#it goes so hard ive got it on a loop
guys I am so close to giving rockstar/actor!Luis a homewrecker subplot someone tell me to stop I need to be talked down from the ledge
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15 notes · View notes
eggsandramem · 11 days
thinking about the notes i currently have for nameless (siffrins nickname in the 1k loops au that ive kinda stuck onto him in a rp server)
i dont??? know if ive even shared them here??? erm
YAP SESSION TIME‼️ (below the cut)
[additionally, spoiler warning for pretty much the entire game :0c(?)]
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yay! yay! yay!
꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
`. • Timeless days of Lost Reflections • .`
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[ The AU itself takes place during the canon events of ISAT, but with the sort of effect of Siffrin losing more and more of his memories as he passes through loop after loop, forgetting more and more with each loop.
Its mentioned, and even *shown* ingame that Siffrin forgets entire loops, and the game will sometimes hop from, lets say for example; 320 to 326 [as i have personally seen happen to myself multiple times as i went through my own save file consisting of exactly 1000 loops (why i did this? i saw the post Adrienne(isertdisc5) made, with a video showing a false cutscene when you reach 1k loops, with loop responding with "Stardust. What the fuck". I thought it was silly) and thought it would be a fun bit to pull off), but happening more and more with each loop. The more loops that go by, the more his memory starts to decline; forgetting where traps, keys, items are... but as the loops happen more and more consistently, he starts to lose more *important* memories, those being that of what he did with his family before the loops, small little things that have made important memories with them, and even over time, he's grown to forgetting his family members as a whole. Forgetting all of this is bad enough, but there's a point where he forgets himself; the things he likes, the things he's supposed to do, the hobbies and food he likes and dislikes...
Loop is still apart of all of this, except they've kept every memory in this journey so far. originally, they thought it was rather funny at first, due to being "happy they weren't the only idiot who got themself trapped in time". Overtime, however, Loop just grows... exhausted. it was funny at first, but with Siffrins memory and motivation rapidly decreasing, they're just stuck with the memories that the universe has had them keep, rather than forget, and they start to think, even more so, the fact of what the point of their original wish was, if it was to turn out this way? It hits them hard, to say the least, having them think of if this happened to them in their own universe as well, what it would be like...
Siffrins forgotten loop multiple times as well, surprisingly. Loop would call to check in on Siffrin during loops, only for him to be startled, asking where the voice came from, who it was... They forget their physical appearance often as well, whenever this happens, they just look.... confused, seeing Loop under the favor tree when he goes to visit
Siffrin is..... extremely tired, fatigued, overall *exhausted* from all of these loops, and often stays within the meadow in Dormont. ]
[ This AU actually takes place in act 5, and sort of reverses itself as it goes on. Safe to say, Odile wasn't able to stop Siffrin from looping back during the fight, and it started all over again, from going in the house on his own multiple times, back to going with his party after not noticing many changes due to the Bigfrin fight not happening a second time, Siffrin being able to defeat the King on his own, only to end up with the same thing from the Head Housemaiden over, and over, and over again. Just. Like. Usual. After not being able to find any changes with going on his own, he starts going with his party again. Being with his party in the house again, he starts to try new things, only to forget things he's done beforehand, and repeating them when he forgets, but thinks of it again.
This continues to happen, until Siffrin sort of... grows tired, and his sense of time in the House, as well as his memory fail him. He starts to just remain in the meadow, laying in the field with the birds often coming to sit with him ]
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
`✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦`
☆*:・゚ - Siffrin keeps number of how many loops he's gone through by using a small paper card to cut a tally into his skin. This being said, he has 1000 tallies total spread out along both of his arms. For some reason, his body has sort of just. goes on autopilot, and Siffrin usually doesn't even notice that it happened, especially later in the loops since he doesn't know where they keep coming from (despite being the one causing them). Why these remain is strange, especially since he loops to before it happens, but... weird thing in the universe, i guess
*: ・゚ ’★ - As a continuation to the tally mark scars; Overtime, the amount of deaths from certain things start to leave a mark on Siffrin, literally. Scars start to remain the more he dies to them, only healing them to be non-lethal, and just as scars in general. This includes; a scar on his head in reference to slipping on a banana and hitting a rock, a large slash-like scar going from the top to bottom of his torso (front AND back), partially frozen 'markings' from his hands and up his arms from frozen tear deaths, other random scars from fighting sadnesses here and there, and a scar on his neck from.... you know. `(visuals for scars can be found HERE. heavy cw for the sh-like tally marks!!!)`
☆*:・゚ - Similarly to the scarring, Siffrins hair length doesn't stay the same the more loops he goes through. Over time, his hair has grown to be able to reach where his tailbone is, and is still growing with each loop. Said hair is very messy; matted, unbrushed... He's thankful that he has the ability to shower and clean his clothing in dormont when he has the chance, atleast. You don't want to be walking around with overly greasy hair, and gross/smelly clothing, after all. Siffrins cloaks have also started to look more and more worn out along with his hair, and permanently has some missing fabric here and there, as well as parts he's had to sew back together.
*: ・゚ ’★ - `[cw sui ment.]`Siffrins dagger starts to have blood stained, or dried on the blade further in the loops, the more he ||uses it on himself.|| The more its used, the more present it is on the blade.
☆*:・゚ - One of the memories that can be equipped, is the "Memory of Memories". in the game, its description is [You can remember this, at least.], so i think that it would be interesting if it acts as a permanent Memory now that it's been made aware of. That being said, Siffrin can read the language of his home country, and even over time speak it, the more he needs to use it in the house. Below is the proper description for the Memory;
---- • Memory of Ḿ̶̨e̵͛ͅm̶͘̕o̶̥͠ŕ̷͂i̴̔̉è̴s?
[ you cannot forget this even if you tried ]
( allows the user to understand and use the north islands language) ----
*: ・゚ ’★ - On the topic of Memories; Siffrin forgets the "Memory of Emptiness" as soon as he stops going through the house on his own, and goes back to loops including his family. The only Memories he keeps are "Memory of Ḿ̶̨e̵͛ͅm̶͘̕o̶̥͠ŕ̷͂i̴̔̉è̴s?", and "Memory of Spiraling" after this. "Memory of Spiraling" is the other Memory that Siffrin keeps after the previously mentioned one. Instead of not having a Memory for remembering the script dialogue in the actual game, 1k loops Siffrin is *forgetful as hell*, so having a memory they cant forget helps with it. The memory is as follows;
---- • Memory of Spiraling (Passive Memory)
[ Turning back the clock- watch it spiraling, spiraling ]
( allows the user to ALWAYS remember their lines in the script. cannot be unequipped ) ----
☆*:・゚ - Siffrin experiences Craft Sickness due to very obvious reasons during all of his loops. Siffrins been brought down to his entire body being weakened, collapsing when he deals with it for too long with no breaks. However, Siffrin has grown to push through them with sheer stubbornness, before it gets too bad and it happens again. This happens over and over again, a loop within a loop in a way, if you think about it.
*: ・゚ ’★ - Siffrin avoided Loop for a good amount of loops after he looped back from the Bigfrin fight due to their previous convo, but went back after a while
☆*:・゚ - Siffrin, over time, has found himself collapsing from exhaustion within the house when with his party, and it causes him to loop due to the stress of something new happening. Additionally, a very common death Siffrin experiences is when he's exhausted himself to point of dying in his sleep when his party offers it
*: ・゚ ’★ - Siffrin, the more loops he goes through and the more he forgets about his Family Members and their Names, the less he can even hear their names, and his own. Names he previously knows of sound fuzzy and static-y within their hearing distance!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Too Late to Dream ༓ jjk (m) || ch. III
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3,375
Warnings: 8-year age gap, big flashback of bromance between Tae and JK, slight drunkenness, family drama in-laws, imperfect relationship with parents, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, mentions of therapy, kookie trying to be a good husband, needy kook 😶
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: chapter 3 is here! I know its so short 😩 but I promise it sets up the next chapters really well! Also, I wanted to get into jk's background a little this time, his undergrad days, and Taehyung of course. It's a big leap but they're older now so...meh. Tysm for everyone's patience! 💞
<< ch. II ༓ ch. IV >> | series masterlist
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There weren’t many people Jungkook envied in his life. He was 34 years old, had top-notch experience as an economist within the business and legal sphere, and taught at one of the finest universities in South Korea. He also earned his Ph.D by the time he hit 30, which was undoubtedly the cherry on top.
But if there was one person who could shake the ground from under his feet it would be Kim Taehyung.
The pair met during undergrad through mutual friends. Jungkook had been invited to an off-campus party his first year and Taehyung was an unexpected third party. The man was so put together that it was as if Michelangelo himself reached down and sculpted him from the clay.
16 years ago
“Hi,” a low, baritone voice rumbles. “I’m Taehyung.” He sticks his hand out, waiting for a shake. He’s a little timid but mostly stands upright with a few pieces of his caramel hair falling over his eyes.
Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung’s stark formality. “What’s up, man!” He slaps Taehyung’s hand casually. “Jeon Jungkook.”
Taehyung reeks of sophistication and has the most annoyingly gorgeous face. His boxy grin could charm the pants off anyone who was two feet from him. Hell, even Jungkook feels a little starstruck by him.
