#it hurts though. I loved the work and care that went into Zoe - which took a few months - that I sent her mom & sister when their time came
answrs · 8 months
they're finally home. i haven't opened the packages yet but after four years my girls are finally home.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Ethan Winters x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: violence, cuss words, spoilers for re7,
Author’s Note: I changed up the ending of the request a tad I hope you don’t mind. I hope you enjoy! I love writing for Ethan so this was a pleasure.
Requested: by @drinksomecoco, So I’ve just had these two fic ideas floating around that I wasn’t able to commit to. For Resi7, the idea is that the reader is someone Lucas had kidnapped and trapped in his weird saw games. They managed to escape while Lucas was distracted with family things and had found their way into the main house right before Ethan escaped his first family dinner, so they end up with him through the whole sordid affair. After everything is over, Ethan now has to choose between his wife, who he now knows lied to him their whole relationship, or the reader, who admitted at some point that they didn’t have much of a home to go to. Obviously wouldn’t expect anyone to rewrite the whole game’s plot, maybe more reflection while they recover and Ethan has to make his choice
Summary: the request
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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When you woke up your head was throbbing. You felt like you hadn’t known a moment's peace in days. You should have known, you kept telling yourself. You should have known that going this far out into the wilderness would only bring bad things.
A whole family of bad things.
Lucas was the one who found you out wandering by yourself. Honestly, you wished it was anyone else. He was a sadist and he kept putting you in these sick games. You had beaten him so far but you weren’t sure how much longer you could take.
You sat up in the cold empty stone room and rubbed your head. You looked around. There was a single bulb light above your head, illuminating the room. You walked up to the door and grabbed onto the door handle, not expecting it to work.
To your surprise, the handle turned, opening the door up. You stood there for a moment in awe. You had tried that every time you woke up but it had never worked. You had to be careful. There was a possibility it was all part of Lucas’s games. You took a step forward and looked around warily.
Nothing and no one in sight. He must have just made a fatal mistake. Your breath picked up as you started to walk around his little hellscape. It was a winding place, filled with twists, turns and trip wires. You wanted to run but had to make sure you kept your pace. You couldn’t move too fast with the traps littered around.
You took a deep breath as you opened another door and stumbled outside. You wanted to cry from relief. Air. Outside air. You looked around eagerly, making sure you didn’t see anyone else. It was dark outside. There was a trailer and then a large house to your right. You weren’t sure if you would be able to get away if you didn’t go through the house. Everything else looked pretty fenced in.
You went into the trailer and was pleased to find a gun and some ammo in there. You loaded the gun, thankful for the shooting classes you had taken years ago. You put the gun safely in your belt loop and carefully approached the house. You opened up the door a bit and glanced inside the large room.
You took a deep breath as you stepped inside. It was a large room with two staircases on either side of the room. You took in your surroundings. Just had to find a way to the other side of this house. That was all you had to do. The task didn’t seem so daunting when you put it that way.
Suddenly the door on the same floor you were on opened carefully. You took out your gun and held it up as a man opened the door and shut it carefully behind him. He had nicely cut dirty brown hair and he was wearing a green jacket that was covered in black and red liquids.
He turned around and noticed you which caused him to raise his own gun.
“Who are you?” he asked, voice shaking.
“Who are you?” He walked up to you, gun not wavering.
“Answer my question.”
“I...are you part of the family?”
“No. Are you?” You shook your head. You both kept your weapons up though, noticeably untrustworthy.
“I’m Y/N. I was trying to find a nice place out here in the wilderness to take some pictures but Lucas found me and put me in his little hell of games,” you told him. “Who are you? How did you get here?” He thought about whether he was going to answer you and took a deep breath before lowering his gun. You lowered yours as well.
“My wife went missing three years ago. She sent me a message...I found her here. But she’s crazy she tried to kill me and then this fucking family tied me up to a chair and…” He showed you his hand which seemed to be stapled on. You scoffed.
“I can take a look at that if you want. I know a little bit about medical stuff,” you said warily. He nodded a bit.
“I have to get my wife.”
“I have to get out of here.”
“Me too. Eventually.” You nodded a bit. You put your gun in your waistband again and Ethan walked closer to you. He still didn’t entirely trust you but he liked you enough. “Your wifes a lucky girl,” you told him. He smiled a bit. There was some unspoken truth there. Ethan could help you and you could help him.
“You mind telling her that? She’s still trying to kill me.”
You and Ethan walked over to the trailer to get some sort of peace. You couldn’t stay there long but it seemed like it was a place where they didn’t look often. Plus, there was only one door to monitor. He sat on the bed as you knelt in front of him. You were carefully examining his hand.
“The staples were a choice,” you muttered. He chuckled dryly.
“At least it’s back on,” he told you. You nodded and sat down on your knees.
“It looks like you’re able to use it well enough. Once we get out of here we’re gonna have to make sure you get it looked at further. Here’s some more meds if the hand starts hurting.”
“You’re a Godsend.” You gave him a kind smile and stood back up.
“Alright, now where’s your wife?”
“I found a video of her going out to the old house. I have to assume she’s somewhere out there but you know, it’s a working theory.” You nodded. “I talked to Zoe. She said there was a cure here, for Mia.”
“And I assume you’re going to find it?” “If I can.” You took a deep breath and nodded.
“Alright. We’ll probably find it when we go and deal with Marguerite.” He nodded back at you.
“That was what I was hoping for.”
“You dealt with the old man?” He nodded.
“Barely.” You cocked your gun.
“Perfect. Then let’s go give mom a taste of what we got.”
“This house is fucking disgusting,” you whispered. Ethan nodded as he crouched down beside a nest of some sort.
“I second that.” He stood up and you quickly moved with him. You were quiet, trying to gauge where on Earth Marguerite was. You kept yourself together as you ran into large bugs and places that made you need to backtrack and find other things.
As you walked through the house you eventually made it up to a small window.
“Ethan?” You turned around, met face to face with some woman you hadn’t seen before.
“Mia!” Ethan ran over and put his hands against the barrier between the two of them. You found yourself hiding a bit of jealousy but you had bigger problems.
“Hey Ethan!” Lucas yelled, grabbing Mia around the neck. Ethan started to shake the barrier. Lucas met your eyes as he pulled her away. “I’ll get you bitch. Just you wait!” You turned to Ethan as Lucas and Mia disappeared. He gave you a nervous look which you returned.
Eventually the two of you made it out to some sort of greenhouse where Marguerite was waiting. She transformed herself into a disgusting, drooping and dangerous form.
Ethan handed you one of his two shotguns which you took with care. You raised it up to where her most vulnerable place was and shot.
Ethen came at her from your side. When your gun got knocked down Ethan put himself between you and your foe. He put his hand on your hip, turning you so you were effectively behind him as he shot his handgun. Together you were able to take her down, after much effort. As she fell and died you suddenly realized how exhausted and in pain you were.
“Are you okay?” Ethan asked, more worried then he thought he was. You nodded a bit and used his shoulder to steady yourself.
“Just a little woozy. We gotta move on.” He nodded and grabbed your other arm, holstering his gun.
“You’re gonna pass out.” You shook your head.
“I am not.” He gave you a look. “You know Ethan Winters, you’re kind of a badass. I would be scared if you were pointing a gun at me.”
“I already did.”
“And I was scared,” you joked weakly. He scoffed and put your arm over his shoulder.
“Let’s get to the trailer and give you a minute before we hit Lucas with all that we got,” he muttered. You nodded.
“That motherfucker doesn’t know what's coming,” you whispered.
“Yeah, a guy with one hand and a girl who’s about to pass out. He’s gonna tremble in fear.”
“Hey now, don’t you underestimate us. We’ve made it this far. Just gotta get him, get your wife and get the fuck out of here.” He didn’t get the same pleasant feeling when he thought of Mia. He decided not to bring it up or dwell on it.
“Alright. I believe you.” ===
Ethan sat on the bed beside you. You were resting for a moment. You promised him only five minutes and he watched the door. He didn’t mind much. You fell into sleep easily, clearly exhausted. He grabbed your hand and held it for comfort.
Your face was so peaceful when you were asleep.
“Ethan,” you whispered, eyes still shut.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“We have to keep moving,” you told him as you squeezed his hand groggily.
“If you pass out Lucas will kill you.”
“Yeah? You would let that happen?” He scoffed. Ethan realized suddenly, he wouldn’t let that happen. You couldn’t get hurt. He chastised his own thoughts, looking down at his ring finger but he couldn’t see it. You were holding his hand and blocking the view.
“Not if I can help it.”
Lucas paid special attention to you. He wanted to make sure you suffered for getting out and killing his parents. You and Ethan were forced to play his little game.
You and Ethan stood together in a locked couple of rooms. He grabbed your arm before you could walk too far into the room.
“This is just like the ones he kept me in. I saw the footage of someone else doing this, I know how to do it,” you whispered to him. He watched your eyes. He was sweating and exhausted. He was relieved to hear that you knew what you were doing.
“Go on then.”
You were able to work through that puzzle which did piss Lucas off but you were already gone before he could complain anymore. Now you had the serum and you had both made it out alive.
You found Mia after an aggressive amount of fighting with the Bakers. The more you saw of this family the less you were surprised by the sight. She was stumbling and scared but at the sight of Ethan her face lit up .
“Ethan?! Ethan!” she called, throwing her arms around her. He held her wordlessly for a moment as he dragged her quickly to the boat you and Ethan had found.
“We have a serum, to cure you,” you told her. She gave you a scared look.
“Who are you?”
“She’s a friend,” Ethan said. You held each other's gaze for a moment and gave her a kind smile. “I didn’t see Zoe. Did you find her?” he asked Mia. She shook her head.
“I haven’t seen Zoe in ages. We need to get out of here. We can’t dwell,” she told you both.
“She helped me get this serum.”
“Yeah and that’s much appreciated. But we have to leave,” she said. “We can come back later.” You eyed Ethan. He looked over at you for permission and you shrugged.
“She helped us get this. It seems stupid to leave her.”
Mia was trembling, worried about the escape. You all were. It was right then that Zoe emerged from the darkness.
“Zoe!” Ethan called. She ran over.
“You got the serum?” You gave her a curt look and then had to turn away.
“We..we only have one,” Ethan said. He was holding the only one there. You had to use the other one fighting Jack. You looked away from Mia as she noticed that he was going to have to make a choice.
“Well then you’ll have to choose one of us to give it to,” Zoe said evenly. Mia looked over at him and Ethan just looked at you. You shrugged from behind Mia.
“It’s up to you Ethan.” You could practically see his gears turning in his head. On one hand, Mia was his wife. He came here for her. But on the other hand...Zoe could help them get out. They could try and replicate the serum if they were able to leave sooner.
He grabbed Zoe’s arm and stuck the needle in. Mia gasped, shocked.
“I’m sorry. I truly am. Zoe will be able to guide us to safety,” he told her. You stepped into the boat, helping Zoe inside beside you.
“I’m staying here,” Mia said, disgusted.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Ethan countered. “My place is here. With her,” she told him. You watched as Ethan got into the boat in front of you.
“We’ll come back for you,” he promised. Mia’s face was shrouded by the dark shadows as the boat went down the river.
Eventually you came up to a much larger boat. You ended up on the boat, where Eveline was. You had known about Eveline, only through Lucas’s complaints about her. You didn’t realize she was a child or that she was like the way she was. When Eveline realized that Mia might not want to be her mother, she wondered if you would be a candidate.
She knocked you and Ethan out.
You woke up with a start. Your head hasn't stopped hurting since the last time you woke up. Now you had no idea where you were. You stood up shakily. Eveline hadn’t taken your weapons.
“Ethan?! Zoe?!” you called out but there was no response. You looked around at the dark and grimy metal of the boat. You pulled out your gun. “Ethan?!” you called again, hoping that he would answer. Nothing.
You had to start walking around to find them. Your feet started to get wet from the damp atmosphere but you could barely notice. You ran into different mold monsters but were able to keep them down enough for you to pass.
You felt like you had walked for almost an hour before you saw Ethan. He ran into you, breath heaving, gun out.
“Fuck, I almost shot you!” he yelled. “What’s going on? Where’s Zoe?”
“She’s dead! Mia!” You furrowed your eyebrows and then saw that Mia was chasing him down with a weapon. Your eyes went wide. The shots you figured at her merely slowed her down.
“Run!” you told him and both of you started to book it away.
“We need to find Eveline!” he told you as you ran.
“Where is she?”
“I don’t know! But we need to find her!” You nodded, taking a sharp turn.
“Lead the way!”
You had to watch Ethan kill his wife. You watched him as his love for her was broken down to pieces as he shot her. You helped obviously. But he fired the last shot, as she asked him why he had chosen Zoe over her. Even you felt your heart clench up a bit and you didn’t love her like Ethan had.
“Mia,” he whispered as she crystallized and then dissipated. “Why?” You walked up to him and put a hand on his back. He turned to you and hugged you tightly, burying his face in your neck. You held him there for a moment and then pulled away. You put your hand on his cheek gingerly.
“We have to keep going. We have to find her.” Ethan nodded and backed away to reload his gun. His face glossed over with grief and rage.
“Let’s go.”
The last fight with Eveline was dirty. You had to get the shot into her and it happened but not after she erupted into screams. She looked like she was just a child. How could just a child do all of the chaos she did?
As your back landed harshly on the ground after being shot out of the house, you felt relief. Relief and pain. You could see the sun rising. For a moment you just laid in the grass as your ears rang.
Then Ethan turned to grab your hand. You turned your head to look at him. His face was dirty and tired. You would probably both sleep for a week after this ordeal. Your hearing came back and you could hear him try and talk to you over the sound of helicopter propellers.
“What?!” you called, probably far more loudly than you intended.
“Are you okay!?” he screamed. You nodded quickly.
“Are you?!” He nodded back.
“Ethan Winters and Y/N Y/L/N?!” You both looked up to see a large man standing over you. You sat up and he held out his hand for both of you to take.
“Yes?!” Ethan called.
“I’m Redfield. I’m glad we found you.”
Chris and his team helped the two of you into a chopper. You sat next to each other as it lifted off. You saw Ethan pull out his phone, miraculously uncracked. A video of Mia was playing on it.
“She lied to me the entire time we were married,” he told you quietly.
“I’m sorry. You don’t deserve that.” He gave the phone one last look and took a deep breath before tossing it out of the helicopter.
“You could have just deleted the video,” you told him, laughing dryly. He scoffed and nudged you.
“Now is not the time,” he said but his voice was miraculously light hearted.
“You’re right. I am sorry though. Once we have a two day long nap we’ll talk more about it.” “Where are you going? After we get back.” You shrugged.
“I don’t have much of a place to get back to honestly. I guess we’ll just see where the wind takes me.”
“Isn’t that how you ended up here?” You nodded sheepishly. He looked down at the house for a long moment before looking back at you. “Stay with me. We can help each other get out of this rut. You can monitor my stapled on hand.” You smiled, brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“You sure?”
“I have room for one more now. I’d like it to be you.” You grabbed his hand tightly. He squeezed your knuckles, looking you in the eye.
“Alright,” you breathed. He nodded.
The two of you fell asleep in the helicopter not long after that, leaning on each other for support. You would heal, over time. Together.
Re8 Part 2
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wardenannie · 3 years
A very, very angsty one-shot. Warning for pregnancy loss. Crossposted on my Ao3.
Clouds of noxious smoke filled up the crystal cavern, wall to wall. It was only as Levi soared above it, over it with the vigilance of a hunting hawk, that he watched as the hook buried itself in Hange’s left shoulder. Time seemed to slow before his eyes, and that infernal shot was followed by three resounding bangs, each louder than the last in his ears. bang. Bang. BANG. 
The bullets were cloaked in sprays of red as they impacted Hange’s falling form. The hook unlatched and the assailant retreated in a burst of steam, but Levi’s eyes never strayed from the squad leader. 
“Hange!” More than one of the kids shouted her name in distress as the cavern began to shake. 
She struck a pillar, body limp, then slid down its faceted surface, leaving a trail of dark crimson in her wake. One of her hands cupped her bleeding middle, blood welling between her paling fingers. 
Levi cursed, dropping down to her side. The others were already crowding around, chips of glittering crystal were beginning to rain down from the cavern’s high ceiling. 
“Hange?” There was so much blood. It pooled around her, seeping out of her middle and between her legs. Her eyes were half open, aware but glassy. It looked like one shot had struck her sternum, another just beneath her breasts, and the last had lodged itself in her lower abdomen. 
She coughed, blood spattering from her lips. 
“You need to get... get out of here,” her fingers worked weakly against the smooth floor, body tensing like she meant to sit up. “I can’t... just leave me.”
Levi shook his head, pressing a gentle hand into her good shoulder, “Fuck that. Stay down. Moblit, Armin, can you carry her? She needs medical attention, now.” 
The men in question rushed to scoop her up, suspending her between their bodies. She winced and sighed, breath coming out in stuttering gasps. 
Levi watched them retreat, biting back a torrent of emotion as Hange’s toes dragged trails of blood into the floor. She was close to death, that was obvious. Three pellets of lead had lodged themselves into her insides and torn her body asunder. 
Hange Zoe. 
His Hange. 
The Captain’s heart was in his throat, hands shaking. He wanted to hit his knees and scream and beg whatever powers loomed above to spare her. He’d already lost so much. Levi felt as though his heart were being rendered in two. He would gladly have taken those shots for her, if it were possible, to spare her the pain and fear that accompanied death. 
Just the night before she had been so lively, excited for the coming battle. Sweaty over him, moaning under him. Kissing him. Whispering his name in mantra, like a prayer. 
Now he wasn’t certain that they would ever make love again, and he couldn’t even be at her side as she faded. 
It was Jean who broke him from his trance, “Your orders, Captain?” 
Levi shook his head, eyes still stinging, but no tears were shed. He steeled himself, braced himself for the ultimate loss of another friend, a companion, his secret lover. He was a wounded man, but also he was a soldier, and he had a duty to uphold. 
Anything for the greater good. Everything. 
When he spoke, motioning with his blade towards an opening in the crystal, his voice was low, dangerous, deadly and dripping with venom, “We kill Rod Reiss.”
Someone had to pay for what had happened to Hange. The true king of the accursed Walls would do nicely.
Rod Reiss was dead and Hange was alive. 
Upon his return from Orvud, that was all he knew of her condition. Alive. Badly injured, he knew. But gracefully alive. 
Levi wasted no time in stabling his horse and rushing through the neatly laid halls of HQ towards the infirmary. Perhaps he was being too obvious, perhaps the kids would catch on to his attachment, but he didn’t care. Hange was all that mattered, he cared about nothing else in that moment. 
They were keeping her in a private room, a benefit of her rank. Levi had no intention to leave her side for any longer than it took him to bathe. 
When he arrived he found Erwin had beaten him there. The man stood in a shaft of golden sunlight, it caught in his blond hair and brightened his icy eyes, which were paradoxically grim. Dust motes danced around him. Beside him stood redheaded woman in white nurses garb. Her lips were pursed, and when she spotted Levi in the doorway her expression darkened. 
Ignoring them entirely, Levi rushed to the side of the bed where Hange lay on top of the linens. She was naked from the waist up, but her entire upper body was bound in fresh bandages. There was a cool rag laid over her forehead and eyes. Relief flooded Levi’s chest and pooled in his gut. He knelt beside the bed, grateful for her peaceful expression and the steady rise of her chest. 
“Has she woken up yet?” Levi asked, gaze unwavering. He took her hand in his, not caring that the Commander was watching over his shoulder. 
“No,” The nurse answered. Then she cleared her throat, “Mr. Ackerman, there are some complications we need to discuss.” 
Levi’s thumb stroked over the backs of Hange’s knuckles. His brow furrowed and he scowled, forced to look away from his lover and at the nurse, “What?” 
His irritability seemed to surprise the woman, who took a step back. Levi’s reputation had clearly preceded him. 
Erwin laid a hand on her shoulder smiling sadly, “It’s okay, Nyla. I’ll take care of things here.” 
“But Commander it’s standard procedure that I inform-
“Shhh,” he shushed her delicately. “Dismissed. Take the rest of the day off.” 
She pursed her lips, but didn’t argue any further, retreating from the room on light feet. 
“What’s going on, Erwin?” Levi demanded, “You were both acting like someone shit the bed.” 
“Succinctly put,” the Commander answered, dryly. Then his expression darkened, and he continued. “I’ve known about the relationship the two of you share for some time now.” 
Levi paled, “Shit.” 
Erwin sighed, “Though I believe relationships between comrades are ill-advised, I’m not going to stop you.” 
“How did you figure it out?” 
His thick eyebrows shot up near to his hairline, amused, “Hange isn’t particularly quiet in bed. One stroll by her quarters was all it took.” 
Levi rolled his eyes, squeezing Hange’s fingers in his. Of course it was her fucking sex moans that gave them away, “I always tell her to keep it down.” 
Erwin cleared his throat, “That’s besides the point, though. I’m only informing you that I know as preamble for what I’m about to say. Levi, please sit on the bed. This is going to be quite the shock.” 
Feeling suddenly cold, Levi obeyed without a word. He still held on to Hange’s hand, her touch anchoring him to reality even from sleep. 
“When Hange arrived here she had already been stabilized, save for profuse bleeding from the vagina. They managed to dig out the bullet that had perforated her uterus, but the bleeding continued for some time.” 
“But she’s okay now, right?” Levi glanced back at her, down her lean body and between her thighs. She was wearing simple grey pants. They were unstained by blood. 
“She was pregnant, Levi,” Erwin stated, his voice was even and his eyes were emotionless. “They believe she was between three and four months along. The baby was killed when she was shot.” 
Levi went rigid, hands beginning to shake in his lap. His slate eyes widened and he looked up to Erwin with pure confusion and blended agony swirling in his eyes. 
“That’s not... that’s not possible,” his voice shook, his heart thundered in his aching chest. She had taken a contraceptive tea... Him? A father? 
Erwin pursed his mouth, extending a hand to rest on Levi’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, Captain.” 
Levi dropped his head into his hands, closing his eyes tight. It hurt. God help help him it hurt so badly. Every inch of him ached. They gave up so much for this life, and they did so willingly, happily even, but this was simply too much. A baby. Hange had been carrying a baby. Their baby. A baby that they had made together. 
“I need,” real, tangible tears stung at the corners of Levi’s eyes. “I need a moment, Commander.” 
Erwin nodded his head and left the room without another word, shutting the door carefully behind him. 
Finally alone, Levi turned to Hange where she lay unconscious. Her breath was even, chest rising in steady intervals, blissfully unaware of what they had lost. There was no way she had known, she would have told him immediately if she had even suspected she was pregnant. 
Levi cried silently, staring at her peaceful face. The tears were hot against his skin, and no matter how he tried he simply couldn’t stem their flow. 
He’d had a chance at a family, a life beyond the Survey Corps, beyond all of the violence and carnage and death. A fleeting, beautiful chance. And now it was gone, cruelly ripped from his hands on the floor of that damned crystal cavern. 
He looked out the window, at the sky which had once awed him as a boy from the Underground. Now the blue seemed dull, the sun dim. 
Nothing good ever seemed to stay. 
Nothing save for Hange, who still breathed peacefully beside him. He pulled a chair up beside the bed, content to wait at her side until she opened her wine-colored eyes again.
It was two more days before Hange stirred, and when she did it was well past midnight. On the wall the steady ticking of a clock had lulled Levi into an uneasy sleep in his chair. Moonlight was the only thing illuminating the little infirmary room, splashing through the windowpane in long, silvery shafts. A vase of fresh picked wildflowers was sitting on the bedside table, courtesy of the 104th. 
Hange shifted on top of her sheets, shivering slightly in the cool air. Even that tiny reflex pained her, and she made a small discontented noise that awoke Levi with a start. 
“Levi?” She exhaled painfully, wincing as her shoulder pulled when she turned her head to face him. Her eyes brightened at the sight of him, ruffled and half asleep beside her. She smiled at him, “Levi, guess what?” 
Levi leaned forward, hand reaching instinctively to touch her cheek before dropping to settle over her own hand, “What, four-eyes?” 
“I’m not dead,” she wheezed out a laugh, which quickly morphed into a moan of pain. 
“No joking around right now,” Levi scolded softly, standing to help cover her with a blanket. “You need to rest.” 
Hange’s smile fell as she watched him unfold the blanket then drape it over her body, “Somethings wrong.” 
“Nothing’s wrong,” Levi lied, unable to meet her eyes. 
“Don’t lie to me, little man. I can read you like a book.”
Levi settled back into his chair, “I’ll tell you later, alright? Get some sleep.” 
“No,” she would have crossed her arms if she weren’t full of bullet holes. “Tell me now, Levi. Your eyes are a little swollen, you never cry. And you’ve got dark circles. Something bad happened. Tell me now... oh my God, are the kids alright?” 
She actually started like she might sit up, frenzied by the thought. Levi rushed to ease her back down onto the pillows. 
“Easy four-eyes. The kids are fine, I promise,” he soothed. He took her hand again, stroking her knuckles. 
“Then what’s wrong?”
Levi bowed his head, watery eyes obscured by his hair. His very soul ached as he whispered the words, “I love you, Hange.” 
