#it examines stuff like compatibility
tosahobi-if · 8 months
which sites do you use for names?
i'm sorry 😣 i came up with all the names myself! i use the naver hanja dictionary to look up the characters, but for each name i used elements of chinese anthroponymy, which utilizes strokes, order of characters, and the elements of nature to come up with significant/meaningful names.
for example, jinwol's full name is 여진월 or 余眞月 which is the na yeo (余) as in the "yeo which means i", jin (眞) for truth (eumhun is cham jin) and wol (月) for moon. the jin (眞) character is a common syllable – if you look at the family members i've mentioned before like his father, yeo jinhak and and his great-uncle, the sword saint yeo jinhu, they all share the jin (眞) character. this is typically seen in taoist names of members of the same generation of a family or clan and can be given from master to disciple, but the yeo clan uses the common syllable to denote members of the main family.
i can do a more detailed breakdown on how i come up with names if you want to make one for your mc! i think it's a really fun practice hehe
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saint-starflicker · 1 year
I guess I'm switzer-Cameron?
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[ post by Downstar @downstar_ao3: Just a reminder that fictional characters aren't real people that need to be held accountable for their actions. They are vehicles to tell a story. Their flaws and contradictions are a feature not a bug. And appreciating the role they play in the story is not a moral failing. ]
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persistentplums · 3 days
More Venture bro future thoughts p2:
With the timeline as a factor in Venture bros I think Hank would ride the wave of 2000s reality tv and still be an adventurer. After somehow falling into trainings and becoming certified he would probably get the attention of someone who likes his moxy (how can you not) and get him a show.
He runs around the world with a camera guy, and it’s another person pulled into the whirlwind of Hank/ventures. I would like to think bc Dermont is OSI he shows up sometimes. In classic adventure movie fashion there’s always a woman who’s antagonistic (Hank has a type what can we say).
I believe Hank would have an impact culturally like his dad and Jonas but a larger scale. He would be closer to a wrestler/Gordon Ramsey Hell’s Kitchen etc (2000s tv I can’t remember reality tv), dabble in acting, movies, tv, music. Rise of the internet means Hank Nation is a real thing, kids would imitate his stunts, Halloween costumes would be made of him, etc.
Hank would be a bachelor for his life, Hank is great! It’s just he doesn’t slow down, always “on” and all the women he likes kinda want to kill him or he’s into women who aren’t compatible. I would like to think, in a sweet Disney tv show way, Dean kids are trying to set Hank up with someone. Kids can be sweet, and they would love Hank. Even when the kids get older, but whether or not Hank settles down I don’t know. Hank feels like he would grow old and be weird worldly old man in the neighbourhood who has stories upon stories that has loved every inch of the world.
Hank is suited to the quick entertainment output internet put a pedal on so I genuinely think Hank is set for a while. He would make enough to retire still doing everything he does but with the less flashy lifestyle of his career gave him.
Dean definitely hates the idea of being on reality tv so no go for him. Dean helps at Bobbi ranch also with Hank, I’m sure they visit her never officially calling her grandma but it’s the same in energy. Dean gets motivated to help the animals on the ranch, leaning harder into science+biology. Funny enough he ends up in school longer than any Venture but still graduates.
He has bureaucratic messes happening to him, again following timeline of the show we are leaving the classic ages of heroes and villains. 2000s comics were edge on edge, we have anti heroes, villains who do psychological damage (even more) and don’t draw the line. I would like to think Dean who’s already over it, is SUPER over it. A heckler of a “hero”, who weirdly in a Brock sense is a critic of what’s “classy” villainy and gets under a lot of people skin that way. If his Monday night is ruined then EVERYONE Monday night is ruined too.
I think the boys “team up” a lot Hank is never in the same place but his adventures end up crossing Dean’s a lot. If Dean is sent to the moon to examine the water, Hank is there because he heard there might be massive worms only for both to find a villain who is trying to destroy the moon by digging into parts of it with robot worms. Stuff like that!
Dean is the type of person who has a child with a woman who is his arch. Did he know? Nope. Does she love him? Hm. But I think it would be funny that’s how Dean has kids and how a real villain would ensure their spot as Dean Arch. Visitation and “going to moms” is the most elaborate and dramatic part of each week. The kids probably don’t care, mom has a flying lair they get snatched up by.
It’s a little funny to ME, the whole set up that Dean in an effort to ignore this life he’s in has kids with a person he saw the most of and still didn’t put two and two together. Mr and Ms smith esq except we never really know if Ms.Arch loves Dean or not.
They both love their kids deeply and in a weird way Dean is glad the arch who keeps taking his kids isn’t scary to them she’s incredibly harmless to the kids just dramatic. Unlike Myra or any arch/person that has kidnapped Dean, Hank, or even Doc as kids she makes sure the kids are taken very safely and in fun ways. Then cranks up the heat for Dean for seemingly no reason.
(It’s also against my personal belief that Dean is just straight but I want to believe Jared and Dean get together but I like to think Jared and Dean still have a thing going on even when they get older.)
Dean Arch having his kids was a move nobody would do but she committed to the whole thing with glee idk what he did to her but I think it’s a move Monarch would like so that’s my reasoning. Monarch was trying to fuck RobotDoc I think he would respect the underhanded approach of marrying your nemesis and having his kids but would 100% be so aghast.
Monarch obviously believes in love, the show is all about love so I think it would be a good problem of “modern villainy” mindset. How the game is changing and things don’t stay the same. (She isn’t devoid of love, but with every joke you gotta have a consequence ykwim) with that in mind OSI also has the problem with modernization.
Nobody respects the classics anymore but we can’t keep recycling them, things need to keep moving on and I would think this is a fun problem for all characters to deal with in some aspect. Hank leaning into reality tv, Dean technically married and divorced to his arch, the new wave of villains, what heroes exist organically anymore etc
That’s it! For now!
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codenamesazanka · 7 months
I'm trying to stay optimistic but the recent chapter was such a letdown after all of this speculation, and I'm really not ready for afo gave tenko decay to become canon :(
So, same as you, I've always hated the 'AFO gave Tenko Decay' theory, but I think it’s important to examine why. 
What I hate is less of the actual act - it is incredibly possible, after all, that AFO just gave this kid descendant of a hated enemy such a deadly quirk for his own twisted ends; and more in fear of what the confirmation of it might signifies - cheap 'easy-way-out' writing that would pretend to solve the problem of Shimura Tenko/Shigaraki Tomura while not actually doing so:
If Tenko was given Decay, then it means the Shimura massacre and then The Walk could've been avoided! 🎉 Because Tenko's hurt and anger at being repeatedly rejected by his father and family would not have manifested in such a lethal way, and so... what? Could've been ignored for a little longer? Wouldn't have sent him to the streets, where people should've helped him but didn't, and now Shigaraki's making them paying for that? (Somewhat related, I’ve seen people suggest that Decay makes Tenko itch because his body isn’t compatible with it, a la Aoyama - the itch is caused by the quirk. However, the day AFO brought Tenko home and Tenko was locked outside, Tenko already had scars around his eyes, and his mom was worried about “his allergies getting worse”. This suggests Tenko was already itchy and scratching at himself before he ever met AFO (and received the quirk that day). And given how the itch represents Tenko/Shigaraki’s frustration and anxiety, that Tenko says he’s only itchy in the house, demonstrates the Shimura household problem was a thing that hurt him long before AFO ever showed up that day.)
If Tenko was given Decay, then it means Shigaraki/Tenko is not innately a destructive and twisted child! Such a sweet kid would not have such a evil quirk! And he has no good reason to want to destroy stuff! 🎉 Because we're going to believe in the idea that ''Bad' Quirks Makes You A Bad Person’. And throw kids who do have unpleasant traits for whatever reason under the bus. And act as if Shigaraki wants to destroy because he's beholden to a gene inside of him, instead of having perfectly valid reasons to be angry and want to lash out.
If Tenko was given Decay, it means we don't have to worry about the 'what ifs' of having a deadly quirk like this even if the massacre never happen! 🎉 Because what if Decay was a naturally-occuring quirk? How would Heroes that aren't Eraserhead have dealt with an accident from such a quirk? Would Tenko have been forced to enroll in Quirk Counseling, which we know from Toga is such a great program? Would Tenko have grown up discriminated against, much like Shinsou, or worse? And these things are absolutely factors that would make someone feel ostracized in society and lash out, even without the backing of a crime lord?
If Tenko was given Decay, we have thee easiest way to deal with Shigaraki Tomura: the story can blame AFO for being the instigator of all tragedy and suffering - without Heroes needing to own up to the fact the society they've have been propping up for a century might play some role in creating Villains through countless, unintentional ways. The focus - the supposed real tragedy - becomes the fact that AFO gave Tenko a scary quirk, and Deku can focus his energies on that… instead of where, imo, the actual tragedies lie - an unhappy and dysfunctional home of generational trauma that was never dealt with, a city full of people who ignored an injured five-year-old because they put off all communal responsibility on Heroes*, and how this can all happen in a 'Hero-saturated society' without Tenko being helped in any of the multiple steps it took to get him to where he ended up under the bridge, being hugged by AFO.
* bonus: none of the people on the street knew what quirk Tenko had, so… what are we to make of this fact? Tenko could've easily been injured in a car accident, walked away, and still be ignored if AFO isn't revealed to made everyone ignore Tenko as well? But that would've been okay, Shigaraki would've been less pissed off, because it wasn't part of a villainous mastermind plot? 
Meanwhile, Shigaraki would be only a sad little pawn, an empty victim crammed with a deadly quirk and engineered trauma and fake wrath, and once Deku saves him by telling him his entire life was a lie, that he actually has no reason to feel so betrayed and angry (can't even direct that at AFO anymore, because the man’s gone), Shigaraki can (selfishly!) forget his friends and his experiences and take pleasure in knowing he wasn't supposed to be a Villain. He was supposed to be a Good Person, without an Evil Quirk, and now he can assimilate back into his rightful, conforming proper place in society!
However–I don’t think that sounds like Shigaraki at all. It could happen! God forbid it, but that is how Horikoshi can end up writing the character and the conclusion. I don’t know how likely that is. 
What I do know, though, is that Shigaraki is someone who already knows AFO is a manipulative asshole:
In Chapter 237, while reflecting on his newly regained memories, Shigaraki considers, “If only, back then, someone, anyone, had reached out to help… then maybe the itch would’ve gone away for good.” That he specifically says this last part after remembering specifically how AFO had found him, Shigaraki knew AFO didn’t actually help him, else the itch would’ve faded. 
In Chapter 277, Shigaraki is not particularly surprised that the AFO quirk comes with AFO’s ‘too-strong’ will. (Then tells AFO is shut up.) 
