selineram3421 · 1 month
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*me as I jam out to a song while working on Isekai'd*
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marblesphere · 1 year
Reverse Isekai'd
!!Warning!! Fluff!! Suggestive theme!!! Soft Gojo!! Name is changeable
Today is my long-awaited anime convention. I can barely contain my excitement as I grab my backpack which is decorated with tin brooches of my favourite character, namely Gojo Satoru, there are other characters, but it was undoubtedly dominated by Gojo Satoru. “Yosh! Let’s go.” I nodded.
I am going to meet with my friend Yae in the convention hall. 09.00 a.m. It’s almost time. I take my house key and step out of my apartment. I have been doing part-time jobs and saved my allowance for the sake of this convention. I am going to buy a lot of merch this time around, so I have fattened my bank account nicely.
“Yae,” I called out to my friend who has been waiting at the front gate.
“Raika, you are finally here.” She smiled.
“Yep, I am here!” I laughed.
“Let’s go! I have seen someone cosplay Gojo perfectly, let’s ask some pic of him.” Yae smirked.
“Really? Let’s go!” I practically dragged her inside searching for the said cosplayer. But well, it was no easy feat. The whole building is crawling with a lot of people, and there are some that cosplay the same character, so my search for that Gojo cosplayer can wait. I want to buy a lot of merch first.
“Aren’t you buying a little too much?” Yae glanced at my overcapacity backpack plus shopping bags in my hands.
“Like you are one to talk.” I retorted back, referring to the multiple, even much more than my shopping bag.
“Well, it can’t be helped. Who told them to display such a refined figure of Archer Emiya.” She sighed without an ounce of guilt.
“Yep. That’s what they did with Gojo too, so I couldn’t help but buy it.” I nodded. I understand what she is feeling, because I am too, like that.
“Let’s eat first. It’s almost one. We have been walking for almost 4 hours straight.” Yae said.
“Good idea, then let’s go to Jujutsu café,” I exclaimed.
“Okay, okay. We’ll be eating your beloved Gojo Satoru’s face over there.”
“Don’t say something weird like that. It’s a character-themed meal, okay.” I corrected her.
“Yes yes.” She nodded. ~”~
After our lunch, it’s time to hunt for that cosplayer again. I will find them even if it’s the last thing I do. I mean, since I have come here, let me just pretend that Gojo Satoru exists in real world for a limited time.
It’s almost four o’clock and there’s no trace of the said cosplayer. “Maybe they already went home?” I muttered disappointed.
“If they are cosplayers, I bet they will come to the next convention.” Yae comforted me.
“I guess.” I nodded my head listlessly.
“I should have asked him to give us some of his time.” Yae sighed.
“It’s fine.” I shook my head. “I mean, we didn’t really know them, asking them like that is pretty weird. Let’s just go home for today.” I smiled.
“Why don’t we come back tomorrow?” Yae suggested.
“Well, we can. But we won’t be spending money anymore.” I laughed.
“I agree with that. We can just ask them for a pic and then go home.” Yae also laughed.
“Okay, let’s try again tomorrow.” Now that I am cheered up, I feel a little better. “Yae…” I called out for my best friend, while my eyes are fixed on a certain spot.
“What’s wrong?”
“Is that the cosplayer you were talking about?” I pointed to a direction, where I could see the Gojo Satoru. The height, the hair, the shape of his body, the body language, all of them literally scream Gojo Satoru. It’s like he pops out from anime to real world. It’s unbelievable, but this is the power of cosplayers.
“That’s him!!!” Yae exclaimed.
“Yosh!” My lips curled into a smile. “I am going to ask for a pic.” I grinned. ‘I just hope he/she is nice enough to grant this small wish of mine.’ Even though I look like that, I am actually a cowardly introvert. I am afraid of pain, afraid of rejection and afraid of troubling people. People like me won’t have many friends. In addition to that my hobby was not something that many people enjoy, so, I have an even smaller circle of friends than a normal introvert. Anime convention is a rare place where I can let out my inner fangirl. I can talk about anime everywhere without being looked at with judging eyes.
“Excuse me.” I gathered my courage to call he/she. ~”~
Gojo Satoru is confused. Confused is an understatement. He actually couldn’t grasp what in the world is happening now. He woke up as usual and then was assigned a special grade mission. So, instead of teaching first years, he was going to exorcise a cursed spirit. And man, was that weak. It didn’t even put up a fight aside from its special grade amount of cursed energy. It was fine and dandy for him. Less work and more money. But the moment he turned his back, the cursed energy that the cursed spirit had exploded and then here he is.
From the look of it, he is still in Japan. He can see and read the Japanese words on every sign. At least he knows he won’t be having trouble communicating. And the place he is now is crawling with people in arrays of colours and costumes. ‘Ah, anime convention.’ He nodded to himself. Gojo Satoru concluded he might be teleported somewhere. So, it’s time for him to go back to Jujutsu High to write another report…or not. Since he is here, let’s eat something sweet before calling Ijichi to pick him up.
But before he could reach the first destination of his sweets tour, he was blocked by girls who were asking for pictures. Oh yes, of course he was happy to oblige. See, he is just that awesome, even with his blindfold on, his charisma is still off chart. Then, they asked him to say something in character. This confused him a bit. Say something in character? Do they mean saying something like him, the Gojo Satoru would say?
“I am the strongest.” He pulled a grin and the girls went all kyaa, so he guessed he nailed their request. His path to the sweets stall is pretty rough, he keeps getting a request to be taken a picture, saying something and some even request him to show his Six Eyes. Those requests weren’t hard to fulfill… and then as if he realized something, he suddenly stopped. ‘Was Gojo Satoru this popular?’ He frowned. He knew he was popular in jujutsu sorcerer circle. But the people here are all just normal humans that can’t see cursed spirits, how do they know about Six Eyes?
A sense of unease begins to creep inside his mind. And when he found a café that has his face drawn on a piece of a carton, he begins to alert. His mind is thinking about every possibility. This definitely has to do with the cursed spirit he exorcised. Illusion? Dream? Those two are the most plausible explanation for his current situation. He tried to channel his cursed energy and was relieved he still could do it. To avoid more attention and start gathering information, he cast a small veil around his body, to make him less noticeable.
Gojo Satoru spent his time walking around the strange place. But what he saw is even more confusing. In this world, Gojo Satoru is very common. He has met a few of himself, or should he says people who disguised as him. He also knew that the people here knew about him, his students and some sorcerers, namely Nanamin, Mei-san and Utahime and Sukuna. He almost laughed out loud when he saw a person disguised as Megumi smiles. Megumi and smile are not to be in one sentence.
He even saw a lot of fake Sukunas. One thing he is sure of is they treat them like entertainment. He was pretty uneasy seeing them like this. Because he even heard some discussion about how Yuji would die after he consumed all of Sukuna’s fingers. Some even say something about him and Utahime being a couple. Nah, that one won’t be possible. Utahime would rather die than stay in the same room with him anyway.
Anyway, he wants to do something, but it’s still really crowded and he knows if he wants information, he can’t look like this. This is the first time that being himself is not a good way to collect information. He also still needs to find that special grade cursed spirit after all or the trace of its cursed energy. Surely, it was a lead back home. Now that he has decided his course of action, it’s time to execute it.
“Excuse me.” Gojo Satoru heard a voice. At first, he thought that someone was calling other people not him, until he turned back and saw a petite girl looking straight at him. “Hm?” He smirked. His veil was only making him less noticeable, but it was very effective against ordinary citizens, but this girl managed to pick him out. She has the potential to become a Window. If he was not in a state of confusion, he would have recruited her on the spot. Jujutsu world is always short-handed, not to mention she is a very cute girl.
“Ca-can I take a picture of you?” She requested. ~”~
“Ca-can I take a picture of you?” I squeaked out. The cosplayer in front of me doesn’t say anything, seemingly deep in thought. ‘Did I catch him at a bad time? Or he is not comfortable enough for his picture to be taken?’
