantically tried to cum when he told you to. 
Not after you did cum for him. 
“Mr. Park–” You chime through his door, not quite noticing the way he stiffens in his seat. 
God, if you had called him that last night…
“Hm?” He composes himself by acting bored and uninterested in whatever papers you have held tightly against your chest. “What is it?”
“I got the statements back from our parent company, I think–”
“Great. Just set them down on my desk.” He cuts you off, patting his desk before hoping you get the fuck out of his office before he ends up breaking office rule number one.
What is office rule number one, you might ask? Never fuck a co-worker. What’s worse is that you’re not his fucking co worker. You’re his employee.
You raise a brow at his demeanor this morning. The usual not-so-up-tight Sunghoon appearing far too distracted today compared to usual. Most mornings, he’ll at least give you a smile and a “thank you.” 
“Mr. Park, is there anything I can get for you?” You ask with concern in your voice.
Sunghoon pauses every thought in his head as he looks at you. Narrowing his eyes and wondering if maybe he’s just overreacting. Maybe he's mistaken and that girl from last night isn’t you at all. After all, there’s plenty of people with the same pitch in their voice. She didn’t even turn on her camera, and she gave him a different name anyway. 
Maybe he just wishes it was you. 
“No, I’m fine–” He says, mistakenly calling out the fake name rather than your actual name. 
You miss the way his eyes widen for a split second before correcting himself to your real name. 
“Ah, my apologies. Got a little tongue tied.” 
You stand there in shock. No way in hell he just called you by the name you spoofed to a cam-boy last night. Coincidences can be so weird, and being called that hits you a little too close to home. 
It feels awkward in the room now and both of you play it off as a genuine mistake. Though, to you, it has to be a genuine tongue-tied version of your name. Sunghoon couldn’t possibly know about that. Besides, he appears to be more tired than usual anyway, so…you choose to believe it’s a crazy coincidence. 
You give him a nervous chuckle as you wave yourself off and out of the room with a small “It’s okay, you know where I am if you need anything.”
What he needs is to watch his fucking mouth. What he needs is to stop thinking about how you just reacted to being called that. What he needs is to pretend that none of this is happening and do his goddamn work. 
And he tries. He really does. Unfortunately, his eyes go from blurs of numbers and words on spreadsheets to the window of his office. Just outside of it. You.
How is he supposed to focus after kind of, accidentally, practically fucking you? Sure, he never touched you but…it really was you. The way you reacted to that name was so telling, and he can’t help but actually check you out now. 
You, with that body. You got off to him, with those legs of your spread out while staring into a screen. All alone, listening to his voice, moaning for him…and now you’re just sitting there in your business casual outfit like he’s not unintentionally getting hard. 
So, he avoids you. At all fucking costs, he avoids you. 
You get up from your desk? So does he, making sure that if you start coming his way, he’s walking out and in the opposite direction. You send him an email? Out of office, despite clearly sitting at his desk. You call his phone to ask a question? He forwards you to his current assistant. 
And this happens for days. To the point you know that promotion is slipping from your fingers. 
Naturally, you’re frustrated with the office-dynamic. After all, you’ve heard rumors of picking favorites. You thought you were one of them, but it appears that Sunghoon may just decide to try and beg his current assistant to stay with bribes of double pay. 
You’re more frustrated as the days go by. Leaving work yet again with no good-byes from the boss who used to show appreciation for how hard you worked. He’s colder than usual, he’s stiffer than usual, he’s– a fucking asshole these days.
Sunghoon stares at his secret email in disbelief. 
NEW REQUEST FROM: [your email/username]
$500 PENDING. 
Requester note: work has been hard lately, will you help me de-stress for a little while? 
Sunghoon hovers over the decline button for a solid thirty seconds as he burns a hole through his screen. Work has been hard for you lately, huh? Has it now? Try being him. 
He shifts his mouse to the accept button, wondering if he even needs that extra five hundred dollars. Those funds just to suffer more at work? Just to suddenly have the need randomly throughout his day to make you moan for him? Just to have the sounds of your pretty voice echoing in his head more and more the longer he ignores you? 
His finger clicks, hitting the accept button as he lets out an exasperated sigh. 
Why did he just do that?
Maybe this will help him get through the work weeks. Fucking you through words alone in secret, never telling you who he is, always letting you use him even if it’s just through audio and visual stimulation. 
After all, if you found out who ServiceKing is, you very well may quit. Hell, you might get him fired. Fuck.
This is dangerous. 
