#it just hits me recently that those two stages might very well happened at once
aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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random sound win moment [11/?] a brief compilation of sound hitting and caring for win after all that "Then I’ll hit on you until your heart beats fast. Okay? Bring it on. I’m not afraid of you. You’ll see. (my school president, episode 9)"
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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a Mathew Barzal one shot
a/n: and here it is! the recent news-inspired secret baby fic. Huge thanks to all who reached out and encouraged me to write it and to those who gave me ideas and advice. completely fictitious timeline and hockey-related events here, and we’re pretending the pandemic is not a thing in this one.
summary: Mat Barzal and his longtime girlfriend welcome their first baby after keeping her pregnancy well-hidden from the public eye.
warnings: morning sickness and childbirth (nothing graphic or detailed). dad Barzy, which deserves a warning. swearing. super fluff.
Never in your life did you imagine that you would be attempting to conceal your first pregnancy — or any pregnancy — from members of the media.
Then again, you never could have predicted that you would end up being the long-term girlfriend of one of the most recognizable figures in the National Hockey League, and, more specifically, on the New York City sports scene. But if there’s one thing you had learned over the course of your more than four-year relationship, it was that life is full of the unexpected.
Currently, that aforementioned figure was whipping his car as quickly as possible into a private parking area at New York Presbyterian, glancing at you every ten seconds as you breathed through the early stages of labor with your firstborn baby, your water having broken just as you and Mat were settling in for sleep around midnight.
Only a small, select group of people knew that you and Mat were expecting, and as you checked in to the maternity ward just before one o’clock in the morning, you were grateful that there were very few people around you. You were hurried to your private room, Mat faithfully carrying your bags and nearly stepping on the heels of the poor nurse pushing your wheelchair, refusing to let you out of his sight for even a second.
Only once you were settled into bed, changed into a most unflattering hospital gown, hooked up to several monitors, and examined, did you allow yourself to look up at Mat and announce your practically inevitable victory.
“As long as that nurse doesn’t moonlight as a reporter, I think we did it,” you ventured with an incredulous chuckle. Mat shook his head in disbelief as he stood next to your bed, holding one of your hands in both of his.
“Don’t wanna speak too soon, but yeah, I think we did,” he agreed. “I can’t believe we managed to keep this a secret.”
Six weeks
It certainly wasn’t the first time you’d ever had your head hanging above a toilet bowl on New Year’s Day.
But it sure as hell was the first time it had ever happened when you had no hangover to speak of.
In fact, you’d only had two sips of champagne the previous night before you felt weirdly dizzy and passed out in bed watching the Isles battle the Bruins.
The next thing you knew, you were being gently roused from deep sleep by your boyfriend, whose brow was creased with concern as he leaned over you.
“Sweetheart?” Mat spoke softly when you finally opened your eyes, his fingers smoothing your hair against your heavy head. “You okay?”
You inhaled deeply, feeling completely off. “Yeah... yeah,” you insisted softly. “What time is it?” you asked, discombobulated.
“It’s almost midnight,” Mat answered. “How long have you been sleeping?”
You slowly pushed yourself up on your elbows in bed. “Uh... I don’t know,” you admitted. “I watched the first period... I think.”
That wasn’t like you, and Mat knew it. A lifelong hockey fan, you kept close tabs on not only Mat and the Islanders, but the scores from around the entire league each night. Coming from a hockey-loving family, watching highlights on NHL Network was your late night routine. On top of that, you looked flushed to him, and dark circles hung around your eyes, a rarity for you except when you were ill.
“Baby... are you sick?” Mat shrugged off his suit jacket, tossing it on the end of the bed and quickly taking a seat next to you on the edge of the mattress. He put the back of his hand to your forehead and studied you carefully. “You don’t feel fevered.”
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just a cold,” you replied, remembering the strange feeling that had overcome you when you sipped your champagne earlier. “I do feel kinda dizzy... nauseous.”
Mat nodded, eyes still full of worry. “Maybe you’re getting the flu,” he suggested. “That’s been going around lately.” You nodded too, yawning.
“Well, listen,” Mat continued, motioning for you to lie back as he pulled the covers over you again. “Go back to sleep, and tomorrow if you still aren’t feeling well, I’ll run to the pharmacy and get you some medicine and stuff. Okay?”
You nodded again, overcome once more by exhaustion as you settled back into your bed. “Okay,” you whispered. “Thanks, babe. Hey, did you win?”
Mat smiled. “Yeah, baby, we won. Now get some rest. I love you, sweet girl,” he said, pressing a warm kiss to your temple.
“I love you, Maty,” you breathed. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year, my love,” he whispered, his thumb tracing your bottom lip slowly as you immediately drifted back to sleep.
And now here you were, seven hours later, heaving into the toilet as Mat dropped to his knees behind you on the tile, gathering your long hair into his hands as quickly as possible.
“Oh, honey,” he groaned, rubbing your back. “You poor thing.”
After flushing the toilet several times to get rid of the contents, you finally sat upright, cautiously, slowly.
“God, I feel like shit,” you whispered, pressing a hand to your forehead as Mat ran his hands back and forth down your legs, trying to soothe you.
“I can tell,” he said sadly, standing. You looked up at him helplessly as he said, “I’m gonna go get you flu meds from the pharmacy. Let me just get dressed.”
You nodded once, feeling too lightheaded to move your head any more than that. You didn’t budge from your place on the floor as Mat took his robe from the hook on the door and wrapped it around your shoulders, kissing the crown of your head before exiting the bathroom. You heard him shuffling around in his drawers as you closed your eyes, willing the queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach to cease.
Moments later, Mat called out to you from the bedroom.
“Do you need anything else from the drugstore while I’m there, baby?”
You opened your eyes to glance around the bathroom, trying to keep your head as still as possible. You saw toothpaste, Tylenol, and... did you have enough tampons?
You reached next to you to open the drawer that held your monthly supplies, and you were surprised to find two boxes of tampons, not even opened, along with a plethora of pads and liners.
Finally, it hit you like a crashing wave. Suddenly, your world started spinning, and it wasn’t because of the nausea.
“Holy fuck,” you whispered, slamming the drawer shut.
“Maty...” you called out hoarsely, causing him to rush back toward the bathroom. Your heart was racing.
“What’s wrong?” he asked anxiously as he appeared in the doorway, ready to take up residence on the floor with you again if necessary.
You bit your bottom lip and inhaled a shaky breath before answering, sounding much more calm than you felt.
“I need you to buy me a test,” you said matter-of-factly.
At first, Mat wore a blank expression. “What kinda te— wait…” he said as you watched the wheels turning in his head. You couldn’t help but allow a small smile to spread across your lips as the realization hit him, too. He froze, mouth slightly agape, wide eyes searching yours to try and determine whether you were serious. Reading him, you nodded, which caused his eyes to widen even further.
“A pregnancy test,” you confirmed in a shaky voice.
“Holy fuck,” he whispered familiarly, his own smile beginning to play on his lips.
“That was Liana,” Mat said, sliding his phone back into the pocket of his sweats after ending the brief call. “She’s catching a flight in the morning.”
You nodded gratefully as Mat returned to your side, dutifully grabbing your hand and running his other over your rounded stomach.
“She said to tell you she loves you, and baby, too,” he added with a warm grin. “And that she—“
Mat stopped short the second he heard you groan softly, the smile you’d worn upon hearing Liana’s name having morphed quickly into a wince.
“Another contraction?” Mat asked, hastily pulling the stool by the bed closer and taking a seat.
“Mhm,” you confirmed tightly, rolling on your side to look into his eyes, seeking a diversion. The pain in your face absolutely shattered Mat’s heart. He despised how helpless he felt watching you.
“Just look at me. Breathe, baby,” Mat coached before breathing in and out just as your Lamaze instructor had taught you both, nodding his head to urge you to mimic him. You did your best, squeezing his big hand hard enough that Mat saw his fingertips turning white, though he was too smart and too concerned with your labor pains to point that out.
“Good girl. Breathe, sweetheart. Good girl,” Mat encouraged. “That’s my girl,” he added softly, lightly dragging his fingernails along your scalp, combing his hand through your hair, in an attempt to comfort you.
“I seriously hate you right now,” you spat between pants and gasps. “You did this to me.”
Though he tried to hold back, a breathy laugh passed through Mat’s nose. “Yeah, my mom warned me you might say that,” he told you. “I’d hate me right now, too,” he added, running his fingers along your forearm lightly as you grimaced in agony.
Finally, your muscles relaxed as the contraction passed. Your face softened and your eyes fluttered open to see Mat staring at you intently, concern etched into his gorgeous features. You reached out your hand to run a thumb over his strong jaw.
“I’m okay,” you whispered, giving him your best smile as you caught your breath.
Mat nodded. “I just hate seeing you hurting,” he whispered back. You gave him an understanding look and then grinned brightly.
“But it’s gonna be worth it,” you assured, making Mat’s eyes light up. He kissed your palm and you asked, “Now what else did Liana say? Distract me.”
With a smile, Mat said, “That she can’t wait to meet this little one.” He leaned his head forward to kiss your belly sweetly as you smiled softly, leaning back against the mattress to rest up momentarily before the next wave, as the memory of telling Liana the news months ago came to mind.
Twelve weeks
Your phone buzzed on the dining room table, vibrating against the glass top. Normally, you would never answer a call during a Valentine’s Day dinner with Mat, even at home, but these particular circumstances allowed for an exception.
“It’s Liana,” you smirked, swiping to answer the FaceTime call as Mat muttered, “Nice of her to call you and not her own brother.”
You ignored his complaint and smiled at the woman who was basically your sister-in-law.
“Hi, Li,” you said happily. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Liana didn’t even let you finish your greeting before she asked hurriedly, “What the fuck is going on?”
Mat leaned closer into you in order to be included in the camera’s view. “That’s rude,” he chirped, trying to sound angry, but being betrayed by the smirk twitching at his pink lips.
“No, seriously, you guys,” Liana continued, sounding anxious. “What does this mean?” She lifted the card from the full bouquet of blush pink roses before her. “‘Happy Valentine’s Day, Li,’” she read. “‘We’re so excited to give you another member of the family to love this August.’  And it’s signed from you guys and ‘Baby B...’”
Liana’s eyes flicked back up to your own and she couldn’t stand still, pacing her kitchen. “It’s not funny to joke about this,” she insisted, sounding confused and slightly offended.
“It isn’t a joke, dude,” Mat giggled. “We’re having a baby.”
Liana started screaming after “having.”
Laughter racked your body as you watched her jump up and down, tears streaming down her face as she squealed and asked a dozen times whether you were serious. You nodded each time until her hysteria finally subsided.
“Do Mom and Dad know?” Liana asked with a quaking voice, wiping the dampness from her cheeks.
“Yeah, they know,” you confirmed, swiping at a couple of your own fallen tears. Damn hormones.
“But listen, Liana,” Mat interjected, putting on his most serious tone. “They know, and her family knows, but past that, we haven’t told a soul. We honestly might not tell anyone else, depending on how soon she starts to show. We don’t want crazy fans or, God forbid, the media to get ahold of it and just be intrusive. We’ve seen how that goes. We just want this to be as private as possible. So you can’t post anything, can’t tell any of your friends. Okay?”
Liana nodded, sniffling throughout her brother’s command. “Yeah, totally,” she immediately concurred. “I get it. I think you guys are smart for doing it this way. This is like Kylie Jenner shit.”
You and Mat both snickered at that comparison for multiple reasons, then Liana began truly processing the news.
“Wait... so,” she began. “How far along are you?”
“Twelve weeks,” you replied. “So barring anything out of the ordinary, that kind of means we’re in the clear, risk-wise.”
“And you’re okay? Everything is okay?” Liana asked nervously.
Mat nodded, appreciating his little sister’s obvious concern for you and the baby. “She’s okay, Liana,” he assured as you smiled at him. “She’s perfect,” he added, picking up your hand to press a kiss to your fingers, causing Liana to tear up once again.
“You better take such good fucking care of her, Mat. You hear me? She doesn’t have her mom or any of us nearby, so she needs you,” Liana said firmly to her brother. You warmed at her display of womanly solidarity, ever thankful to have an ally in her.
Mat rolled his eyes. “Yes, Liana, I’ve been taking care of her for years,” he said, unamused.
“Yeah, well, it’s different now,” Liana pointed out. “Now she’s carrying my niece or nephew!”
You and Mat grinned at each other once more, Mat rubbing his hand slowly across your lower belly, which was mostly still flat, save for a slight, bloated curve.
“Yeah, she is,” Mat said airily, gazing into your blue eyes deeply as his sister resumed her squealing in the background.
“Can I please have more ice chips?” you asked as you came down from yet another contraction, sounding whinier than you meant to and slightly hating yourself for it.
Mat smiled warmly down at you, pushing some of your hair back from your forehead and tenderly placing a kiss to your temple.
“Yes. You get all the ice chips you want, sweet girl,” Mat cooed, nuzzling his nose in your hair before stepping back and winking at you, grabbing the ice bucket from the bedside table. If there was one thing you had enjoyed most about the experience of pregnancy and labor, it was the way Mat spoiled you, ever attentive to your needs and wants. “I’ll be right back. Don’t have that baby while I’m gone,” he instructed, pointing at you.
Despite the discomfort you felt, you still breathed a laugh and rolled your eyes at him, Mat positively beaming at you as he walked backwards out of your suite, then turned down the hall.
As you rested your hands against your belly and your head back on the pillow, spotting the big bouquet of flowers Tito had sent for you, another memory from the past several months flashed in your mind.
Twenty weeks
“I’m sorry,” Tito choked out once he stopped coughing on the Easter ham you’d made for a small group of the Isles boys, who had just begun playoffs and therefore weren’t traveling for the holiday, and their significant others. “You’re what?!”
You and Mat giggled, Mat squeezing your thigh under the table reassuringly. Sydney, late in her own pregnancy, jumped from her seat, tears springing to her eyes, and squealed as she ran to you, throwing her arms around your shoulders as you sat grinning at the others — Tito, Marty, Anders, Grace, Josh, and Meg — whose mouths hung open as they tried to process your announcement.
You turned back to Mat, the same broad smile seemingly permanently plastered on his handsome features the past few months stretching across his face once again.
“You wanna show them?” he asked softly, the tone in his voice telling you the decision was yours completely. You nodded, grasping the fabric of your knit sweater, the same casually chic, baggy style that you’d stocked up on to hide your growing stomach.
Sydney let go of you, allowing you to stand from your chair, as she nearly shouted, “What do you mean, show us?! How pregnant are you?!”
You bit your bottom lip, still smiling from ear to ear, and turned sideways, lifting your sweater to reveal your noticeable, ever-rounding bump beneath your high-waisted leggings.
A collective gasp sucked the oxygen from the room, Mat smirking at your friends, as you quietly admitted, “I’m twenty weeks...”
Tito pounded a fist to the table in disbelief and let out a holler. Anders raised his own fists over his head so fast that he knocked off the black baseball cap he wore. Josh and Marty couldn’t stop yelling, “No!” and “No fucking way,” respectively. Meg and Grace immediately leapt to their feet, too. “You’re halfway?!” they shouted in unison.
All Mat could do was beam proudly at you, bringing your waist close as he pressed a reverent, chaste kiss to your stomach over your sweater.
“Surprise!” you sang softly to the onlookers, your voice watery as a couple of happy tears escaped your eyes. The girls all embraced you, taking turns rubbing your belly, as the guys uttered boyish praises to Mat, joking that they didn’t know he had it in him.
Besides your and Mat’s parents and siblings, you still hadn’t told any friends of your pregnancy — making this sacred time that much more special for you and Mat.
But it was time to tell this circle. It had gotten more and more difficult and complicated to refuse drinks when the wives and girlfriends met for brunch, and even Mat was struggling to come up with excuses for why he wanted to rush home from the arena when the rest of the guys his age wanted to go to the bar to celebrate big wins. This close-knit group knowing the truth would help combat that.
You certainly didn’t plan to tell the whole team — quite frankly, there were some recently-added guys you just didn’t know well enough yet, along with some newer girlfriends who seemed a little suspect when it came to keeping team matters close to the vest. You and Mat agreed that you’d tell your close group of Isles friends and leave it at that. And that group, this group, these friends who had become much more like family — these felt like the right people to let in on the secret.
“I’m scared,” you whimpered. “I don’t know if I can do it.” The pain was excruciating now, the pressure was building, and your doctor had just informed you that it was time to push. You felt like crying, but you were so paralyzed by the fear that gripped your chest that no tears were flowing.
“Hey…” Mat began softly, gently taking your face in both of his hands and angling it to look up at him, his eyes radiating confidence and pride. “Listen to me, okay? You’ve been so strong throughout this whole pregnancy. I know better than to believe that that’s gonna end now. You can do this, my love. I know you can,” he encouraged. “And I’ll be right here the whole time.”
You nodded, still feeling completely unprepared but somehow strengthened by Mat’s faith in you. As the doctor approached, gowned and gloved, she looked at you with anticipation.
“You ready, sweetie?” she asked. With one last look up at Mat, who nodded and kissed your knuckles, you turned back to her with a nod of your own. She patted your knee and said, “Okay, let’s have a baby. On the count of three, I want you to push, just the way we talked about. Daddy, you hold this knee. Ready? One… two… three… push.”
Twenty-three weeks
The Isles had lost in the second round of the playoffs. Mat was obviously disappointed, but he was also more excited for this offseason than he’d ever been for a summer before, which certainly softened the blow. You were having his baby in just three more months, and he absolutely could not wait. Mat was ready to commence full dad mode — getting the nursery ready, reading the books, and most importantly, keeping a close eye on you every moment that he could.
On the same day the guys were cleaning out their lockers and giving final interviews following the end of the playoff series loss, Mat had scheduled a meeting with the coaching staff and team public relations executives to inform them of your pregnancy. He wanted them to be aware of the situation in case the news got out before the birth, especially as your baby bump was getting harder to hide. Since the two of you had decided to stay in New York for the summer instead of returning to British Columbia, to avoid travel late in your pregnancy, he knew that the chances of someone spotting your round stomach and starting to talk about it was higher on Long Island than in Coquitlam. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if the news got out, but if you and Mat could help it, you’d much prefer that it didn’t. He wanted this experience to be peaceful for you and as enjoyable as possible.
The meeting had gone well, which was unsurprising. The staff was thrilled for the two of you and promised to keep a tight lid on the information until you were ready to share it publicly after the baby had been born — they also agreed to evade any questions that their office might encounter on the topic during the summer.
Mat had thanked them profusely and said his goodbyes before leaving the building, heaving his heavy equipment bags into his trunk, and heading back home to you. A few minutes later, his phone dinged with a text from you and he glanced down at it at the next stoplight. It was a photo of the two of you in front of Big Ben on a rare sunny day in England, Mat hugging you close to his chest.
“This just popped up in my memories. Four years ago today we were in London and you told me you loved me for the first time. Look at us now. 💋”
Mat grinned at the message before returning the phone to his cupholder, his mind traveling back in time to that first big vacation the two of you had taken together. He knew your affinity for English culture — the fashion, the history, and, of course, the royal family, so he decided to take you on a trip across the pond a couple of months after you started dating.
It was one of the best decisions he’d ever made, as it brought the two of you much closer in those early days of your relationship — so close, in fact, that he found himself professing his love for you over a candlelight dinner on your last night in London. You had frozen, just for a moment, before a broad smile lit up your face, your eyes sparkling.
“I love you, too, Maty,” you’d said softly, allowing Mat to finally exhale as he basked in the knowledge that you felt the same way as he.
London was a landmark in your love story. Mat blinked a few times at that thought, an idea suddenly coming over him.
London Riley Barzal, named for the city where you fell in love and given your current last name as a middle name, was born August 15 at 8:13 p.m., after twenty hours of labor.
You and Mat had never known a love like the one you found the moment your baby girl was laid on your chest, and he had never been more fiercely in love with you than he was as he watched you snuggle her close.
“God, she’s so beautiful,” Mat breathed, voice quivering as he realized that this tiny girl belonged to him — to both of you.
“She’s perfect. Just perfect,” you agreed as her strong cries suddenly quieted into small whimpers.
Immediately, Mat looked you in the eye. “She knows your voice,” he said in astonishment.
As your baby blinked and squinted before opening her eyes for the very first time, she seemed to look directly up at her daddy. You smiled knowingly at Mat, who was frozen in place as he locked eyes with his baby daughter for the first time.
“I think she knows yours, too,” you suggested, the two of you smoothing your fingertips over her tiny face and hands in wonder.
You spent several minutes soaking it all in as a brand new family of three, both talking to London softly and placing kisses on her tiny head, before the nurse took her from your arms to take her vitals and give her a brief exam.
As you watched your healthy, gorgeous baby being fawned over by the medical team, you breathed a deep sigh of relief and a silent prayer of gratitude before opening your eyes again to see the love of your life staring down at you in absolute amazement.
“You did so good, baby,” Mat said through tears of pure joy. He pressed his lips to your damp forehead, cupping your cheek in his hand. “You did so good. You’re unbelievable, you know that? I’m so goddamn proud of you,” he praised.
“We have a baby, Maty,” you said with an awestruck, tearful chuckle. “I just had our baby.”
Mat nodded, grinning. “We have a daughter, my love,” he said. “Our little London.”