“I…I am sorry!” I bowed. “If, if you are not comfortable, I won’t disturb you.” I quickly added, bowed once more and walked back to Yae.
“It’s okay.” He suddenly opened his mouth.
“Eh?” I blinked and looked back at him.
“I don’t mind for a picture. From what I can see, you really love this person.” He smirked.
‘Too alike!!!!’ I flushed when he referred to my bag. ‘Even his voice is almost the same! This cosplayer is really a god tier.’
“Well…” I was flustered to say a comeback.
“In exchange, can I ask you a few questions?”
“Questions? Okay.” I nodded slowly.
“So, where is this?” He asked his first question.
“Eh?” I blinked owlishly, dumbfounded by his question. ‘What does he mean by where is this? Isn’t he a cosplayer? How come he can come here without knowing where is this? I mean he is a cosplayer…’
“Ah.” I hit my fist on my palm. “Are you by any chance, getting dressed up by your friends and then dumped here?” I asked back.
“Yep, that’s right.” He nodded excitedly. “I was told to change into this and then they did my make-up, brought me here and then left me alone.”
“They are too cruel.” I nodded along with him. “Well, this is anime convention in Tokyo, Odaiba convention centre. Can’t you call your friends? I mean, it’s not nice leaving you alone here.” I frowned,
“I want to do that, but my phone is broken.” He smiled sheepishly.
“How unlucky you are…” I sweatdropped.
“I know right? By the way, what do you know about this character?” He gestured to his costume.
“You are cosplaying a character named Gojo Satoru.” I smiled as my eyes sparkled. I then go on a tirade about jujutsu kaisen’s anime and manga. I did get a free copy of volume one as freebie, so I showed it to him.
“Are you okay?” I asked worriedly. He seems like he is paler than he was. “Are you feeling unwell? Should I take you to rest area?” I started to panic.
“Rai-chan.” Yae approached us. “What’s wrong?”
“Yae, this person is feeling unwell. Where was the rest area? We have to take him there! Should we call for doctor?” I jolted her back and forth.
“Calm down.” Yae eyes were swimming. “Let’s guide him to rest area first.”
“It’s okay. I was a little overwhelmed.” The cosplayer said as he smiled.
“Really? You are not sick?” I looked at him worriedly.
“Let’s just find a café or something. I haven’t eaten since morning, and I am quite hungry.” He said.
“Okay…” We brought him to Jujutsu Kaisen café. ~”~
Overwhelmed. Yes, that is what Gojo Satoru feels. He is utterly overwhelmed by the sheer information that he has just gotten from this cute girl. And it was only the tip of iceberg. He can now conclude for sure that this is another universe. He was whisked to another world by the blast of cursed energy. That special grade was gathering cursed energy from whoever it killed adding it to its own. And its technique is activated the moment it died. The gathered cursed energy was enough to tear open space and time.
And here in this world, they are just a piece of fiction, written and drawn by an artist. No wonder, they were talking about them like entertainment. They are really just entertainment. For once, he actually couldn’t think which one is reality and which one dream. Does this mean, the whole life he has been living was just a lie, a fiction? The choice they made, the cursed users they killed are all dictated by this creator. His jaw clenched and a murderous aura leaked out.
“Are you okay?” The girl suddenly asked. “Are you feeling unwell? Should I take you to rest area?” She started to panic.
“Rai-chan.” Another approached us, presumably her friend. “What’s wrong?”
“Yae, this person is feeling unwell. Where was the rest area? We have to take him there! Should we call for doctor?” The petite girl shook her friend back and forth. She’s worried about a stranger, how cute of her. But thanks to that, he could compose himself.
“Calm down.” Yae eyes were swimming. “Let’s guide him to rest area first.”
“It’s okay. I was a little overwhelmed.” He smiled at them.
“Really? You are not sick?” She is still sceptical.
“Let’s just find a café or something. I haven’t eaten since morning, and I am quite hungry.” Gojo changed the topic. They then lead him to that café that featured their picture. Inside, the two girls recommended some menu to him. So, while waiting, he flips open the book. ~”~
“So, I thought you were asking for a picture?” Yae whispered. She must be wondering how from asking for a picture led to this situation where we have a meal together. But he seems to be absorbed in the manga. He must like it very much.
“You see…” So, I told Yae that his friend pranked him, where they put cosplay on him and then left him here. With his phone broken, he couldn’t even contact his friends. He is really stranded in this sea of humans.
“You sure he was not lying?” Yae frowned
“…Why would he be lying? I mean, what could he get from us?” I blinked. “Besides, anyone who cosplays as Gojo Satoru is not a bad person.” I justified.
“This Gojo Satoru fanatic.” Yae rolled her eyes. Unaware that our conversation was clearly heard by the man opposite us, his mouth quirked up slightly.
“This is interesting. Do you have the next volume?” The cosplayer suddenly asked.
“I know you will like it.” I perked up and smiled brightly. “Ah, the next volume is in my home.”
“That’s too bad.”
“But, here.” I showed him an app I used to read manga online. “You can read it from this app.”
“Can I borrow your phone?” He asked.
“I don’t mind but…”
“Can you really read with your blindfold on? I mean, that must be a hassle, right? You don’t really need to get into character anymore. You should read normally.” I said. I know there were some cosplayers liked to stay in character until they changed costumes, but this man here is not a cosplayer… Maybe a cosplayer that hasn’t read Jujutsu Kaisen, I guess.
“Oh, that’s right. No wonder I have difficulty reading. I forgot I have my blindfold on.” The man teehee’ed.
‘So cute.’ I almost squealed out loud. This guy must be a natural, that’s why his friends dress him up as Gojo Satoru. He didn’t even need to learn about his habit or behaviour.
“…” I was in a daze when I finally saw him take off his blindfold. They were contact lenses, but they were very vivid as if they were real. Even Yae was taken aback.
“…Where do you buy those contact lenses? What brand? How much?” Yep, Yae definitely wants those.
“Well, I am not sure. I mean, my friend dressed me up, remember?” He smiled.
“Oh, that’s right.” Yae slumped on the chair. “I wish I can meet your friends now.” She mumbled.
“Here are your orders.” Our orders came at the right time. We only ordered drinks since we had had lunch. But this cosplayer is really sweets fan. Half of the table is full of sweets, courtesy of his orders.
He appears to be really into Jujutsu Kaisen, he didn’t even stop reading it while eating. “This guy will be a true Gojo cosplayer after this,” Yae commented.
“Hehehe. Well, he has a talent you know. He didn’t even know who Gojo Satoru is yet he mimicked him perfectly.” I giggled. ~”~
While eating his sweets, Gojo keeps his ears open, while his eyes are reading a manga about his and his students’ story. He skimmed the whole story and found out a few details. This story centred around Yuji. The story only depicts big events. It didn’t show how they through their normal schooldays that wasn’t about exorcising curse. And the latest issues depicted what has yet to happen.
This is a huge advantage for him. This is basically a future sight. If he could use this well, then a lot of problems can be avoided. Especially now that he knows something is using his best friend, Geto Suguru’s body. Even though there’s no evidence that his own world will unfold as this story depicted, he’d rather be safe than sorry. ~”~
At the end of our meal, the cosplayer is paying for us, even though we offered to split the bill, he still insisted as a thanks, he said. So, we relented. “Thank you…” Now, I finally realized that I still don’t even know his real name. ‘What should I do?’ I looked at Yae for help, but Yae just shrugged her shoulders.
“It’s Tanaka Toru.” He grinned.
“Oh, thank you, Tanaka-san.” I bowed.
“It’s fine, I should be thankful for you.” He barked a laugh. “Well then, I still have to fulfil my end of the deal.”
“A deal?” I tilted my head.
“You requested a picture, didn’t you?”
