#it cant be good for her to be forced into werewolf form for so long
they're at a temple with a welcome mat made of bones. they're at a temple. with a welcome mat. MADE OF BONES.
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wulvert · 1 year
PAPERTEETH 54!! WOO!!!! U DID IT!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉
ALSO THE KELLYFICATION OF AVERY AT THE END??? WAIDQKDQLXE NICE CHEEKS IDIOT THE BLOODLUST IS COMING. u werent lying she rly is just so on the ground lookign pathetic.
okok heres werewolf biology questions which are. MUCH simpler and sillier and wont make u have 2 explode ur brain:
-do werewolves have to stick to the diets of wolves due to their curse? like. becoming carnivorous even in human form and being unable 2 eat chocolate.
-can werewolves sense? smell? other non-human creatures like vampires in their murderous rampage forms?
-can a werewolf transformation triggered by something other than a full moon be stopped halfway or is it like. as soon as u begin to show signs its already too late
-werewolves get no cool benefits in human form but do they still exhibit like. traits? hairiness, pointier teeth, lupine eyes, ability 2 growl (i would get cursed if it meant i could growl in human form tbh), etc stuff like that
-do animals tend 2 be more averse to werewolves cause they can. sense the dog in them??? idk
-this one is like. a more? spoilery question? so toss this one out if u cant answer for secret reasons: are any other members of trisha's family werewolves? (this is actually specifically about her sister but i wanted 2 phrase it to where u wouldnt be forced 2 like. technically reveal the answer even if u chose not 2 answer. idk if it worked)
nd finally. a silly: what's everyones favorite foods!!! paperteeth nd triptrack!! um. before avery and scarlet became. incapable of eating regular foods of course. tex and terry are also robots incapable of eating but u can pretend theyr not for this one if u wanna
while werewolves dont rly keep many wolfuy traits when human I think thrs probably an inclination 2wards a wolfier diet! can def still enjoy a vegetable tho.
Id think so! I do appreciate werewolves having a rly good nose in human form in other series but for this i think itd make it far too easy for her to have figured out scarlet by now- so my werewolves get nerfed there but yeah she can probably tell while she's a wolf- but her memory afterwards isnt the best- & she stays in the basement after absorbing moonlight so she shouldnt be running into any vampires anyway and if she did I think she'd have trouble saying someones non human for certain after she's turned back.
yeah! if fish were to get rly upset about something and start turning- but then the thing making her upset was resolved, she'd be able to reverse things if she was calming down- if she still turned from residual upsetness she probably wouldnt be a wolf for very long but the issue is the process of turning is rly painful, so that in of itself is usually distressing enough to push someone over. I think before i said being scared or angry can turn them- its more so like any negative emotion.
trisha has yellow eyes but since i elected not to give paperteeth characters eye colours u cant tell but she does. other than that no but again they get a little fluffier when a bit emotional- which can be ok, anything past getting furry is the bad part. . fangs r cute but my werewolves in human form have normal teeth bc they get a new set of wolf teeth every time they transform then they get a new set of human ones when they turn back- it sucks for them but they dont rly have to worry abt going to the dentist cuz their teeth r always fresh and new. actually unless they need braces, bc the braces and their progress probably gets completely obliterated every month. damn, rip. nothin stopping from humans growling as is so sure werewolves can also growl but like. no better than a normal person.
animals think trisha is gross and generally werewolves as a whole- but agnes is brave
no they rnt! werewolfness isnt passed genetically & fishy was the only one bitten in the incident.
good questiom ok i think tex pizza hes a basic little robot i think he'd appreciate its hold-ability via the crust, i do think he'd be vegan if he could eat food, i think he'd feel weird abt absorbing meat- like human ppl are made of meat and that'd psych him out.. idk where it is but i have this drawing . i dont know where it is i posted it somewhere. anyway . um red cheesecake bc he's right abt everything. terry does have a mouth. btw so he can taste things like tex can so he can also theorize abt this- i dont think he'd care abt meat like tex does and he'd want to eat something in one bite, like. a cake raspberries on it which most people would not consider that a one bite scenario but he is a big boy and i think he could do it. toad likes butter penne with nothing else on it & i think tara would like a avocado tomato basil etc sandwich. shae eats protein powder for breakfast
avery when alive. probably showed up at mcdonalds at like 3 am asking for chicken nugget meal pls after work a lot, otherwise i think she had a sweet tooth and made her own tiramisu :) scarlet instant ramen with added stuff in it like egg & vegetables and stuff bc its both easy and nice so its favourable 4 its convenience, but thts bc she has to make it. hm outside of that probably deep fried pizza like drenched in chippy sauce. she would also show up at 3 am to mcdonalds. kelly's favourite food probably is chicken nuggets even outside of a lethargic its 3 am and i just killed a man context so there is that. and trisha a5 wagyu grill seared rare steak obviously. i think context 4 favourite food is important though bc avery wouldnt willingly go to mcdonalds in any other context, its probably like how i feel abt mcdonalds 99p burger when im drunk and cold and ashamed to be alive but with more adrenaline hangover than actual hangover hangover. anyway
fishs dad- hopes and dreams.
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averys-happy-space · 2 years
red velvet ramblings & headcanons
i started doodling rv and then i started thinking abt him and now i have brain worms
i think rv is kind of like, i dnt know how else to describe this but half were wolf. bc i think his cake arm is like a werewolf arm. this is bc theres a lot of cake hounds and cake brutes which are wolf inspired, so my brain just went like yea, wolf arm. and then i started thinking rv’s skin is entirely red right? and sure it might be bc hes made from red velvet, but most other cookies dont have this, except squink whos a monster and yam who. idk hes yam. anyway ignoring that, i hc that rv’s actually a burn victim and thats why he has red skin. so his body is kind of like, half burnt cake that fades into burn scars and hes a bit disfigured but not like a lot, just tons of scarring. think like third degree burns. also, he was baked with dough that was too thin, hence he ended up being half cake as the mixture was weird and not made properly. and i think he would have chronic pain from being half cake half cookie, because his body is in a constant unbalanced state as one half is thicker (heavier) than the other. so rv is like a fusion between a werewolf and a burnt human. his left half would also have lots of fur just like a wolf, like brute would have.
de is basically rvs mom. and she has lots of big expectations for him. and he feels like hes not able to meet those expectations bc of his physical form being a weird amalgamation between cake/cookie which limits him. and he has a lot of insecurities. bc when ppl see him, they react with disgust/fear, never giving him any chance to really show who he is bc they only see him as “monster” and run away. hence ppl stay a way from him and hes really lonely and insecure about not being good enough, being abnormal. de abuses his insecurity and manipulates him into believing that the only way he will be accepted by society is if they destroy it and rebuild it anew, thats why rv is part of the dark gang. and de KNOWS he loves the cake hounds and other cake creatures bc they are non judgmental, they are like him (cake), they love him as he loves them. so de abuses that, tricking rv into believing ppl also hate cake creatures as they hate him, and tells him he must train the creatures to become weapons for destruction. this only causes ppl to start believing they are aggressive and bad, since they are trained to be that way, which reinforces rv’s hatred for ppl, and it creates a cycle. 
i think rv is rlly similar to werewolf cookie. werewolf isnt necessarily cake, but hes a type of wolf just like rv, except ww is full wolf while rv is only half. but they have similar insecurities, theyre both seen as “monsters” by society and thus rejected and forced into isolation. but in their hearts theyre both good people who only want to be accepted and loved, yet they cant be. their only difference is that ww simply falls into a depression, embracing his sadness whereas rv embraces his anger at the world and projects it onto everyone else. ww is melancholic; rv is angry and frustrated. but they are both in pain, lonely, and longing for something more. i think, if they found each other, they would be surprised at first: another wolf cookie, like them? and this curiosity would pull them towards each other, despite ww being afraid of hurting rv and rv being afraid of doing wrong in de’s eyes - de, the only person whos been with him since the start. i think rv loves de, is dependent on her, believes she is the only person who cares for him when that is very much not true at all. and i think ww would help rv realise how abusive, manipulative, toxic de is as a mother. 
fuck i rlly wanna write a fic now ..... i will be Working on that
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lackingspace · 3 years
Null Moon (Marko x Reader)
Rating: SFW
Word Count:5.5k 
Summary: Due to some mad bogus circumstances your hand was forced into relocating to the Santa Carla witch coven. Not exactly where you saw yourself, but beggars cant be choosers or however that saying goes. New coven, new community, no idea how this was going to play out, what could go wrong?
Warnings: Nothing really. Just 80s slang, some suggestive themes, trigger warning for witchcraft I guess, vampire boys doing stalky vampire things, and expanding the magical community at large. Throw in psychic fliting too. The only real warning here is that I wax soliloquy, stopping me is impossible.
So I watched Lost Boys again and Marko just too pretty and wouldn’t stop, so I had to write about it. I’m dedicated to worldbuilding because it pleases me, so no smut yet, but don’t worry, its comin. Enjoy the 80s slang sprinkled everywhere. Out of no where I know, but I hope you all like it ✧・゚: *✧・゚
Part 2: Blood Moon ✧・゚:
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Salt was something you’d found yourself trying to quickly get accustomed to. Don’t get it twisted, you weren’t mental and liked it in your food just fine, but it was in everything here. It was bogus, really. None of your new sisters warned you about the mundane annoyances when relocating to their beachfront town.
It was almost insidious how it could worm its way into just about anywhere and everything. Even on days you were a shut-in, your hair still had a salty ocean breeze scent and you swore you’d find grains of sand in the oddest of places. It wasn’t that big of a deal, just another thing out of your control-- one you’d never be able to change. 
The atmosphere answered to no one. Maybe this was the ocean’s way of welcoming you into the fold? Taking it as a sign that the gods were pleased with your departure from the Louisiana coven helped soothe the bitter ache.  
You had other things to occupy your thoughts, anyway. Nothing exciting, just the very normal, very stressful situations that came with moving. Having a not so smooth departure made your integration into this coven rocky. Trying to smooth that out while accommodating for the new energy and dynamic of the community made things difficult. Stressful? Definitely. Normal? Unfortunately. Hectic? Totally, but still necessary to process. 
Getting to know your new coven sisters was also proving tedious, certain views not quite matching up. At least you were kept too busy to really worry over it. Keeping your mind occupied made everything easier. Even if they didn’t know why you’d really been looking to transfer, it was no secret on their end why they’d been so eager to accept you. They’d had a very specific position that none of the current members were willing to entertain. 
A major part of the job was the operation of the coven owned metaphysical shop on the boardwalk, night shift specifically. That had a swirl of mixed emotions bristle your senses- excitement just edging out over apprehension. Your old coven hadn't been open to the human public in any way, shape, or form. The practice was sacred and you were taught to keep it that way.
The only non-paranormal individuals allowed within the walls were partners of the community. A werewolf's mate, for instance, maybe suffering an energetic imbalance would be brought in. So dealing with the stuffy clueless human populace nightly? Well, the idea was less than stellar...but survival required adaptation, and you could be flexible. Still, predicting the havoc it’d play on your nerves was easy. Good thing wine existed because having a glass a day was majorly on the agenda. 
Oh well, every job had to have something and each place had slightly different energetic needs, different spiritual practices, and don’t even get you started on the nuances of rituals- everyone and their mom have their own twist. Baton Rouge had been a prime example of that- a hotbed for the magical community, it was embedded in the culture. Overflowing with a little something for everyone and then some. Different ailments, practices, people, and best of all different magics. 
On the other hand, all that variety came at the cost of a massive headache in interspecies politics. Witches and vampires, weres and goblins, selkies and sirens, demons and wendigos, elementals and everyone, keeping up with who was at who's throat was exhausting. It gave you a gnarly stomach ache frankly, but if that was the price of learning your craft, well, it wasn't that steep.
Headache, stomach pains, whatever- it was a price you'd gladly pay- had paid. Plus, you had loved the community there. Once you got past the politics there was a wealth of knowledge and power just floating around, free for grabs- even when it wasn’t free, there were ways to get what you’d wanted. 
Admitting that your departure had left hella bitter resentment towards your previous sisters was something you actively denied. Your new high priestess hadn’t wanted any hexes sent their way following her acceptance of you. Assuring her it was a mutual departure had been easy, they were extremely desperate and hadn’t really gone through all the hoops to look into it. Besides, it was technically true, there wouldn’t be hexes, just bad blood. There wasn’t really a need to let them know they’d be black listed from the area communals. You’d been to enough of them in the past, they weren’t that special anyway.
Here, alone in the dark with your thoughts, you could sit with the discontent. The choice to leave hadn’t been yours, but you could admit it was for the best. When faced with exile you were willing to sacrifice. Resentment notwithstanding, growth rarely happened if you stayed stagnant for too long. This could actually be a blessing in disguise, even with the perpetual gallons of salt. So here you were; New city, new coven, new people, new rules. 
A sigh escaped you at the thought as you put on a nice balancing act for anyone watching. The rules were certainly different here. 
Less in some ways, more in others- some very curious agreements. Carefully trying, and trying being the keyword, to descend some questionable-looking stairs while carrying delicate cargo. It being pitch black didn't exactly help either, but at twelve am with no flashlight, the darkness was expected. 
Not like you could carry one right now anyway and you’d be caught dead before you put on one of those gaudy forehead lights. A distant bonfire, presumably with partygoers, a few miles off was the only source of light outside of the odd shop still lighting up the boardwalk in the distance. 
Neither were a help to you here, but the darkness didn't bother you much, it was more the feeling of the wood against your feet that had you on edge. Foregoing shoes had seemed like the smarter choice knowing you'd be walking in the loose sugary sand, but with the way it mixed against the rough wood to scratch against the arch of your foot? Regret was front and center which only exacerbating your already agitated mind.
Catching your toe on an uneven patch in the wood had you hissing in pain. Someone was def getting cursed if you got a splinter. Actually, you'd be surprised if you made it out without one. These steps were legit grody, they barely even qualified as stairs honestly. 
Just some half termite eaten planks, driftwood more likely, definitely nothing professional, all nailed together and stuck into the side of a steep sand dune. Falling on your ass at some point was almost guaranteed- You were always a major klutz in these situations.
Shrugging your shoulder and regripping the box, at least the sand would give you a semi-soft landing whenever it happened. 
You should thank whatever beachrat made these stairs though, adjusting your grip on the box again had the jars inside clanking together, water sloshing- good thing you'd tightened the lids before leaving the shop. Thanks to these little stairs you didn’t have to miserably fail at trying your luck in midnight sand surfing. If this was midday you’d have trouble with it still- trying sand surfing now? That'd be so warped. Ugh, just imagine having to make your way back up? Now that'd be a real treat- psych.  
When both feet planted safely, and surprisingly splinter-free, in the soft sand you shook yourself into focus. No more letting your thoughts drive you, way too much negativity to unpack and you didn't need that energy seeping into your work here. Moon-water wasn’t usually the most influenceable, but you could, and with your attitude the way it was? You’d totally choke if you didn’t check yourself. No need to mess up your first job, right?
Breathing deeply you set about focusing your mind; grounding, feeling yourself coming back to a controlled center was the first step of your job here tonight. Tightening your grip and breathing in had the scent of the ocean hit you full force. With practiced ease, focusing inward had your eyes naturally drifting shut and calm settle over you. It was incredible how soothing grounding- ritual in general really, could be. 
Your next inhale highlighted the subtle undertones of the boardwalk overlaid in the breeze, an amalgamation that fused into a scent uniquely Santa Carla. Letting your energy sink deep within you, then lower down still, dropping into the earth, feeling the vibrations of your surroundings- naturally letting it mix with the energies surrounding you. The ocean was a powerful tool, you'd be a ditz to ignore its embrace. There was an unusual magnetic pull in the air, a buzz that licked against your senses.
The full moon was calling, and like the ocean, you were here to answer.  
Centered and ready to work you made your way down to the shore. Funny thing about this new coven, part of the new rules was night rituals were restricted to a single practitioner. That restriction had seemed mental to you, and frankly? You still thought they were a bit out there to bend to such restrictions, but once you learned there was a surprisingly sizable vampire pack in the area it had made more sense. Having just one practitioner was easier for accountability and all that, but like, it was still twisted.