One week later…
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Them asking for consent (Hyung Line)
Hello again! I recently had the ‘talk’ with my little sister. Just the usual, safety, consent, etc. I realised a few my readers may be younger too, around 15 or 16, which is why I beleive it is essential to learn about, understand and talk about important topics such as consent. I will be later on linking a guide to these important yet taboo topics such as contraceptives, consent, pleasure, relationships, etc. so please stay tuned and stay educated. That’s all from me, please enjoy!
Word count: 2.4k
Genre : Angst + Fluff
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You and Hongjoong had been in a relationship for not too long, maybe 4-5 months at max. Your favourite part of your relationship was how considerate he was. He would always ask before doing initiating anything and was very gentle with you. Despite this, at times you felt that your relationship might have been moving a little too slow. You knew your feelings for him were genuine and you wanted to become more intimate. 
You tried to convey what you felt in a subtle way, by kissing him for longer at times and not pulling away, by adding tongue into your kisses, which he reciprocated, but then pulled away shyly after a few seconds. You came over to his house early in the morning just to make him breakfast in bed and to see is adorable morning messy hair. You back-hugged him in the morning, circling your hands around his waist running them along his sides, only for him to giggle and turn around, pecking your nose, and then return to what he was doing originally. You gave his head massages scraping your nails against his scalp and putting pressure on certain points, and although you thought it wasn’t working, he once sensually groaned, and you thought you were getting somewhere, only for him to apologise and leave.
Despite all the various attempts on numerous occasions to initiate more intimate contact, he would usually shy away or wouldn’t reciprocate it, so you felt guilty for making him feel uncomfortable. After a week or so of trying, you gave up and resumed your normal lifestyle. To your surprise, Hongjoong actually enjoyed the past week more than he would like to admit and once you stopped doing all those little things, he felt empty, and realised he wanted this too. 
There was this once when the both of you were at your house and you were at a kitchen counter making some popcorn to eat for a movie. Just as you were done, you felt two big arms, engulfing you, wrapping around your waist. You looked to the side and it was Hongjoong. He pressed a kiss to your head and although on the outside you were calm, on the inside you almost lost it. You turned around in his embrace and pecked his soft lips shortly. 
“What is all this?” You said giggling
“Y/n, I think I’m ready to move on to the next stage of our relationship” He said, and your eyes lit up. A big smile erupted on your face and he reciprocated it too. 
“Are you sure?” You asked him and he nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He then held both of your hands with his bigger, warmer ones and led you to the bedroom. He sat down, and made you sit in his lap. You were straddling him and could feel him completely. 
“Y/n, I know I want this, but do you? I never really asked you. Are you okay with this?” He asked all of a sudden. You nodded and pecked his forehead.
“If you feel uncomfortable at any point of time, you can tell me okay? Just tap on my shoulder 3 times and I’ll stop immediately okay?” He said, hands holding your face. You just smiled in return, locking lips with him, mumbling an okay in between.
Finally, it was time...
“Y/n, can I touch you?” He asked softly, and you almost exploded from the gentleness in his voice. 
“Yes hun, thank you for being so gentle” You smiled back at him. He slowly glided his hands under your shirt, not making contact yet, looking up at your eyes one last time. You nodded, and he finally grazed his fingers along your stomach, chills went down your spine anticipating what the rest of the night was going to be like.
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You and Seonghwa had been dating for over 4 years, but he still never forgot to ask for your approval. You were a little shy, which gave him all the more reason to constantly check if the pace of your relationship was alright. 
You had gone to Paris on vacation as a getaway, to take time away from both of your stressful lifestyles. This was much needed for the both of you and you had quite a lot on your agendas. Your final destination was the Eiffel tower, how romantic. It was night time, and quite late. At this time, not a lot of people were actually on the Eiffel tower and were instead viewing from below (this usually does not happen, but just imagine that you got lucky). You thought it was the perfect time to go, as you’d both get the privacy you wanted and would be able to enjoy the beautiful Parisian night view from above. You made your way to the top with the tour guide, and he left you both alone at the top. It was quite cold and you began to shiver, so he offered his jacket, to which you declined and just rubbed your hands. The cold air was after all, a part of the experience. He just laughed at your cuteness and got out his phone.
He snapped a pic secretly while you were looking out at the view, and reviewed it, blushing at the way your hair blew back and your face was illuminated by the lights from below showing off your cute, astonished smile. While you were looking out, you slowly, noticed him snaking his arms around your waist and you just laughed, used to these little moments. You inhaled his scent and leaned into him.
“I’m so happy to be here with you” He whispered into your hair
“Me too” You said back and the both of you stayed in that position for a little longer, swaying from side to side slightly. After a while, you started shivering again, and he realised it was probably best to go back. Although this memory was quite short, it would be quite memorable. Before leaving though, he did have one thing on his bucket list, that he couldn’t leave without doing.
He swiftly turned you around in his embrace to face him, and held both of your hands, staring into your eyes.
“Y/n, I love you so much, and I’m so glad to be here with you right now, you don’t understand how happy you make me, and I’m so lucky to wake up to you every morning...” He said pausing to take a breath in. Meanwhile, this was all too much for you. This romantic setting, being in the arms of your lover and his loving words that hit you like a truck, and soon enough you started crying.
“Noooo, why are you cryingg?” He whined, wiping your tears. You just laughed and shook your head. He gasped and then realised.
“Wait, you don’t think I’m proposing to you, do you? I’m not just yet don’t worry?” You just hit his shoulder and mumbled an “I know” through your tears
“I don’t think words will ever be able to describe how much I love you” He said rubbing his nose against yours and you almost died inside from the cheesiness. He grabbed your face with both hands and made you face him.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked softly. You just laughed at the way he still asked for permission even after 4 years of dating. You nodded your head, and he inched closer until you both locked lips. Despite dating for over 4 years, sparks flew every time you kissed. He grazed his tongue gently against your bottom lip asking for entry and you allowed him, deepening the kiss. He explored your mouth and even made contact with your tongue. You lips locked together perfectly as if they were made for each other and you couldn’t have wished for a better experience than this, romantically locking lips with your lover atop the Eiffel tower.
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You and Yunho had been dating for around 2 years or so and had started getting quite comfortable in your relationship. Being merely strangers after meeting on a dating app, the idea of sex never really came up over the past few month. Now however, you were definitely not strangers and Yunho was starting to feel emotions and feelings he couldn’t describe. You on the other hand, were quite happy with the pace of your relationship and didn’t notice anything wrong.
All of a sudden, after being gone for an entire week, for filming a camping series with ateez, he realised how much he missed you. He came back and when he was greeted by you wearing nothing but his top and some underwear, with your gray bra visible, he started to understand these feelings. It was lust, desire and need. You noticed how he would get a little closer than usual and kissed you for longer. You loved the attention, but knew something was off.
After he had kissed you against the kitchen counter for what felt like the 20th time, you confronted him.
“Yunho-yah, did you really miss me this much” You said, with an innocent smile plastered on your face. Yunho smiled even bigger than you and rubbed you cheek with his palm.
“I want to tell you something, follow me” He held your hand and dragged you to the couch, sitting you down facing him.
“What is it? Is everything alright?” You said a a little worried.
“Yes, well, I don’t know... Y/n... I hope you won’t judge me when I say this, but I know we’ve been dating for a while and I just wanted to know if you’re ready” He said cautiously
“Ready for what?” You asked nonchalantly, fixing a strand of his hair
“Ready to have sex with me” He whispered, a little unsure
“oh” was the only thing you managed to get out.
“It’s totally alright if you don’t want to just yet, I just want to know how you feel.” He said grabbing ahold of your hands, but you flinched away and he immediately felt guilty for bringing up the topic.
“No, no I want to, I want to be intimate with you, it’s just can we give it some time? This is a little much to process, and I would love to have my first time with you, but I just- I just don’t think I’m ready yet, I’m sorry” You said, looking down feeling guilty for turning him down life that.
“No, no please don’t apologise hun, take your time, I’m sorry I brought it up” He said. He gave you your own time and space to process it, but opened his arms wide for a hug and you gladly accepted, snuggling into his embrace, he kissed your head and you fell asleep.
The fact that you didn’t rush it only made your first time more special. It was on a holiday after a few more months of dating and approval of the relationship from both your parents too. The setting was perfect too, he had booked a private villa near the beach and you were so grateful. He took his time and consistently asked if you were okay. You agreed and were thankful to have waited a little longer, because now you were a 100% sure and were able to show all your love.
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You and Yeosang had met recently through a mutual friend and were on your 5th or 6th date. By this point, you were comfortable enough to have invited him over to your house to watch a movie together, nothing too extreme. It was a movie that you found out he was actually waiting for, so when he arrived and saw the choice of movie, he immediately got excited. 
Throughout the first hour, you both were slightly awkward, as he kept watching the movie, not concentrating on you, while you couldn’t get your eyes off of him. You stared at his perfect jawline, and his dimly lit face, that cast harsh shadows of his nose and lips, outlining their perfect shape. You unintentionally sighed, from the lack of attention, and he immediately looked at you. He panicked wondering what was wrong. He saw how you had your arms folded and mouth in a pout and realised you were upset. When you looked back at him and he was still looking at you, you immediately blushed and he realised what you wanted. He opened his arms, ushering you to scoot closer and snuggle into him, to which you smiled at the offer. You gladly accepted, snuggling into his embrace taking in his scent. After a while, you started to get sleepy though, and couldn't help yourself but fall asleep in his comfortable embrace. Meanwhile, he kept watching the movie and when realised you had fallen asleep, a look of pure adoration was evident on his face. He took his phone and snapped a few pics of you secretly, while you were snuggled into him.
He observed the way your eyes were fluttered shut, long eyelashes frayed on your cheeks and your messy hair, snuggled into his embrace. He set the picture as his wallpaper and fell asleep onto you too. About an hour later, the both of you woke up, only to see the movie was over, and you both were snuggled into each other, face merely inches apart. You moved closer to his lips, looking back up into his eyes and he nodded. You pressed a long kiss to his soft lips and he smiled into the kiss.
He got up and you saw a notification pop up on his screen, only to be greeted by your sleeping figure as his wallpaper. He panicked and tried to defend himself.
“I’m sorry, I took a photo of you secretly, I should have asked before, I probably seem like such a creep I’m sorry, I can remove it if you’d like” He rambled. 
“No, no, I actually find it quite cute that you have a picture of me as your wallpaper. Thank you for clarifying with me though, I appreciate that you asked me if was alright to have my photo, especially since, I kind of need to prepare beforehand, I look weird in candid photos” you laughed and he held your hands.
“Y/n, I think you look good all the time so please don’t think otherwise, but don’t worry, I won’t take photos if you don’t want me to” He said. You just shook your hand dismissing him and snuggled back into his embrace. 
“It’s alright Yeo, I actually like it, so don’t worry” You whispered into his neck and he got chills immediately.
You just chuckled at his cuteness and appreciated the fact that he asked if you were okay with him taking the photos.
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A little written-in-the-middle-of-the-night Loki fic snippet that just grew another leg. TVA Loki + Lokane. Rating T.
(First part is here)
Shine a Light, part II
The tempad feels hot and slippery in his palm as he stalks down the hallway, quickly putting distance between himself and the hunter he left unconscious amidst overturned chairs and tables in the canteen.
The mess had already been there, leftovers from workers rushing panicked to man their stations. He had simply added one more touch.
Tiny droplets of sweat bead his brow and blood has started seeping though the tear in his crumbled shirt.
The fabric is clinging wetly to his bicep, but in the mayhem unfolding around him, nobody gives him a second glance.
For the first time, he is thankful at least to be wearing the anonymous uniform dictated by the oppressors.
He reaches the kill me kind of room again and shuts the door behind him.
You were meant to cause suffering and death.
You’re a cosmic mistake.
You were meant to die at the hands of the mad titan.
All lies.
Still projected on the wall is the paused image of a lost memory of his unfulfilled fate.
He sees himself, Thor and her on the barren planet with the black soil. The man he never became is lying on the ground, Thor cradling him.
She watches them both in shock.
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It resonates in his bones. He has to go there.
He has to reach his brother at this precise, excruciatingly rare moment of heroism. His act of heroism.
Before the scheming and deceit poison their bond once more in an endless loop of disappointment.
In this moment, all is forgiven. Thor will listen and help. A different path will branch.
And he has to go to her.
It is ludicrous, this riddle, yet the truth of it presses hard on his chest.
On the grainy roll of film, he saved her life and her eyes bore into his with such intensity, his acute need still reverberates like an echo between the walls of the kill me kind of room.
The smell of lilacs lingers.
What will happen when he faces his own self on the timeline, he can’t imagine. Also, he gives it little thought at this late stage with universal logic already suspended as it is. Hopefully he can reason with the man he was meant to be.
He has had quite enough of being his own past, present and future selves’ worst enemy.
And so he pushes the buttons on the tempad.
Something is very wrong.
The sky is too blue, the distant sound of waves lapping calmly at a shore is misplaced.
He has emerged from the door onto a quiet gravel road lined with tall grass and low pines. A single, white wooden house stands to his left, surrounded by a lawn dotted with wildflowers. The sun is warm on his back.
This is Midgard, he is sure of it.
How could he shoot past his destination so spectacularly?
He is about to scroll down the list of numbers and names on the tiny screen of the tempad when he notices a man approaching. Old, walking leisurely with a round, short-legged dog much the same white color as the mortal’s own wispy hair.
The latter starts a little when he spots Loki.
And then he does the most unexpected thing and speaks his name.
Loki’s name.
He almost drops the tempad (no! Not again) and the old one grins good-naturedly. “Hold on to your fancy phone there. Far away, were we?”
Loki only just about stops himself from shaking the man by his shoulders. His fists clench uncontrollably.
“What year is this?! How do you know my name?”
His voice sounds shrill, feverish, and unsurprisingly the eyes in the lined face before him go wide with puzzlement and … something else.
“Loki, what on Earth? Are you quite alright?”
Shock washing over him, Loki staggers back. H-how?
But the man is closing the gap between them, oozing concern. “Have you - are you drunk?” he asks incredulously.
He reaches out.
What is happening?
Loki shies away from the touch, his mind spinning.
Forcibly gathering his composure, he straightens and wills his words to come out steady. “No, I’m okay. Apologies. A bad joke”.
He smiles reassuringly. It takes more effort than parting an ocean.
The dog is sniffing insistently at his ankles.
The man looks him over with suspicion but the worry is subsiding. “Okay, then… no harm, no foul. You know, sometimes these peculiar ‘jokes’ of yours can make a neighbor all kinds of slightly worried”.
“Most understandably, won’t happen again. Sorry to have bothered you”. Loki cuts him off smoothly. “Have a nice day”. He nods and turns before hysteria can creep into his voice.
“In case you need it for your punchline, the year is 2016”, the man calls over his shoulder as he shuffles away, pulling the reluctant dog after him.
Loki’s blood runs cold. 2016. Oh, this is so wrong. Three years wrong.
Did he hit another button at the last minute? He had been clutching the tempad so hard the edges cut into his fingers.
He curses his own impatience. Tech savvy indeed.
Holding up the blasted piece of TVA wizardry, he tries to enter a new series of numbers when his name rings out again.
And again, he almost jumps. But this time, his heart stays in his throat.
“Loki? What are you doing out here? I’ve been looking all over for you”.
Her voice reaches him from the porch of the white house. She is skipping lightly down the steps, the screen doors left open behind her. Music drifts into the garden from somewhere inside.
She is crossing the lawn. He is no longer breathing.
Her long auburn hair is tied back in a ponytail, and she is wearing a light blue summer dress. Her feet are bare.
Absurdly, he notes that she looks more tanned than the last time he saw her through the visor of the destroyer in the desert. A year and a lifetime ago. To him.
His grip on whatever reality he’s been clinging to since New York is seriously faltering.
She is beaming. He cannot move a muscle.
She comes all the way up to him and without pause wraps her slender arms around his neck. He can feel the warmth of her body through his shirt, smell the perfume of her skin. She smells of … -
“Where did you go, handsome?” She smiles playfully.
“Pepper called earlier to say that she actually got Tony out of the door on time, if you can believe it, so they’ll be here any minute. And her and I agreed that you two hotheads are going to play nice tonight, okay?”
She is teasing him but he hardly understands the words she’s saying. It makes no sense.
And then, before he can begin to form a response, she stands on tiptoes and kisses him and the world falls away.
Reflexively, he puts his arms around her, drawing her close to him. She moans happily. He leans into the kiss, not knowing what he’s doing other than that he never wants to stop.
Her mouth is soft and warm and new and familiar all at the same time, and the way her fingers curl in his hair sends electricity shooting down his spine.
It should be all anguish and tragic confusion, like before in the castle beyond time, but it is not.
It feels more right that anything he can remember since before his fall from the Bifrost, more real and yet more magical than his recent journeys into mystery.
Then it’s over all too soon and she draws away.
His arms are suddenly much too empty and he almost reaches for her again, craving her touch.
For a fleeting heartbeat, his soul had no longer felt torn apart to the point of forgetting he’d ever been whole.
The chaos had crumbled in on itself like a bad dream.
He is surprised he still knows what peace of mind feels like after what has happened to him since arriving at the TVA.
But now she looks at him with alarm in those beautiful brown eyes and he is crudely reminded that he is an intruder in her reality.
What she thought she saw, she clearly no longer recognizes.
It takes him all of three stupidly long seconds to remember that she said his name. That he’s wearing his own face and not a disguise.
That she knew him immediately, just like the old man.
She kissed him.
Too many impossible possibilities and the thunderous sound of his own heartbeat (surely she can hear it too) blur his vision.
He’s only vaguely aware that he is stepping towards her, trying to say something without the faintest idea of what’s going to come out of his mouth.
If it’ll even be words.
Her eyes dart over his clothes, his face.
“Loki, what - Why are you dressed like that? Have you been gone? Is that … blood?”
She retreats further, fear building.
“Jane, I-“
Her name rolls of his tongue with a sweet-tasting intimacy like he has said it a thousand times before.
But he doesn’t get to dwell on this, nor gather his thoughts to say anything else before something abruptly lifts him off the ground and hurls his body across the road.
“How dare you touch her, beast?!”
Immediately as his back connects with the rough gravel, someone is there, a knee pushing him down, fingers closing around his throat. A sharp object presses against his chin.
There is a dangerous, unhinged growl as his attacker breathes hotly in his ear. “You will die for this!”
The man is strong and somehow blocking Loki’s own magic, but he still manages to twist his head -
And looks right up into his own eyes, nearly black with rage.
“Speak! What are you??”
The man with a face exactly like his presses the tip of his blade closer to Loki’s left eye. “You will show yourself right now or -“
Gathering his magic tightly around him (focus!), Loki pushes back, hard.
With a surge of energy, their bodies are separated, and the other version of him lands heavily in the middle of the road some meters away.
Both of them are on their feet with the fluid movements of two panthers ready to pounce, the other now in full armor.
He has to leave, right now, even if means leaving her which is a catastrophe that might either kill him or make him try to kill his other self if he stays here another minute.
This timeline is clearly not his own.
It cannot be.
Arm outstretched to ward off his furious twin with a shield of magic, he tries to work the tempad with one hand.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
A booming voice above their heads.
“You know, when Jane pressed the panic button just now, I thought we had an actual emergency. Not that you were preparing a little dinner show for us, Reindeer Games. Gotta be honest though, this doppelgänger stunt was never my favorite -“
The variant - for he must be a variant - angrily interrupts the man in the metal suit hovering in the air.
Of course, Loki remembers him all too clearly.
What has it been, less than a week since he threw him, or a version of him, out the window of the glass tower?
“This is not my creation”, the variant hisses with venom dripping from every word. “I caught him assaulting Jane. Kissing her”.
Stark focuses all his attention (and one of his iron fists) on Loki. A metallic humming rises steadily from inside the suit.
“A man on a suicide mission then. Boy, did you smooch the wrong wizard’s baby-mama. He may look all domesticated and cute now, but I assure you he’s still all kinds of crazy. In fact-”.
“I know it’s asking a lot, of you in particular, Stark, but could we possibly save the personal insults till we have dealt with this right here?”
Wait, just wait.
Damn it, he can’t tap in the destination on the tempad without looking at it.
Green smoke is swirling around the hands of his other self. He knows what’s coming.
“This is your last warning, devil! I will not have you hiding behind my face as I -“
“This is my face! I’m you, you fool! Bigger things are at large here and-“ Loki falters, his silver tongue failing once more with rising predictability within what seems a disconcertingly short period of time.
Although he honestly can’t tell anymore.
“Please, take a minute -“
He can’t help but shout, sounding hopelessly desperate.
In another life, he might have felt humiliated, but letting pride dictate his emotions is no longer a luxury he can afford to indulge.
Still, the silence that follows his outburst is not nearly as long as he needs it to be.
The variant stares blankly at him, mouth slightly ajar, but Stark recovers easily, his voice now icy.
“Yeah, dude, that one might have worked better if you’d put on a clean shirt. Time to fess up real quick or we’ll have to-“
Drawing what might become his last breath, Loki looks away and down at the tempad. He presses the button. No more time to double check.
“What the?!”
Both Stark and the variant visibly flinch as the door appears.
