#isaac and stiles are unstoppable
dreamlandforever · 1 year
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 18 - Free
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 900
Warning: Kidnapping
XVIII. Free | Never Underestimate the Human
“Being son of the Sheriff does wonders for your ability to backtalk to any authority figure.” Stiles said simply, trying to ignore the pain that came from his wrists being tied together with a rope. Unfortunately for him, he had been kidnapped enough times that more often than not he was annoyed, rather than afraid. He had learned to trust his Pack, and himself. So, a single Hunter kidnapping him wasn’t really setting off any alarms. 
“Does it work that way for the Alpha, too? You know, with Raphael McCall being an FBI agent.” the Hunter responded, not even slightly bothered by Stiles’ inability to remain quiet. He kept playing with the knife he had used to threaten Stiles earlier. Stiles eyed it carefully, but focused on remaining as calm and as relaxed as possible. He thought he saw movement out of the left side of his eye, but the Hunter seemed to be on his own, so he ignored it for the time being. 
“You know too much about us, I don’t like it.” Stiles said out loud, while his mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure out just how much exactly this Hunter knew about them. He knew who Scott was, and he obviously knew about his father. But he didn’t mention anything about Derek, or the two of them being co-Alphas. 
The Hunter simply raised an eyebrow at Stiles, but said nothing else. 
“Okay, no, I want to actively ask things. Free me now.” Stiles called, trying in vain to break the rope around his wrists or around his ankles. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” the Hunter asked, standing up for the first time and getting closer to Stiles. For the first time since he had gotten Stiles tied up to a chair half an hour ago, the Hunter seemed agitated instead of just calm. 
“Wasn’t talking to you.” Stiles replied, still pulling at his bindings. 
Almost at the same time, Isaac landed right next to Stiles, using his claws to free Stiles’ hand, not taking his eyes off the Hunter in front of him, who had already reached for his gun.
“Isaac.” Stiles said, with a heaviness to it that the Hunter didn’t understand, while he undid the ropes binding his ankles to the chair. 
Isaac, on the other hand, seemed to understand perfectly, because he suddenly wasn’t standing there anymore. The Hunter didn’t know what was happening, but he turned around with the gun. For the moment, the human wasn’t his priority. He had no clue when a wolf had found them in the abandoned factory, but he knew it wasn’t a good omen for him. 
“Boo” He heard someone say behind him, but by the moment he turned around, the wolf was already in front of him, holding his gun between two fingers, like it disgusted him. 
“What do I do with this?” Isaac asked Stiles, holding the gun higher so Stiles could see it, but keeping it as far away from himself as possible. Before Stiles could tell him anything, the Hunter was already throwing a fist to Isaac’s face, the wolf barely managing to get out of the way before impact. Stiles took a step towards the Hunter, punching him in the face as hard as he could.
“I don’t really enjoy people trying to hurt my Pack, dude.” Stiles hissed at him, shaking his hand in order to make the pain from the punch go away. “Also, very stupid idea to come after me by yourself.” Before the Hunter could retaliate, Isaac hit him in the head using the butt of the gun, and let both of them fall to the floor without a care.
“Is he unconscious?” Stiles asked, using a foot to prod at the Hunter on the floor. He didn’t move. 
“Yeah.” Isaac confirmed, after listening to the Hunter’s heartbeat for a few seconds. “Alive, but knocked out.”
Stiles nodded, satisfied with that information. “We need to call Argent, Hunters aren’t supposed to be after us here. Especially not after me.” Isaac just nodded, not really agreeing with Stiles. If someone wanted to harm one of the wolves in the Pack, Stiles was definetly the way to do it. Still, the werewolf reached for the gun and handed it wordlessly to Stiles, who simply made sure it had the safety on before putting it in the back of his pants to be dealt with later.
“Does Derek know you are here?” Stiles asked, already dialing Chris Argent’s phone number.
“You think he would have allowed me to stand back while you chatted with a Hunter, tied to a chair?” Isaac asked incredulously.  
“True.” Stiles agreed, rubbing slightly at his bleeding wrists. “Thank you, though. For waiting.” 
Isaac just nodded, leading Stiles towards the exit, while the human explained the situation on the phone. Isaac tried hard to ignore how much trouble he was about to get into once Derek figured it out, and did a quick recap of which half of the couple he was more afraid of. 
It didn’t take long for Stiles to start screaming directions and threats into the phone, and he decided that whatever Derek could do to harm him wouldn’t last half as long as whatever Stiles could do. So, he kept walking, trusting that he had sided with the right one. He patted himself on the back for noticing Stiles’ absence quick enough that he was able to find him by scent alone. At least that had to keep him alive, even if Derek did try and break a few bones.
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halinski · 3 years
A little late but a little feel better soon ficlet for @acecaptainfromplanetintersex 💜
Not sure if this fits what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway xx
sterek, 381 words
"Did you know swans mate for life?"
"So could the story of swan lake be rooted in the supernatural?"
Derek's head tilts and he stares up into the air for a moment before turning back to look at Stiles lying on his chest, who was studiously scrolling through his phone, clicking away and reading at a speed Derek couldn't hope to replicate. He preferred actual books anyway.
"Possible," he tells him, before pressing a kiss to the mole peaking out the collar of his shirt, nuzzles in.
"Now that... Is crazy," Stiles breathes. He settles for a moment, and gives a hum as he finishes the article on his screen and returns to the present, just for a bit, long enough to put the phone down and take Derek's hand. His fingers fit snug and right. Blinks as if he could settle in for a nap before glancing up.
"What were we looking for?" Stiles asks.
All Derek can think about is how beautiful he looks, how warm and loved he feels with the familiar weight grounding him. He feels... Like home.
"Uh... New Orleans. All the ghost stories," he replies, giving Stiles' hand a last squeeze before he gies back to the phone research. "Because of the lead Isaac gave us."
"Yes! New Orleans. Capital of the supernatural. Voodoo queen of New Orleans. Wizard, warlocks, vampires and ghosts. Can't believe you haven't been yet." Stiles nods.
Derek shakes his head. "No such thing as ghosts," he murmurs.
Stiles hums. "But the rest. Fucking magic. It's insane."
Derek huffs. "And werewolves aren't?"
"Nah," Stiles laughs. "Old news."
Derek nips at his neck and Stiles squirms. "Hey!"
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"You're magic," Derek reminds him.
Stiles scoffs. "I never got my Hogwarts letter."
Derek considers for a moment but Stiles holds up a finger.
"I know you hate Harry Potter, shut up."
Derek grunts. "Maybe we can find you a proper mentor," he says, despite the uncomfortable pit in his stomach that Deaton had left.
The hope that emanates from Stiles is enough to bury the memories.
"You really think so?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah... We'll be unstoppable then."
"We're already unstoppable," Stiles says smugly and Derek smiles into his shoulder, continues to listen as Stiles reads and wonders aloud.
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nightshine629 · 3 years
This was something I wrote and it’s very dumb but it wouldn’t stop scratching at my brain until I put it down on paper. I hope you appreciate the dumb thing that came from my brain.
In a situation where Stiles needs a plus one to an event, he goes to Derek for help. Just so happens they’re at the pack meeting.
Stiles: “So Derek, would you mind helping me out and pretend to be my date to the party?”
Derek: “Why do we have to pretend to be dating?”
Stiles: “Because even then, Leslie from Tech will try to set me up again! Just because she’s a technological goddess doesn’t mean she can set the right people up! The last time she did that, I considered faking my own death and move to Alaska as a hermit to escape…HIM.”
Stiles has a full out body twitch.
Derek: “You work for the FBI?”
Stiles: “It was that bad. That’s why I need to pretend because telling her “no” does not work and HR definitely will not protect me from her scorn.”
Derek: “Ask Lydia.”
Lydia: “I refuse to be someone’s third choice!”
Derek: “Third?!”
Stiles: “I said I’m sorry, Lydia! Plus, nobody would believe a literal goddess would bless mortal me with such attention.”
Lydia: “True. You’re forgiven if you let me—“
Stiles: “And another reason I don’t want to take you because no, I am not letting you into the department that holds illegal chemicals.”
Derek: “You asked Lydia third? This is not the first time you’re mentioning it?”
Stiles: “….are you…upset?”
Derek: “No but you asked me next?”
Stiles: “….”
Derek: “…Stiles…”
Stiles: “I asked you last.”
Derek: “You asked me last? You mean out of the pack!”
Scott: “No, he asked Ethan and Aiden before you.”
Stiles: “Dude.”
Derek: “I’m last?! You asked me last?”
Stiles: “Does it matter?”
Derek: “Of course not but…really, I’m last?”
Scott: “Don’t be too upset, dude, I was asked fifth.”
Derek: “Scott was fifth!”
Stiles: “Well first I asked permission if it was okay to ask Allison.”
Scott: “I said yes.”
Allison: “And I said no.”
Stiles: “And I was hurt by but I understand.”
