#or at least doesnt take kris with her
acaciapines · 4 months
guys what if i told you ive been thinking about dess and actually i think dess/chara might be able to work out in the drkau...like ive been doing some thinking into dess and her reasons and why she does what she does and how she cares about people and im starting to nail down the role i want asriel to play, and. and.
guys i think dess is actually going to be able to change. i think dess figures out how to change but asriel never does....
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fruitybashir · 6 months
I've been thinking about daycare worker Bojan again (do I ever do anything else) and now I'm imagining Kris picking him up one day for some reason and when he enters one of the children comes up to him and asks him who he is and (depending on when this happens and how comfortable Bojan is being outed) Kris says that he's Bojan's friend/boyfriend so then the children do that thing where they all scream "Bojan abgeholt!" (No idea how to translate that or if anybody outside of my kindergaten actually does this)
aaaaaaaah oh no thats so cute!!!!
oh btw i probably wont include it in the rest of the fic or any of the bonus chapters but since we're back on daycare talk: i read that this years pride in ljubljana is july 15th so in my head im thinking bojan probably doesnt out himself at work for a while bc he doesnt know how itll be received (esp after his parents made that comment) and hes afraid of being kicked out. but then during pride the daycare actually sorta participates or at least has a mini rainbow event where the staff wears rainbow buttons or smthn and bojan finds out one of the other staff is actually a lesbian and married to her wife for a few years and then bojan comes out to her and has a sweet little bonding moment with an elder queer and they become friends and she sorta like takes him under her wing and stuff like awww youre my gay son now <3
also not sure if ill write that part either but bojans parents will come around slowly and reconnect with bojan and stuff like. just putting that out there. theyll come around by the time bojan and kris get married for sure lol
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mrchaosman · 6 months
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*Greetings, heroes, How may I Help you?.
Well, I have something may help you out?, I dunno.
(*about yourself).
*Ohh, Well my name is Batra, some folks just calls me Bata and welcome to my Little humble B-Shop.
*Tee Hee Hee.
*Over years, and I been busy collecting what is worthless and what is very worthy.
*of course, I have no desire beyond that, it's like a silly hobby of mine.
*Here, you can learn ways to pass your time very well..... or lost your mind like the others.
*Long time ago, Darkners lived in peace with Lightners.
*They were like our guardian angels, our friends, our allies, those who gifted us hope to move on.
*But suddenly, they disappeared, never to be seen again.
*angered and heartbroken, The Queen overthrown the other rulers and put herself and her brother in charge, preparing to take her vengeance from the lightners who left us behind.
*Even in these difficult times, There are still many still holding their hopes that the lightners will came back.
(*the kingdom).
*In our history, this land was ruled by four Rulers
*but one day, a strange swordsman appeared... and with that, the three other rulers has been locked away.
*As I said before, The Queen, the remaining ruler, put herself and her brother in charge.
*Since that.... the kingdom has NEVER seen such a Mayhem before.
*Tee Hee Hee.... You know what?, you better NEVER know about this.
(*we are the said heroes).
*Tee Hee Hee..... So you guys are the "heroes" who been fated to seal our Fountain.
*Hee Hee Hee, Well Good luck with your quest, it makes no difference to me.
*Neither Light nor Dark hold a future for a darkner as me.
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????: *A HOO HOO.
[Ralsei] Nice to meet you! I'm Ralsei, this is Kris, and...
[Susie] So, what the hell are you doing in there?.
[Ralsei] Huh? Right? But you're clearly the one behind bars...
[Susie] Well, sounds like you don't need any Help, Then.
(Back to Batra's Shop).
(*The Strange Sock Puppet Guy).
Batra: *What? What are you talking about?..... a *Weird Sock Puppet with a crazy behavior.....
*No way, you are not talking about HIM?.
*... I see, this what you call a "sock Puppet" used to be my friend.
* after all the troubles I have faced to lock him away and you want release him?.
*well, that you mention it, it can be Chaotic if he been released from his cell.
*I guess, it's time for you hereos to deal with him...?.
*Because you know, that whatever is gonna happen, is gonna matter in the end anyway.
*maybe a little MAYHEM won't hurt anyone, so for that, take this with you.
(*You got the segment A of the broken Key).
*and if you so very insistent, find the other parts of the key and find someone who can repair it for you.
*I can give a little hint, Walk where The Stars burns Out.
*anyway, if you at least managed to knock him down, come back here and tell me.
*Good Luck...
*Well, if you gonna call this luck, you might gonna change it to a "endless misery".
*Tee hee hee.
(*back to The Carnival).
(*You put the key in the keyhole).
(*The key has made an entire door).
????: *HEE HEE HAA.
[Ralsei] So what are we playing, exactly...?.
(*the strange sock Puppet summons three stars to attack the protagonists).
[Susie] So that's the kinda game you wanna play, huh...?
[Susie] Then, I gotta warn you...
[Susie] You're dealing with a couple of sharks.
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(Battle begins).
(*Sorry, but it seems this enemy has no strategy to defeat, good luck with that).
Listen to THE STARS ALIGN by Creepa-Bot Inc. on #SoundCloud
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kozykricket · 8 months
Thoughts about lightners' darkner "forms/outfits"
I was thinking about the lightners and how they appear in the dark worlds, and... y'know, I don't think its completely just a gamey thing thats irrelevant to lore. At least, I think it'll probably end up not being deliberately explained in the story but it'll be something more... close to metaphorical, something that we look back to and realize it kinda said some interesting things
why do i say this? because i mean, look at how blatant berdlys design is. hes got such a nerdy starwarsy starfoxy outfit as his dark world design, and... well, you could take it that your outfit is just based on your interests or your perception of self then, perhaps. If you want to delve into the unfreedom of deltarune, perhaps its the "single role" that you can be boiled down to, or something, hence kris' design looking very protagonist-y with a sword and all. Essentially, I think theres meaning in these designs. Whether its about how you view yourself, how you want the world to view you, or just what you feel represents a... perhaps a hidden or most truthful part of yourself. Maybe if we look at dark worlds as the escapism that they are, then the dark world designs for lightners is just... how they'd want to be when roleplaying, or maybe how they feel their most authentic self is. Though, I'd think kris would suddenly become a goat tbh if that were entirely the case. But maybe its just what they think their most hidden self is my ultimate point here though is that, as usual, susie is an outlier. Shes the outlier to ... well, choices. she seems to always be making her own choices and ignoring ours, and certainly has some interesting loose ends we haven't quite figured out about her home life and such, or about the whole apple incident with kris Her dark world design... is.... probably the LEAST different from how she looks in the light world compared to anyone else. I think... it could be fair to say that this maybe represents that susie doesnt really have anything to hide? I think that'd be wrong to say; she clearly hides a lot... but like, her authentic self... is this it? In some sense, maybe. or maybe its just who she wants to be. I ... I mean, I know she probably has a lot of conflict about how she feels she really should be vs how she is, but. I think its just... maybe its just to tell that shes very blatant and upfront, a sort of "what you see is what you get" kinda mindset I dunno, this is more of ramblings that I don't think quite make sense yet but i wanted to write down while they're still baking in my mind. Feel free to add anything, even disagreeances. Maybe you do think her design is a decent departure from her light world design, and that KRIS is the one to look at, for how they look possibly the MOST different, rather than looking at susie for looking the least different... or maybe its just fun silly stuff that im lookin too much into :p
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
okay wait im gonna infodump about my old terraria worlds lore. I made up for it I may have forgotten some
normal text is stuff thats always been. bold text is new stuff I decided to add or change. italics js stuff that I planned to happen in the future but never exactly got sround to
The name of the world is the Route of Fallen Stars. It was randomly generated and I liked it so I kept it. It's a pre-hardmode corruption world. (because i did t even beatone boss in it) Half the town ws initally gonna be undergound because Kris thought it'd be cool aesthetically but then a gnome showed up in the are that lead to the mines and nearly killed Kris so he changed his mind
There is a growing settlement called Sunstar Town, named for it's sunflowers and the world it's located in. Or at least it was growing, progress seemingly halted recently with Kris's disappearance.