He quickly makes for it. “I - I’m sorry. Truly, I am”. He looks to their stunned faces before turning to his exit.
Out of the corner of his eye, he registers the variant move (he has to be a variant). His mouth twists in an ugly snarl and two familiar daggers are appearing by his sides.
Before the door snaps completely shut, Loki sees Jane run up to the man and grab his arm.
“Love, no, don’t!”
He sees the slight bump under her dress that he didn’t notice before.
And then the scene disappears and he’s gone.
Part III
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ranger-rai · 3 years
Alright guys, A lot has happened in the last couple of days so let me catch you all up.
So we have been getting some reports of a "Swarm" of pokemon causing some problems around Sinnoh.
We looked into it and after a couple nights of steakouts, we discovered that our "Swarm" was actually a Purrloin who knew Double Team.
Apparently it had been stealing from alot of small homes, mainly trash.
This Purrloin was incredibly aggressive and seemingly protective of something.
We tracked it down to to a small den just outside of Solaceon Town.
Well we were expecting it to be taking care of its kittens, however we did not expect what we actually found.
We found this Purrloin trying to feed the scraps it stole to a Lycanroc.
The Purrloin was very protective and tried attacking us.
It was surprisingly tough for a single Purrloin, however we managed to restrain it.
However we found it weird that this Dusk Lycanroc wasn't moving or reacting much.
I went and checked it out when it was clear and we found something really unsettling.
This Lycanroc has some spine problems, I know this because it struggled to get up but when it did, it got on four legs, then two legs.
Now a Dusk form Lycanroc is made to be on all four like this
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However its back is arced upwards like it's slouching.
It's also shaking a bit, and is covered in scratches and bruises.
Every time I try and get close the Purrloin starts thrashing and clawing.
We let it go and it made its way back to the Lycanroc, and started to guard it again.
We knew this was bad, so we made a plan to try and help them.
We managed to get Purrloin secure once again and Lycanroc into a cage very carefully, but we kept them close together as we transported them.
Lycanroc was surprisingly docile and just seemed tired and dehydrated, so we made sure it got plenty of water.
Purrloin was on edge the whole time, making sure that Lycanroc ate, and keeping us at a distance, but I caught her eating from time to time.
We had to hold her down once again, but she used her double team to evade us for a bit. She really knows how to use that move.
Eventually we restrained her when we got to the Ranger Base and we had a medical technician look at Lycanroc.
They said that it had some severe spine misalignment, not from an injury but from constant strain.
At some point during our conversation, we noticed Lycanroc trying to get up, and "stand up" again on two legs, like a Midnight Form Lycanroc.
It was really odd to see, and the tech helped put it him back onto two legs, but it almost seemed scared to be touched when in that position.
This wasn't battle damage, this was intentional trauma.
Purrloin was definitely upset, and managed to get free and started scratching at the technician.
Thankfully I restrained her so the technician could work more, and I calmed her down a bit.
The tech said that they would need to run some tests on the Lycanroc to see if they could fix his back, so we had to let him stay for a while.
However we couldn't leave Purrloin there in case she tried to attack the tech again.
I didn't want to seperate them, but I needed her to be somewhere safe while the technician did his job, so I got her into a carrier and took her with me on my rounds.
She was hissing and scratching for a while but I sat and talked with her for a bit and she seemed pretty alert but much calmer.
Most of the day was just a usual trip around my areas, however I started finding alot more litter in some areas.
There was alot of trash on the ground in a park area just outside Veilstone City, and normally I would pick it all up, but there was alot, almost like there was a carnival recently there, but there was nothing planned as far as I knew.
I also noticed Purrloin getting really upset and hissing a lot.
I looked around the trash and found a bunch of flyers for some kind of venue.
"Mister E's Enigmas"
The flyer listed a sort of sideshow of oddities.
Things like:
The Fire Breathing Treecko Brothers, Dancing Donphan, and their star attraction-
"The Were-Lycanroc" a pokemon that could switch between forms.
That's when it hit me, and I knew someone was going to get in trouble.
After bringing this information to the technician and my boss Jo. Me and my Ranger Team decided to attend the show incognito to see if we were right, and boy we wish we weren't.
We attended what could only be described as a shifty, pop up carnival.
There were a few games, a couple food trucks, and a large tent that held the "main events".
There were some "exotic" holding cages that people could interact with like a small cage for two Emolga to live in, they could barely get into the air before smacking into the roof.
There was a small area that had a large heat lamp for "desert" pokemon, but it was mostly a browning Cacnea, a Trapinch with barely enough sand to cover its body, and a Salandit which didn't belong there.
There were others but we already knew what those cages would be like as well.
The show kn the main stage was getting ready to start, so we decided to check it out.
"Mister E" took to the stage, he had your typical big top attire, top hat, long tails, but he had a stripey pattern that made him look like a hypnotic wheel.
He introduced his first act, which was "The Fire Breathing Treecko Brothers". I was worried.
Now Treecko is a Grass Type, and it only learns one grass type move naturally: Sunny Day.
They also don't have any natural immunities to fire types, so this didn't make much sense for normal Treecko.
From what I saw in the act, they learned how to eat fire and pretend they were using flamethrower. However you could tell they didn't like it. Treecko are calm and collected pokemon, but those two looked stressed out, and they were molting a bit in certain areas near their face and tails, probably due to the flames and stress.
After them was the "Dancing Donphan". Donphan is a very heavy pokemon, and it's main skill is rolling like a tire.
This Donphan looked much lighter, like it hadn't been fed its regular amount to keep it healthy.
Minnie also mounted out that the music playing during the dance had a weird sound mixed in. Basically, whenever we heard the sound, Donphan would do a move like jumping or rolling over. The sound was similar to a sort of crash, but it was clear that it was a sound that Donphan was afraid of.
Now came the finale, "The Were-Lycanroc" however that part didn't happen, and instead they brought out some clowns and the Treecko Brothers again.
Thats when we knew what was really happening.
I went back to check on Lycanroc who was sleeping like a log with Purrloin right next to it.
I didn't remember any cages with any feline pokemon in them so maybe it was just a wild Purrloin, but I wasn't going to disturb them to find out.
The doctor told me that it might take some time, but Lycanroc's spine and back legs were forced to move in positions they weren't supposed to for so long, that it would take some time, therapy and equipment to help it.
If there was a chance to help this poor pokemon I knew we would take it, but we also couldn't leave all of those other pokemon to suffer.
We were about to get really busy at the Ranger Base.
The next day, Me and Minnie went incognito one more time and we had to sit through that horrible show once more.
We had Skip with us, helping to send info and let us know of any devices or intercept their communications.
Turns out we didn't know that was happening because they had police scanners to avoid getting caught and they had wireless security cameras inside the tent.
They were prepared, but so were we.
My whole team was on board, both Humans and Pokemon.
We had a plan that began with Kuriboh knocking out some generators by sneaking around and unplugging everything he could.
That caused some confusion for a bit while we got in place. While they went to secure their "precious cargo", we made our presence known.
Eddie was outside the tent, dealing with the muscle and moving crews, his Bewear is very strong and pretty quick too, so we didn't need to worry about them much.
However we still had Mister E.
I told Bliss to keep an eye on him so we wouldn't loose him in the panic, but we had a delay as some of the Treeco Bros fire got out of control and some of the tent started to catch on fire.
Minnie and her Cloyster were immediately ready to deal with it and she was ready to help the Treeco Bros as well.
Bliss was able to keep tabs on the ringleader who was trying to get into his van and split, most likely with his cash.
However, Sylvester doesn't like people who mistreat pokemon, and Jo's Tangrowth has some really strong vines. Strong enough to rip car doors off hinges.
We had caught this terrible man, and we discovered he had been doing this for a couple of years, just now making his way through Sinnoh, and he was looking for some pokemon to add to his show.
We also watched some of his security tapes and we learned that "Were-Lycanroc" was really just a Dusk Form that he forced to stand up and slouch over by constantly whipping with a flexible stick. And with the assistance of red lights, smoke machines and music, hey could make people think it was changing forms.
We also learned that Purrloin was tossed into Lycanroc's cage, possibly as a "play thing" but I guess he actually made a friend either her and hiding her from Mister E, and she had been caring for him as well, stealing food and causing trouble for them whenever she could.
Needless to say, we were able to get them arrested, and we are now in the process of evaluating some of these pokemon, but we may have too many to deal with here.
We might need to reach out for some help.
In the case of Lycanroc and Purrloin, they are comfortably resting in holding, and Lycanroc is be getting fitted for some equipment to help its spine and legs heal.
I'll be checking on them soon, but for now me and my team need to rest after this long day.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 58 - [NSFW] The truth behind the DIR EN GERY misprint, and a mysterious voice...
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, with this week's episode of the Freedom of Expression. Joe, Tasai, welcome...Um..
T: Ah!
J: What is it?
T: No way!
K: Its 'Young Jump'
J: Ah, Young Jump.
K: I think you already know about this, but we put an ad on it like this *shows back page*.
J: Oh, looks great!
T: Yeah, it does. Very impactful.
K: Its good, isn't it?
T: Yeah, great impact.
K: There's something a bit odd about it.
J: Haha
T: Huh? Where?
J: Eh? Something odd?
K: Yeah, its a bit strange. There's a bit of a mistake.
J: Is the kanji for Oboro correct?
K: Yeh, and this is right, about the release on the 28th of April.
J: And Wenesday is correct, right?
K: Yeah, and the explosion screening schedule is ok.
T: Yeah, it is.
K: The ticket price info is also all fine.
J: Yep.
K: After that there's only this bottom section.
T: DIR EN...
T, J: GERY, haha.
J: Has a new band formed?
K: We screwed up.
J, T: Hahaha
K: Its hard to believe, right?
J: Incredible. I did not expect this..Dir en gery.
T: I thought it was like a trick or something.
J: Oh, to make it go viral or..?
T: Yeah, going with Dir en gery.
J: Kaoru, what was it?
T: We'll find out about it here.
K: It was a total mistake.
J, T: Hahaha
J: Seriously? Eh? Really?
K: Yeah.
T: Does that mean it was done on a hurry, if its a seroius mistake?
K: Yeah, I guess so.
J: Well, Tasai, you work for a newspaper, and I also work for Rolling Stone, so we understand this, but our work is handed in for checking, you know, proof-reading. And they do spot mistakes, but honestly, I have never seen mistake of this size before.
T: Yeh. This is at the level of 'accident'. However, there is a case for saying that we cannot attack this. What I mean by that is that we too make mistakes.
J: Yes, thats true. There is that. Well, this goes for magazines etc too, but if you do proof-reading within the organization, for example, if the writer writes an article, the editor will proof-read it, and they may intend to, but if everyone is really busy with loads of other work, they will run out of time. Then they will get it checked by an external proof-reader. Even then there are sometimes still typos left over.
T: Yeah, there are.
J: There are, right? Human error happens.
T: Yeah, like if I misspell a name or something, I can correct it on the digital version, but on paper it appears on every copy out there.
J: Yeah..
K: But like this?!
J: Yeah, we say this, but we've never seen a typo this bad. Like, I've mistaken small details in names and stuff before.
K: Yeah, like Young Jump becoming Young JumP, right?
J, T: Yeh, haha.
K: Not like this! *points to 'GERY'*
J: Haha, this is...
*Sound of strange voice occurs in background - On screen text: 'What was that voice?! One more time.. (Clip of strange voice re-plays) No-one during the filming heard this. Its a mystery voice'*
J: Tell us what happened?
T: Yeah, lets ask.
K: Um, we had the design made, and the designer made the regular logo and put it down here in this fixed spot, so it looked as if the logo was done, even though there was a mistake in it. At the time, I wasn't looking at the band name, I was looking at the overall design, and ths impact it had. Like this image of Kyo from RokumaykanGIG. My eyes were drawn to the best parts of the design. It wasn't really designed to emphasize the band name. Its designed to showcase this top part, so I, like, didn't see it. Die didn't even see it, and he normally checks these really carefully. Even if we miss something, he normally spots it straight away. 
J: Ah, even Die didn't notice it! ???*1
K: Yeah. We were too busy checking that there were no mistakes in the tour schedule.
J: Yeah.
K: But the information is all correct, so if its just the band name with a mistake, well, maybe its ok.
T: This could become a really rare item in time to come.
J: Yeah, cause there isn't gonna be a misspelling with Dir en grey again after this. That point will be strengthened.
K: Not for a while yeah. A long time ago, we had a single out called 'Filth', and there was a mistake in the title of the song on the cover jacket.
T: Eh? So this is the second time this has happened to you?
K: Well...yeh.
T: Hahaha
K: Well, we occasionally make small mistakes *2, but...
T: This is big.
J: Can I suggest something? Good things come in threes.
K: Ah, terrible.
J: So there will be a third time to come, imagine it, it could be both the title and the band name with a mistake.
T: Hahaha
K: Well, what can I do about it now? If you buy the single 'Filth' even now, its still like that. So filth is spelled f-i-l-h..huh? h-f...um, it's..
T: ..t-h
K: f-i-l-t-h, but the i became f, I mean h. So because there were two h's I realised the mistake. If there really is only one h, it could be that they just made the letters look in that style, but they look the same to me.
T: Ehh? I want to line Filth up next to this magazine.
J: Yeah
J, K: Hahaha
T: Don't you have it here? Filth?
K: We do.
T: Lets put them out together!
K: When I saw this (*Young Jump*) though, well, I thought it was quite rare*3, it could become a talking point. If you take a bad thing in a smooth way, someone will notice, so I thought we could just go with it.
J: Brilliant!
K: And then I posted on Twitter, like 'Ooops'. And that was a photo of the actual magazine, so it really was like 'ooops'.
T: As soon as I saw your Tweet, I was like 'Huh?!' and I went to the convenience store and bought it. haha
J: Well, in that sense it is a rare item
T: Can we decide on the correct reading for this? How would you say it?
K: Ge-ri?
J: Dir en gery (ge-ri).
K: jeri? geri?
J: geri? jeri?
T: gari?
J: Its geri, right? Well, jeri is like..
K: In the basic form its geri, right?
J: Yeah. jeri might have to be 'Gerry' with two r's.  Which is best Dir en jeri or Dir en geri?
T: Should we decide? Even though it doesn't really matter.
J: Yeah
J: Dir en geri sounds like a struggling country rock artist or something, haha. Dir en jeri has jellyfish vibes.
T: The official name: Dir en Gery (jeri). haha.
J: I want you guys to do a joke live show as Dir en gery. You could switch parts, like Kaoru, you could be on drums.
K: Ah, but we did kinda do that once, we changed parts on stage. I just made a load of noise.
J: Ahh, so you could do that as Dir en gery somewhere officially and play one song.
T: Ahh, thats a good idea.
J: Do a cover or something.
T: You could do ???*4
K: Er, no. haha.
J: Haha, this will getting bigger and bigger.
T: But I heard recently at the MeguroRokumaykanGIG screening, Kyo said  that Toshiya used to play guitar a long time ago.
K: He was playing guitar the first time we saw him playing in a band...well, I don't know if he was playing it, or just waving it around a lot.
T: Yeah, Kyo said the stage was going wild.
K: Yeah, he wasn't playing.
J: So, when you guys switched instruments on stage, what did you do Kaoru?
K: Drums.
J: Oh, drums?
K: Thats the one I wanna try out the most.
J: So if you guys played as Dir en gery, Kaoru, you would be..?
T: Drums?
K:...Nah....*imitates playing the castanets*
J: Tambourine? Oh, castanets? So, it doesn't necessarily have to be the same instruments you play at the moment?
K: Yeah. As long as we play as a proper band.
J: Yeah, so Kyo could play the recorder..
T: Someone could hit the ???*5
J: Yeah, yeah. Oh, that would be good.
*The single Filth gets passed over*
K: I'll just get it out.
*K shows cover jacket to J*
J: Oh, here, right?
K: Can you see, there are two h's.
J: Yes. I see.
*K shows it to T*
J: The first h is a typo?
K: Yeah.
T: Its a bit difficult to spot though.
K: We didn't even notice, we thought it was just the design.
J: Yeah. Put them together now.
*K puts magazine and CD together*
J, T: Hahaha
K: By the way, it was the same person who designed both of these.
J, T: Haha
K: When he saw it he was so pained.
T: Its ok, ???*6
J: Ahh, well, it can't be helped though.
*On screen note: Again? (weird voice appears)*
J: Even if there is a spelling mistake, its conveying the atmosphere that is the main thing.
K: Yeah, thats the emphasis.
J: But on the other hand, you could say that as soon as 'Dir' appears, people recognise it as Dir en grey, even with this kind of misspelling. The name is that well know.
T: Hmm, yeh
K: Hm, well, yeh, if you look at it up to here. But for us, its impossible.
J: Well, I guess yeah. It goes for Rolling Stones too. For example, if the last n in Rolling Stones became an m, you wouldn't immediately spot it. If it came up all of a sudden, you would just think 'Ah, the Stones'. It's that kind of name recognition. You could see it in that way. But I didn't know it was the same designer who did it both times.
K: Our boss was pretty mad about it.
J, T: Hahaha
J: Really? I see.
K: He couldn't believe it.
J: Well, yeah. Its also the most important part.
T: Well, yeah, and cause its already in circulation.
J: Yeah. Well, everyone can keep it as a treasure.
K: Where's Kami?
J: Yeah, isn't he here?
Kami: Oh, Im here, I was just listening the whole time. People make mistakes, right?
T: They do.
Kami: This is just a mistake. So its wrong to point blame.
T, J: Yes.
J: Kami, have you made a mistake recently or something?
Kami: Im always making mistakes, and always getting into trouble.
J, T: Haha
Kami: As soon as you've made a mistake, it hurts, right?
T: Yeah, I know that feeling.
Kami: Yeah.
J: Yeah, the person who made the mistake knows it, you don't have to tell them.
T: Yeah, that hurts the most.
Kami: I bet if you made a mistake like this though, you'd get into big trouble.
T, K: Haha
Kami: I think you really would.
T: Well, heh, yeah. But if even Die overlooked this..its like a demon interferred..
J: Yeah, unbelievable.
K: But, anyway, Im taking it in a good way. Well, I mean, it's not good to take just any old thing in a positive way, but....its a bit like those remarks by Mori that we discussed recently.
J: Oh yeah.
K: Like how to move on with it.
J: Yeah, we can learn from that.
K: Yeah.
*Sound cuts out. On screen note: Suddenly, we were unable to record to voices. Was it linked to that sound we heard earlier?*
K: Um, the sound..
J: It seems as if the sound went off.
T: I wonder whether its to do with what we just talked about?
K: What, like, 'Stop this conversation?'
J: Haha, like from ths designer's perspective...'Please stop it!'
T: Haha, yeah, 'Please!'
J: So, what about the Oboro single?
K: So, we're at the last stage, just the mastering, and a little more discussion, and we're about finished. And then the packaging. Well, there's just a little bit longer till the 28th, about another month.
J: Well, Im looking forward to it.
K: Ok, lets finish here for this week. Thank you.
*On screen note: The voice that no-one, including the staff, heard during recording was recorded into the mic data.*
*1,4,5,6 Couldn't catch
*2, 3 Not entirely sure
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Vmin cut - BTS on Game Caterers - Main Game
by Admin 1
It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? Feels nice to be writing a post again, but instead of a full breakdown of the episode of RUN x Game Caterer’s which was uploaded on their YouTube channel, I thought I’ll just talk about some of the cute vmin moments we got thanks it since there is quite a lot to get through. Sound good?
Before I get into it, can we just briefly talk about Tae’s look for these episodes because honestly...! I certainly did make a joke toward Admin 2 that Tae must’ve forgotten his shirt at home or something, but I’m fairly certain absolutely no one minded. At all. I’m not quite sure what was up with the hat he wore on and off, but it suits him very nicely. 
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Really, as vminnies we’ve just been spoiled recently, and especially in this episode on YouTube where the main part of it was spent on them trying to complete their tasks while also stopping the other members from succeeding with theirs. While we knew what tasks the hyungs had--Yoongi wasn’t allowed to speak, laugh or eat; Namjoon was supposed to place 300 dominos; Seokjin had to peel 100 quail eggs; Hoseok was to make a dish despite the members just having eaten--we initially didn’t know at all what the maknaes were supposed to do. But due to the nature of Tae’s task, it became clear rather quickly what it was, for us as viewers but also for the other members which led to hilarious and cute moments of them (and especially Jimin) trying to stop him.
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The first little funny thing actually happens right as the members all go back into the house to start the game with Jimin singing the melody to IDOL, which Tae asks him about and then comments how it sounded familiar. Later in the episode it became clear why that melody in particular made Tae perk up.
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I’m sorry Jiminie for the unflattering screenshot BUT the point is that Tae was walking around trying to find a good place to hide Seokjin’s quail eggs (not knowing which member they belong to) while the others watched him until Jimin decided to intervene and stop him. Tae wanted to hide them in a room that was off limits so Jimin wanted to take them from him (as proof that they really aren’t Tae’s task) but in the end Jimin and the others just got Tae to simply put them back where he got them from--the kitchen.
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Just like he said to Hobi a little earlier, as the game begins Tae lies down ‘in the sun’ but immediately Jimin approaches him to stop him, in case that somehow really is his task. But quickly everyone turns their attention on Yoongi quietly sitting in the background looking like he might sleep while Hobi goes to the kitchen and asks the others if they are hungry making everyone immediately suspicious of him. 