Yet, he feels the excitement in his gut before it even hits his cock as the clock ticks. He gets to hear you again soon, you get to watch him cum again soon, he–oh, he’s so turned on right now just thinking about it.
And the time comes too slowly for his liking. He feels as if he’s been edged by the time the two of you enter the call and he’s immediately turning his camera on. 
“Ah, look who it is,” Sunghoon starts, already positioning himself with a raging hard cock on the screen. “Had me wondering if you’d come back to me.”
You don’t know why your cheeks heat up, but the feeling in your gut is miles better than the frustration and anxiety that you felt throughout the day. 
“I was wondering the same thing,” You speak into the mic meekly, hiding your face despite knowing he can’t see it. “I just need to get my mind off of stuff for a little while.” 
“Oh yeah?” Sunghoon chuckles into the mic, his face perfectly hidden. “Wanna give me some context? Maybe I can use some of the information for–”
“God.” You immediately start, shutting the man up on the other side of the screen in an accidental frustration-dump. This is not what you paid him for, but you still appreciate the space to release your brain before, well, your cum. “My fucking boss.”
Sunghoon’s ears perk up, lazily stroking himself as you continue with a frantic voice. 
“I swear he just flipped on me. I thought I was doing so good, I thought I was gonna get that new position, but now he’s just ignoring me and treating me like some temp or something.” 
Sunghoon hums lowly, listening intently to the way you bring him into conversation to a man that…unfortunately, is that very same boss.
“Hmm, that’s interesting.” Sunghoon continues palming himself as he soothes you through your frustrations. “Your boss isn’t praising you.” 
You pause, feeling a ping in your gut. 
“If I were him, I’d praise you every day–” Sunghoon softens his voice. “Every night.”
“Oh…” You listen to his words, feeling your frustration melt out of you in an instant as you now focus on the way his cock twitches through the screen. 
“Wouldn’t let you go a second without thinking of how good I am to you.” He continues, both hyping himself and degrading his day-time self. “If I were your boss–”
You interrupt his words with a very quiet groan, he fucking heard it.
“Mm, you like that?” He smiles to himself, gripping the base of his cock and thrusting up to show the full size to you. “The thought of your boss liking you a little too much?”
You hum. Not that you’ve ever thought about it too deeply, but now that he’s said it, praising you, putting down your actual boss, telling you what he’d do if he were him? 
You guess, for tonight anyway, you’re into it. 
“What’s his name, babe?” Sunghoon asks, wondering if you’ll actually out his name to a stranger. 
“Park Sunghoon.” You expose him instantly, full name and all, even with a bit of bite in your voice. 
“Oh, yeah?” Sunghoon draws back, jerking his hand up once. “I’d fuck you better than Park Sunghoon.” 
You smile at the thought, imagining yourself with more power than Sunghoon has. Like you’re his boss, you’re the one dangling a promotion just out of reach before giving it to someone else. 
“See this?” The man on the screen grunts out to you, fucking tight thrusts into his fist. “Watch me, baby, get a good look.”
And you do watch. Intensely, you stare at his big cock, the head of it darkened and leaking with each pass of his hand. You’re not even touching yourself at this point, but it’s like you can feel the force of it.
“Now, I need you to open those legs for me.” He instructs you. 
You do as he says much like before, letting your legs fall open but not yet letting yourself touch. You still sigh at the movement, your panties alone shifting were enough to make you want to hump your hips up. 
“Now, turn on your camera.”
Silence. Your ears ring momentarily at the words as you immediately close your legs.
“What?” You ask in a higher-pitched tone than usual. “I requested for no c-”
“No.” Sunghoon mutters, shifting his position to lean towards the microphone and whispering now. “You do as I say.” 
He hears you huff at his words, but he hears the shifting around on your end. 
“I want to see that pussy open for me.” He continues in that same low-rumbled voice. “I want to see what Park Sunghoon is missing out on.”
You don’t know what it is about this situation that turns your discomfort into pure, rushing arousal. Never in your life have you ever considered fucking yourself on camera, especially after paying someone else to do it for you, yet– 
“Do I have to show you my face?” You ask quietly, already trying to find a lower-face-mask just to be safe in case you lose your composure and accidentally reveal yourself. 
“No,” Sunghoon assures you through a deep breath. “I already told you what I want to see.”
More silence save for the shuffling he still hears on your end. 
“Open your legs and turn it on.” He encourages you now, keeping his hand still on himself as he waits to see if you’ll actually do it.
Oh fuck.
“There she is.” Sunghoon hums, trying to keep his composure at the way you give him access. Honestly, he didn’t think you would, but you do, and all he can do is lay himself back again, staring straight at the image of you. 
