#it is 3:09 my brother in christ
anonzentimes · 7 months
In regards to Nagito's voice sounding insincere in English dub; I know it's not the same thing, but as an autistic person Ive had some people mistake me for being sarcastic when I wasnt, especially as a kid. When I was really little I moved from a place where kids had to call every adult "ma'am/sir" to a place no one did that, and teachers complained to my parents that I was "rude and sarcastic" when I was polite and not-sarcastic??? Idk if this makes you feel better, but I guess I have a misunderstanding in common with Nagito.
Honestly, now that you say that the interpretation of Nagito being his honest self but sounding sarcastic so he's misunderstood that way on top of everything else is super tragic, it may hinder a chunk of the audience's understanding, but it's still an amazing way of thinking about it writing wise.
Also dude, wow, I am so sorry you had to go through that?? That sounds so frustrating, from the sound of things it sounds like things have gotten better? I hope so at least? Hope you're doing well!
For me, I struggle more with words and the feeling of helplessness when I'm not being understood. It doesn't happen too often anymore, but I genuinely do remember having meltdowns so bad about literally not knowing a word I needed to express myself when I was a toddler that I screamed so much someone had called the cops thinking I was being abused, which, arguably the COPS showing up made me melt down more LMAO??? I have a small memory of being under a table and hiding away from cops because I was afraid they'd take me away and that my mom called them, when in ACTUALITY it was just the neighbors concerned about me.
All of that to say, yeah, I definitely relate, the feeling of being misunderstood and the helplessness that it brings is so overwhelming, I never had issues with my "tone" necessarily but I've always had issues with my expressions. I'm a lot more expressive than I feel so a lot of the time I can't understand what expression I'm making and it's led to some horrible social interactions where I was making a more intense face than intended.
For some reason, the easiest ways for me to have a mental breakdown is not being able to communicate and two people talking to me with an annoyed tone, so I always felt super empathetic to Nagito in the first chapter upon rewatching it. Everyone yelling at you that you're the murderer? Ganging up on you like that? While you can't communicate or explain yourself truly? Yeah, i'd break too, I think that's genuine, and he's clever enough to use his meltdown to his advantage to attempt to convince them he's the killer. Of course it doesn't work though!
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batsy-bueller · 3 years
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#you can not like me but you don’t need to exaggerate shit and then have your brother who id never met before be a grade a asshole to me
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Carolina, forget me not, apricot and no I do not take criticism <3
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Criticism not necessary because I’m a grown ass grad student with at least 6 stuffed animals currently in my apartment
6 notes • Posted 2021-03-25 04:00:14 GMT
hey! i like seeing you on my dash. but every time i see your icon, i'm fairly sure it's familiar, but i can't place why. could you tell me where it's from, please?
Aww thank you!! And it’s Ferris from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (aka my favorite movie)
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Specifically this scene ^ when Cameron and Ferris are arguing over who should talk to Mr. Rooney
8 notes • Posted 2021-04-14 22:37:15 GMT
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Tumblr adds bewilder me like
“Hey! You ever wanted a blanket with a dead loved ones face on it!! Because we can provide that!!!!”
10 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 07:09:57 GMT
Jesus Christ, the one and only Son Of God The Father, died on the cross for your sins. He was not sent here to condemn us, but to save us(John 3:16-17)! He knows you more than anyone else! You are wonderful and loved by Him. Let Him lead your life, and love Him with all that you are.
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Love that I’m loved but what prompted this ask
131 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 01:47:51 GMT
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
‘cause right now you're mine
set in this verse
Dean 12:01 You didn’t tell me you led Carver Prep’s quiz bowl team???
Castiel 12:15 It’s in the middle of the school day and you’re texting. What kind of example are you setting for your students?
Castiel 12:16 I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t relevant.
Dean 12:17 Haha smartass I’m having lunch in my office Youre texting me back so i see right through you And of course it’s freaking relevant
Castiel 12:20 How?
Dean 12:21 Because I got tapped to coach Edlund High's quiz bowl team this morning!
Castiel 12:21 Oh no.
Dean 12:30 Oh no is right buddy
Castiel 12:37 I thought you coached the softball team.
Dean 12:37 I can do both You’re dating a very talented man
Castiel 12:49 I know that. I just didn’t know it extended to quiz bowls and softball in addition to blow jobs and breaking and entering places to give blow jobs.
Dean 12:52 What the fuck is wrong with you I’m in school! My lunch hour is almost over I’ll have to get up from my desk very soon This is all your fault
Castiel 12:59 :)
Dean 1:00 Just for that No blow jobs for you tonight
Castiel 1:07 :(
Dean 11:55 I bet I can grade more midterms than you today
Castiel 11:58 I know better than to make bets with you, Dean Winchester.
Dean 12:03 It was just a kiss I bet you’re just pissed you lost
Castiel 12:04 I can’t engage in PDA in front of my niece and one of my students at a school event!
Dean 12:04 Youre such a prude
Castiel 12:06 Unlike some teachers, I maintain boundaries between my personal and professional life.
Dean 12:07 Prude.
Castiel 12:09 Did you text me on a Monday afternoon just to harass me about my reluctance to kiss my boyfriend in front of minors?
Dean 12:11 Huh Boyfriend
Castiel 12:20 Dean?
Dean 12:21 What?
Castiel 12:22 Is everything okay?
Dean 12:23 Other than *my boyfriend* refusing to even entertain the idea of a friendly wager?
Castiel 12:23 Yes, other than that.
Dean 12:23 No
Castiel 12:25 That’s good. You scared me for a second.
Dean 12:26 I did?
Castiel 12:26 Are you okay with being my boyfriend? The long gap between our messages made me realize we haven’t talked about it before.
Dean 12:27 I mean it’s a little weird My 16 year old students have boyfriends “boyfriend” seems a little I don’t know Juvenile We’re not 16 anymore, Cas Thank god.
Castiel 12:30 Would you prefer “partner”?
Castiel 12:31 It’s just whenever I hear someone call their significant other “partner” I can never tell if they are talking about their life partner, same-sex partner, police partner, or if they are cowboys. That was a joke! Ignore this. I remember how much you like Westerns. “Partners” is off the table.
Castiel 12:31 Please never introduce me to someone like this.
Dean 12:32 Only if you watch Tombstone with me tonight
Castiel 12:33 Can I still grade my midterms?
Dean 12:35 You’re killing me here Cas Yes
Castiel 12:40 I’m your huckleberry
Castiel 2:19 Good luck with the softball game today!
Dean 2:21 You’d better make it up for me for missing this one Its the semifinals
Castiel 2:22 I will. Say “hi” to Claire for me.
Dean 2:27 What the hell? Why is she here? We’re not even playing Carver
Castiel 2:29 She has a crush on Kaia Nieves
Dean 2:30 Ohhhhh That explains a lot
Castiel 2:30 She thinks she’s being subtle.
Dean 2:37 I see that runs in the family Subtle as a brick wall. All of you.
Castiel 2:38 Excuse me, you had no idea about my feelings for you back in high school.
Dean 2:49 So? Charlie said you were obvious as fuck But it didn’t matter since I was a dumbass
Castiel 2:50 I prefer oblivious Less dumb Less ass
Dean 2:57 How dare you My ass is a goddamn gift. You take that back right now
Castiel 2:59 Of course. Don’t you have a game to coach?
Dean 3:01 Shit you’re right
Castiel 11:18 I know how I can make up for missing that last softball game last weekend
Dean 12:01 Sorry The kids called me out for texting you 5 mins before the bell last time How the hell did i get stuck with a class full of narcs
Castiel 12:03 It’s probably karma For all the rule breaking you did in school
Dean 12:05 Hey I wasn’t that bad
Castiel 12:05 You frequently defaced school desks and returned library books after their due date.
Dean 12:06 I’m dating a narc too???
Castiel 12:07 You didn’t ask what I have planned.
Dean 12:07 OK i’ll bite What do you have planned babe? Please tell me it’s not another documentary on bees That was depressing The grand canyon one was cool though
Castiel 12:10 Speaking of narcs
Dean 12:10 This doesn’t sound good
Castiel 12:11 When I had to get my extra copy of Camus from my car, I stumbled on Miriam at the edge of the parking lot with a few more students. They were skipping class and smoking marijuana. Naturally, I reported them to the administration.
Dean 12:13 Not helping your not-a-narc case
Castiel 12:13 They received detention for skipping class.
Dean 12:13 And the drugs?
Castiel 12:13 I may have neglected to report the drug use.
Dean 12:14 Seriously?
Castiel 12:14 I still confiscated it. Research evidence shows marijuana has negative effects on the developing brain.
Dean 12:14 I guess that’s fair
Dean 12:15 Hang on Do you still have it? OUR brains are old as balls Seriously, are you telling me you have weed now?
Castiel 12:15 Surprise?  I can throw it out if you’d prefer to do something else tonight.
Dean 12:15 Dont you dare!!! I’m going to get a six pack on the way home, download the last Star Wars, and we’re gonna do this right Your place or mine?
Castiel 12:16 I have been neglecting laundry lately. Yours?
Dean 12:16 You’re on This is going to be so awesome
Dean 12:06 Did you really mean to invite me to dinner with your brother?
Castiel 12:09 I didn’t mean to bring it up when we were high, but the invitation still stands. Claire told him we were together. He wants to meet you.
Dean 12:11 Oh
Castiel 12:11 You do not have to say yes.
Dean 12:13 I’ll go It just took me by surprise
Castiel 12:13 I don’t want to pressure you.
Dean 12:14 Youre not pressuring me
Castiel 12:14 Are you sure?
Dean 12:16 Look, I just know your relationship with your brother is complicated And I don’t want to stick my foot in it By accident or some other way
Castiel 12:20 We’re in a better place than I’d like to admit. I spent a long time resenting Jimmy for the time he had with Father. But it wasn’t his fault Father was a bastard who had a second family he preferred to be with. Jimmy was barely in middle school when Father started going on his “business trips”
Dean 12:21 Jesus christ You told me bit about it back in high school But I didn’t realize it was a second family situation
Castiel 12:21 Mother kept it from us for years. I still haven’t forgiven her for it.
Dean 12:21 Are you OK?
Castiel 12:22 I’m fine. It was a long time ago.
Dean 12:22 That stuff takes a long time to get over.
Castiel 12:22 I suppose.
Dean 12:23 Is it okay if you stay at mine tonight?
Castiel 12:24 Our next date isn’t until Friday
Dean 12:24 I don’t want to wait until Friday to see you
Castiel 12:27 Can you pick me up at Carver at 4pm?
Dean 12:27 You got it More time with you and my baby Win-win!
Dean 11:51 Are you sure what I usually wear to school is OK?
Castiel 11:53 You texted me nine minutes early?
Dean 11:53 Shut up I had to bribe my kids For NINE extra minutes Friggin tyrants
Castiel 11:54 What did they extort from you?
Dean 11:54 I promised to throw out their lowest pop quiz grade
Castiel 11:54 That isn’t too bad.
Dean 11:54 I was already planning on doing it
Castiel 11:55 Clever of you.
Dean 11:56 You’re not just dating a pretty face But getting back to dinner with your brother Is a regular button up OK? The tie hides most of the sloppy joe stain
Castiel 11:56 I’m sure you look very handsome
Dean 11:57 I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not
Castiel 11:57 I rarely manage sarcasm in-person. What makes you think I would attempt it over text?
