#changes. cause hes so deep in he cant admit he was wrong cause then what was any of this for?
acaciapines · 4 months
guys what if i told you ive been thinking about dess and actually i think dess/chara might be able to work out in the drkau...like ive been doing some thinking into dess and her reasons and why she does what she does and how she cares about people and im starting to nail down the role i want asriel to play, and. and.
guys i think dess is actually going to be able to change. i think dess figures out how to change but asriel never does....
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rayroseu · 11 months
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This line is making me sad akjdkakdks its making me imagine that once Malleus sees that his overblot causes pain rather than making the people of his life happy... he'll realize that "he is no good as a king at all since he harmed his people"😭😭
but sadness and partings and goodbyes..."harms happiness", thats why he just created a world where it never exists... He's not just doing it for his own desires KSJAKDJWKD plus if "all dreams come true" none of the previous overblots wouldve occured and they'll live a peaceful life... but living that way would stagnate their growth... they'll be living the same life repeatedly without any improvements towards themselves
that's why even if Malleus' overblot stems from a good intention, his vision is not applicable to a human life as we all require growing up, overcoming hardships, admitting our mistakes and developing out from that... Those painful feelings are what makes a human life more meaningful and allows a person to give themselves a genuine good life. 🥲🥲🥲
But Malleus who's still in the state of "learning to be human", he cannot naturally perceive that kind of moral.
I just hope that after Book 7 there's no narrative implication that Malleus' coping was flat out purely wrong lol Bcs as Yuu said, everyone wishes they won't lose anyone important to them either...
Going back to the fact that he feels responsible for the happiness of others... I think Malleus lives his life very literally...
I think it was Lilia who said this...(?) That Malleus' power (or the Draconia's power in general) gives happiness to the people of Briar Valley (as their power can protect the dark faes) 🥲✨
Maybe this is the reason why he's "so desperate" in keeping the happiness of others and also giving them blessings that'll surely make them happy...
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Okay separate theory... Maybe I'm just overthinking lol But the occurence of "falling" in TWST is so fascinating to me since thats a heavy reference to "Alice Falling In Wonderland" yk
Book 6 we already had Idia falling to the Underworld because he wants to follow Ortho, There's this implication that Overblots "falling to a deep sleep/darkness" thats why all overblotees "wakes up after their own overblot... I wonder if Overblot Malleus will take a fall as well??? His overblot title is "The King of Abyss" but I doubt that the "timeless Sage Island" is the abyss yk? What if we actually learn about the origin of Overblots through Malleus Overblot?
Because in the trailer we can see him snapping out in awareness(waking up) before he's trapped in thorns in what seems to be an Abyss--- So maybe, we won't defeat Malleus Overblot bcs he'll wake up from it (presumeably once he realizes that his overblot caused Lilia and the others pain???) but him breaking his overblot wont be possible bcs the "darkness" will engulf him of smth
I'm thinking of this because the existence of Overblot is so weird. General Lilia should've recognized the blot when it was taking Silver because of his despair since before Leona's overblot, he knew the vibes of whats occuring yk and same thing with Malleus with how he knew that he's planning to overblot, plus he knows the existence of STYX whos focused on overblot too
But strangely, the mages of the past (Meleanor and Knight of Dawn even Lilia and Baul) dont seem to possess any magic limitations concerning blot accumulation, additionally they dont even have magestones (that they use to gauge their blot consumption like NRC pens). Which makes me think that "blot or overblot" was not a "trait" that existed naturally in mages???
Since TWST world's history is implied to be changed... I wonder if blot existence was something that "a being" made up/cursed upon all mages lol
Idk where Im going with this tbhhhh ajsjaj but I just think its suspicious that only human magicians is heavily concerned with blot accumulation... whereas Malleus and Lilia never worries about using magic too much...
So wild guess, maybe Maleficia (since shes the only powerful person here lol) cursed "magic in general" so humans will never be on par with fae's magical abilities no matter how hard they develop it
Ig its to never repeat the "occurence of another Knight of Dawn" who's magic is even stronger than faes since he has no limitation so she created blot to curse humans to limit their magic else they'll fall into "darkness" idk
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glassartpeasants · 8 months
Killer angst drabble cause why not
You knew how much Kid meant to him. It was obvious from the start of the relationship. Anywhere Kid went, Killer was right behind him. They were best friends since childhood so who were you to try and split them apart? But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt.
There's been countless times where Killer has ditched you for Kid. He wouldn't even notify you that he wouldn't show up, he'd just stand you up. You tried to explain to Killer that it hurt your feelings and if he could at least let you know that he wouldn't show up. It lead to a huge fight. Words were said, tears were shed and it ended up with you two breaking up for a week or two.
You tried to ignore the heartbreak cause you didn't want to make the crew uncomfortable. Hell you even talked to some people about leaving the Kid Pirates. After all, Killer was the reason you joined. So now that you two weren't a thing anymore, there was no reason to be on the Victoria Punk. The tension was too thick for you.
Yet the moment you had gotten ready to pack your bags, Killer approached you. He promised he'd do better and that you did mean something to him. You believed him the first two months but then he slowly started going back to how it was. Which left you to where you are now, watching the stars with your bag in you lap as you sit on the railing.
"The city lights look inviting doesn't it? It's a pretty city and island. Maybe I can stay here until a ship shows up to take me home." Your heart burned at the thought of never hearing Killer's voice again. Even if you didn't want to admit it, a small part of you had been ready to leave since the huge fight. Knowing you'd always be in second, third, and fourth place for Killer. You'd never be his first priority, no matter what happens.
"Not even a competition, and you still won Eustass Kid." Whispering to yourself, your aware of the tears slowly falling down your face. A sad little laugh leaves your lips as you wipe the tears away.
"Your crying." Jumping from the sudden noise, you snap you head around and see your soon to be ex.
"Yeah. I guess I am." A seconds silence fell over the two if you.
"What's wrong?"
"Just settling on my final decision." Even without seeing his face, you knew he was puzzled.
"Which is?" Taking a deep breath, you respond.
"That I'm breaking up with you." Killer’s body tensed at your words. The glassy look in your eyes had him realizing that this wasn't a joke or prank.
"I'm sorry Killer, I knew that Kid was super important to you when we got together and I thought I could handle you spending almost all your time with Kid. Unfortunately I've realized that I cant." Your lips tremble as you try to gently smile.
"I don't want you to lose a friendship you've had since childhood just cause of me." You feel the Victoria Punk start to move away from the island.
"S-Shit (Y/N) I'm sorry. I know I've been ditching you and that I promised that I stopped and you have every right to be mad-"
"I'm not mad. At least not anymore."
"But you should be! You should be mad! I made you a promise and I broke it after saying I'd change. Why aren't you yelling at me?! Why aren't you mad that I lied to you?!"
"Because I love you." Killer could feel his heart beating fast as the weight of his actions finally hit him. He tried to speak yet nothing came out.
"And that's why I have to go. Life is about living and learning. And we simply learned that we weren't meant to be. But that's okay, you'll finally someone who works out better for you." You start to put on your bag to get ready to jump off the ship and onto the dock the Victoria Punk was moving away from. Killer grabs your hand and pulls himself closer to you.
"I don't want someone else, I want you. You and only you. Give me another chance please (Y/N)." Facing Killer and his mask, you press a kiss to where his lips would be. Tears flow down your face knowing that's the last kiss you'd ever give him.
"I better see your name in the newspaper often." Slipping tour hand away from his quickly, you whisper one last thing before jumping on the very last edge of the dock.
"Goodbye Massacre Soilder Killer. I love you." You land on the dock and watch the Victoria Punk sail past the dock. And you watch with a heavy heart as Killer starts running to the end of the ship to catch you while screaming to stop the ship.
He looked at you and screamed your name as he sailed farther and farther away, watching you wave him goodbye with tears in your eyes.
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memelda · 14 hours
i cant help but feel a sense of inferiority whenever i am around my friends
i consciously feel the weight of the trauma and insecurities on my shoulders almost every single moment
i am sick and tired this deep immense insecurity of my background, my family, our lack of discipline, the way i grew up.
i am ashamed to admit this, but i cant help but feel ashamed of my living conditions, my dysfunctional family etc.
i am so ashamed to be ashamed of my life and myself that it brings me so much misery and sorrow.
shouldn't i give myself more credit for all that ive been through?
i grew up conditioned to accept unhealthy habits as 'normal' and 'nothing wrong'. i grew up around laziness, tardiness, hostility, anger. negativity. parents who stayed up until 4am and woke up in the late noon.
and yet, i was always pressured to be perfect in everything i did - and especially an emphasis on excelling in simple tasks, such as bringing a cup of teh tarik to the table at the kopitiam without spilling. if i spilled the teh, it meant that i was incompetent, i was clumsy. and that would be my label from then on. emelda is a clumsy person.
and then joining band in secondary school fed into this perfectionism. i needed to be perfect, perfect, perfect. sure, we were building up our skills. if you made a mistake, you'd get a mere head shake in disappointment from the conductor. but that small gesture took the heaviest tolls on my mental health.
so these were the traumatic experiences that shaped me in my adolescence years as a young, easily impressionable girl.
and then at the same time, papa wasn't paying my school fees on time. my form teacher always had to bring me to the side and remind me of this. i did not know how to internalize this reminder from the teacher. how could i have known to react to this? they couldnt possibly have known how much i feared papa. that lead to another ringing cause of anxiety -- building up the guts to convey this reminder to my father. after all ive seen that was happening at home - the conflicts between him and mama, how abusive he could be, i could barely look him in the eye and talk to him. i always envied tiara, for her perception of him and the relationship she had with him were the opposite from mine.
building up the courage to bring myself to interact with him was the hardest thing for me to do in my life at that point of time.
i never reminded him about the outstanding fees.
so, i hung my head in shame, especially in the presence of my form teacher. the school fees were not going to be paid off.
i carried this burden from my secondary school days even until after the passing of my father. it is considered his debt, right? i now have the responsibility to pay off his debt, i thought, at just the ripe age of 17.
always hung my head in shame. all i knew how to do well.
as i was growing older and taller, so was my pile of insecurities.
i am turning 24 this year.
and i am doing my best in unlearning so many unhealthy habits. overcoming my trauma. regulating my
with every chapter of my life, i have met with new people and new experiences, new aspects of myself. i could write a whole book on a single chapter but i dont enjoy spending too much time on dwelling on the past.
everything is ever changing. and i look forward to what life has more to offer me.
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just read the NotHuman!MC posts and I love them, and then I remembered the Run Rabbit Run song and this came to my head: what if they somehow get the resources and the balls to see MC's memories to find out more about them. But MC's there with them watching as well. Then they start singing the song as a memory of MC running away from someone or something starts playing. And at the end the current MC turns to them with a stoic face and tears in their eyes
idk, enjoy!
This scene feels familiar.... did you watch steven universe?
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"So? Where would we even start?" Says Mammon as he continues starring at the door, debating whether or not he shouls go look for you or not.
To be honest most of the individuals in the room werent sure on how to solve this dilemma with you, yes you are this terrifying being but you never really attempted to cause harm on any of them. One could not help but feel bad for your treatment, you didnt deserve it.
Then an idea lighted up on none other than the wizars himself. Solomon brought a hand up to his chin and pondered on how good of an idea this could be, then again if done well then perhaps this tension between everyone could be solved. "I think i might havw an idea, but.. im not sure even MC will like it" he finally says.
The prince looked over at him and, with the others, waited for him to continue. Solomon took a deep breath before continuing. "I believe to know of a spell that can share one's memories with others, however this spell has a terrible reputation and to be honest... i've never peformed it myself, at least not in a long time".
"Why would we even wanna see MC's memories though? That wouldnt help us with the problem at all. If anything it might make them angrier" responds belphegor. He does have a point, why share your memories with the people who've only treated you like crap? Its not like it'll change much will it?
" well MC is what in the human world we'd call a cryptid, they're something we only know so much about. " starts Solomon to explain, "if we see they're memories we can get a better view of what it's like to be them and maybe we can solve this issue better". The others seem to start agreeing with this proposal.
"I mean it does make sense" says Satan, "most of us are demons, we have a bad reputation, for humans they have a very specific idea of what we look like and how we act like when in reality its different".
A bit more of talking happens and everyone seems to agree in the end that this spell might do the trick, problem now is who will find you? You ran away, you left and very angry. If any of the boys were to come up to you and say the wrong words then they will most likely meet thirteen or her pals before planned.
It is then that it is agreed that only certain individuals could confront you: Lucifer, Diavolo and Barbatos. The first born seemed hesitant at being the one to catch you, howwver he couldnt just openly admit such a thing. The prince would go but his loyal butler isnt sure of how he could do so without ending up hurt, thus leading the him stopping said prince.
"Barbatos please we need to find MC, cant you at least tell me where they're at?" Says diavolo. "I can but what if it goes wrong and you get hurt? The horror your father would have if he knew an eldtrich being left his son in terrible conditions... and youre the only heir for the throne as well, which could make things worse" responds in concern the butler demon.
The prince sighs as he recognizes, and understands, the fear his most trusted worker has against you. This doesnt mean that Barbatos doesnt want to help you, its just that he has seen stuff about you he wishes he could unsee. Of course the most expierenced of demons has lived through some shit but that doesnt change the fact that he cant feel uneased by certain things.
The eldest brother walks up to him and insists he uses his future vision one last time to find you. Being 2 agaisnt 1 there is only one thing the demon can really do. "Fine. However im still not fond of the results that can come from this interaction. My lord please be careful once you find MC, i cannot tell you with confidence what might occurre" says the butler before revealing your current location.
You sat melancholically next to some stairs, you werent sure of where to go to be honest so you decided to just stay at RAD instead. You stairs at the horizon contemplating your misery when the prince finds you. The royals and eldest stand now infront of you, claiming to just wanna talk.
"Forget it, i said what i said and no long torture sections or hangings at the chandelier will make me regret anything" you tell them while you turn to avoid eye contact.
"MC we arent here to make you apologize, we wanted to apologize" says Lucifer, taking a step closer to you. You take a step back however and stare at him not believing him in the slightest.
"And im supossed those words to believe the avatar of pride?" You ask. "MC.." starts diavolo, "we all mean it, we want to fix things, you were correct. Im very sorry for not doing better, specially since i was the one who planned this exchange program out" he goes on.
Diavolo continues to apologize for he lack of professionalism with you and even says he wants to start over if necesarry just to fix this rocky relationship between everyone. You turn to look at him and continue to listen. Maybe he does mean it? But this feels familiar... like a trap almost.
You dont even get the chance to realize this however for everything quickly turns black. You only wake up to Mammon and Asmo starring down at your unconcious form. "Finally they're awake" says Mammon with a sigh. He offers his hand at you but you stand up with no help. "Im sorry for placing the spell MC but we want to understand things better" starts saying Solomon as he steps closer to you.
You all find yourselves in the earth's woods? But it isnt modern day woods with the loud noises of the town and the annoying families and friend groups damaging the wilderness, no. This is... different.
You remember this place, its a place that will forever stick with you. A bunch of yelling coming from far away, getting only closer and louder. "What is that? Where even are we??" Says Levi who is as equally confused as the rest of the boys here with you. The floor shakes as the yelling gets louder.
A creature that is not recognizable to most of the demons or angels appears on top of the hill where the screaming comes from. The creature continues to run down the path and enters the woods, a mob of townsfolks follows right behind them. "WHAT WAS THAT THING!?" says Satan in horrors. You stay quite.
