#it is silver's timeline :>
glazedyeastring · 9 months
Ashes and Christmas (Pt. 1)
*cracks knuckles*
I suddenly got the urge to make a little Christmas comic with an oc of mine. Although I doubt I'll finish in time for Christmas so I'm gonna send the w.i.p, and probably the second part after Christmas Anyway, hope you enjoy :>
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itsxroxannex · 8 months
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Just chilling in the OT
Slash and Silver belong to me
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antirepurp · 1 year
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such a normal and well-adjusted 14-year-old
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mrssylargray · 7 months
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emthimofnight · 5 months
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My dear friend @einelitas wanted me to take a crack at designing a silvaze fankid, and here she is!!! 🥰 Serene is a quiet, polite, and intelligent person, but she struggles to make friends. She has immense telekinetic power, just like her dad!
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tsubomiiiii · 1 year
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Tehee they’re on a date
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bestjeanistmonster · 6 months
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Dc au- sonic’s post-birds of prey outfit, prison attire + doodles
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silverstudios · 4 months
New friends on Halloween
It just needed something to eat...but it'll happily take new friends too~
It was realizing that it hated that word, and this feeling. 
It trouted out of their-...its cave at 5:55pm, claws shaking slightly, an awful gnawing at its center and the slash across its side wasn’t making it feel any better. At least the costume was doing its purpose, keeping the stinging wound protected from outside invasion and helping in the regeneration process, but the costume alone wasn’t enough. 
It needed something, someone, anything to eat- it’s been too long since it gotten this stupid injury, too long since winfrey was taken from it, and far too long since it's even eaten an animal-
It was starving…in more than just the physical sense. 
Its eyes still felt raw after all the crying was done- it hates crying, it hates feeling so incomplete…
It stopped at the edge of the tree line, hidden by the dense leaves of a bush and watched, blinking heavily and tail raised in confusion. 
Had it gotten the time wrong? The sun was down, it was dark, but yet there were still so many humans out and about. It was a lot of the little humans too, and they were wearing…costumes? Since when did humans wear costumes??? 
It hesitated at first, glanced back the way it came, but the growl that raced from it made it look back to the oddity happening on the street. It just needed One human, one good sized meal, and then it could flee and heal. 
It stepped out of the bush, straightened its back, and began walking about. It waited for screaming, for panic….but all it got was the occasional glance, and one human smiled at it. 
“Dude, love the costume!” it blinked, tail twitched, and before it could respond that tall yet not mature- teenager?-teenagers- humans had walked off, laughing alongside each other. Did….were they not able to tell? They did smell weird, an awful fermented smell, so not good prey-it could not afford to get sick. 
It walked a little bit longer, glancing around, sticking to the side of the street with less houses and less lights- awful bright things they are- and looked for someone separated, someone else Alone. 
It tried not to focus on the fact that so many of these humans had a pair, tried not to tear up and blinked away the stinging in its eyes. Now is not the time-
“C’mon John!! Just a little higher, I can almost reach it!!” It blinked, glanced toward the darkened yard and crouched, claws digging into the damp grass as it snuck closer. That voice was little, and upset, and sounded tired. It peaked around the side of the…what do humans call these mini buildings again? Shed- yes, shed, it peaked around the side of this shed, all covered in pumpkin stickers and….broken eggs? It resisted the urge to lick them off, maybe later. 
And standing before it, on top of each other's shoulders, were two little ones. Little boys, one dressed up in a brown hat and vest with boots that were too big and the other had his costume of white sheets and see through lace hung around his shoulders as he lifted the other up. The little cowboy was reaching up, hand outstretched and balance unsteady, grasping at a small orange and yellow bucket above them. Both their faces were red- they’ve been crying recently too- and teeth gritted. 
“Jason I can’t get any higher!!” “Well we have to get Ashley’s basket! We promised!” The little cowboy- Jason- shifted and reached a little bit closer while on his tiptoes- 
Clyde didn’t have time to process what happened, one second it watched them, the next it stood next to them, Jason wrapped up in its tail upside down and both little ones staring at it in surprise. It blinked, letting the actions make sense in its mind- John had lost his grip, Jason had slipped, a fall from even that small of a height would have broken his neck, instinct had overtaken thought- and smiled slightly as it set him down. 
“....Um- Thanks.” Jason coughed, cheeks tinted red and glanced away, rubbing the back of his head. It hesitated to speak…but smiled. “WeLcOmE.” It was raspy, and not human like, and it waited for them to run…but it blinked at the sympathetic looks. 
“You got that bug too?” John chuckled. “My brother and dad both got it and they sound just as raspy as you.” 
