#it also would probably only work for like a oneshot or something. can't imagine the bit lasting a whole campaign but it could ig
smolbudgielord · 5 months
one day I hope to have/join a dnd campaign with all of my friends but I also think it'd be equally as funny to join one of theirs as like the only one Online. Like I'm on a little ipad propped up to see the table and everyone else. I don't even have to be a player, maybe I'm just like the dm's little helper behind the dm screen. I occasionally do voices through the shitty mic. I roll dice. I act as side enemies during fights and help control their actions/keep track of fight order. Maybe the players don't even know I'm there, just that there's a faint other voice behind the dm screen and occasional giggling as the dm consults their "little advisor" at times. I wear a black robe and dramatic eyeshadow, awaiting the time the players question what's going on. It's a surprise. The ipad comes out from behind the dm screen, I maniacally laugh and greet the players. the shock. the drama. omfg.
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kasagia · 5 months
love love loveeeee your feyd works, you're such an amazing writer! Your writing really makes my heart flutter man 😞 like lil butterflies running around in there!! I hope you are well appreciated for your work! Im curious tho, how many chapters will right hand man be and after it do you have any plans on making oneshots?
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My two dear anonymous, thank you soooooooooo much! 😊😊🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 1. Oh my god, thank you so much anonymous! This is a HUGE compliment for me!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵 I'm very happy that you liked my writing so much. I feel very appreciated with every comment, reblog, like, and anonymous message from you all. It's really exciting and nice to receive them for my writing, and it motivates me/inspires me to write more and more. So again, THANK YOU (ALL) SOOOO MUCH!
The Right Hand will be 6-7 chapters long, so only 2 or 3 to go. It depends on how I finish chapter V... and according to my plans, there still has to be a little bit going on in this story, and I think this chapter is already long (you don't want to read 20k chapter, right? xD), so we'll probably get to VII.
BUT! I'm definitely not done with Feyd for sure. And since you asked, dear anonymous, I will let you in on a secret and show you what will come next after I'll finish 'Right Hand'...
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Any speculations/guesses/ideas? 🤭😈 (If you really want, I think I may publish a sneak peek/teaser for you. Like 1,5k WC prologue to the concept of the story or sth like that. I'll see what your reaction/interest will be to this one 😊... well, if anyone has made it this far down this post xDDDD)
2. Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it! 😊🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤🖤🩵🖤
A little bit will happen in Part V... you'd better prepare yourselves 😈😈😈 In the meantime, catch the piece of it:
You were in Giedi Prime. You walked through your familiar paths, hiding from the Harkonnens' eyes. It was rare to meet anyone in these corridors. Most of them were dead ends with secret passages that were unknown to most of the inhabitants of Giedi Prime. That's why you were terribly surprised when suddenly someone pulled you by your cloak. You freeze, startled, and turn slowly to face the small child. The kid looks like Harkonnen's child, but not quite. His skin is creamier than white, and white hair grows on his head in unruly curls. But what you recognised perfectly were the blue, bright irises that only one person could boast on Gieidi Prime. "Mommy!" A boy of about 5 years old jumps at you, hugging your legs while you look at him in shock. "Dad said he would take us on a trip! To Lankiveil! We will swim in a real lake! Can you imagine that?!" He asks excitedly and holds out his hands to you. You automatically take him into your arms and rest him on your hip, trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Someone's quick footsteps echo in the corridor. You look up from the child and see one of the harpies approaching you. She breathed a sigh of relief, bowing to you when she saw the boy in your arms. "You can't run away like that, my lord Na-Baron. The Baron told us to look after you." (...)
Hope you will like it! (Part V probably on Monday…)
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tutchando74 · 9 months
Tomorrow's end of the year
This year was special to me. This was the year I entered social medias for real.
After years of telling myself that I should post my ideas, I finally took enough courage to do it, and voala, I even made friends along the way.
I don't know them enough to call them close friends, but I consider them to be. Of course I'm talking about Simple, Carleen and Shadeless.
I ain't gonna tag them (Load of bullshit, I'll do that down the line), since this is more of a letter to me, but thank you three so much for dealing with me. Granted, you haven't seen shit from me yet, but still.
I hope we continue being friends, but only time will tell this tale.
Now, to my blogs, I'm gonna leave here the statistcs of my blogs and AO3.
Posts: 650
Quite a big number, huh? Never thought I'd post so many in my life.
Followers: 45
I'm so grateful to all of you who follow me. I don't what attracted you to my blog, but I'm thankful to all of you.
4 biggest fans: @carleenchoco, @ask-serial-designation-s, @shadelessanon and @the-simple-creature
What could I expect, I'm a simple man, always keeping his friends close.
Posts: 144
Unfortunaly, this AU didn't get as much attention as the other one, but hey, that's a good number.
Followers: 31
Again, I don't know what attracted you to this AU, but you need help.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @igothepanzerdivision (I can't for the life of me tag this guy), @brookiedaaroacecookie and @l0v3sickl0s3r
Yes, I like my blog's post, judge me. A thank to the three of you, even if Igothe there is kind of a fever dream.
Posts: 1180
By far my most famous blog. This isn't even a joke. I understand why it tracted more attention though.
Followers: 71
A thank you to everyone who got interested in this little AU of mine. Honestly, a thanks to all of you.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @l0v3sickl0s3r, @hotmacsticks and @kitty-chans-art
A thanks to the three of you who have made RP's with my AU or just supported it. Thank you.
Posts: 40
This AU hasn't grabbed much attention, but I'm okay with it. This AU was born as a joke.
Followers: 4
Thanks to you who follows this blog. Honestly, thank you. I'm glad you liked this little joke I made.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @skyblueducky, @nani-w (also can't tag you) and @paintchipstastegood
Thank you three for interacting with this AU. It honestly means a lot.
Posts: 5
Yeah, this one ain't a lot famous, probably cause of my drawings.
Followers: 2
I'm surprised someone follows this. Thank you a lot for this.
4 biggest fans: @tutchando74, @lentalguts-gingersnaps and @jthorpe96
Ain't even got 4. Nonetheless, thank you two for interacting with this little thing.
I'm sorry for anyone who was bothered by the tagging, but I wanted to thank you all for this. So, one last thanks everyone, and I hope you all have a great nex year, and I hope mine's great too.
Now for my AO3 account.
Even if it my account doesn't have a full year yet. Accomplished more than I thought I would, no joke. I expected that I would write things and they would get like 20 hits or something, but imagine my surprise when in around a week I got 100 hits on Split Drones. It was a surprise, and that was the first edition of Split Drones, one that doesn't exist anymore because I edited it, cause it was bad.
Hell, I even got a fanart, made by Clockwork. This is a dream come true. I even got a gift, made by InspiredDragonWriter. He decided to gift me back a very good work. Also got a related work made by Kingcrustnip.
This is insane! I'm still so happy about all of these.
I'm going to talk a little about each of my main stories here that I made this year.
Split Drone (on going)
One of my favorite stories that I have thought of. I'm happy that after the 3º chapter it got a lot more attention. And to think that it's not even close to ending.
Murder Drones Oneshots... Kind of (on going)
My most viewed fic here, for obvious reason. It's a oneshit book. Honestly, I don't like this one, but I still have to finish it. There are requests that have more than months on the waiting. The people who sent them don't even remember it anymore.
Rescue Drones (on going)
I'm glad the Twins allowed me to use their content to do my strange shit. Honestly, I really like this story, specially the world building I did with it. I just like the concept of different HQ's out there. I don't know if the Twin read that story anymore, probably not, but I'm happy that they let me use their universe to write my stories.
A walk and a discovery + We meet again brother (finished)
Two gifts for InspiredDragonWriter. I really liked his content, so I thought of making these stories. I like them, think I did a good job on doing a horror story. I hope he really did like these gifts.
Listening to music (finished)
This is just a fun idea I had. Glad some people liked it, but I don't really have any more ideas on what to do with it. I think Clockwork would have an use for this one on his musical oneshot though. Unfortunaly it's closed.
Mine (on going)
A request that turned into a full fic. Honestly, it's really fun to do it, and it gathered way more attention than I thought it would.
Downard Spiral (on going)
A side fic for Rescue Drones. I have a harder time writting in first person than in third, so the quality of this one is leagues worse than the main story, but I don't think it's that bad.
Greek HQ (on going)
This is a huge story I'm trying to tell. Hope the 10 people who read it like it. Things are going to become much worse, really fast.
Little Rescue Drones side stories
Just some fun fic ideas I have on my mind. Nothing more. Don't even know if I should make them cannon.
Brown and Son Playing (finished)
Just a fun little idea I had for these two.
Serial Designation S RP (on going)
I never expected to play a RP, specially on Tumblr. I'm glad I did though, met three pretty fun persons. It's hard to do the Rp through Tumblr, but it's very good.
Poemas (on going)
My first attempt at writting poems. It's really fun to do it, specially to talk about my culture. 
Now, I saw the Twins doing this, and I really liked it. It is showing my final statistics, so I'm going to do the same. By the end of this year, my statistics were:
- User Subscriptions: 8 I'm thankful to everyone who liked my works enough to follow me on this site. I'm glad you enjoy my stuff that much.
- Kudos: 420 This is insane to me. I got this amount in less than a year. Going by dates, it's been around half a year. I'm fucking thankful to everyone who liked my stuff.
