#anti-protesting laws
tleeaves · 11 months
paper deets? go brainstorm crazy
Okay, I'm not gonna go too crazy, because I'm already writing a paper on it anyway. But basically, there was a 2019 amendment in Australia (bear with me, I still need to triple-check there hasn't been another amendment since then) which sought to redefine violent/non-violent protest, but it is also important to note that for many years prior as well, police 'move on' powers have been introduced and increasingly used across the nation. As recently as 2022, Tasmania introduced anti-protest laws. Other states have very similar legislation, particularly down the east side (QLD, NSW, VIC, and also SA).
Not too sure how much followers of my blog know about how legislation works, but anyway, there has essentially been a combination of several acts in each state that combine to criminalise protesting to the point where there is, essentially, no effective way to protest even peacefully. Police can demand that protestors move on because the altered definitions of protest are as loose as 'public disturbance/in a public place/obstructing the regular passage of life in the area etc.' (very rough paraphrasing, sorry, I have so many tabs open from my research, and I'm gonna save the more direct quotes for the actual paper). And once an order to move on as been issued by an officer, and they believe it is not being complied with, they have grounds to arrest.
This is barely the half of it. Not only is this going against the democracy Australia is supposed to be, but there is heavy media influence too over how we as a culture perceive protesting--an activity that is crucial to a democratic system. Without even realising it, Australia is becoming one of the very things we often hate: autocratic. We are fortunate here, but those days are numbered if this trend continues. Our government is supposed to be "of the people, for the people", and yet the divide grows and protest is being demonised.
There is so much more I could say but for now my lips are sealed on the matter until a later date. I know a lot of this sounds kinda wild and I'm not really defending my arguments, but again, I'm already writing about this for a grade and I would rather just keep it all in my head for a few more days as I work on it.
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lilithism1848 · 4 months
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toebeans-mcgee · 1 year
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Please, don’t forget about the women in Afghanistan.
This image is not at all a commentary on Islam and/or of the different head-coverings that a woman may choose to wear while respecting her faith. Wearing a burqa/burka does not equate to an inherent lack of rights/freedom. This is also not a criticism of the Barbie movie. This is a statement about the brutal treatment of the women and girls in Afghanistan (as well as in Iran). 
I loved the Barbie movie and think it’s a very important and empowering film. However, it is a bit jarring when I’m scrolling through my phone, listening to the Barbie soundtrack, and I come across an article detailing the mounting horrors these women face in these countries. There is so much happening in the world, and it all needs news time, but the virtual media silence on this topic is frightening.
Even though my country isn’t perfect (especially so after June of last year), it’s easy to lose perspective on how privileged I am. 
The many different flavors of western feminism aren’t for everyone and every culture; to think so would be privileged and tone deaf. There is no "one-size-fits-all" kind of empowerment. But, objectively, what is happening to women and girls in Afghanistan and Iran is abhorrent and cannot be forgotten. 
If Barbie can be anything, then Barbie can be an advocate and an activist. Do what you can, Barbies.
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” ― Audre Lorde
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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commiepinkofag · 1 year
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Drag Me To The Capitol march and rally against anti-trans bills
Monarch, right center, leads chants in front of the Statehouse doors as protestors participate in the Drag Me To The Capitol march and rally against anti-trans bills in Montgomery, Alabama, on Tuesday May 16, 2023. The march went from the State Supreme Court building to the State Capitol building, then to the Alabama State House. [📷 Mickey Welsh / Montgomery Advertiser]
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ilovereading5252 · 1 year
DpxDc promt
Danny knows he can get a bit hyper focused. Especially if it concerns him personally. So maybe he didn’t notice that other places also had ghost problems. So what? He fixed it didn’t he. He even said sorry, all right. He will pay more attention from now on.
The Justice League, probably: It’s alright, we forgive you, but what did you do with them?
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gwydionmisha · 1 month
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stalinslastsoldier · 5 months
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Published cartoon on the suppression of American student protests against illegal occupation
Illustration by Bahraini cartoonist Sara Qaed
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nugatorysheep · 4 days
So you think people voicing their disgust at your degenerate coomer pedo shipping bullshit is censorship? Surely that means you support freedom of speech then? How about this: you're a nigger and a faggot.
Real cute! You should say this again off anon :)
Anyway Steven and his Gem are getting married this weekend and I'm the best man at the wedding <3
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stupidsexpotflanders · 5 months
Me whenever I remember the hardcore environmental subject,taught by one of the toughest professors at uni,then remember how RT made Logan an "environmentalist"
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How the fuck one (1) guy riding a bicycle is going to do anything against air pollution? And considering how intelligent and well-educated Logan has always been(yes,always. He had plenty of problems at school,but none of them were with grades,AFAIK),he'd have realized it was merely an empty virtue signaling gesture. One would think Logan could help clean beaches and other places in Neptune(small scale,but still something with real results - making the city prettier and healthier),petition for proper disposal and treatment of residues(in all scales,not only in the industrial one),be invested in basic sanitation and water supply(those affect the poor disproportionally - see,Noir-relevant),engage in environmental education(bonus points if he gets to mentor troubled youth and take them under his wing - just like the professor did with him). Young!Logan might have plenty of flaws,but he got shit done.
Logan Echolls became what he hated the most - a virtue-signalling shithead who half-asses good deeds to stroke his own ego. Also,a State-Sanctioned Mercenary. Not very different from the vapid Hollywood he hated so much. I know the Doylist explanation was simply incompetence from RT,but can anyone think of an Watsonian one?
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
Apply the Leahy Act to Israel, say US senators
"The Leahy Law holds all countries to the same standard, yet it appears that the IDF, by far the largest recipient of US military assistance may be held to a different standard.”
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tweetingukpolitics · 2 years
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lilithism1848 · 4 months
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miawashere · 1 year
increase of police brutality
i realized with the death of Jaahnavi Kandula, there has been an increase of police brutality for years. and after researching, police brutality has been increasing- especially with the spark of the BLM movement. In 2021 alone, 1,145 people were reported killed by officers, according to the Guardian. after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, it asks the question on whether or not police are more racist to people of color. it’s so sad that because of one’s skin color, you’ll be discriminated by people you’ve never even met before who’s sole job is to protect you.
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sesshomarou · 5 months
i have a sickening feeling that once israel ceases to be politically beneficial to western countries the governments will try to use it as a way to once again scapegoat Jewish people
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hussyknee · 10 months
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