In Chapter 298, after AFO gives a whole spiel about how Shigaraki asked for this power, Shigaraki declares that he’s not going to be AFO’s “stinkin’ pawn”. (And started looking for a way to undermine AFO’s control)
In Chapter 379, Shigaraki outright states that he knew AFO was manipulating him, especially trying to make use of the Shimura and All Might connection. (And defeats the AFO vestige from inside out, taking his body back.) 
Unfortunately, Shigaraki is also someone who knows all this, but will still continue to rely on AFO’s double-edged gifts - keeping The Hands with him all this time; partnering with the Doctor; utilizing Gigantomachia into his Deika plan despite not having gained Gigantomachia’s respect yet; undergoing the surgery to receive the AFO quirk.
And finally, Shigaraki is someone who has already regained all his memories, back in MVA. He remembers being five-years-old and still not having manifested his quirk. He remembers AFO telling him that his quirk is a rare variant mutation, just so happened to be one that no one has ever seen before. In the latest chapter, the vision of Tenko holding hands with a man in a suit - that is Shigaraki’s memory. Shigaraki remembers this moment, of being Tenko and walking home, escorted by a stranger in a suit. And it appears, right after Deku declares that he’s going to keep striking at Shigaraki until he reaches the pain Shigaraki has buried and covered up with a lid.
What I’m getting at is this: I think - I hope! - there is a possibility that, if AFO did indeed give Tenko Decay, Shigaraki already knows AFO gave him the quirk - figured it out when he got his memories back, most likely - but is beyond caring. He knows Decay was given to him, that AFO had that hand in causing the massacre; but still Shigaraki uses it, still decides to embody the quirk as his.
Because however Shigaraki got Decay, it really doesn’t change anything about how the world works. It doesn’t change how his dad was locking him out of the house before he ever got any quirk, simply because he couldn’t/didn't want to follow a rule; and it doesn’t change how he was ignored by everyone that day on the street, and no one knew at all what quirk he had or what he did. Manifesting Decay only punted him down into a miserable social position that already existed - not for him at that moment in time, but for someone else; only gave him the ability to witness something that had always been there all the more clearly.
Now, this is very much a cope. But I can cope with the 'AFO gave Tenko Decay’, if it actually ends up giving Deku a harder time saving Shigaraki, if it forces Deku to become unable to blame AFO, because that was never the real injustice Shigaraki has been lashing out against. That’s really the main thing.
Thanks for the ask, anon! Sorry it’s long and rambling. 
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asherlockstudy · 21 days
The plot hole of Wonderhole (E1)
The Plot Hole
The Flight
The Simulation
The Desert Island
I finally found the opportunity to start my ANALysis of Wonderhole (Rhett & Link Wonderhole compatible joke). If you have read previous posts I have made about their scripted content or even candid conversations they have had, my main object is to examine whether this new content belongs to the same category of the recurring - and treated as a symbolism of their reality by me - Rhink storyline like almost all their previous scripted videos (including stuff from 2015) and creations (i.e TLCOBC); what I have been calling "One Story" for convenience. One Story Masterlist can be accessed here. By the way, I will also not take into account what new thing Rhett IRL may or may not have said in order to mud the water because he has been doing it a lot lately and I am not sure it is 100% reliable.
I will say that I had to watch the First Class Flight more than once to determine whether this episode is actually part of the One Story or not. After a few rewatches I realised that what was confusing me is that Wonderhole so far has a critical difference from the previous videos. The previous videos usually take place in an undefined time or in the present and they are full of symbolisms of their past and present. Wonderhole deals mostly with the future. Therefore, there are two ways we can view this:
Wonderhole so far is not part of the One Story because it only minimally draws parallels from their lived past.
Wonderhole so far IS part of the One Story because even though it doesn't draw from the past a lot, it actually reflects their certainty or expectation for how their future will unfold depending on certain circumstances, so technically it is still part of their true One Story because it is the future that's coming towards them or the one that seems very likely to come their way.
I suppose it's easier for readers to understand this through the obviously futuristic Time Capsule episode, however here I will argue about how this is also the case with the First Class Flight. This episode is linearly distinguished in two great time segments: the present in which Rhett and Link fake a first class flight vlog and the future of them being deserted in an island three years from now.
The Plot Hole
This is the time I should explain the title of this post. There is a massive plot hole in the episode and it is an intentional one. The way we can tell it is intentional is because our attention is drawed multiple times throughout the video towards it. Here are some examples:
"Without ever having to leave Burbank" - Rhett
"Since this is a simulation-" - Link
"...to fake fly us to fake Singapore wearing a fake mustache" - Rhett
"Well, it tastes like it might be juice but it's a simulation!" - Rhett
Link: "We're moving"... Rhett: "Oh it almost feels like it hehe"
"I gotta say, this is the smoothest takeoff I've ever experienced" - Link
"Since Mythic Air flight 138 operated at a real world altitude level of zero feet above ground we're not anticipating any flight safety issues" - Flight Attendant
Get it? They were in Burbank in a simulation of a flight. They never left. They go out of their way so many times to make it absolutely clear they are not moving and they are faking the whole thing. So, how on earth did the disaster and its consequences prove to be real???
At this point we should also acknowledge that there is not any technical evidence, there is no footage - how could there be one after all - that the plane somehow crashed and Rhett and Link survived the fall and were washed ashore to some desert island. This is the general implication but like we saw it is a very faulty one because it makes no sense. Which means that if we want to be precise about what could have happened in those three years between the vlog shooting and them being castaways, there are two possibilities:
It is a fantastical story in which the lie somehow morphed into a truth, it transcended into reality and caused all these consequences or
the technical issue / fall in the flight was just part of the prepared experience by the Mythical Crew, like everything else. We stop witnessing before the fall but it doesn't mean it didn't stop at some point, Rhett and Link continued the vlog, returned home and they ended up as survivors in a desert island after making the real vlog in a later time.
Now, I don't have an opinion or preference on which is the better theory between the two but I think that as symbolisms they signify pretty much the same thing. In order to understand this, we need to examine what each segment of the video stands for.
The Flight
This is very easy. The whole segment of the First Class Flight symbolises Mythical and, most notably, GMM. Everything that happens in this vlog is a conflation of all the most typical GMM formats and running jokes together.
Counting, we have: 1) the Mythical Crew crafting and the attention down to the smallest detail, 2) not consuming alcohol due to youtube rules, 3) their whole experience is curated by the Mythical (Plane) Crew, 4) precautions taken for dangerous Link, 5) Link interrupting the pilot (Stevie), 6) Mythical kitchen outdoing itself, 7) Rhett and Link tasting stuff, 8) Link typically going for what Rhett wants / has, 9) Link being super picky with the food, 10) Link not ceding to compliment Rhett to save his life, 11) Link oversharing and then Rhett making him feel worse for it, 12) Link's sexual but meaningless jokes (coconut in the pants / mile high club), 13) Link being extra particular about getting the perfect angles and shots, 14) Rhett and Link made to do something intimate together with stupid excuses just for the shippers (changing together, touching butts, sleeping together), 15) Link being grossed out, 16) indirect reference to Link's much discussed herpes, 17) Mythical grooming products, 18) doing something physically strenuous but ridiculous, 20) feeding each other, 21) smelling stuff blindfolded, 22) Rhett winning and / or doing something impressive, 23) Rhett winning the prize (here, picking what TV show to watch), 24) synchronizing in everything.
They squeezed in this "vlog" everything they typically do in Mythical episodes. The plane and the flight stand for Mythical, this space Rhett and Link have carved around them and it is what has made them rich and, to a degree, what keeps them secure. Also, the fact that it stands for Mythical is not subtle at all actually:
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And in case you did not realise, THIS IS MYTHICAL.
The presence of their company has not been so emphatically stressed in other videos and it makes sense both at face value and subtextually because this is of course who is behind the making of this supposed vlog according to the plot, however we will see now why this matters a lot as a metaphor as well.
The Simulation
This is actually part of the Flight segment but I really want to talk about it on its own because it is the most essential part of the video. I believe this is why they made that video and this is also why it is the first episode of Wonderhole.
Like they clarify, this is not a vlog. It is a test video in place of the actual vlog they wanted to do but weren't sure the fans would approve of. So, they decided to test the waters by spending budget to frivolous Mythical simulations in order to minimize the risk and check the fans reactions, before proceeding with the actual vlog. I have explained many times that this is exactly what I believe it is happening with all their scripted content, especially the recent ones (TLCOBC onwards) and this is what is happening with Wonderhole too. This is the first episode because it is the warning, if you will, regarding what Wonderhole truly is. In short, this first episode is the shrunk simulation of Wonderhole itself, if not their situation for quite some time. Don't forget that last year Link had said there was a very specific question they wanted to get an answer to in regards to people's response to their scripted videos and by the end of the year they both concluded that aside from the positive reviews they had not received the exact response they wished for. (This is why Wonderhole is also going to be bolder than last year's videos, you are seeing this already. Because there is more despair to get the specific response.)
This explains why it didn't matter whether Rhett and Link survived the plane crash either through a fantastical transcendance to reality or in a later time but we do not see it; because it means disaster ensued either because they danced too close to the fire with their simulations / scripted content and people realised it had to be real or because they ignored alarming cues from the audience, went through with the "real" content and that's when the disaster took place. Both are possibilities and whichever one is the one that happens, in their minds the result is the same: they end up stranded and forgotten in a desert island by themselves.
Before proceeding with the final segment, there are more significant layers to the simulation. There are three times when Rhett and Link hear a concerning noise from the plane: when they touch butts in the bathroom, when there is an implication for Link's herpes and when they are together in bed. So those sobering noises happen in moments of relatively more intimacy. Rhett and Link then watch a trash reality show with a frankly weird premise, hot singles go to underdeveloped countries to perform surgeries as complete amateurs?! Wow. Perhaps there is meaning to it but I couldn't find it. The interesting thing here is that even this reality show has the element of practicing something dangerous through simulation. The show host tells the players they have the chance to perform a surgery in a practice before being exposed to the real thing. This is exactly when chaos unfolds, the show is paused and the pilot screams in panic. And at that moment we have what I think is the most important, the most telling screenshot so far:
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Rhett and Link then embrace, waiting for the end, while they confess to each other things we all know. As they are looking for something super special to confess, Link says Rhett's balls are hanging out at that moment too. I don't think there is a sifnigicance to this unless the implication was that Rhett had removed his pants while we were unsuspectingly looking at the reality show! But, honestly, I don't think we got the equivalent of the announcement this was an allegory for. They didn't push for anything more there other than the notion that it was time for a most pivotal confession.
Lastly, let's also examine Link's quote early in the episode: "We like closing one eye, because it immerses us in something that's not really happening". This can be interpreted in various ways. Does it mean that we close our eyes in order to see something that is not true or does it mean that if we opened our eyes, then we would see what is really happening? These may seem similar but there is all the difference in the world between them.