The scenary quickly changes to somewhere else, different but similar as the previous one. The town where you all find yourselves now at seems more advanced than the previous one, however one can only say so much when judging the people who went towards the monster.
"Wait what is happening?" Is asked yet again by one of the brothers. "Wasnt Solomon's spell supposed to show us MC's memories??" Asks another one. "It is..." you respond, breaking your silence as the monster of before appears yet again leaving the village.
Your life has been full of running, fear, pain, everytime you think youre finally safe someone discovers the truth and exposes you for who you really are. Cryptids have always had it this way, minding their own business until humanity arrives and ruins it for everyone. It doesnt matter if the species as it is isnt agrresive, because humans will make them agressive. At least they'll accuse your defensive mecanisms as agressive.
You gave up on being yourself thanks to this, and instead have been working for so long to blend in and not die. Why must it be so hard to be you? To be happy? To live a happy life and not feel threathened by those you dont like you... its not fair.
Your existence isnt fair.... and the god who cursed you of living isnt fair.
The spell finally breaks and you wake up in the council room, where the prince, butler and right hand man carried you back to. You dont feel well.
Why? Just why cant people mind their own business? No one needed to know what you were, less did they need to see your life through your eyes. Its not fair, you cant have anything good can you...
"MC? Are you ok?" Asks the prince seeing your lack of composure.
You turn to face Diavolo and the others, your face says more than a million words right now. Its up to you to figure out how you'll respond...
Thats it, thats cryptid MC, im sorry if its badly done the final part but i cant put what i want to write into words and honestly i lost inspo ay the end
Still hopefully you guys liked this series and maybe in a future, (when i finally meet the newbies) i might make an extra part with them, but until then..
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Seeing Them Shirtless for the First Time | JJK
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Should I be getting ready for work? Yes, yes I should be 💀
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Music Genre: Rock | JJK
Characters: Gojo, Itadori, Megumi 
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Shop Owner Note: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS ONE-Gojos in particularrrrrr
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The first time you saw Gojo shirtless was during your first time being intimate with him.
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Gojo was just-perfect. You honestly couldn’t describe him any other way...yeah, he could sometimes be a pain in your ass with his boyish antics, but that somehow adds to that special charm he possesses. Even now, with his hands pinning yours above your head, lips molding into yours in a lustful heat, he was smiling as if he was having the time of his life. Gojo moved down from your lips, finally allowing you a second to breathe, instantly finding a spot on your neck, sucking and licking the skin as if his life depended on it. The sensation was overriding your system, your throat desperately trying to release a groan from the overwhelming sensation, intense heat traveling through your core. You felt him find the spot you were most sensitive in, that held back groan finally being stolen from your swollen lips. Embarrassment burst into your stomach, your knuckles tightening as you shifted to to the side, desperately trying to hide your face from making such a lewd reaction.
You felt Gojo chuckle against your skin, the vibration sending a shock wave throughout your spine and limbs. “Ah, Cmon doll, don’t be so shy,” he cooed, a devilish smirk encasing his features, “I like it when you make those little sounds for me.........and only me, right?” It was a taunt, a trap, and he knew it-if Gojo Satoru was anything, he was always confident in his abilities. And his ability to completely be able to control you, to keep you by his side, was no exception. Any other day, when you were thinking clearly you would Probabaly retort back with a back handed quip that would make him chuckle. But right now, with your head buzzing with adrenaline and only the thought of the way his skin felt against yours, his kisses burning into your flesh and the pulsating heat in your core...you just wanted him.
“Only you,” you whispered, voice wavering with nerves and adrenaline as your digits found the edge of his shirt, craving for more of his skin against yours. Gojo chuckled again, the sound warm and rich like molasses. Yet, his hand since again were on top of yours, now halting you in your pursuit of undressing him. “You really wanna do this doll? I’m not against it, not at all, but you dont have to-“
“I want to,” you interjected, face flushed with desperation, eyes wide with lust, “I want to so badly Gojo...I want you.” Gojo’s chest tightened at the words, a feral need exploding in his chest-god, the times he dreamed of this day and it’s finally happening...you were just too adorable, your hair tosseled from the heated make out sessions, lips puffy and skin so warm, your eyes practically begging him to devour you. How could he deny you that luxury, especially since you wanted it so much? He leaned in to your lips, digits tracing your skin in designs only he could imagine. He pulled away, mere centimeters from your skin. “You sure little one?” He asked again, using the nickname he gave you that always made you roll your eyes with a smile. It did just the trick, making you giggle at the name as you looked to the side-“I’ve always been ready, ya know.”
“Oh really?” He teased, that delicious smirk gracing his features. He leaned away from you, sitting up in the bed. “Well, I’m not too sure about that....” His digits wrapped around the hem of his shirt near his neck, pulling the fabric over his head and tossing it to the corner of his room. Gojo shook his hair out slightly, making the tendrils look even more chaotic than before. You felt your chest tighten by the sight of Gojo shirtless....you had imagined many times before, but seeing the real thing was way different, and way better. Gojo was built as perfectly as his personality, each muscle taught and visible in his abdomen and arms, the veins in his hand even more noticeable in the lighting. You gulped, staring at the way his sweatpants accentuated the dips of his hips, following down to the waist band of his boxers peaking out from his sweats.
Gojo noticed every gesture you made, loving how you drank in his form as he hovered over you. “Why don’t you take a picture-itll last longer,” he said as he leaned into your ear, earning a playful eye roll form you. He chuckled at your reaction, leaning back into your body, hands trailing the side of your waist. “Well if you’re not gonna take a picture....I don’t think it’s very fair that I’m the only one shirtless here....” your felt his digits find the hem of your shirt, teasingly tracing your skin under from underneath..
“So how about we change that, hm?”
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The first time you saw Itadori shirtless it was by pure chance- He just cant seem to remember to bring a spare tshirt into the bathroom when he showers.
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Yuuji cant seem to understand why your so flustered- he is so adorable and innocently oblivious its almost painful. Especially when he comes out of the bathroom from a shower, cotton candy pink hair still dripping with water droplets, slick adomen in full view, the “V” of his hip bones partially exposed from the band of his sweatpants. You just wanted to have a chill movie night with your boyfriend-but how can you think about choosing between a horror or a comedy when you have that in front of you? You gulp down a ball of saliva as Itadori casually talked about the different options of films, rummaging through his drawers for a clean shirt as if this was all a normal event-which it was not. Your eyes were glued onto him, drinking in every deifned dip and curve and trying to hold yourself back from thinking about...other ways this cozy date could end up....
But Yuuji knows you like the back of his hand....he knows when something is wrong with you, and you most deinfitely are not your self right now. He instantly begins to ask you questions, voice softly laced with worry. You reassure him your fine, really, but Itadori knows you way too well. He gently raises your chin with his pointer and middle finger, forcing you to look into his eyes. Your breathe gets hitched in your throat, brain suddenly and unbelievebaly clouded from being so so close to him, now knowing that the boyfriend you love so dearly looks like a damn god under his clothing making your heart ram against your chest. His voice was comforting and warm, eyes scanning your face for any sign of sadness or even maybe sickness. 
“Whats on your mind?” he asks gently, trying to coax a response out of you so he can put his worries at ease....until he hears the words “your abs”, blurt out of your mouth at warp speed, your tone dazed and then immediately embarrassed, horror on your face for saying soemthing so honest. He blinks a few times, clearly not expecting that to come from you....but he would be lying if he didnt say he enjoyed it once it set in. A warm chuckle tumbles out of Itadori, that bright boyish grin plastered on his face. He really didnt mean to make you so flustered,..but he’s not complaining
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The first time you saw Megumi shirtless was by force-he just hates being taken care of when he’s hurt.
Crimson red clumped against Megumi’s face, sticky and smeared glimpses of his pale skin glowing under the moonlight. His hair was matted down to his face from the slashes oozing out of his head, suit was slashed to bits, his ribs were killing him, and he had a limp on his left leg...but he was fine-honestly. Or that’s what he was trying to tell you...but you wouldn’t listen to a single second of the bull crap he was trying feed you. He was conflicted with emotions-on one hand, it almost annoyed him how utterly selfless you could be for him. It was 1am, the moon on its highest peak in the sky, and you were willing to play nurse for him....but on the other, it warmed him up inside that you did care so much. If he would allow himself to dwell on that emotion, he would admit-that it was .... nice....to have someone take care of him for once. He was used to bandaging each wound on his own, cleaning and disinfecting the soon to be battle scars, hissing to the walls at the pain it caused him. But with you there, you were soft, so gentle with him. Your touch was like a second adrenaline rush for him-you had yourself cradled in his lap, the skin of your thighs barely crazing his tattered uniform. Hands gently positioning his hair, pushing the wispy jet black strands away from the wounds.
“I can do this on my own,” he retorted quietly, his voice a few octaves lower from fatigue. “I bet you could..” you completely ignored him, continuing to busy yourself with closing a scrape on his skin with butterfly bandages. “-but why would I let you?” Megumi felt his breath hitch, taking a sharp breath in....any type of annoyance he felt with you being so god damn persistent instantly left his body, the only thing he can focus on was how much he loved your selfless nature-even if it could be annoying at times. But the instant he took in that deep breath, he felt a deep, guttural pain in his side, making him groan before he could stop it from spilling out of his mouth. That soft gaze you had turned to worry, your hands wrapping around his face, thumbs running smooth circles on his pale skin. “Your hurt....we’re going to need to-“
“N-no, I-“Megumi stuttered out, obviously flustered by the prospect of you seeing him so bare. “I-I’m fine. I can do this on my-“ his voice was stern and cold, yet the wavering tone made any attempt of sounding firm go invalid. You gave him a small smile, your fingers still running circles against his skin, making him look at you with nervous eyes. “Megumi, you are not fine,” you stated calmly, with eyes that simply said the opposite-you were genuinely worried for him. “please...you could have broken a rib, or done soemthing to cause a lot of damage...please, Megumi, I don’t want you to be in pain anymore.” You were asking him, pleading with him, and it broke Megumi in his core-he just couldn’t stand to see you look that scared for him of all people. Megumi sighed, eyes drifting down to the floor in hopes you couldn’t see his embarrassment as he gave in to you.
You helped Megumi shuffle out of his uniform, opting to cut it with some scissors halfway (as it was tattered to shreds already). Both of you were quite nervous...in your relationship, you had never down anything that would warrant for you to see each other’s body’s. So you being able to see him without a shirt felt like a huge step, even if it wasn’t such a big deal to an outsider. Once the fabric was finally off, you both sat in silence, your minds reeling. You knew Megumi was fit, but seeing exactly how much that work paid off brought heat flooding your body, your eyes focused on the way his breath contracted and relaxed his muscles, the moonlight catching the divots of his lower abdomen deliciously. Pale white Scars littered his skin from training, making his body even more mysterious to look at. Each scar was a story, some sort of battle, a lesson he had to learn...you wanted to learn about each and every one. Your hand felt drawn to them, digits slowly checking for signs of bruising, purposefully tracing those scars in order to burn them to memory. Fushigori was practically panicking, desperately trying to keep his heartrate lowered, the cool night air biting at his heated skin as your digits traced against his sides. You were only trying to detect the spots that could be damaged on his abdomen...but damn was it firing something inside him. He was feeling more comfortable like this, just relishing the feeling of your skin on his.
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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spookydrreid · 3 years
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The Way I Hate You
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: SMUT 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Requested by my wife @worryd0ll and co written by my bestie @spencerreidat3am
Content Warnings: hate fucking, arguing, name calling, oral (male receiving), choking, hair pulling, spitting, slight degradation, edging, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex. (I think that’s it?)
Word Count: 2.7k
A/n: I love this fic so damn much.... ����
He watched her from the other side of the mirror. Watched her fix herself and put herself on display for the criminal they’d captured. He watched her bat her long lashes and sit so her arms pushed her breasts up. And as he watched her, the rage he felt on any other day, intensified.
Spencer Reid hated Y/N. And, in turn, Y/N hated Spencer Reid. Some would say it was because y/n could keep up with the resident genius, outsmarting him whenever she could. Some would say that it wasn’t hate at all; a deep love that they were both to stubborn to admit too. Those people would be right.
So, he watched her flirt her way to a confession. And he scoffed, or rolled his eyes, every time she touched him. And every time she leaned in closer. And every time she laughed a little too loud at something he said.
“You’re seriously going to let her do that?!” He yelled to Hotch. Everyone looked at each other. They’d learned a long time ago to not intervene when it came to the two agents. It was better to let them hash it out than to get a fist to the face.
‘”Do what, Reid? She’s not doing anything wrong?” Hotch sighed. This had been going on for just over three years, y/n taking Emily’s place when she left for London. At first, everyone chalked it up to his aversion to change. But then it didn’t get better. And eventually, y/n had enough of playing nice and the bickering began.
“She’s flirting with a killer, Hotch! The courts will throw out the confession.” Spencer was growing red, the jealousy anger causing his voice to become louder.
Hotch sighed, pushing him into the small room outside the interrogation room, “Reid, you need to act like a professional.” Spencer’s rage grew as Hotch continued, “she’s not doing anything wrong. You cant just accuse her of things because you don’t like her.”
Spencer scrambled to defend himself. Hotch never said anything about the way they acted, but he was over it. “B-but look at her!” He threw his arm behind him, motioning to her, “she’s acting like- like-“ he ran his hands down his face, “like a whore!”
The door clicked shut, causing both the mens attention to the very angry y/n.
“What did you just fucking call me.” And he knows he shouldn’t have said it. But he cant take it back now, and frankly, it’s getting a rise out of her.
So, he faces her and fights the urge to cross his arms over his chest, “I said, you’re acting like a whore!”
He watches her drop her files before she lunges at him. And she would’ve got him if it wasn’t for Hotch grabbing her waist at the last moment, pulling her flailing body away from Spencer.
“Look, enough is enough.” Hotch yells at the two, “I want you both to go back to the hotel and work out whatever this is.” He huffs, shaking his head, “because you wont have jobs if this happens again.”
They both stand there with wide eyes as they digest what their boss just said. Spencer is the first to storm off, leaving his satchel behind and throwing open the precinct door. Y/N follows, stomping out behind him.
“You have some fucking nerve calling me a whore.” She yells. But he keeps walking, the hotel a five minute walk. “I don’t know who gave you the right to act the way you do towards me, but it’s going to cost us our jobs.”
Spencer stops at that, turning slowly to face her. One of her eyebrows raised and her chest puffing in anger. He stomps closer to her until his face is almost touching hers. He notices the way she cowers just slightly.
“Me? What about you?” she can feel the way his breath fans over her lips and she tries to push down her desire to kiss him. “You’re the one who prances around here like you’re better than everyone else. But, news flash, princess, you’re nothing. Cant even get a proper confession without using your looks.”
And her anger is back, her hands connecting with his chest as she pushes him back. He stumbles slightly. “Yeah? Well at least I don’t be little others for getting the job done.” He decides to keep walking, not willing to lose his job. But she continues, yelling at him the entire way.
“You just cant handle that I’m a better profiler than you, Reid. Just admit it, you hate that I’m better than you.” It’s the straw that breaks the camels back. He pulls her into the room, boxing her into the closed door.
“You think you’re better than me?” he chuckles, “you cant compare to me, y/n. You use your body to get what you need. I use my mind. We are not the same.”
Now its her turn to chuckle as she pushes down the way she enjoys his body so close to hers, “we’re more alike than you think, Reid.”