Allison: “I thank you for respecting my decision.”
Stiles: “Isaac said he had to vacuum his front yard but I didn’t ask him so…”
Cora: “Leave him alone, he wanted to be included!”
Derek: “Cora, you knew about this?”
Cora: “Yeah but we both agreed that I couldn’t pretend to be his date”
Stiles: “We would be unstoppable and reduce the department to tears with sarcasm and wit. Nobody needs another workplace meeting about “respecting each other’s feelings” again.”
Derek: “You even asked Peter?”
Stiles: “He wasn’t even an option.”
Peter: “Aw darn it. I would have looked fetching in heels.”
Stiles: “Oh well, too bad, bye Peter.”
Derek: “Kira?”
Stiles: “I asked her but I don’t think her mother liked the idea of her being near a bunch of old white men…which I totally understood.”
Kira: “I’m still sorry, Stiles.”
Stiles: “Never be sorry for anything ever, Kira.”
Derek: “Then who was your first?!”
Stiles: “Boyd.”
Derek: “Boyd?!”
Boyd just winks at Stiles.
Stiles: “Handsome, caring, and a nice smile? I would be so lucky. He even agreed but Erica nixed it.”
Erica: “You know what I want, Stilinski!”
Stiles: “We can pretend to be an overly affectionate polyamorous couple at a different event and not at my job!”
Erica: “WEAK!”
Derek: “You didn’t ask Erica?”
Stiles: “….”
Derek: “…no, I understand.”
Erica: “Hey!”
Derek: “Scott said no?”
Scott: “I don’t want to see my dad.”
Stiles: “You’re stalling. Just say ‘no’ so I can look mentally prepare myself for anguish and torture at this party.”
Derek: “Yes.”
Stiles: “Alright tha—wait what?”
Derek: “I’m not repeating myself.”
Stiles: “I owe you big guy. Really I do. I was prepared for a small speech.”
Derek: “What would you’ve said?”
Stiles: “In the wise words of a beloved elder, ‘Help me obi Juan whoever the fuck you are....you’re my only ho.”
Derek: “…I did this to myself.”
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
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One of the things that I will probably never get over is not only how many people take joy in writing (and by those stories' kudo count, in reading) AUs where Stiles plots against, maims, or even kills Scott and/or Deaton, but also how so many of these authors and readers act like it is therapeutic for them as individuals to have Stiles, as their self-insert, plot against, maim, or even kill Scott and/or Deaton.
There's a story in my daily search for Scott McCall fiction -- the same one I do every day because I'm a fan of Scott McCall -- where a post-nogitsune Stiles is in a three way relationship with Peter and Chris. In this not-very-subtle story, Alan Deaton is clearly pushing a clueless Scott to expand his territory by allying himself with Satomi Ito, while Theo works for Stiles. Now, Stiles is described as "dark" but they still make it clear that Deaton is the only person truly sinister and power-hungry. What Deaton plans to do with this power is never explained because it's not important -- it never really is. What is important is that Stiles will have to destroy them because apparently only white people can believe that they know what's best for everyone else.
In other words, same shit, different day. I might be interested in stories like this if the author ever bothered to explore why Deaton and/or Scott having more power is bad thing, rather than relying on begging the question.
But the truly sad part is in the author's notes, where the author talks about promising their readers a happy ending, because the world is horrible and terrible, and this is the only control that the author has over it.
Can you imagine anything more pathetic? I can sympathize with them believing that this is the only control they think they have, but I can't help but believe it racist that they think that the best way to express that control is to write stories where white villains murder brown and black people. Again and again and again. In writing this, I encountered another story by the same writer with another author's note giggling that they hadn't killed Scott in a while so they have to get back on top of that. Ha, ha, ha.
As usual, it's only Scott and Deaton that deserve to get murdered by Stiles and whichever Hale he's banging at the time.
Why Scott? Did Scott do more to Derek than Peter did? Than Isaac did? Did Scott do more to Peter than Derek did? Than Christopher Argent did? Did Scott's conjured neglect hurt Stiles more than Isaac's sneers, Peter's jibes, or Derek's fists?
Why Deaton? Did Deaton insult Derek more than Stiles did? Did he interfere with Peter's plots more the Sheriff or any Argent? Did he not help Derek in the right way? He certainly didn't do anything to Peter except warn Derek not to trust him. As if Stiles didn't do that, too.
But this is horror writing! I can hear people cry in defense. But it's horror writing where the killers always seem to be white men and the victims always seem to be not-white (with sometimes a woman thrown in). It's horror writing where the white men always seem to be competent and unstoppable while still being considered victims, and these same white men are all bloodthirsty and vindictive but also still seem capable of great love, while the minority victims are all ... kind of lame, really. (One of these days, one of these people is going to write a story where Deaton and/or Scott are actually competent villains, and the world will end.)
But this is fiction! I can hear people cry in defense. It's not real! But the time this author spent writing these stories is real. The time the readers spend on reading these stories is real. The emotions they feel while they get their jollies with white men murdering minorities are real, and the emotions some people experience when they're shocked by this racist garbage is also real.
Yeah, still not getting over it.
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
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Happy Friday! Recent reads/re-reads for anyone that is interested. 💜
A Quiet Night (Not in the Cards) by Delightful_I_Am | 4.3K
"Derek fucking Hale!"
The shout rang through the bar and for a long moment nobody moved. It was like something out of a movie. Everything just stopped; the music cut off; one of the servers had frozen mid-pour. Grady would have laughed if he weren't holding his breath. The kid straightened his shirt, a glimpse of stomach showing the curling edges of a tattoo on his hip, and strode toward where Hale was sitting in the dark corner. 
Exactly Like You by Jerakeen | 70.4K | Mature
“It was Jackson’s idea,” Lydia explains, looking perfectly serious while standing in front of a March Madness bracket of Beacon Hills’ eligible bachelors.
Jackson looks smug. “It only makes sense.”
Stiles meets Isaac’s eyes over the heads of all the crazy people in the room. Isaac shrugs with a slight wince. “’Tis the season.”
the engagement by bibliosexual | 1.5K
“Stiles,” Derek growls the next morning, “why did Wanda just call me to congratulate me on my engagement to you?”
“Uh, because we are engaged?” Stiles tries. “We’re having a spring wedding with two flavors of cake, or did you forget? By the way, you still need to buy me a ring.”
Rumour Has It by WhoNatural | 12.9K
Now rumour has it she ain't got your love anymore.
The Werewolf Companion by MargaretKire | 64.5K | Explicit
Stiles volunteers to be a companion for an isolated werewolf he's never met. He thought he knew way more about werewolves than it turns out he really does.
Derek didn't technically ask the Werewolf Conservation Committee for a companion human, but they insisted he have one for his mental and physical health.
Go Away, Scott by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere | 66.2K
After the incident at the warehouse, Stiles is fed up with Scott. He finds himself drawn into Derek’s pack and in the process, drawn to Derek himself.
With the Alpha Pack closing in, Derek needs to learn how to trust his pack and those around him. And who better to help him than Stiles?
It Was a Wednesday by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 80.1K | Mature | Angsty af
“What happened? Where are you? What’s that sound?”
Derek jumped, having momentarily forgotten Scott was on the phone with him because Stiles had started moving. He’d stalked over to the other side of the cave, still eying Derek warily and growling, then settled protectively over a mass of clothes, leaves and animal innards. It was probably where he was sleeping.
Lovely. No wonder he smelled like death.
“Stiles,” Derek said, answering Scott’s question. Or, one of them, at least.
“Stiles? What do you—Stiles is making that noise?”
Home With You by SylvieW | 11.5K 
Stiles is sent to stay with the Hales so he can learn to control his spark and his impulses. Everyone treats him like a guest or a student. Except Derek.
Hearts full of stars and coffee by GreyHaven | 23.9K
“What? You don’t have a plan to get him to notice you?” Scott starts off at a brisk pace; the sort that always leaves Stiles scrambling to keep up and means he arrives places red faced and out of breath.
“No, Scotty, my current plan is - focus on my studies and get into the FBI. There is no space in that for attracting the attention of hot baristas. If there was, I would absolutely have a plan but as it is, the plan is just to keep buying coffee there and hope he notices me.”
Without you, I’m drowning. by DropsOfAddiction | 19.5K | Explicit
Derek pauses outside the door, feeling like a creeper. He can’t help but quickly peek in, just to ensure Stiles is OK (or so he tells himself) and immediately wishes he hadn’t. He can see Stiles’ lean muscled shoulders leaning back against the bath edge, his head tipped back, neck exposed, face turned slightly away from the door.
Derek sucks in a breath. He really should not be seeing him like this. He looks.... well he looks edible. Beautiful.
Sandbox Love is Forever by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 32.3K | Mature 
Being at different colleges, miles apart, meant that they’d likely be too busy for each other. An unstoppable force tearing them apart. But he could hold on for now.