It is very interesting however that the theme recurs later with the reality show: the participants perform eye surgeries like cutting cataracts, so there is this repeated theme of wanting to improve what one's eyes see. Alas, they are amateurs which means the surgeries are likely to lead to disaster before they lead to the much desired "eye opening".
The Desert Island
Believe it or not, this is in my opinion the least important segment or, maybe, the one least packed with information. That segment expresses their conviction of how they will survive a potential disaster. They appear removed like recluses but they stick together. Of course, their big longing will be to keep making videos, even if they don't have the means anymore or even if nobody cares to watch. This is about their professional life. Then:
"When left alone Rhett and Link exhibit all sorts of strange behaviours"
Aside of hopelessly trying to work and create, we are presented with what their life is likely going to be privately post-plane crash / disaster. Almost everything we see involves a level of physical intimacy; Rhett massages Link, "their" version of poker (which involves nipple stimulation), trying to make wine (like the notorious wine they made in puberty), skygazing together, checking each other for dermatological issues, sharing their thoughts and the classic joke of changing SOS to SEND TACOS, an indication that they are having enough of a good time to not really try to be rescued and return to their previous lives, with their old job and families. Oh, and having sex with the sex bush. This is the boldest imagery in this episode because we see them... uh...rub themselves on the sex bush (at the very least), not only in each other's presence but also while clasping hands. I don't think I have to tell you this but this is canonically engaging in the same sexual activity because it's like they are masturbating while holding hands. Now, if Rhett considers this a wild leap of logic indicative of "us the Rhink shippers", I don't know what to say.
There is also a very interesting lyric in their song. Watch how it is phrased:
"Sharing peanut butter because we are peanut butter lovers, lovers as in, we're both loving peanut butter. Not that we are making love with one another... We got a bush for that."
What exactly does this mean? We are making love with a bush instead of one another or we are using the bush to make love with one another and not the peanut butter? It sounds more like the former one but the imagery suggests the latter. I don't know. It could also mean that they are really tiptoeing around each other while still keeping their sexual life straight. We are not making love with the peanut butter (gay sex), we have a bush for that (straight sex). But then we see that in the bush they are really pushing the limits between them. It could be all of these things.
Bush aside, what does the peanut butter symbolise on its own? Link denies he is aroused by it but he readily admits he wants to "eat it out" and Rhett follows immediately, the more Link opens up. Again, we see once more Link to be the first one to voice his desire and of course Rhett jumps at it at a moment's notice. This is the case also in Digging the Medium-sized Hole, in the Puzzle, in the Brown Diamond. But then we have this strife caused between them as they cannot decide who should take the "first scoop". Like, who will break the seal of the peanut butter? To be honest, I think this is the drama that anal might have caused between two ex-Christian very traditional dudes. Like, who takes one for the team. Both of them claim the position of sticking their spoon to the peanut butter. Link has the argument that he should be the one to do it because he is the guy into peanut butter while "what Rhett really is is a bean guy" (bean is a slang for clitoris, so he's more into female genitalia, more hetero than Link). Rhett on the other hand doubts Link's versatility in sex (has happened IRL as well) so he doesn't want to cede the position of control to him.
Link: I got a lot of novel grill ideas. Rhett: Like what? Link: Like, the grill that uses the heat generated from rubbing your hands together. Rhett: ...And then you place them on the food?! Link:...... Yep. Rhett: So, the Link Neal Grill is just hands?!
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Link is shamed for being too vanilla.
After a lot of talking it out, their eyes are opened to what they wanted all along. Link admits Rhett might like peanut butter just as much and Rhett admits that Link might be as competent in this as he is (find the peanut butter). They decide to each take a scoop from one side of the top and then enjoy it together. I mean, none of this is a great analogy but the most plausible scenario is that in order to overcome their conservative inhibitions and their sense of pride, they had to both agree to engage in this in absolutely equal terms. In short, to switch. Which I totally believe could be the case in reality as well.
The way the sex bush contrasts with the peanut butter makes it all rather confusing because we can also tell this does not proceed in a chronologically linear way at all, let alone that we have a blend of past and future here. But don't worry too much because the result is the same. By putting the peanut butter on leaves from the sex bush and then consuming it, they have canonically exchanged sex fluids. I could have said this from the beginning of this segment and save me of all this struggle.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Gideon The Ninth Liveread, Chapter 15
In which we have the obligatory party/ball scene. Obligatory to what? Off the top of my head, Murder Mysteries and Fake Dating AUs
A few hours later. A lot goes unsaid with this; it’s a time skip, but it’s a telling one. It means that nothing happened in the few hours between Harrow collapsing and waking back up; Gideon didn’t leave, didn’t look around, didn’t see or examine anything new of import. She kept vigil, and the narration breezes right past it.
“Necromantic Theorem.” So the magic system is formalized and not just pure will. Gideon’s being glib but this IS essentially how I thought this worked, so it’s nice to have this clarified.
Ha. Gideon remembers the name of the fourth Cavalier but not the fourth necromancer. Priorities.
“Fan Mail.” Possibly a concept Gideon picked up from the backs of the comic books. and from this fan mail we derive that Abigail and Magnus have a dynamic. Stern cop Jovial Cop.
Harrow jumps right to a (I assume) completely appropriate assessment of the genre they’re in and starts hypothesizing assignation plots. Gideon, meanwhile, demonstrates greater Machiavellian acuity than I’ve previously ascribed to her, purely because her first-ever dessert is on the line. She’s like Roger Rabbit with the Handcuffs. Extremely conditional trains of thought.
Harrow is nervous about the function. Gideon assumes that this is because she wants to get back to the trials, since she used to run Ninth House functions without a sweat. This brings us back to Gideon only really being able to model Harrow in a combative context; it’s cripplingly obvious why Harrow is afraid of this function. She ran a transparent con against addled, devoted, elderly clergy, many of whom were literally blind. This is a gathering of High Society, which Gideon herself just painted as a potential hotbed of information gathering and Machiavellian politicking- a thought that apparently literally stayed in Gideon’s head for the exact amount of time it took her to win the argument, and no longer. 
Glad Rags! Magnus is great.
Abigail Pent, Intense Librarian. Very curious how things are between her and Magnus, just generally. Political marriage? According to Teacher (they (helpful exposition dispenser) She’s a spirit-talker. A necromancer in the traditional use of the term. That’d be Fifth House’s bag?
Interesting exposition on the Fourth and The Fifth here; The Fourth has been implied to be subordinated to the Fifth a few times. Magnus I think is actually the dreadful teens Uncle, and Isaac is apprenticed to someone outside his own house. Did the Fifth swallow the Fourth the way Harrow is afraid the 9th will be swallowed? Is there precedent that she’s afraid of?
The Third and the Sixth are facing off before Teacher (conveniently!) defuses things by announcing the main event.
Gonna read stuff into the seating arrangements. Gideon is with Palamedes, her lady-love Dulcinea, and the fifth Cav. Harrow is with the Mayo dyad, Ianthe, Seventh Cav super mutant, and Naberius. Putting eighth and ninth together feels like some kind of power play.
“The same middle name.” Good God. Coronabeth is either laughing too hard on purpose as an ingratiation play, or she is, in fact, compatible with Gideon on two levels.
Okay, there are on-site greenhouses. That explains where the food is coming from. I was wondering.
Alright, Magnus and Abigail can’t conceive. Slightly adjusting my assessment; they have the affordance of being nice because they’re weird, and on the outs within the political system they’re ostensibly on top of. Abigail is interested in pure scholarship and Magnus is interested in Abigail. I refer back to my previous assessment of Magnus as embodying the fun aesthetic parts of courtly empire w/o the inherently monstrous decision-making power.
 And Dulcinea is, in fact, good at picking up on what her conversational partners care about and feeding it. It’s not a Gideon-specific thing; she’s honing in on Abigail’s interests as well.
“Post Resurrection, Pre-sovereignty, pre-cohort.” Aaaaand Gideon turns away from the exposition because that’s just what she does.
Okay, from the Young-Uncle-Ianthe-Babs interaction we get the following; young-uncle has something against… intervention in births? A religious taboo? Ianthe was premature, extracted by C-section; The Eigth (Silas, I checked the cast page) calls this a “wasted opportunity,” which feels like a deliberate inversion of real-life Catholic Abortion Dickishness ™. Babs jumps in to defend Coronabeth, as he did before; Ianthe tramples him verbally. From this we derive that Babs is into Coronabeth specifically, although it doesn’t end well for him no matter which of them he’s talking to. And he has opinions on Bucklers, which Gideon wants to hear. It’s always interesting to encounter someone who has your exact interests but is so massively dickish on every other axis that you can’t capitalize on it.
This is Gideon’s first interaction with Jeannemary, and it’s this. I like that even when Gideon is interacting with the fourthling directly, there’s a shift in the dialogue from when Jeannemary is speaking normally and when she’s doing the nasally whine thing. She’s great. (But is Isaac great? I can’t tell if they’re trading off on doing the bit, or if it’s all her, all the time.)
And Gideon gets to eat! That’s good.
Okay, so Harrow, given a chance to dig into things with Teacher, can make him look thoughtful. A theological discussion? Applied Theory? Most of the others haven’t gotten far enough in the trials, so far as we know, to be able to talk specifics in the way that Harrow now can.
Is Dulcinea’s bit about the Biceps a Gravity Falls reference?
Oh, Jeannemary was, like, jealous. And possibly Crushing. Okay, this is back to cute. I like how the vocal affect reflects their tone but also their physical distance from Gideon and Dulcinea; also, question answered. It’s all Jeannemary. Isaac is the voice of reason, ish.
Okay, so Dulcinea pops the question- the big question- why are the houses like this. The dysfunction is obvious if not yet explosive; The houses are militarily and financially secure from the constant influx of spoils; The Emperor’s favor is both nebulous in its actual benefit and completely unrelated to the task at hand, which is pretty explicit (learn how to be Lyctors!) You’re inclined to say that everyone in Canaan House, categorically, has virtually no higher place to which they can climb within their hierarchies; that’s the point of pursuing Lyctorhood. Of course, the situation with the Ninth tells us that the assumed notion of security isn’t true in the slightest, the situation with the Sixth demonstrates that the Houses can have orthogonal interests like pure scholasticism, The eighth clearly aren’t in it for money…the more I think about it, the more Dulcinea’s remarks feel like that thing pretentious poets sometimes do where they wax cynical about an arrangement without putting much thought into the petty incentives underlying stuff. This might be deliberate; Dulcinea is clearly pretty clever.
Alright, something’s going on between Palamedes and Dulcinea. Gideon thinks that his weirdo obsession with. uh. Medicine that works…? gives him the hots for her.
“Magnus was nice.” I forgot to mention in chapter 12 that Gideon’s word choice in relation to Magnus is tied like an anchor to her current mood. When she’s in the pits, Magnus “tries pathetically hard;” when she’s well fed and high on Dulcinea, he’s “nice,” and she’s hurt on his behalf when Harrow ignores him.