“Don’t get cocky. I’m not afraid to put you in your fucking place.”
She stares into his black eyes, the sick smirk on her face, “but you wont. You’re too much of a pussy.”
His hand wraps around her throat, “you better shut the fuck up, bunny.”
She laughs and her gaze doesn’t falter, “is that the best you got, Reid?” His kiss catches her by surprise. Its rough and filled with a longing and need that only her lips seem to be able to cure. His hands pull at her clothes, stripping her of her blouse and skirt. She looks so pretty in her matching set. He has to control himself as he stares at her.
“You need to learn to control your tongue, bunny.”
“Or what, Reid?” And he’s had enough of her back talk. He pulls on his tie, gripping her hands and tying them behind her back. It stuns her just how rough he handles her, but she loves it.
When he’s done, he pushes on her shoulders, forcing her to her knees. She looks up at him with need filled eyes and he cant help but think about how beautiful she looks.
He tugs off his clothes and notices the way her eyes widen at the sight of his cock. His ego grows slightly.
“Open your fucking mouth.” He tells her. But she curls her lips over her teeth and smirks, her bratty self holding out. His hand wraps in her hair, pulling her head back as his other squeezes her cheeks. He’d never admit it, but he loves the challenge. He knows she’s secretly submissive, and he’s going to get her to submit to him. “I swear to god, bunny, open your fucking mouth.”
He grins when she complies, sliding his cock across her tongue and sighing at the warmth of her mouth. His other hand finds her hair, tangling into her locks as he thrusts into her mouth.
He looks down at the girl in front of him, eyes glassy as he pushes further down her throat. Watching as she gags. “See. That wasn’t so fucking hard.” His breath hitches when she gags slightly around him again. “It’ll find you well to follow my orders. No one likes a bratty whore.”
Her eyes are watering as he continues to thrust himself into her mouth, holding her against him here and there. The tears and spit mixing as they fall to her chest. She moans around him, causing pleasure to surge through him.
He looks down at the messy girl and laughs, “not so tough with my cock down your throat huh?” He wipes a tear that falls, “such a pretty slut when you cry for me. All that shit you talk I knew your mouth would feel like heaven.” Her eyes roll into the back of her head, a moan vibrating him. He curses under his breath before pulling her off of him, leaning down to kiss her.
He unties her as he kisses her before pulling back to mutter, “hands and knees on the bed. Now.” When she rises to her feet, he thinks she going to listen.
But he’s quickly proven wrong, “why would I listen to a fucking dumbass?”
Spencer swears he sees red, lunging at her as he grips her hair with one hand. Her throat in his other as he dares her to repeat herself. “The fuck did you just say to me?” She smirks as his hold gets tighter, “no go ahead you little whore. Say. It. Again.”
Her voice is strained but dripping in sarcasm, “why. Would I. listen. To a. fucking. Dumbass.” The click of her tongue seals her fate.
He shoves her on the bed, pushing her onto her back. His knees on either side of his hips as he hovers over her. A hand grips her cheeks. She opens her mouth, her tongue falling out as she waits for his move. He spit in her waiting mouth, smirking when she swallows it down. His lips find hers in a bruising kiss as his hand moves from her face to her dripping core. She gasps as his fingers find their way into her panties, costing themselves in her essence before beginning to rub on her clit.
“Fuck! Spencer!” She calls into the kiss and his dick jumps at the way she calls his name.
But he’s cocky, his fingers moving faster as he says “it’s doctor to you.”
He pushed two fingers inside her, curling them to stroke her sweet spot. His thumb rubs her clit and he pushes her to the edge, slowing when he sees the muscles tense in her belly.
“So close. Please, Spencer,” her voice breathy and so fucking beautiful.
“Say it. Call me doctor and you can cum.” But she shakes her head, not willing to give him the satisfaction. No matter how bad she wants to finish. And he knows it, “just say it. I can do this all night, bunny.”
She lets out a low groan, her pussy clenching around his digits. “We both… oh, fuck… we both know know you won’t last five minutes.” He works her faster, enjoying the struggle in her eyes.
“I think you’re confusing me with your last hook up, baby.” He coos at her. If he wasn’t so desperate to see the way she came undone at his hand, he’d really not let her finish. But he’s desperate.
He retracts all touch when he knows she can’t hold out any longer. Watching as her orgasm fades and her frustration grows.
“Come on, baby.” He says as he circles her clit. “Just say it and I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted.” And he would. He’d give her the moon if he could.
“I- god! You couldn’t give me what I want.” She knows she lying but she can’t help it. Her stubbornness taking hold.
Spencer softens, looking down at her with puppy eyes as he works her slowly, her body welcoming him with ease. “Is that what you tell yourself?”
And she sees it then. How this is more than hate. More than lust. And all she can manage is a strained “Spence…”
He kisses her. Passionate and filled with love. His hands pull off her panties before unclasping her bra, leaving her bare to him for the first time.
He pulls back and his eyes drink up the sight of her. “You’re so… perfect.” She feels her face heat up at his gaze and his words.
She laughs, “I know. That’s why we’re here.” And it reminds him of how they ended up here in the first place.
Spencer gets between her legs, pulling one over his shoulder before lining himself up. “Are you sure you want this?” He asks.
He’s met with an enthusiastic nod, “prove to me you can last. Prove you can give me what I want, doctor.”
So, he sinks in with a satisfied smirk, hissing at how warm and tight she is around him. He’s positive he’s never felt anything like her. Nothing can ever compare to her.
His pace is rough and brutal. But she loves it. Her moans ringing out into the quiet hotel room. She doesn’t care who hears because to her, there is no one else except for him and her. Her mind filled with nothing except the feeling of Spencer inside her.
Her nails drag down his back, red marks following after her fingers. And Spencer feels honored to be marked by her. But she feels the same. His head in the crook of her neck, his lips and teeth leaving marks that will be purple by morning. Marks so dark she won’t be able to cover them with makeup. She’s to lost in the feeling of him to care.
He rests on his forearms as he fucks her hard and deep. His thumb swiping at her cheek to ground himself.
“You feel so fucking good, bunny” he pants into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “I’ve wanted this for- fuck- for so long. To be tangled up in you.” He admits.
She meets his thrusts, her hands finding their way into his hair and pulling him till their lips meet. He swallows her moans and she swallows his. Her cunt squeezing him tight as she tries to push off her orgasm. She doesn’t want this to end. Afraid of what will happen when it does.
“All you had to do was ask, doctor.” He groans at the use of his title. His hand finding home at her clit. His end is close and he’s desperate to help her find hers. He needs to feel her.
“I couldn’t. Couldn’t admit it. Shit baby.”
She gasps when he hits a particular deep point inside her, “right there baby! Fuck right there! S-so close”
He works her clit faster, thrusting hard into her as he feels her on the edge of relief.
“Cum for me, bunny. Need to feel you cum on my cock.” He’s begging her. And it sends her over the edge.
She cums to the tune of his name, her pussy clenching around him. Her eyes are rolled back and her mouth is hung open in a silent scream. She looks beautiful. So beautiful that brings Spencer to his end. The waves of pleasure washing over him as he pulls out, spilling all over her chest and stomach.
She watches him the same as he watched her. Admiring the way he looks when he doesn’t have a care in the world. Admiring the genius when he thinks of nothing but his pleasure. It’s fascinating if she’s honest.
But then reality sets in as he climbs off of her and pulls on his boxers. They’re quiet as he cleans her up. But they wouldn’t call it awkward. More like ‘holy fuck. I just fucked my least favorite person’ type of energy. And they’re both terrified of what’s next.
Y/N moves to get off his bed, but Spencer grabs her hand before she gets far.
“I-I’m sorry.” He hands her a sweatshirt, some boxers and some sweatpants. She takes them gratefully and dresses. They’re warm and they smell like Spencer. She’s in heaven.
He pulls her into a tight hug. His face in her hair as he takes her in, “you didn’t deserve the things I said about you. I just…” he pulls back, using his fingers to have you look at him as he continues, “you just intimidate me. No one can keep up with me like you can. And I guess I didn’t know how to handle that. And I’m sorry.”
She smiles a large, toothy smile at him before puckering her lips for a kiss. A kiss he happily grants her.
“I accept your apology. And I’m sorry for always picking fights with you.”
It’s quiet for a moment, Spencer searching for what he wants to say next. But eventually he just comes out with it.
“Stay. Forever. I can’t pretend to hate you anymore. I-I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted.” He sighs, “I want to love you the way you deserve…”
She can’t speak. The lump in her throat preventing words. So she hugs him, pulling him tightly into her.
“Please…” Is all she can manage. But it earns her a kiss and a push to the bed. She crawls in and he gets in behind her, wrapping himself around her.
And their almost asleep until their phones buzz from their place on the night stand. She reaches for hers, making sure it’s not important. And what she finds is a little message from Morgan, aka, Spencer’s hotel neighbor.
Chocolate thunder: now that we’re done with that… so glad you two will finally be getting along.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having come clean about being single for a very long time now and considering herself completely out of the dating scene, Y/N’s confession is taken and responded to with a ton of kindness, especially from a special someone...
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was such a joy to write! I’m so sorry for the long wait you had to go through but the fic is finally here and I hope you enjoy reading it! Love, Vy ❤
I roll out of bed with little to no desire to start my day. We haven’t got a scheduled stream for today and the clouds glooming in the sky seem to be promising rain so really what do I have to get up for except that it’s a rule society installed?
Just kidding, I’m basically stalling and that’s all.
So what happened was the streamer gang and I were playing Among Us last night and our conversation during the pause between rounds somehow swerved into relationship territory. I stayed quiet the majority of if not all the time because I had no valid input to offer. 
If you know me you know I’m not one of the performers on the dating scene. I have never really confirmed it with my fans - well, until last night, that is - but I bet they have picked up on that fact considering I’ve been on YouTube for around a decade and have never had a partner. That being said, I’d have to also mention that I have in fact dated but someone but it was before my YouTube era started. Me choosing this career path, which back then was just a hobby, had nothing to do with the relationship ending but it still motivated me to not to actively look for a relationship while I’m still focused on my career. It’s too much work, too much stress and requires a lot of balance I most certainly either don’t have or I don’t have the energy to put in balancing my romantic and professional lives. Luckily, no one’s ever pressured me into finding a significant other, not yet at least, so no societal pressure for me!
But I gotta admit I felt real awkward admitting all this last night.
“Hey Y/N what do you think? You’ve been awfully quiet?“ Rae asks, causing me to jolt in my seat from where I’ve been reading my chat for the past five minutes, my mic muted.
I quickly unmute to reply, blushing ever so slightly, “Um, sorry I was reading my chat. What do I think about what?”
“The gesture of giving flowers to your significant other, is it romantic or a waste of money and plant murder?“ Rae explains, still managing to catch me off-guard with her question.
I ponder what my response should be for a little bit before deciding to level it to a neutral level where I almost sound indifferent, “It is in fact plant murder basically and artificial flowers would definitely be a better gift - plus they’ll last longer.”
“Mhmm yeah that’s true.“ Poki agrees with me, “But there’s still the question of whether it’s a romantic gesture or not. I personally don’t think it’s overrated or cheesy, I actually quite like it. What about you, Y/N?“
And now she’s got me in a real trap that I can’t wiggle out of without speaking my truth. I don’t know where this sudden anxiety around the subject came from but it now resides within me rent free and makes me feel self-conscious and embarrassed of the confession I’m inevitably make.
“Um, I wouldn’t know for certain, I’ve never received flowers myself...“ I say sheepishly, cringing at the sound of my own voice, “It’s not like I’ve dated plenty of people and the one guy I did date wasn’t really romantic or anything, I mean - we were teenagers, after all. But when I think about it in theory I think I’d like the gesture: it’s thoughtful, plus you get a temporary but beautiful piece of décor out of it.“
I’m gonna hope I didn’t sound too pitiful or desperate. Of course I’m not gonna check afterward on the stream cause I’d rather live in the illusion of having sounded humorous rather than be given the confirmation that I didn’t.
“Wait, wait, wait, did you date your last boyfriend like a decade ago?“ Corpse is now the one talking and that makes me feel even more anxious. This is not the impression one would want to give to their crush, is it? Oh well, no turning back now.
“Correct.“ I reply with a laugh that I hope didn’t sound as nervous as it was.
“And you’ve never, like in your whole life, received flowers from someone?“ He sounds astonished which sort of makes me want to shrink up in my shell like a turtle. Too bad I don’t have a shell though. I’m genuinely thinking of the option to rip the router out of the outlet right now to save me the troubles but I’m not that immature. I’m surprised I’m even reacting this way - this topic doesn’t usually bother me at all but now for some reason I’m red as a tomato and shrinking in my chair. 
I know what the obvious answer is but I’d rather die than admit to it.
“Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds bad but I really don’t care.“ I make an attempt at changing the subject, swerving it back to the main topic rather than my lack of a love life, “I do, in fact, find the gesture sweet - it adds vibrancy to the relationship just like the flowers would add vibrancy and color to the space they’re put in.“
“Oh my gosh, that’s such a cool analogy!“ Rae gushes, “You’re totally right, it might be an old trick, but it’s aged like fine wine.“
Phew, God bless you Rae.
“Exactly, exactly.“ Corpse agrees as well but I don’t think he’s fully heard what Rae said since he sounds to have fallen in deep thought.
At least I got away with it with only making a SLIGHT nervous wreck of myself.
Yikes, was that horrible, though I don’t people will remember it for long. Sure, my fans have sent me thousands of lovely messages and pictures of bouquets and will maybe continue sending them for another day or two - which I highly appreciate, don’t get me wrong. I’m severely touched by this gesture of theirs and it almost makes me glad I finally ‘came clean’ about my romance-less life - however, it’ll fade overtime. I mean, who the heck cares if I’m single or not?
As I pour the milk over my cheerios which I’ve been snacking on dry for the past half hour as I rifled through the many notifications clogging up my lock screen, I hear the doorbell ring. I’m understandably puzzled by this, seeing as how I never get visitors so that doorbell rings only when I’ve ordered something, be it takeout or a random item off Amazon. However, I can’t remember ordering anything, at least not anything that should be arriving at the moment or even anytime soon - that glow-in-the dark curtain isn’t supposed to arrive until next week.  I make my way to the door, unbothered by the fact I’m still in my pajamas, and take a look through the peephole.
It’s a delivery guy...and he happens to be holding a huge-ass bouquet.
“What the...“ I mutter to myself as I unlock and swing open the door in the blink of an eye, “Hi?“
“Hi there, are you Y/N L/N?“ The delivery guy, who I’ve seen many times before and who I’m on pretty friendly terms with, asks me jokingly, sending a wink my way.
“I sure am.“ I reply, my gaze fixated on the breathtaking flowers he’s holding, “But those can’t be for me, that’s for sure.“
He fishes looks at his clipboard one more time, nodding before he looks back at me, “I double and triple checked, Y/N, they’re for you. Here, have a look if you don’t believe me.” He turns the clipboard  for me to see and he is actually telling the truth. I mean, I doubt he’d have any reason to lie to me but mix-ups happen all the time.
“Um, ok thanks. Sorry for the halt, it’s just...I’d hate to be the recipient of the flowers meant for another girl.” I apologize as I take the bouquet for him, still in awe of the fact I’m the one it was made and meant for and sent to.