The townies! I only really made lroe for wyatt and kris tbh
Kris - Player character (he/him preferred but any pronouns but she/her are fine)
Founded the town alongside Wyatt the guide who he tends to bully. He'd be really upset if anything happened to Wyatt, though, because he actually likes Wyatt a lot.
Kris was kind of an asshole tbh. He's very eccentric and was always running amock too and fro doing who knows what. Mostly takes charge in expanding and actually progressing, and does all the building and stuff. He thought he was tough and strong but he's actually kind of a wimp
Kris had this weird ability? Thing? He only recently discovered it after he and Wyatt first set up shop. When he dies, a gravestone appears where he died, and he falls out of the sky back into town good as new, losing a lot of his money though. He claimed doesn't know why this happens, but he became reckless and started to not care about death or getting super hurt because of it. It made him overconfident. Also for some reason he liked to collect the graves he leaves behind, he had a chest dedicated to keeping them in.
When he dies he leaves behind a gravestone, and from this gravestone he can come back to life. Only he and maybe Wyatt knew thjs.
He doesn't like Dolbere, for some reason.
He poked fun of all the townies, Wyatt the most, but he did go out of his way to build homes and furnish and ecorate them, and if he hated them he cpuld just leave He was even building a new storefront for Edwin!
Ways Kris has died:
Vulture. If i remember right
Rolling cactus whule exploring the antillion tunnels
Understimated how big a dynamites explosion would be and exploded himself while exploring underground in the ice biome. He lost the gravestone for this one so he's upset about that.
Tried to fend off the slimes during a slime rain, but they all gathered around and clung to him, and soon dozens of slimes stuck to him and fused into a King Slime. It's not 100% certain if he's dead, because no gravestone spawned, but where would it spawn, with all that slime around it? If he was alive, how would he escape? It's nigh impossible to get a good look at him in there, but he never blinks, he doen't seem to control his movements, he seems to sag. His body just moves with the slime. Dead or alive, he's not coming back from this one.
Wyatt - Guide (he/they)
Cofounded the town with his old friend Kris. Always ends up with burns and the like even though he doesnt even have a furnace in his house or whatever, but Kris always bamdageD him up before anyone couldn ask where they're from. Dating Philosir, who lives with him. And maybe Robyn idk I haven't decided. Throuple.
Lives with Philosir in their own house they share together
King of the owls. And by that I mean he likes to bring owls inside his house (i didnt give him a floor at first and owls kept spawning in it) and they will listen to him. Theyre the friends of the owls <3
This is actually canon to the games but the guide IS the wall of flesh so so is wyatt. He's cursed to become it ot something idk i pribavly had an explination but I forgot, but when Kris was gonna defeat I t it would kill Wyatt which would have made Kris fucking upset but then Wyatt was gonna get revived but that got cutbout because I decided to jill off Kris before that so now Wyatt is the one upset I guess
Edwin - Merchant (he/him)
Oldest townie in terms of actual age and how long hes been in hte town. Has a store under Kris's hut but Kris was building him a new, better one bove the ground! But then Kris got slimed. Sad! Edwin thinks this is greatly inconvenient
Philosir - Dye Trader (he/him)
The dye trader I forgot everything but hes dating Wyatt.
Dolbere - Demolitionist (he/him)
Demolitionist dwarf Kris didn't like him so he made his house in the room Kris made of nothing but ice.
Robyn - Zoologist (she/they)
Wyatts really good friend! They bomd over their love of and ability to talk to animals.
Mauro - Painter (he/him)
Newest town member! Hes the raising obe eyebrow emoji. Thinks everyones kinda weird.
Salem - Town Cat (she/her)
Kitty <3
the town as a whole reminds ne of that meme of agroup of people all at once thinking "good thing im the only normal one here"
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
People just love to throw the word “misogyny” around, do they even know what it means?? They act like this is a smear campaign on women around Colby in general. But in fact i like Amber, i think she’s absolutely lovely and from i can tell most on here do too. Michelle is cool, Kris is funny, Celina is a little much but still okay. Stas is manipulative and no its not because shes suuuper close to Colby because shes really not, hes done more with Amber thats intimate but this girl wont give it a break. Just take a scroll through her likes on twitter, her activity during their Europe trip, how she always seems to become weirdly active and present when she spots a camera, normal? No. They ask HER not Kat for sam and colby content and Colby content alone and guess what her response has been to them and why they thank her? Look at her tiktok.
They moved to Vegas and immediately she told people she was abandoned, made all these subtweets about being used and heartbreak, STARTED A POETRY BOOK FULL OF DEPRESSED POEMS, posted tiktoks crying, shared her spotify playlist with all rave songs for when shes lonely but made sure to add one song that doesnt fit at all by none other than Colby Brock. They were giving her the cold shoulder and her way back in was Kat. Her supposed friend who she never supported and showed no interest in, suddenly she was her biggest cheerleader.
They claim to hate la because of clout chasers when they have the biggest one following them around and riding their coattails.
I remember seeing someone talk about them leaving stas behind cuz they wanted to take a break from her, i imagine they were joking but tbh, if they really were that close and had the friendship of their lives, she would've moved, at least, in vegas, cuz in the same house it's a bit too much. I don't even understand why they went to that festival cuz it only fits Colby and not even him fully.