And we end the chapter on this; Harrow thinks Pent is now in the running. Harrow is really, really committed to the idea that she has to WIN; this is, with added context, probably at least a little true, because the Eighth is probably an existential adversary and the Third strikes me as an opportunistic adversary if they get an opening. But it’s very telling that Harrow hears the Eighth- the most zealous of all the houses- just hand this information over to the Fifth without any cajoling and jumps to the conclusion it’s a race. What she overheard was an act of cooperation. And she was asleep for a major act of inter-house cooperation. She’s sticking to her initial paradigm, in the exact way that she stuck to her initial paradigm with the 163 skeletons. And Gideon, with her ability to actually make nice with people from other houses, might be the only effective counter to this tendency.
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
I've always wondered about the possibilities surrounding what we don't actually know about Paige, her death, and bite rejection in general. I know you recently were discussing how odd it was that Peter went to Ennis to bite Paige and what Talia's awareness of the situation was. When I first watched Visionary, I had wondered if Paige had been poisoned somehow (kinda like Gerard) on top of being viciously bitten by Ennis- possibly to ensure that she rejected the bite. I barely remember season 5 and 6B, does anyone else's body fully reject a bite like Paige did? Before her, Jackson was thought to be rejecting it but he turned into the Kanima instead, Lydia had her banshee powers awakened, and even Gerard survived his black goo situation.
That is an interesting theory. I know @dear-massacre and I have discussed at length Peter's involvement in the Paige incident as well as Talia's awareness of it.
I think someone could take the idea in an interesting direction because it's a good thought. Like, stick a pin in that.
If she was poisoned in some fashion I don't think it was Peter because Peter wanted to give Ennis a beta and remove Paige from the picture. Her dying was an unforeseen outcome for him as the flashbacks show he was quite shocked she was rejecting the bite. She was young and strong. By all logic she should have survived in his mind.
(Do not get me started on what I believe he was doing with offering the Stiles the bite because that move was layered).
Paige is the only bite rejection we see and it's highly probable that Peter was referring to Paige when he offered Stiles's the bite and mentioned that the bite had the ability to kill as much as turn.
It does seem as though bite rejection is known to happen but it occurs at such a low rate that when does happen it's surprising and no one is quite sure why.
The black bile was first introduced in Magic Bullet when Derek vomits due to the wolfsbane in his system. We see it again when Jackson is seemingly rejecting the bite and than again when Gerard spews a fountain of it after being bitten with mountain ash in his blood stream in Master Plan. Cora also vomits some up when she's poisoned.
It seems that the black bile is rejection of the supernatural as mountain ash, wolfsbane and mistletoe all ward against it and/or react when it contact with supernatural beings.
Jackson was having a multitude of issues that would need to be examined further because y i k e s my dude.
In Paige's case though I have suspected it's because her spark wasn't compatible with the small amount of spark that transferred from Ennis via the bite.
When an Alpha bites a person their Alpha spark interacts with that person's spark. Therefore, Scott has a small portion of Peter's spark, Liam and Hayden have small parts of Scott's spark (which is why they can take his Alpha power but no one else can). The same goes for Jackson, Isaac, Erica and Boyd they each carry a small part of Derek's Alpha spark.
Derek has reason to say the bite is a gift.
However, there's an element we don't always discuss when it comes to this stuff. The psychological.
Belief. Want. Desire.
Much like her narrative mirror Stiles Paige didn't need the bite. Scott, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Jackson and even Gerard -- they were looking/needing for something that being a werewolf could provide them. Paige was whole without it.
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windvexer · 1 year
A bit ago I did a manifestation/binding with the intent to bring new friends into my life on the back porch, a lot of burning herbs and such and I ended it off with tying two candles and burning them with my intention. Now my teaspoon sized brain decided to ignore the thunderstorm warning I read about and continue with the spell. In minutes it was down pouring and me and all my stuff, more importantly my candles, we’re getting hit with buckets of rain. The two candles blazed a worrying amount in the rain, the flames rose over the lip of it, before they finally went out and I had to retreat inside. This is a long winded way of asking, do you think there are consequences to ending a spell halfway through? I had about 3/4 of it done, would you say there’s a chance of it still working? I still have half of two tied together candles in my cauldron, and I’m not sure if I should trash it or not. This is way too long, so thanks for taking the time to read this-
Hi, Anon.
When I work magic where I gather ingredients and work over them for a desired effect, I generally try to be aware of when exactly the magic is "cast."
It is possible to work a candle spell where the magic was already fully sealed and ready to go before you light the candle. (I charge this candle with luck and burn it a bit at a time to conjure good luck)
Or, the candle spell could require the burning down of the candle as a necessary component to generating magic, which is not fully cast or released until the candle totally burns down. (I burn this candle to banish my enemies, and when the candle is burned down, my enemy will be out of my life)
Examine the structure within which you have built your spell. Your paradigm might not be compatible with the following advice, but, try asking yourself:
When was power collected and gathered during my spell?
Did I specify anything special would happen once the candle was lit, or, when it burned down?
What were my personal expectations for what would happen if the candle was burned all the way down?
Many people report that spells half-planned or half-cast seem to work regardless. This might be a useful opportunity for you to observe the potential effects of this magic in your life.
However, depending on how you structured the spell, it could be possible that the spell was only "partially" cast (or, not very highly charged; not very energized; moving not very far towards its destination). I would expect this to be likely if your spell fully charged the candles ahead of time and intended that they be burned down to release power.
Personally, I'd probably keep burning the candles. Knowing that there will be rain and intentionally doing a spell in the rain is not a portent that your spell will have a bad outcome, or that your spell needs to be trashed.
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hresvelged · 11 months
— alliances, part I.
Been meaning to delve into stuff like this for a while, but there's just a lot to unpack for a character like her. She holds a lot of knowledge pre-skip most others do not by virtue of her role in the game and her motivations. This is mainly going to be about Edelgard's complexity and views on the Agarthans. Mainly in terms of her knowledge, her reactions and thoughts, and how/why she forms a firm line between her army and their own.
She tends to foreshadow a lot in her speech pre-skip (mainly because she knows what's going to happen and all that), which is seen in some of the quotes I highlighted. Going to make some general bullet points, though.
Crest Stones: They've been seen already as being able to turn people into crest beasts, so Edelgard knowing this isn't strange. As such, she'll talk about it because there is both no point in hiding what's been seen/she hopes those who do see it will come to their own conclusions as to what they want to do with that information. She isn't interested in getting non-Fódlan people intertwined with her personal affairs. Them knowing this information won't influence her actions, but she can use it to deduce them as people. The war will be hers to fight, regardless. The crest stones are also substantial as far as the Heroes Relics themselves go, seeing as the two tend to go hand-in-hand. Aymr has one like the others. She's open about her disdain towards crests/the weaponry that propels said crests. In-game text also infers she already knows this prior to the general Black Eagle (in CF/SS's case) populace discovering it, like in chapter 5 when they see Miklan turn into one.
"Such is the fate of one whose life is corrupted by a Crest Stone... How pitiable. The least we can do is put an end to his suffering." "Right or wrong, he was a gifted leader. He could have been a great asset to Fódlan. What a waste."
Unlike others' words in this scene, Edelgard's reaction is more subdued/implying this fate was unavoidable for him given what he was doing and she expected it. She knows before most that a person wielding a relic who isn't compatible with its crest will result in beasts. She calls it 'pitiable' not out of malice. A person's worth should not be dictated by whether or not they have a crest.
The Heroes' Relics: Fódlan history has the legendary weapons written down as things to be revered, used by the Ten Elites as gifts from the goddess. The Agarthans would know this isn't true because their kind was literally there and it's part of the reason for their forged alliance with Edelgard/the Empire in the first place. They as a whole do not tell her everything because there is emphasis in text numerous times how their factions are separate and the alliance will be broken once their mutual goal is achieved. Also, why would they reveal their entire hand to her? They wouldn't. Edelgard absolutely keeps a number of secrets, herself. It's an alliance forged on mutual needs, not trust. She's very smart and additionally comes to make her own inferences both due to her personal knowledge as well as her thoughts. In-game, when you visit the Red Canyon and Edelgard ponders its architecture, you can gain support points if you tell her that you think "a culture long since perished" used to live there. To which she replies:
"Heh, it's possible they weren't even human. Hmm, perhaps their remnants still influence this world."
She wouldn't say this if she had no reason for thinking that. Furthermore, Edelgard isn't the type to immediately believe everything she might hear from others. Let alone from a group she despises and can disguise themselves as her family (literally. See Arundel/Thales). She needs probable cause to believe it, hence why she examines what she receives. But I do think she also knows what the heroes relics are made of. The bones stuff. Another thing that makes me like to believe she knows this is just the way her army speaks about 'crest stones/bones' in the Holy Tomb. She is also the Imperial Princess and next Emperor, so it's not illogical for her to hold at least some knowledge others do not in the event it comes up and someone goes. How do you know this lol.
Herself: A weird point lmao, but the truth of what they did to her/her siblings is covered up both by them but also the empire itself. A 'plague' etc etc. If someone says that to her, she won't correct it because she doesn't want to talk about it, but she'll just silently grit her teeth together. She's never told anyone at present that she has a second crest, let alone the Crest of Flames. She loathes thinking about it nor does she care to share that with anyone (minus like. Hubert who is her close vassal but he canonically knows what she's been through and she trusts him). Her Crest of Seiros is public knowledge, though. But the fact that she and her family were taken under the palace with the primary goal of giving them the Crest of Flames is kept hushed. When she does choose to share it, she speaks with passion. See her C+ support with Byleth.
"I know how it all sounds. But when you see my true strength, you will know I speak the truth. I have kept it hidden all this time, but.. I will reveal to you the power of my second Crest. It is the same as yours.. the Crest of Flames. When it manifested for me, I swore a silent oath. For the sake of my family and for all the poor souls whose lives were traded for my existence. For their sake, I will build a world where such meaningless sacrifice is never again sanctioned. As emperor, I will change the world. I swear it."
Seeing as TWSITD obviously know this, I think they could also use it as leverage against her. Three Hopes shows this, but houses wise, there's always the looming threat of 'If you go against us, you will pay etc etc.' Her motives stem from this event- From the goddess not answering her pleas and everyone around her dying just for her to get more power. She muses about this often, hence the nightmares from it. It was not Edelgard specifically they sought at the time. Not until the crest manifested. A number of her siblings didn't even bear the Crest of Seiros. I feel like it's important too because this memory shows how she doesn't like working with them due to this pain they've caused but feels she must because she needs their power to usurp the church. This, coupled with how unsettled she feels each time they take the guise of someone she knows, compels her to stay her hand.
