#it does not feel good to be flirted with and kissed and then flaked on twice EVEN THOUGH he had valid reasons for both times
clownpassing · 10 months
sorry i do so much nickposting i am just not sure where else to put my thoughts and feelings. anyways yeah last post was a little about him like mostly i just wish he stated his intentions more clearly like does he actually want to hang out with me or does he just feel bad for me and did those kisses mean anything would he do it again? could we please do it again?
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Baby, it's cold outside
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 27
Prompt: Coffee shop/bookstore/tattoo studio AU
Rated: M
CW: Alcohol; Implied sex
Tags: Coffee shop owner Steve; Tattoo studio owner Eddie; Christmas fluff; Flirting; Sexual tension; Getting together
Notes: Continued from my December microfic, but can also stand alone
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Eddie swivels morosely in his desk chair, stretches until something in his lower back pops. He glances out the window and immediately regrets it. If anything, the snow has gotten worse, the dark street outside near invisible behind the curtain of flakes that's been falling for hours. 
The blizzard hit just in time for Christmas, grinding all air traffic and most of the roads to a standstill. Eddie called Wayne to break the news, groaning and grumbling all the way, only to be gruffly told off.
“Ain't nothing to be done about it, kiddo. You be safe and I'll see ya when it clears.” 
He was right, of course, the old shit. Eddie is a sensible adult who knows this. And so he holed up at the tattoo studio for some long overdue paperwork. A perfectly reasonable, adult thing to do on a lonely holiday.
Except it's boring as fuck and his back hurts and the cold is creeping in from outside and now he's feeling like a little boy who's had Christmas stolen by the fucking Grinch. 
To top things off, he isn't even sure he'll make it back to his apartment with how things are looking outside.
He's just resigning himself to a night on the foldout in his office when there's a sharp rap against the front door. Eddie almost falls out of his chair. 
“Jesus fuck-” he mutters, bridging the distance and fumbling to unlock the door. “What the hell are you doing?” 
Steve stomps inside, shaking off snow as he goes. Even though it isn't more than a few steps from his door to Eddie’s, he's positively covered in the stuff, hair weighed down and uncharacteristically droopy. Cradled against the chest of his cable-knit sweater is a tray. Eddie spots cookies and two mugs overflowing with copious amounts of whipped cream. 
He watches how Steve sets the tray down on the table in his waiting area and runs his hands through his hair to get the residue snowflakes out. It leaves him looking deliciously disheveled, all mussed-up strands, golden skin flushed pink from the cold. Eddie finds his mouth watering for reasons not exclusively related to the scents wafting off the tray.
Steve is looking at him, like he's waiting for an answer, and shit, he said something, didn't he?
“Sorry, what?” Eddie asks. 
“I said,” Steve shakes his head, but there's no malice behind it. “Dig in, it's not getting any warmer.” 
Eddie crumples down onto the couch, hides his face behind one of the mugs … and blinks in surprise.
“Grand Marnier,” Steve says, settling down beside him and taking the other mug. Eddie has no idea what the fuck that means. Somehow though, the way the words tumble off Steve’s tongue, low and rumbly and distinctly French, really does it for him, so he doesn't complain. 
“Cheers,” he says and clanks their mugs together before taking a tentative sip. A firework of flavors bursts across his tongue - bitter coffee and thick, sweet cream and something heady and boozy and orange-flavored? 
“So fucking good, dude!” 
Behind his own mug, Steve's mouth tugs into a smile. Eddie isn’t quite sure if the heady rush that floods him is entirely due to the coffee. 
“Soooo,” Eddie slurs. The boozy coffee is long gone, as is the second helping Steve got from his shop. He's brought the entire bottle of the fancy French, orangey stuff though, pretty little genius that he is. Eddie giggles and takes another swig. “How c’me you're even here, huh? No family to visit, no girls to kiss under mistletoes?” 
“Have you looked outside?” Steve snorts, swaying into his space to snatch the bottle back. God he is pretty - cheeks flushed from the alcohol, cookie crumbs at the corners of his mouth. All Eddie would need to do is twist his fingers into that preppy sweater of his, yank him closer. Lick them off. 
“-not exactly on visiting terms with my folks,” Steve is saying and Eddie jerks back to attention. “Or speaking terms. My best friend was gonna visit, but I think she'd end me if I so much as brought a mistletoe near her. Anyhow, she can't come, what with the blizzard and all…” 
“So what?” Eddie grins, tongue loosened by alcohol and sugar and the way the light brings out the gold in Steve’s hair and eyes. “You decided to drop by out of the goodness of your heart and save my holiday like some perfect little Christmas angel?” 
Steve blinks. Averts his eyes. Flushes a whole new shade of pink. It blooms on top of the blush that has settled over his nose and cheekbones, like a fresh layer of color on a painting. Eddie thinks of all the other parts of Steve’s body he'd like to paint like this.
“Whatever,” Steve mumbles, “Just thought we'd both feel less alone, if- … It's getting late, I'd better-” 
“Go?” Eddie catches the sleeve of his sweater just as he's about to stand. Steve falls back into the couch. “Where? You're not gonna trudge home through that weather, are you?” 
Steve licks his lips, pink and glossy. Eddie wonders if they still taste like coffee and cream and oranges. His fingers find the soft skin of Steve's wrist under the hem of the sweater. 
“Just stay. You're right, I don't feel like being alone tonight.” 
“Stop it,” Steve's eyes are impossibly bright in the low light. “Please, I … I'll put up with your teasing any other day of the year, but not today.” 
“Steve …” Eddie rumbles. The heartbeat under his fingers flutters. “Stay … and I'll show you how serious I am.” 
He leans in, breathes his next words against the shell of a pink ear. “If you wanna, I'll even call you angel again.” 
They do end up using the foldout, the cold quickly forgotten.
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All my holiday drabbles
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
39 w/ Robin Buckley please 😊
a/n: yayay my first robin request for this event!! Ty for requesting and I hope you enjoy :)
word count: 600+
200 followers event masterlist
39. "Hey, your feelings are not stupid."
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You sat anxiously at the Family Video counter. Waiting for Robins shift to be up. Picking at the flaking paint, you watched as your girlfriend leaned across the counter to assess another girl.
She was pretty. Perfectly clear skin, with not a frizzy piece of hair in sight, and flawless make up. 
Jacey was her name, you were pretty sure. 
Jacey passed a movie box over to Robin, twirling a strand of hair in her fingers and saying something you couldn't hear.
Your face scrunched up lightly. Negative thoughts swarming through your head as a sour expression took hold of your features.
Jacey bit her lip lightly, taking in every word Robin said to the very core and nodding along.
Huffing to yourself, you turned your attention elsewhere. Watching Steve fail to ask another bimbo on a date was much more amusing than watching your own lover get flirted with. The overused line,
"Maybe we can meet up sometime this week. If you're free that is," passing through his lips as a tiny smile grew at the corner of your lips. However it instantly dropped when the high pitched voice of Jacey shoved its way into your ears.
"Thanks so much, Robin. See you next week."
She gave a light wave wich Robin returned as she took her sickly sweetness and left. Robin turned to you, chuckling to herself.
"She's like a literal ball of rainbows. It makes me want to barf," she joked. When she didn't receive a reaction Robin took a closer look at your expression. Noting how your brows had that crease you always get when something was bothering you. *Hey what's up?" She asked in a softer tone. You peered at her through your slightly squinted eyes. Shaking your head you dismissed her question.
"It's nothing, it's stupid really." Robin moved closer to you. Grabbing your hand which was placed on the counter and taking it in hers.
"Hey, your feelings are not stupid," she stated. "If somethings making you upset you can talk to me about it. Whatever it is, I'll try to help." You bit your lip at she heartfelt words. Feeling guilty for the fact you even grew jealous in the first place.
"It's just…" you tried to find the right words as Robin waited patiently. "It's just Jacey seems a little too sweet when she's talking to you. With Steve she's nice sure, but when it comes to you she gets all batty eyed and does this little hair twirl thing. She obviously thinks about you differently in some way than other people for the amount of times I've seen her switch up when you come around," you rambled. "And she's just so pretty and has this flawless look to her and I'm not like that. She looks so much more better than I do and I know I look good but I just know she looks better. And I just can't stop myself from feeling jealous." Once you finished your speech you searched Robins features, uneasily. She squeezed you hand reassuringly.
"You have nothing to worry about, Y/n. Jacey is just a daily that comes in all the time. She's a film fanatic and has been coming here even before Steve and I got our jobs. I don't know if what your claiming is true or not about the eyes or whatever but it doesn't matter cause I have my eyes on you. Only you. And you, my girl, are the prettiest, most beautiful, amazing person I've met. So even if Jacey was interested, I am not," Robin assured you. A light smile grew on your features.
"You promise?" She held her pinky out.
"Ofcourse. I promise I'll always tell you the truth, but only if you promis to tell me when somethings bothering you. None of that "it's stupid' bullshit, 'kay?" You nodded, lacing your fingers through hers.
"I promise."
"I promise too." She kissed your cheek quickly and went back to helping people at the counter. Leaving you with a no longer sour expression, a smile taking it's place.
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
Can i ask you for draco x reader smut
Where reader is malfoy maid and draco always flirt with her or some sort and one day reader break something while clean because draco flirting with her...and he decide punish her with spanking and smut after....dom!draco daddy or master kink either is fine....sorry if your not comfortable
All writing will be #writing-wh0re-requests.
Draco x Reader
Words: 1330
Warnings: Smut18+, Dom Draco, Slight Degration, Slight Praise, Sir Kink, Maid Kink (?), Unprotected Sex, Gag, Spanking Punishment.
Cleaning the Malfoy Manor was always a little uncomfortable. The grand architecture, priceless linens and beautiful green and gold flaked wallpaper. I felt out of place in such a breathtaking home, however, I had to make money, especially since no one was hiring Auroras at the moment.
I snap out of my thoughts as the sound of heavy footsteps tap against the floorboards. My eyes flick to the doorway, watching Draco stop in his tracks, his eyes trailing up my body. Suddenly making me aware of how short this maid uniform actually is.
“My study, have you cleaned it?”
I shake my head causing Draco to tut at me.
“Words Darling, I know you can use them.”
My mouth falls dry, eyes locking with his, instantly feeling tingles rush over my body.
“I-I, um.” I take a deep breath, hating that I sound illiterate. “No Sir, I haven’t cleaned that room yet.”
Draco smirks at me, his tongue darting out across his bottom lip.
“Make sure it's done in the next ten minutes.”
“Yes Sir.” Draco’s jaw clenches at the title I gave him, accompanied by a stern nod before he disappears into his study.
“Pull yourself together.” I whisper to myself, hearing my heart rate hammering in my ears.
I quickly collect fresh cleaning products, looking at my reflection in the hallway mirror, laughing at myself slightly.
I take another deep breath before opening the door to his study. Goosebumps pricking my skin at the sight of him behind his desk, his sleeves rolled up his arms, his rings shining in the soft light with every stroke of his quill.
His eyes catch my wandering ones, my cheeks flushing with heat as I hurriedly look away, grabbing the fluffy dusting cloth and a citrus cleaning spray to start working on his bookshelf. I keep my head down, ignoring the feeling of his gaze on my skin. I don’t notice Draco walking towards me being too focused on making sure I don’t miss a spot. I only notice his closeness once his hands are on my waist, his warm breath fanning the side of my neck.
“Relax darling.”
My breath hitches, dropping the paperback book to the floor, the spray bottle following suit.
“Pick it up.”
Without having to be asked twice, I bend down to grab the book and spray, my ass pressing against his clothed cock. Draco lets out a low growl, his hands pulling my body back against his body.
“You ruined it.”
My eyebrows frown together, trying to figure out how I ruined something before feeling his hand grab my wrist, holding the now folded book with bent pages.
“Sir, I-I, fuck, I’m sorry.”
“That is one of my favourite books, you’ll need to fix it.”
My mind races through the internal library of spells, trying to remember one that could fix a book without burning it or turning it into a different object.
Draco smirks at me, noticing the panic on my face.
“Dumb little baby.”
Tingles wash over me, arousal pooling between my thighs. A cocky smirk on Draco’s lips, his eyes wandering over my face. His hand cups my cheek, my eyes fluttering closed at the warmth of his touch, his thumb brushes against my bottom lip before they connect with his. My eyes snap open, wanting to confirm this is actually happening before I kiss back.
Draco’s hands roam my body, cupping my breast with a rough squeeze, finding their way to my ass and spanking my skin hard. My gasp breaks our kiss, our eyes locking together.
“Bend over my desk.”
Without a word I move silently to his dark mahogany desk, pushing things away as I lay my chest flat against the smooth wood. Draco pulls at his tie, loosening the constraint and twisting the silk around his hand.
Draco kisses the side of my head before shoving the tie into my mouth, gagging me. I moan against the fabric, excitement bubbling deep inside of me.
“Can’t let anyone hear how much of a cock whore you are, now can we?”
I attempt to speak, wanting to know what Draco has in store for me, the only sound leaving my lips fills the air as a soft muffle.
Draco flips my pathetic excuse of a uniform up, his hands massaging the globes of my ass.
“Perfect.” My heart fluffers at his compliment, my pussy clenching at the praise.
“Please.” Another pathetic muffled whimper fills the air, Draco chuckling in response.
I look over my shoulder, Draco’s hand raised as a loud clap of skin fills the air. The sting of his hand print filled my senses.
“Mm, such a good girl.”
I moan against the gag, his hand continuously spanking my ass, alternating the sides and soothing the skin after every hit. The stinging of my skin causes tears to prick my eyes.
“Dumb babies have to be more careful with Sir’s belongings.”
I nod my head, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of me, longing to be stretched.
Draco’s fingers loop in the sides of my panties, pulling the lace fabric down my legs, letting it pool around my ankles.
My fingers grip the side of the desk, a shuddered gasp muffled by the tie as Draco drags his finger up and down my folds.
“Fucking dripping for me, does my baby like being punished?”
I meekly nod in response, Draco chuckling once again.
“Please.” Draco pulls the gag from my lips, his hand around my neck.
“Repeat that darling.”
“Please Sir, I want to feel you.”
Draco hums in response, trailing kisses from my shoulder to my earlobe.
“Anything for you.”
Draco wastes no time in sliding into me, my walls burning as they accommodate him. Both of us hissing and moaning.
“My tight little pussy.”
“All yours Sir.”
Draco grunts at the pet name, his hips snapping into my ass repeatedly, both of us moaning, the sound of his desk creaking with every thrust. His hands hold my ass for support, his cold rings soothing my stinging skin.
“Oh, Draco.” His name slips past my lips, a pange of regret filling my stomach, never being approved to call him by his first name, at least not since high school.
His hand comes in contact with my ass.