Though barely acquaintances, it doesn’t take long for Jungkook to realize they are on opposite ends of the same stick.
Taehyung comes from a wealthy upper-class family. They have four mansions plus a beach house. Every Christmas, he goes to Italy to visit his aunt and uncle. For his 18th birthday, Taehyung got a brand-new Corvette, red with black rims. Everyone wants to be him…everyone wants a piece of Kim Taehyung.
But underneath the surface of his flashy lifestyle is something oddly endearing. Jungkook can’t quite put his finger on it but as the night goes on, he enjoys the man’s company. Taehyung seems to latch onto him as well which shocks both of them to the core.
“Seriously hyung,” Jungkook slurrs. “I don’t know why you’re hanging around me this whole night when you could be getting off with one of the fifty girls who’ve come up to you. Are you playing it cool are you really a loner or something?”
Taehyung snatches the beer bottle from the younger’s hand. “That’s enough drinking for one night Jungkook. You’re about to pass out, I can tell.”
“I’ll decide when I’ve had enough.” Jungkook grabs the bottle back, taking a big slug before wiping his mouth off with his arm. “Something to know about me Taetae. I live by the work hard, play hard kinda philosophy.”
Taehyung cringes at the pet name but chalks it up to Jungkook being off his rocker. “That’s the type of philosophy that’s gotten my family to spend millions on useless crap. It’s fun for a while but it never lasts. I don’t recommend it Jungkook.”
Jungkook snorts. “So you are a loner huh? Because my parents have been stuck in the same loop for years. All work, no play. It’s caused them both to lose every hair on their head. Do you wanna lose your hair by the time you’re 45 Tae? I wouldn’t think so with those luscious locks of yours. Bet some chick would love to yank on them while–”
“I’m not a loner.” Taehyung interrupts, feeling a surge of embarrassment creep up his cheeks. He knows the looks people shot at him and while he didn’t entirely hate it, it always took more than it gave. All he wanted in those moments was to retreat into himself with his paints. Taehyung loved art and like many, found it therapeutic. “I’m not a loner,” he repeats. “I’m just not interested.”
“Sure you’re not buddy.” Jungkook gives a nod but remains largely unconvinced. “But you didn’t answer my question. Why you hanging around me? I’m not that cool ‘cause if I weren’t here, I’d be at the library right now with my nose in the books. Economics doesn’t slap all the time you know.”
Taehyung is silent for a moment before answering.
“I feel like a normal person with you," he starts. "Everyone looks at me like I’m some spoiled golden boy who they can get a free ticket of off if they talk sweet. And yeah, I’m aware of the advantages I’ve had…the struggles most people have that I don’t. But I’m still a real person that wants what most people do...purpose, belonging, someone that just gets them.”
Taehyung takes a breath before continuing.
"I really fucking love painting. It’s my heartbeat honest to god and I’m tired of being looked at as merely an object of someone’s unfulfilled wishes and desires. I like that I don’t need to worry about that with you. I think...we come from different backgrounds but we’re cut from the same cloth Jungkookie. Oh, are you-are you crying?”
“Fucking beautiful Taetae. You’re straight out of Vanity Fair you know that? I’m more of a Forbes magazine guy myself though.”
Taehyung throws Jungkook a puzzled look. Is he being condescending or is this just the booze talking?
“‘Cause I’m a small-town boy with great ambition, intelligence, and gall? We covered this earlier man, keep up!” Jungkook emphasizes his words, hands flying about.
“Right,” Taehyung joins in, recalling the conversation. “You’re father is an analyst for the city and your mom’s an accountant. They want you to get a job nearby after graduation but you don’t want to because–“
“Because it’s too small, boring, set in its traditional ways, and I for one am not fucking with it.” Jungkook sends Taehyung a lopsided grin. “You got a pretty good memory man. Maybe we can be friends after all.”
“I’m so glad,” Taehyung drawls, a slight trace of sarcasm. Jungkook doesn’t notice, however, too busy staring at the strobe lights dancing across the ceiling.
“Hey!” he suddenly pipes up, eyes wider than before. "What are you doing next Friday?”
“Uh, I don’t know. Why?”
“I got this boring family reunion to go to. Happens every year. I don’t wanna go but my parents force me to. You wanna come?”
Taehyung hesitates. “A family reunion? I know I said we’re cut from the same cloth, but we’re not…related Jungkook.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I’ll ask my parents if I can bring a friend. They won’t give a shit as long as I’m there. Also, I heard from my brother that Ha-Yun’s gonna be there.”
“And Ha-Yun is…?”
“Some girl that my parents want to set me up with. Family friend’s daughter. I went to high school with her.”
“So you think that if I’m there I can be your right-hand man or something? Make you look good in front of your future wife?”
“Fuck no. I’m hoping she’ll go to you instead.” Jungkook laughs when he sees the color draining from Taehyung’s face. “It’s nothing against her bro. She isn’t weird or anything. I say this lightly but, I just don’t wanna go out with her and she’s not my type.”
“I’ll think about clearing my schedule for this but I’m not being your meat on a stick,” Taehyung seethes. “But since we’re on this topic, what is your type?”
“Mm, not sure.” Jungkook shrugs. “Someone who’s unexpecting I guess. Like you shouldn’t be together because it's outside of the usual. But you can’t help it. You gotta have this person or it’s over. What about you?”
“Easy,” Taehyung mutters. “I like artists.”
“Artists huh? Like you? Well, I guess I can understand.” Jungkook smirks before leaning his head back against the couch. “One day, I’ll find an artist for you Tae. I promise.”
Oh, the irony.
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“Jungkook, stop! I need to get up.” You struggle in his arms, biting back a grin. Jungkook has you in a locked position. His hard chest presses close against your back and his leg hugs your body.
“Mm,” he groans. “It’s not time yet.”
“Yes, it is. Also, you’re nearly suffocating me.”You wiggle your body but to no avail. Your husband always tends to get needier as the school year approaches.
"I just don't want you out of my arms yet. Is that a crime now?"
No. No it's not, you sigh to yourself. By this time next week, you’ll be waking up to an empty bed. "Okay." You glance at the alarm clock. "Ten minutes and then I really need to get ready for work."
"Fifteen," Jungkook mumbles.
"No. It's twelve or I'm going now." Jungkook gives a cute grunt and tightens his grip. He really doesn't want you to leave this morning.
"Fine," he says. "Twelve. But we're snuggling again tonight."
"Jungkook. Can't. Breathe." Being spooned by your husband is nice but this isn't spooning anymore. He's completely cacooning himself over you. As soon you feel him shift his weight off you, hand loosening from your waist, your ribs hum in relief.
After what seems like three minutes of complete silence you decide to bite the bullet and ask the question that's been on your mind for the last couple of days.
"Um Jungkook?"
"When we went to get ice cream the other night. There was something that happened...to you." You're uneasy bringing it up but you can't shake your concern. When Jungkook saw the little girl with her dad, he went into a bit of a trance. He didn't talk, didn't move, and was pretty numb to your presence all together.
"Oh god," Jungkook groans. "I was hoping you didn't notice but you're my wife so I guess it's fine."
Crap. Was this a sore subject for him? You twist your head over your shoulder, just enough for your ear to be near his lips. You're in high alert now. "Why weren't you hoping I noticed?"
"Isn't it obvious? It's embarrassing." Jungkook smacks his lips before continuing. "But do we really have to talk about it? Spilling ice cream on my shirt at 34 isn't something I really wanna relive through early morning conversations."
Oh he thinks....of course he thinks that's what you're refering to.
"I'm not talking about you being clumsy Jungkook. I'm talking about the little girl with the ribbons. When she was with her dad, you kinda went a little frozen."
Jungkook doesn't reply immediately so you prod him a little. "I just wanna know if everything was alright. I suppose with our current situation I get it if it hit you in a sort of way. Good or bad, whatever the feeling was, you can tell–"
"They seemed happy is all," he croaks, voice dropping an octave. "The kind of happy that makes someone's entire soul stop, I guess. Like they had something special that no one else could. Does that make sense?"
If you look down you think you'll see goosebumps. The words coming from your husband's mouth are, at most, mumbles but they aren't coming from a place of unease or hesitation. Instead they allude to something warm, wholesome, and new.
"Yeah of course, it makes perfect sense. I had a similar experience when I met Si-woo. The way his face light up when he saw his mom comforted me but I felt envious too. Is that wrong of me?"
"Not at all. I think it's a natural response when you see something you want but don't currently have. You know, there was one thing that popped in my thoughts while I watched that father and his daughter..."
"I thought, maybe I'll be happy too. If we actually have a kid, we'll be happy together like them or something." Yawning, he continues. "I dunno, honey. Kinda sleepy still so if I fall asleep I love you and I hope work goes well. But we can keep talking if you want."
You untuck your hand from under your head and close it over your husband's arm; the one draped around your waist.
Hope. Real hope.
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"Dammit why won't you open?!" Jungkook bangs the jar on the side of the kitchen counter. He's been trying to get it open for the last five minutes. With you at work, it's his turn to prepare dinner.
"Take a breath kid," Yoongi says from the other line of the phone.
Jungkook ignores him of course, continuing beat the shit out of the jar in his hand. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You stupid jar!"