She adds a lot of fuel to the edits of the fans and she gives more insides about snc's and Kat's personal lives than she has to/has the right to. Personally, and i don't really care what stas stanners say, she built her ig subscription on the naivety of the fans who wanted and wished for more colby content, she knew she was adding that one bit that would make everything grow. I think she became so casual staying with them, that she felt like having tge freedom to talk about some personal stuff that's not even her business (hence the videos from Colby's room in Wales)
Oh and talking about her supporting Kat, i bet she doesn't listen to any songs on her album. She threw an ig story and kat reposted it, boom, noticed. Sometimes she acts like a fan. I understand being happy and glad that u finally have a platform and u don't go to work like other people on the planet and u jump for a living on techno music, but the stuff that happens between closed doors that do not put u in first position to make public or to even discuss them casually with fans should stay behind closed doors
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krowsselfindulgy · 2 years
IDK HOW TUMBLR WORKS I HOPE IM DOING THIS RIGHT! Do 4 with Curt and Kristine i feel like that would be hilarious
A/N: Time to remember what knowledge was there from the oversimplified prohibition period! This was a nice thing to write through. Thanks, anonymous! Whoever you can be. (lighthearted)
Escape The Night AU/Scenario
They open the door with a creak.
"This is... empty." Ivan looks from the back of the rest whilst Den coughs.
"Oh god what the hell-" She continues coughing as Curt pats her back. Christian walks into the dark room, a paper in hand.
"Wow, this is..." Kristine follows his lead, a flashlight in her hand. It illuminates alan unkempt stage, bar area and multiple seats and tables.
"Is this it?"
"Looks like it. Its an abandoned speakeasy." Curt holds another flashlight, it pointing to something on the stage. It seems to be an upside down pyramid shaped... Thing. The bottom is bent to look like its suctioning the wood it stand on. Though, it looks more like a wine glass now that she thinks about it...
"There! Thats the artifact!" Den state the obvious as she runs up to it, trying to snatch it from the pedestal its placed on.
"Wait, dont touch it yet! You wont know what it does." Curt easily catches up to her.
"Why not? I dont want to go do another voting thingy! Ill just take it, easy!" She faces towards him whilst walking back to the artifact before turning to it hastily, easily getting it out of its place. Nothing happens. Kristines looks around the place curiously.
"Thats... Easy-" The sudden round of jazz music made her jump. What she doesnt notice is Christian getting the paper.
"At least this tells us what to do..." Amongst the music, his voice just sounds like a second echo.
"Ugh, could that music just STOP already?!" Ivans dreads as he covers his ears.
"Den, place it back!" Christian turns to her, whos shaking the artifact.
"Ooh, theres alcohol in here..." Den tries to open it by herself, which, proves to not budge.
"DEN!" Now she can hear his voice.
"Uh, huh?"
"PLACE IT BACK THERE!" Den... Looks away from him. "Oh my GOD. DEN."
"Fine, fine...." She places it back on the pedestal, and the music stops. Everyone gives a sigh of relief.
"Fucking finally I can read this, ahem...
'Before you is the artifact you are looking for. Sadly, it is incomplete and will need some ingredients to complete the cocktail. This place is full of-' POISON GAS?! WHAT THE FUCK?! 'and the cocktail will provide the cure. But first,'"
A light from above shines onto a box on the table.
"Oh shit, uh, 'Two people will have to volunteer themselves.'
Now what the hell does that mean?"
"We wont know until after it happens."
"Then why dont you do it, Ivan?"
"Okay, okay, its fine Ivan. Ill do it, it alright. Kristine will also, 'cause Ill be dragging her into this."
"Wait, why I dont wanna do this-" She sputters out
"Dont worry, you will." He grabs Kristine as he walks over to the table. "So... What do I do, Christian?"
"Oh. Put your hands in there."
"Okay so can I just NOT do this, pleas-"
"Kristine yoive literally done almost nothing."
"Noooooo!" She reluctantly places her habd in the box, right after Curt, and then...
She decides to pull her hand out and- "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
"Oh my god you two are handcuffed." Ivan looks on with surprise. "So, what do we do now?" Everyone looks over to Christian, though nervous ftom hearing other footsteps from inside. Christian takes a deep breath in...
"RUN." And sprints out the front door with a cheeky grin.
"Hey, what the-"
"I am not going to make it..."
"You literally have me with you, Kris-" Gunshots quickly sound the room.
"OH GOD IS THIS A CHASE SEQUENCE?!" Ivan decides to run after Christian, wherever hes gone through. Den goes to the back door, surprisingly not getting hit. Kristine has multiple questions in her mind before being carried away from the scene because of Curt.
"PUT ME DOWN, PUT ME DOWN, PUT ME DOOOWN!" She could probably hear him laughing at this.
She doesnt know how long hes running for.
"Are we safe, Kristine?"
"Looks like it, can you put me down no-"
"Not yet."
"Come on... What are we supposed to find, anyways?"
"Itd probably be noticable, but I think... Ingredients? What can you think?"
"Something like... Lime? Other alcohol stuff?"
"Oh, maybe that clinic over there. We could probably find something there... Maybe..?"
"Alright..." She gets finally put down as they both go inside...
"Oh. So this is it." Before them is a table with three bottles in a clear glass, visibly in different colors: red, blue, and yellow. They both walk forward and grab the paper.
"Find the color Brown." Kristine
"Damn, I know... Nothing about this."
"Me too! Do we just... Mix it all together? Then just chug it."
"Were not supposed to chug it, Kristine."
"I know, I know!
"Oh my god..." Kristine giggles. "Why am i with you?"
"Your fault now deal with MY bullshit!" They both laugh.
"But, mixing it all together seems plausible. Do it." Kristine grabs the bottles and mixes them up together, it all in a small bottle.
"Yep, thats brown! Ill keep it." Kristine hands over the mixture to Curt, keeping it in his pocket.
"Oh yea, that artifact needs... Four ingredients, right? Those four compartments?"
"Good eye." They were interrupted by a gunshot.
Kristine looks out, despite her doubts. "Den..?"
Den holds out a gun in one hand, artifact in the other. She eyes around for anyone else.
"DEN!" She says again whilst runs out, before hearing a thud. "Oh. Sorry Curt." He looks back at her, inconvenienced. The two look back to run over to her.
"Hey! We got something!" Curt alarms her.
"Put it here!" Den runs over to them as Curt pours in the substance. "What is that?"
"Probably more alcohol. How many did you get?"
"Ivan should be here with one of them. I was just trying to take care of these guys."
"You havent found Christian?"
"No. Not at all. Was hoping he got something."
"HERE!" Ivan runs in with another bottle, pouring it in.
"Two down, two more... Where have you searched?"
"The clinic, right over there." Kristine pointd over to where they were.
