#it could be ten seconds i wouldnt mind
So i wrote a little thing for the RLGL au
Its a prologue of sorts, the first actual meeting between the guys and y/n at work before they become neighbours
Be warned though i am not a writer and typed this out quickly on my phone while i was supposed to work so it is probably not that good (i think i just randomly switch between present tense and past tense so it just be like that)
Warning for suggestive themes. But nothing explicit is mentioned
There you stood, one hand grabbing the handle of the sleek chrome and wooden door. This was not part of your job description. And this was really not something you wanted to do. You were a janotor. Fixing minor electrical things, looking after the plumming, washing all sheets that the cleaners brought into the washing room and fixing and cleaning up the rough stuff. Every day was busy and you had always kept to yourself and the many staff only hallways, away from the rich red and black velvet and the polished wooden floors, raw concret where the eyes of the customers wouldnt see.
You felt safe in your domain, the low humming of the heating filling the basement rooms like the breathing of a sleeping dragon. Or atleast that was what you liked to imagine it as. It made your work seem atleast a little more exciting and kept your mind of the various fluids you had to painstakingly rinse out of the white and burgundy sheets.
You straighten your sleeves, a black turtleneck black slacks and a black baseball cap with fazCOs logo, not really the usual uniform for the people interacting with customers, worlds away from the white button up and vest you should be wearing. But this was an emergency. Well as far as the rich bozo in this room was concearned atleast. So who knows on what level the "mess" was, this could be anything from some spilling to..... well no need to think about worst case szenarios.
Straightening your cap one last time you enter the dimmly lit room. You immidiatly regret every single choice that led you to this specific sight. The hairs on your arms rising in protest as you try to nonchalantly step further into the mess, the customer having left apparently, not even waiting for the emergency roomservice to arrive after calling for it. Red wine and some gunk that looked like it had been food once that had been chewed and spit out again smeared all over the couch and carpet. You call out to make sure the coast is clear, trying very hard to not gag.
As soon as you are sure there is no human in the room you rush to a lifeless form of satin metal and plastic on the ground, swallowing hard as salvia and gall rise up in your throat. You find the second one bundeled up on the bed, lanky arms and legs positioned in a way that sent a shiver down your spine, one of his arms was popped out of the shoulder, only hanging by the many thin cables running under the outer casing.
Shaking hands finding the small power button at the base of the blue ones head you wait, counting five and then ten seconds. This isnt something you should be doing. This is against company policies, and yet you cant just leave them like this for a technician to find after you cleaned up. The soft hum of the reboot sent your hand back as if burned and you kneel down to repeat the action on the yellow one. You knew they had names, pretty obvious ones at that.. sun and moon. You had only seen them from afar until now. Especally because you were not a waiter or maid, someone who would walk past them regularly in the flashy suits and club rooms, no you were someone working in the shadows. A shame that the one time you saw them this closely it felt like you should avert your gaze, because even under the questionable liquids and gunk they still looked stunning. The yellow one started humming under your touch and you hurridly got up, starting the cleaning process and ignoring the two stiring bodies like you were supposed to.
Moon sat up straight, unfurling from his nothing but explicit position, his left arm dragging on the bed. No mind was given to the worker bustleing around the furthest corner as moon leaped forwards and down to the ground, shaking arm immidiatly finding his bright counterpart who was in the process of opening his eyes. Sun looked up and welcomed the soft embrace of moon, foreheads pressed together best they could with their orbish heads, giving themselves just one moment of comfort before dealing with the situation at hand.
You had started to clean the bathroom first, wanting to give the two robots enough time to regain their baring and hide their bodies away if they so wished. A bitter taste on your lips you reenter the main suite with two steaming hot towels and a big box of wet wipes, wordlessly pressing them in the hands of the two, now sitting on the bed encased in a thin sheet. With any interaction between general staff and escorts being prohibited you were pretty much towing the line of doing something that could get you fired, but you felt like this needed to be done.
Moving on you cleaned the carpet, trying to ignore the two bots meticulously wiping down eachother. You sigh. This all felt so wrong. You grab the cleaning rag tight as you rub at the carpet and wish you could do more for the two than gracefully ignoring them and their disheviled apearances, assuming theyd even want any help from a random janitor.
They are still cleaning and fixing up eachother when you put away the last stained pillowcase and wipe down the low table one last time. You swallow dryly. All you can think of doing for them is grabing two small post it notes from your cart and make small origami flowers, one of like three things you know how to fold. Leaving them behind on the stack of clean clothing you plop down on one edge of the bed. It is hard not to sneak one last look at the two, hovering around eachother, deeply concentrated on reapplying eachothers makeup with gentle brushstrokes.
The most beautiful constelation. But you feel like this is not something you are supposed to whitness.
You leave the room, softly dragging the door shut behind you and the cleaning cart with a click, disappearing back into the concrete lined corridors of the staff only areas, back to whatever you were doing before, the two robots in their gentle embrace at the border of your mind.
Cream fingers close around the neon colored paper flowers, to be carefully deposited in an inner jacket pocket and transported home. To be kept safe in a small cardboard box under their bed. To be forgotten but never lost.
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adiraargent · 9 months
Hiya! Can I request Aomine watching his gfs basketball game and she goes for a rebound and got it but the other team reaches over her head grabbing the ball and slamming her to the ground? How would He react and stuff?
Hot Chocolate - Daiki Aomine
wc: 2.6k warnings: fluff, established relationship, protective Aomine Summary: you're doing your best to win your basketball game but one girl really seems to have it out for you.
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Daiki Aomine stood at the sidelines, his eyes fixed on the basketball court, where his girlfriend was showcasing her skills. It was an unspoken thing between the two of you where you would both watch all of each other's games (unless something really important came up).
The gymnasium hummed with the excitement of the game, the fervor of the players palpable in the air. It was the fourth quarter and the scores were pretty close but the other team was in the lead by 2 points.
You were relentless on the court, your determination evident in every move you made and Daiki could see it. Aomine watched you with a mix of pride and admiration, impressed by your agility and skill. He knew you were great at basketball, but you never failed to amaze him, there was just something about the way that you moved. Elegance.
You moved with grace, anticipation in your eyes as you chased after the rebound. The ball sailed through the air, and you sprang into action, leaping with impressive athleticism to grab the rebound. For a moment, it seemed like you had secured it, but in a split second, an opponent stretched over you, snatching the ball away.
The collision was sudden, jarring. A gasp rippled through the spectators as you hit the ground with a thud, your body skidding slightly from the impact. You grimaced at the impact, multiple parts of your body searing in pain. You looked up at the girl, thinking that maybe she would apologise, but she just looked down at you with a small smirk before jogging off.
Aomine's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening in concern as he saw you sprawled on the floor. He clenched his fists, he was about to jump the sideline and go give the girl a piece of his mind but was stopped by Kise.
"Hey Aomine-chi, she'll be fine, she can take care of herself. Besides, you cant exactly go storm up to a girl and start yelling at her," Kise told his idol, hoping that he would understand.
Aomine scoffed, "i can if she pushed my girl to the ground," he snapped and went to go again but was stopped once more by Kise
"You know she wouldnt want you too," Kise said, and Aomine knew he was right, he was just so angry though. He watched, his gaze never leaving you, a mix of worry and anger simmering beneath the surface.
You lay there for a moment, wincing in pain, but determination burned in your eyes. You pushed yourself up, refusing to let the fall shake you. Aomine's heart swelled with pride at your resilience, the way you refused to let the setback break your spirit.
There was just something so hot about how determined you were.
Your eyes met from across the court, and in that silent exchange, Aomine conveyed his concern and support. His gaze was intense, a silent promise that he was there for you, that he believed in your strength and resilience.
That instantly made you feel ten times better.
With a nod, you signalled to your teammates that you were alright, ready to continue. Aomine felt a surge of admiration for you as you brushed off the fall and got back into the game. He knew you were a fighter, determined and unyielding.
The game resumed, and Aomine remained rooted at the sidelines, his eyes solely on you. He watched your movements, the way you sprinted, defended, and attacked, a small grin on his handsome face as he watched you.
As the clock ticked away and the game reached its peak, Aomine's pride for you swelled. He watched you shoot yet another 3 pointer, a wide grin crossing over your face as you did a small little dance, happy that you were now in the lead and in that moment, Aomine knew he would always be there, silently cheering you on, ready to offer his unwavering support whenever you needed it.
Aomine's heart raced as he continued to watch you on the court. Despite the fall from before, you moved with determination, your focus undeterred. He clenched his fists, feeling a mixture of worry and admiration for your resilience.
You were in your element, dribbling the ball down the court with finesse. Your movements were calculated, your eyes scanning the court for an opportunity. You darted past opponents, your agility a testament to your skill and dedication.
As you went for a layup, Aomine held his breath, his eyes fixated on your every move. The opponents closed in, attempting to block your shot, but you maneuvered with precision, your focus unwavering.
Almost there
The ball left your fingertips, soaring through the air toward the hoop. Aomine's heart leaped with anticipation, the suspense palpable. The ball hit the backboard, teetering on the rim for a split second before finally dropping through the net.
Thank god. This is what you loved... that feeling of getting the ball in the net, this is why you played the game.
The crowd erupted into cheers, but Aomine's attention remained solely on you. You flashed him a happy smile, a glint of satisfaction in your eyes as you hustled back on defence.
Aomine felt a surge of pride and excitement as he watched you play. The game continued at a feverish pace, each possession crucial. You dove for loose balls, defended fiercely, and orchestrated plays with finesse.
Minutes turned into seconds as the game drew to a close. The score was neck and neck, the tension in the gymnasium palpable. Aomine's heart pounded in rhythm with the seconds ticking away on the clock.
You were everywhere on the court, hustling and giving it your all. You made a crucial steal, sprinting down the court with determination. With a swift move, you drove to the basket, drawing a foul from your opponent as they hit you while trying to get the ball.
The referee's whistle blew, signaling free throws for you. Aomine's eyes widened in anticipation. This was a pivotal moment in the game, and he knew you had nerves of steel, but even he was getting slightly nervous, though he had full confidence in your abilities.
You stepped up to the free-throw line, the weight of the game resting on your shoulders. The gymnasium fell silent as you dribbled the ball, your focus unwavering. You took a deep breath, then released the shot with precision.
The ball sailed through the air, the sound of the swoosh filling the gymnasium. Aomine's heart soared with pride as the crowd erupted into cheers. You had sunk both shots, putting their team in the lead.
Aomine's eyes never left you, his heart bursting with admiration.
The game's intensity soared as the clock dwindled down to its final moments. Aomine's focus remained steadfast on you, who hustled back on defense, your determination unwavering despite the physical altercation earlier.
Suddenly, a scuffle erupted near the basket. A player from the opposing team, the same one who had collided with you earlier, made a reckless play, shoving you in an attempt to gain possession of the ball. You stumbled back, your footing faltering as you tried to regain balance.
Aomine's eyes blazed with fury at the sight. His fists clenched, and his muscles tensed with an anger he struggled to contain. The referee blew the whistle, calling a foul on the opposing player, but Aomine's focus remained on you, concern etched into every fiber of his being.
You staggered for a moment but steadied yourself, refusing to let the fall hinder you. Aomine's heart pounded with a mix of worry and rage, his protective instincts on high alert.