“Okay,” Stiles shakily answered, clearing his throat before continuing, “I’ll go with you after the game.”
The corners of Derek’s lips started to turn up into a small but hopeful smile.
It was different from the smile Derek did for football. It was always more personal—genuine—when he looked at Stiles.
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scilessweetheart · 4 years
i made teen wolf playlists on spotify, so here are the top 5 songs from each.
stiles: run boy run | woodkid, kids in the dark | all time low, buzzcut season | lorde, awakening | yellowcard, daft pretty boys | bad suns
scott: ava | famy, like real people do | hozier, wherever i go | onerepublic, way down we go | kaleo, 18 | anarbor
isaac: we must be killers | mikky ekko, daddy issues | the neighborhood, fear of the water | syml, carolina | harry styles, suburbia | troye sivan
lydia: prom queen | molly kate kestner, little talks | of monsters and men, pity party | melanie martinez, exorcism | clairity, bury a friend | billie eilish
allison: running with the wolves | aurora, river | bishop briggs, soldier | fleurie, team | lorde, unstoppable | sia
malia: one woman army | porcelain black, animals | maroon 5, outrunning karma | alec benjamin, homemade dynamite | lorde, jenny | studio killers
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mischiefandi · 4 years
A Shitty Love Song (Part 1) - Stiles Stilinski
Wild Ones
A/N: hey everyone! this has been a long time coming! thank you for lovely comments on my previous post, im super happy to finally be posting this. a HUGE thank you to @duskholland​ for helping me out so much with this series, ily to death bitch. enjoyy yall
Summary: Y/N is a 17 year old girl who struggles in an epic battle against herself. Whether it is amor’s icy grasp or life’s unexpected course that forces her to finally open up, only one thing is certain. The truth cannot be long hidden.
Warnings: underage drinking, party times, maybe a couple of swear words but im not sure haha
Word Count: 5,3K
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader (Y/N)
Series Masterlist
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(picture is not mine -> credits to @ pechka on unsplash)
Seasons before, in the early fall where the leaves don’t yet want to leave their wooden hooks, Y/N had just started her junior year of high school. Being the new girl in school, she was afraid of being alone - something she had always been - but not this year. Whether it was chance or fate, she happened to fall upon a curious but wonderful group of people who quickly became her friends.  
At its center, Scott McCall, young lacrosse player with a boyish charm and a heart of gold and by his side, Stiles Stilinski, an eccentric and spirited young man. Surrounding them were Lydia Martin, the fiery and confident genius, the sweet yet lethal huntress, Allison Argent, and finally Isaac Lahey, charming Mr Mischief himself.
This pack of wild cards had found a new companion, and Y/N fit in like a puzzle piece filling in its designated spot. She got along with everyone in the group, forming indestructible friendships with these eccentric teenagers, and she felt fortunate beyond belief. More often than not, she would eat with them by the walnut tree outside of the school. The group would share stories and food, complaining about the soporific lessons from the earlier period, or excitedly planning the next outing, the next party. Every week, the teenagers would go hang out in the woods by the mystical ruins of the Hale House, doing more of the same. Life was light and good.
The group had planned on hanging out by the Hale House one quiet September afternoon, but the universe likes to play tricks, and somehow Y/N and Stiles were the only ones to show up. Deeming it a happy accident, the pair walked through the damp woods together, talking about their day and slowly letting each other in. Laughter echoed between the trees and the wind turned.
A little more than a month had gone by and Halloween was just around the corner. Classes seemed longer than usual, bigger stacks of schoolwork forming daunting piles on Y/N’s desk. But school was the last thing she could think of when she got home after a long day of concentration. The only thing that mattered, was Stiles. Video calls, phone calls, and late night texts that seemed to never cease took over the second Y/N’s feet passed the threshold of her home. And nothing compared to these conversations.
“I’m sorry but no.”
“Stiles, stop, seriously.”
The mole-speckled boy lunged forward in front of the screen and passed a shaking hand through his spiky hair.
“There is no way you like the second trilogy better than the first one. It’s just not possible.”
“Well it is possible, because I do,” Y/N retorted, her unfazed expression gleaming back at him.
“Literally how? The group dynamic alone should make you see reason. I mean come on. Han and Leia? Han and Chewie? Han and Luke?”
“You do know Star Wars doesn’t exclusively revolve around Han Solo right?” she asked, her lips breaking into a smirk.
“First of all, no. Second, give me one single reason why the second trilogy is better than the first,” Stiles said, “I dare you.”
“One reason?”
The boy nodded, serious as a statue.
“Hayden Christensen.”
Stiles groaned deeply, his face buried in his large hands.
“Can’t even have a serious discussion about Star Wars with someone rational.”
“I’m not sorry.”
“You’re the worst.”
Y/N paused, holding a finger to her chin.
“Hmm, agree to disagree.”
“Son of a bitch.”
“Hey! How can we have an intelligent debate about anything if you use swearing as a last resort.”
“I have given up on us. It’s over.”
Y/N laughed profusely against her pillow, shaking her head.
“You’re a drama queen.”
“FRIENDSHIP OVER!” Stiles bellowed and Y/N shot her head back, unstoppable laughter erupting from her stomach.
“It’s going to make things awkward at the party, Friday,” Y/N said between chuckles, her laughter quieting down.
“Who said you were even invited,” replied Stiles, adjusting his shirt, revealing a tiny patch of skin just above his sweats. Y/N’s eyes flicked over to the screen but the second had passed.
“Funny. Listen, I gotta get some sleep otherwise I’ll pass out in math or something.”
“Yeah, I should probably also go to bed sometime soon.”
“Hopefully before tomorrow morning.”
“Har-har,” said Stiles, smiling at the camera, his chocolatey irises beaming at Y/N.
“Goodnight nerd.”
“Goodnight loser.”
Y/N stuck out her tongue at Stiles before hanging up the call.
That night, as she carefully brushed her teeth and got her clothes ready for the next day, Y/N thought back on her video call with Stiles, a warm smile spreading on her lips.
The week passed so slowly, each hour lasting an exhausting eternity. School, demanding as ever, while keeping Y/N busy, was the reason why time seemed so lengthy. The nasty side-effect from tantalizing hours is the amount of thinking you do to keep busy. So Y/N did just that. She thought about how much she cared for her group of friends, she thought about the fact that she had never felt like she belonged like she did then.
She thought about how nice it was sitting by the Hale House, enjoying each others’ company, how life is so much lighter when you feel surrounded, how much she had learned about herself after meeting the pack. She thought about the band Stiles and her liked so much. She thought about Star Wars. She thought about the sound her computer made when Stiles sent her a message. She thought of his hair, his moles, his neck. She thought about how thrilling it was when he sat next to her. She thought about how much he mattered in her life, just like the others mattered too.
Y/N did so much thinking that week. But the funny thing is, amor has a way of tricking your mind. Your body believes one thing but your mind has been bewitched, and no amount of thinking you do can remove the fog clouding over your eyes. 
When came Friday, Y/N was happy to be done with school, bursting through the doors of the establishment, excited to go home and get ready for Danny’s Blackout Party. She was thrilled about going, however nervous she felt. 
She had never been to a party like Danny’s rave before and she had no idea what to expect. But more importantly, she was afraid of crowds. She had tried going out to packed bars with people from her old school, but the chaos and the drunks surrounding her made her feel beyond uneasy. 
“Y/N! Wait up!” She heard Allison exclaim, and she slowed down her pace, allowing the brunette to catch up with her.
“Are you excited for tonight?” asked Allison, her light brown eyes gleaming brightly.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be...crazy.”
“You okay?”
Y/N forced a smile and nodded overenthusiastically.
“Yeah! Just tired. It was a long day,” she replied.
“Same here, which is why, we need to let loose tonight! Let’s get ready at Lydia’s, so we can all head over there together.”
“Sure. Quick question though, how did Lydia get us invited in the first place?”
Allison giggled, nodding her head towards Aiden and Ethan standing by their motorcycles.
“How do you think?”
The girl’s laughter echoed through the cool autumn air and disappeared with their cars. It was going to be a night to remember.
As Y/N and Allison reached Lydia’s house, Y/N couldn’t help but feel more and more anxious, tightly gripping her bag filled with clothes and makeup. The party was starting to worry her.
People had been whispering about it all day back at the high school, talking about the numerous illicit drinks that would be served and the intriguing entertainment. It seemed like the Danny had gone all out for Halloween. Still, not knowing exactly what to expect practically terrified Y/N. 
She was outgoing, but big crowds and chaos were things that made panic bubble up inside of her very core, quickening her heartbeat to a frightening extent. She loved dancing and partying, and much like other people her age, she loved a good drink every once in a while, but huge events and big blowouts, she had never been a fan of.
Putting on a brave face, Y/N shut the car door and walked up the stairs to Lydia’s front porch, ringing the doorbell as Allison locked the car. After what seemed like mere seconds, Lydia opened the door, letting the excited girls in.