- Comment Threads: 88 That's a lot of conversation, and even if most are about the fics, I think I did make some friends here. Hope they think the same.
- Bookmarks: 56 I'm glad people liked my works enough to leave a bookamrk on them, and 56 bookmarks across all my 26 works. That's more than double.
- Subscriptions: 47 Across all my 26 fics, I got 47 subscriptions in each of them. I'm thankful to anyone who did this, trully.
- Word Count: 110,657 Honestly, why do you americans use comma to separate the decimals when most of the world uses dot? Whatever. That's an insane amount of words to me. That's more than I expected to write in all of my life, wich is funny that it turned into my hobby.
- Hits: 14,796 This is an insane number to me. 14k views on my fics. I never expected to have all of this in half a year, but I'm so glad and thankful I did.
It isn't much, but its more than I thought I would get in my first year. Well, it was fun writting everything and meeting new people here in this site.
My gratitudes goes to The_Twins_On_Internet, Kingcrustnip, LB_Clockwork, Shadow_Drone_N_Bryan78932, InspiredDragonWriter and everyone who read, kudoed, bookmarked, subscribed and commented on my fics. A huge thank you to all of you.
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tiktowafel · 1 year
Hey, I love your art style and your work on class 1B. I was just wondering if you have any recommendations for fics that are 1B centric, maybe even stories with someone like Setsuna as a main character. I love the MHA fandom, but it's sometimes hard to find those good stories with all the fan generated content, an I was hoping another 1B lover would know what's what.
thank you, and sure! i don't actually read that much fanfiction (my taste is rather narrow), but here are a few ones that i read and enjoyed! i'll put it all under the cut because my summaries ended up making this list kinda long lol
'Class 1-B' is Trending #1 in Japan - 9k words and absolutely hilarious crack oneshot with a lot of chatfic/social media elements. Tsuburaba accidentally turns one of Monoma's rants into an international meme, which results in 1-B becoming incredibly popular and the League of Villains being defeated in the dumbest way imaginable. the fic is restricted to AO3 users, since i don't have an account there i can't check if the link works but i really hope it does :'D
Adrift - long (13k words) and extremely angsty space horror oneshot with Setsuna as the main character. AU where class 1-B are a space crew and a mission goes terribly wrong, leaving Setsuna, the sole survivor, floating hopelessly in space and thinking about everything that happened. 10/10 made me feel extremely uncomfortable for the rest of the day
Mindfucker Has Closed the Chat - 9 chapter 17k words long very chaotic Monoshin chatfic (with one non-chatfic style chapter) where Monoma texts the wrong person and ends up befriending Shinso without knowing who he's talking to. the fic is tagged "attempt at humor" and i gotta say that the attempt was 100% successful, this thing is hysterical and i audibly laughed several times while reading it
Picture Perfect - i know i hardly ever talk about Kosen on this blog despite the fact that it's one of my favorite ships, but one day i'll post something about them i promise- anyway this tiny 2k word fic is pretty much what made me ship them. it's just... very good and very sweet yknow
Unlikely and Unusual - a oneshot collection made for one of those rarepair month events. it's not specifically a 1-B fic, but some of the oneshots feature 1-B characters and the ones i read are very cute :)
the one and only The Heart of a Hero - 345k words and recently updated after a long hiatus, basically a 1-B fandom legend. It has everything: drama, epic fights, romance, slice of life, character backstories, it's pretty much what BNHA would have been if it was about 1-B. A lot of things in it are inaccurate to canon because it was first written before the joint training arc even came out, but that just makes things more interesting in my opinion (dude i actually wish Reiko's quirk was like this in canon)! it's actually one of the main reasons why i got so invested in 1-B in the first place, i couldn't recommend it more!!
The author of THoaH has also written many other, shorter stories about 1-B, so their entire profile is worth checking out! my personal favorite out of these fics is I Want to Break Free, a 6k word oneshot focusing on Setsuna and her family.
and now for what is probably my personal favorite:
When Die Rolls Differ - 294k words and counting, canon divergence/butterfly effect fic where class 1-B is the class who gets attacked at the USJ instead of 1-A and becomes more involved in the main conflict of the series as a result. honestly i don't even have the words to describe it, it's so good, the character interactions and backstories, and the fights, and the humor, and the way 1-B students fit into the events that originally only featured 1-A characters, and the everything!! just!! dude!! it's amazing!! and there's so much love and thought and creativity put into it!! please check it out because this fic has my whole heart <3 it's also on a break right now, so you have time to catch up
aaand that's it for today! there are probably more fics that i like, i just can't remember them rn, so i'm planning on updating this post every time i remember a nice fic or find something new!
sorry this took so long i may have procrastination issues
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hello, I’m.. new to this. But reading your works have comforted me … I know you have a lot on your plate, and I hope all is going well for you!! If you,,have the chance,, I’ve kind of.. not been doing well. At all. Haha,, I’ve been extremely suicidal.. for at least the past year. Everything has since fell apart. I’m not sure if this counts, but..it feels urgent, to me..?
My grandmother died, I lost my job due to my health declining so rapidly I physically could not manage. I’ve since applied to so many jobs.. absolutely no luck and.. I even lost my home. Im living with someone else’s parents, and I’m a child scared to leave their room all over again. I can’t eat unless food is in front of me, none of my friends are… good, at comforting, to say the least… I have well over 1K due for medical bills, and no one will even take me for an interview, so I can’t even pay off little by little. Lol..I pretty much moved out at 17 and have been surviving by myself for 6 years now.
Im so tired of surviving.
If.. if you don’t mind.. honestly I don’t even know what kind of scenario this would count as…. Baji has been my biggest comfort character as of late, and I.. well, would you mind,, possibly writing a scenario.. of reader who’s spiraled so far into these thoughts, and in the midst of a panic attack, attempts to.. stop surviving, if you catch my drift..
I know this is very personal, and I’m sorry to dump on you.. if you’re unable, all is well! Thank u for taking time to read my pity story haha.. <3
Baji Helps Suicidal Reader
****Please proceed with caution if mentions of suicide will be more harmful to you than beneficial.*****
Pairing: Baji x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of hopelessness, suicide attempt, crying, not being able to find a job, losing your home
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: In which Baji shows up as soon as you attempt to take your own life.
[A/N: Hi darling, I'm so glad you found my blog and for feeling comfortable enough to bring your urgent request to me! I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through. I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Though I've felt similarly about the the whole job thing. Places these days won't even give people a chance to show what they could do. I graduated from College and couldn't find work immediately. I'm still struggling to find a job in my field even now. I have a job at a bookstore atm, but it took a long time for me to get it. I think when they timing is right though, things will work out for us. We really just need to wait for things to happen and keep working for them! But you're also going through a lot of other situations as well, so my words probably aren't that helpful, so I'll leave that to Baji. I'm here if you ever need anyone to talk to though. I've been through moments of hopelessness and feeling like leaving this world was my only option, but I'm proof that things will change. There will always be times when we fall, but we can always get back up again! Anyway, I'll shut up now and let you read. I hope it provides you with even just a tiny bit of comfort <3 i love you, hopefully we can talk again soon, you sound very sweet!
Side note: I wasn’t sure if you wanted something platonic or if you wanted to be Baji’s s/o so I left that kinda ambiguous. You could read it either way!
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Baji impatiently taps his foot, sitting on his bike outside your place. Where were you?
You had texted him earlier asking him to pick you up since the people you were living with weren’t home and you just needed to get out for a while. He came rushing over as soon as he had a chance and texted you upon arriving, but you weren’t answering his texts–you weren’t even reading them. 
He knew all about your situation in life and had tried his best to be by your side and show you the support that you deserved to have. He wasn’t perfect though, at times it was hard for Baji to truly put himself in your shoes and understand what you were going through.
Now though, he was worried. Why had you texted so desperately that you needed to get out of the house? Why weren’t you answering his texts now?
He turns his engine off and hops off the bike, walking briskly to your front door.
“Y/N! I’m here,” He bangs on the door, hoping you were just distracted and forgot to check your phone to see his texts.
But he’s met with silence. 
“Y/N!” He tries again, panic settling in the pit of his stomach and he bangs harder on the door–something wasn’t right.
He brings his ear to the door hoping to hear any sign of life and that’s when he hears it, the running of water and sobs from the other side. Gathering whatever adrenaline had been building up in him, he rams into the door, which luckily flies open from the impact. The sound of your sobs grows louder the closer he gets to you. You were in the bathroom.
The door is only a crack open, but he races toward the noise, slamming the door fully open and takes in your state; puffy eyes as tears run from them not that he could distinguish your tears from the hot water that was pouring on you from the shower-head. You were sitting in the tub, soaking wet with a bottle of pills in your hands.
Your breathing was erratic as you struggled to open the bottle, but Baji is quick to act. He’s in the shower with you in a second, the burning water scalding his body even through his jacket, but he doesn’t care since it’s now not hitting you anymore. He snatches the pills from your hands, throwing them out the bathroom door and into the hallway where you can’t see them. In your state of panic, you start to flail around, seeing that bottle as your only escape from the mental pain you were experiencing. He finally turns the water off and hoists you up, your attempts to push him away and hit him futile. His adrenaline is still high as he lifts you from the tub with ease and onto the bathroom floor where he plops down next to you, out of breath.