The opposing player's actions were reckless and unnecessary, and Aomine's blood boiled with anger. He knew you could handle yourself, but the thought of anyone laying a hand on you, especially on purpose, infuriated him beyond measure.
From the sidelines, Aomine's gaze burned with intensity. He locked eyes with you, silently conveying his concern and his unspoken promise to make sure the offender would face the consequences.
You caught his gaze. You nodded subtly, acknowledging his support, and then turned your focus back to the game.
Aomine's fists remained clenched, his gaze fixed on the court. The game continued, each possession escalating the tension. He watched as you sprinted up and down the court.
The final buzzer echoed through the gymnasium, signaling the end of the game. Your team emerged victorious, but Aomine's mind was clouded with a singular thought—the player who had roughed you up needed to be dealt with.
As the teams shook hands, Aomine's eyes bore into the player in question, a simmering anger beneath his controlled demeanor. He held back, letting you handle the situation, but his glare spoke volumes, a silent warning of the consequences should such reckless behavior repeat.
You approached him, a happy look in your eyes. "I'm okay, Daiki. Don't worry," she assured him, sensing his anger.
Aomine's expression softened slightly at your words, but the anger still simmered beneath the surface. "I know you are, but that was uncalled for," he replied in a firm tone, his protectiveness evident in his voice.
"Ill be back, gotta go talk to the coach," you place a quick kiss on his lips and then run back to your team
He kept a watchful eye on the player who had caused the collision, his jaw clenched, a silent promise lingering in his intense gaze. He wouldn't let anyone hurt you without facing the consequences, and that player was going to learn it the hard way.
Aomine kept a watchful eye on you, observing your interactions with your teammates and opponents. His protective instincts were still on high alert, his gaze occasionally flickering towards the player who had caused the collision.
As you made your way off the court, Aomine approached you, his concern evident in his eyes. "Are you really okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.
You smiled, though there was a hint of fatigue in your eyes. "I'm fine, Daiki. It's nothing I can't handle," you reassured him, placing a hand on his arm. You knew his protectiveness was a sign of his care and concern for you.
"Thanks you two for coming," you gave Kise a small smile before wrapping your arm around Aomine's waist and pulling yourself against his side.
Aomine exhaled, trying to ease the tension coiling within him. He glanced once more at the player, who was surrounded by teammates and coaches. His expression hardened, his protectiveness still burning within him.
As the player conversed with their team, Aomine's gaze bore into them, a silent warning simmering in his intense stare. He remained at your side, his arm instinctively drawing you closer in a protective gesture.
You glanced up at Aomine, catching the fiery intensity in his eyes. Sensing his silent promise, you gently squeezed his hand, silently conveying your appreciation for his concern and protection.
Your teammate called out to you, "y/n! you gotta come back, we're doing the end formalities!'
"I'll be back in a sec. Gotta go say thank you for the game and stuff," you sigh, leaned in, pressing a quick, reassuring kiss on his lips before darting back toward your team.
Aomine watched you go, his eyes tracking your every move, ensuring you were safe even in the midst of the post-game interactions. His jaw clenched, a subtle sign of his unease with the situation.
You navigated through the crowd of players and officials, your mind focused on expressing gratitude for the game. Yet, you couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort caused by the player's earlier actions.
Approaching the opposing team's area, you maintained a composed demeanor, nodding politely as you exchanged words of appreciation with the coach and some of the players. However, your gaze lingered on the player who had caused the collision, a mixture of emotions swirling within you.
You offered a polite yet cool thank-you to the player, masking the underlying tension you felt. Their response was casual, almost dismissive, which only added to the unease simmering in the back of your mind.
As you turned to walk away, a voice cut through the air, "Hey, y/n, wait up a sec."
You halted, glancing back to see the player approaching you. Your guard went up instinctively, but you maintained a composed exterior.
"I just wanted to say, sorry about the collision back there. It's part of the game, you know?" the player shrugged, their tone lacking genuine remorse.
Your jaw tightened, but you managed a tight-lipped smile, masking the flicker of frustration. "Yeah, it happens. No hard feelings," you replied diplomatically, not wanting to escalate the situation.
Turning on your heel, you swiftly made your way back to where Aomine stood, his eyes locked on you. You could sense his tension, his protective instincts flaring up in response to the encounter.
Aomine met you halfway, concern etched in his features. "Everything alright?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of worry and restrained anger.
You nodded, trying to dispel the tension. "Just some post-game formalities. Let's get out of here," you suggested, taking his hand and leading the way, eager to put the unsettling encounter behind you.
Aomine followed, his protective instincts still on high alert as he kept a watchful eye on your surroundings. You moved closer to him, seeking comfort in his presence, grateful for his silent support. Together, you walked away, leaving the gymnasium behind and focusing on the comfort of each other's company.
As you walked away from the gymnasium, the weight of the unsettling encounter slowly faded, replaced by the comforting feeling of Aomine's hand in yours. His protective stance eased, but he maintained a watchful eye, ensuring your safety as you made your way out.
The cool evening air greeted you outside, a welcome contrast to the intensity of the game. Aomine glanced down at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he noticed you shivering slightly.
"Here," he said softly, slipping off his jacket and draping it over your shoulders, his touch warm against your skin.
You looked up at him, a faint blush dusting your cheeks at the gesture. "You'll be cold," you protested softly, though you couldn't deny the comfort of his jacket.
Aomine chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring. "I'll survive. Just take it," he insisted, adjusting the jacket around you with a gentle tug.
You relented, allowing the jacket to envelop you in its warmth, feeling a sense of coziness that had nothing to do with the fabric itself. The scent of his cologne lingered, a comforting reminder of his presence.
As you walked side by side, the quietude of the evening setting in, Aomine spoke up. "You handled that well back there. But if that chick steps out of line again, I won't hold back," he said, his voice carrying a protective undertone.
You glanced at him, touched by his protectiveness. "I know. But let's not dwell on that. I'd rather focus on having you here," you said, a soft smile playing on your lips.
Aomine's gaze softened, a fondness in his eyes. "Yeah, I'd rather focus on that too," he admitted, his tone warmer.
The two of you continued your stroll, the tension from earlier dissipating with each step.
As you reached a nearby park, the familiar sight of twinkling lights from the nearby cafe caught your eye. Aomine followed your gaze, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.
"Hot chocolate?" he suggested, a playful grin forming on his lips.
Your eyes lit up, a smile spreading across your face. "Yes, please!" you replied eagerly, the thought of warm drinks on a chilly evening appealing to both your senses and your heart.
Hand in hand, you made your way to the cozy cafe, the chilly evening forgotten in the warmth of each other's company. The promise of a comforting drink and shared moments ahead filled you both with a sense of contentment, strengthening the bond that was as warm and comforting as the hot chocolate awaiting you.
Written by adiraargent Do not copy, steal or repost on other platforms Requests open
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queensilber · 4 months
Supernatural: Witch‘s Canyon
Posting everything in this book that i think you need to know, lets go!
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Okay, so, the boys head to the Grand Canyon to solve a case of a fourty-year murder cycle. The spirits of variouse humans and animals alike attack the locals and they need to find out why and how to stop it.
It is set somewhere in Season two.
My opinion:
This was so much fun. Like, it was really like watching an episode, just a lot longer and with the magic ability to see into Sam and Deans (and a bunch of other characters) heads.
It also gave a little bit of a fanfiction vibe, just with the addidtion that everything is cannon and that all the random little facts and quotes are a real thing (i‘ll list those in a second)
And also there were flashbacks of their childhood??? That made me cry??? I hated john winchester before, but now even more so. (More about the flashbacks below too)
So yea, it was definetly worth it and i cant wait to read the others!!
This is the music Sam and Dean listened to during the course of the book (some locals listened to music too, but i did not list those)
- „paranoid“ by Black Sabbath
- „turn the page“ by Bob Seger
- unspecified tape by Bad Company
There are two flashbacks to Sam and Dean‘s Childhood:
- the first one is Dean Remembering a time when John made him and Sam run through an obstacle course at age twelve and eight. Dean had to shoot a gun during it, Sam just had to point and yell „Bang!“.
In the process of that Sam got injured and cried and John yelled at him to keep going and that he was doing poorly. Dean comforted his brother and encouraged him, leading to sam actually making it. Sam did it and Dean cheered, but john kept yelling at them to keep going to the next obstacle.
- the second one was from when Dean was fourteen and Sam was ten. Their Dad gave them backbags and said what was in them could last them fir four days and they all went on a hike together.
In the middle of nowhere john then saud that they should not trust anyone on what they are told and left them alone, telling them that they should find their way (at very least two days of walk) back themsleves and they shouldnt have relied on him so much and he just… left.
When they checked their backbags they found that most in it was useless and they were also filled with rocks to make it seem like it was more than it was.
Thats so fucked up, like
Those are children. And the worst part, when Dean rememvers this he thinks of it almost positively because it taught him a valuable lesson. I cant even begin to describe how my heart hurt for them.
Random facts:
Here are some facts from the book, i do t know anymor if those are mentioned in the show too, but it hardly matters, i think:
- Sam outgrew Dean at the age of 16
- Dean felt gutity over Jessicas death and thought that it was a „more solid basis“ of guilt than Sam had on the matter
- Sam can differentiate between uniforms of different wars in history just by a look
- Dean hates Rats. A lot.
Some quotes from the book:
John Winchester hunted monsters, ghosts, demons — the creatures most people only believed in deep down in their 3:00 am hearts, abd that they laughted off when the sun was bright and their spirits high.
It was a habit Dean had picked up from Dad — reffering to what they did as a „job“. To Sam it was nore of a Mission, even a calling.
„Sammy really likes cops,“ Dean said. „If he didnt have any talents he might have become one“
Sometimes he thought Dean wouldnt mind dying if he could go out in a blaze of glory, as the saying went. In moments of fairness, Sam knew that wasnt true. Dean didnt care about the glory; he cared about making a difference.
„I‘m coming around to the point, Sam.“ „He‘s Dean,“ Sam corrected. „I‘m Sam“. „Sorry, For some reason, you just look more like a Dean to me“
Gilmore Girls reference?
„You tried to shoot my brother“ Dean said.
Sam belived in a highter power, Dean didnt. Sam didnt have any special knowledge that Dean lacked, handt seen or heard or met God.
Lol, not yet.
Dean had been a kid, hadnt ever had a chance to become anything other than what Dad had made of him. That, finally, was the gulf between them — the canyon that could never be bridged.
Dean was an amazing guy, Sam knew, with skills and abilities most people would never imagine, and smarts Dean himself wouldnt credit, even though he relied on them all the time. And yet, at times like this, he was so humble, so unassuming, that he seemed almost unaware of the importance if his iwn contributions. At other times, of course, that humility vanished. Knowing and accepting both Deans, he guessed, was what being brothers was all about. Maybe I wouldnt want to be Dean, he thought, but i‘m sure glad I have him araound.
So anyways, that book sure was an experiance and i cant wait for the next one! I‘ll post a review of that as well and will update that post with a link to it one i‘m done!