She went very still under his touch. They had never said those words to one another before, each afraid it would make what they had too real, too painful were one of them to die. But it was obvious to Levi now that their apprehension had never mattered. 
“You were pregnant,” he choked. “You miscarried when you were shot. Three to four months along, they said.” 
Tears were streaming down his cheeks again, glimmering with a beauty that belied their source. His insides were a tangled mass of barbed wire, blood, and pure, unadulterated sadness. Everything hurt.  
Hange was quiet for a while, hands folded neatly over her middle, eyes trained on the ceiling. 
When she finally spoke her voice was so soft, so low that Levi could barely make out the words, “I should have known. All the signs were there but I ignored them as stress. Oh God, Levi. I should have known.” 
Levi leaned onto the bed, “You can’t blame yourself for this.” 
“Can’t I?” Wincing, she raised a hand to touch her forehead, “I went into battle pregnant, I allowed myself to be cornered and shot, pregnant. How did I miss this? How? I killed our baby.” 
“No.” Levi said, fiercely, “Kenny and his damned fiends killed our baby. Rod fucking Reiss killed our baby. They’re all dead now. I made sure of that.”
Tears were brimming in her eyes now, and Levi couldn’t help but touch her cheek.
“We needed you there, Hange,” he said, softly. “We’re soldiers. We have a duty to the people of the walls, no matter what.” 
The last three words were painful to say, but it was true. Their duty came above all else.
Hange cried softly for a while. Levi held her hand, crying silently with her. He touched her face, her hair, her hands. Eventually he leaned forward to kiss her gently on the mouth. She tasted of salt and blood, and she cupped the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. 
When they parted, he whispered into the narrow space between their lips, “If you had died-
His voice cracked, then. And he realized for the first time in two days that he really, truly still had Hange. As long as she was breathing at his side, everything would be okay. 
“Don’t think about that,” she breathed, and kissed him again. “We already lost so much.” 
Hange scooted over to the left side of the bed, patting the right with her hand, “Come here.” 
Wordlessly Levi joined her on the bed. The flow of his tears was beginning to stem. He savored the heat of Hange’s body next to his, and when he rested his head on her good shoulder he could hear the steady beat of her heart. His hand ventured delicately down the taut line of her stomach, settling reverently over her abdomen, right above where the baby had been. 
Hange laid a hand over his, sniffing, “Do you think... I mean, someday this will all have to end, right? Eventually?”
Levi kissed her neck, “Eventually.” 
“We can try again,” she promised, voice ragged, fingers combing through his hair. “When this is over, we’ll try.” 
Levi hummed into her skin, inhaling the scent of her, feeling her alive beneath his touch. 
“Levi?” Her voice was clearer now, tears slowing. Her fingers were rubbing circles on his knuckles over her abdomen. 
“I love you, too.” 
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Hey vobali, I love your QoT fic with Stella. Might I request for continuation fic where Stella meets the rest of the Poppy. MC convince everyone to let her to stay with them. Stella ended up growing on the Poppy that they decide to teach her and also very protective of her.
Part 1
Written by @vobali
"Wait! Waaaiiit! I want to come with you!"
I freeze. She... what? A look to Vivienne tells me she's at a loss for words as well. We've had this discussion before - whether we'd want kids or not - and we ended up with wanting none. But I just can't destroy the hope in Yvonne's eyes. Vivienne, as always, senses that I have trouble to form a response and jumps in.
"I doubt that it's safe for you to come with us."
"Pleeeeaaaase.... I'll... I'll be good! I've been alone for as long as I remember and I don't want to be alone..."
She lets go off me and pulls my wife's hips into a tight hug.
"I... I want to learn! Please..."
Viv goes stiff. I know how she responds to touch, so I prepare myself to intervene. But surprisingly it turns out to be unnecessary because she relaxes a little and puts a gentle hand onto the girl's head.
"Listen... Besides the danger you would get into we can't decide alone. We are a group of seven."
"That's amazing! I always wanted a family!"
Yvonne is excited beyond measure. Her face lights up with the biggest smile I've ever seen as she spins around and looks at us. Her eyes are big, hopeful, shining with pure joy. I melt. This girl was cute before but now... she's just adorable. A look to my wife confirms that she also fell for Yvonne. It's true that I warned Vivienne up, that she opens up more easily now, but it's still hard for anyone else to get to her heart. How this little girl broke through her walls so easily? I can see it's frightening her but she's not making the same mistake that she did with me. She's not pushing her away. Adoration shines in her eyes when Yvonne takes both of our hands, swinging them. With a small smile I speak out her thoughts.
"Alright... Let's ask the others."
"No. This is no life for a child."
Vivienne and Yvonne went up to the roof to pay Jett a visit so I have to face the arguments from the rest.
"She already has a life similar to ours, Niko! She has nowhere to go and could end up in the system, given from one family to another until she 'can take care of herself'. Or worse... without moral guidance, which we can provide, she could end up like Nadia and I won't let  THAT happen!"
"You have a point there, chérie, but our lifestyle IS dangerous. Jett is working with explosives..."
"Not only explosives, Remy!"
"Also... we've found ourselves on more than one occasion in a really close situation - Céline, Nadia, Bernicio... just to name a few."
"For god's sake, Zoe! Do you really think I'd put a seven-year-old girl up front?"
"It's not just that, MC. Zoe's examples came directly for us. Others might come for her instead to hurt us. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, remember?"
I close my eyes with a sigh.
"I understand your concerns, Leon, all of your concerns. I really do. But Yvonne has a talent... she just needs training, guidance. All I ask of you is your trust, one week and-!"
We get interrupted by loud laughter as Jett enters the room with Yvonne on his shoulders followed by Vivienne.
"Hey, folks. Have you met this little thing yet? She's incredible! She almost got me... luckily, I turned around at the right time otherwise I would've lost my wallet without even noticing! Can we keep her?"
"Wait... what?"
I throw an amused look at Yvonne while the others check their pockets, realizing that all of them got pickpocketed by a seven-year-old.
"My... my phone!"
"My wallet!"
"MY wallet!"
"My keys!"
Jett laughs so hard that the girl shakes with his laughter, grinning proudly. Vivienne can't help but chuckle as well while she comes to my side.
"Believe me... I know exactly how you feel. Though, if I'm being honest, I'm not surprised you didn't find out sooner. She got a lot better since she stole MY wallet almost two weeks ago."
Yvonne gets back on the ground, returns the stolen items, settles in front of Vivienne and me with a small smile and all eyes are on us. It's Nikolai who speaks first after a few minutes of silence.
"Fine. One week."
But despite his earnest tone he can't hide this small, slightly impressed smirk that pulls on his lips.
The Poppy adapts quite quickly to the idea of having a child around. Yvonne is good at practically everything! Jett loved her from the start but he really enjoys to co-teach her how to paint, Remy likes his role as language tutor alongside Vivienne, Zoe adores Yvonne's enthusiasm to learn new things in general, Nikolai is impressed of her eye for strategy and Leon, our sweet and gentle giant, is more than happy to take care of the simple playtime and cuddle parties. And even Elisabeth is around Yvonne as often as possible.
It's the evening before the week is over and a final decision has to be made. Vivienne and I have talked about this multiple times within the last few days - we want to keep her. Although we agreed on not wanting children, we can't picture our lives without Yvonne anymore. I know it deep inside my heart that this is the girl I'd call "daughter" and I know Vivienne feels the same way.
I take my time putting Yvonne to bed. She asked me not to leave so I stayed, humming a lullaby, stroking her hair until she fell asleep. I stand up as careful and as quiet as I can and place a soft kiss onto her forehead.
"Good night, little one."
I whisper before I leave the room. Outside, the others are already waiting for me.
"I'm sorry. It took longer than I expected..."
"Don't be, darling! We can wait. I suppose she's asleep now?"
I nod, give Vivienne a quick kiss and listen to the conversation, mostly fun or cute stories with Yvonne.
"I found a solution to our problem with the next heist."
"You did? Tell us, Niko!"
"Well... to be honest... it was Yvonne's idea. I would never have thought of it that way. The simplicity of a child's point of view really is astonishing! Oh! By the way... I got there something..."
He rises and places a small box in front of me. I open it carefully. My breath hitches as I reveal the earring inside.
"A... a little poppy!"
"I think I speak for all of us when I say 'we all want Yvonne to stay'."
Nikolai says with a smile.
"Woohoo! Hell yes, Niko! You're goddamn right! And anyone who dares to TRY harming her..."
"... will regret that they even THOUGHT of it in the first place!"
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yo-im-a-bisexual · 4 years
I saw a few people say that they wanted fatou to be the one to go see Kieu my to confort her, so this is it. Enjoy :)
(english isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes)
Sunday, 18:05, Kieu my's apartment
She was a wreck. Kieu my had tried distracting herself as much as she could today but nothing seemed to work and when she saw Nora's stories she couldn't handle being alone anymore. She had texted Zoe about five (5) minutes ago and was now waiting in her room, on her bed, while watching Fatou's instagram stories over and over and over again. She was full on crying in her pyjamas and she knew it probably wasn't healthy to stalk her ex but she couln't help it. At least she looks happy, she thought.
Sunday, 18:00, fatou's house
Laughs filled fatou's room. The cashqueens had moved to the skater's room after they had finished cleaning up the kitchen. They were talking about Ava's birthday that was coming up and how they were going to throw the biggest, most covid-friendly, party ever.
"honestly, I just want to spend time with you girls." Ava said, smiling and looking at her friends.
"well, maybe we could do something like friendsgiving, you know with friends only and a cozy little vibe" Nora offered, looking at the cashqueens with raised eyebrows.
The memories of that time came flooding in Fatou's mind. How she was so ready to confess her feelings to the girl, how she had ended up crying and yelling 'Love is a fucking asshole' with her friends. She had tried not thinking about Kieu my but to no avail. She seemed to be everywhere, in every topic, in every memory. Her heart ached at the thoughts. So she quickly tried to focus on the conversation happening instead of her ex, who seemed to be clearly over her.
"yeah it could be fun." Mailin said looking at Ava for approval. "What do you think Fatou?" She asked
"A birthday party with my best friends? On a friday night? Hell yeah I'm in." Fatou said laughing. "And maybe we could do a jamming session or a karaoke sort of thing" The cashqueens nodded at her idea and they went on with their conversation.
A phone rang, cutting them off. "Sorry girls, it's Zoe. I'll be right back" Nora said standing up and heading towards the door but the second she's out she walks back in, phone still in hand. She looks at Fatou. "She wants to talk yo you." Nora said, handing her the phone. Fatou looked at her amused but took the phone and walked out of the room.
"Zoe?" She said holding the phone to her ear.
"Fatou, hi. I'm sorry to bother you but I'm in a crisis and you're the only that can save me." Zoe said at the other end. Fatou hesitated for awhile.
"I'd be happy to help... With whatever you're in a crisis with" she answered still confused.
"it's more of a who..."
"what are you talking about, Zoe?"
"look, Im gonna be as honest as possible without being mean but.." she stopped talking for a second.
"just get to the point please."
"okay fine, you and Kieu my are idiots and I'm tired of you idiots not talking about your problems, like some silly idiots in love." Zoe got out in one (1) breath.
"I'm not an idiot" Fatou said. "And you were there, Kieu my clearly said I should stay away." Just saying her name hurt at this point.
"oh, Fatou.. She is hurting and in her mind it's easier to push you away than to actually talk to you again. She's scared of getting hurt more."
The silence was awkward but she didn't know what to say. So what does this mean? She thought.
"it means that right now she's a wreck and she asked me to come over but I'm done waiting for you two to figure it out because it is infuriating at this point." Zoe answered almost out of breath. Shit I said that out loud.
"I don't get it what do you want me to do? And why do you sound so exhausted?" She asked still not understanding anything that the blond was trying to say.
"because I'm coming over to your place to pick you up so that I can drag your ass to Kieu my's"
"what?! No Zoe I really don't think that's a good idea okay, last time I tried to talk to her I-" Fatou got cut off.
"Fatou listen to me. Kieu my vu is a mess and she's trying really hard to play it cool but she can't right now. She's been stalking you on insta for days, it's embarrassing. I know you guys had a huge fight at the party but that was stupid and I'm deciding to ignore it. You two need to talk and make up. She didn't cheat on you and you know it. She was hurt and so were you. The point is you're both in love with each other and everybody knows it except the two of you!" Zoe yelled out loud enough for Fatou to pull away from the phone. Her words were sinking in. Zoe was Kieu my's best friend, she had no reason to lie.
"okay." Fatou answered.
"I'm gonna go see her and tell her everything"
"great, you do that. I'll be there in five. Byee!" Zoe hung up. Fatou was breathless, her mind was in shambles at the thought that she could fix this. Zoe said Kieu my was in love with her... Wow. She knew she was in love with Kieu my but the idea that her feelings were reciprocated made her heart skip a beat.
She walked back to her room and opened the door, ready to tell her friends she was going to go get her girl but the moment she opened it the three girls stumbled back from it. Like they were listening in at the conversation, which they were. Fatou looked at her friends and locked eyes with Ava.
"we might have been listening a little bit." She heard Mailin say. The question was hanging in the air, Fatou was just waiting for the answer.
"go get her, chibi" Her best friend said, smiling fondly at her.
"really?" Fatou smiled brightly.
"YESSS!" The cashqueens said excitedly.
And so they waited for Zoe. She got to Fatou's pretty fast and they shared their goodbyes with the cashqueens. They got in Zoe's car and drove for about 10 minutes. The drive was pretty silent, only filled with small talk. Zoe was a really good friend, Fatou had noticed over time, How the girl had become more mature.
She was stressed to say the least. Rehearsing what she was going to say in her head over and over again. What if Kieu my pushed her away again? But the thoughts were pushed back. She was going to say everything she had to say and nothing was going to stop her even if she has to get her heart broken again.
The car stopped and Zoe cleared her throat. Fatou looked at the building and swallowed the lump in her throat. It seemed so much taller than last time.
"ready?" The blonde broke the silence.
"as i'll ever be" she answered.
They took the elevator. Zoe walked with her to the door and hugged her goodbye once they reached it. She said something along the lines of 'goodluck' but right now Fatou could only focus on the pounding of her heart.
She rang the doorbell and waited. She looked at the door intensely as if it would open faster. There were some noises coming from inside and then the door opened and there she was..
"Zoe thank god you're here, I can't..." Kieu my looked up from the ground and stopped dead in her tracks. She had been crying, Fatou could tell from her red eyes. Her hair was down and she was wearing confortable baggy clothes.
"Hi.." Fatou said smiling lightly, Looking at her and rocking on her heels.
"Fatou...hey" Kieu my's voice was small. She looked small and Fatou could see her eyes shining slightly. This was the real Kieu my, vulnerable and fragile Kieu my. But as soon as she appeared she was gone and her walls were back up. "What do you want?" Kieu my asked, her voice cracking a little a little bit.
"your soul~" Fatou answered, laughing quietly. Kieu my didn't look amused though. "To talk" she said more seriously.
"I- I thought I told you to stay away.. where's Zoe?" The ice queen's walls were cracking and her eyes looked everywhere but at Fatou.
"she drove me here" Fatou was still looking at Kieu my intensely hoping that she would catch her eyes.
"what do you want to talk about?"
"Us..." Fatou said and Kieu my opened her mouth as if to say something but Fatou continued. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for running away from my problems. I'm sorry for not talking to you but I want to, I really want to. I'm sorry for making you feel like you're just a distraction and like I don't care because I do care. So much.. about you, I mean. And I'm sorry for doubting you and I understand if I lost your trust but I'm ready to try everyday from now on to win it back. But most importantly I'm sorry for what I said. Because Kieu my, YOU are my world. And I miss you. And I get it if you don't want to be with me anymore but I just wanted you to know that I haven't given up on us and I won't, because I-" her heart skipped a few beats. Fatou took a deep breath in.
"I love you, Kieu my." She breathed out.
She was crying now and so was Kieu my. A few beats passed and Fatou was about to continue her heartfelt speech but Kieu my stopped her. She had been looking at Fatou like she had just been starstruck but now she was getting closer.
She placed a hand on Fatou's cheek and kissed her. Fatou let out a breath she knew she had been holding since the elevator door had opened. They both relax into the brief kiss andwhen they pull away they rest their forehead together. When Fatou opens her eyes, Kieu my is already looking at her. She wipes her tears aways with her thumb.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." Fatou said after a moment of silence.
"stop apologizing, please" Kieu my laughed lightly. They were both smiling now. "You love me?" Kieu my asked, looking insecurely at Fatou.
"I love you and I'm never gonna stop saying it"
They giggled, feeling lost in the moment. Kieu my kissed her again, this time more firmly. They finally walked in the apartment still attached by their lips. The kiss quickly turned into more and Kieu my pushed Fatou against the door to close it behind them. Kieu my's hands were around the smaller girl's neck while hers were on Kieu my's waist.
After several minutes of just kissing to make up for their days apart they finally pulled away to catch their breath.
Kieu my looked at Fatou lovingly. "I'm sorry too... I shouldn't have ran away. And I'm sorry for being so cold to you."
"okay, can we both stop apologizing now." The small girl laughed. "And Kieu my?"
Fatou took a step back and took the tall girl's hands. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked with her puppy eyes on full display.
"of course Fatou" they laughed and kieu my reached for Fatou and hugged her.
They hugged for a while. Living in the moment. Together
Sunday, 19:37
Somehow they ended up in Kieu my's bed, cuddling. Kieu my was laying on Fatou's chest and played with her girlfriend's fingers. Fatou was telling her about how Ava and her had made up and how she found out she had dyscalculia.
"...And now I have to go ask if I can change from physics to biology."
"that could work. And then you'd just have to work for math and you'll be good to have your abi with us. That's great." Kieu my said, excited.
"yeah, the girls thought that too."
The silence was peaceful. Fatou looked down and smiled at her girlfriend. Kieu my was looking at her like she was looking at her whole entire world.
"what are you thinking about?" Fatou asked wiggling her eyebrows.
"I love you too, Fatou jallow."
Fatou flipped her girlfriend on her back and kissed her then and there.
"i love you" she kissed her again. "I love you" she kissed her nose and her forehead and her cheeks and anywhere on her face she could, and between every kiss she told her she loved her.
"stop!" Kieu my giggled when Fatou tickled her sides still kissind her face. She slowed down and looked at Kieu my lovingly. "What?"
"happy Valentine's day"
"happy Valentine's day indeed" Kieu my shot up to kiss her again.
The kisses were slow and Fatou made her way down to Kieu my's neck. She sucked on her neck like she had done the first time they had spent time together in her bed, leaving a small red mark there, as if to say: you're mine and I'm yours.
The moment was short lived when Kieu my's phone rang multiple time in a row. They both looked at it and then at each other. Fatou's eyes were pleading to let it go but Kieu my rolled her eyes and smiled, reaching for her phone. She laughed and put her hand on her eyes.
"what's up? Who is it?" Fatou asked still on top of her girlfriend.
"It's Zoe" She answered turning her phone towards Fatou. It was a row of texts with a lot of emojis. It read:
"So are you guys back together yet?"
"I was waiting in my car but I left after 30 min"
"You guys are my favorite couple💗💗"
"I hope you're not mad tho😘"
"I did my duty as your bff"
"love u Q!!💛💜💛💜"
"don't do anything I wouldn't do🤭😉"
"happy Valentine's day babe😗✌️"
Fatou laughed at the blonde's childish texts.
"what did she tell you exactly?" Kieu my asked still hiding her face with her arm.
"nothing really.." fatou answered "Is it true that you were stalking me though?" She smiled when the tall girl hid under the covers.
"oh my god, this is so embarrassing! It's just because I missed you, okay?"
"you're so cute when you're flustered"
Fatou grabbed the covers and pulled them down untill she could see Kieu my's face.
"I missed you too" Fatou admitted
"Is it true you had a crush on me?"
"is it true YOU had a crush on me?" Fatou shot back, pulling the covers down and tickling Kieu my's sides.
And just like that they spent the rest of the evening together. Cuddling, kissing but most importantly, actually talking.
That's how you do it. I meant to post it yesterday but then Nhungi (Kieu my's actress) went live on Tiktok and then I fell asleep and today my mom decided to have some quality family time and forced me to go on a three (3) hour walk. But here it is anyway. Hope you enjoy. sorry if there are any mistakes. constructive criticism is always appreciated
(I actually don't know if Zoe has a car but in my head she does and sorry if I forgot other things)
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Levi notices she looks lighter and happier and is glad shes getting used to the commander post but also notices shes getting distant and blames it on commander duties. He thinks do i miss her? Nah maybe its just habit. Buuut theeen. He then finds out about it one day during an after training drinking session with 104th at the same bar and his breath hitches in his throat. Hange all pretty in a dress very drunk laughing at something this guy said and the world stops around him. He doesnt understand what it makes him feel. He feels like shit. Terrible. He hates it. He wants to smack the guy's face but doenst understand why. 104th notices his sudden unease and follows the direction he's staring and see hange with a guy. Sasha and Armin sigh dreamily happy that hange found someone she likes and that 'this is the happiest ive ever seen her" Levi dies at that. What does that mean? He wasnt enough? What does this guy give her that he doesnt? Wait. Why does it matter why am I even comparing. She cares about me too. But not like that. He thinks. It gets confusing and he leaves in a rush leaving everyone else stunned. Except connie who laughs at how hange made him jealous. The rest is just levi childishly following hange around mocking her happiness and the guy, finding out WHY she likes him. But gets nothing the guys actually nice and cares about hange. He hates himself and accepts her happiness but falls for her even harder since now he knows what shes like when shes in love and he wants it to be him. He accepts that hes fallen for her with the help of a very drunk man next to him at the same bar to whom he spills his secret to. The story continues and pls can someone write this already before i kill myself daydreaming about it
hi anon! sorry it took me a while but I finally got around to writing this. thank you for suggesting the prompt! i hope you enjoy. you can read it below OR check it out here on Ao3.
Title: Get Your Shit Together, Levi!
note: this is gifted to @tundrainafrica. i hope this satisfies your angst cravings. i hope you enjoy as well <3
Levi and some members from the 104 went out to a bar one night. It was a warm, summer evening and the sun had just begun to set. They all had a long day training out in the field, and Connie somehow convinced Levi to go out with them. Perhaps it was because Connie batted his puppy-dog eyes at Levi in such a way where if Levi didn’t, he thought Connie would break down and cry. Besides, Levi had asked Hange and she declined stating she had other plans. The bar was hustling and bustling that evening. They sat in a booth: Levi, Sasha, Connie, and Armin. They all ordered food, Sasha ordering herself more food than she looks like she can eat. The kids talked amongst themselves. After all, who was going to talk to Levi? He was their superior, almost like their parent who disappeared for years before showing up unexpectedly, expecting the kids to take him back. Armin made some small talk with Levi, but no one knew much about Levi. They knew two things for sure: he loved to clean and he loved tea. He usually hated alcohol, but somehow managed to down an entire beer glass before receiving the food. He was exhausted from the day, as was everyone else.
Suddenly, a loud laugh caught his attention. It wasn’t just any laugh, but a familiar one. A laugh that sent shivers down his spine and his heart to throb hard in his chest. It was Hange Zoe’s laugh. Had he known she were going, he would’ve invited her to avoid the awkward socialization with his subordinates. He looked to where the sound was coming from and was shocked. Other plans, huh? She was sitting next to a dark skinned man with a buzzcut and a beer glass in one hand. He was laughing too. She was laughing at something he said. The sight of her took his breath away. She never wore a dress like that before, but tonight she wore an emerald green dress that went a bit past her knees, exposing her muscular calves. The neckline of the dress cut low, exposing her collarbones. Her hair was in a ponytail but was neater than usual. Was she on a date? The realization caused Levi to feel as if his heart was being squeezed by a fist that was wringing out all the blood from it. Squeezing it so tight Levi thought he was going to die for a brief moment. He rubbed his eyes and looked again to make sure he could believe what he saw. He could. There she was: Hange in her beautiful emerald dress, talking and laughing with the dark-skinned man. They were sitting across from one another at a table-for-two. Their faces were close to one another as they spoke and laughed, drinking glasses and glasses of wine. Why do I feel this way? He asked himself. But he knew why. This feeling was familiar. It happened a few times before, specifically with Hange. It happened when she gave Moblit all her attention, gushing over how competent he was as her assistant, and now. Seeing her face to face on a date with this man who was much more attractive than himself: honey brown eyes; aquiline nose; plump lips; big, strong hands; a deep voice; and most importantly, he was much taller than Levi. He saw her date place a hand on hers, making Levi’s rage fester even stronger. I’m gonna slap that man, he thought. Why was he touching her? And why does she not mind it?
Levi had been staring for a long time, longer than he thought, before Connie nudged him from across the table. He was clearly drunk.
“Leeeeeeeeeevi,” he slurred with a cheshire cat-like grin. “Gawking, are we?” Levi rolled his eyes, taking his beer glass from him.
“You’ve gotta stop drinking,” he ordered, finishing whatever was left of Connie’s beer.