"Kid!" Yoongi tries again, this time grumbling. "Stop doing that and go get a butter knife or something to hit the side of the lid with. It'll pop right off and I won't sue you for making me go deaf."
"Oh I thought you didn't call anyone that anymore. Now that you're a real boy and all. With big boy things." Jungkook shakes his head, hearing the older man snort through the speaker.
"You been talking to Taehyung?" That big mouth, he's become as bad as Jimin. What happened to the more reserved Tae he met in undergrad. He likes him better than this new, cocky mf.
"He may have slipped out a thing or two. But I'm glad to see you're still scared shitless of me that you'll keep calling me hyung."
Jungkook slams the jar on the counter, having enough. "Why the fuck did you call hyung? Can't you tell I'm a little busy right now."
Yoongi chuckles. "Alright I'll stop picking on you. I need a favor. The wife and I want to go out just the two of this weekend. I know you got your professor duties starting but would you and __ be willing to look after our gremlins for a couple hours Saturday?"
"Uh–I'm gonna have to talk to __ about this but maybe?" You and him have babysat for Yoongi's twins a handful of times before. They get a little rowdy but it's been mostly fine. Jungkook's not sure if either of you have the energy or time this weekend though. "I thought you usually got a babysitter."
"Yeah, usually but they're unable to this weekend. I'm hoping this time the babysitter will be you and __. We won't be long but we'd really appreciate it if you guys could do this for us. Could you maybe let me know by Thursday if you can?" Yoongi waits for an answer.
"Yeah alright," Jungkook finally responds. "I'll talk to __ about it when she gets home. No promises though." Jungkook wipes the sweat from his brow. It was a little hot in the kitchen. "Listen Yoongi, I gotta get back to prepping dinner but thanks for that tip about opening the–"
"Jungkook! Hello?" A familiar but muffled voice hollers from the front door. "Are you home?" The door bell is pressed continually without rest.
"Uh my ears," Yoongi pipes. "Who the hell is at your door?"
Jungkook walks towards the front of the house, peaking out the window. What the fuck are those two doing here? "Damn it, I gotta go hyung. My parents have decided to pay an unexpected visit." Before Yoongi has time to reply, Jungkook ends the call.
fuckfuckfuckfuck, he repeats under his breath. Could they not have called beforehand? It's a friggen' ten hour drive. Did someone die or something? Why are they here?
"We can hear you Kookie," Jungkook's mother coos in a sing-songy tone. "No one died. We just wanted to see you and __."
Jungkook opens the front door, not even caring if his face shows he's pissed off. "Mother it'd be nicer if you, I don't know. Planned these things?!"
"I told you," Jungkook's father grippes. "I told you woman, didn't I? We should have called. You never listen to me!"
"Oh shut up you goat," Jungkook's mother pushes her way through the door and into the house. "My son loves me and he's happy to see me." She wraps her arms around Jungkook's waist and presses her cheek against his arm.
"Yeah," his father steps in the house. "He's just jumping with joy with that silly apron on. C'mon, he was obviously in the middle of something. Ugh I'm sorry son. Your mother is, well, you know how she is." He slips out of his shoes and shuffles to the kitchen. "Whatcha cooking anyway? Something good I bet."
Jungkook rubs his face in agitation. __ is not gonna like coming home to his parents running around the house.
"You're not mad at me are you?" His mother lifts her chin, big doe eyes just like his own. "We just missed you and we figured you'll be busy with teaching soon so...we just decided to drive down last night."
Trying to smile, Jungkook brings his arm around her. "No, no I'm not mad. I'm glad to see you and __ will be too."
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"Jungkook, why the hell are your parents here?" You force yourself to keep a low voice. Your in-laws were steps away and they had the sharpest pair of ears you knew. You didn't want them to hear a single beat.
Your husband pulls at his hair, pacing small circles around the bedroom. "Trust me, I didn't invite them. They just showed up. I don't even know why they're here besides they just wanted to. I'm really sorry."
You yank your silk blouse over your head, tossing it in the hamper. "I love your parents but you're gonna need to tell them this can't be happening." You change into a basic t-shirt and jeans. "I know they're probably a little lonely with you and your brother so far away but I'd be a far better host with some pre-warnings."
"I know. Mom's just so-" Jungkook pauses, scratching his head. "Persistant...and dad will do whatever she wants."
"Look I get it. Saying no is hard when they just want to see us. But what if we had something going on tonight?"
"You're right, you're right," he sighs. "I'll try bringing it up to them."
"Anything else new happen while I was gone?" You mean it as a joke. You really do. Jungkook gives you a look that says yes though. Excellent.
"Well, uh...Yoongi hyung asked if we could babysit Saturday. Him and the Mrs want to go out but thier regular babysitter isn't available that night."
Groaning, your shoulders slope down. "Wha–uh at this rate why the hell not? I was just looking for more things to do."
"Honey," Jungkook makes his way over to you. "We don't have to if–"
"You guys still in there?!" Jungkook's mother intrudes, pounding on the door. "You better not be having coitus! Though grandchildren would be nice if that were to ever be in the cards."
"Coitus?" You mouth silently. Jungkook's parents were a little old fashioned sure but who the heck still says coitus?
"We'll be out in a second. Can you and dad set the table?" Jungkook responds, girmacing at his mothers word choice.
"Okay but wrap it up in there. I'm only here for two days. I wanna see my beautiful daughter in-law!"
You and Jungkook immediately exchange a slack-jawed expression. "What?" With the door thrown open, your husband's eyeborws furrow. "Mom you can't be serious."
"Oh don't look so worried!" The older woman lets out a restrained chuckle. "We're not gonna stay in the house with you or anything. We got a hotel. But ten hours is a long drive and I really wanted to see you. Your father and I don't hear from you often and you didn't come to the last family reunion. What do you expect us to do? Just not see our son?"
"Please don't say it like that Mom," Jungkook combs his fingers through his hair, teeth grinding together. "You know that __ and I are–"
"Always happy to see you!" You rush next to your husband who's startled by your sudden change in demeanor. "Jungkook's just been a little anxious about returning to the university. But we'd love to spend a couple to days with you and dad. Let's start with dinner!"
You usher everyone down the hall and towards the dining room. Jungkook's mother is filled to the brim with joy while your husband slightly, actually very, concerned.
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A/N: Apologies for any editing errors! Also close to adding some spicy stuff but we gonna wait on that a little longer 😉 Lmk what you think and if you wanna join taglist comment or send an ask. Thanks!! 😙💗
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
694 notes · View notes
ardienothesieno · 10 days
post game isat thoughts i have
what the title says i have thoughts in my brain and i want to share them
isafrin date thing pretty much immediately post-game: sif should get to be sick for at least a week. and the party fusses over them the whole time and it's adorable and then i think one night. sif should turn to isa and ask if he wants to hang out. hehe and sif brings isa to go look at the stars this time! and it's sort of like isa's friendquest but this time they are actually snuggling. and not just talking about isa, they're talking bout sif too some of the stuff isa says is reminiscent of the loops which freaks sif out a bit. but it just makes them happy to hear isabeau talk and he would share some things that happened in the loops-- wholesome things of course i think it'd still be a while before they opened up about the uh. the worse shit. but stuff like teaching bonnie to fight, finding out they were allergic to pineapple the hard way (isa would be freaked by this but sif finds it hilarious), maybe tell him about wish craft and color theory, the change god helping them out, bombing the king, etc etc. the nice stuff. AND THEN. I THINK THE ISA USING A SHOOTING STAR AS A DISTRACTION THING SHOULD HAPPEN-- BUT ITS REAL THIS TIME <3 like sif looks up and it's a whole freaking meteor shower... and isa tells them to make a wish, to which they respond "i'm not messing with that again for a looooong time" :)))) and i just think that should culminate in isa carrying a sleeping sif back to either the clocktower or the house, wherever the family has set up shop... njhgfcftyhujkuhgvfcdfty i love them they're so cute
LOOP THOUGHTS. i dont know if i am committing to this hc, but i think it would be cool if loop and siffrin became a system of sorts? i know very little about plurality so i dont really know what im talking about... if i get anything wrong please tell me! but ive got yet another scene in mind like right before the party leaves dormont to go pick up nille, sif visits the favor tree one last time. just. reminiscing. and mira would come along and find him and they'd have a talk! not specifically about loop, but loop would definitely come up in the conversation and then at some point sif says that loop mentioned that they'd be coming back and is like "i wonder when we'll see them again" and loop just screams HOW ABOUT RIGHT NOW and shoves siffrin out of front jhugtfcvfdxscfgthbnygvh i think loop should still get to have their own body and autonomy and stuff, i just think they should also be able to just show up in sif's head. and vice versa i think eventually sif figures out how to do it as well and they just get to constantly bother each other from a shared headspace dcgbnjuytfg
and. and then i think that can lead into a lot of sad wholesome moments where sif lets loop be siffrin for a little while. like the party is sitting around a campfire telling stories and being happy, sif notices loop hanging around in the headspace, and lets them drive for a bit. i dont think they'd do it very often or for super long or anything but. hgfcdxcfgybhnj. they should get to be siffrin every once in a while too. as time goes on and they become more of their own person they do it less and less, but for the first few months to a year or so it's comforting to be able to be surrounded by versions of their past family, if only for a bit as i said. i dont know what im talking about really so if i said anything badly or if any of these ideas are bad please let me know
time craft shenanigans i think sif (and loop) should get to keep time craft powers after the loops end not to like. the extreme that the loops were. but like how sif will loop back like five minutes if they screw something up socially-- i think they should get to keep that EXCEPT. the party learns to pick up on what time craft feels like. so if theyre ever talking to sif and boom weird time craft feeling and sif is in a wildly different emotional state they can just go "sif. did you loop back. what happened." i think it would be a good. like. starting therapy point? them having a toxic coping mechanism for when things go badly and the rest of the group helping him work through those situations instead of avoiding avoiding avoiding and i think loop should keep it for the memes (and trauma reasons. but mostly the memes.)
