#maniacal laughter in front of a fire seems about right
lilacthebooklover · 10 months
sorry guys i'm in my bossman hero era
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kipsels · 11 months
Hidden Rule
Wriothesley x Lumine
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Lumine’s feet clashed with the metal flooring as she fled down another passageway, her heart thumping out of her chest. Her pursuers were too close, the sound of their own footfalls clanging against steel grating her ears.
“Come on, little lady! We just want to give you a proper welcome!” One jeered, the sound of raucous laughter following behind them.
Lumine’s lungs burned as she forced her legs to move faster, regret filling every fibre of her being. She had played with fire before, had broken every hidden rule with little consequence, but this– she’d never expected this.
Never leave your dorm on the night of the full moon.
That was what they said.
It seemed such a foolish rule for a place at the bottom of the ocean, leagues away from ever seeing the moon’s glow. So she’d taken the bait, hoping for a new clue, a new lead, anything. And now she was running for her life.
“You can’t run forever!”
“Try me!” She hollered back, taking a hard right down another tunnel. Puddles of water splashed up her legs as she raced through them, tracking her wet footprints across the steel floor.
It didn’t make sense! Where were all the guards? Why did no one care that there was a pack of maniacs on the loose?
The pathway forked in front of her, each a sharp turn that hindered her ability to see which way to take. On a gamble, Lumine swerved left.
And immediately regretted it.
The path ended in a wall of steel, with no exits in sight. By the time she had turned around to backtrack, the trio was upon her. Their expressions were wild, more like slavering beasts than humans, and their eyes glowed a terrifying yellow in the darkness.
Stunned by their appearance, Lumine did not have enough time to react before two of them lunged towards her. Their grimy fingers dug into her arms, hauling her back against the wall with such force that stars bloomed in her vision.
“Let go of me,” She snapped, thrashing against the two fiends holding her down.
“Quit struggling,” The third giggled, on the edge of hysteria, “We just want to have a little taste, that’s all.”
“You heard her, let her go.”
Lumine collapsed against the cold steel wall when they dropped their hold on her in an instant, the rabid prisoners visibly trembling under the intensity of Wriothesley’s command.
“But Your Grace, the rule states–”
“Rules change. Now get out,” He growled, the tone of his voice demanding their submission.
And just like a pack of chastised dogs, the prisoners fled with their proverbial tails tucked between their legs. Wriothesley turned to watch them flee, a quiet scoff leaving his lips.
Lumine sagged against the wall in relief, the tension in her muscles starting to relax.
“Your Grace, thank you f–”
“A pretty princess like you should know better than to break the rules.”
Lumine reeled back in shock.
Lumine could not claim to know the Duke of Meropide well. They had only brushed paths on that first day, but he'd been cordial and polite, if a little blunt. She'd done her best to avoid him since, but the harshness of his tone, the belittling moniker... it left her taken aback.
Wriothesley had not yet turned to look at her, the broad expanse of his shoulders blocking out much of the harsh amber lights swamping the passage. He seemed to be breathing heavily, his muscles bunched tight beneath the fabric of his shirt.
“W-what do you mean?”
“The ocean might stave off some of the moon’s more transformative effects, but the wolves of Meropide can still feel its call. But I can’t blame them, the bloodlust is almost impossible to resist.”
His knuckles cracked as his hands wound themselves into tight fists, and Lumine realised that he, too, was quivering where he stood.
“Wolves? What wolves?” Lumine asked, “You’re not making any sense.”
Nothing about tonight was making any sense.
“The Fortress is home to everyone who has found themselves on the wrong side of the law,” He said softly, his shoulders rolling back with tension, “But it is also a safe haven for those who have become creatures of the night.”
Wriothesley ran a hand through his mussed hair, gripping at the strands and tugging. Between the black wrappings around his palms and wrist, it almost looked like dark fur was sprouting from his skin.
Lumine shook her head, certain the adrenaline was making her see things.
“When the moon calls, they have free reign of the Fortress, and those who do not heed the warnings eventually join them.”
Silence fell, only their breaths and the quiet plink of water dripping from the pipes above them filling the space.
By some unknown force, Lumine was frozen to the spot. The heavy weight of dread fell into the pit of her stomach as the clues started to knit together in her mind.
“Mind you, I wasn’t being entirely virtuous just now. Just because I wasn’t going to let them turn you… doesn’t mean you’re safe.”
“Your Gr-...Wriothesley?”
“You see, the alpha of the pack always gets first pick. And princess…”
Wriothesley turned, the light glancing off his bright, glowing, yellow eyes.
A gasp escaped Lumine’s lips, and she scrambled against the wet floors to put distance between them.
“...You smell delicious.”
His handsome face contorted with lupine hunger, the bridge of his nose wrinkling as a feral grin split across his lips.
And all Lumine saw was a set of fangs, glistening in the amber light.
- Fin -
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q-gorgeous · 19 days
Broken Dashed Ladybug Chapter 4
Danny bent over, out of breath. 
Why was gym class a thing? It was cruel and unusual punishment. Pure torture. 
Sam barked out a laugh as she ran up behind him. “Come on, Danny. This is my fourth time lapping you.”
“Just because you have some super human abilities doesn’t mean I do. How are you so fit?”
Sam chuckled. “I don’t spend every waking moment playing video games in my room.”
Danny stood up straight and started jogging again. “I don’t spend all my time playing video games. I do… other things.”
Nothing he could tell Sam about anyways.
Sam snorted. “Gross.”
“No!” Danny shouted. “You’re gross, Sam! You’re the gross one!”
“But you’re not fooling anyone.” Sam ran ahead of him and turned to face him so that she was running backwards. “Jazz says all she hears you doing is playing on your computer. All she hears you listen to is the Doomed soundtrack.”
“It’s a good soundtrack.” Danny was glad that the music tricked Jazz into believing he was in his room when he was really out doing patrol. 
“How come you never invite me to play anymore if you’re on all the time anyways?” Sam shot him a small smile. “I can't even remember the time we-“
Something flickered in Sam’s eyes and she suddenly stopped running.
“I gotta go. I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
“What?” Danny followed after her a couple steps but then she broke into a jog. “Are you okay?”
She waved a hand over her shoulder as she left but didn’t say anything to him. Danny just watched her go. 
Suddenly someone was shoulder checking him. Danny hissed and glared at them, rubbing his shoulder. 
It was Dash. 
“What, did your girlfriend finally get sick of you?” Dash sneered at him, jogging in place as he taunted Danny. 
Danny scowled. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“What, is the loser brigade finally breaking up now that Foley isn’t here to hold it together?”
Danny ground his teeth together, his hands forming into fists and he glared at Dash.
“I don’t know what your problem is, would you just stop talking about-”
Danny stopped talking when he heard maniacal laughter coming from the air above them. He looked up and saw someone jumping through the air towards them. 
Danny’s eyes widened. An akuma.
Dash took a step back and looked around as their classmates started running away.
“Ah! What have we here? These are some tasty emotions, that’s for sure!” 
The akuma landed on the ground in front of Danny and Dash. She was big. Her body looked as if it was made of shadows, or fire pulled from the void. Her eyes glowed red and her smile was manic. 
“Your grief is palpable. How is it that you haven’t succumbed to our Empress’s akumas yet? Your emotions are so powerful!” 
“Who are you?” Danny asks. 
“I am Spectra!” She shouted, flourishing an arm through the air. “I live to make others miserable and to steal their beauty and youth! And you seem to be an excellent meal.”
She moved to dive towards him but he jumped out of the way just before she landed on the ground where he was just standing. 
Dash made a move to run away but tripped over a rock in the grass and fell to the ground. 
“Wow, look at you. Afraid to be in a situation where you are no longer strong enough to defend yourself?”
Dash scrambled across the ground, backing away from the akuma. 
While her back was turned, Danny ran off into a grouping of trees near the edge of the school grounds. 
He transformed and when he swung over to where they were, he saw that the akuma had picked Dash up and held him inside one of her giant hands. 
“Let him go!” Danny shouted at her. He pulled his yoyo out and started twirling it. 
“Ah, the famous Ladybug! We finally meet!” 
“I need you to let go of the civilian.” 
She stared at him, a calculating expression on her face before she smiled a too wide smile at Danny as she gripped Dash in her pointy hands. 
“You don’t like this boy do you? I can smell the hatred coming off of you.” 
Danny pointedly kept his gaze off of Dash. He couldn’t let her get anything on him. Couldn’t let her in on how close she was getting. Or let Dash catch on. 
“What is it about him?” She grabbed Dash by the face and twisted his head to face her. “Is he a little too pretty? Is he popular? Is he everything you aren’t?” 
“Put him down.” Danny said as he stared at her, yoyo still twirling in his hand. She barked out a laugh at that.
“Why would I put him down? The emotions coming out of your hatred for him are delicious!” She licked her lips and then turned to look at Dash. “But there’s not much of anything coming off of him. He doesn’t seem to hate the famous Ladybug. What could this superhero have against an ordinary civilian, hmm?” 
Dash’s gaze shifted to land on Danny, studying him. 
“Ah there it is!” Spectra exclaimed. “That little bit of fear. Why are you so afraid of your hero hating you?”
“I’m not.” Dash said quietly.
“Oh? Are you sure? Your emotions don’t lie. You can’t hide it from me, no matter how hard you try to hide it from him.”
Danny ground his teeth together and looped his yoyo around a street light and pulled himself into the air. He swung around and kicked Spectra in the stomach, causing her to drop Dash. Once he hit the ground he pushed himself back up and started sprinting towards the school. 
She hissed and turned her head as she watched Dash run away and Danny saw a lone earring on the other side of her face that he didn’t notice until now. 
Spectra made to chase after him but Danny looped his yoyo around her waist.
“Now come on, are you trying to play with your food?”
She turned to look at Danny, another maniacal smile on her face. “Forget him. Your emotions are much more filling. More delicious. More complex.” 
“You’re a terrible flirt.” 
Danny looked up just in time to see Chat Noir hitting Spectra in the back of the head with his baton.
“If that’s her idea of flirting, I can see why she wants to make everyone else miserable.” Danny said to Chat Noir when he jumped down beside him. 
“I do have to admit though, you do look pretty delicious.” Chat Noir sent him a smirk and Danny blushed.
Spectra chuckled and they both looked back at her. “Chat Noir is afraid of his partner secretly hating him. Oh, that too is delicious.”
Danny shot another glance at Chat Noir. He was staring up at Spectra with wide eyes. 
“I think the akuma is in the earring she’s wearing.” Danny whispered. “She only has one.”
Chat Noir shook his head. “Right. Any plans so far?”
“No, but-”
Spectra was bringing down a hand over them and Danny jumped to push Chat Noir out of the way. 
“Why would Chat Noir be afraid of Ladybug hating him? Where did he get that inclination from? I wonder.” 
Danny stood up and threw his yoyo into the sky. 
“Lucky charm!” 
A polka dotted tennis racket fell into his hands. The wires in the center were broken.
“Maybe Chat Noir has run into Ladybug as his civilian self and had a sour encounter. Maybe Chat Noir is keeping secrets from his trusted partner.”
Danny tuned her out as he looked around for a way to use the lucky charm. 
“Maybe Chat Noir doesn’t really think he’s a hero at all. He’s losing everything and taking it out on others.”
Danny’s eyes widened. He’s got it.
“Chat Noir!” He shouted. “Be ready!” 
Chat Noir nodded at Danny before they both jumped in opposite directions. 
“Chat Noir fears losing the one he loves.”
Danny swung around behind Spectra who had her attention on Dash. Danny waited and watched, waiting for the right moment to jump.
“He’s worried about not meeting Ladybug’s expectations. What will he do if Chat Noir isn’t who Ladybug wants him to be?”
He jumped at Spectra from behind, who turned to face him, giving him the perfect angle to bring the broken tennis racket down and around her earring. He pulled it off and flung it in Chat Noir’s direction.
“No!” Spectra yelled as Chat Noir caught the large earring in his hands.
The earring turned to dust and fell to the ground. A purple butterfly gently rose into the air. Danny caught it before it could get far. 
He released the butterfly and picked the tennis racket back up.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” 
Once the ladybugs fixed everything and he saw that Spectra was back to her normal self, Danny jumped away. He could hear Chat Noir following after him.
They landed on the roof together and Danny turned to look at him. He looked a little distraught.
“Hey, are you okay?” 
Chat Noir looked at him, a searching look in his face. 
“Yeah, I’m- I’m.. fine.”
“Oh. Okay.” Danny turned to jump away as his earrings beeped. “I gotta-”
“You would never hate me, would you?”
Danny’s head shot up and he turned to look at Chat Noir again. “What? Of course not.” 
Chat Noir smiled at him sadly and jumped away. 
Why would Chat Noir be so afraid of Danny hating him? Spectra was just trying to get under their skin. Yeah, maybe there’d be some worry with their secret identities. They didn’t really know who the other was. That had to be it. 
Danny jumped in the opposite direction and swung towards the school. After traveling a couple blocks, he dropped down into an alley and transformed just after he hit the ground. 
Danny didn’t know what time it was, but he knew he needed to get back to school before he missed even more of it. 
He ran out of the alley and was looking down when he ran straight into someone else. 
Danny bounced off their chest and took a step back. When he looked up he saw that it was Dash Baxter standing in front of him. 
“Watch it-.” Dash shoved Danny away from him and furrowed his brows. “Fenton? How did you get all the way out here?”
“You watch it, Dash.” Danny brushed himself off. “What does it matter what I’m doing? Too worried about someone catching you skipping class again?”
Dash scoffed. “Like you’re one to talk. You’re literally skipping class right now. You skip class almost as much as I do. Maybe even more.” 
“How would you know? You’re not even there.” Danny stared up at Dash challengingly. Dash frowned down at him. 
“What’s it matter to you?” 
Danny shrugged. “I just wonder what it is you get up to. What’s so important to Dash Baxter that he’d risk his place on the football team for it? Oh wait, he already lost his spot.”
Dash slowly stalked up to Danny and bent down so their faces were level. He grabbed the front of Danny’s shirt and yanked him up. 
“Listen here, you little shit.” Dash hissed into Danny’s face. “I’m losing everything due to my responsibilities. You don’t know what I’m going through. What it’s like not meeting the expectations of those closest to you. I’m not what they want me to be. So stop pulling my whiskers, you flea.”
Dash threw Danny away from him again.
Danny’s stomach dropped as he looked up at Dash.
No.. It couldn’t be. It had to be a coincidence. That wasn’t him that Spectra said those things to. It was-
Danny took a sharp breath. 
Chat Noir. 
Dash was Cat Noir? His partner? His best friend? 
The one he was falling in love with? 
He saw Dash frown at him and he reached forward to wave his hand in front of Danny’s face. His mouth was moving but Danny couldn’t hear anything over the ringing in his ears. 
Dash reached towards Danny but then took a step back as he looked over Danny’s shoulder. Dash’s eyes widened as his gaze landed on Danny’s ear and he could feel something slipping into his necklace. 
Oh no.
“Hello, Danny. I am the Purple Empress.” 
No, no. Danny clenched his head and started walking backwards down the street.
“I never wanted to do this, Danny. Especially to you.”
“But it seems you’ve had what I wanted this whole time. I’m sorry to do this to you.” 
Danny could feel the transformation take over him and he looked up just as Dash called on his own and started running towards him. Then everything changed. 
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thescrump · 1 year
Through It All: A Sonamy Story - Chapter 14: “Together We Fight”
Sonic and Amy were ready for whatever Eggman's new robot could throw at them. They stood side by side, their eyes locked onto the massive machine in front of them. Eggman's robot was unlike anything they had seen before, with a sleek, metallic red exterior and a multitude of concealed weapons. Sonic knew this was going to be a tough fight, but he had faith in his abilities and his friends. "Let's do this, Ames," Sonic said, his voice filled with determination. Amy nodded, her eyes focused on the task at hand. "Right behind you, Sonic."
Sonic charged towards the robot, dodging the barrage of missiles and lasers that were fired in his direction. He managed to land a few hits, but it seemed like he was barely scratching the surface of the robot's defenses. The only thing he could damage was the robot’s paint job. Eggman laughed maniacally from within his machine, taunting Sonic as he tried to take it down. "You can't win this fight. I am piloting the perfect machine, and you are a mere rat!" The hand of Eggman's mech shoved forwards, catching Sonic out of the air. Sonic was trapped in the grip of the robot's hand, unable to move or escape. “I’m not a rat!” he said, out of breath. He struggled against the metal fingers, trying to break free, but it was no use. Eggman's robot was just too strong. "There's no chance to escape. This robot has been perfectly designed to defeat you!" Eggman gloated.
Sonic's friends watched in horror as Sonic was lifted into the air, his body held captive by the mechanical fingers. Sonic gave a confident, reassuring look towards his friends. "Oh sure, it may beat me...but it's probably not going to beat her." Eggman looked down, seeing Amy fuming as she walked. "Unhand Sonic, or else." Eggman burst into laughter. "Or else what! You’re going to give me my horoscope?" "THIS!!!" Amy shouted as she charged towards the robot. She leaped towards the machine, her Piko Piko Hammer at the ready. She delivered a powerful swing towards the arm holding Sonic, severing it. The arm holding Sonic fell to the ground, and Sonic was finally free. “How the-!” As he fell, he finished what he was saying to Eggman before he was grabbed. “I’m a hedgehog.”
He landed safely on the ground, while Amy landed gracefully next to him. Sonic grinned at Amy, brushing dust off the shirt he was wearing. "Thanks. Now, are you okay?" "I'm pretty good." Amy responded. "Glad to hear that. What about you, Tails?" "Doing okay." Tails said. "Good. Now, Team Heroes, ... Let's do it, to it!" The three of them, along with Amy's friends and the Chaotix, charged towards Eggman's robot, determined to take it down. They worked together, coordinating their attacks and using their unique abilities to their advantage.
Tails weaved through the chaos in his plane, strategically launching a barrage of bombs and missiles at the robot. Big, Vector, and Mighty took turns delivering powerful blows, their fists and claws relentlessly assaulting the robot's defenses. Charmy, Espio, and Cream's nimble maneuvers and lightning-fast attacks kept the robot off balance. Sticks, Ray, and Gemerl focused on rescuing civilians, ensuring their safety amidst the chaos. Together, they complemented Sonic and Amy's efforts to dismantle the robot.Sonic and Amy worked together to deliver powerful blows to the robot's exterior, trying to find weak spots. They could see that their attacks were starting to make a difference, as the robot began to falter and slow down. Eggman grew increasingly frustrated with each hit, his plans of finally defeating Sonic slowly slipping away. "This can't be happening!" he screamed from within his machine. "I won't let you defeat me!" Eggman activated the robot's self-destruct sequence, hoping to take out Sonic and his friends in the process. Sonic and Amy looked at each other, determination in their eyes. "We can't let him get away with this," Sonic said. "Let's finish this once and for all!" Amy nodded, gripping her hammer tightly. Sonic and Amy charged towards the robot, aiming for the cockpit where Eggman was piloting it. Eggman tried to fend them off with the robot's remaining weapons, but it was no use. Sonic and Amy managed to land a final blow, shattering the cockpit and causing the robot to explode. Sonic and Amy stood above Eggman in the remains of his mech. "No! No! This can't be! I was more than capable of finally killing you! I had countermeasures for all of your abilities! EVERY! SINGLE! ONE! I had prepared for ANYTHING! ANYTHING!" "Yeah, but you didn't account or prepare for anyone but Sonic." Amy said. "I'm not Earth's only hero, after all. If, for some reason, I can't beat you single-handedly..." Sonic stared at Amy for a split second. "Then me and my friends certainly can!" Eggman called down the Eggmobile, crying and screaming as he made his escape. "I HATE THOSE HEDGEHOGS!!!" Sonic and Amy turned to each other, relief and happiness flooding through them. They shared a smile, realizing that they had once again saved the day. "Great job, Ames. Sorry if I or the date didn’t live up to your expectations." Sonic said, giving her a thumbs up. "It was better than I would’ve ever expected, Sonic." Amy replied, a blush rising on her cheeks. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?" Sonic grinned. "The best." Amy giggled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. They turned to their friends, who were all celebrating their victory together. They had all played a vital role in taking down Eggman's robot, and they were proud of what they had accomplished. "We did it!" Tails shouted, holding up a fist in triumph. "Yeah, we did!" Cream said, smiling widely. "I'm just glad everyone's safe," Sticks chimed in, scanning the area for any signs of danger. "We couldn't have done it without all of you," Vector said, looking around at the group. "Everyone played a part in taking down that machine." Sonic and Amy looked at each other, feeling grateful for the friends they had by their side. They knew that they could always count on each other, and that they were stronger together. "This one deserves a celebration!" Sonic shouted out. “I know a great place.” Amy said.
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
For the canon scene: Niragi killing half of the Beach just because and being burned alive by Chishiya.
Send me a scene that happened in canon and I’ll write in detail how my muse felt in it!
Niragi killing half of the Beach (I'll assume you refer to the beginning of the 10 of Hearts game.)
A cold shiver ran through Kukki, waking her up in a seemingly cold sweat. A bad dream... It was either that or the slight noises coming from outside the now pitch black hotel room that must've awoken her soo abruptly. It was already nightfall? She hadn't even realized that time would fly by so quickly... "What time is it?" The young woman rubbed her eyes and tried reaching for the phone resting on the nightstand next to the bed.
The now cold sheets next to her indicated that Niragi must've left the room long ago, but knowing him and his demeanor, she wasn't that unused to going to sleep in his arms, then waking up all alone like that. She sighed slightly, whishing that at least he would have set an alarm for her to wake up in time before the night's games started, since her visa was soon to run out of days and Kukki hated waiting till the very last moment to renew it. But there wasn't much she could do now. Maybe next time...
Picking up the phone, she noticed the screen was blinking, signaling the beginning of a game. Weird... Shouldn't they be doing this only during games? The silver haired thought to herself and pressed on the blinking notification icon. Just a moment later her eyes widened in shock and her blood almost froze in her veins. "10 of Hearts: Witch hunt" The bold text read and all she could think of in that moment was how she had to hurry and find Niragi. This was bad... Very bad!
Less than 10 minutes later, out of breath from running, but still on edge, Kukki had finally reached the main hall, from where she could hear the most noise coming from. She could see the big crowd gathered in a circle around the middle of the room and shouting coming from the center. There were at least 2 or 3 people arguing about something and one of the voices was without a doubt Niragi's. However, she couldn't tell what he was saying from her current stand point, but for sure he was there.
A sigh of relief left her lips, knowing that at least he was aware of the mess they were now stuck in and hopefully he could explain the situation to her too (since she had apparently missed the instructions part). Kukki then started making her way ahead through the panicked crowd of Beach residents, and right when she was finally about to get to the front, she was startled by the loud sound of a gunshot being fired, followed by Niragi's maniacal laughter as he excitedly announced "Let the game begin then!". What commenced then was an agitated swarm of terrified screams accompanied by more shots being fired into the masses of players.
Confusion... As the others started running all around her in an attempt to save their lives, someone bumped into her, rendering Kukki to fall to the ground, hurting her ankle. But the pain could wait. In the chaos, she could finally see Niragi and his men firing into the defenseless players. Suddenly, the fact that they were stuck in the middle of a game didn't seem to be as important anymore to her, eclipsed by the sadness and disappointment she felt in that very moment seeing the man she loved murdering people for seemingly no reason other than the sadistic pleasure of it. Why? Just why? The question echoed when their eyes finally met.
Niragi being burned alive by Chishiya
"Your men almost shot me!" Her voice came thundering into the night air, cold as ice. "Yeah, I know, but I didn't let them, didn't I? Why are you so angry anyways?" Came the man's nonchalant reply, as he didn't even deign turning around to look at her. "One second more and that guy would've unloaded his gun into my skull! It doesn't matter that you stopped him, the fact remains that I almost got killed FROM YOUR OWN ORDER!" Kukki frowned and looked scoffing away from Niragi. "I can't believe you'd go on and just like that ignite an entire genocide! Wasn't there any other way?! Aren't these people our friends?!" She was clearly outraged and just because Niragi promised her that 'everything will be okay and that he'll protect her', it didn't change one bit the fact that now she was an accomplice to his mass murder 'party'.
"They are YOUR friends maybe, but not mine, princess! If you don't like it, then you can just join them into the bonfire." The male's response came low and cold after a brief moment. "I told you, this is the best and fastest way for us to identify the goddamn witch. Plus, it's fun, so why shouldn't we do it?" He'd finally took a short break from his little 'sniper shooting game' to look at her in what felt like almost ages.