“Are you looking at Hange?” Armin asked, turning his head left to look at Levi. Armin could tell right away that was what Levi was doing. He shook his head no.
“She looks soooooo happy!” Sasha chimed in, dreamily gazing at the couple. Levi felt his face contort into a wretched grimace.
“She does. I haven’t seen her look so happy in a while,” Armin added. He quickly regretted it though when Levi threw him a harsh glare. Armin looked through his glare after a moment. Levi had a look in his eyes that Armin never saw before: hurt. Levi was hurt. His eyebrows were knit together, expressing a look that one may give when they’re about to cry.
I am not enough for her.
Armin felt his heart strings tugged, hesitantly placing a comforting hand on Levi’s bicep. He knew how much he loved her, despite his harsh tone. Hange was the only one who truly understood Levi and his words. Armin was able to observe Levi with Hange one night.
It was a cool March evening and Hange was working hard that day. She had been cooped up in her office sorting through and reading stacks and stacks of papers. She never came out for a meal that entire day. He saw Levi knock on her door with a plate of food in one hand and a blanket folded over his arm. She didn’t respond, so Levi allowed himself in. The door was shut behind him, but Armin could hear him softly talking to her before leaving the office. She must’ve fallen asleep so Levi draped the blanket over her shoulders. He must’ve left the food on her desk. That was the moment Armin realized Levi loved Hange. He didn’t just love her. He adored her. Ever since that moment, Armin was able to decipher Levi’s words from his true feelings.
“Oooooooooooooh, is someone jealous?” Connie teased. Sasha slapped his arm. Levi felt like if he stayed any longer, he’d explode and say something he’d regret.
“Shut the fuck up,” Levi sneered, standing up to leave. He felt as if he should torture himself more and watch the happy couple, but he didn’t have the willpower to do so. He drank a bit too much than he would’ve liked, and the heat inside the bar was getting to a boiling point, and he felt sick to his stomach. He didn’t need to hear it from the 104 that he lost his chance with Hange. They called out for him, but he didn’t hear. The air outside was much cooler compared to the sweltering temperature of hundreds of bodies tightly packed in the small bar. He found a trash can nearby, barely making it before vomiting. The stomach acid and alcohol came spewing out of him. He smelt it in his nose each time he breathed. He spit into the trash can when he was done, starting to slowly walk back to the cabins.
A few days later, Levi goes back to that bar alone after another hard day training. He felt like the sun was draining him of his energy each time he dared to stay outside. He sat on a bar stool and ordered a beer. There was a man next to him of whom he didn’t recognize. He was a stocky older man who had short black hair and brown eyes. The man looked drunk, the type of drunk where you can remember half the shit that was going on. The man saw Levi’s face and did not recognize him which gave Levi an impulsive idea.
“Are you from out of town?” Levi asked the man. He gave Levi a small smile.
Say no more, Levi thought. Suddenly, a few drinks in, he opened up the key on his heart and started spilling his emotions to this guy. A few tears came through. Levi was buzzed at this point, his words too jittery and his hands too shaky. The man to whom he spoke listened intently. Somehow, this man he met at the bar had this pleasant aura that Levi felt he could tell him anything.
“Sir,” The man said. “Why don’t you just talk to her? Talk to her like you’re talking to me. That is the only way you’ll find out her true intentions with her date.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“But it is. You know how much more peace there’d be in the world if people just talked things out?”
The man’s unrealistic statement somehow gave Levi some confidence. That confidence, however, quickly went out the window when he caught a glance of a messy brown mop of hair. It was Hange with that dark-skinned man again. She wore a black dress this time with a high collar, her arms exposed. God, she looked beautiful. Levi wished she could dress up for him like that. In that moment, hearing her beautiful laugh and seeing her beautiful smile, Levi realized he was in love with her.
“Ah… is that her?” The man asked, looking over his shoulder inconspicuously (unlike Levi who starred with no shame).
“Find time to talk to her,” The man said. “You got this, man.” Before Levi went to say something to the man again, he was gone. He tried to watch her as she talked with the man. She was radiant. She had a look on her face that he couldn’t quite place. Was it… No. It couldn’t be. Her eyes were glowing, she was shining. Was she falling for this man?
He felt like he was gonna be sick again. He abruptly got up from his seat and headed to the bathroom. He pushed the stall door open, vomiting once again. His throat was still sore from the last time, so this time the acid ripped at his throat even more. Hot tears started to stream down his face. He wanted her so bad. He wanted to be the one to make her laugh and smile. He wanted to be the one she fell in love with, not him. His heart ached so bad it was attempting to jump out from his throat. What hurt the most is that the guy she was with was nice. Too fucking nice. He laughed at her jokes, didn’t complain when she rambled, made subtle touches that weren’t inappropriate, and he was tall. He placed a hand to his heart as if it’d help put it back together. He took a deep, quivering inhale before standing up, flushing the toilet, and going to the faucet. He splashed his face with some cold water. How can I expect her to like me if I can’t confess? He looked at himself in the mirror.
You look like shit, he told himself. He murmured a few words aloud: “I’m in love with you. I am in love with you. Hange, I love you. I love you, Hange. Please be with me.” He took in a deep breath, stronger than the last, before exiting. He bumped into a person when he left the stall but paid no mind to it. When he was about to leave, he noticed the man she was with was gone. Maybe he was the one he bumped into?
“Oi, Hange,” he said, walking to her table. She smiled softly when she saw him.
“Levi, what’re you doing here? I thought you hated liquor.”
“I can’t spend time at a bar?” he replied, leaning a hand on the table. Hange rolled her eyes playfully.
“You can do whatever you please,” She said, beginning to stand up.. “Now if you’ll-”
“Four-eyes,” he interrupted her. “You look…” She stared at him intently, waiting for his response. “Good.”
Her eyes lost their light. Did he upset her? Then Levi realized she wasn’t staring at him anymore, she was looking past his shoulder. At that moment, the dark-skinned man approached Hange from behind Levi. So I did bump into him earlier.
“Are you ready?” He asked her. His voice was deep and seductive. Levi wondered if they fucked yet.
“Just a moment,” Hange replied. “Thank you, Levi. Was that all you had to say?” He felt like an idiot. An absolute idiot.
“N...Yes,” he said, losing all the confidence he had built up. How could he compete with this man? Levi just wretched in the bathroom and looked as pale as a ghost. Hange placed her hand on his shoulder gently, which made Levi’s heart skip a beat.
“Have a good night, Levi. Get your rest.” She started walking past him with her date towards the exit.
“No…” he murmured, inaudible to Hange. Or so he thought. She froze in her spot as she heard him change his answer.
“Onyankapon, could you wait outside for me? Give us a moment,” She whispered to her date. He nodded, exiting the bar. Hange turned around to face Levi. They were standing within a comfortable distance from each other.
“Levi, what else did you have to say? It’s getting late, you know.”
“I miss you,” he admitted. Hange’s eyes widened at his direct statement, knowing he usually states the opposite. “I miss hanging out with you and being with you all the time. You’re with him now and that’s okay but I just wanted to tell you that I can be better for you. I can take you on dates that are more exciting than a bar. You said you always wanted to swim, we can do that… We can do whatever you want us to do. All I care about is being with you.”
Hange’s face flushed red. He never talked like this with her before. She could tell he was a bit desperate but that didn’t make him any less genuine. Her heart ached. She was not sure how to feel. She did love him, but that was a while ago. A little part of her would always love Levi, but she was falling for Onyankapon now.
“I’m so sorry, Levi,” she said, barely audible. “I’m sorry. I did feel that way for you a long time ago, but I don’t anymore. I wish you had told me sooner.”
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michellejackson · 4 years
woops my hand slipped
Fandom: Druck
Pairing: Fatou Jallow/Kieu My Vu
Wordcount: 1067
Zoe calls Kieu My out after she dismisses Fatou's apology
“Fatou, stay away from me”
The words were out before she could rethink them. She wanted out of this conversation before she could take any of it back, so she turned her back on Fatou and simply walked away. Probably for the last time. She didn’t bother to look if either Zoe or Fatou were following her. She knew Fatou wouldn’t follow her, not this time, which is exactly what she wanted. She had to remind herself of that though.
This is what she wanted. There’s no place for regret.
Zoe quickly caught up with her, and stopped to talk to Ava who appeared, but Kieu My wasn’t in the mood to participate in the conversation so she didn’t and before she knew it, Ava walked away too. She was about to walk on, pretending nothing had happened, hoping Zoe wouldn’t comment on it. She was in no such luck.
“Q, what the fuck was that?”
She continued walking, planning on ignoring her friend, but she didn’t come far before her hand was caught which forced her to stop. She turned to Zoe then, but wouldn’t look at her. She was scared to.
“Kieu My, stop! What the hell? That was horrible! Since when do you act like that? Just the other day you texted me talking about how you couldn’t stop thinking about her, and when she finally reached out and apologized you treat her like that? You mock her like that? After she opened up to you? Which by the way, was the ONE thing you continuously complained about? What’s going on with you?”
Zoe was close to shouting, and also practically hissing at her. She cringed, but couldn’t say that she blamed her, but she was in no mood for this today. She just wanted to be left alone. She looked around to see if Zoe had caught anyone’s attention, but the yard was emptying.
“Well, I’m over it now, okay? What’s it to you anyways? I’M your friend, you’re supposed to be on MY side!”
She kept a much more civil tone than Zoe, but still Kieu My struggled to get the words out perfectly. She was trembling and doing a poor job of hiding it. Her eyes were wet, but tears wouldn’t fall, she wouldn’t let them. She needed to be alone, now. She tried to talk away, but Zoe just kept on talking.
“Yes! I AM your friend, and that is exactly why I’m not gonna let you get away with this! I don’t like this version you pretend to be whenever you’re hurt, you need to stop closing off, Kieu My!”
It went silent then. She could see Zoe was waiting for her to talk, but she had nothing to say, so Zoe went on,
“do you know what I think? I think that you’re scared of getting hurt again, because after the party you were a wreck. You were happy with Fatou, you always talked about her, remember? But now you’re cold to her and pretending that nothing ever happened. Why? You won’t even talk about it! To anyone! I’m your best friend, Kieu My, and I just want what’s best for you! I’m not telling you to lay your heart bare and reveal all your secrets, but just talk to me! I want to help! Please, don’t act like this, do not end up like Constantine.”
Kieu My looked at Zoe now, her eyes were glazed, and it looked like she was holding back tears. Kieu My stood up straighter. She didn’t want to see Zoe like this, she looked hurt because of her and she couldn’t stand it. She didn’t want to end up hurting two people she cares about today.
“I’m nothing like Constantin.”
That was all she got out. Everything Zoe ha said was true, she didn’t even bother to deny it. Since the incident at the party, Kieu My had spent hours just looking through her camera roll, at photos and videos she’d taken with and of Fatou. She’d spent hours stalking her Instagram just to see a glimpse of what she was doing, how she was doing. She’d waited for Fatou to reach out, hoping. She’d spent hours crying. She didn’t want to feel like that again. She had then proceeded to delete all evidence of Fatou, only keeping one picture, a picture they took together on the roof the day Kieu My had told her she wanted to be with her. She had been so happily in love that day. She couldn’t bring herself to delete it.
Zoe imitated the way Kieu My had dismissed Fatou, and she cringed, knowing she had base to go on for her allegation. Zoe was right, and she knew it. In that moment she had acted like Constantin, and the thought of it made her want to hurl. The thing is, she didn’t want Fatou back.
Or she did, but she didn’t.
It was doomed from the start. It would never work out, and she would just end up crying her heart out all over again. She didn’t want that. Trying to calm herself, Kieu My took a huge breath.
“I just... I don’t want to be hurt again, Zoe. I don’t want to give her that chance. I don’t want to give myself the chance to fuck it up.”
She was shaking now, the thought of hurting Fatou was getting too much to bear. In the moment she knew what she was saying and how she was saying it, she’d tried to make it hurt. She’d purposefully hurt Fatou in order to avoid being hurt herself, but in the process, she’d forgotten how much it hurt to see Fatou hurt. Thinking of her hurting was killing her, knowing it was because of her made it even worse.
“You can’t truly be happy without some pain.”
Kieu My laughed then, and Zoe reached up to cup her face, wiping away tears that dared to fall despite her willing not to.
“Who are you?” she sniffled, and Zoe smiled up at her.
“Do you want to be with her, Kieu My?”
Of course she wanted to be with her, these days it felt like it was all she wanted. She looked around the empty yard, avoiding the question, but Zoe turned her face back to hers.
“Do you?”
She sighed.
And then she nodded.
“Then fucking apologize”
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
They’re So Pretty, It Hurts | Zoe
Plot:  Several minutes of the reader being a disaster
Word Count: 1,870
Warnings:  Pining.  So much pining.
A/N:  it’s woman loving hours, lads.  
Tags: @yagirlcheesely @moppetwithamanbun @tales-of-hisirdoux @blixeon
Sometimes, you go to a bookstore, and you see a pretty girl.  You make eye contact, and it’s only for a second, but it still takes your breath away.  Her eyes are just so blue, the colour of the sky when the sun is finished rising.  You could get lost in them, you wanted to get lost in them, but instead, you look away almost instantly because being perceived is Not Fun.  Still, your cheeks are warm, and you’re desperate to steal another glance at her.
This is one of those times.  Except you worked at the bookstore, but that didn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.  Bottom line, you’d made eye contact with a cute girl and instantly fallen in love with her.  It be like that sometimes, but we manage and move forward.  You managed and moved forward by hiding behind one of the shelves.  You were not the best at managing and moving forward.  You may have actually gone backwards, I’m not sure.  Either way, your heart was racing, practically beating out of your chest.  It felt you couldn't breathe, like oxygen was made of cute girls, which sounds nice but is, in practice, really impractical and very suffocating.
“Uh, (Y/N)?  You good, mate?”
“Oh, fuzzbuckets.”
Your lovely, lovely coworker, Hisirdoux Casperan, had noticed you hiding behind the shelf, which wasn’t difficult at all, really.  You didn’t care though, you were mostly hiding from the cute girl.  Literally, anyone and everyone else who entered the bookstore could see you, but that didn’t matter.  As long as she didn’t see, everything would be fine.  Douxie, however, thought you may have had a stroke.
“(Y/N)?” he gave your arm a little poke, “(Y/N)?  (Y/N) darling, are you-”
“Alkjdhfalksdhfajlksdfhakjf, yeah, sorry, I just-” you didn’t finish your sentence.  You just kind of floated away into the void, attention stolen again by the cute girl.  Her hair was pink, her clothes very punk-rock.  Yeah, yeah, you were a goner.  God, she was pretty.  Oh.  Oh, fuck, she was coming this way.  
You jerked your head to face the books you were hiding behind (something about true crime?  It looked cool, but now was not the time,) while Douxie faced the cute girl head-on.  You would never know where he found the confidence, but you respected it.
“Zoe!  This is (Y/N), she’s the new one I was telling you about.”
Zoe.  Zoe.  You liked it.  It was pretty, like her.  Oh, god, she was talking to you.
“(Y/N), huh?  Cute name, it suits you.”
If you could think coherently, you would have been wondering if that meant she found you cute, but you couldn’t think coherently.  At the moment, your thoughts were mostly “AKJKDSFHKJHG,” and “KSHFJAHFKJHAKDFHKALDFHLAJSDFHKLJADSHFKLHASKDJFHKALS,” and you still couldn’t breathe!  It was very valid of you, to be honest.
“Uhh, thanks.  You too.”
Good, good, that was what a normal person would say.  This was a normal, average conversation.  You definitely didn’t have a huge crush on her or anything, nooooo-
“So, uh… true crime?”
You blinked a few times in confusion before realizing that she was referring to the shelf you were leaning on.  Oh, yeah, true crime.  Oh, god, she was looking at you, they were both looking at you, QUICK THINK OF SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT TRUE CRIME.
“Uh, yeah, I like… crime.”
Oh, wow that was dumb.  I mean, it wasn’t the worst thing you could have said, but you would always remember that one of the first things you said to Zoe was “I like crime.”
She raised an eyebrow, “You… like crime?”
Too late to back out now, “...Yes.  I’m…  I’m good at crime.  I enjoy arson.”
It was stupid.  Really stupid, like, you didn’t even know where that came from.  But it made her laugh.  And you knew at that moment that you would do anything to make her laugh again.  Her smile was a blessing that brought light into your world, and you wanted to see it every day if she was okay with that.
“Ah, I like you, you’re cute.  Anyway, I have to get back to work, but I’ll see you later.  And you!”
You were trying to recover from the first six words of that sentence, but now she was pointing at you!  And looking!  Eye contact!  Ah!
“Stick around Arcadia, ok?  I wanna see you again.”
“I-I um-” you were straight-up dying now, ok, “Well, you know where to find me!”
Her smile was the most important thing in the world and you would die to protect it.
“Aight, I’m out!  Bye guys!”
“See you, Zo.”
As soon as she was gone, you collapsed against the bookshelf and buried your face in your hands.  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, WELL, that could have gone better, but it didn’t go worse, and for that you were thankful.
Douxie stared at you for a second.  He’d seen friends in this state before, as often as the night prior, actually.  Zoe had had the same reaction when she first saw you that you had to seeing her now, and he’d promised to introduce you.  She’d been so calm earlier because she’d been practicing what to say in the mirror for, like, a day.  You, on the other hand, had not prepared for this.  It was finals week and you had not studied.  Shit, you hadn’t even known about finals week.  Your friend had just devised this gay little plot and it left you a flustered mess with no study materials.  There were no cue cards in this world, only pretty-girl-panic and fits of uncontrollable blushing.
He knelt down to get on your level, “You okay?”
“Understandable.  You wanna chill in the back for a minute?”
It wasn’t a verbal confirmation, but you nodded, and he took that as a yes.  He helped you to your feet and led you to the back, which was technically his house, but whatever, semantics. 
“Here, I’ll just let you chill for a bit.  I’ll be back soon, please don’t die.”
“I won’t!”
He smiled at that and walked back into the shop to continue dealing with the public.  F in the chat for Douxie.  In the meantime, you just curled yourself into a ball on his couch and made a low humming noise.  Man, were you bad at… everything or what?
“Mrowr?”  You looked up to see a familiar mass of black fur, his head tilted in curiosity.  
“Ah, hey Arch.”
“You know you don’t have to do the whole cat thing with me?  I know you can talk.”
“Well, it’s nice to pretend sometimes.  Besides, we don’t know when that door’ll open again or for who.  It’s best to stay inconspicuous.”
You let a small laugh escape you as you started to calm down, your lungs finally getting the oxygen they’d so desperately missed, “I mean, that’s fair.”
“Mrpt?”  which, in cat, meant, “So, what’s up?”
“Well, it’s this girl.  Zoe.  Pink hair, blue eyes, the most gorgeous human being I’ve ever seen.  I just… she’s really cute and I made an absolute fool out of myself in front of her.”
“Mrooooooooooooooooooooow,” meaning, “(Y/N), dear, I know this Zoe.  She’s friends with Douxie.  The bar for general foolery is pretty high.”
“You really think so?”
“Mrow!”  “(Y/N), I know so.  If you like her so much, you should talk to her more!  You’re a nice person, I’m sure she’d like you!”
“Thanks, Arch.”
“Prrbt,” “You’re welcome.”
“Well, I should probably get out there.  Go be a functioning member of society.  Thanks again, bud,”  you gave the cat-dragon a little scratch behind the ears, smiling again at how he stretched up to meet your hand, “See ya around, cat man.”
“See you, (Y/N).”
You gave the familiar one last grin before you slipped out the door, glad that you could breathe, finally.  And then that was ripped away from you by a cute pink-haired lady in the middle of the bookstore.
“Oh!  Zoe!  Hi!”
“Hey, (Y/N)!  I just realized I uh, sort of forgot what I came here for.” 
“That’s understandable!  It happens to me all the time!”
“Heh, yeah,”  she stopped talking and just stared at you for a second.  You did the same before remembering that she said words, and that meant something.
“O-oh, yeah.  What is it that you were looking for?”
“Oh, just,” she pulled a post-it note out of her pocket and handed it to you.  Her finger brushed over yours and you could almost feel a spark there, “Just this.”
“C-cool!  Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, I’ll be right back!”  you gave her a quick nod before running upstairs to grab the book.  While you were distracted, Zoe had her own little meltdown, but she composed herself as soon as she noticed you coming down the stairs.
“Aight, so here you go,” you handed her the book, fingers brushing hers, electricity running through them.  Literally, there was electricity.  You waved it off though.  It was a magical world, and this wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen today (nope, that little award went to “I enjoy arson.”)
“That’ll beeeee, nothing.  Take it.”
“Wait, that’s-that, why?
“I mean, it’s not something I’m allowed to do but, eh, you’re cute.  And I told you I enjoy crime, didn’t I?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it,” you said, immediately losing any cool persona you may have had.  Zoe didn’t mind.  She thought you were cute no matter what you did.  That in itself was made evident by the blush on her cheeks.
You smiled a little.  You did that, you were the cause of it.  You could only hope that she was also okay with this.
“Well,” you bit your lip.  The longer she stayed quiet the more you doubted your flirting skills, “I’ll be seeing you!”
Your head shot up, eyes immediately focused on her, ready to hear whatever she had to say.  Man, you were a simp.
“I uh… I was wondering if I could get your number?  With this?”
You were pretty sure you died for a second, but when you recovered, you stuttered out a, “Yeah,” and quickly wrote your name and number on the post-it note she’d handed you.
The smile she gave you when you passed her the note was quite possibly the best thing you’d ever seen in your life.
“Well, I’ll call you!  Or text you, or whatever…”
You couldn’t help but laugh at how nervous she was, because that was a solid mood, “I look forward to it!”
And with that, she was gone, but she couldn’t stop thinking about your laugh, and how she’d do anything to see your smile again.
Inside, you were thinking the same, or you were until Douxie re-appeared from wherever he'd been hiding.
You jumped an entire foot in the air, something you didn't really think was possible until right then, "Jesus Christ, Casperan!  Don't sneak up on me like that, God.  That's the seventh time today, we need to get you a cowbell or something, my Go-"
"So, did it go well?"
Your satisfaction painted itself on your face, "Yeah," you hummed, looking out the window, "It went well."
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ververa · 4 years
“Everyone Finds True Love Or At Least A Dancing Partner” part 1
A/N: This idea is based on the movie Dirty Dancing. In fact  it was supposed to be Dirty Dancing, but my unpredictable mind came up with something else. I would never figure it all out on my own - this is all thanks to @misssmephisto​ and @emilyprentissisababe​ who bear with me all the time. Thank you so much for your help and motivating me to keep going!!! <3
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also wish me luck with writing further parts.
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 Cordelia Goode x fem!reader
Word count: ~5,000
Heartache. Nothing, but a heartache. That’s what accompanied Cordelia her whole life. Ever since she could have remembered people were breaking her heart. And it was going on like that in a loop. First it was her mother, then Hank and if that wasn’t enough to break her, burning Myrtle at the stake undoubtedly was the last straw.
She knew that the only way out was through, but it was hard. Cordelia felt broken. At times she was barely holding on. She craved love, affection and acceptance, but all she got was betrayal, lies and unredeemed promises. Whatever she did, it never was enough. Apparently her heart wasn’t the right advisor. So she didn’t want to follow it ever again. She stopped trusting it, which seemed to be the safest, the best thing to do to protect what was left of her heart. She had been through so much and was forced to face it all on her own. All that made her built up walls. The walls that became her new home. She didn’t want to fall again, knowing that she was always the one to end up being broken and hurt. Cordelia began considering love as a weakness and she didn’t want to be vulnerable ever again. Though, there was something so strong inside her, that made her believe she would get up no matter how many times she would be brought up to her knees. She had been pushed way past the point of breaking, but there she was - still standing. Times were hard, with no doubt, but she was built tough and she was capable to pull through. She thought she was ready for everything, yet as it turned out, she wasn’t quite ready for you. 
Just when she moved on, convinced herself that she preferred to be on her own and decided she didn’t need anyone, you waltzed into her life. You came in all your glamour and beauty, doing nothing, but your thing. And that was enough. Nothing could rescue her. No matter how hard she tried to stop those thoughts, there was that something. Something inside her saying that the two of you could belong together.  
You took what was left of her heart hostage. She was trapped in your love, yet she hadn’t felt freer ever before and she didn’t want out. You freed her from the dust she was buried in. You fixed her heart piece by piece and she was bound to you. Your love felt different. It wasn’t like anything she had ever experienced. Your love was sweet and pure and unconditional. You made her embrace her fears and all the things she was carrying inside for years. You made her stronger. You took her for what she was - and that was the only thing she had ever desired. Yet still, she knew that all the good things, sooner or later, had to come to an end.
Even though the two of you had to part you didn’t let her fall. Not completely at least. You didn’t break her heart. What you did was what had to be done and she knew it. She accepted it and agreed on it, because no matter how badly you wanted to be together there was no way to do it. No plan that could work. All you could do was to let each other down gently.
At first Cordelia was sure she was fine. She came back to her routine, or rather she thought she did. Though in reality it wasn’t possible. Not since the summer. Since that damned vacation she spent with you. She couldn’t live like before. She couldn’t move on, because there was no way to run away from her mind and the memory of you. The worst thing about that was probably the fact she couldn’t grieve, because you hadn’t hurt her. There was no wound, yet it still caused her a lot of pain.
