#it low key pains me to call him that tbh because he is my favourite but it’s true
emily-mooon · 1 year
Emily of New Moon deserves to have its own Anne with an E. It would work so well too considering the fact that the books are very dark and it would do a good job of expanding the characters, particularly my boy Teddy Kent because he was done dirty in the show from the 90s.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! Im back, tysm for doing my HC ;;/ it was super cute, i really liked Mammons and Satans!! If you dont mind if i ask for another? Hdjsks Recently, i slipped while walking home with some pals and scrapped my knee. It wasnt too bad, but it sure looked bad lmao If you can could you do HCs for the boys reacting to MC slipping and scrapping there knee while walking w them? Im sure Mammon would have a heart attack hfjd Tysm!! Keep up the good work♡
Thank you so much! I hope your knee gets better and that it wasn’t too painful! The brothers would all be panicking in their own way but I agree, Mammon would faint or something lmao.
Hope this was OK.
The Brothers with an MC who fell and scraped their knee:
-It was a miracle you managed to convince him to come out on a walk with you at all
-The man doesn’t know when to take a break from his work
-He’s more likely to accept if it’s you asking tho, he has an obvious soft spot for you
-The others call him a suck up behind his back because of it
-You were so happy that you managed to pry Lucifer away from his desk, you were basically skipping alongside him
-Long story short, you tripped over your own two feet and fell
-Luckily, your knees and palms were the only things that got a bit scruffy
-Well, actually your right knee looked as if someone tried removing your entire knee cap with a scalpel, skin and all but adrenaline was kicking in and you couldn’t feel much
-You’ve never seen Lucifer freeze the way he did then
-His mind just drew a blank
-You were about to shrug it off and call it a day, get up and continue your walk but daddy Lucifer can’t have that
-He has six younger brothers (and a younger sister at some point) he is pretty experienced when it comes to treating injuries
-You aren’t walking for the rest of the day, let me make this clear
-He will carry you back to the House of Lamentation no matter how much you protest
-In case it wasn’t obvious already, Lucifer gives off massive dad vibes and now he’s bandaging your leg while you’re laying down on his bed
-While the rest of the brothers watch the two of you from behind the door frame because they are all equally worried
-Get ready for the three hour lecture coming your way
-He’s pissed and amused at the same time tbh
-Silly human, falling over like that and hurting themselves
-Lord Diavolo forbid you try to get out of that bed, he will drag you back and make sure you stay there until your knee is better (kinky)
-He was on his merry way to the casino to blow off all of Lucifer’s money and you tagged along solely for the purpose of making sure he didn’t spend all of Lucifer’s money
-You’d both be done for if he did
-But I guess fate really had it out for you on that day since your foot slipped on....something and you tripped
-Both of your knees looked bloody and damaged as hell but you were more irritated than anything
-Mammon on the other hand did a fucking double take and almost passed out
-He screeched his lungs out
-One look at your injured knees and he was ready to drag you all the way to the human realm on foot to find you a doctor
-It was very dramatic, he cried
-You stood up to prove that you were alright because you thought he was going to have a seizure soon enough
-OK, that helped him calm down a little
-At least now he knew your legs weren’t about to get torn off and you weren’t on the verge of death
-Fuck the casino, you were going home
-Like Lucifer, don’t expect you will walk home by yourself
-He will carry you, a bit embarrassed by his initial freak out but still eyeing your wound, concerned
-As soon as you get home and the other brothers help you out because he’s shit at bandaging, he just sits in his own pool of misery and guilt
-Your poor knees wouldn’t be so jacked up if you hadn’t come along with him today
-He was so determined to make it up to you, he stayed by your bedside like a loyal puppy with a wagging tail (flashback to the animal event)
-Overall, he almost went into cardiac arrest and was too panicked to realise you were fine
-You thought he was smothering and overprotective before? Good luck for the rest of the week
-“See, this is why I don’t like going out. There’s always some normie laying on the groun- OH MY LORD DIAVOLO, MC IS THAT YOU?? ARE YOU OK?”
-You fell knees first and hurt them quiet badly but you could stand, even if the pain made you twitch a little
-This confused Levi because you looked fine even though your knees certainly didn’t
-You told him you felt alright and it wasn’t that big of a deal and he absolutely rolled with it
-But you guys still went home after that
-He said it was because you bled all over your cosplay but that’s just him being a tsundere
-Levi is usually very shy when it comes to physical contact but he firmly insisted that he help you walk home
-I mean, he knows you said you were feeling OK and maybe humans just have a lot of tolerance for injuries like that
-But he still felt it was necessary that he took you home and checked out your injuries
-He kept the mood light while disinfecting you’re wound with some help from Satan by talking about how the convention went
-High low-key relieved seeing you walk around like normal two minutes after that
-He started bitching to you about how you made him miss his the event but he didn’t mean any of it
-“Stupid normie, making me miss my favourite Ruri-chan event. You’re lucky I love you and think you’re cute....did I just say that out loud??”
-Oh dear, why would you go out for a walk in the middle of a rainstorm? What were you thinking?
-Actually, it was Satan’s idea
-He may be a demon and the prince of Wrath no less, but he is such a sappy, cheesy bastard at times
-He definitely thinks that walking and kissing in the rain is very romantic (bet he read something like that in an erotica)
-You know what’s not romantic blondie? Slipping on a very small puddle and potentially fracturing your leg
-It was just a scraped knee but you were frustrated enough to be extra
-He’s helping you up before you even have the chance to realise you fell in the first place
-Your knee was looking pretty bad so you guys went home just to avoid any further casualties
-He’s actually chuckling all the way back while you playfully glare at him because how dare he laugh at your misery?
-Date night was ruined but at least he got to take care of you
-He knew your knee must have hurt and he felt bad but he couldn’t help but giggle a bit to himself because your fall was so comical
-Ah but he does enjoy fussing over you for the rest of the night a bit too much
-You thought Mammon was melodramatic?
-Take a look at this fucking guy
-He actually screeches even louder than his brother and probably falls to his knees too (but not really because those pants were expensive)
-His screams definitely got the attention of at least 10 random passerbyers
-He’s actually on the verge of crying
-I mean, can you blame him?? Look at your beautiful knees!! They were ruined
-He felt so bad for you, he actually babied the hell out of you that day
-“Asmo, it’s fine. It’s just a scrap.”
-It was just a scrap but Asmo’s secret talent is being extra as fuck
-He totally spilled all the tea to the rest of the brothers when he got home
-And then he ushered you into his room
-Funnily enough, he’s pretty good with injuries. Not as much as Satan and Lucifer but still
-He pampered you for the next few hours but that image of your skin being all grazed like that will forever haunt him
-How can you not be so bothered by it?? He’d die if he was in your place
-I love Asmo just because of how dramatic he is
-Your shoelaces were undone and of course that meant a fun little trip to the floor of Hell’s Kitchen
-Beel didn’t notice you fell at first, he was concentrating on his food and assumed you were next to him
-But then he realised that you weren’t and for a moment he thought you disappeared or something
-Before he turned to find you laying on the floor, curled up because life was pain and you were suffering
-“Are you OK? Or are you just tired? Belphie does that a lot when he’s tired.” Or depressed one might say
-But for real, he’s good at identifying serious wounds and less serious wounds since he’s an athlete
-He can tell your knees were bleeding way more than they should have from just a simple scrap
-He slinged you over his shoulder and carried you, calmly, back home, with a burger still in his hand
-He’s actually really collective and talked to you while cleaning up your injury to take your mind off the pain
-He knows humans are a little more fragile than demons so even though he knows it’s not a big deal, he can’t help but worry
-It’s kinda hard falling around him tho because chances are, he will actually catch you even if he happens to hold something
-He’s sad if you’re sad so please don’t cry he will bandage your scraped knee do you want the last bit of his burger to make you feel better?
-Comfort hugs afterwards!
-Which is awesome because Beel gives out best hugs :)
-Ah yes, another beautiful day at RAD
-Walking alongside with your grumpy and sleepy boyfriend when a random demon bumps into you
-Wel not bumps, more like shoves you so hard you fall down and tear the fabric of your pants
-While the dude shrugs it off and speeds away
-You were a bit pissed off because rude
-But Belphie was fucking fuming
-He felt so offended on your part
-I mean, the nerve of him
-He was tired as shit but he wanted to chase after him and throw hands, possibly fill his pillow with rocks and hit him over the head with it
-He forced himself to focus on you first before hunting the moron down
-He was a bit concerned when he didn’t see you come back up after you fell
-Turns out, you scraped your knee pretty horribly and now you were bleeding all over the floor
-He’s even more quiet than usual as he helps you up and half carries you to your next class
-He starts taking care of your knee in the middle of DevilDom history he doesn’t give a flying fuck
-He’s still furious by the time he gets home and most of his brothers know to leave him be when he makes that scary ass face
-No talk to him
-He angy
-“Does your knee still hurt?”
-“A bit but it’s not-“
-“Come nap with me.”
-“Naps shall cure your pain.”
-“Nah but for real come take a nap with me.”
-Next day at school, the dude from yesterday walks by him and Belphie smashes his head against the wall
-Before walking away as if nothing happened
-I stan protective Belphie
These HCs are really bad but I love them anyway
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Heya Author-san, Can I get an ikesen match-up? I never loses a temper, I am very quiet and shy, & have a hard time trusting new people. I look intimidating at first glance because of my height, & I don't smile that much. Once I warmed up, I get along well with anyone. I'm a bit disaster prone, & tend to hit my head on lower branches, & arches, I prefer male clothes. I love drawing, painting, crafting, reading, cooking, cats, & dogs. I literally dislike slimy and bitter vegetables.
Hi, there love! <3 thanx so so much for the request! I hope you have a good day and enjoy!❤🔥
So I match you with.................... Ieyasu 
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The first time Ieyasu sees you, his eyes go wide, you certainly look like a strange woman. You look up from where you are sitting, and your eyes lock with his bright green emerald eyes. Both of you being the shy reserved sweethearts that you are, blush profusely and look away. There is no denying the two of you cuties are clearly attracted to each other. You can help but give a small, shy smile when you look away, and when Ieyasu looks at you once more to see the small smile his breath catches in his throat, you are absolutely breathtaking. That smile of yours is enough to brighten up not only the room, but absolutely melt his soft boi heart. The second Masamune catches wind of Ieyasu small crush he instantly calls him out, completely ruining the moment between the two of you “Pppffffst like I would ever find such a weak, silly girl attractive, now if you excuse me I have work to do”. He promptly stands up and storms away, not before giving Masamune one of his signature eye-roll.
You are now left in the room back to feeling incredibly shy, and awkward. All eyes were now on you as Masamune and Mitsuhide were teasing the shit out of you for also having a small crush on the resident hedgehog. Even Mitsunari chimed in “Isn’t it great that you are making so many, friends.” You smiled a little at that, you were low key thankful that they were all big personalities cause it helped coax you out your shell a bit. You were honestly surprised that they weren’t intimidated by your height. TBH if anything they would call you a cute giant. 
Especially after you had walked into the council room the next day still wearing your normal clothes. Hideyoshi threw a fit “Why are you wearing such revealing clothes, go change right this moment young lady.” You just rolled your eyes “I tried, they don’t fit, its as if they were made for a midget, as you can see I am somewhat of a giant.” Masamune was howling in laugher at your statement. That shut Hideyoshi up real quick. He made sure to have kimonos tailor-made to fit your length
You slowly but surely started adapting to the castle live, and soon you were friends with all the warlords. You were particularly fond of Ieyasu and Mitsunari and couldn’t help but smile every time you ran into one of them in the castle’s archives. You especially liked running into Ieyasu, he would always make two cups of tea and then place one next to you as he came to sit down across from you, to immerse himself in his studies. You couldn’t help but laugh at the way he groaned and rolled his eyes when Mitsunari would join the two of you. 
There was definitely loads of chemistry between the two of you as ever so often one of you would glance up from the book you were reading, just to lock eyes with one another, smile and look back down at your books. This little exchanged happened almost everytime the two of you were together. It was clear you liked each other, but was simply just too shy to make the first move and break the ice
You were an incredibly clumsy, accident-prone person. Ieyasu often teased you calling you giraffe girl at they way you would suddenly lose balance or hit your head on low tree branches or arches. You were in his room 24/7 cause of your clumsy ways. Today you had come to his manor as you had accidentally hit your head on a tree branch a little too hard, you had a slight cut on the top of your head. To make matters worse after you had hit your head, you lost footing, causing you to tumble into the nearby stream. When you got up, a sharp pain shot through your ankle. Ieyasu found you sitting beside the stream soaked, with blood streaming down your face. His heart stopped at the sight of the blood. He carefully picked you up and carried you back to his manor. “Silly girl, is it possible for you to go a single day without injuring yourself, you really are a tiresome creature.” 
Although his words were harsh, his eyes held a gentle concern and the way he treated your head injury was careful and gentle. You also didn’t miss his fond smile as he was treating you. The two of you chatted while he patched you up. When he was done he signalled to one of the maids to lead you to a warm bath that he had drawn for you, he didn’t forget that you were soaking wet and probably chilled to the bone. Once you were done bathing, you entered his room wearing one of his old kimonos, he couldn’t help but blush and feel a sense of pride seeing you in his clothes. And you absolutely loved it, it was so warm and cosy, you considered stealing it to comfortably wear on your off days. Plus you loved how it smelled like Ieyasu, there was just something warm, comforting and soothing about his scent. 
He sat down and made the two of you some tea. You had gotten to know him quite well over the course of a few months, and you couldn’t deny that your love for him had only grown. He piggybacked you back to the palace cause no way could he allow you to walk on that sprained ankle of yours. When he left he simply smiled and said: “I have half a mind about covering you in bubble wrap before I go, cause who knows what kind of random injury you will get if left alone.” The two of you just laughed as he said his goodbyes.