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More below the cut:
Unsure how to inconspicuous get to his own task, Namjoon directs everyones attention back onto Tae lying on the floor with Jimin quickly joining him, Joon taking Tae’s hands while Jimin takes his ankles so they can move him across the room. 
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Similarly, a few scenes later we also have a moment where Seokjin and Namjoon try to get Tae off the floor or make him laugh (?) since Namjoon decides to tickle him. As someone who is a Kim line bias/bias wrecker, this was very lovely. Once Namjin leave, JK approaches Tae and asks him what he’s doing, to which Tae merely says he’s ‘just chillin’.
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We also had two scenes in which Jimin helped Tae put his mic pack back on since it fell out once after he got up off the floor and then again after playing around with Jimin later in the episode. Honestly these two are like adorable magnets throughout this episode, it kind of reminds me a little of the RUN episode for Hangul Day I believe where they had to collect little plastic (?) hangul and make words out of them while also sticking stickers onto their target member where vmin decided to stick together (Jimin’s idea because, as he said himself, he loves Tae) but unbeknownst to Jimin, he was Tae’s target. Oops. Why it reminded me of that will become clear later in the episode.
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As everyone was trying to make Seokjin’s hard task even harder, Tae and Jimin came by with a similar idea ending with Tae eating the two eggs Seokjin had so far peeled while Jimin laughs very amused. Cute! 
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Their next target was Yoongi, whom Tae previously dragged across the room by his ankles toward Seokjin. One thing I’d like to mention is how gentle and careful everyone was with Yoongi, and especially in this moment with how Jimin pointed out (even if it wasn’t subbed) that they should be careful with Yoongi’s left shoulder and as he lifted him, he didn’t put his hands/arm under Yoongi’s armpit, but instead Yoongi crossed his arms and Jimin grabbed his arm on his left side to avoid hurting him in any way. This pattern continued throughout the entire episode whenever the other members tried to “mess” with Yoongi to get him to fail his mission, like JK picking him up by the butt.
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Eventually Dynamite starts playing and JK, Namjoon and Jimin see Tae start dancing and swiftly come in to stop him which kicks off an adorable chain of events when it comes to vmin with Jimin being very determined to stop Tae.
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Tae just casually holding on to Jimin’s leg, as you do. Cute!
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Can we talk about how delicately Tae is holding Jimin’s ankle? And also how slowly his socks are more and more dirty lol.
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(Also, if you noticed in the gif, Tae did wear his ring in this episode, which according to RUN episode 140, was filmed a day after Let’s BTS aired so it truly appears as though Tae started to wear the ring after that show. Make of that what you will.)
During the reveal at the end of the episode we also got the moment when Jimin and Tae fall to the floor again from another angle which revealed to us that it looked like, while falling, Tae could’ve potentially hit his back on Jimin’s knee, which Jimin realized. To keep it from happening, Jimin put his hand on Tae’s back to soften his fall and keep him from hurting himself. Truly they care so much about each other and want to do whatever they can so the other doesn’t get hurt. Like that time on the Anpanman slide during the Love Yourself: Speak Yourself Tour where Jimin held on to Tae so that once they reached the bottom of the slide and fell off of it to the floor Tae wouldn’t hit the ground so hard and thus wouldn’t hurt himself.
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And just as Tae managed to get off the floor again and it seems like Jimin will move on to mess with another member, Tae starts dancing again and Jimin swoops in again to stop him, both of them being all giggles and smiles just having so much fun. A little while later Namjoon also swoops in and stops Tae in a similar manner with Tae simply sinking to the floor to get Namjoon to stop and move on before trying again.
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The episode continues and eventually Tae moves on to his actual task, which yes, was dancing, but not to Dynamite. Unfortunately for him, Jimin was still watching him and quickly caught on, realizing that the choreography he’s now trying isn’t Dynamite but instead we know it’s IDOL. So he stops him again.
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Honestly Jimin rubbing his back against Tae like they’re in a club (or they’re back on stage during that one music show where Tae had that black vest and the pink bunny ears and those famous vmin ‘you come here often?’ pictures are from) is something I certainly did not expect. And of course Namjoon is there as well since what would be a moment of vmin wildin’ if Namjoon weren’t somewhere close by.
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Eventually Jimin calls for Tae and JK and offers that they should put Yoongi outside. Meanwhile Tae attempts to continue dancing to IDOL to which Jimin tells him that they don’t have time for that and proposes a deal: if Tae helps him, Jimin will leave him alone. To which Tae just says that sure, perhaps he will let him dance, but JK will not, therefore rejecting the deal.
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While Namjoon searches for his bag of dominos, we get this glimpse at vmin doing...something? Also while the camera continues to follow Namjoon, in the background we see Jimin continuously follow Tae and try to distract and stop him, the two of them giggling and smiling at each other for most of the time. Told you happy magnets. 
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Soon, continuing their team work against Yoongi, Jimin and Tae make another attempt together to get him to fail his mission with Namjoon joining in soon as well, along with JK, crowding in on Yoongi and tickling him, but it’s all in vein since Yoongi doesn’t break his quietness.
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Eventually the 30 minutes are up and the game is over. Even if Tae managed to dance all the parts of the IDOL choreography, he did them in parts which did not count. Then the question is what Jimin’s mission was--put coins in the pockets of all the members. Here we have a cute scene where outside Jimin sits down and one of the coins falls from his pocket and Tae the kind soul bends down to pick it up to give it back to Jimin. Afterward we get a montage of Jimin’s attempts to fulfill his mission. I won’t reveal if he managed to do it or not since some of you might not have seen the episode yet. I also won’t reveal what JK’s task was nor who won in the end.
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And with that, the episode was over. It was honestly so, so funny! If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend checking it out even though it’s cut into three parts making it a little more ‘tricky’ to find on YouTube than just clicking on the episodes on Weverse/vlive.
Here’s part one:
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Sweets’ Scars
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Based on S4E21
Lance Sweets X Reader
Summary: You and Sweets have been in a relationship for a year now, but it isn’t until a case involving a certain metal band that you realize there might be something he’s not telling you. Something about his past. You don’t want to press, but you can’t help but worry.
Words: 3331
Warnings: Scars, and very short mention of abuse
As soon as you step foot into the venue, the blaring metal music floods in around you. You wince and quickly cover your ears to dull the screaming voices and screeching guitars. The music reverberates through your ribcage, pounding and ragged. Why do people listen to this kind of stuff? You can barely make out the mass of moving bodies ahead of you because of the flashing lights and flickering fires that practically blind you. It’s all so much, too much. You’ve never liked crowds, but this is a whole different level, and the urge to escape grips your chest.
You jump when a hand rests against your shoulder and you whip around only to see Doctor Brennan peering at you worriedly. “We won’t be here long,” she assures you, though she has to scream for you to hear her.
You nod, eyes darting back to the crowd of people, all covered in leather and heavy makeup. The two of you stick out like sore thumbs in your normal clothes, which was never something you thought would be possible. You huddle closer to your mentor, swallowing your nerves and twisting your fingers into your sweater.
“I’m going to call Booth!” She shouts out again.
You don’t respond this time, not that it really matters in the situation. You doubt you could get loud enough to overcome the noise.
Why did you have to come on this excursion? Why couldn’t Clark come? He was your senior after all. You had just recently started working at the Jeffersonian, and you were currently the youngest intern on the team. You figured it would be a calm job, just working with your people and maybe a few witnesses every once and a while. This...This was not what you were thinking of.
“I’m disturbed that despite my extensive training as an anthropologist, all these bands sound alike and appear to share identical belief systems and morals.” You hear Doctor Brennan shouting into her phone, to who is most likely Booth. She pauses, listening to his response before speaking up again, “I have no idea what you’re saying.”
You bite your lip nervously, eyes scanning the dark crowd again before landing on the stage, where the band ‘Zorch’ was performing. That’s why you were there, to question them about the remains.
“Are you guys ready?”
You shy away when a man comes into your space, pressing a hand to your back. With wide eyes, you look to Doctor Brennan, begging silently for help. She stares at the man with her brow furrowed, and then recognition floods her eyes.
What? You look back up at the man’s painted face, eyes narrowing as you take in his features. Then it hits you, just as quickly as it hit the anthropologist. It is Sweets! You couldn’t recognize him with the makeup and slicked back hair.
“Wait, is that really you?” You question, stepping closer to him. He casts a look down at you, lips pulling into a small smile that makes your heart stutter.
“Yeah, I had to meld to get information. What do you think?” Sweets holds his arms up, looking mighty pleased with his metal getup.
Your eyes slowly trace over his figure, and you can’t help but notice how well his sleeveless black shirt fits him, or how it shows off his arms. Heat comes rushing to your face, turning your cheeks rosy. Thank goodness the venue is so poorly lit, or else he’d probably notice. Your eyes lingers on the choker strapped around his neck. Part of you wants to grab the ring on it and drag him close for a kiss, which only serves to darken your blush.
“You look good,” you manage to squeak out before quickly turning to Doctor Brennan, completely missing the small smirk that replaces Sweet’s smile (he definitely noticed your flushed face).
“What information have you gathered?” The anthropologist asks him, completely oblivious to how flustered you just grew.
“Zorch’s lead singer is Murderbreath,” Sweets begins, gesturing to the stage just as the man blows out a puff of fire, “Look at that. Who does he think he is, the guy with the tongue from KISS?”
You laugh at the jest. You used to listen to that band, back in your rebellious teen phase that everyone goes through.
Sweets explains how the feud of the two bands has progressed, though your eyes stay focused on the band, looking for anything that might help with the case somehow. That when you notice the lead singer pull out a large knife, thrusting into the air for all to see and drawing chants from the crowd.
“Guys, he has a knife,” you worry aloud to your colleagues.
Sweets gently draws you closer to him in a somewhat subconscious way, “No, don’t worry, it’s totally fake.”
A shudder passes through you when the singer drags the blade along his throat, blood immediately dripping down his painted skin. He thrusts the crimson knife back into the air victoriously, before gripping his neck with his other hand. Blood seeps out from between his fingers, coating his gloves. You gasp when the man convulses and drops to his knees, fingers still wrapped around his throat.
“That’s...not fake,” Bones murmurs, “Murderbreath slit his own throat!”
Before you have time to even process what’s happening, you’re dashing forward, easily weaving through the throngs of fans. The screeching music fades into the background, overcome by the pounding of your pulse in your ears. The flashing lights blur together and all you can focus on is the man crumpled on the ground. The people part around you as you jump onto the stage, quickly followed by Doctor Brennan and Sweets.
You dive down next to the singer, pressing two fingers to his pulsepoint and covering his hand with your own.
“We need something to stop the bleeding,” you urge, panic swelling in your chest.
Brennan looks around quickly, “A compress, we need a compress!” Her eyes lock on Sweets before she darts up, ripping his shirt right off of him despite his complaints.
She drops back down, pressing the wadded fabric to the man’s neck. It’s only then that the music comes to a halting stop. The band goes silent, glancing between each other and towards their lead. You shake your head, lips pursed in irritation. Now they take it seriously.
“Hold this against the wound,” Brennan directs Lance before shouting into her phone, “Booth, can you call it in?” You assume his answer isn’t what she wants, because she shuts the phone with an irritated huff and begins dialing a new number.
Glancing around, you feel anger rise to replace your panic when you see how many people have their phones out to film the spectacle. Without hesitation, you jump up in front of the group, shoving some people back and blocking their cameras. Who, in their right mind, would record something like this?
“Stand back, please!” you cry out, taking a step back as the crowd pushes forward in retaliation, “Please! Get back, we need space to work! Move back!” Do these people have no respect? Or just basic decency?!
You take a glance back at your colleagues to check on what’s happening, but your eyes land on something that knocks the very breath from your lungs. Your chest tightens painfully at the sight of the scars running along Lance’s shoulders. The dancing lights glaze over them, catching on the raised skin like little criss-crossing lightning bolts. A burning sensation fills your throat, spreading to your eyes, but you blink rapidly, determined to not let it get the best of you right now. There are more important things to focus on! You turn back to the crowd, arms spread wide to keep the stage clear.
Soon enough, paramedics and police come rushing into the venue. Everything else comes as a blur. The sirens, the gurney, rushing out to the ambulance, it all swirls together in your mind like a chaotic storm. It leaves you dizzy when things calm down and Murderbreath is on his way to the hospital. You, Sweets, and Doctor Brennan are left standing outside the venue, and it’s then you notice Sweets is still shirtless.
“We need to get you a coat before you catch a cold,” you murmur worriedly, trying your hardest to shove the images of his scarred shoulders out of your mind.
“I have one in my car,” he tells you with that familiar gentle smile, but now it carries a different weight to it. Is that just you, though? Could you be overthinking this all?
You let out a heavy sigh and aggressively rub at your eyes as Sweets walks away. Why hadn’t he told you about it? You could guess the cause, not many wounds left marks like those, plus, in your field of work you are exposed to all kinds of scars. Did he not want you to know? Why wouldn’t he want you to know?
“Are you okay?”
You look over to Doctor Brennan, the heavy weight in your chest growing almost impossible as you blurt out, “Lance has scars on his back.”
“Scars? What kind of scars?” She peers at you with that perplexed expression of hers.
“Almost like he’d been…” You pause and flex your fingers to keep your nails from digging into your palms, “Like he’d been whipped. They were old.”
“Has he not talked to you about it before?”
“No, do you think that means something?”
She tilts her head, almost like a dog, not that you’d ever say that out loud, “I am not sure what you mean.”
“Well, I mean, we’ve been dating for a year now, don’t you think, I don’t know, don’t you think he would have told me something like that?” You bite down harshly on your lip, “Does he not trust me with his past?”
“It is best to not assume what Sweets might be thinking,” Doctor Brennan murmurs in that ever present, logical tone.
It’s not much, but it’s enough to placate you a little. She’s right after all. You have to gather the evidence before making any inferences. It’s possible Lance just wants to forget whatever happened to him, which you can understand. Horrible things are sometimes best left in the past. Taking a deep breath, you roll your shoulders and give your hands a good shake.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yep!” You squeak and turn back around to face Lance, who at some point snuck up behind you, “Peachy! Just fine! Is everything- Is everything okay with you? Not cold anymore?”
“I’m warming up,” he replies with a lecherous grin, “Though I could use some help.”
You can feel the heat rise to your cheeks when Sweets spreads his arms wide for a hug. The slight twinge of self consciousness doesn’t stop you from tucking in close though, fingers linking together at the small of his back.
He rests his chin on top of your head gently, “Is everything really okay?”
Of course he’d notice. You weren’t being the most subtle you guess.
“I’ll tell you about it later, okay?” You promise quietly and hide your face in his coat.
“I suppose we should head back now. Booth will want to question Murderbreath if he’s well enough,” Brennan calls out to you as she heads to her car, “Will you be driving back with Sweets, (Y/n)?”
“Sure! If he’s okay with it!” You turn your eyes up to him questioningly.
“Of course.”
And just like the gentleman he is, Lance takes you back to the lab, leaving you with the promise to talk after work. You do your job with as much attention as usual, but in the back of your head, you can’t stop thinking about how on earth you're going to broach the subject.
How do you ask someone about something you probably weren’t meant to see? You know he probably won’t get angry, Lance has always been patient and oh so sweet (his name really did fit him). You just don’t want to cross any boundaries. Should you wait? Should you ask Booth about it first? No, no that’s a terrible idea, he would just get all awkward. You groan and set down the tibia you're currently looking at. It’s all so frustrating!
You’ll just have to do it. Lance always says communication is the most important part of any relationship. Even if you don’t know how to start it, you're sure he’ll know how to direct the conversation!
With that in mind, you wrap up quickly and wish Doctor Saroyan goodbye as you head out of the lab. Lance is waiting just outside for you, leaning back against his car’s hood. All the makeup from before has been cleaned off and his hair is back to its normal fluffiness.
“Well hello there handsome,” you chirp, leaning up to peck to his cheek, “Good to see you back to normal.”
Lance laughs softly, “Was it really that bad?”
You purse your lips for a second, glancing away when you think back to his outfit. The makeup was a bit much, but the rest of it…
“Oh, maybe not, huh?”
Oh gosh, are you blushing again? You quickly bury your face in his chest, which is rumbling with his laughter. How embarrassing! Could your face go just a minute without lighting up today? It felt like every second, there was something that made your cheeks flush. It’s a wonder how you haven’t just turned into a tomato yet.
“Shut up,” is all you end up grumbling, “Will you take me home now?”
“Sure.” He gives you a small squeeze, “Hop in.”
You practically dive into the passenger seat to avoid anymore discussion of your embarrassment. Knowing Lance, he’d use this to tease you for quite a while. You just hope he’ll go easy on you, especially around your colleagues. You’d probably die if he brought this up around Doctor Brennan or Doctor Saroyan. Or even Hodgins, because goodness knows how he’d make fun of you for the rest of time.
During the drive back to your apartment, Lance intertwines his fingers with yours and rests them in his lap, thumb tracing over your knuckles. It’s enough to calm the jitters vibrating in your chest. It’s like the embarrassment and anxiety over your upcoming conversation have swirled together in a chaotic rush.
“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you now?” Lance breaks the silence of the car, though he keeps his voice soft.
You take a deep breath. Everything in your head has led up to this, you can do it.
“I...I saw the scars...on your back…”
His hand stiffens in yours, not much, but just enough for you to notice.
Things fall quiet for a few seconds. You watch Lance’s face nervously. His eyebrows synch down just the slightest bit and his lips press into a thin line. You can practically see him thinking the whole thing out in his head. The gears turning, the conflict, the small flash of pain. It makes your heart ache.
“We don’t have to talk about it, Lance,” you reassure him softly, “It’s okay.”
Those honey orbs glance at you before locking back on the road. You really wish you weren’t in the car right now, so that he didn’t have to split his focus like this. Whatever this is, it can’t be a light topic.
“I’m okay,” Lance finally says, “It’s okay. This is something I’ve worked through, we can, we can talk about it.”
Good, that’s good. You weren’t going to push it if he didn’t want to talk about it, but it lifts the weight in your chest to know he’s open to it.
“Can we wait until we get to your place though?”
“Of course, of course!”
You settle back into your seat, though your hand stays firmly in Sweets’. It’s a comfort to you both. The rest of the drive goes by fast, thankfully, and before you know it, you’re right outside your apartment building. Even as you walk up to your place, Lance trailing behind you, your fingers stay linked.
“Want anything to drink?” You ask as you toss your jacket on a hook and slip off your shoes.
“No, I’m fine,” he mumbles and slips into the living space.
You pace about your small kitchen in an attempt to keep yourself busy, but find nothing to do, so you slip onto the couch next to the psychologist. You sit close enough for your knee to brush his, but hopefully not close enough to crowd him.
Lance scratches the back of his neck with a sigh and starts, “So, you know how I grew up in the foster system for a bit?”
“We’ve talked about it, yeah.”
“Well,” his voice comes out a little shaky so he pauses. You scoot closer to rest a hand on his knee, to ground him. His hand covers yours and he sends you a grateful smile before starting again, “Well, when I was young, I ended up in a bad foster home, and um, and the foster dad-” another heavy pause, “-he would beat me.”
Your heart absolutely sinks at those words, at how meek he sounds now, compared to your usually self-assured, outspoken boyfriend. How could this happen to someone like him? Someone so wonderful and gentle, someone who does everything he can to help others? No wonder he never told you about it.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Lance,” you murmur in a gentle tone.
He draws his shoulders back a bit with a deep breath. It’s like he’s letting the weight slowly slip from them as he leans back into the couch. You watch his face as it subtly shifts through several emotions, someone bad, some good, some just thoughtful. Eventually, he raises an arm, a silent signal for you, to which you curl into his side. His fingers trace along your arm before settling on your elbow and giving it a small squeeze.
“Don’t be sorry. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t go through that,” he reminisces, voice still quiet, “I might not have joined the FBI, might not have...met you.”
You look up at him, touched yet worried at the same time.
“I might not have had the best childhood, but I’m living a good life now. If I can stop it from happening to someone else, then it’s all been worth it,” he says, the brightest, most genuine smile lighting up his lips.
The awe that hits you almost sucks the breath from your lungs. You can’t help but just sit there and stare up at Sweets adoringly. It’s like his heart is made of pure gold, something that can’t be touched or soiled by the hardships of his past. He’s your greatest treasure, holding more value to you than anything you could ever hold, touch, even be near. He’s...absolutely amazing.
“I love you, Lance.” You can’t help it when the words slip off your tongue.
Those eyes are once again set on you, swimming with unbridled content, peace. They sweep you away into their depths, and all you can do is to wrap your arms around him to keep yourself anchored. He pulls you close, lips pressing oh so softly against your forehead.
“I love you too, (Y/n).”
“You want me to wear it again?”
“Really?” His tone comes out teasing, eyebrow perched high as he gazes down at you.
“You’re so mean,” you huff, not even bothering to hide your blush this time.
Lance only laughs and bows down to press his lips to yours briefly, though it’s enough to set your heart racing.
“I’ll go change now, if you’d like,” he hums, throwing you a little wink as he steps out of the room.