And there she was, in her office. Trying to work, but failing. Spending each minute of the day on recalling you. On recalling that pure feeling of bathing in your love. All that she wanted was to have you next to her - every day and night, just always by her side. Just like then, but the time you had together was over.
Convincing Cordelia to take some time off and go on proper vacation was challenging to say the least. In point of fact it seemed impossible, pointless. Handling the Academy and students entrusted to her care was Cordelia’s priority. It was always like that. Her work had always been very important to her, but after she rose as the new Supreme it practically became her whole life. To say that Cordelia turned into a workaholic wouldn’t be an exaggeration. But she wasn’t working just for the sake of work. It was her way of remaining sane, while having a hard time adjusting to the new role, dealing with her emotions and the loss of her dear aunt - Myrtle.
She barely left her office - unable to stay out of duty, worrying that if she takes some time off and allows herself to fully embrace the power she had, she may turn into her mother. The thought of it itself was causing her a lot of distress. And work seemed to be the only escape, the only way through it. The way to prove herself. 
There was always something that needed to be done, something more important than her private life, especially that the former Supreme - her larger than life mother, neglected many things. And Cordelia wanted to fix it. Fix everything and get back to the glory days of the Miss Robichaux's Academy. She didn’t even realize that she got so preoccupied by the great idea that she almost completely forgot that beside being the Supreme, she still was a human. She pretty much didn't have life out of the Coven. Of course, Cordelia didn’t consider it a problem, but at some point and in some way, it began bothering her girls. Especially Zoe, who, after Myrtle’s death, was probably the closest with the Supreme.
"You always take care of us. Let us take care of you for once" Zoe practically begged
"I'm good, but thank you"
"Come on, Cordelia! You never treat yourself” Madison interfered
“I understand that being the Supreme and the headmistress means that you have a lot of responsibilities, but once in a while you should be a bit selfish and take care of yourself" Zoe kept trying to convince her
"Zoe, I already told you, I'm not going anywhere"
The younger witch rolled her eyes at her stubborn friend.
"Don't make me do that"
"Do what?"
"If you don't take at least three weeks off, we'll riot"
"You will what?" Cordelia asked dumbfounded
"We'll stop working and the girls will stop attending classes and then whether you like it or not, you'll be forced to take a break yourself"
The Supreme sighed. She put down her pen, took off her glasses and looked at the girl for the first time since she had entered her office.
"You can't do that" she frowned
"We can and we will" Zoe stated crossing her arms across her chest
Cordelia thought for a moment. She remembered all the times when they had tried to convince her and considering that they kept on pestering her for over three weeks or so, she knew they could indeed riot. They had been basically begging her to take a break, but she kept thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong without her being there. 
"Stop overthinking" Zoe said "We'll be okay"
"Fine" Cordelia said rising her hands as an act of capitulation. A few days off didn't sound that bad after all.
"I'll take a few days off. I'll just stay in the greenhouse and take care of my plants. It's been a while since I-"
"No! You're not staying here. You're going on proper vacation" the younger witch cut her off
"No! We'll take care of everything, while you go to that nice holiday resort we found for you. I'll book you a room and organize everything. All you need to do is pack up"
"Or I'll stay right here"
"Cordelia" Zoe said sternly "No"
"What if I promise I'll stay away from my office?"
"If you stay here you'll not do that. And that's why you're going"
Cordelia sighed. "It's preordained already, isn't it?"
"Yes. Yes, it is. But it's only for your own good, Cordelia. We're worried about you. You keep working and barely rest. You almost never leave your office, so a trip can only do some good for you" Zoe assured
The Supreme wasn't thrilled, but she gave in knowing there was no use trying to stand up to her girls. 
It had been a long time since Cordelia went on holiday. And she couldn't even recall the last time she went anywhere on her own. There was always something more important to do - the Academy, her students, her ex husband - who wasn't a fan of traveling, then Fiona and all the troubles the Coven encountered before Cordelia became the Supreme. No wonder she felt a bit anxious about the whole vacation thing.
The moment her chauffeur opened the door and her eyes set on enormous complex of buildings, Cordelia was shocked, outraged in fact. That was not what she had seen in the pictures the girls had showed her. That was not what she had agreed on. She wanted peace and quiet not over one thousand people in one place. But it wasn't about the place. It was about the feeling it gave her. The feeling that reminded her why exactly she didn't like going on holidays. The massive buildings, the tide of people, the noise, the chaos - it was all overwhelming. So much that she was ready to hide back and head back to the Academy or anywhere. Just anywhere seemed to be better than that place. 
Cordelia looked to Zoe and Madison, who accompanied her. She wanted to ask if there was any other option, but before she could, an older man, all dressed up in an elegant suit, appeared. 
"Miss Goode! I'm Gerald Castle, the owner" his resonant voice greeted them "Welcome to the paradise" he chuckled proudly pointing to the building
Cordelia sighed and gave him a half smile. In this very case the luxury and splendor of the place were rather annoying.
"You're our special guest" the man added "let me show you around"
Cordelia looked between the man and her girls. Still considering the escape, though, yet again, the decision was made for her. She was practically forced into the "garden" as they called the place with only one kind of flowers, which state was so poor that looking at them itself caused Cordelia great pain. While she was considering all the ways in which she could possibly fix all the damage done to the plants, the man kept dragging-pushing her farther. The Supreme turned her head to look at Zoe, voicelessly screaming for help, hoping that maybe they'd change their mind and let her go back. But they were relentless.
It was such a ridiculous situation. She was the Supreme, which seemed to mean nothing at that point and regardless of all the power she possessed she was the one taking the orders.
Was it because she couldn't stand her ground or because deep inside she actually wanted to stay there. She couldn't tell which one was it and her thoughts were soon interrupted by Gerald
"We prepared for you one of our best suites"
Cordelia tried to smile. She really wanted to like all of it. Gerald seemed to be nice and put a lot of effort into making sure she liked everything. But despite all that she hated it. It was too much. Too many people. Too many too huge buildings. Too little plants. Too little green.
She tried to find some positives, but there were none. 
"And this is my grandson Adam. He'll accompany you throughout your stay. Whatever you need tell him and you'll get it" Gerald said finally freeing her from his embrace
 Cordelia nodded, offering a small smile to the younger man. Madison looked him up and down. He was nothing like Gerald and had no idea how to pair his clothes, so that he'd look presentable. He was wearing suit and a shirt with pineapple pattern.
“He looks ridiculous” Madison whispered to Zoe, earning herself a nudge in the arm 
"Hello. It's nice to meet you ladies" he tried to be charming, but failed "Let me tell you about our attractions here-"
"Take it easy, man” Madison cut him off, even she could notice the tiredness and impassivity hidden behind Cordelia's perfect smile “Our little old lady needs some time to relax after the trip. Do you have any idea how long it takes to get here from New Orleans? Besides nobody cares about what you say. Just let her be and if she wants your boring babble, she'll for sure let you know. So, just give her the key to her room and leave her alone"
Normally Cordelia would chide Madison for her behavior, but at that time she was actually relieved and grateful there was someone who was rude for her. 
"Of course" Adam nodded and without saying a word led them to Cordelia's suite
As soon as they entered Madison threw herself on the king sized bed.
“Madison, get up! We don’t have time. We need to go back” Zoe said
“Do I really have to stay here?” Cordelia asked looking out if the window
“No! Gosh, no. You’re staying here and you’re going to rest”
"Are you sure you don't want me to come back?" Cordelia looked at the younger witch pleadingly
"Yes" Madison said
The Supreme sighed
"But you know you can call me anytime and I'll come back?" 
"Cordelia Goode, stop worrying and start enjoying your free time"
“In fact, Cordy, you could use some company. If you know what I mean…”
“Just chill and have some fun” 
Enjoying free time and having fun... What did that even mean? What was she supposed to do? And how other people managed to survive with such amount of spare time? Cordelia had absolutely no idea what to do. She couldn’t find herself a place. She was having a really hard time and couldn’t even enjoy the simplest things such as reading. There was nothing she could occupy her mind with, so she decided to go on a walk and explore. She hadn’t planned on drinking, but since she came across the restaurant and a bar it actually seemed to be a good idea. Definitely better than wandering aimlessly at night.
The place she found herself in was really fancy. Too fancy in fact, but that stopped surprising her. Apparently everything there was overdone and bereft of tastefulness. The only good thing there was probably music. A middle-aged singer singing Crazy by Patsy Cline, accompanied by the band made the atmosphere more bearable.
 Cordelia sat at the bar - watching couples dancing to the slow, pleasant rhythm. That was the first time she actually felt a bit lonely. Maybe Madison was right. Maybe some company could do her good.
A few drinks, or rather bottles later Cordelia’s mind went further. She began thinking about her whole life. Hank never liked dancing. He lacked tenderness that Cordelia found crucial to be able to dance the way people there did. In fact he lacked many things, but she only realized it when they weren't together anymore.
The Supreme shook her head, trying to get rid of the intrusive thoughts that flooded her mind. She might already have had too much wine, but it still didn't feel like enough, so she ordered another glass.
"It's not good wine" a woman from the other side of the bar said smiling sympathetically
"I don't care" Cordelia sighed 
She felt pretty blue that evening and if the alcohol was the only thing that could actually help her, she definitely was going to go for it.
The bartender poured her another glass of wine. She forced a smile and thanked the woman before taking a sip. The night was young, so she still had pretty much time to figure out what having fun mean. Cordelia stared at her glass, when the band started playing another song. She felt funny. She was a bit dizzy and for some reason everything made her want to laugh. The wine took its toll on her, but she regretted nothing. After all, she was finally enjoying her time. That was until Adam appeared to check on her and then stayed to keep her company. How she wished Madison was there to use her snarky comments and make him go away. But in the temporary state of euphoria she was in she didn’t really mind bearing with him that much. It was probably because his words were barely making any sense to her and he definitely knew that. It was impossible not to notice that Cordelia was drunk. That was the only explanation for her agreeing to dance with Adam. 
He held her close - closer than she would ever let him if she was in a sober state of mind. And for a few minutes he might have her full attention, but then you appeared and you stole the show.
There were many things Cordelia’s drunk mind didn’t register, but even being in such a bad state she could not miss you. It took you only a few minutes to got all the attention. 
People began cheering and clapping appreciatively as you and your dancing partner moved doing more spins than they could keep the track of and all kind of different figures none of them could copy. Cordelia stopped immediately, trying to regain the ability of thinking clearly. She felt a flow of power, which - in her state - struck her as being strange. Yet somehow it made her a bit more sober.
“Who’s that?” she asked
“Oh.. them…They’re the dance people” Adam tried to brush it off, but Cordelia looked at him questioningly demanding more information “They’re here to… umm keep the guest happy”
Cordelia smiled looking at you. She couldn’t gather her thoughts and failed to comprehend whatever Adam was saying. All she knew was that he kept trying to dance, but his moves didn’t even resemble dancing. That’s why watching you was far more better.
You really knew how to move. And Cordelia couldn’t help, but stare in awe. She was absolutely enchanted by your spins and all the other things you did… She had no idea that anyone could be this flexible. Cordelia couldn’t take her eyes off of you. She was hypnotized by the way your body moved. You seemed so light as your partner lifted you up so effortlessly. You seemed so free, yet completely focused and in total control of what you’re doing. You moved so gently and easily. Almost as if you were just walking - not jumping, spinning around or throwing your legs up in the air higher than she  had ever seen. Not to mention that the way you looked was pleasing to the eye. Your short, airy dress lifting up every so often, showing off more and more of your skin, didn’t left much to the imagination.
Cordelia was in completely agreement with what Adam said. She was the guest and she was happy thanks to you. And at that point it seemed to be the only relevant information that Adam had delivered since her arrival. But all of that didn't matter as you finished the sequence and bowed to the spectators - who were cheering even louder. It didn’t matter, because her eyes met yours and you proceeded to walk towards her. At that moment her heart skipped a beat. There was some undefined power attracting her to you, drawing her to you like a moth was drawn to the light. Cordelia didn’t know what it was, but she was willing to throw herself into the flames.
The last of her sobriety had to be used to resist Adam, who desperately tried to drag her out of the room. He was stronger than he looked and it was a real struggle. Cordelia knew she wouldn’t manage to withstand for too long, as her mind was slowly getting blurry again. But there you were - to rescue her.
“Adam, leave the poor lady alone” you shot him a warning look, but the professional smile remained on your face
“Piss off, Y/N”
You looked at him, your head tilted to the side. “Rude” you said frowning 
“Shouldn’t you be on the dance floor?”
“I am on the dance floor”
“Then dance with someone. I don’t care. Just stop bothering me and our special guest”
“Being around you is already bothering enough, besides, as far as I’m concerned your duties do not include spending time with any of the guests outside the restaurant” you smiled with satisfaction knowing he couldn’t argue with that.
“May I?” you offered Cordelia your hand, which she happily took
She didn’t mean to  giggle, but it was stronger than her. She was really drunk and just as you led her to the dance floor, away from Adam - the alcohol hit her once again. You tried to dance with her, made her move, but she kept stumbling.
‘Oh Lord…’ she heard your thoughts
‘I’m so sorry!’ she said, not realizing she did it mentally, when she stepped on your foot
“It’s fine” you said, not aware she didn’t really spoke up 
Cordelia tried to follow your moves, but ended up pushing against you more and more. Her legs felt funny, kind of weak. Too weak to carry her. She was relying on you almost completely. And as hard as you tried, you couldn’t hold her like that. Cordelia heard your sigh and felt your hand moving - you waved at someone. She watched intently as a man with whom you were dancing earlier approached you.
“Elliot, you need to help me take her to her room”
‘Oh no. I’m not going anywhere’
“Yes, you are”
Cordelia even in her drunk state, could notice confusion on the man’s face. You shook your head, apparently it was your way of telling him not to ask, so he remained silent.
“Come on, you need to lie down” you said letting her lean against you, not wanting to draw other guests’ attention
She didn’t resist. She had only just met you, but would do absolutely anything you said. Why? She had no idea. She just felt like she could trust you. As if she had an immediate connection with you. Cordelia was so close to you. Your grip on her waist was strong, yet still gentle. And something about the way you held her like that was so intoxicating that even the Supreme couldn’t resist.
“Lift her up” you said breathlessly after a few minutes of practically carrying her
“We don’t have time and she clearly can’t make it to the room on her own. C’mon, Elliot!”
“Do you know who she is?”
“Trouble?” Cordelia could feel how you shifted to look at her “Yes, I’m aware” your cold hand brushed a strand of her hair from her face
“No. I mean in your case probably yes, but… She’s Cordelia Goode. Gerald’s special guest”
“Uhym… And because she’s his special guest, his grandson obviously can lay his hands on her?” 
“Nooo… Of course not”
“Then lift  her up and let’s go, before someone notices”
Cordelia heard every word, though couldn’t keep her eyes open. She didn’t know what was going on any more, but somehow she felt calm. She felt calm as long as you were there. The last thing she heard was Elliot’s sighing before he carefully took her and lift her up as you ordered. She could feel you moving away and before you could move too far she grabbed you by your wrist.
‘Don’t leave me…’
“I’m not going anywhere” you put your other hand on hers, which made her relax a bit
Cordelia tried to open her eyes as Elliot carried her to the hotel. She definitely had too much alcohol. Your face looked so blurry. As if she was looking at you through water from the bottom of a pool. Plus you were bouncing, or rather seemed as if you were which made her laugh.
“What? What’s so funny, Miss Goode?” 
Your question made her laugh even harder. ‘You look as if you’re bouncing’
“Well, I’m not bouncing”
Next time Cordelia forced herself to open her eyes she actually recognized the place - you were going through that horrible garden.
‘It’s an awful place… How can anyone be so cruel to the plants?’
“I ask myself the same question”
‘It’s time to redecorate’ 
“To what?”
Cordelia waved her hand. She didn’t see anything, but she could feel her powers flowing around. And your reaction was the confirmation she needed.
“Wow…” she heard your gasp
‘How does it look?’
“It looks great. Someone should have done that long time ago”
‘I guess, I’m the first Supreme that visited... ‘
“What the hell is going on with the two of you?” Elliot asked as he stopped
“Nothing” you answered quickly “I’ll take her upstairs. Wait here, I’ll be right back”
For a moment Cordelia felt like falling down, but instead of hitting the ground she found herself in a familiar embrace. You were holding her yet again.
“Alright, Miss Supreme, let’s get you to bed, shall we?”
‘You can do to me whatever you please’
“Is there any chance you could actually cooperate and help me with that? Like… I don’t know teleport us or something?”
‘Pff… Of course I can… I am the fucking Supreme’ 
Cordelia tried to stand on her own, but stumbled and almost fell down.
“Easy, ma’am. I was just playing… I can carry you upstairs”
‘No no no. I’m the-’
“The Supreme. Yes yes, I heard that already” 
Cordelia could feel your hold tightening and soon she heard the click of the door. She opened her eyes and saw her room. You were moving towards the bed, but she remembered something and stopped.
“What?! What’s the problem now?”
‘I can’t sleep in my clothes on…’ Cordelia looked at you and smiled. She didn’t know what was so funny, but laughed anyway. ‘undress me’
“I will not”
‘C’mon… Be a dear and undress old little lady’
“I swear… The should pay me more” 
Cordelia giggled as you began unzipping her dress. She shivered when your cold hands touched her skin.
‘Your hands are cold as ice… Are you cold baby girl?’
“Sorry. Was not expecting that I’ll have to undress someone tonight”
‘Oh… If getting laid is a problem I can help with solving it’
“Woah, Miss Supreme-”
‘You could stay here. With me’ Cordelia smirked wrapping her legs around your waist
“How much did you have? How much did you drink?”
‘Not much… Two bottles. Maybe four’
“At least, now, you know your limit” you said freeing yourself from her hold “You need some sleep”
“Yes” you gently pushed her onto the bed “Goodnight Miss Supreme” was the last thing Cordelia’s mind registered.
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange​, @natasha-danvers​, @stopkillinglilyrabe​
185 notes · View notes
ladypaulsvn · 4 years
Yours, Mine, Ours
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Billie x Reader x Cordelia
Word Count: 1,974
Part 5/?
Read part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4
a/n: SO sorry it took me forever and a day to update this fic, i hope y’all enjoy this chapter <3
Summary: You’ve decided to spend some time with Billie and the two of you spend the day gardening as Cordelia gets lost in her head over her past decisions.
If you were honest, it wasn't the easiest thing, trusting someone again. Cordelia had known your past. She had mended your broken heart and broken mind. She knew of your struggles and the hardships you went through to get where you were today.
She knew of your separation anxiety, depression, all of your trauma. You entrusted Cordelia with the thing most sacred to you, your mind.
Cordelia knew all of this, yet she still went against her words. Her words of never leaving your side. Her words of helping you through the good and the bad. Her words of never treating you like the people of your past did.
Cordelia betrayed you and your trust, then to top it off, broke up with you before you had the chance to do it yourself.
Truthfully, Cordelia regretted her decisions. She never meant to hurt you. Especially in the way she now knew she had.
Cordelia sat in her office, working on a set of notes for a potions class she had to teach later this week as a knock came to her door.
"Ms. Cordelia?" The door swung open and Zoe rushed inside, jumping out of fright when Cordelia shut the door behind her.
"What's wrong Zoe?" Cordelia asked as Zoe carefully made her way to her desk. "Nothings wrong... per say." Zoe rocked on her heels as she stood in front of Cordelia.
Cordelia was seated at her desk, hands clasped in front of her on top of her open notebook, notes scrawled along the page. "What is it Zoe?"
"Y/n won't be here for a few days and I figured that I should tell you." Zoe vomited the words from her mouth as Cordelia's brow furrowed.
"Where is she going to be then?" Cordelia's thoughts were jumbled. "She said she was staying with a friend for a few days. Wouldn't tell me who." Zoe's breath was quick as she watched for Cordelia's reaction.
"A friend?" Cordelia spoke aloud, muttering so quietly Zoe almost didn't hear. "Yes, a friend. She assured me that she was okay. I just felt that you ought to know so you didn't worry when you realized she wasn't here." Zoe explained her actions, yet again.
"Thank you for telling me Zoe. I think you have a class to teach in a few minutes." Cordelia waved her away and Zoe bolted from her office. Cordelia was truly terrifying sometimes.
Cordelia sighed. She knew you were with Billie. It's not like she could do anything. She was the one who broke up with you!
Still, her heart ached at the thought of someone else caring for you, getting every moment of your time. To say she regretted her decisions the past few months would be an understatement. She wished she could turn back time and start again.
You woke the next morning to an empty bed and one too many notifications from Cordelia on your phone.
You really didn't want talk to Cordelia. You had a wonderful night with Billie and she made you feel a lot better.
You wondered where she went. Maybe she had a shoot today? She would've told you.
You got up and walked down the stairs, looking for Billie in the different rooms of her house until you found her, still in her pajamas, sitting at the kitchen counter.
She had a cup of what you presumed was coffee in her hand and a newspaper in the other. 'Of course she reads the newspaper' you thought.
"Billie?" She jumped at the sound of your voice but soon a soft smile played on her lips as she beckoned you towards her. "Good morning doll, how'd you sleep?"
You padded your way over to her, sitting on the stool next to her and resting your head on her shoulder. "I slept okay. Thank you for letting me stay with you."
"You're welcome sweetheart. I was thinking about what we could do today, and since you told me you're a green witch and all, I thought maybe we could go out to my garden? It's a little worse for wear as i've been filming and I don't exactly have the most green thumb." She laughed as she held out her thumb.
You bit your lip to stifle your laughter. "I'd love to help you with your garden, Billie." You kept your head rested on her shoulder as she drank the rest of her coffee and read more of the newspaper.
You had nearly fallen back asleep when Billie spoke again "Darling? Why don't we go get dressed in something garden appropriate and head outside?" You lifted your head from her shoulder and nodded, sliding off the stool.
You had half-hazardously packed your bags when you left Robichaux's yesterday, so Billie had to lend you a pair of shorts. You'd be lying if you said it didn't make you feel some sorta way to wear Billie's clothing. To feel like you were properly "hers".
You just hoped that Billie would continue lending you her clothes to wear throughout the rest of your visit so you didn't need to go back to the academy before really going back, which you knew you had to eventually.
You almost dreaded going back if you were honest. You'd only been with Billie a day and a half now but god was it the best day and half you'd had lately.
You met Billie outside at her small garden. It was nothing compared to the greenhouse at the academy (which was the only thing you seemed to miss) but you hoped you could give Billie a true hand.
She was bent down placing a flower into a pre dug hole, dirt covering her gloves. You were almost sad you couldn't see her pretty hands and nails anymore.
"Daisies?" You guessed, though you absolutely knew it was a daisy. Billie looked up at you, her sun hat creating a shadow on her face and her giant sunglasses covering the top portion. You wished you could see more of her face.
"Yes! I love daisies." She smiled as you before turning back to the soil and making sure the roots were properly covered. "I've got so many more to plant. Come help me?" She didn't look at you when she said this, she knew you'd help.
And you did. You rushed right over to the pile of potted daisies and miscellaneous flowers that sat next to the crouching woman and picked one up, snipping the plastic pot that surrounded it and peeling it off.
You went right to work as you crouched down next to her and dug a hole, putting the daisy bundle right into it and covering the roots back up as you'd done a million times at the academy.
You, Cordelia, and Misty had spent a whole day outside once, surrounding the academy with hundreds of flowers. You shook your head to rid the memory as you began digging another hole and planting another bundle of daisies.
You stayed out there with Billie for a couple hours, planting the rest of the flowers and fixing up the rest of her garden. Pulling weeds and watering everything nicely. She even dragged you to the shed and you both carried out some decorations she had stored, putting them up all around the garden.
You stood up after stabbing the last decorated stake into the ground and smiled up at Billie who was across the yard. "It looks marvelous!" She yelled to you with a smile and you threw both thumbs up before making your way over to her.
"Ready to go inside? We could both use a shower I think." She winked at you and smiled, a blush creeping onto your face as you nodded.
She grabbed your hand and pulled you into the house, hastily making her way up the stairs and into her bedroom. "Start the shower would you y/n?" She asked sweetly and you nodded, the tint of red still not having left your cheeks.
"I was thinking we could order a pizza after?" Billie yelled to you and you yelled back a resounding "Hell YES!" which made her laugh.
Billie had shown you how to use her shower the night before, as you found it rather confusing. That didn't change now however, as you completely forgot how it worked. You twisted the shower knobs, trying your best to get the temperature correct but whatever you did, it always seemed to be icy cold or scolding hot.
You touched the water again, pulling back with an "OUCH!" as it scolded you once again. "Forgot how already?" Billie hummed, a smirk playing on her face as you turned to her, embarrassed but nodding.
She had taken off all of her accessories at this point, no sun hat or sunglasses. Not even a pearl necklace or diamond earring in sight. Not a single silver ring and her shoes had been thrown to the side.