it would get better with time, as siffrin (and loop) gets more and more comfortable with being uncomfortable and messing up and learning to work through the anxiety and and and then that could lead to a big situation a few years in the future when the group splits up. and sif is TERRIFIED that the loops will start again i dont think the group would ever split up for good though. they're a family!!! they're not gonna just leave each other behind after another few months of traveling!!!! that just means all the suffering sif went through was for nothing!!!!! and yeah, they cant stay together forever. i know. but even after splitting up they'd still definitely have family reunions like every other tuesday
BUT SIF AND ISA NEVER SPLIT UP EVER. NOT EVEN FOR FIVE MINUTES they get bonded and go on to open a boutique/trinket shop <3
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Ookay this one is really really tooth rotting fluff level
Tadc x reader who just realized christmas is coming, and is freaking out with absolute glee and childlike wonder
TADC cast x reader who loves christmas!
AAAAAA im so so sorry i could have sworn i answered this but i guess i didnt??? i promise i didnt mean to leave this in the inbox this long on purpose i think i must have lost track of stuff </3 regardless, i hope you enjoy! admin must admit, asides from presents and the christmas tree, he doesnt do many holiday activities so... admin is underqualified for this but hes still gonna try! a lot of the character segments intertwine in this btw! like not in a "similar idea" thing but in a "they are actually overlapping and interacting with one another" way so !! side note unrelated to the post eheheheh the second batch of macarons have been piped! theyre now on the counter set out to dry, and ive got my ganaches out to get to room temperature so i can whip em up into a frosting :3
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oh i just know that caine would lean hard into holiday stuff, plus i think he has the best sense of time in the digital world out of everyone.. plus he just seems like the kind of guy to celebrate all sorts of holidays, not just christmas! year round stuff, you know? not just winter... so you guys would likely team up and totally deck out the grounds to match the holiday spirit! sure caine on his own already puts in way too much effort decorating everything, he even makes it snow! but with you around he cranks it up to 11! lets just hope there arent any scrooges around, though.... also prepare yourself because he would definitely find a way to have christmas music play on loop in the background... somewhere... ambient music but its festive songs... i think caine is also the one responsible for most of the presents, since he can basically get most things with just a flick of his wrist! ooooo perhaps a date (platonic or romantic! up to you!) where you guys wrap the gifts together!
funny enough, while i usually think pomni would SUCK at cooking, i think she can make a mean hot coco. granted, hot coco and/or hot chocolate arent the hardest things to make, but... i dont know, its just different when she makes it... (recommendation from the admin, add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg to your hot coco its a game changer frfr, this goes for a lot of chocolate stuff, actually. its like the chocolate-coffee effect but like. makes a different flavor profile. add a bit of nutmeg to your chocolate chip goodies. rn.)
anyways! pomni always keeps you supplied with hot coco, and honestly it benefits you both! keeps you nice and warm, plus its delicious; and it gives pomni something to do... i mean, its christmas... surely she can take it easy from trying to find the exit... just for the season... helps with her anxiety about the whole situation, you know? making digital food sure is weird, though...
as mentioned in gangles part, she joins you and gangle in helping making a skirt for the tree! keeping up with the idea of sewing things, i think she would also make stockings for everyone; leaving most of them blank so everyone can customize them however they like... but you and her get together to decorate your own together and just !! i just think thats sweet! depending on how soon caine starts putting the christmas stuff around, you and her might be able to make some ugly sweaters for yourselves! thats a christmas thing, right? oooo and they match.... OOOO YOU GUYS MAKE AN EXTRA LONG SCARF FOR YOU GUYS TO SHARE!!!! rolls around... she makes you mittens so you can go mess around in the snow caine put all over the grounds
snowball fight. and i mean really intense once. in fact it wouldnt be too much of a stress to call it a snowball WAR! honestly jax might just be the type to put rocks in his snowballs.... but because this is meant to be nice and sweet, he wont... just this once, and because he feels TOO mean crushing your holiday spirit (even if your digital body would quickly recover from the possible injury...)
you guys make forts and go absolutely ham. the stuff ragatha had made for the two of you! i mean sure you guys cant succumb to hypothermia, buuuuuuuuuut being really painfully cold still sucks... but the sweaters help you guys stay out for longer to play! and you can perhaps ask pomni to make some hot coco
oh yes its all coming together
ooo perhaps you convince jax to make snow angels and snowmen with you... though, i think jax would make the snowmen purposefully unappealing... but maybe you think hes actually trying his best... oh you jolly little thing..
okay so i admit this one might be a stretch and its mostly because his robe already has the fur and he gives off grandpa energy (even though hes only 48 but hey some grandpas become grandpas young) but imagine somehow someway he dresses up as santa (and i say that loosely, his robe turns red and the fur turns a plain white), bonus if he wears a hat to tie in the entire look. while caine is the one getting the gifts and wrapping them, i like to think kinger would ask to be the one to put them under the tree at an ungodly hour. sweet man. chews
as for an interaction with the reader... hmm.. hes the last character im writing, everyone else already has their parts done... the one christmas activity i can think of that hasnt been taken yet is baking! honestly i can see him being a decent chef! maybe its the dad/granddad energy speaking to me again... perhaps its the admin projecting... buuuut imagine you two make shaped cookies togehter; stars, candy canes, trees, bells, ect... and you ice them together! sure they may not be the prettiest or look the most professional; but does that really matter when youre having fun? they still taste delicious!
ok i get it, i tend to lean hard into the zooble being negative and/or unimpressed with things a liiiiiiiiittle too often, but again zooble doesnt strike me as the type to enjoy most holidays. they seem more of a halloween person to me, you know? though, i think that they would switch out their antennae for ones that resemble antlers more... or if they dont have those, they string lights up on them! all for you, just because they know how excited the holiday makes you. they dont care about many things, but they care about you... and if it means doing (harmless) things they normally wouldnt do, then so be it! dont expect them to get in on many holiday activities, though...
you and her make decorations for the grounds and the giant digital tree caine put in the main common area! handmade ornaments, paper stars and snowflakes, things like that! you and gangle stay up take cutting each thing, applying the colors and the glitter and any small details.... dozens of times.... because caine chose a tree that was way too big than it needed to be.... oh you might have to have gangle on your shoulders so she can reach the higher points of the tree! sits and thinks.... ooouuuuuuuuugh you guys make a skirt for the tree together with the help of ragatha... little group activity... sobs...
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murdleandmarot · 2 months
9, 8, 2, 20 :3
Sorry this took a while to get to 😭😭😭 I was making unwise financial decisions in a book store
Hi hello!!!!!!!
2. Favorite Song Character: This is SO HARDDDD UGGHHH…..I love them all so much grrrrrr
I’m gonna narrow this down for myself to songs ABOUT a character, and then go from there, because I could argue with myself about this for hours. Because while Macavity slaps, Macavity would slap. Me. In the face. With his claws.
I’m gonna have to be a lil basic and go with Mistoffelees :). I just….love him lots…..and Tugger is always so fucking excited to sing about his special guy…..
8. Favorite Make-up: Oooo good question……I have a couple favorites (that aren’t from 1998 because let’s be honest I could rant about 1998 makeup forever (even though it’s the most subdued)).
Off of the top of my head, Tugger from Hamburg 1991, Jellylorum from Macskák 2001 I believe? (I think it’s Hungary, either in 2000 or 2001), Skimble and Misto from Mexico’s tours in 2013, Macavity from Buenos Aires and Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer from what I THINK is a Canadian tour.
I’ll put pictures of all these guys under the cut, I ADORE the makeup in these shows, and there are a ton more that I didn’t bring up.
9. Favorite song?: Another hard fucking question 😭😭😭 why would you do this to bestie. I don’t think I can pick a favorite, (the only song I actively am not the biggest fan of is journey to the Heavyside layer, and I STILL cry during it).
I think the song I listen to most as an actual SONG, like in my playlist along with fuckin Mitski or Aurora would have to be The Rum Tum Tugger? It’s just easily digestible, a very vibe worthy song, whereas other fun songs like Macavity are very much a moment, yk? (Shoutout to mungo and rumple, because Ive looped their song for weeks at a time (the German version vibes so hard it’s so good)).
20. Did you see cats live? If so, where?:
I fucking DID and I am mad about it TO THIS DAY. I’m SO mad. I’m not gonna reveal the location because that would be very not good and Internet safe™️, but it was at a theater that housed tours of shows, which means I also got to see Jesus Christ Superstar, Hadestown, Hamilton, the like. Thank god my father is a huge theater nerd.