“Jerk,” you grumble under your breath.
“What was that?”
I hope you enjoyed this story! It was a tad longer than usual, but it’s something I’ve been wanting to write for a while! This is one of my favorite episodes :)
As always, if you have any requests, don’t be afraid to ask! I’ll write for Sweets, Aubrey, and most of the interns! Love y’all!
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
The Death of a Tyrant
Vincent Shield belongs to @ashintheairlikesnow
TW: antagonising, bbu content warning, owen grant
The lights shine down across the stage, three cameras spin and whirl in the shadows beyond. Vincent can feel the eyes beyond the camera watching every hair on his head. He can almost feel the millions of eyes on the other side of the lens.
Today was a long day of interviews for the first television show that he’s ever been in and Ann’s, the young actress to his left, first-ever adult role.
Vincent can almost feel her anticipation through his skin. The poisoned nostalgia freezes the air in his already tense lungs. The interview boasts eyes of venom and they are poised directly at him.
This interview was supposed to be about the show.
It turned into a drama cast very quickly.
“So,” The interview leans back, eyes scouring across Vincent’s face. He can feel the resignation behind his eyes. Simmering coals eat under him. Vincent can feel the question before it leaves his lips, “How has the recent tape release affected you, Vincent. It must be rather hard to deal with the aftermath of being forced to come out.”
Vincent pierces his lips. Watching the lens on the camera pointed at him shift, Vincent draws up the mask, “While I would rather we keep this conversation on Iscariot and the Strings of Time, I will say that there has been many people who have been very helpful during a time that has been definitely stressful.”
The interview looks almost disappointed, eyes dropping into shadows before perking up as the focus returns to him. Vincent can really tell in these moments that this man sitting across from him and Ann was once an actor. Every movement in his face is planned and Vincent can see Ann’s gaze trying to avoid his.
She’s not used to this.
“Vincent, how do you feel about the Director’s new Box Babe, Kat?”
There it is.
Vincent sighs, “Han and I have had a conversation about this. He did not want his decision to get in the way of professionalism. He is aware that I will not hesitate to contact the Commission if I see any sign of abuse.”
The interviewer pauses, waiting for more words to come. They do not.
Then, Ann laughs, shifting in her seat, “It looks like he pulled an Owen Grant, Kat looks so much like his ex-wife to the point where it’s almost uncanny.”
The air stills for a second as the words settle into the floorboards. The sound of the lights quietly can be heard above. Those few heart-chilling seconds seem to eat at the very fabric of his turtleneck. It suddenly feels just a little too tight.
The interview picks up again, “Well, I believe that all of us can say that we are looking forward to seeing how you two work together in this new dynamic.”
Vincent draws a smile onto his face with an invisible sharpie. Ann scrambles to scoop up her own as the camera does doubt pans out to view them all.
“Are you allowed to reveal a date?” The interview leans in, the side of his face away from the camera twitching slightly.
Ann nods and nearly bounces out of her chair. Vincent remembers the excitement when he was younger that came with being the one to say the date. He used to itch for it when he was with his old studio. Something else I’ve lost.
“The first episode will be available on Netflix on November 1st!”
The interviewer sits up straight and clasps his hands together, “I cannot thank you enough for your time out here today, thank you everybody for tuning in and we all anticipate the debut of Strings of Time.”
Vincent watches as the cameras are shut off and pulled away. He holds himself in the chair until all of the cameras have been pulled away and the interviewer stands. In one movement he is off of the stage and talking with someone. Vincent brings his hands on the armrests and pulls himself to his feet.
Vincent floats for the door, plans to go home, and just passes out on the couch already bubbling across his vision. He hates the air conditioning here.
Why did he have to get brought up?
Vincent adjusts his blazer and steps out of the recording studio. Regretting wearing a turtleneck, he makes his way towards his dressing room. The sound of his shoes clicking against the tiled floor echoes around him. Air catches in his throat as the faint memory of a different set of oxfords walks down a hall only a wall away from him. The memory tastes like Coke.
Just grab your paperwork and go home.
A hand grabs his arm, “Excuse me, Vincent.”
Vincent spins around, panic, like an ivy spreading up his veins. Ann stands behind him, looking a bit flustered, “I need to apologies to you.”
“For what,” Vincent asks, forcing his muscles to relax.
Ann smooths out the edge of her blouse and forces her eyes, “Once the words came out of my mouth I realized how insensitive it was to just… nonchalantly mention the Owen ordeal as um.”
“Hey,” Vincent says, “I- You were nervous I could tell, I’m not offended.”
“Yeah, but especially since his mother just passed and he’s going to be working with us I- it feels wrong, I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry, what!
“I accept your apology, Ann. Don’t think too much of it. This is your first gig since moving into adult acting, right?”
Ann nods, leaning back on her heels. It is painfully obvious that she is very new to interviews that ask unscripted questions.
“It’s alright,” Vincent reassures, “Honestly Ann, don’t stress about accidentally stumbling over words. It happens.”
Ann relaxes just a little, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Okay, thank you,” Ann smiles, letting gallons of air escape her tense lungs. She turns around and trots for her room a few halls down. As he watches her walk away the nostalgia hits him like a truck. The people-pleasing, the desire to be perfect, to be without controversy, makes him flash a piteous smile and shake his head.
He straightens his spine and turns around.
A very intense woman is standing behind him.
“Oh, hello,” Vincent nearly exits his skin as she draws her gaze up to him, “I didn’t realise you were there.”
“Vincent Shield, am I correct?”
Vincent nods, squirming under her very intense gaze, “Yes, you are.”
She holds out her hand, “Keira Harker.”
He takes her hand and shakes it, “Pleasure to meet you Ms. Harker. How can I be of service?”
“You’re known to be very active in the Pet Lib movement and you were basically responsible for the creation of the Commision correct?”
Where is this going? “I wouldn’t say that I’m responsible, there are many people who helped put in place the building blocks that would lead to the Commision.”
“I am aware,” she responds, holding her gaze firmer than Vincent does, “However you have a lot of knowledge about the underground and many of the safehouses.”
Vincent raises a hand, feeling himself freeze under the delicate mask, “Ma’am, everything I have done has been within the limits of the law. I can assure you all of my associates are also performing their actions under the law.”
Her face hardens and she takes a small step towards him, “I am not accusing you of breaking the law.”
I have just gotten out of multiple interviews and a press conference and in the press conference, I was called a felon at least four times. I wanna go home and eat Dmitri’s chicken and rice soup.
“All due respect Ms. Harker that is what this is beginning to sound like.”
Keira sighs and relaxes slightly, “I am asking for your help, if I were to accuse you of being a criminal that would not be very productive.”
Vincent lets his body de-tense but he is in no way relaxed, “My apologies Ms. Harker. I have been on the butt end of those accusations for a better part of today. Just on my toes.”
“I understand,” she responds, almost mimicking his behavior, “My brother was… voluntold to join the pet program. I tried everything in my power to find him and I found out that he was sold to the son of a very powerful senator.”
“He was sold to Owen Grant.” Kauri.
Keira nods, glancing over Vincent’s shoulder, “While I wish not to speak ill of the dead, now that she is deceased. I believe it will be easier to discover his whereabouts without WRU getting involved.”
The weight of her words start to weigh on him. If she is looking for her brother, how many others are now looking for their family?
“Well, I agree in that sentiment,” Vincent gestures forward, “If I can have a name, I might ask around to some more of my well versed colleagues.”
Keira reaches into her purse and pulls out a white card, “So, shall we keep in touch.”
“Of course,” Vincent takes the small card and glances down at the contact information, “We’ll be in touch.”
Vincent steps inside and can smell something good. He faintly hears Dmitri moving about his kitchen, making dinner. The aroma of fresh bread makes his house feel alive. Dropping his stuff at the door to his office, he floats over to the kitchen.
Dmitri stands in front of the stove, wearing a faded Kiss the Cook apron. Vincent finds a small smile blooming on his face as he steps up to him.
“Soup should be done in five minutes,” Dmitri asks as Vincent leans up onto the counter next to him, “How was the interview?”
“We cannot be doing that the night before an interview,” Vincent mutters and he fusses with the turtleneck. “I have been paranoid that someone has seen this all day.”
Dmitri smiles and chuckles, “Vincent you can barely see them, I highly doubt they would notice.”
“Dmitri, the media would go batshit if I had hickies in an interview!”
Dmitri swills the spoon around in the soup before turning towards Vincent, “You didn’t seem to mind last night.”
Last night, probably one of the first where he was both sober and relaxed. Dmitri had showered him in deep kisses. The two of them practically laughed themselves to sleep that night. They were so close yesterday.
Vincent had felt so. damned. cherished.
“Yeah,” Vincent pouts slightly while he leans into Dmitri, “I didn’t but I did this morning.”
Dmitri laughs, his chest rumbling against Vincent. His finger rests on Vincent’s hips and drums on his belt.
Vincent squints up at Dmitri, “If we get caught because of stuff like that I’m going to wring your neck.”
Dmitri leans down and places a soft kiss on his curls. His breath brushes across the strands and Vincent’s muscles relax. “I would love to see you try, cariño.”
The oven buzzes and interrupts their little moment.
“There’s the bread.”
Dmitri and Vincent sit out on his back porch, eating chicken and rice soup and just enjoying the crisp fall air.
“Can I ask you for advice?” Vincent says as he dips some of the bread into the broth.
Dmitri nods and leans in, “Always.”
Vincent rests his head back on the back of the seat, “Let’s say someone approached you and asked you to help them find someone. This someone has been missing for years but you’ve known their whereabouts for a while now. You want to reconnect them but you’re just not sure about what said ‘missing’ person would think? But you also don’t want to just completely cut of the person who asked for your help”
“Ask them,” Dmitri answers as he sips at his broth, “I’d just ask because they may not want to. They could have been trying to leave a difficult situation and don’t want to approach those who could have harmed them.”
Vincent sighs and tries to melt back into his porch cushions, “But what if he tells me not to talk to her at all, how am I supposed to explain that to her?”
“Improv,” Dmitri shrugs, “Lie.”
“Lie to someone who’s looking for her family?” Vincent blinks, “Isn’t that just cruel.”
“How do you know that she’s looking for them to be kind?”
Vincent pauses and lets his eyes wander upwards towards the dusk sky. The sky matches the color of the bottoms of the trees. The reds and oranges ripple above him and a sinking feeling eats in his gut.
“I don’t.”
Dmitri takes a final sip of his soup and gives Vincent a gentle smile, “Just ask them first, they might just wanna meet her and do it themselves. All else fails, just give them her contact information.”
I don’t think Kauri will. “Alright, okay.”
Vincent stands at the door to the safehouse. The sounds of the town around him drape the porch in waves of white noise, masking the sounds from within. Reluctantly, he raises his hand to knock on the wooden door frame. His knuckles barely tap it before two sets of locks are unlocked and Kauri opens the door.
They make eye contact and Vincent watches Kauri’s expression shift.
“Make this quick, I have stuff to do.”
Kauri lets Vincent step inside the safehouse. The air of the interior feels heavier than before, solidified by the sound of the deadbolt locking.
“I’m so-”
“If the words I’m sorry leave your mouth at anypoint, I’m gone,” Kauri says as he walks over to the kitchen, “Just get this over with.”
Vincent follows in his footsteps, glancing over at Jake who lays asleep on the pull-out couch. The makeshift IV step sits on the table next to him, out of use.
Remind me to send Nat money over to cover that.
Kauri places his hands on the counter behind him and shifts his weight into it. Crossing his arms out in front of his chest, he looks up over at AJke before returning his gaze to Vincent.
He looks exhausted.
“How has-”
Kauri raises his hand and presses his fingers together, making a “close your mouth” gesture, “Cut to the chase, I have errands to run today.”
“Alright then. A few days ago I was approached by a woman named Keira Harker who asked for my help in finding her brother, Liam Harker, who was taken by WRU. She said that she thinks the person he was sent to was Owen Grant and, now since Carlotta is no longer alive, she can try and find him without her getting in the way,” Vincent says, leaning his weight into the kitchen table, “She gave me her contact information and asked me to help her in finding-”
Kauri spins around and opens the cabinet behind him. Pulling out a white bottle, he sets it down on the counter and mutters, “So she’s looking for me?”
“What else did you say?” Kauri asks as he pours himself a glass of water, “Did you tell her where the safehouse is? If you did I swear Vincent I’m-”
It’s Vincent’s turn to interrupt, “No, I didn’t say anything. All I said is that I would keep in touch.”
“Good,” Kauri says as he pours two pills out of the bottle and into his hand, “Cheers.” Kauri tosses the pills into his mouth and tilts the glass of water towards Vincent before drinking.
“What are you doing?” Vincent asks, tugging some at the sleeves of another turtleneck.”
“Migraine meds,” Kauri answers, pouring the rest into the sink, “I get them when I hear Liam Harker.” Just like clockwork, Kauri winces and rubs his temple, “Just something else to deal with.”
“I’m sor-”
“I will leave until Nat gets back.”
Vincent purses his lips and watches Kauri walk over to the fridge. The air stills around them in the way the air in a freezer is still. Something hangs over the room, could be the tension, could be the unease, could be the new presence in their lives, Vincent can’t tell.
“I have her contact information if you want it,” Vincent speaks, trying to shoo away the stillness, “On your time.”
Kauri pauses mid-reach. He rests his forehead against the fridge handle and says, “I- maybe later. I have far too much on my plate right now, running to the safehouse almost by myself. Nats with Jameson at her house, Jake is still recovering, the whole issue with Chris and Laken, the Oly- I just can’t take on something else right now.”
“I get it,” Vincent nods, shifting his weight onto his back foot, “I’ll keep it if you want it when all of this blows over. But, if she does try to press me for information-”
“Pretend you have no idea who me, Nat, and Jake are,” Kauri answers while pulling out a plastic pitcher of what smells like cold brew, “If I ever decide to contact her I’ll deal with it, okay? I’m just not ready or have the time right now.”
Vincent leans back on one foot to try and see the clock on the wall, “Um. what time is Nat supposed to get here, we have money stuff I have to talk to her about.”
“Around four,” Kauri answer while pouring himself coffee.
The sound of the deadbolt unclicking sounds softly crosses the room. Kauri barely glances over his shoulder.
“Is Nat back already?” Vincent asks as he tries to see the door.
“Nope,” Kauri says, popping the p. “Just Chris.”
“I- I’m back and I have Laken,” Chris beams as he dashes past with Laken in hand, “Oh hi Vince.”
Vincent gives Chris a small wave, “Hi Chris.”
“Wait- is that Vinc-”
But Chris has already whisked Laken away before they could get the last words out. Vincent follows them with his eyes for a moment before looking back at Kauri.
Kauri looks relieved. A tired smile adorns his face as he takes a sip of the cold brew.
Vincent doesn’t ask, he puts enough of the dots together to know something just fixed itself. Good for them.
“Anywho,” Kauri chuckles, looking back over at Vincent, “A turtleneck won’t hide your sins Vincy.”
“Shit, how obvious has it been?!” Vincent panics and readjusts the hem of his shirt.
“I was just joking...” Kauri’s smile deepens as the mischief returns to his face. He gives Vincent a look over and sing-songs, “...So, what’s Dmitri like?”
“We just kissed Kauri!”
“Sure, and I just kiss Jake.”
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nctsjiho · 3 years
King JiHo (Favourite JiHo moments)
Fan Video by ‘Haechan’s Children’ on YouTube
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(indented text = comments added by the maker of the video) I’m 100% convinced that this is JiHo’s world and we’re just living in it. Here’s some moments that prove this <3 Enjoyyyy~~
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[[N'-135] New Thangs🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️New Thangs👍👃 | ‘영웅(Kick It)’ 인기가요 대기실 비하인드]
NCT 127 was chilling in their dressing room, backstage, waiting for their turn to perform ‘Kick It’. JiHo sat in one of the chairs in front of the mirrors, ready to get her make up done. Taeyong who was holding the camera walked up to the girl ready to interview her.
“And here we have our lovely JiHo getting ready for our stage.” He commented, earning a hum from the girl. “How are you feeling- oh? What’s that?” The camera wasn’t pointed at anything anymore as Taeyong leaned in closer to the girl then readjusted the camera again to focus on JiHo. His hand reached out to grab her chin and his thumb lightly pressed against a purple spot beneath the left corner of her lip. “Is it real?” The concern was audible in his question and JiHo nodded.
“I thought it was fake! What happened? When did you get that bruise? It looks painful.” Taeyong kept firing out questions which had both JiHo and the make up artist, who was currently working on her, laughing. “It doesn’t hurt too bad.” JiHo answered coolly, her eyes darted to the mirror in front of her and she noticed Mark walk behind her.
“Mark and I got into a fight yesterday.” Taeyong gasped and Mark snapped his head towards her after hearing his name. “What?” Both men asked shocked at the statement. “Mark hit you?” Taeyong asked once again pointing towards the bruise on JiHo’s face. “What are you talking about?” Mark stuttered over his words and turned his head to take a closer look at the bruise. JiHo didn’t say anything as Taeyong put down the camera on the table in front of them and started scolding the innocent boy.
Both JiHo and the make up artist were laughing and JiHo decided to grab the camera and point it towards both boys. “Oppa. I’m just kidding, leave poor Mark alone.” She explained, trying not to laugh again.
Johnny who had been watching everything happen had joined the group wordlessly. “Lim JiHo! You can’t joke about things like that!” The leader scolded and Mark let out a relieved gasp. “What?” She laughed at his expression. “I know we didn’t get into a fight, but I almost started second guessing myself that I somehow did do that to you.” With a hand on his heart, the panic lingered in his eyes for a few more seconds before it slowly vanished.
“You two are so gullible, oh lord.” JiHo chuckled and Johnny now settled between both boys, patting them both on their shoulders. “Taeyong you should’ve known better. If JiHo did get into a fight with Mark, we all know Mark would be the one to come out that with bruises. Not the other way around.”
She has these boys wrapped around her finger and she knows it!
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[NCT 127 Talks "Superhuman", Tour, and KPop]
“What makes NCT 127 different from every other boy band?” Jaehyun’s eyes met JiHo’s, who is sitting on the front row of members next to Jungwoo. They shared a smile as Zach, the host, continues his question.
Johnny translated the question to all the other members and JiHo slowly brought the mic up to her lips. Once Johnny finished translating, the female voice of JiHo resonated through the room. “Well...” She stopped there with a nod and everyone started laughing.
After Taeyong and Johnny finished their answer JiHo grabbed her mic once again. “Just want to clarify, I’m not saying I’m the only reason we’re different, I’m just saying, if you’re calling us a boy band then of course me being a female member would technically already make us different from all other boy bands.” She quickly added.
“How does that feel? Being the only girl in a group of men.” Zach asked and JiHo shrugged. “It doesn’t feel abnormal to me. I think after knowing the guys for such a long time I just like, kind of found my spot with them and it just feels normal.” “I think JiHo sometimes forgets that she a girl...” Johnny added carefully, his voice turning a bit unsure at the end. With the boys laughing in the background JiHo waved a piece sign in front of the camera closest to her and started “acting cool” before talking into the mic with a deeper voice. “I’m part of the boys. Part of the homies. Ya know?”
JiHo sweetie, I know you wanna look cool, but all you’re doing is looking adorable. Please stop I’m gonna have a heart attack
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[⚾️시티고 야구부⚾️ EP.1 라커 급습 | NCT 127 Baseball Team]
After Johnny’s joke about copying Mark(’s butt), Taeil spoke up, “Aren’t we missing someone?” “Where’s JiHo?” Yuta spun around once as if he was looking for the absent girl. “Tsk. Again, she’s late-” “Lee Haechan!” A voiced boomed off of frame.
JiHo walked in with a confident stride stopping in the middle of the room and staring straight into the main camera. “Don’t speak about your baseball team leader like that.” She said in a cold tone. “Sunbaenim, where were you?” Johnny asked. Since the age rolls were reversed, JiHo was now the oldest in the group. “I just came back from the gym as the leader of the cheerleading team who just finished practise.” “You’re also their leader?” Doyoung stifled a laugh and JiHo turned to him sending him a glare. He put up his hands in a defensive pose and took a step back after which JiHo turned back to the camera.
“Why? Don’t you believe me?” “I don’t know JiHo. It’s just that-” Mark stopped talking before being able to finish his sentence as the girl kicked up her left leg. She caught her foot with her left hand and pulled her leg up until it was next to her face, extended into a heel stretch. Her right hand was also in the air, showing of how great her balance and flexibility is. She kept the pose for a few seconds before bringing her foot back down to the ground. “Wow!” The boys gasped in surprised.
JiHo isn’t trying to be flexible, flexible is trying to be JiHo
She eyed Mark who quickly acknowledged the fact that she fit as the role of the cheerleading team. “Don’t underestimate me Markie.” The teasing tone along with the nickname sent a shiver down the boy’s spine, the other boys either oohing or being slightly scared themselves.
Why is Mark always the victim of JiHo’s teasing?? I can’t with them
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[‘To You’ #3]
The whole ‘To You’ series was really sweet and emotional. So this isn’t as funny as the previous clips, but I felt like this still fits the theme so well. I also think that not that many fans have seen this before, so after this clip you should watch all 3 videos <3
PS. this isn’t the full clip but here are some of my favourite parts of Taeil’s message to JiHo
“It must have been hard right? Your position in the group is very special and it must come with a lot of pressure.” Taeil’s eyes fell into his lap, a sad smile on his lips. “But you always try to hide your hardships from the group.”