"I just stole something from a house."
"Good job, Ivan. Ill try to search somewhere else, so you carry this." She hands over the artifact to him.
"Wait, wha- aaannd shes gone. Where the hell..."
"I can go somewhere else-" Kristine walks back before she trips bit keeps her stand. "Sorry! I forgot about-"
"The handcuff thing."
"The handcuff thing."
"God damnit, why did those weird lights bring us into here..." Ivan furrows his brow at Curts statement.
"Wait... Lights... Wouldnt that be... Den?"
"Den?" Kristine seems confused at that inquiry.
"Yea. Shes the god of chaos with like, multiple souls in her body."
"Oh shit. The souls revoluted?!"
"Maybe? I dont know. The only person who could know about it is...
"What is she again?"
"Raptor God. I... Dont know where she went." They were soon interrupted by a rushing Den with an injured Christian.
"CHRISTIAN!" Curt runs towards them causing Kristine to almost get dragged across the street.
"Sorry!" Curt picks Kristine up again.
"Okay, Ill put you down." He eyes worridly to his injured friend.
"WERE YOU GUYS JUST STANDING HERE?!" Insert an awkward silence.
"Is Christian alright?"
"Im fine..." Definitely not. Absolutely not. "Now wheres the one..." Den places her ingredient into the artifact, then Christian places his in, blood accidentaly dripping onto the item. It glows on where it was.
"What the hell does that mean..." He picks it up and Ivan notices a peculiarly shaped thick paper on the ground, its ends being a weird, short ridge poking out of it in an even space. He picks it up.
"Yo, I think this dropped a paper."
"Read it, Ivan."
'You have found four ingredients, but are missing one. An essence of someones life.' God damnit." The rest groan in response. " 'You will have to vote on two people to fight the people chasing after you. Quite a show, is it not?
Well then, you have the key.'
Thats it...."
"When are we not going to be handcuffed anymore? If one of us gets in, how about ME?"
"Yea, how about- Kristine."
"That was a joke!" Christian eyes the paper for a few moments, grabbing it and looking to Curt.
"Give me your hand."
"The cuffed one?" He nods in response. Curt shows him and Christian uses the oddly shaped paper to unlock the handcuffs. "Oh..."
"Ah, smart!" And thus, they are free from whatever that volunteering was for. "So, how do we vote?"
"Thats easy!" A cheery person appears to them like a goddess, her rather strange arm holding out papers. "Sorry for being late."
"What are you hiding..?" Ivan stares at Chilly. She stares back, in the creepy way like a doll could.
"Just write the name of whom you want to participate in these papers! Just one, though! But, lets go somewhere else comfortable so that someone doesnt shoot you all in the open." She walks away.
The rest have no choice but to follow. To control and be controlled of their lives
A/N: Time to remember what knowledge was there from the oversimplified prohibition period! Th
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Different anon;Personally for me its not the fact that snc has girls in their videos, its what they bring to the video and how them being on them affect snc’s reactions.
For example I cant stand Shea, everything that came from her appearing with Colby, how she treated it and manipulated the situation and extended that reaction for years, how she used him and made her persona surround him. Why if i feel this way why would i watch future videos with her in it? Amber i like, shes bougie but goofy, she doesnt take herself seriously and most importantly she has her own platform and her own niche that has nothing to do with him. She doesnt need him he just adds to her goofy persona.
With Sam and Colby, Celina annoys me, i find her rather immature, Kris is okay alone and although Michelle hasnt appeared, i like her and her content. Amanda makes herself too grand for my liking. Now Kat and Stas, im not gonna sugar coat it, they annoy me. Their content annoys me, them as individuals and the way they present themselves annoy me, i hate that Kat being in the videos takes focus away from the investigation because she ALWAYS just happens to feel something, she freaks out and cant breath (then sit this one out, you dont always have to join your bf on trips). Do i even have to explain why i don’t like her friend? Ms. Im so in shock I can’t sleep but let me go again and again and try to make merch from it. She is a mini Shea with a multi hair tone cheerleader cheering her on. Not investigating at all but needing to be assured along the way. The boys dont focus on investigating when these people are present. It was like Jake and Corey yet theyre women. Its a waste of time. Theres plenty of girls with their own platforms that do this content and dont need them for views. They just go with friends and rarely step out of their comfort zone.
So personally why waste my time watching those videos? I stopped watching everytime Corey and Jake came on for that same reason, their presence becomes aggravating. I dont loose anything by watching Sam and Colby for one week. I can watch them elsewhere and if its the location im after, I’m sure someone else has covered it.
i've basically already explained this a couple times now since i've gotten a couple different anons weighting in, but i'll repeat it again: if you don't want to watch snc's content bc someone's in it, cool. do whatever makes you happy. i've literally said this a 1000 times on here that if the girls piss you off or upset you, don't watch them. and on top of all of that, none of you guys need to explain yourselves to me. whatever reason you have for not watching some of the content they post, that's fine. i don't judge you for it. do whatever's best for you and your mental health. life's too short to watching unentertaining shit.
now that's i've gotten that out of the way lol
i think maybe the reason why i will still suffer thru videos that i know i won't like bc of the person in them is bc my love for snc out weights the "hate" i have for the other person. also, i think it's generally just my curiosity that gets the better of me and needs to know what's happening and what ppl are talking about.
there is only one or two ppl i won't sit thru, and i've basically stated them a bunch of times on here haha
but again, if yall don't want to watch the girls bc they annoy you, that's enough of a reason to skip out on the video.
the only reason i said i "don't understand it" is bc while the girls also annoy me, i don't let them soil the fun of watching snc's content. and since they show up so few and far between (besides maybe kat in some ways) i don't mind them appearing in the videos once in a while. plus i think i've come to accept that at least with kat she's gonna be here for a while if not forever so… might as well get used to her. and she has grown on me quite a lot in the last year or so.
but let me repeat this again: if you don't want to watch for whatever reason, don't. i don't judge you for skipping out. it's totally fine to do so.