Anyhow, I saw Cats when I was 13, and I remember loving it, and that I picked up on Misto and Tugger immediately.
And that is ALL I remember. WHY? Because not only was I 13, I was coming down from being an Uber-depressed 12 year old, which means there is a year and a half of my life that is almost ENTIRELY gone. Literally could not have picked a worse time to go to see Cats. Every time I’m reminded that I saw Cats live and literally don’t remember it, I throw myself upon the floor in despair.
Makeup stuff under the cut :))
Tugger, Hamburg 1991, Siegmar Tonk, though you won’t find him on the fandom wiki, even though he’s gorgeous and great, because he’s a swing
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(Best quality photos, I could take from the beginning of Mistoffelees :)
So, the production on YouTube with the Jellylorum I’m talking about is named ‘Macskák musical 1. felvonás,’ and has a description in what I think is Hungarian? It says it’s from 2001, and was most likely performed in Budapest, Hungary. I can’t find any gallery images on the wiki, or a record of this production, or who plays THIS version of Jelly, or even if that’s her name in this version. Anyhow, this is she
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She looks like a lil clown :)) a lil jester. Also why is there a random guy here??? Because in this production they just bring in Hungarian celebrities randomly and it’s especially funny during Skimbleshanks’s numbers because the guy turns up in a suit, and eventually gets more disheveled as the song goes on. Skimbleshanks and him COMMIT though.
Skimbleshanks, Luigi Vidal, Mexico 2013 and Mistoffelees, Orville Alvarado, also Mexico 2013
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(Shoutout to Mexico 2013-2015 in general, it just looks rly cool)
Macavity, Diego Jaraz, Buenos Aires 1993
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SIR MARRY ME 🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️❤️💍💍💍
Mungojerrie und Rumpleteazer, Canada, actors and time unknown to me 💔(I know SOMEONE literally told me because I ASKED but I don’t REMEMBER mutual if you recognize these guys PLEASE tell me)
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(honorable mention to ‘98 Pouncival n Macavity)
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theguardianace · 9 days
trying to piece together outer wild for a sec dont mind me
ok so what i know so far
nomai came from somewhere in space looking for the eye of the universe. they ended up getting sucked into dark bramble during the warp and got stuck. only 2 escape pods made it out, who then built a civilization on every single planet in the solar system.
they continued looking for the eye by building the orbital probe cannon. however, when it launches at the start of every loop, it shatters. it worked, though.
as far as i know the nomai never found the eye. i think it's quantum because the signal is so hard to track, though i have no confirmation. i would need to actually explore the quantum moon to figure this out i believe
after discovering the time properties behind warping, they created the ash twin project to create a 22 minute time interval whenever the sun went supernova. they built the sun station to make the sun go supernova, but it failed.
gabbro and i are the only ones stuck in a loop, because we regain our memories from the statues we bonded with every time the sun goes supernova.
the universe is dying. the sun has reached the end of it's natural life cycle. there is nothing we can do to un-supernova the sun.
the nomai found our ancestors on timber hearth and thought we were cute :)
feldspar do be chilling on dark bramble. because they're just like that.
the nomai explored using gravity cannons/ships. from brittle hollow, solanum went to the quantum moon but never returned. her remains are on the moon and i don't like that. three others went to the interloper from ember twin, though i haven't been yet.
stuff i still gotta figure out
ive never actually been to hollows lantern and lived to land. lol
ive also never been on the interloper. probably should check it out.
what killed the nomai? it wasn't a civilization reason- they had schools, and factories, and everything it seems they needed to survive. they didn't blow up the sun. with the way their remains are scattered, it appears that their death was sudden. like they all just. died instantly of. something. but what?
speaking of dying what's ghost matter? i used to think it was haunted rocks from the nomai but with a game so. sciencey. i don' think that makes sense.
also why is there no life literally anywhere in the universe (except dark bramble but screw the angler fish). there's no way it's just us and pine trees.
what do i do with the warp core
is it even possible to save my friends
i need to find the vessel. i know Where it is i just never made it that far lol
why 22 minutes? why that specific time interval?
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c0rinarii · 6 months
WELL! I have just concluded the game that i bought on impulse bc i was hyperfixating on some of the characters (guess who!). I have A LOT of thoughts, but i'll start with some nutshell character thoughts and pairing shenanigains. Spoilers below!
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That 4th tier deserves a bit of elaboration
Juro: He is, at his core, a blank sheet of paper. A mild sandwich with no seasoning. And I like how this game handled that fact bc he was someone more prior to this, but he's given a new personality so he can rest from being so self-sacrificing (if he's anything like the juro izumi from 2 loops ago). He's in the "they're there" tier for a special reason, bc he's kind of meant to be just There.
Renya: Despite being there just to help the audience answer some questions regarding the fucked up narrative of the story, I think what gives him a leg up from the "They're there" tier is his lowkey hilarious relationship with Ryoko. He is perplexed and lowkey salty about how short their relationship lasted no matter how hard he tries. He tries to not gaf as much as Ryoko does but he still does. Ei calls him out on this. Its so so funny.
Megumi: HER NARRATIVE ON GRIEF WAS VERY WELL DONE and if it werent for the spaghetti bullshit of an ending the epilogue was, I would be soooo so intrested how she'd handle moving on from Izumi. I find the concept of Juro/Megumi much more bearable with Juro now having one sided feelings for Megumi while Megumi considers giving him a chance or not. That wouldve been a great closing to their relationship instead of. just getting toghether with no qualms! yeah juro i totally wasnt mouring a dead version of you in that simulation. lets kiss.
Miyuki: I KNEW YOU COULD SAVE THOSE KIDS WITHOUT INFLICTING SEVERE TRAUMA. Sadly aside from "saviour from above" themeing with her, theres nothing much outside of that. While im greatful she was there, she is just there in the end. But her efforts give her a leg up from that tier.
Chihiro: The concept of a very peeved elderly woman stuck in a pre-schoolers body is a funny one and im just extremely glad that 13SAR is not big enough that sobposters arent using her at large to fufill their degen fantasies. Aside from that shtick though, nothing else. Thats literally a baby
Moving onto the canon main pairings!:
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I saw someone calling HijiOki queer-bait and i can kindaaaa see why when basing it off the epilogue. Yeah they havent seem to progress much past 5 years and are at best still at talking stage while some of the others are literally married with kids (oh i'll get to that.) But I like to see it as the only pairing with realistic progression past. everything thats happened. Aside that they're just very funny!! Love their dynamic, will be rooting for them no matter how long it takes.
I did not expect myself to like SekiFuyu this much!! I do agree that Iori ESPECIALLY deserves more story outside hanging with gals and crushing over Sekigahara (not to say i didnt like it!!), but im very glad that the story subverted my expectations! I want them to be happy first and foremost, but i feel like the added angst from Iori realisng that she was a clone of THE Chihiro Morimura wouldve made this ship just a little bit more peak. Aside that, I support Iori shoujoisms and Sekigahara finding love and happiness.
I think my rating on Nentomi will change the more I ruminate on it. MeguJuro would be bumped up above RenRyo IF they didnt immediately fall in love after those 5 years and have Megumi still "thinking about it" while Juro goes "pleaaase :(" bc i think Megumi deserves to tease him a lil and think more about What the hell happened. ShuuYuki is the worst case of comphet between a lesbian and a looser bisexual ive seen.
Now.... the elephant in the room.
Ive talked to moots about how much i abhored the ending at first. Aside from the Darling in the Franxx-esque cop out, you expect me to believe that some of them just. got toghether after everything?? without any processing of What The Hell just happened?? nothing at all?? god
Im not the one to usually complain about comphet bc yeah its something i hate, but it usually doesnt sour my experience of consuming media so much. But god this is where its one of the main reasons why an ending is ruined for me. I hate hate HATED some of the epilogue scenes, esp with Nentomi and Shuuyuki bc of the straight people "my wife sucks but i love her" humour it radiates. ugh.
I would've loved a much more... bleak? more bittersweet?? outlook on the situation? after realisng everything is not real and you are basically the 15 adam and eves left to recreate human civilzation... that would be a pretty fucking huge thing to grapple with. I just wished that they had more complexity with this ending. Or! just stick with the fact that they're forever trapped in space colonies left to deal with the horrors of their situations and the mistakes of those in the past. Sorry for bring a tragic yuri enjoyer, but the overbearing dread and loom from the simulation story was what really made me intrested in 13SAR. To see it just solve itself with little drawback was so lame.
I read the George Kamitani aimed for 13SAR to have a mecha and shoujo hybrid story. While that's honestly an awesome concept, im sad it means that he can miss out on more complexity when intepretting the narrative when it comes to certain relationships (shoujos can be complex too!) I also heard that the game was meant to be at least 3 times longer that it is curently which is. wow. Its a shame that so much content got cut out 😭 bc i feel like a bit more time with these characters is all i need to make my verdict more positive.