Dean 11:58 Good point
Castiel 11:58 You’re a very good-looking man, Dean. I’ve known this since we were 15.
Dean 11:59 Stop it you’re making me blush
Castiel 12:01 It’s the truth.
Dean 12:04 Alright, alright I’m already sleeping with you No need to butter me up
Dean 12:05 It’s just I remember how you used to talk about him The perfect big brother
Castiel 12:07 More like the perfect student and perfect son. Jimmy was honestly too busy to be much of a brother. The 11 year age difference didn’t help. When I was in high school, he already had the perfect nuclear family on the way.
Dean 12:07 Exactly
Castiel 12:08 Exactly what?
Dean 12:08 You’re lucky I know you And I know you’re not drawing this out on purpose Look, i want to make a good impression, OK? he seems like a hard guy to please.
Castiel 12:09 I That’s very admirable of you, but it’s entirely unnecessary.
Dean 12:10 He’s your family
Castiel 12:11 And I understand family is very important to you, but it isn’t the same with me. It would be very nice if dinner goes well, but if it does not, I will not care in the slightest.
Dean 12:11 Really?
Castiel 12:11 Truly.
11:16 I’m sorry for my dad.
Dean 11:17 Who is this? 
11:20 Claire Novak
Dean 11:21 How did you get this number?
Claire 11:23 Alex Jones
Dean 11:24 How did Alex get my number???
Claire 11:24 It was on the softball permission forms How did you not know this Didn’t you draft them?
Dean 11:25 It’s been a while I’m a very busy man
Claire 11:25 Sure. Anyway, my dad was a dick.  Totally out of line last night
Dean 11:26 Shouldn’t you be texting Cas about this?
Claire 11:26 I don’t have his number
Dean 11:26 Cas wasn’t kidding when he said you guys weren’t close
Claire 11:27 Nope.
Dean 11:27 Well I am very close with my brother He’s a lawyer out in California
Claire 11:27 Good for you???
Dean 11:29 It doesn’t sit right with me that Cas doesn't have a real relationship with his family
Claire 11:31 That seems like Uncle Castiels business
Dean 11:33 But Jimmy isn’t Cas’s only family SO if you ever need a place to crash, i’m always available
Claire 11:35 Maybe my dad was right And you’re secretly a perv I’m not staying with you you freak
Dean 11:35 Jesus christ, I’m trying to say, if ALEX isn’t the only girl on Edlund's softball team you’re getting buddy-buddy with, it’s fine You should get a chance to explore that part of being a teenager While STAYING SAFE But don’t let your parents stand in the way of that side of your life
Claire 11:41 Dad wouldn’t kick me out
Dean 11:42 Maybe not. But if you are at all uncomfortable, just give cas a call I’ll forward you his contact info now
 “I might have told Claire she’s always welcome at my place if she comes out to her parents,” Dean says as he pockets his phone. He turns his back on the pile of sparkling clean dishes drying on the rack by Cas's sink. Dean adds, “Hopefully she’ll ask you before she goes to me.”
They hadn't really discussed the disaster of a dinner with Jimmy and Claire. A few tense words on the drive back to Cas's house, a tacit acknowledgement in the morning not to mention it until after coffee and breakfast. But then Cas brought out his homework for the weekend, even while last night's argument scratches at the back of his mind like a fly trapped in a windowless room. So Dean did the dishes and texted Claire.
Cas looks up from his juniors’ final exams. “You were talking to Claire?”
“She texted me first,” Dean says defensively.
Cas sighs and caps his pen. It’s blue, because red pen, according to Cas, is too traumatizing a grading implement. “I’m very sorry about last night.”
Dean waves his apology off. “You warned me it could go sideways.”
Cas’s brow furrows. “Still,” he says slowly, “I told my mother and Jimmy I was gay a few years ago. I think it was easy for them to ignore it as long as I didn’t have a boyfriend in the picture.”
Dean fiddles with a dishrag as he hovers by the sink. “Was Jimmy a jackass to your other boyfriends?”
“What others?” Cas asks wryly. “None of them were ever serious enough to pique Jimmy’s interest.”
Cas nods and gestures for Dean to take a seat at the kitchen table next to him. He holds out his hand, which Dean takes, bemused. “I don’t know why Jimmy thought religion was an appropriate introductory dinner topic. I could tell he was trying to genuinely understand our… lifestyle, to use his word, but-”
“I got angry,” Dean says looking down at their clasped hands.
“You didn’t say anything I wasn't thinking,” Cas says simply. “I’m glad you reached out to Claire.”
“It seems like she needed it.”
“She doesn’t have a lot of adults in her life she can rely on to be in her corner,” Cas says diplomatically. “I’ve tried, over the years, but I can’t relate to her at all.”
Dean laughs. “Of course not. Teenage rebellion wasn’t really your style.”
“Ah yes, of course,” Cas says, his voice dry as chalk, “you’d be the perfect person to talk to her. The cool kids speak their own language. How could I forget?”
Dean smirks. “It’s full of references you don’t get.”
“Don’t remind me,” Cas says darkly.
Dean leans in for a kiss. Eyes dancing, as he whispers, “Relax, babe. You were always the coolest kid in school to me."
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
09/25/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 45:11-48:11, Ephesians 4:1-16, Psalms 68:19-35, Proverbs 24:3-4
Today is the 25th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you as we bring to the close another one of our weeks together and continue our journey by taking the next step forward, which leads us back into the book of Isaiah. We’ve been camping out in Isaiah for a while, and we’ve got a little bit more to go. We’re reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week. Isaiah 45 verse 11 through 48 verse 11.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week. We just completed the last full week of this month. We’ll be transitioning again in the coming week, and it just keeps going. It seems like it's going fast but at every moment that we slow down to observe where we are we look back and see that You have been faithful, You have been patient, You have led us every step of the way, You have brought us to this point, and we are supremely grateful to You. We worship You. We love You. And as this week becomes part of our history, we pray that what You've planted in our lives through the Scriptures will yield fruit, will bring a harvest when the time is right. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base. That's where the Global Campfire is and…yeah…check it out if you haven't had the chance yet. You can arrive there at dailyaudiobible.com or you can use the app and press the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and that will get you to places like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. And within the Daily Audio Bible Shop are a number of categories of resources that…that are for the community here just around the Global Campfire, whether that be Global Campfire things to remind us that we’re in community together, or whether that be written resources to take the journey deeper. Check it out at dailyaudiobible.com or in the app, the Daily Audio Bible Shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible thank you with all of my heart. Thank you, wouldn't…we wouldn't have been here 5000+ days in a row if we weren't in this together 5000+ days in a row. And, so, it's…it's an honor…it’s an honor to serve and it's a beautiful thing we’re in this together as we take the journey through the year. And, so, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at the website at dailyaudiobible.com. If using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you not be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey DAB it's Refined by the Fire in Ohio and I wanted to take a minute. We've had just so many people call in with just soul tugging praises and requests. And, so, I wanted to take a minute to rejoice with those who are rejoicing for the gift of sight, for health being restored, for relationships that have been mended. And I don't want to overlook the high points that we go through. And those high points don't diminish the low valleys that we also face. And, so, the calls that we've had coming in, I'm sorry for the loss of your son. I'm sorry about your mom in the nursing home with dementia. And, you know, your hubby not wanting to walk and his health, just each one of your calls I pray with you. I lift you up whether that's in praise or just in comfort and sorrow, both with thanksgiving that we know a God who is bigger than our deepest valleys, who meets us at the peaks where we get to be there and who carries us through each one. And I just thank you guys for being there for me over the years even if I was kind of in the background. But I love you guys and I hope you have a great day.
Good night, everybody this is In Cognito but not to God. I'm calling to ask that God would reach out to a friend. I'll just give his…his initials, Y I'm sorry JY. and he is…he needs to be rescued from male prostitution. And I'm asking that you all will join me in prayer for his deliverance and that God will use him as a point of reference to save many others who are caught up in the same situation. It turns into addiction because you start believing that that's who you are, that that's the only way. You can't see a way out. And he's truly believing all of Satan's lies. So, I'm reaching out to all of you because I know that prayer is power. Help me to push, pray until something happens. I'm asking God to save him by any means necessary. God created him and then paid a very heavy price for him. So, Satan cannot have him in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over him, that God will save him from himself. In Jesus’ name I ask these things. Amen.
Grace and peace Daily Audio Bible family. This is Phil Jordan formerly of New York now of North Carolina. My wife Sherry and I relocated earlier this year. This is a prayer request for the healing and full recovery of my dear sister-in-law Celestine Garner. She and my brother who are pastors of our church back in our hometown of Mount Vernon NY had a bout with COVID in August. Pastor's out and on the mend and…but Celestine is still there in the hospital on a ventilator. Waiting for her to wake up. There’ve been prayers…multiple prayers and many many prayers have already gone up but I'm reaching out to you guys as well. Support the family as well as for God to just complete this work of restoration in both of them so she can live to continue to spoil everyone and be the most hospitable person she's ever been. I'll tell you it's just something to deal with, this illness because you have to suffer so long in…in isolation. She’s been in the hospital for a while, so you can't visit. But we're praying and we pray in the Spirit that she's been able to hear us and feel our love and prayers. So, pray with us for her restoration and for healing, for God to raise her up, for it to be a great testimony for her to live the rest of her days, see her yet to be born grandchildren and spoil them in Jesus’ name. Thank you.
Good morning DABalonians. Casey Sean Pierce from Hawaii I love the way you started it with your various names for the community at Daily Audio Bible. It was great. My name is Treasured Possession, and I would like to pray for your wife. I want you to know that I am the wife of a husband who I have been married to for 35 years and he has been sober for 12. And it's not easy but it is beautiful. And God…God is mighty. Shamara, I pray that you shall know the truth and that the truth will set you free. I pray that you would remain free. I pray your children will be settled in a home of peace and that you will have the time to focus on yourself and your recovery. I pray that you will know all you have in Christ Shamara, that you'll have a solid sponsor in a group that loves you understand you and supports you in your recovery. I pray you will not seek drama to distract from the pain. I pray that you will be able to endure the pain as you…as the pain is revealed to you and that peace that passes understanding will fill your soul, your mind and you will be as you were redeemed in the word made flesh your savior Jesus. I pray God's almighty blessing upon you, and I pray for an amazing and phenomenal life for you and your husband and your family and that your mother-in-law and mother would be blessed as well. Father God, I thank you for people in recovery. I thank you Father God for your…for you Jesus that that brings it all…that makes it all happen. And thank you Daily Audio Bible family that undergirds all of the believers in prayer. And thank you Brian, Jill, and Ezekiel and all the team behind. Amen.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X19 Jump the Shark
Oh hey is this the illegitimate brother plotline
boy I love me some sweet sweet ANGST
whelp she's fucking dead
picture of JOHN?