Xoxo! <3
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sockiestupidity · 1 year
Reader having a depressive episode and Miguel helps them out of it 👀👀👀👀
Also can I be 🕸️ anon 👁️👄👁️
Warnings-lowercase intended, bad writing and grammar as usual, depression/depressive episode, ooc miguel?, use of the word mijo, forehead kiss👁️
nonverbal/mute reader again (might decide to make this my thing?? bc nonverbal/mute reader fics do be hard to find)(srry if u wanted reader to talk 😬😬😬)
ALSO MIGUEL AND READER ARE AGAIN IMPLIED TO ALREADY HAVE AN ESTABLISHED PLATONIC/FOUND FAMILY DYNAMIC (sorry for the long intro 🕸️ anon, pls still lob me🥺)(that second part is meant to be funny lol)
it was around 1:00 pm the time you and miguel decided to set up as a designated lunch time as the both of you had not been able to get together because both of your schedules had been busy lately. although you had claimed to have been occupied with missions, he hadn't seen you completing any of those missions. he shrugged it off, thinking that maybe he just was preoccupied with another matter when you had completed your missions. (A/N: miguel i lob u but sometimes ur rlly serving idiot😔)
his oblivious mindset soon turned into worry when it dawned 1:30 and you still had not shown up. "what trouble could that kid possibly have gotten into that made them this late?" he thought to himself. you were usually a punctual person, and often arrived to your lunch meetings with him earlier than he did. as he waited another ten minutes he decided that he needed to take action, it was out of character for you to be this late, especially with your history of punctuality.
miguel headed over to your room at hq housing. in his mind, he thought that it was a possibility that you were just tired and had just layed down for a nap, forgetting about your meet up with him.
as he knocked on your door and patiently waited, he noticed that there was a lack of noise. he knocked on your door, and proceeded to hold his ear up to the door, wanting to confirm the lack of noise. you had naturally always been a quiet person, contrasting with many of the eccentric personalities most spider people had.
miguel felt something odd about the quietness, and decided that he had no choice but to investigate further. surprisingly, the door was locked, despite the fact that you had always locked your door, no matter what. as he entered the room he was met with an unsightly mess.
all of your belongings were strewn across the floor, if he wasnt worried before then he was definitely worried now. your stuffed animals had always been your most prized possessions, he remembered how you always furiously typed about them. hell, he wouldnt be surprised if your stack of communication cards were so thick because you made a special card for each stuffed animal.
as he entered where your bed was located, he noticed an increasing amount of clothing piles, as well as more misplaced stuffed animals, he frowned at this. where could you possibly be? and how could you let your room get this bad? he trudged through the piles of clothes. he looked at your bed, there was nothing there but a lump. he assumed that it was more of your clothes, or maybe your pillows. he was about to back away when he suddenly saw the lump move.
"kid is that you moving right now?" he asked, waiting for a sign of some sort that it was infact you, and not just his imagination. he suddenly heard a tap.
miguel took that as a sign that it was you, "can you please show me that wonderful face of yours?" he asked softly. he wanted to make sure that he wasnt accidentally pressuring you to do anything.
when there was a lack of response he decided to go a slightly different route, "may i flip the sheet over just a bit for you? i want to talk to you face to face." he wasn't really expecting a response, as it seemed like you didn't want to acknowledge him. he was taken aback when you responded with another tap.
he slowly lifted the covers, and was met with your face, but something was off..
you had a dead look in your eyes, they also looked red, as if you had been crying. he gave you a concerned look. if he had known that you were struggling this much he would've visited you sooner.
he ran his fingers through your hair as a form of comfort, attempting to give you some sort of comfort. "im going to try to get you out of this mess, you wont have to worry about being alone anymore, alright?" he watched you as you slowly nodded.
miguel started to get to work on your room. he made sure that all your clean and dirty clothes had been separated accordingly, and had folded all the clean clothes neatly into your drawers, which he had also taken the liberty to organize, he then placed all your stuffed animals in the correct spots that were assigned to each of them, collected your trash, and finally ended with a good scrub. he decided to not only clean your whole bathroom, but also scrubbed down any other hard surfaces that had been covered in grime. (A/n: this might be a bit extreme for just a week but trust me, it doesn't take that long for hard surfaces to get musty)
once every item in your room had been neatly organized and accordingly cleaned he approached you once again. you still had yet to move from your position.
he sat down on your newly cleaned floor, wanting to make sure that he looked less threatening to you, he then spoke up once again, " everything will be fine kid. do you think you could get up?" you slowly nodded.
he helped you slowly stand up and embraced you in a hug. you were caught by surprise, as the only time miguel came in contact with people, it was mostly violent.
after the hug ended he spoke up again, "you're going to take a shower and get dressed, ill wait for you." you slowly nodded once again.
you still felt so much dread, and misery but you wanted to show miguel that you could be strong and that you really did want to get better for him.
you headed to the shower, clothes and towel in hand. you slowly took your clothes off after the water was to your liking and slowly began your shower. you mostly just focused on rinsing your body, the thought of doing your hair seemed as too big of a task for yourself. you finished your shower and dried yourself off, then got dressed.
you then opened the bathroom door, your face meeting miguel's as you gestured to your hair, "you want me to take care of your hair?" you nodded in response to the question.
he knew exactly how to take care of your hair, as he used to take care of gabriellas hair.. he started running the sink, and then grabbed your hair products and a hairbrush. he ran his fingers under the water, "alright, this is going to be weird but i need you to tilt your head, just like you're at the hair salon, it might feel uncomfortable because we don't have a stool but i promise you that you'll feel so much better later." you nodded and placed your head in the sink.
"let me know if it gets too hot." you blinked your eyes in response. he started massaging in your shampoo, after rinsing it out he lightly brushed your hair for a bit, before continuing with conditioner. once he was done with conditioner it was easier for him to brush out your knot's.
once all the knots were properly detangled he turned the sink off and spoke once again, "would you like your hair dried?" you nodded, he grabbed your drier and got to work, making sure every part of your hair dried evenly (if you have curly hair he used the diffuser attachment). after your hair was dried he brushed out your hair once again.
you turned to face him with a soft look in yours eyes. you reminded him of gabby so much that it hurt his heart. he couldn't even imagine his little girl having to go through this by herself. "thank you" you signed.
he felt a pang in his heart, "of course, you know that im always here if you need my help, mijo." he gave you a small forehead kiss.
"we should get some food now, kid." you nodded. he guided you towards the cafeteria that most spider people ate at in the society. you smiled at the miguel themed burger. maybe everything would finally be okay with miguels to support you through your toughest times.
A/N: this might be long and confusing bc im rlly sleep deprived(sorry😔)
ofc theres more to depression but i rlly wanted to at least incorporate some sort of fluff😭
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molqr · 4 months
the psycho nuts for the ask game lalala
YAUY C: i love to think of The Characters!!! X <- ask game link lalala
blorbo - fav character(s) - ouh god how could i not go for sasha and milla. its obviously them. oleander and loboto are great too but ohh those two have permenant residence in my mind. i tend to think about sasha more because he's an off-putting and very autistic green science man but theyre both great. milla makes me want to fall down on my hands and knees thinking about her for too long. no milla your swag is too strong. they'll kill you. they should watch austin powers movies together and smoke a bunt. they come as a set tbh. do not seperate!!
scrunkly - the 'babies', cuteness aggression character - half the games cast are teens/kids and raz is Literally Ten so the baby half of this is answered for!! why are you a child! anyway real answer though? no idea. i hardly see characters as the baby unless its for the bit. i want to comfort the kid versions of the adult characters you see in memory vaults though, does that count? enough horrors, lets go get you guys an oversized lollipop!!!
scrimblo bimblo - underrated/underappreciated fav - i think frazie aquato, raz's older sister, definitely has horrors and things going on and i wouldnt object to seeing her side of things during psychonaut's story. like, shes a psychic too! but she kept it hidden from her family because they hated them! and then thats suddenly flipped on its head and everything she was taught to hate about psychics, and by exstention herself, was just a big contradictory lie?? dude. i'd kill. theres more i could add onto this but the context is some pretty big spoilers so i shall zip my lipz.... i also need to think about cassie o'pia more. the tall bee lady!!! i really like her level in pn2, ive gotta dig my teeth into her story more. also her and compton qpr realness!!!
glup shitto - obscure fav - i cant think of anybody who feels obscure to me tbh! even the campers in psychonauts 1 have their own quick moments. speaking of, i'll probably go for chloe from pn1. shes just a weird alien girl!! sheegor too, she's great. a true obscure one though?
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this thing. god i love the stupid lungfish baby its so stupid. it only shows up for like 5 seconds and its so fucking funny god
poor little meow meow - pathetic fav - i cant think of any favs i have that fall into the controversial category so im going for guys who are just lame. and i think loboto has plenty of those moments, it has to be coach oleander. hes really lame. i think hes just neat. i should rewatch a gameplay of the rhombus of ruin again just for him he has some great moments. sasha, are you holding the talking turtle. we love a short king etc. ...oh and maybe raz's dad just a little bit. nothing wrong with him besides being naturally flawed i just think hes a bit lame in pn2 and thats fun actually. does his wife know if hes single? i mean what. who said that.
horse plinko - character i'd torment for fun - oh theres a guy i have in mind but his entire identity is a spoiler. so, besides him, probably sasha. not because i hate him but rather i just want to throw him at the walls and see what would happen, lovingly. i mean i constantly used raz's psi-powers to attack other characters so i guess i was built for this but definitely sasha. i want to turn him into one of those gooey alien toys and throw him as hard as i can at the ceiling <3
eeby deeby - character i would send to superhell - ford cruller. why did he fucking do that. i'd let him out after a while im sure he'd be fine. also those scary children from the milkman conspiracy level because they were creepyyyy...
ask game complete!!!! thankes for reading, wahoo :3
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lucius-the-sinful · 8 months
1.Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous?
2. Which cities do they prefer to stay in and why? Which cities to they avoid at all costs?
4. Do they believe the College of Winterhold caused the Great Collapse? If no, what is their theory?
6. What is their opinion on Skyrim's "bandit problem"?
7. Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? Or, if they were born in Skyrim, do they wish they could leave?
13. Do they believe the old nordic tales about the Dragonborn? If they are Dragonborn how has their experience differed?
17. Do they have family? Who doe they consider to be family?
18. What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
sorry for so many. oc(s) of your choice!
ty for the ask <333
I already kinda started answering these for Helón so worry not.
1.Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous?
Helón loves the openness of Whiterun’s tundra, but doesn’t find tripping over a giant camp every time he wanders off the road appealing. The sabercats also seem more abundant.
2. Which cities do they prefer to stay in and why? Which cities to they avoid at all costs?
He mostly lives in Riften, and used to live in the Gray Quarter of Windhelm. He tends to avoid the latter. He generally has a strange relationship with that city, due to his position as dragonborn and his existence as a dunmer refugee from Vvardenfell. Overall, though, he never goes there unless absolutely necessary.
4. Do they believe the College of Winterhold caused the Great Collapse? If no, what is their theory?
Helón thinks they did but he doesn’t believe they would have if it wasn’t necessary.
6. What is their opinion on Skyrim's "bandit problem"?
Bandits have both been agreeable and an incredible pain in the ass. When he approaches them as a fellow criminal, they can be negotiated with. However, when he is trying to access a word wall in an ancient nordic ruin, they tend to not like that. He doesn’t really view them as a problem, moreso a nuisance.
7. Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? Or, if they were born in Skyrim, do they wish they could leave?