Her smirk turned into a look of false pity as she met you at the shower door, leaning in front of you and fixing the temperature. "Okay, test it now." She leaned back, waiting.
You looked at her but touched the water again, a perfect temperature. "Perfect." you smiled at her. "Thank you."
"No problem darling." She smiled. "You know.." she called to you as went to exit the bathroom to give her space. You quickly turned back to look at her. "Conserving water is one of many ways to save the planet." She smiled innocently at you and you quirked a brow in her direction.
"Care to join me? It's the least we could do to help the planet, right?" She just asked you to join her in the shower. Oh god. You looked at her hesitatingly but nodded, making her smile grow impossibly big as she motioned for you to come back her way.
You face had to be on fire at this point as you shut the door and made your way back over to her. Your face definitely wasn't getting any less red as she yanked you into her. A yelp left your lips as she planted a surprise kiss onto them and she pulled away with a smirk. "You're so cute when you blush."
Meanwhile on the other side of town, Cordelia was deep in her thoughts. She had been trying to convince herself not to drive to you and beg for your forgiveness. Especially considering the location you were at right now...
But her thoughts got the better of her as she informed Zoe she'd be "going out" and would be back later. Zoe gave her a worried look but nodded at Cordelia's instruction to "hold down the fort" while she was gone.
She quickly made her way outside to her car, pinging your phone for its location and then typing the address into her GPS. This was a little much, sure, but Cordelia had to fix this.
As she pulled into Billie's driveway, she noted the home seemed cozy and the small garden to the side seemed recently redone. She wondered if you had a hand in that renovation. You had the magic touch when it came to plants.
Cordelia parked and turned off her little black car before walking up to the front door and pushing the doorbell. She heard the doorbell ring throughout the house, then a familiar voice.
"The pizza's here already?!" Cordelia heard your voice from inside. The door swung open and there you were, hair wet and in a silk laden nightgown that obviously didn't belong to you and Cordelia assumed to be Billie's. A ping of jealously ran through her.
tags: @poulengp @sarahsbabygurl @duchessfics @shineestark @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @lana-b-bana @chokemepaulson @nowthisislanabanana @make--your--life--spectacular @mistyyygoode @mssupremepaulson [comment to be added to the tag list <3]
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
Found your account at almost 2AM and it was the first thing I thought of discovering in the morning. And look at me now, it's been almost an hour and I can't stop scrolling down cuz IT4S JUST SO AMAZING. Can i request some levihan angst AU about one of them being tortured then getting saved by the other one? Thank you for your magestic writing
ok, so it's set in modern setting but the events are similar to the uprising arc in canon???? anyways, i hope you like it, take care :)
Hange watched, disinterested, as a big burly man picked up a large knife and then crouched next to her.
“I would advise against it.” Hange noted nonchalantly.
The man stared at her, dumbfounded. “You would advise against what?”
“Doing that,” Hange nodded at the knife. “Hurting me.” She added, when she saw that her previous words didn’t help to clear the fog in the man’s eyes.
The man gave her a feral smile. “Really?” he cocked his head to the side. “Do tell me then why I shouldn’t hurt you.”
“Well, you do know who I’m married to, right?”
The man gave Hange another confused look, and Hange was honestly surprised by that. So he wasn’t one of the thugs, who kidnapped her so they could get their revenge on Levi? Was she kidnapped because someone actually needed her, and wasn’t just looking for the way to hurt Levi? Well, Hange thought to herself with a grin, that made this whole situation less humiliating. Even if Hange got caught like the biggest fucking idiot. Although, in her defense, she hadn’t been sleeping for the last two days, too engrossed in her research, and it made her less aware about her surroundings. However, Hange knew that this explanation wouldn’t work on Levi. Oh, her husband would get so furious, Hange could already picture his angry little face, with his eyes narrowed dangerously at her and his angry voice shouting at her to be more careful.
Hange returned her gaze to her kidnapper, squinting suspiciously at him. “You really don’t know?” she asked, just to be sure.
“Lady, I don’t give a fuck about who you are married to,” the man growled. “The only thing I care about is the location of Erwin Smith. Which I expect you to reveal for me.”
Hange wanted to shout in triumph. She loved Levi and their marriage was one of the best things that happened to her, but sometimes it was really hard being his wife. Levi was a cool strong man, who beat up bad guys on a daily basis, and Hange loved him for that! She admired his strength and his convictions and how he was willing to sacrifice even his life to help other people. But. Every fucking criminal in their city thought it would be wise to kidnap Levi Ackerman’s wife just so they could screw with him. And Hange really hated to be the damsel in distress. She knew how to defend herself, and she was fucking good at it, but, sometimes, well, sometimes, like in this particular instance, she became too absent-minded to notice two guys following her through the dark alley. She didn’t notice them until they jumped right onto her, pressing a chloroformed handkerchief to her nose. Ah, well, no big deal. Happens to everyone.
Hange gave the man a big, toothy smile. “Listen,” she began cheerfully. The man stared at her with wide eyes, obviously shocked by the sudden change in her behavior. “I would really, really, like to tell you about that, but,” if Hange’s hands weren’t bound behind her back, she would have shrugged, but now she could only bat her eyelashes at the man, feigning innocence. “Unfortunately, I can’t do that. That’s classified information.”
The man growled in frustration, and grabbing Hange by the hair, he punched her hard. Hange’s head lolled to her side, but surprisingly the blow didn’t hurt as much as she expected. Did he go easy on her?
“Tell me where Erwin Smith is!” The man demanded angrily. He held Hange’s shirt in his fists, putting her face close to his. As he began shouting at her, Hange felt the smell of his breath. Eugh, she thought, now she kinda understood why Levi was such a clean-freak. The man reeked and it was disgusting.
“I don’t know where he is!” Hange exclaimed, deciding to change the strategy. “You took the wrong person, I’m just a scientist, I’m not involved in Erwin’s secret plans!”
“Don’t play dumb with me!” the man shook her again, looking furiously at her. “I know who you are! I know everything about you!”
Hange smirked, cocking her head to the side and regarding the man with interest. “Do you?”
“You are Hange Zoe, a researcher and lead scientist in Erwin’s Smith agency called “Wings of Freedom”. You are his right-hand man and I’m sure he doesn’t need to tell you about his plans, as more than half of them are devised by you.”
Hange couldn’t lie to herself, she was impressed. She thought he was just an amateur, but this man actually knew a lot about her, in fact he knew too much.
“And yet you have no idea who my husband is,” Hange raised her head and looked at the celling. It was dump and leaking. “A grave mistake, really.” She sighed.
“I told you I don’t care--“
“But you should,” Hange cut him off. “If you value your life, of course.”
“Oh?” the man raised his eyebrow sarcastically. “Then please tell me who your husband is.”
Hange grinned at the man. “Does the man Levi Ackerman ring any bells to you?”
It was a fantastic sight. The man palled immediately, his eyes widening in shock and his gaze filling with fear.
Hange’s grin grew wider. “You know, how angry he would get? Oh, he would get so angry with you, he would be furious!” Hange snickered, watching how the man slowly swallowed. “No one likes when Levi gets angry, well, I do like it, but only because sex with angry Levi is amazing. But I don’t think you’ll enjoy what Levi would do to you. You stole his precious wife, after all, and believe me, he loves me very much.”
To Hange’s surprise, her threats had a diametrically different reaction. She probably went too far, because instead of being scared, the man, like a cornered animal, got angry. He grabbed Hange by her hair again and punched her for the second time. That hit was much stronger than the first one, splitting Hange’s lip and throwing the glasses off her face. They fell to the ground loudly, the sound of broken lenses filling the room.
“That was your second mistake,” she told him grimly, spitting out the blood in her mouth. “You broke my glasses and that was the third broken pair this month. Now you’ve made me angry too.”
"Oh, and what are you going to do?” the man gripped the knife in his hand tighter. “Need I to remind you that you are currently tied up to a pipe in my basement. You are bloodied, alone, and completely at my mercy. And besides,” the man made a show of looking around and squinting into darkness. “I can’t see your husband here, whoever he is, so you better be a good girl and just tell me the truth.”
Hange lowered her head, her hair falling to obscure her face. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because… Because then Erwin will get angry with me. And I hate when he does that. He always scolds me like some school teacher, like… like an angry math teacher!”
Hange suddenly remembered her high school math teacher, she had hated the man, and she was sure that the feeling was more than mutual. A sharp pain in her shoulder, however, reminded her that she was getting distracted.
Hange looked to her left and saw that the man’s big knife was now stuck in her shoulder. She gritted her teeth to stop herself from crying out. She was Hange fucking Zoe, she wouldn’t let some amateur asshole have the satisfaction of seeing her scream in pain.
“I’m fucking sick of you!” the man shouted. “Just tell me the information so I can finally kill you!”
Hange threw her head back and laughed. “Really shouldn’t have told me that. Why would I tell you anything now?”
The man tore his knife out of Hange’s skin. He began playing with its edge, regarding Hange with thoughtful eyes.
“I’ll give you one more chance,” the man said finally. “I’ll give you an hour, so you сould reconsider your answer. And I’ll give you a little cut,” he grinned, showing his knife. “To give you some motivation.”
Hange met his amused eyes with icy cold stare.
“You can do that,” she said in a low, dangerous voice, baring her bloodied teeth at the man. Her injured face and crazy eyes made her look almost feral and the man took a step back, terrified but unable to look away from Hange. What kind of man this Levi Ackerman was, if that scary woman was his wife? “You can also shoot me, strangle me, hit me again, whatever tortures your tiny mind comes up with, but no matter what you do, no matter how much you hurt me, I will never, ever betray Erwin’s trust.”
The man felt sweat gathering on his forehead and his hands began to shake. He gripped the handle of the knife harder. He was sure that whoever sat in front of him, it wasn’t just a woman. Looking at her, kneeling on the dirty floor of his basement, her eyes ablaze with fury, he wasn’t even sure she was a woman, that she was a human at all. She was a monster, a fucking demon, and he cursed himself for taking this job.
But there was nothing he could do. If her husband was even half as dangerous as this woman, it meant he had to finish his business quickly and then run fast and far. But before running away like a goddamn coward, though, he needed to give his boss the location of Erwin Smith.
So, holding his favorite knife securely in his grasp, he plumaged it deep into woman’s stomach. The sharp edge pierced her soft flesh like it was nothing. The woman kept looking at him with the same fierce glare, her face never changing, as though she didn’t even feel the pain.
The man staggered shakily to his feet, kicking woman’s leg with his as he stood over her.
“I’ll ask you again in an hour.” He promised before leaving her alone in the dark cold room.
 Hange sat on the damp floor, surrounded by darkness. She wondered how much time has passed. To her it felt like ages went by since the man shut the door after himself, but surely it couldn’t be more than an hour? The blood was oozing from the wound on her stomach, forming a pool under her legs. Hange smirked grimly, things didn’t seem to go very smoothly for her right now.
Hange couldn’t help but wonder: where the fuck was Levi? Usually it didn’t take him a lot of time to find her, beat up all the bad guys, and then heroically save her, all the while grumbling about her stupidity.
Suddenly Hange remembered. The day before her kidnapping. She told Levi not to wait for her in the evening, saying that she had a deadline on her research project and there was a lot of work at the lab and she would probably sleep on the couch in her cabinet. But as Hange spent her day in the lab, it turned out that there weren’t many things left for her to check and re-check. Moblit volunteered to finish the rest and so Hange decided to surprise Levi and come home earlier.
Yeah, surprise him she did.
Feeling her head getting dizzy because of the blood loss, Hange wondered: could it be that Levi didn’t even notice her disappearance? A chill ran through her spine as Hange’s head filled with unwanted, panicked thoughts. She already lost a lot of blood, and even if she can survive that, the angered man would return and then surely kill her. She needed to think how to escape, because telling him about Erwin’s location was definitely out of question. Even the threat of death wouldn’t make Hange betray her friend. 
Before Hange could start planning her escape, the door of the basement opened. After sitting so long in the dark, Hange was blinded by the bright light, coming from the corridor.
The man walked up to her slowly, taking pleasure in watching how pale Hange was and how labored her breaths were.
“Ah, you don’t look so good, honey,” the man smiled all too sweetly at Hange. He crouched next to her again, and his loyal knife was held tightly in his palm. “Do you want my help?”
Hange sneered at him. “Go fuck yourself.”
Suddenly, Hange heard something. The sound was quiet, almost silent, and the man probably didn’t hear it. But Hange did. And she recognized it immediately. After all, she would be a pretty bad wife, if she didn’t know her husband just by the sound of his footsteps.
The man didn’t notice anything, didn’t even seem to see the grin that spread at Hange’s lips. He raised his hand, as though to grab Hange by her chin. Levi was at him in a second, sizing his giant head in his hands and then quickly snapping his neck.
“Fucking scum.” Levi spat out. “Wanted to touch my wife with his filthy hands.”
Levi stared at the dead body for another second, before turning his attention to Hange.
“What the fuck, four-eyes?” Levi asked angrily as he went behind her back to untie her hands. “It’s the third kidnapping this month. The third. When will you get your head out of your ass and finally start noticing when people are following you?”
Hange chuckled, relief and happiness making her head spin. Or maybe it was the blood loss. Well, part of it was definitely due to the blood loss, but she was really happy to see Levi.
When Levi was done with the ropes, he took Hange’s wrists into his hands and gently rubbed the bruised skin. Still holding her hands into his, Levi came to sit in front of Hange.
His brows were furrowed in annoyance, as he was probably still angry at Hange’s carelessness, but his eyes showed how worried he was for her.
Levi’s breath hitched as he finally took notice of the extent of Hange’s injuries.
“It looks worse than it actually is,” Hange was quick to assure him. She didn’t want Levi to faint.
Slowly, with trembling hands Levi grabbed the end of Hange’s shirt and lifted it up. He cursed when he saw a wide gushing wound that ran through Hange’s stomach. His grip on her shirt tightened, and Levi turned to glare at the already dead man.
“Oi, Levi,” Hange gently touched his cheek, making him look at her. “He’s already dead and can’t do any harm to me. Besides, the wounds don't hurt that much.”
“Your hand is cold.” Levi grumbled.
“Your hand is cold,” Levi repeated in the same gruff voice. “It’s always warm and now it’s cold, so don’t fucking tell me you are fine. If I hadn’t arrived in time, if I hadn’t called to check on you in the evening, you would have died, Hange.”
“But you arrived in time,” Hange gently smiled at her husband. “I’m still alive, because you saved me, just like you always do.”
“You saved me first.” Levi muttered under his breath and carefully approached Hange, kneeling beside her.
Hange put her hands around his neck, and then Levi put his hands under her knees, slowly lifting her up.
The moment Levi’s warmth enveloped her, Hange’s eyes closed and she drifted to sleep.
 The first thing Hange noticed upon waking up was the feeling of someone’s hand tightly clutching hers. The second thing she felt was the smell of antiseptics. Judging by the soft bed and the annoying beeping of the machinery, Hange guessed she was in hospital.
She slowly opened her eyes and sat up. Her shoulder and stomach hurt a little, however the moment her eyes landed on the familiar mop of black hair, all uncomfortable feelings were replaced by immense love and adoration Hange felt for that man. With her free hand, Hange touched Levi’s head, her fingers immediately tangling in his soft locks. Levi’s head was on her lap, as he fell asleep in the hospital chair.
“Idiot,” Hange whispered fondly, looking at her husband. His whole body would be sore, when he wakes up, but Hange didn’t have the heart to disturb his peaceful slumber. It wasn’t often that Levi slept so soundly and the recent events probably tired him out.
“I tried to make him go home, but he didn’t listen.” Hange heard a familiar deep voice. She whipped her around and smiled when she saw who was sitting on the other side of her bed.
“Erwin!” Hange exclaimed, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible.
“You haven’t noticed me, until now, huh?” Erwin chuckled. “After so many years of marriage you two are still so in love with each other, it’s impressive. I tried so hard to send Levi home, but he stubbornly refused to leave your side. Even Moblit agreed to get some sleep and come back in the morning, but Levi didn’t budge.”
“Ah,” Hange gazed at her husband tenderly. “He sure is a stubborn one.”
“Don’t say it like you aren’t the same. I swear you two were made for each other.” Erwin gave her a fond look, before his eyes suddenly turned serious. “Forgive me, Hange,” he said, laying a hand on her shoulder. “I got you involved, and by trying to keep me safe you’ve got hurt.”
“Oi, stop it, Erwin,” Hange’s eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “I’m a big girl and I can handle myself. And you didn’t get me involved, I got involved myself, so don’t you even think of blaming yourself.” Hange looked sternly at Erwin. “I forbade it.”
Erwin laughed, his hand squeezing Hange’s shoulder with affection.
“Levi obviously doesn’t share your feelings. When he found what that guy was after, he got so angry with me, I thought I would lose another arm too.”
Hange looked away, embarrassed. “Sometimes he worries too much.”
“Because he loves you.” Erwin told her softly. “So do try to stay out of trouble, Hange. You don’t want to become a widow, because your husband had a heart attack, right?”
Hange laughed. “Yeah, that would be quite troublesome. I mean, it would take some time to find a new husband-”
“Oi!” Levi tightened his hold on Hange’s hand, as he raised his head and glared furiously at her. “What was that shit about a new husband?”
“Levi!” Hange cried out in surprise. “I thought you were asleep!”
“I was. Until you two started blubbering.”
“Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?” Hange asked with a sly smile.
Levi rolled his eyes. “I was just giving you two idiots some privacy to talk about your feelings and shit.” Then he narrowed his eyes at Hange. “And you’re avoiding the question, four-eyes.”
“What? It was just a joke, Levi!” Hange threw the hand, that wasn’t held in Levi’s grasp, in the air.
“Do you already have someone you’re planning to marry after my death?”
“Of course, not!”
Levi looked at Hange closely. “Is it Moblit?”
“And yep, it’s time to take my leave,” Erwin announced, rising up from his chair. Neither Hange, nor Levi paid any attention to him, too busy glaring at each other.
When Erwin disappeared behind the door, Levi huffed.
“Fine,” he said, sighing. “You can marry Moblit after my death. But only if he takes good care about you.”
Hange turned away from him, pouting. “You’re such an idiot, Levi.”
Levi moved closer to Hange, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek. “And yet you still love me.”
“Unfortunately, I do.” And even though, Hange’s voice was still annoyed, her eyes, when they finally looked at Levi, shined with love.
Levi stared at Hange’s face and his hands involuntarily clutched into fists.
“Is it that bad?” Hange whispered.
“Not worse than usual,” Levi replied absent-mindedly, his eyes tracing the bruises on Hange’s face. “I killed that bastard too quickly. Should have let him suffer for what he did to you.”
“You’ve killed him and saved me,” Hange said softly. “That’s enough, Levi.”
“Doesn’t feel like it,” Levi admitted.
He put his hand on Hange’s cheek, his thumb caressing her soft skin. Hange smiled at him and leaned into his touch.
“We will be fine, Levi.” Hange promised, looking deeply into Levi’s eyes.
“As long as we are together.” Levi agreed, placing a tender kiss to Hange’s lips.
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Hi! Long time lurker, big fan of this blog. Can I request either a headcannon or a fic of Viv Tang?
Basically, it goes like this, it's an AU of some sort, where Viv and the Poppy leave MC. MC tried to hate them and forget them especially Viv, but couldn't do it. So out of spite and care, MC creates a whole organisation that revolves around protecting Viv and the others. (Making sure their heists go well, the police/government never finding them, making sure that their old enemies never get to them etc.) They've been doing this in private, but Viv and the others catch on, and that thought bothers them. Enough to make them distracted in their latest heist.
Their heist went down in shambles, leaving MC's crew to step in and made sure they're safe, leaving MC's mark to take the blame.
They were confused ofc, but MC's crew was just giddy and happy that they get to meet their leader's old crew.
Basically, they meet MC, MC makes them make it up to her.
And we know how in the original Viv route, we try really hard to pry her open and get her to trust us, well Viv does the same, trying to get MC to forgive her. And just angst ending with fluff please?
Lots of Love <3
This will contain both HC and story parts.
·         After Vivienne leaves MC poisoned in Paris, of course she’s pissed.
·         A talk with Jace (and some stress painting) later, MC feels like she has a pretty good grasp of Vivienne’s decision
“She was scared,” she muses, idly playing with one of her brushes, a thoughtful frown on her face as her mind wanders to the other members. “And they were… willing to give her a way out, I guess? Pretty messed up, considering they got me in this whole thing to begin with…”
Thing is, they hadn’t left her without something. Zoe had made sure MC could return to her normal life ‘after you lay low for a bit, probably two months’, advice left in a letter alongside some cash. Enough to buy a few plane tickets around the world. First class.
Even after their most recent decision, MC could recall how careful and welcoming everyone had been. Vivienne was always a mystery, of course, lingering at the edge while MC got to know Jett and Zoe in the Art Club they had formed, or as MC debated with Remy and Leon about a movie they had been watching. With Nikolai, it was mostly challenges Nikolai loved to issue and MC was too proud to deny. But she was always there, in the background. She had become a rather comforting presence, as MC had formed bonds with everyone.
“This was not the best course of action, but they took it anyway.” Vivienne’s choice had been driven by emotion, raw panic, but MC just couldn’t wrap her mind around Nikolai or Zoe, both logical to the bone, supporting it. “There must have been something else, there.”
·         With the anger slowly cooling off, MC thought she could almost begin to understand their reasons. The Poppy isn’t the sort of group to taint their hands with blood, not unless it’s absolute necessary.
·         Celine had pushed everyone, even if the heist ended on a positive note.
·         ‘I believe you have a place with us’, Nikolai had said. MC remembered the heist and how everything could have gone wrong.
·         Their talent and quick-thinking are the only reason they got out of that situation relatively unharmed.
·         No doubt the rest of their heists carried the same danger.
·         MC thought of Celine, gun aiming at her chest, eyes glinting in Vivienne’s direction and made a split-second decision.
·         There was no way, no way at all, that she was going to let anything happen to them.
·         When Vivienne had first noticed the sudden lack of danger in their heists, she was instantly suspicious.
·         She couldn’t afford to brush anything off in her line of work.
·         Zoe finds the source in no time.
·         To say they were confused as an understatement.
“I thought she was back in New York?”
“I don’t understand, why would she choose this?”
“We’re hardly so incompetent as to need a guard.”
“How long has this been happening?”
“Couple months, so maybe they started operating around March?” Zoe throws them a withering look so they’ll shut up, and lets out a long sigh once they do. “Point is, we’ve gained a new stalker, even if it’s her. She got a whole organization going, she’s pretty dedicated.”
“Of course she is, it’s why we choose her in the first place.”
“Technically, Vivienne did.”
“Well, yeah. Still, this is insane. So little time, and yet…”
“MC was always a fighter,” Vivienne says, quietly. “It’s certainly an… interesting choice…”
“She seems to have very good intel,” Zoe continues, eyes glued to her laptop’s screen. “Too good. She knows our every movement.”
“Which means she will be lurking around this heist.” Nikolai drums his fingers against his armchair, a frown firmly in place. “That might be a problem.”
“She’s been doing this for months, but we’ve never caught a glimpse of her. It’s safe to say she won’t approach us, right?”
“We probably shouldn’t, either. Not for now. We need more info on this organization of hers.”
“We’ll proceed as planned.”
·         Except nothing goes as planned.
·         Jett’s bombs don’t go off when they should, providing no distraction and thus no way of escape for Vivienne and Nikolai.
·         No safe way, at any rate.
·         The guards get suspicious of their malfunctioning equipment remarkably quick, moving to search the place.
·         Remy gets found out first, though he stalls as much as he can.
·         It’s enough time for Leon and Nikolai to think for a way out, though Remy is still with the guards.
·         The bombs go off at that moment, and Vivienne is trapped.
·         It’s at that moment that MC’s crew intervene.
·         The guards are the most important issue, and so most of her crew go handle it.
·         MC takes care of Vivienne personally.
“Well, that went great.” MC says, flashing Vivienne a cheeky smile when she finds her. Vivienne looks up at her with wide eyes, brown eyes glinting under the light of the room.
“How did you…”
“Questions later, darling. Can you walk?”
Vivienne blinks, taking a deep breath. The motion helps her get rid of most of her surprise. She knows she doesn’t have time to lose, so she accepts MC hand and follows her out. The trip is quiet, of course. Vivienne keeps a carefully neutral expression on, eyes flickering from the woman in front of her to the rest of their escape route.
It’s hard, trying to compare this woman with the one she had kissed all those months ago. She remembers how her hands grasped at her robe, passionate, truthful, those sweet words MC had muttered against Vivienne’s mouth, before the poison had taken effect.
MC had said she would never hurt Vivienne. Vivienne had poisoned her, afraid she would hurt MC.
It didn’t feel like she could hurt the woman before her, though, standing tall and strong and confident, a leader, someone made out of stone. For a moment, Vivienne had the impression poison wouldn’t even work on her anymore.
·         MC had changed. It was as clear as the water glimmering outside the organization’s HQ.
·         She wasn’t the same bubbly, hopeful girl Vivienne had taken around Paris, teaching everything she could about thievery.