“Ah!” I just remembered about that. “But you have treated us. I think that was enough.” I had a meal with Gojo Satoru, it’s enough repayment.
“No can do.”
“Rai-chan, knowing you, tomorrow you will cry why you didn’t take his offer today,” Yae interjected.
“Yae!!!!” I shrieked at my friend that exposed me like that. “I won’t cry.” I hissed.
“Your Gojo fanatic side will.” She retorted back,
“Urgh…” I didn’t have a comeback for that.
“Hahaha, you two really get along very well.” He laughed. “So, what kind of pose you want?”
“Po-pose?” I squeaked.
“A service.” He winked.
“!!!” My face heated up at the sudden attack.
“She said even if it’s only once, she wanted Gojo Satoru put his chin on the top of her head. She said it was her advantage as a short person.”
“!!!!!!” My heart jumped out of my throat.
“Hooo…” Tanaka-san looked at me while grinning mischievously.
“No… that… you don’t need to do that.” I flailed my arms, trying to say some coherent words, but my cheeks weren’t helping by staying warm all the time. ‘I want to crawl into a hole.’ Tears of embarrassment pooled in the corner of my eyes.
“Tha…that was only delusion of mine. You don’t need to do that, Tanaka-san. I knew better than make a stranger do that weird pose.” I said in a flustered tone.
“I don’t mind.” He said.
“Yoisho.” I was suddenly pulled to him and felt something heavy on the top of my head. “Like this?”
“~~~~~~” Though his hands only rested on my shoulders, I still think I am going to faint from the close proximity. ‘He is not the real Gojo Satoru. He is not the real Gojo Satoru.’ I chanted the mantra in my mind. But to no avail, with Tanaka-san still in his cosplay, I couldn’t help but think the real Gojo Satoru was the one doing this.
“Perfect.” Yae snapped a picture for us. The me in the picture couldn’t even lift her head due to how embarrassed I was.
“It’s cute.” Tanaka-san commented.
“I am sorry, I am sorry.” I bowed repeatedly to him.
“It was not a problem at all.” He giggled.
“Let’s go or else we will miss our train.” Yae with her strength dragged me away by the scruff of my shirt with all of our shopping bags in her hands.
“Tanaka-san, thank you very much.” I thanked him.
“Be careful on the way home,” Tanaka-san said. ~”~
“Well then.” Gojo Satoru stretched his limbs. He needs to get home fast. But he will need to dye his hair and change his eyes' colour. And then, a place to sleep and some clothing. He has cash in his wallet, but that won’t be enough to cover everything. And he also needs a new phone and a new ID. If he was truly whisked to another universe, he wasn't registered anywhere and of course that includes his phone provider.
“Then, the first thing I need is hair dye and contact lenses, and then a new ID, phone and money.” He murmured. To him, making money is an easy matter. Even though right now he can’t use his speciality to earn money, he knew a trick or two in stock market. That’s what he would do. So he can spend the rest of his day to search a way back home. ~”~
After a nice bath and dinner, it’s finally time for me to unbox my precious merchandise. I am feeling so giddy right now because I am going to add my collection of Gojo Satoru. Not to mention today, I got a pic of a perfect Gojo cosplayer. “Hehehe.” A silly smile appeared on my face. Yae has changed my lock screen into that very same pic. “~~~~” I rolled back and forth on my bed. I am happy but also embarrassed at the same time.
“I hope we meet again at the next convention.” I mumbled a wistful wish. ~”~
I don’t know what kind of luck I have, or Kami-sama is being generous right now. But I meet Tanaka-san a few days later at my part-time. I am doing part-time job in a small coffee shop. “Welcome, how can I help you today?” I smiled at the customer. I blink at the customer who is grinning at me. “You are Tanaka-san, aren’t you?” Even though his hair and eyes are all black now, I can still recognize him from his body language. He is truly the embodiment of living Gojo Satoru.
“Yep. You got it right.” He nodded.
“I have never thought we will meet again.” I giggled. “Which one you would like to buy?” I smiled.
“Any recommendation?”
“The chiffon cake is a nice pair with our matcha latte. And cheesecake will be delicious with any beverage. I like to pair it with berry yoghurt though. Oh, our Caramel latte is also a bestseller.”
“Then, I will take 3 slices chiffon cakes, two slices of cheesecake and a matcha latte, extra sweet, please. I will dine in.”
“Right away.” I quickly made his order and put his ordered cake onto plates. “Here you are, the total is 2.450 yen.”
“Here.” Tanaka-san used his phone to pay.
“Thank you very much.” I gave back his phone.
“I still haven’t got the change.” He smirked.
“Change???” I blinked.
“Your phone number, put it in.” He leaned across the counter to whisper.
“O…oh…” I blushed again. I think I am blushing a lot recently and clumsily typing my number in. “He-here…” I stuttered a little. Tanaka-san throws a wink again when he got his phone back. “~~~~” I cast my head down. ~”~
From that day on, Tanaka-san becomes a regular customer for us. The staff also remember him as Raika’s suitor and always call me to serve him. Though I appreciate their effort, it was pretty embarrassing every time they call me out. They even refer to him as my boyfriend, I feel bad for him, even if he doesn’t really mind.
“Thank you for waiting, Toru-san,” I spoke to Tanaka-san who has been waiting until my shift is over. It’s been a month since our meeting, and he insisted to be called by his given name. I object at first, but he throws me abandoned kitty eyes in the rain and I cave in.
“It’s fine. There’s no need to rush.” Toru-san smiled. Toru-san will walk me home for the day when my part-time shift is over at night.
“You truly don’t need to trouble yourself walking me home,” I muttered.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” His smile dropped.
“No. Not at all.” I shook my head vehemently. “It’s just…”
“…I might get the wrong idea…” I mumbled softly.
“Hm?” He leaned closer.
“No, nothing at all,” I responded. “Anyway, Toru-san, will you cosplay as Gojo again in the next convention?” I asked.
“…You really like Gojo Satoru, don’t you?” He chuckled.
“…Hmm… I guess I like him as a character and a person. Gojo Satoru has everything I lack. By that, I don’t mean fame or wealth. It’s his confidence and charisma and his wit.” I smiled.
“I always thought if I have just a fraction of his confidence and wit, I might do better in my life. I am a rather timid person after all. Ah, of course it’s not like I hate my current life. I am surrounded by a lot of nice people and I am very happy.” I laughed.
“But you did well asking me for a picture.” He pointed out.
“That… well… anime convention is one of few places that I can comfortably show my hobby and I got really excited.” I smiled sheepishly.
“Were you bullied?” He frowned.
“It’s not exactly bullying.” I smiled. “It’s just people around me have little to no interest in my hobby, and I am particularly very invested in this hobby of mine. Even though I talked to them, they will show weird glances and tell me to grow up. I once argued my hobby is pretty similar to how invested they are in their favourite celebrities. Well, that didn’t end well…” I laughed. “They told me their celebrities are real and exist in real life but mine is not.”
“So, I’d prefer to keep my hobby and private life secret. Well, my colleagues knew about my hobby, they were fine with it, but often remind me not to spend too much.” I giggled.
“I guess if I have 1/10 of Gojo Satoru’s wit and confidence I could shoot a witty comeback.”
“So, if someone with a similar personality as Gojo Satoru exists, will you date him?” He quirked his brow.
“I guess they do exist. But I don’t think dating him will end well.” I mused.
“Why?” Toru-san suddenly stopped.
“Hmmm… maybe because we are too polar opposite that it won’t end well.”
“But opposite attracts.” He pouted.
“It might be going well at first. But soon, I think they will get bored of me.”
“I don’t think I will.” He interjected.
“That’s the difference between being friends with someone like him and dating someone like him,” I said.