Aymr: It's first heavily implied in houses that this was made specifically for Edelgard by the Agarthans because it takes Agarthium to repair if you break it. Like I mentioned earlier, she knows what kind of weapon it is. Nobody ever questions her having this though because it just appears like any other heroes' relic, despite the empire generally lacking in them compared to the kingdom and alliance. She has Labraunda in 3 Hopes because she severed ties with them earlier than in houses. Plus like. When we do see her wield Aymr in Hopes at a point, Thales is with her. Aymr is a strong axe that allows her to channel her power and aid in her quest forward. It's not a 'gift' given as a peace offering or to satisfy her, but to satisfy their own needs. She is a weapon. If Edelgard is strong enough to take down the church, they are ever-closer to what they want. The axe is a way to destroy anyone who stands in her way.
They have also "given" her the Crest of Flames, but that ties back to what I wrote earlier about it coupled with the 'weapon' bit. She hates having 2 crests and doesn't want to become a puppet emperor like her father. It's talked about how having 2 is a heavy strain on one's body and shortens a person's lifespan, so this would apply to Edelgard as well. This lack of time is a strong motivator for her quick actions- Both on her end and the desire to not wait around anymore. But also, using the power of those 2 crests is daunting and strenuous. Edelgard is a proponent of people using their own power to cut a path forward, but given how she feels the people of Fódlan are blinded to the truth, she uses these abilities she has in order to force them to understand. If she does not, she feels the cycle won't end. She's strongly devoted to this goal and explicitly states it plenty of times.
The Flame Emperor: That is her own persona she uses pre-skip to protect her identity as she sorts out her plans, but the attire itself is from the Agarthans seeing the extensive technology and stuff. She's able to mask her voice with it, too. Until she can declare war, she must set her devices and act anonymously. Even when she does happen to speak to other people as FE, she does so declaratively. It's the truth she urges those to know.
After we see Kronya in-game, Edelgard will only speak to Kronya/Thales/etc in her Flame Emperor outfit if they are not using their 'disguises.' This is because Edelgard standing in plain sight with them is just. A red flag lol. I think it bothers her when they use those visages, and not just solely because it increases her distrust levels. Arundel was her uncle, someone she had went to the Kingdom with at one point in time. Pre-skip in houses, she does fight them at moments with her classmates when the times called for it.
Kronya: "Huh? What are you— Are you here to kill me?" Edelgard: "I am. Prepare yourself for death while you still can."
Which still stands now. There is the fact that Edelgard knows what she is doing. Whenever she decides to dispose of TWSITD members prematurely, she needs to act cautiously. Even so, in certain circumstances, it's not only what is expected of her but also what she needs to do. She is cutting a divide between the Flame Emperor army and the Agarthans'. At least, from their perspectives. She wants to rid the Church of its power & system they've upheld for ages, but she also needs to dispose of TWSITD. Allowing them to fester is not completing her life's goals. It's a second war. TWSITD are the ones who caused the two-crest experimentation, controlling the empire from the shadows, etc. Her plans of war are already brewing when she enters the academy. She knows people will be surprised- Perhaps even hate her. If they flee to their home countries, that is all for the better. They don't need to get involved.
That being said, there's of course the sheer fact that they're providing her with extra military strength. Since they know her plans of war. This is obvious enough in houses, emphasized in hopes in her support with Hubert when she says "Besides, after breaking ties with him and his allies, we lacked the military capability to carry out an operation on such a scale." This is post-skip in Hopes so I don't want to deep-dive it rn, but the Agarthans hold a strength the Empire alone does not possess even pre-skip (which is why I included it mainly lol, just to show it's a thing). It is why she keeps her ties with them at the moment because not only is fighting against 2 armies at once difficult, but unreasonable to her at present. She loathes complicity, but she is super determined for this goal of a higher cause.
This alliance is made aware of by far and few in-between. She has no plans on telling anyone about it who doesn't already know. While I think she has the most correspondence with the group's leaders, it doesn't really matter who tells her what so I'm leaving it vague on purpose to allow for plenty of wiggle room. Their faction is bigger than even Edelgard knows, anyways. She doesn't know where they hide out nor even who they all are. She is around so many faces all the time, them included, but she must continue on in order to achieve results.
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joz-yyh · 2 years
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Day 3: Overcome / Vanity 🪞🕸️ (Inspired by the song: Mirror ft. Henri Werner, Krysta Youngs)
Part of my Occult AU -- In celebration of Halloween, Ichigo and friends decide that it would be a spooky good time to visit Urahara's Antique Shop and buy a "cursed object," to see if any of the old myths are true.
You’ll Find A Rough Script About This AU Under The Cut!
The plan is that each one of his classmates is supposed to choose an object from the shop and "try out" their own ritual at home and then report back the following day to see if the spell was legit or not.
While browsing the menagerie of oddities, Ichigo comes across an old hand mirror among the dusty, cluttered shelves and is instantly drawn to it.
"What did you pick, Kurosaki-kun," Orihime asks, her arms clasped behind her back. The boy shows off the ornate mirror to the redhead, her cute blushing face reflected back at her. "Oh, pretty,” She giggles, “Somehow, I get a creepy feeling from it." “Then, I am definitely buying this one. Thanks,” Ichigo smirks, heading towards the counter where Urahara is keeping a trained eye on him.
That night while examining the mirror, Ichigo finds a hidden scroll inside the handle. He waits til 3:33am as per the instructions, looks into the mirror and speaks the incantation aloud. Minutes pass, he tries the words again (maybe he mispronounced something), but nothing happens.
He goes to bed disappointed, but what Ichigo fails to realize is that he actually did summon Shiro. The white demon is hiding in the mirror, watching silently, keeping his presence a secret. Shiro takes his time haunting the organette day by day. Sometimes, Icihigo will hear a crack, like something breaking, or thump of something falling, but he can never pinpoint what it is because everything looks normal when he goes to check.
Sometimes, shadows creatures will pass across the walls in his house. Sometimes, things move or disappear. Sometimes, Ichigo catches a pale image of himself in the rain, in the glass of a window. He thinks that it's all just his mind playing tricks.
Yuzu is getting really unnerved by all these shenanigans. Karin thinks it's cool that their house is haunted now.
Isshin, who is more spiritually inclined than his son at this point, starts to notice something is amiss and asks Ichigo if he's sensed anything out of the ordinary.
Icihigo denies it and keeps the mirror wrapped up and hidden in a drawer.
As the end of October nears, Ichigo’s friends are still investigating curses and once again visit Urahara's shop. "Have you been getting enough sleep, kid,” Urahara asks, “You don't look so good." Ichigo nearly screams in terror at the feeling of the man’s hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I am fine,” he says, quickly smoothing over his reaction, “All this ghost stuff is kinda making me jumpy.”
“Haha, I guess so,” the shopkeeper laughs, a cryptic edge to his voice, “Though, I must say I am surprised that no one in your little group has been able to conjure up a real life ghost yet. I guess all these ancient relics are nothing, but junk afterall. Sorry kid, no refunds.”
Later that night, Ichigo hears a voice calling out to him and he freaks out when he discovers that the source is coming from inside the mirror.
Shiro has been feeding on the boy's fear and has built up enough vitality that he can finally reveal himself and explain what's been going on.
The demon tells the boy that he could not have been summoned without a powerful psychic, one he’s compatible with and that once summoned, he can travel anywhere so long as there's reflective surface around.
He assures Ichigo that he can only take life energy from the one who invoked his services so, his family and friends are safe.
He continues to tell the teen that he's almost strong enough to leave the glass prison that he's been stuck in, that he just needs a little more (a kiss) and he'll be set free. (and here is where the the art comes in so, this is where I am ending it for now. I hope you enjoyed reading up to this point. If I ever find the time, I might flesh this out into a full-fledged fic).
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Just Witchy Stuff (Nameless Ghouls x OC) Part 2
Summary: As a witch, Ollie lives a quiet life. While most people find her stingy or eccentric in her beliefs and superstitions her presence is well known around the town as that 'witch' at the corner with her little witchy shop. But unlike what people think she has been around a very long time - never staying too long in one town for them to realize she never seems to age. Because of her moving around she wracks up a lot of favors. What she didn't expect was for one of her old favors to show up at her doorstep.
AN: Ollie is an old OC of mine based on a lot of myself that shows a glimpse of the writer behind the writings :) Enjoy!
Pairing: Nameless Ghouls Poly x OC
My Workshop!
-Part 1
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Copie motioned towards the group of ghouls; motioning to one of them who stood with his hands behind his back and stock still minus the slight tilt of his head. He was small, much smaller than the others but Ollie could tell he had a temper - his energy was all over the place...like a flickering fire.
"Dewdrop here got into a spot of trouble. Mountain tried to patch him up as best he could but his herbs could only do so much and Aether tried to ease his pain but...we think it's infected." Copia confessed with a heaved sigh and Ollie's brows furrowed.
"Okay, Dewdrop. Come sit here and let me take a look at you." Ollie pulled out a stool and patted the cushioned surface. "Where was he injured?"
Copia cleared his throat and pointed across his torso mimicking what Ollie most likely will be seeing here in just a moment and she hoped the vague demonstration was not up to scale. That looked rather large of a 'scrape' as Copia put it but the Ghoul had not said a single word or shown any sort of pain thus far.
There was mild hesitation before the ghoul named Dewdrop walked over and placed himself on the stool; perched precariously on the edge. The witch raised her hands and met the firey orange orbs from behind the mask.
"I do not do anything without permission; whether holy or unholy of creatures. It's a universal respect thing - especially seeing as you are not contracted to me I'd feel more comfortable for the both of us to ask alright?. So I'd like your consent to touch you. To look at that wound of yours to see just what I can do to help patch you up okay?" she said gently ignoring the snickers of a few ghouls at her back.
"Depending on the extensiveness of the injury there will be magic involved and sometimes my magic isn't always compatible with others so even if I am helping you it will most likely hurt if you reject my magic energy. I have to warn you...all of you before I take a look at everybody." her head turned to scan the room to see if they understood what she was saying.
She may work black magic that would consist with their energy she also did all sorts of other magics that would reject the idea of being near an unholy entity; there is always a residue left behind.
Dewdrop still silent gave a tight nod after a long tense moment. She nodded back slightly before she began flicking off the suspenders off his shoulders and began to unbutton his shirt to be able to see all the damage done.
"Feel free to grab something to eat, drink, or hang around on the sofas. Get comfortable this may take a hot minute," she mumbled over her shoulder as she examined the ashen skin beneath the shirt. There were a few minor scrapes here and there that weren't bound but it was the large white bandage wrapped from navel to right under his pectorals that was stained black that caused her brow to pinch in concern.
"Who did you say patched him up earlier?" Ollie asked absently as she began to unwind the wrappings.
"I did." a deep but soft voice spoke up from over her shoulder and Ollie tipped her head up to look at the towering Ghoul that had so silently come up behind her to watch.