·         She wasn’t the same passionate, proud artist she had been, brush in hand, smiling in wonder and then frowning in concentration when she tried to capture something beautiful. Somehow, most of the time, the subject of her painting was Vivienne herself.
·         She was steely, snarky, commanding the room with her very presence. All eyes followed her as she went, speaking clear orders for the crew to follow.
·         In the beginning, they had stuck to the Gilded Poppy like glue, curious. No doubt they were trying to see why MC cared about them so much to go through this kind of trouble.
·         One look from MC was enough to get them to disperse.
·         This change… everything it entailed… Vivienne wanted to know more.
“So, how did it feel?” MC had asked her as soon as they got a moment alone. Vivienne shot her a glance, trying to decipher something in her expression.
“How did what feel?”
“Thinking you could force me out of this. You got me in this life.”
“I gave you a way out.”
“But I told you, didn’t I? I wanted this, and you…”
“I’ve lived all my life like this. I didn’t want you to face-”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have chosen me, then. Ever think of this little thing called consequences?”
Isadora flashes through her mind, quick, too quick. It leaves a trail of golden hair in the back on her mind, all too real when she closes her eyes. Vivienne presses her lips together, forces herself to focus.
“This organization…”
“Don’t let it get to your head, darling. It’s not you I’m worried about.”
“…The others, then.”
“Yes. Quid pro quo, and all that. I’ll see what I can ask in return later.”
“We didn’t ask you to intervene.”
“You didn’t ask before poisoning me, either. I feel like doing drastic things without asking for permission are common place around here.”
“That doesn’t even-”
“Ah, ah, ah. Did I save your lives, yes or no?”
Jett had said, before they got released from the medical ward, that the plan failing was entirely his fault, after getting too distracted thinking about MC to get his usual formulas right. Vivienne didn’t doubt him – Jett was, after all, very dedicated to his craft. A mistake was unthinkable, unless something of this magnitude managed to get to him.
He felt guilty and weirded out, probably, she thinks bitterly, despite everything being my fault, as per usual.
“…you did.”
The smile that stretches over MC’s face is almost predatory, brown eyes glinting with satisfaction. “That’s what I like to hear.”
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This was, technically, Elyna’s second ever Día de Muertos.
That first autumn had bled into winter in a blur. Things in the house had been hectic, and tense. Understandably tense. Justifiably tense. Even without the exceptional circumstances, the ghost of a murderer hanging over this lovely home, it was easy for traditions to slide a little. It had taken a lot of careful effort to “adopt” her.
Oops. She was doing it again. The thing her therapist had pointed out where she didn’t classify the things that happened to her as real, because she didn’t see herself as real, but everything she felt was more than real so it only made sense to drop that habit and accept herself.
It had taken a lot of effort to adopt her. Yes.
That was what had happened. About fourteen months ago, this family, this wry and well-liked pillar of the local community, had revealed that they actually had a second daughter. Older and taller and much more purple than the pre-existing daughter. And they included her in everything. Last night, she had shared a wonderful Hallowe’en with them.
And now it was November 1st. From one holiday right into another.
Sly wasn’t a particularly spiritual man, despite - because of? - all the actual, literal undead creatures he had battled in his youth. He loved a good excuse to celebrate, though. As well as the big, basically secular holidays, he was happy to join his wife in her own traditions. The Montoyas and the Foxes were spread across pretty much the entire Spanish-speaking world and beyond, and at this point Carmelita essentially just picked her favourites. Factoring in all the globe-trotting they had both done, separately and together, the household’s annual calendar was… interestingly blended.
So, an archetypal Hallowe’en was always followed by a traditional Día de Muertos. It wasn’t a total shift in tone - it was important to remember the deceased with love and good humour, something this household could produce in industrial quantities - but there was a certain reverence to proceedings that was noticeably absent on the preceding night of pumpkins and candy and horror films.
Carmelita took this fairly seriously. That was why Elyna was dreading it.
Sly had stepped out, taking B with him. An annual raid for clearance candy. A shared activity Elyna preferred them to keep for themselves. This was her best shot. She had no idea how she was going to get through this conversation, even removing the possibility of her father bursting in with a poorly-timed joke.
‘Her father’. She reflected on those words as she stalked towards the living room. Sly Cooper was the source of half her genetics. The necessary ingredient that made her a test-tube baby instead of an unfeasible clone. And despite a… tense first meeting, she hadn’t had much difficulty accepting the fact he was her father. It was exactly that. A fact. His overtures of friendliness, everything he did to make her feel welcome, came with a solid, scientific basis.
His wife, though… 
Elyna let herself into the living room. It already looked so different from the makeshift movie theatre it had been last night. This was a small town, with an almost suspiciously low crime rate. There wasn’t that much work even for the Chief of Police, and that leftover energy meant quick and efficient decorating and undecorating and redecorating. 
The only survivors were the skeletons, grinning and painted, specific to Día de Muertos but certainly not out of place last night. But the pumpkins and cobwebs and big orange candles were gone. The back wall had been cleared, making space for several beautiful ofrendas. 
Elyna’s eye lingered on one corner, distinct from what was otherwise a sea of severe foxes. A photograph was the focal point, per tradition. It depicted two raccoons. One had black hair and sharp, intelligent eyes - still noticeably green in the otherwise faded colour palette. She was giving the camera a quiet smirk. The other was only identifiable as a raccoon by the hint of his striped tail sneaking up through the bottom of the frame. His arm was lovingly around the woman’s shoulders, but his face was totally obscured. 
Every year, Carmelita asked if Sly seriously didn’t have a better photo of his father, and every year, Sly would make a fresh joke about the man’s lifelong animosity with cameras. Just another tradition. Another ritual, part of the smooth running of the holiday.
“Your grandparents.”
Carmelita was adjusting a small figurine of an acoustic guitar with pinpoint precision, getting it in exactly the right spot relative to a smiling ancestor. But she had heard Elyna come in, and knew where those hazel eyes were focused.
“Conner Cooper, and his wife Beatrice,” she continued. “B is named after both of her grandmothers, actually. It’s made easier by the fact Sly’s mother preferred to be called Trixie.”
Elyna took another look at the bulk of the ofrendas, remembering her sister’s full name. “But, um, Zoe’s not up here, right?”
Carmelita smiled to herself. “Not yet she isn’t. Or my father. Too stubborn. At this rate, they might both outlast you.”
It was a harmless joke. One Elyna had to stop herself from hearing as a threat.
Carmelita straightened up, turning thoughtful. “We’re overdue for a visit,” she said. “I thought we had introduced you, but apparently not.”
These sorts of forgetful exchanges were becoming rarer. Elyna fiddled with a stand of her black hair - she was growing it out, and still getting used to it, and didn’t need distractions right now. Didn’t need to think about how she never met her father’s wife’s parents. Her step-mother’s parents. Her step-grandparents.
This was her chance. Her best shot. She should just follow her training and seize the moment. Without fear.
“I have a question,” she mumbled. “About this, I mean.”
“I, uh,” said Elyna, “have no idea whether I should put up a picture of my mom.”
The living room went silent.
Silence was one of the reactions Elyna had been expecting, and it was honestly one of the better ones. But that didn’t make it comfortable. “It’s just,” she attempted, “it’s kinda unclear to me if it’s all your family, or just the ones you…”
“The belief,” said Carmelita, crisply, “is that by setting up an ofrenda you’re inviting that person’s spirit into your home.”
“So you do it for people you want in your home.”
“Right,” said Elyna again, quieter.
A few moments passed. And then Carmelita sighed. Her posture, which had become rigid, uncoiled a little. “There’s no one answer,” she said, more diplomatically. “The spirit of the holiday is remembering the togetherness of family. But we both know that’s how things should be, not how they always are. Not everyone is so lucky.”
“I’m sorry.” Elyna was back to fiddling with her hair. “I know it’s a stupid question.”
“Not at all. I’ve always held there’s no such thing as a stupid question.” She put on an expression of exaggerated tiredness. “Or at least I used to say that, before moving in with your father…”
Elyna chuckled at that, and Carmelita smiled. That was always Sly’s strategy for smoothing a bumpy discussion - knowing when to include a soft joke. Carmelita had gotten better at it herself over the years.
“Has this been worrying you for long?”
“It’s kind of been in my head on and off for the past month. Sorry for only bringing it up now. And sorry for…” Elyna sighed. “I shouldn’t even be asking you about this. I know how much Mo- …how much Neyla hurt you both. Obviously you don’t want a picture of her in your living room.”
“The question,” said Carmelita softly, “is do you?”
Said question hung in the air for a few moments, unanswered. Carmelita intently watched the teenage girl in front of her. She looked so much like Neyla. But standing there, her paws awkwardly clasped, her gaze nervously on the floor, she couldn’t be more different.
“Do you know the origins of this holiday?”
Elyna managed to tear her eyes off the carpet, watching Carmelita carefully.
“It’s pre-Columbian,” she explained. “The practice of honouring the dead is rooted in the ancient cultures of Mexico. It was an important part of life for the people who lived there long before the Europeans came.  The modern version we celebrate today is a mixture of those original practices with a Catholic influence. That’s why it’s held on this date, for instance - to sync up with the church calendar. I think it’s important to remember it’s a blend.”
Elyna’s ear flicked. “A ‘blend’? That’s a pretty nice way of putting it. I’m no historian, but Hernán Cortés didn’t just step off his boat and ask everyone to play nice, did he?”
“No,” said Carmelita quietly.
“It’s not a blend. A blend would be if the Europeans and the natives set out to make something nice together. This is some kind of Frankenstein monster made when one group was just minding their own business and someone else came up behind them and-”
It was Elyna’s turn to fall silent.
“Oh,” she said.
Her face scrunched up a little, and Carmelita sighed. “That’s… not what I meant. Or at least not exactly.”
“You only kind of meant to call me a Frankenstein, got it,” muttered Elyna, who was, fantastical circumstances or not, still a teenage girl.
“I didn’t call you anything.” Carmelita’s voice was steady. Not sharp, but steely, leaving no room for argument. She hadn’t thought much about motherhood earlier in her life, but she had always been able to keep a firm grip on an unpleasant discussion, and that was one of the fundamental requirements. “Try not to assume the worst of what I’m saying.”
Elyna stayed quiet.
“But… yes. I suppose it might be an applicable metaphor. You’ve got two sides to you, too. You’re Neyla’s, and you’re Sly’s. You’re the result of some cruel revenge scheme, and you’re a person with your own desires. Who you are now is a product of both.”
“That’s… yeah.” Elyna rubbed her arm sheepishly. “That’s pretty much what’s been eating at me. Neyla was an objectively bad person. And like, I never even met her, so it’s not like I’m attached. Or at least I shouldn’t be attached…”
Not for the first time, Carmelita privately despaired at the uncertainty in the girl’s tone. That therapist had a lot to work through.
“…but the fact is, I wouldn’t exist without her. At all. And that’s… It’s just weird.” She paused. “Yeah.”
“And now all those confusing feelings have a physical problem. Whether or not to put up her picture.”
“I’m not being flippant when I say I don’t know what to tell you,” said Carmelita. “Not everyone in my family tree was a saint. No-one can claim that. But as far as I know, we never had a Neyla.”
“As far as you know,” echoed Elyna. “That sounds like the answer, then. Monsters get written out of the family history.”
“They don’t get invited to parties, at least,” she replied. “Which, like I said, is the spirit. It’s keeping your family close, because you never want to forget their warmth.”
Elyna resisted the urge to scoff. Purely for Carmelita’s benefit - it wasn’t directed at her. ‘Remembering warmth’. There wasn’t any warmth to remember when it came to Neyla. To the brisk, clipped instructions Elyna had been left in lieu of a childhood.
She felt the decision click into place.
“Let’s not do it.”
Carmelita, to her credit, kept her reaction diplomatic. “You’ve decided?”
“Yeah. If the point is remembering the good times, well… A photograph of Neyla is just a waste of space.”
In other circumstances, Carmelita would have shown more enthusiasm for an insult that harsh, that confidently delivered. But she knew to tread relatively lightly, so she just offered Elyna a smile. “Well said. I’m glad I could help.”
“Yeah. Thanks a lot.” Elyna nervously returned it. “I was hoping you’d know what to do. And, I knew that you, y’know… I mean, I can ask Dad for advice on a lot of things, and it’s usually pretty good, but-”
“Happy Skeleton Day~!”
The door swung open, revealing a grinning Sly. They hadn’t heard him come through the front door, but he had no qualms about announcing his presence.
“How’s it going?” His eyes, the same hazel as Elyna’s, fell on the ofrendas. “Oh, wow. These look better and better every year, ‘Lita.”
“Oh, I didn’t do much differently…” said Carmelita, but her face betrayed how much she appreciated the comment.
He planted a kiss on her cheek, then planted himself beside her, husbandly. 
“Where’s B?”
“Oh, she ran straight to her room,” he said. “Pretty sure she’s stashing her candy in a secure location. Or locations. Who knows how many caches she might have…”
Carmelita sighed. “Is that raccoon behaviour, or fox behaviour…?”
“Oh, both. Absolutely both. It’s a marvel she eats anything at dinner.”
He turned his warm smile more towards Elyna.
“So, what are you two talking about?”
“Just, uh, holiday stuff,” said Elyna. “I had a weird question. Carmelita is a good person to ask.”
“She is! Honestly, I just follow her lead.” He glanced over to her. “Speaking of, there’s still a few things to figure out about the big dinner. Bentley and Penelope are easy to cook for, but I like to give Murray new options where I can. Any thoughts?”
Seizing this chance for a tactful retreat, Elyna began to drift towards the door. “I might, uh, go check on B.”
“Good idea,” said Carmelita. “Again, I’m glad I could answer your question. You can always talk to me, Elyna.” That earned a smile, once much less nervous.
“Thanks, Mom.”
There was a pause.
Sly was pretty sure that blushes weren’t supposed to show up through fur, and yet, the lilac of Elyna’s face seemed to briefly veer into a much more reddish purple. Her hazel eyes were wide and unblinking. “mrrghg,” she said.
“Come again?” said Sly, unruffled.
“I said ‘okay bye’,” said Elyna and she was gone an instant later.
The door clicked shut with surprising gentleness. Sly chuckled. “Well…”
He stopped, finally noticing his wife had a similar facial expression.
“‘Lita? Everything alright?”
She blinked, twice, and suddenly she was back. It was still hard to slow Carmelita Fox down. “Sorry. Just wasn’t expecting that.”
Sly’s smile was wry, but his voice was soft. “I was.”
Carmelita leaned against him, and they stood there for a moment, half-embracing in their living room. Logistical questions about dinner plans and decorations fell away, briefly, as they savoured the feeling in the air. What had just happened, and the unique atmosphere of the day, and, of course, each other.
The silence was broken by a soft murmur.
“She’s a good kid.”
“Really?” said Sly innocently. “She doesn’t get it from me!”
Carmelita scoffed. 
“Okay, maybe she does,” he admitted. “I have many wonderful qualities to pass on, as is evident in both our daughters…”
He cupped his wife’s cheek. Lost himself, for a moment, in those deep brown eyes.
“But you’re a better influence than I could ever be.”
Her reply was a kiss. 
The moment passed, slowly, but they didn’t hurry to get back to decorating. It was still early, and they had several hours before the annual dinner they held for Murray and Bentley and Penelope - familial relations just as important as the gallery of photographs in front of them. As the girls engaged in hushed discussion of cheap chocolate upstairs.
“Oh,” said Carmelita. “While she and I were talking, I realized that Elyna’s never met my parents. We should fix that.”
“We should,” said Sly. “Sometime in winter, maybe? Whenever suits your folks. Might take us a little while to get over there, but we could throw in a few detours on the way, really make use of the journey…”
She smiled. “And when did I say we’d be going to them? They’d be perfectly happy to come here. You’re just-”
“-taking every chance I see to go on a trip, yes,” he smirked back. “C’mon, ‘Lita, you can hardly be that surprised. Old habits, etcetera…”
“Are you really so eager to escape?”
She said it as a joke, but he didn’t bounce back with another quip. He stood there, in his living room. His daughters upstairs. His parents watching over him from behind the glass of their picture frame. His brothers and sister-in-law, still thriving, quietly, the same way he was, on their way in a few hours. And, above all else, the love of his life in his arms.
His smile was as warm as his voice.
“Nah. We’ve got something pretty good here.”
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mcfreakin-bxtch · 5 years
Langdon’s Got a Queen
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+  (some filth y’all, face riding, slight chocking, some dom/sub undertones, breeding kink, handjob), blood, language, deaths
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: I finally finished it. Some parts are a little different but that’s just for the story. I’m working on requests now but they are still open as are my taglist and prompts! I’m a multifandom blog so I’ll try my hand at anything. 
*Also I have a picture of the dress at the bottom!
Langdon’s Got a Witch
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“How long?”
Cordelia and the other witches, namely Zoe, Madison, Mallory, and Queenie, stood in front of Y/N.
They were at the Warlock’s coven now, and Michael had proven himself worthy of a supreme after passing the Seven Trials and even bringing back Misty Day from Hell. Y/N was proud of him and could feel how exhausted he was after the ordeal.
It took Mallory, whom Y/N couldn’t deny had a connection with, to figure out the relationship between Y/N and Michael.
“A while,” Y/N simply answered. They didn’t need to know more than what they already knew.
Cordelia took in a breath, eyes glittering with betrayal.
“And you didn’t think to tell me. Why?”
Maybe more of Michael was rubbing off on her. Maybe she was becoming more confident in who she was destined to be. Or maybe she just wanted to have a little bit of fun at their expense.
Either way her response, a short “You didn’t ask” followed by a smirk, resulted in a harsh slap that echoed the room.
“You are not a part of this coven,” Cordelia growled. “Not anymore. You have betrayed us all, and I will smile at the day he leaves you high and dry.”
Y/N squared her shoulders confidently. “We’ll see.”
The witches, other than Mallory, all exited the room with a shake of their heads. Mallory walked towards her, taking her hands into hers and squeezing.
“Y/N,” she started.
“Save it, Mallory,” Y/N sighed. “I don’t care what any of you think or say. I’m staying with him.”
Mallory gulped. “He’s evil Y/N. He’s going to kill Cordelia. And possibly the rest of us too. Don’t you care about her at all? Or any of us for that matter?”
It would be a lie if she said she didn’t. Though the same darkness that coursed through Michael Langdon was now seeping into her soul, Y/N was still Y/N Y/L/N, and that part of her loved Mallory and the others.
But her love and devotion to Michael was stronger. It was too late to back out now, and she found that she didn’t want to. What she felt when she was with him, caught in his embrace, entwined in his love, it was otherworldly. There were no words that could perfectly describe their love for each other, and no one else could possibly understand it.
“I do,” Y/N finally admitted. “But my love for Michael is stronger. If you just leave him alone-.”
“Leave him alone?” Mallory scoffed. She looked like she was about to argue some more, but then stopped herself.
“I guess there’s nothing I can do to change your mind.”
Y/N nodded. Mallory clenched her jaw and looked away, tears glittering in her eyes. She said nothing else as she walked towards the doors but did take one last look back at Y/N as she sat down in one of the chairs, eyes glazed over in thought. Her expression was unreadable, and Mallory sensed that she was having an internal argument with herself. Maybe there was hope for her.
“I have to get you out of here,” Michael panted, throwing piles of clothes in one of her suitcases.
Y/N watched as he moved swiftly. Michael had walked into her room in franticly after finding out that Cordelia knew about them. It was only a matter of time before they turned on her and used her against him. Michael was not going to let them touch her.
“Where? Are you coming with me? We can handle it, right?” The questions were flying out of her mouth, and Michael angrily turned towards her, zipping up her case with forceful tugs.
“The only thing you need to worry about is staying alive,” he hissed viciously at her.
Y/N knew that it was all the pent-up frustration and the fear of her death that was making Michael hostile. It still hurt her though.
Michael must have sensed this because his expression softened, still visibly tense, and cupped her face. The kiss was soft, and it left Y/N breathless when he pulled away.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed against her lips. “But your safety is the most important thing to me right now. They will stop at nothing to bring me down, and you are definitely one of them. If anything happened to you…”
He trailed off, as if just thinking about it was enough to kill him. Y/N grabbed his wrists, bumping her nose against his.
“I know,” Y/N whispered. “I just want you to be okay too, Michael.”
Michael nodded. He licked his lips, backing away from her and grabbing another bag for her to pack with.
“We have to hurry,” Michael reminded her. “We’ll figure everything else out later.”
Y/N nodded. Helping him pack the rest of her stuff. He transfigured them to her old neighborhood, and Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion.
“That friend of yours, Christine,” Michael interrupted. “I put a cloak on her and her house. It’s temporary, but it’ll do for now. You’ll be staying there until I come back for you.”
She bit her lip. She didn’t like this one bit. Plus, what did Michael tell Christine and her family?
Y/N pressed a hard and dirty kiss to his lips, slightly surprising him. She reveled in the explicit moan she got out of him. She would take him right in the middle of the street in front of everyone and wouldn’t bat an eye.
Michael took her bottom lip between his teeth as he started to pull away, biting down hard enough to draw blood, making her whine. He ran his tongue over the cut, licking up the little droplets of blood. Y/N was breathing heavily when he back away with a smirk.
“I love you. Please be careful.”
Michael couldn’t help but get one more kiss in before whispering his love for her.
When Michael disappeared Y/N grabbed her bag and suitcase, eyes trailing over her once familiar home and met the neighbor across the street – who no doubt had watched Michael and Y/N’s make-out session – who met her eyes back with a look of disgust.
Y/N stuck her tongue out and smirked at her before walking up the steps of her temporary home.
Turns out Michael was very persuasive with Christine and her family. Their glazed eyes and dazed looks only answered her thoughts from early on that day. It was weird. Y/N adored Christine, she was the only friend she had left, and she wasn’t even Christine anymore.
“It really is lovely,” Christine blabbered to her in the middle of the night. “The time of change is coming. And your boyfriend is our savior!”
Her tone held light teasing but pure adoration. Sweet Christine, devoted to all things light and Godly, selling her soul to the devil himself. And it was her fault.
She only let a few tears escape her that night.
The witches burned Miriam Mead at the stake. They tried looking for Y/N, but not even a clairvoyant could find her. Michael didn’t realize they were on Miss Mead’s trail as well, which only fueled his guilt and his anger. And what was worse, he couldn’t even get her soul back.
Followed by his grief, Michael wanted desperately to get Y/N and hold her until the pain went away. Stumbling in the woods, he thought for sure he heard her voice calling out to him.
His love was standing in the middle of a small open field. Dressed in white, hair braided with small little white flowers, she was the epiphany of beauty itself.
There were moments where Michael felt incredibly guilty for slowly stripping Y/N of her old self, the good side that constantly tried to hold on. He knew that Y/N had her own darkness, but he was the main reason behind her magic growing darker and more powerful, the reason why she had to abandon the witches she had grown fond of. A part of him hated himself for spoiling her to the point of rotten. She deserved better; a chance at life and an afterlife, whatever it may be.
But Michael was a selfish man and Y/N was a selfish woman. They would cause nothing but pain and suffering to others if it meant getting their way, their love being untouched and unquestioned.
He reached out to her, whimpering when she didn’t hold her arms out for him. He sobbed and let out a shriek when he realized it was just a hallucination.
“God loves you, Michael.”
Maybe, in his own sick and twisted way, God really did love him. The trials of his cruel life were only a simple test, coiled to form the perfect vision of good and evil. But Michael had a destiny, didn’t he? He was born to rule and destroy the very world God created himself, left to persuadable humans to shape in their own image as well. It was his birthright to create the ashes upon the earth and rebuild an honest haven of darkness.
Michael stuck to these conclusions after the church found him. He told Madelyn, the kind woman who took him in, to take him to Y/N before he was to see the robotics corporation – he caught the small gleam of jealously in her eyes at Y/N’s name.
It was time to stop pulling punches. But if Michael were to achieve any of this, he needed a queen by his side.
Cordelia gaped at the woman standing before her. Dressed in a black and red laced dress – not too short, just how Langdon liked it – beautifully elegant and dangerous. She was sure she had everything figured out, that they had found a way to finally defeat Michael Langdon. But they were unprepared for Y/N Y/L/N.
Y/N Y/L/N, the witch Langdon had fought so hard to keep well hidden, and succeeded in. The very same girl they thought to be dead, killed just before the massacre at Robichaux’s.
Y/N was proud of herself when her and Michael were able to create the perfect cloak and projection. It left her drained all the time and it couldn’t last for long, but all’s they needed was the start of the apocalypse. It was like a breath of fresh air after it happened, and Michael and Y/N celebrated in bloody fashion; it makes her stomach flip and her pussy throb when she thinks about the way Michael held her, crushed her with his weight on top of the Satanic symbol, covered in blood. Some days she can still feel the stickiness of the blood and his cum painted over her body.
Y/N had changed significantly since. No longer was she the small, insignificant girl who was just a small piece in the game of life. She had changed into something fiercer, more authoritative; feral, lethal, and coldly calculated.  
“Y/N!” Mallory gasped.
She was so close to completing the spell. So close to defeating Michael once and for all and restoring the once lively earth. Y/N simply smiled at her.