Yes and no. Helón is a very private individual, so he likes how the nords tend to just mind their own business and keep their noses out of his. But I think his bad experiences in Windhelm left him pretty bitter about the people in general. Then when he was exposed to be the dragonborn, he became even more bitter. Now everyone wanted his help or attention, and he just wanted to keep running his little side business… (the Thieves Guild).
13. Do they believe the old nordic tales about the Dragonborn? If they are Dragonborn how has their experience differed?
The old nordic tales don’t exactly favor a dunmer dragonborn. He believes Akatosh chose him for some reason, or maybe Akatosh intended for the dragonborn to be someone else and there was a mix up.
17. Do they have family? Who doe they consider to be family?
Helón grew up without parents, and was shuffled around quite a few families within House Redoran. He wouldnt find out who his birth parents were until way later in life, and will likely die without ever telling anyone else. He married fairly young for a dunmer, around thirty. They adopted their first daughter, Nervana, in Vivec City. They adopted their second only a few years later, an altmer girl they named Almythra. They didn't adopt again until after the Red Year and the girls were grown. They took in a dunmer boy named Alonsy. Sadly, Synrik was murdered when Alonsy was about ten years old. Helón loves each of his children and visits with them as much as he can. Almythra specifically followed in his steps and joined the Thieves Guild. In post main quest lore, Helón retires and Almythra steps up to be guild master.
18. What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
Helón will not go out of his way to kill people (killing is bad for business and all that) but he is not above it. If someone gets in his way or threatens him, he will put them down without a second thought.
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hyuckswoman · 6 months
hii im just gonna throw my opinion in bcs !! i honestly dont think the way you write it is bad and i like the slowburn and i definitely can see it there. like how theyre getting closer and everything, a lot of things obviously wouldnt happen in the start before they got to know each other and yeah !
so im loving it, its one of my fav works on here as of now and i think youre doing the slowburn just right ! i think the main “problem” here is that the updates ARE a little slow considering most of the fics are one shots you can read in one go so i understand why waiting 2+ days for an update with 8 screenshots might be annoying for some people but i dont really mind ! just maybe could be a little longer so its worth the wait 😅 and its a little annoying sometimes when it FINALLY seems like theyre getting somewhere and then they just act like nothing happened like damn😓 couldve made a move already
ALSO someone mentioned hanbin seeming shady but i think thats because there are a lot of characters and you cant just be so detailed about everyone so it might seemed like it but its not the case. like when he left her at the park (?) i think.
i really hope this doesnt come off as mean, i actually wanted to back YOU up because i think youre doing the slowburn right and i like it like that ! just yeah could be longer updates but its still all good. my roommate knows ab this smau too because i be going around the apartment like “damn i hope theres an update tonight” LMAOO so yeah keep going at your pace, ill eat it up anyway ! :) sorry for rambling too much haha
duuuuuuuuuuuuuude i can't believe some people view down bad so highly?? first of all thank you for taking the time to type such a thorough answer i really really appreciate it and second of all, I swear i'll try to be quicker with the updates but i'll admit it's kinda tough sometimes since exam season is approaching but I'll do my best so you guys can enjoy down bad fully lolllll and i'll also try to make the chapters longer (since i only recently discovered that on pc you can upload more than ten images loll)
I admit at first i was kinda confused on how long this was supposed to take as other smaus on here took like a couple of months to be completed but i ended up taking soooooo much longer and about them not acting on it, don't you worry i kinda rearranged the chapters and we are soon entering their era where they realize they have feelings for one another lolll
about hanbin's character, i basically just needed an excuse to make y/n and jeno have some alone time but i think it's kinda fun how some of you are reading into it and speculating and stuff
also this did not come off as mean AT ALL i literally wanted to sob reading this you're much too nice and i'm glad you enjoy reading down bad and thank you for reading my posts even though they're not story updates lollll
anyway all of that to say thank you soooooo much i really appreciate you and people's feedback like it really doesn't go unnoticed and i really try my best to take everything into consideration!! have a great day/night/morning to you anonnn
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ylojgtr · 1 year
ive just been thinking about it so here are my initial thoughts
fucking marrok man. like wtf. i was legitimately excited for this guy, even though he kinda seemed like a one-note character, i was so excited to see what being an inquisitor was like after the empire was defeated, like it's almost a reversal of order 66 and now the hunters become the hunted. and if filoni has proven one thing, it's that making one-note characters more complex is kind of his specialty. but i GUESS NOT
the ahsoka-baylan duel...it was just not enjoyable for me. my interpretation is that they were trying for something similar to what obi-wan and maul did on tatooine in rebels, where they used lightsaber stances as non-verbal communication. in rebels it was obi-wan assuming his prequels/cw pose, then his original trilogy pose, then the pose that qui-gon used when maul killed him. maul thought he could use the same attack he did when he killed qui-gon, and his immediate defeat shows how obi-wan has thought about that day for years and years, and how he's always learning from his past, whereas maul only thinks about his past as a source of anger and motivation for revenge. in ahsoka they might have been using the stances to sort of gauge each other's knowledge of the jedi traditions, and i appreciate the different uses of this heavy reliance on star wars lore, but the payoff doesn't seem so satisfying. ahsoka dismisses talking about her past (and tbf, why wouldnt she, like this guy is trying to start another galaxy wide war) so we don't really get anything out of it all *SO FAR* i really hope the relationship between her and baylan evolves and this lightsaber thing becomes more important, but on the surface right now it just felt like another sorta boring lightsaber fight. but i would absolutely love to hear other people's thoughts on this and ill probably edit this once more people have seen it and posted about it
also where's zeb. we saw him in the mandalorian, we know he's there. where are you hiding him. we know he knows paul sun-hyung lee (i forgot his characters name). he would absolutely have come with hera. also morai
im usually a pretty conservative shipper, like i don't really care about ships (as long as they're ethical lmao) i just don't really engage with that part of fandom. i could get behind luke and ezra being together, there's some cool sun and moon imagery there and they sort of have contrasting stories, as @hashtagloveloses said once. zeb and kallus i don't mind either. but barrissoka is my everything. it is the one ship that i want to see SOOO BADLY FUCCCKK PLEASE DAVE YOU SAID YOU HAVE PLANS FOR BARRISS LIKE TEN YEARS AGO PLEASEE
but yeah shin and sabine would be pretty cool too, there's definitely a lot of tension there and even though we don't know much about her (i really want to learn more) it would be cool to see shin have someone truly care about her, not be her boss or anything, and have sabine learn to lean more into honesty expressing her affection, since she's always been really stoic and i think shin would need that sincerity in a relationship
and i already mentioned anakin in another post but fuck im so happy to see hayden chritsensen again man. even if his story is lackluster (which oh my god i hope it's not) im so happy to see him again ❤️
i also really hope anakin brings up some character development/exploration for ahsoka cause like. what has she been doing. this is probably the biggest problem i have with this show so far, or at least second biggest lmao. i like that they're taking time to explore different characters and relationships in the universe, but i really want to see ahsoka get more time to shine. when put in a leadership position, she's always been a little more serious (character development from that one time she led a while squad to their deaths cause she was careless), like when she was with the younglings when they got their kyber crystals, but that doesn't mean she's invincible/unfeeling. she has lots of feelings about anakin and obi-wan and ezra and sabine, and i really want to see them!! when she said it's better to destroy the map and lose ezra than let thrawn return and start a war, i want to see her struggle with that like sabine does because she misses ezra too! i get that she didn't want to talk about anakin with baylan but let her talk about him with someone else! hopefully her world between worlds experience will help with that. some of the most solid development we've seen with her so far is being upset by how much she's let people down, ie anakin, sabine. and baylan tries to play into that to make her feel bad. i feel like that certainly will be explored more but fuck. it's about time.
i also want to see her relationship with the jedi more fully explored. i had always assumed that, while she was deeply affected by order 66, she didn't regret her decision to leave the jedi order. i thought that barriss had shown her some of the problems with it, and that her supporting the siege of mandalore showed that she was able to pursue what she thought was important, not the jedi order who were being heavily controlled by the senate and the politics of the time. but she seems to feel guilty about the fact that she's not a jedi? that she somehow let them down by not confirming to a system she no longer believed in? idk if i just made that up in my head cause i like to think of it that way and that my hradcanon is interfering with my enjoyment of this show lmao, someone please tell me if it is
another big problem i have with the show so far is how much it relies on the audience being invested in these stories to supply dramatic weight. and i don't mean in the way that it doesn't explain who sabine, ahsoka, hera, jacen, etc. are, this is obviously a show specifically for cw and rebels fans and im all the way here for it. i mean theres very little substance here, it feels like mostly biding time until ezra and thrawn show up. like we're 4 episodes in and we've seen some relationship development for ahsoka and sabine, a bit of hinting at a backstory for baylan, and...a lot of good guy v bad guy race for the special map, which just isn't very enthralling cause we know someone's gonna get to thrawn and ezra, we all saw lars mikkelson in the trailer. what i really want to see developed is his response to him being seen as a sort of messiah that will bring the empire back. or why baylan is so certain thrawn will start another war, or still be loyal to the empire at all with their power, and therefore political value to the chiss, as well as palpatine, who was sort of keeping him in line, gone. i want something substantial out of these stories were invested in, not just fodder for "ooh who are we gonna see next?"
also how much you wanna bet that ahsoka uses the world between worlds to get to thrawn. like its lines and shit appear in the credits so it's probably important
but yeah that's about all im thinking about right now hopefully next episode is crazy, cause it sure is shaping up to be a doozy
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waitformethistime · 10 months
The Star Beast review
I remember RTD getting announced to return and the fandom acting like he "saved" the show. Now mind you, I didn't love Chibnall's era (and had my complaints about Moffat too) but to act as if RTD was the sacred cow was just irritating.
That being said, lets get into his second debut.
We start with Ten- sorry I mean Fourteen running into Donna. Now Donna was always a favorite of mine so I'm relieved to see shes in top form here. She immediately roasts Fourteen upon seeing him (with a wink and a nod to Tennant no longer being 35 years old) and that's very On Brand for her.
Then we get [sigh] Rose. No, not Billie Piper. Rose Noble. Donna's 15 year old daughter. For starters, her age makes no sense. How can she be 15 if Donna only lost her memory 15 years ago? Did she get hitched and pregnant the very next day? You could hand wave this by saying shes a stepdaughter, but no. RTD wants to make it clear she is Donna's daughter. Her trans daughter to be exact. So let's get into that.
I love that shes trans and that shes played by an actual trans actress. The representation has been long overdue. I love that Donna is such a good and accepting mum and that even Sylvia (a character I previously didnt care for) redeems herself by being a good grandma to Rose, even if she slips up sometimes. Shes trying, which is more than she ever did for Donna.
That being said, Rose is little more than a plot device. Her only real purpose is to introduce our alien, the Meep, and then save the Doctor and Donna with her magical transgenderism (I'll get to that in a second), which is a shame because Yasmin Finney is lovely.