“If I were to date someone like him, he might find it interesting at first because I am very emotional, in contrast with them using logic for everything. But sooner or later that emotional aspect of mine will cause my insecurities to weigh me down and I don’t plan to burden them with my emotional baggage. I get super clingy as well and need assurance every time. I also get jealous easily, sulk easily, will use a very roundabout way to ask for something, sometimes even wishing that they can read my mind instead.” I listed out as I counted my fingers. “The worst part might be in argument. I tend to need a longer time to process the whole thing, but his type of a person was like… how do I say it, he wants it to finish that right now so he can put it behind them. Oh, and I cry easily. In short, I am a very high maintenance but low return. That sums about it.” I giggled at my own shortcomings.
“You shouldn’t downgrade yourself that much.” He frowned.
“It’s the truth.” I laughed. “Oh, we have arrived.” I looked at my apartment. “Thank you for walking me home, Toru-san.” I bowed. “Please be careful on your way home.”
“Rai-chan.” Toru-san suddenly walked closer. “Be more proud of yourself. Someone who treasures you might appear soon.” He patted my head.
“Oh…” I was surprised at his remark, but when I snapped back, he has already walked away. “Can’t they be you?” I whispered softly as I looked at his back longingly. ~”~
“So, when are you going to tell us you two are dating?” Yae looked at me.
“Dating? Who and who?” I blinked.
“It’s you and Toru-san of course.” Yae rolled her eyes exasperatedly.
“M-Me?! And Toru-san?!” I squeaked. “N-no! We are not dating!” I flailed my arms.
“He is walking you every day, waiting for your shift to finish and you call that not dating?” Yae pressed. “And let’s not forget he was the one who ask your phone number first.”
“W-well, he was being nice?”
“What are you? Stupid?” Yae flicked my forehead.
“It hurts.” I rubbed the sore spot. “Besides, he didn’t walk me home recently and seldom reply to my text anymore. So, there’s no way there’s a chance of dating each other.” I smiled sadly.
“…When was the last time he walked you home?”
“A week ago?”
“And what did you guys talk about?”
“About would I date someone with Gojo Satoru’s personality?”
“So, your answer is?”
“I said the relationship won’t last or end well, and I told him about my shortcomings. After that… well the rest is history.” I smiled.
“…” Yae was silent for a while and then suddenly slammed her hands on the table, loudly I might add.
“Y-Yae?” I squeaked.
“Let’s go.” She growled.
“Go? Go to where?”
“Tanaka Toru’s house. You know where is it, don’t you?”
“I-I know his address but, I never go to his house.”
“We are going there right now.” Yae is starting to breathe fire.
“Why do we need to go there?” I cried out.
“Of course I am going to rip off, cut off and smash off his third leg so he can be a woman forever.” She smiled darkly. I can see the dragon behind her breathing fire.
“Le-let’s not go that far. He might be just busy.” I tried to calm her down.
“Ha?! You think I am an idiot?! He clearly ghosted you after you spills about yourself.”
“He did say I shouldn’t downgrade myself too much though.”
“That’s not important.” Yae shoved her head onto my face. “The most important thing is, he strung you along then ghosted you because you have shortcomings. Who the hell in this world didn’t have a fault? I would like to see.”
“Gojo Satoru,” I answered, raising my hand like a good student.
“This stupid girl!” Yae bonked my head hard. “Even Gojo Satoru also has some faults. It’s just he’s better at hiding it.” Yae growled. “If he was so perfect, then he should have noticed his best friend’s crumbling mental state.”
“But then… there will be no story to write.”
“And the way he couldn’t read between the lines is also annoying.”
“I think he is doing it on purpose.”
“That’s even more annoying.” Yae roared. “Why do you keep defending him anyway?”
“Well, he is my favourite character.” I sulked.
“This Gojo fanatic.” Yae clicked her tongue.
“Eh? I like how Rai-chan holds him in high regard though.” A new voice joined in. “But I do agree that he is good at hiding his own faults.”
“…Toru-san?!!!” I gaped. “Why are you here? No, since when you are here?”
“Starting from ‘Of course I am going to rip off, cut off and smash off his third leg so he can be a woman forever’.” He grinned.
“Th-that long time ago?” I sputtered.
“Oh? Then you should be ready because I am going to do it right now.” Yae smiled.
“St-stop!!!” I quickly stood up between them. “Le-let’s not be hasty. This is still public space.” I said.
“We don’t mind at all. And we all agree with Yae. Someone should hit him before we gang up on him.” Manager smiled from the counter along with the staff. Yes, we are having our conversation in the very same café I worked part-time at. That’s why we haven’t been kicked out yet for being too loud.
“Manager!! Don’t encourage Yae!!!” I shrieked.
“Go for it, Yae-chan!!!”
“Use that wrestle move I taught you.”
“Everyone!!!!” I cried out.
“So, what are you doing here? After ghosting Rai-chan for a week, what are you trying to do.”
“We are going on a date.” I felt something heavy on the top of my head and hands encircled my waist and I froze. “I have been thinking and running everywhere to pick a perfect date spot. I finally found it, so I came to pick Rai-chan.” I could feel Toru-san smile.
“Where are you going to take her?” Yae narrowed her eyes.
“It’s a secret.” He grinned. “Don’t worry, I won’t take her to any shady place. Even if Rai-chan wants to, I will just bring her back to my house.” He looked down at me at the same time I looked up and he smirked.
“…” I was too stunned to speak.
“Your house is the shadiest.” Yae glared.
“Well then, let’s go.” Toru-san dragged me away from the café. ~”~
The perfect date spot he mentioned is an amusement park. Toru-san brought me to amusement park. This theme park is actually pretty popular as a date spot. “I bought the tickets. Let’s go.” He cheered as he held my hand.
‘Date…?’ (Riding tea cups)
‘He brought me to a date…?’ (Riding roller coaster)
“We are on a date?!” I blinked in shock.
“Oh, you finally came back. I was wondering what should I do to wake you up from your daze. Even if you look adorable like that.” He smirked.
“…wh…what were you going to do?” I dared myself to ask.
“You want to know?” He leaned closer.
“…on second thought. It’s fine if I don’t know.” I took a step back, averting my eyes.
“I was wondering if I should pull a Gojo Satoru on you.” He chuckled.
“Why?” I blinked.
“Because you like him sooo much.” He even emphasized it with his hands.
“But… Right now, the one with me is Toru-san! I want to know more about you. so, I... I’d rather Toru-san being Toru-san.”
I gasp, ‘Wha-what did I say just now? Didn’t that sound like a confession? What should I do if I make him uncomfortable?’
“To…Toru-san… I am sorry… I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable…” I trembled. “Yo…you can forget what I just said.”
“Okay, I will keep being me just for you.” Toru-san suddenly smiled softly. His eyes also look softer.
“O-oh? Is that so?”
“Let’s go, we are going to ride all of the attractions.” He held my hand again. Today will be the best memories of my whole life. ~”~
“…Why is the street suddenly devoid of people?” I frowned. I was sure I was walking in a very crowded street, a crossroad no less. But then suddenly, everyone is gone. Or was I the one who went missing?
I feel fear creep its hand out. I quickly pull out my phone to call for someone or anyone. But my phone is out of service. “…wa-wa…want so…so-someee….?” I heard a weird voice and my whole body tensed up. I look left and right to seek out the source.
“Wa…want…sooooommmeeee?” Something came out from the shadow of the nearest traffic light pole. It was a monster… a greenish oval-shaped monster with hollow eyes which streaming down with dark stuff.
‘Run!’ I quickly ran to escape and shake off this monster. But the monster also takes off to run after me. ‘Hurry. Faster!’ But no matter how fast I run, where I run, I can’t escape the crossroad. I keep coming back to the same place and the monster is coming closer and closer.
“Ah!” I tripped over and fall down on the street. My knees and palms are throbbing because of the fall. Blood seeped out from the wounds. ‘Get up!’ I forced myself to get up. ‘Hurry up.’ I sniffle a sob as I managed to get up and limp away from that green monster.