Sam's peacefully brushing his teeth and Dean's Not a Morning Person
boy he's having a bad morning
to be fair, living out of the car is kinda not fun either
"I'm his son" Dean: I'm gonna fUCKING KIL-
they're going to ruin his life too aren't they, Aren't The-
Dean is taking this really well
I mean he did get the brunt of John's Issues, so I get it, yike
ASDFPIHP them discussing their dad's ~sex life~ is very funny though
Dean was...preteen? when this kid was born? Sam was under ten definitely
Dean Please
No that's your Actual Brother guys PLEASE
hunting accident "ah fair enough"
"who is a nuclear family these days" FEELS SO LOADED
Dean...Dean please don't fUCKING KILL HIM DEAN
"he took you to a baseball game" IDSFHAPF
He's Trying not to CRY OH MY GOD NO WAIT
Sam resonates with the away from college thing oh NO
Dean is trying SO HARD not to snap
at least he's...trying..to keep adam out
corpse snatching => HEY LOOK IT's THE BONE STEALING WIT-
I think I need to stop being online jesus christ
the [both sigh] was so good
well...that's a lot of blood
How the hell do you break it to your illegitimate brother that you're ~technically Wanted by the FBI
at least he's not an idiot
I mean obligatory dead mom
"do i get a say in this?" "NO!"
Middle sibling + younger sibling gang up on elder
"have u thought about eternity" "bro i've literally been to hell Idk what to tell u"
Dean doing it solo but Sad is...:(
Oh he worked the old case, that's neat
"so it's over for you" welllllll
dean + long dark coat truthing tonight HE LOOKS G O O D
it wants revenge
and Adam Instantly wants revenge, you sir are definitely a Winchester
"it's life" WELL IT SHOULDn'T BE
the stupid isolationism I hate it
Sam's becoming his dad, and Dean isn't
LET HIM BE NORMAL! HAPPY! IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU RIGHT NOW(NOT ALWAYS)(Also very close to the thing with zachariah in placement(eye emojis) BUT LEAVE HIM ALONE!
I do appreciate Dean Eldest Sibling'ed it up even if he didn't like the kid/was jealous. Goddammit I wish we got connection in this stupid show
I was expecting a jump scare but somehow the squish is worse
sOn oF aBitcH
I do like the little angel Icon though, that's what's Dean's way out
Ghouls is a racist term?what????
no john winchester was 100% a monster
ah it was their father
yada yada father killing circle idk
Ghoul!mom is really really good. I liked Scared Adam better though
the slicing sam scene is BRUTAL jesus christ
So...John got his own son killed in the end...
awww caring Dean is nice
"Adam's in a better place" :(
Dean tried to fit himself into the Dad box, Sam's actually him
"you take it any way you want" oh for FUC- HE- I-
he looked so Sad, so like...he's stopped idolizing him
jesus christ.
boy there's gonna be overlap ok here we go.
1. poor dean. Ok couple things: 1) he elder sibling'ed it SO HARd! he didn't even like Adam, but he still tried to keep him safe(I think). he gave him a hunter's funeral! I just. It was nice to see. It was also INCREDIBLY painful to hear the realization of "you were always like dad, I never could be" and the fact that he didn't even see it as a good thing anymore? fUCK man, that huRT me. Dean tried so hard to be something he wasn't, he got probably the brunt of the abuse(because he didn't measure up to that metric like Sam always would), and in the end all it got him was...just. so much pain. Like it felt like John left his Broken children behind to get a new one, and just turned them into his quest for revenge. It was SO So fucked
Hey actually speaking of
LIKE ok listen. John's kinda set up as the ideal of hunting. They martyred him! And I was halfway sold provided they didn't mention him again. Then! he did this thing where he abandoned his kids, seeing them only as tools to fulfill his quest for revenge, literally broke them(that too late thing+zachariah saying "it's in your blood" when really it was just trained from a young age), got a NEW family he treated a lot better. I just. I have...NO idea how I'm supposed to see him as a good guy here. Maybe I just kin Dean, or his plight is WAY more sympathetic(it is, Sam is kinda pissing me off), but John's just...coming off worse and worse and they KEEP doing it!
Also! this whole cycle of revenge thing! about how if you keep taking an eye for an eye, everyone ends up blind! they barely escaped this time, and I think this was the second revenge plot that I can think of with MONSTERS alone! it was a BIG theme! Like!! hunting sucks! revenge makes you end up in worse places! it's like this one episode was made to show how SHIT hunting was!
wait who wrote this
Dabb+lofflin. The hunting sucks always comes from-
3. Fuck John Winchester
4. Individualism. Ok this is a big one. Alongside the whole revenge plot thing(which is BIG, and a hunting sucks), this one drove home the sheer individuality of hunting. But while some of the writers see that as Badass, this one made it seem lonely, and painful. Like the flip side to American Individualism is American Chronic Loneliness. I know this one was used to process the ennui of the post recession/post 9/11 time, and it's doing very well for that, but it kinda ends up like this show is EVERYONE'S therapy all at once! the gang's all here! and we're gonna traumatize you in the process as well.
EDIT: and yeah yeah yada yada american individualism is King and then so is it’s accompanying loneliness in the post 9/11 post war in iraq post recession world(we were not having fun in 08/09)
and I get that this show is the writer’s therapy and whatever
(I just thing this is phrased better)
5. bring him back. Connect! Look. I know it breaks the core ethos of this episode. But having Weird Esoteric Hunter siblings would have been SO FUNNY!
give me more sibling content! Sam+Adam teaming up against the Eldest Sibling Dean WAS SO FUNNY! I WANT MORE OF THAT
6. SAM WHAT THE FU-. Look. I hate John. I very much hate John. They set up the Sam/Dean dichotomy in regards to John first episode, and Sam acting more like an ass+like his dad is. Not making me like him. Also I feel like this was written to sympathize with Dean. Which makes the finale even more ironic, I feel.
7. Listen. Listen. One of you has to keep track of continuity. Like I know this becomes a WAY bigger problem later in the series, but if a certain writer wants to process/examine a certain part of the Life/Story(and they should, they set up a lot of interesting stuff), they have to keep track! Because then the show becomes everything all at once.
Like this show has ALREADY started feeling like fanfic of itself, where it just kinda does whatever it wants with its own concepts. And the concepts are GREAT! but you can TELL how inconsistent it is, even in the kripke era
like it ends up being Study of X, Riff on X! and I think that's where the inconsistency comes from. It's also why it's so fucking Excellent in places.
whelp this was a lot holy hell.
Bela didn't fit the narrative. That's why they didn't like her. I said at the beginning that an Int'l art thief does NOT fit the vibe of "grungy Angsty American Midwestern gothic" and I was right. With the lucifer story and the vibe she didn't fit, and so they just killed her as foreshadowing, and only used her like that. God I wish they'd riffed on her, especially because her callouts were all completely correct
we're Bela Salting again
listen she was preppy Jack Sparrow with some spiritualism, how dare you tell me not to like her.
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If it's not too spoiler-y, can we see what happened when Chase and Henrik were first taken from either one of their perspectives or Marvin's? (If that doesn't work, can we see what happened to Jameson?)
12:05 in the middle of the night passes like normal for everyone around him, but not for Marvin.
The low swishing of the broom and the cold face of the man using it keep him quiet company, passing him by slowly, neatly, wiping up the trash and dirt littered across the weary subway station. Marvin rocks on his heels. Checks his watch again.
12:05, Hen. On the dot. You’re punctual, right? You won’t be late?
Of course. I’ll be there. I know it makes you nervous when we’re not there.
Marvin’s face filled up with a blush and he kissed his cheek, and then Chase’s too.
He stares up at the harsh white lights on the ceiling. They buzz angrily down at him.
I didn’t mean to be here this long, sorry. Just waiting for my little brothers. Only got two left, you know. They just went to pick up supplies. Oh, my other brothers? Yeah, no, if they caught them they’d probably stab them or drag them back home to their master or something like that. Yeah, it’s rough. It’s rough. You’re sorry? Everybody is.
Marvin blows a long breath through his teeth, closing his eyes. Maybe it’s good they’re late. It gives him more time to think about what he’s going to tell them.
I couldn’t find her, I’m sorry. I know I said she would be able to help us, said that magicians in this part of the world are powerful, but I just don’t know where she is. I’m sorry. I should have protected you. I promise I’m trying my best, but -
No. That’s just whining. He’ll give it to them straight and direct.
I’m sorry. I love you. We have to keep running. There is nothing we can do. Come, then, let’s go, no time to waste. All I can do now is try to keep you safe. I will keep you safe. I promise.
A little better. They’ll comfort each other, too, so it’ll all work out. He doesn’t get to complain about anything when he’s the one failing them.
Fuck’s sake. What, did they get lost in the Scandinavian Walmart, is that it? Take too long picking out fucking bananas and tortilla chips and whatever the hell else they wanted? Come on, guys. It’s not that hard. Henrik, you said you’d be here. Punctual. You promised, asshole.
Marvin sighs and rubs at his face. A subway pulls up and unloads. People trickle out, shuffling around him, hiding from the cameras in the corner. Slick blue eyes watch carefully for their familiar faces, so close to identical, so close to his own.
They’ll be here.
They’re running late.
I couldn’t find help. I’m sorry. That doesn’t mean you get to leave. That doesn’t mean you get to leave me behind. I need you.
Henrik, Chase, I’m begging you. Swear to Christ I can’t do this without you. I can’t do this without you for a second.
You better be fucking late.
My little brothers.
Tell me he didn’t get his hands on you.
Please. Please. Please. Tell me you’re safe and you’ll come back to me.
Not you too. Surely. Surely I haven’t lost you too.
They’ll be here.
They’ll be here.
They’ll be here.
1 AM.
2 AM.
3 AM.
4 AM.
5 AM.
6 AM.
7 AM.
The morning commute steps carefully around the blank-eyed man staring in bewilderment at the world, his hands stretched out, empty.
You were supposed to come back to me. You promised. 12:05 AM.
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trashexplorer · 5 years
BLCD 2019: September Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
1. Busamen Danshi ~ Ikemen Kareshi no Tsukurikata ~ Gokujun Summer ✘
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Release Date: 2019/09/11
Cast: Hatano Wataru + Taniyama Kisho x Shimono Hiro
Synopsis: Extra. I have nothing more to say.
Comment: Dammit. Look at that cast! That’s NatsukiSho. Man, Taniyama’s been back twice this year and I don’t like any of his projects. 😢
2. Itoshi no XL Saizu 🙏
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Release date: 2019/09/11
Cast: Nakajima Yoshiki x Saitou Souma
Synopsis: University student Aoi Yamamoto joins the Sake Research society hoping to get a girlfriend and lose his virginity, despite being unable to tolerate alcohol. At a club event, he gets wasted on liquor chocolates and is taken care of by Kobayashi-kun, a member of the same club. Despite being very handsome, Kobayashi-kun confesses that he is also a virgin... because of his enormous dick! How will the drunken Yamamoto deal with coming face to face with the ‘Anaconda’? A sweet and sexy comic romance between students, extra-large size! (Hero Scans)
Comment: Bitch, I’m fucking excited for this. Nakajima Yoshiki better do a great job, or Imma flip shit. 😂
3. Tadoru Yubi ✘
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Release Date: 2019/09/13
Cast: Furukawa Makoto x Okitsu Kazyuki *sigh
Synopsis: Sequel to Tadoru Yubi, this is the story of how Aihara Ryou ended up in the clutches of a dangerously persistent and even more dangerously handsome man... (Shinkirou Scans)
4. Kirai Ja Nai Kedo Ningen te Kowai! 💡 
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Release Date: 2019/09/20
Yoshino Hiroyuki x Nogami Shou *y they making ukes fuk each other?