“I do love you Mallory,” her voice was even different, more melodic and sinister in its nature. “But you have left me no choice.”
Mallory struggled for breath as she felt a force tightened around her neck. Gasping and thrashing in the bath, she started to see black dots surrounding her vision as Y/N only stared, hands behind her back. She decided to be merciful, however, and after a few moments of watching Mallory struggled for her life she snapped her neck; she felt Mallory’s life drift away, but still lit the bath aflame along with her body.
Now Y/N stood next to Michael in front of Cordelia, smiling at her gaping figure.
“She’s dead, Cordelia,” Y/N said.
Cordelia shook her head. “No that can –“
“They’re all dead,” Michael finished for her. “Every single one of your precious little witches.”
“Except her.” It came out vicious, but they paid no mind to it.
“Because I was never one of yours,” Y/N said as she started to walk towards her. “Don’t you see that now? This was always what I was meant to become. You thought you were slick. You thought you could destroy us.”
She was standing in front of her now, almost bumping noses with her. Cordelia could only stare.
“What happened to you?” Cordelia whispered.
Y/N could feel the pain with the question. She would’ve wavered before, would’ve considered the question with care. What did happen to her? But instead Y/N grinned, plunging the knife deep into her abdomen. Cordelia gasped, grabbing her hand before falling over the balcony to her death.
Michael strolled up to stand behind Y/N as they both watched from above the life disappear from Cordelia’s eyes. That last thing she saw as her soul faded away was them licking her blood off the knife and their lips, groaning at the taste of it.
“My little witch,” Michael hummed, hands splaying over the back of her dress to carefully unzip it – Y/N would kill him if he ripped the damn thing.
Y/N grinned, shrugging off the dress. Michael took a step back to admire her; lips plump and red, her breasts heaved with the growing arousal, nipples perk, and he inhaled deeply at the scent of her desire.
“My king,” Y/N cooed. “Please.” She whined, thighs rubbing against each other as she tried to soothe the growing ache between her legs.
Michael tooted. “Please what? Use your words, my queen.”
Y/N slithered up to him, taking off every piece of his clothing slowly, as if this was their first time all over again; fingers trailing over his beautiful smooth skin, covered in the blood of the witches, heart fluttering and her juices now visible on her thighs at each moan and hiss as her nails scraped over his body.
“I want to fuck you,” Y/N growled. “I want to show everyone whose side I’m fucking on. I want them to see you let me use you. I want them to feel the love I only have for you. To know that there was never any other way other than this.”
Michael grew painfully harder at her words, moaning loudly when she gave a forceful tug of his now long locks.
“Will you let me?” Y/N cooed as she nibbled on his neck, no doubt leaving trails of spit and bruises all around his neck, marking him as hers.
Michael could only moan and squirm in her arms, his cock brushing against her stomach every time he did. It doesn’t matter how many times he’s been inside her, tasted her; he could not and would never get enough.
“Use your words,” she said, using his words back at him.
“Fuck – yes.”
Y/N took him in her palm then, holding his shuddering form as she grasped up and down his length. She tightened her fist, making his hips stutter into her hand.
“Lay down,” Y/N whispered.
Michael complied quickly, bringing her down with him. Y/N straddled his stomach, running her fingers through his hair.
They didn’t need to communicate with words to know what the other wanted and what they were feeling. Michael smirked and gripped her thighs, pushing her up until her hot, wet cunt pulsed over his face. He didn’t waste any time in attaching his lips to her clit, making her close her eyes with a soft sigh at the feeling of his tongue and teeth scraping against her most sensitive part. His tongue lapped at her slit, tongue pulsing in and out of her leaking hole. He knew her body so well now, knew how to play her like a fine tune. One hand left the bruising grip on her thigh to curl two thick fingers into her core. Y/N cried out, struggling to keep her hips still. Michael moaned around her clit, and she couldn’t help but to start moving to the rhythm of his fingers, riding his face. He hummed in approval, sucking her clit.
It only took a few more thrusts of his fingers and one powerful suck on her clit for her to gush around his fingers and face. Michael licked up every slick of her orgasm, moaning at the taste of her sweet and tangy release.
Panting, Y/N moved down to hover over his red angry dick, wasting no time in sliding down on him. He let out a chocked groan, hands steadying her on her hips. She let out a groan at the taste of herself on his lips, starting a rough and fast pace.
“Shit,” Y/N hummed as she bounced on his cock. Every stretch of his impressive girth into her cunt left her sore but still always aching for more after. It was like he was made for her, and Michael felt the same way every time his length made itself home into her hungry warmth.
“You feel so good,” she continued. “I can feel you everywhere Michael.”
Michael grunted at her whine, planting his feet down to meet her thrusts.
“Yeah?” He placed a palm on her stomach, feeling his cock destroying her guts. “I can feel my cock right here,” he breathed. “You like having me there? Pretty soon our baby will be growing there. You’re going to look so perfect, round with my child.”
This was the first time they had ever discussed having kids together. Y/N never saw herself as a parent, but with Michael? She would carry a thousand of his babies if that’s what he wanted.
“Yes,” Y/N sighed. “Oh Michael, yes.”
They were nothing but a chorus of moans and groans as the audible sound of skin slapping grew louder and more frantic. Y/N wrapped her hand around his throat gently at first, only tightening when he gave a guttural whine of approval.
“Michael,” Y/N whined as she felt her orgasm seeping through her like a tidal wave. “I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it,” Michael ordered through clenched teeth. “I wanna feel you. Gonna fill you up. And then some. Until you’re flourished with my seed.”
Y/N cried out as she came, walls suffocating his length, her wetness gushing out of her. Michael cursed and rutted faster and harder into her until ropes of cum spilled into her, painting her fluttering walls.
She collapsed on top of him, head resting over his fluttering heart. Looking around at the massacre surrounding them, Y/N couldn’t help but let out a string of giggles, which earned a curious look from Michael underneath her.
Thinking back, Y/N never thought this was how her life would turn out. Sometimes it was strange to think about, how Michael came into her life. She had destiny to thank for that, as did Michael.
Now, pregnant with her first child, Y/N felt a new sense of hope she hadn’t felt in a long time. And only Michael and their growing family could give her that.
Michael Langdon looked at her with nothing but unwavering love and devotion, feeling the kick of their child against his palm.
  Tags: @scarlett-berserker, @justlovetoreadfics, @lil-baby27, @mando-vibes, @beepbeepyabitch, @that-void-witch, @im-the-music-whore, @certifiedhunter, @outlawers, @hejahockey, @okaydacre, @lemongrove, @appreciating-chase-brody, @iwontforgettheapplepie, @mybabyboytony, @olyamoriarty, @pcrushinnerd, @elusive-ivory, @dizzydazed, @bluejeancntrygrl, @our-mrlangdon, @parody-the-emi, @evalynanne, @purplewaterbird 
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anarchy-n-glitter · 3 years
RE: Betrayal
Summary: After surviving long enough through her own personal hell, Jolene begins to experience what life has become for those outside the mines, and she begins to worry about her old friend Zoe.
(Warnings: Referenced sexual assault, gore, graphic depictions of violence, abuse)
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The next few years were an awful, never-ending cycle of torture for Jolene. She was forced to stay within the confines of her new bed, trapped within the white walls of the mines. The sheets she sat upon were scratchy against her bare skin, and within these few weeks, cuts and bruises had emerged on her skin. This, however, was not because of her sheets. Lucas did this; one of her best friends since childhood and one of the few people she actually trusted. Within time, she felt like a fool. She felt cheated. But most importantly, she was broken.
He came in every other day. He didn’t just want sex, but most of the time it was that, or it was something that would lead to sex later on. Again, it was a viscous cycle she was subjected to on the daily. Jolene missed the sweet taste of freedom, she missed her family and her friends (her old friends, that is, not the ones she barely recognized). Lucas, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to realize that what he was doing was not helping him in any way, shape, or form. He loved her, he had all along. This infection had given him the strength to do what he had wanted to do all along. He wanted to make her his, and in his messed up state of mind, this was the only way to do it.
The next time he came in, she looked as if she could be dead. Lucas thought that she was sleeping at first, but then he realized that she wasn’t breathing. He couldn’t have cared less at first, but then something within compelled him to save her. With a groan, he made his way to her. Leaning over her limp body, he silently searched for any signs of life. He was able to find a pulse. It didn’t take too long for her hand to shoot up and reach for his neck successfully, her small hands wrapping around his neck and squeezing. His hands grasping at her arms as she threw him down onto the bed.
“The key.” She spat.
“Where’s the fucking key for this thing?” She then moved her foot so he knew what she meant. His eyes began to bulge, but he refused to blink. No matter how badly she wanted to snap his neck, she couldn’t do it, and he knew she wouldn’t; because they both knew that she couldn’t kill him, or else she’d die in there.
His eyes began to roll back and his eyelids lowered, forcing her to let go. She was still on him, though, as he gasped for air and tried to claw away from her.
“Where is the key, Lucas?” He weakly reaches for his pocket, where he extracts a ring of keys. Hastily, Jolene grabs them and immediately got to work on the shackle on her leg. Lucas sat up and pulled himself away from her to watch her struggle to find the right key, and when she did she was going to get severely punished. They jingled as she went through them, trying her best to jam it into the cuff on her ankle, only to find that it wouldn’t fit and move on to the next key. And repeat.
Each time she would look over her shoulder, she’d see Lucas standing in the middle of the room, watching on, the look of anger present on his face. He was waiting. She had to get out of there. She had to get that thing off of her ankle or she’d regret it for the rest of her life. After a few moments of waiting and frustration, he began to move toward her.
“Don’t you fucking come near me.” She practically growled. Lucas visibly jumped back as he saw it. Her teeth were bared, and he could see the fangs that had grown in. Her veins were showing through her pale skin, but they weren’t the usual color of veins. He soon realized that his dear Jolene was turning. If he wasn’t careful, she might actually be able to hurt him. He knew he had to work fast. If Jolene was turning she’d soon be under Eveline’s influence… and he couldn’t have that, could he?
Jolene shook her head and groaned in pain. She could feel the transformation happening to her, and it was far from pleasant. Her muscles ached, which began to agitate her further. She tugged on her chains, which, to her surprise, began to give way. The metal piece attached to the calcified salt wall that held the chain in place moved. Half of it was bent away from the wall, and Jolene knew that if she tugged once more it’d give, then she could grab her clothes and get the hell out of there. However, she was so focused on getting the chain loose, she didn’t see Lucas walking toward her again. She was stronger now, and if she learned to control this new power, she’d be out of there in no time. He grabbed her by the shoulder before shoving her into the wall head first, causing her to partially revert and curl into a ball, holding her head with both her hands. Lucas grabbed her hair and pulled her up to look at him.
“You dumb slut.” He spat before shoving her back into the mattress. Her instincts kicked back in and she felt her fingers burn and ache as her nails grew into what could only be described as claws. As he snatched the keys back up, Jolene lunged at him like a ravenous animal. She had cut his right hand open, which prompted another angry response from Lucas.
“I swear to god, girl! If you don’t cut it the fuck out, I’ll fuckin’ kill ya.” He warned and shoved the keys back into his pocket. He grabbed her hair again and her hands flew up to grab at his, as if it would lessen the pain. He pulled back, forcing her head up to stare at him.
“I don’t know why I even bother tryin’ to keep you alive.” He spat, venom dripping in his voice. He stared at her for a long time, observing to see if she had any fear left in her, to see if she would keep fighting. Despite her terrified exterior, he could see a glint of defiance shining in her eyes. He had to work fast and he knew it. He threw her down again, like a rag doll. She landed face first into the mattress, but she remained there. She didn’t look up to see that he had left. Instead, she turned her head toward the wall, laying her cheek on the scratchy sheets. A single tear dripped down the bridge of her nose. ‘It was worth a try.’ She told herself. She thought about this long after he was gone. How he could have killed her while she was looking for the damn key. And yet, after everything that has happened to her, she still couldn’t believe that this was happening to her. Despite what she’s seen, despite what she’s endured, she wondered if she was better off dead. She stared at the undone sheets in somewhat of a daze. She really didn’t want to die, but if it were to get away from Lucas… maybe it wasn’t that bad.
A few days later, Lucas returned. He was in much better spirits than the last time they had seen each other, and he was hiding something behind his back. Normally, something like this would scare her, but she welcomed it. Whether it be good or bad. Maybe it was a way out, or it was just something to prolong the torture.
“Jolene, sweetie, I brought something for ya!” He giggled sadistically. She felt as if her disgust and distain for him was radiating off of her. He, however, was not stopped by her lack of a response. He had a plan and he was going to go through with it, and he wasn’t going to let her trick him again. He stood by the end of the bed, facing her relaxed form.
Lucas then brought the two items in front of him, as if to present them to her. She refused to turn over still. In his hands was an oversized t-shirt and a leather leash, complete with a collar.
“C’mon Jolene, get excited! I’m takin’ you for a walk today!” He exclaimed. She looked over her shoulder to see what he had brought her, and her heart leapt into her throat. The first thing she had saw was the t-shirt, and she was immediately overjoyed. She hadn’t gotten to wear clothes in years, and there he was, presenting her with a shirt for her to wear.
She turned over completely and sat up, but that was when she saw the catch. He could see her excitement disappear at the sight of the leash and collar. He smiled and picked up the collar, twirling it around his finger.
“Now, ya didn’t think I’d just let you roam free, did ya?” He taunted. She closed her eyes. Clothes in exchange for wearing a stupid collar? It was worth it, she knew that, but why did she still feel gross about wearing the damn thing?
She didn’t say anything.
“I’ll let ya put the shirt on first, think of it as a gift.” He giggled again.
“After all, isn’t it your lil brother’s birthday today?” He asked tauntingly. She looked up at Lucas, fear striking through her.
“Adam?” She asked. He burst out laughing.
“So ya can talk! I thought ya lost your voice for a couple seconds there. Ya know, after all that screamin’.” He winked, implying that she was yelling for more than just help, which was far from the truth. She felt tears welling up in her eyes.
“Why did ya bring up Adam? What did ya do to him?” She asked, this time more sternly. Lucas tossed the shirt to her and she caught it, holding it against her chest as a cover.
“Nothin’ yet. Just listen to me and nothin’ will.” He warned. Jolene slipped the shirt over her head and let it fall over her. It was much longer than she expected it to be, and when Lucas helped her off of the bed to stand it fell down to just above her knees. He wrapped the collar around her neck and fastened it, before putting the leash on it. Then he took the key out of his pocket. Jolene watched and realized that the key to the shackle was never on the ring of keys and he saw that as some game too, even if it infuriated him.
She put her left leg down onto the floor and Lucas tugged at her leash.
“C’mon girl, we got places to be!” He shouted gleefully before dragging her toward the metal door, where she’d see the outside world again after years of being underground.
He led her down winding tunnels of white, where fluorescent lamps secured by thin wires were their only source of light. He walked ahead of her and kicked away any molded that got in their way. Some were large, standing at seven feet tall with skin that was bubbling and melting away. Others would crawl on all fours. They were much smaller and faster than the other ones. Lucas had a harder time fending them off compared to the tall ones. All of them reeked of rotting flesh. The mere sight of the molded creatures struck fear into the heart of the poor girl. She had no clue what they were, and she had no plans of being acquainted.
Soon, they would reach an elevator. Lucas pushed the red button on the right side of it, allowing the cage-like door to open the small space before them. It seemed to screech in protest and nearly got stuck at one point. Jolene looked over at Lucas wearily, and he merely smiled and gestured for her to enter first, which she did without any fuss. She got to go outside again; she could get out of the stuffy mines.
He was quiet the whole way up, lost in thought. He knew that Jolene would be seeing Eveline sooner or later, and he didn’t want to explain to her what he was doing with a girl locked in the mines; especially if she was a candidate for the family. Lucas wanted to avoid this at all costs, Jolene was his and no one else’s. He had what he wanted and Eveline was going to have to pry her dead body from his hands if she got to her.
That was another thing. If, and only if, Eveline managed to get into Jolene’s head Lucas would have no choice but to kill her. His whole cover could be blown if Eveline was lurking in her head. Not to mention that the research conducted by The Connections and himself suggest that Eveline could still kill those infected, even if they weren’t under her influence.
The elevator rattled and screeched as its rusted foundations struggled to bring the two up. Jolene felt anxiety bubble up within her as she thought about why Lucas was actually taking her out of her little room in the mines. Perhaps he was finally going to kill her, despite how many times he told her he couldn’t do it no matter how hard he tried. She knew that, under the right circumstances, he’d be capable of it and he’d do it in a heartbeat.
After a few more moments, the elevator stopped. The door slid open again, rattling loudly in the process. This time, Lucas stepped out first, tugging on Jolene’s leash as he moved farther away from her, causing her to stumble and trip on her own feet.
The mines soon became a cleaner area with an actual tile floor and drywalls. Jolene’s jaw fell open as she gaped in surprise. This whole time there had been a lab underneath the Baker estate and she had no clue about it. They had been building this place over her head almost the whole time she was there.
“What the hell?” She muttered to herself, drawing the attention of Lucas. He didn’t look back at her as he spoke.
“Take it in, baby. Now ya know where I’ve been when I wasn’t with ya.” He told her in a smug voice. She walked a bit faster to catch up with him. For once she wanted to look him in the eyes as she spoke to him. She wanted straight forward answers.
“What do ya mean?” She asked. He looked at her and realized she didn’t look like the meek, scared woman she was in the mines. If he wasn’t careful she could be dangerous. He’d have to break her down again.
“Better wipe that look off’r yer face before I do somethin’ that these nice people wouldn’t want to see.” He warned. Jolene furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“What do-”
“I said cut it out!” He shouted. Jolene gasped in surprise and tried to back up. Lucas tugged on the leash harshly, knocking Jolene over onto her knees. When she was on the ground he grabbed ahold of her hair and forced her to look up.
He saw it then, the look that she had in her room in the mines. The fearful eyes, ones that were filled to the brim with fear. He felt relieved and almost overjoyed at the sight. Her small, cold hands were enveloping his own cold hand that was wrapped around a clump of her hair, and he felt the electricity of her touch. He felt as if he could hear her heart beating; beating faster as the seconds passed. His own blood began to flow throughout him, unbearably warm and fast.
“L-Lucas, yer hurtin’ me. Please, please stop.” She begged. She continued on with the begging, but it was all white noise as Lucas tried to control himself. He tried to remind himself that he would get in trouble if he took her right then and there, despite how little he cared about the rules. He was looking for every reason not to act on this impulse he felt, and her begging made it worse. He pulled her up, holding her small frame against his as he brought his lips to her ear.
“Ooh baby.” He groaned, causing a shiver to run up Jolene’s spine.
“Keep beggin’ like that and see what happens.” He continued. Jolene went limp, knowing that if she tried to struggle, tried to get away, he’d just get angry with her again. His left hand trailed up the back of her thigh, the rope from the leash leaving brief, ghostly touches on her leg, making its way to the hem of the shirt she was wearing. She knew that she was indecent underneath but she knew she wouldn’t do anything to stop him.
She felt him grow hard against her and felt her stomach lurch at the idea of him taking her there. She wanted nothing to do with him and she wanted to push him away, tell him to stop. Yet she knew that he wouldn’t stop. If she pushed him and ran he’d strangle her with the damn leash.
The hallway was silent. They were the only two present and Jolene assumed that anyone who was there were either dead or working in one of the doors. Lucas’s groaning and panting echoed through the corridor, bringing a blush to Jolene’s face. ‘What if someone hears him?’ She thought to herself, feeling embarrassed by the thought of someone walking out to see them.
“Lucas.” A voice cut through the air like a sword. A sword to slay the dragon. Jolene’s head turned and she looked at the source of the voice, ready to cry out for help.
There was a man standing there. He was tall and thin, but, unlike Lucas, he wasn’t deathly thin. He seemed healthy enough. He had short brown hair that was swept away from his face, not quite slicked back but it was enough to keep it from being a liability in the lab. He wore round glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose. He glared at them coldly.
“Please, I’d advise you not to do… whatever this is… in the middle of the hallway. Some of us have places to be.” He scolded. Jolene could hardly believe it. She thought for a brief moment about trying to call for help again, but her voice got caught in her throat.
“Ah, Dr. Reed, I’ve been lookin’ for ya. I got somethin’ for ya.” Lucas told the man as he turned Jolene around and shoved her toward the man. Dr. Reed simply looked at the girl at his feet as she slowly got back up. He took note of her condition; pale skin, black-colored veins. He knew that she was infected.
“And why, exactly, are you bringing her to me?” Dr. Reed asked as he stared Jolene down.
“Well, ya see, I’ve had this little thing going with her for the past two weeks and, uh, I’d rather not have Eveline intervene in that.” Dr. Reed looked up at Lucas finally, glaring at him as he put the pieces together. He didn’t exactly like Lucas, or the things he’s implying he might have been doing to this girl, but he could admit he was a bright man and had a future at The Connections… even if he was insane.
“So what do you want me to do about that?” He asked Lucas, who simply laughed.
“C’mon doc, I want ya to whip up some of that good stuff ya made for me.” Lucas replied.
“The serum?” He responded.
“Yeah! That stuff.” Dr. Reed yanked the cord of Jolene’s leash out of Lucas’s hands, and suddenly Jolene felt a glimmer of hope. He wrapped the leash around his fist and led her through the halls, toward two, large double doors.
The room itself was clean and simple. It had a blue, white, and green color scheme to it and it had a metal observation table. There was a counter with a sink and a few laptops set up along it. There were empty test tubes set up near the wall on the counter and a clipboard next to those. Jolene felt a bit intimidated by the new setting, but hoped that maybe the doctor could pull a fast one on Lucas and help her escape.
“Ma’am, would you mind sitting on the observation table?” Dr. Reed asked. Jolene nodded and walked over to the table before hopping onto it. She watched as Dr. Reed and Lucas whispered to each other and wondered what the hell was going on.
“You don’t want Eveline to know about her?” The doctor asked.
“Course not, she’ll want her to herself.” Lucas responded. Dr. Reed merely sighed.
As their conversation dragged on, Jolene felt her head become fuzzy. Her surroundings took on a greenish hue and everything bled together when she would look around. She felt as if she were going to pass out. When she thought things couldn’t get weirder, she saw a little girl standing in the doorway. Dr. Reed went to shut the double doors and Jolene wanted to warn him, but something prevented her from doing so.
A faint whispering filled her head and grew louder every second. As the doors swung closed the girl disappeared, but they reopened again, this time the gap was slightly smaller than the gap before and the girl was there again, staring at Jolene. When the doors closed again she was gone, as Jolene expected. However, she wasn’t there when they reopened either. Jolene took in a sharp breath, but the men didn’t seem to notice.
The girl appeared in front of Jolene, and she jumped back.
“Who are you?” The girl asked, her voice sounding like it was the loudest in the world. Jolene winced at the pain it caused her. The girl looked around, trying to figure out what was going on.
“Where are you?”
“I don’t know.” Jolene answered. The girl turned her attention back to Jolene.
“Are you lying to me?” She asked.
Jolene’s rambling caught the attention of Dr. Reed and Lucas, causing Lucas to panic. Dr. Reed rushed over toward one of the drawers and grabbed a syringe.
“Now she knows where we are!” Lucas shouted. The doctor nodded, waving Lucas off as he reached into the fridge and pulled out a container filled with a dark green liquid. He uncovered it and stuck the syringe in, drawing the liquid into the chamber. He then rushed over to Jolene who, at the sight of the doctor, returned to normal. The girl was gone and her vision had cleared. She looked up at Dr. Reed, her head and eyes feeling heavy.
“W-what was that?” She asked. The doctor didn’t answer, instead, he plunged the needle into her neck and released the liquid into her. She sat still and let the warmth flood her body before passing out.
Jolene woke up a few hours later with no recollection of what had happened before she passed out. She remembered leaving her room, and she remembered the large, tar-like creatures that seemed to inhabit the mines.
Her head felt light and she sat there for a few minutes as she watched the world around her spin. She didn’t remember what happened and she didn’t want to remember. A voice could be heard from outside the door. It was low and spoke in a harsh whisper. Jolene went to get up, but realized that her ankle was shackled to the bed frame again. She closed her eyes and listened.
The words were muffled, seemingly bleeding together into one long word that made absolutely no sense. From the slight accent she realized it was Lucas and all she could do was close her eyes and hope he wouldn’t come in. She hoped that he was leaving and got caught up with other things. She hoped that whatever he wanted to do he had already done.
Then she heard it; the one name that brought hope back into her, the one name that reassured her that everyone was there.
Jolene sat back, leaning against the salt walls to think about the girl she had completely forgotten about.
She couldn’t believe it. From the sounds of it, Lucas sounded pretty pissed off about her, and Jolene wondered what it was that she had done.
She thought of her as she knew her, hoping that she was the same bright eyed girl she knew. She thought of her thin, pink lips that were always curved into a smile when she was around her. Her eyes, those beautiful grey eyes that Jolene would give anything to see again. Then there was her pale skin that would tint pink on the warmest days of the summer.