"Mountain right? What a suitable name." her lips turned up slightly into a slight before she returned her attention to the wounded ghoul; she crouched on her heel so that she could look at it closer and frowned thoughtfully as she took in the damage.
Her touch was gentle as she nudged at the flayed skin around the edge of the wounds but she felt the muscles beneath her touch tense at the pain. A tail she hadn't been paying much attention to before now made itself known as it whipped around in agitation. She softly shushed him like she would a frightened animal and reached out with her free hand to grab Dewdrop's flailing tail; wrapping it around her arm before shooting him a small smile as if to tell him 'It's okay, you can hold on for support.' before turning her attention back to the wound.
The wound itself was jagged and would leave a scar no doubt. Despite the ghouls being hellish creatures they were not immortal nor did they suffer from complete healing. It'd leave a scar and it'd heal faster than a human but it would forever be etched into his ashen skin like a streak of silver along his side and chest. Whatever had done this to him was of supernatural or demonic nature - meaning he was not immune to its effects.
"How bad is it?" her ears perked up at the soft voice above her and her violet eyes lifted to meet the orange glow of the fire ghouls behind his mask.
"It's deep and it'll scar. But you'll live. Your pack did well." she reassured but there was a tightness of her lips as she spoke that made those glowing eyes narrow at her.
She amended with a sigh as she dropped her gaze again. "But it's infected alright. Not so much infected but...poisoned." Her fingertip trailed a faint dark line from the edge of the wound as she spoke; like a tree root dark and inky beneath the skin - pulsing with toxin that made the ghoul's flesh quiver as she agitated it.
"Is it bad?" Copia peered over her shoulder and she idly reached back to pat his leg in reassurance.
"He'll be fine, you guys did well to help the healing process and to come to me. If you hadn't it would have gotten worse. Mountain," she looked up at the towering male. "Did you use Goldenrod and Lavender?"
The tall being nodded his tail swishing nervously side to side. "And Bloodroot." he stated softly.
"Where's you get bloodroot from?!" one of the smaller ghouls chirped in surprise.
"Rain he's literally our gardener of the abbey and a demon...do you really need to know how he gets these plants?" another one piped up with a playful smirk.
"I was just asking Swiss! I help him sometimes in the gardens..."
Ollie chuckled under her breath at their bickering before rising to her feet. "Bloodroot is a good start. It's not a common herb people would find in their gardens but seeing as it's not a normal garden I would be rather intrigued to see what you have growing Mountain." she smiled before going over to a shelf where she had a few jars and browsed them.
"Mandrake...mandrake...where...Ah! There it is." she plucked a jar and headed back to a small table to grab her mortar and pestle.
"Mandrake? Isn't that going to do an anti-effect of the other herbs?" Mountain sidled up to her again and Ollie sighed.
"No, Mountain. Believe me, you may think that a witch's herbs may be against a demonic presence but it's actually the individual's energy and intent that you put into the mixture before application that has its true effect. If any normal person used any sort of herb whether its background came from a holy land or not it'll still do its duty to heal in the herbal sense of the word but it won't do anything for the supernatural part of things." she told him as she got to work dropping a few roots into the bowl and grabbing a few liquids off of the tabletop in front of her to begin grinding and mixing the concoction together.
She felt the shifting of the air around her with worry as she worked in silence and it felt like a heavy fume of gas. "You're restless, I get it. Why don't you guys go downstairs alright? Feel free to browse my collections, grab yourself something to eat, or read a book or something. But please, you're worry is for nothing - Dewdrop will be just fine but it is hard for me to work if you're going to hover like a pack of fussy hens." her voice was soft as she spoke but her words were not that of suggestion.
One look towards Copia made the man shift and turn; ushering his ghouls downstairs with a worried glance over his shoulder at his wounded guitarist and witch. Once they were gone the air cleared a bit but was replaced by the feel of eyes staring at the back of her head.
"What is it?" she asked without looking up at the fire ghoul.
"What made you turn to magic?" Dewdrop spoke up curiously.
She smiled as she used her strength to grind the stubborn root. "I was born in a time that witchcraft was taboo - forbidden, unimagined, and considered devil's work whether it was for the good of mankind. I was a normal girl once, lived a quiet life - it was actually my older cousin who started it for me. She was always the odd one out of my family. But she was pagan - secretly of course, if her family knew she worked with the devil she'd be burned at the stake or worse for her beliefs. I suppose after spending so much time with her, seeing the work she did and how it helped people I got intrigued. It's a long story." her brows drew forward as she recalled the past.
"Perhaps it was her influence that had caused my demise in the end. I got too cocky, my lips got loose and I slipped information I shouldn't have to the wrong people. I was stoned to an inch of my life before being burned at the stake. But because I was far too deep in the magic I was using at the time...I was reborn. I dragged myself from the ashes and escaped by night." she shrugged and turned to the Fire ghoul who was watching her intently.
"You could say I saw the devil before I returned to reality." her lip curled up slightly as she walked over with a mixture of the muck she'd been grinding down.
"Are you afraid that people will find out the truth? Of people realizing that you aren't a hoax and come after you?" Dewdrop asked tilting his head slightly.
"No." Ollie replied as she reached for a pitcher on a side table and the bowl beside it. "The 21st century is much better than the time I lived in. People can turn a blind eye to it. I have no fear of being killed. Those fanatics who claim I am a devil's child are just as loony as I. No one will believe their claims anymore then if I did a magic trick out of thin air proclaiming it's true magic. I know the truth, they see what they want to and believe what they believe." she dipped the rag that rested on the bowl's edge into the cool water and began cleaning up the stain of crimson left on his ashen skin.
"You would be a sight at the Abbey. The Siblings would be so curious of you."
"No more than they are of you I would assume." her lips curled up slightly at him with a secretive smile before returning to her task. Her ears perked when she heard the steps of someone coming up behind her.
"What is it Copia?" she asked without looking up as she dipped her fingers into the slimy mixture in her other bowl and began applying it to the wound causing Dewdrop to snarl at the instant pain like alcohol pouring into a fresh wound.
"T-there was a ding downstairs...w-we didn't know what that meant."
Ollie's head tilted and she looked over her shoulder at him with a raised brow. "That'll be the indication of someone upstairs. It's still rather late but I do get an occasional guest." she lifted her wrist to check her wristwatch.
"Right on time as usual. It'll most likely be Moss. She's my gardener." her lip curled up even more. "Forest Faes are absolutely darling. She's a great help when I need a supply of herbs. Would you mind going upstairs to show her down here please?"
"But what about the door? The magic...door?" Copia looked unsure as he pointed to the ceiling remembering how Ollie had to work some sort of opening spell.
She waved her hand. "Varoth has seen you. He sees both this door and the one above. All seeing doorknocker." she grinned at him. "Just knock on the shelf three times like this." she reached down and rapped her knuckles on the ground in a symbolic rhythm.
The man gave a little sound of understanding and hesitated a moment as if he wanted to say something before he was scurrying back down the stairs.
"You have weird company." Dewdrop grumbled as his clawed hands gripped the stool's edge.
Ollie smirked up at him and shrugged. "Hazards of being a witch I'm afraid. You meet all sorts of creatures when you dip your fingers in all sorts of magics. Don't worry, no one that I know will be of harm or threat to you." she reassured as she resumed applying the rest of the muck to his wound and then stood to wipe her hands with a sigh.
"Let me see...where did I store those bandages?" she mumbled to herself as she rummaged around her shelves and cabinets.
"That's it...just some...gross shit on me and you're done? Isn't there some sort of...ritual or spell you can do?" The fire ghoul looked displeased as much as he did bewildered while examining his wound.
"Magic isn't always spells and rituals, little fire ghoul," she told him with a bit of a laugh. "Sometimes it does take just a certain mixture of herbs to help. That substance I just put on you is best for most toxins and poisons that creatures from hell possess. If it looks like it's getting worse, then I advice for you to come back to see me so I can use stronger methods. But the poison in your veins hasn't spread too far and it's been slowed by Mountain's efforts. But, I will make an extra jar for you to take with you so that Mountain can help apply it daily for the next week." she said returning her to the work table.
"You're weird."
"I've been called worse." she shot him a smirk. "Is this your first time dealing with a witch?"
"Not a man of many words I see. I thought fire ghouls were supposed to be snappy." she quipped.
"I thought witches were supposed to be old and wrinkly." the ghoul quipped back and Ollie burst out laughing at their jabs at each other.
"It's the 21st century. Magic is everywhere. For all you know I could be using a glamor and really look like a hag beneath all this glorious facade." she turned to sweep her hand down the length of her in a joke.
The small ghoul tilted his head before slipping off his chair and talking over to her causing her to narrow her eyes curiously. She backed up as he drew closer until the edge of the table dug into her back and the items jostled at the weight pressing into the table. The fire ghoul said nothing as he drew impossibly closer; the nose of his mask brushing hers as her vision spun at the orange glow peering back at her. She felt the cool metal brush upwards against her nose and then over the bridge before down the other side; her mind catching up to her a little too slowly that he was giving her a form of ghoulish appreciation in a form of...an Eskimo kiss? But before she could say anything the ghoul had already begun leaving the door and was halfway down the stairs.
"Dewdrop wait! You need to be bandaged-" Ollie raced for the railing but as she looked down she saw he was holding up the roll of white gauze that he'd found on his way out.
She sighed and leaned over the railing with a bemused expression as she watched the pack of ghouls interacting together before her attention was turned towards Copia who was escorting a pretty-looking girl behind him chatting away with a sweet smile on her face as she supposedly charmed the pants off of the man. Ollie grinned and shook her head as her violet eyes met the unnaturally green of her friend's below.
"Copia don't you leave yet, I have something for Mountain to take with you guys before you leave." the witch called before disappearing over the railings back to her workstation to finish the promised concoction for Dewdrop's wounds.
"I thought you were done with the Abbey, Ollie?" the sweet voice of her Fae companion spoke up behind her as the female sidled up to lean a hip against the workbench.
Ollie smiled fondly down at her work. "I'm done with Siste Imperator, Mossy...but I would be going against everything I have vowed to turn my back on Papa Nihil and his kin." their eyes met and the pale woman beside her gave a soft sigh and tipped her chin once as she reached out to brush a strand of pale purple curl from her eyes.
"Oh, silly little witch you." Mossy murmured as she perched herself onto the corner of the table. "You're fate is tied to that Abbey, isn't it?" her gaze softened as she turned her head at the sound of bickering downstairs.
Ollie's features darkened slightly as if she was remembering something. "I promised Nihil. I owe him that much at least to not abandon or turn away from them if there was ever a need. Whether it be him or his sons...or his heritage of ghouls."
"You do have a choice Ollie. You know that, don't you honey?" Moss spoke up turning her attention back towards the witch.
Ollie would have answered but instead, she poured the mixture she had been working on into a jar and capped it before turning to find Mountain standing at the staircase. She forced a smile on her face despite the feeling of heaviness in her gut as she handed the jar over.