Now let's get into the metacrisis. I always thought this plotline was stupid and the way its resolved is even stupider. Turns out Donna won't actually die if she remembers The Doctor (duh!) because she transferred some of her "Doctor-ness" to Rose...somehow. Now I couldn't tell if RTD was saying that Rose was trans because of the metacrisis energy or if the reason the metacrisis didnt affect her is because shes trans, but either way, it didnt make much sense. How is she able to "remember" things that happened before she was even born? It was convoluted and reminded me a lot of River Songs origins in a bad way. Convoluted is Moffats thing. I don't need it from RTD too.
But wait it gets better. We still have to figure out what to do with the metacrisis energy right? So how do they get rid of it? They simply just "let it go" with their womanly superiority (no really). We get this corny exchange about how 14 is "Male-presenting" and therefore doesn't know how to let things go because of it. Excuse me what? Did RTD watch any of 13's era at all? She was an emotional trainwreck. Callous, dishonest, passive-aggressive and quite vengeful too. And she was a woman. You wanna know who was the Doctor that had to let things go? Literally his last line is "I let you go"? The one who had to let go of his companion because he was hurting both of them? The one who learned to forgive, not just the Master, but also Davros, of all people? It was 12, the old white guy. Swing and a miss, RTD. That was a corniness I would expect from his first era, with Jesus!Ten. I expected some kind of growth since then. I also just felt like I was being lectured and I got quite enough of that from the last era, thank you very much.
This sounds negative so far, so let's look at the positives!
Tennant + Tate are incredible together as usual. I like that 14 is more emotionally honest than any of his previous predecessors (and 13 was getting there at the end so it's a natural progression imo). Love the alien designs. The Meep is so cute. I saw the twist of it being evil a mile away, but it's cute so I'll let it slide. The Wrarth are also cool. Just dudes in suits as Doctor Who aliens should be lol.
Didn't appreciate the Donna death fakeout because I knew RTD wouldnt actually go through with it and it felt cheap, but the acting in the scene was top-notch.
The new opening is cool and I love the new Tardis. You can tell that's where all the budget went lol. It's like a beautiful mix of 11, 12, and the Classics and it looks huge. You can tell Tennant was having a blast with it.
The Doctor actually took the initiative to not regenerate in the tardis this time and it still gets blown up. Poor tardis...
Some other thoughts:
since when can the Sonic create forcefields? I don't care for that. And 14's non-reaction was weird. Shouldn't he be surprised his tool got an upgrade? Also the fact that his clothes regenerated too with no explanation is dumb. Were they too afraid to put Tennant in Whittaker's clothes? It's not like she was wearing a handmaiden dress.
Also they kept asking "why this face?" Which is valid but my theory for why the regeneration went all wonky in the first place is because the Master fucked it up somehow when he tried to steal them in Power of the Doctor. I'd like for RTD to bring that up but I'm not holding my breath. That would require actually acknowledging other eras besides his own exist.
Overall, this was kind of a mid-tier RTD episode and very underwhelming for an anniversary special. Heres hoping it gets better in the next 2.
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
just so you all know, i love rose tyler every day. my love stops literally at the christmas invasion because then after cassandra the flanderization begins. if tenth doctor and tentoo has to perish so be it.
jack. girl find rex matheson already i dunno what you waiting on. *plays the star spangled banner jill scott edition* mekhi phifer come back and get ur fellow immortal man. he's starting to look like a wet cat again.
i love donna noble every full week, my love dont stop and now it wont. if tentoo has to die via aneurysm (because his mind refuse to let him speed up the tardis growth because once he does he'll do what the dr did and leave his kid and wife behind until the one time he does return, they too are left for dead buried in a rubble of his own negligence) for her to live, sorrows prayers. sorrows. prayers.
i love dr. martha jones every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. if tenth doctor has to be beaten so bad by 8 9 12 13 14 15 and master!doctor? let it be so.
i love amy but girl get a therapist. rory get a therapist.
i love river song aka melody williams as much as donna. like girl you got an adoptive granddaughter that looks like jodie foster cosplaying you, if thats not memorable and romantic idk why the dr be fumbling that bag so badly. u can do better.
i love clara oswald but girl c'mon. you got too comfy as the goddess kali - even though you were nowhere near being her in any form to begin with - one time and suddenly you're the ghost you predicted. if the time council has to be humbled again? court is adjourned babes.
the moment aka the interface. baby girl thats actually a planetary bomb turned literal god, im sorry you keep being mistaken for rose tyler by everybody else but the doctor. you deserve better, something 13 and i agrees on according to the novelisation of your appearence. you are better. without you, 9 wouldnt have fell for rose in the first place.
bill potts i love until the stars stay in the universe. if she has to make fun of the dr even as part space sentient oil known as the pilot, fly on space cowboy.
nardole. you do good. odd you wearing gallifreyan citizen wear from the great time war in twice upon a time and no one said anything about it but... you do good.
yasmin khan i love just as much as martha and donna combined. bbc studios might not but i do.
empress rose. i love you more than rose tyler and rose tyler knows it thats why she was a cameo. i hope you get a spin off with 8 9 12 13 master doctor 14 15 and the moment because you deserve it more. i love you. i hope you never stop roasting and almost killing ten everytime he keeps trying to compare the ordinary shop girl fashioned into a soldier turned into a married housewife slash companion to the incomparable and incompatible freedom fighter turned general then empress that is you. im so sorry they trying to downgrade you because you're better than the alternate self he gave away twice. it heavily implied empress rose is more jenny's mum than rose tentoo tyler is and i feel like that should be addressed.... by beating tens arse..... and jenny hugs.
i love rose temple noble so much and i just got her. if bbc studio has to crumble under the strike i really want them to experience so it shall be.
ruby sunday. you are the first companion to have actually have their actress grow up, watch, and know of doctor who with a doctor whose actor also watches doctor who. you are a rare gem inbetween the sands of obliviousness and the sea of hyperawareness. if 14 has to die via tripping and bumping his head on a brick, rip to that tight fit he got on. what a truly mournful loss
i hate the writers that write you for it is their faults of inconsistency that makes me want better for you than the so call fans of your existence. you were set up with a belief system of your own making and then is written to betray that for a eldrich being that contradicts its own existence that could never say i love you and mean those words unless your blades are six inch deep into their hearts for a bullet is too kind and also too slow.
thry all reside and co exist.
anyway. i hope yasmin finney is traveling with them because they never said she was just an anniversary companion and we get to see ruby sunday and rose temple noble date each other.
yes its to make up tens mistake in separating the poc companions: cult survivor cleopatra hunsicker, clone descendant and bi cindy wu, and mexican-american time sensitive transhuman gabby gonzalez aka the best team tardis is when none of them are attracted to the doctor and vice versa. at least gabby met the moment.
and yes its to share this monstrosity i made due to lack of sleep from being awake 27 hours and 30 minutes:
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i passed out right after this. and now im sharing this monstrosity to yall.
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demadogs · 2 years
how long did it take you to watch the van scene the first time? about how many times did you rewind? did you catch the lip glance right away? did you think it was heading in a byler positive direction when mike was talking? how about when will was talking? were you happy/disappointed by the painting? how did you feel by the end of it? how devastated were you by will's crying?
the biggest thing i remember about my first watch of this scene was me saying out loud “holy shit already??” when will whipped out the painting bc it was barely ten minutes into volume two i was not prepared to see it that soon.
i like being fully immersed in what im watching so i didnt pause it or anything the first time i watched it and i didnt watch it again until after i finished volume two. i think i actually missed the lip glance but i noticed some others which is weird because that one is by far the most obvious like homie wasnt subtle at all.
i wouldnt say i thought it was heading in a byler positive direction in that moment mostly bc they were in the car with jonathan and argyle so i didnt expect any true feelings to be explicitly revealed right then and there.
i wasnt disappointed by the painting but i didnt think it would be dnd related bc the last time will played dnd with him didnt end well. but i also didnt think it would be the swingset bc they forgot wills bday and the swingset monologue was in the same scene. idk what i was expecting but i like the painting.
wills crying obviously broke my heart but i was also just very impressed by noahs acting. as always. i think i remember being kinda surprised when mike looked at him and then back at the painting and didnt notice him crying.
honestly i dont really have core memories of my first watch of this scene. i like the scene of course but it didnt make me cry or anything. if i had to pick one scene that i have the most vidid memories of my first watch of its running up that hill by FAR. i think the reaction you guys had to the van scene was the reaction i had to running up that hill lol. i talk about it all the time but im not exaggerating in the slightest when i say i started crying the second the flashbacks started and then i was just in utter amazement watching it as the music faded into an orchestra and all the visual effects were nothing like theyve ever done before and sadies performance was amazing and the flashbacks of all her happy moments and just the general concept of being stuck in this evil trance and sprinting to a portal to the real world?? oh my god its such an unbelievably perfect scene. the song choice could not have been more perfect. i literally paused it after, cried in the bathroom, and then watched it again. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I SOBBED??? SHE DIDNT DIE???!! i guess a montage of max mayfield being happy set to kate bush is all it takes to make me lose it.
another scene i vividly remember losing my mind at was when they revealed the upside down is stuck in 86 through nancys flashcards. i paused it when i saw that and read them and i immediately knew and lost my shit. that was such a perfect way to first reveal it.
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characternerdocs · 1 year
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recently been thinking about heather and vincent in the early days in the lead up to their first heist together.
one thing i imagined vincent doing was removing the staples from heather's head incision as they had been into long and were getting infected. but heather wouldnt have trust him to do that. she may have agreed to have the staples removed, but the second vincent would have tried to approach her with the tools, instantly she would have backtracked and got defensive. especially since vincent would have all the things need laid out clean and organized before informing heather it was time to take the staples out. and the visual of the tweezers, bandages, towels, all laid out would have triggered heather. and vincent is not exactly programed to be the most sympathy so he would initially find her reaction ridicule and completely uncalled for. it simply him taking out the staples, it should not warrant such an emotionally charged reaction.
but this is an early event in their relationship, so whatever happens is going to have a lasting effect. off the bat vincent thinks that how heather is reacting is dumb. it should be a easy task of just taking out staples that are causing heather harm. but if he pushes too hard, ignore heather's protesting and clear shift in her typically upbeat attitude then heather will lash out. she been hurt before, she spend a decade and more in an environment where others have controlled what is down to her and her body. she would be right back in that scenario in her mind so the second vincent tried to approach her to start removing the staples she would attack him. and when heather did that vincent would show no tolerance of that.
again this is so very early in their time together, they are vertically strangers to one another, and the only reason they are under the same roof is because heather stole a valued item from vincent which he wants back and heather was betrayed by the people who she believed were keep her save from people who had tortured her from these ten plus years. it was only there happenstance that heather and vincent bumped into each other that night where vincent was trying to find heather so he could get his item back and truthfully had least than friendly ways in mind to get her to return in, and heather was running from her life so her abusers wouldn't recapture her. and before she passed out from being drugged by said abusers, she literally ran into vincent's arm. true that vincent save her, but his reasons for helping heather were completely selfish as she was the only person who knew where his stole possession was. while heather agreeing to help him was also completely selfish as she wanted revenge on the people who sold her out to her abusers. and these were facts that they both knew. heather and vincent knew the other were working with the other from their own personal reasons and not about doing was was right for the other.
so this brings me back to my conundrum of how does vincent remove the infected staples if its going to trigger heather's trauma and cause her to lash out? and i realized, this would be the very first time vincent would see heather's mask of the zany, the childish, the happy-go-lucky true slip. and i like to think that vincent is smart man, he's clever, he's learned man, he can put two to two together. heather has this surgical incision overdue for a check up, her only clothes are dirty sweatpants and a stained sweatershirt which has a patient number on the front and in bold letters on the back declares her to be the property of glenbrooke, and she was fleeing from somebody who had already administered her a sedative when she bumped into him. after heather cusses him out and seeing her on the brink as the heat tears are well in her eyes, vincent would recognize a fellow member of the ansty background club. he'd step back, address that fact that heather has made it clear to him that he has upset her and that he will step out to let her breathe, but that the staples will need to be removed less the infection worsen. and once heather goes through and recovers from her private breakdown. they come to the compromise that heather will remove the staples herself with vincent standing by as the assistance. that way heather can go at her own pace and be in control of what is going on. and it isn't like heather hasn't been in this position before, she was the one who cut off a chuck of her own ear, but vincent didn't know that yet.