“Finally. I thought I was going to have to get going without you,” she said, smirking at the pair.
“Y/N couldn’t decide what to wear,” replied Allison, sending Y/N a look that made Lydia scoff.
“Excuse me if I've never been to a neon-themed rave. How am I supposed to know what to wear?”
“Well the name of said rave could be a pretty good indicator,” mocked Lydia as the girls walked up to her bedroom, shutting the door behind them.
“Ali, what are you wearing?”
Allison giggled with a smirk and did a demonstrative twirl, showing off her burgundy flannel shirt and black jeans.
Lydia raised her eyebrows at the brunette, a confused expression etched on her face.
“Am I the only one here who understands the term “neon”?” she asked.
Allison shook her head then slowly unbuttoned her shirt, revealing a neon pink bra.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. This stunt was definitely orchestrated for someone special.
“Wow. Isaac will love it.”
“It’s about time you two did something about your situation,” joked Lydia, reaching for an eyelash curler.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” replied Allison with an innocent shrug and a slightly less innocent wink.
“Well now that Allison’s outfit is sorted, it’s your turn, Y/N. Let’s see what’s in this enormous bag of yours.”
The strawberry blonde bent down and grabbed Y/N’s bag before she could say anything, emptying its contents in a flash.
“No, no, definitely not, no…Y/N, why are all of these clothes black?” inquired Lydia, with a look of disgust she had difficulty hiding.
“Lyds, I told you, I don’t know what to wear to a rave.”
“Show me your bra.”
“Show me your bra. If it’s the right colour, we can just pair it with some of my clothes.”
Y/N reluctantly removed her white shirt, revealing an electric blue floral lace bra, much to Lydia’s delight. Allison whistled approvingly.
“Okay here’s what we’re gonna do.” Lydia walked over to her closet, carefully studying its contents. Allison and Y/N exchanged a glance as Lydia clapped her hands together.
“This goes with this, and you have to tuck it in, like so,” she said, “okay, try this on. Now.”
Y/N looked down at the outfit her friend had put together.
“Yes ma’am,” she mumbled, her face as white as a sheet.
Y/N walked to the corner of the room as the girls chatted and finished getting ready. Her heart thundered as she passed her neck through the bottom of the sheer black top Lydia had handed to her. Looking herself in the mirror, all she could see was a blushing dishevelled mess. Her bra covered most of her chest, but the curves of her breasts were only slightly hidden by the black mesh material she was wearing.
“Okay, this is okay…” she muttered to herself, trying not to panic.
Bending down, she grabbed the black layered skirt she had brought with her and brought it up to her hips, tucking the top inside. The skirt helped balance out the outfit, but still Y/N wasn’t fully convinced.
“How are you feeling?”
“Kind of nervous honestly.”
“I meant how do you feel about the outfit- but you’re nervous? Why?” asked Lydia, walking over to Y/N in front of the full-length mirror.
“It’s just- I’ve never been to a big party like tonight, much less looking like…this,” Y/N reluctantly replied.
Lydia bit her lip and sucked in some air before smiling widely at Y/N and taking a step forward.
“By “looking like this” I hope you mean by looking incredible. Y/N, look at yourself. You’re tall and confident, the outfit looks amazing on you. Your look is not the problem,” she said, gently.
“Then what is?”
“You tell us,” replied Allison, walking over to the girls by the mirror.
Y/N exhaled deeply and turned around to face her friends.
“I hate crowds. I love partying don’t get me wrong, I just- I get really really panicky around big crowds of people. The noise, the warmth, all of it, just terrifies me. I’m worried that I’ll hate it and freak out or something. I’m sorry, I probably should have said something before.”
As soon as the daunting words had slipped through her lips, Y/N felt a weight lift from her weary shoulders, a wave of relief passing over her entire body.
“Hey, it’s okay. Everyone’s got something they’re uncomfortable with. It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” said Allison, sweetly.
“I know, it’s not that I’m ashamed, I just- didn’t wanna be a downer. I really am excited for tonight! I’m just nervous.”
Lydia placed her hands on Y/N’s shoulders and smiled brightly.
“Look, you’re gorgeous right now. Even without my help, you’re gorgeous. And tonight, we’ll be around the whole time. If you feel freaked out or you start to panic, we’ll go outside and get some fresh air. We don’t mind.”
“Exactly, we’re your friends. You know you can depend on us on occasion,” Allison joked and Y/N laughed, shaking her head timidly.
“Seriously, Y/N, we’re gonna have a ton of fun tonight. And if you need anything, whatsoever, we’re both here,” added Lydia.
Y/N’s heart swelled and she felt her eyes filling slowly. Blinking the impending tears away, she smiled widely, her radiant eyes following suite.
“Thank you, both of you. You’re the best.”
“Agreed. Now, that’s sorted. Are you comfortable with the outfit?” asked Lydia.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, analyzing every detail of her figure, taking in how “out there” the outfit was. After a few seconds, she nodded to herself and smiled.
“You know what? You only live once.”
Allison giggled and rested her arms on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Tonight is going to be amazing!”
As Lydia’s car pulled into the parking lot in front of the venue - a large concrete building comparable to a construction site - Y/N sent a text to her friend.
Y/N: we just got to danny’s party
Y/N: u guys here?
The girls looked up at the windows on the top level, the neon lights shining through catching their attention, the music already reaching their ears.
The group excitedly entered the building, Y/N’s heart thundering against her ribcage. Allison noticed the worried look on her friend’s face and she slipped her hand in hers, sending her a warm smile. Y/N took a deep breath, and the three beautiful girls went into the otherwise empty elevator. On the way up, Y/N’s phone vibrated against her palm and she looked down at the screen.
Stiles: we aren’t there yet
Stiles: Scott needed to go get something
Y/N’s heart couldn’t help but sink a little. She had hoped the boys were going to be there already, though why, she couldn’t say. Her phone interrupted her thoughts again.
Scott: by smth, Stiles means someone
Scott: and by someone, he means Kira
Scott: also we’re late because of the jeep
Scott: ;)
Y/N chuckled and texted him back, Lydia and Allison sharing an inquisitive look.
Y/N: figures :))
“Who is that?” asked Allison as the elevator doors opened.
Y/N winced slightly and turned to Allison.
“It’s the boys. Scott was just telling me they picked up Kira…”
Lydia looked from Allison to Y/N, and back, the awkwardness beyond tangible.
“Are you okay?” asked Y/N, worried that the news had killed the mood.
“Honestly? I don’t love the idea of partying with my ex and his new girlfriend, but we broke up three months ago. We’ve both moved on. Besides, I really like Isaac. I’m not gonna let this ruin my evening,” Allison answered, a soft smile on her lips.
“Allison has Isaac, Scott has Kira, Stiles- well I don’t know about Stiles. That leaves you and me, Y/N. You can help me avoid Aiden tonight,” said Lydia, straightening her dress.
“Aiden, as in, the guy you hooked up with who just so happens to be the guy who invited you to this rave?”
“Precisely.” Lydia walked away hurriedly, and the girls laughed, entering the venue.
The grey concrete in the hall was uncharacteristically bland compared to the other-worldly burst of colours inside of the venue. Neon blue, pink, orange, yellow, and green exploding in every direction, paired with blaring purple lights attached to the concrete beams above the dancefloor where what looked like at least 70 people were jumping up and down to the beat of Losing It by FISHER. Strands of white UV tubes hanging from the ceiling all around the dancefloor lit up every white item of clothing in the room, turning the pure colour into a bright purple.
This giant nebula of chaos and colour made Y/N’s blood pump ten times faster throughout her body. That or the the bass blasting through the giant speakers by the DJ. Either way, the thrill of it made Y/N shiver, her whole body completely frozen in place. 
“This is crazy!” Allison gasped.
“Danny really went all out,” said Lydia, staring at the dancing figures in the center of the room.
Y/N’s phone buzzing woke her from her trance and she read the text.
Stiles: be there in about 20 minutes
Stiles: can’t wait to embarrass you on the dancefloor
Y/N: oof
“Let’s go get a drink,” Lydia urged, walking over to the large snack table with numerous bottles. Y/N read the labels and nodded, impressed by the wide range of drinks.
“Wow. Jack Daniels, vodka, a shitton of beer, wine coolers, rum, Jagermeister…Danny really did go all out.”
“Pass me a cup,” said Allison.
As the girls filled their glasses, Lydia eyed Y/N’s cup.
“Y/N, are you sure you want to start with a triple shot of vodka?”
“Yeah, it’s fine!” Y/N exclaimed, downing the drink before anyone could stop her and gasping as the strong liquid burned its way down her throat.
“Ohkay, take it easy,” said Allison, shooting a worried glance at Lydia.
“I’ve got it under control,” replied Y/N as she refilled her cup.
“Let’s go dance!”