He came by to visit you every day to check on your injuries. He used your sprained ankle as a convenient excuse to pop in and see you, even though in truth, he loved spending time with you. Once your ankle was all healed up, you decided to thank Ieyasu with a delish home-cooked meal. You honestly loved cooking, and the fact that you could use your talents to payback Ieyasu for his kindness made your heart bubble with happiness. Ieyasu was super surprised when you walked into his room and place a tray down in front of him. He couldn’t help but smile as he took a bite of your food. He absolutely melted into a puddle of happiness, it tasted sooo good, it made him even happier when you had remembered that he liked his food spicy.  
Unfortunately for both of you at that exact moment, Mitsunari had arrived with the same idea and intention as you, bringing his own box filled with cooked vegetables. Mitsunari had made the two of you a thank you gift for being such good friends to him. He opened the box, and both of your hearts sank. It was your worst fear come true. Slimy, bitter, vegetables came into sight as he opened the box. He beamed up at the two of you expectingly. Both of you took a bite at the same time. You tried your best to give him a bright smile saying it was super delicious. You even elbowed Yasu to compliment the angel’s cooking. He chocked out a complement and Mitsunari beamed up at both of you. You gave Ieyasu a knowing look when the two of you locked eyes. You distracted Mitsunari by asking him to help you make tea while Ieyasu disposed of the bitter vegetables discretely. 
When Mitsunari left, the two of you burst into laughter “OMW that was horrible,” Ieyasu literally gave you the sweetest of kisses in the midst of your laughter. Your eyes went wide, but you couldn’t help but give him the biggest brightest smile, you had been in love with him for a while now, and you were so happy he felt the same. You decided to pull him in for another long sweet kiss. As Yasu pulled away from him, your breath caught at the sight of his bright, beautiful smile, he rested his forehead against your “I think I might need another one of your sweet kisses to get that bitter taste out my mouth”. You couldn’t help but shake your head and lightly smack him on the chest.
Ieyasu love that air of purity and innocence you have about you. The way your smile brightens every room you enter and the way you just bring so much light into his life. He even low key loves how cute and clumsy you are. He will definitely insist on holding your hand whenever the two of you are together, “can’t have you tripping and falling”. You love to steal Ieyasu’s clothes and were them all the freaken time, not that he minds. 
He loves it when you sit in his room while he is working, wearing his clothes and doing your arts and crafts. When he gets tired, he will come up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder to catch a sneak peek at what you are up to. You love it when his eyes widen and glow in awe at your newest art piece. HE will 100% proudly display your paintings and drawings all over his room.
He loves that you like him also love animals, especially cats and dogs. It is definitely not uncommon for the two of you to care for and play with Mitsunaris pet cat. Especially during times of war when the angel is too busy to even properly care for himself nevermind his pets.
Ieyasu is not big on PDA, but you can be sure that he will always give you a quick kiss on the cheek or forehead whenever the two of you bump into each other in the castle hallway. Ieyasu is such a softi boi and absolutely loves to give you little Eskimo and butterfly kisses whenever the two of you are together. His all-time favourite, however, is having you sit in his lap while the two of you each read your books. He will have his chin propped up on your shoulder, one hand holding up his book while the other is wrapped around your waist. He loves it when you occasionally nuzzle your nose into his cheek and sweetly kiss his cheek and lips. And he will definitely occasionally drop a small kiss on your neck or cheek while reading with you in his arms.
Other potential matches…………………Masamune
Hope you enjoyed it dear!❤❤🔥
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stonyverse · 5 years
Favourite avengers movies scenes? Favourite iron man movies scenes? Favourite captain America movies scenes?
Omg, you have no idea how hyped I am because you're the first person who asked me so thank you for that. Anyways, you are in for a long ride because I won't be able to shut up about this.
1. Iron Man movies
Fave scene in IM1, I am Iron Man. That was the line that made MCU a different universe. I think they were gonna follow 616 (based on Tony's prepped statement courtesy of Phil) until RDJ disregarded the script and just opted to say that.
You see Nat going from playful to serious master assasin mode because her best friend is in danger. That scene basically shows that they will do everything for each other (FACT PROVEN IN ENDGAME). Basically, I loved all of Clint and Nat's scenes (kinda a low-key Clintasha shipper) in the first movie. I absolutely love their friendship and how it's portrayed in the MCU in its entirety. I mean I would've preferred that they be a couple but their platonic love for each other is what really got me to burst into tears in Endgame.
Whenever I watch that scene in IM1, I always find myself shaking my head and smiling because of how unbelievable Tony is. A part of me thinks he said that just so he could fuck with Christine Everhart and the other part of me thinks that he said it because he wants to tell people that you can be a superhero, no matter who you are and what your past is. It makes me think that way because before declaring that he's ironman he says that he's not a superhero because of his list of character defects.
In IM2, fave scene is Nick and Tony's talk in the latter's Malibu mansion. The whole conversation about Howard Stark. It highlights the fact that Tony never really got to know Howard. We all know he was a bad father to him but I kinda have mixed feelings about it. I mean, we see our parents as parents until we get to know who they are outside of being that. Personally, I'm just knowing who my mom is, now (I'm 20). Tony never really got that (part of the reason why that scene where Tony meets Howard in Endgame was important, for me).
And IM3, I don't have a specific favorite scene but I love its concept. I loved the fact that they showed Tony having anxiety attacks and PTSD and how he got through that. It's one of the things that made him human and so relatable.
I have to confess that I didn't see any CA movies until 2016. I only watched it because Tony was in CA:CW then I watched CA:TWS before watching CA:TFA. Basically, I watched it in reverse. 😂😂
I also loved the fact that the person who got him through it was Harley, a kid who became Tony's sidekick during that time. God, I don't really know how to explain how important it is to me, it's something that I can't put into words but I REALLY FELT THAT.
2. Captain America movies
CA:TFA, hands down to Steve and Peggy's last conversation. My god, that was heartbreaking. I've always been a sucker for what-could've-beens and almost love stories and they really reflect that. I sympathize with the both of them so much because they have to live with that heartbreak for the rest of their lives. It will always be the one bittersweet thing that they will carry. But the one my heart really aches for is Peggy.
I have a lot of favorite scenes from the avengers movies. I really loved the scene in A1 where Phil pulls Nat from a mission because Barton's been compromised.
I mean just. look. at. that! Holy shit, that grimace and half smile that she does. That's the face of a woman who can't get mad at the man she loves for leaving because the reason of said man for leaving her is the same reason that made her fall in love with him. It's kinda of like the look Pepper gives Tony in Endgame when the latter talks to the former about the time gps.
I'll put it on the list is easily my fave part in CA:TWS. It shows Steve doing everything he can in order to adjust to this world. It shows him moving forward.
And for CA:CW, it's Tony's presentation at MIT. Yep, loved that. It echoes with his character development.
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For A:AOU, I'd say Fury having dinner with the Avengers. I think that's when he says I have you, guys, I have nothing to worry about. We know that AOU takes place after the falling of SHIELD and Nick doesn't really have all the resources that he had before but he still believes. He knows that these are the people who will save the world because they see it as something that they have to do. These are the people he watched closely and saw grow. We all know how the Avengers Initiative came to be after Captain Marvel and saw how soft Fury is back in the 90s and during the dinner in AOU, I see it as a parallel. I've always loved Fury and have always wanted to see how he came to be and who he was before SHIELD fucked him up, you know? And that scene in AOU really gave me a glimpse. I see him as the tough loving dad of the avengers.
(I got the gif from google and it says it's from bitony's tumblr so credits!)
It shows how much he wanted to help people with mental health issues because he's been there and he knows how hard it is so he wants to do everything he can to make it easier. It's for the people who finds it hard to talk to a psychiatrist so in order to contribute, he created a noninvasive tech that helps deal with that (that's why I stan one man, why I can't understand people who calls him selfish).
(P.S. CA:CW could easily be IM4, let's be real)
3. Avengers movies
A:IW honestly fucked me up (they dusted some of our faves!!!). Buuuuuuuut, I'm gonna say the Okoye-Nat team up. THAT SCENE GOT ME LIKE:
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BC I LOVE OKOYE AND NAT SO MUCH!!! And to see them - these two powerful women of MCU who deserves more recognition - team up against the enemy, I swear, the BDE radiating from them.
(Additional stuff: what made me love Okoye way more is during that scene BP where W'Kabi was like would you kill me, my love? And my girl's like for Wakanda? Without question. I literally sobbed during that scene bc it hit me so much, I'm like I feel you, it just shows how much Okoye loves her country and that spoke to me)
AS FOR ENDGAME, GOD DAMN, I LOVED EVERY MOMENT. It's easily my favorite Marvel movie. Stevetonies won in that movie, Clintasha shippers won, Thorbruce shippers won. It's basically a service to the people. I know some have been hating on it (especially on Steve's ending) but I think tied everything up.
Endgame's opening scene was Clint teaching his daughter archery. That was so soft for me. The last we saw him was CA:CW (and tbh, I didn't like him in that movie bc he's such an asshole to Tony, like the things he said cut deep) and then now we know he's on house arrest just like Scott and being happy with his family. I loved how normal it was bc that normalness made it so painful when they disappeared. Then we saw Clint become Ronin. It's a parallel, to me, because it shows that the good can be bad. It showed us flaws and that losing someone really brings out the worse in us. But he's storyline also showed how much a bad person can change with the help of other people.
Now, let's talk about Nat and Tony, let's be real, those two heroes started it. I mean, sure, Downey really started the MCU but Scarlett immediately followed him (IM2). To see their characters' journey end meaningfully by saving their families and creating a better future for the world, I gotta say, it may not be the ending we wanted (bc we want everyone to live) but they died doing what they love most, you know? They died knowing that they made a better future for everyone. And if they're gonna go, they have to go like the hero they truly are.
For Steve's arc, I'm not mad at it. I actually smiled when I saw how happy he was with Peggy. I would have wanted for him to stay in the present but I kinda get why he did it. I know it doesn't really reflect the comics (since Steve grew to love the 'future' in there) but MCU is a different universe. Steve's always been selfless, always puts the world's interest before his so to see him finally putting himself first by following Tony's advice (back in AOU) makes me understand. Like, okay, finally, this guy does something for himself.
I LOVED THOR. I know a friend of mine thought that Thor was a laughing stock during Endgame but I deemed him gaining weight as an important arc his character. Thor lost everything: Friga, Odin, Loki, Asgard, Heimdall, the people he's supposed to lead... Then he failed to stop Thanos because he didn't go for the head. He thinks he failed, he thought it was fault. He became an alcoholic, he was depressed but hides it behind jokes. I feel like somewhere in there he thought he wasn't worthy anymore. That's why he doesn't use stormbreaker, anymore. That's why for the last 5 years, he's 'not' the god of thunder. Also the reason during time heist, when he was able to call for mjolnir, it made me smile from ear to ear. Thor's endgame arc proved that no matter how depressed you are or how much of a failure you think you are, you're still worthy.
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Bruce, Brucie-bear, Bruce... finally, he learned to accept Hulk. At first, I thought it was funny that he's Bruce and Hulk at the same time but the more I think about it, the more I saw how much Bruce grew. I mean, flashback in A1 when Tony told him to accept the guy and think of them as one instead of two different people, I remember how much he hated that idea because he sees himself as a monster and then in Endgame, we see him finally accepting his demons and actually became a better person because of it. Like, it really reflects how things would become better if we just embrace and love ourselves for who we are, you know?
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(credits to the owners of the gifs and photos!!!)
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theserpentsadvocate · 6 years
Alrighty, pick any combination of these for the meme: Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Percival Graves, Hengist of Woodcroft, and Celeborn (I know you said you're not a big fan of his, so this one's extra optional. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on him, though, even if they're negative.)
Sorry it took so long. In my defense, this is long.
Aaaand in my defense about that… yeah, I’ve got nothing, I’m just like this.
Sorry about the lack of Tolkien ranting, it’s mostly meh-ing instead. There’s some ranting in the Grindelwald section, though. XD
What I like about them
Okay, I love red hair, and Dumbledore in his younger years (like middle age) with his loooong auburn hair and his loooong auburn beard just does it for me a purely aesthetic way. Like I would sit and stare at him for hours.
What I dislike about them
There’s the ordinary list, manipulation and self-righteousness and the Grindelwald debacle, but honestly the biggest thing is Snape. I don’t care honestly what bullshit excuse there was, YOU DON’T EMPLOY ABUSIVE TEACHERS, like if he really has to be at Hogwarts give him some administrative position or some shit.
Favourite moment
The bit after Umbridge fires Trelawney and is trying to kick her out, and Dumbledore tells her that she can fire whoever she wants but she can’t make them leave the castle.
Least favourite moment
His opening line when he meets Harry in the nebulous train station afterlife place makes me cringe a little bit. It’s probably 100% me, but it feels… trite, and uncomfortable, and honestly like something my mom would say, which is probably the real reason why I hate it.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
I’d really love to see his relationship and/or interactions with Aberforth explored more. (Not by JKR. She needs to drop HP like a hot potato and MOVE BACK.)
An interesting AU for this character
Somewhere on my computer I have half a rantfic about the premise where Regulus became Dumbledore’s spy instead of Snape, and while it’s 500% about my Regulus feels, there’s some interesting stuff in there about Dumbledore, specifically how the dynamic changes when his spy is someone who has
actually renounced
Voldemort and isn’t just out for personal gain/revenge.
A crossover
I’m really not a huge crossover person, honestly, but I guess it would be interesting to see how he’d fare in Discworld?
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
The only person I really ship him with is Grindelwald, and I’m often ambivalent about that.
Other ships?
With McGonagall, probably.