Vampires were picky. They claimed a territory and stuck to it. Any other lucky supernatural creature was subject to their "authority". Barf me out with that attitude. If they weren't solitary, it was usually a duo, anything more than a trio was especially rare. Vampires could be mega volatile in general, but especially towards one another. The fact that there were at least four confirmed vamps in the area? Now, that piqued your interest. Their bonds had to be radically tight to stay together with any type of calm.  
Unfortunately, vampires and witches? Typically not such a hot mix. 
Vampires and magic didn't always mesh well and historically that meant witches and vampires couldn't play nice together. Funnily enough, this coven didn't go against status quo- every sister you'd met so far vehemently detested vamps. Too bad they were smackdab in the middle of fang city. 
The location being legit brill had something to do with how docile the coven acted. It said something when witches were willing to take shit and obey in order to practice. Energetically potent, magically powerful, Santa Carla was a delightful nexus. Not to mention scenic too. 
The coven was desperate for someone to be the designated night ritualist, working the stores night shift was just a caveat. The timing had worked out because you were just as desperate. You thought the whole vampire witch feud thing was lame, but it’d saved you from ex-communication, so you'd keep that tidbit to yourself. 
Vampires didn't bother you really. Well, they could, but not because the vampy bit, just the entitled attitude. Anyone could be a barf bag regardless of what they were. You'd met just as many ditzy witches as narbo vamps. You were more concerned that you'd most definitely have human tourists bombarding you every night. 
What got you though was the craziest part of the deal. When within a 15 mile radius of the boardwalk there was a restriction to strictly restorative work. Even being a nexus, you weren’t sure this place was worth neutering yourself energetically for. Sure, vampire's had their reasons, severe sensitivity to magic yada-yada, not to mention if their bond was as tight as you assumed, they probably felt active magic like nails on a chalkboard, but damn. 
You couldn’t believe the high priestess would agree to it. It really seemed the witches got the short end of the stick here. You weren’t seeing a lot of benefits for yourself. So far your opinion on the coven was….well, at this point you were half-convinced you’d joined a gaggle of ditzes. 
Having taken stock of the ingredients they had on hand a quick glance had made replenishing the monthly moon water a top priority. It was such a simple thing, very useful, super versatile, and no one in the coven had been willing to make a large batch of it. Ugh, imagine letting prejudice get in the way of making such a staple ingredient. There wasn't anything fancy that went into it. A cool head, even temper, patience, and a little prep was all that it needed. 
That’s what you were here for now, though. They could keep their dislike and eat their cake too. Still, you weren’t completely obstinate and took their warning to heart, it wasn't just the vampires that made the area witches refuse the night shift. 
Santa Carla wasn’t exactly Disneyland. Murder was a thing and it happened here daily. Nexus’s tended to have a magnetic draw. Pulling in powerful things, good things, weak things, bad things- the sheer unpredictability wasn’t a friend in this case.  
A random human could decide tonight was beach shanking night and you’d be the lucky victim. You’d like to see them try at least. Maybe one of the vampire pack would break the agreement if they were feeling a bit nippy? Doubtful if they didn’t want a war on their hands, but possible. A stray wendigo attracted to your energy feeling a midnight snack seemed more likely. Could even be a banshee needing a quick meal. Never can tell how things were going to work out. 
Knowing yourself though, you’d probably just trip up those hella grimy stairs and break your neck.
You weren’t too worried about being attacked though, honestly. You had wards in place and if it got past that, well, you'd deal with whatever it was then. No use worrying about it now. You were more than happy to take on the privilege to essentially moon bathe on the beach while funneling the energy to the water. It was good on all levels.
Walking to the area you’d scouted during the day set your mind back into focus. Setting the box down, the jars jostling while you grabbed the blanket hanging off the side of the box. Spreading it out and setting up your area had everything falling in place. The jars spread just along the outside of your circular blanket, with that done you sat yourself down in the center.
Determined to do this right you brought back that focused rooted energy. Using this as an opportunity to release some built-up tension would be a good idea too. Let the ocean wash away your bitterness with the tide and allow the moon to shift you into clarity for whatever was to come. Even if you did think your new sisters were idiots, they were to be your idiots and you had to embrace it.
As you laid there working the energy and letting it shift, you noticed a curious sensation at the edge of your perception. 
A slight tickling at the fringe of your awareness; soft, so extremely soft and subtle that if you’d just gone about your business and hadn’t been so introspective focused you’d totally have passed it over. 
The subtle sensation wasn’t threatening as of yet, but you were definitely being watched. By what? You weren’t sure. Getting a firm reading on it was difficult. The more you focused on the energy the further it pulled back. Pursuing it only had whoever it was slyly staying just out of your grasp. 
Definitely not human. Wouldn’t be a witch or a medium either, they’d just answer your psychic questioning. Could be a were, you’d heard they’d been in the area recently. The next brush sent a shiver down your spine and had you crossing weres off. It was definitely too silky to be one, they always felt gruffer to you, wilder. Possibly a demon, they had that shade of sensuality and always liked to follow you around in new territory. A quick flash of tightly-wound sharp control coated in a mischievous air finally spit out the answer; Vampire.
Satisfied, you dropped the pursuit and turned your attention back to the sea. Subtle brushes returning, but this time not trying to hide itself or their interest. So one of the new overlords had decided to drop in on their new subject? That was just fine as long as they stayed watching and didn’t interfere. 
You’d give it to whichever vamp this was. They had wicked nice energy. Like, once you got a read on that was. Playful, cheeky almost to a fae’s degree, brimming with an elusive danger, while still having a quiet peace underneath. That quiet calm resonated inside your own field and was exactly what you needed to settle back into your space. You didn’t hate the idea of their company so much.
You’d expected a run-in at some point, but right away? They were some go-getters to the max.
Nothing came of it though, the watcher had just been that. A watcher. When three am came, went, and passed, you’d decided to pack things up. You felt their vigilant gaze the entire time. Even after you got in your car and motored on home, it was still with you. It was only after you entered your home did their light press on your awareness leave. 
The rest of your week played out much the same. Feeling that attentive gaze in every outside ritual from start to well after the finish. Even while you were working the shop they’d pop in and out of your awareness only to settle when you were locking up for the night.
You’d tried to catch a glimpse of who your designated monitor was, but it proved an impossible task. Stealth was a vampire’s friend and this one was incredibly apt. They stayed just far enough away during ritual and on the boardwalk you were too busy entertaining space cadet humans or dealing with an actual client to seek them out. 
On that note, there was a surprising number of shapeshifters in the area, changelings especially had been a nice treat. They weren’t exactly common in Louisiana and working with them was always interesting. They required a delicate eye and full attention when diagnosing their condition. 
A shapeshifter’s physicality was entirely based on energy manipulation, so one wrong push or pull and you could injure them more than help. Pinpointing where your attentive observer was out in the crowd became annoyingly out of the question. 
They’d turn up eventually. Until then, however, you’d just have to sit tight. Lucky for you changelings had a penchant for gossiping. They’d been kind enough to give you a rundown on the pack and their opinion of them. Changelings weren’t known to have easily won loyalty, so the popular opinion on them being pretty rad, was surprising. 
They were apparently chill on the authority, which was shocking enough, but they said the pack leader, David, could be hella genial. Vampires weren’t usually described that way. Not outside of the anyone they were glamouring anyway. Maybe the coven weren’t such spazes to reside here.
Friday saw your week coming to a close. You’d woken up ready to put your first week behind you and spend the weekend really exploring the area. There was a nice hiking trail not too far away that you’d really wanted to spend some time at. A few brownies had spirited into the shop and mentioned it as a great area for herbs and ritual during conversation. 
Brewing a second cup of tea, calming herbs this time- regular humans really did get on your nerves with their incessant brainless questions and barf bag attitude. There were a few mediums that'd dropped in who you didn't mind, actually really liked, but the rest of the human race made you want to gag. Lumping witches and poor mediums into the same category didn’t seem fair.
The night was steadily cruising along. The humans came in bursts, sporadic, but manageable. Client-wise, nothing too dramatic either, the most interesting case was a few sprites suffering a nasty goblin hex. It was an easy enough fix, orders on how to use the herbs, and a cautionary chastising to leave the gobbies alone unless invited. They giggled their departure as you shook your head, sprites never learned. 
The night's energy had you listless. Only a few hours left before you could close down shop and you were antsy. No pressing ceremonies to perform tonight for the coven either, so heading straight home to open that bottle of wine you'd acquired before your arrival was on the top of the to-do list. 
Curiously, your nightly specter hadn't visited once. It was surprising how fast you'd gotten used to a vampire’s energy body. If you were honest with yourself, you'd even come to look forward to having it- him, the changelings had listed only male vampires, being a steady sensation on the outer edges of your senses. 
The absence of the strange new routine left you with an unsettled itch. Something was off, you could tell, your antsiness screamed of something about to happen, you just weren't sure what. 
The answer came not too long after that. With a lull of what you assumed to be the last customers of the night, you’d busied yourself restocking and starting to close down. High on the shelf ladder reorganizing the herb wall. It got so messy with the daily run-through of customers’ grubby hands all over it. Turning a jar forward as the bell above the door sounded. 
"Welcome! I'll be-" the energy that zapped your senses had you cut off the greeting with a sharp inhale. Thank the gods you hadn't been holding one of the glass jars, it'd be smithereens otherwise. 
The shift had hit you instantly, an electric buzz that lapped against your mental self. Giving you a clear idea of what just walked in. Four of them. They'd all come. Shifting through the sensation, trying to grasp each of their unique patterns had you stopping short when you felt your chaperone's energy reach out to you.
It wasn't just a soft prodding like usual, instead, it was like a full-body caress. More like a lick if you were honest. 
Skin tingling, electric sparks sent down your spine settling somewhere you'd rather not question right now, and if your nipples had tightened from it? Well, that was nobody's business. Beneath the shameless lick was an urge of reassurance. 
The unspoken highly nuanced language assuring you of safety. Thank the goddess you were fluent. It was odd, really, a vampire reassuring a witch of their safety? You weren't prey, not if they wanted the coven to stay placid. Even if they’d decided to attack you weren’t helpless. The kiddie gloves would come off quicker than lightning and then they’d see what was up. 
They’d definitely break you, but you’d do some damage. So there wasn't any rhyme or reason to make you feel safe or calmed. Nothing you could think of except for your own peace of mind. It had a giggle bubbling up, but you clamped down before it could escape. 
You appreciate the sentiment regardless and dragged your energy against his in return, showing your mirth, and if he was apt enough to recognize the instant anxiety their entrance caused, he'd feel the praise underneath.
Taking a deep inhale before steeling yourself. You'd anticipated that it was only a matter of time before a meeting. The high priestess had said it’d come at some point when they felt ready, so you were decidedly not going to freak out and treat them like any other customer. Even if one of them had already made your nipples pebble. 
You were also so ready to end the mystery of what your babysitter looked like. Putting a face to, well not a name, but an energetic signature rather. Stepping down from the ladder you made your way towards the front counter. 
They were milling about between aisle shelving so getting a clear look wasn’t working. You could see bits of hair, flashes of leather, and hear their banter- typical dudes messing with each other. You were right, hearing how affable they were with each other solidified that they def have a legit bond.
Waiting another minute behind that counter still hadn’t made them come to you. Sighing before you decided to speak up, "What can I help you with tonight?" That had the laughter in the back trickle off before a rumbling voice spoke out, "Many things, maybe nothing. Depends on what you're offering." He hadn’t needed to emerge from the aisle for you to feel the leer paired with that statement. Ah, so David was the edgy type. You could work with that. 
What you might stumble over though, was just how pretty they all were.
Don't get it wrong, Vampires were supposed to be attractive, it was part of their thing. A magnetic and alluring shift happened to them all when they were turned, but this? This was on another level. 
The vague memory of lessons from your old covens compendium on vampiric lore came to mind. It’d stated the first vampire came into existence born by way of an incubus mingling in a maenads rites with a medium. Their resulting child the first vampire. 
Who knew how accurate those stories were, the compendium was specific to each coven; an enduring collection of their line of knowledge, but authenticity was always questionable.
Looking at them all as they emerged- really made you believe there was some weighted truth to the legend. Incubus certainly seemed like it was mingled up in them. You’d been gifted by a few incubi once upon a time and the similarities between them and these boys? Striking. Between their movements, their magnetic presences, and the brazen way they gazed at you. 
The vampires in Louisiana were all charming, but it was all a subtle compulsion. It didn’t help that they typically had a bad attitude mixed with antiquated style. They just never appealed to you.
This pack, however, seems like they’d had no problem keeping up with pop culture. Embracing it wholeheartedly, one of them looked like he moonlighted in poison for crying out loud. Maybe they were young, but you got a vibe that hinted otherwise. More like they were adaptable.
Trying to keep a straight face, professionalism and all that, was difficult, but doable. At least you thought it was, but once you locked eyes with a pair of soulful hazel- there was no doubt that they all felt the psychic warble you let slip accidentally. 
He’d been the elusive watcher this week. There wasn’t a question about it, a perfect face to match his auric self. The breath you’d been holding choked out when he broke into an impish grin followed by what was essentially another playful full-body kiss. 
You swore you could hear a purr resound in your mind. The three subordinates chuckled when you drew in a sharp intake. 
“Marko.” David's tenor was soft, but firm. Marko? Cute. Without breaking eye contact, his smile widened mischievously while he raised both hands in surrender. The undivided attention was unsettling in all the right ways. 
Sparking a heat that undulated throughout you. Tabling that information to the back of your mind, you broke the gaze. Needed to if you were going to have any kind of brain function for conversation.
Turning to the de facto leader you sized him up. Or tried to. Definitely threatening, actively making it hard to read him. On the surface he felt like a cold blade; sharp, decisive, piercing. 
Good qualities for a leader you supposed, but like, damn, that didn’t sate your curiosity. If he wasn’t going to work with you then that only left the boring way,  “David, I presume?”
He raised a brow with a pleased look, “Good. The little crone knows who matters around here.” Bo-guuus, edgy with an attitude. Those changelings either lied or were talking about someone different because genial? You weren’t seeing it. Aiming an unimpressed look paired with a, “Mmhmm” brought a chuckle of his own. 
Waiting for him to speak again seemed like the best option, you weren’t very good at small talk, and Marko was still so very distracting. After David’s chiding, he really hadn’t let up much. He might not be doing that lick thing with the delightful heat, but what he was doing wasn’t far off. 
Going out of his way to make sure a large portion of your attention was still focused on him by continually baiting you; almost like energetic petting. If you weren’t trying to have a serious conversation you’d bask in the new attention. You weren’t a cat, but you imagined this is what they must have felt like. Psychic flirting was always fun, but his attention had it quickly becoming your favorite. 
With him doing it in front of his pack though? Any sensible person, witch especially should be uncomfortable. Totally pissed if not outraged- it was definitely a claim, unnervingly possessive, and you shouldn’t like the blatant territorial display, but for some reason, it stroked something deep in your harebrain that majorly worked for you.
Before you could drop down that rabbit hole further David brought you back, “You’ve been a busy little witch this past week.” Annoyance fluttered in, what’d he expect? There hadn’t been a night ritualist for over a year. There was a lot of work to do, some things just couldn’t be done during the day. 
You shrugged “Ha, massive understatement. New coven, new clients, way too many neglected things to catch up on. Seems like you should thank me for taking over.” 
The look he gave you was piercing and indiscernible. You weren’t really sure where you stood with him. You hadn’t done anything to step out of the bounds they’d placed on you, but somehow with the look he was leveling at you begged the question, had you? 
Mentally retracing your week yielded nothing. Hadn’t even tried to hex anyone, even that human who’d cut you off on your drive in Wednesday night, now that’d been difficult. Was this why you’d had such heavy surveillance? Not that you’d minded, but here you thought it was just your shining personality. 