You can’t seem to calm your breathing down as you clutch your chest, searching all around you with wild eyes, looking for a way out. Anything to end your suffering–anything. But then you feel strong arms wrap around you in a hug. You beat down on his back, trying your best to shake him off you. Let go of me, you think to yourself. Maybe you meant it in a different way, Let me go. Let me be free from this pain. But deep down, you wanted him to continue to hold you in place.
“Y/N please-” His voice cracks, making you go still in his arms. What were you doing?
“Please, I’m here. You’re not alone, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere,” he cries, “So don’t leave me.”
The man who had nerves of steel was breaking right in front of you.
He held you tight, as if he was scared you’d just vanish between his fingers. 
What feels like hours passes by with you both still soaking wet on the floor, clinging to each other, but you slowly manage to calm your breathing and sobs thanks to Baji’s help. 
He had been silent the whole time, focusing on just making sure you wouldn’t try anything else while he was around.
“I’m sorry…” you finally say, resting your head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry you had to see me like this.”
He finally loosens his grip on you, but continues to hold you close, caressing your still damp hair, “Why?”
That was a great question. One you couldn’t answer in only a few minutes. Baji knew the basics of what you’d been through, but he didn’t know the turmoil of what you were going through internally–only externally.
“I’m just…tired. Tired of surviving, tired of suffering. I’m barely scraping by. Is this what life’s supposed to be like? I look around at all the happy faces. Everyone seems to be living the ideal life and I’m just here, so why should I bother to exist if I don’t matter.”
He takes in your words, thinking them over, probably repeating them over and over in his head.
“You matter,” he decides to say, “You matter so much. Even if you only matter to one person, isn’t that enough to keep trying? One person can eventually grow into two, and three, and so on.”
“Baji…you don’t know what it’s like. I’ve already tried for so long. It’s been six long years. I’ve tried to see the good in my situation for six years, and yet I only keep getting pushed farther and farther past my limit. I can’t find a job, and because I can’t find a job, I can’t pay off my debt. I’m living in a house that isn’t mine with people who aren’t my family. I’m alone,” you cry out.
By now you had freed yourself from Baji’s arms, but he reaches over and grabs your hand, squeezing it reassuringly, scared that you’d run away from him.
“But if you leave now how do you know that tomorrow won’t be the day that things change?” He asks you, “Look, I know I can’t ever fully understand what goes on through your mind or what you’ve been through up till this point, but you can’t know what your life will be like a few months from now–hell, not even a few days from now. Everything can change in a second, you just need to be around to experience it.”
He brings your hands to his lips, peppering tiny kisses to your knuckles.
“I love you, a lot Y/N. Too much to just let you leave like this. Let’s try focusing on today. Each day has its own troubles, so why should we think about the future and worry ourselves even more for problems we haven’t reached yet? We’ll cross those valleys when we get to them. Right now, I just want you to focus on yourself, getting back on your feet and in a better state of mind,” he tries to console you.
His words definitely reached you. Truth be told, you knew things could maybe change, but it was hard to move forward with such uncertainty. Why couldn’t you know what would happen with your life five years from now? 
“But what if things don’t change. I don’t want to live like this forever. I don’t want to suffer anymore,” you confess, hot tears running down your face.
Baji turns to face you, gently wiping your tears away.
“But what if they do? Don’t you want to stick around to find that out for yourself?” He asks.
You stop and think it over for a moment; a life where things finally turned around–you finally getting called in for an interview and getting a job, receiving an income and finally getting to pay your debts off. Having your own place where you felt comfortable and maybe starting a family of your own…yeah, that did sound nice. As impossible as that future sounded, it was something you craved.
“I guess I do,” you sigh, “Though I wish it could happen now.”
“I know. I wish it could happen now for you as well. I hate to see you suffer so much, but you’re not alone in this. I have your back. So let’s keep fighting okay? Together, let’s see it through till the end when things finally turn around for you.”
“Baji, you know I can’t just feel better overnight. I think I’ll be okay for today, but who’s to tell when I’ll spiral like this again.”
“Then I’ll be here to get you through it again.”
A wave of gratitude flew through you. You don’t know why Baji arrived on time when you were fully ready to leave this world a few minutes ago, but now you were thankful that he had stopped you. You didn’t want to hurt him or leave him alone, but you found a little ball of hope appearing in your heart. Though tiny, it was still present and you hoped it would continue to grow and become reality one day.
“I’ll try.”
“Good. Then shall we go? You said you wanted out of here for the day, right?” He goes right back to treating you like he usually would–something you were grateful for. You didn’t want him to walk on eggshells around you after witnessing you at your lowest moment.
“But we’re still wet,” you point-out, looking at his clothes that were still clinging to his body.
“The wind will dry us,” he heaves himself off the floor and holds a hand out to you, “Let’s go.”
You give him your hand as he helps you off the floor. What did you have to lose? At this point you didn’t care, you just needed to get your mind off everything.
Baji leads you out of the house, grabbing the bottle of pills on his way out and throwing them in his jacket pocket, making a mental note to discard them later. You walk past the open door with a lock that was now busted off the wall. You’d have to explain that to the people you lived with, but you’d face that problem when you got to it–just like Baji said. 
You hop on behind him on his motorbike as he passes you his helmet, making sure it’s securely on your head before he drives off. 
For just a moment, the wind seems to blow all the worries from your mind. With your arms wrapped tightly around Baji’s torso, you close your eyes and think of those better days he had spoken about.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to see if they could really happen…
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Posted: 2/15/2023
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hide-in-imagination · 29 days
Heyy, i just read the oneshot of how Simonn proposes to Ambar so i was wondering how do you think their wedding is going to be like :)!
Omg people had asked this before and I never replied because my brain was dead and I couldn't think of anything— But here we go!
Okay, so, it would have to be in Buenos Aires because that's were most of the characters live. Yes, I know some of them are rich and could afford to go to a destination wedding (Cancún? París? Secret third thing?) BUT it's just way easier for everyone to just do it at their home country, and I think they would want to be considerate to their guests. (Sucks for Simón's family though, but again, they are rich, so they can afford to bring them over to Buenos Aires)
I don't think it would be an over the top wedding (because their lives by this point are already pretty over the top with Simón being a music start and Ámbar having whatever very successful job she chose to have) and I also don't think they would go for a church either (something Simón's most religious relatives would protest, but oh well)
So, I think they would go for an outdoor wedding with lots of flowers and just nature in general. They also wouldn't invite 400 people. They'd probably keep it to close family and friends (which would anyway amount to 100+ probably skdfn Simón's family is big)
As for the dress!!! I'm pretty sure Ámbar would choose something simple but elegant, and she seems pretty partial to the combination of lace and see-through fabric, so I imagine something like this:
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(It was pretty much the first I found, if I find a better one I'll change it. Also, feel free to picture a completely different dress— I feel like someone's headcanons about their favorite characters' wedding is something that can be so personal and so sacred, so don't listen to me if you don't want to, just be happy with your own choices💖)
And, you know, she already rented this place once for a music video, why not also for her wedding?
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You know why it would be beautiful?
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And it's also close to the water, which I'm sure Simón would like (even if this water is... clearly not as pretty as Cancún's crystalline waters sdkjfn)
(We're also going to ignore what this place is in real life— We're working only with in-universe information, people!)
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For their wedding cake, I'm pretty sure I already posted this picture before, but I'll do it again:
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Again, elegant with touches of gold (very Ámbar) but also some Simón touches (the music notes). On top, they'd have little figures of themselves, OR, figures of their rollerskates one next to the other <3 (Or both, idk). And instead of that drawing of two heads, they would have "Á & S" 💕 (Also, the cake would have to be bigger, but you get the picture ksjfn)
So, yeah, they'd have the wedding outdoors, then they would head to a large marquee we're they would hold the reception (u know, the cocktails, the dinner, the party, etc etc). Simón and Ámbar would have their photoshoot first outside, around sunset, while everyone is enjoying the cocktails, and then join everyone else to give a toast and start the dinner.
The rest is pretty much like any other wedding. During the party, they would bring out some goods like costume hats, wigs, party glasses, stuff like that. I also once went to a wedding were they brought light up shoes for everyone sdkjnfn. I think Ámbar would really enjoy a light up cape— those are so fun. OH! And at some point, they would both bring out the CO2 guns😎 (everyone is absolutely drunk by this point)
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So, yeah, they all have a blast ❤️
(Oh, and did I mention Simón teared up during the vows?)
(Well, technically, Ámbar cried, and seeing her cry made him cry, but who's counting?)
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imgoingtocrash · 10 months
Hello there! It's your Rebelcaptain Secret Santa :) Hope you had a wonderfull week and that you have something great planned for the weekend. I'm probably around 1/3 into writing your gift, and I was just wondering: is there anything you absolutely DON'T want to see, any tropes that give you the ick, any characters you avoid? Also, on a completely different note: if you were to choose your top 3 favourite rebelcaptain fics, what would those be?
Oh hello!!! It's been a busy work week but that means money sooo we're going with it lol.
As for anything I don't want to see, I don't think there's anything?? I feel like my prompts were pretty vanilla so I can't imagine anything particularly shocking or appalling that you could do that would make me not want to read something. (And I love angst, so anything darker there is always encouraged rather than discouraged lmaooo)
Now asking me for my favorite fics on the other hand...I'm notorious for making detailed fic rec lists. That's dangerous.