Dumbledore/Harry. Gag me.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He liked Elphias Doge, but never really considered him the kind of friend that Elphias considered him. Elphias was convenient and pleasant and somewhat in awe of him, but he never really considered them to be on the same level.
What I like about them
I imagine he was incredibly attractive.
What I dislike about them
Well, there was the part where he thought people like me were second-class citizens who needed to be ruled over by people like him for our own good, so.
Also, Johnny Depp. Ugh.
Favourite moment
When he told Voldemort off. That was epic and really poignant.
Least favourite moment
Ariana Dumbledore’s death is painful to think about.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
What did he do in Nuremburg? What exactly led to his… I don’t know, change of heart? Greater self-knowledge? Changed perspective? that he demonstrates when he’s talking to Voldemort? I want to know what kind of introspection happened there.
An interesting AU for this character
Here’s an idea, what if he was played by literally anyone other than Johnny Depp?
A crossover
Yeah, I got nothing.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I ship him with Dumbledore sometimes.
Other ships?
Not really.
Erm. He doesn’t really interact with anyone in canon aside from the Dumbledores, Bathilda, and Voldemort, so I guess Dmbledore again? Only not. I’m interested in it; I don’t support it.
With Voldemort? I’ve never seen it, but I just generally assume everyone gets shipped with Voldemort. Fandom is strange.
No, wait! Grindelwald/Johnny Depp.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He’s blond.
-When he was younger he had a small trim beard.
Percival Graves
I have not actually seen FBaWtFT. I was already kind of done with the extra material by then and I’m still not at a point where I can watch movies with Johnny Depp in them without feeling sick to my stomach (although it’s improved). I will watch it at some point, though.
Hengist of Woodcroft
What I like about them
There’s a lot of room for fanon interpretations.
What I dislike about them
Even before she started This Shit ™, I was always… dubious about Rowling’s extracanonical material - fourteen-year-old Riley was firmly of the opinion that if you didn’t put it in the books, you couldn’t call it canon. (Although obviously it was optional for fans to use.) I still pretty much think that, and sometimes I feel boxed in by interview/extra material canon, which results in a… complicated relationship with characters who are optionally canon. (Full disclosure, I know who he is and that he found Hogsmeade, and I basically ignore everything else.)
Favourite moment
The founding of Hogsmeade is obviously a highlight.
Least favourite moment
???? Did he… do anything else, canonically?
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
So, how did the founding of Hogwarts and the founding of Hogsmeade coincide? (No, ignore whatever Rowling said.) Did one come first? Was Hogwarts taking advantage of an all-magical town, or did Hogsmeade originate as a sort of wizarding college town? Does one predate the other by a few generations, and how did the development of the latter influence the older institution? If they were at roughly the same time, what were his relationships like with the founders, as a group and individually? If they were more spaced out, how did the founders interact with his legacy, or vice versa?
An interesting AU for this character
Depending on your definition of canon, a bunch of what I mentioned above could be considered an AU. Off the top of my head, erm - oh, I think @iceberg-hootenanny said something about an outer space AU, I could actually go for that. Maybe he’s setting up the first real settlement on Mars or Genesis or Xenon 5 or something.
A crossover
Yeah, I dunno.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I have no ships for him until just now, but totally off-the-wall, what if he’s Rowena’s husband?
Other ships?
I usually ship primarily intra-founders pairings, but what the hell, let’s throw Hengist in the mix.
Idk, I feel like he could have a particularly jocular commitment to Creating New Things! and Achieving Your Goals! that I also ascribe to certain versions of Godric, so that might go over well.
I think my standard NOTP with HP characters who I’ve never heard of ships for is going to be That Person/Voldemort. :) It’s a good catch-all answer.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He had brown hair and a beard.
-Usually carried a staff or walking stick.
What I like about them
Okay, so I generally focus on the fact that he was kind of snippy to Gimli, but let’s be fair here - he apologizes. Especially given the depths of Elf-Dwarf racism (and don’t get me wrong here, in their long and complicated history it is my firm opinion that the Dwarves got the worst of it and the Elves are more at fault) and his personal unpleasant experiences, that’s not a small thing.
What I dislike about them
Honestly - and I’m fully prepared, if not resigned, to be crucified for this - I almost exclusively find the Sindar really boring.
Favourite moment
Again, probably that apology.
Least favourite moment
I’ve always found the extended goodbye scene with the swan boat kind of unnecessary and boring, tbh. *wince*
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
What the fuck was he doing during the whole Fourth Age after Galadriel left? When did he eventually go to Eressea? He did eventually go to Eressea, right?
An interesting AU for this character
It’s not an AU, per se, but it would be interesting to see his reactions to whatever was going to happen in Return of the Shadow.
A crossover
With Sesame Street. :)
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I’m boring and like canon pairings, insofar as I’m invested.
Other ships?
Are there other ships with Celeborn? I’ve actually never seen any.
I’m tempted to say Mablung, but that’s essentially because I will shoehorn Mablung into any fucking content I can manage. I guess Gandalf is the obvious choice? (Can I say Galadriel? I think the non-romantic aspects of their relationship might be interesting, insofar as I’m interested.)
Someone inform me what the non-canon Celeborn ships are; I don’t know any.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He used to hang out with Luthien. They weren’t super close, but they were low-key buddies.
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sveasauvageon · 4 years
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Congratulations, you have achieved peak millennial || GW
☾♔; March 11, 2018 ☾♔; sotd: That's how you write a song ⠀⠀⠀ by Alexander Rybak ☾♔; comedian otd: Sarah Millican ☾♔; Audition {a mod example} ☾♔; {G} https://goo.gl/XSTtMc ☾♔; mod(s): @.themadmonarchist @.maybones et moi
Title: from a Bill Maher joke (I like some of his stuff)
FINALLY done with this.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Svea Richelle Estelle Sauvageon, (16-17, 17 by Nov.) ⠀⠀⠀Gick längst stränder av guld ⠀⠀⠀Såg solen färga himmeln röd ⠀⠀⠀Och där sanden ännu är varm ⠀⠀⠀Av dina steg vill jag sätta fötter ⠀⠀⠀Och alla minnen som jag nu bär ⠀⠀⠀Finns där som skatter i mitt bröst
⠀⠀⠀Translation ⠀⠀⠀(according to the lyrics translate website): ⠀I walked along beaches of gold ⠀Saw the sun paint the sky red ⠀And where the sand was still warm ⠀From your steps is where I want to put my feet ⠀And all the memories I carry with me, ⠀Remain there like treasures in my chest
Allt man kan önska sig by Eric Saade https://goo.gl/t5NgUv (I was totally gonna go with a Dima song, egoist, but I wanted a swedish song for my swede)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ THE BASICS
Nickname: Vea (Vay-ah), S (Minah, Eloise, and other close elites), Duchess S (by Gossip Witch), the Swede, Estelle/Stella (by her Grandmama), my moon and stars (Grandpapa), Richelle (her mother and maternal grandfather), princess (papa), Her/Your Royal Highness and älskling (henry), storasyster (Lili and Xander)
Gender: cis-female
Date of Birth: November 23
Place of Birth: Enköping, Sweden
Nationality: British-Swedish
Ethnicity: caucasian (of Frankish, Swedish, and anglo-saxon descent)
Accent: alternates between Swedish and Posh English, usually depending on her level of anger/passion
Blood Status: pure-blood (though, not the purest. Her mother's family is a straight-up blood-purist type family, but her father's is far more open, and if you trace back 5 generations, there's a muggle-born, as well as muggles and etc further back. So technically, she is a "pure" blood, since that term is generally applied to someone whose ancestors up to their grandparents have no muggle or muggle-born blood, but there are numerous muggles and muggle-borns if you go back beyond that, on her father's side. Her mother's is as inbred as the royal families of the real world.)
Face Claim: Cara Delevingne
Hair: Blonde (sometimes magically died platinum/silvery-gold because actual nerd). Long, and generally tied into a different style everyday; ponytails, elaborate braids, etc. When's she's feeling lazy, she'll just leave it free, yet it always ends up perfectly straight without any effort on her part.
Eyes: light blue
Height:  1.73m
Weight: idk, presumably light
Body: slim and athletic
Any Scars/ Marks?: n/a
Any Tattoos/ Piercings?: just her ears, triple pierced for ear cuffs (are they all dragons? Yes), but also, maybe she'll get a dragon tattoo one day.
Quirks/ Mannerisms: n/a (I probably mixed this in with the habits section)
Style: erratic, she wears numerous styles, and doesn't really have one exactly, though if you wanted to summarize her closet in a single word; expensive would be that word. She prefers clothes of silk, cashmere, and/or leather, and tends towards gem embellished things. Her style is basically "I like" and "I do not like", it's quite simplistic, like, in the way she chooses her clothes. Emilio Pucci is probs her favourite brand, also Gucci and Valentino. Also, also D&G and Elie Saab, but that just goes without saying.  
Additional Information: #OnWednesdaysWeWearWhite
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀���⠀⚜️ PERSONALITY:
Head cannon: Svea's a bit of an oddball slytherin (as in she doesn't fit the general mold of a slytherin, she only comes off as crazy to people who witness one of her Eurovision rants, which is around 80% of the stuff that comes out of her mouth so meh, she's got a little bit of a rep as a nutty swede). She can seem standoff-ish or intimidating at first glance, her entire vibe is "arrogant and proud", and "proud of her arrogance", however, she's extremely outspoken and often involves herself in situations that she has nothing to do with (especially if someone is bugging one of her friends or she sees/hears something "stupid" aka bullying) and is a lot more approachable once she starts speaking. She's quite outgoing, and easily befriends people, as well as being well-mannered and polite (even towards people she hates. She makes her hatred clear, but she'll be saying "fu.ck off" with a smile and a "please and thank you"). She generally comes off as a very bossy "Swede" (and she's proud of that. The world would be a better place if everyone strived to be a little more like Sweden).  
Theme Song: shall we begin by Ramin djawadi {https://goo.gl/9Px2Ne}
Strengths: Hardworking, passionate persevering, unrelenting, obsessive (I'd call it a strength), adoring/doting (bordering on becoming a negative trait though), highly self-aware, nerdy af, dedicated, ambitious, resourceful, and cunning (duh-doi, slytherin), independent, protective, proactive, aggressively European/Swedish
+Mom Friend: she's a total mom-friend (even fits in with her sort of GG role), she's ridiculously protective of and invested in her friends and family. It's not inherently a bad thing, hence it's in the strength list, she follows their love lives and is somehow always around to lend an ear/shoulder/offer to hex the fu.ck out of someone. She's always around to give (unsolicited) advice to friends, and really, everyone. However, her mom-friend behaviour can go to the negative extremes because not only is she willing to forgive anything someone she loves does, but she'd also go to any length to protect them, including ruining the lives of others (or literally ending said life) if she feels someone she loves is threatened in anyway. She has a lot of resources at her disposal and uses all of them to protect those she loves. Flashy social takedowns aren't really her thing, it's more framing someone for an illegal act and having them sent to some kind of prison. Her protective behaviour can border on the socio or psychopathic, as she displays a complete lack of empathy for the person who hurt her loved one (regardless of how small that hurt may have been) and seems to lack the ability to see them as another living creature, also seems to relish in the pain she caused that person, displaying a somewhat sadistic side of her as well.
+Boss As.s Bi.tch: she's commanding AF (behaviour she inherited from her Grandmama tbh), she's not as bossy when it comes to her circle of friends. There's an equal playing field there, but for anyone she does not consider a close friend, she's always bossy, her commanding tone increasing on how beneath her she thinks someone is.
Weaknesses: Elitist, unforgiving (except when it comes to people she loves, she's so forgiving of them), somewhat vain (but like, look at her), arrogant, narcissistic, elitist (though, you have to earn the right to be elitist in her eyes), manipulative (duh-doi, that's just basic slytherin-ing), cunning, b.tchy, salty, snarky, stubborn, relentless, aggressive.
+Superiority Complex: like, she doesn't think it's a problem, but it technically is. Her core belief is that if you want respect, earn it, and she feels she's worked hard to accomplish all that she has (well, except her money, that she was born into), so she has earned it.
+Hypocrisy: whilst she claims she has high moral standards, and certainly acts like she's above the idiotic "dark" behaviour her house has a reputation for, but when it comes to her friends, she forgives basically everything. She's like one of those mom's of bad kids who defends them regardless of what stupid shít they've done willingingly, like "Paul Ryan, you should know better. You know my son doesn't know anything about healthcare. Donnie trusted you, he's a slow boy. He's a slow boy, look at him! You took advantage of him." (It's an old, in this day and age, joke made by Trevor Noah about one of Trump's fox news defenders after the healthcare debacle). Anyway, Svea's friends could literally burn down the school or her house or kill someone and she'd be all "okay, here's how we're going to handle the authorities sweetie". Like, she wouldn't even question why did it. The only time she'd struggle with forgiving someone she loves would be if they hurt someone else she loves.
+a messy bítch who loves drama: it's low-key, somewhat, she's certainly not looking to start drama, but she absolutely, 100% wants to hear about it (hence she follows gossip witch), and if it's negatively affecting someone she cares about, she will involve herself to protect them, aggressively.
+Internalizing: she's not so good at sharing her own problems and/or feelings. Whilst she's always around to talk about her friend's issues and feels, when it comes to herself, she tends to shove it down between 60 layers of jokes and salt. When genuinely hurt by something or someone, she tends to just walk away and brood silently in a dark corner. She sees herself as a leader and believes that leader's can't go around showing weakness, so she struggles to open up about that side to even her closest friends.
Habits: - eye rolling (so much eye rolling) - tends to tune out her entire environment when she's in "the zone" (no longer walks and reads because she has run into and fallen off of stuff) - twirls her hair with her wand when she's thinking (like how we use fingers) - Swears a lot - hums Eurovision songs around 90% of the time - corrects people, all the time. She can't not correct people.