“Keep it up. The community needs a witch with some spine.” Maybe you’d spoke too soon, he might not be so bad. 
“I wasn’t so sure about you. Word on the street and all.” That had you freeze. Not even Marko’s continued attention phased you. There was no way he knew anything. That was impossible. Your new coven didn’t know, your old coven wouldn't dare let anything slip- it wouldn’t just be you who lost face. 
There was no way anyone knew anything about you or why you’d moved. It had to be a bluff, a well aimed taunt. It was common knowledge that witches rarely transferred covens, it happened for a multitude of reasons- good, bad, ugly. He was just being a dickhead, a nosy dickhead. 
Forcing a calm mask even though you were sure they could all hear your rapid heartbeat, trying not to play into his bait, “Oh? Word on the street? I have a rep already? Bitchin’.” 
Anxiety was a mega issue for you, so not having a cow and playing it as chill as you did? A total moment for you. clammy hands, rapid heartbeat, clenched jaw and all. That pulled a laugh out of Marko and the hair band look-alike while David and the clydesdale in the back wore smirks. 
“Word is the new witch isn’t from the clique. Never can tell what you little hags are planning, bringing in new blood?” He leaned forward across the counter catching you with his piercing blues, “That has trouble written all over it.” 
You were slow to process what he’d actually said, too caught up in how the light glinted off his pretty eyes. There was no denying it, so you didn’t try, “For sure,” but on second thought you didn’t want to make it sound like you were here to start shit, “but change isn’t always bad.” 
He tapped the glass of the counter before he pushed off, “We’ll see about that, little hag”. That must have been the signal to leave because he’d started walking towards the door with the silent type in his shadow. 
Marko hadn’t moved, hadn’t dropped his attention and you were nervous to return it. Too likely to get caught up in something now that they were all leaving. You liked it, but it was still like mega nerve-racking. 
Before you could work up the confidence to engage with whatever that was, the taller blonde slapped his shoulder, “I like this chick! She’s got some spunk!” 
He made to push away from the vampire still comfortably leaning against the counter, but something had caught your eye. Without thinking, your hand shot out like a viper to grip his wrist before he could walk any further away, “Wait up!” Marko’s purr, or whatever that buzz he was coating you in suddenly sputtered out.
With everyone’s attention returning, you dropped the skin contact and made your way around the counter. Standing in front of him while quickly giving him a psychic once over. His tallness made it very inconvenient to look for the physical indicator of what you suspected. With a yank to his shoulder you spoke before you really thought how it’d be taken, “Bend down and show me your teeth.”
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
Stupid Dance, Stupid Teenagers
Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader
Word Count: 3,135
Warnings: Drinking, mentions of weed? Swearing?
Request: @twilightlover2007: Could I request an imagine with Remus? Bookworm/avid photographer Remus watches from afar until his mates push him to talk to her/ask her to the upcoming ball? :)
A/n: Okay, I am quarantined for a month so I should be writing more but who knows, I am a dumbass. Okay, umm not exscatly in love with this one but I've already re-written it twice so I'm done. So sorry it took so long
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Remus felt himself get lost again, before about a month ago he never tended to wander from his classes, they were relatively easy to stick to as most of them were quite interesting, but recently something far more entertaining had caught his attention. 
He watched as your fingers fiddled with the device under your desk two seats to his left and one down. He knew if McGonagall caught you she would give you hell, her patience probably ran out simply because of the sheer number of times she had caught you with the camera during class. 
You weren't doing anything in particular, simply spinning the lense in your hand and clicking on and off the flash. Yet Remus was completely memorised as your fingers moved so gracefully with the object. He had completely forgotten his notes, only a few sentences scribbled down before his eyes found your form. 
He began to wonder how your hands would feel in his hair, fingers ghosting through his curled locks. From there his mind began to wander to your own hair, his eyes following. It looked so soft and smooth, spilling like a waterfall from your head, its y/h/c hue shining in the dusty sunlight which filtered through the classrooms windows. 
A jab in his side forced his gaze from you to his dark haired friend. 
"Uh Moony if you don't take notes then none of us are going to have any and we are definitely going to fail Minnie's test on Friday." Sirius whispered to him.
"Since when do you care if you fail?" Remus muttered.
Sirius flashed a smile, and shrugged, "Since never but you do." 
Remus couldn't exactly argue with that so he simply rolled his eyes and dipped his quill into the ink. But one desk down and two desks over you had taken to messing with your hair and that was far more intriguing so he let his eyes stay there instead. 
Sirius took note of his friend's immediate departure from reality and let out an annoyed huff. 
"Moony seriously," he began knowing just how disappointed in himself the werewolf would be if he didn't score his unusually high performance on the upcoming exam. 
"I'll just ask Lily for notes." He responded, eyes never leaving the girl who sat a few meters away. 
"She never gives anyone notes." Sirius shot back attempting to gain Remus' attention.
"Correction, she never gives you or James notes because you are idiots." Remus commented, still not tearing himself from you.
Sirius was fed up with the lack of attention he was accustomed to receiving and pouted, it only took seconds for that pit to turn to smirk though. 
"Oh well I'm sure that y/l/n would like to hear you've been stalking her for the past month." Sirius' smile grew as his friend's head whipped towards him, eyes just a bit too wide, cheeks tainted a light pink. 
"I have not been stalking her." Remus hissed.
"Sure you haven't, and I'm in love with Malfoy." Sirius grinned, pure ecstasy filling him as Remus turned a deeper red. 
Remus turned away from the Gryffindor attempting to ignore him. In response Sirius plucked the maroon beanie from his head placing it on his own. 
"I don't see why you don't just ask her out." Sirius shrugged leaning back as Remus made a grab for his hat. 
"Give my hat back Sirius." He growled already fed up with his nonsense. 
Sirius pursued his lips pretending to contemplate his answer before breaking out in a smile, "Nah, I think it looks better on me." 
Remus once again rolled his eyes, "I don't want your grease on my hat Pads, now give it back." 
"I don't think I will after that comment." Sirius mused.
Hazel eyes rolled in their sockets once again and he lurched forward in attempts to take the hat from a bed of shimmering black. 
While his efforts did gain him back his beanie, in the process his elbow had found his open bottle of ink and successfully drenched everything on his desk. 
"Shit!" The boy cursed pushing himself backwards to avoid the liquid before it dripped onto his robes. 
"Mr. Lupin!" McGonagall snapped from the front of the class. 
"Sorry Professor!" Remus called back glaring at Sirius who bit back a laugh. 
"Black stop bothering your desk mate." The teacher added in with a glare. 
"Why am I being yelled at?" Sirius questioned.
"Because you are almost always the cause of these issues." 
At this point Remus' mind left the ink now dripping to the floor as his eyes connected to yours. You had a small smile on your face, clearly amused by the situation, your camera was now disregarded on your bag as a quill danced in your hand. The boy told himself to stop staring but it made that nearly impossible. 
You only shook your head slightly and smiled widening before you turned back to your work.
Remus was sure he was still burning red even after his teacher's had vanished the ink from his desk and continued the lesson.  
    The Gryffindor avoided looking at you for the remainder of class. By the time they were dismissed his embarrassment had dulled but not disappeared. Sirius refused to apologise claiming it was not his fault and James thought the whole thing was simply hilarious. So when you appeared in front of the three boys as they exited the classroom different emotions were evoked. 
    “Hey Lupin.” You greeted ignoring the other two boys who stood at his side with wide eyes. 
"Uh h-hey." Remus spoke cursing himself for stumbling over his words. 
You coughed nervously attempting to ignore the fact that three extremely popular boys were now staring you down. Maybe you didn't think this through properly. "Um well I just noticed that your notes were ruined and I am pretty good at this unit so you can use mine if you want." You said shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you spoke. 
The three boys all looked startled, James and Sirius turning to look at Remus who was a bit pale.
You raised your hand to the back of your neck your other holding the notes you had offered up, "It's cool if you don't need them, I'm sure you can get some from Lily or something-"
"No!" Remus said a bit too loudly, cringing at his own actions, "No, Lily would probably be pissed at me anyway." 
Your face visibly brightened, you opened your mouth to speak but was cut off. 
"Y/n come on! We are gonna be late." A girl down the hall huffed. 
"Don't yell at her, she's finally talking to Remus." Another hissed quietly, but not quietly enough. 
Your face erupted into color, "Well I've got to go." You spoke so quickly it was almost inaudible as you shoved the notes at the stunned boy before turning and running towards the group of housemates. 
When you reached them you slapped the two who had spoken with your books you were holding and buried your head in your hands as you walked away. 
Remus stared after you, his cheeks dusted pink as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 
When you disappeared around the corner James let out a laugh, "That was one of the most awkward things I have ever seen." 
"I think you mean hilarious." Siriua corrected. 
"Shut up." Remus groaned.
"Look on the bright side Moony, now you know she totally has a thing for you so you can ask her out already." James smirked.
"How do we know that exactly?'' the werewolf asked. 
"Are you blind, deaf or just plain stupid?" Sirius mused.
"Yeah Moony come on. She gave you notes, blushed way too much and did you not hear the 'she's finally talking to Remus' conversation?" James giggled. 
"Whatever." Remus scoffed despite the smile twitching on his lips. 
"I can't believe you did that to me." Your groaned face is still hot from the conversation you had a few minutes ago. 
"I'm so sorry y/n/n. I didn't mean to be so loud." The short blonde next to you apologized for the thousandth time. 
"Well thank Godric you were Elle, that was the funniest thing I've seen in awhile." The brunette who sat on your other side laughed, the memory still pleasant in her head.
"Fuck off Nat." Elle glared, "at least she has the guts to talk to the person she likes, you cant even get within five yards of Alice without turning into a mess." 
"That's not fair! It's different." She argued her cheeks tinting red. "Remus obviously likes her." She grumbled, "Everyone knows Alice has a thing for Frank." 
Elle rolled her eyes, "I wish you would just get over her already." 
"Don't we all." You agreed, happy that the conversation isn't centered around your awkward interaction with the Gryffindor boy. 
Class took years but when it finally ended you and your two companions, who were still bickering, walked out to the quidditch pitch. Your camera felt nice in your hands again as you strolled across the bright grass. 
As Natasha walked into the locker rooms Elle joined your side, looking a bit upset. 
You looked through your device pointing it at the girl who looked on the verge of tears. You dropped the camera so it slung around your neck, pulling her into a hug. 
"She'll get over her eventually." You sighed, "I swear she will." 
"I just feel stupid." She whimpered, whipping her tears fiercely. 
"Dont feel stupid, feel artsy." You giggled, "I wanna go a photoshoot with you." 
Her mood changed drastically, "Really!" 
"Yeah come on let's head back to the lake." You grabbed her hand walking her back to the lake and away from the pitch.
Remus watched as you left the pitch from his place on the stands, Sirius was beside him following his gaze to you.
"Her friend is pretty cute, I think I might ask her out." Sirius sighed picking at his nails. 
"I'm sure she has taste." Remus spoke, rolling his eyes. 
Sirius opened his mouth to state his offence but was cut off, "We should go down to the lake." 
"I wonder why you would want to go to the lake?" Sirius hummed faking contemplation
Remus sighed again, "I'll just go without you." 
"Okay, okay, we'll go, but only because watching James practice is super boring." Sirius agreed standing from his seat. 
As the two made their way towards the lake the two could hear loud laughter.
    Remus stopped glancing cautiously around the tree to see you knee-deep in water holding your skirt up with one hand and holding your camera with the other. Your friend was standing on the dock giggling. 
    Despite the fact that she was the one posing you managed to look like an angel. The sun was low in the sky giving you a golden glow as you photographed your friend. Your upper thigh was exposed, your smooth skin visible. Your hair was loose, a strand falling into your face. 
“Tilt your head back.” You instructed, “Take a step towards me and pop your hip.” 
“God y/n/n I feel ridiculous.” Elle spoke but she did as she was told. 
“You’re not the one waist-deep in water.” You shot back closing your mouth and clicking the shutter. 
“I’m also not the one who insisted on getting into the water to get a good angle.” She shot back.
“Shut up and let me take your picture.”
“Are we gonna just stare at them or..?” Sirius asked, causing Remus to jump from his daze. 
“Shut up.” 
“I didn't know you were such a perv Moony.” Sirius giggled. 
“I am not a perv!” He whisper-shouted. 
“You're kinda acting like one.” Siriys shrugged, smirking. 
“Fuck off I cant just let her know I followed her.”
“Why not?” 
“Okay, we're leaving.” Remus sighed beginning to walk back towards the quidditch pitch. 
“I don't understand why you don't just ask her out.” 
“You say that like it's an easy thing.” Remus sighed. 
“Just ask her to the spring dance.” Sirius shrugged, “It's not that hard.” 
“It’s not that hard for you.” Remus corrected him. 
Sirius just rolled his eyes a small smirk finding the way onto his lips. 
Remus narrowed his eyes, suspicion suddenly filling him, “Don’t give me that look.” 
“What look?” Sirius inquired, face still holding the same expression. 
“That look,” Remus spoke emphasizing the first word.
“There is no look.” Sirius insisted. 
“You’re still doing it.” Remus scowled, “Its that look you always get before you do something idiotic.”
“I don’t have a look.” Sirius maintained. 
“You have a look, James has the same one.” The boy said his look turned from annoyed to scary. “I swear Pads, if you and James plan to meddle in my business I will gut you.” 
“I swear I’m not gonna do anything.” Sirius lied through his teeth. 
The pestering did not stop. James and Sirius were relentless. They refused to let Remus rest in peace. He was completely fine with watching you from afar but his two best friends seemed to have other ideas. 
“What about fireworks Moony?” Sirius asked. 
“That's a brilliant idea Pads!” James gasped excitedly. 
“If you set off fireworks around her I will kill you.” Remus hissed. 
“Fine, but if you don’t do something soon, I am going to tell her.” James shrugged.
“You do and I will-”
“Kill us yeah we know.”
“This is a stupid idea.” You groaned ruffling with your neatly pinned hair. 
“Don’t mess with that y/n, it took me years.” Natasha glared at you, her hands were currently buried in Elle's hair. 
“But it's so uncomfortable.” You groaned. “Why are we even going to this stupid thing anyway?” 
“Because you have done nothing but read and edit holed up in your dorm for the past week and we want to get drunk.” Elle replied leaning back into Nats touch. 
“So now I'm gonna have to look after drunk babies too? You're right that is the perfect evening.” You spoke rolling your eyes. 
“Whatever you’ll probably end up boning Remus anyway.” Natasha smirked.
“I will not!” You huffed picking up the closest thing to you which happened to be a hair brush and chucking it at the girl with red cheeks. 
“Will too.” She mumbled, dodging the object with ease. 
You slowly began to remove a few of the pins from your hair as your two best friends began an argument behind you. This was a bad idea. Remus was probably going to think you looked like you tried too hard or that you looked sluty or stupid. This was a really bad idea. But before you could bail the two behind you were standing. 
“Ready to go y/n/n?” Elle asked. 
“I guess.” You mumbled grabbing a book from your bed and following your friends down the stairs. 
Remus could not belive he had been stupid enough to go to this dumb party. He figured it's what he got for being friends with the two most obnoxious party animals in the entire school. Sirius was already hammered and it was not even eight yet. Remus considered making a break for the dorms but before he could he heard a loud shout. 
“Y/N!” Sirius cheered as you and your friends entered the room. 
You jumped a bit flushing as Sirius threw his arm around you offering you a drink which you declined and the blonde next to you took. 
You sighed shrugging off the shoulder as Sirius continued to slur nonsense into your ear. 
Just as Remus had built up the courage to go talk to you James appeared out of nowhere dragging him off to help with his harassment of Lily. When he returned a bit less than an hour later you had disappeared. 
He caught a glimpse of your friend Elle but to his surprise she was drunk making out with an equally drunk Natasha. He blinked a few times and sighed. You had probably ditched, he didn't blame you, he was going to do the same. 
Checking over his shoulder he then quickly he bagan up the stairs unbuttoning the far too tight shirt he had decided to wear. 