Allison dragged the girls away from the table, walking over to the dancefloor. Y/N downed her second drink and nodded wearily.
“Yesss, let’s do this!”
The looming herd of party-goers, intimidating as it was, seemed a little less daunting now that Y/N was actually at the party.
“How bad could it be?” she thought to herself before treading through the mass, occasionally bumping against people energetically throwing their limbs around.
In the middle of the chaos, Allison stopped and started moving her hips in sync with the song, Lydia quickly following suit. Y/N bobbed her head along to the beat of the bass, her arms swinging awkwardly on either side of her body. Allison laughed and grabbed her friend’s arms forcing the movement to flow through Y/N’s limbs. Lydia busted up and down, moving her waist so naturally it seemed like she had been born for this very moment.
Closing her eyes, Y/N tried to focus on the music vibrating throughout her body, the memory of the colours surrounding her floating behind her eyelids. Allison sang along with the lyrics of the current song, shouting out the words as she moved from side to side. Y/N slowly started to lose herself to the music, letting go of her inhibitions, forgetting the world around her.
When the beat changed, her feet jumped up and down, as if they had a mind of their own. Her head felt heavy yet no thoughts crossed her mind. The music had gotten rid of all concentration, the only thing left was the bass flowing through her veins, making her entire body pulsate to the beat.
Beads of sweat trickled down Y/N’s neck as she kept dancing, her feet starting to ache with every jump. It had only been about fifteen minutes, but to the dancers, it seemed like a wonderful eternity. Finally, Lydia tapped on Y/N’s shoulder and shouted by her ear.
“Let’s do some body painting!”
Y/N nodded profusely, a wide smile on her lips.
“Ali went to dance with Isaac!” Lydia shouted as the pair pushed through the crowd.
“Where’s the paint?” shouted Y/N, trying to hear her own voice over the music and failing miserably.
“Over there!”
A tall blonde boy holding brushes with purple and pink tips smiled as the girls reached him, his charismatic grin turning Y/N’s cheeks bright red.
“What can I do for you ladies?” he asked, his pearly white teeth a bright purple as his grin widened.
“My friend over here needs a lot of paint. Emphasis on lot,”Lydia insisted.
Y/N shook her head, giggling stupidly.
“Not too much paint,” she said warmly.
The boy smiled with a wink.
“Let me worry about that.”
Y/N removed her mesh top, holding it with her right hand, patiently waiting for the boy to start painting across her chest and back. She shivered as she felt the cool wet tip of the brush meet her sweaty skin, sliding a few inches down, a thick stripe of paint spreading across her back. Y/N giggled at the cold feeling, the alcohol in her system reaching her head. She closed her eyes and bent her neck to the side as the boy continued his line up to her collarbone.
“What’s your name?” she heard him ask.
“What’s yours?” she chose to answer, smiling wickedly.
She heard him laugh as he started painting little dots up her back.
“Nice to meet you, Jeremy.”
“You know most girls like a proper introduction before getting this close,” he said over the pulsating music, his breath fanning over Y/N’s neck as he painted small strokes down her shoulder. Y/N grinned mischievously.
“I’m not like most girls,” she teased as she turned to face him.
“No, I guess you’re not,” the boy replied, his eyes darting towards her lips and back up.
“I’m almost done with your body- I mean with the paint,” he said, shaking his head with a grin. Y/N giggled and stepped closer.
“I’m all yours…” she replied.
Jeremy’s deep blue eyes lingered on hers before focusing on her chest. Y/N thanked the universe that he wasn’t looking straight at her, otherwise he would have seen her cheeks fill with red for the second time. He delicately placed pink and orange dots up and down her chest, careful as to not stain her bra and she watched him, observing his concentration with admiration. Finally, he looked up, smiling at her.
“My masterpiece is done,” he declared, placing the paintbrush on the body paint stand.
Jeremy reached for a mirror and handed it to her. She admired the strands and dots painted across her body in a chaotic waltz, the hot purple and pink clashing against her skin. Looking up at him, she grinned widely.
“You’re talented,” she said.
“It’s easier when you have such a good canvas to work on…” he replied, sending her a look hot enough to melt her.
Momentarily remembering the outside world, she looked around and quickly realized Lydia wasn’t there anymore, probably off dancing or looking for Allison. Y/N turned back to Jeremy.
“I’m sorry, I should probably go check on my friends…” she said, biting her lip as she slipped her mesh shirt back on.
“Of course. Maybe later, we’ll bump into each other on the dance floor?” he replied, a nervous smile etched on his lips.
“Yeah, maybe.”
Y/N winked at him and walked away, trying her best to keep her cool.
“Well that was something.” She thought to herself, a wide grin planted on her face.
Looking around, she couldn’t find either of her friends, nor could she find Isaac. Slightly disappointed, Y/N walked over to the table and poured some vodka in an unused cup before knocking her head back, letting the burning liquid run down her throat.
She eyed the dancefloor and thought back on her previous conversation with Jeremy. She was beyond nervous. She’d never actually kissed a boy before. The opportunity just hadn’t ever presented itself. But now that she was here, feeling tipsy as ever, a few feet away from the cutest boy at the party, she couldn’t help but think, why not?
Wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt and downing her fourth - albeit, strong - drink of the night, she nodded to herself and walked over to the dancefloor.
As Five Hours blasted through the speakers, Y/N pushed her way through the sweaty crowd once again, making her way to the center of the dancefloor. Ignoring the world surrounding her, she closed her eyes and gave in to the music, feeling every beat of the song pulsate throughout her entire body.
Colours, flashing lights, the feeling of people’s skin against hers, her head spinning and swaying in every direction, it made her feel alive. As the last drop of the song reached its peak, Y/N jumped with the crowd, knocking her body against complete strangers, feeling the warm and sticky air fill her lungs with every breath.
The song Too Much by Curbi started to play and Y/N felt someone’s body against hers. Closing her eyes, she turned around and felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She sighed lightly, enjoying the feeling of her skin against the boy’s. His fingers treaded down her back, firmly settling just above her ass, holding her steady in a sea of bustling bodies.
She danced against him, turning around again, her back facing his front. Moving against his body, she felt his arms tighten around her, pulling her in. His hot breath fanned over her neck and she moaned slightly, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
Suddenly, time seemed to stand still when his lips lightly touched her warm skin. Y/N inhaled sharply, her eyes still shut. The only thing she could hear now was the sound of her heartbeat furiously thundering against her ribcage. Slowly caressing the boy’s arm, she allowed further access to her neckline, moaning loudly as she felt his feverish lips plant warm kisses on her neck, inching higher and higher. Y/N’s hands reached for his and she tugged them closer to her body, her hips still moving against him. His lips danced furiously across her neck, leaving dangerously beautiful marks on her skin.
The music seemed only to heighten her senses. Her legs almost gave out when she heard the boy groan lightly against her ear, her response, a small whine at the loss of contact with his lips. She turned around and tried to open her eyes, the bright lights bursting through the gap in her eyelids. Squinting at his face, trying as hard as possible not to lose herself to the music again, Y/N’s eyes caught a glimpse of the boy’s face.
Bright pink dashes stained his cupid’s bow and the right corner of his bottom lip, the paint from her neck helpless in the face of a passion like this one. Y/N’s eyes scanned the rest of his face and widened slightly when they met amber irises, warm and inviting and so familiar. Her fingers threaded through his damp dark brown hair, her brain trying to comprehend what was about to happen.
His chocolatey eyes looked deep into hers and he licked his lips slowly, the world around them fading. Y/N felt her vision blur as she inched closer to him, her nose picking up the scent of old leather and pine trees and rain. His lips lingered over hers and she felt a chill as her name echoed through the air.
Their lips connected in a frenzied blur, sending sparks of pleasure throughout Y/N’s entire body and the chaos surrounding the pair completely swallowed them. His teeth slightly bit her bottom lip and she deepened the kiss, ardently giving in to his deliciously demanding mouth. Unable to control her body, she steadied herself against him, tugging at his shirt with one hand, the other cupping his face as he sucked on her delectable lips.
Their bodies so unbelievably close disappeared in the crowd of dancers, the whole world somehow a thousand miles away.
Time, a forgotten concept.
A/N: I seriously hope u enjoyed this!! if u did please reblog :)) (would be super helpful especially with tumblr acting up w the tags and all that) <3 part 2 coming soon!!
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luucypevensie · 3 years
tally for the notebook ask?
Alright, I’m going to stick with the McCall Pack, as well as Phoebe and Luna, for now!
Scott: I don’t know what I would do without Scott in my life. He’s been there for me for many things, from my first theatre performance to my breakup with Percy. He makes me feel like I can do anything, and his eyes are really nice too. I also love his smile, and how it lights up the room… HOLY SHIT, I THINK I’M IN LOVE WITH SCOTT!!
Stiles: Mr. Spazzy McGee! The fact that he and Erica in hard detail planned out Percy’s murder after our breakup was… I’ll admit, a titch scary, but also meant a lot to me. I just wish Stiles would get his head out of Martin’s ass and notice how much Erica likes him!