Kumagai Kentarou x Furukawa Makoto *Kimi to Boku to Sekai no Hotori semes
Azakami Youhei x Kawanishi Kengo *new seiyuus
Synopsis: Takes place in a school where humans and demons coexist. Don’t look at me, I just copy pasted what BakaUpdates said.
5. Chibitora-san no Nichijou ✘
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Release Date: 2019/09/27
Miyata Kouki + Toriumi Kousuke
Uchida Yuuma x Ono Yuuki *umm?
Synopsis: Features the busy daily lives of Chibitora and Ookami-san and also the love story of the Elder Wolf and the Tanuki.
Comment: I’m not really sure what this is about since it’s been a while. No, I’m not salty that Yusa’s not in here.
6. Kawaikunai Aniki wo Aegasu Houhou ✘
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Release Date: 2019/09/27
Cast: Ishiya Haruki x Kijima Ryuuchi
Synopsis: “I finally get it - the only one I want to kiss is my big brother.”, handsome university student Jin thought. 
No matter what kind of teasing Souji was subjected to under his step-sibling’s hands, Souji was never the type to get angry over his antics. Unexpected as it was, even the kiss (and those kisses after) never phased him - until Jin gets hard.
7. Oretachi wa Shinkon-san Kamo Shirenai 💡
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Release Date: 2019/09/27
Cast: Eguchi Takuya x Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Synopsis: Shinkonsan’s sequel. This is the story of how elite office worker Kaburagi Mashiro and rationalist graduate student Nasukawa Yukari gets married in order to save money. 
Comment: Christ. I’m on the floor reading this shit. 😂 I hope someone scanlates this like the sequel. Kaburagi is def great husband material, I can completely understand why Yukari got bent over. HAHAHA
8. Paradise - KIWAME - Drama CD Vol. 3 Matsuda Hen & Vol. 4 Takara Hen ✘
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Release Date: 2019/09/27
Furukawa Makoto x Kitayama Kyousuke
Nogami Sho x Kitayama Kyousuke
Synopsis: Extras for the BL Game of the same name.
9. Sakurada-senpai Kaizou Keikaku ✘
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Release Date: 2019/09/27
Cast: Morikawa Toshiyuki x Yamanaka Masahiro WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOING THIS???
Synopsis: Sakurada, a useless salaryman, gets himself in a weird relationship with his high-spec perfectionist kouhai, Mibu. Mibu is determined to change his senpai’s body to his will, and Sakurada’s begins to actually feel pleasure from all their plays?
Comment: Where the hell did they get the budget for this?
10. Itoshi no Nekkoke 3 💡
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Release Date: 2019/09/30
Kishio Daisuke + Hirakawa Daisuke
Synopsis: Third installment of the BLCD adaptation.
11. Yoidore Koi wo Sezu Cheri + November 2019 Mini Drama CD 🙏
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Release Date: 2019/09/30
Cast: Maeno Tomoaki x Saitou Souma
Synopsis: In title^
Man, it’s still veteran season, but no one’s really in things I can even force myself to listen to. I’m sad. 😢
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dailyofficereadings · 4 years
Daily Office Readings August 09, 2020
Psalm 66-67
Psalm 66
Praise for God’s Goodness to Israel
To the leader. A Song. A Psalm.
1 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; 2 sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise. 3 Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you. 4 All the earth worships you; they sing praises to you, sing praises to your name.”Selah
5 Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds among mortals. 6 He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot. There we rejoiced in him, 7 who rules by his might forever, whose eyes keep watch on the nations— let the rebellious not exalt themselves.Selah
8 Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard, 9 who has kept us among the living, and has not let our feet slip. 10 For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried. 11 You brought us into the net; you laid burdens on our backs; 12 you let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a spacious place.[a]
13 I will come into your house with burnt offerings; I will pay you my vows, 14 those that my lips uttered and my mouth promised when I was in trouble. 15 I will offer to you burnt offerings of fatlings, with the smoke of the sacrifice of rams; I will make an offering of bulls and goats.Selah
16 Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me. 17 I cried aloud to him, and he was extolled with my tongue. 18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 19 But truly God has listened; he has given heed to the words of my prayer.
20 Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me.
Psalm 67
The Nations Called to Praise God
To the leader: with stringed instruments. A Psalm. A Song.
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us,Selah 2 that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.
4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.Selah 5 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.
6 The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. 7 May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him.
Psalm 66:12 Cn Compare Gk Syr Jerome Tg: Heb to a saturation
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 19
Psalm 19
God’s Glory in Creation and the Law
To the leader. A Psalm of David.
1 The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament[a] proclaims his handiwork. 2 Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; 4 yet their voice[b] goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
In the heavens[c] he has set a tent for the sun, 5 which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy, and like a strong man runs its course with joy. 6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them; and nothing is hid from its heat.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple; 8 the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes; 9 the fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey, and drippings of the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. 12 But who can detect their errors? Clear me from hidden faults. 13 Keep back your servant also from the insolent;[d] do not let them have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:1 Or dome
Psalm 19:4 Gk Jerome Compare Syr: Heb line
Psalm 19:4 Heb In them
Psalm 19:13 Or from proud thoughts
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 46
Psalm 46
God’s Defense of His City and People
To the leader. Of the Korahites. According to Alamoth. A Song.
1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present[a] help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; 3 though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.Selah
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. 5 God is in the midst of the city;[b] it shall not be moved; God will help it when the morning dawns. 6 The nations are in an uproar, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. 7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.[c]Selah
8 Come, behold the works of the Lord; see what desolations he has brought on the earth. 9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow, and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. 10 “Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.” 11 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.[d]Selah
Psalm 46:1 Or well proved
Psalm 46:5 Heb of it
Psalm 46:7 Or fortress
Psalm 46:11 Or fortress
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Judges 11:1-11
11 Now Jephthah the Gileadite, the son of a prostitute, was a mighty warrior. Gilead was the father of Jephthah. 2 Gilead’s wife also bore him sons; and when his wife’s sons grew up, they drove Jephthah away, saying to him, “You shall not inherit anything in our father’s house; for you are the son of another woman.” 3 Then Jephthah fled from his brothers and lived in the land of Tob. Outlaws collected around Jephthah and went raiding with him.
4 After a time the Ammonites made war against Israel. 5 And when the Ammonites made war against Israel, the elders of Gilead went to bring Jephthah from the land of Tob. 6 They said to Jephthah, “Come and be our commander, so that we may fight with the Ammonites.” 7 But Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “Are you not the very ones who rejected me and drove me out of my father’s house? So why do you come to me now when you are in trouble?” 8 The elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, “Nevertheless, we have now turned back to you, so that you may go with us and fight with the Ammonites, and become head over us, over all the inhabitants of Gilead.” 9 Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “If you bring me home again to fight with the Ammonites, and the Lord gives them over to me, I will be your head.” 10 And the elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, “The Lord will be witness between us; we will surely do as you say.” 11 So Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and commander over them; and Jephthah spoke all his words before the Lord at Mizpah.
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Judges 11:29-40
Jephthah’s Vow
29 Then the spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah, and he passed through Gilead and Manasseh. He passed on to Mizpah of Gilead, and from Mizpah of Gilead he passed on to the Ammonites. 30 And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord, and said, “If you will give the Ammonites into my hand, 31 then whoever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return victorious from the Ammonites, shall be the Lord’s, to be offered up by me as a burnt offering.” 32 So Jephthah crossed over to the Ammonites to fight against them; and the Lord gave them into his hand. 33 He inflicted a massive defeat on them from Aroer to the neighborhood of Minnith, twenty towns, and as far as Abel-keramim. So the Ammonites were subdued before the people of Israel.
Jephthah’s Daughter
34 Then Jephthah came to his home at Mizpah; and there was his daughter coming out to meet him with timbrels and with dancing. She was his only child; he had no son or daughter except her. 35 When he saw her, he tore his clothes, and said, “Alas, my daughter! You have brought me very low; you have become the cause of great trouble to me. For I have opened my mouth to the Lord, and I cannot take back my vow.” 36 She said to him, “My father, if you have opened your mouth to the Lord, do to me according to what has gone out of your mouth, now that the Lord has given you vengeance against your enemies, the Ammonites.” 37 And she said to her father, “Let this thing be done for me: Grant me two months, so that I may go and wander[a] on the mountains, and bewail my virginity, my companions and I.” 38 “Go,” he said and sent her away for two months. So she departed, she and her companions, and bewailed her virginity on the mountains. 39 At the end of two months, she returned to her father, who did with her according to the vow he had made. She had never slept with a man. So there arose an Israelite custom that 40 for four days every year the daughters of Israel would go out to lament the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite.
Judges 11:37 Cn: Heb go down
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
2 Corinthians 11:21-31
21 To my shame, I must say, we were too weak for that!
But whatever anyone dares to boast of—I am speaking as a fool—I also dare to boast of that. 22 Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I. 23 Are they ministers of Christ? I am talking like a madman—I am a better one: with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless floggings, and often near death. 24 Five times I have received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I received a stoning. Three times I was shipwrecked; for a night and a day I was adrift at sea; 26 on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from bandits, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers and sisters;[a] 27 in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, hungry and thirsty, often without food, cold and naked. 28 And, besides other things, I am under daily pressure because of my anxiety for all the churches. 29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I am not indignant?
30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. 31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus (blessed be he forever!) knows that I do not lie.
2 Corinthians 11:26 Gk brothers
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Mark 4:35-41
Jesus Stills a Storm
35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” 36 And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. 37 A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. 40 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” 41 And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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godsmanforeverhis · 7 days
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(via "Walking in Light" 9/19/2024 Posted by Alister Begg for www.truthforlife.org from Spurgeon’s writing)
“Walking in Light” 9/19/2024 Posted by Alister Begg for www.truthforlife.org from Spurgeon’s writing
 God will provide a lighted path for all of His redeemed, "born again" children to follow... And this path believers are to follow is absolutely perfect, because God doesn't make any mistakes !!
 Psalm 119:105... Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path. (NKJV)
 Proverbs 3:5-6... Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding; 6  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)
 Not yet a "born again" Christian ?? Not 100% sure you will be going to heaven when you die ?? You absolutely CAN be sure you are heaven-bound when you are "born again" by God above... Open the P.S. below, and seek Jesus Christ to become your personal Lord and Savior before it’s too late...
 Read this post by Alistair, "Walking in Light", for more about how the light of God can direct you down His already pre-determined perfect path for your life !! You WILL be BLESSED BEYOND BELIEF when you live in obedience to God's perfect will for your life !! :-)
 Blessings in Christ, bruce
 Click below for today's post-
 P.S. When there is no other place to turn…turn to God !! If you’re not a “born again” Christian, is the Holy Spirit urging you to open this link ?? Here is the truth about how God’s grace is received to become a Christian in God’s eyes; through understanding and obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…  https://godsmanforever.com
 To my brothers and sisters in Christ, please feel free to share this message of the cross with those in need…
 Posted by Alister Begg for www.truthforlife.org from Spurgeon’s writing
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Jesus Christ, the one and only Son Of God The Father, died on the cross for your sins. He was not sent here to condemn us, but to save us(John 3:16-17)! He knows you more than anyone else! You are wonderful and loved by Him. Let Him lead your life, and love Him with all that you are.