Skills/ Talents: - multilingual (English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, and Danish) - magic (she has yet to encounter a form of magic she does not immediately excel at) - memory (it's not really eidetic or photographic, because it's not instant, but after 3 reads of a thing, she can rattle off the whole thing word for word) - making references (that's a talent right? Because otherwise, I am screwed) - emotional manipulation/acting (works best on people that don't know her, she can still manipulate other people, but it takes a little more effort and time) - obsessing (again, totally a talent right because otherwise I have literally no skills)
Any mental health issues: She's got some deeply buried mommy issues, and her narcissism is probably on the borderline of crossing into a disorder. But meh, nothing she's been diagnosed with, and definitely nothing that affects her daily. Actually, her perpetual repression of that could/should cause her emotional distress is probs another disorder, but again, eh. It'll probably all explode one day in some kind of breakdown, but she's basically fine.
♣️ Favorite Quotes/ Sayings that your character would use: - "I'm not better than you because my grandparents had magical parents. I'm better than you because I'm smarter, prettier, and more accomplished."
- "urg, fu.ck you."
- "urg, you're/she's/he's/they're the worst."
- "you should do what I say or my son-in-law (Tyler) is going to hit you."
- "duh-doi"
- "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
- "what, am I supposed to be impressed?"
- "if you want to buy my forgiveness, start with a Fabergé egg."
- "I am a bi.tch when I wanna be."
- "You win some, you lose some. Except for me/us, I/we always win."
- "I'll pass on that glass of non-premium liquor you're drinking."
- Tbh, she says urg a lot. And a lot of swearing.
- "I care. I care a lot. It's kinda my thing." (Leslie Knope quote, but like, that's Svea @ all her smol beans. aka friends and fam, many of whom are taller than her or her height, but they're all smol precious beans that need her protection)
♣️ Swedish sayings/phrases she uses: - "Pfft, well now you've taken a poop in a blue cabinet." (I dunno the Swedish for this one, it could just be a joke, Alicia Vikander mentioned it when she was on the Graham Norton show. I don't think she's lying, because Alicia's amazing, but she could just be fu.cking with us.)
- "You can't come here and slide in on a shrimp sandwich." (I dunno the Swedish for this one either, it could also just be a joke, Alicia Vikander also mentioned it when she was on the Graham Norton show. I don't think she's lying, because Alicia's amazing, but she could just be fu.cking with us, possibly again. It's said to someone if they're being too ostentascious or acting superior, or says something that smacks of class warfare)
- "Better breadless than clueless" ("Bättre brödlös än rådlös" in Swedish. Apparently the English equivalent is; "Better short of pence than short of sense." But I've literally never heard of it in my life. )
- "throw yourself in the wall" ("Släng dig i väggen" in swedish, apparently it's the equivalent to "take a hike".)
- "bring your spikes down" ("Tagga ned" in Swedish. Apparently it's the equivalent to "chill" )
- "no cow on the ice" ("Ingen ko på isen" in Swedish. Apparently it's the equivalent to "no worries")
- "[pronoun is] forest crazy" ("Skogstokig" in Swedish, it's the equivalent to calling someone "raging mad")
- "dressed up to his/her/their teeth" ("Klädd up till tänderna" in Swedish, the equivalent to "dressed to the nines", supposedly.)  
- "[pronoun]'s hair hurts" ("Ont i håret" in Swedish, the equivalent for the term "hungover")
- "Taste is like your bum, divided" ("Smaken är som baken, delad" in Swedish, I don't think there's an equivalent per say, but it's basically about people's shi.tty opinions.)  
- "If there's room in the heart there's room for the arse." ("Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum" in Swedish, apparently Swede's talk about behinds, this is meant to be welcoming people into their home. I fu.cking love Sweden you guys, it's wild.)
Additional Information: - Well, my extra bit about her swedish phrases probs coulda gone here, but eh. - Also, also, she's kind of OCD, it's not really on a disorder level, which why it's here, because she's not "neat" by our standards, or the standards of someone who actually has OCD, she calls it "controlled chaos", her stuff is literally everywhere, but she always knows where her things are and always knows when someone's touched it or moved it like 2 inches to the left. - tends to get hangry (poutine is the best solution to that problem btw)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ BIOGRAPHY
Likes: stupid puns, muggle space exploration science, quidditch (Vrastra Vultures forever btches!), winter, snow, muggle technology, EUROVISION (hey, she's a European, and a Swede, they love the Eurovision), Melodifestivalen, muggle EuroPop music, football (aka soccer, but she European, she call it by its proper name. Also, ARSENAL FOREVER BÌTCHES), Aaron Ramsey, muggle history, magical history, the stars, the night sky, a song of ice and fire (of course), Dragons, Sweden, magic, her wand (precious), Tolkien's Middle-Earth, Vhagar (precious baby), muggle comedy panel shows, herself (ya seen her? She's real pretty), emeralds, satin, muggle drinks (vodka and ice coffee with caramel are delicious, she will fight you), firewhiskey, rain, kittens, dragons, shipping her friends with each other
Dislikes: rude people (there's a difference between being full of yourself and having manners), Hogwarts magic interfering with her muggle shít, her housemates making fun of her muggle shít (like, excuse me, but can your old af radio playing all 1000+ Eurovision songs at any time of day? That's what I thought), "woman" being used as an insult (she is a woman, and better than you, so fúck off), bertie botts every flavour bean (it's the "every" flavour that repulses her), idioticy, unearned elitism (if you wanna act superior, fine, but at least have something that makes you superior, and blood is not one of those things), Cornwall, camomile tea (it's disgusting), corduroy, roses, her things being moved/touched
Hobbies: reading, learning, football, just hanging out with her friends (forcing them to watch Eurovision)
Any health problems? (allergies, illnesses, etc): n/a
♣️ Family Background
:: Sauvageon Aesthetics: :: https://goo.gl/u4nRiU *contains a tiny bit about the Prince's at the end* Svea is from two notable families (though, even she argues about the notoriety of her mother's family, she would say that they are, in fact, not of note).
The Prince Family Through her mother, Svea is the heir to the Prince Family, a British Wizarding Family who are absolutely psychotic when it comes to blood purity. They are an old family, left off the list of the "Scared Twenty-Eight" for unclear reasons, though Marcius Prince claims it's due an ancestors' very public liaisons and relations with muggle royalty/nobility. Old and pure-blood proud, the Princes are fervent purportors of the concept of blood supremacy and purity, and proud Slytherins. Having all been sorted into the House dating back to Salazar Slytherin himself (or so they claim). Due to centuries of inbreeding with other pureblood families (who are all cousins at this point), the Princes tend to have the following traits; violent tendencies, mental instability, and some are enfeebled (though the family goes to great lengths to hide and eliminate such members). Additionally, due to their close genetics, the family additionally has trouble conceiving, generally ending up with only one child born per generation. Their numbers are currently dwindling, and the name is expected to die if Svea's mother doesn't have another child (or not if Svea agrees to take their name, solid no on that though).
The House of Sauvageon The Sauvageon's are a very family old wizarding family, they were originally French, and later immigrated to Sweden in the late 1700's. Unlike most ancient wizarding families (particularly the British ones), they have never shied away from breeding with muggles and muggleborns, often gaining the label of "blood traitor" from the British families, but they're Swedish, and blood density is irrelevant there. There are as liberal and socialist as their country. Despite being loathed by the blood purist-type families, they are still approached very few generations for marital matches, as they are exceedingly wealthy and when the aforementioned house runs out of options.  
♣️ Family Affiliation: Swedish Ministry of Magic, Durmstrang Institute of Magic (not a happy association, but it's their homeschool, and most Sauvageon's have attended it), House of Bernadotte, House of Châteaudun (and their successive houses), and the Riddarhuset (The House of Nobility in Sweden -- don't really have any power or special tax exemptions anymore, basically protection of historical titles and coat of arms)  
Socio-economic status: More money than God(s), HBO, and Netflix combined ♣️ Family Members:
▪️ Father: Petter Sauvageon | Colin Firth | 50 (if alive) | Dragonologist | missing, presumed dead
▪️ Mother: Diana Prince | Rachel Weisz | 47 | works at the British Ministry of Magic at The Department of International Magical Cooperation, specifically in the International Magical Office of Law (aiming to become Minister for Magic one day, which would suck for everyone that's not a pureblood) | alive
▪️ Step-Mother: Iliana Drubetskaya | Lena Headey | 44 | former Quidditch player, Quidditch commentator/reporter now | alive
▪️ Younger Half-Sister: Lena Sauvageon | Dafne Keen | 12 | second year student at Koldovstoretz | alive
▪️ Paternal Grandfather: Ludvig Sauvageon | Sir Patrick Stewart | 77 | socialite and patriarch, former politician | alive
▪️ Paternal Grandmother: Linnéa Sauvageon | Dame Judi Dench | 78 | socialite and matriarch | alive  
▪️ Paternal Aunt: Brigitta Sauvageon | Gillian Anderson | 46 | Politician, shadowy, high-ranking role in the Swedish Ministry of Magic | alive
▪️ Paternal Uncle: Kåre Sauvageon | James D'Arcy | 45 | Art Collector | alive
▪️ Paternal Cousin: Viggo Sauvageon | Mooms-mooms | 21 | Curse-Breaker for Rökstenen Wizarding Bank (the Swedish counterpart to Gringotts) | pretty, I mean alive
▪️ Maternal Grandfather: Marcius Prince | Sir Michael Caine | 80 | socialite, patriarch, author (of very anti-muggle/muggle-born books) | alive
**the families are further expanded upon here: https://goo.gl/d1pTdj (storyboard) & here: https://goo.gl/Dm6mpM {aesthetics collection with captions, primarily focused on the Sauvageons}
♣️ What is your character's relationship with their family? She has a very positive and close relationship with her paternal family. They were (and remain) her primary guardians, and growing up with the Sauvageon's in Sweden very much molded her into the person she is. Her grandmother is her role model, her sister is her *Gollum voice* precious, her step-mother inspired her to play Quidditch, her father instigated her love of eurovision and dragons, she considers the Sauvageon's her home. Her maternal family on the other hand, "poor" would be an understatement. Svea and her maternal grandfather (Marcius) actively hate each other, and it's not much better than that with her mother.
♣️ Which family member does your character feel the closest to?   She's quite close with her entire paternal family, but as of the last 12 years, it's definitely been her younger sister; Lili. She's a protective type of person, so having the responsibility of an older sibling was an absolute dream come true for this nerd.
Happiest Memory: she has quite a few, but the absolute number one would be the time she attended a Eurovision song contest with her father as a child (mathematically, but vaguely, it was probs around Marija, Dima, or Alexander's win).
Saddest Memory: when she learned that her father went missing. Like, it could be various arguments/standoffs with her mother, but her method for dealing with that is walking away/burying it, with her father going missing, there wasn't anyone to be angry at or someone to walk away from. Someone she loved was taken from her and she was literally powerless to do anything about it. Probably also why she's such an aggressive mom friend, on a subconscious level, she goes out of her to ensure someone she loves cannot be taken again.
How does your OC feel about pureblood supremacy?: She hates the "concept", and thinks it's the most idiotic thing ever thought up by someone. She was raised on Swedish ideals, a very liberal and socialist nation where blood purity or "impurity" is irrelevant, blood is blood, move the fck on. Muggle-borns have time and again been shown to be as powerful as any "pureblood", not to mention it's scientifically impossible for a person to have absolutely no muggle blood in their family histories, the wizarding population is too small when compared to the muggle population in the world, the species would've die out.
How does your OC feel about muggles/ half-bloods? Does your OC think they should be a part of the magical community? Of course they should be part of the magical community. Honestly, she supports the idea of reintegrating the magical and muggle worlds. What are they gonna do? Spread a nerve agent in their shops? They have magic and could easily handle any weapon the muggles send their way. She doesn't really understand why they have to hide.
Quick facts: Svea is half-Swedish, half-British, but was raised as a Swede from birth. Her mother's family was quite ashamed of the whole idea of a "liaison" and "bast.ardry" (how lame), thus she was born in semi-secrecy (secret from the British buddies of her mother's family) at the Sauvageon Estate in Enköping. Her paternal family has custody of her from birth, and she didn't see her mother or maternal family again for a decade (well, she was an infant, we can't actually be sure she ever did see her mother).
From the ages of 2-5, Svea was enrolled in Förskola, and when aged 6, she attended Förskoleklass, school for muggle children in Sweden (both are optional for Swedish kids, "Förskola" is preschool, available to children from ages 1-5, and "Förskoleklass" is preschool class, which I guess is effectively a year of kindergarten, for children aged 6). There she was integrated into muggle culture (or something like that, I can't remember the word I want) and made numerous friends, including one of her all time besties; Lara Coburg (the only one of her muggle friends to be introduced to the magical world, in a very Jacob Kowalski way now that I think of it, even though I hated him in the Fantastic Beasts movie). Lara is aware of the magical world and the only one of Svea's muggle friends who she maintains regular contact with.
After Förskoleklass, Svea attended 4 years of the muggle compulsory school in Sweden (which is for ages 7-16, and basically the north American equivalent of elementary through to high school), with the plan being that she would "transfer" to private, boarding school once she reached the age for magical schooling. However, when she was 10, her mother and maternal grandfather came to Sweden to claim custody and make her a British citizen, to meet the residential requirements to attend Hogwarts. The Sauvageon's initially refused, but as they loathe their local home school, Drumstrang (a very non-Swedish Scandinavian school, because Sweden is liberal af and Drumstrang is magic racist af), they agreed.