(this wasn't all directed at you in particular, anon. just the general audience that reads thru these asks lol)
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Tea reactions for my au that im gonna call the originals or something idk
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Oc tea:+80 hp (flavor text: susie: (I cant tell if they are drinking it fast to get it over with or because he wants the energy burst) ralsei: (D-dont drink so fast kris!)/noelle: (they are smirking?)/oc: (why do i feel aroused all of a sudden?) jovenette: (thats just your general mood oc)/jovan: (you should not be drinking it that fast) )
jovenette tea:+60 hp (flavor text: susie: (they are just staring at the cup...) ralsei: (are they observing the tea?)/noelle: (out of all the things kris has done this is the weirdest)/oc: (oh thats blood) jovenette: (yes)/jovan: (thats blood which isnt suprising) )
Jovan tea:+70 hp (flavor text: susie: (they seem to be enjoying it at least) ralsei: (...)/noelle: (they are just drinking it normally)/oc and jovenette: (they are enjoying it?)/jovan: (i'm...) )
Oc tea:+10 hp (flavor text: susie: (wait a second... This is expired!) ralsei: (calm down susie im sure we can get a refund)/noelle: (she seems outraged,doesnt seem expired though)/oc: (...) jovenette: (oc,dont attack her.)/jovan: (dont drink that) )
jovenette tea:+50 hp (flavor text: susie: (what is this flavor?) ralsei: (cmon susie! Take a sip!)/noelle: (why is she just standing there?)/oc and jovenette: (hehe she doesnt know its blood)/jovan: (i wouldnt drink that if i were you) )
jovan tea:+80 hp (flavor text: susie: (tastes like a ripoff of someone else's marshmallow drink) ralsei: (really?)/noelle: (huh,she seems mildly disgusted?)/oc and jovenette: (IT ISNT A RIPOFF!)/jovan: (*sad boy noises*) )
Oc tea:+10 hp (flavor text: susie: (so how does it tas-) Ralsei:(okay no)/noelle: (i just realized what it is)/oc: (...) jovenette: (DONT GO SILENT OC!)/jovan: (dont drink it) )
jovenette tea:+10 hp (flavor text: susie: (cmon take a sip!) ralsei: (no)/noelle: (i understand why he isnt drinking it)/oc and jovenette: (cmon drink it!)/jovan: (dont) )
jovan tea:+400 hp (flavor text: ralsei: (tastes like an old family recipe!) susie: (really?)/noelle: (why is he drinking it so fast and in that way?)/oc: (they are definently gay) jovenette: (SUPER gay)/jovan: (why do i feel aroused? Please dont drink it that way!) )
Oc tea:-10 hp (flavor text: ralsei and susie: (did she just throw the glass bottle?)/noelle: (NO I WILL NOT!)/oc: (why no-) jovenette: (what even is that)/jovan: (good choice) )
jovenette tea:+200 hp (flavor text: susie: (why are you staring at me?) ralsei: (seems she is nolstalgic?)/noelle: (this give me nolstalgia of susie...)/oc and jovenette: (she is staring at the wall...?)/jovan: (nolstalgia amirigth?) )
jovan tea:+40 hp (flavor text: susie: (she is slowly drinking it...) ralsei: (oh well...)/noelle: (cold water on a hot day!)/oc and jovenette: (change the pace!)/jovan: (we are waiting...) )
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wowihatethisblog · 5 years
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portpebble · 2 years
i really dont think the dark worlds are escapism for susie - or at least if they are, it would contradict how susie acts in them. disregarding that theyre definitely not an escapist fantasy (berdly is ignored at every turn and doesnt have his smart-boy theme park, noelle is forced to face memories of dess that the world ignores in favor of pretending she never existed, literally everything w kris and spamton neo) susie actively goes AGAINST the hierarchy of the dark world system. she wants to be friends with the darkners and repeatedly points out how weird it is that theyre supposed to serve lightners, even mentioning spamton when ralsei tries to ignore it. and why would a person like SUSIE have a fantasy of an entire world of people totally subservient to her?
You're correct in the assertion that Dark Worlds are not a one-to-one escapist fantasy, yes! But that doesn't mean it cannot serve as escapism for the Lightner characters who visit it. There is a reason that every single Lightner who has visited a Dark World so far likes it there and/or wants to go back.
For Berdly, sure he does get ignored by Queen a lot of the time, and is unable to make his Gamer's Paradise. HOWEVER, he learns how to better connect to his peers, gets to come clean about how much keeping up the appearance of "smartness" weighs on him, and it's clear he's have a lot of fun being a cool knight in glow-in-the-dark-armor. He agrees with Noelle and Susie's initial plan to form another Dark Fountain.
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[Image ID: Berdly right before attempting to create a Dark Fountain, saying "So is there any reason not to...?" End ID.]
For Noelle, yes, being in the Dark World brings up memories of Dess. But these memories aren't a bad thing, she's not disturbed by them. In fact, she's excited to be having an adventure, she's excited to be discovering new things about this new world! Her recalling how she and Dess and Asriel and Kris used to have adventures together too is more reminiscent and nostalgic, appreciative of getting the opportunity to have adventures like that again, and not indicative of someone who is being triggered by the situation at hand.
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[Image IDs: The first five are from when Noelle and Kris walk through the December puzzle. Noelle says, "...when I said this city makes my head spin... I didn't mean in a bad way... you know? I always wanted to go someplace new, you know? ...And Dess... always told me she'd take me." and "...don't you miss exploring, Kris?". The last is of Noelle smiling, talking about the Dark World, "I've never... had an adventure like this before." End ID.]
For Kris... Kris is a more complicated case, because we oftentimes cannot see how they feel about a given situation. We do, though, have their two options in response to Susie saying the Darkners should come to their world, with "Yeah let's do it" being more enthusiastic and proactive then "Seems a little far-fetched". Also, I think it's safe to say they want to go back, for one reason or another. Because fucking uhhhh:
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[Image ID: Kris opening a Dark Fountain at the end of Chapter 2. End ID.]
For Susie, in my original post I already gave examples of how much she favors the Dark World, how important it is to her, and how much she likes it there. Here, I'd like to define the term of escapism itself. Wikipedia describes escapism as a "mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life, typically through activities involving imagination or entertainment". It is important to note that in order for escapism to function, the "world" where you're escaping to does NOT need to be utopian. As someone who struggles with escapism myself, a lot of the media I use as an escape does have its own conflicts, flaws, angst, etc. The Dark World has it's issues too, but that doesn't mean it cannot provide an escape for those visiting it. There can be certain aspects of the Dark World that make Susie or the other characters uncomfortable, but as long as it is a better alternative to the "real" world, it can still be an escape.
So, here and within my previous post, I've begun to make a case that Susie displays signs of escapism. However, that still begs the question: Why is Susie susceptible to escapism, particularly within the Dark World?
From certain context clues, we can infer that Susie's home life is... Not great. In the start of chapter 1, she's afraid she's going to get expelled from the school, for something as menial as eating chalk. She says a bush is "basically [her] house now" because she took a nap in it. She drinks milk from an alleyway, completely unaware of where it's coming from. She doesn't call her parents when Toriel asks her to, and she can have impromptu sleepovers whenever she wants without telling them, meaning they're fine with her disappearing for an entire night (if they're still in contact with her at all). She sees herself as (metaphorically and physically) a monster, a bad person, someone who can never be a hero, someone who no one would want to be friends with:
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[Image IDs: Susie right before her fight with Lancer in Chapter 1, saying, "I get it, y'know. Why would anyone..." She smiles bitterly. "...really wanna be my friend anyway?" End ID.]