I’m Jewish
3 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 09:02:51 GMT
Thanks for the tag @cynide-latte :D
Last song: "Since U Been Gone” - A Day To Remember
Last movie: Scream 2
Currently reading: Hypothetically? Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. My brother got me it for my birthday, but I haven’t read more than a few pages ‘cause my brain is dumb and doesn’t wanna focus. (I finished it, absolutely recommend it!) I’m also a few pages in to a reread of The Martian, but that’s not gonna be happening very soon. 
Currently watching: Cougars, Inc. which I am 58 minutes in to, but school picked up too much and has left me without time to finish ;-; once finals are over, I’ll finally get done with it.
Currently craving: I kinda want a burger from work, but I’m not going in until Friday and definitely don’t want to eat there on my day off (or at 8 in the morning).
I’m lazy and don’t feel like tagging at the current moment, so anyone who sees this and wants to do it is free to!
3 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 15:25:18 GMT
Got tagged by @transbicrona <3
Name: Julian
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5’7 or so (used to be taller but the doctor took my height)
Current Time: 22:23
Birthday: April 2
Nationality: American
Favorite Bands: A Perfect Circle, The Devil Wears Prada, I Fight Dragons, Badflower, Weezer, MCR, The Used, Sum 41
Favorite Solo Artists: Anthony Amorim, Billy Talent, Gerard Way, Will Connolly, Frank Iero (I realized with this question that I just don’t listen to solo artists—these are literally the only ones in my main playlist.)
When You Made Your Blog: Sometime between 2015 and 2016
Why Did You Choose Your URL: A bot with the URL “confessionsofasexymilf” followed me, and I loved it so much that I had to make it my URL but with DILF.
Last Show I Binged: I don’t really watch TV, and I honestly couldn’t say when the last time I binged something was. Genuinely might’ve been Sex Education a couple of years ago, or maybe Twilight Zone? But I didn’t really binge that one. Psych is another possibility, but I spread my watching sessions out for that too.
Following Count: 1462
Follower Count: Exactly 230
Average Sleep Time: Around 4-5 hours
Other Blogs: My horror sideblog, @jewishleon, is the only one I really use. I have another blog for art of a specific character, another for posts I specifically don’t want to lose, and then I have a bunch of URLs hoarded.
Last Thing I Googled: “great clips”
Lucky Number: Don’t really have one. The only thing that comes to mind is two.
Currently Wearing: Gym shorts and a sweatshirt
Instrument: I want to learn the guitar and played a little violin, but my only “instrument” is my voice. I sing a lot.
Dream Trip: I’ve got an itinerary of some great stargazing spots across the US that I want to visit sometime.
Favorite Food: I love red curry.
Favorite Song: Pet - A Perfect Circle
Top Three Fictional Universes: Dead by Daylight, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Resident Evil (aka my current fixations)
Thanks for taggin’ me! Same thing from his post goes here: feel free to hop on the train if you see this :) I’d love to learn some more stuff about y’all.
5 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 05:25:06 GMT
I got tagged by @randomfangirlsio to put music on shuffle and pick the first ten songs and tag ten more people. Thanks :)
1. Bulls in the Bronx - Pierce the Veil
2. Girlfriend - Badflower
3. Feel Nothing - The Plot in You
4. Bad Things - Get Scared
5. Re-Animator - Rigor Mortis
6. Self Esteem - The Offspring 
7. Crystals - M|O|O|N
8. The Only Good Fascist is a Very Dead Fascist - Propaghandi 
9. Chase It! - Set It Off
10. To the End - My Chemical Romance 
I’m just tagging all the people I can think of off the top of my head, if you are tagged and don’t wanna do this or if you aren’t tagged and want to, it’s all good :) (also sorry if Cyanide tagged you as well;;)
@kazpertheghost @cokiemack139 @smsawesomness @quicksilver-x @myfrtuneandterrorandrapture @tied--babysitter @shsl-hearteyes @yakha-spirit @kindrd-selfcare (the right blog)
7 notes • Posted 2021-04-12 19:09:28 GMT
I was tagged by @cynide-latte in a top 10 favorite songs off the top of your head thing! This is my first time being tagged in somethin’ like this, so I’m excited. 1. Our Lady of Sorrows - MCR
2. The Guilty Party - While She Sleeps
3. I’d Rather Drown - Set It Off
4. Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park
5. I Wish I Was a Riot Grrrl - Destructo Disk
6. Wasteland - 10 Years
7. Heroin (Rock Edit) - Badflower  
8. Isn’t It Strange? - The Devil Wears Prada 
9. Sleep For What - The Unders
10. Moon - Secret Band
I’ll tag @kindred-selfcre (on whatever blog you want if you end up doing this), @samsawesmness (’cause I really wanna see how many muse songs you can list), @myfrtuneandterrorandrapture, @neotheropod, @yksha-spirit, @swdluwun, and anyone else who wants to do it! 
15 notes • Posted 2021-02-08 23:48:58 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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animachristii · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 5,002 times in 2021
93 posts created (2%)
4909 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 52.8 posts.
I added 434 tags in 2021
#prayer request - 146 posts
#catholic - 66 posts
#catholicism - 56 posts
#christian - 51 posts
#christianity - 50 posts
#prayer - 44 posts
#asks - 11 posts
#catholic church - 4 posts
#anon assumption - 3 posts
#covid - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#you have to believe me too that literally this is the closest notation to what actually happens in this one scene of the novel
My Top Posts in 2021
Please pray for my friend. He's gotten covid and pneumonia and right now he's hooked up to oxygen because of how bad his breathing is. He could definitely use all of our prayers.
130 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 18:50:09 GMT
friendly reminder that:
St. Peter denied Jesus at the time of His Passion, and was forgiven anyway when Peter came back to Him.
St. Joan de Arc lied that she *was* bewitched and that she didn’t see any real visions of Jesus, and was forgiven anyway when Joan came back to Jesus.
St. Thomas out of grief refused to believe that Christ did not in fact live again, and was forgiven anyway when Thomas came back to Him.
St. Bartolo Longo left his Catholic faith before spiraling towards satanism, and was forgiven anyway when Bartolo realized the error in his ways and came back to Jesus.
we are all capable of this. it does not matter what you’ve done. turn to Christ. you are a saint in the making.
183 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 19:11:15 GMT
Please pray for my friend J. She's a pagan witch who left the Christian faith due to many abusers and much trauma in her life. If you could please pray for a revelation for her, for her to give up these practices and to find the Light of Christ again, that would be amazing.
253 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 23:03:52 GMT
daily reminder that all the sexual revolution did was oppress women further while convincing women to think it was actually freeing them.
476 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 00:25:46 GMT
pray for all sinners who relapse. it's none of your business of how hard it is for them to stop. it's none of your business how many times they've fallen. it's none of your business how they got into this habitual sin. but it sure as hell is our business and our job to help our brothers and sisters find the road to Christ again.
769 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 18:04:21 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
0 notes
Nov 17, 2021-Watchman News - Psalm 119:105 - Trump Wound Healed, Camps Australia, Under 5 - 2022, WW3 Alert, DNA Selling & More! from Trevis Dampier Ministries on Vimeo.
News Feed – liveactioneating.com/
VERSE OF THE DAY Psalm 119:105 (New International Version) נ Nun Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
8 Year Old Swedish Boy's Dream - Being pulled to Egypt on a Friday Morning (Around the same time as the Blood Moon on the 19th) - liveactioneating.com/2021/06/23/watch-word-by-word-translation-in-decsription-box-8-year-old-swedish-boys-vision-from-god-jesus-on-youtube/
The Dove Release of Noah symbolism to the 3 End Times Ministry Segments – liveactioneating.com/2021/08/16/the-dove-release-of-noah-to-the-3-part-end-times-ministries/
Jacob ( Jesus) and His Work for the Father to gain Rachel (Bride of Christ),Leah (Israel), the Flocks (Church) and the World (Those that are lost) Timeline – 1988 -2028 – liveactioneating.com/2021/08/20/jacob-jesus-and-his-work-for-the-father-to-gain-rachel-bride-of-christleah-israel-the-flocks-church-and-the-world-those-that-are-lost-timeline-1988-2028/
Dream of Bill Larkin (7 Years Ago) La Palma Destruction Falling into the Sea – liveactioneating.com/2021/09/17/watch-vision-of-tsunami-in-east-coast-florida-new-jersey-underwater-bill-larkin-on-youtube/
High Watch Times
Nov 10th – Abomination of Desolation related to Daniel 9 & Jeremiah 52 Study by Leeland Jones – liveactioneating.com/2021/11/02/jeremiah-52-key-to-daniel-9-dont-speak-news-by-leeland-jones/
Nov 14th – Laudato Si (7 Year Covenant with Many to Begin)
Nov 18th-19th (Kislev 15) – when the Blood Moon occurs and the Abomination of Desolation according to the Book of Maccabees in 168 BCE.
10 Days is referenced when the actual event took place in those days when Antiochus Epiphanes erected a Statue of zeus, but put his own face in it, then 10 days later he offered a pig as a sacrifice in the altar, then placed the Blood in the Holy Temple of Israel and poured it over the Torah Scrolls and converted the Temple to a shrine of zeus.
Nov 23rd – Fibonacci Day (La Palma shown in I PET GOAT with Psalm 23 on the Wall + Math Equation of F = -F on Chalkboard) 11/23 = 1 + 1+ 2 + 3 (Fibonacci Math)
Nov 29th – This is 10 days from Nov 19th, brings us to Nov 29th, which is 4 years from the True Birth of Israel. Nov 29th, 1947 and the Parable of the Fig Tree.
Dec 2nd/3rd (Kislev 27) – Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. May 1st/2nd, 2022 – 150 Days from Kislev 27 (Iyar 1) New Moon ________________________________________
Readings Torah – Genesis 25:19-28:9 Haftarahs – Malachi 1:1-2:7 Brit Chadashah – Romans 9:6-16, Hebrews 11:20, 12:14-17
Genesis 25:19-28 19This is the account of the family line of Abraham’s son Isaac. Abraham became the father of Isaac, 20and Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram and sister of Laban the Aramean. 21Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.
22The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, “Why is this happening to me?” So she went to inquire of the LORD. 23The LORD said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.” 24When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb.
25The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau. 26After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel; so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them. 27The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was content to stay at home among the tents. 28Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob. ________________________________________
Prepare for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Please repent, carry your cross daily and accept the free gift of Jesus Christ’s Death on the Cross for payment for your sins.
#Jesus #Christ #HolySpirit #Yahweh #Yeshua #LordAlmighty #SovereignLord #Nameaboveallnames #TheWay #TheTruth #TheLife #TheGate #Heaven #KingdomofHeaven #Saved #Glorified #Endtimes #LastDays #FeastofTrumpets #Pastor #Sheep #markofthebeast #verseoftheday #birthpains #Judgement #Christian #Christianity #hope #positivity #jesusmatters #markofthebeast #hydra #abomination #markofthebeast #mob #fallenangels #aliens #parasite
0 notes
dailyaudiobible · 3 years
09/24/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 24:1-2
Today is the 24th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today as we continue our journey around the sun and through the Bible and we have worked our way all the way, well, we’re kind of in the last quarter I guess, of the book of Isaiah and we’re also working our way through the letter to the Ephesians. So, let's dive in today Isaiah chapter 43 verse 14 through 45 verse 10.