As a bonus, i'll include a crackship tierlist too! Alot has changed
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I miiight need another few days or even weeks to compile another thoughts post bc theres definitely more things i wanna talk about (the narrative structure, Tamao, 2188 theories, themes of japanese imperialism-). But so far, im gonna let it ruminate for a bit before picking it back up to analyse
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
Hello there! I wanted to take a moment to let you know that Htp has captured my interest like no other story has ever done. Ive read it multiple times and even battled severe fatigue and stomach pains (i was very sick) til 2 because I was set hard on reading it from beginning to end after chapter 9 was released (not the brightest choice on my part). And I know that sounds over exaggerated and made up but Im telling the truth. Im not typically someone who is interested in angsty storylines, but Hels to Pay is the sole exception. The way you write the characters is so poetic, they feel so real and their problems and courses of action due to their problems are super understandable even if its not the right choice of action and their viewpoint is flawed, which only makes them feel more real. You can feel their dread, their frustration, their anger, everything, and that takes crazy talent and careful crafting.
I just finished my therapy session and when I explained how Hels to Pay is the odd one out as far as my Mcyt related interests and talked about chapter 9 and my therapist told me that unlike other characters where i feel their emotions through a sense of empathy, my infatuation with Tango and the way he responds to certain situations (especially post hels invasion) could be because I can relate to that feeling and choice in action and honestly, Ive never felt that way with a character, and Its comforting because him being that way makes me feel heard and understood, rather then ridiculed.
My point is, the HTP fanfic has not only stood out to me on a writing standpoint, but also impacted the way I view myself in a positive way and I think that’s something you should be extremely proud of.
I just wanted to say “thank you” to you and Lunar for sharing such a beautifully crafted Au with the world. I hope you take care of yourself, that 2024 treats you right, and that I cant wait to see where Hels To Pay goes (when the fic starts up again).
(P.s Ive also been listening to the playlist on loop, you got good taste)
(Feel no obligation to respond to this ask, I just wanted to share this with you)
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AAUUUUUGHH…. this was a really nice message to receive. it means a lot to know my writing had that much of an impact. lord knows i’ve leaned on fanfiction during difficult times of my life, so i’m happy to provide that same escape for others.
thanks so much for sharing, and best of luck with everything <3
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
takane and shintaros post str codependency is making me insane because theyre both way too emotionally attached to each other and want to beat each other up so bad at the same time. they were all the other had for the longest time and have such a raw unspoken understanding of each other and literally goes insane they remove my brain function and the way you characterize them is so real
NO LITERALLY THEYVE BEEN IN MY FUCKING BRAIN FOR WEEKS AND WEEKS . their feelings for each other are the same and also completely different bc shintaro was takane's entire life and purpose while shintaro didnt KNOW it was even takane so he has to reconcile with that fact and OUGH the i can fix him/i guess i can let her fix me dynamic. they cannot live without each other and its so so so unhealthy and messed up .
ok but relationship therapy for shintaro and takane. and also ayano and haruka are here (haruka organized it) the therapists like i seriously dont fucking understand whos dating who and haruka's like THATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM sry im so insane abt shintaro bringing insanity to harutaka and takane bringing (even more than they already have) insanity to shinaya.
haruka's literally the ONLy one on the fucking loop of whats happening bc ayanos like. she's got so many issues of her own and her relationship with shintaros a mess as well so its not like shes got the emotional tools to do something other than be sad abt it. i think if ayanos the one to say anything she still shields behind haruka like HARUKA ALSO THINKS ITS MESSED UP RIGHT HARUKA? RIGHT RIGHT? PLEAAASE HELP MY CASE and harukas like COME ON. but yeah haruka calling takane out but hes so soft abt it it takes takane like a fucking minute to realise wait are we having a....fight and harukas like i GUESS and takanes like ooooh. ohhhhhhhh thats not good.
haruka tries to be understanding bc IT IS understandable that theyre like this but hes like is it too much to fucking ask that takane stops canceling on me all the damn time. and shintaro is so comfortable with just trusting on takane for everything bc hes like she's so pathetic abt wanting to know whats going on with me and she is THE ONE who saw me at my worst so who else would i turn to lol like takanes more comfortable for him. otherwise whats he supposed to do. open up to a whole new person. hes terrified of the outcome of having someone else(ayano) know him that way.
anyways haruka works on it with takane bc he's like drilling into its head the whole thing and takanes more and more aware of it as it goes on and then sort of has to make the choice to have this sort of messed up break up without dating with shintaro. also maybe around the same time shintaro breaks up with ayano for reals in case uve read my shinaya post. shintaro just got dumped x2 and turns to haruka in his emotional breakdown and since haruka responds not mean spirited or angry at him at all, but kinda tells him u brought it upon yourself like ive been telling u abt this for months so shintaro gets angry at him bc he resorts to being irrational BC HE JUST GOT DUMPEDX2 COME ON so to harukas hes like OHHH SO ITS UR FAULT UVE ALWAYS BEEN JEALOUS OF ME AND TAKANE LIKE EVEN IN HS and harukas like wow. im gonna walk away now. but shintaro to takane is like but ayano just left me?? and this is an issue for haruka too??? maybe we should just be together???RIGHT??? and takanes like WOOOOOOOOOOOW HARUKA WAS RIGHT THIS IS RLY FUCKING WEIRD so now things are weird between haruka and shintaro x2 because he just essentially asked takane to breakup with him. shintaro sort of tries blaming his breakup with ayano solely on what happened with takane when in reality theres just so many other things and its so messy
its a yuukei quartet messy fallout baby. it is so fucking funny.
for ayanos part i think she sorta shuts down for a bit while she seeks help in therapy and stuff and shintaros like spiraling so hes more difficult and for takane its SUPER SUPER hard to not run to shintaro seeing him like That so haruka has to keep her grounded but its not like things are super great between them either bc takanes like shaking with anxiety and haruka feels so guilty and has no one to ask advice to so hes not sure if he did the right thing or not. basically ayanos in therapy keeping distance shintaros sort of having a tough falling back to old habits (goes neet for like a month) and harutaka are trying to work on their relationship lol. thru it all the dans also around so theyre especially of help with ayano and shintaro's episodes.
sorry like this is funny to me ofc they all make up like they come around. shintaro and ayano get back together. shintaro and takane talk to each other like normal people and maybe hug and cry a little bit. haruka wants to sleep for like 2 days.
they make up so its FINE thats why to me this is comedy central like is it not super funny come on. but a little post str misery arc for shintaro there
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godza · 9 months
my favorite underrated vocaloid songs once again with commentary. i dont know how underrated things actually are bc i dont interact with the vocaloid community but yknow how it is
the goat. i have never seen anybody talk about this song ever. the mv has so little views and half the streams on spotify are probably me. the songs about an abused child begging to be loved so beware if you search the mv or lyrics up.
i just realized both these songs were by tohru-ch. they make good songs! another underrated classic. the mv is sick if you manage to find it. this producer is a rin master in my opinion. this song is about how bad capitalism is and the vocals are amazing. nandemo nandemo nandemo. the desperation they managed to infuse into rins voice is so impressive and the guitar is impressive. ive been listening to this song since a very young age like ten. why was i listening to this at ten. piano goes crazy as well
i owe this one to the ex mutual who made a playlist for my fanfic and eventually blocked me. thank you for this absolute banger. i forget what the lyrics to this one mean and the mv isnt much its just kinda green stuff. goes exceptionally hard i cant tell whos singing but its still fantastic. i love the guitar that kinda sounds like rubber bands strapped to cardboard. that sounds weird but listen youll see.
i dont think this ones actually underrated since pinas pretty popular (rats died is too famous for me to put on here even though its a masterpiece). when i saw melissa covered it i died and ascended to heaven. the mv is fantastical and dizzying, and the song is perfectly melancholic. i really like the ooo singing in the background. i have had this song on repeat for an excessively long period. im very surprised it wasnt in my wrapped top five. saa saa saa saa saa saa
yummy music. it makes me do the dance of the sidestep in that one gif with ariel and other things. the wind instrument in it is really nice an the guitar is kicking. i just love rin and len i think. why are these all rin. except weeny idk who sings weeny. woukdnt be surprised if it was rin
i wouldnt call powapowas music underrated but this song has made me cry many a time. i prefer the version i found on soundcloud it has more of a miku sound but this song makes me want to get a lobotomy. young girl a is also a good one but no way is that underrated
HOLY SHIT its on spotify. god i need a dance break but i cant. ow i bobbed my head so hard it hurt. one of my faves of all time god its so good. i love you gumi. YOU NO SAY I LOVE!!!!!!!! i dont know how to express my thoughts further it just bangs so fucking hard. just as a btw it speeds up at the end which can be scary so heads up
i dont think this one is actually underrated im going by no metrics this list is just my opinion. it may not be underrated but it slaps and i played it on loop when i was in seventh grade and playing overwatch. not the best gaming music it just makes you really sad
banger. i love teto soooo much. somewhat peppy until you read the lyrics but even still its a tad melancholic. be warned the bleeps in the song are rlly loud lol. get this in project sekai so ome of those trainwrecks can sing it
probably not underrated it seems too well produced for that. i like the laughs at the beginning. i cant remember where but i laid on the floor for a long time listening to this song
ok thats all the bangers on my playlists ive never heard talked about often. i have others but sometimes i can genuinely not tell if its a vocaloid or a human. its an issue
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danidoesathing · 9 months
🦇 favorite horror movie, 🔮 coolest concept for a horror film, and 👿 FIGHT IN THE 7/11 PARKING LOT GO (I read horror novels and watch horror game let's plays, why is this list so film centric, feel free to incorporate things that aren't movies if you prefer lmao)
🦇 favorite horror movie
Hard tie between Nope and The Thing 1982. The thing is a classic. its got paranoia its got body horror its got insanely good gore effects it's got Jed the dog its got rj maccready it's got that fucking thang!!! i love it so much
but at the same time. Cowboy cosmic horror that explores the exploitation of people and animals by the entertainment industry and how traumatic events are turned into a spectacle for people to gawk at. With the most unique take ive seen on the classic alien first contact in a long time. And the insane amount of symbolism and double meaning in almost every shot. And the most accurate sibling relationship ive ever seen in any media ever. And Angel Torres being the funniest character concept ive seen in a horror movie. And that SOUNDTRACK holy SHIT
🔮 coolest concept for a horror film
I mean. I'd say In the Tall Grass has insanely cool concepts. An ancient eldritch rock(?) warps and corrupts and infects the field around it, bending and breaking space time to trap people in time loops so they're going through the same path of being trapped and lost and suffering for every moment forward and every moment after is really cool to me. but ONLY in concept alone the movie is so fucking mid that it's painful such a cool story was wasted on a film that was just ok.