He bust open the door to the dorms closing it behind him before turning and freezing. 
You lay on his bed, hairpins strewn around you, a large book in front of you as you sat in an oversized hoodie he recognized as his own. Remus suddenly had the urge to pinch himself, was this some amazing day dream?
You had a light tinge to your cheeks as you spoke, “Hey.” 
Remus swallowed his mouth feeling very dry, “Hey.” 
“I'm really sorry im up here, I went up to the girls room and they were smoking weed and I just can't stand the smell so I thought I would just come up here instead.” You squeaked out, your eyes suddenly lingered downward. 
Remus glanced down at his shirt realizing he had unbuttoned it and blushed widely, quickly fumbling with the buttons. You refused to meet his gaze as he looked back at you. 
“I’m actually kind of glad you're here, I thought you ditched.” He said walking over to you and sitting on the bed opposite. 
“I would but my friends are drunk idiots.” You smiled softly. 
“Yeah they were making out downstairs.”
“WHAT?!” You yelled causing Remus to jump, “Are you serious!?” 
“Umm yeah.”
“Oh my god, finally, Elle has been in love with her since like forever, it was getting very painful.” You sighed.
“I can imagine.” Remus grinned. 
The room fell into silence, neither of you quite sure what to say. You flipped a page despite not having read it. 
“Hey y/n, I’ve actually been meaning to ask you something.” Remus mumbled picking at the end of his dress shirt. 
“Shoot.” You respond, eyes leaving the book in front of you. 
“Would you like to go to that stupid spring fling with me?” He blurted out face washing crimson as your mouth dropped slightly. 
“Of course.” You respond, your heart beating so loud you were sure he could hear it. 
“Really?” Remus asked. 
“Yeah dummy, but only if we get to act like stupid teenagers.” You giggled and the boy felt his heart soar. 
“Of course.” He answered feeling a heavy weight lift from his chest. “By the way you look really cute in my hoodie.” 
You blushed eyes growing a bit wide. “I’m so sorry I had no idea it was yours, I was just really cold because of this stupid dress and it was just sitting there and-” 
“It’s fine.” Remus laughed, “It looks better on you anyway.” 
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E2 LiveThoughts
And now, for episode 2; same deal as last time, spoilers for this weeks episode. 
RT getting a wee bit too real with the “curfew in effect” sign on the side of that building in the opening. Least here its a visible noticeable threat and not Corona. Still.
Oh, heh. “Hope has no place here.” Always did love that line. But that might just be the grimdark fan in me.
Overall Im not a huge fan of this seasons opening, it doesnt sound as melodic as the last couple ones. More...chaotic. I think thats intentionally but Im still not a fan.
Dude, Qrow, thats unsanitary. Seriously, clean that shit off. You’re gonna get like, tetnus or something.
And Robyn complaining to Qrow. I mean shes not WRONG but at the same time SHE was the one who decided to pass out during the crash. Dont go throwing blame around Hill, you were just as useless and dumb as everyone but Tyrian in that whole section of last season.
Correction, shes talking to Jasque Scnee who is SOMEHOW in the same prison as they are. Additional; hardlight cells with no visible emitters, no toilet or other commodities. This must be a holding cell of some kind. Unless the bed they all have is ALSO a toilet. Ew.
Yeah you sure about that Schnee? Indirect murder is still murder.
Whh...WATTS IS IN HERE TOO?! WHAT THE FUCK IRONWOOD. You dont have a maximum security like, ICEBOX lock up? Dude this is just ASKING for trouble.
Watt’s black eye is still there. Maybe there is something to him not having his aura fully unlocked. Or...something else. Im really confused about that.
Odd cell structure. Impromptu? Or is this whole room just modular. Cause its WAY too big to house just this many prisoners. Im getting the feeling this is impromtu, yeah.
Schnee thinks hes getting out, sucker. 
Mad props to the Atlas soldier for the brutality. NOW HIT HIM AGAIN.  Robyns smirk gives me life.
And Qrow suggests Operation Valkyrie. Im down. Ironwoods proven useless at this point, maybe his replacement will be more tactically viable.
Alright, Atlas has pulled all military forces out of Mantle. Guess that means Ash and CAMO would be out too. Officially anyway. Making note for future threads...
Cute about the news guy, but I LOVE the fact you can hear the former masculinity in May’s voice here, like she isnt fully finished transitioning. If its intentional, bravo. If not, still cool.
Ah and there’s the hoverbikes from the teasers. I really dont get why they’re so goddamn big. Surely you can miniatruize hovertech...right?
They’re big enough to have weapons installed IMO. They should have.
Ah okay here’s the rest of the trailer
Hey look more lesbians. Boy that one on the left is MAD.
I cannot believe these Grimm are dumb enough to not go AROUND the dropwall (and Im going to call it that until I get something else, its literally the equipment from Halo Infinite’s release trailer). I get Grimm are dumb but damn bro.
Ah okay, THATS the split. All the faunus live in the slums down in the crater. Mantle proper is the mid-level, and then Atlas is humans for the most part. As far as I can tell anyway. Literal stratification. 
Ugh, that whole conversation was so expositiony. Jesus fucking christ.
Holy shit this crews moving slow. Like, good fucking lord.
Personaly headcanon; that tiny fox toy Oscar rides past on his bike is later retreived by Ash. That is actually his bootprint on it too oddly enough.
Unity in this situation, Ozpin? Not likely. What you need is miltiary intervention and firepower.
Still not sure why there’s smokestacks in Mantle if everything on Remnant runs on Dust. Maybe its steam vents for the heating system.
So the Crater is literally a divide. Like a circular diamond mine or one of those “rabbit hole” gold ones. Literal wall holding its outside. 
Snowshoe Shipping. New company. Full autonomous workforce from the looks of it. SDC related of course. And its still running despite everything. The drones here are literally AKs. Motherfucker, I think I know where the idea for them came from. SDC literally just weaponized its fucking worker robots. 
And apperently Dust is refined in the Crater. Okay that makes sense. Does it come from outside or are they still mining it there I wonder.
Oh pnumatic elevator. STEALING THAT
What the fuck happened to Penny? Did becoming the Maiden make her emo?
Lol yeah people are gonna die, its WAR Penny, eat shit and get over it. Fucking weaklings...
Your the maiden. Get over it. Go kill some people, you’ll feel better. Relish in power.
And Weiss is now dead from either pressure shock, thermobaric style lung implosion, forceful impact, or just being crushed flat. Oh, and asphyxiation.  Seriously that was the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life. REALLY NORA.
Oh hey, a banjo in the crater. It really is hicksville.
Fire dust crystals right into a metal container to keep it  going. Holy shit it only took us 8 seasons to see Dust used physically again...
Sheep nom map. Nom nom. 
Wonder who this Crimson she mentioned is.
Lil hops. Oh no shes too cute.  Also it seems Mantle is divided into sectors. Useful information. Wonder what designates them.
Hahahah Fiona’s uncles a mole XD
And good to know “crap” is a swearword on Remnant.
Sounds like Crimson is a person with the Huntress’s. With his accent Im going to personally imagine his a grizzled former veteran, like Sergeant Stacker from Halo.
Note; the map says “Mantle City”. Interesting. Wonder what the other option is. Crater?
Ohhh and a spudmasher. Wait...no thats not a grenade. Some kind of gravitational surge thing. Again. Okay seriously RT is it so hard to just make a FUCKING WEAPON? Nothing fancy, no special features, just something that kills the fucking enemy. 
Okay...what the hell. Those Grimm cleared out like they got a retreat signal...
Ohho whats this now...this thing looks a LOT more interesting. And SAVAGE. Damn, its beating the SHIT out of Oscar! I think I like this one.
It transforms. Like the Zeta Gundam. FASCINATING. So it must have a rapid transport/assault form of the original dog one then changes to this new one for close in? Or carrying I guess, its stealing Oscar. This must be the thing that Salem sent.
Yeah kinda looks like a werewolf.
Soooo why were they just standing there watching this thing beat up on him? It was open for a couple of seconds. Surely it cant be they were worried about Oscar, the best thign to do if an enemy is grappling your friend is to get in and take advantage of it. 
Its smart too, used Oscar as a meatshield. Apperently just long enough to distract Yang and then yeet her. 
Its got ONE HAND with Oscar in it you idiots, hit it all at once! Go for the legs and the other arm, knock it down, blow its head off. COME ON, its OBVIOUS.
Oh hey it talked. Good. That means it can probably feel pain.
There is no way those legs should work like that. They’re too small and its torsos the wrong shape. This things breaking physics. 
The arms are also way too long.
Also why are you just standing there watching it grow wings? Kill the fucking thing already.  Gotta admit the movement and screaming makes me think it feels pain. Interesting. Good to know.  That or its just body horror/squick.
And thats the episode. I like how Fiona calls them “kids” though shes probably about their age. 
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queen-of-lazuroth · 4 years
[ @perfect-harmonia @drun-in-a-million @k-9-1-1-yes-hello @ly-cant-even @addie-bear ]
Deep underneath the halls of the castle of Lazuroth, lied an intricate prison. One made for one specific purpose. For one specific person. 
Midge wondered why she made the decision to keep her here. Why she’d chosen this instead of killing her. Or letting Addie kill her. She’d killed her once before, after all. Why not this time? Perhaps it was by Togal’s own interference. Perhaps Midge couldn’t bring herself to do it this time. Or perhaps even a part of her got a sick sense of satisfaction knowing that Harmonia would be trapped here, powerless, for the rest of her days.
She was actually kind of glad for that decision, now. Who else could she ask about something like this.
Harmonia Cuppari looked up from the wall, her eyes looking over Midge for just a moment for a far too satisfied smile appeared on her face. “Madrigal. To what do I owe the pleasure? Missing your mother?”
“Not even remotely,” Midge told her, her tone as cold as the room around them, not that the two Lazurothians were bothered by it. Her eyes narrowed. “I’m here for information.”
Harmonia chuckled. “Of course you are.” She straightened up her seating, the chains around her wrists and ankles clinking as she did so. A rare metal called Atlantisian. It seemed to hold property to suppress supernatural powers, like Harmonia’s ice magic. “Never drop by just to say hello.”
“And I never will,” Midge hissed, ensuring her tone was as sincere as it was cutting. Not that Harmonia would care that even after all these years, the animosity Midge held for Harmonia still burned as bright as Addie’s flames. “What have you lied to me about this time?”
Harmonia didn’t seem fazed by the question, even sighing in exasperation. “I haven’t the faintest clue what you mean, dear.”
“Don’t ‘dear’ me, you self-centered bitch!” Midge snapped. There was a crackling of new ice forming around them. “You have to know something. You always do!” She growled, her hands balled into fists. “Why are me and my children hearing singing?!”
Harmonia rose a brow in genuine confusion. “Singing?”
“Yes! Singing! It’s like distant voices. My son mentions it sounds like someone calling and I have to agree.” She took a step forward and glowered. “Why is this happening? What haven’t you told me?!”
Harmonia stared at Midge for the longest time, as if contemplating what it was Midge even said. That scrutinizing gaze. Even now it made Midge want to shove an icy saber through her main heart.
The temptation grew when Harmonia began to laugh, the condescending sound bouncing off the frozen walls. Midge’s eye glowed blue in their fury. She knew no one would question her if she killed Harmonia again, they would never defy her over it. But she’d promised to never let her power go to her head. She would be a good example for her children. She would not rule by fear.
“Well, well, well,” Harmonia said, her voice full of amusement, “I honestly did not think this would be the way you found out. Hearing the Calling like that.”
Midge scowled. “What are you talking about? Find out what?”
“Oh, my darling daughter,” her voice was sickeningly sweet. Mocking. Midge had the image of ripping her vocal cords from her throat. “You’ve truly never even suspected? Never even questioned it?”
“If you don’t start actually talking about something of substance I am going to bury you under a thousand feet of snow,” Midge threatened.
“Tsk tsk. No need for threats, dear. You have the advantage here, remember?” Unfortunately. Harmonia had been trying to figure a way out of this for years, and yet here she was, still trapped beneath her own castle like some long forgotten relic.
If only he were still alive…
“Haven’t you ever wondered,” Harmonia explained, “why it was you could use your adrunel at such a high degree? No Lazurothian has ever accomplished such a feat and lived to tell the tale. It’s not because it takes some sort of great concentration. It’s because it is impossible to do so. Otherwise I would have tried.”
“I don’t believe you. You thought I was going to die that day when I defeated you.” Midge mentioned.
“I did. But only because you never showed any sign of inheriting anything from your father. Up until then, at least.” Harmonia smirked. “Then you got ice powers, and, oh, you adapted so beautifully to them. So easily. You’ve truly never wondered why that is? Or why the majority of your biological children have unexplained supernatural powers? I’m sure you could ask your mate what the true likelihood of a werewolf and a human producing werewolf children is? You know, the weird one with the goggles.”
“Don’t talk about my mates,” Midge snarled. “And what the fuck are you talking about? Drun inherited his powers from me. The twins are werewolves because...Dek was one. Addie...Addie…”
“Seeing where it falls apart, I see.”
“She’s a Jedi. Force sensitive. They can do...extraordinary and unexplained things.”
“I can assure you, different color fire is not one of those things,” Harmonia told her.
“You don’t know that! You’re talking out of your ass just to get your way like you always do!”
“And you are being crass and stubborn as you always are,” Harmonia argued, her tone tired. “I’ve given you the explanation to what you’re hearing. It is called a Calling. I witnessed it once. Couldn’t hear it, but it is quite phenomenal how far it can travel. Only one race can perform it and only its own kind can hear it. They are called Mefni, and they are elemental beings.”
“You’re speaking nonsense and it’s pissing me off!” Midge roared, stomping her foot. Spikes of dangerously sharp ice shot up from the ground. “Why would I, a Lazurothian, and my children, be able to hear something only this one race can hear that none of us have any lineage from?!”
“Did you not hear me mention your father at all? Or are you losing your hearing as well as your edge?”
Midge stared in disbelief. “You really wanna mess with my head that badly? My father was your brother. What does he have to do with any of this?”
“You’ll find records in the archives of exactly one time I left the planet. I wanted a change of scenery for a bit. The events afterward, however, you’ll find were either kept quiet or rewritten as to not expose what occurred. As to not expose what you truly are.” Harmonia’s gaze was intense, a sick glint of victory in her eye. “To be honest, after several years of you showing no signs of his lineage, I was under the impression that perhaps those genetics were nulled in hybrids. However, over the years I’ve seen they were merely dormant, needing just the tiniest of pushes.” A vile smirk appeared on her face. “A shame that I created such a powerful force by pure accident, only to have her turn against me.”
Midge was gaping, unable to put together what Harmonia was saying. It...it couldn’t be true. Harmonia’s ancestors had established the disgusting tradition of the royal family keeping the bloodline within the family. It made no sense for Harmonia to defy it. It made even less sense for her to defy with another race altogether.
No. No it had to be a lie. Just another game for Harmonia to play in Midge thoughts. Midge glared lethally at the woman before her, gritting her teeth in fury.
“You brought that upon yourself,” Midge said, her voice low and murderous. “You brought all of this upon yourself. And I know you’re lying to me.”
She turned on her heel, stomping her way out of the prison. She would not entertain anything Harmonia had just said. She would not.
“You know I’m not, Madrigal!” Harmonia called. “You can feel I’m telling the truth. I bet you can hear that voice even now.”
Midge didn’t respond, not wanting to give Harmonia the satisfaction of knowing she was right.
Even deep down her, beneath the stone and snow, she could hear that voice as if it were right next to her.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
Not too long after Midge had reached the main floor of the castle, her communicator beeped. She answered it immediately. “Addie.”
Her oldest gave a worried gaze from the screen. “I have a feeling that all the calls to my phone from you, Drun and Rían have nothing to do with Christmas.”
Midge sighed. “I’m sorry to say that it doesn’t.” Her brow furrowed, struggling to shove all of Harmonia’s words out of her mind. “You...wouldn’t happen to have been hearing singing...have you? Like...disembodied singing that seems to come from no where?”