Okay, so I have mentioned that Ephesians, at least as I read it, it's like an ever upward climb to these higher vistas to see further, to see further horizons, to see more and understand more. And it’s not like Paul’s saying in this letter like, things it he hasn't said in other ways, but he's in prison and he is writing this passionately. This vision of what's really going on here, and if we just meditate on it. If we just take it in slowly. It is so huge. So, Paul is talking about revelations that he has received, mysteries that he is received, that have previously been unrevealed and I quote “this mystery is that in Christ Jesus, the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and people who also share in the promise through the gospel.” Well so, previously the understanding that Paul had as a Pharisee is that the Jews are the exclusive people and that's what they think but this revelation, this mystery that has been revealed to Paul that he is preaching, well that touches all of us because most of us are Gentiles. And so, for Paul to say that the mystery that’s been revealed is that through Christ, Gentiles and Jews are fellow heirs, members of the same body, people who share in the same promise through the gospel. What Paul is saying is that this is available to everybody in the world which is huge and for me, a Gentile a overwhelming flow of gratitude. Paul goes on, as if to answer a question like, why would God do that, why, why would He welcome everybody in the world, and I quote Paul again “He did this so that through the church, the multifaceted wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was done according to the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Okay, that's pretty cosmic in its implications. This is saying God, in his goodness and offering you eternal life, opening a way, welcoming you home. This makes His wisdom known and we are like a living witness, a living display to the unseen realms, that is huge to contemplate. That is a massive vista to just understand that we are all part of something way bigger than…than we ever pay attention to. Paul says because of all of that, because of this gift and because of what it's doing, in Jesus, we can freely approach God with confidence, through faith in Him. We could say yes, this is a theological formula I’ve known for a very long time but think about that. We can freely approach God, the most high God, with confidence through faith in Him. Let's try to live into this today. Let's try to contemplate, consider, meditate upon, allow it to sink in. Even Paul seems blown away. Even as he is writing it down and he gives kind of a benediction here at the end of our reading and so, let's just let this benediction wash over us as we bask in the goodness of God.
For this reason, I kneel before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the entire family in heaven and on earth receives its name. I pray that, according to the riches of His glory, He would strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner self, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Then, being rooted and grounded in love, I pray that you would be able to comprehend, along with all the saints, how wide and long and high and deep His love is, and that you would be able to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled to all the fullness of God. Now to Him, who is able, according to the power that is at work within us, to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base. That is the website, and it is how you get connected and find out what's going on around here. So certainly, check it out. If you’re using the app you can access these things by pushing the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen in there or on the web, you’ll find the Community section. In the Community section you’ll find different links to the social media channels that the Daily Audio Bible participates in. You will also find the Prayer Wall which is always on and never off and always available. You can always request prayer on the Prayer Wall. You can also, you know, kind of glance through and see where the Spirit may be leading you to pray and pray for your brothers and sisters who are also going through things and give them a word of encouragement. It means so much to know you’re not carrying it alone; it means so much to know that somebody is praying for you and it's a beautiful thing. It's truly a beautiful thing to know that somebody that you may never actually get to meet in person is praying for you by name because we’re the family of God. So, if you haven't ever visited the Prayer Wall, please be aware it's in the Community section either on the app or at the website, so check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that's the little red button up at the top break or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hi, Daily Audio Bible, my name is New Eyes and I’m from Chattanooga, Tennessee and I’m calling in for the first time because I was really moved by some prayer requests the other day and I wanted to lift some folks up here in our community. First of all, I would like to thank the Lord for Trent and his encouragement to all of us to be thankful for what we have, I know I definitely need that and I want to lift up Vicki from Southern California and Tammy, who is in remission from ovarian cancer. I really want to lift you ladies up to the Lord, for how much you are just laying at the foot of the cross and trusting God to give you peace in such a hard time. And, I also want to pray for Giovanni whose whole family is sick with the coronavirus. Lord, just bring Your healing, bring Your Holy Spirit and touch Giovanni and his family in this long, frustrating battle with this virus and I just ask that You would bless him. And family, it's my first time calling in and I could really use some prayers this week as I'm sending my 18-year-old son to a youth with a mission discipleship training school in Hawaii and he’s gonna be gone for six months and it's his first time away from home and I'm so excited for him but it's also really hard for this mama. So, if you could lift him up just send him blessings and prayers for an amazing time. I really love this community. You guys are an incredible blessing. Thank you for praying. Keep it up.
Hello Daily Audio family. My name is Sharon I'm calling to ask for prayer for my daughter, Sharon. She's been told she needs open-heart surgery, she's really, we’re really afraid. Each time we speak to a doctor we’re afraid and she starts crying and I start crying. I'm asking that you pray that, pray, send prayers for us that we can get through this situation and come out whole on the other side. I pray with her and I know that God can do all things and I prayed that He will give us the strength, first and foremost, that she doesn't need the surgery and that we will get a second opinion. We just need prayer right now family. Thank you.
Hello my DAB family this is Minnesota Aruka Regina. I haven't talked to you in a while, just want to tell you how much I love you and care about each and every one of you. On September 21st Danielle, I thank you so much for giving us an update on that 19-year-old girl Lord, it just really made me kind of cry and I want to lift her up in prayer. Loving Father, I just am so grateful for You being there for this young 19-year-old gal who was adopted…abducted and violated Father. Thank You for seeing her and for being faithful to find Your precious lost sheep. Lord, I just pray right now that You please speak love into her traumatic soul where she's been hurt and crushed and bruised Lord. I pray that You just reach her heart, let her know that You cried with her in those days that she was gone and it hurts Your spirit. But You were already making a plan for her and You are now helping her. Lord, I pray that You heal her. Let her know that You love her and You care about her and You are a God that can restore Lord. Bring someone into her life that can…can help her to be able to process everything and to break all of the bonds of this troubled man. May she not feel guilty and shameful for what is happening. It's not her fault. Help her to forgive. Help her to learn to love and to be loved again. We give You all the glory and honor in the name of the Father and the Son. Amen.
Hey DAB fam this is Laura in Eugene. I just want to call and lift up Val in Vegas in prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord, I just lift Val up to You, I pray for strength and courage as she recovers from her recent surgery. Lord, I pray for her medical team as decisions for what happens next are coming and I pray that You would help Val to rest in Your peace and Your comfort and Your care, that she could just feel that peace that passes all comprehension Lord. I pray that You would continue to be with her and guide her through this hard time but I’m just so grateful that she’s moving forward and getting the care that she needs Lord. Father, just keep watch over her. Thank You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Hi my name is Maggie Mae and I’m calling in certain dyer straights. My whole family, I just found out my whole family is sick. My three grandchildren, my son. My grandson has got a fever of 105, they don’t know what is wrong with him. He’s only two years old. My older grandson who’s 17 he’s sick with RSV, they said that they don’t know, I don’t even know what that is. My granddaughter is so sick, the only one that’s not sick is the mother. I am beside myself with my grandson who is so, so sick. He’s so sick he’s burning. I pray the blood of Jesus over Armanie over Arianna over Marc Anthony. He just lost his father. I pray for my son Marc Anthony. They’re not saved. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, oh please, don’t take my family. Please. Thank you, I’m sorry for the emotions but I feel so hopeless. I feel so hopeless. Please pray for them. Please take care of Dominic, Arrianna and Marc Anthony. Please, thank you.
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justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 09: “Fury Rising”
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Pairing: Kol x Salvatore Sister!Reader
Chapter Summary: The reader and Stefan stole Klaus precious coffins on their retaliation trip and for once have the upper hand against their nemesis. Unlikely allies are made as they try to protect the precious cargo, that for some unknown reason is spelled shut by a witches spell.
Warnings: unbeta´d all mistakes are mine, canon divergence, typical tvd violence, swearing
 Word count: 2978
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Samuel Johnson once wrote “Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.”
But revenge is not always solely passionate, most times it is acted out of desperation.  The need to avenge wrongdoings with the most primal thought in mind; An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, blood must have blood - whatever you prefer to call it- with no other alternative in near sight.
People would argue that forgiveness, the common ground for the combat between past grievances and future healing, is the noble high ground, and while that might be true, one, you have never considered yourself as particularly noble and second, in your experience the taste of revenge, however fleeting it is, is undeniably sweet.
And lucky for you, forgiveness is the last thing on your mind...
“Open up you wooden piece of shit!” You clutch the axe in your hand before bringing it down, the blade ever so barely stopping right before it would scratch the coffin´s surface.”FUCK!!”
“Are you done?” Stefan asks, leaning against the cold stone wall.
It has been two days since you and Stefan snatched Klaus precious coffins he had been driving around in his very suspicious white van.  
It's safe to say that you have never been this close to one, playing Klaus like a puppet and second, to Kol.
But like everything in your life, something has to get in your way. For whatever reason, the coffins are spelled shut, and there is no way to open them.
Which does not mean you won´t try your hardest.
“Does it look like I´m done?”
“Kind of.”
“Haha, you´re so funny. You know, I don't even understand why these witches decided to screw with me anyway. I was an ally to their kind back in the day.” You bring the axe down once again, hoping that your persistence would make a difference, when clearly, it won´t “Where's your loyalty now, huh?”
Even Bonnie, your newly made ally tried to get it open when she showed up after her dreams led her to the burned down house.Whatever is going on, witchy dreams are never a good sign.
At all.  
“You and witches? You hate witches.”Stefan asks surprised, the sheer thought of you working with witches hard to grasp. You always seemed unsympathetic towards them. Or so he thought.
“I don't hate witches. I just hate what they can do to me. Especially the aneurysm. Ouch.” You remember the first time a witch gave you an aneurysm, it felt like your head was about to explode like fireworks. And not the good kind. “But I do have to say, I like Bonnie. She hates Klaus almost as much as we do. I like that in a person.”
You decide to give the axe one more try. You bring it over your shoulder, ready to break this coffin in half if you have to. You swing the axe down for the millionth time but as expected, it didn't hit the surface.
“I give up.” You throw the axe aside and let yourself fall on the floor, your back resting against the wall next to Kol’s coffin.   
Stefan joins you on the cold floor, his jacket scratching against the textured stone wall. “Tell me about him,” he says glancing over at the coffin.
“About who?”
“Your boyfriend. Klaus brother.”
And there it is. You knew he must've eavesdropped.
“So you did hear my conversation with Klaus. Why didn't you say anything? You ask.
You knew Klaus didn't just start talking about Kol just for the fun of it. He must´ve seen
“I don´t know. Busy saving my buddy Klaus I guess.” He jokes.
To other people I might seem like his forced flipped switch is done and dealt with, but if your family is known for something is definitely to bury feelings under any form of wit.
“Ugh, don't remind me.” You roll your eyes, the thought of the epic failure that was supposed to be Klaus downfall makes you want to dig a hole and never come out.  “Look, I know how this must look for you, but Kol is different. He's no-”
“Is that his name? Kol?” You nod “Do you know who the others are?” Stefan asks. He has been wondering who he's been carrying around.
“These two are either Elijah or Finn. Only this one, I don´t know who that is.” You say pointing to the coffin It's true you don't have the slightest idea who might be in that coffin. Perhaps its the spare coffin for Rebekah?
“How can you tell who is who?”
“I´m not sure with Elijah or Finn. But with Kol...I just feel it.”
“You...feel it?” he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He must think you´ve gone completely mad.