Svea spent a year living with her mother and maternal grandfather before being admitted into Hogwarts and did not like it in the least. They were horrified and appalled by the rambunctious, muggle-friendly, aggressively European child she was (and tbh, still is), and spent the year trying to force it out of her. They kept her isolated and cut off all her connections to her father's family, and tried to instruct her in the ways of pureblood, often screaming in frustration and anger when she argued back or simply replied with "so what" or "why". They later took to locking her in rooms, and starving her when she started leaving the estate on her own to mingle with the local muggle population. Eventually, their little war came to a head when they broke her electrical toys from her father's family, and in her fury, she magically set fire to the Prince Estate (on purpose, though they claimed it was an accident to the Improper Use of Magic Office). The fire resembled the Fiendfyre curse, and it was stronger than any fire Svea had produced before. Although no one died, the entire estate became ruins, and took 4 ministry workers plus her mother and grandfather to contain. After the incident, Svea was able to reconnect with her paternal family (crying to the ministry people there about missing her father and worried that her grandfather would say no because he's jealous of her other grandfather, yes she was faking her tears, anyway, they fell for it and informed her Swedish fam who immediately apparated to the Prince Estate). The Sauvageon's offered to pay for the restoration of the Prince Estate, but in exchange, Brigitta Sauvageon would be staying with them until Svea left for Hogwarts. Once that was settled, Svea and her maternal family became akin to strangers living in the same house, with Marcius Prince calling Svea and her aunt "unwelcome guests".
After she received her Hogwarts letter, instead of Diagon Alley, Svea's Aunt and Grandmother took her to Drottningsgränd, basically the Stockholm Diagon Alley (btw, I'm really proud of myself, because I googled Swedish street names and that effectively translates to "Queen's Alley" mostly because there's an actual street called "King's street", well, in Swedish it's "krongsgran" or something like that, tbh, I already forgot). Anyway, it resulted it quite a tiff with the Prince's, who insisted on Diagon Alley and wands from Ollivanders, they lost the argument on the later, but she did get her books, robes, and other school items from Diagon Alley. Also an adorable tawny owl they named "Fredrick".  
Additional Information: - her name is poorly made pun, like, "pun" is actually pushing it. "Svea" comes from a personification of Sweden, a derivative of "Svear", the Swedish name for the ancient Germanic tribe; the Swedes. "Svear" also later evolved into "Sverige", the Swedish name for Sweden and means "the realm of the Svear". Her surname, "Sauvageon", is a French form of "Savage", an English word, nickname, and surname meaning wild and uncouth, which was derived from a Middle English form of Old French; "salvage" or "sauvage", which meant untamed. Effectively, her name means Savage Swede, the flip around being a ref to the annoying flip around in the French language with certain terms and/or phrases (also in other languages, but French is the one I got beef with as a Canadian person). Richelle and Estelle are just because I like frenchy names that rhyme, and they're vaguely posh sounding, so I'm assuming her mother picked those ones. I say, assume, I made these characters, she did pick them for Svea.
- uses a ridiculous array of glitter and nerd-design pens (ink and quills are aesthetically pleasing, but impractical. Come on, the pencil was invented in fcking 1564)
House: Slytherin
Year: 7
Best Class(s): Arithmancy and History of Magic (honestly, she's great at all of her classes, but those two are her highest scores, well, she get's an outstanding in everything, but they're in like 98-100 percentile, and the others are just 90-98, if Hogwarts used numbers)
Worst Class(s): none
Any Pets?: a tiger patterned kitten, super smol and super cute, but has been a "kitten" for a suspiciously long time. It's been tiny and like a baby since she first got it in her fourth year, though she simply claims that it's a rare Swedish breed. She named it Vhagar, after a dragon in ASOIAF because she's a massive nerd.  
Reputation at Hogwarts: All in all, Svea's got a pretty stellar reputation. She certainly doesn't cause any trouble, she's heavily active in school events and protective of younger students. She's always been doing her own "foreigner" thing, in everything she does, she's aggressively Swedish about it (and that's something she says herself). She's basically the high-achieving "socialist" elitist, she definitely thinks she's better than you, but she's not going to tolerate something as stupid as "blood purity" in "her" school. Her reputation is basically that of the smart, sporty, pretty "cool" girl. Or I guess simply "The Swede". Seriously, she's super liberal, she loves Eurovision, what about that isn't Swedish? The fact that their faceclaim is English, but whatever. ▪️ Is your OC based on one of the character archetypes? If so, which one: Lily van der Woodsen/Bass/Humphrey (somewhat, she's a lot less selfish/self-centered than Lily)
▪️ If not, please write a 2-4 sentence tagline for your OC: GW: The liberal foreigner, the relentless Head Girl. Duchess S is our resident "mother of dragons", or so she claims. Sadly, not all of us can be Daenerys Stormborn. Sad for the Duchess at least. Whilst she may not be blood of the dragon, she is blood of the Franks. With extravagant  tastes and a penchant for chopped off heads (metaphorically, of course), Duchess S may seem like a nice friend for you to have, but cross her, and you'll be eating cake. (Svea, off in the distance: MARIE ANTOINETTE NEVER ACTUALLY SAID THAT YOU UNCULUTURED SWINE!)
Additional Information: - Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch Team, also team captain   - Head Girl   - She could've been a Ravenclaw, but her ambition heavily outweighs her thirst for knowledge
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ INDIVIDUAL MAGIC
Wand: acacia wood Wand Core: dragon heartstring Wand Length: 11 ¾" Wand Flexibility: inflexible, but swishy
Patronus: Swedish Short-Snout
Bogart: her mother
Amortentia: fresh coffee (though the taste disgusts her, hence she pumps caramel into her ice coffee), newly laundered clothes, and petrichor (the scent of wet earth after a recent rain fall)
Affinity to any particular magic?: she's quite skilled with wandless magic, and occlumency (taught by her grandmother), to protect her mind against any invaders. She's dabbled in some legilimency, but does not care for it.
Additional Information: - ridiculously in love with/knowledgeable about dragons. super obsessed with them. - I guess it would fall under affinity, but she's quite drawn to fire and fire-based spells, creatures, potions, etc. She'd never admit it to someone of authority (yet), but her favourite spell is fiendfyre. - obtained her appariting license earlier than would be possible (because her birthday makes her 17 after the usual UK test dates) by applying for it at the Swedish Ministry of magic, which issues Apparition licenses at 16 (completely made that up, but whatever, I don't like half of the few things we know about JKR's Sweden, they're not very Swedish. How is Drumstrang a Scandi school? Scandi's are so liberal, I get it's a German, WWII stereotype, but make it limited to German and Germanic states then, the Scandi's are liberal af. Well, Sweden is, also I think Finland).
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ USER INFORMATION
Username: @.drownedinmoonlight Activity Level (Scale 1-10): 8-ish
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ OPTIONAL
Playlist: https://goo.gl/vaSFwA {Svea} ⠀⠀⠀⠀& https://goo.gl/Wwgx4s {Svea x Henry} Moodboard: https://goo.gl/VBPzCG Social Media: https://goo.gl/uXqRa9 {insta} Storyboard: https://goo.gl/d1pTdj Aesthetic Collection I: https://goo.gl/qDJazT Aesthetic Collection II: [still in my drafts]   Svea x Henry Aesthetics Collection: https://goo.gl/nVaubL Wardrobe/Style Collection: https://goo.gl/g8rBdV Plotting Set: Story: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ
When you have completed the audition, please tag the mods: @.drownedinmoonlight @.themadmonarchist and @.maybones and use the hashtag #gossipwitch, #GW
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ventus-shmentus · 7 years
1 through 100 for the question time?
oh man this is gonna keep me busy, thank you anon
1.) is there a boy/girl in your life?
*** sadly no, I've been single for like 3 years now
2.)  think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
*** yes! I generally try to forgive most ppl because I h a t e being angry w ppl
3.) what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
*** there was a girl in middle school that always stared me down and meowed at me at lunch???
4.) what’s something you really want right now?
*** strawberry lemonade from O’Charley’s
5.) are you afraid of falling in love?
*** thank god no, I love loving people
6.) do you like the beach?
*** yeah my fam goes every year for vacay and we spread my brothers ashes in the ocean and stuff so it’s comforting to go bc it’s like he’s still with me??
7.) have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
*** tried to, but I have a lot of problems falling asleep so it didn't work out too well
8.) what’s the background on your cell?
*** my lock screen is me and a best friend and my home bg is a pic of ventus
9.)name the last four beds you were sat on?
***my sisters, my moms, faith’s, and Ryder’s if you count being sat on by dogs (I think thats what the question is asking lmao??)
10.) do you like your phone?
*** most of the time, yeah. the calls get messed up a lot tho and the battery sucks
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
*** god no, it’d be weird if they were. I'm doing much much better in life than I originally expected 
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
*** probs the girls from my DBT therapy group
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
*** omg Rottweiler for sure,,, I love big doggies and they're such big babies
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
*** I can't really answer this because they’re both felt in different ways
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
*** I've never been to an art museum so id have to say zoo for now
16: are you tired?
*** heck yea my mom lost my sleep medication, I'm so tired to the point where I'm listening to Soulja boy and I'm not sure if its real or not
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
*** like???? 15 years??
18: are they a relative?
*** nope just my sisters friend 
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
*** someone please kill me if I ever get back with one of my exes
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
*** honestly I can’t remember, probably like last month?
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
*** nonono I'm nowhere near ready to settle down in life like that. I'm only 19 and like I've never even had a job and I don't have my license and shit,,, def not ready for marriage
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
*** yeah he was a good kisser, too bad I barely remember it lmao
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
*** 2 a hair tie and a friendship bracelet
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
*** Donald Duck going “WAK!”
25: what’s on your mind?
*** what happened to Kevin Jonas
26: do you have any tattoos?
*** no but I was planning on getting one soon as tribute to my brother
27: what is your favorite color?
*** yellow!! its so happy and bright
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
*** heck idk no one ever seems interested in me so like?? its up to them bc I'm down to kiss like 90% of the people I know
29: who are you texting?
*** my boi Ryder bc he's coming over to give me birthday stuff
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
***nope, only a car
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
*** I low key knew that my brother was gonna die the day he did but I didn't say anything to anyway bc I just blamed it on my anxiety
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
*** heck yeah, I got a couple thankfully
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
*** lmao ryder
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
*** yes! my eyes turn literally yellow in the summer and its p cool
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
*** I'd be like “hell yeah I'm proud of u for getting action”
36: were you single on valentines day?
*** have been my whole life
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
*** yes but I rarely talk to him anymore
38: what do your friends call you?
*** karl, car keys, Karls, kar, karlie warlie
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
*** does myself count lmao
40: have you ever cried over a text?
*** probably
41: where’s your last bruise located?
*** the tops of my feet 
42: what is it from?
*** dancing! you get bruises in weird places from dance lmao
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
*** idk if this really counts but we went out to eat last night which is really triggering for me and I was like “I just want to go home and see my doggie”
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
***my sister on accident
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
*** fav bc of looks are my white doc Martens but I wear my black converse most of the time
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
*** no I look dumb in hats
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
*** honestly no just bc I like to have the mermaid hair effect when I’m in the bath or swimming
48: do you make supper for your family?
*** only if its like pizza rolls or smthn
49: does your bedroom have a door?
*** yes???
50: top 3 web-pages?
*** Tumblr, youtube and Facebook
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*** my mom bc she hates going out in public
52: does anything on your body hurt?
*** my wrist!! I have a cyst in my joint and it hurts to move it too much 
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
*** yes bc I have a huge fear of abandonment
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
*** strawberry lemonade
55: how is your hair?
*** its kinda short atm, I just got it cut and I'm mad bc its just the right length where only half of my hair goes into a ponytail
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
*** pee tbh
57: do you think two people can last forever?
*** I mean I guess
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
*** considering. was 8, yes
59: green or purple grapes?
*** depends on my mood tbh
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
*** in like 10 minutes when Ryder is here
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
*** not really but I wouldn't particularly mind if I was somewhere else
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
*** like rn
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
*** in my living room talking to Ryder
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
*** pretending to be asleep
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
***probably faith idk but thankfully thats faded by now
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
*** ryder and my sister tbh
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
*** my mom always hugs me good morning
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
*** “god I wish I could fall asleep”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*** did you mean: my entire dance career?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
*** 5!
71: how many fingers do you have?
*** thankfully I got all 10
72: what is your ringtone?
*** the default iPhone ringtone, I've never bothered to change it but I want my text ringtone to be the thing from Kim possible
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
*** 19
74: where is your mum right now?
*** in my sister’s room helping her build a desk
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
*** bc he's an abusive piece of shit (:
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
*** sadly no ):
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
*** definitely not
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
*** a dude named Zac but he was a terrible person lmao
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
*** my aunt's pos boyfriend
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
*** no ):
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
*** not really anyone worth noting
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*** probably
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*** I don't really like anyone atm
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
*** probably Bria or faith tbh
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
*** I think it’d depend on what it was and if it was effecting them in an unhealthy way or not
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
*** I threw up 20 mins into Spiderman homecoming
87: who was your last received call from?
*** my sister
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
*** I think it'd depend on what I needed the money for and how bad I needed it
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
*** friends
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
*** all the time. I love trusting people but it gets me hurt a lot
91: do you sleep with your window open?
*** I wish but I got them allergies
92: do you get along with girls?
*** for the most part yes!
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
*** yeah but its not worth telling them right now, gotta wait till the right time
94: does sex mean love?
*** nope!
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
*** no but I might have a hard time trying to find things to talk about
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
*** yeah I didn't really like it tbh
97: did you sleep alone this week?