“Sorry Sir.” I mumble, my pussy clenching around his cock.
“I want you to clean the rest of his Manor with my cum between your thighs.”
My mouth falls open with shock, excitement flowing through my veins.
“Yes Sir.”
I push my ass back against him, wanting him deeper. Draco moans at my actions, his hands holding my hips and guiding my movements.
“I’m close.” Draco mumbles, my stomach filling with butterflies, my mind focusing on this moment, wanting to remember it.
Draco’s fingers dance across my skin, slipping between my folds and rubbing my clit fast, helping me chase my high.
“Oh fuck, Sir, fuck.” His fingers keep their pace, harsh circles on my clit causing electric shocks to shoot up my legs. My mind foggy and my breath laboured as I covered his cock with cum.
“So good baby.” The warmth of Draco’s release shoots inside of me, painting my walls.
I whimper when Draco pulls out of me, the feeling of being empty taking over. I sit up from the desk, readjusting my outfit and pulling my underwear on as Draco’s eyes wander over me.
His hands fall to my waist, capturing my lips in his, his tongue fighting mine for dominance.
“Go clean the rest of the manor before I have to punish you again.” I smile with excitement at the possibility of having sex with him again. I quickly gather my things before exiting the room, a deep breath passing my lips.
“Quieter next time.” A booming voice says before walking away. My eyes go wide and a wave of nauseousness fills my stomach. Lucicus Malfoy had heard Draco and I.
Oh no.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
hi could you do an imagine/ one shot where it’s a snow day and ur w his family and it’s just all cute w whoever u want :)
snow days and haribo rings
jack grealish x reader
Jack was thankful for having a big car when he woke up this morning. It became apparent most people would have their close to Christmas family get together deterred or even completely cancelled by the amount of snow that had fallen over the course of the evening and continued when you woke in the morning.
The best part was seeing you light up like a child, eyes wide and bright as you all but jumped up and down. Jack had laughed, his smile stretched wide as you stood out the back catching snowflakes on your hands and throwing toys for the puppy who kept launching himself into the thick snow. Jack admired you from the kitchen window, conjoined dining room sliding glass door still wide open so he can hear your giggles bouncing through the house as he constructed one of the only meals he could. His toast and cheese was immaculate though, bloody amazing.
“The little ‘uns are dying to see you.” Jack announces in the car as he pulls down his parents street. His little cousins do just adore you and he can’t blame them one bit. Seeing you play with them, giggling when they pile on top of you for hugs and kisses always awakens something in him he hadn’t noticed before. It made him very broody, especially at this time of year. “Really?” you beam, eyes lighting up once again as you turn to look at him for the first time since getting into the car. He was well aware of your eyes stuck on the little snow shapes that flutter into the front window and the snowmen that line the streets. Pointing out bigger ones and getting excited when you see kids out. “Look!” You squeal, pointing your finger against the window. “Snow angels!”
“You’re my snow angel.” He retorted, flirting shamelessly with a huge cheesey beam. You let out a loud laugh as you screw up your face. “You’re awful,” you snort, shaking your head. Jack laughs with you, pulling the car into park in the drive so he can lean over and press his lips onto your cheek, warmed by the heaters of the large range rover.
Jack helps you jump out of the car so you don’t slip, because despite the fact his dad has claimed to have shovelled the drive, it was covered again in a thick layer of powdery snow. Your boyfriend wraps you up in him immediately, tucking you into his side so close you practically become one person. Touch has always been Jack’s love language. He almost always has to be touching you and it’s usually a subconscious act. An arm that’ll find its way around your waist or his hand that slips into yours. He’s very tactile and he just loves to have you there in his arms.
Karen is at the door ushering you into the warm house before either or you have the chance to raise a cold hand to knock it and before you have the chance to enjoy the heat, Jack’s little cousins - who call him uncle Jack just for easiness sake - have threw themselves at you both. Jack catches them a lot easier than you do with bellowing laughter so happy you can imagine the sound in a few years time when he gets home from training or game trips and it’s yours and his kids that get to barrel through the house and greet him like this. It makes your heart sing in a mixture of excitement and joy.
“Come on come on come on!” They chant, tugging your arm quickly through the house as you call your greetings along the way. Jack is left standing in by the coat rack with a stupid grin watching his little cousins drag you through the house until you reach the back door.
Jack can’t seem to keep his focus on the conversation with his mum as they sit at the dining room table next to the window that looks out to into the garden. He keeps looking out to you, exaggeratedly falling over when you get hit by snowballs thrown by the small kids, yelling out as they bound over to leap on top of you with hysterically laughing, wrapped up in warm winter coats, hats and scarfs. You’ve only got a jacket on though and Jack worries as he always does that you’re not warm enough.
“She needs an extra layer,” Jack mumbles, making his mother beam as she looks at him with a warm mug of hot chocolate between her hands. She’s so proud of the man that her boy has become. The kind who worried about his girlfriend being too cold even in the summer. Jack stands at the back door uneasily waiting for you to reach him. “You’re going to end up sick.” He states with a frown as he hurriedly moves to wrap a thick scarf around you neck. “That’s a myth, can’t get the cold from being cold.” You shiver, allowing him to offer you a sip of hot chocolate from his mug to warm you up and you accept it happily.
“Can get hypothermia though, Mrs Degree.” He retorts teasingly, his eyes created with a smile. “Not a medical degree, J. And that’s Miss degree thank you very much.” You snip as you trudge back off the snow with him following you, setting the mug down before he stepped out the door. Jack immediately notices the excitement on his little cousins faces when you both appear for the the snowball fight where you split into separate teams. The snowball fight where you end up pinned down on the snow by Jack, his face inches from yours as his lips just about brush yours. Even chapped and slightly cracked from the cold, Jack would kiss those lips happily forever. He can’t fight the smile that plays on his lips at the sight of your nose and cheeks tinted red from the cold.
“I could change that, you know.” He hums softly, eyes getting lost in yours. You simply gaze up at him puzzled with slightly furrowed brows. “The miss thing i mean,” he backtracks, his words something like a nervous stutter, “Cause you’re my missus, could make you a missus- mine. My missus. Like, with my name an’ all that.”
You giggle at his broken up stammering sentences, your lips stretching wide into a grin.
“Are you asking me to marry you, Jack?” You lull, a teasing tone hiding clearly behind your words as he shakes his head, moderately embarrassed by his poor attempt. Jack clears his throat, rolling off you to lay beside you on the thick snow cushioning your back before he squished you. “Suppose so,” he whips his head to face you, “Depends on what your answer would be?” he adds quickly with a smile yet worried eyes.
“Charming.” You jest sarcastically, shooting him an playfully incredulous look. “But i’d say yeah.” You add, staring up at the darkening sky with snow flakes still falling into your faces, getting stuck in Jack’s beard and landing in his hair.
“Mhm, that’s good.” He smiles softly, “Mrs Grealish. (y/n) Grealish.” Jack turns back to you, a soft smile on his lips and love shining in his eyes. “Sounds pretty good to me.”
You giggle in agreement, letting him tug you in closer to him to kiss a snowflake off the tip of your nose before pressing his lips onto yours next. “Yeah, it does.” You agree with one of those wistfully love struck grins as you look at the man you love with all your heart. “I’ll get you a ring, i promise.” He says sweetly, brushing his warm hands over your cold knuckles after he tugs you up to your feet out of the snow.
“I have a ring, Uncle Jack!” You hear from behind you, the two little kids standing there with a mini party bsd or haribos each. They beam up at you, the eldest holding out the red and yellow candy ring that Jack takes with a thank you and a tenacity as if it were a real, very expensive ring that you wouldn’t eat within the next ten minutes. Yet, the brown haired brummie still takes a knee in the snow, holding your hand and looking up at you. “I promise i’ll get you a proper ring, nice one too. All the best for you. Get you a nice big ring a s a nice big family an’ i’ll spoil you, spoil you all. I’ll spoil you forever. Promise. Will you marry me?”
Tears appear in your eyes involuntarily, a giggle breaking past your lips as you nod your head virtually. “Yeah, yeah of course i’ll marry you. Now up her and kiss me before you get a chill.”
Jack stands up eagerly, pressing his lips against yours as he pushes that ring onto your ring finger for you to hold out in front of you to admire. As Jack kisses you once again before he starts leading you inside holding onto your hand, you can only think about how happy you are with him. You’d be happy to marry him in a tracksuit or pyjamas, you didn’t care. You just wanted to spend the rest of your life with him and he felt the same way. Fancy rings wasn’t a big deal for you, but you knew he’d get you one anyway because he’s Jack. He has the money and he would be dammed if he didn’t spoil his girl.
“You didn’t,” Karen gawps, shaking her head with a teasing roll of her eyes. “You better get that girl a real one.” She tells Jack as he sits there on the couch later with you tucked under his arm, “you make sure he does.” She says to you before she went off to the kitchen. You turn to Jack, the fingers of your right hand laced into his as you raise the left one still with that ring on it.
“Sweet tooth?” You chime with a smile, Jack chuckles. “Always.” He responds easily. You lift your hand up to his mouth and just barely feel his teeth against your finger as he takes a bite off of that ring. You pop the rest of it in your mouth with a giggle.
“We are my ring.” You say through giggles, feeling his press his lips against the side of your head. “I’m sorry baby.” Jack responds, pulling you even closer to him under the warm fluffy blanket as you curl into his chest.
“Don’t be,” you mutter softly, “i’m happy to marry you with nothing but candy rings we’ll eat before the days out.”
“Good,” Jack says firmly, tightening his arms around you, “Because i’ll get you all the haribo rings you like, forever and always baby.”
The ghost of a smile dances over your lips as fatigue catches up with you, echoing his words adoringly. “Yeah….forever and always.”
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
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Jealous and protective pt3.
This one's gonna be a lot longer then normal just becuase it has alot more charcaters but since Bi-han already has his own with this I'm leaving him out of this lot. (As much a it pains me) I'm keeping these all with the gender neutral them becuase I find it easier writing that in a whole unless someone partially ask for a set gender. So without further delay enjoy.
Warnings: swearing, curssing, gore (it's mortal kombat), nsfw hinted in some spots, Sex. Talk of sexual harassment.
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Rain- Jealous and protective
-Rain despite what he believes, he is a very jealous man. Not to mention he is very over protective borderline possessive.
-He as killed people for the fact he does not like them nesr you and has made it clear on multiple occasions to others. But Rain can be quite sweet when alone.
- he may be egotistic but he also has a soft spot of his S/o.
-He loves showing his partner off but at the same time wants no one to know about them. It was very much a learning curve with his S/o very different cultures, life experiences and such.
-This man hasn't had the best experience with lovers, has been turned down on multiple occasions.
-So once he has you, your gonna have a hard time getting him to let go of you.
-this man gets it many fight becuase of you.
-does not like other Kombations being near you, and has made it very clear to everyone to stay away from what is his.
- for someone known for being a traitor he's loyal as fuck to you as long as you do not betray him.
- man radiates bratty bottom energy an the knows he does.
" Hello my treasure" Rain whispers as he pulls his lover into his embrace. They smile lightly as he rest his head in the crock of their neck.
"Hello my Prince, where have you been off too?" They ask lightly running their hands up to his masked face and slowly remove it. He smiles lightly as his lover runs their hand over a bruise in the side of Rain's face.
"Babe did you get into another fight?" He lets out a huffed breath while trying to look away from his lover only to have them grab his face and force him to look back at them.
"Rain baby, look at me" they say softly as his eyes flick to then. They smile lightly at him and press a soft kiss to his lips. He hums in contentment arms snaking around his lover. His lover pulls away gentle running their hand up to pull away the rest of his head gear.
"So.. who pissed you off and how badly do They look now?" They ask lightly making him laugh gently. His S/o runs their hands thought his hair pulling at the soft strands
"I discarded his body, you will not find anything left of that wretched man." He huffs pulling them closer as he holds them.
"Now what did he do to piss you off so badly Rain?" They ask pulling him in for another kiss. He hums lightly once again enjoying having ha I lover in his arms and indulging in the moment.
" he called you my Whore, and he bragged about how he could make you scream, as you can guess. I did not take kindly to that" it's quite between them again as she sighs into their shoulder.
"I do not enjoy degenerates who do not know their places, they will learn to respect you or end up dead" he said moving away and grabbing his lovers hand. They walk thought the quite corridors together.
"Rain, thank you. I know you might not understand it from my side but thank you for telling me. I know I'm not the easiest to love and I know you are trying your best too. So knowing that you're willing defend me over something like that, it.. it means alot to me" They say to their lover. Rains eyes flick over to his treasure. Pride filling him.
"No one gets to touch you, you are mine. To love to make scream and to claim" he can see their face go bright red at his comment.
"Love you too my Prince"
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Johnny Cage - jealous and protective
Younger Johnny is alot more jealous then older Johnny. But older Johnny is more protective.
Young Johnny- this man could rival Rain with his Ego. He gets jealous when people take your attention away from him.
-He is kinda an attention whore.
-he likes making sure people know you are his weather that be thought leaving marks on you, giving you gifts or always hanging off you.
-he's very hyper, he does calm down as he gets older but this man is very energetic and wants to fight any and everyone who flirts with you.
- man radiates the " I'm a kick your ass becuase I want to show off and so they can stare at my ass"
Older Johnny - older Johnny has alot more life experience, he doesn't get jealous as easy as he used to but he is very protective.
-Man's a Dilf he's knows what he wants and knows how to make people back off and leave you alone.
-will wrap a protective arm around you, place a kiss on your cheek and as you if this guy is annoying you.
-unlike his younger self he radiates "if you hurt my S/o I'm going to deck you into next Tuesday"
Young Johnny
"Johnny!, Johnny are you ok?" The man looks up and smiles his face bloody. He pulls them into a hug kissing their forehead as he stands victorious.
"You know you don't have to fight every person who talks to me babe" they sighs wrapping their arms around his shoulders. Johnny laughs lightly as he picks his partner up and heads for their seats.
"Baby!, that guy slapped your ass what else what's I suppose to do, stand back smile and wave?" His lover gives him a worried smile. He leans down to kiss them into for them to push him away a little.
"Nuh uh your lip is busted you have a black eye, before anything, I am patching you up you gonk." They say to him as the pull out a handkerchief and begin to wipe the blood off his face.
"You know one to these days Johnny your gonna get into a fight that your not gonna win, and I'm gonna have to pick you broken and blooded body up and put you back together" they sigh givign him a quick peck on the lips. Johnny smiles brightly pulling them closer and deepening the kiss.
"Well as long as I have you to put me back together sweetheart then I'll happily enjoy every moment of it" he says which earns him a punch to the shoulder from his s/o
"Hey what was that for!" "Becuase your an idiot, but I guess your my idiot huh?" Johnny gives a lopsided smile to his lover pressing another kiss to thier lips.