“Never underestimate the intuition of a woman, Stef.” You joke, earning the most exaggerated eye roll from your little brother. “Look, I know it sounds impossible to love anyone close to Klaus after everything he has put you through. But Kol hates Klaus as much as you do. Maybe more. No, definitely more. And I love him, Stefan. I really do.”
“So he's the reason you came back? Because Klaus has him?” He asks, his gaze evading yours by fumbling with his daylight ring.
For a fleeting glimpse there, young and vulnerable Stefan seeped through the cracks of his mask of bloodshed and vengeance. He must be worried that he's just a stepping stone to get Kol back. But of course, that's not true. You are glad you get to spend time with him after all these years. Even under these circumstances.
“Yes and no. he’s a very big factor as well, but you were and will always be my number one priority. If I had to run into a burning building to drag you out I'd do it. Again.” You say, the memories of that incident still so fresh in your memory as if they happened yesterday.
“But while we´re on the topic of me coming back to this god awful town, there is something you should know about that involves Elena and you're probably gonna hate me fo-” You stop midsentence, as two very familiar voices reach your ears. You always use your vampire hearing once in a while just to be safe of anyone that might be coming for you “Oh Jesus Christ.”
You gesture to your ears and then upstairs, the chattering of Damon accompanied by Elena as they approach the ruins, reaching Stefan's ears. He looks at the coffins, the moment he lays eyes on them they disappear. These witches think fast.
Stefan?” Elena approaches the dark room with caution. Damon had to wait outside because the witch spirits resting in this house hate his guts and screwed with his daylight ring. Honestly, you can't blame them.
“Buh!” You whisper in her ear. Even a blood-sucking monster has to have fun, right?
“Y/N?! She jumps back in shock “What are you-” Elena begins, but Stefan's dramatic appearing from the shadows startles her.
“Elena, go away, you shouldn't be here,” Stefan tells her, his voice indifferent and cold.
“Stefan, I need your help.” She says, her voice shaking with worry and anticipation “Bonnie said that you would be here.”
“Well, Bonnie sucks at keeping secrets,” Stefan replies.
“Listen, you two need to give Klaus his family back.”
“Oh, really? Is that what we need to do?” You scoff. There is no chance you will let any of these coffins out of your sight again. Not until you know how to open them.
“Klaus compelled Jeremy to stand in front of a speeding car!” Elena argues.
“I don't really see how that involves us.” You shrug.
While you understand the need to protect your little brother, if Klaus resorts to such methods he is beyond desperate.
“Don't you get it?”You shrug again “Stefan, he's not gonna stop until he gets what he wants.”
“Elena, stop talking.” He rolls his eyes and you chuckle at his annoyed undertone he developed ever since Elena entered the room. “I'm not giving Klaus anything.” He shakes his head.
It must be hard for her to acknowledge the fact that even though Stefan flips his switch, and you're certain he did after Klaus set him free, he is not running back to her immediately.
“Are you listening to me? He's gonna kill Jeremy!”
“Not really my problem.” Stefan shrugs his shoulders.
Elena raises her hand and slaps Stefan with all the force her mortal being possesses.
Interesting. There is some fire in her after all. Who would´ve thought?
“And you can go to hell!! She yells at Stefan, then turns to you “Both of you.” she says on her way out.
“Already there, Elena. Already there.” You mutter, not caring if she even hears it or not.
You and Stefan only have the chance to share a look before Damon rushes through the house, his skin sizzling like bacon in a pan.
“Wow! That was impressive.” Stefan says in a sarcastic tone, almost sneering “But the coffins aren't here, so...You can go away now.”
“I don't care about the coffins.” Damon winced as his skin heals from the sunburns.”We need to talk.”
“Okay, let's talk.” You lean against the wall to your right “Tough, If you prefer a punch in the face again, let me know.”
“Nothing's ever easy with you two, is it?” Damon says before he attacks Stefan, vamp speeding him out of the house, so he doesn't have to watch out for the light shining through the windows.
You hurry after them, pushing Damon off of Stefan when he tries to hurt him with a wooden stake. Instead he plunges it in your chest, several inches away from your heart. Of course, he's not trying to kill you, just to hurt you.
Stefan punches him in the face as retaliation, but Damon is quicker and stakes him in the stomach with a tree branch.
Perhaps Stefan even wants him to let out his anger Damon has every right to be angry. From his point of view, Stefan blew the only chance of getting rid of Klaus. However, he doesn't know the whole story.
“That is for screwing up my plan! You stop me from killing Klaus and you steal his family! Why?? Doesn't make sense!” He yells and twists the branch and Stefan groans in pain. “Answer me!!”
“Stop it!!!!” You throw the piece of wood you retracted from your chest into Damon's shoulder before pushing him off of your little brother.
You wrap your hand around the branch and pull it out of Stefan's chest with one tug.
“Piece by piece Klaus took everything from me.” Stefan groans as you reach for his hand to pull him to his feet. “I'm doing the same to him. We both are.”
“But I had him, Stefan!” Damon snaps, pointing an accusing finger at Stefan “Why did you screw it up?”
“He did it to save you, you dumbass!!” You yell at him.
“What??” Damon freezes, the sickening feeling of realization settling within his bones “No. No way! You didn't do this for me.”
“He was one step ahead of us.” Stefan explains “If Klaus died, his hybrids would have killed you.”
“When are you going to get it through your head? Stop saving me!!” He yells at him and walks back to the house, his shoulder purposely colliding with yours.
But then he stops.
“Do you know what I can't figure out? Why steal the coffins?” He asks and faces both of you again.
“Even if it doesn't seem like it, Klaus´ siblings are a weak point we can exploit and use against him.” You tell him.
“Use against him to do what? You're not gonna kill him, you know how I know? 'Cause there was only one way to kill him and you blew that to save me.”
“You're wrong Damon.” Stefan shakes his head, reflecting Damon's usual denial “Klaus doesn't just get to live forever. There's another way. There has to be.”
There is. Two ways actually, one deadly one non-fatal but equally painful. But telling them isnßt an option. They would use the same weapon to get rid off all of them.
You can´t let that happen.
No, you won't let that happen. Even if it means you have to lie to them. Again.
“Fair enough.” Damon nods “But whatever you two are doing, I want in.”
“We don't need your help.” You shake your head. Planning anything with Damon most likely ends in a disaster. History speaks for itself.
“Really? Last time I checked you're hiding in a haunted house.” He argues and cocks his head towards the burned ruins.
“So? We like spirits. And not only the alcoholic kind.” You
“You're going after Klaus; Y/N.” Damon needles reminds you, as if you didn't know that already. “You have to be cutthroat and devious. I'm so much better at that than you two.”
Oh if you only knew, brother. If you only knew...
“Come on.” Damon continues “What do you say? If you're gonna keep saving my life at least make it for a good reason.”
“You want in?”
Stefan looks at you, waiting for your reaction. Having Damon on board would certainly be easier as facing his fury, but there is also the risk of Damon being….well Damon.
“Okay, fine.” You sigh “But it's just us three. Your precious Elena stays out of it, alright? Completely. If this is going to work we have to stick together.  No matter what happened or will happen. This is the only advantage we have on Klaus. We can´t let anyone screw it up.” You look at both of them and while Stefan nods, Damon rolls his eyes. How typical “No matter the consequences”
“Fine. Whatever, it's a deal.” Damon sighs, his foot impatiently tapping on the floor.
“Good.” You nod your head; ”Follow us.”
“Wait. I'm not so...welcome in there.”
“Don't you worry Damon. We all want the same thing.
You and Stefan lead him to the bad lid and dusty room and Damon follows close behind eager to know where you might have hidden the coffins.
“Have a look.” Stefan gestures to the empty room.
“What? Klaus is allergic to dust?” Damon jokes and looks at Stefan with a questioning look on his face.
“Hm...Look again.” You tell him and he promptly does as you ask, his eyebrows rising in surprise.
“Witch spirits hate Klaus as much as we do. They're using their powers to hide the coffins.” Stefan explains.
“So even if he comes in the house…”
“ ...he won't be able to find them.” Stefan finishes his sentence and Damon smiles, enjoying this hide and seek already.
While Damon ran back to bring Elena the news of his epic misjudgement, Stefan decided to dig deep into the lore, trying to find a way to open the locked coffins. And you, well….you don't want to let the coffins out of your sight. Especially, of course, the one with Kol in it.
He has been lost for decades upon decayed and now he's so close, so undeniably close with only a wooden barrier separating you.
You close your eyes for a mere moment, perhaps for a breath or two, leaning on the coffin supports. The air suddenly feels heavier as questions upon questions fill your head, the silence forcing them out of the shadows.
Why would the witches close the coffins? Will working with Damon work? Will they forgive you if they found out what you did? Will you ever see Kol again´?
But when you open your eyes again, instead of the pale, rigged surroundings, a different view lies before you. A beautiful night sky stretches itself above your head, the stars twinkling in shining as bright as they can while a street parade strolls through the streets, the music filling the silent night air.
You don't have to turn around to know where you are. How could you ever forget this night? But how the hell did you get to New Orleans, on the same rooftop of the Mikaelson house? Is this a dream?
You smile as the song you and Kol danced to start playing on the old Grammophon. You breathe in the feeling of tranquillity and wholesomeness spreading throughout your body.
This has always been your happy place. No matter what your immortal life threw at you, you always had this memory to come back to.  And being here in person, or whatever this is, couldn´t be more perfect.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Your heart jumps at the familiar voice, you can feel it hammering in your chest. This great pounding, this great pressure, every beat now magnified.
Could it be….
You turn around and your heart now completely sinking to your knees, your eyes fixated on the person in front of you.
To be continued….
A/N: Well isn´t this a mean cliffhanger ;) Sorry not sorry.  I do hope you liked this chapter though!! I know it was a long time coming again, but I promise I will post the next chapter a lot quicker now that I seem to be out of the bad writing hole.  Please PLEASE let me know what you think. Feedback fuels my writing like nothing else!! Also, I hope to see you next chapter as well! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day/night!
Open Coffin Tags:   @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans @originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @acourtofhopeanddreams @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @relmi-llorrac @piercethepottorff @maliae14  @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @rock-n-magick @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @drkplum @fandooomqueenforyou @free-the-fangirl @clockworkballerina @twisted1ginger @superwholocksociopath474   @pacifyprincess @mustachio1616 @thealyana   @sandyclaws @unicorntrooper @buckysummers @sanity-is-overratedxp @akshi8278 @graysonmalfoy @woodworthti666 @elenavaldez09 @akshi8278 @sincerelystiles
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andyl394 · 7 years
FESTIVE PROMPT - Steve Harrington x Reader
Request:  From the festive prompt list, 1, 2 and 35 Steve Harrington x Reader? 
1. “Is that mistletoe?” 
2.“Are you- are you pulling down mistletoe?” 
35.“You invited how many people over for Christmas dinner??” 
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader!Henderson
Word Count: 1,744
Warnings: Just cursing, a lot of fluff. Maybe some spoilers of the second season? Not really sure?
A/N: Heya! I was supposed to post this Saturday (09/12/2k17), but my town had this major storm and I was out of energy for three days, honestly, I don’t know if I could handle another night of playing cards under the lights of candles with my family. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy this and the Prompt list is right HERE. I’m going to post the other two to repay for those days <3 (btw, the requests are open for the prompts!)
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“Everyone knows the plan, right?”
“Yes, Dustin. You’ve been through it five times, already.” Mike rolled his eyes; it was Christmas and your mother had decided that she’d make a huge fest to Dustin’s friends.