"I can't believe you! Murder isn't always the answer!" Kukki kept her ground and Niragi could tell that she was extremely angry about it all, but it was useless arguing with her. He already made up his mind and she seemed to have made up hers. "Told you princess, this is the quickest way and I'm sticking to it. You can stay by my side, or go and join them if they are more important to you than I am. But don't even think to stay in my way! Just because I caught a liking to fucking you now and then, it doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do, spoiled bitch, and if need be I'll kill you the same way I am killing those pathetic pieces of shit!" His dark stare and the harsh words felt sharper than a knife as they plunged into Kukki's heart. He probably didn't really mean that last part, but even so, it hurt all the same.
She was about to tell him something, when both of their attentions got distracted by an amused hum, as a newcomer decided to join them on the roof. "Trouble in paradise? Well, I couldn't care less." The ironic mocking tone couldn't belong to anyone but nonother than Chishiya Shuntaro, the man whom Niragi happened to despise the most out of all the members of the Beach.
To be frank, Kukki was a bit confused and surprised too to see Chishiya there. He never meddled into Niragi's affairs and business, so for him to come all the way here while there was an active manhunt taking place right as they spoke, instead of taking refuge, it meant the blonde was there with a clear objective in mind.
Kukki didn't get much time to wonder what it could've been, because after a few more exchanges between Niragi and the blonde, Chishiya did the unthinkable and threw in the air what couldn't have been anything but Hatter's prized stack of playing cards they were putting their lives on the line to gather. Playing cards?! Then as soon as the two were distracted by the revelation, Chishiya's next move was to raise and point a watergun in Niragi's direction. But it wasn't your ordinary toy, this thing had a lighter attached to the tip.
The young woman noticed that and she was about to warn Niragi, but it was too late, before she could even finish shouting "WATCH OUT", the scorching flames of the makeshift flamethrower lit up the night, engulfing Niragi into a burning hell.
"NIRAGI!" Kukki's desperate cry echoed as she extended her hand in a poor attempt of reaching the man, and as if everything moved in slow motion, she watched in desperation as her hand missed his by a few millimeters and Niragi fell off the roof.
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yanderenightmare · 3 years
could we get yandere poly hero bakugo x villain deku x childhood friend??? but make them both kinda off the deep end :) like that sounds so spicy o-o
poly yandere ! BAKUDEKU x childhood friend
goodiebag WARNINGS: nsfw, noncon/dubcon, gangbang, double-d, slut-shaming, guilt-tripping, degradation, condescension, patronisation
"You? A hero?!"
Ash blonde locks shook with the snide laughter of whom they belonged to. His snickering going well with the crackling in his palms.
Izuku was on the ground again. Dirt the least of his worries with the burns running up his forearm.
"Don't kid yourself! You'll never be more than useless wimp, Deku!" The red-eyed boy jeered. Looking down into the pitiful blank puddles of terrified green at his feet.
Grinning like a maniac. Before something came to block the view.
He stood like a demon menace in front of her, where she'd once again placed herself between the two. As quirkless as the boy on the ground, but not as willing to give in to bullies. Despite said bully technically being a friend.
Her face twisted. Eyes hardening as she stared up at the boy who'd only recently gained some height on her.
"You want to shit all over our dreams?!" She yelled. Her pointer finger pushed into the skull on his black T-shirt. Making his expression drop before altering into one of surprise of her sudden bravery.
Until once again shifting to one of offence.
He rose a brow. Ready to shove another pathetic weakling who was out to play hero to the ground. On their knees where they belonged.
"What about you?! Huh?!" She yelled before he had the chance. "A hero?!"
If he didn't know any better, he'd say she was making fun of him.
But that simply couldn't be.
"Next Allmight?!" She posed sarcastically.
And although he'd never heard anyone speak to him like it ever before, he was positive he didn't like her tone.
He opened his mouth to put her in her place, but she beat him to it once again.
"Are you delusional?!"
Her voice just kept rising. Kept going above whatever comment he was trying to push between her insults.
"People are better off left with villains than with you coming to the rescue!"
Katsuki went quiet at that. Drawn back as though pushed.
His eyes round as he looked down at the girl who seemed to hold more fire in her eyes than him. Yelling at him. Still with that annoying squealing girly voice she had. Though now sharpened like a dagger and thrown at him as though she actually had no fear of him.
"I'd take a villain over a monster any day!"
Deku had remained quiet. Though reached out a hurt arm to pull on her skirt now.
"Hey... stop-" His voice was weak.
Weak and pathetic.
Just like the rest of him. No mind to him being quirkless.
"No! Shut up! You always defend him!"
She snapped around. Her finger now pointed at the freckle-faced crybaby still in the spot Kachan had pushed him to.
He hadn't even dared get up or say anything. Always leaving her to do his dirty work. Never defending himself. Just allowing Kachan to push them around like he was some King and they were his servants.
His jesters.
A spoiled brat's toys he could break whenever he felt like.
"He's right. You are useless." She spit.
A look of disgust on her face as she pulled her skirt to herself. Ripping it loose from his weak grip.
Letting him drop palms first in the sand.
"Well, I'm done protecting you."
Whipping around, she faced the other boy.
His ash-blond main blowing in the wind as he stood still and stunned.
"And I'm done forgiving you!"
She wouldn't allow the tears to fall. She wouldn't allow herself to be weak anymore.
She was done.
"I'm done!"
She stepped off.
Leaving the two.
Hoping she wouldn't trip in the sandlot dust of the playground as she stomped off. Thinking it would be too embarrassing if she were to make such a statement only to fall on her face.
But she held her head high. Refraining from looking back at the two who she hoped stared after her.
Hoping this would be a lesson for them. Hoping they'd grow up for a change.
Despite the three of them being just ten.
"I'm done with both of you!"
Turns out... growing up wasn't all it was cracked up to be...
She drunk way too much last night.
She knew she should have told Rebecca to go clubbing on her own. But, the rent was just around the corner and that promoter check she gets for simply looking pretty and laughing at rich guys bad jokes was way too tempting to decline.
At least no guy had groped her this time. Or at least she'd gotten too drunk to remember it if it did.
Besides, with the way Rebecca dresses she couldn't allow her to go alone.
While she'd be left safely at home in her fuzzy socks. Her friend's silly judgment and short dress would allow her to fall prey to some rich sleaze who vouched for the pull-out method.
She’s a good friend for looking out for her, she thought and smiled as she drooled into her pillow and giggled just a bit before the pins and needles tugged at her scalp.
She's in the least allowed to pat herself on the back by sleeping in.
And by sleeping in, she means sleeping all day until midnight the day after.
She'd probably sleep even longer until the next morning. Headache and all still lingering like a slight frizz around her crown.
So much so she winced once she heard the noise she guessed must have come from one of her neighbour flat-mates or from up above her.
A sound just loud enough to wake her up.
Groaning while peeling her eyes open. Her hand slapped about the bedside table to try and find her phone, though coming at a loss at the same time feeling something cold poke her back where she twisted in the sheets.
Bending her arm, she awkwardly dragged the phone she'd been sleeping on from beneath her. Eyes squinting in a grimace as the screen lit up in her face. Way too bright white numbers reading double-o-something.
"Half a day of sleep don't do me justice..." She whined groggily as she slipped out from bed with a groan.
Club-dress still on from last night. Short and black, loose-fit but revealing, now sticking to her dried-sweaty skin.
She placed her phone on the dresser and pushed her finger-pads into her temples. Grimacing at the sting while she sighed out a pained little whimper.
"Fuck- Last time I'm doin' this... Too old for this bullshit."
Head only buzzing more with each step she took on the cold faux-wood floor as she slowly made her way to the kitchen.
Passing the full-length mirror she'd placed in the hallway. She stopped with a dead look in her eyes at the sight of herself.
Smeared mascara and rubbed smokey-eye looking like the mask of a raccoon. Nose red and lips dry and pale with their paint-coat long gone. Her hair a tangled birds-nest of regrets she'd already forgotten in her heavy hangover.
"Look like trash, smell like trash, feel like trash..."
She swallowed. Rubbing her sore neck with eyes closed.
"Last time, Becky, I swear... this is getting too tragic."
She dismissed her reflection with raking her fingers through her hair. Moving forward towards the cupboards.
"Oh yeah? What other jobs can a quirkless nobody pursue, buttercup?"
It seemed she wasn't done talking to herself. Though her voice was altered to mimic what one could only guess was supposed to replicate Rebecca.
"I don't know... like- a waitress or something..." She argued against herself.
Choosing her favourite out of the mismatched glasses from the shelf. Before flipping the sink and turning the handle towards cold.
"A waitress? That's practically the same job you have now, Bottle-girl. Just with less than half the pay." She rebutted again. Her voice harsh and pitchy, nagging at herself.
Slipping the spaghetti-straps to her dress off. She let it slink to the floor while waiting for the splashing water to run cold.
Stepping out of the black article she stood freely with no bra and no underwear while filling up her glass.
"You should use your pretty face for what's it's worth while you still can."
She chugged it hastily. Droplets running down her nude chest in the dim moonlight coming in through her open naked windows, in an apartment she assumed was occupied by her and her alone.
"You should shut the fuck up and cry about it in the shower." She dismissed the conversation and wiped her mouth with her forearm.
Placing her glass on the counter with a passive-aggressive clank. She left her dress on the floor and made her way over to her tiny but doable bathroom.
The vent had broken down a while back, and she hadn't the fifty bucks to waste on repairing it or buying a new one when she could simply shower with the door open instead.
It didn't matter much when she lived alone anyway. She just needed to make sure she didn't get a mold crisis on her hands as she really couldn't afford anything but the rent on her shaky salary.
Rebecca had told her to do more private deals in pent-house suites instead of booths at the club. But last time she'd agreed to something like that she'd been roofied and guided to a gold-frame bed with Egyptian-cotton sheets.
All of which wasn't even the worse part as when she'd woken up, thankfully with her dress still on, she'd found the guy she'd been with burnt to a near unrecognisable pulp in the bathroom.
The cops had told her he was part of a drug-ring and that his death was most probably due to those shady activities. Though, not without mentioning that the method he'd been killed with seemed highly strange and cruel for an unimportant no-name thug.
She never failed to think about it each time she entered her own bathroom. Even though the tiles were shoddy and the lights were flickering like fireflies. Miles away from the modern architecture she'd witnessed stain with red on that day.
She shook her head as the water came pouring down upon her head.
Cold like always. Colder the longer she showered.
The hot-water bill another thing she couldn't be fucked to pay.
But she'd grown rather used to it now. Taking her time as she rubbed shampoo into her scalp. Rather thinking it was for the best as hot water would only fog on the walls and give her that rot problem she'd been fearing now that the bathroom fan had kicked the can.
But used to it or not, she didn't bother showering too long.
Getting out once her skin started going purple.
Padding herself dry with a rather scratchy cheap towel. She contemplated investing in something better than dollar-store laundry detergent and maybe some fabric softener. Before ridding herself of the ridiculous thought.
Better save the money.
Drying her hair. She looked down at her nipples and how they strutted like hardened little peaks searching for warmth. Thinking of how rich guys really liked sucking on them when they were like that. How they say they can tell she's going to be a good girl for them for being so sensitive under their hands.
Her eyes stung just a bit. But she stopped herself by digging her nails into her palms.
It would be too silly to cry about it.
The buzzard ringing through the apartment had her dropping the thought completely.
Confusion taking its place instead. Then the slight split-second burn in her chest at the thought of it being the landlord.
Though ridding herself of the notion once reminded what time of day it was.
"It's like- the middle of the night- Who the fuck-" She mumbled.
Leaving the bathroom and padding over to the door-phone. Picking it up.
She had a fair idea of whom to expect.
Only people who knew where she lived where the girls. And she knew all too well how they weren't shy of dropping by late at night for a place to crash if their sleeping arrangements had failed to fall through.
"Hey... it's me."
But that wasn't a girl.
Her brows scrunched. Ears flexing upon the familiar boyish voice hiding in the pitch of the man he must have grown into.
"Bakugou?" She questioned. Her own voice barely reaching above a whisper.
"You' seen the news?" He asked shortly. Dismissing her question in favour of cutting right to the chase, though answering it all the same.
Her head buzzing from a number of things as she tried shaking herself out of the surprise of having him at her door. Before answering.
"Uhm- nah- I- uhm- just woke up-" She spoke into the phone before biting her lip in an effort to stop the words from further humiliating her.
She took a breath. Eyes squished closed while telling herself that there were plenty of reasons to sleep all day and wake up at the witching hour other than being a tragic loser who goes nightclubbing on weekdays.
She didn't need this in the midst of a hangover. She thought with an internal groan as she pinched her brow. Continuing to speak after a beat as he didn’t offer her miserable utterance any reply.
"So- uhm- why are you- what do you want?" She posed. Listening to him breathing.
Before gruff breath turned into words.
"Deku's out of prison."
The mention of his name had her wake up.
"He escaped Tartarus..."
She tensed. Gripping the phone a bit tighter. Eyes wide as she waited.
"I just-" The man paused for a moment. "I need to know you're safe."
Her brows scrunched and her eyes narrowed. A dull frown on her lips as she sobered up some more at the bitter taste his words left in her mouth.
Of course.
Good ol' Kachan and his superiority-complex and his inferiority-complex and his hero-complex and all the other bullshit cooped up in his entitled mind that makes him feel he has the right to be at her door in the middle of the night instead of following the proper protocol and alerting the right authority that she might be in potential danger because their shared childhood friend is a murderous maniac and he's just managed a prison-break.
"I know you don't want to see me, but-" He tried again upon the complete silence she offered.
"Ugh-" She sighed with a rust.
Rolling her eyes while pushing the other button beneath the speaker. Beeping him in.
"It's open. Third floor, apartment thirty-five. The elevator's broken. Try not to wake anyone on the way up."
Bakugou listened to her groggy voice feed him the information through the shitty intercom. Before grabbing and pulling the door open.
Finding the stairs. He began climbing each step as silently as his heavy combat boots would allow. Knocking once he reached her number.
She opened on the first meeting of his knuckles on the wood.
Still only wrapped in a towel. She peeked through the gap in the door the metal chain-lock separating them allowed. A chain they both knew he could easily blow through.
"Hey..." He spoke first.
"What makes you think he's coming here?" She jumped straight to it.
"A hunch." He answered. Frustrated with the conversation being held while he was still outside. Though not enough to invite himself in.
"A hunch?" She questioned. Obvious signs of irritation in her tone.
"You went to see him?" He asked. Once again ignoring her in favour of posing his own questions.
Interrogating her like usual.
And despite wanting to tell him that he had nothing to do with her life. Quite like she'd done the past years when he'd only been brazen enough to send text messages.
She paused instead. Looking away with pursed lips.
"He requested. I excepted." She put it simply, but couldn't refrain from biting her lip upon the memory of seeing him on the news.
His once look of childlike-wonder twisted into something crazed and maniacal alongside disturbing bloodied mangled mockeries of the human form.
"I- uhm...” She took another pause. “Needed to see..."
"Did you?" Bakugou asked without much hesitation.
She swallowed the lump in her throat and met his gaze again.
"I did..."
There was a pause.
"You think it's my fault, don't you?" The blonde on the other side of the door suddenly accused.
Though, it didn’t come as much of a surprise to the girl.
She just scoffed. Sighing as she rolled her eyes.
Typical Kachan to make it all about himself.
Throwing her head back. She took a moment before unlocking the door with another sigh. Leaving it open for the ash-blonde to enter.
Taking only a small moment to regret it once noticing the size of him.
He wasn't a meter tall brat on the playground anymore.
She left the door open for him. Turning around after one last glance at how much bigger he was in real life than what he looked on TV.
"I was the one that abandoned him..." She muttered. Surprising the blonde male.
Walking to another room out of his sight as he ducked to fit in through the doorframe.
He heard her opening a drawer then closing it. Before she came back out again in a large white tee nearly reaching farther down her thighs than the short pyjama bottoms she'd slipped on too.
It made him uncomfortable when the thought of it belonging to some guy crossed his mind. Before he got distracted by the notice of her not wearing any bra.
Probably no underwear either. Just a pair of pink bunny-slippers.
"Truth is, Bakugou, he's neither of our responsibility..." She told him absentmindedly. The same thing she'd been telling herself over the several weeks that had passed since she visited him at the prison.
Her hands busy rubbing her hair with the towel she'd thrown over her head.
"There was always something wrong with him-"
"Bakugou, huh?" He interrupted.
"Hm?" She tipped her head at him in askance after having thrown her towel over her bathroom door.
"I don't think I've ever heard you use that name." He said as he stepped out of his large black boots.
Indicating he planned on staying a little while before leaving again.
"We haven't spoken properly in... what?" She calculated. "Like- fifteen years, is it now?"
She seemed to be counting fingers.
"That time outweighs the time we were..." She hesitated. Looking at the tall blonde.
The word friend only barely came to mind. Along with the word bully and jerk and bastard and all other synonyms.
"Whatever..." She decided was a good a word as any.
"Stone cold, as always, aren't yah?" He observed.
"Mh." She murmured. Not offering more of a response. "Water?"
She picked up her glass from earlier. Turning the tap and filling it up.
"Sure." He took her offer and watched her brush passed him to open a shoddy drawer where several pill-tables were stored.
She grabbed one that looked close to empty and pushed two from their pockets. Throwing them in her mouth before following with chugging her glass.
Bakugou watched as she blew her cheeks full with mouthful after mouthful of her drink while swallowing. A quirk playing at the edge of his lips as he watched her fish for another cup for him in the cabinet. His yes glued to the droplet that trickled down her chin and chest and disappeared somewhere in her cleavage. Verifying his thought from before. That she was indeed not wearing any bra.
She didn't notice his stares however. Where she was much too busy trying to calm the slight burn of embarrassment she felt over her mismatched crockery. Handing him one of few glasses that weren't chipped or flaked.
Wanting to curse herself as she couldn't find the courage to even look up at him as he took the cup from her hand.
Feeling his large coarse fingers brush over hers briefly. Almost making her drop it to a shattered mess on the floor.
His smirk grew. Even though he tried suppressing it.
He couldn't help it.
She just looked so cute.
Just like she did back when they were kids.
Despite having some remnants of mascara around her eyes, and a swell of breasts and hips now.
She was still small in those areas he was big.
Small manicured hands and feet with pedicured toes wearing those cute fluffy pink slippers.
Those large doe-eyes and that cute little button-nose.
She looked much smaller up close he noted. When she was standing right next to him. Tiny and so very defenceless.
She really shouldn't be living alone.
She looked up at him after feeling him stare holes into her neck for a while. Feeling observed and suddenly a bit too naked to be standing so casually with a person that was now practically a mere stranger.
But Bakugou didn't seem too catch much of the discomfort she was putting across. Or he did, and was doing an excellent job at ignoring it.
Otherwise distracted with the shiny black slip discarded on the floor.
He lowered himself in a squat and picked the little black party dress up. Inspecting it and it's length. Or rather it’s lack of.
His eyebrows raised in judgement as he gave a flash of that sun-swallowing grin he used to toss at her when he'd find a new bug in the forest before chasing her around with it, barking out how he’d put it in her ear where it could lay its eggs and turn her brain to mush.
It was strange seeing it without the missing teeth, she thought.
"Late night?" He questioned. Teasing her before she managed snatching the article form his grip.
Balling it up between her fists and giving a small pout before deciding to joke a bit too.
"Nah, it's just a tea-towel." She blinked innocently. Before giggling and giving a tiny smile of her own. Her eyes sparkling at him.
And he was suddenly aware of his heart.
"You look good." He let slip.
Couldn't help himself when seeing her dimples pop.
"Yeah?" She smiled. Arching a brow at him in suspicion. Thinking he was having another jab at her. "Well, I feel like shit." She admitted.
Leaning against the sink while messaging her temples. Her eyes closed and brows slightly furrowed.
"You should take better care of yourself." He stated.
But apparently it was the wrong thing to say.
Her eyes opened and looked at him unamusingly. Smile gone.
"Charming as ever, I see." She bit out.
"I'm just saying..." He started defending.
His voice set in that strict condescension so many guys feel as though they have the right to talk down to her with.
"Out all night drinking, smoking pot and fuck knows what else, sleeping all day, kitchen close to barren, not to mention your wardrobe-"
"Right." She stopped him. Visibly offended with the flicker of that old fire he'd been burned by so many years ago present like glowing embers in her eyes. "Quit acting like you can decipher my entire lifestyle from one skimpy club-dress on the floor, Sherlock." She snipped.
And he side-eyed the bong she'd left on the couch.
She followed his eyes and felt another pang of embarrassment at the sight of her equipment freshly splayed out from the night before.
"What?" She questioned sharply. Meeting his judgemental stare with a glare of her own.
Red-eyes once so childish and entitled, now so strangely mature.
"You gonna arrest me?"
Whereas she, evidently, still acted like a child.
"You'd be safer." He stated and she sharpened her eyes even harder at him while folding her arms. "But I wasn't planning on it."
"Cool. So how long before you leave?" Her voice had gone sour.
But he only chuckled at her behaviour. Loving the many trips down memory-lane all her little mannerisms where sending him on.
"You runnin' late for somethin'?"
His smirk was back.
And she felt something creep about her stomach that had her guts folding in all those nostalgic ways that told her he was up to no good.
"I thought we were catching up?" He asked. Putting his cup down before resting his palms against the counter as he leaned back on them.
Making no indication he was about to excuse himself.
"Quit acting like we're pals." She finally spit out. Feeling as though he'd long overstayed his welcome. "We were never even chummy to begin with-"
She halted in her building anger. Her brows furrowing.
"How did you even get my address-"
There was a crash to their side and she flinched like a spooked hare.
Her head snapping to the sound of whatever'd been knocked over in the living room.
But more importantly, what exactly had caused it.
Something stood in the shadowed corner of the room. Just behind her bedroom door.
A vase laid shattered on the floor. And a hand, a large hand, drummed strong, seemingly heavy, fingers on the countertop where it had previously stood.
Another male voice had her gut wrench.
It'd been better if it were a stranger.
But she'd recognise that voice anywhere.
"Sorry to interrupt your reunion." He continued. "But I was feeling left out..."
Mites crawled across her back and she instantly felt her eyes pang with tears. Her throat tight and getting tighter. Leaving room for just one tiny trembling ask to slip her lips in hopes of being wrong.
"Izu?" Her voice bristled.
Frozen solid where she stood. She couldn't look away from those distinct green-glowing eyes floating in the dark.
"Sweetheart." It answered.
He took a step forward and her breath hitched as she shook with big eyes peeled like round saucers ahead at the dark shadow that seemed to triple for every step out of the darkness he took until the moonlight finally met him.
Not a poor snivelling quirkless twerp pushed around in the dirty sandlot anymore.
"Look at you..." He cheered. "So cute. In your little jammies."
She seemed to forget how to breathe the more she looked at him. Instinctively leaning towards the only source of safety.
"Bakugou-" She whispered. The name only barely audible, as far away and nearly lost in all her quivering as it was.
"Need help?" He asked nonchalantly. As though their homicidal childhood-friend hadn't just showed up for a surprise visit. "Thought you'd take a villain over a monster any day?"
Her brows furrowed.
"What-" Her attention turned to him briefly but was distracted by the bigger threat.
Drawn back to the green-haired male once he spoke up again.
"I believe those were the words." He affirmed. But she couldn't quite make her feelings settle enough to form thoughts about it.
Their build had grown threateningly similar, but Deku's voice still contrasted Kachan's. Sweet against gruff. Chilling and eerie against harsh and loud.
"Don't you remember, sweetie?" He continued. "Last time we were all together? When you went on and ruined everything?" Something in his voice altered and snapped accusingly and she flinched with it.
"You said you were done with us." The blond next to her clued in.
But she just couldn't spare the attention to focus on the malice in his voice.
"It made me hate you for so long." The male in front spoke again. "I had to get my hands dirty with other people just to get my mind off you."
He took another step forward.
More of him exposed in the pale moonlight.
Red stains splattered like a map on his white asylum-clothing. Some droplets going along the freckles on his face.
She stirred. Sick climbing up her pipes at the smell of sweet metal tainting the stale apartment air.
The scent of blood belonging to someone who was surely dead.
Green wild fluffy locks bounced as the man tilted his head to the side.
"I was afraid that if I stopped I wouldn't be able to help myself and I'd go hunt you down and rip you limb from limb just like how you tore my heart out."