For now, I'll do 3 all time favorites of MANY more, and 3 more recent reads (though some of them are older, because I'm back in the tag rn)
Top 3 All Time Favorites:
cassian andor nonsense + assorted nonsense timestamps by theputterer
I love this series. It's Cassian centric at first, and then it's about their relationship in the context of their pasts and I am just!!! Overflowed with love for it all of the time. I binged it when I first read it, and there are some oneshots in the verse that I come back to and re-read when I'm in a mood. (Blood Brothers, where Jyn gets to meet Cassian's Imperial brother, is a weird favorite, but I think I've re-read it like 4 times. I love that sort of 3rd person POV on a ship I just DO.)
only fools rush in by andromeda3116
I re-read this fic almost every holiday season, that's how much I love it. Fake dating trope, holiday vibes, bickering but well-meaning family that learns to come together. It's catnip to me.
Color My Cheeks by Copper_Nails (Her_Madjesty)
Another older but beloved favorite that I've re-read multiple times. One of the first fics I ever read in the fandom, and I think one of the first sex pollen fics I'd ever read. It's not just trope-y sexy fun, but the fact that it goes into the AFTER of a sex pollen event and what that means for them emotionally feels so unique and interesting. Now I'm thinking about re-reading it again. Sigh.
Definitely could give you more all-time favorite recs, but here are some more recent fics I've read:
Lost and Found by mosylu
As of today, just completed, and WOW what a journey! I left rambling, crazy comments on this fic almost every week for good reason. It was sweet, it was angsty, it was just!!!! Amazing. I'm probably going to come back to this one again down the road for sure.
Delivery Week by SleepyKalena
I've read quite a few Film/Production based fanfics over the years, but this one is for us post girlies!!! An edit bay meet-cute, bitching about color correcting/matching--truly this fic has it all and feels tailor-made to me as an editor, even if it's at an animation studio rather than live action.
spy games by skitzofreak
I'm basically reading through all of their star wars fics right now, so highly highly recommend this author as a whole. (The fact that I've apparently left kudos on some of them before and don't remember it at all is...funny.) This one is just a great, cute starter where Cassian and Jyn have an entire silent conversation in front of a bunch of recruits. So good.
Your asks remind me to send asks to MY giftee, so I'm so happy to hear from you each week! Have a wonderful week and good vibes to your writing progress! 💖
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I'm not gonna do this on anon. xD Take this.
Top 3 fics of yours that you wish everyone would read—GO! Then remember to pass this on to at least 5 other people ❤️
By Any Other Name for sure. It's my only sapphic fanfic currently, and I wrote it in a single day, because I had the brainworms. It's also historical spamano, and most of it is a variant of my most important and integrated headcanons – such as when and how Spain and Romano met and how nations work in historical Hetalia. If I write something and don't fully explain the background, the background was in this fanfic.
Already, we're approaching the problem which is that most of my fanfics are part of a series. So for the other two, you'll have to forgive me for inadvertently recommending a seven part series (and more on its way). And I'll recommend part 2 and part 7, because those two have spamano as the main couple.
Enough stalling.
Corvinae and Cyanocoracinae are both parts of my Birdbrains series. This is my "main modern human AU" I guess you could call it, and it's centred around Canada, America, and Romano, and how they met the BFT who are birdwatchers. Everyone has an odd hobby in it, and it's an attempt to write something akin to a gay sitcom, except the lows are way lower than in sitcoms. It's supposed to be funny though, generally. It also works as a character study of a given character, but with plot. I'm sorry, I'm rambling, but this series is one that I love a lot, and sometimes it feels like no one even read it.
Corvinae is a study in Romano and his past, how it makes him act, how he tries to protect himself. It's also an exploration in my favourite friendship dynamic, Canada, America, and Romano.
Cyanocoracinae is the culmination of everything in the series. It's a study in Spain and how to portray his actual canonical dark side in human AUs while still making him appealing. There's also a lot of other things to it.
I know that it probably seems intimidating to read Birdbrains, because it's a series of overly long oneshots, the titles are hard to pronounce, the summaries are either quotes or the vaguest description of events you can imagine, and so on, but like. This is the only way they can exist. They're weird. The stories I'm trying to tell with Birdbrains can't be told within a more classic fanfiction narrative.
You gotta understand, I'm weird.
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waffles-for-brunch · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @lovevamp
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
4. One's an okay oneshot, then I did a fix-it after 15x20, then I lost my mind completely and spent three years on a season 12 rewrite and now I'm back again writing another fix-it. My twilight zone is self-inflicted.
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
540,492 (insert kevin james shrugging meme here)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Just Supernatural. I started writing a fic for Baldur's Gate Bloodweave but then Destiel dragged me back to the dark side. Maybe I'll finish that one eventually.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
they're not gonna be in order bc I'm just gonna go thru my bookmarks real quick but - "And this, your living kiss" by opal_bullets "On labor" by a_good_soldier (i reread this one twice this week) "The Nanny" by Kitmistry and those are the ones i feel like mentioning. :)
5. do you respond to comments?
Admittedly rarely. Mostly because I'll open my email when I'm getting up in the morning and read them and then work all day and forget to respond. I do appreciate all the comments I get tho. And a lot of the really kind ones I send to my groupchat and/or save in a folder on my email labelled "nice comments" also just sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to say. Like idk sometimes thank you just seems too small or something you know. It's strange. Then I'll just get in my head about it and say nothing and the cycle repeats lmao. But I do read them all.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Dog you know I'm not writing any angst without a happy ending. I can't take that shit lmao. It's happy endings only in this house. Happy and found family and loveliness. :)
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I literally end everything the same way. Please I have the worst case of projection imaginable with these fics.
8. do you get hate on fics?
If I do I'm unaware. But I'd probably know it if I do, I stalk my own name and fics wherever I can because I'm insane and nosey. But nah the most I've gotten is just people being mad about a certain character's actions, but like that's not even hate it's just frustration with a character which is a given in certain circumstances. Now if someone was like "wow bad characterization" I'd be like girl, but no I think people are pretty respectful in my corners for the most part.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Bro let me tell you in "Our Old Heroes" I wrote like a singular sex scene and like maybe one or two other hot and heavy ones and good god did they take me so long to write. Like I'm not a very sex oriented person in general so writing this stuff out? Bro it's embarrassing how much poetry I put into that in retrospect (i jest, it's fine) but like I don't generally orient towards it just because it's very time consuming for me. It has to be very intimate and just right.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
So short answer no, I haven't. Longer answer I love the concept and would be open to it. Particularly if it involves Dean being psychoanalyzed in some way because that's my favorite thing to write so it would probably be criminal minds. I think crossovers have so much fun and wonky potential tho.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope someone printed my fic to bring into prison and make a black market hot commodity. It would be the highest honor. I guess that's not theft, it's just the free market. But so I guess really no, if I have I'm unawares.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of but I have had people comment in other languages or on twitter people will talk about it in a different language, which is pretty crazy. It's so wild we can be so connected to a story in that way despite not speaking the same language or growing up in the same environment.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! but as @lovevamp has said we've talked about a few that I'm certain one day we will follow through on. I've also talked with @icaruspendragon about maybe doing one at some point bc we seem to have the exact same mental illness that is the dean winchester brain disorder.
14. what’s your favorite all time ship?
I live breathe and bleed destiel, it's truly unfortunate for me.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I just have a lot of ideas in my docs that will probably never become more than the ideas they are. Usually when I start a fic like for real I follow through with it. I would feel bad if I didn't lol.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterization is pretty good, which I appreciate. If it was bad I'd probably kms (jk). But fr idk that's the biggest comment I'll get is in regards to that which I really do like because I spend a lot of time trying to find a balance and make sure I'm expressing everyone the correct way they'd express themselves or not express themselves.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes aside I do struggle with action mostly because I find it boring to write out. You just have to try and find so many different words. Ugh. I love dialogue. That's really where I start getting going. But writing action? I tend to do that last because I wanna get through all the good bits first then circle back and do the boring bits.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
listen I can barely remember english i'm sorry
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i'm an og baby i started here (destiel) and this is where i'll die (maybe not, we'll see)
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
Well, I don't really have many so it's probably the massive one. "Our Old Heroes" by adelaclancy (that's me). I was really in a bad place when I started it and I kind of just gave myself this crazy project for several reasons. One I was stopping drinking so I needed something else to do with my time. Second I was jobless and goalless and really didn't have a lot going for me and writing was really the only thing I have ever had consistently so I was like okay well I'll start this stupid project and it's gonna be like 26 chapters and 500,000 words long and it's gonna delve into all my issues through projection of these fictional characters and if I actually manage to finish it I can finally say I finished something. So I did. And I actually managed to work on myself a lot in the process. So over all that time I went from living in bad straights as an unemployed drunkard to a full time worker with a few years sobriety under their belt and a better sense of my own boundaries and thriving friendships and I dunno man, in a way that fic really was a bridge for me and I think in that too for a lot of the readers they get to see that now too. Like they can see my little notes at the beginning of chapters and how they change over time alongside the characters in the book and it's kind of an experience in that way I suppose. If not through Dean Winchester and Castiel then maybe through me, if someone out there finds a little bit of hope from that silly little mess of words then I suppose that's something to be proud of then, isn't it? Anywho...
tagging: @icaruspendragon
(Bro I know like two people sorry)
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jack-daww · 6 months
Fanfic writing asks!
2, 4, 7, 10, 29, 35, 49, and 77?
Ooh, thank you for the ask! Let's see...