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goodthoughts001 · 2 years
I see a bad เว็บตรง 2023 moon rising!
I really need to avoid posts of people running bad. Whenever I read them it reminds me of how easy things can turn. For some reason it gets in my head and then I seem to lose.
Last night I entered the $20, 180 person SnG at เว็บตรง 2023. I knew I was in trouble when within the first ten hands I had AA, AK, and JJ. Why is this bad? Well, because I knew the cards would turn on me, I would much rather have those hands hit me in the middle of the tournament. Turn they did.
I was up to T4000 early from those first hands. I was able to continue to chip up for a while. I was moved a couple of times, and then it happened. I was at about T7500, which put me in 4th place at the moment. I was moved to a table of absolute maniacs. And of course, I went card dead at this table. With the blinds 100/200, every single hand was opened for at least T600, with at least one, and several times, multiple callers. I never got much of chance to steal because someone always raised before me, or called the raise. I wouldnt have minded if I would have caught any decent starting cards, but it was not to be. I swear I was at this table for over an hour and I all could do was fold. Finally with my chip stack down to 4500 from being blinded away, I am in the big blind and get K8 of clubs. It was raised to only 600 from an ealry position player, two others call and because I havent played a hand in forever I call for the discount of only 350 more. The flop comes 567 of clubs! All right, I have a made second nut flush and I have a straight flush draw. I raise about the size of the pot, fold, fold and then the last player thinks for a while and calls. At this point I think he is on the nut flush draw, or maybe a straight draw. Turn is a brick and I bet about the size of the pot again. Again, he thinks for a while and calls. The turn is the Q of hearts. I am down to about T2200, so I decide screw it, if he has the nut flush, he has it, so I push. Why I did this? I dont know, I guess waiting over an hour for a hand and watching my chips disappear affected me. In hindsight, I know I am good enough to come back from just 2200, so I should have been carefull. He insta calls, he flopped a straight flush! I couldnt believe it when he turned over the 34 of clubs! That low opening raise of 600 probably cost me the pot and, just like that out in 33rd place! Ouch.
So many things I did wrong here. The first, why did I even play this hand to start with? I have to remember patience is very important. The second, why did I go all in on the river? He called both the flop and the turn, he has something, give him credit and move on. Again, I think it all goes back to being card dead for a while. When it happens you get bored, you watch your chips disappear from the blinds and antes, you feel like a wuss at the table. Just a horrible feeling. However, looking back, I could have withstood at least another hour with my chip stack. Eventually you have to get some cards to play. Damn I play dumb sometims.
I was steaming just a little at this point, so of course I entered a $30 one table SnG. And of course I played horribly and out I went in 7th.
Not good times! Not good times at all! So from now on, the instant I see a blogger writing about a losing streak, I will be running away like the wind from that blog. Just watch my smoke trials.
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pagesofkenna · 2 years
every two months or so i just have to reread my own stupid 'Kaz Coughs Up Knives' fic and get emotional again
#i mentioned my fanfic to my mom on the phone tonight and she was genuinely surprised#like you used to follow my tumblr mom??? how is this news to you???#anyway and she asked if i wouldnt mind sending her something and i was like well. i dont know the source material its all kinda nonsense??#and i was like but well i guess i could just explain who the characters are so i went to look at my ao3 account and#saw that metal flowers is still my most recent fic#and like???? mom??? there is NO amount of explanation i could give you that would make this anything other than nonsense#its nonsense i wrote REALLY WELL and played VERY straight and its SO FUNNY in a 'but also cry' way#me exactly one year ago having the GALAXY BRAIN revelation of 'what if hanahaki but its the kinda flowers kaz gives inej'#2021 Kenna you were SO RIGHT#i still kinda want to rewrite it to a) fix the ending and b) change the hanahaki rules from#'you die if its not reciprocated' to 'you die if you dont tell her' because thats even FUNNIER#theres a scene were kaz is coughing up knives literally dying in an attic alone watching to make sure inej is OK on the heist#and he left some geraniums for her to find and she stops like ten seconds too long and hes like#UGH im an IDIOT shes TAKING too long the flowers were a STUPID idea#and the sheer humor of adding 'also Kaz could just admit he likes her and he would be FINE'#'also the only reason he's dying along coughing up knives in an attic is because he refuses to admit he has emotions'
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healingagoddess · 2 years
Remains of what we lost - pt 1
Request: 1800s ajax being jealous of reader (who doesnt know shes an eternal and that she was with ajax before she had memory loss) being with her husband and living a “perfect” life with him so ajax watches from a far because the time period wouldnt allow them to be together they get closer and closer and reader falls in love and remembers everything leaves her husband to be with ajax
fluff and smut pls 👉👈ur my favorite ajax writer and would love to read this
Warnings: English is not my first language. Next chapter is NSFW.
Pairing: Ajak/F!Reader
Note: I can't tell you how excited I was when I first received this request! I enjoyed so much writing it even tho at first I was scared about how I'd do it. I hope you don't mind that it is set in México, I thought it would be cool because Mexico began its independence war in 1810's and extended for ten years. Thank you so much for this request!! T-T
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Part 2
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The salty air of the sea hits Ajak with some nostalgia as she returns to the states from her trips to Europe. Conflict has been rising for a few years now with the people from the New Spain trying to overthrow the Spanish hold on their lands, so it was safer to enter the land through the states and go south to actually set on the north in Sonora. The trip was long, exhausting, and emotionally draining. The heat of the arid desert like lands was noticeable as it shimmered in her skin forming beads of sweat over her upper lip and forehead. The arrival felt heavy and the house haunted with memories. The state extended further and the farm was rich with several habitants. Living among the humans was no longer strange, in fact she had been discovering amazing things about them.
Before entering the house Ajak takes a moment to look around the place. Many years ago she had called this place home and the garden that is flourishing had once been her major pride. She could almost remember the figure that used to kneel every morning to smell the flowers, the same figure that now caused her the most pain. So, she closes her eyes and takes a moment to recover herself from the painful past. The first week goes by in deep silence, with only the companion that a farm can offer.
By the second week Ajak has to go into town as she needs supplies for her state, and she is guilty of still spying on human’s development. She admires for quite some time trying to blend into the crowds as a human would do. The prices are high for basic necessities such as food as a result of the ongoing war. The prime eternal is observing the conditions of every person in that place when her space is invaded by a woman in attire not from this region, her hair is braided; she is a maid from Spain. She curtsies and offers a letter.
“The family Garcia would like to welcome you as they have noticed you are a neighbor of their state. Please accept this formal invitation to dine with the family; owners of the bakery Garcia and members of the presidency.”
Ajak accepts the invitation as she takes it in her hand, she is not used to this type of formalities in this region since it still is under development. Must have been a side effect of the conflict. Ajak offers a smile to the still waiting woman in front of her, and nods once. She knows all eyes are on her and her presence is noticeable in such a small land. She is the mysterious woman that arrived last week, and news travel fast. It’s almost as if they forgot she was here 20 years ago, as if they had forgotten the day she sailed to Spain with a broken heart looking to collect the pieces.
“I would like to know where this bakery is located.”
“This way, ma’am.” And the young braided woman leads her to a very fine looking bakery around the corner, the smell is so delicious it almost reminds her of the cakes she feasted on in her travels through Europe.
The maid leads Ajak to a parlor within the store, which is different to the architecture she got used to in England. It still has decorum and elegance, but she notices the radiant vibrant colors and happiness with the beautiful native flowers with the most exquisite smell.
“She is in the backroom. If you’d like to wait here and I’ll-”
“No, I’m here.”
That voice. Ajak’s head snaps towards the sound of your voice as you enter the place. Time stops still for the prime eternal; breath is no longer an ability she possesses. You notice how her gaze falters, and she looks deeply afflict. And then, in a moment it is gone. You hold her gaze for a few seconds and wonder how much of the ongoing war she has seen.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Ajak. I am Y/N de Garcia.” You curtsy knowing she comes from somewhere in Europe, the blue dress with golden embroidery gave her away as soon as you saw her. You already know her name because she actually owns her state.
You notice the long pause she takes to respond; you worry she doesn’t speak Spanish at all or she is confused as where you learned her name. She looks deep into your eyes trying to find something there, to find a miracle.
“The pleasure is all mine.” She returns the gesture after several seconds with a pained expression.
“My husband will be here at noon. He is working at the presidency; it has been busy due to... ongoing events”
“R-right. These uh, these are difficult times.” She nods and sets her gaze on the floor. “I-“
You both blush having spoken at the same time.
“Apologies. Please, go ahead.” You offer a smile.
“No, the fault was mine.” There she goes again with the pained expression.
She clears her voice and composes her posture as you signal for her to sit down. She sits and you notice how she keeps looking down, and then she does it again: she gathers strength from somewhere deep within herself. You have only been to Spain and France with your husband, so you imagine England is quite different.
She looks up and holds your gaze. “Well, I had never seen a bakery in this area before. I left to…uh, Europe around twenty years ago.”
“Oh!” You widen your eyes in surprise and straighten your pose on the edge of the seat, putting all of your attention into the conversation. “I left to Spain twenty years ago too!” Falling back into your seat you apologize. “I apologize, I got a little excited.”
 “No.” Ajak says softly with a smile all tender, her eyes shimmer with adoration as she looks at you. “It’s alright.” She bites her lip as she looks down, then a shadow passes over her façade and darkness takes over. “Your husband. Is he from Spain?”
You nod and close your eyes for a few moments with a delicate smile.
“I met him here, actually. I, well, that’s a story for another day. Would you like to try some sweet bread and cake?” You offer extending your hand and signaling for her to go on as you guide her to the kitchen.
 “So.” You begin as you present her first with your special sweet corn bread. “Your husband?” You ask with a cheeky smile.
Ajak takes a surprised breath as she suppresses a gasp with her gaze fixated on the bread in front of her. “Well, you see… that’s… quite complicated since my… husband had a terrible accident many years ago. And well,” You notice how her voice begins to break as tears threaten to form in her eyes, and you reach out for her hand to offer some sympathy.
“I am so sorry for your loss.” And as you touch her hand electricity shoots from her hand right into yours. “Oh.” You utter a little wide eyed. “I am so sorry; must be the weather.”
Ajak stares at you for some time and you feel intimidated under her gaze. Feeling guilty for the static shock you try to pull away but she won’t let go. You begin to worry you did something wrong.