Bug- cold, illness. It hesitated, glancing away before nodding. It looked up at the tree, at the little basket in it, and pointed at it and tilted its head. “WhY?” “Oh- Some buttheads bully older kids!” Jason stomped his feet. “They got mad that we saw them egging Miss Camper’s house and when we said we’d tell her, they threw Ashley’s basket up there.” John sighed. “We’ve been trying to get it down for her so she could trick or treat with us…” 
Well that is just rude. It glared slightly at the story-tail thrashed against the ground in shared frustration and moved over to the tree. The children made questioning sounds as it grabbed onto the rough wood-this tree was old, and sick, and if it had to guess it wouldn't be here come next year- and raised itself up. Those two didn’t have claws, they weren’t made to climb trees- it was. Up and up, spiral around that branch, knock down that old plastic toy with its tail, and onto the branch. Its tail hooked around the fabric handle of the little plastic pumpkin, and lowered the prize down the onlooking children- whose eyes seemed to sparkle in amazement. Once Jason took it, it dropped itself from the branch- the ground made a quiet squelch sound as it landed hard onto the damp grass, and looked down at the two. It smiled. “ThErE.” “That was Amazing!!!” John raised his arms up and bounced. “Oh you HAVE to teach me how to climb trees like that!!!” 
It blinked and snickered, tail swinging in amusement, then blinked as a glove covered hand took hold of one of it’s fingers. 
“C’mon, let’s go find Ashley!” Jason beamed and began to move. It could have pulled away- or it could have pulled this one closer, its inside gurgled angrily at the lack of substance within…but it followed, tail curled, head tilted. It was…nice, to have this little bit of company right now. It waited a few weeks for its wound to heal enough to move, it can wait until they find Ashley.  
“Oh, my name is John by the way!” John, now confirmed to be the little boy in the ghost costume, smiled up at it. “That’s Jason.” “Yuuup!” It smiled at those silly little ones… “...ClYdE.” “Nice to meet cha, clyde!” It squinted its eyes happily at that, tail swinging a little faster. It had to wonder why they hadn't noticed it wasn’t human yet…but then again, some of the costumes it is seeing as the trio walks down the path looked pretty similar to it. 
“....WhY CoStUmEs?” “....It’s halloween.” John smiled at it, and then blinked at it when it tilted its head. “.....You…do know what halloween is, right?” The small gasp that came from him when it shook its head brought a grin to its face and a quiet snicker. “Dude- Halloween is like- The best time of the year!!! You get to dress up, you get to see all the cool spooky stuff, you get to trick or treat and get free candy!!!” John shakes his arms up and down to add to his point, and Clyde couldn’t help but snicker a little louder at the action. “Jason we have to let Clyde trick or treat with us, this is an outrage.” “Yeah- Ashley!!” Jason let go of its finger and raced forward into a small crowd. It hesitated, tail stopping dead mid swing, breath held- and then released as the small cowboy returned, a little girl in tow. She wore a puffy dress that sparkled and a small gold crown on her head, her eyes were puffy and red and she held a small wand alongside her returned basket. She was smiling, tears in her eyes as the two came over. “This is Clyde, they got it down!” Jason made a small gesture to it, and Ashley looked up at it- and then slammed into its leg, arms wrapped around it. 
It froze, the entire body went stiff, tail raised….and it knelt down and patted her back. Careful to not touch exposed skin, thank Six she had long sleeves, and a quiet rumble came from it. “T-Thank you so much.” She sniffled out, looking up at it with tear filled eyes but a large grin before stepping back and rubbing her eyes. Jason held onto her and wiggled side to side, and John sighed and poked her. “We’ll tell Miss Camper about the egging tomorrow, for now let's have fun for the rest of the night with our new friend!” 
It blinked, looking down at the three little ones. “....FrIeNd?” “Well- yeah!! You helped get her basket and you’re cool!” John beamed at it, and it blinked a few more times. 
Friend…friend is like partner, friend is companion…friend is someone to spend time with and enjoy, and to hunt and play and sleep-
But these are humans- these are little lives that will fade in the time it takes to blink, and can be snuffed out even faster. Human are prey, it was predator…but humans were also sentient, also had small souls- 
It held onto sentience and souls within-
Its stomach growled, its pupils dilated- and it smiled wide. 
“FrIeNdS!” it wrapped up all three into its arms and rose to its full height, moving them side to side as it turned on its heels and walked back toward the darker side of town. It didn’t want a crowd to see this, this was just for it and its new friends. The three of them let out startled, then excited and giggling sounds. It curled them up, particular to keep a good grip on the wiggling things, and particular to see how Big they were….
It could fit all three of them in whole, Combined they were barely the size of its torso. It rumbled as it kept walking, and John stopped wiggling and looked around. “Um…..Clyde?” “Hm?” “Where are we going?” It giggled. “....TrEaT.” “...Oh, you know a good house or something?” “SoMeThInG.” There, nice and quiet and dark- a few lights but for the most part, isolated.