I say a quick ‘bye’ to the delivery guy before practically running inside to inspect this bouquet for a card from the sender. I have my guesses: it has to be someone who was present during the stream last night and someone who knows my address. Hopefully it’s someone from my friend group and not a fan who watched the stream and just happens to know my address. I’d still appreciate the gesture, but I’d also install security cameras if that was the case.
Something about the color scheme of the flowers - pink and black - gives me Rae vibes since she constantly teases me about my aesthetics contradicting each other. But then again, Poki does it too so it could be her as well....
                                                               ~ ~ ~
I’ve been sitting here, keeping myself a safe distance from my phone so I’m not the first one to send her a text. So I don’t ask if she got what I sent her. So I don’t ask what she thought of it, how the bouquet looks in her living room, how it smells, how it makes her feel. I have so many questions so that phone is best off at a major distance from me. I’m the one who’s better off with such a huge distance between me and the device, to be perfectly honest.
Was it a bad idea? Should I have slept on it - or just thought about it longer cause sleep and I don’t get along? Should I have at least waited a day or two? Should I-
My phone vibrates with a notification and I practically fly to it from across the room, grabbing it and unlocking it asap. My heart sinks and takes off like a rocket simultaneously when I see I’ve been tagged in Y/N’s Instagram story. I nervously tap the notification that sends me to the picture of the bouquet I sent her with some text written over it.
“Thank you, Romeo ;)“
Somehow that one sentence answers all those aforementioned questions.
Is this what people refer to as butterflies in one’s stomach? Cause it feels significantly more like a crush...oh wait.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76
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I'm simping hard for Mason and Bailey, so could we get mutual non-con with them? Also maybe with the person forcing the non-con degrading m!Mason and or m!Bailey about forcing them breed f!pc?
Like maybe Leighton wants to watch the hot swim teacher pipe that pretty little thing that wont let him photograph their gentiles, so he threatens Mason's job if they dont fuck in the locker room so he can watch. He knows pc is Mason's favorite, that Mason might actually have caught feelings. He's seen them hanging out outside school.
Or for Bailey, it could be that someone was pissed they couldn't buy you since you were paying your dues, or maybe Bailey just didn't like their vibe. They hold pc and their pissed off caretaker at gun point and make them screw. Bonus on the forced breeding kink, since bailey def doesnt want kids, and I cant imagine any PC wanting to put another kid in his care.
Sorry for the long ask 😅 Your writing is so good and you capture the characters so, so well. It really gets my imagination going.
Dear gods anon this haunted me from the moment I read it you're so smart I love you.
NSFW below (tw for noncon, loss of virginity)
Waking up tied to a chair and gagged isn't exactly how Bailey wants to start his weekend, but here he is.
It had been a simple task. Drop off some money at Quinn's office. That's all.
So when he'd been hit over the head and knocked out, it had been rather unexpected.
He can see a man in a tailored suit looking at him and he immediately recognises who it is.
The guy was with that drug gang Bailey had seen to a couple months ago. Saving you from them, his favourite pretty brat.
Trust you to get in drug trouble over a fucking maths competition.
"You're awake. Good. We can talk about how you owe me," the man says. Yeah cause Bailey could do a lot of talking right now.
The door opens, two henchmen dragging in a girl with a bag over her head.
Bailey knows it's you, can recognise your voice as you whimper in fear.
Someone that had been standing behind Bailey's chair comes forward and starts to pull the caretaker's pants down. He can't fight back, tensing his arms to check how tight the bindings are.
The person covers their hands in some weird clear slime they then proceed to rub on his freed cock. It's cold and tingles.
"This one's your most requested right? Always pays her debts though. It's cause she's a virgin isn't it?" The boss questions as whatever that salve was kicks in, stimulating Bailey till he's hard as a rock.
The bag is ripped from your head, your eyes scrunching up at the light. You look so scared and helpless.
"Well you're about to drive her value right down with your own cock, mate," the boss nods to his men and you're brought forwards, skirt of your school uniform ripped up and pantes cut off with a knife.
You start sobbing and begging as you're picked up and your pussy is angled so that they can push you onto Bailey's cock.
Bailey is still. Staring straight ahead, trying not to let the rage he feels show.
He shudders as your body is pushed onto his cock, having to admit its a nice tight fit. God you would have been worth so much.
You scream, pain from being taken for the first time with so little preparation adding to the stress of the whole situation.
The henchmen holding you lift and drop you onto your caretaker's length at a steady pace. You feel no pleasure in the situation, just deep sorrow and an itching need to run.
But you can only whine out "I'm sorry," to Bailey, unable to look at him in the eyes.
It feels good. You feel good - you feel wonderful and Bailey can't help it when his balls start to feel tighter.
Can't help it when a tingle grows up his spine.
Can't help his hips jolting up the tiniest bit to meet you, needing more friction so he can cum.
"Oh and one last thing. We injected the girl with some hormone treatment to make her more likely to get pregnant. Good luck selling a used up whore then," the boss finally interjects, but its too late.
Oh fuck no.
Bailey is already on the verge as the man speaks, ejaculated deep inside your pussy since the henchmen so kindly push you down when they notice his body spasm.
The men let you go, your arms coming to wrap around Bailey's shoulders as you cry into his neck.
"A few more rounds, I think. Let's get our money's worth," it's only now Bailey sees the camera pointed at the two of you.
"This time the girl will move herself," a gun is brought out and you wrap yourself tighter around Bailey's body, seeking comfort. You're still sat on his cock, that hasn't gotten soft even after his orgasm. Just what was that salve?
He's going to kill them when he gets out of this rope.
He can't belive he's doing this.
Can't believe he has your cunt in his mouth, tongue deep between the folds as he licks away.
He wishes it were under any other circumstances.
Leighton had always rubbed him the wrong way, but Mason loved swimming. Loved teaching, this was his perfect job.
And you were his perfect student.
So kind and understanding, so innocent compared to the horrors he dealt with most classes.
You'd been so shy when you'd caught him swimming naked, but had accepted it without judgement.
You had been lovely to talk to at the pond.
You clung to his hair so tightly as he ate you out, moans echoing through the locker room.
Leighton had threatened his job. Had told him he wanted a video of that good one getting ruined by a handsome man like Mason. Wanted to see the pretty thing impaled on his cock.
And it worked. The threat worked. But at least Mason was the one corrupting you, he reasoned. At least it was someone who genuinely cared for your wellbeing.
You were shaking like a leaf when he had explained the situation, looking between him and the headmaster, off the to the side holding a camera.
"If you don't do it, I'll send every university you apply to personal letters telling them what a whore you are," Leighton added, and you reluctantly let Mason strip your uniform and kiss up your thighs.
"She's wet enough," Leighton calls from behind the camera, admiting the flushed pink dusting your cheeks. Forced, yes, but your were enjoying this, weren't you? What a little harlot.
Mason frees his length from his swimming trunks, never having the chance to change from his last lesson.
Bending your legs up so they're pressed to your chest, he gently kisses your forehead.
"It's going to be okay," another kiss, "just breath nice and steady for me." It's the same soothing tone he used to teach you.
You take in a deep breath as Mason pushes himself in, inch by inch. Both of you try to ignore Leighton moving to get a better angle.
Soon enough, your teacher is balls deep inside of your virgin pussy, the two of you breathing raggedly while staring into each other's eyes.
You both look upset.
"Well fuck her then," the headmaster tuts, and Mason starts to thrust.
Your mouth falls open, an expression so lewd and lovely the teacher wishes he could have seen it in another situation.
Wishes he could have waited for your graduation and asked you out on a proper date.
Not lose himself in your cunt, on camera for the pervert blackmailing you both.
And he does lose himself, can't stop his hips from hammering away at the warm, tight, wet heat that sucks him in like it was made for him.
Mason can't last this long. He brings a hand to start rubbing circles around your clit, eliciting more moans and whimpers.
You're so pretty, so good for him.
"M-mason, sir," you yelp as he hits a nice spot, and his breath catches in his chest.
Leaning in, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and teasing.
Your walls tighten around his shaft, signifying your end coming soon and Mason increases the pressure on your clit.
You milk his cock so perfectly he cums right when you do, filling you up to the brim with seed and aware it was spilling onto the bench below.
He can't bring himself to let you go when he's done, has to keep you covered until Leighton puts that camera away.
"Excellent. Now, try to get used to each other, I won't be satisfied with only one tape."
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
reader’s old childhood nickname is bunny, so when Peter figures it out he can’t help but to refer her as that. and like....if you wanted to turn this into a smut—-😳—- it could be something along the lines of “bunny‘s like to bounce, right?” “Bounce for me” JSKSK excuse me as I do the walk of shame 😞
Taking fucking like rabbits to a whole different level lmfaoo
I really hope i did this justice
Main Masterlist
Warnings : SMUT! (dom!peter, sub!peter, face slapping, choking, oral [fem rec], innocence kink?, master kink [at the end tho and its like only mentioned once], excessive use of the word bunny)
Word Count : 1.5k
My Little Bunny
Dom!Peter Parker x Reader
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“So...” Peter started, leaning against the counter opposite you in the kitchen, “Bunny, huh?”
“Oh god not you too,” you groaned, thankful that your back faced his as you took care of the dishes in the sink, making it easier to hide your flustered face, “Just a stupid nickname my family use to call me when i was younger,”
“Bunny,” he tested the name on his lips, “I like it,”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, shaking your head at the thoughts that started to form in your mind. You felt dirty at what you felt when the name rolled off his tongue, so innocently but sinful at the same time sending shivers up your spine and shocks in places it shouldn’t.
You were a fool to think that peter didn't notice the change in tone of the room.
“Want to watch a movie after this bunny? or straight to bed,” he bit his lip, watching as you squirmed slightly at the name once again. He loved the power he had over you, how submissive you got with a simple word or touch. He had to admit he abused the power quite a lot, but to see your eyes roll to the back of your head as he fucked you senseless, it was worth it.
“Stop calling me that,” you grumbled, taking one of the dishes from the sink and pulling it in the dish water.
“Calling you what Bunny?” He smirked, biting his lip as he watched you clench your thighs, “You loved the name when we were younger, what happened now?”
“I’m not a kid anymore Peter,” you snapped, letting out a shaky breath after putting the last set of dishes in the machine.
Peter chuckled darkly, leaning off the kitchen counter and walking towards you, pressing his chest against your back. His hands landed on either side of you, holding on to the counter.
Trapping you in his cage.
“So it’s fine when your family says it,” he said into your ear, teasing the skin with light kissed that he trailed down to your neck, “But when i try it out its a problem? Why’s that bunny?”
“Peter,” you grumbled, trying your best to sound authoritative but the small whimper you let out told him otherwise, “Quit it alright?”
“No, no I don’t think i will,” bitting at your skin, “I like it, and i think I’d go as far to say you like it too,”
You bit your lip, holding back a another small whimper that threatened to escape your mouth, “No I don’t,” you gritted your teeth, planning on just turning in his hold and pushing him away, ready to get in bed and forget the night ever happened. But your boyfriend had other ideas.
His left hand raised off the counted, finding its place around your throat, pulling your head back look look him in his dark brown eyes that were clouded with lust. You whined at his movements, your own hands gripping at his, but not making an effort to pull them away.
“Don’t like it huh?” He raised his eyebrows mockingly, “So if i just moved my hand up,” his finger gripped at the edge of your skirt, pulling it up as his hand travelled up your thighs, “And rubbed your little clit, you wouldn’t be dripping wet for me right?”
“I-,” you gulped, closing your eyes as you bit your lip. You’d never experienced peter like this, so dominating and confident compared to the sweet baby boy you grew to love. Sure, you both had sex before, and as your friends would say it was pretty vanilla since it was your first times together.
But you’d be a liar if you didn't like this new side of him.
“Not gonna say anything?” He chuckled, trailing his fingers up the inside of your thigh, hovering it over your clothed heat, “Guess ill just have to figure out myself then,”
He pressed the pads on his pointer and middle finger against your clit, moving in slow circles around the fabric. You softly gasped at the contact, your hand shooting to his hair, tangling your fingers with he brown locks while the other stayed still on his wrist.
“You’re soaking bunny,” he pushed your panties to the side, teasing your lips with the pads of his fingers.
“Peter,” you managed to get out, trying your best to hide the moans digging its way out of your throat.
“S’that all you gotta say bunny,” his finger slipped into your tight hole, making your breath hitch, “I’m sure you could do better than,” his tone dropped an octave, “I’ve been kind so far, giving you what you truly want. But if you want me to continue, you’re going to have to tell me bunny, i cant do everything for you now can I?”
You didn’t responded, you didn't want to give peter the satisfaction of knowing how weak you grew with the dumb nickname. But a sharp slap to your right cheek broke you out of your thought.
“I’m trying to be nice here bunny,” he murmured, taking his finger out and continuing to rub against your clit, “But if your going to be a fucking brat, i have no problem leaving you here until you’ve learnt your lesson,”
“I’m sorry peter,” you finally said, missing the feeling of his fingers deep in your pussy.
“Good girl,” he rasped, letting go of your throat and turning you around, lifting you up and moving to the side to sit you on the clear counter. You wrapped your legs around his waist, grinding on the obvious bludge in his sweats.
“Don’t be greedy now,” he wrapped his hand back around your throat, squeezing tightly, loving how your mouth opened slightly and your eyes become cloudy, “Now tell me. What. Do. You. Want?”
“I want you to touch me, please peter,” you begged, finally breaking, grabbing at his shirt, “Please, fuck,”
“I’m already touching you bunny,” he replied smugly, chuckling at your pleas, “Going to have to be more specific than that,”
“Your mouth, please!” You cried, “Fuck, please, Peter,”
“Anything for you bunny,” he mumbled, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead before moving down your body. On his trail down, he took off your top along with your bra, placing light feathery kissed on your buds briefly before moving down to your skirt.
He bunched up the material at your waist, revealing your cotton panties that had a visible wet spot making you look away in embarrassment.
“Well, you wont be needing this anymore bunny,” he mumbled kneeling on the hard floor before ripping off the panties and diving into your soak heat, giving a bold lick up the middle of your cunt. He bit and sucked at the sensitive skin, moaning at your sweet taste.
“Holy fuck! Peter!” yous screamed throwing your head back as you grabbed at his hair, tugging on his soft locks.
“Keep yours eyes on me bunny,” he mumbled into your pussy, sending vibrations up your body, “Look at who’s making you feel so good,” he wrapped his arms around your thigh, pulling you closer into his tongue.
Peter smirked into your heat, running his finger through your clit then into your tight cunt, moving slowly in and out. He latched his mouth on to your little bud, sucking and licking softly, listening to your noises, taking his time to make sure you were enjoying the pleasure he gave you. You whined at his slow movements, tugging harder at his hair causing him to let out a small laugh, looking up at your pathetic state.
“What’s wrong bunny,” he fake pouted, raising his head from your pussy but keeping his fingers moving, “I thought this is what you wanted?”
“Faster,” you mewled, “Please,”
“Hmm, Whatever my bunny wants,” he added one more finger before plunging into you, moving in at out at an impossibly fast past. His mouth lapped at your clit, slow and calculated, a clear difference to his fingers moving quick, hitting all the right places rapidly.
“Peter,” you moaned, trying your best to keep eye contact with him, but the pleasure was so intense, sending your head flying back.
“Go on bunny, cum for me, cum for your master,” the name fell out of his mouth so fluently, sending you over.