Then she seems to snap out of it. “I-” She lets go. “Apologies, it is hard to talk about it.”
“I suppose you inherited riches, dare I go ahead and assume. You must be an accomplished woman.”
“I am a healer.” She says without adding more information.
You had never met a woman healer. The women in your husband’s family were only there to attend their husbands and children, but healing was a man’s job.
“I help women during childbirth, and other things. Practiced in Egypt.”
“Ah.” You reply trying not to sound ignorant with your lack of knowledge in that field.
“Is this your bakery?” She asks almost daring.
“No. This is my husband’s bakery. It is originally from Spain and it is called ‘La Flor’ (the flower).”
Ajak clenches her jaw for a moment as she seems pensive, there is fire in her eyes and it makes you feel more intrigued about her.
“He also works at the presidency?” She asks.
“Well, part of his distant family belong to the Spanish royalty. He still has some influences. The bakery was just an extension to… keep me occupied.” You look down afraid to have shared too much information.
Ajak changes the subject and you spend part of the evening talking before it is time to go home. Just as she is about to leave your husband walks through the bakery’s front door and goes directly to the kitchen in your search. As soon as he enters you rush into his arms and welcome him with a passionate kiss.
That catches Ajak off guard, and she feels herself breaking from the inside as if her entire self will crumble to pieces yet again. She knows she will cry and at the same time she feels a bitterness within her core so strange and new to her. And once again, the feeling of that short cut spring of being left somewhere in the middle. The palms of her hands begin to tingle, as her cosmic energy threatens to escape to heal her throbbing heart. But she doesn’t look like so, and in fact she clears her throat and speaks directly to the maid.
“If you don’t mind, would you be so kind as to see me to the exit? I’d love to get home before dark.”
The maid nods and curtsies to you and your husband before leading Ajak to the exit. You are too busy to pay attention, Ajak notices with an agonizing ache in her heart. And as soon as the maid bids her goodbyes with a curtsy and closes the door, the eternal crumbles to the floor as she supports her fall sliding down the door. But she won’t cry, not yet. It takes her a moment to collect herself, and she knows she has to be her very best self to remain sane.
Ajak returns home to find it more empty, more alone and lonely. The invasive silvery night that intrudes through her window seems colder and crueler. And she weeps into her pillow, with the promise to gather back her strength to go on.
_ ✽ _
And Ajak passes the bakery for several weeks with nothing more but a soft wave of her hand when you do catch her attention. She doesn’t ever enter; for she knows the pain is too unbearable; for she knows she will be impulsive; for she fears what she will find. Unaware of this, you want to apologize for your lack of manners the day you met. To do so, one fine morning you bake her a special cake with a recipe you learned in France. You are waiting for your maids to inform you when she passes by as you believe it would be better to invite her in yourself.
It was still early, a little before midday when the maids came into the parlor to let you know of Ajak’s presence in the market. You fix your dress and look at yourself in the mirror your keep there and rush outside with quick steps as your maids cheer you on to hurry up. You dart out the store and almost run into Ajak as she picks up some fruit. She closes her eyes and lets out a surprised ‘oh’ as she prepares for the crash that never comes.
You stop your quick pace right in front of her with your brightest smile. Slowly, she opens one eye and sighs in relief as she sees your standing there. Her heart is pounding and she doesn’t know if it is because the scare you gave her or because you are standing right in front of her. It confuses her, and pains her to believe you might have gotten in touch with who you are. It would kill her to dare to dream too far. So, she just tilts her head to the side waiting for an explanation.
“I baked you a cake!” You blurt out unable to hold your excitement. “No, wait I ruined the surprise! I was supposed to invite you in and surprise you.” You look away as you recall the plan lost in thought.
“I am… surprised. Believe me.”
Ajak’s voice brings back your attention, and you offer her your best smile as you reach for her hands. And you feel it again; electricity shoots through your palms and you let it in. It stays with a warm pleasant tug like something inside of you wants to respond to it. You quickly let go a little confused.
“I-” You begin to form an apology, even if you are still confused.
“Shall-” Ajak begins trying to collect her thoughts, her expression neutral and unreadable. “Shall we go inside and try the cake.”
“Oh, no. It is all yours.” Your smile returns forgetting what just happened. “You must have a family, I forgot to ask the other day.” You usher her inside excitedly.
“My family… is not here with me.”
You gasp. “Did they stay in England?”
“Something like that, yes.”
She sets her attention elsewhere as she looks around the bakery before looking at the waiting maids with their little presentation of the cake at the counter. Ajak’s eye light up at the sight of it, and you can’t help but melt a little. It also makes you feel excited because you don’t have any friends here. You move to the counter and turn the cake around in its stand for Ajak to see the details you added.
“Oh, Mrs. Garcia. You didn’t have to.” She marvels at the cake.
“Oh, it’s no problem. I just really wanted to apologize for the other day. It was really rude of me to let you go without saying goodbye. I hope you can forgive me for my lack of manners.” You give her an eye smile before dropping your fan knowing it means ‘I want to be friends’.
Tenderness forms in Ajak’s eyes as she smiles at you, she nods her head once. She takes hers out and lets it rest on the right cheek meaning ‘yes’. You heart swells with happiness before reaching out for her without touching her. You are so excited to have a friend here, it would be less lonely in the evenings.
Ajak convinces you of sharing the cake and both of you spend part of the day just talking, getting to know each other. You find out Ajak has traveled to many places in the world, something that truly surprises and amazes you. While you are sitting there at your parlor, drinking tea and eating cake you feel like a child learning about things you never heard of. You listen attentively focusing on the amazing stories she has to tell; she is a good story teller which starts to eat at your head as you try to remember another story teller, but you never do.
Somewhere before noon your husband arrives ever so formal, ever so happy. Ajak places her cup of tea on the coffee table as she stands, you don’t forget her this time as your husband embraces you and you pull slightly away. Still, you have the happiest smile and it makes her bitter in green fog as those smiles seem familiar, way too familiar. She looks down, and you feel a pang in your heart for some reason. You also remember she lost her husband, so you smile at yours and gesture to Ajak.
“Darling, this is Mrs. Ajak; she is our neighbor. Mrs. Ajak, may I present my husband Mr. Alfonso Garcia.”
Every so politely they greet each other.
“Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Ajak.” He looks at his wife. “You see? She accepted.” And they both share a secret smile.
“Likewise.” She says nothing else.
Ajak feels once again that bitterness with the green taint. Anger and doubts consume her, and she keeps her gaze elsewhere. She knows her eyes hold so much power, for her eyes and only her eyes in the entire world look at the celestials. She starts to fidget the fan in her hands, and starts to formulate an excuse to leave.
“Apologies-” She begins but is cut off but your husband.
“Join us for dinner. We have a pending invitation, we never truly set any details.”
He seems like a nice person, Ajak almost feels sorry. She is about to decline when you give her puppy eyes hoping she’d stay. And this is the moment you start to notice that you are seeing her in a different way, and innocently you assume it is friendship. You see her debate something as she furrows her eyebrows and her sullen eyes get lost under the long eyelashes, and you pout.
“Alright. I will stay. Thank you.” She offers a soft smile that doesn’t truly reach her eyes.
Being there is insufferable for Ajak, it’s not that the man won’t shut up but the fact that even when he chats the night away he is still all over you. She makes small talk, a few comments and answering awkward questions about family. Now you and your husband find out about her nine children that live in different parts of the world, something that truly amuses both of you; how well traveled she is.
“Well, I am a healer.” Ajak says as the conversations leads to this revelation. “I am a good one and I have attended many women and children over the years.”
“Maybe you’d be able to assist us when we finally conceive our first child.”
You blush and cover your face with your fan a little embarrassed. But when you look at Ajak she looks like she just saw a ghost. Your husband continues talking about whatever, and doesn’t notice how your eyes widen slightly as you stare at Ajak waiting for a signal of emotion. There are shadows of darkness swirling around her already dark orbs. She proceeds to stare right into your eyes and you almost want to cry as you see pain reflected in them. Then she opens and shuts her fan only for you to see, and your heart drops as you know it means ‘You are cruel’.
“Apologies, Mr. Alfonso Garcia. I must depart to my state, I forgot I had business to attend over there.”
“Oh,” Your husband says slightly taken aback. “Of course, it was improvised.”
Tears begin to form in your eyes, but you try your best to hide them as you nod to your husband.
“I will see her out.” You offer.
He notices the serious atmosphere and nods, he doesn’t think any of it and bids his goodbyes to Ajak. Her silence is painful, and you feel your heart pounding in your heart. Suddenly, the walls seem to have eyes. You lead her to the front of the store, and she keeps on walking. You are about to call out for her when she stops and turns around. She has a neutral expression that caresses your mind. She turns around and you feel your heart break for her, there are tears in her eyes. You don’t understand what it all means.
“It would be best if we stop seeing each other.” She says.
“Mrs. Ajak, I don’t understand.”
“It would be best if you don’t.” She replies. “Have a good life. It will last longer than you think.”
And without anything else to say she disappears into the night. It breaks something inside of you, but you do your best to hide it. That same night you weep into your pillow, as silently and quiet as you can.
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It’s not Stress
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Request: I love ur writing so far!!! Cant wait till you blow up (my main goal….is to) on here !! Could i get a 👉👈 ten x reader where theyre great friends and y/n gives him a run for his money in taking charge (which makes him feel lowkey safe. Im thinking, to be very romantic and forward about it, he would like to hide his face in their stomach when hes feeling bad and would not be against the idea of them handling things for a while then instead of him. Basically its a “*she* takes care of *me*” situation) but the doctor has been slowly falling for them and it is starting to stress him out. Bcs of his view of them he Does Not want to confess because They Would Never Feel The Same (coming up with any and all reasons they wouldnt). This pressure has been building for a while, cause the feelings only seem to grow, and hes acting more and more Stressed About Something. Yn eventually notices and kind of unintentionally corners him on it. And yeah basically he is so fucking scared he just freezes up and emotions ensue……definitely let me know if this makes sense!!!!
WC: 2.8K
A/N: you ever just have a request that makes a million ideas run through your brain and then you’re writing it and suddenly you forget all of them? Cause ya me too! I do like this, but it wasn’t what I imagined and so I hope I did okay for you Anon? Thank you for requesting though <3 ha I struggled titling for WAY too long…
You hate running, which is honestly quite ironic with how often you and the Doctor find yourselves needing a quick escape and right now, with that knowledge running through the Doctor’s brain, along with the fact you weren’t currently by his side, he was getting worried. She’ll be fine, he repeats in his mind as he turns down a corner, patting his pockets before pulling out his screwdriver to open the door in front of him.
He didn’t know what was waiting in the room before him but he didn’t expect to walk in on almost 10 angry aliens all looking at him like he killed their Queen. Although he kind of just accidentally did.
He turns back around, ready to make a run in the other direction before more aliens march down the hallway toward him.
He was trapped and he knew it. They had guns and weapons and he had his screwdriver but he was going to use it like his life depends on it, because it most certainly does.
“I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you.” He points his screwdriver to the oncoming aliens and when they get close enough and start shooting at him, he sonic’d the closest weapon. Sparks fly out of it only seconds before its dropped to the floor and the Doctor spins to sonic another weapon behind him and as soon as he does so, the weapons start to fall, the aliens attentions was turning to something besides the Doctor. He didn’t have time to question what it was before the familiar whirring sound he knows and loves echo against the metal walls of the room. The Doctor turns one final time to face the blue of the TARDIS appearing right across the room. The other aliens stand stunned as the door opens and the Doctor smiles.