*** always
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
*** yes! my sister and ryder
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
*** no bc then you're just falling in love with the persons looks and not the actual person
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise
*** my mom but I don't remember what for
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imaginajin · 7 years
Scenario: You and Kou get into a food fight
-It all started during training that afternoon, you started teasing Kou after you managed to finally reach 30 push-ups first. –You kept rubbing it in Kou’s face, and Kou was quite annoyed tbh like —"RUDE (y/n)“ —"Not my fault I’m finally the superior one, Nakano!” –Not to mention, you also clocked in your run faster, scaled a higher wall than him, and was the first to connect four (Nakano still hasn’t forgiven you for that)
–Your cockiness was still showing at dinner, you bragging to anyone willing to listen –No one was listening though, Tosaki was settling something over the phone, Izumi was slicing apart her food, Kei was going over some plans while (secretly) drinking his soda, and the hitmen were at another table, deep in discussion with each other -Which meant that Kou was the only one left. With a smirk, you decide to keep quiet, since you bragged to him the ENTIRE day –Kou, on the other hand was ANNOYED LIKE NO ONE BUSINESS. HE’S GOING TO CHOKE YOU SOON.
–Kou then had a brilliant idea. –You both were having steak and peas with some mashed potatoes, which you figured was a rarity, since you were accustomed to noodles and rice every other day. On the right of your plate, was a small glass of your favourite drink, with ice. -Anyway, Kou scooped up some of his potatoes, and glanced at you, who was looking over at Kei, trying to get him to listen to you –Kou held down the tip of his spoon, and as if he didn’t have anything to lose, let go, launching the mashed potatoes off his spoon like a catapult, the potatoes hurtling towards your face
-You felt something slightly wet hit your cheek, and instinctively, you placed your fingers on it -You took your fingers away, with bits of potato clinging onto them -You whipped your head in the direction where they came from, and saw Kou, his eyes gleaming with revenge, and his lips twitching vigorously, trying to both hold back his laughter -You looked at the others, thinking that they’ve seen what just happened -No one seemed to be bothered. Heck, you don’t think they even noticed.
-Infuriated, you whipped your head back to Kou, who was still chortling -You wiped the potato from your face, hungry for revenge over Kou’s act of war -You dropped your fork and as though you were acting on instinct, brought your fingers to your place and used your thumb and index finger to flick a hard, boiled pea right in Kou’s face
-You smiled at your small victory, seeing the pea bounce off Kou’s face, his face morphing into one of pain, and then anger -Kou was looking at his plate, searching for anything to use against you –His eyes darted to the seasoning shakers to your left, and reached over to get them -You pushed yourself back in your chair, narrowly missing Kou’s arm, your eyes narrowed, knowing he was about to retaliate. -Kou had grabbed the salt shaker, and was now pulling back his arm. -Before you could do anything, while his hand was right over your food, Kou tilt his wrist and sent salt spilling all over your steak. -You let out a small screech, shocked at the turn of events, and angry that your food was practically inedible now, thanks to Kou.
-FINALLY, the rest noticed the two of you, alerted by your little screech -Tosaki’s face was something between alarmed and annoyed, while Shimomura’s face was one of alarm and concern, their eyes on you. Meanwhile, Kei had an eyebrow cocked, glancing at you two. -When Tosaki demanded to know what happened, you quickly grabbed your napkin and told him nothing happened, trying to pretend nothing had really happened, wiping your mouth -Unfortunately, when you pulled your napkin away, you found a large smear of chicken gravy on the edge of it. Sadly, you missed your embarrassing gravy-covered cheek. -You glared at Kou, who was now giggling like crazy, closing his eyes and covering his mouth, his head slightly bent, Low enough to hide it from the others, but high enough to prevent you from smashing his face into his food, which you oh so badly wanted to do.
-Tosaki went back to his phone call, and Shimomura went back to her dinner, whereas Kei rolled his eyes at your immaturity, and went back to his own dinner. -Kou was still giggling and hunched over, you felt yourself burning with embarrassment. -Then, an idea struck you. You grabbed your ice drink, stuck your hand in the liquid, and pulled out 4 large ice cubes. -You felt the ice burning in your hand, and you smiled to yourself. Perfect. -Glancing over, you saw that Kou hadn’t sat up yet, and you knew you had to work quickly. -Acting as though you were tired, you leaned wayyy back against your chair and stretched out your arms, faking a Long yawn. –And just like that, you let the cubes slip from your palm, and down the back of his shirt.
-Kou s c r e a m e d -You let out a sharp laugh, seeing Kou’s terrified face –Immediately, Tosaki jerks his head back to you two, Shimomura’s shocked, and the hitmen were all actually standing up at attention, guns drawn. -Kei Nagai, on the other hand, did absolutely nothing.
-Tosaki sharply demands an explaination —"NAKANO KOU, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ANSWER ME AT ONCE" -Kou feverishly started to answer through stammers, while shimmying and tugging his shirt, desperate to get the ice cubes out -You were actually SCREAMING with laughter, sounding like a dying horse and slapping the table with every “HAAA” that came out of your mouth -Shimomura asks you to explain, and you tell her, with a large grin and choked laughter -She tried not to smile, but it was too hard not to, it was too funny for her. Kou was a blushing mess.
-Tosaki then scolded the both of you, and you and Kou began to point fingers at each other —"I DIDN’T SEND ICE CUBES DOWN SOMEONE’S SPINE" —"WELL III DIDN’T MAKE SOMEONE’S FOOD TOO SALTY BY SPILLING THE ENTIRE SHAKER ON PURPOSE!“ —"WELL IIIIII DIDN’T CHUCK PEAS AT SOMEONE ELSE’S FACE NOW DID I?!?!” -Tosaki told the both of you to break it up (ie; telling the both of you to SHUT THE HELL UP) and assigned the both of you to clean the table and the plates as well. -Together. -You both also weren’t allowed to eat steak ever again. -The both of you stared first at Tosaki, and then at each other. -The amount of regret you felt was uncountable.
-An hour later, while you were wiping down the table and Kou was pushing the chairs back in, you apologised for your bragging after training, because after all, that’s what started the war. -Kou looked back sheepishly and apologised too, for throwing his potatoes at you, starting the war in the first place. -You both gave half-hearted smiles to each other, and went back to work, Glad that your little food fight was finally over. —"That ice cube manoeuvre was good though you gotta admit" —"OH MY GOD (y/n) CAN YOU NOT.“
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apeachty · 7 years
I was tagged in that “top ten fictional characters” game looong time ago, but thanks to my little lazy ass I’m doing it now. Oh, right my love @diabolixlov3rs tagged me in it and I feel like complete shit, cause it may seem that I ignore her, but I don’t, and I love her so so much! 
Anyway. Yaay, my top ten cuties who ruined my sanity and made my standards for guys unbelievably high.
1. Shu Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers
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He likes to sleep, is low-key pervert (or not so low-key, hehe) and is done with all that shit. He’s just like me, but guy and doesn’t exist. 
But at the same time he, just like every diaboy, has heart-breaking tragic backstory. To be honest, to me it seems like he hasn’t fully recovered (none of them has, I think), but doesn’t try to hide it like Laito or Kou. I just... know how much you sleep and how much apathy you show, when there’s something from your past chasing you.
Yes, I love Shu.
2. Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji
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I wanted Reiji to be here, but then I thought about Sebastian who’s like Reiji, but way cooler. Let’s call the second place mix of them.
Ah, just look at him. I mean, do it. He’s everything you need in a guy. He can protect you, he will teach you manners (sometimes in... mm, very interesting ways... he owns a whip, after all!), he will make you food and you will be loved, spoiled and trained at the same time. And he’s not vanilla. Not. At. All.
Well, he may eat your soul at the end, but I’m fine with it. I don’t need it anyway.
So, yes, he’s like Reiji, but better, cause Sebastian would love you at least.
3. Zen from Mystic Messenger
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Let’s say I wouldn’t fall in love with a guy like him in real life. Well, I wouldn’t want to know him better, cause at first sight Zen is nothing, but narcissist, always bragging about how handsome and perfect he is. But I had no choice while playing MM and I HAD to get to know him better, and I just fell in love with him. 
I played through every route (and Zen was my first one), but he is still my favourite and I smile like an idiot every time I read his messages. 
And his appearance... I mean, long white hair... Okay. You will understand everything, when you see next two places. 
4. Amidamaru from Shaman King
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Yes, I know it’s kinda childish, but Shaman King was the very first anime I’ve watched. 
I fell in love with Amidamaru ten years ago, and haven’t got over it yet. He’s not just cute, caring and funny, he has sad backstory too, and people thought about him as about cruel samurai, when in reality he just wanted to protect his friend. I don’t know, I just like how it is... 
And he also handsome as hell, hehe.
5. Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji
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Well, let’s start with the fact, that my “hehe” is taken from him. It somehow ended up in my lexicon and stayed there and I don’t want it to be gone. 
He seems crazy at first sight, but guess what. Tragic backstory. Is Sebastian the only one who doesn’t have sad past so far? And the moment Undertaker showed his body- eyes! I mean showed his eyes! Yes. The moment I saw his bright green eyes I was like “Dammit. I love him.” Ah, I have a soft spot for bright green eyes.
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Anyway. I wouldn’t be able to make him laugh, cause I’m not really good at it, but I would love and cherish him. Would it be enough?
6. Laito Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers 
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Do you remember about green eyes? Yup, that’s it. He has green eyes. Beautiful ones. Laito is handsome in general. But he is so much more than just pretty face (he is perv and I want to fuck him, hehe).
Nah, not just that. He is smart, he is strong (and kinda twisted, but still), he can play piano and he has HUGE amount of other traits that make me fall in love with him more and more. 
Fun fact: I fall in love with him months before I’ve watched anime/played the games. Somehow I saw that gif, where he licks Yui’s neck, and thought it was hot af. And when I finally watched DL, I was like “Isn’t he a perfect match for me?” The answer is yes, he is.
And he has that cute little mole under his lip. I’m always a slut for moles. 
7. Kai from Lilith’s Cord
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Ah, well. Lilith’s Cord is manga so it’s not gif, but still. 
Okay. First. Green eyes. Second. Mole. Third. I’m pretty sure he has tragic backstory. He is not main character and he was only in few chapters, but from what I saw he does have backstory. 
The manga is EXTRA nsfw. Like the most nsfw-ish manga I have ever read. But it still has interesting plot and I thought “Okay, okay, tentacles, threesome, facefucking, another threesome, I got it. Let’s get back to the plot,” when I got into reading.
8. Rin Matsuoka from Free! 
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He is a swimmer. I love swimmers. I really do love swimmers. 
I don’t really like sharks, but I’d like to let that particular shark bite me. 
Sorry, I’m little kinky shit. 
*whispers* Still would let him. 
God, I got carried away. I’ve just started watching it, but the moment I saw him, I was in awe. He’s the type of person I really do like. He doesn’t show real him to everyone, he will show you tough guy til he trusts you enough. Rin’s conflicted emotionally. Just like me, yaay. 
To be honest, I think he is the only one here I would want to marry. 
9. Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri!!! on Ice
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“I’m tough and angry Russian Punk!” he thinks, caring for his friends and being cute little kitten. 
I love Russians, I love tsunderes, and Yuri contains both. I’d marry him too (sorry, Rin), but he’s kinda too young for me (boy’s only 15!) and I don’t want to go to jail. But I could kidnap him back home and marry him in just three years, hehe. 
Yeah, I could. If only he was real. 
10. Ikki from Amnesia
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Okay, I haven’t watched the anime yet, but I did play the game and Ikki’s route was picked completely on random (I asked my mom to name random suit and she said spades), but even when I played other guys’ routes, I haven’t got over Ikki and played his route one more time. 
Sure, when I first saw him, I thought he looks ridiculous (but everyone in that game looks ridiculous, to be honest). Damn, I still think his glasses look stupid... I prefer him without his glasses and without his clothes too
I think I will watch Amnesia when I’m done with Free!. And I will be having heart eyes for him since his first appearance to his last. 
(because I’m sneaky, hehe)
11. Toshizo Hijikata from Hakuouki
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The situation is the same as with Ikki. I haven’t watched anime, I have played the game, he was my first accidental route, he is still my favourite. 
Toshizo is tsundere and he scared me at first, cause his friends didn’t call him Demon for nothing, and he is indifferent to the heroine at first, but I was like “No, dude. I will make you show me your cute side”. Spoiler. He didn’t show it how I expected. Sure we they were together in the epilogue, but... ugh... he was little tsundere till the end of the game. 
He has been giving me that dull pain in my chest since the very beginning to the end of his route. And in other routes too, by the way. Especially in Kazama’s one.
I’m sneaky and lazy, I suck in English language (and in general tbh), I’m into tsunderes, I like to be treated like shit and trained and I have a lot of free time (in reality I have four important exams in the end of May–beginning of June, and I don’t get ready like at all) and I have no personal life. 
Oh, and I love @diabolixlov3rs very very much (tag me mooooore, I like to be tagged in these kind of games!)
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safyresky · 8 years
92 Truths
I’M SO MAD I WANTED TO BE THE DOUBLE TAGGER BUT @mellomadness BEAT ME TO IT?????? I was originally tagged by @thewayhistoryiswritten. They tagged the whole fam so now I am gonna just sneak in here and be the TRIPPLE TAGGER B)
This one is really long?? So if you’re not about people oversharing on the internet then just skip down using “J” or blacklist long post, cause that’s what I’ll tag this as :)
(I would put a read more but half the people who tagged me use mobile and those don’t show up on mobile so...my apologies!)
Anyway let’s get to it, shall we?
[1] drink: hot chocolate. for those keeping up with my roll up the rim #struggles, 15/15 have NOT won. 
[2] phone call: Richard, my lovely bf who couldn’t remember the cereal my sister wanted
[3] text message: my sister who has no idea what food I have at home and is staying until Sunday and needs to eat
[4] song you listened to: One of the songs off the Steven Universe music playlist I have on soundcloud
[5] time you cried: Watching Moana last week it just gets me EVERY TIME the powerful I AM MOANA!!!!! I JUST YES. YES YOU ARE. YOU ARE AND I AM A WRECK
[6] dated someone twice: Nope
[7] been cheated on: In a way yes but also no.