"My hero huh?" He asks earning a snort from his lover before they cover their mouth.
Older Johnny
Music plays in the background of the little area that had been converted into an office for Johnny. Both himself and his S/o are working away filling out reports and fixing up files for his daughter.
"Baby do you have those report for me?" Johnny ask turning around to face his S/o. A small smirk crosses his lips as he sees them bent over a desk digging thought some boxes. He gets up quietly making his way over to them.
" already on your desk hun, along with the incident report from yesterday" they call back to him. They only forward feeling a set of hands grip their hips.
"Hum.. well I see another incident report coming up soon" he chuckles pulling them closer as the stand back up.
"Oh well you, get to do the paperwork this time babe" they say giving him a kiss on the cheek as they continue working thought files.
Johnny pulls them away front he table gentle and spins them around to the music softly dancing and swaying hips.
"Johnny, holding out on the good moves are we?" They ask with a chuckle pulling him in for a gentle kiss. He picks them up and sits them against the table hands roaming lightly.
" Yo!, I didn't know older me was getting it on with that hottie!" A very familiar voice calls out front he door way making both johnny and I groan.
"Kid you have five second to get the fuck out or I'm decking you into next tuesday" he says turning around and giving his younger self a death glare of a life time. His younger self take the hint and disappears but can be heard in the distant going off about it.
"God i hate him, he so insuffable" Johnny grumbles earning him a laugh from his partner. "Is that jealous I hear baby, do you miss your golden days?" His lover says trying to get under his skin.
"Not a chance, besides I doubt he'd be able to keep up with you" he chuckles. "Well I do have to say younger you is very much a brat. Glad to see you aged like fine wine" they reply pressing another kiss to his lips.
"Keep that up baby and I'll be railing you into tomorrow, this old man still have some life in him" he jokes earning him a look from his lover.
"Bring it on then hot stuff"
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Kabal- Jealous and protective.
- kabal gets jealous when people over step their boundaries when it comes to his lover.
- he doesn't take shit from any one who wants to try and flaunt their good looks. He knows he looks like shit but he'll be damned if someone takes the one good thing he still has.
- he loves showing his S/o off. And spoiling them, but some people (Kano) decided to make cracks about it and he loses his shit at them.
- he loves cuddling with his partner to make sure they are safe.
- he hates having to leave for missions becuase he worries about them.
-has and will beat the shit out people who don't back down from flirting with is S/o even after they have stated they are claimed.
-been in to many brawls with Kano over the mans foul mouth when around his partner.
-sweet beef jerky man. You look after him and help him with things and he's gonna be puddy in you hands.
- please give him love man's been thought alot.
"Sweetheart! Have yo uy seen my moisturiser?, I'm starting to flake again and it ain't pretty" Kabal yells our from the bedroom. His s/o quietly makes their way to the door way.
"Big box on the top shelf has a collection of them in it, I got a whole lot for you when I was shopping so we don't have another accident" they say walking up behind him and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
"What would I do without you" he says leaning back into them lightly. They laugh lightly pressing a kiss to his neck and pulling away.
"Trip crash and burn, no pun intended baby. But that's mostly how it would go" they chuckle. He shakes his head and heads to the shelve with the box of lotions, moisturizers and pretty much any available skin care thing in it.
"Would you mind doing my back while I get what I can reach?" He ask lightly even tho he knows they would never pass down the opportunity to touch him. He strips off his shirt leaving on only what was necessary of his gear.
His s/o hovers over his back gently pouring moisturiser onto his back and lathering it up. Kabal sighs feeling his lovers hands gentle run over his back pressing into sore spots and flakey areas.
"Hey babe, I have some of the guys coming around tonight, just let me know if any of the bastards step out of line ok?" He ask looking over his shoulder to them.
"Ok baby, I'll let you know if I need you to knock Kano out again" this makes Kabal laugh as his lover continues to take care of his back.
After finishing up on his shoulders and back Label roles over onto so that he can face his lover. "Gods I love you, you know that" he says pulling them down to lay on his chest.
"Baby let me finish doing you moisturiser then you can cuddle ok" they say beginning to repeat the process again.
"Kabal you Cunt!, where you at?" Kano yells put from the kitchen before malign his way to the bed room to find Kabal laying down with his S/o on top of him. Kano leans against the wall taking a mouthful of beer before staring them down again.
"Your beers shit, get something decent like fucking XXXX gold or Iorn Jack becuase ethos is like drinking piss" Kano huffs as he finishes the bottle.
"Good to see you too Kano, you only one here so far?" Kabal as he sits up. His S/o moves from his lap and gives Kano a small wave.
"Hi Kano" "hey love, and yea only me here so far other fucks are probably pissed out of their guys, might show don't know wirh them fellas" Kano replys before heading back to the kitchen.
Kabal throws on a shirt and he and his S/o make their way to he kitchen to find Kano making himself at home.
"So you gonna break anyone else arm tonight becuase boys and I have bets it being Wade who has a go at em" Kano says, he opens another beer and puts his feet up on the table.
"Kano, feet off table. And if he decided he's gonna try it he's gonna get broken. Y/n is already aware" he explains earning a smile from his S/o.
"My bets on James, man's been getting hands. Remember Kano if he has a go and I break his nose you'll owe me" Y/n says wirh a bright smile.
"Hahah Kabal you got yourself one of a kind"
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Hasashi Hanzo- Jealous and protective.
-when Hanzo gets jealous a part of scorpion shows it's head. He's death glare is a killer.
- he tends to distance himself more becuase he does not wish to hurt his S/o
-other times he with become clingy becuase he just want to be close, he wants to tryvand prove to Himself that he is aloud to be happy again.
-his jealous stems from a few things but mainly his own thought. Nightmares and dreams cause him the most pain with it.
-and after all who wants to try and hit on Scorpions S/o other then Johnny. (Man ahs no care for his life)
-very beefy and warm man, needs a good hug and to be told he's doing well. He just wants someone to tell him he's doing great.
- man's a grumble blanket, his glare tells people to fuck off as it is. And not only that it's very well known that you are the partner of the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.
Hanzo's brow twitches as sweat roles down his face as he sleeps. Eyes flickering under his lids as he fights in his sleep. His S/o peacefully asleep beside him as he fights his dreams.
The room begins to heat up more then normal. Blankets scatter as Hanzo shoots ups his eyes glazed.
"You will not touch them!" He yells. His s/o shoots up blanket throw off them as they look to their lover.
"Hanzo!, baby, hey it's just a dream your ok" they say moving to him. His head shoots to them. His glazed eyes focused on them.
" Scorpion?, scorpion I need you to let Hanzo come back to me ok?" Their voice is gentle as they place their hands on his chest.
"I can not, you will get hurt, we must protect you" he says voice filled with pain as he continues to scan the room.
"Babe, we are in the fire gardens, in your room. Come back to me honey. What are five things you see?" They ask, scorpion twitches under their touch.
"I see you, Satoshi's baby blanket, the walls, our blankets, Harumi's orchid" he says as he pulls them closer his lover rest against his chest and his eyes fade back into the sweet chocolate brown.
"Now handsome four things you can hear" they say kissing thier lover softly. " I can hear cicadas, your voice, the wind and my heartbeat" he whispers. His lover runs thier hands thought his hair untangling small knots and curls in his hair.
"Now three things you can feel baby" they whisper to him as he pulls his lover to lay on his chest as he falls back onto the bed.
"Your lips, your heartbeat, your skin" he says curling up around his lover. "Baby, talk to me are you ok?" They ask kissing Hanzo softly on the cheeks and then his lips.
"Forgive my sweet love, I did not mean to scare you." He replys, they move to lay on top of Hanzo straddling him. "Hanzo, baby you don't very have to apologise for something like that, understand. You have been thought so much and I am never going to hold that against you. They are both quite for a moment.
"My dream, you were taken from me, forced to love another. I became jealous that someone had taken you from me, I let scorpion take over. But no matter how close I came to you I could never reach you" Y/n can see the tears shimmer in his eyes.
"Its ok hun, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here with you. And I know you will fuck up anyone who tries to take me from you." They smile pressing their lips to his. Both humming in contentment.
"Let's go back to sleep baby, I'll keep away your demons" they whisper as he rest his head against their chest.
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Kuai Laing- Jealous and protective.
- Kuai out of the lot is a lot more closed off to jealous, he does experience it but stays quite about to msot times.
- he becomes very cuddly for the fact he doesn't wish to lose his lover.
- man can be scary when needed.
- he really is the definition of a polar bear. Cute cuddle but also ready to rip someone's face off if they hurt his family.
- kinda man who is really shy in person but is a monster in bed.
-him being jealous transfers to that he may not say it with words but his actions speak very loud.
"Kuai, I've been looking for you" the cryomancer peaks up hearing his lovers voice. He turns to see them walking towards him. He's smiles lightly patting the spot beside him.
"Forgive me I've been meditating most of this morning" he says lightly. His lover moves to sit close to him, they place themself in his lap and wrap their arms around his shoulders.
"Now a little bird told me that you might be feeling down, am I correct?" Kuai smiles shaking his head.
"My live I have you now why would I be feeling down about the most precious thing I love" he says pulling them a little closer.
"Hmmm... well then I believe your shadow of a brother has been spreading rumours babe, sad you were a little jealous of him being back" at that Kuai sighs leaning his forehead against his lovers.
"I do not knwo why he spread rumours, I am quite happy to have him back, I do not particularly like the way he 'whores' himself out" the cryomancer replys earning him a small giggle.
"Has he tried to make a move on you?" It hurt him to ask, he didn't believe his beloved would go for his brother after choosing him for his personality and enjoying his company but he still wished to be sure.
"He's made a few.. comments but no hasn't tried to get in with me baby, besides I happen to enjoy my cryomancers shy, easy to rile up and a sweet kisser" they remark leaning down to pull him into a kiss. He returns it before pulling away.
"As much as. Would love for this to continue beloved, I do have work that had to be done." He sighs.
"I'll see you tonight them my handsome, strapping and gorgeous man" they say giving him one last kiss before disappearing.
"Bi-han we need to have a word"
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nootnootbitch · 3 years
Megumi (best boy ✨), Yuuji, Inumaki, and Gojo
Enjoy Please!! ❤️
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𝑀𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑚𝑖 *sigh* what a charmer.
This boy. Megumi is an amazing boyfriend. There I said it.
He’d check up on you a lot. He’ll bring you food or something to drink or maybe he’ll leave something in your room “accidentally” so he can come back and get it later. An excuse to see you and make sure you’re all good. But he wouldn’t want you to acknowledge it.
“Hey you. Yuuji forced me to go out with him to the candy store so I brought you back a treat. Anyways, how are you? Do you need anything?”
He is a a amazing listener. If you’re rambling a lot you’ll probably assume that he’s not hearing much of what you’re saying but BOY ARE YOU WRONG. If you’re talking, he’s listening. One time you were ranting about how somebody messed your food order up at a local diner. Somewhere in between the rant you mentioned just once that you had left your favorite hoodie there. And you continued to move on talk to each other about about different things. The next day he showed up to your room with your hoodie and the correct order.
“Yeah, don’t mention it. I was nearby today so after you mentioned it yesterday I just decided to go in, grab your hoodie and get your right order.”
He is not big on PDA. You know Megumi. He keeps that professional and stern look on his face as often as possible. When he’s around you he’s softer and much more sweet. It’s a side that not even his own friends see much of. So PDA? No go. The most he’d probably do is lay his hand on your hip while you’re standing on his side.
The weird thing is, Megumi kisses you like it’s nothing. Yes, yes, it’s soft and all that but— he does it so casually. But when ever you surprise him with a kiss... you already know his cheeks fill with blush and he’s trying not to smile.
“No! No, I’m not. I’m not blushing. Shut up.”
Something he really likes is when you play in hair.
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Dearest Itadori
This guy
Random hugs. Not just regular hugs either. 40% of the hugs he gives are the type where he’ll scare you by coming from behind when you least expect it. He’ll throw his arms around you and lift you up while you thrash around at first because you’re unaware it’s him. And he’ll be laughing a little while talking and trying to calm you down.
“GOTCHA! Hey woah WOAH! Calm down, it’s just me! It’s just me! Haha. Did I scare you?”
Yuuji has a sweet tooth. Definitely was the kid always missing school for dentist appointments to get his cavities fixed. So often he’ll surprise you with sweet treats while he makes cheesy jokes. He’ll place the candy in your hand like it’s a million bucks with the BIGGEST grin.
“I brought you some candyyyy! I actually tried some of it. It’s good but not as sweet as you. Ugh, pretend I didn’t say that. That-that joke was bad.”
He’s obsessed with laying on you. His head is always on your shoulder/chest or vice versa. There’s something appealing to him about laying his head on your warm body. He always falls asleep faster laying on top of you. And if wasn’t already obvious...he likes to be small spoon.
Yuuji really loves when you cup your hands over his cheeks.
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Sweet, Beautiful, Inumaki.
He is not a man of many words. We know that already. So I feel like he would be very touchy. But a little bit shy about it. He’d like hugging. And he wouldn’t want to let go. He’d tap your hand softly, to ask permission to hold it.
“Bonito flakes.”
I think he’s the type of guy to walk past and if he sees a pretty flower he’d pick it and give it to you. And when you thank him for it. BOY will he be glad his coat covers the bottom half of his face because he will not be able to keep his pink cheeks from showing.
I think that if you weren’t giving him attention, or maybe he was trying to get your attention and you just wouldn’t acknowledge it. He’d cling onto you until you finally said something back to him.
He definitely prefers to walk around holding pinkies.
He likes when you kiss him all over his face. It makes him really happy.
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Gojo, Gojo, Gojo...
This man is the biggest flirt
He’s one cocky kicker.
He showers you with compliments. CONSTANTLY. Like even when you feel like there’s no reason to. Sometimes his compliments are completely idiotic and other days you swear you’ve never heard him say anything sweeter. Or some days it’s both.
“Ohhh there you are! You look amazing today. Gorgeous as usual.”
He showers you with gifts. The man loves to buy you jewelry, expensive dresses, shoes. He’ll spoil you. Because he can. And he likes too.
If you’re ever in public and he feels like another guy is staring down at you too hardly, he’ll make you both leave. New place. New destination. He doesn’t like anybody’s eyes on you but his own.
“Yeah this place is kinda trashy. Let’s go. Like right now. Yeah we’re leaving. I heard this new place has great sushi!”
He jumps on top of you after long days. Just completely tackles you. You don’t mind of course. Because you find his giggles amusing.
He loves tickling you. Idk why. He just does. I don’t make the rules.