"You are welcome back whenever you feel up to visiting. If anything goes wrong. Call me." she informed like a doctor prescribing medicine as she nodded her head towards him in farewell.
"Thank you, Ollie." the tall ghoul rumbled as he took the jar carefully from her hands and after a beat of silence he turned and strolled back downstairs to join his pack.
Ollie and Moss stood by the railings to watch as the ghouls gathered with Copia who was looking back up at her and gave her a little wave of thanks; she gave him a two-finger salute before he and his ghouls left the way they had come leaving the large space feeling oddly empty making the witch realize how utterly alone she was in this vast space even as her Fae friend rested a hand on her shoulder. She gripped the slender fingers and gave them a squeeze before turning to begin cleaning up her mess - preparing to finish off her night with the good company of her friend and a cup of tea.
I don't even know what I'm writing anymore! It was supposed to be a oneshot...but now it's starting to turn into an unexpected series?! Let me know if you like it so far!
part 3 available now!
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olreid · 1 year
WAIT *dominic monaghan voice* are you watching harlots? have you watched harlots? will you watch harlots? when will you watch harlots?
( i always enjoy reading your opinions, would love to know your thoughts about the series! i really enjoyed the first season )
i started watching it while wizard high the other week! ive seen all but one episode of season one i think? and i'm really enjoying it ! i am not a historian of anything so i never know whether period things are like. doing a good job of being accurate or not but to the layman (me) it seemed very well done .
i don't have a lot to say by virtue of being truly blasted while watching but i'm having a good time. which feels weird to say about a show that's so brutal, but it just feels like. ok yes we're finally talking about it (the ubiquity of sexual violence)!!! i think the characters are so well-drawn and the dynamics between miss wells and miss quigley as well as their respective dynamics within their own houses and families are RICH, to say the least.
there's some really interesting stuff being done with the family form as it comes into focus as a point of comparison for different economic relationships and modes of exchange -- i think it's charlotte who has a line to the effect that she sees margaret as her pimp which makes her the opposite of the mother she's supposed to be, but like. if we think in terms of the tradition of exogamous marriage, parents are very much like pimps, at least where their marriageable daughters are concerned! margaret wants to marry her daughters off precisely because she has a parent's investment in their futures and views selling them as the only way for them to have a better life. which does not justify her actions, but provides an interesting framework through which to examine the economics of the family and to consider whether or not it differs meaningfully from from the economics of the brothel.
it's interesting to see how margaret and lydia's children are sheltered from some aspects of the business while doubly obligated to participate in others. harriet's storyline of joining the house in order to buy back her children after she learns that her husband had not freed them as he'd claimed to adds another sense in which the family can be read as compatible with the capitalist property relations to which it purports to provide an antidote. and even for those in the show who do manage to find a measure of relief in relationship, the show makes a point to foreground how each and every bond is strained by the unceasing pressure to always be turning a profit in order to keep from going under .
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windudemon · 2 years
are infjs natural-born buddhists?
Buddhism relies upon the outward mindfulness strategy [clearly se valuing] to see the objects of the mind, the body and the world with greater clarity and intelligence[again, very se-reality based, not idealistic/dreamy, could-it-be stuff] to identify the causes of bondage and suffering. [universal fe problems to fix with ti]
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[buddhism is so fe, it hurts] Bahujana sukhaya bahujana hitaya cha (translates to “for the happiness of the many, for the welfare of the many”) is a dictum or aphorism enunciated in the Rigveda in Sanskrit. Buddha in the fifth century B.C. suggested his disciples to work for the welfare and happiness of the masses under the same dictum. Numerous others such as the nineteenth-century Hindu monk Swami Vivekananda and Indian nationalist, freedom fighter, philosopher Sri Aurobindo also spoke on this aphorism.
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The economic principle formulated by Buddha was somewhat akin to the modern motto: “He who works shall eat”. [be fe and se useful!] He even prescribed the ideal of service for the monks and nuns and called those who did not conform to this ideal as “useless consumers of the nation’s wealth” (mogham sa ratthapindam bhu­njati).
No other individual in history had so loudly proc­laimed the dignity of man and had loved the common man as dearly as Buddha did. Buddhism has always encouraged equality of social opportunity without any cut-throat economic competition and it never encouraged ideas of dominance, exploitation and colonialism, its key-moral always being mutual co-operation.
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[mega se realism] In Buddhism, the term anattā (Pali) or anātman (Sanskrit) refers to the doctrine of “non-self” – that no unchanging, permanent self or essence can be found in any phenomenon.
Why should we not recognize that personal experience is like a banana tree or like an onion, that when we take it apart piece by piece, that when we examine it critically and analytically, we find that it is empty of any essential, substantial core, that it is devoid of the self?
we exist at any moment in time but we do not possess a permanent unchanging essence or self. our existence can be likened to a candle flame. the gasses being burned at any instant are not the same as the ones that burned an instant ago but are the direct result of those gases. the flame looks to be the same flame observed previously but it is not in fact the same flame! so our existance as a sentient being. [again, this is hardcore se materialism and ti logic and VERY quantum physics compatible too.]
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when compared to taoism, there’s a lot of se harsh ti judgements in buddhism. for example dharmakirti wrote “The unquestioned authority of the vedas; the belief in a world-creator; the quest for purification through ritual bathings; the arrogant division into castes; the practice of mortification to atone for sin; - these five are the marks of the crass stupidity of witless men.” as an entp, while i find taoism romantic and poetic and cute, i definitely agree with buddhism in a more serious manner.
and buddha said “Let us, then, not surrender to heresies of worshipping god and praying to him, let us not lose ourselves in vain speculations of profitless subtleties, let us surrender self and all selfishness, and as all things fixed by causation, let us practice good so that good may result from our action”.
* * *
so infjs should be practical. so infjs shouldn’t live in a dream world and ignore the materialistic reality. that doesn’t mean they should be cut throat capitalists {sensory contact gives rise to clinging and craving to temporary states and things, which is ultimately unsatisfactory and painful, dukkha,} but it means they should be fe useful and helpful in the se real world. that will give them ni universal satisfaction. that will feel important, valuable, real, meaningful and spiritually fulfilling. if an infj go and become something like an accountant for some asshole out there, their ni will ask “what’s the meaning of life” of course.
* * *
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. [very realistic, very jordan peterson actually]
Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with kindness. Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with truth.
What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now. [you can’t be more ni-ti-se than that]
Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.
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kingisgreat · 2 months
Wedding Photographer Selection: How to Collaborate with Your Wedding Photographers Chandigarh
Wedding Photographer Selection: How to Collaborate with Your Wedding Photographers Chandigarh
Wedding — a festival of affection, custom, and social wealth. Also, what is the ideal method for catching every last bit of it? From the perspective of an accomplished and proficient photographic artist. Their skilful shots can recount the account of your D-day for quite a long time, protecting your open recollections with individuals who make the biggest difference in your life.
Yet, to guarantee that all that ends up being smooth faced during your most exceptional day, working agreeably with your picture taker is more than needed.
It’s vital to lay out a relationship with them based on common regard and understanding. By complying with some manners rules, you can undoubtedly cultivate a positive and useful compatibility that will bring about shocking, paramount photos.
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Focus on ideal correspondence Keeping up with clear and predictable correspondence with your picture taker can guarantee a smooth encounter in the midst of the tornado of wedding arranging. Typically, individuals generally work with nearby picture takers who comprehend the region’s wedding society, so correspondence isn’t testing.
Be that as it may, at times, you might choose to fly with a photographic artist offering worldwide administrations, like Weclickstories (best wedding photographers chandigarh). This is particularly obvious on the off chance that they have the style you’re searching for, very much like the heavenly photographs you see via web-based entertainment locales like Instagram. How much have you longed for being in those masterpieces? Moreover, going this course could likewise be financially savvy, as these picture takers wouldn’t hold back to seize the opportunity to shoot an exotic marriage, so you realize their administrations will be all worth the effort.
In such cases, keep up with clear and open correspondence from the beginning until they convey the last collection. Answering immediately to messages, calls, and messages — this shows regard for the picture taker’s time and work. To add to that, it guarantees that the cycle moves quickly, which dodges delays or any kind of hiccup.
However, correspondence isn’t just about responsiveness. It ought to likewise include dynamic conversations about your assumptions and dreams, as well as specialized stuff like planned operations and the agreement. Also, share your thoughts with your photographic artist to welcome them in total agreement in regards to tasteful sensibilities and the general state of mind you need to accomplish on your big day.
Regard their expert skill While working with a wedding photographic artist, it’s a seriously easy decision to perceive and regard their skill. What difference would it make? They have quite a long while of involvement, leveling up their abilities in making exceptional and imaginative photographs. They know the right points (ones that compliment you), as well as the perfect proportion of lighting, colors, and different elements that will draw out the best in a shot. Thus, placing your confidence in their judgments is simply fair.
On the other hand, this doesn’t imply that you ought to allow your photographic artist to assume total command. All things considered, figure out how to work out some kind of harmony between their aptitude and your inclinations. Your decisions actually matter! You don’t need to obsessively fuss over everything they might do, yet you can offer helpful criticism in a positive manner. Examine your photography thoughts with them and request their viewpoint. They’re your imaginative accomplice; their feedback is important in making an exact and alluring visual account.
Stick to settled upon plans Reliability is vital to keeping everything streaming without a hitch and keeping up with deference among you and the picture taker. Moreover, it’s an indication of impressive skill and thought for their work process.
For one thing, you ought to show up in time for any gatherings, conferences, and photograph meetings. In the event that there are any progressions in your timetable, guarantee to illuminate the picture taker ahead of time. This will show your obligation to cooperating really, staying away from bothers or interruptions to their arrangements.
While unexpected conditions can emerge, reliably setting inordinate expectations to change the timetable can strain the capacity to convey the best outcomes. Furthermore, you ought to allocate more than adequate time for catching high priority shots like the standard proper pictures as well as genuine minutes. This will give your photographic artist time to make visual interest.
Esteem their gear and space Wedding picture takers depend on modern gear to catch the subtleties of a wedding. What to do? Be mindful while exploring the wedding setting to try not to catch or harming their instruments and arrangement. Really that straightforward, as a matter of fact!
It is additionally essential to Regard their assigned work environment. For instance, you ought to abstain from blocking their view during the service and key gathering occasions. To add to that, don’t tragically interrupt their innovative flow. Give them sufficient room to execute their vision.
Say thanks to them. At any expense Offering thanks to your photographic artist will go far in showing that you esteem their commitments. They’ve contributed their time, mastery, and assets to catch the minutes that make the biggest difference, and the least you can do is recognize them.
A straightforward verbal ‘thank you’ or a note offering thanks can say a lot. It will show that you value their commitment. You can likewise give them criticism, for example, a composed tribute or a survey featuring their incredible skill.