A tear slipped down her cheek. Hot against her cold skin as she stood there frozen in place.
Breaths erratic. Shattering on intake and pushed out to make space again.
"But don't worry... your little visit had me feeling nostalgic."
She whimpered as another step was taken in her direction.
"Your pretty face on the opposite side of my window... that cute crinkle of worry between your brows... the little tear running down your cheek... your small palm on the glass wall... clutching the phone as you said such sweet little things right at my ear."
She'd been mourning the death of the boy she once knew and how his memory would haunt her for the rest of her life. How she'd abandoned a friend in need. How she'd aided in the creation of this mass-murderous monster who now stood in front of her.
"I was reminded of why I stayed away from you- Why I let myself get caught- Why I needed to protect you from myself and myself from you for a bit until I could forgive you for what you did to me."
"What you did to us." The other male cut in again.
But she wasn't given the time to address it, before another step was taken towards her.
"And my chat with Kachan cleared everything right up again." He said and her brows furrowed once again.
She trembled. Never having felt more unsafe than what she did at that moment. Standing in her own apartment with two lifelong childhood-friends.
"I don't want to kill you-" The intruder laughed.
His eyes wild as they looked down at her where she stared up at him quite like how'd she'd done when she'd gone and visited him on his behest.
Large eyes so wide in prayer at the complete mercy of the stone-cold world her unfortunate brittle quirkless soul was placed in.
"I love you." He stated.
His hands drowned with red as he laid them out flat in front of him, palms facing up.
"I want to love you."
She flinched.
Whole body stirred. Taken by instinct at the alarmingly manic adoration lacing his lovesick speech.
She tried once again latching to the only source of protection she had. Knowing she hadn't a chance of reaching the door in time without Deku reaching her first.
"Bakugou- do something-" She tried again. Thinking that perhaps with the hero tackling the villain, she might have a tiny shot at making it.
"You said you were better off with the villain." The blond replied bitterly. Still leaning with much too much rest and calm against her kitchen counter. Showing not a shred of worry. Almost as though ignoring the threat.
"Are you really picking right now to teach me a lesson!?" She tried scolding, but was unable to shed that sweet whimper caught in her voice.
"I want an apology." He said coldly. As though they had all the time in the world.
"Fine, I'm sorry." She bit out hastily. Her heart hammering to the point she almost couldn't feel anything else but the bleeding pumping pounding in her ears. Drumming in her fingertips. Strumming the ribs in her chest.
"That's not very convincing." He replied. Still seemingly completely detached from the trepidation she felt.
And she thought that it might have been because he, in all his cocky rights, had the situation under control enough to tease her a bit before saving the day like always.
But then Deku took yet another step and she lost it.
"Bakugou, please! I'm sorry! I was wrong, you are the next Almight!" She screeched. Turning to him with her misty eyes, despite her knees feeling like jelly.
"So you do remember?" He answered. Raising an eyebrow as he beheld her without much haste. "Not a complete braindead bimbo yet, huh?"
Mocking phrases repelled off her with ease after so many years living as a lesser human in others eyes.
She'd grown quite accustomed to begging when she had to.
Bowing her head, she laid her hands flat against the muscle of his crossed arms. Also because she was sure her knees would soon fail her completely.
"Yes! I'm sorry! You're better than Almight!" She started crying. "So please, help me!"
"Tch- that's a good enough apology to me." He grumbled.
A silent and toothless smirk crept up his face from where it'd laid playing in the corner of his mouth as he watched her cling to him for help and safety.
His hand groped the back of her head. Petting her locks for a moment. Before stopping with his next utterance.
"Now, Deku's turn."
She looked up front burying her face against his chest.
Tears on his shirt and spread on her cheeks. A puzzled crinkle between her brows, set above a pair of two dopey eyes misunderstanding what was happening around her.
"What?" She voiced weakly. "What's-"
"Aw, Quirkless, you never were too bright." Bakugou laughed. Scraping her cheek with his worn thumb as she still looked up at him with such pitifully confused eyes.
He took a second and looked to the other man. His smirk growing wider, to a sick point she could hardly even recognise him anymore.
"Who do you think helped him escape?"
A stillness befell her. As though everything took a moment to hold their breath. Before releasing a deeply unsettling shudder down her spine.
Suddenly she was struck with the dreadful feeling of being entirely alone.
"N- no-"
She shook her head as though glitching. Stumbling back.
But there was already someone there.
"How cute..." He commented.
His disturbing voice blowing right at her ear. Making her whip around to face him.
His bloodied hand wafting delicately over her cheek before she could push herself away from between the two of them.
Staggering away. With her heart in her mouth and her eyes round like a deer in headlights as she stared at the duo before her.
Equally tall, they stood like toppling towers.
"You're so small now..." Deku spoke with his head tilted at her. "Isn't she, Kachan?"
"Very." The blonde agreed. "Soft too, I bet."
Their eyes impossibly dark. Full of something... something that she just couldn't understand.
"Mmh, and warm..." Deku added. His emerald eyes jaded and drunken.
His hand reached out.
But her hand reached out too. Quick and desperate as she pulled a knife out of the knife-block standing on the kitchen-counter, slicing a minor cut on the fingers protruding towards her.
"Stay the fuck away!" She screeched. Putting both hands together to point the knife at the pair in front.
Deku watched his blood drip to the floor. Cracking a smile that was anything but sane.
"Still feisty though-" Bakugou commented. Watching her stand on knees so shaky she was only barely able to support the bloodied blade kept in her grip. "That's good."
Deku looked to her again. Pupils blown black with only a rim left of luminescent green.
Raising his hand towards his lips, he put his finger in his mouth. Sucking the cut along with whomever else's blood he had staining his hands.
"I wouldn't want it any other way.”
She grimaced.
"But, I do want my apology before we get started on the reunion." He added. Though, paused for another moment. "But... even before that-"
He looked down at himself. His hands smearing the still wet blots of blood further across his chest.
Clicking his tongue.
"I ought to do something with all this blood. It wouldn't feel right to stain you."
He gave her a quick look before turning to Bakugou.
"I'm going to go wash up. Grab her for me, Kachan?"
The man gave a grin back.
"Sure thing, Deku." He replied.
Already taking steps towards her while Deku disappeared into the bathroom.
"Fuck off! Don't fucking touch me!" She yelled.
Conjoined hands swishing the knife around in front of her. Not aiming at anything particular but the empty space of air separating her and the approaching ash-blonde.
Desperately trying to keep the distance.
"Careful." He commented while raising his hands and lowering himself with bent knees as he slowly stalked forward. "You might hurt yourself on that."
She sniffled and shivered.
"Why are you doing this?"
More hot tears streamed down her pitiful cheeks while her breathing just turned more and more erratic.
"Why?" He posed in return with a scoff. As though the question itself was stupid. "I miss you, Quirkless."
She swallowed. That same look of that eerie something growing in his eyes. The same look she'd spotted in Deku when she'd gone to visit him.
A spark of some sorts. Powder and fuse teased by friction. Just waiting to blow.
"You don't call." He criticised. "You don't write."
His voice rose. Eyes never once leaving her as he backed her up into the narrow space of the kitchen nook.
"You don't reach out at all!"
She flinched when he put his balled-up fist down hard on the counter. The punch making the drying utensils by the sink clatter as though they as well jumped with fear and huddled closer for comfort.
"You still haven't unblocked me and yet you go selling yourself to dickweeds on the street." He snarled and she almost lost hold of the knife with how much his menacing glare made her tremble.
There was a pause and another step, and his features softened to something else.
"If it's money you want, I have it." He offered. A somewhat hopeful look on his face. "I would've given you the world, if you'd just-"
He stopped himself again. Looking to Deku's blood on the floor and on the knife pointed at him.
"It's kinda fucked to admit but..." He started a new, the prior thought discarded.
Finding her eyes again.
"I dream of you- I see you everywhere I go- and I hear you-" He rambled. "Our last conversation..."
She gasped once her back hit the wall behind her. Leaning against it like it was the only thing able to hold her up as her knees grew more and more unsteady while the man in front drew closer.
"I want you to yell at me like that again." He confessed in a heated whisper. "It's my inspiration."
His eyes turned glossy as he spoke.
"I've been looking forward to this, you know?" He continued. "When I would finally confront you and show you how wrong you were."
He growled and she whimpered.
"You're insane." She cried weakly. Never having seen him like it.
"Oh yeah?" He smiled. His head cocking to the side as he beheld her with crazed eyes. "Who made me this way?"
She was about to lounge at him and take her only chances, but by that time Deku had finished up in the bathroom.
Standing just to the side in only the plush white sweatpants he'd arrived in. Bloodied asylum jumper discarded. Shirtless, now just intimidating scars on a ripped torso.
"Oh dear, we wouldn't want her hurting herself on that." He commented. Eyeing the knife still held in her hand. "Maybe it's better I take care of this, Kachan."
He didn't wait for a reply. Sending out unstable static tentacles of what looked like black tar as it leaped towards her with a speed she couldn't hope to match before it had tightly secured in a snug grip. Lifting her up off the floor and carrying her back to their master.
"No- Let go-" She protested as the knife was pulled from her grip and left her unarmed and tied with no chance of even throwing a measly little punch anymore.
"Don't fuss, little one... I want to hear my apology now." Deku lulled as he sat himself down in the couch, throwing his legs up on the seat.
Other vines not busy holding her steady making to lift the junk placed on the cushions away for Bakugou to follow and sit down next to him. Pulling her little bound shape onto his own lap to sit between his thighs and lie against his chest.
"Fuck you-" She cried. Desperately wiggling in attempt to free herself.
His hand ascending to hold your face to force her to look back at him as she tried twisting away.
"Don't be greedy..." He scolded. "We'll get to that... but my apology first."
A shudder ran down her spine upon his words. Brows trembling as she looked deep into his black pools ringed by green. Trying to spot any answers outside the one she knew already with the weight of his other hand squeezing her ass as he held her on his lap.
"I already got mine." Bakugou chimed in. His red eyes drowsy where he stood looking down her body. "So I'mma go on and start-"
He climbed up on the seat next to them. His knees sinking into the couch-cushion.
Then his rough and tough hands rubbing up the flesh of her thighs. He grabbed onto the cotton band of her short-shorts started to pull.
She yelped. Kicking at him. Struggling where she lied tight against Izuku's chest where he had his arms wrapped snug around her waist, resting his chin in the nook of her neck. His eyes endeared and amused while looking down at where Bakugou got kicked in the face by her flailing foot.
The blond groaned and rubbed his nose before grabbing her ankles with a growl.
"She's a fighter just like back in the day-" He commented with a sharp grin. Eyes wild.
"Aw... up against the number one hero and number one villain and you'll still try your chances?" Deku crooned. "You're so adorable."
An overwhelming wave of cries struck her with his words whispered against her ear. Stuck in his embrace with Kachan's face prying her thighs apart. His mouth puffing out warm breaths onto her naked unprotected sex.
"Oh sweetie, don't cry..." Deku murmured with a kiss on her cheek.
But his coos only made her cry harder.
And soon his tongue swiped up her cheek. Thick and warm and wet. Licking the salt up from her tear-soaked skin.
Katsuki's lips on her inner thigh. His scruff on her delicate skin, riding up to reach her cunt.
And suddenly there was too many tongues.
"No- stop-" She whined.
"Where's my apology?" Deku interrupted with yet another kiss against her cheek. Pulling her focus back to him.
She whimpered and shook in his brawny arms. So far away from their twig-like state back when they were kids. When she'd have to pull him along and help him catch up.
When she'd have to save him from Katsuki.
The man who currently sat on his knees with his head bowed between her thighs.
Deku kissed the corner of her mouth and Bakugou kissed her cunt and she shook her head with eyes pried shut until she burst.
"I'm sorry! Make him stop! Make him stop-"
"Sorry for what?" Deku ignored with a soft voice.
"For leaving!" She wailed.
Desperately trying to shuffle away from the wet attack the blond in front was waging between her legs.
"I shouldn't have-" She sobbed. "That was wrong of me- I'm sorry! Please make him stop!"
"Good. Forgiven." He said and smiled.
And Bakugou stopped.
"No need to dwell on the past when we have the present." Deku continued, simpering at Bakugou. "Right?"
Bakugou gave a wicked grin in return.
"You've never been wrong, Deku."
The man holding her down started moving at that. His arms lifting from their state of squeezing her waist to grabbing the hem of her loose T-shirt. Beginning to pull it off her.
She tried taking the opportunity to throw herself off the couch. But, didn't have a chance against the two men that quickly had her under reigns. Keeping her down, now fully nude.
"Mmh..." Deku took a tit in his warm palm and rubbed a nipple as she whined out another overwhelmed sob. "Now let's get started, shall we?"
Bakugou pulled back a hand from keeping her thighs apart. Producing his middle finger.
He tickled her opening and she jolted with another whimper.
The blond ignored her. Forcing his finger inside.
She tensed and Deku sighed out a relaxed and comfortable murmur.
"It's been such a long time since we cuddled on a sleepover." He hummed with a soft smile. "But I won't give you any false hope." He began warning. "There won't be much time left for sleeping."
Bakugou jeered with a knifelike smirk carving his face. His red eyes set on her cute cunt squeezing around his knuckles.
"No- stop, please-" She stuttered. Trying to twist her way out of Deku's hug and away from the hand burying itself between her legs.
"Oh, come on..." Bakugou drawled cruelly.
His other hand having found her face. Squishing it with fingers digging into the plush of her bloated cheeks.
"Don't act like this isn't just another Tuesday for you."
Her lips quivered in his grasp. His face an inch away from hers. His breaths hot then cold on her teary skin.
"I've seen yah... in the club. Tossing your hair and giggling as you let shitheads grind on you." He whispered darkly.
His harsh eyes boring through her. Quite alike the finger he'd wormed inside her.
"Will you calm down if I stick a tip between you tits?"
His cruelty made her heart clench and she answered by kicking at him again. Her knee jolting and jabbing him in the groin, making him buckle over with a groan.
"Get off-" She growled.
But the uproar was swiftly stopped.
Bakugou's grip on her jaw tightened and she squeaked.
"Kick me again and I'll break your leg." He sneered in warning. Wild eyes looking manic with rage.
"Oh, Kachan, don't be so rough with her." The other male interjected. "You're scaring the poor thing." He mocked.
His tongue gliding up her throat as he gave a low chuckle.
"She's all goose-fleshed because of you." He accused. Kissing at her neck while she whined in disgust.
"What goes around comes back around." He stated. Stark red eyes glaring down at her and her tear-stained little face as he pumped his spit in and out of her cunt with his thick finger. Before squeezing another digit in along the first one.
Further stretching her out with a pained whine escaping her lips.
"This punishment is long overdue..."
His cruel words and cruel eyes and cruel touches all making her sniffle. Chest quaking.
"Don't listen to him." Deku cooed.
Nuzzling into her from behind. Squeezing her little body closer to his chest. His large hands fully cupping her breasts whilst rubbing his cheek against hers and whispering at the gloss of her teary lips.
"I'm sure if you relax for us, this'll feel more like us expressing gratitude over your gracious hospitality than any long grudge we're finally avenging."
Bakugou curled his digits and sent her further jolting once pushing his thumb down on her budding clit.
"Tch-" He scoffed out a cruelly amused laugh. "Afraid or nah..."
He rubbed the pad of his thumb across the bead beneath it and she couldn't stop the impulsive buck of her hips as she mewled beneath the man.
"She's dripping ready to take cock."
Swivel-eyes. Her heart skipped a beat before she could shake her head dramatically. Trying to wind her thighs shut.
Where in the new flurry of panic she begged the green-haired villain who she swore had the kindest of hearts only a few years ago.
"No- please, Izu- stop him, please- don't do this to me-" She sobbed.
But he didn't answer.
"What're you begging him for? Huh?" Bakugou growled.
Her chin kept between his coarse fingertips.
"He's just waiting his turn."
He glanced to Deku before his harsh gaze once again zeroed in on her and her hopeless glossy doe-eyes.
"Beg me instead." He demanded. "It's been so long since I've seen this little squishy face beg."
His eyes kept flickering to her lips and how they blubbered with tears. Looking so plush and plump and biteable. Licking his own lips, tasting her from before. Until he finally, with such surging intensity, locked onto her.
She squealed out a mumbled whine into him. Bakugou's stiff lips forcing themselves onto hers harshly. His tongue in her mouth.
"Please, Bakugou-" She tried once allowed air again, as the man moved to kiss her neck on the opposite side of where Deku was marking her up with love-bites.
"Nah, that's not what you call me." He answered. His voice gruff and lustful.
His fingers finally removing themselves from her hole. Beginning to pull loose his belt-buckle. Fighting with the button to his slacks and the zipper.
"Where's my pet-name, huh?" He requested. His other hand messaging the fat of her thigh as the other kept working to free himself.
His face buried in her neck. His hot breaths smeared on her skin along with small nibbling bites and suction.
His cock-head warm as she felt it bob upon her wet pussy.
"Please- Kachan- please don't..."
Bakugou was never one to listen to begging. She thought before blanking.
Coming to her senses with the rough bark of his voice again.
"Look at yah-" He laughed. "In the lap of a villain, getting fucked dumb by a monster!" He sneered into her tear-slicked face blinking softly up at him.
Showing her no ounce of mercy as he snapped his hips against her harsh and fast. Cock hard and seeking, blood-pumping and twitching for attention inside her.
His red eyes bloody and wide like a savage as he keenly watched out for her pained expressions and that pretty little choked moan that followed forced from her when he thrusted against her poor cervix again and again and again.
"Like a scene straight out’a hentai!" He snickered. "Guess that really does make you nothing but a dumb little bitch."
His face leaving no space between them. Pushed against hers. Forehead to forehead. Nose rubbing nose. Lips ghosting each other every time he rocked forward. Had himself sucking up all her sounds and her eating all his fucked-up and cruel words.
"Our little fuck-toy we finally learned how to share." He laughed again.
"Play nice, Kachan." Deku scolded and she was reminded of his presence again where he sat, still cradling her from behind.
Holding her close as though for support and comfort as the brute on top took and did what he wanted.
"She's too cute to be called such vile things..." He disagreed with another sickening kiss to her cheek. "If we're bad guys, wouldn't that make her our sweet little victim?"
Bakugou scoffed.
"She ain't no victim." He said and fucked harder. Enjoying how her eyes where soft as they continued to droop and blink and cross as though he'd fucked her into a state of complete submission. "She's getting what she deserves. What she fucking needs."
Deku made a noise as though thinking.
"Instead of fuck-toy, how about pet instead?"
Bakugou scoffed again, though this time with a laugh.
"Heh, yeah-" He agreed. "She does sound like a little kitten, moaning for me like that..."
Her hands had gone numb from their position of being bent behind her back. Still wrapped in Deku’s black whips.
The fight seemed to have drained from her. Her thoughts of escape diminished as though blanketed the more she was squeezed and sandwiched between the two muscled males.
Only the thought of holding out until they finished with her was left in her numbing head.
Along with the disgusting feeling of pleasure that tickled her lower stomach and seemed to fizzle with excitement in her thighs beneath where Bakugou’s strong hands had her spread wide for him.
"We should get her a pretty leash and collar." One of them said. But, their voices had more or less molded together. "Give her treats when she's been good and punish her when she's been bad."
"She's been bad a'right." The other replied and soon turned out was Bakugou.
His hand having dropped the fat of her thigh and gripped her face again. His fingers digging deep into the fat of her tear-soaked and stinging cheeks.
"Say it, pet. Say you're a bad girl." He spit and she hadn’t the will to spit back.
"I'm a bad girl."
It came out sweetly and softly, like it was someone completely different and not her.
But it was her all the same. Whilst she clenched tightly around the thing taking up space inside her.
"Mh fuck- say you're sorry." He groaned out. His head resting in the nook of her neck. His breath blowing on the wetness of her throat where her tears where beginning to dry.
"I'm sorry..."
Bakugou blew his load and his kisses turned sloppy against her neck and chest.
Panting with his entire body. Collapsed on her.
His sweat mingling with hers. Droplets dripping and running down their limbs as though chasing each other.
He pulled off her after a while. Still panting as he threw himself back against the other side of the sofa.
She heard Deku give a curt chuckle against her ear. And then the feeling of something stiff poking her back.
She was then easily lifted and sent into the other man's chest.
Now on her knees. With her face resting atop Bakugou's warm beating heart.
Feeling the man behind her shuffle forward. Not seeing him pull down his sweats, until the tops of his thighs hit the back of hers. And then the feeling of something large drag itself up between her already pummelled and prickly pussy-lips.
Bakugou's hot cum running down her thigh, as Deku's cock-head kissed her opening. Bathing in the slick.
And he didn't waste much time. Seeing she was already prepped and all. Hands held on her hips. He just started pushing.
"Ah- fuck-" She hissed. Her small hands grabbing and bawling up the fabric of Bakugou's shirt. "Please stop- please- break-"
"Aww, you wanna a break?" The man beneath simpered.
His chest fluttering at how she was clutching onto him. Her head pressed and hugging his pecks as she was rocked forward by Deku making himself comfortable with her from the back.
"Hah- can't handle nothing but rich pricks with their twig dicks?" He snickered, but the spite from before had disappeared. Now only sweetly condescending and strangely soothing.
A hand ascending from resting on the couch cushion to stroking the slick tresses of hair sticking to her cheek out away from her face, before continuing to pet smoothly over her head.
"Not used to being fucked by real men?" He continued.
And it was strange how he could talk down to her with such stone-cold callous words in that soft tone and treat her so gently while still doing something so ugly.
"Better get used to it.” The blonde continued in a murmur. Whispering to her as he caressed her to his chest. “You ain't ever fuckin' anyone else ever again."
The male behind gave a short chuckle as he bottomed-out deep inside what felt like having reached through to her throat.
"You make it sound like we're gonna kill her, Kachan." Deku chastised.
His hands gliding up her torso softly. Large hands holding her so steadily, squeezing her reassuringly.
"Don't worry, sweetie.” He purred. “No one's gonna hurt you anymore. We're here to keep you safe."
She twitched against Bakugou’s chest. The cock inside feeling as though pushed through her ribs as it pumped its load deep inside her womb.
Hot in her stomach before slumping out of her with a spew of mixed cum squelching from her hole as Deku pulled out.
Her small hands detaching from the shirt she’d been balling in her fists and she made to relax in a collapsed mess between the two. Feeling Deku rest his heavy chest down on her back.
All their heads in a cluster against the coach cushion.
Knocked from her senses in the emotional turmoil. She was exhausted and only a slip away form falling asleep.
Before a voice breached the restful peace of cohesive breaths calming down.
"You ready for round three, sweetie?"
Something twisted in her stomach where the words settled.
"It’s not a reunion without a double-d.”
"No-" She gave a sound of protest. Already panicked where weak hands laid down flat on the hard chest they had rested against. Beginning to lift despite being out of energy.
"Sh-sh-sh" Deku fussed. Collecting her brittle little arms into a neat cross behind her back. Keeping her in a bow.
"No- please, Izu. Kachan, please-" She pleaded, though it all stuck in her throat once Deku pushed through her sore walls yet again. The sound turning into a blubbered out wet moan instead, where half a cry laid hidden as she was too spent to produce such a thing as a wail.
"Shh Quirkless, calm down..." Bakugou joined in, halfheartedly cooing her. Whilst pushing in along Deku.
“Ah-” She gasped and hissed as they split her apart. Kept bent over in the perfect position for them to bottom-out together.
"Aw fuck-“ Bakugou moaned and tears spilled from her eyes and soaked his shirt. “This is how you properly apologise."
One was thicker. The other hit deeper.
And she couldn’t stop her cunt from sucking on the both of them each time they dragged through her walls with such overwhelming stimulating friction on their way to kiss her cervix deeply, filling her completely.
"We love you."
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Hi! Can you please write a story where the reader is a rescued widow who’s around ten or eleven years old and she’s like a little sister to Natasha and Yelena? Maybe Natasha, Yelena, Kate, and Wanda are all armed with tickle bites and they’re running around the compound trying to get each other. The reader runs away and hides in a closet or something to escape, but Natasha and Yelena find her anyway and tickle her. Thanks!
Hi anon! Thank you so much for this request, it is so cute!! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1780
You had been back at the compound for about a week now. After Natasha and Yelena had taken down the Red Room and freed all the widows, they decided to take you in, as you didn’t have a family to go back to. However, the love and attention that you received from them and all the other Avengers was beginning to fill your empty heart.