For a movie that turned out good though? I'd say either As Above So Below or Prey. AASB has the idea of a descent through hell ala Dante's Inferno using the Paris Catacombs is really fucking cool. And Prey has takes the Predator and puts it in 1719 in the Northern Great Plains, following the perspective of a Comanche girl trying to survive/outwit the Predator as well as go through her own arc about becoming a hunter not only fucks in concept but the movie also goes hard.
👿 horror movie character you would fight in the 7/11 parking lot?
herbert west no question. you dont understand I need to beat that little bastard up with my own bare hands. watching the zombies do it for two movies was not enough. plus id know id win against his twig ass and it'd be really funny if he got his ass beat by a woman. imagine the damage id do to his ego. please it'd be hilarious
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sneakyscarab · 1 year
another day, another touhou off the list, although this time its far from being an easy experience.
nina's thoughts on Touhou 15 - Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Legacy of Duelist Kingdom features Yugi and the boys back at it again to defeat Pegasus! wait, thats not right… Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom features Reimu and the girls back at it again to defeat... somebody! LoLK is a very unique entry, having one of the biggest new 'gimmicks' of any of the touhous ive played so far.
LoLK's big new feature is a completely new way to play the game, the exciting PointDevice mode! (really just rolls off the tongue). as opposed to the standard touhou gameplay loop (which this game does have as well, under the name Legacy mode) PointDevice mode makes the game play sorta like doing a tool-assisted speedrun, apparently being inspired by I Wanna Be The Guy. in PointDevice mode, lives are removed, so if you get hit you're out, but as a tradeoff the game is filled with numerous checkpoints that you can infinitely continue from, for example pretty much every individual spellcard/phase of a boss is a unique checkpoint. this basically means you have infinite tries for every single spellcard but you HAVE to do each one no-hit (you get bombs to ocassionally cheat, but not very many and they never refresh since you never actually die).
this sounds like it would make the game super easy since you can just infinitely practice every section until you get it right, and you would be correct! unfortunately, ZUN was aware this made things easier, so the general difficulty of patterns and enemy spawns was jacked WAY up. i… really do not like this compromise. spellcards move way faster now and often require far greater perfection than usual once you get to the lategame, with multiple regular spellcards being pure survival sections where the boss is invincible, things usually reserved for climactic final phases. theres also a much higher amount of 'jumpscare' spellcards that suddenly kill you if you don't already know theyre coming, which in a normal run would be complete bs, only being justified here since you can just go again. ZUN definitely succeeded in making it feel like I Wanna Be The Guy, but thats not the kind of game i want to play. getting wiped by BS spellcards and having to do them over and over again got me genuinely mad at times, which has happened a few times in previous entries but it was typically me being mad at myself for screwing up, not being mad at the game itself like this one made me.
besides that, the gameplay is mostly similar to DDC, although once again they have changed how life/bomb pieces are dealt out. after each 'chapter' (basically wherever a checkpoint is in PointDevice mode) the game ranks you based on how many bullets you grazed multiplied by the % of enemies you killed, and if you got enough points you get a bomb piece in PointDevice mode, or a life piece in Legacy mode. this is probably my least favourite method of the ones that have been thrown around, since its really hard to organically tell when youve grazed enough, and during stages its hard to tell when a chapter will end. it incentivizes you to not kill enemies since you want more bullets to be onscreen so you can graze more, but at the same time if you miss killing an enemy and it goes off-screen then your chapter score goes down making the extra grazing still not add up, its a lose/lose either way.
for playable characters, we got Reimu and Marisa of course, Sanae is back (yay!), and Reisen appears as a playable character for the first time outside PoFV. Reimu and Marisa play exactly the same as their B movesets in DDC, so nothing new there. Sanae uses her two movesets from UFO but stapled together, so she shoots frogs unfocused and snakes while focused, which is maybe a bit lazy but i liked both of those weapons so im totally fine with it. Reisen has a strange weapon that has random angle spread shots unfocused, and heavy piercing vertical shots when focused. her most interesting feature though is her bomb, which gives you brief invincibility on activation, and then applies 3 shields to Reisen that block a death, although offer next to no i-frames. her bomb is probably really good in PointDevice mode, but i only had the patience to try that mode once and i went with Sanae. clearing PointDevice mode counts as a 1cc, even if its pretty much impossible to lose unless you just give up, but i dont think i care to try for a win in legacy mode. if you're curious. my retry total on my PointDevice run stacked up to 547 lol.
for the new characters, my favourite addition is probably Clownpiece. more faeries are always good, and Clownpiece is a pretty interesting one since she's a Hell Fairy, whatever that means. for some reason shes themed after the USA, wearing a star-spangled jumpsuit and featuring the stars and stripes in her spell cards, and holding an eternally burning torch similar to the statue of liberty. the concept of the fairy of hell being an American clown who drives people insane is somehow kinda fitting lmao, even if its completely absurd.
besides Clownpiece, i can't say i really cared for the other characters. the rabbits and lunarians weren't very interesting to me in Imperishable Night and they still really aren't now. Doremy is intriguing, being a ruler of the Dream World, but her stage and fight really didn't sell me on the concept of it being a dream. if you took the dialogue out i dont think anyone would assume the level was supposed to be a dream reality instead of just, flying through real outer space to reach the moon.
so that was LoLK. definitely my least favourite one so far, and by a pretty wide margin. i like what ZUN was trying to do here, and maybe with better tuning PointDevice mode couldve been a really fun new way to play the game, but it just made the game a slog of trying nigh-impossible spellcards over and over again until you get it right. i might come back and try a 1cc on Legacy Mode, but having experienced how insane the lategame gets im not exactly chomping at the bit to go back for another round. this game almost feels like karmic punishment after i got a little too comfortable with the last 3 games. if theres one good thing about PointDevice mode, at least its that your victory is inevitable, so i can stop playing.
i hate for the tone of this review to be so negative, but i just did not have a good time with this one. i wanna do something to lighten the mood though, so heres a silly doodle of clownpiece i made in ms paint :P
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cinnamonm00n · 1 year
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Skate on the Melted Ice
Chuuya x (fem)reader
Chapter III <<< Chapter IV >>> Chapter V
Same Path Different Steps
Reader P. O. V
"I got this, I got this!" plays on loop through me as I skate faster. 
My leg goes up and I feel my confidence doing the same along with the movement. 
All they way, until I lose the grip across the slick ice. 
"Fuck! NO!" 
My whole body hits the ice loudly. And painfully. 
"Mmmrggh! NO!" I slump my fist on the ground.  
"Come on Y/N, it's ok. Get up" 
Gramps grabs my forearm and helps my beat-up self off the ground. 
"I'll show you one more time. Pay close attention to the way I move."
Rubbing the pained area on my side I watch as he begins to do the complicated Axel with ease. 
My imagination helps me visualize his muscles relax and tense, following the angle of his skates and the swing of his arms.
Along with it mentally I mark my mistakes and ways to fix them.
By the time he's done I'm a ticking with energy. My mind working like a well oiled machine.
I can do this. 
"So, did you learn anything?"
I nod. 
A moment of silence skips by. 
"Aren't you gonna ask me what I learned?" 
"No... I'll see that for myself. Now off you go!"
My body basically shoots onto the ice. 
I start off slow, getting to harness the ground below me. 
Then I feel the power surge through my bones.
The real shit began.
I loop and bend over. Pain and muscles nonexistent, just wind beating my faces in circles. 
My skates jumps off the ice. 
I disappear in a wind whirl for 2 seconds, for my focus then rips me back to land. 
Legs elegantly positioned and my arms gracefully folded. The brezze melting down softly around my perfectly still form.
I landed perfectly.  
My my beat up arms roar upwards. All of my bruises feeling like crowns. 
"That's my Little one! Good job!"
Gramps comes over to me. 
"Great work today, but let's warp this up. Isn't your Agency practice starting soon?"
"Yeah..." I breath out.
He nods. A silent smile laid between his cheeks.
"Thank you so much Gramps!" I pull him in a hug, trying to convey all of my graditude and happiness through it. 
"You can thank me when you win this. And I know you will, my Little one... "
I widen my smile at his encouraging words.