There was a pause that seemed to last a thousand years and yet only a second all at once. “I have,” Addie admitted. There was movement on the screen, perhaps of her typing something. “Not only that...I managed to trace the frequency. Difficult, considering apparently I’m the only one hearing it around here.”
A hologram appeared above the communicator of a green planet with four moons. Midge furrowed her brow questioningly, but Addie was way ahead. “That planet isn’t too far from Lazuroth, probably a week by ship with maybe one warp jump.” It was Addie’s turn to look questioning. “Mama...I thought Lazuroth was the only planet with life in that whole quadrant.”
Midge stared at this planet, feeling Harmonia’s words threatening to break down the walls she’d put in place to keep them out. “I...I thought so, too…”
Addie became quiet for a moment, seeming to study her mother. She nibbled her bottom lip, a habit she made sure to keep a secret from any of her subordinates. But around family it was always okay to show nerves. “What do you think it is?”
Midge contemplated her answer. She was not about to discuss anything Harmonia had said to her. It was all garbage as far as she was concerned. “I...don’t know. But all my instincts tell me it has to be a trap of some kind.” Because of course it was. It always was. “Obviously I can’t tell you what to do, but I’m going to ignore it. When they realize we won’t take the bait it should stop.”
Addie looked like she hadn’t quit understood that answer. In fact, Midge almost felt like she was being heavily analyzed. She truly hoped Addie wouldn’t try to drag more information out of her. None of them needed to know what Harmonia said. The idea of them all being part some elemental race was ludicrous, and Midge absolutely refused to entertain the idea. “If you think that’s the best course of action, then I will trust your judgement.”
Midge nodded. “Alright.” Her face morphed into a genuine smile. “I’ll see you at Christmas, sweetheart.”
“You will. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“Part elemental?” Drun asked after Rían got done relaying what he’d heard.
“An elemental race known as Mefni. Apparently Harmonia is saying that’s the real reason we all have powers. Or handle them so well.”
“But what about Ada? She doesn’t have powers,” Ruby pointed out.
“Yeah, but you said she mentioned that Mom showed no signs until much later in life.” Drun’s brow furrowed. “...What are they calling for?”
Ruby shook her head. “Don’t even think about it. Tomorrow is Christmas! And you heard Mama! She’s pretty sure Harmonia was lying.”
“Yeah but she doesn’t know,” Drun replied. “For all we know it’s a call for help or something. From family!”
“Or it’s another plot to get someone kidnapped again,” argued Rían. 
“Come on! You can’t tell me you don’t want to know what it is!” Drun said insistently.
Rían shrugged. “Bro, I just want a Christmas where no one gets kidnapped, okay? I’m willing to let some weird spectral singing bother me for that.”
Drun shook with frustration, a few stray snowflakes falling from his balled up fists. He made a small growling noise. “Fine,” he said shortly before stomping off.
“Drun!” Ruby called worriedly.
Drun didn’t answer, stomping all the way to his room. It took everything in him not to slam the door, if only because it would alert one of his parents to his distress. He flopped onto his bed and screamed into a pillow.
How could everyone else brush it off like that?! There was some strange occurrence going on and not a single person cared to find out what it was? Where it came from? Why it was happening? Wasn’t his family supposed to be Team Nebula? Wasn’t stuff like this basically their job?!
Drun growled again, taking a moment to stare at his window. The stars glittered in the sky, dancing around Lazuroths rings. A heavy debate began to wrestle in his mind. He shouldn’t go anywhere tonight or tomorrow. Not yet anyway, but he also couldn’t help but second guess himself over whether he should go at all.
After all, the likelihood of it being a trap was unfortunately astronomically high…
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
And yet, Drun thought, his antennae perking toward the sound.
Ah ah ah ahhhhh~
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angelnoel026 · 5 years
Chapter 35
Just when I was about to go through with my plan the nurse came in. "What's going on in here?!" She screamed. Something about this nurse looked familiar, I couldn't put my finger on it. "You need to leave now miss, you are a danger to this patient." I rolled my eyes. The nurse put Jules in a wheelchair and brought her towards the elevator. Something still felt off. When I got back to Bryce and Brendan they were gone. "Excuse me miss, have you seen my brother and friend? They were right here." She didnt answer me. I was already annoyed enough. I tapped on the glass to get her attention. She gave me a glare. She pointed her finger towards a room that was labeled 'Mental asylum' what are they doing in there? As soon as I went through the room, it turned into a horror movie. Every cell was filled with supernatural creatures. I hadn't realized what hospital we were at, we werent even at a hospital, it was the place where all supernatural creatures were placed. Eichen house. Scott, Stiles, Malia, and Lydia had told me about this place, you never wanted to be admitted in here. They must of remodeled it to look like it's a hospital but really it was your own personal hell. It made me wonder what they were really doing with Jules. I looked through every room until I found where they held Bryce and Brendan. Bryce was trying to use his new wolf strength to get out, but these doors were supernatural proof. "Why are you guys in here?" I was trying to be quiet. "I dont know, the doctor said that they wanted to examine us, but tricked us instead. Now they wanna use as lab rats!" Brendan explained. "Hurry before they come back!" Bryce yelled. "I'm not leaving Jules in this hell hole." I started picking the lock. "Would you like some help with that love?" I heard a familiar voice. Tommy startled me. "How did you get in here?" I asked annoyed, he was the last person I wanted to see right now. Brendan and Bryce looked at me confused. "It's a long story guys, I'll explain later but I promise he means no harm." I sighed. Tommy whistled. Suddenly one of his Oni's appeared and sliced the lock open, freeing my betas. "We need to get Jules." I explained to Tommy. "I saw a nurse bring her to the basement which is straight that way." He pointed to the right. "I'm going to get her, Bryce come with me, Brendan and Tommy, stay alerted and if you have to kick some ass, do it." I grabbed Bryce's arm and headed to the basement. I wanted to get out of here. When we got close we saw the same nurse who had taken her. She took her wig off and I now recognized who it was, Danna. That must mean Ashley and her pets are back. Great as if I needed more drama. 'Stay here' I mouthed to Bryce. I snuck quietly to the door, sneaking past Danna. I gave Bryce a signal to keep an eye on her. I managed to get to the basement where Jules was. She was awake again, frightened. Then when I thought we were alone, I saw her, the woman who killed me, Ashley. What does she want with Jules? I waited for my opportunity. "So Jules, tell us why your in here, I've never seen you do anything supernatural." She was questioning her. "It's hard to explain and what do you mean supernatural?" Jules simply said. "I can handle hard." Ashley never gives up. "Well I cant do it on command." Jules fought back. "Are you a werewolf like Katherine? Did you change Bryce Williams?" Ashley just blurted it out. Why would she think Jules was a wolf or changed Bryce. Further more how did she know?! "Katherine? She's dead and she never mentioned about werewolves, I dont believe in that crap!" "So she's kept you in the dark." Ashley smiled her evil grin and changed into her wolf form roaring in her face. Jules screamed. Is that how she would of reacted to me? "Believe now?" Jules shook her head in fright. "Well if you arent a werewolf then your a threat to me, which means you need to be out of the equation." She took her claws out and heald them to Jules throat. Alright enough is enough, I know grandma Talia said not to let Ashley know I'm still alive but I cant let my best friend die. "Noooo!" I roared and tackled Ashley. I tried to quickly untie Jules and get out of here. Ashley got right back up. "Well well well, if it isnt the true alpha Katherine Hale." She didnt look surprised. I turned to face her. "In the flesh." I mocked her. "Now how did you manage to escape 15 stabs?" She was curious. "You'll never know." I pushed a table in front of her which gave us time to make an escape. I used my claws to slice the ropes. Me and Jules made a run for it. "This wont be our last meet Katherine! I have big plans for you!" Ashley yelled after us. "Katherine? Am I dreaming?" Jules was confused and scared. "I'll explain everything later." When we got back up Danna was kocked out on the ground. Bryce had a big grin on his face. "Not bad for a beta." He felt confident. "Good job, we gotta go." We all made a run for it. We had one more enemy to face. More nurses and doctors were coming our way. Jules pushed us out of the way. Suddenly her fox aura appeared around her. She used her force and pushed ever doctor and nurse against the walls, knocking them unconscious. She's gonna make a fine addition to the pack. Me, Jules, Bryce, Brendan, and Tommy ran to the Volkswagen bus and drove out of hell and to a safe location. This was about to get worse now that Ashley knew the truth. Wonder what mom and dad are doing? More to come
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jeaneybean · 5 years
Storming castle werewolf
with a lot less storming and a lot more ‘how do I  manipulate everyone and not get ourselves killed’
Entering town Wolf-Wolf paws at his nose and is unable to follow the scent anymore. While Nitahn takes Wolf Wolf around the marketplace to see if he can catch any scents while Vera and Oz find a room for the night and board the donkeys. After Nitahn doesn’t find anything he finds the inn, where Vera and Oz have found out that there’s been a lot of travelers in the area, and that there’s been a lot of activity at the castle. The group has dinner (Vera nearly losing her hand to offering Wolf Wolf some meat) and they head to bed.
The next morning they again get out around town, heading to the church for a bit. Nothing evil there, but they slightly interupt service when they bring in a wolf and a fucking horse (since Steve has again hidden his horn) into the building. After Nitahn makes sure there’s not a wedding ceremony happneing because oz has him so paranoid he just leaves. After a bit more searching the town and asking about Nitahn’s ‘brother’ they head up to the castle to try and get an audience. A man comes from the castle to ask them their business, to which Vera replies that they’re there to pay respect to the family on their way through the area, and that they have family business to discuss. After he leaves after promising to pass along the information Vera feins that she’s made a faux paus and didn’t ask for his name. He’s Hanz the younger, the younger sibling of the Schwarzesholz family. Vera introduces the party as the Isha group, earning herself ‘We ain’t never heard no Isha clan’ “Then I’m doing my job right.”.
They head to the inn for the night, and the next day Oz starts annotating the letter from Vera’s husband and realizes that he’s kind of written a reply. He asks her if he can write her husband and Vera says of course he can. Her husband is brilliant, but he doesn’t make friends easily and he’d enjoy someone to talk magic with. She starts trying to teach Wolf-Wolf to ‘take it nice’ when it comes to eating food, but doesn’t get much headway. After patting his ears she tells him his fur is weird, then remarks to Oz that she doesn’t really have much experience with animals. Her husband has a cat that’s 28 years old, though. Oz scores a good knowledge nature roll to know that’s unreasonably old for a cat. That, with the additional information from the letter that focused on Necromany questions and how Vera both fears undead and has an interest in anything creepy/vampire skeletons, Oz has a suspicious that her husband is a necromancer.
A letter comes for the party, and when Vera realizes it’s gibberish she hands it over to Nitahn, who can read it for traveler’s cant. It’s from Fyodora, and she says that there’s a back pathway into the castle and if they come after dark she’ll be able to meet with them, because she’s up in the keep. So the party gets ready, Nitahn taking a bath to make himself nice and Vera harassing him while he’s taking the bath. “Are we friends, Havilah?” “not right now we’re not!”
After asking Steve if he wants to come to the party sets out, going along a quiet cliffside path until they get to a dead end. Nitahn knocks a few times, and a footman opens the door. He leads them through the castle, Steve following after. The group passes by a corridor that smells heavily of death and decay. The Footman explains that’s where they keep the remains of those who don’t take the change. It gives a somber sort of feel as the group follows in the castle. 
At a point the footman leaves them, giving direction on where to go from there. Vera asks him if he’ll be okay, and the footman says he’ll be fine if no one catches him. Vera advises him to go back to Steve if he’s in danger, as Steve had to hang back in a more narrow passage. They continue towards where they were told to go, Nitahn’s enlightened ring fading when they’re almost at the wall. So in pitch darkness they push forward, Nitahn knocking on the wall. 
A hidden passage opened and there’s Vlad staring out at the group unimpressed. Vera leans to the side and gives him a shit eating grin at the sight of his eye, which while still there now has a scar over it. “Hey.” She says and Vlad grunts unhappily. After a moment though Fyodora is there and Nitahn squeezes past Vlad to check in on her. She’s fine, dressed well. Vlad’s also dressed a lot better.
Surprisngly blows don’t happen and the group is willing to listen to Vlad and Fyodora to learn what’s happened. Vlad had been sent to grab Fyodora and bring her south, because the head of the clan is trying to consolodate power and build up forces in the wake of rumors of Von Rothrine strength waning. Juno, previousy married into the Vodyvolk clan, sent her son Vlad north to find a specific halfblood. Bastard daughter to the pack leader of the Vodyvolk, a girl who’d been passed on after birth to a group of Travelers. Fyodora is Vlad’s half sister. Due to her high status and worth, Juno has yet to marry her off like she has several others. The ones that possesed the ability to slightly control their wolf form when they were infected were inducted into the family, and all that didn’t posses the ability to change are in the cellars.
Vlad pops an additional prerequesite to the plan: there are six others waiting for the full moon to be infected and face the change. He wants them all out, because traveling with Fyodora and getting to know her has helped him realize that this plan is a horrible plan. Vera asks if he’ll face reprecussions for this and he’s basically like ‘if I’m caught, yeah’ because being the son of the effective ruler of the pack doesn’t mean a lot if you betray the pack. Vera’s like ‘well, we’ll have to get you out too then’. They have some banter, with Vera being like ‘Hi, daddy issues. I’m also daddy issues.” which earns a laugh from Vlad.
They (and I mean Vera, Oz has started to harass Nitahn) as Vlad various questions about the family. What Juno’s goals are, what’s the proper terms of address, how to adress the family, what subjects to avoid. That kind of thing. And Vera starts getting a plan to cover up the old one that she can’t use anymore (She was going to blame Vlad for everything and point out what a security risk he was for kidnapping a girl from Von Rothrine territory, dragging her through the territory, getting into a fight in town, all that jazz. That won’t work.) because she’s wants to get some use out of Anton Bellek and his fuckery.
They say their goodbyes to Fyodora and Vlad and head back out the way they came. Once they get back to the catacombs however, when they pass the smelly hallway they all hear a noise. Vera doesn’t detect any evil, but they keep hearing a sort of wet meat smacking noise, like something’s moving. Instead of investigating that they get the fuck out of dodge and head back to the inn.
Fyodora sends a second letter that starts out readable by anyone as ‘I don’t want to see you again Havilah’ but he can read (after the initial shock) that she’s still safe and that an invite to the castle for dinner should come in the next few days. And, indeed, Hanz the younger comes himself to the inn to extend the invitation, asking for any dietary concerns like a proper polite host. They exchange plesantries and are told to dress nice if they’re able before Hanz leaves. The eldest barmaid is like ‘Well, that sounds interesting!’ and Vera’s like ‘oh, doesn’t it?”
Oz takes to the wagon to edit the dress Nitahn bought Vera to fit her and edit a set of armitage’s dress clothes to fit himself while Nitahn heads into town to buy something to cover up his smell on advice of Vlad. He buys two vials of perfume and after Wolf-Wolf leads him to a soap vendor and is like ‘hey i found that scent we were looking for!!!!’ Nitahn buys him a treat. The party gets ready and Oz i able to tell that the cologne Nitahn bought is based in fox urine. He doesn’t tell him and Nitahn douses himself liberally with it. Without their armor but with their silvered weapons the party heads to the castle after a last minute stop to buy a cask of whiskey to offer as a gift.
Vlad had warned them that there would likely be a large number of people in the hall for dinner as a show of force, because Juno has been making a lot of family members. Vera steps foward and adresses the family: first Deidric the clan head, then she adresses Juno as the countes of the vodyvolk wilds (which earns an eyebrow raise, thanks for the in Vlad) and when Hanz arrives a bit late she addresses him as proper. Juno looks to Vlad and he gives a sharp shake of his head; she’s asking if they’re the ones who nearly killed him a few days prevously. (He’s got a gnarly scar on his abdomen, Vera apologized for nearly bisecting him)
Plesantries are made and Vera explains that they’ve been in the country long enough that if you play meek and skirt under the lords of the land then you’re a target, so visiting the family to pay them duty due is only proper. She also alludes to having an interest in finding like minds against the Von Rothrines, citing the town of Hora that the group met in four months ago that was filled with kind people and then very abruptly wasn’t from the thirst. “Revenge, or justice?” “Justice, on a grand scale.”