💃🏽 ✨ 🕺🏽
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mulberrysilk · 3 years
(Sorry for bothering!) I feel conflicted whether makki could pull off being the yandere type? For some reason I can’t really imagine it cuz he’s so carefree and chill? I wanna know ur thoughts tho! Change my mind or something lol
Oh hohoho, I like a challenge. Ily for this 😭
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tw : yandere behaviour, manipulation, nsfw
Here’s my question for you, what if that laid back and carefree exterior hid something darker? No one will suspect him of such possessive behaviour at all. Which was an advantage to him and also allowed him to have a sense of control over everyone.
-People would take the longing gazes with a soft smirk playing on his lips as nothing but him showing his interest in you, but what they don’t know is that he’s thinking of how pretty you’d fall apart beneath him and just how far he could get into your head. Was it going to be easy? Was it going to be a challenge? Either way, he wanted you.
Once he does has you, he’s whipped. You have him wrapped around your finger. And sure he’d shrug off the advances and suggestive touches some of his friends would give you, it’s because they wanted they couldn’t have. They couldn’t have what was his and that just sends a shiver of delight up and down his spine.
He’s the lovable, laid back, funny guy, everyone wouldn’t see him as a threat. Your friends liked him in an instant but what they didn’t know, was that their approval of him didn’t matter. What mattered was whether he approved of them. Were they good enough for you? Were they worthy of your time that you’d give up for them and they stole from him?
Makki doesn’t like it when other guys flirt with you and worst of all, when they do it in front of him. The audacity of some guys just makes them so punchable. And if those guys were you friends, you best bet that when you’re not around Makki’s aura changes and they could feel it. The carefree and light hearted jokes didn’t make them laugh nor feel comfortable anymore. But when you came back, all was well and those guys friends of yours probably think they’re crazy for feeling such things. No, they don’t pin it on Makki. That’s why he can get away with it.
Don’t be surprised if some of your friends slowly start to drift away from you.
“F/N has been getting distant too,” you sighed and curled into his side for comfort, feeling a little hurt at your friend’s sudden change of heart. “They keep flaking on me.”
“Awe, baby,” he cooed, repressing his smirk with a pout and wrapping his arm around you. He pressed a kiss on your forehead. “People come and go you know. Life gets in the way sometimes.”
He was right. You agreed. The gradual change of some of your friends distancing must be because as Makki said, life getting in the way. Still it stung.
He knew it stung. But that’s good.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going anywhere. They can leave all they want but I’ll be here.”
His words soothed the ache in your heart, in fact, removed it completely.
“We’ve got each other,” he said but what he actually wanted to say was ‘You’ll only ever need me’. But you’ll realise that soon enough.
You think that necklace and charms bracelet were just merely accessories that he gave you? No. To him they were signs that you were his. A collar disguised in the form of a sterling silver chain with his initial. What made him smile was how proudly you wore it everyday. Never even took it off. He particularly loved how it rested so elegantly on your collarbones and just as much as he loved watching it move and bounce when he fucks you.
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So that’s just some penny for your thought hee hee have a I changed your mind? ( if I didn’t it’s fine 🤣 I had fun writing this and ahhhh I love the idea of it 
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neh-sekssi · 4 years
the ride | jeonghan
Note: Three month hiatus!!! Wow!!! So I realized that I write on spontaneous bursts of energy which is why I’ve been hella quiet but during quarantine I been thinking about Jeonghan a bit too much lately and wanted to do this quick piece. Somebody said he’s the Loki of Seventeen so I kept that in mind while writing this LOL. Stay thirsty, my friends.
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Pairing: jeonghan x reader (female)
Synopsis: After taking a flight to finally meet your online partner, they flake on you and never show up to dinner. Tired and frustrated, you call for a lift to go to your complex. Your driver happens to be a devilishly handsome man you can’t take your eyes off of. How many rides are you willing to take for a dick appointment? 
Word Count: 1.7k
Smut Warning: sub!reader dom!jeonghan, car sex, flirting, grinding, oral (f/m. giving/receiving), straddling, nail scratching on back, **i swear it’s consensual even though it sounds like it isn’t (i just really like doms ok)
“I don’t often get the chance to talk to someone like you.”
Your driver looks over his shoulder at you and offers a friendly smile. You meet his eyes in the rearview mirror and politely nod your head before quickly looking away. You’ve never met anyone as handsome as him, which leaves you blushing and averting your gaze to the window.
“Long night?” he asks.
“Actually, it was cut a bit short.” The driver looks at you in his rearview mirror and lifts both his eyebrows as if asking for an explanation.
“It’s no big deal. I just… well, I flew for six hours to get here but the person I was supposed to meet for dinner never showed up. I was probably catfished. Anyway, I called for a lift and now we’re here. Thanks for not bailing on me,” you laugh faintly as your voice trails off. I can’t believe I took an airplane for a dick appointment.
“What an asshole,” your driver exclaims. “You even dressed up to look good for them. I’m glad I was able to save you from your terrible night.”
You bite your bottom lip and peak at the rearview mirror. His eyes are fixated on the road but you want to lock eyes again. You lean back against the headrest and close your eyes. Is he… flirting with me? Because I was stood up? Does he feel bad for me? Or is he just being nice? You try to ignore the throbbing in your pants but it seems to get worse the more he speaks to you.
In the midst of your thoughts, your stomach grumbles to break the silence. Slightly embarrassed by the sudden noise, you say awkwardly, “Ahhh. Didn’t even get to eat dinner.” “Don’t worry. We’re almost home,” he responds.
“You can pull up over there,” you say as you direct him towards your complex’s parking garage. He has trouble finding parking but finds space on the fourth floor where there are barely any cars. He turns off the engine and helps you bring your luggage all the way to your doorstep.
“Oh! I think I left my phone in your car,” you gasp. “I’ll go with you,” he responds.
Back in the parking garage, you open the right back door of his car and look for your phone under the front passenger seat. You hear the left back door open opposite of you and look up. He’s also bent down behind the driver’s seat and his face is barely a foot apart from yours. You become entranced in his gaze, his deep brown eyes.
“Found it,” he smirks as he pulls your phone from behind him. “O-oh,” you say as your snap back to reality. “Thank you.” He passes over your phone and his warm hand brushes against yours. You notice that there’s a nameless number on the screen.
“Call me if you ever need saving. Someone like you shouldn’t have to wait for anyone.” You see his eyes fixate on your lips.
Am I really gonna do this? He’s hot. And I didn’t get any dick tonight.
You know what? Fuck it. 
Your lips quickly find his as if two magnets had been waiting to meet. He holds the nape of your neck with his right hand and pulls you completely into the car while closing the door behind him with his left. He swirls his tongue in your mouth as if beckoning the throbbing in your pants to give in. He lies you down and climbs on top of you. You’ve been craving this moment the entire flight. His lips still working like magic, you feel him grind against you as he reaches behind you to pull your door shut. A knot forms in your stomach as he thrusts into your hips deeper, his hard-on teasing you against your pants.
His hand finds its way to the inside of your pants. “Have you been wet the entire ride? God, I knew it.” Without hesitation, two fingers slide into your folds and you let out the loudest moan. You’ve been holding it in the entire night and the pleasure felt like a breath of fresh air. He’s quick to shut you back up with deep, passionate kisses. He won’t let you rest for a moment.
You’ve become so wet that his fingers slip in and out with ease. He rubs your clit with his thumb, sending a shock down your spine. He moves quicker and quicker, curling his fingers each time to hit your sweet spot. Your eyes roll back and you see the windows starting to fog up. As you moan through your intertwined tongues, he pulls back and says, “You’ve been wanting me ever since I picked you up, huh? Making my car wet?” He takes his fingers out from your pants and puts them in your mouth. You swirl your tongue and suck on them to show him exactly what you want. You feel him grow harder and reach your hand to stroke it but he stops you before you can even move.
“Let me show you why you flew all the way here.”
In one swift movement, he pulls your pants down and takes a good look at you. His lips trace your inner thighs, melting you with every kiss. He kisses your folds, then glides his tongue from the bottom of your entrance to the top of your clit. He sucks on it and moans, sending vibrations throughout your body. You arch your back as his tongue slides into you. Tasting every inch of you, you can tell by his rough oral that he wants you badly. Holding your thigh for support, he inserts two fingers and sucks your clit at the same time. He moves his fingers in and out as he flicks tip of his tongue up and down your slit.
“Fuck me,” you plead.
He smirks at your desperation, the same smirk he gave you when he “found” your phone. His eyes have a snakish look in them as if whispering I’ve got you right where I want you. “You hungry?” he asks sarcastically.
“Fucking starving. Please.”
You sit up on your knees as he rests himself on the seat. Your hands couldn’t unzip his pants any faster. He finally reveals his hard-on and you’re mesmerized at his length. The knot in your stomach grew tighter. Suddenly, you feel his warm hand on the nape of your neck again.
“Say ‘ahhh.’”
He pulls your head down towards his crotch, groaning when he enters your mouth. His hand moves from the nape of your neck to the back of your head. He controls your rhythm by pulling your hair up and down and moans deeply with each stroke. You desperately want to return the favor, making sure he hits the back of your throat each time, licking him all around like sweet ice cream. You moan in response and he tugs your hair a bit harder.
He pulls you up from the seat and positions you on his lap, facing him.
“Ride me.”
At his command, you stroke him as you position yourself right at his tip. You’re too careful and take longer than he wants; with both hands on either side of your waist, he pulls you down onto his length. A warm rush of euphoria spreads throughout your body, both of you moaning in unison. You feel the force of his hands guiding your hips, directing you, controlling you. Each thrust feels deeper, wetter. You put your hands on his shoulders for balance but he places them behind his neck, locking your fingers with yourself. The way he asserts authority over any small movement makes you weak. Even when you’re on top of him, you feel completely dominated.
You close your eyes and throw your head back, mouth agape with moans escaping your lips with each bounce. His heavy breathing turns you on even more. You open your eyes and see him working your waist, his brows furrowed, lips bitten, hair stuck to the sweat of his forehead. The mere sight of him is hot.
Your vision instantly darkens as the parking garage lights dim from the inactivity on the floor. Losing your sight makes you focus on feeling his every inch inside of you. He holds you stationary in the air, then thrusts into you with his own movement. You gasp in surprise at the sensation, encouraging him to go harder. He’s able to slide in and out so much quicker and you start to feel dizzy. With your left hand bracing his shoulder, your right hand grabs a fistful of his hair and you tug his head back. He immediately stops and gives in to you. Finally.
You start sucking on his exposed neck and he lets out moans of relief. Simultaneously, you roll your hips into his and ride him. You try to go deeper with each grind as it hits better and better on your G-spot. His hands snake their way up your back and you feel his nails dig into your skin. You arch your back as a reflex and he pulls you into his chest. He bites at your neck more roughly than before. The pain sends you higher and makes you thrust roughly into him. Seeing his dark figure at your own disposal arouses you so much.
After a final thrust, you feel him throb inside of you, filling you up. He lets out the loudest moan of the night, sending you to your climax. You continue to ride him and he moans gently from his sensitivity.
“Fuck. I’m cumming!” you cry. You release yourself and ecstasy overtakes you as both of you flow from inside. You melt on top of him and he chuckles at your limp body.
“Let me get you cleaned up,” he says warmly, the same tone he had when he was driving, completely different to the one he had mere seconds ago.
“I never got your name,” you say as you sit down onto the seat. He opens the car door and the lights flicker back on.
He hands you your phone, and again you wonder how and when the hell he took it. “Say my name next time,” he winks.
You look at the new contact name matching the phone number from earlier and smile.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 3 years
“Natural” - Chapter 7 - Embry Call x Reader
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Graduation Party
I roll over in bed, waking up once again to an empty pillow to the side of me. 
I was getting used to Embry falling asleep with me, though I don’t think I would ever get used to him not being there when I woke up, the lonely feeling it left behind was quite intense. 
 I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I walk over to my desk to find the usual good morning note from Embry. 
I take the note and put it in a little box, with the others I’ve saved from him. 
I look over at the time, seeing it to be only a little before 8:00. I decided that I should probably join my dad downstairs for some cereal and chatting before he heads off to work on this fine Friday morning. 
“Hey dad.” I walk down the stairs and greet him in the kitchen. 
“Hey kid. Leah was here last night?” He asks, taking a bite of his frosted flakes. 
“Yeah, we watched some movies and talked, caught up a bit.” I grab a bowl to pour my own. 
I sit down at the table across from him, taking a bite of my cereal. 
“So what’s going on tonight, any big plans for the weekend?” He asks me. 
“Yeah, I’m actually going to Bella’s graduation party tonight.” I smile at him. 
“That sounds like fun, Billy mentioned that to me. The guys are going, too, right?” He asks me with a slight face of concern.
“Yes, dad. They’ll be there. What’re you worried about?” I laugh. 
“I worry about everything, I’m a dad.” He chuckles. 
“Alright there, dad. There’s nothing to worry about. Jacob, Quil, and Embry are going. I’m the tag along. Nothing usually gets past them.” I laugh. 
“No, not usually. They all really shot up since we left.” His eyes widen, soft laughter escaping his lips. 
“I know, it’s crazy. I can’t believe it.” 
“How tall is Jacob now? Him and Embry are really up there.” 
“Jake is 6’7 and Embry is 6’4.” I take another bite. 
“Wow. When’re you gonna grow?” He laughs. 
“Hey, relax there. Not all of us hit insane growth spurts.” I defend. 
“I know. Just messing with you.” 
“Yeah, I get it. Bully your daughter. Ha ha.” I smirk.
“Oh stop. You know I love you more than anything.” He gets up to put his bowl in the sink, nudging my shoulder on his way over. 
“I know, I love you, too.” 
“So how’s the Embry thing going on?” He asks. 
“Pretty good.” I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks. 
“I’m really glad it was Embry, honestly. He’s a good kid.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“He is.” My cheeks still held that red tint. 
“Well, I should get going now. I’ll see you later, if not-- enjoy the party and keep in touch.” He kisses the top of my head before leaving. 
I finish my cereal and clean it up. 
Heading up the stairs I feel a little tired still from the night before. I lay back in bed to relax, maybe play on my phone for a bit. 
I unlock my phone and see some messages from the guys. 
“We’re gonna pick you up at 7. Be ready.” - Jake
“Good morning, bean. I love you and I can’t wait to see you today. Can I come over before the party?” - Embry
“(Y/N) important question. Do you think that snails are animals? Are slugs just homeless snails? I saw one on my porch last night and it’s keeping me up. Lmk what you think.” - Quil 
I shake my head, wondering why I even have a phone in the first place. I decide to text them all back. 
“You got it, chief.” 
“Good morning, Em. I love you, too. Come over whenever you can :)” 
“According to google, snails are basically octopuses. I don’t know about the slugs, though, bud. Do some research and keep me posted.” 
I laugh as I put my phone on my nightstand, walking over to my mirror. 