Your thighs shook around his shoulders as your hips jutted out at the shocks moving throughout your body. You’ve never had an orgasm so intense before with the combination of his teasing and calculated movements you knew it would be your last.
“Good bunny,”
Oh, and that stupid nickname.
You hummed, trying your best not to slouch back or forward, knowing that if you did you’ll most likely hit your head on the corner fo hard stone. Peter took note of this, trailing kisses up your body before brining your chest against his, allowing your to sag against his clothed shoulder.
“Oh we’re going to have so much fun bunny,” he growled, biting the top of your ear, “My little bunny,”
Permanent TagList : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7
Peter Parker TagList : @ietss @itscaminow
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[SUMMARY: Negans wives become jealous after he begins to like the new woman who has joined the sanctuary. Taking advantage of her innocence and English not being her main language, the girls plot against her, making Negan go back on one of his own rules.]
Got Negan speaking some spanish.
Negan and Valentina. PART ONE
"My oh my..." Negan squinted his eyes at the sight of you across the room from him. Not paying attention to who was watching you, you continued organizing cans of fruit as you were told to do that day.
"Is that the new chick you bought here this morning?" Negan looked over at Simon beside him.
"Yeah, I put her on supply duty. Her english isnt so good but she moves quick."
Negan looked back at you, your caramel complexion and long wavy hair catching his attention.
"And why the hell have I not been introduced to her?" Negan responded with a raised brow.
"You're the one who said not to bother you if I found people I felt could fit in here. Trust my judgement, dont you?" Simon asked Negan noticing he wouldnt take his eyes off you.
"Of course I do. I also trust you to tell me when a fine piece of ass joins us, she might want to join the others," he explained referring to his wives. His response causing Simon to shake his head.
"Ehh...shes a little different from the other ones buddy. That's why I didnt mention her."
"Different? How?" Negan asked with interest as he turned to Simon.
"Shes a quiet one."
"The quietest ones are the freakiest," Negan grinned as he chewed on a toothpick.
"What's her name?"
"Valentina," Simon answered crossing his arms. Negan slid the toothpick around his mouth with his tongue before pulling it out and flicking it to the side.
"I'll be right back," Simon watched as Negan made his way to you knowing exactly what he would try to do.
"Excuse me, Miss Valentina is it?" Negan spoke in a charming voice as you continued organizing the cans straight in a box.
"Shit, I dont think I've been properly introduced to you. I do run this place so I should know everyone here, shouldn't I?" Immeditaly you stopped what you were doing and looked up at him with a look of embarrassment.
"I did not know this was your place. My apologies." Negan frowned at you not expecting your politeness or being so attracted to the sound of your accent.
"No need for an apology, darling. Im Negan and it is my upmost pleasure to meet you." Negan spoke charismatically as he slowly checked out what was before him from head to toe. The look of innocence pulled Negan more towards you. Smiling at him you shyly crossed your arms not knowing what else to say.
"How about I give you a tour of my Sanctuary."
"A tour?" You answered with a puzzled expression.
"What's that?" You asked, not knowing too much English there was many words you did not understand.
"A tour, when someone shows you around. Shit, I'll be your personal host. What do you say, honey?"
"Oh, I guess. Yes." Your response exciting Negan.
Negan showed you the men at work, he showed you where everyone got together to eat and then he left his wives for last. He led you into a room with four women. Slightly confused by how they were dressed and how their faces changed when they saw Negan, you did not say a word.
"Dont be shy, sweetheart." Feeling his hand on your lower back as he gently pushed you close inside you smiled nervously.
"These women here are my dear, dear wives." Negan looked back at you to see your reaction. With a frown you looked at each of them as they stared back at you.
"Wives? All of them? I dont understand."
"Mmmhm." Negan bit his bottom lip with a smile.
"These women get special access to many things here at the Sanctuary and all they have to do is be my wife."
Negan explaining to you the rule did not notice the way one of his wives Sara, was looking at you. Right away you began to feel uncomfortable that this man had all these women, you were not sure if he was trying to come on to you with the offer.
"That is um....very nice-" you struggled to find the right words as you took a step back.
"I should get back to my work," Negan fully turned to you with your response.
"See that's the best part," he spoke in a matter of fact tone.
"As my wife you dont have to do any of that work, sweetheart." Standing still, you observed the way he looked at you. Clearly, he was attracted to you.
"In my country...we work for our needs. We work hard...nothing is for free."
"Hm," Negan responded as he looked down at you. He respected your way of thinking, if anything it made him more interested.
"I cant argue with that, darling." Negan winked at you as he stood beside you. The women watched the way he placed his hand on your lower back once again as he led you out of the room. You were the first woman to deny Negans offer but they saw the way he looked at you. They could tell he liked you and they didnt want to share Negan with anyone else.
The next few days you continued to work with the supplies as you had planned. Negan watched as you helped around with the kids, he thought you were a very sweet woman. He thought you had a softer touch than the others. Today you took a different task and helped with the cooking, you didnt notice how much Negan had his eyes on you. The man was captivated by your beauty. As you cut up the vegetables in the kitchen, Negan quietly entered. Humming to yourself, he entered the room and took it upon himself to stand beside you.
"Mind if I keep you company, sweetheart?"
"If that's what you like," your accent making him smirk. Negan leaned against the counter with his arms crossed, an amused expression on his face.
"What?" You looked up at him confused.
"Nothing...its just the way you speak."
His response making you frown, you weren't sure to be offended or not.
"What's wrong with the way I speak?"
Negan chuckled as he stepped closer to you.
"Oh...absolutely, nothing. I actually find it kind of..sexy." He answered with a grin making you look away shyly.
"I know men like you." Negan frowned as you responded with a soft voice.
"Men like me? What's that suppose to mean?"
"Que se-" you cut yourself off not meaning to respond in spanish.
"I mean-"
"Woah woah woah. What was that?" Negan leaned in closer to you.
"Were you about to just tell me off in Spanish?" He asked with half a smile, he couldn't deny it. The sound of you losing your patience in your first language aroused him.
"Please....go on," Negan teased.
"What I was going to say..was that-"
"In spanish, Valentina," the sound in his voice sounding like an order.
"Te gusta coquetear. You like to flirt...you chase after many women...womanizer."
"Mmmmm..." Negan bit his bottom lip and shook his body liking the sound of you talking in your language before he took another step closer.
"Well just for your information, Valentina. I dont chase after women, I flirt. But I cant help when a woman catches my eye like no other has..." His husky voice making you look up at him staring directly down at you.
"And I have to admit, you've really caught my eye." You could feel your cheeks begin to blush before turning away shyly.
"I better finish cooking." Nervously you responded continuing to chop up the vegetables as Negan remained beside you. Feeling his eyes heavily on you, you began to cut faster when suddenly you sliced your finger.
"Ow!" Negan turned serious at the sound of your scream.
"Shit." He instantly took hold of your hand taking a close look at your cut.
"I'm fine, I just-"
"Come here." Negan took you by your wrist to the table and sat you down across from him.
"Its nothing, Negan-"
"You cut yourself pretty fucking deep." Negan pulled out a small bottle of whiskey from his pocket and opened it with his mouth before quickly pouring some on your wound. You gasped trying to pull your hand back but he held you tightly.
"Easy, honey." Negan blew lightly on your wound as he looked at you and relieved the burning sensation.
"Better? Or am I going to get told off again in spanish?" Negan teased making you playfully scowl at him.
"Let me see this." Negan grabbed a cloth and patted it dry. Quietly you watched how gently he moved, how softly he touched your fingers. You had to admit, you were surprised to see a man like him move so lightly with his hands. He seemed so concerned with your wound. Sara, one of his wives unexpectedly walked in catching your hand in his as he treated you. Quickly you pulled away and stood up noticing the irritated look in her eyes.
"Sara, you need something?" Negan turned to her as she changed the expression on her face.
"No, we were just looking for you. All of us have been looking for you." Sara responded as you turned away wrapping your finger in a bandage.
"Alright. I'll be right there. You can go." Sara not liking his response turned and left the room as Negan stood up and walked towards you.
"You always carry a bottle of that stuff on you?" You asked with your back to him.
"Some times, never know when a pretty lady might accidentally wound herself." He teased making you laugh.
"I'm not so bad after all, am I?" His voice made you smile as you tied your finger up.
"You're still a womanizer," you responded playfully.
"Till one catches my eye." Negans tone wasnt as playful as yours, he meant what he said. Not knowing what to respond to that you changed the subject.
"Well thank you, even though it burned," you laughed as he stood behind you.
"I would've finished taking care of it if you didnt get up and run away so fast."
"Its okay, you're a busy man. Your wives are waiting."
"Let them wait." Negan responded not knowing Sara was hearing eveything behind the door. Never had Negan neglected his time with his wives before and they did not like this.
"I got it. Let me finish cooking, I'll see you around." You turned to him with a smile before continuing to make dinner.
Sara had already been complaining to the other women on how much attention Negan had been giving you. Not realizing just how much these women were growing to despise you, you went about your days not thinking of them. Negan on the other hand bought a smile to your lips everytime he came to mind. Everyday he took time out of his day to have some conversation with you. You would always catch him staring at you from afar, it made your heart flutter. He respected the fact that you didnt want to be one of his wives, that you werent like the others but that's what seemed to make him like you more. A couple days later you found yourself back on supply duty. Negan stood by the door as you marked off the number of each item on your clipboard.
"Everything going good?" The sound of his voice instantly make your heart skip a beat. Turning to him with a sweet smile he walked towards you.
"Yes, everything is great."
"Let me take a look at what you've got going on here." Negan stood right behind you looking over your shoulder as he read over what you had written down. The feel of his body so close behind you made your breathing begin to grow unsteady.
"Shit, this looks about right." He murmured behind you. Negan took a peak at the sight of your cleavage watching your chest rise and fall quickly, he could tell you were nervous with him standing so close.
"So, is good?" You questioned him before swallowing nervously.
"Valentina, tell me...how do I say 'very good' in spanish?" He asked close to you.
"Um..its muy bien," Negan licked his lips at the sound of your voice.
"Muy bien," Negans deep voice sent shivers down your spine, you had to admit he sounded smooth.
"Did that sound good?" He asked slowly, it was hard not to show how much you liked it.
"Mhm," Negan grinned behind you hearing the nervous excitement in your tone.
"How about..beautiful?" You suddenly felt Negans hand gently take hold of your waist making you softly gasp.
"Say it." Taking a deep breath you hesitantly responded.
"Hermosa," he whispered behind your ear seductively, you could tell he was trying to turn you on and it was working until you remembered his wives.
"Negan-" you spoke breathlessly finally turning to face him.
"What are you doing? You know how I feel-"
"No I dont. Tell me again," his eyes were intense, he was turned on just as much, if not more than you were. His hands pulled you close against him as you looked up at him hesitantly.
"I'm not one of your wives...that's not who I am..we cant..-" you spoke but your eyes did not follow. He could tell how weak you were, how close you were to giving in to him. He leaned his forehead on yours, making you feel his breath touch your lips.
"Negan....I dont like being with someone who has...who has others."
"I havent touched them since we met," Negan spoke hoarsley. And it was true, the man couldnt bring himself to be sexually aroused by them with how much he thought of you since he met you. You found it hard to believe but it was true. Finally you both closed your eyes and let each others lips press against each other. Negan groaned with his mouth on yours, for so long he had been wanting to taste you. Not as one of his wives, not as just another woman he wanted but a woman he longed for. His lips trailed down the side of your jaw onto your neck as he sucked on it making you moan. Lost in the passion neither of you heard someone enter the room, that someone being Sara.
"Negan," her demanding voice making you jump back turning away from him as you fixed your hair.
"God dammit, what did I tell you about interrupting me?" He yelled at her in frustration.
"I'm sorry, I'll go." Embarrassed and angry, not expecting him to react this way, she left the room as Negan followed to where you moved.
"Now...where were we?" He pulled you against him making you put your hand to his chest to stop him.
"Negan no, I'm sorry. Those girls dont like me-"
"You think I give a shit?"
"Its not just that, I dont do this like this. I'm not one of them." You struggled to explain to the best of your ability in english. Negan felt frustration run through him, so turned on he could burst knowing he was so close to having you. So close until someone barged in and interrupted the moment. Negans breathing was heavy, you could tell how much he wanted you.
"Dont let her ruin what was happening between us."
"Its not her-"
"Then what the fuck is it?!" He suddenly yelled making you back away.
"You dont yell at me! Quien crees que eres!?" Negan raised his brows, a sudden smirk slowly forming on his face.
"So that's what it takes for you to talk to me like that huh? And what exactly did you just say?" Negan stepped closer as you crossed your arms holding the clipboard against you.
"Not that it matters because either way you sound so sexy..." Negan couldnt hide his arrogant and flirtatious side.
"Who do you think you are?" You repeated so he could understand.
"Thinking because you are the leader of this place you can yell at me or fuck me when you want-"
"Oh baby, talking dirty to me now?" Negan was amused by your reaction, his response only irritating you more.
"Alright, alright. I'm sorry." Negan finally gave in, as much as he liked the sound of you speaking in Spanish, he didnt like you being angry with him. As this whole time, you had never become angry with him.
"But if you must know, that's not the way I think, doll. I actually fucking like you." He admitted making you blush.
"Do I wanna fuck you? Of course I do, cant you see how fucking hard you have me? I can't lie about that but, I also fucking like you. Do you see me making any god damn time for my wives? Why do you think they constantly come looking for me when I'm with you?" Negan had a point, either way at that moment you didnt want to speak about it any longer.
"I think I should continue with my work, I'll talk to you later." Turning your back to him you continued to count over the items, Negan walked out in frustration cursing at himself.
Sara angrily ran to the other women and told them what she had just witnessed.
"So that's why hes barely been with us this past month, hes been with that broad," one wife complained.
"Hes never done this before when other women arrived, what makes that chick so special?" Another complained with frustration.
"I dont know but we've got to think of something to get rid of her. She needs to go." Sara responded when suddenly Negan pushed the door open.
"Sara, can I see you for a moment." Negan called out for her making her smile, not realizing Negan was in anything but a good mood.
"Yes, Negan," she responded happily as she closed the door behind her and faced him.
"Do me a favor dont fucking look for me unless I look for you. Dont ask of me, dont call for me, forget I'm fucking here. Understood?"
Sara's jaw dropped not expecting him to ever act this way with her.
"Y-yes. Sure." Angrily he walked off, only confirming the thought in her head that you indeed had to go.
Sara and the women had planned on introducing themselves to you, as they had never spoken to you themselves. As you finished organizing the supply room and locked the door shut you turned to find Negans wives standing outside the door.
"Um hi," nervously you smiled at them as you felt strongly that they disliked you.
"Hi, Valentina right?"
"My name is Sara, this is Susan, Sherry and Lisa."
"Hi, its very nice to meet you." You werent able to look Sara in the eye knowing she had just seen you and Negan together...kissing.
"I know, we havent really met..but why not right?" All the girls laughed simultaneously as you smiled awkwardly.
"We wanted to ask if you'd like to join us for dinner?"
"I-um sure," being completely caught off guard you weren't sure what to say. The girls happily walked with you to the kitchen and you sat with them quietly.
"Look Sara, about what you saw-"
"What about it?" Sara responded playfully.
"We've all been there with him, now it's your turn. Dont feel bad." She laughed as you felt a kick to your gut. You knew Negan had many wives and fooled around with everyone but you still didnt like hearing it.