I think it's safe to say that Susie, when we meet her at the beginning of Chapter 1, is unhappy. She's ostracized from her peers. She has little to no support network. She thinks all of her classmates are waiting for and want her to be expelled entirely. Given the position she is in, it's clear why she would want to find an escape. Thanks to the Dark World, she's able to connect to Kris and Noelle and even Berdly, she meets Ralsei and Lancer, she "becomes" a hero. After spending probably most of her life believing she's a bad person, in the Dark World she gets to be one of the GOOD guys (something she rejects at first because it doesn't align with her view of herself, but she's clearly much more comfortable with the title of hero as the story progresses). She gets to feel good about herself, she gets to feel good about what she's doing! She gets to save the world, she gets to use a cool axe, she gets to start learning healing magic, she gets to have fun with her new friends...
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[Images IDs: Susie describing the Dark World, "And no matter what happens... No one tells us what to do!" End ID.]
You are right, anon, that a world of people subservient to her would not appeal to Susie. But the wish-fulfillment like nature of the Dark Worlds, the way they give her a chance to a hero, to be liked and appreciated for who she is, and even the way that the Darkners can't tell the Lightners "what to do", DOES. Susie wants to be free from authority, and the Dark Worlds present her with a situation where she can actively go against it, dismantle the system, and come out victorious and unscathed- something she cannot do in her own life. Susie does bring up how strange the whole "Darkner's purpose" thing is. She's clearly uncomfortable with most kinds of authority, and that means she's uncomfortable being the authority too. She does benefit from the way Lightners can pretty much do whatever the hell they want, but above that, she wants her and her Darkner friends to be equals. However...
I think that its somewhat important to note that, while its very prevalent in Chapter 1's narrative, the idea of it being Weird that Lightners are "meant" to serve Darkners takes a back seat in Chapter 2. We still see bits of it, like how we see Queen wanting to make the Lightners happy, but it's rarely ever called to attention in the way it was in Chapter 1: Susie telling Ralsei to quit it with the purpose talk, the Spade King's motivations against the Lightners, and Seam talking about the relationship that Lightners and Darkners used to have. We don't get to see a lot of that discussed in Chapter 2. Ralsei has taken Susie's advice. He's acting less compliant, learning sarcasm from her, and considering who he is outside of his destiny. Outwardly, he's displaying less of that "Darkner's purpose" mentality. Susie seems to be happy with this, and she doesn't bring it up in Chapter 2, because to her, the problem has been "solved", at least somewhat. In fact, almost none of the characters mention this Weirdness in Chapter 2. It is an inconvenient truth that can be pushed to the side.
Where we DO see this idea of the power imbalance between Lightners and Darkners utilized the MOST is within Spamton's subplot. But, for a large portion of that plot, Susie isn't present. Kris goes into the Spamton shop and (initially) the basement alone. Susie knows something is off, she realizes how uncomfortable Kris is, but she doesn't see a lot of what Spamton says about "heaven" and about being free. This is purposeful. Susie so far has been the one who's most directly against the power imbalance. Not allowing her to see more examples of it with Spamton's plot allows her to continue not thinking about it. It allows the imbalance to continue being swept under the rug. In fact, when talking about what was weird about the Spamton battle, Susie doesn't even mention "heaven":
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[Image ID: Susie after the Spamton battle, listing it's oddities, "Puppets... strings... hands..." End ID.]
The power imbalance of Darkners and Lightners is weird to her, but it's not a deal-breaker. She still enjoys being in the Dark World. She still has fun there. She still stays up all night thinking about it. And, at the end of the day...
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[Image ID: Susie smiling and saying to Kris at the end of Chapter 1, "Let's go back there tomorrow, alright?" End ID.]
She wants to go back.
In conclusion, I really do think the Dark Worlds provide escapism for Susie. They are not a perfect fantasy, but they don't have to be. As long as they are a better alternative to her life in Hometown, as long as they are giving her an adventure, giving her the friends she thought she could never have, giving her a chance to "be a good person", and a break from the expectations and pressures of her life...
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[Image ID: Susie talking while Kris and her stand in front of the Dark Fountain, "But... is that really a bad thing...? Since they started showing up, Everything's gotten a lot more interesting, hasn't it...? ..." End ID.]
"Well, we don't have to think about that now..."
It's an escape.
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acaciapines · 5 months
please tell us how dess would approach kris’ species dysphoria & how she would teach him to deal with it. if she doesn’t just laugh awkwardly abt it and try to ignore it
actually!!! this is the one thing dess has going for her lol, i like to joke that in this au by losing their identity issues kris instead gains mommy issues. but basically, the big thing that even LEADS kris to all their identity issues in the first place is that when theyre like ten they find a book on humans in the library and realize them being a monster is a Lie, and around this time azzy is leaving for college, their parents are divorcing, dess has just gone missing, they're cutting themself off from noelle, and its this perfect storm for everything to go to absolute shit for kris. they lose their monster identity, everyone around them is trying to comfort them by saying 'its okay if youre human we still love you' when kris ISNT human and THAT ISNT HELPING, and theyre angry and bitter and a lot of kris's anger comes out as aggression and when cornered/when they feel theyre cornered they tend to lash out, which then bleeds into them realizing that of course they werent ever a monster because monsters are good always and theyre not a good person and coyotes are bad animals and kris isnt good or a monster and they sure as shit arent a human but maybe they can be THIS...etc etc etc. its a shitshow lol, but you know that we've seen how i write kris elsewhere.
BUT IN THIS AU, none of that happens!!! kris is 5 when dess dips with them and thus never actually finds out they're biologically human, or at least, not in the way they do in my canon. unlike asriel (who sees kris calling themself a monster and worries), dess is like 'alright cool' and just updates her mental kris file with 'is a monster' and so she treats and sees them as such.
that isnt to say kris doesnt struggle with species dysphoria, because they do, and they do probably eventually find out their body is biologically human (tho i havent really thought much about how that goes lol). but when this does happen they have chara who supports them, dess who supports them, frisk who supports them...and while they still idealize DESS to an unhealthy degree not being the only human in an all-monster town (+ having a human parent and sibling) means they never actually start idolizing ALL monsters in that unhealthy way.
so, the kris of this au isnt human, and very much feels uncomfortable when they're read as such. but their family (dess, chara, frisk) know them to be a monster. and they're able to model their appearance to appear more monster-like. i dont have a FULL design for kris yet (cause character design is my achilles heel lol) but they for sure wear a pair of antlers (akin to the horn headband, but these are Real Bone Antlers they probably got at an antique store that were modified so its like, feasible for them to wear these pretty much constantly), some sort of modified shoes/boots so it sounds like hoofclicks when they walk, probably other things i havent figured out yet...