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
[9] lost someone special: Yes.
[10] been depressed: low key all of last year? it was a struggle. and not like diagnosed depressed just...feeling sad ALL the TIME and WORTHLESS and people would tell me you’re great and I just wouldn’t believe them b/c it didn’t feel like I was great at all. I couldn’t even write about my shitty frosty children I just....couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but think about how shitty things were going and how much I wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep and forget about life
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: I have never gotten drunk to the point of throw up but hey, tomorrow is paddy’s day and my sister wants me to get “turnt” and “wasted” so we’ll see if I go over my comfortable drunk limit of 5 alcohols. Will keep you posted!
[12] Blue
[13] Light blue
[14] Orange (Were you expecting more blue?? Hehe)
[15] made new friends: Yes!
[16] fallen out of love: No, I’ve just made my relationship STRONGER
[17] laughed until you cried: Oh my god yes I live in a house with 3 other immature young adults who are stressed to the max you would be surprISED how often one of us laughing until we cry happens
[18] found out someone was talking about you: Not in bad ways!
[19] met someone who changed you: I don’t think so, though my current friends may have effected my humour just a tad ;)
[20] found out who your true friends are: Yeah, actually! A lot of realizations happened this year let me tell you *side eyes my shitty pal who makes things about herself constantly*
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: I mean Richard is my facebook friend so...yes? We’ve been dating for 5 years though so idk how much that counts?? Cause he’s my SO???
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them I know well enough, I don’t add total strangers
[23] do you have any pets: My cat! Cinnamon! He’s so cute and such an affectionate lil bud for being a stray a year ago like what a cat I love him s o  m u c h he’s so sILLY
[24] do you want to change your name: I love my name very much. It can be spunky (Dani), elegant (Ella), and a mix of them both (Daniella!)
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: I turned 21 and...I actually can’t recall?? I think Richard and I went out to dinner and OH NOW I REMEMBER!
We went to the Works and he surprised me with all of my good friends being there and then we went home and he got me an ICE CREAM CAKE and my housemates put my gifts in a suitcase b/c we had no wrapping stuffs welcome to Student Life my guys
[26] what time did you wake up: At 7AM today b/c I had an 8:30
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: I was messaging Ana bean and making my bed because my sister wanted to sleep and my sheets had just finished washing
[28] name something you cannot wait for: Summer! I have a job, I’m staying in Kingston, I’M GONNA PLANT SHIT!!!! IT’S gonna be gr8!!
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: In February for reading week!
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish my parents hadn't struggled so much when I was younger, b/c then I would have had decent RESP’s and wouldn’t owe the government so much money for school Dx
[31] what are you listening to right now: The chatter of nearby people eating lunch (I forgot my headphones today I’m real upset)
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: You know, I see soo many people in one shift that one of them was probably named Tom tbh
[34] most visited website: this blue hellhole 
[35] elementary: St Herbert down the street from home. Everyone made fun of it and called it St Hubert’s, like the chicken place?? It bugged me as a kid now I’m like lmao yeah too bad they don’t have good chicken there
[36] high school: St Joe’s near my house! Commonly known as St Joe’s Hoes b/c there was a prostitute ring in the bathrooms in the 90s apparently??? And also everyone wore their kilts really high up. Those got banned. I was bitter I loved the kilt it was very warm
[37] college: Queen’s U! 
[38] hair colour: It is Chestnut brown, according to Laurentian pencil crayons (it’s dark brown enough that my boyfriend thought it was black for the first year and a half we knew each other hahaha)
[39] long or short hair: I like it longer because then I can put it up a lot?? Though mid-length is usually my go to
[40] do you have a crush on someone: Does my boyfriend count. B/c if so then hecka yes
[41] what do you like about yourself?: My eyebrows SLAY. I like that I have managed to build up my patience so much. I like that I’m super creative and helpful and I like that I try to be as supportive as possible and usually pals are like ye u are supportive which does me a GOOD right in the heart!! I am being a HELP!!
[42] piercings: just my ears!! i’ve always wanted a nose piercing ha but I wouldn’t go through with it, my pain tolerance is exactly 0
[43] blood type: No idea!
[44] nickname: Dani
[45] relationship status: In a relationship with the most WONDERFUL FLUFF EVER Richard is really gr8 okay I could talk about him for days what a guy
[46] zodiac sign: Libra
[47] pronouns: She/her
[48] fav tv show: Steven Universe
[49] tattoos: none. if I got one it would be a shooting star somewhere inconspicuous 
[50] right or left handed: right handed! for most things. I do use my left hand for odd things, like using a fork w/ a knife
FIRST… [51] surgery: wisdom teeth when I get them out this summer
[52] piercing: My ears when I was 2 months old or so
[53] best friend: PLEASE DO NOT AS ME THIS I HAVE MANY MANY BIFFERS (Richard, AJ, Ana, Jess, Athena...)
[54] sport: skiing 
[55] vacation: Mexico when I was 7! Maybe younger, I can’t recall. 
[56] pair of trainers: I just have converse?? Do they count??
[57] eating: Timbits
[58] drinking: Just finished a hot chocolate
[59] i’m about to: Finish a seminar response and then scream internally until I can go home
[60] listening to: People talking, still (there’s a lot of repeat questions here)
[61] waiting for: Class time
[62] want: A nap or two, a raise at work
[63] get married: One of these days! I keep asking Richard if we can just go to the courthouse and ELOPE but he keeps saying “yes let’s do that before we get married just go to a courthouse and wait on the big fancy ceremony until we can afford it!! He’s very set on being able to have a place for ourselves and such before hand which I agree with. But I still really wanna run to the courthouse one day and just fucking do it man)
[64] career: a writer with fame to rival that of J.K. Rowling, for instance, or the archaeologist who discovers Atlantis!
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: Hugs! I’m a really cuddly fuck but I love giving Richard kisses ALL OVER HIS FACE he gets soo happy!!
[66] lips or eyes: Eyes
[67] shorter or taller: Taller so I look cute when I attempt to be the big spoon, and so I can fit under the chin of my SO for MAXIMUM HUG
[68] older or younger: Older (irony b/c Richard is exactly 9 months older than me)
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: Both? Both. Both is good.
[71] sensitive or loud: Both? Both. Both is good.
[72] hook up or relationship: Relationship b/c I am not into the sex thing that much, occasionally yes but also not with a stranger?? I don;t look at someone like “I wanna tap that” usually my thought is “They’re pretty” or “I love their jacket” or “HOW DID THEY EYELINER???? THAT GOOD???” (Like ANA’S EYELINER OMG YOU ARE A MASTER AT THE EYELINER ANA PLEASE TEACH ME UR WAYS).
The only instance of “I wanna tap that” occurs like once in a full moon or two when I stare at Richard a v long time and thing HE IS SO WONDERFUL AND LOVELY I LOVE HIM LET’S GO RIGHT NOW INTO THE BED (TMI alert my guys, haha whoops)
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant, though I can be a shit disturber, ask AJ. And Ana. And my other housemates, especially Richard. I can be a nuisance and have been confirmed to be an occasional menace >:)
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? Nope
[75] drank hard liquor? It depends on your definition? Sometimes I have a liqueur with my Dad but idk if it counts as hard liquor, it’s usually a Bailey’s
[77] turned someone down: In the most passive way possible. Fun fact: I once “friend-zoned” Richard, ha
[78] sex on first date? Heck no, I gotta know a guy or gal REALLY WELL before being like YES LET US ENGAGE IN COITUS, That is something I share with someone I trust fully and completely, not random people I meet on the first date (do people actually do that??) 
[79] broken someone’s heart? Probably?? I dunno
[80] had your own heart broken? Omg yes when I was a lil pre-high schooler, dear me
[81] been arrested? HA no
[82] cried when someone died? Heck yes! real people, fictional characters...I’m a mess
[83] fallen for a friend: Every crush I have ever had began with a friendship so yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? Usually, yes!! I had a bad bout of thinking nothing would turn out right the past year but I’m back in the swing of thinking “It’ll be okay, you can do it”
[85] miracles? I think yes
[86] love at first sight? Love at first sight is a MYTH. Love takes time, patience. Love takes getting to know someone really well and knowing how you work with them and how they work with you. Love takes a lot and if love at first sight is a thing, it’s more like the IDEA of a person, not who they really really are.
[87] santa claus? For real, yes, I actually do b/c when I had lost my belief already, there was one year where my siblings (who had been naughty) weren’t on the christmas party lists at my parents work for gifts, and I was. So yeah. I have a solid belief in Santa make fun all you want idgaf 
[89] angels? Very much so. Ethereal angels and angels here I meet that have a profound impact on my life
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: I HAVE MANY but in no order, Richard, AJ, Jess, Ana, Athena... 
[91] eye colour: Brown
[92] favourite movie: Moana, Grease, Atlantis, El Dorado. Those are my top four. I think.
GOOD GRIEF THIS WAS A LONG ONE I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY AJ, YOU TOO MELLO. @divinitycas here is a third tag because yolo?? I guess??? Anyone else who likes to overshare on the internet please, be my guest!!! AND THEN TAG ME I LOVE LEARNING ABOUT OTHERS!!
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greaseonmymouth · 8 years
@annawrites​ tagged me!
Rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. wtf who has that many friends
i’m tagging...nobody, i just spent an hour filling this out and i don’t care. do it if you’d like
i deleted the questions that i didn’t know what were about so the numbering is all off eh who cares
1. coke or pepsi: i don’t like any kind of coca cola flavoured soft drink regardless of what it’s called
2. disney or dreamworks: i don’t think i could accurately identify a dreamworks movie without looking it up first. i don’t particularly care about who made what. i do like a lot of animated movies though (i’m forever crying about the fact that rise of the guardians isn’t on finnish netflix. no i do not know who made that movie.)
3. coffee or tea: hot chocolate
4. books or movies: books
5. windows or mac: windows, i don’t like macs much. my current laptop is a chromebook though. i have mixed feelings.
6. dc or marvel: both? i have read far more marvel comics than i have dc, and i do like (most of) the movies and the netflix series, but i also really like the flash, legends of tomorrow and supergirl (esp supergirl!), so...i’m not really fussed either way. 
7. x-box or playstation: i’ve never even seen an x-box with my own eyes. playstation i like! i wish i had one.
8. dragon age or mass effect: neither. i don’t play games. see: i don’t own a playstation.
9. night owl or early riser: neither? staying up late is pretty boring and i like sleeping. my sleeping patterns change depending on what my daily routine is. i have no problems getting up early if that’s what i have to do.
10. cards or chess: i don’t really care. 
11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, though i like both
12. vans or converse: i don’t know what vans are. i have a pair of red converse because i like the look, but my most favourite (and comfiest) pair of shoes are my blue adidas classic sneakers. (until this winter my winter boots were adidas as well.)
14. fluff or angst: FLUFF, always, forever
15. beach or forest: forests actually terrify me. beaches...well, depends. i don’t like sunny summer beaches much (esp if crowded with people), but i love the sea and seaside.
16. dogs or cats: both <3
17. clear skies or rain: i don’t like Weather much to begin with because dressing for the weather is a pain in the ass, regardless of if it’s 30+ degrees or -18. i like the indoors best 80% of the time.
18. cooking or eating out: eating out, or alternatively somebody else cooking for me. i just cannot be arsed with cooking. i love cooking for other people, but for myself it’s just so much effort. i love eating out because delicious food made for me to my specifications by somebody else? sign me the fuck up.
19. spicy food or mild food: both! although i have a spiciness limit. if the food is so spicy that i can’t taste the actual food then it becomes pointless. (i do have a relatively high tolerance so i have to say though, at that level, spicy food gives me pretty serious appetite and digestion problems that persist for 1-3 days so i’d rather not over do it on spiciness...) i’m also picky about how the spiciness is achieved - various peppers have their own flavours and aren’t just BURNy and i do Not like jalapenos. they taste vaguely vinegar-y and acidity to me. no thanks. 
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: er, halloween isn’t a thing here (aside from the commercialised version of it, which can die in a ditch). next weekend is fastelavn though, which i love. (i probably even love it more than christmas because my family usually gets together for buns, and it’s low-key and no-stress with zero expectations or anything, which is great. also buns.) i’m trying to figure out if i can be arsed making buns in the tiny shitty kitchenette here or if i just shouldn’t bother because i’d be eating them alone anyway
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: i am always a little too cold. by choice.
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be:  i’d love to be able to teleport because fuck transport time and money, but honestly? i’d probably turn down any and all superpowers if i got the offer
23. animation or live action: both. though i’m pickier about animated movies than live action. 
25. baths or showers: showers! though i’d love to have access to a bath tub just because i really want to try one or two of the lush bath bombs. for the ~experience. (i generally don’t like baths, the water gets cold too fast and it’s boring just lying there.)
26. team cap or team ironman: i am tired of this discussion
27. fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy! i like sci-fi too, but fantasy is generally where it’s at for me
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: yeah i probably have a few, but i don’t make a habit of memorising them. but hey, i retweeted one from goodreads yesterday that went like this: “if there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” toni morrison.
29. youtube or netflix: well, these are two wildly different things for completely different purposes???? what even
netflix, because i actually use it more or less every day. youtube i only open every now and then to listen to music.
30. harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter. despite it’s problems and all the other shit that’s coming out, harry potter has been important to me in so many ways for so many years. whereas the pj books were just this random series i read one time and didn’t like much.
i actually actively hated the first two pj books. i vaguely started liking the series at the labyrinth book (book three? four? idk) but that has more to do with my thing for labyrinths than anything else (and iirc the labyrinth wasn’t even that well executed in the book? it’s been a while, i don’t remember. or care. but just. labyrinths as devices are fucking awesome.) i liked nico when he was introduced, who was like a little angry gay baby, or something, i wanted to protect him. (when i later found out that he is actually gay and i wasn’t just projecting, it made me happy), and if iirc i liked the last book of the first series. i haven’t read anything else, because i just...can’t be arsed. sorry. i mean, i do kind of want to know how my little gay son nico is doing, but do i want to sit through another five books or so of frankly mediocre writing to find out? no i don’t.