Soon he leaves me alone to bask in my small victory as I wait for the others. 
Chuuya P. O. V
"Please... No more!"
I beg inside my head. 
"Not good enough lad! Raise that leg higher, do you want to lose?!"
Kyoyou's hand firmly grabs my calf and pulls it higher. 
"Agh!" with a painful flash I feel myself hit the ground. 
Kyoyou looms over me, piercing me with her stare.
"Looks like you're overworked... Go take a break, the skating practice will begin soon"
She leaves me there on the ground of her ballet studio. 
Emptiness of the sound of her footsteps echoing well in my pain. 
Third person P. O. V
We see the same routines from the Armed skaters, this time with many adjustments from Kunikida. 
However, Y/N skates now scrape the ice. 
A new kind of music, diffrent from her old program, starts to play.
This stings to Kunikida's plan loving mind but keeps him looking at the notes she gave him, comparing the paper to her movements. 
Whirillng in grace, our focused Y/N tries her best to makes this work. 
To make the hurt of the earlier hard work pay off. 
The others follow her, gazes trunning into approval the closer to the end she gets. 
By the end only one note was in Kunikida's hand. 
"Work on these things so you can be in best shape to show this to the president. Since I'm gonna ask him to approve your new program."
A second hug for transmitting feelings of the day came from you. 
"Thank you, Kunikida! Thank you!" 
Shame this happy wasn't the way Chuuya's practice had gone. 
Being one of the best, for him, meant the only interaction he had with the other skaters, was one of fear and jelousy.
And the only feeling coursing through his days was of sore pain from overworking. 
Plain and simple: nothing good. 
By the time he was finally ready to leave for home the idea of retiring from skating seemed divinely sweet. 
He could already see a better life when he painfully closed his eyes on the train ride home.
There it was. Shining so bright, happy and carefree.
Ready for him to grab it.
Only if it wasn't standing in the shadow of the contract Mori made him sign.
A paper guarantee that Chuuya, under no circumstance, will leave Mori's skating organization for 6 years. Come rain or shine, life or death.
Chuuya singed they wretched thing when he was 15. Exactly 5 years ago.
That meant another year of this torture.
Screw his talent if couldn't even do what he wanted with it, right?
It was clear as day that, what he was doing now ceartinly wasnt his wish. 
Him and Y/N, coincidently, shared the same path to their homes.
Exact same pavement and use of human extremities. Yet one's feet echoed happier then the other's. 
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ailelie · 2 years
So you have to get an MRI of your head...
Most of what I've read online about MRIs focus on two things: they're loud and claustrophobic.
I've had 4 or 5 brain scans in the past 10 years, the most recent being today, so I wanted to share what the actual process is like. Personally, I find MRIs to be very relaxing. All of the information online was not a help for my first one.
This is a rather lengthy and comprehensive description of getting an MRI. Personally, I find comfort in knowing exactly what will happen. One reason I find MRIs so relaxing now is that I've had several over the past decade and I know exactly what to expect.
First, you will likely need to fast (no food or drink) for about 2 hours before your MRI. They won't tell you this when you're scheduling it, so try to schedule for mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Do not schedule around mealtimes because then you'll likely be hungry, thirsty, and cranky. Not a good mental state for any medical procedure.
Second, when you arrive, you'll fill out some basic paperwork. In addition to the usual questions, they'll want to make sure you don't have any metal in your body. Metal+MRI=Not Good. They'll also ask you to describe, in your own words, why you're getting the MRI and to circle on a body diagram where the issue is occurring.
Third, once your name is called, you'll be led to a changing area. At Northwestern they've got some cool magnetically (I think) locked lockers to keep your things in. You will remove everything but your underwear and put on hospital gowns and grippy socks. At Northwestern, they have you put on 2 gowns, one tied in the back and the other on the opposite way and left loose in the front.
Once you're dressed, you will get an IV port put into your arm (not hand). This is only if your MRI order requires contrast dye. If you don't need contrast, you'll get to skip this step. This is my least favorite part of the whole visit; I hate IVs.
Then you wait to be called back to the machine. Road trip rules regarding the bathroom. Even if you don't really have to go, go anyway.
Fourth, on the way to the machine, the technician will have you pass in front of a metal detector just to make sure that you are metal free. If you're wearing glasses or a mask, make sure to remove them first.
Fifth, you head into the MRI room. The technician will show you where to put your locker key and, if you have them, glasses and mask. Then you lay down on the bed/table that goes into the machine.
The technician will offer a blanket. I recommend accepting it. My blanket today was warm like it'd been in a dryer that ended maybe 10 minutes ago. The technician will also place a cushion beneath your knees and give you earplugs. They may offer headphones so that you can listen to music. You can request a genre and they'll check the volume with you. I prefer a low volume because I like the machine noises.
Then, the technician will place additional cushions around your head to keep it from moving and will place a plastic cage (camera) over your head. Once the cage goes on, I close my eyes. I'm not claustrophobic, but I'm also not going to test it.
The technician will also hand you a small ball. If you need out of the machine for some reason, you squeeze the ball and they'll get you out.
Lastly, if you're getting contrast done as well, the technician will hook up your IV. The contrast dye doesn't go in immediately (at least, it doesn't for me, but my order is for with and without contrast). The technician looped the IV tubing over my thumb to keep it place and lowered my arm back onto the table/bed. At first I had to hold it a bit awkwardly at my side, but once I was in the machine, I could rest it against the machine.
Sixth, now it is time to go into the machine. The machine is rather small. You will feel the sides against your arms as you go in. I like to think of it as a weird hug or being surrounded by a very hard blanket.
The music, if you have some, will not start right away. They'll do a little test image first. This first image only takes 20 seconds. After that, they turn on the music and begin the imaging.
Each image takes 2.5, 3.5, 4, or 5 minutes to complete. Each image sounds and acts very differently. (One year, the sounds reminded me heavily of old school video games if they were without pitch).
For example, one has a very low noise I could almost feel in my jaw. The sound would start suddenly, stretch, and then end suddenly.
Another one had more middle tones and was very fast (chug, chug, chug). At first I found it annoying, but then it started to vibrate in a nice way that felt really good on my back. That one also moved around my head a bit.
Another one has a middle tone that holds a bit followed by a few quick, powerful low tones.
The sound isn't loud like a concert where it can make your ears hurt, but rather it is just complete. If you have music, you may hear it beneath or over the noise (depending on the volume; I like mine low so it is like I'm hearing music from another room). Otherwise, the sound of the machine is just all encompassing.
Sometimes an image will require that you be a different depth in the machine. Your table/bed will sometimes move in deeper or pull out to be more shallow.
Before every image starts, the technician will check in with you and will let you know how long the next image will take.
If you're not getting contrast, this will probably take 20 minutes. If you do get contrast, it is more like 35 to 40 minutes.
If you're getting contrast, they'll let you know when they're pushing it into your body. You may not feel anything. In previous years, I hadn't felt anything. This year, though, I felt cold pushing into me. It was so cold my elbow felt wet. I tasted a bit of metal in my mouth, too.
The hardest part of being in the machine, is that you need to keep still and you can't touch your face. If something itches, you have to ignore it (I find the occasional vibrations help with the proto-itches before they bloom into something that drives me up a wall).
Personally, I close my eyes, focus on taking deep breaths, and let myself sink beneath the sound. It is vaguely hypnotic if you let it be.
Seventh, once the imaging is done, your table/bed will pull fully out of the machine. A technician will come and remove the cage, the IV connection, blanket, and knee cushion. They'll also take back the emergency ball. Then they'll advise you to sit up slowly and make sure you aren't dizzy before standing.
Eighth, the technician will lead you back to the IV area where someone will remove your IV port and give you a bandage.
And, with that, you're done!
PS: This is based purely on my own experiences. If you've had different ones, please do share. Also, as I said, I am not claustrophobic. It would be nice if someone with claustrophobia could share how they get a brain scan.
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thrumples · 1 year
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
(tagged by @dragofelid)
1. Charlie’s Inferno by That Handsome Devil (i’ve had this on loop for like a week bc i want to make some kind of SPN animatic to it but i have no idea where to go with it. cant even decide if i want it to focus on dean or cas)
2. Tardigrade Song by Cosmo Sheldrake (banger song. had this on loop while drawing something i think)
3. Americano by Lady Gaga (found this one through a gomens edit and it goes hard, especially the last like 30-45 seconds)
4. interlude IV (Showtime) by Zach Callison (had an idea for a WISC animatic to this one that i’ll hopefully make someday in the next five years)
5. I Will Be There from The Count of Monte Cristo (sam and sydney coded song, had it on loop for a bit a couple weeks ago)
6. Speed Drive by Charli XCX (self explanatory. had this one on while absolutely blasting down the interstate)
7. War! by Zach Callison (very good song, goes hard)
8. Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives (thought of a short spn season 10 animatic for part of this involving dean and cas & had this song on loop for a while)
9. Milk & Honey by Rare Americans (got this one in my discover weekly a few weeks ago and it slaps so i’ve had it on loop)
10. Preacher by Roe Kapara (another WISC pmv idea i had, short song so it looped a lot)
not gonna tag people bc i only have like. four mutuals on this site who weren’t tagged already. so if you want to do it then feel free!
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