At the time, you were only ten years old, and still a little shy and reserved around the others. The two widow sisters helped you in every way they could to help make you feel more comfortable. You were their official little sister.
At the moment, it was pure chaos in the compound. Tony had altered 5 pairs of widow bites for you, the two sisters, Kate, and Wanda, where the bites tickled instead of hurt. You had all started a war, chasing each other and hoping to land a bite on one another. You really wanted to join in, however, you felt like your aim and accuracy with the bites weren’t the best, so you were just watching for now.
Right now you were watching as Yelena zoomed after Kate, her number one target because she loved to torment her at any chance she got.
“YELENA STOP CHASING ME!” Kate screamed, turning her head every so often to see how far of a lead she had.
“NEVER!” Yelena cried, all while cackling like a maniac.
With that, the blonde saw an opening and shot the bite, as it landed perfectly on Kate’s side.
“GAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YELEHEHEHNA YOU JEHEHEHERK,” Kate cried out, as she crumpled to the floor in laughter.
“Consider this revenge for when you slapped me in the elevator!” Yelena cried evilly, as she held Kate’s arms away from her body, making it impossible for her to rip the bite off.
Meanwhile, Natasha was hiding around the corner, waiting for the opportunity to get Yelena. However, she saw you sitting off to the side, clearly wanting to join in.
“Hey Y/N, why aren’t you getting in on the action?” The redhead asked.
You began to fidget uncomfortably, not wanting to seem inexperienced in front of someone who had a lifetime of training.
“Well, um, I’m not really confident in my abilities to shoot the bites,” you said quietly.
“Oh, Y/N, don’t worry about that! It’s just for fun! They won’t hurt if you miss your target, and the only way to get better is to keep practicing!” Natasha said encouragingly.
“Um…okay, I guess I can try,” you said shyly.
“Here, let’s both try to get Yelena. I’ll tell you when to shoot and where to aim and then I’ll shoot after you, got it?” Natasha asked with a smile.
You nodded and joined her in the corner.
Meanwhile, Kate was still a mess of laughter on the floor, while Yelena had also begun to tickle the poor girl’s feet.
“YELEHEHENA GEHEHEHT OHOHOFF OF MEHEHEHE,” Kate shouted desperately. Yelena just continued tickling her with an evil grin on her face.
“Okay, you see that small opening right?” Natasha asked, helping you level your arm to aim properly.
“Now go! Shoot it!” Natasha whisper-shouted,” as you fired your bite.
You could both hear Kate’s laughter stop, as she was free and could rip the bite off. Her laughter was replaced by loud screaming and laughter from the blonde instead.
Your bite had landed on her ribs, while Natasha fired one that landed on her bare foot.
The two of you high-fived, as Yelena was overwhelmed with laughter.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHEHEHEHRE DIHIHID THIHIHIHIS COHOHOME FROHOHOM,” Yelena screamed out, hoping someone would give her an answer.
You and Natasha stepped out of hiding, quickly pinning the blonde so she couldn’t use her hands to rip the bites off.
However, at this moment, Wanda flew in out of hiding, shooting a bite onto Natasha’s neck and armpits, causing her to squeal and let go of Yelena.
“WAHAHANDA YOU BIHIHITCH,” Natasha squealed out.
Wanda smirked cockily, but was soon turned into a puddle of giggles as your confidence grew, and you shot a bite at her hips.
“NOHOHOHO Y/N NOHOHOT FAHAHAIR,” Wanda laughed out, as you took this opportunity to get off of Yelena, and run away for now.
You knew you were in trouble, since you were the only one who hadn’t been tickled yet. You ran into the room that you shared with Natasha and Yelena, closing the door of the closet and going as deep as you could into the closet.
It was super dark, much to your displeasure, but you remained quiet, only hearing your nervous heartbeat. You could still hear the loud laughter ringing out, but it soon came to a stop.
You leaned closer to the edge of the door, listening carefully for any clues.
“Hey, where did Y/N go? Yelena asked.
“I bet she ran off to hide because she’s scared of being tickled,” Wanda commented, as you could hear the playfulness in her tone.
You felt your stomach drop, nervous now of what was to come.
“Oh boy, Y/N is in big trouble,” Natasha commented.
You decided to start shifting a few things in the closet to help hide you better. However, most of it was clothes, so it was hard to make a barricade. You even threw clothes on top of yourself to make it seem like you were a pile of clothes. A grin formed on your face, as you thought your plan was genius.
You waited for a bit, not hearing many noises or anything. You thought you were in the clear for now, as you let out a sigh of relief. However, you quickly held your breath as you heard the faintest sound of footsteps approaching.
“Oh Y/N~~, come out, come out wherever you are~~,” Natasha called out teasingly. You tried to stay as still as possible, now feeling very in danger.
“Wherever could Y/N be? She’s too scared to go around the compound by herself so she can’t be far right?” Yelena asked out loud.
With that, the closet door was yanked open, as you saw the flood of light pour in. However, you knew you were well hidden thanks to your genius plan, so you weren’t too worried.
The two girls smiled as they noticed two very noticeable giveaways that you were hiding there. One, the closet was a mess, which it never was to begin with, and two, you had forgotten to hide your feet, as they were sticking out from the pile of clothes on top of you.
“Oh, Y/N, when will you learn that you will never outsmart us,” Yelena tsked, as she began to lightly scratch a single finger up and down your sole.
A snort escaped you, as your foot wiggled madly from side to side.
Yelena kept lightly tickling you, waiting for you to burst into giggles. However, you were stubborn and just threw some of the clothes from on top of you at both of them.
“HEY!” They both cried, as you laughed at their reactions. Your laughter soon turned quiet, as your eyes widened at the smirks you could now see on their faces.
You felt yourself being dragged by your ankles out of the closet, as they threw you onto the bed gently.
The fear in your eyes grew, as Natasha lifted both of your arms above your head, and Yelena climbed onto your waist.
“So, Y/N, you thought you were so clever, didn’t you?” Yelena asked with a smirk.
“Well, yeah it took you guys forever to find me!” You retorted back, as you then burst into loud giggles when Yelena began to softly knead your hips.
“Nohohoho stohohohop,” you giggled out, bucking against her to try and throw her off. However, your strength for a ten year old was no match for the buff blonde.
“You think I didn’t know you were the one who shot me in the ribs with the bite?” Yelena asked teasingly, as she shook her fingers into your own ribs.
“NOHOHOHO NOHOHOT THEHEHEHRE,” you cried out desperately, trying to pull your arms down.
“You’re not going anywhere little Y/N~~,” Natasha said, smirking down at you.
“Oh, did I hit a bad spot?” Yelena questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.
You were now laughing too much to respond, much to the girls’ amusement.
Natasha then pinned your hands under her knees and joined in by tickling your armpits.
“NOHOHOHOHO STHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHI CAHAHANT TAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT,” you screamed out, trying to kick your legs around.
Yelena then shook her hand into your stomach, causing you to belly laugh for the first time.
“ENOHOHOUGH ALREHEHEHADY PLEHEHEHEHASE,” you begged, unable to stand the torturous sensations.
The two of them gave you a small break, as they switched places. This time Yelena held your arms up, as Natasha sat on your legs.
“Just because you helped me get Yelena, doesn’t mean I won’t get you back for running away,” Natasha said with a wink.
Before you could protest, you felt all ten of her sharp nails stroking up and down lightly over your baby-sized feet.
“OHOHOHKAY ENOUGH IHIHI LEHEHEHEARNED MY LEHEHESSON,” you shrieked, as Yelena gave your ribs a squeeze every now and then.
“Did you learn your lesson? Did you really?” Natasha asked, just to drag out the amount of time she had to torment you.
“Well then what did you learn?” Yelena asked, as you caught your breath.
“I…I learned…that…” You paused, not sure how to respond. On one hand you wanted them to stop, but you also wanted to say something snarky.
Before you could say anything, Natasha had moved up to your waist and began wiggling her nails all over your sides, causing you to jump and burst out with new laughter.
“The lesson was that Yelena and I will always tickle you to pieces!” Natasha shouted over your laughter.
“OHOHOHKAY LEHEHESSON LEHEHEARNED LEHEHEHET MEHEHEHE GOHOHOHO,” you screamed, as they finally let you go and stopped tickling you.
You lay there panting, as the two girls planted a kiss on each of your flushed cheeks.
“We love you so much, little Y/N,” Yelena said, looking at you adoringly.
“We’ll always be here to tickle you for sure,” Natasha commented with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, but moved over to snuggle between the two of them, knowing that they would do anything to protect their little sister. You soon fell asleep, as the two of them cooed about how precious you were. Little did you know that the two of them were scheming to playfully torment you again.
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Joyride (Jerome X Reader)
Smut, NSFW, 18+, porn without plot, honestly just hot, nasty filth 
Do not read unless you are a deviant!
Reader is walking home down a street she knows just like the back of her hand, but today there's an unfamiliar car parked up. Paying it no mind she continues past it, but soon discovers today is not going to be any regular day when a sinister voice calls to her from the mysterious car behind her.
Vaginal fingering, blowjobs, rough sex, semi-public sex, car sex, bondage, chocking, spanking, dom/sub undertones, dub-con, strong language, murder, kidnap
I walked that street nearly every day, to and from Gotham High. I had for years. This would be my last year as I was 18 and about to graduate.
Everything seemed as normal as ever. The pretzel cart, the lady that walked her little dog, the kids playing jump rope. A fairly quiet street. I didn't know it then, but that day would be anything, but normal.
I was approaching the end of the street where I would cross the road. There was a car parked up I hadn't seen before. Big, black with tinted windows. I didn't pay it much attention and wasn't hesitant to carry on my walk past it. I reached the end of the street and stood waiting for the traffic to quiet so I could cross over, then behind me I heard the familiar sound of a car window winding down.
"Hey, princess." A sinister voice called.
I turned to look and peering out of the black car window was him. The most dangerous, most wanted man in Gotham city. Jerome Valeska.
I'd only seen him on the news and in papers before, but even then, he had scared me. He'd brought the city to its knees and left a trail of bodies and madness wherever he went. And now he was right in front of me.  
"Can I give you a ride?" He asked with his signature smile plastered on his scarred face, voice dripping with menace.
I froze still. I wanted to run as fast as I could, but his stare glued me to my spot.
"Come on, doll. I'll be nice."
I took a step back, weighing the risk of making a run for it. He sucked his teeth and looked down for something.
"I'd offer you candy, but uh..." He pulled a gun up to the window and pointed it at me.
"... Something tells me I won't need to." His smile somehow grew bigger as he locked his eyes on mine.
My heart was beating so loud I thought the whole city would be able to hear it. I had no choice. Knees weak, I nervously walked around to the passenger side door and opened it. I sat in the seat next to him, but pressed myself as close to the window as I could. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible, even if it was only by a few inches.  
"Ah, safety first. Seatbelt." He said dropping his smile and cocking his head.
Not caring weather or not he was joking, I pulled down the belt and buckled myself in. I did not want to make him angry. He grinned eerily and panic rose in my chest as his eyes burned holes in me.  
He reached a gloved hand out to my face. I flinched as he brushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear and stroked his knuckles down my jaw line and neck. His hand moved lower still down my arm, only stopping when he got to my shaking hand. I was grasping my bag so tightly my knuckles had turned white. He tugged at it a few times wanting me to let go. I released the bag and he pulled it off my lap and into his.
"Let's see what we got here."
He started to rummage through my possessions pulling each one out, mostly dubbing them boring and dumping them out of the window.
"Pain killers, boring. Pencil case, extra boring. Ooh, Jolly Ranchers! Don't mind if I do!"
He popped a sweet in his mouth, threw the rest over his shoulder into the back seat and got back to snooping.
"Keys, boring. Oh! A diary! I'll save that for later! A can of mace...."
He paused then let out a loud cackle as he held the mace.
"Oh, princess! Bet you wish you'd switched this out for a gun right about now!" He continued to giggle as he dived a hand back in.
"Aha! Phone!" He dropped my bag back in my lap and opened up my flip phone.
"You won't be needing this." He smirked and snapped it, letting the two halves fall and disappear under the driver's seat. Dread began to settle in as it dawned upon me that I now had no way to call for help and my mace was lying in the street. Not that it would've been much use against him anyway.
"Ok! Let's get this party started!" His giggled as he turned the key in the ignition. He turned towards me and revved the engine.
"Vroom, vroom." He mocked.
I sat there clutching my bag, waiting for the car to start moving. He fiddled with the gear stick and then slammed his foot down on the pedal as if there was a deadly bug that needed to be squashed. The tyres screeched like they were taking a layer of tarmac with them and he took off like a boy racer.  
I let out a scream as the sudden, fast pace sent a shockwave right through me. I sent my hands searching for something, anything to hold on to. There was a turn coming up, but I noticed it too late and I was flung into the side of the door like a ragdoll. All the time the loudest noise in my ear was maniacal laughter coming from Jerome in driver's seat. He was driving like he stole it, but then again, it was entirely possible he did.
"More?" He looked at me with a mischievously.
I shook my head, breathlessly, praying to any god that was listening that he actually cared about my answer.
"I think more." He sharply turned into an empty car park and spun around and around and around. I was pressed right up against him as I clung to the bottom of my seat. He laughed and banged his hand on the wheel, continuing to spin us around.
"You stupid son of a bitch!" I screamed forgetting myself.  
"Oh, I love 'em with fire!" He laughed again.  
Then all of a sudden, he stopped. I jolted forwards like a crash dummy so hard I thought I would hit the windshield. He'd been right about the seatbelt. I stared straight ahead and tried to catch my breath, when I heard angry shouting. An employee of the restaurant that owned the car park was making his way over to us with a red face.
Jerome stuck his head out of the window.
"What's that, pal?"  
I heard more shouting.
"Ok." Jerome reached for the gun and shot the employee straight in the head. I gasped at the sound and he fell down like a sack of bricks.
"Problem solved." Jerome grinned and pocketed the gun.
I felt my stomach turn. I'd just seen a murder right in front of me. That poor man. Jerome started the car again and left the car park, where he'd left a dead body and certainly tyre tracks.
"Some fun, eh kid?" He smiled at me. I couldn't find any words to reply. He sighed.
"I hate awkward silences." He reached down and turned on the radio. He flicked through a few channels until he found one playing music he seemed to like. An old rock station.
"Now this is better!" He looked at me with a satisfied smile, but dropped it when I still didn't reply.
"How do I get you to talk? Do I gotta drop a quarter in ya?" He turned another corner onto a straight, quiet road.
"I know." He smirked with a menacing look in his eyes.  
He pushed the pedal down, once again picking up speed. He was driving like there was money on it, but I'd at least managed to brace myself this time. He slowed a little as he got in place to drive side by side with the only other car on the road. He chuckled darkly to himself and then I realized why. Fear took my senses when I saw in the not too far distance, heading straight at us was a giant truck. The driver in the car next to us began to honk the horn and flash obscene hand gestures as the truck grew closer, but Jerome simply turned the radio up and began singing along with the words.
"Jerome..." I said tugging at his arm.
Nothing. And the truck was now honking at us to move.  
The truck was too close for comfort. The sense that I was about to be flattened because of the idiot at the wheel filled my body.
"Jerome, move the damn car!" I shook his arm fiercely and slammed my fists in my chair.
He finally burst out cackling maniacally with an outrageous smile.
He slammed down the pedal and pulled forward in front of the car beside us, missing the truck by a hair. He laughed and howled like it was the funniest thing he'd ever experienced, whilst I sighed the biggest sigh of my life and slid low down my seat. He pulled over and parked.
"Nothing like a little near-death experience to get the blood flowing, eh doll?"  
I had melted into my seat and wasn't really paying attention.
"So, how'd you like me so far?"
"Is that a serious question?" I replied breathlessly. I didn't know where I got the confidence for it, but the words were coming out.
He just giggled.
"Ok, how about I behave... For a while."
"How about you let me go?"
He lifted a long finger at me.
"Tut tut, doll face. Don't make me wiggle my finger at you."
I shuffled backwards in my seat, propping myself upright again.
"So, you know my name? Are you stalking me?" He put his hand on his chest in mock fear.
"Everyone in Gotham knows your name. You're Jerome Valeska. You've terrorised the city and murdered dozens of people. The Gotham Gazette makes sure we don't miss these things."  
"The Gotham Gazette, huh? Note to self, send a gift basket their way." He chuckled to himself then looked at me.
“So, what’s yours?”
I told him my name. I was reluctant, but I was already here in the car with him.
“Hm, cute.” He replied.
I didn’t know why, but him calling me cute made me blush a little. I hoped he didn’t notice.
“You look fun.” He smiled.
“What do you mean?” I asked the question, but I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know the answer.
He pulled my diary out of the door pocket.
“Let’s get to know you, shall we?”  
“That’s private.” I said sheepishly. I really didn’t want him reading what was in there, but I knew I couldn’t stop him.
“Not anymore.” Jerome flicked through the pages, skimming them for interesting thoughts and secrets. It didn’t look like he was finding anything juicy, until he stopped at one page and read it in its entirety.
“I got asked out by a guy in my maths class. He’s nice, but really boring. Just like everyone else in my life. Even if I wanted to go out with him, my dad wouldn’t allow it. He says men are the devil and the only one I can trust is him. Yeah right, Mr it’s 5’oclock somewhere. Even if I took that seriously, he doesn’t have anything to worry about. The only guys in my life are complete clichés. So very predictable, so very dull. I’m so bored of this same old-same old. I want something exciting, an adventure. I need some thrills in this beige goddamn existence!”
He repeated back to me the words I had written just a week prior. He turned to me with a predatory look in his eyes. He let the diary fall from his hands carelessly and I knew then that I would be his prey. He took his gloves off and reached a hand towards my knee. He stroked and squeezed my leg and then journeyed up higher, fingers crawling underneath the hem of my skirt.
“Be careful what you wish for, doll face.” He smirked, darkly.
My breath caught in my chest and I felt a warmth in my core.
"I thought you said you were gonna behave." I peeped.
"I did, didn't I? I guess I lied."  
He pulled my skirt up and ran a finger along my panty covered slit. He was turning me on. I wanted him. He was everything I had been looking for, but it was wrong. I couldn’t give in to this.
"Please... Stop..." I pleaded pathetically.
"Mmm, I don't think I will."  
He softly rubbed my folds through the white cotton. My breath got heavier and I felt the heath build.
"It would be so easy for me to push these little things out of the way and slide my fingers inside you, right now. Wouldn't it?"
"Please... Don't..."
He giggled darkly.
"Oh, princess. You're just too cute."  
He smiled as he moved the material to the side exposing my entrance. He slid his fingers up and down my slit, my juices covering the tips. I squirmed at his touch and tried to scooch back in my seat.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, doll, but you wouldn't be this wet if you didn't really want me inside you." He cooed. His words crashed into me like rocks. He could read my body just as well as my diary. I couldn't hide my desire from him and I didn’t want too.  
He continued to rub for a few more seconds before plunging a finger deep inside me. I let out a gasp at the sudden intrusion and he smirked, seemingly satisfied with my response. He worked me with his finger, pulling out before sliding it back in and deciding to add another. He slowly pulsed his fingers inside me, palming over my clit as he slid in and out, again and again. The swell of warmth in me grew as I rocked my hips.
He pulled his fingers out entirely, leaving me disappointed and empty. I looked at him as he examined the juices coating him. He smiled at me and raised them to his mouth, sucking them clean.
"Mmm. You're so sweet." He said as he lowered them, his voice now deeper and slightly raspy.
He unbuckled his seatbelt, then did mine. He pushed the bag off my lap down to where my feet were and reached his arm around my waist, pulling me backwards, closer to him. He leaned me against him as one hand travelled up from my waist and wrapped around my throat. His other came down, pulled up my skirt and parted my thighs. He pushed my panties to the side once again and introduced his other hand to my wetness. His two fingers sliding in and out, but this time a little faster and much deeper. I let a yelp escape my mouth and his hand squeezed harder around my throat. His hot breath in the crook of my neck gave me goosebumps and sent chills down my spine.  
He explored my walls entirely, hitting all the right spots, hot pleasure pulsing through my muscles as they clenched around his talented digits. He palmed my clit applying a gentle amount of pressure and rubbing in circles. I bit my lip in an attempt muffle my moans.
"Nuh uh. Let me hear you, baby girl." He taunted in my ear.
Two fingers from the hand around my throat pulled my mouth open and played with my tongue.  
"You got something to say, princess?" He pushed his fingers deeper into me until his knuckles stopped him from going any further and pumped them, his thumb circling my clit in sweet slow motions. A loud moan escaped my throat and he smiled evilly.
"That's better." He snarled as he put his full hand back around my throat.  
My legs started to stiffen and I felt my climax build as I tightened around his fingers.
"You wanna cum, baby?"  
He worked his fingers inside my walls and his thumb on my clit, slightly increasing the pressure. His breath came closer to my ear and I felt him take it gently in his teeth. I yelped at the shock of his bite.  
"Mm. So cute."
I rocked my hips against his hand. My release was close, it just needed a little push.
"Cum for me, princess. Cum on my fingers."
As if on his command, the dam burst and my climax washed over me. My legs shook and I moaned as I rode it out. He pulled his fingers out of me slid them in my mouth so I could taste my own juices.
“See, gorgeous. I can play nice.” He buried his face in my hair and took in my scent. He hummed to himself and I felt his grip on my throat tighten. He pulled me forwards and pushed me towards the back seat.
“My turn.” He grinned as he sat up.
I climbed into the back, closely followed by Jerome. I sat down and he straddled me, towering over me with his red hair brushing against the car ceiling. I saw the outline of his hard member pushing against the inside of his trousers. It was right in front of my face and my mouth watered for it. I suppose he caught me looking because he started to palm himself and lifted my chin up so I was looking at him.
“Do you have something sweet for me?” He leaned down closer to me, his grip on my face tightening.
I swallowed and felt the lump in my throat. He crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was hard and forceful, just like he was. His tongue pushed into my mouth and fought for dominance over mine. It was an easy win for him. He tasted sweet, like the Jolly Ranchers. I assumed that wasn’t the first candy he’d eaten that day. He pulled away from me and smiled, studying my face with hooded eyes.
“Yummy.” He whispered.  
He rose back up and unbuckled his belt. He pulled it from out of its loops, held it in front of him and snapped it quickly. I flinched at the loud sound of the leather.
“Hands.” He ordered in a serious, intimidating tone that aroused me all the more.
I held my hands up to him and he looped the belt in and around my wrists, tightly bonding them together.
“No hands for this. I wanna see how that pretty little mouth works.” He smirked lifting my chin again, tugging my bottom lip with his thumb.
He palmed himself a little more and then unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, letting them fall around his knees. I could see through his boxers that he was fully erect already. He slid them down and they joined his trousers. Jerome was big. I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to take it all, especially without the use of my hands. He balled my hair in his hand and gripped hard. I gasped at the sudden pain.
“Come on, princess. You know what to do.” He pulled me forwards and plunged into my open mouth. He let out a hiss of pleasure.
He raked his free hand through my loose hair before clenching it in his fist. He used his grip on my head to move me up and down his shaft, prompting me to start. I swirled my tongue around him and started sucking. He hissed again through gritted teeth and pushed in further. My tongue climbed up and down his shaft, licking the sticky coating of precum from him and teasing the head. I hollowed my cheeks and bobbed up and down, letting my saliva cover him.
“Oh, yeah... Fuck, pretty girl.” He groaned in his throat and bucked his hips forwards with force.
He hit the back of my throat and I gagged. The noise seemed to please him so he did it again and again and again. My lips touched his base as he assaulted my throat, gripping tighter on my hair with each thrust. I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face and eyes begging for breath, but it just pushed him further.
He let out a primal growl and pushed my head right into the back of the seat. He held me steady and started to thrust into my face fast and hard. My throat was aching and my jaw was locking. His breath was shallow and erratic. I could tell he was close. I sucked harder for him and my throat clenched tightly.  
“Fuuuuck...” He groaned finally coming to a stop.  
I felt him throb and twitch in my mouth as his climax shot straight down my throat for me to swallow. He was still for a few seconds, then he pulled out with a pleasing pop. He looked down at me catching his breath with a smile.
“Don’t have to tell you twice, huh?” He laughed and lowered his head to kiss me.
He didn’t seem to care he’d just cum in my mouth and kissed just as rough as the first time. This time biting my lip as he pulled away. He slid his hand back up into my hair and balled it again.