I believe what he means with ‘position’ is being the maknae of the group as well as being the only girl
“I wished that you could come to us more and open up about those things, because I know that everyone (in the group) would drop everything they were doing in a heartbeat to hear you out.” He took a deep breath before continuing.
“Haechan is the mood maker in the sense that he likes joking around and being loud, but you also are a mood maker. Just in your own unique way. You’re such a good listener and observer so you notice things other people might not. You approach members silently or make small gestures, which mean a lot, to cheer someone up. But you can also be funny and loud. I appreciate both of those sides of you.”
I’m not crying, you are ::>_<::
It was silent for a little as Taeil seemed deep in thought. “I know you don’t like to be treated in a more special way than the other members, and the older members really try not to show it. But in our minds... and in our hearts, you do have a special place. I know you are a strong person and can protect yourself just as well, if not better, than the other members, but I can’t help but want to protect you.”
“Whatever anyone says, those people who aren’t our fans or don’t understand us, I hope you don’t take their painful words to heart. Because you are just as fit to be in NCT as any of the other members.”
I’m so happy to see how much NCT cares for JiHo, not that I ever doubted that they didn’t, but seeing this was so heart-warming and JiHo’s reaction was so sweet as well as her message to Taeyong (but you have to go watch the original video for that ;-) )
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[[Un Cut] Take #4 I ‘NCT - RESONANCE Pt. 1’ The Future ver. Jacket Behind the Scene]
The camera focused on JiHo who was currently doing her individual shots. She was wearing a beige oversized long sleeve that showed of her collarbones but covered up most of the rest of her body.
JiHo squatted down and tilted her head to the side to show of her jawline. The staff were complimenting her as the shoot went on.
A particular switch in poses had elicited a surprising response from one of the female staff members. “Wow~ Has she always been this pretty?” She said in awe, which caused everyone to start laughing and agreeing.
After JiHo’s shoot it was Ten and Kun’s turn. During Ten’s individual interview he brought up the event that happened before his shoot started. “I heard that the staff was surprised by JiHo’s visuals.” He chuckled. “My baby is very pretty everyone. Don’t forget that or you’ll be surprised and fall in love with her like the staff member did.”
I don’t know if I’m freaking out more because Ten just called JiHo his baby or because she called her very pretty so casually? Also thanks for the warning Ten, but I’m already madly in love with JiHo so... a bit too late for that.
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[Idol Crushes? | HDIGH Ep. #xx Highlight]
“Weren’t you promoting (’Revolution’) recently?” Jae (Day6) asked AleXa who was sat next to him. She hummed. “Actually it was around the same time that NCT was promoting their music.” “Oh did you talk to them?” AleXa shook her head whilst laughing but then stopped suddenly as if she remembered something.
“She wasn’t promoting with them at the time, but I saw JiHo sunbaenim backstage.” This comment perked up Jae’s interest as he sat up in his chair. “Did you introduce yourself?” “Yeah she actually noticed me first and came to say hi.”
Diane, who was the person behind the camera gasped loudly. “Why haven’t you told us about this?! She knows you?” The small girl nodded embarrassed and then explained what happened on that day.
“She’s super nice and complimented my music and dancing. I didn’t think I’d ever been at such a loss for words as back then. I got so nervous because even though she’s really nice, she has such a strong presence? If you know what I mean?” Jae and Diane hum in understanding. “Just seeing her up close like that was so intimidating. Like she told me she was there to support her members so she didn’t have any makeup on, but she was still insanely beautiful.” Jae laughed at the girl’s dramatic explanation. “You sound like you have a crush on her.” AleXa stuttered for a second before replying. “I think I might!” They all laughed.
“Did you exchange phone numbers?” Diane asked and AleXa nodded excitedly. “We did! We don’t text each other often, but every once in a while she reaches out after a new podcast episode comes out to tell me about the parts she liked.” “Oh so she watches this?” Jae’s eyes widened. “Yeah.”
AleXa turned to the camera and waved. “JiHo sunbaenim, if you are watching this, thank you so much! I hope we can get closer someday.”
I don’t know AleXa that well, but I think a collab between her and JiHo would be so powerful!
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Thanks for watching this video guys! And leave a comment on what kind of content you want to see next, byeeee o/
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natromanxoff · 4 years
An Exclusive Interview With Queen!
Music Life September 1975 issue
By Kaoruko Togo and Keiko Miyasaka
[Original text in Japanese, translation by deathtoming]
Around noon on July 14th, we left the hotel by car, and around two hours later we arrived at the beautiful Ridge Farm, surrounded by trees. We were blessed with clear skies on this day, and the blue sky and the greenery of the farm were almost blindingly beautiful. It was a bit past 2 o’clock. When we arrived in the main building, we were first greeted by a large dog, followed by a familiar voice from a room in the back. It was a large food hall, with Freddie, Brian, Roger, and John present.
When they see us, the four of them say, “Hello! You’re from Music Life, right? Welcome!” and greet us with handshakes. The four of them rented this Ridge Farm to focus solely on rehearsing for their next album. “We’re about to have lunch. Want to join us?” We knew we couldn’t work while hungry, so we accepted their offer with thanks. When the meal finished, we could begin our interview at last….
Music Life (ML): Are you in the middle of recording now?
Roger: No, we’re not recording yet. We’re all practising our new songs together. Once we practise them, we get an idea of how we should record them, I think.
ML: When do you think you’ll start recording?
Roger Maybe in about 3 weeks…
John: We might use Rockfield Studios in Wales.
ML: Do you always record there?
Roger: No, not really, although we did a bit of recording there for our third album, Sheer Heart Attack.
Freddie. We used around five studios to record that one. We’ll probably use several studios this time around, too.
ML: You’ll do a bit of recording in London, too, right?
Roger: Probably a little bit, yeah. We usually do our mixing in London.
Brian: But when we first record the backing track, it’s better to do it somewhere where we’re nice and settled, so it’s good to do it while we’re holed out in the studio. By doing that, we’re able to relax and do the recording.
ML: Can you tell us something about your upcoming album?
Freddie: Yeah, well we only have the rough framework at this point, but I think it will be our best work so far. We’re in the middle of creating the songs now.
Roger: Nothing has really come together yet, so it’s difficult to explain.
John: When we first came here we presented what songs we had written so far to each other, and we had about two albums’ worth, haha.
ML: I hear you’re heading to the US on tour soon.
John: Probably. Our manager is in the US now, and he’s apparently in talks with a bunch of people.
Freddie: We have to decide whether to record the album or go on tour in the US like we had decided during our previous tour.
ML: How long have you been working with your producer?
Freddie: His name is Roy Thomas Baker, and he’s been with us since our debut album.
Roger: We’re co-producing the album with him. Our next album will be with him, too.
ML: This Ridge Farm is such a beautiful place. How did you find it?
Roger: Our mixer, John Harris, found it. The owner often rents out this place to rock groups, apparently.
<At this point, an airplane flies overhead, making an extremely loud noise! Everyone shouts “Quiet!”>
ML: When you write your songs, do you do it individually?
Freddie: Yes, that’s right. Everyone writes their own songs in their own homes, and then brings it to places like this and we all work on it.
ML: How many songs will be on this album?
Freddie: I don’t know yet. Maybe around 12.
ML: When will it be released?
Freddie: That depends on a lot of things. But I want it out some time this year. It will probably be by the end of this year.
ML: What have you been up to since you came back from Japan?
Freddie: For several weeks, we kept on talking about our time in Japan, haha. We’d unwrap the presents we got from Japan. Please pass along our thanks to our fans in Japan, because we were really treated so kindly.
<An airplane makes another appearance. The four look up and protest again.>
ML: Is there anything that stands out in particular from your time in Japan?
Roger: Aside from the people we met, probably our final show in Tokyo. Something felt special. It was also our final show in Japan. The atmosphere was wonderful.
John: I also remember appearing in a kimono on stage for the first time in that concert.
ML: What about Japanese food?
Freddie: Like, tempura, haha. We went to a Japanese restaurant with our bodyguards in Japan. Oh that’s right, please send our regards to those bodyguards; we owe them a lot.
ML: What do you want to do the most the next time you’re in Japan?
Roger: I’m going to go shopping for sure, haha! Things like tape recorders and other things. Last time, Freddie bought lots of ceramics, and Brian and John bought cameras.
ML: Brian, you like cameras, don’t you?
Brian: Yeah, I do photography sometimes, and I have lots of other hobbies. Right now I’m really into audio.
ML: Since when have you been taking pictures?
Brian: Since quite a long time ago. But I only recently got a good camera. In England, cameras are so expensive.
ML: This is especially the case in Japan, but you have a lot of young girls for fans. What do you think about that?
Roger: It’s outstanding, haha! Japanese fans in particular give us lots of presents. We don’t get too many gifts from other countries, but it seems to be a part of the Japanese tradition.
ML: Among your young, female Japanese fans, there are some who say that Queen is their first encounter with rock music.
Roger: Great!
Freddie: That’s a good thing. It was really exciting when we were in Japan, and I think it was probably the same kind of atmosphere as it was for the Beatles in the ‘60s.
<The others chime in with comments like, “That’s really good!”>
ML: Were there any interesting gifts from Japan?
Brian: I received a lot of birthday gifts, so thank you very much to all of you for those presents. I received many works of art, and also things like dolls and traditional balls wrapped with beautiful string. We got lots of toys, too.
Roger: That ball with the string was hand-made, right? I got one, too.
<The plane flies by again, distressing the band.>
ML: In your free time, what kind of music do you listen to?
Roger: I’ve been listening to Led Zeppelin's first album.
Freddie: Lately, classical. Like, Chopin. Also things like Led Zeppelin and John Lennon.
ML: Freddie, you have a broad range of interests.
Freddie: Of course. I’ll listen to anything that I like. That said, there’s no artist whose album I’d buy as soon as it was released.
ML: Brian, what about you?
Brian: Pretty much the same as everyone else. I often listen to Led Zeppelin.
ML: There’s a place called “Rhye” in the lyrics for Lily of the Valley, but is that a real place in England?
Freddie: No, it’s a land from my imagination. It’s also mentioned in Seven Seas of Rhye, and I guess it’s like a fairy tale.
Roger: There is a place called “Rye” in England, although the spelling is different.
ML: Your songs’ lyrics seem to be influenced by classical poets.
Freddie: You’re referring to lyric poetry. I don’t think we’re influenced by that too much. Truthfully, I don’t have time to read. I just like expressing myself in that way. Those kinds of expressions are easier.
ML: Do the really passionate lyrics for love songs come from your personal experiences?
Roger: Ahhhh--!! Haha, yeah right! But I guess there’s, uh, a little bit of something in there.<Grinning> But Brian sometimes writes really passionate ones.
ML: She Makes Me is quite the song, isn’t it?
Brian: No, it’s not like that at all. <Acting quite bashfully> Although there are times when my personal experiences are expressed in song lyrics.
<The rest of the band hoot and holler at this!>
ML: The band does a good job recreating the sound from your records live on stage, don’t you?
Roger: We’re not trying to reproduce what you hear on the record exactly, though. Of course we want to produce a good sound, but on stage we also need to add an exciting mood to the quality of the sound. So that’s why it needs to be a little different from the album.
ML: Which do you like better, recording or performing live?
Freddie: I like both. They’re both interesting in their own ways.
ML: Do you use any special equipment on stage?
Roger: No, although Brian uses echo machines and such.
ML: Do you have a lighting technician?
Freddie: We do have one, but the band comes up with the idea, and our lighting guy -- his name is James Dann -- takes care of the rest. We’ve already come up with our next stage design and it’s going to be interesting.
<The plane flies by again. Everyone looks defeated.>
ML: Killer Queen was a big hit single; are hit singles important to you?
Roger: It’s not absolutely necessary. But we’ll keep on releasing singles. Of course we’ll only release ones we like, though.
ML: Which do you like better, singles or albums?
Freddie: Definitely albums! I think our music is geared more towards albums rather than singles.
Roger: Rather than releasing single after single, it’s better if there happens to be a song in the album that works well as a single, and we release it if the timing is right. It’s not good if we start thinking we need to release a single every 3 months.
John: On this upcoming album as well, we will record everything first, and then release something if it works well as a single. But we don’t particularly record only songs that would work as singles.
ML: Does it seem like you’ll have another song like Killer Queen?
Freddie: No, when Seven Seas of Rhye became a hit in England, the people at the record company wanted our next song to be like that, but we couldn’t do it. We go in the studio and record what we’re feeling at that time, and only after everything is finished do we decide as a group what to release as a single.
ML: So, you’re always looking for a new sound?
Freddie: It’s more interesting that way.
Roger: That’s why we come to places like this, and while we’re rehearsing we make a bunch of noise and form songs from that.
ML: Did someone serve as an inspiration for Killer Queen?
Roger: Freddie’s mom.
<Everyone bursts out laughing>
ML: Do you have plans for a British tour?
Roger: Yeah. Probably by the end of this year.
John: But first we need to record our album, and we don’t know what will come after.
ML: Which country’s fans do you like?
John: Japan’s, of course, haha!
Brian: <Speaking seriously> We were really surprised by the reaction of our Japanese fans. Honestly speaking, we didn’t realize it was at that level.
Roger: We thought there would be difficulties because of the language difference, but rock fans are the same around the world, in the end.
ML: Did you have a break after you came back from Japan?
John: Just a little. But we had lots of preparation to do, so it’s like we didn’t have a break.
ML: And uhh… now I’d like to ask about things outside of the music. It’s something Japanese fans want to know: when did you fall in love for the first time? What kind of person were they?
<Everyone reacts in horror, and they point at each other, with no one answering the question. Finally, Freddie speaks for the group.>
Freddie: Err… our first love is, of course, music, haha.
ML: Do you have any memories from when you were going to school?
Roger: I haaaaated school!
ML: What about you, Brian?
Brian: I went to an all boys school. I had no idea what girls were like, right up to when I graduated when I was 18. It was really a shock when I first got to know girls. But that’s the British school system for you. I was raised away from girls for so long that I was afraid to meet them.
Freddie: You’re still afraid of them, aren’t you? Haha. <This was a tough joke>
ML: Freddie, what subjects did you like in school?
Roger Oh, I know! ”Needlework”! <Everyone bursts out laughing>
Freddie: Art. I studied graphics and illustration at an art school for 3 years.
ML: What about sports?
Freddie: I did everything. Cricket, tennis…
ML: Do you still meet up with your friends from school?
Freddie: I often meet with around two of them.
ML: And, finally, are you married?
Roger: Japanese fans often want to know things like that, but I won’t say. <Roger winks mischievously.>
Freddie: We’re all single! But the Japanese girls have to find that out for themselves.
ML: Let’s get a message from each one of you to our readers…
And with that, the friendly interview came to an end. We were fortunate that the band talked to us in a relaxed mood while bathing in the bright sun.
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
This was kinda inspired by the previous anons request but could you write headcannons/imagines (whichever you think fits best) about being an actress and meeting their lad on the set of one of their movies/a movie
(Ok ik I have other requests waiting looong behind this one, but it's going to bug me if I don't do this first, so I'll post my next chronological request tomorrow instead of my usual every other dayish schedule! Thanks guys ❤️)
Honestly, the absolute MOOD™ of this gif has been on my mind for like all of the following imagines. Like the on periodt FLAVOR that actress is rocking, all done up and everything ?? John or [insert one of the other three] ob-sessed with you ?? Literally yes. So yeah, there's my overview lol, the rest is up to your imagination!
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! 😌
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You meet George on your way to grab a little refreshment before your scene in between takes
You've got a nice little flute of wine, to calm the nerves of course, when suddenly you get bumped rather harshly from behind!
Luckily your drink spilled on the floor and not your nice costume, but still, you're about to give whomever it is a piece of your mind!!
You turn on a dime and come face to face with... Oh
There, only inches away, stands the George Harrison, with a mouthful of food, a wrapped up snack for later, and eyes wide as saucers
It's a race to see who can apologise first
While you over come your shock at nearly cursing out one of the stars of the show, he hurriedly chews and swallows the last of his snack
"I'm so sor-" "-eg your pardon!"
You overlap each other with your apologies, causing a similar scenario again as you both accept the other's apology
The two of you chuckle a bit at that
At this point, George feels like he's just now getting a good look at you
He wonders if you're a recent hire, bc otherwise he certainly would've noticed the most beautiful woman in the building before now
Suddenly a touch self conscious, he wipes the crumbs from the corners of his mouth and scrambles for a way to make small talk
It's not really his forte, you see
Luckily, you come in to save him
You cock your head to look at his napkin of snacks
"What have you got there?"
"Oh these? N-nothing, just some scones or something like that"
He crosses his arms behind his back, like he's embarrassed to be caught smuggling snacks
"Oh! Have you tried the cream cheese and raspberry ones? They're to die for!"
George loosens up a bit. He wouldn't have guessed you were something of a food fan too...
He brings around his napkin of goodies and unwraps it a bit for you to see
"I have actually, would you like one?"
You thank him and take one, savouring the flavor while he pops another into his mouth as well
"See, quite good! Although, I'd dare say mine are better"
You laugh, but George simply stares
"You bake?" He says through a mouthful of scone, eyes alight
Of course you confirm that you do indeed, and your cooking is fantastic too, thank you very much!
The two of you talk about some of your favorite treats to make and from there... Well, George is pretty sure he's met his soul mate
Now when you meet John, I think you approach him!
He's backstage taking a smoke
You'd think he's just having a quick break to relax before filming starts, but the way he's looking around, shifting his weight, and fiddling with his outfit says it all
Classic stage fright
You remember those days, but as a seasoned, successful actress, you've learned a few tips and tricks you think might help!
For one thing, getting to know more then just your co-stars is a bit of a relief
Plus, I mean... It's John Lennon! And have I mentioned you're a bit of a fan?
So you approach, completely unfazed, and poor old Lennon does a double take
Out of gentlemanly habit, he immediately puts out his dart when he sees you coming
You come right up and introduce yourself with a "how do you do"
Now at this point, normally he'd respond with a witty but dirty pick up line, but...
He can't tell if he's just not in the mood from his nerves or what, but he just can't bring himself to do it
Or maybe... Maybe there's just something about you?
It's not every day such a fetching woman approaches him without screaming her head off and begging for an autograph in the process
Besides, there's just this air of confidence about you that puts him at ease
You make it look so effortless too!
He wishes he could be like that...
John nods respectfully with a quiet "just fine thanks"
He doesn't bother to introduce himself, he simply assumes everyone here knows who he is
You tilt your head and smile invitingly
"Are you sure? Excuse me for saying so, but you seem a bit nervous"
Well, regarding the filming coming up, he was a bit, but standing here, talking with you?
He certainly is now!
"It's fine, just thinking about my lines and such"
You can tell he's lying, but you let the matter go to switch up tactics
"Well I'm sure you'll be just fine out ther- Oh? Hold on..."
You casually saunter up to him as though you've known him for years to straighten his tie and smooth down his lapels
Despite your boldness, John puts up no resistance. In fact, he finds he rather enjoys your touch
He's so use to a more... different sort of touch when it comes to women, to the point that he's nearly forgotten just how fulfilling soft and gentle contact like this can be
Forgetting himself, John leans into your palms a bit as you finish petting them across the chest of his suit
You definitely notice, but decide to have mercy and say nothing about it
"Just remember, if you need a little stage advice out there, I'll be around"
You wink at him and walk off to your dressing room
John waits a moment until your out of sight, weighing what just happened in his mind
You know what?
He smiles to himself and jogs after you
Maybe he does want some advice...
Now Paul I think is the one guy of the four to seek you out!
You're relaxing in your dressing room adding just a few small touch ups to your lipstick and so on until you're on
When the gentle knock comes to your door, you assume it's your assistant come to fetch you
You check the time and then hurry over to answer the door
"Yes yes, I-"
Paul is standing with his hands clasped behind his back, a respectful distance from your door
When he'd heard you were the leading lady of this film, he knew he simply had to see you in person
He's a bit of a fan himself you see, and he can tell you right now, the camera doesn't do you half justice
Paul's mouth forms a little "O" as he looks you up and down so quick, it's almost subtle
Not at all impressed, you look at him expectantly, but try to hold back any attitude
"Can I help you, Mr. McCartney?"
He snaps out of his daydream and at last looks at you with the respect you deserve
"Oh, my apologies love, I just wanted to greet my co-star!"
Paul gingerly takes your hand and kisses your knuckles
Alright, maybe you're a little impressed
"I've heard so much about you, I couldn't believe it when they told me you were going to be a part of our little film"
He laughs, and then clears his throat awkwardly
"Sorry, I guess I'm just something of a fan"
You're a bit taken aback to see Paul, the ladies man himself, McCartney acting flustered, but what a compliment for one of the Beatles to be a fan of you
Needless to say, you're nice about his being awkward and hang around for a little conversation
He tells you about all the movies he's seen you in and how wonderful a job he thought you did
You're really enjoying the moment, after all, what a rare one it is! Until your assistant comes to fetch you and Paul for filming
"Oh yes, we'll be right along!"