I look myself up and down, in my pajama shorts and a band t-shirt from a concert Embry and I went to three years ago in Port Angeles. I remember it like it was just yesterday. 
Embry and I walked around the venue after the show, passing by the merch table to take a peak. 
“Oh wow, that shirt’s pretty cool, look.” I point to him. 
“It is, why don’t you get it?” He asks. 
“I don’t know, I really shouldn’t buy it. My dad would get annoyed at me for buying another band tee.” I shrug my shoulders in disappointment, as I usually get a shirt at every show we went to. 
“Ah, that’s fair. Sorry, bean.” He pats me on the back. 
“It’s alright, I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” I let him know and he walks me over to the bathroom before entering the men’s room himself. 
I walk out a few moments later to see a smiling Embry, holding onto his backpack straps. 
“You ready to catch the train back?” I ask.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He smiles.
We make our way back to the train station and sit down, beginning our hour and a half journey. 
“Hey, (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” I look up into his sweet brown eyes, filled with excitement. 
“So I got that shirt. I really liked it and I kinda wanted to add it to my collection. I just don’t want you to be upset with me.” He looks at me, pursing his lips. 
“No I’m not mad, Em. Why would I be mad at you? You’ll look great in it. You always get a shirt, we have our concert shirt collection going on.” I smile up at him, kinda kicking myself for not buying one to keep the tradition-- though not wanting to be lectured by my dad for it being a “waste of money.” 
“Great, I didn’t think you’d be mad. Especially because I got you one, too.” He smiles, reaching into his bag. 
“Embry! Why would you do that? Don’t spend your money on me.” I scold, trying to hide the blushing and insane smiling from appearing on my face. 
“Oh, shut up. You wanted the shirt, I wanted to get you the shirt. We both got what we wanted.” He smiles. 
“But, Emb-” 
“No, shh. Just say thank you and wear it.” He smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 
“Thank you, Em.” I look up into his eyes, not even attempting to hide my severe blushing. 
“Anything for you, bean.” He smiles. 
I hold the shirt in my hands, clutching it excitedly. A yawn escapes my lips but I try to fight it back.
“You can lay on my shoulder, take a nap. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He smiles. 
I nod, placing my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.
I observe how long it is for me, as he bought it in his size because “it’s just cuter that way” as he would say. 
Sitting down on my bed, I unlock my phone to see the responses from Embry and Quil, Jake only gave my message a thumbs up. 
“I’m on my way, should be there in a few minutes :)” - Embry 
“I’m on it.” - Quil 
I smirk before I make my bed and try to tidy up my room, just what I teased Embry about yesterday. 
A few minutes into me cleaning, I hear my phone going off. It was Embry texting me that he was here and to let him in. 
I jog down the stairs and open the door to see an excited Embry. 
“Good morning.” He picks me up in his arms and spins me around. 
“Hey there, Embry.” I giggle into his neck.
He places me back on the floor and I lead him upstairs. 
We get into my room and I notice his staring. 
“Is something wrong?” I ask him, eyes widening in nervousness. 
“No, no. God no. I just-- you look cute like that. I just, I like your outfit.” He stumbles upon his words. 
“Thank you, Em.” I blush. 
“I’m glad I got you it in my size. Maybe you should just switch over to my clothes completely. I think that would work.” He flirts, smiling like the goof that he is. 
“Hmm, maybe. I’ll steal some more of your hoodies soon.” I smirk.
“I can’t even complain.” He leans down kissing me softly. 
The kiss once again, as all the rest, felt like electricity shot through my entire body. I felt my knees going weak.
Emby’s hand on my hips felt like absolute heaven, making out with him was a rush, it felt like heaven on earth. 
He pulls away, placing his forehead on my own.
“Hi.” He breathes. 
“Hey.” I smile. 
“Wanna watch some Rick & Morty?” He asks.
“Sure.” I laugh. 
We always talked about Rick & Morty while I was gone, trying to watch it together. 
We situated ourselves in my bed, my head on his chest and my legs sprawled amongst his. 
The next few hours consisted of laughter as both he and I took turns falling in and out of sleep. 
At 5:30 I decided it was time I got up to begin getting ready to go. I put some mascara on, a little lip tint, style my hair and head over to my closet. 
“Whatcha doing, bean?” Embry asks, a yawn escaping his soft lips. 
“I’m trying to figure out what to wear to this party. Are you guys dressing up?” I turn around, and eye him up.
“T-shirt and jeans, all of us. Except maybe you. I’m sure the others will be dressed up but don’t feel pressured.” He smirks. 
“I see. I should have known.” I smirk. 
I search through my closet, feeling Embry’s hands find my waist behind me, pressing a kiss to the back of my head.
“You’ll look great in anything you wear.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” Thankfully he couldn’t see my blushing from behind my head. 
“Ya know, I’d say wear that. But I’d have a hard time controlling myself… And keeping you to myself.” He chuckles.
“Embry!” I laugh.
“I’m just saying, you look really cute.” He says, walking back over to my bed. 
It took me a while, but I decided on a black dressy-ish sweater, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black chelsea boots. 
I turn around to begin changing and I notice Embry covering his eyes, 
I giggle to myself as I change, thankful of his eye shielding-- I wasn’t ready for that just yet. 
“Thank you, Em.” I say as I finish pulling the jeans up my leg. 
“Of course.” He says, blush appearing across his cheeks. 
“You can open your eyes now.” I say when I finish, walking over to sit on his lap. 
“Hey, welcome.” He kisses my cheek.
“Look at you, the king of respecting women.” I laugh. 
“You know it, baby. Forever and always.” He laughs. 
It was true, though. Embry has always been one of the most respectful people I had ever met, especially with women-- including myself. 
“How long until Jake and Quil get here?” I ask, leaning my head into his chest. 
“Any minute now, time moves fast when I’m with you.” He presses a kiss onto my shoulder. 
“That it does, you’re my favorite way to spend my time.” I giggle. 
“You look beautiful, by the way.” He smiles into my neck, leaving a soft kiss at the nape. 
“How do you do that?” I ask. 
“Do what?” 
“Always have that effect on me? Everything you do… it just feels intense.” I admit. 
“I think that’s just because we’ve waited so long for this. You’re also my imprint, now.” He laughs softly. 
His phone begins vibrating, causing him to pull away and answer. 
“It’s Jake, they’re here.” He says hanging up the phone.
I nod and we get up, going downstairs. 
“Have fun! Be safe.” My dad smiles from the couch. 
“Thank you!” We call out in unison. 
“I’ll text you, dad. I love you.” I smile before we walk out the door and get into Jacob’s rabbit. 
“Let’s have some fun tonight.” I smile. 
“Too many leeches, but there might be pretty girls. So this could be good.” Quil chuckles from the front seat. 
“Ooh, Jacob. Pretty girls.” I say in a sing-song manner. 
“(Y/N), you know it doesn’t matter to me.” He laughs. 
“I know, but just try to have a good time. It’s my first party with you guys in like forever!” I grab the back of Quil and Jacob’s seats, bringing myself forward. 
“You’re right.” Quil agrees.
“Oh Quil, what’s the news?” I ask, referring to our conversation from this morning. 
“Oh. They’re cousins, not brothers.” He turns around to me, nodding.
“Oh damn, no way.” I smirk.
“Who?” Embry asks. 
“Snails and slugs. Ya know, the octopus things.” He shrugs. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Embry asks. 
“We’re here, please stop… whatever this is.” Jacob smirks getting out of the car. 
“I can explain later.” I grab onto Embry’s hand, following Jacob into the giant house that belonged to the Cullens. 
“Holy shit.” I mutter, walking through the enormous front door. 
“Right?” Quil agrees.
We walk up the stairs, finding the main area of the party. 
Embry stayed behind me, his hand on my lower back, guiding me up the stairs. 
“I’m not made out of glass, you know. I’ve done stairs before.” I turn around giggling. 
“Can’t risk an accident with you, bean. Especially in a house of leeches.” He reminds me. 
“Embry, stop it. I’m not that accident prone.” I defend. 
“Says the girl with five bruises just on her left leg.” He chuckles.
“Hey, don’t do this.” I laugh. 
Jacob soon finds Bella, greeting her.
“Hey, why are you here?” She asks. 
I felt strange, were we not invited?
“You invited me, remember?” Jacob responds. 
“I thought our argument and me calling you a dick was me uninviting you.” “Bella, I’m sorry. Look, I brought you a gift. I made you it.” He holds up the wolf charm bracelet that he spent hours carving. 
“You made this? It’s beautiful.” Her demeanor softened. 
“Of course.” He smiles, pulling her into a small hug. 
“Hey Bella. Congratulations.” I smile at her. 
“Oh, hey (Y/N). Thank you. I’m glad you came. Hopefully you can keep them under control.” She jokes. 
“Eh, maybe. Usually only Embry will listen to me, though. Fair warning.” I laugh. 
We sit around, listening to music for a little bit. Eating some snacks before we found our way to Bella again. As I was chatting with her and Jacob, Bella’s eyes frantically peered over to a very tiny woman on the stairs. 
“Alice. What did you see?” She asks, walking over.
“The decision has been made.” She answers, wide eyed. 
“What decision?” Jacob asks. 
We are all led into Carlisle’s office, me basically velcroed to Embry’s side, especially in such close proximity to the Cullens. 
“So they’re coming here?” Bella asks. 
“Yeah, in four days.” Alice responds. 
“We don’t have much time.” Carlisle says in a worried tone. 
“Who’s coming?” Jacob asks. 
“Newborn army. They’re coming for Bella.” Jasper says. 
We then got the whole rundown of what that actually entails, how scary of a situation this truly was.
“Wait, they’re after Bella?” Jacob asks. 
I look over at Embry, worried eyes. 
“Well, then the pack will fight.” Jacob agrees. 
Embry and Quil nod, my eyes wide with fear. 
“You think Sam would be willing to come to an understanding?” 
“We’re going to have to train, this is a very dangerous fight. Lives could be lost. Jasper has the experience and knowledge we will need.” Carlisle explains. 
“We get to kick some ass.” The large one, Emmett, grins. 
“When do we start training?” Jacob asks. 
“Tomorrow.” Carlisle answers. 
“Okay, I’ll tell Sam tonight.” 
“Jacob, please.” Bella begs. 
“This is what you wanted, remember? We’re working together.” He really rubbed her face in it. 
“Newborns won’t even know they exist, they’ll be a great help to us. Plus we need the numbers, Bella.” Jasper reasons. 
I looked up at Embry with a worried face, feeling my heart begin to beat faster. I needed him to be okay, I needed all my friends to be okay. 
“Don’t worry, bean. Nothing is gonna happen, okay?” He whispers in my ear, leaning down to press a kiss to my temple. 
Quil looks at me, nodding in confirmation. 
“This is what we were made to do. At least we get to kill some vampires.” Jacob grins. 
Going back to the party wasn’t the same after that. I felt like I was in a constant state of nausea, like my heart was about to fly out of my chest. 
When it was time to leave, we went out and drove back to my house in complete silence. I bid Jacob and Quil a goodnight and Embry walked me to my door. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. 
“Well I was, earlier in the night.” I admit. 
“I know, bean. But please don’t worry. Everything will be okay, this is our job. It’s in our blood, this is what we do.” He smiles, trying to comfort me as he pushes my hair behind my ear. 
“I know, I’m just scared.” I admit. 
“Don’t be, bean. I would never let anything happen to you.” His eyes stare deep into mine, seriousness completely taking over his face.
“No, I’m scared for you.” 
“Oh, don’t be. I never got hurt before, and now I have just another thing to fight for.” He softly smiles. 
“I want to come to practice.” I tell him. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” His voice trails off. 
“Embry, please. I need to know.” I plead.
“Okay, but you have to stay where it’s safe. Stay by me.” 
I nod and he pulls me into a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” I whisper. 
“I’d do anything for you.” He smiles. 
His arms find my waist before he gives me a sweet kiss goodnight. 
I manage to find the strength to go inside my house and separate from the warmth that Embry was.
Sleeping was something that seemed to be out of the question as I stared at my ceiling in complete silence for hours, mind racing with anxious thoughts. I don’t even know when I even fell asleep. 
Word Count: 3087
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fulcrumstardust · 4 years
roll deep
First off, Cassian is not drunk. 
No, he’s just fine. Relaxed. It doesn’t happen that often, so it’s worth mentioning. 
It’s not like he doesn’t enjoy the company of his friends or social gathering; Cassian is a generally easy-going person. He goes out on the regular, preferably with the same group of friends he met during his first year of college. The circle has grown a little bigger since then, which is not a bad thing, but Cassian has the most affinity with the OG crew: Kes, Melshi, Shara (even that Solo asshole from time to time). 
So, socializing is not the problem—and flirting isn’t a foreign concept to him either. Hell, some people (see aforesaid asshole) might even say that he’s a “fuckboy”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Pretty sure Solo thinks it’s a compliment. Whatever. But, examining the evidence, Cassian isn’t bad at flirting. He’s well aware that his target audience finds him cute and charming. He doesn’t think of himself as “charming” (his general position is trying to tap into attractiveness and get straight to the point), but he figured that might be just more of the same. So, fine. He has no trouble putting himself out there and he’s a reasonably good-looking guy. What’s the problem you may ask?
The problem has a name: Jyn Erso. 
Jyn is his problem. She’s not aware she is, but damn, what a fucking big one. Not proportional to her person—which is ironic. 
Arguably, it’s been worse. When he first met her (through mutual friends on Shara’s end), he’s been struck with that smoosh feeling crushing his skull and stomach and every last one of his brain cells. Talk about an instant crush. 
To his defense, Jyn is a thirst trap. And he’s not referring to her Instragam (which he hasn’t stalked, at all. Get off his back.) No, Jyn is a thirst trap IRL. 
She's the prettiest girl he has ever seen. Have you seen her eyes? Soft green and golden flakes. And her smile? Damn, she's adorable. She's charming. That might be a good usage of the term. But that's not it. Because then you start to pay attention to her personality and she's so unapologetic and fierce and mysterious, you can't look away. Cassian can't when she's nearby. It's almost magnetic. He just wants to be close. He has that urge to talk to her and it's a stupid one because the more they talk, the more he wants to touch her. 
Thirst trap? Yeah. She's not just a pretty face, she's a pretty everything. It's hard not to notice her body when she's standing in that white bikini by the pool, or when she's dancing with her hair up and it's like her sweaty neck is begging to be kissed. Her neck and breasts and stomach and everything else. 
Cassian has a lot of thoughts like this one in stock. And it has been worse, at first (sorry, backtracking there for a minute. The man is usually better at organizing arguments but it's been a long day, cut him some slack), because he thought that Jyn was with Maia. Instant heartbreak. But it turned out that Tanith is with Maia, and Jyn isn't with anyone. Great news, right? Well, yes and no. 