“Wan…wan…want…sosososommeeeee.” It opened its mouth, it became so big that it could swallow me in one bite.
I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for a painful death. But the awaited pain is not coming, so I crack open my eyes slightly.
“Die.” Toru-san blasted away that monster to smithereens. That move, that greenish-dark monster. I knew what is that and what Toru-san did. It shouldn’t be possible. He is a fiction, he doesn’t exist. But, the sight in front of me is real. There is no mistake that he is Gojo Satoru. ~”~
“It’s fortunate that you didn’t hurt badly.” Toru, no Gojo Satoru-san sighed in relief as he patched me in his apartment.
“Rai-chan?” He looked at me worriedly.
‘Wh-what should I do? I am not dreaming, right? I mean, I can still my knees aching a little. Or might this be a realistic dream? Or this is an afterlife because I was maimed dead back then? He is Gojo Satoru. The real Gojo Satoru that I am sure was part of a fiction an hour ago. If he was Toru-san, does that mean I spent a lot of time simping him in front of himself?!!!!’
“Hehehe…” I hear his chuckle. “Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you. it’s just what were you thinking is reflected in your face. It’s easy to read.” His shoulders trembled.
“Eh?” I blinked. I don’t think I was that bad. At least, no one said that.
“You were thinking about you were simping me in front of me, weren’t you?” He smirked.
“How do you-!” I clapped my mouth shut to avoid making myself more embarrassed.
“You can simp for me more.” He giggled.
“~~~~~” I averted my eyes, pouting a little.
“Are you curious?” Toru, no Gojo-san asked.
I nod my head slightly. He then takes a seat beside me and proceeds to tell me what happened.
“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault.” He blinked.
“I… didn’t know that you were real. And I went on and on about you like I understood you. I…have no right to do that. I wouldn’t even blame you if you hate everyone in this world.” I clenched my fists on my knees.
“I don’t hate you nor the people here.”
“But!” ‘You suffered because you were created.’
“You didn’t know I was real, Rai-chan. True, I was overwhelmed at first, even a little murderous. But when I finally think with a cool head. It was pretty strange.”
“Yep. Though the story itself is pretty similar, not all of them are the same. The details are a little bit off. For example, Yuji went to fight a cursed womb on May 27th, it was sunny, but the story depicted it was raining.”
“Does that mean…”
“Parallel world.” He said. “My world and the world depicted in the book might be parallel to each other. Our worlds have the same history, and run on the same course, but not entirely the same. I don’t know how the creator saw this world. But I actually feel lucky that I was sent here.” He smiled.
“Because I can meet you. A cute girl who is simping for me.” He giggled.
“~~~~ Please don’t tease me.” I pouted.
“Another reason is, the book gave me a lot of future insight. Though my world might not unfold like what was depicted in a book. It was enough to take precautions. Especially if Geto Suguru's corpse is wandering out there.” Gojo-san said.
“Do you know the way home?”
“I know. I just need to use my hollow purple on the boundary between worlds.”
“The boundary between world, you mean a boundary between living world and afterlife? That one?”
“Yep. I will twist the boundary to open the path back to my world. But I need the strongest boundary. The place where people strongly believe connected to afterlife.”
“People believe crossing Sanzu river to reach afterlife. So, you have to cross a river?”
“That’s right.” He nodded.
“You have found it?”
“Yeah. I have one in mind.”
“Oh…” I nodded slowly. “When are you going home?” I asked softly.
“Tonight.” He said.
“Can I send you off?” I muttered.
“If you want.”
“Okay…” I nodded again. “…about that cursed spirit…”
“That was because of me.”
“Because of you?” I looked at him.
“You knew that when I was born, the balance tip a little to the side.”
“Yes. It was said like that.”
“That was not an exaggerating fact. But this world where cursed spirit couldn’t possibly be formed suddenly pop out. It’s also because of my influence. My cursed energy was giving form to those thoughts. That’s why I couldn’t linger long here.” He finished.
“Is…that so…?” I don’t know what should I talk about anymore.
“Rai-chan, let’s have dinner. You haven’t eaten, right?”
“Are you going to cook?” I blinked.
“I will try.” He shot me a grin.
“I will help then.” This is the last night we will spend together, the fondest memories I would ever had. ~”~
Gojo-san bring me to the place he mentioned. An abandoned bridge with a dried river under it. “I am going then…” He whispered.
“Yeah…” I nodded. Gojo-san walks a few steps and stops suddenly.
“Rai-chan, want to come with me?”
“I…” My eyes widened. I take steps forward and extend my hand to hold him, but… I decided not to go. “I…can’t…” I shook my head and his eyes dimmed.
“If I go with you, I will become your most prominent weakness. Those higher-ups won’t ever let this chance go. I… don’t want to put you in that position.” I gave him a smile. “Gojo-san, you have a goal, don’t you? You will change the jujutsu world’s regulations. You still can’t stop here because of me.”
“Yeah… that’s right.” He nodded. Yes, He, Gojo Satoru still need to accomplish his goal. So, no other Geto Suguru will be born. He knew that in his mind, but his body refused to let go of her. He doesn’t want to part with her. That’s why he spent longer than he needed to. He knew love was nothing but trouble, but still, he couldn’t help but fell in love. That’s why…
Gojo-san stops in front of me. “Rai-chan.” He called and I looked up to him due to my small stature. And he crashes his lip into mine, hungry, wild, passionate and devouring. It took my breath away.
“It’s Toru, Rai-chan.”
“Toru-san…” I repeated his name, still in daze because of the kiss.
“I am sorry I couldn’t give you everything.”
“It’s okay. You gave me more than enough.” I smiled. “That’s why I will send you off with a smile.” I blinked back my tears.
“Thank you.” He pulled me into a long kiss. The last kiss we will share. And then, he was gone… back to his world, where he belongs, as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, Gojo Satoru.
I linger there a little longer and then go back to my apartment. To my surprise that all my Gojo Satoru merchandise changed into FGO Saber Prototype. Panicked, I call Yae and tell her about this strange phenomenon.
“What are you talking about? Jujutsu Kaisen? Gojo Satoru? Did they make an anime with that title?” Yae said.
“Moshi Moshi, Rai-chan.”
“Sorry, I will call you back later.” I hung up and surfed the whole internet for Jujutsu Kaisen, but there was no result as if it was never existed to begin with. The reality finally sinks in. “He…didn’t even leave something for me to be remembered.” I sighed sadly, my finger touching my lips, where I can still faintly feel the kiss. ~”~
It has been a few months since the whole ordeal of meeting Gojo Satoru. Sometimes, I wonder if that was all a dream. But one thing that remained is the wallpaper of my lock screen. The first picture I took of him at anime convention.
“You are sighing again.” Yae frowned.
“Sorry.” I smiled sheepishly. Not even Yae remembers about that, only me. She said we did go to anime convention, but I bought Saber Proto merchandise instead of Gojo Satoru.
“You are often in daze lately.”
“I just have a lot to process. Don’t worry, I will be back as usual soon.” I said.
“if you are not okay, then don’t hide it.” Yae sighed. “I don’t know what happened, but I will be here to listen.”
“Thank you, Yae.” I smiled. I am truly grateful for her constant company. “Let’s go. You said you wanted to buy an antique vase.”
“Yeah, my father’s birthday is near.” She nodded, so the two of us decided to shop for his gift. Yae’s father is an antique maniac. So, here we are.
While Yae is busy looking for a vase, I wander alone in the shop and found something ominous. It’s clearly leaking an ominous aura like that cursed spirit that time and I was reminded once again that what happened was real. This thing shouldn’t be put here. I should buy it and throw it far away from human civilization. With my mind made up, I bought that thing.