"He did that with all of us, whenever one of us were new, we were his main priority for a certain time." She lied through her teeth, she knew none of them ever got personal treatment this way. She saw the disappointment in your eyes.
"Oh. I understand." Your expression quickly changing, the girls could tell you liked Negan and was hurt by what you heard.
Their plan of pretending to be nice to you to gain trust was working, the things they told you of Negan made you never want to speak to him. You felt like a fool falling for his words, how could you be so dumb? The man had so many wives and you for some reason thought you were special? Walking outside with them after dinner instantly caught Negans attention. He frowned and squinted his eyes from where he was watching you speak to his wives. Negan had a funny feeling about this and didnt like the sight of it.
"Oh shit, hes coming," you heard one of the girls whisper when Negan suddenly showed up before all of you, his eyes directly on you.
"Hi, Negan," they all spoke together while you stayed silent making him step up to you.
"I dont get a hello, Valentina?"
"Negan," you muttered low making him look at the other women strangely.
"Valentina....I'd like to have a talk with you. Alone."
"I'd rather not."
"I didnt ask," he shot back making you look up at him. Looking back at his wives as Negan walked ahead, you could tell they were annoyed but, what could you do. Quietly you followed Negan far from where his wives stood before he turned to you with a very serious look.
"I dont want you talking to them."
"Why not?"
"Cause I said so. I dont trust it," you scoffed rolling your eyes.
"What dont you trust? That they're making me see you for who you really are?"
Negan frowned stairing down at you, his eyes looking directly into yours.
"What are they telling you about me?" He spoke low leaning his face close to yours.
Before you could respond Sara suddenly appeared besides both of you.
"Negan I have to tell you something."
"God dammit Sara, havent you learned-"
"I'm pregnant," you gasped at her words. A heart sinking feeling as you felt a knot in your throat. Sara was desperate to push you away in any way she could.
"Excuse me?" Negan looked at her puzzled as he walked towards her slowly.
"I-I should go." You began to walk away before Negan reached back and grabbed your arm without turning back to you.
"No Valentina. Stay right here. Now, what the fuck did you say, Sara?"
"I'm- I'm pregnant, Negan."
"Bullshit," he responded coldly.
"What the fuck do you think you're trying to do?" He spoke with a low angry voice, he knew exactly what Sara was up to and he wasnt going to let it happen.
"Its true, I am."
"I havent touched you in over a month."
"Did you forget that time in the supply closet?" She asked with wicked eyes, you looked away in shock, feeling disgust.
"Oh you want to play that fucking game with me?" Negan yelled at Sara charging towards her as she stared up at him boldly.
"Go back to the fucking room. Get the hell out of my face." Sara looked over at you in disapproval before storming off back inside. Negan turned back to find you with glossy eyes, he could tell you were attempting to hold back tears.
"I should've known. I knew you was a womanizer, a man with many-many wives." You struggled to express yourself properly.
"Val, shes lying. I havent touched her since I met you. I didnt want to."
"My name is Valentina," you snapped at him with your accent emphasizing on your name.
"And it doesnt matter, we are not you know...um a couple or whatever-"
"We can be."
"I dont want to be one of your wives!"
"I dont want you as one of them god dammit, I dont even want them!" Negan yelled making you silent. You didnt know what to believe with everything they had told you.
"I just want to go to my room." You responded in a calm manner as you looked away.
"Then go," Negan walked off angrily that you wouldnt believe him, angry that he ever lived the way he did at all. Quietly you went off to your room just wanting to cool off. Negan headed to where the wives were to discipline them and happened to walk into the hallway hearing them talk their next plan out.
"We have to get rid of her, hes not giving up on her and shes-"
"Shes not going to leave, she has nowhere to go, " Sherry responded.
"And Negan sure as hell wont make her leave. We're stuck with her."
"Unless......unless we do something to her." Sara suggested as Negan over heard with a straight face.
"What do you mean do something to her? Like hurt her?" Susan asked in excitement.
"Yeah, I mean, Negan wont know. He can just think it's an accident." Negan pressed his lips together angrily at the thought of anyone hurting you.
"What do you girls say?" Sara asked looking at all of them eager for a response. It didnt take long for them all to agree. Negan had a rule to never hurt women, but hearing them even think of hurting you made him want to bend some rules.
"We'll just get her one day while Negans out of the sanctuary. Trick her into being alone with us-" The women suddenly gasped at the sound of Negan entering the room.
"Negan, we weren't expecting you," Sara laughed nervously hoping he hadn't heard anything.
"Oh, I know that," Negan responded sarcastically as he stood before them.
"I needed to have a talk with you ladies. Now you ladies know what one of my number one rules are, dont you?"
"Yeah, to not do any harm to women." Lisa responded confidently.
"Exactly, now what are some things I hate?" Negan stepped closer in a very slow manner.
"Lies," responded one wife.
"Being crossed," responded another as Negan slowly pulled out his gun.
"Exactly! Now do you ladies know what this is?" They watched as he placed a silencer on his gun before pointing it at a random space.
"Is that a-" before Sherry could finish he pointed the gun at Lisa and shot her dead making all of them scream.
"So I heard from a little bird that you guys had a plan." Negan pointed again and shot Sherry.
"Shit-" Sara muttered in fear in shock at the cold blooded action Negan was taking.
Quietly you sat on your bed not being able to stop thinking about Negan. Were you actually starting to have feelings for this man? Maybe you should've let him really express himself to you, you knew those women didnt like you after all. With a sigh you stood up and decided to go find Negan and really have a one on one conversation with him.
Negan had by now shot down everyone besides Sara, terrified she put her hands up as Negan walked towards her.
"You thought you could cross me and get away with it?" Negan smirked as she shook her head.
"I...I apologize. I p-p-promise I wont-"
"A little to late for that dont you think?"
Walking towards the main room you could see the door cracked so you knew he was in there. Just as you reached the door you slowly opened it to a sight you would never forget.
"Ne-" you gasped just as Negan pulled the trigger and shot Sara through the head. You let out a scream covering your mouth in shock, Negan turned to you as you observed what was before you.
"Valentina," the look of complete terror in your eyes you couldnt believe what you saw. Visibly shaking, your eyes fell on him then back to his gun still in his hand. Quickly putting it away he took a step forward making you scream taking a step back. Negan could tell he had just instilled fear into you, fear of him.
"Valentina, sweetheart.. I can explain."
Not saying a word as you struggled to breathe you slowly took another step back before making a quick run for it.
"Valentina!" Negan yelled running after you catching you from behind in the middle of the hallway. You screamed as he covered your mouth and held you against him not letting you go.
"I'm not gonna hurt you!" He yelled as you cried trying to get away from him before he pulled you down on the floor against him.
"Shh, listen to me," his hand still over your mouth as he held your arms down around you.
"I had to do it," Negan whispered in your ear out of breath. He could feel you trembling against him, he hated knowing he made you feel this way.
"You think I wanted to do that? You know I dont hurt women but...those women wanted to hurt you. And I wasnt going to fucking allow that." You cried trying to push his hands away, you didnt believe him.
"I know you're scared but you have to trust me dammit!" Negan having more strength than you exhausted you, finally you gave up out of breath against him. Feeling you relax in his arms he slowly dropped his hand away from your mouth. Hesitantly you looked back at him in a way you had never looked at him before.
"No.. don't do that." He whispered looking down at you.
"Dont look at me like I'm a damn monster," you couldnt help noticing the blood splatter on the bottom side of Negans face before looking back into his eyes.
"You killed those women..." you spoke in a shaky voice.
"You werent suppose to see that."
Shaking your head in disbelief you kept picturing all four of their bodies laying dead on the floor. You couldnt believe the same man so gentle with your wound could do so much damage. You had no idea the kinds of things Negan had done.
"No....I-this isnt right.." you slowly began to push yourself away before quickly standing up and rushing off. Just wanting to get away from him you ran into a random room not realizing it was his bedroom. Before you could rush back out Negan entered and locked the door behind him.
"Now you're gonna hear me."
"Negan, please I want to go. Please." You began to cry as he walked towards you with deeply knitted brows.
"You think I'm gonna hurt you?" You couldnt look him in the eye as he stood inches away from you.
"Those women wanted you dead which is why they're dead and you think I'd fucking hurt you?" Slowly blinking through your tears you looked up at him hesitantly.
"Dead?" You whispered confused.
"Yes they wanted you dead and they were going to hurt you the next time I wasnt around and I would've killed them then too." Looking down you noticed the view of his gun, instantly making you uncomfortable. Negan followed your eyes and could tell it made you feel unsafe.
"You want me to put it away, then will you fucking listen to me?"
Without you saying a word he slowly pulled it out of his pocket and hid it in a drawer beside him.
"Why?" You suddenly asked looking up at him innocently.
"Why what?"
"Why for me...you do this? I dont understand I-"
"I thought I made myself clear about that, sweetheart." Negan slowly stepped closer to you not wanting to frighten you.
"I cant help when a woman catches my eye and I haven't had a woman catch my eye in a long fucking time."
Got cut off with this post, I'll post part 2 in a bit!
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blxetsi · 4 years
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modern sasha braus dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!sasha braus x gn!reader
had to write something for my queen 😌✨
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- she shares her food with you. I Dont Care She Does
- also since this is a modern au i dont think she would have such an obsession with food as she does in the canonverse (if we can even call it an obsession) i still think she would have a big appetite (and she'd be proud of it tf 😏🙏) but i just dont see her always being hungry as the fandom makes her out to be
- really likes to hold hands with you
- i think itd be really cute if she was studying to become a baker ?? maybe taking a culinary course at the university you two attend ?? maybe you somehow met there or through a friend
- i think she'd still be insecure about her accent (ig if this is au is set in america she'd be from the south 😐🤚) and would speak kind of like a robot to people she didn't know that well
- connie and jean ALWAYS bring out her accent tho,, like with them she can really be herself
- i think when you were starting to get to know her she would be speaking very formally, and youd take it like shes being kinda stand offish or like,, just doesnt wanna talk so youre thinking "okay maybe she doesnt wanna be friends 😁👍" and would back off
- now sasha's upset because you are so cool and unique and she just wants to know so much about you but youve been very distant lately ?? like did she do something wrong ??
- she tells connie, jean, marco, and niccolo one night and connie and jean are on the side of "find y/n and demand to know why their behavior has changed" while marco and niccolo are on the side of "respectfully dm y/n and ask why they havent been wanting to see sasha recently"
- sasha goes with the latter of the two and dms you after passing you in the dining hall, you two literally keep glancing at each other, texting while you sit with your respective friend groups
- after everything gets cleared up sasha is immediately inviting you to hang out with her crew, and even getting some of her other friends like eren, mikasa, and ymir and historia to come join too
- if she has all the people shes comfortable with there, itll be less scary talking with her accent !
- You Love It. You Think Its Adorable.
- you guys would definitely have a friends to lovers type relationship
- like friendly hugs turn into slightly longer hugs, and now sasha will constantly ask to sit next to you during movie nights
- loves to rest her head on your lap while she spreads across the couch
- i think you two would have your first kiss in niccolos apartment
- you two were sitting in his kitchen, with sasha munching on the leftover food he made that night for your get together
- his mom had called him so he decided to leave to go to his bedroom to answer it
- and slowly you guys just kind of,,,, leaned in 🙈✨
- it was slow and really romantic, kinda rough with the crumbs that were around sasha's lips but you didn't mind
- niccolo barged in and ruined the moment 😐🤚 good going pal 😁👍
- you two were so shocked that you two tried to leave
- ended up just walking down the road in silence like wtf i thought yall were trying to get away from each other 😭😭😭😭
- sasha ended up staying the night 🤩‼️
- NOT in a sexual way
- but in like a,,,, rue and jules kinda way where jules comes in through the window (but only sasha didnt come in through the window she came in the front door with you) and you two held each other and gave each other smooches for the rest of the night
- sasha woke up late and missed her morning classes 😐🤚 didnt even care and went back to sleep with you
- i think for the most part you get along well with her friend group
- youre definitely closer to connie, jean, niccolo, marco, and historia
- ymir teases you guys a lot and you cant tell if what she says is just jokes (it always is) or if shes completely serious
- eren, mikasa, armin, annie, along with reiner and bertholdt are more of aquantances to you, just because you dont see them as often as you do the others
- she has such a weird relationship with her english professor
- will literally complain how much work he gives his class and then the next day will gush about how great he his bc he gave her a granola bar for her effort in her assignment
- girl pick a script and stick to it 😐🤚
- has a collection of stuffies on her bed. i dont make the rules.
- anytime theres a carnival in town she drags EVERYONE there.
- you all agree to split up into groups so you can all check out what you want, but you always agree to meet up and eat funnel cake together 🥺
- sasha tries to get you to win her new stuffies
- if you cant do it, or just want some for yourself, shes calling connie and niccolo up PLEADING with them to come find you guys,
- then she claims theres been an ACCIDENT and that you two need help
- niccolo is zooming bc he cares abt his besties 😌✨
- connie texts jean and marco to come find you guys too 😭😭😭
- who gets a kick and a lecture for lying courtesy of niccolo ? sasha. but who also gets a bunch of stuffies won for her courtesy of niccolo ? sasha.
- for your anniversary i think she'd want to do something really fun with you
- she'd set up a pillow fort and have a bunch ot string lights and stuff, have all of her favourite stuffies (which are the ones she thinks of you when she sees) in there too.
- she has chips, she baked little pastries and cookies, and she ordered your favourite takeout
- you guys just watch whatever you want on netflix or whatever and its such a nice night
- it becomes a tradition for you guys, but you two always take turns with setup
- one year sasha did all of the planning, baking and whatnot ? okay now its your turn 😁👍
- you guys even started doing themes now 🤩
- if you guys play board games with your friends youre on sasha's side whether you want to be or not.
- shes also the kind of person that says "i can win fair and square !" but then when bertholdt starts kicking her ass in monopoly her script changes real quick 🙄
- now its "y/n,,, give me some of ur money" and "y/n, buy this property for me" like girl,,,, what happened to playing fair 😍⁉️
- will try and do all of those s/o pranks you see on tiktok
- its hard to get a genuine reaction out of you bc you can TELL SHES RECORDING but she tries anyways
- we love a perservering queen 😌✨
- will call you at random times of the day asking if you guys can see each other
- "y/n ??? are you there ??" "sasha its 2am wtf do you want 😐" "do you wanna ride your bike with me down to the park 🥺"
- also is very observant, knows when youre overworking yourself
- will try and pull you away from what youre working on like "lets go get you something to drink, or maybe we can watch an episode of that show you like before you continue working !"
- if youre persistent that you just HAVE to finish it tonight and cant stop and take a break she'll respect that, until you stay at your laptop for over an hour 😐
- just softly pulls you away like "no lovebug, lets get some sleep okay ?"
- is also very protective of you
- overheard someone making fun of you ?? talking shit ??? her besties better hold her back before she gets suspended 😤‼️
- and since connie and jean absolutely ADORE you, you better believe theyre helping their girl sasha out
- those three are the LEADERS of the "protect y/n club"
- it just becomes niccolo and marco trying to dissolve the situation before it gets physical, and then reiner and armin joining when they walk directly into the chaos
- armin tells you what happened and as much as youre thankful that sasha cares about you so much that she'd defend you like that, you lecture her, jean and connie on not making scenes like that again
- sasha's love language is kind of like,, a mixture of quality time and physical touch
- she just really loves spending time with you, but also very much enjoys being in your arms
- she doesnt shy away from it, and is usually the one to initiate those things
- will hold your hand PROUDLY down hallways or on streets
- always hypes you up too, shes very much so your personal hypeman
- "oh lovebug you look SO GOOD rn oh my god" "sasha pls im in my pyjamas" "and you look like a model baby !"
