#it encapsulates everything i am there
lilacthebooklover · 10 months
sorry guys i'm in my bossman hero era
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fiona gallagher // "oldest" by brooke alexx
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polycrews · 1 year
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ddcds. for u (hopefully ur day will b a bit better!)
had to take a second to respond to this because dear GOD this made me lose coherent thoughts. ahem
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
he is rough around the edges, and he resembles an unfinished canvas, the paint still fresh, the colours vibrant, or a sculpture that its artist had left behind; the draft is beautiful, that is undeniable, and so will be the finished piece, however there is a certain beauty is the unfinished roughness of it. he’s got a lazy gaze, his eyes downturned; he has the mean mind of a genius, and a tongue as sharp as a blade. he carries himself with an arrogant elegance, which runs in his family’s blue, aristocratic blood. he’s curls of raven black hair twirled around slender, pale hands, a straight nose, silver eyes, and a sharp jawline; inherited from his ancestors, their beauty enticing. he, however, decided to rid himself of it, and so left behind all he once knew and believed, his elegance slowly became rebellion, of pierced ears and ripped jeans and loud music and anger and bitter tobacco. sirius burned, much like his namesake, brightly and passionately; but wasn’t that a star’s destiny? to burn, until there’s nothing really left?
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lasagnaprince · 2 years
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panel redraw of @kineticallyanywhere's amazing fan comic monkey's paw! please go read it!! your panel compositions and action scenes are always so exciting! i wanted to make fanart of this specific panel bc even the story alone could carry this whole comic, it's so good and i can't wait for more!
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original panel for comparison!
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pummelingbat · 7 months
looking through old scrap doodles as i put together the final pieces of spot art for my Re-Animator zine & getting emotional abt the fact that i've been drawing Herbert for a year now.... aw........... this has been such a rewarding pursuit. i've had a lot of fun doing it. not to be genuine on tumblr but i'm really, really excited to get to share the final product with you all soon.
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angelstrawbabie420 · 2 months
dear god im so autistic
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wammamamma · 2 years
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you don’t have to understand it. just trust me.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
OUGH the world is such a good place full of light and hope and care and people and I love it all so so much the world is worth it <- talked to a mutual
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tleeaves · 11 months
paper deets? go brainstorm crazy
Okay, I'm not gonna go too crazy, because I'm already writing a paper on it anyway. But basically, there was a 2019 amendment in Australia (bear with me, I still need to triple-check there hasn't been another amendment since then) which sought to redefine violent/non-violent protest, but it is also important to note that for many years prior as well, police 'move on' powers have been introduced and increasingly used across the nation. As recently as 2022, Tasmania introduced anti-protest laws. Other states have very similar legislation, particularly down the east side (QLD, NSW, VIC, and also SA).
Not too sure how much followers of my blog know about how legislation works, but anyway, there has essentially been a combination of several acts in each state that combine to criminalise protesting to the point where there is, essentially, no effective way to protest even peacefully. Police can demand that protestors move on because the altered definitions of protest are as loose as 'public disturbance/in a public place/obstructing the regular passage of life in the area etc.' (very rough paraphrasing, sorry, I have so many tabs open from my research, and I'm gonna save the more direct quotes for the actual paper). And once an order to move on as been issued by an officer, and they believe it is not being complied with, they have grounds to arrest.
This is barely the half of it. Not only is this going against the democracy Australia is supposed to be, but there is heavy media influence too over how we as a culture perceive protesting--an activity that is crucial to a democratic system. Without even realising it, Australia is becoming one of the very things we often hate: autocratic. We are fortunate here, but those days are numbered if this trend continues. Our government is supposed to be "of the people, for the people", and yet the divide grows and protest is being demonised.
There is so much more I could say but for now my lips are sealed on the matter until a later date. I know a lot of this sounds kinda wild and I'm not really defending my arguments, but again, I'm already writing about this for a grade and I would rather just keep it all in my head for a few more days as I work on it.
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year
Just saw a comment online using the word ‘unalive’….’to unalive themselves’….
What the heck is going on. Why are ‘new’ terms being created for…what censorship??