For more on wedding photography visit this segment.
0 notes
techninja · 5 months
Beyond the Cable: The Future of Wireless Audio Solutions
The wireless audio device market has witnessed significant growth and evolution in recent years, driven by technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences. From wireless headphones to smart speakers, the demand for untethered audio solutions continues to rise across various industries and consumer segments. This article delves into the dynamic landscape of wireless audio devices, exploring key market trends, major players, technological innovations, consumer demands, regulatory challenges, and future projections. By examining the factors shaping the market, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of this rapidly expanding industry.
As technology continues to advance, the market for wireless audio devices is constantly evolving. In addition to Bluetooth advancements, other technologies such as Wi-Fi and NFC have also made a significant impact on the market. These innovations have led to improved sound quality, longer battery life, and increased connectivity options for consumers. When it comes to choosing wireless audio devices, factors such as price, brand reputation, design, and compatibility with other devices play a crucial role in influencing consumer preferences. Furthermore, companies operating in this market face regulatory challenges related to wireless spectrum allocation, product safety standards, and intellectual property rights. Despite these challenges, the demand for wireless audio devices continues to grow as consumers seek convenience and flexibility in their audio experiences.
Introduction to Wireless Audio Devices
Definition and Evolution Wireless audio devices are the cool kids of the audio world, freeing us from the shackles of tangled cables and letting us dance around like nobody's watching. They've come a long way from their humble beginnings, evolving from chunky, unreliable gadgets to sleek, high-tech wonders.
Types of Wireless Audio Devices From Bluetooth speakers that pump out tunes at beach parties to true wireless earbuds that discreetly play your guilty pleasure songs, the world of wireless audio is as diverse as a Spotify playlist. Whether you're into over-ear headphones, portable speakers, or even smart home devices that double as DJ's, there's a wireless audio device for everyone.
Market Trends and Overview
Current Market Size and Growth The wireless audio device market is hotter than a freshly microwaved bag of popcorn, with soaring sales numbers and a growth rate that would make a cheetah jealous. As more people ditch the cords and embrace the wireless revolution, the market keeps expanding faster than your Spotify playlist.
Global Market Analysis
The global wireless audio device market is like a big, noisy party where everyone's invited. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene beaches of Bali, people everywhere are grooving to their favorite tunes wirelessly. With Asia-Pacific leading the dance and North America not far behind, the market shows no signs of slowing down.
Key Players and Competitors
Leading Companies in the Market In the world of wireless audio devices, there are some big players strutting their stuff like peacocks at a music festival. Companies like Apple, Sony, and Bose are the headliners, wowing the crowds with their innovative tech and sleek designs.
Competitive Landscape Competition in the wireless audio device market is fierce, like a battle of the bands where only the best survive. With new companies popping up faster than you can say "Alexa, play my workout playlist," the market is a dynamic playground where innovation and style duke it out for the top spot.
Growth Drivers and Opportunities
Increasing Demand for Smart Home Devices
As homes get smarter than a math prodigy, the demand for wireless audio devices that seamlessly integrate into our connected lives is skyrocketing. From talking speakers that answer your burning questions to soundbars that make movie nights epic, smart home devices are driving the wireless audio market forward.
Rising Popularity of Wireless Headphones
Say goodbye to tangled headphone cords that have a mind of their own and hello to the freedom of wireless headphones. Whether you're working out at the gym, commuting on a crowded bus, or just chilling on the couch, wireless headphones are the ultimate accessory for the modern music lover. With their convenience and style, it's no wonder they're flying off the shelves faster than avocado toast at a hipster cafe.5. Technological Innovations in Wireless Audio Devices
Advancements in Bluetooth Technology
Bluetooth technology has come a long way from its early days of spotty connections and limited range. With the advent of Bluetooth 5.0 and beyond, wireless audio devices now boast improved connectivity, longer battery life, and enhanced sound quality. Say goodbye to the days of constant re-pairing and hello to seamless wireless audio experiences.
Noise-Cancellation Features
In a world filled with background noise and distractions, noise-cancellation features have become a must-have for wireless audio devices. Whether you're on a crowded subway or working in a bustling café, these features help drown out the chaos and immerse you in your favourite tunes or podcasts. It's like creating a personal bubble of serenity in the midst of chaos.
6. Consumer Preferences and Demands
Preference for Portability and Convenience
Gone are the days of bulky headphones and tangled cords. Today's consumers crave portability and convenience in their wireless audio devices. From sleek earbuds that fit in your pocket to stylish headphones that fold up neatly, the emphasis is on on-the-go usability without sacrificing style or comfort.
Impact of Audio Quality on Purchase Decisions
When it comes to choosing wireless audio devices, audio quality reigns supreme. From crisp highs to booming bass, consumers want a listening experience that makes them feel like they're front row at a concert. Whether it's for music, podcasts, or conference calls, top-notch audio quality can make or break a purchase decision.
7. Regulatory Landscape and Challenges
Compliance Standards for Wireless Audio Devices
Navigating the regulatory landscape for wireless audio devices can be a bit like untangling a mess of cords. From FCC certifications to Bluetooth SIG compliance, manufacturers must ensure their devices meet a myriad of standards to hit the market. It's like a high-stakes game of regulatory bingo, where one wrong move could mean game over.
Challenges in Spectrum Allocation
As the demand for wireless audio devices continues to soar, the fight for spectrum allocation has become increasingly fierce. With limited frequencies available for wireless communication, manufacturers must jockey for prime real estate to ensure their devices can operate seamlessly. It's like a game of musical chairs, but with radio waves and billions of dollars on the line.
8. Future Outlook and Projections
Emerging Trends in Wireless Audio Technology
The future of wireless audio technology is rife with exciting possibilities. From AI-powered personal assistants to bone conduction headphones, the next wave of innovations promises to revolutionize how we listen to and interact with audio. It's like stepping into a sci-fi movie where the soundtrack is custom-tailored to your every move.
Market Forecast and Growth Potential
With the wireless audio device market showing no signs of slowing down, analysts predict continued growth and expansion in the coming years. From increased adoption of true wireless earbuds to advancements in spatial audio technology, the future looks bright for consumers seeking the ultimate wireless audio experience. It's like being at a rock concert where the volume keeps cranking up, and the crowd can't get enough.In conclusion, the wireless audio device market presents a promising landscape filled with opportunities for innovation and growth. As technology continues to evolve and consumer preferences evolve, companies in this sector must stay agile and responsive to meet the changing demands of the market. With a focus on quality, convenience, and cutting-edge features, the future of wireless audio devices holds immense potential for continued advancement and market expansion.
What are the main types of wireless audio devices in the market?
How have technological innovations, such as Bluetooth advancements, impacted the wireless audio device market?
What factors influence consumer preferences when choosing wireless audio devices?
What are some of the regulatory challenges faced by companies operating in the wireless audio device market?
0 notes
soft4all · 6 months
Unlocking Windows Professional's Potential: A Manual for Improving Business Processes
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In the highly technological corporate environment of today, operating systems are vital to the efficient and secure operation of organizations. Among these, Windows 10 Professional is a standout choice for companies seeking powerful features, enhanced safety, and easy connectivity. The deliberate utilization of Windows Server editions, namely the 2019 and 2016 Standard versions, improves an organization's IT infrastructure further. This post examines the benefits of Windows 10 Professional and provides details about licensing costs for Windows Server 2019 Enterprise and Windows Server 2016 Standard, providing companies with the tools required to make informed decisions.
Windows 10 Professional: Increasing Organizational Effectiveness
Windows 10 Professional provides a range of functions that improve efficiency, safety, and management abilities, all of which have been designed to meet the needs of corporate environments. Windows 10 Professional, compared to its Home sibling, has advanced capabilities that are vital to companies, like:
BitLocker: This function guarantees that sensitive company data is safe through providing powerful encryption to guard from unwanted access.
Remote Desktop: Allows employees to access their workplace computer from anywhere, allowing for distant work and maintaining the continuity of the company.
Group Policy Management: This function ensures consistency and conformity by enabling IT managers to centrally manage and modify operating system parameters on every machine connected to the company's network.
Designated Access is excellent for kiosks and interfaces in the workplace since it limits customers to using a single program.
Business Mode Internet Explorer (EMIE): Provides compatibility support for older web applications, guaranteeing that enterprises may seamlessly use legacy apps.
Adopting Windows 10 Professional simplifies corporate processes and gives businesses a safe platform on which to develop and expand.
How to Manage License Expenses: Windows Server 2019 and 2016 Standard Edition
Understanding the license fees related to Windows Server versions is essential for budget and planning purposes for firms that depend on servers. The dependability, performance, and safety features of the Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2016 Standard versions have rendered them attractive choices. However, a variety of factors, such as the organization's dimensions, user count, and certain installation situations, could impact the cost of licensing.
The Expense of a License for Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2019, the most up-to-date version, delivers advancements in safety, hybrid cloud stuff, and application platform reliability. Based on the essence count-based licensing network, a minimum of 16 core licenses for Windows Server 2019 must be bought on every machine. The price could rise based on the number of servers and cores utilized. The extra cost of the Client Access Licenses (CALs) required by every individual or device connecting a server also needs to be taken into account by businesses.
Standard Price of Windows Server 2016
Although being an older version, Windows Server 2016 Standard continues to be popular because of its extensive set of features and dependability, which includes compatibility with containers and enhanced safety features. The licensing system for Windows Server 2016 Standard is core-based, much like the 2019 version, and needs a minimum of 16 core licenses per server. The amount of cores and the need for extra CALs for users or gadgets decide the amount it costs.
Companies ought to assess their server needs carefully, considering consideration variables like virtualized demands and anticipated expansion, to find out the most affordable way to license Windows Server versions.
Selecting the Best Option for Your Company
A deliberate approach is needed when choosing the appropriate Windows Professional and Server editions. To make sure that their decision fits both their operational requirements and their financial limits, businesses should take into account the following factors:
Determine Business Requirements: Determine the precise requirements of your company, such as the needed degree of security, the ability to view information remotely, and the management features.
Take Scalability into Account: To ensure that your IT infrastructure can expand with your organization and meet future demands, choose versions that enable scalability.
Evaluate the Whole Price Tag for Ownership:Consider the ongoing expenditures for maintenance, assistance, and updates alongside the original license fees.
Contact an Expert: Speaking with IT professionals can assist you make the best choices for your company by taking into account the most recent advances in technology and market conditions.
In summary
The Windows Server and Professional versions of Windows 10 are essential tools that enable safe and effective corporate operations. Businesses may maximize their IT expenditures by carefully weighing the features and license costs of Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2016 Standard. Keeping up with the most recent advancements in Windows Professional and Server solutions is crucial for sustaining a competitive advantage and fostering corporate success as the digital world changes constantly. By making the appropriate technological infrastructure investments, you may position your company for future development and innovation in addition to satisfying present demands.
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