2: Where do you get your fic ideas?
Hard to say. I get inspired by just about anything. Stuff I read, conversations I have, situations I've either been in or heard about, you get the gist. When something catches my interest, my brain will start screaming ideas at me until it either leaks oit of my ears or I start writing it down and throw it into the ideas folder. I'm almost constantly spewing ideas, but not all of them are good, so sometimes it just gets put in my notes app on my phone and deleted later for lack of detail.
4: How do you choose which fic to write?
Well, I have a folder on my laptop in which every fic idea gets noted down as its own document. When I finish a WIP, I look through that folder and choose whichever I have the clearest picture of. I usually keep every idea in mind and only need a small reminder of what I had planned for it, so it really comes down to where my mind goes. Sometimes I'll also have a plot for one of those ideas in mind, so I don't need to spend time choosing at all.
7: Post a snippet from a WIP
Well, it might take a little while for me to post this WIP, but have something from my latest oneshot:
"There are shelves upon shelves of books and other nick-knack, making the room look bigger and more cramped at the same time. The walls are full of paintings of all kind and there is a single lamp hanging in the middle of the room."
This story is about a tea shop (vaguely based on a shop I have been to irl) and its weird regulars, as seen by an outsider. I haven't managed to work on it since I got sick, but it's about 1/5 done, I think?
10: Do you work on multiple WIPs or stick to one fic at a time?
Uhm, I do work on multiple fics, but I try to keep it to two at most, a longer one and a oneshot. I mostly write oneshots, so yeah. Sometimes I also work on three (when counting my very long-time project) but more than that gets overwhelming and ends up with me not writing anything.
29: What's something about your writing that you're proud of?
Probably how I write emotions. I'm an angst writer, so you can imagine that a lot of situations I write tend to get messy. But I've been told my characterizations are realistic, as well as how I write emotions, so I'm pretty proud of that.
35: What's your favourite fic that you've posted?
This is hard. Uh, let me take a look at what I've posted. (I am opening multiple tabs to look through my fics for this question and the next one)
This one is probably it? I really like how I wrote magic here and while it's not my typical style (normally I'm not quite this poetic) it was fun to write! I like most of my fics, so this was a hard choice, but I feel like this is a s close to a favourite as it gets.
49: What fic of yours would you say introduction to you as a writer?
This is hard too, damn. Hm, I would say my first fic, but I don't think that would be accurate to who I am as a writer today? My writing has improved over the last two years after all.
I have two different main writing styles and different dynamics depending on what fandom I write for, so I can't really tell which one it should be. I hope naming two isn't cheating, lol.
I think these are pretty good examples of my typical writing style and they're rather recent too, so they don't have as many mistakes as my old fics might have.
The first one shows a group dynamic I enjoy and the second one is pretty good too, though from a different fandom and with a different focus. Both fics are mainly about interpersonal relationships, which is what I mostly write about, and the level of angst my fics reach on average. I was tempted to pick one of my mcd fics for this, but that wouldn't be very representative of my writing.
77: Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
Well, I enjoy writing because I like creating scenarios and trying to get people to feel stuff. But if the question is why I enjoy writing fanfiction specifically, hm. Probably because I like exploring how characters react or playing around with character dynamics? Sometimes I want to portrait a specific dynamic/scenario/emotion and I can do that easier when the characters already exist. Also, the community is nice.
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binnieceo · 8 months
What about Butcher/Minnie do you enjoy so much? I like what we've seen so far, but I'm not attached at all since they haven't been in the story much.
The thing about my love for the binnies is that, as any good love story, it was completely unintentional
At the beginning of my obsession with hand jumper, my favorite character and the character who ate up all my thoughts was, as it is with many of you, Ryujin
However, my downfall began when I started writing fanfiction for hand jumper
In the beginning, I only wrote about Ryujin/Sayeon, and some other ships and interactions between the other members of cell 4.
But I wanted to write about the other characters, too. Mainly samin and the other gang members. They're part of the underworld and have been through a lot—and as someone who LOVES dark fiction i went straight to working with the gang members of hand jumper
So I heard this song and I had a fanfic idea.
I did write the first chapter of it, but I deleted it because I gave up on the story (wrote it on a whim, didn't plan things out. (Did anyone get to read the first chapter?))
But the overall story is that the leader of the Sea Wolves had gone insane because he was using rapture, and he was not only breaking the gang's code, but he was also harming his own members unfairly. So yesol would ask samin for help, and samin would, in turn, ask butcher and minnie for help, too.
As you can imagine, working on this fic was.. incredibly difficult. Sure, I know quite a bit about samin but not about the other characters, and making up new characters is extremely difficult. So I overanalized every panel the characters were in, and tried to take as much personality from their few speech bubbles as I could
And, well, in this fanfic, butcher and minnie would be secondary characters as well. They would be used as spies and thieves by samin, and would serve as a key to defeat the mad Sea Wolf leader.
But despite the purpose of the fic being Samin's rise to the top, I focused solely on Butcher and Minnie. And it was because of one scene.
In my scrapped fanfic, there would be a scene where Minnie would be kidnapped and Butcher would save her, but her kidnapper would threaten to kill her and to save her, Butcher would say that she was completely worthless to the begonias, and that he didn't even care about what happened to her.
This, of course, would make Minnie extremely sad and they'd have the most emotional scene in the fanfic.
THAT SCENE is what made me fall in love with them.
Before, I was opening the Underside chapters to analyse Samin and Yesol, but now I was opening the chapters because I realized that Butcher and Minnie had so much potential. And no one ever noticed them!!
Minnie is serious and likes big words but despite being in a gang, she is opposed to blood and violence—yet she supports Butcher and goes with him everywhere.
Then I noticed how physical Minnie was with Butcher, how overprotective he was of her and how absolutely ADORABLE the two were when put together.
Then, of course, as any sane writer, I started shipping them. And the more I overanalized their panels, the more I began to notice more small things between them
I started overanalysing their panels in october of 2022. TO THIS DAY i find myself rereading the underside arc and I ALWAYS find something new to point out about either one of them
And not only did I notice all those little things, but, remember that one scene the Binnies had in the scrapped fanfic?
I ended up writing the scene and to this day it is probably the best thing I have ever written. It was so emotion packed and everyone who read it said they loved it.
And after reading the scene over and over, I was like "I can't just pretend i never wrote this" but I also couldn't just post it as a oneshot, even with a few paragraphs for context in the beginning.
A few paragraphs of context wouldn't be enough to explain the weight of Butcher's words and how much it affected Minnie, or why she reacted the way she did.
So, as any sane writer with 50 WIPS to finish, I began writing Between Pigs and Mice.
Between Pigs and Mice is nothing but a huge build up fanfic about what led to that one scene. Butcher and Minnie's rise as a couple and their fall.
When I first drafted the fic, Between Pigs and Mice was only 5 chapters long. But now BPaM is 10 chapters long and it'll be over 30 chapters long so—what happened?
Well, since I now had to write a fanfic surrounding Butcher and Minnie, I started overanalysing their panels even MORE.
There were so many questions around them and since Sleepacross doesn't interact with their fanbase too much, I had to be the one to answer these questions.
Who is Butcher's brother? Is it Ishaan Cha? Is Butcher Jiwook Cha?
Why is Minnie's hair gray? They live in a world where pink/blue hair is common, but white isn't. Doesn't this mean Minnie has unusual hair, too? Does this mean she was a victim of trafficking?
Minnie is the only character with freckles! Surely I can do something romantic with that...
More and more I began writing Butcher and Minnie the backstory I THOUGHT they had, and began treating them as my own OCs at some point (because let's be honest, they more or less are now)
Then, they became my comfort characters.
I don't think I truly understood what comfort characters were until I got attached to these two.
Writing BPaM when I was anxious made me feel better, reading their chapters and overanalyzing them made me calm down and seeing Butcher be silly with his girlfriend made me feel so happy. Writing them was fun and drawing them was incredible.
I commissioned so much art of Butcher and Minnie. The artists didn't post them but I have them saved on a special folder. Not only did I commission art but I, at some point, commissioned a Minnie plush as well (and am currently planning on commissioning a Butcher plush). I think i have spent over 1,000$ on Binnie art and I don't regret it
Another thing that made me fall in love with them even more is the ship name my best friend coined—Binnie. I couldn't think of a ship name but they did and it sounds SO CUTE and it is PERFECT and rolls off the tongue SO WELL and it makes me SO HAPPY when I see others using it!
At the same time that I want others to like the Binnies, I also have gotten so attached that every time I see someone talking about them I go "you don't know them like I do." And feel a little jealous...
But anyway, it's gonna be a while until S2 comes and they return from the war, so I have a lot of time until more Binnie fans come by...
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kasagia · 7 months
How do you get into writing. I have just started and would love some tips. Xxx
And this surprised me very much, dear anonymous. 😅🙈
I'm not some kind of 'guru' on this or a professional writer or anyone who is... qualified or even learning in this direction to tell the others how to do it and get into writing or give some tips or anything. I believe that everyone should find their own way.
Writing is just my hobby, but I'll try to answer something for you, dear anonymous. And I hope it will be helpful somehow. 🩵🖤🩵
You can't force yourself.
At least it doesn't work for me. I can't set times for myself when I should sit down and just write. And even if I do, the things I write are... kind of shallow and unnatural (at least when I read them).
Inspiration comes by itself, and sometimes you have to stimulate your imagination yourself.