Perfect. They were looking around, pointing at the houses with lights on, wondering which of these houses were its special treat spot- None of them noticed it open its mouth. It wouldn’t chew, its teeth were sharp, that would hurt and it didn’t want to hurt its little pals…. John had glanced up- and didn’t even get to yell. One. Ashley had gone to a door, banging on it, but it scooped her up before the door opened. Two.
It was surprised by how fast Jason was with those oversized boots, but it caught up just as fast. Three. In the distant, it could hear people raising their voices, calling out little names. 
It couldn’t stop purring as it slinked around the edges of town, its claw resting on its chest. They were trying to get comfortable, shifting and squirming, muffled sounds and voices. It felt so warm… It should likely return to its home, to rest- but it wanted to keep experiencing this “Halloween”, it wanted to keep going- just for a little while longer. Maybe it’ll find itself more little treats. More little friends. They were warm, and soon to be its friends forever more- but they were quite small. It could fit a couple more within-
Something latched onto its leg, and it jerked. Eyes looking downward, it blinked. A small boy, sniffling and rubbing his eyes. “I’m sorry…” The little boy sniffled. “I did the one thing you told me not to do and I lost them…” It blinked… and ruffled their hair slightly. The boy sniffled- and then yawned. “I wanna go home, Alex…” He yawned, arms wrapped further around its leg and face pressed in a little. “.....I’m sleepy and I'm upset.”  
It smiled and reached down, claws hooked under little arms and lifted him up. He certainly did seem sleepy, eyes squinted and mostly shut, slightly bags under them. This little guy needed a nap…
Surely he wouldn’t mind joining this little friendship, he seems like such a sweet kid- and it’d be so wrong to leave someone alone when they asked for help. It smiled, large and bright for him.
“Night Nighy~” Ah, it’s voice sounds so much better with its three little friends added to it, less like it had an awful cold. He squinted and paled. “You’re not Ale-” Four. It stood there, a purr racing from it and tail swinging in glee, another warm weight tucked within, another new friend for it to keep. “.........L-Lewis….?” It froze, and looked over its shoulder. Two boys, pale as the moon above, one holding a trembling flashlight in their hand and the other had dropped his basket, hands covering his mouth. Tears in their eyes, faces filled with dread. 
Ah ...They must be friends with the sleepy one… The air was silent as they stared at one another, the two boys frozen in place…And Clyde grinned brightly, teeth shown and mouth open slightly. Well, 6 Was its favorite number and it would be so wrong to separate such a cute little group of friends…
“.....Norman.” The one with the flashlight whispered as it turned fully to face them, taking a slow step forward. “.....Y-yeah Sam?” “Run.” 
Oh how fun, they’re playing Tag. Clyde has to guess that it is It. 
It Loves this game!
It caught Sam first, the boy was a slow runner, limping on his left leg and he seemed to know it. He had turned and grabbed onto it- and he went down screaming the whole time. 
It slowed as it approached the tree, the sounds of panicked breath badly muffled behind hands. It grinned and lowered itself, the grass had dried, its tail slamming across the sidewalk so that the boy would look in the other direction…
His yelp of surprise when it tapped his shoulder had made him taste all the sweeter.  
By now, the night wasn’t quiet, shrieks and yelling of little names and worried cries filled the air, but it didn’t mind. Afterall, it had its fill and it had its friends, it was as good as any time to return to the cave- “I wanna go home” A muffled voice echoed from it, and it purred and wrapped its arms around itself, nuzzling itself with glee. 
“Don’t worry, we’re going home now~” It purred, and entered the tree line at 7pm.
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cartoonartistpng · 4 months
Rage of a God - Dadphiles AU
Surprise! :D
Taking place at the end of Sonic Forces, and a sequel to this animatic, Mephiles shocks everyone by appearing and completely dispersing Infinite's attack. Infinite retaliates but is no match for the revived god. The Resistance and Eggman Empire alike watch in horror as Mephiles unleashes a power no mortal could hope to match.
Been working on this one for about a year, but finally realized that I'd never finish it, so I just decided to edit what I had.
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itz-pandora · 3 months
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Mephiles & baby Silver doodle
He just stole this kid
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itsxroxannex · 5 months
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I'm supposed to be asleep rn but uhm
Slash and Silver belong to me
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beanmaster-pika · 1 year
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Okay so you know that “good cat of the week bad cat of the week” meme,
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mrssylargray · 7 months
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he thought the power induced migraines were for one time! he MAD!!
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cobra-wives · 14 days
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flashback to 1981
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powderblueblood · 9 months
hear me out HEAR ME OUT
you know who would EAT as al munson
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