“I bought it.” I looked at the antique object. “Let’s toss this away tomorrow.” I then chose to sleep early. ~”~
“Hmm…” It’s cold and hard and sandy. ‘Weird, my bed shouldn’t be this hard.’ I cracked open my eyes and met with ground and grasses instead of my room. “What?!” I jumped, looking at my surrounding. I can see I am in some kind of temple-like place, but it’s outside.
“No, wait. It was night and I slept on my bed in my apartment, and then…” Something rolled on the ground. It’s that antique I bought. It was small and round, the size was like a crystal ball, but it was made of bronze with intricate design.
“I feel unknown cursed energy from here.” Familiar trio appeared.
“…Eh?” I blinked.
“Is this big sister a cursed user? She doesn’t look like it.” Yuji frowned.
“This woman…”
“Her pyjama is nice.”
“Eh?” Yuji blinked owlishly.
“Who are you? how can you enter this place? This is private property.” Megumi spoke up.
“…Actually, I also don’t know…” I said meekly. “I bought that thing and then when I woke up, I was already here.” I pointed to the bronze ball.
“…There is a trace of cursed energy.” Megumi picked it up. “Where did you buy it?”
“…That’s…” ‘How do I tell them… that I am from another universe? They will definitely dub me as a crazy person.’
“Hey first years, why aren’t you in the classroom? Are you guys bullying your teacher now?” A familiar pouty voice said. “I will have to pu…nish…”
“Hello, Toru-san…” I smiled awkwardly. It was so quick that I couldn’t react before I was squished into a tight embrace.
“Rai-chan… Are you really… Rai-chan?”
“…un…” I nodded.
“Who’s that?” Yuji whispered.
“Sensei’s girlfriend?” Nobara replied.
“Last time I checked he doesn’t have any girlfriend,” Megumi said.
“Then must be his new girlfriend,” Yuji concluded.
“But isn’t it strange? Why would she come here in pyjama?” Megumi frowned.
‘We are still in front of his students!!!’ I tried to pull away, keyword, tried. “…Toru-san…?” The response I got is getting hug tighter. “Toru-san, you are still in front of the students!” I flailed my arms.
“Kids, this is my girlfriend, Hisaki Raika.” He suddenly introduced me to them like that.
“Eh?” The trio and I blinked.
“Why is she surprised?” Yuji titled his head.
“Because this is the first time I am hearing about this!!!” I cried.
“Well, you like me and I like you. We even kissed already, so of course you are now my girlfriend, right?” Toru-san spoke as if it was the most natural thing about it.
“No wait. Let me process this…” My eyes swam.
“Then, kids, Principal Yaga will substitute for me. I need to take care of some things first.” He said and we teleported. ~”~
“Have you calmed down?” I was seated on the sofa.
“A little…” I nodded.
“Hmmm…you sure?” Toru-san scooted closer. So close that our legs are touching.
“To…Toru-san…” I called timidly.
“Hm?” he hummed.
“Ca-can you sit a little further…”
“…Are you that uncomfortable…?”
“Be-because when I am near you…. My…my heart is beating so fast that I think it will explode!!!” I blurted.
At that time what’s running in Gojo’s head is, ‘What’s this cute creature? Is it allowed to be this cute? Can I eat her now?’
“Then…” I practically feel the teasing in his tone. “Let’s do this.” I was moved to his lap and he put his chin atop my head. “I remember you like this so much.”
“!!!!” I let out a small squeak as I sat frozen in place. Unlike the first and second time. I can feel his hands intimately rubbing my hips. My heart is really going to explode!!!!
“Y…y…you…” My eyes swam again. “Are you sure you want me to be your girlfriend?!!”
“Rai-chan…” Toru-san gently turned me around.
“I…I mean… I told you that I am very high maintenance and low return. If… if you suddenly got bored of me… I… I don’t think I can handle it… And I am also weak. I don’t know how to exorcise cursed spirits. And I also will become your weakness. I don’t like that the most…” By this time, I already sniffling. “And, I am a crybaby…” I sniffled.
“You are worth it.” He said it seriously. “You are worth the trouble.” He guided my hands to pull down his blindfold. “Rai-chan, I only want you. For you, I am ready to stake my everything. That day, I couldn’t give you my everything. Even after coming back here, I couldn’t stop thinking about those what-ifs. But now, I can. I will give you my everything, so stay beside me.”
“Besides, all those high maintenance you said were not that bad. I am very clingy too, I like to stick beside you and you like to cling to me. Aren’t we a perfect match?” He grinned. “Though there won’t be a relationship without a fight, we can solve it together. We just need to communicate. We can learn from each other.”
“I…am not the brightest, you might find it annoying to explain things to me,” I mumbled.
“You know, Rai-chan. When you talk to me, all I notice is how soft your lips are. I think I didn’t listen to 90% of what you said. I only think how it will look like if I kiss you senseless.”
“So, let’s stop searching for what won’t work. Let’s try us.” He whispered as his nose touched mine.
“…un…” I nodded slowly. A wide smile blooms on his face.
“Good, now I need to make an ID for you and a phone too. Oh, by the way, how did you come here?”
“Ah, that’s…” I explained to him about the strange object that leaked the cursed energy and also about how Jujutsu Kaisen or anything related to it vanished right after he went back.
“I see. Though I don’t know why it vanished, that thing you bought must be the one who brought you here. But Rai-chan, you shouldn’t casually buy a strange object like that. What if that thing killed you.” He scolded.
“I was going to throw it away in an uncivilized place the next day. When I woke up, I was already here.” I smiled.
“Really… I am glad that it took you right in Jujutsu High. If it was somewhere I don’t know…” he sighed.
“Where is that thing?”
“Ah… I left it in Jujutsu High.”
“Well, I think I should tell Principal Yaga about this.”
“Should I go to?”
“Rai-chan, you stay here first. I don’t think you want to go out with a pyjama.” He grinned.
“Ah…” It was then I realized he was right.
“Fufufu. Rai-chan is still cute like this.” He kissed my cheek. “Then, I am going back to school.”
“Okay, be careful.” I smiled and there he went.
I look at the clock showing it’s 3 p.m. and I definitely need a bath, desperately. I padded around the house. It was a simple, luxury house. There’s one master bedroom, one guest room, and a big-sized living room complete with a kitchenette. There is also a garage. It’s very comfortable here.
The only bathroom is in the master bedroom. So, yep, I have my warm bath there. It helped me a lot to sort my thoughts. It finally sinks in that I am whisked away to another universe. I wonder what happened back in my own universe? Will I be reported as a missing person…or…anything related to me will vanish? Just like Jujutsu Kaisen? To be honest, I won’t miss my family since we are not in a really good term. Every day I will hear how much better that neighbouring kid was, how my brother was a golden child to them. I was so sick of it. It’s fine if I won’t be able to see them for the rest of my life. But if I really can’t go back. I want to at least say goodbye to Yae and my colleagues. They are all nice people. Manager hired me even though I have zero knowledge in serving beverages. They patiently taught me how to mix the drink, even baking.
I am torn between vanishing completely or being remembered. If I truly vanish as if I don’t exist, I will be truly alone in these worlds… “This must be what Toru-san felt back then…. Stranded alone in a strange place with no friends, no family and no colleagues.” I sighed. “I feel lonely…” I sobbed. ~”~
“What should I do?” I looked at the pile of dirty clothing. There’s nothing to be changed into. “Should I wear towel until my pyjama dries?” I mumbled. That might not be the best idea. Even though I am alone right now, I will still be embarrassed to death. Not to mention, I want to start cooking dinner, it’s a bit early, but I am hungry. It’s a chore to move around with only a towel. “Should I borrow Toru-san’s shirt? He’s still out, right? it will be fine as long as I changed back before he got home. Okay, let’s go with that.” I nodded.
Now, I am making dinner with whatever leftover ingredients he had. I made potato salad for me to eat now and omurice for dinner later with Toru-san. “Then, it’s done.” I sprinkled some finely chopped green on top of the omelette. “Now, let’s put these on table…” I grinned as I moved the plates onto the dining table.