You've probably ever had this feeling where various ideas and words come to your head, and sometimes there's a barren void and you can't put together one sensible sentence or figure out what to do next with the plot.
I get inspired through music and edits on YouTube or Instagram about the characters I write about. They stimulate my imagination to create new scenarios and stories. ESPECIALLY THE MUSIC. (TAYLOR SWIFT, LANA DEL REY, FLORENCE, RUELLE, BIRDY I LOVE YOU!!!!)
It is helpful to imagine the scene in your head.
You don't know how to write what a given character should do next? You don't like leaving only dialogue? Imagine that you are talking to a given hero. What would you do, and what would he or she do? Does he move his hands, approach, move away, frown, laugh, fix his hair—all these movements that we observe every day when we talk to others or watch a movie?
Imagining myself in a given situation helps me write not only the dialogues but also the environment around them. So, mainly, the movement of the second character. I don't necessarily like descriptions of landscapes and places personally; I only do it when I have to and need it for the plot. I'm not an expert at this; I know I still need to work on it, so for now, this is my solution when it comes to writing these other things around the dialogue.
Constantly writing is essential.
You can't give up after the first few tries. We are constantly improving our writing, and so on.
I'm afraid to read my first oneshots because my writing style has evolved since this all time and since I've been writing "publicly." AND THAT'S NORMAL. At least I think so.
Everyone has their own beginnings and started somewhere, and this path is beautiful—these first excitements, the satisfaction that someone liked and commented on your work. (IT STILL IS! SHOWING THE AUTHOR WITH LOVE AND ADORATION IS VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO BE FEED WITH CONTENT! xD) 😅
And over time, the longer you stay at it, the more you want to keep going (at least for me).
But sometimes writing block comes and you just have to simply wait it out. What helps me is listening to music (different from the songs I know) or reading someone else's work. The brain remembers how fun it is to write and suddenly you feel like writing.
BUT we don't copy other people's work or use an idea that someone else had. The golden rule. Besides the fact that it's wrong, immoral, and just plain not cool, who wants to read about the same thing all the time? Creativity is key. (ALTHOUGH NOBODY WILL TAKE THE MOON SUMMONER AND DARKLING FROM ME. THIS IS MY HOLINESS SHIP AND I WILL WRITE ABOUT IT AS MUCH AS I WANT. UNFOLLOW OR BLOCK - I DON'T CARE. xD) 🙈🙈
This is not a grade assignment for school; there is no wrong way to write. And as long as YOU are satisfied and happy, then write.
This is probably the most important thing. It's supposed to be fun—playing with words and imagination, creating your own story with the character you love, creating your own world, having fun. You can share it with other people or keep it for yourself. The choice is yours.
Haters will be everywhere; you can't avoid them, but I believe that nobody can please all people.
Some will like it, others will not, and that is also beautiful—that each of us likes different things, that we are not stuck in one monotonous way of thinking, and that we simply like different things.
Create a writing atmosphere may help.
It's good for some people. A candle, a blanket, coffee, tea and other drinks. Just you and your laptop or anything else.
Words matter.
I remember Googling every time to learn how to say this and that in English. Is it possible to use this and that meaning of the word for a given situation? Or when I was writing a dance scene and I was wondering how to write different moments, I went to Google to check what the hell to call it.
The more you write, the more practice you have with it, and the more you remember the words you need. (If your native language is not English, like mine.)
And adjectives. They are important because when someone else reads them, they can better imagine the situation. But as I said, I'm not sure about the rest—the description of the situation and feelings. I feel like I'm writing a bit too much, maybe boring; maybe I could skip some parts and focus more on others? I don't know, so I won't say much about it. 😅😅😅
I hope I helped somehow! Although I'm not sure if I'm the right person for this or if my mumbling will help you.
Have a nice day! 🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤
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lyon-amore · 1 year
'Three Days Before' Extra Oneshot
Oneshot that I have always wanted to write of how I imagined a scenario of three days before Hannah's disappearance, both as the canon of the game, as the 'What if...?, I hope you like it 🤭
Sorry that everything is so separated, I have passed everything from the phone
*Macie POV*
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's having to be the girl from the café: 'Macie, bring me a cappuccino', 'Macie, bring me a venti', 'Macie, have my macchiato', 'Macie, a lungo for me' , etcetera etcetera… And of course, who pays for those coffees? Exactly: me. As if it hadn't been hard for me to save for the blouse I've been wearing today. I have to divide the money between the house, Henry's needs and my subscriptions that keep me going in these chaotic days. Sitting on the couch… Turning on the TV… And watching the romance between Elena and Stephan, and Damon's sexy smile. If it weren't for them, I don't think I would survive.
And last night I needed it after that date. I have to let Lian introduce me to the boys, but of course, if she was lucky to meet such a lovely man, why trust her?
Or maybe it scared them when I look at them closely, as if analyzing them. Although thanks to analyzing them, I found out that one of them was hiding the fact that he was married. Ugh… It's sad that I now use these skills to find a boyfriend. Why can't I use it at work as well with some news?    “Also because I'm too picky… “ I comment as I carry the coffees “Well, this was the lungo, this was the macchiato…” I say as I walk.   The phone rings and I stop walking, answering.    “Hello?”    “Connors, there’s another coffee order” my superior says, speaking quickly “, bring me an Americano.    “What?” I put the phone on my shoulder, to press it against my ear “But I'm already halfway there!”    “Then it’ll be okay if you turn around and buy another one.”    “But Mr. Jones-“     When I was about to continue the discussion —or try to, because he's my superior—, a guy pushed me, spilling the coffee beans on my blouse. My blouse! My €75 blouse!    “But what are you doing?!” I yelled, glaring at him.    “I am sorry!” I see how he takes out some coins and leaves them in my hand  “Goodbye!” He runs off as if it cost him his life.    "This costs more than a few coins!" Came back! He yelled, watching her leave.     I tried to get his face, but he was wearing a mask and hood. I only kept his eyes. And with that, I can't do much. But would they really take a complaint for ruining my blouse?    “Great...” I look at the blouse and finally, the coffees “No, no... They're going to kill me... My money...”    “Hey!” I look up, seeing a policeman approaching me “Have you seen…” he takes a breath as if he were hungry, tired “Have you seen a guy in black and carrying a big bag?”
    I stare at him, unable to speak. He probably doesn't remember me, but I do, he was one of those who messed with me in the past.
I open and close my mouth, wanting to answer. But the words don't come out.
I press my lips into a thin line. Nervous.    "He's gone" I say, raising my hand "over there." I point to the opposite side, automatically. As if I wanted to ruin his job. Make him look ridiculous.    “Thank you!” He is going in the direction I told him.     I take a deep breath. I can't believe what I've done. I look down at the coffees and sigh. This doesn't look good and I don't have more money for more coffees. I have to get money from an ATM and I'm going to be late.    "This day couldn't get any worse...”
    I had bought me an ordinary T-shirt. While the blouse, I left it at the dry cleaners. I had bought the coffees again. How I hated it.    “Where have you been?” Lian approaches me, nervous “They haven't stopped asking about you” she walks next to me, taking little steps “And the blouse? Why do you get a smiley cat t-shirt?”    "Because I need something to cheer me up right now" I reply quickly, while I am taking almost leaps and bounds ”. I'm sorry, I'll tell you right now." I walk away from her, going to the meeting room.     I knock on the door and wait for them to order me in. I keep waiting, until they finally open the door for me, almost as if they were going to throw it down.    “Where were you?” Christian asks me quickly.    “They threw the coffees at me and-“    “I asked you where you were, not to tell me what happened” he takes the coffee trays and closes the door for me.     I close my eyes, taking a breath to calm myself from going in and yelling at him.    “You’re welcome.” I reply, walking away from there.
    I return to my desk and see the latest news messages to post on the website. There is always a lot of work and they pass everything to me. Someday I will have something good to tell. Of that I am sure.
Maybe twenty years from now.
I am in charge of decorating the page a bit, following the instructions. Lian walks over to my table, grabbing a chair.    "Details, now" she tells me authoritatively, "have you met the boy from last night?" Is that why you have other clothes than this morning?    “No, an idiot who was running has thrown all the coffees on me.”    "Oh! Just like in romantic movies!” Lian gets excited and I return to the computer, not really wanting to talk “And? What happened? Has he given you his number? Have you given it to him?”    “Coins.”    “What?"    “He gave me some coins, he said ‘I'm sorry’ ” I put on the most pitiful voice I can do “and he ran away. And it's not like I saw his face, he was covered.”    "Have you checked to see if you've been robbed?"    "No, he hasn't robbed me" I sigh exaggeratedly “. I hope I never see that guy with bad manners again or if not...”    “You’re going to kill him for destroying your blouse.”     My blouse… my precious blouse… I put my hands to my head. It's better not to tell Lian what happened next, because I don't even know why I did it myself. Why did I help him after ruining my clothes?    <<His eyes… he looked quite desperate.>>     "Earth calling Macie" Lian snaps her fingers, waking me up from my thoughts "And the boy from yesterday? What happened?”    “Well…”    “Well?”     I shrug. I hadn’t gotten to have that special connection I’m looking for. Maybe Lian is right and I’m too picky.    "Maybe it's time to accept having a rabbit farm or… Do you think Klaus will still be free?"    "No" she holds up a finger "don't drag yourself into the past Macie, but don't try to find everything wrong with the guys you know, okay?"    “I don’t, it’s just-“    “But what exactly are you looking for?”     I start to think, what do I want? I want someone who will impress me when he speak, someone who will make me feel like before. A man who when he speaks makes me think: I want to hear you forever even if I have no idea what you're talking about, but I find your emotion adorable. I don't know. A man who makes me sigh because of his way of speaking? That his way of thinking is surprising?    "Someone I can get into when we thinking and we can… I don't know, have fun with the smallest things we can." I tilt my head, continuing to think.    “And if you're looking for that so much, why do you reject them after one date?” Lian places her hands on my shoulders, shaking me “Where is the second date to meet him?”     I laugh and carefully stop her. Not wanting to hurt her because of the pregnancy.    “Because my instinct tells me that it is not what I am looking for.”    “Your instinct fails” she moves away little by little “what are you waiting for? The guy you've been waiting for so long to send you a message without him having your number?”     I roll my eyes, with a smile. Chosen my future: I will have a rabbit farm.