Your face is out of frame much like he is but this is the first time he’s ever seen you with so little clothing on. No bra, thin tank top, no shorts or pants, just panties. It takes everything in him not to moan out at the image. 
After all, it’s confirmed to be you. 
Fuck, that’s you right there. 
“Already so wet too?” Sunghoon groans now, focusing on that spot between your legs, probably so slippery and warm. 
You’re very shy though, not moving much better yet speaking as this faceless man takes in your image. You feel awkward, but still turned on despite squeezing your legs together and hiding that spot from him. 
“Oh, baby–” Sunghoon coos out in a way that makes it seem as though he was endeared by that. “That’s not going to work.”
You’re more focused on your embarrassment than you are on the way his cock leaks and pours pre-cum at the image he’s witnessing. 
“How am I supposed to show you how much better I’d take care of you?” He continues, reverting back to the same role play from before. “I bet that boss of yours wouldn’t want to bury his tongue in you like I would.”
Your legs fall open at the words, and he can see the way you thrust up just slightly. 
“That’s it, you need someone to touch you, don’t you?” He continues, watching you intensely. “Need someone to lick that pretty pussy?”
You nod, once again forgetting that he can’t see you do it before you finally speak.
His moan after hearing you seems far more intense than the first time you did this with him. In fact, he appears entirely focused on you. Role playing in some way but somehow acting more real than last time too. 
“You deserve some love for all that hard work.” He says to you, encouraging you to keep talking for him. “Play with yourself, go on. You need it.”
You follow his instructions on instinct, as if your body truly does need the release. 
“Feel it– not too hard, just graze over your panties.”
Ah, still you listen, holding your breath at each feather-light touch you give to yourself per his request. 
And he watches. Hyper-focused on the way that darkened spot on your panties grows bigger and bigger. So wet for him doing exactly what he wishes he could do for you come tomorrow morning. 
“Your other hand babe, slowly, lift your shirt and–”
He doesn’t even have to keep instructing you. You do exactly as he wanted, lifting your shirt gently before playing with your own nipples, still lightly grazing your fingers over your swollen clit that’s restricted by your panties. 
You moan quietly at the feeling, wishing so much that it doesn’t have to be your hands doing this. 
“That feels good, doesn’t it?” Sunghoon hums, now working his palm against his own length, gentle, barely grazing it. “Now, look at me.”
You draw your eyes forward, the image of him already arousing from before, but now? Why is he so much hotter now? As if the screen is nothing but a window into his bedroom. 
“You see how hard I am right now?” You can hear the smile in his voice as you continue to work yourself up to near-sensitivity. “Never been this hard for anyone else.”
Oh, that’s bullshit. He does this as a job. He’s just sweet talking to you for sure. 
“Been thinking about you since the first time you booked me.” He continues, keeping the touches light and making sure you don’t press on yourself too hard either. “Was hard all week for you.”
Okay, yeah, maybe you are a little too into praise. Lie or not, it’s exactly what you need to hear right now. 
“You're gonna be just as good for me tonight too?” Sunghoon hums, tightening his grip. “You’re going to push your panties to the side and show me that you missed me too, right?” 
Yes. The light touching has been nothing but torture at this point, wanting so badly to be told to do more. For yourself, for him. 
You barely recognize how your embarrassment leaves your body when you stretch your panties to the side, letting him see how they stuck to you only to unfold in a glistening mess for him. 
“Messy, messy, messy.” Sunghoon moans, struggling so hard by now not to fuck his fist straight to orgasm. But no, he can’t ruin this moment. 
That’s your pussy, looking so wet and tight, so needy. 
“Gently still, open up for me.” Sunghoon groans lowly, watching so closely the way you spread open your lips for him, the hole pulsing and dribbling so much slick. 
Never in his life has he ever wanted to bury his tongue into someone this badly. Goddamn, he’s nearly obsessed with you at this moment. He loses composure.
“Fuck–” He seethes, feeling his cock twitch wildly against his hand. “I want you so bad.”
Those words feel more real to you than anything else. Virtual sex is one thing but to have a man blatantly moan those words to you as if he means them? As if he has never let it slip for any of his other scheduled calls?
“What’s the name of your boss again?” Sunghoon asks, pretending as if he forgot, just to hear you say it. 
He notes the way your pussy clenches through his words too, as if he can see the confusion not through your expression, but through your arousal alone. Asking you that turned you off.
“What’s his name, baby?” Sunghoon presses, offering an excuse. “I wanna know who it is that gave me this tonight.”