“Rai-chan! I am home!” Toru-san’s energetic voice echoed.
“Oh, Welcome back.”
“Rai-chan, I finished your…ID…” He suddenly went silent.
“Toru-san, what’s wrong?” I became worried because he suddenly went silent like that. “Are you hurt? Let me see. Wait, where did I see a first aid kit box?” I went into a panic mode.
“Rai-chan, I am fine. I am not hurt.” Toru-san’s voice brought me back to reality.
“Really? You are not lying?” I asked again.
“Yep. Rather than that, Rai-chan…”
“Is that my shirt?”
“…yes…?” I blinked. “…Oh…oh!” It finally dawned on me I was still wearing his shirt. “I am sorry, I washed my pyjama. I was thinking of staying with only a towel, but I want to make dinner and it was not comfortable moving around with towel. I borrowed this until my pyjama dries. I will also clean this. No wait, I will pay for it. Oh, I better change it now.” I babbled. “And I will also pay for the things I used in bathroom. Please wait until I got a job first.”
‘What should I do? Should I just dogeza now?’
“Eh?” I was lifted up and easily transferred onto the bed. “Eh?” Toru-san is pinning me underneath him. “To…To…Toru-san.”
‘We teleported?!!!!’
“!!!!” In no time, his lips are on top of mine. “To…Toru-san…?” Toru-san has already pulled his blindfold down.
“I told you I would give my everything to you.” He rasped. “Everything in this house is also yours. Whatever you want to use, you can use it to your heart's content. That includes wearing my shirt.”
“No, but…”
“You should totally make my shirts as your pyjama from now on. I have a lot.” I felt his hand sliding up to my thigh and he froze. “Rai-chan…” He groaned. “Were you planning to seduce me from the start?”
“No!!!” I squealed.
“You aren’t wearing…anything underneath.” From the sound of his tone, it’s like he is battling with himself.
“I washed my underwear too.” I cried out. “I don’t know you came back this quick. If I had known, I will wear it even though it’s still damp.”
“So, can I eat you now?”
“Why does it become like this?!”
“You see…” He pressed something hard onto my stomach.
“!!!!!” My whole body is being steamed. It’s flushing with beautiful red colour.
“And I am hungry too.” He gave me a rakish grin.
“O-omurice!!!!” I shouted.
“I made omurice for dinner. If you are hungry, eat that. And, I also haven’t eaten anything yet. So, I am hungry…” My voice gets smaller and smaller.
“…Okay…” He relented. “We’ll eat dinner first.” He said. I sigh in relief, “But.”
“You are not allowed to change that out.” He grinned cheekily. “And of course no putting anything on, that includes your underwear.”
“I will eat you up right here and now if you do that.”
“Toru-san!!!!!” ~”~
So, here I am, in the living room, eating dinner with him. ‘What kind of shame play is this?’ This didn’t bother me before, but now I am aware that I am not alone anymore and Toru-san keeps grinning and shamelessly checking me every chance he gets. I am starting to feel hot and bothered.
“…I think it’s still better for me to put-“
“No.” Came his quick reply.
“But, what if I…stain…”
“Then, come here, sit on my lap. You can stain me for all I care.” He grinned wider.
“…uuu…” I am embarrassed to death. ~”~
“We finished dinner. So, it’s time for exercise.” Here I was again, teleported on the bed for the second time.
“What? I followed your request to eat dinner first, I even took a shower.” He pouted.
“That’s not the problem here!!!”
“So, what’s the problem?” He tilted his head.
“Do you not want to? Am I going too fast?” He frowned.
“It…It’s a little fast…” I admitted. “I…I am afraid that my body is not to your expectation.” I covered my face with my hands.
“…Why would you think that?” He frowned. “What do you think my type is?”
“…Someone with a sexy dynamite body?”
“…hey, cutie, look at me.” Toru-san pried open my hands. “You are pretty, beautiful inside out. And that’s a fact. I love everything about you, however your body is. The first thing I thought about you when we met is how cute you were. You are the most adorable in these two worlds. If someone were to say otherwise, they can say goodbye to the living world.”
“That’s going too far.”
“I don’t care.” Toru-san rolled his eyes. “You are worth it all, didn’t I tell you that before?” He smiled. “Well, this is also my job as your boyfriend to make you love yourself. I will love you so much that you won’t be able to think about those useless things anymore. I will keep reminding you how beautiful you are.” He traced my lips. ~”~
“…” I felt feather touches on my face and hair. “…umm…” I cracked open my eyes and see Toru-san’s visage. “…It was not a dream?” I mumbled.
“Well, I can remind you about last night if you would like to.” He grinned.
“!!!!” That woke me up and jolted me upright. I let out a small yelp due to the soreness in my lower body.
“You should rest for today. I think I went a little overboard yesterday.” He giggled.
“…I can’t even move now.” I glared at him with resentment.
“No worries, I take a day off today. I can help you with anything, including bathing you.” He sent a wicked smile to me. “And after that, we are going to shop.”
“I can’t go out.” I shook my head.
“It’s using this, silly.” He opened his laptop and showed me shopping websites. They are all branded items, at least I think so, because branded store usually has their own websites.
“It’s too expensive.” I frowned.
“It’s fine. You deserve the best. Come here.” Again, he put me on his lap and put his chin atop my head. “Money is to be used. And since I have a lot, it’s natural I spend it on you.”
“…I feel bad taking your money like that. I can work too.”
“But Rai-chan, you only have a pyjama now. Even if you want to apply for work, you should have other clothes.”
“Just buy some, okay? If you aren’t picking anything. I will just dump all of these into the cart. I know your size anyway.”
“Toru-san!!!” I looked at him horrified, hoping he was only joking. But nope. He is already clicking adding to cart. “Okay, I will pick some. Don’t put everything in the cart.” I cried.
“Okay, you pick.” He nodded, satisfied. In the end, I pick some, I think around 6 pieces and some underwear, but Toru-san protested saying it was not enough. And he helped me pick some. His some equal to enough to fully occupied big sized wardrobe.
“Toru-san, it’s too much.” I pouted. “And why did you cancel my pyjamas?”
“You don’t need pyjamas. You only need my shirts. And I have thrown out that one.” He referred to the pyjama I wore.
“But it’s your shirts, you need to wear them to teach, don’t you?”
“Exactly, so I can smell you for the rest of my working time.”
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xuracha · 1 year
Prepare the Dead
Tang looks at the demon monkey as he is covered head to toe in blood, with multiple bodies of the demon kidnappers behind him, as Wukong stands proudly in front of him puffing his chest out expecting Tang to thank him for yet another rescue.
Unfortunately, instead of a thank you, a scolding lecture is given.
"Wukong, what have I told you about killing?!?! Killing is bad!! We are buddhist monks, we solve our problems WITHOUT VIOLENCE!!!!," Tang shouted at the monkey, as said monkey turns away with a scoff, now with a deep frown on his face. Wukong has heard this lecture so many times that it has almost became second nature to block him out at this point. "OH YEAH, let me just convince these demons out of eating my master, the reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, one of Buddha's diciples, and gaining immortality! DO YOU KNOW HOW REDICULOUS YOU SOUND??," Wukong argues back.
Tang and Wukong's squabble continues on for a few more minutes, until Lily slams her now extended wand on the ground, creating a loud thud to garther everyone's attention. The glowing stone at the end of her wand releases a wave of energy which then transforms into the shape of a shovel blade. She throws the glowing shovel towards Wukong, which succeeds in catching it.