..................don't even get me started. it's so reductive. we have enough words to capture the MANY nuances of 'unalive'. it's so telling when someone refuses to use expressions with connotations that aren't squeaky clean. not critical thinking skills behind that face. censorship for the sake of marketability is peak capitalist brain rot. it's unbearable. what's even worse it to see grown-ass adults talk like that and engage in self-censorship without marketability being a reason. takes years off my life. i said it before and i am gonna say it again but stuff like this is a warning sign for dystopia-adjacent slippery slopes to come.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Me, every time someone says, “Oh, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend sounds cool, I think I’ll try it!”: WE GOT ANOTHER ONE, BOYS
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astrxealis · 2 years
throwback to before i actually got to shadowbringers or even got the full copy of ffxiv and lune/i kept on playing "the dark which illuminates the world" as a lil tease. like. to either cheer me up or make me flustered
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fellstcr · 2 years
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⚔️ // she  felt  DISHONEST. 
            as  though  she  were  BETRAYING  HER  FRIEND  right  then  and  there  ,  by  not  staying.  as  she  walked  away  yellow  carnations  sprouted  from  her  hair.  into  the  fabric  of  her  coat  ,  bursting  through  skin  and  climbing  vines  up  her  wrists  and  ankles.  byleth  grimaced  and  tore  them  out.  she  shuddered  as  the  front  door  closed  behind  her. 
             her  chest  heaved.  
        in  her  empty  house  with  no  one  around  and  no  one  to  watch  as  pain  lanced  through  byleth’s  chest  ,  she  slid  down  ,  DOWN  ,  down  the  door  frame. 
              the  lump  in  her  throat  worsened.
       if  she  had  a  heart  ,  perhaps  it  might  stutter.  perhaps  it  might  stop.  but  it  didn’t.  and  she  fiddled  with  the  edges  of  her  cloak  before  drawing  her  knees   to  her  chest.
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        . . .  perhaps  she  should go  back.  
             make  sure  he  got  his  gift.  ensure  he  was  okay.
        after  all  ,  his  abode  was  only  a  block down.  she  could  —  . . .  what?  wait  in  the   cold  for  footsteps  that  wouldn’t  come?  for  a  door  that  wouldn’t  open?  watch  while  his  eyes  burned  cold ,   if  the  door  did  reveal  him?  stay  helplessly  silent  as  dimitri  snarled  ,  told  her  it  was  a  WORTHLESS  ENDEAVOR  ,  and  turned  his  back?  (  again ?  )
       her  eyes  closed  as  fragments  of  time  spun  in  the  darkness  there.  . . .  glimmers  of  a  chapel  in  ruins  . . .  of  a  blue  cloak.  of  a  voice  that  rumbled  low  as  it  snarled  out  words  she  couldn’t  place.
           byleth’s  head  ached  as  more  flowers  bloomed there. 
           the   lump  suddenly  lodged  within  byleth’s  throat  ,  constricting  her  lungs  as  it  whistled  through  her  teeth.  her  shoulders  SHOOK  and  HEAVED  before  byleth  coughed  and  CHOKED  —  before  her  lungs  ,  with great  effort ,  spluttered  out.  she  spat  out  the  lump  - the  OBJECT  -  out  into  her hands  ,  fingers  tinged  red  and  mouth  tasting  of  copper  from  all of  the  words  she  hadn’t  said   ,  and  all  of  the  words  she  hadn’t  written  down  either.             (  and  the  iris  petals  had  fallen  from  her  desk  with  each  penned  word  ,   just   as  more  flowers  bloomed  and  choked  the  earth  in  its  place. )
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        . . .  a  garden  anemone.  its  petals  were   pale  and  white  and  fragile.  they  shook  in  her  hand  as  she  lifted  it  to  eye  level.  tainted  only  by  the  red  in  her  hands.
          another  to  add  to  the  growing  pile of  dead  and  wilted  flowers  torn  from  her    hair  and  her  skin  and  her  clothes.  (  dizzy.  she  was  —  suddenly  feeling  dizzy.  with   pain  from  flowers  blooming  and  crawling  up  her  skin  ;  fatigue from -  she  didn’t  really  know  what  from  ,  anymore.  )
          byleth  twirled  the  anemone  between  her  fingers.  she  slowly  ,  slowly  ,  stood  to  her  feet.
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                                                she  would  push  through  this.
            the  anemone  fell  to the  floor  with  the  rest  of  them.
            perhaps  she  would  check  on  him  another  day.         when  she  wouldn’t  choke  on  petals  and  flower  bulbs.
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feluka · 2 years
ismael yassin was right. الدنيا دى متعبة جدا جدا جدا جدا
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btw i will make the top 3 post sometime this week. it's just that i've genuinely been so emotional scarred from this gala i don't have energy to reenact it
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