#it!!! wont!!! stay!!! in!!! place!!!
goji-pilled · 2 years
I keep complaining about this but the way my hair goes ballistic with the floof after I took a shower makes me go nuts
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pisshoneyhomicide · 2 years
It appears this image is relevant again
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whmp · 9 months
have you ever wanted to have your very own whumpee locked away in a basement to horribly mistreat? silly little things like "legal" or "moral" issues got in the way of fulfilling that desire? why not try it in a videogame instead!
i've had this project in the works for a while, but it's slowly entering the (very) early alpha stages! i would like to present an as of yet untitled "whump game". much like in those "virtual pet" style games that used to be popular a ~decade ago, you'll have to take care of your captive and check in on him every now and again. the video is just an early version of the customization screen - there's a lot more to come! some of the features i'm currently working on:
more customization options!
a system of rewards/punishments.
a diary for your whumpee.
ways to make money and buying clothes, accessories, etc.
a health and hunger system - try to keep your whumpee alive.
a story. yes, this will be more than just a tamagotchi clone with torture!!
a playable multiplatform build (probably on itch.io).
i'll be publishing more updates under the tag #whumpdev let me know if you have any wishes/suggestions/complaints or you want to be added to a taglist! :)
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ch1zzie · 2 months
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The original in the bottom
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Plus the picture I mainly drew but decided to draw the rest for funny
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#thats not my neighbor#milk man#just tried to draw something in my mind to post along with saying some updates#monday the people are gonna give my grandma the keys to the house! while i have to stay at my aunts place for wifi for school#(online school)#my moms gonna be moving things out of storage into the house! AAAA I CANT WAIT#also little welcome home update#im not sure if i said here? wait nevermind i just remembered while typing (it was that i got barnaby and the pins) AAA silly me#also im making a little julie out of clay (if i wake up and their messed up i am NOT redoing that😭)#the legs are a little messed up because julie was gonna be the size of an hatsune miku figure on accident so i chose to shorten her a bit#only because im not sure if im gonna make the others too AND because theres no way hes gonna be THAT tall😭#also! im making easter art#yes its barnaby and wally again just for fun! but a few changes like keeping their regular outfits because i cant think of anything else!!!#why not the ones in the old easter drawing? welllll a follower said that wallys outfit looked a bit familiar to another not so good thing#it wasnt on purpose just an accident because i hadn't notice BUT im glad i know now so i can be more careful!#im not sureeee if im gonna finish the easter art OR the julie clay thingy but I'd love too! and honestly HOPE to#high chance i will (well maybe the easter art could be late or not)#maaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA trying to think if theres anything else but cant! ill try posting this hoping my wifi wont hate me...#also i know i said this account was for welcome home posting but i didnt have any cool welcome homey things to put here gahhhhh#ehehehhe once i get my new room and its allllll just me#imma post like crazy (wellll that IS the plan so i hope)#even if its little dumb posts#by the way this post was gonna say on top “i know i said this account is for welcome home posting but TAKE THIS FOR LITTLE UPDATES”#just removed it because i dunnooooo just didded#hehe didded
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kazamajun · 2 months
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raindrvq · 1 month
I wanna know what soap Johnny bought when they were in the church to wash the grease outta his hair bc i literally had to wash my hair with DAWN DISH SOAP last night with the amount of grease they put in my hair for the play.
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nevadas-explorer · 6 months
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Heheheeee i dont usually post traditional doodles but this has the snowl in it so. @banyanas throws this at you!!!!!
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trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
oh oh. shoutout to my dreamself who decided to just Make An Abnormality.
it was called This Place Won't Stay, and its a weird looking salmon guy. think wellcheers but. fish. it looked very silly but spoke with the weight of someone who'd seen death coming for it and did not flinch. it didn't seem to Like speaking to anybody, but seemed to out of obligation, ending every sentence with its desire to get back to work, alone.
nothing else was shown or spoken, but it had a feeling. something about work put into a cause, sunk cost fallacy, complete and total dedication to a task that inevitably ends with your own demise. yet, it is still work to be done, and yours alone. complete and total self-reliance, and resignation to a greater purpose. instinct, duty, and determination. the grasp of Nature and Legacy. something like that.
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thedeviljudges · 6 days
gonna be touring two apartment options tmrw and choose between them, i think. kinda wanna throw up but also excited. ive lived at my current place for like 12yrs now so this is gonna be such a huge change.
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acaciapines · 25 days
guys what if i told you ive been thinking about dess and actually i think dess/chara might be able to work out in the drkau...like ive been doing some thinking into dess and her reasons and why she does what she does and how she cares about people and im starting to nail down the role i want asriel to play, and. and.
guys i think dess is actually going to be able to change. i think dess figures out how to change but asriel never does....
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bearsizedant · 2 months
what if I was able to make myself stop caring about being nice to them
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needylittlegirl · 2 months
theres a 99% chance we’re gonna move so i have to start packing little things now cause it makes the transition easier but i hate it i dont want to
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andiv3r · 6 months
So, @something-something-goodomens and @fuckwhoeverpickedallthefunnyurls in case you ever wondered why I didn't ever answer the following asks...
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...It's because I got emotionally attached to seeing them in my inbox. Yeah. Sorry. They can't leave now, they're my friends and they have to stay there to keep me happy. I originally intended to answer them both but then I got used to seeing them there and now it would feel wrong if they weren't there.
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gayshipsandanxiety · 10 months
"you're not going to hell" vs "i'm not going to heaven"
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braingobrrr · 11 months
i know it’s not technically wednesday anymore but idc !! here’s another little sneak peak at the fic im working on. coming to you at some Undisclosed Point in the Near Future. enjoy!
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update: this is posted btw! you can find it here x
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bruceawaynefrfr · 10 months
The barbie movie made the most surface level thing for men to understand and they still don't get it
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