Having piqued the interest of the countess they settle in to dinner. Nitahn sits by Deidric and gets talked to about hunting for a bit, and Juno calls in the wolves. Literally. Like 30 wolves come ito the room and start picking on the scraps. Questions start coming Nitahn’s way, like “So, where are you from?” “oh, all over, I’m a traveler.” “Traveler, huh? So, dragonport, dormond, rusk?” “All of the above!” “you’re pretty hairy.” “Yeah....” “That’s a nice wolf you got there. Few steps from wild, huh?” “Yeah, I found him, he’s a stray.” “You have a good connection with him? Like, almost understand him?” “Well, I’m working on it, he doesn’t understand me the best.” And he lets them down by not being a werewolf, but shortly after gains some points when someone else asks “So how’d he lose the ear?” and Nitahn awkwardly is like “He bit me. So i bit him back.” leading to anyone listening to burst into laughter and appreciaction. One asks him why he smells like fox piss, to which Nitahn looks betrayed at Oz. Oz doesn’t know why nitahn is looking at him but he smirks down the table.
Oz is across from an older woman who’s got her eyes set on a sweet little young thing and seductivley eats a chunk of meat. Oz politely smiles and  makes small talk with Hanz.
Meanwhile Vera’s doing her best to deal with the beast herself. She explains they’ve traveled the north and when Juno asks about it’s status, she tells her about Anton Bellek and his silver mine ran by humans. Getting a steady supply of silver into the hands of humans aligned with them (or wolves in human form) could be useful. lAs well as having a vampire ally, one who killed his master. Vera expresses distaste and how she’s unable to work for him due to her code of ethics, and Juno remarks how there’s no good or evil. (Which sounds like something someone evil would say). Juno presses Vera to know what she’s after and Vera tries simpering away, to mixed sucess. Juno does allow her to back down, stating that it’s soemthing to go over at another time. She also makes a bit of small talk, asking her how far along she is. Here the mask slips when Vera does the math, and, oh fuck she’s six months along.
Juno has the cask of whiskey they brought brought out, and suggests that Wolf-Wolf take the first drink because they’re far less likely to have given him protection from poison. The poor boy doesn’t like whiskey, with Nitahn apologizing and explaing they’ve only given him beer before. Booze is offered to the two men, with none offered to Vera because Juno’s been pregnant, she’s not going to make a pregnant woman drink. She also extends an invitation to stay at the keep, which Vera says she’ll get her companion’s opinion on before accepting or denying the genrous gesture.
Deidric puts an arm around NItahn and invites him out to a hunt, with Vlad interjecting and being like ‘oh, uncle, he’s probably tired’ and getting him out of hunting what probalby would be humans. Vlad also compliments him on the fox piss cologne, they’ll be smelling it for weeks when it rains. Nitahn is less enthused about this entire thing. The three gather and talk for a quick moment, Nitahn vetoing that idea and being like ‘blame it on me, say I’m not used to being in places like this beccause I’m a traveler.’ They have a bit of banter, with Oz bringing up to Nitahn whas would happen to Vera if she’s bitten. She’s a paladin, but what about the baby? To which Vera immedently gets a sour face and is like ‘I don’t- no. You know what? You need to remind me to ask Nik what happens, becuase I’m not thinking about this. if he didn’t want to get these letters he wouldn’t have pulled me out of the canals as a child’ and explains to them that she’d been trying to swim to the tarrasque. Nitahn knows that it’s basically monster godzilla and is like ‘whyyyyy’.
They make polite exit and head back to the inn for the night, finding that Steve had gotten baked with the stable boy and probalby has punked him a few times with the horn. They go to bed, and Vera dreams. There’s a bear or maybe she’s the bear, she knows what her name used to mean. And she’s running, and there’s wolves, but is she running away from the wolves or are the wolves running from her? Then it changes and the bear is running to the wolves, rearing up on it’s hind feet and it stands tall and powerful above them.
She wakes up and is like ‘I blame you’ to her stomach before doing her usual prayers. And when she opens her eyes at the end there’s a bear there. She knows what it is and why it’s there, and all she can do is reach out and grab it’s nose and start crying.
oz hears the sound of her crying through the door and gets Nitahn, hwo opens the door to find Vera on her knees and sobbing, reaching up to cradle the bear’s head. He closes the door and asks oz ‘Was there a bear in there when you left?” to Oz’s stunned response of no. Nitahn opens the door again and is like ‘Vera, where’d that bear come from?’ and Vera responsd in high pitched sobbing. 
Eventually she calms down enough to be understood, saying ‘He’s too big to fit through the door’ “Well, how’d he get through the door?” ‘he didn’t’ “...How did he get through the window?” ‘he didn’t?’ Nitahn looks at the intact walls, ceiling, and floor, before looking back at her. “How did he get in here?”
“He’s mine. I thought if I fell any night it’d be last night, but he’s here and he’s mine.” And with that Oz can make his knowledge religion check to guess that this is Vera’s paladin mount, a magic creature gifted to her by  her goddess. And it’s a bear.
Vera is later displeased at the realiziation that the bear comes with a saddle and she’s expected to ride it.
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ravenssamas · 7 years
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Yo, yo, yo, i finally finished everyone for the monster!au I started back in the LOVweek :D
Bunch of headcanons and lore under the cut in no particular order
Allura, lance and pidge
Allura is an orphaned heir to a noble family of vampires.
she is a pure blood, being born as a vampire
but lance is not
allura met lance when they were young and took liking to him
young her, foolishly turned him into vampire, determined to marry him one day, not really thinking about consequences
lances parents think he got lost that day and they gave up on finding him
he was raised together with allura and, well? they are the couple who know everything about each other. finishing each other’s sentences, long conversation only gazing at each other
lance doesn’t drink blood - he used to but stopped since he feels like its not good for his skin
lance is a fruit vampire, thank you
Anyways pidge is a ghost
she and lance with allura met when matt stopped by their place for the first time, and both of the latter fell in love
after discussing it a bit they talked to pidge and not long after that, she decided to stay
Pidge, uh, died and got turned into ghost
she froze to death one cruel winter and Matt couldnt do anything at the time.
He spend some time trying to get help until he managed to summon hunk.
In exchange for owing him, hunk brought pidge back to life
tho her body was way too damaged so she ended up as a spirit
which she “doesn’t mind because it eliminates the process of taking care of her body”
So, Hunk and Shiro
hunk is a grim reaper and he’s been doing it for looooong
But the poor boy fell in love with human
which as much as it is unthinkable, he didnt really mind? its not like reapers have some kind of comunity, let along set of rules
shiro, the love interest, was a general of human army.
he died fighting galra (more about that later) so hunk wanted to bring him back
And he did so by turning him into revenant.
That means that from time to time, shiro, well, looses his bodyparts. 
He lost his arm when he died so there’s nothing to do about that. But when something else falls off, hunk usually asks matt for help. As a payback for bringing pidge back.
Shiro stays at allura’s place when hunk goes to do his job
as a revenant he should be fueled by revenge, but he doesnt really feel the need to? sure zarkon killed him aand thousands of other soldiers and he would love him dead but “revenge is a strong word” 
he also knows that the way he is know he wouldnt be able to do much
that being said he did try to rectuit various creatures few times
hunk keeps making sure to stop him everytime because the second he would manage to do anything to zarkon, he would no longer be allowed to be revenant and would die
the good thing about revenants is that as to differ from zombies or even skeletons, they have the inteligence they had when they were alive
and hunk would hate to revive someone once more bc he already did so bit too many times
Matt and keith!!
Matt is a witch! He has his cottage in woods near allura’s mansion but he used to travel.
he helps people in small villages and various creacuter, mainly with charms and herbs. Can do few spells, but doesnt really like to because he would have to borrow magic from the nature
he takes care of healing and growing shiro back  
he also takes care of him boyfriend, Keith
keith is a werewolf, and to boot an unstable one
were-creatures are a hybrid race from offsprings of humans and galra: galra in this au are beastfolk - centaurs, harpies, lizardmen etc… lotor is mermaid
they are now a stable race that only breeds with itself since human mating with galra became frowned upon
however keith is a first generation of werewolf
his kobold mother left when he was young and he himself eventually left his father because he saw how much he cannont handle him
keith cannot control himslef in his beast form on full moon - he can change on will and controll himself except for that time. and one day matt found him rampaging in the forest
turns out, matt can make potion that calms him down and while he still cant control himself, he doesnt have to worry about acting like a mad animal
this forced him to always stay by matt’s side. Plus he felt indebted. he would do small tasks for matt - help him with collecting herbs, being his bodyguard when he visits human estabilishments
keith finds himslef slowly but surely falling in love. he bottles it up but matt just… finds out. keith isnt very good at hiding stuff
mathew pretty much just comforts keith who is freaking out bc he’s embarassed. he tells him, how he’s honestly never thought of that but they could give it a try. and they do. And boy does it work
Other stuff?
coran is in this au! he’s allura’s familiar, also a pureblood vampire
keith’s kobold mum was kinda… shiba? so while his werewolf form is still terryfyig you can see pieces of his mum’s herritage and, boi
pidge knows everything about everyone. She got the ability to phase through walls and she is putting it to good use
almost. hunk, while one of the most talkative and cheerful ones is the most mysterious one. Randomly dissappearing, nobody even knows all his powers
allura hated hunk at first because she met him when her father died. It was only after she found out he revived pidge, she gave him a chance and get to know him
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cupcakemolotov · 7 years
Ship of Bones
An often requested theme that we’ve never done before! This is for works with science fiction elements (Robots! Space!) and those that take place after a catastrophic event in a very different world.
This one turned out rather different than I’d expected. I hope you like it anyway!
It wasn’t until the shadowed figure at her feet stopped moving that she staggered back, spine hitting the metal wall of the engine room with a thud. The wrench wavered, and she forced herself to breath through the adrenaline even as she choked on the smell. The air was thick with blood, and her mouth bone dry as she glanced around, swallowing harshly at the splatter across the walls.
Someone would’ve heard the commotion.
Taking a gulping breath as the shrieking in her head lowered to the familiar rumble, Caroline struggled to figure out a plan. This wasn’t the first time she’d killed someone, deep space was a violent and brutal place, but this was the first time she’d been forced to defend herself so early on a job. She’d taken the gig as a mechanic because it’d been her only shot to get off the accursed outer world she’d been stranded on for months.
It’d been three months since she’d eaten real food, and even the cheap protein bars and porridge that usually made up most of her diet on alien worlds had become scarce. Angry mobs had started to build outside the Human Consulate, and she’d no intention of getting caught up in another purge. Federation troops would be making groundfall to deal with the uprising in a matter of days, not weeks, and she’d have taken a riskier job than a mechanic on a frigate to get away.
A sudden, hoarse groan filled the air and the wrench nearly slipped through her fingers. Caroline watched with horrified eyes as the man she’d have sworn she’d beaten to death twitched. Pressing tightly against the wall, panic threatened to overwhelm her as footsteps thudded above her head.
She’d expected there might be something off about the crew the moment Marcel Gerard had introduced himself. Dark skinned and clean cut, he carried none of the hollowed-cheeked hunger that she’d grown accustomed to seeing over the years. He’d been nothing but professional, his clipped interview surprisingly refreshing after years of leering first mates. The guild she belonged too had confirmed the job offer was valid, and the pay was good.
She’d known it was too good to be true.
But she’d been in no position not to accept.
And now the truth came in the form of the low growls, the clawed hands that dug into the grated floor. Where there was one werewolf, there was a pack. No wonder they’d been willing to offer her food rations, real food and not the fake paste shit, as part of her pay; they could afford them.
She was on a hunting frigate.
The engine behind her began to chatter happily, and dread filled her bones. Most ships only responded to two people with such devotion: the engineer who kept her heart in working order and a captain who loved her. Caroline had been told that the previous engineer had suffered a heart attack and died, but as she watched the werewolf in front of her heal himself, she wondered if that had been a convenient lie.
God, she’d have preferred cannibals to werewolves. At least if she’d have been likely to survive cannibals. A pissed werewolf pack in the middle of space did not usually equal long term survivability to anyone but another werewolf.
Those footsteps came to a stop in front of the bent door, metal grinding as someone forced the door open. Caroline tightened her grip on the wrench and braced herself. She had nowhere to run.
For a moment her shock silenced even the happy purrs of the engine. Messy curls kept short and two-day old scruff, the blue gold eyes that met hers were hotly intent. It was a strain not to focus on bitable lips pulled to a frown, and she brushed off her intense physical reaction to shock. She wasn’t sure she breathed again until he looked at his broken crew member.
“Well,” he murmured, voice low and thoughtful as he glanced at the wrench. “Aren’t you a surprising little thing?”
The clipped edge of his accent buzzed in her head like electricity.
“Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. It appears we’ll need to have another discussion about ship rules,” he murmured, voice a velvet threat. Caroline bit her lip at the way his fingers curved along the nape of the whimpering wolf, the sudden silence as the injured man shuddered at the hold. Captain then. Probably the Alpha.
“My apologies, love. As a rule, we discourage crew from dominance fights. Tyler is still young. A little more training appears to be in order.”
Tyler whined, but the captain made a disapproving noise. Between one moment and the next, his grip on Tyler’s neck tightened and he carelessly tossed the injured wolf back into the hallway. “He won’t bother you again.”
It was a display of dominance and power, meant to intimidate. Lifting her chin, she set her teeth and glared. “As a rule?”
A flickering glance as he took in her bloody clothing and pale face. Her fingers white knuckled, the lethal edge of him tangible. His head head tipped to the side. The hunting smile on his face scraped against her skin like sandpaper.
“Of course. Do you need to see the medic?”
Her stomach jumped, skin too tight as he continued to watch her with eyes that looked as if they could peer through her skin to bones. Something about that stare unbalanced her, and her ears rang with the ships cadence. If she’d any sense she’d play scared and try to steal an escape pod at the first available opportunity.
She didn’t have it in her.
“I’ll have the door fixed in an hour,” he said as his eyes swept the room again, taking in the damage. “Someone will clean the worst of it. Expect Marcel to be by with your room assignment.”
His words jolted her out of the engine’s chattering, and she frowned. Chin jerking to the hammock ties, she crossed her arms, holding the wrench tightly. “Most mechanics sleep in the engine room.
“I’m told it isn’t necessary for your kind,” he murmured, lashes falling to half mast as he watched her a lazy, predatory gaze. “And we wouldn’t want a repeat of the past hour, hmm?”
Her throat felt like a desert. “My kind?”
His smile widened as if she’d walked into a unseen trap. Uneasy, she refused to let the fascinating appearance of dimples soothe her rattled emotions. Something new gleamed behind his eyes and the gold faded, leaving behind a wild blue.
“You’re a Mechanic,” he said easily, utterly satisfied, as if she hadn’t spent a century hiding her identity. As if the alien blood that ran through her veins didn’t mark her for death. Her existence, narrowed down to a single title: Mechanic.
“Mechanics are ghosts, they aren’t real,” Caroline said tautly. His eyes glittered at her lie, as if he could read her face as easily as an open book. It should’ve rattled her, but it’d been years since she’d been nearly driven mad by the voices inside her head. Now she took comfort in the ships she worked on, an engine as warm and alive beneath her palms as human skin.
And this ship, it told her that violence lived here, wild and mercurial, but there were other bonds too.
He chuckled, as if he’d chosen to be amused. “Your scent gives you away, sweetheart. It’s difficult to hide from our noses. You smell like…”
His lungs expanded to breath past the scent of blood. Caroline shifted her weight as he suddenly paused, gold washing through his eyes like a wave. For a moment, she knew she was staring at the wolf that lived beneath his skin, and it was starving. Stark, wild, the blaze of heat in his eyes was blatantly possessive.