Erica: MY QUEEN! The Kara to my Barbara, Erica has been by my side since we were tiny kids in preschool. I don’t care that she has epilepsy, I love the fact that she is one sassy girl, that she loves comics, and has kept my secret since I told her about it. If I lost Erica, I don’t know what I would do.
Allison: AN ANGEL SENT FROM HEAVEN! The literal embodiment of Snow White, it felt like a missing piece of me just clicked into place when Ally moved to BH. I love that, while sweet, she also is a badass and is not afraid to stand up to people when they’re being assholes (*cough Martin and Whittemore cough*). Ally Argent is amazing!
Phoebe: THE STELLA TO MY BLOOM! Phoebe is literally the light of my life: she took me underneath her wing when I first arrived from camp, and she always made sure I was doing okay after my breakup with Percy. She’s like the sister I never had, and I’m so grateful for her.
Boyd: BOYD IS OUR ROCK!! He is just such a steady presence, and he’s so good at helping me keep calm and focused. I think Phoebe had a massive crush on him when I first introduced them. To be honest, they would be really cute together! They’re literally the definition of tol and smol!
Luna: FEARLESS AND UNSTOPPABLE! Luna is just so cool; I love that she was so different from the rest of the Aphrodite cabin. She cares more about science and fighting than clothes and makeup, and I love her for that.
Cora: I don’t remember Cora much from when we were younger, but who she is now is AWESOME! She doesn’t take any shit from anyone, and will stand up for what she thinks is right. No matter what anyone else says. Maybe that’s why I keep on seeing Luna staring at her when she thinks no one else is looking.
Isaac: ISAAC LAHEY DESERVES BETTER! Seriously, I wanted Nico to bring his sorry ass father back from the dead so I can murder him again. I do enjoy that dry sarcasm of his, and I know he’s going to go on to do great things. But, WHY DOES HE HAVE TO LIKE MARTIN TOO?!
Lydia: Ugh, I have so many issues with this one. I am not a fan of her attitude, and the fact that she dumbs herself down for someone like WHITTEMORE?! I’m disgusted. Plus, there’s the fact that she treated Erica horribly. That is unforgivable… okay, maybe Martin is not as bad as I thought. But, she still has a long way to go to earn points in my book.
Derek: He needs to lighten up a bit, but I think Derek does have his heart in the right place. Also, it’s despicable what happened to him at the hands of Ally’s aunt. I really hope he goes to therapy, I think he really needs it… Huh, I should introduce him to Reyna, maybe she would be able to whip him to shape!
Jackson: An absolute dick. That’s all that needs to be said.
Danny: DANNY IS AMAZING AND DESERVES THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE! I’m pretty sure he knows about the supernatural (and I’m pretty sure Whittemore was the one who told him), but I hope he just has the best life!
Ethan: He’s not that bad, but Ethan really needs to redeem himself if he thinks he even has A SHOT with Danny.
Aiden: I hate him; he broke my heart.
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fuckyeahfanfictions · 3 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Heather (Teen Wolf), Chris Argent, Peter Hale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Jock Derek Hale, Nerd Stiles Stilinski, Friends to Lovers, Underage Drinking, Alternate Universe - Human, Bullying, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Minor Chris Argent/Peter Hale Summary:
Being at different colleges, miles apart, meant that they’d likely be too busy for each other. An unstoppable force tearing them apart. But he could hold on for now.
“Okay,” Stiles shakily answered, clearing his throat before continuing, “I’ll go with you after the game.”
The corners of Derek’s lips started to turn up into a small but hopeful smile.
It was different from the smile Derek did for football. It was always more personal—genuine—when he looked at Stiles.
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dreamlandforever · 1 year
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 25 - Relax
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 400
XXV. Relax | Just Relax!
“Just relax, man” Scott said, sitting next to Stiles.
“Relax?! How can I do that when this could be a complete disaster, Scott?” Stiles managed to sound loud and panick-y, even while whispering. 
He heard a sigh and turned to see a very exasperated looking Derek. Before he could say anything else, though, Derek grabbed Stiles’ hand and rubbed his thumb against his pulse.
“Love, for the last time, everything will be alright. Just smile and let him know how proud you are.” Derek said simply, looking Stiles in the eye. Stiles let out a deep breath and nodded, turning back to the street.
“Is just…he could get really hurt, you know?”
“You have to trust what we taught him.” Scott reminded him, leaning back against the wall behind his chair. He moved his leg a little, so he was tight too tight with Stiles. Stiles smiled softly at him, and held to Derek’s hand in a way that Scott knew had to hurt, even if Derek was a werewolf. Derek, however, simply continued rubbing Stiles’ wrist and leaned closer to him. 
“Oh, no, he’s next!” Stiles whispered so low that even Scott had a hard time hearing it. 
“Stiles, he will be fine.” Derek reminded him. 
Stiles continued to anxiously stare at Isaac while he got inside the car. “What if…”
“No.” Scott interrupted immediately. “He can hear you. No.” He stopped Stiles, gently but firmly, while giving Isaac and thumbs up.
“Throw him a kiss!” Stiles instructed.
“What?” Scott asked confused, turning to fully face Stiles. 
“I want to apologize, I know he can do it, I’m just worried. So, throw him a kiss! Now! Before he gets in and can’t see you, anymore!”
“No.” Scott responded, but turned to wink at his boyfriend. Isaac smiled at them, and gave Stiles a thumbs up.
“Oh my God! He turned the car on.” Stiles narrated, without really knowing why. Stiles had taken on the task of teaching Isaac how to drive a few months ago. He immediately regretted it when Isaac back up against a mailbox. And then when he miscalculated and parked right on top of a flower pot. And once more when he hit a tree while trying to do a U-turn in the woods at 50 miles per hour. Stiles had never been happier they had gotten him a used car to practice. The car was now at a scrapyard and Isaac had improved greatly from then. “You can do it!” Stiles whispered, closing his eyes for most of Isaac’s test. 
Derek and Scott had to keep him from yelling and crying for most of the exam, but could do absolutely nothing to stop him from hollering once Isaac got his driver’s license. It was okay, though, Isaac was just as happy, hugging Stiles back. 
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buticanstilldream · 4 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Heather (Teen Wolf), Chris Argent, Peter Hale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Jock Derek Hale, Nerd Stiles Stilinski, Friends to Lovers, Underage Drinking, Alternate Universe - Human, Bullying, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Minor Chris Argent/Peter Hale Summary:
Being at different colleges, miles apart, meant that they’d likely be too busy for each other. An unstoppable force tearing them apart. But he could hold on for now.
“Okay,” Stiles shakily answered, clearing his throat before continuing, “I’ll go with you after the game.”
The corners of Derek’s lips started to turn up into a small but hopeful smile.
It was different from the smile Derek did for football. It was always more personal—genuine—when he looked at Stiles.
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ao3feed-scallisaac · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hz7GGN
by satrix
MultiCrossover- An invasion is going to happen, can the supernatural save it. As she collided with him, their impact could have been heard for miles. He an immovable object and her an unstoppable force, love and lust colliding as one. Their passion could last days or weeks at a time. This was the only time that he could let go of his emotions. Suck at intros.
This fic includes a lot of different fandoms. I have not come accross many that uses more than three fandoms. In the beginning things will jump around as I introduce the different character. Hopefully I can get them to blend without too much difficulty. One way to think of this is as a soap opera or TV show that has many characters in it.
Feedback is welcome.