its to the point that kris tends to be read as monster more-so than they're read as human! which has implications for when noelle first meets them, of course...but thats for another time.
and for those who might be wondering 'wait but isnt your kris a coyote?' they are! this kris is the same kris who goes on to be a coyote, its just kris's coyote-ness does have a very physiological origin lol. takes a few very specific circumstances for them to go coyote and not monster. but no matter what they are never a human <3
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fruitybashir · 5 months
also, we only saw a glimpse of Bojan's sister and I wonder what she talked to bojan about to make her smile at Kris 👀
omg yeah uhhh to be honest when i started the fic i kinda just. forgot kris had a sister 💀 and i only realised after the first family dinner was already written so it was already too late ... so uh. but also i dont know enough about her to confidently be able to write her? and i dont wanna go out of my way to find more info on her tbh since shes still pretty young, and that would feel a little ... idk.
wait rest under the cut bc its getting long again oops
maybe in terms of the fic lets just say maybe shes on some sort of exchange program or something? but for the one id make up in the fanfic, i imagine she would get along with bojan, maybe even really bond with him when she comes back, same humour and level of mischief so shed hog his attention whenever theres family events, joke about stealing kris' boyfriend but also they form an older brother/younger sister bond and just to annoy kris, sometimes she would say that actually, shes kicking kris out of the family and bojan is her oldest brother now.
idk im just making shit up as im typing this hdkckd
for bojans sister and than conversation; the conversation was just general small talk, just catching up on work stories at bojans job, how his studies are going, gossip about what her coworkers said yesterday, just stuff like that. bojan definitely talks to his sister about kris, often, but he doesnt specify anything about the nature of their relationship. she definitely has her guesses and when she sees kris on the couch in a shirt shes definitely seen bojan wear on multiple occasions, she feels confirmed in her theory that kris is bojans boyfriend. (ofc she doesnt know that that isnt the case when she was over.)
basically in general the backstory with bojan and his sister is like. i think he definitely came out to her first, then to his parents, like he probably told her at least half a year earlier and shes been pretty supportive from the start. when he comes out to his parents on christmas this isnt news to her.
bojan and his sister keep in regular contact, and since january, bojan has started to talk about kris more and more. he doesnt say anything about their f+ thing, but he does casually mentioning being at kris' place on the phone, and stuff like that, little hints here and there and she just draws her own conclusions from that. she assumes that since being out is still a new thing for bojan, and even though she definitely is supportive, he might still be a little hesitant to introduce an actual boyfriend. which she doesnt mind. shes just happy bojan seems happy and shes patient and just waits for him to tell her so she can act all surprised
when she sees kris at bojan's, she smiles at him both bc she thinks that hey, bojan might not be ready to really tell her about it yet, but hes also not taking active steps to hide it from her and that makes her happy - and to convey the message of "i see you, thanks for making him happy, i 100% support you guys btw, im on your side" hashtag ally 🌈
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thethornprince · 3 years
i just had a realization.
spoiler warning for under the cut
so yknow how people are speculating the possibility of dess not being dead but missing, and having somehow got stuck in the dark world? and how it mightve happened in the bunker bc of how kris doesnt want to talk  about it and its connection to gaster.
remember how kris backs away from the supply closet at first?
what if they did because they remember dess going into a  place that made everything kind of get darker  like that and never  coming back?
what if theyre opening the fountains because now they KNOW dess could be alive and they want to find her.
and the unused dialogue about everything being so dark too. and don’t forget. that song.
anyways im not saying anything very concrete but this is definitely interesting. at  least to me.
edit: adding onto to this, i dont think kris made either the unused classroom’s fountain or the library one. i believe they made the one in their house to show toriel the dark  world because people  would be  much more likely  to take toriel seriously regarding something like that.
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
deltarune but wof
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haha i drew deltarune but wings of fire
tbh this is just me wanting to ramble about my dumb mini aus that i come up with but never actually do anything with so uhhh heres some ideas for this/explanations
i made them a rainwing!!! theres a few reasons but lemme just keep it brief -rainwings are very “othered” and kris being a human really fits that -theyre also very isolated so ofc nobody really would know how to actually raise a rainwing, for example the stuff like how they actually change color by using the sun and shit -they LITERALLY CHANGE COLOR WHEN THEY GO INTO THE DARK WORLD I MEAN COME ON
anyways some hcsss!!!
kris totally would change their scales to blend in with their family and seem more “sandwing” (yep i made the dreemurrs sandwings), specifically to have the same colors as asriel. in the og kris drawing i realized that this wasnt really showing my idea of how they normally would look so i added in a doodle of the whole family!!
i inverted the colors mostly so you could tell the difference plus gave them some pops of green n yellow to help them stand out, but in reality most of the time they just look like a smaller asriel
theyve probably picked up the habit of trying to raise their tail threateningly but that doesnt really work because. its a sandwing thing they dont have venom. OR AT LEAST THE NORMAL KIND- no we are not getting into the whole rainwing venom thing
actually we are
kris probably doesnt know about rainwing venom, since even in deltarune the people there are super uneducated about humans, and in wof everyone is even LESS educated about rainwings (at least if this is set post darkstalker), so nobody really knows. 
they probably camoflauge to prank people. like you just feel someone watching you at 4am and you turn around and boom its kris
theyve probably gotten good at stopping their scales from changing since theyre constantly trying to blend in with their family, so they mostly stay light pink like asriel. after hanging out with susie a bit tho they probably get more confident and try out blue and pink and it looks great i love them. and also extreme emotions can make them change, but its not voluntary and they dont usually notice until someone points it out. 
theyre also probably very dull in color before they really embrace their identity. they like to stick with their family and blend in as much as possible, but rainwings sort of need to sleep outside and take naps often to have bright colors. as soon as kris realizes that others dont take those naps or feel tired a lot they try to stop and so their colors kinda suffer. to other rainwings they might even look a bit sickly.
hanging out with susie probably gives them the confidence boost they need to actually be ‘healthy’ and their colors get a lot brighter and they stop sleeping in class so much because THEYRE ACTUALLY GETTING THE REST THEY NEED WOOO GOOD FOR YOU KRIS GOOD FOR YOU
kris is also probably very uncomfortable with other rainwings because they cant really relate to them at all and it makes them feel somehow both less rainwing AND less sandwing than anything and so they avoid them at all costs.
ive probably thought the most about this so yeahhhhhh dont expect this much for the others
susie was probably the easiest tribe to decide on besides kris, so heres why -to be honest theres not much reason shes buff -and big -and thats very mudwing of her -also the only way she could be purple outside of fudging the mudwing rules is by making her a rainwing which kris has covered, silkwing which ralsei has, or a really fucking weird skywing which didnt really fit her vibe
hc time!!!