31. when you feel accomplished: when i finish writing a story. other times too, but mostly from writing. it’s just really satisfying declaring something finished. 
32. star wars or star trek: i don’t really care either way. 
33. paperback books or hardback books: paperbacks. they’re smaller, which means i can cram more of them into my apartment, and cheaper, which also means i can afford more of them. i can appreciate a pretty hardback, but i generally think they aren’t worth it. big, heavy, unwieldy and expensive. nah. i’ll take a paperback any day.
34. to live in a world without literature or without music?: i could live without music, but if you want to take literature away from me you might as well just kill me and get it over with.
35.  what’s one thing you hope to accomplish in life?: i don’t know??? i’m more or less a day to day person, and i’d very much like to get a stable, permanent job (and income) right now. that’d be grand. like yeah sure i’d also like to become a published author some day, or get a phd, or travel to certain places and learn more languages, but those are all??? so uncertain?? like i can’t actually spare the headspace to try to make all of them of happen. i just want a job please.
36. who was the last person to make you laugh? probably my students in class last week
36. which is better: sour or sweet candy? I don’t like candy
37. do you believe in aliens? yeah sure
38. dawn or dusk? both are great
39. piercings or tattoos? i don’t have any strong opinions. i have my ears pierced and i’ve been planning to have my lip repierced ever since i had to take the piercing out (cheesegrater effect) (six years ago?) but that never happened, and now i don’t care. i’d like to get tattoos someday but until i can settle on a design or placement i don’t think it’s going to happen.
40. physical book or kindle? both, except i don’t own a kindle and never will. i have an ipad. it does have the kindle app on it, for the rare occasions all i can get is a .mobi file, but i actually prefer to buy my ebooks off Kobo because they are not amazon (their reading app is also great! i like it so much better than the kindle app) or directly from the publisher (in which case i’ll open the .epub in the ibooks app already on the ipad). the ibooks app is p great as is as well, i can’t complain. i also have a bluefire reader for DRM protected ebooks (mostly relevant while i was still at uni and would download time sensitive and DRM protected academic articles and books from databases with restricted access) and an account with Bookmate (digital library).
paperbacks are easier on my eyes, especially in the evenings, but i have about 100 books on my ipad at the moment and i really, really appreciate that given that i currently don’t have space for that many physical books.
41. fantastic beasts or cursed child: are we talking fantastic beasts the book or the movie? because i don’t think i’ve read the book. i’m pretty sure i don’t even own a copy. i also haven’t read the screenplay for the movie. the movie was ok. i had a few big problems with aspects of it, but others were p cool. as for cursed child i haven’t read it and will likely never get the chance to see it either. 
42. rock or pop music: both? sort of ? i have a wide but picky taste in music, across several genres and subgenres of pop, rock and metal. but i wouldn’t say that i like a whole genre...because there’s so much i don’t like. <.<
43. big cities or small towns: both tbh. i come from a small town (less than 4k inhabitants) and i’ve lived most of my life in small towns and in the countryside. i like it, it’s quiet and there’s a different community feel that you don’t get in larger cities. but i’ve also lived in copenhagen for the past 7 years or so, and i’ve come to depend on a lot of big city conveniences. i’ve bought a flat in copenhagen as well, because lbr with my degree my job options are in the big cities, not in the countryside, so... 
44. girls? yes
45. volcanoes or black holes? volcanos
46: Favourite language (either to listen to, or that you can speak): that’s...not... i like (and dislike) languages for different reasons v.v 
i love finnish a lot because it’s a very systematic language (everything follows a rule, with very few exceptions), and because the logic of it is very spatial, if you can put it that way. the way finnish phrases a lot of things is by placing it in some kind of spatial context. it’s very logical to me, someone who’s very spatially and visually oriented in general, so it’s something that i just instantly understood and loved about the language (meanwhile my classmates were struggling because the finnish “way of thinking” is fundamentally so very different from the way scandinavian (and, i’d say, germanic) languages think.) and also i love it because i love grammar and finnish has so much of it, and so many exciting constructions and shit, it’s great.
47: sun or moon? both
48: perfume or cologne? perfume, though i only use men’s perfumes these days so i suppose technically they’re colognes??
49: favourite season? winter
+ my question:
50: what’s your favourite kind of landscape?
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup <3
Hi! Can I please request a matchup? I’m a 5’1 pan female with long hair that fades from red to blonde. I am very curvy/busty and I am very insecure about it, which leads to me shutting myself out from others. I am very soft-spoken, intelligent, patient, and I get flustered extremely easily. I love to play the ukulele, and sing! Learning is something I really enjoy doing, mostly because I am a very curious person. I have been bullied for most of my life because I am really shy. Most of my past bullying has come from people I called my friends, which left me with some deep trust issues. Loud people, noises, and places tend to make me kind of anxious. I don’t have many friends, but I treasure the ones I have. I’m also an INTJ, Aquarius and Hufflepuff! Thank you so much!
Hi, there love! Thanx so much for the request! I hope you enjoy and have a good day!  (◡‿◡✿) Hope you didn't wait too long for this love!  
So I match you with……………………. Kenshin
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Everything was so loud and overbearing. You had just saved a man twice your size from being burnt to a crisp in a fire. He whisked you off with him to the enemy camp and all the screaming and shouting between Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi was starting to make you anxious. You were feeling on edge the entire time. You finally cracked when Nobunaga pulled you close and asked you to rule the world by his side. You looked up into his red eyes and made up your mind. You broke loose and ran. You ran and ran and ran until you almost ran yourself off a cliff. Thank goodness for Yukimura. He was clumsy and gruff, but he definitely wasn’t the scariest man you had met that night. You stepped back from Yukimura and looked around at the new group of men before you. They had a  calmer aura than the oda forces, and a particular man caught your eye. 
A tall, pale man, who shone in the moonlight, he looked otherworldly, and you found that you couldn’t tare your eyes away from him. His eyes were captivating, and you found something in them that you very much related to….loneliness. You could see in his eyes he also had trust issues like you, he also was lonely like you, and someone dear to him had also caused him pain like you.
Sasuke broke your focus on the ice prince when he pulled you aside to explain what had happened to you tonight. You were shook. Never in a million years did you think you would be sent back into the past. You were on the verge of tear, you felt so alone and scared. Kenshin saw the look on your face, and something urged him to comfort you and offer you a place to stay. He stalked up to you and Sasuke and declared that you were coming to stay with them. After he made the announcement, he mounted his horse and offered you a hand up. You had no time to think as before you knew it you were on a horse with Kenshin and on your way to Kasugayama Castle.
They had given you the most beautiful princess room. It wasn’t even 10 minute since your arrival and Shingen had already paid you a visit and started flirting with you mercilessly. Thank goodness Kenshin came to check on you at that exact moment to save you from the flirt. You had lock yourself in the room for a few days now. You were feeling anxious and shy. You were used to shutting yourself off from the rest of the world, and being in the past was no exception. Whenever one of the warlords would pop into your room for a visit, you would just sit in silence and listen to them talk. You hadn’t seen Kenshin since the night he saved you from Shingen’s flirting, and TBH you hadn’t left your room since the day you arrived.
Kenshin was starting to get worried about you. There was just something about you that he couldn’t ignore. He wanted to get to know you, but he was scared of his curse. It wasn’t until the maids had told him that you weren’t eating or leaving your room that he sprung into action.
He was a clumsy man when it came to women, as he had isolated himself from women for most of his life, due to his curse. He looked out the window, contemplating how he would go about making you feel more comfortable during your stay, when his gaze fell on the mountain of sleeping fluff. He got up from his writing desk and made his way to the kitchen to make the two of you some lunch, he then summoned his bunnies to follow him. 
He knocked on your door, and slowly opened it peeking inside your room. He saw you sitting in the corner of the room, relaxing and reading in the sun. He gave you a gentle smile “I heard you haven’t been eating.” You looked up and gave him a shy smile. He made his way across your room to make the two of you some tea and then came to sit across from you. He looked up at you expectantly pushing the plate of pickled plumbs closer to you. You gently took one and took a bite. Kenshin smile triumphantly the second he saw the delight in your eyes and the small smile on your lips. You looked up at Kenshin’s smile and your breath caught in your throat, he had a bright smile, capable of melting even the coldest of winters. 
The two of you sat and ate pickled plumbs in a comfortable silence, when all of a sudden, a bunny came hopping into your room. The little snow-white bunny curiously made his way to jump straight onto Kenshin’s lap. You looked at the bunny curiously, which didn’t escape Kenshin’s eyes. “Would you like to pet her,” your eyes lit up in joy as you gave a small nod. “Umi call your brothers and sisters to come and play.” The bunny then hopped out of the room and returned a few moments later with an avalanche of bunnies. You gave Kenshin the biggest brightest smile and reached out to pet one of the buns. Soon you found yourself slowly opening up to the god of war. You started telling him about the different books you had read about rabbits. The two of you chatted the afternoon away, sipping on tea and playing with the bunnies. When it came time for Kenshin to get back to work, you felt slightly deflated, Kenshin saw the sadness in your eyes. “I will come by for a visit tomorrow,” he then gave you a small smile and left.
It had now become a daily occurrence for Kenshin to visit you and bring you some lunch so the two of you could eat together. As time went by, you, found yourself more and more drawn to the god of war. You confided in each other and told each other all the past traumas that hunted you. When Kenshin heard that your previous friends had betrayed your trust and bullied you, he was furious. He wanted to go to the future and kill them for hurting someone as sweet and kind as you. He loved your soft-spoken personality, you were so cute and sweet it low key reminded him  of his beloved bunnies. 
As the two of you started to get closer, you started leaving your room more often. Kenshin took you on a tour of his castle and of the Kasugayama’s market. Your tea dates would often now be in one of Kenshin’s favourite tea houses. He knew you hated loud people and places so he would be sure to always take the quiet route. He would hold your hand tightly the whole time, glaring at anyone who dare come too close to you. Even the bunnies would come along on your market trips as back up. 
They would happily hop alongside you and Kenshin glaring at anyone who would dare come near the two of you. You especially loved it when Kenshin would take you and the bunnies to a nearby flower field. It had become your new favourite spot. He would set up a picnic blanket under a big sakura tree, and the two of you would sit in the shade, sipping on tea and watching the bunnies play. You knew Kenshin worked hard and was often tired so you would let him rest his head on your lap. The two of you weren’t in a relationship yet, but both of you loved each other. You loved to sit and read while gently pulling your fingers through Kenshin’s golden locks as he rested.
Gosh, Kenshin just love everything about you. One day, as he was working on some important document, heard music coming from the castle music room. He followed the beautiful music, and as he got closer and closer, he couldn’t help but smile. He had never heard you sing before and the second you started to sing along to the song you were playing his heart had been won. He stood and watched you play and sing from the doorway, entirely enchanted by your beautiful melodious voice. When your song ended, you were startled by the sound of clapping. Kenshin gave you the softest most gentle smile “Absolutely beautiful.” You were feeling a bit bashful, so you gave Kenshin a small, shy smile. Gosh, all Kenshin wanted to do was kiss those beautiful lips. He smiled and made his way to the piano in the middle of the room he held out his hand for you to come closer and join him at the piano. Once you sat beside him, he started to play. 
It was a light romantic melody filled with love and untold emotions. He then began to sing, it was a song he had heard you quietly hum to yourself as you read. He legit looked you dead in the eyes as he sang “Wise men say only fools rush in, But I can’t help falling in love with you” Although he sang softly, it was laced full of love and adoration for you, and you couldn’t help sing along. As the last note was played, Kenshin couldn’t help but gently pull you in for a sweet kiss. And that my friend is how your relationship started
The two of you spent every possible moment together, you loved to sit in his room and read while he worked. He loved how curious and cute you were. You truly did remind him of a curious bunny. He loved the way your doe eyes would light up with curiosity whenever the two of you went out. He especially loved it when you were too bored to read, and you would watch him work “What are you writing Kenshin” HE would give you a sly smile and say that it was a secret. He loved the little pout that you would make and the way your eyebrows would raise, indicating that you were now even more curious. After a few moments, he would hand you a letter “There done!” You would slowly open it, and you couldn’t help but smile. It was a small little love letter with the cutest doodle of a bunny at the bottom. He loved how easily you get flushed, and he can’t help but tease you sometimes, just to see your beautiful blush spread across your face
This boy is absolutely smitten with you, and he can’t help but, want to be always near to you. He loves to hold your hand, wherever the two of you are, whether it is walking in the markets or during banquets, he loves the way you small hand fits so perfectly in his. He will play with your fingers and rub small circles on the back of your hands. 
You are the only one who can calm him down, who can keep the demons that haunt him in check, and the only one who can stop him from spontaneously fighting Sasuke and Yukimura during banquets. Just as he would start to pick a fight, you squeeze his hand and look at him with the sweetest smile “But Kenshin If you fight them, who is going to keep me company” that is enough to make him melt into a puddle. He also loves to pull you in his lap during the banquets and just hold you. When things start getting too rowdy and loud he will gently lead you by the hand outside to your favourite spot in the garden, where you will continue having a private banquet just for two, under the quiet of the moonlight
Kenshins all-time favourite though is just to hold you in his arms while he gently traces every curve of your body. He loves everything about you and, he thanks his lucky stars everyday for having met you. He treasures you in his heart, his love, his bunny, his sweet goddess of war
Other potential matches............ Hideyosi
I hope you enjoyed it dear! ❤🔥@shslpotato
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