As night falls, I stretch out on the couch with a bowl of yogurt and chocolate cereal. Henry jumps onto the couch, coming up next to me.    "Why do you think the police would be chasing him?" I ask Henry, remembering the guy from this morning "Maybe he's stolen something? He was carrying a rather large bag and seemed heavy…” I start thinking about him. My curiosity can me, it's in my blood. But then I remember what he did and I'm mad at him again “. Let's leave it. Choose Henry. Today we have the next chapter of Vampire Chronicles or we see Twilight?” Henry ignores me, as usual “Yeah, maybe I could start watching something else.”     I start to eat and decide to saw 'Fallen', today we will change the fangs for the wings.
*Jake POV*
I had arrived in the city earlier than I expected. I had managed to evade police surveillance at the station again. Blending into the crowd had worked. I always had to choose the time when there were more people, It is easier to be invisible and for no one to pay attention to you, they are so absorbed in their thoughts that I do not exist for them. I am just a shadow, a figment of the imagination of someone who thinks they have seen a person. I'm nobody to pay attention to.
I look on my cell phone the way in which to get to some buildings in the area of the university. There are always too many people there for them not to remember me. An area where every day there is always someone new. They have been abandoned for a long time because the construction company made them with unreliable materials, so when the town hall found out, the guy who was in charge of building them fled. I think it will be good for me to spend time there. I have to save a little, I have already paid enough for the bus ticket. And I have to take advantage of the fact that at the moment they are not going to knock them down. I look up from my phone, seeing a guy steal a lady's purse. <<Do not get in mess.>>
  It is what I think. It is what I want to do.
I silently approach the thief and doing his same trick, I manage to get the purse without him noticing. When I want to stealthily return it to her, she gets ahead of me, screaming.    “My wallet!” She yells, looking at her pockets “I've been robbed!”     I groan under my breath, tossing the small object into her hands.    “The thief! He is!” She yells just as I run off.     It is the last and only time that I helped someone. Never again.
I run out, being careful with the bag in which I have all my equipment. I jump down the stairs, from one railing to another. I hear the policeman from a long way away say to stop.
I keep running and look back for a moment, to see if he is still following me. I notice a strong blow, I have collided with something.
No. It is worse.
With someone.    “But what are you doing?!” The young woman yells at me.     I see that I have spilled several coffees on top of her blouse, but what happens today?    “I am sorry!” I quickly took out the coins that I had in my pockets, to give them to her as an apology “Goodbye!” I run again, getting away from there.    "This costs more than a few coins! Came back!” she yells at me and I mentally apologize to her several times.
    This was not what was planned.
I am running into a dead end. I curse under the mask. I remain silent, listening to the conversation.    “Hey!” I peek carefully. The policeman has stopped the girl “Have you seen…” he speaks with difficulty, I have made him run more than he can stand “Have you seen a guy in black and carrying a big bag?”     I see she does not answer. I am worried. I have pissed her off enough, surely I have given her a good reason to give me away.    "He's gone that way." I frown when I see her pointing to the opposite side where I had gone. Isn't she going to give me away? Why?    “Thank you!” The policeman leaves in the direction indicated by her and I stay looking at her quite strangely.    <<I better not be tempted by curiosity again, we already know what happened last time.>> I wait for her to leave and go out. People are my camouflage again.
Arriving at the buildings, I see a couple of cats in front of the back door.     “Go away” I tell them quietly, gently brushing them aside with my hand “. Come on, do not make me angry.”     The gray cat rubs between my legs. Too weird, they usually do not trust people. Maybe someone takes care of them. I enter the building, looking for the electrical panel. Locating it, I pull out the voltmeter to check the electricity in the building.    <<Perfect, seems to work.>>     It is better to use this method than having to turn on the lights to get attention. The first few months I used to not be careful about it and I always ended up running away from the place.
I climb the stairs until I reach the top floor. I prefer to have a view from above to see who is approaching the building. I take out the lock picks and begin to open the door. I had to learn a bit about vandalism, not that I wanted to, but it is necessary if sometimes I canot afford to stay in a motel to save a little and not spend too much.
As soon as I enter, I look at the floor. It is small, a student. It has furniture. They really had it all figured out to want to rent them out. I lower the blinds, but not before checking again to see if anyone followed me. I put the backpack on the ground and start to open the travel bag. I check that my equipment is correct after running off like that.    "Okay, looks like everything's perfect." I mutter, beginning to pull out the computer tower and screens. Sometimes I feel like I had to bring too many things, but It is all I need to feel safe. If I destroy everything... maybe I would go crazy. More still can.
As I assemble all the equipment, I start thinking about that girl again. Why did she do it? She is supposed to tell the police that he is chasing a criminal where he has fled to.   "Or maybe I am thinking about this because I do not have anything better to think about." I comment as I continue to run the cables.     For years I have been careful in everything I do and just today it seems like everything went wrong. It is as if life laughed at me, knowing how paranoid I have become with the fear of believing that they are watching me all the time, following me.
I finish putting it all up. I turn on the computer and put the protection programs. I leave the backpack in the room and go to the bathroom. Luckily there is no mirror to look at my face. It is not like I dared to do it either. Do I deserve it? So that? To know what I judge myself for what I did? I knew what I was doing, but I never thought it would go to that extreme. I check the water, unfortunately, no hot water comes out. Luckily the showers I take are quick so as not to waste time.
I dress quickly, frozen. Although the cold does not bother me as much as before, I have had to sleep on the street at times because a motel was full.
Night falls and I see that I get an email notice. It is been years since I used that e-mail and I stopped using it because of a person. Only one person could send me a message to that email.
I read her message and worry invades me. For her to ask me for help after so many years after having cut all connection with her is strange. Due to the situation, I make an exception and call her by video call.    “Hannah!” I exclaimed as soon as I saw her.     She sighs in relief, even smiling at me.   “Jake!” Good thing you called!    “What happened?! Where are you?!” I ask worried.     I try to look around, but everything is very dark. I manage to see something similar to a house and trees. Where is she?    “What has happened- Ah!” A gloved hand appears, pulling her closer to her mouth, covering it.    "Hannah!" I exclaimed nervously, beginning to not be able to breathe. The cell phone falls to the ground, revealing her shaking feet “Leave her! Leave Hannah!” It's stupid to yell that, like it's going to work.     I put my hands to my head, worried, what do I do? What do I do, what do I do? I can't call the police!
I have no alternative.
It is to risk or not to do.
I return to the computer, trying to get some of Hannah's contacts, like Lilly. They have to know. They have to know!
I open a chat and add their friends. A boy named Thomas answers. ---------------------------------
Thomas Hello, stranger ----------------------------------
What am I doing? This may be too risky for me! I bring my hands to my head, thinking again about what I am doing. This is for Hannah. Come on Jake! --------------------------------
??? Hannah is in danger.
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2022 Writers' Review
It's already two months into the year, but I'm still going to do this, because I think it's such a nice thing. I was tagged by @lavandulacosmos and @natures-marvel thank you! 💕
1. What is your AO3 account?
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
34'481, according to AO3 stats
It's not a lot of words, but I feel like this was the year I've developed most as a writer so far, especially writing the first chapter of Lamb and the last chapter of my spooktober fic and I'm very proud of that ✨
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
12 fics, 3 multichaptered and 9 oneshots (and of the 3 multichaptered ones only one is finished so you can see that this is not where my strength lies agajsks but i'm trying to do it more and i actually love it!)
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
"A Lover in the story" (finished) is the longest at 9987 words but I published 5000 of those in 2023. Otherwise the longest is "A Lamb for Our Love" at 8618 words so far (one of two chapters)
The shortest is "With a smile" at 412 words. The shortness is owed to it being only one scene, more of a picture I imagined after reading Cry Wolf by @roccinan – and since I can't draw, I decide to write it down 🥰
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
I find this so hard to say, because numbers can never really encapsulate this, and every piece of appreciation from anyone for any fic is a gem in itself. But just for simplicity I'll go for Kudos and Hits here:
The one with most Kudos and Hits is funnily one I didn't write for Berlermo, but for "Arcane" as a birthday gift for @stilljustbitten: "Ice blue" got 113 Kudos and 842 Hits, probably owed to the fact that this fandom is just a bit bigger. My most popular Berlermo fic in 2022 in numbers is "Art and Attraction" at 83 Kudos and 755 Hits.
The least popular in numbers is "Love wins" at 16 Kudos and 146 Hits.