Great news because she's single; bad news because he spent so much time thinking that Jyn Erso was entirely out of his league that he can't even try to make a move anymore. It's like looking at an expensive piece of art in a museum with zero knowledge of art theory. Besides, if she was interested, she would have made it known by now. Right?
He wants to shake it off. He really does. But he can’t. She’s just too… there. 
“Go talk to her,” Shara says (not for the first time and not without a slight aggravation). “For fuck’s sake, please, just go talk to her! Worst case scenario, you get a ‘no’ and move on.”
She has a valid point. His brain considers the possibility. 
“You look like a lovesick puppy,” Solo laughs without mercy. 
That, from all things, finally coaxed Cassian into action. He’s going. He’s going to talk to Jyn Erso. Right now. 
Is the ground always so wobbly? Why is it so hard to move in a straight line? Whatever. The pool is the objective. Jyn sitting by the pool. Jyn. The pool. His game plan is strong. Just make it to Jyn and talk to her. Just— 
The pool finds Cassian before he has a chance to find Jyn. Without warning, the ground is wet and unsolid, and Cassian goes under with a loud splash, all clothes still on. 
Alright. Maybe he really is that drunk after all. 
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
Denki Kaminari as a Boyfriend
Pairing: Denki Kaminari x F!Reader
Summary: t   h   e   t   i   t   l   e
Warnings: a pinch of angst, fluff, kaminari being a memelord
BF Scenarios Masterlist
BF Scenarios Tag List: @thedreadthreadanomaly​ , @seiiblue​ , @bean-queen-606​​
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im sorry but this is the gayest and hottest thing i’ve ever seen
Love-at-first-sight kind of guy → he saw you and knew he’d found the princess of his dreams
Denki is a morning person; he wakes up super early gets dressed for school, then shakes you awake because he has so much to tell you even though he’s only been awake for 10 minutes
It’s rather nice to wake up to his happy grin every single day and then proceeded to be peppered with kisses until you finally roll out of bed
During the night, Denki moves around a lot in bed which makes a lot of static and mornings are usually filled with shocking each other and giggling until Bakugou bangs on the wall and yells at you guys to shut up
His hair is so fluffy and cute AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
HUGE procrastinator
“Come on babe, just one more round before we study/ start a project we’ve had three months to do/ be productive!” Your boyfriend begged, pushing his headset around his neck to talk to you. When you shake your head, in come the puppy eyes and you can’t resist.
“Fine. But only one!” You blush, pinching the bridge of your nose.
*six rounds later*
You’re asleep on the floor next to him and Kirishima, Sero, Tokoyami, and a few other randos were patiently waiting for him to join the game. Denki didn’t want to wake you soooooooo…
“Alright guys, let’s demolish this course!”
Denki makes fun of himself to amuse his friends; self-deprecating jokes for laughs, but wonders if his friends actually like him or if they just tolerate him
Cloud watching from the classroom
Likes to zone out and live in his thoughts for a little while (usually during one of Aizawa’s lectures)
VERY affectionate
He just loves being around you! You make him comfortable in his own skin, make him smile, you tell him that he should stop making those mean jokes, how smart he really is, and how handsome and compassionate he is 
Lots of cuddles, hand-holding, bad puns, zap battles (see who can generate the biggest shock to the other person using nothing but static), and piggyback rides, except Denki is usually on the receiving end
He is tactile and respects boundaries; Denki flirts with literally everyone, but if he sees that it makes them uncomfortable, he’ll stop
Is super proud to have such a beautiful woman as his girlfriend
You teach him how to be comfortable in silence, he doesn’t always need to be talking and trying to make people like him because he is well-liked! Denki tries way too hard! Your presence allows him to relax and be himself!
Arguments… just… don’t… happen. He’s too easygoing and he would never cheat on you. Plus, he just can’t keep a straight face when he tries to be serious
That being said, he can be serious. I won’t name circumstances, but it is a possibility
Very in tune with his emotions, gets attached to things easily, and is very emotional and clingy once he knows he can trust you
You can’t judge him. You’re the one who agreed to be his girlfriend so you can’t start judging his adorable quirky ways
Denki struggles with his confidence since he has lost many battles (sports festival with Shiozaki, final exams, etc, plus, Jirou is always making fun of him)
Your affirmation is more than enough to make him feel like the most loved person on this planet. You’re always there to cheer him on, encourage him, and comfort him when he’s at his low
It’s hard for him to fall asleep, so he talks to you until he does
Denki is actually pretty self-conscious because when he first developed his quirk he couldn’t control it so people stayed away from him in fear of getting zapped or having their phone fried
If you guys walk or drive through an area with a lot of radio/electric/transmission towers and/or signals, he gets a little nauseous
Denki is surprisingly good at math, doing division/multiplication/addition/subtraction equations quickly and correctly
Denki is also flexible; one day he was being dumb and he tripped, landing in a perfect split that made everyone cringe in wait of a scream from the blonde. When he got up and brushed himself off, linking arms with you, everyone was surprised he wasn’t screeching in pain
Writes you love notes that are really cheesy and dumb
Dearest Y/N,
Your boobs are the best
I found this corn flake and it reminded me of you
(enclosed was a heart-shaped corn flake)
April Fool’s Day prank wars
You two trade memes like baseball cards
“Hmm… I dunno… My meme is pretty fire Y/N, you got anything better?”
Denki likes to be read to because it helps him calm down a little bit and he enjoys discussing characters and possible relationships and outcomes with you
The waiter outfit from Two Heroes gets me every. single. time. 
I’m sorry Kaminari, but you are the only “high-voltage hottie” I can see right now 😋😘
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sabraeal · 4 years
(don’t go) making something out of nothing, Part 1
i. the first woman he ever loved
The cut is deep, but he’ll give the little shit this-- it’s clean. He spends a day or two on his back, doped up on the weird liqueurs these pharmacists keep plying him with. When he rouses from his stupor, his nose is stitched tight and bandaged to within an inch of it’s life. A tall girl, willowy and bossy, makes dire promises about what she will personally assure will happen to him if he doesn’t take good care of her handiwork, and sends him off with a pot of ointment. When he unscrews the lid, he sneezes; nearly rips a stitch right there. Very medicinal, this stuff.
He doesn’t of course. It heals poorly, a scar like heaved earth erupting over his nose. Women love it.
The cold doesn’t. A discovery he’d be in no place to make if His Majesty hadn’t assigned him to Her Majesty’s guard. Her Majesty, who makes a yearly retreat up to the ass end of the continent for the winter months, since apparently Wistal doesn’t get cold enough for her liking.
That’s where he is when it happens; hundreds of miles away, surrounded by lesser lords and scholars, bored out of his mind. Funny that his first thought isn’t of the king, now lying cold on a slab in the palace, waiting for his kingdom to pay him his due; nor the woman who keeps vigil on the balcony, staring toward the southern sky--
Oh no, it’s for him, that little shit. Wondering if those dead eyes show anything now; if the boy prince looks upon the body of his sire and feels anything at all.
He does. There’s no way a boy can’t. The traitorous part of him suspects it must be relief.
“Your Majesty.” The night swallows his voice, smothering it as surely as any pillow. “Don’t you think it’s time to head in?”
She raises a hand, bone-white and gleaming, but doesn’t turn. “Just a moment longer.”
Thick flakes collect on his nose, scar aching beneath them. He’s been out here too long; the snow doesn’t even melt when it settles on his skin.
“It’s cold as tits out here,” he mutters, twitching the mound off his shoulders. “Hasn’t there been tragedy enough already?”
He glances up, and gods above, the queen is staring right at him with those eyes of hers, so blue they’re nearly black. “Did you say something, Sir Zakura?”
His skin can’t blanch with his blood frozen like it is, so he just settles for stammering like an idiot, as if regret could make the king’s window unhear him. “I-I only meant--”
“Did you know, Sir Zakura,” she begins, gaze turning back out toward the horizon, “that tonight is the longest night?”
He spends a single, thick-witted moment wondering whether she’s speaking in a poetical sense-- these nobles like to do that, slinging allusions and aspersions all in the same pot to make a particularly heady brew-- until he remembers. “Ah, the solstice, isn’t it?”
He can’t read her face, not when her back is to him like this, but he does see the way a cheek rounds, pleased. “Just so.”
It doesn’t mean much down south, where the winds are always warm and the sun clings to Wistal’s cloudless skies. But up here, where winter is but a whim away, it’s something else entirely. A rebirth, one of the men had told him as they’d passed the tents along the main street, lanterns hanging on strings above them. A promise.
There’s been talk of kissing too, but that seems a poor thing to mention to a woman whose widowhood is still laying fresh on the slab.
“Your Majesty,” he tries again, “it’ll get darker. And colder. Come inside.”
She turns to him, the moonlight pouring over her shoulder, illuminating the pristine ermine of her robes, washing the pale gold of her hair to silver, and--
It’s a goddess these northerners revere tonight, moon and sun and earth all come together. And in this light, in the way the spheres have aligned themselves in this moment, just for his view, she could be her in the flesh.
“Isn’t it said, sir,” she murmurs, words loud in the lull of the storm, “that it’s darkest before the dawn?”
Zakura doesn’t hold with the gods, but his breath catches even still. The woman before him is more than just a widow, more than just a queen, more than--
The wind howls through the walls, snow flying from its crenellations, and as it falls around them, every flake limned in moonlight, Haruto laughs.
“All right,” she says, mortal once more. “I can take a hint.”
The queen sweeps past him, robe trailing in the snow. It leaves a wake behind her, her footprints filled by what it drags behind. For a single mindless moment, Zakura wonders if her feet even touched the ground.
He turns, just in time to see her drop her robe in the doorway. With a sigh, he trudges in behind her, gathering the fur and velvet into his arms; the diligent mother to her rambunctious child. Wet tracks lead across the carpet, straight to the divan where she perches. Snowflakes melt on her skin, her hair, soaking her to the bone.
And there she sits, the Queen Regent of Clarines, oblivious to it all.
A maid steps forward-- a new one, provided for her by Arleon. The queen had left her household back at Wistal, save for him; the duke had been kind enough to provide her with a temporary replacement during her stay. It came, of course, complete with his daughter as a lady-in-waiting, but Her Majesty seems pleased with the outcome and not the least apologetic.
Zakura shoves the robe at the maid-- Mayu, he thinks? Or maybe Ane?-- and murmurs, “Tea. Please.”
She blinks, eyes darting toward where the queen sat, silent. “Shall I send her ladies, sir? She need to get out of those clothes before she catches...”
Her death. He doesn’t blame the girl for keeping those trapped behind her teeth. “Just the tea.”
The maid opens her mouth, as if she’d like to object, but the queen’s stillness is sharply interrupted by a seismic shiver. It makes his teeth chatter just watching, but Her Majesty--
Her Majesty doesn’t move, not one muscle. The maid’s lips press together, a thin white line across her face, and nods. “Tea. Of course, sir.”
He doesn’t watch to see if she goes.
With caution, he edges around the furniture, slipping between the settee and the coffee table to sit at its edge, eyes fixed on the woman in front of him.
Her mouth curls, but there’s no more of that manic laughter in it. He can’t say whether he’s relieved or concerned. “Don’t look at me like that, sir.”
Her voice is lilted, teasing, but even as young as he is, he hears the tremor in it, knows what it means. It had been in his own mother’s enough.
“I’m happy to be home.” There’s no false bravado in that one; even if she hadn’t said it, he’d know. In Wistal, the queen is a whisper, but here she’s an explosion; every room she enters she fills. “Even if some things had to be left behind...”
Some things, she says, so easily, as if His Majesty had not barely allowed this trip, as if he had not told her it was unseemly to be seen among rebels and traitors. As if she had not practically begged His Highness on her knees to come with her, and he had waved her off.
The capital is too diverting, he told her with that smug smirk of his, the same he wore when he looked at the bits of scab still clinging to Zakura’s nose. I couldn’t possibly spare a moment. Especially not for a trip to nowhere.
Nowhere. Throngs of folk filled the streets of Wirant every day, the second largest city in his kingdom, only rivaled by Eurikenna, and yet-- it meant nothing to him. No wonder Bergatt had rebelled.
And now his mother sat in mourning, and still the little shit couldn’t spare so much as a song for her. She’d written, of course, the moment she heard the news-- will you not, at least, send your brother, who must long for his mother now?-- but Zakura knew what the answer would be.
I could not possibly spare him-- as if a ten-year-old had any sort of skill in statecraft-- we look forward to seeing you in the spring.
The queen doesn’t waver, there’s not a bit of her that bows, but he knows better than anyone: women don’t bear their hurts for all to see. Instead it lingers in the crease of her eyes, where old smiles hide them; in the worried knot of her hands, obscured by the folds of her skirt; in the gentle way she lists with her world pulled out from underneath her.
If only His Highness would deign to see her this way, maybe he wouldn’t find the court’s little games so diverting. Or maybe he would. Who could say? He’s not here now.
But Zakura is.
“You have me, your Majesty.” It’d sound prettier from one of the other guards, one of the spares, or maybe a merchant’s boy. The kind of folk who grew up with more than one book in their house and didn’t use it as a shim under a table leg.
She blinks the clouds from her eyes, mouth curving in a fond smile. “I do, at that.”
He’s too rough for this; all these years in the guard have barely smoothed his edges, but well-- he’s what she’s got. She deserves that, at least. “You always will.”
“Ah.” A too-thin hand settles on his head, fingers carding gently through his hair. “A pretty sentiment. Thank you, sir.”
His breath hisses through his teeth, sharp and wounded, but still-- he leans into her touch. Heart clattering against his ribs, he allows her to push back the sweep of his hair, to look into his eyes. She sees a boy, but he can show her he is a man well enough.
“My lady,” he rasps, and oh, it hurts like a bitch to bare himself like this. “You said it’s the solstice, right?”
Her brows flirt right with her hairline, like she’s used to speaking but not being heard. “So I did.”
He’s not a shy man, not untouched, but he swallows hard when her gaze meets his. It’s enough, only just.
Beneath his lips, hers are thinner than he’s used to, but as soft and any maid’s. Her breath skitters over his skin on a gasp, fingers clenching in his hair-- from surprise, not any more southerly urge, and--
“Well,” she murmurs, a scant inch from him. “That was...pleasant.”
“Ah...” His mouth works, if only to keep it from a grimace. “Your Majesty. I hadn’t...I mean, I didn’t...”
Her mouth, too near, quirks with the same mischief as her son’s. “At a loss for words, Sir Zakura?”
“I only just...” He should stop talking, needs to stop talking, but oh, that look of hers says he’s gone too far to quit. “It was like kissing my mother.”