“As great as that was princess, I’m still harder than Chinese algebra. So...” Jerome climbed off my lap and shoved me down onto my front.
“All fours.” He commanded.
I positioned myself on my knees and elbows, which was difficult considering my wrists were tied. I felt him roll my skirt up and part my legs. I swallowed. After having him go so rough on my mouth, I was nervous about how he was going to be with this.
“I gotta say, this is some view back here. Shame I don’t have a camera.” He said caressing my thighs.
He hooked his fingers under the band of my underwear and slid them down around my knees. I felt so exposed and my face started to heat up and turn red with embarrassment. I couldn’t believe I was allowing myself to be this vulnerable for a criminal lunatic.
He started to rub my entrance with two fingers. Warmth welling in my core, any thoughts of reservation vanished from my mind. I felt a fast, harsh sting as he brought a hand down to spank me. I gasped at the smack and he stroked the spot where it landed, where there was sure to be a red handprint.  
“Now I really wish I had a camera.” He giggled darkly.  
I squirmed at his touch and tried to close my thighs, desperate for friction, but he kept them spread by sliding his knee between them.
“Oh no, gorgeous. I need you open wide.” He smirked.
I whimpered needily, wanting nothing more than to take him inside me.
“You want something, baby girl? Speak up.” He taunted evilly, sliding his fingers along my slit. He raised his hand back up and then... another spank.
All I could do was whimper. I didn’t want to say what I wanted from him.
“I can’t hear you....” He sing-songed. “What do you want?”  
He circled a finger over my clit teasingly. He was purposefully not giving me enough. Just baiting me. He brought his hand down again for another swift spank. I was sure there was a bruise forming.
“I want you...” I whispered.
“What’s that?” He mocked, sliding his fingers in the slickness of my entrance.
“I want you! I want you to fuck me!” I snapped. I couldn’t take the teasing and taunting any longer. I just needed him.
He chuckled menacingly.
“You want me to fuck you? You wanna take me?”
“Yes! Yes! God, yes!”
He laughed at my neediness. I felt pathetic.
“Sure thing, doll.”
He lined himself up so he could enter me and pushed forwards, grasping hard onto my hips. I moaned loudly as he filled me for the first time, making a low, throaty groan. He reached deep into me and set me on fire in places that I didn't even know were there.  
He kept a quick rough pace, digging his fingertips into my flesh tighter to keep me still and steady. I knew he was leaving marks, but I couldn’t have cared in the slightest in that moment. His thrusts made me whine and whimper for him, to have more of him. He growled like he was letting out some kind of inner beast.
He let go of one of my hips and slid his hand up my back and into my hair. Once he had a good fistful, he pulled it like a leash, tugging my head up and back. I gasped at the sharp pain, but the sound only seemed to feed more into his sadistic wanting and he pounded harder into me. The feel of how deep he was inside me banished all the pain and replaced it with pure pleasure and I bit down hard on my lip to stifle wanton cries. I felt another rough tug on my hair.
“Don’t you dare, little girl. Let me hear it. I wanna hear everything.” He demanded through short, quick breaths.
He pulled back on my hair again and I released a squeal of half pain and half pure elation. I could feel myself tightening around him. I was getting ready to burst.
“I... I’m...I’m gonna...” I panted.
“Oh, no you fucking don’t.”  
He gripped the back of my scalp and pulled me backwards, slamming me down onto my back and climbing on top of me.
“I wanna see it this time.”
He had acted so fast, I barely had time to register what he was doing and he was back inside me almost as soon as he had pulled out.
He buried his head in the crook of my neck, sucking and kissing, his teeth leaving delicious hickeys and bitemarks. When he came back up for breath, he wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed my bonded arms above my head, which I was grateful for as they were getting squashed between us. He crashed his lips onto mine for a rough kiss. His tongue demanded entrance to my mouth, which I gladly allowed.
With his other hand he caressed and stroked his hand down my thigh and under my calf. He then pulled it up and pushed it back so far it almost reached my shoulder. He adjusted himself to straddle my lower thigh and picked up a faster, harder pace. With my leg like this he was able to plunge deeper. He was forceful and powerful and I relished in every thrust. I cried out completely taken by my lust for him, closing my eyes to savour it all. I felt the sting of a slap on my cheek and flashed them back open.
“Right here, princess. Eyes right here.” He said, his voice low and raspy.  
His pupils were completely dilated, leaving only the thinnest ring of green around them. He seemed to be an apex predator that was in the midst of ravaging its prey and I was only too willing to be led to the slaughter.  
“Exciting enough for ya, sweetheart?” He smirked with a fiendish giggle.
“Uh huh...” I nodded dazedly.  
His laugh continued through the onslaught of fierce, deep thrusts pounding intensely into my lower regions. I tensed around his pulsing erection as I felt my climax creep back up on me. I let out loud erotic moans, as he built up more and more of that blissful warmth in my core.
“That’s right. Cum for me.” He grunted through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on my throat.
His pounding got faster and rougher, hitting my sweet spots exactly right. I was right on the edge of what I could tell was going to be a fantastic release. I got louder and louder as I came closer and teetered the brink.
“Yeah.. I... I’m.. Yeah... I’m gonna...”
“Go on, princess. Cum. Cum for me.”  
My orgasm shattered through me like a rock through glass. My body convulsed as my moans turned into lustful screams. The ferocity of it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. The sheer ecstasy took me higher than I’d ever been before. I was on a cloud and I could have stayed there forever. Jerome followed shortly after, growling like a beast as he exploded inside me. He collapsed breathlessly on top of me as I gently floated down from that little piece of heaven.  
“Oh, baby girl. I’m keeping you!” Jerome dropped a kiss on my lips and lifted himself up.  
I came to my senses and started to register the severity of what I had done. Or had it happened to me?  
“What does that mean?” I asked, nervous of his answer.  
He pulled up his underwear and trousers and tidied himself up, even taking time to straighten his tie.
“It means, baby doll, that this is gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship.”  
He laughed his signature maniacal cackle and hopped back in the driver's seat.
“Hey! Are you gonna untie me?” I called to him starting to get very worried.
“I don’t know, doll. I kinda like you like that.” He laughed.
He turned the key in the ignition and revved the engine.  
“Hold on, doll!” He cackled again, before speeding off again.
What have I gotten myself into?
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nirikeehan · 2 years
HELLO HAPPY FRIDAY PROMPT NUMBER ONE FOR YOU LOVELY: for the Love Triangle That Never Ends, 'This will be my last confession, ‘I love you’ never felt like any blessing' from the florence and the machine prompts?
Was having some post-Trespasser feels so here's Thalia and Thom saying some things that were perhaps better left unsaid.
For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1650
The room came into focus in splotches: the high, scalloped ceiling, royal blue curtains, marble fireplace with carved lion sentinels. She lie in an ornate four poster bed. Her head was pounding, throat desperately parched. Her arm felt like it was on fire. 
“Orlais,” Thalia muttered. “I’m still in Orlais.” 
“Unfortunately, yes. We both are.”
Thom Rainier sat at her bedside, in the same faded traveling clothes he’d worn when she first met him in the Hinterlands three years prior. He sat hunched forward, large hands clasped together. 
She had a million questions, but none felt so pressing as the sticky griminess in her mouth. “Water?”
She heard, rather than saw, the glass he poured for her. “Can you sit up?” 
“I think so.” It was harder than she thought it would be, but she struggled upright regardless. 
She tried to reach for the water glass, but Thom shook his head, bringing the rim to her lips. “Small sips,” he cautioned her. “Don’t over do it. You’ve had a taxing couple of days.” 
Thalia drank from the proffered glass, willing herself to remember of which he spoke. She had a vague recollection of a terrible pain in her arm, smooth stones beneath her body. Then Thom was above her, picking her up like a child and carrying her, cradled to his chest, back through the eluvian. After Solas… 
Thalia knocked aside the glass and tried to propel herself out of bed. “The Council. I have to get to the Exalted—”
“Hey, hey.” Thom put his palm on her shoulder, warm through the thin fabric of her shift. “You already addressed the Council.” 
“I did?” 
He nodded, easing her down onto the featherbed. He leaned over her and adjusted the pillows behind her head. Thalia’s mind swam with confusion. “It was a sight to see,” Thom continued pleasantly. “Marched in there and disbanded the Inquisition, right in front of the Maker and everyone. Poor Josephine was beside herself, and but it was worth it, to see the looks on those noble bastards’ faces.” 
He was smiling beneath his beard. Holding back laughter.
“Are you… happy?” Thalia demanded.
“Well, not with the overall situation, no. Seems like we’re at war with the Qunari, and Solas is apparently a power-hungry maniac bent on restoring a glorious elven past. Everything’s a mess, truth be told.” Thom sat down, fixing her with his pale grey eyes. “But seeing you do that… I was never sure you would. Or could.” 
Thalia pressed her lips together, going warm under his gaze. It was coming back to her now. She’d barely come to after Thom had carried her back through the eluvian. She’d donned her dress uniform — with begrudging help from Dorian and Cullen, both of whom were horrified at the turn of events — and stormed the Council with the official tome of the Inquisition in hand. 
In her remaining hand. 
She swallowed thickly and looked down at the bandage on her left arm. 
“I had to,” she whispered. “We’ll never stop Solas if we’re every bit the threat he believes us to be. The Inquisition had become too powerful. You were the one who always warned me about that.” 
“That I did,” Thom said, his voice gone husky. 
He was still so handsome: the sable hair, chiseled features that no beard could hide. And the way looked at her. It had always unsettled her and filled her with a pleasant queasiness. The pull she felt from him could compel her into the heavens.
“Where’s Cullen?” Thalia asked, abruptly and loudly. She looked around, but already knew they were alone.
“In a meeting. Disbanding the Inquisition and then fainting dead away in the council chamber created a whirlwind of chaos, as you can imagine.” 
“So what are you doing here?” 
He hesitated, and she realized that he’d draped his traveling cloak over the back of the chair. On the floor beside him was a rucksack and saddle bag, fully packed. Dread slithered through Thalia’s stomach. “Thom, no, you can’t leave.”
“Oh, but I can. In fact, I must.”
“But you just got here!”
“I was only welcome in Orlais under protection of the Inquisition, Thalia,” Thom said carefully. “Or have you forgotten, how you abducted me from Val Royeaux to evade the crown’s justice?”
Thalia opened her mouth and then closed it. His tone was calm, but she could still feel the simmering fury beneath them. After all this time, he still hadn’t forgiven her for saving his life. 
He was right, though. She hadn’t thought of the immediate consequences of shutting the Inquisition down. She had only been thinking of the future, of the fight that lie ahead. Not the here and now, and certainly not the political climate of Orlais, where Celene ruled as Empress and a warrant for the arrest of Thomas Rainier was very much active. 
“How much time do you have?” she asked in a small voice. 
“I was given, shall we say, a polite warning. A chance to leave the country before the authorities pursue me in earnest. As a reward,” Thom added with disdain, “for my years of service to the Inquisition.” 
Thalia let out a bitter laugh. “That’s your reward? If it wasn’t for you, the Qunari would be ruling the Winter Palace as we speak.” Every step of the way, he’d been by her side. Even as Iron Bull had turned on them, Thom had not hesitated to strike down a colleague, perhaps even a friend — all to protect Thalia, and the cause for which she stood.
“That’s Orlesians for you,” Thom scoffed. “Break your back for them, and they’ll stab you in it as a parting gift.” 
Thalia laughed, and felt transported to a difference time: before all the horror they lived through together, and the sloppy way they’d circled one another, inflicting wound after wound. Back when she was a naive girl fresh from the confines of the Ostwick Circle, and he was a noble Grey Warden. He was one of the first people who ever seemed to truly see and hear her; he’d made her want to be seen, and heard. When he spoke, it was with a measured wisdom she wanted to drink in.
He watched her with the same intense, sad gaze from those fraught days in Haven, when the snowflakes drifted lazily in the air around them and while they talked in the golden light of the late afternoon, she could see their breath on the cold air. Then he slowly got to his feet, gathering his things. Thalia thought she might cry. 
“You could have said something,” she blurted.
Thom looked up, inclined his head. 
Her chest ached. “Before I married him.” 
Thom snorted. “Could I have?”
“‘You’ll always have my sword arm and my friendship,’” she quoted back to him, the tears pricking her eyes. “And I thought: well, that’s it, then. He’s really washed his hands of me. And then out of nowhere, Cullen proposed, and I thought, oh, might as well. Maybe it will help me forget how much Thom Rainier hates me.”
He watched her. His face remained the mask she had found it to be so many times, with the emotions beneath lying still, yet unfathomably deep. Something in his gaze softened. “Thalia, I don’t—”
“Hate me. Yes, I’ve finally figured that out, Thom, but thank you for confirming it.” She tried to wipe at her face, but remembered she did not have a hand on that arm anymore. “Now that it’s too late.” 
“What did you want me to do?” Thom demanded. “After two years of silence, when you rode in on a horse next to the Commander, with great pomp and circumstance? Ask you to run away with me?” 
“Maybe,” Thalia said, and Thom laughed the laugh that cut down to her bones, the one that reminded her he had as much capacity for cruelty as he did for kindness. 
He shook his head viciously. “Look around you. This is where you belong.” He gestured at the ostentatious bedroom. “In splendor, with a decorated general at your side. Not with the likes of me.”
“You don’t get to decide where I belong!” Thalia shouted.
“Oh, yes, would you like to try it? Being on the lam? Never knowing where your next meal will come from? Never knowing if the village up ahead is friendly, or whether they’ve seen the wanted posters and would put two and two together, and it’s another night on the cold ground in the woods? Hmm? How would you like that for a life, Thalia?” 
He had, once again, shocked her into silence. Thalia looked down, stung as if he had slapped her. Thom slung his bags over his shoulder and moved silently to the door. She thought he might slip away without another word, but he hesitated with his hand on the knob. Abruptly, he put his things down again, crossed the room, and sat on the edge of the bed. 
“Take care of yourself, all right?” he said, leaning down to peck her lightly on the forehead. She felt the heat of his mouth and the tickle of his beard. Her heart pounded in her ears. 
Thalia snaked her good hand through his hair, found the nape of his neck, and pulled him toward her. Their lips met, and they pressed against each other desperately. Thalia felt her tears falling, turning their kisses salty. Thom moved his mouth to her cheeks and eyelids, holding her face gently in his hands. He murmured as he went, supplications she only half-heard and knew to be as sweet as they were false.
“I love you,” she said miserably, clinging to him as best she could.
“Mmm,” he said, drawing away. With a sniff and a knuckle swiped across his eyes, he stood. “It’s a shame that was never any blessing, eh?” 
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
The Four Times it Rained with Anthony Beauvillier and The One Time it Didn't
Requested? Absolutely not
Warnings? It's really long with like no dialogue LMAO
Summary: The rain has always brought good things to you and Tito but what happens when it's actually sunny out?
Word Count: 4k
It's really mf long but I promise it's worth it and I'm super proud of it so enjoy! :)
When you awoke to the sound of rain pounding steadily on your rooftop your heart filled with glee like a little kid in a candy store. Nothing made you happier than when it rained outside. You loved having the opportunity to sit inside and work all day with the patter of rain smacking the rooftop.
However, today was even better. You had no work and nowhere to be, your all-time favorite kind of rainy day. You always took these days to finish up your favorite books, watch the movies you’ve been holding off on for ages, revel in the ending of your favorite tv shows that have been put off, order in food, and just enjoy the sound of the rain.
It was a cliche, of course, most of your favorite things typically were. It didn’t make you love them any less, in fact, it made you love them a little more. Thinking about how you and however many other people were absolutely content with the fact that it was pouring outside.
And to make things better? Tito had the day off too.
You were a bit surprised when you woke up to the rain and not your best friend either calling, knocking on the door, or just barging straight in like he owned the place. He practically did, always coming over and spending more time at your apartment than he did his own. He certainly wasn’t unwelcome, you loved every moment you got to spend with the left-wing Islander.
Just as you sit up in bed, running a hand through your hair you hear a knock on the door. Knowing it’s no doubt, Tito, at the source, you shoot him a text telling him to come in using his spare key. You listen to the quiet sounds of the rain against the window as your best friend lets himself inside your apartment.
You fall back in bed, pulling the blankets up to your chin, and snuggle deep into the warmth. You hear a quiet knock on your bedroom door before Tito lets himself in. Your head turns, a tiny smile at the sight of your best friend and he reflects it. He makes his way over to you, climbing in bed and slipping an arm around your waist. He pulls you into his chest, pressing his face into your hair and you both sigh in content at the feeling.
You try to ignore the way his hands feel like fire against your skin and how your heart’s steady tempo has slowly increased at the mere thought of him. Gentle warmth floods your body when Tito presses a kiss to the back of your neck, the action causing your heart to act as an elevator, rising and falling without rhyme or reason.
You both fall asleep for a while, the rain lulling you into a tired state and soaking up the rest you both had been sorely lacking after your busy weeks. You awoke for the second time that day to Tito’s hands lazily tracing patterns on your arms.
“Hi,” you murmur, turning in his embrace.
“Hey,” he greets back his tiny smile growing wider. “Wanna watch a movie or something?”
“Getting bored laying here?” you ask.
“Never,” he says, throwing a wink at you that has your stomach doing backflips.
Tito has to turn away from you as his cheeks burn red at your sleep-ridden state. His heart mimics the rain outside a steady patter fast against the rooftop just like his heart against his ribcage. He stands, holding a hand out to you which you take and you let him pull you up and out of bed, leading you towards the living room.
You both fall onto the couch, Tito pulls your legs over his and slips an arm back around your waist. He hated being away from your touch for too long. Your head falls comfortable onto his chest and you’re certain your eyes may flutter shut once more.
Tito peruses the movies before him and ultimately decides on a random marvel one that he’s never seen before but you most definitely have. He watches as your eyes light up at the sight of your favorite superhero on screen, and you launch into the explanation of the plot for him.
He can barely focus, only thinking about how easy it would be to release the three simple words that would change everything. Or press a kiss to your soft-looking lips in an attempt to hush you so he can actually watch and listen to the movie. Unfortunately fear captures his heart a little tighter than the love he has for you.
You turn back to look at your best friend, expecting at least a hum in response, and when you notice his eyes have been on you the entire explanation your cheeks flush. You wondered what he was thinking about, and hoped it was the same thing you were.
“You okay?” you ask, pulling him back to reality.
“Yeah,” he reassures. “All good.”
You nod, a tiny smile on your lips as you look back at the TV. Tito tries to focus for you but he can only think about how much he loves you.
It was a bad habit for you to leave all of your shopping to one day a week. You always ended up running out of something you desperately needed but were too lazy to go out and buy.
However, today seemed to be turning out equal parts bad and equal parts good. The good thing was that you were able to convince Tito to come with you shopping and carry some (he would argue most) of your groceries home. The somewhat bad? It looked like it might rain.
You tried to make your way through the store as quickly as possible, the impending storm looming in the back of your head as you shop. However, your best friend is of no help to you.
"Tito" you call for the billionth time. "Put it back."
The older boy pouts, reaching into your cart to pull out the fruit snacks he just threw in. You smile widely at him, and before you can move the cart once more, Tito climbs onto the front of it.
“Onward!” he yells pointing in the opposite direction and you giggle while pushing the cart slowly along as to not hit anyone or anything.
The rest of the shopping goes just as smoothly, your heart filling up with air similar to a balloon that doesn’t know when it’s going to pop. Sometimes looking at your best friend was too much and you became scared you’d let the feelings spill out all over the floor.
Tito would do anything to see you smile or laugh. It was nothing short of embarrassing himself or nearly killing himself in the middle of a grocery store aisle where he could easily be recognized in the small area of Long Island. As long as your head was thrown back in laughter, a wide smile stretched across your lips, and the promise of a sometimes yelled “Tito!” or “beau!” expelled from you was there, it was worth it.
After checking out, you two split up the bags and start to make the trek back to your apartment. You were beyond glad you had brought Tito along with you, making the trip much easier on you and providing plenty of entertainment along the way. As you walk, the clouds start to rumble and you cast a nervous glance over to the tall brunette. Tito grins back at you, just enjoying your presence, not a care for the impending weather.
A crack of thunder rolls in causing you to jump and pick up your speed. You were about two blocks from your house but the world had other plans for you. Just as you were rounding a block away, it starts to pour.
“Fuck!” you yell pausing in the street.
You look over and Tito is grinning like a maniac, the smile on his lips shooting straight to your heart. You can’t help but reflect it, he looks beautiful rain-soaked and his blue eyes lit up at the wonder of it all.
Tito had always been grateful for the rain. It had always brought good things to him and the world. Right now it easily brought him his favorite thing he’s ever witnessed. Your hair is soaked, plastering messily against your face as you whip around to look at him. A smile bigger than he had ever seen sits perfectly on your lips and that sound that he loves more than anything in the world is there, the laugh that makes his heart rise to the top of the empire state building and teeter over the side with nerves.
God, he loved you.
Without a second thought, he intertwines your hands, grabbing your bags out of your other hand and hauling them into his own. He starts tugging you along, trying to push down the fact that your hands feel like they’re made specifically for him and that he never wants to let go.
You make it back to your apartment, your heart pounding for a different reason for once. When you get inside, Tito drops the groceries by the door and you both turn to each other still giggling quietly. Tito’s hand is still interlocked with yours, his calluses rubbing against your palm and sending shockwaves through your veins.
He pulls you in, his other hand coming to wrap around your waist. Your soaked bodies inch closer until they’re flush and you’re staring into his mesmerizing blue eyes. Your free hand wraps around the back of his neck, your fingers trailing the buzz-cut hair on the back of his neck.
Tito was pretty sure you might be the death of him. Looking down at your soaked state, peering up at him and the movement of your hands, he’s surprised his heart hadn’t stopped yet. He wants to lean down, finally meet his lips to yours, and fall headfirst into a relationship with you without considering any of the consequences.
You were hoping that one of you was finally going to build the nerve to change everything. Your heart is tipping on the edge of wishing and hoping. Just as your noses brush, a loud crack of thunder sounds, and you both jump, the possibility scaring you along with the noise.
Today was not turning out to be a good day. Besides the prospect of rain later, you had barely gotten any work done, your finals were coming up soon, and you hadn’t seen Tito in weeks.
So the last one is slightly exaggerated. You had seen Tito, mostly through facetime calls and the occasional quick stop by but he was mostly on the road and you were sorely missing your best friend. You’d kill to have him here, even if it was for longer than an hour, you’d do anything to have him next to you.
You knew it was somewhat selfish, but you needed him here. Needed his encouraging words, his soft touches, his sweet smiles, just his presence. You knew his schedule though, understood his job and what came with it and you knew he’d never trade it for the world, you never wanted him to.
Tito was homesick. Not particularly for his apartment, or even the island itself, he was desperate to see you. He missed your laugh, and holding your hand, cuddling together late at night, waking up early to your sleeping state, forehead kisses, and his favorite: your laugh. He was desperate for it, the physical version of it.
However, when he heard the Isles were headed home for a quick weekend stint he knew he wasn’t close to heading back to his apartment. He headed straight towards you, his other half even if it was unbeknownst to you. He had decided a while ago that even if you never reciprocate his feelings, you were still his twin flame, his platonic soulmate forever and always.
He headed to your apartment with excitement, checking your location on his phone to see that you were there. In the cab on the way, it starts to rain and Tito can’t help but smile. He had always loved the rain but he was almost certain it had slowly started to become a beacon of good things especially surrounding you.
A wave of calm flows through him when he reaches your front door, he feels like a little kid receiving the Christmas present that they had been asking for all year. He hadn’t even seen you yet and the thought occurs to him that he always wants to come home to you after long weeks away.
You sit in your apartment, flipping aimlessly through your textbook in an attempt to get some work done. The rain plinks softly against your apartment window and the noise soothes you as you try to focus. However, just as you start to, a knock on your door sounds. You’re wary at first but make your way over to it swinging it open without a second thought.
“Anthony-” you breath out, your best friend’s first name foreign on your tongue.
Tito barges in, wrapping his arms around your waist and you instantly slip yours around his neck. You relish in the feeling of him being here and back in your arms. You almost let out a whine when he pulls away from you but his hands trail from your waist to your hands and interlock them.
“Come on,” he says with a mischievous smile on his lips.
“Where-” you start but Tito shakes his head, pulling you out of the apartment and dragging you along.