The engine was loud in her ears.
Then he blinked. It did nothing to leash the power the radiated from his skin, the sun-bright gaze devouring in a way that left her flushed with awareness. In that moment, between one breath and the next, their balance had shifted and she didn’t understand how. The set of his jaw left her wary, and the room was suddenly too small.
“You smell like sunflowers,” he murmured, head canting. He made no move towards her, but something about the angle of his head, the set of his mouth, set her nerves alight. “I’ve only ever smelled one other who carried a similar scent, and she’s been dead more than a century.”
“Who are you,” Caroline breathed, pressing against the wall though he’d made no move to touch her. He couldn’t have known her mother. Some things were impossible.
“Ah,” he said, satisfaction turning his tone low and potent. “Most people know me as Klaus.”
Her heart pounded loudly in her ears, and Klaus clasped his hands behind his back. He looked pleased, as if his reputation hadn’t been spread among civilizations, the horrors he’d inflicted on enemies and the federation whispered in every back alley on every planet. “You don’t fly a frigate.”
Klaus chuckled. “Come now love, it doesn’t make much sense to recruit in a ship marked for immediate destruction on sight.”
“Recruit?” She managed, voice strained.
“I’ve been hunting you for a long time, Caroline. The golden haired Mechanic who escaped the Federation.” His eyes filled with a dangerous possessiveness, gaze a brand against lips. “No one will bother you while you work. Dinner is served in the mess hall. I’ll come find you, should you be late.”
He left her then, taking Tyler with him. Her palm pressed flatly against the warm metal of the wall, breathing jagged as she absorbed the mild threat in his voice when he said find you. There were a hundred possibilities in those words, all of them terrifying. But no matter how her heart pounded, fingers trembling without her permission, the ship’s rumbling in her back of her mind insisted that this was a good place.
Exhaling, she set the wrench down close to where she’d be working and determinedly set about running a basic diagnostic. She needed the precision of the work to ground her. In a few hours, she’d be expected to choke down a meal, surrounded by werewolves and she couldn’t show an iota of weakness and expect to survive.
Maybe on the way to the mess hall she’d risk getting lost, see what her chances of escape truly looked like. Klaus was correct, she had escaped the Federation and her father’s careful grooming. For a century, she run from planet to planet, never staying still, never settling down. She’d walked away from everything she’d loved, and she wouldn’t let a pack of half-feral wolves change that.
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Severed;; Chapter: 1
Authors note: Hey everyone! this is my first time posting my stuff online for others to read! I do plan on extending this for a long while however I cant make any promises because sometimes my muse just isnt there! I do hope you enjoy chapter one enough to stick around for the ride. 
“Can I see..?” Her voice was small and slightly shakey. She didn't want him to think she was prying. “Are you sure?”  He asked brows furrowed. Scott’s voice had been hesitant and unsure. Was he trying to protect her from ..him? Was he afraid she would change her mind about him? Her eyes scanned his features and she sucked in her bottom lip chewing it slightly before she gave an assured nod.  She felt her heart beat race a little faster when the male pulled the helmet back over his features. For a second she was sure that was the end of that conversation and disappointment settled in. But then he reached up slowly. She sucked in a slow breath holding it. The anticipation was almost suffocating. Bringing the helmet back down, resting at his torso, Kira tilted her head lips parted in curiosity but there was no denying the rush of adrenalin bubbling in her gut. His ears .. the contour of his jaw pursed out, canines protruding. Catching his eyes she watched him closely studying the red eyes before she thoughtlessly reached up. Another flutter of her heart causing her breath to catch in her throat. She was nervous, all of this fairly new to her, anything could happen now. However, Kira knew Scott.. She may not know him well enough yet to tell you his favorite movies and foods, but she knew she was safe from any and everything. He held himself like a protector. Her fingers lightly traced over the brow bone, a careful feathered touch memorizing this side of him. She trailed her digits down his cheek over his lip, eyes following the trail she left across his flesh. She retracted her hand slowly, letting her breath out slowly as his eyes faded back to the dark brown you could get lost in.  She rested her hand in her other fidgeting with her fingers, a smile playing at her lips. She couldn't pretend that she wasn't satisfied with his decision to trust her with this side of him. The true alpha, Scott McCall.
           Kira let out a heavy sigh, blinking herself back into focus..  She stood in the clearing waiting. She looked around slowly, listening for any sign of life. The air was thin with the crisp of the beginnings of winter. The  dried out tree branches danced back and forth in the light breeze each movement catching her eyes in the pale moon light. Nothing.. The first time she had seen the wolf side of Scott had been replaying in her mind over and over since Stiles had contacted her. She couldn't help but dwell on that first intertwining moment for them.   Her lips pressed together in a tight line, brows furrowed. “Scott just isn’t….Scott” She heard Stiles’ voice ringing in her ears as if he were standing right next to her repeating the words. She remembered the shaky brokenness  in the humans voice. Just the thought of losing his best friend was heart breaking for him and Kira could feel it suffocating his being. Leaving the skin walkers had been her only choice. A hard one, but the only one. She still hadn’t fully mastered the control of the fox, and that nagged at her as she left, but she pushed it aside. She left in the first place to protect the pack from herself. She would be damned if she didn't leave to save a crucial member for the stability of their pack.
           She stood in the clearing, senses still at high alert armed with the katana.  She hoped this plan they had thrown together worked.. God she prayed it worked.. They needed to either corner Scott or force him in the basement of the Argents. She didn't want to have to even think about taking him on in a brawl, but she knew there was a small possibility.  Her brows furrowed at the thought, really the plan was unclear for here after it hit that point. Sure, getting Scott secluded so they could bring him back was smart but.. The where didn't matter as much as the how. How were they going to pull Scott out of it? She felt her chest tighten along with every muscle in her body. Her skin was pulled white over her knuckles as they clenched the Katana. How.. How did he lose himself ? He had always been so strong. He was their backbone. The one who either had all the answers or went out of his way to get them. If Scott could lose himself after holding control for so long.. What did that mean for the rest of them? Stop it, Kira. She scolded herself, if she talked herself out of any possibility of them bringing their alpha back now, they absolutely would lose him … to himself.
           Kira’s head snapped up at the rustle of dried leafs up ahead. Her heart felt like it stopped. She hadn’t seen Scott in what felt like forever and this was the furthest thing from her mind in terms of their reunion. It weighed heavy on her soul. She narrowed her eyes scanning intently. Breath, Kira. She reminded herself. Starving her body of oxygen seemed to be a coping mechanism to drowned out the crippling anxiety that threatened to overtake her. She had to force herself to focus.  Eyes rescanning the scenery before her. The moon laminating  scarcely. She ignored the nervousness eating at her gut.  The rustle perked her ears again and she shifted her stance, white knuckling the katana over her shoulder. The blurry figure passed behind the trees and her heart might as well of stopped. But, the dormant fox stirred to life. She could feel the warm embrace trying to push itself out on the front line.   She breathed in deeply sorting the scents. The woods, the leaves, the air, the people… Her brows furrowed just before she let the breath out slowly. “KIRA” Stiles voice was far off but she had heard it with ease. Her feet shifted carefully just ask Scott passed through the trees halting to a stop no more than ten yards from her.
           Her breath hitched in her throat but she did her best to conceal her emotions. She studied him. Clothes and flesh stained with dirt and what could either be mud or dry blood she couldn't tell from there, but the copper smell of blood was evident in the air. There was just no pin pointing where it was coming from. .. His canines bared in defense as he studied her with those red eyes.. She sucked in a broken shaky breath “Scott,” She breathed out just loud enough for him to hear. Gauging his reaction, her attention was pulled from him as Stiles and Lydia broke through the barrier of trees into sight. Good, they were okay.. Slowly she turned her focus back onto the alpha. She watched as he inhaled each ragged tired breath.   They stood there for what seemed like forever, unmoving and silent. Her eyes flickering back and forth between Scott and an exhausted Lydia and Stiles. She stepped forward cautiously. The alpha’s head snapped up brows furrowed defensively, body weight shifting. Kira lowered the sword straitening her frame into a less aggressive approach. Her hand held out in front of her as if to show she meant no harm. She couldn't help but compare him to a scared animal, one forced out of its habitat because of some unforeseen natural disaster.
“Kira don’t!” Lydia’s voice cautioned. Kira just shook her head shooting a warning glance in her direction before turning back to the alpha.“Scott..” She said louder this time continuing to push forward “We just want to help.. Let us help..you” She pleaded sincerely, her features giving her feelings away. The werewolf shifted aggressively and she immediately meet the shift with her own battle stance. She could have sworn she glimpsed a flicker of hurt on his features, almost like he was wrestling with his inner turmoil. “Scott” His name fell from her lips again catching his blood red gaze. She pushed forward slowly, testing the limits. The closer she got the thicker the air seemed to get. Scott suddenly took a step back. She heard the sharp intake of air from Stiles and tearing her eyes away from the alpha, she looked up following Stiles’ gaze. Chris Argent stood just yards away from Lydia and Stiles. Damnit, Kira thought brows furrowed as they made eye contact. But she was soon filled with a sense of peace when the hunter nodded once, stern faced, but concerned none the less. He wanted to help.
Kira offered a nod in agreement. “NOW” Chris’ voice boomed louder than she had expected  and hunters stepped out into the small clearing surrounding them. Her heart beat picked up as she looked around, bows drawn, knifes out, and take down ready. God, please don't let this go sour. She prayed silently letting her gaze fall back onto Scott. She could physically see that his frame tense up, shoulders hunched over as those red eyes sought a way out. “S-Scott..” She breathed out, her emotions bubbling over, breaking through her shaky voice. As if her simply pleading his name would pull him from the trance. They wouldn't be so lucky. “KIRA, YOUR EYES”  Her head snapped up just as the hunters behind Scott tossing a few flash bang grenades. The kitsune moved quickly, ducking her head under her arm. The sound rang in her ears, her mind losing focus for a split second. She felt the rush of wind as Scott darted past her. The female’s frame darted around, katana pulled up defensively. As the dust settled and her eyes adjusted, she glanced around frantically. Scott was gone. And so were the hunters. “KIRA FOLLOW THEM” Lydia’s voice broke her initial panic and she gave a sharp nod, taking off toward the Argent house at the edge of the forest.   She ran hard, sucking in the crisp air filling her greedy lungs.  
Her feet fell shot as she came to the door. She shook her head, panic really starting to settle into the depth of her chest. Oh God where are they. She felt a lump forming in the back of her throat, hands clamming up. “S..Scott” The name fumbled from her lips clumsily once again. What if they had to kill him? What if he killed them? The evening seemed to grow louder. Cars passing by, animals rustling. Her skin felt like it was starting to crawl, her mind racing, heart pounding in her ears. Was this a panic attack? A hard hand came down on her shoulder causing her to jump, the katana clattering to loud on the concrete. “Hes .. down stairs” Chris’ solemn, hard gaze masked any hint of anything that had happened. She stared at him, wide eyed, lips parted to easier draw in the air around them. Blinking hard she frowned then nodded and stepped away from Chris. “Is he…” The words caught in her throat, her brows knitted together, eyes glued to the asphalt. God she was so weak. How had she even thought she could save Scott when even the slightest thought of having to take him down crippled her?  “Go see him” Chris assured her reaching out and giving her shoulder a light squeeze.  She pressed her lips together in a tight line but nodded in agreement making her way through the house and down the stairs.
The stairs creaked under her body weight as she slowly made her way down the stairs. She swallowed hard, hand gripping the railing a little too tight. She sucked in a sharp breath through her nose, taking in the sight of the alpha cuffed to the fence, head hung low. “Scott..”
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actualbird · 7 years
i do au lists on ao3 but i saw that u said that someone should do a fic that avtually has something to do w/ forests and i think ur so cool so im just choosing to tell u what i thought up (im mostly too lazy to open a doc or whatever for my idea, so here u go) but ur bakunawa!michael lives alone in a forest & he likes to be alone, so everytime someone comes near he has his woodland friends make a lot of noise to make the forest seem "scary". but rly he's just a sweet dragon boy trying to sleep
sdhkfkjdfhkds that’s such a cute idea!!
i may have to disagree a bit tho. if michael were a bakunawa with the choice of living anywhere, he definitely would not enjoy living in a forest where the only sources of water would be a river or a lake (not enough for big sea serpent inside of him), plus im getting more of a classic fantasy vibe from the idea. but this idea is so cute i cant stop thinking about it. 
so, a possibility: jeremy who is cursed by an evil wizard (quite possibly named squip) to never be able to leave a certain forest. jeremy, despite his shit luck, makes friends with all the other inhabitants of the forest. theres brooke the water nymph and her best friend chloe, a wood nymph. werewolf rich and fae prince jake. jenna and christine the local witches by the border of the forest who help jeremy out with getting supplies from the village and try (but fail) to break jeremy’s curse. so he’s stuck in the forest, but it isn’t too bad, he guesses. he even has a bit of a job.
the supernaturals really dont like it when adventuring knights come in and mess everything up like take enchanted plants (”It hurts,” Chloe tells him, twirling her hair in her fingers as another flower grows. “It actually hurts when they take the plants.”) or go off hunting for bragging rights (”Hunters,” Rich shudders. In both his human form and his wolf form, Rich has burn marks all over him. “I mean, I guess it’s my fault for being a werewolf, right? Ha. If only our pelts didn’t sell for so high.”) or other stuff. so jeremy figures he can at least make himself useful by making the forest the scariest forest ever so that meddling knights will leave them the hell alone to live in peace.
jeremy regularly checks on the boundaries and spells that christine and jenna made to confuse and disorient travellers who get too close to the forest. if they get past that, jeremy has a whole array of stuff from fake glowing eyes to smoke bombs to an instrument that rattles like teeth in a jar. all stuff that makes people go “oh shit,” and riding out and away from the forest. jeremy does such a good job at making the forest scary, that the place gets a bit of a reputation. and reputations lead to attention. 
so enter michael, long lost childhood best friend of jeremy who was forced into knighthood due to a family debt, sent on a mission to uncover the secrets of the kingdom’s most mysterious forest. DUN DUN DUN!!!
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elysiumrp · 7 years
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Alexandra Grace Jackson || Unregistered Werewolf || Neutral Portrayed by Teresa Palmer
Biography /
While being the alpha of a werewolf pack brings a person a sense of leadership and power, being the daughter of the alpha of New York City brought even more than that. Alexandra Jackson grew up well aware that, like any other child from royalty, she would feel the immense pressure of the world on her shoulders, but she never allowed herself to be crushed by it. No matter what it took, Alexandra knew that she would work twice as hard if it meant that people couldn’t tell that she was struggling as opposed to letting any sign of weakness show. Of course, werewolf royalty wasn’t exactly a thing, she was just the daughter of the man whose father’s father had slaughtered the last alpha of the previous reigning family, but she liked to think that it was all the same. Anything she could use to gain another small ego boost, it was all worth it to Alexandra, and she made sure to act like she walked on water every single chance that she got. After she triggered her wolf at seventeen, her father tried to push Alexandra into finding a life of her own, but Alexandra was more comfortable and interested in just continuing how she had always been living. She was able to live a cushy life just riding on her father’s coattails, and since she assumed that the alpha position would be passed down through blood like it always had, she knew that she just had to wait until it was finally time to take her dad’s position. Besides, even outside of the pack it wasn’t like she had much to worry about, that was what happened whenever your father was also one of the highest ranking officers in the NYPD. However, that all changed whenever her father was killed in the Council attack, and all thoughts of a natural succession disintegrated overnight, along with the natural respect people were forced to give her. Conflict arose as people challenged her for the alpha position, and after no sense of stability seemed to be able to be found, the majority of the Jackson Pack eventually moved on to other areas, or just decided they would rather stay out of pack dynamics and live on their own as lone wolves. Alexandra tried to make a name for herself whenever a new council began to form, but since she had no pack, no noticeable leadership qualities, and mostly had just pissed off the supernatural community for the better part of twenty years, she had friends that were few and far between in the new supernatural leadership. She was an outcast, pushed aside and forgotten after the man that had made her last name great had been killed, and without the support in the supernatural community, she went to the other community that her dad had been stolen away from—the police force. Alexandra has focused on working her way up now in that faction of human society, and although she’s always keeping an eye out for what is happening in the supernatural region, she has, at least for now, distanced herself enough to no longer be in the middle of it. Besides, at this point in time it’s safer to do that anyway.