Words: 1174, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Twilight Series - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), Animorphs (TV), Blade (Movie Series), The Bureau of Magical Things, The Covenant (2006), Falling Skies, Heroes (TV), I Am Number Four (2011), Kyle XY, Mutant X, The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Roswell (TV 1999), Runaways (TV 2017), The Secret Circle (TV), Shadowhunters (TV), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Tomorrow People (2013), Underworld (Movies), Wolfblood (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Beyond - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Rachel (Animorphs), Marco (Animorphs), Cassie (Animorphs), Tobias (Animorphs), Ax (Animorphs), Jake Berenson, Holden Matthews, Luke Matthews, Willa (Beyond), Blade, Abigail Whistler, Hannibal King, Kyra Glen, Imogen, Lily, Darra (Bureau of Magical Things), Ruksy Tevala, Peter (Bureau of Magical Things), Caleb Danvers, Reid Garwin, Tyler Simms, Chase Collins (The Covenant), Pogue Parry, Hal Mason, Matt Mason, Ben Mason, Tom Mason, Cochise (Falling Skies), Claire Bennet, Hiro Nakamura, Niki Sanders, Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Noah Bennet, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Lyle Bennet, John Smith | Number Four, Maren Elizabeth | Number Six, Sarah Hart, Bernie Kosar (Lorien Legacies), Sam Goode, Mark James, Kyle Trager, Amanda Bloom, Nicole Trager, Jessi XX, Declan McDonough, Josh Trager, Lori Trager, Stephen Trager, Shalimar Fox, Jesse Kilmartin, Brennan Mulwray, Emma deLauro, Lexa Pierce, Adam Kane, Chloe King, Alek Petrov, Jasmine (The Nine Lives of Chloe King), Brian Rezza, Isabel Evans, Liz Parker, Michael Guerin, Max Evans, Maria DeLuca, Alex Whitman, Kyle Valenti, Jim Valenti, Karolina Dean, Nico Minoru, Gertrude Yorkes, Alex Wilder (Marvel), Chase Stein, Cassie Blake, Diana Meade, Faye Chamberlain, Adam Conant, Jake Armstrong, Melissa Glaser, Nick Armstrong, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Luke Garroway, Magnus Bane, Raphael Santiago, Aiden (Teen Wolf), Brett Talbot, Isaac Lahey, Bobby Finstock, Cora Hale, Corey Bryant, Danny Mahealani, Derek Hale, Alan Deaton, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Garrett Douglas, Hayden Romero, Jackson Whittemore, Jordan Parrish, Kate Argent, Kira Yukimura, Liam Dunbar, Lori Talbot, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Mason Hewitt, Sheriff Stilinski, Dread Doctors (Teen Wolf), Nolan (Teen Wolf), Josh Diaz, Tamora Monroe, Oni - Character, Gerard Argent, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Kali (Teen Wolf), Gabe (Teen Wolf), Cameron (Terminator), Sarah Connor, John Connor, Derek Reese, Stephen Jameson (Tomorrow People 2013), Luca Jameson, Cara Coburn, John Young, Russell Kwon, Astrid Finch, Emmett Cullen, Alice Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Leah Clearwater, Embry Call, Seth Clearwater, David (Underworld), Selene (Underworld), Michael Corvin, Eve (Underworld), Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Tyler Lockwood, Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan, Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Rhydian Morris, Maddy Smith (Wolfblood), Jana (Wolfblood)
Relationships: Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Rachel (Animorphs)/Tobias (Animorphs), holden mathews/willa, Holden Matthews/Charlie (Beyond), Claire Bennet/Brody Mitchum, Sarah Hart/John Smith | Number Four, Maren Elizabeth | Number Six/Sam Goode, Amanda Bloom/Kyle Trager, Shalimar Fox/Brennan Mulwray, Emma deLauro/Jesse Kilmartin, Chloe King/Alek Petrov, Chloe King/Brian Rezza, Max Evans/Liz Parker, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Chase Stein/Gertrude Yorkes, Jake Armstrong/Cassie Blake, Cassie Blake & Adam Conant, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, John Connor/Eve (Underworld), Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale, Alice Cullen/Jasper Hale, Jacob Black/Renesmee Cullen, Michael Corvin/Selene, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hz7GGN
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ao3feed-thiam · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hz7GGN
by satrix
MultiCrossover- An invasion is going to happen, can the supernatural save it. As she collided with him, their impact could have been heard for miles. He an immovable object and her an unstoppable force, love and lust colliding as one. Their passion could last days or weeks at a time. This was the only time that he could let go of his emotions. Suck at intros
Words: 1174, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Twilight Series - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), Animorphs (TV), Blade (Movie Series), The Bureau of Magical Things, The Covenant (2006), Falling Skies, Heroes (TV), I Am Number Four (2011), Kyle XY, Mutant X, The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Roswell (TV 1999), Runaways (TV 2017), The Secret Circle (TV), Shadowhunters (TV), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Tomorrow People (2013), Underworld (Movies), Wolfblood (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Beyond - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Rachel (Animorphs), Marco (Animorphs), Cassie (Animorphs), Tobias (Animorphs), Ax (Animorphs), Jake Berenson, Holden Matthews, Luke Matthews, Willa (Beyond), Blade, Abigail Whistler, Hannibal King, Kyra Glen, Imogen, Lily, Darra (Bureau of Magical Things), Ruksy Tevala, Peter (Bureau of Magical Things), Caleb Danvers, Reid Garwin, Tyler Simms, Chase Collins (The Covenant), Pogue Parry, Hal Mason, Matt Mason, Ben Mason, Tom Mason, Cochise (Falling Skies), Claire Bennet, Hiro Nakamura, Niki Sanders, Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Noah Bennet, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Lyle Bennet, John Smith | Number Four, Maren Elizabeth | Number Six, Sarah Hart, Bernie Kosar (Lorien Legacies), Sam Goode, Mark James, Kyle Trager, Amanda Bloom, Nicole Trager, Jessi XX, Declan McDonough, Josh Trager, Lori Trager, Stephen Trager, Shalimar Fox, Jesse Kilmartin, Brennan Mulwray, Emma deLauro, Lexa Pierce, Adam Kane, Chloe King, Alek Petrov, Jasmine (The Nine Lives of Chloe King), Brian Rezza, Isabel Evans, Liz Parker, Michael Guerin, Max Evans, Maria DeLuca, Alex Whitman, Kyle Valenti, Jim Valenti, Karolina Dean, Nico Minoru, Gertrude Yorkes, Alex Wilder (Marvel), Chase Stein, Cassie Blake, Diana Meade, Faye Chamberlain, Adam Conant, Jake Armstrong, Melissa Glaser, Nick Armstrong, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Luke Garroway, Magnus Bane, Raphael Santiago, Aiden (Teen Wolf), Brett Talbot, Isaac Lahey, Bobby Finstock, Cora Hale, Corey Bryant, Danny Mahealani, Derek Hale, Alan Deaton, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Garrett Douglas, Hayden Romero, Jackson Whittemore, Jordan Parrish, Kate Argent, Kira Yukimura, Liam Dunbar, Lori Talbot, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Mason Hewitt, Sheriff Stilinski, Dread Doctors (Teen Wolf), Nolan (Teen Wolf), Josh Diaz, Tamora Monroe, Oni - Character, Gerard Argent, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Kali (Teen Wolf), Gabe (Teen Wolf), Cameron (Terminator), Sarah Connor, John Connor, Derek Reese, Stephen Jameson (Tomorrow People 2013), Luca Jameson, Cara Coburn, John Young, Russell Kwon, Astrid Finch, Emmett Cullen, Alice Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Leah Clearwater, Embry Call, Seth Clearwater, David (Underworld), Selene (Underworld), Michael Corvin, Eve (Underworld), Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Tyler Lockwood, Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan, Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Rhydian Morris, Maddy Smith (Wolfblood), Jana (Wolfblood)
Relationships: Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Rachel (Animorphs)/Tobias (Animorphs), holden mathews/willa, Holden Matthews/Charlie (Beyond), Claire Bennet/Brody Mitchum, Sarah Hart/John Smith | Number Four, Maren Elizabeth | Number Six/Sam Goode, Amanda Bloom/Kyle Trager, Shalimar Fox/Brennan Mulwray, Emma deLauro/Jesse Kilmartin, Chloe King/Alek Petrov, Chloe King/Brian Rezza, Max Evans/Liz Parker, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Chase Stein/Gertrude Yorkes, Jake Armstrong/Cassie Blake, Cassie Blake & Adam Conant, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, John Connor/Eve (Underworld), Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale, Alice Cullen/Jasper Hale, Jacob Black/Renesmee Cullen, Michael Corvin/Selene, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hz7GGN
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So @stetervault reblogged my tags on that post of @thisdiscontentedwinter about Stiles having a familiar that’s a Chia Pet, and filling out that idea sounded like a better evening than yelling at the next installment of my Empathy Empathy series so that’s what I did. 
Blah blah disclaimer that it’s been a long ass day and I literally just say down and pounded this out right now so obvs zero editing has been done LET’S BE REAL NONE OF YOU ARE HERE FOR PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SO WE’RE JUST GONNA ROLL 
You Look Familiar
Peter watched Stiles.
It was a thing.
Not a good thing, or a bad thing, or even a particularly strange thing, given who Peter was.
It was just… a thing.
Peter watched Stiles.
No one watched Peter.
It made them too uncomfortable. He’d been resurrected without his familiar and somehow come back more sane rather than less, as was the case with every other documented case of Familiar Death. People could hardly stand to look at him at all, much less watch.
It’s wrong, they whispered. He’s only half a person. Where is his magic, if not kept with his familiar?
They were all waiting for him to snap, waiting for him to return to madness, despite proving that he still had his magic every time he shifted. There was no cure for the willfully ignorant, he supposed.
So rather than dedicating time to worrying about that, he used it to watch Stiles and his familiar, who were currently sitting on the couch in the loft. Stiles patted the small plants sprouting from the turtle shaped Chia Pet he called Aida. He would pat them down gently and watch them spring back, as if he was both petting and playing with it.
Aida sat perfectly still, as always. Never reacting, never interacting. Like it was just a regular Chia Pet.