You’re so caught up in the fact that Tito is here, and his hand has slipped back into yours that all you can do is take in his appearance. Whenever he’s gone for a long time he always seems different but more and more like home to you. When he comes back it’s like your last puzzle piece is put in place and you’re whole again.
You both make your way down the floors of your apartment building until you’re outside. Tito lets go of your hand, stepping out onto the sidewalk and letting the rain fall over him. You watch as a loving smile falls onto your lips, the rain cascades over him, his hair falling flat against his forehead, and an unknowing smile pressed on his face.
“Come here,” he tells you and at first you shake your head no.
Beau was definitely not taking that answer today. He makes his way over to you, slipping an arm around your waist and lifting you into his arms and out into the rain. You shriek as the cold raindrops fall over you and you tuck your face into Tito’s neck.
He sets you down but doesn’t let go, his hand still circling your waist. He nudges your arms until they slide around his neck again, your fingers interlocking at the nape. He grins wildly down at you and your heart fills and fills at the sight. He slowly sways the two of you back and forth, dancing to music only known between you two.
“I missed you,” he says after a few quiet beats.
“I missed you too beau.”
Your swaying moves to a dull rocking back and forth, the two of you focused more on each other than anything else in the world. Neither of you realized it, but when the other was around the whole world seemed to fall away in an instant. There was no use trying to get between the two of you.
Beau leans down, your foreheads bumping lightly and your breath shortens at the proximity of the two of you. He leans forward, his nose brushing yours and for once you’re begging for his lips to meet yours, not caring about what might change between the two of you after.
“Hey! Get out of the street!”
You and Tito pull apart heads whipping in the direction of a car driving right at you. You both laugh at the ridiculousness of it all before heading back inside, the rain only picking up harder.
“One more exam. Just one more final exam.”
You chanted the words over and over again in your head hoping they would somehow motivate you into finishing your work and studying for the last exam you had for the school year. You even went as far as going to the library, deciding to hole yourself up there the entire day to try and get something done.
Tito would text you occasionally, mostly offering words of encouragement as you worked and every time your phone buzzed an unconscious smile reached your lips. Tito had always been your cheerleader and vice versa. You were always there for each other and pushing each other forward whenever you needed it.
Your corner of the library was cozy, you sat, your legs tucked up in the loveseat next to the window. The rain fell slowly down the side of the building and you watched two raindrops drip down, an unknown race there.
Your eyes fall back to the textbook in front of you, flipping through the pages trying to absorb more information than you already have all day. As you work, suddenly a hand appears in front of you, a cup of coffee being placed down on the table in front of you. Your eyes trail up and you find a grinning Tito standing before you.
“Thought you might need an energy boost,” he says sitting down in front of you.
Your heart practically bursts at the sight. Tito had known you hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep recently and was worried about you. However, he also knew you were easily the most stubborn person in his life. If he couldn’t beat you, he might as well support your caffeine addiction in hopes that by the end of finals you’ll finally get some rest.
“Have I mentioned recently you’re my favorite person in the world?”
Tito grins dropping his head down shyly and you take the opportunity to grab the coffee and take a sip of it. You hum at the taste, a soft smile appearing on your lips when you realize that Tito has memorized your coffee order, something no one else has had the energy to do.
“I also wanted to make sure you get home okay,” he says nodding to the ever-growing rainstorm outside.
Your whole body warms at the words, a blush dusting your cheeks. Tito was nothing if not a gentleman and every time a display like this showed, your heart fell further and further into his hands. You place the cup down in front of you, leaning forward to place a hand on Tito’s knee.
“Thank you, darling,” you say and you swear you see a blush on Tito’s cheeks.
Your eyes search his as the only noise in the library is the sound of the rain against the building and the soft sounds of the workers meandering around. You swear gravity pulls you towards each other, Tito’s hand coming up to cup your cheek. His thumb brushes softly against your skin, the contact making your heart freeze and speed up all at once.
“Excuse me loves, the library is closing.”
You and Tito smile and nod at the sweet woman, breaking apart slowly before gathering your things and heading out together.
And One
The sun shines high in the sky, easily one of the nicest days on long island in months. Spring was melting away into summer and the warm air had you dying to get out and visit the ocean even if it was just for a little bit.
While Tito knew of your love for the rain, the breakthrough of sun was welcomed by the two of you. It was unspoken that when the sun had risen, and the temperature broke seventy, you wanted to spend a little time at the beach together.
You disliked the beach normally, not liking the sand that gets everywhere, the obnoxious teens yelling loudly, kids running around without parents, it just bothered you. But you loved the feeling of warm wind running through your hair as you drive, windows down, and the smell of the ocean air.
Tito shows up on your doorstep, and without a word, you two are out the door and heading towards your car. You climb in, hands immediately rolling down your windows and sunroof while Tito picks the music. You had an unspoken communication to go to the beach today and you were beyond excited.
Tito always looked gorgeous to you. In the sun? His blue eyes shine a bit brighter, his smile seeming to reflect the warmth that the sun brought you inside and out. He was breathtaking.
You were a work of art to Tito. Your hair blew back from your face, whipping around the small space. A light smile had been present since he showed up on your doorstep. Your (y/e/c) lit up from the sun and him. From head to toe, he would never grow tired of looking at you.
When you got to the beach, you parked in a spot overlooking the water. The two of you get out of the car, and Tito gestures to the hood. He stands before you, hands placed gently on your hips, and lifts you onto your car with ease, his hockey training coming in handy.
He hops up next to you, settling down on the hood and overlooking the beautiful ocean. His leg touches yours, starting at your feet and following through to your hips. The contact drives you crazy, making it feel like it’s ten degrees hotter as your nerves spike. It’s surprisingly quiet, the ocean rushing in and out before you, a light wind pushing your hair back effortlessly.
Your hands sit in your lap, nervously fiddling together. Tito glances at you constantly, his eyes trailing to your hands and he builds the courage to slip his fingers into yours. At the contact, you squeeze his hand lightly and that gives Tito all he needs.
“Hey,” he says, making you turn to look at him.
His other hand comes up to cup your cheek and you lean into the touch instinctively. His head ducks to meet yours, your noses brushing and your breath catches in your throat. You watch Tito’s eyes flicker back and forth before pushing forward. His lips meet yours and you sigh at the feeling of his lips on yours. Your free hand comes to grip the side of his shirt and pull him as close as possible.
Your breathless the entire kiss, the thought that the older hockey player liking you back finally smacking you full force. His touch lights you up from head to toe and you never want him to break away.
Tito grew more and more confident within the kiss, and his heart continued to balloon in his chest bigger and bigger at your closeness, you were finally right where you were supposed to be.
You pull apart when there’s no breath left in your lungs but stay close. Tito chases your lips pressing another light kiss to them. You giggle at him and he smiles sheepishly, biting his lip slightly and gazing at you with those eyes that had you since you first met. Tito was still on cloud nine at the thought of you loving him back.
“I really really like you,” he whispers and you giggle. He could have said absolutely nothing, he could have kissed you again, or simply kept holding your hand but the words said out loud made your heart do backflips like it was an olympian training for the gold medal.
“I like you too.”
“And I really wanna kiss you again.”
You smile lovingly at him before pressing your lips to his, something that would never fail to make your heart stop.
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Truth Or Dare- Pansy Parkinson x Female Reader
   Kody: Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!
   Movie/Show: Harry Potter 
   House and Year:  Slytherin / 7th year
   Request: Good morning/night! Hope you’re having a lovely day and make sure to drink water ! Can you write a Pansy x Fem!reader where they’re playing truth or dare and get dared to makeout in front of the people they’re playing with 
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: cursing, makeout, slytherin’s being dumbasses, if you don’t like girls kissing unfollow me please, 
   slytherin’s were considered the most poised and proper house since most came from wealthy pure-blood families who acted like they were born with a stick up there ass. To everyone else the house of Slytherin was also the rudest people alive.
   those people have never been in your friend group clearly. 
   it was true, most of you came from wealth, but you also had shitty, racist, probably homophobic parents. It was the main thing that brought you together, the fact no one else knew what you had to go through just so you weren’t written out of an will or disowned. 
   it sounded shallow to most outsiders, but you needed the money to start your own life and finally be free to do what you want without the constant reminder from your parents about how to act, what to wear, who to hang out with, how to be a proper lady and all that bullshit. It was suffocating.
   enough of the emotional shit. It was a godsend that school year’s at Hogwarts were as long as they were because it meant you had all the time in the world to hangout with your best friends. Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkinson. 
   Draco was the biggest hot head you knew and easily offended, but he also had a big heart under all that angst. When he attached to someone it was impossible to get rid of him. He clung onto all of you like a lifeline and even if he’s a little overbearing you loved him all the same. 
   Blaise was a calm collected fellow, very sarcastic and condescending sometimes. He talked so proper you couldn’t tell if he was insulting you really. Like Draco he also had a big heart, but would never ever show it unless you was with with Theo and to Theo only.
   speaking of Nott. Theo was the ultimate loner avoided all of you for your first year of Hogwarts, then he met Blaise and they connected very well. You all thought it was funny when Theo would be all quiet around you and suddenly light up like a star when Blaise walked into the room.
   he was like that with all of you now though
   and Pansy. She was the embodiment of ‘fuck you and your mom’ kind of person. She took no ones shit and you admired her for that. She was also a giant flirt towards you and only you. Compliment your looks, body, anything really. You thought of it as a joke t first and casually flirted back.
   you suppose Pansy saw that as an invitation to try something more. She’d randomly place her hand somewhere on you and trace random shapes in agonizing slow patterns. A tease at it’s finest. There were also the sides of her you found comforting. 
   you were always prone to panic attacks, something that developed from your parents nonetheless. She would always cradle your face and make sure you were breathing just fine or slip you chocolate frogs randomly because she knew you liked sweets. 
   she was your best friend, but with time your feelings changed and every little thing she did set fire through you like no other. Your heart would start beating so fast you were afraid she would hear it if she got to close. Sometimes you wished she did
   unbeknownst to you Draco, Blaise, and Theo all knew both you and Pansy liked each other and were both pussyfooting around your feelings. Pansy always thought she wasn’t good enough for you and you on the other hand thought that she just didn’t like you like that at all.
   the boy’s were adamant to see you two together
   every other friday night all of you would crowd into Pansy’s room to have a sleepover- well you stopped calling it that after fourth year because Blaise said it was to immature for your guy’s age. He shut up real quick after Pansy said he wasn’t invited then. 
   each of you had your sacred tasks bestowed upon you if you wanted to be allowed entry to the dark cave that was Pansy Parkinson’s private dorm. Draco was in charge of getting butterbeer, Theo got sweets, Blaise had to collect extra pillows and blankets for you all to sleep on.
   and you and Pansy would watch idly as they ran round for said things. 
   “Finally, only took you three an hour” Pansy taunted as the three Slytherin boys walked through the door “Your not the one sneaking butterbeer into the dorms at two in the morning you lazy ass” Draco snapped back, holding the case of glass bottles in his hand. 
   Theo set the basket of sweets on Pansy’s trunk that was at the foot of her bed so he could help Blaise set up the blankets on the floor “Yeah shove off” she waves her hand before falling back onto the bed “Where’s Y/n? Is she not coming? She’s okay right?” BLaise asked, looking around the room.
   Pansy had to hold back a fit of laughter “She’s in the bathroom changing. Your dad is showing by the way” she snickers. Blaise scoffs and goes back to putting down the pillows.  “Why does she need to change?” Theo spoke up, taking a seat on a pillow.
   a grin made its way to Pansy’s face “Spilled some water on her clothes- she spilled water on her clothes” she quickly corrects herself. Draco narrows his eyes and looks at Blaise who gives him a knowing look. “Right” Draco says, knowing full well what happened. 
   the bathroom door opened and Pansy sat up quickly. You walked out, running a hand through your hair as the Slytherin girl eyed you up and down, unable to hide her grin at her shorts and matching black shirt on your body. “Hey Sexy” Pansy sends you a wink. 
   you have learned to tone down your emotions around her, but still- “Hey” you reply simply nad go over to sit at the foot of the bed “Sorry for the wait” you say and they shake their heads “It’s fine, want some butterbeer?” Draco asked and you nod rapidly. 
   Draco begins to distribute the butterbeer amongst you all and that's when the chatting started. Pansy sat behind you and wrapped her arms around your waste, one hand holding her bottle of butter beer and the other wrapped tightly around you. 
   at one point she slid her hand up your shirt, stopping at your belly button to rub the cold metal of her ring along your skin. It made you choke on your butterbeer a bit and cough up “Are you alright?” Blaise asked and you nodded quickly, pointing to your throat “Went down the wrong pipe”
   Blaise seemed to believe your answer or faked it well because he went back to talking to Theo.
   an hour later
   you all had pretty much devoured most of the sweets and were out of topics to talk about though Pansy could continue to insult Draco’s hair until her dying breath. “I’m fucking bored” Pansy whined, laying her head on your shoulder. Y/n.Exe has stopped working.
   “Not my damn problem” Draco retorts, popping a flavour bean into his mouth. You exhale, shaking your head. Weren’t your friends just the nicest people alive. “Good thing i didn’t fucking ask you then huh Malfoy!?” Pansy shouts. Blaise copies your previous actions and sighs.
   he reached up to rub his temples “May we not yell for the sake of my head and Theo’s” he says. Pansy was about to go in one Blaise when you spoke up “Yah, your yelling in my ears Pans” Draco shot her a smirk, knowing she wouldn’t yell after that. 
   Pansy flips him off with a grin “Sit and spin on it” she mouths to him and he just shoots her a glare “We could play truth to dare, heard a couple Hufflepuff girls talking about it. They said it was fun” Theo cut in, looking at his hands. Blaise’s face scrunched up a bit t the idea, but he didn’t say anything. 
   “Yes- your mine bitch” Pansy lets out a maniacal laugh as she points at Draco who looked more weirded out then scared “I’ll play since Theo is, what about you Y/n?” Blaise questioned. You shrug your shoulders “Sure, i’m always down to try things once”
   Pansy’s face lights up “Thank you babes. Now who goes first?” she asked. Blaise lifted his wand nd tapped the empty Butterbeer bottle, causing it to levitate “Pansy, spin it” he says. She shrugs and reaches over your shoulder to spin the bottle. 
   it took a couple seconds before it landed on the Slytherin prince himself. Draco scoffed, rolling his eyes “Fuck my life” he muttered as Pansy gave him a sickenly sweet smile “Draco, truth or dare prick” she said, keeping her wide smile. Draco looked like he was weighing his options in his mind. 
   “What house did you want to be in when you were ten?” She asked. What a weird question. Draco’s face darkened s if he had seen a boggart, before he scowled “You fucking bitch” he seethed making you snicker a bit as well as Theo. “Say it~” she says in a sing song voice. 
   “Fine!” he shouts and takes a deep breath, crossing his arms like an angry child “I wanted to be in Gryffindor, like Harry Potter” the room was silent for a moment as you all stared at him blankly “Loser” Pansy laughs and he throws his arms in the air. 
   “I hate you”
   “Okay cool it Gryffindor” BLaise interjected, making all of you snicker. Draco narrowed his eyes at his mate “Your laughing now Zabini, just wait until i get you and your fucked” he threatens, but Blaise doesn’t have an reaction “Right...good luck with that”
   Draco spins the bottle and you all watch as it spins around for a couple seconds until it stops on the one and only Blaise Zabini “Well shit” he says with a deadpan look. Pansy gasped and covered her mouth “I can’t believe dad just cursed in front of us” she mutters to you, making you smile. 
   “Truth or dare Zabini?” Draco asked, a evil smirk on his face. Sometimes you forgot you were surrounded by Slytherin’s and your friends were assholes. “Dare since i’m not a pussy unlike my fellow housemates” Blaise grins, making Draco shake his head. 
   “Tell Theo you love him...in front of us”
   now Blaise wasn’t one for PDA and neither was Theo, probably one of the reasons they fit so well together. Draco was a dick for this one “I choose truth” he said instantly. You look at Theo who’s half smile turned into a grin. What was he planning? His face drops to a frown and he looks at Blaise.
   “You don’t love me?” he asked, his lip quivering a bit. What in the? All of you looked at Theo as Blaise stared at his boyfriend in shock “What?! No of course i do!” Blaise protests, but Theo doesn’t break from his character “Then say it” he persits. 
   all of you were stunned into silence, even loud mouth Pansy. Blaise looked like he was going to breakdown, which was an interesting look on his face actually “I- uh- what? I-” ne sputters, not knowing how to answer. Theo looks down at his lap “It’s fine i get it” he replies.
   he starts to sniffle, to make Blaise think he was crying which seemed to push - him over the edge. He grabs Theo’s face and makes him look at him “Oh my- i love you Theo. I’m in love with you. What has gotten into you?” he asked rapidly. Theo finally breaks and gives him a tired smile. 
   “I love you too. Who’s next?” he says, breaking away from Blaise who looked like he just went through all five stages of grief and is deciding to go through it all a second time. “Damn- that's tough” Pansy says, breaking the tension “Fuck you” Blaise snaps instantly making you all go wide eyed.
   you guys needed a dad swear jar
   Blaise huffs and spins the bottle, his usual smile with bad intentions coming back to his face once it lands on Pansy, who just sighs, mumbling some curses under her breath “Pans, truth or dare?” he asked. Pansy eyed him with a glare before smiling “Dare” she says. 
   you knew it was a bad idea
   “I dare you to make out with Y/n” he said casually, causing you to choke on your butterbeer “Excuse me!?” you interject “I didn’t laugh at you!” he shrugs his shoulders “Your just collateral damage Y/n, very sorry” he says. but you knew he wasn’t.
   “This is bullshit” you mutter, though the thought was making your heartbeat against your chest. Pansy shrugs nonchalantly before using her hand to tilt your head up so you were looking t the ceiling. This way she could reach you since she was sat behind you.
   Pansy leans down and plants her lips onto yours, leaving you shocked. You lose your grip of your butterbeer, causing it to fall, but Theo catches it. Pansy Parkinson was kissing you, the girl you fell in love with. This wasn’t a teasing touch or flirty comment. It was the real thing.
   and you loved it
   you reach up to put your hand on the nape of her neck to pull her in for  deeper kiss, feeling her grin against your lips. As you both got more heated the boys slowly left the room, leaving you two alone to do whatever the hell really. Good thing too, because it was only going to go further. 
   Pany’s free hand reaches up to wrap round your neck, not squeezing, but just gripping firmly to keep you in place. Fuck. Her tongue ran along your bottom lip and you opened your mouth slightly for her to slip her tongue in and connect it with yours.
   you always forget she has tongue ring
   it was nice to latch onto, hearing Pansy moan into your mouth was an added plus as well. You guessed Pansy was fed up with the current position because she pulled away and pushed you roughly back onto the bed, pulling your legs so you were closer to her.
   she leaned down, hovering over you “I should probably tell you i’m in love with you before anything else happens” hse spoke, a wide smile spreading across her face “Why?” you asked. “because- answer the question Y/n, do you love me too?” she spoke, you could tell she was getting anxious. 
   “Of course i love you. I have for a long time” you say, matching her smile “You're telling me i could have been kissing you like this sooner?” she asked with a small pout. You reach up and loop your arms around her neck “Then let’s not waste anymore time then huh?”
   Pansy grins before kissing you again. 
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   @the--queen-of-hell @sonbelleame @dracosathenaeum @spaceconstellationss @marrymetheonott 
   Kody: How come every Pansy fic i write so far is just really horny? Anyways, i haven’t slept yet and peace!
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krizaland · 3 years
Yandere Zim X Male Reader? There isn't many out there, and I sort of had a song in mind if you would like to listen: Rory by Foxing.
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You got it, friend!
Be warned: There are themes of unrequited love, wasps and a graphic depiction of wasp stings ahead!
Here's the song that was used btw
From the moment he met you, Zim found himself captivated by you.
From your gentle eyes to your kind soul, Zim found you utterly fascinating.
You were nothing like any of the other humans! You weren’t ugly, and you didn’t even stink!
You may have been friends with Dib but that didn’t stop you from sticking up for him whenever Dib tried to expose him!
At first, Zim decided to use you as a good source of information as well as a way to keep up appearances without drawing too much attention to himself.
However, the more time he spent with you, Zim started to feel…strange to say the least.
His PAK would spark around you and his squeedilyspooch felt like it was tied up in knots!
“Computer! What are these HORRIBLE feelings inside of me?! What has that Y/N-human done to Zim?!” Zim demanded as he pointed to the ceiling.
“C’mon spit it out already!”
Zim’s jaw hit the ground.
“WHAT?! ME?! IN LOVE?! WITH A HUMAN?! IMPOSSIBLE! Preform a full body bioscan!”
Zim’s computer sighed as a few mechanical tentacles wrapped around Zim.
After a few minutes, the tentacles retracted,
“N-No! No! This can’t be! No invader can even experience love! Especially not for the enemy! What am I going to do?! ARGH! Computer! Create an antidote for my love illness!” Zim commanded as he tugged on his antennas.
“LIES!! Surely there has to be some way to get rid of these HORRIBLE FEELINGS!” Zim wailed dramatically.
“What are you waiting for! Tell me! Tell me the solution!!” Zim demanded as his voice quivered a bit.
Zim’s tirade was interrupted by Minimoose.
“Stay out of this, Minimoose! This doesn’t concern you!”
“Aww! It’s sweet that you care about your master but don’t worry, Zim will be fine!”
“Eh?! Ask Y/N out on a date to keep up appearances?! Never! didn’t I already make it clear that was a bad idea?! There’s no way I’d possibly show that kind of weakness to the enemy. But what if…”
Zim hummed for a moment as he stroked his chin.
“I’ve got it! I’ll ask Y/N out on a date to keep up appearances! Yes…I’ll simply use these feelings as a way to appear more normal so I can continue my mission!”
Minimoose was a bit annoyed but happily encouraged his master
“I think you’re cool too, Minimoose! Now then, how to woo Y/N…Maybe one of those love note thingys.” Zim muttered to himself as he begin typing away at his keyboard.
After a few minutes of typing, Zim cracked a wicked smile.
“Excellent! With this loove note there’s no way Y/N could possibly resist my proposal!”
Zim burst into maniacal laughter as he printed the note.
“Now all thats left to do is deliver it!”
“OOOH!! OHHH!!! CAN I BRING THE NOTE TO RACECAR?!!” GIR squealed as he reached for the note.
“No GIR! I’m not going to risk this note getting damaged because of you!” Zim snapped as he snatched away the note.
GIR did like that answer.
He let out a loud shriek and threw himself to the ground.
He begun to kick and cry as loud as his voice chip would let him.
“ENOUGH! You may deliver the note to Y/N!” Zim grumbled as he held out the note.
And with that, GIR grabbed the note with his mouth and flew off with it.
“Ugh, I better make sure GIR doesn’t ruin all of my hard work.” Zim huffed as he threw on his disguise and followed after GIR.
It wasn’t long before GIR managed to find you.
You were sitting on a bench in the park next to Dib, who seemed nervous about something.
“Dib? Are you ok? You’re acting kinda…twitchy”
“Twitchy? I’m not twitchy! Heh! It’s just um…the air! Yeah the air is really cold today!” Dib lied as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Dib it’s almost June. It’s like 88 degrees out here. What’s really going on?” You pressed as you gave Dib a sympathetic look.
Dib looked down at his feet and took in a deep breath.
“Ok, I’ll tell you but you have to promise you won’t be grossed out by me.”
“Dib, you’re my best friend! Not even hunting the most disgusting cryptid can make me grossed out by you!” You reassured with a chuckle.
Dib took in another deep breath as he turned to face you
“Y/N, I know we’ve been friends for like a really long time now and….well….”
“Well what?”
Dib swallowed thickly as he tugged at his shirt collar
“I think I might want to be more than friends!”
Dib’s words flew out a mile a minute before he clamped a hand over his mouth.
“Wait?! Are you serious?!” Your eyes lit up a bit.
“Gah! I knew this was a bad idea! Just forget I said anything!” Dib whimpered as he buried his face in his hands.
“No no! I’m actually really happy you told me that, Dib! Because…I want to be more than friends too!” You reassured as you put a hand on his shoulder.
Dib looked up at you and blinked in shock.
“Wait? Really?”
“Yes really! I’ve actually been wanting to ask you out for a while but I wasn’t sure if you felt the same.” You admitted sheepishly as you rubbed the back of your head.
“What?! You had feelings for me this whole time?! And you didn’t even- You know what? Who cares? All that matters is that we both feel the same about each other! Right?” Dib still seemed a bit skeptical.