Queen Haruto tuns to him, days later, with the southern sky behind her and says, “I have been thinking, sir, that it is time for you to return.”
He can’t say he’s surprised, but still, it stings. “That so, my lady?”
“Do not miss my meaning.” Her voice is lower, softer, but still every inch a queen regnant. “I worry for my son, but with things as they are--” a dead king and lords circling like vultures in the royal court-- “I cannot go to him. Not yet.”
Ah, he can see the shape of this with only that peek behind the curtain, and he doesn’t like it.
“His Majesty put you in my care for a reason,” he presses, gruff. “And now that he is...”
Well, there’s no delicate way to put it. He lets it hang in the air between them, unsaid but utterly known.
Her hands fold, white as porcelain and just as perfect with the kid gloves covering them. Still too thin for his comfort; she needs to be eating more. “You’re the only man I can trust. Please.”
His breath burns, too cold in his lungs. “This is because of what I said about the kiss, isn’t it?”
Her mouth bows, humor trembling at it corners. “Oh, sir...” Her Majesty steps forward, hands cradling his cheeks. “Absolutely.”
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Arrangement
TITLE: The Arrangement CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 10 AUTHOR: the-resal10 ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine being in an arranged marriage with Loki. You aren’t too unhappy about it, but he is and is at times rude to you. You two argue and bicker a lot before you both begin to fall in love.
Imagine you are marrying Loki. It was an arranged marriage and you are not too happy about it. Loki is quite happy as he has always secretly liked you. But he sees how unhappy you are and plays along. RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: Language - nothing big. I would’ve said NSFW but it’s nothing detailed so. I’m so excited for you all to read this! Here we go…
Chapter 10: Vacation
After the approval from the Allfather, the couple arranged their trip to the mountains. The two packed their things that would last them for two weeks.
Their horses were ready to go with their belongings, so they said bye to Thor and Josephine before mounting their horses and heading towards the mountains. They left in the morning and arrived at the mountains as the sun was setting. 
When they made it to the cabin, Loki took care of the horses while Rosalind went inside first. The cabin wasn’t big but it wasn’t small. She took their bags upstairs to their bedroom, dropping the bags at the door while she examined the room.
She changed into her nightgown and pulled the sheets back, just as Loki entered the bedroom. He got dressed for bed without a word, and climbed into bed, lying on his side on the edge of bed like his wife.
After midnight, Rosalind woke up shivering. She turned on her back, staring up at the ceiling in the dark room. Loki slept peacefully on his side, facing her. She got closer to him, moving his arm and wrapping it around her.
Loki slowly woke up, finding his arm wrapped around Rosalind as she tried cuddling closer to him. “What…?” He asked in a sleepy voice.
“Oh. I’m sorry. It’s just cold.” She whispered.
“I can start the fireplace.” He suggested.
“No! Don’t move. I’m in a comfortable position.”
“Okay.” Loki tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her as close as she could get.
She placed her hands on his chest, trying to hide a smile. “Thanks.”
Loki closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep again while Rosalind stayed awake, her eyes searched the dark room as she thought. After a while, Loki shifted a little.
“Warm enough?” He asked.
She looked up at him, his eyes were still closed. “A little.”
“Can’t sleep?”
“I’m just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Um… I don’t know. Everything.”
“Hm.” He breathed in, “tell me about what you’re thinking.”
“You want to know?”
He opened his eyes to look at her, “Yes. It might also help you sleep.”
“Right.” She looked down then chuckled, “you have a firm chest.”
He laughed.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that.” She quickly apologized, embarrassed.
“No, I think you did.” He smiled.
“Whatever.” She nuzzled her head under his chin, closing her eyes. “This is nice.”
He smiled, “Yes it is.” He rubbed her back slowly, pulling her into a deep sleep.
Rosalind woke up to an empty bed. She looked around before getting out of bed and going to the living room. There, she called out for Loki but there was no answer. She looked out the nearest window and saw Loki dressed warmly, carrying firewood toward the cabin.
She opened the door for him and closed the door behind him as he cleaned the bottom of his boots on the door mat. “Thank you.”
“Where did you go?” She asked, offering to take the firewood.
“No, I got it.” He went over and placed the wood near the fireplace. “I went to collect some firewood. You shouldn’t be cold tonight.” He smiled, taking off his fur cloak and hanging it.
“Oh. How long have you been out?”
“An hour, maybe more.”
She picked up his hands, “gosh. You’re freezing.” Her hands moved up to his upper arms, where she rubbed, “I’ll make you something hot to drink.”
“Thank you.” He watched as she entered the kitchen. “You know, I was thinking last night maybe we should go for a walk.”
“Out in the cold?”
“We can dress warmly.” He chuckled, “it’ll be fun.”
“Our supplies are coming in today.”
“We can go after.”
She sighed, looking back at him, “Fine, but I’ll be expecting a warm bath when we get back.”
“Don’t worry. I was planning on drawing you a nice warm bath tonight anyway.” He went upstairs, grinning.
The supplies came in around the afternoon. The couple put the things away then had lunch together before dressing warmly and stepping outside in the cold.
Rosalind wrapped her arm around Loki’s, standing close to him, “I don’t know why I agreed to coming out here for two weeks with you.”
“I can be very persuasive.” They looked at each other and smiled, “Come on.”
They walked together in the snow, arm in arm. It was quiet between them as they walked. They were admiring their surroundings, the cold breeze traveling through the air, the small flakes falling from the sky and the sight of the mountains.
They found a small stream. Rosalind crouched down and touched the frozen water, “it’s frozen.” She said, standing up again.
“Hopefully no one out here is relying on this stream then.”
“The animals you mean?”
“Are we really the only ones out here?”
“Of course. The nearest town is almost half an hour away.”
“I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing.”
“We’re safe out here, don’t worry.” He placed his hands on her upper arms, looking into her eyes, “I’m also here in case anything happens.” They both smiled.
They continued their walk through the snow, keeping a light conversation as the sky slowly got dark.
Once the stars began to show, the two laid on the snowy ground, side by side, gazing at the night sky. They told the other about the images the connected stars made, and Loki showed his geeky astrology side to Rosalind which she thought was cute and cool that he knew so much astrology.
After lying in silence for a while, Loki sighed. “I’m starving.”
“We better go back to the cabin then.”
Loki got off the ground first, wiping off all the snow from his clothes before holding his hands out to Rosalind and helping her up.
They began to walk back in silence when Rosalind reached out and grabbed Loki’s hand. He looked back at her in surprise. “Oh, um, just in case. That way neither of us fall.” She said, smiling.
Loki smiled and laced his fingers with hers before continuing on.
When they arrived at the cabin, they made a late dinner. Loki was happy to help Rosalind in the kitchen, which surprised her a little. After dinner, Loki went upstairs while Rosalind cleaned the dishes.
When she was done, she went upstairs, tired. She entered the bedroom and found Loki in the bathroom, lighting a few candles then checking the temperature of the water in the bathtub.
He looked up and saw her covering her mouth, laughing. He smiled, going over to her. She looked at him, grinning, “you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“Who says it’s not for me?”
She raised a brow. “Is it for you?”
“No.” He chuckled, “you deserve some relaxation and I won’t stop bothering you until you get into the tub and enjoy yourself.”
“What about you? What are you going to do?”
“I’ll be downstairs reading.”
“You’re not gonna join me?”
He chuckled nervously, “um, it’s for you, Rose.”
Rosalind’s smile grew bigger when she heard him say Rose. She liked the nickname he gave her.
“Fine, but if you change your mind I’ll be here.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll leave you to it then.” He picked up his book from the nightstand and went downstairs.
Rosalind entered the bathroom and undressed, stepping into the tub and sinking into the warm water. She sighed, lying back with her eyes closed, her muscles relaxing.
Loki couldn’t concentrate on his reading. The thought of Rosalind’s offer lingered on his mind, then the name Rose pushed its way in. He didn’t even know why he said it, where he came up with it, he just said it and it felt right.
Then the night before came to mind. Their first night at the cabin and she was already cuddling with him. In their bed at the palace, they never slept close, they slept at each end with a huge gap in between them.
He didn’t know why they were suddenly acting like this. They were getting close. Even before he asked her to come to the mountains with him, he was spending lots of time with her and flirting with her. He wondered if she knew that he liked her and wanted to try to really be what they say they are.
Maybe she did and that’s why she was suddenly distant those few days. She’s in love with Mika so she doesn’t want to fall for Loki. Maybe she does want to fall for him and that’s why she doesn’t mind flirting back with Loki sometimes. Or maybe she has already fallen for him so now she’s only giving in to her feelings.
His mind raced as he sat alone in front of the fireplace downstairs. By the time he looked up at the clock on the wall, an hour had already passed and he didn’t even notice. After leaving the rooms downstairs dark, he went upstairs to the bedroom.
Rosalind opened the door just as he got there, making both smile at the sight of the other. “Oh! I was just coming in the check on you.” Loki said.
“Oh. I was gonna do the same.”
His eyes left hers to look over her, only a towel was wrapped around her. She noticed his eyes searching her body which made her bite her lip with a smile. He cleared his throat, looking back up at her.
“I’m gonna start the fireplace.” He said, stepping inside and heading to the fireplace.
Rosalind watched as he started the fire. When it was ready, Loki stepped back and watched the flames. “Loki?” He heard from behind.
He turned around and found Rosalind in front of him. Before he could say anything, she reached up and pressed her lips against his, giving him a quick kiss.
When she pulled away, she was worried about what would happen next. There’s still a chance that he doesn’t feel the same way about her.
Loki wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close for another kiss, one that lasted longer. The kisses became heated, she pulled at his clothes as he walked her back to the bed.
She laid down on the bed while he removed his clothes. He returned to her lips, kissing her with his tongue sliding in every now and again. She pulled away, breathless. He searched her eyes.
“I want to… with you.” She panted in a whisper, “But have you…?”
“Yes, I have.” He answered.
“Oh!” she said in surprise, making him laugh.
“So what, it’s neither of our first time.”
“I’ll be expecting more then.” She smiled.
“As you wish, darling.” He said, kissing her again.
Rosalind woke up the next morning, her vision blurry. Loki’s arms were wrapped around her, his head resting against her chest and their legs intertwined. She closed her eyes, remembering the night before and smiled at the memory of Loki.
She looked down at him, hugging his head and placing a kiss on his forehead. Loki shifted, waking up. He looked up at her and both smiled.
“Good morning,” she said.
“Morning.” He said back.
They shared a kiss, wrapped in each other’s arms. Rosalind closed her eyes, that’s when Mika came to mind. Her eyes shot open in fear.
She pulled away from Loki so suddenly. He looked at her in confusion as she sat up, covering herself.
He sat up too, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She lied.
“It’s okay. You can tell me.” He assured her, knowing she was lying.
She didn’t say anything. He reached over, placing a hand on her shoulder, pulling away when she flinched from his touch. “I’m sorry. I just…I’m sorry.” She apologized.
“What’s wrong? You can tell me anything, Rose.” He said again.
She looked back at him, seeing the concern in his expression. She sighed, “I… we… last night.”
He smiled, “we did.” His smile faded when she didn’t return his smile, “Are you regretting it?”
“No.” She answered quickly, making him smile again. “I just… It was our first time. We finally consummated our marriage.”
“I know.”
“After four months, we finally fucked.” She chuckled, hiding her face in her hands, “oh, Norns!”
He chuckled, “was it that bad?”
She looked up, “Are you kidding? It was amazing! I just can’t believe it actually happened.”
“But something’s wrong. What is it?”
“I, um, I was thinking about Mika.” She answered honestly. Loki’s gaze left hers. “I’m sorry.”
“Do you still love him?” He asked.
She turned her back to him, sighing. “Do you really want to know?”
“Of course I do.”
“You know, he and I have been best friends since I returned home after my stay here in Asgard when I was eight. It’s easy to fall in love with anyone of your choice.”
“You know we don’t have the pleasure of falling in love with the person of our choosing.”
“I know, but I did. For the longest I wanted to be with Mika, we actually planned about running away together several times before, but after I got to know you… after we got along… I’m not so sure that’s what I really want now.”
She got closer to Loki again, sitting in front of him, picking up his hand and placing her cheek in his palm. “What have you done to me, Loki? It feels so right to be with you when I don’t want it to.”
His thumb ran over her bottom lip as he leaned in. “I really do care about you, Rosalind. You are my friend, my wife, my princess. I only want you to be happy.”
She slowly leaned in as well. “I know, but why did we have to get along?”
“You could always turn away from it.” He whispered.
“But I wanna run with it.” She whispered back before kissing him passionately.
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
Can you liveblog the Mein Teil making of? Thank you!!
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How many of these were from the same person? It doesn't matter but it is funny
Okay Mein Teil Making of liveblog
Sidenote I once rated all their performances if that interests you
I will try not to mention Zoran
Till looks good with that face distortion somehow
I was obsessed with the story of Armin Meiwes as a young teen. It's fascinating, and so easy to reason yourself into not thinking he really did anything wrong once you learn it was done with consent and the consent was key (when others before Brandes met up with him to mess around and turned him down he didn't push it because the willingness was super important to the whole point etc). I'm not. That's not me saying I approve.
Have you noticed that pretty much all of the stuff people don't like morally about this video (the slapping and blowjob, primarily) don't properly make it into the video? They aren't in it enough for it to actually have been necessary. The slapping is so choppy that there was no reason to actually hit him at all.
"This song is very homoerotic" and then he gets a woman to do the Lustful Acts with Till? Shameful. Cowardice.
Jonas would be Disgusted
The little ja from Till is very cute though.
Also? Porn AU
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Till looks so nervous
Zoran please stop stroking her. We know you were excited and couldn't sleep please keep it to yourself.
I can never decide if I like this denim jacket on Richard. It looks silly especially with the collar doing that but it's just so cute
And he's a sweetheart his lisp is so strong here
I'm not even watching the slapping it's so unnecessary and he's crying a tiny bit and Zoran is being so odd about watching it back
Paul seeing his costume and thinking no this isn't good enough and fixing it is such a Paul thing to do. He wasn't wrong.
I hope he bought her some more of the makeup
Something about Richard being picked up and manhandled like a mannequin in a Primark kills me but also... :)
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I think I know why he did wrestling as a teen
Genuinely I am not even going after Zoran for the usual stuff I just on an artistic level do not understand why we needed Tills scenes to be this soggy attempt at sex and violence it's genuinely, through no fault of his or her own, the worst segment in the entire video. It just... Abandons the disconnected dissociative feeling of the rest of it and has him doing whatever gets a certain persons rocks off
They should have stuck with the collar and distortion it was... Very nice
I'm not gonna say it but I do not agree morally
Is that a clove
You know, I've always wondered why Richard didn't smoke cloves. He smokes those American spirit yellow ones now For Health (presumably) but cloves do fit the aesthetic he's going for during working hours
He just watched till get and presumably give a blowjob, lit up a cigarette, and is talking in breathy tones you cannot tell me he wasn't getting off on it
"it was very important we were alone for this blowjob that barely even makes it into the video"
Unlike all the other directors the way he goes about his crush is not very good it's quite bad actually
Paul and Oli both having their scenes based in Japanese dance styles is interesting and I do think that was a good move
That one bit of his hair sticking up fuck how does he never escape looking silly?