"Since you are responsible for the corpses, you will also be responsible in helping me prepare them for burial," Lily stated. "Pigsy and Tang will assist me in recovering and moving the bodies, once finished with digging up the graves, Wukong and I will prepare the bodies for burial, and Sandy will help Wukong in lowering the bodies to the graves." Lily then faces the Monkey King before facing Pigsy since they are the touble makers in the gang. "I expect no snarky remarks, sarcasm, and especially no disrespect for the dead beginning, during, and after these tasks are done." If looks could kill, she would be more than six feet under, with the glare a certain monkey is giving to her right about now.
The woman ignored the progressively fuming monkey, as she walked towards Tang to grab the string of coins that was on his person. "I will also now be responsible for this gang's money. For every person Wukong has killed, there will be one coin used and placed under their tounges to ensure them safe passage to the Underworld."
Tang looked at his deciples, before turning to the woman with a look of uncertainty. "Miss Lily, that's our entire supply of coins for buying food, shelter, and other supplies when we get to the nearest town. What will happen if we used up all the coins for Monkey's misdeeds?" Lily rolls her eyes at the monk, explaining (lol mansplaining) to her the monetary value and purpose of the coins, as if she doesn't know currency. "Then you will know who to thank when we arrive at the next town with no money to afford a single bowl of rice, and forced to find alternative ways to get by before our next departure."
Wukong stares in shock for a split second, before he bares his teeth and fangs at the only woman in the group, looking like he is about to add one more to the pile of copses. "How dare you command me to do such an abhorrant task woman, I aught to knock some sense to you. I am a KING, therefore you will treat me like one!!! I will not do such foolish and lowly tasks of a undertaker, ESPECIALLY to the bodies of my enemies!!!"
Uh uh, he did NOT just talk to her like that. Lily will not stand for such disrespect. She turned towards Wukong with a sickly sweet smile, eyes shining with hidden rage. "Then you, my homicidal ass of a furry gremlin with nuts for brains and no impulse control, will have the blood of your enemies as well as an innocent on your hands. And you are not a king right now, you are a traveling monk, and last time I checked, monks result to violence when there is no other option other than self-defense, and even then it is NON FATAL. Now start finding a spot and start digging, these bodies aren't going to bury themselves. We will be here all day and night doing this if we have to. You took their lives prematurely, the LEAST you can do is provide them with a safe passage to the Underworld!"
The two of them have a stare down, analyzing each others movements, before Wukong lets out a frustrated shout and backs off with the shovel to find a spot to dig. "Stupid woman, making a king do such disgusting tasks," he muttered.
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sealestial-k · 11 months
I thought of this today Ligur isekai fanfic- (I'm not going to write it sorry)
Hear me out- when Adam resets the world he sets Ligur back a few years in his old body to avoid that fate of getting holy water poured on him. He has some knowledge of events to come but not everything.
Well Ligur being a Demon doesn't exactly want to be a better person- or stop Armageddon or anything like that, no this is all for revenge "he hadn't done nothing to you!" "Yet"- Crowley's going to get it for what he hasn't yet done.
While Ligur is planning out exactly how to exact his revenge- he actually makes Crowley and Aziraphale get even closer somehow, and it's really pissing him off, seeing them both so happy together. So he blows off steam with the only other decent demon in Hell, Hastur. And all this romance... Well it's kinda rubbing off on Ligur, and He's always been very fond of Hastur. And As long as they avoid going to get Crowley during Armageddon everything should go as planned right? Come to think of it why did the Antichrist send him back in time? He should have been busy ending the world.
Could call it something long and oddly specific like. "I got a second chance at being a Duke of Hell to get my Revenge." kinda title.
I find this funny and cute. Hope others do too.
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stresshyperdeath · 10 months
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When you get yeeted into another dimension
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ponyway · 2 years
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clolryotub · 2 years
someone once slapped my ass so hard I got isekai'd and became king of the goblins
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yumieis · 1 year
I wanna kms 🔥🔥🔥😋😋😋🫶🫶
Will i get isekai'd.
That's the real question bitc-
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the-overanalyzer · 8 months
one of those "Tim gets sent to another world where everyone is a lot more emotionally intelligent and affectionate" fics, except he finds it so unnerving and hates it so much he goes out of his way to start fights and get them mad at each other before he leaves, and when he gets home damian stabs him and he's like "oh thank GOD everyone is normal here"
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astralisnauta · 1 year
hey. jerma in astroboy 2003 jumpscare 💥💥
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radarchives · 2 years
i was sent to anime hell and all i got were these 7 stupid pacts
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xuracha · 1 year
Introduction to the Gang
I have decided that I will give some ideas in how everyone will treat Reader in my Reaper AU: How the Reader meets the gang would be that Tang will be once again kidnapped by the featured demon of the week. Reader senses that this monk in distress is the one she was looking for after landing in this world a few days before (she finds a village to live in and scope out her options in before the gang just so happens to arrive in town to rest and replenish supplies). Reader sneaks into the demon's lair and manages to free Tang from his prison, but gets found out after accidentally alerting the demon when she failed to sneak away with the monk. Panicking, she then pulls out her trusty little can of pepper spray (I need to describe what is in her bag someday) and uses it on the demon, enraging them even more. That is where our favorite Monkey King comes to the rescue. While Wukong was busy fighting the demon, Reader helps Tang escape the lair, only to be corner by Sandy and Pigsy. Also Panicking, not knowing that they are Tang's disciples, she also pepper sprays them XD
After the whole fiasco is over (and Sandy and Pigsy mostly recovered from being temporary blinded and in pain) Tang thanks Reader for helping him escape the demon and from almost getting eaten and starts introducing his disciples one by one. Reader's brain slowly remembers where she heard their names before, and slowly puts two and two together. Unfortunately, Reader didn't finish reading the Journey to the West book before being isekai'd into this world, not because it was a boring story, but because it was a hard read (the books really are difficult to read for me). When Tang ask for her name, she panics, and introduces herself as "Lilly", despite not being her real name. I also like to imagine that since Lilly is not from this world, and with her affinity with her Nari/ Death, she has a sort of "aura" to her that is present and foreign, but not to the point where it is bothersome. With that case in point, everyone in the gang, including the dragon horse, EXCEPT Tang (everyone that is not human), can sense that Lilly is not normal. Everyone is cautious, but still hospitable to Lilly. Sandy and the dragon horse plays devil's advocate, and ignores it cause she hasn't showed hostility yet, Pigsy is still flirting, but stops temporarily after Lilly gives him a look (he also doesn't want to get pepper sprayed again, that stuff HURT T^T) Wukong is the most distrusting of them all. He knows that she is not a normal human, yet when he uses his eyes to see if she is a demon in disguise, he can't find anything. HIM, THE GREAT SAGE EQUAL TO HEAVEN, CAN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT WHO THIS WOMAN IS!!!! HOW PERPOSTEROUR IS THAT?!?!?! He thinks she will kidnap Tang at their most vulnerable, and steal their supplies when they are not looking. When Tang says the word, he would gladly change this woman's pronouns into was/were.
Lilly asks them where they are going, and Tang happily answers and explains their journey to the west and recover the sacred scriptures from the Buddha. After another explanation on who the Buddha is, Lilly asks if she can join the group, because she also has some questions for the Buddha. If he is really one with the universe in this world, perhaps he knows a way for her to get home to her Nari, and Death Inc.
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spookberry · 18 days
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sucks being gods favorite barbie doll
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aibafiles · 4 months
i have begun to suspect that the question is not "where is zagreus" but rather "when is zagreus"
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sorunort · 2 months
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i said in another post i was rping loop in a multifandom rp group and i'm having a lot of fun! so much fun that i made a giant doodle sheet of loop's glitch....that i haven't even gotten to rp yet but am so excited to im getting carried away. whoops
(in the context of the group, think of glitching like in spiderverse, they don't belong in this new world/dimension so their existence rejects it. we can do whatever we want for glitches so i just made loop's that they get their humanity back. yknow. for misery whenever they unglitch and go back to being a star [thumbs up])
i think my favorite here might just be the Go there Go Into the Dark catcrumb edit lmao
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