“Exactly! That’s the spirit!” You cheered as you threw your arms in the air, smacking poor GIR out of the sky.
GIR fell face first into a puddle, soaking Zim’s love note.
However it wouldn’t have mattered whether or not the love note was in tact. For Zim had witness the entire exchange between you and Dib and was devastated.
He let out a pained chuckle as he grabbed the soggy note from GIR’s mouth.
Zim was about to confront Dib when-
Zim had walked right into s tree, causing a wasp nest to fall right on his head.
Zim let out a blood curdling scream as the wasps begun to attack him from all directions!
Soon he began to run amok, with more wasps trailing behind him!
It wasn’t long before Zim managed to make it back to his base.
Two robotic arms came down from the ceiling,
They pulled the wasp nest off of Zim’s head and chucked it out into the front yard.
Zim let out a pained groan as his grotesquely swollen face throbbed with wasp venom and glowing green pus.
The robotic arms carefully peeled off Zim’s disguise and another arm carried him down to his lab.
After a refreshing chemical shower, Zim’s face had returned to normal!
However, while his face had healed, his feelings were still in shambles.
He picked up the note and went back up to the kitchen.
Zim sunk to his knees as he shakily held the soggy note in his hands.
“I wrote you a letter, asked my robot to send it but it took to the sea before you could’ve read it…”
Zim’s grip tightened on the note as a few tears trickled down his cheeks.
“Retreated to snow capped waters of the unknown. Extracted my soul straight from my body! but glowing and red…And I swear that sweat would envelop your arms if you broke down and held it!”
“I swear I’m a good man-“ -Zim took in a heavy breath- “-I swear I’m a good man…”
Zim sniffled a bit,
“So why don’t you love me back?”
He looked down at the note in his hands.
“So why don’t you love me back?”
Zim let out a deep growl as he chucked the soggy note into the window.
“Instead of twisting up words you just say there in silence! In wind burnt homes sighing rays from a sunset!”
Zim rose to his feet and stormed towards the window.
As he peeled the soggy note off the window, he couldn’t help but notice that the wasp nest was still in the front yard.
“And all I could hear was the sound of the wasp nest, my head made a home for the hum of the insects!”
Zim took another glance down at the soggy note he had peeled off the window.
“But my hands shake and shudder at the mention of half written reasons we’ll only be friends!”
Zim’s fist curled around the note and punched the window.
“I swear I’m a good man…. I swear I’m a good man…”
Zim squeezed his eyes shut and let out a sob
“So why don’t you love me back?”
His hand slid down the window.
“So why don’t you love me back?!”
Zim threw the soggy note to the ground and stomped on it
“So why don’t you love me back?!”
He threw his head to the ceiling and shrieked
“So why don’t you love me back?!”
He clutched the sides of his head and wailed his plea once again,
“So why don’t you love me back?!”
Zim melted back down to his knees.
“So why don’t you love me back….”
A louder sob racked his body as Zim felt his world crash down around him.
How humiliating.
He was Irk’s finest invader! How could he be so wounded by one pitiful human?!
No, pitiful wasn’t the right word to describe you. In truth, Zim felt that handsome was a better fit.
Despite how devastated he was, Zim still couldn’t stop wanting you.
The need for your love sparked a fire deep within him.
The fire burned violently throughout Zim’s body! Pulling him out of his depression and making him more confident than ever!
Zim wanted you for some much more than appearances!
He wanted you to be his and his alone!
By taking you away from him, Dib had just made the biggest mistake of his life.
Zim let out a thunderous maniacal laugh as he raised his hands to the ceiling!
He put his disguise back on, grabbed a blaster, and hopped into his Voot.
“Prepare yourself, foolish Dib-monkey! I am coming to reclaim what’s rightfully mine! You shall rue the day you took Y/N away from Zim!”
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rosemary-writes · 3 years
What are you afraid to see?: Part 7 (Dwayne x GN! Reader)
AN: woof, this took forever to do. I started this chapter right before my great grandma died so this chapter became hard to write. But I got it done so yay!
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Bad feelings, mentions of the supernatural, bad nightmare, hint of possible drunkenness, a drugged state?, swearing
“Hey, Dwayne?”
“It’s getting late. Or early, depending on how you want to look at it.” you mumbled into his skin. He mumbled something at your words. During the process of watching the town lights from above and chattering to each other, the both of you shifted to where you were laying on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you. His chest was cold but the feeling wasn’t unwelcomed.
“Do you want to go home?” Dwayne asked, looking down at you. You looked up at his dark eyes. He looked tranquil in the moonlight.
“I don’t want this to end but, I think I should be getting home.I don’t want my friends to worry about me.” you said with a sigh. Dwayne nodded at your words and released you from his cold embrace. Carefully, you removed yourself from him and stood up. You held out your hand and he took it to bring himself up from the ground. His necklace jingled as he stood up.
“If it makes you feel better, I would love to see you soon.” you said, as the two of you interlocked fingers and began to make your way back through the park.
“When would you like to have another date?” Dwayne asked, looking at you. You pondered the question for a second. “Hm, well I’m helping two of my friends move soon, so maybe a few days? Not a week, but maybe three to four days.” you answered, meeting his look for approval.
“Sounds good to me. Are all of your friends leaving?” he asked again as you both walked past the old fountain.
“Yeah, I’m a little sad that most of them live out of state. Especially Rich, he lives the farthest away.” you said with a hint of desolation.
“Do you want to talk about it? You don’t have to, you just sound kind of bummed about it.” he quickly said, as you both exited the park.
You yawned, “Nah, I don’t want to think about it currently. Especially this late or early in the day.” you responded. Dwayne nodded as you both walked to his bike.
“Well, if it ever ails you then I’m only a phone call away.” Dwayne said, pulling out his keys and twirling them on his finger.
“Dwayne, you never gave me your number. I gave you mine, remember?” you stated as he put his keys into the ignition.
“Oh, my bad. I’ll give it to you the next time we meet.” he said, as started up his bike. You stifled a giggle as you both got on. His hand fiddled with something before he began driving out of the secluded area.
You snuggled into his back as he drove down the hills and through the wooded area. When the trees opened up to the road, the half moon illuminated the crashing waves from afar. Dwayne kicked off and sped onto the empty road. You looked out and saw the distant lighthouse near what the locals called “Hudson's Bluff”.
There were rumors that it was haunted and that strange and unnatural things took place there. People would claim that ghosts would fly out and wreak havoc but only if they were disturbed. Alice said that on new moons, you could hear screaming and horrible sounds from the bottom of the bluff. Even Ruth said that the place had bad energy and that she didn’t like going there. Maybe there was something about it at the city library? You needed to go there anyway so it wouldn’t hurt to look through some town records. Perhaps, once you got information, you would go and investigate. Surely it was just local talk. Maybe there was a bear cave or something like that and that's what people heard.
Dwayne's head turned to check on you, as you looked out at the sea. When he stopped at a light he asked, “What’re you thinking about? You seem a million miles away.”
You pondered over your thoughts for a second, “You’re a local, right? What do you know about Hudson’s Bluff?” you asked, moving your face to rest on Dwayne’s shoulder so he could hear you better.
He didn’t move for a second until the light turned green. His face moved to look at the road before him. “Well, I can’t say I know much about the location itself. My brother knows a good bit about it. Why do you ask? Have you been listening to gossip?” he asked teasingly as he sped up on his bike. You could see a smirk on his face.
“I might’ve heard a thing or two. I might go check out the bluff sometime later in the month.” you said, tightening your grip around him. Dwayne nodded in response as he neared the area you lived. You could feel the vibrations of a hum go through his chest. It was like a cat purring. He pulled into the little community and thankfully, he slowed down significantly.
“Oh, Dwayne, let me introduce you to my neighbors.” you said, adjusting yourself so you could point out the houses. As you passed an old red house you pointed, “Okay, that’s Mrs. Lanna. She keeps everyone in check.” you began. Dwayne looked at the, nearly, decaying house.
“Is she an elderly woman?” he questioned, looking at you. You nodded, “Yeah, and up there is a guy named Jesse. He’s horribly rude.” you explained, pointing to the house with many wind chimes. Dwayne hummed in response. As he drove slowly, you kept pointing at houses and naming off the people that lived there.
“I think I met the person who lives here.” Dwayne said, as he stopped in front of your house. “Oh really? What did you think of them?” you asked grinning, as you both got off of the bike.
“Well, when I first saw them, I couldn’t stop looking at them.” he began, taking your hand in his, “Something about them just pulled me in, like a fish on a hook. After that, I stumbled upon them and their friend at a little diner. They seemed a little timid but their friend got them to speak a little.” he continued, walking you to your door. “When we spoke on the phone, they were super nice and polite. We scheduled a date and I showed them my favorite place. I think they liked it.” He finished.
You both stood in front of the door to your house. He was grinning at you and you were trying your best to not laugh.
“I’m positive that they liked it.” you said, with a smile. “Infact, I think they’d like to make you dinner when the next date happens.” you finished. The both of you were standing there, grinning like idiots. “I would love it if they did that.” Dwayne whispered into the moonbeams of morning.
“May I kiss your cheek goodnight? Or good morning? Whatever it is.” Dwayne asked with a light chuckle. You nodded. Carefully, he leaned in and gave a cold kiss to your cheek. His other hand came up to gently cup your face. When he pulled away, his hand lingered for a moment before he pulled himself away fully.
“I’ll call you in a few days, okay?” he said, taking your hand in his. You nodded and he let go of your hand. He watched you for a second before walking back to his motorcycle. Instead of going inside, you watched as he walked away and got on his bike. Before he drove off, he waved at you.
You entered the house with a smile from ear to ear. You had never felt this way about anyone before. To be fair, you never put yourself into the whole dating scene; However, what you were feeling felt amazing.
You reached into your coat pocket and pulled out your keys. The little wisteria flower clinked on your key. The wisteria sent a spark through your body. You were glad that you swapped the flowers.
Brushing the thought aside, you walked to your bedroom with a sigh. He really did spark electricity in your soul.
You pulled off your coat and let it fall onto the hallway floor. The forgotten contents in the pockets of the coat thumped against each other as you entered your room. Carefully you slipped off your shoes as well. You flopped onto your bed and wrapped yourself into the sheets. Gently, you held the flower chain in your hand. It was still cold to the touch as if Dwayne had just handed it to you. With a sigh, you held it to your lips.
Your thoughts wandered for a split moment. Surely, if you kissed him, nothing bad would happen to you or him? Yes, the vision would surely be something that unnerved you; However, it still would mean that you kissed Dwayne. The thought sent shivers down your spine. Maybe it wouldn’t be bad to kiss him too soon? After all, he did say it was your call. It was also his call too with something so risky as a kiss.
If the sayings were true, and there was indeed a subtle pull, then you were nearly positive that the soulmate magic was pulling you and Dwayne together. You wondered if Dwayne felt the same pull or if it was different. He must’ve felt something if he treated you so well on your dates. While being wrapped up in your thoughts of Dwayne, and how you wanted him, you fell asleep with the wisteria in your hand.
The laughter was constant. Constant and maniacal. You don’t remember how you got to where you were. Surrounded by the hazy darkness with only fire to illuminate you and the other people. You could hardly see them. They were blurry with their sporadic movements. Your movements were slow. Everything you saw was slow. As the figures danced in blurry motions, you felt sick.
You didn’t like it. Whatever you were feeling, you wished it would stop. It hurt. \With slow movement, you stood up. If someone wasn’t behind you, you would have fallen over onto the hard ground. With a gentle gesture, their arms wrapped around your waist. Their face came to rest next to yours and their body was freezing against your heated frame. It felt wrong and right simultaneously.
Slowly, you moved to look at the blurry face. Before you could get a good look at them, they kissed you. It was swift but you could feel their love and adoration for you in that brief moment. When they pulled away, they moved to give gentle kisses to your neck.
Something was creeping up. A bad feeling in your chest. The sounds were getting louder and they echoed in your ears. Your heartbeat was loud and if you could think correctly, you would be sure that the strange figures could hear it. You wanted to leave. This wasn’t right.
“I’m glad you agreed to this. Everything will be okay soon.” they whispered into your ear. Before you could ask, or even murmur a sound to them, there was a sharp pain in your body and you screamed.
You jolted up with a yell. Your heart was racing a million miles and you struggled to catch your breath. Wide eyed, you looked around your room. Everything was clear and sunlight gently flooded your room. Your hand came up to your face and you realized that you were sweating, profusely. Gently, your hands wiped the sweat from your face and neck. You took a few moments to steady your breathing and calm yourself. That was the scariest nightmare you ever had. The horrible feeling in your chest gently faded away as you pulled away your bed sheets.
Shakily, you stood up from your bed. You looked into your mirror and realized that you sweat through your shirt. Sighing, you went to your closet and pulled out an old band tee and some regular jeans. A shower would be good before you spent the day doing whatever you wanted .You walked to your bathroom and made sure to lock the door.
After being in the shower for nearly an hour, you dried yourself and put on fresh clothes. It felt good to not be sticky with sweat. When you sat down on your couch, you realized that the only thing from the nightmare that stuck with you was the feeling of those kisses. Whoever the mystery person was, you gave them credit for leaving an impression on you. Now you knew what it felt like to be kissed.
You were thankful that you couldn’t remember anything vivid; However, the feeling of the kisses and the sharp pain kept playing over in your mind. It was weird.
Looking over to the phone, you remembered that Richard wanted you to call after your date. Oops. You figured it would be better to call now instead of later. Picking up the phone, you punched in the numbers and carefully put the phone to your ear. It rang a few times before Richard picked up.
“Hey Rich, it’s me.”
“Do you know how long I waited for you to fucking call?! You made me worried sick!” Richard yelled into the phone.
“I’m sorry! We stayed out really late and I didn’t get home until early this morning!” you quickly said.
“You had Ruth worried too! After this, you need to call her so she knows you’re okay. You are okay, right?” he asked. You could hear him shuffle on the line.
“I promise that I’m alright. Dwayne was really sweet about everything. Richard, I’m sorry for not calling and I’m so sorry for worrying you.” you answered, biting your lip. You could hear a faint sigh from the other end.
“Hey, it’s okay. I just don’t know what I would do if something bad happened to you.” Richard admitted. You could picture his hand rubbing the back of his neck. He always did that when he admitted something.
“Enough of the worry talk, I want to know how your date went!” he said ecstatically. So, you told him just about everything. You told him about the exhilarating rides on his motorcycle, the keychains, running off of the boardwalk, Dwayne's safe haven, the many things you both whispered under the moon, and how you wanted to make him dinner in a few days.
The line went quiet and for a second, you thought he might’ve hung up.
“Richard? Are you still there?” you asked hesitantly.
“Yes, and I hope you’ve thought about this because it sounds like you’ve caught it.”
“Caught what?”
“Your soulmate, your beloved, the person of your dreams. You’re like a fisherman catching the prized mallard! You’ve caught it!” Richard said enthusiastically through the phone. You chuckled before you could tell him that a mallard was a duck.
“Do you really think so?” you asked, pulling the phone closer to your face. “What if I'm just overthinking things?” you questioned.
“I don’t think you’re overthinking anything. It sounds like the pull brought you both together.” Richard answered. You felt your face heat up. “Have you thought about kissing him yet?” he asked.
“I thought about it before I went to sleep. When we were looking out at the city, I said I wanted to kiss him but it wouldn’t be anytime soon. I kind of regret saying that now.” you admitted.
“Well, I don’t see any harm in saying that you changed your mind. Didn’t he say you guys were taking this at your pace?” he questioned. You hummed in response. “Then I think he would be fine with you going ahead and saying that you’d like to speed up the process.” he finished.
You contemplated his words for a moment. You wouldn’t kiss him on the next date but what about sometime after that? Maybe the third or fourth date? Your mind felt more at peace with that idea.
“Okay, I think that sounds reasonable.” you stated. Richard made a squealing sound on the other end.
“It’s settled then, by the end of the summer break, you’ll be with your biker man!”
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writting-thingz · 3 years
Request:Could I request something angsts and fluffy for Benimaru from fire force? I’m sorry I can’t give anymore detail- my mind is literally blank 😬😂
Pairing: Reader x Benimaru
Summary: You found out your younger brother is turning innocent people into infernos and use them as his army. It seems all your worst fears are coming true as you run to your closest friend and love your life for help. Can Benimaru ever forgive you for not seeing the true nature of your brother?
Warnings: ANGST… intrusive thoughts, fluff if you really squint
Forgive Me
       Once again you find yourself arguing with your younger brother. The same old song and dance since you found out what he had been occupying his time with behind your back. He seemed more agitated today.
“You’re just too naive to understand Y/n. This is for the greater good of science, of the world!!” He exclaims whilst pacing in front of his ‘throne ’.
“Killing innocents by turning them into infernos and trying to use them as your puppets!? You call THAT 'For the greater good’? What about all those people you sacrificed, HUH?!?” You cried with shaking clenched fists. Your brother shoots you an icey spine chilling glare which you mirror right back at him. “Those people are innocent! You ruined their life’s for your personal entertainment!!! You’re a horrible person, you’re a mon-” in a blink of an eye you brother is behind you. You can feel the edge of his knife pressing hard against you throat; it was almost enough to draw blood.
“Finish that word and I’ll make sure it’s your last.” He snarled. Heavy, blood-thirsty breaths blow past your ear as he spoke, “Everyone has their sins, Y/n, even the most innocent ones. Think of it as a final repent for all the wrong and evil they have done. We all have to pay for our deeds one day; I’m just being a good Samaritan and helping. Keep of this act of yours and you’ll be next.” Having finally had enough of this you grab a hold of his wrist and pull it away from your neck. You maneuvers the situation around so you’re pinning his wrist behind his back and holding his dagger to his throat. He waits patiently knowing you’ll give up. You huff and whisper angrily
“you’re sick!” You chuck the dagger at the ground and storm off. As you leave you could hear his chuckle gradually turn into maniacal and hysterical laughter.
      The wall to town was hardly quiet. The closer you came to town the louder the world seemed to be. His haunting laugh echoed as the intrusive thoughts that crowded you mind grew louder. They started low but now it was as if they were screaming.
’You let him slip through you fingers’
’You failed to notice what your little brother truly was and now the world will suffer because you!’
’What? Now you're  going to run away? Run to HIM? Are you going to tattle on your own flesh and blood?’
’You don’t think you’re actually doing the right thing do you? Sell out your little brother to a fire force soldier? Oh that’s right you don’t love your sibling he’s just monster to you.’
’What makes you think Benimaru is going to love you after you tell him the truth?’
’He’ll think you’re brother is a monster and you are too by connection’
’You’re a monster’
’He’ll try to exterminate your brother and fail then world will suffer and it will be all your fault’
’You’re a monster, it’s all your fault’
’Its all your fault, it’s all your fault, it’s all your fault’
“ShuuuuuUUUUUUT UUUUUPPP!” You scream as you clutch your head. You scratch your scalp as you grip your hair. “Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT! UP!” You shake your head as you cry out.
      A pair of screams pull you out of your head. You weren’t aware that surrounding you was total mayhem and destruction, let alone that you had made it into town. Inferno were everywhere you looked.
'What.. what’s going on?’ Your eyes widen and start to tear up.
’Oh don’t play dumb, you know who’s behind this’ the sinister thought surprised you.
“Y/NNNNN” A familiar voice calls out, no, bellows out. You just barely feel the wind blowing past your as a flaming spear skims past your cheek.
“B-Beni?” You hesitate in disbelief of the sight before you. Was the man you love axtuslly barreling towards you with ill intent? Having to dodge another flaming spear and being hit in the shoulder by a second on brought forth the harsh reality. Your heart twists and turns creating knots as you clutch your shoulder. Benimaru, the love of your life, lands a few feet ahead of you.
“How could you do this? I thought you wanted a better world for your brother!? Is this seriously how you thought you were going to get it?” He tells.  The dust from his landing settles as he interrogates you. You can see tears roll down his cheeks,  “Y/n… I have a hard time believing you did this. Tell me- …tell me it isn’t true.” The wavering tone of his voice causes a hitch in your breath and a twang of pain to hit your heart.
“I-I-” before you could explain an inferno busts through a building beside Beni. You sprint to push him out of the way of the debris. As you make your way to him you grab some nearby rubble and chuck it at the raging inferno. You chuck it as hard and with as much fire power as you could in those few seconds.
      You cough harshly as pain races throughout your body. The pain didn’t matter to you, what matters is you saved Benimaru. After getting back up he scrambles by your side. He sends a few spears into the inferno finishing it off.
“Y/n! Hey, look at me. This isn’t the time or place to be snoozing.” He pats the side of your face and your eyes flutter open.
“Beni… I know auh.. I know we aren’t amazing close as friends but I love you. I have for a while I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same heh heh, augh…” you admit grunting from the pain occasionally. “You have to believe I would never want harm to come to you or this town. But this is my fault. Augh-” your confession is interrupted by sudden coughs. “I-.. I wasn’t a good enough older sibbling. I had no idea he was capable of something like this ack- I promise, if you give me a chance I’ll be good. I’ll work to be better and change him, I promise Beni. Please just let me talk to him. I promise I’ll help make him better, ill be good. I’ll be good… I’ll… be.. good.” A heavy weight hits your eyes as you cry your confession and plea. Although it’s fuzzy and just barely a whisper, you still manage to hear him,
“I believe you Y/n. Rest, I’ll take care of your little brother.”
*four days later*
      You had woken two days after passing out. Konro breached the news of your brother passing away during a battle against a few fire soldiers and Beni who tried to intervene when he found them. Benimaru has yet to visit you while you are recovering. You feared those awful thoughts of yours were right; that  because he knows the truth he hates you. Desperately wanting to focus on something happy you convince the medics to allow you a walk. A calming stream beside you as you remember all the times you spent there with Benimaru. The few laughs you had together, and practices you begged for to better your fire power and fighting skills. You smiled watching the ghost of a memory play out before you.
“I thought I would find you here…” Bittersweet was the feeling that hit you when your heard his voice. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit.. I was too ashamed to face you after failing to take care of you brother…” he confesses. You stop walking but don’t dare look at him, How could you? He lets out a deep breath before speaking again, “I know that I hurt you. I know that nothing I can say will change the past. But…I’m hoping that you’ll forgive me in the end. I’m hoping that I can make this right.” Tears quickly swell up in your eyes. You spin around and make eye contact with him. After a few seconds you couldn’t bare it any longer and you run at him with your arms outstretched. The two of you tumble to the ground with your arms wrapped tightly around him.
“I forgive you, just please don’t leave me… I can’t loose both things I love.” You pleaded as he sat up. He cradles you into his arms as you sob. Slowly you cry your self to sleep with you face buried in his chest. Beni places a gentle kiss on your forehead and whispers,
“I won't… I love you Y/n”
~The End~
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satorinni · 4 years
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track 20: spawnpoint
Kenma has never been much of a ladies man. Well, that’s how he’s always envisioned himself. Actually, that’s how he still envisions himself. His rise to fame and security lead to a lot of new women interested in his life, but he’d never pay them much mind. He’s always thought himself above the idea of love. He had everything he needed, so to speak. So what more could he possibly want?
You, on the other hand, believed a little differently. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe in love, just that you didn’t have time for it. Between school & life, going on dinner dates and spending every waking moment with someone else seemed a little time consuming. It sounded a little selfish, but you always had to come first. Even before your friends and family, you were determined to succeed and be the best you could be. Never in a million years did you expect to be here. 
Literally, actually. 
At the time, the carnival seemed like a really good idea. You had never been on a ferris wheel before, and an elephant ear sounded so good. But it seemed you and Kenma underestimated his fame, just a little bit. 
A bunch of people started recognizing him, not just from his streams, but for being the owner of a gaming corporation? The only escape was on the ferris wheel, which wasn’t that bad, but a blonde kid & his girlfriend in the cart next to yours were making out the whole time. Awkward. Plus, turns out, Kenma has a slight fear of heights. Which wasn’t that bad, for you at least. Gave you an excuse to hold his hand the whole time. After the sun started to set you began walking to a nearby park to watch the carnival fireworks. 
“You know I tried baking this stuff one time.” You gestured down to the slice of apple pie you were eating. Kenma looked over at you as you both continued walking. 
“How’d that go?” He raised an eyebrow in interest, still looking at you.
“Actually, that’s where I got this.” You lifted your arm to show a burn scar on your lower forearm. “Always wear oven mitts when handling hot pastries.” 