theres actually not much ive thought about with her, but she probably gets a lot of weird looks as the only mudwing in town, which probably also fuels people being scared of her. she looks kinda funky and thats because i dont care about the rules but it also probably doesnt help like mudwings are very brown im just fudging the rules all over the place here she probably likes mud and kris is the only one who also likes it so they just fuckin roll in it sometimes idk wherre this thought came from but its here now i considered giving her no tail/ a very stubby tail because i think its funny but fuck it shes just got a normal tail sorry besties no short tail susie for u
hey guys look its the baby. hes a silkwing -it made it really easy to justify his frankly kinda weird color palette without making him a rainwing. -now that i think about it i proably couldve made him a leafwing -but that seems kinda stupid and i like him being small bug man -silkwings are sort of slightly enslaved in canon which kinda fits his weird “we must serve the lighteners” bullshit
not much to say here. his design is my third favorite, not to be confused with my first favorite design (kris) or my second favorite design (noelle) or my favorite design idea (berdly).  
with noelle i kick canon to the curb because fuck that shit i can make her a hybrid that sounds fun. she’s ice/sand, theres no deep reason here i just wanted to be able to make her brown while also having the ice stuff
her mom is an icewing and her dad is a sandwing or ice/sand hybrid like her, since she doesnt have much thats actually very sandwing about her other than her coloring. if she was blue and you got rid of the back frills she’d be just a normal icewing.
icewings are very status-orientated so her mom puts a lot of pressure on her to be a good role model even this far away from icewing rankings. carol probably only moved out of the ice kingdom because she wanted rudy to be happy and the ice is super uncomfy for sandwings, so she’s a bit miserable in the town with it being so warm. she probably sleeps in a seperate room, not for like weird marriage reasons but because she wanted to freeze it. she’s probably got some lingering racism, and also, hybrids are VERY looked down on by icewings traditionally, so she puts a ton of pressure on noelle to be the best representation of what they can be.
noelle believes she has to be as “icewing” as possible, and since the only full icewing she knows is carol, she’s the icon of what noelle is supposed to be. so she’s picked up a lot of her moms bad habits. for example, she’s really bad at talking about her own feelings or being emotionally in general, since carol always hides how she feels. she can also tend to make rude comments about other tribes, but she apologizes immediately whenever she catches herself.
dess was very much NOT icewing and her mom sort of hated it. she was brash and loud, probably not very orderly and didnt care too much about rules or status, and picked up firebreath from her dads side (if hes a hybrid too, then it skipped a generation). very not icewing of her. noelle loves the break in order, and so she’s sort of split half and half between who she thinks she has to be and what she thinks she wants to be, and isnt quite sure what she ACTUALLY wants or has to be between all the outside forces
also she blushes purple. red sandwing blood + blue icewing blood = fuck you shes purple now. i think its cute. purple bloosh for a purple girl *insert susie*
actually, the most sandwing thing about noelle is probably that she doesnt mind heat. she actually might just love it as much as the cold. she just hates the middle bits. either freeze her alive or burn her in hell no INBETWEEN DAMNIT
berdly berdly berdly. in the end, i kinda like the idea of him better than the final design. hes a nightwing with probably a bit of skywing blood but no (alive) relatives around to confirm that with so he will definetly not admit it -he was going to be a skywing because hes a bird. it seemed fitting -but then i realized that i couldnt make him blue like that -so hes a nightwing with skywing descent -okk the hcs explain the rest of my reasoning better so ill stop now
berdly probably brags about being able to read minds/see the future a lot because people in hometown dont know enough about nightwings to counter. in reality, berdly isnt a 3 moons dragon. or a 2 moons. or a 1 moon. hes just a normal dragon.
one of his grandparents was a skywing that “brought shame to their family” or something idk. the point is they dont talk about him no no no they dont- ill stop now
berdly is super ashamed of this because his family had to leave because of how that skywing descent ruined his familys reputation in the night kingdom. nightwings are very,,, how do you say it,,,, racist most of the time. like somehow worse than icewings. they kind of hate everyone tbh. 
berdly’s ego probably comes from a lot of the “nightwings are perfect” bullshit he hears. i dont think his parents are very present for him, they just wanted to get out of the night kingdom because of the shame and brought him with them. 
he doesnt really want to lie about having powers, but hes in too deep now. the only ones who know are noelle (he confided in), kris (who saw it while they were lurking because they do that), and susie (who figured it out by threatening him with no actual intent and saw him being scared, and putting 2 and 2 together herself). and his parents but they dont count.
catti is also probably close to figuring it out because she knows a lot more about nightwing powers because of her research into these sorts of things, and the fact that he doesnt have a teardrop scale.
berdly can fly faster than a lot of dragons in the town because of his skywing descent, but he doesnt fly a lot because he wants to hide it as might as possible.
ok thanks for listening to me ramble about funny dragon books but deltarune
i might draw other stuff for this au who knows its fun
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nr1roagfan · 3 years
okay but have you ever considered ralsei redemption arc? like theres a lot to talk about but one of the theories is - ralsei doesnt consider kris as worthy and sticks to the player-prophecy thing, adores it and considers it everyones purpose. hes sweet and having a fun time with the gang but realises its not that important in the end. like what if its a yelena-zik dynamic when theres a mahdi and and ideology that everyone should be saved and brought to that beautiful heaven whatever it takes. i mean its only if we stretch out the fact hes always trying to get the journey back on track, forget all the weirdness that might slightly worry anyone and make it a usual rpg the player can be engaged in.
so im not pretending it has at least a tiny chance of being canon, no. i just thing it would be very very interesting to witness how ralsei slowly rethinks his ideals. like he might be thinking kris sacrificing their free will is completely okay and they shouldnt complain abt being the vessel and that its a huge honour and that there are more important things than their choices [ while susie gives more importance to choices of kris and hers and the game in general. i mean like she completely breaks the stereotypes and goes why the hell am i supp- you know what ill keep this for another conversation, this is already messy enough ] and opinions. [[another thing- i think thatd match kris preferring susie of all in the variants of tea and who to go on the festival with]]
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my main point is. ralsei bringing himself down to earth because of some events idk idc. learning to respect kris and characters in general regardless on do or dont they serve the highest goal. like do you remember peridot trying to appreciate the earth or the ep "it couldve been great"???? im talking about this. like he seems so pretty flowery fluffy innocent kind and perfect- id wanna see him fight his hubris(i mean not his but you get what i mean). wanna see him trying get rid if his flaws. that makes a character interesting i think, the flaws they have to overcome
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