- sasha is very stubborn however, and if you guys ever fight she is NEVER the one to apologize first, or seek you out to talk about it
- even if shes in the wrong she cant bring herself to admit it, she dug herself into such a deep hole with the stance she took that she doesnt want to take the walk of shame in admitting that she wasnt right
- this can cause a lot of problems in your relationship, but after you explain how much it affects you, shes trying to change
- will always work on her stubborn-ness and pride
- and it actually makes her feel a lot better being able to admit defeat, or being wrong
- she really likes being communicative and honest, especially with you
- i think overall your relationship with sasha is very very fun, filled with good memories, good food, good friends, and most importantly, love.
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no bc i really do love her 😐🤚 lemme marry miss braus rq 😏✨
hope u guys enjoyed !! remember requests are open so if you have anything youd like me to write DONT BE SHY ❤️‼️
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onlyinthepasttense · 4 years
ok ok ok so the Thoughts the Feelings the Thoughts and Feelings coming out of this episode that ive now listened to twice bc i cant keep shouting down the hall to my roommates 
sasha definitely shot juno on purpose STOP reblogging that post ok i was a FOOL and A CLOWN and ive changed 
BUT SHE DEFINITELY REGRETTED IT IMMEDIATELY there’s no way she didn’t did you see the way she immediately started trying to break the garage door down even though she had everything she wanted (smashed into a million pieces because she would rather have a curemother prime in a dumpster)
but im getting ahead of myself
the prank call only led to bad things but it warmed my heart to hear rita and buddy laughing like that , i really would do anything for them 
the fact that after man in glass petey and juno immediately started acting like they’d never stopped being together in the first place is so funny and not satisfying to the angst center of my brain at all, but SO satisfying to the true love center of my brain so i can’t even be mad
the conversation about the getaway means the world to me. the way it means nureyev didn’t really want to leave --like i know his room was all packed up and everything, which meant that he was still going to leave, but it means one of two things: 1. that he was going to leave LATER, after at least explaining himself to juno, because why would he make that whole stupid book to NOT tell him, and 2. that he was planning to tell everyone what he had planned to steal and ditch them with and he expected them to ASK HIM TO LEAVE so he packed up preemptively . nabbed everything cause if he was gonna lose his family he was at least going to get something out of it. 
“you all better not make me make that choice” GOD, IF YOU’RE LISTENING,
vespa saying ‘haha , wife’ 💗💗💗
further cementing the juno/curemother connection -- it screams at him when it’s in danger, and doesn’t seem to scream at anyone else , even when he isn’t even in the same room. it can be said that it screamed at him when sasha shot him bc it didn’t want to be hit, itself, but i like to think it didn’t want him to be hit either <3 . the fact that juno might have curemother In his fucking shoulder and blood now lol, that could be fun
the RETURN OF ‘YOU’RE FIRED’ AS CODE FOR ‘IM IN OVER MY HEAD AND AFRAID BUT I CAN’T SAY THAT OUT LOUD; I NEED YOU’ im literally never going to recover from this
learning that the only thing that separates dark matters from other criminals is political power.......... yeah that checks out. sasha’s gotten in too deep with people she can’t change but she doesn’t want to admit she’s wrong because she’s sunk decades of her life into trying. learning that sasha’s subordinates could only gain from her death and then she still goes back to them.... honey, are you ok? do you need anything? therapy? a smack to the head? a wake up call?
making the joke abt juno choosing mommy dearest..... sash, 
once again: sasha shot juno to maintain control because she recognized him as a weakness of hers instead of a friend who could be an ally, but she was shaking and tried to break down the garage door afterwards in a way she hadn’t tried while juno and jet had the curemother--which she wanted. 
the fact that peter either did not escape in the ruby OR that he did and then sent the ruby back to the carte blanche/the ruby left on its own for the family .. where did he go? where the fuck did he go?? 
the fact that the ruby is a shapeshifter... like-- i knew that, but it feels good to have that confirmed, i feel vindicated even if they didn’t give me the nureyev debt and extortion information i deserved that would’ve vindicated me even more 
i can’t imagine a world where jet and the ruby are more than twenty feet from each-other and i hate that by the way
but i am going to make so so many inspector gadget jokes going into season 4
in fact 
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the fact that juno spent this season growing to love the crew of the carte blanche and now he’s all on his own again is literally tearing me in half like a paper doll and i’ll never recover 
IF JUNO IS GOING TO VISIT SOMEONE HE KNOWS ON IO and he knows A HANDFUL OF PEOPLE OFF MARS -- NONE OF WHICH ARE KHANS --im THINKING it’s falco but i could be wrong. but if it IS falco it means we’re gonna get the JUNO HCPD BACKSTORY and frankly i am so so scared lol . also terrified we’re going to meet diamond and i don’t even know why bc we literally dont know anything about her i’m just nervous
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laraplisetski · 4 years
Dating Iwaizumi Hajime
A/n: This isnt related to the headcanons but I have this request for Seijoh’s libero and since I'm doing dating hcs for all of Seijoh by their jersey numbers. So anyways please wait a little bit longer as I might tag you in the dating hcs for Watari. Sorry for any mistakes tho.
Special announcement! 
I just reached a hundred follows today! Thankyou for for following me and I'm so thankful for all the support. If I could, I would try to show more gratitude in any way.
Words: 1790
Tags: @imthatchishiyasimp​, @kekozume​
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(These arms tho)
Iwaizumi routinely calls you something like baka or dumbass but he says it in good faith.
For example whenever you do something stupid Iwaizumi call you a dumbass.
But he doesn't mean it, it's just how he shows his worry.
He's just a big ass tsundere, you cannot tell me otherwise. 
A lot of people think Iwaizumi would be a gentleman but like I feel like he would treat you like Oikawa but like way less harsher. 
Like he would let you call him nicknames like ‘iWa-ChAn’ and just blush and call you dumbass.
*cough cough* tsundere *cough cough* 
Also he's bad at giving compliments,
Like you'll be wearing nice clothes that really fit your form and he’ll really like you wearing them.
And you'll ask him if he likes your clothes, and hell just blush furiously grab your hand and just start walking.
‘Iwa, do you like what I wore today? It's my favorite outfit.’
‘Ye-yeah, we have to go, we'll miss our bus.’
One time you guys had a huge argument over this.
You feel insecure because he treated you more like Oikawa who was his best friend than his s/o.
He tried really hard after that to compliment you whenever you looked good.
(In his opinion you always did)
And you really appreciated him trying.
After that your bond grew stronger as both of you knew that you would be willing to for the other.
As your bond grew stronger the more you started to open up to him about your struggles. 
Now Hajime isn't a very open person. (Well he is but he doesn't like to admit it.)
And he's a little brash and very straightforward with his feelings or his thoughts. 
So when you're acting down he straight up asks you what's wrong and doesn't consider that you don't/wouldn't want to talk about it.
This might make you a little more agitated since you're already very sad but when he realizes that you don't want to talk about it, he immediately regrets it and apologies straight away.
One thing I love about Iwaizumi as a character is that he isn't afraid to tell the truth even if he knows he's in the wrong. 
But these things only happened in the start of your relationship because when you two spend much more time together he starts to notice patterns in your behavior and how you act based on how you feel. 
That really helps him to know if you're sad, angry or irritated at someone. 
Later in the relationship, he knows when to comfort you, when to give you space and when to scold you. 
You really appreciate this because he doesn't sugarcoat his words and he gives you advice that is honest and comes from his heart.
Moving on, let's talk about his friends.
By friends I mean Oikawa. 
When Iwaizumi first got a s/o Oikawa was fuming because 
‘wHo wOuLd DaRe taKe mY iWa-cHaN aWay frOm mE’
Iwa slapped him on the back of his head after he said that. 
After that every time you would come to school, Oikawa would stick to Iwaizumi like a leech
(for comedic purposes of course)
Iwaizumi found it amusing at first how jealous you would be that Oikawa was getting all your boyfriends attention. 
But then as time passed you started waving to Oikawa whenever he was sticking with Iwa and he started waving back. 
After that you two developed a friendship.
You know what this means.
Hell for Iwaizumi has started. 
So Iwaizumi would always walk you to class in the morning and you guys would sit with Oikawa for lunch.
Now that you're friends with Oikawa.
Ohoho, I'm sorry Iwa you have to suffer. 
So you guys get along very well and Iwaizumi is very thankful for that because the two most important people (other than his family) are getting along.
It's fine for the first two weeks but then you and Oikawa develop this sibling-like bond.
It's almost identical to Iwa and Oikawa’s bond but because you share the same sense of humor Oikawa doesn't get teased.
Also one time Oikawa convinced you to call Hajime, Iwa-Chan for a day.
To say Iwaizumi was not pleased was an understatement. 
The good thing is Oikawa got the bad end of it but it was worth it.
Also you guys eat lunch together and you and Oikawa keep making bad jokes and Iwaizumi has no choice but to sigh and deal with it, cause he loves both of you.
Poor iWa-ChAn.
You also tend to stick up for Oikawa during practices when the team is teasing him. 
Due to you thinking of him as your little brother (It doesn't matter if you're older or younger Oikawa gives off major annoying little brother vibes.)
And the team cant rebel against you cause if they did Iwaizumi would murder them.
Other than that they absolutely love you cause you take care of the first and second years and keep them in line.
And you get along with Matsun and Makki and share memes with them.
Surprisingly Kyotani also respects you.
And he actually listens to your advice.
(Because of this Oikawa will whine about how no one respects him and goes on a rant and then you have to cheer him up while simultaneously giving everyone attention in the team.)
Being a team mom for Seijoh is very hard.
Also I feel like the reason Kyotani respected you when you became Iwa’s s/o was because you were Iwa’s s/o.
But now his view on you has changed.
He's very inspired by you and looks up to you.
He's always amazed by how you can be such a naturally caring person and be such a good leader and team player. 
He also might come to you for advice if he had an argument with someone.
If you're a volleyball player as well and you're good, be ready for Kyotani following you around everywhere asking questions.
It's sort of endearing.
You and Iwa and Kyotani have this parent-son relationship and it's so wholesome I swear.
(Please adopt him.)
You do not only help keep the team in check you help them with matches too. 
Like maybe getting their opponents videos for Oikawa. 
You also sit down with the first and second years to watch their opponents videos and point out what seems peculiar and what not. 
One time the person who usually took videos of the matches was unavailable so you went out of your way to do it yourself. 
When Iwa found out he hugged you really tight and had this proud look in his eyes.
I bet when Oikawa found out he just clung to you and started full on crying.
(You're basically their manager at this point.)
Also when the team found out that you taped it yourself and all that, their respect from you went out the roof.
Now you are a goddess among them.
(Kyotani literally be looking at you with star eyes)
Enough about the team tho
Let's get back to Iwa and you.
You always try to be sneaky and steal his clothes but he catches you midway trying to sneak one of his jumpers out.
But he lets you have them anyways cause you look fucking cute in them.
Whenever he sees you wearing his clothes this man just blushes like 50 shades of red.
(I'm sorry pun wasn’t intended)
But anyways what I'm trying to say is that he blushes a deep red and basically just becomes a stuttering mess.
You like kiss him on the cheek like this once and he's putty in your hands. 
I'm not even kidding.
Also Iwa’s pretty muscular so no matter how long you are his hoodies will always be loose on you in some way.
(sorry muscular people)
And Iwa finds it so cute like
His s/o in his hoodie that's all loose on them.
Just like internally crying at that point.
Also mind you Iwaizumi loves back hugs like. 
Imagine you are wearing one of his articles of clothing and you just casually back hug him.
Man will short circuit but will never admit he likes them because hes a 
But this might just be my love of back hugs talking who knows.
When he doesn't have practice he usually stays at home and cuddles with you or you have movie nights with Tooru but that is rare cause he has to take care of his cousin.
But you guys just calmly cuddle and no one is really speaking.
Just basking in each other's presence and being comfortable in each other's company. 
Sometimes one of you falls asleep and the other just strokes their fingers through their hair.
It's basically the same when he comes back from practice but the only difference is that he takes off his shirt and you massage his strong muscles with some oil. 
After that y'all cuddle but you're blushing the entire time because like Iwaizumi’s shirtless excuse me!
‘And this bitch just goes,
‘Take a picture it'll last longer’ 
Like what, how do you expect yourself not to short circuit.
And curse you Oikawa, you don't have to teach him the ways of flirting.
Usually you wouldn't react to that type of comment but he's shirtless and now you're putty in his hands. 
So you both are like beans. 
Also I'm like a hundred percent sure Iwaizumi is a big spoon. 
He just loves caging you in his arms and making sure you feel protected. 
It also keeps him very grounded and just honestly happy to have you there with him.
There was this one incident in which you and Oikawa were bantering and Iwaizumi wasn't having any of it so he picked you up and threw you on his shoulder. And walked away like nothing happened. 
After that you guys sort of had an impromptu make out session in the club room, which was unfortunately interrupted by Kindaichi barging in.
Bless him.
And his eyes.
You and Iwaizumi had to sit him down and make him swear to not tell anyone. 
After that you two continued but Kindaichi might've accidentally spilled to Kunimi 
Bonus points
Iwaizumi likes to buy purple hyacinths for you on valentines day because it's your favorite flower and to also say sorry for when he was not boyfriend like in the beginning of your relationship. 
(Yes I referenced Purple Hyacinth the webtoon, go watch it)
Also the team has a custom made Seijoh jacket, just for you!
And the first time you saw it you just hugged Iwaizumi and started sobbing because these boys were too precious and just too pure. (I love Seijoh)
The end.
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jd-arts319 · 3 years
Transformers oc Renegade
Designation: Renegade/Nirenia
(As a Cyber ninja):Cybeswift,Switchblade Former name: Artemis Enigma Nickname:Renny,Switchy,Switcher Age: 20(past)
        26(future) Gender: (Mech, Femme)Femme Status: (Single, Taken)
             Single(past)(before orion(optimus)asked her out)
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Color of Optics:Turquoise
(Others):she has teal & white lumiscient hair that is 2-tone hair,with one white streak on the leftside of her hair
She sports a well endowed & athletic, voluptuous figure with some busty parts,she also has a angelic face(she felt awkward as she remembers only being busty,not voluptuous nor athletic,& she also remembers she is plainly beautiful not exotic type).
Her holoform
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Size: 7ft Alt Mode:triple changer
-sports car(Corvette stingray)
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-jet(windblade & slipstream VTOL alt mode) Speed Limits: - at altitude:Mach 2.35(2,500 km/h,1,550 mph)
-at sea level:1,400 km/h,872 mph Weapon(s): - multi-changing staff(an ancient relic of unknown origins,but believe to be forge by solus prime) -Energon fan(special),scythe,daggers
As Cyberninja
-enegron fan
-hidden blades & weapons
Fighting style:-Panzer kunst,Krav Maga,aikido,Brazilian jiu Jitsu,jeet kune do
Universe: (G1, Animated, Prime, Beast wars, Beast Machines, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Bayverse,RID,Cyberverse)
-All of them
-Main:Transformers Animated
-she use Aura(Mana) as her basic power,her minors but common power are telepathy,telekinesis,teleportation/spatial,divine prediction & recognition,however their is one uncanny power that she used,but is came from the spectral meter pendant given by vector prime,she recognize it as sci twi’s pendant from mlp eg friendship games.