Paul calls after your assistant and more or less shoos them away
Once you two are alone again, Paul fidgets a moment fishing around in his pockets
"Now I know you get this a lot-"
He pulls out a newspaper article and a pen, then holds them out to you
Upon closer inspection, it's the headline from when you were recognized for your first acting award
"But could I please get your autograph?"
Then he leans in and whispers, "and please don't tell the lads..."
You laugh and assure him his secret is safe as you sign your name in flowing script before handing him his prize
Paul looks like a child in a candy shop, he's so excited
You smile sweetly and begin heading towards the filming site
Before you know it Paul trots up beside you, following close
He looks from you to his newspaper clipping once and then twice before his eyes linger on you
"You know, I have a record from one of your plays back at the hotel... Could you-?"
At first you shoot him a look, but the puppy eyes he's giving you assures you he means no funny business, so you promise him ❤️
You meet Ringo backstage in between sets, right before your scene
And when I tell you the first time Ringo sees you, he immediately knows he would die for you...
You're already gorgeous as is, so when his first time seeing you is all done up with your hair, outfit, and makeup for the movie he's just BLOWN AWAY
And as he should be 💅🏻
There's still a decent bit of time before he needs to take his place or anything like that, which is good bc his brain is in a whole other dimension rn
You're absolutely magnetic and all he can think to do is approach
"Oh, hello Mr. Starr! Can I help you?"
You blink at him for a moment, not quite sure what's happening
But when it hits you, you quickly cover your mouth with a gloved hand, trying your very best not to laugh at the poor guy
Ringo however, is completely under your spell at the moment
"I uuuuh, I'm Ringo"
His big droopy eyes are absolutely transfixed in a dreamlike haze on your beautiful face, and he offers you his hand to shake
Now you're REALLY trying not to laugh
You give his hand a shake, brushing off any awkward feelings, and introduce yourself
Ringo repeats your name aloud, looking now as though he's been transported into a dream
That's your name? He loves that name! How did you know!
After a moment of awkward silence while you let him process, he thankfully seems to return to reality
"Ahem, sorry, I didn't mean to bother you"
He looks away quickly, now starting to realize he's made himself out to be quite the fool
"Well I feel rather silly, uh"
He scratches his neck and sneaks a glance up at you
Thankfully, you're very understanding! You have a lot of fans, and his behavior isn't quite unheard of in your experience
"Oh, no no! It's no trouble at all!"
You give a genuine laugh and tell him you're always glad to meet a fan
Ringo responds with a little humor to relieve any last traces of tension or awkwardness and then laughs his deep, goofy laugh
You contemplate what a strange but wonderful sound it is
And you know? wouldn't mind sticking around to hear it again...
Besides, he's clearly already very interested in you
That, and it's nice to meet a gentle soul amongst your fan base, rather then the clamoring men and women you're used to
Ringo smiles at you with pure admiration, before picking up some easy small talk with you, just as though you're anyone else
It's at that moment you officially fall for him
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colorfulandblack · 4 years
So did you notice how every single song in JATP is dedicated to different character? I'm going to skip all the Dirty Candy cos obviously, and same goes to Caleb's HGC numbers. Bit for the rest:
Now or Never - this is the ultimate and only Sunset Curve song. It's THEM. But also have you read the lyrics?
"Clocks move forward but we don't get older, no" and "When all the days felt black and white those were the best shades of my life" it can be read two way. It's both about 1995 and 2020 and their life and afterlife. It's almost prophetic but you don't know it unless you keep watching the show. Also "we're the revolution that's been singing in the rain" watch out for the rain but cos it's echoed in another song.
Wake Up - so at first this seems to be Julie's song but hear me out. It's not. It was written by Rose, Julie's mom. The lyrics: "And you use your pain, cause it makes you you though I wish I could hold you through it. I know it's not the same you got living to do and I just want you to do it". Rose knew she was going to die and she wanted Julie to keep living. To keep playing music. It's her guidance from beyond the grave. It's precisely why this is the first song Julie sings in a YEAR. Because it's the LAST message her mom left for her. It's Rose's song for Julie.
Bright - this is Alex's song and you can fight me on it. Mind it was written back in the 90s - Luke gives it to Julie because it was one of the songs that Bobby hasn't stolen which means that they either played it before, live when they were alive (which seems sort of unlikely because it has more of a pop sound to it than say Now or Never) or because it was never played to the public before. Because it was private. Now again it wasn't something that was kept a secret either because the band joined Julie on stage and executed the song perfectly and they haven't reversed it before, couldn't have because at this point the boys didn't know they could be seen when playing. They sort of joined last minute. They were standing by and watching Julie to the almost last second. And now the lyrics:
"Sometimes I think I'm falling down I wanna cry, I'm crying out for one more try to feel alive. And when I'm lost and alone I know that I can make it home fight through the dark and find the spark" and "In times like that I doubted myself I felt like I needed some help stuck in my head with nothing left. I feel something around me now so unclear, lifting me out I found the ground I'm marching on" this is Alex, anxious, worrisome Alex who came out to his parents who weren't accepting. And his band was there for him. "I can make it home", home being the garage, his band, his friends. They helped him find his 'ground that he's marching on'. Also, I ain't saying that Alex and Luke dated back in the 90s but they definately dated. Just look at this:
"Life is a risk, but we can take it close my eyes and jump. Together, I think that we can make it, c'mon let's run" and "And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together, bright forever" WE WILL FIGHT TO SHINE TOGETHER, BRIGHT FOREVER. Shine as in unapologetly being themselves. As being happy and accepted and themselves.
Sure when Julie sings it it's about her incredible talent and trying to get back into the music program but again this song was written back in the 90s. It's Alex's song.
The Band is Back - Reggie's Jam. This is pretty self explanatory and the song might be simplistic and upbeat and very beach, summer like but is not without dept. The boys don't know where they stand with the band. They know they are dead and can be heard when singing and seen when playing with Julie but they are still dead. Now remember this song plays right after the boys leave the studio when Ray talks about his happy times with a wife that died. This hits close to home because well they are also dead. But also the way Ray talks about Rose. So much love and admiration. And now Reggie's parents who were "one fight away from divorce". And on top of that his house is gone so there is no way of him (at this point at least and without Julie's help) to find his family or even to learn if they are alive. This song, Luke says that he knows how to cheer Reggie up. But notice this. It's not something that Luke or Alex sing. No. Reggie is. I'm not going to mention that it is kind of weird that they had a song in the ready that's called "the band is back" as if they had a fallout before or something like that. But this aside, this is a song to remind Reggie that they are still friends and that they are family. The only family they are going to need. And they are going to stick together, life or afterlife.
"Can you, can you hear me?" "Loud and clear!" Is such a simple thing that is used on so many concerts to get the audience's attention. But here is different. Becaus eits reaffirming that Reggie is valid. That his voice is being heard and that he's safe. And by having Reggie sing the song - it's like saying "hey Reg we know this is terrible and it sucks but if you'd like we'll be your family and will me always stick around". By making REGGIE sing it, by making him announce that the back is back together is like giving him a choice. A choice to have Luke and Alex as his family. If Luke sang it it was as if he said: "we're your family" but the way it is it's more like a question: "we will be your family if you'll have us" and of course Reggie would that's why the band is back.
Flying Solo - Flynn's song. One of my personal favourites actually. Nothing much to add really. The lyrics are from Julie's dream box because the boys were looking for the kitchen again and are very personal. Flynn is a constant in Julie's life and by having her sing a song about her best friend, SING (a big change that has happened recently in Julie's life) is letting her in once again, having her in her life when the change happens. Letting her on the secret about the ghost band. And it's also an apology and giving her thanks. Because Julie is so thankful to have Flynn there. "My life would be real zero, flying solo without you"
And one more thing, notice how the boys sing nothing but chorus. On every other song the boys get a line or two to sing on their own, except Luke who is not ready to give up his front man position (which is quite fair since he writes the songs too). This song is entirely BY Julie and sang by Julie but is still a Flynn's song.
Finally Free - this is JULIE'S song. This is her first song playing PUBLIC (yes I know it was Bright but it was different. There was no band then yet.) It's her metamorphosis. The song reflects the change in Julie every time she sings:
"I'm awakened, no more faking so we push all our fears away. Don't know if I'll make it cause I'm failing under, close my eyes, and feel my chest beating like thunder. I wanna fly. Come alive. Watch me shine. " it starts off with noting Julie's life without music and then its restoration of it back in her life. Here is this word again, SHINE. It refers to the same thing just different situation. Sine as being themselves. Being true to themselves and singing their heart out.
"Hands up if you believe, been so long, and now I'm finally free. We're all bright now. What a sight now. Coming out like we're fireworks. Marching on proud. Turn it up loud cause now we know what we're worth" Now this can be applied to the entire band. They are visible again, they can be heard and seen. They are feeling as if they are alive again. But more importantly- remember how Julie couldn't sing in her class? How she choked back tears as she run away and Carrie's bitchy comment (it's not that I hate her but y'know if they used to be friends she must have known that Rose died so low blow). "COS NOW WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE WORHT" She proved to everyone that she can sing. She proved to her friends and family that she is getting better with her mother passing. And most of all that she feels closer to her when she sings. She is free. Free of pretending to be fine so her dad wouldn't worry. Free of bottling up all the fear of singing before Flynn and the inevitable disappointment because her friend knew Julie can sing but didn't to say with her in the music program. She is done proving things to people. She is shining bright and she is free.
Edge of Great - ultimate Juke song or a BAND song. Now let me explain, I love the ship I really do but-there is a but,however, I'm not going to go in about my slight concerns regarding Juke as it is canon so let me just jump into the analysis.
Of course it can be read as a Juke song but also as an Julie and Luke's song separately. "Running from the past. Tripping on the now. What is lost can be found, its obvious. And like a rubber ball we come bouncing back. We've all got a second act inside of us" essentially it's about how they all had their past, their demons to battle but they come together united in music. "This is an interesting little relationship you and I have" Luke said. And he was right. Because their relationship is not physical. Its a bond forged by similar life experience and the pain they draw from joined in music.
Now this bit, this 100% Juke right there: "I believe that were just one dream away from who we're meant to be. That were standing on the edge of- something big, something crazy our best days are yet unknown. That this moment is ours to own cause were standing on the edge of great" this gives me some serious throwback vibes to HSM. Also note how this is possibly the only song where Reggie and Luke don't share the mike. They stand next to each other but just watch Julie instead. Also, I think mentioned in other lengthy post about how Reggie and Alex intentionally poofed out giving Luke and Julie that last harmony moment by the piano.
Now this bit: "We all make mistakes but they're just stepping stones. To take us where we wanna go it's never straight, no. Sometimes we gotta lean. Lean on someone else to get a little help until we find our way." Now listen I mentioned the band. See I know this is the almost acoustic chilling chemistry packed moment when Luke and Julie sing. It's obvious they mean so much to each other. By the lyrics itself. It applies to the entire band. They were there to pick each other up and to provide a shoulder to rest their head on.
But as I said untimalte Juke song.
Unsaid Emily - now this, this is LUKE'S song. Obviously. But it's not only because it's dedicated to his mother. It's like Wake Up. It's the second song that is sang acoustically but just one person throughout. And it gives up such a great insight into Luke as a character.
"First things first, we start the scene from reverse, all of the lines rehearsed" THIS is how much his family means to him. He was going over this moment over and over and over in his head. Thinking what he would say. We saw in the show that he approached his house few times checking on his parents. Possibly hoping to come back but never doing it.
"I should have turned around but I had too much pride" he KNEW his parents were only looking out for him. But he was Luke. His music was EVERYTHING to him. Luke has a very single way of thinking of things. He didn't care, doesn't mean he didn't know, how hard it would be to make it. All that mattered it was his music. And it must have hurt. Because he says that his parents regretted buying him his first guitar. It's obvious that he was close with his parents with his mom so they must have not completely condone him being in the band. They just wanted him to have an option if the band won't work out. But Luke didn't see it like that. Because every time his parents tried to convince him to think about it for a moment to think about his future they were looking out for him but to him it felt like betrayal. Because to Luke it sounded like they had no faith in him, on his talent in his band and their chance or making it big. And it hurts SO FUCKING MUCH BECAUSE HE KNOWS IT. He knows it but as he sings he was too prideful to admit it. To come back.
"No times for goodbyes. Didn't get to applogise" and " conversations in my head and that's just where they're gonna stay forever" it's goddamn HEARTBREAKING because this song was written when he was still alive. He still stalked his house and his parents but THIS indicate that he thought things were beyond repair. Like he wanted to come back and apologise but thought it was too late. Like he would never get a chance to say he was sorry and ultimately he never did. Not until Julie.
"If I could take us back, if I could just do that. And write in every empty space the words I love you in replace and everytime would not erase me if you could only know I never let you go and the words I most regret and the ones I never meant to leave" everything he said was in the heat of the moment. He was hurt. But god, at this point I'm crying don't mind me, he thinks that he apologise would mean nothing. He says that if he could replace EVERY SINGLE WORD with I Love You he would but he think it would be erased. It would never be received. Thay it would dissapear. And ultimately it was. Because he died. He died and never got to say how sorry he was.
This song shows us the other side of Luke. Not only the side that only the band has seen before because I think that noone really saw Luke break down like thay when he was singing Unsaid Emily. He was bottling all of it inside and wouldn't let his friends to help him out. Because I refuse to believe that the boys wouldn't try to comfort him knowing that he was hunting around his parents both when he was alive and after.
And this song makes me ugly sob in every form, written, sang, seen in the show so thanks Kenny for it.
Stand Tall - this is the JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS song. The first one of many. And it's almost as heartbreaking as Unsaid Emily. First of all let's lay out the situation. Julie decides to sing ALONE and UNCERTAIN whether the boys would show up or not. Even if she still believes thay they are still there lingering, fighting to play the Orpheum with her and complete their unfinished business she would still lose them. When they cross over they are gone. And if they don't they will cease the exist in the afterlife. So no matter what Julie does she says goodbye to her family. And she STILL DECIDES TO SING.
"Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall." THIS FUCKING MOMENT. This is when the boys are supposed to come in. BUT THEY DON'T. They are still trapped in the HGC so JULIE LITERALLY IS THE LAST ONE STANDING. Because she thinks it's too late. She thinks they boys are dead.
I shit you not I scream everytime the boys appear and Luke flickering gives me a heart attach every single time but it's so powerful in terms of showing how much they mean for each other. When Alex and Reggie break free they are so happy to see Julie but when Luke can't get there quite yet the tension is palpable and I will never forgive Charlie for being the little shit when Luke finally appears exactly on his cue with a shit eating grin like he didn't almost die.
"Right now, I'm loving every minute. Hands down, can't let myself forget it, no cause everything is rushing in fast. Keep holding on never look back. And it's one, two, three, four times that I'll try for one more night. Light a fire in my eyes." This is so bittersweet because she is playing with the band. THEY MADE IT! But also she knows it's the last performance. And it's so powerful because she knows it and she will still keep trying. Keep playing music. Keep creating.
But I want to note the literal chills I get everytime Alex and Reggie get their separate "whatever happens even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall" because it speaks VOLUMES. For Alex standing tall is being who he is. Unashamed and happy and loved. For Reggie is being with his family. Doing everything for his found family.
This is incredible performance and on top of that the boys disappear barely finishing their bow. If you listen closely. The second Julie stops singing all the music dies down except for the last line guitar strum, Luke's guitar strum and everything is quiet. You can hear Julie's voice, alone, still echo but that's it. The boys are gone.
House is Where my Horse Is - ok, I know it was a joke cos they are in the rock back and this is country song. But you ever listened to a country music? And I'm not talking about modern stuff but a good old fashioned country ballad. I had a moment of little musical crisis in my life and listened to some songs and honestly they are so bittersweet and full of longing and melancholy. 90% of them are about loss, whether that be of a parent (almost always father and almost always cancer) or love and hardships of life and struggle. And I think it's really interesting to give Reggie, a person who is nothing but optimistic and cheerful this characteristic. Because if anything it only underlines what we have seen before that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed but he's smart. He sees things, and he might get lost in the conversation but he sees everything else. And it's not the fist country song he has written either. Luke says "stop putting your country songs in my journal". It's an occurring thing. I just think it sheds a light a bit on Reggie's character as someone else than the goofball.
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
Living, Learning, and Filming Ch.1 | Connor Brashier
A/n: once again I am just here rewriting/revising this series. Not much will change most likely, just some minor editing.
Summary: Y/n and Connor are partners for their final project. Their topic of choice, however, might get them in some trouble.
Warnings: just a little playful banter
Word count:1.8k
Week 1
“Brashier, I’m having a girl over tonight so I’m gonna need you to - whoa. What is going on in here? You’re cleaning?” My roommate, Brian questions, stopping in the doorway of my room.
I shrug, “Yeah. It was looking too messy.”
“Too messy,” he repeats. 
“That’s what I said.”
“Okay… Who’s the girl?”
“There’s no girl,” I answer, putting the dirty clothes in my hand in the hamper by my closet.
“Well you’re definitely not cleaning for yourself. I’ve seen this room worse than this and it didn’t bother you then.”
“Craigen, I don’t know what you’re talking about. My room was dirty, I wanted to clean it.”
“Because you want a girl in here,” he crosses his arms over his chest with a smirk, coming further into the room. “What class do you have with her?”
I sigh because I know there’s no point in hiding it from him, “She’s in my film class. We’re partners for our final.”
“And you want to fuck her?”
I scoff, “Brian, come on.”
“You do,” he cocks an eyebrow.
“Why does it matter? She’s coming over tomorrow for us to start on our project.”
“Uh huh. And what’s the project?”
I know my face just got a little redder. “Falling in love in college,” I mumble.
He laughs and I don’t mean one of those mocking “haha” types of laughs. I mean, he’s clutching his stomach, almost doubling over, he’s laughing so hard. 
“Falling,” he stops himself, still laughing. Dick. “Falling in love? Like with each other? Whose fucked idea was this? Do you know anything about her?”
“That’s what I’m doing with this. I made her a bet that one or both of us will be in love with each other by the end of this project.”
“Ha! By the end?” he shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. “You realize she’s already got you fucked, right? I mean, she’s already got you cleaning for her.” He gestures around the room with his hand as if that’s supposed to prove his point further. 
I scoff again, “Whatever. It’s just for fun, Brian.”
“A game?” he questions.
I shrug, “Yeah. A game.”
“And if you do just so happen to fall in love with her? What then?”
“It’s not gonna happen like that.”
“But if it does?” he persists.
“Then I lose.” She’s already made it pretty clear she’s not gonna fall for me.
I’m walking out of my ethics class when I catch sight of y/n with some, I’m assuming, friends. They’re just walking out of the cafeteria, she’s laughing, her hand combs gently through the ends of her hair. I won’t deny that she’s pretty. Dangerously, so. I don’t realize that I’m still staring until she catches my gaze and waves, smiling with teeth. I don’t want to be rude, so I wave back and I watch her say something to her friends before making her way over to me. 
“Hi,” she says brightly, a much different greeting than I was expecting. Our last encounter, she left the room without a smile on her face, head down, watching her feet as she walked. 
“Hi,” I respond, hands in my pockets, trying to bring out my “too cool” persona that I put on in front of other people.
“Are you busy right now?” she asks, her eyes shining bright, popping against the eyeshadow she’s wearing, which compliments the too big, navy blue sweater dress that’s currently swallowing her frame. 
“Um… no. What’s up?” I scratch the back of my neck.
“You in the mood to start filming?”
I hum, “I’d love to, but I left my camera at home.”
“I have mine in my dorm, I could start my part.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Come on, it’s nice out. We can go to the coffee shop down the street. I had a few ideas about what I wanted to do, if you’re down.”
“What are these ideas?” I ask as we start to walk toward her dorm, I’m guessing. 
“I don’t just want it to be a plain subject with no interaction between the director and subject. If we’re going to do this specific topic, we have to do it a little differently than just saying ‘okay, action.’ We won’t get the best results that way.”
She’s looking at her shoes again as she walks. “I was thinking about something like an interview process. Just as an introduction. A kind of ‘who are you? Have you ever been in love?’ type thing. Obviously asking questions pertaining to the topic, but also just to get to know the different subjects, and to get them comfortable.”
“I like it. And I think toward the end of the project we could do another one, same questions, hopefully different answers.”
She nods, still not looking up. “Yeah, hopefully.”
“Your shoes are still there, you know?” I joke.
“What?” Finally, her eyes meet mine. 
“You watch your feet when you walk.”
“Oh, um… sorry. I didn’t notice.”
“No, don’t apologize. It’s cute. It just makes it hard to look at your eyes when you talk.”
“Well they’re nothing special. You’re not missing anything,” she chuckles.
“They’re pretty,” I tell her and her cheeks heat up.
“Thank you,” she says quietly. 
“So, this is the way to your dorm?” 
“Yep… do you live on campus?”
“No, my friend, Brian and I share an apartment a few miles from here.”
“Oh, does he go here too?”
“Yeah, he’s a business major.”
“Oh, that’s cool. That’s what I was going to do if this whole photography thing didn’t work out.”
“Why do you think it’s not going to work?”
“Well there’s a lot of film going on recently. It’s competitive, I don’t exactly know how my work is going to fit into the equation, but that’s not stopping me just yet.”