Alluding to the fact that the only reason you’re paying him is because your boss made you feel like you need release in some way. 
“Park-” You start, not wanting to deny his demands. “Sunghoon.”
“Ah, yeah.” Sunghoon holds his breath, closing his eyes briefly just to let that breathy voice sit in his mind before focusing back on you. “Two fingers babe, slide them in.”
God, you listen just as well as you do at work. He should have given you that promotion the day he saw your application. Even without seeing you do as you're told in this situation, he already knew you were going to be getting that interview next week.
He listens to the way your cunt swallows up your fingers, so wet and needy. Swollen around the two digits as you slide them in with a breathy sigh. 
“Spread your fingers, open up.” 
You do, presenting your opened core to him without any shame at this point. Allowing him to look, wanting him to look.
“Now, say–” Sunghoon swallows around a lump in his throat. “Thank you Sunghoon.”
Your pussy pulses around your fingers, recoiling again at the name. 
“Say, Thank you Sunghoon, for all of this stress.” 
He continues, trying to encourage, adding another lie of an excuse just to get you to break. 
“Because, if it weren't for him, I wouldn’t be needing to take care of you like this, now would I?”
In your horny brain, it makes sense.
“Thank you, Sunghoon.” You moan, plunging your fingers into yourself without being told to do so, moaning out for the faceless man on the screen at your break in composure. 
And, well, Sunghoon himself is on fire. After all, you’ve only ever referred to him as Mr.Park, and hearing you practically moan his name in such an intimate way? It does nothing to keep him from spiraling into an even more selfish mindset. 
“Again.” He instructs you, watching the way your legs shake through saying his name. 
“Thank you Sunghoon.” You continue, as if the words are natural despite feeling intense irritation for the man. “Thank you.”
And, well, that very name you’re moaning is now also moaning. That little fake name you gave to him falls from his lips after you say it each time, fucking into his fist and hoping you’re watching, nearly unable to ask you to stick another finger into yourself.
Not needing to ask at all, apparently, because you do it yourself. You even bump your clit up against your wrist too. 
He needs you.
“Thank him for what?” Sunghoon starts to ask, feeling an orgasm approach far too quickly. 
“For making me come to you!” You answer him as if you’re frustrated, hips bouncing up against your hand just to dig your fingers in deeper. 
“What else?” He asks now, forgetting what it is he should not be doing. 
“Hmm?” You answer in a drawn-out moan.
“Thank him for what else?” He repeats first, only to follow up with his own answer. “For giving you a reason to cum.”
“Yes!” You groan, now grinding your hips up and against your palm without relaxing back against the bed. Intentionally chasing as your eyes remain on him, watching him pull and tug so roughly. 
“So fucking pretty” Sunghoon praises as he snaps his hips in time with his moving palm, eyes so tuned into you that– “Fuck–” He moans your name. “So pretty.”
And he didn’t realize it. Half expecting you to moan back for him, he’s still moaning as he watches you halt what you’re doing and cover yourself entirely.
“What did you just call me?” You ask in an out of breath voice. 
Sunghoon repeats your fake name to you, feeling the energy shift in an instant.
“No. You just called me–” You repeat your real name to him. 
“Ah, sorry babe, must’ve gotten tongue tied.”
There’s a rush of anxiety within you as you stare at the screen. There’s….no fucking way. 
Given, you’ve never seen him outside of a suit. The voice you hear doesn’t click in your head as Sunghoon’s either, considering he’s never a man of very many words. 
Instantly, you’re covering your camera with your hand, watching how the man on the screen spreads his legs out and drops his cock. Like he’s waiting, like he’s listening, wondering. Are you making a fool of yourself right now?
Are you misreading? 
He seems calm, and if it really is Sunghoon…surely he’d be disconnecting right now, right?
Why would he even be fucking himself on camera anyway? The guy makes bank! You’re the one who sees his paychecks, after all. Still, there’s a twisting in your gut as you ignore the way you still drip against your sheets. 
Very quietly, just to see, you work up the courage.
It’s silent for a few seconds as the man on the screen shifts, a blur of movement forcing you into a state of motion-sickness. 
You almost thought he was going to chuckle at you and ask if you were thinking about your boss rather than him. You almost thought he would use that to his advantage. 
You almost thought you were wrong, but– he disconnects. 
A few moments later, you receive an email with a refund of your five hundred dollars. 
And two hours later? Lying in your bed with anxiety in your gut, you get a text from none other than Park Sunghoon.
Mr.Park: Can we talk?
― part two here!
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