Faction: (Autobot, Deceptcion, Neutral, Own creation)
-Neutral(but is part of N.E.X.U.S team,she can either stay at autobots or decepticon)
-Autobot Neutral
-(alt.universe)decepticon Primary Class Function:Triple changer,Cyberninja (point one percenter) Secondary Class Function:Warrior,scientist
As Cyberninja:Warrior,espionage,scout
Subroutine Function:Mystery Personality: - an enigma,at first she is seen apathetic,impulsive,dumb & is nihillistic,but once she is focused she is very intelligent,cunning,calm,sassy,kind,nice,sweet,& empathetic,her attitude towards things but she is very much like ratchet except,unlike him she results in more passive-agressive way,she is shown to have at least patience,undersganding & consideration,aside that she will be protective to those who wormed their way into her spark,not only that but she deosn’t easily keeps promise because she knows their some promises aren’t eash to keep.
she has a humorous side as she likes bad puns & good jokes,aside from it their are times she comes off arrogant or who doesn't care but deep down she shows she cares,she isn’t fond of attention as she is currently self-aware who she really is,but she is rather uncanny of her unique abilities & talents.
(there times she questions why optimus end up choosing her among the three well-known femmes as she tries not to have his attention but alas is inevitable,but in other universe,she is a bit like pearl from steven universe,despite she done everything for optimus,he ends up choosing someone else & this cause her to feel ignored,she is now comping of moving on from him & their war all together ) Background story: when she was just a human,who likes anime,transformers etc. & many other things,but suddenly she was transmigrated into a cybertronian,it turns out the primes & primus,saw something in her as she understood about the lives of transformers & their each different unique aspects of their lives in the continuity,because of it she is transmigrated in tfa,as she woken up as artemis & unknown to her,she was gonna change everything.
She soon starts her life slowly as she tries not to get attention from others,but after saving bumblebee from wasp & ironhide up to offering a friendship to orion,she soon gain others attention as she slowly curses of herself,she did not realize she had taken the spark of a certain handsome blue & red truck bot.
As time pass she gain more attention from others as she tries to live her life peacefully while having some odd misunderstandings occurs.
Optimus prime
-great friends/lovers(<in another community),met earlier years before the show begins,she & him become really great friends to one another,however at the starts of the show,she enters the autobot boot camp after optimus enter first,she caught every mechs attention including sentinel,she also met elita who once had the reputation of being the most beautiful & intelligent femme in the boot camp,until she came but she stays close to optimus most of the time,however the arch 7 incident begun & because she wasn’t there at the time,despite knowing what happened she couldn’t help,even though she admits to the three she felt something is not right,it happend & she helps him trying to recover while she gave sentinel a visible dent under his chin,fast years go by she is now in 2nd command of ultra magnus.
Optimus really care for her than he thought because she still believes in him more than anyone else.
(in another timeline ren & optimus are together,but mostly i others she just mostly friends with him)
Bumblebee & Bulkhead:
-friends & respect with admiration,,when she was the sergeant in the boot camp,she always help both bumblebee & bulkhead out of trouble everytime both wasp & ironhide(she saw hope in him),including sentinel who in turn cant talk back to her,she once told wasp if he keeps it up with his bullying he will get karma,months later wasp was arrested for something he didn't do,while ren felt she knew something might happen & after this she once talked to bumblebee about this & said ominously”once you saw wasp again,give me a call,kay?”she gave him a special device to call her,bumblebee still clueless as to why but ren did help him & bulkhead out all time so he kinda owe her,years now when he saw wasp remembering her words he called her & she helps the two,bulkhead admire & respect her because she was the only one who believes in him.
The two are grateful to her & they respect her more than ultra & sentinel.
Prowl & ratchet:
-Friends & respect,prowl had once met her as she was training under yoketron,he thought she was one of those snobbish nobles,however he was proven wrong when she shows tactic & precise through training,over time of their training the two gain each other respect,on the endgame with her help she & prowl manage to save the allspark,Ratchet on the other hand it was a different story,while she may asked for a personal training in medical,but im truth it took awhile for the two to grown each other,she was the one who keeps on a tab on arcee’s state,hearing this he decided to to be acquainted with her & soon they become at least good friends.
They are fine with her,especially since she always helps them.
Sentinel prime:
-love-hate relationship,while the two are torn because of sentinel actions,there are a times they end up acting like they used to,still she was still pissed at him.
Elita one/Blackarachnia:
- same with sentinel,she & elita are once close but the arch 7 incident happens & when meet again their friendship torns apart,while blackarachnia snarky tries to still pins the blame on optimus,Ren decided to give her a run down on everything,reminding her that she also the one insisted,experimented on others,nearly trying to kill others & especially others,she told her that its makes her monster not because of her appearance but mostly her actions,she also remind her she almost have to be saved by optimus far too many times,however she have a little faith on elita.
-Respect,friends-regardless of their factions,he owes her his life,,it was unknown how the two meet or why,but both stayed in touch most of the time,there isn't much of information about it.
-Friends,Respect-she saved him before she enters the autobot boot camp,she found his bleeding in a planet where he suppsoed to start his mission but in a unfortunate time,he was bitten by a scraplet,while he kiled the scraplet he was bleeding,she found him & fixed his bitten part of his body & the two become acquintained,to its whether or not she knew he was decepticon.
Strengths: - her friends
-her powers
-the people she cares for
-self-awareness Weakness: - her mind
-her friends
-her empathy
-self-awareness Family: - she was forged & was taken care by the Enigma house -she is a Crescente
-her parents in house of Enigma,is Axel Enigma & Copper 
Friends: - Orion pax/Optimus prime(friends/lovers(?),bumblebee,bulkhead,thundercracker,skywarp(she questions why),starscream(this one as well),Megatron(back then,she don’t know about now(tfp & idw),shockwave,lugnut,blitzwing(bruh??),
Enemies: -tfa(sentinel,council,blackarachnia(mutual)---0
-IDW TF(black block consortia,djd,overlord,sentinel---) Favorite Quotes to say: - “....i still think they are cybertronians regardless of their factions,they are like us in many ways of ones,we aren’t that different to begin with”(about the decepticons,autobots,& humans with aliens) Other: (other things about the character) -she was a Crescente & she doesn’t remember her real name,but her bracelet number code is SW1TCH814D3 she is fond of this name but she doesn’t use it,but she was always called Ren,Switchblade was her secondary name & nickname from her full name she can’t remember
-the “Celestyn”was her middle like all her ancestors starts from her 1st ancestor who had Celests,as their middle name
-”Crescente” was named after the moon,they history of their name & family is still mystery
-she has a counterpart who is a cyber ninja known as Cyberswift,born from enigma house & is the student of dai atlas
-she mostly use the energon fan given by dai atlas,who said it was made for her
-she has kids with optimus prime,their name is ortensia,a girl & artemis,a boy,they only exist in tfp & tfa au,rescue bots & rescue bots academy
-their relationship between ren & optimus,is portrayed as romantic in some transformers community & but their relationship is complete platonic in others
-her main universe is tfa & tfp
-the name “enigma”is special since it was rare to have “enigma”part of your name,it was name of the family she is”born”in
-some other universe,megatron becomes her lover instead,they had a kid named terminus
-her real name is Nirenia but changed into renegade,she still kept her real name though
-her nickname”Ren”is shared with the creator(me)regardless of her creator is sometimes called”rei”,but whenever the creator is referred to their other name”Ren”,renegade can be referred by her other names
-she is a point one precenter
-her cyberninja side has an extra but short bio about them
-she is the only one had two counterparts,her real-self & her cyberninja form
-Switchblade was someone else name.
Her other forms
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-rescue  bots
-rescue bots academy
-bayverse! 1&2 vers.
Renegade (c) me
Transformers(all media types) (c) Hasbro,michale Bay
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jensungf · 4 years
summary: he was your best friend. you should’ve been happy when he went to go ask that girl whether or not she was his soulmate. so why was the universe pulling at your heartstrings now?
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pairing: reader x best friend!huang renjun genre: fluff + soulmate!au word count: 1.6k warnings: none
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6:23pm. you rolled your eyes as you read the time. where the hell was he?
your focus drifts to the onyx swirls dotted on your wrist, and you subconsciously trace all the scribbles making up your tattoo. you had been impatiently tapping your foot for what felt like forever, but in actuality, was about ten minutes. maybe i should just leave, you thought ruefully as the digit on your lit-up phone screen changed once again.
you had been through this too many times for you to simply count with your fingers. it was almost like clockwork at this point. despite this only beginning months ago, you knew the cycle. renjun would encounter someone, and would feel compelled to chase them down and ask if they were possibly his soulmate. unfortunately, it always ended in rejection.
you were always the one to comfort him when he returned with the same answer like always— that they had found their soulmate or they didn’t feel any connection at all. despite your annoyance of having to be inconvenienced at random hours of the day and having your quality time with him interrupted, you knew deep down it hurt you just as much as it hurt him.
yet you never once considered the reality that perhaps he would actually find his soulmate one day, and how that mere possibility would change your entire life.
if renjun was seriously going to confront that girl with a simple question of whether or not she was his soulmate, what was taking them so long? surely he would’ve texted you by now if he was successful, knowing you were still waiting for him. or at least let you know he was on his way back.
you winced at the thought that he might be too busy engaging in other endeavors, ones that involved less talking and more touching. you shook your head in an attempt to rid yourself of those thoughts, burying the odd feelings that made your stomach twist and turn. no, that wasn’t the renjun you knew. he wouldn’t be as daring as that despite his growing impatience to find his soulmate. besides, you wanted him to find his soulmate. there was no reason for your heart to twinge at the chance that maybe this time was the right time. you were his best friend. you were supposed to be happy for him, and hope for the best.
you hastily unlocked your phone, typing out a very annoyed albeit passive aggressive text to your heck of a best friend who decided to abandon you in the middle of your weekly dinner date to chase down a girl. you should’ve just left him moments ago, yet your feet stay planted in your spot outside the moomin plushie store.
“stupid renjun,” you muttered under your breath as you realized that the sky was beginning to settle into a hazy cloud of purple and pink. dusk was always your favorite time of day, yet you couldn’t help but feel a bit embittered that renjun wasn’t here with you to enjoy the view with. just when you were about to click send, a shadow casts over your figure and you lift your head.
“hey,” renjun says simply. his hands are shoved deep into his cream-colored denim jacket and he gazes at the sky instead of at you, causing you to stare quizzically at him.
“so....” you cock your head at his silence and wait for him to answer the obvious question. however, he makes no move to look you in the eyes. you hesitate, unsure what to do at your best friend’s abnormal silence.
usually he would be telling you that it wasn’t the right person and he had made a fool out of himself again or something along those lines, but this time, he remained silent. his eyes still avoid yours and you feel panic bubbling up in your chest. why was he acting like this? had something gone wrong?
“can i... try something?” he breaks the silence, asking quietly, almost as if he would break glass if he spoke any louder. he leans in slowly, and you freeze, your breath hitching. your mind screams for you to move away, to question what he was doing and whether he was in his right mind. yet your heart palpitates erratically and you make no move to turn away. his dark brown eyes gaze into yours, and you feel your head spinning.
despite your daze, you somehow feel your head nod ever so slightly, almost out of pure instinct with no control of your own body.
albeit with great reluctance, renjun takes this opportunity daringly. he closes the gap separating you both and gently presses his lips against yours. you melt into his warmth, closing your eyes as your hands subconsciously reach up to pull him in closer by gripping his jacket. his hands raise up to gently cradle your head and his lips feel like velvet, pliant against your own. the kiss is delicate yet firm, all hesitance dissipating as the seconds pass. you both pull away for air, but it felt as if you had just taken a deep breath of air for the very first time in your life.
people had told you about how they felt when they found the one, and you had never understood what they meant about how one person could make them feel just right until that very moment. how complete you had felt. your heart tugs almost as if you had finally crossed the thin line separating you from friends and lovers, something you never knew your heart had been aching for until now. you had always had renjun in your life, but you never knew how much he made you feel whole until this very moment. like he was the last missing puzzle piece that had finally found its place in your life, and nothing more could rival the feeling of this very moment.
he rests his forehead against yours and smiles meekly. your head was still reeling, and renjun moved his hand to gently cup your cheek. your mouth opens ajar, as you wrack your mind for the right words to say. “i… what? injunnie—”
he cuts you off by pressing another soft kiss to your lips. your eyes widen at his impulsive action, taken aback by how uncharacteristic that was. “i know you have a lot of questions, but i couldn’t resist,” he admits as pink dusts his cheek.
he entwines his hand with yours, fitting like two puzzle pieces as he leads you to the park bench. he looks up at the hazy sky once again with admiration before explaining.
“i never understood why it was so difficult to find my soulmate, when my tattoo was one of the more common ones,” he confesses as he glanced down to his moon tattoo. although it was indeed not as uncommon as yours, you had always admired the beauty it held, how beautifully and different it was drawn compared to the generic crescent symbols you had seen before.
it was as if renjun had drawn it with his own hand, with every tiny detail matching precisely with his art, his masterpieces. you look at yours, your wrist adorned with tiny scribbles of planets, stars, and even the sun scattered around all in one area.
suddenly it dawns on you. the space separating the sun and planets and stars is no longer empty, instead replaced with a replica of a moon. 
renjun’s moon.
“ever since we reunited with each other, i’ve been feeling more and more desperate to find them because i couldn’t help but feel something towards you, and i couldn’t live knowing you weren’t mine. at least— not until now.”
renjun is absolutely glowing when you look up at him.
“i guess you’re my universe, y/n,” he scoffs with a smile. his eyes meet yours, but despite the firmness in his voice, his telltale signs of embarrassment say otherwise.
and you believe him, because when he smiles at you, it’s as if you were the one who put the sun and moon and stars in the sky, as if you were the center of his galaxy. as if you were his universe.
“i never realized how much i needed you, until i saw that girl. she told me that she was the sun to someone else’s galaxy, and that’s when i realized that i had been trying to push away the pull towards someone who was always beside me for too long. somehow who should’ve been with me all along.”
you both locked eyes before bursting into laughter at his cringeworthy yet heartwarming confession. “when did you become such a cheeseball?” you snort. he locks you in a loving chokehold and your heart nearly skips a beat.
“we both wasted our time, didn’t we?” you remark with a carefree smile. all the worries, the gut feeling that made your head spin, the questions of why you couldn’t feel happy when it came to not having him, disappears within a simple kiss. the puzzle was done. the masterpiece was completed, but what was funny was the mere fact that you had no idea anything was even missing in the first place. you looked down at his wrist, now full with doodles of your galaxy. it glowed just like yours.
“we can make up for lost time.”
you nod and bask in his presence, gazing up at the stars scattered across and the luminescent moon peeking out against the darkness of twilight sky.
soulmates were an odd thing— to simply leave it up to a mere tattoo to connect you both when you had been connected since the very beginning. but you couldn’t have asked for anything more, when fate had already decided that you were his universe, and he was your moon.
you completed each other.
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author’s note: i wrote this for @yongiefilms to thank her for being such a good friend and also bc i needed an excuse to post smth while i work on my main wip! i seem to have a curse where i cant write blurbs cus they end up turning into drabbles. oops? also i spent wayy more time on the header than the actual story lol ANYWAYS yay to my first renjun fic <3
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