“Yeah, man. Calm down, we just have to put your sister and Steve under the mistletoe. It’ll be easy.” Everyone agreed with Lucas’ statement.
Your history with Steve was… weird. You had been searching for your brother the whole day when you heard him saying through the extra walkie he left for you, something about a code red and to meet him in the junkyard with any kind of weapon.
Apparently, you weren’t supposed to go, since he was talking only to his friends and when you got to the place, nobody was there, it was foggy and this fucking huge and creepy dog was chasing you down.
“I’m going to fucking kill you, Dustin!” You roared, ignoring the stomps coming from the other side as you turned quickly to hit that motherfucker in the weird face mid-air.
“Whoah.” Raising your eyes, you watched no one less than Steve Harrington mouth agape, awe and something more in his eyes. “Y/N, uh, hey, fancy seeing you here-“
“Where the fuck is my brother?”
That’s where it all began.
After getting rid of the – what you learned were called – demodogs, you helped get rid of Billy, which led you to a chapped lip, a forming bruise on your chin and a broken wrist after you having tried to beat the shit out of that fuckface, that was, until Steve got his ass kicked.
Yeah, he got fucked up, but you still were able to throw some good punches before Max showed off how badass she was.
You didn’t want Max to drive, but your stupid brother wasn’t being able to take care of Steve, so you had to go in the back, besides, if that girl could almost smash her step-brother’s junk, she was able to drive. Steve’s head resting on your thighs as you cared for the injuries.
“Slow down a bit, Max. Lucas, put your god damn seatbelt on.” You barked orders, sighing in relief when they actually listened. “Now, explain. What were those things and why did they try to eat my face?”
“They are Demogorgons, I took care of Dart, but he grew up to what tried to eat your face, oh and it ate Mews, but anyways-”
“Y/N, darling, go open the door!” You grumbled at your mother’s request, eyeing the group of younglings in suspicion before turning with a smile to Joyce and Will.
“Good night!” You hugged Will, kissing the top of his head and giggling at his blushed cheeks before hugging Joyce and leading them inside. “Where’s Jonathan?”
“Oh, he’s coming with Nancy.” Nodding your head, you watched the group filling Will with something.
“Is he okay?”
“He is, now.” She smiled, patting your shoulder and waving at your mother, quickly going to talk to one of the adults in the room, besides the kid’s parents, while Hopper didn’t arrive with El - Jane -. You were about to close the door when you got startled with a voice next to your face
“Knock, knock.” Steve smiled before opening the rest of the door himself and lifting you up, swirling around and causing a laugh to escape from your lips.
“Let me down, moron.” He chuckled, obeying before giving you a proper hug.
“Can I sit on your lap and tell you what I want for Christmas, Santa?” Rolling your eyes and trying to hide a smile, you shoved him lightly, making his giggle – caused by your Santa’s beanie – turn into a hearted laugh, attracting the kid’s attention.
“Why don’t you go talk to your children, mom? Figure out what they’re plotting against me.” Steve looked at the group, grinning and winking at them, making you gasp and slap his shoulder. “Are in on whatever they’re planning?”
“Ouch! What? No!” He puffed looking up in disappointment before sending them a harsh look. “And I thought we had agreed that you were the mom and I was the dad.”
“Shit, we forgot to put it on the door,” Mike whined as the whole group groaned.
“Plan A went to shit, let’s stick with plan B, then.”
“I’m the dad, dickhead!” Steve looked around, laughing at your words before questioning
“You invited how many people over for Christmas dinner? You even invited Hargrove?!” you gave him a bitter chuckle before answering
“Apparently, according to mom, inviting Max and not inviting their parents and brother, is rude. He and his dad are dicks, but Max’s mom is a sweetheart.”
He hummed, arms still wrapped around you as you tried to close the door, being the interrupted by a cough.
“Oh, crap. Oh no.” Dustin said; eyes wide open as Mike and Will gasped.
Quickly taking a step back from Steve, you placed a smile on your lips to welcome Jonathan and Nancy.
“I’m going to talk to our children.” He said under his breath, letting you go and getting out of your sight as Jonathan awkwardly waved.
“Merry Christmas, love-birds.” You maliciously wiggled your brows, earning chuckles from your friends. “C’mon in, dinner will be served at nine. And while we wait, would you two mind discovering what your brothers and mine are planning?”
“Hhm, sure?”
“Well, you two know your way around, I’m going to see if mom needs help with something while I avoid Billy’s attempts to pull me under the mistletoe.”
They watched you ignore Billy as you made your way to the kitchen; it didn’t take long for them to walk into the Party.
“Whatever you guys are planning, you need to be more discreet about it,” Nancy said as Steve waved at them both to follow you like a lost puppy, trying to get his plan to work.
“What is the plan, anyway?”
“We’re trying to make Dustin’s sister kiss Steve,” Max said when everybody got quiet, receiving hisses as if she shouldn’t have told that. “What?”
“N dumped S for J.” Dustin said with the side of his mouth in a whisper, making her eyes go wide.
“Oh, I-I said kiss? I meant kill.” She tried to laugh it off, but the couple exchanged looks.
“We’re in.” They said in unison.
“How can we help?” The boys sighed in relief, quickly telling them their plan on simply putting them under any mistletoe around the house.
It was nearly nine when they finally gave up; it didn’t matter how many times they tried, whenever you two got together under one of the many mistletoes, someone would get in their way. The only one that could take a kiss out of you was Will as he lured you under the plant while Steve was giving himself a prep-talk.
It happened that his “prep-talk” took too long because as he finally found himself some courage, you looked up at the plant and laughed, getting his attention.
“Did you do this on purpose?” Will’s eyes widened and his cheeks got red, he’d been very specific on the spot. You dropped to your knees and gave him a little innocent peck before getting up and chuckling, messing up his hair and leaving the paralyzed boy behind.
“What the hell, man!” Dustin said; all of the boys were agape while Steve got next to them. “You kissed my sister!”
“She kissed me!” He said, all of his face red at what had just happened. “I’m sorry, Steve.”
“It’s okay, bud. At least one of us got to kiss her.” Steve mumbled, patting his head and sighing. Maybe you two just weren’t meant to be. “I’m going to get some air.”
Steve didn’t see you watching him get out, slumped shoulder as he opened the door, walking to the porch and gazing around the street. Why was it so difficult?
“Fancy seeing you here, pretty boy.” Your voice startled him, since he didn’t hear you walk behind him, making the boy turn quickly, one hand on his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack.
“Jesus Christ! What are you, kitty? A ninja or something?” Steve grumbled; getting a chuckle out of you as you wrapped yourself on him, letting the boy hug you by the waist.
“Yeah, I’m a cat and a ninja. I’m ninja-cat! A Catja!” He shook his head, giving you the hearted laugh you loved so much. “Did you get jealous that I kissed Will under the mistletoe?” You smirked, watching his cheeks get a slight pink tone.
“Wha- What? Me? Jealous of my own children? Pfff, please!” He stuttered as you took something from behind his head, innocently lifting it between you two.
“Is that mistletoe?” Your voice was so innocent that he wondered if you were kidding, his heart beating strongly against his ribs.
“Are you- are you pulling down mistletoe?” When he looked into his eyes, he saw nothing but pure innocence while your lips held this sinful smirk.
“Am I? You know the rules, Harrington.” You whispered, lowering your arm so you could wrap it around his neck, slowly pressing yourself even more on him, your lips ghosting over his teasingly “Besides, weren’t you trying to do this all night?”
Steve let his eyes wander all over your feature, searching for any signs of hesitation or that you were joking with him, but he couldn’t find any.
Your cheeks grew redder as he took his time lifting one hand to your chin, you closed your eyes when you heard a very frustrated:
“JUST KISS ALREADY!” Snapping out of your bubble, both of you eyed Dustin getting scolded by Nancy as she took all of the kids from the window, keeping them from googling you two, before winking and closing the curtains.
Both of you chuckled, not taking long in going back to the previous position.
“You heard the chief.” He said before his lips crashed into yours, sighing in relief when you melted into his arms; one hand running through his hair while the other stood on his jaw, caressing his cheek with your thumb as you parted away searching for air.
Opening your eyes, you couldn’t help but reflect the dorky smile Steve held.
“Whoah.” Steve held your face, staring lovingly into your eyes, resting his forehead on yours with a gentle smile on his lips.
“Yeah, whoah.” He chuckled and whispered, before going in to kiss you again: “Merry Christmas.”
Condemn to a forever tagging: @fangirlandnerd@noones-girl1980 @hopelessgarbage @elaacreditava  @myplaceofthingsilove @curlycals 
Occasional Tag: @becaamm
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seekfirstme · 3 years
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"Dearest brothers and sisters: All good giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no alteration or shadow caused by change." (James 1: 17 - 18).
Sunday 29th August 2021, in the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time.
I encountered our key Scripture from the James 1: 17 - 18 in a hymn/poetic format in Liturgy of the Hours and it truly changed the way I see God and the operations of Divine Providence. This is how I see the teaching of James in the poetic format:
"T'is not from chance springs any of our comforts but from Your gracious ordaining..."
It means that not even the least comfort, joy, kindness, break, cool breeze, smile of the supermarket checkout cashier, nurse, etc is an accident. God has arranged all these events to make you happy.
The same idea appears in 2 Corinthians 1: 3:
"Blessed [gratefully praised and adored] be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort." (2 Corinthians 1: 3 AMP).
What is the above verse saying?
God our Father is the Father of ALL mercies. ALL mercies and ALL comforts. Not some mercies and some comforts.
The words "accident, chance, coincidence, luck" do not appear in the Bible. Everything is governed by God's mighty, merciful and mysterious Providence. There is absolutely no exception to this rule.
To understand and believe this is life changing.
These spiritual writers have expounded brilliantly on the mystery of Divine Providence:
Augustine, Alphonsus Ligouri, Jean Pierre de Caussade, Claude de la Columbière, Jacques Philippe, John Flavel, Jean-Baptiste de Jure, etc. Divine Providence is a subject of predilection in the Catholic tradition. French saints and spiritual writers of the 18th century truly delight in the Doctrine of Divine Providence.
When I owned this truth, I became free of bad lucks. There are no bad lucks. There are no good lucks.
"ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God."
This knowledge increased my joy and gratitude in life. I went to a store two days ago. All the staff, about 6 of them greeted me with smiles and fist bump. I felt very happy not only when I was in the store but most of the day. Why? I knew without doubt that it was Jesus Himself showing me friendship through the staff of the store. Do not forget this hymn we sing in Church: "Ubi caritas, est ibi Deus." It means "Where love is, God is there." Where joy, friendship, kindness is, God is there.
When you believe this truth, you find yourself thanking God more than you had done all your life.
Speaking in IN SINU JESU, Jesus says: "What matters is not what you are thinking or saying, for I am pleased and comforted and glorified by your simply being with Me. Be present in My presence. This is what I ask of you. So many others among My priests leave Me alone in the Sacrament of My love. They grow cold, indifferent, and hard-hearted. An hour spent in My presence would be enough to reinflame their hearts, to move them to gratitude and love, and to open their souls to the grace of My friendship." (IN SINU JESU page 237).
To learn more about the God of ALL Providence, click the link below:
Daily Bible Verse @ Seekfirstcommunity.com
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