#is this too personal?
andmineisyellow · 7 months
The "Colin needs to suffer/grovel" is an extremely allosexual mindset. I understand that Colin is not canonically on the Asexual Spectrum, but as someone who is Demi and is on the Ace Spec, it feels wildly invalidating to hear people say that Colin deserves to suffer for not immediately being attracted to Penelope or that he needs to work twice as hard to maintain a relationship with her, romantic or otherwise because he doesn't currently view her as a romantic option. That kind of mindsent is what made me feel like a freak growing up before I learned what the Asexual and Aromantic Spectrums were and I realized that I wasn't alone.
Again, I'm not saying Colin is intentionally written to be demi, but he is one of the few fictional characters that I connect with in this way. He makes me feel like I'm not alone. And it kind of sucks that the parts of Colin I identify the most with seem to be the things people hate him for.
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supercutofbuck · 4 months
why can’t i ever relate to a character on a normal level? like it’s never omg we’re both night owls! it’s always gotta be omg we both have a genetic predisposition for alcoholism!
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cheezyhamster · 1 month
Me: comp sci is going to be boring and school sucks
Also me:
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bansheehill · 6 months
the „mmm iced coffee” to „im going to shit myself in front of this hot italian dilf” pipeline is so real
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muttb4st4rd · 2 months
The thing about being an immigrant is how much of my identity has been taken away by simply being here. The name I hold dear to my heart is "too hard to pronounce", "too hard to spell", and even after changing it to try and make it easier people will still insist it's weird.
And here I am. Appealing to them. My name was originally Fauces, and I introduced myself as such. But of course. It's a spanish word. Nobody got it right. I gave in. Maws, I would say now, "just call me Maws".
Am I resentful? Maybe a little. But I'm not mad at my friends, who try so hard but fail to pronounce my name just right. It's nobody's fault it irks me so much to have my name butchered
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rubywritten · 3 months
Nothing like living at home to make you appreciate the small things. Like leaving
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donnieisaprettyboy · 4 months
the irony in trying to find information about age regressing as a psychological phenomenon and instead finding a bunch of stuff about DDLG relationships while possibly experiencing age regression as a result of a trigger from a relationship in which I was manipulated into a DDLG dynamic is not lost on me
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ace-dodo · 4 months
Me because I just remembered that when we first started dating he told me his friends told him he now had really big pillows (they were talking about my boobs)
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"We don't get to feel good unless we do what we said we were gonna do" is hitting a little too close to home for someone who recently learned they are a perfectionist and who spent therapy working on not needing to earn nice things just because I hadn't done what I thought I ought to have done...
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lockley-spktr · 10 months
My biggest flex of 2023 was meeting Oscar Isaac eight times.
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The fun part of being asexual and having no dad is the possibility of Schrodinger's Daddy Kink
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
so once me and my wife were watching a documentary where a snake ate like a million eggs. that snake just went to fucking town on eggs. and the snake made the eggs look so good that i kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it, and eventually it was 11pm and i ran out of willpower and decided to eat one (1) singular raw egg just to prove to myself that the snake was surely a liar.
the snake was not a liar. texture is like, super important to me and raw eggs are very Texture so i had another one, and then another one, and then another one, and eventually i ran out of eggs.
i had like, fifteen raw eggs.
i didnt really know how to explain this momentary madness to my wife, so my Plan was to put all the eggshells into a grocey bag, and then throw that grocery bag in the dumpster, and if she never noticed that would be Excellent and if she noticed immediately i could lie and say that the eggs went bad.
except i cant lie very good, and of course with murphys law being such, i got salmonella.
so i threw up a lot and my wife asked me what poisoned me so and i tried very hard to dodge the question but i was oozing shame like oil from a room temperature cheese and eventaully i gave in and told her everything and to her enormous credit she was more flabbergasted than actually upset. she did make me promise to not eat any more raw eggs, which i have stuck to, and she gives me weird looks during nature documentaries now as if desire was the only thing keeping me from eating thousands of pounds of krill anyway i made a joke earlier about being able to eat my age in eggs and my sister in law in law made a drawing to comemorate the moment and also because it was my birthday. she's excellent. thank you 10000000% @cintailed. you should all visit her page and admire her work.
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dorianpavus · 3 months
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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nando161mando · 5 months
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There are now over 15 million empty homes in the US, and 650,000 homeless per the very bias official numbers, or 23 houses per person
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stripedchickens · 2 months
Me on my almost tenth day of being an adult and finally feeling like I CAN do it! 😋🗣️
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