Important Points /
--When Alexandra was eight years old, her mother died leaving the child with a considerable amount of heartbreak at a very young age. Out of everything that has happened to her, this has attributed the most to her necessity to fend for herself over others. She learned the hard way that getting attached to others can only lead to utter heartbreak at the end. Being able to distance herself from people became easier when her father helped her trigger her wolf curse, with the help of other wolves that were on the police force of course. It was the greatest day of her life, and Alexandra was called to the scene of a user that was close to death. She rushed over as quickly as she could, and was able to smother him before he died of his overdose instead. She feels no guilt for her first kill, and in fact she’s glad that she was able to turn at such a young age. However, what Alexandra didn’t expect were the bodies that turned up ripped to shreds every full moon after she was turned, and the fact that she couldn’t remember anything during the time that she was in her wolf form. It has been years since, but attempts at gaining control have still been making little headway. And now, with another parents lost to the cruelties of the world, Alexandra had decided that distancing herself from the supernatural world seemed to be in her best interest. However, after the reveal of the supernatural world, she has started to question that decision to run and hide, and instead has worked to get herself to finally be allowed back as a member of the Resistance. Although a lot of them want equality between supernaturals and humans, Alexandra doesn’t care as much about how things end up in the end, as long as the violence finally comes to a halt.
--Alexandra has built herself up since her father’s death in the police force as she has worked to gain the trust of the majority of the people her father knew to get herself a job as a medical examiner's assistant. It's been helpful, especially over the past year since supernaturals can no longer have their murders covered up by animal attacks. No, now humans are looking at basically anything to try and frame supernaturals, even if sometimes the evidence that the killer is just human is right there in front of them. There have been many times where Alexandra has had to point out the obvious once more and remind people that she works with that humans can be killers too, and that supernaturals don't usually use guns and knives whenever they have things like fangs and claws. Mostly, Alexandra is just trying to navigate safely through a work community that is scared, mostly because they're supposed to be protecting the public, but are no longer really quite sure how to do that. She has to try to guide people without letting on the fact too much that secretly she is a supernatural sympathizer because, well, she is supernatural after all.
-- With the way that everyone has divided themselves throughout New York City, it's become more difficult for Alexandra to differentiate between what is good for the supernatural and what is bad for the humans. Working with the Resistance has helped Alexandra to finally feel like she's being able to help her people, but she can't help but fear what would happen if the Resistance was exposed. Alexandra would not only lose the connections she's finally starting to build in the supernatural world after so many years, but she knows that it would also be an immediate outcast from the life she has worked so hard to build in the NYPD. Although there are many wolves that still work as officers, there is no way that they would be able to recover from allowing an actual supernatural to work in the department, and in the medical examiner's office especially. Alexandra knows that she is able to help the Resistance so much with being able to feed them information regarding deaths and what not, and covering up the occasional one if necessary, but she can already see the chaos and personal strife that would be caused if she were to be exposed, and sometimes she fears that it's just not worth risking every single thing that she's built, especially when supernatural groups, resistances, and councils never seem to end well in this city.
Connections /
TEREZA CASTELO ; Alexandra can see the way that Tereza looks at her sometimes, sideways glances when certain things about the Davidson Pack, or werewolves, or Jasper are mentioned. She knows what the girl thinks of her, and sometimes, Alexandra can't help but question if there is some truth behind the vampire's fears. There is so much pent up frustration and anger and rage in Alexandra that she can't help but wonder if perhaps there is a point where it's all just going to be too much. Right now she feels okay, or at least as okay as she has in years, but sometimes listening to all the positive talks about other people and what they're doing for the werewolf community is just too much. She's supposed to be their hero and to be the one that leads them out of this darkness. Alexandra hates that other people are starting to be viewed as the leaders of the werewolf community instead. Her father would be so, so disappointed in her.
DEREK SUMMERS ; Alexandra and Derek have spent a lot of time around each other for never actually talking that much. They had very similar upbringings, even down to losing their moms and then having their fathers be killed because of Council involvement. It's a bit haunting when she thinks about it actually. Alexandra is well-aware that Derek was brought up just like she was. They both grew up expecting to one day become council members, and instead both of them lost that whenever the Council fell and the attack occurred. They were also both looked over whenever it came to making the short-lived new council. Alexandra is fairly certain that she has talked to Derek more in the past six months than she had in the twenty years prior, and although he's a warlock, because of how many similar things they have been through, she cant' help but feel a sense of trust towards him. She truly feels like he has the best interest of the supernaturals at heart, and she believes that the decisions he supports and truly ones that he feels would be the best for every single person involved.
OLIVER HEATON ; Oliver has done a lot of bad things in his past, or at least he's been ultimately vilified for a lot of things, but it seems that he is slowly starting to make up for it. Jarred and Oliver put a ton on the line when they decided to open up their shop as the headquarters for the Resistance, and his involvement this far with supplying both a place to gather and supplies themselves, have slowly led to Alexandra considering turning over a new leaf when it comes to one of the last remaining Heatons in the city. His cousin was a council member, the only surviving one now, but she fled to California and decided to never come back. Now, it seems that Oliver is taking the place of what Kathryn should be doing, and instead of staying out of it or running away scared, he is putting his entire business, and his schooling too, on the line to try and help out the supernatural population. It's admirable to say the least.
SAMANTHA DEANE ; Now that she looks back, Alexandra can't help but wonder if perhaps the death of Samatha's mom was the first sign of all things bad that would come to supernaturals. Samantha's mom was the first murder of a supernatural in years that hadn't been actively attacking someone, and although the police force publically released it as a mugging gone wrong at the time, Alexandra knew that the wolves in the department didn't see it that way. There was lobelia in her system after all, and unlike vervain or wolfsbane, only certain families of hunters truly knew the harm that could come to witches under the influence of a certain liquefied substance. Alexandra actually isn't sure if the Deane family ever learned about that little fact, but it seems a bit late now to bring it up to Samantha after so many years and so much heartbreak. Samantha is another daughter of a council member that is now part of the Resistance, and it almost feels comforting to have so many relatives of the past council finally coming together once more. It also doesn't hurt that they've remained friends through it all even if they are different species. They're each other's best friends and Alexandra is always grateful for that.
ISABEL SUMMERS ; Like her brother, Isabel Summers was a name mentioned many times around anything involving the Council affairs that her father always brought home to work on. Just like with Derek, Alexandra never really ever formed a friendship with Isabel, although with Isabel it was more because there were a few years of age difference between them. Isabel has been kept away from the Resistance stuff at the moment, although the witch has sought her out a few times to try and get information. Alexandra is well-aware that Derek is just trying to keep her safe, but at the same time, she can't help but wonder if Derek is doing more harm than good. If Isabel can't get information directly from the source, and she can't help directly, what's to keep her from going to more extreme means to try and help out? Alexandra hasn't brought the thought up to Derek yet, it doesn't exactly seem like her place, but at the same time, Isabel snooping around is only going to get her hurt in the end. It has definitely put Alexandra in an odd position, especially because she's not exactly sure which Summers sibling is actually in the right.
JASPER PITZEN ; The person who initially took her place in the Council instead of her, it was hard for Alexandra to not feel resentment for Jasper since he had taken her father's former place as the head of the werewolves as opposed to her. She knew that Jasper was asked, it wasn't like he screwed her over for the position, but he was still the one that had it, so it was basically impossible for her to completely just be okay with the wolf that had had, for a time, everything that she had always wanted. She still feels some of the same emotions regarding his place in the Resistance. While Alexandra has to hide back because of her job, Jasper is able to speak freely to the press and truly be the positive face that werewolves, and supernaturals, are trying to put forward. He's become the spokesperson for their entire movement and species, and although Alexandra knows that she doesn't want to be exposed, there is still overwhelming jealousy all the same. Even though she isn't doing anything herself in that avenue, she still feels like Jasper should be doing more than his talk shows and speeches, although if someone were to ask her what more he should have been doing, she really isn't sure that she'd have any idea. She just dislikes him because he has what she wants, and she doesn't feel like she has a viable way to get it back.
MEGHAN ROBERTS ; Meghan Roberts is the person out of the Davidson Pack that she has spoken to the most, and in all honesty she would much rather talk to Meghan than she would Kyle. Meghan has a much nicer approach than the quick and sporadic conversations that Alexandra has had with Kyle, the majority of his sentences half the time making no sense, but with Meghan, everything always seems to be right to the point. Recently, their conversations seem to have been becoming longer and longer as more personal matters are brought up throughout the conversation. From asking how the other is, to if they're safe, and just general life questions, it feels nice to have someone that actually seems to care somewhat. Of course, no matter how friendly their conversations might get, there is one thing that Alexandra has made sure not to mention. Cynthia, Meghan's vampire aunt, was killed a month and a half ago by a rogue hunter. Of course nothing will come from it, and under the law it's not even illegal because supernaturals are no longer viewed as humans, but Alexandra just doesn't know how she could possibly deliver such news over the phone, so instead she just hasn't said anything regarding it at all.
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
forgot if i already talked about it but i guess i honestly didnt like wolf children/boy and the beast that much lol and i think i finally figured out why
ok so ill have my original post and short convo i had with this one guy and then write about my feelings after those two that provide some context.
ok real quick so wolf children and the boy and the beast are both from award winning anime director mamoru hosoda!
wolf children has a single mother with 2 kids who are werewolves/shifters since they can change whenever they want. she’s a widow because her husband was walking around the city in wolf form, scared ppl, and got killed by animal control in tokyo. she and her kids move out to the rural boonies on a small homestead where she farms and stuff so that her kids can have space to be their wolf forms and run around without fear.
the boy and the beast has a human child fall into the hidden magical parallel furry world and get raised by this beast/bear furry? i...forget what his adoptive dad’s species is lol, sorry its been a long time since ive seen the movie.
spoilers for the ending but. here.
wolf children - yuki, the daughter, decides to stay in the human world with her mom and go to high school. ame, the son, decides to live his life as a furry/wolf boy protecting the forests.
boy and the beast - adoptive father sacrifices himself for protag, fuses spirits/hearts/whatever with protag so that they’re not really separated even in death, then the protag and dad defeat the antagonist and the protag decides to stay in the human world with his human girlfriend.
soooo. yeah. the movie ends with the families splitting up and the two cultures of mundane humans and magical creatures separating forever.
(og post) original post from my kitsu:
“ok, so like after watching wolf children tonight, im left with a bunch of questions and, idk maybe i dont understand the ending, but like. what. i also have a copy of the boy and the beast and watched it a while go. and like. i feel like, out of his two movies, they were overall very good. however, the endings always leave me with a ton of questions and mixed feelings? is mamoru hosoda just going to be “that guy” for me? you know, “that guy.” like, he’s an ok dude but you have mixed feelings about him? is it still worth watching his other movies, the girl who leapt through time and summer wars, at this rate? idk???? edit: …. i realized i also borrowed mirai from the library, am i going to watch the whole thing and then be like. what.“
response to this one guy, pseudonym:
I didn’t like wolf children and while I overall enjoyed the boy and the beast I did feel it was lacking something. Give summer wars a go though as in my opinion it’s easily his best film, that said I haven’t seen Mirai.
my responses:
“ that’s interesting. hmm im trying to figure out what i didn’t like about his endings for these two movies and i think it might be the whole separation thing? but the weird thing was that i didn’t mind the family separation thing in maquia, another family drama oriented anime? so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ????? what about you?”
“I haven’t seen Maquia. It’s been a while since I watched either film but I just remember Boy and the beast feeling generally a little uninspired and wolf children feeling hollow having nothing going on but cuteness and idealization of the mother character that I couldn’t get behind. It also fell into the annoying and well worn trap of insisting the daughter come to terms with her wolf side as necesary but the boy’s arc is to go reject his humanity and abandon his family to live in the woods as a young teen and the mother learning to accept his really stupid decision. Fuck that, thats a shtty life decision and it should be treated accordingly.”
my response:
i agree with some points! like, i get that the mother was a hardworking single mother who needed to give her kids some more freedom and also isolation in life to hide the whole werewolf secret, but when ame was just like “imma drop out of elementary school,” and hana was ok with it, i was just staring at the screen like “no, why are you letting him do this?” i feel like my issue with the boy and the beast was that ren decided that “humans and monsters need to live in their own world,” and left forever when i was thinking “no man, you can have both, work in the human world on weekdays and just go back to the monster world on weekends or something, you have basically nothing in the human world but this random girl you met and whatever the japanese version of the GED is.”
so. after thinking about it. literally for a few years. i realized. the reason i don’t like these movies, or at least their endings, since the premises sounds interesting enough for me to try them. is probably because im projecting my own weirdo complex identity issues on them. (own ramble lol) (other ramble on kitsu) (transracial tag on main) (racial imposter syndrome with NPR’s Code Switch) (all mixed up what do we call people of multiple backgrounds, also on NPR’s Code Switch)
so. as you can hopefully see. i. am currently in a pretty big identity/culture crisis. and. i think that the endings of these movies rubbed me the wrong way because their solution was to choose one over the other. like. there’s no room to try to make it work, to try and have a balance between the two worlds.
as mentioned above, in wolf children, why the heck not try to make it work? be a furry forest protector and still visit your mom because you’re in the same area. in fact, ame is literally the stupidest kid/literal elementary school drop out because, instead of trying to help the forest with actual laws and such because bc, its sad but let’s be real, capitalism and bulldozers can affect the forest more than one kid trying to larp as the big bad wolf of the forest. and you know how ame could’ve tried to protect the forest in a more substantial way? literally just. finding a balance between the human and magical werewolf/animal world and becoming a botanist/biologist/ecologist/forest ranger. someone who can bring some actual solutions to fixing issues in the forest with science. instead of like. “feeling the forest vibes” or whatever the heck was even happening there.
and then also as mentioned in the boy and the beast, protag-kun leaves behind all his childhood friends and the ppl who helped his adoptive dad raise him, practically his adoptive aunts and uncles, behind for a random girl he met, his birth dad and step family, and whatever a japanese GED is. like. again, why not try to make it work? have two cultures????
you dont have to choose one over the other!!
i’m sure that mamoru hosoda didn’t mean to be like. idk. insensitive to people of mixed races/cultures, etc., esp. since japan is not a very racially/culturally diverse place so he probably didn’t even have this mindset when making these movies, but the message in the movies’ endings that you have to pick one culture, country/world, family, etc., over the other because they’re just too incompatible is just. absolute bullshit. do i care that they’re werewolf and magic furry world culture? no, i think you can and should still try dude.
like. i have. a bunch of intersectional race/culture/adoption issues, but am i going to try to have some balance and learn about all of them and live with them? yeah????? do you realize how stupid it is to me to think about like. having to pick between cultures???? its just like. to me, picking one over the other would be like forcing me to stay with white americans or just like. go back to china. like the boy and the beast protag did or someshit????? like???? i can try to balance them??? tisn’t that the whole point of like. chinese american/ immigrant created mixed culture/experiences, esp. for ppl like me who are transracially adopted and have complex life experiences???? wtf??????
like. i would love to learn more about my birth country and all but im not going to be an absolute dumbass like the boy and beast protag and move to another world/country just because “its where i’m from” or “i have biological family there.” i cant speak the language, i’d leave all my friends and family oceans away, how the heck would i even live??
anyways TL;DR - as a person with some complex feelings about identity, and culture, and a person greatly interested in intersectionality due to my lived experiences, mamoru hosoda’s movies and their bullshit anti-intersectionality messages, again most likely unintentional but my brain read it as this, make me not like his movies.
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