It was you, coming to save the day.
After you, the next thing he sees is the gun in your hands as you shoot back at an alien who shot you. The Doctor can’t look away from you, his arms falling by his side and he can’t tear his smile from his face.
You manage to take out a couple of the aliens before you were ready to get out of there, only to realize the Doctor still isn’t onboard. He was just standing in the middle of the action, watching you. What a rather confusing look he was giving you as well. “Well, don’t just stand there and look pretty, Doctor!” You shout at him and pull him from his trace. You gesture over your shoulder to the open doors of your home. “Get in!”
His feet had never moved quicker. “Yes, ma’am!” He shouts and runs to you, locking his hand with yours and yanking you after him as he runs. You slam the door behind you and lock it, tossing the gun off to the side and joining the Doctor at the controls.
“Lets get us out of here, Doctor.” You tell him while helping fly the TARDIS away. He’s comfortable with your hands at the controls, both of you working together to fly just like he taught you.
He tries to slip behind you at the same time you reach in front of him to turn a nob. You collide together, your laugh skipping his hearts as you pat his chest and let him pass.
“Thanks for that, by the way.” He speaks quiet and clears his throat. You hum in confusion and glance at him.
“For what?” He gestures to the door and you nod when you catch on. “Eh, had a feeling my Doctor could use a pick up.”
My Doctor.
You say it so simply and yet it weighs heavy on his chest. You were his best friend whether he wanted more or not.
“Where’d you get the weapon?” He throws a glance over to the gun you discarded.
You pretend to not remember for a second as the Doctor raises a brow at you and smirks. “From their Queen.” You finally say, hiding your face from the Doctors view. Was he expecting you to have said you pulled a weapon off their dead leaders body with was still guarded by her subjects? No. Did it impress him? Weirdly, very much so.
“Oh you’re so very clever.” He says fondly and you look to see the fascination towards you on his face and it warms your heart right alongside your cheeks.
“Well I’m going to go take a shower, and a nap, try to get some of this alien-“ you pull your shirt away from your body just enough to see some goo you’ve managed to get all over you from escaping but you grimace, “you know what, I don’t think I want to know what this is, I just want it off.” The Doctor laughs with you as he eyes the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. “You’re welcome to join me, Doctor.”
“In the shower or for a nap?” He jokes believing he knows the answer already to be the nap.
“Either. Both. Your choice.” His eyes widen and his head whips to the side to stare at you. You just wink at him, patting his shoulder and walking off. Were you serious? Did you really want him to join you in the shower and to sleep? He’s still staring at you when you turn around. “Oh! When I wake, we have to go pick up Donna! She said her vacation’s over and she’s ready to get back out there, whatever that can mean.”
Not serious. You weren’t serious. Of course you weren’t. The Doctor hopes you don’t catch onto the thoughts running through his head as he focuses on your words. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll pick her up while you get some rest. You need it after the day we just had.”
You smile, always thankful for him before giving him a look over as well. “When you’re finished picking her up, get some sleep too. You’re better well rested.” He nods at you and you turn to go before stopping and looking over your shoulder. “Try to have an easy landing this time, please? I’m tired of waking up and I’m on the floor on the other side of the room.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say Donna.” The Doctor sticks his hands into his pockets as he walks next to his annoyed friend. “There’s nothing between Y/N and me.”
“Not yet.” She corrects as she grows tired of trying to get you and him together. “I thought if I gave you two some alone, you’d work something out!”
The Doctor wrinkles his nose, stopping his step for a moment. “That’s why you took a vacation?”
“Have I ever taken a vacation before, Doctor?” She asks like it’s obvious and the Doctor can’t deny that she’s got a point. “Where is Y/N?” She finally asks, wondering why the Doctor went alone to pick her up and to the coffee shop in town after she wanted one for the road.
“Ah, she’s napping.” Donna nods and the Doctor kicks rocks by his feet. “Asked if I wanted to join her. And in the shower as well.”
Donnas eyes widen and she smirks. “Well there you go Doctor. Join her!”
“Nah.” He shakes her head. “She was just joking.”
“Call her bluff.” Donna sips on her coffee, hiding her smirk behind her cup.
The Doctor groans in annoyance. “Donna.” He chastises but Donna just laughs.
“I’m serious! Next time she offers, join her!” He stays reluctant and Donna rolls her eyes and stops walking. “Do you love her?”
“Donna, it’s not like-“
“Do. You. Love her.” She repeats, growing tired with his reluctance on the matter.
“Yes, yes I love her.” He finally concedes and Donna cheers victorious.
“Then tell her! For a genius, you’re clueless.”
He thinks for a moment before shaking his head again.
Donna groans loudly. “Nah?” She mocks him.
He avoids the look she throws. “She’s not interested in me like!”
“Not interested?”
“We’re just friends! Best friends!”
“Best friends?!”
“Stop repeating what I’m saying!” He yells at her, earning a look from a older woman walking beside them for a moment as Donna offers her a smile that tells her everything is fine and to keep walking. The Doctor collects himself, straightening his jacket before shoving his hands back into his pockets. “She wouldn’t feel the same.”
Donna heard about enough. “Oi! Spaceman! It’s all in your head!” Donna smack his forehead lightly and the Doctors brows furrow.
“What was that for?” He asks, rubbing the slap area.
“To get your brain working again Doctor because you’re going to bloody need it.”
The Doctor didn’t wake you up when he landed, that was nice of him. The Doctor had been acting strange lately, you weren’t sure what it was but whatever it was is stressing him out greatly. You could see it when he looked at you or if he zoned off for more than a few seconds. It was worrying you, you always worried for the Doctor no matter what but this just seemed different.
You had just woke up from your nap by a knock at the door as you call for whoever it is to come in. You had a feeling you knew exactly who it was and you were proven correct at the first sight of a converse shoe slipping inside your room.
“Did you pick up Donna then?” You grin sleepily at him, pushing yourself up on your elbows and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“All picked up and taken care of.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and avoids looking at you. It makes your heart sink a little because you know he’s stressing himself again.
“Doctor, are you alright?”
He meets your eyes finally, giving your face a scan. “Of course I’m alright.”
You raise a brow at him and cross your arms. “Really?” He nods. “Because there was a whole 5 minutes between my question and your answer.” He was silent again and The Doctor was hardly ever silent. “Come here Doctor.” You gesture him over and the Doctor, despite his confusion, slowly walks to your bed. You pull your covers back and urge him to join you. He hesitates but the Doctor can’t pass this up. He pulls his jacket and shoes off before sliding in next to you and next thing he knows, you’re holding him close to you, his head laying atop your stomach and his lanky figure curling near the foot of your bed but he was comfortable and once your hand starts threading through his hair, the Doctor was in heaven. He relaxes in your hold, his eyes falling closed as he buries his face against your stomach. You can feel his smile through your top and it brings one to your own face. He’s relaxed and happy and it’s the first time you’ve seen him like this in a while. “Doctor, if you’re stressed about something, you can tell me.” Your voice was so soft, so full of care for the Doctor that he stiffened in your arms because how was he supposed to lie to you? He couldn’t out right say the stress was from keeping his love for you hidden but he knows you. You’d get the truth out from him whether he wanted it or not.
“It’s nothing.” He tries but the meek attempt only earns a scoff from you.
“Well now I know it’s something.” Your hand stops in his hair, the comfort was still there but the Doctor knew you were waiting for him to tell you the truth. “If it’s truly nothing then you don’t have to tell me, but whatever this is it’s taking a toll on you Doctor and I won’t let you go through this by yourself. You go through enough without me.”
“I don’t want to go through anything without you.” He mumbles just quiet enough where you can’t hear him. You know he said something but you can’t place just what.
“Doctor, you can tell me anything, you know that. I mean, I tell you everything about me. I don’t think I have a single secret I’ve kept from you.”
Except that I’m in love with you.
He doesn’t say anything, still stiff in your arms as you grown and push the both of you off the bed.
“Ow!” The Doctor almost whines when his body hits the floor, not prepared for the betrayal that was you literally pushing him off. You reach a hand out to help him up and he takes it, keeping his hand slipped with yours even after he’s on his feet.
“I need you to tell me what’s wrong Doctor.” He avoids your eyes and your heart sinks. “Is it me?” You ask very afraid of the answer. Either you did something or he knows something and now he’s stressing out over it. He doesn’t deny your question. “It’s me, isn’t it?” Still nothing. “You’re stressing over me.” The Doctor knew you weren’t asking this time. You can read him like a book, but by the look on your face you were guessing the ending and something tells him you weren’t going to be guessing correctly.
He knows, you think as you let your hand fall from his. He knows the one thing you’ve kept hidden from him.
“It’s not stress, Y/N. You wouldn’t understand.” The Doctor settles on and takes a deep breath. It gives you hope because maybe it’s something you wouldn’t understand, then he doesn’t know anything.
But why would it involve you?
“How about you tell me, Doctor?” You grab both of his hands this time. “Help me understand.”
It’s a look he gives you that finally makes you understand. Well, it’s not a look he gives you but a look he gives your lips. Just a simple glance down yet filled and want and need and it’s a look you’ve given him loads of times when he’s not looking or not aware. That’s when you begin to realize that the Doctor seems to have the same secret as you do and you were going to do something about it. He loses his hold on your hands for what seems like the millionth time but before he has the chance to complain, you grab the collar of his jacket and collide your lips with his.
You can tell the Doctor wasn’t expecting it. For a moment when your lips touched, you could feel him processing before he grabs your waist and pulls you closer, sending a gasp through both of you when your bodies collide.
You can’t resist the upturn of your lips when you separate, leaning your forehead against his and trying to control the rapid beats of your heart, although it was no match for the twin beating of the Doctor’s.
“I didn’t expect that.” The Doctor mumbles and you can feel his soft breath on your lips as you laugh, going back in for a quick peck that the Doctor makes last just a little longer.
“Well, what can I say?” You shrug and throw your arms over his shoulder, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “A girl just can’t resist a man in a police box.”
He smiles gently, wrapping his arms fully around you as you hug him, burying your face in his shoulder and he does the same. “You think we can do that more often?” He asks when he pulls his head up momentarily before he hides it again.
You shrug, pretending to have to think it over. “Maybe we can sit and talk about it over over coffee.” The Doctor straightens up and meets your eyes and you bite your lip. “Second thought, a coffee shop’s a little boring for two time travelers. What, Doctor, is the closet and most beautiful planet that you can think of for our date?”
His eyes lights up, rambling into a spiel about a garden-like planet, with the kindest residents the Doctor had ever met and a sunset that lasts hours just so you could watch it’s beauty. “It’s the perfect place for our date.” The grin he wears, along with the way he’s still holding you so close to him, is just one reason why you would go anywhere with him for your date.
“I’m driving.” You say and peck his lips quickly before rushing out of the room. The Doctor watches you leave and a few seconds later, he’s rushing after you, wrapping his arms around your waist from the behind as you drive the TARDIS to the planet. You had to lug around the Time Lord on behind you any time you needed to move and press a button, but for a date with him, it was worth it.
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