Don't care for the spit fountain
Why does he say stop complaining in English when the guy was speaking in German does it just have a better vibe?
It's very cute either way I like Richards flirting concentration faces. You can hear him go hhhhh as he looks at the guy just before they turn to compare. And the camp little hands when they turn back also
Paul does some good faces huh
"I didn't have to change my ways, I just did things the way I normally do them"
As in all of their videos, only a few may look good at once. Today is Richard and Schneiders turn, with Till and Flake also looking Pretty Good.
The way Richard is looking at Zoran is so full of what now registers as distaste
Zoran is right here about it being brave for them to have put themselves out there like that and I will allow him some space to be wanky about art because they're the ones doing it. The fact he/it focuses on Schneider in a way that makes me crave an autobiography from schneider/all of them because clearly there's a Something there beyond him just being very androgynous and therefore suited
What he stole from us by giving Till a female angel he made up for with Richard's whole wrestling thing. Entangled. Homoerotic.
Schneider does an incredibly Till face when he's checking the blouse
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I'd love to know how consciously connected to this whole thing growing his hair out was
Maybe Richard... Should do more wrestling
Richard and his double kissed but that footage was not left in the final video. Zoran strikes again.
The ja is so cute Why did Richard and Till both do a similar and very cute Ja in this video?
Schneider this entire video:
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He's sure he won't be doing much, just be a bit more woman. Given the way Rammstein tends to portray women... Yeah I mean. Yeah.
I would like the full uncut footage of Schneider and Richards parts for uh it's for a project it's super secret you won't have heard if it but I do need that footage.
What happened fifteen years ago, Richard?
Poor baby :(
Zoran still creeping behind the camera
Maybe Zoran and I aren't so different unfortunately
I would have loved to see how schneider and the others reacted upon seeing his part
One of them he was tucked so naturally...
How did they act when they saw him on his back legs akimbo I have got to know
He's so bashful
I'm sure they've seen it before
The eye contact.
He is so tickled
Oli is very much acting as if nothing is wrong, maybe to a greater degree than how he is usually
Olis control over his own body really sells his whole performance it almost makes me not detest the toe thing
Paul is complaining and wishing to Influence again and I understand this impulse well
Was Sweden particularly bad for that?
He suits his hair long and down like that
Flakes eye-smile gave it away but everything he says in this is just my favourite
He makes eye contact with the camera just after the dude says chimeras and oh.
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I hope he understands that he is incredibly pretty. That's why he's a ballerina I have to assume
"it's rare to dance with as much commitment as I did" I will drop to one knee and hold out a ring do not try me flake
Zoran is doing that thing directors do where he's trying to justify something he chose for purely horny reasons. Ask Jonas about the tongues I'm sure a lot of artistry is involved
I'm being uncharitable it is an overarching theme and I am the one giving the mud fight that significance
But I mean come on now, the mud fighting.
Till is talking so softly is he okay
Is there any better feeling than hearing them talk about how they're getting on better as a group than ever? I think no.
Schneider is me watching the mud fighting
Richard and Tills little bits of fighting you can catch here and there are especially good and I just. Look. Listen. Look and listen. They should wrestle each other for a video for Let's Go. They fight and wrestle and then...
I love this living song metaphorical soup coming from Paul
Richard so gently pinning flake down...........
As a drummer, I simply refused
Insert the quote and out the original Feeling b drummer being incapable of doing anything if it was good
Oli genuinely seemed more comfortable almost naked and covered in make up which actually makes total sense in general and for him huh
The way Till shakes his hair out like a dog kills me it's second nature to him look at him go
I want them to watch the making ofs for Mein Teil and Keine Lust and react to them because a lot of what they're saying is pretty much what they've been saying over the past couple of years about the new album.
Flake is Helping Richard. Flake in
Okay no see so have you watched the video for All the Things She Said/Ya Soshla s Uma by tatu? Or like that fuckinn that one Tom Holland thing where he's in the rain being slutty or whatever?
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This isn't wrestling this is wrestling. And very tender.
They're so much more gentle with their wrestling than I feel most people would assume they'd be? Or I just think that because I have siblings and there is no holding back when you first fight those fools.
That kiss sure was awkward huh
Mein Teil is a very good video and making of if you remove Till's main part and Zoran being unnerving.
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sasskarian · 4 years
Fanfic Masterpost ... sort of
In honor of Fanfic Appreciation, I put together a list of my fics for anyone who’d like to look 
Under the cut, because length
Dragon Age:
After the Glitter Fades (Glitterverse):  Hawke x Fenris, modern AU. (Long fic, WIP) Hawke and Fenris are movie stars in a torrid love affair. Fenris has a mysterious past. Also Cassandra is investigating a murder mystery? Varric, as ever, is a delight. (*this is borrowed from @nug-juggler‘s excellent and shorter summary!)
Memorable quote:   Fenris observed candidly was something sacred. For a moment, Hawke fiercely wished she were an artist. The scene in front of her was too… every word she could think of— beautiful, elegant, breathtaking— was trite, a pale description of perfection. 
In the Heart of the Woods: Lavellan x Fairbanks rarepair. (WIP) Inquisitor Lavellan’s heart is broken by a certain Commander, Fairbanks has an appreciation for her, and a love story blooms like elfroot in the Emerald Graves.
Memorable quote:   This kiss, she thinks, two mouths moving in perfect unison, is a spell of its own. Not quite love, not yet, but close enough she can pretend it is. Hope wells up, a solid thrum beating in counterpoint to her heart, and for one perfect moment, the world just bows down and… stands still. All that exists, all that ever has existed or ever will exist is wrapped up right here, right now, in Fairbanks’ lips on hers. Motes of dust turn golden in the sunbeams splashing through the roof, and a touch— his thumb, her cheek— says a million more words than words ever could.
Yesterdays: Surana x Zevran, mild Surana x Alistair pining. Post Origins, complete. A Warden’s sacrifice means something only as long as someone remembers it. A king looks back, balancing regrets with happiness.
Memorable quote:   With a half-sob, he realizes he’s forgotten the sound of her voice. Oh, he remembers how it made him feel, all those years ago, all the glorious, shining moments where happiness dwells still. But what she truly sounded like, what sounds she made as she buried herself in books, the snap of her magic, the low buzz of her and Zevran whispering in their tent, all of that is gone. He knows it happened, but the memory is lit dimly in his mind, a torch burned too low to be flame but not low enough for embers yet.
If You Ever Did Believe (for my sake):  Lavellan x Cullen. (On temporary hiatus) A wary Commander. A lost Dalish mage. Two hearts beating alone and exhausted on a battlefield, their only rest coming from each other.
Memorable quote:   “Does your Maker hate us so much?” Isera asked bitterly, and for a moment, Cullen felt as though years had rippled, bringing his past self— still clanking through the halls of Kinloch Hold in Templar plate— and his current together. He’d asked Ser Greagoir the same question once, after a Harrowing went wrong and the body of a former apprentice lay at their feet. So much potential wasted, so much fear in the mages’ eyes after that. For once, Greagoir had shown a hint of emotion, clapping Cullen’s shoulder briefly before walking away, but hadn’t answered.
Voiceverse:  Lavellan x Solas/Dread Wolf. (WIP) Building off of the great works of @khirsahle and @athreehundredthirtythree. All mages are born with a soulmate--a voice they hear in the darkness of the Fade all their lives. The lucky ones find their soulmates and forge a bond strong enough to threaten the very foundations of the Chantry. At least, that's what they claim. So what happens when a Dalish mage hears the voice of their most reviled and feared god shaping her dreams? 
Memorable quote:   Accompanying the thundering voice, great fissures ruptured around her hiding spot, green light streaking upward as they gathered into a roiling cloud. A wave of raw sound— howls, cries, pleas— rolled over her, forcing her to her knees. Iveani clapped her hands over her ears, losing her own scream among the agony thundering through the Fade. All caution, all her hard-won lessons about walking the Fade, vanished into the back of her mind under the need to simply ride out the explosion and survive.
Mass Effect:
Home is Where You Are: Ryder x Jaal (WIP). Ryder didn’t cross two galaxies and 600 years in search of love. But damn if she didn’t find it anyway.
Memorable quote:   “I should take a shower,” he mumbled, as the same time as Sara said, “Would you like to stay?” Both of them broke off, staring at the other, and she laughed nervously. That feeling was back, the one from the tech lab, fragility and strength and affection turned fierce and bright tumbling over and over one other.
A Song of Sea and Stars: Garrus x Shepard x Thane (WIP). Our favorite turian badboy sees right through the mask the galaxy’s most famous Commander projects. Neither of them expected to fall in love on a host of impossible missions. And both are taken by surprise by a pious Drell who steals both their hearts.
Memorable quote:   (He opens his eyes, shocked how it feels to look into her face, intimate and hungry. He hazily notices that up close, her eyes are thulium-gray. There's a hot, tight knot in his chest and she's pressed so close, he thinks he could count each faint freckle on her face.) (They look like tiny stars.) (…there are twenty-eight on her right cheek. Thirty on her left. And fourteen, right across the bridge of her nose.) (Those are his favorite. They remind him of his own markings.)
the sound of shattering glass: Generic Shepard, post-Tuchanka, pre-Citadel II. The Shroud explodes, taking a beloved friend with it. Shepard only has herself to blame.
Memorable quote:   “Damn Reapers,” he said, striving for nonchalance. “Always throwing us around.” “Banged us up pretty good,” she agreed, and he knew she wasn’t talking about their bumps and bruises. “So what do we do about them?” “Get back on our feet. Keep fighting.” Garrus hummed as she shifted closer, pressed her forehead against his neck. “Maybe find a way to use some really big canons I spend half my time adjusting.”
Star Wars:
He Might Like That: Mandalorian x Cara Dune pining. So they argue. So they took down Gideon, and have a magic green frog baby older than both of them. That doesn’t make them a thing. Does it?
Memorable quote:   He tunes back into the not-so-friendly argument in time to hear Greef splutter. “You trash talked while holding hands! If that’s not flirting, I’m a kowakian monkey lizard.” “It was arm wrestling, not holding hands,” Din points out mildly. 
Star by Star:  Post TRoS. Ben x Rey pining, Finn x Rey x Poe. Can three hopeless idiots in love fill a wound as deep as the death of a dyad? Maybe not, but they’re out to try anyway.
Memorable quote:   “You know,” Poe whispers, a glint of mischief in his eyes, “if we ever did tell him we loved him, he’d probably sleep right through it.” Rey touches her fingers to his lips, tracing the shape of his questioning smile. It’s an invitation to play, that smile. A careful offer of love, of comfort. And though she’s not sure if he can really understand when even she doesn’t, she’s finally ready to try a little. 
Counting The Days (Since Exegol): Finn x Rey x Poe, Ben x Rey. Its been 42 days since Palpatine’s death. 42 long days since she felt the surge of light in Ben Solo. And in her dreams, something whispers on the edge of the Force. But she’s shut it down too tightly to hear it. 
Memorable quote:   True to form, Poe can’t resist the urge to kiss away Finn’s troubles whenever possible, and Rey looks away to give them a moment. Some love stories work out, yes, and she loves Finn and Poe more than almost anything else. But that doesn’t stop the way bitterness floods her mouth as the memory of Ben surfaces, and it isn’t until Poe gently squeezes her knee (and she throttles back the near-instinctive urge to break his fingers from a lifetime of fending off handsy scavengers on Jakku) that she comes back to the moment. His brow furrows and she reaches for him, smoothing out the lines of his frown with her thumb. “I’m okay,” she says, answering his unspoken question. It’s mostly a lie, but she has to say it. Most days, she’s okay enough.
A Language Made for Lovers: SWTOR (NSFW). Torian Cadera x Bounty Hunter, gender neutral. Reflections on love and marriage under the glow of hyperspace.
Memorable quote:   He murmurs in your ear, words that should sound harsh in that still-new tongue scalding your mouth, molding you from aruetii to mandalorian. But the love in his voice softens them, steeps them in warmth and adoration. Still the language of a hunter, of those brave souls willing to be reforged, but with a gentle side, a language reserved for lovers. Words like cyare and riduur, words that mean I love you and forever and home.
Malicious Compliance: SWTOR (NSFW). Malavai Quinn x Sith Warrior, gender neutral. Far away, in an apartment no one knows about, a Sith Lord plays dire games of control... and trust.
Memorable quote:   It takes a man with the courage of an entire fleet of Mandalorians to love a Sith, and oh, how he loves you. Like you hung the moons and the stars and all the spaces between. Like you are his other half, like loving you is his sole purpose in life, does Malavai Quinn love you. Your old masters spoke nothing of this, of this enraging hunger gnawing at your bones and curling into the hollows of your rib cage. ... Is it really even love if you don’t want to devour him just a little?
Tumblr Prompts: Grab bag of every fandom and series listed above. Prompts filled originally here on tumblr.
Visual Files: Collections of art and commissions from talented friends and artists here on tumblr.
Every Beautiful Thing: Crimson Peak. Thomas x Edith, Edith x Alan. Edith learned, in the dark halls of Allerdale, not to take ghosts lightly. But still she waits, every year, for a chance to see Thomas again. Until the night their son tells her he can see him too.
Memorable quote:   Snow heralds nothing but pain in Edith’s world: first her mother’s funeral, smothered in fat white flakes wet on her lashes like tears, then her father’s. Smaller ones, then, rain slowly freezing and scattering on the ground; the ones that night at Allerdale were the smallest yet, more ice pellet than snow. Jagged, hateful things scraping at her with a cold that burned through skin and encased bone.…God, how she has come to hate the snow.
Where I Can’t Follow: Co-authored by @suspendnodisbelief. show!Witcher, mild Geralt x Jaskier. (Temporary hiatus) Drawing from a variety of inspiration, including greek mythos. Geralt takes a blow meant for Jaskier, finally granted the death by battle he expects Witchers to end by. And Jaskier is not having it, at all. It’s his turn to save Geralt, even if he has to walk the entire bloody underworld to do it.
Memorable quote: “Geralt, get up. Come on, open your eyes. You’re going to upset Roach if you keep this up, and she’ll bite me. You know you aren’t allowed to be dead, because Yennefer didn’t give you permission, and neither did the Princess, and I’m pretty sure they both outrank you.”  
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