Jolene stopped and realized that she was looking back on Zoe as if she were in love with her. It was funny, after all, she did always favor Zoe over Lucas, and it wasn’t just because he was slightly… unpleasant. Jolene never thought about it before, how she never really understood the drama in school over guys. She had convinced herself that she just wanted to focus on school, but deep down, despite how deeply it was buried, she knew that wasn’t the reason.
The door burst open, causing Jolene to jump in shock. Lucas stood there, looming in the doorway like some monster that lurked in the dark,
(Like the real monsters that lurked in the mines)
huffing angrily and bearing its teeth. He stared Jolene down, scanning her face for an emotion, any emotion. In reality, he was looking for a reason to take his anger out on her. He wanted to blame his failures on her.
The traps were destroyed?
She did it.
Someone escaped and now dad was mad?
Her fault.
Some of the molded got into the labs and now a guy went missing? And they blamed Lucas?
Jolene killed him.
But he knew it wasn’t that simple. Jolene had been sleeping this whole time. Hopefully she was cured. Dr. Reed had told him that she needed to stay in the labs so he could observe her and make sure she didn’t reject the serum. Lucas declined and carried her over his shoulder back into her room in the mines. As he carried her away, he ended up confirming Dr. Reed’s suspicions.
He looked at her, seeing the fear in her eyes, the horrified look of a victim. He smiled maliciously at her, as he approached the bed. The door remained open.
She brought her knees to her chest and pressed herself up against the wall as much as she could as he inched closer to her. Her breathing became ragged as fear coursed through her veins. Now she was sure she wanted nothing to do with him. She wanted to distract him, she had to think of something quickly.
“Why’d ya mention Zoe? Is she here?” She asked without thinking. Lucas glared down at her, anger boiling back up.
“All I wanted was to forget about that stupid bitch and now you’re bringin’ it back up!” He yelled in her face. Jolene flinched as his hot breath hit her along with small specks of spit. She calmly wiped her face off before speaking again.
“I won’t just drop it, Lucas. I heard you talkin’ bout Zoe and now I wanna know.” She demanded. He groaned angrily, rubbing his face in the process as he stood up. Jolene was treading on dangerous ground, and she was still visibly frightened, but her constant questioning couldn’t go without punishment. She watched him pace, stomping around like the infected from all those years ago.
“She’s alive?” Jolene asked softly, hoping that her tone would calm him down.
He acted without thinking again. In the blink of an eye he was on her, his right hand wrapped around her throat. He looked in her eyes as she grabbed at his hand, silently pleading for him to let her go. Zoe was getting in his way again, and he’d be damned if he let her take Jolene away from him.
But it wasn’t Zoe who was taking Jolene from him.
She began to kick, first at him, then anywhere she could. She realized that if she kicked hard enough, she could take the chain off of the wall, like she had almost done before, and maybe then she could use it as a weapon.
She wanted to die, but there was still a part of her that wouldn’t let go. The part of her that urged her to survive, to get out of there and see her family again, go to college and live her life. She refused to let Lucas win.
“Quit kickin’!” He yelled, his other hand reaching out behind him to grab ahold of her left leg. She avoided it and continued, her head beginning to pound. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the lack of oxygen or something else, but it hurt like hell. Her jaw ached, as did her fingertips.
Her mouth opened and a strained cry came out. Her eyes were closed tightly in pain as something tore through her gums.
Blood. She tasted blood.
Her fingers felt like they were being set on fire.
She could have sworn something was crawling through her lower back.
Lucas looked at her as she screamed in pain, thinking it was all his doing. Tears fell from her eyes and he found himself smiling. His breathing quickened and he found joy in her agony, watching her writhe in pain, gasping for air and trying to get away from him. He could end her, but torturing her would be much more fun.
Then it happened. He felt something sharp dig into his hand. He looked down to find blood flowing from where her fingers were attached. He let go of her throat and tried to yank his hand away from her grasp, but soon realized that her nails were inside him. He took a closer, albeit more panicked, look at his hand as it gushed blood.
The crimson liquid pooled onto her bed, soaking the scratchy sheets and the mattress. He wanted to be with her, didn’t he? Now he had no choice. His blood was there; he’d be with her as long as she remained in that room. He gasped at the sight of her long, black talons protruding from his hand. They had gone right through.
He wanted to scream, to rip her claws out of him and run, but he knew what state she was in. If left unattended, she’d escape.
(Or she’d die trying)
She pulled him closer and bit into his neck, allowing her fangs to pierce his skin. This time he did scream. He put his good hand on her head and tried to push her off of him, but it didn’t work. She simply bit down harder, which caused him to lift his hand from her head. Her other hand reached up to grab his, and she had effectively pierced through his other hand.
She then pushed herself onto him, knocking him over and onto the bed, where she hovered over him, her teeth still buried in his neck. Blood gushed from within her mouth and bubbled down the side of his neck.
She was stiff on top of him. She looked like she weighed nothing, yet here she was, holding Lucas down like she was a boulder. Her claws were buried deep inside of Lucas’s hands and the mattress, effectively pinning him onto the bed. She hoped that she could keep him down long enough so it’d take him a while to heal�� even if she knew he’d come back to hurt her even worse later.
He couldn’t speak. He could feel the blood pooling in the back of his throat. Her teeth dug deeper into his flesh and it was a sharp, searing pain, causing him to open his mouth. It was as if he wanted to scream, but he couldn’t. So he sat there, with her on top of him practically ripping his throat to shreds, his mouth open and gaping like a fish out of water. He couldn’t lift his arms; her strength had increased due to the mutation that occurred. If Lucas wasn’t being attacked, he would have quickly realized that her mutation was triggered by stress. Sadly, however, he probably wouldn’t have stopped if he knew this.
Jolene felt tired. Her mutation normally took a toll on her, and this was the longest she had ever been able to maintain this state. Her jaw loosened and more blood gushed from the wound. There was a strangled cry that came from Lucas as her claws slowly left his hands. Jolene began to sit back, feeling extremely light-headed. Her eyes felt heavy again and her eyelids began to close. She leaned backward, finally falling asleep.
Lucas laid next to her, bleeding out on her mattress. She was asleep like nothing happened, his blood smeared around her mouth like makeup. He took deep breaths, unsure of how to react to the situation or how he would address it next time he saw her. As he drifted off to sleep, he thought of what he’d say to her when he woke up, what he’d do to her. It was only a matter of time.
Bright lights flashed, lighting up both the room next door and the room with both Lucas and Jolene in it. Jolene, who was laying on the floor, shifted in her sleep. She could faintly hear Lucas’s loud, obnoxious voice as he taunted someone. The lights were enough to wake her from her slumber, but combined with the yelling that was going on? She woke up.
The room they were in seemed to be by the boathouse, next to the barn. She looked at the monitors and the cameras that sat on the walls, all focused on Lucas. Next to her was a box of cameras. Some of which were cracked but others seemed fine, they were hand-held ones, and really old. Jolene wondered if any of them still worked, and she wondered if she could sneak one out with her.
“And the winner is… Clancy!” Lucas boomed as he hit a button next to him, startling Jolene. He heard her gasp and turned his head slightly to look at her, smirking to himself. He turned off his intercom and let the two men in the other room continue their game.
“Well, look who’s awake.” He said, spinning around in his chair. Jolene’s hand immediately went to her neck, where she felt the collar once more. Lucas chuckled at this.
“Did ya really think I was gonna let ya sit in here with nothin’ holdin’ ya in? After what happened last night?” He taunted. Jolene went to say something, but she was cut off by the intercom.
“I’ll stay.”
“I’m gonna stay.”
Lucas whirled around in excitement.
“And the winner is… Clancy!” He announced once more before pushing the button again, which prompted a recording of people cheering. A man groaned, which was followed up by screams of pain. Jolene jumped back again.
“What the fuck was that?” Jolene asked. Lucas smiled sadistically at her and rolled away from the monitors. He gestured her to come over. Jolene sat there, staring wide eyed at him, unsure if looking was truly the best idea.
“Why don’t ya come and look for yerself? I made sure that leash of yers was long enough so ya could…” He stopped to giggle to himself.
“Join in on the fun.” He finished. His phrasing made Jolene uncomfortable. She felt dread spread throughout her and she became sure that looking wasn’t going to be pleasant, but she knew that if she didn’t she’d have to deal with Lucas.
She looked at the screens and saw two men sitting at a table. Another screen was focused on the cards they had in front of them. They both wore bags over their heads. The men would wave their hands and ask for another card, or say that they’d stay. Jolene quickly understood what game they were playing. But what truly unnerved her was the giant saw that was placed between them. The loser would have to pay up, wouldn’t they? And what better way to pay?
“How long have they been at this?” Jolene asked, tracing her finger around the applause button. Lucas rolled back up next to her, shooing her hand away.
“’Bout an hour now.” He answered. They both said they’d stay and Lucas quickly acted. Their cards flipped.
“And the winner is… Hoffman!” He hit the applause button, but a chorus of groans came from the room on the screen. The saw began to move toward the other man, and he struggled to move away from it. Just as she thought it was going to hit him, it stopped. Its blades barely grazing the burlap sack on the man’s head. Jolene let out a sigh of relief.
“I wouldn’t be too relieved for him, princess. We still have one more round to go.” He told her as he laced his fingers together and placing his head on top and watching the screens intently. As the game went on, Lucas had an idea. He could make her deal the last blow; have her kill the loser. The idea excited him even further, and the more he thought of it he became sure he’d do it.
At last the men announced that they were done, and he called her over. She stood behind him and watched as he refrained from flipping the cards.
“Lucas, just tell em who won.” She said, annoyance present in her voice. They sat there, looking around and waiting for Lucas to come back on the speaker and tell them who won.
“Come ‘ere.” He demanded again. She refused to move closer. He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her toward both him and the controls.
“Press the button.” He told her. She looked up at him, wide eyed.
“Press the damn button.” He began to pull her hand toward the controls again. There were two buttons, one pointing up and the other pointing down. It was impossible to tell where it would be going, seeing as the screens showed the men from different angles, two of them were positioned behind a man and facing the other. Jolene looked back at Lucas, silently pleading for him to stop.
“I’m not gonna tell them who lost until you press the button.” He told her. She felt tears well up in her eyes. She wanted to resist but… she had to think about what would happen to the men if she refused.
“Lucas, please, I’ll do anything! Don’t make me kill those men!” She begged. He laughed at her pathetic attempt at bargaining.
“You’ll be lucky if I let ya blow me after this. We still haven’t talked ‘bout last night yet.” He said, not holding back at all. Her arm was beginning to become tired, the dull aching tingled underneath her skin. Lucas wasn’t going to let up anytime soon, and she knew this.
“Which one?” She practically shouted. Lucas smiled and leaned over to the intercom. He spoke without breaking eye contact with her.
“And the winner is… Clancy!” She looked down at the controls again.
“Which one, Lucas? Which one?” She yelled again.
“Up.” He answered, his grip not letting up on her wrist. She hit the up arrow without hesitation. The saw began to spin, moving slowly to the person she hoped was Hoffman. It was messed up as it was that she was hoping it’d hit anyone.
Blood flew through the air and splattered on the cameras, covering the image in small specks. Jolene flinched, feeling horrible for what she had just done.
“We’re done now? Right?” The man asked. Everything was quiet, and all of them sat there. Lucas leaned back, his lips pursed as he thought. He put his legs up on the table, each foot on the other side of the TV, so he could clearly see the screen. Jolene felt as if her and the man were sitting on the edge of their seat. She knew that Lucas was pissed at her for what had happened the night before, and this man wanted his freedom. Lucas hit the applause button again.
He turned the camera in front of him back on and sat there for a few moments, looking unimpressed. Jolene stood behind him, looking at the screen curiously.
Clancy saw her and wanted to bring it up, but decided that it wasn’t important. He had to get out of there.
Lucas began to clap sarcastically. Clancy said nothing as he stared at Lucas.
“Will you let me go now?” He asked over the sounds of Lucas’s slow claps. He shifted, bringing his legs off of the table and adjusting his position in the chair.
“You are one cold son of a bitch.” He stated, directed at both Clancy and Jolene. She felt guilty once more, knowing that she had just taken a life. Clancy felt a little guilty, but he knew deep down that it was him or Hoffman.
“Now you impressed me so much I’m gonna give you an extra reward.” Lucas said, pointing to the screen. He leaned back, pondering his own thoughts again.
“We gonna play another game, you an’ me.” He told him, his voice barely concealing how excited he was about it. He laughed. Jolene took a step back, hoping she wouldn’t have to participate in this one.
“Ain’t life grand?” Lucas asked in a sing-song like voice. Clancy shook his head frantically.
“No! I can’t take this anymore! Please!” He screamed. Lucas shook his head, chuckling to himself once more before turning the camera off. He looked over at Jolene, who was backed up against the wall near the door. He shut off all the monitors before standing and making his way toward her, stalking her like a predator would to prey. She cowered.
“Is your offer still up?” He asked, his fingers gently caressing her arm.
“N-no.” She told him.
“Darlin’, I don’t think ya have a choice.” He told her before forcing her down onto her knees.
Jolene walked through the mines with Lucas guiding her. She felt disgusting. Not only did she just kill a man, but Lucas had just forced himself on her again. He hadn’t done that in a while, and despite the many times it had happened, she would never become desensitized from it. She’d always feel awful afterward; always have this lingering feeling. Always know that she was violated and he didn’t care.
Her arms were wrapped tightly around her chest. It was her comforting herself, yet at the same time it was her covering up what she had stolen.
In her shirt was a camera. She wasn’t sure it worked, hell, for all she knew all of the cameras in that box were broken. But she had faith. She would record a message in the mines for someone to find, maybe Zoe, or someone else who could help. That’s what it was: a cry for help. She couldn’t take this anymore. There’s only so much she could take.
Lucas shackled her leg again as Jolene shifted onto her stomach. After he was done, he laid the sheet over her small frame without a second thought. She felt her nose wrinkle in disgust and she rolled her eyes.
He left without saying a word.
Jolene sat up, taking the camera out from underneath her shirt and turning it on. It glowed a bright blue after she hit the button and a name was displayed on the small screen. She quickly flipped the small display so it was facing the side with the actual camera before turning the camera around so it was facing her.
She hit record.
“Zoe? Anybody? Please. I’m still alive, I’m here, and I know that people are probably lookin’ for me. Or at least I hope they are. I just want the person who’s watching this to know that I’m alive! I’m alive but I don’t know for how long. I… I think I’ve been infected with somethin’. I saw somethin’ the other day before I was given some sort of medicine, I didn’t hallucinate after that. But I know that I have these powers of some sort, and I don’t want to end up like those monsters out there. If anybody finds this, send help. Please, I’m in the-”
The door opened… and Lucas stepped in.
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vampiricfairy · 4 years
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
Chapter 3
Word Count: 2183
Pairing: Jonathan Harker x Reader
Warnings: ⚠️TW ED⚠️
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone, calling Zoe.
“Good morning Y/N-“
“Dracula found me, I think.” You said, actually relaxed.
You sighed, you regretted going out that night.. To a certain extent, Jonathan was cool though but you probably would’ve met him regardless. You checked your texts, Jonathan didn’t text you which disappointed you a little.
After maybe 10 minutes of waiting Zoe barged into your apartment and stomped upstairs into your room.
“Y/N??” Zoe exclaimed and you gestured to the writing on the window.
“You need to be more careful, Y/N. Can you stay at one of your friends’ house?” Zoe asked.
“Probably.. I’ll have to ask-“ You said, before realizing something. “But wouldn’t that be what Dracul would want?”
“You’re right.. You’ll come to my apartment.”
“I- what? I would endanger you and- that isn’t a great idea either! I don’t want that!” You said, “I’ll.. Look whether one of my friends could maybe help me out? We have hiding place in my dads garage and it seems fairly safe.” You said.
“Just.. Don’t go out after dark and do your best to stay safe. I have to get back to work.” Zoe sighed, “I’ll check up on you later, alright?” She said and walked out of the apartment again.
After asking all your friends who possibly could help you out with your small issue.. Your friend Henry told you that you could stay at his house for the night. Would’ve been cooler if he weren’t madly in love with you, well rip you.
You took a shower and then cleaned the blood off your window as it wasn’t really a nice sight for you to seeing the blood of somebody you don’t know.
You packed all your necessary stuff.
Henry had convinced you to leave the house with him, it was sunset which made you nervous.
“I told Lucy we’d meet her.. She’s not as bad as you think she is. By the way she met somebody and wants us to meet him, I promise you it’ll be fun!” Henry said and held your hand.
“Please.. Not for long- I need to be home by sundown- I can’t stay longer outside than that!” You said, obviously you couldn’t tell him that a vampire who killed your great-great-great aunt and that he wanted to apparently destroy your bloodline, was chasing you.
“Why are you so pressed? At most we’ll stay outside for an hour! What are you so afraid of? You’re acting weird.”
“Henry!!” A familiar voice screeched.
You rolled your eyes, there she was, Lucy Westenra. Next to her stood a pretty tall man, he had dark hair and.. Wait a fucking minute.
“Bye hoes. I’m leaving.” You said as you stomped away.
“Not so fast, Y/N.” Said the man.
“Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Go fuck yourself.” You said, not turning around.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Asked both Lucy and Henry in unison.
“Nothing.. Just leave me alone!” You said and you started running.
The man followed you and you ran faster, for your life- not knowing where you were running. You saw a taxi and almost stumbled into it.
“Jonathan Harker Foundation, now.” You said.
The driver was slightly confused but started to drive, during the ride he tried to make small talk but you didn’t feel like it and snapped at him a few times. It really wasn’t his fault but you were probably being chased by the vampire that was trying to destroy your bloodline and that didn’t help your mood.
Once you reached the foundation you threw the money into the drivers lap, “Miss?? That is too much-“
“Keep the change-“ you said as you charged into the foundation and immediately flew into Zoe’s arms.
“Y/N are you alright?!” Zoe asked, a little surprised.
“H-he is with my friends- I don’t.. I don’t feel safe-“ you sniffled.
“Calm down first, what exactly happened?” She asked.
You explained it to her and she sighed, “it’ll be fine Y/N. You need to take care of yourself and maybe avoid going outside for a little.” Zoe tried to reassure you.
“What’s wrong?” You heard a familiar voice say.
You looked up and wiped away your tears, “Jonathan?” You sniffled before looking at Zoe, “how- why is he here?” You asked.
“He is trying to help us with.. Well Dracula.” Zoe said and Jonathan nodded. “The foundation is also named after him, so you’d think he would try to stick around here to help us.”
“I’ll take care of her, Zoe.” Jonathan said and tried to smile reassuringly.
“Alright, if you do try to hurt or.. Anything, you know what happens.” Zoe said, threateningly.
“I am very aware and I wouldn’t hurt her or you in any way.” Jonathan said.
“That’s cool but what’s the Wi-Fi password?” You asked.
“Count Dracula.” Zoe said before she disappeared.
“Alright, got it.” You said as you typed the password into your phone and waited as it connected.
“You could stay at my apartment if you want.” Jonathan offered, he seemed to be fairly interested in you and you didn’t exactly understand why.
“I mean if Zoe’s okay with that- but don’t you have to sleep in a coffin or something?” You asked, as you texted your friends letting you know that you’re okay. You realized something-
“I d-“ you interrupted Jonathan.
“I-I just realized that Dracula could have tracked me by my Snapchat location- holy shit-“ you exclaimed before turning off your location information on your phone.
“It’s an app where you can talk to people and send them pictures, I forgot to turn off my location mode.. So that would explain why Dracula found out where I was.” You explained as you turned the ghost mode on.
“You have to be more cautious with your privacy, Y/N!” Jonathan said, as you looked up into his eyes to see a bit of worry?
“I’m fine- I mean I’ve survived the last 17 years and I’ll survive.. At least another 5 years- well anyways. Should I ask Zoe whether I can stay at your place?” You asked, feeling a bit silly as you felt like you were a little child asking for Zoe’s permission which made you tempted to just go but you couldn’t because you knew Zoe, out of all people would rip your head off if you didn’t let her know where you went after being chased by the vampire threatening to destroy your bloodline.
“Go ahead, darling.” Jonathan smiled fondly at you.
After a 30 minute talk about what you shouldn’t do and Zoe ranting about your safety you sat in a car with Jonathan and a driver. She told you to not fall in love with Jonathan, you didn’t really understand what’s there to fall in love with in first place- maybe that was mean but the dude low-key was a huge boomer. He had his attractive traits, yes, his eyes are fairly pretty but you were sure when Billie Eilish was singing Ocean Eyes she most definitely didn’t mean Jonathan.
Jonathan looked at you, “are you hungry? I don’t really have any food in my apartment but I could buy you something.” He offered, smiling a little at you.
“No.. Not really- Jonathan?” You asked.
“Yes, anything wrong?”
“Do you.. You know drink blood?”
“I-“ he hesitated a little, “I do. Just not as often as Dracula, I try to drink blood every.. Two days so I can function but otherwise not. I primarily try to choose lawyers as I enjoy keeping up with the law- it makes me quite happy.. Do you have anything that makes you happy?” Jonathan asked, trying to get the conversation going.
“Well I tend to enjoy listening to music and reading- it’s fun to go out with friends or learning new things, I’m pretty interested in the paranormal, occult and psychology.” You smiled, remembering the times where you would tell your friends creepy stories to watch the freak out.
“You really seem to be a Van Helsing, I’m not surprised.” Jonathan remarked.
“Maybe it runs in the blood, who knows?” You smiled sheepishly.
After a relatively long drive that didn’t feel so long, Jonathan led you to his apartment. His apartment was pretty tidy, small and rather well put together.
“You got a TV, I see- do you want to watch a movie?” You asked.
“Isn’t it a little late?” Jonathan asked, “not that I mind! I just think you should try to not sleep too late everyday!”
“Nahh! I’m good! Let me put on something more comfortable first though.” You said, grabbing your ag and disappearing into the bathroom. You kept your thigh highs on as you were wearing an oversized sweater. You honestly hoped Jonathan wouldn’t mind since he’s from another century, but he shouldn’t think about it anyway.
“Done!” You said as you walked into the living room area and flopped next to Jonathan on the couch. “I’m pretty sure you slept through all the good horror movies so why don’t we watch.. The Conjuring?” You suggested.
“I’m fine with whatever you want to watch-“ He answered with a small smile.
You took the remote and streamed Netflix of off your phone on the TV. You were feeling a little tired already, bit it wasn’t that bad yet.
You didn’t even remember falling asleep during the movie. As you feel asleep you rested your head on the next best thing; Jonathan’s shoulder. In your sleep you mumbled something and pretty much wrapped your arms around him, snoring lightly.
If he were able to blush, he would. But since he wasn’t he waited a little before carefully removing your arms and picking you up as if you were a fragile doll that would shatter at any moment. He carried you into a bedroom, placing on the bed and tucking you in.
He looked at you, admiring your sleeping and beautiful form before stopping himself from his thoughts. He quietly walked out of the room and to his coffin, lying down in it and closing his eyes. It didn’t really take long for him to fall asleep.
You woke up the next morning, a bit surprised about where you were as you walked into the bathroom and washed your face then brushed your teeth. Trying to find Jonathan you walked into a room and blushed slightly when you saw the vampire who was.. Shirtless. He seemed to have just taken a shower and maybe, just maybe, you were staring a bit.
You blushed even more when he saw you and mumbled a “I’m so sorry-“ as you closed the door again. You thought for a moment and remembered what you saw.
Jonathan wasn’t ripped or anything, his body was pretty average, he had a bit of pudge on his stomach but it was normal for the era he was from. So you knew from history lesson, yeah you’re big smart. But you somehow thought it was cute on him, wait why do you find a 148 year old cute?
You stood there with your back leaned against the door, thinking as he opened the door and you fell into his arms, luckily he caught you and you figured; today wouldn’t be a good day.
“Are you alright, darling?” He asked, a little worried, still holding you.
“I’m good, I’m great.. I-I I’m just so sorry for walking in on you, I should’ve knocked.” You said still slightly embarrassed.
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” Jonathan said, “are you hungry? If you want to I can give you money so you could buy something from the bakery.” He offered you.
“No thank you..” You smiled a little.
“How come you never eat?” He asked, slight worry in his voice.
“I-I do? I’m just not eating as much because don’t like it.. I’m trying to lose a bit weight so, why not?”
“But why? Darling, you’re absolutely stunning.” He told you as he looked into your E/C eyes.
“Cool that you think so, I don’t. I don’t want to talk about it, Zoe would fry me.” You said.
“I won’t force you to talk to me, but I do want you to know that you can trust me.” He said and you sighed.
“I’m good Jonathan.. Really. Just don’t make me talk about it because it’s embarrassing.” You said.
“Do you want to finish the movie?” Jonathan asked, knowing that that would lift your spirits.
“Yeah!!” You smiled and flopped on the couch.
After watching a few horror movies you practically held onto Jonathan, you were a bit scared even if you didn’t want to admit it so you hugged Jonathan’s arm and leaned your head on his shoulder. “Johnnyy, I’m scared-“ you whispered.
He paused the movie, “nothing’s gonna hurt you. I promise.”
“Well if you say so..” You smiled a bit tiredly as Jonathan played a little with your hair..
It all felt too good to be true.
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