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
I didn't expect a specific amount of reaction on any of them, so I'd say none of them. Every interaction with on of my fics just made me go "oh!🥰"
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
I'd say "Like the Painting of a sorrow" because it was this oneshot I came up with, wrote and posted within 24 hours, a random idea after reading Dorian Gray. That being said, I am very proud and fond of it, so it made me so happy that it was appreciated!
And also "Love wins", I struggled getting the first chapter together and was worried it was too chaotic, and I was so happy it got good feedback.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
I'm most proud of and currently most emotionally attached to "A Lover in the story". I'm especially proud of the last chapter, mostly because I managed to write it at all and make something I really like of it.
A Lamb for our Love stands right next to it though – although it's still not finished. (Not because I neglected it, but just because the second chapter is so hard to write) and I'm so excited for what it will become <3
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
Reducing this to one would be a shame, so I'll list a few 😊
and that was the moment i knew by @alfredo-kesmann
Andrés has Hanahaki disease and coughs up red roses. Whose favourite flowers could those be?
It had started with inconspicuous coughing, a few weeks ago. Soon followed the shaky breaths, the trouble breathing normally at random times. Then, came the shaking fingers, half a week later, creating unavoidable unsteady black lines in the painting he had been working on, the jawline of his self portrait now ruined.
A beautiful take on the trope, with all the drama befitting Berlermo, and overall an extremely romantic and enjoyable read.
Chimera 키메라 by @signorin-anarchia
A sort of crossover of Money Heist Korea and La casa de papel. Andrés is in the concentration camp Korean Berlin was in. Martín joins him there.
His mother's arms are a cradle, a safe haven.
A shelter from all that is evil on earth.
He can remember the faded feeling of bones colliding, rubbing, which nevertheless feels as comfortable as nothing in the world.
Nothing in the whole world.
But there's never much more than anything in the world.
And now his mother's arms are pincers, stealing his life, locking his way.
A very interesting concept with beautiful execution, and very poetic prose that aches just right when you read it.
The Swan's Symphony by @nharidy
Martín plans another and executes heist after the gold heist, and a rescue mission for Andrés on the side – who is alive but asuffering <3. All the old members of the gang are there, and also a lot of new additions.
“Is this true?” Estocolmo asked, turning to El Professor. Mirko, however, was looking at Palermo. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not , he realized. Palermo wasn’t there because one night in the future he might get killed in his bed. 
No, he was there for the one and only reason he's ever done anything since Mirko knew him.
El Profesor sighed.
This genuinely feels like a continuation of lcdp. It gives all the vibes of the show, the characters, their interactions and the action, flashbacks and execution of the heist are spot on. Just overall extremely fun to read.
Remember what your old pal said by @roccinan
La casa de papel Toy Story AU. Andrés is a bullfighter doll, and he finds Martín in the collection he belongs to. But what is Martín really up to?
Andrés is beautiful. And he doesn’t need a mirror to tell him what he already knows. Because he can stare at anything that bounces back light for a wonderful view of himself from head to toe: sunglasses, helmet visors, watches, or even the window on a bright spring day.
He has a slim, well-proportioned frame, a statuesque figure that expertly hides a body of incredible might and power within its wires.
This is genuinely just hilarious, and Andrés is perfectly delusional in it. And the Berlermo romance is so sweet – with an added element of darkness, of course.
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
I think everyone has already been tagged and done this agajsks but I'll tag the ones I haven't seen doing it, please just ignore this if you have ✌🏼💕 @dormarunt @liz @signorin-anarchia @oreo @lammaducks ✨
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suuooe · 4 months
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✧ i'll write for almost everyone in the main cast of wind breaker! though i heavily lean towards suo as he's my favorite (and the sole reason for why this blog came to life-)
✧ i'll only write sfw works.
some works may be written suggestively, but i'll tag those accordingly at the start.
✧ all works are written with a gender neutral reader in mind - please bear that in mind when requesting !
if the request is made with a specific gender in mind, I'll ponder it over and if i really like it then ill write about it! i just usually write with gender neutral pronouns as a habit!
✧ if the request is too detailed (a specific scenario or heavy descriptions of how the reader should act, i won't write it.
✧ you can request up to 3 people! If your request involves more than 3 people then I'll just pick the ones i can imagine would fit the scenario better <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)>
likewise, if numerous people request the same scenario or something similar then I'll write over the limit
✧ no dark themed & nsfw asks. i don't like writing about it - nothing more than that.
this includes: yandere, various forms of disorders, heavy mental health descriptions of illnesses and infidelity. there's probs more but i'll add as i remember.
✧ i'll write either in headcanon format, scenario format or drabble format!
headcanons are bulleted
scenarios are a combination of drabbles and headcanons
drabbles are shortened oneshots, words may vary
✧ requests that go against the rules will be deleted without any warning
✧ if the request is too detailed or i can't come up with anything even after weeks or pondering i'll also probably not write it ! nothing against you, my brain just stops functioning at times T_T
✧ my uploading schedule fluctuates a lot based on my overall mood and motivation. please don't ask me when i'm going to update or post something new.
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✧ suuooe exists only inside the tumblr space, if you see anyone outside of tumblr with the same handle it is not me.
✧ basic dni list, i don't tolerate hate at any level - you can do better than that but if do see any hate in either the form of reblogs or messages in my askbox, you are automatically getting blocked. ( ̄▽ ̄)V
✧ i call people bestie a lot out of habit, if you don't like it then please do tell me!
✧ other than that, i don't bite - do come chat! i may take a few hours or a few days to answer but i do see em!
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g0blintears · 4 months
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Request Rules
Salutations my little night horrors! I am Captain, and I am here to introduce to all of you to my oneshot requests! Now before we go into the requests, I would like to address a couple of rules and notes:
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♡ I only write reader inserts
♡ Please specify if you want a oneshot, headcanon, or an imagine
♡ Please be specific on which characters you want me to write for (I have a list at the bottom) and if you see a character is not on the list, please don’t take it personally. I most likely have the character not on the list because I don’t think I can do them justice ;-; that’s really it lol
♡ I do write NSFW but nothing too hardcore (check list below)
♡ Most of my stories the reader is gender neutral, however, I can still write for either a f!reader or m!reader. This also includes fxf pairings and mxm pairings. Also, if a character is canonically LGBTQ+ Then I’m writing them as so 
♡ All romantic plotted characters will always be 18+ 
♡ I mostly write in second person P.O.V (you/your) but sometimes I will do third person P.O.V (she/her/him/he/they/them/etc) however, I will not write in first person (I/me/my/etc) because that just isn’t my usual style lmao
♡ I do take plot requests, however, I may tweak it a bit depending on how specific you are with the details so if you want something specific, please, be specific 😭
♡ AU's are also accepted. So fantasy AU, Soulmate AU, modern day AU, etc are fine by me
♡ I will possibly take only 10 requests at a time, but I can't promise I'll write them all since I do have other stories I’m working on :’) Writing oneshots is honestly just more for practice and to satisfy any story idea I probably can’t turn into a full chapter book lmao 
♡ When it comes to my yandere stories, I want to be clear that I am extremely against the romanticization of toxic relationship and mental health. So please remember not to seek out these kind of relationships in real life or show some of these ‘yandere’ tendencies to your significant other. The stories I write are just that: stories. Fiction. These relationships are toxic and not healthy. If you do find yourself in these kind of relationships, please seek out a domestic abuse hotline near you
♡ I also don’t just write yandere stories. I am down for a normal healthy relationship and platonic friendships/found family and fluff
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I Will Write
Yandere (stalking, pervy, obsessive, possessive, the whole sha-bang)
Pegging | femdom
BDSM: Knife play | wax play | bondage | marking (scratching, biting)
I Won’t Write
Watersports | vomit | scat
Mental illnesses
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Fandoms/Characters I Write For:
₊˚⊹ Dead By Daylight
Killers: Trapper/Evan MacMillan | Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr. | Wraith/Philip Ojomo | Doctor/Herman Carter | Shape/Michael Myers | Huntress/Anna | Cannibal/Bubba Sawyer | Pig/Amanda Young | Legion/Susie,Julie,Frank,Joey | Plague/Adiris | Ghostface/Danny Johnson | Oni/Kazan Yamaoka | Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn | Executioner/Pyramid Head | Trickster/Ji-Woon Hak | Artist/Carmina Mora |
Survivors: Dwight Fairfield | Meg Thomas | Claudette Morel | David King | Jake Park | Feng Min | Nea Karlsson | Laurie Strode | Ace Visconti | Quentin Smith | Kate Denson | Adam Francis | Jeff Johansen | Jane Romero | Steve Harrington | Yui Kimura | Zarina Kassir | Felix Richter | Élodie Rakoto | Yun-Jin Lee | Jill Valentine | Leon Kennedy | Mikaela Reid | Yoichi Asakawa | Haddie Kaur | Vittorio Toscano | Thalita Lyra | Renato Lyra | Gabriel Soma | Sable Ward
₊˚⊹ Mortal Kombat
Kung Lao | Sub-Zero | Raiden | Liu Kang | Johnny Cage | Mileena | Reptile | Smoke | Kenshi | Scorpion |
₊˚⊹ Slashers
Scream: Ghostface [Stu, Billy] | Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Leatherface | Child’s Play [Charles Lee Ray] |
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With all of that said, I hope you enjoy my stories :)
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