I smile softly at the confession. “Well, I may not have seen your work yet, but I’m pretty sure you’re gonna make it.”
“Ah, says the guy who has already made his big break, traveling the world with Mr. Shawn Mendes himself.”
“You've been reading up on me,” I muse.
“I thought if we were going to be working together, I needed to know who I was going to be spending my time with. Your stuff is really, really good. I can see why he hired you.”
“Oh,” it’s my turn to blush, “well, thank you.” 
When we get inside her dorm building she turns to face me, “So, the elevator’s broken. Has been for a couple weeks. They keep saying they’re gonna fix it, but at this point I’m expecting them to be working on it the day we come back from Christmas break. Anyway, are you good with the stairs?”
“Well I don’t really have a choice, do I?” I counter.
“I mean, you could stay down here if you’d like. I’ll just be a minute.”
“No, I was kidding. I’m good taking the stairs.”
“Okay, then follow me,” she says, taking her keys from her bag. 
She’s a few steps ahead of me, and if I look up at just the right time I can - 
“Looking up my dress isn’t going to get you under it any faster, Brashier.”
My eyes widen and I shake my head, “No. I - I wasn’t.”
“You were,” she looks down at me from her step and smirks. “You’re not very smooth, are you?”
“Up until this very moment, I thought I was.”
She nods, “You might be a smooth talker, but your actions need a little work.”
I chuckle, “If you say so, sweetheart.”
Y/n scrunches up her nose, “Sweetheart,” she continues walking and I follow. “That’s condescending.”
“You’re really gonna make this hard for me, aren’t you?” I shake my head in disbelief.
“Well where’s the fun in me making it easy for you?” 
I hum and press my body close against hers, holding gently onto her elbow as she reaches to unlock the door, “How about we save ‘sweetheart’ for the bedroom then? Hmm?”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes, “You’d have to get there first, Connor. And right now? You couldn’t be further away.” She looks back at me and I glance between her eyes and her lips.
“You keep frowning and your face will stay like that.” I run my index finger over her bottom lip and her eyes flutter shut.
But she quickly opens them again, turning away from my burning gaze, “Two and a half months,” she mumbles. “God, help me.” I don’t think she meant for me to hear either of those things, but the proximity of us was currently my friend and I thank god she hasn’t told me to move yet.
“Okay,” Y/n fixes the settings on her camera, looking through the lens every few seconds and then back at me. “I think we’re ready.”
“We're just going right in?”
She nods behind the camera, “Yep. And… we’re recording. What’s your full name?”
“My name is Connor David Brashier. I am twenty-one, and a junior here at UCLA.”
“What are your hobbies?”
“I like filming, playing video games, and surfing.”
“What is it about filming that you like the most?”
I push at my bottom lip with my tongue, thinking the question over. “I like capturing the things that would otherwise go unnoticed. Those small things that no one thinks about until after the fact. Like at concerts, people are there and they watch the show, but they don’t see what happens behind the stage, they don’t see how incandescently happy they are to be there. I like giving that back to them. That feeling they had, the feeling the performer and the team had before and after the show.”
She’s smiling behind the camera and I can’t help but blush, looking down at my hands. “Do you see yourself doing this for the rest of your life?”
“Of course, I do.”
“Even if it takes you away from your family?”
I have to think about it for a minute. “It doesn’t take me away from them. They’re always with me, supporting me.”
“I like that answer,” she says, tugging at the bottom of her sweater. “And uh, last couple questions.”
“Alright. Hit me.”
“These questions pertain to the actual topic of our project. Which as you know is the average life of someone falling in love. So your question is: have you ever been in love before?”
I look at her, hiding behind the screen of her camera and I can’t stop myself from smiling fondly. “No. Not yet.”
She nods. “Can you see yourself falling in love with someone?”
I take my time to answer this, because I know my answer, but I don’t want to seem too eager. 
“Sorry,” I clear my throat. “Can you repeat the question?”
“Can you see yourself falling in love with someone?” she asks again.
“Yes,” I answer. “Yeah, I can see myself falling in love with you.”
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Cause Somewhere in the Crowd (There's You) (Diamond Chaney) - Plegdoctor
A/N: Not much to say for this one really, just a short Diamond Chaney girlband au based off Super Trouper by ABBA. Enjoy!
The other girls were more excited than she was, unpacking the van and chatting animatedly while all Lawrence could do was stare around. The building in front of her was imposing in more ways than one – physically huge, towering over her and casting a shadow on the otherwise sunny day, but also mentally imposing. Lawrence can still remember walking into it when she was a small girl in primary school, brown hair in neat plaits and eyes as wide as saucers as she hung onto her best friend’s hand and gaped.
Now she’s standing in front of it, brown hair dyed a vibrant purple and thrown into a ponytail at the top of her head, her eyes wide as saucers, and her hand empty.
It had all gone a bit too far really, starting with Bimini slamming their fists on the table in year 12 and excitedly suggesting they start a girlband (“Well, three girls and me innit”) and Lawrence can’t trace her finger along what happened next to lead her to standing in Glasgow, a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realises what she’s doing there.
“You alright babe?” Lawrence turns to look down on Bimini, standing next to her with a concerned frown on their face. “Excited to be back in your hometown?”
Lawrence forces a laugh, a fake smile slipping onto her face in an action that more natural than she would care to admit. “Loving it Bim.”
Bimini grins. “Good. Just think, it’ll be like facing 20,000 of your friends.”
Lawrence’s snort is genuine at Bimini’s words, her eyes rolling fondly at the never-ending optimism of her tiny friend. “I don’t think there’s quite that many seats, babes.”
Self-proclaimed monarch of the PMA, Bimini simply shrugs and pivots to run towards Tayce who is three seconds away from dropping the crate full of water on her foot. Lawrence watches the scenes with a hint of amusement, the weighted feeling in her stomach settling. Her mind goes back to Bimini’s words, the thought of facing 20,000 of your friends. There’s only one friend that Lawrence wants to face when she’s on stage tonight – and that friend is currently on the other side of Scotland in her hairdressing salon.
The thought weighs on her mind until it’s pressing against her cranium and cracking her skull by the time she’s thrown herself across the hotel bed and sighed for approximately the 50 millionth time.
Lawrence loves what she does. She does. She loves her friends, Bimini, Tayce, and A’whora. She loves the process of writing new songs, long hours locked in the studio throwing harmonies and lyrics around until it just sounds like pure gibberish. She (secretly) loves learning the choreography that Tayce insists they must do, repeating the wee steps until her body finally moves in the right way and Tayce enthusiastically high fives her. She loves getting into costume and makeup, the process transforming her from Lawrence Chaney who got picked on in school into international popstar Lawrence Chaney who regularly performs on the biggest stages all around the world with her girlband.
They’ve worked hard for what they have too. Lawrence likes to tell people that becoming a household name is no overnight feat. From the day that Bimini first suggested it, to the joyful tears rolling down their faces as they came second on the X Factor, to their first single blowing up. They’ve worked hard every step of the way and been rewarded for it.
So why does Lawrence feel so ready to give it up? Part of the success that never ends is continuing to work, but for the past two months Lawrence has done nothing but eat, sleep, and sing. Her throat is raw and at moments she thinks she’s going crazy.
Her eyes catch her phone, dressed up in the delightfully tacky pink phone case that was a gift from Ellie for her last birthday. She picks it up and the screen flickers to life, displaying a picture of two girls with their heads close together and identical smiles.
Lawrence hasn’t spoken to her in far too long. Recently the whirlwind of life has swept her up to much for her to even think straight let alone have a conversation with a human being who is not also obsessively repeating lyrics under their breath.
It’s a lonely word.
“Hey. It’s good to hear from you.”
Then Lawrence hears that voice, that accent that is so soft in her ear, and she could cry.
“I didn’t disturb you did I?”
“No hen, it’s fine, I only jumped so much at the ringing of my phone that I shaved some wee granny’s curls off but I’m sure she’ll forgive me.”
Ellie’s bored and matter of fact tone makes Lawrence burst out a laugh. “Poor Doreen, she’s really got to stop trusting you with those clippers.”
She can only imagine the way the corner’s of Ellie’s mouth might turn up at her teasing. “How is the salon anyway?”
“It’s in good hands. But babe, forget the salon, how’s your tour going?”
Even Ellie, the girl who knows her better than anyone else in the world, is excited for Lawrence and that only breaks her heart more. She grins ruefully, despite the knowledge that Ellie can’t see her.
“Honestly? I’ve been wishing that every show was the last show.”
Ellie’s little high-pitched noise of protest comes from her throat, her mouth undoubtedly in a little O shape with her eyebrows sliding upwards. “But you’ve only just got to Glasgow! You wouldn’t want to miss that!”
“Do you remember that trip to the theatre in primary school?”
A beat of silence at the other end of the line. “Of course I do. The one where I almost threw up on the bus because you fed me too many sweets?”
Lawrence chuckles. “Aye. Love how that’s the thing you remember about it.”
Miles away, Ellie shrugs cheekily. “I never forget friend abuse.”
“You’re such a wee cow, you know that right?”
“All part of my charm.”
“Anyway, being here is just making me realise how much I miss home. Tour is great Els, but I miss everything. I miss you.”
Ellie laughs. Lawrence shoots up in the hotel bed in outrage. “I just poured my heart out to you and you laugh at me?”
“First of all, not sure saying you miss me is pouring your heart out.”
She’s glad she chose to do this alone in the room and not anywhere near the other girls. She can’t begin to imagine the way that A’whora would pounce on her flushed face.
“Second of all, I wasn’t going to tell you this but I have a surprise for you. Listen.”
Ellie switches the phone to speakerphone and holds it away from her ear. In contrast, Lawrence presses her ear against the screen harder, knuckles white as she grips the pink case.
At first she can’t hear anything, just the faint murmuring of people talking in the background. She strains to listen for the sounds of hairdryers and flowing water. None of that comes and Lawrence lets out a huff of frustration.
“Ellie, explain to me exactly what the fuck I’m meant to be listening for?”
This train will depart at Glasgow.
Lawrence’s mouth dries completely.
“You’re coming to Glasgow?”
“No, just got on the train there for a bit of fun, I’m going straight back. Might not even get off the train it’s so comfy.”
“Get to fuck Els, I’m meant to be the funny one in this relationship.” Her mouth might be dry but her eyes aren’t, small jewels of tears welling up and threatening to spill over with every shaking word.
“I’m taking that title for now. I just need you to be the famous one in this relationship. You can do that, can’t you?”
“Ellie, for you I would do this entire tour all over again.”
Closer to her than she realises, Ellie smiles. “Good. See you on stage.”
“I’ll be thinking about you only.”
The call ends with a smile on Lawrence’s lips and a single tear sliding down her cheek. Suddenly she feels alright. And it’s gonna be so different when she’s on the stage tonight.
“Alright slags! Lawrence’s hometown so we’re gonna rock it just as hard as we always do. Hands in and United Kingdolls on three! One, two, three, United Kingdolls!” All four of them cheer, hoisting their hands in the air.
Their little preshow chanting may seem silly to other people but they’ve always done it. Even when it was only them singing covers with Ellie doing their hair and makeup, and A’whora ripping through charity shops to find decent costumes. It feels only fitting that they still do it now when they’re singing their own songs in professionally made costumes and makeup done by a professional artist.
Lawrence still keeps the style of her hair the same though. It’s changed colours a few times over the years, but it’s always in the same curls that Ellie brushed through minutes before the sixth form talent show.
Lawrence inhales as the music starts. The beat is steady and familiar, but tonight it feels so much more electric. She knows that the minute she’s on that stage she’s going to get blinded by that one beam of stage light that always finds it’s way to her eye, but she won’t feel blue like she always does.
When she gets on stage her eyes roam the massive crowd until she sees, in the very middle of a group of screaming girls, a head of baby pink hair. The sight of her proves to Lawrence that she’s still alive, and Lawrence uses that spark of energy to throw everything into her performance. She hits every note perfectly, her body moving in perfect harmony to the choreography that she usually fucks up at least once.
There’s a massive smile on her painted lips and she hopes that Ellie can read the smile, know that because of her, Lawrence is having fun on stage for the first time in months. There’s four of them in the band, but tonight Lawrence feels like a number one. The lights do not blind her but find her instead, shining like the sun.
They finish the first song with a flourish and Lawrence ignores the hundreds of screams to find Ellie’s. They still have the rest of the show, but Lawrence knows that they’re going to get through it and give Glasgow the best concert they’ve seen in years. Then she can stumble off stage and go from popstar Lawrence to Ellie’s Lawrence, falling into her arms and holding her tight. It’s gonna mean so much more tonight.
Because, somewhere in the crowd, there’s Ellie.
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bigballofstress · 4 years
To Share an Armchair (Tom Holland x Actress!Reader)
Description:  You and Tom appear on Conan to promote your new movie together, Spider-Man: Homecoming.  Little do you know, Tom has a bit more planned than your usual run-of-the-mill interview.
Prequel to The Interview
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I took a deep, nervous breath, my hands wringing together as I looked out into the absolutely packed audience.
“You’ll be fine,” a warm, comforting presence appeared behind me.  I turned quickly to see my best friend, Tom, smiling down at me.  “They love you, and you love them.”
I smiled a bit.  He always seemed to know just what to say to make me feel better.
Tom and I had been working together since the filming of Captain America: Civil War, where I’d played another of Tony’s young recruits.  Now, with the new Spider-Man movie coming out, we were sent to advertise the release.  So, there we stood, on the set of Conan, ready give yet another interview.  Except, this time, we’d be promoting the movie by ourselves.  “I’m just not very used to going out there without an older cast member or producer or something,” I sighed.
“Just be your usual funny, witty, charming self, and I promise you that everything will turn out well,” Tom reassured me.
I nodded firmly in an effort to strengthen my resolve.  “Thanks, Tom.”
“Anytime, sweetcheeks,” he grinned.  I rolled my eyes playfully at the cheesy nickname that he had taken to calling me ever since our second week of filming, claiming that my ‘cheeks were too sweet to be called anything else.’
“And now, please welcome Tom Holland and (Y/N) (L/N) to the stage!” Conan shouted.  Tom walked out, and I quickly followed.  The lights were practically blinding, and my ears were ringing from the very, very loud cheers.  I shook off my fears and muscled my way past the almost overwhelming scene to grin and wave with both hands to the audience before moving to take my seat.
The only armchair available was already occupied by a certain web slinger.  I pouted and crossed my arms.  “I was going to sit there!”
“Well, I’m already here.  Sorry, sweetcheeks,” Tom smirked up at me, settling further into the very comfortable looking chair.
I frowned.  “Aw, c’mon, Tommy!  Pleeeease?” I tilted my chin down and sent him my best puppy dogs.
Tom shook his head.  “Hey, you can sit anywhere you want, but I’m not moving.”
My lips immediately quirked upwards.  “Ok!” I quickly responded before plopping myself down sideways across Tom’s lap with my legs hanging over the other armrest.  His hands reflexively went to my waist in an effort to stabilize me.  Tom stared at me in shock, and I just grinned back triumphantly.
I turned to look at Conan, who was watching the whole ordeal go down with an amused smile.  “Hi, Conan,” I grinned.
The tall man chuckled.  “Hi, (Y/N).”
I had to flip my head upside down to look at Andy, as the armrest that my back was leaning against was the one facing him.  “Nothing personal, I just really wanted the chair.”
Andy scoffed in fake hurt.  “Yeah, sure.  Just pretend you’re not repulsed by me.”
“Well, I am a pretty good actress,” I shrugged, pretending to think it over.
Conan barked out a laugh, and I grinned, straightening back up and settling further into Tom’s lap.  “So I guess (ship name) is real?” Conan chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows.
My face went bright red, and I scoffed.  “Yeah, just about as real as Candy,” I bit back in an attempt to misdirect from my extreme embarrassment.
Conan laughed his big belly laugh again.  “No, (Y/N)’s just unbelievably stubborn is all,” Tom added with a slight shake of his head.
“I’ve heard a few rumors, though, about the two of you,” Conan continued.  “A lot of people are talking about a recent incident involving gymnastics?”
I groaned and hid my face in Tom’s chest.  “Yeah, she was just so graceful,” Tom chuckled.
I hit his arm with a pout.  “Oh, shut up.  It really hurt, ok?”
Tom grinned and turned to Conan.  “You see, we’ve had a wager going on for quite a while over who was the better actor.  So, when we got off set early one day, we decided to prove it once and for all.  We each invented a character for the other to play.  I was supposed to be a foul-tempered, incredibly avid fan of some sort of predatory bird--”
“The eagles, Tom,” I rolled my eyes.  “You were playing a fan of the Philadelphia Eagles.  Anyways, Tommy here had decided to make me a world class gymnast.  You know, because I’m so experienced.”
“Whoever was revealed to be lying about their identity first would lose the bet,” Tom continued.  “And he or she would have to do one thing the other asked, no matter what it was.”
“It didn’t go very well,” I sighed, cringing slightly at the memory.  “And I still maintain that I won, by the way!”
Tom shook his head.  “Not a chance, sweetcheeks.  You see, we were talking to a wonderful young lady on the street when I noticed (Y/N) getting a bit excited.  Turns out, she’d noticed a Philadelphia sticker on the woman’s bag.  So she started raving about how much I loved the Eagles and all of the Philadelphia teams.  Naturally, I began talking of her supposed experience in gymnastics.  The woman was rather impressed and asked if she could see her do a flip.”
“Meanwhile, I can’t do any sort of gymnastics to save my life,” I scoffed.  “So instead of flipping, I asked Tom what sport the Eagles play.”  The audience laughed a bit.  “He couldn’t respond, and voila!  I win!”
“Not quite,” Tom chuckled.  “That woman didn’t say a word until you tried to do a flip and landed directly on your bum.  She caught you first, pointing out that you weren’t a gymnast.  Only afterwards did she say I had no idea where Philadelphia even was.”
I frowned.  “Yeah, but she knew you were faking it first.”
“Those weren’t the rules, sweetcheeks,” Tom grinned.  I rolled my eyes.
I’d barely taken notice of the loud laughter until Conan spoke up again between chuckles.  “Here’s a clip from the new Spider-Man: Homecoming in theaters July 7, check it out!”
While the clip played, Tom grinned and poked me in the side.  “You know, I still get to ask you that favor.”
“Fine, I concede.  What do you want, Holland?” I rolled my eyes again.
“You’ll see in just a moment,” he answered, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I snorted softly in an attempt not to laugh over the preview being played.  “What the heck was that?”
“I was being mysterious!” He defended.
“You looked like you’d lost all control over your facial muscles,” I smirked.
Tom frowned, but before he could reply, the lights came back on.  So instead, he turned to look at our host.  “Conan, before we go, can I ask a favor?”
Conan nodded.  Tom gently picked me up while he stood, placing me back in the seat.  He walked towards the edge of the stage.  I leaned over to Andy.  “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” I stage whispered.
“Yeah, but I’m not telling you.  You didn’t want to sit next to me,” Andy responded with a humph, crossing his arms.  I laughed at his antics.
Tom had returned by that point.  In his arms was the most adorable little creature I’d ever seen in my entire life.  “This is Firestar,” he said, holding up the absolutely precious chocolate lab puppy.  “She’s incredibly stubborn, so I thought you two might get along.”
“Tom, I can’t believe you!” I squealed, accepting the puppy without hesitation.  She immediately started trying to lick my face.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to call in that favor you owe me.”  I glanced up at him suspiciously.  Tom just smiled.  “Go with me to the premier?  As my date?” Tom stood before me nervously, his cheeks bright red, while he anticipated my answer.
My eyes widened, and my breath caught in my throat.  I couldn’t believe he’d actually just asked me out.  Of course I had fantasized about this, but I never actually thought it would happen.
“Say yes!” I random shout from somewhere in the crowd startled me out of my trance.
My face broke out into a huge grin, and I nodded quickly.  “Of course I’ll go with you, you big dummy!” I said, hiding my immense excitement behind the small joke.
Tom’s nervousness melted into happiness, and he rushed forward to hug me, taking care not to crush the puppy between us.
“Tom Holland and (Y/N) (L/N), everybody!” Conan shouted above the cheers.  “Now officially (ship name)!” The cheers and screams got even louder, and I laughed, almost having to cover my ears.  We were both soon ushered off the stage to make way for whoever was next to appear on the show.
When we finally had a minute to breath, I turned to Tom.  “I can’t believe you got me a puppy,” I laughed.  My smiled was still plastered to my face, and I had a feeling it wasn’t going away anytime soon.
“Everyone gets flowers,” Tom shrugged.  I laughed and shook my head.  “So there is one other thing I need to know before we can go on a date.”
My brow furrowed slightly, and my smile wavered.  “What is it?” I asked warily.
“What color is your dress?  I have to know what I’m matching my tie to.”
I pursed my lips in pretend anger, despite the smile that still managed to peak through.  “You jerk, you really had my scared!” I hit his arm.
“Ow!” Tom complained.  He grabbed my hand as it was gearing up to hit him again and pulled me into another hug, still softly chuckling my hair.  I grinned and cradled my new puppy to my chest, who’d already fallen asleep after all the excitement.  I was going to go on a date with Tom Holland.  Maybe I’ll even get to be his girlfriend!
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