Kenma sees this and busts out laughing. “Duly noted, genius. Remind me to never ask you to cook for me.” 
You nudge his shoulder and roll your eyes. “Oh, whatever, hot shot. At least I don’t set pasta on fire like your boyfriend.” You spoon a piece of the pie and gesture for Kenma to take it. 
“Shut up.” He tries to hide his smile by biting down on your spoon. You yank at it which causes apple pieces to go flying onto the sidewalk. You & Kenma burst into giggles, completely disregarding the families & couples lounging in the grass.
You walk over to the nearest garbage bin to rid of your trash, wiping your hands off on your skirt. Turning around, Kenma’s eyes are on you, smirking.
“Please Kenma, I know I’m hot, but refrain from eye-fucking me. There are children around.” You grin at his flustered appearance, placing yourself back at his side. 
“Would you rather I actually fuck you?” He snorts out, devilish look gracing his feature. 
“Kenma!” Now it was your turn to wear the flustered expression. It was already dark, the stars out to stay hello. Everyone littered in the grass staring up into the sky, waiting for the show to go on. You stop walking, somewhere near the front of the park. Kenma stops as well, facing you. If it had still been light outside, you’d be blocking everyone's view of the carnival and light show. Thankfully, aside from the ferris wheel lights, it was dark enough so you were out of view from most of the bystanders. 
Kenma’s staring at you with wide eyes, like a deer in headlights, if you will.
“What?” You tilt your head in curiosity. Highschool you would’ve freaked out by now, your insecurities back then ate away at you. Made it real difficult to create long lasting relationships. You probably would’ve overanalyzed everything, especially with the way he was looking at you right now. You probably would’ve overthought every action and conversation you guys have had. 
But now? You gained a lot more confidence. You had stability. You had you. Surprisingly, that was enough. But it wouldn’t hurt to indulge in one, Kenma Kozume. 
“Kenma? Don’t go mute on me again.” You smile softly at the furrow of his brows. You could tell he was just trying to figure out what to say. 
“Sorry, I just-” He huffs out a breath of annoyance. He takes a deep breath and tucks a strand of his hair behind his ear. He looks to his left at all the people lying in the grass. It’s obvious he’s nervous by the way he glances at his feet one too many times. He looks back at you, visibly trying to calm himself down. “I’ve never been good at talking to people. Or being around them in general? I mean, it’s gotten better over the years, I can actually accomplish basic tasks now. But sometimes I still get overwhelmed, you know?”
You knowingly nod your head, letting him continue. 
“But that day I brought you your wallet? I don’t know why I couldn’t say anything. I just couldn’t think of anything worthy enough to say to you. It was like-” Your laugh stops him.
You ask, fascinated. “Worthy? Who do you think I am? A princess?” Your wide eyes and huge smile makes him take another deep breath. 
He looks away in embarrassment and mumbles, “I mean, might as well be.” He turns back to you. “Can I finish first?”
Your smile gets impossibly bigger as you nod slowly.
“Okay. Fuck, I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. You make my brain feel like jelly, y/n. Which is saying something because I’ve gone 72 hours without sleeping before. And it’s just? You make me crazy? That doesn’t even make sense!” He’s talking with his hands now, and his voice is gradually growing louder & louder. 
“I make you crazy?” You raise your voice right back. You’re laughing uncontrollably now. Never did you think someone could see you like he does.
“Yes!” He practically yells, hands on his head in exasperation. Despite his obvious dilemma, he’s smiling too. 
You giggle some more and pull his hands off his head. You slip your hands down his cheeks and hold his face in your hands. 
“If it’s any consolation, you make me crazy, too.” His hands are on your hips now, pulling you close, closer, closer. 
“It’s cheesy, but I’ve never-” He’s cut off by loud chanting. The fireworks are about to go off. He looks left into the grass, towards the people staring at the sky in amazement. You look left as well, towards the fair. They’re counting down, you don’t even notice you started whispering along with them. 
Then, they’re off. Brilliant reds and yellows. Synchronously, you and Kenma turn back towards each other. You grin and, hands still on his face, pull him in. He tastes like apples. 
More fireworks go off and you can feel him smiling against your lips. His arms are around your waist. Yours have found their way around his neck. Something straight out of a movie. People are cheering. You both know it’s for the show, but it doesn’t hurt to believe they’re for you. 
Never in a million years did you think you’d be here, kissing one, Kenma Kozume, under the fireworks & stars, in front of dozens of people. Cheesy how life works out, huh?
It feels like heaven forever until you finally pull apart. The fireworks are over, but people are still cheering. Except, they’re saying your names. You both turn, squinting towards the noise. Sitting to the far right is a group of guys. Familiar faces. One with glasses & black hair pulling at the shirt of another one. Grey hair & yellow eyes, you know him. He’s yelling, barely audible. The one to the right of him has messy black hair, like he just got out of bed. That one you definitely know. You turn back to Kenma.
“You didn’t tell me the guys were gonna be here.” You smile at Kenma, who didn’t know the guys were gonna be there. Bokuto is about to stand, to walk over to you guys, you think. 
Kenma grabs your hand and pulls you the opposite direction. You’re both running down the grass, giggling like maniacs. Families are staring in confusion and annoyance. You’re too happy to care. You stop at a tree closer to the city. You plop down underneath it, the grass soft under your thighs. 
Kenma lays perpendicular to you, head in your lap. You look down at him, hand in his hair. 
“You know, you didn’t finish what you were saying back there. Like, before we made out in front of your friends. And a bunch of random people.” You’re just teasing, testing to see if the blush on his face is from sprinting or from you. Probably both. 
“Shut up, I was just gonna say I think I like you.” He turns his head towards your body, so he isn’t looking up at you.
“You think? Huh, that’s not very reassuring.” You make a face of ponderance and raise an eyebrow. 
“Okay, okay. I very much do like you, stupid.” He crosses his arms. He’s pouting, it’s cute.
“Yeah, I already knew. Actually, I’ve known for a while.” He sits up abruptly while you take special interest in the grass beneath you. 
“What do you mean you’ve known for a while? How?” He leans towards you.
“Because I know everything, Kozume.” You pinch his nose. Just as he’s about to protest, you kiss him again. He relaxes, hand coming up to cup your cheek while the other holds himself steady. You pull away, looking up. 
“This is our tree now.” You look back down and smile at him. 
Without missing a beat, he smiles right back. “Yeah? Okay.” He gives you a chaste kiss, before speaking again. “Our spawn point.” You roll your eyes at his laughter.
“Whatever, dork.” You push at his forehead, he’s still laughing. 
You didn’t know it then, but Kenma never forgot about it. It really was your spawn point. Where he asked you to be his girlfriend. Where you celebrated every huge milestone, for either of you. Where you spent every anniversary. 
And after 5 years, it was the same spot where he finally, finally, asked you to marry him. 
Cheesy, right?
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𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: kozume kenma x medstudent!f!reader
𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: send an ask to be added!
𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: enroute to being a neurosurgeon, y/n l/n doesn’t have time for fun, let alone dating. after her friends set her up on a blind date gone wrong, she comes face 2 face with none other than her date’s best friend. her world flips on axis, and suddenly she has no idea how her brain works, or love-at-first-sight.
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𝕒/𝕟: ig that ab wraps it up then? aside from the epilogue lol,,, i rlly rlly loved this smau i think cs i love kenma and i heavily enjoyed writing it, so ty all for reading n stay tuned for my next one:)
@katsuki-bakuhoee @sirachano0dles @qwir-0 @sailorstrawberi @calumsfringe @oppositesunchild @akioaly @aikochan4859 @drownedbytears @buttermasterbillie @vvenusblue @bluefaeriefury @ktzuki @mirikusashes @tsukibaby @toaster-stick @woohoney @just-snog-already @adorable-punk-superheroes @nikanikabitch @starrywriteshaikyuu @acabbaybee @theblueslytherin @sakusasupremacist @waywardcowboyllamavoid @rintaoreo @immxnty @noliamallpayne @sadcosmicdoggie @aizumii @c-o-n-q-u-e-r @sunahyejin @zaedynnn @triskoof @bakugouswh0r3 @ilauvcoldpizza @tina-98 @izzy28901 @kookie-doughs @black-rose-29 @moonlightaangel @kakamihasatmblr @bunny-on-crack @azztronut @lucyheartfilias-wife @amandaxtiffany @tsukkiswifeey @pumpkinpatchkid @kac-chowballs @malfoyweasley13
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izzabeean · 3 years
Chapter 9 : Anticipation
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Ushijima makes an appearance at your group outing, and you try to ignore his presence. But, of course, it’s easier said than done in this case.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 3,344
content : profanity, mild violence, depiction of injuries
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
a/n : Is the world so small that Y/N keeps running into Ushijima? Perhaps in this story, yes. This week has been a bit slow creatively for me, I don't feel my writing is the strongest in this chapter. But here we are, things are heating up and I'm happy to provide.
Post Thursday evenings PST, if not latest by Friday.
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Everything feels so surreal as you lock eyes with Ushijima from across the table. He doesn’t smile or say anything, he just looks at you with his empty gaze like this is the first time meeting. Ever. Your heartbeat starts to thump faster conjuring up a lump in your throat that cannot be swallowed. Your breathing is shallow and your hands start to sweat as you dig your nails into your legs.
Why didn’t you turn around when your instincts told you to?
Why did you talk yourself into thinking this was a good idea?
However, for some reason, here you are. The sequence of events leading up to this point doesn’t make any sense. Even when you were dating, you wouldn’t run into him this much, so why now? Why all these dumb coincidences? There’s no room for you to heal when you keep seeing him like this.
“Hi,” you squeal, temporarily incapacitated by the confused looks from your other groupmates.
But your high pitch voice produces shockwaves through Oikawa’s system as you quickly introduce him and Iwaizumi to which Sara introduces Ushijima to all three of you. Then it becomes apparent that Ushijima hasn't said anything to Sara about you.
It’s sublime how quickly you push down the devastation bubbling at the surface and you wonder how it is even possible for you to force a smile in Sara’s direction. Clearing your throat you take a seat. Ushijima has stopped staring now and takes a swig of the chilled beer sitting in front of him. Your mouth feels dry from the nerves that are trying to drag your spirits down. If you were going to survive this torture, you’re most definitely not going to be sober. Grabbing the waiter's attention, you order yourself a beer as you feel yourself on the brink of a heart attack.
“You ok?” Oikawa mumbles knowing well that turning to your least favorite drink is a bad sign. It’s very clear to him this evening isn't going to go very well, seeing as you are already on edge from Ushijima’s surprise appearance.
“Mhm,” you hum shooting him a smile. “I’m fine. Totally chill.”
“You know, we can leave,” Oikawa whispers. “You’re not obligated to be here.”
And let him win? you think. I don’t think so.
“No, I’m fine,” you lie, biting your lip. It’s no time for you to concede, you just gotta ride this one out, show him how much better you’re doing without him. It’s the only thing to get back at him for everything so grossly unforgivable that he’s done.
The waiter returns with your drink placing it down in front of you. Nothing has looked so relieving and thirst-quenching before; the cold and crisp-looking glass filled to the top of light amber liquid with a dollop of airy foam. You pick it up and throw it back, chugging the heavy and sour alcohol. Then you think, maybe you shouldn’t have done that as you strike the glass down on the table. Licking your lips, you notice the startled looks everyone gives you at your uncharacteristic action.
“Should we order food,” Sara interrupts the weird tension which segues everyone back to talking amongst themselves.
Your stomach starts to swirl as you’ve come to realize that drinking that beer was probably the worst thing you could do while it’s empty. But as you study the menu, nothing seems to scream appetizing. Not when you can see in your peripheral Ushijima and Sara sharing a menu while discussing what they want to order. It makes you sick.
The restaurant is loud, but your thoughts are louder as you sit there wondering if anyone else can hear them. It hurts to see him here in front of you beside her. She most definitely doesn’t know about your history with Ushijima just by the way she’s acting around him. Sara doesn’t seem maniacal enough to do something so disrespectful to someone she barely knows. For god's sake, she invited you here. Why would she want you here if she knew? To rub it in that she’s Ushijima’s girlfriend. Doubtful.
Maybe Oikawa was right all along about Ushijima not being how you perceived him to be. Maybe, just maybe you honestly, you were blinded the entire time. And now you were finally seeing him for who he truly is.
You were scared to admit it. That if you did, your year together means nothing when it still meant so much to you. But in this case, actions speak louder than words and most definitely Ushijima’s actions are very clear.
“I'm going to step out for a smoke. Do you need some fresh air?” Iwaizumi asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh,” you reply looking at Oikawa sitting beside you who's chatting with one of your group members. "No, I better not."
"Alright, I'll be right back," he says sliding out of his seat.
You try to hide your face behind the menu so no one talks to you and your plan almost succeeded except for the open opportunity it gave Sara to sit beside you. Your face pales as she leans in to rasp, "I'm glad you could make it."
"Yeah," you exclaim a bit put off by how close she is.
"I honestly thought you weren't going to show."
It's hard for you to not flash a bitter smile, but you force yourself to continue the conversation, "It took some convincing but bringing Oikawa and Iwaizumi helped."
The silence stretches between the two of you as Oikawa's laugh fills the air. You take a glimpse at him, noticing one of your group members flirting with him. You roll your eyes while looking back at Sara who is enthralled in his aura.
"He seems really nice,” she compliments. "How long have you two been together?"
"Hmm?" It takes you a moment to realize what she’s asking as you realize she's subtly gesturing to Oikawa. And when it clicks you are filled with laughter. “Oh my god, did you just say that out loud?”
The thought of you and Oikawa remotely appearing to look more than friends from an external perspective makes you nearly piss yourself.
"Oh, I just thought, you'd both make a cute couple," she corrects herself with puzzlement written across her face.
When you realize she’s being serious, you pause. “No, we’ve just been friends for a while.”
"Oooh," Sara taunts giving you a very mischievous look. "You know that saying, love is friendship set on fire."
"It's not like that," you nervously chuckle at her comment.
"Alright, I won't pry," she jokes. "But seriously, I'm happy you're here!"
She gets up from her seat and walks back over to sit next to Ushijima. Your feelings are honestly a bit mixed from that conversation. You really wanted to hate her, but she just seemed so genuine.
You’re a couple more drinks in and feel a bit of a buzz as Sara goes into grave detail as to why she transferred to the university now . But you can’t force yourself to listen. Your attention shifts to Ushijima smiling softly at the way Sara bubbles with warmth. It’s funny to think that someone else can make him smile like that besides you because you know how hard it is to do so. But it seems so effortless for Sara.
The memory of meeting Ushijima for the first time flashes in your head. To the time in the library where he reaches over your head to grab the book, you were trying to get on the top shelf. Now you can barely remember as the image of Sara takes your place to retrieve the book from Ushijima's hands. She's the new you.
You know you're overanalyzing every single movement Ushijima makes. From where his eyes linger to where his hands are placed, you cannot stop looking as you stay in suspense to what he will do next. You’re close to being consumed by the sudden urge to lash out or cry. It feels like he’s trying to push your buttons as he leans over toward Sara. You're waiting for him to kiss her. Waiting for it to break you. And it makes you sick.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your knee and turn to Iwaizumi who is looking down at you with a soft gaze. It’s odd but you somehow feel this tension between the two of you. You should have known better in that moment, but your mind feels a bit hazy from feeling vulnerable and also the alcohol.
“Is everything ok?”
You feel anticipation fill your chest and you swallow thickly seeing as this is the closest you’ve ever been to him. You look at his hand for a moment, at his long fingers gently grip the top of your knee. You immediately remind yourself of his words the other day, wondering if he intended to friendzone you like that.
You nod, smiling.
“Let me know when you want to leave,” Iwaizumi whispers squeezing your leg.
His face dips down slightly and you don’t know why you do it and don’t know how you had the courage to. But you’re so caught up in your internal frustrations, you don’t think before you act. You lean in closer to Iwaizumi and plant a kiss on his cheek uttering a thank you.
As you pull back, his eyes widen. It takes you a second to process exactly what you’ve done.
“Um, sorry,” you say to Iwaizumi, you need to get out of there before you die of embarrassment. Quickly you excuse yourself from the table as you rush to the bathroom and you can still feel Iwaizumi watching you.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
But you find the bathrooms have a long line up and turn a corner as you burst through a door to outside. The cool air hits you making it much easier to breathe. Finally, you’re by yourself. Screaming wouldn’t even be able to help you let out the confusion you feel. This was definitely something you didn’t want to have happened. But here you are regretting your capacity to understand a situation. Honestly, you were definitely feeling vulnerable. This entire evening you were caught off guard and something it makes you do weird things.
“Can we talk?
Turning around, you see Ushijima standing in front of you. He gazes down at you with his unreadable stare that makes you want to cry.
“No,” you say a little unnerved walking away from him. But you’re stopped by him grabbing your wrist, the same wrist the creep outside the club grabbed you with. Still a bit bruised and weak from his grip. You let out a yelp, “Let go of me!”
“Just let me explain,” he begs.
But you’re not listening as you try to wiggle your wrist away-- it’s not a tight hold, but it’s enough that it still hurts.
“Please, let me go,” you express firmly.
He stares at you for a moment and with a deep breath exhales letting go.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you yell, grabbing your wrist. “Moved on already, what the fuck is your problem?”
“It’s not--”
“No, let me finish. You’ve already done enough. I can’t believe you. You could’ve just told me you found someone else, instead, I see you with her all cute and cuddly and now I have to fucking work with her? This is such a--”
But as you’re about to continue your rant, you’re interrupted by a voice.
“What’s going on here?” Oikawa asks, noticing Ushijima standing before you. He studies your face filled with rage while you’re clutching your wrist. “Did you hurt her?”
“What?” Ushijima replies confused.
Then Oikawa’s eyes turn dark, a look you’ve never seen before. And you never imagined what comes next. He grabs a fist full of Ushijima’s shirt pulling him close enough that they were inches apart, barely touching noses. You had to stop them before it went too far but you couldn’t move your body.
“After all you’ve been through this is how you treat her?” Oikawa yells.
“You don’t even know the whole story,” Ushijima booms, forcibly removing Oikawa’s grip from his shirt causing Oikawa to make an aching face.
“I know enough to see that you’re a complete dick. But we both know, I’ve known that from the start,” Oikawa hisses. His eyes are fixed on Ushijima shooting him a scowl while your hand is clasped to your shirt.
“Stop it,” you say, but they both ignore you.
“I think you need to get your facts straight,” Ushijima says staying calm and collected while Oikawa explodes with rage.
“Why don't act more like a man,” Oikawa protests.
Then time moves so quick you couldn’t even see Oikawa raise his fist to hit Ushijima square in the face. Because not even seconds after Ushijima retaliates. You rush over forcing yourself between the two men before a fight breaks, pushing your hands against their chest yelling at them to stop. Ushijima is the first to back away as Oikawa stays resistant trying to push by you. But you take both your hands and press them against him as Ushijima exits back into the restaurant.
"Why are you trying to protect him?" Oikawa cries. You look up at Oikawa whose face is glistening in the moonlight as his cheek starts to swell. His dark eyes lock on you as yours start to glaze over.
"Are you stupid? He could've really hurt you," you wail, trying to hide the fact you're physically shaking.
And he sees it.
"Don't ever do that again," you barked.
Then he gives you his signature shit-eating grin, a look that is nowhere near appropriate from just getting punched in the face.
“Told you he’s a dick,” he smirks, walking towards the front of the restaurant. “Let’s go home.”
“What about Iwaizumi?”
“He’ll take care of things,” Oikawa mutters. “He’ll meet us at home. Let’s go before that blockhead comes back out.”
Oikawa called a cab to get back to his apartment, you felt a bit bad for leaving Iwaizumi behind. Especially since you kissed him then left.
Things seemed to grow incredibly awkward between you and Oikawa as he sat in the bathroom cleaning the cut on his cheek from Ushijima’s punch. You weren’t really sure what Oikawa was thinking, but you didn’t really want to ask.  As you gently press the cotton pad to his cheek, he squints his eyes while the burning sensation shocks him and exhales sharply through his nose.
“Sorry,” you mumble and he immediately forgives you with a smile.
He tries to pin his eyes to something that can distract the sting, but instead focuses his attention on the feel of your fingers against his skin. You’ve never been this close before and he wonders if you can hear how fast his heart is beating.
He’s thankful for your patience with him. Most certainly did he think you were going to be pissed, but your reaction was far from what he expected as you kept silent for most of the trip home and even patching him up. Oikawa looks at you to see your frown had deepened. “Are you mad? You look mad.”
You scoff. “No, I’m just tired.” You’re caught off guard by his uncharacteristic concern and almost recoil with the question.
Oikawa sighs, “Your face is screwed up like you’re mad.”
“Tōru,” you scolded, crossing your arm across your chest. You choke on your words before answering, “I’m tired, not mad.”
Oikawa holds his breath and continues to look at you as you continue to make that sullen look. He doesn’t believe you. The sight of you with defeat in your expression makes his heart break. He notices your bruised wrist, still purple and blue, and imagines it probably hurts after Ushijima grabbed it. Then he wonders if he could have done something better to help you in that situation. Even that night back at the club still haunts him. If only he’d answered his phone when you needed him the most then maybe things would be different than now. He can’t stand it. He can't stand that Iwaizumi was there to help you instead. And he's not stupid, he knows you like Iwaizumi. He wasn't blind when he saw you kiss him at the restaurant. Oikawa didn’t know why, but something stirred him that he never realized before and it became very unsettling.
You lay the gauze over the wound and tape it down.
“How’s your hand?” you mumble, checking if the ice pack he’s holding to his fist has subsided any bruising your swelling. The bruising was already darker by the time you got to his apartment and it definitely terrified you.
“It’s fine,” he replies.
At this point, you’ve turned away and started to clean up. There isn’t a lot of blood, but enough to make shivers go down your spine as the image of Ushijima’s fist colliding with Oikawa’s face flashes through your head.
You feel your breathing heave as you try to collect yourself from breaking down in front of Oikawa. But something stops you. Instead of your usual hiding, you feel yourself let go and come undone. One small tear rolls down your cheek.
And then another. And then another. And then another. Until you can’t urge yourself to stop them anymore.
Oikawa freezes as he hears you sniffling. This time you don’t hide behind your wide smile. This time you’re actually crying and honestly he doesn’t know what to do. His intention wasn’t to make you cry, he wanted to protect you. And now he feels guilty for even putting you in this position.
“I’m sorry,” you pant, your voice broken by stifled breaths. “It’s all my fault you got hurt. I should’ve never gone to that stupid dinner.”
There’s this nagging feeling in his head pleading to comfort you. To hug you, to tell you it’s not your fault. His consciousness is screaming at him to do something to help as he watched you come undone in front of him. But why is he so afraid to?
“You were right, you’ve always been right,” you continue. “I’m so so sorry Tōru.”
You pause wiping the tears away that tracked down your face feeling awkward from exposing your vulnerable side to Oikawa. Tearing your eyes away from the first aid kit, you turn to look at Oikawa. There’s pity written all over his face. Your hands curl into fists.
It’s painfully tense as Oikawa attempts to muster up the courage to stand up to comfort you. He doesn’t want to regret his decision but he still hesitates, considering you’re now gazing at him.
“I-- I just,” you stutter, partially because you want to fill the awkward silence someway, and partially because you’re worried you’ve scared him. “I was scared…”
You stare at him.
He stares back.
Your heart feels like it’s in throbbing pain under Oikawa’s gaze.
His stomach clenches as you revert to silence.
Suddenly you hear the front door unlock and Iwaizumi call out that he's arrived. You feel your face burn up as you revert eye contact and lean on the counter to see Iwaizumi in the doorway of the bathroom.
“What the fuck happened,” he yells, visibly unamused that you both ditched him at a restaurant with people he didn’t know. You look at him with glazed eyes unable to utter a single word then that’s when he notices Oikawa’s appearance. “Shit.”
Oikawa’s face turns in a smirk. “You should have seen the other guy.”
“I did!” He protests. “Not even a scratch compared to you. You’re fucking stupid.”
"He hurt Y/N," Oikawa protest.
Iwaizumi's eyes widened looking towards you.
"He didn't hurt me," you reassure. "He just grabbed my bruised wrist."
Iwaizumi sighs, shaking his head. "You have to stop running off like that."
Oikawa watches the intimate interaction of indescribable energy or chemistry that lingers in the air between the two of you. He didn’t like it. Not even one bit.
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