Peter had wondered, at first, if perhaps Aida were some kind of red herring. Perhaps Stiles’ actual familiar couldn’t travel with him for some reason, so he carried around the Chia Pet to prevent awkward questions. It seemed like a Stiles thing to do.
But Peter had spent too much time with Stiles now, both in his house and everywhere else, to continue thinking that. There were no other familiars in the Stilinski household unless John was home with his ferret, Frances.
The Chia Pet was well and truly Stiles’ familiar.
Derek and Scott continued bickering in the middle of the loft as Peter continued to watch those long pale fingers lovingly brush across the green leaves and terracotta feet.
“Hey Stiles,” Isaac nodded over at Lydia’s goat familiar, “Guinevere's looking pretty hungry, maybe you should give her a snack.” He made a grab for Aida, but Stiles was well used to his jackassery by now, and pulled her away while sending a shock of electricity in Isaac’s direction like a rolled up newspaper.
Isaac yanked his hand away, rubbing the back of it with a sulk on his face. Peter didn’t know why he continued to pull that kind of shit- everyone else thought it was weird, but ignored Stiles’ oddity. Well. Everyone except Peter.
It wasn’t even that Aida wasn’t an animal; that was unusual, but not unheard of. It was just that other plant familiars always exhibited proof of sentience. Vine tendrils that curled around objects, or leaves that shook in morse code- something.
The turtle shaped Chia Pet just… sat there. Chia-ing away.
“No!” Scott yelled, breaking Peter’s concentration. “We have to talk to them, I know they’ll understand us!”
Derek was pinching the bridge of his nose between his eyes.
“I don’t know how to explain ‘zombies’ to you any better, Scott. They don’t understand anything. They’re dead. We need to find the one who’s raising them.”
“They’re not all the way dead, or they wouldn’t be moving around,” Scott said stubbornly. “We have to at least try talking to them.” He looked around the room for support, finding none. “Stiles?” he pleaded.
Stiles shrugged. “Sounds like a double headshot situation to me, dude.”
Scott set his jaw firmly, taking one last glance around the room.
“Fine. I’ll go talk to them alone then. When I come back with a treaty worked out, you’ll have to honor it.”
“Aw, Scott-” Stiles started, but was cut off by the slamming of the door. He sighed, tucking Aida in pocket of his bunny hug and standing.
“Come on, guys, come help me keep him from killing himself.”
Derek’s eyebrows said everything about how much he wanted to do that, but grudgingly got up anyway, leading the others out with him.
Peter, however, stayed right where he was on the stairs.
“I really don’t think we ought to interfere with natural selection, do you?” he said delicately.
Stiles raised an eyebrow.
“Rich words from a guy who died. Come on Zombiewolf, they’re your people! If anyone can pull off Scott’s dumbass idea to communicate, it’ll be you!” He grinned cheesily.
Peter remained unmoved.
Stiles sighed.
“Help me keep my bro alive and I’ll help with the translation of that Polish Bestiary you got last month. I know you’re only three pages in. If Scott doesn’t die, I’ll have the whole thing translated in two weeks.”
He reached out to shake on it and then used the leverage to pull himself up. He leaned in to rub his cheek against Stiles’, conscious of the way Stiles allowed it- perhaps even leaned into it a little.
“You should have held out for at least another two favors,” he whispered into Stiles’ ear. “I’ve been cursing at that book all week.”
He tried to tamp down his smile at the shiver and chuckle that Stiles responded with.
Peter tugged his hand to pull them both out of the loft.
“Let’s go help the idiot squad.”
In a turn of events that surprised exactly one person, Scott was already in trouble when they arrived.
Claws out, eyes flashing, he was tearing away at the zombies as they shambled into his space, slow and unstoppable.
Everyone jumped into the fray immediately, but it was like the zombies were appearing from thin air. There were just so many. The pack could drop one, and three would take its place.
The zombies had little to no motor coordination, but they pressed with their whole body, leaning in to incapacitate while another tried to bite. Fighting while feeling so suffocated led to a panicked defense rather than a planned attack.
Even Peter and Derek were struggling; their arms couldn’t get enough movement for their claws to be truly effective. Dread clogged Peter’s throat- this couldn’t be it, he’d come back from the dead once, he wasn’t going to go out a second time by zombie-
One long arm raised above the mass of bodies, green and tan gripped in the fist held aloft. Everyone in the pack watched as the arm pulled back, flew forward, and Stiles released Aida mid-air.
The moment held, suspended, as everyone looked on in horror, expecting Stiles’ familiar to shatter against the first object she hit. Shards of terracotta, scattered bits of green and seeds- the companion of Stiles’ magic, destroyed.
But then-
Orange and black, growing larger so quickly that no one could track it with their eyes. One moment, there was a flying Chia Pet, the next, a mother fucking tiger was landing on the ground with an earth shaking roar.
Rotting bodies flew left and right, the heads being severed by huge claws and an even huger jaw. The sudden breathing room gave everyone in the pack a perfect view on the tiger absolutely shredding the hordes of zombies that had been their imminent demise just a minute ago.
The whole ordeal took less than five.
When they were surrounded by bodies, Stiles moseying along and whacking the heads off of the occasional twitcher, the tiger finally sat down and began cleaning herself. He walked right up to her and ran his fingers through her ruff.
“Thanks Aida,” he said casually. She turned her head to lick his face.
“Oh, gross, you were just using that tongue to clean zombie guts off of yourself!” he yelled, wiping his face with his sleeve.
Aida let out a deep rumbly sound that may have been the tiger equivalent of a laugh, before giving her claws one last lick. Then she turned around and leapt toward Stiles, transforming mid-air once again before landing in Stiles’ arms as a turtle Chia Pet once again.
Wait. No.
Peter peered a little more closely.
She was a sheep this time.
Stiles brought her up to his face, nuzzling into her and gently patting the tiny green plants as he usually did. Only this time, everyone watched Aida rub her little terracotta body up against his cheek affectionately.
He tucked her away in the pocket of his bunnyhug again and looked up at the pack, who were still staring.
Stiles smiled angelically.
“I thought she was a fucking Chia Pet,” Isaac burst out indignantly.
Stiles looked at him, eyebrow raised.
“She is. You just saw her turn back into one.”
“But she-”
“Anyway, I need a shower,” Stiles cut in, blatantly ignoring him as he walked away. “Peter, your apartment is closest. You can let me in with a key or I can break in, your choice.”
Peter hurried after him, knowing he wasn’t joking.
“You are absolutely not using my good towels-”
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luucypevensie · 4 years
So I have been thinking about this for awhile now...
I’ve decided to share it with you all:
An Aurora/Annie Hogwarts au
@musiciatee and I have talked about this a little bit, so hear are some of MY headcanons for them (I was also partially inspired by this fanfic of the Pack being at Hogwarts with the Golden Trio and becoming friends with them)
So, the pack IS at Hogwarts at the same time as the Golden Trio
Stiles and Aurora are in Slytherin
Allison and Isaac are in Gryffindor
Scott and Derek are in Hufflepuff
Lydia and Annie are in Ravenclaw
Everyone is a little weirded out by the Ravenclaw girl who has a long ass scar running down her face and shade for miles and the weird Slytherin girl who Malfoy is afraid of and will sass you like no tomorrow being together
The reason why Malfoy is afraid of Aurora is because she beat him up after he made a racist comment about Annie, and when Snape tried to get out of him who did it, she flashed her eyes at him, making Draco clam up so fast
Annie and Aurora like to compete to see who would get the better grades in each class (a lot of the times, it’s a mix)
However, those two DOMINATE Herbology together with their extreme plant knowledge. With Neville included, that trio would be UNSTOPPABLE
You would definitely see Rory and Annie studying and quizzing each other in the library, and it gets really scary when they start to get competitive
They like to hang out by the lake a lot (due to Rory’s love of water) and read anything they can get their hands on
One time, when a rumor went around about Aurora’s bout of cancer (thanks to Malfoy), Annie poisoned his food. This resulted him throwing up for weeks, and Rory giving Annie ALL the kisses
Watch them stock up on ALL the Zonko products to use on Stiles whenever he’s being an annoying shit (Fred and George were VERY impressed)
Whenever Harry sees them together, he’s reminded a bit of Sirius and Remus interacting (Rory’s like Sirius, Annie Remus)
I think I can just go on and on about this AU, I love it sm
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feralmerit · 6 years
Did you know that prior to copulation that mating pairs of wolves get so excited that they pee?
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Isaac is half asleep, nose pressed into Stiles’ side because Stiles’ insomnia and a werewolf’s demand for cuddles are the metaphorical unstoppable force and immovable objects that keep colliding. Meaning Isaac uses his ability to fall asleep in any position to nuzzle up on Stiles and gets growly when Stiles moves too much.
“Tha’s gross.” He yawns, stretching across Stiles in a way that definitely gets in the way of his ‘research’, half squashing him, “You askin’ me to pee on you?”
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